#and like. danny? danny thinks that his parents are embarrassing. and until he gets his powers that's basically it.
racke7 · 6 months
It occurred to me recently that there's actually a really funny thing you can do to replace that fun trope of "Harry Potter, Master of Death" (let the fandom die) with someone else who "fits the same mold".
Just use Danny Phantom instead.
Danny Fenton is a socially awkward teenager whose parents can swing wildly between "affectionate/supportive" to "neglectful" to full on "dissection".
His superpower is that he's a ghost (and that he can generally figure out why his parents' crazy inventions don't work), and he's physically unable to sit still and "let someone else deal with the problem".
He's also literally the King of Ghosts, by a technicality, and is on good terms with the Keeper of Time.
Basically? If you want to make something that needs someone with a "death-adjacent" power-set? Just shove Danny into it, and he'll probably have some reason to be there, a bit of trauma to go with it, and "our ghosts are different" can be used to twist his powers into a frickin' pretzel.
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letoasai · 1 month
Will work for food ~ Part 4 (1/2)
Part 3 -- Master List
Danny’s hubris was coming back to bite him. It had been so funny when Nightwing–Dick–had invited him to the next family dinner. The next family dinner that happened to be Thanksgiving. Danny hadn’t had a Thanksgiving in a long, long time. He’d been delighted to accept. 
He’d nearly trilled in amusement at the way Tim flushed, kicking Dick under the table in a small attempt to get him to stop talking but the invitation had already been given. 
Danny could practically taste Dick’s glee and Tim’s embarrassment. Emotions weren’t as good as regular food but they were hard to ignore when they grew to a certain level. 
Tim had awkwardly agreed that Danny should come to dinner and Danny accepted, telling Tim to just summon him the usual way. 
It was almost unfair for him to have so much quiet knowledge surrounding their conversations, but it came in handy for the normally closed off vigilantes. Tim knew his family was a lot, and was afraid of overwhelming Danny. Their time together would have to be shared now, but Danny didn’t think that was necessarily true. Tim didn’t want to put Danny on the spot, which was kind.
Tim had always been kind. He didn’t summon Danny for favors or deals but because he could and because he cared. The emotion was so straight forward and genuine that Danny knew he was being rather selfish with it. It had been so long since he had someone new, and living, in his life. 
He lived a long life, and he would just live longer. As a halfa, and a powerful one at that, his life tap danced a precarious line. His living half would always mirror his dead half, and it had taken him some years to work out that his Phantom form could change based on his perception of himself. 
He’d spent so long thinking he might never age, that he’d stayed small for years. Barely looking older than fourteen as he’d headed for his twentieth birthday. It was then he discovered that with enough practice he could alter his Phantom hazmat suit. It was redesigned, changing as he had. He’d mentally grown over the years, his title of King only adding to his development. 
When he changed his ghostly appearance, he realized he could age to match how he felt. He could finally look like the young adult he was. That had had side effects on his living half. The growth spurts had been nearly painful, but within six months he’d change from a young teen to a young adult. 
It had been exciting, but excruciating enough that he hadn’t wanted to change his appearance so abruptly again. Changes would be slower next time, but he was unsure if he could go backwards in his living appearance.
All the same, at least he looked more like an adult. He could live as much as he was able. 
His identity reveal with his parents hadn’t exactly gone badly, but it hadn’t gone well either. Jack and Maddie had tried to accept him, but they simply couldn’t. They couldn’t look at him, and while he didn’t end up on their laboratory table, they simply pretended he didn’t exist. It hurt at the time, but he still had his sister. He had Sam and Tucker and Ellie and Val. 
Danny had moved out and for several years had pretended to be normal. It had been nice, until it had gotten boring. Danny split his time between the living and the dead, taking his role as king more seriously in the Infinite Realm over time. It got harder for him to return as his friends aged and he stayed the same. Ellie understood better how he felt, but her wanderlust kept her moving. 
He checked in often over the years, but he’d still be both delighted, and devastated the day Jazz strolled into his lair with a smile and a hello. She looked younger than she’d been in decades and Danny had clung to her and sobbed. She was here! Safe! It was wonderful. She was dead. Jazz had been old and had left behind children and grandchildren. That didn't make it easier on either of them, but they had each other.
Tucker had been next and he was torn between just hanging out in the Infinite Realm or being reincarnated again. For ages, he and Danny had just hung out and caught up, right back to being the best of friends. 
Val had followed some years later, but she had been preparing for this more than the rest of them. Her ghostly form had returned to her the Red Huntress moniker and she couldn’t be more thrilled. She wasted no time traveling with Ellie. 
Sam was the one Danny hadn’t yet been reunited with in the Infinite Realm. She was pushing a hundred, and had become the reigning ‘grandma Ida’ figure in the lives of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Danny envied her for that. She was so supportive when their parents hadn’t been for them. 
Danny drifted off in his thoughts as he pondered his next dinner date. He was excited for a home cooked meal, but he was quietly thrilled to spend more time with Tim. He’d been neglecting a part of himself since Jazz had died and it showed. His sister was terribly excited he’d made a new friend after so long. 
When he felt the pull of a summons, Danny listened carefully, relieved to hear Tim’s voice. He’d been getting anxious just waiting around and the day had finally come. He pulled himself from the portal, turning from Phantom to Danny and tugging nervously at his sweater. He didn’t really have many nice or formal human clothes since everything in the Infinite Realm was often done in his royal regalia. 
He’d tried to look nice though. Dora had braided his hair for him in some intricate pattern and his normal NASA hoodie had been traded out for a new black hoodie gifted to him by Sam. It was over top a navy blue sweater. He probably didn’t need both but he liked to have the option of a hood. 
He wore his nicer pair of jeans and sneakers too. Honestly, if he was going to be spending time in a living dimension again, he was going to need to go shopping. 
Danny opted to appear just outside the structure he was summoned from. It felt more polite somehow to knock on the manor’s door. Sam would have loved this place. 
It only took seconds but Tim pulled the door open swiftly, he was nearly out of breath but he smiled bashfully when he greeted Danny. 
“Hey Danny.” 
“Hey,” Danny said with an awkward smile. “Thought i’d..uh, politely knock?” He shoved his hands in his pockets. He somewhat noticed that his normal clothes weren't hanging off him the way they had been. At least he’d been putting on a little weight having lunches with Tim.
Tim returned his smile and gestured for him to come in. “And it was thoughtful.” 
Tim looked nice, the way he always did. His button down looked brand new and someone had obviously ironed his pants and he didn’t wear shoes, just dark socks. It was the kind of casual touch that proved he lived there. 
“I’m sorry.” Danny muttered, voice his usual low cadence. He didn’t like using his aura or ‘kingly voice’ around people when he didn’t have to. He had nothing to prove. “I know it’s a holiday but i don’t really have much in the way of living human clothes anymore.” 
“Hey. No.” Tim said immediately, head whipping around to look at Danny again. “Absolutely no one in this house is worried about that. If you are, i have an entire closet you can pick through to find something else but it’s not necessary. The only thing we requested was you. You look great.” 
Danny rubbed his arm and despite his unease, smiled. It was almost funny the way Tim tracked the movement with his eyes. His feelings on the matter were genuine. Danny’s attire didn’t matter to him. “If you’re sure. I didn’t want to come off as ungrateful when you’ve invited me into your home.” 
“Impossible.” Tim said, stepping further inside with Danny beside him. “I assure you, once the pictures have been taken, everyone will be throwing the dress clothes to the side.” 
“Master Timothy.” An older man was approaching from the dining room. “I trust you haven’t been rude to our guest.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Alfred.” Tim smiled, entering into some kind of familiar song and dance. “He usually likes to keep his outer jacket so i didn’t ask to take it to hang up for him." 
It made Danny smile when he’d connected the pieces. He’d heard a few stories about Alfred over the last few months. Most of them from Tim himself but Dick had happily told a couple. The man took his job very seriously. It almost reminded him of Fright Knight. 
“Um..” Danny mumbled, sounding like he didn’t know where to start. Did he introduce himself? He’d gotten better at these kinds of things when ghosts were involved. The living almost baffled him now. 
Tim took over. “Danny his is Alfred, technically he’s the butler and caretaker of Wayne Manor, but his real job is caretaker and grandfather to every brat that lives here who doesn’t deserve him.” 
That had the corners of Danny’s lips tipping up even as Alfred quirked a brow at the rather bold comment. 
“Alfred, this is my friend Danny. This will be his first Thanksgiving in many years.” 
Alfred offered a polite bow, a bend at his waist that looked beautifully formal. “We’re so pleased you could join us, Your Majesty.” 
“Oh no. Danny. Danny’s fine.” He didn’t miss the way Tim raised a brow, but Danny wasn’t surprised. It might have been the first time Tim had seen Danny anything close to flustered. “The Majesty thing is kind of stuffy and this is your home that i was invited into.” 
“If you insist, Master Daniel. I hope you have come hungry.” 
Danny knew his smile was weak. “Starving. Tim and Dick both promised this would be the meal of my life. Unlife?” He shook his head and cleared his throat. “And if you don’t mind, i have a little trauma with the name Daniel. I’d really prefer Danny or Phantom if you’d rather.” 
Tim’s eyes narrowed briefly and Danny knew he was already organizing dozens of questions. Now however, wasn’t the time to ask them. That didn’t mean he wasn’t making several mental notes. 
Alfred also also caught the quiver in his tone and didn’t press the matter if the shift in his emotions were anything to go off of. “Master Danny is it.” Alfred continued seamlessly, voice pleasant. “We’re truly happy to have you. I have been asking about your attendance at dinner for some time.” 
Tim sighed loudly, a touch more dramatic than usual but Danny was happy to see Tim someplace he could be so informal. “Okay, that was my bad. I was having fun going out with you and any dinner here you attended would suddenly be a family dinner.” 
“Everyone is curious?” Danny assumed. 
“Now Master Timothy, it is impolite to keep your guest hovering around the door. Dinner is nearly ready.” Alfred said. “Please be the proper host.” 
“Yes, Alfred.” 
Danny fiddled with the sleeve of his hoodie briefly. “I’d…offer to help but i’m a disaster in the kitchen. At least i was. I’m also afraid of reanimating food during the cooking process so i think i’ll stay well out of the way.” 
Alfred looked faintly surprised but he focused on the first part of the sentence. “It was still very kind of you to offer. I have everything well in hand.” 
Tim turned to look at Danny. “I know you’ve explained this to me before, but it’s crazy that you had to fight your food.” Saying that Danny had ‘explained’ that was over stating things, and they both knew it. Danny had said the only foods he didn’t like were the ones that bit back and Tim had taken him at his word. 
“It can be a problem.” Danny mused. He’d always been useless in the kitchen but after he’d moved out of his parents home, it became a chore he didn’t care for. His ectoplasm was so strong and it was bound to affect his environment over time. “You know, that might be why i stopped bothering to eat for a while. It’s not instantaneous or anything but long term exposure around me would reanimate whatever’s in the fridge.”
“Well, that’s one mystery solved.” Tim said, linking his arms with Danny’s to lead him to one of the more casual livingrooms at Alfred’s insistence. 
“Maybe?” Danny offered, distracted by looking around the manor. It was like a blast to his past only more. It was greater than the house Sam had grown up in, and far more tasteful than anything Vlad had. 
It was downright artistic. He’d seen enough ghostly lairs to see old mixing in with modern. The Wayne manor was stunning. 
The manor was equal parts old glamour and modern relic that was lovingly cared for by the occupants that lived there. The brilliant chandeliers and the beautifully carved staircase were more than simply eye-catching. The artwork was actually pleasing.
“You okay?” Tim asked quietly, biting at his lip worriedly. He was anxious as if afraid something about the manor had upset him. His phone was in his hand and Danny could tell he was texting one handed. Tucker could do similar feats. 
“I’m fine. I was looking at the pictures.” He nodded his head to where many framed photographs were displayed.  
“We’re glad you liked them!” Dick all but materialized by their sides and Danny couldn’t help but laugh. He was so light on his feet. “Tim took those!” 
Danny’s brows shot up in surprise. “Really?” 
Dick hummed his affirmative. “Yep, he’s a for real photographer.” 
Tim’s ears went pink. “It’s just a hobby.” 
Danny wandered closer to one of the frames, pulling Tim along with him by their linked arms. He smiled at the aerial view of Gotham. It was beautiful. “You have a lot of talent.” 
“Uh, yes. Thanks.” Tim muttered, throwing a scowl at his older brother who grinned, completely unrepentant. Not for the first time, Danny was reminded of Ellie whenever Dick was around. He cared so deeply, but that didn’t stop him from being a mischievous little imp. 
“I’d love to see more.” Danny said. “After dinner maybe?”
There was a light to Tim’s eyes at the notion. Danny wondered if it was less a hobby and something a little closer to a living obsession. Those were probably good to nurture. “If you want. Bruce has hung up a bunch of them but i have, you know, a portfolio.” 
“I’d love to see.” Danny repeated quietly. 
Dick glanced between them, his own mirth so obvious that Danny didn’t need empathy to feel it. “C’mon you two. It won’t be long before dinner’s ready and we still need to take the customary pictures.” 
“Pictures?” Danny repeated, realizing that Tim hadn’t answered him before. 
Tim nodded and gestured for Danny to follow him and Dick. “Thanksgiving is technically in two days, but we’ll be out patrolling then so we celebrate early.” 
“Our family’s kind of well known though.” Dick offered. 
Danny snorted. “The joys of a double life.” 
“Exactly.” Tim said. “We’ll take pictures tonight and each of us will post a couple on the right day to give ourselves alibi’s. It’s fairly simple.” 
Danny would have loved to have had the luxury back in the day. It was hard living with some of your biggest critics. “How much of your family will be coming?” 
“Most of it.” Dick said. 
“Probably.” Tim echoed, still looking a little worried about how the evening would go. Danny had seen many of Tim’s siblings and met a few of them. He wasn’t really worried, but was charmed that Tim was. 
Tim wanted the dinner to go seamlessly. Danny hoped he could help that along without his Fenton luck getting in the way.
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
There are so many fics out there where Danny is either adopted by or the biological son of Bruce. In many of these he might have an existential crisis but other wise he is fine and happy to be part of the BatFam. Where are the ones where he fights against this just doesn't want to connect with Bruce of the rest of the family.
One: Bruce is a billionaire and Danny has had some bad experience with Vlad trying to adopt/get him as a son. So even if Bruce is one of "the good ones" Danny does't like billionaires.
Two: Danny for the most part grew up in a mostly normal family and home, with two Parents and a sibling. Most of the BatFam were only children and parents are dead or came from dysfunctional homes. I think Duke is the only one who really had a normal childhood.
Three: The Fenton family is pretty openly affectionate with each other and are pretty normal emotionally. Danny has a great relationship with all of them (Danny went evil in the timeline where they all died). Most of the Batfam is emotionally constipated.
Four: Danny is used to his boundaries being respected. I don't think that the Batfam is great at that. With Bruce needing to know everything, Tim's stalking tendencies, Barbra's hacking, just to name the obvious.
Danny knew that he was adopted into the Fentons. His parents had never hidden it from him, but they never treated him as anything besides their child.
He had come into their lives one day when one of Maddie's old high school friends had called, bawling that she had gotten pregnant and that her husband wasn't the father. He had discovered the truth and thrown her out, leaving her pregnant and alone on the streets of Gotham.
Maddie had been furious at the affair- she hated disloyalty- but had decided to help her only for the baby's sake.
She had driven over multiple state lines back to her home city to pick up the friend only to find out she had taken her life and left her newborn son to Maddie. While Maddie had been able to escape the hellhole that was Gotham, Rebecca never got the chance, not with her average intelligence.
In high school, the two were as close as sisters until Rebecca fell into the whisky bottles her father carelessly left around. She blossomed into a beautiful woman upon their graduation- more so than Maddie-, turning from a sweet homebody into someone who got into exclusive parties and powerful men.
Maddie had slowly drifted away from her, so far away at college, and Rebecca fell further and further into the party scene. It was a surprise that she settled down for marriage and Maddie truly believed that she had been happy with her husband.
That's why Danny was such a surprise. Maddie did not know who Danny's biological father was, but she did not care. Not after they placed the sobbing infant into her arms, and she realized that she was his mother now.
She immediately phoned Jack to tell him what had happened, and he told Jazz she was a big sister before the call ended. They told him the story about when he started to learn his colors. Not with her taking her life, of course; that was when Danny turned fourteen. This was only a few days before Danny revealed he was Phantom to them.
They were first shocked, but then they became supportive. Phantom now had two proud ghost hunters following him, shooting photos instead of guns.
It was embarrassing, but it was also nice of them.
And that was that. Danny is a Fenton, adopted, but a child of Maddie and Jack Fenton all the same.
He never gave his biological parents a thought. In fact, he all but forgot about them until Sam convinced him to take an ancestry test. He had allowed her to swipe his mouth, package his DNA, and send it off to see where his people came from, completely forgetting that he would not match with Jazz, who had done the same thing a month prior.
His results were shocking, to say the least.
Somehow, someway, Rebecca Silver had been in the system of DNA samples, and they had matched him to her alongside his biological father.
Bruce Wayne. Rebecca had an affair with Bruce Wayne, arguably one of the wealthiest men in the country, and they had sent him a message to let him know he matched with his son.
An eccentric billionaire has just been told that Danny was his. He knew that song and dance well, and it was never fun to dance to. Danny could only stare at the results with dread as Sam apologized profoundly.
"Maybe he won't see it." Tucker tried. "I mean, Wayne is probably so busy with rich people stuff he doesn't have time to even look at his emails. Especially ones that will come in spam since it's comersolized."
"Yeah, Maybe" Danny doesn't think he's that lucky.
A month later, the Fenton's home phone rings. His parents are working on a new invention on the dinning room table, Danny is stretched out in front of the TV watching a mindless cartoon and Jazz is crocheting in the love chair.
It's a typical Tuesday night where everyone is doing their own thing but close enough to each other that they can call it family time. Jazz is the closest to the house phone so she picks it up with a cheerful "Fenton house, this is Jasmine."
Her smile slowly slips away as all the blood drains from her face. Alarmed by her reaction, Danny sits up. "Jazz? What's wrong?"
His words have his parents' heads snapping up, zoning in on their daughter's rapidly growing destress. Yes, they get distracted often with their work, but the Fentons have always been loving parents.
They quickly spring into action.
"Jazzy-pants?" His dad says, walking up to her and taking the phone from her slack hand. He covers the speaking end of it, not paying attention to the call as his mom hugs his sister. "What's the matter?"
"It's... Bruce Wayne's lawyer," Jazz says faintly. "He's calling about Danny. He said that Mr. Wayne has been attempting to take Danny back and that they are going to take us to court soon."
The room goes dead quiet, and Danny snorts. "He can't do that without a letter or something. Come on Jazz, it's obviously a prank."
Someone at school likely found out and thought it would be funny to make "the biggest loser of Casper High" Danny Fenton, think a billionaire wanted him as a son. Honestly, he wouldn't put it past the A-listers.
He laughs to show how stupid this prank is, but neither of his parents joins him. Instead, his mother closes her eyes and whispers, "We received his court papers weeks ago. We've been trying to get a lawyer."
She pushes Jazz into his dad's arms, where his sister is slowly panicking. His dad tries to soothe her as his mom opens the drawer under the TV, pulling out three orange envelopes. She looks remorseful as she hands them to Danny. "We didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. Vlad said he would help, but he wasn't sure what he could do against such a powerful man"
And there, in overly complicated terms, is clear as day. Bruce Wayne wanted full custody of Danny Fenton and was willing to take the Fentons to court to get it done.
The man- who has never so much as met Danny, much less have a right to say what happens to him- was accusing his parents of child abuse and child neglect! He not only was trying to take Danny away but Jazz as well!
Where did this man get the audacity!?
"I don't want to go with him!" He shouts rage, making his eyes glow green. "I don't even know him!"
"I know, sweetie. I won't let him take you" His mom says, yanking him into a protective hug, and he realizes that her shirt is getting wet with his tears. Tears that fall just like the woman who raised him. "Everything will be alright."
It won't be, he knows, but he won't tell her that. He just lets his mother hold him, and when his sister and father crash into the hug a second later, he holds them just as tight.
He's not sure how they will win against Bruce Wayne, but Danny will fight his biological father every step of the way. He will not be his son.
Bruce stares at the photo of Danny Fenton- his son. His boy, whom he wasn't aware was alive until a month ago- and the reports from concerned teachers and whatever information Barbra could pull from his classmate's social media.
Dramatically dropping grades.
Clear signs of sleepless nights.
Flinches whenever his parents pull out "ghost hunting" gear.
Strange bruises and cuts along his arms and legs.
His small stature is no longer growing properly like his peers.
It all pointed to one thing. The Fentons were abusing his son and Bruce would bet the sister was suffering from the same treatment if her own grade dropping, sleepless eyes, and desperate race to adulthood were any indication.
Bruce laces his hands, resting his chin on them as the Batcomputer slowly flips through various reports being quickly dismissed by incompetent social workers who all claim it was Ghost Hunter related and not a cause for concern.
Those same social workers all seemed to have gotten quite generous donations from one Vlad Masters, a well-known family friend of the Fentons.
He hates corruption that allows children to be hurt, more so when it;'s his own children.
"When do we go retrieve Brother?" Damian asks, green eyes narrowing in rage as the reports scroll slowly. Ever since he found out Danny is a blood sibling, all Damian has been talking about is getting his elder brother home. "I am displeased with how long it's been, Father."
"Soon," Bruce promises, aware the rest of his children gather around him. They don't speak, but he feels their protective rage at what Danny has gone through, and he knows they will use every last bit of their training to get Danny home. "Either through the courts or in person. Danny will be with us come summer."
"Good," grunts Jason. "I'll have a little chat with his adoptive scumbags when we get him."
"I'll help," Dick tacks on.
"I'll make it look like an accident," Tim says, voice leveled but eyes blazing as the reports get to the neglect section. He has personal issues about that.
Bruce has never been so proud. "Court date is set for three weeks. They can't weasel their way out of it this time."
Don't worry son, he thinks to Danny, I'm going to save you.
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Masks and Moonlit Night
-Crashes through DPxDC window and sticks a new AU sticky note down on everyones foreheads-
Jazz is forced by her parents to go to all Masquerade ball at Vlad's, whose using Jazz as both a way to keep Danny in line (as well as Jazz, basically Danny can't fight back or he'll hurt Jazz and Jazz can't fight back because he'll also hurt Danny who he has locked up at the moment) and to 'impress' the elites (As much as Vlad wants to use Danny for the party he knows the boy would do something to embarrass him in front of them, he at least knows Jazz will keep her manners in check) with how intelligent his goddaughter is.
During the ball, Jazz (in a stunning dress and mask, think like manhwa worthy outfit tbh if you want) meets Jason (who lost the Bats/Birds most recent 'Not it' game and was made to go with Tim to Vlad's party) and both hit it off when they meet in the garden, under moonlight, both wanting some fresh air.
Jazz wants to enjoy her time with Jason but worries about Danny and thus tries to leave and figure a way to help him without tipping Vlad off she was trying to save her brother. However she notices she's being watched by some ghosts Vlad employed and no doubt would report her should she even try. So she kinda uses Jason as way to keep them being unaware of her planning... or at least that was the case until she noticed another Team Phantom member sneaking into Vlad's place and knows its only a matter of time before her brother is freed.
Within the hour she gets a text from Danny who tells her, he's out and gonna fight Vlad for locking him up, that Dani is with him too so it'll be double beat down and that he'll come get her soon.
She is pulled away from the text when Jason asks what books she likes to read and now with the weight of her brother needing to be safe, or as safe as he could be, is lifted off her shoulder she answers.
Its magical, its wonderful, and for a moment Jazz is able to actually enjoy this party, ignoring the pained hits Vlad was no doubt receiving from what she can hear with her liminal enchanced hearing, because talking to Jason, or J as he introduced himself as, was very fun and wonderful and wow he was very handsome even with his mask and-
Jazz is startled out of her wondering thoughts when she could hear someone in the party scream, no doubt Danny, Dani, and Vlad's fight probably bleed into the main hall and she could see people starting to run out.
Jazz sits on the bench as Jason goes running in, no doubt curious as to what is happening and going to get his 'brother' Tim who he came to the party with out. Jazz takes off her mask and sits it down the bench and waits before Dani appears and says they should get going, Danny is keeping an angry Vlad busy and that she can take Jazz home.
By the time Jason comes back, with a researching on his phone Tim, all he finds of the charming woman he met at the dumb ball he got dragged to was her mask on the bench.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
Crack idea Danny using the Lazarus pit ends up finding about Nanda Parbat and Ra al Ghul deciding to use his ghost King abilities decides that he's charging Ra al Ghul rent for the use of the Lazarus pits by living with him
He was kicked out by the Phantom parents at 15 for being a half gifts and the de-age half ghost Ellie and Danny needs a place that's safe for them
So Danny becomes a League of assassins definitely a not human roommate sometimes it's like Danny's not even there but out of nowhere you can just catch a pair of blue or green glowing guys standing in the room wouldn't even tiny your pair of green eyes in bundled up in Danny's arms
Or sometimes Danny will just come out of nowhere and hand Ra al Ghul Ellie in a baby sling and then in front of everyone can open a portal to the internet realm because he has something to go do as their King and he can't take Ellie
Danny stayed there until he was 19 during all this time he was a family like figure to Damien and the one that helped Jason with his brain deadness after getting up Lazarus pits
Jason and Danny also someone had a little bit of something going on but never were able to pursue it as Danny terrifies Ra al Ghul even if the immortal assassin will never admit it so he does not let them get into the business of the legal a lot
Danny also be using them like free babysitters hey Talia you're free hope my daughter real quick I got to go hunt some man named John Constantine down for his soul contracts don't hurt her
The Bat Family does not understand that Danny is terrifying because Danny to them act like a normal 19-year-old teenager a daughter that he had a young age while Damian and just knows Danny has his grandfather terrified of him
I hope you like my stupid crack idea of Danny just being terrifying to the League of assassins
I like the headcannon that even though Ra's is a piece of shit he's actually pretty good with/likes babies, and I think that's the only way Danny would hand Ellie to him. But I think this is funny! The assassins don't really know who Danny is and rumours abound because no one else treats him like that, just walks in hands him a baby and leaves. They even wonder if that's Ra's kid or something but if anyone ever asks Danny he reacts in such violent disgust that oookay clearly not! So grand child??? Something???
Ra's won't talk about it because he's embarrassed and also thinks it's probably best not to draw attention to this and just go for the ~mysterious vibe~
Danny's there to see Jason crazed and glowing dragging himself out of the pit and he's twirling his hair around a finger like "Omg being unhinged and creepy all by yourself handsome?!"
When Jason's ready to leave Danny's like "Hell no! You're not leaving without me, my kid, and your kid brother >:( If you try I'll drag you back into hell myself!"
"Well shit. I guess I'm a family man/crime lord now?" says Jason
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Superpham AU (part 7)
A short one today, but I thought this section was funny (until it got sad again).
It’s a quiet evening in the Lane-Kent household: Lois is trying to turn her notes into an article, Clark is going over Jon’s math homework, and Jon is watching a show Lois is only half-following.  It features lots of gunfire and explosions, though Lois’s— unfortunately extensive— experience with witnessing real violence makes the version on TV look cartoonish.  She suspects that is part of the show’s appeal.
Danny is paying about as much attention to the TV as Lois is, engrossed in something on his phone.  At least he’s in the same room as the rest of them, instead of sequestering himself away.
“Hey Lois?” Danny suddenly asks.
Lois looks up from her work.  “What’s up?”
“Did you know the internet thinks you’re Superman’s girlfriend?”
Lois knows that if she looks at Clark, he’ll be turning red, the way he always does whenever this particular subject comes up.  Lois herself is barely holding back a laugh.  Jon’s wrinkling his nose, looking thoroughly embarrassed by his parents.
“Well, I am,” she says, barely keeping herself composed.
“No, I mean—” Danny begins.
“You mean people say that I’m dating Superman and married to Clark?”  Lois glances at Clark, who is now hiding his face in his hands.  “Someone forgot to check for cameras after rescuing me a few years back, and we got caught kissing on film.  It was let people think Superman is a homewrecker or let them think I’m in a polyamorous relationship with my husband and his alter ego.”  
“That’s… really weird.”  Danny is giving her the kind of judgmental look only teenagers can give.  
Lois does laugh at that.  “It is, a bit.  But it helps protect Clark’s secret identity, so I don’t mind.”
“Don’t listen to her,” Clark finally says.  “There were other ways to handle that situation; she just thinks this is funny.”
“Even your parents think it’s funny,” Lois says.  Clark just sighs, faux-aggrieved.  
“It’s not even the weirdest thing on the internet about Superman,” Danny says.  “It’s just the weirdest thing everyone agrees is true.”
“Please do not tell me what else you’ve found,” Clark says.  
“You can tell me,” Lois says.  “We can just make Clark leave for a bit.”  Reading conspiracy theories about Superman is her guilty pleasure, though if anyone asks, she does it to keep tabs on anyone who might have a viable way of hurting him.  
Danny just laughs, and something in Lois’s chest seizes up.  Is this the first time she’s heard him laugh since he came back?  She thinks it might be.
She doesn’t want to call attention to it; like as not, that would just make him pull away again.  Instead she says, “Superman doesn’t even get the best conspiracy theories.  Those are all Batman.”  That’s because Bruce purposefully cultivates them, of course, but that’s not important.
“Which one is he, again?” Danny asks.  
It’s not that Lois ever forgets that Danny has spent most of his life in another dimension.  But little offhand comments like that… they really drive it home.  There are plenty of superheroes, even Justice League members, that most of the general public has never heard of— but Batman is not one of them.
She's saved from answering by Clark.
"You'll meet him eventually," Clark says.  "He's a good friend of mine.  And Jon and Kon are close to his two youngest sons, Robin and Red Robin."
Danny nods thoughtfully.  "Right.  I think Red Robin's in the group chat Kon added me to."
Lois reminds herself to thank Kon next time she sees him.  He and Danny seem to have connected, and Kon seems to have made it his personal mission to keep Danny from slipping too far into one of his funks again.
"Speaking of Kon," Clark begins.  "Ma and Pa want to know when we'll be able to make it to Smallville to visit."
They've been trying not to overwhelm Danny by introducing him to too many new people at once, but maybe that was the wrong choice.  Maybe they should be pushing him to get out more, to connect with this dimension.  Besides, Kon spends most of his time in Smallville, and they already know that he and Danny get along.
Lois re-evaluates the article she’s been working on.  Perry would probably appreciate it sooner rather than later, but if she turns in a smaller article this week, she can probably swing a weekend off.  If not, she can always work on it from Kansas.
“This weekend should work,” Lois says.  “If that’s alright with you, Danny.”
Danny looks a little surprised to be consulted.  “I— yeah, that works.  Not like I have anywhere else to be.”  He laughs a little, but the joke falls flat, and Lois resolves to double down on helping Danny connect with more people here in this dimension.
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Poly!Daniel and Amanda LaRusso>>>>>EVERYTHING ELSE!
I beg and plead for them to have a pretty pink bimbo sugar baby who's a little older than Sam (legal age ofc). Like, they treat her so well and would drop everything for her (after their kids yk?). Anyway, maybe just like reader bonding with the kids or helps Sam/Anthony wit love problems and it's like super fluffy? ILYYYYYY💋
Omg I've missed writing poly Daniel and Amanda but I haven't had any ideas for them 😭😭😭 and I LOVE this 💗
When Sam meets Reader for the first time, she's a little iffy about her. If she's 16, Reader is 22-23. She's asking herself how her parents could have a girlfriend just a few years older than herself. However, when she sits with Teader and Anthony, just hanging out at home, she warms up to her because she's bubbly and sweet. She might have been worried about whether or not she was just with her parents for money until she sees her dad walk in and give Reader a credit card to go spend some time at the mall with Sam, telling them that they can get whatever they want.
Sam loves shopping with Reader because she lets her buys a few things her parents wouldn't let her get otherwise. Nothing too scandalous or anything like that, but maybe a blouse with an open back or some underwear that makes her feel nice just for herself. Reader picks out cute outfits for her that she thinks Sam will look amazing in. And then when Sam is in the fitting room, Reader is picking out lingere.. she's a bimbo but she won't pick out those sorts of things in front of Sam knowing damn well she's gonna wear it tonight with Danny and Mandy.
When Reader and Sam are driving down the road and get a flat tire, she calls Daniel because neither of them know how to change it. They're both princesses who haven't had to do much for themselves, especially changing a flat tire on the side of the road. Daniel leaves work to go change the tire himself. It would be easy for him to get one of his auto guys out there, but no no no not when it comes to Reader and Sam. Now way.
When Anthony has a little crush, Reader knows. She sits with him and brings it up almost immediately, making him flustered. He tries to avoid the conversation by changing the subject but Reader doesn't let him. She gives him tips and advice on how to ask out his crush. He sits quietly trying to a t like he doesn't need this information when really he's all ears. It's really sweet.
However, Sam and Anthony - mostly Anthony- are the kind of kids that don't wanna see their parents kiss or love on their young gf/sugar baby lol. Anthony obviously gags with disgust and tells them to at least wait until he and Sam left for school.
(I've only seen clips of Ginny and Georgia on tiktok so don't ask me about it) But you know that scene in G&G where Ginny's friends see Georgia from afar and think she's hot? That happens to Sam when Reader comes to pick her up from school for a girls' day. Sam is a little embarrassed when she hears her friends say something about how hot her parents' pink-clad girlfriend is as she's waving at them. Hawk and Moon are probably the friends making comments about Reader tbh. Sam rolls her eyes and tells them they'd only have a chance if they were 20 years older before walking over to Reader to go shopping for shoes.
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vln-vibes · 2 years
The Good Ol’ Switcheroo
I know there’s fics out there with switcheroo hijinks with Tim and Danny but imagine this---
Jazz and Babs
Danny and Tim
But like at the same time
So the Fentons are visiting Gotham, the reason why is a bit up in the air;
Jazz wants to visit the Gotham U campus, the Fentons have a meeting with W.E for a business deal (they’re sus about the whole ghost hunting thing but it doesn’t hurt to scope out what they’re capable of) or maybe they’re hunting down Batman because they’re sure he’s a ghost. Reader’s choice tbh.
Unfortunately Jazz sprained her ankle the week before while ghost hunting with Team Fenton. This also led to her parents coddling her and she just barely managed to convince them to still go on their trip as a way to get Danny a vacation.  The only caveat; they force her on a wheelchair for the duration of the trip.
Spring forward to a random Thursday afternoon during their vacation; Danny and Jazz were dying of embarrassment (in his case re-dying) with their parents antics. They didn’t think Gothamites would blatantly stare at them all things considered but even they had their standards they guess.
Danny bought himself some sunglasses and a coffee while Jazz just put on her reading glasses and just tried to bury herself in her new Spoiler themed sweater.
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Of course that’s when the chaos started.
It was just their luck that just as they finally got away from their parents that a rogue finally attacked; where there was a rogue the Batman wouldn’t be too far behind.
Danny’s plan was just to hide in a random alleyway or wait until the coast was clear to use his powers and fly them back to their hotel room and wait for everything to die (hah) back down. That’s not what ended up happening.
“There you guys are, c’mon time to suit up”
The duo are too stunned to do anything as they’re dragged off by this random rich guy (Bruce Wayne) and into a really expensive and familiar looking car (the Batmobile). The door folds open and Jazz’s wheelchair is fastened in seconds, Danny just kinda goes to sit next to her (can’t let his sister be kidnapped by herself). 
There’s a guy sitting shotgun next to the original alley guy. He’s wearing a mask. Oh shit its Nightwing.
“Looks like Freeze is at it again, Uptown’s already halfway covered in ice. No time to waste Red Robin”
Red Robin? Like the food chain??
In those few seconds the Batmobile is speeding off, the alley guy is now the Batman and they’re passing a speeding RV going the other way. Cue that one Umbrella Academy meme but its Tim and Babs staring back at Danny and Jazz.
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A compartment opens up revealing Red Robin’s suit with the cowl. 
‘Why the hell not? It’s not like it’ll kill me’ is all Danny thinks while he puts on the outfit, ditching the cowl tho because it looks ugly and instead grabs one of ‘Robin’s’ extra masks that were next to it. He took a selfie and sent it to Sam and Tucker, one also featuring a Done looking Jazz.
“You got that RR?”
“Hn yeah sure”
It isn’t until halfway through their fight with Mr.Freeze, not even noticing how the usually chilly Tim doesn’t look the slightest bit cold, when they meet up with Black Bat that any of them are clued in to what happened.
“Not Red Robin. New brother?”
“What are you talking about Cass, he’s right there?”
Cue to Danny using Tim’s bo staff to propel himself and air kick Mr.Freeze’s helmet.
“Ice to meet you frosty!”
“Yeah no. Our parents may be nuts but we’re not open for adoption” Jazz quips from the comms, strangely not too different from the system Tucker uses when they out hunting for ghosts.
“Wait I thought you were just recovering from the cold!?”
“Twisted ankle actually. On your five!”
Meanwhile Jack and Maddie got a ecto signature at the other side of town. They spotted Danny and Jazz leaving the library, grabbed them (not noticing the yelling crowds running the other way). 
They let the GAV fasten the kids in before speeding off to catch the ghost.
In his defense Tim was working on one hour of sleep in the last 48 hours and Bab’s lost her voice from her cold. In all the ensuing chaos Babs dropped her phone and Tim’s just ran out of juice.
They’d thought it was a Standard Wayne and Co Kidnapping until the duo in hazmat suits kept referring to them as Jazz and Dann-o. Hopefully not insane and trying to fake being a family. Hopefully
They take a turn into Crime Alley and the duo look at each other as they see the GPS head towards one of Red Hood’s places.
This would be good
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Easier When Unknown
Summary: Danny could have imagined his life would be interesting after everyone learned his secret, but he didn't think it would be this different.
Author's Note: A phic phight fanfiction! Here are the two prompts:
AU where no one knew Danny was Phantom until PP (or some alternate big reveal of the author's choice). Sam and Tucker are sure that a famous hero like Danny Phantom is too cool to be their friend again, especially since they haven't talked since before freshman year of high school. Danny just wants to be part of the trio again and has no idea how to ask.
Danny finds out that Sam's been being bullied at school and has been hiding it from him and Tucker out of embarrassment.
Danny’s life definitely didn’t get easier after his identity was revealed, but it didn’t get that much harder, which was good.  Right?
Or, well, that was a little bit of an oversimplification.  His life definitely got harder in a lot of ways.  People stared at  him wherever he went.  Suddenly all of the popular kids at school wanted to be best friends with him, like he couldn’t see through that change of pace from a mile away.  There were news stations constantly vying for the first interview with the half-ghost kid who defeated the Ghost King.
But his parents stopped hunting him.  And they were going to try to work things out.  And Jazz revealed that she’d actually known for a while now, and that made her more ready to adapt to everything, and she didn’t treat him like anything had changed.
And all of that kind of evened it out, at the end of the day.  Even if he wasn’t exactly sure he was ready to go from town’s enemy to world’s hero.
Because that was another part of this: word of Amity Park, ghosts in general, and what he’d done had been spreading like wildfire since he’d put Pariah Dark back in his coffin.  Suddenly everyone was talking about him, and everyone knew him, and, as stated with the aforementioned journalists, everyone wanted to talk to him.  He woke up every day to see news trucks that were local and ones that were very much not right outside his house.  He’d flown intangibly to school every day for the past month.
Ancients, all this fame needed to die down soon.  He wasn’t sure how much more of it he could take.
He was often so caught up in everything changing all at once, however, that he didn’t have much of a chance to think about things he might want to happen.  Which was why he was a little caught off guard that morning.  He was running from the daily mob of screaming girls who wanted his autograph (which was never something he thought he’d get sick of), and after getting at least a little bit of a lead on them, he turned intangible and dove through the door to the janitor’s closet, then turned back to normal and rested his hands on his knees, panting slightly to catch his breath.
“Uh,” came a very familiar female voice, and Danny’s head shot up.  He found standing on the other side of the closet the one part of his life that hadn’t changed.
And for a long, long moment, he and Sam and Tucker just stared at each other.
Danny’s feelings about Sam and Tucker had never been more mixed.  They really were the one aspect of his life that stayed the same post identity-reveal-to-the-entire-world, and he couldn’t decide whether to thank them for the consistency or be pissed at them for the audacity.
Because he hadn’t talked to Sam and Tucker since the beginning of Freshman year.
And then his secret was revealed to the entire world.
And he still hadn’t talked to Sam and Tucker since the beginning of Freshman year.
“Uh,” Danny said finally, because they couldn’t just all keep staring at each other.  “Hi.”
“Hey,” Tucker said.  Sam nodded in acknowledgement.
Really, guys.  Work with him a little bit, please?
“Are you hiding from people too?” Danny asked, pushing himself up using his knees.
“Yeah,” Sam said.
“I didn’t think you’d be hiding from anyone anymore,” Tucker said, and Danny didn’t miss the tinge of bitterness in his voice.
“Um,” Danny said.  He didn’t seem to have any more words for Sam and Tucker than he had a year and a half ago.
“Danny!” came from outside the closet, and Danny whirled around instinctually.  “Get back here!  What makes you think you can run from me?”
“Hey you mind if I hang out here for a bit cool thanks,” Danny said, moving across the closet until he was right across from Sam and Tucker.  A second later, the door handle started jiggling, and Danny turned intangible, even though he could feel Sam and Tucker’s stares.
The door swung open and Paulina poked her head in.
“Oh, it’s just you two,” she said, disappointment obvious in her voice.  A second later, she perked up.  “Hey, you haven’t seen Danny, have you?”
“No,” Sam said, crossing her arms.  “Would you back off?  We’re trying to hide in a closet here.”
Paulina laughed.  “Sure, okay.  Have fun, losers.”  She slammed the door after herself.
Danny dropped the intangibility as soon as she was gone with a sigh of relief.  “Thanks,” he said to Sam and Tucker.
“Don’t mention it,” Sam grumbled, and leaned back against the shelf behind her.  “I’m surprised you didn’t want to see her, though.”
“Honestly, yeah,” Tucker agreed, giving him a weird look.  “Never thought I’d see the day you’d turn down Paulina.”
“It’s not that,” Danny said.  “I mean she… she’s not…”
The warning bell rang, and all three of them looked towards the door, where they could hear it outside.  For a second afterwards, none of them moved.
Sam did first, pushing herself off the shelf.  “Bye,” she said, starting towards the door.  Tucker followed her closely.
Danny tried not to make his deflation obvious.  “Yeah, okay,” he muttered.  He turned intangible again, and slipped through the floor, rather than try and go past them.
It was only when he actually made it to his homeroom that he realized he still had no idea why Sam and Tucker were in that closet.
“Hey, Fenturd— I mean Fenton!”
Danny heaved an internal sigh and looked up from his tray of food to find Dash and Kwan walking up to his table.
“Are these seats taken?” Dash asked with a grin, gesturing at the as-of-yet empty table around him.  He’d gotten to lunch early in order to try and hang on to one.
“Yeah,” Danny said to Dash, leaning over to rest his chin on his hand in what was intended to be a representation of how little he wanted them here.  “I’m holding it for all of the ghosts that are going to show up during lunch and blast you across the room.”
“Ha, you’re a riot Fenton!” Dash said, completely ignoring Danny’s tone and face and sliding into the seat next to him.  Danny cringed and didn’t bother to hide it, sliding as far away from Dash as he could.  Unfortunately, Dash just slid right down after him, which resulted in Danny nearly being pushed off the bench and Dash not noticing.
Kwan followed his lead and took the seat across from Danny, meaning Danny was forced to look in boredom to the side to avoid both of their gazes.  He waited a couple extra seconds, but eventually it became clear that neither of them were going to move.  So, Danny sighed, resigned himself to his life, and picked up one of his terrible school-lunch chicken nuggets.
“So, we were both thinking that maybe you could come watch one of our practices!” Dash called, slinging an arm around Danny’s shoulder.  “The football team’s, I mean.”
“Why would I do that?” Danny asked, making his shoulder go intangible just long enough for Dash’s arm to fall through.
“Well I mean, it would be neat to have you there,” Dash said, glancing across the table at Kwan.  “Right Kwan?”
“Totally,” Kwan agreed with a grin of his own.  “And I mean, you’re pretty good with athletic stuff.  You know, when you’re a cool ghost fighting superhero and not a weak dweeb.  Maybe you could come as Phantom, you know, show us some tricks!”
“Gee, that sounds great,” Danny deadpanned.  “So am I just supposed to ignore the insults in there, or…?”
“Hey,” came Paulina’s voice, and Danny turned around to see her walking up behind them all.  “Can’t you two leave him alone?  It’s clear he doesn’t want to be bothered by you.”
Danny blinked in surprise.  He really hadn’t expected Paulina to pick up on that.  Maybe she actually—
“He’d clearly rather be sitting with me!” Paulina said, reaching down and pulling Danny up by his arm.
“Okay, that’s it!”  Danny went intangible again and slipped out of Paulina’s grasp, then grabbed his lunch and walked out of the room, straight through the doors without bothering to open them.
He made his way out to the front steps of the school and sat down, and managed to get through at least a couple bites before he remembered the reason eating outside was also a bad idea.  The reminder came in the form of a reporter and a camera man leaping out from what he thought was a normal van sitting across the street.
“Mr Fenton!” called one of them as he ran up towards the steps.  “Or would you prefer Mr Phantom?”
“I’d prefer solitude,” Danny snapped, leaning back and away from them both.
“Oh absolutely!  Just a couple of quick questions first of course, you wouldn’t mind.”
The door slammed open behind them, and Danny prepared himself for Dash or Paulina again when, to his surprise, Mr Lancer stepped down the steps and stopped right in front of him.
“You’re on school property,” he said, crossing his arms.  “You have two minutes to get back in your van and drive away or I am calling the police.”
“Sir, can I ask, how long have you known that one of your students is dead?” the reporter asked, shoving a mic in Lancer’s face.
Lancer raised an eyebrow and pulled out his phone, then started dialing 911.  Thankfully, the reporters turned and ran back across the street before he could finish.
Lancer turned back around as soon as they were gone.  “Are you alright?” he asked, casting a concerned look down at Danny.
“Fine,” Danny muttered, picking up his tray and climbing to his feet.  “You know.  Great.”
Lancer looked at him for another second, then said, “Mr Fenton, come and eat your lunch in my classroom.”
“What?  Why?”
“You can sit out of view from my door,” Lancer said.  “It’ll give you a break from the crowds.”
Danny felt a knot in his chest loosen.  “Really?”
Lancer gave him a sympathetic frown.  “I can’t imagine it’s an easy thing to deal with all the time,” he said.  He opened the door again and gestured for Danny to go first, so he did.
And for the first time in a while, he ate his lunch in silence.
He wasn’t expecting to see Sam and Tucker again that day.  Most of the time his time at school was spent avoiding every single person he possibly could.  The morning incident in the janitor’s closet had been a once in a blue moon event.
But, as fate would have it, there was a ghost attack during the last period, and after going and taking care of it (just the Box Ghost showing up as an irritation), he landed behind the school to find Sam and Tucker leaning against the wall and talking.
And while he’d originally come back here to try and avoid all of the cheers he’d get going right back into class, he was sort of regretting that decision now.
Sam and Tucker were clearly deep in conversation, but they noticed when he landed right in front of them, and then they all got to do a lovely repeat of that morning’s staring at each other.
“Hiding again?” Tucker asked eventually.
Danny nodded.  “You too?”
Sam nodded.
Danny gave them a curious look.  “From what?”
Danny groaned audibly this time, as Star ran around the side of the building and straight for him.
“That was so cool the way you just flew off like that!” she called.  “Not a second thought to how you might be putting yourself in danger!”
“Yeah, thanks,” Danny said, already starting to fly away.  “Make my excuses in class, will you?  Got to get this really dangerous ghost back to the portal right away and send him through to the ghost zone.  Great thanks bye!”
He flew off maybe a little bit too quickly for the given situation, but he couldn’t stand another second there, and school was basically over anyway.  He made it home pretty quickly, and thankfully wasn’t stopped by any news outlets on the way, though that was likely because he made the whole trip while intangible.
But while he made it inside without any fuss, as soon as he flew down to the lab he was greeted with his parents working on what looked like a weapon of some kind.
He winced.  He was never quite able to stop the touch of fear that came with his parents working on a ghost weapon.  After a second, though, he floated down to the ground anyway and changed back from his ghost form.
Both his parents startled and looked over at him.
“Danny,” his mom said.  “You’re back early.”
“Yeah uh, ghost fight in last period,” Danny muttered, heading over towards the portal and attaching the thermos to it.  “School was already basically over, so I just came home.”  He hit the button on the side of the portal and sent the Box Ghost flying into the portal, crying out dramatically all the way.
“Well that’s nice,” Mom said, the tension in her voice obvious.
“Yeah, uh, anyway I have homework,” Danny said, starting for the steps.  He had a feeling flying up through the ceiling wouldn’t be a great idea right now.
“Will we see you for dinner, Danno?” Dad asked.  “We were hoping to all eat together tonight.”
Danny tightened his grip on the railing of the stairs.  “Okay.”
He considered asking what they’d be having, but given the tension in the room he really didn’t think he could spend much more time in the lab.
So instead, he just said “See you later,” and headed upstairs.
It’s not that his parents had reacted badly to the Phantom news.  They’d done the important stuff, they’d given him a huge apology and stopped actively hunting him.  But none of them seemed to really know where they stood with each other anymore.  Danny didn’t logically think they were going to hurt him anymore, but it was difficult to get rid of that fear response that for the longest time, it made sense to have.
But at the same time, he could tell it made them feel guilty to see him be scared of them.  Jazz said it wasn’t his fault, and she was probably right.  But he still hated it.
He started first for his bedroom, and made it part of the way through the living room when the front door opened and Jazz sprinted in, slamming the door shut on nearly a dozen reporters.  Danny could still hear their voice through the door after it shut.  Some were asking how it felt to be the brother of a hero, some were asking how long she’d known and how she’d found out, and some were asking how it felt to know her brother was dead.
Jazz heaved out a breath, though all of the reporters were still easily heard through the windows.  Then she looked up and met eyes with Danny.
“Oh hey,” she said, clearly still exhausted.  “How was school?”
Danny didn’t respond, instead gazing out the gap in the curtains to the people shoving cameras in it.
“Sorry,” he said to Jazz.
“Oh, don’t you dare,” Jazz said.  “I know you hate them as much as I do.”
Danny sighed and looked down.  “Yeah.”
“Are you doing okay?” Jazz asked hesitantly.  “I’m sure it’s… a lot.”
Danny snorted.  “Understatement.”
Jazz smiled a little.  “Yeah.”
Danny turned to face her more directly, chewing on his lip.  He’d avoided the topic with her so far, mostly because too much was going on, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t been desperately curious.  “Can I…” he said hesitantly.  “Can I be like one of those awful reporters and ask you how you found out?”
Jazz rolled her eyes.  “Don’t be ridiculous.  You’re not a reporter, you’re my brother.  And I know if I tell you it’s not going to end up on the 5:00 news.”
She paused, and turned and glanced out the windows for a moment.  “You want to go upstairs, though?”
“Yes,” Danny said immediately.
So they both ended up in Jazz’s room, sitting next to each other on her bed, with the curtains drawn tight in case the helicopters came back.
“I found out during the Spectra thing,” Jazz started.  “I spotted you transforming.”
Danny nodded, thinking about that.  “Okay,” he said quietly.  “And… why didn’t you say anything?”
“I wanted to wait until you wanted to tell me,” Jazz said.  She sighed, and glanced towards the windows.  “I guess that didn’t really work out.”
“No,” Danny muttered.  “But… I appreciate the sentiment.”
Jazz turned to look at him, concerned.  “Are you doing okay?  I mean, obviously not, just… you know.”
“Oh no, I’m fine,” Danny said, rolling his eyes.  “I always hoped that everyone would learn my secret in the aftermath of an exhausting battle when I was definitely not prepared for them to learn, and then I’d be hounded by literally everyone who suddenly feels entitled to my attention and my time.  Dream come true, this is.”
“I’m really sorry it turned out this way,” Jazz said quietly.
Danny sighed.  “Me too.”
“Is there anything I could do to be helpful?” Jazz asked.
“Do you know if anyone’s figured out time travel yet?”
“I don’t think so.”
There was a moment of silence, and Jazz said, “I mean it.”
Danny shook his head.  “There’s nothing you could do that you aren’t already doing,” he said.  “You’re not looking at me different.  Like your entire worldview’s been flipped on its head.  Which, I mean I guess for a lot of people it has, but… still.  It’s nice that you’re not.”
Jazz was quiet for a moment, and then she reached over and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.  And despite how totally lame it was to hug his sister, Danny did the same back.
“Still, if you want me to stand in between you and anyone, just let me know,” Jazz said.
“I wouldn’t ask you do that,” Danny said, pulling back, though he was smiling a little.  “I can just fly away from the news vans, and go intangible to get away from the helicopters.  And Lancer already gave me permission to hide in his office during school hours if I ever need to.”
“Good,” Jazz said with a nod.  She paused for a second, and Danny got the feeling she was about to ask something delicate.  He was proven right when a second later she said, “And what about Sam and Tucker?”
“What about them?” Danny said, glaring away.  “We’ve said about ten words to each other since everything happened.  And about half of them are ‘um.’”
…Okay, so maybe he’s a little more bitter than he realized.  He sighed.
“I can’t expect everything to suddenly change,” he said, turning back to Jazz.  “Our falling out had nothing to do with Phantom.”
Or, it technically did.  Their falling out had been because he constantly ditched them and left mid-way through hangouts.  Because he was Phantom, and had to go fight whatever ghost had shown up.  But they didn’t know that at the time.  And it had been over a year since they’d talked.  They had probably moved on.
“You should still talk to them,” Jazz said.  “And I mean really talk to them.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t see much of an opportunity for that in between getting interrupted every ten seconds, either by classmates or reporters,” Danny said.  He paused, and turned to look at Jazz as a realization struck him.  “Hey, how are you doing with all that, by the way?  It doesn’t look like the reporters are leaving you alone.”
“They’re definitely not,” Jazz said.  “But I can handle myself.  Besides, they tend to leave me alone as soon as they see you.”
Danny smiled a bit.  “Glad I can take that off your shoulders for you.”
“Oh yeah, if anything you owe me,” Jazz said with a smile.  “After everything I did for you?”
“I think I’ve saved your life three times now.”
“Do my dishes for a month and we’re even.”
Danny snorted.  “Sure, you got it.”  He took a deep breath, feeling lighter than he had when he got home.
“Hey, thanks, Jazz,” he said, looking over at her.  “You’re surprisingly easy to talk to.”
“Anytime,” Jazz said, smiling warmly at him.  “I mean it.”
The next day didn’t start much better, with flying invisibly to school and hiding in various places until first period starts, but Danny found himself in a better mood despite it.  Talking with Jazz had helped, and knowing he’d have a quiet place to eat lunch helped too.
He still didn’t love being swarmed in the halls on his way to his first period after the warning bell rang, though.  Maybe he could use his well-established reputation for being late for everything and just hide until the halls were empty between classes.
…Or would that not work anymore because everyone knew the reason?
Well, he’d give it a shot anyway.
First period was uneventful, thankfully, aside from everyone spending the period staring at him while he was trying to focus, which was nothing new.  He could tell it was irritating both him and the teacher, however, because eventually he set his chalk down from writing math equations on the board.
“Anyone who doesn’t stop staring at Mr Fenton loses an entire letter grade on the next test,” he snapped.  “This is school, this is not your free time.  Mr Fenton, thank you for at least trying to pay attention.”
“Anytime,” Danny deadpanned, because he wasn’t about to turn down a compliment from a teacher, and he really was trying.
Apparently the threat of losing a letter grade was only enough to sway a couple students, though, likely the ones who hadn’t entirely given up on their grades like he had.
(Although maybe the administration would go easier on him now…?)
Either way, he managed to get at least some of the notes down by the end of the class, and going up to the teacher to ask if there was anything else he absolutely needed to have written down seemed to put him on his better side.  Being a teacher’s favorite was also something he wasn’t used to.
And as a second bonus, staying behind and finishing the notes resulted in a late pass, meaning he could wait until everyone had filed out of the hallway.
Or at least, he thought that’s what he was doing.
Instead, as he turned a corner towards his next period, he stumbled across Dash shoving someone inside a locker.  And instead of adding him to the bunch like he used to, when Dash spotting him he brightened.
“Fenton!  You want to help me stuff these losers in here?”
“Not really,” Danny said, starting over towards them to help out whoever he was bullying.  “You know, if you’re really trying to get on my good side, you might try—” he stopped as he reached the locker.
Well, apparently Dash really didn’t care about getting on his good side, because staring back out at him were Sam and Tucker.
“Uh, hey Danny,” Tucker said, waving at him from inside the locker.
Danny turned back to Dash, raising an eyebrow in what hopefully came across as “are you fucking kidding me.”
“Aw, come on, you’re not trying to say you still care about these losers,” Dash said, like the very idea was ridiculous.  “You can hang out with anyone you want now!  By the way, you’re still coming to football practice later, right?”
“Probably not,” Danny snapped.  He held a hand out to Tucker, who grabbed it.  Danny turned him intangible and pulled Tucker out until he could stand on the floor.
Tucker looked a little off balance after he let go, but Sam still grabbed his hand when he offered the same to her.
“Okay,” Tucker said as Danny set Sam down.  “A little warning next time maybe?”
“Sorry,” Danny said.  He glared back over at Dash.  “Beat it.”
“Aw come on Fenton, you know I didn’t mean anything by it, I just—”
“Beat it or I tell everyone about that time you wet your pants after I saved your life from the Box Ghost.”
Dash went pale, and then quickly left.
“Wait,” Sam said.  “Really?”
Danny snorted.  “Oh yeah,” he said, turning back to face them.  “I could tell you stories about what Dash is like when he’s in danger.”  He paused, looking at them both in concern.  “Are you guys okay?”
Sam glared away, crossing her arms.  “Fine,” she muttered, a note in her voice that Danny couldn’t read.
“Thanks for the help,” Tucker said.  And then they both turned around, clearly about to leave.
“Wait!” Danny yelled after them.  “I— please.”
They both turned hesitantly back around.
“We’re late for class,” Sam said.
“I’ll tell them you got caught up in a ghost attack,” Danny said.  “Just, please can we talk?  Just once, and then we can be done.  Okay?”
They both exchanged a glance, and seemed to say something to each other with their eyes that Danny couldn’t read anymore.
Finally, they turned back to face him, and they both nodded.
“Where?” Tucker asked.
Well, eventually the bell was going to ring, and then the hall would flood with people who wouldn’t leave them alone.  And if they went outside, they’d be met with a similar problem, just with the news crews instead of students.  And if they were going to pretend a ghost attack happened, they should probably go somewhere to make it at least a little more believable.
“How do you feel about the roof?” Danny asked.
“Uh,” Tucker said.  “Have you been there?”
Danny nodded.  “It’s… quiet.  Sometimes.”
They were both quiet for another moment, then Sam nodded.  “Okay.”
Danny started over to them, glanced at Tucker and said, “This is your warning,” and then grabbed them both by the arms, transformed, and flew them all up through the ceiling and onto the roof.
Tucker stumbled a little as Danny let go of him.  “Okay,” he said.  “Needed a different kind of warning there.”
Danny smiled a little bit.  “Be glad you’ve never fallen through the floor in your sleep.”
“That’s not really something I’ve ever thought would happen to me,” Tucker said.
“Tell me about it.”
There’s a couple seconds of silence, and Tucker and Sam exchanged another glance.
Finally, Sam turned back to him and crossed her arms.  “So,” she said.  “You’re Phantom.”
Danny sighed.  “Yeah.”
“Can I ask…” Tucker started.  “I mean what— like how did you become— it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” he added quickly, holding up his hands.  “You don’t have to.”
Danny looked at him for a second.  It was definitely the same question he was sick of getting from other classmates and the reporters.  But Tucker at least had given him an out.  And if this really was going to be the last time they talked, he wanted them to know everything.
“You remember the portal in my parent’s lab?” he asked.  “How I told you it just started working one day?”
Tucker nodded.
“That’s… not actually true.  I turned it on.  From… from inside.”
Tucker’s eyes widened.  “Dude.”
Danny gave a short laugh.  “Yeah.”
“What happened with the ghost fighting?” Sam asked.  “I mean did you get pulled into that, or…?”
“What?  No,” Danny said.  “I mean, kind of, sure, but someone had to do it.  I wasn’t going to let people get hurt.”
“But— you got hurt,” Sam said, gesturing at him.  “All the time.  We talked about it around you.  Back when— when we were still talking.”
Danny shrugged.  “I can take it.  Normal humans can’t.”
The phrasing seemed to throw them off, which was fair, but he didn’t take it back.  He wasn’t a normal human anymore.
“Still,” Sam said finally.  “You should have told us.  We could have helped you.”
Danny’s shoulders slumped.  “I know,” he muttered.  “I— I really didn’t want you to find out like this.”
“On the news?” Tucker asked.  “Along with everyone else?  Like we weren’t any different from them?”
Danny winced.  “Yeah.”
A pause.
“If I knew everyone was going to find out, I would have told you first,” he added.  “For what it’s worth.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sam asked.
“It just… it felt so big,” Danny said, shaking his head.  “And I didn’t know how you’d react.  And… I’m sorry.”
Neither of them said anything for a minute.  Danny wasn’t sure what exactly they were waiting for, but eventually he had to help fill the silence.
“How long has Dash been bothering you?” he asked.
Both of them immediately looked away.
“Oh, come on.  You can’t make this conversation entirely about me.”
“We can’t?” Sam asked raising an eyebrow.
“No.  That’s not fair to me or you.”
Sam glared away again.
“Pretty much since everyone found out,” Tucker said a second later.  “I guess he figured he couldn’t mess with you anymore so he moved on to easier targets.”
Danny clenched his fists.  “Asshole.  I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Tucker said.
“No, I just mean,” Danny gestured vaguely with his hands, not sure what he meant.  “God, I’m so sick of him.  Of all of them.”
Tucker gave him a look.  “You really don’t like all the praise?”
Danny shrugged.  “I dunno.  I guess it beats being hunted.”
Tucker and Sam were both silent for a minute.  Danny looked at them for a second and saw slight horror on their faces.
Oh.  Maybe they hadn’t quite realized that part yet.
“You could have told me about Dash, you know,” Danny said, trying to stop them from thinking too much about that.  “I would have helped.”
“We… kind of didn’t think you’d care,” Tucker said hesitantly.
Danny blinked.  “What?” he asked.
“I mean, you are kind of a big deal now,” Sam said, gesturing at him.
Danny crossed his arms.  “I’m sorry?  Did you miss the part where I didn’t want to be?”
“No, I just mean—” Sam started.
“Yeah, I should go hang out with Dash, huh?  Or start dating Paulina?  Wouldn’t that be just great?”
Sam blinked at him.  “Would it not?”
“Of course not,” Danny snapped.  “None of them actually give a shit about me.   They all just think it’ll get them something if they’re best friends with Phantom.  They still don’t like Danny.   I don’t want to be friends with people who only ever see one side of me.  That—” he looked away.  “That already didn’t work.”
“Oh,” Sam said quietly.  “Sorry.”
Danny sighed.  “It’s okay,” he muttered.
There was another long stretch of silence.
“That wasn’t the only reason, you know,” Sam said.
Danny looked up at her.  “What wasn’t?”
“That we didn’t tell you.  Or— I guess I can’t speak for Tucker.  But it was just kind of embarrassing.”
“I meant it when I said I noticed you were getting hurt all the time,” Sam said, looking down at the ground.  “You’re fighting actual ghosts, and I’m supposed to come up to you and say ‘hey Dash is being mean to me?’”
Danny stared at her.  “Sam,” he said.  “Don’t be ridiculous.  I would have put the ghosts on hold.”
“I don’t want to call you for backup every time I need help,” Sam snapped.  “You’re not like— my bodyguard.  Even if we had spoken in the last year.”
“Well, I appreciate the sentiment,” Danny said, because he did.  “But you— I hate it when you guys are hurt.”
“We hate it when you’re hurt too,” Tucker said, looking pointedly at him.  “It’s why we didn’t exactly love it when you pushed away while you were so obviously dealing with something.”
Danny winced.  “I’m sorry,” he said again.  “I should have told you.”
“Yeah, you should have,” Tucker said.  And then all of them stood there, none of them saying anything.
Tucker broke the silence again, this time with a sigh.  “But for what it’s worth?” he said.  “Thanks for saving everyone all the time.  And for recently, with that weird ghost king guy.”
Danny nodded.  “Anytime,” he said.  He didn’t have to tell them the part about how he thought he was going to die.  Again.
“And, you know, for what it’s worth?” he said instead.  “Thanks for trying.  While I was being an idiot.  Sorry I didn’t let you help me.”
“How about this,” Tucker said.  “We’ll be there to help you as Danny and Phantom if you kick Dash across the football field once or twice.”
Danny blinked, confused.  “Huh?”
“That sound good to you, Sam?” Tucker asked, glancing at her.
“Yeah, I wanna see that,” Sam said with a nod.  “And I’d like to learn how to kick some ghost butt.”  She smirked over at Danny.  “Maybe I’ll start with yours.”
“Wait, I thought,” Danny said, looking back and forth between them both.  “I thought we said we’d be done after this.”
“Are you kidding?  You think you’re getting rid of us again?” Sam asked.  “Now that we finally know what’s been going on with you?”
“Sorry, you’re stuck with us this time,” Tucker said, crossing his arms with a grin.  “Like we’re gonna let your total loser half go unacknowledged.  You can’t be Phantom all the time.  Sometimes you have to get teased for how much you like NASA.”
“Or get your butt kicked in Doomed,” Sam chimed in.  She raised an eyebrow.  “Sound good?”
Danny didn’t try to hide his smile at all, and instead he closed the space between the three of them and wrapped his arms around Sam and Tucker in a hug.
“That sounds great,” he said, meaning every word.
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
So, here's a short excerpt for WIP Wednesday (963 words)! Thank you for everyone who followed my new writing blog, the response has been so unbelievable.
Trigger Warning: Discussion of parental death
Original Prompt Fill
1st Shared Segment
IKnowYourSecrets: hey
IKnowYourSecrets: I know this isnt something weve done before
IKnowYourSecrets: you said you got a cell for your last bday
IKnowYourSecrets: can I call you?
IKnowYourSecrets: heres my number XXX-XXX-XXXX
-xXPolarisXx-: is everything ok?
-xXPolarisXx-: dont answer that
-xXPolarisXx-: obv not
-xXPolarisXx-: my phones in my room brb
Danny ran up stairs to grab his phone and return to the computer before anyone could close out of his chat. He checked the number and dialed it, closing out of everything and logging out as the call connected.
“Tim?” he asked as soon as the ringing stopped. “What’s happened?”
“Danny? I… this is weird talking like this.” Tim’s voice was rough and Danny couldn’t tell if that was from emotion or just how he normally sounded.
Danny laughed a little. “Yeah. It is. Give me a sec, let me get to my room and I’ll shut the door. Give us some privacy.”
“I… yeah. I might need a few minutes.”
“Are you okay?”
Tim made a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob and Danny all but ran up the stairs. “No, not really. Um. My mom’s dead.”
“What?!" What was the appropriate response to something like this? Sometimes he wished he had Jazz's way with words. "What happened?”
“She and dad were in the Caribbean." Tim let out a huff. "I didn’t even know they were in the Caribbean.”
Danny made a noise to indicate he was listening, but waited for Tim to continue.
“There was a local villain named Obeah man. He captured them and held them ransom. Gave them some water to drink at some point, but… it was poisoned. By the time Batman got there, it was too late. Mom died.” Tim gave another half-hysterical laugh. “And my dad is in a coma. He may never wake up.” His voice trailed off.
Danny swallowed. How does anyone respond to news like that? “I’m so sorry, Tim. How are you holding up? What’s going to happen now?”
“The funeral is in two days. Bruce is organizing it. And I’m going to stay with him, I guess. He said he’d be happy to foster me until my dad gets better.”
“Shit, Tim. Text me during the funeral if you need to.”
“I might take you up on that. You won’t mind?”
“Of course not. Every 5 seconds if you need to.”
“Distract me. What’s going on in your life? I don’t want to think about any of this anymore.”
“Oh, uh, all right. Are you sure?”
“Please, Danny.”
“If you change your mind, interrupt me anytime.” Danny chewed his lip. What on earth could he talk about in response to news like that? The test he had in English last week? That sounded so trite. “I did start karate training with…” he trailed off before he could say his mom. “Anyway, it’s going all right. I’ve basically only been taught basic moves. I only get lessons two or three times a month so it’s slow going.”
Tim’s voice was still shaky, but he seemed to latch onto the topic to Danny’s relief. “You really have to give it your all if you want to succeed. Have you learned the basic stances and things?”
“Some, I think.”
“Hold those positions. Stand in your room and just hold them for ten minutes at a time. And practice the same punch over and over. Even if your m—” Tim’s voice caught and he changed course “—instructor can’t make it. Would you be allowed to sign up for classes? Get something more consistent?”
“We don’t have the money.” Danny bit back the embarrassment he felt at admitting that. Tim was rich-rich and never had to worry about things like bills. “Ghost hunting doesn’t really pay. My parents are at least good engineers so they can fix our own appliances and vehicles. Sometimes dad or mom will fix stuff for the neighbors for some extra money.”
Tim hummed in understanding and didn’t push the issue. “How did they even get into ghosts to begin with?”
“If we ever end up in the same place, you are not allowed to ask that directly to my parents. Don’t mention ghosts at all. They won’t stop talking for hours. As for how they got into it… Dad’s always believed in the supernatural. He could’ve just as easily started tracking big foot or the Loch Ness Monster. But he met mom in university and she was stuck on ghosts. Dragged him in, too. And he’s obsessive. Once he decides on something, that’s it.
“They were both studying the supernatural and had to decide what to focus on for their doctoral research. Mom’s hated ghosts since she was a teenager. Apparently she and a friend were dared to go into a haunted house one Halloween. She doesn’t talk about it much, but her friend died that night. She blames the ghosts and has dedicated her life to hunting them ever since.”
Tim clicked his tongue. “Wow. It almost makes sense with that back story.”
Danny snorted. “Ghosts aren’t real. I dunno what killed her friend, but it wasn’t a ghost. Wish they’d decided to hunt Bigfoot instead.”
“Really? Why do you say that?”
Danny looked out his window and stared at the setting sun. “If they were hunting bigfoot, we’d probably go camping more often. And I like camping. You get the best views of the stars that way.”
“What’s your favorite constellation?”
“That’s like asking who my favorite Star Trek character is! There’s too many to choose. But do you know the folk history of Polaris? It’s why I chose my username.” Danny talked to Tim about the stars and space until Alfred called him away for dinner. They made plans to talk online again later.
Now, I have a question for y'all. I was planning on finishing the entire work then publishing on a once a week basis until finished (or twice a week if I had more chapters than I expect). I've got the first chapter mostly done, just need to rewrite one section and change a few lines elsewhere. I also have the next 1.5 chapters mostly done on a first draft. I could start posting now, but I can't guarantee a posting schedule and I'll probably have to take a hiatus or two as I plan to get a new job and move sometime in the next few months.
So my question, do you want me to post now or wait? It'll probably be several months if not a year before I finish depending on how long I take and how many other projects catch my eye.
In other news, the creator of the original prompt started their own fill, too! If you read mine, I am requiring you to check theirs as well because it is amazing 💕. Tumblr Link and AO3 Link
Tag List
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen
I removed the names of some people who requested a tag back in November but didn’t interact with the last snippet I shared. Since it’s been so long, I wasn’t sure if you were still interested. I’ll be more than happy to add anyone else, re-add anyone I took off, or take off anyone who doesn’t want future tags! Or start a separate list just for after there’s an AO3 link. Just let me know!
505 notes · View notes
hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
Plastic Jesus
Pairing: Danny Wagner x F. Reader | Rated Explicit | Words: 3k
Warnings: Language, fingering, religious themes (humorous), mentions of car sex in many forms
Summary: "And I'm in the backseat sinnin', Jesus is up there grinnin', sitting on the dashboard of my car."
Author's Note: Please, for the love of god, never, ever do sexual things while you drive. I am not advocating for this!
“You are a wily one, Danny Wagner,” you sighed, fingers sinking into the thick depths of your boyfriend’s curls regardless of your previous protests just a few seconds earlier.
Danny smiled against your neck, sloppily dragging kisses across your skin as his own hands trailed dangerously up your shirt. “And you’re quite easy to persuade.”
He was right– it only took him pulling you into the backseat of the car in the empty corner of the parking lot after an excursion to a waterfall nearby for you to fall to his whims, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t had a few words to say about it at first.
“Danny, we told your parents we’d be home in time for dinner.”
“Danny, what if someone sees us and we get charged with indecent exposure?”
“Danny, we won’t both fit in the back seat.”
There had been another reason somewhere, but it had faded into the back of your mind before you’d had time to speak it into existence. Despite all you had to say, you’d gone willingly when he spread his stupid thighs and waggled his stupid eyebrows at you like a dork. It was a particular brand of real estate that was very hard for you to resist even on your best days, and since you’d been staying at his mom and dad’s house for a visit over the small hiatus the band had, there had been far less fooling around going on than what you were used to when you were on home soil in Danny’s house or your condo. 
Danny’s lap had a hold on you that was almost embarrassing, and the man could do wonders with you in it, so you cut yourself some slack – you wanted him to make you cum, dammit, and sometimes that meant being late to family dinner.
And so, your words fell into a different warning once he’d gotten his lips on you and his erection pressing just right into the fabric of your joggers. “We have to be quick, Danny,” you urged, flexing your thighs and grinding down on him. 
His fingers finally wiggled underneath the band of your sports bra, tracing the curve of your breast until he found your nipples with his nimble fingertips, tweaking and rolling at them until you squirmed in his lap unintentionally. “Danny this, Danny that— I like it better when my name is in your mouth for a reason other than nagging at me, woman.” Your grip tightened at his scalp, and Danny’s lips pinched together at the tug, followed by his knees when you lifted up and planted yourself down, hard. “Careful!” he yelped, one hand disengaging from your chest to protect himself. 
“You be careful,” you murmured, sharply tilting his head and kissing all the sense from his brain, encouraging him to forget about your empty threat.
He moaned into your mouth and then got both of his hands down to your hips, twisting them gently and pressing you to turn in his lap to face the dense wall of trees that colored in the wondshield so that he could fit his hand down the front of your pants.
“Mmm,” Danny hummed, fingers slicking through your folds, “have you been thinking about this as much as I have?” One long middle finger slowly pressed into you, and you gasped, pressing your back into him so that he could keep loving gently on your throat. “‘Cause it fucking feels like you have.”
His voice was low and gritty, and god, it made you want him even more. Even with his finger slowly working inside of you, you wanted all of him. “I have,” you admitted, “but what I was fantasizing about requires a few less clothes.”
Danny squeezed your hip with the hand that wasn’t pressed against your cunt and feeling you up, almost an answer in itself. “Hang on, just let me touch you for a bit, babe,” he implored, his thumb tracing the outside of your lips as he extracted that middle finger and spread what wetness he was coaxing out across every inch of you, “I miss the way you feel on my fingers.”
You disregarded the fact that he’d fingered you to completion the second night of your stay and turned your head to kiss what you could, which happened to be his hair. You didn’t mind – you loved every part of Danny, and would kiss every inch that you could. Giving into him, you relaxed, closed your eyes, and just let him touch you, gently running the calloused pads of his fingers up and down, circling your clit often because he knew that’s where it counted. It was a slow build up, and if his fingers came out pruny, then that was on him but there would be no complaint from you.
“I can’t wait to get back to your house,” you murmured, clenching at the flutter of his fingers around a sensitive spot. Danny felt you contract and did it again, your nerves so responsive to his touch. “And we can do whatever we want, wherever we want.”
Danny groaned, lips brushing your skin as he shifted his hips up for relief. “Me too, baby. I can’t stand not being able to hear you.” 
You were both rather auditory lovers, obsessed with the way the the other sounded when you fucked. And god, Danny’s noises were heavenly – he wasn’t a talker, but he was always right by your ear, huffing and panting, and in that position, you could hear every low grunt, every hitch of his breath, every high-pitched, swallowed-down moan that your body pulled from him. 
At the thought of it, you began grinding yourself into Danny’s fingers, a faster rhythm with more pressure that Danny braced his wrist for to let you ride his hand. “‘Atta girl,” he cooed, brushing his thumb over your bundle of nerves and lighting you up, “Goddamn, you are so sexy like this – riding my fingers…mmm.”
He continued to huff against your skin as the wet, sloppy sounds coming from where he had two of his fingers sunk into you increased. You did as he said, moving your hips as if you were riding his dick and slowly peeling your eyes back open to get you bearings and clutch the seats in front of you with a better grip.
Only to find a pair of eyes staring into your soul.
Your hips stopped abruptly and your whole body tensed to the point that Danny quickly withdrew his fingers and straightened up, looking out all the windows to see if anyone was there and tightly asking you, “What? What is it?” He knew your body well enough to know that you weren’t tensing up for the good reason – something was wrong. “Y/N, what the hell happened?”
He was aptly confused: there was no one peering into the windows or approaching the car, no weird sounds, not even his dad’s name ringing on his phone to ask where the two of you were.
“We’re being watched, and judged. Hard.”
Again, Danny looked around and shook his head, finally peering around you to follow your gaze to the front of the car, and began to laugh raucously. 
You could help but to let your lips quirk up as his laughs turned to wheezes that you could feel in the small of your back from where it was pressed against his belly. Perhaps Danny found it funny, but the stuck-on figurine of Catholic Jesus blessing the car from the center of the dashboard certainly did not. It pierced you with eerily life-like eyes that shouldn’t have been so detailed on a plastic car accessory, staring straight ahead so that you couldn’t escape its gaze.
“Jesus is always watching, though,” Danny joked, hands slipping to your front again but not pushing past when you flattened them against you with your own to keep him from reaching his goal.
Perhaps you weren’t a member of the church anymore but, still, it felt…blasphemous to let Danny keep fingering you with the intention of eventually fucking you right in front of this little plastic Jesus. You were no stranger to your own sins, committed willingly and often, and you rarely felt the need to show penance or to deprive yourself of life’s pleasures but, apparently, a plastic dashboard Jesus was enough to do it.
Plus, that little plastic Jesus sparked a reminder of that last big reason that you should not be fooling around in the car.
You groaned, flopping back against Danny as he let out a small ‘umpf,’ still gladly taking your weight. “Well…I guess we’ll be back in time for dinner after all–” you started, intending to go on but interrupted by Danny’s disgruntled noise against your back.
Danny hugged you tighter, and you knew the protest was coming before the words even left his mouth, evident in the way he was still hard underneath you. “Wait, you’re serious? You’re gonna let Jesus cockblock us?” In a sentence that you never thought you’d have ever heard uttered, much less to your own situation, you giggled, affirming his fears before you attempted – and failed – to scoot off Danny’s lap, the muscles in his arms locking you in tightly. 
“I wanna touch you,” he whined, not actually making any moves to put his hands anywhere except wrapped around your midsection like a seatbelt. You knew he would let you go if you wanted him to, but he was like a bloodhound – he knew when you wanted him, every time. You could be across the room at a crowded convention where he was having a conversation with John Rahm and Roger Taylor at the same time and he would look over at you with that crooked smile of his the moment you began thinking filthy things about him. 
“Danny, we shouldn’t be doing this right now, we have commitments,” you murmured, biting your lip as he pushed his erection into your ass and snuffled at your throat, a spot right under your ear that really tickled your fancy. “And we definitely shouldn’t be doing it in the car.”
Danny’s low hum was not one of agreement. “But we’ve fooled around in the car plenty of times before. You don’t remember that time you rode me in the driver’s seat because we couldn’t make it in?” he asked, grinding up against you with a bit more pressure now. “Or that time I ate you out against the hood because you wore that tiny little number to the farmer’s market?”
“That was a sundress, Daniel.”
 He laughed at your interjection, but finished out his string of supporting evidence that you’d never had much of a problem with defiling vehicles in the past. “What about when you sucked me off from across the center console at that–”
“I remember,” you interrupted again, blushing at each depraved memory he brought up. God, you guys really weren’t all that great at waiting until you were in the bedroom; however, you also had a sneaking suspicion that Danny had a bit of a kink for car sex. “But that doesn’t take away from the fact that we shouldn’t be fooling around in this car because it’s–”
“Got a plastic Jesus sitting on the dashboard?”
“If that’s what's stopping me from getting my fingers back into that tight, warm–” Your elbow gently met his gut, and he giggled, quite smug with his ability to rile you up. “Here, we can just do this instead.”
He tried to move you up, effectively bending you over the center console crudely and reached out to the little figurine. You weren’t sure if he was going to rip the adhesive off or see if it would turn without breaking, but before he could touch it, you gasped and grabbed at his elbow. “No! Don’t touch it with that hand, Daniel, that was the one you were fingering me with!”
“Oh, so it’s okay to talk about fingering, I just can’t do it?”
You rolled your eyes. “We’re not talking about– damn you, Danny! We weren’t talking about fingering until you started to.”
He snorted, keeping you in your compromising position since you were here already. If the clothes had been gone, he’d have already been inside of you. “Oh, well, forgive me for trying to clarify, you’re confusing me with all your rules and I’m not sure what’s morally right enough for you and plastic Jesus.” Even joking, the rough tone his voice in your ear was like sex - intoxicating and just for you.
Your lust threatened to take over your better judgment as the position you were in rubbed you right up against his length. It was just the faintest whisper of contact and muted by several layers of clothes, but it was enough to fill your head with a burning desire to feel him sink into you. To feel the thick stretch as he filled you up and gave you something to clench around as you came.
Dammit. You really needed to get out of here and into a place where you wouldn’t feel guilty for fucking Danny into next week.
“It’s not just Jesus keeping me from using you until you’re all dried up and begging me to stop, Danny,” you huffed, wistfully wishing for what was within your immoral reach. “It’s the fact that this is your mom’s car.”
The engine light in Danny’s car had blinked on practically the moment you’d turned into his parents’ driveway coming from the store a couple of days into your stay, and they’d insisted that you take Lori’s to hike up to a small waterfall nearby while they took Danny’s car back into town to the shop before dinner. You were pretty sure that making out and all these other salacious acts hadn’t been part of that deal.
Danny didn’t seem phased, though, which was surprising as he’d been just as hesitant to do anything more than some very quiet heavy petting one night, too afraid that you’d gag on his cock and his parents would hear you retch from down the hall to even allow a blowjob.
“Babe, whose car do you think I was driving when I finally got my license?” he chuckled. “I sure as hell didn’t have my own yet and you bet your ass that I took the first opportunity I got to bring the girl I was with at the time on the backroads.” He finally sat back and turned you around so that you were once again face to face. He was so pretty. So handsome, and you felt so lucky until he opened his mouth again. “I’m only a good driver because I’ve had a lot of practice driving distracted, if you know what I mean,” he said with a grin and a wink, eyebrows waggling.
Of course he did. Danny had regaled you with stories from his high school days – about how he was less of an angel than people made him out to be, and now that his proclivity for car sex hadn’t just magically developed with you. You shook your head and laughed, leaning in to kiss the man. “Daniel Wagner, I love you, but how you haven’t crashed your car and burned, I will never know.”
“Trust me, I don’t know either.” He was a bit older, a bit more mature with a healthy dose of experience regarding the consequences of his actions, and while you knew he was a grown adult with the ability to make his own sound decisions, you were also certain that if you offered anything, from road head to a handjob to a solo-show on the way home, he wouldn’t turn you down.
After reveling in the nearness for a moment longer, you sighed and sat up; this time, Danny let you go. “That doesn’t change the fact that I refuse to disrespect Lori that way. Come on, let’s go meet your parents for dinner, and then we’ll be extra, extra quiet tonight and you can fuck me on your childhood bed,” you promised. That was a fantasy for some, right? It had to count for something.
Your words caused Danny to drop his chin to his chest and faux-sob, giving you his best to charm you back into his lap by being goofy. When you only laughed at his dramatics, he lifted his head to fix a menacing gaze at the plastic Jesus, still smiling gently from his place on the dashboard. “This is your fault,” Danny accused, pointing his finger at the little trinket.
“Stop glaring at Jesus, it was not his fault.”
Danny turned to you belligerently. “It totally was! He, like…reignited your moral compass. I like my dirty girl,” he pouted, finally flinging the door open and meeting you in the front seats once more, even closer to the object of his resentment now. 
But it honestly, truly wasn’t Jesus’s fault that you regained a clear head. You tried another angle, instead of seemingly defending plastic Jesus and his ability to convert you into a nun with an honor belt. “It’s your mom’s car, Dan; how would you feel is Josie took your car out for a spin with her beau and ended up fuc–”
“Ew,” Danny cringed, waving his hands at you to stop before he put the car in motion. “Ew, ew, no. I get it. Let’s just…go and not use that analogy ever again, please.” He let out a few more discontented murmurs under his breath. “Get this stupid dinner over with…hate driving with an erection…”
You giggled at his unfortunate situation, eying the consistent bulge that didn’t seem to want to go down, even after the analogy. “I mean, if it helps,” you said mischievously, and Danny’s gaze snapped over to you, hoping for a dirty resolution after all. Unable to help yourself, you loosened your seatbelt and leaned closer, until your hands were planted on the center console and your lips were by Danny’s ear. “It smells like your mom in here.”
He viscerally reacted, pulling away with a sour face. “What the fuck, Y/N!” If there was a surefire way to make sex less sexy, it was to bring your parents into the equation.
“Unless you want to think about your mom or…have me think about your mom while we–”
“Absolutely not.”
“I mean, you have a lot of her features…”
“Oh god, please stop talking. The erection is a non-issue now, I promise.”
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raaorqtpbpdy · 5 months
A Little Chat
Jazz gets the chance to talk to the ghost boy before she knows he's her brother. When she talks to him after discovering the truth, their first conversation is still ringing in her mind.
For the prompts: What if Jazz had a conversation with Phantom before learning he was Danny? What does their next conversation look like when Jazz knows but Danny doesn't know she knows? [from atropos], and "What do you mean this isn't safe, I'm already dead" [from @princessfanonanona]
Read also on AO3
[Warnings for mentions of violence and death]
Casper High was all abuzz about the upcoming school dance, but Jazz couldn't care less. Dancing had never been her thing, much less at school where all her peers could watch her embarrass herself. That didn't stop her from getting asked, by Dash Baxter when she was tutoring him, by her lab partner in the middle of chemistry class (gag), by Danny's friend Tucker, who was asking out every girl in school and getting turned down every time.
Jazz was honestly more preoccupied by her ongoing existential crisis about ghosts being real, and her annoyance at how insufferable her parents had been since the revelation. She was nothing if not curious and determined, though.
Her parents said a lot of things about ghosts with very little research or evidence to back their claims, but Jazz wasn't going to just hop on the bandwagon and believe everything they said. If she could, she was going to get a first-hand source on this ghost situation.
Unfortunately, not intending to go to the dance didn't exempt her from the teen-girl bonding nightmare that was helping her friends shop for their dresses. She knew she was only a part of their little group because she tutored them, and she had very little in common with any of them. But she also knew that it was good and healthy for her to socialize with people her own age, and even if she couldn't really relate to them, at least they were nice, and always tried to include her.
That didn't stop them from gently ribbing her about how unhelpful she was being when she said they looked fantastic in every dress they tried on.
Shopping got a lot more exciting, however, when a dragon showed up. Jazz went to check it out, claiming she had to go to the bathroom so the girls wouldn't try to stop her. They were too busy changing to notice the commotion outside the store.
Jazz ran to the second floor railing to get a good look at the ghost boy fighting some glowing blue dragon with a huge amulet around its neck. Jazz watched and waited for the immediate Danger to be over before calling out to him.
"Hey!" she shouted. "Ghost boy!"
The ghost swiveled around in mid-air until he saw her. She waved him over. He shook his head and gestured over his shoulder like he needed to be somewhere.
"Come on, I'll be quick!" she shouted, waving him over more insistently.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, the ghost boy floated over to her.
"Can I help you, citizen?" he asked awkwardly
"Actually, yeah," she said. "I'm Jazz Fenton, you probably know of my parents. They have some very uh... opinionated views about ghosts, and I'm looking to learn more about ghosts from a first hand source. Could I trouble you for a moment of your time?"
"I uh... I don't know how much help I'd be," the boy replied. "To be honest, I'm kind of new to the whole 'being a ghost' thing."
"That's alright," she insisted. "If you don't mind, I still think I could learn a lot from talking to you."
"Uh... alright," he agreed, and settled himself cross-legged in the air just on the other side of the second-floor railing Jazz was still standing at.
This area of the mall had pretty much been cleared out when the dragon showed up, so the two of them were alone, even in the middle of a public place.
"Shoot," he said.
"Okay." Jazz considered for a moment what her first question should be before asking, "Do ghosts have obsessions that motivate all their actions, yea or nay?"
He hummed thoughtfully. "Sort of? Maybe? I don't really know. From what I've been able to get, it seems like ghosts have more of a tendency to be obsessive than humans do, but even ghosts with obsessions aren't motivated one hundred percent solely by those obsessions."
"So would you say that ghosts have free will?" Jazz asked.
"Yes, absolutely we do." There was no hesitation in that answer, no hint of doubt.
"I think I can guess the answer, but do you think ghosts are inherently evil?"
To her surprise, the ghost boy paused before answering, titling his head from side to side like he wasn't really sure what to say.
"Well... I'm not," he answered cautiously. "I haven't met too many friendly ghosts so far, but we're definitely not inherently evil."
"Why do you fight other ghosts?" Jazz asked. "Not that I'm not grateful, but... ever since you showed up, I've been curious about that."
"Why?" he repeated. 
He looked perplexed, although Jazz couldn't tell if it was because he didn't know the answer, or because he didn't know why she was even asking because it seemed so obvious to him.
"Well who else is gonna do it?" he asked. That answer did nothing to clear up Jazz's uncertainty. "I can't very well let them just cause chaos around here. They could seriously hurt people."
"What about you?" Jazz asked.
"What about me?"
"I just mean, couldn't they hurt you, too?" she asked. "I saw how you got tossed around by that dragon, and the lunch lady a little while ago. This whole situation, you fighting off ghosts ten times your size to protect humans you barely know... this just doesn't seem safe."
The ghost boy huffed a soft laugh. "What do you mean this isn't safe?" he asked. "I'm already dead, what else can they do to me?"
Jazz frowned, her brows furrowing.
"You still bleed," she said. "I've seen it. You bleed green, but you still bleed."
"So what, I bleed," the ghost boy shrugged, though his expression took on a melancholy tone. "So do you. You're telling me if you saw someone in danger, even if you didn't know them, you wouldn't try to help?"
Jazz didn't really know. Her self-preservation was strong, but so was her compassion. She would have to make that decision in the moment, not standing in a mall across from a boy her brother's age... who had died. 
Her brother had almost died, too, once, not that long ago. If she had been there... if she'd had the chance to save him from the pain of that accident at the cost of her own safety, would she have?
"Do you help others because no one helped you when you were dying?" she asked. 
Even as it left her mouth she could hear how rude and personal the question sounded, but it was out there now... and she wanted to know.
The ghost boy shook his head. "No one could have helped me," he said. "Even if they were there, even if they wanted to. There was no saving me. It would have just ended with two ghosts instead of one." 
She opened her mouth to ask a follow up question, but was interrupted when one of her friends appeared.
"Jazz! There you are!" Marci called out. "Oh my gosh, if you needed a break from dress-shopping, you could have just said so. You didn't have to disappear on a bathroom break for twenty minutes."
"Yeah, we were actually starting to get worried about you," Jenna added. "We heard there was some kinda ghost dragon somewhere in the mall a little bit ago. We thought you might've gotten hurt."
"I'm fine, I promise," Jazz told them. "I actually left to get a closer look, but I made sure to stay a safe distance away. I've just been talking to—" Jazz cut herself off when she turned and saw that the ghost boy was gone.
"Talking to who?" Marci asked, looking at the empty air.
"To whom," Jazz corrected absently. She shook her head. "Never mind. Did you girls pick out dresses you liked?"
"Marci did," Jenna said. "So far, I haven't found anything that speaks to me, ya know? I think I've decided on the color though, I want a pretty sunset orange, like a pink-ish, dark-ish color, maybe with glitter, you know?"
"That's a bold choice," Jazz commented. She didn't know much about fashion, but she did know she didn't see a lot of people walking around in orange most of the time.
"I'm a bold girl," Jenna agreed with a laugh. "I found one orange dress, but the shape made me look like a traffic cone, it was awful!"
Jazz snickered at that mental image and Jenna and Marci laughed with her.
"Come on, there's a couple more stores we can check out to see if they have something you like," Marci suggested. "And obviously we gotta stop at the bookstore, too. We can't leave our main girl Jazz without her lit fix."
Jazz laughed again and followed them toward the next store.
Ever since Jazz found out the ghost boy was her brother, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She'd decided immediately to wait until he was ready to tell her before bringing it up, but that didn't stop it from being on her mind all the time. She wanted to protect him but there weren't a lot of ways she could do that.
She nearly freaked out on him when they started doing ghost drills at school, and couldn't exactly explain why without taking away his chance to tell her his secret on his own. Luckily, she managed to change the subject and get away without giving herself away, but it was a close call.
She didn't expect to ever get the chance to talk to Danny as the ghost boy again before he told her it was him, because frankly, he did his best to avoid humans as much as possible in his ghost form, most of all his family.
A lot happened. Danny had a million dollar bounty on his head, everyone at school got sick with ghost flu, then a bunch of teenagers had to save all the adults in town (and, embarrassingly, Jazz) when they got kidnapped by ghosts using hypnotic music.
Then the town was sucked into the Ghost Zone, and the only thing protecting them all from a tyrannical ghost king was Fenton Works' ghost shield. And Danny planned to go fight the king himself. He hadn't said it yet, but she could tell by the grim look on his face when he went outside. Jazz followed subtly, but the time she got outside he was already in ghost form, staring up at the green sky.
"Hey, ghost boy, long time, no see," she said.
"Uh... what?" he said. "I don't... oh... right, yeah. Guess it has... been a while."
"You're gonna try to fight the ghost king, aren't you?" she guessed. "Please don't. Amity Park needs you, and if you go fight him... he could destroy you. I know you think you're invincible but this isn't safe."
Danny huffed out a bitter chuckle. "What do you mean its not safe? I'm already dead," he responded, just the same way as he had the last time she told him that.
But this time she knew it wasn't true, not completely.
She remembered the last time she spoke to him as the ghost boy, how he told her that no one could have saved him when he died. She remembered hearing him screaming in the basement from all the way up on the second floor and wondered if it was true. Sam and Tucker had been with him, and she knew they would have helped if they could have.
"You're right about one thing, though," he said after a moment. "Amity Park needs me. I can't flake out on them now."
With that, he flew off to god knew where, to fight the ghost king, or his skeleton army, or the Fright Knight. She just hoped he'd be okay. He was her baby brother, and she didn't think she could handle losing him for good.
He didn't deserve any of this.
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deadpool15 · 10 months
Ch.2 To be loved
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Seeing him was the highlight of my day. I remembered when I was nothing but an orphan, though I can't remember my biological parents. I sometimes like to think they died. It was the best way for me when I was just a kid. To accept the fact that even the ones who gave you life viewed as nothing but a mistake was difficult. My mother viewed her destiny as saving her country, getting rid of the drugs that were taking lives. In my opinion, people died all the time. Life was hard. We have no idea what someone is going through until they are pushed to the end. She would never understand that struggle. That pain. When I heard it was si-o behind all this, I had to know why. People have reasons, I had to be the one to see the good in him. Even if no one else could. I was falling in love, love makes you do dumb things.
Whether I was dumb or hopeless, I wanted to know him. Not the version he showed to the public, the fake smiles meant nothing to me. I wanted to see him truly smile, to be happy. I happened to be at one of my mothers many chain restaurants. And to my luck sitting there was the man I had hoped for, now I hadn't prepared myself to speak to him and I realized that when he had made eye contact with me. Stern, serious glare like he knew I was watching him. Talking to people wasn't necessarily the issue. I talked my way out of parking tickets, jail, and even school punishments as a child. I was a smooth talker, one thing I developed from my mom. Though he made me nervous, my hands were sweating, and I had the urge to convert into oxygen. I wanted to cry because as much as I hated to admit it, his opinion of me meant a lot. One accidental interaction, and I was hooked. He knew me as Tseg tseg rich spoiled friend. I wanted him to see me. It already pissed me off that he had eyes for my sister. She took everything from me without even fucking trying. I had to man up and fight for what I wanted.
"Hello sir, you probably don't know me, but my name is Danny. We kinda met before when I bumped into you at your company." He smiled though I could tell it was fake, after years of faking happiness myself. I knew a fake smile from a mile away. "Right, your Tseg's little friend, correct?" Irritation couldn't even be used as the word for what I felt in that moment, I wanted him to see me. "Technically, that's how we met, though I just wanted to say something t-to you. Please." I stood up drawing attention to myself truly not what I needed right now, but I had to tell him before anything else happened. My anxiety was through the roof, I wanted to crawl into a hole and die right then and there standing under his intimidating stare. I had to do this, though. He was the first person I felt genuine feelings for, and I didn't even know him personally. The effect he had on me was outrageous.
"I wanted to go out with you. I want to get to know you, and I know I'm not korean, and your parents may have an issue with that, but I mean Nationality vise I am. Everyone thinks I'm just this spoiled rich assshole, but i im not, and i want to show you that there is more to me than my money or parents' money. I have korean parents, so that counts, I'm well accounted for, and I have seen you before, and you're all I think about no matter what. I try to get my mind off of you, and my brain proceeds to show different connections to you. And if you p-plan to reject me, just sit here and silence, and I won't ever bother you again. Well, I hope so, I can try." He was astonished but my speech. Everyone had turned their attention towards us and started clapping. I hadn't even noticed at first. I couldn't handle rejection, especially not by him. I wanted to be with him, breathe in his scent, and help him with anything. Live a life with him. Silence was what I got, and I took the message. I had embarrassed him and myself.
Suddenly, walking out, trying to hold back tears, I was 5 years old me again. I'm sitting at my dance recital waiting for my mommy. She promised she would come today since I told her how much this meant to me. Sitting there for the next 4 hours in nothing but silence was the worst feeling a child could feel. The competition was over, I didn't even dance, missing a chance to get picked for a major academy. I saw dad pull up. Why did she hate me so much. "Honey, you didn't tell me you had a competition today, and I found the scouts there as well. I would've shown up, baby." I stared at him. I was a daddy's girl simply because my mother broke my heart before I could ever feel love from her. "I didn't tell you because I told Mommy. I wanted her to come watch me this time. To surprise her with my skills." Just glancing at him, I knew that look, the look of a father who was afraid to break their already broken child. I snapped out of it when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. Looking up, it was him. "I've been calling you for 20 minutes. You almost got hit by that truck. Are you even paying attention?" I stared at him, I didn't know what to say, would he care enough to hear. "You ran out before I could say anything. Scared? You're very pretty. And bold. I've never had someone confess their love for me in a public area at that. I admire that, while I don't really know you, I would like to get to know you. Experience something."
I was so happy at that moment that I completely ignored the world around me. I jumped onto him. He was startled at first but caught me with ease. I leaned back and cupped his face, pecking his cheek, and for that first time, I saw a genuine smile. A real surprise for me, I enjoyed it. "You look beautiful when you smile, like a hidden jem only made for the luckiest humans to gaze at." He stared at me, blushing. From that moment, we slowly got to know each other, getting closer day and night. Developing an unbreakable bond. I didn't care he was a so-called criminal. When I was with him, none of that mattered. I never asked about his business, letting him know if he wanted to tell me he could. I kept this from my family, I knew they would never approve of what we had, especially my mother. She didn't give a shit about me, but in a situation like this, she saw him as an enemy.
We sat at a Korean BBQ shop. It was simply nice to spend time at a place with no worries. "I could've taken you someone nicer, you know." I placed some meat on the grill what grabbing a piece and putting it in front of his mouth. He smiled and opened his mouth to eat it. "Is it good? And you know I don't care about expensive restaurants. I've been to enough in my lifetime. I just want to be with you. To be honest, you could've gotten fried chicken and took to me the beach to eat. It's the thought that counts, babe." He smiled at me, I smiled back until I realized the petname I gave him immediately going to apologize. "It's fine, I actually like it. Babe." Blushing, I gave him more meat. We talked about our days, he was stressed and I wanted to help. Thought he said I shouldn't stress myself. We finished eating and literally had a full-on battle over who would pay the bill. I won, "Maybe I'll let you pay next time." He laughed, grabbing my hand and walking out of the shop. While pda was no foreign concept to me, it still made me feel like it was the first interaction between us each time it happened. "Come home with me, please." I stared at him in shock. He had never asked me this. I had no experience in relationships, but usually, that leads to other things. I didn't know what was gonna happen, but I trusted him.
We showed up to his home. He told me to wash up for the night. I happily got in the shower to think I was happy. A foreign feeling. My shower lasted well over 30 minutes, I looked down and saw a towel and a button-up shirt. Luckily, I always kept a spare thong with me. Putting on the clothes, I walked out of the bathroom to find him already washed up and laying in bed. A blue robe and pajama pants on while he was on the phone. I walked out of the room to got place my clothes in the hamper, then grabbed a glass of water. I was drinking it while examining the home I had never been inside. Eventually, I walked back towards the room where he was done with his phone call. And looked up with a dropped jaw. I smiled at his antics. "You're still so pretty. With and without the makeup. Come here." Walking slowly towards his bed, he gestured for me to move closer. I crawled to him, and apparently, it wasn't close enough because he picked me up and placed me on his lap while holding my hips. I felt nervous. He noticed squeezing my hips with his larm hands.
I grabbed one of his hands, placing them in mine. Comparing the size and then kissing his palms, I looked up at him to see a bright smile. "I'm not tired yet." I told him it usually took me a while to go to sleep. I was just always up. He nodded and pulled me closer in a hug. Affection from si-o was always the best. I could tell he wasn't the most affectionate person, so I didn't push him. Though I craved his touch, I craved everything about him. Looking out the window, I saw the stars. "This reminds me of when my mom took me and my siblings camping once. It was weird, though it was fun." I continued to look at the stars until he spoke up. "You don't talk about your mother much. Actually, you don't talk about her at all. For a second, I thought she had passed." I was shocked by the thought of my mothers absence. Sure, I never spoke about her because there weren't any good memories, to be honest. "It's fine if you don't want to speak about it." I looked at his face full of concern he was so patient with me, but I wanted him to know and trust me like I did him. "It's ok, it's just.....there isn't much to talk about, you know. She was there but not there. She was always focused on my older sister. She was the amazing daughter who could do no wrong. And I was simply the girl that lived in her house, or that's what it felt like. Sometimes, it felt like I didn't have a mom to begin with. To think I used to pray to have a mother that would be there for me. Then my sister went missing, and as much as I hate to say it, I was happy, for once I though she would pay attention to me, realizing she had two daughters but it only got worse. I was just there, and I hated myself for the fact that I was happy my sister was gone. I've always been jealous of her she is better in every way. That's so evil of me, but I was so fucking lonely. She is such a good person, and makes friends so easily and everyone likes her but me they look down on me. I'm nothing more then a spoiled bitch using her parents credit card to fill the void."
Before I noticed, I was full on sobbing in front of him. I broke down, secrets I've never told anyone in my life. I was afraid of what the world would think of me. He grabbed my shaking hands, kissing them slowly, whining, moving up to wipe my tears. "Your feelings are normal baby, you went your entire life playing second place because your mother is a terrible mother, no offense. A bit of a bitch you know. No secret there since she is Hwang Geum Joo." Hearing that part made me laugh. Until I sat there shocked he knew of my parent. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." It was all I could say at the moment. He looked at me and pressed against my cheeks, letting me know it was ok. And he underdtood the urge to protect her even if she wanst good to me. Or cared for me, it seems."You are so amazing and kind and beautiful. She isn't better than you at all. I wish you could see the way I see you. You have lightened up my world as a whole. I was nothing but a cold, damaged asshole when I met you, then I realized no matter how my life pushes and kicks your ass its your choice to get back up. To keep going, you taught me that baby. All the drug business and shady stuff I do, you don't judge me at all. Sitting by my side supporting me no matter what I choose to do. When I was an orphan and Pavel took me in, trained me to become the person I am today, hit after hit. Missed meal after another, I prayed for a better life. You have provided that life." Hearing those words, my heart was swelled. I felt nothing but love for the first time someone chose me, loves me. I wasn't an option. I was a need. "I'm so glad you chose me or tseg." Hearing that, he laughing pulling me closer if that was possible. "I never liked tseg baby, she is a worker at my company that'd all. If anything, I had my eyes on you since you walked into the building." Similing in pure joy, I leaped forward, causing a groan to come of his mouth. Scared I hurt him, I tried to get up until he forced my hips back down. It was then I realized I hadn't hurt him. In fact, the moment u felt something hard poking me thigh, I blushed.
"How in the world did you get hard, sir?" He simply smiled at my words, moving me forward to the point where I was sitting directly on top of his hard on. My core pushed further into it slowly until he began grinding me against him. I couldn't help but moan. It all felt too good. "Have you seen my beautiful girlfriend sitting right on top of me in nothing but my shirt? If anything, it was difficult not to." Moans slipped from my mouth before I could let out a sarcastic response. Finally, I said the words I had been so afraid to ever tell anyone. "I love y-you." Hearing this, he sped up my hips against his, leaning in to capture my lips into a kiss. "I love you more, baby." We continued until we were left naked and bare before each other, and all the insecurities, abandonment issues, and pain left my mind. Leaving nothing but si-o. The night was a night to remember.
Stay tuned for chapter 3.
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piss-bread · 5 months
Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14...
He was 14. He definitely had an unusual relationship with his parents, but not too far out from a normal teen. He's embarrassed by them in public, but he truly loves his family. And they love him, in all his nerdiness and cowardice.
Then the accident happens. His parents (and Jazz) know that something happened, but only his friends know what he went through that day. Even after Jazz finds out, she isn't told exactly what occurred.
Tw under the cut for Death Mentions! It is Danny Phantom, after all.
It's a well-known fact that Danny Fenton is Schrodinger's boy. Both alive and dead. And the fandom sure does put our favorite paradoxical anime boy through some shit, but it's not talked about a whole lot the absolute horror of his death.
We see a recreation of what happened in Memory Blank (Season 2, Ep 1). We've been rewatching some of this show with our mother, and we had her watch this episode. I had told her beforehand that Sam basically went "the boy needs to die" as soon as she realized that Danny didn't have his powers. And surprisingly, after watching the episode, our mom agreed that Sam really should have thought of something else. But anyway, it really cements the fact that going into the portal was Sam's idea. Not Tucker's. Not even Danny's. Sam is absolutely the one who got him killed. Yet Danny doesn't harbor any resentment. In fact, it's shown in the same episode that Danny looks for reassurance from Sam (and Tucker) after getting his powers, quite literally asking if it's cool that he has powers.
Quote from me to my mother:
"Danny walks around a dark portal, and he accidentally turns it on from the inside. He gets electrocuted and basically watches himself die, not knowing what's going on except for that it's bad. He stumbles back out, knowing something is very wrong and passes out. His friends think he's dead, he literally phases through Sam's hands as she tries to pick his body up, and when he does wake up he's faced with the fact he's a ghost. he's been told that all ghosts are evil and dangerous, and now he is one. Yeah sure he must've figured out he could change back pretty quickly, but still."
And something else. Vlad has powers too, but he didn't die for them. He got a bad case of ghost acne and gained powers that way. I feel like if Vlad knew what Danny went through, he'd at the very least have a bit more respect for the boy.
Anyway, I love the characterization of Tucker and Sam. It's shown that Tucker is shallow on the outside, but he truly deeply cares for his friends. Sam is shown to put up walls around other people, to the point her friends know a completely different person than the outside world does. And damn, I wish we could see the two's reaction to the accident in the show. But we'll just go headcanon-ing for this one. In my opinion, Tucker would be the quietest he's ever been. He's shown to cower and close up when bad things happen (when he's actually aware of said things). I think Sam would be the one screaming. I think she'd be screaming and crying and just let her emotional state consume her until her friend wakes up.
That's it for now 👀 count on more text posts in the future tho
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night-wilf · 2 years
This is awkward
Short version:
Tim has a crush on a new classmate (aka Danny) and eventually works up the courage to confess. Hallelujah the feeling is mutual! After a few months the families want to meet and Bruce agrees to wine and dine them at his expense (Tim promised to make him cakes in return). He also wants to meet his son’s boyfriend’s family, having not met the family of Jason’s girlfriend yet.
Dinner comes with Jazz still a few inches taller than Bruce with her younger brother and twin. Behind her being the living tank and equally as tall ‘twin’ brother. Turns out he’s Bruce’s long lost brother who was stolen a few months after being born.
Long version:
A new face in Gotham was a surprise, however Tim isn’t complaining as he does look rather cute. Maybe they can be friends? Yes in spades! With the crush growing the more he gets to know Daniel over weeks of helping him catch up with class work. After a few months, he confesses during study and is over the moon to know that Danny feels the same towards him. Not caring for his family name and Tim as an individual. It feels natural and not forced like his relationship with Sam previously, she’s drifted from him as the years went on and always make sure to at least send a card for significant occasions.
Jason knows that love struck smile very well and takes great delight in embarrassing Tim until he tells him the whole story to make him stop. Having had the smile when he first met Jazz on patrol one night and Dick had the same talk with him. Also helps she’s taller than Bruce so she’s hard to miss most of the time with a fantastic personality to match.
He also helps Tim get out patrol to go to a date and not worry about the time he has to leave. It ended when Danny’s ride showed up on time.
Face hidden by the helmet like the times he picked up Danny from school. Tim guesses he’s the father of his potential partner and just hopes he can make a good first impression. The usual brotherly advice has already been thrown at him so he’s okay for most of the date with his slip ups being taken in good stride by Danny.
A first date spirals into working on projects together and going out the odd weekend for a date. Jason already does this with Jazz so Bruce knows what’s happening and doesn’t care. He’s never have much of a personal life to enjoy at times so his sons enjoying their own are something he doesn’t like to interrupt. Though he would like to meet Danny’s family…
Danny somehow manages to convince his reserved, rather anti-social older brother to take them to a fancy dinner. He doesn’t enjoy going out much thanks to how he was treated by their parents (a ‘trial run’ as he’s not really their son). However therapy is doing something to dig him out the closed off hole he’s buried himself in for the last 20 years. Trying to make up for the rage fuelled violence he’s done towards them in the past and redeem himself for all the jail time he took to return home and get everyone out to a different city with what money he’s saved. May be in the law as a broken man, there is still a heart underneath the protection he has built up to prevent any more pain to his family.
With Bruce paying for everything, who is already dreading the fact Jazz is one of the few people he has to look up to meet gazes with. Dan agrees after promises of doing all homework without complaint and drives them all in the well-designed armoured car he has built from scratch while there. It looks like a normal mid-range car so when he pulls into a parking space next to the Wayne’s there is no odd looks.
Tim and Danny embrace with bright smiles as does Jazz and Jason, well more Jason holds on for his life as she swings him around in her happiness. There must be a super strength gene in the family because Danny is just as strong as Jazz, in fact probably stronger. How? Who knows. Bruce thinks they are all minor metas existing in a normal life.
Felt like he was holding the hand of superman when he tried to do his normal intimidation tactic and almost got a broken hand instead.
Danny excitedly introduces his twin sister and his older brother: the living, breathing human tank unfolding him out the car and just as tall as his twin sister. Icy blue eyes scanning the billionaire and his kids, long black hair in a tight bun so it is going nowhere that evening. Seemingly disgruntled and annoyed at meeting them all, rather reading at home that coming to a restaurant. His glare on Bruce more than the others knowing how much political power he has in Gotham. Does not help a billionaire was instrumental in aiding his travel to Amity park when only a few months old.
He lets up a little after a jab in the ribs from his sister and just stays silent as they walk towards the entrance for a table. The poor employee going pale as they approach, mostly at Dan thanks to his height and overall size. Guy looks like he could make superman make a run for his money in a fight, which is saying something!
With that… good start? Dan does warm up after some conversation, he’s a nice person under the cold façade with some prodding from his siblings. Though he’s very cautious as their parents appear nice when they are in fact absolute maniacs who died from their own twisted experiments in the basement. No detail is given so the Wayne family guess it was very traumatising to all of them.
Additionally, Bruce can’t help but find Dan is like himself in many ways. Sure his siblings all have black hair and blue eyes like the adopted sons. However, Dan has the same build and facial shape as him, changed a little by the scars he has. That’s when Dan shares the fact he’s actually Bruce’s younger brother who was stolen by smugglers a few months after being born. Birth name Matthew Wayne and adopted name Dan Fenton. This floors everyone in the bat family as they process this and Dan just has a sh*t eating grin knowing they are having an existential crisis.
Don’t worry, Danny, Dani/Ellie and Jazz are still biological children of Jack and Maddie.
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yourlocalsonia2 · 9 months
My shitty headcanons for Nicktoons unite
Drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁
Jimmy Neutron
When the group first met, he was 13
His is currently 16 and the second youngest
he's also 5'7
He was kind of a bitch for most of their first adventure, but eventually became nicer to the group
His full name is James issac Neutron
there was a time when he convinced the group into thinking his last name was Newton but someone misspelled his name on his birth certificate
when he was 14 he gave himself cybernetic implants just in case he was ever in an emergency +he didn't tell anyone (this is inspired by choraa)
sometimes when he is alone he'll use the arms/implants doc ock style
the longest time he slept was 1 hour, 58 minutes and 26 seconds
he basically lives off of energy drinks and shit
he also is anemic (iron deficient) and he doesn't know
there are a lot of times when he doesn't have his ice cream looking hairstyle bc he doesn't have time to do it, or he'll just forget
after becoming friends with Nicktoons, he became a better person and treated Carl decently and people were scared (including Carl)
his main weapon is his inventions (think of whatever)
he knows 10+ languages (English. French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Greek, Latin, Italian, Swedish and Dutch) and a few alien languages
he's gay and he thought he liked Cindy
even though he did date Cindy for a while, he did break up with her bc their relationship was falling apart (they were literally never meant to be. THEIR RELATIONSHIP WAS GOING TO FAIL AT SOME POINT. THE BOAT WILL SINK)
Timmy Turner
Watch out y'all, I don't know shit about the Fairly Oddparents lore
His full name is Timothy Thomas Turner (haha t.t.t)
he is the shortest and the youngest of the group
he met the group when he was 12
he is currently 15 and 5'6 and a 1/2
he kinda thinks of Cosmo and Wanda as his parents and not just God parents
he is poof's older brother
he has a normal sleep schedule but he is also narcoleptic
he has ADHD and doesn't take his meds out of spite (no one knows why lmao)
he is trans (ftm)
he is bisexual with a preference for men
he may or may not have had a crush on all the members (he got over all of them except for Jimmy)
his main weapon is gun(s) both Wanda and cosmo are guns (DUEL GUNS)
his other weapon would be a bat with nails
he has a hard time with schoolwork and is really stressed about school
he has a few scars on his body from Vicky
he LOVES sugar
he enjoys using pet names on people (specifically Jimmy) to get them annoyed or embarrassed
Daniel Fenton / Danny Phantom
He is the second oldest and second tallest
he is currently 17 and 5'7
he was 14 when they first met
when the group first got together, he tried to hide Phantom's identity from them until SpongeBob told him that he knows
he can be very nice then very threatening in a snap
he tries not to sleep bc he has a lot of nightmares from his adventures
he is probably the most powerful in the group
him and SpongeBob have the ideal friendship
he makes a lot of puns and stupid references
he has anxiety
he has panic attacks not that often and it's kinda alarming for the rest of the group
he is a bit self sacrificial bc he is already half-dead
ON THE TOPIC OF HALF DEAD- he is not affected by stab wounds
his blood is green
he is planning for a day when Jimmy and Tucker meet up and they can be "science-y" together
he didn't tell anyone in his universe about his time with Nicktoons, one day they did come to see him and everyone was confused
he is very protective over the people he loves
there will be times where he'll throw up or have green goo leak from his eyes (tgs Henry Jekyll style)
his family is his parents, Jazz, Daniel (future him) and Dani (younger female clone)
SpongeBob / Bob
He is the oldest at 25
he first met them when he was 19
aroace king over here
He is a shapeshifter.
His main two forms are his normal self (sponge) and his human form
he first met the group as a sponge and didn't tell them about his abilities and they found out bc one day he accidentally turned into a human in front of them and their reactions went like this
Jimmy: *shocked, wide eyed*
Timmy: *gaw dropped, flabbergasted*
Danny: oh my god....YOU GREW, SPONGEBOB!!
After that he would spend more time as a human
he is 5'9 as a human and 4'5 as a sponge
he has the fucking hammer as his weapon bc why not
he is "glue" of the group and kinda the mom too
he is strongest in the physical strength category (he's the type of guy to hug you but then pick you up and spin you like a parent would to a baby"
he is actually a good therapist and helping the others
he'll help Danny after or during his panic attacks, he will make Jimmy sleep for once and sometimes hide his energy drinks, he'll try his best to help Timmy with his schoolwork
he is a great cook and will make for the gang
he is overworked and underpaid (I love Mr. Krabs but please pay your workers the money they deserve)
he has ADHD and autism
he pays really good attention to the others and knows there's something worth in a snap (like if Danny had a nightmare the night before, SpongeBob will know the next morning bc of how Danny acts)
They've all seen the horrors
found family found family found family found family
they've all had a crush on at least one other member (not spongebob tho)
during meals someone will tell stories of what happened in their world
they all split up after volcano island (they got back together bc of the third and fourth game) also it was still the main four during the other games (no extra side characters)
they had a split for a few years but SB brought them back together
they have this set of rules for their house
the house is in Jimmy's universe btw
Danny and Timmy both unironically got "shoo whap shoo whap ain't no lovin' my man" stuck in their heads
Jimmy's parents adore the group (not even knowing they are from other universes)
Timmy unironically calls Shirley his son and Jimmy caught on (SB and Danny are honorary uncles)
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