#and nonbinary
rainbowpopeworld · 4 months
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(Edited to add: not an actual quote from Michael Sheen - this is a meme)
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speckeltail · 1 year
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throws my hat also into the ring with a tb!riddler redesign. covered his arms up. in compensation, gave him some more embellishment on the suit and made the question mark more elaborate. I think this outfit change comes after Riddled where he realizes he needs to get his life in order and makes steps to do that, having had the big breakdown in a shipping container.
then it's "you saw me at my most emotionally vulnerable, for that I must fuck with you for the rest of all time" with batman
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thesituationroom · 23 days
how old is jon lovett’s new guy?
27 afaik
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ionlytalktodogs · 2 years
I can’t explain it I just feel weirdly empowered by reclaiming sexist tropes. Like you know what? Yes I am a femme fatale. I am a manic pixie dream girl. I am a female hysteric. I am a trophy wife. I am an ice queen. I am a cool girl. I am a business bitch. I am a crazy cat lady. I am a damsel in distress. And I can be all of these things at once because I’m a woman and women are rich and intricate and detailed beings!
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A Pocketful of Sunshine
The goblin stepped up to the counter in the coffee shop, “One black coffee with a shot of charisma, please!” The orc behind the counter whose nametag read Kansif nodded and hit a few buttons on the machine, “And can I get a name for that?” 
“Excellent, I’ll have that ready for you in just a moment.” The orc turned around and glanced at the machines behind her and they promptly started whirring. The shop was relatively empty so she turned back to Pocket, “Big day?”
“Ah, yeah,” Pocket said, hand rubbing the back of their neck “I have a job interview in like 30 minutes. How did you know?”
Kansif chuckled, “People only order charisma shots when something important is happening.”
Pocket smiled up at her and damn it was like their entire face lit up. They ran their hand through their hair and Kansif was struck by the urge to brush that hair back into place.
“Ha! Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I’m just nervous y’know? It’s basically my dream job and I really want them to like me.”
With a snap of Kansif’s fingers, another light flicked on behind them, “I’ll add a shot of lavender too.” When it seemed Pocket was going to open their mouth to protest, Kansif swiftly cut them off with, “Don’t worry, it’s on the house. While it might not be magic, lavender always helps calm my nerves.” With that, there was a ding from the machine indicating that Pocket’s coffee was ready. Kansif slipped an enchanted, heat-resistant, sleeve on the cup before she passed it over to Pocket.
“Thank you for the coffee!” They said, heading for the door.
“It’s my pleasure honestly, and good luck with the job interview!” Kansif answered, picking up a cloth and beginning to wipe down the counter.
Meanwhile, Pocket made their way to the building where their interview was being held and took a sip of the perfectly warm coffee. Huh, they thought, the lavender works surprisingly well. As they brought the cup to their face for another sip, a bit of writing caught their eye.
Pocket, I just thought you should know that I think you’d get the job even without the charisma shot. And I’m honestly surprised that I’m doing this without one myself, but let me know how it goes? Maybe over some dinner? Xxx-xxx-xxxx.
The words warm Pocket more than the coffee ever could. Of course they had thought Kansif was stunning. She was tall and strong-looking but had kind eyes and a gentle smile. And she had been so sweet to Pocket, helping soothe them and wishing them luck. And now this? It was almost too good to be true, but Pocket was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so they carefully slipped the sleeve into their jacket and opened to door to Bharash’s Books and Beats.
A middle-aged (what was considered middle-aged for a Dragonborn? Pocket should probably figure that out) Dragonborn was at the front counter, flipping through the pages of a well-worn copy of Bookseller’s Almanac: The A to Z of Storytelling and Story-Selling. Pocket finished the rest of her coffee, threw it out, and cleared their throat, “Ah, excuse me? I’m here for a job interview?”  The Dragonborn looked up and smiled broadly,
“Of course! You must be Pocket! A pleasure to meet you,” She had set down her book and made her way around the counter, offering her hand for Pocket to shake. They clasped hands, and Pocket couldn’t help but notice how their hand was completely enveloped by the dragonborns. 
“It’s good to meet you too….?” Pocket trailed off, subtly trying to spot a name tag.
“Oh, I’m sorry! Where are my manners? The name’s Bharash,” Not subtly enough, apparently, “I own the store!”
Pocket raised an eyebrow, “You’re kidding. I thought that it was a completely different Bharash who had their name on the store,” they quipped. Then immediately winced, this was the kind of attitude that ensured they hadn’t lasted long at many of their previous jobs. To their relief, Bharash just laughed and clapped them on the shoulder, causing them to stumble slightly, “That’s a good one! I sure am glad that you have a sense of humour, it means you’ll fit in just fine. Now, would you follow me to my office?” Pocket inclined their head in an after-you gesture, “Wonderful!” She glanced into the stacks of books, “Alvarie! Do you mind watching the counter for a bit? I have an interview!” Pocket saw a young sprite poke its head out from behind a particularly precarious tower and squeak back, 
“Yes of course!”
Bharash opened the door to a cozy, dimly lit office. There were leather chairs and a particularly impressive illusion of a fireplace that emitted just enough heat to keep one warm, but not too much that it was stifling. She sat down behind a gorgeous mahogany desk and gestured Pocket to a chair on the other side, “Now, Pocket, you’re applying to be our events coordinator, do I have that right?” Pocket was thankfully feeling their shot of charisma by now and their eyes lit up,
“Yes, I am!”
“Stupendous! Now, would you mind telling me why you applied and what ideas you have for the role?” Bharash sat back in her chair, a gentle smile on her broad face.
“Yeah, sure!” Pocket said, scooching forward in their seat, “There was this library back in my hometown, Mosvil, and every Tuesday night they would host this paint night. The first time I went, I completely fell in love with the space. I had never painted before in my life but the instructors were so nice and patient, it felt like I belonged there. It was this wonderful community that I had become a part of, everyone was included and it was something constant that I could always look forward to.” By now Pocket’s grin stretched across their face and their hands were flying in their enthusiasm, “Ever since then I’ve wanted to bring that sort of space to others. But not just paint nights. I was thinking of doing something different each night. Maybe painting one night, but also knitting another night. Oh and writing…” Pocket trailed off, “Sorry about that. I just get really excited thinking about it.”
Bharash let out a hearty laugh, “Yes, you sure do! And that’s exactly what we’re looking for here. I honestly don’t see any point in dragging this out, you have the job if you want it.”
Pocket gaped for a second before saying, “Yes! Yes of course! Thank you so much!”
“No need to thank me, just bring this enthusiasm with you next week. We can get started on planning and advertising on Monday, how does that sound?”
“That sounds great, ma’am!” and Bharash scoffed,
“Oh no!” Bharash sputtered, “Please don’t call me ma’am, I’m not that old, and we’re definitely not that formal here. Just call me Bharash.” They made their way out of the office and back to the front counter where Alvarie was ringing a customer through. “Well, it was wonderful meeting you Pocket, I’ll see you here on Monday. Nine o’clock!”
“I’ll be here.” Pocket smiled and stepped out of the store. 
On their way home, Pocket pulled out their phone and the coffee sleeve and entered a new number into their contacts. 
Hey Kansif, it’s Pocket! How does seven sound? My treat :) 
And so Pocket smiled, and kept smiling.
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definitelydeadduck · 2 years
what if ... trans masc nonbinary Duck?
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d4rkerthanbl4ck · 3 months
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This will never not be funny to me.
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raqualswonderfunblog · 3 months
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cityelf · 3 months
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this poem is about being nonbinary.
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wynsvre · 3 months
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hi this is a comic about me please be nice
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ohtransarchon · 17 days
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thinking about that one moment when I was about to get top surgery
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antlerlad · 6 months
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happy tdov my loves. don't let anyone else define your transness for you.
help trans women evacuate gaza
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necromimetics · 11 months
can’t stop thinking about my friend’s cishet partner who said last night that he doesn’t think anyone is the same gender. god-tier take.
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socialistexan · 7 months
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chaoticrei · 3 months
Like/reblog if you think that you don't need to medically transition to be transgender
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