#he has talked about his crushes on other men quite a few times
rainbowpopeworld · 4 months
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(Edited to add: not an actual quote from Michael Sheen - this is a meme)
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exopelagic · 4 months
i said i wouldn’t do it this time but it’s 3am and mods asleep. boy
#welcome to another episode of Luke is insane abt hockey boy!#this time featuring a guy who is actually this time almost (ALMOST) confirmed to be queer#the almost is partly me being insane because I don’t trust anything anymore#but like. there are only so many reasons you wear pride converse. that is not ally behaviour#it just threw me this time I think bc I’d been like no. heterosexual. bc I think I became aware of him when he joined the real hockey team#because the OTHER problem is that the whole time I’d been thinking he was cute as hell (bc he is) and simultaneously being like no. bad.#anyway this meant that I have actually talked to him a bunch without overthinking it this term which honestly has been very cool#not like a whole lot but we’ve played together a decent amount and hopefully will keep doing that#and yesterday discovered hes recommending other people talk to me abt goalieing which is insane to me bc I am truly not that good#but apparently I made an impression!#anyway it does not help that this guy has gotten incredibly good at hockey in the past few months#idk man I make bad decisions (I say as if this was a decision) bc it is now the end of term once again <3#which means absolutely nothing can or will happen until after summer. which isn’t an issue#I’m just frustrated by my tendency to realise these things right before I’m about to not see the guy for X period of time#I also desperately need to stop crushing on hockey boys I swear but in my defence that is the main way I meet people#I think I’m cursed actually. that would explain many things#anyway he also has exams until next Tuesday which means he’ll be at hockey next week but idk abt this week which is devastating#i just wanna have talk to the guy more honestly to see how that goes bc we’ve not rlly talked individually for an extended time yknow.#in other words we have not had A Conversation it’s been groups or like quicker exchanges#he’s kinda quiet but i can’t quite tell which way yknow. I know he’s Watching basically all the time. and he is slightly awkward#which is also kinda cute. he gets a lil rambly when he talks abt hockey and I wanna push that button more#i. topsy if you’re reading this you’re gonna laugh so hard I just realised. he’s captain of the team now.#which sidenote is INSANE bc he started playing with them THIS YEAR#but oh my god. okay.#anyway. I need to start complimenting guys more for multiple reasons but also#1. he dresses very cool 2. he caught me looking at his shirt last week without saying anything (BEFORE I caught the rainbow converse)#i compliment women on their clothes and jewellery and hair and shit all the time but I do not with men bc. I mean do I need to explain.#but ​this is so unfair I am haunted by existence of boy and here we are once again. posting on tumblr with the possibility of seeing him lik#two more times before summer. might be three or four depending on what he comes to#luke.txt
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acowardinmordor · 2 months
I kinda want a fic where Eddie is straight. Strong Ally, totally safe, but the guy is straight. There's a few months after they successfully take down Vecna that he and Robin and Steve are all besties, living in each others' pockets. During that time, he makes a lot of jokes that Steve is going to make a great housewife someday, makes some comments that aren't quite jokes that he wishes Steve was a girl, and has some very much suppressed thoughts that the only thing stopping them is that Eddie isn't attracted to men.
Near the end of the summer, before Steve is going to follow Robin to Sarah Lawrence, Steve comes out as bi to the whole group, and Eddie, for the first time, unashamedly thinks, damn, if only I wasn't straight. Steve even gets brave a few days before they leave and broaches the topic of Steve having a crush on Eddie. Keeps saying that he's not going to hit on Eddie, but wanted to take the chance, just in case Eddie had ever thought about it.
"Sorry, Steve, I only date girls."
And the awkwardness isn't the only reason the three drift apart, but it doesn't help. They send letters and post cards between Chicago and New York, and try to call at least once a month, but they're all broke, and long distance is expensive. Two years out, and Eddie knows something weird is happening with Steve and Robin, but they don't want to talk about it. They still talk, they're still friends, they'd still die for each other, but there is something they're hiding from him. Three and a half years out, and the bureaucrats finally got their act together. 'Thanks for not telling anybody' checks get sent to everyone in the know. Very large checks.
Robin graduates, and she and Stevie have a comfortable cushion. They don't have to take horrible minimum wage jobs anymore, and some expensive things they've been saving up to do for a while can finally happen.
This is where the fic in my head actually starts.
Eddie hears all about Los Angeles from Robin, but she tells him that Stevie isn't feeling great after the trip, and that Eddie will get a letter soon.
Its four months later, almost exactly four years since the three last saw each other in person when they finally meet again. Robin got a job in Chicago, and Eddie is still there, now a full artist in a tattoo parlor, playing gigs for fun with random friends. Stevie, of course, follows Robin, and Eddie tries hard not to stay upset with the guy for the weirdness and the sometimes silence, and the very obvious distance that Steve put between them recently.
Then they see each other. Meeting up at what has to be the queerest bar in the city, and it takes Eddie way, way too long to put together what's waiting at a booth along the wall. He's an ally, he's heard all the terms and types and nodded along in supportive silence because he doesn't get it, but he's trying.
But there's Robin, sitting on the outside, with a brunette beside her, possibly the most beautiful woman Eddie has ever seen, strong, tall, long wavy chestnut hair, and a spattering of very distinct moles. The little bit of a smile she has when Eddie first comes over melts into something small and scared as Eddie stares in shock. It's Stevie, it has to be, and Robin's exclusive use of what was once only a nickname suddenly makes more sense. He knows he needs to make sure he's using the right name, pronouns, whatever she wants. He's friend of a friend with a couple trans people, and again, he doesn't get it, but he listened, and he cannot fuck this up, because it's Stevie and this must be what they were hiding, but the inside of his brain sounds like an endless loop of mic feedback for a solid sixty seconds.
Sixty seconds is an insanely long time.
Before his brain turns over and he can smile and reach the table, Stevie has shrunk into the corner, and Robin looks ready to launch herself at Eddie's throat in her soulmate's defense.
A whole list of intrusive thoughts hit Eddie all at once while his mouth runs on autopilot, asking the right questions, smiling encouragingly, introducing himself to, yes, Stevie Harrington, and dragging the mood to a happy place by sheer force of will. Stevie starts to uncurl, smiles a little brighter, sits up straight, laughs properly at Eddie's dumb stories about terrible tattoos, and leans closer as the night goes on.
He fixes the weirdness he started in his shock, because there is no way in hell he's not going to keep two of his best friends now that they live in the same city again.
But his head is stuck spiraling around a snarl of horrible, selfish, invasive thoughts. The worst of which: Stevie is now Stevie because Eddie told her that he only liked girls. And he knows thats stupid and isn't why Stevie made this choice, and he hates himself for thinking it, but the thought is still there. That Eddie wanted so badly that she's now Stevie. Another, only slightly less horrible thought, is that the immediate fairytale ending he imagined on first sight - might be ruined because Eddie is still straight, and he's just not sure about, you know, the details.
Eddie did a great job that first night, and they're back to hanging out all the time as soon as the last boxes are unpacked. It is not Stevie's fault that seeing her in a sports bra for the once confirmed that the payouts, the LA trip, and her new shirt size were related. It's not her fault that Eddie can't stop thinking about how hot she is.
It's absolutely not her fault that Eddie starts getting weird around her. He's trying, okay? He's trying so hard. But its weird for him. He likes her. That part he's certain of. Loves her, almost definitely. He thinks she's gorgeous, high confidence on that part too. He has a crush, but he knows, deeper than the rest, that Stevie isn't confident in herself yet. She acts it most of the time, but its under the surface, a thread of fear that she's not girl enough to count.
And Eddie has a crush. And Eddie can't tell her. Because Eddie won't put them in a situation where Stevie's pants come off, and Eddie suddenly can't see her as the woman she is. It would hurt Stevie so bad, and Eddie would never forgive himself.
It's not like he can ask her just how much surgery she got in LA so he can prepare. And honestly, he's not sure it would matter one way or the other. He's terrified that whatever her choice, Eddie will fuck up his reaction. The risk is unsolvable. Robin calls him out on his crush two months later, and since the other choice is even worse, Eddie lies, and says she's wrong. No crush. Nope. Not even a tiny one.
Eddie tries to will himself into becoming bisexual for an entire month, going so far as making out with a very feminine twink at a club - he thought he'd ease his way into this - but he's still decidedly straight. Rubbing against the twink's remarkably small dick wasn't repulsive, but it didn't do anything for him either. Sure, he learns there's all kinds of pleasurable things to try that he didn't know about, but he's still not into anyone but girls.
(I don't know if this is the right resolution bc Ive spun Eddie pretty tight here, but this is getting so long. )
Robin's girlfriend has a party at a gay bar for her birthday. Obviously, Eddie and Stevie are invited, and obviously, just like every other day on this earth, Stevie looks incredible. She has a sparkly dress and tall boots and glitter on her collarbones and Eddie wants to lick her. His lovelorn staring only gets worse as the night goes on. Stevie is dancing, and Eddie is drinking at the bar with a collection of purses and carabiners of keys slung around and clipped to him. It's obvious enough that a gay couple - Nick and Chris - starts teasing him about it, telling him to man up and ask the pretty girl to dance already.
Eddie is too drunk for this, and he for sure has a guilt trip later for it, but he just starts talking. All of his fears and all of his love, and how he can't ever say anything because he's tried, and he's straight anyway, and he loves Stevie too much to hurt her like that. It's an entire miracle that Eddie broke down in front of a decent pair of human beings, and not some assholes. They sweep him off to a quieter corner outside, help him calm down as he smokes, and feed him some fries.
Eddie is still wearing purses like bandoliers, is snotty and red eyed, is on his third cigarette and fourth whiskey, and resisting the need to runaway forever when the older of the couple calls over someone named Angel. A woman who, if Eddie was not hopelessly in love with Stevie, would be the source of an immediate new crush. She's older than he is, thin through the waist, thick thighs, bottle blonde hair in a ponytail, and has a few inches on Eddie with her heels. The primal part of his brain wants to climb her like a tree.
'Hi Chris. Oh, honey, you having a rough night?" Angel has a few words with Chris, then grins like the cat who caught the canary.
'You're gonna be my good karma for the month, cutie. You are attracted to me, no don't try, thats a cute blush but I can still see it behind your hair, you are. You're straight, right? Yeah, that's why you think I'm hot. Hey, Chris? Do you think I'm hot?"
"Not at all, babe. You know I only go for men."
Angel turns back to Eddie and leans close to explain. 'Chris is a bit of a man whore. Loooooves dick. Don't worry, he says it all the time. Favorite thing in the world, and I've heard he's great at sucking dick. Tragically, I never get to find out, because I'm not a guy.' She pushes the word a little. Then she steps even closer so she's pressed against his side.
Arousal sweeps through him because in love with Stevie or not, Angel is hot as hell. 'Wanna go fool around in the bathroom?' she whispers
Eddie is definitely tempted, already nodding, but doesn't get to speak. Angel rolls her hips. He feels -- A new bolt of arousal shoots down his spine. 'this change your mind at all?' Her voice drops two octaves, and Eddie's brain breaks.
Because, as it turns out, no. No, it does not change his mind. He's half hard, he still wants to climb her, and he's not entirely sure how to get her off, but he takes direction well.
'Aww, figure yourself out, already, honey? Or do you want to test run this a bit more before you go for it?' Angel is back to her real voice, a high alto. She has one hand on his chest, and Eddie can hear Nick laughing nearby. 'I won't lie, I know I won't get to keep you, but you look like we could have a real fun time as I teach you. Happy to get you trained up for her'
Eddie shakes his head, an insane mix of bubbly and numb.
'Ohhh, so you're gonna go get your girl?' She's teasing him.
Eddie nods, already moving, vaguely aware of more laughter and jokes about karma and saving lost lambs, but too fixated to listen. He's still carrying all the purses. He's not entirely sure where Stevie is in the bar. He has absolutely no idea what he's going to say when he finds her. Still not sure how to worship her properly. Extremely interested in following directions on the topic.
Eddie is still straight, but luckily, the girl of his dreams is dancing inside, and the rest of the details don't matter in the face of the possibility of finally asking her out.
When he finally chases her down at a high top with a cosmo, she laughs at how he looks, but he's never, ever seen her smile like she does when she agrees to a date with him.
This is sort of about a friend as they worked through realizing they weren't attracted to their wife after she transitioned, but that was sad, and this needed to not be. I guess I'm just thinking about the non-fanfic nature of life. Where it takes a guy a long while to figure himself out, because good intentions are separate from shifting how you think. Basically wanted Eddie in a situation where he has to reconcile the difference between gender and anatomy, and rewrite his own definitions of what he is and isn't attracted to. Robin had to go through a similar thing as she became attracted to Steve but only in the abstract. They're too platonic for gender to stop their bond
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animehideout · 8 months
How about jjk men reaction if y/n has a tongue piercing? ;D
JJK Men Reaction To Y/N With A Tongue Piercing
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A/n: Thank you @luna-lunique for this wonderful request, I hope you enjoy it ❤️.
Characters: Geto Suguru - Gojo Satoru - Choso Kamo - Ryomen Sukuna.
Warning: SMUT MDNI for Sukuna's part ( ofc it has to be spicy with this man )
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Geto Suguru: Interested And Flirty
Geto Suguru is your crush, so you got your tongue pierced to match his vibe, since he's got both his ears pierced.
Your piercing wasn't healed yet, so you'd find a difficulty to move your tongue which resulted in you stuttering.
He'd ask if you were okay.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine Suguru, it's just I got my tongue pierced and it kinda hurts a bit"
His eyes would lit up with genuine surprise and interest.
A smile played on his lips, curiousity evident in his gaze.
"A tongue piercing? You've been hiding your rebellious side from me Y/N?"
You'd blush a lot from the way hos eyes were glued to your mouth whenever you spoke, trying yo catch a glimpse of your piercing.
"Didn't know you were into piercings tho! But it's a nice touch, added a bit of mystery in you".
Since he's experienced with piercings, he'd give you some advice on how to care of it in order to heal it fast.
Your tongue piercing was his breaking point, he'd give you multiple hints that he has a crush on you.
"You know people with tongue piercings are my type"
"Maybe I should join the club Y/n. A matching tongue piercing could be quite special don't you think?"
A few days later, Geto would surprise you with a tongue piercing as well, cuz he desperately wanted to match with you.
Gojo Satoru: Teasing
It was when both of you were teasing each other as always.
You'd stick your tongue out to mock him, and that's when he caught a glimpse of the jewelry that decorated your tongue.
A subtle surprised flickered across his face, eyes widened in intruige.
"Holy shit! Stick your tongue out again–Is that a piercing?"
But of course you had to tease him and hide it from him.
So you covered your mouth a ran away from him.
You think he'd give up? Hell no! he'll run after you, catch you and force you to show him your tongue.
Would pin you down, and tried to open your mouth.
"Show meeeeeee" he'd whine.
You'd bite his finger.
You got tired and gave up, so you poked your tongue revealing a cute jewelry.
"Oh someone got an extra sparkle in their mouth, is this your way of ensuring our convos are electrifying?" he'd joke.
Would observe it in admiration, fascinated by your bold choice.
Would definitely try to touch it.
"You're full of surprises Y/N! I love that"
Would appreciate your uniqueness, spontaneity and free spirit to try new things.
Teases you a lot about it but deep down he loves it so much and thinks it's hot.
"Imagine if I put a magnet is your mouth a pull"
"Ugh, I told you this for the 1673829th time Satoru, it's not magnetized".
Spoils you with different jewelries.
"Thought this one might match the sparkle in your eyes"
He'd say with a wide smile, gifting you the new expensive accessory.
"Wonder how it feels to kiss someone with a tongue piercing, wanna help me figure out Y/N?"
Choso Kamo: Concerned AF.
"Like my new piercing Choso?"
His eyes would widen in surprise and concern.
He couldn't help but voice his worries.
Approaches you with a worried glisten in his eyes, carefully opens your mouth to get a closer look at your piercing.
If it was possible he'd shove his head inside for a better look.
"Wait when did you get this Y/N?"
Bombards you with questions.
"Is it painful? Does it hurt when you talk? Omg alright I'll shut up you don't have to answer if it pains you when you speak"
Would he stop asking questions? No.
He has to make sure you're okay.
He's a caring person and his questions reflected his genuine concern for you well-being and safety.
"Does it bleed? How long does it take to heal?".
"Are you supposed to eat certain things or avoid stuff?"
You'd have to comfort him, and tell him that it doesn't hurt as it looks and that you have a high pain tolerance so you can handle it.
If you choose to joke around with him and tell him that it caused you to faint or it started to bleed, man would panic, might faint as well.
Treats you with tenderness and care.
Blows on your food if it's hot, so it won't burn your tongue and cause any infections.
Googles: How to heal a tongue piercing in 1 day.
"It looks great on you my love, but I hate seeing you in pain".
Ryomen Sukuna: Turned On.
It was when both of you were making out.
The accessory on your tongue poked his lips and tongue.
Would pull back in surprise.
"Woah woah! what was that show me!"
You'd stick your tongue out, a smirk played on his lips, a flicker of desire ignited his eyes, mirroring his filthy thoughts.
It was your plan all along, you led him on for a makeout session so he could feel your new piercing.
Instantly turned on, his pants tightening.
"Well, well, look what we have here! Someone is upping their game, spicing things up"
He'd laugh in satisfaction, excited just by the thought of what your pierced mouth could do.
"You're playing dangerous games Y/N"
Would waste a second? No! He'd want your tongue around his D.
"Come on, on your knees now Y/N! I want to know how it feels"
It made him 10x attracted to you, having your tongue pierced revealed your badass and rebellious side that he couldn't help but fall deeper for.
As you did your work down there, he'd focus in the way your tongue piercing lingered around his D.
You'd drive him crazy, and turn him into a hot mess. Only his groans are heard.
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theastrical · 4 months
genshin men and their way of apologising
Genshin men and their ways of apologising.
kaeya, diluc, childe, (alhaitham, zhongli, kaveh on pt.2) x reader (fem!reader diluc)
ps: it’s comfort/hurt, a bit angsty but with fluffy ending!! Also if you guys have triggers with cursing, this content has cursing/verbal scolding implications so please mind that before reading!
“stop doing this and that..you’ll end up being a burden.” He shuts off the door and locks it. You were just trying to help him, and unfortunately, he doesn’t like it. This happens quiet a lot, where he closed off all part of himself in order to heal himself…that’s okay, at first, but what about you? You’re hurt and he kept you out just like that; is he here to wound your heart just like the other exes who grew apart from you?
And when you start to lose your patience, he can’t do nothing about it, right? He’s just there to hurt-hurt-and make you feel as if you in deserve of such a treatment. You cried, it felt weird to cry over kaeya. He has been sweet, yes, you never doubted once that his act are truly meant for you, but at what certain point did you do to make him immediately switch up? You didn’t know, you never know. He never wanted to communicate, that’s the problem.
“if you don’t want me to help you, that’s fine, just please kaeya…talk to me like i’m a human, not somebody you can use when you’re happy. I also need a set of time to heal.” You say that-an automatic reply set on your brain to confront him even if it’s not face to face. Now door to door-you just scold him and leave.
It took him a huge amount of time to heal. he knows what he has done can’t be undone. Listening to your cries become his worst fear, he can’t just stand in front of your eyes and say sorry, he knows that wouldn’t work. That enough explains how much he hates apologising; because his apologies always ended up with him crushing over the burden of his sins.
That’s why, the next day, in the morning when you woke up. Kaeya is already there beside your bedside. Folding your palm between his. His head on the floor.
“i’ve taken your words and…* he sighs before continuing. “Apologies don’t really matter if i don’t change my attitudes, so please, if you’re still willing to give me one more chance, can i have the privilege to change, at least, for you?”…he stays quiet for a while. “Lastly, i’m sorry, i know all i did these yesterday and these past few months weren’t tolerable. I understand if you would hate me for this.”..he looks up to you, his eyes are already watery. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He hugs you and that felt so good…
A mark on your neck was left, a few peck it took for him to finally calm down. And he looks at you with a smile, even when his eyes are puffy. “I love you..thank you for still being here.”
Diluc came home quite late, it was unusual and it worries you, after all, since the day you married him. He had never been this late-he always come home with a huge surprise which is food…for obvious reason (he’s wants you to eat instead of cooking him a meal since he knew how exhausting it can be).
you were just about to ring up his phone-and suddenly a slam from the door was heard. You came to the first floor and..there’s diluc! “Diluc!” You grin, as always, you warmly greeted him, because it’s your husband, it’s diluc, what more reason to make you adore him?
You tried to help him get his bag and put off his jacket…but his bag was so heavy…whatever does he put inside his bag? Why is it so h— oh no! The bag suddenly hit your coffee cup and spilled the remaining coffee to the bag…now his bag is tainted with coffee and he-who saw that scene in front of him can’t even hide his raging eyes. Before one word to spit out-he gives off a long sigh-squinting his eyes.
“Why…sigh…it’s always you, you AND YOU who makes the worst mistake OVER AND OVER AGAIN! In the WORST TIMING AS WELL, CAN YOU—“ you replied, cutting off his words. “I-i’m so sorry diluc…i’ll help you with th—“ , “CAN YOU STOP CUTTING MY WORDS? Listen to me lady, it’s not about the bag or the papers, its about your presence…why helping you when you can’t even help yourself fix these problems, you’re helpless.”
He said that like a drunk man with no sanity behind his eyes, yet, this time, he’s actually sober, so sober he already pulled off that bag from your grip... He’s losing his patience and you know his words are the truth…still it hurts way too much. Why? Because it’s diluc, the one you called husband. tears fell and you don’t know what to do. It’s like your body doesn’t know how to move.
You look at his eyes, your mind went blank. You can sense his anger, but the tears never stop from your eyes. It’s like you just got hit by a truck. You try to left the living room to the bedroom upstair. At the same time diluc realise his action-you’re already up there-on the stair.
As soon as your foot step into the bedroom. You slowly loses the ability to numb the tears. You lay down on the comfy covers and then just cry. Sniffling. Without words, just cry and cry and cry. Realising that it was your mistake but..it hurts when he struck you with the truth that you’re useless in his eyes.
Diluc didn’t pay mind to pride when it comes to apologizing. Hence, when he heard the sniffling become louder in each breathe you took. He storms to the bedroom and hold your body to his embrace. Covering you from his face. Covering you from the cowardice and guilt he has to face. Securing you from his words..comforting you with his presence.
“sorry princess…don’t bother looking at my face if it means you’ll hate me…i don’t deserve the sight of your eyes…i don’t deserve anything.” He hugs you closer and strokes your hair, within each stroke, it felt like his hands have just won you again. “Thank you for helping me, it ease me a lot—that’s the word you need and i’m unable to fulfil that right..here i am, rejecting you, not acknowledging the effort you took just to wait for me.” He kisses your forehead before carrying you to sit on his lap. “but do believe that i’ll fix this mistake and beg on your knees if you need me to...” he look at your eye despite you not giving him a sight of your puffy eye.
“Anything for a second chance, for my princess.”
you really love cooking. It’s something that nobody really knows-cause not evedybody has seen you cook or even taste the food you cook. You’re known to be secretive about everything; Even childe being your husband, only 2 of your 100 friends know-especially with the fact that topic is on your top 10 secret list.
And being in a marriage with childe means you’ll cook 24/7, which at first seems fine with you-but lately, you’ve been losing interest in cooking. It’s like..whatever you make is just a rating of ”it’s okay” for childe. It’s like he doesn’t even bother appreciating your food. So today, you’re trying to confront him…
He’s in a badmood-that’s why he doesn’t bother to try and reach out to you. Though it’ll be very thoughtful if you actually make him his comfort food right? And maybe if you did so, he would’ve complimented your cooking? Right! So you did and you’re so happy with the result! It taste perfect! So you began serving it onto the small bowl and put the food in front of him, you immediately get some spoonful of the food and put it inside his mouth-which is hot-like BURNING HOT. You know you fucked up so badly, so you get some water for him before he said “fuck!” so casually.
“W-what’s wrong..? Sorry i burned your tongue, i really am..!!! Please dr—“ he immediately cut you off. “No…i don’t want to eat dinner, the food doesn’t even taste good…” oh. “and thank you for burning my tongue as well! It certainly helps!.” He mocked you. “Now i can speak while enduring the pain! Right! That’s what you want your husband to feel, right?” He happily grins, a mockery. Childe immediately walked out of the dining room like a child.
And he scoffs silently on the hallway, even though it’s easy enough for you to listen because he talks to himself like he talks to another being. “I should’ve just searched for another person..i can’t stay with an idiot…” and that push you towards a realization that childe always have think of you as somebody who isn’t worth of his time. It’s like reality finally gives you a sign that he’s just one lucky pull you got. You didn’t cry. It gives you a numbing feeling, an empty one.
You sat on the dining table, taking out your apron, you get some bowl of the food and eat it by yourself. Because, like childe said, he wouldn’t eat dinner, so why bother waiting for somebody who can’t even appreciate you?
Eating alone is such a complex feeling, especially in a marriage. It feels lonely but peaceful. At least it can make your mind steady for whatever coming afterwards. You did feel a bit better but..the pain of his words never left you. It never did. It just makes the heart feel more numb as the seconds passed.
You sighed and…there he is, all shy and embarrassed behind the walls, he has been spying on you since 30 minutes ago…he’s guilty as charged. When you see him, you ignored him, immediately. Not wanting to share another eye contact with that man who have insulted your ways of loving him.
He follows you and hold onto your arm before you go elsewhere, who knows what will you do if his arms didn’t hold yours. Childe is embarrassed-guilt on his face and a coward on his heart. He made you wait for a good 5 minutes, he was waiting for you to say something..but instead, childe was met with cold air.
“i’m a loser for insulting your way of loving me. I’m dramatic. I’m a brat. I’m everything that you don’t want in a man.” His head can’t even meet yours. After all, your eyes are blank and it pierces his soul. “You don’t need to give me second chance. You don’t need to treat me right after what i’ve done. A bad deed is a bad deed.” With the courage of the final sentence; he hold onto your hand and kisses your fingertips. “I will win that cold heart of yours again and again, if it means i can live with you in every life to come.”
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callmebrycelee · 2 months
I've been mulling this over for the last few days and I figured I'd just put what I'm thinking out there in hopes that someone will understand what I'm coming from. I'm reading a wonderful fanfic where Buck leaves the 118 and goes to work at Air Operations. He is paired with Tommy and the two of them strike up a friendship and an eventual romance. I'm only a few chapters into the story and there's a conversation where Buck and Tommy are relaying their backstories to each other. Buck talks about getting crushed by the fire engine, the subsequent surgery and setback, and him suing the LAFD. Tommy talks about his time in the Army and ultimately joining the 118. He goes into vivid detail about every single awful thing he did to Chimney and Hen. He ends the story by telling Buck that even though the Chimney and Hen chose to forgave him, he can't quite move past his guilt and works hard daily to become a better person. The thing I've been mulling over is the concept of white guilt and how it often triumphs over forgiveness extended by people of color. I find this so funny because even when people of color, esepcially Black people, are at their most vulnerable and open, whiteness still finds a way to be greater than.
Now I'm not here to excuse any of what Tommy did during his time at the 118, but I have to admit that the majority of the people I have seen taking umbrage with Tommy and his behavior, even after he has been forgiven by those whom he offended, and even after he has taken strides to change, are white, non-queer individuals. And before we making this a B*ddie versus BuckTommy situation, I have seen individuals from both sides of the fence taking Tommy to task.
Before I jump into my thoughts on this, let me just say that I'm a Black man. I'm also a queer man. Most importantly I'm a Black queer man and let me tell you a little something about poor behavior from white people. It happens so much and so frequent that oftentimes I don't even see it happening until I am allowed to have a moment to process and reflect. With that said, quite a few of my close friends and acquaintances are white and all of them at some point have said or done something deliberately or accidentally offensive to me. Now not all Black and/or queer people are a monolift so let me make this very clear right now. I am speaking on behalf of myself and myself only.
Now that I've gotten out of the way, I will say that in any and all cases where I have been offended, my forgiveness is more for myself than the other person. Forgiveness is something I do to protect my peace. I fundamentally understand how whiteness works here in America and I understand how it operates. You don't get to half 39 years as a Black queer person without learning this. Especialy living in the the south. I also realize that at the apex of whiteness is the white, straight male and whether we realize it or not, we all, for the most part, at some point, seek proximity to him. You see this happen with white women, with Black men, and evenwith gay white men. In fact, the only group you don't tend to see this with is Black queer women and I believe this is because they are truly the antithesis of the white apex.
With that said, any time my friends or acquaintances have behaved badly, especially towards me, especially regarding my race and/or sexuality, I understand where that energy comes from. I really do. And, if we are being truly transparent here, there have been moments in my younger existence where I actively participated in the oppression of Black women and queer people. I, too, was a Tommy who hid myself by participating in the toxicity directed towards queer people. And yes, I felt tremendous guilt for my actions when I had time to reflect.
Here is the thing people forget about guilt. Much like grief, guilt ebbs and flows, and it doesn't really go away. What happens, or what should happen, is that your world gets bigger and bigger to the point where that grief or that guilt doesn't occupy as much space. That's exactly what I believe has happened to Tommy Kinard. Yes, he still feels bad about what he did to his friends back then (and he should) but his world has gotten so much bigger since then. That guilt that was once a loud roar is hopefully only a whisper now because he has done the work to understand why he behaved the way he did and has taken strides to be a better version of himself.
So, to all the white, non-queer individuals out there who have been taking Tommy to task for things he did a long time ago, things he's been forgiven of a long time ago, parts of himself that he has made better, ask yourself this one simple question. Why should my guilt (white guilt) be bigger than the forgiveness provided to him by those he offended? Second question I would ask you to ask yourself. Why am I demanding that Tommy actively punish himself and be punished for something he has already been forgiven of? When you answer that question, there is one last question I want you to ask yourself. Why am I feeling guilty and projecting that guilt onto someone else?
Again, I am not excusing any of what Tommy Kinard said or did during that time of his life. I just find it strange that so many of you are condemining him of something he once did when you should be asking yourself, am I actively participating in the oppression of those around me. There's a 99.9% chance you are so maybe focus on your own garden before you start asking others to clean up theirs. Also, for those of you coming at this from the angle of, well we didn't see Hen and Chimney forgive him. So what! Unless you have a camera following you around 24/7, no one will ever get to see you be forgiven of the fucked up stuff you've been doing. Most of all, stop projecting onto fictional characters. It's weird. Okay, those are my thoughts. Do what with them what you wish. As always, these are my opinions.
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fernandopiastri28 · 1 month
tags: f2 alpine oscar x mark webber's daughter
warnings: daddy issues?? poor father-daughter relationship, jealousy
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Anyone but webber - Oscar Piastri
Rule 2: Don't avoid your problems, face them
For the next few months, she finds just about every excuse to not see Oscar. She’ll leave the house if she knows Oscar is coming around, walk in the opposite direction of him if she sees him at the fair and few races she does attend, actively doesn’t follow him while still viewing each of his posts.
It’s anything to try and compress that crush on him, because lord knows if she does allow herself to openly like him like she wishes she could- it’ll end abysmally, likely in tears. Either she’ll find out Oscar feels quite literally nothing towards her, or her father will somehow get inbetween them, and it’ll just be awful and uncomfortable. 
That’s not to say she doesn’t miss their interactions though. Sometimes, her dad borderline forces her to talk to Oscar, and each time, it just feels so right. He’s so nice, and he’s funny, and he’s just everything. In any other situation, she would’ve made the first move a while ago- but it’s just not meant to be, and she knows that.
She hates when he waves at her from across the garage, or smiles at her while he’s deep in conversation with her dad, because it just makes everything harder on her. Her dad tries to bring up Oscar during their dinner talks around the table and she consistently shuts down the topic of him which leaves them in complete silence.
Because if Mark can’t talk about Oscar, he just won’t talk at all.
So by avoiding Oscar, she loses 2 people- Oscar himself, and her own father.
What a fucking shit situation. 
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It’s a few months after the first initial dinner with the three of them that Oscar is invited over for a second one. After a lot of debating with herself, she decides not to stick around to see him. She makes up some excuse about having pre-existing plans to catch up with some friends from secondary school that she plans to tell her dad, until she realises he’s not going to care anyways. He doesn’t need a huge explanation for her, because if anything, he’ll be celebrating some time to talk on Oscar one on one, so she settles with just saying that she’ll be out for the night. 
When she does tell him, he gives her a tight smile, telling her to go have fun and to stay safe. She doesn’t hear the end of whatever he’s saying because she’s already out the door, and he doesn’t take notice to it anyways- too engrossed in his work.
As much as she’s bummed that she won’t be seeing Oscar tonight, she already knows that as long as her dad is around to be invested in their conversations- it’s not going to be anything overwhelmingly enjoyable for her.
Sure, he’s very pleasant to look at and is someone she definitely enjoys being around, she’d rather hangout with him if it’s just the two of them. If she’s given the option to tag along with the two men- she’ll just skip it. it’s enough to see him at the occasional races she tags along at, or the few times he appears on her explore page or timeline. 
Truly though if it was up to her, she’d gladly see him far more often- away from her father, and just able to speak to him for hours on end, but he simply doesn’t have the free time for that, nor would he likely want to, so she settles for pixels on a screen and his prerecorded voice.
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Her night dies pretty young as the dinner with her friends ends earlier than expected, and she can’t really be bothered all too much to stay out drinking for much longer, so she signs off for the night and makes her way home. The living room lights are clearly still on as she stops in front of their house, which means her dad is still up.
If he’s still up, Oscar’s still here. Maybe, hopefully, her dad is all talked out and has retreated to bed by this point, leaving Oscar for her to talk to for a while, maybe. It’s an unlikely maybe though, because Mark Webber isn’t one for getting tired of talking, especially when the topic is Oscar or involves Oscar in some way.
Her key slips into the keyhole, rattling around a few times before the door clicks open. Sure enough, that familiar woody and peppery scent fills her senses, and the view of Oscar follows soon after. He looks so domestic, rugged up in a thick alpine hoodie. Differing shades of light and dark blue especially flattering his features. 
“Hey Oscar,” She leans against the door frame, slightly celebrating when she notices her dad isn’t present in the room. She kicks of her shoes, nudging them across the floor into the corner of the room.
“Hey Spider,” He grins, already using her nickname on their maybe 5th time meeting. She’s given up on telling him to not call her that, because at this point, it’s growing on. It’s so familiar, so intimate and endearing. 
“Mark told me you were out tonight, ended early?” Mark, it’s better than referring to him as ‘your dad’, it takes away some of the awkward shame she gets that she has a crush on her father’s employee. 
Because that still just feels a thousand degrees of wrong.
There’s a beer can right in front of him, dripping condensation onto their wooden table. There’s not a coaster in sight and she would bet a hundred dollars that Mark assured him it was fine if he just ‘leaves the drink there,’ and ‘don’t worry about a coaster’. Whereas she would’ve been scolded over and over for ‘ruining’ the wood. 
Oscar has about every privilege from Mark that she never gets. He can’t make a mistake in her dad’s eyes, but that’s all she ever does.
“Yeaaah, just feeling kinda tired” Her fingers clasp on the zipper of her jacket, pulling it down. She shrugs it off, hanging it on the hook on the back of the door. “Also figured I’d enjoy talking to you for a bit if you were still here,” 
When she looks back up at him, he’s holding a tight stare at her. He’s smiling a little, the corners of his pale lips twisted into a stupidly cute grin. “I’m honoured you’d choose me to talk to,” He shuffles around in the armchair, picking up the beer can just to have something to fiddle with. “I think your dad is upstairs, doing some organisational things for next season. Thought it was just gonna be me for a while- so,” He swallows, the muscles of his thick neck flexing hard, “Thanks for coming back early,” 
She takes a seat on the couch next to the chair he’s in, leaning towards him as her elbow rests on the arm of it. “I clearly just sensed you were lonely and tipsy,” She shrugs, watching him take a tensed sip of his beer. 
“Not tipsy, not tipsy at all,” He defends, shaking his head as he places it back down in front of him. “I’ve had about 3 sips over the course of 2 hour. Not a huge beer person, was more just to be polite to Mark,” His cheeks are decorated in a rosy flush, either from the cold or, the beer- or most hopefully, from speaking to her.
She’s often too hopeful for her own good.
“I’ll finish it for you if you really don’t want it,” She offers, watching him slide it towards her almost instantaneously. “Thanks,” It’s warmer than she’d usually like to drink beer, but the especially warm feeling on the spout where his lips had previously been sends stupid, lovestick excitement through her already slightly inebriated body. 
It’s kind of like they’re kissing, kinda.
God, that’s such a childish crush thought.
His mouth open slightly to allow his tongue to nudge out, dampening his lips, “Where’d you go tonight?” He asks, his fingers nudging into the ridges of a throw pillow under his arm, distracting his hands now that he doesn’t have the can for that.
“Just some bar,” Her tongue rolls around along the inside of her cheek, an oral fixation to keep her occupied. “Nothing fancy or anything, probably more boring than your night,” He flushes at her tease, his jaw pushing forward to conceal the grin on his face somewhat.
“I doubt that. I love racing, but the actual logistics of everything I have to do, that's not actually just driving… not as glamorous.” He purses his lips, his teeth gritting like he’s desperately trying to think something through. “I was sorta hoping you’d be here tonight,” 
It sets off fireworks in her stomach, a burning sensation from her scalp down to the tips of her toes. It’s like finding out your middle school crush likes you back, or kissing some cute boy during a game of spin the bottle. It’s not much, just a casual and meaningless arrangement or words, yet it’s enough to get her all flustered and awkward. 
“I came home early just to see you, if that means anything,” She pours the rest of the liquid courage down her throat, gagging at the lukewarm bitterness. It tastes awful, but anything to get her to force that confession out into the world is worth it. 
He doesn’t reply for a few moments, just stares blankly ahead at her. His eyes seem to burn holes into her, like he can see past the confident facade she puts up. Like he sees her. She’s not his boss's daughter, she’s not some paddock girl, she’s.. she’s her own person. 
In the seconds following, Oscar’s gaze doesn’t falter once. There’s a moment where if feels like nothing in the world exists outside of the cozy living room, that they’re completely isolated from anything beyond themselves. 
It’s strange to think her dad and his boss is quite literally tapping away on a computer upstairs, just out of ears reach.
Her lips feel awkwardly dry, so she fumbles around with her hand in her pocket, grabbing out a lipbalm. She smears it across her mouth, just staring at Oscar as he looks back at her. They don’t say a word, not sure where to go from here. There’s not necessarily any regret she feels from what she said to him, but it would be a whole lot easier if he would just say something in response.
After what feels like an eternity, he finally breaks the silence, his voice soft and a little hesitant. “It does,” He nods, that stupidly endearing little smirk on his face. He’s just so stupid, stupidly perfect, stupidly cute, stupidly not allowed to be hers. “It does mean something,”
His smile widens, his bunny teeth just slightly more apparent. She thinks they’re just about the cutest thing about him. “I’m glad you came back, I was hoping we’d finally get the chance to talk,” He gestures vaguely with his hands, and she’s come to notice how charasmatic he is with his hand movements when he’s speaking, “You know, outside of the racing scene.” 
He pauses for a moment, his words stuck on the end of his tongue, “Without your dad around,” 
This is a moment she’s forced herself not to think about ever since the first time she properly met Oscar. She’s forced her crush on him to the deepest depths of herself for so long. So now that it’s happening, she doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do. Does she lean in? does she kiss him? Who makes the first move?
Those questions stop as before another one can procure in her mind, Oscar’s stood up from his chair and moved onto the couch. The space between them isn’t even the smallest it’s ever been, but, god, he feels so close.
Oscar’s eyes flicker down to her lips for a moment, and she’s so grateful she put on that lipbalm on just before this. She wonders what his lips would look like if they kissed, if her pink and glossy lipbalm would get on his lips- hard cold evidence of what they did together.
 Her breath catches in her throat as his eyes meet hers once again, “What happens next?” His voice is low, like they’re sharing a secret. It is in a way, no one can ever know about this. It’s going to be their precious little secret, something they’ll smile about when their eyes meet in the paddock, that they’ll get rosy cheeked over at dinner when their fingertips touch. 
The words are on the very tip of her tongue, ‘just kiss me’, her brain is begging her to just get out with it, blurt it out. There’s something in the way he’s looking at her, verging on depraved, like he’s waiting for her to be the one to make the first move.
She bites the bullet, taking control over the situation, “I think we stop pretending this is just friendly,” She conceals the shake in her voice, “And we stop worrying about my dad being a factor in this,”
Oscar’s eyes light up at her words, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.  It’s like he’s been waiting for her to say that, and now that she has, there’s no turning back. “I like that idea,” he leans in closer, his breath warm against her cheek.
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last chapter, next chapter
sorry for the cliffhanger!! but i hope u guys liked this chapter and i've already started chapter3, so you wont be waiting too long
taglist: @prettiest-at-the-party, @forza-charles, @sltwins, @sweetwh0re, @lucktales
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Just Sex
Summary: Melissa is hooking up with the chief at the firehouse, so you decide that you can have your own fun.
WC: ~2.1k
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After the failed relationship and proposal with Gary, Melissa has been going out to bars and staying out late at night. She finds herself in bed with quite a few men and women, and while she’s not thrilled that she’s back to this lifestyle, she’s impressed that she still has what it takes. Getting older did not make it any easier to attract people.
But then one night she sees the fire chief out at the bar, one thing leads to the other, and they’re in a friends with benefits sort of situationship.
Of course, all of this comes out when you’re renewing your CPR training certificate with the Abbott clan, and Barbara has made it quite clear that she’s upset Melissa didn’t tell her of this relationship before.
You had been busy trying to pass your test, but now it’s your partner’s turn to go, and you tune back into the world around you.
“But if I were gonna label it, I would say it’s just sex,” you hear Melissa tell her work wife in a low voice.
You don’t really know what she’s talking about, but you shrug it off. That is, until Janine comes back into the room and asks for the gossip. Barbara of course goes off, claiming that her friend of over fifteen years trusts her no more than a common street stranger. It becomes apparent to you that whatever hookup situation they’re talking about has been going on for a bit of time now. You feel a nasty pit settle in your stomach at that.
That pit only grows when you go out with the crew after the CPR course to celebrate the fact that you all passed. Of course, conversation leads back to Melissa and Jacob both having sexual relations with people from the firehouse.
“Well, I think I blew that one,” Jacob groans as he finishes off his aperol spritz. “But let’s talk about you, Mel Mel.”
“There ain’t nothin’ to talk about,” the redhead waves him off. “It’s just casual sex.”
“Casual sex that’s been going on for how long?” Barbara asks with a raised brow.
Melissa purses her lips as she thinks. “Couple weeks now?”
“A month,” Jacob cuts in. “C’mon, Melissa. When are you just going to admit that you like him?”
“I do not,” she states very clearly. “I just need something to take the edge off for me, and… he does that.”
“How kinky is it?” Ava asks, a smirk on her face.
Jacob opens his mouth, and Melissa very quickly shoves her hand over his mouth. “You say a word, and you’re out on the curb faster than you were out with Zach.”
The man’s eyes widen, and he nods quickly. She pulls her hand away from his mouth, and he breathes a deep sigh in relief. 
“I’m not looking for a relationship or nothing… not unless the right person comes along,” the second grade teacher says as she finishes off her beer.
Barb turns to look at her work wife with a curious face. She knows of the little crush that her best friend has on you. Melissa just nods at the kindergarten teacher’s silent question.
But you don’t take it that way, because you have no idea that Melissa has had her eye on you since before she broke it off with Gary. You see it that you have no chance with your favorite coworker at all.
Feeling as though you could burst into tears at any given moment, you quietly excuse yourself from the rest of the outing and head for your apartment.
“What was that?” Melissa furrows a brow and purses her lips as she gazes in the direction that you left.
“I’m sure it was just a long day for her is all,” Janine tries to come up with some sort of logistical reason as to why you would leave early. “I did have a meeting with her before school even started today, so she’s been up for quite some time.”
Everybody seems to accept that reasoning, and they continue on with their night.
The next day, you march yourself into Ava’s office bright and early.
“Girl, what are you doin? I’m tryna get this knot out of my back,” your principal groans as she shuts off her personal back massager.
“I need your help,” you tell her, not even bothering to acknowledge that she isn’t doing her job at all.
“With?” She leans forward just slightly in her chair.
You smile at her. “I know you know a bunch of people… set me up with someone?”
“Oh, girl,” she laughs. “What’s gotten into you? Every other time I’ve asked if you want someone, you decline!”
“Just… thinking I should get myself out there,” you shrug. “You know? If Melissa can do it, so can I.”
Ava’s jaw drops. “So this is about Melissa.”
“I knew you had the hots for her!” the principal grins. 
“What? Not! I- I just figured, if everyone else can have at it, so can I?”
“Oh, girl,” she laughs in your face. “This ain’t you at all, but I am in full support of it. Give me til the end of the day, and I’ll have someone for you.”
You end up going out with a woman that night that Ava set you with, and you do end up actually liking her… and she’s pretty damn good in bed.
The next morning, you’re practically glowing while you drink your morning coffee in the break room. Julie, the woman that you ended up in bed with last night, is texting you about maybe meeting up again later this week.
And if you weren’t still in love with the redhead that comes in a few seconds later, you would say yes. Instead, you send her a text that says, Maybe. Kinda busy the next couple weeks.
She texts you back a picture… a rather scandalous picture. And you blush when you see it.
“What’s got you all giddy today?” the redhead asks as she leans over. She sees the picture before you can close out of it, and her eyebrows creep up her head.
“Who’s that?”
You shrug. “Just someone Ava set me up with.”
“Ava?” Melissa asks in disbelief. “How long have you been seeing her?”
“Not long,” you tell her. “It’s just sex, really.”
The redhead folds her arms over her chest. “I didn’t think you were like that.”
“I’m not, but I figured I might as well give it a shot,” you say. “Now, I have to head to my room to finish up some of my grading, but I’ll see you later.”
You don’t have any intention to see her later. And you don’t. You pull back from her and her group- although most of them still find their ways to you. It’s mostly just the redheaded second grade teacher that you avoid. And it happens that way for a few more days.
You’re in the break room heating up your lunch when Ava comes in. “Girl! Are you gonna text Julie back or not?”
Melissa makes her way in, and you sigh. “It’s just sex. I’m not looking for a relationship or nothing… not unless the right person comes along,” you unintentionally repeat what the second grade teacher had said out at the bar. The microwave indicates that your food is finished, and you pull it out before heading back down to your classroom for lunch.
You miss the scowl on Melissa’s face, but Ava sure as hell doesn’t.
“Girl, you jealous or something?” the principal leans in with a smirk.
“What would I be jealous of?”
“That someone else is hitting that hot piece of ass,” Ava says like it’s obvious. The second grade teacher rolls her eyes, but Ava continues. “I see the way you look at her. Practically undressing her with your eyes every time she walks into the room.”
Melissa crosses her arms again. “I can’t believe you set her up with someone if you knew I like her.”
“I was hoping it would give you a swift kick in the ass that she was gonna start hoeing it up,” Ava shrugs. “Now admit that you’re jealous before everyone else comes in here.”
“Okay, I’m jealous,” the redhead relents. “But it don’t matter anyway. She isn’t lookin’ for anyone- she just said that.”
“She said, and I quote, ‘I’m not looking for a relationship or nothing… not unless the right person comes along. And girl, you’re that person for her!”
Everyone else starts filing in, and Ava makes it so that she looks impossibly bored, although she is actually quite the opposite. “Okay, I’m leaving this snooze fest.” She heads out, but not before giving Melissa a subtle wink and tap on the wrist. “Get it, girl.”
That day, Melissa sits thoughtfully during her lunch period about what Ava said… maybe she’s right? But she can’t be sure, so after dismissal duty, the fiery second grade teacher heads down to the front office and bursts into the principal’s office.
“Schemmenti,” Ava grins. “You do it yet?”
“I ain’t doin’ nothin’ until I’m positive Y/N has a thing for me too,” Melissa sits down across from the woman. “So tell me what you know.”
Ava spends a long time telling the redhead about the various times she’s caught you checking Melissa and only Melissa out, how you always seem to linger around her during events, how the two of you are almost always partners for things now and how you being around always makes her soft and you absolutely bask in her warmth. She even confesses that you went down to her office to ask her to set you up because of Melissa.
“You convinced yet?” the principal asks after ten minutes.
Melissa bites her lip. “Yeah. Okay.”
“I’d make a move quick though. She said something about potentially seeing Julie today.”
“Isn’t that going to piss off your friend that Y/N might leave her for me?”
“She ain’t my friend,” Ava says as she files her nails. “I made a dating profile for Y/N and picked the first mildly attractive woman I saw.”
“You’re unbelievable sometimes,” the redhead pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Maybe, but ain’t you gonna go get your girl?”
Melissa stands from her chair and thanks the principal before rushing out and down your hallway. She hopes to catch you before you head out for the night. And of course, because you’re a dedicated teacher, you’re still there prepping for tomorrow. She knocks on your doorframe and leans against it.
“Just a sec!” you reply cheerily, not turning around yet. You’re hands deep in soil for the gardening project that your students will be participating in tomorrow.
“I don’t got a second,” Melissa says. You whip around at her voice.
“Hey,” you sigh, all joy in your voice gone.
“Don’t go out with Julie tonight,” the redhead tells you.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because I want you to go out with me instead,” she tells you seriously.
“You’re dating the fire chief,” you deadpan.
“I ain’t dating nobody because the only person I want to date is you,” the redhead admits.
That gets you to drop the dirt that is currently in your hands. “What?”
“I told everyone I was just having casual sex and wasn’t looking for a relationship unless the right person came around because… because the only person I would want to be in a relationship is you, and I didn’t think I had a chance.”
“Melissa, are you an idiot?” You ask her. “I’ve shamelessly flirted with you since you broke it off with Gary and practically thrown myself at you in hopes that you would pick me instead of some random hookup.”
She crosses the room, and she’s kissing you before you even know what’s happening. You instinctively kiss her back, and… wow. When you pull away, you quickly wipe the dirt off of your hands before pulling her in close again.
“Don’t go out with Julie tonight,” she pleads again.
“Don’t go out with the fire chief anymore,” you mumble against her lips.
She nods and mutters, “I already called it off. You cancel on Julie, and meet me at my place?”
You end up at Melissa’s house within the hour, and she wines and dines you. And then you end up in her bed seeing stars. Your legs tremble for what feels like forever before she makes her way back up to you.
“And just so you know,” she husks into your ear. “There ain’t nothin’ casual about this. This ain’t just sex.”
Tags: (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22
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thesirencult · 1 year
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The Tower, The Fool
This is someone you would never expect to have feelings for you. You view them as distant, private an cold towards you and others. There is something magnetic to them and, at times, they let their cold façade go. Then, you get to experience a different side of them. They may have played with children in front of you or taken care of an elderly person, assisting them to cross the street. This person loves animals and has a soft spot for them. This reminds me of a strong, tall man who build a sanctuary for chihuahuas after his wife left him. Now he takes care of them and encourages other men to break the stereotype and adopt a smaller dog.
So, this person could also be tall and either lanky or lean-muscular. Others see them as intimidating and may try to avoid them in social situations (like coworkers not inviting them out for a drink after work).
I don't think they'll express themselves. They feel very ashamed of their feelings for you and believe that you see them as "not good enough". This has nothing to do with the way you treat them and has everything to do about their own perception of themselves.
They are very innocent at heart and get hurt when people exclude them. This tells me that you must have treated them like your "chihuahua". You are the one who encourages them and offers help or a few kind words. They love your kind and sweet nature but it's hard for them to show their true emotions. You will notice them get shy and anxious around you, like a little kid. Give them a chance by letting them get closer to you.
Judgement, The Magician, 5 Of Wands
This person is very fair and just. They will love every single inch of you and they won't shy away from telling you that. You see yourself as "not being good enough" and the person who has a crush on you will pick up on how you feel immediately. They will try to get you to see your beauty and will get sad when you talk bad about yourself. They just don't understand how someone as perfect and beautiful as you doesn't realise their own strength and beauty.
This person is a master manifestor. They just know how to alchemize energy and change their physical reality. They will see that you have this ability too and they will admire how you are trying to forge your own path. They have probably manifested you into their lives and they'll idolize you a lot.
If there is an age gap (5+), this person will try to hold back and act as a mentor towards you but, they are very competitive with others and possessive. Their feelings will shine through when they sense someone else trying to get with you. You'll notice their absurd behaviour, call them out and they will just kiss you.
"I'll show you why I'm acting this way." And then smooch 💋.
Queen Of Cups, 7 Of Pentacles, 5 Of Pentacles
Okey-dokey! My sweet Pile 3, if you are not into girls or feminines, I would advise you to choose another pile. Otherwise, if you choose to stay, this energy could resonate with your personal journey towards love and abundance.
I'm seeing a very sweet soul waiting for you. This energy is very light and free-flowing. You may not have met this person yet, because of divine timing. I'm getting that when you meet them it will be "love at first sight". You'll catch them doing something random, like picking up a dumbbell at the gym or petting a dog, or even voting (?).
This "exchange" from afar will drive you crazy cause you will know nothing about this person and you'll think you will never see them again. I see that fate has other plans for you.
This feminine is your future spouse and she is very into personal development at the moment. They will be preoccupied with finances and they are trying to clear up "abundance blocks".
At first, they will seem reserved and preoccupied with other things. You'll exchange a few looks and sparks will be flying, so this is a case of a reciprocated crush.
They are quite happy with being by themselves and working on their coins and foundations for their future. I bet you'll hear them talk about that and you'll think "Baby don't worry, I'm your future 💋."
Slowly you'll start talking and I hope you make the next step otherwise they'll never ever let you in.
But, after you get closer to them, you'll realize that they are a very deep and wise person and not just sunny all the time. Actually you'll think of them as darker and lunar. You will love their passion and mysterious disposition. Be their fearless protector and their rock to climb up to and watch the sunrise.
The Hierophant, 9 Of Cups, Queen Of Pentacles
Right now you are going through a "level up" phase. I don't even know why you are waisting your time here. Lol. You are quite independent, fierce and unstoppable. You are also trying to manifest someone like you.
The person who will soon come towards and confess their crush on you is not someone overly "hard". They are quite dreamy and soft. They like ice-cream and long walks. They will take you on romantic dates and worry that you don't like the scenery because you are not talking that much.
This person sees you as a boos b*tch. They admire you and have put you in a pedestal. I'm hearing "Let me service you Queen.". They like "ice-cream" ! Oh my! This person really wants you and they would jump through hoops to get to you.
They'll pass all your tests with flying colours and you will keep wondering how they are such a good match for you. Let them feel like you are in control and they'll submit to you.
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dalliancekay · 8 months
Crowley is not stupid, Aziraphale is not an idiot and other assorted thoughts
Or how nothing is black and white and my bullying home and religious trauma is a metaphor not a direct translation to what our immortals experience. And vice versa. -
I don't know what it's like to hang out on Earth since the beginning but I'm sure it is richer than we can imagine we could imagine.
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Our two favourite, currently men shaped beings, are captured for our storytelling enjoyment when their time on the Green Planet is about to be cut off.
One has been thrown out from their family home ages ago, we are not sure for what misdemeanour exactly, and is now working for a dumpy place where they don't mind inflicting pain if you misbehave nor do they care whether a trial is fair. So, a mafia, basically. And our hero is tasked with collecting new additions to the unhappy family on top of that. He doesn't much care for it and seems to do the bare minimum only.
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The other has been sent to the young planet to guard the indigenous humans and told something vague about an Ineffable Plan that will all work out when there's a War in a few thousand years, which 'our, the Good, side' will win and everyone will be happy. Just tell the humans to behave and if they don't kick up a fuss, we will welcome them Here.
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And Here is a vast, empty place, well lit, with busy, lonely bees working and filing, and checking, making sure rules are in place and are followed as written and everything is ticking over; the higher ranks' punishments rare but swift. Everyone has learnt a lesson when half of them were unceremoniously fired when someone said some nasty things about the CEO. So things might not be perfect but at least if you stick to your tasks you will be left alone.
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So, we meet demon Crowley, whose family threw him out as mentioned above and his job sucks and he hates it but it's not hard and his placement is rather a nice place so he does his best to not to lose the position. Sometimes he wonders what is the point of it all and that's when he runs into his adorable archenemy, the angel Aziraphale.
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Aziraphale was sent to Earth and given a job, one that doesn't seem to quite work out (or does it?) as he follows his heart instead of the rules almost immediately but surprisingly is not punished for it by the CEO. So he spends his time helping the natives, following orders he receives as best as he can and when he runs into his archenemy the demon, he feels a certain strange tingle and flutter in his heart at the sight of the rulebreaker.
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They have done a fair job of it for 6 millennia. They avoid getting fired and even manage to take on each other's tasks to lighten up the load and the (pointlessly) random business trips (does anyone Up or Down there ever heard of geography?)
When we meet our heroes in present day-ish, they've been told the End of the World sequence has been triggered and life as they know it is about to end. 
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How do they feel about this? Well. Our demon is appalled. He knew this was coming. But not really. It's just something to sort of work towards right? After all, the Earth has been developing rather nicely. The alcohol got better, the food for his Angel, the music got interesting, the clothes tighter... He's having a good time. Yes, he pushes his luck sometimes. Sleeps too long, gives in and saves someone instead of ruining them. He gets into all kinds of tangles to spend time with his crush. He is rash but he's not stupid. He knows what's at stake. But he's angry. And sometimes that's hard to contain. He does go too fast. But Aziraphale is always there to catch him. And if he can't, he waits and worries and is there when Crowley returns.
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So about the angel? He knows he should dislike the demon. He knows he should follow his directives. He knows he should not meet or talk to Crowley. And what does he do? Gets himself arrested in his fanciest silks so they can have crepes when the world and humanity is bringing them down with their relentless hate towards each other. He puts on a magical performance when the demon fails to deliver some contraband liquor in the midst of the Blitz bombing.
And, now. Here's the funny bit. Angel has gotten himself a part time job in the past few centuries. He's had a few before, but not quite like this. He has a place he loves now. A safe, cluttered place where a demon is welcome. It's not much like his original home. You could say... it's rather quite the opposite of it. In any case, he never really got on with his managers but tbf he likes his job. It makes the humans happy and he loves the humans and loves making them happy.
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He also does not want the world to end. But his fam has always told him that once this bit is over, an even better one will come along. What that bit is was never quite explained but then, asking questions was always frowned upon and rather vehemently so. He's noticed this from the get go... unlike a red headed angel he once knew...
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What is my point?
That neither Crowley or Aziraphale are wrong. Or right. Doing the correct thing. Or not. Me. You. We come from broken families, we have been friends and lovers with bad people, we have escaped religions, cults, home countries. Lies. Rules. Hate. We have fought for our love to be recognised as love.
Crowley and Aziraphale live in a world where Heaven and Hell is real. Where Satan rules over a smelly place with mould on the walls and God is engrossed in her sci fi novels and seems to have forgotten about Her Earth project.
You can't call Aziraphale stupid for believing in God. She exists. Whether She has a plan is open to debate, sure. She seems to have claimed so at some point, but then, we all change don't we. Maybe She changed Her mind and forgot to tell the upper management. Maybe She thought She didn't need to spell out all the details to them so they kill Job's kids. Maybe She was vague on purpose much in the style of King Henry II and Thomas Beckett.. Anyway. Back to Aziraphale, our angel on Earth. He is kind, has hope, wants to believe after thousands, millions of years. And this is not stupid. Aziraphale does and is brave, courageous things. And he's slowly learning to trust himself more too. To know the difference. It started with the sword and his overthinking on the giving away of it. He made a decision to protect Job's children. Risked Falling for it. Trusted the demon over his bosses. Not because Heaven is WRONG. Yes, they are. But the thing is they don't care. And Aziraphale does. He cares about humanity. And he cares about Crowley.
Nobody noticed (or did they) how our two field agents fell in love (neither did they tbf) and how fiercely they guard the little secret they share. The smiles and the glances, the small flowers of hope that things can change one day.
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And they did change. Plan A, War and Destruction, did not work out. The youngster they sent from Below decided he likes the new place and refused to ruin it. They both learned things. They are still learning. The demon how to trust again. The angel how to question things.
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So what's next? The place Above is going to send their trusted agent. He followed the rules last time seamlessly. It did not quite work out but no problem, they'll send Him out again. With a rather more final arrangement.
In the meantime, the disgraced and rather troubling Earth agents have been lying low. Unsure of their places and overall safety, they went on with their lives as best as they could until the angel happened to help his former boss run away with his paramour from the other side and is visited by the Big Boss.
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Big Boss wastes no time and suggests to our angel he should come back Upstairs and take the place of his disgraced superior. To use his skills. To be better looked after I suppose. New opportunities. To be close to the big upcoming decisions or - under a close watchful eye.
Aziraphale, not surprisingly, refuses. He does not want to put any of his 'skills' to any good causes but his own. But then. THEN. He is not so subtly made aware that his dangerous liaisons with the other side have been noted and his help in the latest Complication might not go unpunished if he's not careful.
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And this job offer suddenly seems FAR more sinister than it did 15 minutes ago. Especially when it is handed over with a coffee (that he does not much like) from a place called Give Me Coffee Or Give me Death.
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Our angel goes home to cautiously tell his demon about the trouble they are in and his world comes crashing down around him.
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This post turned out to be completely different to what I originally wanted to write. Is there a point? You decide.
Aziraphale's decision makes complete sense, he loves the Earth, his home and Crowley over and above everything else. And he WILL fight for their safety. AND the humans in the process if he can.
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This is my very first Tumblr post. Way to go me etc. Please be kind.
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Short story ~
First time with Reiner Braun 🌺
Female-bodied reader X Reiner Braun
Reiner had been acting strange since the two of you shared an interrupted kiss a week ago - and now you're partnered together on wilderness training. What could possibly go wrong?
Includes: Confession of love. 18+ only ~ fluff ~ smut
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Reiner had been acting weird all day, but you couldn’t really blame him. The last time you were alone together, you'd ended up locking mouths in a steamy kiss. You hadn’t spoken about it since – You hadn’t really had the chance. Between training and having your classmates around, it was a perfect cover to avoid a potentially awkward conversation.
When Shadis announced that for this exam, you would be teamed up together, you both internally groaned.
You had another two years of training, and you were bound to wind up alone together again at some point. You'd both made sure that during the entire hike, you didn’t let one silence befall the conversation, which would force you to talk about the inevitable subject of the heated kiss.
It was quite comical, actually.
Constant talking either about your task, your friends, or at one point even pondered and speculated if a person got a sunburn in front of a cannibal; would the cannibal start watering at the mouth?
Anything to not talk about the kiss.
It’d been a whole week since the incident and it wasn’t like you didn’t want to address it. The both of you just didn’t want to know the other's thoughts on the matter. You both had serious reservations about it; you were totally focused on training and not fooling around, unlike some others in their class.
And yet…
The kiss only fanned the flames of the huge crush Reiner has had on you since day one. The crush that, over the last twenty months, had developed into something a lot deeper. He’d kill for you. He thought about that only earlier when you had made a joke about something and it really tickled him to the core; resulting in a loud belly laugh. So, when the sun was starting to set and you had found a good place to camp for the night… that was when things would inevitably go south.
“Hey Ba- uh, y/n?” Reiner called out in a chilled horror. Not only from the slip of the tongue but also from what he had discovered in their shared backpack.
You were only a few feet away, starting a campfire when a small laugh left your sweet lips. “Did you almost call me Bertolt?”
No. I almost called you “babe”
“Uh, yeah. Sorry. But we have a problem.” “What is it?” You frown, heading over.
He pulled a large, folded bit of material out of the pack. “…We only have one tent.” You looked at him like he spoke another language. “So? It’s not the first time we’ve had to share a tent with a partner during training. I had to share one with Jean last year.”
I bet Jean would have loved that…
It was a running joke amongst the men about when they had to share sleeping quarters with the women, and how they’d lie on the very edge, all limbs tucked in and never once touching them for fear of a testosterone-induced erection.
“Yeah, but I’m a big guy.” He lied, not once being concerned about that at all. “Get over yourself.” You chuckle, nudging him playfully as you returned to what you were doing.
Reiner solemnly obeyed and began to set up the tent, his frown pulling at his face the entire time. He will not get any sleep – being so close to… you. Alone… Miles away from anyone. After you'd kissed. He swallowed hard as he fumbled with the poles, wanting to be out of this situation. Reiner Braun was desperately in love with you and he was supposed to be keeping away. If you kiss again, he’s a total goner. There would be no way he could reject you if you reciprocated his feelings, even in the slightest. Luckily, the kiss had been interrupted so he didn’t know how you truly felt. He thought that if he never knew, it’s a problem he would never have to face. His fingers clumsily began to fix things together; you already had the fire going and preparing dinner. His eyes almost began to water at the thought that he was about to get your famous, amazing cooking. Sasha had been furious he was paired with you. His chest tightened and his head became fuzzy. He wished he didn’t have to be in such a complicated situation; he would just ask you to marry him already.
“You need help?” your voice called over after he dropped the pole fixtures for the third time. “Huh? Uh, no I got it.” He wavered a hand dismissively without turning around.
What the hell am I going to do? He panics in silence.
Eventually, the sun had set and the tent was erected, the two of you sitting by the fire after you'd eaten. The warm orange glow of the flames encased the two of you cosily, as Reiner sat back and patted his stomach in awe.
“Amazing. As always.” He smiled. “Thank you.” “I’m glad you liked it.” You beamed beautifully.
Surrounded by the trees under the stars and being embraced by the warm glow of the flames; You now began to feel weird about the intimate moment you'd had. It wasn’t very often you had time alone and your feelings for him remained the same since. The pair of you sat back, gazing up at the stars in comfortable silence.
“It feels like we haven’t stargazed in forever,” You commented quietly. “I bet Marco is looking at them now too.”
“Yeah, he will be.” Reiner marvelled.
Another silence.
He noticed you had been pretty quiet since you began relaxing by the fire. You were wondering why he hadn’t mentioned the kiss. He’d had plenty of time now. Maybe he regrets it? You bite your lip at the thought, eyes lowering to the flames sadly. God, he’d grown on you a hell of a lot and you resented that fact. It hurt to think he didn’t feel the same. Reiner noticed this.
Shit, she looks sad. Is it because he hadn’t mentioned the kiss?
Should he ask? There’s no way he would ever stand for you feeling down, let alone because of him.
What the hell should I do?!
His brain hurt. More so, his heart. You flinch a little in surprise when he slowly crept his hand across the ground and intentionally skimmed his skin across your fingers. He didn’t look at you though. It was his way of sending an impossible telepathic message of; Don’t be sad. I can’t say it but God, I love you. You, however, assumed it was an accident.
Ah hell. I’m going to have to mention it. I can’t see her feeling down.
He took a deep breath.
“You alright? You look a little down.” His usual façade of serious, concerned solider coming out.
“Oh? I’m fine.” You lied.
He knew you were lying. He knew you too well.
“It looks like it’s going to rain though.” You noticed the thick clouds that were rolling in, beginning to block the view of the stars. “We should get some sleep.” “R-right.” Reiner nodded, deflated. He didn’t know what he expected. His heart, body and soul ached for your lips against his again, but his mind screamed to stop being an idiot. As you go inside to get ready for bed, he stood and began to snuff out the flames of the fire, along with any hope he’d had of being with the woman he was so desperately in love with.
Sure enough, as you lay facing away from one another, the sounds of soft pattering began to tap the tent above your heads. You lay back-to-back with as big of a gap between you as possible; what the small tent would allow anyway. Reiner’s arms were tucked up around his chest and his eyes were wide. You had your limbs tucked away too but that was for a different reason – as always when you camped out, you were freezing. It didn’t matter the season. As soon as that sun sank below the horizon, your body temperature would drop. Reiner on the other hand was like a big insulated heater, sleeping in just his underwear under his sleeping bag. His heart thudded harshly against his large chest.
She’s just there! Kiss her! Talk to her! Tell her how you feel…
He’d been close to telling you a few times over the course of the last month or so. He couldn’t help it. Even before you shared that kiss, his feelings would bubble up to the surface and almost spew out of his mouth. He’d always managed to stop himself though, although it was getting increasingly more difficult each time. You were just so… perfect. And he had to say something before Eren sinks his claws into you. It was evident how he felt about you, too. Heck, half the class had some sort of crush on you. Not only were you extremely attractive and half of his classmates wanted you, but you were strong. Smart. Funny. Caring… His eyes closed in a frown as he listed the endless attributes he loved about you in his head. He was fighting a losing battle, and he knew it.
Bertolt. Annie. Marcel. I’m sorry. I tried… I really did.
He glances back and that’s when he noticed you curled up in a ball, shivering. His eyebrows furrowed. “…You cold?” “Y-yeah.” He instantly turned onto his side to face you, his sleeping bag rustling against the fabric of the tent.
“You should have said something. ‘C mere.”
With a sigh, he sat up and began unzipping your sleeping bag. “What are you doing?” your teeth chatted. “Helping you warm up. I doubt you wanna get sick and miss training.” You averted your eyes away from him when he unzipped his bag and fastened them together into a double. You knew he slept in his shorts. Your breath catches in your throat as he wraps his big, strong arms around you and pulling you back against his warm chest; heat rolling off him and encasing you like a huge bear was holding you. His scent rolled off him and embraces your sense of smell, relaxing you immediately. He kept his pelvis away from you, his manhood already stirring awake and he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
“T-thank you.” She whispered, still trembling. “Don’t mention it.” He sighed, silently kicking himself.
I definitely won’t be getting any sleep now.
Your heart almost stops when his head rested and lay between your neck and shoulder, his hot breath blanketing your skin. Rushes of unexpected heat ran down your body to in-between your legs and seemed to just pool there. His brows furrowed behind you; inhaling the intoxicating scent of you silently. Although he was trying his hardest not to brush his hips against you, he still felt so comfortable having you in his arms like this, like you were supposed to be in them. He was meant to protect you. To care for you. To love you. His mind flutters back to how he’d almost told you he loved you before. He’d hinted so hard but you just looked at him like he was crazy, not understanding what he was trying to tell you. When he was around you, it was like all of his troubles just melted away. Colours seemed brighter, his worries were brushed aside and life was just… amazing. You made him laugh, he could tell you anything (almost) and you always knew what to say to make him feel better after a particularly rough day.
But to him, the best part of it all was how excited you got him for the future. One that was bleak and full of sorrow was spun upside down and into a promising one, brimming with all possibilities.
“I have something I need to tell you.” He said softly, not able to stop himself this time. Maybe it was being this close to you that sent him over the edge. Or maybe it made it easier that you were facing away from him.
“Hm?” you hummed softly; your eyes closed and enjoying the warm embrace.
“…I love you.” That was it. It was out. There was no way to suck those words back into his lungs.
The tense, pregnant silence within the tent was only filled by the light tapping of the rain against the material that covered you both. He felt you tense in surprise, eyes flying open. You swivelled around to face him, eyes searching his narrow golden orbs for any sign of deception. But there wasn’t any. A crimson flush washed over his cheeks.
“I… I mean, you know –” he began before you silence him by pressing your lips against his. Both of your eyebrows pulled back as if pleading above closed eyes, his hand cupping your face, thrilled to be kissing you once more.
You pull away, your own pink hue colouring your face. “You… Love me?” you ask, voice soft and sweet.
He pressed his head against hers, closing his eyes and nodding. “ y/n, I’m crazy about you.” He whispered in honesty. “I always have been.” “…How crazy?” you teased, trying to tear away any awkwardness or negative feelings in his confession. He smirked. You know just how to make him comfortable. He grinned slyly, looking in your eyes. “Oh, absolutely insane. I should be getting carted away to the asylum, with Sasha and her potatoes behind me.” You laugh beautifully, heart swelling with joy. Even that dumb little exchange, confirmed to you that you definitely felt the same.
“So, you don’t regret that kiss…?”
“Of course not.” He replied, eyes returning to a desperate pleading. “I was just having a hard time accepting that I’ve come to cadets to be a soldier and…. Ended up meeting the woman I wanna marry.”
Every word that left his lips felt like a warm pleasant jab to your heart. “You… Wanna marry me?” you whisper, totally blown away by the intensity of this confession. “I do.” He admitted shyly. “You don’t deserve anything less. It’s just how I feel… Sorry” “You know…” you whisper shyly. “It’s more efficient to share body heat when you’re both naked.” His eyes enlarged and his breath caught in his throat, causing him to cough. You let out a cute giggle. “That’s if… You’d want to.” You added adorably. “Are you sure?” he whispered, praying you would say yes. You nod in reply. “I want you, Reiner.” You breathe. “I love you too. I want… you to make me yours. I want to be yours.”
Reiner was bombarded with emotion. Elation. Excitement. Arousal. Not to mention he was beginning to wonder if this were a dream. If he were going to cruelly wake up next to Bertolt and his weird sleeping positions. There’d been countless times he’s imagined you uttering those words in his head; sometimes while stroking his own cock. He’d lost count of how many times he’d furiously tugged himself while you occupied his mind. But as his feelings for you deepened, they became less and less so; guilt always creeping into his conscience. He just respects you too much.
He propped himself up on his elbow, running his now trembling fingers through your hair. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He breathes. “You won’t.” You shake your head. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to, I under –” He put his arms under the sleeping bag with great speed and shuffled a little, before pulling his shorts out and throwing them to the side. You let out a laugh when he returned to his original position with haste. He returned your laugh.
“Okay…” You muttered shyly. “Look over there for a moment”
He turned around obediently as you begin to nervously undress under the now warm sleeping bag. All he could hear under the movement of you undressing yourself was his heart pounding in his head.
There’s no way this is real and happening.
His cock was already hard at the thought of you undressing inches away from him. His previous reservations about being teamed up with you quickly washed away as you threw your clothes to the side, before nestling back down and hiding under the cover.
“Alright… You can come back.” You inform him. At the speed of a firing bullet, he turned back around; painfully keeping his eyes glued to yours. His arm flinched, about to pull you back into his embrace but he hesitated. “Are… you sure?” He asked again, not able to believe the situation. “Yes.” you giggled, nervously. His arms snaked around you, his narrow orbs keeping their gaze on your eyes as he pulls your now naked form against his.
His eyes enlarged and jaw slackened when he feels your satin soft skin against his, bare breasts pressing against his hard chest and your lower stomach and groin against his solid erection. A gasp parts your lips as you feel, not only how hard he is, but how big.
“R-Reiner…” you couldn’t help but stammer, your face heating up as well as your insides. A pink hue raises over his cheeks, not having really thought through the situation.
He was nervous. He was excited. He was close to hyperventilating.
Your lips softly press against Reiner’s once more, fingers grazing across his scalp, your breathing heavy and needing. His arm snakes around your stomach, his brow pulled down and creased while his nose pushes out a blow of air, his heart hammering and his cock leaking with pre-cum. You could feel it weeping against your flesh as it throbbed and danced against your lower stomach.
You pull back for a moment; “Reiner. Only take me if you’re going to cherish me. This won’t be a one-time thing for me…”
He catches your gaze, lips parted and eyes still hungry. “Of course. I meant what I said.” You smile - elated at his words as you return your kiss, hands roaming his ridged, solid muscles. His mouth moves down to your neck, with slow and tender kisses - each one sending jolts of searing hot electricity through your entirety.
Reiner’s breath is deep; quivering and panting as he tries to hold back his eagerness and excitement.
“I’ve wanted you for so long…” He groans, his large palm pushing your arm above your head as he hovers over you a little, his fingers interlocking with your own, still kissing you deeply.
The pink hue across his face was deepening to more of a crimson, his eyes heavy-lidded and jaw slack the entire time. The way he kisses you is with such compassion, such tenderness. He grazes his large nose against yours, hands caressing your hair as he keeps himself steady over you, before gingerly rolling on top of you completely, keeping himself suspended with his forearms. He made sure every single graze, every grope was as gentle as possible - afraid of his lumbering huge form would somehow break you as you explore one another’s bodies, tongues entwining in a slow dance within your mouths. Deep, short groans vibrated his throat and chest from time to time, and not once did that furrowed look of desperation leave his face.
The only sounds that could be heard were the kisses, whines and groans as well as your laboured breath and the pattering of rain against the tent. He suddenly stops the kiss, placing his head against yours and rubbing his large thumb across your cheek, back and forth.
“I’m happy to just do this.” He breathes, wanting to prove to you that he really was just so happy you felt the same. “We don’t have to do anything else.” “I want to…” You reply, the snake coiled within wrapped far too tightly to be ignored now. “I want you to make me yours. Really, make me yours…"
He nods - returning his kiss, his top lip folding as his lusted haze results in him missing his mark slightly. God, it was hard for him not to touch you between her legs. But he’s a gentleman. He didn’t want to unless he knew one hundred per cent that you were sure.
Taking his fingertips, he nervously and slowly grazes them down your stomach to your pubic bone, pausing before taking a leap of courage - his calloused pads grazing down your clitoris and to your soaked lips. You both gasp at the sensation. The feeling of his warm, large fingers against your most intimate area was indescribable. And for him, your thick slick was heavenly.
“Is this all for me…?” He whispers in awe and disbelief, his shoulder flexing with his movements as he continues to slowly stroke you. You nod, biting your lip. He swallows hard, eyes closing for a moment before returning to yours. “It’s my first time. I won’t last long.” “I don’t care.” You groan, pulling him by his head for another deep kiss.
As much as he wanted to enter you, he refused to allow himself yet. Instead, his lips trail down your body, your eyes locked onto his broad back, flexing with every tiny movement as his head moved, his lips connecting with every inch of skin it could find - his hands gently rubbing and massaging - memorising every single gasp from your mouth. Every hitch of breath. He would remember where he’d been when you'd made those noises and made sure he damn well took it all in. His kisses remained so gentle, so tender…
He lets out a gasp as his hot breath caresses your skin - it was satin soft and felt better than he'd ever imagined. “Reiner…" You breathe involuntarily, fingers running through your own hair. A groan vibrated his entirety hearing you say his name in such a way. Your tone, desperate. Wanting him. Needing him. All things he'd day-dreamed about for two whole years. And it was actually happening. He felt like the luckiest man in the world. He was going to savour this moment. He leans back with shaking breaths, his fingertips gently grabbing your calf and lifting up your leg, his eyes not leaving yours as he grazes his lips down your inner thigh. Before you knew it, your back was arched in such wonderful pleasure as he leans down and encases his mouth over your bloom.
You watch the muscles in his shoulders and back flex under his skin as he slowly and sensually makes out with your slit, placing your leg up over his shoulder. "Ah~~" You melodically sing, eyes clasping shut. He grunts into you, the vibration of his vocals only adding to how good it all felt.
He tries to ignore his aching cock, now so hard it was dancing in rhythm of his pulse, begging for some friction as he watched the love of his life bare and vulnerable in the most beautiful way for him.
His tongue pin-points your bundle of nerves and he begins to flick it and roll his warm, wet muscle against it.
The deep cherry hue across your cheeks darkened further as he relentlessly invades your most sensitive spot.
How can this feel so good…? Your legs began to shake and you try your best to stifle your moans, biting down on your finger.
Reiner continues, slowly massaging the insides of your legs as he works you, his brows still furrowed and desperate, eyes now closed as he drinks in the moment. Something primal was taking over him and it was all so new. This was his woman. He'd die for you. He was made to protect you, make you happy and feel good. He whimpers into you, unable to handle all of these feelings and emotions.
He begins to rock his head up and down, his mind flashing of how jealous every single one of his friends would be if they knew. But he wasn't going to tell them. This moment was sacred to him. Your fingers run through his hair as it felt as though you were being pushed higher and higher.
"R-reiner…" You whimper as you reach realms of pleasure you didn't even think were possible. He picks up his pace thinking about how he hopes and prays you would use him for all of your needs in the future. If you're ever feeling fired up, he'd be more than happy to just have you ride his face into bliss and nothing else.
The golden moment approaches as he relentlessly keeps flicking his tongue until you go higher and higher and… Your legs tense and begin to shake, eyes close as you rides your huge orgasm through heavens gate.
Shit… Reiner thinks, totally now boarderlining into feral territory of arousal, having his love come undone into his mouth.
He slows to a stop when he feels your legs relaxing, his mouth not stopping and trailing kisses hungrily back up to your stomach, breast, neck and lips.
"You're so perfect." He whispers heavy lidded between kisses and burying his head into your neck. "I love you. God, I love you…"
Tears pricked both sets of eyes at how heightened and intense everything was.
"Make me yours…" You whisper back before nipping his earlobe with your teeth. He instantly returns to your face, cupping it and his muscular back hunches - his free hand grabbing the large base of his shaft.
“You ready for me, baby?” He breathes. You nod. He lines up his gleaming, pulsing head before pushing gently, your tiny entrance being invaded by him as he hisses, your finger returning to your teeth to stifle how amazing you feel.
He pushes harder. “ Y-y/n…" He whimpers, totally overwhelmed both with physical stimulation and emotion.
He gently removes your hand from your mouth. "Don't try to be quiet… I want to hear you. I want to hear how good I can make you feel…" He pushes again, a little firmer, his head popping in past the first hurdle. You cry out in surprise, pleasure and a little bit of pain.
“You okay?” He asks, sounding like he’s just finished sprinting a whole cross-country race. He paws your head gently. “Yeah…” He pushes again, your tight insides slowly ingesting him like a snake with a large meal - your ridges massaging him as they spasm with glee around him - his moans now a lot louder than before, as he jitters to a stop at the hilt.
“Fuck…” His tone sounds like he’s about to burst into tears as he slowly starts to pull out and slide back in again.
He's always tried his best not to curse around you, but this time it just poured out of him from how good it all felt. It felt like he had to fight the urge to burst into tears of joy just from how amazing it all felt. Encased snuggly, deeply inside of the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
The full feeling of Reiner Braun was better than ecstasy, his girth pushing and stretching you, his cock bending up slightly at the tip, already pushing against your g-spot as he trembles above you. With each slow thrust, your pleasure being pushed to an impossible new high, your nails sinking into his large back as you clung onto him for dear life - tears pooling at the corners of your orbs from how amazing it all felt. Like the only two people in the world were you and him, souls connected and swirling around the cosmos in the eternal dance of lovers.
His fat head that curved up slightly kept hitting a spot you didn't even know you had, making each slow drag of his king cock feel even better. The full feeling of him was beautiful, his short pubic hair also friction against your previously licked sweet spot.
Reiner didn't know what to do - it was all too much but in a good way. He'd never felt such pleasure like it and his hands roam your body; breasts, ass, hips, legs, face… he's spoilt for choice.
He pushed himself right in and stopped, his heavy breathing steaming up the air as he presses his forehead against yours. Your tunnel spasmed and clenched around him, massaging and milking him with strength.
"Urgh…" He groaned loudly as he feels your insides gripping him and trying to pull him in further. "S-so beautiful…" He runs his fingers through your hair gazing into your eyes. He pulls back and thrusts, this time more firmly. Your breasts bounced and eyes closed, your lips parting.
"Look at me…" He husks.
Your eyes open and lock onto his in a haze.
"I want you to keep looking at me…" he swallows hard as he painfully slowly drags himself out, before pushing in again.
"Ah ~ ! Reiner ! I can't take it, it's too good…" You beg, not really knowing exactly what you're begging for.
"Let me do this…" he pulls out slowly. "Whenever you need me to… please…" He thrusts harder.
"Ah ~!" His hand gently takes your chin. "Promise me you'll let me fuck you forever."
"Yes! Yes! Reiner, I - I'm going to…"
“Oh, baby…” He groans, eyes rolling as he plunges a little faster. “Me too. It feels so - n’urgh. So good…”
“Reiner!” You sob hysterically as you snap, coming undone around him as your legs tremble and head throws back. As you unravel around him, your name leaves his lips over and over and over again, each time louder than the last, as his thick and large cum shot explodes inside of you, his atomic detonation causing mass devastation as his legs quiver and eyes cross.
He leaves himself buried inside of you as he catches his breath, desperate whimpers escaping his vocal chords as he plants frantic kisses against your neck and cheek.
You stare into the void, the violent after shocks of your orgasm sending shivers throughout your entire body, the spasms of your insides squeezing and releasing Reiner's slowly softening dick.
"That was... amazing..." You hear him from somewhere below you as you're still floating in the clouds of satisfied haze. "I - I told you I wouldn't last long."
You silence him by running your fingers through his hair.
It didn't matter.
You were together now and nothing was going to take this high away from you.
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euovennia · 2 years
short and sweet | ghost/soap/könig
sorry to the anon that it took me so long to get out, i've been dealing with some stuff but here it is! thank you for requesting, and as always, i hope you enjoy <3
pairings: ghost x reader, soap x reader, könig x reader
warnings: bigotry, misogyny, people just being jerks, canon typical violence
summary: in which three buff military men become all too aware of your struggles. (based on this request)
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simon 'ghost' riley
when the idea of simon having a crush comes to mind, i feel like he's one of those people who prefers to observe them from afar rather than have direct interactions with them
so that paired with the fact you're not in the 141 and you're mute, it's gonna take a very long while until you two start interacting, at least a few months after he realizes he's taken a liking to you
they'll usually be pretty short and sweet, but not in the typical sense you may be thinking of
i'm thinking something more along the lines of giving each other a small nod of acknowledgement when you pass each other in the shooting range; him having already practiced and you just barely walking in to start practicing
and honestly? he's completely fine with this arrangement
in fact he prefers it
he still gets a chance to give you a once over without getting distracted from the things he wants/needs to do throughout the day, he considers it a win
but when your target practice slowly begins to overlap with his, he's a bit surprised to find that he doesn't really mind it all that much
there's something oddly comforting about knowing you're just a few stalls down from him
and of course there's the added benefit of him getting to see you and your signature sniper rifle in action
for those of you wondering, yes, he's become quite aware of your talents
how could he not when soap made himself comfortable at his table during meal time and went on about, "a real cute girl and her impeccable aim."
soap's words, not his
and it continues on like this for a while, you two continuing on with your unofficially official meeting times
it becomes comfortable and familiar, two things simon isn't quite used to, but two things that he's quite content with
so he can't help but feel a little empty when you stop attending your unofficial meetings at the shooting range
he's more frustrated with himself than anything cause, let's face it, he's not the type to let himself get comfortable/familiar with just anyone so he's honestly more annoyed that he let himself get attached when he hasn't even made a move to properly talk to you (what a silly goose)
anyway, in true simon fashion he decides to deal with it by not dealing with it
in other words, he just kinda continues on with his routine because he's become so numb to the idea of people leaving his life (no matter how big or small of a role they played) that he doesn't bother acting out on any emotion he has if it does happen
and i think after a while he'll just kinda end up pushing you out of his mind (despite the fact his eyes are fully glued onto you whenever he sees you around base)
so when you walk into the range and make yourself cozy at your usual stall, he's a bit frazzled
so much so he ends up packing up his equipment and making a beeline for the exit
but it's at this moment he bumps into a particularly bratty group of recruits they'd gotten not too long ago
he has to practically hold himself back from snapping the poor kid's neck when he asks simon if he'd seen you enter the range
call it extreme, but the mocking smile that stretched across the recruit's lips as he said your name just ticked him off
simon is a man of intuition and so he can already tell something's not quite right so, curious, he just gives off a gruff, "yes," before waving them off
he's surprised that he manages to bite his tongue when he can hear of the recruits whisper a small, "what a fuckin' arsehole," as they walk away from him
cue him silently stalking after the group and being met with the sight of them crowded around you as you lay flat on your stomach, hands still steady on the rifle
he watches as you line yourself up to take the shot before eventually resting your hand on the trigger and pulling it, only to miss when one of the recruits purposefully kicks at your shin
another recruit makes herself comfortable beside you with a grin spread across her lips as her voice rings out in a mocking tone, "aw, poor thing missed her shot again. it's a wonder she's made it this far."
while his eyes narrow in confusion at your lack of response, it only eggs the girl on as she nudges your shoulder
"still can't talk, i see," she lets out a wistful sigh, "that's a shame. i think you'd sound really pretty screaming out for help on the field."
another recruit takes this as their chance to jump in, "guess we'll just have to leave her stranded. better for us anyway, no dead weight."
the girl by your side rolls her eyes, "we probably won't even get the chance to abandon her, she's so tiny. she'd probably get squashed like an ant before we could even try anything."
her remark elicits a laugh from the small group of recruits, but ghost certainly isn't smiling when he approaches the group and stares down at them with his trademark glare
they can definitely feel their souls leave their bodies when they look up and see him standing over them menacingly
it gets even worse when he opens his mouth, "that any way to talk to a fellow soldier?"
they all just kinda stumble onto their feet at his words, not bothering to say anything as their eyes remain pretty much glued to the floor
he's not having it though so he'll repeat his question, tone louder and meaner than before which causes one of the recruits to just let out a meek, "no sir."
too bad it was the one who insulted him earlier cause he immediately steps in front of them and just kinda, "what? arsehole not good enough an insult for ya?"
you, still lying on the ground and watching everything unfold, can't help the small smile that tugs at the edge of your lips as you witness the way the man's face visibly pales
upon receiving no response from him, simon straightens out his posture before point over to you and speaking once more, "you better pray that girl is more forgiving than i am, because if it were me, you'd all be covering your own asses out on the field."
he watches with great joy as they each begin to shift on their feet uncomfortably before dismissing them in a gruff voice
after making sure they left, simon makes his way back over to you who is still lying on the ground with your rifle as you line up your shots once more
he feels a small wave of pride overcome him when you hit your target perfectly
so much to the point where he walks over to you and spills out a quick, "good aim," to which you'll look up at him with those gorgeous eyes of yours and give him a small nod of acknowledgement
his eyes narrow, "you don't talk much, do you?"
you simply shake your head
he'll give you a quick once over before looking down at his watch and realizing the dining hall will be closing soon
tempted as he is to just walk away, he can't help but wonder if you'd already ate
so he speaks again, "dining hall is closing in a bit. you're free to join me if you haven't eaten yet, was just on my way."
you pause for a bit and give it a bit of thought before nodding and packing up your stuff before eventually walking out of the range with simon by your side
you don't have the heart to tell him you already ate
but when you look up and see him quickly avert his eyes from you and onto the pavement beneath your feet, you don't see why you even would
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john 'soap' mactavish
when i tell you this man was gone the moment he saw you, i mean he was GONE
he genuinely couldn't believe someone as sweet and lovely as you could exist in the same space as him
but the moment he sees you shoot that gorgeous little rifle of yours with a precision that could only be described as pure, raw perfection? it's over. he's all in.
i'm talking, 'fuck me up and send me straight to heaven. this is how i die.'
he's so down bad for you it's insane
and i imagine soap can be quite confident and charming when he wants to be so best believe he'll have no problem in walking straight up to you and trying to strike up a conversation
i'd like to put emphasis on the 'trying' part of that last bit because it becomes quite clear quite quick that you're don't talk
maybe the 'quite quick' part isn't so accurate because it probably takes him a minute or two before he finally catches onto the fact you don't talk
in other words, it takes you pulling out your phone and looking up a volume muted symbol and pointing at it before motioning to yourself for him to catch on
he just kinda makes an 'oh' face before letting out a small chuckle and saying something like, "i see now, why didn't ya just tell me that before?"
and you're just looking at him like ???
but he's looking at you like :)))
yeah he's being a little ridiculous right now, but he just got back from a long mission and he's quite sleep deprived so don't mind him he's just being a silly goose, ok?
but truth be told, that dumb little first interaction doesn't even really matter in the long run because it's the bold initiative on his part that makes it so easy for the two of you to become friends
you spend a lot of time hanging around one another and your once carefully planned, scheduled days turn into unpredictable blurs that are jam packed with soap getting the two of you into trouble
i imagine you've become quite familiar with the stoic face of captain john price
but really, how could you not?
especially when soap catches onto the fact that price is more inclined to let soap off with a warning for whatever trouble he's got himself mixed up in whenever you're around
he may be older than the rest of his team, but he knows that dopey grin soap's got plastered on his face whenever he's around you means he's extra sweet on you
and who is he to stand in the way of his boy's happiness with some extra chores?
he's a total dad <3
because you spend a lot of time around soap, i think it's fair to say that you sometimes end up pushing off work in favor of hanging around the scotsman
and really who could blame you?
he's got a dazzling smile, a charming accent, and a sparkling personality. you'd be a fool not to soak up all the time you can get with him
but that just means whenever he does end up leaving for missions, that's when you really buckle down and start getting all your piled up work done
it can be frustrating and a bit of a bother, but knowing your schedule will be completely free (at least for a little bit) as soon as he gets back is more than enough to get you through the tedious work load you've allowed yourself to accumulate
only this time it's a bit harder to remember that
and it's all because of your newly assigned CO
he's a bit of an older man, which isn't a bad thing
at least until you find out that his mindset lines up with the ideology of a 1950's working husband
you know, the kind of guy who believes it's a man's job to go out and work a job to provide for his family while his wife stays home and takes care of the children, house, and meal prepping
in other words
a complete and utter bigot
so between trying to complete all the work you'd so foolishly neglected in your time hanging out with soap and trying to stop yourself from snapping your superior's neck every time he grabbed your rifle from your hands with a condescending, "careful! wouldn't a small thing like you hurting yourself with this," it's no wonder you couldn't remember that today was the day soap was returning from another one of his top secret missions
in fact, the thought doesn't occur to you at all until soap pulls up a chair beside your desk and makes himself comfortable while you're looking over some paperwork your darling CO had left you because he, "works too hard and needs a break."
more like a break in his skull, but to each their own
anyway i can definitely imagine soap carrying around a small notebook that you use to communicate with him when you can't be bothered to watch him try and fail to decipher your hand movements
and yes, he totally brings it on missions with him just so he can open it up and trace over your handwriting with a gentle touch and a soft smile and oh my god imagine confessing to him like that (i'm kinda dying to write an imagine based on that now (mute or non-mute reader, i'm down for either tbh) so lmk if you're interested!)
when the two of you break apart from your usual 'welcome back' hug, he'll slide the notebook over to you as a simple question falls from his lips, "since when do you do paperwork?"
and this just prompts you to let out a huff and roll your eyes before snatching up the notebook/pen combo and writing out all your frustrations on the pages
it's safe to say this man is absolutely floored when he reads through it all
frustrated and angry as he is, he doesn't outwardly express it
he simply grabs the heap of paperwork sitting on your desk and promptly tosses it into the nearest recycling bin before grabbing your hand and leading you off to something completely unproductive and time wasting
it's exactly what you need
the night will eventually end off with him walking you to your room and offering you a sweet hug with a small lil kiss to your head
it's adorable, really <3
what's not so adorable is the way he barges into price's office with the notebook in hand before tossing the pages where you'd detailed your CO's behavior onto his desk
price reads through them and best believe all this man can see is red
as someone who takes pride in becoming a role model for those who work under him, he can barely believe of the things he's reading
he's so ready to throw hands
but he can't sadly
so he settles for the next best thing
with how ruthless price is in his mission to humiliate this man, it's really no surprise when you eventually find out he's been fired
the moment you and the rest of your unit get the news, you practically run all over base to find soap
and the moment you do, you've pretty much tackled him to the ground in a hug
and he simply wraps his arms around you, that same dopey grin price teases him for stretched onto his lips because he knows and he couldn't be happier
he's just happy you're happy <3
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so because of his affiliation with KorTac, i like to imagine that you're part of another PMC group that tends to help each other out on missions whether it be due to mission overlap, or just needing some extra support
but despite this, i imagine it would take quite some time before you and könig even meet simply due to the fact that you're almost never assigned to be sent out on the field
and if i'm being honest, i can definitely see not a single member of KorTac having even the slightest clue that you exist until you're randomly brought onto the field one day during a particularly tricky mission
long story short, könig and a few other of his team members got ambushed and they needed all the help they could get which is where you come in
granted they don't actually see you until you all meet back at base, safe and sound as can be
while könig and his team are surprised by the new face, they're even more surprised to learn that you've been part of the team for nearly eight whole months
when asked about why they've never seen you on the field before, the answer is simple; "she's been doing other missions," which you've come to learn essentially means, "she's still in training because we don't trust her to be on her own yet."
and while the other members of KorTac seem to just take that simple explanation at face value, könig can't help but notice the way your face falls and shoulders slump upon hearing it
and it's at this moment he realizes he hadn't seen you anywhere on the field at the time, so where the hell were you?
he decides he needs to be more attentive
so the next time KorTac calls on your group for some extra assistance, he's keeping a sharp eye out there in hopes that he'd see you
but he doesn't
even so, he still holds out hope for next time
and the next
and the next
and the next
okay this is ridiculous
where the hell were you?
he knows you're going on the missions with the rest of the team because you're always there when everyone gets back to base, still dressed in your tactical gear and wiping off the dirt that seemed to cling onto your uniform
so why did he never actually see you?
he's a tall guy so surely, he, out of anyone, should be able to pinpoint your location on the field with a few simple turns of his head, right?
well apparently not
you're practically a ghost (hehe see what i did there)
his frustration with not knowing where you're at on the field has him going mad
he so desperately wants to just come out and ask you directly, but he's convinced himself that you'll somehow take offense to such a question so he decides against it
so he decides to settle on the next best thing
which is pretty much just endlessly staring you down on the field before you eventually disappear off to god knows where
it's not the smartest idea he's ever had if the way you seem to squirm under his piercing gaze is anything to go by, but he just can't seem to help it
especially not when he comes to notice just how pretty you really are
the soft slope of your nose, the curve of your jaw, the way your cheeks puff out so cutely when you're finally able to get your hands on a much needed snack after a particularly long mission
you're stunning, how could he not stare?
yeah he's definitely got a little crush
but he'll never admit it
especially not with the amount of teasing horangi throws his way whenever you enter the room
anyways i think i'm getting ahead of myself here, let's get back on track lol
i imagine it all comes to a head on the battlefield
one moment könig is going at it with no more than three enemy soliders, but it seems within the blink of an eye those numbers have nearly tripled as he sees a sizeable group of enemy soldiers heading this way
he knows he's more than capable of holding his own in close combat, but with this many people? he can't help but feel a little uneasy as he sees the group grow closer and closer
that is, of course, until the unmistakable sound of a rifle fires through the air and the group of soldiers who were previously approaching him steadily begin to fall to the ground, a pool of crimson blood flowing from their heads
könig's eyes catch onto a bright red laser making small patterns on the ground in front of him so, curious, he looks up to find the source of the light coming from under a pile of rubble located on the roof of a building
upon making eye contact with the small area, the red laser pointer goes dead and you quickly poke your head out from your self appointed hiding spot and offer him a small 'ok' motion with your hand before concealing yourself back into your spot once more
he swears his heart soars at the sight
satisfied with himself and your stellar aim, his mind becomes preoccupied with the mission once more, a newly placed sense of vigor in his attacks
but when everyone is cozying up in the common area after the mission's been completed (with the exception of you bc you're taking a shower), könig decides he can't hold himself back from asking a certain question that's been on his mind for a long time
so he simply decides to go for it and ask, "why hasn't she been assigned to our missions before?"
your teammates all look at each other for a few moments before one of them pipes up, "didn't think she was ready."
another one decides to offer their input, "there are times we still don't think she is, but our captain told us to bring her in anyway."
könig and the rest of those present from KorTac's confusion must be apparent because one of the other members of your team decides to speak out, "she was still a bit rocky when she first came to us. we just wanted her to polish up on her skills before we sent her out on an official mission. it's more out of worry than anything."
the explanation calms the small bout of worry that had infested his mind when they first offered their reasoning for not including you on missions, but he can't help but feel a little pit grow in his stomach
so he decides to speak up once more, "well i think they're capable. perhaps it's time you trust them more."
one of your teammates brows raise, "you think so?"
he nods, "took out a whole group of soldiers that were coming at me, i'd probably be done for if it weren't for them."
he finds the look of shock on their faces amusing as they ask, "how?"
könig leans back, "they were hiding in some rubble on one of the buildings. took them out with a sniper."
he watches a look of realization come over their faces as one of them exclaims, "i thought they were running around the field, not hiding!"
horangi decides to pipe in, "you didn't know? she's always running around the rooftops. i see her all the time."
your teammates practically implode on themselves at his revelation before they start hounding him for questions, ones he graciously answers
könig watches with a small smile hidden under his hood before he can see a small movement of the corner of his eye
he turns his head and sees you peering over at him with a small smile and he watches as you sign out a quick, "thank you," with your hands
he sucks in a sharp breath before bringing up his hands and signing back a shaky, "you're welcome"
his hidden smile widens as he watches your eyes glisten with delight, "you know sign?"
he's quick to respond, "since i was little."
horangi is the one to give his arm a harsh nudge when könig all but freezes upon seeing what you sign to him next
"would you like to join me for dinner?"
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byunpum · 1 year
Ghost girl | part 5 (final)
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, discrimination, mention of abuse, soft & crush moments.
Note: Hello!!! I hope you like this final part <3, Thank you sooo much for the support, stay tuned as I will be writing more works. I send you a virtual hug. And forgive me if there are some spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(final)
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The silence that was being generated in the Sully hut was so notorious that you could hear every breath of all the people present. Jake had convinced your father and brother to calm down, and invited them to the hut. So they could all talk and get everything clear. Jake had to admit something, these na'vi were very intimidating. He had never seen na'vi so big, they were easily twice his size. They were taller and much stronger, he could see how their muscles were very defined. Even their posture and build were very intimidating. Jake took a quick glance at his sons, who were now adults. But they were no match for these men, even he himself felt sorry for them. He would be lying if he didn't say he felt a little scared.
On the other hand, you were next to neteyam and at your right side was neytiri. She was holding your son. Neytiri could tell how anxious and worried you felt. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness. You were playing with the fingers of your hands, with your head down. Avoiding the penetrating gaze of your father, who was sitting in front of you. You gave a few glances and then shifted your gaze. While your nervousness grew, your father's face never showed a sign of change. His face was serious, and cold. It seemed as if something was bothering him, his pupils drifting to the scene before him. His only daughter, the one in charge of the clan's lineage. Sitting in the middle of some omaticayas, who according to your father were quite savage and simple na'vi. He never thought that in his life, he would be sitting next to them. Let alone see his daughter so close to them.
"Well…" jake speaks, trying to break the awkward silence that had been made. "I want to thank you for the shelter and care you've given my daughter," your father says.
"It's been nothing…it's been a pleasure. Y/N has been like a gift for the whole family" says neytiri looking at you and giving you a warm smile. You give her hand a squeeze, and smile back.
This comment makes your father pucker his chest, his ears perked up in alertness. He knew his daughter could be a little loose and easy to manipulate. He laughs a little, and glances at his son. Who was quiet beside him. "I see you are all very comfortable" says your father, watching as his grandson is asleep in the arms of the omaticaya woman. While you are resting a little on neteyam's shoulder. He had been looking at the man, with the same look he had been looking at his family all this time.
"Yes… neytiri, jake… they have helped me and taken care of me and my son" you speak, emphasizing that last phrase 'my son'. You knew your father's intentions, and what he always cared about. Just before your father could respond, you hear a loud crack of thunder. The noise of the rain was loud, and the thunder got louder.
"Oh!!! There's a storm!" says kiri, getting up from the ground to check outside the hut. And yes, the rain was very heavy. You could see it through the camp entrance. The rain was heavy, and it sure had started to accumulate in some areas.
"I think you should spend the night here at camp," says Jake, glancing at your father for a moment. "No problem…we can walk calmly back to our clan" says your father, before your brother interrupts him.
"Dad..ahhh but our village is quite far away and it's dangerous, I" your brother stops talking, when your father gives him a hard look. He lowers his head, somewhat embarrassed. You quickly approach your brother, crawling a little to sit next to him and support his decision.
"Father I think my brother is right…why don't you stay in my hut" you speak, looking at your brother. You wanted to calm him down, he was very nice guy. "Do you have a hut here?" your father asks, you suddenly become very nervous. You try to answer, but you don't know how to answer.
"Yes…we made her a home for her and the baby to be more comfortable in the clan" says neytiri, now with a stronger tone. She was getting fed up with your father's snooty attitude. "That sounds good," says your brother, holding your hand. You pull a piece of his hair back behind his ear. You notice how he had some bruises on his face and arms. You knew that your father demanded supernatural workouts from your brother, almost pushing him to the limit.
"I didn't know you built safe homes here…I thought you lived in something like this…like on the ground or up in a tree, like monkeys" your father speaks, now looking at Jake. This comment makes neytiri raise her ears in alert, how dare he say something like that. "Yes… they are very safe" says jake, returning the man's gaze. Your father laughs a little, a sarcastic laugh. You get very nervous, you couldn't believe your father is acting like this in front of the people who saved your life. In front of…neteyam. You look down embarrassed by his behavior.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" says neytiri, sitting up straighter. Holding the baby on her chest. Showing her fangs a little. And yes, she had every right to demand. Your father was in front of the family of the leader of the omaticaya, he was being disrespectful to the family of toruk makto. You move closer to neytiri's side, taking her arm. As if you were begging her to calm down.
Something you had not told anyone about was the inappropriate image your clan had of the Omaticaya clan. Your clan had the idea that they were better than other clan, they felt superior in everything. As a na'vi apart from the other clans. Since your clan was more connected to eywa, your father believed that this made them superior to others, prohibiting contact with other clans. Of course, this did not go down well with you, who thought that his idea was foolish and that all na'vi had an equal and unique connection to eywa, that this did not make them better than anyone else. Also in your clan they talked and joked about the attitudes and customs of the Omaticaya clan, discriminating against them because of their blue skin tone. Their way of living and dressing. As if they were trash, as if the Omaticaya were something not to be mentioned. It hurt you to hear all this, you felt that the true purpose of your clan had been lost.
"We should go… you guys look tired" you speak as you get up from the ground. Approaching closer towards neytiri, quickly taking your baby from her arms. Leaving the woman confused, since you had come into their lives, you had never taken your baby from her like that. Dragging your brother with your free hand. Rushing out of the sully hut, you were so afraid that your father would start talking and let his true self out. Your father stands up, coldly says goodbye to the family and begins to follow you. Neteyam quickly gets up from the ground, and runs to you. Evading your father and brother, to now stand in front of you. Holding your shoulders, causing you to look him in the eyes.
"Y/n… are you okay?" asks neteyam softly, Bringing his face close to your ear so that only you could hear. You nod your head quickly giving a glance back, where your father was looking at you with a stern and annoyed look, causing you to turn away from neteyam. Leaving him alone in the middle of the square, watching as you continued to lead your father and brother back to your hut.
Neteyam entered the hut confused, and noticed that his family's face was the similar. Why had you left so quickly, why had you become so nervous. You had never looked like that before, this worried Neytiri, she knew that your sudden change of mood had to do with your father's behavior. He was a deployable man, or so Neytiri thought. She was already looking at Jake with a severe look on her face. Jake was silent, he wasn't going to lose his patience with people like this, but he still felt concern for you. He could tell you were excited to know they were alive…but you weren't thrilled to know they were coming for you.
"Will they take Y/N?" asks tuk, the girl had grown very fond of you these past few months. Neytiri hugs her, trying to comfort the girl. And not only tuk was suffering but the whole family.
"Calm down tuk…we can't choose for Y/N. That's her family and we have to understand." Neytiri speaks, watching as her little girl hugs her tighter.
They knew this was your decision, neytiri would not like you to leave. It was dangerous to return to your village, as the humans were going to continue attacking the area. But what worried her most was her son neteyam, who had not stopped watching from the entrance of the hut, the way to your hut. Neytiri could notice how neteyam had his tail curled up on his legs, his ears were stuck to his skull. And if she could see his eyes, she would swear he had a look of anguish. Her son had become very attached to Y/N and her son. She knew that neteyam had a crush on Y/N, and it hurt her to see him so troubled.
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You rushed into your hut, a little annoyed and embarrassed. You held your son in one hand and the other held your brother's arm, as you dragged him with you into the hut. Your father walked calmly behind you, looking around the camp. It was a wet and filthy place, full of those humans and uneducated omaticayas. He didn't understand how his daughter had survived and tolerated all this. He slowly entered your hut, looking around in disgust.
"And this is your so-called home?" speaks your father, now looking all around. Your hut was cozy. You had a hammock for yourself and a smaller one for your baby in one corner of the hut. On one of the walls there was a window, adorned with your favorite flowers. Which Neteyam had picked for you. Your floor was covered with cloth woven by you, neytiri and kiri. Your father looked at something in particular, it was an arrow bow. It was hanging on the wall. He approaches and takes it in his hands.
"Father…you didn't have to say all those things!!!" you shout, you are a little upset. You watch as your father examines the bow he had taken from the wall. He ignores you and continues to examine the object.
"Since when do you have this kind of 'tool'?" your father asks, raising the bow in the air. Your brother looks at you curiously, the boy had been sitting on the floor since he arrived. To your good fortune, your brother was not like your father. You approach your father, and take the bow from him. Placing it back on its shelf on the wall. You sigh heavily, taking the woven net you used to use to place your baby on your chest. Placing it on your chest, as you continued to ignore your father.
"I'm talking to you Y/N!!! I want an answer" commands your father. You continue to adjust your baby, you didn't want to answer your father. "Neytiri made it for me…she is teaching me how to hunt" you speak, still not looking at him. You hear your father scoff, as if what you said was a joke.
You knew that for your father hunting was not allowed for you. He had another future for you, you were going to be the future seer of the clan. Your job was to be the woman who would carry the roots of your clan. Not a hunter, that was not appropriate for you. That was a different thing between clans, categories and job assignments were something common in your clan. While in the Omaticaya clan everyone did what they wanted, in your clan everyone had their tasks assigned to them, and they had to perform them strictly.
"I don't see what's funny… I feel comfortable here" you speak, while making eye contact with your father. Who was now looking at you with irritation. He had made you bolder since the last time he saw you. "Comfortable? Y/N you don't belong here" your father now moves closer to you, sinking you with his large stature. You lower your gaze feeling somewhat intimidated by your father's presence. You didn't have the courage to contradict your father, you never had and now even less.
"But dad…here I am sure, you can stay and get used to the new clan. Everyone here is friendly" you speak, giving your brother a glance. He looked somewhat excited about your proposal, in the camp where your father and brother had set up, with the survivors of your clan. It wasn't a very flat place, it was located below the mountains, near a river, the place was wet and full of rocks. They could barely find food, and the weather was horrible.
"Can we stay?" your brother answers, you sit down next to him. "Sure, I…" you begin to speak, but you see your father kneel down in front of the two of you.
"You guys are not staying anywhere, in the morning you will pack all your things. And we will leave with our clan" your father speaks, signaling you both with his hand. He had a face of authority, and looked angry. You two say nothing, and just nod your heads.
You didn't want to leave, after all this time you had grown comfortable in your new life. You had tried so hard to learn and become part of the clan. You were just beginning to charm in the clan, when your father wanted you back in the clan. You decide not to say anything, not daring to disobey your father. You get up from the floor, giving your father another look. "Let me prepare your beds" you speak, starting to walk towards a trunk where you had some hammocks. You used to have them there, kiri and tuk used to have sleepovers in your hut. You wipe away some tears, try to calm down a bit.
The night came quickly, you tried to offer food to your father but he refused, making a face of disgust. You were already reaching your limit of patience. He didn't want to accept anything, you had barely spoken to him all evening. On the other hand, your brother accepted the food you offered him with much emotion, he hadn't eaten well for days. At least he was grateful. Your father was so defensive, he even criticized your manner of dress, complaining that such omaticaya clothing was inappropriate. Talking to you about your future, and the future of your baby. While you just sat next to your brother, listening to all his talk.
It was 12:00 am when everyone finally went to bed, your father took the biggest hammock. You had set up another hammock for your brother, and a smaller one for yourself. While your baby slept peacefully in his own hammock. You could hardly close your eyes, you were anxious and sad. You knew that as soon as the sun came up, you would have to pack your things and leave with your father. And the most distressing thing was that you couldn't tell neteyam or the sully's anything. But you didn't want to do that…you wanted to stay here. You sat in the hammock, and looked around at everyone around you. It seemed everyone was sound asleep, so you got up. You wanted to clear your mind for a while, so you check on your baby one more time. You know your father may be strict, but he would never hurt his grandson. You walk carefully out of the hut.
The whole camp was silent, only a few humans could be seen sitting on the stairs of the metal structures they claimed to be their home. You walked carefully, taking a deep breath. You were approaching the sully hut, you hadn't seen them since you left quickly. Approaching carefully, you can see a figure outside the hut. When you finally get closer you can tell it was Neteyam, who was kneeling down and setting up some pots outside the hut. It was probably to get water in the morning. "Hello" you speak, in a soft voice.
This makes neteyam jump a little, turning quickly to see who it was. Noticing that it was you, you can see his whole body relax. "Oh…Y/N!!!" he sounds excited and relieved that you were here. And he really felt that way, he thought his family had said or done something that caused you to take your family out of their home. He gets up from the floor, wiping his hands on his thigh, he hears your laughter. "What's so funny?" neteyam looks up, as he sits up to raise his arms, stretching them in the air. Inviting you in for a hug. You hesitate a bit, but carefully approach. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you lay your head on his chest. As you feel neteyam's arms wrap around you in a warm hug.
"Are you all right? Everything okay?" asks Neteyam, as he continues to hug you. He can feel the sadness in your grip, as if it was the last time you could hug him. It felt nostalgic. "We can go for a walk for a while…it can be near here" you speak, raising your gaze on his chest. Neteyam lowers his gaze, giving you a smile. "Sure…I know a place you'll love" neteyam says, stroking your hair.
He pulls away from you, entangling his hand with yours. Guiding you around the camp, the camp was a pretty strange place, but you had never found it to be anything fun or amazing. You used to leave the camp to do things, but now you were watching as neteyam led you deeper into the cave. Rolling over some rocks, watching everything around you change. You could see how everything was getting darker, and the wildlife was lighting up around you. You were fascinated, letting go of Neteyam's hand and running off to play with some dragonflies that were flying around you. Neteyam stops for a moment, seeing how happy you were.
"This is beautiful" you speak, now approaching neteyam. "And that you still don't see anything, come we are close" neteyam takes your hand again, he started walking. While you continue to play with the things you meet on the way. After walking for a while. You pass between some curtains that you had learned were very common flowers in places where there was a lot of water. In the background you could hear the sound of the water crashing against the rocks, it was very beautiful.
When you went through the curtains of flowers, your eyes were illuminated by the sight in front of you. It was a cavern, where there was a small river of sorts. The cavern was adorned with luminous fauna, some luminous creatures. The water of the river was so crystal clear, you could see fish swimming underneath it, among the rocks. You couldn't believe what you were seeing, everything was so beautiful. Out of this world…well out of your world. In your village there was nothing like this, the snow did not allow nature to create such beautiful ecosystems. Sure you had seen beautiful things, but nothing like this. You run all over the place, looking at everything around you. Touching and playing with everything. You looked like a little girl, discovering something for the first time.
Neteyam let you enjoy this new experience, sitting on a rock next to the river. Leaning back on his hands, laughing to himself. You looked so serene and beautiful. You run in his direction, sitting down quickly as you stumble a bit. "Hey, watch out" says neteyam, holding your arm helping you sit up. You were so excited.
"How do you know about this place? It's amazing" you ask. "Well… lo'ak and spider discovered it, but I like to say that I kept it alive" says neteyam jokingly. He used to come here when he was feeling very stressed with the job of being his father's successor. After a long day, this was the best place to come and sit and meditate.
"I thought you would need a place where you could feel happy" says neteyam, seeing all your attention turn to him.
"Yes…I do" you speak, lowering your gaze to the floor. Trying to hide your sadness. "We could bring herwin here someday…I know he'd love all this" neteyam says, touching some luminous leaves touching his feet. It hurt you to know that you were about to leave a good father for your son.
"About that…" you feel your heart clench, you had to tell him you won't be around tomorrow. Your father had given an order, and you had no choice but to accept.
"About what?" neteyam steps closer in front of you, placing his hand on your chin making you look up. He could see how your cheeks were turning red, and your eyes watering. "I will return with my father and brother to our village" you speak.
"But…why? Are you safe here" neteyam tries to speak, he can be heard a little upset.
"I have to do it…it's the right thing to do. I would love to stay here, with your family and you…but I have a duty to do" you speak, as you began to feel your throat dry up from the pain. Tears were gathering on your face with more intensity.
"What duty? Y/N don't you have to go!!!" neteyam raises his voice a little, you could hear the desperation in his voice. Taking your hands in his, squeezing them a little. Just to get your attention, bringing them to his chest.
"You don't understand neteyam…he hates everyone here. He wants me to carry on the family lineage, he wants me to play my corresponding role in the clan" you cry, letting all your feelings come out. Neteyam wipes away some tears with his thumb. He takes your hands again with more strength.
"But what do you want?" your ears perk up at his question. "I want to stay here…I just want that" you speak, trying to control your breathing.
"Then stay" neteyam says, now moving closer now to be inches away from you. Nestling a few pieces of your hair behind your ear. "I don't…" you start to speak but neteyam interrupts you.
"Y/n, don't go… I promise you that my family will continue to take care of you and your baby. I will continue to take care of both of you, I promise you that you will not miss anything and that you will be fine. I want to be…" neteyam kept talking, immersed in his monologue. He was sure that he would convince you …. while you felt that now everything made sense.
At this moment you were living what you had seen in your visions a year ago. This is the famous vision, neteyam holding your hands on his chest. Lowering his face from time to time to pause and give you a kiss on the palm of your hand. Everything was so clear now, the whole place, the surrounding atmosphere was just as you had felt it at that moment. The only difference was that now you could see the man in front of you. Of course, eywa had warned you of this situation, she knew that all this was going to happen. And now it was your time to decide.
You quickly get up from the ground, letting go of neteyam's hands, leaving him sitting on the ground now more confused than before. You bend a little, placing your hands on either side of neteyam's back. Giving him a kiss on his forehead, you walk away towards the exit. "I have to go" you shout a little, as you run towards the curtain of flowers. Neteyam gets up from the floor. "But" the poor boy didn't understand anything.
"See you tomorrow at the camp entrance…very early!!!" you shout, running as fast as you can on your way to your hut. Meanwhile neteyam stood there still in his place, now he didn't know what was going on. He was going crazy. Meanwhile you were running as fast as you could, luckily you were very good at remembering routes, so you knew how to get out of that place. It was a while, until you saw the camp. And as it was beginning to light up by the sun's rays coming in from the entrance. It had been a couple of hours since you and neteyam had decided to walk.
And you get as fast as you can to your home. When you get there you notice that everyone is still asleep, it's still 3 hours before everyone has to get up. So you walk carefully to where your son was, taking him in your arms. You lay down with him in your hammock, anxiously waiting for the dawn to come faster.
You had something very clear, you had already decided. You were going to stay here, this was what eywa wanted for you. She had told you her purpose with you a long time ago and your place was here. You felt comfortable, happy and for the first time in your life. You wanted to be more than what your father wanted you to be. Smiling to yourself, you tried to rest. Even though you couldn't sleep, you knew that in a couple of hours you would have to face your father. But you were ready…you had made your decision.
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Morning came quickly for your good fortune, you were still lying in bed. Until you begin to hear some voices of some na'vi starting to leave their homes to start the day. You get out of bed again, noticing how your brother had begun to stretch. "Good morning, sleep well?" you ask, seeing how your brother only responds with a yawn and a smile. As your brother got up, he was followed by your father. But unlike your brother, this one gets up quickly. Stretching and walking straight to the entrance of the hut. Examining the weather outside the large cave. "Good morning father" you speak. Your father turns around, and is surprised by your sudden change in mood.
"Good morning…are you ready?" your father speaks. "Yes…I just have to pick up a few things and I'm ready" you speak, trying to hide your plan. You were going to pack some things, you would follow his plan and just before you left the camp you would tell him that you didn't want to go back to the clan. You could tell him now, but you didn't want to make a drama in the village. Your father nods his head, turning to continue looking outside.
You packed some things, it was your old clothes. It was the old clothes you had come to the clan in. Holding your baby on your chest, adjusting it in the carry. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for what was going to happen in a couple of minutes. You approach your father, touching his shoulder. He looks at you and smiles…he looked happy. And that makes your heart break into a thousand pieces, you were about to let go of the last thing you had left of your family. If only he could understand, that he couldn't control your life. You sigh and start to walk out of the hut.
The closer you got to the exit, you couldn't help but wonder if this was the best decision. After all they were your family, your real family. Will you be doing the right thing? "When we get to the village… I want you to meet a young warrior. Remember Ueyoä he will be a good mate," says your father, sounding happy and pleased with his words. While for you, it was a bucket of cold water…he was not going to change. He never has and never will. You just reply with an 'ok' and keep walking.
You approached the exit of the cave, your father went ahead…starting to go down the rocky slopes quickly. According to him, so that no one would notice they were gone and they wouldn't start asking unnecessary questions. While your brother was behind him, but still close to you. You had stood still at the edge of the exit. "I'm not going," you speak firmly.
Your father stops, and looks at you incredulously. What were you saying? He couldn't believe what was coming out of your mouth. "What?" he tries to sound calm, but the discomfort in his tone of voice was very noticeable.
"I will stay here in the omaticaya clan, that is what eywa wants and I will comply" your voice is firm, you were looking at the horizon, not making eye contact with the man. You knew that if you looked him in the eye, you would be intimidated and let him manipulate you as usual. Your father walks quickly towards you, he was annoyed. Closing his fingers tightly, you had never been scared by your father until now. Your brother tried to get in the middle, to calm your father down. But in futility, your father pushes him aside. And just as he was about to approach you and take your arm.
Someone stops him by placing their hand on his chest. Pushing him back a little, you had shifted your gaze to the side. Expecting the pain of the enlargement in your arm, but feeling nothing. You open your eyes to see neteyam. He was in front of you, creating a shield with his whole body. "Don't touch her," says neteyam, moving closer to you.
"You stay away from my daughter…and Y/N let's get out of here!!!" orders your father. He was agitated and angry. You could see how upset he was, his whole body attitude said so.
"No, I'm staying here. And I'm not going to explain it to you or anyone else." you raise your voice a little. Watching as your father started pacing back and forth, altered.
"Listen to me Y/N…if you stay here you will lose everything, you will lose your family. You won't be able to go back to your clan, you don't belong here. They will leave you alone, and there will be no one waiting for you out there. You will be left alone…YOU LISTEN TO ME ALONE!!!" your father shouts, showing all his fangs. Neteyam was holding your hand tightly, in order to support you. The screams were so loud that he had woken up your baby, causing him to cry out in fright. You were a bit shocked by his words, you didn't know what to say. Just as you were about to respond, you felt a hand wrap around you. Wrapping it around your chest, moving you backwards.
"She's not alone…she has this family" says neytiri, you turn to look back. Your eyes had just widened at the sight of her. Again she was there to save you, as if eywa herself had sent her to protect you. As if your mother herself had sent her. Holding you tightly over her. Now hugging you, moving further behind her. You can see the other members of the sully family approaching. Lo'ak and kiri…even jake. Who had already stepped forward and was standing next to his mate.
Your father grunts angrily, annoyed to see how these na'vi were protecting you. "You know what, do what you want…but then don't come back asking me to forgive you" says your father, turning to start his way back to his village. "Come on son!!!" shouts your father, yelling at your brother. He had been silent the whole time, he was in a state of shock. He never thought that you would reveal yourself to his father. You move a little away from neytiri, running to where your brother was. "You don't have to go…you can stay with me. You know how father is with you, he doesn't deserve you" you speak, while caressing your brother's cheek. Listening as your father screams and calls him back. "You know I love you very a lot sis… take care of yourself" says your brother, This scared one moves away from you, you could see how some tears were accumulating in his eyes. But he decides to follow your father.
You stand there, silently watching the two men walk away. You felt sad, but at the same time you felt that sense of freedom. Like a whole burden was lifted off your shoulders. "Hey" you turn around when you hear neteyam's voice. He had tapped you on the shoulder but you barely noticed. Watching as everyone had approached you, watching as neytiri wrapped you in a hug. Followed by the whole family. "You'll be fine…everything will be fine" jake says, pulling away from the hug. You smile at him, as you felt your baby calming down.
"Come here beautiful little ball" says neytiri taking the baby from your arms. You hand him to her, breathing calmly. "Why don't we go have breakfast, okay?" says Jake, as everyone starts walking to the hut. You turn once more into the distance, hoping that at least your brother had returned with you. "Hey…you coming?" speaks neteyam, taking your hand. You move closer, and lay your head on his arm, letting him guide you inside.
You help prepare breakfast with kiri, while lo'ak jokes with you. Neytiri was holding the baby in her lap, combing some pieces of his hair. Jake was next to her, chatting with her. Even tuk was next to you, lying on your back. This is what you wanted so badly… for so long. You felt so happy, comfortable and safe. As if you belonged here, as if this had always been your determined place. Kiri and lo'ak keep joking, while you get up from the floor. You go out to look for neteyam, since you had arrived at the family hut, he had not entered. You walk out, to find him staring off into the distance.
"Hey… what's wrong with you?" you ask, approaching him. Watching as he reaches out his hand, to take yours. Dragging you towards him, to hug you. Hugs had become habitual between the two of you…after all he said he was going to protect you. "I was just wondering if your brother would come…he looked unsure," says Neteyam. He can hear your sigh. "That's up to him…he knows he's always welcome here" you say, hugging neteyam tighter. "You're right" neteyam gives you a kiss on the crown of your head.
"And you, what are you thinking?" neteyam lowers his head, watching as you look up at him with a tender smile. "Did I ever tell you that we had already met in a vision?" you speak, seeing neteyam's ears perk up curiously, pouting his lips. You chuckle to yourself, lowering your gaze, burying your head on his chest. "I don't think so…but I'd like you to tell me the whole story," says Neteyam. Neteyam takes your chin in his hands, slowly moving closer to let his lips touch yours and ……
"Hey!!!! Get up!!!!" shouts your brother. You flutter your eyes open, sitting up in your bed made of some animal skins. Stroking your neck, you moan quietly for a moment, trying to get yourself together. "Hey…dad's been calling you for a while. I think you should go" says your brother, you look at him curiously, you seemed to have a dead look on your face. "What? Are you here?" you ask, touching your brother's face. Making a disgusted face, and pulling away from your touch.
"Did you have another vision again ah? What was it about this time?" the boy asks, as you watch a snowstorm fall outside the hut. It was all a vision, it had felt so real…so real. "This time it was…so real" you speak, almost stuttering. "mmm remember what mama says, that visions are completed in their own time, in eywa time" your brother says, working on the basket he was weaving.
You remain silent, for a moment. Something in you felt joy, because if that was the case. You knew you were going to be okay. But on the other hand, you knew you were going to lose so many important people in your life, for others to come along. "Are you okay?" your brother asks you, you reach over and give him a kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to miss you so much" your brother looks at you with confusion. "You're crazy!" he says, you just laugh. Lying back down on your bed, waiting for everything to happen.
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, @butterfly-ibuki, @innercreationflower, @ok-boke, @lovelyygirl8, @sandaltoesocks, @he110hon, @inlovewithpandora, @sussybaka10, @mommyneytiri, @daughterofjakesully, @symptoms-of-moonlight @ilostmyaccounf @archer-fb @he110hon @kenzi-woycehoski @emery-333 @smoiesaustine @a--lyara-main-account, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @lelaleleb
453 notes · View notes
thinkingotherwise · 4 months
There are very few blogs that write about wind breaker, and I think your writing is very good.I would like to request Sakura, Sugishita and Umemiya (separately), pining for a fem reader and how they would cope with their crush without her knowing.
The reader is foreign (Colombia), she speaks several languages ​​such as Japanese, English and French.She is talented in the arts (she studies at an arts academy), plays the piano, drawing, gymnastics and singing. She comes from a very rich family, her father is a metal singer and her mother is a martial arts teacher. I am a fan of curvy readers with a power character and stronger, she is kind but you don't really notice it since she is a sarcastic girl and a little cruel when she jokes without realizing it. She has a very well-groomed sense of fashion and changes his style very quickly but she loves boots of any kind. She is someone serious when she does not get into confidence especially with men (since she mostly does not have male friends), but when she does get into confidence she talks too much and tells black jokes, her laugh becomes loud and loud, she forgets manners and becomes becomes playful like touching or pinching your friends. She loves metal music but listens to all kinds of music. Before, she self-harmed because she didn't feel enough due to the pressure of always having been talented, that's why she has a long scar on her right leg and a few on her arms. She managed to overcome it with therapy and she doesn't care what her scars look like. She can be considered quite "crazy" because of her tastes, such as her somewhat macabre paintings or her jokes.
This was very long, sorry, but I got too excited.
Excited is good ;)
Sorry for the wait, I still have some more requests from April to finish.
Haruka Sakura, Kyotaro Sugishita, Hajime Umemiya x fem! Artistic! Sarcastic! reader
TW: selfharm/scar (mentioned)
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Haruka Sakura
Even before Haruka realized he had a crush on you, he was in awe of your artistic skills, as well as linguistics. He was excited to get to know you were from out of Japan and he'd still randomly ask you different things about your country and the culture, and how much it was distinct from what you had in Japan. He'd ask you to say stuff in different languages, and in return, you'd make him pronounce them. He was amazed at your accents and words, while you were laughing at the way he pronounced them.
When it came to your questionable nature of joking and talking with others, at first, he thought that your jabs and cruel jokes were attacks on him. In that case, you'd return them even trying to pick up a fight with you. Even after all the time you spent together, he'd keep it up but he'd rather tackle you than punch you. He was aware it was how you normally behaved but he still wanted to let you know some might not be as understanding as he got used to.
Since the first time he got to know you, he was curious about your scar but waited for you to tell him first knowing some things are better kept as secrets for the time being. After he realized he liked you and then you did tell him about it, when you became a little closer, he'd surprise you by giving the bestest, longest, and coziest hug you could receive from him.
Being his crush would mean being taken care of in this strange aggressive, yet timid way.
Kyotaro Sugishita
At the beginning of, your rather questionable friendship, the both of you were quiet, him being that way normally and you trying to figure him out. With time passing you got used to him, thinking he was doing the same, but you finally realized it was his personality, so you took it upon yourself to be the more confident and talkative person.
Whenever you made him laugh or smile you'd celebrate it like it was the greatest success ever. You noticed he'd laugh rather easily if you were to joke at Sakura, responding to him sarcastically and making the boy confused.
Anytime you showed him your paintings he was surprised by your talent and imagination. He would ask you to describe the painting, what you drew, and how. It would be baffling to some that he'd become so interested but you appreciated it and went on and on about your art.
He'd also find appeal in your music, even if it was mostly metal he liked it, and even more, he enjoyed spending time with you while you showed the different songs to him.
When he realizes he has a crush he gets very invested in your hobbies, he could listen to you play or watch you draw for hours. Spending every minute he can with you.
Hajime Umemiya
Hajime got along with you the best since the beginning. He didn't mind whenever you started laughing and being touchy or pinching. When he realized he had some deeper feelings for you, than only friendship he would easily respond to your touchiness with his. He'd not leave you alone, when you started the little game, and be all over you trying to tickle you. You'd end up in a rather heated but also playful war.
You spent so much time together, he'd quickly understood that your cruel jokes are part of your character, and when he knew you didn't mean something, he'd playfully pinch you letting you know you're going too far. The both of you would be soo loud together while laughing and enjoying your company, you'd make Hiiragi's head hurt, and all the Bofurin to hear you.
Your styling skills made such an impact on Hajime. He loved it whenever you changed styles, he could watch you in so many different clothes and still be amazed by how good you looked. He himself didn't have any style, as most of his friends told him, so he sometimes asked you to lend him a hand and make him look cool as the leader of Bofurin.
As soon as he develops a crush on you he's more aware of the switch in you, emotional, as well as, physical. He'd always try to talk about them with you because he knows how hard it can be, and how much having someone to share it with can help.
Taglist: @misticbullet
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vixen7243 · 4 months
Undivided Attention : Snake in the Garden
TF 141 X AFAB!Reader
Masterlist | Soap | Snake in the Garden | Team bonding
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CW: It's been a bit hard lately so this is gonna be dark thoughts, isolation and neglect. If you're going through something, feel alone or anything you're not alone, don't give up. After this things will be lighter and make up but this has been plaguing my mind. Enjoy..?..
The guys didn’t tell you anything on the news of the recruits that had harassed you in the clinic, but your answer was that you hadn’t seen even a glimpse of them around base since, whispers of theory’s followed you everywhere. They either killed them and John forged papers or he pulled some strings and had them moved… Either way you minded your business and carried on with your work.
Until you heard some medics giggling in the break room off from the clinic. “Soap is so funny, I’m telling you if she could just stay locked to the base forever then I’m sure in no time he and I will end up together. The way he looks at me, I’m at the edge of my seat waiting for him to invite me with him to the pub for drinks.” Your heart pounded in your ears as you stepped closer to listen, “His hands are always lingering on my arms and waist longer than need be you know, like it’s been months, if he wants any I’ll give him whatever he wants. And Gaz, talk about pent up, the last time we were on an outing his groin wouldn’t leave my hips, if I’m lucky they will just replace her with me full time.” Peeking in you checked out who was talking, it was Angie, she was short, thin, short pixie cut dirty blonde hair brown eyes thin lips, completely opposite from you, she was pretty knew to the base and she hated you. You had picked up very quickly on the disgusted glances, her shoving past you never saying a word to you and spreading nasty rumors.
You always ignored her treatment towards you, there were quite a few girls around base that didn't like you because of how close you were with your team and they all had crushes on the lads, but they only ever sought you out also ignore the girls. But Angie compared to the other girls openly to your face showed distain. "John practically begged be to continue to work with them on missions, saying he needed me, had me pushed up against the door in his office, if Ghost hadn't of knocked, girl, we were so close to kissing." You felt sick, turning you quickly made your way back to your office slamming the door shut squeezing your eyes closed. You didn't want to believe that they would all so cruelly sneak behind your back and tease and entice someone like Angie. As much as the pain with the knowledge that you all weren't technically exclusive and no one ever said that they couldn't fornicate with other women or yourself with other men but you always thought that truly, with how much they let themselves be vulnerable with you, letting you see the worst in and of them while still holding them dear and treating them as if they were everything, like they were the air you needed in your lungs, the reason for you to wake up everyday and get out of bed. Sitting in your chair wiping a few tears from your cheek you blankly stared at your door.
Walking passed the food hall you stopped momentarily to see Angie standing very close to Johnny, her hand on his forearm, trailing up and squeezing his bicep a disgusting smile showing on her face as she tried to bat her eye lashes at him. Pushing her small chest into his hand she giggled as he turned from her walking, she all to quickly chasing after him like a desperate creature made you irate at Johnny's lack of care. Going into the rec room you looked at Kyle as he got up from the couch and followed you to the fridge, as you felt his arms wrap around your waist you hear Angie's claims of his closeness to her making you side step and carry on making a snack, "Been missing you gorgeous, need you." He breath, typically very warm and welcoming as it would tease down your neck felt uncomfortably hot, arms too tight. As he eased you from the rec room you aimlessly followed him to his room, as he laid with you in his bed you listened to his qualms, doubts and self image. Every few moments you spoke soft words, praises that made your throat tighten, gut twist and mind filled with the echoing of Angie's claims of her boys. As Kyle undressed the both of you, you couldn't help but wonder if he fucks any one besides you, pulling his head to the crook of your neck so he wouldn't see your eyes well up with hot tears you let him finish, the once warm feeling in your heart cold, lost, used.
As he laid down you turned to your side feeling his arms pull you tightly to his chest, his groin shoving against your ass. Squeezing your eyes you fisted the pillow beneath your head sighing heavily before easing yourself from his embrace once he had fallen asleep. Cleaning between your legs you dressed yourself and left the room, rec room dark you didn't want to see any of the others so you went back to your office and stayed there all night, nearing morning you busied yourself with work, whenever seeing any of the guys nearing you, you made quick work to avoid them and take over any injuries or emergencies.
"Darling, we're going to be gone for a few days." John said, tapping the side of his desk without looking up at you. He had requested that you see him, it was important he said, walking around the desk you stood beside him not saying a word as he leaned back grabbing a hold of your hand he pulled you to his lap, his cigar carefully set down as he kissed along your jaw. Each careful kiss burning you, even in his arms, his burning body heat searing your skin, you felt cold at your core. His fingers fiddled with yours, tracing your delicate digits, following up your wrist, forearm, before huffing against your cheek. "Nights have been colder without you dear, won't you come back with me tonight?"
Raising your hand to his rough beard, due to you dutifully and successfully not being near him or the others, it's grown quite a bit, and not as smooth. "After I wrap some things up at the clinic." He's tired, the darkness under his eyes evidence, he was also sad, the desperate glance he was giving you as he nodded, holding the back of your neck he pulled you forward, tongue explore your mouth, hands squeezing along your body. As much as the sight, touch and sound of them has been bringing you pain and anger, you've missed all of them so much, betraying your sadness, your body yearned for them, already so well trained to want them and take them.
Although the thought of finally after the past few days of avoiding everyone you almost let yourself be swept under the waves of his desire, his hands working your tired, sore muscles. You had been isolating yourself to your office, none of them ever really questioning on if your okay, where you've been and that has only worsened your despair that you really could only be of value for their release and comfort. The thought and rushing suffocating sensation over whelmed you, causing you to pull back from John who had started panting, hands close to undoing your pants, "I will see you shortly dear."
Collecting yourself you left his office and went to yours finding work to do, refusing to let anyone else do anything and take all the work for yourself. Creeping feelings and guilt for lying to John consumed you, seeing that it was very late, you decided that it wouldn't hurt to just go and that maybe you could shut up the horrid voices screaming at you how little you really are, pathetic you are for still caring so much for them when they clearly show you how little you mean to them. Walking through the base, voices of your ex mocking you for being so desperate to be loved, needed and wanted, his exploits to take advantage and abuse you running through your thoughts as you entered the rec room. Standing in front of John's door you tried to relax your shoulders and hush the viscous whispers and endings, endings of relationships, bonds, connections and life. The last, lately loud and prominent whenever you would see Angie around base slithering about snarking at you and being giddy with the guys. Silencing the noises you snuck into the room, stripping and crawling into his bed, his snores stuttering as you curled yourself around him.
Feeling him stir against you, you tilted you head up and returned the gentle kiss he gave you. "I'm here." You whispered feeling his hand pull you leg up to his waist.
"Darling." It started so fast, his pleas for you, his failings, hardships, his needs. Your heart broke, as much as you wanted to comfort him, give him something you found nothing, everything was emptied from you. You didn't even have anything for yourself to keep yourself together, your mind broke, you were thoroughly convinced that you will never be anything for or with anyone. You did not utter one word beneath him, he took comfort and desire from your body as you pushed your face into the crook of his neck.
Laying with him through the night you listened to his heart beat, his snores starting back up. You didn't sleep a wink, body heavy when he woke up getting ready to leave you laid there watching. As he helped you up, he cleaned you up asking if you wanted to shower, shaking your head he dressed you, slowly, eyes watching you intensely as you avoided looking him in the eyes. "We'll be back soon dear." Dumb little toy, you watched as he left, waiting a moment you then trailed them to a heli and watched as Angie had her arms wrapped around Johnny's arm and Kyle stood close behind her chatting with Simon who was glaring at her. When she turned and slapped Kyle's chest your felt tears burning your eyes when he smirked and pushed her shoulder. They were all so comfortable with each other, the physical contact that transpired between John and Angie when he got closer made your stomach drop when she reached for his beard and ran a hand through it saying something. When throughout this whole time none of them made a move to stop her and reject her, you were seething. As Simon took her hand helping her in you turned and set back to the barracks, going into each of their rooms taking back everything that was yours and hauling it all to yours. Pushing the door open the cold air rushed out, flipping the light on there was a layer of dust on everything. Rechecking their rooms that there was nothing left of yours in any of the rooms you closed and locked your door you pushed your back against the door and finally, finally cried, the tears burning down your cheeks. Sobs raking through your body as your slid down and wailed, it had been so long that the dam broke, the tears didn't stop for what felt like hours. Your throat was scratchy and dry, sleeves soaked with your tears, coughing, you went to your bathroom and puked.
Huffing you leaned against the toilet trying to think of how you could possibly get transferred to a different TF. The next few days you didn't leave your room, isolated and alone, you were drowsy when you heard rapid knocking on your door.
Returning to base the lads were thoroughly exhausted and annoyed with Angie, no matter how much they told her to back off, to be appropriate and leave them the fuck alone she never gave up. They couldn't wait to see you and hold you, your touch over writing the sickening feeling of Angie's touch. When they got to their rooms they did feel like something was off, unsure they unpacked. Simon right away noticed that all your stuff was missing, walking out he looked into Johnny and Kyle's rooms, "Is Y/N's stuff in your guy's rooms?"
"Huh?" Confused they both looked around and realized that in fact your stuff was missing, "What the hell?"
The three walked to John's room, he was in his office already getting back to work, they looked around and searched for your things yet again coming up empty handed. Going to your door they tried to walk in but the door was locked, "Y/N?" They started knocking and when they heard a whimper the knocking became more persistent.
Getting to your door you sniffled, "Just go away." you croaked, finally speaking.
"Bonnie -"
"I'm serious, leave me alone I don't want to see any of you." You started crying as you heard them walking away. Sitting on the floor you cried softly, so tired and alone, you hoped they would stay away and that when you finally came out they would leave you alone too. Looking to your desk the letter of your transfer waiting for Laswell, you already knew John wouldn't sign it, not willingly. Resting your forehead against your forearm you sighed.
"Y/N, open the door."
Team bonding Urgh!!!!!!!!
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moodymisty · 2 months
Oh boy I have been waiting to be able to put in a request! Wanna start of by saying, love your writing and especially your Cato fic ^^ A joy to read.
Im curious about if you would write in more details how Cato is sweet for his lady? Or maybe is 'sweet' not the correct word, but I will love to read you thoughts about the relationship that is not all about sweaty action. Are the couple able to be subtle or sneaky enough to flirt out in the open? How are they acting behind closhed doors, is it then you will seen the Cato acting more bombastic on his feelings toward the diplomat?
I hope you will like this request ^^ keep it up with the great writing.
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Author’s note: Sure, lets have some of that sweet Cato action <3
Relationships: Cato Sicarius/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None really
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Cato, once he gets over his constipated emotional crush stage, is a white knight. Maybe less so in the way Titus is, but he is still a bit dramatic. It's all in private though, or only around a few people he knows his reputation is safe with.
Offering his hand to help you down, shielding you from rain or sun with his cape are some examples.
But he does a decent job of making it just seem like he's being polite, abit perhaps having a bit of favoritism. So he isn't going to blow the secret by acting a fool.
In private, he's a bit more overtly romantic as you'd epxect. But he's also super confused and out of his depth; Being an astartes. The most he's heard about romance is from jokes from other astartes (not the best information source to begin with) of from the other serfs, whom he's found himself listening in on quite a bit more as of late.
That one male serf said that baseline women like...What? That doesn't sound right but maybe she will...
Though as sneaky as he is, he isn't totally perfect. Even his men, as emotionally stunted as they are have noticed the soft stares he'll give you while you talk, or while you're working on your dateslate and he simply watches. Similarly now you always sit right beside him, when before you would do anything to be away from him.
Loves to kiss your forehead. There's something about it that feels while romantic, also a bit protective. He is a captain yes, at times of your retinue, but he also is your protector at all times now.
He cannot flirt. It's not possible. You've tried to subtlety teach him but he is just not able to. The best you are able to get out of him is a 'your attire looks good today.', or that you look shorter than usual. You've just chocked it up to 'astartes speak' flirting and take what you can get. It's cute in it's own way, apart from the time Ventris told you that your small fingers would be good for poking eyes out, and Cato promptly smacked him? You assumed it must've been another weird astartes flirt.
You once joked with him while alone together that since he has two hearts, he must be able to love someone double the amount you could. It was a stupid joke and you promptly rolled your eyes at yourself and moved on, but Cato really liked it and always remembers it.
bonus: You begged him for like a solid 3 weeks straight to let you try a taste of his astartes gruel, before he finally caved and let you have a taste. You promptly threw up, making Sicarius laugh so hard the other marines though something was wrong with him, as they'd never heard the man let out more than an amused chuckle. To this day he still hasn't let you get over it.
"That tastes vile Cato! Why can't you just eat my food!" "Because you don't have 400 kilos of muscle and fat to maintain, my love."
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