#and probably the most important one in the span of my life
aelaer · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking, where did the number 197320 come from for your series?
It's one of my favorites by the way.
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@mckiwi too. I'm delighted for the curiosity and it's 100% a personal nerd moment. The first point was that I wanted to make it a number pretty close to Earth-199999 which is where the MCU resides (and has for years no matter Waldron's writing, he just can't research to save his life since Google would tell him that 616 is the comics universe ahhhhhh). Anyway, then I realized that some important numbers: 3, 7, 9, and 1 read backwards was 1-9-7-3, and all of them together add to 20. Very close to the MCU universe but with enough changes to designate a few thousand universes away. Now 3, 7, 9, and 1 is an important pattern. But not in the Marvel fandom. Some here may recognize it already. I'll give others a minute...
Yeah it's 3 rings for the elven kings under the sky 7 for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone 9 for mortal men doomed to die 1 for the dark lord on his dark throne Swap the poem backwards and you have 1-9-7-3 with all 20 rings. 197320.
God I'm such a nerd.
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rainingashes1002 · 3 months
Ages in Dungeon Meshi
So I wanted to talk about a dungeon meshi thing that probably only interests me but this my hyperfixation and I'm about to make it everyone else problem.
With Laios doing the math he did to figure out his age as a dwarf in the season finale, it means that their ages are comparable... and oh compare I did to find out what age the characters would be as each race... except Oni, Kobold, and Gnome because I didn't care enough.
Before we start I have three notes:
Note One: Laios' math is actually wrong. He states that dwarves live 2.5 times longer than Tallmen but Tallmen live to be around 60 which would be 150 for Dwarves by Laios' math... however the wiki says Dwarves live to be 200 which would be 3.33 times. I did the math both ways but Laios' is the one that makes more sense so I stuck to it.
Note Two: I did not include Marcille in this list for several reasons. Most of which are spoilers.
Note Three: It is important to know the average life spans of all the races which are Tallman-60, Half-foot-50, Dwarf- 200 (but as mentioned above I used 150), Elf- 400. And also their age of maturity is 16, 14, 40 and 80 respectively.
Tallman: 26
Half-foot: 22
Dwarf: 65
Elf: 174
Tallman: 35
Half-foot: 29
Dwarf: 87
Elf: 232
Tallman: 45
Half-foot: 37
Dwarf: 112
Elf: 302
(For anyone who doesn't know, she is considered a tallman)
Tallman: 17
Half-foot: 14
Dwarf: 43
Elf: 114
Tallman: 23
Half-foot: 19
Dwarf: 58
Elf: 154
Tallman: 24
Half-foot: 20
Dwarf: 61
Elf: 165
He's the same age as Laios
Tallman: 22
Half-foot: 18
Dwarf: 55
Elf: 147
Tallman: 28
Half-foot: 23
Dwarf: 69
Elf: 185
I also for fun figured out how old Chilchuck's kids would be as Tallmen:
Flertom & Meijack
Tallman: 19
Half-foot: 16
Tallman: 17
Half-foot: 14
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peroxiddeprincess · 2 years
How The Call Of Duty : MWII Characters Would Act With a Bimbo Girlfriend (Fem!Reader)
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Characters included — Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Phillip Graves, König
No descriptive NSFW — Just headcannons / imagines. NSFW implied for some characters.
Bimbo definition (in case you arent aware) — an attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman.
✭ Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
— Oh my god, would he be absolutely infatuated with you.
— You didn’t even have to do anything but stand there and he’d have hearts in his eyes.
— Maybe it was the outfits you wore, or the makeup you caked on your face, but nonetheless, everything you did was just so appealing to him.
— He’d always compliment your outfits, and he’d always notice the little things.
“Did you get new lipstick?” “Is that skirt new?”
— He made sure to take note of the things you wore aswell. Why? So he could buy you new stuff of course.
— He likes to do your makeup sometimes. Even if it looks like shit, you’ll wear it for the rest of the day anyway to let him know your appreciation.
— Colored hair isnt his thing, but you convinced him once to get blue hair with you. No regrets. You told him it made him sexier. Simon told him you two looked alike. Johnny felt weird about the way he worded that and didn’t talk to Simon for a few days after..
— You are his Facebook banner. Facebook because he’s such a dad, and you’re his banner because he likes showing you off to the 3 friends he has added. Gaz, Rudy, and Alejandro.
— As for the.. Slow part of being a bimbo, he’d have no problems attempting to explain or break down something you didnt quite understand.
— He isn’t the kind of guy to get frustrated when you dont understand something immediately either. He’ll try his best.
— You aren’t completely dumb though. You’ve taught him many things! And one of the most important things,
You taught him to love himself.
“Wow, babe. I love that outfit on you.” He sneaks behind you, making you jump. “Awe — Thank you, JoJo!” You clapped your hands together, the biggest smile on your face.
“I could compliment you for hours.” He says. “Could stare for hours.”
You spit your bubblegum out in the trashcan near you. “Go ahead.” You say, making his cheeks heat up.
He goes on and on with some of the weirdest — but cutest — compliments you’ve ever heard in your life. You didn’t even realize you were going to be late to your nail appointment.
No worries, though. You continued to let him compliment you. When he finally finished his rant, you smile big again.
“I wasn’t listening to a thing you were saying.” You giggle nervously. “Gimme more!” You beg. “You gonna listen this time?” He asks, smiling. “Probably not.” You admit.
“Oh, well. Thats okay. I’ve got many, many more things to say to you, love.” He continues on and on, knowing your attention span is short, but he doesn’t mind, not one bit.
What matters to him right now is that you’re so close, and he feels secure in your touch.
✭ Simon “Ghost” Riley
— He never usually thinks much about your appearance unless he catches someone eyeing you.
— “Wear whatever you want, i can fight.” Energy.
— Hes just gotten used to how you dress and present yourself. It’s not that he doesnt care, but he doesnt mind it anymore. You used to capture his attention with every move. You still do, but not because of your appearance, but because hes taken a liking (meaning, he somewhat tolerates you.) to you.
— He isnt one to feed into your presentation. He doesnt buy you clothes, but he’ll sometimes express his attraction to a certain outfit you’ve thrown together.
— Also, he gets very frustrated when you don’t understand what he’s trying to tell you. He won’t break it down for you, and wont apologize if he makes you cry out of frustration or pure sensitivity from how mad he gets.
— He isnt a yeller, but he makes it obvious that he cant keep the conversation going. He’ll ignore you and simply walk away.
— Not to mention, he doesn’t apologize. He’s never wrong in his mind. You’re just sensitive and take his words the wrong way.
— But anyway, of course he cares about you. He has a horrible way of showing it. He wouldnt be able to “love” you properly due the narcissistic way his mind works, but even then, he still wants to protect you somewhat.
— Also, he wont go out of his way to let anyone know you two are dating, either. You’ll have to spill the beans. He’ll just nod, and most likely walk away to avoid questions.
“What is that?” You ask, pointing to the big gun in his hand. “..A gun? Are you stupid, or something?”
You pouted at the mean words. “I know its a gun, what kind of gun? Why is it so big?”
He doesnt say anything, choosing to ignore you as he walks away. “Simonnn.” You call. Silence. Other than the heavy footsteps from his boots.
You sit there on the couch, blinking back tears to avoid your fake lashes from falling off and your mascara running down your cheeks.
Soon enough, he’s standing in front of you, holding out a pamphlet. You’re confused. “What?” You ask, looking up at him. “It’s a book.” He says, stating the obvious. “..About guns. The big ones.” He cringes saying it, feeling like a complete loser at how he needs to speak to you for you to understand.
His awkwardness quickly fades as you enthusiastically take the book from him, flipping through the pages. He sits down next to you and watches you analyze the page you were on.
“Ooh! Tell me more about this one.” He looks at you like you’re crazy, but gives in with a heavy huff and starts pointing out parts of the gun, explaining what they do and what they’re called.
You couldn’t focus on what he was saying, his deep voice thick and sultry in your ears.
“…Could you repeat that?” You ask, and his eyebrow cocks up. “What part?”
“…All of it.” You say nervously, avoiding eye contact. He sighs and gives in, repeating everything he just told you.
You weren’t focused this time either, but you felt like this was quality time, so you pretended to understand what he was saying.
You thought you had convinced him, but he knew you weren’t paying attention. He didn’t care much anymore, continuing to talk, not wanting to admit that maybe he didnt mind having you this close to him. Even if having to repeat himself alot was getting annoying.
✭ Alejandro Vargas
— He would absolutely love your style. Would eat it up every single time.
— Would show you off. Loves how you two are complete opposites. He’d brag about you to anyone willing to listen.
— When you two got the chance to be alone, he’d hold your waist and feel your body through the thin fabric.
— He was always very expressive about how much he adores the way you pamper yourself. You always giggle and tell him its just for him. He smiles.
— Once he almost broke a bone trying on a pair of your platforms. Never again.
— You also managed to get fake lashes and lipstick on him. You took so many pictures. He was very embarrassed.
— He understands that you need time to learn things. He gets frustrated of course, but we cant blame him, he’s only human.
— He tries to make you feel like the most brilliant person on earth, even if sometimes it’s a bit.. hard.
— Once you asked him, “Why do you wear so much gear?” And he replied, “Well, it’s important.” And tried to explain it to you. You couldn’t quite grasp the fact that he needed it, and kept telling him he should show off his body because he was sexy. He took the compliment ans dropped the conversation, you were too cute to argue with.
— You guys do have your arguments of course. He’s more patient than you’d think, though. He’ll give you space.
— After that, you two are all over eachother again. He loves you. Even if you don’t quite understand his job. or many things, for that matter.
“I tried to cook you something,” You started, “But it didn’t end very well.”
He pinched his nose at the foul smell of something burning. “I cleaned it up..” You smile awkwardly. “..For the most part.”
“For the most part?” He questions, walking into the kitchen. It became obvious what you meant. The bottom of the skillet had thick, black burnt material all over it. You tried to scrub it off but gave up. There was also some splatter on the stove.
He smiles a bit, looking back at you. “You know what?” He asks, and you hum. “I’ll clean this up.. You go do whatever else you need to do, as long as it doesnt involve household chores.” You frowned. “But.. I wanna help!”
He tried to get you to go elsewhere, but you werent budging. He sighs, accepting his fate…
He ended up letting you help. But he was standing so close you could hear his breathing, and his heart pumping, guiding you through how to properly scrub a burnt pan. You were focused on his hands the whole time.
✭ Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
— He was very open about his attraction to you and your style. Not often open to others, but open to you for sure.
— He often made jokes, which sometimes you’d end up taking too serious, and he’d have to comfort you and reassure you that he didn’t mean it.
— He knew he didn’t mean it, but sometimes, you just didn’t quite understand…
— He’s always boasting about how beautiful you look to him when he comes home to you, or when you send him a picture of yourself.
— It became habit to show him your makeup and outfit everyday, and he’d devour you completely with his eyes.
— Sometimes, if you forget, you’ll stay up until 4 a.m. perfecting your appearance just to show him.
— Usually he’s concerned you’re up so late, but your pretty face is worth it.
— Your face is his lock screen. And wallpaper.. And everything else he could put your face on…
— He gets questions about you all the time but brushes it off. Nobody needs to know about you but him, after all.
— Occasionally, if he’s feeling talkative, he’ll talk about you and sometimes even show you off.
— Alejandro overheard a phone call between you two, and was very confused when he had to repeat himself, just word his sentences differently.
— He loves you dearly and doesnt mind explaining things to you. He likes listening to you talk, and he likes your face when a light bulb moment goes off in your head. He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
— Also, he’s a very attentive lover, and will make sure you’re safe and know what you’re doing. Definitely texts you every chance he gets when he knows you’re out.
He was driving, and Alejandro pointed out his lock screen as a notification came through.
“Who’s that?” He asks. Rudy hesitates. “..My girlfriend.”
Alejandro pretends to be stabbed in the chest. “My heart! For you have wounded me!”
Rudy chuckles nervously. Alejandro straightens up. “So.. Girlfriend, huh?” He asks. Rudy’s phone starts ringing.
Speak of the devil… He thinks. He picks up the phone, and your sweet voice comes through. “Hey babyyy!” He could tell you were smiling.
“What’s up?” He says, speaking quietly in the presence of Alejandro. “I sent you a picture of my new nails.. But i figured you were driving. Can you atleast look..?” He could tell your smile faded into a pout.
“Yeah, yeah. Okay.”
“Yay! Thank you! I love youu.” You say, before hanging up. He pulls up your messages, looking at the picture of your nails and sighing before typing, ‘Beautiful, just like you.’
“She’s got you wrapped around her finger, aye?”
Rudy quickly slams his phone down, looking through the windsheild.
✭ Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
— You are definitely his type. He can’t imagine himself with anyone else.
— He likes to pick you up and twirl you around, mostly because of the skirts you wear. You’ve told him it makes you feel like a ballerina.
— He definitely feeds into your perfume collection. You bring home a big bag of perfumes and body sprays and make him smell them and pick out his favorites.
— He’s also the guy to jokingly tell you to get his tip color on your nails because he saw someone else say it and thought it was the funniest thing ever, but then is surprised when you actually do it.
— It started with a, “Hey baby, like my nails?” And you gracefully wiggling your fingers in his face. Of course he says yes, but when it finally processes what exactly it’s depicting, his eyes are wide. He’s giddy.
— It’s definitely taken him time to adjust to your humor. You find some of the dumbest things funny. He doesnt quite understand, but when you laugh, he laughs aswell. You’re adorable, how could he not?
— He’s definitely very supportive of you dying your hair crazy colors. Sometimes you get bored and wanna put some pink in there! If you wear wig installs, he will buy them for you. He’s actually quite good at installing them aswell. 40 youtube tutorials later…
— If you have piercings, he’s totally into that too! He even encourages you to get new ones.
— He doesnt mind your processing speed or lack of basic knowledge either. He finds it enticing that he has to help you out. Maybe he just likes the excuse to spend more time with you.
You two were watching TV on the couch together, he was stuffing popcorn in his face and you were very interested in the dramatic romance going on in the film.
Suddenly, a kissing scene comes on. His first instinct is to cover your eyes, and you start laughing. “What was that for?” You ask through your giggles.
He starts to laugh with you. “Instincts kicked in. My bad, my bad. Continue on.”
He shovels the popcorn in his mouth again and you cant stop laughing at how stupid but funny the interaction was.
“What’s funny?” He asks, grin on his face as the grease from the popcorn surrounds his lips. “You. You’re funny.” He rolls his eyes at your response.
“Just continue watching those two tongue eachother and leave me be.” He says, crunching resuming. You laugh again, and he laughs with you so hard that popcorn almost came out of his nose. You shove him away when he chokes a bit, still laughing. “Ew! Stop laughing, you’re gonna barf!” He pushes you back against the couch and starts tickling your sides.
You kick at him, thrashing a bit at the sensation. Your laughter only grew. “Stop it, now i’m gonna barf!” You giggle.
“Didn’t wanna barf alone.” He says, placing a buttery kiss to your cheek. You wipe it off and wipe it on his face.
He doesnt even care, staring into your eyes with the biggest smile on his face.
✭ John Price
— Definitely an old soul. Wasn’t into the way you displayed your body, but he eased into it as he fell deep into loves trap.
— His more traditional ways slowly died down after dating you. He couldn’t help his past mindset, it’s just how he was raised.
— He’s definitely all about paying for your hair, nails, clothes, makeup, and anything else you want.
— He taught you how to cook. It was definitely tough, but he’s a decent cook and had no problem passing it down to you.
— Admittedly, however, he does get very, very frustrated with you.
— Sometimes he has to walk away to calm himself down after a particularly rough interaction. He’s talked to you about this, and you’ve gotten used to it. You don’t have many problems with it now. Just hurts your heart a bit.
— But-! He always makes sure to comfort you afterward. He’s reassuring, telling you he’s sorry and he just needed a moment. He also is sure to ask you if you’d like to continue the conversation or move on.
— Sometimes you say you’d like to continue so you could push his buttons a bit more, but only if you’re extra frustrated with him.
— He also loves when you explain stuff to him he doesn’t understand! Ramble about makeup and clothes for hours! He takes good mental notes.
— He definitely loves you. Alot. He even describes you as his soulmate to his peers. He always manages to push past the frustration, and continues loving you no matter what.
You were applying your lipstick, lips parted and face shoved in the mirror.
“Darlin’?” Your boyfriend says, coming up behind you and examining what you’re doing. You turn around, smile painting your face. “Ah! Hii!” You exclaim. He smiles.
“Whatcha’ doin’?” He questions, head cocking. “Just finishing up my makeup. You like?” You ask. He gives an affirming nod. “You look absolutely ravishing.” You blush at the compliment.
“What’s this do?” He asks, picking up your mascara. You beam. “Mascara! Makes my eyelashes long and full.” You bat your eyes up at him prettily.
Your reaction urkes him to press further. “Oh yeah? What’s this?” He picks up one of your favorite eyeshadow pallets.
“Eyeshadow.” Your eyes close, allowing him to examine the masterpiece that painted your eyes. “Very nice.. Whats this?” He picks up your concealer. “Concealer! Hides all my flaws.” You giggle.
He cocks his head. “Impossible.” “Hm?” He smiles. “You have no flaws. Nothing to cover.” You blush, looking away nervously before looking back up to him with a heartfelt smile. “I love you.” You muse. “I love you more.”
This quickly turned into a battle of who loves eachother more, but he ended up letting you win just to see you get really happy.
✭ Phillip Graves
— Is absolutely obsessed with you and the way you look. Always has something to say about it.
— This man can never shut up about you!! You’re too perfect. Unfortunately for the other fellas’, you’re all his, and he makes that point very clear.
— You once mentioned matching tattoos and he was beaming with excitement. Absolutely ecstatic. He said yes about a hundred times.
— He helps you with everything. Money? Clothes? Food? Makeup? Bills? All the above, baby.
— You’re so special to him. He feels like his job is to talke care of all of your needs and wants, no matter how outrageous. He doesn’t want you to lift a finger. No job for you! Live in your lush lavish provided by your dear boyfriend.
— Once you had him take a look at the Adam & Eve website, and he bought you everything you clicked on to look at, whether it was lingerie or a toy.
— Definitely one of the most surprising packages to show up on your doorstep. Did you put all of the lingerie on and take a mini photo shoot for him? Oh, without a doubt.
— He does tend to get frustrated with you sometimes, though. Your relationship is 99% happy stars and rainbows and kittens, but the remaining 1% is how crazy you drive him sometimes.
— You don’t get something? Okay, he’ll send you an article about it. Don’t wanna read all that? He’ll break it down. Don’t understand how to do something? No more questions asked, he’s already doing it for you.
— There have been a few times where he’s let a few dull insults slip past his lips during arguments, telling you he does everything because you can’t. Later though, he realizes that was definitely wrong to say and it’s his fault for doing everything for you. You’re just his spoiled princess.
— That’s how he wants it to be, though. You’ll be his pampered little lover for the rest of eternity. Whether you like it or not. He’s never letting you go.
You’re lugging a box full of new shoes and accessories into your house, when all of a sudden your boyfriend comes from behind you and lifts it without a struggle.
“Oh, thank you!” You bat your pretty eyes at him as he sets the box down. “Of course, pretty.” He walks over to you, engulfing you in a hug.
“You’re gonna mess up my makeupppp!” You protest. “Awe, i’m sorry baby.” He pulls away, giving a fake pout.
You hesitate. “..W-wait. Come back.” You say. “And why should i?” He interrogates. “Because you love me.”
He smiles, and you reciprocate. “Can’t argue with that, can i?” His arms make their way around your waist again. “What about your makeup, hmm? Wouldnt wanna mess all your hard work up.” He teases, hands resting on your hips.
“I’ll just fix it later. Hug me. Please?” You beg, and of course, he gives in. He squeezes you tight. “Don’t bother. I’ll just end up ruining it later too.” He says, and your eyes blow wide.
“Phillip Graves! Not until marriage!” You joke, laughing and pushing him away. He laughs aswell. “I mean, i can already consider you as my wife. Been together forever, and you aren’t going anywhere.” He promises. Your cheeks heat up. “..Yeah?” “Yeah, princess. Mine.”
He starts to place little teasing kisses on your neck, and you giggle.
✭ König
— You make him so nervous. Your appearance just adds to it.
— Truly believes he doesn’t deserve someone as beautiful as you. You’re also complete opposites. You’re very outgoing where he tends to be timid and shy.
— Very bad self esteem, but believes everyone seeing him with such a babe will make people think higher of him.
— Of course this isn’t the only reason he’s with you!! He really, really likes you. And he hopes you feel the same way, he’s quite the overthinker.
— You’re entire world may revolve around your appearance for the most part, but you’re very good at comforting him. He greatly appreciates it.
— When you two are alone, he eases up and starts to become quite the chatterbox. Complimenting you, holding you in his arms while chatting up a storm, telling you anything and everything on his mind.
— He expresses that you’re perfect in his eyes. He loves you, which also means he absolutely adores everything about you. If you’re insecure, he throws in more compliments on the specific thing you’re insecure about.
“You’re beautiful. All of you.” “I love the way your body looks in that outfit.. Frames your perfect figure so well.”
— Random thing he likes - he loves giving you piggyback rides. Seeing the world from is point of view is so flabbergasting to you, no matter what! You always point out how tall he is. Makes him blush everytime.
— He’s never gotten frustrated with you. He understands how it feels to be bullied for being slow or “stupid”. He’s sure to reassure you that you’re none of those things, and everyone learns stuff differently!
— He’s very excited everytime you ask him to help you. He’ll do whatever he can to the best of his ability! Always assures you that you can count on him.
— He loves everything about you. I’ve said this before, but he truly does. Everything. You’re perfect.
— Eventually the insecurities fade, and he opens up. He’s so happy around you. He loves you so, so much. He still refuses to believe you’re his.
It finally snowed! You were super excited. You threw on one of your boyfriends way too big sweaters and some thermal tights with a pretty little skirt and some boots and made your way outside.
König follows behind once he realizes where you’ve gone. He’s worried you might get cold, but you’re quick to tell him you feel fine!
You throw a snowball at him, and he picks you up, twirling you around. “Oh no you don’t.” He says, holding you close. You giggle and squirm. “Nooo! Let me throw snowballs at you!!” You smile.
“How about instead of being violent with me, we build a snowman together?” He suggests, and you nod enthusiastically. You both begin to build the snowman, and he runs inside to grab a carrot for the nose and some chocolate for the buttons and eyes. (He couldn’t find coal.)
You both quickly decorate your snowman, and then you lean against him in content. “I may not be the smartest sometimes, but i can build a damn good snowman.”
“Hey! You’re smart. Intelligent, even.” He argues, making you laugh. “Thank you, baby.” You beam. His face flushes deeper than it already was.
“I love you so much.” He instantly curls in on himself after saying that, but quickly looking down at you as you reciprocate. “I love you more.” He picks you up and carries you inside, hugging you for “extra warmth”
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C.C. - peroxiddeprincess 2022. NO REPOSTS. reblogs appreciated!
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spider-gem · 6 months
Alright, you know what time it is: THEORY TIME!
In Hazbin Hotel, everyone’s name correlates to their character (such as Angeldust, Vox, Sir Pentious, etc). As a writer and reader, I firmly believe that names are important and can give us a deeper look into characters. Alastor, despite keeping his real name from life, is not an exception.
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In a series where names reflect their characters, I would bet that Alastor’s gives us a hint into who he was before he died. This, along multiple other reasons, leads me to believe that Alastor only targeted guilty or corrupt people in power.
Hear me out:
We don’t know much about Alastor’s past, as nothing has been confirmed in the show. So for now, let’s analyze the lore we’ve gotten from Vivziepop over the years and the context clues in the show. Let’s look at the hazbin wiki:
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Now, that “weird moral code” could be directed at anyone, but here’s my reasons for believing he went after corrupt people with power:
1. I’ve never seen the show, but I know that Dexter was about a vigilante serial killer that targeted criminals that haven’t been punished by the justice system due to corruption. So I would say, seeing Alastor is being compared to Dexter, Alastor likely went after the same type of people.
2. He grew up and lived in New Orleans, Louisiana in the early 1900’s as a mixed man. If you don’t know much about American history, just remember that this during a period of segregation and heavy discrimination against Black Americans, and Louisiana was one of the most racist states at the time. I’m not going to go through a whole history lesson right now, but note that lynchings reached their height by the late 1800’s to early 1900’s as a way to enforce white supremacy and intimidate minorities. Some cases, if not most, were not regarded as homicides by police and the overwhelming majority of lynching perpetrators never faced justice. Even if they were tried, all white juries ensured that they wouldn’t be convicted. Seems like a good target for a Creole serial killer, right?
3. In the series, so far, we’ve seen that Alastor’s closest connections are with female characters, such as Rosie, Mimzy, and Nifty. He’s also been described as a “momma’s boy” before, so it’s safe to say he has high respect for women. During the period of his life span, women had little rights. Sure, they gained the right to vote in 1920, but that was about it. It wasn’t even until a few years after Alastor died before women had the right to divorce their husbands, and were often stuck in abusive households. For this reason, I could see Alastor going after domestic abusers as well.
4. He probably killed bigots that attempted to tear down his radio show as well. I don’t really have much evidence for this claim, but note that Alastor was a famous radio star. He’s also Creole. While some Creole people were considered as “white-passing”, interracial marriage was prohibited in Louisiana during this period. Alastor very likely had to struggle to succeed, and there’s no doubt that certain people in power attempted to tear him down because of his heritage.
5. Let’s look at his life in hell now. Who has he been rumored to have targeted ? That’s right, powerful overlords. Even in hell, Alastor still went after people in power. Sure, this was arguably to gain power, but the point that he only went after corrupt powerful figures still stands. Anyone else we see him kill, such as the loan sharks or the angels, threatened him and the hotel first.
To conclude, there’s no saying what sent Alastor on his path as a serial killer. I personally favor the popular fan theory that his first kill that sent him on this path was his father, likely after his father harmed/killed his mother, but anyone’s theory is as valid as that one at the moment. I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.
It could just be the social justice warrior in me saying, “Oh yeah, Alastor TOTALLY killed corrupt cops and domestic abusers”. However, I do believe that my theory on Alastor’s moral code is true based on my observations.
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
This is for all the younger gen Z women, particularly those of you within the ages of 17 to roughly 23. This is written from an American perspective, things might be a little different depending on where you're from.
I graduated high school with the unconscious assumption that certain systems will take care of me. The medical system would educate me on proper nutrition and health issues was probably my largest underlying assumption, but really I just had trust in institutions generally.
This isn't true. You are responsible for learning. As an example, I have been vegetarian since age 14. Nobody talked to me about proper nutrition, they just told me I needed to eat more protein.
I lived a decade of my life having shortness of breath, sleeping issues, clumsiness, cold hands and feet, having brain fog, extreme fatigue, heightened anxiety, etc. My period was extremely light and brown, it'd last for about 2 or so days. I'd go and talk about these problems, and telling doctors that I was vegetarian was one of the first things that came out of my mouth just with any visit because I knew at least that piece was important to communicate.
There was really no action taken over the span of about 10 years. I was told the period thing was normal, that changes for women. A sleep specialist let me know that feeling exhausted was also normal. The brain fog was probably due to anxiety. Here, try allergy medication (tbh that did help for other reasons). Then one day I just asked them to check my vitamin and mineral levels. Prior to this I didn't think you can make requests to doctors, I thought you showed up and they performed tests on what they recommended. With some reluctance from my primary care physician and some compromise because she said my insurance wouldn't cover testing things like B12 levels (I later found out from a nurse that, they would, she would have just needed to fill out extra paperwork), she did some tests.
I found out both my iron and D3 levels were low. What else could be?
I later learned pretty much all the vitamins common to be low for vegetarians were low. D3, magnesium, vitamin Bs, iron, and healthy fats. Bought some liquid vitamins (because the body only absorbs 10% of the pill supplements), began eating an avocado a day, my period became normal for the first time in nine years, and I am able to function.
Another example of how human systems won't educate you: I don't have feeling in some of my toes due to wearing incorrect sized footwear for years resulting in permanent nerve damage. I'm size 11.5 in women's, and I was relying on someone to tell me how proper footwear worked, because surely the guy in the minimum wage position working the footwear section would know.
Don't trust human systems to guide you through how certain things work. Seek specific specialists and experts when you can, and inform yourself on your own. Don't blindly trust search engines like Google, it's not like how it used to be when I was growing up and many millennial adults will tell you to "just google things" because we're used to finding actual substantive answers when we do. However, now, usually whoever pays is who makes the first page or two of search engines, it has nothing to do with what information is "most correct". Don't be afraid to request certain tests be done by doctors or certain referrals made to different specialists.
Edit: And also, I've found general practitioners are terrible when you walk in and tell them about several different symptoms at one time. They're more used to treating one symptom at a time, and they treat the symptom not the root cause. If you go in with a runny nose, general practitioners are going to throw medications at you to try and treat the runny nose, not look deeper into what's causing the runny nose. It's equivalent to if you're in a boat and it's sinking, they're bailing out water without actually fixing the hole or trying to figure out where it is, with the exception of emergency situations and even then it depends.
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teecupangel · 4 months
Weird idea: Des gets dropped in the past, human or not, preferably with Altaïr (so he can be immortal and the problem can be passed on to Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton), and he can speak every single language past and future in the whole world perfectly, EXCEPT any that are linked to Arabic, Italian, or English.
(Linked meaning like, have common origins or descendants or have strong connections in any way that would allow a smart person, like Altaïr, to puzzle out what he’s saying. So like, he can only speak modern Korean, Gbaya languages, ancient Parahã, and those kinds of languages. Things Altaïr could never puzzle out with what he knows. He’d have to start from scratch.)
Cause like, it’s similar to the whole Desmond-just-straight-up-can’t-talk-for-such-and-such-reason, but it’s slightly more interesting. And plus it’d be funny if Desmond isn’t good at learning languages so he can speak all of these, but he has no basis whatsoever to learn Arabic, Italian, or English.
And as anyone who’s tried to learn a very different language will tell you, it’s way more complicated than you’d think.
(My fav would be if he’s even more limited and can only speak in whistle languages. Confusing people even more who haven’t ever even considered that a spoken language could use whistles)
I feel like the main point of this idea is to make Desmond suffer but I'm thinking Desmond wouldn't suffer all that much since we'll bring him to Altaïr who was raised in a time where a lot of different people with different languages mixed together in lands under their Brotherhood’s supervision.
I personally headcanon that Altaïr knows most languages used by the crusaders and the nearby lands as part of his whole ‘I’m an overachiever that would have probably had multiple PhD had I been born later in life” thing going on.
Of course, this doesn’t mean Altaïr would be fluent in all kinds of languages but, speaking from experience as a multilingual who isn’t fluent in all languages I can understand and speak to varying degrees of success, he would know what’s the most important ‘cheat’ he can use:
Context clues.
In this situation, Altaïr would try to understand Desmond’s language and they would start with the basics.
“I am Desmond.”
“You are Altaïr.”
“He is Malik.”
“She is Maria.”
From those three sentences, Altaïr would have a grasp of the words Desmond uses for “I”, “you” and if there is a difference between talking to a third person of differing gender.
And more importantly…
He gets a feel of what is the most common sentence structure.
He would tell Desmond to keep his sentences simple, even tell him to speak it as if he’s speaking to a child.
Altaïr has no shame of asking such a thing because this makes it easier for him to understand Desmond.
So they would start with common grammatical structures and then the most common words they would use or would see around them.
Of course, it’s not like Altaïr would understand all these in a span of a month or three. But he will definitely progress through it and they would have decades together considering how long Altaïr lived.
In this situation, learning Desmond’s language would become more or less common in the Brotherhood. Hell, they might even develop their own language which would be a mix of Desmond’s language and the main language used in Masyaf. Even even mix in a few words here and there from other languages that the Assassins used.
From there on, this fusion of a language would become the unofficial language of the Brotherhood (imagine that scene with the Parisian Council speak in Arabic would change to this language and Arno’s “???” expression because he hears some whistles but, at the same time, he kinda understands some of the words because he remembered his father used to speak the same language) and it’s one of the greatest secret of the Brotherhood.
… and it all started because Altaïr and Desmond liked to talk to one another about the most idiotic thing Abbas had done for the week and to complain about Malik working them to the bone XD
(This does mean that whenever someone speaks to Desmond, they do usually make use of most common and basic sentence structure.)
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askinkiskarma · 2 years
So It Goes... | Jake Sully x Reader
Summary: You meet Jake Sully at a party thrown by your dad for his military friends, and your life is forever changed as a result.
Pairings: Jake Sully x Human!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings/notes: just pure filth (18+, Minors DNI).
A/N: I had a dream about Jake Sully last night and this is the result, hahahah. I might turn this into a series if people like it x
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You did a number on me But honestly, baby, who's counting?
You don’t know how you found yourself in this scenario again, getting fucked dumb by a man you swore you were done with just a couple hours before. 
The noises coming out of your mouth were unholy, much like the way he was thrusting into you so hard, so deeply it was making you see stars. Over and over. Over and over.
“You like that, don’t you? You’re such a fucking slut for my cock.” 
You were, you always have been, ever since you first laid your eyes on Jake Sully, you were his. 
It was one of the nights your dad organised a get-together for his friends and colleagues, all military men, all 10 feet tall and so fucking hot and muscular, so forbidden, you were dripping in cum just at the thought of one of them drilling into you. 
You put on some nice clothes for the occasion, your dad stressing the importance of this evening to you several times. A little black dress, hugging all of your curves in the best way, some black pumps and a simple necklace with a pearl pendant. Your long hair was flowing softly down your back, covering some of the bare skin on display. You were wearing natural makeup, except for the lips, painted red, your favourite colour. You made your way downstairs to the living room, where you could hear soft chattering from outside the door, and with a deep breath and a glass of champagne in your hands, you walked in. 
You felt eyes on you as you moved towards your father, who was animatedly chatting to some of his colleagues. He smiled fondly at the sight of you, his only daughter, the jewel in the crown of his endless accomplishments. 
“There she is. The best thing I have ever done.” 
“I don’t know, dad, that car you built from scratch is pretty up there, if you ask me. I pale in comparison.” 
All the men around him laughed, and you knew you have done your part for this particular dinner. You came in, you looked pretty and presentable, you made people laugh, all in the span of a few minutes. You were getting good at this. 
You made the rounds, saying hello to all the people you have grown up seeing, knowing, making small talk with. They were nice men, most of them, and you felt comfortable in this situation, surrounded by them, knowing that you were safe in this house, in this life, that if anything were to ever happen to you, you have about 30 trained, powerful soldiers in your phone that would fuck up whoever wanted to mess with you. 
Eventually, you reached a smaller group that was chatting softly, and your eyes immediately glued to one man, that you haven’t seen before. A little taller than the rest, you were barely reaching his ribs even in 5 inch heels, and your knees went weak taking him all in. He was gorgeous, the most gorgeous man you have ever seen; younger - younger than most people here, although that still made him probably twice your age. His hair was shoulder length and braided in small braids, one rogue braid in front of his face, and you felt the sudden urge to touch it, and then his face, his chest, his - 
“So good to see you, kid. How is everything going?” 
“Good, Frank. How about you? How’s the family? I heard Emily got into her dream University, that’s a big accomplishment!”
You felt eyes on you - you felt his eyes on you. There was heat everywhere in your body where his gaze fell, and you felt yourself cowering a little under its intensity. You couldn’t give less of a fuck about Emily and her upcoming trip, not when you were worried all of them will see a line of your arousal dripping down your leg with how wet you were for this man who is yet to speak a word in your direction. 
“Have you met Jake? He’s a new transfer, best of us all if you ask me.” 
You forced yourself to look up at him, and your lips parted with a small gasp when you saw how he was eyeing you. Like you were prey, like a meal he was dying to eat up. Fuck. 
His hand was stretched out in front of you, expectantly, and you took it, shaking it once. He lingered, not letting you go for just a second longer - not long enough to be suspicious, but long enough that you noticed, that it mattered. There was ache in between your legs now, cunt throbbing painfully and desperate for attention. You have never reacted in this way, never had such a visceral reaction to anyone else you have ever met before. The way he was making you feel was so primal, so raw, you were panting in need and you knew then you had to have this man. Whatever it took, you had to have this man fuck you til you passed out. 
“I thought they were all exaggerating when speaking of your beauty, but I now see it was an understatement. It’s nice to meet you…?” 
His head tilted slightly to the sight, and with a small smirk, he said. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m sure I will see you again sometime.” The way your name rolled off his tongue drove you mad. You needed to excuse yourself. Now.
You hurried to your bedroom on the upper floor of the house and closed the door. You didn’t even have it in you to remove your dress, the agony too much, too palpable to allow for such frivolous, pointless distractions. You pulled your lace panties down your legs and threw them carelessly to the side, and reached in your nightstand for your best friend in these kinds of circumstances. You lay on your back in your large, king-size bed and spread your legs, your fingers quickly finding your folds, that were so wet there was a small pool forming on the sheets, and you haven’t even started. You moaned at the contact, so turned on that you knew it was going to take very little to make you cum so hard your legs would be shaking. When you were ready, you directed the vibrator to the entrance of your pussy, sliding it in slowly, feeling every inch. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped, and you couldn’t help the image of the man you just met that was plaguing your mind, driving you to your release faster. 
“Jake...” you moaned his name, trying to will him into existence, into you. 
You came violently, legs shaking and feet curling, panting loudly at the powerful orgasm that enveloped you. It was the best orgasm you have had in a long time - that’s what this man was doing to you - just his image, just the thought of him. 
“Well, I was going to at least buy you dinner first before I expected to see you cum moaning my name, but I'm definitely not complaining.” 
Your eyes shot open and your body upright, vibrator still deep inside of you, and you were shocked to see him, just standing there, just looking at you, same smirk plastered on his face as earlier. Even with a clearer mind, you were still perplexed at his beauty, at his magnetic force just pulling you towards him and you found yourself forgetting about the horrendous situation you were currently in just to admire him a little longer. 
“You like what you see?” He raised an eyebrow, smiling crudely at your fucked out form and your curious eyes. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I just wanted to check in on you. You seemed… a little flustered at the party, and I was afraid you might be sick. I wouldn’t want you to get sick on my watch, that would be against my duty as your father's friend and colleague.” 
He closed the door swiftly behind him, and made his away towards the bed. Towards you. 
You recoiled, removing the vibrator quickly and pushing your knees together, bringing them to your chest. 
“What do you think you are doing?” 
“I told you, I just want to make sure you are ok.” 
You wanted to tell him to go, but you couldn’t find your voice - not when he was stalking towards you the way he was, a hungry look in his eyes, not when you wanted him to devour you whole. 
He placed his knee on the bed and gently grabbed both your ankles in one hand, pulling you towards him so easily, like you were a tiny doll. You were startled at his actions, but curious to see what he was going to do to you, so you said nothing and waited. 
Once your feet reached the end of the bed, touching his knee, he spread your legs apart, and took you in, his mouth parted to accommodate for the deeper breaths he was taking looking at you. 
“Look at this. All of this for me?” He trailed his hand up your leg and you shuddered at the contact, at the feel of his rough hands on your body, sending pulses of electrical current up and down your entire being. You felt yourself becoming wet yet again, and the anticipation rising in your stomach was making you dizzy. You closed your eyes and let yourself feel him, feel his touch, feel the way his hands reached your folds and tentatively stroked them, removing the slick liquid with two fingers and watching as it dragged when he touched them together and pulled them apart.
Your back was arched now, eyes tightly shut, silently pleading for more, for anything to help you release some of the tension in your lower abdomen. 
“From the moment I saw you walking in that room, tight dress and those lips, those fucking lips, my cock got so hard I thought they would all be able to see, see what you did to me. I could smell you, smell your dripping cunt, and I knew you needed a good fucking, I knew you wanted it as much as I did. Isn’t that right, baby girl?” 
You moaned at his words, so hot, so wrong, you almost came just hearing them. He pushes two fingers in your damp pussy, and the groan he releases when he feels you nearly sets you off, and you buck your hips wildly on his fingers. He pulls them out just as quickly, and when your eyes found his, he had a serious, dangerous expression on his face, which made you gulp audibly.
“I asked you a question.” 
“Yes, yes...” you say panting, “that’s right.”
He pushes his fingers back in, starting a slow, torturous pace that drives you fucking crazy. “That’s right, what?” 
“That’s right…sir.” 
“Good girl.” He quickened his pace, not stopping until your undoing, which made your entire body convulse uncontrollably, cumming all over his long fingers. 
“Fuck, you are so hot. God, I will ruin you, girl. And you will let me, you will beg me to.” 
You knew then he was right. This man will ruin you, and you will watch, unable to do anything about it, but pray that when he’s done, there’s still something left of you to go on. 
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Hi! For Valentine’s Day coming up I was wondering if you could do the demon bros (Satan specifically but whatever you feel like) proposing to MC? (Thank you so much <3)
So it’s mid-summer, two years later give or take. That’s the perfect time to do a Valentine’s Day prompt, right? Genuinely, I am sorry. I’ve explained before that health issues took over my life. There are times when I’m so chronically fatigued I can barely read let alone write anything. I already know this probably won’t be as great as you were hoping for (if you even end up seeing this) but I hope it’s still something to make you smile!
Lucifer: Of course Lucifer is going to go all out for his proposal - do you think he would ever offer you anything but the best? It’ll be a formal affair at a restaurant where he booked a private room for you both with a bottle of some of the best wine (or nonalcoholic drink) available and a custom gourmet menu fitted distinctly to your tastes. There will be ambient lighting and live music playing and you’ll both be dressed up to the nines. I think he’d be the kind of man who chose a classic day to propose, like an anniversary of some sort. One that’s important enough to warrant celebration and keep you from getting too suspicious of the grandiosity but also one that’s innocuous enough that you don’t assume a proposal will follow.
Everything will be going smoothly and Lucifer has just begun his meticulously written (and rewritten several times over) speech when his brothers burst into the restaurant, causing absolute chaos. The food is being eaten, the wine drank, the music is interrupted, and his brothers are all arguing and yelling for your attention. He genuinely considers killing them for ruining what’s supposed to be a special occasion but he sees you smiling at them so fondly, rather getting upset like any normal person would, and so he completely drops his speech and asks you if you’d spend forever with him, dealing with his idiot brothers and helping him clean up their messes. Of course you agree because there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than by his side at the head of this perfectly imperfect little family you’ve found.
Mammon: Mammon is not the most romantic of his brothers, if we’re being honest. He’s not very good at planning things out - he doesn’t have the attention span for it or the consideration it takes. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you as much as they do; on the contrary, one could argue he loves you far more than the others could ever dream of. Mammon doesn’t need a big fancy moment, certainly nothing like Lucifer planned, to propose to you. He doesn’t even have to think about doing it. One minute he’s sitting in his baby with you, riding on the coast, watching the grin on your face and your sparkling eyes and the way your hair blows in the strong wind from the speeding convertible, and the next he’s asking you to do this with him forever. Just always stay by his side and he’ll be happy, and he’ll do anything and everything in his power to make you happy too. He doesn’t have a diamond ring or anything to give you but he offers up one of his signature rings (maybe on one of his chains if it doesn’t fit your hand). He’s giving you a piece of himself, a cherished possession, showing you that this avatar of greed doesn’t need anything else but you. For you, he can be good and generous, and he promises to spend the rest of your lives together showing up for you as the best demon he can be. He wants to be your first demon and your last, if you’ll have him.
Levi: Levi is so so nervous about proposing. Every day he feels blessed by the base gods that you’ve given him a chance to date you; asking you to marry him feels like he’s pushing his luck. But he loves you so much and you’ve both grown so much together that he feels ready to take that step. He doesn’t just wanna be your simp boyfriend anymore, he wants to be your simp husband, and so he sets about coming up with a proposal that suits the both you more than anything traditionally romantic.
It takes him literally months to create the perfect set up. He develops a cute co-op video game not unlike StarDew Valley where you guys can build your little lives together. You design your home and get jobs and get pets; it’s all so charming and cozy and, as always, you guys agree on just about everything because you’re more than lovers, you’re best friends. At the end of the game, Levi’s character proposes to yours with a cute little speech about how he wants you to be his player 2 for the rest of your lives, both here and in real life. He tells you how much your love has inspired him and helped him grow and how he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life leveling up with you as you go on adventures together and make your way through the most dangerous game in the world - life.
Satan: Satan is a diehard romantic underneath that intellectual, rage filled exterior. He’s read all the books and seen all the movies; he’s constantly coming up with bigger and better ways to propose to you. He wants it to be a memorable occasion and something worthy of you, which is a hard feat because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened in this damned place.
He eventually settles on creating an interactive experience. It’ll be a scavenger hunt/mystery sort of game where he involves all his brothers and the other characters to take you on your quest around the Devildom. You’ll visit all of your most meaningful spots, get little mementos from important moments in your relationship, receive little love notes from him filled with your favorite quotes from your favorite books. When you find Satan at the end of the journey, where he’s already kneeling with the loveliest ring pulled out, he thanks you for showing him that he was capable of such warmth and kindness and love. He talks about how he never understood romance or love until he met you, and now it’s his favorite genre. You are everything he could have ever dreamed of, better than any character he’s ever read about, and he never wants to let you do. Then he’ll ask you to continue writing this love story with him and give it a happily ever after ending.
Asmo: Asmo would probably expect to be proposed to honestly, rather than doing the proposing. He’s used to being chased and wooed but, just for you, he’ll take the lead. He just has to do this for his honey; it’s the very least they deserve. Asmo knows he’s simply divine and you are a very lucky human but he also knows how much you have to deal with when being with him so he decides to use this opportunity to make you feel as special and loved as you truly are.
He’s going to take you to the spa and all of your favorite places to buy you whatever you glance at for more than a minute and whatever food you want. He will be the one waiting on you hand and foot for once. He wants you to understand that he’s willing to put in the effort and dedication for you; he’s willing to commit to you and be this giving, steady presence forever, not just a fun boyfriend for now. It’s easy to show someone you want them but it’s much harder to show them that you need them and love them and respect them; however, Asmo is going to spend the entire day trying to achieve just that. By the end of your lovely dinner, he’s pulling out the biggest and nicest engagement rings ever seen (yes, one for each of you obviously and of course they’re a matching set) and asking you to love him forever.
Beel: Sweet, sweet Beel tries so hard to be romantic for his proposal. He knows really early on that he wants to marry you (he’s a male wife, okay?) but he can’t think of anything good! Nothing feels like it’s good enough for you or shows how much he loves you. So he goes to his brothers for help and they help him come with the tried and true proposal over a nice dinner with the ring in your dessert - it being related to food just really fits in with Beel - and they know how much you love your Devildom sweets.
The night is going so well. The dinner is delicious and you two are laughing the whole time and you definitely have no idea what’s coming. Beel is so excited by the surprise that he’s actually not even eating as much as normal which you’ve noticed. By the time dessert comes, Beel is running on adrenaline. He’s excited, he’s nervous, he’s starving. His half out of his mind by the time the desserts come and he’s scarfing down the parfait as quickly as possible and watching for your reaction when you find the ring. Except…you don’t. You finish your entire parfait without anything in your way and Beel has to call over the waiter to none too subtly ask what happened to your ring. It quickly becomes apparent that the desserts had been mixed up and Beel, in his haste to get through dessert, never noticed the ring in his meaning that it’s currently in his stomach right now. At this point Beel has no choice but to tell you what happened and he’s so embarrassed but you’re laughing in the nicest way and telling him you love him and you can’t wait to marry him once you get that ring. You do ask him to make sure it’s professionally cleaned though.
Belphie: For someone who is so lazy, Belphie really puts a lot of thought into proposing to you. Belphie never thought he’d be getting married, let alone to a human, but now that he has you, he wants to keep you forever. Sometimes it’s a tempting thought to just lock you in the attic where you can’t leave but he knows a proposal would be much more effective and much less traumatic, which is something he’s trying to work on for you. Autonomy and safety are non negotiable, apparently.
With that being said, Belphie isn’t going to go all out like Lucifer or Satan. He plans a romantic little planetarium date, not quite unlike your usual ones, though the blankets and pillows are even nicer than normal and there’s extra dessert and your favorite food for dinner. You just think he’s doing something nice for you, likely because he’s done something not so nice that you haven’t found out about yet. As Belphie is laying there in the dark with you, he points out a new constellation - one that he commissioned and bought so it’ll be listed in actual books now. It’s a triad of stars - the two twins and then a connected third star that turns the shape into a heart - that’s you he says. The missing puzzle piece, the only person who could ever fill that void in his heart that he’s been carrying for so long. Then he’ll pull out a beautiful ring with a stone like starburst to match your constellation star and he asks you to marry him - you fate is literally written in the stars now - the two of you bound together forever.
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shawol-lisa-lee9 · 5 months
TSC has been in my greedy hands for almost 48 hours now, and I managed to read it two and a half times already.
So many things to say about it, so little words I have to be able to do that. So, first of all
1) "Neil is such an unreliable narrator" not true, but can we talk about how Jean is just as much as "unreliable", but in a very different way? In the first three books we had a boy who cared so little about anything that wasn't exy (or Andrew) that he just didn't know/notice/cared enough to even acknowledge important things. In TSC we have a boy who knows SO LITTLE about anything in the World after being isolated for such a long time, that he sees everything through a distorted lens, and even when facts are right in front of him he just doesn't get it. They are not unreliable, they were forcefully taught to focus on things different than the whole picture.
2) Jean to me is so much a mixture of kevandreil it hurts me. He went through so much and yet gained so little it hurts. He has the same desperate will to live as Neil, the same "do what you want to me but keep X out of this" as Andrew (+ a lot of traumas), he has so many mental issues only Kevin can understand and a similar attitude. This not to say he's not "original", he's a very different person from the original trio, but he just... Has all of it. He combines other's main visible issues in one single person and it just hurts to see how much he's hurting but still wants and needs to carry on.
3) Neil X Jean scene at the end hits too hard on my heart. I do not presume to know exactly what my Goddess Nora was attempting to do with that, but my mind has found multiple possibilities on why Neil did what he did, and after all the times I read AFTG (which now amount to at least 35 rereads in a span of 3 years) only one has managed to grab my heart and never leave it. So, the main ones:
- As Jean thinks, Neil took care of Grayson because he is valuable in Ichirou's eyes, so Neil felt the need to protect Jean.
- Neil is aware of what Jean went through and is human enough to care for him, now that he knows he's not just a dick, and is willing to make sure Jean feels safe.
- Neil, being the person he is and having seen what Drake did to Andrew's mind, is not going to let Grayson do the same to anyone, especially someone he knows. As someone said here on Tumblr, "Neil is not gonna let a rapist alive if he can".
As I've come to understand the characters, for the first one, not even Neil is that cold that would just care about a person if they are valuable enough to him. In the second hypothesis, Neil is not the type of guy to just care that much about someone outside the foxes lot, but it's still a realistic idea, considering what Jean did for him in TRK. Third scenario, the most realistic and authentic one to me, he's not willing to let anyone get away with forcing themselves on another, even less if it's someone he knows and can do something about it. Which is also the reason why I'm obsessed with this scene and I would pay gold to see it in Neil's pov even when I know it's not possible.
4) Last point for this useless rant, CAN WE TALK ABOUT WYMACK? I swear to god that man is my absolute nightmare (in a good way), I just can't get over how much of a saint he is with those idiotic children he cares for + Jean. I just love him so much. He is rude and raw and can't be truly nice to save his life, but he cares, he cares about them with all his soul and he's not going to leave them alone when they need a helping hand the most.
I kind of wish coach Rhemann was like him, but at the same time I don't because a) if he was he would probably be at PSU, and b) I want him to be a completely different kind of dad to his boys and girls. (but I'm still going to cry on all of his scenes because that man is just too much for me (and for Jean), understanding but not pushing, being respectful of boundaries and "This was the belligerent stare of a man who’d haul Lucas out of there by force if Jean indicated he didn’t want to be alone with him.". )
So, yeah. I'm probably going to read it a third time tonight.
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
BJYX and Tennis 🎾🎾🎾🎾
this is a long overdue post related to a popular cpn among us and a shared interest for zz and wyb. it’s interesting that both of them have picked up this sport in a span of time that’s mostly close to each other. while you can argue that it’s a popular sport and anyone can pick it up, when it comes to them, it adds to the pattern of them liking something at the same time. why is it always them? 😂😂😂😂
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i wanna say that there is really no “big evidence” out there that we know of yet, but i think it’s still an important one. maybe one day a piece will come up and we can revisit.
GG and Tennis
between them, gg picked it up first, or publicly showed off his love for it. As early as 9/2022 during the Loreal Pro live, he shared some recent stuff he’s been enjoying which were badminton, billiards and tennis.
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11/2022 he became more partial of tennis when XZS shared photos and videos of him playing the sport. as soon as he did, even the china open weibo account invited him to come on over and play. tho ZZ is not known to be the most sporty person out there, it ties up with his desire to be more fit. during that time, we have seen ZZ who was working out often. so playing tennis seems to be a rational step, tho at the time, we didn’t know how it could contribute to CPN. he also had said in other interviews that he wants to try and do more things, which is so similar to how wyb approaches his life and why i believe they work so well together. 🤍
then in the next events that he attended and interviews, you can see him saying tennis more often.
Weibo TV Internet Video Summit Red Carpet:
“Exercise is a way to relax and relieve stress. If I had to say, tennis (is my favorite).”
Weibo night 2023 sina interview:
“If you ask about my favorite sport probably its tennis.”
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he loves it so much, that when he shared a photo of his snowman last year, the heart he used is a tennis vibration dampener/ shock absorber. a silent nod to his love for the sport.
WYB and Tennis
what got me questioning the timeline of us saying that XZ started the whole tennis mania was yibo saying recently that he is playing tennis again. tho what i can only find is a 2015 video of him showing how he is playing tennis — which looks more like he was acting and doing it as a joke compared to now where he is obsessed with it. tho their hobbies should always be out there and spoken in public, knowing how quickly he picks things up, i don’t doubt he played the sport at one point before his other interests took over.
fast forward to now, starting the whole tennis story during chanel shenzhen where he was photographed playing and even the instructor posted about it. to being decked out in lacoste tennis gear. it was a quick switch cause we knew he has in his golf phase and then the love for tennis seemed to come from nowhere. we knew that the golf love was fueled by his co star from chang feng po lang. so who is the influence this time?
the evidence we see of him being in love with tennis started with bystander promos and then the recent post of ybo. i don’t know if we are gonna get more bits, unless he finds another hobby.
the clowning immediately started as soon as wyb showed interest in the sport and we connected it to xz. which is usual for us cause we are cpfs! the speculation being, wyb played tennis before them dropped it. xz became a fan of the sport and most likely talked to wyb about it, hoping he would play with him. maybe they did play together at some point then wyb was lured into it lol. and now, it’s his new his favorite. i would honestly cackle if xzs somehow releases a clip of him playing tennis again. so/os are saying wyb is leeching or something but they don’t know it’s what boyfriends do! share each other’s likes!
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recently, there were talks about a mystery photo of WYB going around that some are thinking is a time that they played together and that’s why WYB was cropped out. @rainbowsky talked about that here. but personally, i think this him with some friends or maybe an instructor + casual players. whoever posted that just wanted to share wyb’s photo. i’m not sure about the comments, but some are saying this place is close to where weibo night took place — an event they attended together. which makes people feel more 👀 about it.
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their rackets are different but that doesn’t say much. they could use whatever they want. it’s weird tho that the recent ybo video posted had the brand of the racket blurred out when it wasn’t in the previous video. so why now?
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ultimately, what attracts us to this cpn is the possibility that they play tennis together. also how they influence each other. whatever it is, i just hope they continue to go for the things they love and we will be here to support them. 💛
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enlitment · 5 months
I'd love to hear about your thesis topic (if you're not already sick to death of talking about it 😂)!
Aa, thank you for reaching out, it's so nice of you to ask!!
I'm definitely not sick of talking about it yet! I suspect that it may be the other way around and people around me are starting to get sick of hearing about it 😅
The topic is broadly a mental health disorder which supposedly plagued early 18th century Britain interpreted through a philosophical lens.
More specifically, there was this physician and philosopher called Bernard de Mandeville, who was one of those people who had thoughts on absolutely every topic imaginable, spanning from economical and social theory to medicine (he was also a huge classics nerd but with people in the 1700s, that probably goes without saying).
Supposedly to gain more patients for his practice, he wrote this wonderfully weird medical treatise on how to deal with hypochondria (the name can be misleading, but back then it referred to an unspecified mental health issue close to our current understanding of depression). It is written in a form of a dialogue between a doctor and a patient, and it discusses various symptoms of the disease as well as practical advice on how to treat it (including some great wine recommendations and seemingly endless quotes from Horace and Ovid for some reason).
One thing that particularly fascinates me about the text is that it shows a kind of proto-therapeutic approach to the treatment of mental health issues and it places a lot of emphasis on the developing relationship between the doctor and the patient. The wife of the hypochondriac who suffers from the same illness as her husband is also present, so at times, I'm attempting to go for a slightly feminist angle (Mandeville was not exactly a feminist but some of his ideas about gender were genuinely progressive for a guy writing in the early 1700s).
I'm writing it under the philosophy department, so I sadly had to minimise the historical context in my actual writing. I did research it however! A lot has been said about how hypochondria characterised British people specifically and how an increasingly easy and comfortable life of the upper-middle class may have paradoxically contributed to it. It's also been linked to philosophers/men of letters since it seemed to have affected this group of people in particular (perhaps most famously David Hume who is my supervisor's number one guy).
The result I ended up with is a bit chaotic, but I genuinely had a ton of fun researching the topic! I got a chance to engage in one of my most favourite things in the world, which I guess could be called amateur psychoanalysis of people from the 18th century.
I've also argued by the end that it is useful to study early modern texts (and by extension all historical texts) since it helps us to see which aspects of the human experience remain unchanged over time. (Spoiler: although wine is no longer recommended as a cure, we don't differ that much from people living three centuries ago in all of the important ways. Most notably, we all need positive interactions with others for our mental well-being and to some extent, we all crave others' approval).
Actually getting it printed soon — then it's just anxiously awaiting feedback and then onto the defense.
Hope my answer is not too long or incoherent and thanks again for asking!
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writers-potion · 7 months
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Writing Webnovels 101
There is one key difference between printed/ebooks and a webnovel: you need to adapt your writing for a highly distracted audience.
Unlike a traditional reading experience, people reading on the web have a gazillion other tabs, windows and notifications demanding their attention. So, here are some things to keep in mind when you’re writing for a digital platform.
Short, To-The-Point sentences
Keep your sentences short so that the reader doesn’t lose themselves in the middle.
Keep descriptions short and to the point while focusing on the action of the story.
Each chapter must have significant action that contributes to plot progression.
Use well-placed cliffhangers that wouldn’t lose the reader in between chapters.
Trope-Led Story
The function of tropes is to provide a distracted reader with a ready-built framework to understand the story.
Using the right tropes is also important to attract your target audience since it tell up upfront about what kind of experience they’re going to have.
Emotion-Led Story
Deliver emotional highs and lows right off the bat, because big, intense emotion is what the readers are looking for.
Emotional information is easier to digest and retain than technical description.
Big emotions are easier to hook into and relate to.
Linear Storyline
Keep flashbacks, flashforwards, time skips to a minimum.
For a distracted reader, a straightforward timeline is a lot easier to understand and return to after a hiatus.
Focused Plot
Having multiple subplots weaving in and out of each other is probably not the best idea.
Keep delivering the emotional experience that the reader is looking for and provide only relevant information.
Choosing the right platform
There are so many ways you can write online, from building your own website to writing short episodes on social media platforms.
You can use: novelfull.com, readlightnovel.me, Ltnovel.com, Wattpad, Webnovel, Wuxiaworld, etc.
Before you start posting on a platform, research into the kind of readers it has, what are the most popular genres, etc. Make sure you are pitching to the right audience.
Promoting Your Work
Many writers now promote themselves through newsletters, Instagram, YouTube, etc. but for someone just starting out, creating digital content on top of writing can be tough.
Join a webnovel community and get to know some of your fellow writers! The goal here is not to span other established works to links of your site. As time foes on, linking to one another and making recommendations would come naturally.
Set a Realistic Posting Schedule
Your posting schedule determines how often your readers get to interact with the story world and with one another. It’s how often life gets breathed into your story.
However, going for five days a week isn’t going to be sustainable, unless your story is already finished.
There is no magic number, so figure out a consistent, regular schedule that you can stick to. At least once a week is recommended.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee! ☕
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agendabymooner · 1 year
colour me your colour || toto w. x ofc (4)
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Summary:  Tilly Marie nearly loses faith in her passion as she refuses to listen to everyone who told her to quit. Everyone but one. And it’s the man she met years ago at a racing event she didn’t want to attend. Who would have thought that her father’s partial ownership of three brands could take her to the zone of Mercedes and meet the love of her life?
Chapter summary: Can you actually fall in love fast? or is Tilly just fortunate enough to catch Toto's attention and gain his respect and determination in span of a day? As of this point, she might as well host a slumber party as Daniel and Lewis continue to pester her with the most important topics of her life right now: her family and the hypothetical ones she'd make with Toto.
Content warning: Age gap, brief use of explicit language, discusses the 2014 austrian gp, flirtatious banter, mutual pining kind of romance, platonic relationship with Lewis Hamilton and Daniel Ricciardo, fictional family and business involved (Hearth family and Hearth Automotives Group). NO PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS INVOLVED SORRY
Note: Thank you all so much for the 50 followers! I honestly have been writing these just because I didn't have anything occupy my time and it's a good idea that I posted them up here. knowing that you're enjoying my brain's ideas, it fuels me even more into writing. As of this point I'm currently writing a spin-off for Rush and this series so keep an eye out, I suppose. I hope you all enjoyed today's race because I certainly did (Albon was way too fucking good this weekend, I shit you not). And I hope Alonso's 2nd place makes up for the Father's Day that I'll never get to spend with him. Enjoy xx
iv. fast lane but not the race weekend kind
Tilly Marie F. Hearth…”
That should be okay, I tell myself silently as I put away my laptop. It’s only 6 pm, and I already wish to retire to my bed early. 
I can be doing a lot, but instead I’m moping inside my hotel room while I’m waiting for Lewis. Being on a paid vacation is nice; I don’t have to do anything and deal with people. But at the same time, I’m craving more tasks to occupy my time because truthfully, I do NOT want to be stuck in a hotel in Silverstone with nothing to do. I spent my early 20’s being away from people, but now I’m entering my early 30’s, I’m slowly thinking that I probably should’ve done more than attend festivals by myself or with my sisters.
None of the people I was around with earlier had looked my way until after they'd been told that I was working in communications and was a boss’ child. The staff from the other teams also did the same—but some of them knew who I was already and had already made themselves comfortable. Just how I wanted.
But then again, this is my first day. And Sunday would probably be my last considering that I’ll be back to my stuffy office the next week. 
I can take up the role as a consultant for communications. My father did offer me that role for Ferrari, Red Bull and McLaren—telling me that I can do so much more in Formula One than my no-good employers. 
Bunch of bullshit, I curse out. He wouldn’t let go of his legacy like that. 
I already told him about writing for magazines or simply writing in general, but he still placed these executive positions in front of me as if he knew I’d give in. Sad fact is that he actually is right; I’m close to giving up on my job. If The Devil Wears Prada didn’t warn me the first time, Lauren Weisberger should have at least taken both of my shoulders and shaken them. 
It didn’t hurt to think about balancing Formula One and journalism out. After all, it’s what I can do as a journalist—know enough about racing and engines and ensure that my knowledge is being shared through my writing and published works. 
I try my best to relax in my bed, lying flat on the mattress with my hands resting on my stomach. The silence is deafening and I can hear my steady breathing. My eyes are growing tired as they continue to look up at the ceiling of my room. 
For a moment, I debated whether or not I should come downstairs for dinner with Lewis. If there’s anything that I know about him, he takes his dear time to get ready—and I have an endless closet at home. That’s telling you a lot. 
A knock on my door makes me stand fast and rush to open it. Daniel Ricciardo stands there with a grin.
“Oh you,” I blurt out.
Displeased with my response, Daniel cries out, “I’m not terrible all the time, Tils.” 
“Sorry,” I shake my head as I correct myself, “I meant that I thought you were Lewis.”
“He phoned me and said we should head down instead of waiting for him,” he shrugs as he sticks his arm out and offers, “let’s go?” 
I nod and head to where my flats are, slipping them on with ease as I grab my keycard and wallet. 
Daniel only pulled his arm back when I wrapped my arm around it. We descend to the ground floor where the restaurant is located. 
A host takes us to a four table seat at a corner. Seeing familiar faces from the venue, I nod at them as a greeting before I find myself sitting across Daniel. 
Soon enough, Lewis arrives and we begin to talk about today’s events. Forty five minutes had passed, and we found ourselves conversing in front of our already empty plates. 
Daniel asks about my family and all I can tell him has something to do with my mother’s side of the family. I guess out of the wealthy people in my family, I can understand my mother’s connections to the automobile industry. My toxic trait is that I despise my father but love my mother.
The difference is that my mother loves us more than anything and cares for our half-sister more than he does. 
But it seems Daniel has focused on a different matter.
“Your mother is— you’re a Ford, Tils,” his eyes widen like an owl as his mouth gapes open. I can practically see a fly entering his mouth. 
“My mum is,” I laugh, looking at Lewis as he, too, laughs at Daniel’s shocked expression. 
“Mate, she’s a Ford,” Daniel reaches out to nudge at Lewis and gestures at me. “You carry that information around just like that?” 
“She’s not really putting it out there for everyone to know,” Lewis chuckles, sipping on his water as he puts it down. “Besides, if you were really into racing you probably have heard about her dad or mum’s family one way or another.”
“I don’t really go digging for information about old money families,” Daniel rolls his eyes as he looks at me again, “you don’t look like you’re happy to be here. For someone who came from families who are into cars.”
“My father insisted on having me work for his teams,” I tell him, “I’m not exactly the brightest for motorsport. I prefer the media more than what my father wishes me to pursue.”
“Have you raced before?” 
“I had a karting career at some point,” I shrug, “or at least I started at the age 4. Mum didn’t agree with it and I should’ve started at 7, but my father insisted. I was already competing by 7. My sisters were too, but some preferred equestrian over racing.”
“If my dad was a twat, I’d stop it just to spite him too,” Daniel says as I raise my brows at the statement. He then corrects himself, “What I mean is I’d pursue the karting career for me, not for him.”
Lewis pipes up, “Blanche is a pretty decent woman. You should see her, mate.” He turns to look at me and asks, “Is she coming this weekend?” 
“With Aimee and Sylvie,” I nod in confirmation, “I’m not quite sure about Stevie yet but she wouldn’t want to miss out on your home race.” Not elaborating any further, I return to the topic, “My father is absolutely baffled when I quit karting but he can’t do much because Poppy, my mum’s dad, was still alive. So between him and Poppy, he chose not to interfere.” 
“But you’re still here on behalf of your father though,” Daniel points out.
“It’s to secure my position and family’s future,” I tell him with a sigh. I look at him then back at Lewis before I say, “Whether I like it or not, I still need to do my part regardless of how much I hate the surname. It’s an obligation that I can’t avoid but it’s alright. It’s not just for me— it’s for my sisters and my future children.” Wow, I’ve only been friends with Daniel for a month and I’m already airing out my dirty laundry to him. Is this what happens when your friends are your sisters and just Lewis?
“You’re taking your elder sister role way too seriously. You can’t even catch a break,” Daniel says incredulously. 
I can only nod as I agree; my mother’s capable enough of worrying about them and I should just be doing whatever I want. She cares for my sisters as much as I do but being cut off from my father’s side of the family isn’t something that I’d allow. 
It’s not as if my sisters don’t want to join me at the trackside; they want to keep an eye on one of each team in fact. They want to be able to know what kind of thing our father brags about. But much like me, they don’t want to be on the track itself—they’re better off being models because that's what they wanted to be. They’ll join me soon enough, they just need to make a career out of modelling and come to work for the driving teams whenever they’re ready. 
“They’ll be in a lot of magazines soon enough,” I shrug nonchalantly. “I’d like them to do that first unless they feel like carrying a headache coming from either Brown or Horner.”
“There are three of them,” Lewis chuckles, “if anything, those three would outnumber your team principals. With you alone I got scared, could you imagine Sylvie? She’s feisty.” 
“It’s not just to keep them sane,” I roll my eyes, my foot underneath the table kicking Lewis in the leg. The table shakes lightly. “I just started working in this kind of industry. What kind of a big sister would I be if I’m just as clueless? I need to know more, especially if I want to be able to teach my potential kids about it.”
Lewis, the piece of shit, decides that this is the right time to joke about it and say, “I didn’t know you’re already thinking about a future with my boss, Tilly.” 
I snap my head to Lewis’ direction too much that I’m thinking I just got a whiplash. My glare hardens when Danny and Lewis’ faces turn red from laughing too much. 
“You ought to quiet down, boys,” I hiss, not wanting to look at the people who are giving us the unnecessary attention being gathered by their laughter.
“You have to admit,” Lewis breathes deeply to refrain from laughing again, “you two got along well. Was it because of Dubai?” 
“I told you that in confidence,” reaching down in his thigh, I pinch it as he whines quietly. He slaps my hand away as I say, “You’re a shit secret keeper.”
“Wai— what about Dubai?” Daniel, clearly not understanding what’s going on, asks as he looks at me while he expects a context. 
I muttered to him, “Met Toto Wolff in 2006. Spoke to him and all that.” 
Lewis nearly cries in laughter as he speaks, “She told me about it years ago. She never knew his name–or she refused to tell me who. She said he was attractive alright but—ow, stop it, Tils.”
I pull myself away from Lewis and sit back straight on my seat as I claim, “He doesn’t remember nor think of me like that, Lew. He’s just a silly crush.” 
“Is he?” 
“He was,” I correct him even if I’m wrong. It’s like Toto Wolff got an on-and-off button in my life. One moment he’s there making me blush the next thing he’s already gone. 
“You’ve been single for as long as I know,” Lewis huffs out, “why don’t you try dating again anyways?”
“With your boss?” I raise a brow, “Are you that obtuse?”
“What? He isn’t bad,” Lewis shrugs, returning to his usual composure as he crosses his arms, “the opportunity’s right there. Why are you adamant on not taking it?”
“Because she doesn’t want to get on Christian’s bad side for fraternizing with the enemy,” Daniel jokes. 
“I’m gonna kill you, Daniel,” I threaten him emptily, making him giggle again. 
“I’m repeating what you said!” He cries out, still laughing as he laughs obnoxiously. Men! Seriously.
“He’s quite interested you know,” Lewis states, his arms now crossing as he leaned against his seat. “He’s playing 20 questions with me whenever you leave. I’m not sure if he’s interested in me winning or you.” 
“He’s not interested like that,” I insist, “I’m sure he means well because I just popped up all of the sudden today. Nobody likes to step on the wrong foot of a newcomer. You’ll just make an enemy.”
“Yeah, sure,” Daniel scoffs haughtily, “the guy who’s been asking Christian questions about you left and right— the same person who doesn’t like Christian— isn’t interested.” 
“I haven’t been in a relationship with anyone since 2004,” I scowl, trying to keep my voice quiet as I say, “What makes you think I’ll be able to have an interesting relationship with him?” 
“He isn’t subtle about wanting to spend time with you,” Lewis answers, “what did he say again? You’re welcome to be in our paddock anytime? Does that ring a bell?”
Of course I do, I almost huff out, it’s one of the things that I intend to do. Be able to spend enough time admiring his team…
“I know men,” Daniel adds, “and with the way of how he’s looking down at you during the interview? With the heart eyes making contact with another pair of heart eyes? Yeah, that man is in loooove~”
“Like it’s a fast lane.”
Now I can’t deny it. 
I like being around Toto Wolff, more than anything. Speaking to him is like a breath of fresh air after stepping out of a cigar lounge. He’s a gentleman; I’ve always wondered how he’s not married. Women deserve him. Yet he’s here, being the most eligible bachelor in the grid following Fernando Alonso. God, I will snatch him up if I can even meet his level. I doubt he likes his women like me… trashy trying to be classy.
But it turns out, my cynicism is unnecessary. I find myself thinking a lot about the things that could be. In an empty elevator, I wait as it slowly closes. But the call from outside forces me to keep the door open until the person catches up. 
The man makes it inside as he stands tall, trying to catch his breath. There’s no way in hell—
“Tilly,” oh my god. I’m seeing too much of him today. 
I turn to my left as I dumbly ask, “Bonjour, what floor?” 
Toto looks at me with confusion in his face, probably wondering if I’m playing stupid or just stupid in general as he looks past me and says, “You’ve got it.” 
Wow, not only am I seeing too much of him, I’m also on the same floor as him. 
I nod and look back at the front, I can see him through the reflection from the doors. His polo remains unbuttoned and his hair unruly after running his fingers through it. I can see traces of sweat dripping down his forehead. I probably shouldn’t do a physical examination on him.
I look at him and ask politely, “Have you had dinner yet?” It’s a polite thing to ask, right? Like I’m not coming off as desperate to speak to him?
“Ah,” he keeps his mouth shut for a second and answers, “it is something to take up in my room, unfortunately.”
“Is it?” I ask out of curiosity, “You could have joined others for dinner?” 
“Busy, as always,” he smiles sadly, “it’s an endless battle.”
“Quite a shame,” I tell him with a shake of my head. “Do people know time zones or just business hours or is it just something written on papers?” I ask no one in particular.
“My brain doesn’t shut off the moment 7 pm hits,” he tells me with a rueful smile. “It calls for work all the time. So, no. I don’t follow my own business hours policy.” God, I feel sorry for him. 
“It’s like a wire, Toto,” I nibble on my bottom lip, not knowing how to express my empathy without looking like an arse, “you can’t plug it back in if you’ve something to prevent it from happening. Like a baby proof.” 
“You’re right,” he laughs. “What do you suggest I should do? The baby proof, I mean.”
I watch him as the door slides open, thanking him as he gestures for me to walk out of the lift first. Then my mouth does not stop speaking, “Have a dinner away from your work, for instance. Never hurts to isolate your work once in a while,” he laughs at that, “read a book? I love reading novels— I am currently skimming through Das Parfum. You can even time your break before going back to work because I can assure you that habit isn't good.” 
“Do you understand the German language?” He asks me. Mentioning Das Parfum clearly piqued his curiosity. 
It was smart of me to bring it up. When he told me earlier that he came from Austria, I knew I could talk to him in so many languages. Like I knew what I should say next. Like a mastermind.
I'm such a fucking mastermind.
My mouth quirks up and I answer, “Wir haben schließlich viele deutsche fahrer.” We have a lot of German drivers, after all.
He nods at me like he listens to everything I tell him. As if he’s following an order or he’s rather impressed with my pronunciations. Nice. 
Our conversation leads us in front of my hotel room. 
I look at him and gestures to the door, “This is my bat lair.”
“Bat lair?” He chuckles.
“My little humble abode,” I joke. “I can unfortunately hear my bed calling for me. I have to go.” 
“Right,” he nods as I open my door and step inside my room. Telling myself to get my shit together, I turn around to see him still waiting for me to head in. That was a surprise. 
I suggest, “One way to turn your stressful work day around would be breakfast. If you’d like, you can have one with me tomorrow?” 
“Are you asking me on a breakfast date?” He teases, watching me fall apart with my face flushing red. He stops eventually and answers, “I would be more than happy to accompany you before we head out.” 
“Okay good,” I laugh nervously, “I’ve no one else with me anyways so there’s that… does seven sound okay?” 
“You can ask me for anything I think I’ll say yes, liebling,” boom. There goes my heart once more. He grins gleefully as he says, “I know a place nearby. Would you like me to pick you up tomorrow?” 
“As far as I know I’m the one who asked you first,” I roll my eyes in a joking manner, smile escaping my lips. 
“I’d love to have you pick me up but I know the place,” he tells me with a shrug. “Besides, it’s by the tracks. We can head down there together before they start piling up for the day.” 
Not wanting to fluster myself anymore, I nod almost eagerly and he exclaims, “I’m looking forward to it.” 
“Have a good night, bello. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, schatz. Sweet dreams.”
Oh I really am going to have the sweetest dreams ever. Trust me. 
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kairiscorner · 1 year
no bc y/n is literally me here (ambiverted, socially awkward, school tryhard emez)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
miguel o'hara x socially awkward, smart, filipino reader
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summary: you just want to try and get to know him, but knowing everything about the science and tech at the spider society doesn't magically grant you wisdom on how to make a stoic, stern man become your friend in a day (let alone get your crush to notice you) pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!filipino!reader (but anyone is welcome to read it !!) genre: FLUFF ! word count: 1,359 request: can you write another Miguel x Filipino!reader who's really smart and talented but socially awkward... like the reader has a crush on Miguel and wants to have a close bond/relationship with him so the reader is doing their best to have a conversation/spend time with him (only to end up being kinda awkward in terms of the reader's execution huhu basta something like that ganern)
without a doubt, you were the most important person in the whole spider society as a normal, ordinary, every day person that didn't have any spider powers. second to lyla, you were the only two hands (that had signs of life coursing through their veins) that kept the spider society functioning and afloat. you fixed nearly everybody's technical hiccup in the span of a few minutes, and the best part was, you loved doing this—you loved helping the spider people you came across in the field you were an expert in; it gave you big boosts of confidence to your otherwise incredibly anxious self.
you were always praised and thanked by everyone you helped, and it always brought a smile on your face and humble words out of your mouth every time to respond. however, there was one person you couldn't dare to face in the eye to give a 'you're welcome' to them, one person you always ran away from in embarrassment every time you fumbled up your greeting to them or their name in sheer anxiety of how to approach them. your mouth sometimes runs faster than your already overthinking mind, which was both a blessing and a curse to you. that person was none other than the revered, yet feared, miguel o'hara.
the big man had never done anything to directly intimidate you, it was mainly your anxiety and overthinking that filled in the blanks for you about what he probably thinks about you. you saw him as this distant, otherworldly man who was far, far from your league–he was a stoic, stern, and serious guy who led a whole society of spider people from across the multiverse; he was hot shit, very hot shit. and you're just this... person, this person who came from another earth from some ordinary family, with ordinary roots, and a not-so ordinary mind that could solve technical problems in a matter of seconds–you doubted he'd take notice of you.
though, there was always that more risk-taking part of you–that side of you that always seemed to want to do something that would backfire or impossible to pull off; that side of you that... that yearned to do things that you usually wouldn't do, call it a nice intrusive thought, a reflex, an urge. and that urge was... to make small talk with miguel o'hara as you fix up his web shooter for him.
yeah. not the most comfortable situation.
you're starting to feel how cold and hard the seat below you is as you're analyzing the code in his digital webs. he's seated cross-armed before you and pouting slightly, maybe it was an urge for him, to, to just... pout. it was hard not to notice him pouting–your attention always did come down to his very full and plump lips, sometimes you'd think about the shape of his lips, drawing them out on some scratch paper to get the thoughts out of your mind, and sometimes, you wondered to yourself at random times of the day how good they'd feel against–nevermind. '
oh, please, don't ask him that. talk about anything else, say anything else, just not–'
"ah, um... you have pretty full lips, mig, don't you?" you asked him with a shy smile and an awkward laugh following it. a long silence fell and lingered in the atmosphere, joining the thick awkwardness that was palpable the more and more you tried reviving your dying out, nervous chuckle as you hurried darted your eyes from miguel's lips to his web shooter, trying to wipe the memory of what you just said away from your mind while also berating yourself for saying it.
'that's it, you killed your chances with him. nobody says that, what's up with you? he's gonna think you're weird, that you have a, what, a fetish for him? you've screwed yourself over! you're screw–'
"i do?" miguel asked as he looked at you, his lips still in a pouting look. you got a bit embarrassed, you eyes wide open as you profusely nodded. "i-it's, um, quite..." 'don't say it, don't say it, don't say it–' "...cute." 'you fucked yourself over again, for real this time.'
you began to sweat a little, then a whole lot; the beads of sweat glistening on your forehead as you awkwardly grinned at him to ease the tension of the awkwardness that filled the room, which actually made it worse in your eyes as your grin curved into a wince. "i do, huh." miguel said as he nodded and looked away from you, going back to analyzing the statuses of the earths he was monitoring earlier. "is that a good or a bad thing?" he asked you as you jolted up, straightening your back and stammering as your brain tried loading up an answer. "ah, um... yes." 'seriously?!' "what kind of answer is 'yes'?" 'i don't know!'
"i-i meant, yes! yes, i-it's a good thing. a... a very good thing." you added as you almost finished up fixing and patching up the bugs in his webs so he can finally use his web shooters in action and quit with the idle chatter. though a part of you, no matter how anxious and socially awkward, wanted miguel to stay–despite not having much to talk about, his presence comforted you, somehow. you may not have been the best with words, but you didn't have to be–you were comfortable and content with being with him in silence, just staying with him and being in each other's comfort. because, even though neither of you had a very proper conversation... you had always admired and looked up to him, always caught glimpses of him that spoke a deeper language more than words could ever hope to.
miguel cleared his throat and looked at you fixing up the final touches of his web shooters. "well, then... i suppose i should thank you, for, fixing my web shooters. and for your... unique compliment. i've... never been told that before in my life, it's... it's interesting to know." he muttered, his face getting a big flustered and so was yours–though yours was getting even more heated and flustered because... he's the one you like, the one you adore; the one for you, in your delusional yet genius mind. "um... this might sound very stupid to you, but, if you'd like, um... wanna maybe... come over to my place and... let me cook you up something good?" miguel asked you in stammers, trying to keep his voice even, but ultimately failed.
"i'd... i'd love that." you said with a grin, a bright, lovely grin that was full of hope and joy–you were just the cutesy little thing... and even though you were the one who fell first, miguel certainly fell much, much harder. miguel's AI assistant, lyla, popped up next to miguel and smirked. "was that so hard to say?" she asked him in a playful voice as miguel ignored her. the AI assistant popped up close to your face now and grinned. "y'know, it took him months to tell you that–that's why he always sounds like he's mumbling around you, i hope you weren't scared off by this big grizzly bear of a guy." she apologized for miguel as he growled lowly in embarrassment, like a provoked bear, as lyla described him as.
you giggled and told lyla it was no problem. "honestly, it took me months to talk to him..." "well, perfect, you two are clearly meant for each other." she said as miguel furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes widened. "lyla, i'll disconnect you." miguel warned the AI assistant as she stuck her tongue out at miguel and you whispered to her you'd have her back online in seconds if he did. you truly were the most charming person miguel met, without a doubt–you just needed a little push, a little reassurance, you had his heart in the palm of your hands in seconds; though you had social awkwardness and anxiety, you truly were a joy if the layers of your nervous and anxious self could be peeled back and appreciated, you were just perfect in miguel's eyes.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold
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bomberqueen17 · 3 months
holding it down
currently am being held down in the chair by Chita, who was waiting patiently next to my recliner while i was in the other room packing up my clean laundry. I'm going back to the farm today, and need to leave sometime before noon to arrive in time for dinner. The only productive thing I really did this week is that last night I made a Vat of Borscht that i'm going to bring to serve for dinner tonight so my sister doesn't have to cook. anyway. Oop Chita just had enough of absorbing my body heat / qi (we joke that's what she's after, absorbing qi by sitting on people) and has transferred herself to the other chair, where she will sleep for six to ten hours without moving much. Her life is hard.
anyway wittering on behind cut
my dreamwidth crossposter broke so i should figure out how to set up an RSS thingy there, idk how to do that though. i think tumblr did something that broke how they do RSS and that's why the crossposter went down.
I'm trying Vyvanse again, a slightly higher dose. One pill a day, I can do. Yesterday I just felt scattered and ran around not getting things done. I did go double grocery shopping with Dude, and there was a Pokemon Go thing going on so I was catching cyndaquils while wandering through the grocery aisles, and i just-- sometimes I can feel that what I am doing is really bad for my attention span, and I could super feel that this was not helping me at all.
"I need to meditate," I said, sweating, on the ride home in the car. (It has been so hot. It was so hot yesterday. It was 87 and so humid and even with the ac in the car I was just sweating. ugh.)
"So meditate," Dude said, but I don't know how.
I probably should start writing in my journal again. I had been using a like day planner thing, and I was doing pretty poorly at it-- i'd write goals but they were never concretely connected to anything, and mostly I was writing down what I did after I did it, but at least that tied me to reality somewhat. So I should at least go back to that, I stopped the last week at the farm when things were so fucking hectic I didn't do anything but work, eat, and sleep.
I don't know if it helps but doing nothing doesn't help either.
And it's a lie to say I did nothing this past week. I was very off my game, but I did consult two different medical professionals for whatever that's worth, and I did manage to get past a huge writing block that's been deviling me for over a year really.
The horrible heat is supposed to break, which is good timing, because there is no climate control at the farm, and the only air-conditioned room is insufficiently conditioned and so is usually warmer than the surrounding spaces. I would have had a miserable week if I'd been there this past week, when it was over 90F most days and wasn't getting below 75F at night. (It was 81F here this morning at 6am, but it is supposed to rain and the day's high will only be 82. So.)
I did get some sewing done this week, though not as much as I wanted. I did a bunch of laundry. I did not clean the house or make any progress organizing any spaces, which were things I had wanted to do. But the writing, I can't describe how important getting that writing done was for me.
I'm having trouble being confident in my writing currently, a couple of scenes I feel are not emotionally true to what I was trying to say. I did rediscover some old notes though, and I think I've figured out what was bugging me in the Geralt/Emhyr scenes, and what I should work on with them. (I think the background information that Pavetta was an unhinged little gremlin monsterfucker and that was what formed Emhyr's id is really important and I have to work out how to incorporate that into everything going forward.)
I also keep finding myself yearning to write some original stuff. So we'll have to see, if I can get through the backlog of ideas in the Witcher stuff and start winding some of that up (??!!?!?!) then maybe there'd be some time to poke those ideas.
Anyway. Cat tax, here is what Chita looked like as I began this post, being a feline seat belt holding me into this chair:
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[image description: small gray cat, head turned and eyes closed, is lying on my green-clad lap and has one paw outstretched toward the camera, touching the gray arm of the chair we're sitting in, holding me in position.]
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masezace · 1 year
little off topic for my blog, but i started watching a new show since a friend mentioned it was good and i'd heard positive things about it, so i just wanted to talk about it a little bit (probably never again after this since this isn't a fandom blog, but it's the only one i have rn so idc it's going here)
the show is Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, and just going on looks alone, despite my love for dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park franchise i never would have considered it. it appears to be very much for kids, and as i'm in my late twenties now i'm not particularly interested in especially kiddy media. however a friend my age enjoyed it and mentioned it has a canon lgbtq+ couple in it among the main characters, so of course i just had to watch it. i had already been hearing that despite its initial appearance and premise, it was surprisingly good for a kids' show, so i had already been curious, but i was even more keen after knowing there were queer characters, and not even the adults, the kids themselves (in a kid's show?!! what a time to be alive), so i finally sat down and watched it.
[spoiler warning, both minor and major, for the rest of this post btw, so continue reading at your own risk if you haven't seen it yet/are still watching]
the show overall
okay so firstly, i am coming at all of this from the perspective of a writer, so my observations are from a technical standpoint more so than just as a fan of the show. and honestly, it really is a well-written show as a whole. is it geared towards kids? definitely. there are plenty of jokes/gags in it that just don't appeal to me as an adult, but beyond that, there was plenty to appreciate as an adult.
the writing is actually phenomenal? there were several points in the series where i just sat back and mulled over the way a scene went, what the thought process behind writing it was like, how well it was executed, and how important it was to the characters and overall plot.
the suspense is spot on, nothing gets dragged out too long, and i will admit there have been a few scenes throughout that actually got me; i jumped! it's actually scarier than i expected a kid show to be, but i'm so glad they went where they did because it really elevated the experience.
the pacing overall is very good, adequately engaging for kids' short attention spans (and us adhd adults 🥲) but not too short either to a point where things felt abrupt or unfinished. plot arcs are well developed and tied up nicely. also, as a bit of a dinosaur nerd, the array of dinosaurs in the show is super broad and satisfying! very fun stuff.
character element
imo the real gem of this show is the character development. honestly it's just *chefs kiss*
the characters grow and change so much and so realistically over the course of the show, it's honestly so much better and more satisfying than the character growth in most adult fiction/media recently.
the growth in ben (who btw was def my favorite character by the end of s1) and kenji in particular were my favorites and, in my personal opinion, the most interesting. the way ben started out anxious, cowardly, and rule abiding to a fault, then grew into a brave, confident, adventurous little pyromaniac gremlin, then had that stint later in the series where he regressed a bit-questioning himself-until eventually ultimately striking a great balance and really coming into himself was just... peak character writing.
kenji started out overconfident, lazy, and overly concerned with money/status. but that arrogant overconfidence and laziness slowly turned into responsibility, and a desire to protect his found family, and the realization that it's the people in your life that really matter most.
honestly what i mentioned only scratches the surface in terms of those two characters, there's certainly more that can be said about them (as well as all the others) but i'm not really in the mood for a deep dive character analysis atm. just trust me tho when i say these characters are so well done and each one of them have arcs that are super satisfying to watch play out.
queer representation
and as for the queer couple? yasmina and sammy are PERFECT. it was so beautiful watching their relationship grow from one-sided to mutual friendship, to loyal devotion, then to love. they were set up incredibly well and incredibly naturally. i have like, no complaints when it comes to them. i don't even know if there's anything i can say that would add to things, they were just a really awesome couple to watch become canon, they're the beautiful and painfully needed representation we all beg for in tv and movies.
shipping, chemistry, and intent
but oh goodness... probably my only real complaint about the entire show would be how benji (ben x kenji) and kenji x brooklyn (kenlyn? brookji? idk and idrc) were handled. because for all that this show did SO much beautifully right, they really screwed the pooch here, sadly.
i'm gonna start by saying that the writing in this show, as with most, is deliberate. what i mean by this is that despite having no clue who it would be because my friend thankfully did not even spoil me as far as the genders of the queer couple, i clocked yas and sammy as the would-be queer couple as early as season one (actually it was between them and benji, but more on that later). i could already see the chemistry, because it was deliberately written in.
shipping is subjective. anyone can ship any character, and in most cases it's pretty easy to see how there could be (romantic) chemistry between fan pairings based on their personalities, their arcs, etc. and that's okay! ships don't even have to have any canon support to be valid, because shipping is for the fandom, and it's for fun (i have a few rarepairs and crack ships across different media that i just love).
but onscreen/written romantic chemistry is a lot less subjective (to clarify, it is subjective whether or not the chemistry is good, but it's not subjective about whether or not it exists). there are literally scenes written with the sole purpose of building the romantic tension and/or chemistry between planned couples (some of which even have absolutely zero plot relevance, which usually is not advised tbh, and most of which are the cliches/tropes you see in literally any romance ever written, some are just disguised a little better than others. but make no mistake, it's all the same set of cliches. there is nothing new under the sun), as well as intentional, key moments within scenes that have other purposes. they are essential to establish romantic pairings.
and typically, the foundations for these couples are laid VERY early on. always within the first or second season (well, at least they are when the writer actually knows what they're doing and has at least a rough plan/outline for the entire series & characters. this is usually a large part of what separates the good chemistry from the poor chemistry. an author who knows who the couples are going to be and has a plan from the beginning to build them up is going to be more successful in creating a believable relationship with good chemistry. one who does not plan, or makes last minute plans will almost certainly fail, and the couple is just going to suck). when the set of characters you're working with are going to stay the same for most or all of the story, you start immediately.
i don't mean to toot my own horn, because i think it's because i'm a writer so i just pick up on narrative patterns very easily, and pretty much always clock the planned couples within the first few episodes of any series, and by the end i am right like 9 times out of 10.
that being said, do you know whose deliberately written chemistry i also clocked in jwcc? ben and kenji's.
kenji and... brooklyn?
no offense to people who like/enjoy kenji and brooklyn, you are free to love them, but the way their romance was written is... quite possibly the weakest point of the show. it felt like they were just trying to appease the upsetto heteros in charge, because there was definitely another het pairing that had a lot more potential than kenji and brooklyn (hello darius x brooklyn aka darilyn, you would have actually made sense because your relationship had amazing buildup and multiple standout scenes from s1 on. dgmw, i love that we got a m/f strong, supportive, purely platonic friendship out of them, i live for those and we really need more of them. but we could have had that with kenji and brooklyn, or darius and sammy, or ben and yas, literally any other pair instead).
kenji and brooklyn as a couple came out of absolutely nowhere. i honestly think they decided to shove them together last minute, and had no actual plan for them until they were working on s4. because their development barely started at the VERY end of s3 (the abruptness of him caring about her being held hostage so much more than literally anyone else in their group despite them having like zero buildup to that point gave me whiplash), but honestly didn't really even become "meaningful" development until s4, over halfway through the series. the two spend the first 3 seasons basically not particularly gaf about each other individually, only as part of the whole group and on an equal level with everyone else. they otherwise have no deliberate narrative foundation. it just starts in s4 with no prior hinting. which makes their development rocky and difficult to believe. the funny thing is their characters literally have dialogue (in s4) trying to draw comparisons/parallels between them to say that they especially have a lot in common and like??? no? they really don't? not any more so than any other two kids in the group. their relationship just, really falls flat.
it was disappointing to see it take such a massive spotlight in the series for almost all of seasons 4 and 5, overshadowing the friendships that have been the focus of the show and should have remained so, to the point where at times it just felt like i was watching some stereotypical het highschool romance. genuinely, it made s4 & 5 more of a drag to get through. yasammy and ben and yas' growing bond (which by the way was so sweet, it had the strongest queer solidarity vibes good lord, i sure wonder why yas chose ben out of everyone to come out to first, hmmm) were some of the few things that kept me invested, otherwise i would have dropped it if it had leaned much farther into becoming the kenlyn show than it already was. especially when it was that pair so much of the focus was given to, even though we had so readily and perfectly available, the pair that could have, should have been: benji. which finally brings me to:
ben and kenji
benji's foundation was laid in s1. their interactions, the situations they found themselves in, were deliberate (on the writers' part). i'm even gonna go out on a limb here and say the pairings were fully established in s1e3, even with parallels between yasammy and benji (sammy clinging to yas and ben clinging to kenji throughout the episode), and darilyn gets the beginning of their development too.
even though they bicker a lot in the beginning, they clearly care about each other? kenji protects/helps ben multiple times, and there are definitely some looks ben gives kenji at times. at the end of s1, the one who seems the most deeply effected over ben's "death," other than darius (understandably since he's the one who failed to save him), was kenji! immediately after it happens, we get two close up shots, darius and brooklyn then yasmina and sammy. after which, we go back to the whole group with kenji in center frame, the focus is intentionally on him. it is only kenji who drops to his knees at the loss, and then we get a close up of just kenji. he was saved for last, and he was alone in frame (tbf bumpy was in frame too, but i'm talking humans here), which implies his feelings are especially important in this moment. that is the reason for solo close ups.
after ben's "death," kenji takes to always wearing ben's fanny pack, and up until bumpy--who ben cares VERY much about--got separated from them, kenji was the one who (however briefly) took over her care, ensuring she got off the monorail with them, and he's extremely distraught, more than pretty much all of them, when they can't find her, and he's last to leave when they decide to accept that ben's gone. even when they do leave, he's distant and distracted and his mind is clearly still on ben.
other than darius, kenji is the only one (if i'm remembering correctly) to mention ben/say his name after they lost him, upset because he was actually trying not to think about him. he has clearly thought about ben, probably a lot, because it's hard not to be reminded constantly when you wear something that belonged to a deceased loved one. and frankly, he appears to be the only one who dwells on him that much.
when ben reappears alive (which btw he found the group again because of kenji's butter knife, hello), the frames literally purposely focus on kenji's reaction. he's the one in the foreground every time they show him and brooklyn in that scene. he is the first one to say ben's name, the first one to go to him and hug him, and the scene takes special care to highlight kenji's strong emotions at ben's reappearance, lingering on his teary face as the focus for a bit even after brooklyn enters the frame to hug ben (because she is not at all an important element in the scene at that moment). just like when ben "died," the way this scene is written and shot HEAVILY suggests that ben holds significant importance to kenji, specifically. because again, the focus here is on kenji and ben almost exclusively, with brooklyn as only an afterthought lol. and quite frankly literally everyone else's reaction to him being alive was pretty lackluster compared to the special attention they gave to kenji on this.
and then in s3 we have the infamous hat scene, where darius and ben are in the limo and ben sees and mentions kenji's sailor hat, looking sad and sounding like... longing?? then directly after we switch to kenji realizing he forgot his hat?? the scene has no real significance tbh other than to draw a connection between ben and kenji. like, it acts as a transition to switch to the pov of the group on the boat, but it was entirely unnecessary? why not just have darius say something about the others and then show them on the boat? if there were no special relationship between ben and kenji, it would have made far more sense if they really wanted it to be ben to say something, that he sees the hat, and sadly says something along the lines of "i hope the others are okay/doing better than we are right now/etc" which implies that the hat made him think of everyone, their whole group. rather than what we got... which very much implies that he was mostly just thinking about kenji 💀 and then kenji thinking about the hat at the same time ben's looking at it and thinking of kenji. like, this is.... a very blatant connection being made by the writing/directing here.
all of that. so many deliberate connections made between ben and kenji, they had a very solid foundation laid for a romance to develop, and by all intents and purposes one already WAS developing according to the show's own subtext. which was why up until s4 obliterated the idea, i was positive the queer couple in the show was either going to be yasammy or benji. it was extremely obvious imo. but as soon we started getting the typical, loud, cliche "we are going to pair off these characters" scenes for kenji and brooklyn, i knew we were getting yasammy and not benji (to be clear, i'm not at all upset about yasammy, they're beautiful and i love how their relationship was done, i wouldn't have had it end any other way for them. but i do personally prefer benji, i just like their personalities and dynamic more. and i feel they had so much potential that got wasted to make way for a far less interesting pairing between kenji and brooklyn. why can't we have 2 queer couples, huh? and if we really needed a minimum of one hetero pairing to appease whoever needed appeasing, darilyn was right there).
but then??? their like entire bond just gets dropped (honestly ben himself gets pretty heavily sidelined for almost all of the last two seasons, which is criminal imo). mostly so that a rushed kenji x brooklyn can be established. like there are still a few small moments here and there in early s4, and one episode in s5 (ep 10), but from early s4 till pretty much the end of the series we hardly see them have any meaningful conversations or interactions, meanwhile literally every other combo in the group does.
it's so weird? why build up benji so deliberately over the course of multiple seasons just to like, fully discard it for a pairing with far less chemistry, even after the chemistry-building scenes they shared, some of which literally had no other purpose than to affirm their connection? even though they were very sparse, the moments benji had were just so blatant (kenji leaps into the rock crevice right onto the back of a saber tooth to save ben?!!?? like he literally was just willing to exchange his life for him like that?? he basically says that he wasn't really thinking, he just did it. so he moved out of what, emotional instinct, that's what we're meant to intuit from that series of events? implying that he specifically has strong emotion and doesn't think things through when it comes to ben? because he doesn't do that kinda stuff for any of the others in the group! even better, this parallels when sammy jumped on the nothosaurus to save yasmina. and then the way benji look at each other after it's over??? hello??? and then how kenji pulls both brooklyn and ben in for that hug a couple minutes later... side eyeing the writers for that choice. they knew what they were doing there and they were evil for it). i just can't see any reason to have dropped them like they were, after all the development they shared for 3 seasons. confounding. biggest disappointment of the series.
i know this probably reads to some as just "wahh, my ship didn't become canon" nonsense. but that's not why i'm bugged. this wasn't just a ship i liked and wanted canon despite no actual narrative support, as most ships tend to be. this ship did have narrative support. there was intent behind many of their scenes together, lingering looks and little things that matter narratively and are always used to signify a stronger/special connection. and it led nowhere, for no good reason. that bothers me. writing that implies and promises something, but never delivers on it. like a person who never finishes their sentences (think Dr McPhee from Night at the Museum). ultimately it's not a HUGE deal or anything, at the end of the day it's just a ship and just a kids' show. but as a writer, it's just irritating to see something like that be done. what can i say 🤷
even despite the wasted potential between certain pairings, and even though i do think the first three seasons were superior to the last two, overall i really enjoyed the show, and for what it was, it was really well-made. the overarching focus was of course on found family and friendship before anything else, which i absolutely love, and it was masterfully done. out of 6 kids, all of them had at least one or two meaningful bonding moments one-on-one with another in the group, so every possible combination had their moment to build strong, believable friendships with each other. i'm just so surprised by how good it was as a whole honestly, good enough to binge over the course of a week. i will happily recommend jwcc to anyone willing to give it a watch regardless of age, because i definitely think there's no age limit for a good story, no matter the medium it's told in. :)
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