#and the thing is I will defend MCU peters character time and time again
fizz-pop-thwip · 6 months
Me when I get forced out of consuming spider-man fan content because its ALL tainted TO THIS DAY by all the ppl who thinks he acts like "m-m-m-mister stark im scared 🥺🥺" and even for Peter outside of the MCU fandom, the fanon MCU peter effect bleeds onto them too
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fieldsofview · 4 months
Tell me about SMH!
SMH!! SMH!! SMH is my magnum opus. It's my baby. It's my pride and joy. It's my feral hyper-fixation. It's my project that proves that I can actually finish something of this scale and I'm not in fact doomed to never cross the 20k word mark (I say "finish" loosely, at 145k and counting, it's so fucking close to being done aslk;djfhas;dkj)
SMH is a story about loneliness. About repression. About sacrifice. About grief. About guilt and self-sabotage and forgiveness and mistakes and learning to let go and accepting love and taking ownership over one's life.
SMH is about how one person's choices spider-web (ha! pun intended) across the lives of everyone around them.
Spider-Man: Homesickness
Plot wise: SMH is set in July of 2029, nearly 5 years after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home. It follows our beloved Peter Parker as he has spent nearly every waking moment, during the last 5 years, either defending his city as Spider-Man or just struggling to get by, not as Peter Parker anymore, but as Peter Strakar. New name. New identity. New life. A life where he won't let himself get too close to anyone, for fear of making the same mistakes again and getting another person he loves killed.
Through a series of choices, a series of mistakes, and a series of happenstance accidents, he's thrown into a network of people who are also, in many ways, just a little broken. He doesn't want to join them, but he's sort of forced too, anyway. Oh, and of course, he's saving his city again, as he always does.
I wanted to write the sequel I don't think the MCU will ever write for Spidey, but that had the emotional weight he deserves. The idea that he has been entirely forgotten by everyone is such a weird little area to play in and I took it to the extreme for this fic.
There are heavy mentions of The Blip and how it affected our cast of characters, as well as grief and power and responsibility. It's told from Peter's perspective, and while he tries to always do what he thinks is best, he's not perfect and he doesn't know everything. And, to top it off, he's pretty heavily in denial about several things that unfold over the story. There are a lot of moving parts amongst the background characters that he's not always privy to, but the echoes bounce around the walls of the story (I'm already considering a sequel or three from other POVs so I can explore those bits more tbh).
The supporting cast is extensive, but it primarily includes Michelle Jones-Watson, Ned Leeds, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Eddie Brock, and Venom.
With that, I leave you with this little snippet from Chapter 3: Adrift
Gwen pushes through the partially opened door into some sort of office/breakroom combination. There’s a desk to the right, piled high with paperwork in front of an outdated computer. To the left, there’s a small table with a few mismatched chairs scattered about.
Leaning against the table is a beautiful redhead. Her hair is braided and fluffy down the center of her head like some kind of faux mohawk, and her makeup is a striking combination of dark and glittery. Sitting on a rusty barstool next to her is a slender, dark-haired man. His shirt seems to have once had sleeves, though they’re absent now, frayed edges accenting his broad shoulders.
If Gwen hears any of the conversation, she doesn’t acknowledge it. Instead, she gives a dramatic bow, bending so low that her nose nearly touches her knees. “I present to you, Peter. He’s our new friend.” She straightens, looking at the two in the room. Peter can’t see her face, but it seems as though something unspoken passes between the three of them.
“Hey,” he says lamely. “I’m, uh, excited to see you play tonight.”
“Peter, hello. Any friend of Gwen’s is a friend of ours.” The redhead walks towards him with her arms outstretched, and by the time he realizes what’s happening, she’s hugging him.
He tries really hard not to think about the fact that this is the first time anyone has hugged him, as Peter, in nearly 5 years. Sure, some people have hugged Spider-Man, especially after some tight rescues, but this is different.
An ache settles in his chest unrelated to this afternoon’s injuries.
“Thank you for coming tonight.” She pulls away from him, looking over his face in a way that makes Peter uncomfortable, though he can’t place why. “My name is Mary-Jane. You can call me Mary or MJ, whichever you prefer.”
Nope, not doing that.
“Uh, nice to meet you, Mary.”
She gestures to the man behind her, “This brooding bastard is Harry. He’ll pretend to hate you, but insults are his love language.”
Harry stands and slings a lazy arm around Mary. “Quit giving away my secrets, MJ. And it’s nice to meet you, Pete. Gwen has told us surprisingly little about you, so I’m glad you’re here.” He holds his hand out for Peter to shake.
Gwen looks a bit sheepish at that, pulling at the cuff of her sleeve as she says, “Oh, well, you know…”
Ah. Well, no sense in embarrassing her. “We’re still getting to know each other, but I’m happy to be here. Jiji over here gave me a pretty good sales pitch.” He reaches out a hand and ruffles between the cat ears on Gwen’s hood.
She bats his hands away playfully and smiles at him. “Hey, mind the hair, Deku, I still have a crowd to impress.”
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caatws · 1 year
i’m back to yell again bitch! why are characters grieving vision vs gamora treated so differently by both mcu canon and fandom???
i’ve been saying for the past 5 years how, when ppl blame peter for the avengers losing in iw when he lost his cool on titan after hearing thanos literally killed gamora, it’s hypocritical for these ppl to not also blame wanda and the other avengers, bc them delaying sacrificing vision to the literal last minute also directly contributed to thanos winning.
while vision had put wanda in the position to sacrifice him and she said no, gamora had also put peter in that very same position—and he said yes. and he was gonna do it, even though it pained him. wanda was only ready to do it when their backs were fully, completely, against the wall, and it was literally the final thing standing between them and thanos getting all 6 stones.
while my problem for years has been the lack of equally blaming wanda while blaming peter for behaving out of the same motivations—acting out of love for their partners, who were reduced to thanos’ pawns, and wanting to defend/avenge them—now considering everything else going on with gamora in the time since, there’s an extra layer to this that just has me...hm.
when wanda and the others act on behalf of their love, and eventually grief, for a white male character...it’s understandable, it’s valid, it’s relatable, it’s fine.
but any time peter has acted on behalf of his love and grief for a woc character...it’s treated as the reason thanos won and half the universe died. it’s considered an impediment to other characters, even in his own team who also once called gamora their family. it’s still relatable and understandable, but it is emphasized as an obstacle to overcome in a way that i don’t think wanda’s love and grief ever was.
wanda’s grief was so complex, so tangible, it spawned a whole show abt the ways we grieve and how it can become a dangerous part of our lives. and in the end, we’re made to sympathize with wanda still.
peter’s grief has still gotten its moments, but it’s been treated as a solitary experience the rest of the gotg don’t partake in, for whatever reason. when his grief causes him to act destructively or disruptively, it’s not given the “i support women’s wrongs” empathy by fandom. sure, it’s still made out to be something we can sympathize or even empathize with—but there’s a certain grace given to wanda and her occasionally villainous actions, motivated by her grief, that i’ve just never rly seen given to peter when he fucked up the fight against thanos.
frankly, i don’t know exactly what this means. is it yet another byproduct of both audiences and marvel studios themselves prioritizing and upholding the avengers franchise over the gotg? probably, in part. is it bc w*ndavision is a more profitable ship and (white) wanda is a more profitable character to explore the complex emotional turmoil of? oh, i’m sure that’s an element at play. is it bc ppl like (white) wanda more than peter? that’s definitely part of it and comes as a surprise to no one.
is it an intentional disparity in canon about how much a white character deserves to be grieved vs a woc character? i don’t work at marvel so i could never prove or disprove this with certainty.....but i think it’s an awfully interesting element to consider, bc regardless of intentions, it sure has a certain....impact.
it sure just leaves a Taste in my mouth abt what makes a character more or less worthy of grief than another. when vision died, wanda could uproot the very fabric of the universe in her grief and we maybe want to root for her. when gamora died, peter simply reacted in the moment, and suddenly he’s the worst character in the mcu and the sole reason that an entirely separate character, the actual abuser and murderer, killed half the universe and now we have to hold peter accountable for it like lmao bro???
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just some thoughts i have on (mcu) toomes.
i saw a video of a channel i really admire pointing out that most mcu antagonists genuinely want to make the world a better place, mostly in terms of oppression like racism and social inequality. but suddenly the villains act completely out of character, usually by killing a lot of people or causing unnecessary destruction and chaos. and all of that is likely done on purpose because you're supposed to side with the characters who defend the system, who defend the status quo, so the antagonists who actually want to change things are seen as evil for it.
i can agree with all of these points. but then the video showed toomes' speech and basically said that he's right. and this isn't the first time i've seen folks agree with toomes, because he criticizes the powerful rich people that exploit the small ones like peter and himself. but since peter is close to tony stark, everyone claims that mcu peter has "betrayed" his own social class.
okay. my thoughts.
toomes is a family man, an ordinary worker, true. but from the very beginning, he's completely on board with selling alien weapons that are incredibly lethal. dare i say, toomes is a lot similar to walter white: two white, middle class family men that resort to the criminal world so they can provide for their wives and children. however, their gigantic ego is what drives them further and further into crime, so they no longer hesitate to commit atrocities such as killing people who get in their way. in the end, walter admits that he did all that for himself, not for his family. i know toomes is not as awful as walter, of course, but they're very alike in terms of backstory and motivations.
to emphasize: toomes does not hesitate to kill people. he killed one of his own crewmates, but even if he claims he thought the weapon wouldn't actually vaporize the guy, toomes doesn't feel one smidge of regret. he just shrugs and moves on (the moment is played for laughs even).
but most importantly, toomes tried to kill a fifteen-year-old teenager. his whole dad speech wasn't actually genuine, toomes was just preparing to drop the entire warehouse on peter. also, do people forget the scene where he talks to peter in the car while holding a fucking gun? he uses the whole family speech here, too. "nothing is more important than family". he lets peter go, but he also threatens to kill him and everyone he loves in case peter tries to stop him.
that's toomes' entire character! at no point in the movie does he act out of character; he's always been an egocentric dick that uses his family as an excuse, even if he does love them. he's not a good guy, he has never been a good guy.
but the issue here is that people take toomes' speech out of context to prove that he's correct and that peter is an idiot or a bootlicker for not siding with him. except peter doesn't fight toomes because of tony, he fights toomes because that's the right thing to do. because toomes is a criminal that is willing to do anything for his own benefit, not caring at all about any lives lost to him and his weapons.
again, i agree that the mcu is a huge police and military propaganda that demonizes activists who fight against them. i agree that most mcu antagonists deserve better. but toomes is not the case here. his speech isn't genuine. he's willing to kill a teenager and everyone else to keep his business up. you guys take out the context to make him look great, and to hate on mcu peter.
you can have your grievances with the mcu, like i do myself. still, toomes is not a guy to look up to, and peter is not a bootlicker. you can stop distorting the whole movie now.
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chimerathewriter · 2 years
Oh my god is 2023 and I have seen a lot of delulus this year I will list yall a bunch
Billy Hargrove stabs who hoped that he would have come back even if we saw his racist abusive should live that fine body he didn't deserve. And about him being racist...
Stranger Things stans who started to throw racial slurs when Lucas showed up in the trailer playing basketball and thought that he betrayed the gang.
Stranger Things stans again who made fun of Lucas Sinclair hair, as if is not the most time accurate
Again Stranger Things stans who made racist jokes so that Caleb could notice them. And the ones who tried to invalidate Caleb's expurience with racism.
House of the Dragon stans saying that Targaryen incest is better that Lannister incest bffr, and if you tried to say that Jamie raped Cercei yes even Aegon
Aemond Targaryen stans, trying to completely victimise him, if Jace died that night with that rock yall would be silence
Team Green stans saying that team Green is morally better than team black, nope the writers cut a lot of things
Alicent and Rhaenyra shouldn't be idolise as iconic feminist. Because Alicent was indeed a victim of the pathriarchy but she still let his son be a rapist and become King. Rhaenyra wanted the crown and power not because she's a woman she just want to have power just for herself.
Alicent stans who think she never wanted Rhaenyra's demise, delulu as hell if the writers followed the book 100% yall mouth would be shut
Aegon Targaryen stans
Team Black stans who completely ignore how Viserys ignored his other children for his grown ass daughter. And think that Luke shouldn't have a little bit of accountability
Team Black stans who think that Daemon is a good person
Team Black stans supporting blood and cheese
Writers who decided to change some parts of the story
The bitxh who told me that house Martell is white
People who are racist to the black cast of Hotd
Genshin Impact stans
Stans who think that the representation thingy is not a big deal but poc players have to look at their culture being whitewashed
Stans who say Sumeru isn't inspired from North African, Middle Eastern and South Asian culture
Stans who say that the adultificatiom of little girl character is not weird
Ppl who simp for the 1000 Yr looking boy
Miracolous Ladybug stans who hate Marinette beign a stalker (and becase she rejected Chat many times, but we ain't gonna talk how chat is 2 persistent? OK just close your eyes) and praise Cloe even if at this point she's an irredeemable character and the new episode ugh
Girlies who say that Selwyn is the better love interest when Nick is standing right there
The white reader who didn't like Babylon because she didn't related with the main character
Quentin Tarantino stans
MCU stans
White Wanda Vision stans
TVDU stans
The bros who says woke
American Psycho stans
Jk Rowling stans
Hp stans who say there aren't racist undertones in the book
Some yt Encato Stans
Lore of Olympus Stans
Kpop Stans
I Army that tries to put their opinions in Korean politics
Defending Stephanie Meyers racist writing just because she's mormon
Holland Roden stans
Harry Potter stans who ignore the Maruder girls for new gen of Harry potter
People who fancast darkskin black Maruders biracial
People who cast Peter skinny
People who get angry at poc Maruder fancast
People who say that they don't like the new interview with the vampire series, they like everything except Louis and Claudia casting
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Now we all know why don't yall like the casting, go and Stan your non canon white movie, and live us queens alone
And lastly
White one direction stans who say that the guys were under contract is for this they couldn't defend Zayn against racism and islamophobia
I still have alot probably I will do a fandoms slander series
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sunsoakedhighhopes · 2 months
Amazing Fantasy #15
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This is Spider-Man's origin story, which, I think, we're all pretty familiar with by this point. So, for me, this was just kind of interesting to read from the standpoint of seeing what was the same and what was different from the movies. I have seen every (modern) Spider-Man movie except for Amazing Spider-Man 2, though it's been a while since I've seen the non-MCU ones, and I'd say I remember the first Spiderman movie the best, so that's what I'll be comparing to.
As a side note, even though I kinda knew it was coming, I was a little bummed to see just how boring the layouts are for these silver-age comics. Pretty much every page is the same layout, two panels in the top row, three in the middle, and two again in the bottom row. I miss the way that the art used to sometimes kinda escape the panels in Steve's original run.
Okay, so we're introduced to Peter, who is a bit of a loner and a wallflower, and we see that he is teased and picked on by his classmates.
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Not to defend bullying in any way, but I think if you looked at this panel out of context, without the speech bubbles, you would think that Peter was a teacher, rather than a student.
Then we're introduced to May and Ben Parker, who absolutely adore their nephew. And gosh, why are they so old?? Like, as an uncle, shouldn't Ben be somewhere around the age of Peter's parents? I get that a lot of artistic choices in early comics was more about differentiating different characters, and making things pop (that's why there are so many red-headed sidekicks) but it's still a bit jarring.
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I do like that we're shown that Peter has a really great relationship with his aunt and uncle.
Then we're told that Peter gets along with all of the teachers at his high school and I guess participates in running science experiments, maybe? Idk, he's got a bunch of test tubes and a guy in a lab coat tells him to keep up the good work.
Peter asks a girl names Sally out on a date, and she reiterates to him "for the umpteenth time" that he's not her type, then drives off with "dream boat" Flash Thomson.
Then he invites a group of students to the "science hall", and they, predictably, make fun of him for being a nerd.
One of the things that I was kind of surprised by was how angry Peter is throughout this comic. You almost get the sense that if a certain event didn't happen so soon after he got his powers, kinda veering Peter back onto the right path, that we could be reading a villain origin story here.
Also, I don't know how I feel about these radio-active experiments being open to the public. That kind of seems.... a little irresponsible. Actually, as it turns out, Institutional Review Boards didn't exist until the 1970s, so.... I guess Peter has a lack of overall regulations to thank for his super powers.
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The scientists are demonstrating how they can control radioactive rays, just shooting beams of radiation right in front of the general public, no protection anywhere in sight -- they must not have Godzilla movies in the Marvel universe.
Anyway, you know the story. There's a spider, though the spider is not actually part of the experiment, it's just a regular old spider trying to live it's own life, about to have just a really terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. So, the spider drops down from the ceiling, accidentally going through the radioactive beam, and then landing on Peter's hand -- because Peter (once again, a high schooler and member of the general public) was standing close enough to the radioactive beam for this to happen. The spider, in it's last agonizing moments of life before dying from, presumably, radioactive poisoning, bites Peter on the hand.
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Peter notes that the bite burns, and either the bite itself or the spider -- it's not really clear which -- is glowing. He does not mention this seemingly quite important detail to any of the adults in the room.
Speaking of the adults in the room, they make fun of Peter for looking ill following the experiment, because everyone except for May and Ben are dickheads apparently. Literally no on checks on him.
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Outside, Peter's standing in the middle of traffic, feeling... honestly, probably high as a kite. It says he feels like his entire body is being charged with some sort of fantastic energy.
He misses the car that's barreling towards him until the last moment when it nearly runs him over -- again because it's New York, I guess, and everyone's a dick. He jumps out of the car's way....
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And then scales the wall, because he can. A small child sees him climbing the wall and tells his mother and she says, "That's the last horror movie I take you to, young man!" which is just hilarious. She doesn't even look at what he's pointing at.
At the top of the building he grabs a steel pipe and crushes it as though it were paper. At this point he figures that the spider bite transferred the spiders powers to him.
The spider watching all this from the afterife:
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He tests his powers a little in the city, then heads to the wrestling match to fully test his powers. As we know, he beats the strongman with his powers, then he catches the eye of a TV producer, who gets him a slot on the Ed Sullivan show.
This is our first look at Spiderman
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He becomes very popular by climbing around on the walls and ceiling on TV, and shooting webs.
Then we get to the part where he chooses not to stop the escaping thief, and he doesn't do it because he feels ripped off by the person being robbed like in the Sam Raimy trilogy, or whatever was going on with the chocolate milk in the Andrew Garfield one.
I actually think this one is worse than either of those two. Like he does it out of pure teenage angst and selfishness.
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And like, look, I don't think random citizens should feel obligated to help the cops arrest people, or feel bad about it if they don't, but he says he's doing it for selfish reasons. Plus, he's at this place (The Ed Sullivan show?) not as Peter Parker, but as Spiderman, so his identity is safe and people already know that he has powers, cause five minutes ago he was climbing around the ceiling.
We get another wholesome scene with Peter and Ben and May where they gift him a microscope that he's been wanting. Spiderman gains in popularity, winning accolades and awards for his television appearances.
And then.....
And then Peter comes home one night to find a police care outside his Aunt and Uncle's home, and Peter receives the terrible news that Uncle Ben is dead, having been murdered by a burglar. Hmmm.
I was very confused by this at first, because the scene hadn't happened. You know the one. With the line. How the hell is Uncle Ben going to impart his final words of wisdom if he's already dead??
Peter runs off to the warehouse where the robber is hiding out. The cops are standing around outside doing nothing because "...he'll pick us off like flies if we charge in there," which.... okay... sure we'll go with that. Actually this pretty much tracks with reality.
So Spiderman goes in, confront the robber, then *gasp*, sees his face, and it's none other than the exact same robber that he previously let escape. He wraps him up in a web, leaves him for the cops (who are still standing around outside) and goes home to cry, knowing that he is, at least partially, responsible for Ben's death.
But what about the line?? You know the one.
Wait, oh...
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So, wait, Ben doesn't actually say this line in the comics?? The narrator says it? I swear there were a number of Marvel fans screaming online about how not having Ben Parker say this line to Peter in the MCU was hugely disrespectful to both Peter and Ben as characters.
Huh....imagine that.
Okay, so this was fun. it wasn't super exciting, as I knew pretty much everything that was going to happen (thank you MCU for not rehashing this yet again), but it was nice to see the original take on it. I imagine the big reveal was very impactful for readers at the time.
I've never actually been a huge Peter Parker fan, but I plan to give it shot, along with all my other faves, see how his story developed over the decades. I can't say this issue really swayed me, but then, there wasn't a lot new here for me, so we'll see.
I will say, I missed the dry humor and sassiness of Steve. I really think people sleep on how fun the Cap comics were, even in their original incarnation.
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thejacksmit · 1 year
First Take: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - James Gunn finishes the story on his terms
Spoiler free as usual. Because ‘swole Groot’ would tear me apart if it wasn’t.
SYNOPSIS: Still reeling from the loss of Gamora, Peter Quill rallies his team to defend the universe and one of their own - a mission that could mean the end of the Guardians if not successful.
For the last 8 years a group of outlaws known as the Guardians of the freakin' Galaxy (only he didn't say freakin') have captivated cinemagoers since their unlikely debut and surprise success- but like all good comics, the story has to end at some point. What James Gunn has done with this entire trilogy is nothing short of extraordinary, and with this final chapter, emotions are turned up to 11 in his final project for Marvel Studios before taking up his new role as DC’s Kevin Feige figure.
Gunn is once again writer/director (mostly thanks to fan and cast demand after he was initially fired) in this concluding part of the Guardians saga, picking up roughly where the Holiday Special on Disney+ left off to create a 2 and a half hour culmination of every possible storyline you could think of across the franchise - every character gets their rightful emotional payoff, with some interesting seeds planted for the rest of Phase 5 and beyond. While this runtime might be a little excessive, considering what this film has to do it is understandable why it has to be this long- and it flies by. Henry Braham does a brilliant job as DOP, and replacing Tyler Bates on the score is long-term Gunn collaborator John Murphy, who takes a while to adapt his signature sound to fit the already established style that Bates set on 1 and 2. I also have to mention Marvel's long time music supervisor Dave Jordan, as he ultimately has a major role securing one of the most important bits of these films: Awesome Mixtape Vol. 3. And there are some stunning choices on there, that are more than suitable for the highs and lows of this plot.
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At its core, this cast knew this would be a powerful film. Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Sean Gunn, Karen Gillan and Zoe Saldana once again deliver the goods, with Pratt truly getting into the groove as Star-Lord as this film plays out, but this is supplemented by Sean Gunn, Maria Bakalova, Elizabeth Debicki, and of course Vin Diesel as Groot and Bradley Cooper's voice work as Rocket, which is some of his best in the franchise. This film *is* Rocket's film, simple as that. Joining the MCU is Will Poulter and Chukwudi Iwuji, who are great additions if a little shoehorned in to certain sequences. One thing to mention before the verdict - cinemas have been sent both conventional and variable aspect ratio versions of the film regardless of whether they have an IMAX screen or not (IMAX will get the film in the usual manner by the way). So if you get the variable aspect ratio version, you're gonna get 45 minutes of the film shown in flat widescreen, and the rest letterboxed. Bare this in mind when booking the bigger screens.
The third film always ends up being the darkest film for a lot of these franchises - and a very creatively free James Gunn gave these characters (and his career working with Marvel) the ending they deserved. By no means is it perfect, especially with some brutal scenes that warrant me saying leave the kids at home for this one, but that's what we needed from Marvel.
RATING: 4.5/5
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I love that MCU's excuse for omitting Uncle Ben from Peter's origin story, and shoving Aunt May pretty much out of the picture in favor of Stark, and then turning Spider-Man repeatedly against the working class to defend billionaires, was something like "Well, it's been done so many times, do we really need to see Uncle Ben die again? And Aunt May is just so boring and normal, Stark is a better mentor!" Like dudes, that's his literal character, that's who Spider-Man is, you can't mess with that without destroying the whole concept!
Imagine a Batman reboot that said "Y'know, the Waynes have been murdered in that alley eleventy-billion times, I think we're going to just skip over that when telling the story of Batman's origin. I'm sure everyone is tired of it. Also we're going to pretty much erase Alfred, he's too boring and normal. And maybe make Deathstroke his father figure instead, and WayneTech can be a weapons manufacturer! Guns are super cool! Batman is cool! Batman with a gun would be the coolest thing ever!"
That's what you sound like, MCU.
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Okay, I may get hated for this, but it is my opinion.
Let’s just get straight to my point :
Peter Quill is overhated.
You may don’t think so, but honestly has everybody just forgotten how awesome he really is? When I went to the cinema back then to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, everybody adored him.
Well, he is funny, sarcastic, pretty hot (thanks to Chris Pratt) and an actual down to earth character!
You may see Black Widow and Hawkeye as down to earth as well, but honestly it’s not like everybody can fight like Black Widow, taking out hundreds with a gun and some tricks up her sleeve, while never really getting a scratch. Hawkeye can literally look the other way and still aim like a pro with his arrow. I don’t think any of you guys can just do that.
Don’t get me wrong here, I really like both of these characters but for me they aren’t down to earth.
So, to get back to my point.
Peter Jason Quill is a guy.
A guy who grew up in Missouri.
His mother died infront of him, because of Ego.
Yondu took him immediately afterwards and he teaches Peter how to fly a spaceship, stealing and how to use some blasters.
He’s just a guy. But what makes him special is that he brings the group together.
Even tho he doesn’t have a titanium suit, hasn’t gotten any super soldier serum and can’t mindcontrol people.
He can fight and he does know how to defend himself and all of the others, but at the end of the day he is just a guy from Missouri, that lost his mom at an early age.
And everybody blames him, that he punched Thanos, leading to the snap.
Are you all just not educated enough or do you just want to hate somebody ? Doctor Strange gave the time stone away.
For a fucking reason. It is supposed to happen.
The only reality that bet Thanos was the one, were Peter Quill got angry at Thanos.
And please, even if they got the Gauntlet completely off, he would have grabbed it within a second and disappear.
It’s nothing new that Peter freaks out after hearing of a death from his loved ones.
1. His mother
He couldn’t take her hand and the moment she died, he screamed the hell out of his lungs.
He ran away and cried.
(and may I add, in this scene it’s told that he literally wanted to save a frog, the other kids smushed and he got a beat up from the other kids when he told them to stop)
2. Ego
As Ego told Peter that he put that brain tumor inside his mother‘s head, he literally gets out of his mindcontrol and blasts his father to hell.
3. Gamora
When Nebula said that Gamora was killed by Thanos for the Soul Stone, he freaked out.
Of course he did.
I would have done the same to be honest.
The only real thing he has left, that he truly loves is gone.
He had a similar reaction with Ego.
So it’s nothing new!!!
Personally, I think that if Peter wasn’t there, Nebula would have done something similar.
But well. I just think that so many people that are fans of the MCU, forget that it’s supposed to happen and just because he freaked out, it doesn’t mean that he is a bad character.
He‘s just emotional and vulnerable.
I really do hope, that Love & Thunder, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and the Holiday Special, reminds everyone that doesn’t like Quill for the events in infinity war finally likes him again.
Plus, he may be a half celestial, or was, but he gave that up, since he thinks it’s better to be like everybody else.
Think about it.
I hope I could kinda change your mind on Quill.
DISCLAIMER : I do not want to attack somebody with this post, my only intention is to get people to like this character again.
If you feel attacked in any way, please let me know. (Sorry for using this many hashtags, I just want this to be heard)
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annab-nana · 4 years
Is There Something There - Tom Holland
During an interview that you were doing with Tom for Endgame press, some of the questions catch you both off guard and one leads to you two talking about something you’ve both been feeling about each other.
A/N: I’m going to be honest. I don’t really like this one because I already feel like I use a lot of dialogue as a writer and this is an interview so there is a lot of dialogue, but I also like the story here so that why I decided to post it. Also, it’s my first Tom fic so I hope you all enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated!
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 4.1k+  
“I can’t believe you didn’t know who Obadiah Stane was,” you giggled with Tom as you two left the room you had just been in doing an interview to head to another one in a few minutes.
“He asked what an Obadiah Stane was, so I thought it was a thing, not a person,” he defended, his smile stretching as his words brought you more laughter.
“I’m sure Robert would love to know that his little buddy didn’t even know the name of the villain in the first Iron Man movie,” you teased Tom while he chuckled along with you. “But I will give you the infinity stones question. All I could remember was the reality stone and the time stone, but you rattled off the first five in a matter of seconds and then the last one came to your mind shortly after. It was impressive.”
“Thank you, thank you,” he stated sarcastically with a bow and a tip of his head. “You know what was funny? When you said Sebastian would be a bad baby name. That was hilarious,” he brought up before dying of laughter again at the joke you made earlier in the interview.
“Yeah, and I can guarantee you that he said my name too when they asked him which MCU name would be the worst as well,” you told him while laughing along with him.
“This is it I think,” the man who had been leading you to your next interview announced to you both before opening the door.
“Ladies first,” Tom said to you while holding a hand out to show you the way. You playfully rolled your eyes at the dork you had been paired with for the day as you walked into the room.
It was no secret that Tom Holland could not keep his mouth shut when he needed to. He just gets too excited and has to tell someone. He along with Ruffalo were terrible secret keepers and when it came to interviews, they had to do them with someone who could pay attention to them and catch them before they slip up. Benedict got paired with Mark and you obviously were with Tom.
“Good morning you two! I imagine you both have been very busy today,” the woman who would be conducting the interview asked when you and Tom walked over to her and got settled in your spots on the couch after you each shook her hand.
“Yes ma’am, we have been busy, but it has been loads of fun I would say,” Tom responded first while he got comfortable on the couch and stretched his arm to lay against the back of it before you nodded your head in agreement at his previous statement.
“Super fun especially since we get to do it together,” you spoke to the lady before meeting the dashing brown eyes of your partner for the day.
“She’s just saying that because she has to be with me. She actually hates me,” Tom teased while you rolled your eyes at him.
“I do not hate him. Does he get a little aggravating from time to time? Yeah, but I don’t hate him,” you played along with the boy’s joke as he chuckled lightly at you.
“Wait, y/n has to be with you, Tom?” the interviewer inquired, her eyebrows drawing together in confusion as to why you were forced to be with him. She probably thought it was a little weird that you, the actress who plays Guardian of the Galaxy Willa Adler, and Tom, the actor of Peter Parker who was also known as Spider-Man, were doing press for Endgame together. If she saw Infinity War, she knew you were both onscreen together a good bit in that movie, but still she most likely was wondering why you were not doing interviews with Chris Pratt like you normally were since he played your older brother figure in the past few Marvel films you have done.
“Well, yeah, someone has to be with me because I can’t keep my mouth shut and y/n is good at telling when I’m about to say something I shouldn’t, so she is here to help me not spill the beans on anything,” Tom laughed while a slight blush of embarrassment dusted across his cheeks.
“Yeah, I have been told I’m good at reading people and we’ve become really good friends lately, so I guess I better at reading him than some of the others. I don’t know. I think it’s funny that he has to be with someone, or he’ll spill all the information on everything,” you giggled as you responded to the question too.
“Oh well, I guess it’s good you two have been paired together and later on I’ll have some questions specifically for the both of you. Anyway, I spoke with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan and that pair,” she paused for a chuckle, “They like to tease you two, don’t they?” As soon as she mentioned their names, you both knew where the question was headed and you and Tom both nodded towards the woman.
“Yeah, we have quite the rivalry with those two, don’t we?” Tom led the answer for you to continue.
“Yes, but it’s all out of love,” you reassured the interviewer while you all shared a laugh.
“It’s all love, for sure. I think it’s because we are the youngest and easiest to pick on because we take the jokes well and we’ll shoot them right back. I find it funny how it's them against us. We will tease them and they’ll tease us, but at the same time, we split it up and it’ll be me and Mackie going at each other, and y/n and Stan will pick on each other quite a bit. It’s like the big brothers teasing their younger siblings and they each have their favorite one to pick on. I love it. I find it so hilarious,” Tom told the woman, a chuckle falling past his lips.
“Especially the juice box joke,” you laughed. “That one is my favorite.”
“Juice box joke?” she asked, her emerald eyes dancing between you and Tom while you both wore huge smiles on your faces from all the laughing you both had been doing.
“Yeah, Mackie likes to joke and say that ‘I need my juice boxes or I’ll go crazy without them’ that I need the sugar or something,” Tom expressed using air quotes with his fingers to show Anthony’s words. “They say I need juice boxes and y/n needs water bottles.”
“Why’s that?” the lady quizzed at the second part of his sentence as a light laugh escaped her mouth. You audibly groaned, knowing which story was about to come up next.
“She forgets to drink water sometimes and then she’ll get dehydrated and when we’re shooting harder scenes or if there’s a lot of light on her and it gets hot, then it doesn’t end well,” Tom told the interviewer honestly before she looked to you to continue or confirm his statements.
“It was one time and I just forget to drink water sometimes. I’m okay,” you reassured before taking a sip of water from the glass next to you.
“One time?” the blonde woman inquired further. You loved doing these interviews, but at times the people conducting them tended to be a little pushy and don’t pick up on the hint that you don’t want to share this story. You knew she wasn’t going to give so you spoke.  
“Tell the story, Tom,” you instructed with a sigh before turning in your chair to face him better. His hand still rested on the back of the couch behind you and he brought it down slightly to rub at the top of your back and play with your hair a little, a friendly and comforting gesture that you were very thankful for at the moment as he was about to share one of your more embarrassing experiences.
“Okay, so you know that scene in Infinity War where the Guardians, Strange, Tony, and I are in that spaceship and the Guardians are coming at us because they think we’re with Thanos?” When she nods her head, Tom continues with the story.
“Well, that particular day, y/n forgot to drink basically anything and in the makeup and suits and stuff, it gets really hot. It’s the scene where Willa has Peter Parker in a chokehold and Peter Quill has a gun to my head. So, when we were shooting that, y/n has her arms around my neck, not tightly obviously. She’s not actually trying to choke me, but you can feel it, you know. So, as I said, she wasn’t holding me tightly, but I felt her arms loosen from around me before she was supposed to, and she leaned against me a little.” The interviewer let out a slight gasp before looking at you and you nodded towards her, letting her know his words were true.
“I turned my head and asked her if she was okay, but she just nodded her head. She didn’t say anything, just nodded her head, and right then I knew something was wrong just by looking at her. I turned around and grabbed her before she fell and sat down with her. Chris came as well and was checking on her while Benedict and Robert went to get help and some water. But we got her some water, and she was good to go shortly after.”
“That must’ve been scary for the both of you,” she commented while her widened eyes jumped from yours to the set of honey brown ones to your left.
“It was honestly one of the scariest days on set for me,” Tom added before looking to you, his fingers still switching from rubbing small circles into your neck and twirling your hair between them.
“I was in and out of it, so I don’t remember much. All I remember is leaning against him and him helping me down. It was more embarrassing to me and I hate thinking about it, but now I will never get to forget about it because Anthony and Seb won’t ever let me live it down,” you told the woman with a small laugh which she joined in on along with Tom.
“Your characters both have this relationship with someone older than you that you look up to, Peter Parker with Tony Stark and Willa Adler with Peter Quill. How was it for you both to do your death scene in Infinity War with those people?” she asked you and Tom. Tom looked to you for you to start off the question so you do.
“Both Willa and Peter have had it rough as far as a mentor or someone who can really help guide them in life because they keep losing them. Peter lost his parents when he was younger, then his uncle, and then he disintegrates in Tony’s arms. Willa lost a lot of people in a short amount of time. Quill and Willa were both taken by Yondu at different times for their own good to save them from their terrible fathers, so she didn’t have anyone to look up to on Earth. Then she lost Yondu and feared she lost Quill when things with Ego went down. Then in Infinity War when they are all trying to take the gauntlet off Thanos, she finds out that she lost Gamora, the only girl Willa has ever had by her side, so that breaks her even further. Then after the snap, she watches all of her found family turn to dust around her. She watches Quill turn to ashes right before she can get to him and then she tries to run to Nebula who is the only person she has left before she goes with the rest of them. Right after that, we watch Peter and Tony hold each other and Peter goes so the scene overall is a terribly sad one. It took a lot of emotion for both of us I think.”
“Yeah, like she said, both of them have experienced great loss. Peter is a little more used to it while Willa loses someone before she’s done grieving the last person she lost. She definitely had to put a lot more emotion into it, but Willa is also the kind of person who holds her emotions in. You can see in that scene she was talking about, Willa tried to hold it in when she found out about Gamora but started to break down as she saw everyone she loved dissipate into nothing. Peter was emotional of course and he didn’t want to go like he just saw everyone around him do but at least he went out in the arms of someone he loves and looks up to a lot,” Tom added to your explanation with his own.
“I would say that scene after the snap with you two is the saddest in my opinion. So, to lighten the mood a little, there is a lot of talk about the family feel that the cast has, and the people wanted to know if that is true?” she asked as she flipped through her cards.
“Yes!” you immediately agreed.
“Of course, we all get along and it is super fun especially in films like these where we get to be together. Peter got to be with Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and the Guardians of the Galaxy and it was amazing filming with everybody. I loved it, didn’t you?” Tom pushed the question over to you.
“Yeah, it was super fun. I always get to film with a large group of people, but I got to film with Chris Hemsworth and then later on with RDJ and Benedict and Tom. It was great to work with so many amazing people,” you commented while you shifted in your seat a little, trying to get comfortable again.
“Mackie and Stan are like our annoying older brothers as I said earlier,” Tom mentioned with a light chuckle.
“Yeah,” you giggled before continuing with his analogy. “RDJ, Evans, and Hemsworth are like the fathers, the founding fathers really since they’ve been there since the beginning. Umm, Pratt and Rudd are the funny uncles. Elizabeth, Zoe, Karen, Scarlett, and Danai are the cool aunts. And then you’ve got people like Benedict, Chadwick, Pom, Letitia, and Tom who are absolute sweethearts. Everyone is just super cool and fun and sweet, and we couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with.” The lady awed at your words while Tom’s eyes softened at them.
“That was really sweet, y/n, and you are amazing to work with as well,” he grinned as he spoke which you returned him on as well while you nodded at him. His hand shifted down to your shoulder and he kept it there, something you didn’t mind at all. “Everything she said was spot on and everyone we get the opportunity to work with is awesome and they’re great people. I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
“Do you think your characters will appear onscreen together in the future?” the interviewer questioned before she looked up from her card to the both of you.
“Um, I’ll take this one,” you said to both of them, but mainly to Tom so he knew he wouldn’t have to add anything or spoil anything without knowing it. “So, Peter normally protects Queens, and Willa’s territory is all of outer space. In Infinity War, you saw that Peter’s experience in space wasn’t the best and Willa had a terrible life on Earth though she didn’t know it at the time because she was so young when Yondu took her. I don’t see them crossing paths again in the future if everything gets ‘fixed’ like everyone is hoping for, but if another space titan comes to destroy half of all living things or something big like that, then yeah maybe you’d see Willa and Peter onscreen again, but I don’t think it is likely,” you told the woman as she nodded her head.
“Marvel is full of surprises though, so you never know what is going to happen,” Tom added, earning a laugh from you since you knew firsthand how true the statement was.
“The fans love seeing you two together and you both clearly have good chemistry so what is it like working with one another?” the blonde asked before pushing some fallen hair behind her ear.
“I’ll go first,” Tom stated as he turned a bit in his seat and smiled your way. You playfully rolled your eyes, getting ready for him to completely roast your ass.
“She’s mean, a total diva, a drama queen,” he started listing off several false claims before busting out laughing at your pouting face. “I’m kidding,” he chuckled while he leaned over to grab your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“No, go on. I’m thinking about teaming up with Mackie and Seb and all three of us can rip you to shreds,” you sarcastically smiled at him before you dropped the grin and shot him a death glare.
“Okay maybe I wasn’t lying about the mean part,” he joked causing you to smile again. His brown eyes lit up at the sight and he finally continued with answering the question.
“No, but for real, she is amazing, as a person and as an actress. Every time I watch her, I am reminded of how phenomenal of an actress she is. You all have seen the gag reels of me and how I can’t keep a straight face if my life depended on it, but I watched her and the person she was filming with slipped up. She kept a straight face until they started laughing so she started laughing too. If that was me, I would’ve started laughing before anyone even messed up. And even when she’s feeling poorly, she performs so well. Y/n is so incredible to watch and work with. She is truly a great person and an even better friend. I’m glad we have each other to lean on when we get teased for being the youngest out of everyone,” he chuckled after literally just melting your heart. You leaned over to wrap your arms around his torso, his arm going around your back to rest his hand on your side.
“That was really sweet, Tom,” you whispered while giving him a little squeeze before pulling away from him. He did not remove his arm from around you though, so you scooted closer to make it more comfortable for you both.
“He may say my acting is good, but I’ve got to brag on his as well. He is so good at improvising and going with the flow of things. I am a very ‘follow the lines and stick to the script’ kind of person, but his improv makes his scenes and character so much better. That may be because he is basically Peter Parker in real life so when the cameras are rolling, it is truly interesting to see. He lights up any room he walks into and makes every day easier when we are working. He is a delight to work with and just generally be around and I’m glad we’re friends.”
“Thanks y/n,” he grinned down at you and you smiled right back.
“How is he like Peter Parker in real life?” the woman further inquired as she adjusted herself in her seat to sit more comfortably.
“For one, he is a major dork,” you started before snickering at Tom’s furrowed brows and stuck out lip.
“You just said all that nice stuff and then called me a dork,” he huffed and turned his head from you. He dramatically removed his arm from around and placed his hand in his lap.
“Oh, come on. You know it’s true,” you told him to which he sighed.
“Yeah, it’s true,” he gave in before nodding at the interviewer.
“So, there’s that,” you continued to answer the question. “He’s a little awkward, but in a charming and lovable way. He cannot keep a secret at all. There’s probably more, but that’s all I can think of right now. Everybody loves Peter Parker and everyone loves Tom Holland. I mean it when I say they are the same person.”
“So, there is a good bit of speculation of a budding romance between the both of you and the people want to know if there is something there,” she stated before playing with the rings on her fingers.
Before you could open your mouth to deny the suspicion, Tom grabbed your hand in his, interlacing his fingers with yours. A blush crept up on your cheeks when he placed his lips against the back of your hand.
“Do you want to tell her, babe?” he asked as he shot you a wink, the small act telling you it was a joke. The growing grin on his face told you his actions were false as well, but you couldn’t help how your heart fell that it was all a lie. You once again rolled your eyes at the boy who held your hand.
“You can tell her, sweetheart,” you giggled while Tom held your hand in both of his and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Y/n and I have been in a relationship for a little while now and that relationship has been completely platonic and we are just friends,” he laughed as he placed your hand back in your own lap. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t miss the feeling of his hand in yours, but now was not the time to think about that.
“Yeah guys, we’re only friends,” you chuckled, making eye contact with the camera that was filming the whole thing while you lifted your head from its previous resting place on his shoulder. “Nothing more.”
Later after the interview, you and Tom are walking to the car that was going to take you both back to your hotel and the events of earlier kept circling through your mind. The way it felt to have his arm around you and you leaning into his side. You craved that feeling. His hand in yours and his lips pressed to the back of it. You wanted more of that. Just being with him, you strived to have more moments with him, but you always thought that it was because you were really good friends and you liked having his presence near. However, you feared that you were into something more that he was not going to be interested in.
“You did good with the whole dating joke. That was funny,” you giggled lightly as you bumped his shoulder while walking by his side.
“Hopefully, you didn’t think it was too funny,” he mumbled, his own eyes widening at his slight confession. Your eyebrows drew together in confusion and your feet stopped moving forward.
“What?” you spoke the only word that was running through your mind at the moment. Tom stopped walking as well and turned to face you.
“I kinda liked holding your hand and I kinda like you,” he stated sheepishly, his gorgeous brown eyes looking everywhere but at you.
“What are you saying, Tom?” you asked, knowing exactly what he was saying but you wanted to be sure. He stepped forward a bit and took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers just as he did before.
“I’m saying that I like you, y/n, and I want to be with you. We can just try it out for a little bit?” he asked more than stated.
“You mean we can try out being together?”
“Yeah, we can keep it quiet until we’re sure and then if you want, we can go public with it. I was not lying when I said I love working with you. It wasn’t because you’re great to work with because you are. It was because you are great to be with. So maybe we try this out and see how things work with us while we do press and see how things work after this when we are separate and doing our own thing. We can go from there and see if this is something we want to continue or announce?” he questioned nervously while his eyes finally locked with yours. The corners of your mouth turned upwards in a huge grin, happy to be hearing what you had wished to hear for a while now.
“I’d love to be with you, Tom,” you gushed, grinning ear to ear.
“Well, that’s great, babe,” he chuckled after using the nickname he called you earlier. His other hand slid around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You felt his breath fan over your lips before he closed the space between you two.
“But you know that Mackie and Seb are going to pick on us about this too right?” you reminded him when you pulled away slightly and he giggled.
“Yeah, we’re never going to hear the end of it.”
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crookedmusician · 3 years
Once Again
A/N:- This is just a drabble that popped up in my head and is based on "The Amazing Spider-Man" universe, NOT based on the Marvel mcu. If you haven't watched the movies then pls read this with an open mind. The drabble is also fixed in a time that is five years after Gwen dies and is completely based on my thought and universe. Please don't read it if you're not comfortable.
Peter Parker x Fem Reader
Genre : Slight Angst, Comfort, Slice of Life
Warnings : Very Slight and descriptive mentions of wounds and death, the characters are all adults, Y/N has a defined profession for the sake of the plot
*This is also not proof read so please bare with any errors if there are any*
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It's been Five years.
Five years since Gwen's funeral. Five years since New York city was almost destroyed. Five Years since an innocent boy lost his sanity to death. Five Years since Peter Parker was too late to save his love, his best friend and his emotions to grief.
It had been Five years since that faithful day that still seemed to haunt Peter from time to time.
After the......incident happened, five years ago, Peter had shut off. He didn't talk, eat or even go to work. His job was willing to let him off that time, but the mental pressure that had bundled up inside Peter's head had refused to go. As a result, even after Peter came back, he was only a shell of himself, an empty treasure from which the gold had been stolen - just like how life was stolen from the eyes of so many he failed to save on that one dreadful day.
But If anything broke Peter more than his incompetency to save the lives of those millions he failed, it was the death of Gwen. Death of the only person Peter beleived to have given him a purpose to be Spiderman and save the city and it's residents. His reason to survive every battle he fought. His best friends, girlfriend and his reason, to just live.
Peter still remembers that day, that moment as clear as day. He still remembers the catastrophe that was caused that day, the destruction, the smell of death and spilled blood that matted the air in a heavy silence. He still remembers how the life wilted out from Gwen's eyes as she fell from the tower, as he held her afterwards; he still remembers how her once warm body turned deadly pale, her cheeks stopped sport the regular blush - and they all haunted him. They Traumatized Peter through his day, haunted his nightmares and swam in front of his mind each and every moment he lived. So Peter did the only thing he thought might help, he shut off everyone out of his life, he shut off the flow of emotions in his being, & he swore to never let anyone in, he vowed to not care about anything except defending NYC against the new villains attacking everyday.
Cause Peter Parker may have been a hero, but his emotions flowed through his veins as thickly as the spider's venom in his blood. So promised, to shut out and never let anyone in. That became his coping mechanism.
Yet again, five years later that same spider-boy found himself in the exact position he had been in, five years prior - sitting on the bed of a rooftop apartment while the huge scratches on his chest were being cleaned by the slender hands of a young woman sitting in front of him. It was an awkward kind of deja vu for Peter - Both hurting and comforting to know that someone - other than May cared for him still, however the recollection couldn't help but bring those ugly thoughts back into the forefront of Peter's mind. The same thoughts that occupied his mind in the waking hours.
The scratches burned and sizzled under the alcohol, even though it was applied with softness and expertise; but Peter didn't Flinch. Yes, there was a slight wince here and there, but no reaction revealed was too strong. Years of constant battle against the seemingly never-ending villains of New York happened to make Peter a bit more cautions and tolerating of his injuries - something that seemed to work greatly in favour of Peter at the moment - so as to not make the budding doctor in front overthink her capabilities.
Was New York always so needy and loud for the Spider-Man? This was something that occupied Peter's head often.
However, when he thought back on it, perhaps it was better for him to put his life on the line than have someone innocent or desiderate to live to fight the devils.
I mean, he did fit all the requirements for this job didn't he?
He was young, had the abilities, tolerant of the aftermaths of the fights he carried carved in his skin, bones and blood. Moreover he didn't have anyone to rely on or care for - May would be able to live with him, his job wasn't so special to him if he didn't require the money either. On the contrary Peter thought it to be a blessing to die - to forget all the turmoils, catastrophes of the world; to forget how many villains needed to be fought or how many people needed to be saved - to just forget.
Peter always thought, that maybe he wasn't made for love. That maybe he didn't deserve it. He thought about how everyone he loved left him, deserted him and thinking back on them, he just wondered how much love favoured him in this life. Maybe love didn't favour him at all, maybe love hated him, maybe that's why death always won in each of his chapters. Maybe that's why, Peter had become a void - because love refused to favour the life of this boy. He never really understood why lover never looked upon him with a smile. But guess there was never really an explanation for some grudges.
But if love never favoured him, Then what was this sudden weird electric sparks coursing through his body? This weird fluttering that seemed to keep him up at nights thinking about this one person that flew in his life and and broke past all his resolves to nestle herself comfortably inside the confines of the walls surrounding his heart?
And Peter really never could understand what was happening in his body. At first he thought that perhaps it was his spidey senses. But after a while, when he actually came to a conclusion, he was dumbfounded. Being deprived of love and refusing the comfort of any other hands rather than his own for such a long time - the revelation - was actually quite unexpected by him.
But to say that Peter didn't see all of the unfolding and development of feelings, would be a mistake. Mayhaps, Peter did knew what was happening, did knew that he was falling in a bottomless hole; but the feeling of letting go, the feeling that encompassed the journey was so blissfull it was hard to deny himself the pleasure after denying it for such a long while.
So we recount to a faithful afternoon, two years prior, to an empty & silent alley in one of the bustling streets of NYC.
XXX ♤♡◇♧ XXX
It was just another day in the life of Peter Parker - waking up, packing his suit, taking an early leave or going on a feild trip for his job only to fight the villains and end up all bloody. The only difference was the gushing wound on one of Peter's upper legs that seemed way worse than his regular wounds.
Peter seeked sanctum in one of the empty alleys of the New York Streets to treat the wound only to find himself looking sideways at a young bespectacled woman with curious eyes, hair in a messy bun, clutching one strap of a heavy-looking backpack with some folders and pages in the other - she was staring at him with worry in her orbs.
Usually it wouldn't have been a problem, he'd hit up some pick up lines and flee as far as possible with his wounded leg and never meet the girl again - it was simple and easy without any damage to either his social or personal life. And it would've been easy and simple - Only if Peter had been wearing his mask. But he sadly wasn't, and now he gazed back like a deer caught in the headlights as the figure approached him slowly and cautiously and stopped a few feet away.
"Can you walk?" The words were almost whispered with caution.
"Excuse me?" Peter said in a breathless voice; swinging through the city with an almost torn-off leg does hurt more than Peter imagined, after all.
"Can You walk? With that leg of yours?"
"Yes, I suppose. But why?" Peter asked with confusion and weariness.
"Then please come to the top floor. I can treat your wound."
The clutch of the strap got a bit tighter as the words tumbled out of her lips in the hushed silence of the alley. To say Peter was surprised would be an understatement; it had been a while since someone willingly wanted to help him. But then again, Peyer wasn't weak, was he? He surely could handle that little much laceration wound on his own, right? So just like Peter have always done, to all his colleagues, his neighbours, supposed friends, associates and May, he declined.
"Thank you for the offer but I can Handle this on my own," Peter uttered in the same dazed voice, opting to turn his head down as if signalling the end of the conversation.
"I'm sure you can," the voice chirped again to fill the whispery silence, "to the best of your abilities, but It would be better if I had a look at it. I'm a medical student so I'll be able to ptch it up reall quick too. Besides to treat you'd have to either swing or walk back to your home, and you really can't do either with that deep of a cut anyways. So let me have a look at it, please."
"I said I you do-"
"No you can't, you may clean it or patch it up until you can do it up but the slash is huge, don't you see? If you don't treat it immediately, your whole leg would either get infected or you'll bleed to raw. And I don't think you'l be able to swing your way around the city with a half infected leg anyways. So Please for your leg's sake enter the third window from the right on the top floor of this building so I can nurse the damage. I'll try to get there ASAP," and with that the girl hurried inside a door on the side of the monument on right.
Peter however, was still failing to recover from his daze, and by the time her words actually registered in his head the wound had started to sizzle with wind. He gathered his own stuffed backpack and as slowly and painlessly he can, followed the instructions.
Peter swung to top of the building & crept insided the bedroom of a rooftop apartment that looked very comfy despite being a complete definition catastrophe to found himself in a pair of freshly washed shirt and jogging shorts half an hour later - the girl said they belonged to her father and brother previously.
Peter stared at the unknown woman as she wrapped up the incision in a white cloth. Her fingers were skilled & worked in a quick yet sure manner.
"You can handle pain very well you know?" The woman broke the awkward silence with a glance at Peter's face only find him staring back at her with a monotone face, "the area around the gash had already started getting infected, if I found you a bit later your leg might've fallen off. Still you're very lucky. Thankfuy no valuable nerve was heavily dama-"
"Why are you helping me?" The rambling was interupted by the strict and straight voice of the spidey
"Excuse me?"
"Why are you helping me?"
"Because I can? Am I not allowed to help you? You looked like you needed some serious help though," The woman asked tilting her head slightly.
"Is it a plot?" Years of practice had certainly helped Peter maintain a Poker face, which came in handy as he stared at the confused eyes of the woman in front of him - his heart deeming the expression to be cute.
"A plot?" The woman repeated as she looked at him in disbelief, "You think l'm helping you because l'm involved in a...a...a stupid gang or something that wants to murder you?"
"Or it could be an individual plan," Peter shrugged nonchalantly as he dared not remove his eyes from his supposed - captor.
"An individual pl-?"
"Why else would you help me? If not for your own benefit?"
At this The woman seemed to become a little pissed at Peter's words as she sputtered with her next sentences before finally giving a coherent reply, "Maybe fighting with evel people all your life makes you heroes feel as if good people don't exist but trust me, they do. And quite contrary to your assumptions I just so happen to be one of them."
The woman tied the cloth around Peter's leg in a tight knot & rose from her seat collecting the equipments back in her first aid box, opting to leave the room, offended - instead finding herself halting mid-step at peter's voice calling out to her.
"I'm Peter," Peter gazed at her retreating figure and as she turned around to look at him with judging eyes, "Peter Parker."
The words were uttered into the sunset in a softer tone - as if the speaker was almost shy, which - looking back at the circumstances - Peter probably was. And as the dying rays of the sun filtered through the drawn back curtain of the only window in the room - the one Peter had entered through - encasing the room in all it's ethereal glow, Peter was able to finally get a glimpse of his healer, clearly.
The rays fell on the bed and on womanly figure, bathing her in the delicate glow of dusk, highlighting her dainty features. She was handsome, very much so in the afyernoon light; and despite being pissed and offended a few mintues prior, she took her time in tilting the corners of her lips into a soft amd pleasant smile as the injured man stared at her in awe - that was perfectly hidden beneath his Poker Face.
"I'm Y/N L/N." The names etched itself in Peter's brain ringing sweet bells everytime, serenading him into calmness.
And so since that fateful day, it became a regular event. Whenevr Peter would get hurt - no matter how small or big the wound, he'd always find himself on the doorstep (or window sill), of the tenth floor building on the same street he never remembered the name of. And slowly as the days swept by, the visits weren't just limited to treating wounds. Infact, contary to either of their professions, Peter found both of them had quite a lot in common, and their opinions generally matched - and for the ones that didn't, both of their adjustable manners suited the situations. And as the days brew into nights, Peter found a companion in Y/N - one that Peter hoped lasted for life.
Peter found a best friend to look after him and talk with on rainy days and summer evenings.
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Now, two years later as Peter sat on the same bed he had so many times before, he thought back on all the bitter and sweet memories Life gifted him, and perhaps they were needed for Peter to bring him to this point in life - and Peter never wanted to go back.
It was late. The sun had gone down a few hours prior and the moon glowed brightly in the sky, peeking in through the windows as Peter observed the familliar figure beside him - nursing another one of Peter's daily unwanted gifts.
She looked dainty, almost unreal as the moonlight illuminated the room casting it in the soft glow of night time. As Peter gazed at her, he started carving out all the plains and roughs of her faces, the shape of her eyes, lips and nose, the way her lithe fingers glided across Peter's skin - and Peter couldn't find it in himself to intrupt the dance her fingers were engaged in on his chest. A light breeze swept in through the wind making rounds of the room and messing with the strands hanging around Y/N's face as Peter gazed at the seemingly engaging spiral of movements infront of him.
"Staring is rude, you know?"
The peaceful silence occupying the room was suddenly broken, giving Peter a small start, as Y/N lifted her head barely so as to glance up at Peter's face, her lips curving into a small smirk at the look of slight surprise on his face, before her skilled hands resumed their work.
After a breif moment of comprehension - and more staring as Y/N wrapped up the gashes and stood up to starighten the sheets on the bed as much she could with the tall figure lying on top, Peter finally found his voice strong enough to utter the two words - that he hoped would convey all that was unsaid and all that he wanted to say but couldn't.
"Thank You."
Y/N looked up once again at Peter with a teasing yet soft grin and breathy chuckle, "Pete, don't be so modest about yourself. Patching up your wounds provide me an excuse to practise my skills on a regular basis. And as a junior doc, It's more benifitting to me that it is to you."
Peter let out a breathy chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck as Y/N turned around to put the first aid box at the top of one of her bedroom shelves, "Still thank you, for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it."
And this time as Y/N turned around to look at her best friend, she paused for a second, taking in the scene before her. The moon casted the same glow on Peter's form as it had on her back - except this time, the star gazed one was Y/N.
She had always wondered how she never once felt awkward with the close proximity, she always seemed to share with Peter. Her heart once whispered because they were menat to be; but the rational part of her brain was quick to shut down the irrational daydream before it could flourish. However the warmth of her cheeks when Peter looked at her, the tiny fluttering in her stomach whenever he'd smile, the warmth in her being when they hugged couldn't be stopped from spreading all through her body.
There were nights, when she wondered how it would be if she was brave enough to turn the page to the next chapter and just ask her best friend out. But then again, even though happiness was granted if the proposal was accepted - the pain, heartbreak and loss of warmth in their friendship, at the refusal was granted in a much greater probability. And thus Y/N drifted off to sleep every night thinking of all the 'ifs' of the world.
But this wasn't the world of dreams, it was the waking world, and as Y/N realised the soft glow in Peter's eyes when he looked at her, she wondered - no, hoped that her feeling might probably be reciprocated.
"It's honestly no biggie Pete. It really isn't," She neared the bed as she said the words, finally sitting upon it with one leg folded on the matress and the othe rdangling down the side, her eyes searched Peter's face carefully noticing the genuine-ness behind Peter's words, "however what is a problem is that you've hadn't had a single mouthful since the meager breakfast this morning. Honestly dude, don't you ever get hungry? If I wa sin your place I'd be starving! Heck, I'm starving even now!"
Peter let out a small breathy laugh at Y/N's dramatics. She always tended to be the more dramatic one, especially regarding matters of food. So sporting a soft smile he looked up Y/N.
"No I'm fine, I'd just have something to eat when i get home."
"Home? Do you even know how late it is?! It's," she hekd up the digital clock on the side of her bed, "9.15 already! You literally live on the other side of the city! By the time you reach your home it would be way past 10! I ain't letting you starve till then boy!"
By now, Y/n had stood up on her feet in front of the bed with her hands on her hips - and Peter found it to be way too cute for her, "Call up Aunt May and tell her that you'll be eating here today. I'll go and start whipping something up in the kitchen, ok?"
"Good," Y/N turned around & exited the room heading down the halls to the kitchen, to scour how much she can that would fill both her and Peter up, while Peter rested on her bed.
Ever since that incident five years ago, Peter had always wondered that maybe love wasn't really meant for him, that maybe love didn't favour him. But now, as he stared at the moonlit retreating figure of Y/N L/N, he prayed to all the love gods in existence, to favour him just this once as he drafted up the same confession, he had been drafting for the past years, to finally come out of his heart and in to minds of the beauty he called his bestfriend.
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A/N : Pls tell me how you like it in the comments this is my first story and I would really appreciate the feedback!
Please don't repost or rwupload my work anywhere apart from here.
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scarletwitching · 3 years
I saw this one post about the last issue of X factor that was like “really upsetting that the death of a queer black boy has been overshadowed by the death of a hated white woman” and I one hundred percent agree that David’s horrifying death was the worse aspect of the issue but this has really driven home the fact that people are straight up unaware of the fact that Wanda is a woc? I was aware of it particularly from the mcu side but for comic readers do you think it comes more from ignorance of her being Romani or the fact that Romani people aren’t white?
I think it's like fucking Borat (yes, I'm complaining about Borat again). You can show someone pictures of people from Kazakhstan and explain that they are Asian, and they will acknowledge that you are correct and then immediately go back to not caring.
It's easy to look at this through the lens of US-American culture and its commitment to ignorance about other parts of the world, but it's also easy to look at X-Men fandom and note that it is Like That. And obviously, #notallxmenfans. It's a large group of people, and some of them are basic USian rubes who don't see the issue with all these racial stereotype characters and some of them are critical of the franchise and its central metaphor and some of them are literal Nazis and some of them say, "Jonathan Hickman's X-Men isn't pro-Israel, and anyone who criticizes it by saying that is willfully misinterpreting the text," and some of them say, "I am Zionist, and I love Jonathan Hickman's X-Men because it promotes Zionism."
And yeah, there are a lot of people in X-Men fandom who are probably well-meaning (in that they care about the treatment of Black LGBT characters, and that's good), but they're still ignorant about the fact that Marvel's history with the Roma is really fucking bad and Peter David still works there and they just released a movie shot partially in Hungary even though the racist Hungarian government --
It's a lot. You get the point.
Additionally, people are often unaware of the history of making minority characters "look white" in comics. Like, Colleen Wing used to look like Jean Grey, my dudes, and lots of people did not know she wasn't white until a few years ago. The whole Wanda... discourse reads very differently if you know stuff like that.
But I also think that there is a small number of people who know plenty about this and have seen these arguments many times and do not disbelieve them, but cynically ignore stuff they 100% know in order to defend whatever stance they already have. Ignorance is a thing, sure, but so is feigning it. As they say in the San Fernando Valley, "I look Russian when I'm in Russia, so I didn't know."
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sttarkeys · 3 years
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭: 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 (part 5)
summary: eight years ago veronica was lost in a world that was the unknown. she is now found by her one one true love in a whole new universe where she has been living for the past eight years. pairing: peter parker! andrew garfield x original character (OC) veronica owens/stark warnings: fluff, swearing i think, NWH spoilers fandom: Marvel, MCU word count: requested?: No
MAJOR NO WAY HOME SPOILERS!!                      please DO NOT READ if you have not seen NWH yet There are also Endgame and Infinity War spoilers, so if you haven’t seen them yet, then don’t read.
please do not use or share on any other platform.
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“What do you mean she is gonna be charged with homicide? She defended herself and then got herself shot in the process. Mysterio was the real villain here!” Veronica could hear Peter’ protests from where she was.  The last thing that she remembered was being on the London bridge and then everything went black.  With slow and easy movements veronica rose from the bed that she was on and made her way to where everyone was. 
“What is goin on?” Veronica made herself known to everyone in the room an they all looked at her with shock.  “Veronica what are you doing up?” May asks the girl as she stands from her chair and walks to Veronica to help her stand. “Well I heard that I may be going to prison for wrongful charged so i thought I might as well be apart of the conversation.  “Good to see you again, Matt.” She waves at the lawyer that was sat next to Peter. 
“How do you two know one another?” Happy questioned.  “Well before our savior Tony Stark dubbed me as an Avenger, I was on my own and some people of law enforcement were not fond of my choices of activities which included saving the people of this fine city. I needed a good lawyer to back me in everything that the cops were throwing at me. You see we’re all full of surprises Hogan.” Veronica smiled towards the blind lawyer, slightly forgetting that he was blind for a moment, but Matt knew that she was smiling at him so he gave one slight side smile back in return.  “Now from what I heard I am being framed for Quinten Beck’s murder?” Veronica questions Matt and he nods his head.  “But with the fact that you did it out of defense I will be able to plea that towards the courts. You will not be locked up, but Mr. Hogan?” Matt spoke.  “Yes?” Happy questions the lawyer.  “The feds are actively investigating the missing technology.” The room fell quiet one he had said the words that he spoke. “I understand you're loyal to Mr. Stark and his legacy, but if you were involved...” “If I was-”  “Happy was not involved with anything.” Veronica spoke as May helped her sit down in the seat next to Peter.  “I need a lawyer because I'm un... I'm under inves... I thought, you said, there's no charge. I could say under advisement of counsel, I refuse to answer the question respectfully because I... the answer could incriminate me.” Happy did not know what to say really, he was shocked at the fact that the feds knew. Happy and Veronica shared a look. Both knowing where the Stark tech was.  “Mr. Hogan. You’re gonna need a good lawyer.” 
“So, what you’re telling me is that you went to Dr. give away the time stone over here and there are now villainess people from different universes?” Veronica spoke to Peter, Strange rolled his eyes at the twenty-eight year old as she spoke. With caution the boy nodded his head the girl and the bright smile broke out on her face, the still injured Veronica placed her hands upon his shoulders and shook him slightly. 
“Do you know what this means!” She exclaims.  “You get to go home.” The teenage boy smiles, Veronica squeals and wraps her arms around his frame and pulls him in for a hug. Peter laughed slightly and hugged her back. Veronica did move away quickly from the teenage boy when he hugged back and let out a yelp of pain- forgetting that almost a week ago she got shot.  “Be careful there, Ronnie.” MJ spoke, Veronica smiled at her and nodded her head.  “Just because you can get home doesn’t mean that we are now screwed. So now the four of you need to go back out there and find the rest of these multiverse travelers. Scour the internet, get on your phones and Scooby-Doo this shit!” “You're telling us what to do, even though it was your spell, that got screwed up. Meaning that all of this is kind of your mess. You know, I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word 'please'” MJ sassed Strange.  Veronica could see the look in Peter’s eyes, he was in love. The same look that her Peter gave to her when they were in high-school. And all though that was almost ten years ago, she still remembers it like it was yesterday. “ Please, Scooby-Doo this sh1t. You can work in the undercroft.” 
As much as Veronica wanted and needed to be out there helping Peter look for the other multiverse travelers, she knew that none of them would allow her to go out with Peter to help him. So she sat on the opposite side of the undercroft from Ned and MJ and worked on her own project, Ned was looking out for the travelers but so was the blonde, she was honestly just doing it just to see whether her Peter was here, searching single section and corner of the internet that she could think of like Strange had asked them to do. 
It was not until she head the thrashing sound that was coming from the cells that were in front of her and the two other teenagers in the room. Veronica stood from the chair that she was sitting on and made her way over.  The sound got louder as she got closer to the cell, and as she squinted her eyes slightly she could now see who it was. Dr. Curtis Connors, her former teacher who was now a lizard.  “Good to see that things have not changed for you Doc.” She spoke aloud to the lizard-man. Said creature turned around and looked at the girl, he had to blink a few times before the creature realised who was in front of him.  “Miss, Owens. Good to see you’re not dead anymore.” He spoke,  “What do you mean, dead?” Veronica questions. 
“Well, after what happened it was just assumed that you were dead. There was a funeral and everything. Saw it on the television.”  “Peter?”  “How would I know, before now I have spent the past almost ten years in a jail cell thanks to you and that boy. I was on the brink of greatness!” Connors roars.  “No, you were on the way to turn the entire city into lizards.” Veronica turned around and saw another person in the cell on the far right, Max.  “Max.”  “In the flesh.” He says in a somewhat cocky tone. “Good to see that Harry didn’t turn you into a five o’clock meal like that other blonde girl.”  She raised an eyebrow at Max, she had one person in mind as to who he was talking about but he did not want it to be true.  “What are you talking about, Max?”  “Oh yeah your cousin, Gwen Stacey. She died around almost an hour after you did. Right as I was soaking up all of the energy from the power grid that is in the heart of the city and then she went and became the hero of the day.”  Okay, now she had to get home. There is no way that her cousin Gwen was gone, that meant that Peter lost two people that day, the girl who he loved and his best-friend. That mean that day almost ten years ago their families lost again. 
“We need to find out how to get the portal to open again, I need to get home. Now.” 
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superherotiger · 4 years
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Irondad Analysis: Tony finding out about the Warehouse Incident (Speculation)
 Oooh Anon, I love the way you think! Not only is the collapsed warehouse an impactful moment in Peter’s story, but I can guarantee it would be just as painful for Tony to find out about as it was for us in the audience! 
Let’s start with Tony’s core value across the entirety of the MCU: Accountability.
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“I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I... had become part of a system that was comfortable with zero accountability.”
“Mr Stark, what happened over there?”
“Uh... I-I had my eyes opened. I came to realise that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacture division of Stark International.”
  This moment right here -before he ever dons the title of Iron Man- shows the character traits of Tony Stark that will continue long into the future. He feels incredible guilt for the lives that have been lost from his own creations, and he takes responsibility for his own ignorance and works to undo it by immediately shutting down the weapons manufacturing, which for a weapons manufacturing company, is a pretty drastic step. But Tony doesn’t shy away from accountability when it comes to human lives, and the guilt over all those lost lives will continue to haunt him forever.
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“That’s nice what you did for all those young people.”
“Ah, they deserve it... Plus it helps ease my conscience.”
“They say there’s a correlation between generosity and guilt...”
Even later in the timeline where Tony is actively fighting to protect humanity alongside the other Avengers, he still feels the weight of all the innocent people who died in the process.
Now let’s look at it on a individual basis:
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“His name was Charlie Spencer. You murdered him.”
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“Who’s going to avenge my son, Stark? He’s dead, and I blame you.”
 Not only does Tony struggle with his own guilt, but he’s constantly facing the blame of others as well. He is reminded every day that he is responsible for those who live and those who die, even when those situations are entirely out of his control. He will always be blamed, and unfortunately, he will always accept it:
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“He wanted to make a difference I suppose, I mean we won’t know cause we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.”
 See that? That’s Tony taking responsibility for a death that was not intentional on his or the Avengers part while they defended Sokovia. But just because he didn’t kill him doesn’t mean that Tony doesn’t feel responsible for it.
And finally, let’s see what happens when it’s even more personal:
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“And if you died... I feel like that’s on me. I don’t need that on my conscience.”
 Again, Tony takes ownership of a death (hypothetical in this case) that very well might be out of his control, but it’s only made worse this time because it’s Peter. He took this kid under his wing, he is responsible for keeping him safe. So if Peter dies, he knows he will be completely and utterly at fault for it. The idea is so painful in fact that Tony takes Peter’s suit back in the hopes of encouraging him back into a more stable life that a teenager should be focusing on. One that doesn’t involve chasing down dangerous criminals and instead shifts the focus back to school work and spending time with friends.
So if Tony ever found out about this:
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I can guarantee you it would gut him.
 Not only was it a situation that could have killed Peter if he wasn’t enhanced, but the fact that Peter was left there, crushed under the entire weight of an entire warehouse with zero way of getting help, would have destroyed Tony. He’d made the Spider-Suit with trackers and protocols for this very reason, but he’d taken it away, and with it, a part of Peter’s safety. He put Peter’s life at risk, and even if it was unintentional, Tony will take the blame for it just like he always does.
Tony is rarely verbal about his guilt however. Take this scene after Rhodey gets paralysed from a fall that Tony was unable to save him from:
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While Rhodey talks Tony remains completely silent, never verbalising his guilt but having it written across his face as his dearest friend suffers the consequences of a faulty suit.
So what will Tony do after he finds out about the Warehouse Incident? Well he’ll do what he always does and use that guilt to fix or prevent the situation from ever happening again.
People dying because of his weapons? Shut down the weapons manufacturing.
People dying because of super hero casualties? Sign the Accords and take responsibility for it.
Rhodey gets paralysed? Make braces so he can walk again.
In the case of Peter it’s too late to save him from the rubble, but Tony would work to ensure it never happened again by creating and enforcing the safety protocols in Peter’s suit. The tracker must always be on, Karen must send an alert if Peter gets into serious danger, a suit is always on standby for emergencies etc. He’d become more hands on as a mentor too so that Peter would feel comfortable asking for his help if he ever needed it, something we see has come to fruition by Infinity War where Peter easily calls for assistance when he’s in over his head.
So yes, Tony would always feel guilty for not being able to protect his kid that night, and he would make up for his failure by ensuring it never happened again.
There you go! Yet another angsty moment to analyse, and also one of my favourite fanfiction tropes to read as well! I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day!
Irondad Analysis Requests!
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My fam is rewatching the MCU and i jumped in the middle of Phase 2 but because ive seen the future movies i know whats going to happen and my brain is conquering a bunch of "but what if this happened instead" scenarios. They're mostly crack scenarios but they're still pretty funny so im going to share them with you
AoU Nat develops a thing with Bruce. But when he returns in IW its been two years, and Nat still kinda likes him. What if Bruce showed up on Earth with his new gf Valkyrie, who Nat doesnt meet till after their awkward reunion. Cue: Natasha Angst.
Bruce returns to Earth in IW but what if he returned with Valkyrie but shes HULK'S gf. Cue: constant correcting ("Bruce's girlfriend is drinking my whole bar" "shes not my girlfriend, shes Hulk's" *cricket noises*), Tony making jokes, and inappropriate questions about how the sex works and if Bruce is conscious for it.
What if the Guardians arrive on Earth (before Bruce does in IW) and they're the ones that inform them of Thanos. Cue: Peter having a lot of mixed feelings about returning to Earth, the GOTG not making it any easier with their comments, Peter being all "im a expert on all things Terra" and it becomes immediately clear hes not (its only been 26+ years...), Tony shoving a picture of a raccoon in Rocket's face, Peter and Gamora dancing in the breakroom and the Avengers being like "how did a guy like him land a girl like her", Drax making everyone uncomfortable, the Avengers not knowing how truly dangerous Gamora is since shes the only one of them with common sense, Mantis throwing off the Avengers' dynamic because she revealed something
Thats it for now i'll add more as we watch them
In Ant-Man Scott uses a leg strangling move and it surprises both Sam and Hope. In CW Scott's first combat person was Black Widow. What if in CW Scott used Black Widow's signature (at least to the audience) move against her. Cue: surprise (as seen in Ant-Man), probably someone going "thats a girl move" and Scotts like "well i was trained by a girl so", maybe someone going "Nat he just used your move against you!"
In CW both Bucky and Steve go after the arc reactor in Tony's suit. What if the arc reactor was still regulating his heart when this happened. Cue: Steve's scary desperate fighting being seen as even scarier because he's legit trying to kill Tony, maybe Steve trying to intervene earlier like "Bucky stop! Thats his actual heart!", possibly T'Challa deciding to take Tony back to Wakanda too
What if (in Black Panther) Erik was on the battlefield when the Jabari entered scene. Cue: idk M'Baku throwing him across the field? I just wanna know what Erik's reaction would've been when seeing a random huge guy just ripping through his army
I didnt realize Strange knew so much song trivia so What If him and Quill got into a little argument over some 70s songs. Cue: entertainment
What If Loki didnt grab/he dropped the Tesseract and the ship reached Earth without Thanos' little stop. Cue: Asgard reaching and settling into life on Earth, Thor being excited to contact his friends and the Avengers are just like "what? how? huh?", Bruce's return/Bruce hiding out in Asgard, the news that Prince Loki is among the refugees...
Actually why were here what if Thanos has to get the Tesseract from the remains of Asgard? Like would he have to fight Surtur? Would he have to fight Hela? Tbh i think either would win in a fight with him Or are they both long gone and all thats left is rubble?
What if Hulk became Bruce again before Bruce got fast tracked to Earth in IW and he showed up in either mismatched Sakaar armor or Asgard fashion. Cue: Bruce's trip being much more real to the Avengers, Avengers believing Thor was secretly hiding him these past two years, just general curiosity over the fact Bruce was on and lived on another planet which no famous human has done
What if Bruce and Valkyrie were still doing their "i feel like i know you" thing and it drives everybody else nuts. Cue: general irritation, a unhelpful Thor, Nat not liking how Bruce's face lights up and he gets excited every time that happens
In Thor 3 Thor tries to do the whole "sun's going down" thing in the arena. What if it worked??
The San Francisco chase scene in AMatW was huge so what if it happened a week before IW. Cue: massive media coverage, Avengers being like "is that the guy from Germa- DID THAT BUILDING JUST GROW", random crack theories about Ghost, Scott NOT being in the Quantum Realm when The SnapTM occured
What if Ghost was there in the fight against Thanos. Cue: her walking up behind him and ripping his heart out. Game Over. Everyone can go home now. Like the only stone/weapon that could stop her would be the Time Stone or if her treatment was permeant and not temporary. If we can have a million fics on what if Venom or another SPUMC character was there then imagining Ava there isnt that far out
In Ant-Man Hank breaks Scott out of his holding cell, in AMatW Scott sneaks Hank and Hope out of a interrogation room using the same techniques. What if Hank and Hope rescued Scott from The Raft. Cue: everyone (Team Cap) getting excited only to be left behind, them hearing the one-half conversation that is Scott trying to defend himself to Hank, everyone (government and Team Iron Man) being forced to treat Scott more seriously
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flamebirdswp · 4 years
The Problem With MCU Wanda
I’m gonna be keeping this as short as possible, so let’s get started.
Wanda Maximoff was the Roma-Jewish daughter of two Holocaust survivors for the majority of her comic book history. Recently, her being Magneto and Magda's daughter was retconned away, but she's still Roma. She's still Jewish.
And at the time that Age of Ultron was being developed, at the time that the MCU was planning on introducing Wanda and Pietro ━━ they were the Roma Jewish children of two Holocaust survivors. You may notice that I'm repeating those three facts a lot. It's because they're important.
While Aaron Taylor Johnson may be Jewish, he isn't Roma. Elizabeth Olsen isn't Roma or Jewish. They're both white, too, which comic book Wanda and Pietro tend to not be.
No matter what way you look at it, there's one basic fact here: the MCU white-washed these characters. But, hey, that's not something new for them; the Ancient One in Doctor Strange is portrayed by a white woman; Peter Parker is a glorified white-washed Miles Morales.
Wanda and Pietro only get worse from here. That's the biggest problem I have, and I'm already pissed off at the white-washing; it gets worse than that.
In Age of Ultron, Pietro and Wanda, who are based off the Roma-Jewish children of Holocaust survivors, willing sign up to work with HYDRA, a neo-Nazi organization.
I want you to read that sentence again. I want you to take it in.
There's no version of this where that's okay. I know that Age of Ultron makes it clear that they didn't know what they were getting into... but the writers did. The director did. MARVEL did. Everyone on that movie knew that these characters, these Jewish, Roma, characters, were joining a Nazi organization.
I should not have to explain how overwhelmingly anti-Semitic that is. I should not have to tell a single one of you why that should make you sick to your stomach.
And, god, it doesn't stop there. You might have noticed that I specified Wanda up above and that's not because the portrayal of Pietro is in the clear; it's just because one of these characters is still alive. One of them is still being an absolutely disgusting example of blatant anti-Semitism.
The MCU has used set design to imply that Wanda is a Christian. There hasn't been a single mention to her Jewish heritage, not one hint of that, but we still can manage to put a few crosses in her room? What the actual fuck, MARVEL?
I do want to get ahead of one thing before I see somebody start in the comments: Elizabeth Olsen is not innocent in this. Repeat after me: Elizabeth Olsen is not innocent in this.
It doesn't matter if she didn't know she was taking on a white-washed role in Age of Ultron, but she sure as hell knows it now. She's profiting off of this. There was no contractual obligation for her to do Wandavision; that was her choice to continue this character.
This woman has used slurs, as well, to describe Wanda. She, Renner and Ruffolo chanted a slur. Stop defending Olsen and start accepting that your favourite white girl is a terrible person.
There's still more to this. Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson have, in an official interview, said that they played Wanda and Pietro's relationship has incestuous 'just for them'. If literally, everything else that's been said here hasn't hit you that this woman is the worst, maybe that'll finally do it for you.
If you support MCU Wanda, you're anti-Semitic. If you support Elizabeth Olsen, you're anti-Semitic. If you support Wandavision, you're anti-Semitic. You don't get a way out of this.
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