#and then he decides to tell Thor that their dad DIED in the 2 seconds Thor was gone for
worstloki · 1 year
Loki watching Thor go home with the people who hit him with their van, wrestle in mud, "you're big, fought bigger", fail to lift his hammer and collapse onto his knees about it: fatherless behaviour
Loki: I have the funniest idea
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ | Planning The Trip
Part One of my "Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™" headcanon series
Includes: (The Whole Gang) Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson
Word Count: 3.9k
Relationships: The Avengers x F!Reader, Ambiguous; just how we like it ;)
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ Master List
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→The whole idea starts when the team is lounging at the compound doing regular™ team things
→A.K.A Wanda, y/n, Pietro, and Vision are in a pile on one of the couches cuddling, Clint and Nat are across the room playing pool, Bucky is making ramen in the kitchen, Steve is trying to convince Bucky to add an egg or something for more protein, Bruce and Stephen are talking neuroscience and bickering over techniques of spinal fluid something, Thor and Loki are fighting over the remote before Loki finally rolls his eyes and picks up the book y/n had left on the coffee table, Sam is asleep on the floor, and Tony is just tired
→In the madness though he picks up on the conversation happening between the four people on the couch
→“You’ve never been to Disney World?”
→Three rounds of “no” “nope” “I’ve only had a body for a year, y/n. When would I have gone to Disney World?”
→”Okay, yeah, good point, Vis. But y’all would love it. I haven’t been since high school but I want to go again so bad. We need a vacation.”
→Tony doesn’t even stick around to hear the rest, he’s already walking away while speaking to FRIDAY, telling her start pulling up the Disney site and analyzing it, disappearing to his lab and using all of his monitors to compare the resorts and try to decide where to stay that everyone would like (and where they would all fit because there’s too many of them)
→It doesn’t take him long to realize they’re going to need large accommodations
→Bruce is the first to notice that he’s gone, sneaking into the lab and scaring the hell out of Tony
→“Whatcha’ doing?”
→“Ah shit-- Bruce! How are you so quiet?”
→And then he points to the seven open listings on the monitors and explains that the team needs a break and that he heard y/n talking about Disney World and that he wants to surprise the team-- Bruce agrees immediately (the man is always in need of relaxation)-- and that’s how the team’s geek squad ends up playing Disney Dad #1 and Disney Dad #2 and planning the most extravagant vacation in less than three hours
→They have it down to a science after the first twenty minutes-- dividing what needs to be done and tackling it individually while bouncing ideas off one another
→“Do you think they want to eat at Beauty and The Beast Castle or Ariel’s Grotto the second night?” “I’m not sure-- book them both.” “Tony we can’t--” “FRIDAY, book them both.” “You got it Mr. Stark.”
→There’s a lot of Bruce wondering if what they’re booking is too expensive and even more of Tony reminding him that he’s a literal billionaire and that he could buy the Disney company if he wanted to-- that still doesn’t stop Bruce from suggesting more frugal methods from time to time-- it only makes Tony want to spend even more money because you need to lighten up, Banner
→The next person who realizes Tony and Bruce are gone is-- surprisingly-- Sam
→Honestly it’s only because he has to pass Tony’s lab on the way back from his room and he sticks his head in to tell them that “Romanoff and Barton ordered pizza if y’all want any… holy crap is that Disney World? Are we going to Dis--”
→Tony literally grabs him by the collar and tells him to hush it, birdman before pulling him into the room and explaining his plans for the second time-- “Yes, we are going to Disney World and I want it to be a surprise.”
→Sam just nods, his eyes on the screen and his brows beginning to push down and-- “Okay but why are you booking dinner at Mickey’s Backyard Barbecue on the same day that you have fast passes for World of Color at Epcot?”
→And Tony and Bruce blink and are just like “What?”
→And Sam is already at the computer, fingers stuttering over the weird ass hoverscreens while pulling up the page which shows that the World of Color has a whole ass dining experience-- Tony and Bruce have no clue that was even a thing-- and suddenly Sam is the one telling them what to plan because, as it turns out, this man loves Disney World and has been upwards of thirteen times and knows it inside and out
→Thank gods for Sam because these two Disney Dads™ were really shooting blindly into the abyss of trip planning without ever having gone to Disney World-- he has to shift around fast passes, dining reservations, water park tickets, and even the family portrait session that Tony demanded Bruce add
→He shows them all the things they don’t even think to plan-- firework shows, dessert parties, literally all of Downtown Disney-- Tony wants to be mad but he’s too busy picking his jaw up off the floor when Sam manages to book them for an After Dark Party in Magic Kingdom
→Bruce gets so excited when Sam tells him that’s a thing that he almost gives the plan away when Natasha comes rushing to see what all the noise is (it’s Banner jumping up and down like a toddler) -- he has to rush to the doorway, make up a lie about him dropping a piece of equipment, and then walk her back to the common area and play a round of pool with her to keep her questions at bay
→It’s all fine because Sam puts the final touches on the plan and has Tony give the order for FRIDAY to book it all and then it’s ready to tell the team
→They sneak back into the common area, it’s nine pm and everyone just looks so worn out
→Stephen is literally half way to snoring, legs curled under him on the love seat, doing that thing people do when they’re falling asleep and their head slumps and then they spring back awake, repeating the process an embarrassing amount of times but nobody’s even paying attention
→Steve and Bucky are talking quietly in the corners about whether or not they should just go to sleep because it’s Thursday and there’s really no point in staying up any longer
→Clint and Thor are sharing a bag of popcorn and half watching John Wick while discussing the inaccuracies of the movie-- “If he had a bow none of this would have happened.” “Or a hammer.” “Yeah, that too.”
→Yeah, they’re exhausted, and it makes the Disney Dads™ and Sam that much more excited to share the news
→Sam’s twiddling his hands behind his back and sharing smiles with Banner who’s trying to keep his excitement at bay and Tony is rolling his eyes but smiling too and for a moment nobody notices their cheshire grins and nervous foot tapping until finally y/n lifts her head from Pietro’s chest-- who complains at the action and lifts his head too-- and lazily asks
→“Tones, what on earth are you smiling about?”
→And the man opens his mouth but before he can even get the words out Bruce and Sam are already jumping up and down again and screaming “We’re going to Disney World!”
→And the room goes dead silent for three beats-- one, two, three-- and it feels like a million seconds and Tony’s face is dropping slowly and he’s ready to be like sike and then she jumps up, literally stepping on Pietro’s stomach, hurtling the back of the couch like a damn track star and rushing the man at full force, flinging herself at him and jumping into his arms and there are tears streaming down her face and she’s screaming
→“Tony you didn’t! Oh my gods you didn’t! You’re lying oh my god no! Are you serious?”
→And he’s nodding but he still can’t get a word in edgewise because she’s still rambling-- “You heard me oh my gods! You heard me and you did it! Tony that’s insane and reckless and oh my god I love you! Are we actually going? This isn’t a trick? Please don’t let this be a trick!”
→And he just laughs and spins her around and tells her that no, this isn’t a trick I’m not the mischief god here and Loki rolls his eyes but he’s also kind of excited despite the frown on his face
→They’re all excited
→Pietro and Wanda and screaming with Sam, slapping each other and just full on freaking out like children, incoherent and happy and raring to just go already
→In turn this wakes Stephen up who hears the madness and jumps up, on edge and ready to literally fight before he realizes what’s going on and calmly sits back down, nodding his head but not speaking because if this literal grown man opens his mouth he knows he’s going to freak out too because holy shit Disney World-- even sorcerers like Disney!
→Steve and Bucky are kind of confused-- they just barely remember Snow White when it came out but Disney World? They made a-- what is it? A theme park? Regardless they’re excited, ready to break the old men lull they’ve fallen into-- Bucky hears y/n ask if Tony booked water park tickets and gets super excited
→Vision is also confused but he sees everyone getting turnt over Disney World and decides that he is also excited-- Wanda momentarily stops being hyped up to ask him if he’s waterproof in which he goes into explicit detail about how yes, he is and he’ll show her if she’d like and she has to slap her hands over his mouth and tell him to hush
→Thor and Clint also turn into children but they’re the run around the room yelling types as opposed to the stand in a circle and scream types-- the gang is apparently just like fifteen children who barely manage to get things done apparently because they’re all hyped as fuck
→Clint sprints over to Nat whose hands are already up, ready to fight the man off because she knows what’s coming, but he’s too fast and too happy and uses all his assassin training to dodge her kick, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around until she’s giggling and slapping his back
→“Natty we’re going to fucking Disney World!”
→“I know you lug, I heard Stark too. Let me down!”
→He doesn’t-- he just shakes her harder, cheering with the rest of them
→Thor slumps down next to his brother, nudging his shoulder-- “Migardians are strange”-- and Loki nods but pulls out his phone and starts looking up what’s actually at Disney World and-- “Look, brother, our home… wait is that us?”-- and the brothers get sucked into a rabbit hole of the Norwegian pavilion and whatever the hell the Frozen ride is and why their pictures are there
→It takes thirty minutes for everyone to calm down enough for them to actually have a conversation about what on earth Tony and Bruce and Sam did-- it takes another ten minutes after that for Stephen to finally break through the chatter to ask the most important question-- “Guys, seriously. You can ask about the plans after. The main question here is when are we going.”
→And Tony glances at Bruce and shrugs and is like “Tomorrow.”
→And they all erupt again-- y/n and Wanda because they have to pack and Stephen because normal people don’t just up and go on Vacation, you’re supposed to make time and Clint and Pietro because holy shit we’re going to Disney tomorrow!-- but Tony just brushes the worry off and reminds them-- again-- that they’re superheroes and that he’s a billionaire and that they can go on vacation whenever they damn want
→Cue fifteen more minutes of freaking out and y/n tackling Tony and then tackling Bruce and then, finally, tackling Sam who scoops her up and all but tosses her in the air before thanking her profusely for putting the idea in Tony’s brain
→They spend the next few minutes fangirling together-- Sam raves about all the food he’s going to eat-- Mickey bars, corn dogs, pretzels, those huge turkey legs-- and y/n talks about how she wants to get all the autographs she can-- especially Goofy and Pluto-- and then Sam mentions the After Dark Party and, like Bruce, she freaks out
→Finally Wanda has to split them up, grabbing y/n with one hand and hauling her over to the other redhead who’s still being held hostage by the resident archer and grabbing Nat with the other-- when Clint protests she curls her fingers, warning him with a pinch of red magic, and he holds his hands up, backing away slowly but telling Nat she’d better come see him before they leave
→On the way out Steve asks where they’re going and Wanda almost threatens him too until Nat tells him they’re going to pack for tomorrow-- he then turns to Bucky and reiterates the idea to a less than enthusiastic super soldier who tries to argue that I can pack in the morning but Steve just isn’t having it-- it takes five minutes but finally Buck agrees (but only after Steve says Bucky can just throw his stuff in his bag)
→The girls spend the rest of the night giggling and packing, holding up dresses and putting them down, shoving things in each other's bags and dancing to a playlist of oldies from Wanda’s phone-- Nat is the most boring packer but after some threats to get resident archer involved she gets her act together
→Pietro comes in when he’s done and Wanda scoffs at what he has packed but he only shrugs, slumping on y/n’s bed and giving her grabby hands until she rejoins him
→“But Pietro what if I forget something?”
→“You worry too much-- can’t Stange make portals?” He has a point
→What they all pack:
→Tony: Suits and graphic t-shirts. He’s either rolling up to Disney World in a Metallica t-shirt or a full three piece suit there’s no inbetween. He’s really not concerned about packing-- he can just buy whatever he needs there. After a text from y/n though he throws in a few pairs of shorts that he didn't even know he owned and his M.I.T. hoodie. He tops it off with a few gadgets he thinks he might need-- FRIDAY’s chip and some nanotech-- and he’s good to go. Billionaires don’t need to pack.
→Steve: Clothes and toiletries. Boring, basic, forgets swim trunks until he sees Bucky put his swim trunks and nothing else into Steve’s bag. That’s how he remembers most things actually; by looking at what Bucky doesn’t put into the bag. Along the way he suggests what the super soldier might want to pack while adding a few extra of his own just in case. After thinking about it for a few minutes he adds two books-- one for each of them. He also adds some tools-- a screwdriver and some pliers-- in case Bucky’s arm starts acting up. He’s sure Stark will have something but in case he doesn't, those will hold it over.
→Bucky: Swim trunks. And, when Steve begs, he grumbles and adds a few button downs and henleys. He also sneaks in a few knives, burying them in the henleys. He watches Steve pack for him though and leaves it at that-- what’s the point of packing when the super soldier can just do it for him? He’s not stupid-- he’s tired and Steve is fussy. He’ll have what he needs and if he doesn’t then he’ll just make y/n go swimming with him. Then he won’t need anything. Easy peasy.
→Nat: She’s the most level headed packer of the bunch, spare maybe Bruce and Sam. She Packs what she’ll need-- not too much and not too little. If anything she packs too many of Clint’s hoodies (three). Part of that, though, is her knowing that he’s probably going to forget one. She packs her normal toiletries, making sure to add an extra stick of deodorant and a bottle of Wanda’s red nail polish because-- despite the fact that she spends an hour watching Wanda pack her entire room-- she just knows that the woman forgot a bottle of that stuff and that she’ll be upset if her nails look chipped in the pictures. Wanda and y/n make her pack a bikini despite the fact that she has two scars from Bucky still and they threaten to get Clint involved if she tries to refuse-- “I suggest you put that little black number in that bag right now unless you want some aggressive compliments, you hear me woman?” She didn’t have to be told twice.
→Clint: Not as much as he should. Never as much as he should. He packs boxers, a pair of swim trunks, a few regular shirts and shorts (not enough), a couple nice shirts and a pair of jeans, and his toiletries. He’s gone longer with less but-- like-- he doesn’t have to this time? Nat walks into his room as he finishes packing and takes one look at his bag before marching to his closet and adding a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a jacket, a pair of sweatpants, and socks because who the hell doesn’t pack socks when they’re going to be walking around for days, how the hell are you an accomplished assassin Clint?
→Wanda: She literally packs as much as she can-- think the essentials times three and then some, like five different dresses, two leather jackets (even though y/n reminds her that Orlando is hot), her laptop and her ipad, two pairs of headphones. She has a notebook, a sketch book, and a regular book. Six bikinis and a one-piece. Three hats, four pairs of sunglasses, enough panties to last a month, let alone a week. She packs heels, boots, sneakers, flats, and sandals. Two purses and a backpack. Wanda Maximoff is the epitome of team mom-- anything Nat and y/n forget she’ll have it. She also packs a few things that she thinks Pietro will forget-- a few nice outfits for nights out and his main toiletries. Oh-- and sunscreen! Lots and lots of sunscreen!
→Pietro: Well, let's just say that it’s a good thing Wanda thinks to pack some things for Pietro because this man barely remembers his toothbrush let alone his phone charger. He gets the basics-- the bare necessities-- like three t-shirts, a pair of shorts, some (?) boxers, and like seven pairs of shoes because with how fast this man is he’s going to need them badly. He does, however, remember to pack his bathing suit and that’s more than a few people on the team can remember. Poor baby just wants to get there already-- he can just buy whatever he forgets.
→Vision: A very strange assortment of items. He doesn’t need clothes-- he can make whatever he would like appear on his body-- but he does want to feel included so Wanda gives him one of her backpacks and he puts like kind of random items into it. He sees a phone cord and shoves it in and like a hairbrush-- all items someone will need eventually but not him (later will find out that it’s the cord to Sam’s Iphone and will hand it over and have the audacity to say you’re welcome Samuel after doing it).
→Sam: He packs at least four ball caps. Nothing besides that really matters; he just knows how fucked you are if you don’t bring a hat and he’s bringing enough for the people who forget. As much as Bucky gets on his nerves he also packs him one. Besides that he packs normally-- t-shirts, shorts, shoes, socks, boxers-- all regular amounts. He freaks out a little when he can’t find his phone charger but he’ll just buy one when he gets there. He also brings a Polaroid camera and a shit ton of film-- some of his team members have never been and he will be documenting it all.
→Bruce: He’s the most boring packer and that isn’t a bad thing-- it’s the reason he has so many doctorates-- because he’s smart and level headed. He packs the clothes he needs with one extra of everything. He packs his toiletries. He doesn’t pack his whole room and he doesn’t pack nothing at all. He’s perfectly in the middle-- a Disney Dad™! He does, however, forget his swim trunks-- oops.
→Stephen: One backpack with a t-shirt, sweatpants, and swim trunks. That’s it. Why would he pack anything else? The man can open a portal whenever he needs! He’s always one step away from his bedroom! Stephen simply flicks his wrists and can change and rejoin the group in less time than it takes the rest of them to pull shit from their bags and wait for the washroom to free up. It’s actually a genius play.
→Loki: Despite being the most outwardly unenthusiastic he packs almost the exact same way that Wanda does. He’s a nervous packer. His brother laughs but, like, he has a point. Safe is better than sorry. It’s comical that he packs like five sweaters though considering that he can snap his fingers and make the sweater appear. All his clothes are either green or black. He packs at least one all black suit. Thor has to force him to add a red Hawaiian shirt and he scoffs at it and shoves it to the bottom. Definitely packs three pairs of swim trunks because he doesn’t like putting them one while they’re still wet. He doesn’t even know if he’s going to go swimming but he’s still doing it anyway. He also packs the scrunchie y/n gave him to keep his hair out of the way and when Thor tries to say shit about it he pulls a dagger from thin air and just chucks it. After dodging it Thor asks why don’t you just make your clothes appear the same way?
→Thor: Enough but, like, definitely not enough. The normal things but like less. He figures he’s going to be spending most of his time in his bathing suit anyway. Loki tries to remind him that he can’t go shirtless in the parks (he looked it up already) but he doesn't listen. It really is a good thing his brother can make things appear from thin air. He’s the type of guy to be content in a pair of flip flops and an open button down. He does, however, bring one of those dad-esque fanny packs and somehow he makes it look hot.
→Y/n: Literally packs the same as Wanda, if just a tad less. So many clothes that it’s insane. She, however, has the added bonus of her old Mickey ears-- a pink sequined pair that are a little worse from wear but still pretty. She packs a bucket hat to pin collectable pins to. She makes sure to leave extra room in her suitcase for souvenirs. She’s had her eye on the luxury bath salts from the Grand Floridian ever since the Disney Instagram posted them a few months ago and now that she’s going she won’t be leaving without them. She also packs the strapless dress she’s been meaning to wear for months now-- she doesn’t know who’s going to be there to admire it but she’s sure there’s at least one person who will. Besides, Nat’s been telling her to wear it for ages.
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insidious-intent · 4 years
Hey! Hope you're having a good day! 🤗 I would like to hear your thoughts on the RNM finale!
Alright! I have my morning breakfast food and beverage here, so let’s do this! Everything is under a cut because this got long. 
- This entire finale was somehow excruciatingly boring? Did anyone else feel that. There was 0 action, -1 adventure, and we didn’t even get Max cosplaying Thor level of entertainment this time.
- The first minute and a half resolves EVERY SINGLE PLOT THREAD FROM LAST WEEK. No bomb goes off, Liz saves the day, Jesse Manes is officially canceled. 
- And then immediately we jump to “a week later” and everyone is fine, no one is worried about physical injuries or how they all almost died. Liz is supposedly taking care of Maria but that can’t be seen because 2 women cannot be shown together for more than 3 seconds at a time. No one else has visited Maria? Her own mother isn’t glued to a chair in her room? Sheriff Valenti isn’t investigating any of this? ANYWAYS. But Michael is there after a week to talk about how he felt. So at least the romance is still alive. 
- So what is a guy to do after having a deeply emotional 1-on-1 with your “could have been dead” girlfriend? Why visit his ex, of course! Malex destroy the toolshed, which bless, at least we can stop talking about that one torture source. But ya know that shed had to also further the plot, skeletons and key and all. 
- Also shoutout to @frenziedblaze for noting how malex had their first time over a shallow grave. I will never unsee that. 
- Max somehow manages to have the same emotional vibes with his girlfriend and his sister. Except he only makes out with one of them. 
- Max manages to be real cute with Jenna (idk how I started supporting this brotp) and gets her to do “undercover” work for him to see what the real handsome ex-fiance wants with Liz. 
- Turns out Diego might be ready to steal Liz’s research instead of convincing her to work with him. So instead of, idk, confronting the guy, or telling Jenna to stall him, or IDK, ASKING ALEX FOR HELP, Max says “blow it all up.” The real upbeat soundtrack to Max physically destroying everything Liz worked on, was a choice. 
- Please note that ep 12 had 3 bombs, which were in play in the first minute of ep 13. And yet, the only space without a bomb (Liz’s lab) is the one that blows up. 
- Meanwhile, in Guerinland, New Mexico - Michael Guerin confesses his love to a woman he has apparently been dating for a year. Said woman ALSO reciprocates his feelings. However, Maria would like to use her powers, which now canonically will no longer make her sick, but Michael cannot sit back and watch Maria fade away (for unknown reasons). So here must the beloveds depart. Ok. 
- On the other side of the set, Michael and Alex are reading a diary written by Secretly Good Guy Tripp Manes, and for some reason Isobel Evans. Please note that Isobel Evans has used about 6 opportunities to comment on the eternal love and joy between Michael and Maria, yet for some reason she’s back on Team Malex, with 0 conversation about wtf happened. Ok. 
- Tripp Manes, much like his future descendant Alex, fell for shiny aliens with great cheekbones and full lips. Can’t blame them. Tripp talks about their connection being “cosmic” and a high pitched scream resonates from malex fandom as Michael and Alex look at each other for a single second. This is all fine. Also Jason Behr in a suit and hat is a sight to behold.
- And we find out nothing about what Nora was building in that shed, but something about the “stowaway” on their ship. Cool. 
- The best and most emotional beat of the episode was the Cameron sisters reuniting. I was sobbing during their conversation. I love them both a lot. Also here’s to Charlie being Isobel’s next love interest. 
- Aliens can’t seem to stop setting Liz’s lab on fire. This time she responds with walking away from Max, who does nothing to stop her or follow up with an apology. Cool. She ends up watching the ocean, and I gotta say I still stan Liz Ortecho. 
- Rosa Ortecho owns my whole heart. And I’m very proud of her telling her mom to screw off, and for deciding to go back to rehab. 
- SPEAKING OF HELENA ORTECHO. The woman who was supposedly scheming since episode 1, and managed to kidnap not 1 but 3 people with no problem whatsoever, was suddenly completely irrelevant again. She was mad that Jesse’s murder coverup will turn him into a hero (and I have some things to say about that considering Rosa’s murder coverup did the opposite). So instead of idk, going back to scheming with Mimi Deluca, Helena is just going to drink her troubles away. Super cool. 
- All of this leading to a beautiful yet tragically brief Kylex moment where Alex confirms that Kyle is his bff, and that Flint is ok and can be redeemed (hear hear). 
- AND THEN WE GET ALEX SINGING. lkajsdflkasdfkjahsdflkjasdlfkjasdf. I was slayed. Tyler’s voice, the face, MICHAEL AND ISOBEL COMING IN TO WATCH. IT WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED FOR MALEX. 
- So of course Michael was like, this sucks, our romance is a tragedy, I don’t even like the song, goodbye. I can’t believe this dude broke up with Alex every single episode of this season, including breaking up with Alex TO HIS DAD, while he was ‘napped.
- BUT ON THE OTHER HAND. GREGORY “LIBERTY” MANES, the bestest brother on the planet, who liberated Alex from his abuser (get it?) sat and watched Alex perform and then clapped when Alex finally made the move and bagged his tiny, blue haired nerd. It was beautiful. I may have cried. 
- BUT WE STILL AREN’T DONE. So the full season long chanting of The Power of Three finally comes to fruition. And even though Isobel is like maybe we should do more research, her 2 bros are like it’s cool! and open the door lock thing. We find out Nora was building a prison(?) for the “stowaway” and the pod squad accidentally release him, only to realize he’s...Max Evans with a better groomed beard. I just. I-
And now we have a potential year and a half wait to see how the 82 other plot threads will be resolved (@booksmartstreetstupid has an amazing list) 
So let us all collectively turn to fanfics to help our sanity, and pray that we all return next year. 
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 26
Auroras continued Recovery: November 2015
Word count: 2k
Aurora stepped into her father’s workshop a few days after returning from London, kindly asking JARVIS to turn down the deafeningly loud music. Tony head snapped up from the project he was absorbed in, his eyes meeting with his daughters across the workshop.
“Any chance you’re done being mad at me yet?” she asked.
“I was never mad at you, kiddo,” Tony sighed.
“You sure about that, because you did quite a lot of yelling the other day and then you’ve been in here all the time like you’re avoiding me?”
“Ok, you’re right I was mad,” Tony chuckled. “But I wasn’t mad at you.”
“You shouldn’t blame Pops for my choices,” Aurora said, finally crossing the room to stand in front of him.
“Not mad at Steve either,” Tony refuted.
“Then I’m confused,” Aurora laughed. “Mind explaining that?”
“You’re my little girl,” Tony sighed, taking her hand and leading her over to sit down on the sofa. “I know you were a fully functioning 16 year old by the time you showed up in my life, but in my head, you’re always going to be my little girl and I’m supposed to protect you.”
“Dad…” Aurora replied, tears forming in her eyes.
“No, I need to say this,” Tony interrupted. “I’m Iron Man. It’s literally my job to protect people and I couldn’t protect you. I love you Aurora, more than I thought it was possible to love another person and when I saw you bleeding out in Steve’s arms, I thought I was going to lose you and I couldn’t breathe. Somehow, I got a second chance to keep you safe and the only way I know how to do that is to keep you close. I’m so sorry I yelled at you, kiddo.”
By the time Tony finished his confession, Aurora was crying, and she leant forward so that he could wrap his arms around her and hold her tightly against him.
“I love you too, Dad,” she whispered. “But you can’t keep me wrapped up in cottonwool for the rest of my life. I got given another chance, I have to use it.”
“Ok,” Tony agreed. “I’ll try to stop controlling everything.”
“I think it’s a Dads job to worry, so I don’t think you’re doing too bad,” Rori said, still leaning against his chest. “Just maybe dial it back a bit.”
“I can do that,” Tony chuckled. “Any idea how you’re gonna use this second chance?”
“Third,” she mumbled.
“Technically this is my third chance,” Aurora explained. “My second chance was when mum died and I survived. This is technically my third chance.”
“You know if you want to convince me to stop be so overbearing maybe don’t remind me of the other time you almost died.
“It’s ok,” he replied. “Let me rephrase then; Any idea how you’re gonna use this third chance?”
“Not really,” she sighed. “Sam has me working on this one step at a time thing, so I’m not really looking too far ahead at this point.”
“What’s the current step?”
“Healing, but I’ve actually been thinking about how I’d maybe like to do something to help the survivors,” she said, finally pulling back from the hug to look at Tony.
“Well we already set up something with the Maria Stark Foundation to help cover the medical costs of the survivors and pay for the victims funerals,” Tony replied.
“You did?” Aurora asked. “I didn’t know that.”
“You had a lot on your plate kiddo,” Tony explained, running his hand through her hair. “Steve and I were pretty sure it’s what you would have wanted us to do.”
“Thank you,” she gasped, trying not to cry again. “God damn it. I feel like all I ever do these days is cry.”
Tony chuckled at her frustration. “I think you’ve got a pretty good excuse,” he said. “Not that there’s anything wrong with having a good cry when it’s needed.”
“God, I love you,” Aurora replied, kissing Tony’s cheek and returning her head to lean against his chest, her cheek resting beside the Arc reactor again.
“I love you too Rori,” Tony murmured, kissing her head and giving her a gentle squeeze.
“Miss Stark, Mark Hill is on his way up to see you,” JARVIS announced.
Aurora was sitting in the living room, binge watching Community with Thor and Bucky and turned in her seat as the elevator doors open and Mark walked out. “Hey Mark,” she greeted happily. “Sorry boys,” she added, turning back to Thor and Bucky, “Gonna have to bale on you. Fill me in when I get back.” She got up from the sofa and walked over to Mark who pulled her in for a hug. After the hug, they walked down the hall towards a sitting room far enough away from the living room to offer the pair some privacy.
“Sorry to interrupt your afternoon,” Mark said when they took a seat. “Probably should have called ahead.”
“Don’t be silly,” Aurora replied. “I’m getting so bored around here, it’s nice to have an unexpected visit. Besides, you know I always love seeing you Mark.”
“I figured it was probably about time we sat down and worked out a game plan,” he explained. “I spoke with your dads after everything happened and we all decided you didn’t need to be thinking about any of this immediately, so I just put a pause on everything. I hope that was the right call.”
“Mark I can’t thank you enough,” Rori said. “I honestly wouldn’t have been able to handle any of this in those first few week so thank you.”
“All god hon,” Mark replied. “Honestly you weren’t that busy so there wasn’t that much to cancel. There’s a few requests on songs that I’ll need to get you to sign off on and I got a request for your Avengers series to be shown in a gallery out in LA. Other than that, we just had the CMAs which the Rascal Flatts guys were completely understanding about you not being able to make it.”
“I feel so bad that they had to change their performance because of me, especially since I went and sang in London less than 2 weeks later.”
“I spoke to them and I really don’t think you have anything to feel bad about.” Mark reached out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder before he continued. “You’re the only one who gets to decide how you handle this Rori. No one else gets to decide for you or tell you what the right way to process everything is.”
“Thank you, Mark. I think I needed to hear that today.”
“You got it sweetheart,” he said. “So, what’s the plan then?”
“Well I’ve got another surgery coming up next week, but the doctors are talking about another 3 or 4 surgeries early next year so it’s gonna be a while till I’m back in the studio, but maybe we can start by dealing with the requests you said you already have.”
“We can do that,” he smiled. “I’ll send you through what we’ve got, and you can just email me your thoughts. What about the gallery in LA? How you feeling about showing the series again?”
“I think I’d really like to do that.”
“I’ll set it up.”
“And could you get me the contacts for Rascal Flatts?” Rori asked. “I’d like to talk to them, and just apologize again and maybe discuss doing something next year for their album release maybe.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Mark scrawled down his notes and then stood up. “I’ll head back to the office and get a start on all of this. Keep me in the loop with everything and if you change your mind about doing interviews, I’ve still got just about every talk show in the country asking for you.”
“Yeah, I’m not ready for that yet,” Rori replied, also getting to her feet to hug him. “Let me walk you out though.”
Aurora took a deep breath to steady her racing heart. She was sitting up in a hospital bed, a paper thing gown covering her as a nurse stood next to her unstrapping the heaving bracing on her left hand. Tony held her other hand as they both watched the nurse remove the bracing, revealing the spiderwebs of scarring across the back of her hand, wrist and forearm. Rori gasped as her eyes traced the angry red scars, and her eyes teared up a little. Tony squeezed her other hand tighter and the nurse grabbed a pillow for her to rest the injured hand on and then left the room.
“You doing ok?” Tony asked softly.
“Just looks a lot worse than I thought it would,” Rori replied. “And they’re gonna slice into me again and again and it’s just going to look worse each time.”
“Hey,” Tony said, placing a hand under her chin to lift her eyes to meet his. “One step at a time, remember? Now just breath with me.”
Aurora nodded quickly and focused on the rise and fall of her fathers’ chest to match her own breathes to his. By the time she calmed down, the nurse returned and began to wheel Aurora from the room and down the hall towards the OR.
When she awoke from the anaesthetic, Tony was sitting beside her bed once again, his hand wrapped around her hand, the other sweeping her hair off her brow.
“Welcome back,” he murmured. “How you feeling.”
“Groggy,” Rori mumbled.
“Doc said the surgery went really well. They want to keep you in for a few hours until the anaesthetics completely out of your system and then we can go home.”
“Mind if I nap until then?” she asked, her eyes already slipping closed.
“Sleep kiddo,” Tony whispered, leaning forward to kiss her temple. “I’ll wake you when it’s time to go home.”
“Dad, Pops, mind if I interrupt?” Aurora asked, walking into the kitchen where Steve was cooking dinner and Tony was attempting to help, but really was just being a nuisance.
“Course, kiddo,” Tony replied. “What’s up?”
“Umm,” she began, nervously looking between the two men. “I just wanted to remind you that the boys are giving their final performance next weekend in London.”
“And?” Tony asked, his brow furrowing.
“And I’m going to fly over for it,” Rori explained. “Just wanted to let you know before I book my flights.”
“When are you thinking of flying out? I think I have a meeting Monday morning, but I can move that around,” Tony said, already pulling his phone out to look at his calendar.
“No dad,” Rori said, biting her bottom lip nervously. “I’m going on my own.”
“Like hell you are,” Tony replied, his head jerking up suddenly to stare at his daughter. Steve remained silent but prepared to play his usual role of peacekeeper between the two of them.
“Remember that conversation we had a few weeks ago?” Rori asked. “You know the one where you promised to try and stop controlling everything? If the shooting hadn’t happened, you wouldn’t have had any problem with me flying out for this show on my own.”
“But the shooting did happen, and you just had surgery last week,” Tony bit back, his voice starting to rise.
“I’m going to be in and out of surgery for months,” she replied, keeping her voice soft and level in an attempt to keep this from turning into a fight. “I can’t put my life on hold because of it. Everything else is healed and I asked Dr Walker about it before I came home. She agreed that it’s perfectly safe for me to go about my day as normally as possible as long as I keep the brace on and take pain killers when I need them. I need to start living my life again Dad.”
“Ok,” Tony sighed, still not happy with the idea, but recognising that he would not win this fight. “Will you at least take the Jet please?”
“That I can do,” Rori said with a soft smile. “Thank you.”
“I love you, kiddo,” Tony sighed. “You know I’m just worried about you.”
“I know dad and I love you for it.”
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thewebcomicsreview · 5 years
Can you maybe contextualize the Homestuck epilogue for someone who has never read Homestuck but is curious what all the hullabaloo is about?
It’s 200,000 words following 8,000 pages of comic, so I’m not sure if I can really explain it “simply”, but I’ll do my best. *ahem*
Spoilers, obviously. 
tl;dr;, by the way, I actually really liked it. But I can see why a lot of people didn’t. 
So, I can, have, and will rant about the myriad of reasons everyone hated the ending, but for the sake of context let’s only focus on the main ones:
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1. The climax of the story was meant to be “John masters his powers, goes back in time, and undoes a lot of the terrible things that happen”. This didn’t at all feel like a climax, so everyone expected a “real” climax and was confused when we didn’t get one. Worse, because the solution to, say, Rose’s alcoholism was that John changed things so that she never started drinking, it felt less like characters overcoming their struggles and more like the characters we loved being replaced with alternate, better versions, and we never saw how things went for the “real” characters (John’s main change, preventing Vriska’s death in Act 5, invalidates something like 15% of the entire comic!). 
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2. Because the climax fell so flat and the big bad wasn’t defeated (and because [S] Collide ended with the music turning all sinister), everyone went in to Act 7 expecting one last huge twist. But while we were given enough information to figure out the basic gist of how Lord English was defeated, we don’t actually see it.The above screenshot, of Caliborn powering up into his Final Form, comes in the last fifty seconds of Homestuck.  
So, that’s kind of the context of the ending. Everyone went in expecting like a full act, was wildly confused that Act 7 was a victory lap, and then we all kind of figured out eventually what Hussie was going for and we were like “Oh. Okay” in a monotone. So, everyone hoped for the epilogue to “fix” the plot, but the plot wasn’t so much broken as it was badly told.
Phew. Okay, now lets talk about the epilogue. 
So, John is given the choice of whether to actually go back into the comic and kill the bad guy or not, represented as a choice of eating meat or candy for lunch. The canon, alpha timeline choice is to kill Lord English (”meat”), and the choice to stay behind and leave a time loop/plot thread unclosed (”Candy”) creates a doomed timeline. Doomed timelines in Homestuck exist as physical bubbles you can fly to, so the two “timelines” are really physical places in Paradox Space. There are three such location in the epilogue 
1. The “meat” timeline, which is the actual “canon” alpha timeline with no unbroken time loops, where most of the Meat Epilogue takes place. It takes place in the normal universe 
2. The furthest ring, a void above and around all timeline bubbles where John fights Lord English. This is normally where all the doomed timelines are, but they are getting sucked into a black hole that’s sweeping out all the “irrelevant” stuff
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Nepetaquest 2019 was never meant to be
3. The “candy” timeline, which is doomed, irrelevant, and thus sucked into the black hole. The whole thing looks like this
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The reason I’m explaining all this is because the two epilogues are actually one epilogue, and one affects the other such that you need to read them both. 
In the Candy timeline, Dirk immediately realizes that he’s no longer canon/alpha, and immediately kills himself. Rose and Kanaya are happily married and adopt a troll. Roxy goes all stepford wife and decides all she really wants is to crank out babies with John. John is all “you seem to be wildly out of character for reasons that won’t be explained but okay”. Jade, Dave, and Karkat have a miserable polyamorous relationship where the boys don’t admit they want to each other’s dicks but are willing to settle on Jade’s furry knotted dog penis, which she apparently grew after becoming a dog girl in [S] Cascade
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Pictured: The exact moment in Homestuck that Jade Harley grew canine genitalia. I had a print of this artwork and I’ll never look at it quite the same again
There’s relationship drama, but the most important part is Jane, who is now TrumpHitler for basically no reason,. She marries Jake but Gamzee cucks him and, well
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There’s a scene of Jake talking to Jade and thinking about maybe murdering a baby while his wife has rape-play sex with a clown in the next room. We don’t have time to unpack all that, because Jane is also TrumpHitler now, and sets out to commit a literal holocaust on all the Trolls for….um…..well for no reason. She’s just evil now. Jade’s corpse crashes from the sky, which is a shock to everyone, most of all Jade. Then Aradia and Sollux show up and Jane’s corpse comes to life as a god and everyone kind of just….nods…..and ignores it. The JadeCorpse is possessed by a version of Calliope who’s basically God, whom Aradia serves. Calliope explains that nothing in this timeline matters and it would normally just dissolve but she’s keeping it around because letting everyone dissolve into nothing when you can stop it seems like kind of a bitch thing to do and also she needs somewhere for Lord English’s body to land. Everything in Candyland gets as comically terrible as possible, full-on civil war. John has an existential crises about being irrelevent but gets over it, and Calliope finally finds Lord English and eats him, gaining the power to escape the black hole. Somewhere all this Dave meets up with Barack Obama (??!!?!?!) who is a god (!!!!!!!!!!!) that fucked Dave’s bro (!efefiebnfuewf) and merges all Daves together into one Ultimate Dave that he puts in a robot. Davebot, Aradia, and Calliope all leave the black hole and close the door behind them such that nothing inside (which includes the “canon” Vriska and every single alternate Timeline that existed or will ever exist) can ever get out to interfere with the canon timeline ever again. 
Also 16-year-old Vriska fucks 40-year-old Gamzee and is so embarrassed about it that she kills him. 
Feel free to take a break here
In the Meat timeline, Dirk has ascended and god from God-Like-Thor to God-Like-God, and can now manipulate the story in a fourth-wall breaking way that’s effectively nigh-omniscience and mind control. He’s also evil now, but that makes more sense then Jane being Hitler. 
John recruits the pre-retcon versions of Dave, Rose, and Jade, who with John are the closest thing to the “original” versions of the main four that Homestuck is gonna give us at this point. They fight Lord English and successfully boot him into the black hole, but all die in the process. John is mortally wounded but survives long enough to bang Terezi in the back of his dad’s car and get them both home (said car ends up in Candyland, where Candy John finds it and recognizes Terezi’s cum because thanks Hussie). Jade lives long enough that she could get to Earth C herself, but this version of Jade doesn’t even know about Earth C and decides to die via black hole. Dirk tries to stop this, but Calliope, who is more powerful than Dirk, pulls her in
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It is indeed to late, and OG! Jade gets sucked into the black hole, crashes into Candyland, and leaves behind a fresh corpse for Calliope to control and all the people in Candyland to be weirdly blase over because deep down they know their world doesn’t matter. Having control over this Jade lets her possess the alpha Jade in Meatworld, which in turn lets her influence things there. She and Dirk fight about who gets to be president of earth (which doesn’t seem important unless you read Candy and know what president Jane will do), and Dirk manages to tranquilize Jade and keep Calliope from affecting anything else. 
Jane becomes president of Earth and starts off and the path of becoming God Empress of Mankind. John dies, and we get more than a hint that Dirk killed him for being insufficiently grateful of their paradise planet
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With things on Earth taken care of, Dirk mind controls Rose into become his (sex?) slave, and mind controls Kanaya into thinking that’s cool. He tells Terezi (who he can’t control, since Mind is her power) that if she comes with they can maybe revive John, and they all home into a spaceship and fuck off to a new planet. Dirk is the new Lord English, Jane is the new Condesce, and Rose -now a dreambot - is the new Handmaid. And Terezi is….also there. They find a new M-Class planet and set up to evolve some life there for a Sburb game. On earth, now of of range of Dirk’s mind control, everyone realizes that him kidnapping Rose was actually kind of fucked up, and they hop a spaceship to chase after them, with Jade-possessed Calliope giving them advice.  
And that’s the epilogue! Dirk has kidnapped Rose and become unto god, and is setting up a nefarious plan we don’t know the details of, and a the heroes are racing to stop him. Good night everybody!
I’m assuming there’s going to be an Epilogue Epilogue, because this was just a straight-up cliffhanger, and I’ll guess I’ll see when I think when that happens or when it becomes clear that won’t happen.
Hopefully that was easy enough to follow, I did my best. 
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the-devil-herself · 5 years
Never Enough - Chapter 4
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 4 DESCRIPTION: Certain mates of Jotuns receive soulmate marks on their bodies. What happens when Loki’s mark is found on a girl with immense power? RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: Also available on AO3! The link is here as requested. 2 chapters in one night! Just for you all :) please comment and reblog to satisfy my poor soul!!
TAGGED: @kneel-before-queen-loki​ @lokis-girl-in-mischief
That’s when the burning started.
My left wrist felt like it had caught on fire, my skin sizzling like a grill. I grabbed my wrist, feeling my bracelet covering it still. Ever since the mark appeared, I had worn a wide silver bracelet to hide it from Jane at first, then from everyone.
The burning was intense. More intense than it had ever been. I let out a strangled cry before taking in deep breaths to try to get myself to not make a scene.
“Dana what is wrong?” Thor asked, concern written all over his face. He stepped towards me, but I held out my good arm to stop him.
“I’m fine!” I was gritting through my teeth. “I just think I slept on my arm wrong. Excuse me.”
I ran out of the room and into the nearest bathroom. Before escaping, though, I noticed Loki’s worried and confused expression. He probably thinks I’m crazy.
I turned on the cold water in the sink. I rested my wrist just under the faucet’s head to make sure all the cold water hit it, having flung off my bracelet moments before. The cold rush of water slowly took the sting away, little by little. I ended up staying in the bathroom for almost an hour. Thankfully, no one had followed me and bothered me since.
As the pain became more bearable, Loki’s last words flittered through my mind. Nice to see you again, little one. He remembered me. He called me “little one!” Oh, what have I gotten myself into?
No longer was I groaning from the pain but from the embarrassment of having just rushed out of a greeting with no explanation. I wouldn’t blame him if he thought there was something wrong with me.
I sat down on the ground, taking a close look at my wrist. Why was it burning again? It never burns, not since…. This was all too weird. The mark, Loki, everything. This scar had been haunting me for years now. Its black ink carved into my skin. Its lines drawn in a way as to resemble a snake. Its scorching pain. All of it haunted me.
Finally, I decided to leave my seclusion in the bathroom and try to join the others. Hopefully, no one had died since then.
The team and Loki were sitting in the living room. Tony and Thor were chatting, but I didn’t listen as I looked at him again.
I didn’t even notice Nat standing next to me. “Hey, are you okay?” she asked.
I nodded. “Yeah, sorry, I just took some Advil and relaxed it for a bit. It’s all good now.”
As I walked over to join them, all eyes turned to me again. Everyone thought better than to push me into explaining so they all went back to their conversations. The only one attempting to talk to Loki was Steve.
“We have ground rules here.” Steve’s face was serious, his eyes never leaving Loki’s. “Thor’s told you about them. You break one, there’s consequences. Anything goes wrong or anyone gets harmed, we’ll come for you. Do you understand?”
Loki raised his eyebrows at Steve’s tone. He looked smug, but he didn’t outright smirk or show disrespect. “Yes, Captain, I believe I understand,” he purred so elegantly.
I sat down by Loki and Thor as I took in the room, noticing Clint was very much absent. Probably for the best. Thor winked at me before turning back to Tony. I could only assume they were going over security details and mission assignments for Loki.
Loki’s eyes were on me, I could tell. Never one to shy away from a challenge, I looked behind me and stared back. I took him all in. His long legs, lean muscles, handsome face, those beautiful eyes, and slender fingers. My eyes stopped on his hands.
My mouth turned into a frown. “Thor why are these still on?” I asked, motioning to Loki’s chains.
Everyone stopped. Thor hesitated. “Well of course we can take them off, I just forgot.” His smile slipped at the mention of freeing him. He was scared, too.
I took that moment to get up and stand in front of Loki. “May I?” I asked, looking into his eyes for any warnings. He appeared shocked, but he soon recuperated and nodded at my request. I slid my hand over the Asgardian handcuffs, careful not to touch him. But not careful enough as my hand accidently slid over his, causing shocks to reverberate all over my body. That dreaded burning returned for a second then dissipated. All the while Loki was watching me most carefully.
At last I released his hands from the bonds and returned the chains to Thor. “There, now you’re an Avenger.”
Loki smirked at that. His eyes pierced into mine with neither of us backing down. We both knew everyone was watching us, or most likely, him, but I couldn’t turn away while he refused to.
We were interrupted by Tony. “Alright you know the rules. No lying, no breaking things, no horrible pranks, no dark magic, no harming others, no world domination, nothing. And no touching anything or anyone.” He emphasized that last part as he glared at Loki knowingly.
Loki laughed lightly. “Of course. I will obey all the rules of my most gracious hosts.” His words were dripping with sarcasm, but Tony elected to ignore it.
“I’ll show you to your room brother.” Thor stood up and walked down the hallway with Loki trailing behind him. As they turned the corner, Loki looked behind him towards me. There was an amused glint in his eye as he studied me for a quick moment. Then, he was gone.
Suddenly, it felt like the whole room breathed a sigh of relief.
“This is going to be difficult,” Bruce spoke up. “We’re all going to be on edge for the next couple of weeks. I know I’ll be upping my dose of anxiety meds.”
I put my head in my hands, feeling randomly exhausted after such a small interaction. “You got any extra?”
Tony strolled over to me, taking me gently by the arm into the kitchen. I looked at him in confusion. “Stay away Dana,” he warned. “He’s dangerous, I don’t need to tell you that. But also, I don’t like the way he looks at you. I don’t want him near you, touching you, thinking of you-“
“Okay thank you Dad,” I joked. Tony sighed. He was overstressed and overworked, clear bags forming under his eyes, but whenever I told him to rest he refused. His body wouldn’t let him rest- not yet.
“Tony, I know what he’s capable of. And I’m more than capable of handling him, but I promise I’ll keep my distance and be careful.”
That seemed to please him. He gave me a playful push, a smile returning to his face. Since I had come here years ago, Tony had taken over as my parental figure. He always had a soft spot for me, and I got away with things no one else could. So, I could understand why he was protective over me with Loki here. But he had no reason to be. I was of no interest to Loki.
That night at dinner, Loki was forced to join us. He didn’t join in any conversation even when Thor pushed him. He ate in silence. At the opposite end was Clint. He seemed a bit calmer, but every now and then he would peek at Loki in suspicion.
When everyone went to different rooms to entertain themselves for the rest of the night, Loki stayed in the living room. He paced around, studying the details of the building and Tony’s tech.
I was on the couch reading my new book. I tried to ignore him and focus on the story, but he grew bored and began fidgeting.
“You enjoy reading, don’t you?” I asked.
He considered me for a moment. “Yes, I enjoy books very much,” he answered, matter-of-factly.
Walking over to the bookshelf, I grabbed one my favorites, one I thought he might like or at least not hate. “Here try this one.” I handed it to him, being more cautious this time to not make physical contact.
He looked over the cover silently. Then he sat down on the couch and opened the book to read it. I smiled at the fact that he accepted my choice. I sat beside him and reopened mine.
After a while, with the silent noise dragging on between us, I was simply not able to concentrate. Something was bugging me. “You remember me?” I finally asked.
Loki looked up from his book, confused by my question. “Yes, we have met before.”
“I know, but I’m just surprised you recognized me. I was young back then.”
Loki smirked at me. “How could I forget the face of a girl who stared so fearlessly at me in a time of chaos?” With that he returned to his book, his face still having a hint of a smile.
He knew who I was. Yet, there was no way he thought I was fearless. I remember being scared shitless as I challenged him. But he didn’t mention it at all. Maybe he thought the act itself was fearless. Maybe I was.
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s-trawberryv-eins · 5 years
An Introduction
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A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading! So, after months of waffling about wanting to write, I finally sat down and did it. It’s pretty complicated, so it’s pretty important to read this one before you start with anything else. I’ve created an original character, who lives in a slightly alternative universe to the one we were left with after Endgame. I’d like to state that none of my personal changes are reflections of my opinions of what DID happen, but in order to build her as I wish, some things needed to be slightly different.
1)    Steve didn’t go back to Peggy after he returned the stones
2)    Hulk and Banner didn't become one, they’re still two separate beings
3)    Natasha was brought back by Steve as he was able to return the soul stone in return for her life
4)    The compound was rebuilt after the Battle of Earth. There is a memorial for Tony where he died.
A few other things to note:
1)    My first piece of writing will be a background that is applicable to all of the fics. However, many of them will be stand alone, unless I state otherwise. I’ll be creating a masterlist which will lay everything out very clearly, but please feel free to ask if you need to 😊
 Thanks for reading the boring stuff. Everything will be up soon!
 Summary: An introduction to the secret Stark sister. Who is she? Why was she kept a secret? And what happens when everybody finds out?
 Warnings: Abandonment, injury, PTSD, death, blood, but there's plenty of soft love too.
 Word count: 1921
 SUMMER 2004
"Yes, yes, two seconds!" Tottering over to the front door of her bosses lavish Malibu home, Pepper Potts grumbled under her breath, annoyed by the fact that she was the one answering the incessant knocking. "I’m not your maid, Tony!” Sighing, she unlocked the door and prepared to shoo whichever reporter, play bunny, or cold caller had decided that 10 PM on a Tuesday evening was a good time to show up. However, she was greeted with something entirely unexpected.
“Oh! Hello! Are you lost? Where’s your Mom?" In front of Miss Potts stood a small girl, 7 years of age, a sparkly pink bag held tightly in her little hand. Pepper greeted the young girl with the cheeriest voice she could manage in her surprise. Sticking her head out of the door, she looked around, but with a furrowed brow she realised that they were alone. There wasn’t another figure or car in sight.
“Momma said I had to give you this." In her tiny outstretched hand was a thick envelope. "She said my Daddy lives here.” The look on her face told Pepper that she knew exactly what had happened. Even as young as she was, she had an obvious maturity that would break hearts. Her mother had abandoned her, and the girl understood that entirely.
With eyes so wide it hurt, Pepper took the envelope, peeking inside to find a passport, a letter, and a photograph of Mr Stark and a woman. The girls' mother, Pepper presumed. Shock was written into the PAs face, but she forced a smile all the same. After a quick look at the passport, she ushered the child inside.
"Come on in, Caroline. We’ll sort you out, okay?”
 LATE 2008
A series of loud bangs on her bedroom door pulled Caroline from her daydream. Not even having a chance to respond, the door burst open and three young girls practically fell into her room.
“Turn the TV on!"
“As if you weren’t famous enough!"
“Did you know? You must've known?!"
Wide eyed and clueless as to what her friends were talking about, Caroline blinked back gormlessly as Amelie grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.
“What channel?“
“Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" The 11-year-old spoke up, and all three heads turned to face her, humour in their eyes as they stated what was seemingly obvious.
“Your dad, Care.” Caroline knew her Father had been in some trouble. Happy had shown up outside the halls of residence, whisking her away immediately. The panic set in as her heart sped up violently. As the girls scrambled through the channels, they froze as a man in a suit appeared on the screen. Caroline's dad. Tony Stark. They watched in awe as he addressed his audience. As his daughter, she'd watched a few press conferences before. They were a bore, however, she couldn't lie.
The TV remote fell from Amelie’s hand as he spoke the four words that changed history.
“I am Iron Man.”
 MAY 2012
Footage of the Chitauri destroying the very ground she stood on flashed through Caroline’s mind. Gripping Happy’s arm as she sobbed, the 14-year-old girl cried out desperately for her Father. Their relationship had been very rocky for a while. He’d rejected his new responsibility at first, leaving Pepper to parent the girl. He’d even shipped her off to boarding school, where he further pushed away his long-lost child. It wasn’t until Pepper dragged him by the sleeve to the young girl’s dorm room and forced him inside that he’d actually spoken to his daughter. From there, they established a solid relationship. Caroline, of course, fell head over heels for her Father. He could do no wrong in her eyes. That never changed, even as she grew.
Fear wracked her body at the thought of Tony not surviving the battle. Staring at the sky, she prayed and prayed that he return from that giant swirling hole of death that currently dominated New York. When she saw his body fall through the sky, her fear both vanished and increased ten-fold.
Later that evening, JARVIS informed her of her Fathers arrival at the beaten-up tower. Racing to find him, she threw her arms around his neck and cried. She cried and cried until she ran out, but she never let go of his hand.
 MAY 2015
“Daddy?” Her voice came out a whimper. She felt weak and small.
“Hey baby girl, I’m uh…I’m guessing you’ve seen, right? Yeah, it’s bad, Care.”
“Dad, what’s going on?”
“Listen, baby, I’ve gotta end this. Me and Thor, uh, we think we’ve got a way. A lot of people will die if we don’t do this. You're the best thing, you know?" His voice was soft, even as he continued to fight off robots and save the world. The line grew staticky and Caroline couldn’t stop the tears that spilled from her eyes. "I'm so glad you showed up on my doorstep all those years ago. I’m sorry for taking so long."
“Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye? Daddy you're scaring me!” Her voice was a desperate whimper, and a pain in her chest bloomed violently.
“I love you, Caroline. Remember th-" Horror erupted over her features as the line went dead. Not knowing whether she'd ever see him again, she made her way to New York, her heart dragging painfully behind her.
Caroline and her Father walked through one of the many laboratories of the new compound. On her 18th birthday the Stark girl was offered a position as a biomechanical engineer for the new era S.H.I.E.L.D. program, built following its collapse in 2014. Taking after her Dad, she had excelled in school, and to the amazement of her new bosses, had landed a glowing recommendation from Iron Man himself. The decision for her to live under a different last name to Tony was one he himself had requested in a bid to keep her safe for as long as he could. She had never really met the other Avengers, and only three other people knew of her existence; Pepper, Happy, and Natasha Romanoff. It was easy enough to hide her identity.
Caroline didn’t mind too much. She could still see her parents as much as she pleased, and it prevented any special treatment from schools and professors. Those around Caroline herself knew; her school friends knew, she didn't want to keep a secret from them, and besides, she didn't know any better when she told them at 8 years old.
“How’re you settling in? Are you sure this isn’t too soon? This is too soon. I’m taking you-“ midway through his rambling, Tony realised his daughter both lived and worked at the compound, rendering his threat useless. "I'll take you somewhere. Details, schmetails."  
“Dad! Calm down! You’re spiralling. I’m fine, I’m settling in just fine! Now come on, I need to meet everyone.” A proud smile graced the young girls features as she tried to rid her rather of any worry. With a sigh, he took his daughters hand in his own and led her to the Avengers quarters. Separating just before they entered the room, Caroline took a shaky breath.
“Folks gather round. This is our new Doc. With Banner MIA," his brows drew together as he spoke, and his gaze fell to the floor for a second before finding Caroline "she’s our go to! This is Caroline. Caroline Lockwood.”  A half smile appeared on his face, the bittersweet moment getting the best of him. After a few brief introductions, the girl bid them goodbye to get ready for one of Tony Starks famous New Year’s Eve parties.
 JUNE 2018
Pepper sat with her daughter, a blanket around the two of them as they hid. They sat in silence, unable to find the words. Trying to maintain hope when everything around them told them to give up was the hardest battle they'd fought yet. “Momma? We’ll be fine, right? We always win.” Her voice nothing but a whisper in the darkness, she felt her adoptive mothers’ fingers tighten around her own.
“We'll be fine, baby. Your Dad will do what he always does. He'll save us. He'll save everybody.” The sad smile on Caroline's face couldn’t be seen in the dark, but Pepper could tell the moment that it fell. She felt the energy in the air shift. Did they lose? “Baby? Baby what’s wrong?" Placing her soft hands either side of her daughter’s face, she gasped sharply as the blanket fell around them, no longer supported by two bodies. Instead, a dark ash took the place of the youngest Stark.
“I’m sorry, Momma" she choked out before disintegrating completely "I'm sorry.”
Pepper was left alone, covered in heartbreak, grief, and the ashes her child left behind.
"Hey, sweetie. Do you want Mom?" Morgan shook her head and stepped closer to her sister.
“Can you help me? You’re my sister.” With sad, glazed over eyes, Caroline nodded. It's not difficult to sympathise with the two girls. Morgan knew all about her big sister. Stories were told, and pictures were framed in every inch of the house. Morgan idolised her before she’d ever met her. And when, by some miracle, they did meet, it was a few days before their fathers’ funeral. Two days before that, Caroline had been dead.
It'd been one hell of a week.
To say the oldest Stark sister walked on eggshells around the younger one would be an understatement. Allowing their relationship to be on Morgan’s terms was the least she could do. The thought that Morgan may reject her completely never left her mind, despite Peppers constant reassurance. “I can braid your hair, if you’d like. Momma taught me when I was a little girl."
"Where's Morgan?" Pepper's voice barely registered in Caroline’s brain. She could feel herself drifting further and further away every day. But she didn't have the strength to fight it.
“Happy took her for cheeseburgers.” A hint of smile traced her mouth, but it didn't stick. It never stuck. The bags under her eyes were heavy and dark, and the once rich brown of her eyes seemed to have dulled miserably. After receiving her own private recording from Stark, she felt as if she'd broken completely. Turning to face Pepper, she struggled to continue, her voice hoarse from crying and screaming in the night. "They should be back an-"
“MOMMY SISSY UNCLE HAPPY BOUGHT EXTRA.” Watching the tiny girl stumble through the door, a brown paper bag clutched tightly to her chest, Caroline just stared in awe. Of course, Morgan was too young to really understand what happened. She missed her Daddy, and she knew he wasn’t coming home, but she managed to smile. Her eyes shined bright as ever. The world hadn't tainted her hope, it hadn’t torn away her faith.
It would be so, so easy to just let go. To just give up and fall into the oblivion that called her name. But in doing so, she'd miss even more time with her sister. Watching her eat with a pensive look on her face, clutching on to Pepper and watching all the strangers around her, Caroline made a choice. She could do it for Morgan. She could hold on and keep going.
So, she did.
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allisonbaelfire · 5 years
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Pairings: Tony Stark!Father x Reader, Morgan Stark!sister x Reader
Requested: 1.) @queenylime - Tony’s Daughter!reader who’s from a previous relationship and a member of the Avengers. Just snippets of her through the Film. Like her interacting with Morgan, her reacting to Nat’s death and of course her fathers / 2.) @marvelgladers – can you write something where Reader has a nightmare where Tony dies and she goes up to his room to make sure he’s okay and just breaks down crying and has a panic attack and he comforts her afterwards?
Chapter Summary: After 5 years you decided to live with your father again to be there for your sister. But in order to do that, you first had to talk to your father again.
Word Count: 2, 631
Authors Note: I’m so sorry for the quality of the gif / btw endgame broke me but Morgan is way too cute // This is part one!
Sulit ~ (adj.) something that is worth it.
Avengers Facility:
Scott Lang was back. He brought Steve and Natasha hope, hope to undo everything that Thanos made disappear. But for that they needed help, your dad’s help.
“He won’t do it Cap.” You leaned against the door looking at Steve.
Steve looked at you with a look you knew only too well. He knew, if he would go to your father without you and ask for his help, he would say no, but what if you asked him?
“Y/N, that could be our only chance.” Natasha appealed to you.
You replied and shook your head. “I’m not like my dad, not that smart but-” You walked over to her. “if we screw up – and the possibility is 90% that we do, we’ll lose everything.” You looked at her than at Steve, he didn’t nod or anything but he knew you were right.
“We owe it to anyone who’s not in this room to try.”  
You knew that not only did she point to half humanity, but also to Peter.  
You and Peter started dating, just before the snap. He really meant a lot to you, you missed him every day.
Still, you wouldn’t have thought that she would use Peter against you, just to convince your dad for something where nobody knew if it would work. You left the control room and went into your own room in the Avengers facility.
“Hey,” Steve mumbled. You looked at him. “You knew she didn’t mean it like that.” He came to you and sat down.
You laid on the ground and looked up. You had a glass panel as a ceiling, you loved to see the sky, especially in the evening.  
You looked at him. “And you know exactly that she did.” You responded.
You grew up with Steve and you and you were good friends. He was always there for you when you felt bad or needed advice.
Steve chuckled and you did too. Then he laid next to you. “You know we’ve to try.”
You exhaled. “Do you remember how disappointed he was when he came back and knew I didn’t listen to him and became an Avenger? Meanwhile, we are a family again but you can see where I live, he is still disappointed. I don’t know if he’ll listen or throw me out.”
“He won’t.” Steve replied.  
“How are you so sure?”  
Steve smiled. “Morgan would throw him out first.” You both chuckled. “Besides, he’s your dad.”
Tony Stark’s House:
Natasha, Steve, Scott and you had just arrived at your father's house. You didn’t even get out and you were nervous.  
Your dad and you used to have a great relationship, but when you became part of the Avengers, it changed. Pepper and Morgan were the only reason why you talked to each other again.
“Y/N!” Morgan shouted and ran to you.
“Hey, troublemaker.” You smiled and picked her up.  
She wrapped her arms around your neck and hugged you tight. “I’ve missed you so much.” Natasha smirked as she saw you both.
“How much?” You replied playful.
“Missed you 1000.” She chuckled.
Your dad so smiled as he saw you both interacting. But when he saw Steve's facial expression, his smile disappeared. You noticed.
You put your little sister on the ground again. “Okay little one, how about you go inside and tell mom that I’m home?” You smiled and your sister nodded, then she ran inside.
Scott explained your father what he wanted to do – time travelling. Steve tried to convince him, Natasha too but he said no without even thinking about it.
First you wanted to be quiet. Steve just wanted you to come along, not that you say something. But suddenly it bursts out of you.
“How can you be so stubborn?” You mumbled. “Did you forget them already? Did you forget him, Peter?” You looked at your father disappointed.
Tony looked at you, as if he couldn’t believe what you were saying. Although he was never a fan of both of you dating, he loved Peter like a son, he was his family.
“Y/N, what they – what you want to do, won’t work. You’ll either fail or change our time and we could lose what we’ve now.” He explained angry.
You stood up and before you could say another word, Morgan came out of the house. “Mom said I should safe you.” She spoke soft and went on your dad’s lap.  
“You did, you did safe me.” Tony responded and lifted her up.
“Tony, this could be our second chance.” Steve added.
“I’m holding my second chance in my arms.” Your father replied. “If you won’t talk about work, you can stay.” Then he went inside.
“I told you.” You said to Steve and went to the car.
You were angry, angry that you knew that your father didn’t even want to listen to your plan. But you were also mad at yourself, that you thought he was finally over it that you were an Avenger. That you hoped to bring everyone back.
The others also came to the car, Steve touched your shoulder to comfort you. He knew your father's words hurt you a little bit. But before you could open the door of the car, Morgan ran outside and back to you.
“Can you please stay?” She asked and it seemed like she was about to cry. “I don’t want you to go.”
Your heart broke. You loved your little sister over everything and if the snap brought out something good, then it was Morgan. But you had to work on a solution to bring everyone back.
You knelt in front of her but as you wanted to say something Natasha knelt next to you both. “Y/N, will stay.” You looked confused at her. “Will you watch out for her until I’m back?”
Morgan nodded. “Yes, Auntie Nat.”
“Go inside and wash hands, I’ll be right behind you.” You said to your sister and she did.
“Why?” You asked Natasha.
“Because you still have your family and they need you.” She smiled soft.  
“You’re also my family.” You responded. Natasha hugged you tight.  
You were confused how Natasha behaved. It's like saying goodbye to you, in a different way.
“We always will be, but you stay here.” She nodded and wiped a small tear away.
“We’ll go to Bruce, maybe he can help us.” Steve responded. “We'll let you know if there is something new, but Natasha is right, you should stay here for now.” He also hugged you.
“Don’t mess it up.” You looked at Scott who pointed on himself and shook his head.
Then they got in the car and drove off. You had a strange feeling in your stomach, as if something bad was about to happen.
You went into the house and saw your family sitting at the dining table. It was nice to see them as if everything was okay and nothing bad would ever happen here.
After eating, you helped Pepper get Morgan to bed.
“You know he didn’t mean it like this.” Pepper said as she waited for Morgan to finish cleaning her teeth.
“You heard it?”  
She nodded. “I know, sometimes you think he doesn’t love you as much as he loves Morgan or me but that’s so not true, Y/N. I was with him as your mother left him with you.” You looked at her and your eyes filled with tears, you tried to hide. “He was never alone because he had you and he did everything in his life for you. He loves you so much.”
“They’re cleaner than clean, looooook!” Morgen smiled as bright as she could.
You chuckled. “Good Job trouble, bedtime story?” You asked her and she nodded excited.
“Fine, then I’ll help daddy with the dishes. Good night baby.” Pepper kissed Morgan on her forehead.
You picked your little sister up and carried her in her bed.
“What story shall I read to you, you’ve so many!” You pretended to be excited to she would be happy.
“I want to hear some Avengers Stories.” She replied and laid down. “Dad hates to talk about it and mom doesn’t know much.”
You smiled soft. “Fine. Make some space.” You laid next to your sister and she cuddled herself in your arms. “A long time ago, before Thanos, Dad and the other Avengers had to fight Loki -”
“Thor’s Brother?” Morgan made big eyes and looked shocked.
“Mhm.” You chuckled. “Loki wanted to rule our world. Probably because Thor was about to be king in Asgard and Loki also wanted to be a king.”
“But that is mean, why was he so mean?” She asked.
“I don’t think he wanted to be mean, I think he just wanted to be loved as well. However, Dad was the only one who could find out where Loki was, in the old Avengers Tower in New York. He was so brave to distract Loki alone, so Aunt Natasha could come to the scepter. Then-” You looked at Morgan, she was already asleep.
It was nice to see your little sister sleep so peacefully. Actually, you would sleep in the guest room, but it was nice not to be alone. So, you decided to sleep here with your sister.
The next morning, you woke up alone. You were worried that Morgan was not next to you, but then you remembered she lived in the safest house in the world.
You went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, you put on the clothes that Pepper put out for you and went down. When you looked at the clock, you noticed you had already overslept lunch. It was the first time in years that you had slept well and long.
“You’re awaaaake!” Morgan smiled and jumped in your arms. “Don’t sleep so long everyday okay, I need someone to play and mom and dad are not as fun as you.”  
“Hey, I heard that!” Pepper replied and you two chuckled.  
You lifted your pinky finger up and made a pinky promise to Morgan not to sleep so long anymore.  
“Do you want to eat?” Pepper smiled and you nodded.
“Let me eat something quick and then we can play outside.” You put her down and she nodded.
“I’ll wait for you in my secret hiding.” Morgan laughed. “You’ve to find me.” Then she ran outside.
You looked at Pepper, “When it’s a secret how shall I?” You grinned.
“It’s her tent.” She chuckled and you joined her.
“Your father? In the Garage.” She responded.  
“Some things never change.” You mumbled. “Thanks for the clothes, I’ll ask Steve to get some of my stuff here.”
“No need, I’ve a lot I can share with you.” Pepper replied smiling and sat next to you. “You know, I also missed you a lot.” She admitted. “I mean, I'm not your mother and maybe you came a bit short since Morgan but I was with you since you were a baby so-”
You hugged Pepper tight. No, she wasn’t your real mother but that never made anything different. She always took care of you and watched out for you. She helped you in school, when you were in trouble – because you were your father’s daughter, school wasn’t so interesting for you, and when you fell for Peter. She was there your whole life and you couldn’t have asked for a better mom.
“Just because I didn’t say “Mom” the last times I was here, doesn’t mean you aren’t my mother any more. You always will be, no matter what.” Pepper hugged you back and you felt that she was crying happy tears. “But if I have to find Morgan now.” You let go of her and she nodded.
“Troublemaker, where are you?” You asked as you were going around her tent.  
Morgan sneaked out of her hiding place and tried to scare you. You noticed people who wanted to kill you, miles away but you still pretended that she scared you.  
You fell to the ground. “Oh god, don’t do that again!” You joked.
You played with Morgan for a few hours, which seemed like minutes to you. You noticed that Morgan was very similar to you in some things. She was a fighter rather than a genius.
“Morgan!” Pepper shouted. “Come inside, you’ve to shower and after it we eat dinner.”
“Oh mommy, no.” She replied sad. “We wanna play.”  
You chuckled. “Come on, listen to mom.” Pepper came to get her.
“But what if you’re gone when I come back?” She seemed sad. “I don’t want to lose you.”
This broke your heart. “I won’t I promise.” You kissed her head. “I’ll clean up our mess and then I’ll come inside too.” Morgan nodded and Pepper brought her inside.
Morgan looked at you until she was inside, she was worried you would break your promise. It hurt you to see your little sister like that, Natasha and Steve were right. It was right to stay with your family. Morgan needed you.
Your dad came out of the garage, heading straight for you. He looked like he was mad and would want you to leave.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke. You were surprised. “I didn’t want you to feel like you’re not a part of the family.”  
“What do you mean?” You replied.
Since you were here, you both didn’t talk to each other much. He didn’t give you the feeling that he wanted you here or that he didn’t want it. It seemed like you ignored each other.
“Five years ago, when I came back. I wasn’t mad because you became an Avenger nor was I disappointed, I was scared to death.” He explained. His words confused you, you two sat down on the porch.
“I’ve missed many moments of your life. I mean Pepper had to film you first steps because I had to work.” He remembered. “Then I lost against Thanos and thought I lost you, I come back and you’re an Avenger, ready to die to fix my mess.”
“But you knew that Natasha and Clint trained me. You wanted Steve to train me too. What did you expect? That I’d sit there when you were lost in space, instead of helping and protecting Earth like you thought me all those years when I watched you from below?”
“I hoped so.” Tony looked at you. “I wanted you to know how to protect yourself if necessary but not to protect the world. “It’s like Morgan said, I don’t want to lose you.” He admitted. “And I’m not much of a talker, I just thought you’d know why I was so distant.”
“I thought you were mad and Steve and me because I fought along his side. Because you maybe thought he forced me to fight. He didn’t, he tried to get me as far away from the fight as he could at first.” You replied. “I broke into your lab and found the suit, and Dad I know you didn’t make it for mom, F.R.I.D.A.Y. told me.” You looked at him. “It was mine and it was on me to save the Earth, alongside the Avengers, when we didn’t know if Earth’s greatest protector would ever come back. I had to avenge you.”
“Damn it, Y/N.” he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.  
You felt that your dad was crying, so your tears fell as well. It was nice to be held back by your dad, you missed him.
You felt a tiny hand on your back and on your head. “I love you 1700.” Morgan whispered.
Your dad and you chuckled. “We love you too.”
Tags: @marvelgladers, @profoundlyunimpressedwiththeban, @abswritesfandoms, @not-so-epic-iii, @queenylime
Here you can read: Part Two
-> Buy me a Coffee
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parkersvibes · 5 years
finding out peter is spiderman
read part one here
a/n: omg guys. i got so much feedback from you all on part one so i decided to make a part 2. and yeahh i really hope you guys enjoy. if you do lmk and i’ll do a part 3 (:
(i also apologize if the read more doesnt work )))): )
warnings: fluff, a smidge on angst
pt 2. peter parker x stark!reader
• figuring out he was spiderman
• alright you’re a stark
• but no one knows that
• but you’re really intuitive
• so there were little things you started to notice
• after uncle ben died there was some weird shit (if you want a part ab comforting peter ab uncle ben lemme know. he deserves his own part)
• like how he stopped wearing his adorable glasses
•and i guess started almost bulking up????
• he got WAY taller
• and usually you’re used to seeing him shirtless but this one time you walked in on him
• holy mother of god
• freshman peter also got winded walking up the stairs
• must be nice
• but then things got more sus
• all of a sudden he was skipping class more
• leaving early
• cancelling study sessions and skipping movie nights with ned
• and you and ned were clueless
• you and ned started hanging out more
• he was like this little ball of happiness
• you found out his real name is Edward
• ngl pete got a bit jealous
• one night,,, when pete cancelled YET AGAIN
• ned asked you, “hey y/n?”
• “hm”
• “why don’t we ever hang out at your place”
• “i told you ned, my family is just a lot yanno. plus your family and may are really cool”
• “okay but how come you don’t have any social media under your name?”
• “wdym?”
• “like you go by ‘y/n Smith’ but everything that pops up on the internet isn’t YOU”
• “pfff i told you,,, i dont believe in that stuff”
• “y/n, you know you can tell me anything”
• you wanted to be honest. this was one of your best friends. and you’ve been lying to them about your family for over a year now
• “ned i just. it’s complicated”
• “like peter’s family?”
• “nonono, i’m lucky to have both of my parents- well i have a step mom. my real mom wanted nothing to do with me. so she left me on the steps of my dads house. never came back”
• “oh shit bro, i’m sorry”
• “nah don’t worry. my dad is really cool and my step mom... she’s awesome.”
• “what’re their names”
• “well- uh- my step moms name is,,, um. well her real name is Virginia”
• “and my- my dads name is ehm... st, steve???”
• natasha was gonna have your ass
• “y/n,,,”
• “yeah”
• “you’re a horrible liar”
• “dude you left your spiderman fan tumblr open on my laptop that one night,,, and i MAY have done some snooping”
• okay you mightve had a slight obsession with the webslinger. HE WAS COOL. and what better way to keep track of him without alerting your family,,, good ol tumblr
• oh god ned, HOW MUCH SNOOPING”
• “enough to know that you have a weird obsession with that spider guy and that your last name isnt smith”
• so you told him the truth. you were a stark
• and well,,, he reacted with
• “okay cmon,,, don’t lie”
• so you showed him your late night dance parties with Nat when she was feeling goofy
• and your random snaps of steve when he was trying to figure out how to work technology
• videos of you reacting to vines with bucky
(if yall wanna see domestic life with the avengers just lmk)
• which usually results with THE WINTER SOLDIER ALMOST PEEING HIS PANTS. and trying to reenact it with sam or the other avengers
• “heyheyehy y/n guess what?”
• “what bucky?” *is in the middle of doing hw*
• “FRESHOVACADO” *bolts out of the room before you throw something at him*
• only the two of you getting vine and meme references
• (meaning getting in trouble during meetings bc you’ll make eye contact and start laughing)
• OH HIS FAVORITE IS THE “country boiiii, i love you,,, 😛”
• anywaayyy
• ned was SHOOK
• “nowayohmygodyoureanavenger”
• “no ned,,, only when they need me to be”
• *led to him asking 100000 questions*
• “does Mr. America smell like old man”
• “what language does Ms. Widow think in”
• “how many shirts does Mr. Hulk own”
• “so do they wear normal clothes or are they always PREPARED”
• “does your dad have to walk a weird way when hes in his suit”
• “do they ever chafe in their suits”
• “yes ned. we’re stocked up on baby powder”
• which you didnt mind bc it felt nice telling the truth
• “ned no, i don’t want him to think of me differently”
• he understood. but still defended peter and said that hed still treat you the same
• anyway,,, peter started showing up with bruises and stuff which had you v concerned
• “pete what’s up? you’ve been avoiding ned and i and you have skipped out on every movie night since sophomore year started”
• “t’s nothing. dont worry ab it”
• “peter cmon, it’s just me”
• you figured maybe it had to do with ben??? but you gave him his space. you just wanted to be there for him yanno. you didnt want him to shut you out
• “Y/N I SAID ITS NOTHING. FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???” he snapped (and not in the good way)
• and this was on your way to class so the whole hallway heard
• ouch
• so you left him alone. probably more than he meant. but it hurt
• i mean he was your first friend here, and now he yelled at you to leave you alone
• ned felt awful at first. trying to comfort you and tell you it wasnt your fault
• but then he started acting weird. whenever you brought up peter hed be super antsy about it
• you- “i think he got into another fight or something”
• ned- “pFFT PETER? FIGHTING? no way,,, i got-i gotta go”
• so you figured that whatever peter was hiding, ned knew about,, which also hurt your feelings
• so you closed off
• and wow could the super family tell something was wrong
• wanda- “little stark, i can feel your sadness all the way to my room”
• sam/bucky/rhodes- “okay what’s the deal, we’ve played 5 rounds of fortnite and you havent once rage quit even though you’re doing terrible”
• tony- “kid, what’s wrong? everyone here can tell you’re not feeling great”
• nat- “cmon. ive given you 3 opportunities to kick my ass and you havent once complained about me going easy?”
• thor- “lady y/n what is causing you distress? not once have you smiled, i even wore my hair in pigtails,,, and that seems to always do the trick”
• and you gave the same response every time “‘m just tired” “lots of homework”
• they noticed you werent going out on weekends anymore
• so tony figured that your friend group and you were having some Stuff
• pep gave him an idea of meeting his new prodigy
• now tony knew it’d be kinda sus because peter went to midtown but he figured that if the kid kept his mask on it’d be fine
• “dad i don’t wanna see another one of your weird maid robots”
• “wha- no i want you to meet someone”
• “dad college isn’t for another 2 years. if it’s your friend from MIT-“
• then right before your eyes was the insect boy that youve been admiring through the internet
• needless to say
• your jaw dripped
• “y/n meet spiderling, spiderling meet my daughter y/n stark”
• *seconds pass*
• “i uh- oH- um- sp-spidERman, h-hi. biG fan of you- your work”
• *silence*
• you- “oH dad diD you hear th-that? moM is calling mE”
• tony- “what?? pep wouldve called on the interco-“
• spiderman- “y/n”
• you- “p-peter???”
• tony- *shocked pikachu face* “you know each other???”
• you- “so-something like that yeah”
• peter takes off his mask
• “ohmygodpeterisspiderman”
• “ohmygodyourlastnameisntsmith”
• tony- “im gonna let you guys figure this out” *walks backward slowly*
*insert silence*
• you- “so this is what you were hiding, huh?” with a cold tone
• *yelling at each other for another minute. even though you couldnt hear what the other is saying*
• peter- “you really thought id do that?” (heartbreaking voice)
• you- “i- once i got to know you, i knew you wouldnt but i was scared. i didn’t know how to tell you. for once in my life i had found someone my age who liked ME for ME. not for my name or money or my dad. and i didn’t want to change that. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner”
• peter- “... i get what you mean. after ben died everyone gave me that look. except you and ned.”
• you- “why didn’t you tell me”
• peter- “everyone i love or ever cared about dies. my parents and then my uncle ben. so once i got my abilities i knew that the risk was even higher and i didn’t want to put you in that position. i wanted to keep you safe. but it seems like you know how to handle yourself” (referring to the fact that you grew up with THE EARTHS MIGHTIEST HEROS)
• y/n- “so how come ned found out?”
• peter *scratches back of neck* “well- he- i- May let him in my room and i happen to be crawling on the ceiling in my suit and he dropped the death star” *head hangs in shame*
• you had to giggle at that i mean CMON
• you stepped closer to him
• “pete you’re my best friend. you can tell me anything okay?”
• “no more secrets?”
• “no more secrets”
• and you both pinky promise and your thumbs “kiss” bc IF THEY ITS THE ULTIMATE UNBREAKABLE VOW DONT @ ME
• but you wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment
• wow he is really cozy
• * the avengers are watching from the cameras in awe*
• led to MANY questions at dinner
• and so everything went back to “normal”
• it wasn’t until you went to bed that night that you realized peter said the L word
• so much for no secrets
taglist: @silver-winter-wolf @emmmmszy @everythingaboutnothingsstuff @rexorangecouny @wishiwasanavenger @marjoherbo @nologinisoksothatsit @mindset-jupiter @hpnjrph @soup238
some favs/mutrals: @h-osterfield @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites
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marvelsbetch · 5 years
Peter Parker’s ultimate Bithrday gift.
Pairings: Tony/Pepper, Peter/Harley
Warning: Metions of death and sad boi Peter.
-Peter POV-
Today is the day. My 16th birthday, my first birthday with no family. My parents died when I was 6, Uncle was killed when I was 14 and Aunt May a few weeks ago. I have no biological family to celebrate with, granted I lived at Avengers tower (Mr Stark was 'fostering' me so I didn't have to go to a home) but none of them knew my birthday. I feel tears threaten to fall as I think back to my birthdays of previous years, parties, zoo trips, presents and think about how I won't get any of that this year.
I sit for a minute, trying to get my self together, before leaving my bedroom and prepare to pretend nothing is wrong. This'll be interesting.
-Tony's POV-
"Sir, it seems Mr. Parker is in slight distress." F.R.I.D.A.Y announced as I was in my workshop preparing the project me and Peter were gonna start.
"Why?" I asked putting the blue prints on his desk.
"I believe it is his birthday today." F.R.I.D.A.Y informed making me drop the pen in my hand.
It's the kids birthday? Why didn't I know about that? What do I get him?
A lightbulb went off in my head as I thought of the perfect present. It was something I had been meaning to do for a while but never found the right chance to give it to him. Now's the perfect time.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y make reservations at the Thai place Peter likes for everyone. Then inform everyone to be there for 7:00pm but keep it a secret from the kid." I instructed frantically searching for the present.
"Who do you mean by everyone?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked with slight sass. Can an A.I have sass?
"Me, Peter, Steve, Pepper, Bucky, Rhody, Clint, Nat, Happy, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Thor, Loki, Sam, Harley, Morgan, Scott, Hope, Cassie, Strange, Shuri, T'Challa, the guardians, Danvers, Clint's family, Ned and MJ." I listed off hoping I didn't forget anyone.
"Done sir. Everyone has been invited and told not to tell Mr. Parker." F.R.I.D.A.Y told me. Yay, this could work.
After a few seconds I started to make my way up to the main living area where I knew most people would be. Peter was eating a bowl of cereal with Morgan on the couch, Steve was drawing in his sketch book, Pepper was just behind the door yelling down the phone at someone (I'd hate to be them), Nat was punching Clint for Hod knows what, Loki was sat in the corner reading a book near the window, Thor was trying to get someone to play an outdoor game with him, Harley was in the process of trying to remove cremated toast from the toaster without hurting himself and Bruce was on his tablet looking over Chemical formulas. Normal morning for the most part.
"Daddy!" Morgan yelled putting her cereal down and running towards me. I swiftly picked her up in my arms and cuddled her for a moment.
"Hey Kiddo, go finish your breakfast then I need your help with something." I told her before putting her back on the couch to finish her cereal.
"Hey dad, what've you got planned today?" Harley asked putting two more pieces of bread in the toaster.
"Nothing much but I need you in the lab after breakfast. You and Morgan need to help me with a decision." I told him.
The decision was what else to get Peter from him and Morgan, I didn't want my gift to be the only one he got but from the looks of everyone else they were preparing to go out for the day. Probably to buy Peter a gift, we all work best last minute anyway.
"Cool, what decision?" Harley asked.
"I'll tell you later. Top secret stuff and all that, make sure to check your phone." I reminded him before forcing the toast back up to stop burning.
"Coolio." He spoke and started to butter his toast.
"Hey Tony, we're gonna go out for the day. Don't know when we'll be back." I heard Steve inform.
I turned around and saw him, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Nat and Pietro stood with jackets and bags on.
"Cool, don't cause too much damage." I told them receiving a few laughs before they headed towards the elevator and leaving.
A few seconds later I received a text message from Sam asking, 'What does a super human want on their 16th birthday?'. I smirked a little before responding with 'something sciencey or spider themed'.
"Hey Pete, you got anything planned for the day?" I asked as he walked into the kitchen to clean his now empty bowl.
"Nope, probably just hanging in my room or the lab if that's okay." He spoke.
"Course it is, why don't you get your daily training session in now and we can spend the rest of the day in the lab." I told him trying to buy myself some time with Harley and Morgan.
"Cool, I'll go now then. See you in about 2 hours." He said before walking off to his room to get ready.
"Okay kids, what do we get Peter for his birthday, we're gonna have to be quick so we can get it in time." I informed and dragged Harley to the living room to speak with Morgan as well.
"Well, I'll get him a card and some cheesy boyfriend thing, make sense for me. Why don't I take Morgan out with me and we can buy it out." Harley offered.
"You're a genius, I knew there was a reason I liked you. Morgan, go ask Mommy to get you dressed and ready to go out with Harley. Harley, take a shower, you smell like teenage angst." I complained while taking Morgan's empty bowl to the kitchen.
"Come on Morgan lets get ready. Also, Tony, are you giving Peter the thing tonight and do you want to get him anything else?" Pepper asked picking Morgan up.
"Yeah, a car but we probably won't be able to get him one on such short notice." I realised.
"I'll see what I can do while these are out. Make sure you respond to people's messaged otherwise this won't go as planned." Pepper warned before leaving the room closely followed by Harley. This left me with Thor, Loki and Bruce.
"Is the Man of Spider's birthday today? Why were none of us informed?" Thor asked.
"Because none of us knew until today. Anyway, we're going out for a meal tonight at 7:00 so if you want to buy him something then I'd advise going now to get something good. Also, do not tell him anything, he doesn't know that we know." I warned Thor knowing he's not the best secret keeper.
"Why not?" He asked offended.
"Because its a surprise to buffoon. Now, let's go and buy him a present. What to misguardians want for their birthdays?" Loki asked putting his book back on the shelf.
"Just get him a card and and some funny small things, not weaponry or armour." I informed the two gods before they disappeared.
"I'm gonna head off to. Might get him some stuff for the lab or his car since you're getting him one. See you later Tony." Bruce spoke before putting his shoes and jacket on.
"Bye Bruce, you're by far the one I trust the most." I told him as he left.
-At 5:00pm-
Me and Peter had been in the lab all day with out any hiccups. Well, he was wondering as to why my phone was constantly going off with texts from everyone we knew. Everyone who I invited informed me that they were able to make it and planned to be at the restaurant for 6:50 so when we got there at 7:00 he was truly surprised by his whole family.
"Hey kid, why don't you go and put something fancy on. We're going out for a meal." I told him putting my tools down to look at another photo sent by Thor. He was really excited to buy things for his 'Misguard Nephew'.
"Why? What's the occasion?" Peter asked tensing up a little.
"Nothing much, just thought it was time we all went out somewhere, as a family. Me, You, Pepper, Harley and Morgan." I told him smiling.
"Okay then, what time are we leaving?" He asked putting his tools away, the kids so neat.
"6:30 so I'd get a move on if I was you." I informed.
"Kay, see you in a bit." He said and ran off upstairs to shower.
Just as he left the room I got a call from Pepper.
"Hey Pep, did you get it?" I asked referring to the Mercedes-Benz we had decided to get him.
"Yeah I did, it's in the garage now, are we driving it to the restaurant or not? I need to know if we need to hide it." Pepper asked.
"Now, we'll take the limo and give him the cars in the restaurant. Don't bother hiding it, I'm sure he won't notice." I informed her as I started to make my way upstairs to get dressed for the night.
"Okay. Bye, Love you." She said making me smile.
"Love you to." I said before hanging up.
We were all ready and waiting in the garage for Happy to come and pick us up, he had also gone and bought Peter a birthday gift with Harley and Morgan. Me, Pepper, Peter and Harley were in suits while Morgan was in one of her 'princess dresses'.
Happy soon pulled up in the Limo and opened the door for us all to get in. I had given Steve the presents and cards off us so Peter didn't question what why we had a massive back with us and realise why we were going out.
-Outside the restaurant-
Once we pulled up to the restaurant we got out of the car and Harley put his hands over Peter's eyes so he couldn't see everyone in the restaurant. This is supposed to be a surprise after all.
We slowly made our way in as everyone got ready to yell at Peter. As soon as Harley removed his hands from Peter's eyes we all screamed 'surprise' and Peter got all red and his eyes started to water.
-Peter POV-
When everyone yelled surprise at me I got a little overwhelmed and embarrassed from all the attention. Everyone's eyes were on me but after a second or two I realised everyone was here and started to get a little chocked up.
"Oh Baby, come 'ere." Harley cooed and pulled me into his chest for a hug as tears started falling down my face. Soon Tony and Morgan were joining the hug and everyone was concerned.
"Pete, what's wrong?" Tony asked pulling away.
"I didn't thing I would be celebrating my birthday this year because I've not got a family. How did you all even know?" I asked as tears continued to fall down my face.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y told me this morning. That's why they were all out, they were getting everything ready for this and buying gifts. And you do have a family, we all love you so much and will support you through everything thing. We're you're family Pete." Tony told me pulling me into a solo hug before giving me back to Harley.
"LETS FEAST!" Thor yelled diffusing the emotional moment by making everyone laugh.
"Birthday Boy goes first." Harley announced and pushed me towards a massive buffet of all my favourite foods, most things on the menu to be honest. I hope the cooks got a bit tip for preparing all of this.
After food and pleasantries I was placed in a chair and faced with a mountain of presents ranging from too big to fit on the table to so small I could barley see them.
Most people were fighting to get me to open their presents first which amused me before an order was decided.
After almost an hour of opening presents and cards I was almost all the way through the pile with only Harley, Morgan's and Tony's left. Here's what everyone got me:
Steve- A pair of spider man high tops
Bucky- A silly string gun set
Clint (and family)- Fart bombs and bottles of liquid ass. (Tony confiscated them immediately)
Pietro- A new gym bag and clothes for working out
Wanda- School supplies (I always loose them, no matter what I'm doing)
Scott, Hope and Cassie- A FREAKING DRONE!!!
Rhodey- Beats headphones
Sam- A photography camera
Shuri and T'Challa- A vibranium bow staff (again, confiscated immediately)
Guardians- Vinyls of my three favourite almbums
Thor- a Spider key chain and joke spiders to put around the penthouse (the joke spiders were confiscated as well as Tony and Pepper despise them)
Loki- A vinyl player (upon hearing of the guardians presents) and a spell book (also confiscated)
Nat- Spy glasses that record everything and check to see if people have weapons (I will never take those off)
Bruce- Some car fresheners and a steering wheel cover, designed with a spider web (don't know why, I have no car)
Carol- Some cool alien things from various planets (will be studying those for a while)
Ned- The millennium falcon and three funko! Pop characters (Rick, Morty and Mr. Meeseeks)
MJ- A what do you meme party game
Happy- An Eiffel Tower Lego set.
"Oh my god guys, this is all amazing. How did you manage to get this stuff on such short notice?" I asked baffled as Happy started to load the car with the presents.
"It's New York and we had the whole day. Some of us also had access to other planets." Rhodey explained.
"You're not finished yet anyway. Here's Morgan's present and card, she picked them both out herself." Tony spoke handing me a rather large present wrapped in iron man wrapping paper. Wonder who did that.
The card was a big brother card making me smile widely as I started opening the present. Inside was a Star Wars pin set, a doctor who blanket and a tardis hoodie in XL. The size was probably chosen by Harley, I love oversized sweaters.
"Thanks Morgan. I love it." I told her giving her a big hug as Harley put the blanket around me, he knows me too well.
"Open mine." Harley demanded and shoved two gifts infront of me along with a card.
The card was a bit inappropriate, it started on the front 'Happy Birthday, scratch bellow to see your gift'. I scratch where it told me to and underneath it stated b**wjob. Tony glared as Harley smirked and I just went red.
"Just open the gifts now." Harley told me and placed the card face down on the table.
"After the card I don't think I want to." I spoke making me laugh a little bit still shove the boxes in my face. "Fine, Fine, just give me some space." I said pushing them away from my face.
In the first box was a supernatural backpack with patches on it, three pin sets (one of Spider-Man, one of iron man and one of supernatural), a pair of Sam and Dean sneakers and a Castiel Key chain. In the second box was a doctor who mug, a pair of rainbow heat high-top sneakers, a chord bracelet that says 'gay' in morse code, another bracket that says 'f*ck off' in morse code, a panic! At the disco long sleeve shirt, a high hopes tank top and finally, a panic! At the disco hoodie in XL.
"Aside from the card, I love it all. Thanks so much." I told him smiling before pulling him in for a quick kiss.
"Hey, no PDA in front of Morgan, how many times do I have to tell you. And you still have two more presents. Here's one." Tony announced handing me a small box from his pocket.
I opened it and inside were keys. Car keys. Car keys to a Mercedes-benz. Holy shit balls.
"Pepper went out today and bought you your very first car, we'll get you lessons soon but at least you don't have to worry about a car." Tony explained.
"Oh my god. That must've been so expensive. Thank you so so so so much Tony. And Pepper." I thanked and hugged them both.
"No problem kid. Now, one last thing." Tony informed handing me an envelope.
I opened it to find a small pack of papers inside with one word sticking out. They were Adoption papers.
"Now that you're 16 you'll also need to sign the papers so me and Pepper can officially adopt you. I've had those papers forever but I just never found the right time to give them to you. I hope you're okay with this, I would never try to re-" Tony started but I cut his off swiftly by pulling him into a bone crushing hug. He went silent and just hugged back as tears started to flow from my eyes.
"Thanks Dad, so much." I cried into his shoulder.
"No problem Kid, you're practically my son anyway, this just makes it official and easier in the long run." Tony explained as I pulled away to hug Pepper.
"Does this mean Peter are now Harley are brothers?" Cassie asked.
"Technically but as long as it's not biological then they're okay." Tony explained as I pulled away from Pepper and went back to Harley's arms.
"Now, ITS TIME TO PARTY!" Thor once again yelled.
"Will you shut your trap for once. Not everyone is deaf." Loki complained making everyone laugh at the two.
"Come on everyone, we're heading back to the tower to party and celebrate." Tony announced. "Ted, AJ you can come in the limo if you want. Also, your parents agreed to let you stay the night and dropped off clothes for you." Tony explained.
"Ned and MJ." I corrected earning a few laughs.
"Potato, poahto." Tony brushed off as we all left the restaurant and headed to our card to head back to the tower.
Safe to say, this was the best birthday in the history of birthdays.
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bagelbite · 5 years
so my thoughts on endgame
yes this does contain spoilers and yes, i will continue to tag any of my spoilers as “endgame”
did i hate the movie? no. it had many very good moments that i will list before i list the problems i had with it
i LOVED all of the humor like they did that so well. like when steve was fighting his younger self and young steve says “i can do this all day” and now steve goes “yeah i know” in this just tired voice. and americas ass. and all of the jokes about rocket being a raccoon. and hulk taking pictures with the kids and then when rocket and hulk were sitting in the back of the truck. when tony threatened to sell all of morgans toys. korg playing fortnite. the whole scott coming back the wrong age bit. hulk having to walk down the stairs. when tony told steve that if he dropped the shield one more time he was gonna keep it. like there were so many parts that were just so funny and i loved it.
i loved all the tender moments. that little moment of friendship between nat and steve where she calls the avengers her family. i was SOBBING when tonys daughter was revealed and at literally every interaction between them. the fact that tony wasnt even going to build the time machine until he saw peters picture and thw fact that he had peters picture at all. tony telling nebula “you won” and her freezing bc shes probably never heard that before. the fact that both nat and clint refused to let the other one die (which was the truest form of love i have ever seen, not romantic but just genuine platonic love. also not that bullshit thanos called love for the very same stone). the moment when clint was looking around for his family and couldnt find them so he was just running back and forth not knowing what to do. im not even going to mention tony and peter’s reunion or goodbye because i was sobbing like a child the entire time. quill thinking for a second that gamora was back. when pepper told tony “we’re going to be okay” and you think she means the world and humanity but she really means her and morgan. the entire interaction between tony and his dad. there were so so many parts that just hit me so hard.
i loved all the heroic parts. carol showing up outside the ship with tony and nebula. steve standing up with his shredded sheild, still fighting on. the fact that steve can fUCKING WEILD THORS HAMMER LIKE BRUH. also that sick combo he did with the sheild and the hammer. the hail hydra moment because steve is so incredibly smart and knows how to work a situation. all of those bad ass women gathering to fucking destroy thanos. the circle opening up and revealing tchalla and shuri and okoye walking out, silhoutted by the light and the wakandan battle cry. the fact that the canons recognized that carol was the largest threat around and firing at the atmosphere to try and stop her and she just fucking rips through them like nothing. carol beating the shit out of thanos and him having to literally hold the power stone in his hand to beat her. that moment where you see all of the heros lined up ready to fight. “i am iron man”.
obviously there are more of every moment, and i loved all of them.
that doesnt mean that i liked the movie. and heres why:
1) thor’s literal character assassination. i reblogged a few posts (that you can find in my endgame tag) that explain this better than i will be able to but bruh. the russo brothers did thor so fucking dirty and it makes me pissed. they made him fat purely for the laughs (which someone pointed out an emphasis on the fact that they literally edited his weight out of the trailers because they wanted to use it as a gag in the movies). also, they blatently ignored and made fun of the fact that thor OBVIOUSLY was grieving and blamed himself for how things had turned out. he has lost literally everything in his life: his home, his father and mother, his brother, his best friend - and now the man who wiped out half of the human population taunted him with his mistake of not going for the head. also, thor literally just went through the whole process of realizing his true power and sacrifing his home in order to protect his people and youre going to tell me that he just decides “mmm imma go to space and leave you all here youre fine without me” like no. also please read this post it makes me so mad its so true.
2) the whole time travel plot. to me it didnt seem well thought out and it leaves so many plot holes. like if removing a stone can create another timeline, i dont think putting the stone back fixes anything. you have still technically created another time line. and like what happened to loki we saw him disappear wouldnt that be another time line??? and like if 2012 or 2014 or whatever thanos came to the present, then wouldnt that create another time line?????? and if steve stayed behind, then thats a whole other time line. like it just doesnt make sense there are so many things that do. not. work. (sidenote: thanos said the infinity stones were reduced to atoms. wouldnt that be reversable by scott and shrinking down into the quantum realm??? this is just an idea)
3) it was predictable. there were SO many times that i was able to tell what was going to happen before it did. like clints family vanishing. and scott finding an older cassie. and scott being turned into a bunch of different ages. and tony saying no and then saying yes. even tony weilding the gauntlet was predictable (i just refused to think about it bc i didnt want to see tony die).
4) steve staying in the past. now im going to preface this saying that im not trying to say that steve didnt deserve it. he did and im happy for him (since this is what the russo brothers have decided to make permanent). steve did deserve happiness and i will even say that he deserved peggy. but. that doesnt mean thats what he should have done. it was out of character for steve (not as bad as thor but still out of character). he would have recognized that the world needed him in the now and he wouldnt have been able to just stay in the past. like steve’s biggest character flaw is that he cant just sit by and do nothing, he always has to act. so now out of no where he just decides that hes gonna screw over everyone in the present and stay behind. like he knows they just lost tony AND nat, two of the og avengers, and hes just gonna decide to leave them hanging without another person???? and hes just going to sit by knowing that bucky is out there being tortured??? ALSO i am absolutely not saying that any part of his talk with sam was unnecessary. i even love the fact that he gave the sheild to sam (black captain america is my shIT HELL YES I AM HERE FOR IT). but. there is no way that steve “even when there was nothing i had bucky” rogers wouldnt say anything to bucky. and i saw someone saying “well they obviously talked off screen” bitch i dont care there are probably thousands of off screen things that happen and thats why we have fanfiction. but the on screen stuff matters and steve just ignores bucky entirely?????? no he fucking doesnt the russo brothers are just afraid to encourage any more interaction between steve and bucky because they fear stucky fans. and im not even saying this as a stucky fan im literally saying it as a marvel fan who knows the smallest amount of steve’s character.
5) tony creating his worst nightmare. tony has said multiple times that he blamed his dad for leaving him and it only makes sense that he would fear having a kid and then leaving them alone. and the russo brothers did just that. they gave tony the life he always wanted and then ripped him from it, creating tonys nightmare at the same time. he has now subjected morgan to live a life like he did, without a father. now personally i dont think tony should have died. did i predict that he was since infinity war (bc of rdj’s contract ending and also it will be very difficult to continue the “next generation” with these huge figures still around), yes. and i know that its unrealistic for everyone to survive in war but so is fucking time travel and they pulled that card. idk i just dont like how they did it.
so overall, i think i loved a lot of the overall moments on film, its just that i didnt like the themes, messages, and character delieveries shown in the movie. im just gonna go watch winter soldier and ragnarok and homecoming and captain marvel and black panther and all the other Actually Good marvel movies.
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preface this by saying...yeaaah I did like the first Thor movie...but um...
do...do you mean to tell me that... the dude who played Lockhart in The Chamber of Secrets... Gilderoy “Pretty Obvious” Lockhart, Gilderoy “my favourite colour is Lilac” Lockhart, Gilderoy “I didn’t take down the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him” Lockhart, Gilderoy “FRESHLY-CAUGHT Cornish Pixies” Lockhart, Gilderoy “LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO YOUR NEW DEFENSE...AGAINST THE DARK ARTS PROFESSOR...me” Lockhart, Gilderoy “Much more flexible” Lockhart...
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directed Thor????
not Thor “you’re all just not worthy” Age of Ultron, Thor “loveable, sarcastic, accustomed-to-Earth lark” Ragnarok, Thor “this is not the first time my brother has died, my half-sister was left on a planet destroyed by a giant flame monster, my dad disintegrated into gold sparkles, my mom was killed by a dark elf and my bestie was stabbed through the heart so I’ve got nothing left to lose” Infinity War...
I’m talking Thor “all of the dutch-tilt” Odinson, Thor “weird wig, not yet pretty Chris Hemsworth” Odinson, Thor “Jane Foster” Thor, Thor “I’m a whiny arrogant brat that decided to challenge a whole race which led to my attention-starved, conniving and desperate brother to condone GENOCIDE because he thought it would get him brownie points with dad” Odinson, Thor “YOU ARE NOT WORTHY” Odinson, Thor “RAARGH” Odinson...Thor “this whole thing is being played so straight and Chris Hemsworth actually has a decent funny bone” Odinson...
well idk where I was going with this??? idk all i’m saying is the man brought us one of the BEST book to movie portrayals of a pompous, talentless idiot who’s really good at that ONE THING, and just delivers some of the best moments in the second HP film...and Thor is so strait-laced as a film??? I mean it set up some great character development and “acclimation” to the more casual, snarkiness of the Avengers crew which permitted the jump to Ragnarok...but you can tell why Loki was the stand-out fave that emerged from the Thor franchise before people gradually came to fall in love Thor...and also why Ragnarok was a polarising success...bc of the whiplash from the first 2 films...
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Man in the Storm 17
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Summary: It’s rut season at the compound. Omega Reader plans to ride it out alone, locked in her room away from any unwanted Alphas. But she finds that to be a lot easier said than done when the team’s strongest Alpha pays a visit.
Pairings: Alpha!Thor x Omega!Reader
Type: Series (A/B/O Dynamics)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,476
A/N: “I don’t need therapy, I’ve got you guys!”
Part 16, Part 18
The second month was easier. But only because you swapped sadness with annoyance. You had decided that though you loved the stupid Alpha, you wouldn’t mind giving him a swift kick in the ass when he finally returned. If he finally returned, of course. 
It was getting ridiculous now. 2 months and not a single sign. Not a rumble of thunder, not a drop of rain. You realised you wouldn’t even know if he had died somewhere in this war he was fighting. 
You better not die without letting me know about it, Alpha. You cursed as you looked up into the clear sky above you. 
“Hey! No breaks until we hit the 10 minute mark. You know the drill!” Captain Rogers commanded as he jogged past you, tapping you on the shoulder and waving you to keep up with him. 
You rolled your eyes and picked up where you left off, running along the track on the field. 
“I thought the whole point of this training session was to keep you distracted?” Steve asked when you finally caught up to him. He was practically skipping, barely breaking a sweat so that you’d be able to run side by side. 
Everything you did lately was to keep you distracted. You kept as busy as possible, taking missions and assignments when you could. Last week you were in Korea with Tony and Maria and before that you had been down in Wakanda with Steve and Sam for a few weeks and before that you joined Nat and Clint in Rio. 
You had already filled your field work quota for the month and Tony has insisted that you take some leave. Which is exactly why you were here at the compound running with Steve, rather than with Bucky, Sam and Sharon on the latest mission. 
“Well that was the idea. But my mind always finds a way to drift.” You admitted out loud. “And if I have to be honest Cap, you’re not very good at this.” You poked at him with a smile. 
Steve laughed, “Well, in my experience, things don’t go away by avoiding them.” He glanced over at you. “Maybe talking about it is the way to go.”
You thought about it. He was probably right. He always was. It’s true that you had been avoiding the idea of opening up to anyone, but the truth is you were avoiding even opening up to yourself. You would try to go through the motions, to think logically about all the possibilities about your current situation. But then you’d feel overwhelmed and just stop. Always telling yourself you’d save it for another day.
“You want to be my therapist now too Rogers?” You joked, trying to deflect from the conversation Steve was trying to start. He didn't answer though, only giving you a look that reminded you of your dad. 
You took a deep breath, and finally gave in. 
“I just wonder a lot of things. All the time.” You started. “Sometimes I think about what I would do if he doesn’t come back. How I’d move on with my life. Other times I think about what will happen if he does come back. How exactly are we going to make this work? Will I have to leave earth? Do I want to leave earth?” You asked rhetorically. “And then at the end of it all I just wonder if he’s even thinking of me. You know? Is he wondering the same things? Does he have a plan?”
Steve watched as you wrestled with your own thoughts. He stopped running and signalled for you to as well. “You know” he spoke up as the two of you continued along the track at a walking pace. “When I woke up, after they found me in that ice. The only thing I could think of for months was Peggy.” You turned to look at him in surprise. Steve rarely ever spoke of Peggy Carter. 
“I felt constant sense of guilt. About how my death must have affected her, about how she was able to get on in life. Was there anything I could have done?” He turned to look at you. “I know she did amazing things. She got married, had a family, started SHIELD. But despite all of her accomplishments, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about this whole other life we could have lived together. If I hadn’t...” There was a sense of sadness in his voice now as he trailed off.
“Steve...don’t. Don't put that on yourself.” You reached out to place your hand on the Alpha’s shoulder. He gave you a half smile, “The point is (y/n), whatever happens, your life will continue on and you will be fine. I know you will. But, don’t ever think that he isn’t up there thinking about you, wishing things could be different.”
Steve’s words hit you harder than you had expected they would and you found yourself just standing there. Repeating them in your mind. 
“And besides.” Steve continued. “Thor isn’t dead or frozen in a block of ice. He’s up there, alive and well.” He smiled. “You still have the chance to decide your future. Together.”
After a long pause you gave the Alpha a big hug. Thanking him for the talk before you continued on with your run. Feeling a little more optimistic than before.
A few days later you found yourself in the back of one of Tony’s town cars, pulling up to the front entrance of the Stark Tower in Manhattan. It had been a while since you had been to the city and you were here today at your own insistence. 
Tony still had you on leave from missions, but you were dying of boredom at the compound. You had harassed Stark enough to convince him into finding you a days worth of work helping Pepper out at Stark Industries. 
It couldn’t have come a better time either. Not only were you able to get away from the current heat season of the compound, but the energy of the city was like a detox for you. 
The driver opened the door for you and you thanked him kindly before heading inside. You had been given the direct access key to the private elevator and headed straight up to meet with Pepper. 
When you reached the floor of her office you were hit with an almost intoxicating scent of rose oil and lemons. 
Damn. You thought to yourself as you made your way down the hall.
Pepper was an Omega, but the kind of Omega that didn’t really live life as if she were an Omega. She was CEO of Stark Industries and lived at the tower full time, only visiting the compound on special occasions and Tony would have to travel into the city to see her. Which he did, happily and often. And despite not living at the compound, the pack has always considered her as their matriarch. 
Her scent dominated the office space and you could feel her presence everywhere. It was incredibly intoxicating, to see an Omega in a position of power like this. It was as if she were a Queen and Stark Industries was her Queendom. 
When you made it to the waiting area of Pepper’s office you were greeted by her assistant who lead you through the doors and asked you wait. She offered you various teas and coffees which you declined, only to immediately regret not getting that delicious caramel latte she mentioned. 
“(y/n)!” Pepper called your name after only a few minutes. “It’s so good to see you” She said happily, bringing you in to a hug. “Pepper!” you smiled, “Thank you so much for asking me to come down here today.” you greeted back. 
“Oh of course.” She said as she set her laptop down on her desk, along with some notebooks. “It’s so nice to have someone from the pack down at the tower for a change.” She smiled again as she sat down in her big leather chair. “So, how have you been?”
The two of you chatted for a while. Catching up on pack gossip and goings on. You made an effort not to talk about your Thor dilemma and in turn Pepper did not pry. Which worked out better for you as the whole purpose of going into the city for the day was to get away from your life at the compound.  
“So, Tony tells me you’re pretty good with computers and that you used to work in the technical department, is that right?” She asked, getting right down to business.
“Oh, uh, yes. I studied computer programming at university.” You answered, sitting up straighter than before. Suddenly feeling like you were in an interview. 
“I enjoyed it for a while, but then I realised it was much more fun to play with the toys that we made with those programs.” You winked.
Pepper laughed as well and shook her head. “You sound just like Tony.”
It turned out that the work Pepper needed help with wasn’t all that difficult. It was definitely something that an intern could do, but you had begged Tony to find you something to do and...he did. 
She needed your help with installing an encrypted storage program on her personal server where she would store her most important files. She was still storing some high high priority files in a safe in her office.
“I can’t be running one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world and still be working with paper!” She told you as she explained the task at hand. 
It was an easy mornings work. Within an hour you had the program up and running and spent the rest of the morning uploading the important files into the new system. After a while you needed a break and took a turn around Pepper’s office. First taking a look at the beautiful view from her giant windows, then trailing off to gaze at the wall of photos and diplomas by her desk.
You stopped at a lovely photo of Pepper and Tony. You could tell it was before they had bonded by the missing mark on her neck. He was holding her from behind with his arms draped around her waist and they were both laughing hysterically at something. 
Your fawning must have been palpable, because Pepper looked up from her work and chuckled. “Hmm.” She smiled. “That was Happy’s birthday party 8 years ago. I can’t believe how young we look.”
“You two are perfect together” You said, looking back at the photo before taking a seat in front of Pepper’s desk.
“Perfect?” She scoffed. “Hardly so.”
You laughed, “Well I just mean you’ve been together for so long. You must have such a strong connection and trust. Especially for him to give you Stark Industries”. You remarked, almost naïvely.
Pepper nodded, not looking up from her work. “I guess you could put it that way.” She said with uncertainty. “What do you mean?” You asked, slightly confused. 
Pepper looked up from her computer and smiled, “I love Tony, I really do. But that man is a disaster.” She said shaking her head in amusement. You laughed at the statement, eager to hear her reasoning. 
“He didn’t give me Stark Industries. I took it from him because he was running it into the ground.” She continued. Setting her laptop aside and getting comfortable in her seat, more than willing to take a break from the days work. 
“When Tony decided that he was Iron Man, he made it his life’s duty. He dropped everything else in his life to pursue it. And I mean Everything.” She said, enunciating with hand gestures. “I was only his assistant at the time, but once he started missing every meeting and every day of work I just had to take over.” she said while shaking her head as if she was still annoyed at how it all went down. “It was like his sole responsibility in life was to save the world!”
You laughed. It turned out that not much had changed between now and then when it came to Tony Stark. 
“Well, hopefully he realises how lucky he’s been to have you by his side throughout all this.” You said. “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy.”
Pepper nodded. “ Yes, I think he does now. Thank God” she said with a smile. “But there were a few years in between when I couldn't handle it anymore and I left. Him and all this.” She said looking around the room. 
“Really?” you gasped. You had always seen Pepper and Tony as the perfect couple. The glue that held everything together. You could never imagine picturing them apart from one another. 
“So what made you go back?” you asked, hoping you weren’t overstepping. 
“Because I love him.” she admitted, leaning further back in her chair. “I love him and being without him just didn't feel right.” she shrugged her shoulders. “I was never going to separate him from his duty to the Avengers or to the world. That is all part of the Tony Stark package.” she paused for a moment, looking back at the photo on the wall. “I had to decide whether being with him was worth putting up with all of it. And for me, it was.” She smiled. 
“And now here we are, running our little empire together. He’ll never admit it, but he knows that he needs me to keep this place afloat.” She said matter of factly. 
“A king cannot survive without a queen by his side.”
As some of Thor’s very first words to you came to the forefront of your mind, you crossed your arms over your chest. Suddenly feeling very exposed. 
You sat there in silence for a moment as a whirlwind of thoughts entered your mind. The more you thought about it the more you realised it. Thor wasn’t all that much different from Tony. A least, not when it came to his duty. The only difference between them being that Thor already knew he wanted someone by his side. And that person as it turned out, was you. 
You thought for a moment about all the sacrifices and compromises Pepper must have made when she decided to stay by Tony’s side. Accepting the fact that she would always come second to her Alpha’s sense of duty. You then thought about the other couples in your pack. Clint and his wife certainly had a complex arrangement and you imagined that Sharon had to come to terms with Steve’s hardened sense of duty many years ago. Suddenly, Bucky’s choice in such a docile Omega made sense to you in the grand scheme of things. 
“(y/n), are you ok?” Pepper said, waving her hand in front of your face. 
You shook yourself out of your haze. “Sorry, I uh...I just starting thinking about how complicated everything gets. No one we know really has a normal realtionship, do they?” you asked her. 
“In a pack like ours (y/n) there is no such thing as “normal” relationships.” She answered with a smirk. “With those Alphas? Are you kidding me?” She said, before you both burst into a fit of laughter. 
“Now, enough talk about Alpha’s and relationships, let’s go to for lunch” The Omega suggested as she got up from her desk and grabbed her purse
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You Are Who You Choose To Be!
(Chapter 2) (Part 1) Sacrifice!
Tony Stark'sXDaughter Nathaile Stark
(Prompts This Is A Tony Stark And Daughter Stark Imagine I Came Up With Myself.
What If Thanos Never Did The Snap! But Instead Tony Stark's Daughter Sacrificed!! Herself Instead To Protect The Avenger's And  Save The Entire Universe!
(Warning's) Language! Violence!
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"Thanos" WAITE!! STOP!!! I fell to my "knees" I'LL GO WITH YOU!! Dad and the rest of the Avenger's turned to me! Yelling No!
Dad glared at me What Did you just say?? Your not going anywhere with him! Dad Please! Just Stop!!
"Thanos" let his arm drop to his side as he slowly walked up to me Ahh Yes now your willing to Negotiate with me. Now that you realize that this is really going to happen Your willing to save the Universe and be the Hero now am i right?
I glared up at him I'm not doing this to be a "hero" I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do I will go willingly as long as you Keep your Word! And leave the Avengers and the Universe alone.
He looked at me crossing his arm's as if he was thinking this whole thing over again even though i already knew his plan and what he was up too he looked around at everyone than back down at me he Leaned in close enough that i felt his breath on my face! And smiled.
So Little one I'm guessing you did get my Message?
Dad looked at "Thanos" Than me!
What? What Message? Why didn't you tell me he came in contact with you? why didn't you tell me about this "Haile"?
Dad You have to stop!! Do you understand me? If you don't you are going to ruin this your going to make this worse for all of us. I am not a child anymore i can make my own decisions and i can take care of myself! Now please just stop talking and be quiet!!
"Stark's POV
I can not believe this iv been doing everything i possibly can to keep you safe and you've been lying to me keeping thing's from me i thought we could tell each other anything what ever happened to that "Haile"? She looked away from me not wanting to make eye contact.
I stood their in disbelief So let me get this straight and you tell me if I'm wrong! So This is why you decided to leave The Tower and come along wasn't it? not because you wanted to prove yourself to me but because "Thanos" reached out to you? With out me even knowing. I turned my attention off "Haile" on to "Thanos" What did you say to her? How did you even come in contact with My Daughter!!!
Nathaile's POV
I looked At Dad Just Stop okay! You have to let me do this for the sake of the Universe and for "You" and "Pepper"and for"Happy" Dad Came closer to me But "Thanos" stopped him Let Her Speak! Stark! I'm curious as to what she's about to say next!
I started pulling myself up off the ground Peter helped me up and held me close to him.
I looked up at Thanos and nodded!
Yes! I did get your message and I'm going to do what's right! I looked over at Dad and nobody's going to stop me!
Ahh little one i knew you did! But You know for a moment their i didn't think you were going to accept my Offer! But i knew you would accept! Do you know why? I glared at him. Because "Nathalie" Your too much like your father Your willing to give up your life to save others I looked over at Dad. Than back at "Thanos's well i had to accept You've given me no other choice.
I had to come see if i could at least try to beat you but it turns out I am just a weak Little girl Just like you said i was.
Thanos's POV
You surprise me Little one But don't you want to know why I chose you? "Haile" glared up at me No i really don't want to know! I smiled at her Little one i already told you iv seen into your mind iv seen everything your little mind can do little one your going to be of great use to me possibly the greatest weapon iv ever created.
Stark's POV
NOW THAT'S ENOUGH!!! You Stop this right now she's not going anywhere with you she needs a hospital. I Turned to "Haile" and you i don't care how old you are i will not let you do this Your Mother wouldn't let you do this! Think about what she would say right now if she was here "Haile" The Child isn't supposed to Protect the Parent The Parent is supposed to Protect The Child it's not the other way around it would be a cold day in hell before i ever let you do something like this Now! Your leaving Pete! Yes Mr.Stark? Get her out of here take her up to Shuri.
"Haile's POV
"Thanos"moved in closer to me Dad jumped in front of me STOP!! don't take another Step! Dad was now standing in front of me with his blasters raised ready to Blast "Thanos" at any second I don't know why you want her but your not having my "daughter" and your sure as hell aren't taking her anywhere This is far from over you might have spared my life but i will fight you again if you try to take her from me.
"Thanos" grabbed Dad up by his neck lifting him up off the ground Oh but This is over "Stark! And She's already made up her mind why do you think she's here? Dad looked down at me with pain in his eye's i looked away i couldn't stand seeing him like this the look on his face was hurting me more than it was hurting him.
She's here Because I told her too "Stark.
"Thanos" Turned to me So Little one do we have a deal? I held my shaky hand harder against my abdomen
i could feel the amount of blood i was loseing begin to soak into my super suit i was feeling weaker and weaker by the second and i needed to get this over with before it was too late and i was dead! "Thanos" put him down! "Thanos" let loose of Dad as soon as his feet touched the ground he was back standing in front of me again I pushed Dad away from me than looked up at "Thanos" as i slowly nodded my head up and down
Yes! We have a deal.
Are you sure This is what you want? Your willing to sacrifice your life To save the Universe.
I closed my eye's taking in a deep breath as i felt tears building in my eye's what i was about to do next i was going to regret for the Rest Of My Life!! But i had to do this as much as i never wanted to hurt my father i had to do this so he would let me go.
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I Opened my eye's glaring at him You know what Dad you have no idea what it's like being a teenage girl that has to go through high school alone! You have no idea what it's like to grow up with out your mother by your side i was 13 when she died and No she didn't die in a car accident i know what really happened! As much as you tried to keep it a secret from me i had internet access at the school library that's when i found out what really Happened It's your fault she died you took her from me after i found out the truth i hated you, i hated you for year's but what hurt the most was when you got with Pepper 3 months after Mom died you just completely forgot about her and got with "Pepper" you just threw Mom away like she was nothing. So yeah when "Thanos" contacted me i accepted my fate i would rather die than stay here another second longer breathing in the same air as you!
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Dad stepped back staring at me with pain in his eye's "Haile" I'm so sorry i never meant to hurt you and your right it is my fault i didn't mean to take her away from you and I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that alone i never forgot about your mother and i never will their isn't a day that goes by that i don't think of her but please let me at least try to fix this. "Haile" i know this isn't you don't let him control you Please! Don't Do This!!
Dad turned to "Thanos" I'll go let her stay she's just a kid!
I can help you with whatever you need Please! Don't do this! She's all i got left! "Thanos" looked at me I only need her "Stark" Not You!! Dad Started fighting "Thanos"
I pulled the broken arm from the suit sliding my arm into it activating the Blaster I blasted Dad in the back he stopped and looked back at me. I told you to stop! Now don't make me shoot you again! Because this time i won't miss! He stopped fighting "Thanos" and walked up to me as the suit went back into the sweat suit he was wearing I can't live in a world where you won't be! I already lost your mother i can't lose you too! So if your going to leave me than you might as well kill me because if you don't! I'm not going to stop! Not Ever! I closed my eye's Than re opened them shaking my head As Tears started rolling down my cheeks Well Than You've Given me No Choice! Dad and I'm So Sorry!! I Love You!!
I blasted him in the chest Knocking him 30 feet away from me i didn't let up until he was far enough away from me so i could leave with "Thanos" i let my arm drop to my side as i started crying i was shaken by what i had just done i let the metal arm drop to the ground and started walking towards "Thano's" when Dad came out of know where and continued fighting "Thanos" Again! I looked back at Thor and Steve grab him and get him away from me I have to do this none of you can take my place only i can Go and i choose to go you will all understand why i did this one day if any of you cared about me at all you will grab him and hold him back. "Thor" and "Steve" grabbed a hold of Dad dragging him away from "Thanos"
That's when "Peter"went to Shoot "Thanos" with one of his Webs i Put my hand up Stopping it in mid air I turned to "Peter" You have to let me go I looked away from "Peter" and around the wall of "Avenger's that stood a few feet back! All of you have to let me go
This is the only way! I looked back at "Peter"
As tears started rolling down my face I guess we will never get to have that Dinner and a Movie Date!! "Peter" put his hands to my face wipeing the tears from my face I won't let you go through with this "Haile" One person can't give up their whole live for the Universe! It's not fair! I looked at him well life isn't fair "Pete"and in the end someone has to do the right thing and it's going to be me! I let go of my abdomen throwing my arm's around "Peter" as i cried into his shoulder "Pete" wrapped his arm's around me I love you! I pulled back looking into his eye's and I Love you!
I felt a large hand rest on my shoulder "Thanos" Looked down at me
Come On Little one it's Time To Go!
Thanos held his hand out towards me
I looked back at "Peter" and half smiled Goodbye! "Pete" Take care of my dad for me i could see the water building in his eye's I looked away from me not wanting to see him cry i looked over at all the Avenger's who all had pained expressions on their face's more Tears began building in my eye's as I Whispered I'm Sorry! It was the only way!
I turned around and faced "Thanos" I set my hand onto his large hand as we began walking towards his ship I flinched from the sound of the piercing screams that were coming from My father. Thor and Steve held him back as he was forced to watch his little girl board an Ailen spaceship never to be seen again i took in a deep breath blocking out the rest of his screams as we Boarded the ship.
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I exhaled as i heard The ramp begin to close i closed my eye's as the tears started rolling down my cheeks. I started Repeating To myself this was the only way Your saving millions of lives your doing the right thing you are a Hero even if you don't believe that you are. My thoughts were interrupted when i heard the sound of the blasters hitting the ship repeatedly I turned looking out the window Dad was following the ship shooting at it he stayed with it until we got too far out of the atmosphere than i watched him slowly disappear!
Stark's POV
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I pushed the suit further and further into space i wasn't going to let her go i know she didn't mean what she said she's so much like her mother telling me all the thing's i don't want to hear trying to hurt me to push me away but i wasn't going to leave her not ever i stayed with the ship until i felt it start to freeze Sir!! If you go any father the suit is going to freeze you have to stop go back to earth that's when i realized i had to let her go i let all my pain out as i screamed the suit and blasters gave out stopping me in space I starred at the ship I Love You "Haile"! And i will not stop looking for you until i find you. I pulled the switch in the side of the suit causing it to break the ice that was frozen around it as i slowly started falling back towards earth i never took my eye's off that Ship even after it faded away i landed in the middle of what was left of the battle field i held hands up to my face as i slowly rocked myself back and forth. "Mr.Stark" Sir! "Pete" set his hand on my shoulder we will get her back we have too.
Um "Stark" we are leaving i was wondering if we could give you a ride somewhere? I looked up at "Quill" and nodded Yeah sure "Quill" if you could take me and "Parker" to New York that would be great. Sure no problem "Pete" helped me up off the ground Thanks Kid!
We boarded "Quills" Ship i took a seat behind "Quill" i closed my eye's when we got into the air and immediately started thinking up a plan to get her back 45 minutes into the Ride! "Quill" said my name i opened my eyes Yeah Quill? Is this you? I half smiled as we approached the Tower! glad to be home but this was no longer a home not with "Haile" it wasn't "Quill" pulled around the building i could see that "T'Challa" had already dropped off The Rest of what was left of the Team i sighed when i saw "Pepper" come running out of The Tower and over to "Nat" they exchanged word's for a brief second than she looked up at "Quills" ship! After "Quill" landed i didn't get off i didn't move i just sat there looking at the floor boards. This was wrong of me to get off this ship with out "Haile" not only did i have to accept the fact that i was forced to let her go i now had to explain to "Pepper" what happened and why her only Daughter couldn't and wouldn't ever come home. "Mr.Stark" are you coming? I took in a deep breath and looked at "Mantis" yes I'll be out in a minute Thank You!
Pepper's POV
"Peter!! Hey i pulled him in for a hug oh I'm so happy your okay and you made it back safe! I put my hands to his face only a few scrapes and bruises "Peter" patted me on the back it's good to see you too Ms.Potts! how is "Happy? is he okay? Yes we are all fine Where is "Tony" and "Haile? I started to lose it i made it the whole ride home with out crying but the look on "Pepper's face brought me to Tears "Peter? I looked away from "Peter" as i saw "Tony"walking off the ship i let go of "Peter" and took off over to "Tony" he hugged me "Pep" i missed you Oh "Tony" are you okay? Your bleeding? I pulled a Kleenex from the pocket of my dress suit and started patting his face with it "Tony" took my hand I'm fine! I looked around "Tony" at the Ship than back at him "Tony" where is "Haile"? "Tony? He opened his eye's She...She's Gone!! Alright stop playing I moved away from "Tony" and went walking towards the Ship come out "Haile" this isn't funny "Ms.Potts" She's not there I Turned around If she's not in the ship than where is she? "Pepper" we need to go sit down and talk about this! No!! I wanna know where she is? And you tell me now "Tony" so help me this isn't funny!!
Stark's POV
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I put my hands on her shoulders Hunny "Haile" didn't come back with us! She looked at me confused What? "Thanos" some how got in contact with her that's the reason she left you and "Happy" because He made her a deal and at the last minute she Accepted "Thanos" took her away from us "Pep" and that was the moment i lost it i broke down and started crying She's Never Coming Back!! "Pep" she Sacrificed herself to save us and the universe "Thanos" dragged her onto his ship and left with her into space I should have done more but she wouldn't let me "Pepper" I'm so sorry! "Pepper" jerked away from me as she backed up putting her hands to her face she started screaming and crying i tried to comfort her but she pushed me away until i forced her to let me hold her we both sat on the middle of the air strip crying in each other's arm's I should have. Did more "Pep" i lost her i let her go with that monster This is all my fault "Pep" I'm so sorry! I looked up seeing "Happy" standing a few feet from us with Tears rolling down his cheeks i looked at him as i slightly shook my head "Happy" closed his eye's Than put his hands to his face as he turned around crying as he walked away.
"Pepper" pushed me away from her This is all your Fault "Tony! You wouldn't let her help and now look where she is somewhere lost in space this is your fault!! "Tony!! And you know you could have done more! Your right "Pepper"your right i lost the one thing i swore to protect and it is all my fault and that's on me but don't do this to me "Pepper" i can't lose you too! She covered her face with her hands as she continued Crying
"Pepper! "Pepper" look at me i pulled her hands away from her face i am not going to stop searching for her until i find her I'm going to grt her back and I'm not going to stop until she's back her with all of us who love her. "Pepper" looked at me I'm not going anywhere "Tony" I'm going to help you find her. I helped "Pepper" up off the ground and walked her into the Tower.
Marvel Imagine By @yes-bitchxxxmarvel-stuff
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lokis-scepter-101 · 6 years
Loki’s darling chapter 11
"What about?" Loki asked concerned.
"I do remember my childhood. After my mother died when I was 11, I was put in a orphanages. It was like hell there, Everyone there was so annoying. One day I couldn't take it anymore, I went to punch one of the boys but I accidentally  opened the blackholes and put him there. That was the first time I was able to use it. The owner of the orphanage directly told a facility of 'weird' humans aka George Stone grand father about it. A knock off version of Hydra took me away. Although they treated my friend and I good. They made us do things we didn't want to. One day I decided I was sick of killing for them so I decided to put them in the black hole, Little did I know that they made themselves immune to it. My attempt to do so made things worse, They had plans to brainwash me, But escaped right on time. I went around for awhile and searched to find my roots but I never found anything. I knew Stone bio had my files so I searched for the person to help me get it. And I found him." I explained, Loki kept holding my hand his facial expression soften .
"Sorry you had to go through all of that, You didn't deserve that." Loki gently placed a kiss on my hand.
"It's okay, At least it wasn't as bad as yours eh?" Loki and I laughed.  
He told me more about his time on Asgard and man his dad was an original asshole. After our date, We made out in the car knowing that someone is probably waiting up for us. It was currently 11 pm. We walked inside the building to find Tony sleeping in a sitting position.
"Uh Tony?"I walked towards him.
"Have a good night, Jaz."Loki said before exiting the room. Tony startled awake.
"You, My office."Tony pointed to me. I gulped.
"How'd you do it?" Tony crossed his arms, piercing his eyes.  Oh thank god he's talking about the AI error.
"Your mistake-" I tried talking but he cut me off.
"The machines mistake." Tony sassed back.
"The 'fault' could only be seen in the eyes of a human. You guys run it by programs, I checked everything myself one by one." I smiled at the end being proud.
"Why'd you do it? Most importantly how'd you get in?" Tony facial expression became confused, thinking.
"I hacked it and used Peter's card. I did because one I wanted to repay you for giving me such an opportunity and two I always have a feeling that I have  to prove to people I'm a genius." I shifted my weight from leg to leg trying to act cool but ended up just standing still.
"That doesn't make any sense." Tony looked at me confused as hell.
"I know, I just made things up." I shrugged.
"For fuck sakes, I hate it when you do something I would do. Don't do anything I would do and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't." Tony said with crossed arms.
"There's a little grey area inbetween." Tony said while yawning.
"You need some sleep." I said rolling my eyes.
"Anyway a thank you I will give you check so you don't have to be the broke Stark anymore, Dearest sister." Tony smiled.
"The name was starting to grow on me."I pouted.
"Go get some sleep, Nova." Tony crossed his arms.
"Will do, Edward."I stuck my tongue out at his shocked expression.
We'll do a little time skippy skip :)
Loki and Jaz have been secretly dating for 2 months now. In those two months Jazahra got closer to the Starks and the avengers. She also got to help them during their battles. She managed to master her skills. She's an official avenger now; She goes by the name Nova which Peter chose for her because one that's her second name and two seen as she controls outer space things Peter thought that Nova would be the perfect name. Her face has not been revealed tho. One time when Loki and Jazahrawere making out Bucky walked in. They asked him not to tell anyone, So he didn't because he didn't have time dealing with this shit. Loki isn't as cold as he used to be and the others have Jazahrato thank for. Also no one knows about the tesseract. Now where going to the present. Loki is on a mission. Loki and Jazahrahave a date afterwards. Jazahrais currently in charge of Peter because Tony and Pepper went on a 'business' trip.
"What are you working on?" We were on our way back from the library where they had to pick up some books for their assignment.
"Uh actually we're done with the assignment. We just need those book for the next assignment." Peter explained.
"How do you even know what the next assignment is?" I questioned.
"Rich boy over here has some connections." Mj leaned back. I nodded.
"What happened to Ned?" I asked curiously.
"Ned, betrayed little pete pet." Mj pinched Peter's cheek.
"That's not what happened. Ned was asked to tutor Liam." Peter removed Mj's hand from his cheek.
"Aw, You two are so cute." I smirked while looking at them through the rear-view mirror. Peter started blushing and Mj just coughed.
"Relax, I'm just messing with you guys." They started laughing weird.
"Hey, Where do I have to drop you off, Mj?" I started slowing down the car.
"Uh Aunt J, She's uh actually y'know coming home with me be- because we will start working on the assignment." Peter started rubbing his hand.
"Oh cool, What do you guys want for dinner? The others only bought food for themselves." They looked at each other.
"We would like pizza. What will you get for yourself, Aunt J?" Mj replied. Mj is such a polite girl.
"I'll grab a bite with Loki once I drop you kids off."
After I dropped the kids off (Tony's house.) I was currently getting ready to meet Loki. We were going out for dinner first and then have a movie night at him and Thor's apartment. I put on a green bodycon off the shoulder dress with some nude heeled sandals. I fixed my hair. and went outside where Loki was waiting.
After dinner we went to his place to have a movie night. I was currently seated between Loki's leg. His hand were wrapped around my body keeping me from escaping. Half way through the movie Loki fell asleep. I turned around and removed Loki's hand slowly. I walked to through Loki's room to go to the bathroom. While washing my hands I looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my hand through my hair. I fixed my dress; I was currently wearing a navy halter dress. When I stepped out of the room I bumped into Loki's hard chest.
"Uh, Sorry." I took a step back.
"It's okay." He just smiled.
"You fell asleep during the best part." I pouted.
"Sorry darling, I had a long day at work." Loki said sheepishly.
"Oh did you now?" I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Hmhmm."A smile crept his face Loki wrapped his arms around my waist.
I stood on my toes and gave him a peck on the lips. Loki however didn't just want a little peck, He locked our lips together. Kissing my slowly at first. The small kiss soon grew into something bigger and more intense. This was the most intensive, hot kiss we've ever share. I wrapped my hand tightly around his neck while Loki's arms were roaming my body. Loki's hand stopped at the strings of my dress. Loki broke the kiss off and looked at me seeking for an answer. I gulped and nodded. Loki wasted no time, He pulled the strings of my dress. Loki started kissing me again once my dress fell on the floor. Without any worries he pulled me on top of him, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Loki led us to his bed and laid me on my back with him on top of me not breaking the kiss.I moaned when Loki bit my bottom lips granting him access. I tugged at his shirt. He pulled away to look at me and sighed.
"We can't, I mean are you even sure about this?"Loki distanced himself away from me. I've grown tired of his shit, He keeps thinking that I will stop liking him and avoid him when in fact I fell harder and harder for him every moment we share together. I put my hands on both side of his face. "I want you Loki, All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. Your future. I want you Loki, And only you." Loki wasted no time taking off his shirt and leaned down to kiss my neck, making me moan loudly.
###Semi smutty scene###
Loki's pov.
I came down kissing her neck tenderly. I loved the way she moaned and arched her back. I moved up to her face where I began to kiss her again. Once I was able to break the kiss, I pulled away to look at her, She wore all black lacy underwear. "You're so beautiful." I whispered in her ear before laying butterfly kisses on on jawline down to her neck stopping at her chest. I pulled her up a little and unclasped her bra, I removed her bra and threw it to the side revealing her perfectly sized breast. I took one in my hand and started massaging it. I leaned down to the other and sucked on it. "Loki..." A  moan escaped her mouth. Fuck, I love it when she says my name like that. She tangled her hand in my hair. I moved to her other breast giving it equal pleasure. I couldn't worship her breast to long so I slowly started kissing my way down her  abdomen. The anticipation drove her crazy, Her breathing became heavier and her moans became louder.I was now facing her pussy she's already wet for me.
"Already wet for me, Darling?" I looked up to see her biting her lips.
"Loki, Please." She wrapped her thighs around my head.
I licked my lips before leaning down to lick the sweet juices from her slit savoring the taste. She reacted with a much louder moan then before. Then I started licking, swirling my tongue, playing with her clit, and being encouraged by her moans of pleasure. I looked up and saw her hands full of the sheets. Once I got a steady rhythm I insert a finger.
"Oh Loki." She placed her hand on my head and shoved me deeper into her wet pussy. Her thighs became tighter around my head, her back arched and she screamed "Oh fuck, Loki." and with that her juiced starting flowing in my mouth. After I licked her clean I made my way up to her face again.
"I believe that was your first orgasm?" I moved a lock of her curly crimson hair away. She was panting and pulled me down for a rough kiss.
"Don't worry darling, Many more shall come." I whispered in her ear. She fiddled with the button of my trouser, I helped her remove my trouser.The night was full of passionate  love making.
###End of smutty scene###
Jazahra's pov.
After round three we decided to go to sleep. I laid on Loki's chest. My naked chest on his. He pulled the cover over us. I opened my eyes and looked up at Loki, Who was stroking my hair. "Hey." Loki smiled flashing his dimples. "Hey." My hands formed small circles on his chest. Loki sighed uneasy. "Is something wrong?" My elbow rested on the bed and I held my head in my hand. "I'm afraid my nightmare has come true." He threw his head back. "Which is?" I raised my eyebrow. "You."
End of chapter
Nice cliffhanger right? Anyway see you next chapter, If I make it alive.
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popculturespiritwow · 6 years
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This cover. Black to me signals death, or something awful. And I was certain that we get all-black pages somewhat regularly in WicDiv, but you know, it’s not true. Both when Luci gets “killed” and Laura herself “dies”, we get pages that are black but for two tiny almost exactly duplicated comments.
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The Underworld is obviously a land of darkness, and there are two moments – during Laura’s first trip down there and then when Persephone first gets her hands on Woden – where we get a splash page of endless black into which the character is falling.
But the only time in WicDiv that we’re given a non-dialogue-y black page is when Sakhmet takes out her dad in issue 17, and again in issue 28 when she massacres her party people after coming to believe they’re all laughing at her. That last one does give one tiny little glimpse of her, though.
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So if there is a “language” to the all-blacks (non haka version) (love you Kiwis), it would seem to be something to do with violence and lost time.
But we’ve already done all the blood and nightmares in this arc, and this issue is instead filled with twists and reveals and honest soul-rending conversation and reunions and new friends and overall kind of a lot of reader satisfaction.  So a very different thing.
Another take on the all-black is this is what you put on your cover when you’re terrified anything else will give something away. But for as much anxiety as Kieron talks about in his notes about “keeping the secrets” of this issue (and also his sense of what nonsense that fear is), he and Jamie have never had any trouble obscuring  reveals before.
So here’s my thought: Maybe it’s like Disneyland. Disney theme parks are built in such a way that on the way in you have to go through a tunnel of some kind, and before you do you can’t really see inside to all the happy happy joy joy good stuff.
The idea is, Disney wants you to feel like you’re entering into a whole different world than the one you left behind, a better world where you can be happy and spend money and want to take the same picture in front of the castle that everyone else does and still feel like it’s special.  And part of that is creating a clear sense of boundary; there was where you were and there’s where you’re going, and the tunnel stands as passage in between.
Maybe that’s why you do a black cover: Not to hide anything or signal violence but to create a boundary, a sense of a passage into something new. 
So we begin with the Vibrator as key. I want to say it might be the perfect Gillen/McKelvie image – it’s naughty and seems like a joke and has been sitting there for so long that we no longer think much of it when in fact it is absolutely essential.
Nothing in WicDiv is superfluous, minor or irrelevant. Everything is trying to express something important. (TELL US ABOUT THE VEILS KIERON.)
A bigger question: does the fact that Jon (and not only Jon but the truth about Laura) is released into the story via a phallic device that vibrates have even more to say? Is pleasure or self-care in a sense the key in WicDiv, a path to freedom and life?
Have I not mentioned already I was an English major?
After an arc that seems very caught up in how the characters are all caught up in/pinned down by stories, suddenly out of nowhere we have Jon, this breath of fresh air who sees that path for the garbage it is and refuses it. He will not fit the options Ananke poses, or any duality, thanks very much.
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He is the one who builds.
Of course he is then force-wrapped into stories – the Pantheon (I love the horror of his reaction to his ascent), this weird Odin/Thor thing (complete with the nod to Thor’s alter ego Donald Blake) and also the biblical Abraham and Isaac story, the father sacrificing his son to God (now comes with beheading!).
And if I understand the father/son dynamic, as much as Jon sees the Mimir thing for the lie or trap it is, he still can’t quite help himself from being a builder. There are rules he can bend (see: vibrator) but he can’t quite enact a full break.
His call is really quite beautiful. “You walked among your foes for the sake of love,” the spooky Ananke heads say. “Struck down you are raised up, the Sky King’s grandest treasure.” It’s pretty much the absolute opposite of his Dad’s call.
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How crazy is it that we’re 2/3rds done with the series, we’ve just been introduced to a major new character (okay we saw him once before but still), and he fits in so well?
Probably we’re being set up for betrayal and heartbreak, but for now I love it with all the loves. 
Can we just talk about the knife for a second? Like, how exactly does it work? Clearly it somehow enables the user to disengage the head from the body while keeping the head alive. But whereas with Jon that might have happened literally – put your elbow into it, David! – in the case of Luci, Tara and Inanna Ananke used her signature head pop. So what’s the deal? It’s enough to have the knife in your possession when doing with the murdering, or something else?
Also, post-beheading, we see Ananke referring to Jon as “it”.
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Is this because he’s now “just” a living head? Or is this how she actually honestly sees all the gods?  It’s um, upsetting to say the least. 
Of course so is Woden’s take on things: Jon stole my life (by being born, you horrible human looking meat puppet), so now I get to steal his.
I don’t know how it would have been possible Woden could sink lower in my estimation than he has (#Dio4Vr), but in fact it is and he has.
As much as I love the Jon reveal, the thing that really rocked my world was actually not that but Laura explaining what she’s been going through. I just – this poor girl. And though we still have two arcs to go, in a way this moment is the heart of the series. Kieron seems to say as much in the notes, talking about how the artist lives in this awful reality of getting what they dreamed of, but it involves awful stuff happening to oneself and others. 
“I’ve talked about having mixed feelings about WicDiv’s success. Laura’s arc is it writ large. I hate that the definitive work of my career is this. If my Dad was not dead I would not have written this book. There is a guilt and anger that is hard to articulate directly there, and is the material I was mining for this.”
Art is built on suffering and loss—and that means on the back of horror done to others. To wish to be an artist is in a sense to sacrifice those relationships in a fundamental and sometimes literal way, in fact that seems a necessity to one’s success. Being a storyteller may be incredibly nourishing for others, but it’s built on harm done to those you love.
Jesus Christ this is dark. And we haven’t even gotten to the point yet of facing the question that society’s survival is supposedly built on those artists’, those children’s destruction. We love you so much, you inspire us, but what cements that for the century is your deaths.
What do you make of this follow-up moment where Laura suddenly turns it to 11 with Cass?
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It only happens after Cassandra calls Laura Persephone for the first time, which seems like it’s meant as a kind of respect. Knowing what she’s been through, she is now worthy of her name in Cassandra’s eyes. She is an equal.
Except it seems to set Laura on the path of what – connection, for sure. But through sex, which is actually more escape than intimacy.
What is “The Destroyer”, in the end? Less a malevolence associated with Laura, it seems to me, than the character of all the gods when they get lost in their stories about themselves.  
(More to the point: What the heck is the Machine? Jon says it does nothing. Whuhhh?)
So, after quite some issues away from it, in the end we return to the heads. Lots and lots of heads. Jon’s head (god that’s a delightful reveal), then Sakhmet’s slice of head – and Minerva – and then finally, the big finish.
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I would say my head exploded except I feel like that gag has already been played.
As he has mentioned often in his notes, Kieron loves to hide much bigger reveals within the reveal we know that’s coming. In this case, we knew there was this other Daft Punk member hiding in the darkness somewhere, and we knew there was something up with Laura we needed to hear about.
So we get that and say thank you, and then there’s still four incredible jaw dropping can we please do a happy dance for Luci pages.
Kieron goes into a ton more detail on this writing strategy here, and the particular nightmare challenges posed by this issue. I’ll post excerpts below, but you should read them in full. They are fantastic.
But if I can just ask one question: What the hell happened with Minerva? Am I to believe she did not feel bad about Sakhmet, that she’s that good an actor? Je refuse! And also isn’t the point of the Sakhead reveal that still-Minerva blew it with her fearfulness and lack of skill?
Okay… twists.
In reality, for me, it’s a case of once you’ve decided that this is the plot, the only way to do it is dovetail towards an issue like this. Any of these individual beats provide too much connective tissue to the other ones, meaning all must be revealed or none.
(You could argue about Minerva, I suspect. Maybe.)
It’s been strange writing a book like this – when so much is there early on. Seeing who got what and who didn’t, and how people reinforced people has been interesting. That the core WicDiv tumblr community has never really suspected Minerva was off is in some way a surprise – though I’ve had people talk about that directly and personally. Blake/Jon and Minerva-is-Off-In-Some-Way were the two twists I would guard, but their primary importance was in how they led to the Heads.
When Ray Fawkes told me “There’s a reason you’re doing all the decapitations, right?” circa issue 2, I suspected that I’d overplayed the hand by having a literal talking head in issue 3… but it turned out fine.
“Played the hand” is interesting phrasing, and telling. Writing something as intricate as this is like doing a slow-motion card trick, in public, constantly. It is a form of constant stress. I have been paranoid of fucking it up in stupid ways, and it’s impacted every single conversation I’ve ever had about WicDiv. Like just writing one name when I mean another or something. There was a hilarious panic when I added ‘Killer Queen’ to the playlist, just thinking of it as a quite funny Ananke song… and then realised there was only one character in the cast with a connection to the band Queen, and that was Minerva. Should I take it off the playlist? No, someone may notice that, and it’s against my rules anyway. I quickly added a few other things to camouflage it.
As if anyone is watching that closely, y'know?
That’s an extreme example, but an entirely characteristic one. I have lost sleep over it. Even a year ago, I wished I could just get to 33 and not worry about it. When 33 dropped, it was simultaneously excellent (the response was basically what we expected) and an anticlimax (The amount of emotional and intellectual effort you put into doing this is not worth it. It could never be worth it.) I’ve been telling friends that I’ll never write a story that operates like this again. Partially that is because I wouldn’t want to repeat myself, and partially because – as I said above – I think twists are less effective in long-form serialised work in 2017, but mainly as I don’t think I want to do this to myself again. I’ll find some other way to torture myself.
 So apparently Mini has been off all this time. I’m stunned by that.
I’d note that setting up twists that *are* easily guessable by the hardcore is part of the methodology. Having a nice big twist foreshadowed heavily is a good way to hide another twist behind it. “Hey – pay attention to this less subtle sleight of hand while I perform the actual sleight of hand over here.”
Oh you’re expecting a big reveal are you, cool cool cool here it is and also SURPRISE.
He talks about this again later, in response to the reveal that Mimir is just a talking head.
When thinking of plot structure, I talk about a few ways to disguise twists. Earlier, I mentioned a Big Twist can make people suspect the twists are over. This is something I tend to think of as a revealed move. As in, you create a machine of logic with a missing part. You add the missing part as late as possible, and then immediately move to what has been concealed before the audience is able to process the new information.
Oh you’re blown away by Mimir are you? SURPRISE, there are three other heads.  And also Minerva is not Minerva.
It’s a great insight, too – if you fear one bit of new information is going to naturally lead to others, drop it all right now before they even have time to think about it.
I know this is a lot of quoting the author, but hey it’s a big issue and the author has some great stuff to say and it is helping me. 
How do I actually feel when someone guesses something that’s going to happen? Well, this is long enough already. Let’s put the personal stuff beneath a cut…
I’d say you sigh “Oh, poop” and shrug.
And then you get over your ass, because you know all the above is true. Writers are often megalomaniacs who think they can control everyone’s response to their work. We don’t. We can’t control everything. We can barely control anything. We really have to let go. I’ve said WicDiv is a device to help me improve as a person, yes? It would include in this area. I have to learn to let it go, and internalise all of the above. If I can make most of my readership have the vague emotional response I’m looking for, I’m winning.
Certainly I’ve heard many writers talk about their writing as coming from a personal place. And as a writer myself I’ve had to learn (again and again) that having a sparkly fun idea is not going to be enough to get me up and writing every day, even if people like it. That I need what I’m writing to come from something more specific in me.
But I don’t know that I’ve ever heard an artist talk about their work as well, their work. The journey they’re taking to try and deal with something or figure something out or to let go and get free and be a better version of them. It makes so much sense, and man does it challenge me to have another think about my own work. Because I think most of the time I almost think of the journey as the thing that has to come before the work, the thing that prevents the work – Ima just get my act together and then write this script in fifteen years or so. And reading this it strikes me  oh wait, that’s just the thing I tell myself so I don’t have to do the work.
 There’s so much more to say about this issue. But it’s taken me the better part of a week to say this much already so maybe I’ll just leave it there. Suffice to say, it’s a giant of story.
(And yes, that’s my exhausted end of words attempt at a Mimir pun.)
I’ll be back next week with the two specials. And then, Mothering Invention!
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