#and yes they can probably have kids this is future tech where there's things like gene editing
anhilliator1 · 1 year
I'd like to imagine that at some point when they manage to miniaturize the GUND-format to the point where full-body conversion is possible, Eri promptly decides upon SD-Aerial, which also snags her a permanent position as "Coolest Aunt" by Suletta and Mio's kids and all their friends.
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blurban-form · 5 months
Future Brisbane
So, at the end of “Surprise”, we get to see future-Brisbane, maybe 25-30 years in the future? A grown-up Bluey brings her child to visit her parents’ house, so her kid can blast Dad with tennis balls like she did.
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Compare future Brisbane with current Brisbane
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First of all, nice to see the house hasn’t fallen down, Dad and Mum have kept it in good repair (thanks Hammerbarn) and it now has solar panels, as do a number of other homes.
Many things have changed:
An incredible increase in land use density; multiple medium and tall towers (like in downtown) now are common in the suburban area. Assuming this means much more multifamily housing.
Roads much less dominant/conspicuous in the hills
Look how the trees have grown.
The communications towers on the hilltops are less conspicuous.
Three waste/recycling bins (addressing the green waste recycling issue)
Drone transport (for deliveries?)
Some things haven’t changed:
Sky is blue. That’s good.
The whole area hasn’t flooded from rising sea levels…
Adult Bluey drives, or at least is using a private vehicle, rather than something like an on-demand transit service. (Maybe the drone deliveries mean less congestion on the roads but traffic has never been a big issue in Bluey-Brisbane 😉)
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Inside the house is not crazy-futuristic, some electronic gadgets, like a Roomba. (I was expecting more high-tech like a Mr. Fusion from “Back to the Future” but that’d probably be by the kitchen or by the garbage wheelie-bins.)
I know my parents still have the same stereo they had 30+ years ago, and much of the same furniture.
Note that 30 years of progress has not improved how Roombas dock with their charging stations.
Some other new tech in the front hall:
Electronic digital picture frames with weird floating connections to the wall.
Wifi router thing on ceiling
Spherical thing (maybe something like an Alexa?)
New comfy chair, replacing the red one.
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Density Increase
The increase in land use density in the Brisbane suburbs where the Heelers live is one of those dreams of land use planners; more density in already developed areas is generally considered a plus, assuming the infrastructure can accommodate it. Higher density means more people in a given area making public transit more efficient and reducing costs to serve the homes with utilities.
Is that kind of growth possible in only a few decades? Yes, here’s a North American example… this is where I grew up, in the early 1980s it looked like this in Mississauga, ON around the Square One shopping centre…
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…and now it looks like this in the 2020s.
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So that’s growth over about 30-40 years, which is a little longer than how much time has apparently elapsed in “Bluey”, but not a lot. It’s possible, and this kind of thing can snowball / accelerate once initial projects get underway.
Public opposition (NIMBY) can prevent this kind of thing from occurring in many cities.
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chowadoe · 4 months
Heyyy I just have a question about your au (which I'm obssessed with btw)
How did Robotnik stumble across Sonic? How did they find eachother and why did Sonic choose to work with him? (I noticed you used quotation marks on the word "raised", this is why I'm asking)
(Also I'm sorry if you have explained this before I'm just dumb and forget things alot😭)
hehe yes!! i touched vaguely on it but in the AU, but i have more thoughts
the AU is set in a Mobius/Earth that's heavily-industrialized, nearly robot-run and almost-dystopian backdrop.. rather than it being a case of man vs robot, its more like Earth vs the over-industrialization done by humans.
I'd like to think Robotnik found Sonic when he was pretty young, before his teens. since it's a role reversal where Sonic takes on more of Shadow's "ism"'s, I'd think there's lapses in sonic's past/memories that's simply a result of his upbringing in an machine-operated unnatural world. possibly found him orphaned and beat up from an unfortunate run-in (with either a robot or something else) in some junkyard. also toying with the idea that Robotnik suspects a rodent problem in his lab because whyyy is stuff going missing :/ and it seems to be connected to this little hedgehog over here.
Robotnik, having a lapse in his usual evil scientist judgement, decides to take him under his wing under the self-disgusing excuse of 'yes! haha! i'll teach him for taking my stuff! he can become my minion! my protege!' (when really Robotnik probably has a soft spot for kids). Robotnik is also quite interested in Sonic's extraordinary speed, thinking he'll prove quite useful for his future endeavors if he can train him. of course, Sonic is like a stray dog and kind of feral, because who can he trust in this world other than himself, so used to fighting for scraps where he can. the socialization process is long and arduous process LMFAO (as for the clothes, Sonic isn't interested in things that are readily given to him, he likes pissing Robotnik more, so lets say its something he "borrowed" from the scientist's closet and modded to his own liking. hes silly like that)
Robotnik at first tries to placate him with clothes and "toys" and "treats" (like fidgets and building sets and small robots. Sonic always ends up breaking them.) with little success. Sonic probably escapes several times, only coming back for something he needs- and its a routine that they both get used to because Robotnik can say "this is your last chance!" all he wants but when is it ever. and it's a habit that Sonic never really outgrows either.
Robotnik comes to the conclusion that Sonic is better left treated like outdoor cat that lets himself in when he's bored or whatever else (Sonic's quite good at sneaking into places. hedgehogs and burrowing and all that). eventually the machines and robots Robotnik builds do pique Sonic's interest-- but mostly in breaking them. he's more invested in the ways he can take things apart than anything else and that's a reoccurring headache Robotnik imposes on himself by dishing out new tech for Sonic to try out and they come out worse for wear at the end of the day.
They both mind their business at the end of the day, their relationship is rather estranged with little-to-no familial regard, Sonic's more of a thorn in his side than anything, but Robotnik still does have a soft spot for the rodent. Sonic is like the adoptive son that just never left his rebellious phase, wanting nothing to do with his guardian but bothering them when its convenient. he's Robotnik's contractual accomplice but only when it's on Sonic's terms, only agreeing to certain requests if it's interesting enough, like trying out Robotnik's new "toys"/weapons/robots or if it's tech that happens to boost his existing abilities (that he can try out on Robotnik's robots or G.U.N. soldiers or whatever gets in his way first).
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some-rotten-nest · 1 year
Random DC/DP headcannons bc I can't sleep
Expect many typos
Danny hates storms, especially thunderstorms bc of the lighting cracking in the sky
Danny wears a power cuff like a bracelet that dampens his more violent powers bc he's scared of them (wail, large-scale ice like with undergrowth etc)
In one of his magazines, instead of bullets Jason keeps solid ectoplasm just in case, and so it's not conspicous
In his Phantom form Danny has a streak of black hair where his white usually is
Jason is fright knight (unless it's a Jason-Danny biologically related fic. Ghost Zone law says no one you share blood with (clones included) can become fright knight (but they can join the court and have other ranks))
Danny made a contingency plan against himself and with the help of a sibling (Cass most likely, though she did seem a bit sad) got it on the bat-computer. Password protected so Danny can't get into it. Bruce doesn't know and won't know until/if Danny goes bad. Bruce made a separate one for him.
Tim gets low and non-harmfil doses of ectoplasm in his coffee bc it is like a shit ton of caffeine for a living person. (Yes, some Amity Park drinks have ectoplasm in them too)
Danny asks Bruce, Tim and Lucius for help with Ghost King Shit TM
Duke has to squint when looking directly at ectoplasm (Danny's trying to find some solution but there isn't one)
Jason has a shadow core
Damian got extinct animals from Danny as a birthday gift multiple times (a dodo bird named Delilah, a messenger pigeon names Luke and a splendid posion frog named Ares)
To piss Bruce off, Jason got a pterodactyl he's named Flynn that he takes on patrol. Safe to safe, people get a hella more scared of Red Hood. Bruce hates it but Jason does actually love Flynn and Bruce can't bring himself to take Flynn awya
Danny made a patrol playlist for every member of the bat family and beyond bc he has one for when he goes out as Phantom (they all listen to their playlists and love them)
Before Danny was fully pulled into the family, he'd flinch at Dick's escrima sticks and still catches himself staring the weapon, his heart pounding
Danny found out Captain Marvel was a kid bc while on a mission with him, Captain Marvel pointed out that there was a pirate ship hovering above them and that Danny should probably deal with that. He'd, and any other Amity Parker that overhead, never laughed so badly in his entire life. Billy was never so scared & confused.
Bart and Danny are friends bc Dan had leveled most of the future before the Beatles took over what was left (I'm actually not that sure about Bart's backstory so feel free to correct me if something's wrong here)
Cass and Danny have staring contests alot. Sometimes the others think they've fallen asleep with their eyes open. They didn't.
Danny had a Twitter account for Phantom without Bruce knowing, but when Steph was trying to convince Bruce to let her have one she mentioned it and Danny had to delete it (he has an alt he now posts every embarrassing thing Batman does and has ever done)
Puns. So many puns between Dick & Danny.
Danny mumbles in his sleep
Crows flock to Danny like hungry tigers. Damian's envious but he gets to pet & feed them so it's mostly okay.
GW likes Jason and let's him borrow books whenever he wants to (also any destroyed book ends up with GW but that's a pretty common hc) but Jason has to swear not to give them to Danny. Not that Danny wants them.
Duke is helping Tucker out with studies and Tucker Duke with tech. Technus sometimes shows up too to help.
Johnny and Jason are dEAD bffs
Sam and Babs get on like a house on fire
Talia met Danny and they're actually friendly to each other. Sure, she's trying to trick Danny into giving her his throne, but Danny knew that and wasn't about to let that happen
Danny will randomly punch his siblings, smirk, then bow and say "my leige" and run away. The sibling now has the crown and is chasing to punch Danny back because honestly fuck that
Constantine is slightly terrified of Danny and Bruce uses it like a threat-- "John, if you don't answer, Danny will contact you." It works like a charm
When too excited, Danny and Jason will start talking in Ghost speech. It freaks everyone else but Damian and Cass out bc the same sounds came from the pits
Take, edit, have fun with whatever you want here. It's just bs that crawls around my brain for funsies and won't let me sleep.
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adidegmez · 5 months
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One last time
The bad batch s3 ep 15 spoilers
I am not okay.
Kids survived, some clones survived, tha batch survived What more could we ask for? Well i know Tech. I wanted Tech to return why couldn't he return. Why give us hope why? They convinced us cx2 is someone important and i believed he was tech. But no they just gave hope for nothing.
Ending caught me off guard. I thought someone was going to die i think everyone thought someone would ünd maybe even everyone dies. They survived all them i am glad by this its great.
I cried a lot. When they mentioned Tech i couldn't keep it together.
I am still sad. Ending was great we have everything we ever wanted except Tech.
Hemlock died, rampart died. Nala Se was good. Emerie helped the batch and now she and echo going to help clone underground(hopefully we will get a clone underground show with this artstyle). Everyone and everything is good again except tech i can't stop thinking the fact that they didn't bring hil back why???
If he doesn't have a hand to tremble, there is no trembling problem. They actually did that.
Echo is proud of Omega, hunter wrecker and crosshair knew right away zillo was omega's work.
I thought wrecker was going to die when he echo asked where Hunter and Crosshair are.
The hug omega gave Hunter and Crosshair, the scene where all the batch (except echo and tech of course) sitting in peace so beautiful.
Clone x troopers there are 4 of them. When i was watching i thought they might have been developed with special mutations like bad batch's. But this is not true probably one of those clone looked like a reg. They are all probably reg but how can they fight so good?
Btw I didn't think for even 1 second that the clones wouldn't help rescue their brothers. I like clones, their personality (and their voice ofc) is perfect.
I hope Crosshair knows tech wanted to save him(they must have told him right?). I wish Tech could've see crosshair's character development his story. I wish no could've knew he joined them. I wish... Tech was alive. They didn't bring him back but how could he be dea i still can't belive and now while writing this i am thinking why can't he still be alive maybe i am being so delusional but they didn't confirmed he is dead if there is no body then there is no death, right? Since the end of season 2 we assumed he was alive but they didn't do anything different in this episode than the whole season to prove he is dead. But we still believed he was alive why cant we still believe he is alive the show ended yes but maybe in the future they will make a clone underground show and maybe tech will return. He probably wouldn't return but i refuse to believe he is dead i will believe he is alive untul they prove he is dead but they probably wouldn't prove it. So in my mind tech will be alive and i don't care if i am being too delusional. 🤷🏻‍♀️
When i see older omega first i thought she became a liberater of ancient wonders but this ending made so much more sense. Omega left without saying goodbye to crosshair and wrecker. But Hunter and omega's conversation was beautiful. I think they made that place like a museum?
Crosshair and hunter together killed hemlock, they saved omega together, they believed omega, they believed eachother and themselves. That scene was perfect.
Everything went well, we got a better ending what i expected. But tech...
No matter how much we want some stories doesn't have a happy ending this is what i think about even though we have happy ending i will never forget how tech sacrificed himself for his family. in the end they didn't waste his sacrifice in s2 finale and they did what they were going to do before hemlock captured omega in s2. They lived a peaceful life in pabu they retired.
I keep coming back to the same thing, i know but i can't help it. Tech tech tech... Heroic tech.
I've written too many things too mixed up. But if you've read this far, thank you. And I'm so glad I can be a part of this adventure. I started by writing my thoughts about star wars on Tumblr. And here, theories, fanarts, headcanons, everything was beautiful. Thank you everyone for everything. I'm glad I was able to experience the adventures of Bad Batch with you. goodbye till the next adventure.
thank you dee bradley baker and michelle ang for bringing these characters to life. And thanks to everyone who worked on this beautiful show.
It has been a beautiful (sometimes painful an sometimes peaceful) journey.
goodbye to the bad batch, goodbye
and Omega.
It has been an honor to know you and being able to watch your adventures. Goodbye o7.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
With all this talk about AI, the one perspective that appears missing from the discussion is that of someone who actually uses AI writing tools in production of their fanfic. So here I am, stepping in to provide my (anonymous) two cents.
I've been using a generative AI program especially made for creative writers for several months now. Initially, I had a lot of the same reservations I'm hearing form others, but I was curious about the tech and wanted to try it for myself. I quickly discovered that it's insanely useful, and I truly believe it has improved my writing. 
I also believe these tools will become commonplace among creative writers in the near future. In fact, I've heard that generative AI is coming to a writing software near you (MS Word to be exact), and I suspect that that once more people have actually tried it, use of AI will begin to seem no more remarkable than the use of spelling or grammar checkers does now. 
In the meantime, as you can see, I am staying anon, and there is absolutely no way I would tag my fanfic as AI assisted given the current environment. People are very quick to make assumptions about what a statement like that means, and are all too hasty in reaching for their pitchforks.
As far as I can tell, the main concern seems to be that Ao3 will be flooded with 'bad' fanfic as a result of AI use. But 'bad' fanfic has been a thing for as long as I've been in fandom (decades, at this point), and in my experience, human beings are perfectly capable of writing poorly without any help from machines. Readers are, as always, advised to curate their own reading experience. The 'back' button works the same as it always did, and someone's possible use of AI changes nothing about that. 
But the general assumption that AI input automatically leads to 'bad' writing seems rather short-sighted. Yes, obviously if someone were to go to ChatGPT and tell it to write them a fanfic in 'x' fandon about 'x' pairing, the output would be bland, generic and probably a bit rambling. AIs are not great storytellers; they can't maintain narrative logic. 
If this hypothetical person then copy-pasted the unedited output directly onto Ao3 and called it a story, the result would most likely qualify as 'bad' fanfic. Whether it would be worse than a story the same person might have written on their own is debatable. Our hypothetical protagonist obviously decided that the output was good enough as it was, and chose to post it without bothering to edit, which suggests (at least to me) that they would have similar standards about a story they'd written without an AI.
Since the above seems to be the scenario everyone has in mind when talking about "AI fic," I would like to point out that what I just described is not the only way to use AI in one's writing. My own use is more akin to using an online thesaurus; a very powerful thesaurus that can make suggestions for things like phrasings, descriptions, dialogue, and so on. The key there is that it makes suggestions. 
My AI assistant is smart enough to 'read' the scene I'm working on and tailor its suggestions to the mood, style and context of what I'm writing. But it's still my story. The AI doesn't write it for me. I'm the one who sifts through those suggestions, takes the bits that work, and shapes them into useful text. Sometimes the AI comes up with amazing things. I wasn't kidding when I said it's improved my writing - and my rewriting. It knocks me out of those mental ruts we writers tend to get into, coming up with descriptions and turns of phrase that I wouldn't have thought of on my own. 
But it's still just a tool, and at the end of the day, I'm still the writer. The words that end up on the page do so because I chose them. Those writerly choices are what make the story mine, regardless of where the words might have originated from. And whether they came from my brain or the AI, they are still subject to the same standards of rewriting, editing and proofing.
So no, I don't think I'm going to be tagging my fic with an AI disclosure statement any time soon. Not until the current moral panic dies down to the point where people don't read that and automatically assume it means 'copy-pasted from ChatGPT.' And for anyone who's curious about AI... I suggest you try it for yourself. Play around a little and find out what it's about before making judgments. I think you'll find it's a tool like any other - and just like any tool, it can be used well or it can be used badly. That's entirely in the hands of the human being using it - which is one thing that hasn't changed, and never should.
Yeah, I fail to see any major issue with more sucky fanfic getting posted. That's just the default for big fic archives.
The actual problem problems we're seeing are with paid markets with open submissions that get flooded beyond what staff can handle and big corporations replacing humans they already try not to pay.
The main potential issue I see with other uses of AI is that it may end up with samey suggestions, but it's hard to know how much that's 1. a thing and 2. an actual issue when writing genre stuff that often sounds samey on purpose and where that's a desirable characteristic.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Ahola! Zoe how are you? ✨✨
Can I request some HC on how batchers would react to their children going through puberty? And how they would comfort and explain to them how it works and they would probably be upset because their baby is growing up 🥺🥺
Oh, interesting question...
The Bad Batch HCs - Puberty And Its Pitfalls
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Puberty - How do our boys deal with their kids going through one of life's most difficult phases?
He senses something is coming before it really gets started and takes his offspring aside to have a reasonable conversation.
"There are some changes coming your way. Physically but also mentally."
His child looks up at him critically.
"What kind of changes?"
"How well are you being educated at school? Have you talked about puberty yet?"
The child rolls their eyes, "Oh, you mean that. We learn all about it in school."
"I don't think you really learn everything," Hunter says doubtfully.
"The Holonet knows the rest. Dad, I don't really want to talk to you about it."
Hunter sighs and says, "Listen, just one thing, okay?"
He looks at his child urgently and says, "There will be days when everything will be too much for you, you will feel overwhelmed, feel many intense things at once. But that phase will pass. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me, okay? You can always talk to me, you know that."
Another eye roll, but then, a smile, "I know, Dad".
He got material, reading material, An audiobook and some handouts.
"You should take a closer look and listen to all of this in the near future."
His child looks at him questioningly.
"If you have any questions about it, come see me".
Echo waits several days, but his child doesn't ask questions.
"And did you read the stuff I gave you?"
The child shrugs and says, "Dad we learn this in school and things that are unclear can be looked up in the Holonet"
"You don't have any questions for me?" he asks, puzzled.
With a shake of their head, his offspring answers in the negative.
Echo sighs.
"Please don't grow up too fast"
The child laughs, "Relax, dad, just because I can handle this on my own doesn't mean I don't need you anymore."
Echo smirks and says, "You're smarter than your old man."
He feels a bit insecure and overwhelmed. His child's changing moods are getting to him, but he knows where it's all coming from. Tech has given him some good tips and provided reading material.
Wrecker is open and warm; his children, despite what they may be going through, find it easier to open up to him and seek advice or help in an emergency. Patience, understanding and caring, characterize him as a father.
"It seems like yesterday when I couldn't get you off the animal merry-go-round at the fair," he says wistfully.
"Dad, that was 11 years ago."
Wrecker sighs.
"It was still only yesterday to me. You grow way too fast, it's like you're getting married and moving out tomorrow"
The child laughs and squeezes him warmly.
"Oh, dad, I'm still here".
Wrecker squeezes his child and sighs again.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, even boys and girls and stuff".
The kid laughs, "I'll be fine dad, but if I'm not, I know where to find you."
He showers his child with reading material and gives one lecture after another until the child's ears almost bleed. It is very likely that Tech will have to be slowed down a bit by his partner or another family member.
A child going through puberty is a challenge that Tech takes seriously, too seriously, perhaps. He really exaggerates his efforts. He has read far too many reports of other parents' experiences and has been unsettled by many a horror story.
Theoretically, he is prepared for all eventualities. Even for the absolutely most improbable cases, for which he nevertheless admits a certain percentage of probability in the back of his mind. He is prepared. At least, he hopes he is.
"It's probably going to be scary," he says seriously.
His child says matter-of-factly, "I'm already educated, Dad."
"I meant for me"
He leaves as much as possible to his partner. The whole thing is an unpleasant, embarrassing topic, he thinks. So he tries to avoid big conversations about it.
But he has a basic conclusion.
"It's going to be exhausting, for all of us, but especially for you. You'll have the wildest ideas and thoughts. At best, don't give in to them. If someone touches you against your will, you tell Daddy, so he can kill the person"
"Um, okay Dad"
However, if his children really do seek his advice, he will of course try as hard as he can. But he doesn't tell anyone that he is sad about how fast his children are growing up, and tries to hide it in any case.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Entering season 2 with Spoils of War!
Honestly I think this is one of the best season openings I've ever seen. The setting is perfect for showing off their animation chops and the upgrade between seasons, bringing everyone into sight with Echo falling flat on their face is hilarious, and it leads into a fun high energy sequence that lets us see the time gap between seasons and just how much Omega in particular has grown. While also introducing us to why everyone is so tired because god are ALL THEIR JOBS LIKE THIS?
Cannot overstate how funny Echo face planting is.
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Fucking. Splat.
We went over the plan FIVE TIMES.
Tech turning the ship too sharply and throwing Omega out of it like what did you expect you knew she was out there
WHY IS OMEGA HANGING OFF THE SHIP?????? Hunter is SO TIRED. He is going to have a fucking heart attack at any moment and he sounds so much more tired than last season already.
"Better late than dead, I always say." Truly I would have done anything this woman said from this point on. Phee is so unspeakably gorgeous and this is still the best line to possibly have Tech come back on, just SAYING.
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The faces Wrecker and Omega make at each other on 'this one's too big, this one's too small' are amazing
THIS ONE'S GOT A FACE TATTOO just roasting Hunter with NO provocation, going straight for the giant tattoo on his face. Reasonable, frankly, it's not great for going undercover.
"GOT A NAME BROWN EYES~" I love her.
Wrecker stuttering out 'Yes ma'am' is exactly how I would be around Phee, huge mood.
Echo is the only one besides Tech that she doesn't roast, clear acknowledgement of the fact that Echo is perfect.
Cid leading a mutiny when Hunter doesn't like the war chest plan is fantastic honestly. "We took a vote" and Wrecker can barely even look at him. Sorry Hunter this team has been turned into a democracy you're being overruled. Even Killjoy agreed. Can't tell if Echo is horrified by the name or that they got ratted out.
Cid giving this job is interesting, because the obvious reason is that she wants the money too, but what she tells them is true and comes into play at the end. Eventually the Empire will come out here. If they had succeeded here, they might have split from her completely amicably which is probably what she preferred.
"You can have a future. Isn't that what you're after?" and Hunter looks at Omega I'm WAILING.
Echo has probably rehearsed this speech SEVERAL times. And while neither of them are entirely right (Hunter is right to want to protect Omega, but he's wrong to think that getting away from the Empire is even possible in the circumstances, Echo is right to want to fight the Empire but that doesn't mean they need to throw themselves right into the battle with everything they have) I think that ultimately Echo's POV is the more realistic. And what we've seen in other Star Wars media, and has also been set up in TBB before, is that it doesn't matter what Omega deserves, the world they're in doesn't allow kids to be kids. I'm thinking of Cham in season one saying that he doesn't want Hera to live her whole life fighting like he's had to, where we know damn well that it's exactly what happens - it might not be what they WANT for their kids, but sometimes it's the realities of life. They can't just walk away from that, no matter how much they might want to, not just because of a moral imperative to stand up to the Empire but also because it's just not possible.
Anyway I'm emotional as always over the fact that all Hunter wants is to let Omega have a childhood and that's one thing that I think she will not be able to have.
"Our lives are like this because of Omega" OW OW OW OW Echo WHY did you have to say that her room is RIGHT there.
Omega in her little room with Lula thinking about what she just overheard I'm destroyed.
One of the reasons that the theories that Hunter will die to save the team don't quite work for me is, like Tech, we already know Hunter would die for them. Right here his plan is that if anything bad happens he'll divert their forces entirely by himself, sure he has plans to do that and make it out alive but if he doesn't? He's fine with that, if it gets them out safe. Him sacrificing himself for them isn't any kind of character arc because we're already starting from a point where he'd do that without a second's thought.
Wrecker smoothly scooping Omega into the cargo crate is such an adorable moment.
Even through his helmet the power of Tech's >:T at Wrecker for stunning a guy is powerful enough to be felt.
Shout out to Hunter's gratuitous roll
"How could all of this belong to one person?" that's capitalism Omega
Somehow never noticed Wrecker calling Hunter 'Boss' before oh my god that's adorable.
"Are you sure this hatch will lead into the ship?" "If I am incorrect, we will instantly be sucked out and perish. I am seldom wrong!" I love him, he's so chirpy about it.
"Congratulate yourself after we escape" NO NEVER HE WILL CONGRATULATE HIMSELF RIGHT NOW
The inside of Dooku's palace is soooo gorgeous
Listen if the cargo containers can have thrusters to slow down their descent, I think that the tram cars could have them too, just saying.
"You are correct, I am impressed!" is so cuteeee oh my god.
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God I am cry at Hunter being too boggled to understand how to operate a lift. TECH USUALLY DOES THIS baby it is a TOUCH SCREEN it cannot be that hard what do you mean Tech usually does?
He's so fucking stupid I adore him.
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hux-and-gay · 1 month
Okay which AU should I make first? I will get To them all eventually, but I want to know which ones you guys are interested in the most. (some of these Jokes some of these are serious)
I don’t Blame you guys if you don’t read all of this
A. An AU based on H2O Just add water (if people don’t know this one I would be shocked, also yes this a joke one)
b. An AU based on Wolfblood: Basically people born with the ability to turn into wolves if you want the simplified version, kylo would be the wolf. Hux would be (shh secret lore stuff)
c. An AU based on Alien Surfer Girls: Kylo is an alien that has come to earth for some reason. The shows reason was surfing but I might change that bc why 😭 (this is another Joke one)
D. An AU based on Thunder Stone: A meteor destroyed life on earth so now the survivors live underground in a high tech society, and then one of them will discover time travel and go to the future where everything’s a desert and there’s like nomad rebel people that get captured by the dictator people and forced to work the mines and stuff, and also all the animals are just dead (i haven’t decided who is the traveler and who is from the future, also fun fact the show was made in the 90s but set in 2020, the meteor supposedly hit in 2003)
E. An AU based on Girl From Tomorow: Ben is from a post apocalyptic Utopian Future where everything is peaceful and they have these devices that allow to use what is basically the force. And Hux is from the past just before the apocalypse took place in a war torn world run by a dictatorship. Ben accidentally travels back to that time and has to figure out what to do because the apocalypse is getting closer and closer. he probably gets arrested by Hux or some thing.
F: an AU based Ocean girl: (I haven’t decided if they will be adults in this one or if it will be BenArmie) Kylo is living and working in an underwater, marine research facility as a marine biologist, and he comes across an island where he meets Hux an alien prince, who crash landed there when he was a child and Can like swim really well and talk to Whales
G. An AU based on Sparticle Mystery: A BenArmie story where all of the adults have been teleported into another dimension, leaving the children to fend for themselves (a lot of them end up creating dictatorships) anyway while traveling around Ben stumbles into a military school (that is one of those dictatorships) where he meets Armie. (I wish people would get the reference for this because the character I based Hux on is like so funny, also that character does have a romantic relationship in the show and has a child by the end of it 😂) in season two of the show, the kids parents get returned as teenagers. I don’t know if I will do that, but it would be pretty funny 😭 (this is like a semi joke one)
H. An AU based elephant princess: basically, Kylo finds out that he’s from a different dimension and is actually heir to the throne of that dimension, and has a whole bunch of magic powers. And he stuck between going off and living as a prince or continuing to be in his rock band, and also he’s distracted by the guy he has a crush on at school who just joined the band (this is a joke one, he’s literally going to be adopted by snoke. Also fun fact, young Liam Hemsworth is in this show.)
I. An AU based on spellbinder in the land of the dragon lord: this one is going to be more loosely based they just have a dimension traveling boat, and I just wanted to mess around with that. Like I remember, there was one of the universes where, like all of the adults could not have children, so they made children out of robots and then captured the characters because they realized that they could have children and we’re like “make us children!” Also all dressed like they were part of Victorian France, It’s a really weird show.
J. just a parody of Doctor Who but with Kylux.
(I wanted to do one based on house of Anubis but unfortunately, I don’t remember enough of the lore and I can no longer stream the show for free :( . If I somehow, miraculously, remember, I will update this.)
feel free to tell me why you’re interested in the ones you’re interested in, or list your level of interest for each one in the replies or tags, infact I encourage you to do this
@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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majimemegoro · 2 years
i listened to too much synthwave while doing my horrible tasks today so it got me thinking about my yakuza cyberpunk au concept which i dont think ive ever posted about
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(yes the jacket is full-length/down to the ankles, i just had to cut off the picture bc this drawing is from 2019 and the proportions are WACK)
so basically majima has cybernetic implants shimano wanted him to get for both his eye and also all the areas where his tattoo covers. i havent fully fleshed out the ideas but obviously the eye thing can enable him to zoom in and see infrared or whatever. also I think that the back piece maybe has like 2 “snakes”/metal tentacle things that can come OUT of it as though the snakes from his tattoo were coming alive. (but theyre robot parts. idk if im im explaining any sense im so tired)
so the implants are really heavy duty impressive ones, maybe even experimental, so his body is always rejecting them which is why the places where its attached to his human flesh look hideously irritated and infected. maybe you can see that better in this pic a little idk.
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also he has a cybernetic Bat which is just a regular Bat but it has some blinking lights on it for the AestheticTM. (just kidding it probably doubles as a tazer or something idk)
goda ryuji is obviously just how he is in dead souls haha.
and the new ideas i had today were that kadokura is a cybernetics developed/manufacturer (Rachi Future Solutions or something lollll), and when he recruits sato into becoming a Cyber Hitman (what is a hitman called in a cyberpunk world.. idk) sato doesnt get a gun arm or anything but he does get some modifications done to improve his already-supernatural bodily steadiness, probably at least one cybernetic eye etc., and he DOES get a chip put in his brain that can relay him information and stuff but also (unbenoknwst to sato) allows kadokura to monitor him at all times, see through his eyes etc., and even to manipulate and shut down certain emotions ! *FROZEN ROAR SPOILERS* so in this au sato is more of a victim, he ilterally couldnt feel remorse for his crimes, remorse was turned off !!!!!
but then when he goes to abashiri the chip is Out Of Range or Not Getting Reception or something! so when sato  meets ok*dera (who is Of Course does a bit of a mechanic on the side and can do really rough and ready cybernetics stuff—nothing like the sleek Rachi Future Solutions tech, its clunky and made up of old parts and so on but it gets the job done) suddenly satos brain starts to heal a little and oh no why doesnt he want to complete his mission ????
and probably at the end of the story okduera like gives sato a chip he had in HIS brain so even the Japan Central Computer or whatever the inevitably fascist surveillance state government has would read sato as ok*dera. (though how this helps given that ok*dera is wanted dead by the mob is an open question, as it is in canon..)
also i think that instead of having the mountain village vs city be like “this village people DONT have cybernetics, theyre ACTUALLY human” its more about tech sovereignty! like the mountain village is better because the cybernetics they use are homegrown and repairable and powered by their own code, not run by giant evil corporations who control them from afar and block out every good memory youve ever had or whatever
also yama-oroshi is obviously a giant mecha bear
anyway if you read this reblog and add ideas for other characters that people actually care about like kiryu and nishiki
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gotta be honest I felt real bad for most of the day yesterday but gosh it’s so nice to be able to swing by my bff’s house after work to eat thai leftovers together and go grocery shopping and cackle a lot. my overall quality of life is about to skyrocket and I just still can’t believe I got so lucky.
I feel a little better today, probably because I’ve switched into planning mode and feel a little more in control of my life again. I think I am going to move forward with IVF abroad (though in the meantime I might go through a couple more IUI cycles to use up the donor sperm I still have in storage). more thinking aloud under the cut… sorry I just have to process everything out loud.
I know many people do IUI or try to conceive naturally for a long time and there might be some wisdom in continuing to try the lower-tech option for a while longer. however, I feel like I need to consider the following things:
I only have one fallopian tube now. it’s still possible for me to get pregnant via IUI, but after reading a bunch of articles I’m not sure that the “having only one tube doesn’t affect your chances!” messaging online is true. I can still get pregnant, but it seems like my time to conception will almost certainly be extended by quite a bit.
I need to weigh the practical costs. if I try IUI for six more months, that’s at least $15k, which is almost twice what an IVF cycle abroad would cost me.
I need to weigh the emotional costs. the IUI failures were tough but I could weather them and I could’ve probably kept going if that last cycle had failed. but the ectopic pregnancy was just devastating and I still feel like I am in a place of lowgrade anguish about it. could I keep going with IUI? yes, if I had to. but I also don’t have to use “could I force myself to endure a very painful emotional experience if I had to” or “have other people endured this painful experience in the past” as my criteria for making this decision. I don’t have to compare myself to other people or make choices based on the level of despair I think I can endure. I can make the ‘selfish’ decision that prioritizes my needs right now, because it’s my money, my time, my life, my heart.
I just really, really, really want to give myself a good shot at being pregnant before my SIL gives birth in March. I would love for our kids to be the same age and I also think that would line me up better with liz & A’s timeline.
obviously I would just be over the moon to have even one baby!!!! but in my ideal world I’d be able to have two kids a couple years apart. and if that is my goal, the time pressure is real. if I got pregnant at 34 I’d give birth at 35 and probably wouldn’t begin the process again until 37, at which point it would be even harder than it is now. if I’m very lucky, IVF might also give me the chance to freeze embryos while my eggs are a little younger.
after a lot of research, I think finding a clinic in Mexico makes the most sense for me. it’s a little more expensive than some of the European clinics, but here are the benefits:
I can book direct flights on points
most flights are under 4 hours (compared to 14-15 hours to europe). so it’ll be easier to get there and back if I have to return for future transfers or egg retrievals—like, I could fly down over a long weekend instead of having to plan around major holiday breaks when I have more time off. I think this will put much less weight on each individual try, as opposed to doing it in Europe where a failed cycle would likely mean having to wait 6+ months until I could accrue enough PTO to go again.
I can arrange to work remotely some or all of the time I have to be in-country since I’ll be in the same timezone
no one is going to make this decision for me or give me permission to do it—I have to be the one to decide to move forward. so I’m deciding. this week I will reach out to 5-6 clinics to schedule initial consultations. I’m not sure how long the waiting period is but man it would be great to be able to schedule something for the fall. I think if I had a date on the calendar, even if it’s a ways out, I could focus my energy on diet/exercise/sleep/overall emotional well-being and just, idk, feel like I was moving towards a goal instead of drifting in time like I am now. if I want this I just gotta get moving. and if it doesn’t pan out I can grieve and shift my focus to other routes to parenthood, but I think I’m far enough down this road that I have to exhaust my options first before I’ll be able to let go of this dream and move on.
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moumantaimf · 1 year
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Friends ============= Panel 1: Xunkiira (although here she looks like a human with bean eyes, no extra arms, wings nor anything too weird) is talking to an audience with a couple other flieraugs next to her. There’s a whiteboard behind her that says “- Research networks - New storage tech (Magnetic) - Teach programming to kids - Shrink down computers - Commercial online services - More powerful OS - Chips - Instant electronic mail”. She says. “Technology cannot develop fast if everyone is an island. You need to create a network for researchers, where students and enthusiasts from all around this planet can interact and develop things together, as fast as possible. With fast i mean “immediately”, probably just seconds apart.” The narration at the side says “I arrived to Earth in 1967, and started teaching some nerds in high positions about the most immediate goals that their technology should have”.
Panel 2: The narration continues. “It was during these speeches that I met her. Rachel was one of the humans attending, and always asking questions”. The panel shows a girl with short but wide hair. She’s wearing some big thick glasses, asking Kiira 'What’s the best approach to shrink down computers?’”
Panel 3: 5 years later. The narration continues. “That girl got fired from her job, but she kept coming to my talks and asking questions. And I’d dare to say she was the human with most interest in what I was saying”. The panel has Kiira talking with a more casual attire than the previous ones. Rachel is raising her hand. Kiira says “Eventually in a future, your devices shall be as small as the one I’m holding. Yes, Rachel?”.
Panel 4: It shows Kiira and Rachel together, Rachel looks like she’s asking Kiira about something. The narration says “Eventually she asked me out. She asked me if I liked any music from Earth, and I had to tell her that I can’t hear, I can only read minds. She was sad; she wanted to talk to me about “The Beatles” and “Yellow Submarine”.
Panel 5: Shows Kiira and Rachel sitting down eating a hot-dog and a drink at some park. Rachel says “It feels weird to have my questions answered before even saying them out loud”. Kiira replies with “I see that. And yes, I hide a lot of my more ‘alien’ features to avoid humans focusing in them instead of the stuff I came to talk about”.
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sciencestyled · 9 months
When Atoms Wear Tutus and Paintbrushes Juggle Equations
In the kaleidoscopic circus of our modern world, where emojis have more emotional depth than a 19th-century novel and your grandma is probably a TikTok sensation, the unexpected ménage à trois of science, education, and art is not just happening; it's the rave of the century. This trio, once as likely to mix as oil, water, and a live toaster, is now the combo meal we didn’t know we needed. It's like discovering pineapple on pizza for the first time – bizarre, yet inexplicably harmonious.
Let’s start with science, that nerdy kid in class who now owns a tech empire. Science, traditionally the stoic monk meditating in a lab, has thrown off its lab coat and donned a party hat. Enter art, the flamboyant drama kid who can turn a blank canvas into an existential crisis. Mix them together, and what do you get? Well, for starters, you might find a holographic Van Gogh explaining quantum physics, or a robot that paints emotional landscapes based on climate change data.
Education, the diligent librarian who always thought she was the sensible one, has now joined the fray, lured by the siren call of 'engagement' and 'innovation'. She’s swapped her spectacles for VR goggles and is gamifying Pythagoras’ theorem. Imagine learning calculus through a virtual reality game where you dodge parabolas or rescue princesses trapped in geometric castles. Sounds like a nerdfest? Absolutely. Effective? Surprisingly, yes.
This trio’s impact on the real world is as loud as a cat walking on a piano. Take, for example, the medical field. Gone are the days of gory textbooks and sleepy lectures. Now, future doctors learn surgery through VR simulations so realistic that you can almost smell the antiseptic. And let’s not forget the patient education apps, where a friendly 3D heart explains your arrhythmia with more charisma than most TV doctors.
In environmental education, things get even wilder. Imagine learning about deforestation from a virtual reality orangutan who cracks dark jokes about losing its home. Or picture a climate change mobile game, where you slap carbon emissions out of the sky with a giant reusable straw. It's both tragic and hysterically ironic.
Art, once content in its ivory tower, painting fruit bowls and naked people, has jumped into the fray with a GoPro. Artists are now collaborating with scientists to create installations that change color with the ocean's pH levels or sculptures that moan eerily with the melting of glaciers. It's like Mother Nature got her own avant-garde art show, and it's both beautiful and mildly terrifying.
Let’s not forget how this trifecta has revolutionized mundane life. Remember when furniture assembly was a marriage-threatening activity? Now, with AR apps, you can see how that impossible-to-pronounce IKEA shelf looks in your room before it even arrives, reducing domestic squabbles by at least 37%.
In education, traditional textbooks are about as popular as landlines. Interactive eBooks now dominate, where historical figures pop out to give first-person accounts, and math problems turn into epic quests. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Julius Caesar rap about the Roman Empire or an animated Pythagorean theorem breakdancing to explain itself.
And then there's the art world, traditionally as accessible as a hermit in a mountain cave. Now, augmented reality apps allow you to place a Van Gogh in your living room or turn your bathroom into an underwater art gallery. Who needs wallpaper when you can have a virtual Klimt?
In a nutshell, the convergence of science, education, and art in our modern age is like a cosmic blender – throw in a bit of everything, hit 'puree', and voilà! You get a concoction that's educational, insightful, and wildly entertaining. It’s an LSD trip with a PhD, a rollercoaster ride through the library of Alexandria, and a disco in a laboratory, all rolled into one.
As bizarre as this cocktail may sound, it's a testament to human creativity and adaptability. In a world that often feels like it’s one cat meme away from implosion, this unexpected alliance offers a glimmer of hope – a reminder that sometimes, the most groundbreaking ideas come from the most unanticipated collaborations.
So, the next time you see a hologram discussing Shakespeare, or a sculpture that reacts to pollution levels, don't be too surprised. It's just science, education, and art having a wild party – and trust me, you're invited.
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Shad Plays Future Redeemed: 📻
Warning a big chunk of this has me theory crafting.
Radio with Vector branding? Same Vector that made KOS-MOS in Xenosaga?
The radio mentions Project Exodus and mentions an Arc Ship called Icarus, which fits the naming convention of Xenoblade X.
But also name drops DIMITRI? XENOSAGA AGAIN?
Look Na'el and Matthew's Heart to Heart is probably really wholesome and sweet but YEAH NO I WAS LOOKING AT THE SUBTITLES ABOVE.
Some people in the Xenoblade netspace claim that the Xenoblade X nods here are like...just nods and aren't really confirming anything while the Saga stuff should be important.
Look. That's a bias, plus I really think something more deep is going on here. Something that's kinda big? Takahashi is definitely cooking a buffet for us.
What I mean here is, okay okay hear me out. Monolith might be getting the Xenosaga IP back? Namco hardly does anything special with it other than have Tales characters wear the corpse that the games have become.
The last major appearance any Xenosaga character has had was in Xenoblade 2. And then we get this.
We have lore from artbooks that already confirmed the possibility that Vector exists in Xenoblade given they're still responsible for KOS-MOS (And Tel-os too) and with it being in Alpha's memory space it retroactively explains things just like a lot of things.
I don't want to turn this gameplay summary into just a huge theory board but it's like...I GOTTA take a whack at this.
Yes X has aliens and Saga doesn't , big woop. Xenoblade already established alternative dimensions and the possible way to interact with them via things like the Conduit.
What if a Vector exists in a world where there IS sentience beyond Earth? It's possible! Keep in mind that KOS-MOS is canonical to Xenoblade 2, as she's in base game.
Future Redeemed established that all quests you do are canonical as is fighting every Unique Monster.
So Rex at some point woke KOS-MOS.
Its mentioned in the artbook that both battle androids were on the World Tree and fell to the clouds if my memory is correct.
The idea of core crystal technology wasn't nearly at the point it becomes once 2 starts, but given Vector exists...this version of of the company probably used core crystal tech in their designs. Not sure if Klaus believed in open source but like...KOS-MOS definitely knows what the World Tree really is.
Okay yeah I'm scraping just the surface of Xenosaga stuff but like, I feel under qualified to talk about it. Leave that to the diehards.
But X I feel perfectly qualified in.
We see a reformed world in the post credits scene with SOMETHING careening down to it. Saga fans will claim we're looking at somewhere important from their game, but X fans will say its Mira. Meaning what we see falling is either the White Whale...or a Saga Spoiler.
Keep in mind this is a Xenoblade game.
It's probably Mira and the White Whale. Which yes, would be conflicting since "WELL THEN WHY HAVE THE VECTOR STUFF AND MENTION DIMITRI AND ALL THAT?! THERE'S SPACE COLONIZATION. "
X had a lot of Saga blood for sure, but this seems to pretty much hint that something wacky is happening in greater Xenoblade lore.
Earth went BOOM in X, but Klaus destroyed it/split it in the trilogy. So that's the argument people make. How can the reformed world be Mira if earth died a different way in X?
I...I really don't have an answer other than it's possible that Mira has some strange way of pulling other universes peoples in to preserve life because it's core is Origin or something?
Look I'm stretching here I'll admit. But I'm just wondering if time and space warping caused something?
This DLC broke me, Matthew says his full name at the end confirming that the house titles are indeed Last Names and as far as I care, Ortiz is Shulk's and Rodes is Rex's since that's the last names their kids chose to use at least.
They fused into a huge mech. Alpha's second phase belongs in Bayonetta, N actually has pretty damn good writing with depths I didn't expect.
But I'm still not gonna calm down about that DAMN RADIO!
Edit: Okay so after giving more thought, I can see the Xenosaga connections more clearly, and yeah they're important. Namco did snag the copyright to Xenosaga a while back (the Fandom went nuts). And while I don't think the future connections will be as glaringly obvious as some might hope, I do see Namco popping in to allow references moving forward. I expect them to use X substitutes when needed if they can't agree to do __
X definitely is its own separate universe within the multiverse, but I would at least say that hypothetically some characters from X would exist in a Trilogy universe, just not in the same exact roles due to timeline wackiness. (No Elma though, she would break the No Xenoforms rule).
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shurisneakers · 4 years
harmless (ii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, stealing cultural landmarks, frustrated bucky
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: made a header 4 this fic but i couldn’t take it seriously enough <3 
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! it’s always fun to hear from y’all. 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
It’s roughly a week before he sees you next.
Right on time too, according to the briefings he had received. Once a week you’d come up with your next batshit crazy idea and someone would be sent to make sure you didn’t execute it.
It was more of a babysitting gig than anything. Most people would do one, maybe two assignments before asking to not be sent again. 
He was not most people. He volunteers to go again. His afternoon is relatively free and he’s bored. 
Also, and more importantly, he needs to get out of the house before Sam finds out what he did.
“You’ll find her near the Statue of Liberty.”
“How do we know?”
“Oh, she tells us.”
“...she tells us where to find her?”
“Most times, yes. She says it’s time efficient.”
Absurd. He thinks you’re absurd.
Bucky finds you in line to board the ferry. You’re dressed to the nines like an obnoxious tourist, even though you were a local, topped with binoculars and a bucket hat. 
On an unrelated note, he thinks that maybe the mission today is to kill you for daring to wear sandals with socks like a suburban dad. A shudder runs through his body when he sees it.  
He’s wearing all black and a baseball cap. Somehow he’s standing out more than you are.
He boards the ferry behind you, keeping a close eye on all your movements. You take your place near the railing, a seat near the front of the boat. 
His phone rings. He answers it, expecting Sam to screech at him for painting Redwing neon pink again. He should have known it was coming after he shoved Bucky off the quinjet before he had time to strap his parachute on properly. 
“I thought I told you to bring a cape.” 
He quickly looks up at you but you’re not facing him. You have your phone held up to your ear, however.
“How did you get this number?” he asks icily.
“I knew you’d show up again.” Your head tilts to look at the statue in the distance. “Also, thanks for the door money, but I’m not sure I appreciate how you think the least creepy way to give someone money is to drop it off anonymously at their doorstep.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He swiftly gets up, stalking over to where you’re sitting. He was advised not to do anything aggressive. Advised was a flexible word. 
“Because I wasn’t going to answer it.” You look up at his figure looming over you. “Oh, hey.”
The phone is still pressed to the side of your face even though he’s right beside you. He cuts the call, shoving it back into his pocket.
“Allow me to introduce my pl-”
“What are you doing here?” He cuts to the chase. 
You send him a glare. “I was going to say it before you told me to. And sit down before everyone thinks you’re going to kill me.”
“Why are you going there?” He doesn’t have time for this, he thinks. He has important things to do. Like watching the reruns of Masterchef Junior. 
He sits in the seat beside you.
“Look at us.” You grin at him. “Me with the evilest outfit I could think of, you with your... Addams Family cosplay. We’re like, two peas in a po-”
“Start explaining,” he interjects. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m going to shrink the Statue of Liberty and use it as a keychain.”
“What?” It’s probably the most benign plan he’s ever heard in his life.
“I’m kidding.” Oh, good. “I’m not using it as a keychain, I’m taking it to class.” Nevermind. 
“What?” He finds himself repeating his previous question.
“I’m shrinking all the statues I can find. I want to use it in my classroom to teach the kids.”
“You’re... a teacher?” He blinks.
“You got a problem with that?” You look offended, to say the least. 
“No.” It’s not what he would peg your occupation as. He didn’t think you had one at all. “How are you planning on shrinking it?”
You rummage through the ugliest fanny pack he has ever had the misfortune of seeing. You pull out a small ring box, complete with a bow tied neatly on top. 
“I was saving this for our third anniversary, but-” you offer him a nervous laugh.
His stony expression doesn’t change, not even a blink. 
“Fine, Jesus, you’re no fun,” you huff, dropping the emotional act when he doesn’t look amused. 
You flip open the lid. Inside there are a few small disks. It looks familiar, he realises.
“Your friend Ant-Boy didn’t file a patent, so I just took his whole shtick.” He wants to defend Scott’s honour; it’s Ant-Man not boy. He doesn’t. He’s too transfixed on what you have in your hand.
“Pym particles.”
“The diet version.” You pick up one of them carefully. “A ripoff, but effective. Just gotta attach it to the thing I want to shrink and give it a few minutes.”
“You’re going to steal the Statue of Liberty,” he says, frankly a little taken aback that you were serious.
“Would you relax? I’ll put it back.”
“That’s not the point,” he damn near exclaims. “You can’t take away the Statue of Liberty just because you feel like it.”
“I literally can.” You point to the chips in your hand. “That’s the point of this, keep up.”
He feels exasperated. He didn’t sign up for this when he became an Avenger.
“Give me the box.” He makes a grab for it but you yank it away from his reach.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
“I don’t have time for this.” His reruns would begin in an hour.
“That’s my problem, because...” you trail off. 
He rolls his eyes, makes a grab at the box again. His tactic is different this time. He stealthily pins one of your arms down so that you’re basically incapacitated.
“Hey! Stop that.” You fumble against his reach, shoving him with your elbow.
“Just give me the thing and we can all go home for the day,” he huffs, unfazed by your squirming.
“No! Over my dead bod-” 
He doesn’t immediately notice what goes wrong in the scuffle. 
Until you look at the ground near your feet. A disk lay there, undisturbed.
“Is that-” All of a sudden, either he’s getting taller or the ceiling of the boat is getting lower.
“Oops,” you say, not remorseful in the slightest. 
“Are we going to-”
“I’d give it five minutes max.” 
Great. He was stuck on a boat that was beginning to shrink. The other passengers were either oblivious or ignorant to seats that were starting to become too small for them, but Bucky’s heightened senses and extreme reflexes made it hard to skip.
He nudges the piece of tech with his foot. Maybe he can kick it off the boat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” you warn solemnly. He wants to disagree but doesn’t know enough about the device to dispute you. 
“Fix this,” he hisses, panic slightly rising. His fingers find their way to his phone to send out an emergency text requesting backup and mass evacuation. 
“I think it’s a rather lovely day for a swim, don’t you?” You stare dreamily at the waves that were inching closer up the boat. 
Or you were inching closer to the water. Technicalities were frivolous. 
“There are other people on this boat.”
“River’s big enough for all of us, I reckon.”
“Fix it.” 
“Or what?” There’s a wicked gleam in your eye. “We both know I have the upper hand here.”
“Or I call the entirety of the Avengers here and haul your ass to prison.”
“Will they bring snacks?”
You’re insufferable. You know it. But you also are the fastest way to get out of this situation and right now, he didn’t want to be responsible for a shipwreck simulation. 
“Fine. Tell me what you want.”
“I like soy chips.”
“Soy chi-” He nearly throws his hands up in frustration. “You know what I’m talking about.” 
“I want one historical artifact so I can impress the kids. They think I’m the cool teacher and I want to keep that reputation alive.”
“What makes you think I can arrange for that?”
“You’ve been alive since goddamn dinosaurs roamed this earth, I’m sure you have some connections.” You pause to assess his face. “You know, you don’t look a day over 29. Dermatologists must hate yo-”
“I’ll get you an artifact, now fix the fuckin’ boat.”
“You promise?” You grin brightly. 
He stares at you. You are unyielding. 
The boat’s uncomfortably small and people are beginning to take notice. Worried murmurs fill the air behind him.
“Okay.” You shrug simply.
You kneel over, picking up the chip from the ground. You do nothing else for two minutes, instead turning away from him to look at the Statue of Liberty that was coming closer.
It takes him a while to realise that half his body isn’t hanging off his chair anymore. The ceiling is moving further and further away from the top of his head. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He wants to strangle you. 
Why did he listen to you when all of this would have been over the minute he kicked it off the ship. 
“You can drop it off at my lair on Monday and pick it up on Friday.” You gather your belongings, leaving him steaming behind you. “Nice talkin’ to ya, Sergeant.” 
You step over him, flashing him a quick smile before walking off the boat with the rest of the tourists as if nothing had just taken place. When he looks down, the stupid ring box is on his lap.
He sits there, unmoving, eyes fixed on the container.
The ferry conductor asks if he’s going to get off the boat. 
He simply shakes his head.
Next part
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: pure fluff and a happy ending as promised :)
A/N: the final chapter 😭❤️ see my full note at the end
Chapter 37
“What’s your location? Over,” the walkie talkie on the kitchen counter crackled.
“Dino chicken nuggets are coming out of the oven as we speak. Over,” you replied back.
“Roger that. Over and out,” Jo stated and the walkie talkie went back to static.
Spencer got them as a gift for her and she would constantly have one with her, giving the other to someone before leaving the room so they could talk through it.
You headed out to the back porch and down the steps into the yard with a big plate of nuggets and dipping sauces as well as some juice boxes and applesauce for the twins.
“Coast is clear. Do you copy? Over,” you spoke into the walkie talkie.
“Affirmative. Bring ‘em up,” Jo exited the main part of the treehouse and you saw her on its little porch.
Spencer had built her a little pulley system with a basket and rope so she could lower or raise items up into the treehouse instead of carrying them up the ladder.
You placed the food and drinks inside and then made your way up the wooden ladder.
“Thank you, Mommy,” Jo smiled as she bit into a nugget.
“No problem, Cadet Jo,” you ruffled her hair up a little as she giggled.
You ducked to get through the door of the treehouse and sat down on a cushion on the floor next to Spencer who had both the twins in his lap.
“What are we watching?” you asked as you clipped the twins’ bibs on.
“Cars!” Jo cheered.
“I wanted to watch a subtitled Russian film but I was ‘boo’ed when I made that suggestion,” Spencer grinned as he grabbed the spoon to start feeding the babies.
“Hm I wonder why,” you teased.
Once Jo got the movie playing on the laptop, she took a seat in your lap with the plate of nuggets and took turns eating one, then handing one to you, then Spencer.
Once all the kids were fast asleep in your laps and the credits were rolling, you turned to Spencer.
“You and Derek really did a good job building this treehouse, love,” you complimented him.
“Anything for my family,” he smiled, then leaned over to kiss you.
It was the morning of Jo’s 8th birthday party. You wanted to make it extra special in light of what happened at her 7th birthday party.
Spencer kept reminding you that it wasn’t your fault a psychopath shot you and sent you to the hospital but you just wanted to give Jo the party she deserves.
You rented a bouncy house and an inflatable water slide. Spencer was doing a magic show and Penelope was doing face paintings. You baked a huge stegosaurus-shaped cake from scratch. No kid would be bored and Jo would have an amazing time.
You settled for having it in your backyard instead of the park now that you had plenty of room. The whole team came over earlier to help set up.
Penelope got all her paints organized on the porch table as Spencer set up his mini stage for the performance. Hotch and Derek filled the slide with water while you and Emily carefully brought the massive cake to the table outside.
Jo came running outside already in her swimsuit, eager to get the first splash in the water slide.
“You have to come with me, Uncle Derek,” she insisted.
“Jo, I don’t have my swimsuit on,” he replied.
“You’re in athletic shorts. They’ll dry quick,” Savannah, his girlfriend, yelled from where she was setting up the food table.
Derek looked to Hotch to help him out. Hotch pointed back to Jo who was giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine,” he groaned, taking off his shirt which elicited a holler from Penelope.
Jo made her way up the steps with Derek right behind her.
Jo sat down in Derek’s lap and then turned around to face him.
“Okay, ready?” she asked him.
Derek nodded and then pushed off, sending them both down the slippery slide.
“Weee!” Jo exclaimed as they slid down.
“Again,” she demanded, “Where’s Daddy?”
“He went to put his swimsuit on, Baby J, so he can go with you,” you told her as you set Ollie down next to Ophelia in the playpen outside.
“Coming, Princess!” Spencer ran outside and scooped the little girl up in his arms as he trekked up the steps.
“How about we go down like a penguin this time?” he suggested.
Jo nodded enthusiastically as Spencer got onto his belly and Jo laid on top of him and wrapped her hands around his neck.
“1…2…3!” Spencer pushed off and they raced down the slide again, Jo giggling the whole time.
“Again!” Jo said.
“I think we are going to have to buy one of these, love,” Spencer called over to you, laughing and running up the stairs right behind Jo again.
“Please welcome my lovely assistant to the stage,” Spencer spoke in his magician tuxedo.
You waved as the audience clapped. You were wearing a sparkly red sequin dress to compliment Spencer’s bow tie.
“I am going to make my assistant…disappear,” he stated.
The kids in the audience gasped.
Spencer took your hand and guided you to the big black box in the center of the stage.
“Just like we practiced,” he whispered to you as you stepped inside.
You winked and he kissed your hand as he let go and closed the door.
Spencer knocked on the door a few times and wiggled his hands for some showmanship.
“Okay, on the count of 3. We’re all going to yell ‘Abracadabra’,” Spencer explained, “1…2…3!”
“Abracadabra!” all the kids yelled.
Spencer set off a small smoke bomb and quickly opened the door, revealing an empty box.
The kids all screamed in wonder.
“Bring Mommy back!” Jo yelled.
You had to stifle your laughter from behind the fake wall in the box you were hiding behind.
“Your wish is my command, Princess,” Spencer closed the door again.
“To reverse the spell, we need to say the exact same word,” Spencer stated.
“Abracadabra!” the kids yelled once again.
This time, you opened the door and the kids clapped enthusiastically.
“For this next trick, I need a volunteer from the audience,” Spencer smiled.
All the kids’ hands shot up in the air.
“I’m going to have to go with the wonderful birthday girl right in the front row,” you took Jo’s hand and escorted her up onto the stage.
“Jo, I need you to pick a card, any card. Show the audience but not me,” Spencer fanned the cards out in his hands and closed his eyes.
Jo picked the ace of hearts and showed the audience.
“Now, put it back in the pile,” he said.
“Alright,” Spencer opened his eyes and began to shuffle the cards, “Is this your card?” he asked, holding the eight of spades.
“No, Daddy. Try again,” Jo said.
“Is this it?” he questioned, holding the queen of diamonds.
“No, Daddy.”
“Oh,” Spencer smacked his forehead, “I know where I put it,” he pulled off his top hat.
Spencer then proceeded to pull a bouquet of flowers, an endless handkerchief, a rubber chicken, and many other silly things out of his hat that had the kids in tears from laughing.
Finally, he pulled out the ace of hearts, “Is this your card, Princess?”
“Yes, Daddy!” she beamed, hugging him.
Jo’s birthday was a complete success. She was completely worn out by the end of it and slept in late the next morning.
But when she did finally wake, she was eager to try out her gift that you and Spencer had gotten her: a big kid bike with no training wheels. It was purple which was her favorite color with a white basket on the front and a little bell on the handlebars.
You and Spencer were going to teach her how to ride it today. She padded up with some knee pads and elbow pads and her helmet.
You had the twins in their double stroller with mini bucket hats on to protect them from the sun.
“Okay, Jo. Me and Daddy will run with you for a little but then we’re going to let go but you’re going to keep pedaling,” you explained to her.
“I’m scared,” she replied, looking at the street in front of her.
You were practicing in the street in front of your house because it wasn’t very busy and it was flat. Plus, you could leave the twins in the stroller in the driveway.
“It’s okay, Baby J. You’ve got all your padding on so even if you fall, it won’t hurt at all, I promise,” you assured her.
“I believe in you, Princess,” Spencer kissed her helmet-covered head.
“I’m ready,” she nodded, moving her feet to the pedals.
“That’s my girl,” you smiled.
You and Spencer began to jog alongside her as she pedaled.
Spencer looked at you, “Okay, Princess. We’re letting go.”
You and Spencer both removed your hands from her bike and she continued to speed forward.
“Yes, Jo! You’re doing it! ” you encouraged her.
“Princess, can you turn around and come back to me and Mommy?” Spencer asked.
Jo carefully steered her bike and headed back to you both with a massive smile on her face. You and Spencer were loudly cheering her on.
“Okay, try to brake,” you said.
Jo slowly came to a stop right in between you both.
“You’re a pro!” you grinned as you both knelt down to hug her.
Jo had been biking for the past hour and she was still having a blast.
You and Spencer were laying in the front yard with the twins in your laps.
“Mommy, Daddy! Look!” Jo exclaimed as she did donuts on the bike.
“We’re looking, Baby J,” you laughed, “Great job!”
You leaned your head on Spencer’s shoulder.
“Y/N…” Spencer began.
“Yes, Spence?”
“Thank you,” he replied.
“For what?” you looked up at him.
“All this,” he motioned to Jo, the twins, the house, the yard, the chalk drawings on the driveway, the rocking chairs on the front porch, the doormat that said ‘The Reids’, everything he ever dreamed of, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you kissed him, “I’d give you the world if I could.”
“You already have,” he smiled.
A/N: thank you everyone so so so much for reading, commenting, reblogging, etc.! i love you all so much. i’m probably going to miss this too much and do one-shots of this series in the future. also, this series hit 14,000 on ao3! that’s crazy that that many people read my work. thank you, just thank you! -dory <3
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego @idonotexiste @beepbooptoop @tvandfanfic @mggsprettygirl @big-galaxy-chaos @navs-bhat
series taglist: @doctorreiding @reidsfish
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