#and you had to take like 6 naps a day because cat
ooc-themis-cattails · 8 months
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With all due respect, o sagacious guardian, I am literally a cat.
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flowerfreya · 2 months
The Office AU
This is part 3
Part 1 / Part 2
Just getting some more backstory for the reader and the boys as well. I’m trying to make it interesting but if it feels like to much filler let me know pleaseee
Poly!141 x reader
Content: reader backstory , and they have a girlfriend???!!!
He sees you before you see him and that is because you're taking a nap at your desk, your head down with sunglasses on, at least that's what he thinks. All the lights are off because they are motion sensored and when Simon comes in because of course he is the first one here the lights turn on. You shoot straight up sunglasses askew.
“Good morning Simon” You smile nervously. “ I got here at 6 am so I just took a quick cat nap before everyone came in and I had an alarm set for 7:30 before everyone came in but it looks like we have an early worm”. You’ve changed from the sunglasses to your regularly prescribed glasses, standing up with your makeup bag.
“Why did you get here at 6 am?”
“Oh, my boyfriend gets here at 6am and you know only one car”, you shrug like it's a normal occurrence. He just lets out a hum and just sits at his desk and you walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
By the time everyone comes in, you're ready for the day. You greet everyone with a smile and wave.
Simon stands up, which you don’t normally see, “Need to talk to you”, as he walk to John. Simon shuts the door after entering and you're a bit nervous that he's going to tell you about sleeping and you're trying not to stare but you can’t help it, you really need this job. Soap comes up to your desk and peaks over, “Did you get anything from TJ Maxx, Hen?”.
“You know about that?”
“Ha, well I never got a chance to go, but maybe this weekend”, you don’t say because when you got home you had to do all the chores that didn’t happen when you were at work and then you were so tired, you did your skincare and knocked out. He questions why you didn’t go and respond with a basic one liner, you know life. You look up at him and smile , he opens his mouth and looks like he’s about to say something and John’s door opens back up , only Simon leaving and John's voice carrying out in the office building calling your name, “Let me see you in here” . You move quickly half thinking your going to get fired and take a seat and instead of word vomiting like you did before you just sit there and wait.
John sighs and shakes his head like he can’t believe what he’s about to ask,“Love, why are here so early” .
Your so embarrassed about your car situation and how it’s already affecting your new job, “Me and boyfriend, only have one car so I have to ride with him and his shift starts at 6am so that’s why”
“One of the guys are me can pick you up on the way to work, if you want”
“Oh no , I don’t mind getting up early unless you mind me being here early…..” you trail off , hoping that this won’t be such a big deal.
“It’s fine, bird. Just don’t want you to go sleep on us waking up that early and working is hard”
“Oh no, I’m good. I just take a nap before everyone gets here, if that's okay, I don’t charge it on my time card”.
“That's not what I'm worried about”. You look away , not sure what to say and your eyes fall to his desk. He has around 20 challenge coins that look like from his time in the military. You see pictures with all the boys , some in uniform , some in just civvies, but they all look happy and so close it makes your heart hurt. You decide to change the subject.
“How long have you known the boys?”, you ask, gesturing toward the pictures.
He cocked his head to the side and smiled,”I feel like I’ve known them forever”. He sounds so fond of them and you can see the connection between them from the few days you’ve worked there. You're about to ask another follow up question but then you are interrupted by a knock and then the door opening.
“John”, a woman exclaims loudly and hops around the desk and gives him a kiss. It's a giant kiss. Somehow also…wet. Unprofessional. You know your mouth is open and you are staring but like what else are you supposed to do.
“Kelly, the door was shut, that means I was in a meeting. You know that.” ,he says in a low voice.
“Honey, I didn’t see her the-” , you cut her off ,” Oh,no I was just leaving“. You stand up and attempt to push in the chair but it doesn’t fit under the desk, so now everyone is looking at you attempt to push in a chair that you actually can’t. “Okay, I’m just going to go, do you want it open or shut?”, you ask.
They both say the opposite answers at the same time. You look between the both of them. “Uhhh”, you don’t even know who this woman is and what she is to tell and how much pull she has in the office.
“Open.”, John states matter of factly.
You’ve been sitting at your desk for around 20 minutes. You haven’t done that much work because the door is shut , the blinds are closed and you wonder what they are doing in there and its distracting you. You message Soap.
>>come here.
Soap looks up at you with eyebrows raised. You motion your head in a come here motion. He leans against your desk, “Aye, hen” , you try to make sure your tone doesn’t sound like a crazy lady, “who is Kelly”, and maybe you shouldn’t have ask because he stiffens up and avoids eye contact with you and hmmms.
“Oh, nevermind you don’t have to answer”, you add a chuckle to end as to not be awkward and look down at your keyboard.
Speak of the devil and she will appear , Kelly steps out of the office and see’s Soap and gives him an intimate hug, she knows his body she’s done this before. “I’m going to go to the annex and say hi to Gaz”, Kelly mentions as she moves toward the back of the office.
You see it for what it is, they share. Which is fine you do not judge on relationships but you don’t know what you thought was going happen between Soap or Johnny or even Simon like you have a boyfriend for christ sake.
Your boyfriend comes in, hes in a good mood. He wants to go out for dinner , he of course picks the place. Your just happy you don’t have to cook. Your shutting down your computer, putting on your jacket and getting you lunch box. You wish them a goodnight. John comes out of his office, “Everything, okay”, you nod your head and smile. It doesn’t matter anyway. Your happy. Your so fucking happy so it doesn’t matter anyway.
They “break up” with Kelly that night. They do it at a nice restaurant and do it immediately so she won’t get any other ideas. Simon doesn’t say anything, he knows Kelly only put up for him because they are a package deal. She of course ask why and John take points and lets her down gently but firmly. Then they get up and brainstorm how to get their Hen.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
listen .. i could go off all day about sukuna’s little family but but please thoughts of little baby boy and his bottom eyes haven’t opened yet and his mom is waiting excitedly because sukuna didn’t know his son wouldn’t be able to open his four eyes for the first 6 months of his life!! wondering how long it took him!!! big surprise when those little blinky eyes are mommy’s 🤭
Two lines of soft, whispy eyelashes. That was the only thing that marked the two little lines under your son's wide wondrous eyes as eyes. He as already 6 months old, and yet he still refused to open them.
"Give him time Darling, he'll open them when he's ready" Sukuna reminded you gently when he caught you gently caressing your sleeping baby's cheek, no doubt looking at those eyelashes.
"I know, I know im just...I'm so excited!" You confessed, "You said he'd open them any day now, I'm dying to know what they look like..."
"They're probably going to look like his eyes" Sukuna chuckled softly. This wasn't him being an ass either. Your son had bright, crimson red eyes that perfectly matched his fathers. Eyes that he used to take in the world with bright excitement and wonder. It was entirely reasonable to assume his second set of eyes would match his main set.
"Hey, your eyes don't match!" You reminded him, only for him to raise a questioning eyebrow at you. "Your second set has cat eye pupils."
"Oh please," he scoffed, rolling all four eyes. "Thats such a minor difference."
"Its still a difference!"
"Y/n, you're being-" he was cut off by the baby fussing in his bassinet, done with his nap and no doubt ready for lunch. Ryomen joined you by your side as you picked up the child, cradling him in your arms.
"Good morning sunshine!" You cooed softly. You watched as your sons eyes fluttered open, bright red irises greeting you. He giggled and kicked in your arms, ready to move and get back to the day.
And then those thin little eyelashes started to flutter. Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt Ryomen wrap his arm around you-pulling you closer in anticipation.
Slowly, his secondary set of eyes fluttered to life. And your gorgeous eyes blinked back at you.
"Well I'll be damned-" Sukuna laughed softly as he looked at his sons mis-matched eyes. You squealed with delight as you bounced you baby.
"Yes!" You cheered, "finally! Something about you looks like me!" You celebrated, peppering your giggling sons face with kisses.
"Wait, is that why you've been so excited for him to open his eyes?!" Ryomen couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.
"Yes!" You laughed back, "I carried him for nine months, it wasn't fair he looked exactly like you!"
"Hey, it's not my fault my genes are stronger." He shrugged with a smug smirk. You blew a raspberry at him.
"You can say that all you want, but in the end he has my eyes." You hummed.
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alytalksss · 2 months
Media Girl
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kate martin x fem!media!reader
warnings: none
based on this request
you were a photographer for the las vegas aces. you had originally wanted to go into hockey, but somehow ended up here. but you really weren’t complaining, cause that’s how you met your girlfriend, kate martin.
when you woke up in the morning, you sensed an empty spot beside you. it was understandable that kate was already gone, because it was game day. so you get up and go through your morning routine.
it was already 12:45, but kate didn’t play until 6:30. you take a seat on the couch next your cat, and think of ways to pass the time. you settle on taking a quick nap. as you wake up, you glance at the clock and see that it’s 1:55. just enough time for you to get ready. you walk over to the bathroom and take a quick shower.
when you walk into the fresh-aired stadium, you hear the sound of dribbling and muffled voices. you stop by your office to settle your things and plan for the night, then grab your camera and get to work.
fast forward to the end of the 4th quarter, the aces are up, and jackie young gets a steal. she rushes down the court and passes it down to aja wilson. before she can get it up, another player fouls her, causing them both to fall right on top of you. your camera smashes into your nose and you head hits the ground.
the medical trainers rush over to you and get you into the trainers room. as soon as you sit down, kate is by your side.
“they told me what happened. how do you feel?”
“like a camera just smashed my nose”
“fair enough”
after a ton of gauze, tissue, and ice, they finally release the two of you for the night.
back at your guys’ apartment, kate will not let you breathe without asking you if you’re okay. she’s literally analyzing any movement of yours looking for any sign of pain. not to mention the fact that she will NOT let you lift a finger. water? she’s grabbing it. a blanket? she’s up. need the fan on/off? consider it done.
after a long night, you guys finally lay down on your bed for some much needed sleep. kate pulls you over with her long arm and the two of you drift off to sleep.
author’s note
okay so it’s been a lil min 💔 but trust imma have some fics ready within the next week or so😁 thank you for reading and reblogs are very much appreciated 🫶🏻!!
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devildomsoup · 1 year
Silly little headcanons #1
Definitely has a favourite pen and everyone dreads the day he will have to change it.
He once shrunk Cerberus and carried him around in a handbag because he had to go to the vet.
Joint pains (no, I will not elaborate)
Has a picture in his wallet of his brothers and MC. Luke is also there for some reason.
Will turn off the lights and walk out of his room. Walks back a few moments later to check if he remembered to turn the lights off.
Boops his younger brothers on the nose when he says goodnight.
Considered dying his hair piss yellow at some point.
He swears that Luke is just an annoying little chihuahua that he doesn't care about. But the pictures of him accompanying Luke to the cinema suggest otherwise.
He forgets to throw out socks with holes in them. So sometimes he will just walk around with socks that are barely holding on.
Has a controller that only MC is allowed to use. He will not even use it himself.
Can touch his nose with his tongue
Accidentally called his brothers "Ruri" on multiple occasions.
Has an album on his phone with pictures of him and Lucifer. Will deny it if you ask him.
Once cursed the entirety of Lucifer's record collection. The curse in question made it so the only song on any of the records was Baby Shark.
When he wants MC's attention he will go "pspspsps."
Satan has put on his blue jacket normally a grand total of 6 times.
Will wear heels with just about anything. Yes, that includes sweatpants.
A lesser demon once found out about MC's deepest insecurity and started using it to insult them. Asmodeus found out and sent the demon flying through a wall.
He either sneezes like a cat or like an old man. There is no in-between.
He reminds everyone in HoL to drink water and will make sure they do so one way or another.
Not allowed to be alone in RAD's art supply room. He will eat the paint if left unattended.
He only had 4 shirts until Asmodeus forced him to get more.
Takes Luke with him around RAD when Simeon can't. Also scared of any demon that looks at Luke the wrong way.
He has carried every single one of his brothers to bed more than once. Lucifer is no exception.
Follows the cat rule. If it fits I sits.
Don't tell anyone but his favourite blanket is the jackets of his older brothers.
Will sometimes force people to take a nap with him. Does someone look tired boom it's nap time.
Pops his back really loudly whenever he wakes up
Will show anyone and I mean anyone pictures of Luke like a proud father.
Got scammed once and now he's afraid of opening links.
He once accompanied Beel to a workout and ended up destroying a punching bag.
Do not under any circumstances let him be alone in the candle section of a store. Purgatory Hall already has a closet full of them.
Tried to kill a fly with one of his spears.
When asked if he wanted anything special for his birthday he requested a cake made by Solomon.
Enjoys watching butterflies flutter around. He will stand absolutely still if one lands on him and stay like that until the butterfly leaves again.
Wins every staring contest.
Has gotten lost in stores, parks and RAD so many times that he now has a bracelet with the contact info of Simeon and Barbatos. Even though he has his own D.D.D.
Mimics Simeon and Raphael to appear like a mature angel.
He will never admit it but he makes drawings for the brothers.
Luke and MC have a secret handshake.
Immune to the pain of stepping on a lego.
Once accidentally turned himself into a rat and nearly got murdered by Barbatos.
Enjoys watching romcoms with MC.
Can and will randomly appear in MC's room tell them a horrible joke and then vanish into thin air.
She has the most random things in her pocket. Watch her pull out a porcelain frog from one of her pockets.
She had a buzz cut at some point.
Will drag you out of bed in the middle of the night so you can test her new inventions.
Loves playing with people's hair. It doesn't matter what texture or length it is. Just let her play with it.
Has a rubber duck collection.
Was introduced to vocaloid and now he won't stop singing World is Mine.
Gives the best hugs. 10/10 would hug again.
Buys Barbatos flowers every week to show his appreciation.
Knows how to tap dance.
Let's MC call him Barbie.
He receives small trinkets from the Little Ds.
Will cradle MC like a little baby when he is stressed or just missed them.
He enjoys soup.
He says he hates hugs. But in reality, he might even shed a few tears if you hug him.
A master of building card houses.
Once took care of a bat until it was healthy enough to live on its own.
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obeythebutler · 4 months
Hey, I'm glad to see you back!
I'd like to request "having a water balloon fight in their own backyard" with Leviathan, or "both waking up in the middle of the night and going on an adventure to find the perfect snack" with Belphegor please.
Whichever one you find the easiest to write. ^_^
Humans primarily sleep at night.
To recharge for the day ahead, ensure that new memories are consolidated in the brain and to rest and repair cells.
Belphegor sleeps because his sin compels him to.
Effects of such an extended sleep schedule hasn't been studied yet in demons. You think. There are simply too many books in RAD's library for you to conduct a research project, and nor have you stumbled upon any such scientific papers yet. But it is evident that all those extra hours of slumber have had a positive effect on the demon's memory. You had watched him use the RAD-issued Devildom History Textbook, 671th revised edition as a pillow before his test during second period in class. Your own two eyes can testify that he had not studied; and yet he had scored full marks.
Osmosis; he had told you with a snarky grin.
You roll around in your bed, the movement effective in stirring the demon from his sleep. Belphegor pokes out from the mountain of blankets like a cranky cat being awoken: bedhead glory and all. Gapes at you for a moment or two and groans when you stare back.
"Stop staring at me like that. You're creeping me out."
"But I can't sleep," You counter, nudging yourself closer until your forehead touches his shoulder, and you burrow further into it. "And you always are awake at random hours in the night."
You hear him sigh. Once. Twice. Then a hand stretches out to reach for the D.D.D. on the table.
"You're right," He whispers, voice heavy with sleep. "And now we're both awake together."
“What to do then?”
“I don’t want to get up.”
"Me neither."
It takes three minutes for you to blurt out the words: “I’m feeling hungry for a snack though.”
"Beel might already be in the kitchen," He states, resting his head under his arm. "And Lucifer is awake at this time."
"What do you want to eat?"
Fifteen minutes later, you and Belphie stand in front of the establishment.
"It's closed."
Belphegor mutters with dejection at the closed sign in front of him. The always open 6/13 is closed. Under repair, the notice glued on the door states.
All that walking for nothing.
You check your D.D.D. "Let's try Uncle Demon. You and Beel often frequent it for donoughts, right?"
"Yes, but I don't want something sweet right now."
Belphegor rubs his eyes. "Cafe Lament has revised its working hours from 10 to 11pm to being open till 2am in the night."
"How'd you know that?"
"Beel told me."
An Ignis Owl hoots in the distance, breaking the quiet. You are reminded to look at the time. "We have," You bend down to tie your shoelaces, "Exactly twenty-five minutes before it closes."
"Shit." He says. "Better hurry."'
Countless times Lucifer has had to drag his brother downstairs to the dining table. Innumerable instances have occurred where one of the brothers had to carry Belphegor to whatever destination they were after in that moment. Many a times he fell asleep in your lap.
And now he's grabbing your hand and making a run for it.
The wind roars in your ears as you scuttle along with him. His face is determined, hair tousled by the wind, breath coming out in huffs.
You know he'll be exhausted by the end of it all, eyes droopy and breath slowed. He's so much like a cat sometimes, getting brief bursts of hyperactivity in the night, then settling down near you for a nap.
Lucifer hasn't started blowing up your D.D.D., which means the ruse of pillows arranged like two bodies sleeping has worked. Or that the demon has decided to plop down on his pile of paperwork face-first in exhaustion. Beelzebub has gone back to sleep. You'll get a snack packed for him too, hand it over in the morning.
Later, when both of your cravings have been satiated, and the clock will strike three, you and Belphegor will make it back to the house, the gates opening quietly. They're old iron gates, and usually they would screech, but the House knows the mannerisms of its inhabitants: when to be loud and when to be silent.
You know you're going to wake up late, but midnight adventures like these don't come often.
For now, you're content sleeping with your demon in the attic.
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leslie057 · 5 months
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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dawnoftime22 · 2 months
okay this might be an odd request but could you do Taylor Swift comforting a male reader about their insecurities? Or the reader comforting Taylor after a hard day at work or something like that idk. Love you work!
pent up feelings.
| T.S
Warnings: Taylor crying, overthinking, R comforting, lots of kisses for assurance
Summary: Taylor's had her rough week, going through all the world throws at her as she tries to stand tall. But upon one night, she comes home to you with an exhausted mind, needing nothing else but you.
Word Count: 3k
Category: fluff, comfort
A/N: I think this was pretty hard for me to make because it hurts for me to witness tay being emotional, more so even write about it :( I do very much love having it out here though, and writing special details like the ones in this fic are precious to me
A/N on request: its not odd at all! I chose the second option only because I wasnt entirely sure what insecurities you wanted me to do. I also dont reaaally write male reader (I do gn!reader/not specifying gender), but still thank you so much for the request! I really hope this reaches your expectations and I hope that you're doing well<3
| Started on 20/07/2024, 7:19 AM |
| Finished on 04/08/2024, 6:41 PM |
Main Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
"Consumed by my own overloaded thoughts and bottled up emotions, that they spill into tears."
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"But darling, here, my arms will be open for you to tiredly lean into, to wrap around your exhilirated soul and keep you warm with all my love."
|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
The moon was high in the sky when Taylor arrived home, heart heavy. She gently shuts the door, the sound echoing through the space and mixing in with the crickets.
Once she got her shoes off, she looks around, but the room was empty aside from her cats in the living room. Meredith was casually napping on the couch, her form swirled up gracefully. Taylor moves closer, reaching up her hand to gently scratch her on the head.
The cat stirred, a gentle purr sounding out as it leans into her touch. She stares down, seeing the gray shades Meredith had mixed in with the white color of her fur.
With how quiet the house seemed to be, and with you nowhere in the living room, Taylor expected you to be asleep in the bedroom, only wishing you were here to greet her.
Yet, when she glances to the bedroom, the door was open just a crack, and it had her curious. Perhaps you had forgotten to close it entirely, or even wanted to hear her come home. The thought swelled her heart. But, she couldn't think that anyone could have possibly wanted to do such a thing.
Her legs go forward, every footstep being careful. Each and every one of her muscles were aching, and her heart was tired, but she mustered up all her energy to find you.
A gentle creak sounds out as Taylor tilts her head, peeking in. The bed was actually empty, making her heart skip a beat. But when she looks further up, you were sitting at her desk chair, fully awake.
You heard the sound of the door, and you turn to look at her, seeing her stunned expression that was blinking at you. You smile softly, not minding her surprise.
"Baby," she says under her breath, closing the door behind her as she lets her shoulders fall down. It was clear she was absolutely wondering what you were doing awake.
"Hi," you replied back gently with a small wave, tilting your head as you took in her appearance. She seemed tense, and her eyes held just the smallest glimpse of worry, even though you were the one who had been having reeling thoughts, concerned for her wellbeing.
"What're you doing up...?" She asks with her voice soft, putting her bag down on the nightstand and taking one step forward. But you seemed so far to her. So many steps.
Your eyes soften, feeling your heart ache at the mere question, and you fully turn to her, arm rested on the desk beside you.
"Waiting for you...What else?" you said softly, watching her eyes come to realization and her teeth have its bite on her lower lip, something telling of the anxiety swirling in her.
"Oh...I...you didn't have to," she said, the corner of her lips raising up slightly, but it seemed almost nervously, with the action of her eyes traveling from the floor and to you. But you kept your gentle appearance, your next movement only being a shake of your head.
"No, but I wanted to," you whispered. You gave her a small reassuring smile, hoping it'll calm down some of her nerves. She took a breath, her teeth not properly letting go of her lip just yet.
You searched her eyes, needing to look intently from how far you were. "...Did something happen?" you asked gently, slowly moving to stand up and make your way to the bed to get closer to her, but not too much so you're not intruding on her space.
She stopped biting her lip, but it was only to speak. "No-- its...I'm just..." she shook her head. It was almost as if she was at a loss for words. Perhaps it was either the tireness within her, or the way every one of her thoughts inside her collided against each other, each thing that had ever happened from just one thing or everything.
The blonde meets your eyes, taking in a breath. "...Its nothing," she whispered, her voice nearly shaking. Her fingers gently furled, and her jaw clenched for just a moment. You went to settle down on the bed in the meanwhile, resting against the pillows.
You gazed at her, "Come here," you whispered softly, putting your arms out slightly for her. She searches your eyes for a second, but doesn't waste another when she goes to the bed without more steps as she was close to it already, her lip having a slight noticeable tremble.
You felt your heart ache as Taylor crawls into bed with you, going closer until she's curled up against you to find your comfort. In the quietness of the bedroom, the noise of movement was there, but then a sniffle sounds out, and your hands wrap around her, gently, but tightly.
You gently weaved through her hair, resting your chin lightly atop her head as you were aware of the care she craves for deeply.
A gentle but shaky inhale comes from her, and you gaze down with soft concern, a small frown forming upon your lips.
"You know..." you whisper gently, starting your sentence with only a few words so she can bring her attention to your voice. Your hand slows down, and your lips move to place a soft kiss atop her head before pulling back just a little, just to let her eyes meet yours. "You don't always have to be strong, sweetheart..."
She felt the words hit her like a realization as she looked into your eyes; her vulnerable expression cracking, yet, still, her walls were kept high, and she shook her head.
"Just a bad day..." she mumbles, leaning into you. Her hand traces the collar of your shirt, feeling the confined outlines of the factory stitches against the pad of her fingers.
She knows you want to know what made it all go wrong. Whatever happened to her that made her have to fight back these darning tears she hated. But she doesn't wanna talk about anyone or anything. She just wanted to be with you.
"I-- there's...too many things." she whispers out shakily, starting to break, but you keep your gentle gaze, your hand resuming with its gentle motion on her back.
"Its okay. You don't have to explain." You shake your head, whispering back. She bit the inside of her cheek, looking up at you with glossy irises.
"...It was a lot." Her tears were threatening to leave the edge of her eyes, the gleam of it visible in the dim lighting. You can feel a crack going inside your heart, aching at how tired she looked.
She had been everywhere the past few days. There was nearly no time for her to catch a break. Today was her last straw, and it had perhaps continued to go even while she had nothing else to fight with, other than with the known fact that she was coming back home to you. But her mind was clouded with anxiety, even with the thought of you.
"I just need you...." She admitted, the sound of her voice barely even above the breath that had escaped along her words. You take in a gentle breath, your cheek brushing against her hair as you nod.
"I know..." you murmured, pulling her closer. Her fingers curled into your shirt, lightly gripping the fabric. Soon, her walls crumble, and she stifles the broken sob that leaves her lips, echoing off the walls of your shared bedroom that you've spent countless memories in together, full of love and care.
Your eyes squint in sadness, and you place a gentle kiss on the side of her head since her face was buried in the crook of your neck, hidden away from your view.
"Let it all out, sweetheart..." you whisper softly, quietly, just as the way Taylor was trying to stifle her sobs. Your skin felt the warm tears that had gone down, tracing a path down to your shirt that soaked it up.
"You're home now, safe with me..." you murmur, hugging her tighter, letting her release the deeply held emotions she's kept for far too long.
Your hands could feel the wracking shakes of her body, the warmth in her presence, but the heaviness of her shoulders, holding, maybe even the weight of the entire world.
The ceiling fan gently created white noise that overlayed the sounds of quiet sobs and movement, wind passing by your ear all while you whisper soft reassurances to soothe her rattling heart.
"I'm sorry I'm late..." she mumbles suddenly, her breath hiccuping. Your eyes glide to her in concern, but since she was hidden away in your neck, you could only see her golden blonde locks. Instead, you move to softly kiss her temple, tilting your head to reach it.
"Shh...its okay, I promise," you murmur in a hushed soothe, leaning back so you could take a look at her face. You offer her a comforting smile, and your hand moves to gently push her stray hairs away from her face.
"You have a lot of work. I know that, sweetheart. You don't always have to be early or 'on time', whenever that is..." you shake your head as you say your gentle words, expressing them as you go.
Taylor blinks and sniffles, her nose red and her eyes puffy. She licks her dry lips, taking in a stumbled breath. You stay in patience, reaching up to brush your thumb against her cheek, wiping the tears away from her soft skin. You took gentle care in your touch, going further up to the corner of her eye; where the source of the tears are.
"You don't mind...?" she asks, her voice strangled and out of pitch. But that doesn't matter. She wasn't onstage for the moment. She was with you. Where she could be who she was however she wanted to be.
Your eyes soften, and you lean in closer, your lips making contact with the tip of her nose. "Sweetheart...of course not. I just get worried about you, you know?"
She searches your eyes, as if looking, for even a fraction of a lie. But all you had well within your pupils were love and honesty. Something she never knew was possible to see in someone's eyes without a certain deviousness accompanied with it.
Her breaths were still unsteady, but she swallows it down, trying to communicate with you. "I-I'm scared..." she whispered shakily, her eyes darting away from your gaze.
You look at her without judgement, tilting your head with a slight curiosity, a gentle expression simply to be there for her.
"Of what?" you question, your mind quickly going through anything she could be anxious of in case she needs an aid to her tainted mind.
But her quietness fortunately didn't stay for long, even when she hesitated. Her lower lip had a visible teeth mark from her biting. "What if..." she starts, but trails off, unable to say the words.
You tip your head downward slightly, letting her gather her courage and words without intrusion.
"What if I get back home and you're not here?" She whispered through a broken voice, afraid of all the outcomes that she's ever come up with in her head. You were her home. The house wouldn't be a home without you, and her kingdom would shatter, would the character of you no longer be present.
"Hey...I love you, okay?" You whisper, moving to cradle her face in your hands, something she hasn't felt in a while. But you always did that. Brushing your fingertips over her cheeks. She leans into the touch, her eyes welling up once more. Her racing mind and her worries were slowing down, starting to pay attention and hearing your gentle voice.
"I love you." You say the three little words again, ensuring she was listening as you looked into her deep blue eyes, focused on yours. So many thoughts held in her head, but you know her soft heart cannot handle so many things. Not even you, could begin to think of trying to walk that life.
You nibble the corner of your lip slightly, showing your own worry as you think over your words, an action she noticed herself. She reaches up with her trembling hand, gently touching your lip so your teeth would let go. You smile softly, seeing how much she's aware and cares even when she's sad.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Not without you." your light assurance comes out, and the tears in her eyes seemed to have stopped just a little, only looking at you with love instead of just worry. You smile wider, happy to let a small weight fall off her chest.
"I will always love you. I'll love you forever." you murmur, going in to kiss her cheek, peppering soft kisses all over. She feels the way your lips tickle her skin, giving a tingling feeling, and a soft giggle manages to escape her.
"Its okay. Its always going to be okay, yeah?" You tilt your head, your thumb moving to caress the soft skin of her hand. She nods, knowing you're right. How could she have gotten this far anyway, even while worrying that everything would go inevitably wrong sometimes, yet the world always ends up letting her back into her own balance.
A few moments go by as you let her calm down, seeing the way her breaths were still shaky. You took a small deep breath in, keeping the eye contact, and she follows, gathering her normal breathing back. She needed a good cry and simply to let out her emotions, and her soul was relieved as she realizes you had let her do that, simply by being there for her in the meanwhile.
"You're the sweetest human being," you whisper, gazing at her adoringly. Then, your fingers entangle with hers, and you bring one of her hands up to leave a kiss on her knuckles.
The smile that raises on her lips makes your heart skip a beat. She was melting on the inside at how soft you could be. But even with the smile, you can spot the small furrow in her brows, the wince and quick blinking that she did.
You hum softly, knowing exactly what she was dealing with after all the days you've been welcoming her back home. "Headache, hm?" you whisper out, and she pouts, nodding.
"Mm," her own hum escapes, feeling your hands go up to soothe it, putting a light pressure that helps alleviate the headache that caused from her stressful and overwhelming situations of the week.
You continue your actions, watching her eyes close as she leans into your touch, going to the side and nearly resting against your shoulder, but barely putting her entire weight against you.
"You should rest, baby..." you suggest, wanting her to let herself relax, without any more thoughts of interviews, shows, photoshoots, or just about anything that isn't the peaceful sound of rain or the cozy atmosphere of your shared bedroom.
"But..." she starts, inhaling a breath before she was about to go with her sentence, her eyes going up to you, but you cut her off.
"Sleep," you whisper, shifting your position to a more comfortable one. She moves herself, but still curling up against you, arms entangled in the embrace.
"I'll be right here in the morning, and you can wake me up early," you say, smiling softly as you saw her eyes growing droopy at the more comfortable position. Yet, she sniffles from the lingering fluid in her nose that had stayed due to her crying session earlier, and gazes up at you.
"But you're too precious to wake up in the morning..." she murmurs adorably sleepily, resting her head against your chest fully. You breathe out a chuckle, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
"And you're too precious for my eyes to miss seeing you," you respond mindlessly, making her smile. You turn your head and reach over to your side, grabbing a clean tissue from the nightstand and giving it to her.
She looks at you with a thankful expression, and moves the tissue to her nose, blowing into it. Your gaze turns gentle, your hand rubbing her back as she clears out the remaining inside of her nose.
When she was done, she was about to hold onto the tissue since she didn't want to be a burden, but when you offer a hand down, she puts the used tissue in your hand. You throw it away, successfully landing it in the trash bin at the desk sitting in the corner of the room.
You then return your attention back to her, tracing patterns on her soothingly. "You know...you should take a day off tomorrow, baby..." you whisper out thoughtfully.
Taylor stays quiet for a moment, her soft breaths going against your shirt. "I don't know if I can..." she says quietly, half her face nestled against you.
"You deserve it after this week, at least," you murmur, your face in the meanwhile, ever so slightly brushing against her hair. She thinks about it, her eyes gazing off.
"Okay," she breathes out, slowly letting her shoulders relax, and her body to unwind. She starts to relish in this moment with you, purely of love and care.
"I'll be making breakfast for you tomorrow," you said, but it wasn't a question, it was an info you wanted to share to her, something to be known.
"You don't--" She starts, but gets cut off by you leaning down and nuzzling your nose against hers, gently brushing in a comforting way.
"Shh. I love you. Close your eyes," you whispered, urging her to sleep instead of protesting of who's cooking tomorrow, when you were wanting to take care of her. A small giggle sounds from beneath you, the blonde being a little surprised at your quick shutdown of her worry.
"I love you, too..." she whispers back, slowly closing her eyes as she felt the covers warm up her body, sided with your own warmth of your body, leading her off to sleep, and hopefully to a peaceful day tomorrow.
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seangelfish · 1 year
would it be possible to request buster bros and what they would be like with a younger sister reader !! im not sure if this breaks any of the rules with like multiple characters im sorry 😭
Yes!! I love Buster Bros sooo much so I’m really excited to receive this request! And don’t worry, you haven’t broken any of the rules. I do allow multiple characters in headcanon/platonic fics, hehe! I hope you enjoy reading!!
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Buster Bros w/ a younger sister
Featured characters: Ichiro Yamada, Jiro Yamada and Saburo Yamada (separate)
Genres/types: Headcanons
Word count: 2,006
A/N: For this, I decided to write the younger sister reader as a year or two younger than Saburo (age 12/13). I prefer the older sister trope when it comes to the baby bros, but this is actually a really cute fic request and I had a blast writing it!
Saburo's section was the hardest to write for, I'm not sure how it's longer than Ichiro's and Jiro's lmao I wrote this really quickly because I love them so so much, and I was honestly waiting for someone to request these three haha
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- He doesn’t like picking favourites out of all his siblings, but Jiro and Saburo knows for sure that you’re his favourite.
- Is very kind towards you — of course he is kind to his brothers too — but even if you make a big mistake, he’ll just laugh at you, ruffle your hair, and tell you not to do it again. However, just because he's like this to you, doesn't mean he won't be stern. You need to learn that things have its consequences!
- You’re his cute little sister! All he wants to do is spoil you. Whenever he’s out and about in the streets of Ikebukuro, and something cute catches his eye, he’ll buy it for you. You’re always appreciative of it. Unfortunately, he won’t buy you snacks even when you beg for it.
“Nope, no snacks for you, (Y/N). It’ll ruin your teeth.”
“But onii-chan!”
“No means no.”
- Is very overprotective since he’s well known for his past delinquency and now for his role as leader for the Buster Bros. He’ll usually say no when you want to hang out with your friends from school. You understand why he’s doing this, but it’s still going to be annoying.
“Why can’t I just live a normal life?!” you cry one day.
Ichiro tenses up at this. “H-Hey, I’m trying my best, (Y/N)… Why don’t we do this? You can hang out with your friends this weekend if you let one of us keep an eye out for you?”
You take a while to answer.
“Okay… as long as you don’t make yourself seen by my friends.”
“Haha, deal.”
- Despite that, you’re able to hang out with all your brothers together whether it’s just to eat outside for lunch! Ichiro let’s you ride on his shoulders or hold hands with you. Even when you’re just 6/7 years younger than him, he still thinks of you as a baby.
- If you want a bite of his lunch, he'll easily give you some.
- Reads you a story when it's time to go to bed because he's been doing it since you were a toddler. He treasures this time so much because he knows that once you grow up, you won't want him to read you a bedtime story anymore.
- Sometimes you'll ask him to tell you a story of what he does with your brothers as the Buster Bros. He won't give you too many details, so you never know the full story of his adventures. Won't tell you much about his delinquent days. In fact, he may never mention it at all.
- Gives you a little goodnight kiss once you fall asleep, but will also kiss your forehead when you're about to drift to sleep.
- Is the first person to introduce you to his favourite animes and manga. You'd watch it together sometimes although your tastes may differ. If you like shonen, well good for both of you. If you like shojou, Ichiro will still watch it with you, and may even develop his tastes for it.
- Whilst watching anime together, you would rest your head on his lap. He'll stroke your hair like a cat.
- When you catch him taking a nap, you'd get on top of him like a blanket to take a nap on him. You're only doing this for the giggles because once he wakes up due to the heavy weight on his back, he gets super confused.
- Probably the brother that you hug the most out of. He's big and gives you the best hugs. Would lift you up in the air when the occasion is right.
- Your big brother that you respect. The first person you would go to whenever you need help. You find him to be the most reliable (which isn't surprising).
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- You title him the more fun brother. Despite getting into arguments with Saburo all the time, he’s very sweet towards you. Why wouldn’t he be though? Look at you! You’re his cute little sister!
- However, if you were to make a mistake, he will get a bit angry with you, but not to a point where he’ll make you cry. He's just stern with you. Would probably pinch your cheeks and pull on them, laughing at how funny your face would look.
- Probably the brother that makes fun of you (but only as a joke)!
- Wants to spoil you too. Is willing to buy you your favourite snacks! Whenever he goes to hang out with his friends and he's at a shop, he texts you what snacks you want.
"Just don't tell nii-chan, alright?" he whispers with his index finger to his lips.
"Mmm!!" you agree happily.
- Is probably the brother that keeps an eye on you when you hang out with your friends from school. Weirdly enough, he's quite good at making himself not be seen by your friends AND you. It really feels like you're not even being followed by him. He also has friends that are willing to watch out for you too.
- He isn't really reliable when you need help on your homework though. Everyone in the family knows that Jiro isn't really smart when it comes to academics. You don't really mind it though because you still respect him nonetheless. You know he's trying, and you could actually relate to him in a way. He appreciates how understanding you are.
- So he's the only brother you would trust with when your grades aren't as good as you hoped they'd be. Sometimes you're just too scared to confront Ichiro about it, so Jiro would be your first option when you need to tell him about your failures. He would cheer you up and tell you that you can do better next time, encouraging you to tell Ichiro when you're ready.
"Jiro nii-chan, I didn't do well on my science test..." you whimper. "Onii-chan is going to be mad at me..."
"It's okay, (Y/N). It was probably just a bad day. You'll do well next time, so don't be sad! Do you want me to be there for you when you tell nii-chan?"
"Yes, please..."
- Likes to give you piggybacks, and is also willing to hold your hand too — only if you want to though, he doesn't usually initiate it.
- Unlike Ichiro, if you want a bite of his lunch, he'll refuse (only jokingly though). He ends up giving you a bit if you really wanted it.
- Likes to make you laugh by either telling you stupid jokes, making fun of Saburo, or just tickling you.
- Sometimes you hang out with him to play soccer. He really enjoys the sport, and you were always curious as to why. You may grow to like it too or maybe it's because you're just spending time with your big brother.
- Along with Saburo, he is the brother who picks you up from school. Ichiro is sometimes busy to do so. If he comes along with Saburo, you would link arms with both of them, you being in the middle.
- When Ichiro can't read you a bedtime story, Jiro tells you stories of what he has done instead, or the stories he hears from his friends. They are always so interesting.
- Usually gives you side hugs more than actual hugs. Ruffles your hair a lot. Gives you forehead kisses, but is pretty rare.
- Your big brother that you respect. He may not be reliable when it comes to school work, but you trust him with everything else.
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- Since you're only a year or two younger than him, your relationship with Saburo is kind of... 50/50? A best friend kind of relationship more than an older brother one.
- The brother you actually get into mild arguments with, but since it's you, he'll actually apologise first. He won't ever apologise to Jiro, but you're his only sister, so he'll suck it up and try to fix things with you.
- Therefore, if you were to make mistake, he WILL be mad at you.
- Makes fun of you more than Jiro does. Of course, he's just joking though. He's not as harsh to you as he is with Jiro. All three brothers love you too much.
- If you ever start crying because of him, he'll immediately backtrack. Will start comforting you, rocking you like a baby although this is something anyone would rarely see him do. If he doesn't do this (which is rare), you'll threaten him with the 'I'm telling onii-chan' phrase.
- Will eat the snacks with you that Jiro had bought.
"But Jiro nii-chan bought me those!"
"Yeah? Let's go tell him to buy some more then."
"Saburo nii-chan!!!"
- Won't spoil you, but will do whatever you ask of him if it's reasonable.
- You title him the smart, but kind-of-mean brother. Probably scolds you the most out of all your brothers.
"(Y/N), what did I tell you?! It's your turn to wash the dishes today!”
"I'm sorry, Saburo nii-chan! I forgot!"
- Will help you on your homework even if you don't ask him for it. He's very reliable, so if you did need help, you'll always ask him for it. Surprisingly, he's happy to help you, and you bond with him every time you study together.
- You admire how smart he is, and you're always complimenting him on his high grades (and his hacking skills). This makes him realise how much he wants to keep getting better for you, so you could look up to him more than Jiro. After all, Saburo's the smart one, and your role model should be smart too.
He giggles to himself as he is finally given his test papers back to him, knowing he has full marks yet again. "I've got to show this to Ichi-nii and (Y/N)! They'll be so proud."
- Saburo doesn't have that many friends, so he's always appreciative of you that you'll accompany him around town to do errands or something mundane like that.
"Saburo nii-chan, let's go to the arcade today!"
"Eh, alright. Is there something you want to win?"
"Yes, that plushie over there!"
"Alright, here goes...!"
He actually ends up getting the plushie you want to your surprise.
- Cares a lot about you. Is always happy to see you come out of school as he picks you up. Asks about your day, and is always listening to you on whatever you have to say.
- If you want a piece of his lunch, he’ll immediately say no though. He’ll just buy you your own lunch.
- Is probably the brother that doesn't hug you as much or show too much affection. However, if you're deeply upset about something, he'll hug you without hesitation. And if he's extremely worried about you, and hasn't seen you all day, he will run up to you for a tight hug, then flick your head hard.
- Yet he won't say no if you want a piggyback from him. So most of the affection comes from your side.
- When it's time to go to bed, he acts like the annoying brother. He opens the door to your room, stare at you for a bit before leaving the door open.
"Saburo nii-chan! Close the door!"
- He's just joking though, so he ends up coming back to close it. He'll say goodnight to you and you'll say it back.
- Even when the two of you are close in age, you still call him 'nii-chan'. He finds it cute, and he hopes you won't stop calling him your big brother.
- Your big brother that you admire and respect despite his annoyingness. You can trust him with a lot of things and you appreciate how he is always willing to help you out.
Ultimately, you love your three older brothers very much, and you can never live without them.
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apenguinbird · 10 months
Animal familiars in NRC: Ignihyde and Diasomnia edition.
(A continuation of this, this and this)
Idia: Dog
Dang it, he wanted a cat. 
Still, he recognizes dogs are cute.
Let’s call him Cerberus for now. I think it would be a dog breed like a Cretan Hound, Greek Harehound, Molossus of Epirus, all big dog breeds from Greece.
Cerberus is very loyal to Idia and loves to sit by his side when he is playing games.
Scary dog privileges heck yeah. Idia hopes it will keep the extroverted students away from him (spoiler: It doesn’t work)
When working at STYX Cerberus works as a guard dog, not really necessary but Idia likes the feeling.
Cerberus is one of the few reasons why he goes out and takes him on walks. Although Ortho is usually the one taking him out, for Idia’s safety, the last time Cerberus basically dragged him across campus.
Makes memes with his dog.
“Oh Cerberus, we're really in it now.” 
(Light spoilers for chapter 6, nothing mentioned though)
Unfortunately, Ortho is not able to have a familiar in the traditional way.
He loves Cerberus though!
Usually the one in charge of taking him on walks.
Cerberus is so careful around Ortho even though he is made out of metal.
Ortho has millions of files about taking good care of dogs.
Idia is/was planning on building a familiar for Ortho but the idea makes him sad.
One of the best examples of how the bond between mages and familiars works. Some familiars can become really really old.
Silver: Snow Owl
(Reference for chapter 7)
Honestly Silver was probably the youngest when it came to finding his familiar, with the number of animals close to him it was predictable.
He took a nap somewhere and woke up with the owl looking at him.
Lilia felt happy for Silver, although he felt like life was being a bit passive-aggressive with him.
If Silver is sleeping his familiar is somewhere watching over him.
Silver uses the owl to look for Malleus when the latter is nowhere to be found.
Special alarm, aka the familiar will peck Silver until he wakes up.
Sebek: Hawk
The perfect look for a knight, Sebek likes the respectable image they have going on.
“WAKA-SAMA!” *hawk noises.*
Sebek is training it to attack people. Plus he trains with silver to use their familiar as trackers.
One time Sabek almost hits him with a lightning bolt and has been apologizing ever since.
The hawk once sat in one of Malleus’ horns which he found amusing, Sebek not so much.
Lilia: Bat
I know it was a really obvious choice but it was the best one for Lilia.
Same energy. Let me tell you that bat is old.
“Aren’t we cute?”
They both like to hang from the ceiling.
Silver’s babysitter was back when he was a kid. From making sure baby Silver was safe while Lilia was busy and/or adapting to parenthood, making sure he was safe in the woods as a kid, up to this day it makes sure Silver fell asleep somewhere safe.
Has saved the young one from Lilia’s cooking, the reason why sometimes Lilia finds kitchen ingredients or tools gone missing, is for a greater cause.
Will screech to get your attention.
Has had to drag Lilia by the ear to bed when he stays up too much time.
He and Lilia enjoy having tomato juice together.
Sometimes he joins Lilia in the music club, it doesn’t sound great but it is the passion that counts.
Malleus: Crow
A bit of an odd case because Malleus passed centuries without a familiar, they found each other rather recently.
He finds it rather interesting how it fits the story of the Witch of Thorns and her crow companion.
Malleus can and will tell you a lecture on what makes ravens and crows different creatures.
A good company, a bit of a one side conversation but the two look happy in the process.
“And that’s why gargoyles are often carved out of marble or stone and are attached to buildings.” “Caw.” “Interesting indeed.”
Malleus’ grandmother has a crow familiar too, maybe it’s a Draconia thing.
His familiar also enjoys old builds and statues which Malleus finds endearing.
Sometimes the crow disappears and reappears at random times. Malleus will never admit it but he’s rather bitter at the idea of not being invited.
Loves shiny things and has a nest of things it has collected around the school.
No, the crow doesn’t sit on Mallues’ horns but sometimes you can find it on his shoulder.
That crow is in the top 5 of those who Sebek respects.
The most respected and feared bird in all of the school. Some students are sure there must be something fishy with that bird.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Batfam as catshifters pt 2
Part 1 (But you don't have to read if you don't want. Anyway I have more brainrot of this au so here ya go
Jason would be the type to hiss at people but also crave love and attention, especially from Bruce. He could argue all he wants but it’s clear as a day when he purposefully shifts and cuddles up to Bruce when he’s feeling neglected.
Every single one of the kids has napped on Bruce’s lap when he was in an important league meeting (once the secret was out ofc) and they made it into a game to see how many times they can get him to crack that stony expression. 
Cass is leading the scoreboard with a whooping 30 times while Tim is dead last with a mere 8. Tim insists that he doesn't care but they all see the droopy cat ears.
Stephanie is absolutely in love with that red light, she’ll spend hours trying to catch the red light on the wall. If the walls have any scratches, you didn’t see them and moved on.
Alfred had absolutely raised hell because of it so everyone that was in cat form was forced into the cat room. 
In the room that’s for their cat forms where there are many toys and obstacles for them at their leisure. Every 6 months Bruce takes it down and gets a new and harder one (bc they keep complaining about how “easy” it was and that they needed an “actual challenge”, the old ones he donates)
Everyone always uses Bruce’s bed for cat naps and cuddles because it has so much space and everything’s just soft. Plus, there is a warm human they can cuddle up next to, who wouldn’t want that?!
Damian loved being in cat form to hang out with Alfred, the cat. Animals were his best friends so it was great to understand them on a deeper level. He loves sitting on Batcow and just existing with her.
Dick loves to be spoiled by Bruce so that he could maintain his self-proclaimed position as Bruce’s favorite. Belly rubs, scratches behind the ears, the whole nine.
Tim often “runs away” from home when his family is being too much of a family. He doesn’t hate it but he isn’t used to attentive families. 
When that first happened during his Robin era, Bruce went on a whole manhunt for this kid, his mind kept wandering to broken bones and smoke. 
Once Tim was found, he was hiding on a rooftop (these bats and their rooftop, I swear) he was given a stern talking too and a heart-to-heart. Afterward, he was allowed to go on breaks, but give head-ups and check in every so often.
There are protocols if they happen to shift during patrol or a fight. First, a smoke bomb goes off and covers the entire area in a thick layer of smoke. Every team is notified and those who are closest come to get the person out of there and then they deal with whatever was going on prior.
The cat shifter then goes to one of the many designated rooftops to be collected or they just go home by themselves. Even with this detailed plan, there have been many, many close calls.
Like that one time Condiment King almost got Duke in his cat form if Cass hadn’t come in the literal nick of time or when Damian got transformed while fighting Killer Croc.
The kids like to follow Alfred around while in cat form so that he can “accidentally” drop whatever dinner their eating for that night, and “Oh now, it’s on the floor, we eat can’t this piece of fish for dinner but-” and it’s already being eaten by Dick. Jason was hot on his trail too but Dick’s agility had given him an edge. This leads to Alfred “dropping” another piece on the ground for Jason to eat.
Bruce comes in with a raised eyebrow but no one offers an explanation for his unanswered question and he doesn’t mention it.
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py-dreamer · 2 years
SBI & RodentHybrid!Reader
GN!Reader, (this is my first time doing something like this-)
Rats, mice and most rodents alike are under-appreciated in my opinion and I had some SBI brainrot I could not stop.
How did they find you?
Philza had just adopted his 3 chaos sons and was not expecting to have anymore children.
Tommy was 3, Wilbur and Techno were both 10
however, one day he heard tiny squeaks during a trek in the forest.
he thought it was just a regular mouse but it was too loud to be one so he followed the source and peered in the bushes and in it was lil' ol' you
you couldn't have been more than a year old by the looks of it and you were absolutely tiny! you could fit in the palm of his hand
you were also freezing cold and there were no adults around so... guess Phil's gonna adopt another child then!
Your rat features:
I put down rodent hybrid cause' I couldn't make up my mind if you were going to be a mouse or a rat (there's a difference!) so neither can your family!
You have the cartoonishly big mouse ears (think Mickey Mouse) and also a long thin and scaly tail
You also have delicate whiskers and a itty bitty nose that has a surprisingly good sense of smell
There are small patches around your body hear and there
Also, smol. Extremely small. You are by far the shortest in the family. Mice are really small so I think you'd grow to 1ft 6 at most
Rats have strong teeth so you also have a set of really strong buck teeth
Since Techno once talked with a piglin, and Phil's chat are literally crows, you can talk to other rodents
"I'm not like other people! I'm 1ft 6, I have the best sense of smell, I can talk to animals and I have a tail cause I'm a foocking rat baby"
Life with the SBI
it was rather difficult to adjust to the new family member because of the drastic height differences but nothing they couldn't handle
All the seats, tables ect have a little ladder carved in or have a step-ladder attached so you could climb up
Stairs and doors. They were going to be a problem. So Dadza made like a little elevator out of string, small planks of wood and pulleys so you can get up and down the floors. Each door in the house also had a small doggy door on it so you could easily enter...though one time a stray cat had gotten in and chased you around the house so the main door and the door to the backyard had to have little locks installed on the little doors too.
Once you got a bit older, Dadza realized it would've been a very tiring life for you to have to climb up every seat and every table and every shelf you want to use so he made a little hole in the wall under a table and built tiny furniture perfect size for you and helped you decorate your room
Any soft fabric in the house was a perfect napping spot for you. your family would often find you nesting in hoodies, cushions, jackets, cloaks, blankets ect. (Although once Wilbur almost sat on you when you got a little too comfortable and fell asleep on the couch)
I'd like to think whenever you were mad at one of your brothers, you'd steal their stuff (that you can carry ie Tommy's disc, Wilbur's beanie, Techno's gold) and hide it in your room or a small crevice that only you can fit in and they'd be to big to fit in and reach their stuff.
You would also take advantage of your size and hide in places impossible for your family to hide in but not for you! You were always the hide and seek champion and could evesdrop on your brothers from inside the walls or inside a chest.
Midnight snacks. Just all the snacks. Rats can fit through any space they can get their heads into and some can chew through metal so there was nothing stopping your hungry tummy. Phil was even considering enchanting the pantry to prevent you from theiving all the snacks (you'd share with your brothers though, Phil was just miffed you ate all the snacks before dinner and could get ill)
When you guys were going out and you couldn't keep up, you'd just ride in one of their bags. You were extremely light and it was hard to keep up with their long legs so this was a perfect solution (you 100% fell asleep in a bag once and the family almost flipped the house upside down looking for you)
Your relationship with Dadza
We already mentioned him earlier but he loves you very much
Phil was a lot more nervous to take care of you cause he'd never raised a child this small before
He was very hesitant to let your brothers hold you when you were a baby because you were just so small and fragile-
When you were little and went out with him, you always had to be on him or holding his hand. Sitting on his hat, his shoulder, riding in his bag, him carrying you, he didn't mind but you couldn't be let out of sight especially in large crowds or tall grass.
He always had at least one of his crows keep an eye on you when you went outside to play just in case anything goes wrong
He still worries about you a lot but knows that at least you can defend yourself now.
Your relationship with Wilbur
he was your big brother and you both love each other a lot
it took some time getting used to you but the moment he saw such a tiny baby, he just went 'SMOL CHILD I WILL PROTECT YOU'
in the early days, when Philza couldn't take care of you, he'd hand you to Wilbur who'd spend time with you and Tommy. Be it going to town, making a new song, going to meet Sally, he was mostly glad to bring his little siblings along
While he cared for you a lot, he still played tricks on you sometimes like when he told you that birds eat mice and you just became terrified of Phil and his crows for a good week XD
He was much more relaxed when it came to your safety (not that he'd let you go into the woods alone, like just be less protective than dadza) though he would just be wary when you guys are with a lot of people so he'd prefer it if you were riding on his beanie. He'd get weird stares but as long as you're safe, he didn't care
when composing songs and you're with him, he'd sing the lyrics and you'd sometimes squeak them back in your high-pitched voice and he would either laugh or die from cuteness...or both
rats also generally have better hearing than humans so when he was composing a song, he'd ask for your opinion to see if it was good or not
Your relationship with Techno
when you were first welcomed into the family, he didn't know what to do-
don't get me wrong he got the same 'PROTECT DA CHILD' feeling as Wilbur and even the voices told him to 'PROTEC SMOL THING' when he got them later on
it's just that you were so small that he was afraid he'd hurt you he was never as gentle as his twin or his dad and Wilbur seemed to like you so he figured he'd him take care of you like Tommy
though one day, you were out in the garden. Techno was training, Phil was in the house, Wilbur and Tommy were with friends. A stray zombie found its way to your home and it started to attack you.
you were too small to get away quick enough and tripped but just as the zombie was about to hurt you any more, Techno shot an arrow through that f*cker's head he then realized you were too weak to defend yourself so decided to train you to be stronger
Wilbur was unsure about letting you wield a sword but Techno insisted it was for the best. Eventually, Tommy bugged him enough to train him too.
it took a while but after enough time and hard work, you were able to wield a few light weight weapons and were able to hold your own at pvp by quickly darting and dodging around your opponent.
when you weren't training, Techno read you and Tommy greek mythology. Tommy would sit in his lap and you would rest on his head (if he felt like it, he'd let you two braid his hair)
like the rest of the SBI, he gave you a piece of golden jewelry, for you it was a small earing
Your relationship with Tommy
I'll be honest: Tommy didn't really like you at first
He was glad to not be the youngest but he didn't realize that he'd get less attention due to you being a baby
they still loved him of course, but Tommy couldn't help but feel jealous when Dadza helped you make your own room or when Wilbur took you on their trips to town or when you'd always be carried by Wil or dad or when Techno started training you before him ect
he'd always try to ignore you or glare angrily and naturally, you reciprocated the behaviour and thus you two always had a sort of rivalry
he'd call you names, yank your ears, tail or whiskers and in turn, you'd call him names, steal his stuff and sometimes bit him if he pulled too hard
But then, one day:
You were 10 and sitting by yourself on the swings in the park. Barely anyone else was there and you were doing your own thing. It was one of the rare opportunities when you could be alone. I mean, you did love your family and all but it was nice to have some alone time too. You were minding your own business when suddenly:
"Hey are you a doll?"
A little kid had just picked you up by your waist and you were frankly very startled. You started wiggling, trying to get out of the kid's grasp but it was too tight.
"You're a very weird doll"
The kid held you tighter and you squealed out for help.
"I'm not a doll! Let me go!!"
The child gasps "A talking doll! Mama, mama! Look, a talking doll! Can I keep it please?" they called their mother over
A woman strides over and looked down while you were trying to get out of there. She gasps in horror and shrieks
She then snatched you out of her child's sticky hands and threw you at full force into the mud.
"GET BACK YOU VERMIN! GET AWAY! RETURN TO THE MURKY SWAMP WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" She screeched while you were trying to process what just happened and collect yourself.
All of a sudden, you heard a very angry yet familiar voice from the bushes
He then pounced and shoved the prick and her brat into the mud.
Without warning, she grabbed Tommy and tried to trip him over him but before she could, you sneaked up behind her and bit down hard on one of her legs. Tommy then grabbed you and booked it out of there with the screeches of the witch behind you.
Once you two made it back home, you started to clean yourself up when Tommy handed a towel to you. He said nothing and looked away but the gesture was all it needed. The both of you were silent but a mutual care about each other started to grow that day.
it took a while but you two soon became thick as thieves
he even introduced you to Tubbo later on!
You and Tubbo relate to each other on the fact that you were both often underestimated and your shorter heights compared to everyone else.
Life in the smp
you decided to follow Wilbur and Tommy when the left home and promised to write to your dad and older brother
by now, you were as tall as you could be and could defend yourself reasonably well
you, Tommy and Tubbo absolutely cause chaos together. I mean the rat, the racoon and the goat? Who makes better thieves than that?
You definetely participated in the disc wars, stealing Tommy's discs back from Dream whenever you could
During the L'Manberg era, you decided to join your brothers' country and became good friends with the rest of the L'Manberg members. You had a little uniform and everything, you helped to plant flowers and decorate around the country since it was a bit hard to place down blocks.
L'Manberg really felt like a second home and a second family for you even with the constant battles, you still had each other and that was enough.
Then you and everyone else lost your first lives during Eret's betrayal and Tommy had to give up his discs (you wanted to steal them back but Tommy told you that it was ok and they'd find another way) but hey, at least you guys were independent now...right?
Then the elections happened. You were sure your brothers would win until the votes were revealed. They were banned from the country and you desperately scurried after them, trying not to get trampled in the angry mob
You helped them set up Pogtopia and that's when Wilbur decided to give you a job.
With all things considered, you were arguably one of the best spies on the server: You were tiny and hard to spot, you can hide in places no one would think to look, you were fast, agile and hard to catch, you have a far more superior sense of hearing and smelling and can therefore sense if anyone's coming much easier, and you can communicate with rodents; one of the most common and unsuspecting animals.
Therefore, Wilbur gave you and Tubbo the job of spying on Schlatt and Manberg. Tubbo would pretend to be on their side and you would eavesdrop from the shadows.
You should've been more wary of Wil's behaviour, he looked like he was loosing it but still wanting to help your brother, you accepted the job and spied on Manberg, giving Pogtopia info when you could.
Techno came to help and you thought that it would be alright from now on...then the red festival happened. Tubbo gave his speech while you watched from behind the curtains. Then he was boxed up and you could only watch in horror as Techno walked to the stage to execute your best friend.
You thought it couldn't get any worse when someone grabbed you from behind and took you to the stage. JSchlatt held you by the neck and learned that you were the spy sneaking info all along. And before you knew it, he squeezed your throat and you died from suffocation on stage.
Wilbur couldn't look you in the eyes after that and you were told that Techno shot a firework at Schlatt cause 'it wasn't part of the deal'
After the final battle, you couldn't be happier. You were celebrating with all your friends and looking for Wilbur before the ground shook and everything exploded.
You lost half your tail and parts of your left ear that day. But that loss couldn't compare to the loss of your brother, dead in your father's arms
You tried your best to return to normal and just when you started to recover, Tommy was exiled. You followed him to Logstedshire and tried to stand up for him against Dream but he was too strong.
Tommy convinced you to leave him and that he'd be ok and you naively believed him.
When Techno took him in, you followed him and couldn't be happier; your family was back together!...well most of them.
Then doomsday happened. Techno didn't tell you his plans and you were in shock as to why he would blow up L'Manberg now.
He then told you about the execution. That while you were with Tommy in exile, he was going to be executed by the butcher army. That news shook you to the core but you couldn't think straight with your second home being blown to smitherines again.
Afterwards, you decided to take a break from society and ran away to live by yourself in a small home you built in the woods for some time to recover.
Tommy would visit sometimes and told you about the hotel he was building with Sam Nook, Tubbo visited when he could, he even brought Ranboo with him once and told you about their son Michael. Philza visited once, he told you that Techno was doing alright but just hasn't found the time to visit. You didn't answer when he knocked on the door.
(Sorry if the end sounds rushed, its because it is. I just didn't know what to do about the rest of the extensive lore but let me know if you'd like more of these x reader stuff, only platonic though. Anyways, until next time my lovely marshiemellows!)
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Akako and Kaito relationship headcanons? Platonic and romantic if you can.
Please take this bunch of Kaito x Akako romance headcanons. 1. Kaito is the one doing the cooking in their relationship, he doesn't believe Akako would poison him, but he wouldn't risk it either. 2. When they sleep and take naps together, Aoko goes to look for them because they would just spend the whole day sleeping.
Kaito would be the first to wake up, he would look at Akako, smile and go back to sleep.
Akako would be the last to fall asleep, she stays awake to watch him sleep and make sure he doesn't have nightmares, she uses her magic to manipulate them and make him have nice dreams. 3. One time KID was being cornered by Snake and his boys, his hang glider was broken, he thought it would be the end, then a soft voice called him and said "Do you need a ride?" and extended her hand towards him. It was Phantom Lady riding a broom, the worry vanished when he saw her, he could only smile and say "If it's not an inconvenience for you, beautiful lady."
Okay, I can't help but think of Akako taking on the role of Phantom Lady and helping Kaito with his heists.
She definitely uses her simpler, less dangerous spells to support him.
4. Also, both sometimes sit on Akako's broom and look at the night sky, Kaito usually carries a blanket or uses KID's cloak to share with Akako and keep her from being cold. 5. When Kaito is sick or injured, Akako covers for him during his robberies as KID, making sure no one suspects him. 6. They both use romantic nicknames for each other, but not the typical "my love, my honey", he calls her his "precious and charming witch" or "the woman who enchanted his heart", Akako calls him "My sun, my moon, my light in the darkness". 7. Kaito always suffers when Akako catches a cold, every time he sneezes he casts random spells, some are silly like his hair turning green, others are more annoying, like being turned into a mouse and almost being eaten by the neighborhood cats, however, he will never leave his sweet witch alone. 8. Kaito learns magic from Akako, she explains to him everything she knows about magical jewels and about dangerous creatures that might appear in his path.
Kaito learns simple spells, and even uses them in his performances!
Kaito asks Akako if there is a variation of the "appearing roses" trick but with real magic, Akako says yes and shows him how to do it, when Kaito masters it, a flower appears for Akako and says "I know you like real magic, so I will only use this magic for you." 9. Akako is very protective of Kaito, she will use her magic to defend him from nosy detectives playing pranks on him.
One time, poor Hakuba had his desk filled with frogs.
Shinichi started losing things, he assumed it was because he was distracted, a witch actually got mad at him for kicking a ball at her boyfriend.
"How dare you ruin her pretty face?!" 10. Akako and Kaito always walk with their arms linked, this started because they started dating and Kaito was embarrassed to hold Akako's hand, but when he noticed that several boys were approaching her because they assumed they were friends, he began to offer her his arm so they could walk together. 11. They dig up graves together, Kaito isn't sure why Akako likes burying things in the graveyard or digging up corpses so much, but he doesn't ask, assuming it's witch stuff.
"You know, when you said we were going on a date, this wasn't the first thing I thought of." Kaito continues digging as he asks, confusion can be heard in his voice.
"This is just as fun as watching a horror movie." Akako mentions it with amusement and charm, as if going to dig up corpses is an acceptable equivalent of going to the movies.
"You make me question how crazy I am for being in love with you." 12. They take their birds out for a walk together, and unexpectedly Akako's crows get along quite well with Kaito's pigeons.
Kaito calls Akako the mother of his pigeons, and Akako calls him the father of her crows.
Akako and Kaito send each other romantic notes with their birds. 13. For Kaito's birthday, Akako used a spell so Kaito could talk to his father who was clearly very dead.
Kaito called her "the best girlfriend ever" and Akako didn't tell him that she almost brought him back (as a zombie), which she thought was a little disrespectful. 14. When Kaito destroyed Pandora, he collected some fragments and had a ring made with which he asked Akako to marry him.
Pandora is a symbol of eternity, and of his personal suffering, I find it romantic that he gave a part of that to Akako.
15. One of the scenarios I often think about is these two having 1 child, because I can't stop thinking about how paranormal that would be. Kaito trying to get his son down from the roof, or telling his guests things like "Careful! My son hasn't learned about gravity yet!" or just the kid turning his head like a character from a horror movie.
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its-callum-everybody · 2 months
I CANNOT DRAW. That’s how I’m starting this off. So I, sadly, cannot give you all the visuals for this lovely woman. However! What I can give you all is a In-depth analysis of her character and Creation! Of course, we’ll be breaking this into parts.
Part 1 — Basic Character Information / Relationships
Part 2 — Everything to do with her Unique Magic
Part 3 — Lore
Part 4 — Appearance
PART 1 ➤
Name: Cyrielle [No Known Last Name]
Name Meaning: Lordly
Nicknames: Ce-Ce [Cater], Killifish-Chan [Floyd], Madame Profiterole [Rook], Yam [Vil], Henchman/Second-in-Command [Grim (she got ranked up)], Little Imp [Sam]
Age: Presumably 17
Height: 5 foot 8 inches or 173 cm
Weight: Never ask a lady this [146 lbs]
Gender: Female
Birthday: 8/18
Star Sign: Leo
Hair Color: Charcoal Black
Eye Color: Dark Grey
Sexuality: Undetermined
— (•) —
Dominate Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Breakfast Sandwich
Least Favorite Food: Pickled Eggs
Likes: Aesthetically pleasing things, being right
Dislikes: Dark Chocolate, amnesia
Hobbies: Dancing
Talent: Sword-Fighting
— (•) —
Year: 1st
Dorm: Ramshackle
Class | Student No.: 1-B | 34
Best Class: History
Favorite Class: Practical Magic
Club: N/A
Favorite Teacher: Sam (If that counts)
— 1st Years
Ace: Best Friend #1
Deuce: Best Friend #2
Jack: Mutual Respect. Don’t say their friends, understood to be friends.
Epel: He goes to her to get Junk Food and she happily feeds him. Friends.
Sebek: Begrudging Friends. She takes care of him like a stray cat and he complains while accepting it.
— 2nd Years
Riddle: Friendly Divorced Co-Parents of ADeuce.
Azul: Would smite him on sight with the sweetest smile on her face. He fears her. Slightly calmer after his over-bolt. Slightly.
Jade: Neutral. Can have decent conversation.
Floyd: Try to kill each other while smiling and laughing. Friends.
Ruggie: Hated him during Book 2 but they’re actually pretty chill afterwards. If they see each other in the halls, he tries to make her laugh by making someone do something weird with his magic.
Kalim: She’s number One sunshine protector. Was one-hundred percent ready to fist fight Jamil during his over bolt if she had too.
Jamil: Pre-book four, they were at a neutral standing. During his overbolt she was fully ready to just rock him. Post-overbolt, they’re very quiet around each other but nice. She sometimes just goes to Scarabia to sit there while he cooks.
Silver: She’s very nice to him and he doesn’t understand why. He woke up from a nap one day with his hair braided and a blanket over him. The only reason he knew it was her was because some birds told him. So he tries to be polite back but genuinely has no clue why she’s so nice and it freaks him out. She likes him.
— 3rd Years
Cater: Made a Separate Magic-cam account called ‘Cyrielle’s Adventures’ which focuses on him introducing Cyrielle to TWST pop culture and its a hilarious mess. Cater proclaims them BFF’s.
Trey: Dorm-Dad TM. She may not be in Heartslabyul but she’s always a welcome guest. When she comes over, she sits on the counter while Trey bakes. He lets her stir and eat the leftover batter.
Leona: One she actually did end up punching during his over bolt. She couldn’t stand him before or afterwards. During book three when he begrudgingly helped her and Grim though she loosened up. She can respect his intelligence though. Kingscholar would be more admirable if he had a bit of tenacity.
Vil: He kind of annoyed her pre-overbolt, after the over-bolt she did felt some level of sympathy for him. To always be the villain. That fact alone resonated with her for some reason those she can’t recall why.
Rook: He makes her uncomfortable. She can put up with him, but whenever she knows he’s nearby she can’t seem to let her guard down.
Idia: She didn’t really have any sort of feelings towards him before book 6. After book six though he ended up getting punched, then an awkward head pat. Needless to say He’s awkward around her and she ends up trying to nicer in the end. Even if he just runs away from her half the time.
Lilia: He caught her when she was covering Silver with a blanket and was sworn to secrecy. He knows very well about her crush and casually likes to drag Silver into spending time with him, find her, then leave them together.
Malleus: She invited him in to have tea one day and he ordained her and Silver’s wedding at that moment (because of course Lilia told him everything). Both can be the Yapper to the others Listener. Lilia forces him to play matchmaker too. So he casually tries to tell her about what Silver likes. He’s not good at trying to hint at it but he’s trying.
— Other
Grim: Her son. Will defend him with her life and soul. Do not touch her boy.
Ortho: She gets sad when she looks at him, even before book six. Something about a child that isn’t fully a child because they aren’t a person… it reminds her of someone she can never seem to remember. So she likes to treat him like a little kid even if he can do almost anything with his robotic abilities.
— Staff
Crowley: Fresh-out-of-Jail Uncle and Put-him-back Niece.
Crewel: There is blatant favoritism towards her and Vil. He does not hide it.
Vargas: Takes it easy on her in gym class because she’s one of the only girls; he watched her pick up Jack one time with no struggle and still does this.
Trein: She stays after his class sometimes to ask more questions about history. Lucius likes to chill in her lap during this time. Grandpa vibes.
Sam: Literally her adoptive dad.
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gh-woah-st · 1 year
Kitty Dew Tidbits
Some important little things @sphylor, @divine-misfortune, and I have said that probably won't make its way into a post on its own.
This got long so there's a second post with puppy Mountain here
So Sphy did end up talking about the hats thing but I had already compiled this list so instead have some pictures of kitty Dew's hats
Tumblr media
Also mentioned in that post is the shark onesie, which kitty Dew LOVES. It was originally Rain's so it's a bit big on him, but that makes it even more perfect because it smells like Rain and the sleeves are long enough to flap around
This one is a direct copy and paste because no summary will capture it correctly
Rain does that thing where he'll stick his tongue out a little when he's focused and Dew always mirrors it "oh its time for bleps now? ok!!" Rain: :p Dew: :p
Dew is captivated by videos of birds at bird feeders and sits as close to the TV as possible to bap at the birds
(one time they had to replace the TV because he tried to pounce on a bird and broke it)
(The first time he saw a bird outside the window he nearly got a concussion by pouncing at it head on)
Rain and Dew also sometimes watch ocean documentaries in bed on Rain's laptop, and Rain has to keep his arms around Dew to keep him from trying to attack the fish. Maybe also to hold a cuddly kitty, but mostly to keep him from pouncing... definitely
Speaking of sleepy kitty Dew, he has a very specific bedtime and if he and Rain aren't cuddled up in bed by that time he will meow incessantly at Rain, even herding him to their room if he's tired enough or Rain takes too long
He also never sleeps normally. There's a shared photo album with all the ghouls specifically for pictures of Dew in the oddest, most uncomfortable looking positions ever. Conversations in which Rain says "idk, I've gotten used to it" or Dew says "ooohh. So that's why my back hurts so much" are very common
He likes to sit in freshly made laundry, just napping the day away. It's warm and smells like his pack, so why wouldn't he nap there?
Every once in a while, really just often enough for it to not lose its novelty, if someone accidentally runs into kitty Dew, someone else will recite the Miette post for Dew
That's normally only when Dew didn't even notice he was bonked into. When he does, he puts on the biggest show of being hurt for attention, kisses, and cuddles. He does that every time he falls over, plays too hard, or anything else that could "hurt" him. If they had to pay infirmary bills Dew would be the cause for all of them from that alone.
Every time he goes outside, kitty Dew finds a rock to add to his collection. These rocks range from a piece of sidewalk that chipped off to something actually beautiful, and they are equally important
He also likes to steal buttons off people's clothes without them noticing. He stashes them under his bed, then after a while (when he remembers about the stash) Dew will put them in a box specifically for his buttons
The abbey only has door knobs, which kitty Dew can't figure out how to use, so Rain installed a handle for their bedroom door
"How to interact with Kitty Dew," a guide for new kids (Phantom)
1. Actually get close to him and let him cuddle up to you 2. He likes being scratched behind his horns 3. If you can't tell what he wants just sit or lay down and let him curl up to you, entertain himself, or direct you to what he wants 4. If he stretches to expose his belly this is NOT an invitation to pet him there. It is actually a dastardly trap (Proof: Swiss has scars) 5. DO NOT upset him you might actually die 6. Stop tensing up whenever he goes near you he's literally a cat what is he actually going to do 7. He really likes trying to catch your tail if you swish it across the floor 8. You gotta let him catch your tail eventually though otherwise he'll get stressed and WILL bite you. Also make sure to give him lots of praise when he catches it 9. Do not give him caffeine. He will get zoomies² and you will move up on Rain's hit list (Proof: Swiss has scars from that too)
He tried to fight the tinsel on the Christmas tree once. He was found with the smuggest face and tinsel everywhere on him
If he's feeling extra silly he likes to roly poly around (links to twitter)
Dew constantly bonks Rain's mouth to ask for kisses then just looks up at him expectantly. After he gets his kiss he holds little mousey out so it can get a kiss too
Sometimes when Rain goes to kiss Dew he will lightly bite Rain's nose instead, giggling like crazy when he pulls back
Rain reads to kitty Dew a lot. Mostly kids chapter books so that Dew can follow along
Rain often wakes up to kitty Dew staring at him, inches away from his face
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Though if Dew gets tired of waiting for Rain to wake up, he'll start playing with Rain's plushes and slowly start batting them closer and closer to Rain's face to "accidentally" wake him up
Sometimes when Dew plays with his toys he makes quiet chirping sounds to himself, like he's talking to them or making them talk
Mountain going puppy triggers Dew's kitty brain and vice versa. This causes a lot of problems when one of them has work to do
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wolfsnis · 3 months
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Clover (7/4/09-6/28/24)
I had to put down my beloved cat Clover yesterday. He was about a week shy of his 15th birthday.
He had been having "teeth issues" about two years now, but hindsight is 20/20 and it was probably the cancer growing in his jaw all along. But we didn't know until this year, in April. Then he got some badly infected teeth removed and we thought that was the end of it, but about two weeks later we realized the vet's original prediction was correct. We suspected the cancer also spread to his brain, as his behavior got increasingly erratic in the last two weeks. On the 27th the tumor caused his jaw to break which pretty much inhibited him from eating and drinking. It was the right call to put him down, but it still absolutely destroyed me. I don't know if I will ever be the same.
We picked him and his sister up as newborns from the family farm. His mom gave birth to them during a flash flood so they had to be inside. My parents said they had a third sibling (probably the runt) that didn't make it, I don't remember tho. I won't upload them here for obvious reasons but there's pictures of me when I was five or so holding him when he was just a few days old. We didn't even have carriers when we took them home, me and my brother carried them in our arms the entire time. Definitely not safe now that I think about it.
He had been with me throughout my life. When I came home from school he would be meowing at the door to greet me. I could never sneak around at night without him joining me (and often being very loud while doing it, he was a very talkative cat) he loved people food and would regularly jump up on the dinner table to "join" us for dinner. If you left your meal unattended for a moment he would snatch it up. He liked to drink the milk out of the cereal bowls. We had to cover the sink when we had meat unthawing because he would help himself. He would also frequently raid the pantry and eat uncooked pasta for some reason. He had such a silly meow too, possibly the most masculine-sounding cat I've ever heard. I swear he could say some words like "mom" and "hello" when he wanted to. He was a smart little guy, so maybe. He was a surprisingly fearless cat too, one of the few I've ever met who wasn't afraid of the vacuum. He straight up did not give a fuck. One of my favorite activities was to wake him up while he was napping just to see him look at me all disgruntled and then settle back down. I don't know why, but it always made me smile. He also really loved the outdoors, despite the fact we never let him outside until the end. He had a very high prey drive and attempted to take down a magpie until the magpie tried to take him down, lol. He was a very happy, active, and loving cat right up until his last day. So much so we went back and forth on putting him down.
He was a very charming cat, everyone who came by the house would comment on him. He was so full of personality and loud, he wanted to be involved in everything and that included social gatherings. People absolutely loved him. I had several friends joke that they would steal him from us. He made such an impact on people. He was so beloved. Maybe even a micro celebrity in my small town.
I was distraught last year when I had to move out for college. I demanded pictures of them every day I was away. When I did come home I loved watching him sniff me and then light up in excitement and meow when he realized I was back. I really hope he didn't think I abandoned him.
Saying goodbye to him yesterday was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. He's been such a huge part of my life for so long that the fact I have to go without him from now on feels like a foreign concept. I still don't know if I've fully processed the fact that he's really gone yet, if I think about it for too long I start to feel nauseous. I keep expecting him to round the corner and greet me or to hear him meowing when I close my bedroom door. My poor little buddy, I was really hoping you'd have a few years yet.
Rest easy my sweet boy. You were so much larger than life.
If you've read this far, thank you so much. Here's a gallery of him, bask in his greatness!
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