#and you're right its so nice to see the world changing <33
positivelyadhd · 10 months
ik its not ur usual positivity but THANK YOU so much for that post!!! I feel like "gifted kid burnout" really dominates the conversation and thats only one experience of many.
I was diagnosed with adhd in elementary school and was basically like. "the kid with problems" "lost cause" my entire life. one of my teachers even directly told my mom she should be ashamed of me lol. any successes were like-- "see what you just did? imagine how much more you would be capable of if you didn't have adhd." to the point where I don't even feel any sense of accomplishment for graduating college. it's just one more "failure" i avoided in other peoples eyes. (i dont personally think not graduating college is a failure at all btw, that is just Society's Message™)
this part is kinda tangential but from what i've seen a lot (ofc not all) of gifted kid burnout posts are like, if only i would have been diagnosed earlier all of this could be avoided. and maybe that's true - I understand where it's coming from at least, the frustration of feeling that something is wrong but not knowing what or having that "proof" that you're not just "lazy" etc. im not saying this isn't a valid wish or frustration but in my experience... hoooo boy.
personally being diagnosed with ADHD in the early 2000s, didn't meant you got support, it meant you were written off from the start, adults thought you had no future, you were seen as a "problem child" like it wasn't "oh you're not lazy you just have adhd!" it was "you have ADHD so you are built to be lazy and theres nothing you can do about it lol" so it didn't solve much. just created a different type of problem. im very happy to see things look to be changing though!!
I'm curious if other people had a similar experience and thank you so much for adding the 'diagnosed but not supported' part bc that is so real!!!
Absolutely this!!
My experience with diagnosis and lack of support was strange, but basically my primary (ages 4-11) school (I believe) suspected I had adhd/dyslexia and did offer some (very limited) support. But they also always told my parents they didn't think I had a learning difficulty when they asked because I was in extra programmes. I don't really think the support they did give me really helped all that much, and honestly, when I did get my diagnosis (around 12/13?) I'd spent so long thinking there was just something "wrong" with me that I feel like the lack of diagnosis was a lot more negatively impactful than not receiving support would've been.
My secondary school then managed to flip this and despite me getting my diagnosis part way through, nothing really changed either. Being told I had ADHD/Dyslexia changed me and my understanding of myself. I finally felt like things made sense and there was a reason i found things so difficult, it wasn't that there was something "wrong" with me but the system was not built for me. Although my diagnosis was early compared to some people, it felt late to me, and everything that can happen when you're undiagnosed had already set in.
I wished I'd been diagnosed earlier but honestly, I had a similar experience to you, and I don't think it would've done much. And even when I was finally diagnosed, my school also never really acknowledged my diagnosis and wouldn't put any of the accommodations that I needed in place (despite my diagnosis coming with a report which explained everything they should've been doing to support me and how they could've done it) I didn't get any accommodations for my neurodiversity until I was in uni, and I got my diagnosis in 2015 so at least for me, my experience wasn't that different to yours in the early 2000s.
When I tried to fight for the accommodations I should've been given, I was told that I would pass my exams, and so it didn't really matter, they didn't believe going through the hassle of giving me accommodations would help me (although the diagnosis report itself said otherwise.) I always felt similarly to you, I could scrape by but "imagine how much better you'd do without dyslexia/adhd" but I also had this weird "well because you're "gifted" you can get average grades, you don't need support!" message as well?
And yeah, just like you, I didn't really feel as accomplished as I should've done when I finished uni. I'm proud of myself for doing it but I do feel this weird pressure of knowing that if I didn't have adhd/dyslexia or managed it better, I would've done much better.
I apologise for rambling about myself but yeah thank you for this ask! I feel the same way, and I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in it as well.
I wish you the best dear anon <3
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luneariaa · 5 months
✧ faciens certus.
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✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : { ps5 } harry osborn x reader.
✰ 𝐰. 𝐜. : 1k+
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : harry stays over your place for the night, and tries his best to convince you that he's alright.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : just pure fluff bc he deserves the world <33
. dividers by @/saradika-graphics !! 🏹
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"Just your luck."
You simply said at the auburn-haired male, who just arrived at your place. He settled himself comfortably by the couch of your home, as it started to rain quite heavily outside, hitting every part of the window that's present.
"Gotta admit that I missed the rain. It's been heating up so badly lately." You handed him the glass of hot chocolate with a small smile.
Harry thanked you while grabbing the drink that you gave him, keeping his eyes on you even after he does so.
"Yeah, it feels nice, doesn't it? I mean, the rain makes it colder than usual, but still nice in its' own way."
You nodded a bit as you returned his occasional brief gazes, before shifting your eyes at the TV, which has lost its' signal due to the harsh weather outside, which prompted you to switch it off for now.
Harry gradually puts the glass of his now finished drink down on the table nearby, before letting his eyes stayed upon your standing figure. "Mind if I stay over for the night?"
"You're always welcome to stay here, Har."
An appreciative smile is plastered across his handsome face, deciding to walk toward your direction after bringing a chair along with him, placing it just next to yours. All while his gaze never once averted elsewhere.
"Mhm, you kept staring at me for the past few minutes."
"Got something in your mind?"
The auburn-haired male elicited a chuckle, now managing to fully catch your attention.
"I was just thinking, like, you know-- those old times where we used to spend our time with each other here, watching movies till the early hours of dawn.."
By this point, his eyes are shifted elsewhere as he continued further. "My illness, my dad sort of.. kept me away from meeting you before. Surely, there are valid reasons, but still.."
"It's just nice being able to see you again like this with no one else around."
"Ah, I get that." You leaned your back against the chair you're sitting on comfortably. "I missed you for that too."
"Nothing's gonna happen to you after this, right..?" You don't know what has driven you to ask such a question since he is, well, already there looking all healthy and fine. You couldn't help yourself-- the deep fear of potentially losing him in any time scares you so much.
His smile gradually falters upon hearing your words; simply because he wasn't expecting that type of response from you-- not in a bad way though.
"You don't have to worry about me. Nothing's going to happen anytime soon. I've taken care of everything."
Harry tried his best to reassure you, yet deep down, he hated himself for a bit due to how much he worried you.
Maintaining his cheery demeanor, he forces himself to bury the feelings of guilt deep within him, knowing quite well that you have every right to feel this concerned over his wellbeing.
He doesn't want to be a liar, but he had to, for your sake. He cared about you too much to see you in this state.
Harry just.. wanted to be normal again, and he missed how things were between you two.
"Nothing's gonna stop that now, right?"
You eventually nodded it off, processing his words within your mind. "Yeah, you got a point."
"I'm sorry, I just.."
Any other thoughts are being shut out for now, his focus-- full of pure tenderness, is now completely on you.
"Hey, you don't have to apologize."
"Just please.. Don't worry about it anymore, okay? It makes me all sad seeing you this way about me. I appreciate you for that, always."
You eventually nodded, albeit wordlessly; not knowing what to say as a reply. Sensing the sudden slight of change, Harry finally decided to stand in front of you-- placing a finger gently beneath your chin.
"I'm fine, see?" He then grabs ahold of one of your hands while squeezing it lightly, which made you stand with him as well. The shared gazes lasted longer than necessary, but none of you cared much.
Just by the way your eyes looked up into his own; it's enough to make his heart race and melt at the same time. Dare he say-- you're so precious to him. He would shamelessly show it through his actions, even after all these years.
Even words couldn't be described with the way you gazed at him like that-- it's too much, yet never enough.
Slowly, and delicately, he guides your hand towards where his heart is; allowing you to feel the beat of his heart, and how he's very much alive to you.
He wouldn't lie, but he smiles so fondly, noticing on how his heart picks up just by the mere touch of your palm against his chest.
"Feel it as much you want."
"Isn't this nice?"
The warmth radiates from your hand alone, but you thought the opposite-- thinking that his heart and body are the ones who provide the most warmth. You needed this.
He's standing in front of you and alive. That's what matters.
A warm chuckle escaped from your lips, trying your best to stay composed since you started to feel a little giddy and silly.
"You're right.. This feels comforting."
All while letting his soft grip upon your hand stays, he now moves your hand from his chest, and onto his forehead. "You can-- I mean, check for my temperature as well, just to try convince yourself further, yeah?"
In truth, he just wanted to feel your touch for much longer, especially right at this moment. The rain outside was almost being forgotten.
Harry smiled over his own words; partly joking about it, but at the same time, he wasn't. You returned his actions with such ease, simply letting your hand stay upon his forehead for a bit longer.
You were being cautious as ever, as if not wanting to accidentally hurt him or anything in that way.
"You don't have to be so careful, you know," he remarks, finding your actions quite amusing to behold, to which you simply laughed it off.
"But I wanted to."
You did something that could be considered as bold afterwards; where you actually gave his cheek a small, yet sweet kiss. It's quite new, as you never had the courage to do something as such despite being friends for years.
"That should take all the remaining sickness away, hopefully."
As much as a sap you're being right now, you couldn't help yourself, especially when he keeps his gaze at you like that. He's just so.. You can't even resist him; feeling the urge to squish him if he was a plushie or anything akin to it.
It's just a kiss on the cheek, but why would he freeze and appear to be surprised by the sudden gesture? You're scared if you might have gotten too far with your actions--
But then, his expression is failing him once the reddish hue starts to form upon his cheeks, sharing a sweet and heartwarming laugh along with you.
Harry knows how much you cared for him; on how gentle you are with him. Even if the whole ordeal turns out to be a platonic one, he wouldn't mind the slightest, as long as you are within it.
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@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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xo-cod · 1 year
could you write something soft and fluffy with price 🤍🫧
of course! i love my husband :") <33
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"come here" you patted the space next to you on the bed and john followed, sitting beside you as he handed you his palm. he was fresh out of the shower after yet another gruelling mission, thankfully everything had gone well for the most part. him and his team were left with a few injuries.
though he would've been content just sticking a bandaid on it and calling it a day, you worried for his health. you gently hold his bigger hand between your warm ones, his skin was already beginning to blister and it looked painful, he tried not to show it but you could tell, you always knew.
"s'not that bad, sweetness" he chuckles tiredly, leaning his head against the headboard as he looks to you. truthfully any and all pain in his body seemed to vanish when you were near, he couldn't care less over some burn mark. not when his beauty was sitting so close to him
"to me it is" you playfully roll your eyes, taking the first aid kit from the drawers next to you. delicately, you clean the debris from his wound with a pair of sanitised tweezers. your fingers take great care not to hurt him even more,
all the while john just simply gazes at you with nothing but tenderness and adoration. his heart flutters in his chest at your concentrated look, finding it completely endearing how you took care of him so well. he always was the one helping people, it felt nice to be the other one for a change.
between your warmth and the the blankets of the bed, he's so very tired from the long day. all he wants to do was to hug and kiss you until your touch was burned into his skin, until the tender ache in his heart was quenched by you.
he settled for leaning his head against your shoulder, tucked right under your neck. it makes your head strain slightly but you dare not move, not when he was so comfortable in your grasp. his locks tickle your cheeks and his beard rubs against your shoulder but it's comforting to know he he truly was, back in your arms, back home safe
"are you okay?" he hadn't even realised you were done, already tightening the bandage securely over his palm. it elicited a soft hiss from him and you quickly pull it a little back, making sure it was snug but not restricting.
"i'm sorry" you grimace, gently touching his hand, rubbing your thumb over the bandage ensuring it was secure in its place.
"s'all right, can barely even feel it love" he smiles, wiggling his fingers making you chuckle. he holds your palm, opening your fingers to place a soft yet intimate kiss to the middle and then resting his face for a few seconds until his warm eyes meet yours again. it makes your heart ache for the man, how much you loved every part of him, how much you'd do for him.
"you're so silly" you gently laugh, pecking his forehead while you cleaned the supplies off from the bed. a soft grin falls on his lips at your words, he hadn't expected to fall so hard for another person. he hadn't expected to ever open his heart up for another and yet the little world shared between you both was something he now couldn't live without. it was his sanctuary, his safe haven.
something that gave him comfort when he was deployed and something that kept him hoping during the hard days.
you turned to place the first aid box back its rightful place but price holds you and gently rests his chin back on your shoulder. his arms come around your waist, lazily resting around your hips. you turn around in his grasp and see your lover giving you one of his beautiful smiles, leaning in to kiss your lips with such a ferocity it sets your soul on fire. you both share a cherished moment in your fleeting world, resting your foreheads softly against ome another.
no words needs to be shared in this moment, you feel everything he could ever possibly say with the way he looks and holds you <33
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vrmxlho · 2 years
So can you make a fluff headcanon about blue lock with bachira and/or isagi. Your choice Feel free to ignore this have a nice day/night and take care of yourself
i'm gonna be honest w y'all i have no idea if i'm good at fluff cuz my bf and i are not fluffy at all (i don't think???) so if this is shit don't be afraid to tell me lmao T-T +++ btw thank you sm for requesting <33 SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THIS I WAS SCARED TO WRITE IT LMAO ++ i couldn't stop writing once i started so this is hella long
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bachira's love language is 100% physical touch like you cannot tell me he doesn't love just holding you or kissing you or holding your hand
he could be in a really shit mood but as soon as he sees you and is able to feel your presence next to him, he's forgotten about whatever was pestering him before
if you like flowers he'll get you flowers every. fucking. time.
and if you don't like them or are allergic, that's what lego flowers are for!
i can just imagine him buying those lego flowers and staying up till like 4 making them for you because he just wants you to be happy
i also feel like he's scared of abandonment :((( and that just means he's always with you, always pestering you, always talking to you
he just needs reassurance that you'll stay with him
ok when i said his love language is 100% physical touch i lied, it's both physical touch and quality time
gosh he will come up with the most weird and complicated reasons as to why he has to see you right now
he mostly does it cuz he loves being around you but also because of how annoyed and petty you get, he finds it so so funny 😒
"i broke my foot, i can't play football anymore" "WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY? I'M COMING OVER, I KNOW FOOTBALL MEANS THE WORLD TO YOU </3333" turns out he had not in fact broken his foot, he just wanted to see you. god, this boy is so oblivious he just needed to text you something simple like "come over" and you would've been on your way, there was absolutely no reason to lie about it LMAOO
omg ok hear me out
bachira does not have an ideal date as long as its with you
when asked the question "how would you like to spend a whole day with your s/o?" he just thought 'wtf' like???? i love them sm, i could be picking up garbage and still enjoy it if i'm with my s/o
all his friends called him a simp, but he was proud abt it, after all who wouldn't simp for you
he's also really spontaneous, yk with his 'ego' and everything
y'all could just be hanging out and then suddenly out of nowhere you're at a theme park, or at the beach, or a kiddie park
once during the summer, when it was too hot to do anything except complain and eat ice-lollies, he pulled you all the way to a theme park just to have a change of scenery
"please bachira, it's like 30º, we're gonna die" "will you shut up about the heat? you're like a little baby, i promise it'll be fun" and oh was he right. it was getting warmer and warmer but not even a heat wave couldn't ruin the fun. you had gone on all of the rides at least twice but nothing could beat the relaxing water log one. the two of you kept cutting the line as soon as you were done, jumping over the metal barriers and running from the security guard who was sure he'd just seen you (am i going crazy he thought). after about the fifth time he was just so done with the two of you he gave up. you'd be drifting on the log, splashing each other with the kinda gross water. neither of you could stop laughing (nobody knows why), everyone around you thought you were maniacs, but neither of you cared.
although he's always happy when receiving presents, he prefers giving you presents
and by presents i don't mean rlly expensive things but more like little things that remind him of you
he saw a paperclip that was shaped like a heart? present material
your favourite soda? present
you really liked that one song??? well he knows about three more like that, he's making you a playlist as we speak
is it any good? um excellent question! not too sure about his music taste...
just like him it's all over the place
your music tastes do not go well together but that's not gonna stop either one of you from trying to brainwash the other into liking your favourite songs
"this is ass, i can feel my brain melting" "y/n, this song saved my life" "and it's pushing me off the edge, please get a grip" he gets really pouty and pretends he hates you, but that lasts about five minutes because deep down he knows you're right 😭
omg and his kisses
he's never awkward of hesitant about it, he just goes straight for it
your very first kiss was a bit random, the two of you were just talking before he leaned in and quickly pecked your lips, you were a blushing mess, and he liked seeing you like this so he did it again, and again, everywhere this time, your eyes, you forehead, both cheeks, the sides of your lips that were super ticklish
and he does this every time
one kiss isn't enough he needs at least 8!
he does not care about PDA, in fact the more ppl who know you're his, the better
if y'all were any trope it would definitely be childhood sweethearts, yk when you marry your best friend in like primary school? yeah, he probably proposed to you
"to y/n i give my most prized possession, my football" "bachira, i'm tired, i don't feel like playing today" "nonono this is just a gift for the bride" oh silly child, he's not asking you to play with him. he's in love with you <33333
his mother (yu bachira) is literally molly weasley incarnate
like she's out here locking you in their house, there's no way she's letting you go back home?? no, you're her guest!
has a list of foods you like and don't like just so whenever you're home she can cook for you and everything 🥲
she's currently teaching bachira how to cook your favourite meals, she'd never want you to raise a single finger, ever
the world's purest, but also the world's most talkative person ever
homeboy has an average of 10000 words spoken per day (fyi that's a lot)
he just wants to tell you about everything <333
if anything, even the smallest thing, happens when you're not there with him he's 100% filling you in later
hosts a daily ted talk where he just tells you about all the other guys and how they suck 🙄 and how he's getting better at football and like he's pulling up stats you've never heard of???
"and i checked his stats and the only thing he's better at is aerial duels, but it's only by 0.2, so honestly who cares right?? i mean its negligible" "like the charge of a neutron" "wtf is a neutron?" no babe, wtf does 0.2 aerial duel mean??? since when can you fly??? (it's when players fight for the ball while jumping btw)
but don't get me wrong that does not mean he doesn't listen cuz he's such a good listener omg, the best one honestly
why's he good at everything dammit
he loves hearing about your day
he'll ask you about it without fail every single day and he genuinely listens it not like he's doing it out of common curtesy he just loves hearing from you
to him, you could make the most uneventful day sound interesting
he'll be looking at you in awe like a little child being told about magic or smth like that (this was not a great analogy help)
and that makes him supper attentive too
he can instantly tell when something's even slightly off and somehow he knows exactly how to make you feel better
omg he's the type of boyfriend who has a polaroid of you in his phone case and he just stares at it from time to time
and he takes them soooo fucking seriously, unless it's not your initial, no, then that's bullshit 😰🫡
he's 100% husband material, marry him rn like actually
unlike bachira he already knows how to cook and he's gonna get physical if he ever sees you doing anything, he's more like bachira's mother in that way
his ideal date is walking around and going on cute ass picnic dates
he loves when y'all go on dates when it's a bit chilly
"why didn't you wear a jacket?" "it would ruin my outfit" :(((( "ugh, just wear mine then, i don't want you getting a cold" it really wasn't cold that day. you just wanted to wear his coat. little did you know that isagi too was praying that he'd be able to pull of that move, he'd been thinking about it ever since he saw those stupid rom-coms where the guy gives his crush his coat and then they fall in love or smth. my silly children 😪
his love language is quality time, he hates being ignored and he wants to be with the people he loves at all times possible
lucky for him everyone loves him, he's such a sweetheart
his favourite pastime (apart from football ofc) is lying in your lap while you read him a book, gossip or just sit in the silence
he loves looking at you from below especially after that one time he saw the sun shining from behind your head and he swore you looked like an angel (you really did, i was there)
omg listen to this
y'all have a bit of a rivalry when it comes to bowling
you're both so god awful at it but you're both also convinced you're better than the other
"you're supposed to be aiming at the pins, not the hole..." "okay in my defence, when shooting you usually aim for the place with no defenders, so you can score!!" "don't pretend this is about football, you just suck 😒"
he loves kissing you, its the best thing ever
your first kiss was a bit awkward but it had its charm
you both had already been together for a while now but neither of you knew how to initiate the kiss
until you both were laughing at the dumbest joke he'd ever made in his whole life (he still cringes at the memory of it)
you just looked so fucking beautiful, with small tears in your eyes from laughing too much, a smile wide and that cute laugh
he couldn't help it so he just pushed himself onto you
and keep in mind there was some distance between the two of you so when he kissed you the two of you fell
but i mean, at least it was memorable???
gosh you both are the definition of first and last love <3333
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 6 months
Wouldn't trade this for the world
wowee I wrote something 😍😍
Tsym @amorvincitomnia-14 (my lovely wife 💕💕💕) for the request
gn!reader x r!Leo
1,033 words (ik its not a lot, but its good and I like it so suck an egg)
Reader is stressed and overworked so Leo decides to help
No particular warnings, just some fluff <33
"Argh! I *have* the right formula, *why* aren't I getting they right answer??" You groan in frustration. You were on your fourth hour studying- or was it your sixth? Either way, you'd been here a while. The school library was almost becoming a second home to you. Your friend April speaks up, watching as you slump against the table and bury your face in your arms. "Yknow, you don't have to spend *all* your time studying- you could..... Take a break? Eat something? Spend time with people other than your study group and these ancient textbooks? Yknow, normal healthy people stuff?" You sigh, looking up at her from your arms. "I can't take a break. Not with exams right around the corner! If I wanna pass them, I *have* to study." You turn your attention back to the textbook, determined to figure out how to solve this equation. April closes the book. "Your brain can't work under all this stress Y/N. You *need* to rest. Why dont you stop by the lair? Leo won't stop whining about how much he misses you." Hmmmm.... It *had* been a while since you saw your boyfriend- or any of the turtles for that matter. Maybe a break would serve some use... "I'll think about it" you say, reopening the thick heavy book to the right page. April sighs, shaking her head as she grabs her backpack. "Alright then Y/N. See you around." With that, she exits the library. Now its just you, your notes, and a whole lotta studying.
˚⊹♡2 hours later♡⊹˚
God how long have you been here? You're starting to despise that familiar library smell of books and old lady perfume. You look at your phone to check the time. 10:13?? Damn..... You've been here a while.... You set your phone down and lean back in your wildly uncomfortable plastic school chair, exhaling a breath. You should probably go home. You load all your books and notes into your backpack and sling it over one shoulder, before immediately switching it to the other side. Thank you shoulder pain. You slide your phone into your pocket and exit the library out the back. As you step outside, cool air, a nice contrast to the hot stuffy library, hits you in the face as you stand and take a breath. Starting your commute back to your apartment, you put your headphones on and turn on some music. By the time you finally reach home, exhaustion clings to you like a thick heavy cloud. Man, you've been working a lot haven't you? Your phone pings with a text message from Leo; with all the studying, you've barely spent time with him. 💙Leo💙: 'Mi amor, I miss you 😢 Would you be up to hang out?' On one hand, you would *absolutely* like to spend time with him! But on the other, youre exhausted and overworked and just need a nap. You: 'I'm sorry babe 😟 I've been studying for exams all day and I'm just really tired 😞 I promise we'll spend time together at some point though' You send the text, knowing you're about to disappoint the nicest boy in the entire world; but you you're too tired to care. You change into something comfy; sweatpants and a t-shirt you "borrowed" from Leon; and head to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You return to your room, setting the water on your nightstand before climbing into bed and switching off the lamp. You get to sleep for some 30 odd minutes before you're awoken by a knock on your window. You sit up and turn on the light, your eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light. Looking at the window, you see none other than the one and only Neon Leon standing on the fire escape outside your window, waiting to be let in. Somewhat reluctantly, you pull yourself out of the soft warm embrace of bed and blankets to open the window, chilly air blowing in and pricking goosebumps on your arms. "Is that my SIX shirt? Ive been looking everywhere for that" Leo asks as he climbs in, bringing a plastic grocery bag in with him. "Thought I told you I was too tired to hang out" you say as you shut the window. "Youre dodging the question" he teases; "And I figured if youre too tired to come and spend time with yours truly, id come and be tired with you." He smiles at you, setting the bag on the bed and digging through it. "I got your favorite snacks, candies, that tea you like, and I even nabbed Donnie's laptop so we can watch something! And if you're not up for watching a movie, we can just sleep together. Well not *sleep together* sleep together- like- snuggling and napping together- yknow?" You can help but chuckle at him. He's such a dorky loser; but at least he's *your* dorky loser. You hug him, burying your fave in his neck to take in that familiar scent of peppermint sticks and black cherry merlot soap. "You're so amazing," you say, kissing his cheek and stepping back to look at him; "And it is your shirt" You smile cheekily as he scunches his nose and squints at you. "Why you little- that's my favorite shirt!" He says in faux outrage, bringing in the dramatics (something he's rather good at). "Thats why I took it. You wear it the most, so it smells like you" Leo can't help but blush. "You like my smell?" "Course I do. Makes me feel like I'm with you, even when I'm not." He wraps you in a hug, planting a sweet kiss to your lips. "Well I'm here now mi amor"
The rest of the night is spent lying in bed with Leo, sipping raspberry tea, and watching the Great British Bake Off. You eventually end up falling asleep cuddled up next to him with his arm wrapped around you, holding you close in a warm embrace and god were you lucky to have a boyfriend like him. As you lay sleeping next to him, you know you wouldn't trade this for the world.
❀⋆˚✿˖°˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .-. ° . ᡣ𐭩 °˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚ ₊‧⁺˖°˖✿˚⋆❀
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darlingpwease · 1 year
I cannot believe you just did that. That's the worst of both worlds. And you went there. I can't believe you.
(눈_눈)... NOOOO NO THATS NOT IT!!! I love the idea smsmsm but I just want you to write it when you want to. If you finish the work, I can't wait to see how you write it out, but if you don't then thats okay too. I promise that I'm absolutely hooked on the idea tho :))) /gen That's fair,, do you have any specific book preferences?? Like mangas, manhwas, novels, that kinda stuff?? I know some novel apps/sites I can recommend if you'd like :))
I can say the same to you bubba <33 The amount of cavities you've given me is insane. The idea of them desperately trying their best to keep you with them is just so ♡♡♡ They realized that there was something... different about you compared to others, they just could never truly place a finger on exactly how. But when your mission keeps getting interrupted because of them, even of the brisk of failing.. the punishment given by failing a certain amount of worlds is something you definitely want to avoid. So no matter how many times you have to reset this world, you are really trying to complete it. But when not only Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are remembering things they shouldn't, doing things they shouldn't,, you're thinking that it might be best to move on to the next world hoping that it will go better... But with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng doing their best, even causing issues with the system itself,, they won't let you leave. You have to stay. They're good, right? You like them,, right?? So you shouldn't leave. You definitely want to stay with them.... Or something hehefhsk
Oh... is that still not a green flag tho?? I think someone being obedient is nice at times... And its not that I have a bad opinion of you,, its just that you're so sly and rotten that I don't know what to do </33 /t /hj 🤨🤨 ..i– listen, Dove,,, I really will do my best. Is my memory the best?? ...not really.. BUT!! I can still put a lot of effort in.
I can't believe you compared the dark water arc to something that isn't even real.... Yes, and cherish them and treat them so well <33 Give them many many kisses n hugs n cuddles and praise them loads <333
He's– he's just so– so uuwwaw <3333 Pretty baby, pretty boy,,, stunning omgomg,, he's just so cute?? And lovable??? And bitable??? Yes!! Yes!! You understand!!! I can see him flirting with you and giving you compliments, but when you reciprocate,, his brain can't help but shut off <33 Him getting so giddy when you call him San Lang, a warm smile across his face as he smiles so blissfully at you,,, he loves it when you praise him. Calling him the cutest boy you've seen, telling him how good he is and how he deserves all of the nicest things, how he deserves to be pampered beyond the heavens <333 he gets all gushy when you do that,, it's one thing when he acts that way to you, but when the roles are switched he needs his brain to reboot for a quick sec.
As usual?? What do you mean by that?? Hm???? >:((
-panna cotta
Hskfjad he's fully aware that you two will meet up eventually. Sometimes it does take longer than others, but whenever it does take longer he can only think about staying with you.
Nothing's stopping him from just... keeping you. You've always come back to him, he has always found you and you've always found him. It's inevitable that it will happen regardless, so why can't he just have you stay forever? Xie Lian can't help but feel frustrated when he thinks about you having to part from him.
You feel the same way. Why do you have to keep repeating this cycle? Living, finding Xie Lian, staying with him until your death, get born again, wait a few years, find him, a constant repeat that never changes. You will always be brought back to him. You just want to stay with him constantly. Not having to change and forget, you want to stay. He can remember, so why can't you? It's never fully, either.
He can recall the first time you two ever met, but you can't. He is prideful of always remembering things related to you, and although you already know his, it's engraved deep into your soul, you can't remember his first reactions to it. How he must've looked when he first discovered his new favorite thing,, how happy did he look? Did he enjoy it right away? Did it gradually grow on him??
Why can't you just stay with him forever? Although you'll always be brought back to him, Xie Lian always makes sure of it, why must you both go through this bittersweet cycle?
Dove, yes what if one day he doesn't find you,, but what if slowly the days he finds you become longer?? He'd have to wait for you for a couple of years either way, but he can't help but feel like the waiting has been growing longer. He hates thinking of that. It's just seeming longer because he misses you. He wants you by his side constantly,, he will always wait for you. He's just desperate for your company. For your touch. For you. That's why it feels longer every time recently.... Right? But when the waiting periods go from years to decades, and those decades frighteningly span from just 3 decades to almost a full century,, the panic and dread filling him shakes every passing hour.
You always come back to him. He always wants to be with you. You always want to be with him. You crave each other, wanting to be with one another constantly. Although this cycle tears you apart from one another, you always find your way back.
It's just eventually all cycles come to a stop, but for the two of you it's not anytime soon. Right?
Can I give a mwah or is it still only kith?? Yesss pretty puppies pretty darlings <<3333 My dog would always lean on me whenever I'd pet him, and I can't help but think of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng happily pressing against you whenever you praise them. Stroke their heads and tell them how good they are, and they're stuck to you for hours <333 I can see Xie Lian doing it more timidly and bashfully, happily pressing up against you with flushed cheeks and a shy smile before hiding his face into your chest or stomach,,, but I can see Hua Cheng energetically going to you. He tries not to be obvious about it, acting nonchalant,, but he constantly drops hints about things he'd done so you could go and praise him,, then he'd happily lean and cling to you <333 They always try to stay close to you too,,, making sure not to stray too far from you, always wanting to be by your side... They're both just so adorable idk what to do <//333
Maybe after taking care of Hua Cheng for so long while waiting for Xie Lian that you accidentally do the same habits... You'd always play with Xie Lians hair, combing it and tying it up all pretty. You'd love to braid it too,, not even in one big large braid, but sometimes just a small single strand that he didn't need to focus on much. But with you now taking care of Hua Cheng, you've accidentally kept that habit with him, not that he's complaining. He loves the way your fingers run through his scalp. At first, Hua Cheng didn't understand why you'd do it, but he dealt with it because you seemed to be happy doing it. Now, he will come up to you and ask if you're okay with doing it when you have time. He happily asks if you can play with his hair, braiding it and even putting things in it. He remembers one time you braided his hair and weaved some flowers in it, it made him happy. You thought he looked nice? You think he looks good with his hair like that?? Do you want to do it again????
Maybe Xie Lian getting jealous when he sees that too,, you did that with him before, it was something you'd do when the two of you spent time together, alone,, and now you're doing it with someone else?? He doesn't even think of the hundreds of others things that you do with just him. He knows how nice and comforting that is, and now you're doing it with someone that isn't him???
Hua Cheng teasing you for curling up on his chest,, but he absolutley adores it when you do <333 He knows that with you still being a will-o'-wisp that his yin energy is comforting,, but the fact that you don't even try to refute his teasing, instead indulging him and teasing back,,, he can't help but be really happy (*ノ▽ノ) Telling you that you should always try to stick to him, always try to have some form on contact with him so you can gain more energy, totally not so he can touch you more,, (him getting embarrassed by how he reacts with his chest, always trying to tell you, beg you to not touch it,, it's too much,, but still bringing your hands up to it once his mind is all fuzzy, some times not even realizing himself)
Hua Cheng as a Maine Coon and Xie Lian as a Ragdoll confirmed❗️❓❗️❓
You should, because I'm ready to repeat sjshjshsjshsjdhd /t /j
still waiting!!!😚😘 look at him, it's worth poking panna cotta in the side, and he immediately starts to get nervous, as if he was caught eating all the cookies in the house~ /t /affectionate /mwah<333 I think I'll finish it one day, but at the moment, it's still in the process. after all, cute xianxia are now filling my mind😔 I love novels!!! It's a long story where I went from anime to manga, only to realize that I just like to read in a comfortable rhythm</3 very sad story, for right /hj 'I know some novel apps/sites I can recommend if you'd like :))' oh???
listen, but when you restart again, only to realize that your system is crashing while everyone remembers and your 'pretty boys' is looking for you, not letting go, clearly hindering the plot, and the world starts to go crazy while the two main characters are crazy about you? you're trying to do anything, no matter what it leads to, just to get out, but what can you do when their memories overlap on time lines and become mixed, besides how they adore you and adored you in all the storylines, and no matter what you do or where you want to wait out, they are constantly finding you, and it doesn't matter if you rewrite part of the story or make an emergency restart again, they are always here, and when other characters also begin to remember and not forget, you are in absolute shock and horror - and when you realize that your system no longer works in any way except for the little things, while the story begins from the very beginning, it seems to you that you have passed the blackening arch, intending to use them to get through this damn world, realizing that if you can't win, then you need to lead,,,,,
I see, an obedient calf on a string. in general, this is what they say about people who do everything without objections, and it is used more as a pejorative if a person is doing something for no particular reason or meaning, but simply because they were told so. you know how "if everyone jumps off the roof, will you jump too?", but more innocuously. yes yes of course it's this innocent and gentle crumb's fault🙄🙄🙄 mean bully ://// babyboo... it's like the promise of a fish that it will try to breathe with its lungs. come on, come on, you won't promise what's impossible, you need to learn to be humble /t /j /nsrs
if it wasn't real, my panna cotta wouldn't have become blackened from everything that he... ah...... *wipes away tears* my poor white lotus baby booo :(((( /t /j making them cry when it's too much for them, even if Hua Cheng asks you not to stop whispering that everything is fine, or when Xie Lian lets you negotiate with his silk ribbon to tie his hands----
yes yes!!! so kissable and biteable<333 pretty baby cheeks, clinically insane, really good at being handsome<3333 maybe his eyes glaze over if you're away for a long time, and he's a little strange when you want to leave him, whispering hoarsely why you're leaving, why you don't want to stay, why you want to leave him too — but still such a cutie<3333 yes yes yes~ when he is internally torn between "everything you say is true" and "no, he's not handsome, you probably think he's ugly" and you keep saying that he is the most handsome man, young man and boy in your life and just perfect for a husband and he sits!!! husband!!! the perfect husband!!! even if you said it jokingly, he is!!! he's ready!!! he is ready to be your husband!!! when he constantly nervously adjusts his clothes and fidgets, afraid that you will find him ugly, and you look at him only with the thought of how beautiful and irresistible and amazing and incredible he is,,,,, when he is shy to bare himself, even if, well, he knows that he is handsome, but once he sees you, his doubts and shame start moving inside again, because he can't help but worry that you don't think he is handsome, preferring someone prettier than him, and when you drown he's in love and praise, he just doesn't know how to react at first - especially if you're flirting, praising his appearance or e-ming, and he's just so confused and dumbfounded, even if he's very happy hearing your words that sound too good for someone like him,,,,,,,, when you praise him for how handsome and pretty he is, looking up at you, such a good boy so that you can pamper him, and he feels almost shamefully good, being drowned in your adoration and giving no less in return, even if he freezes at first, as if you caught him off guard, looking at you with almost rabbit shock,,,,,,,
I mean, you're just proving it right now, meanie 🤨🤨🤨 /t
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listen, but every time it seems to him that your life is getting shorter, while the wait is longer, and these short moments are almost immediately replaced by the sharp pain of loneliness? it hurts him so much when you are not with him, even knowing that you will come back, you always come back, like the spring sun returns to the gardens of winter ice, only his frosts get longer and longer, while your warmth is getting shorter and shorter, as if you are going to decline, and this scares him more than any thing. he knows he shouldn't worry, there's no reason for you not to come back, but you need more and more time, and he can't help but look like a wild dog when he's looking for you, foolishly poking his nose everywhere you can be, just to get you back to where you should be - just wish he could be where he belongs.
he constantly clings, almost abducting you, begging you not to leave him, and you don't want to, but the cycle repeats again and again, taking you away, like the current of a river, with which you struggle to return to your beloved. perhaps the carp that broke the current and reached the gate could become a dragon, but you were afraid that you would never be able to become one for your lover — even when you realize again with bitterness that you should, but you can't, looking for his gaze, only to find a dull disappointment when he thinks that you are not looking, and you realize that it hurts him too, just like you, and you try to break this circle.
and once again it is interrupted.
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... you can<3 yes!!! Xie Lian is more calm and shy, but when he sees how to open Hua Cheng, he also starts to be more persistent, although still gentler and softer than him,,,, no matter how different they are, they are equally needy and tenacious, and they cling to you so much that you feel like you can't breathe when they entwine you like vines, not letting you get out of this vicious cycle, but accept their adoration, even when they become even more and more needy because of how you pamper them,,,,, when Hua Cheng puts his chin on your palm for you to stroke him, or tries to do something edible (unsuccessfully) or beautiful (many times better) for you to praise him, while trying not to be too open in his need to get your affection, while Hua Cheng almost waves his metaphorical peacock tail, much more direct, but also easily embarrassed in response to praise, especially unexpected, even if he really asked you for it a little earlier,,,,, When they both lie next to you, trying to snuggle comfortably, and easily find a common language and share ways to snuggle and get your attention, sometimes even cooperating to convince you to let them if single attempts are useless,,,, or when they almost imperiously wrap themselves around you from both sides, as if just the fact that you are dating God and Ghost King is not enough, they must also be obsessive and completely abnormal with you,,,,,,,,
but when you once braided his hair into a braid while he was a child, and now he braids it so constantly because it reminds him of you? and when you start accidentally doing this to him, stroking his soft, black hair, perfect to play with, and your chest is so warm, remembering your Xie Lian, that you can't help but repeat this feeling in your hands, braiding the hair of the unresisting Hua Cheng, not understanding why you are doing this, but it's joyful that you again found his hair good for this — and almost purring when he looks everywhere he can, stroking his braid,,,, when you weave certain flowers into his hair, explaining why you think they suit him, and your voice simultaneously calms and excites him, as if teasing him on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, while your fingers slide through his hair, making him feel like he's at home, while your breath tickles his ear, feeling your arms around his neck, hiding your face in his hair, as you did with Xie Lian, seeking peace in these embraces, but Hua Cheng is not the same as him at all - although for some reason no less calms you like your prince, even when his cold fingers touch yours, slightly intertwining,,,,,,,,,
Listen, if he were less restrained, he would have painted a sign with "welcome home CHEATER" because this is what he experiences when he looks from his hair to Hua Cheng's pigtail, the creator of which he recognizes from a million braids made by other people<///3 he? is jealous of the fact that you braided another person's pigtail? more likely than you think — especially if Hua Chang pretends that he doesn't understand what the problem is, seeing Xie Lian's gaze on his hair, and you also try to pretend that you don't understand what kind of atmosphere is around your lover, but it's hard when he doesn't even try to hide his dissatisfaction, almost crossing his arms and looking with mute reproach, clearly waiting for your explanations, not at all such a cute bunny as you are used to, but rather a jealous wife who waited and looked for you while you flirted with the ghostly king, and even the fact that his door is being repaired does not calm his jealousy too much<//////3
I mean? yes, I am a simp, but anyone if they had a chest like Hua Cheng's and tried to seduce someone, they would bare it, and I guarantee that after you have been constantly pressing against it for a century or even more, looking for yin energy, it becomes almost a reflex, — and he is more than mischievous in this regard, even if this desire to tease is still mixed with worship for you, from which he seems to never be able to get rid of, he owes his life to you, — just to see you pressing your cheek to his chest out of habit, not seeing anything in that, having already managed to get rid of the shame of it for all the time that almost depended on him,,,,, after all, you're still doing it even if you're already more than successful at absorbing smaller ghosts — what's the point if you can just... lie on it??? it's convenient enough and you're used to it, and it's not that anyone dares to tell you how you look - it doesn't matter if you're still a will-o'-the-wisp or have already taken human form, you're constantly either on him or around him, which makes you perceived as his familiar, if only he did not treat you as carefully and tenderly as his darling, whom he constantly indulges and is gentle, especially while you are a will-o'-the-wisp, not interested in anything other than becoming stronger than he uses, guiltily indulging himself in stroking you and cuddling you to himself,,,,,,
yes!!! maine coon!Hua Cheng is a very nice and well-mannered cat, but if you don't pay attention for a long time, and he starts to be naughty and whimsical and look at you with huge innocent eyes until you take this huge carcass on your lap to be crushed, and ragdoll!Xie Lian, who is almost phlegmatic and moderately playful, but follows you everywhere like a dog, because just like Hua Cheng does not tolerate separation from you, but not so loud and mischievous,,,,, you know, this is the ideal type of cats who love to sit on their knees and on their hands, but only for you, and are shy indifferent (Xie Lian) or rude (Hua Cheng) to others. in fact, you will have to sleep almost on the floor or a very low bed, since Xie Lian, due to the breed, has muscle relaxation and cannot group normally when falling, which is why he has a risk of injury, but constantly wants to sleep with you, while Hua Cheng just uses this to block your oxygen<////3
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youremyheaven · 2 months
hi i am almost 20 but i never feel attracted toward a boy like have sex with him . I need a man with emotional security and who is mature tham me and understand me at an emotional level because i see so many cases of fake love and bf like as an Indian in my own class and i also don't feel comfortable in my own skin i am very skinny and look much like a child and every one point out it very much even aunties and i feel bad when my father says it hard to find a groom for me in future and i don't want to get married or comfortable between people need to mention i never get into any relationship with a boy cause whom i like they dont take me serious. I have malefic (sani)planet in my 1 house and 1 lord Mercury debilitated in 7 house . My college mates always point out i dont have prominent beauty indicators in body like b**bs and big h*ps But i want to get settled first and have my own independent finance structure i want to explore i also hate dominent men like in my family and society want to marry someone outsider a foreigner but 😮‍💨 life is not easy in Indian society
okay damn these are a lot of different things
its okay to be a virgin at any age. nobody is missing out on anything by not having sex because sex is only good with a good partner and that does not come by every day, most random sexual encounters are boring asf so dw about missing out on anything, you can wait until you're older and find the right person!!
and for your first time, make sure its with a genuine, trustworthy and nice guy!!! manifesting one for u<33
secondly, about body image
everybody feels this way about themselves. if you're skinny, you want to be thicker. if you're thick, you want to be thin. the grass is always greener on the other side etc
everybody gains weight in their early to mid 20s btw,, ive never really been thin lol but many of my thin friends have gained weight naturally over the course of years
also there are many ayurvedic remedies for weight gain and you can also go to the gym ,, and all of this is ONLY if you WANT to, there is nothing wrong with being skinny!! if you're underweight and its concerning from a health perspective, you can always consult a nutritionist about it <333
About feeling good in your own skin. Trust me, no one's going to be feeling incredible at 20, you're still young and growing. By the time you reach your mid 20s you'll feel more comfortable and confident. You're getting used to being a grown up, that takes time. And the body naturally changes over the years. It is what it is.
About the people who body shame you. Tell them to piss off. We have 8 billion people in this world, which means billions of people are having sex every day. Not everybody's going to look the same. People of all shapes and sizes deserve to enjoy themselves and feel loved and you will too!! You'll find the right person for you!!
I've always disliked being around skinny men bc I feel "too much" around them and everytime I see a skinny guy with a skinny girl I'm just like 🥺🫶🥺 ALSOOO you may not believe me but many men like skinny women and want skinny women 👀 they like being the dom 😏
Ignore the boys who aren't serious about you. You deserve someone who will give you good treatment ✨
I hope you marry whoever you want and end up finding true love 🫶✨
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
im in a mommy mood in this moment so suffer with me:
imagine your sucking katsukis cock in the morning as a wake up call of sorts. in his sleep he mons in the prettiest voice "mommy". He wakes up and cums down your throat, while your making breakfast you're all like "so im your mommy now huh" and kats goes red and tries to dismiss it but you get closer and lean in close to say "its okay babyboy mommy'll take good care of you".
hey bestie <33 let’s get this bread!! i uh, as usual got carried away with this
pairing: sub!bakugou x reader
cw: smut, MDNI 18+, blowjobs, mommy!kink, slight!somnophilia, dom/sub themes, cum eating.
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katsuki is always the most vulnerable in the early hours of the morning— before he has time to put up his brave, explosive facade, his face rests in pure content as sleepy moans slip from between his plush lips. he’s so pretty like this, not a care in the world nor a crease in his brow while he whimpers out for you, rutting into you from behind, pressing his hard shaft right up against your ass.
and who were you to deny him pleasure so early in the day?
that’s how you end up beneath soft cotton sheets, your hot mouth lazily sucking katsuki’s cock in— rolling his balls heavy with cum between your fingers. he twitches against your tongue, sweet precum smeared across your tastebuds while you take him down your throat. it’s tight around him, swallowing only makes the poor pro hero whine and whimper for more as he pulses and leaks more into your mouth.
“m-mommy,” katsuki sighs groggily, hips lifting to push more of himself down your throat— saliva seeps from the corners of your mouth, his fat cock filling you out deliciously especially at full mast. the hero is weighty against your tongue, veins even more prominent due to his hardness— easily traceable. “m-mommy...fuck, god... feels s’good,” you can tell that he’s awake now from the huskiness laced in his voice, scratchy in his throat while he begins to rut up at an increased pout, chasing the release pent up in the base of his cock.
your eyes drift upwards with a sharp squeeze to his heavy balls just to pull out another one of his pretty, sleepy sounds from between his lips. the hero’s face is flushed, a bright red to rival the shade lining eyes spreading from his cheeks right up to his ears. you’re so fucking lucky, being the only person in the world who gets to see how cute he looks losing it, with his cock down a throat and pleasure intertwined with the mewls he breathes out into the crisp morning air.
your hands replace your lips on katsuki’s dick, dwarfed by the sheer size of him as you languidly jerk him off until fat droplets of clear precum seep from his bright red and burning tip. “g’mornin’ babyboy,” he shivers as you palm his head, his own fingers weaving their way through your hair in an attempt to pull your mouth back onto his cock.
“w-what’re ya doin’? fuuck baby, please—” he slurs, mouth hanging open in a pant while drool creates a shine against his parted lips. poor bakugou, his morning brain is foggy with desire, lust crackling across it and dancing through the air as he watches you spit down onto his length, lubing him up and adding slick sounds to the scene playing out between you both.
you tap his cock against your glossy lips, kitten licking the oozing slit— you moan against him, eagerly watching as his face contorts with unadulterated euphoria, chest heaving, hips jumping up as if he’s begging you take more of him. “makin’ the pretty boy feel good, it feels good right baby? mommy spittin’ and drooling over this big boy cock of yours...” you start to praise him, living for the way he squirms beneath your touch. your nails rake down his hip bones, marking him as yours.
bakugou’s face twists in denial, not wanting to give into that sweet title that makes butterflies film his tummy and his cock stir in your grip. so lay your tongue flat, taking him in once more and mapping out each thick vein along his shaft. sucking him off is so messy, so lewd compared to the soft atmosphere for the time of day— but you wouldn’t change it for the world, katsuki deserves this, to be made to feel like he’s on cloud nine. he works so hard, you just want him to feel good.
shallow thrusts deeper into the intoxicating heat of your mouth make you gargle, the sound causing the blonde to cry out from pure bliss and his finger nails to rake across your scalp— dragging you back and forth along his dick until his gaze becomes fuzzy and his next words become incoherent babbles. “mommy— yes,” katsuki says in a tiny, helpless voice, cut off by his own hiccups whine pleasure mounts in his lower belly. “feels nice, s’lucky t’have mommy suckin’ on me...”
that’s right. you think, pride flooding through your bloodstream. you’re the only one who can break pro hero dynamight like this, bring him to a blabbering, slurring and twitching ness. you’re the only one who takes care of him like this. breathing in deep through your nose, you bob your head down until you meet his pubic brown and swallow around katsuki’s weighty girth.
bakugou practically squeals, gripping your hair so tight that you simper from the pain. “g-god fuck, mommy please d-don’t... shit, ‘m so close, so so close.” you can’t imagine how painfully hard he must of been before you put your mouth on him, swallowing again so that your sweet gurgles fill the air. “gunna cum, gonna...gonna...mommy—!”
the octave of katsuki’s breathless mewls grow higher and higher until reaching high pitched squeaks there’s not a thought between his vermilion, tear-filled eyes except for you and your mouth that spews saliva onto his dick— the nasty mix of precum and spit dripping between his breeder’s balls. he can’t think of anything but you, his mommy, his mommy who gives him pleasure like he’s never had it before.
“ohmygod, mommy...” he fucks your mouth until he’s too dizzy to keep moving, you’ve ruined every other mouth for him— setting him up for an addiction to you. one sweet look from you is all it takes for the chord in his tummy to snap and desire to sink its claws into his chest before his hips stall with an impending release. viscous, white and hot seed floods your mouth until you’re choking and desperate for hair but katsuki holds you down on his cock as he rides out his high.
he fills you up until his release is running tracks down your chin— white dancing behind his crossed eyes as he cums and cums and keeps fucking cumming. you milk him for all his worth until he pushing away from you with a strangled huff, evidence of his arousal still on your tongue even as katsuki pulls you up by the hair for a kiss. the hero slurps the taste of himself from your mouth, dragging you on top of him with his dick softening between your heated bodies.
“you did so well for mommy, pretty boy,” you manage between soft kisses, swapping spit and sharing the taste of his sweet cum as your mouths slot together perfectly.
the blonde swipes thumb over the corner of your mouth, gathering his own cum and sucking it off the digit like the good, sleepy boy he is. if he wasn’t tired before, he certainly was now— a blissful smile playing on his lips at your praise. “thank’ya fer makin’ me feel good mommy,” he whispers sleepily, curling into you like a baby before their nap.
you coo down at him, peppering your dazed baby’s face with sweet smooches. “always baby, mommy will always make you feel good.”
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
okay but you mentioned their eyes and now im curious about your take on that
HAZEL EYES <3 you can only really see the yellowish-green flecks if you're looking closely.
In september when all the trees are just turning over from green to brown? And there's that Orange-ish tint? YEA SHE HAS THAT LOOK. The kind of brown where it's nearly amber!! <3333
They look muted a lotta the time? just,, very very tired. Smb dropped the saturation by a few too many clicks.
WHEN SMTH GOES RIGHT??? GODD ITS LIKE FIREWORKS. LIKE A CAMPFIRE. Her brows shoot up and she bites her smile and,, her eyes get bright like a charge through copper wiring. nothing in the world compares to Reagan’s eyes when she’s in her element.
The kind of green that gets so bright it loops back to looking almost yellow?
Acidic. They’re always Too Focused in the more unnerving way. The only way he knows how to look is Leering and Glaring.
His eyebags are vv heavy + his brow is strong so it just,, accentuates the whole affair. Comparable to Cats eyes? Like a tiger about to bite your ass  off smdnsd.
The epitome of ‘If Looks Could Kill’
EMERALD GREEN <3 looks like smb plucked two perfect gems outta the ground and shoved them in this Himbo’s head
It really is,, just pure optimism distilled. you can’t help but feel like things are gonna be okay when you look at those eyes!!!
VIBRANT. They just,, look bright no matter the lighting. His lashes are super long too!! In the winter the snow hangs off em, makes his eyes look like pine trees.
If eyes are the windows to the soul, then his are Bay Windows. He has the most expressive eyes. Every emotion is,, completely given away. 
Deep deep deep brown. A vv warm color - almost mahogany in the right lighting? The first thing that comes to mind is like,, dark Brown-Red Granite.
They look completely black, except in Very Direct Lighting. If you catch her working late in her office,, her lamp reflects this red-brown ring right at the center <3
Sharp but not in an unkind way? Very focused - every movement is purposeful
IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT,,, HER EYES SMILE?? Like just the slightest squint with her bottom lids, like she’s laughing at a joke you haven’t caught onto yet?
A colder brown than Gigi's but not in an unkind way? Just,, very cool-toned - almost gray-ish?
BIG. His brows are constantly,, Up. He’s looking he’s moving his glancing his brain is moving a mile a minute, taking in everything!! And he’s loving all of it!!
He’s very detailed oriented but,, not intentionally? He just happens to pick up on a lotta stuff
master of The Double Take
His eyes don't reveal anything new in changed lighting, but BOY OH BOY DO THEY SPARKLE. swirls of reflected light, little speckles, etc. The entire universe could exist in this mans eyes.
Its,, entrancing? It,, pulses gently at all times.
There’s this,, kinda crystalline sheen?? It looks like it’d be hard to the touch, but it’s actually very soft!!
The inner orb feels like it should be too bright to look at, but it isn’t?? Looking at it directly kinda makes your head buzz around. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind it feels almost,, Predatory? Like looking at the light coming off an Anglerfish? Smth very,, primal. A threat you can’t quite place.
Blue, but a super dark blue? They feel so Solid - looking him in the eyes just,, makes you feel instantly safe. Doesn’t matter what the problem is, he can take care of it. This man was Built to be a dad jesus
You'd mistake it for brown most of the time bc they only get bright in the sun!!
AND BOY DO THEY LIGHTEN UP <3 you'll catch these flecks of green in them when he's outside!!
They Give Off Pond Vibes?? Like this nice deep blue w/ swirls of algae?? They rarely look soft, but when they do <33 that’s the feeling they give off.
His eyes are,, Uncannily blue. Like even for blue eyes, they're Too blue. The pupils are almost always Pinpoint too, so it's more than a little unnerving. At least he reminds himself to blink most of the time. If anything gives away the fact that he’s Not Human, it’s his eyes.
Like,, y'know those photos of cracks in icebergs, and right in the Depths of it there's this Vibrant Light Blue? Yea that. just looking at them makes you feel cold.
Sharp In The Unkind Way. Scrutinizing. He really does look through you. The way you’d look at an ant. doesn’t matter if you’re taller than him, it always feels like he’s looking down at you. 
a deep,, honey-gold?? Kinda like amber. They have a magnetic quality - his eyes definitely give him a leg up.
They just,, feel so naturally trustworthy? Those eyes have helped seal more than a few deals.
When he’s confident? He constantly has this Look like he knows he’s the most important man in the room. He isn’t, but it gives him such peace of mind to Pretend Like He’s In Control. Half-lidded confidence he’s trained himself into having? Fake it till you make it babey!
When he’s scared they give Everything Away. Wide like the ‘O’ in Oh God, Im Fucked.
It’s like if he Sees More Of Whatever's Going Wrong He’s Gonna Somehow Be Able To Stop It? They bounce around the room Constantly when he’s nervous. Cannot stay still.
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rikiflrts · 4 years
— ꒰‧ 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ༉‧₊˚✧
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after what seemed like forever, i finally made my own prompt list! if you wish to request for the prompts that you’d like to use with a certain member, then feel free to choose any of the numbers displayed and tell me about them in the ask box (^^).
also: please be specific with the genre that you'd like to imply with your chosen prompts, thank you~ ♡
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1.) "i just wanted to give you a hug"
2.) "dumbass we're lost now thanks to you!" " i already got lost in your eyes from the moment i met you but you don't see me complaining."
3.) "please don't talk to me right now, im not in the mood"
4.) "how are you so beautiful?"
5.) "my hoodie looks great on you"
6.) "how could you..."
7.) "i trusted you"
8.) "i didn't tell you to trust me."
9.) "you're leaving? just like that?"
10.) "no stop you're making me blush"
11.) "and if i am?"
12.) "just shut up and let me play with your hair"
13.) "so this is what falling in love feels like"
14.) "how are you even real..?"
15.) "are you being for real right now?"
16.) "...did you just sniff me?"
17.) "if you're that mad then why don't you just take it out on me?"
18.) "i don't mind"
19.) "you dumbass, i said i like you!"
20.) "i used to have this huge crush on you (laughs)" "used to?" "well, yeah.. i dont really like you anymore"
21.) "can i hold your hand?"
22.) "are you nervous?"
23.) "less talking, more working!"
24.) "im in love with an idiot"
25.) "but you promised me that we'd get married!!" "for the love of god, ____ we were 5 when that promise was made!"
26.) "but i still love/like you.."
27.) "this reminded me of you"
28.) "his/her/their smile is really pretty.."
29.) "just confess already!!"
30.) "you're an idiot." "yeah. your idiot."
31.) "are you even paying attention?"
32.) "does it look like i care?"
33.) "i don't really care"
34.) "it's been a while since i last smiled like this"
35.) "oh crap im starting to feel the butterflies again"
36.) "I'm scared, okay?! i can't do it"
37.) "what are you so scared of?"
38.) "im scared of falling.." "dont be, i'll catch you."
39.) "promise..?" "promise."
40.) "i guess promises really were meant to be broken."
41.) "you made a fool out of me!"
42.) "im sorry, its not you.. its me."
43.) "what about our promises??" "what about them?"
44.) "please dont go"
45.) "is/are they/he/she all you're ever going to look at?im already right in front of your attention is still focused on them/him/her."
46.) "that's it..?"
47.) "cuddle with me"
48.) "no."
49.) "his/her/their eyes were like pools; so deep. I fear that if I fall, I might never come out and reach for air."
50.) "i love spending time with you"
51.) "let's just be friends"
52.) "im sorry, im afraid of commitment"
53.) "im afraid of it too. why don't you just take this risk and overcome your fears with me?"
54.) "if its you, then i dont mind."
55.) "i love your smell"
56.) "what's that supposed to mean?"
57.) "first love really never does die huh"
58.) "hey, you look really familiar" "oh, really?" "yeah. you look like my soulmate."
59.) "if you like me so much then just marry me already"
60.) "wait i can do that?!" "your gullibility really amazes me sometimes."
61.) "are you dumb? be honest"
62.) "im not in the mood"
63.) "are you okay?"
64.) "you look horrible" "oh wow gee thanks for pointing that out sherlock"
65.) "what's in it for me?"
66.) "do you..like me?"
67.) "do you like him/her/them?"
68.) "but i wrote you letters.."
69.) "they mean nothing to me."
70.) "wow! i haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?" "we literally just saw each other 5 hours ago."
71.) "wipe that smirk off your face, its annoying"
72.) "aww, why? are you perhaps threatened that you'll end up falling for me?"
73.) "i think im going to puke"
74.) "are you blushing?"
75.) "aren't you tired of comstantly running in my mind?"
76.) "i can't get him/her/them out of my head"
77.) "your laugh sounds really pretty"
78.) "i love how your eyes sparkle whenever you're invested in something"
79.) "im falling"
80.) "oh no im catching feelings"
81.) "do you ever stop talking?"
82.) "let me get that for you"
83.) "its okay, i can pay for myself" "no. i wont let you" "but i have my own mone-" "shut up and let me spoil you!"
84.) "i refuse to stay in the same room with the likes of him/her/them!"
86.) "it was pretty obvious.."
87.) "come here."
88.) "stop doing that to yourself!"
89.) "you deserve better."
90.) "just leave. i dont want to see your face anymore."
91.) "i hate you." "the feeling's mutual."
92.) "didn't i tell you to leave me alone?!"
93.) "was it so wrong to love you..?"
94.) "if you really love me then just stay away from my sight."
95.) "you feel like home"
96.) "i love hugging you, it makes me feel safe"
97.) "i could kiss you right now!" "you're very welcome to do it."
98.) "i can't keep playing pretend"
99.) "let's put an end to this.."
100.) "i think im actually catching feelings"
101.) "this is getting dangerous.."
102.) "give me another chance"
103.) "give me one reason why i shouldnt leave."
104.) "im going to do it! im finally going to confess to him/her/them!"
105.) "you've got to be kidding me.."
106.) "i knew what i signed up for. im not surprised."
107.) "he/she/they has/have stars in his/her/their eyes and im captivated"
108.) "i love you" "nice try, but im not falling for that"
109.) "is it that hard to fall in love with me?!"
110.) "well if you put it that way, then yes."
111.) "you look happy"
112.) "you look happier without me."
113.) "can you guys please change the dare"
114.) "who gave you the right to toy around with my emotions like that?!"
115.) "i got played.."
116.) "stay out of my sight."
117.) "you're an eyesore" "you're an eye candy"
118.) "why are you still here?"
119.) "why..?"
120.) "stop making fun of me!" "make me."
121.) "was i just some kind of sick joke to you?"
122.) " i really like you "
123.) "i don't know how to express my feelings that well but i just want you to know that i'd take a bullet for you"
124.) "i'd do anything just to see you smile like that again"
125.) "what are you staring at?"
126.) "i think i have a crush on you" "you think? you're not even sure?"
127.) "take my hand"
128.) "let's get out of here."
129.) "you should wear my clothes more often"
130.) "i can teach you how"
131.) "I'm here for you"
132.) "you can use me to forget about him/her/them"
133.) "even if the world turns againt us, as long as we have each other, then we'll be alright."
134.) "you're all that i need"
135.) "you're all that i ever wanted"
136.) "you're all that i have"
137.) "please don't leave me"
138.) "I'm sorry."
139.) "look at me."
140.) "look at me and tell me that you don't love me anymore."
141.) "you're an idiot."
142.) "i don't love you anymore."
143.) "did you just drink from my cup?" "and if i did?"
144.) "im going to kill you!" "you don't scare me"
145.) "stay with me a little longer"
146.) "i knew it.."
147.) "i should've known.."
148.) "are you jealous?"
149.) "i made you a playlist"
150.) "when will you ever look my way..?"
151.) "im fine with looking at him/her/them from afar"
152.) "he's/she's/they're out of my league"
151.) "im scared of getting rejected"
152.) "back to square one"
153.) "I'm tired"
154.) "what do you like about me?"
154.) "i'd rather starve than spend time with him/her/them."
155.) "if i'm an idiot, then you're a coward"
156.) "i dreamt about you last night"
157.) "it was a nightmare"
158.) "it's the little things that he/she/they do/does that drive me insane"
159.) "i like you more than i should"
160.) "be mine"
161.) "it was too good to be true.."
162.) "i had a crush on him/her/them"
163.) "i never really thought that i'd end up falling for you"
164.) "you're adorable"
165.) "you mean the world to me"
166.) "you meant the world to me"
167.) "what happened in the past stays in the past"
168.) "careful, you might end up falling for me"
169.) "very funny, mister lover boy"
170.) "lets go out on a date"
171.) "i'm so lucky to have you"
172.) "where are you going?"
173.) "sometimes it really just gotta be like that"
174.) "hello good afternoon, what's your order?" "hell- oh wow.. you please" "im sorry, could you say that again?" "wait no! i meant- uh..oh dear.."
175.) "he's too good for me"
176.) "stop giving me mixed signals"
177.) "i guess it really just wasn't meant to be"
178.) "im not interested in you"
179.) "i cant get him/her/them out of my head"
180.) "where is/are he/she/they?"
181.) "you took my pillow so im going to use you as a pillow"
182.) "why are you avoiding me?"
183.) "did i do something wrong?"
184.) "please talk to me"
185.) "im not even his/her/their ideal type"
186.) "it wouldn't hurt to try"
187.) "you smell like me"
188.) "i like my scent on you"
189.) "that sounds weird if you put it that way"
190.) "can i call you tonight?"
191.) "you should smile more often"
192.) "i hate it when people tell me what to do"
193.) "lets wear matching outfits!"
194.) "im arresting you." "why? i didnt do anything wrong" "yes you did, you stole my heart and i want justice!"
195.) "i guess i got too caught up with my fatasies to notice that he/she/they never really liked me back in the first place.."
196.) "you're the answer to all my prayers"
198.) "you should go home."
199.) "let me come with you"
200.) "run away with me"
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last updated: 12/30/20
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ahsxual · 4 years
My Personal Teddy Bear
Pairing: Phoenix!Joker x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: "Heyyy !! Love your writing ! :D If it's okay for you, can you please write a headcanon with Joker 2019 and a very romantic reader who loves fluffy things ? Thank you !! <3"
Word Count: 1,9k
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this my dear @arthurjokersgirl!! I'm really happy to know that you like my writing 🥺🥺 It means so much to me!! And I'm so sorry for taking so long, but I had a few problems in writing this fic (tumblr didn't save it, so I had to write it all over again). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic I made for you <33
(I don't own this image!!! If you own it, please message me and I'll give you the deserved credits)
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When you and Arthur met, both of you were surprised by the amount of things that you had in common.
You two are so kind, so good-hearted, so romantic and dedicated to your partner and everything you do... and if there's something that manages to put a cute and melting smile on your faces, is when you receive, especially when it’s from one another, fluffy objects, such as teddy bears, flowers, romantic CD's, love letters... anything that involves and expresses the love you have for each other.
Whenever you idealized a relationship or whenever someone asked you to describe the "perfect man", the answer was always the same: a romantic, caring, generous and cute guy who would do anything for his girlfriend, promising to love her for all eternity.
Once other people heard your answer, they would say you were just being childish, that those types of guys weren't real and that you had to live in the real world, not some kind of princess movie, waiting for your prince to rescue and fulfill your heart with all the love he could muster... what they didn't know, was that your prince was destined to meet you the moment you were welcomed into this world.
You couldn't imagine being with anybody else: ever since you shared your first words with Arthur, you knew deep inside that he was the one for you, the love of your life, your charming prince... and as if he hasn’t told you yet, he felt exactly the same, you were his one and only that he had been waiting for so long all his lonely life.
Your chemistry was unique: you were so in love, so committed to your relationship, that you were sure that you would spend the rest of your lifes with each other. Death wasn’t able to break your chain, it was stronger that anything else in the universe. Once you had finally perished, you would marry each other as many times as you needed, twice, thrice, billions of times if it were needed. 
Arthur sees you as a sweet, gorgeous flower, being utterly different from the others by its unique beauty. He doesn’t have eyes for any other flower: you're the only one he has eyes for and feels pure love for: he even compared himself to the Little Prince, and you were the only flower in his world, yet perfect and outstanding.
He loved the fact that you were as romantic as him, because that made him feel more secure and sure of yourself. Even the little things would put your eyes in tears and make your smile grow until your red cheeks started to hurt because of his sweet gestures.
Your favorite hobbie is, after getting from a tired and exhausted day of work, laying in each other's arms on the spacious sofa while watching romantic movies or comedies to brighten your mood, covered in blankets while sharing a cup of hot tea because of the frosty cold winter.
You loved everything about Arthur and your relationship with him: it was all about trust, support, love, dedication, comprehension and understanding. He was your best friend, and you were his.
Every month he would save some extra money to buy you a present, sometimes even starving himself for days just to have enough money to buy you the most expensive gift he could afford. But of course that once you knew about this you immediately stopped him, not admitting him to do such silliness no matter how good his intentions were.
But what he didn't know, was that you were willing to play the same game: without him realizing it, you saved some cash every month as well (without starving yourself, of course), to buy tickets for a romantic movie that would debut in the cinemas.
You were so happy about it, to finally give Arthur what he deserves and to take him where he has always wanted to go since he was a little kid. But this time, he would see a romantic movie with you, giving you both an opportunity to have a decent date for you to enjoy.
You couldn't wait to see your lover's face once he knows he'd go to cinema for the very first time with the love of his life, with his one and only... with you.
On the other hand, Arthur was thinking exactly the same thing, since he had been saving some cash to give you a surprise, imagining your reaction after he had offered his gift that would mark and change your lives forever, while increasing your pure love even more, if that was even possible.
One day you went to grab your hidden piggy bank with more money to save, only to count it right after. Once you had counted it and saw that you had enough, you instantly jumped and giggled from the sheer happiness around your shared room. You made so much noise, that even Arthur who was in the living room, knocked gently on the door to make sure you were fine.
Today was the day where you finally could show your gift to him: you told him that he needed to hurry up and dress something nice, because you were going to an amazing place. He wanted to know what your plans were so bad, but he knew it was useless since you wouldn't tell him until you had arrived to the "misterious place".
Once you had arrived and had gotten out safely from the bus, you told your boyfriend to close his gorgeous ocean eyes.
"You can open them now, love." you gently said with the two tickets held in your hand, while being right in front of the cinema so he could understand your intentions.
He was immediatly dumb-founded as soon as he understood what you meant. "Y-you... you want me to go to the cinema with... with you?" his eyes started to become moist with each second that passed, and you only had time to embrace him in your eyes while assuring him that this was real, that this was really happening.
"It's ok love, it's good to let our emotions out when we need to. I'm right here if you need anything. We will have so much fun! And you know that we deserve this, it will be good for us and our relationship, right?" you look into his eyes and could see that a few tears managed to slide down from his red and cold cheeks. He was definitely crying, but from happiness, something that he never thought was possible: he could only relate tears to sadness, however you managed to prove him that the opposite was possible as well. That's what he loved about you: even having been through a lot and felt so many things from his entire life, he would always learn something new about you, him and others from you.
"I can't even thank you enough for all you have done for me, honey... If I could only retribute half that you have done for me... I would be the happiest man for seeing his future wife happy as well." you were smiling from ear to ear, but once he said the words that you always dreamed to hear from him, "future wife", you had to hold your tears back from falling down your now stunned face.
You were too distracted, or should I say too concentrated on your lover, that you didn't realize that the movie was about to start.
Once you entered the cinema room, both of you were amazed by the view: the red seats were all over the place and were very organized; the movie screen was giant, the perfect size to enjoy your movie; the background was simple, yet exquisite, giving you a sudden feeling of luxury, however you didn't care that much if you were honest. As long as you were by Arthur's side, that's all that matters, because your love is the most luxurious thing in this world.
That night was the one you've always dreamed of: you stayed close to each other while grabbing your hands firmly, yet gently, like you were terrified of someone taking the other away from yourselves; the movie contained a lot of romance, which illuminated your hearts more than the brightest stars. You could even relate yourselves to the lovely couple on the screen, which made you both smile the entire time, changing glances with each other with the most passionate stare. This made Arthur think about what he had planned for you for a long time, more specifically from the moment you shared your first kiss, because since then, he instantly knew you were the one.
It made him feel a little bit, not to say extremely, nervous as well, and when the movie ended, you thought it was necessary to ask if he was ok or if he just didn't like the movie.
"N-no! Of course I liked the movie, I actually loved it. I couldn't imagine any other date more perfect than the one you planned for us... thank you once again, it means so, so much to me, sweetheart..." he admitted, making you feel more relaxed. However, he seemed like he was hiding something else, like he had something on his mind that he couldn't let out. But then he smiled at you while grabbing your hand softly, and from that moment you knew that he was about to tell you what was stuck on his mind since he left home.
You walked out of the cinema and went outside, where you instantly felt your body shivering from the cold of the late night of Gotham... but your boyfriend made sure to warm and melt your heart in an instant.
You saw Arthur overthinking and trembling a little, and when you were about to ask him if he was cold too and wanted you to warm him up, he kneeled on the rigid ground and took a small box of your favorite color from his back pocket.
You had an idea of what was coming, yet you couldn't believe that that was what was really going to happen.
"My sweet precious, kind, and beautiful love, would you... would you l-like to ah.. m-marry me...?" his eyes seemed like they belonged to a baby puppy that was asking for affection or his favorite treat, but in this case he was asking you for being his wife... Is this a dream??
You immediately felt your eyes burning and becoming wet by the few rebellious tears that managed to escape from your lovely stare. Your hands were now in front of your gaping mouth, and you couldn't feel cold anymore. The only thing you felt in that moment, was an enormous wave of warm love that you couldn't help, but you let yourself drown.
It was at this moment that all your insecurities and fears that were related to your mutual love, were permanently defeated. Now you knew there was nothing nor anyone that would tear you apart... and you had so many goals yet to achieve as a couple.
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Hi may I request a creepypasta matchup please?
My sun sign is pisces, my moon sign is Sagittarius and my rising sign is virgo! I hope that helps a bit!
My sexuality is asexual but I am fine with romantic things
Im very calm and chaotic at times, im ambiverted and independent sometimes I like to imagine myself as a evil mastermind LOL. My mood changes pretty often unless I'm alone and not thinking of anything then I stay the same, weird right??
I suffer from DID, major depression, social anxiety, adhd, and c-ptsd i am very good at the moment though, keeping my mental and physical health well! Im very proud at the moment <3
My style changes more than anything, its so hard to decide what to wear from time to time but my main style is vampire goth, it has my fav colors in it! (Red & black)
My favorite seasons are autumn and winter maybe spring bc flowers <33
I like to read, listen to music, learn about stuff and play video games!
I love any animals! My idea type of pet is lizard or frog i really love reptiles as well :)
I like to go out to explore new parts of the world like travel or just admire a sunset in a new area i think that would be nice
Thats all I could think of to put if you need any more info let me know!
Hi friend,
Typically I do matchups in 3 parts but I won't this time around since you're asexual and we respect that here <33
Platonic Matchup; Laughing Jack!
Hes so proud you're getting better.. you get a sticker! LJ cheers you on from the sidelines as you fight your problems, offering support in any way he can. Whether it be patience for your moodiness or carrying you around on your bad days; Jackie is here for you 100%! (Wowie, what a good friend!) Jackie respects your times when you want to be left alone to recharge your battery and often times is the one extracting you from situations when he notices you loosing interest or running low on said battery.
Romantic Matchup; Hoodie / Brian Thomas
He loves nature so much, exploring brings the little boy out in him its not even funny. Brian would thoroughly enjoy vibing with you in a field of flowers on a nice autumn afternoon (or spring!). He would definitely take you downtown or to a convention center to see the winter festivities too. Exploring with you would bring the best out in him when with you, looking at everything in your point of view is a breath of fresh air.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
91 Lucifer prompts
Some of my favorite quotes from my favorite devil. (Cut at 15 cause it’s long.)
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Lucifer Morningstar
1 “People don’t arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning until something comes along that disabuses them of those notions.”
2 “People don’t have power over us. We give it to them.” 
3 “The best thing to do is always to follow your greatest desire.”
4 “Sometimes we are what we are, and we should embrace that.”
5 “Desire shouldn’t be contained, it’s unnatural.” 
6 “Why do humans think they can rectify one evil with another?”
7 “Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
8 “Believe me, there is no winning when you play by a twisted tyrant’s rules.” 
9 “You shouldn’t have to change for anyone. And neither should I.” 
10 “I refuse to be a scapegoat for which something I bear no responsibility. It’s a theme in my life.”
11 “Trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time. I know evil.”
12 “If you desire something, just take it.”
13 “Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s desire.”
14 “What I hate more than anything is a liar, a charlatan, someone who doesn’t believe in what they say.”
15 “Hell truly hath no fury like a man/woman scorned.”
16 “No one gives us the right… we take it.”
17 “Mmm, dangerous. NAME likes.”
18 “There was immediate danger. He/she was about to leave this man/woman completely unsatisfied.”
19 “When in doubt, go with the classics. That’s what I always say.”
20 “Guilt is such a useless emotion”
21 “Take a swing and I’ll shove that so far up your ass, you’ll have splinters in your stool.”
22 “What makes us vulnerable is often right under our noses.”
23 “Now tell me, what is it that you truly desire?”
24 “Well, maybe it’s like butt stuff. Easier the second time around.”
25 “It’s always the ones you least suspect, the ones you trust the most, that hurt you. They wait until your guard is down and then wham! In my case, it was tequila.”
Chloe Decker
26 “It’s better to move forward than stay stuck in the past.” 
27 “We can’t control what happens to us only how it affects us and the choices we make.”
28 “You have to stop taking responsibility for things that you can’t control.” 
29 “Sometimes we get along best with the people we’re most different from.”
30 “Pull yourself together. You look like a homeless magician!”
31 “It’s really not a good day for… your… NAMEness”
32 “You don’t save a marriage by sleeping with other people.”
33 “If you go looking for loopholes, you’ll always find them.”
34 “NAME’s not another guy/gal. He’s/She’s a weirdo.”
35 “As any parent knows, the best time to get things done is when everyone else is asleep.”
36 “I wasn't afraid of you.”
37 “I don't want you to see me like this. I know it scares you.” “No, that's... that's what I was trying to tell you. I'm not... I'm not afraid of you anymore.” “You're not?” “You see, this is what I'm talking about. It's so sweet. I'm going to puke.”
38 “I miss him/her. I mean, he/she pisses me off all the time. And there are so many things about him/her that ... that I find hard to accept, but I just have to believe I can find a way. Because ... I'd rather have him/her in my life than not.” “Well, then... I think you know what you need to do.”
39 “You're different than me. You're stronger. You could have run, but you didn't. Why didn't you?”
40 “It's not like you haven't always told me the truth. You know? So ... I think, deep down, I just ... I always knew.”
41 “Let's pretend for one second that you're someone else. Someone nice, someone mature.” “Ooh, I love role-play.”
42 “What, you're just gonna leave me here? In this part of town?” “You said you wanted danger.”
43 “Please tell me I'm hallucinating.” “Well, I am dreamy, but try to contain yourself.”
44 “You step out of line one time …” “You can give me a right-good spanking, I promise.”
45 “This cannot be true. Can it? I mean ... if you knew this, why wouldn't you say something? I mean, I almost married him/her. I mean, I almost married him/her.” “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.”
46 “Oh, my God. Did the world just turn upside down? Did you just admit to being wrong?”
47 “You know, it can be scary sometimes, but ... being who you really are is never a bad idea.”
48 “I need you to stay here and watch your dad/mom.” “That's true. Without the two of us, he’s/she's defenseless.” “I don't know if I like what you're whispering about.”
49 “How long have I been out?” “Three years.” “What?!” [NAME starts laughing] “You’re such an ass.”
50 “I couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed up all night working, and, you know, I drank a lot of caffeine. Like, a lot.”
Mazikeen Smith
51 “If you go by someone else’s pace, it shows how much you really care.”
52 “Sometimes you have to accept when someone doesn’t feel the same way about you.” 
53 “Self-worth comes from within, bitches.” 
54 “I would never ask you to change. I like who you are.” 
55 “Hey! No one calls my skank a skank.” 
56 “Good. It's settled. Now, where do I put my knives.”
57 “Okay. One, I like to fight when I'm happy or ... horny. And, two, I really don't want to accidentally kill my best friend.”
58 “Maybe next time, I won't be around to save your ass.” “Mm! Well, that is a shame. 'Cause you and my backside used to get on very well. My front side, as well, actually.”
59 “And your name?” “NAME.” “How do you spell that?” “Surprise me.” [Later gets coffee with "WRONG NAME" on it]
60 “Everything that happened showed me exactly why I need to go back.” “I don't understand.”
Linda Martin
61 “Emotions are hard, but that’s why they make you strong.” 
62 “Goodness isn’t a toy.”
63 “Sometimes we need to lose something to understand its value.”
64 “Sometimes it’s easier to make intimate issues about something bigger than yourself.” 
65 “I find people who are rude usually feel powerless in their own lives. Terrified of not being in control.”
66 “Look... I know I'm not dad/mom, or partner or whatever. But I ...” “No. No, you're not. Come here. You are Uncle/Auntie NAME. And you will always ... be a member of this family.”
67 “Let's talk about what you're dealing with emotionally.” “Yeah, I really don't want to.”
68 “Why is he:she able to refuse my charms? I mean, is this thing on?” [points at him/herself] “Yes, yes. Definitely on.”
69 “How's that saying go? We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars.”
70 “Should've seen that one coming.”
71 “We need the most love when we’re being most unlovable.” 
72 “No matter how bad things get, the true test is how we choose to respond to the pain. We suffer, or inflict.”
73 “Cosmos are yummy.”
74 “If you really want to know if you’re a worthy romantic partner, ask yourself.”
75 “NAME. What are you doing here? Did you hurt NAME?” “Only when he/she asked me nicely.”
Ella Lopez
76 “Whenever I’m procrastinating on something, I make an appointment for myself to do it. That way, can’t back out.”
77 “You see what I'm dealing with?”
78 “Hey. No one insults my family, except for me.”
79 [high on "candy"] “I know I should be freaking out right now, but your hair is so shiny.”
80 I'm usually not into reality shows either. I prefer more, you know, scripted-content, documentaries, but... I've got a little extra time these days, so... sort of kind of watched, uh, 27 seasons in two weeks.
Dan Espinoza 
81 “We all need someone to have our backs every now and then.”
82 “Ooh, lemon bars. My favorite. Mmm. Oh, man, these are amazing. Who made 'em?” “Uh, NAME did. Would you believe that hunk bakes?” [spits out the bars] “On second thought, who needs the empty calories?”
83 “Say you fall in love with a man/woman who has a cat. What are you gonna do? You accept the cat.” 
84 “Are you sleeping with this idiot?” “He/She hasn't had the pleasure, unfortunately, no.”
85 “Dude, I cannot deal with your weirdness right now.”
Trixie Espinoza
86 “We’re wearing the same shirt!” [both] “Sushi shirt!” [from around the corner] “I don’t know what’s going on out there, but I hate it!”
87 “I ate it.” “Mm-hmm.” “But NAME said it was okay.” “Oh, really?” “He/She said, if you really want to do something, you should. And I really wanted to eat some chocolate cake.”
88 “Are you looking at a no-no site?” “No. Why would you think that?” “Because you put it away so fast, and you look really, really guilty.”
89 “NAME, sever their Achilles first. If they can't walk ...” “They can't betray you.”
90 “You need to get a thicker skin. Stand up for yourself, because the truth is, nobody’s gonna do it for you.” — Charlotte Richards
91 “Anybody worth dating should understand everything that makes you … you.” — Ev
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incarnateirony · 5 years
I was wondering if you're aware that the GLAAD stats you're using are outdated, and the current stats rate the CW #1 in network TV for LGBTQ+ rep, #1 for female rep, and #2 for minority rep. The CW's LGBTQ+ rep is 16%; higher than the percentage of LGBTQ+ folks in the irl US population. So maybe for transparency's sake, its time to amend that "still pitifully low" tweet.
Hi Jess! So nice to see you hiding on an anon account. You mean from this year that just completed in television? You know. The TV season that literally just ended. The TV year that we are currently ending. Seeing as, you know, those “outdated” specs were last year. As in only one year ago. Oh, and I take it you’re missing the fact that two of the shows vastly increasing their count happen to be ending, as in, say goodbye to all related characters. Congratulations! We’re back to bottom of the barrel again in *checks* exactly six months. Aka, next TV season. And *checks* Ah yes, All American, that the world is surprised got a belated re-order because it’s about to go Belly up too. But hey, it’ll hang in there another year!
 So nice of you to also overtly choose to mis-quote “the actual LGBT population” too. I’m sure you’ve not done your math, as you’ve never been prone to do, to recognize you’re talking as an overall sum, and not about the actual population by age bracket actually represented on TV, which is generally not remotely related to those numbers you’re intentionally skewing! It’s a cute try though, try to diminish the presence of LGBT people a little more. Smile while you do it. Tell them to go watch shows where they encourage suicidal ideation in LGBT people.
CW’s numbers are 16% LGBTQ characters right now. So if you think it’s “16% above” you think the world is 0% LGBT people. Good game. Of that, 24 characters are about to go up in smoke to never return, a chunk of which were already recurring characters – I won’t imply they all were – but they existed. And some were. Period.
Even the most conservative 18-34 polling puts the number at 20% IDing. Other studies, as talked elsewhere, 33%~ (close to 35% tbh), with the scaling up from 18 moving in at almost half. So settle your own internalized phobic pants down and stop telling other LGBT people to settle.
The numbers you are citing about the LGBT Population include a 47% population count of people from more regressive periods that identify at halved rates every ten year bracket or so, an unquantifiable 12% that are young enough they don’t actually answer the question at all, and only 40% of the target demographic for TV and most characters being representated – actually, that’s being generous to your bad skew, as ages 10-19 at 13% of the US population generally aren’t the center of the primetime TV you’re trying to bang on about, but the upper end of that spectrum/generation DOES actually identify at more than 50% LGBT, with some of that bleeding into the 20-29, the later end of which by 30-39 identifies at over 33% LGBT. 
Our target bracket should be about 33-50% LGBT characters for people in the age bracket of typical primetime TV leads, but in your desire to save face over your very bad understanding of what you’ve encouraged lately, you’re going to miss that. 
Now, seeing as this is a shift due to their VERY VERY NEW OPEN TO ALL CAMPAIGN, that we are seeing change ACTIVELY, surely you aren’t out here to shade a tweet talking about their RECENT METRICS and somehow projecting the idea that Supernatural shouldn’t become part of this very, very recent shift that is still finishing its TV system and about to lose multiple shows that add to this balance. Which, if we STOP pushing on the endeavor, guess what – it puts us right back where we were last year! IMAGINE that.
This, in no way, Jess or Jess-fanatic, would be you implying the show should continue to be about Straight White Dudes while you’re trying to flag around GLAAD and a bunch of bad numbers about weighted older audiences not actually in the primetime TV representation demographic we’re talking about, right?
You wouldn’t be out here concern trolling to make that point, would you?
*checks* oh, Life Sentence got cancelled this year too and had two LGBT women. Arrow, 8 LGBT characters, final season, only a few of which will continue to be actively represented in LoT. Jane the virgin, ending, 8 LGBT characters. 6 characters. *counts on fingers* So CW made a move to import a few extra gay folks right before roasting 24 LGBT character options on the network and you’re giving them candy for it.
*continues to flip pages* Ah yes. Let’s stop trying because old people won’t admit they’re kinda queer and weight the overall demographics, and we won’t run into a gaping void of *checks* What is it, like 24 evaporating LGBT characters. Because Jess logic not seeing past the immediate.
Of characters that made a dent, 11 are already obsolete as of this year, and 13 more will be in the next year. Good try though.  So unless you have faith that within the next year the CW will sling dick in with 24 new LGBT characters all at once, say goodbye to the concern troll numbers. Of 857 LGBT characters on all primetime TV, CW is axing about 20 within the period of a year. I want you to think about that. Sit and spin before you tell LGBT people to stop hoping for more.
Let’s talk about the new REPORT you tried to “correct me” with,
“While the year’s numbers are up from the previousreport, they must also be put into context. Thirty-onecharacters will not return in next year’s report due toseries cancellations, announced finales, anthologyseries format, or characters who have been writtenoff but who appeared as a regular or recurringcharacter during the stated research period.
Representation of bisexual+ women droppedagain this year, down to 19 percent (40)of LGBTQ characters on cable, which is adecrease of three points from the previous year’sreport. Meanwhile, for the first time in threeyears, representation of bi+ men on cable hasincreased. Bi+ men account for eight percent(16) of all LGBTQ characters on scriptedprimetime cable.“
Bi Men are a whopping 8% of all LGBT rep and that’s considered up. That whole “they constantly run at half the rep”? Yeah. Stop pretending like this isn’t an intersectional issue too.
“Again, gay men make up the majority of theLGBTQ regular and recurring cable charactersat 43 percent, or 90 characters. This is anincrease of one percentage-point and 18characters from the previous year.”
And we’re going to pretend that’s totally not problematic characters nested in there.
And of course,
While year over year the numbers ofLGBTQ characters on broadcast have risensignificantly, many of these charactersremain part of a larger ensemble or on thefringes of the core characters. Many showsalso only include one LGBTQ characteramong a group of straight, cisgendercharacters. GLAAD and Harris Poll’sAccelerating Acceptance study shows that20 percent of Americans 18 to 34 – akey demographic for networks – identifyas LGBTQ. When viewers have moreoptions for entertainment than ever before,Hollywood should be sure that they areincluding lead LGBTQ characters whosestories are told with nuance and depth thatreflect the real world that audiences know.  
There’s that conservative 20% I mentioned. 
Among the 208 LGBTQ regular and recurringcharacters on cable, 31 are not expected toreturn next year due to series cancellations,announced finales, anthology series format, orcharacters being written off but who appearedas a regular or recurring character during thestated research period.
Re: all of cable. 31 recurring (for ALL of) cable LGBT are getting axed vs… how many CW? *flips through pages*
Now do a little digging and realize how many of CW’s 24 LGBT characters on the axed and dying series were still considered recurring or regular.
Roll over in embarrassment.
Laud their gayness again.
Give them brownie points as the gayest for shuttling a few in early so they didn’t look EMBARRASSINGLY low while the network is about to have the highest LGBT cull rate in TV if they don’t keep up a forward march.
I know y’all are desperate to have a dialogue about CW being open and inclusive but things need to be put in perspective here. They knew multiple major shows were on their way out and plugged early. This angle of “shut up and stop wanting more gay” that you think is backed by data? This ain’t it, fam.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 years
psssst...if you're accepting prompts then you should totally write something for demon!alex *backflips out window*
Being a demon, ahunting animal in every sense of the world, Alex’s fight or flight response wasone of his strongest instincts. And right now, as he sat on the bed watchinghis girlfriend pace back and forth across their small bedroom with the phonepressed to her ear, her expression tense and shaky as she said those words- I’mpregnant…again- every nerve in his body was screaming at him to run and runand not stop.
But he’d promised.He’d promised on bended knee, with too many emotions to count bubbling in hischest as he kissed her stomach again and again, he’d promised to be here forher whatever she needed.
Even if it might endwith him being killed slowly and painfully.
Eliza’s expressiongave nothing away, he could only imagine what was happening with the other halfof her conversation as he watched his Betsey nod and make vague noises ofagreement and mumble half replies.
“No, we didn’t…itwasn’t exactly, no…of course…I know, Dosia, I’ve thought about it carefully…yeah…thanksso much, we’ll be there soon…I love you too.”
After an agonisinglylong wait which Alex spend trying to calculate how much damage his demonic bodywould realistically take on if he jumped out of the window right now, Eliza gavea nervous sigh and held the phone out to him.
“She wants to talk toyou,” she murmured apologetically, trying not to look like she was handing hima grenade ticking its way gradually and inescapably down towards exploding,though that was how it felt.
Alex accepted thephone hesitantly, taking a deep breath and trying to remind himself forcefully anything for Eliza, anything for mychildren, anything for my family.
“Your majesty?” hetried carefully, thinking it was best to start out very formally and politely,seeing as he was dealing with his boss’ wife, the Queen of the Crossroads andone of the most powerful demons in history.
And his Betsey’s bestfriend.
“So,” he tried andfailed to keep the nervous tremor out of his voice, “Eliza told you the goodnews, huh? New little bundle of- “
“Alexander Hamilton,”Dosia cut across him, her tone so cold and flat it left Alex feeling like he’dbeen dumped alone and naked on an Arctic ice floe, “Are you a complete andutter moron?”
Alex bit his lip,eyes silently begging Eliza for help but even his beloved couldn’t save himnow, “I like to think I’ve at least got street smarts- “
“Don’t interrupt, “Dosia snapped, no louder but there was a force behind it, an echo that turnedhis guts to lava, “Because I see no other way someone could watch the personthey loved, the very delicate and breakablehuman, whose already been through literal Hell for them, struggle to carryand give birth to one of their half demonic babies…and then accidentally knockthem up again!”
Alex trembled, “Um…Iknow and I’m sorry but I talked to Betsey and she says she s-still wants to gothrough with it…”
“Is that so?” thephone felt like it was getting hotter in his hand, uncomfortably hot in fact asDosia’s voice climbed and grew more fiery, trembling with the depth of Legion, “After500 years of existence, is something as simple as putting on a condom really thehardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Would you like me to explain it to you,for crying out loud? Here, so don’t open the damn thing with your teeth andthen take it between your thumb and forefinger…”
Even Eliza could hearit as her poor Alex received a sex ed lesson from a demon queen at fullstrength and volume, perching on the bed and watching with a fond, helplessexpression as he winced and held the phone at arm’s length, Dosia’s voice stillringing clear and powerful.
She did her best notto laugh at his misfortune, her hand resting soothingly on her belly where thenewest addition to their family was tucked up safe, the surprisingly tinylittle thing who was causing all this trouble. Usually telling your friends yourfamily was growing by one wasn’t a life-threatening task but their situationwas a pretty rare one, she had to admit.
Maybe rare was evenbeing too generous, unheard of was closer to the mark. Humans and demons didn’treproduce as a rule, let alone two times in as many years. Nor did they worktogether or date or live together or genuinely love each other the way Alex andEliza did, especially after facing everything that stood in the way of theirrelationship, so maybe all in all, having a baby wasn’t actually the weirdestthing they’d ever done?
Either way, a littleuncertainty was something Eliza was well used to.
She wasn’t all thatworried, Dosia had promised she’d just chew her Alex out for a while, leavinghim untouched. And as Eliza thought back to the twenty-six hours it had takento bring their son into the world, she couldn’t help but feel like he deservedto be strung up just a little bit?
She promised himselfshe’d put him back together with hugs and kisses as soon as he was done, gettingto her feet and wandering out of the bedroom, leaving Alex’s very angryeducation to be muffled by the door closing behind her. Shaking her headfondly, she wandered down the hall towards the nursery, the one where littlePhilip slept but would soon be turned around and redone for the new baby.
Philip had taken thenews that he was going to be a big brother very well, better than Alex andEliza could have hoped, especially when they told him that they’d be moving inwith the Burrs (so Eliza could be under their protection while she was in hervulnerable condition) which of course meant being even closer to his bestfriend in the whole world, little Theo.
He swallowed all thatchange and disruption with nothing but enthusiasm and yet the prospect ofgiving up his room for the new baby was what had shaken him to his little three-year-oldcore. So, Eliza wasn’t all that surprised when she found him sat ratherforlornly on the nursery carpet, like he was making the most of every secondthe room was still his, idly hugging his toy giraffe.
“Hello there, littleman,” she smiled, sinking onto the floor next to him, wondering how much longerit would be before her pregnancy made such simple movements impossible, “Youlook thoughtful.”
“Thinkin’,” Pipconfirmed, nodding so hard his mop of curls bounced.
Eliza stroked herlong fingers through his hair. Looking at little Pip as he was now, you’d neverbe able to tell what he was or, rather, what half of him was. Sometimes shefound herself unconsciously studying him, how he interacted with the othertoddlers they encountered at the park, looking for any signs or little ticsthat might put her precious baby in danger. Most of her nightmares these daysplayed out the things she couldn’t let herself even consider in daylight,namely what might happen if people knew the truth about her son. People meaningjust about anyone, more vitriolic hunters, demons looking to get one over onher boyfriend, even just ignorant humans doing their usual hideous thing withthings they didn’t understand. From her world, from Alex’s world, Eliza strivedto make sure her little lion cub had no idea of the myriad of dangersurrounding him from all sides.
She didn’t think thenightmares were going to get any easier, though, as her second baby grew.
“What are youthinking about, love?” she murmured, trying to shake those thoughts out of hermind.
Pip wrinkled hisnose, scrunching up his smattering of freckles, “Um…dunno?”
Eliza chuckledgently, “That’s okay…are you maybe thinking about what Pops told you yesterday?About the new baby?”
His sweet little heartshaped face flushed a bright pink as he admitted, “Maybe.”
She’d expected asmuch, gently lifting her son into her lap, holding him as close as she couldwhich never really seemed to be enough. As she did, she guided his pudgy littlestarfish hands down to her lower stomach, not for any particular reason, justthinking that the action seemed to soothe Alex and maybe it would work forPhilip too? But it turned out to be a very good unconsciously made decision.
As soon as his palmstouched down on his mother’s skin, Pip’s already large eyes widened even more,his mouth opening in a little O of surprise.
“Mama!” he whisperedreverently, “There they are!”
“Oh?” Eliza blinked,charmed by the expression of bewildered excitement on his face.
“Can feel them!” Pipwas practically vibrating with excitement, the demon side of his genes showingthrough in the restless energy that visibly buzzed through him, “Can feel them glowing!”
Of course. Alex couldpick up on the baby’s energy as they grew in her womb, from the way it wasentangled with his own, a part of him as much as it was a part of her. Whycouldn’t Pip do the same?
“Can you really?” Elizagrinned, with only a little touch of jealously. Why did she have to wait untilthat first kick when it was her body the baby was inside? Stupid demon powers…
“Uh huh!” Pip beamedback at her, the gaps showing in his teeth, “They’re green! Nice green, greenlike grass and flowers and…and frogs!”
Eliza snorted withlaughter at that, cupping Philip’s face lovingly in her hands, running herthumbs over his soft cheeks, “That sounds very lovely, little man.”
“I swear, if you puther life on the line just because you can’t keep it in your pants one more time, Hamilton, you lose yourdick privileges, do I make myself clear?” Dosia snarled down the line, probablycausing some of the wires and transistors along the way to burst into flames.
“I wouldn’t go thatfar!” Alex yelped defensively, his nature getting the better of him, “She’llhave you and Maria like last time, I don’t think her life’s in dangernecessarily…”
He realised immediatelythat this was the wrong thing to say as a horrible silence, somehow worse thanher words, filled the space between them, stretching out until he was beggingfor her to start yelling at him again.
“Uh…Dosia?” heventured in a mouse-small voice, wondering if she actually had fried theconnection.
“Alexander,” came theicy reply, “Have you ever had to carry a ten-pound weight in your stomach andthen push it out of, in your case, your ass? Because if you have a burningdesire to do so, I do have that power you realise and am perfectly happy tooblige you from this distance…”
The rumble in Alex’sstomach at that point was most likely a complete coincidence, the effect of thesoda he drank earlier (he wasn’t one for moderation) or something elsecompletely unrelated to Dosia’s threat but it still struck terror into him.
“No, no, no!” he gavea little scream, gripping the side table, “No thank you, your majesty, allpowerful and merciful queen of the underworld, I feel like I can empathise withmy girlfriend sufficiently without that, thank you and also I kind of want toactually live to meet my child?”
Dosia made a derisivenoise but thankfully, nothing happened to Alex.
“Listen, I’m nothappy about the fact that Eliza has to go through that mess again,” he groaned,running his hand through his hair, “But she wants to do this and I respectthat. For the whole nine months, I swear, I’ll be right by her side and doevery single thing I possibly can to make it even a little bit easier on her.And, for your information, I’d be saying that even if you hadn’t yelled at meso…so, yeah.”
Realising he didn’thave a good end to his argument, Alex just kind of trailed off, his hand fallinglimp by his side.
There was anotherharrowing pause before Dosia spat out, “Congratulations,” and slammed the phonedown on him.
That was when Alexdecided to run.
Philip and Eliza werestill sat in wonder as Alex sped into the nursery, skidding to a halt as allhis fear fled and expression softened at the scene in front of him.
“Can feel the baby,Pops!” Pip shrieked delightedly before his father could even open his mouth, “They’rein there!”
Alex chuckled, comingand taking a place by his Betsey so she could lean her head on his shoulder,taking the opportunity to wipe away a few emotional tears as she did. He’dreally hoped his little one would get that particular power of his, the onethat brought him so much peace, to know for sure that his loved ones were closeand safe.  
“He’s been telling meall about them,” Eliza explained, smiling tenderly, wrapping her arms aroundAlex’s, “How they’re feeling, what mood they’re in, he can sense all of it.”
“No way!” Alexgrinned, it sounded as if he was even more perceptive than his father, “That’sso cool, you go little buddy!”
Pip flushed withpleasure, demonstrating his power proudly as he carefully examined his mother’sstomach, her shirt pushed up for his hands, “Very green, green and happy. Kindahungry. Lotsa love.”
Eliza gave a gentle,happy little sob into her palm, snuggling close to Alex, “Oh…”
Alex found his girlfriend’shand and squeezed tight, his own voice thick with emotion, “And can you feelhow much they love you, mijo? How much they love their big brother?”
Pip puffed his littlechest out, eyes as bright and human as you could hope, “Yes! Love for me, too.”
Alex smiled, rufflinghis son’s hair. Maybe they didn’t fit into one category or another, maybe theywere breaking a few rules. But it sure as hell felt worth it.
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nightblink · 7 years
Blink Reads Oathbringer - Chapters 33-38
Part Two – New Beginnings Sing
That title alone has me really hyped for this Part, you guys.
Also, Bridge Four as a POV? The entirety of Bridge Four? Sanderson you have given us a gift.
Chapter Thirty-Three – A Lecture
That is a great sketch of Urithiru too. We need a person or chull or something down at the bottom for scale, though.
“All she'd done was grope an eldritch spren.” Yeah, and opened yourself in order to beat it back – no matter that the others did the physical fighting, that fact that you didn't pass out on the spot after that is, frankly, amazing.
Shallan, you already know that stormlight can make a Radiant extremely resistant to dying, and you're still this surprised that Jasnah sauntered back into your life?
Like the branch clan, Jasnah is Kholin Extra™
That crystal pillar sounds like a work of art, and symbolic of all ten orders of the Radiants that once lived there. Please please please let us see it infused at some point!
Shallan, your crush is showing again.
A lecture, hah! You are still technically her ward, and its entirely like Jasnah to just slide right back into that pre-established relationship as if nothing had happened.
[hums] The difference from what I can tell is that fabrials aren't powered by sentient spren, but ones that are the nature-forces, with no mind of their own.
Ooo, you're used to being the one giving the orders rather than ordered around now, and the change grates on you. Someone comes back who's always had authority over you and you realize how much you liked the power.
So. About those Ghostbloods, Jasnah…
You've been trying to impersonate an Elsecaller while not even knowing about Transportation, Shallan? That's a glaring oversight.
Ooo, speaking of which, apparently Transport – or at least Transport when the body passes into the Cognitive Realm entirely – isn't so simple as a Teleport spell.
Jasnah has a lot of catching up to do. (And not only with the current state of events, but also the fact that pretty much all of her family save her mother are mentally fraying apart.)
Chapter Thirty-Four – Resistance
Mmm, good choice of vision. It'll let her see monsters and Radiants both, and throw an emotional weight behind the vision that some of the others don't have.
That's. Huh. I wasn't expecting that sort of philosophy from the Stormfather either. That's an entirely new side to him than we've ever seen before.
Heights – or sudden flying – aren't your thing, I see. Then again, after being tossed into the sky to fall and die by Szeth… understandable.
Tell us more about Plate, I need more information on Plate-
Oooo, yes, Navani and Jasnah are used to analysis, picking things apart piece by piece and extracting all the relevant detail. They'd both be the best picks for this – although Shallan with her eye for art would be a good counterpoint in observation.
“You will know or you will not.” That's so very helpful, Stormfather.
Yeah, it's not going the same as before – her involvement will change it differently than yours did.
The Midnight Essence isn't a true creature, but a monster, and you now know that the Midnight Mother is behind these things and the mirror-murders both.
Fling-and-stick! Like an al dente ramen noodle
There's the Queen! Where Dalinar fought his way through this vision, she organized a resistance – and in so little time! Wow, if I didn't already like her before, this would seal the deal.
Yes, best not to mention your little God-is-dead heresy. People haven't been taking kindly to that so far, no reason to assume that Queen Fen will either.
Okay, good, we're getting to the meat of the matter. Fen has very good reason not to trust you, Dalinar, and while these visions are convincing, you need to convince her now. Time is not on your side.
“Am I? Oh, let me storming reconsider, then.” Finally, the honesty straight to his face. And that's the breaking point.
This is another point I'd like so see animated. Passion indeed – Dalinar here is all snapping fire.
Oh my god Dalinar, you are the center of all the hot gossip on the networks. Never mind that it's all blown out of proportion, you did say and do some pretty radical things. Hearing about it from an outside perspective, it really does sound like you went off the deep end – with an enthusiastic leap, at that.
At least Fen might listen now. It's a much better chance than you had before.
Chapter Thirty-Five – First Into the Sky
Bridge Fooooouuuurrrrrr
Sigzil! We're getting Sigzil POV!
The mental image of B4 scrambling up for breakfast from Rock is absurdly heartwarming and just the sort of thing we need to lift the tone around all the other coming-of-the-apocalypse chapters.
Shhhh, you'd look good with an afro, Sigzil.
I keep snickering every time they refer to breathing stormlight as 'eating' the sphere. But oh, that'sa nice detail – the B4 tattos remain, but underneath them the slave brands are healed. Bridge Four is a part of him, but he doesn't consider the slave brands as part of himself, or he's somehow overcome them.
Lopen is forever a gift to this world.
Awww, poor Sig, annoyed at his height amongst all these 'what-is-under-six-feet' Alethi.
“the other thing”? What other thing. Sigzil. What's up with Teft.
Everyone's dream: to walk in on Kaladin doing morning push-ups, probably with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow
You just need more staff to help handle things, Sigzil, you're just getting pushed to the limits of what you can do with what you have.
Bridge Four getting families yesssss. These people deserve all the happiness they can find.
[snorts] Of course Sigzil's reaction to learning Drehy is gay is “b-but the paperwork!” And Sig, it's not that there aren't forms for that in Alethkar, it's that the Alethi just don't do things the same way as the Azish.
Sigzil trying to emulate Hoid and tell a story! That's actually a really great way to get through to Kaladin. That “Hush” though, hah. The drawback is that you're… not quite as good at this as Hoid is. Then again. Hoid.
What has Teft gotten into.
Oooo, shit, Kaladin, that was harsh.
That's a good point about recruitment, and if some of them actually start becoming full Windrunners like Kaladin as well. I can't imagine they'd want to split off, but remaining integrated with the rest of the bridge crew would be its own set of challenges.
Oh. Oh, Kal, that's not…. That's the same mistake Shallan made, I think.
Thank you for that echo, Sigzil.
Sigzil does seem the type to want a “proper” hierarchy in place, with clearly set positions. It makes sense to him and gives him a sense of security. Kaladin being referred to as a lighteyes by one of his own bridgemen, though, ooof.
Everstorm Count: 3
Thank the Almighty we have you around to ask these questions, Sigzil. They don't know yet that Dalinar plans to split from Alethkar, but all of those questions still need to be considered, and on a larger scale than just Alethkar.
First into the air, oh, Sigzil
….the royal emerald reserve. The royal emerald reserve. Hooooooly shitto da. Kaladin, you're lucky that Elhokar's got a massive crush on you. Dalinar probably just had to say “for Bridge Four's practice” and Elhokar was already chucking the bags at him.
Chapter Thirty-Six – Hero
Wait, twenty-four years? Wasn't the last one something like twenty-eight or twenty-nine? Are… are we not getting Dalinar's early years with Evi? The courtship, even a tiny scene of the marriage? Nothing. Goddamn it, Sanderson, this is a crime. I'm disappointed in you.
Evi liked needlework! Ahh, that's good to know~
Once again she proves herself a snuggler, I love it. And instead of shying away from it like last time, Dalinar's fine with it-
She's pregnant with Adolin she's pregnant with Adolin-! And she calls Dalinar 'beloved'! Asdajfdhjgdhadhjd Sanderson why did you deprive us of their relationship developmeeeeent
So he's still continually itching for a fight, he's just not as bloodthirstily lusting for it anymore. Or he's repressing it. That's… hmmm. I don't think as much of the fight's gone out of him as we're seeing.
'He'd never had a high opinion of dueling.' Oh shit, so how did that colour your early opinion of your elder son's Calling…?
...okay so one, now we know where Adolin gets his perceptiveness from; two, that's a disturbing train of thought. Only alive when he's tasting death on the air. That also explains why he's so relatively subdued at the moment. The fact that she says “like a blackness from the old stories” actually makes me wonder if he is under the influence of something more at this point – perhaps even one of the Unmade.
!!! okay so Rirans have blond hair but still possibly canonically the metallic golden skin tint. I'm still clutching to the subtle!metallics but we'll see how far this takes us
He still doesn't feel any actual love for her at this point. Uuugh, Dalinar, you don't deserve Evi.
Ooo, I can see why Navani dismissed Evi so easily back in TWoK. That sort of attitude on curiosity and discovery is something she'd automatically recoil from.
And Gavilar paid no attention to Navani while she spoke of her passions. That's not a positive indication of the kind of husband he was.
They share enough tenets that the friction between the two religions can pop up almost out of nowhere – they think the other is following their train of thought, and then nope.
Now Gavilar comes in with news of the Rift – they did go there a second time. But why-
You didn't kill the kid. You didn't kill the kid.
Gavilar's not happy, but it's at least giving him a chance to solve things via politics. Which is not going to happen in the end, not if something so terrible happened at the rift that it caused one of Dalinar's own elites to turn to the ardentia.
But in this moment, Dalinar's heart flared for Evi.
Chapter Thirty-Seven – The Last Time We March
….that dragon does not seem at all concerned enough about Odium, and he's just brushing Devotion and Dominion's loss aside as if it were an inevitability, and not even a regrettable one. But how did they “violate [the] pact”, and what did that agreement entail?
I'll admit that I spent a good few minutes staring at the page and sounding out Rock's name until I got it right.
They're back on the Shattered Plains for a night? I wonder why...
I like the softer feel of contemplation we're getting here. There's less momentum to the writing, but it needed this slow-down. Like the stew, it's a comfort.
Oh ho, this is where they've come to practice! YESSSS. The wind across the plains, whipping through the chasms, the open sky and the high drop of the sheer sides – this is where they practiced before, it's just a new kind now.
Five women! Yesssssss, thank you Kaladin for shoving aside Alethi cultural boundaries on fighting being restricted to men.
Lopen, you are a gem
Rock – Lunamor – should absolutely take credit for that. A good breakfast can set the tone for the entire morning.
“Peet, don't think I haven't seen you glowing.” PFFFFFFT
….Teft is still absent. That's not encouraging.
“their true shapes beyond the streamers” Wait, what? A larger body to the spren? Can Rock see a shadow or echo of the spren as they are in the Cognitive Realm?
[cackles] Introducing Rock to new flavor combinations will save your skin. Messing with his dishes otherwise? You've earned that death sentence.
Lopen oh my god you are the brightest ray of sunshine on the Plains, you crazy, amazing, reckless idiot
Ohhhh, Hobber
Kaladin is a bundle of emotion held together by love and promises and Syl and covered in a stone shell. A thin one.
R o c k you are also a gift unto this world. First you make Kaladin happy then you give us 'airsick lowlander, second class'.
Lopen. I. I don't even. How.
Kaladin, you're going to lose people. I know you refuse to accept it, to save them all, to grieve with acute pain at every loss, but… Rock's right. You being you, though, you'll never accept that. And that's as it should be.
Please take your giant dysfunctional, crazy-ass family to visit the Peaks, Rock. By the point when you actually get the time to do so, they and you will all probably be able to fly up there anyway.
Elhokar! And here I thought you'd have a golden circlet rather than a silver one in order to match your glyphpair.
A few weeks as a timeline before they send in their Strike Team to Kholinar. Mmmm. On one hand, I don't like them leaving the city and its Oathgate under riot and/or occupation for that long, but on the other, they have a much better chance of retaking it if they have a Radiant or few more, or at least a few more squires practiced in their power.
!!! Their old bridge! The actual bridge of Bridge Four! Tough wood indeed.
Of course they brought the cauldrons along. There's more to Bridge Four than just the fighting. There's more to their heart than just courage in battle. Bridge Four was forged around Rock's cooking fire, and that remains part of the core of them.
“a beat he could almost, barely, just faintly hear.” That's as good as confirmed that the Listener blood can run strong enough in some lines that they can sense the Rhythms. Rock, we still need clarification on what those “particular heritage and blessings” are.
Renarin! Speaking of more members of Bridge Four~ Your place isn't with your cousin right now, 'Rin; it's with your Bridge.
Oh my god. Please. We've already had Elhokar psuedo-adoped by a Herdazian matriarch, so can we please get a scene of Rock absconding with Dalinar to have him help make bread.
Why is Glys still hiding? And where? I assume he's in the fidget-box, but that's just an assumption.
Thank the Heralds for Rock knowing how to treat and talk with Renarin. He needs friends who aren't his brother. And Rock… Rock's honest and knows how to state things in a way that Renarin can absorb well.
Ohhh, 'Rin you're thinking that you're not… No. Fix that perception, Rock. He's Bridge Four, he'll always be Bridge Four.
Almost not bitter. But being bitter is an inescapable part of Renarin Kholin. Burning bitterness, biting his tongue, pride, and a wish to be himself but not knowing what that means.
[hums] You want to fight because your father wants it, true, but it's what you yourself want as well, isn't it. And the other things… you eschew them because you don't want to be an ardent, and others assumed, forced those assumptions on you and expected you to follow them, then were confused when you didn't – but did it pain you to abandon things you were naturally good at and maybe even liked?
(You are a light in your own right, Renarin, who you are and who you want to be. Some people already see it. Rock. Adolin. Other people can come to see it too.)
Can we get some Renarin+Rlain interaction now, BrandoSando. Please. What do I have to pay you for it.
Does anyone else think Rock would make a great fellow Truthwatcher? He already sees things that others do not, and has a tendency to see straight to the heart of a matter. Not that those are prerequisites or anything, but. Just saying.
Lunamor please do share that story about your great-great-great grandfather later though please, because some of us want very much to hear it.
Ahhhhh! Are there actual honorspren watching the squires? Perhaps debating making a bond? Yessssssss, come on, do the thing-! (Or at least consider!)
How much interaction do the Unkalaki have with spren, I wonder, with Rock's way of showing reverence so different from almost all the other cultures we've encountered on Roshar?
Not so much animated, but I'd like to see a picture of this scene, Rock heading out with his offerings and bowing deep before the gathered Honorspren, the greatest of them acknowleging him with an outstretched hand and receiving his offering. Lovely.
Oh, oh, is Hobber going to-
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Bridge Four
...smoke on the Plains? Trouble?
This bridge run though – resplendent with stormlight, singing their marching beat – what once was a source of terror and despair is a vision of glory now.
Shit, it was an attack by fliers. Without the Alethi armies that once assaulted them, they'll take every chance to pick off what stragglers they can.
Alert, alert – someone on Roshar called a bird something other than a chicken
A wife and six lovely children – six! - but the youngest is too young to even truly remember him, oh my heart breaks for him… And even he thinks of the cracks in his soul that have changed him further from the man they knew than a simple year's passage could.
Oh no, something is wrong on the Peaks, but… isn't that where it's theorized that the Shardpool is located?
The last run of the bridge. It's sad… but a good kind of melancholy.
Chapter Thirty-Eight – Broken People
Time for the next vision-conversation! And this is a vision segment that we haven't seen before, excellent, though so fair it's just a straight-up battle.
“Dalinar smiled to hear a fragment of God cursing.” We all are, Dalinar. It's immensely satisfying to see you surprise this millenia-old Sliver.
Oh, shit, humans fighting for the Voidbringers as well? That's kind of important information, Dal!
Wait. There was no Everstorm in Desolations past? Wh a t
Okay, okay, so amber shardplate belongs to Stonewards (not Bondsmiths, that must be a more golden-ish colour) and that stone-ripple Surge was Tension. Huh. Huh. We need more information on how Tension works, because that was not at all what I was expecting.
“Welcome to my madness, ladies.” DALINAR PL E A S E
'Devices' that provide healing – way back when they somehow managed to create healing fabrials, and that's what the lady Stoneward of his 'midnight essence vision' used the first time he experienced it. That's definitely a piece of equipment that Navani needs to start working on as soon as possible.
Your uncle has a point, Jasnah. He out-stubborned the Stormfather.
Speaking of stubbornness, of course Navani managed to gently bully her way into getting a look at the fabrial
Interesting. I'd expected a conversation about religion considering how they started, but this… this is something that Dalinar would indeed have far more trouble dealing with. He knows his own faith, but all these external lies and accusations keep building up and no one is taking his own word. Of all people, Jasnah understands this the most.
Renarin just got much the same speech from Lunamor, in an entirely different manner.
They've been viewing the old fabrials wrong. Huh. But in what way?
Will they see the Heralds here? Or the circle of Honorblades struck into the stone? Could Dalinar have missed the true point of the vision in his first time through, so long ago?
Honor was yet unShattered when the Heralds broke their vow
But. The Stormfather was still a Bondsmith!spren back during the previous Desolations. He's noted as “one of three spren who can bond with humans to create a Bondsmith” in The Pocket Companion to The Stormlight Archive. So. He wasn't a true Splinter back during those days. He's become more powerful since that time.
Oh shit I was right. The circle of Honorblades. They now have enough information to recognise what it means. The Heralds lied.
Navani's world suddenly turned upside down. It's one thing to hear Dalinar claim that 'God is dead', but to see these blades and hear the Heralds lied confirmed by the Stormfather himself? It's earth-shattering.
That's what the Voidspren with Venli meant when it said that their ancestors led them – yet were not alive. They're stuck in a cycle of never-ending torturous rebirth. Fuck.
Each time, the Heralds could withstand less torture. The time between Desolations started to decrease exponentially. Hundreds of years, to tens, and finally less than a year between Desolations? No wonder society could never rebuild itself! No wonder they decided to break the Oathpact!
Looks like even the Stormfather can change, if even a little. As the Nahel bond alters the ones like honorspren and cryptics, even one as great as the Stormfather can feel its effect.
Taln never broke before. All those Desolations, and it was never him. It took him by himself, bearing the entire horror of Damnation for four and a half thousand years to break him.
And now because the Oathpact is so weak, Odium was able to create the Everstorm. And the spren of the dead do not return to Damnation.
“Were you to know it, you would abandon your oaths as the ancient Radiants did.” W h a t
What secret was even more terrible than this one. What secret was so damning that the Radiants would kill their spren and leave their own souls split open and unraveling.
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