#and your friend keep emoting you weird stuffs while you talk with the guy
crowind1 · 2 years
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My FFXIV experience with @chachacharlieco
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welovelouisandbucky · 8 months
My two favorite Slytherin boys headcanons bc why not?
T/w: few swear words, my writing, and some out of character stuff because im delusional, little suggestive if you can call it that, and yes aside from that if you find any pls let me know:) also my writing
A/n: hi y'all, I just want to say pls be kind as this is my first time writing for these characters so if there's any mistakes pls overlook them thank you! Also I tried my best to keep this GN so everyone can read and enjoy this and yeah that's it, have great day!!!
S/n: requests are open so feel free to send in ideas, I'll love to write what you guys suggest. Also feel free to ask for more Slytherin or any Harry Potter characters you want headcanons/blurbs about, I'll love to write and add more🤗
Mattheo Riddle
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(gifs credits to the rightful owner)
Also this one's long as you can see I got carried away😁
Mattheo who always looks forward to see your face after the end of the day
Mattheo who will fight any one who looks at you funny or talks shits about you
Mattheo who glares at every single person but the seconds he spots you his eyes softens up in millisecond in adoration
Mattheo who holds your books or bag everywhere you guys go, because God forbid if his princess/prince ever has to worry about those things when he's there to do them for you
Mattheo who waits after you when the class is over so he can walk you to other class while he pulls you as closer to him as possible
Mattheo who searches for you before every Quidditch game so he can have his good luck charm kiss from you
Mattheo who pretends to hate and act tough when you baby him while secretly melting into a puddle inside every time you call him sweet names. ( He absolutely loses his shit when you call him baby but shush it's a secret 😌)
Mattheo who has probably drawn you only few hundreds of times in his super, super duper, very classified sketchbook that no one knows of.
Mattheo who always encourages you to do things you want to do but are too scared to actually do it.
Mattheo who always supports your decisions, even if they are stupid
Mattheo who appropriates your little hobbies and interests even if they are weird, he just wants to you to feel safe and heard around him
Mattheo who's always there for you whenever you need him, always there to hold you close on bad days because he knows how it feels when you are at your worst and there's no one to comfort you (thankfully he doesn't have to worry about being alone now that you are here as well as his friends)
Mattheo who struggles with expressing his emotions and feelings but still tries his hardest to show them to you because he wants you to know how much you mean to him.
Mattheo who's not that good at comforting but still pulls you to him because he can't stand seeing you cry and not do anything about it.
Mattheo who willingly listens to you rant about everything and anything because he loves hearing your voice (even if half of the things you said are going above his head but hey at least he's trying! ☺️)
Mattheo who hates not knowing what's happening around him because it makes him feel helpless and he hates feeling weak. That's why he always, and I mean always knows what's going on everywhere
Mattheo who's touch starved (bc yk all that being dark Lord's son and growing up with death eaters and all) and craves your touch. He's always in any way touching you, whether holding hands, or a hand on your thigh or waist just any kind of physical touch because he wants to be as close to you as possible.
Mattheo who loves loves cuddles, doesn't matter who's spooning who as long as you guys are in each other's arms.
Mattheo who loves you so much that it physically hurts him, and there's nothing he wouldn't do you
Mattheo who will always protect you no matter what
Theodore Nott
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Theo who loves to tease you throughout the whole day just so he can see you all worked up for him
Theo who looks forward to your quick comebacks every time he comments on something he knows he will get reaction out of you and absolutely loses his shit when you roast the shit out of him for it
Theo who calls you sweet endearments in Italian because he loves to see your confused smile, contemplating whether he roasted you or called you something sweet in foreign language
Theo who keeps you company while you finish your homework in library
Theo who loves spending time with you on Astronomy tower (he just in general loves spending time with you but astronomy tower is more special to him) while you are snuggled up against his side as you guys look at stars.
Theo who will read with you, doesn't matter what kind of books you guys are reading as long as both of you are together.
Theo who prefers reading classic novels but will happily read cheesy rom-com books with you because you said so (secretly he enjoys them too but hush🙈)
Theo who actually enjoys reading poetry, and sometimes when you guys are alone he'll read few to you
Theo who's always there to comfort you whenever you have problems with your family because he knows how it feels.
Theo who's always there to stand up for you in any situation
Theo who starts to smoke less around you if it bothers you, but if you smoke too then both of you guys will smoke together at the Astronomy tower
Theo who loves silence and doesn't enjoy talking much but is always ready to listen to you talk for hours, you are the only person he can talk and listen to for eternity without ever getting sick of it.
Theo who loves when you wear his clothes
Theo who said I love you first time when he saw you curse someone out because they said some shit about him, he doesn't really care whatever shit they were saying but seeing you stand up for him made him feel emotions he never felt before.
Theo who just absolutely loves you and wants to spend entirety of his life with you
Thank you so much for reading, likes and comments are very much appreciated. As well as positive criticism, pls don't hate this is a safe place for everyone!! Bye bye have great day!!!
Enzo's headcanon!
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drdemonprince · 16 days
i read in the comments to my last ask about "ordinary unhappiness" the idea of depression as a lack of agency and i feel like that is true? when i feel miserable and in pain, it's not because something is sad but because something is either unachievable or impossible (or at least there is the perception of it). and like i think that's what you were getting at too? this thing that drives you to keep going, this lack of satisfaction. i simply don't have anything i can give into such that i would ever even feel a lack of satisfaction. i've never had anything to give myself into and feel frustrated and perhaps sometimes successful in but instead i just envy the people who do have those things. nothing i've ever done has felt maintained a sense of emotional connectiveness in that way (positive or negative). i guess to wrap this back around to another potential talking point, i'm curious how you find that in your life? is it weird for me that nothing has ever felt worth putting myself whole ass into? idk, i find it envious you've got both writing and gay hypno fetish stuff you're able to just throw yourself into so wholly and utterly
Passion isn't inherent, it can be a choice too. I only look like I care a ton about writing and gay hypno stuff because I have deliberately chosen to pursue those passions, for many years, and cultivated a deep interest in them, anon.
When I was in my early twenties, I felt completely empty. I was a void. If you've read the first chapter of Unmasking Autism, this is the period I'm talking about in that book. I went away to graduate school (because I was good at academics, and I had some illusions about what a career in that field would do for me), but I had absolutely zero zest for the subject of psychology at that point. I had no research ideas. I read psychology books and publications purely out of obligation. I did what was required of me, but nothing additional beyond that, and I spent the rest of my time sitting at home, sometimes literally staring at the wall and crying. I had no friends or hobbies, aside from taking long, long depression walks listening to podcasts in order to fill the silence.
This was when I was at my most depressed, and my most suicidal. Just existing was a pain. I'd sob in bed at night and cry out begging for God to kill me, and I didn't even believe in God. The only thing that distracted me from my pain was a guy I was seeing, who was beautiful and very cruel and inconsistent, and I clung to him through all kinds of lies and abuse because it felt as though my happiness was located inside of him.
I had a friend that I wrote to about how miserable I was, and all the twists and turns that my horrible romance was taking. Her name was Heather. (Unlearning Shame is dedicated to her). She told me hey, you're a really good writer, did you know that? I really enjoy reading your emails, even when you're speaking about the most pitiful anguished shit, you really put it poetically and have a ton of insight. You should write more.
For a while, I ignored her. I didn't care about writing. I just wanted to get my pain out on the page because I had nobody to talk to, and oodles of time to waste. I had nothing otherwise that I felt I HAD to say. I had no PASSION. I did not feel like I was put on this earth to do anything. Other people seemed to have these drives, and I had nothing.
But then one day in a fit of depression I stopped by a bookstore right near my apartment, The Armadillo's Pillow, just to get outside of the house. I happened upon a book I had loved in high school, Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections. I took it home. I read it. It transported me for a few hours away from my pain. I went back to the book store and picked up some sci-fi. A John Varley collection, I think. I was also swept away from my suffering, even when the stories had flaws that I noticed. I was interested in the actual craft of storytelling: what worked and what didn't. And there was finally some beauty in my head instead of the usual dreariness and self-hatred and emptiness.
And so. I made the choice to write. I could have taken it or left it at that point. I didn't care about anything. Caring is a muscle that you have to flex. And when you're depressed, it can be very hard. I needed a lot of nudges from the external world and other people, to realize that I had some things I did gravitate toward, even if I didn't realize it.
All that time of course I WAS driven to write. I was churning out 5k word letters to Heather every day practically. I was reading stupid shit online. And when it was put in front of me, and I had no reason to feel guilt about not working hard enough on other things, I reached for books. But I didn't feel passion strongly under the heavy blankets of my depression. Or usually at all, really. I am a quite internally muted person whose emotions are suppressed. But they're there. Speaking to me softly. And to overcome my depression, I had to decide to listen to them instead of ignoring them all of the time, and give them kindling, and then fan them into a flame.
I started blogging regularly while I was in graduate school (right here, hello, you can check my archive dating back to 2011), and finding a reason to live. When I was writing, I felt like the world was interesting, and beautiful. It gave me new things to do. I attended literary readings and book launches all over town. I submitted work to magazines. I bought old copies of magazines and read them. I inhaled books. I listened to fiction podcasts. I joined writing groups. At first, it felt like a slog, like anything else. Doing these things, I was not "happy". But I was interested. I liked learning about the world of publishing, critiquing people's stories in my head, and commisserating with other Tumblr writers about the stuff that got featured on the Prose tag that sucked.
After YEARS of doing this, of choosing to fan my passions, it became a genuine motivation in my life. But even then? I lose track of it sometimes. I get busy, or there's no place comfy to sit and read in my apartment, and I forget that I like writing and reading for months at a time. And then I have to choose it again. It takes effort to care about something, every time.
It's the same way with hypno. I did have a fetish for this stuff all my life long. But it's a passion that people always thought was weird and gross, and that I thought was bad. I didn't tell anyone about it until my late 20's. I felt ashamed masturbating to it or looking up hypno content online. For years I snuffed out that flame of passion until I could barely feel it anymore. It wasn't until I was super depressed AGAIN in my later 20's that I took a bunch of weird off-label anti-depressant drugs under the table and had a weird dreamy headspace overtake me and make me insanely horny that I remembered how much I loved hypno, and because I was in search of an escape from my tormented brain, I sought hypnotists out.
And I had the time of my life. But I also had boring, awkward encounters, bad hook-ups, and had to do a ton of work.
My passions have drawn me out of depression because I needed them to. I had to find them, listen to them, and then give them lots of food. And it's one of the few things that a person does often have agency over, no matter how dispiriting their circumstances. You can make choices about where to put what attention you do have, in what free moments you do have. When you're on the bus or in line at the grocery store and you're thinking about how much you hate yourself, you can try to think about a story you read or a sexual fantasy you had, instead. It's a lot of work. But it's better work than the work of hating yourself, which takes a whole lot of energy and attention itself.
I hope you can find something like this for you. It doesn't really matter what it is. It can be some hobby you've always wanted to try, or something "childish" you've suppressed. Having a passion isn't like being chosen by the universe to care about something. It's not like love at first sight. Nothing fucking works like that in life. It's always work. It's always a choice you have to make, because no one else will give it to you. But there can be hints that you can follow, sometimes.
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syoish-aot · 3 months
reverse isekai, time travel, memory loss
post canon
word count: 3912
<- PART 7
*note: This part includes the song "Until I Found You" by Stephen Sanchez (spotify / youtube) and I very strongly recommend listening to it once that scene starts. You'll be able to tell when to play it.
And now, for the end:
You thought that with Mikasa here, Eren would finally start to act more normal.
You thought wrong.
In fact, it almost feels like he’s avoiding you more now. 
You can barely catch sight of him in the crowded restaurant, as the hours pass and everyone gets a little more drunk. On the occasions that you do see him, he’s always tucked away in a corner talking to Armin. Or Mikasa. Or Jean or Sasha or Connie.
The fact that it’s them isn’t weird, they’re his best friends, but what is weird is that you’re not included. What is weird is the way the conversation comes to a sudden stop when you approach. What is weird is the sudden tension that washes over Eren as his back straightens, he takes in a breath, and his eyes immediately go to anywhere but you. 
It’s. Weird.
And it hurts so much that you constantly have to remind yourself not to cry.
You’re trying to piece together what happened. What you did wrong. But you genuinely have no idea! Last night had been date night. You’d gone out to see a movie that Eren had been dying to see and then you came home. You and Eren made dinner together before you fell into bed and passed out next to each other, feeling like your life was perfect.
But then you’d woken up this morning and things had been far from perfect. 
Things had been the exact opposite of perfe-
“You look like shit,” Hitch says as she leans against the bar next to you.
“Lovely to see you too, Hitch.”
Hitch is more of a friend-in-law than anything. A member of Eren’s social circle that you were sucked into when the two of you started dating. The only times you've really been “close” to her have been during drunken meet-ups in bar bathrooms when you've both sobbed about how pretty the other is while vowing to be best friends for life.
Normal girl stuff.
“Trouble in paradise~?” She teases as you roll your eyes and take another sip of your drink.
“No.” You immediately answer (despite the obvious lie).
Hitch laughs. “Alright, so the way you keep glaring at your boyfriend is some new form of foreplay then?”
Your cheeks burn. “Hitch that’s- you’re so gross!”
Hitch shrugs. “I’m just calling it like it is.” 
Her eyes follow yours and she looks over at Eren. He’s on the other side of the restaurant with Armin, speaking in hushed tones with a serious expression on his face. 
“I’m worried he’s about to break up with me.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them.
In a shocking turn of events, Hitch doesn’t tease you about it. “Really?” She asks seriously.
“What makes you say that?”
“He’s just-” you sigh, “he was so weird this morning and he’s been avoiding me all day. When he looks at me it’s completely different from the way he normally looks at me. It’s like he’s- like he’s mad or something. I don’t get it.”
Hitch shrugs. “Did you guys get into a fight?”
“Then he’s probably just being a weird guy about something. I bet you said something stupid and now he’s all in his head. Men are like that, you know. Stupidly emotional over the tiniest things.”
The world really must be fucked, because what Hitch is saying almost… makes sense.
“At the risk of regretting this,” you start before you tear your eyes away from Eren and look over at her, “what should I do?”
Hitch snickers and smiles that stupid Cheshire cat smile that you hate. “If it were me,” which you’re glad it’s not, given Hitch’s awful track record, “I’d give him a nice little reminder of what he’d be missing if he left.”
“Like what?”
“Quickie in the bathroom. I dunno.”
Your cheeks burn for the second time. “Hitch it’s the opening night of Niccolo’s restaurant!!”
She laughs loudly. “And what a perfect way to christen the handicap stall!”
“I can’t believe you…” You mumble as you stare back at your glass.
Then again… maybe she’s not completely wrong. 
Not about screwing your boyfriend in the bathroom of your friend’s newly opened restaurant, of course! But about giving Eren a reminder. It didn’t seem like an awful idea, anyway.
You stare down at your drink.
And then you chug the rest of it.
“So we’re just born again or something and it’s- it’s like no one even cares about before?” Eren asked, scowling at the table he and Armin were sitting at. Mikasa had filled him in about how everyone’s memories get triggered at some point, but she’d left it at that after they’d gotten distracted talking about-...
His eyes naturally trail across the restaurant until they fall to you.
His cheeks flush.
He looks away.
Armin laughs softly. “I know it’s confusing right now, but you’ll get used to it.”
“Doubt that,” Eren mumbled as he returned to the subject at hand. He takes a nervous breath. “I-... I killed too many people to get off that easy.”
Armin was silent for a moment. “Yes we-... we did.”
Eren slowly looks over at Armin. Armin, who was staring into his glass as he ran his thumb up and down the condensation, seemingly lost in thought.
“The thing about this life though,” Armin starts, “is that everyone has an understanding that it’s… it’s different. None of the stuff that happened before happened here. Yes, you still need to make amends but- but everyone gets it. Everyone understands that our last lives were complicated and instead of focusing on that we just try to enjoy the chance we’ve been given to live again.” 
Eren looks around the restaurant at the people he knew hundreds of years ago who are alive again under completely different circumstances. 
Marco is playing darts with Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt. He hits a bullseye and all four of them cheer. 
Sasha is sneaking a french fry off of Gabi’s plate. Gabi smacks her and with a scowl but Sasha flashes her a peace sign and sticks the french fry into her mouth. 
Samuel wraps an arm around Connie’s shoulder and ruffles his short hair as Daz laughs next to them. 
And then his eyes fall to you.
You, chatting with Hitch, of all people, at the bar.
You’re blushing about something, and he can’t help but admit to himself that you look cute when you do it. His heart does what it’s done all day when he looks at you and it starts pounding in his chest. He doesn’t get it. He really doesn’t get it. Who are you and how do you fit in with everyone here? You’re the only person in the entire restaurant that he doesn’t know, and yet the way you talk to everyone makes it seem like you’ve known them all just as long as he has.
Maybe even longer.
“You’re probably wondering who she is.” Armin smiles.
Eren’s cheeks turn slightly pink (again) and he quickly looks away from you as if he’s ashamed that he’d been caught.
And he is, sort of.
He is ashamed that he doesn’t remember someone who seems to matter so much.
“I wasn’t wondering…” Eren lies.
Instead of prodding, Armin just laughs and takes a sip of his beer. “Not everyone is like us,” Armin tells him, as he places his glass back on the table. 
“You mean reincarnated or- or whatever this is?”
“Yeah,” Armin replies, “exactly.”
“Why’s that?”
“No one knows.” Armin answers. “We all have our guesses, obviously, but it’ll be impossible to ever prove any of them right.”
“What do you think?” If anyone had it figured out (or at least mostly figured out) it would have been Armin.
Armin pauses for a moment. “I think… I think that this life gets given to people who deserve a second chance. People who didn’t get to live happily the first time around, so now they can try again.”
“What’s your proof of that?”
“No proof,” Armin laughs, “just a feeling.”
“Nothing.” Eren mumbles. “You’re just… different now.”
Armin throws his head back and laughs. “Hopefully not too different.”
“Nah. It’s a good thing. You were too much of a know-it-all before.” The corners of Eren’s lips tug into a small smile as he says it and it feels- it feels good to smile. He didn’t get to do much of that in his last few years alive. 
Armin scoffs before he laughs. “Rude Eren, rude.”
Eren’s smile grows wider as their eyes meet and he feels… alive.
For the first time since he woke up, he feels alive.
“Hey, Eren.”
The smile immediately wipes off his face as you appear next to him.
Coffee. Marker. Spaghetti and wine.
Eren rapidly blinks as he reaches up to rub his temples. “The fuck is-”
Your hands are in his. You pull them away from his head and Eren’s eyes flutter open to see you right in front of him. Just like how he’d woken up that morning.
He quickly looks over at Armin, wordlessly asking for his best friend to save him.
Instead, Armin smiles and says: “I’ll give you guys some alone time.”
“But Armin I-”
“What?” He asks with a short laugh. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to spend time with your girlfriend?”
Eren’s mouth slams shut. He feels like it’d be weird if he denied it because obviously the version of him that knew her would have been jumping at the opportunity. 
“Don’t stress about it, Eren,” Armin tells him as he places a hand on Eren’s shoulder. He suddenly gets a suspicion that his friend knows about the random thoughts that keep coming to mind. “Just take it slow and you’ll figure it out.” Armin pats his shoulder before walking away.
“R-Right…” Eren mumbles.
Ever so slowly, he looks back to you.
Your hands are still holding his as you stare up at him. Eyes wide, lips slightly parted and taking in shallow breaths. It looks like you’re studying him. Watching. Waiting for some sort of clue that’ll give you a big grand “ah-hah!” moment. 
And it makes his heart race. 
His fingers twitch with the desire to reach up and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear as if- as if he knows what it would feel like to do that.
As if he’d done it before.
“Follow your instincts,” Mikasa had told him, “no matter which lifetime, you’ve always been pretty good at doing that.”
Eren swallows a lump in his throat and, for the first time all day, he lets the part of him that has been begging him to talk to you, to be next to you, to touch you-
He lets it take over.
He lets his instincts take over.
His fingers delicately ghost across your cheek, which starts to warm under his touch. He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear but his fingers linger there for a moment longer, admiring your soft skin and the way it sends a rush from his fingers right through to his heart.
Laughing as you walk through the park on campus. Taking pictures at your university graduation. Drunkenly stumbling down the street after a night out.
This time it’s not single sensations with no context of where they’re from. This time the thoughts- the memories, Eren realizes, are more vivid. More real. And it’s you, clearly you, front and center in all of them.
It’s you.
“I’m-” he speaks without even knowing he’s doing it. It’s his instincts again. The part of him that knows you. “I’ve been- um… distant.”
“Yeah..” you answer softly.
“I just- My head’s all- I-”
“Eren.” You cut him off and he immediately looks back at you.
The night sky. The stars. A swirl of green and blue.
You smile as you reach up to cup his hand, the hand that’s still against your cheek, in yours. “I love you.” You tell him.
The words tumble from Eren’s mouth before he even has a second to catch them: “I love you too.”
“Let's clear up some space, guys!” Niccolo calls as everyone begins to push the tables aside to make room for a dance floor.
You and Eren, snapped out of whatever moment you’d been having, jump apart.
Before the music even starts Sasha excitedly dances around as she pulls Niccolo along with her in anticipation. 
Yesterday, you would have done the same thing as Sasha and tugged your boyfriend to the dance floor without the option of saying ‘no’. But today- today things are different and you still don’t know why.
You’re worried that if you asked him to dance he’d…
The music starts and you can’t help glancing over at Eren only to realize he’s already looking at you.
Your cheeks flush a light pink in response and, for some reason, his do the same. There’s a moment of hesitation, a moment where you think he’s going to turn away and avoid you like he’d been doing all day.
And then…
Eren holds a hand out to you.
Wrap me up in all your- I want you…
You slowly take it.
In my arms- Oh, let me…
He pulls you closer.
…hold you
His other hand presses to your lower back.
I’ll never let you go again, like I did
Oh, I used to say~
And then you’re slowly moving, just the two of you, sucked into your own little world as you become completely oblivious to everyone around you.
He avoids your eyes but still finds a way to steal little glances here and there. He seems-
Just like he did the day you accidentally ran a black marker over his new shirt.
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her- I found you
“Welcome back, stranger.” You smiled at Eren as he entered the coffee shop for the second time.
Georgia, pulled me in I asked to- love her
“Are you asking me on a date?” “Don’t laugh, you’ll hurt my ego.”
Once again You fell, I- caught you
You both jump as you walk side-by-side and your hands accidentally brush against each other. You look over at him at the same time he tries to steal a glance at you. And then you both burst out laughing.
“I would never fall in love again until I found her”
You kiss for the first time on a park bench.
I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into”
“I love you.”  “That’s… so cringe.”
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
You excitedly threw yourself into his arms as he placed his last moving box in your apartment.
I found you
The memories come back to Eren in vivid flashes as you move around the dance floor. It should be overwhelming- having two lives suddenly meshing together in his head but it’s- it’s not. It’s-
“Eren?” You ask, just like you’d been doing all day and never receiving an answer. “Are you okay?”
He slides a red velvet box into his bedside table before you burst into the room and ruin the surprise.
“Yeah,” Eren answers softly, “I’m-...” 
I would never fall in love again until I found her
“I’m great.” He smiles.
I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into”
His hand comes up to cup your cheek, gently stroking his thumb across your skin.
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
Your lips meet.
I found you…
You come to a slow stop on the dance floor as you kiss, the memories of his lives- both of them, settling in their entirety in Eren’s mind.
He might not have known you in his last lifetime, but he found you in this one.
And in that moment, to Eren, that was all that mattered.
Eren pulls away, smiling down at you as his thumb brushes across your cheek. He wonders what would happen if he did try to explain it to you. Sure, he might sound crazy, but he has a feeling that you’d believe him. That you’d understand. That you’d hear him out and be just as equally amazed as he is when you realize what an amazing opportunity he’s been given, they've all been given, to live for the second time.
So maybe he’ll tell you one day.
Maybe they all will.
Eren settles on the promise to himself. The promise that one day he’d be honest. For now though, he just wanted to enjoy the life he’d been given. 
And the fact that because of it, he found you.
“It looks great, Niccolo,” Eren tells his friend with a wide grin as he firmly shakes his hand. “Bet you’ll have the most popular restaurant on the whole block.”
“My only competition is a bakery that’s closed every day but Sundays,” Niccolo replies.
“See? You’re already killing it!”
Niccolo laughs and shakes his head. “Glad you could make it, Eren.” He says, patting Eren’s shoulder as he passes him a knowing glance. “And… we’re glad to have you back.”
You aren’t entirely sure what Niccolo means by it, but you figured that today was weird enough that you aren’t going to question it.
“Nicoooooooooo…” Sasha drunkenly drawls as she leans against the door of the restaurant. “There’s no more wineeeee…”
“Oh god.” Niccolo sighs.
You snicker as he turns around and catches his shit-faced fiancé before she ends up face-first against the pavement.
“Ready to go?” Eren asks, wrapping his arm around your shoulders before he presses his lips to the top of your head.
You and Eren were one of the last few to leave. Everyone else had gotten way too drunk to stay any longer, but Eren hadn’t wanted to go home. He was having too much fun dancing, laughing, and bouncing around the room like a complete social butterfly.
“You had a lot of energy tonight.” You joke as the two of you walk down the street. 
Eren laughs. “I was excited.”
“Yeah, I could tell. I think you talked to everyone there, even Annie.”
He scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You normally try to avoid her after that time she threw you over her shoulder and kicked your ass.”
“No, no, no you’re remembering that wrong.”
“I am not!”
“Totally are. I kicked her ass, remember?”
“Okay,” you snicker, “just keep telling yourself that.” 
It doesn’t take you long to reach the train station. Eren’s arm is still around your shoulder as you take a seat on one of the benches. The sign above the station indicates that your train should be there in five minutes, but you don’t really care how long it takes.
With a sigh, you lean against Eren’s chest and he secures his arm around you, rubbing your shoulder as he does it.
“Cold?” He asks.
“Nah.” You reply. 
He pulls off his jacket and places it around you anyway.
“Now you’re gonna be cold, dumbass.” You mumble, tightening his jacket around you nonetheless.
Eren scoffs. “I’m too sexy to get cold.”
“So you’re saying I’m not sexy?”
“Eh.” He shrugs. “You’re alright.”
You playfully slap his chest but he grabs your hand before you can pull it away. “Hey.” He says seriously as he curls his fingers around yours.
“I’m sorry.” He kisses the tips of your fingers. “For… For being weird earlier.” He kisses you again.
“...It’s okay.” You mumble.
“No, it’s not. I was being distant for no reason and it was probably really shitty for you.”
You curl your fingers around his and squeeze his hand as you look down into your lap. “It-… yeah it kinda sucked.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Eren reassures you.
“Then… what happened?”
He opens his mouth to say something, but just as quickly closes it again. “It’s-... It’s not something that's easy to talk about.”
He thinks about the promise he made to himself earlier. The promise to tell you one day. To tell you the entire story, not leaving out a single detail, starting the moment he woke up from a weird dream in Shiganshina and ending when Mikasa’s blade met his neck.
He needs time though.
Time to think about how to say it. To tell it. To put it in a way that he can convey how wrong he was in his last life and how much better he wants to be in this one.
One of the two major things he was missing in his first life.
Time and…
“It’s okay, Eren.” Your words cut through his thoughts. “Just tell me when you’re ready.”
The way you look at him, with so much trust in your eyes, makes Eren smile.
So he promises it to himself again. He promises that he’ll tell you, one day, after a little bit of time.
Eren reaches over to cup your cheek in his hands and pull you in for a kiss.
You sigh against his lips as your eyes slide closed and the comforting familiarity of his kiss makes everything in the world seem right.
It makes everything seem perfect, once again.
And you don’t want to change a single thing-
Crisp hospital sheets. The afternoon light against his bandaged face. Brightly coloured pills in a paper cup.
You freeze as Eren pulls away from the kiss.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“I snuck you an extra apple, don’t tell anyone or they’ll accuse me of picking favourites.”
“Hey,” he brushes his fingers across your forehead.
“Why would I skip out on the festival, it sounds like fun!”
“What’s going on?”
Fire. Rubble. Screaming.
He calls your name.
A grip. A squeeze. A pop.
“Can you hear me?”
The deafening sound of complete silence. Followed by the terrifying sight of pitch black.
Your eyes flutter open. 
You don’t recognize where you are. You don’t recognize the sounds, or the smells, or the loud voice that comes from nowhere saying: “next train arriving, please stand behind the yellow line”.
But you do recognize something.
And the sight of him, freshly shaved, hair cut and styled, free of bandages with no crutches to make up for a missing leg- it makes your heart flutter, just like it always did in that hospital room.
You smile, because what other reaction could you possibly have when you’re looking at the man you were forbidden to love, but loved so deeply despite it. 
You say the only thing that makes sense, given the miracle before you:
“Are we in heaven, Mr. Kruger?”
Suddenly Eren knows exactly who you are.
Suddenly, he remembers why he’d tried so hard to forget.
“She’s distracting you, Eren,” Zeke said, his baseball on the bench between them. “She’s not,” was Eren’s only reply.
But now Eren knew he could never forget again. Not the longing. Not the guilt. Not the feeling of bones breaking, the smell of fresh blood, or the bursting of flesh between his fingers.
“Then kill her,” Zeke said casually like the words didn’t mean a single thing.
No. Eren would never forget again.
He’d never forget how it felt when he, the attack titan, crushed you in his hands and discarded your lifeless body against the battered streets of Liberio...
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basilpaste · 3 months
Act 4: Bathroom Tangent
If: No "On Command!" Ability
〔You close the door to the bathroom stall softly.〕
〔Haha! That's so unlike you, isn't it? You're supposed to be loud!〕
〔Big, strong, stupid Isabeau who slams doors and just had to use the restroom right before a super important fight! That's you alright!〕
〔You haven't actually had to use the restroom since the first time. You could just stop coming here, couldn't you? You could just do something else? But… it would feel weird to break the habit so far in.〕
〔You swallow and it feels like your tongue is caught in your throat.〕
〔Like you're choking.〕
〔Your head feels all fuzzy and your body is like lead and—〕
〔You cough down a sob.〕
〔It's not like you think it's bad to cry!!! It's just, uh, you have to be quiet right now!〕
〔Plus! You're a pretty emotional guy! You cry plenty!〕
〔Except… that's not really true, is it?〕
〔Do you even remember the last time you cried?〕
〔Okay. Maybe crying is the answer, then!!! Catharsis, y'know? It might help to finally get some tears going!〕
〔So. What's the hold up?〕
〔You almost cried a second ago, right? So what changed? Is it just that you're actively thinking about wanting to cry now? Because that hasn't stopped you before! You're actually pretty in-tune with your emotions! So this shouldn't be so hard!〕
〔Seriously! No one will even see you! So it's not a big deal!〕
〔Obviously just wanting to cry isn't enough!!! That's fine! That's okay. You can just… make yourself cry.〕
〔You open your eyes as wide as you can and stare at the stall door.〕
〔Seconds tick by.〕
〔Your eyes itch and burn with the effort and your vision has gone all hazy from dryness but this isn't really working! Like at all!!!〕
〔You blink. Tears coat your eyes but do not fall.〕
〔Okay! That's alright! Maybe you were wrong! You don't actually need to cry.〕
〔You're fine.〕
〔You've just gotta keep moving! That's all!!!〕
〔You need to figure out how the loops work. Understand them better than you do right now.〕
〔It's… kind of your last option? You know about the King (you don't think about it), you know about Time and Wish Craft, you know about things that don't even matter to the loops at all!〕
〔All that's left is to figure out why everything restarts when you talk to m'dame Head Housemaiden.〕
〔You don't want to assume that it's something she did! Because she's someone that your friend really cares about!!〕
〔Your friend.〕
〔Haha!!! Funny joke, Isabeau!!! Forgetting stuff is Sif's thing!!!!!〕
〔See? SEE?! You remember his name just fine! Sif! Siffrin! Sifarooni!!!〕
〔So why don't you—〕
〔No, no! It's okay! Sometimes when people are stressed, they forget stuff! It's not like you actually forgot her name! It'll come to you any second now!!!〕
〔She's… She's kind and clever and she's nervous a lot of the time but you've watched her grow so much over the course of her journey. You were the first one to go along with her! The two of you spent a lot of time by yourselves before meeting anyone else!〕
〔You know her name. You do! Of course you do.〕
"Um… Isabeau?"
"Oh! You haven't called me 'Mirabelle' in a while!"
〔You haven't.〕
〔"Sorry! You, uh! Spooked me, Mira!!!"〕
"I did? Oh, Change! I'm so sorry! I was just… checking in on you? You've been in there a while."
〔"Hah! I didn't even realize! Got caught up in saving-the-country thoughts, y'know? I'll be out in a minute!"〕
〔Was that… too much energy? Even you can tell that came out kinda forced.〕
"Okay!" She pauses. "I will see you! Outside of the bathroom! In a minute!!!"
〔"You've got it!"〕
〔You hear her walk away.〕
〔Wow. That was a pretty weak performance, Isabeau! That's why you should leave the acting to the pros.〕
〔Mira. Mira, Mira, Mirabelle. You know her name. You didn't forget. See?〕
〔You press the heels of your palms into your eyes.〕
〔Okay. Okay! You're good! You're alright! You've got stuff to do!!!〕
〔You're okay.〕
〔You exit the bathroom.〕
If: Yes "On Command" Ability
〔You close the door to the bathroom stall softly.〕
〔Haha! That's so unlike you, isn't it? You're supposed to be loud!〕
〔Big, strong, stupid Isabeau who slams doors and just had to use the restroom right before a super important fight! That's you alright!〕
〔You haven't actually had to use the restroom since the first time. You could just stop coming here, couldn't you? You could just do something else?〕
〔What'd be the point, even if you did?〕
〔Nothing's going to change.〕
〔You swallow and it feels like your tongue is caught in your throat.〕
〔Like you're choking.〕
〔Your head feels all fuzzy and your body is like lead and—〕
〔If you do that, you'll end up looping back! And wouldn't it be embarrassing to do that when you don't even have to?〕
〔It'd be super embarrassing, yeah!!! So! You're fine.〕
〔You're fine, aren't you?〕
〔You're making progress. Even if it's… kind of slow. The more answers you have, the longer it takes to find new paths to go down! It makes sense! The logic follows.〕
〔For now, all you've got to do is understand the loops better than you do right now! Why stuff restarts when you talk to the Head Housemaiden!〕
(from here, the scene plays out as normal, starting at 〔You don't want to assume that it's something she did! Because she's someone that your friend really cares about!!〕)
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imeriayapping · 10 days
He doesn't know when it starts or even how.
Well if Logan tried to go back to see all the steps that lead him here he should probably start around 2021 when he first opened MotoGP race when there was nothing else to watch.
He was always hungry for more, watching as much different racing as he could, it's just motorcycles are a bit out of his comfort zone so he never gravitated towards opening a stream somewhere to watch.
Of course logan knew about it, about people in it and thought about Rossi the same way he did about Gordon and Hamilton if not for his own experience of watching than at least for how much lando was talking about him. As the Greatest of all.
It takes him a bit to learn all teams, how everything works and some major events but he gets there, fully emerged at that point.
Logan still doesn't watch all that much content of riders bc he's not interested in their personalities besides what they say about bikes but he catches glimpse of how insane it all is anyway and it fascinates him when he compares it to formula scenery where it's so political and everyone is second away from clawing at your throat.
Guys there are wild and don't have pr crafted personalities that they need just to survive. Next season starts, he gets into f2 and watching gets a bit more challenging on some weekends but manageable on most. And nothing would change if not for one bike that his eyes keep going back to and the guy on it that Logan starts watching press conferences forBc firstly bez is amazing and it's interesting to watch him on track. And secondly he's just so..... different, so open and always smiley.
It's fascinating to Logan because it's almost diametrally different from what he himself is. He loves a good hug don't get him wrong but living mostly alone on another continent from your family and all friends doesn't make for a lot of opportunities to express emotions through touches. Sometimes it feels like he can go weeks without meaningful contact. Also Logan can only watch how outgoing and extrovert marco is never even being close to that, sticking with few people that he knew the best.
It somehow transformed into following him on multiple platforms and watching whatever content motogp or his team would put out. It became kinda embarrassing at the point where he could understand a few Italian words from sheer amount of them that he heard before. It was a bit annoying not being able to understand a lot of stuff but he wouldn't prove "dumb American" stereotype by wishing for guy to speak only in English. Plus the way his voice sounded when he actually did talk in English was very cute, so nothing to be sad about.
Logan started wondering if this what admiration for drivers felt like because he never experienced it before always only motivated by his own desire to win not by those he saw on screens. It was pretty tough to rationalize by himself so he went to the most rational person he could think of (and totally not because it was his only friend on the grid,no) - oscar.
It was usual hangout for them only stained by somewhat awkward logan who didn't know how to approach subject until oscar points out his weird behaviour and makes him talk it all out while listening intently. In the end oscar just answered with short but straightforward "sounds more like you catching an internet crush that anything else" which made Logan spat out million protesters a second only stopped by solid hand on his forearm
"Look you should think it all over and if you still not sure I'll go to MotoGP race next month for promo so you can tag along and actually speak to the guy to see how you feel"It took him a while to evaluate everything and actually come to some form of conclusion but looking back oscar wasn't wrong, it's just Logan never catched feelings in similar way so it was confusing. But looking at it now it wasn't even surprising with how mesmerising marco was, resembling the sun whenever he went with his blinding smile and warm attitude. And Logan wanted to reach out to that shine too
But even ignoring all that he asepted Oscar's offer mostly to watch race itself because in person it would be way cooler than through small screen in shitty hotel room. Logan didn't plan on even going close to bez there because mortifying ordeal of confronting a crush that doesn't know you exist is a bit too much for him but it's not like anything ever goes according to his plan.
So this time what gone wrong was bez himself that catched a cute blonde guy laughing with sun rays in corners of his eyes while talking to someone but standing completely on his own otherwise looking a bit uncomfortable in unfamiliar space. And of course marco went to introduce himself because why waste such chance? Especially when his outstretched hand ready for handshake is met with blush and shuttering before he even managed to say anything besides "hi, I'm bez"
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agyraty · 4 months
yandere kieran duffy maybe??
Of course!! Now I’m just going to warn you, I’ve never written Yandere once in my life, so I’m hoping this is good. I tried not to change him too much, keeping him as closely to his original character as possible despite the Yandere aspect.
That’s not Love
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Kieran Duffy x Reader
Summary: Kieran calls it love, but you call it an unhealthy obsession.
From the moment the O'Driscoll boy caught sight of you while bound to a tree, he was captivated. Your sense of style, the assertive stance you took with folks like Micah, and the kindness you showed everyone, him included, all drew him in. The sway of your hips as you walked, and your gentle beauty, fascinated him; he found you intriguing and admirable.
He’s finally been allowed to walk freely around camp, doing as he pleased. And he always found himself staring at you, watching your every move. Soon, he found himself volunteering to help you during missions, or brush your horse, even help you with chores, just so he could get to closer to You.
After awhile, you and him became friends. You’d always find yourself sitting with him near the fire or during meals, and on almost all of the missions Dutch sends you on, he’s almost there with you, which you found a bit weird, but you pushed it off as Dutch wanting to get Kieran working.
It’s just became a normal thing, you’re always with the man. You even stand up for him when Bill, Javier, or Micah tease him about being an O’Driscol. Which was another reason he found himself so attracted to you.
Weeks turned into months, and Kieran’s obsession just grew even more. He began leaving anonymous Gifts in your tent every night. Things ranging from flowers, love letters, to jewelry and small trinkets.
You found it odd, having a secret admirer leave you stuff. You so desperately wanted to know who it was leaving you such gifts, and you looked at all the possibilities at camp. Never once did you suspect it to be Kieran.
At first, you tried to figure out who it was, asking the girls if they heard about anyone talking about it, or maybe even seen who it was.
But no body knew who your admirer was, so after awhile you just gave up, excepting all the kind gifts you got without thought. Obviously who ever was doing it didn’t have any bad intentions, right?
You’ve also noticed that a lot of the guys in the gang suddenly started to avoid you, Only speaking to you when they needed to.. it was strange.
Well today wasn’t to different from any other day, you walked around camp, did your chores, conversed with friends, and of course, spent time with Kieran.
Currently, Kieran was busy tending to his horse, so you sat by the fire by yourself, relaxing your aching muscles.
Kieran brushed his horse, tending to its muddy coat, gently scraping out the dirt. He watched you closely as he did so, his eyes never leaving your resting body. His eyes scanned your face, watching as the fire shined against you, its Orange and yellow light dancing along your fine features, illuminating your beauty.
Kieran snapped out of his thoughts once he saw Javier striding over to the camp fire, a charming smile on his face as he stopped just beside you.
You brought a hand up to rub your eyes gently, looking to the side. Suddenly, you heard the familiar voice of Javier call out your name.
“Hey.” He spoke softly, taking a seat on the dirt next to you. “Hi, Javier.” You turned your head to face him, a soft smile playing in your lips as you watched him get onto the ground.
He starts a conversation, his words flowing effortlessly, filled with anecdotes and questions that draw you in. His hand gestures add animation to his tales, and he listens to your responses with genuine interest, his eyes alight with amusement.
On the sidelines, Kieran's presence is like a silent shadow, his eyes never straying away from the duo. The sight of Javier's easy manner with You stirs a storm within Kieran, his emotions swirling like leaves in the wind. There's a sharp tug in his chest, a possessive instinct that he can't shake off.
He knew he shouldn’t be thinking this, considering you were his, and he wasn’t yours, but Every laugh shared between you two feels like a personal affront, as if Javier’s challenging him, like Javier’s trying to take away what belongs to him. His fingers clench into fists at his sides, the brush that was in his hand now dropped to the floor, the mirthful scene before him fueling a strange feeling of anger, of resentment. A bitter taste of jealousy resided on his tongue as he stands back, trapped in his own troubled thoughts.
He couldn’t help but think that it should be him over there, laughing with you, tlaking with you just like always, not Javier. Javier was getting to close to what was his. And Kieran didn’t take to kindly to that.
Kieran decides that he’s had enough, that he couldn’t stand by and watch anymore.
Kieran's beginge to walk over, every move he made was carefully calculated. His smile is a well-rehearsed curve of lips, not quite matching the mixture of angry feelings he felt deep down. "Javier, always the early bird, I see," Kieran offers with an airy chuckle that sounds more like a challenge than genuine humor.
Javier, unbothered by Kieran's presence, smirks and replies, "Just taking in the good company before the vultures swoop in." He spoke casually, but his words carry an edge to them, a subtle acknowledgment of the tension between them.
Kieran leans in closer, his voice a low purr meant only for Javier's ears. "You know, it's fascinating how you always seem to linger. But then again, some people are naturally drawn to the light, even if it burns." The insult is wrapped in velvet, but the threat is unmistakable. You stand there, eyes darting between the two men. You had no idea what was happening, nor what they were talking about.
Javier's response is quick, his ‘Friendly’ smile never faltering. "And some are too busy casting shadows to recognize when they're standing in someone else's sun." The air between them is tense as they try to play off their obvious disdain for each other, each man marking his territory with words as sharp as knives.
The back-and-forth continues, Kieran's jokes becoming more pointed, his patience wearing as thin as the veneer of civility that coats them. Then, a particularly barbed comment from Javier pierces through Kieran's armor, hitting a raw nerve.
Kieran's laughter dies down and his expression darkens, the atmosphere quickly changed. "You think you're clever, don't you? Let's see how witty you are when you're the one being laughed at.” Kieran hisses, the mask of friendliness slipping to reveal a bit of what he was truly feeling.
You quickly looked over at Kieran, his sudden outburst shocking you. He’d never spoken to anyone like that before, he normally acted all timid and scared, but now.. he seemed completely unfazed, the expression on his face dark and intimidating.
The change in Kieran was startling, like witnessing a shadow come to life. His usual shyness was long gone, replaced by a steely resolve that seems alien on his normally gentle features. The atmosphere tensed even further, as if the air itself is holding its breath, waiting for what Kieran will do next.
You can't help but feel slightly uneasy, watching this new side of him emerge. It's as if he's shed his meek exterior to reveal something much more dark beneath. His eyes, once filled with hesitation, now burn with a cold fire, and his posture is straight and rigid, every muscle tense and coiled like a spring.
"Is everything okay, Kieran?" you ask, voice slightly caseous, the concern evident in your voice. You're trying to reach the friend you know, the one who's always been more keen on retreating from conflict rather than causing it.
Kieran's gaze quickly lands on you, and for a seocnd, you see the flicker of the normal Kieran that you know, the vulnerability returning in the depths of his eyes. But it's gone as quickly as it appeared, his expression hardening once more. "I'm fine," he says, though his tone suggests anything but that. “Just tired of playing the part of the harmless one, that's all."
Your eyes widen slightly. Playing the part? What does he mean playing the part? Has he.. has he been faking his personality this whole time? Your gaze remains on his body as you watch him closely, And you notice how everything about him has changed. He’s standing meow straight up and assertive, rather than his slightly hunched and shy posture. His face is more hard unlike his normal gentle expression. And the way he speaks, is so much more different.
The mere thought of it sends your mind spinning. The Kieran before you is like a puzzle with pieces that don't fit the image you've always known. It's slightly unsettling, the idea that he might have been wearing a mask all this time. His new demeanor is like a rude awakening – assertive, confident, almost a stranger compared to his old personality.
"Kieran, what do you mean?” Your question is gentle but probing, an attempt to peel back the layers of this sudden change. You're reaching out for answers, you need to get to the bottom of this.
Kieran's gaze flickers past and lands on Javier with a dismissive sneer. "Why don't you go bother someone else, Javier?" he snaps abruptly, his voice carrying a sharp and cold tone. The unexpected harshness in his tone seems to cut through the air, and with an annoyed look, Javier turns on his heel, walking away without another word.
With Javier gone, Kieran's attention shifts back to you, his posture relaxing slightly, but his expression remains intense. He takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours for any type of reaction. "I'm sorry about that, but I couldn't stand it anymore," he begins, his voice softer now, but laced with a slight desperate tone, maybe even crazed. "I've been trying to keep this to myself, but it's driving me crazy. I'm in love with you. I'm the one who's been leaving you those little gifts you find, hoping they'd bring a smile to your face."
He takes a deep breath, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as if grappling with the weight of his confession. "And it's been me, joining you on those missions without even asking Dutch. I wanted to be there to protect you, to be close to you. I've been... I've been scaring off any guy that gets too close because the thought of someone else being with you—it's unbearable. That’s why people haven’t been speaking to you so much lately, but that’s a good thing. That’s how it should be.”
The expression kn his face was unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It was almost crazed, desperate. If you were being honest, it scared you.
“.. And that’s the way it should be.”
You looked back at him as he said that. “What..?” You whispered, shock present in both your tone and present on your face.
“I’m the only one that you need, I’m the only one that deserves to talk to you.” He stepped closer, looming over you with an unreadable facial expression. You stumble back, trying to keep some space between the two of you.
Your brows were knitted together tightly as you tried to wrap your mind around what he was saying.
“Why can’t you see that this isn’t bad? That I’m what you need, and no one else?” He reached out to grab your hands in his, but you quickly swatted them away. “Don’t touch me.”
Your heart hammered against your chest, a mixture of fear and disbelief coursing through your veins. "You can't just decide what I need, Kieran," you said, your voice firm despite the slight tremble running through your body. "You can't force someone to want you or to be with you."
He looked taken aback, as if your resistance was something he hadn't anticipated, as if he excepted you to just be okay with this whole thing. “But I love you," he insisted, his voice softening. "I've done everything for you. Can't you see that?"
"You're talking about love, but what you're doing isn't love at all," you countered, finding the strength to finally counter his response.. "Love is about respect and choice, Kieran. You can't protect me from the world, just like can't lock me away from it either."
"I need some time to think about all of this..”
As you turned to walk away, You hoped that when you faced each other again, it would be with a new understanding and a healthier perspective on what it really means to care for someone.
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fangirlingpuggle · 7 months
Half asleep fantasy high time travel AU idea where bad kids are still adventuring team as adults a big bad they’ve fought manages to get away and decides to take an Arthur Aguefort approach and use chronomancy to fix their problems taking on the bad kids while they’re still kids before they start the Aguefort adventuring academy or more accurately on their first day.
So, as the bad kids are arriving, they all suddenly get attacked and are of course freaking out (Golden horde is also freaking out because this is not his plan)
However, before they can hurt any of them cur future bad kids showing up and wrecking shit all the first episode before detention bad kids seeing their badass older adult selves and then either
Bad kids have to stay in past to catch bad guy and protect younger selves as this chronomancy has gone multiverse theory and they only have a one-way trip back so cant lave til bad guy is caught.
Adaine: So we’re definitely in separate time line right?
Kristen: I mean Aguefort’s exact words we’re ‘no consequences you can go apeshit’
Adaine: Awesome *Instantly starts kicking shit out of her parents after wrapping her younger self and Alewyn in a blanket passing them Boggy*
Riz totally shots Goldenhoard, while him and Kristen are yelling out ‘HEY KALINA YOU BITCH SHOW YOURSELF’ Kristen having Cassandra’s power and kinda just going and speed running whole Nightmare king thing. Also her picking up her younger self and siblings up while her goddess appears just to flip off her parents.
Fabian’s younger self not being a fan of his older self being a bard… until Fabian kicks his ass while on his way to go get his bike for this timeline.
Younger Fig being so confused by the fact older Fig is Gilear's biggest fan and Gilear also super confused and trying not to cry because his daughter clearly isn’t going to hate him forever and he was sure she would. Fig also going to younger self like ‘Hey please stop with the transforming self you don’t need to it’s all good… hey maybe check out Leviathan for no reason’ she totally teasing her younger self because I have the best girlfriend ever.
Gorgug setting his homunculus on coach daybreak and also porter also sending a van after them to run them over.
They need to keep younger selves safe so scoop them up and throw them in the hangvan and take them to the future with them to keep them safe.
Cue all the freshman bad kids seeing how their lives are
Adaine seeing she has a family that loves her, Jawbone giving his daughter the biggest hug emotional to see her as she was when she was younger and Alewyn just uber protective over her baby baby sister and Adaine not believing she’s so loved.
Fabian shocked to see his older self as a bard (And he may have tried to sneak in and sue the weird elven sheet his older self has used not that he will ever admit it) but also his mother is sober… and a total badass. He also
Fig seeing herself with a good relationship with all her parents (also for some reason all her and her friends love Gilear) also she has a paramour whose a fucking amazing phoenix who younger Fig keeps tripping over herself to flirt with (disguising herself as her older self) Ayda thinks this is humorous older Fig is amused but also Hey get your own paramour.
Riz meeting his older self who is a badass with tattoos and so many friends. Also he works with angels. He is totally awestruck.
Kristen being shocked by how different her older self is and having a lot of realizations about herself. Also, her new goddess is the coolest and really happy to talk things through with her (Cassandra wants to keep her in this timeline, and is trying to figure out a way to break the timelines so she can get her as her prophet in the other timeline to without all the nightmare king stuff she’s the goodness of mystery she’s sure she can do it)
Gorgug meeting his older self whose a barbarian and an artificer and super smart and has a homunculus called Chloe and is so confident and smart.
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
1 | Triplets
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none
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Sam and Colby were now mostly known for their ghost hunting videos on YouTube. At times Colby would bring his younger sister, Dani, along since she was so interested into it. Like for this trip to Austin Texas to investigate the Driskill Hotel, she was tagging along with him and Sam.
"Dani, you seem very excited for this video." Sam says as they wait for the Sturniolo Triplets to show up.
"Do I?" She smiles a bit since she was excited to see Nick in person.
Her and Nick have been friends online for the past like two years and never have gotten the chance to meet up yet. So for this collab between them and the triples were their first time getting to see each other in person.
"Yes, you do. You excited to be here or you get to meet the triplets?" Sam gives her a look as Colby was busy.
"Sam, seriously?" She laughs.
"I'm playing with you." He gives her a hug.
After a while the Triples show up and everyone handshakes except Dani and Nick giving each other a hug. They all chat for a bit before starting to film.
"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby." Colby starts.
"Today we have..." Sam starts.
"Me!" Dani hops into frame.
"Yep, my sister." Colby smiles.
"But is it just me?" Dani says with a smile as well tilting her head.
"We have some very special guests today too. You have literally been asking us every single month to collab with theses people. The Sturniolo Triples!" Colby interduces them.
"Are you excited?" Dani asks them so they all agree, " Gonna be a good night."
"I hope to find triple ghost tonight." Chris says making everyone laugh.
"Scared at all or nervous?" Colby asks them, "Or just excited?"
"I'm scared." Chris answers honestly.
"Let's not front. I'm terrified." Nick says for himself.
"It's gonna be fine, Nick." She gives him a reassuring smile.
Dani was the type of person everyone felt safe and comfortable around, even if they knew each other, hardly did, or not at all.
"Better be,"
"I don't even go on rollercoasters. I don't do anything scary." Chris lets the other three know.
"Tonight will be a rollercoaster of emotions." Dani says causing him to laugh with her.
"I wanna do the Estes Method." Nick changes the topic.
"I remember you telling me that." Dani nods her head.
"You two have talked before this?" Matt asks looking at the two.
"We're friends. Benn talking to her for a year or more now. She's like one of my best friends. But this is our first time meeting face to face." Nick explains to his brothers.
"I had no idea." Colby looks at Dani.
She just looks at him knowing what he was thinking, "You've never asked."
"Our secret friendship is gone." Nick laughs.
"I can't believe this..." Matt says surprised. He thought Nick would have told him he was friends with Colby's younger sister.
"Who knew Nick could be so secretive? And not tell us." Chris adds.
"It's not that big of a secret." Nick rolls his eyes.
"Okay, what's your guys believably scale on this stuff?" Colby changes the subject back to the video.
"I'm like at a 9.5 honestly." Chris shocks Sam and Colby.
"I'm a 10 but I have no reason to be at a ten. Like nothing has happened to me to be like at a ten. But I'm at a ten." Nick says his.
"I'd say eight." Matt keeps his short before they walk around.
"Nick, loves guys with facial hair." Chris jokes as they al walk over to the big painting.
"Stop speaking forever." Nick points at him.
"He's not wrong, you do." Dani adds.
"So do you." Nick gives her a look.
"Hey, it depends if they can pull it off or not. If no, I'll shave it myself. And it works the same around. Some people with facial hair look weird with a clean face. Like grow it back, please." Dani goes on a little rant.
"Okay, now the whole world know how you feel. Also I need like a copy of this in my room." Nick talks about the painting and frame.
"Excuse me?" Colby asks looking at the camera causing everyone to laugh.
"The frame and everything. The frame is very ornate." Nick pleads his case.
"Whatever you say." Matt laughs.
"The frame id very ornate." Chris mocks Nick.
"It's a pretty frame." Dani says to have Nick's back.
"She gets it." Nick high-fives Dani.
"You two are going to kill me." Colby shakes his head at the two.
"Good." Dani pats his back making his eyes widen.
"This guy is gonna haunt us in our sleep." Sam tells the group as they all just stare at the painting.
"I can't wait to meet big Daddy D." Chris says.
"I wonder if he's just is like always around his picture frame, like he loves just being here." Nick keeps his eyes on the painting.
"So a ghost who loves looking at himself?" Dani looks away from it and Chris cracks up.
"Oh, I love the carpeted stairs." Nick says as the make their way up to the second floor.
"I hate them actually." Matt adds, "I feel like I'm gonna fall when I walk on carpet."
Dani was shocked by hearing him say that, "Like in general or only on the stairs?" She asks him.
"In general,"
"Huh, you're odd." She can't help but laugh at him.
"Dani, don't expect anything normal from Matt." Chris speaks up so Matt tells him to shut up.
The second floor only felt weird to Dani since it was so open, "They need to put more furniture up here."
"That's what I was thinking." Chris agrees with her.
"Any of you guys know how to play the piano?" Matt asks seeing one in the middle the the room.
"Do you?" Sam asks him.
"Dani knows one song. I'm jealous of her." Nick walks over to see if it's open for her to play.
"Wait, you can play the piano?" Colby asks not knowing that about her.
"As Nick said, one song."
"What song do you know?" Matt asks her.
"Fly me to the moon,"
"It's closed. I probably shouldn't open it." Nick gets upset, "I wanted to hear Dani play."
"Honestly, I'm happy. I'd be too nervous to play in front of you guys and a camera." She walks away from it.
"I'd love to walk into another room later and then just hear the piano playing." Chris touches the piano.
"Yes!" Dani agrees, loving the idea.
"That'd be fun."
"You two are crazy." Nick looks at them as they smile wanting it to happen badly, "Since knowing Dani, I never thought she'd get along with either Matt or Chris." He adds.
"Why?" Colby asks curious since he was protective of her.
"Just her vibes,"
"I never thought that..." Dani looks over at Matt and Chris. They both seemed funny and great from just their videos.
"Maybe just Matt." Chris decides to mess around with him.
"What?! What's wrong with me?" He asks him.
"Obviously something to them." Sam laughs.
"There's nothing wrong with him." Dani shakes her head with a little grin.
"You'll take that back getting to know him." Chris laughs while Matt glares at his brother.
"Topic change," Colby speaks up again, "Who's do you think is the most scared?"
"Yeah, who's scaredy-cat?" Dani asks.
Both Matt and Nick point at Chris and he points at himself agreeing as well, "At least you aren't embarrassed to admit it." Dani tells him before Nick explains they hate horror stuff.
He goes on to say he saw his first horror movie because he had to in a film studies class in school. That they've never done a haunted house ever, the three of them. And Matt adds that they bailed on an escape room because it was too scary.
"Why are you doing this?" Colby asks them.
"Welcome to the channel guys." Sam smiles.
"I'm surprised that we're present right now." Nick laughs, "But we're gonna do it."
"Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. There's only 90 ghosts that roam here every second." Colby tells the camera.
"I'm excited to meet them all." Nick says excitedly.
"I got like the cold sweats." Matt pays his pits, "I'm freezing but I'm sweating."
"You guys could easily do like a deodorant brand deal." Chris says fake putting in deodorant.
"People would literally buy it. No doubt." Dani leans on Colby's back wrapping her arms around him, "Make more money to spend on me to go on trips." She smiles so he pushes her away playfully.
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octopotto · 1 year
Yandere! Cloud Strife Childhood Headcanons (+ lil’ blurb)
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*Seeing barely any yan cloud strife content*
Me: Fine… I’ll do it myself
Warnings: NOT PROOF READ, Mentions of: child injuries, self-dout, depression, and violence, Out of Character madness (even for yandere standards), Unhealthy behaviours, Yandere but not extreme but still—, Possessiveness, Kid Cloud is crazy protective, some stuff is inaccurate bc I’m writing this by memory.
**Will CONTAIN SPOILERS for the following: FF7 (original), FF7 Remake (2020).
REMINDER: Yandere behaviour of any kind is unhealthy behaviour. It should not be something to seek out for in real life. If you are experiencing any sort of inappropriate behaviour, please contact help/seek out help.
**The reader will ALWAYS be Gender-Neutral!
ps: first fic!
- Due to Clouds insecurities developing at a young age, he most likely won’t approach you first. You would either have to be the one initiating the conversation or Tifa has to introduce you two.
- Either way, it’s super awkward for the both of you.
- Lil’ boy is bitter because no one wanted to be his friend but here you are lol
- I think the best way to get Cloud to open up is for you to keep talking to him or approaching him first
- I believe that it’s those efforts that will help Cloud realize how much you genuinely want to become friends/closer with him.
- It will help him get out of his shell.
- Honestly, getting him to initiate the conversation FIRST is a HUGE development in y’all’s relationship.
- Kid Cloud: *Approaches you first* “Hi…”
- Kid You: 😧😧 —> 😃😭🥰
- It will probably be like that for a while, but it will do!
- It’s kind of his way of showing that he also now wants to become closer with you.
- But once you guys finally get out of the ‘awkward’ phase, Cloud will slowly start to become attached to you.
- He’s now more confident in expressing himself and approaching you.
- He even tried to hold your hand a few times because he saw you hold Tifas hand when playing
- At one point, you even made Cloud and yourself friendship bracelets.
- “It a symbol of how much we care for each other!” You expressed to Cloud.
- He never once took off that bracelet. It was probably the first time he received something that wasn’t from his mother.
- You would always see him with it on. Even if you guys got into a fight.
- But when time passed, he started to get clingy
- No like
- It’s to the point where you guys arrive to your house and you walk in to call it a night, HE ALSO starts to walk into the house.
- Kid You: *Confused as to why Cloud is taking off his shoes in your house after waving goodbye*
- Kid Cloud: *Literally just inviting himself in because wherever you go, HE GOES*
- I feel like his mother would look over this behaviour.
- Remember, Cloud never had any friends or anyone to talk to.
- So his mother was actually over the moon when he finally has someone who cares for him.
- She would probably chalk it up as him just being excited to have a friend.
- Your own guardian/parents wouldn’t mind as well as much
- They don’t really like the other kids as much (besides Tifa), so they were also happy that you made a new friend (despite again, being very clingy to you)
- Another mouth to feed too since he likes staying over.
- Cloud doesn’t understand these emotions but he does understand that he cherishes you and wants to be around you more often.
‘Kay enough with the slow-burn, time for the angst! :D
- If you played the original FF7 or watched it, yknow what’s coming up.
- Tifa’s mother died when she was young and thought she could reach her if she climbed up Mt. Nibel.
- You and Cloud followed her as you two were concerned for Tifa.
- Up in the mountains, you were fortunate to push Tifa and Cloud away before the bridge fell.
- The consequence? Yourself
- You fell down the bridge in place of both Tifa and Cloud.
- While falling, you heard the most blood-curdling scream you ever heard from both Cloud and Tifa.
- Thankfully, you survived the fall.
- But you still suffered major injuries and was unconscious for several days.
- Which resulted you from going outside.
- This deeply affected Cloud so much. His one and only friend, the one person he care for so much that he would do anything to prove it to you.
- It didn’t help that almost everyone in the town blamed HIM for what happened.
- Even with Tifa’s protests and defending Cloud’s innocence, no one listened.
- Your guardian reassured him and Tifa that it wasn’t their fault, that you wouldn’t want them to feel bad.
- But even with all of the reassurance from your guardian and Tifa, Cloud couldn’t stop the guilt and despair that kept clawing within him.
- Thus, he started believing the blame that people keep telling him, blaming himself that he was the reason why you’re in terrible state right now.
- With you being unconscious and not being able to go out, Cloud started to keep to himself again.
- If he wasn’t staying by your side to see if you would wake up, he was in his bed.
- Just laying in there, surrounded by his thoughts and guilt.
- Why do anything if everything that happened was his fault?
- Why go out if you weren’t there with him?
- He believes that he ruined the one good thing in his life.
- When you finally woke up, Cloud never ran so fast to your house.
- Even forgot to knock, just kept jiggling the door handle until your guardian unlocked it.
- He quickly into went to your room
- And when he got there, it was like he finally woke up from his nightmare.
- Because there you were, alive.
- Quickly went up to you and hugged you so tight that you thought you couldn’t breathe for a second.
- You couldn’t process what was happening until you felt something wet on your shoulder.
- Cloud was crying. He was so relieved, so relieved to see you awake.
- He didn’t know what to say, all he could say was incoherent mumbles.
- “Im so sorry… I’m so glad you’re here with me” Is what Cloud could say.
- Once you were able to process what was happening, all you did was hug him back just as tightly, not even caring if your arms were still sore. You weren't sure as to why Cloud was saying sorry for, but you began crying as well.
- “I’m glad you’re here with me as well,” You said back.
- All Cloud did was hug you even tighter.
- All throughout your recovery, Cloud was there by your side 24/7.
- If you needed anything, Cloud the Delivery Boy was on the run! 👀👀👀👀
- Made sure to hold your hand extra tight in order for you to not fall.
- If y’all were going outside for a walk, IT WILL ONLY BE ON FLAT GROUND.
- No hills, no bumps, no nothing
- He can’t risk you hurting yourself again because of himself.
- He also tried to carry you
- Never again lol
- Also super protective
- Wouldn’t even let Tifa near you when she wanted to see you again.
- Tifa was so mad he didn’t let her hang out with you. She was your friend too!!
- Kid Cloud: *Puts arm out to create a barrier between you guys and Tifa*
- “No 😡😡😡😡😡”
- Kid Tifa: 🙁🙁🙁
- Tifa On the inside: 🤬🤬🤬
- yan! tifa lockhart hcs??👀👀👀
- After what happened to you, Cloud swore to himself that he will be the one to protect you from any harm. Even as you guys grew older, he always protected you.
- He wants to always be by your side.
- He doesn’t want to leave you alone from now on.
- Because it might make his nightmares come true once more: You leaving him.
But what happens a few years later when he decides to leave for SOLIDER?
It was late at night and Cloud left a note for you, asking to meet him at the water tower.
It wasn’t unusual for Cloud to ask this because you guys usually hang out whenever one of you feels like it. As you kept walking to the tower, you can’t help but have a strange feeling as to why Cloud didn’t specify why he wanted to talk to you.
Once you got to the top of the tower, you see Cloud sitting on edge of the platform. It seemed like he was lost in thought, like he was still figuring out what to say. You smiled, always finding his thinking-face to be so cute. You finally approached him and tapped on on the shoulder. He flinched, he didn’t even hear you walk up.
“Hey” You greeted Cloud while sitting down.
Cloud nodded his head at you and looked backed out on the ground below him.
Your eyebrows furred together. Again, the same feeling when you were walking to the tower came back and sense that something was wrong with Cloud.
“You said you wanted to speak to me?” You questioned as you continued to observe Cloud’s facial expressions. It took some time for him to say something, but when he did, it almost disappointed you.
“When spring comes, I’m leaving town and going to Midgard.” He stated while not looking at you.
You frowned. You knew this day would come.
You hummed at Cloud’s response. “Not surprised… every guy here is leaving for work, even Tifa’s friends are leaving too..” You quietly said, still sad that Cloud was leaving you. Cloud jumped at the tone of you voice, quickly turning his head in order to face you.
“B-But— I’m not like them!” Cloud exclaimed, worried that you thought he wanted to leave you. Never.
“I’m not just going into the city just to look for a job… I’m going to become a SOLDIER. Like Sephiroth” Cloud continued as he confessed.
“The legendary war-hero huh…” You said quietly.
You heard stories from some the guys around town talk about how they would leave town to either look for work or join a military program named ‘SOLDIER’. It’s been something that a lot of kids dream of when growing up, and Cloud was apparently not an exception.
You knew it was selfish of you to wished that Cloud wouldn’t leave town for the program. But he’s your best friend. It‘ll be painful for you to see him move far away for a long time, in a completely different city.
You guys stayed silent for a few minutes until scooted closer to Cloud. He looked at you surprised.
“Okay…then promise me this” You said to him. “When we’re older and you become a famous war hero and come back to visit… you’ll take me with you on your missions.” You said as you had this serious look in your eyes. If Cloud was going to be able to go cool and interesting adventures, you wanna come with.
“You’ll be like my guide or something!” You laughed at Clouds reaction.
“It will be dangerous for you!” Cloud exclaimed.
“Nu-uh! Tifa’s father has been teaching me some moves lately! At this rate, I’m going to be even stronger than Sephiroth and become SOLDIER” You proudly said as you flexed your non-existenting muscles.
“Plus..” You started. “Since you’re gonna become a SOLDIER, you’re going to be able to protect me. I know you will. You know I trust you with my life!” You continued as you smiled at him.
Cloud gasped at your statement as his eyes widen in shock.
You trusted him.
You wanted him to save you.
You wanted him as your protector.
You wanted him.
You felt your checks warm up in embarrassment as you realized what you said to him. You then grabbed Cloud into a tight hug.
You felt Cloud slowly hug you back.
"Y’know, I'm glad I met you, Cloud" You whispered to Cloud, hugging him even tighter. He also hugs you closer.
You guys just stayed like that while looking at the stars above.
All Cloud wants is to become strong enough to protect you. Since he saw how much Sephiroth has done to protect other people and cities in the papers, he knew that he had to join. To become stronger, to be able to become the best version of himself, for you to see that the only person that you could come to for protection and rescuing, will be him. He will become your protector.
He swore to himself ever since you got injured because to his carelessness.
‘Y/n…You have no idea what lengths I would go through just to keep you safe.’
OCTO NOTE: This was supposed to be general headcanons but I went overboard (clearly lol). So most likely this will become a series.
This is my first ever fic that I’ve written for Tumblr as well as for Final Fantasy 7, so I deeply apologize if anything is inaccurate :((
Hoped you enjoyed these hcs! Again, Cloud gets no love in the yandere fic community so why not I just write some lmaoo
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 7: New Beginnings Bring New Fascinations
Chapter Word Count: 3,355
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
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The excited uproar when you called Mimi and Papa was the tip of the iceberg. For the sake of privacy until any documentation was signed, you kept Jihoon’s name out of it, but that didn’t fully stop you from answering any questions. You were lucky to have taken some painkillers and a half hour nap before starting the adventures of the morning. 
“Oh tell me about it! How did it happen? Where were you??” Mimi sighed dramatically, hearing a chuckle from Papa in the background. 
You settled back on the bed, a smile on your features as you rolled your eyes. “It was so dumb. I told you two of my coworkers and I went to a concert in Jersey – it was amazing by the way, the best concert of my life. We went out to a diner in the city once we got back and we pretty much..ran into each other, literally.” Thinking back, the entire situation only got funnier. “Ji- He was there with his friends and we basically sat and hung out for hours. Some other things happened that I can’t discuss, but someone is going to email you guys an NDA for you to sign. It’s a kinda complicated time so I can’t talk too much about it.” 
With confirmation they would read it over and sign whatever was needed by the end of the day, you bid both a farewell after promising to somehow have them meet either over video chat or in person. 
Calling your supervisor was relatively easy. Once the formalities were out of the way, you explained that your soulmate was someone that travels the world frequently based on Seoul and with your job mainly being online, you figured it would be a better request for a transfer and move to remote. After a while on hold, a conference call with a few supervisors and the head of the Korean relations department, it was approved. You expected the conversation about a pay cut, it wasn’t as bad. It accommodated the change in costs of living. 
Contacting Jamie and Kazuki was…chaotic to say the least. A text turned into a phone called…which turned into a video call and a tour of the room you were staying in. They gave no hesitation in agreeing to sign the NDA as long as you give them ‘all the tea’ and send them any extra merch you possibly could. Talking to them made you feel light, while the bond between Jihoon and yourself brought you warmth and destiny, the platonic bond you held between the three of you brought comfortability and familiarity.
“Wait, shit, what's gonna happen to your stuff? How was all that gonna be handled?” Jamie frowned. “You’re gonna be leaving this week, right?” 
“Ah…yeah about that. I’ll pay for whatever you guys need, but I was kinda hoping you could go through everything since I don’t have a lot, pack it, and send it out with whatever company Pledis is going to use.” 
“Can I call dibs on anything you don’t take with you?” The question from Kazu had you groaning, shaking your head and giggling.
“As long as you don’t keep some weird shit, yeah. Between now and whenever we leave, I’m going to need to head back home to gather everything I can in a few suitcases. I think when the manager was taking us back he was saying something about switching flights and needing my passport, which I don’t have with me.” 
You shifted from your spot at the desk, turning your head towards the door. There was that pull again deep down, goosebumps once again raised on your arms. 
“Babes? Are you good?” 
The knock at the door interrupted Jamie, you already knew who it was. You gave a call of one sec!. 
“ Quick question, do you know when Kazuki is going to come home if he goes out or feel him once he is close?” 
“ Feel him? Like a sixth sense? Not really. I’ve read that some bonds can manifest that, but typically it’s the feeling of serenity when together and the shared emotions.” 
“Hm, interesting. Okay, well Jihoon is waiting outside the door. Bye.” 
“Don’t just hang-” 
And you hung up on him, standing and stretching your limbs before answering the door. Jihoon didn’t change, but at least his hair was brushed and he might have slept a bit more. 
You could feel the slightest hint of nerves build in your chest. Before you were able to open your mouth, Jihoon was already talking. 
“ I know it might be a lot, but everyone in the group knows now and are insisting on meeting you. I’m the first one in the group to meet their soulmate outside of Seungkwan and Vernon-” That was…yeah that one was obvious. “ They said if I didn’t come and convince you to agree, Seungkwan and Seokmin would be coming to drag you out.” 
Why you thought you could escape the inevitable for longer was unknown. 
“ They all want to go out for lunch.” 
“Jihoon, you are making it worse.” You cringed, giving him a pleading look which only morphed into a timid smile. 
“... Sorry.” 
“I can’t really escape this, can I?”
The quick, little shake of his head gave you all the answers needed. 
That was how you found yourself in a fancy Korean BBQ place, walking into the back for a large private room. Jihoon and yourself were the last to show up since you needed to speak with his managers to give the needed information to send the additional NDAs out and hand over your own. You expressed your plans to travel home to pack as much as possible within the next few days before needing to fly out. 
You thanked the waitress who had led you to the room, face contouring in uneasiness. Beyond the door, you could hear boisterous conversation and laughter filling the room. As Jihoon went to open the door, you slowly took his free hand, rolling your shoulders back to straighten up. 
“ Finally! I thought we’d have to go back to the hotel and drag you here!” All conversation ceased as Seokmin called out, noticing you both at the door. “ Come sit! We just ordered the meat!” 
Two seats were empty between Seokmin and Soonyoung. All eyes were focused on the two of you, quietly taking in you. Jihoon pursed his lips and stepped in front of you partially to block their view, walking you towards your spots and sitting down. He automatically sat next to Soonyoung, leaving you to fend for yourself against Seokmin. Across from you was none other than Mingyu.
Personally, you didn’t know how to break the ice. Too many pairs of eyes were perceiving you. No introduction was needed from them really. 
“ Ya hyung, did you tell them we bite or something?” The first one to speak was Mingyu, the exasperation on his face and the scoff he let out made Jihoon return the scoff with his own. 
“ They are a Carat, maybe they’ve watched enough videos to know how annoying you are.” 
The comment had your lips pressed tightly together and your head falling back to hold in the laugh. You took a deep breath and shuttered it out. 
“Lord save me.” You muttered out, shaking your head and looking back at everyone the best you could. Every single one of them were so close, clean faces without a hint of makeup, comfy casual clothes, and wide eyed in curiosity.
“ I’m not annoying! Tell them I’m not annoying!” Hearing the giant of a man whine in front of you was not on your bingo board of the year.  No one came to his defense. 
“ Can you shut up and stop making a fool of yourself?” The deep rumble of Seongcheol’s voice, he sat on the other side of Seokmin between Jeonghan and Chan. 
A chorus of laughter fluttered out of each of them. Jihoon rumbled a laugh to himself, feeling a childlike joy shared with you. 
“ Can I introduce myself or are you going to continue bullying Mingyu?” The sarcasm in your tone even had Jihoon reeling to stare at you. 
With no objections, you stated your name, bowing your head to them. “ I was born in 1997 here in New York, and I speak four languages relatively fluently, and have been a Carat since 2019.” 
The waitress from earlier had pushed the door open along with another waiter, rolling in a car full of different meat platters and extras. Food was quickly arranged haphazardly around the grills and table, gratitude shared for everything provided before you once again were sitting just the fourteen of you. 
“ I have to say, you are handling this a lot better than I thought.” Jeonghan spoke up, leaning on his uninjured elbow to see you the best he could past Seokmin who was leaning over the table. 
You chuckled at that, waving a hand to brush it off. “ If I’m being honest here, I’m about two seconds away from running out the door so I don’t embarrass myself. You should have seen me last night when my friend pointed out some of the members walking into the diner.” 
Jihoon was pulling a plate of meat towards him, already starting the cooking to get everything going. “ I told Shua-hyung and Seokmin-ah that they were feeling close to imploding with embarrassment and shock.” 
Your jaw dropped and you gave a hardish hit to his shoulder. “ Hey! Try to step into my shoes!” 
“I thought you were going to pass out from just feeling that alone.” 
Another chorus of laughter filled the room, making you shrink down in your chair. Now you wished to crawl into a hole. 
“ What was it you said? Oh my fucking god, you have to be fucking kidding me.” He continued, stating word for word your reaction in English. 
“ Luckily you didn’t have the first words written on you, that would have been hard to hide, hyung.” Chan’s loud and innocent laugh had you laughing too. 
“ It gets better, their friend placed a bet that one of us would be their soulmate and won.” Joshua interjected smoothly, flipping the meat on the grill in front of him.
“ Can someone be on my side?” Your plea went unanswered. 
“ So, do we need to ask the question that is on everyone’s mind?” The innocent tone Seungkwan was trying to portray was laced with mischief. 
“Wait, what is supposed to be on everyone’s mind? I’m lost.” Soonyoung – bless his heart – leaned forward, looking innocently between you and Seungkwan. 
You stared daggers into Seungkwan. He was lucky he wasn’t across from you because you definitely would have kicked him under the table. “ Nothing, don’t listen to him. He is talking nonsense.” You rushed the words out, only making it even more suspicious. 
“Ya noona…it would be mean if you don’t tell everyone your bias, right?” His tone was challenging towards you, raising an eyebrow. 
You could hear the smirk on Jeonghan’s face when he spoke. “ Oh? I’m especially curious.” 
“ Seungkwanie.” You said between clenched teeth, staring him down. “ I’m asking you nicely-” 
“What? I think hyung would like to know. Right, Cheolie-hyung? You’d want to know if someone was biasing you, right?” 
If your soul could split from Jihoon and leave your body, that was how you felt. Too many voices were talking at once, playful screaming and laughter flooding your ears. Jokes were cracked at Jihoon and Seungcheol, thankfully leaving you out of the mix for now. You rued the day that the jokes would be fired at you if they grew comfortable enough for that. 
Your cheeks were bright red from what you could tell based on how hot you felt. In the back of your mind you were conjuring a plan of how to get back at him one day. 
“ Wah…and here I thought the universe would make them have a natural draw to Jihoonie.” Jeonghan heaved a breath, “ Please tell me your wrecker is him.” 
“ I will neither confirm nor deny that.” Was all you were able to say, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
Although the beginning of your meeting was…interesting to say the least, the more the conversation flowed, the more comfortable it became. Minghao and Jun were mostly quiet aside from you boasting about the Performance Unit. Wonwoo was a quiet watcher who grew curious when Mingyu asked if you played any game, which you did but you were particularly good at. You preferred the single player games that let you pass time after work, but you would rather be reading a book in bed which he could happily agree with. 
Seeing Seventeen in videos wasn’t all that different than who they were in person. They playfully bullied one another, told old stories that had you laughing so hard your sides hurt, and were unapologetically themselves. Jihoon and Joshua had brought up a new episode of an anime they were following. Soonyoung was leaning back behind your soulmate to ask you a question. Seokmin was ever so kindly giving you food when your plate was empty. Anything you didn’t finish was not so conspicuously shoveled onto Jihoon’s plate. 
Truth be told, it was similar to how you thought of them: comforting, familial, and tranquil. They had already made you feel like family even if they had just met you. You were an important person to Jihoon now, who each one of them cared about deeply, and you were going to spend the rest of your life with him. 
“ Oh god, my grandma used to call me dumpling!” Seungkwan howled, scrunching his face up into a cringe, shaking his head. 
“ Dumpling!? That is cute though!” You yelled across the table, grinning wide. “ Mimi used to call me Ruby. My birth month stone is a ruby and I loved red roses growing up. She doesn’t do it much anymore since I’m older, but it was cute. She even got me a necklace with a ruby on it.” 
A gasp came from Mingyu who gave the most puppy-like smile, wide sparkly eyes and all, quickly looking between you and Jihoon who you thought wasn’t zoned into the conversation. “ Can we call you Ruby? It’s like hyung’s song too! You are his ruby!” 
A wave of adoration that washed through you had you glancing at Jihoon. Soonyoung was talking animatedly about a topic you couldn’t really catch and the latter was listening, however he definitely was listening in on your conversation as well. 
“ I don’t see why you can’t, it’d be nice to hear it again.” You affirmed, nodding to solidify it. 
“ Ruby-ah!” Mingyu grinning, “ That is your name now. I don’t make the rules.”
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By the time everyone had eaten their fill, small groups were ready to explore on their own. Members started to funnel out after Seungcheol generously paid for the meal, some making plans to meet up once more for dinner. Truth be told you had no plans besides going back to the hotel, finishing whatever paperwork was needed and simply existing. Finishing the papers meant the posting of the announcement which also led to the making or breaking of your mental health depending on how the world reacts. You knew there would be the delusional fans that would start something. You had already placed your instagram on private after the meeting. You hoped you didn’t have to private your twitter since it was mostly anonymous. 
“Noona, do you want to go out with us?” Chan broke you from your little trance, tilting his head slightly in question. Vernon and Seungkwan were already ready to head out. “We want to walk around Time Square.” 
“ Ah, it might not be a good idea yet.” You stood, rubbing the back of your neck. 
He raised an eyebrow, head still tilted. “ Why? Because a statement hasn’t been put out?” 
You simply nodded. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to explore and get to know your new companions, but there were a lot of what ifs that plagued your mind. 
“ Why can’t we just…live on the edge?” Seungkwan questioned, a purse to his lips. His eyes were focused more on Jihoon, hopeful he would think it was a good idea. 
Looking at him, you see the internal debate he was having. 
“ I- Well, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Maybe it would be better to wait, some fans can be a little…intrusive.”
“But what’s the fun in that?” Seungkwan’s pursed lips turn into a full pout now. 
Jihoon was looking at you now, gauging your reaction. It was no question he could feel the hope, but also the fear you were attempting to bundle down. His expression shifted before he sighed, shoulders deflating some. 
“ Fine, but if we get in trouble, you better take the blame.”
“Deal! Let’s go!” Seungkwan was taking your arm after having rounded the table, leaving the others to catch up. “ And we’ll have security with us, nothing to worry about. You and Nonnie can translate for us if needed.” 
“ Am I being used as a free translator?” You ask while being dragged along. 
Somewhere behind you, Vernon gives confirmation which causes you to laugh. 
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The handful of you had a blast walking around the main attraction of the city. You had called Jamie and Kazuki to meet up with you since they took the time earlier to read and sign their lives away. Spending the day with new friends and old ones only added to the fun. Seungkwan and Jamie had clicked last night and now it showed every more as they teased you based on things the latter told him about you. Throughout the afternoon, you and Jihoon found yourselves gravitating towards one another again. Just as Kazuki and Jamie did or Seungkwan and Vernon. So he didn’t feel left out, you walked close to Chan, asking about his interests and keeping conversations flowing between you. 
Pictures were taken, plenty were littering your camera roll now; candid shots of them, selfies with a few, and a singular picture of Jihoon.
You don’t know what possessed you to take it. He was just standing in the afternoon light, reading something on his phone as he waited outside of the ice cream shop you had found with the security guard. His posture and expression was relaxed. He looked content if you had to place a word to it. After snapping the pictures, he had perked up, glancing through the window at you. You had turned away to face the front of the line, feeling the heat spread across your cheeks. Unbeknownst to you, Jihoon was laughing silently to himself, warmth filling his chest. 
Upon arrival back at the hotel, you all came to an agreement that you would go out again for pizza with your little cluster later in the evening. Mimi had texted you that the papers were signed albeit with some minor questions that an email from the management team wasn’t unable to handle. An email thread from PR, management, and the legal representative were hammering out final decisions before you got one email attachment from Hyeji. 
Jihoon was walking you back to your room, hands shoved in his pockets when you stopped. Opening the attachment led to the formal announcement draft written consecutively from Korean, English, Japanese, and Mandarin. 
“ What? Is something wrong?” 
You shook your head, eyes intently scanning over each and every word. “ They want me to approve the draft for the announcement.” 
You felt him pressed up beside you a moment later, reading the text over your shoulder. 
It was simple and to the point, nothing too frilly. You both shared a look. You were curious if he had any issues with it. With both approvals, you replied back, giving the okay and it began the wait…
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castielsparkle · 1 year
sam: *walks into bunker common area* Hey guys ots pride montnh. *sits down and opens his laptop, using one finger at a time to type out 'free books online' into a search engine with 30 free mini toolbars while his face is at most two inches from his max brightness screen*
dean: *swivels around in his non-swivel chair slowly.* And how does that apply to me sammy.
sam: i didnt. I didnt say that it did dean im just Letting you know. Yknow. Because. Like. I dont know were. friends with people who-
dean: Oh so now youre saying CAS is gay?? Right. I mean if he was itd be fine. Not that i care it doesnt. AFFECT Me it doesnt change my life *hands wildly gesturing and his face going through the heros journey* WHAT so EVER. It WOULDNT change my life and it doesnt. If he even is gay. I dont care. Why would you even. Why would you bring that up sammy.
dean: Now its awkward. Thanks a lot man.
dean: listen cas is just. hes just weird sometimes. BUT hes just a guy that doesnt change anything!!!!! Sometimes guys are just weird!!!
cas: -_- <- Baseline emotion
dean: Hes just weird sammy. You dont have to say anything about him
sam: i was talking about like. claire and. jack and stuff. dean. but yeah. ok. sure whatever. *swiftly closes three bing pop up tabs from muscle memory and keeps looking at internet search engine images of books but now hes let out a resigned sigh and his palm is against his forehead*
dean: *smacks lips* ... Mhm. *pouts his lips and raises his brows. does a pleased nod. glances at cas -> (-_-) swivels back around while his chair scrapes the floor really loud.* yep
dean: Hey isnt crowly gay.
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berylcups · 6 months
Yandere Files: Illuso x Shy Reader
CW: Somnophilia, Stalking, murder, impregnation mention, alcohol
Here’s Babbys first yandere post. 🥴 it’s not gruesome but it is very lewd. I guess this more of a “softer” yandere than I anticipated but this was mostly for my own self indulgence lol. I hope this is good enough for everyone 💜 Minors DNI NSFW
It’s not every day La Squadra is given a new teammate. It’s definitely a first for an AFAB to come into the group of hardened criminals. It’s been about 7 months now, and nobody knows a goddamn thing about you. You stay to yourself , you don’t make small talk, eye contact, or show any sort of an emotion. You speak so softly… that they have to strain their ears just to understand what you are saying. It’s always in short choppy sentences.
How are you doing today Y/N? “Good.”
Did you do anything over the weekend? “I slept.”
Tell the guys what you did to that target! “Killed him.”
No, hooow did you kill him? “ High speed train…heading to Roma Termini.”
Where are you heading off to Y/N? “Out.”
Out where? “To the cafe.”
Getting any information out of you was like pulling teeth. The only thing they knew was that they were a foreigner from _______.
Illuso was tasked with spying on you because you were so quiet and reserved. Can you blame them? After what happened to Sorbet and Gelato you can’t be too sure to make sure you're not part of the bosses secret mission to snitch on them.
Illuso keeps a good eye on you. He seen where you live, what your real personality is like. Who your friends are… who your family are… and knows all about your pets and which one is secretly your favorite.
All the while you slowly warm up just a little to the others more, illuso keeps acting like a complete jerk to keep up with appearances. He doesn’t want you knowing he’s watching your every move. He doesn’t wanna admit it but he’s slowly becoming attached.
He watches you clean… cook… play with your cats and treat them like babies. It makes him start to day dream thinking about you doing those sorts of things for him or just with him. He can feel his cheeks tinting pink.
If you have any interest in any of the other teammates or if they have interest in you, he’ll sabotage anything by telling you something embarrassing about them.
“Hey Y/N! Did you know that Prosciutto is old enough to be your DAD??? Hahaha!”
“Illuso shut the fuck up! Don’t make me get Grateful Dead out on your ass!”
He suddenly feels agitated when your partner calls… why is that? When he hears you arguing loudly over the phone with them and you’re upset/crying, he’s suddenly a lot nicer to you. Weird. Illusos not a nice guy, so what’s his deal???
Despite his hatred of you having a partner he fondles himself watching you two getting intimate. He gets just as sexually frustrated as you do when you can’t climax. Can’t your partner do anything right?! Get rid of the loser so he can do it for you himself!
He will sabotage your relationship with your partner. He’ll throw used condoms in the glove box of your shared car or under the mattress. Put perfume or lipstick stains on their clothes. Anything to get you to argue and break up. And for extra measure he’s gonna send them to the mirror realm and pummel them to death.
Once the partner is out of the way. He starts being a lot nicer. He’ll include you in on teasing others and if that’s not your vibe he’ll tell you all of the juiciest gossip he has as he plays with your hair while watching trash reality tv.
He’s stingy with everyone and won’t let others try his stuff but he’ll wanna you try a new product he bought himself(mostly just for you).
“Y/N, you’re safe with me. I wanna try this new hair mask out on you. I bet it will make your hair feel so silky. “
When you're not home/out on a mission it’s a perfect opportunity to take in your scent. He’s gonna find what fragrances you use so he can use them to jerk off with. He’ll take a pair of panties that been well used out of the hamper to smell and when he’s feeling extra desperate he’ll lick a long stripe up then too to savor your natural taste.
When you two have missions together he’ll be the nicest guy ever. He won’t even treat it like a mission. It will be like a mini vacation. He will insist on getting a 1 bed hotel room so you two have to share. Even if it’s king sized, the man is HUGE. He’s gonna have some amount of contact with your body and he’s gonna love every minute of it.
He’ll make sure your nice and drunk so when you fall asleep you don’t wake up or remember anything as he thigh fucks you from behind panting sweet nothings into your ear as your blissfully off into dreamland thinking your just having a wet dream.
“You’re mine, you got that? Nobody can have this cunt but me… I swear I’m gonna knock you up so nobody can take you away from me. I don’t really want a kid but I’ll do everything I can to keep you from leaving.”
He’s gonna make you his regardless. He’s never been so attached to anyone before and he’s spoiled so he’s gonna get what he wants . So consider yourself “lucky “ this yandere chose you and get cock drunk because he’s isn’t going to stop pounding anytime soon.
“ I hope you can accept my love Y/N. Because I’m not letting you go! You’re mine and nobody else’s! My god, I love you so damn much…”
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Sorry for all the asks lately but I have to know... what are some relationship turnoffs or deal breakers for (your versions of) Killer Croc, Riddler, Bane, and Harley?
"Dealbreakers" Killer Croc, Riddler, Bane and Harley Quinn
You're all good! I have plenty of asks in my box to keep me mentally distracted from animal hospital work externship and bullshit at my regular job lol.
Note: all of my interpretations actively have the dealbreaker if the person is homophobic, racist, ableist, etc. As well as judgement over criminal careers. So those are a baseline.
TW: suggestive/discussing kinks, brief mentions of abuse
Killer Croc
Obviously the big one is people being Weird about his condition. Either as a fetish or out of disgust. He's experienced both, fetishes creep him out. Yeah, yeah size kink is fun, he's on that. But he's a Person first.
Treating him like he's stupid. Is he the brightest guy? No, he'll be the first to admit to that, but he's not an idiot. Condescending anything will get you nowhere fast.
Mentions of kids, pregnancy kink, stuff along that line. Fill you up, marking you? good. Bringing up his very complicated relationship with genetics and offspring? bad.
Ignorance. Stupidity annoys him, yes, but you can teach stupid. Stupid can be changed and molded in the right hands. Ignorance is purposeful and stubborn. Ignorance... refuses to learn. It's the scourge and plague of humanity to a man like himself.
Complete restraint. He's been in full suit restraint at Arkham a number of times and not having that control makes him paranoid and itchy. It's ironic because HE likes tying up his partners and having control but no you can't do it to him. Fuzzy handcuffs and MAYBE light bondage okay.
Shushing him. Oh. That fills him with unbridled rage. If he's in a certain mood, gags are a kinky submissive thing but SHUSHING HIM while he's TALKING? You might as well have told him you don't think he's intelligent. the unmitigated GALL.
Seeing him only for his physical strength rather than all of him. If someone were to treat him as if he were just a brute for example. Instant relationship killer. Ogling his strength is fine and good but there's a fine distinctive line there.
Most forms of roleplay. He doesn't really... get it? Logically, he understands the why, he doesn't feel any emotional connection or attachment to it. Police or prison roleplay is something that will make him actually angry. If he's going to have sex with you, he wants sex with YOU.
Spooky stuff. Look, he knows what he looks like, he knows who he works with at times. That adrenaline that makes people horny and fun when they get a little spooked at movies or haunted houses? No, he wants to punch a wall when he's startled. Do not try moves on him.
Anything that's a potential red flag for abusive behavior. Trying to isolate her from friends and family, breaking her things, raising your voice a certain way- She is very careful to try and not show big visible reactions to triggers because of how others could take advantage of that but if you know you can see how it bothers her.
Telling her she's weird and meaning it in the negative. Been there, done that, get on her level, loser!
Anyone who dislikes Ivy. Sorry, Pamela is a part of the package, even if it's not romantic/sexual. She's the reason Harley is alive in the present, Poison Ivy's not going anywhere.
She's really not into pain as a kink. Sparring is a separate thing and that can lead to other things- Hurting her during sex is a hard turn-off. Reminds her way too much of Joker and his bullshit.
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scaredy-draws · 2 years
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In relation to this shuffle au I made
@lumeer Hehe I'm glad they caught your attention
First off! Here's the concept art to kinda give a vibe. Under the cut is trivia and a TLDR for the story
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Lullaby Stars - Space Sekai Group order: Ena // An // Tsukasa // Kanade Style: Emo-ish Jpop/Idol group
Being childhood friends with Airi, Ena had always been close to the idol/celebrity aspect of life. She was interested, and so learned a lot from Airi. She practiced singing in her free time and when she was drawing, but never tried to take it seriously, because she thought that once she did, it would make her start hating it the same way she hated drawing. This leads her into working less and less on her art as well, hoping a break will get her motivation back.
Tsukasa, similar to Ena, had a close friend in the idol bussiness (Shizuku), and thus was always closely acquainted with it, even more so than Ena because of his lifelong dream of becoming a performer. Unlike Ena's more laid back attitude, Tsukasa would work himself to the bone, similar to Shizuku in that way. The two would practice together for both of their sakes. Shizuku found it easier to practice when she felt her efforts were being appreciated, as she was also teaching Tsukasa during their practices, and Tsukasa simply enjoyed her company besides the fact that she was his only teacher.
An, a little different from Tsukasa and Ena, had never thought of being an idol before. Sure, she'd spent a lot of her childhood listening to similar music, but from a young age she'd felt pressured to do as she'd promised herself as a kid. Although she realised along the way that the dream was sort of childish and not metrically measurable, she still wanted to accomplish something. This line of thought, that she should be able to physichally see how far she'd gotten, lead her to thinking a branch more like that of a celebrities was more suited, as everyone had a follower count that you could simply grasp, instead of the emotions of a crowd cheering. With that, she made a hasty decision to try her hand at being an idol. While she was very in-the-know in the street music scene, An was a fish out of water once she actually stepped foot in this new style. While she'd first decided to just ask around about it, after asking a few random girls who just gave her weird looks, she decided to just ask Mizuki about it, since she knows Mizuki enjoys that type of stuff, and she sort of wanted an excuse to talk to Mizuki anyways.
With Mizuki's immediate reccomendation of meeting their friend, Ena, An decides she's good to go, and gets Ena's phone number so they can talk about it
Around this time is when Shizuku decides to fully let go of her previous idol face (more elaborated on in her own story), leaving Tsukasa with a set of dancing skills that he actually doesn't know what to do with anymore. He kinda spaces out in this whole oh god what is life what am I doing if she quit she probably has seen it all maybe this isnt right what the fuck little crisis, but keeps praciticing for a short while.
Word gets out at their that An has been spotted hanging out with Ena and Airi, and jokes about An's sudden aesthetic change get around, not entirely malicious but still teasing. Hearing about this, Tsukasa aproaches them about it, mostly looking for a new space to employ his passion. Ena is reluctant, mostly because he's a guy, but An thinks he'll be a great fit to join them, so she reluctantly agrees to practice together to see what he's got.
Practice goes pretty well, besides Ena's self esteem plummetting from seeing how well An and Tsukasa can dance. This is where they realise none of them can write songs!
Enter Kanade, an artist known online by the name of K, sharing her music as if it's the only thing she lives for. As the trio are about to realise, that is true! Kanade's life goal hasn't changed, she's looking to save people with her music. An is the one who reaches ou to Kanade once she hears her music.
Past this is a little fuzzy but Kanade produces music for the group for 3 years before she ever reveals her real name and face, and another few months before she starts performing live with them as a quadro.
TLDR: Ena wants to be an idol but she kinda sucks at it. Tsukasa wants to be an idol and is great at it. An wants to be an idol on a split second decision. Kanade is kidnapped by three people yelling all the time into making music for them.
Trivia!! Space Sekai and the vocaloids in it barely ever contribute to this group, though they all discover it individually and don't tell each other for a long time. Tsukasa actually sees Kanade in Space Sekai once when she's working on another song, but Kanade panics and doesn't want to have shown her face yet, so she leaves immediately. This group is the only one who's members never got switched at all. They were like this as soon as I decided to make this au.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Some of My WTNV/DC AU no one asked for:
Janet Lubelle: Then he goes "Janet we can't keep going like that, there's an ethics code for a reason."
Jonathan Crane: What a coward!
Lubelle: Right?! I tried to make him see reason, I went: "Carlos, the pursue of answers should meet no bounds. That what we call ethics are just arbitrary rules created because people are just too emotional over the truth and it's methods" and the absolute asshole just packed his things and left the university! He got transfered to Gotham because his lil baby fewings got hurt. People die all the time. They should be honored they died for science.
Jonathan: Exactally!
Lubelle: Well I couldn't let he have all the fun while not being totaly driven to understand Gotham. So I'm here.
Jonathan: And you want for us to exchange research pappers and text subjects?
Lubelle: Only some of those. Make it peer reviewed.
Jonathan: It'll be a pleasure.
Kevin: And the family would never ever stop smiling again, not only because of the scars they carved in adoration but because the Smilling God entered their minds and broke them until they were happy even as their house burn with their grandma inside. The end.
Joker: *amazed and a bit spooked* Say what?
Kevin: Oh! You only heard the end part! This is my favorite childhood fairy tale. Is soo heartwarming!
Joker: I like you!
Kevin: *smilling even wilder* Thank you, newcommer. *points to the bloodied spot in Jokers suit* You have a great taste in clothing!
Joker: Why, thank you. I also like yours. I'm Joker!
Kevin: I heard about you! Your smilex killed some of my followers.
Joker: *ready to fight* Oh bummer.
Kevin: No, no, it was great. I never saw them so happy their smilles were so wide. I had to try it for myself. Didn't work unfortunally. *almost drops smille* But not to fret! The Smilling God knows what He does, they were unable to smile by themselfs. I have no such a problem and need no solution.
Joker: And people say I am crazy.
Kevin: *threatning* This is a mean thing to say, don't you think?
Joker: Oh no, my new friend, I consider madness to be a compliment.
Kevin: Friend? Are we friends? I always wanted a friend. The last one gave me a letter and leaved!
Joker: *a bit too much in manipulative mode but also genuinally impressed with this random new crazy rogue* I would love to be your friend. Nay, your best friend. I'm a clown and it's a pleasure to meet other people focused in making everyone smile. What do you think?
Kevin: YES! *jumps excitedly* Best friends, please!
Charles: All I am saying is...
Tim: Look I am impressed you figured out mt secret identy and you're a really nice guy but I don't think Batman needs your help.
Charles: Carlos helps!
Tim: Carlos is a scientist!
Charles: I could help you with cult leaders and mystical stuff.
Tim: How many cult leaders Gotham even has?
Red Hood: Hey, theologist guy, I just found a third evil cult and I might be needing some- Tim?
Tim: Hood?
Charles: Hi. Jason.
Tim: Wait you know Jason's identity as well?
Charles: Yeah. And Robin's.
Tim: And you don't know who Batman is?
Charles: No clue.
Tim: How???
Jason: Can we talk about it after we deal with the new cult leader? We have two of those minor ones with dangerous cults every day in this hellhole and Huntress and I are the only ones dealing with it.
Charles: Is Helena okay? She and Sage were having some relationship problems.
Tim: I give up.
Batman: This is an emergency! There is a weird person following me around. They think they are hidden but they are not, they send minions sometimes, others they are there, they aren't tall nor short and dress with things like furry pants and a bow tie, no shirt; a rocking dress with a poncho and other odd combinations and always always has recording equipament . I still don't know the identity of this individual. But it seems to be a new criminal force studying their target and we should be cautious.
Dick: Furry pants and a bow tie? Recording equipament... Oh you're talking about the radio host.
Bruce: Who?
Dick: Me and Babs always listen to his show.
Barbara: I think I recorded today's show just in case we were unable to watch it on time. I'm sending it to you, B.
Cecil: The man who calls himself Batman striked again. Everyday he walks in the night, beats up people and buys a slice of Big Rico's Pizza. No one does a slice like Big Rico's. No one. As of late he again took out a normal family operation on the nightvalean area because apparently the taming and possession of too many antics is "iligal" and "dangerous". Now at first I was a defender of this new guy, yes it is weird he calls himself Batman and isn't visibly part bat but isn't it worse to define he isn't and has no claim on his heritage just because it isn't obvious? And he has a bunch of armed kids! Has Tamika Flyn not showed us we should trust armed heavilly trained kids? But that was then. Now he is attacking our comunity! Arresting and beating up members of our comunity and friends of our comunity. Shame on this Batman and shame on his heavilly trained kids and a bit less shame on his super cute and sexy scientist guy cause he is new and obviously is being tricked because someone as perfect as Carlos would never.
Cecil: On other news Waylon Jones also known as Killer Croc wants to talk with you. He wants to just talk something as friends and to apologize to your neighboor for potentially eating his grandma but also wants to discuss some more important details of your plans, he is going to do it at... my house? *reading* "nanana uh-hu Cecil please keep this friendly get along private" oh listerners, I'm sorry, it appears I was reading my personal text mensages instead of my notes. I'm so sorry. Silly me. The one who is going to visit you is Victor Zsass, he already has a scar with your name and his knife is ready, you know what you did.
Cecil: Finally the neigboorhood concil wants to inform that there is a Scarecrow attack planned for this friday. They recomend you cancel all your apointments and lock yourselfs at home with the aproved gas masks. This is of course the Gotham tradicional protocol. They do add to the protocol however that if you want to be hitted by Scarecrow's fear toxin do not scream degrading things like "Scarecrow hottie hit me hard with your fumes" nor be disrespectfull of his power by being overly friendly, simply go to public spaces and screem "I'm not afraid of you" or idealy scream "please no have mercy". If you are imnune to the toxin decorum also recomends you should pretend to be scared, you don't wanna hurt his feelings, do you?
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