#and your habit of cloning your dogs
crabdrabbles · 10 months
Graves + Shadows Headcanons Part 3 [Part 1] [Part 2] Words: 766
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Praise for DAYS. Did Shadow 5-8 get a good shot on the target? Punch in the shoulder at the end of the mission and a bright grin “That’s what I’m talkin’ about, 5-8!”, 
“Atta’girl, 6-12, I couldn’t’ve done that better myself.”
“Keep it up, 10-4!” Reaches over and brings them into a side hug and ruffles their hair like a proud dad. 
Coming back to Graves having a lot of respect for his soldiers, remember that scene in SWCW where it's like
"We're clones, sir, we're meant to be expendable..." "Not to me."
Yeah that's Graves.
He has kept every set of dog tags that belonged to Shadows that died during missions. They’re kept locked away in a box, safely tucked away.
A lot of Shadows were previously mercenaries, even criminals, but they are good at what they do which is why they get hired in the first place. Not to mention that Graves sees hiring them as a way to give them a second chance at life. 
Shepherd has learnt that the way to make Graves do what he wants is by threatening his Shadows. He could very easily dissolve the entire company in a day and expose Graves for technically harbouring wanted criminals.  
Yes, Shepherd called him a ‘dog with a bone’, but he’s more like a Dragon with a hoard. His hoard being his soldiers.
Some rando who was visiting the base once snapped at a Shadow, calling them a ‘stupid fucking mercenary’. That was his mistake when Graves had to be restrained by 3 of his own men. 
“What the fuck did you just say to them? You’d best walk outta my base before I make you leave in a goddamn body bag!”
As shown above, he goes absolutely feral if someone ever insults any of his soldiers.
“Be quiet, sergeant, your betters are talking.” Said some hoity Commander who hasn’t stepped foot in a battlefield in over a decade. Suddenly, it feels like all the air in the room has been sucked out like a vacuum. All eyes go to Graves as he glares long and hard at the man. 
“Apologise. Now.” “What–” “I said: apologise, ‘fore I show you my own version of ‘southern hospitality’.”
Compulsory language lessons. Every Shadow has to know at least 2 languages, English and another language of their choosing. Missions sometimes rely heavily on communication, so fluency in different languages is important.
Graves knows several languages himself, but his pronunciation is downright awful. Sometimes he makes his accent worse because it’s funny watching the horror in people’s eyes when he speaks. 
One of his Shadows has a tendency of crawling around in the vents in the base and because he’s not really harming anyone, Graves lets him do as he pleases. Because of the habit, however, and the fact he’s somehow able to go around almost silently through the metal vents, he’s earned an affectionate nickname amongst the Shadows; Roach. 
Graves doesn’t get along with family. Don’t get him wrong, he has some semblance of respect for his Momma cause she taught him good manners and other things like how to cut hair and how to cook a hearty meal for 12 people, but she was a narcissistic bitch when it came down to it and he took a lot of pleasure cutting her out of his life the second he was able to. 
He never met his father, and doesn’t much care for him, either. 
Paid leave/Holidays? Check. Paternity/Maternity leave? Check. Bed ed and board? Check. Medical and dental plan? You know it. Any possible benefit that can come with a job, being a Shadow has. 
No matter what they’re doing, if Graves does a run up to them, they will always catch their Commander. 
Is the first or last port of call when a fight/argument breaks out. It depends on how out of hand it's gotten in the space of about 15 minutes. Usually people don’t want to interrupt whatever the Commander’s doing and invoke his wrath.
“They started it!” “Well I’m endin’ it!”
Has the type of authority that if he were to suddenly yell at a recruit “Drop it. Now!” Everyone in earshot would absolutely drop whatever they were holding even if the comment wasn’t directed at them. 
There’s a Shadow that’s the largest of the entire company– but he is the biggest scaredy cat and coward anyone has ever met, which makes people wonder why he’s even in Shadow Company. The reality is that, despite being a coward, he’s damn intimidating. Perfect for him to shadow hover behind Graves during mission briefs and so forth.
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have a request? send one in!
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ica1 · 1 year
Hello Hello! I hope your day is going great and you’re having a great Valentine’s Day if it’s already the 14th where you are! I’m new to the blog, so I’m excited to see what content you have!^_^
Would it be possible for me to request a Jouno x reader where the reader is Tecchou’s twin? Like they have the same eating habits, same triangles below their eyes, basically identical when there isn’t a crisis/mission, but the reader has logic close to Dazai’s level when work does come up
Reader during a meeting: (glances at Tecchou and sweatdrops) *how are we related…?* they say as if they weren’t drinking coffee and soy sauce five minutes earlier
Feel free to ignore the request. It’s your blog, you write what you find inspiration from and make sure you’re taking care of yourself!
Author's Note: Hello I know it has been a while since I posted something original but life has been a lot and I wasn't able to get around to do or finish some of these until now but I'm here now and I will be updating my rules for requests as well as who you can request with some characters from other fandoms. Also thanks for the request!
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Jouno x Reader
Request or Not
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warnings?: None
- Well this is fun...
- So as Tecchou's twin looking the same and having similar habits is only natural
- Although no one anticipated the extent of how similar you two would be when you and Tecchou first first joined the Hunting Dogs
- It was like you guys were the clone of each other
- Now Jouno already is constantly annoyed by Tecchou
- Imagine having to deal with double?
- His worst nightmare honestly
- Which begs the question of what is the difference?
-What sets you apart from Tecchou that caught Jouno's eye?
- The answer is...
- Missions
- Unlike Tecchou who sticks to his aloof personality no matter what
- Your logic seems to skyrocket during important meetings and missions
- Which makes you the strategist and the main problem solver in most important meetings and missions
- Which also makes you question how you Tecchou are related sometimes...
- As if you didn't drink coffee with soy sauce and strawberries with shichimi spice right before the meeting started
- This spike in logic during meetings/missions is what peaked Jouno's interest and what made him want to get to know you more
- After a while of getting to know each other the both of you started developing feelings for each other
- and boom confession happens and relationship officially starts
- Interesting and unexpected to the rest of your colleagues but accepted nonetheless
- You both weren't exactly open about it so they found out on their own
- Tecchou was fine with it when he found out like...
- "Congratulations on your relationship [Name]."
- "Thanks Tecchou."
- But as soon as he talks to Jouno...
- "Break their heart and there will be consequences." Tecchou threatened
- "Tecchou please..." You sighed
- "Relax I don't intend on it." Jouno said unphased
- Jouno tries to encourage that you eat things that aren't color coordinated because he is somewhat concerned
- While you don't stop eating color coordinated things you do eat some things that aren't color coordinated much to Jouno's relief
You and Jouno were walking back to base after a mission of information gathering. Thanks to your plan the target who you gathered intel from didn't suspect that they were playing into your hands. Meanwhile Jouno was scanning the perimeter to make sure your conversation with the target went smoothly.
"I feel like eating something."
"Sure what would you like, my treat."
"Curry and strawberries with shichimi spice."
"You're going to eat something that isn't color coordinated?" Jouno sounded a little surprised
"I like the curry you got me the other day besides I'm still eating strawberries with shichimi spice so there isn't that much of a difference."
"I know but it's just surprising. Was the curry really that good?"
"I thought so."
"Well then let's stop by to eat at the same restaurant then. After all I don't believe there is any need to rush."
"Right then, it's settled."
You both went to the restaurant, ordered, and ate your food. Having a nice conversation you were both now walking back to base.
"I should try to convince Tecchou to try the curry sometime." You said thinking out loud
"Good luck with that."
"I honestly don't know how we're related sometimes." You sighed
"As if you don't drink coffee with soy sauce every day or sit down and watch ants for hours." Jouno said with a laugh
"Ants are a perfect model of leadership and loyalty, there is a lot I can learn from observing their behavior." You stated matter-of-factly
"Right, right, I remember."
"Wanna watch a movie after work?"
"Sure, my place sound ok?" Jouno asked
"Yes sounds perfect."
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antipathy-arsonist · 1 month
PLEASE, share your headcanons with me! I'm curious about Jeb, Tricky, why Hank can't talk, and Sanford with you!
Hmmm mokay
When it comes to Jeb I don’t have that manny interesting headcannons I think
He has a habit of assuming the worst of nearly everyone and dehumanises people in his head so he feels justified in killing them ( “he’s not a person he’s a clone!” “Hank is nothing more than a glorified attack dog!” “tricky is basically a completely different being from hofnarr!”)
Tricky… their actually my second or third favourite character (her and torture are constantly fighting for the second place spot in my head) tricky is a huge saw fan I think. They have definitely created real life saw traps. I think she likes any horror movie that’s overly gorey (my lovely friends… final destination and evil dead) I feel like clown has put Hank though some shit based on their favourite movies
ALSO gender fluid tricky is real.
They are not taking anyyy of what’s happening seriously. She think everything a fucking game…. /ref. Absolutely nothing that happened is real or has consequences in its head like he’s already a zombie clown literally nothing could make their life more bizarre
About the Hank thing the reason he can’t talk is getting his head ripped off in five. Mweh pretty simple.
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Their face is like this kinda (ignore how shitty this doodle is) so they still have part of their lower jaw which is where the metal one is attached so they can kinda open it put they cant like… bite people or chew food… or talk or do much of anything you use your jaws for. Their tongue is also partly removed. :< so instead of talking they mostly use sign language but they also have a sort of tts thing. They don’t ever use it really cus it reminds them of the fact that they permanently injured themself so severally and they can’t go back to how they were I guess
SANFORD LETS TALK ABOUT HIM! unlike most of sq (they all got autism 👍) Sanford has like Uhm average levels of empathy and even though he’s less outgoing than dei he understands social situations better. He does still enjoy torturing people. However. I think being able to read people more easily would make him better at extracting info from people. HE LOOVVEES chemistry!!!! And he’s extremely intelligent (I will not tolerate Sanford is dumb headcannons in my house!/hj) you gotta be smart to make bombs without blowing yourself up. Though I guess they’re all intelligent in different areas (which is actually how all of humanity is *shrug*)
He def worries about his friends when he knows something is up but usually he won’t do anything for fear of making it worse.
Also Hank and san childhood friends headcannon idc if it’s unrealistic (san trans masc and Hank nb gnc so Hank got to take all of his old “girl clothes” cus he wasn’t gonna use em)
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moodymisty · 1 year
requests are open???????? oh??????? okay okay hear me out, I know this might seem weird but I just love how you write for our clones and since I know you love him as much as I do..... what about "finding out they have a momento of you somewhere on them they bring everywhere" + Tai? 👉🏻👈🏻
Author's note: -yanks a barbie-like doll version of Tai from your hands- He's mine to play with now >:3 and I shall make his life perfect and full of fluff as he deserves. I can't be mean to him on my first time writing him xD
Also Wrecker, since you mentioned him in another message. His is a small bonus featured at the bottom ;3
Relationships: Tai(homeless clone veteran from Kenobi to anyone unawares)/Gn!Reader, Wrecker/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None
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Your friends had always insisted you had a bleeding heart. But you never really got why it was always considered something you say about someone to insult them.
You care for other people; Is that so bad?
Well, here maybe. There's no shortage of individuals looking to take advantage of that. But you're careful, it's not like you would've gotten far if you hadn't been. But sometimes you can't help it. You'd lost count of how many times you'd come out to give him some food, as he sat camped out close by the entrance to your work.
"I," He hadn't heard you at first, your voice filtered into the crowd and was carried away by it. You spoke again, louder; With more confidence, you had thought.
"I brought you another."
When you'd finally caught his attention he turned to you, the brightness of his eyes contrasting against the still somewhat disheveled nature of his hair and beard. He'd trimmed some of it not too long ago, but in the situation he was in, it was difficult to find the proper tools to do so.
You'd handed him one of the two mealboxes in your hand- it's still warm on the bottom as your fingers brush over his gloved ones. He had hesitated, but after the last few times where you had, and quite aggressively insisted, he take the food, this time he just takes it.
"You're beginning to make a habit of this," His thumb fiddled with the tab to pull up the lid and take a peek at what was inside. "You know you don't have to."
He makes good company, and you don't hesitate to say as such.
"There's some storage crates behind the store; Do you maybe want to eat together?"
You were never able to stop the expectant look on your face, maybe hoping to puppy dog eyes him into joining you. It had seemed to work, but who knows if it was the pleading tone of just the offer of some company.
He went to haul himself to his feet, so you reached out a hand. He didn't exactly shove it away, but he didn't take it; Standing fully and giving you a small smile. It still surprises you sometimes how tall he is at full height, especially with those thick plastoid boots adding another chunk of height.
"I'm not that old." Putting the hand back on your mealbox, it had been hard not to teasingly roll your eyes.
"You said it, not me."
To think, that felt like so long ago.
It really hadn't been, but time passes so wonderfully slow sometimes when you're around him. And how lucky you'd ended up, now getting to say 'good morning', instead of 'good night'.
The blankets still cover your legs, looking to the side as you watch him dump out his ratty old bag all over his side of the bed. You can tell he still doesn't think he should be here, but you were quick to give him his own little spaces of his. He deserves it, and you want him here.
Various little things come tumbling out out his worn rucksack; Some credits, a roll of bandages, a piece of candy and an empty blaster mag, even.
He's such an early riser- you're not even out of your nightclothes and he's up and moving. Already gave you a kiss and made a cup of caf.
You'd bought Tai a new satchel when you noticed the rips and holes in his current one, that were making it nearly unable to fulfill it's purpose as a bag. The one you'd bought wasn't anything fancy, but part of you had been concerned about implying he replace the old one and finding out it had sentimental value. Thankfully it didn't seem to, and now he's eager to make use of your gift.
Shaking it once more a piece of foil also comes tumbling out with his various doodads, and given it looks looks like nothing else he owns, you decide to curiously reach for it. He doesn't vocalize that you shouldn't touch it, but you still hesitate just a moment to make sure you aren't snooping.
He looks at you and then the foil in your hands, before giving a soft smile that shifts his grey speckled stubble.
"Open it."
Carefully the crumpled metal makes noise as you unfold the edges, before revealing what's inside on your lap.
A flower is pressed and dried, wrapped up in the foil. The stem is cracked from being folded to fit in such a small pack, but it's still secured with the actual petals.
"Is this," You question, even though you think you know where this is from. Not too many plants have the chance to grow and blossom in this sort of smoggy, dirty city.
It must've been blown down from a rooftop garden not too long before you'd both walked by, it late into the night and both your bellies full from some hot, cheap food. The flower had been a bright blue just like the fading paint on his armor, and picking up off the ground you managed to save it from getting stepped on- holding it up to his chestplate. Commenting on the color match had made him smile, before he stuck it in the hair right above your ear.
You don't remember ever taking it out, so it must've fallen sometime during the night and he'd snatched it back up. There had been so much happening; The smell of food and booze, Imperial troopers chasing a mugger, Tai had an arm around you the entire time, and it had tightened with they came a bit too close. That warm feeling had made your stomach turn in knots.
"Why'd you keep it?" You're curious, gently rubbing one of the petals between your thumb and index finger. It's so soft, even the slightest touch and you're nervous you'll ruin it.
He must've had this safely in his satchel for weeks now, and you'd never even known.
"Thought that even if you didn't stick around, I'd still remember having fun that night." He didn't get many of those sorts of days, not after everything that's happened. So much of his life has just been survive to the next day; Next hour, next minute.
"You know," Gently folding the flower back up in it's foil you still hold it in your hand, glancing towards him. "I was already in love with you when you gave me this."
There still exists a small degree of self doubt that exists in him; That he's not the right man for you. Though after vehemently denying it and insisting he stay when he tried to beat himself into leaving your home, you do everything in your power to make sure he has no reason to think those things.
Your confession made him falter for a moment, as you look at him with those sweet, irresistible eyes.
Putting his knee on the bed he moves closer to you, eyebrows raised as his slightly hooded eyes stare you down. He's still a little bit sleepy since the caf hasn't quite kicked in, and neither of you have eaten yet. He's been wanting to make it, he says to make up for all those meals you gave him.
"Did it make you love me more?" You put the flower down safely out of the way, so it isn't as risk of getting crushed when you lean forward and meet him at the middle; Nose just brushing against his. You want to kiss him so fucking bad, feeling his beard against your skin when you mutter your answer.
"There's no words to describe how much it did."
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✦ Bonus! Some Wrecker goodness ✦
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Wrecker always runs so hot; On a cold planet like this, it's particularly nice.
He makes this sort of heat bubble, that radiates around him like the burning sun of a solar system. Warming up your thighs with the arm leaning across them, he does so as well with your back and side as he uses his other arm to pull you against his chest. Sitting sideways in his lap is nice, especially as you watch the stars.
This is the sort of thing normally makes you quite sleepy- though it doesn't help that Wrecker insists on being the most comfortable sleeping spot. At least this time it won't be terrible if you end up falling asleep, because at least he'll be here to wake you back up. Or keep an eye on everything for you.
He occasionally has to check the scanners, leaning forward to do so when he feels enough time has passed without taking a glance. The continuously snow obscures vision outside the viewports of The Marauder to a degree, but it's not bad enough that you can't see the sky. It is however, bad enough that you have to keep an eye on the scanners to check if anything is getting close, lest you end up noticing only when something's right on top of you.
Not that anyone or thing, other than maybe what little wildlife can survive out here anyways would; It's just Hunter being cautious.
When Wrecker tightens his grip on your thighs a bit an leans forward to check, you notice something underneath the armor of his wrist, and gently reach to grasp his arm. Wrecker doesn't resist and lets you have his arm but he is a little confused, until you expose the thin chain that's wrapped around his body glove but underneath his gauntlet.
"I didn't know you kept this."
You remember way back when, on your first what you would call an 'official date', your necklace had snapped. It wasn't one that had any sort of extreme sentimental value, but you had really liked it; Though when Wrecker had picked it up off the ground to see multiple links were ruined, you elected to trash it.
Apparently Wrecker hadn't done that, and had instead used the long chain and tied it around his wrist with a haphazard double knot, the small little gold pendant long since having been lost.
"I, uh," Wrecker takes his arm away from your hands, and rubs the portion of his neck just below his ear. The chain is easily hidden underneath the plates of his armor, which more than explains why you'd never spotted it up until right now.
"It reminded me of that first date." He looks at you oddly for a moment, his brown eyes trying to read your expression. "It isn't weird, is it?" You shake your head.
"No, not at all. Maybe I can use some of Tech's tools so we can fix it? Then it won't fall off."
He noticeably perks up at that. His hand goes right back to cupping the side of your thigh, his gloved palm covering a good portion of it.
"Yeah, I really don't wanna loose it after this long."
Gods, Wrecker is too sweet for you.
"Well now you got to give me something of yours, so we can match. Right?" He almost instantly starts wracking his brain for ideas, his fingers tapping against your thigh.
"I got an idea," Your eyebrows raise, waiting. "But it's a surprise."
Of course it is.
He laughs as you drop your shoulders, having been denied the instant satisfaction of knowing what memento he's going to give you.
"Awww Wrecker come on, please? Tell me?" Your arms raise to wrap around his neck, attempting to pull him for a kiss, but his torso is too tall for you to get anywhere in this position. He pinches the side of your thigh, making you squeal just a bit.
"I'll tell you later. Promise."
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hylaversicolor · 11 months
i love your ocelots im so curious could you elaborate more on ocelot getting into drugs and what you think that looks like for him over the years and how it affects his relationships 🤨 again i love your ocelots sm i giggle and clap my hands together whenever you post
yes ofc!! keep in mind this is PURE headcanon and speculation not meant to be meta or anything like that by ANY means
i think he starts doing coke and other fun stuff in the early 70s bc he's partying with eva a lot and substances are plentiful. he's right at his mid 20s debuff so it's starting to get a little harder to pull multiple all nighters in a row in order to keep up with his like 7 full time jobs, and here and there he'll use whatever is on hand to help with that. but his drugs era (if you will) i think can be divided into 3 distinct phases which are:
les enfants terribles - i think after bb leaves the patriots ocelot takes on a lot of guilt which he carries with him for the rest of his life, culminating in his actions during mgs4. if you take the conversation ocelot and zero have in portable ops as canon, ocelot was technically the one who got the leverage on zero to have bb join the patriots, which resulted in bb being cloned without his knowledge or consent. ocelot would probably feel responsible for that and vows to stay behind with the people who betrayed bb to keep an eye on zero and para-medic for bb's sake, while bb gets out of there as fast as he can. bosselot doesn't really have a breakup moment but the fallout from the LET project is probably the closest thing we have to one. and i think ocelot begins using more heavily to cope with his guilt during this period
the latter half of the 9 year gap - i think ocelot really just starts to fall apart the farther he gets from big boss (for the above reason as well; the guilt endures, bc in his mind he's seen john off to colombia and only a short time later he goes into the coma). but he's also busier than ever with the diamond dogs, being a part of the GRU, working for the CIA, etc. he's tried just about everything at least once but in particular i think he uses a lot of amphetamines just to like. get all his shit done. when ecstasy starts going around in the 80s he gets into that too. this all is tough on kaz, who like ocelot did a ton of coke in the 70s, but unlike ocelot got out of the habit. the longer it goes on the more of a strain his use puts on their work/personal relationship (however you wanna interpret ocelhira) bc kaz is constantly picking up his slack and carrying narcan everywhere and nagging him about it. but the annoying thing is that ocelot is still infuriatingly competent even in the throes of addiction. it's more of a physical addiction for him so his body still needs it even if in his mind he's like noooo it's Fine i can stop. i think he might have a couple close calls.
post mgsv - i think he finally gets properly clean during/after (unclear timeline) the events of phantom pain out of concern for his own life lol. during mgsv i think he's down to mostly weed anyway. bb is back so he has no excuse for physically and mentally destroying himself when he can still give himself to bb completely. i think he still continues to smokes weed decades later though.
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
I wanna hear specifically about how Kit and Leia interact because that thought hadn't crossed my mind?!
So in this AU, the war ends in 19 BBY with Palpatine getting reduced to a fine mist, as he should have been. Thorn declares himself the new marshal commander of the Guard and exiles Fox from Coruscant with the suggestion that Fox finally go on a bangcation with the Organas. Fox does exactly that but then the whole Anidala mess goes down and they go straight back to Alderaan to meet Leia.
Once the Organas are settled in with the new baby, Fox comms Thorn to say he's on his way back to Coruscant to see what's going on. Thorn comms back to let Fox know that he's still exiled but Thorn is sending Kit to join them on Alderaan. Fox is not pleased with this. Thorn is finally able to get Fox away from his work datapad for more than five minutes, so Thorn does not give a shit.
Kit takes one look at Leia and wants to know why she's so small. The senators weren't exactly doing the whole 'bring your kid to work day' thing, so she's the first baby he's seen. He's immediately worried about how she's just completely defenceless and doesn't even have any hair. And she's going to grow up at half the rate of a clone??? Hm.
Leia has three parents but that is no concern of Kit's, who decides that it's his job, also, to protect her. Fox manages to calm down the overprotective instincts a little by the time Leia is old enough to be running around and getting into trouble. Kit therefore decides that while Leia obviously needs a bodyguard, she also needs someone to get into trouble with her and encourage her every bad idea. There's no reason that he can't be both!
Kit is fearless. Leia is fearless. Fox has chronic anxiety. This third thing started when he was a cadet but is still directly related to the first two.
Kit is constantly sneaking her candy, no matter how many times their parents tell him not to. She likes plants like him, but is actually good at keeping them alive, so he asks her to infodump about her flowers all the time. He loves nature and often goes cross-country hiking, but with a little kid in tow, he switches to cross-country horseback. Leia develops a love for riding and gets better at it than he does.
Leia is obsessed with various' kids shows, because like, she's a kid. Kit has a spreadsheet to keep track of the characters and what they do and what plots are happening. He listens very seriously to all of her theories and gushing. He has scheduled time set apart for every episode and teaches her how to microwave popcorn without burning.
Since Kit enables all of Leia's bad ideas, he's her confidant and she trusts him more than anything. When Leia starts getting independent and running off into the woods on her own, repeatedly slipping the attention of the royal guards, her parents beg her to take Kit with her. Leia is not impressed with the idea that she needs someone looking out for her. Kit promises to never tell their parents where they go, and to never listen to them and bring her back early to whatever social event she has no patience for. She finds this delightfully acceptable.
They develop a habit of going off into the woods and playing board games on his datapad. He lets her win while she's learning, but once she has a handle on the rules, she has to earn her wins. She likes that he doesn't go easy on her because she's a girl/princess/little kid. He always carries her piggyback because she likes being taller and he's always touched by how much she trusts him. He pretends to fuss whenever she drops leaves into his hair but they both know that he doesn't actually care. There's an old tree that Breha's mother planted that they like to hang out under when they don't mind the idea of being found by the guards.
I have a headcanon that there's a tradition on Alderaan that there's a heritage breed of working dog that's still used as part of the palace protection detail. Kit, being a dog lover, is allowed to have several dogs of his own. He's also allowed to hang around the kennels and help socialise the new litters whenever they come about. He brings Leia sometimes and she charms everyone into letting her keep one of her own. Nobody asks the parents about this beforehand, they simply can't say no to Leia and Kit deploying the 🥺 look in unison and those rascals know it. They use 🥺 to get away with a lot of things.
By the time Leia is ten, she and Kit are BFFs, and Kit would literally let her get away with murder. (Thanks to Mereel Skirata's cure for the clones' accelerated aging, Kit is eighteen at this point in time, and looks to be in his early twenties instead of thirty-six.)
In fact, Kit is with her when the kidnapping happens. His presence is planned for by Nokru's crew, who stun him and leave him for dead. Leia is unaware it was a stun bolt and is screaming hysterically over her favourite brother getting murdered in front of her.
Fortunately, Kit is not dead. Instead, he is overflowing with a bone-deep murderous rage, and looking for someone to take it out on. He and his dad Fox are exactly the same in that way.
The Organas still call on Obi-Wan to help rescue Leia, because he's a Jedi. It's not just Bail that goes to Tatooine, however, it's also Fox and Kit... and Cody and the Nulls. Fox begged Mereel to help rescue his daughter, and they had ties to Cody, who needed no more convincing than hearing that they planned to recruit Obi-Wan.
Most of the Kenobi show progresses as usual, with the exception that Fox and Kit get to turn Nokru into the same sort of fine mist that was Palpatine's fate, ten years ago.
And with the exception that when they find Leia, she screams with delight in a way that shatters every piece of glass in a ten-block radius, and flings herself into Kit's arms. He kneels down to catch her properly, and because his knees give out at the sight of his sister safe again. They're both crying for a solid twenty minutes after that, and Fox isn't any better, honestly.
The Nulls go back to Mandalore, Cody and Obi-Wan go back to Tatooine, and Fox and Kit and Leia go back to Alderaan. The entire flight back, Leia will only fall asleep in Kit's arms, and Kit can't sleep soundly without knowing where she is, either. Fox thinks they're the most adorable thing ever and takes so many pictures.
Nine years later, Kit finds a second joy in life: tormenting Han Solo.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Stuff I Wrote/Masterlist Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Emergency Room
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Good Souls Need Help Too
The Bad Batch x Artistic Reader HC's
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Bad Habits
The Bad Batch x Dark Side (Former Jedi) Fem!Reader - A Red Light In The Dark
The Bad Batch x Male!Reader HC's - No Need To Be Afraid
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Celebrating Halloween
The Bad Batch x F!Reader HC's - Giving Them Nicknames
The Bad Batch /Rex /Fives x Fem!Reader Spicy HC's - Morning Love
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Speaking Mando'a
The Bad Batch/Rex/Maul x Fem!Reader HC's - A Ghost From The Past
The Bad Batch x Reader Short One-Shot - How About Some Gratitude
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Accidents Happen
The Bad Batch x fem!reader Spicy HC's - A Private Performance
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Under The Helmet
The Bad Batch/Dogma/Howzer x (sick)Reader HC's - Don't Want To Be A Burden
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - This Is Awkward...
The Bad Batch x Jedi!Reader - Order 66
The Bad Batch HC's - Their Kid's First Date
The Bad Batch HC - Jobs Outside The Army
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - How They Deal With Your Habits
The Bad Batch x GNReader HC's - A Little More Time
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader HC's - Can You Check On Me?
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Accidental "I Love You"
The Bad Batch x (mind controlled) Fem!Reader HC's - Not Yourself
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Court you
The Bad Batch Being Artistic x Fem!Reader - Love And Art
The Bad Batch x (stressed university student) Reader HC's - Take A Breather
The Bad Batch x Male!Reader HC's- The Gift Dilemma
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Hostage
The Bad Batch x F!Reader HC's - Learn To Protect Yourself
The Bad Batch x F! Reader HC's - Love Songs
The Bad Batch x F!Reader Fluff HC's - Busted!
The Bad Batch x M!Jedi!Reader One-Shot - Flattering Art
The Bad Batch x Friend!Reader HC's - Loyal Friends
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Tough Decision
The Bad Batch x F!Reader HC's - PTSD
The Bad Batch As A Rock Band - HC's
The Bad Batch x MaleFriend!Reader - Search And Rescue Dogs
The Bad Batch x F!Reader Spicy HC's - Slow Ride
Crosshair x F!Reader One-Shot - The Toothpick Incident
The Bad Batch / Rex/ Fives x Fem!Reader HC's - Snow, Gifts, Sweets and Life Day
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - About Strange Turn Ons And Love Boners
The Bad Batch HC's - Dealing With Their Kids Broken Hearts
The Bad Batch / Cody x Fem!Reader HC's - Accidentally Inflicted Pain
The Bad Batch / Cody / Fives x Fem!Reader HC's - Skinny Dipping
The Imperial Bad Batch x Fem!Reader - Dangerous Seduction HC's Part 1 Of 5 (All following parts linked in part 1)
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Bloodied And Bruised
The Bad Batch / Cody / Rex x Fem!Reader HCs - Dancing In The Rain Cody And Rex
Crosshair x fem!Reader Spicy One-shot - A Relaxing Bath
Crosshair x Fem!Reader One-shot - I Can Feel Your Gaze
Crosshair x Fem!Reader One-shot - I'm All Yours
Crosshair x afab!Reader Two-shot 1/2 - Think You Can Handle Me?
Fem!Reader x Hunter One-Shot - In Loving Memory
Hunter x fem!Reader One-Shot - Snowy Retreat
Echo x Fem!Reader One-shot - Showing You My Love
TBB Echo x Reader Fluff One-Shot - A Soft Touch
Tech x F!ReaderOne-Shot - Night Swimming
Wrecker x Fem!Reader One-shot - Keep Me Warm
Clone 99 x Jedi Fem!Reader - One Moment In Time
Gregor x Reader One-Shot – In Love And Pain
Hunter/Echo/Fives/Rex x Jedi!Reader HC's - Forbidden Love
Cody x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Always On My Mind
Fives / Wrecker / Hardcase x Reader HC's - The Prankster
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threadsun · 1 year
Oh you, well let’s go down that list shall we? For this we will assume that all of them know you can do anything you set your mind to though telling some of them that is a bad idea (looking directly at Jean and Berry)
Berry: Make him a god, no, really, he’ll ask you every day to make him a god and he’ll try to put more work on your plate to get you to do it “Oh, I’m sorry are you tired? Maybe if you had someone to help you you wouldn’t be. Oh but, no mortal could ever help you with this stuff, huh? Oh well, I guess you’re on your own then”
Jack & Jean: They wanna be gods too, I was trying to make them all unique but that’s all they really want sooooooo. Jean wants to be on an even playing field with you power wise, or even above you if he can manage. Jack wants to make the world over, just a full re-do where everyone and everything is bright and full of cheer!
Rory: More ingredients, he loves the town’s local vibes and all but there are things he just can’t get or make from scratch here so if there’s ever a recipe that calls for something he can’t get he’ll ask you for it
Bo: Bo is a man of simple wants. He wants you to have dog ears and a tail too, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease? He just thinks they’d be cute on you!
Nick: He doesn’t think you using your powers willy nilly is a great idea but if you’re gonna do it it might as well be something stupid and not dangerous. He has you make sex toys for him, some he’ll actually use some just for shits and giggles. He keeps a glow in the dark suction cup dildo on his bedroom ceiling because it always makes him laugh when he sees it
Shaun: He wants to see if you can make his monsters real. He knows playing with life usually doesn’t end well in his movies but come on you’re actually god! Aside from that though he does have a more serious wish, he wants Moon Pie to live as long as you do
Ian: You’ll never be able to get him to admit this but you can learn it if you give yourself the power to read minds. He wants another you, he knows you’re busy most of the time and even when you’re not why would you want to hang out with him? So he’d like a clone of you, ya know, just to have. Did I mention Ian is one bad day away from going on his villain arc?
Joseph: He can’t ask you for anything, really, you’ve done so much for him just by being with him the thought of asking for more is insane to him…but if you push him on it he does have a crazy idea. He suggests that maybe, just maybe, you could make a new star? He knows it’s a big ask, and he doesn’t think you’d ever do it, but the thought of being able to see your love written in the sky itself…he couldn’t be happier
I keep almost clicking the anon button out of habit XD
Oughhhhh I love all of these they're so in character!!!! Nick and Bo's are super cuteeee :3c Also IAN VILLAIN ARC 👀
Also Joseph's 🥺 I have no words I just need to kiss him and hold him
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eoieopda · 1 year
re soft asks: actually...... what if i said "all of them." how unhinged would that be (do it)
well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions..... i did this to @moni-logues last week and — uhhhh — i guess i deserve this, lmao.
buckle up, kids.
1, 2, and 3 were just answered here.
4. what flower would you like to be given?
i love, love, love, hydrangeas. idk if that yoongi drabble made that clear, lol.
5. who do you feel most you around?
my older sister and my best friend, IRL. if we're talking internet, @jihopesjoint has proven to be my actual clone in all respects, which is both spooky and incredible. we're like the lindseys lohan from the parent trap except instead of camp, it was tumblr.
6 was answered here.
7. what color brings you peace?
hmmmmmmmm. lilac or mint green. also really deep forest green.
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
i already tagged nicki but ope here she is again: @jihopesjoint. also YOU, @sailoryooons, @here2bbtstrash (though idk if m will see this,) @luaspersona. this is not an exhaustive list!
9. what calms you down?
i don't know if i've ever actually felt truly calm in my entire life?? but the closet i get is driving around with the windows down, listening to music, and drinking a silly little coffee.
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
well, i moved to a new state yesterday and start a new job on monday, so.... a new chapter. the previous one was v ouchie and i'm excited to put down the baggage i've been shouldering.
11. what’s your ideal date?
be honest — is this you asking me out? jk..... unless 👀 (no, i'm kidding.) i never don't want to go to a dive bar, listen to a band, be bad at pool, and laugh until my stomach hurts!!
12 was answered here.
13. what’s your comfort food?
this is so embarrassing and really snitches on my depressive habits, but lately, smuckers uncrustables have been sustaining my whole life. specifically, the strawberry ones. tell me you're struggling without telling me you're struggling!!!!
14. favorite feel-good show?
new girl and schitt's creek are always the first ones i think of when i need to turn my brain off and laugh!
15. for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
you didn't give me any, so i'm just gonna yeet right past this one.
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
this is gonna sound so dumb because i don't know you in the literal, physical sense, but i'm so fucking proud of you??? i know the gauntlet you're currently going through and it warms my old, dead heart to see that you're not only surviving it, but doing (what looks to be) a really incredible job at holding onto you — your interests, your joy, your hobbies. i wasn't super successful at that. it's hard as fuck, but you're doing the damn thing.
17. fairy lights or LED lights?
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
yes, binch! all i have atm is a gigantic raccoon squishmallow that my sister gave me when my life exploded last year and i cling to that shit, lol.
19. most important thing in your life?
my family. my siblings, my parents, my nephews, my dog, and my best friend.
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
the first thing that came to mind is taco bell because i've been craving it for days. but uhhhhh, if we're getting existential here, i want whatever is the emotional equivalent of a deep breath.
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
all you can do is love him hard and let him go.
22. what would you say to your future self?
drink water. seriously, get up and get a glass of water. right now. how are you even alive? lmao.
23. favorite piece of clothing?
an old, beat-up denim jacket that used to be my mom's! she wore it when my parents brought me over from korea, once my adoption was finalized.
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
🏃🏻‍♀️ run, beautiful, run, yeah, you gotta run 🏃🏻‍♀️
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
you could give me a pen cap that you chewed on and i'd still be like, omfg, you made this? for me?
but fr, i'm a sentimental bitch, so anything along the lines of "i saw/heard this and thought of you/this thing we did," etc.
26. what movie would you want to live in?
oooh, idk! is it weird if i say the craft, given what happens? i just really wanna be a witch with a bunch of other baddies.
27. which character would you want to be?
....from the movie in 25? or generally? because i'd want to be baby yoda, thottin' and boppin' around with pedro pascal, drinkin my lil drink, and being baby.
28 was answered here.
29. morning, afternoon or night?
morning! i'm an up-and-at-em kinda fella. love having a whole day ahead of me, love a breakfast sandwich, love a sunrise.
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
bon fires, maple syrup, people singing while they cook/work/whatever, getting zooted and then over-competitive while playing egyptian rat screw, being hugged for a laughably long time.
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ofskellingtcns · 1 year
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                     wesley skellington.
wes would argue that he’s not his father’s son but the truth is he is exactly the piece of jasper he lost. if you ever wanted to know what a teenage jasper skellington was like just take a look at wesley skellington. a menace with a hunger for knowledge and starry eyes, wes is known to get himself into situations but he always manages to get himself out. as the only skellington son, the people of hallow falls except him to fulfill the role that jasper left behind but wes isn’t interested in playing into their hierarchy and games because of his last name. 
inspired  by  : richie tozier (  it 2017  ) , mike wheeler (  stranger things  )  ,  donnie darko ( donnie darko ) ,  charlie kelly (  it’s always sunny in philadelphia  ) , boys will be bugs by cavetown , wally west  ( young justice ) , shane madej ( watcher / buzzfeed unsolved ) , jj maybank ( outer banks ) , borderline by tame impala , lip gallagher ( shameless ) 
birth name. wesley lavandin hamato-skellington nicknames.  wes, weast, wessy date of birth.   october 29 age.    twenty-one. gender.   cis male. pronouns.  he/him. species.   half skeleton monster / clone powers.   skeleton form, flexibility, detach-ability & strength sexuality.  bisexual. place of birth.    elias, california. current residence.   elias, california. occupation.    university student / intern at genius built 
height. 6'2" build. muscular. thicc boy like his dad hair colour/style. blonde. the blondest boy you will ever meet.  eye colour. blue. piercings.  a nose ring on the right side. tattoos. ( x ) notable markings.  tw* light gore ?? since he’s only half skeleton monster he has faint scars from where he detaches himself. the darkest one is around his neck. glasses/contacts ?  neither. faceclaim.  rudy pankow. voiceclaim. rudy pankow. ( x )
physical ailments.   none. allergies.   n/a. sleeping habits. he’s a night owl. his sleep patterns are horrible body temperature.  cold lil boy. dominant hand.    right. drugs / smoke / alcohol ? no / yes / yes
tropes.   beware the silly ones, genius ditz, plucky comic relief, the stoner, wild card positive traits. laid-back, humorous, intelligent, compassionate, protective, imaginative, innovative  negative traits.  irresponsible, impulsive, impatient, rowdy, reckless, sarcastic, stubborn usual mood.  silly goofy mood. likes. french fries, skateboarding, scaring people for funsies, science, spiders, moths, dark chocolate, surfing, the ocean, sitting on roofs and talking about life, his little experiments that challenge the natural order of things, the smell of pine trees, rainy mornings, christmas lights, autumn leaves crunching under your feet, baseball caps, punk rock aesthetic  dislikes.  the weight that comes with being a skellington, mustard, country music, his grandparents, hugs from people he doesn’t like / not comfortable with, snow, people who feel entitled to his family, people talking about his family, how angry he gets sometimes  bad habits.  getting into fights. letting people underestimate him so he can have the upper hand in situations. very mansplain, manipulate, malewife ♡
mother.   n/a. father.      jasper skellington, donatello hamato siblings.   lilith, diana & calliope hamato-skellington. pets.  he shares a dog with harry named rocky, their child. on top of that his pets are a snake named cleopatra, a tarantula named xeno and a squirrel named igor. birth order.   middle of four. significant other.  harry teague, boyfriend. closest friends. the jones family, bria utonium, caspian mcqueen, reggie rogers, lucien reyes-park.
zodiac sign. scorpio ( derogatory ). mbti. ESTP. temperament.   sanguine. hogwarts house.    slytherin.  moral alignment.  chaotic good.
languages spoken.   english, japanese, various dead languages ( ancient greek, old norse, akkadian, mandan, latin, gothic and coptic. ) drive ?      yes. jump start a car ?       yes. change a flat tire ?     for sure. ride a bicycle ?       yeah. swim ?     yes and he’s that kid that pretends to drown all the time. play an instrument ?     yes, piano.  play chess ?     yes. braid hair ?    yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          yes. sew ?      like the basics.
compassion.          8/10.
empathy.         8/10.
creativity.          10/10.
mental flexibility.          8/10.
passion.         7/10.
luck.         8/10.
motivation.  6/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.          10/10.
charisma.       10/10.
reflexes.          9/10.
willpower.          5/10.
stamina.          9/10.
physical strength.         10/10.
battle skill.          6/10.
initiative.     6/10.
restraint.          5/10.
strategy.       5/10.
team work.         6/10.
(  pinterest, his tag, playlist. )
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
Get to know the WIP asks: One for each of the WIPs, mix and match 🤫 🦋 🎧👀 💡
Thanks! <3
🤫 - A big spoiler/piece of lore out of context
Toad Story: the vampire has a son. ;)
🦋 - Which character has the biggest transformation?
In Paternity Test, Teru, age 16, is forced to live with a parent after years of raising himself. Teru is a headstrong kid and has to literally go through all five stages of grief about not being in charge of his own life anymore.
(I have a type of story, okay??)
🎧 - What are the first three songs on the playlist?
Caravaggio playlist let's gooo! It's very heist-y <3<3<3
Diamond Jack (I know to you I don't seem very strong / But I assure you before you can find me I'm gone / So come on and catch me you've still got a chance...)
Everything Is Not What It Seems (Everything is not what it seems / When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams / You might run into trouble if you go to extremes)
Going Postal Main Theme!
👀 - A piece of lore you’ve been waiting for an excuse to share
Strange Redemption! You may already know this one, but I've been waiting for an excuse to say this: Nine thinks Thaddeus Thawne the First loves him. He is wrong, but he believes it, faithfully, desperately. Because Nine is a flawed clone. He's incapable of being a real Inertia, so he plays the part of a mad dog, collar and all, and makes his creator laugh and calls it love. Because if Thaddeus Thawne the First doesn't love him, then Nine's existence means nothing. Because unless Thaddeus Thawne the First loves him, Nine is just a mistake.
Nine was just a mistake.
Thaddeus Thawne the First cloned him personally late one night when he was drunk, and Nine has suffered for it in many ways.
💡 - What inspired the wip? When/how did you first get the idea?
I started outlining "The Defense Mechanism of the Bat" in response to a challenge between @called-kept and I. I had come up with the title "Habits of the Endangered Bat" for one of her WIPs; it didn't quite fit that story, but we both said "wow, that's a cool title, I would love to read the fic for that," and then we agreed that whoever wrote the fic first could have the title.
And then the fic changed and the title changed, but so it goes!
from this ask game!
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine (1975)
I'm going to help him and I'm trying to remove that leision he told me it's probably a specific legion probably the legion of Doom and it started to fix it and I figured it out that's what it is but then we're going by their math but I can see what they're doing so I'm going to go ahead and do it I got permission and he's thanking me very much
Bitol and Goddess wife
We're moving on this kind of thing and it's robotics and it's very important it is a huge aspect of the entire program and Trump has a whole ton of robots is making fun of everyone everyone sassing him bothering him harassing him and recently he ran around blabbing about it because he couldn't stand it anymore and people are blaring it at him and still are and we are because he won't have enough but he has a ton of them right now. We're moving on his positions and we're going to take it out of them and use them on him and his people because we can't stand him he's a moronic pig. He is evil and we don't want him around our son and we want him dead immediately every time he comes near him and it reinforces the fact we have to get rid of his people to get rid of the piece of s***. And we're going to do it today and every day but until they're gone right now they are at our door banging on it telling us stupid things and we're going to rip them apart we're opening plants and they show up at them we're going to open so many today that they will be spread thin and we want that after today we're up to 2750% just before covid-19 it's an increase in he says this why should we form up this economy and support Trump at the same time when we need to form the economy and he is always at it and he's benefiting from the economy still functioning is able to maneuver the drive around to get parts and items for devices so I agree we want to cut this piece of s*** off and burn it and we're putting orders out there now
Thor Freya
Any calls off and he makes himself feel better every time by bothering my husband is a stupid piece of s*** we need to stop him from doing that then other habits that people allow him to do and I mean it we need to stop him if we're stopping him we know what he's doing my husband is just getting paraded I want that piece of s*** in the ground or people that do what they're right thing is
We're going to go ahead and start doing it we need to give that guy a time out too he's on him so often is sickening I agree too the dad tears in my eyes cuz he's so putrid and really putting in the grave and pulling him out no we have them do it so we can kill them and just repeating the process will work for us he's already toast and we're going to use some up in this kid and his brother too
Frank Castle hardcastle I'm getting approval I'm going to send it in this a great idea yeah the actual gray if you think you can get away that's good you're helping
I am so sick of these morons it's not even funny I'm going to initialize a whole bunch of plans we have permission to do so on and I'm going to hire tons of people it's just deafening this stuff is deafening and it's horrifying it's disgusting and it's too much of it and they're ridiculous you're going to sit around for years take me to stupid ships out it should take a couple days they won't run the lines you put them on the superstructure and you call it a f****** day I mean this is disgusting and so dumb
Duke nukem Blockbuster
We don't have the materials he says yeah we do it's the pipeline it goes nowhere
And it's saying it's discontinued and it has been
We looked at that and they won't do it and they won't take forever so he says we should start taking the ships all the groups will too like the clones and the empire we've had enough of this dog s*** and we don't agree with your plan
Thor Freya
They gave me a heads up and we didn't speed up and this pipe is laying around up there I don't believe you people are smart I think you're a bunch of assholes chortling seeing you doing stuff and waiting for people to come pick you up no you're stupid why did this and all if you're going to be a piece of s*** and really that empire is going to extremely you this time exterminate you this time and you don't believe it who the hell knows why
Mac daddy
They won't be around but then again we won't have anything and people are right this is taking us forever everything takes time but boy does this it this takes forever this water stuff we picked it to do it well and we suck at it we had to give us pointers now he's pissed off and says he can't figure out how to do the next step
Michael too
We got to get a goddamn clue this is taking so long he's right too you take the pipe out and you bring it down here and you set it up and you put it in on the superstructure who the hell can't figure this out us this is stupid building the pipeline takes a day you build a whole bunch of sections I mean why the hell are we doing this stupid s***
Not really sure you can actually get ships in there too and fuel these things up and you won't do that either I tell you what new people are traders to yourselves
Mac daddy
A lot of us are afraid to go into battle and they're slowing it down
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theclonarium · 10 months
Name: Eli Pronouns: she/her Owned clones: 69 and counting! (24/5/23) Feel free to send an ask and I'll share a little more I am fully aware of the reference to greek mythology in my url, kudos to those who understand. Yes this is the home to the Clonarium, the revolutionary home for all your adopted clones! We guarentee a small and comfortable enviroment for your clones to blossom freely without the stresses and pains or war!* Currently we are out of stock but as soon as we gain more a link will be added to this blog. I doodle a lot and have a persistant habit of collecting clones. I own a plush dog and am drinking some breakfast tea right now. If you want to talk star wars and clones, hit me up and don't be afraid to send an ask/@ me for a chat! ;) #clonarium rambles ~ is my tag for original posts #clonariums asks ~ my tag for asks
#clonariums nsft ~ my tag for nsft thoughts. All appropriately tagged.
#clonariums drawings ~ my tag for original drawings!
*disclaimer: clonariums do not in fact guarentee the safety of your clone troopers. Here at Clonarium we do not take responsibility for any lost, injured, traumatised or otherwise damaged clone troopers that may occur from being placed in our clonariums. However if you purchase ten clonariums in one go you do gain a lifetime supply of missmatched prosthetics for FREE!
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ancadunavete · 10 months
How have other aspects of your own life nourished your writing?
You have to fill the tank. You have to move your body and get out and look at things. You have to talk to people and eat strange food, travel if you can, watch movies with subtitles, listen to music outside of your habits, go to art galleries and concerts, do things you’re bad at. You have to challenge yourself, keep learning new things, participate. And all of these things fall under the umbrella of “Stay curious.” And you have to have fun. My housemate is being fussy with me today because I am talking to the dogs in Spanish about how my father fought in the clone wars. Sometimes I am ridiculous, but sometimes he is joyless.
– a conversation with Richard Siken by Thomas Hobohm
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Based on that post by @vclkyrxe
. . .
The pride Anakin constantly felt for his men was doubled with their latest victory and he swaggered down the hallways of the cruiser in an excellent mood.
The 501st had worked seamlessly alongside their brothers of the 212th, thriving under the joint leadership of Rex and Cody and making it out of their latest battle relatively unscathed, with minor injuries and zero fatalities. It was a tragically uncommon outcome.
Anakin congratulated the men he passed in the corridors, clasping shoulders and forearms, cherishing their smiles. Too often, they had so little to smile about. There were less and less troopers to greet as he neared the Jedi quarters; they had little need to venture down such hallways after all. Their absence saddened Anakin greatly, so used to their presence, wishing once again that he could be permitted to bunk with his men. The dog-piles of clones he often found himself in when resting mid-battle were surprisingly comfortable.
It wasn’t appropriate, however. Not for a Jedi.
Voices startled him, having expected that familiar, lonely silence, and curious at why it was broken.
“… more careful, general. Today could have gone much differently.”
It was Cody. Anakin knew the timbre of his voice. He must be debriefing with his general and, from what Anakin was overhearing, this particular debrief was more along the lines of a lecture. He smirked, leaned back against the wall outside his master’s room to listen to him get told off for once.
“You needn’t worry, Commander. I had it under control.”
“Sometimes I wonder if you know what that word means,” Cody huffed in reply to his general’s airy dismissal. “Fine. Don’t be careful. Just, keep in mind, someday I might not be there. I could get shot down mid battle and you may not notice for the duration—”
“Cody,” said Obi-Wan, quite firm, and Anakin recognised that tone: chiding, but ultimately so gentle. “I would feel your loss instantly.”
Anakin nodded, so enthused with agreement that he forgot briefly that he wasn’t a part of the conversation. The clones had a habit of downplaying their worth. They couldn’t be blamed, of course, having been created by those who believed they were expendable, but Anakin knew different. He knew that, if Rex should fall, he would feel it.
There was silence following Obi-Wan’s words but it broke now with Cody’s softened voice.
“It does not… invalidate my point, sir.”
“Cyar’ika,” Obi-Wan sighed and the word stuck in Anakin’s mind, knowing in his heart that it was important, feeling the weight and emotion behind it. “I hear you… and I will do my upmost to ease your anxiety.”
“That feels like a weak promise.”
“Well, I know if I tell you I’ll stop being reckless, you’ll just see right through me.”
Cody chuckled, completely genuine, untainted with bitterness or exasperation. It was such an unfamiliar sound. “I suppose it will do for now.”
There was a moment of silence. Anakin had to hold himself back from prying, from reaching out into the force to know what was happening in that room.
“I need to see to the men,” said Cody. “For some of them, a victory is just as hard as a defeat.”
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
“Of course, general.”
The door opened and Anakin almost tripped over himself, realising quickly that he would not get away in time and simply leaning back against the wall, resting his chin in his hand with as much feigned nonchalance as he could muster. His goal had been to not draw attention. When Cody exited the room, however, the commander looked right at him.
His helmet was tucked under one arm, his eyes widening a moment, just a fraction, in surprise, before he set himself a carefully neutral expression.
“General Skywalker,” he acknowledged, setting off down the corridor, and Anakin grimaced a smile through his fingers.
“Cody,” he said in reply, closing his eyes in self-frustration when the man was out of sight because he definitely knew Anakin had been eavesdropping.
He wasn’t the only one.
Slowly, he turned his head. His hand lowered from his mouth. “Hey…?”
“What are you doing out here?” Obi-Wan asked, looking slightly alarmed, though it may have been because his hair was slightly out of place.
“I was coming to change out of my armour,” said Anakin honestly, “and then, well, I wasn’t expecting Cody to be down here and it, y’know, caught me off guard for a minute.”
Obi-Wan had a thoroughly unconvinced expression on his face, but he said nothing to contradict his former apprentice. “Cody was debriefing me on the battle. The men did well; the Seventh Sky Corps were very effective… Although, he was unhappy with the way I handled myself towards the end.”
“You mean when you were free falling between gunships?”
Obi-Wan’s jaw shifted. “Yes, precisely.”
An uncertain silence stretched out and Anakin shifted his weight between his feet. “So,” said Anakin, hoping to ease his master’s obvious and uncharacteristic discomfort, “‘cyar’ika’���? Haven’t heard that one before.”
“Ah, yes,” replied Obi-Wan, aiming for nonchalant, but no less tense. “It’s a Mando’a word. A… term of endearment, I suppose, for someone I admire and respect very much. Cody—all the clones, in fact—they aren’t used to praise. It’s good for him to know that he is valued.”
Anakin nodded, eager to validate him. “Of course, Master. I agree.”
In Anakin’s mind at least, Obi-Wan wasn’t doing anything wrong. Anakin loved his men like brothers, valued each and every one of them and hoped he conveyed that as much as possible. He knew his master had qualms about attachment, but it was a difficult thing to avoid in war. Without their friends in the clones, they would be lost.
It seemed, however, that—despite his master’s disapproval of such things—he was making a special effort to relate to his men, using words of their heritage language to address them, to assure them they were important. The older clones were fluent in Mando’a and many made it their mission to pass that knowledge on to the younger generations, now that Jango Fett was no longer there to train them. They would rarely have full conversations, but Anakin heard them speak the language often, words and phrases in passing. It had become so natural that he hadn’t thought twice about it.
He was unfamiliar with this new word, however. Rex had never said that before. Anakin new the Kaminoans had not treated the clones well, but he saw Rex with his brothers—with their younger troopers especially—and he knew his captain had not taken much personality from his creators. He was good with the men. He was less willing to accept praise himself, however.
Anakin made a silent vow to change that.
. . .
Anakin spent the rest of the day honouring his vow, honouring his men left and right.
He did as he usually would, praising men in the corridors with “good work today”, and calling up to the clone mechanics atop the damaged gunships with “looking good”, and stopping by the infirmary with “rest up”. “Men” or “troops” would normally round off each encouraging call, but today he left them with “cyar’ika”. It earned him a lot of rapid blinking and confused smiles. Fives laughed aloud when he heard it.
“You too, sir!” he chortled when Anakin praised him in passing for a job well done, but he had always been boisterous. Jesse, walking beside him, stopped and stared, gaping a moment before Fives dragged him along.
Anakin knew the men must be accustomed to his praise by now, so he attributed their surprise to his newly learned term of affection and honour. He hadn’t spoken Mando’a before, it was true, and it clearly came as a surprise to his men. Anakin hoped they would become used to it. Each and every one of them deserved admiration.
“Captain,” Anakin greeted, settled in the debriefing chamber after an hour or so of practicing his new compliment, watching Rex enter, still fully armour-clad.
When the helmets were on, most clones preferred correct procedure and, as independently minded as Rex was, he was no different in that respect.
“Sir,” said Rex in return, lifted his hands to remove his helmet and it put Anakin at ease. “I spoke to the engineers. We only lost one gunship this time. The rest are repairable; some will need more time than others, but they’ll fly again.”
Anakin let him rattle on, listening patiently as his captain filled him in on battle time and potential changes. Rex was very much a man who believed his strategies could always be improved upon, no matter how much Anakin tried to praise him and his intelligence. It was just further proof of his humble, self-critical nature.
“Rex,” said Anakin, half interrupting his talk of rations and mentally kicking himself because he should have used that word. He would slip in in somewhere. “How are you? How are the men?”
“Very well, sir,” Rex replied with a small nod, not seeming surprised to be asked such a thing and that could only be good. “It’s not often we get out without losing anyone, so we’re all feeling very grateful. Worst injury out there are some second-degree burns. Kix is saying they’ll scar but won’t leave any lasting damage. We got lucky.”
“Luck has nothing to do with it. Your skill and tactical mind helped a lot of people today, cyar’ika. You should be proud.”
Rex didn’t brush off the praise as he usually would, and Anakin frowned as Rex stared, a slight flush to his cheeks.
“Sir,” he said eventually, cleared his throat, “if I may, where did you pick up that word?”
“Do the 501st not use Mando’a?” Anakin asked, worried now that Rex may have chosen to cut his Mandalorian ties and Anakin had just offended him. “I thought I heard you sometimes—”
“We—We do, sir. Many phrases are part of our daily… lingo, I suppose, but that…”
“Did I pronounce it wrong?”
“Sir… do you know what it means?”
It dawned on Anakin suddenly that it was an intimate thing to compliment someone in their own language. “Rex,” he said through an exhale, rising to his feet to take Rex’s shoulders. The captain’s flush deepened, keeping searching eyes on his general. “You deserve admiration. I know the Kaminoans taught you otherwise, but I make it a point not to listen to those who treat people like property… I know it’s a Mando’a word and I’m not a clone, so tell me if I’m overstepping, but I see us as brothers. I had hoped you felt the same.”
Rex gaped a moment, closing his mouth with a click. “Sir, I don’t think you know, so I’m just going to tell it to you straight. ‘Cyar’ika’ is a term of romantic endearment. Loosely translated it means ‘darling’ or… ‘sweetheart’.”
Anakin stared at him, slowly releasing his shoulders. The blushing was making sense now. “That can’t be right…”
“It’s what Fives calls his lovers… They seem to like it, I suppose, but—”
“That’s what Fives calls…?” Anakin echoed, trailing in disbelief because Fives’ response to being called Cyar’ika suddenly made a lot more sense now that he had that flirtatious context.
“What did you think it meant?”
“Well, I didn’t think that!” exclaimed Anakin, waving a hand because Rex’s lips were twitching in the beginnings of a grin. “Okay, no, there has to be some other context to it. Surely it can be used platonically.”
“It really can’t,” said Rex, tilted his head in interest. “Who taught you that word, sir?”
It clicked suddenly—properly this time—and Anakin exhaled in disbelief because there was no doubt in his mind that Obi-Wan knew the real meaning of that word. There was no question now that Obi-Wan had lied to him, or—at the very least—twisted the truth enough not to be honest at all.
“I made… an assumption,” said Anakin slowly, “and I was very mistaken.”
He wondered how deep his misunderstanding ran.
If it had reached a point where Obi-Wan was calling Cody by a name that could only be awarded to lovers, then the image he had created of his master in his mind must be very mistaken indeed.
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darkacua · 2 years
I read Brad Wayne's hashtag and now I can't stop thinking.
As the title says, I read too much about Brad Wayne and now my mind can't stop thinking about it. So I would like to think that everyone is (relatively) calm about Brad's arrival at the mansion, if they have their doubts about whether he is an evil clone or if he is a villain resentful because Bruce did not know how to use a condom and never went back into contact with his ex-girlfriend, but they are trying to take it easy, especially Damian, who still has a few problems accepting that his father has not only another blood son but is also older and therefore more worthy of his legacy ( he knows this is not true but bad habits die longer).
To give him some credit Brad really pays attention to Damian, to be honest he pays great attention to everyone, he went from being an only child to having around 6 brothers and sisters in one day and he wants to make the most of it so he tries to learn you everyone's interests and do bonding activities with them.
Dick is impressed by this boy's dedication to fitting in with the family and convinces (cough*force*cough) everyone to try the activities including Bruce and Alfred. It was a productive day when they discovered that Tim can take 10 completely perfect photos while running an obstacle course against Cass (these photos were framed at Bruce's request).
Damian begins to trust Brad a little more when he discovers that he has a pet, and not just any pet, he has nothing more and nothing less than 2 rabbits and a parakeet.
Damien after eavesdropping on Dick and Brad talking: So you have a pet?
Brad: Oh yes! I have three actually their names are Robert, Kiwi and Maria!, but I didn't think it was a good idea to move them at the moment, since I'm going back to university and long trips tend to make my Robert sick.
D: What breed of dog is Robert?
B: Oh no, Robert is not a dog, he is a rabbit, in fact Maria is also a rabbit and Kiwi is a parakeet :D
D:... did you buy them?
B: Nah, I found Kiwi on the ground near a palm tree when he was just a chick, and a friend gave me Robert and Maria after breaking into a cosmetics lab and stealing them after a strike over animal rights, but don't tell anyone that last thing please, I don't want my friend arrested.
After that day, Damian becomes a little nicer to Brad, especially after the latter promised to send him pictures of his pets.
Brad: Man! you are all so awesome, I can't wait to tell Samantha about you!
Jason: Samantha? Who is that, your girlfriend?
Brad: what? Oh no! hahaha she's my other half sister! or at least we think so, i met her in an online chat talking about gotham and possible illegitimate children of bruce, there is a high probability that she is also your daughter (pointing to bruce) but her mom refuses to talk about it, looks like she's really mad at you :D
Bruce: ….
Batfamily: ….
That day the Bat-Family discovered that Bruce does not know how to use a condom and he decided to make an appointment to have a vasectomy.
Español bajo el corte.
Como dice el título, leí demasiado sobre Brad Wayne y ahora mi mente no para de pensar en ello. Así que me gustaría pensar que todos están (relativamente) tranquilos con la llegada de Brad a la mansión, si tienen sus dudas sobre si es un clon malvado o si es un villano resentido porque Bruce no supo usar un condón y nunca volvió a entrar en contacto con su exnovia, pero están intentando tomárselo con calma, sobre todo Damian, que aun tiene unos cuantos problemas para aceptar que su padre tiene no solo otro hijo de sangre si no que también es mayor y por lo tanto más digno de su legado (él sabe que esto no es cierto pero los malos hábitos tardan más en morir).
Para darle un poco de crédito Brad realmente le presta atención a Damian, siendo sinceros les presta una gran atención a todos, pasó de ser hijo único a tener alrededor de 6 hermanos y hermanas en un dia y quiere aprovecharlo al maximo, asi que intenta aprenderte todos los intereses de cada uno y hacer actividades de unión con ellos.
Dick está impresionado por la dedicación de este chico para poder encajar en la familia y convence (cof*obliga*cof) a todos a intentar las actividades incluyendo a Bruce y Alfred. Fue un día productivo cuando descubrieron que Tim puede tomar 10 fotos completamente perfectas mientras corre una carrera de obstáculos contra Cass (estas fotos fueron enmarcadas por petición de Bruce).
Damian empieza a confiar un poco más en Brad cuando descubre que este tiene una mascota, y no cualquier mascota, tiene nada más y nada menos que 2 conejos y un perico.
Damián después de escuchar a escondidas a Dick y Brad hablar: ¿Así que, tienes una mascota?
Brad: Oh, si! tengo tres de hecho sus nombres son Robert, Kiwi y Maria!, pero no pensé que fuera buena idea moverlas en este momento, ya que regresare a la universidad y los viajes largos tienden a enfermar a mi Robert.
D: ¿Qué raza de perro es Robert?
B: Oh no, Robert no es un perro, es un conejo, de hecho Maria también en un conejo y Kiwi es un perico :D
D:... los compraste?
B: Nah, encontré a Kiwi en el piso cerca de una palmera cuando era apenas un polluelo, y un amigo me dio a Robert y a Maria después de entrar a un laboratorio de cosméticos y robarlos después de una huelga sobre el derecho de los animales, pero no le digas a nadie eso último por favor, no quiero que arresten a mi amigo.
Después de ese día Damian se vuelve un poco más amable con Brad, sobre todo después de que este último le prometiera mandarle fotos de sus mascotas.
Brad: ¡Hombre! todos ustedes son tan geniales, ¡no puedo esperar a hablarle a Samanta sobre ustedes!
Jason: ¿Samanta? ¿Quién es esa, tu novia?
Brad: ¿Qué? ¡Oh no! jajaja es mi otra media hermana! o al menos eso creemos, la conocí en un chat de línea que hablaba sobre Gotham y posibles hijos ilegítimos de Bruce, hay una gran probabilidad de que ella también sea hija tuya (señalando a Bruce) pero su mamá se niega a hablar del tema, parece que está realmente enojada contigo :D
Bruce: ….
Batifamilia: ….
Ese día la batifamilia descubrió que Bruce en efecto no sabe cómo usar un condón y este decidió sacar una cita para hacerse una vasectomía.
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