#anti unity
ericacherrys-blog · 4 months
Ready to submit? I’ve got the keys to your chastity🔐 how long do you think you’d last being cum💦 denied?
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agendercryptidlev · 26 days
now post the homicide statistics for trans demographics
Alright I'll post some violence stats o7
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(From: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2022/assets/static/trevor01_2022survey_final.pdf)
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(From: https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2015/07/23/op-ed-trans-men-experience-far-more-violence-most-people-assume )
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(Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-day-remembrance-advocates-honor-lives-lost-violence-n938401)
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(Stats above relate to fatal violence in 2023, source: https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-expansive-community-in-2023)
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(Source: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/research-briefs/sexual-violence-and-suicide-risk-among-lgbtq-young-people/)
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(Source: https://dailybruin.com/2021/04/08/ucla-study-finds-transgender-people-face-greater-rates-of-violent-victimization)
Most stats show the biggest indicator of a trans person's likelihood to be murdered in the united states is race, with Black Transgender Women having the highest rate of murder by far.
Of course murder is not the only form of violence that affects the transgender community, sexual violence is most commonly experienced by transgender men which is likely a leading cause of the disproportionately high transmasculine suicide rate.
Violence against transgender people of all kinds is under-reported, especially since if a transgender individual was misgendered by everyone in their life and got murdered there is no one around to affirm what their true gender identity is.
I will never, ever say any transgender identity has it easier than the others, because what makes life "easy" is defined by so many different factors, what we need is solidarity within the trans community because across the board transgender people face violence and discrimination at higher rates than cisgender people.
What we need as a community is to have the space to combat all forms of bigotry and oppression than trans people face, no matter which transgender identity faces that bigotry and violence at the highest rate.
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the-donald-trump · 1 month
"t4t is transfem only"
"transmascs cant talk about passing"
"transmascs are invading trans spaces"*
next thing you know the tirfs are gonna say transmascs aren't even allowed to call themselves trans! dont fall for it! the goal posts of 'appropriate' transmasc behavior in the eyes of tirfs have not stopped moving and will not stop until they are dead or detransitioned. we are all trans, that's enough.
*all real takes i have seen from tirfs
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erebusvincent · 1 month
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alliets-world · 3 months
Hey,wanna hang out and get up to no good?
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September 18, 2024 - A new poster by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, published in response to the Israeli terrorist attack on Lebanon, reads:
"The unity of blood is a step on the road to victory. Long live the joint Lebanese-Palestinian struggle in the face of Zionist terrorism."
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cardentist · 6 months
arguing over whether trans men / mascs / genderqueer men / etc can be lesbians Specifically on the basis of "keeping men out of women's spaces" is harmful to All trans and gnc lesbians.
lets line up three stone butch lesbians. one is a trans woman who is pre-e, one is a cis woman who takes testosterone and binds, one is a trans man who doesn't bind but does have bottom surgery.
are you confident enough to say that you'd be able to tell, on sight, which of these three people you're morally allowed to gate keep from the lesbian bar with no risk of overlap?
if a stone butch takes testosterone, gets top surgery, uses he/him pronouns and 100% identifies as a woman is that person still allowed to be a lesbian? if a trans man never wants to (or financially/medically can't) medically transition and considers being butch a part of their identity (maybe even considers themselves to be both a man and a woman) is that person too close to masculinity to be a lesbian?
if we normalize excluding butches from lesbian spaces that aren't adequately Womanly enough for our personal taste can we guarantee the safety of butch trans women? can we guarantee that trans women Won't be pressured into changing their presentation for your personal comfort instead of their own? can we guarantee that black butches won't have their perceived masculinity presented and treated as more threatening than their white counterparts?
if someone considers themselves a butch lesbian it's probably because they have a better understanding of their identity and sense of self than a stranger does. you don't have to personally get it, because it's not about you. if you don't want to date a trans man then like. don't.
but if we Do decide to draw a line, we have to then reckon with the ramifications of that. once we decide that we're allowed, as a community, to tell people that their identities are wrong and that we can personally decide to oust them if we don't like or understand them then that is setting a precedent that Only puts other minorities at risk.
there is no epidemic of fully binary trans men breaking into lesbian bars to steal all the women away, but there's plenty of terfs and radfems that are more than happy to convince people that lesbians are supposed to look and act and be a certain kind of way. and it's trans women and women of color and genderqueer people who are punished for it.
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I will always hate colouring but for you guys
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sketch / no noise filter / original
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✅ Holding trans men accountable for transmisogyny
✅ Holding trans women accountable for transandrophobia
✅ Holding binary trans people accountable for exorsexism
❌ Fucking misgendering fellow trans people
❌ Making fun of fellow trans people’s bottom/top surgery and talking about how “gross” it is
❌ Not letting trans people talk about their experiences
❌ Being transphobic as fuck and then going “well they did it first!”
❌ Excusing any of the above with “well I’M trans so it’s ok for ME to do it”
None of us have it “better” or “worse” than one another. We’re all being killed. Fighting won’t help anyone unless we’re fighting against our oppressors together.
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sorin-sunchild · 7 months
Ok last post about this but here's some simple points that it's imperative you read and understand if you genuinely care about trans people especially as one yourself;
A) No sex or gender is virtuous or sinful by default. It's a persons words and actions which determine what kind of person they are. Leave this 'innate sin' Catholic bs at the door and send the pedestal you're forcing trans fems to sit on out with it.
B) Therefore any trans person can be transphobic, transmisogynistic or transandrophobic including if they're amongst the group targeted by the intersectional terms. All of these types of bigotry are unacceptable, regardless of your personal perceived impact on yourself and others. Nobody should be subject to any kind of bigotry.
C) This does not mean ALL members of X group are Y kind of bigots but it also doesn't mean that no X group members are Y kind of bigots. It's good to be careful of these lines of thinking in anyone if we want to get rid of it but see point A.
D) Holding individuals accountable and opposing the general ideology of transmisogyny, transandrophobia and general transphobia (including nonbinaryphobia/exorsexism and transmedicalism) is more affective than demonising a whole group based on their identity. If members are radicalised or bigoted already, they're not changing their minds because you yelled at them to kill themselves nor are they unworthy of redemption.
E) Listening to people directly about the bigotry they face is the key to understanding bigotry you might not face yourself.
F) Trans unity is the tool we need to craft a fortress so strong we can weather any storm but it won't work if we believe that's enemies in our own lines.
G) Using female-orientated insults towards trans mascs is still misogynistic. Using male-orientated insults towards trans women is still transmisogynistic. Telling anyone to kill themselves for existing loudly and in a way you disapprove of, puts you in the wrong automatically. Telling someone or a whole group to kill themselves also invalidates anything else you wish to say before or after said statement.
H) Failure to understand any of this means you are helping no groups, or even yourself, instead you are likely contributing to trans harm. Including harm to the groups you are most personally invested in helping.
Equality doesn't mean making the oppressed the oppressors and it sure as hell doesn't mean the oppressed oppressing each other. Stop doing the TERFs jobs for them.
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marveltournaments · 10 months
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xxdrowninglessonsxx · 1 month
“Brother, let me tell you about a Klansman. He’s a coward. He can be thoroughly organized and if you go like that [stamps foot], he’ll cut it out. That’s why they’re hiding beneath those sheets.”
- Malcom X, By Any Means Necessary (A collection of speeches, interviews, and a letter by Malcom X)
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sbrown82 · 2 months
Happy August 5th, Black People!!!✊🏿
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kropotkindersurprise · 9 months
A music video celebrating the unity of the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza. From a 2015 interview with Gaza representatives of the Abu Ali Mustafah Brigades (PFLP), National Resistance Brigades (DFLP), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Fatah), Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades (Popular Resistance Committees), and the Mujahideen Brigades.
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If Someone appears to be venting in the transandrophobia tags about facing lateral aggression due to being a trans guy then they hit you with
"why do amabs always behave like this? they always think they're better than us/it's always amabs doing this"
Then that's very likely a terf or someone who is drinking their koolaid and it is probably best to tell them to knock it off and /or block them.
Lateral aggression from trans women and trans fems isn't "amabs using their male privelige to dominate and oppress the deluded weak trans identified feeemales"
it's oppressed people lashing out at the closest safest targets who happen to be fellow trans people often as a response to similar lateral aggression from trans men but generalising all trans men and "afabs" to be exactly like the shitty dude/s who were being transmisogynistic to them.
it's people doing respectability politics
It's classic humans being humans in a crab bucket
its not some magical biological drive or trans women being a hive mind of secret mras
trans women aren't misogynist sleeper agents waiting to hurt trans men and other "afab" assumed trans people, and terfs who keep trying to push this bullshit should know that we see through you and condemn your misogyny and transphobia and stand with our trans sisters and siblings
Beware of anyone equating any crappy behaviour by anyone to their AGAB because that's bioessentialism and it's a cornerstone of terf and misogynistic rhetoric
Just because a trans woman is being a cruel fuckwit that doesn't make her a man,
no trans women aren't "biologically prone towards selfishness more so than other trans people "
Anyone saying that shit is spreading terf rhetoric and trying to prey on people who are hurting to try to isolate them and make them feel like they can't trust other trans people least of all trans women.
It's a grooming tactic ;"you can't trust anyone except fellow afabs" is grooming (similar for the"you can't trust afab trans people crowd) it's an isolation tactic that cuts you off from outside sources of information and experiences that conflict with the simplistic "us vs them" narratives that these high control groups like terfs want to indoctrinate people into
Terfs want us trans guys and assumed "afab" trans people to turn on trans women and fems and assumed "amab" trans people and buy into their fairytale of "male socialisation /behaviour versus afab solidarity uwu sex separatism and violence is feminist" & fuck that to hell
remember to keep an eye out for transmisogyny and point it out for what it is.
Solidarity forever
(The vast majority of people I do see calling it out I just saw a heinous post and needed to vent)
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