#anyway i much prefer superbat
i love tuning into tiktok to be bombarded with read by ai batfam/superbat posts and going "i've seen that one on hellsite"
idk when they changed from reddit to tumblr but they cite their sources better than james somerton and at least it's about my blorbos
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wings-of-angels · 2 years
I think it would be really fucking funny if there was a superbat fic where Bruce refered to Clark as his "partner", meaning like.. work partner, but Clark misinterprets it and thinks it means they were dating and he just,, missed it somehow and assumes they're dating now :)
And Clarks thinking that because Bruce is Bruce... he probably wouldn't have made it a big deal when they agreed to date anyway so somehow that must have lead to Clark missing whenever they agreed to get together,, and well they must be together because Bruce said so
so then Clark starts being more affectionate with Bruce but Bruce isn't changing his behaviour so,, oh,, okay,, Bruce is quite a private guy he probably doesn't want to broadcast their relationship to the League, it's quite early on after all,, and he'd probably prefer they take the relationship slow anyway,,, so Clark starts doing small things like hugging him quickly when no ones looking or giving him his cape when Bruce is clearly cold
And Bruce has no idea what is happening only that Clark is randomly being super affectionate and smiling at him so much more than usual and giving him these looks as if they're sharing some kind of quiet joke or secret, only that Bruce has no idea what that secret is and it's driving him up the godamn wall and DJDHSKSHSKS
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superbattrash · 1 year
saw your rbed the soft prompts post so if you ever felt like writing anything with (17. fixing the other persons clothes absentmindedly or like tucking their hair behind their ear U KNOW WHAT I MEAN THAT SOFT STUFF) or (38. anything else that makes you SOFT) for superbat or anyone bc i love your writing :DDDD
I don't know what happened here, it got longer than what I was going for, oopsie. Thank you for prompting me something soft and sweet, dear anon! (if anyone else wants to send me a soft prompt (no promises but this was fun), here's the list)
“You’re going to mess that up if you keep picking at it,” Bruce says. His voice is gentle, but it makes Clark flinch anyway. Since when did Bruce get out of the shower? And how is he already dressed? It’s taken Clark like seventeen minutes just picking out his outfit. And that’s even after Bruce has already laid it out for him on the bed. 
“Huh?” is Clark’s very intelligent reply.
“Your tie.” Bruce gestures towards the crumbled fabric in Clark’s hands.
“Oh,” Clark breathes and lets go. It’s all crooked but at least he didn’t pull it apart. Yet.
“You don’t have to be nervous,” Bruce tells him as he reaches out to fix the tie. He works efficiently at pulling it apart and tying a new knot. A fancy one, no doubt.
“I’m not,” Clark argues weakly. A blind man would be able to tell that he’s 90 percent nerves at this point. He might even be shaking a little bit.
“You’re a bad liar.”
“Well, you’re-” Clark starts and then sighs, because who is he kidding? “Yeah, no, you lie just fine.”
“That I do,” Bruce agrees easily. He pats Clark’s chest affectionately before taking a step back. “With you on top preferably.”
“Bruce,” Clark groans.
“Stop being mean.” Stop teasing me, stop making me more nervous than I already am, Clark wants to say, but words are a little hard when he isn’t even sure he’s blinked in the last ten minutes. People blink. Clark has never had an issue blinking, why is he not blinking? He blinks twice just for good measure.
Bruce looks at him funny. “I’m never mean,” he says, thankfully not commenting on the weird face tic Clark is doing.
“You’re mean at least half the time.”
“That is not true, you idiot.”
“Don’t call me an idiot,” Clark pouts.
“Fine,” Bruce concedes. Too easily. “That’s not true, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that either,” Clark says with less confidence. Bruce only ever calls him sweetheart when he’s being overly affectionate. Which isn’t often. And it makes Clark weak in the knees every single time.
“Why not? You love it when I call you sweetheart,” Bruce teases.
“Exactly. I don’t need jelly legs right before we go out there.” It’s just his luck that Bruce decided to hold their damn engagement party at the manor. Why would he do that? He never lets people this close to the cave. Or his home, even.
“Stop panicking,” Bruce tells him with a smile. “Superman doesn’t get jelly legs.”
“Clark does though.”
“How very human of him.”
“Stop making fun of me,” Clark whines. He doesn’t mean it, obviously, because he’s stopped shaking. And he hasn’t forgotten to blink since Bruce started teasing him.
“I’m not. I’m helping distract you.”
“You’re doing a shitty job.”
“Language, Clark, there might be kids out there,” Bruce says with a chuckle. Like he doesn’t know exactly who is in his house and when they got here and the most likely time they’ll leave.
“God, I hope not,” Clark says, even though he could technically just take a listen. He doesn’t though because he doesn’t want to start panicking again.
“Ready?” Bruce asks as he holds out his hand.
“Not in the least,” Clark says but takes Bruce’s hand, nonetheless. He’ll probably never be ready, but he would go anywhere as long as Bruce is there.
“I’m right here with you.”
“It’s the only reason I haven’t run away yet.”
It’s not that Clark doesn’t want to make their relationship public; he very much does. But making it public for him means telling his parents and friends. Meeting Bruce’s kids, introducing himself officially to Alfred. They’ve already done that though and there’s only one thing left. Telling Bruce Wayne’s world about them. It’s terrifying in a way that no superpowered villain has ever been to Clark. He’d rather go a round or two with Darkseid than smile at cameras and answer strangers’ questions about his and Bruce’s love life for an entire evening. Okay, so maybe he’s exaggerating a tiny bit, but he’s nervous, it’s not his fault his mind works faster than the average human’s.
It still works slower than Bruce’s though, because of course nobody can think quite as far ahead as Batman. Which is probably why Bruce is trying to get a rise out of him - it’s awfully hard being nervous about a party when you’re arguing with your boyfriend. Fiancé. And that word still sends a chill down Clark’s spine. He can’t believe Bruce asked before he got the chance to, the sneaky bastard.
Clark knows he has nothing to worry about. Bruce has more than enough experience for the both of them. He brushes off the more inappropriate questions like a pro; gives just enough of a smirk to get away with not answering. He makes sure to keep Clark close, jumps in when Clark panics and splutters a stupid - or too honest - answer to the many inquiries.
Bruce is… scarily good at this. Clark just follows his lead. It’s something he’s both used to and unfamiliar with. Following, that is, not following Bruce. He really would follow Bruce to the edge of the universe if he asked. 
A few hours in Clark tugs at his tie; he’s tired but it’s not in a bad way. Despite the comments and questions from virtual strangers, he’s having a good time. Mostly because Bruce sticks to his side through it all. Ma and pa are here as well, and Bruce makes sure they spend time with them and Clark enjoys watching all of Bruce’s little bats trying to impress his parents. Like they aren’t already completely sold on having a handful of grandbabies. 
“So, how did you really meet?” A woman – Wendy, Clark thinks? – asks, and before Clark can put his foot in his mouth (he really is a bad liar), Bruce swoops in with a practiced story that’s more or less true. 
“Through work,” he says and then turns to smile softly at Clark. His eyes land on Clark’s chest and he reaches out and straightens his collar, never once faltering in the conversation. He does it like it’s second nature, like he’s not even aware how intimate a gesture it is. 
Clark finds himself relaxing and grinning like the fool in love he is. 
By the end of the night Clark feels like he’s talked to every single citizen in Gotham, even though he knows that can’t be right. There’s only a couple of hundred people here but it feels like thousands. He’s about ready to fall into bed. Bruce looks like he’s getting there as well, running a hand through his hair more and more, pulling at his own tie. 
When Bruce downs his third glass of champagne, the product in his hair has all but vanished. His bangs are falling in his face, and he’s never looked more beautiful. 
Clark brushes the stubborn strand of hair out of Bruce’s eyes, just because he can. Because he’s allowed to do so. Because he said yes when Bruce asked if he wanted to marry him. As if there was ever any other answer. 
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klarion-the-witch-boy · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @marirah! Love you, babe 😘
I'm TheWitchBoy and Klarion on AO3. 🫡
How many works do you have on AO3?
158 on TheWitchBoy
14 on Klarion (but I don't feel like logging into Klarion rn, so that's probably the only thing I'll answer for Klarion)
What’s your total A03 word count?
904,184 words on TheWitchBoy
What fandoms do you write for?
A lot of DC, some Marvel, a bit of Star Wars, a pinch of Harry Potter, a dash of Supernatural. Anything that strikes my fancy, really.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Odd One, or, Wally's Mysterious Boyfriend. T, Birdflash, Secret ID Reveals, Humour.
A Strange Family. T, SuperBat (Pre-Relationship), Secret ID Reveals, Shenanigans.
A Game of Guess Who With Big Blue. G, Gen, Mistaken Identities, ID Shenanigans, Humour.
Grinning Shadow of the Bat. T, Batfam, Dialogue Centric, Shenanigans, Humour.
Secret Visitors (on the Watchtower). G, Gen, Secrets, Humour.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I know this one... It's one of my DCWC fics. Uhh. The Unwanted Return of the Past. Or maybe The Cliff Walk? I'm not much of an angst writer, I don't think.
Oh wait, I did try my hand at writing expressions of grief that one time, of Dick after Jason's death. Picking Up the Broken Pieces.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Damn. Happiest ending. Uh. Maybe ...Trading Spouses? Most of my fic has happy endings, idk
Do you get hate on your fic?
I don't think so?
Do you write smut?
Yes, but only on Klarion. I prefer TheWitchBoy to be (mostly) sfw.
Do you write crossovers?
Sometimes. Mostly DC/White Collar (I have a series for those ones, actually). Sometimes DC/Marvel.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. But, way back in my dA days, I did lil Harry Potter comics and those were stolen lmao. I didn't care much at the time and I don't care much now, though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yeah! With the cryptid roommate! The Clue fic (it's Supernatural, that's you're only warning).
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
That's a hard one. I think - if folks know me for any ship - they probably know me for Birdflash? That's definitely up there. In this minute, right now, though? Maybe Matt/Frank. Maybe TimKon. I'm not good at picking favourites.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Unrepentant. :/ I wanna do it, but at this point it's been so long I don't think I can fool myself about it.
What’s your writing strengths?
Dialogue (or so I like to think). It's what I have the most fun with, anyway.
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Remembering what I wrote, probably.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I prefer it in moderation? I dunno, I think dabbling in other languages isn't a bad thing, but for myself I do like to understand what I'm putting to paper.
But also I don't like when an English fic sticks Cyrillic or katakana or whatever else into dialogue - Romanize that, so it can be read, however roughly, please. Otherwise I hear like... Villager Gibberish when my eyes pass over it and that's low-key uncomfy lmao.
First fandom you wrote for?
Prrrobably Kingdom Hearts? Or Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core? Damn, going all the way back to my pre-AO3 days, there. And pre-fanficdotnet days.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Right now, my favourite written/shared fic is Signs and Portents. It's a Fusion Fic of Supernatural and the movie Signs. I deeply enjoyed writing it. Sadly, it's not quite what folks were looking for to read. XD that's fine, though, since I wrote it for me, anyway.
Too tired to tag anyone, sorry. ✌️ If you feel like doing it, then you're it now. You're officially tag. Shoo, go write up your answers!
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tired9432 · 2 years
General Question to Superbat Fans
Why do some superbat fans disrespect Clark so much? 🤷‍♀️
Whenever I see superbat posts in the Clark/Superman tag most of them ignore his history, his trauma, personality, his family/friends/allies [Lois, his parents, other Justice League members, Jimmy, Kara, Perry, John Henry, Pete, Steve, Cat and etc] his city, his children, [Conner, Chris, Mia, and Jon] and general mythos.
It seems people are only interested in Bruce's character and his family. The general vibe I get looking into this fandom is an odd combination of being heteronormative [strict top/bottom debate], misogyny [Lois, Selina, Talia, Diana, Lana] and sometimes even highly abusive! [Evil Clark but no Evil Bruce] It's a very crazy combo, but that's how it seems to me from looking at the majority of works.
For example, people typically make Bruce the bottom or feminine one. When realistically they would be switches. Yet, overwhelmingly all the work is dedicated to "Brucie Wanye." Even though most of the time his true personality is a cold, macho, caring man. Heck, I see Clark preferring more the bottom role. But, why the strictness when it comes to these positions?
To my other point I'm personally going to focus on Lois since, I prefer Superman's stories more than Batman. Anyways, this brings me to the lack of care towards Lois, where she is either villainized or not made to be an important person in Clark's live. Regardless of ships and platonic/romantic feelings, Lois is Clark's closest friend. Yet, none of that is rarely displaced in fanart, headcanons, and fics. Yet, Bruce's people are always made sure to be included.
Also, what's with the influx of evil Superman and poor innocent babyboy Batman. Look I like dark tropes, fluff, and all in between. I wouldn't mind the dark stuff so much if we at least kept the same treatment with both parties. Instead of only favoring one person.
To me and I'm sure many other people, it's deeply upsetting and disturbing to see the kindest original hero immigrant aka the champion of the oppressed. To be used for such weird, oc, fetishistic works.
Again, it's odd due to Batman having so much privilege and is known for being very controlling, yet it's never displayed in these darker takes. Batman is a good man, and can have troubling qualities, as all good characters have. Clark has his darker attributes too, but that’s okay as long as it presented fairly. Which from the looks of things isn't in this fandom.
Lastly, Clark and Bruce have a close friendship. Yet, again I see no one making art/fics about Clark's other close relationships. But, everyone seems to be a huge fan of being a multishipper for Bruce. Example being Selina, Talia, Joker, Harvey, Ghostmaker, Hal, Barry, Arthur, Diana, and etc. Seems to be to be a bit biased no, for fans that claim to love Clark and ship superbat have no problem doing this for Bruce.
Where's the love for other Clark ships like Lois, Lana, Lex, John Corben, Brainiac 5, Hal, Arthur, Diana, Barry, Maxima, Volcana, Blanque, and etc.
Also, just want to point out it's not really special that Clark recognizes Bruce's heartbeat as the go to superbat trope. He does that with everyone like again to list Lois, his parents, his children, his friends both in the Justice League, at the Daily Planet, and in Smallville. Heck, he's even given Jimmy his own personal watch to call him!
This is not an attack towards anyone's preferences. I just sincerely want to know why there's such a strong bias in superbat. It's so overwhelming, this disparity. I personally, do like superbat as long as they are both treated like equals.
I’m tired of Clark Kent being used as a tool to prop Bruce or the batfamily, rather than a true equal.
It just seems to me everything that makes Clark a beautiful character, with his engaging personality, mythos, and family/friends were thrown under the bus for the superbat ship.
To me a ship or an OTP should be an additional expansion and fun for both characters. Not a definite favoritism towards one person in the majority of content.
If you like one character in a pairing a lot, why wouldn’t you want to know more about their partner? It just doesn’t make sense to have an extreme bias. Again, this is in reference to the majority of superbat shippers, not to anyone personally.
Thank you, for reading this and have a great day! 🌟
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the-bat-collector · 3 years
No Powers or No Capes (There are some minor exceptions but I think this still applies)
Soo it’s become harder to find these fics and I kept postponing making this list just in case I found moreeeee. After some time convincing myself I decided that If I find more I’ll just make a part 3.
Here is the link to Part 1 Post
So without further ado. Here you go!
Storge by ichikonohakko @ichikonohakko
G - 3,310
Storge (storgē, Greek: στοργή) is liking someone through the fondness of familiarity, family members or people who relate in familiar ways that have otherwise found themselves bonded by chance. An example is the natural love and affection of a parent for their child.
Or the story of how Clark Kent meets the Wayne family children.
So this was in my mark for later and I read it as I was making this list and it’s very cute and adorable and highly recommend it! 
don't you know an apparition is a cheap date by knoxoursavior  @clqrkkent
E - 39,385
Clark has been able to see ghosts since he was eight, just a few days before his Pa died in his sleep. Years later, after having moved to the city with Martha to pursue writing, Clark meets Bruce Wayne, who takes an interest in his work and Clark in particular. Not long after they meet, Bruce asks Clark to marry him and Clark moves into a mansion that has more ghosts than it has people.
So I couldn’t find more AUs for this list, I was about to quit looking and yesterday I ran into this one and it gave me so much hope that there might be more out there (part 3?maybe?) I think of this as Ghost Whisperer Clark 
Stories for the Loved and Lost by MatchaMochi @renaimori 
M - 9,681
The first chapter leads Clark to another, and another. He turns the pages, eating the words up hungrily and feeling them, pored over the story as if he was reading someone’s personal diary. And the thing was, he knows it, he knows this story. He remembers flashes of memory that aren’t his, thrown in yesterday’s weird dream or last night’s nightmare.
or in which Bruce is an author and Clark is his fanboy.
I WILL read every single SOULMATE AU FIC I CAN FIND CAUSE I’D DIE FOR THIS TROPE. This is beautifully written <3 <3
Ghastly Murders in the East End by dippkip @dippkip
T - 38,227
London, 1888. A vicious killer known as Jack the Ripper has begun haunting the district of Whitechapel. In light of Scotland Yard’s inability to solve the case, intrepid reporter Clark Kent has made it his mission to track down this fiend and bring them to justice, though he may find himself more deeply involved in the affair than he bargained for.
Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne, a seemingly irresponsible and eccentric duke, remains largely unconcerned about these atrocities. The Batman, however, has taken special interest, and spends his nights relentlessly hunting the new murderer at large. The paths of these men will converge as the body count begins to rise, and their investigations and growing affections will cement their bond, intertwining their fates with that of the most notorious murderer in all of England.
OKaaaay this is one of the exceptions, Bruce is Batman but it’s a different century and Clark is powerless, I think it compensates. Usually I prefer when they’re both “capeless” but this was such a fun read. 
As You Grow by dnawhite76 & Prubbs @prubbs​ 
M - 59,946
After the death of his wife and children, Clark returns to the United States after spending years abroad to reconnect with his friends and their families. And while trying to gather what little remains of his old life and possibly move forward in his grief, he ends up falling into old habits with his first love and best friend, Bruce Wayne.
A story about grief and acceptance.
So I want to point out how good this fic is. I hate sad and this story has a lot of grief and I felt it was very grounded on its depictions of feelings. I tend to avoid this type of fics buuuuut this was so good. I couldn’t stop reading even if the grief got to me. It’s very wholesome and does have a satisfying ending. 
A good start by BlueAlmond @discretocincel​
G - 1,253  
Clark loves being an elementary school teacher, but it breaks his heart to see any of his students hurting. So, when he notices Jason waiting over forty minutes every day for someone to pick him up, he decides to have a word with his father.
Absolutely love Professor Trope!!! Sooo you could argue this is ficlet but doesn't feel like one to me so I’m not putting it in the ficlet section. 
Engraved In Our Souls by Nixie_DeAngel @nixie-deangel​
T - 9,004
It started with pain, with warm blood and bold, black letters. How was he to know it'd lead to a pair of gorgeous eyes, shimmering with the promise of life long happiness and love?
Or, after years of waiting, Bruce finds his soulmate in the least likely of places.
Ghosts by ren_makoto 
T -3,067
Wayne Manor is haunted. Clark doesn't mind.
Here is another of the exceptions, this is neither No Powers/No Capes, but they’re not relevant to the plot or we don’t see them using them (I don’t think they are mentioned but its implied). The Fic’s whole focus is on the ghosts! and absolutely loved it I LOVE REN MAKOTO FICS
There is Little Danger by ren_makoto
T - 5,327
"It's tradition," he said, one inch from Clark's mouth. "Yes," Clark said. "Tradition."
Or, where Bruce and Clark are trapped in an elevator
another Ren Makoto cause I can’t help myself
Semi-Permanent Couplings by ren_makoto
E - 10,463
"So, Bruce, how do you feel about one-night stands?"
Ren Makoto <3 <3 <3 This fic contains Adultery soo Read the Author’s Notes
Hubris by ren_makoto
M - 20,197
"This is turning into a routine," Bruce said breathlessly. "What can I do for you, Clark?" "Please," Clark said hoarsely. "I just want to get some sleep."
I really like the writing on this fic, this is a 100% NO CAPES, Clark does have powers and he’s starting to process them. Ren Makoto stole my heart with this one.
Not so Perfect Afterall by tekowrites
E - 6,966
AU: High school, Senior year. Clark thinks his life is nearly, if not already perfect. Then he overhears a conversation that changes absolutely everything. Bruce is there to pick up the pieces.
Red, White and Blue by melmel_79
E - 3,639
He works for the Secret Service, and it's best that no one knows he is in a relationship with the president. At least he hoped no one would know...
He grips the envelope tighter and knocks on the door to the Oval Office.
This was a mistake.
Late Night Feelings by the_butler @the-butler-fanstuff
M - 9,283
It was a little past one in the morning, the phone the only light in his room. He glared at it, then threw it to his side on the bed, not caring to see where it landed. A few seconds after, he patted all along the side to find it and looked at it again. He pulled up the messaging app, scrolled down, and then sighed. He exited the app and threw the phone on the bed again. He repeated this several times until some minutes later the phone chimed and he hurriedly sat up and felt for it on his bed. He opened the messaging app again and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he read the reply he’d been waiting for the whole night.
“Be there in 30 mins.”
I LOVE CLARK HERE, GOOD FOR YOU. He’s such a good adult looking out for himself! self-loving and self-respecting Clark here everybody.
it took me by surprise (I know you felt it, too) by jessequicksters @jessequicksters​
G - 1,124​
In which Clark and Bruce fall in love in between study sessions, track races, grocery shopping at Whole Foods and romantic student dinner dates, burnt lasagna and all.  
FLUFF, could argue this is a ficlet buuuuut dont care, it goes here.
Towards You by tekowrites
E - 22,607
AU where Clark is a new transfer student at an elite high school, and he encounters Bruce Wayne. Clark doesn't fit in, not anywhere it seems, and his crush on the star of the football team? Only serves to shows how much. Jealous girlfriends, misunderstandings, hormones and lurking trouble are just some of the challenges he's going to face.
I LOVE THIS , basically this fic made want to make a PART 2, just had to find 15+ other fics to add to the list. 
Read the tags, this does contain some heavy topics towards the end
The Game (of Love) by KaizokuHime @kaizokunohime
E -12,288
In WayneTech VR Augmented Gaming, a guild of superheroes has arisen who volunteer to help police that reality. One of these superheroes, Superman, has had a crush on his fellow member, Batman, for many years, but thus far has had little success on asking him out, even as fellow guildmembers. How will their relationship progress? And how intimate can they truly become without knowing the other's identity offline?
A Game You Can't Win gave me hunger for gaming fics, then I found this one and I WANT MORE GAMING FICS
Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang by ShowMeAHero @andillwriteyouatragedy
E - 8,354
Clark Kent is a professor at the same university as Bruce Wayne. Not that it matters, because Bruce doesn't really speak with his co-workers - they're there to work with, not befriend. That is, until Clark and Bruce are assigned to teach a class together in the fall, and start spending more and more time together, and Bruce starts to realize, maybe, he just might need a friend - and maybe, he just might need something else, something Clark-specific.
YES YES PROFESSOR TROPE. They are the best together!
The Gift by tmelange
E - 5,564
University student Clark Kent is on a field trip to Gotham City where he meets a creature of the night.
VAMPIRE AU, soooo Clark has powers but he is not superman so NO CAPES on his part. Bruce is a Vampire and I’m not really sure if he’s Batman but he’s some sort of vigilante. This felt very AU and sorta? fit the category, so I decided to add it anyways but it’s worth to mention this is an outlier on this list.
Spoils of War by littlechinesedoll @cumdumpsterbrucie
“If I go with you as a spoil of this pointless war, will you leave?” Bruce stands his ground, terrified and shaking, but he keeps eye contact with the warlord.
“Excuse me?” Kal must be hearing things.
“If I go with you, if I serve you, will you let my people live? Will you let my brother live?”
This is not finished buuuut it’s a Medieval AU. I just need to get myself in the right mindset to read an unfinished fic but will get to it! love what llittlechinesedoll writes.
This section was accidental. I like my fics long and rarely read ficlets but here are a few that came across my way when I forgot to set word count filters.
Snapping the Chats by littlechinesedoll @cumdumpsterbrucie
G - 2,278
Clark tries to use the Snapchat filters on Bruce.
General Check-up by littlechinesedoll @cumdumpsterbrucie
T - 906
One where Brucie is getting a check-up from Thomas Elliot and he touches Bruce more cause Clark is obviously jealous
Subway Providence by the butler @the-butler-fanstuff
G - 400
A short drabble about art I did of Clark and Bruce waiting for the train on a subway platform.
Tumblr media
So my first list was me coming across and realizing I love this kind of AUs and this second list is me carefully looking for them! Even tho my 1st list has some of my favorites, I hold this one closer to my heart. Hope you Enjoy it. 
Also if you know of any that I haven’t included on these lists, please I beg you send them my way <3 
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Bruce Wayne is a Simp for Bad Bitch
OmG I can’t believe I’m writing the obvious but the idea is in my head and I need a place to word vomit. 
Okay, so it occurred to me that Bruce has a more serious and intense relationship canonically with three women, as far as I know; Andrea Beaumont, Talia Al’ghul, and Selina Kyle. All of whom are the epitome of Bad Bitch with the capital B. (Yes, I’m ignoring Rachel Dawes from Nolanverse. The only thing I like about it is the Iconic Joker. No batman movie is good enough without the Batfam.) 
Why do I raise this point, you might ask? Well, that’s because I want to rant that Bruce, my boy, my man, my childhood comfort character is actually a SIMP?!?!
Like... I’m just... urgh.... okay... I am very vocal for a healthy relationship with commitment and based on mutual love and respect. So the fact that Bruce has only bad, iffy, or casual relationships really want to tear my hair out. And why my heart don’t want to ship with any of them, even though BatCat is one of my favorite pairing! 
I am a WonderBat shipper because I love watching them in JLAU as a kid and even though I’m not slash shipper unless it’s canon, SuperBat made much more sense to me. Heck even a threesome with the Trinity would have been healthier relationship rather than whatever Bruce had with the three of them and here’s why: 
You might not have heard of Andrea, but she’s canon from the Timmverse movie called Batman and the Mask of Phantasm which is A REALLY GREAT MOVIE. Totally recommend. One of the best Batman movie at all times (Yes, I say Batman movies not Batman Animated movies). Has great plot twist and good pacing. so Spoiler Alert! Andrea was Bruce’s fiancé, making her possibly Bruce’s first love, before his journey and possibly could have stop him from becoming Batman (I would say he’s a simp in this case, but he would have had a much more happier, healthy household so it’s not bad thing) if she hadn’t disappear for being a Mob Boss’ Daughter!!! 
I repeat, a mob boss’ daughter. 
And she came back only to be a mask avenging assassin that went toe-to-toe with Batman.
And she could have choose to stay with Bruce but she didn’t because she choose vengeance over him. Like.... Bats, you should stop with the “I am Vengeance” routine you’ve got going on because she does it better than you ngl. 
So she left and I cried at the end of that movie because trauma wasn’t enough, you put heartbreak after heartbreak to my boy. Thanks DC. 
Then there’s Fucking Talia Al’ghul which is a no brainer why she’s not Bad but BAD. Like, Talia groom Jason, supervise Damian’s harsh, brutal, and abusive training, control Damian through the implant spine to kill Dick, orders Damian execution before regretting it, DRUG BRUCE when CONCEIVING DAMIAN!!! And that’s only the top of my head. 
And if you want to blame it on Morrison’s writing, THAT’S FINE. We’ve bitched about Tom King’s writing enough to know it’s valid. 
But, BUT, bUt... it needs to be address that even before Morrison, Talia CHOOSE to stay in the League of Assassin. People can tell me that she’s a complex character that’s loyal to her father but love Bruce and that her upbringing makes her complicated or whatever. Nuh-uh. You don’t get to make Talia helpless when it suited you. Talia is a fucking Bad Bitch (TM). She’s been taught to do whatever the fuck she wants according to her belief and ideal. At some point, Talia knew she wanted to be in position of power in the League rather than staying with Bruce. 
But it’s canon that Talia, if I remember correctly, doesn’t like Gotham or Bruce’s mission. She thinks being a hero is beneath them or whatever. And doesn’t understand why Gotham is special to Bruce. So yeah, you might not agree how Morrisons write her. But do not fucking tell me she’s not a character who will not be willing to do what she thinks it’s necessary to get what she wants, including training her son as an assassin. I mean, she likes being the Demon’s Daughter in the league. She may not agree with her father but Talia wants to give Damien what she wants. Power.  
Talia loves Bruce. That’s a fact. He’s probably the only person that makes her feel like she’s a person instead of the Demon’s Daughter. Bruce has a knack for that. To make people want to be better, even just a little. Talia could have chosen him, if she wanted to. The fact that she helps him so much when fighting against her father numerous times is proof enough. 
I'm highly suspecting the reason she stays is because she knows Bruce would always forgive her (SIMP ALERT) unlike her father who would straight up stab her if she ever betrays him.
I’m not saying there’s no love for her son, I’m just saying if she even looks at the batfam funny than I will raise my flamethrower on that bitch’s face. Because you can’t rely on Bruce on that. That man would give bullshit excuse for her or want to handle her himself because your “history” with her makes you entitled.  
Aaaah, don’t you just love it when there’s a great villain you can hate on so much?
I'm not saying she can't be a good person. Pre-morisson made Talia more of an anti-hero. But I do like Talia "I'mma cut a bitch" al'ghul. It's just... I like ruthless Bad Bitch like her. Though preferably she could have balance it with more of her maternal side through Damian.
Okay, I’m getting off tangent. Now comes to my favorite girl. Catwoman. Selina Kyle. The famous ship of all Bruce’s relationship sans SuperBat. 
I... am conflicted the most about this. 
See, Selina is one of the few people who understands Bruce. Who was there when he needed a shoulder to rely on. Someone who doesn’t take Bruce’s shit, and one of the constant person in Bruce’s life. 
But not... constant enough. Which is a theme of her, even in her fursona... I, I mean PERSONA, PERSONA!!! 
Anyway, I love seeing these two broken people. One handles it with violence and vigilantism, the other through thieving with a Robinhood-esque thing going on. So of course they get each other. It always helps that they try to make each other better. Selina taught Bruce to be okay of being selfish of wanting to be happy, and Bruce believed there’s good in her that makes her feel she’s not a hopeless case, y’know? It’s even canon that in one universe, they’re married and have daughter, Helena Wayne. So... yeah? Happy end! (Until they died but that’s non issue here at the moment.) 
Then Tom King (Urgh, him again) wrote Bat proposing to Cat, and by the time they’re about to be married. Selina left him at the altar. 
So yeah. 
But then they get metaphysically? Figuratively? married after the Flashpoint which they turn Thomas Wayne into a villain (At least make him from alternate universe instead of timeline!!!) and kill Alfred (WhYYYYYY?! Bruce suffered enough why do you go kill both his fathers dammit!!! Let the goddamn butler rest in peace). And basically Selina and Bruce promise each other forever. Which is sweet. BatCat Forever, am I right??? 
Yeah, here’s the problem. (And I’m just nitpicking here, okay). For all Tom King’s character assassination of Bruce, he did Selina right in one thing. Which is the fact she doesn’t like being tied down by anything.
If Talia puts importance in power. Selina puts importance in freedom and her self-independence. 
I remember as a kid watching BTAS, that Selina didn’t want a relationship with batman if it meant changing who she is. So when Selina left the altar, I wasn’t surprise at the news. Then she actually agreed to marry him, only this time, she didn’t need a judge or a paper to make the marriage legit, y’know. And I thought, yeah that’s so her. 
But the thing is Bruce. Accepts. Her. Every. Single. Time. 
Without a single thought. She asked, “Do you still want to get married?” and he asked “When?” 
Even though it’s not the first that Cat leaves him hanging. 
Tell me he’s not a simp for that. 
It’s great that he accepts her for everything she is. But I’m conflicted because Selina stays static. She stays with the cat theme in the fact she doesn’t want to held back by anything. She takes what she wants. She loves who she loves. And no one was gonna change her. But then where’s the character growth? 
Is it regressive of me to think Selina should be ‘tied down’ or express commitment when she never has been tied down before even though she loves Bruce? 
Is it not-feminist of me to think Selina has to change herself for a man? 
I just don’t like the fact Bruce and Selina enables their masked persona. Their relationship is strongly base on their cat-and-mouse chase. They nicknamed each other “Bat” and “Cat” for God’s sake. Even though yes, it’s canon that “Batman” and “Catwoman” is their real selves and their civilian life is their masks. Heck, she didn’t go for the altar because she believed (though manipulated) that making Bruce happy would make Batman insufficient, or losing him entirely (Thank Tom King for that). 
That would be true, and stay true if not for one thing. Which is some thing what Bruce has that Selina doesn’t: 
The Batfam.
Bruce’s real identity isn’t just the Batman anymore. He has to be a single father with growing children he never plan to adopt but did anyway because they needed each other. He can’t use his batman persona to be a father at his house, but he will when training them to be his partner. His family became the strength to Bruce’s fight for Justice. 
Bruce is the Batman, but he’s not everything who he is. Selina is supposed to be part of the batfamily yet sadly, I haven’t read or watch anything that has her interact with them in a positive way or actually bond with them. Heck, when Alfred inform the proposal to the batfam they were shocked and thought it was a bad idea even (And they’ve known her for almost half their life by the way.) 
The fact that Tom King implied Bruce was never happy or wasn’t happy enough without marrying Cat when his Batfam should be the source of his pride and joy?! Apparently family means nothing to Batman. Woah DC, what a great message you’re sending here. 
I guess that’s why, I was a bit iffy when Selina “marriage” with Bruce isn’t official. Because she commits to the man but she doesn’t say she’ll commit to the family (though I suppose it could be imply or I just forget stuff). The batkids are grown up enough that they don’t really need a maternal figure, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need more emotionally available people in the family. And that I haven’t seen much of her taking effort to bond with the people that’s the most important to Bruce. 
It just makes her want to commit to Batman instead of Bruce Wayne, in my eyes I guess. 
So yeah, that’s why Wonderbat and Superbat makes more sense to me. Because they’ll make an effort to be THERE for the family and they’ll be just generally be a healthier relationships because, again, emotionally available so they might talk when they have a problem instead of running off the altar when you think a Happy Batman is Bad Batman. But no, DC have to make Bruce is a simp and his life edgy. 
Anyway, I might be wrong in some things because, you know. Canon becomes a blur to me after a while. 
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superbataddicted · 4 years
Fictober 2020
Prompt number: 12 - “Watch Me”
Fandom: Superbat, Superman x Batman
Rating: General Audience
Summary: First meeting. (A different take on Batman vs Superman movie. Based on the idea - what if they first met when they were both just starting out being Batman and Superman? When they were both young and trying to figure out their roles and responsibilities?)
“Watch me.”
These are words that Batman would never say. It was just not his nature – preferring to work in the shadows, employing fear and mystery to carry out his missions.
So the last thing Batman would ever want was unwanted attention. But he still ended up catching someone’s eye anyway and that was so damn annoying.
“What you’re doing is wrong.”
The ridiculously attired alien had the audacity to tell him off, frowning at Batman as if he was a miscreant.
As if his bad manners was not enough, his sudden appearance – hovering in the air like a garish landmark – was ruining his surveillance.
Look at the gang he had been tracking! Look at them scattering to the four winds in a bid to escape! Weeks of meticulous work, all down the drains, because of a pesky alien who had no right to meddle in Gotham.
So don’t blame him for what was coming next. Rudeness begets rudeness,, and the alien deserved it all.
Growling in fury, Batman flung his batarangs with deadly accuracy. However, much to his dismay, they were either bouncing off the creature as if they were made of rubber or were being crushed by the alien’s bare fists. Even his explosively-charged and electrifying ones were ineffective, and Batman was running out of options. In his fourteen months and eleven days of crime-fighting, he had never met such an opponent like this.
“Look!” The alien hissed in exasperation as he threw the last batarang away, “I didn’t come to pick a fight. I came to warn you for you’re much too young...”
Damn it!
Batman flung himself off the rooftop, alarm bells ringing.
The alien had X-ray vision!
Batman was in a panic as he rappelled down the side of the building. Despite his emotional state, he landed with ease – all thanks to his muscle memory honed from years of training.
As he darted away, feeling extremely ill-equipped and inadequate, Batman swore never to be caught in such a state again.
Today was a lesson taught.
He had been too naïve, thinking that his adversaries were merely the criminal masterminds in Gotham. Now that even more dangerous players were joining in the fray, Batman had to up his game as well.
And that would start with finding out and keeping a watch on that supremely unlikeable creature – a task most suited to Batman’s expertise.
Grinning confidently, Batman disappeared into the night, unaware that a pair of clear blue eyes were actually tracking him. They belonged to a Kryptonian whose attention Batman had caught when he started protecting Gotham in his own way.
(This is one of those stories that didn’t go the way I initially planned. I wanted a simple story about Batman and Superman’s admiration for one another but it brought me to a junction instead. After trying out the many possible paths (resulting in many re-writes), I ended up with this - an introduction to a bigger story.)
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Mouse’s Reclist (#2/?)
It’s time for a second reclist! Here’s the first, if you want. This is again in no particular order. Title, author, pairing, and fandom will be listed, as well as if it’s a WIP.
The first few are going to be Snarry, because my reading list recently has basically consisted of entirely Snarry. Why? Because I fucking love Snarry. Sue me.
Angels on the Moon by Writcraft - Harry Potter/Snarry  - The aftermath of the war is almost as difficult as the war itself, Harry is a mess and Severus is a reluctant survivor forced back to Hogwarts to recuperate from his injuries. When a brick-bonding spell goes awry, Harry and Severus are forced to confront hatred, misunderstandings and a new and unexpected intimacy which takes them both by surprise. Notes: This is the classic-style Eighth Year!Fic, which has long been my favourite trope in the HP fandom. It’s an especially loved trope of mine when it comes to Snarry, too, as I am problematic filth, and teacher-student relationships are my jam. It’s also a classic bonding!fic. But the way it handles the tropes is just… *chef’s kiss*
The Man Underneath by maraudersaffair - Harry Potter/Snarry - Severus is a secret Auror and must always be disguised. When Harry Potter becomes his new partner, Severus struggles hiding his true identity and burning attraction. Notes: This is more bottom!Snape than top!Snape, which I know isn’t to everyone’s taste. However, it’s fucking fantastic, and as someone who has a cathartic and self-fulfilling love of “char A is ugly and has a shittonne of self-hatred and yet manages to score super hot char B” (something that I struggle with myself and still worry how I manage to keep my own gorgeous partner over), this is perfect. Not that I even agree with J.K.’s assessment on Sev’s ugliness. I like the “goth filled with churning angst” look. 
a forest, dark and deep by bleedcolor - Harry Potter/Snarry - Once, many years ago (for that is when all great stories begin, many years ago; we never consider we might be in the midst of our own great story) there lived a boy. But wait, you might say, there is nothing special about a boy living, many people do and never amount to much of anything. You would be right, but you would also be wrong, because this story is not about a boy who lived, but The Boy Who Lived, and that is all the difference. Notes: Harry is cursed and must go on an adventure to the Fountain of Youth to find the cure. I cried. I cried a lot. I cried a lot a lot a lot a lot. Happy ending, though! Fairy tale fic. One of the best fics to read if you want magic in the HP universe portrayed more like magic in ancient medieval history tends to be portrayed: mysterious, Eldritch, Occult-like power that requires strange and sometimes dangerous rituals to harness.
you like making me work for it by bottlefamebrewglory - Harry Potter/Snarry - “Before what, Mr. Potter?”//Before Snape had looked at him, drunk and miserable without knowing why, and told him that he could change his future if he wanted. Before he had pulled Snape out of the darkness he’d been determined to drown in. Before the memories. Before he’d looked into Snape’s eyes and watched him die.//Harry didn’t often change his mind, not about people. He’d been accused by Hermione more than once of being stubborn, even prejudiced. And, once upon a time, he’d thought he’d known exactly who Severus Snape was. But that had changed and Harry was no longer that boy anymore, just as Snape could no longer ever be just his hated professor.//“Before,” Harry said again, more finally.//Harry was pretty sure the fact that everyone never thought he’d live past seventeen was at least half the reason becoming an actual adult was so goddamn strange. Severus just wanted to get on with his life now that it was free of controlling old men.//Or, five times Harry flirted with Snape and one time Snape flirted with Harry. Notes: @snapedefender‘s most recent masterpiece. Post-War!fic, one of the best of. Harry worms his way into Severus’ life, as he always does. Also he has a big crush. Their interactions are golden. Everything about this is golden, in fact. It’s just delightful. Read it, please.
How the War Was Won by avioleta - Harry Potter/Snarry - Severus Snape should be dead. Instead, he wakes up after the Battle of Hogwarts to find himself quarantined in a house full of Gryffindors, waiting for Harry bloody Potter to save the world…again. And Severus must be going crazy because he can’t seem to stop thinking about Potter. (Or, where Harry needs a distraction, and Severus doesn’t refuse.) Notes: War Doesn’t End with The Battle of Hogwarts!fic. And it’s by avioleta, a longtime and well-loved Snarry writer. Well-loved for good reason! They know what they’re doing, and it shows. I’ve long loved “Harry and any number of Slytherins are holed up together and must get along” as a trope, and this nails it perfectly. Another fav was in my previous reclist, Hauntingly by ObsidianPen, where Harry is holed up with Draco, Sev, AND Tom! Fun times!
Chasing Ghosts by DictionaryWrites - Harry Potter/Snarry/WIP - “I guess I’m not ready to join the land of the living just yet,” Harry says. “Need a little more time here at Hogwarts, with all the ghosts. You know what I mean?”//In the aftermath of the war, Harry doesn't feel ready to leave the safety of the castle, and to go out into the world at large: he wants to stay. The Room of Requirement - with great reluctance - grants his wish. Notes: Adult!Harry wakes up in the Marauders Era and becomes a teacher, all while he tries to figure out the nature of spacetime. TIME TRAVEL!FIC! That’s in all caps because I love and adore time travel!fic with all my heart. Again, more of a bottom!Snape story. I used to think I preferred top!Snape, but bottom!Snape has come into my heart with a passion as of late and showed me I’m not always going to want Snape to nail Harry into his mattress. This also shows more of Snape’s backstory, with mentor!Lucius and all, which is a fav of mine as well.
OKAY! Enough Snarry, yes, sorry. Moving on!
Love Potion #9 by murderlight - Bleach/GrimmIchi - Gifted with a horrifying box of potion-laced chocolates from Urahara in the hopes he might feed them to somebody, Ichigo thought all the excitement for Valentine’s Day was done with. Then Grimmjow had to get snacky.//A story in which Ichigo is entrusted with the scientifically altered affections of his once-enemy, and might just discover some of his own. Notes: I love the goddamn love potion/love spell trope. This one highlights the dubcon nature of making someone fall in love with you (even on accident) a lot more, but still makes everyone’s feelings feel genuine and real. And of course it ends happily. And there’s no noncon, if that’s not to your taste. Ichigo is a good boy and does not stroke that pussy until that pussy is entirely free from Kisuke’s experimental serums. Yes, I made that pun.
The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie - Sherlock/Johnlock - “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily.//“Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!”//After he separates from Mary, John returns to Baker Street. Following a request for help from Sherlock's cousin Violet, the detective and his blogger take a trip to Edinburgh. John discovers more about the Holmes family and Sherlock than he bargained for, but tries not to run screaming. Notes: I fell in love with Violet immediately. I am so gay. If you are also attracted to women, you will probably join me in falling in love with Violet. She is amazing, and very Holmes. But a more balanced Holmes. Well, as balanced as a Holmes can be. I love case fic, I love Sherlock Holmes in general because of my adoration for murder mystery (yes, I am a forensics major, thank you for being able to clock me very obviously), and I love deep backstory and family bonding. It’s a long, long ride, but it is undoubtedly worth every single minute.
The Loss of Flesh and Soul by deuxexmycroft - Sherlock/Johnlock/Abandoned WIP - Five years after John Watson puts the murderous Sherlock Holmes behind bars, a vicious copycat killer emerges. A reluctant John is pulled out of retirement to seek the expertise of the only man who can help, a man who has developed an unsettling obsession with John himself.//Crossover with Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs Notes: It’s Hannigram but Johnlock, what’s not to love? Sherlock’s characterisation in the TV show is already unsettling enough (well, in the beginning, but I like to pretend Sherlock doesn’t exist past S2), so adding in a little Hannibal Lecter is fantastic. Yes, it’s an abandoned WIP. Yes, that hurts like hell. But it’s so, so worth it anyway. Seriously, this is one of the best executions of serial killer!Sherlock I’ve seen in fandom, and given how fucking gigantic the Sherlock fandom is, hopefully you can see how big of a thumbs up that is imho!
Sinking the Land by emungere - Sherlock/Mystrade - Three weeks ago, Mycroft Holmes picked Lestrade up outside New Scotland Yard and made him an offer he'd been unable to refuse, despite his best judgement. Mycroft had sucked his cock, dropped him off at home, and Lestrade hadn't heard a word from him since.//Now, the door of the black car swung open as Lestrade drew level with it. He could just see Mycroft's profile, hawkish nose and shallow chin limned by the orange glow of the streetlight. Notes: Porn WITH plot! That’s the best way to take your porn, imho. One of the best ways I’ve seen the Mystrade relationship developed. It’s just so real. And Lestrade is so head-over-heels, which is my favourite way to take my Lestrade :p.
Clark Kent, of Krypton by TerresDeBrume - DCEU/Superbat - Batman crashes on Krypton a few days before the Turn of the Year celebrations, and Kal-El's life takes a sharp turn to the left, on a path that will, ultimately, lead him to becoming Clark Kent. Notes: Krypton Wasn’t Destroyed!fic is always, always, always my favourite. Sci-fi mystery again, yes. If you saw my first reclist, then you understand that I am always going to fall for a sci-fi mystery fic. This one develops Kryptonian culture beautifully, and equally-as-perfectly encapsulates what “Clark Kent Pretending to Be a Mild-Mannered Reporter, but on Krypton” would actually look like.
Q It Again by writerofprose - Star Trek/QCard - Picard thinks his position, as captain of the Enterprise, plays the largest role in Q's obsession with him. Q would like to take that bet, even if Picard wasn't making one. What say they try it again, from the start? Without the captain nonsense? Notes: A poignant take on Q’s weird fixation with Picard. Not that anyone can blame him. I mean, shit, the man is Jean-luc Picard. Anyone would be fixated on him. Q uses his Q powers to explore Picard in multiple alternate universes, and erases his own memories in order to come in unbiased. Picard gets to keep his original memories, and those of the AU. Does Q still like Picard as much when he’s not at the helm of the Enterprise?
American Outlaws by manic_intent - Red Dead Redemption/Morston - “Bounty’s for one ‘Jim Milton’,” Sadie said, as she got close to the man under the oak tree. “Wanted for murder, robbery, and unnatural acts.”//“Unnatural what?”///“Don’t got details on here.” Sadie passed the folded up poster to her hunting partner. “You all right?”//Arthur Morgan didn’t answer her as he smoothed open the poster. He was aggressively smoking a cigarette, his second, judging from the stub on the grass. Notes: I loved RDR and RDR2 so much that I wrote my own fic in the fandom, despite knowing jackshit about late 1800’s America. It was only a ficlet, in order to hide how little I remember from my contemporary history classes, but much more talented people than me took on the burden of whole-ass novels. Here’s everyone’s fav BNF manic’s take on a fix-it Morston, pre-RDR1 but post-RDR2. It’s excellent. Who doesn’t enjoy forbidden love historical romance? Especially with a delicious helping of age gap. If you’d like Vandermorgan or even Vandermorston, check out more of manic’s stuff, and also kriegersan, who is another long-time fav of mine. 
Every Deckerstar fic by wollfgang. But especially a softer beginning, an amnesia!fic, and if you saw all of me, a true form!Lucifer!fic. You know, since angels are described as weird Eldritch beings in ancient texts. Both tropes are my favourite. Also that latter one has monsterfucking and we are all monsterfuckers here.
A Modest Proposal by ignaz - House M.D./Hilson - Tritter's case against House still depends on subpoenaed testimony from Wilson. To save House from losing everything, the doctors of PPTH decide on an unusual solution, which in turn leads to unexpected consequences. This is a story about the sacrifices we make that turn out not to be such great sacrifices after all. (Contains spoilers for everything up to and including "Merry Little Christmas.") Notes: Work 355 on the AO3. It’s that OG. And for an OG slash fandom, too. Well, not Star Trek levels of OG, but it’s a fandom based on Sherlock Holmes, and ACD did come before Star Trek! You’ve probably read it. It’s the OG Hilson Pretend Marriage!fic. But I had to rec it because when I get bored I watch House on Amazon Prime (or the thousands of clips they upload to YT nowadays), and I always am struck by HOW GAY HOUSE AND WILSON ARE OH MY GOD. I can never watch it with Mum in the room, though, because she was in the medical field before she retired, and the unrealistic nature of how House characters behave (and some of the medical procedures) make her SOOOOOO peeved. Though doctors, especially surgeons, were apparently huge egotistical dicks at times. Maybe not kill your own patient levels, though.
In A Place Where No One Appeared by Gefionne - Star Wars/Kylux - Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, General Hux is ordered to remove a wounded Kylo Ren to a place where he can recuperate. Knowing nowhere else to house him safely and discreetly, Hux takes Ren to his family’s estate on Arkanis. He anticipates adding this experience to the already long list of abhorrent memories he has of his childhood home, but six weeks in company with Ren turns out to be something quite unlike Hux expected. Notes: The imagery is so fucking vivid, I love it. The entire world of Arkanis is just lit up so beautifully in Gefionne’s words. This takes a little liberty with Hux’s backstory, given there wasn’t too much out at the time, but it’s so fucking good, I’d prefer its canon to the actual one, lmao. 
all that you love will be carried away by coldhope - Star Wars/Kylux - Supreme Leader, the oscillator is failing. The collapse has begun. There is nothing that can be done.//Hux, sent to retrieve Kylo Ren from the dying Starkiller Base, has lost almost everything, and has little patience or tolerance left for anyone or anything--particularly not Snoke's pet pseudo-Sith and his amateur theatrics. But you do the job that is in front of you, to the best of your ability, and you hold on as long as you can. Notes: One of the first Kylux fics, and one of the best. Their relationship is just so real here.
London Calling by SectoBoss - Overwatch/WidowTracer - Recaptured by Overwatch, Widowmaker is sent on a mission to assassinate a high-ranking Talon agent in London. It should be an easy mission – get in, take the shot, and leave. But when Tracer’s your getaway pilot a lot of things can go wrong, and things like 'subtlety' and 'discretion' tend to be the first casualties. Now, lying low after the mission goes awry, the pair of them have to survive in the city until Overwatch can get them home. Notes: Written when OW was in its heyday. And before the fandom was qqqquite as bad as it became. A WidowTracer case!fic, with Amelie as the reluctant good guy, which is always the best trope and I don’t take concrit on this point.
To the Victor, The Spoil by Annakovsky - Hunger Games/Haymitch/Katniss - No berries, no mockingjay, no rebellion. Katniss killed Peeta in the arena, and now she has to live with herself like every other victor. Notes: An old fandom, an older fic, back in the day when nobody complained about fucked up dark!fic. And fucked up dark!fic this is. Rape, age gap, age gap rape, Katniss losing all hope about the future, etc. But damn, it’s good.
The Want of You by MKK - Star Trek/Garashir - Julian Bashir is not quite sure yet about his feelings toward his enigmatic new friend Elim Garak. So when they both show symptoms of a mysterious illness, it seems they'll now have more time apart to ponder the future of the relationship. Their symptoms worsen, however, and to their shock, they discover there's only one way to effectively and inexplicably ease the pain: getting physically closer and closer - and closer. Notes: A forced bonding!fic where Bashir doesn’t actually know Garak all that well. As in, set very early in the canon. Very early. Which is my favourite way to read this beloved trope, because the whole fun of it (imho) is characters who barely have a grasp on each other’s personalities being forced to learn them.
Timeshare by astolat - Harry Potter/Drarry - “It’s not for long,” Hermione said. “By the time we get back to Hogwarts, the Unfettering Brew will be ready.”//“Listen to you!” Ron said. “He’s got to get through a month with the Dursleys and a month at Malfoy Manor. With Draco Malfoy.”//“Yeah, thanks,” Harry said, because he hadn’t just spent the last week contemplating just how much more horrible his summer holidays were about to be than they’d ever been before. Notes: Another forced bonding!fic, this time by AO3’s own founder. I love it. I love it, I love it, I love it. Their interactions here are perfect.
Speaking of Drarry, here’s a Veela!Draco fic I’ve recced before, but I don’t believe was in the original masterpost.
Talk to Me by Saras_Girl - Harry Potter/Drarry - When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story. Notes: Harry is temporarily deaf and blind thanks to a misaimed spell. Draco takes care of him, in secret. Identity porn at its best.
Semaphore by DevilDoll - MCU/Stony - "I’m trying to like you, Tony. You’re just making it very hard." Notes: I wanted to rec another OG. One of the first Stony fics in the MCU, and still one of the best. It holds up very, very well and is worth a read if, by some miracle, you haven’t already.
Prisoner’s Dilemma by AvocadoLove - MCU/Stony - After taking the airplane down in the Arctic, Steve wakes to find himself imprisoned as a human test subject. With no idea where in the world he is, his only ally is a fast-talking inventor in the cell next door. Something’s off about Tony that Steve can’t put his finger on, and it’s obvious Tony doesn't fully trust him either. But to escape they may not have a choice… Notes: IDENTITY PORN! And it’s by an author I adore. AvocadoLove has pioneered the MCU MattFoggy fandom, and also donated their efforts and words to Stony. It’s the best. And it’s canon divergence! Which is another favourite trope, and one I can’t ever seem to stop writing myself. I have a lot of appreciation for it.
Speaking of MattFoggy, all of theapplepielifestyle’s works for the pairing are amazing. And all of their works in general.
Belief Space by magicasen - Marvel 616/Stony - The Time Gem appears not when it is wanted, but when it is needed. Steve learns this the hard way.//(Or: an Infinity #6 AU where Thane refuses his birthright and the Avengers are doomed - until the Time Gem shows up within Captain America's grasp.) Notes: A 616!Stony fic, if you’re craving something in the comics rather than the movies. Still with Civil War angst and Stony angry tension, just this time it’s even more painful, because their friendship in the comics!verse was beautiful and their fallout even more devastating.
This time tomorrow (where were we?) by dorcas_gustine - Marvel 616/Stony - Tony goes to see Wanda, and suddenly Steve is alive and there are Skrulls! Or maybe Tony is just going crazy. Nothing happens in this fic, until the very end. Seriously. There's a lot of talking, mostly at inopportune moments, Tony's views on the acceptable gifts to give people are slightly different from everyone else's and he spends more time than would seem necessary being (half-)naked. What else is new? Notes: More 616 for your Stony needs! Tony time travels into a word pre-Secret Invasion and decides to fix things his damn self.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter (Zimario) - MCU/Stucky - “They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.//Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—//“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”//Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.” Notes: TWS Identity Porn!AU. Gore, given that the Winter Soldier’s mask is literally stuck to his face. But it’s excellent.
Simple by Osidiano - MCU/Stucky - Written for the capkink meme; "To the Winter Soldier, there are basically three kinds of people in the world: superiors, mission support, and targets. He doesn't have the context to understand things like friendship. So what he sees in the Smithsonian exhibit and what little he remembers or feels about his past, he interprets in that light. He thinks that Steve must have been his handler during World War II. That the reason he couldn't kill Steve and the reason he was smiling in the museum photos was because Steve was a good superior who treated him well (or at least didn't hurt him like Pierce and Rumlow, which to him might be the best he can imagine).//Thinking he understands the situation, he decides to report to Steve. Cue misunderstandings, confusion, and heartache for both of them." Notes: Bucky taking a while to snap out of TWS mode is one of my favourite tropes. This fic executes it perfectly.
Bridge Over Troubled Water by soniclipstick (veriscence) - MCU/Stuckony/Phlint - Ultron is destroyed, the Avengers are in disarray, and the Winter Soldier is still in the wind. Steve knows that he has to fix the ever-growing ocean of distrust between Tony and himself, so he takes a leap of faith and tasks Tony with the most important thing: finding Bucky Barnes. But it takes a pair of sexy but stolen hand warmers, several robots, Hawkeye and countless selfies before Steve realises the immensity of what he's set into motion. Notes: I would die for Stuckony as a ship. It’s one of my favourites to read and to write, and this fic here encapsulates it quite frankly in the best way. 
Strange New Worlds by Leletha - Supernatural/Destiel/Sabriel - AU…THE FUTURE: Humanity survives everything, spreads to the stars, and finds it needs to know where it can land. Enter interplanetary explorers Sam and Dean Winchester…and sentient starships Gabriel and Castiel. Then ships and crews start disappearing out in the black and, as usual, all goes straight to hell. Notes: I corresponded with Le’letha when they originally wrote this fic, and my love for it has only grown in the years since. Sci-fi mystery, yes. Dude, Castiel is a sentient spaceship. That itself is premise enough.
In His Image by Anonymous - Supernatural/Sabriel - Kali can breathe life back into a corpse, but what exactly is Gabriel now? Gabriel flits around various centuries trying to work that out, Dean has another powered-down angel and a little brother to look out for, Castiel has forgotten how to trust, and someone keeps sending Sam annoying little notes on his laptop. Oh, and Bobby would like to remind you all that there’s an Apocalypse still going on. Covers season 5 from Gabriel’s death to the finale. Notes: My favourite Sabriel fic. God only knows why the author abandoned it. I have their original name, but it doesn’t feel right to reveal it when they made the conscious choice to anonymise. Let me just say that they were a favourite of mine.
If You Were the Last Woman on Earth by Vali - Doctor Who/Thoschei (Twissy) - Just because your best enemy accidentally destroyed planet Earth is no reason to refuse her hospitality. Written for the Only One Bed fanfic challenge. Notes: That last note doesn’t even begin to cover how wonderful this fic is. Tropes are irrelevant, this captures them perfectly. Still one of my fav ever Thoschei fics. Now just get me one where The Master calls our titular hero Theta Cubed Sigma Ex Squared Lungbarrow, please.
A Wealth of Sorrows by evelynwaaaaah - Dragon Age/Solavellan - Things are getting back to normal in Skyhold now that Corypheus is gone. Until the Inquisitor collapses in mid-conversation.  Notes: Solavellan is still a ship I would die for. This fic will make you ship it, if the game didn’t already. And this is coming from someone who romanced Cullen on my first playthrough.
Reclamation by copperbadge - Harry Potter/Background Jily and Wolfstar - In an alternate universe, one man still struggles with a moral decision made many years before. Notes: What if Tom Marvolo Riddle wasn’t quite the same maniac of the canon!verse and was accepted to the position of DADA professor? By the esteemed copperbadge.
Truth and Illusion by penny_dreadful - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica/MadoHomu/KyoSaya - “I’ve, um, been dreaming.” She closes her eyes because it’s easier to ignore Mami and Homura’s stares. “In, in my dream I’m still in bed, but I-I’m not alone, Sayaka’s next to me but she’s not breathing, she’s—”//She’s pale and cold and pretty in the same way the stained glass windows of Kyoko’s father’s church are pretty and she’s lying so still she can’t be anything but dead. But in her dream Kyoko still curls around her, soul gem in hand, keeping her warm, keeping her safe—//“—she’s dead, I didn’t even know her that well and she’s dead and in my dream I’m so, I’m scared that there’s nothing I can do.” She opens her eyes. “But there really is nothing I can do. She’s already gone, and we left her there.” She stares hard at her hands. “We weren’t really even friends.” Notes: Not really a fix-it for MadoHomu, but certainly one for SayaKyo. Homura does more spacetime bullshit. Kyouko remembers.
I think that should cover it for now! That took me ageeeees, and I have games to go waste my life on and fics to write now lmao. Let me know if you want a third installment!
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Beware: do not consume the following post in the belief that there’s a point being made with it or like. Any real reason to it whatsoever. LOL. Just something I’ve been pondering.
So, its interesting to me that there’s such a lack of fics about Bruce raising his kids with a partner. And by interesting I mean just that, lol....I’m not trying to imply anything, I’ve no specific opinions or conclusions on that myself, I’m just...thinking about it lately.
Literally just that. That I’m kinda intrigued by how rarely I see fics where Bruce has a co-parent that his kids would equally deem as much their parent as Bruce himself. There’s plenty of Bruce ship fics, with various of his children usually playing fairly large roles in the fics rather than it just being about Bruce and his ship partner. But not a lot that pursue or at least show that relationship through to the point where they’re effectively a co-parenting team rather than like...Bruce and his kids, plus Bruce’s new partner who likes his kids well enough but doesn’t really feel its their place to parent them.
There are a number of Batcat AUs where Bruce and Selina have a pretty established relationship from fairly early on in the timeline, but in general, most of them tend to have her take a pretty hands-off approach to the kids. They’re still pretty much viewed as Bruce’s kids. While she’s someone they might come to when they need to vent about Bruce and want a sympathetic ear, she’s not really front and center making the child-rearing decisions alongside Bruce. (In a lot of the ones I can think of, she usually doesn’t even officially live in the Manor herself, she’s more just a strong presence who will still leave to return to her own space when things get too chaotic around the house). 
And even in fics where she and Bruce marry, she’s usually written as the stepmother to his kids rather than....hmm, I don’t mean to come across as disparaging of step-parents or to imply that they can’t be just as fully a parent to a child as any biological or adoptive parent. 
Let me put it this way. Just to clarify, when singling out Selina, Clark and Talia as step-parents in fics I’m generalizing about here, the thing I’m really trying to get at is like....for instance, you might see plenty of Selina having a positive relationship with the Batkids, but you rarely see her being like...equally involved in the decision to adopt any of the kids. Either because they’ve all already been adopted, or the fic is set in a window where whichever kids are present have already been present in Bruce’s life when she officially begins a relationship with him, and the fic ends before any of the later kids come into his life. 
And same thing with Bruce’s other partners I refer to in this post. Like, there’s plenty of fics where you can certainly assume that after the conclusion of the fic, any later kids to come into their lives, Bruce and his partner/spouse decide to take in together, are equally invested in giving them a home and a family, etc....I literally just mean, this isn’t something you usually SEE in any of these fics, which is part of what I find interesting and have been kinda musing on.
Anyway. Then there are a good number of Superbat fics, that usually diverge from canon before Clark ever starts forming a family with Lois, but retaining all the Batkids. My assumption is this is because the Batkids as a family unit are more established and still the ‘preferred’ family overall, and if you feel you have to pick and choose because say, you have trouble picturing or don’t want to write Tim and Kon and Jon and Damian as stepbrothers, etc, then I can understand why a writer would go that route. 
But what’s interesting to me here is the way most of these are set timewise....there’s a number I can think of that have Bruce and Clark get together early on, when Dick is still Bruce’s only kid...but by and large, these ones almost always end when Bruce and Clark officially get together. Like, there may be plenty of Clark and Dick bonding scenes, but the fics themselves don’t normally progress past that ‘finally getting together’ resolution, so there’s no real delving into Bruce and Clark as actual co-parents for Dick and then the later kids. 
And then on the other side of things, there’s a lot of Superbat fics I know of where Bruce and Clark only get together at a point comparable to ‘current’ canon. Where basically all Bruce’s kids are already present, Dick, Jason and Cass at least are all adults and living on their own, usually Tim as well, and so of course, they’re all very much Bruce’s kids by the time Clark even comes into the picture. Their child-rearing officially done and over with, so even when Clark eventually becomes the cool approachable stepdad or whatever, again, its that angle where he’s involved, but it wouldn’t really be accurate to describe him as a full co-parent with Bruce.
(As far as Bruce/Clark goes, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Superbat fic that has them get together at some point in the middle of Bruce’s.....umm...child acquisition period, let’s call it. LOL. I just mean, there’s not really any fics I can think of where Bruce’s kids only include Dick and Jason so far, etc. Again, it tends to either be early on, when Dick is really young, or ‘contemporary’, where all the kids are around.)
Similar to the Superbat take is the BatLantern. I’ve seen a few of these, and again, you tend to see Hal and Bruce get together when Bruce has all his kids already and most of them are fully grown, or early on when its still just Dick. Actually, as opposed to Superbat, I think I have come across one Batlantern fic that was set when Dick was Nightwing and Jason was Robin, but that was it. However, there’s possibly a bunch of Batlanterns I haven’t even looked at, as I’m uh....not a Hal fan, so who knows what I’ve skipped over there. *Shrugs* 
And then we’ve got Bruce and Talia fics, which.....I confess aren’t my favorite, as my general impression of fics that have them officially get together, live together, the whole nine yards, is that pretty much all the ones I’ve come across tend to heavily prioritize Jason and Damian as ‘their’ kids, and Dick and Tim are usually just kinda...there, or more often than not, the antagonistic foils/sources of family drama. Which. Umm. Not my thing, obviously. 
And interestingly, a lot of Bruce/Talia fics I can think of, where they live and raise the kids together, like....there’s a lot of them that are full AUs, even No Capes/No Powers AUs, at least relative to how often Bruce’s other big ships go the No Capes route. My personal assumption there is because its the easiest way to separate Talia from being heavily associated with the League, even just in the fic’s past, whereas with Selina, Clark, etc, there’s less of a narrative concern how their comic-book pasts/origins might affect a relationship with Bruce and his kids. Who knows if I’m in the right direction there or not, its honestly just my gut theory, and doesn’t really matter, its just something I find interesting and worth noting.
But even in the full AUs here, even ones where Bruce and Talia are married, she’s largely written as the stepmother to his kids rather than someone who was already there and present as a co-parent throughout various kids’ adoptions or fosterings. Often she’ll be written as particularly close to Jason, or with a soft spot for him, but it tends to be kinda a ‘he’s her favorite of Bruce’s kids, aside from Damian, who is of course as much her kid as he is Bruce’s.’ 
Granted, there are some Bruce/Talia fics I’ve seen that come the closest to what I’d describe as them being full co-parents to several of the kids from the start of whenever they meet those kids in the fic. But lol, again, I’m not really a good source for delving into the specifics of those fics, as the ones I’ve come across IMO tend to prioritize getting Talia more involved early enough that Jason’s ‘hers’ as much as Bruce’s, and uh, most I’m familiar with aren’t too complimentary to Dick, who takes the role of the rude, resentful holdout who dislikes his wicked stepmother from the word go...which is when I usually go too, lol, so I can’t really claim to know how those fics handle later arrivals like Tim and Cass. But with maybe only one exception, I definitely don’t think I’ve ever seen a fic that tried to tackle Bruce and Talia co-parenting Dick as much as any of the others. Even the full AU fics where Dick doesn’t have his canon reasons for disliking/distrusting Talia, lol.
Anyway, that’s it, basically. That’s the post, the train of thought I’ve been pondering, though to what end...eh, I’ve got no clue. I rarely do, though. So, just putting it out there in case this is of interest to anyone else for any reason, lol. Hell, its not even that I particularly would like to see more fics of this vein myself - I’m honestly just not a huge Bruce shipper....I don’t honestly think I have a preference for any of his bigger ships, beyond just....disliking Hal, and refusing to give Morrison’s take on Talia (or on Damian’s conception) the time of day. Ugh. Morrison. Eww. Why is he. Just. Anyway.
Actually! One last interesting (to me) thought, lol....now that I’ve written this whole post and processed it, I can think of literally one and only one fic that I would describe as the Batkids being taken in and raised equally by Bruce and a co-parent....and the bizarre thing is its a Nolan-verse fic. The bizarre part is I hate the Nolan trilogy, like, with an intensity that burns like no other (look I know I say that a lot, and about a lot of things, but I swear its almost always true). 
Anyway, literally the only thing I like about the Nolan trilogy is I have a soft spot for Hathaway’s portrayal of Selina. Which is pretty much the only reason I ever read this one fic where after the third movie, Bruce and Selina ‘start over’ in Europe and end up taking in and raising Nolan-verse versions of Dick, then Jason and then Tim together. Its actually a pretty damn compelling Selina, and I found the boys and their dynamic completely adorable, so I mean, not like that was the point of this post but its worth a read IMO. I know I have it on my bookmarks page and shouldn’t be too hard to find as its literally the only Nolan-verse fic on there, lol. 
(Also, it was written over ten years ago, I’m pretty sure, which is why its just those three kids.....Damian hadn’t even been created yet at the time, and the author’s non-movie Batfam knowledge was mostly cartoon based, which is why Cass wasn’t present, which was pretty much my only complaint about the fic from what I recall).
Anyway, that’s it, that’s the post. These are my thoughts, I’m all done with them so here, you can have them.
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evilpixiea · 6 years
Have you read "The Wedding" issue by any chance? I've been shipping Superbat for years but somehow the "If you make Bruce happy, you kill Batman" message, so beautifully and tragically written, really shook me. It's always kind of bothered me about shipping Bruce with anyone, that he most likely wouldn't allow himself to be happy anyway and if he did he wouldn't be the same man anymore, consumed by his pain, bringing justice being his singular goal in life. What are your thoughts on this?
This is a great question, anon.
However, if I am being honest, I disagree with the underlying message in comics like The Wedding. While I did like that comic, and agree it was beautifully written, I think that the idea that Bruce can’t be happy and be Batman is... lazy.
I think it cheapens Bruce as a character, cheapens Batman as a concept, and plays into some pretty shitty tropes about women. Namely, that women have to fix men and that men can’t be cool or fun anymore when they’re in a relationship with women. 
And while I can forgive The Wedding because it was well written, because comics have a strict page limit, and because they do always have to return to the status quo, this is an idea that has been used again and again in Batman stories, including in media that wasn’t created under those same constraints.
The Dark Knight Rises springs to mind.
Now, I know a lot of fans are probably going to disagree with me, and that’s fine. But I prefer to think Bruce is more a complex being than that. I also think Batman is more than just a manifestation of Bruce’s ongoing grief and pain.
Rather, I think Batman is about justice. Or rather, the violation of justice. It began when Bruce was a boy with the murder of his parents but it didn’t stop there. That event just made Bruce personally involved and aware of what crime does to people... and how unfair it is. I think that sense of fairness, and of wanting to make things right, or at least better, is what inspired Batman and is what fuels him.
It’s not ‘my parents are dead and I’m still suffering so much from that I beat up bad guys’. It’s ‘I was left alone and frightened and I don’t want that to happen anymore, I want the murderers to be frightened, not kids coming out of movie theatres. I want the world to be right... and I know it can never be... but I want that so bad that I’m going to keep doing this until it kills me...’
So, yes, there is still that tragic element, and I think Bruce does still grieve for his parents and suffer a lot because of that... but I think Batman is about justice, not grief. I think the revenge Bruce is enacting isn’t about his personal tragedy, but about the existence of wrong in the world. I think, even though he knows he’s fighting a hopeless war, Bruce is a man with such a strong sense of fairness and justice that he can’t sit back and ignore what’s happening in his city, on his planet, in his world.
Even if he is happy, even if he is in a relationship, he can’t ignore that.
And that is why the ending of The Dark Knight Rises bothers me so much. Because Bruce just putting down the cowl and leaving Gotham because he’s got a sexy lady... it feel like a betrayal of his character. He isn’t doing this because he’s single and sad... he’s doing this because it’s the right thing to do.
And, I would also like to point out... relationships aren’t a ‘cure all’ for sadness and (in Bruce’s case perhaps) mental illness. Even if he is in a relationship I don’t think it would stop those feelings of grief, of anger, and of justice. Even if he was happy I still think he would feel those. Again, he’s a complex character, with complex motives, and a really dark twisted pathos.
It’s very simplistic (I think) to just say Bruce is a mask, or Bruce must suffer for Batman to live, or any of those things. I think he’s much more interesting character than that.
Now, I know this is a very long and boring post already, but I just briefly wanted to touch on Superbat because you mentioned that you were a Superbat shipper.
One of the reasons why I personally really like Superbat is Clark also has a very strong sense of justice and empathy. It manifests in different ways, Bruce wants to make the world fair, and is waging a war of vengeance against unfairness, and crime in particular... while Clark wants to help people because he can.
That outward difference I think is what causes their initial clashes... but when they get to know each other the similarities between them is what causes the deepness of their respect and friendship... and perhaps other ‘ship’ as well.
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terresdebrume · 6 years
2018: the take out
So we’ve just passed the ‘mid-december’ point and Tumblr is shooting itself in the foot with more enthusiasm than ever and maybe the internet will catch in flames in the near future, which is making me think about the good times I’ve had on the internet in the past, which I guess makes today as good a time as any to get to work on my semi-traditional end-of-year-ish post.
Also it’s not like I’ll be able to take a nap now that not two but three neighboring buildings have decided to put on music at Cambodian/unreasonable volumes, so I might as well do this and then try to get some writing done on the Superbat fic thing.
So, tumblr. I know it’s gotten popular and common to hate on the site (both the management of it and the userbase, it seems) and while I’m not about to deny there are a lot of Issues on this site, as there are on every corner of the internet, I’ve also not really been shy about saying that it’s not a trend I’ve ever really felt like joining because… well, because, to be frank, I’ve always had more good times than bad, around there. Maybe I’m just lucky, maybe I’m making a more liberal than average use of the block button, I don’t know, but the fact remains that tumblr has for the most part, been a great place for me.
I joined tumblr in 2011 the first time around, just in time for the Great MCU Madness to begin (also the Destiel vs. Wincest Debate over in the SPN fandom. That was a wild ride) and the largest wave of Tom Hiddleston love. More importantly, in the middle of obsessing about TV shows because it was better than contemplate how utterly miserable I was at the time, I discovered so many things about myself and about the world around me.
Tumblr, or at least the portion of tumblr I see on my dash, taught me so many things. It taught me about queer issues and that it was alright to feel gay and to admit that the word probably applied to me. It taught me about racism and how insidious it is, how I’ve done and said racist things and how to change that. Tumblr taught me about depression and anxiety and helped find tools to deal with those as best as I could without having access to therapy, and that improved my life considerably. I made friends who were so invaluably precious to me though time, even if we lost touch later.
Tumblr was the place where I learned what transgender meant. Where I learned that it was okay t be me and that I didn’t have to wait to want to hack my chest off with a knife or any of the other cheerful images we’re presented with as the ‘trans baseline’ before I was allowed to call myself trans (sidenote: not that there’s anything wrong with being someone who feels like that, I just needed to know that this isn’t the only possible story).
Tumblr is a place where I am consistently reminded that there are awesome people in the world who understand and support me and that is invaluable and most of the reason why I’m sort of sad to let it go BUT this year was also great in that it was one more year where I got to build a community of people whom I care about and who care about me and who accept me the way that I am!
It’s still kind of a novelty sometimes, and I don’t think I’ll ever be completely safe from the occasional bout of depressed thinking that makes everything sound so much bleaker than it really is during which I would, possibly, convince myself Cambodia is not for me but right now… right now it feels great. It feels like the place where I’m living the best life I’ve ever lived, and I don’t know how I’ll feel about it in the future but I’ll always have the past two years to look back on with happy memories and that’s a good and reassuring thing to know.
I mean, sure, this year was rough. After the friends-and-workplace drama of last year that took completely ridiculous proportions and influenced things up until we got new colleagues in September (ish? Maybe more like October), I got to deal with my own, personal, post-coming out drama! Yay! \o/
Obviously, not so yay. My sister more or less stopped talking to me because I refused to go and get therapy to assuage her issues and/or listen to things she would have been better off sharing with a therapist in my opinion. Also because the fact that she once told off a friend for using my preferred name put a significant damper on my willingness to believe she was just processing things slowly as opposed to being transphobic.
I officially cut ties with my father after his spectacularly hurtful but also spectacularly unsurprising response to the whole thing, and his subsequent responses to my trying to explain things… surprisingly enough, I didn’t take it well when he tried to blame it all off on my mother/my mother’s family and then tell me how to act toward them instead of accepting me for who I am or acknowledging that he made mistakes. I mean, obviously so did I and maybe we’re too similar sometimes, I don’t know. Anyway, he and I cut ties and I don’t think that’s going to be hard to maintain until his birthday comes around and I have to weigh out how much refraining from sending him birthday wishes will cost me vs. how much being deadnamed will cost me. But that’s a problem for 2019!me. The rest of it was… well, mostly an official acknowledgment of something that started a long time ago so either it doesn’t hurt that much or I have yet to realize what all of this means but so far I’m actually not feeling terrible about it, which is always a plus.
I...actually think I did a lot of personal growth this year? I don’t know if it’s in the right direction, and I’m still undecided about a lot of things (more than a year on and I still haven’t started any official transition process which, even if it’s not a race or something to be done according to what I think I ‘should’ do still bothers me. (In parts because it makes my feelings about genders even more complicated and in other parts because I don’t like that I feel like it makes me look undecided which is...probably a topic best left to a self therapy post at some point.)) but I feel like I’ve finally turned a page in my life this year, and not just because I’ve finally gotten closure on my longest-standing writing project, even if it was to abandon it x)
My mental health has never been that good, even through all the family drama. I seriously cannot remember a time in my life where I felt this completely okay about myself and about my life, and I’m not going to pretend I wouldn’t have liked the chance to get there without all the hassles and drama, I would also be lying if I said I’m willing to relinquish that for anything in the world. I like where I am now. I like that I’m better at keeping in touch with people, that I’m better at sharing how I feel (even though I’m afraid I over share sometimes) that I feel less scared about the future. I’m glad that I found the courage to ask my crush out instead of just waiting for it to die the way I used to do (yes, even if he turned out to have a long-term SO hidden away and mentioning her could have spared us both a really awkward conversation). I’m glad that I’m learning to gently correct people when they use the wrong pronouns for me.
I’m glad I’ve gotten this far at all, really.
It’s...strange, actually. To have that positive an end-of-year post for the second time in a row? Obviously, it’s a good weird but it is still weird. I’m not used to this, but I’m ready and willing to keep going this way despite the things I feel I could and should have done better (I can always try to do better next time, right?). I mean, I finally have a life that I like enough to put effort in keeping it together, and that’s worth being happy about no matter what else is going on.
So, yeah, 2018 was shit, politically, and the beginnings of 2019 aren’t looking like they’ll be much better from what information I get from France, but personally speaking, 2018 has been pretty good for me on average, and I’m hoping 2019 will continue the trend.
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands Day 14 - Turrow Day 15 - Ironwidow Day 16 - Sheriarty Day 17 - Winteriron Day 18 - Wolfstar Day 19 - Phlint Day 20 - Sterek Day 21 - Winterfalcon Day 22 - Spirk
Day 22 - Spirk
James looks around and groans. Why are there so many planets, who have such a terrible and especially cold winter. It’s the third planet in row, that they discover and here is so much snow as well. James hates it.
„Captain?“ Spock asks and then stands next to him. James look in the other direction, but he can’t see anything else than snow.
„Maybe we try this way.“ James says and he puts on some gloves. He also searches for a thick beanie and a scarf, because he is already freezing right now.
„Captain, do you need more people to come with you?“ Scotty asks and shudders already, even though he is technically still in the Enterprise. James sighs and looks back at Spock.
„Nobody. Spock and I are going alone.“ He knows the crew is tired and everybody wants Christmas to spend at home. If this planet is peaceful or even uninhabited, then they all could go home and spend Christmas with their family. Well James would spend it alone, but you know.
„Are you sure, Captain?“ Spock asks and James nods. Well actually he isn’t sure. He would preferred to go with someone different, but Spock is the one, who is still the fittest. So they would make it work.
„Ready, Spock?“ James asks and without waiting for an answer, he already starts walking. He can hear Spock behind him, but he doesn’t look back. The last few months were hard for all of them and James is very thankful for his wonderful team.
He even stopped fighting with Spock and they became …close friends. And there is the problem. James wants Spock to be more. He was unsure at first, but after Spock ended things with Uhura, he… he couldn’t think of anything else. He wishes Spock could see that, too.
„What do you think? 30 Minutes and then we go back?“ James asks and looks back at Spock. Who looks a bit..unwell.
„Sure, Captain.“ Spock says and even his voice, doesn’t sound so good. James stops and turns completely around. Spock watches him silently and doesn’t seem to know what’s wrong.
„Are you okay?“ James asks and he worries already. What if Spock is ill? What if he is dying and James can’t do anything out here and…
„Of course.“ Spock says then and his teeth chatter. James raises both eyebrows and Spock looks just as surprised about his own behavior. James wants to laughs, because Spock normally doesn’t show his emotions, but James can see them clearly now. His stomach flutters at the thought.
„You sure?“ James asks grinning, because now he knows what’s wrong.
„Yes.“ Spock says and he starts shivering. No wonder. He wears a jacket at least, but nothing more. HIs pointy ears must be so cold, James can’t help it. He chuckles.
„I think - you are cold. Very cold.“ James says slowly and Spock tries to keep his emotions at bay this time. It doesn’t work at all, but it looks adorable.
„Even if I was, we couldn’t change anything about my situation now.“ Spock says and he tries to get around James, so they would start walking again. James knows even if Spock would be running right now, he is already way too cold and would get ill, if they don’t change that.
„Oh yes we can.“ James says and he takes off his gloves and holds them out for Spock.
„No.“ Spock says, when he understands what James wants to do. But James just rolls his eyes and throws the gloves into the snow, right in front of Spock.
„Good. Well then nobody from us will wear them.“ James says and Spock huffs at that. James grins and starts walking again. After ten steps he glances back and sees that Spock wears the gloves. Step 1: success.
„This is childish.“ Spock says anyway and James grins. He turns around again and takes his beanie off. He holds it out for Spock. This time he just takes it and he even smiles a bit, when the beanie covers his ears. James blushes, when he thinks about Spock wearing his clothes.
Spock looks cute in the beanie and James grins again.
„You should definitely keep that. You look good.“ James whispers and Spock has this surprised look on his face again. James likes it a lot actually.
„Thank you.“ Spock says so seriously and honest, that James laughs again. He also takes his scarf off and comes closer. He is the one, that puts the scarf around Spock’s neck. They are dangerously close now.
„I mean it.“ James whispers again and … just one step and he would be close enough to kiss Spock. James shakes his head a bit and then goes several steps back. He winks at Spock, before he starts walking even faster.
Oh no. What did he do. What if there friendship would be destroyed now?
His real name makes him stop. Spock never uses his real name, unless it’s something important. He can feel that Spock is directly behind him.
„Spock?“ He asks back, just to buy some time. Spock waits a few seconds to answer.
„What… if I’m still cold?“ Spock asks and James laughs loudly. Is Spock flirting with him? Is he flirting back?
„Well I heard kissing warms people up.“ James says and he is smirking now. Spock pulls a bit at his sleeve and James turns towards him.
„You heard that, yeah? Then I think we should try it. “ Spock whispers and James’ brain just stops thinking. So he does what he wants for months now. He takes the last step and kisses Spock. He even holds onto his own scarf, that still around Spock’s neck. And it’s perfect.
It’s only because Spock is cold, of course.
Hopefully they find even more planets, that are buried in snow.
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squirrelwrangler · 7 years
yavieriel replied to your post: One of my favorite posts is still when @crocordile...
I was just in it for Batman rescuing Superman from being tortured on Apokalipse
Well, that sort of happens in the animated JL movie, so yeah. DCEU version....ugh mixed to poor feelings about how so much of that film was executed. Well, the terrible reshoots and reworking of the script. But SuperBat fans who don’t mind MCU cheese could find many moments to cheer.
So yeah... ....”I don’t ...not like you.”.... *rolls eyes*
We’ve already had the discussions of how I strongly dislike treating Clark and Bruce as archetypes instead of very human characters (and how that’s what appeals to you - we could not be diametrically opposed.) I won’t say SuperBat is my strongest NoTP in DC. Maybe into my list of the top five DC Comics NoTPs.  That relationship as something romantic or as a relationship weighing more than their personal canon strongest relationships ties -Lois and Robins respectively- is a very strong turn-off for me. The Superman story revolves around a few things and the romance with Lois Lane is probably the most central and the reason I am interested in his character, whereas it’s canon that Bruce Wayne would pick up a gun for Dick Grayson and argued against the destruction of the DC universe because of the goodness of Dick (and not Clark) - and anyways, I’m not here for Bruce really but for his children, especially his second son ;) SuperBat feels like loosing all of these reasons to care about either character for something meh.
Don’t mind the parts of Hush, or like the most recent Batman issue where their friendship and the closeness or strain of it and how they do fit complementary but opposing heroic types, that has Supes and Bats together. But I prefer canon stories that don’t depend on a closeness between them. Now Jonathon Kent and Damian having a book together and having their friendship as something central to their characters? No problem. Me like. Bring on the Super-sons.
But as said, a good portion of the fan reaction to recent JL movie was focusing on SuperBats stuff. *shrugs*
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circuitboardskinarc · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?:  terry/dana dana/terry ...what other otp can i even have?? no, but really there’s a lacking amount of characters to ship him with. melanie is alright, and i could be persuaded, but i don’t really ship’em. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?:  Anything pretty much. I’m not too bothered by most things. If it’s negative or toxic though, it’s not meant to be written in any kind of positive light. But if it’s in character that say, they would hook up with someone that’s not good for them, i’ll write it. I do prefer to write good ships, though, and the toxic or dark ones are meant to be short-lived. 
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: uh. no underage obviously (im talking about you know adults adults, not like 18 y/o and 17 y/o or something). anyway! ummm but...hm. i guess like 10 + years is weird to me... 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Yeah, a bit. I get attached to certain characters and their relationship with mine, and I tend not to end up writing with others, especially if Im shipping with them. but to be clearer, it is hard to get chemistry going, i guess. so yeah. and this muse is....super difficult LOL. 
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: uhh once things start moving below the belt ?
cricket chirP
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: if it happens gradually, it’s fine, but do mention it because it’s easy to be mistaken.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: i like having one or two ships and focusing on those tbh.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?:  definitely not obsessed.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: mm. that’s not with terry? superbat. i also have a soft spot for clex, but i dont see it much.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: we gotta write together and figure out if our characters fit. 
Tagged by: @flashgotthis 
Tagging: nah nah nah go for it have fun tag me ill read it
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superbataddicted · 5 years
Fictober 19 (Prompt 11)
Prompt 11: “It's not always like this.”
Rating: General Audience (Fun & Fluff, Movie Night, M/M)
Fandom: Superbat, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Superman/Batman
Writer: batzmaru65
(Posted on AO3. And if you prefer to read it there, here's the link.)
“It’s not always like this,” Bruce murmured, pausing at the doorway to take in the sight.
Alfred, who happened to be bringing in a fresh bowl of popcorn, heard him and paused besides him.
“Yes, Master Bruce, it’s never like this, not even when Mr and Mrs Wayne were still around.”
A smile graced Bruce’s face, soft, nostalgic and with a tinge of sadness. His parents, especially his mom, loved kids. They had planned to have a bunch but his mom’s health had not been ideal and after having him (with much difficulty), the doctors had advised her not to try for a second one. They were actually considering adoption when Bruce turned eight but then...
Alfred patted Bruce’s shoulder, knowing what was going through his young charge’s mind. He then stepped into the room which was once a portrait gallery but now a home theatre. A huge screen took up the far wall on which a movie was playing and whose title Bruce could not quite recall. Was it Start Wars or Star Wars? Anyway, Bruce had never seen it. In fact, he had not watched any movies since his parents died. At first, it was because of the trauma but later it became a lifestyle he did not desire, preferring to devote his time to being the Dark Knight of Gotham.
So when his husband and his children found out, they were shocked. And what was even more appalling was the fact that Damian was just like Bruce in this aspect.
“No wonder both of you are so so...unimaginative.”
Bruce smiled again, brighter and happier this time, remembering the words Clark had blurted out upon knowing the truth. Damian had immediately threatened to bury him in kryptonite while he himself had bristled in anger and then gotten into a fight with him. Luckily, it did not last long, not with Clark being very good at makeup sex.  
But the matter did not end there. Spurred by a determination to introduce the world of cinematic make-believe to the two of them, Clark started a new tradition in the Wayne Manor – family movie nights. Unfortunately, it was easier said than done. His first few attempts failed terribly. There were disruptions with either one or more or all of them called away to combat threats or fight villains. And even if they were not busy with their responsibilities, the family had their fair share of quarrels and strife and someone would refuse to be in the same room as someone else.
When they finally made it together for the first time, months ago, the experience had not been too bad. Other than the squabble in the beginning over what to watch and who sits where, the movie night turned out well. Clark was beaming with pride when it ended and Bruce surprisingly, found that he quite enjoyed it. But the greatest treat was watching Damian gaped in child-like wonder as vehicles transformed into robots with the kind of dramatic fanfare that only CG could deliver.
Bruce cast his eyes round the room once again, never tired of the view – Jason sitting on the floor, leaning against the armchair where Dick sat with Damian curled up against him. The girls were huddled on a couch, sharing a blanket and giggling mysteriously whenever an actress with intricate bun-up hair appeared. Tim had fallen asleep in a recliner, Alfred was in yet another armchair next to him and above the doorway hung the portraits of his parents, having the so-called ‘best seats in the house’ (Clark’s words).
“Hey, what are you doing over here?” Clark had snuck out of their loveseat, sliding an arm round his waist, drawing Bruce closer so as to whisper in his ear.
Bruce looked up at his husband and suddenly kissed him.
“Thank you.”
Clark arched an eyebrow before he leaned in and kissed his husband, their lips lingering against each other until someone interrupted them.
“Either watch the movie or go back to your room!”
Damian yelled and threw a fistful of popcorn in their direction. However, the fluffy little bits were too lightweight to fly far and most dropped down on Jason instead.
Jason shouted and he grabbed his own handful to fling back at his youngest brother. Dick got smacked in the face instead, Damian’s quick reflexes had him rolling off his eldest brother, escaping in the nick of time.
“Why you...!”
Dick seized the bowl and upended the entire contents over Jason. The girls clapped and laughed, finding this more entertaining than the movie while Tim remained fast asleep, nothing would wake him except maybe the smell of coffee.
“Masters!” Alfred stood up, frowning in disapproval, “I will not have you destroy good food.”
He stalked towards them and the three boys yelped, scrambling to get away.
Clark and Bruce watched the ensuing chaos for a moment before they eyed each other and came to an agreement. Together, they turned and headed back to their room, marking the end to yet another successful movie night.
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