#anyway i think i just need to accept i will only every create tragedies and thats fine they can be funny about it but at its core its alway
steevejr · 1 year
i dont know whats wrong with me but every media i create just HAS to end up being a tragedy -_- like margo is intentionally like that because every character loses everything (due to their own actions!!!!!!!) but i sit down to write silly little fantasy and accidentally add the tragedy to it. it was supposed to be fun! who added the themes of loss and death to this shit!!!!!! it was supposed to be a fun silly fantasy gang adventure with clowns!!!!!!!!
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heavensickness · 4 months
The posts about Rust being exploited by the police and having no autonomy over his life or his body made me think of the argument between the female pimp named Jan and Marty at the "bunny ranch"... Jan was saying something like "Do you know the state she was in before she came to work here?" to justify prostituting an underage girl, even implying that working as a sex worker at that bunny ranch saved that girl from the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her uncle. And you know what, I think that's almost the same way the authorities were thinking when they decided to use Rust in narcotics and as undercover as well. "Yeah, we're giving this guy a job that's dangerous, damaging and fucked up in every way, but what difference does it make to him anyway? He was already a broken man before he started this assignment. His only child was already dead and his marriage had already fallen apart. He was already an alcoholic with mental problems. Does he even have anything to lose?" If anything, they thought they were doing him a favour just like Jan probably does.
Rust accepted an offer that was presented to him as a motive and a chance to survive, an offer he knew he had no chance to refuse, and in return he was stripped of his control over his body and his life. Taking advantage of the void created by the tragedies that befell him, he was used and passed around, in his own words, like an object "without an expiry date". Just like that girl running away from her uncle and others like her who sought refuge and started working at the bunny ranch.
For this reason, I believe that Rust's disconnection from his body, his needs and desires, his attitude towards touching and especially being touched (I don't remember a single moment in which Rust was touched with affection, except for Marty cradling Rust's head at the finale, nor do I remember a scene in which Rust touched someone out of love or compassion) is not related to the idea of sentient meat he claims to believe in or the devastation left by his broken family, but to the exploitation and abuse he was subjected to between 1989 and 1994.
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imakemywings · 1 year
For the tolkein bingo, as you said you love sinda, celegorm and feanor
Haha nice play Anon
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Feanor is probably actually one of my favorite Tolkien characters XD I don't stand either by "Feanor did nothing wrong" nor "Feanor did everything wrong" because to me the tragedy of his character is that he was good and he did a lot of good things for the Noldor but he also was susceptible to being corrupted by Melkor and having his abilities turned to terrible ends.
He's just so interesting. He has always struck me as someone who is not especially easy to get along with, and yet we know he must be able to inspire significant loyalty, based on how many of the Noldor are swayed to his argument for leaving Aman and how intensely his children adhere to his aims. Hell, the kids were eager to take the oath after Feanor did!
He feels so much all the time and he's terrible at processing that and he's so invested in learning and discovering and creating and he can be a real asshat but boy when he went down he went down hard and it was fantastic this boy really imploded in on himself like a dying star and sucked in everything around him too.
I don't think the Valar victimized Feanor and I don't think Feanor victimized his kids. I don't think Melkor is 100% responsible for what Feanor did, but I do think it's relevant to remember the text explicitly refers to the "corruption" of Feanor by Melkor, which has always made me think Melkor's influence drove Feanor to do things he would not have done otherwise. Not that that makes him not responsible for those things, but merely as a reflection on his character. I think he spends a lot of time in Mandos being horrified by both his own and his children's actions.
Anyway I could ramble about him a lot longer but I'll leave it there lol
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Celegorm is a character that initially I was very willing to write off as one I just didn't like and wasn't worth thinking about, but I've returned to him since then.
Frankly, I tend to believe all of Feanor's kids have a prominent douchebag streak and that was present even in Tirion. They were all talented, royalty, ambitious, and very smart people--they were probably fucking insufferable. Still, Celegorm and Curufin in particular seem to speedrun the Feanorian path from "general douchebag but still likeable" to "irredeemable asshole."
But why?
My general belief is that it's because Celegorm, after Alqualonde, essentially surrendered any version of this story where he and his family are the heroes. He saw them as villains at Alqualonde and just embraced that as their new identity. They're the dangerous violent Elves on a quest and he will use that to his every advantage, whereas I think some of his brothers--Maedhros and Maglor in particular--were still hanging onto this idea of nobility in their duty and being good (or at least not awful) people.
This is where you get things like his reciting the Oath in Nargothrond and plotting to use Luthien to force Thingol to ally with the Feanorians (the closest we get to a threat of Elf-on-Elf sexual assault in the book), chasing down Luthien and Beren for the crime of escaping that shit plan, and pushing hard for the Second Kinslaying. Celegorm basically accepts that they are not good people and is then willing to use that wherever he can to get what he wants/what the Feanorians need. If he had survived Doriath, I think he would have been on board for the Third Kinslaying.
So now I find him kind of interesting for his general awfulness and moral bankruptcy. He's someone who will smile at you while he puts a sword through your gut. I love the idea of Celegorm as someone who is disarmingly jovial even when angry, which definitely leads to people underestimating him (Curufin is the only one who can tell unerringly when Celegorm is pissed) and mishandling him. I think there are times when he is tormented by what they've done, but he doesn't want to think about that, so he crushes it down to embrace their new status as amoral war criminals and never really reflects much on all that because he doesn't want to deal with it.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
I really hate how trauma effected my art. Ive seen many trauma survivors make beautiful art about survival and growth and other really beautiful stuff while i can only make really gross stuff about destruction and hopelessness. I dont like it. Every time i tried to make lighthearted things it didnt feel sincere.
I saw a movie about a disabled person who had an accepting environment and parents who loved him and everyone who heart him learnt from it and became kind to him and he grew up happily. It was around the time my story was really shapping up and i was even starting to be proud of it. But after watching that movie i felt so gross. That story actually gave hope to people but the only thing people will get from my stories is a small echo of my trauma. My brain is too clpuded by pain in order to create anything else. It makes me feel like a bad person. Did you ever go trough something like this?
heyo dear <3 yea i really do get what youre saying. my best friend some weeks ago was saying i need to put my art and writing and ideas out there and it send me down this same spiral, and its still something im struggling w tbh.. it makes me feel like maybe ive got nothing to add but my hopelessness, dispair, endless entrapment and contemplation of pain and sadness and doomfullness and trauma to this world... at least, most of it seems to be that, or it seems at best a fixation on trying to find some sort of grim, melancholic beauty in the rot. and whats the point, when theres already so much of that in the world..? and its made me feel like a bad person too, bc it just further reminds me im not that "ideal" trauma survivor
but. ive been trying to look at it other ways too. i think theres value in your writing and art if it comes from sincerity, and i think theres value in art which is depressing and doomful if its real and from the soul about it
i think it can provide a comfort for people who are much like you and i, at least, i always found that sort of art did.... if anything, while everyonce in awhile i appreciate a movie like the one youre speaking of, theres also many (most times) when even if i find it sweet, i find it.... harder to connect to, harder to resonate with, harder to care about. its nice and all, but i guess i tend to gravitate twoards art which makes my pain feel understood, seen, like someone else out there gets it, feels it too... and i think there really is just as much importance in that sort of art being out there as there is in that more positive side of it i guess ....... kinda like how i find comfort in even you sending this message, you know? you didnt write me some sort of hopeful thing, and yet, its both nice and sad just knowing someone has had these same thoughts and feelings running through their head and struggles w this too
... and.. maybe it doesnt seem like it to you at times, but i think in the first place writing a story, working on it putting it out there is in and of itself able to give ppl hope. bc its making something out of your pain and trauma, using it in some way, channeling it; hell, managing to get stuff out there despite feeling bad and traumatized - thats something
... and really on top of that, havent so many of the great pieces of literature of this world Been that anyway? doom, melancholy, lements, depression feeling haunted trauma endless problems endless tragedy with seeminly no resolution a general feeling of doom and dispair, clearly heavily influenced by these authors own shit.... and yet, they are read by so many people so many times, for both their artistic quality sure, but their relatabilty and realness too, their rawness, so that we can sit with something which understands. if you feel like your story and your writing is all doom and dispair you wouldn't be the first one for sure; plenty of great writers kept that going for decades
you cant and shouldnt force art, it should come from the soul. if right now this is how it is bc youre not feelijg or doing better, then it is how it is and it still has value.... and maybe one day, and i really hope so and wish so for you, you'll be better, yea? you will feel more healed, more hopeful, more at peace, in less pain, less tired deep down. and maybe then, your art will change and reflect what you will be feeling inside moreso, you will be making more of that art which feels more hopeful abt things... but until then, i rly think its still worthwhile and meaningful to keep working on what you've been working on <3 its what ive been trying to tell myself too
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townofcadence · 3 months
If Artair could manifest one thing into reality, what would he choose? If he'd choose at all.
That's a great question! Thank you for asking it :DDDD
Hmm. I think it would depend, but if there was no consequence of his choosing, or if he felt the consequences were acceptable (only affected or harmed himself) then he'd make the wish. But the thing he would manifest would be somehow bringing his friends, the missing trio, home.
He's been looking for them for seven years now, and in that time, his life has been on pause. He doesn't know how to let go of what happened, how not to saturate himself in the guilt he has over letting it happen at all. He can't move on from them or allow himself to be happy or do anything that might make him forget them or move past them. Not like everyone else has, or assures him he can. Because doing so is disrespecting their memory, failing them and abandoning them. Choosing himself over them, and giving up on three of the people who shaped his life so drastically and that-- he still loves so deeply that there's a gaping hole in his heart where they've been absent. His entire life revolves around their loss, and the loss he perceives his own actions to have created for their families and friends and anyone who knew them. All of that grief and tragedy. The knowledge of how much of the lives of those they love they've missed. Elias' sister growing up without their brother there. The way their families show that loss on their faces in exhaustion and more seldom smiles. Even if they ask him to take care of himself, if he does stop, that only means now they've truly lost their children. That he's failed them and left them to this misery and finding a way to survive it.
He's a different person now entirely, and I don't think he feels much like a person at all. Just a tool, a thing to help others heal and protect them from danger and help them fulfill themselves, and find their way to contentment and better lives. Or he exists to find the dangers out there and fix that, whether it's connecting to something that needs to be heard and have it's pain validated, helping lost and hurting spirits find peace, or finding ways for supernatural and mundane things to coexist in harmony. His job is to help everything, everyone he can until he breaks into too small pieces to keep going. And then he will anyways. He has to. He has to be the sacrifice on the altar if it keeps someone else from taking his place.
And I think he'd happily sacrifice whatever he needed of himself to bring them home, no question or hesitation. They would and have done the same for him. And it wouldn't be himself to move on or let go. He wants it, he needs it with every atom of his being, so that way everyone else can finally have their children and their friends, and the loss their absence has left on Cadence can start to heal again. He'd do his best not to fail them again, and there's be a part of him at peace at least, knowing that they were okay, they were happy, and they were home.
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hanna-kin · 2 years
The Kristina post you didn't see coming
Or maybe you did.
I have so much to say about Kristina. I know in the fandom she tend to bring alot of strong opinions but I also think there's a heavy sense of fanon when it comes to her.
Often she's viewed as the villian of the story but in my opinion she's alot more complex.
In fics she's often portrayed as homophobic, racist and classist and most of all not giving a shit about Wilhelm. In my opinion she's none of those things but we'll get to that.
She's portrayed as someone who only cares about the image of the crown and while every author has the creative freedom to do portray her in anyway they want I much prefer a more nuanced portrayal of her.
I also strive to create her as a nuanced character with many flaws but also capable of love and compassion.
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When we first see her she comes off as controlling and strict. From the way she checks Wille’s to the way she's already decided Wille's fate. She doesn't care about his opinion and the only thing that matters to her is covering up her sons scandal.
Never once does she ask how he is. If he's okay. It's all business.
She's annoyed with him and doesn't do anything to comfort him even when he shows distress.
So really it's not that strange that people get the view of her that she lacks compassion and that she doesn't care about Wille.
I mean she sends him off to a new school but can't even be bothered to send him off herself.
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What we need to remember is that she's literally the queen. She's grown up as a public person, just like her own children are now being raised in front of the whole nation. Her childhood is now Erik's and Wilhelm’s.
Her parents where probably even more absent as the monarchy has become more and more progressive by every generation (if we go by the IRL family)
It's safe to say that she's been absent and that she hasn't been there for a huge part of her children's childhood. But is it all by choice? I don't think so.
Look being a royal is a full time job, basically your whole existence is being a representation of your countries culture. It seems unpopular but we have to admit that the royals work hard, they are not allowed bad days and they have more travel days than any of us can imagine. And it's a job, it's a duty.
I don't think Kristina wanted to be away from her children . I really don't. But she grew up like that and has to accept that. Not only missing important every day moments with her children but also a deeper bond with them that she'll probably never have.
I don't think she wanted that. But again it's her duty. She probably had moments where she could be a normal mum, especially before she became the queen but she's been away alot and even if she could have done a better job but I don't think she did all that by choice. It's just one of the dark sides to the monarchy.
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We see this absence in the beginning of the show. Like I said, she's not there for Wille’s first day, Erik is. It might be by choice or she might have other commitments. I find the latter one very likely since they have a busy schedule.
Apart from a text we don't really her from her. She doesn't come to parent's day. Again due to other commitments. She's not even in the country it seems like. Again we don't know if it is by choice or not. Maybe she really would have liked to be there but simply couldn't.
Then of course we have Erik's death and I think this is something that highlights her love for Wille because if she didn't love him, would she really be the one to call him?
If she didn't really care surely she would have someone else call? She's experiencing the worst moment of her life and she also has to call her son so that he gets to find out from her and not some random person.
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Erik's death also adds another layer to her because at the very core she's a grieving mother who's trying to come to terms with a shocking loss.
But she can't grieve at her own pace and at her own terms. She's the most public person in Sweden and everything about this families tragedy is made a public matter. The funeral is live sent, their are probably hundreds of articles published and expectations on her in particular. I think she's not allowing her or her family the time to grief properly. She just wants to move on.
But that might just be her personality. Maybe that's not just her being a queen. Maybe her coping mechanism is to not cope (I'm a bit like that which is why I adress it like this)
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While I hate the way she treats Wilhelm in all this I don't think she knows another way. She tries to be strong, she tries to cope. We see her at the funeral trying to support him and afterwards I just think it's her way to deal. Sadly, Wille needs something else and as a parent she should acknowledge that and focus on his needs.
Instead the whole family kind of just sweeps everything under the rug. Had they not been the royal family I'm sure they would have delt with it differently and it feels like here the Queen takes precedence. However, I think she's trying. We see it during the dinner. She's trying but it ends up with her going on about Wilhelm having to step up which does nothing to comfort him. He needed his mother but she simply wasn't there for him.
We doesn't see her again after that. Wilhelm is left grieving by himself without any real support. It kind of feels like Kristina just shut down as a coping mechanism and it left Wille without the support he needed.
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The next time we see her is after the tape is released. And in this moment I think we see that she cares for her son. Her touch is tender and comforting and I truly believes she feels for him.
As we know it doesn't last long though. She has to be the queen to and she is not good with finding that balance. All too soon she switches to business mode, leaving Wille to comfort himself. It's probably one of the most heartbreaking moments seeing Wille hugging himself like that while she sits next fully focused on "cleaning up" after him as if he's done something wrong.
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Once again she's made up her mind on how they will adress it but I don't think it has anything to do with homophobia or Simon being a poor person of colour. A sex tape is a sex tape and it's a huge scandal.
I think that's the main thing. It's yet another scandal they can't afford. Yes it wouldn't have been as serious if it was with a girl but I don't think that the queen nor the royal court are homophobic.
They just need to find a solution to the problem and the easiest and most obvious solution is to make a denial. It doesn't matter what Wilhelm wants to do. The bigger picture is more important so while I think she feels deeply for her son she chooses to prioritise the public image, the monarchy and the legacy. She thinks it's more important in the long run.
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But she does care for her son and I don't think she would have had any issues had Simon been a normal boyfriend introduced in a normal way. I want to believe that at least.
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She's set on the denial and even manipulates Wille into giving in. It's probably my least favourite moments of her. But I also kindof think she is trying to protect him, just like kept from him that it was August
Like I said, she's spent her whole life in the public eye. She's been criticised, scrutinised and followed her whole life. I don't think she wants that for him but it's their legacy so they don't have a choice. She's trying to protect him because she knows it will only get worse. But rather than listening to what Wille wants to do and prioritise his needs she just follows what's best for the monarchy as a whole and while she probably thinks it is the best it falls short when she has to fall back on very manipulative tactics to convince him.
Maybe she should just have respected her sons wishes and found another way even if it would be more difficult.
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It's such a complex situation and my biggest issue is probably the way she handled August. Not letting Wille know is just a jerk move. He deserved to know and have August punished. But clearly she couldn't allow that to happen so she let her son down and betrayed him.
I think Pernilla August does a great job adding that little bit of softness and gentleness. The small details in the way she caresses Wille’s cheek or rubs his back make it feel genuine to me. So while she's mostly absent and more often than not is unable to provide the physical and emotional comfort her son needs, these little moments shows us that she loves her son, so so much.
To sum it up, she's stuck in her life, just like Wilhelm is stuck. She doesn't complain but I do think she hates her life some times. I think she wishes things were different. I think she would want a different life for her children. I think wants to get away from it.
I think she sees it as a punishment sometimes.
I can't wait to see where season 2 will take us when it comes to Kristina and her relationship with Wille. I think we'll see a huge rift between them after the huge betrayal but I hope we'll see her grow and realise that she needs to do better if she doesn't want to lose another son. I hope we'll see some nice scenes with them together where she is more supportive and loving.
Both Pernilla and Edvin are so good so I'm really looking forward to see their new scenes. I'm sure they'll be amazing and emotional and bring out alot of feelings from us all.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Hades
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades
Well… this is awkward…
He’s actually met Hades multiple times for business reasons (Underworld-Devildom relations are amiable if not a little odd. Hades was something of an uncle figure to Diavolo as a wee demon lad, which should speak for itself really). He’s a gloomy fellow and not much for chit-chat, but he never thought they’d end up taking one of his kids by accident…
He had to send a formal apology letter to the Lord of the Underworld immediately, but thankfully he didn’t seem very concerned for his offspring - if anything he appeared to think the Devildom would suit them nicely which was… concerning.
And he was not wrong. The darkness, demons, ghouls, and frights of the Devildom hardly seemed to faze the MC, if anything they fit right in. He’d dare say they were thriving if not for one thing…
They were So. Damn. Bleak.
Getting a smile out of this one AT ALL was rare. For once he felt the need to check up on someone constantly just to be sure they were alright... They’d keep assuring the House that they’re not actually as sad as they look but it’s hard not to assume…
He was a little mortified at first when they first met Cerberus cause… well they called him “Cerbi” and the massive demonic guard dog rolled over for them like a Golden Retriever! 
Apparently he and the Cerberus that they knew are from the same litter and they must have smelt familiar... He would have probably limited their interactions just to keep his dog on his side but after seeing the MC smile for once while they played with the big oaf well…
Cerberus got a new playmate and the MC got a massive, three-headed therapy animal. Win-win. 😌
Do ya really gotta be such a downer all the time, MC…? 😔
He thinks they’re nice, like really nice. They’re always super concerned when his brothers attack him or when he gets injured, but he’s pretty sure it’s because they’ve seen people die before so…
At first, he had no idea why he had to be saddled with this depressing wisp of mortal but over time he started to understand that they weren’t all that sad. They had… Resting Gloom Face? Is that a thing? 
They also had a different way of seeing things. He could win the lottery and they’d tell him to stay inside so he wouldn’t get hit by lightning or if he pissed off the wrong people, they’d joke about him keeping his fingers and toes. Dark stuff, but not intended to be so… well morbid.
However, what he eventually found out that the REAL advantage to having a Hades kid in the Devildom was that nothing scared them. Literally nothing. Not even the ghosts - which to reiterate, are terrifying!
Cue Mammon getting dragged to horror movies nights with his brothers and pulling the MC along to be his personal security blanket. He’ll hold onto them for dear life as they just pat his head or something, watching and not even flinching at the jumpscares.
The first time the House had an unexpected power outage he clung onto the back of their shirt like a lost child while they calmly looked for the circuit-breaker...
If he could jump into their arms every time something scary happened like Scooby-Doo, he absolutely would. His brothers make fun of him, but after seeing the MC handle Cerberus like a puppy any time something frightens them they hide behind the mortal as well…
In some ways, he totally relates to their moodiness but come on! Who can still look so sad when watching The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl?? Ruri-chan can make anyone smile! 😠
When he first met the MC, he was a little confused about why they didn't find him intimidating at all. He even reverted to his demon form and showed his fangs but no dice! All they said was, "I've walked along the edge of Tartarus. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, buddy…" 
That was probably his first sign that the "human" wasn't normal…
After Mammon told him who their Dad was, things made a lot more sense. A child of Hades in the Devildom? That's ironic enough to be its own anime plot!! They certainly felt like an angsty protagonist at times. 🤷‍♀️
Truth be told, they could relate to each other in a lot of ways. You wouldn't think that an offspring of the Underworld and a demonic shut-in would have much in common but the one thing they share between them is that sense of never really fitting in.
Turns out that Hades kids are black sheep, even among other demigods, and Levi? Well, he's had trouble relating to others since his angel days. He and the mortal were like off-beat kindred spirits!
Which, I mean, you wouldn't get just by looking at them together. Levi being the impassioned super-otaku rambling their ear off while his somber companion would just go along with him quietly, but hey, there's more beneath the surface. Probably. 
Now if he could just get them to cosplay as the Lord of Emptiness with him… They'd be perfect! Perfect he says!!
Highly considered drugging their food with antidepressants for a while… 
This was before getting to know them better, of course, but for the first couple months he honestly couldn't shake the feeling that the mortal looked miserable! 
Now, he's one to particularly care for the comfort of strangers, but just looking at them like that every day would sour his own mood quite considerably. It was very irritating...
It was only on closer inspection that he realized there was something else at play, though.
The mortal was different - even for a demigod he imagined. They took to the Devildom easily and the realm almost accepted them right back!
The flora looked better in their presence, the hellish beasts that roamed the wilds would roll over for them, and they even seemed to be welcomed in by the never-ending shadows… 
It was fascinating. Like the effects of the Underworld were baked into their DNA and mingled with the environment around them… Two layers of darkness coexisting within one person.
I mean, what other creature - other than Lucifer - could ride Cerberus around like a pony??
Had they not been so kind, they'd probably scare him shit-less... Their potential power was too great to ignore. But after getting used to their gloom, at least they made for pleasant company. 🤷‍♀️
Satan likes them well enough, but even still he has to wonder just what they were capable of… you know?
Oh. My. WORD. What a buzzkill!!!
Really, the new mortal was no good at parties or pictures for that matter!
Not because they looked bad, or even because he couldn't get them to smile, but because GHOSTS would always photobomb any pictures they were in!! 😫
One time he got a selfie with them on the couch and a creepy ghost child could be seen hiding behind the cushions so NOPE. No more photos with the mortal around!!
Aside from that, he couldn't say the mortal was all bad or anything…They were pretty friendly, despite their general look and feel. 
Though, personally, he thought they wore far too much black... Even in the Devildom, there's normally a pop of color, you know? Was that just the Hades dress code?
And you want to know the weirdest thing? Despite everything about them screaming "Doom and Gloom," they're straaaangely popular among the RAD dating scene…
Like. Not as some heartthrob, "Love'em and Leave'em"-type, but he's found that there's a LOT of his demonic classmates who think they're cute or have a crush on them in some way…
Naturally, he can see the appeal of the mysterious, moody demigod with a dark, troubled past. It's just the demigod in question is completely oblivious to it! 🤷‍♀️
He tried to give them dating tips or play matchmaker from time to time but eventually gave up when it was clear they weren't interested. Alas, students of RAD, this is one forbidden fruit that refuses to be shared…! Such a tragedy… 😔
They remind him of Belphie… like. A lot.
The similarities were obvious. They had a similar feel, made similar jokes, and even the same somewhat dreary attitude about them...
If he were being honest, at the beginning there were times when he'd open up to them a lot more than he intended because he'd forget that he wasn't actually talking to Belphie…
Thankfully, he knew better than to try and treat them like his replacement or anything. They were two different people after all. But it didn't stop him from feeling extra protective around them for a while.
Besides, there was ONE thing that set them leagues apart from Belphie and that was the fact they were a shit cook. Not quite as bad as Solomon but uh… Actually no, that's a closer call than it has any right to be...
Apparently, Hades kids don't need to eat as much and when you hang out with shades and skeletons for most of your life, you don’t really worry about making food that's any better than… "Well, technically it's edible." 🤷‍♀️
Their food won't kill a person like Solomon's, but you WILL start seeing stuff you probably shouldn't. He tried their "soup" once and swore he saw the ghost of his mother… and he doesn't even have a mother!!!
He swears that if he ever sees the MC and Solomon working together in the same kitchen he's skipping town… Whatever culinary abomination the two of them could create would probably gain sentience and eat HIM instead. He's always figured he'd go out with Death by Food, but not like that!! 😫
Ever meet someone who’s like looking in a mirror? Yeah, he’s getting those vibes…
He never expected the "human" to be so similar to him, it was kind of uncanny.
Upon first laying eyes on each other there was a pause… then a squint… and then… a nod.
Honestly, their combined dry wit, dark humor, and pessimistic outlook played off of each other surprisingly well. Too well for him to hate, really.
Not that it mattered because they didn’t believe him for a second when he tried to trick them (they had dealt with loads of lying monsters before). He hated to admit it, but they had a good head on their shoulders and knew better than to trust a locked up demon…
And yet, they seemed to stick around with him anyway. Because of the good conversation or just empathizing with his loneliness was anyone's guess. 🤷‍♀️
Sometimes they'd come up and sit outside the door in comfortable silence… Or they'd talk about whatever:
MC: *sitting out by the attic with their back against the door* So what happens to demons when they die…?
Belphie: *laying on the floor on the other side, staring at the ceiling* Depends on the kind. If I die, I'll just reform later.
MC: Like a reincarnation?
Belphie: Eh. *shrugs* Maybe. Haven't died yet.
MC: You could die in there, you know.
Belphie: *throws a side glare* Well thanks for bringing that up…
MC: *shrugs* What? It's true. But don't worry, I won't let you. *small-ish smile*
Belphie: *stares at them wide-eyed and pink-cheeked before turning on his side quickly* Ugh… whatever…
They did their word, somehow. They eventually got the door open and let him out, but by that time the anger was gone and he was just happy to finally talk to them face-to-face...
And good thing too, because apparently it's not smart to fight a death-child in what is essentially their element - as he saw when they summoned an army of skeletons to kick Levi's ass when he cheated them in Devil Cart...
He would not have lasted in that fight... Dodged a bullet there. 
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stxleslyds · 3 years
And the issues that followed that story (Batman and Robin vol.2 #34-37)
DC and the fandom really let Bruce get away with what he did to Jason in that issue. DC because they had Jason go back to Bruce a few issues later to finish their story and the fandom because this moment in comics isn’t talked about enough which has led people to believe that the the concept of “batfamily” as it is in fandom belongs in canon.
This type of moments in stories should make a bigger impact on comic relationships and fandom’s perception of said relationships. From where I am standing Bruce’s actions in that issue are right on the edge of unforgivable and they could have used them as a key moment for Jason to finally move on from all Bat related bullshit without thinking that he had to stay and finish the job (of getting Damian back).
Making Jason move on so easily from that situation really makes it look like if Batman is physically, emotionally, or mentally abusive to his children then it’s not that much of a big deal, it’s just a subplot to a bigger story.
And that is something that happens repeatedly in current comics and it’s disgusting.
Anyway, now that I am done with my rambling, I will start talking about the issues that I mentioned.
Batman and Robin (2011) #20 – Written by Peter Tomasi.
For a little context, this issue is set after Damian’s death and Bruce is looking for ways to resurrect him.
And in this particular issue of this run, Batman recruits Jason Todd between the events of RHatO vol. 1 #18 and #19, that’s why in the cover of the issue the name of the run is changed to ‘Batman and Red Hood’.
A bit more context is that in issue #18 Jason finally recovers from the injuries that he got when the trap that Joker had put on his helmet detonated, and Jason was also having an existential crisis after the Joker convinced him that he was always present in Jason’s life and that he shaped the man that Jason had become (If you want to read more about that and the times' Joker has played with Jason’s mind, I have this post in which I talk all about that).
Good, now I can finally talk about this hellish issue.
Bruce asks for Jason’s help because he wants to take down some marksmen and women that are based in Ethiopia that might or might not have been the same people who took on the job of looking for Damian when his mother had put a bounty on his head.
One would imagine that Bruce calling Jason for this job means that he would let Jason kill some people, bounty-hunters that are money-driven enough to kill children seem to be the kind of people Jason would have in his black list, but Jason is smart and he knows that Batman won’t let him kill so he asks why is Bruce asking him of all people to join him on this mission, Batman replies with “Because I am seeing red”.
If you, like me, don’t understand why Batman would ask the Red Hood to stop him from killing some very shady people then don’t worry, Batman was lying, he didn’t ask Jason to go with him to beat some bounty-hunters, he has ulterior motives.
I will give it to Tomasi, he wrote Jason as the smart cookie that he is because Jason doesn’t stop picking up on the weird technicalities of the mission, and I will go as far as to say that Jason never truly believed that Bruce was being honest about the true nature of their mission. Smart Chonky, I miss you and love you.
Once they get to Ethiopia Bruce starts setting the rules of engagement (don’t shoot to kill, only hands, knees, and elbows), and off they go. Bruce even makes a comment about how it “feels like old times” and Jason is all happy and warm that Bruce invited him to beat some baddies and he also brings up the fact that Bruce stayed by his side while he was recovering from his injuries, very lovely stuff that will soon mean nothing (and that should have meant nothing because Bruce and his lies had resulted in Joker knowing all of their secret identities and messing with all of them in horrible ways, but the Bat can get away with that too).
Here is part of Bruce’s speech about trust and his lies, “You don’t ever need to thank me, Red Hood, for a family always looks out for each other” to which Jason says, “Yeah but a family also needs to earn each other’s trust” and Bruce continues his speech with, “comes a time when having to keep earning someone’s trust stops and you hope the people you’ve put your faith in will always have your back no matter what”.
Batman, everyone, master detective and master manipulator.
As Batman is talking manipulating Jason he beats every bounty hunter almost effortlessly because he had brought some bat-gadgets that were going to make the fight really easy. And as the fight is over in what looks like a minute Batman and Red Hood get on the Batmobile ready to leave Ethiopia… or not.
Jason is very aware that Batman didn’t need him for that so-called mission so he starts to ask more and more firmly about the real reason as to why Batman brought him to this place.
Batman brought Jason back to Ethiopia, but most importantly back to the Magdala Valley because he wants to see if Jason going back to the place where he died will make him remember how he was resurrected.
Yep, talk about having messed-up parents. Bruce is positively the worst at this moment, but it gets worse.
Jason is rightfully pissed off, he says, “You lied to me, this wasn’t about taking down those mercenaries. You wanted to bring me here, to the worst place in the world and here I was starting to believe all your crap about trust and faith...”
To which Bruce says, “I thought bringing you here could jog your memory, maybe retrieve a detail buried deep in your subconscious that could help piece together how you came back to life so I…”
And my man Jason really continues his thought process only to later tell him how much of a piece of shit he truly is (I love this Chonky, go Jason show this man that he ain’t shit).
“…could apply it to getting Damian back. Yeah, I get it. Did it ever occur to you I might like keeping whatever the hell happened to me buried deep? If you cared about me, you wouldn’t want me to dredge up the one thing I’ve been trying to forget. I don’t want to remember the most horrific day of my life all right? You may like wallowing in your tragedies, Bruce, but I’m done looking back!”
Jason, bravo, tell him exactly how you feel! Any sort of good human being would surely accept that they crossed a massive line and that they should ask for forgiveness next, right?... Right?
No. And that’s because Bruce is a horrible human being, I am sorry but it had to be said, this man has zero empathy for Jason and he proves it when he says the following.
“If you cared about me and what I’ve lost, you’d want to dredge this up! Don’t you see, there is a chance you can help me erase one of the worst days of MY life, Jason! You can give me the greatest gift of all and help me figure out how to bring my son back”
Fuck Bruce Wayne. This man has no right whatsoever to talk this way to Jason, no matter how you see this situation, the whole thing is fucked up. Bruce puts his needs above Jason’s feelings and he diminishes Jason’s position as his son because Bruce only refers to Damian as his son. This whole thing is incredibly nasty.
Here we should have had the point of no return for Jason and Bruce’s relationship, although if you are like me, you might think that the point of no return happened way back in Batman (1940) #650 when Bruce decided that saving the Joker by throwing a batarang at Jason’s neck (how did he know that Jason would survive that, I have no idea, maybe Bruce can see the future) was a better option compared to Jason finally killing the clown. Because that’s the thing, Jason was going to kill the clown but Bruce didn’t let him because he didn’t want more blood in Jason’s hands, I laugh until this day about how stupid Bruce’s thinking was there.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that Jason should have said bye-bye to Batman and all related Batman crap from this moment on. It would have been perfect but DC can’t help themselves and Lobdell’s self-insert-Jason really wants to be part of this amazing family so, no luck for Jason or us.
If you have read my latest post about Joker getting under Jason’s skin or read issue #18 of RHatO you know the context of what Jason says next.
“Yeah, and how about me? How about the gift of not knowing that the Joker manipulated my entire life, huh? The clown tainted everything, the good, the bad, hell my life’s even been tainted by you!”
Yup, Jason was going through it, and he had talked about these feelings with Bruce previously in issue #17 of RHatO, he had asked Bruce if he thought that Joker had created him and Bruce said, “No Jason, He didn’t make you, I never did either. You made you” and Jason was extremely thankful for that. And now, here we are, these feelings are being brought up again but in a very different situation.
Them arguing becomes a physical fight and after Jason asks Bruce “why are you making me stand in the exact same spot he beat me to death?” He replies this “Because I want to watch Damian grow up damn it! Damian earned that right! And I want to give it to him!”
This conversation only gets worse and Bruce’s most horrible side comes to light, like, I understand that Bruce wants Damian to be alive and all that but he is saying all the wrong stuff to Jason. I feel like as the reader I am being told that Bruce values Damian more than he ever did Jason because he is willing to put Jason through his own personal hell for Damian but refuses to see the reasons as to why Jason doesn’t want to do it. Bruce is being incredibly selfish and he is not caring enough about Jason to notice that he is hurting him. He even doesn’t notice after Jason says, “I was ready to stand by your side and you’ve thrown it all away!”
It is incredibly sad but it's also a bit of a look into what Bruce will do to Dick in Nightwing vol. 3 #30. It has the exact same vibe in both issues, Bruce going completely berserk on his children and telling them that he “trained them to be better”.
This issue ends with Jason punching Bruce several times and Bruce taunting Jason by telling him that he might as well continue because he is “still standing”. The levels of manipulation that Bruce had going on here weren’t as high as the ones in Nightwing #30 but he sure was a little bitch every step of the way.
Jason, being smart, doesn’t take the bait and tells Bruce that he is leaving and he is taking the car.
Wouldn’t this have been an amazing moment for Jason to finally rid himself of all Batman-related events and bullshit? How did DC miss this amazing opportunity to make Jason Todd/Red Hood a character that can stand on his own and with his own rules?
The potential that was wasted when they made Jason go back to Bruce and help him get Damian back in issues 33 to 37 of this same run is immeasurable. And just like Joker being able to get under Jason’s skin, him going back to Bruce and the “family” for plot purposes harmed Jason’s characterization greatly.
Batman and Robin (2011) #34-37 – Written by Peter Tomasi.
Whatever kind of respect I held for Tomasi because of the way he wrote Jason in #20 is now gone. Issues 34 to 37 have Jason fighting alongside Batman and him being all buddy-buddy with him.
Now, let me make something clear, Bruce wanting to bring Damian back to life/from Apokolips is absolutely fine with me, a father fighting for his son’s life can always make a good story, the thing is that at this point in time not only the events of Batman and Robin #20 have happened but so have the events of Nightwing #30.
So, Bruce going through all of this for one of his kids (that keeps being brought up as if he were his only son) after he emotionally manipulated Jason and Dick makes this story very bitter.
But I understand what DC is doing, you know? Here is how they manage to make this story as bitter-sweet as possible. In issue 34 of this run, Dick shows up in his Spyral get-up and offers his help in getting Damian back, because the kid meant a lot to him but Bruce can’t have Dick helping him out along with Barbara and Tim because Bruce has everyone convinced that Dick is dead. So, DC was like “here is this big brain idea, let’s have Jason, Barbara, and Tim helping Bruce get Damian back”. And that’s exactly what they did.
They dragged Jason back to Batman-related crap after he was manipulated, insulted, and punched by the man that is supposed to be his father. And this issue is also happening after Jason had such an immense existential crisis that he decided to have his memory wiped so he could cleanse himself on any doubt that the Joker had manipulated his free will.
How on earth are we supposed to believe that Jason is dumb enough to go back to Batman after all that? Does DC and its writers read their own material? Do they check if the characters that they are planning on using have contradicting narratives?
It’s so messy, the opportunity that DC, Tynion, Tomasi, and Lobdell got to make Jason his own man and his own character was completely wasted, just for a Batman event!
And it isn’t like Jason’s participation in getting Damian back was crucial, it really wasn’t, if I am planning on taking a team of heroes to Apokolips for a rescue mission, Jason, Barbara and Tim wouldn’t be my first options. Jason was put in that book only so they could have someone making snarky comments and for Jason to be like “Bruce we are family, we will always have each other’s backs” I mean, who is Jason supposed to be, Dom Toretto?
Here are some of the moments that seemed the most out of touch for Jason in these issues.
Batman and Robin #34
In issue 34 Bruce gives a long speech about him not wanting to hide things anymore from them (like he did during the events of Death of the Family) and that he wants a new start because they “have been broken long enough” so from that moment forward “good or bad, the truth rules”.
The audacity of this man, my god, how dense can Bruce be? “we’ve been broken long enough”? YOU have broken your relationship with these people time and time again! As you are standing there talking about the truth you are hiding the fact that Dick is alive and well somewhere far away because YOU sent him on a very dangerous mission after he died and you manipulated him.
THE AUDACITY OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT! Am I becoming an anti-Batman blog? I think I am and quite honestly, I am having the time of my life. Fuck this guy.
But back to the issue, after Bruce says that the truth is all that goes now, Barbara basically says that she doesn’t believe him, that all it takes for Bruce to go back to lying is “another situation that justifies you going dark on us in more ways than one” HA! You go, girl! But he is already hiding something from all of you.
Jason being himself supplies a situation like the ones where Batman lies to them in order to get them to work for him, he says, “or bringing me to Magdala Valley on a sightseeing trip to reminisce about the good old days of crowbars and explosions”, ah yes, sure, Bruce did all that back in issue 20 and now it is brought up as an afterthought… how wonderful.
Bruce, of course, lies to their faces when he says “I promise that nothing gets held back. We speak our mind no matter what the cost” to which Jason says “Unconditional truth now and forever, Bruce, otherwise this is all a load of crap”.
Man, what a mess, poor Dick. He had to wait there and watch his father lie his ass off. And he really wanted to help Bruce get Damian back. Even after Bruce told Dick (as well as Barbara, Tim, and Jason) that he had to go to Apokolips alone Dick still helped Bruce in other ways, Dick really is the MVP, what a man, I love him so much!
(I really needed to show my love for Dick right then and there, sometimes you just have to do it. Dick Grayson is, after all, the greatest comic character to have ever been created).
Batman and Robin #36
First of all, seeing Jason and Barbara wearing the Robin symbol really makes me laugh. It’s just weird to see Barbara wear it, it almost feels like it’s something that shouldn’t have happened and in Jason’s case, well, the last time he wore it he died and it’s kinda funny to see beefy and tall Red Hood wearing a Robin symbol, it’s just funny not a critique.
What I am going to critique from this issue is that after they (Jason, Barbara, and Tim) go to Apokolips and find Bruce they say, “You’re here in this hellish place for your son, Bruce” and Jason continues that with, “And we’re here for you”.
Ah, the irony. Of all people, having Jason say that to Bruce is wild. This man has done nothing for Jason and here Jason is, in Apokolips, of all places, to help a man that does not deserve it. This is proof that Jason is a good man but its also proof that he is an idiot in the New 52, I am sorry but come on, writing Jason this way after what Bruce did to him in issue 20 seems like DC is confirming the fact that even though Batman does the most horrible stuff to his kids, he can still get away with it because his kids still love him all the same.
I understand, loving your parents when they are flawed but Bruce had been written at this time like an abusive father, and he was written like that towards Jason and Dick, so it is not a good look. Bruce saying that he promises that he won’t do it anymore isn’t enough DC, make the man pay for being that way, make his kids stay away from him for a while (or forever).
And here is the other thing, I say that Bruce is Jason and Dick’s father but DC doesn’t, they only acknowledge Damian as Bruce’s son and they do it because the New 52 timeline is non-existent. After all, they deleted a lot of history from these characters, I think it’s fair to assume that Bruce never adopted Dick or Jason and that both of them were Robin for a very short time. What I am trying to say with this is that not only is Bruce getting away with being abusive but he is also getting away with being an abusive father. Because Bruce is their father, at least I see it that way, he isn’t just his friend/mentor/tutor he is their father. He used to be before New 52 and that’s not something that we as the readers are ready or want to let go of.
All in all, Jason didn’t do much in these issues thus confirming (to me, at least) that the only reason he was invited to the party was because they couldn’t use Dick. And that’s an insult to Jason’s character, it would have been better if Jason didn’t appear in this story and he actually had the chance to do something else, like go back to being the proper Red Hood, an anti-hero that does what Batman won’t do for Gotham and its people.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Prelude - I need to stop catching sight of poetry on my explore page lol. This is entirely self-indulgent and very specific cause I’m rotting thru life rn and so if u dislike I understand lol. When I was in the hospital this last time it sucked rlly bad and like the awful horny degenerate I was I kept thinking abt Kirishima and soft sweet Sugawara idk lol
Pairing - Death god Kirishima x Reader
Warnings - Suicide, suicide attempt, no smut. Death. Drunk Drivers. Yandere but only a little bit and cause I can’t voluntarily accept love it has to be forced bc I cannot handle the thot of someone who is sane loving me bc there is no freaking way lol
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/5Iy1wdO0tMaHwKnfFYtlel?si=-vqod-W6SHia8ui2Hdl_9g 
Adding this one bc it’s like one of my favorites and I wish god I wish and I hope that this year is better than the last amen lol also there’s nothing more sad to me than someone pleading and begging and crying for the year to treat you nicely like bitch u okay? no. the answer is no.
“It hurts.” You had told him, as the entity sat at the end of your hospital bed.
He often sank heavily onto the nearest surface, as if his bones ached with the weight of his body. You saw him often during those first few days in the hospital, days spent puking up pills, every move you made monitored, doctors and nurses scolding you about the severity of your actions.
You didn’t think they could see the hulking figure that comforted you.
“I”ve heard that it’s supposed to.” The red god of death would think aloud.
“I don’t want it then.” Tears upon your cheeks, soft, misty. “Take it.”
“Your life?” A nod would affirm his question, but the red god would shake his head. “I am no thief. Not a hunter, simply a gatherer of souls. I won’t take what doesn’t belong to me.”
“Then it’s yours, have my life. A gift, from me to you. Don’t make me live it any longer…..”
His sadness would show in his eyes.
But the soul-crushing hugs that were provided were admittedly a tiny bit nice.
“You’re far too sweet for your own good. I’ll receive your life when the time is right, not before.”
“But I don’t want it!” You sobbed into his shoulder, the god seeming to be your only friend in the world.
Hands stroked along your back, soft shushing sounds as the god attempted to soothe you in the ways he knew how. Soft touches, kind truths. “Many don’t.  But it happens - life happens anyways. All you can do is find the things that make it less painful.”
“That’s not enough, it still hurts. I can’t stand it.” The sobs wracking your body didn’t stop the entity from holding you.
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
He’s patient and kind.
Surprising for a god who’s work involves collecting souls as if they were taxes. A job that should be bitter and tiresome, but the entity has infinite softness resting inside of him.
He walks with you, as you get “better“.
You watch him stop to marvel at flowers, to study the way dew drips from trees in little drops, eyes wide and wondering as crows startle from their perches and take off with noisy weeping.
This courtyard is drab and brown, a prison. Safe.
Yet the god of death treats the space gently, with respect. He thanks the old walls for standing, the worn stones beneath your feet. Their service is noted and appreciated. He’s so tender it almost makes you sick.
But you come to realize that he’s simply allowing himself to be vulnerable, to experience the earth and the beings in it.
For as soon as one recognizes vulnerability, which is so different from weakness or tragedy, one experiences a sense of tenderness. Without tenderness, pleasure means nothing. You need only look at the animals to see the truth of that. It is gentleness that distinguishes their playing from the actions they constantly take to ensure their survival.
You ask why he walks with you, why he is so focused on seeing you get “better“.
A soft smile, a meeting of eyes. “There is an end to your pain, sometime and somewhere. It’s most likely not here, not in this place at least-“ and he looks around, at the cold walls, the other sick patients, the staff. All human.
“-It will come. But for now, it’s enough to try and seek it out ourselves.”
You must look more sick than you really are, talking to thin air like that.
Once you return home, the red god writes you letters.
He’s an old soul, an old god. You’re sure if you asked, he’d be able to recount the very first souls he reaped, a man and a woman, sinful and sweet but in love.
The letters help you get out of bed. What new stories or little quips the god has written pique your curiosity, even when you don’t want to move, don’t want to be awake or alive.
He tells you stories about certain souls, how each one is infinitely interesting, how they all interconnect.  How some of them struggle against him, however fruitlessly. But he’s not the one who brought about their death, he’s there to comfort and guide.
Other souls, (“souls like yours” he writes) welcome him, run to his arms like a long lost lover. Their death was terrifying by their own hand, and it hurt. He can’t take away that pain, those memories. The red god says he wishes those souls find peace wherever he must take them afterwards, or at least, some form of contentment.
“The meaning of life is to give life meaning, at least, that’s what seems to be the consensus.” You rip off that part of the letter, hang it on your wall by your bed.  The other letters you keep in your nightstand, content with the knowledge that there are souls out there like you
It’s hard work, creating meaning for yourself.
The red god takes to visiting you between each letter, says he misses you, the way your soul cries. He tells you that he wishes he could help you quiet it, quiet that raging, terrible storm that hurls you about.
You make him cookies - it’s the only way you know how to say thank you. It’s what your mother taught you, so it may not be right, but the god eats them nonetheless. He likes it when you eat with him, feeding you bites from his cookie, wiping chocolate off of your nose, making you laugh with stupid jokes and a mouth stuffed full of cookies.
Even if some of them are too crunchy, or others too soft, all of them imperfect.
Imperfection is the essence of humanity, he tells you, and it’s more fun eating each cookie with the thought that you’re devouring your imperfections, making yourself whole again, filling up the empty spaces in your soul.
Eventually, the crawl back to your feet, rise with the unsteadiness of a toddler. You fall frequently, cry often, but you’re able to get up and try again.
Some days you need to bury yourself in sadness, let yourself feel and feel and hurt. Other days are not so bad, but still tinged  with regret and fear and sadness.
The red god is by your side, gives you something to cling to when you waver.
He is always there.
He will be there when you meet your end.
The god is in no hurry.
You question why he wastes his time on you, hours spent reassuring you, talking to you, tucking you in your bed and leaving glasses of water on your nightstand before taking his leave.
Home is a feeling, not a place. Home is with you - that’s what he tells you. You take his breath away, even though he might not even need to breath because he’s the god of death. HIs thoughts muddle and he trips over his feet and can’t help himself from wanting to hold you.
You learn that even gods yearn for home.
He’s capable of feelings and emotions just like any other human. He may be wiser, and older, able to draw from experience and a deep well of wisdom. But he still feels, and feels deeply.
Just as he gives the earth around him such reverence, he extends that same  attitude when he deals with you.
“Everything I see reminds me of you. When I wake and the sun creeps over the mountains, hesitant, it reminds me of the way that you rise - haltingly, yet it happens nonetheless. The flowers in the field that so steadily grow, you’re like ground they take root in, soft and unstable yet still tenable with the potential for growth. I don’t know, I haven’t exactly held such closeness with a human-“
He trails off, but you think you understand.
Maybe you don’t. It’s hard to relate to a god.
A confession occurs, and you’re surprised to learn that the blood-red god of death is in love.
“What did my hands do before they held yours? What did my heart do without all of this love? I can’t hold enough of you, I carry such love for you in my heart.”
With a frail, hopeless human nonetheless.
You don’t know what to tell him, how to explain that you can barely take care of yourself right now, meet your own needs.
But the red god seems to know, seems to understand the way your breath hitches and your eyes widen. One more hug, squeezed tight to his chest while he promises nothing has to change.
Things do change, even if you wish them not to. The world doesn’t bow to your whims, nor the death-god’s.
Innocent touches, his hand on your shoulder, patting your head, offering to rub out the tension in your back after you’ve had a crushing day - they don’t feel so innocent anymore.
The constant survellience still seemed kind, and you knew it was with your best intentions in mind that the god hovered so close, invading every aspect of your life.
But a creeping tendril of unease took hold, and you worried.
Everywhere you turned, he would be there, ready to support you, walk you through anything you wished.
Again, you questioned his commitment. Why? Why you?
“I can’t explain how fond of you I’ve grown. How heat blossomed in my chest as we grew closer. There’s infinite things I wish to say to you, ways for me to express my-my love, but I’ll just let you live.”
He neither killed you nor let you live.
Was it frightening? Maybe. But you had nothing to really live for, lost, searching for your own meaning in a big big world, floundering in an endless sea of sadness and suffering. You weren’t afraid of anything the god could, or would, do to you.
Until you woke up, not knowing where you were, in pitch black.
Arms encircling your shoulders, a soft body beneath your own, holding you tightly, a hand caressing your cheek.
A sun rose, on a strange new land, on the blood-red god gazing at you.
“There seemed to be so much more time for you. But accidents happen, Drivers drink and hearts give out. I was expecting you to grow old, for us to live and love like that, see how you grew through life.”
He looked around this new world, and you vaguely remember what had come before.  A walk along the sidewalk, blaring horns, impact, blood.
“But this will be just as nice. You can stay here with me now. Life can’t cause you anymore pain.”
You don’t feel comforted by those words.  There’s no way for you to know whether this new world would be better than the one you left behind.
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biderboy · 3 years
Faith || J.P
a/n ; sorin feels like he can’t write and so this is the outcome pls send help he’s not ok and never will be ok anyways so here’s angel!james
tw; death, blood mention, god bashing (?), lucifer, burn mentions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
james had never expected this; the end.
he knew it would happen, he had seen it a million times over. he had been there for the birth of creation, it had been inprinted into his brain that it would end
he’s seen it a thousand different ways, oceans rising, stars falling, humanity burning itself to the ground. if he closes his eyes he could see the quite sobs, the blood running dry.
but this, he was not showed. this, was not what he knew. this, was far worse.
humanity was long gone, he could remember their screams as the first angel hit the ground.
the power surges, the outbreaks from fallen angels, had all drawn the last humans to death.
it was sickening, watching his own kind create such mayhem, such tragedy, when they were created to protect what they had just destroyed.
and it was horrifying, feeling himself fall. one of the last angels, barely holding onto what grace he had left. the way his screams shook the gates of heaven, how his tears felt cold and disturbing on his cheeks, how his wings begged not to be burnt to dust.
scared, he had felt scared.
this was not in the play book, this was not in the master plan. it was not supposed to end like this, god had not spoken of it.
but god was long gone, god no longer cared.
god had looked at heaven and left, the moment he had cast lucifer out, he was done.
james remembered his father that day, the coldness in his eyes, the anger in his voice. james knew what his father looked like when he was searched to draw blood, and blood he had gotten.
lucifers fall had been the beginning of the end.
none of the angels had know it at the time, but when their father sighed and turned away, he would keep his back to them, forever.
god took, that was his problem. he created, he pushed light into whatever he could reach and then watched as it burned itself to ash.
he laughed, as his toys broke, and he went on to create more, ones he would serve for moments before walking away from them too.
that’s what had happened here, james knew.
he didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want to accept that his father had abandoned them. didn’t want to crush the faith, the pure devotion, he had.
but the truth lay still, as he watched the fallen angels ruin themselves.
god promised forever, god promised paradise.
james could recall, the whispered lies drenched in golden hues no angel could resist.
forever, because angels were the one creation that couldn’t die.
paradise, because when heaven was pure, there would be nothing but love.
james wonders if it was love they were promised, or death.
james wonders if there was a difference between the two.
a common occurrence, it seemed. love, would just lead to death. lucifer, who loved father too much. michael, who loved humanity too much. james, who loved heaven too much.
faith, love, death. all the same, james could no longer tell the difference.
he wonders, as earth continues to be covered with burnt wings and bloodshed, if this is what it was all supposed to amount to.
each angel, blind with devotion and purity, to fall to death surrounded in everything the despised.
he thinks of the irony, those who just wanted to feel, those who just wanted to follow, those who just wanted to go home. all faced with depravity.
for a moment, james sees what is before him. the fall of heaven, his eyes shut.
“what do you have faith in?” he could remember you asking, your voice soft as it fell to the floor.
“my father i suppose” his voice sounded like a stranger to his ears.
but if he reached far enough inside, would it be faith he found? or blind devotion?
“what about you? where does your faith lay?” he asked, eyes turning to lock on yours.
“in humanity.” you had whispered back, a broken smile placed on your face, he wondered what you had been thinking about the.
he laughed, looking away. the feeling deep inside his chest rumbled, aching to be let out.
“what’s funny about that? you don’t have faith in what’s around you?”
“i don’t need faith in humanity, it needs no assistance in tearing itself apart”
his voice sounded hard, broken in a way only an angel could feel.
james had seen it all. everything you could imagine, he’d watched humanity since the birth of creation. how he could see such, only to turn his back and laugh at what had been created.
the angel closed his eyes, his chest ragged with broken breaths and if the heavens looked close enough, they would have seen his hands shaking from where they lay.
for a moment james wondered, did he lose faith in humanity? or heaven?
james had been wrong then, he noticed, eyes falling upon the mess.
humanity did not destroy itself, heaven did.
chaos, confusion, absolutely in shambles as soon as there was no order to follow.
heaven did not need assistance, to tear itself to shreds, james noticed, fearing a laugh, or a scream, will rip through his throat.
he should have known, should have listened. too caught up in his blind devotion, that’s what is was, too see.
heaven falling apart.
faith would not hold it together, faith would not fix it.
he was wrong.
he was lied to, again and again. his father had lied, he had lied, and every angel that had fallen to earth, had lied.
heaven was full of purity? as if it’s own keepers were trustworthy.
and laying in the rubble, wings long forgotten behind him, james could hear the screams of angels.
maybe this is what he had saw before, maybe it was not humanity’s cries, but his own.
he was wrong, so so wrong.
he felt his own hand reach up to his neck, his fingers dancing along a familiar path, for a moment he could pretend.
the world was ending, heaven knows he had tried desperately to fix it.
he was tired, he could feel his own body falling, his grace seeping into the ground before him.
his last breath, he could feel it.
he wondered, when angels die, where do they go?
he had no faith in heaven anymore, he had no faith in god.
his grace falls, wrapping around his soul for one last moment, and it hits him.
in the mess of all the fallen, he remembers you.
his faith, his devotion, his love, his death.
if he could get one thing right, it would be this.
he could do it, for you.
with his last breath, he whispered a prayer. not to god, nor a heaven of some sort, but to you.
“you’re the only thing that i think i got right.”
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What if the entire human cast were turned into vampires? (those who stay human throughout the saga)
Well, the first question we must ask ourselves, is who’s turning them? Who would do such a thing?
It’s a very stupid thing to do, after all, and a surefire way to earn yourself a visit from the Volturi.
Now, who in the post-Breaking Dawn world would want to turn all the humans near the Cullens into vampires, ensuring another confrontation between the Cullens and the Volturi?
Answer is, drumroll-
The Romanians.
As of Breaking Dawn, the Volturi are extremely vulnerable. Jane, Alec, even Chelsea have all been neutered. Renata is Schrödinger’s shield. She might work, might not. The more time they’re given to regroup after this, however, the worse news for their would-be usurpers.
Now is the time for a rebellion, but there’s no rebellion without Bella. Bella, unfortunately, is in a coven led by ultimate pacifist Carlisle, and Carlisle isn’t going to greenlight storming Volterra with an army. It’s time to get creative.
This could go many places, but the path of a biting spree in Forks and La Push is certainly one of them.
So, Vladimir and Stefan bite the entire human cast, and open Pandora’s box.
One of the first things to happen, I think, is that Billy, Quil senior, Emily, Kim, and Rachel are killed, maybe even before their transformations can complete. They would not want to live as vampires, to them vampirism is a fate worse than death. A mercy killing before they can hurt anybody would be the only way out.
As for the rest...
This would break the secret.
In this globalized age of internet, viral videos, and live TV, several hundred people all falling mysteriously ill with the same inexplicable symptoms, screaming and begging for death for days, slowly turning into something else as baffled doctors watch, before becoming massacring demons that tear the hospitals they’re in to pieces within minutes and proceed into the streets, killing everything in sight-
Aro hasn’t had a headache like this since ever.
This doesn’t even have to do with the Cullens anymore, though they’ll have to testify that they had nothing to do with this. Caius will be out for blood, though, any blood, and his ire will fall upon them.
This, of course, is the part the Romanians did it all for, because everyone knows that the Volturi are corrupt and would execute them regardless of guilt, so the Cullens will have to bring a new set of witnesses to this confrontation. And this time, of course, the Volturi are showing up to get massacred. Stefan and Vladimir high five each other.
And this time the odds are entirely in their favor.
In Breaking Dawn, standing by the Cullens was a suicide mission. No one knew Bella would be able to pull off what she did, none of the arrivals even knew she even had a gift when they agreed to come. Carlisle gathered only his bravest and most devoted friends.
In this scenario, now that everyone knows Bella’s gift neuters the Volturi, every single vampire who’s ever wanted the Volturi gone are going to want to be there. From random nomads to Maria with her newborns, everyone who’s anybody is going to want to be there, and they’re likely already squabbling over who gets to be top dog as soon as Aro’s a pile ashes.
And Aro can’t avoid this.
He can’t barricade himself in Volterra because there are hundreds of newborns loose in Washington. If he does nothing this will mean that the Volturi rule is officially void. They can’t enforce their law anymore, they may be alive down there in Italy but the era of the Volturi is over in all the ways that count.
If he goes to Washington, he can’t avoid the Cullens for the same reason as above. If he doesn’t collect their testimony to ascertain their innocence it’ll mean they’re now above the law, which in turn means that the Volturi don’t have the strength to punish them.
He has to go to Washington, and he has to deal with the Cullens.
Now, Carlisle may think the best of everyone, but even he would know the plot of the movie 300 when he sees it. The Romanians showed up at his doorstep, they totally didn’t create all those vampires wink, oh and here are eighty thug vampires who are already drawing straws on who gets to kill which Volturi.
More, what happened in Forks and La Push is only a taste of what’s to come.
Not only are the Volturi needed to help stop this madness, but if they should fall then what happened in Forks and La Push will only be a blip on the radar against the chaos that will be unleashed. It’ll be a genocide of the human species.
And Carlisle will have a culpability in that. The reason why this mass vampire creation tragedy is happened in the first place is precisely to see the Cullens go to war against the Volturi.
Last problem, it would be a massacre of the Volturi. Carlisle is a pacifist who cherishes life, even if it there would be no repercussions to the Volturi falling, forty-something vampires would still be killed.
I think at this point it would be unconscionable for Carlisle to allow this confrontation to happen. Question is, how to prevent it?
I have no doubt that the Romanians would be filling Bella’s head with conspiracy theories and what have you, for starters, explaining how her family will never be safe while Aro lives. It would be effective, even if Bella is told by Carlisle what this means for humans she’s not necessarily going to internalize just how bad that would be. Bella also has the problem that she romanticizes her love for Edward, to the point where she i Eclipse would let his family die if it meant she could keep him. Letting civilization fall to protect her lover would be acceptable to Bella.
More, the Cullens like humans well enough, but they’re not altruistic.
Likely, they would be convinced by the Romanians and the other vampires there that this was a fight for liberty, the human population would be fine, this is really no worse than Heidi fishing 40 people a week, we’re just more honest about it! The Cullens would want to be convinced, because the Volturi are scary and have proven evil in the past. If they’re not overthrowing them, they’re not just agreeing to live in danger, they’re agreeing to be slaughtered. It’s been established, to them, that Aro’s just itching for an excuse to kill them.
Carlisle can make his plea that they fuck off to Isle Esme while he alone stays behind to testify to Aro, so there’s no Bella at the confrontation. They’d refuse both because there’d be nothing stopping Aro from killing their allies and then coming after them when they’re alone, and because there’d be a real chance they were leaving Carlisle to his death.
Besides, with Bella’s gift they can hold the Volturi hostage, act nice or she’ll let these 80 vampires kill them. Nevermind that the vampires would just attack the Volturi anyway, and Bella couldn’t not shield them.
Bella and the rest of the Cullens aren’t going to go along with Carlisle.
Now, if Carlisle were Aro, the hard but effective solution here would be the Didyme route. Kill Bella, one life to spare the many.
Carlisle is not Aro.
What options does he have, then?
He could sneak away to intercept the Volturi, speak with Aro, hope to in some way initiate talks. It’d be a desperate, futile gamble, one where even if he gets Aro to listen it still won’t make their army-shaped problem go away, because Bella will never believe it if Aro says “we’re friends now! No quarrel! I’m definitely not going to kill you at first leisure if you let your army go.”
It’s an empty lead.
I think, given everything, Carlisle would swallow down the bitter taste of irony, call up his old friends whom he can still rely on, such as the Irish and the Amazonians, and ask very nicely if they would - sigh - like to witness that the newest Cullen-Volturi encounter goes over peacefully. The shapeshifters should be on board as well, after what happened to their loved ones and the countless other innocent humans killed or turned, they’ll never forgive the Romanians and not Bella for standing with them either.
So Aro shows up, and there’s Bella and the Romanians with an army of thugs, and there to the side is Carlisle with his tiny squad of witnesses. Who, should a fight break out, will try to defend the Volturi and get themselves killed in the crosshairs.
There’s a long silence.
Everyone is giving Carlisle their most exasperated eyerolls, his own squad included. Carlisle wishes he was rolling his eyes too, but the situation is a bit too serious for that. He just stands there feeling very uncomfortable.
Quite damningly for Bella, if she now allows the fight to happen that means the shapeshifters will be killed. None of the Cullens are particularly keen on the fight now that Carlisle’s likely to die.
Frankly, I think this would be an unbearably awkward encounter where absolutely nobody acknowledges aloud the reason why they’re there, or what was supposed to happen, and act as if it’s a normal trial, for the several first few minutes.
The Romanians know this is it, this is their chance, so right about the time where Aro is saying “How excellent that we’ve established the Cullens didn’t do it! Who, then, could the culprits possibly be?” they launch their attack.
All, at this point, depends on Bella’s reaction. If she keeps up her shield, then a glorious battle occurs, and most if not all Volturi die, the Carlisle squad are also goners, and most if not all of the Romanians’ army die as well.
The thing is, to win the Romanians don’t have to win - they just have to make the Volturi lose. So, even if they’re wiped out, if they can take out the key members of the Volturi then the Volturi will still have lost.
And this is where Aro’s planning enters into the equation.
Would he bring his key players to what was certain to be a slaughter? Would he even come himself?
Is it not perhaps wiser to send the twins, who in a fight without their gifts would be the first and easiest to be killed, to a secret location? Hope that, should the Volturi fall, then they can at least hope to take Bella down with them so that Jane and Alec will be able to keep the world from succumbing to a fiery hellpit?
And Jane and Alec couldn’t do this alone. They’re kids, for one thing. More, there are no men like Aro. His gift and personality both have been how he kept the vampire world under control for over a thousand years. It is a romantic notion to go down with your ship, burn with your empire, but it’s an impractical one. And Aro is nothing if not practical.
If he doesn’t show up to the trial it’ll just be sending his Volturi to be slaughtered, and as I explained above, not going at all isn’t an option either.
I think the twins would be safely whisked away to some faraway place, while Aro arrives with plans for an effective escape for himself and the core members, and as many vampires Chelsea was able to get to redshirt themselves.
This, in turn, means that even if Bella doesn’t use her gift, it’ll still be a slaughter. Alec and Jane aren’t there.
In the scenario where Bella doesn’t use her gift, this forces the Cullens to fight alongside the Carlisle squad and the Volturi. The odds are not so uneven as they originally were. Could be Aro still escapes, or given the tipped balances he could try and luck it out, to increase the odds of his side winning.
There are many outcomes this battle could have, but the Volturi would not escape unscathed from this. No coven would, the fighting would only end when there was only the victor remaining.
I, personally, like the outcome where Carlisle and Aro both survive, and find themselves living with a new world order. The secret is out, the Volturi are a shadow of what they once were, and the Cullens can never live as humans again. The two form a tentative alliance (because at no point has anything been cleared up between them) to keep this new world from descending into interspecies war.
Edward, now a Volturi, wonders where it all went wrong.
(There’s also the outcome where Renesmée joins her grandpa’s squad as a teen rebellion thing, and since no one wants to harm her the fight is cancelled. 
Aro repeats his ramble about nukes and missiles, the vampire community needs him to smooth things over and have Chelsea make all world leaders adore vampires or it’s over for all of them. Carlisle supplies in that poorly scripted random member of the audience says exactly what the magician needs him to way, “Yes absolutely the humans have weapons that can take us out!”
It’s awkward for everybody.)
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asleepinawell · 3 years
Been having a lot of Thoughts about the nier series recently and the larger themes of both games and wanted to jot them down and toss them into the void of the internet.
Massive spoilers for nier automata follow, including for ending e. Do not read this if you ever intend to play nier automata. There are spoilers for nier replicant as well, though not for ending e.
One of the biggest themes both nier games tackle is the tragedy of an uncaring universe. Bad things happen to good people, people who think they're good and doing the right thing find out they were actually committing atrocities, the very idea that there's 'good' and 'bad' people is dissected and rejected. At the end of the day, the universe doesn't give a shit about any of us and none of it matters. Enjoy your existential despair!
In nier replicant, the main character starts off as an optimistic young boy who wants to save, not only his sister, but the entire world. After the time skip, nier is a young man whose optimism has (partially) been tarnished and whose goal has narrowed down to just saving his sister. As you move through each route you understand more and more how tragic the world is and how, despite your best intentions, you are only adding to the tragedy of the world. The original 4 endings of nier replicant are all tragic in some way. Ending D has a glimmer of hope in it in the form of nier being able to save kainé at the cost of his own existence, but it's a bittersweet ending and the world is ultimately doomed anyway.
Which brings us to nier automata. Even more so than replicant, automata hammers home the meaningless of everything, the uncaring universe, tragedy both avoidable and unavoidable. The main characters are locked in an endless loop of violence and despair. The worst that could happen, does, again and again. It thrives off the type of tragedy porn I usually hate.
Except it doesn't. If endings a and b are the opening statement, endings c and d are the facts and body of the essay, but then there's ending e, the concluding paragraph which takes everything we've been told and gives you the chance to draw your own conclusion from it.
Route e starts after you've gotten both ending c and d and is no longer about the characters in the game at all. Route e is about you, the player, and what you believe. It says "we've given you a story of complete despair, we've shown you the universe is unfair and doesn't give a fuck about you, we've shown you things that end in tragedy. despite all of this, do you still believe it's worth fighting for the hope of something better?"
And then it asks you to prove it.
Route e is the ending every fan has asked for when they've said "I'll fight the creators to give my favs a happy ending." Today is your lucky day!
Route e is the ending credits of the game, except that the ending credits have turned into a bullet hell mini game. In fighting the actual credits themselves, you are fighting the game devs. You are saying fuck you I don't believe that everything is pointless. Fighting for better is always worth it. The meaning that we imbue in life is important to us and that matters.
The bullet hell of the end credits starts out fairly simple and gets harder and harder as you go, lasting something like 15 minutes total, which is a brutally long time to be playing something that requires split second timing and 100% of your focus. It's meant to feel insurmountable, just like the challenges the characters in the game faced (the larger plot challenges, not the combat). You will likely die a lot and check points are few and far between.
But there's more to it than that. The first time you die, a prompt comes up:
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And then when you die again:
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Except now, there’s a message on the screen. A message that appears to be from another player, somewhere in the world.
And again:
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(this one really fucked me up, but that’s for a different post).
And then finally:
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(thank you user MR-YE-1996)
When you accept the rescue offer, you go back to the bullet hell again, but now you have a wall of other players around your weak little avatar, shielding you from harm. The music, which has been a single vocal track up until now, gains an entire chorus of voices to represent the army of actual players who’ve shown up to save you (and there’s a lot I could say about the use of the (exquisitely good) music in the nier games, and especially about the difference in lyrical themes between ashes of dreams and weight of the world). Every time a bullet hits one of the players surrounding you, there’s a message saying that user’s data has been lost. Users from all over the world are sacrificing themselves to help you. It’s a very nice, heart-warming moment that you still don’t understand the full impact of quite yet.
After you beat the credits, you’re rewarded by a final cutscene. The android protagonists have been reconstructed and will receive a second chance at life. The narration at this point talks about how life exists within the spiral of life and death we are all trapped in. One of the two pods talking points out that even though the androids are being given a second chance at life, there’s a possibility that things will go just as poorly once again. And the other pod agrees, but adds: “However, the possibility of a different future also exists.”
And then the scene ends with this quote: “A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself.”
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And this is really the final conclusion of the game. There is no inherent meaning in the universe, so the meaning we give our lives is the most meaningful thing. (And the ‘you’ here isn’t necessarily an individual either. It can be, or it can be humanity as a whole, or even one group). And you, the player, thought that it was worth fighting to give these characters a second chance, and other players out there in the world thought it was worth helping you to do so.
It’s such a wonderfully beautiful piece of meta interpretation posing as a game ending, and also a departure from the final conclusion of previous Yoko Taro games. It feels like a much more mature and nuanced interpretation of the world than the ending of replicant was (I won’t comment on the new ending e of replicant just yet since it didn’t come out that long ago). (Also, for the record, I love nier replicant and the characters in it with my entire heart. This post is not bashing it).
But the game has one more surprise in store for you. After the cutscene ends, you’re given one last choice. The game asks if you have any interest in helping other players the way you were helped. And if you say yes, you’re told that the only way you can do this is to sacrifice all your save data.
I think that sacrifice hits differently for different people. Some people genuinely won’t mind that at all. As someone who probably still has save data from games I played 20 years ago, it felt like a gut punch. To me, save data represents all the time and emotion and energy I’ve put into a game. Games are so deeply important to me in so many ways and have been since my childhood when they were one of the few ways I could escape from a lot of terrible shit going on in my life. (There’s a reason my blog title is what it is). I could talk a lot more about that point, but I’ll leave it by saying that when I saw what the game was asking of me it felt like someone had knocked my legs out from under me.
For more practical players, it also is locking you out of chapter select, the best way to go back and get all the things you missed and grab the achievements/trophies you still need.
The game will point out that you’ll get nothing in return for this (not a lie, there’s no secret reward), that you will likely never know if or who you helped, that you won’t be thanked, that the person you help could be someone you intensely dislike, etc. And with all of this comes the realization that all those people who came to help you in the credits had already done this. Those people whose data was sacrificed to help you get to the final cutscene had already sacrificed their save data to help you.
We’ve now gone from a world where everything is meaningless, to a world where other real actual human beings out there have sacrificed something that represented hours of their time and a varying amount of emotional investment without any hope of reward to help a stranger see a message of hope.
When I was younger, I was more drawn to dark, hopeless stories. Stories about how dark and meaningless the world was. The world was a terrible place then too. 9/11 happened when I was in highschool (an incident that influenced yoko taro’s creation of nier replicant and had a huge impact on me at the time), the pointless wars that happened after and the recession and a million other things seemed to infuse everything with hopelessness. In that world, stories about everything being meaningless and hopeless felt correct. They felt validating. Yes, everything really does suck that much!
That sort of story lost its appeal for me later on. Pointless and horrible things continued to happen, and still continue to happen. The world events of the last few years have been an unnerving reliving of those earlier years, except even worse. The cycles of tragedy are still there with no end in sight. I’m exhausted from all of it. It really does feel hopeless a lot.
But stories that stop at that point no longer appeal to me. Stories like nier automata--stories that say yes, things are terrible, but there’s always hope, you can create your own meaning, it is always worth it to fight for better even if you fail, your life is worthwhile simply for existing--those stories are the ones I think we all need more than anything.
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todomitoukei · 4 years
Passing the Blame Pt. 2
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This is a reply I got in response to a post talking about how in regards to chapter 291, a good portion of the fandom is passing the blame onto anyone in the Todoroki family that isn’t Endeavor. And apparently my point went over some people’s heads, so let me try to spell it out more clearly.
No one is saying that Dabi isn’t responsible for his crimes. Yes, he himself explains his crimes in the broadcast by telling people that his flames are Endeavor’s flames. But that doesn’t even mean that he himself believes Endeavor to be responsible for the crimes that Dabi has committed.
Rather, what Dabi is trying to accomplish is to get people to care. He can sit down and do the same broadcast and leave it at the details of the abuse the family has suffered from Endeavor. That should be shocking enough. However, let’s be real - there would be the risk of people’s response being “Oh, what a tragedy, anyway-” and moving on with their lives without it really getting to them since this has no effect on them.
So instead of merely saying how much suffering Endeavor has caused within his own family, he shows people that this abuse has traumatized Touya to the point that he became Dabi, a highly wanted villain who has committed a number of crimes that affect other households as well. The abuse that has once been restricted to one household now expands to several other families.
Yes, Dabi is responsible for the crimes he himself has committed and eventually will have to atone for them. But the reason he has committed these crimes in the first place was to increase the damage he could do to Endeavor’s career/life, to increase the shock factor his broadcast will have on the people of Japan and thus increase the chances of actually being heard. Again, this is a desperate cry for help.
On a more realistic note, Dabi might not plan on answering for the murders he has committed, because he doesn’t necessarily seem to plan on surviving this, either.
But let’s be hopeful and say he survives all of this. In that case, he still wants to take down Endeavor. That is his only goal, just like it was Endeavor’s only goal in life to beat All Might - no matter how. So whether he actually kills him or not is not that relevant because either way he is ruining the hero that is Endeavor, which, let’s be real, is that man’s whole identity.
Once that has been accomplished and Dabi still lives, I don’t think Dabi would refuse to take responsiblity for his own crimes.
Again, that is not the point that I was trying to make, nor is it the point the story is trying to make.
At the end of the day, the problem lies in people taking Endeavor’s side, judgement clouded by his very biased view on his past. In his own memories, the family is described in a positive light, accompanied by several panels of a very happy-looking Touya. But Touya wasn’t happy. He was neglected by his own father after being told that he wasn’t good enough; that he couldn’t live up to his father’s expectations. That kind of thing is so very harmful to a child.
Dabi wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Endeavor; on the one hand because Endeavor is his father who created him in order to surpass All Might, and on the other hand because Endeavor’s obssession traumatized Touya to the point of being driven insane enough to become Dabi.
People aren’t saying that Dabi is an innocent man. But he is the result of Endeavor and in that sense, Endeavor is to blame. I don’t remember what post it was, but someone put this nice mental image into my head by saying “Shouto didn’t come out of the womb pointing a gun at Endeavor and telling him to abuse his family” - so please keep that in mind. We can talk about Dabi committing crimes for the sole purpose of ruining his father’s career, but first we have to finally hold Endeavor responsible for the crimes he has been committing and getting away with for roughly 25 years.
Stop shifting the focus on the victims and the results the abuse has had, instead of holding the abuser accountable.
I don’t know why we have to talk about this every day, but some of you need to realize that us wanting Endeavor to face the consequences does not mean that we excuse Dabi’s actions. You’re all just entirely missing a very obvious point and outright refusing to accept that Endeavor is the bad guy in this. Two people can be responsible, but one of them has been trying to get away with his crimes for so long and that needs to finally be put to an end and then we can talk about Dabi.
P.S. stop hiding in the replies
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brinconvenient · 3 years
Green Egg and Fam
You know what? I'm just gonna go ahead and do this...
So a few years back, I was talking to another trans woman who is very familiar with the DC Universe and we were trying to figure out who is Actually An Egg, and after a few suggestions back and forth, I galaxy-brained the answer. She heartily agreed and we talked about it a bit: 1. Artsy 2. Serial Monogamist who is a Relationship Disaster (Big "Do I want to Be With Her, or Be Her?" energy) 3. Becomes best friends with every ex-girlfriend 4. Noted Respecter of Women in Very Terrible and Awkward Ways 5. Chronically allergic to self-reflection and introspection, but also addicted to it in much the same way lactose intolerant people talk about how they can't give up cheese. 6. Just a complete and Utter Messy Agent of Chaos. 7. All too willing to adopt Other People's Expectations and internalize them as a Sacred Duty. 8. Just constantly Marked By Tragedy - both external and self-created.
It's Kyle Rayner, kids.
Honor Lantern,
Erstwhile Ion/avatar of the power of will
Kyle "I will be the Last of the Green Lanterns and yet keep trying to ressurect this entire Corps of Space Cops that I didn't even know existed until some Blue Dude showed up to give me jewelry and I guess marry me into the Corps? Because I guess that's just my job now and that will become my whole personality" Rayner.
After the conversation, this - the only fanfic I have literally ever written popped out of my head fully formed. It's intended to really be Chapter 1 of Several which are basically conversations between Kyle and one Ex-Girlfriend per chapter as Kyle finally accepts herself and transitions.
Eventually she reveals that the name "Ion" comes from her real name "ImOgeN" because she read Nevada and Was Impacted and she's just that extra.
But, honestly, despite getting started on the Alex chapter ages ago, I never have drawn the energy to go back and finish and/or write more, so I'm just gonna share the first chapter of what I am calling:
"Green Egg and Fam"
Putting the actual content behind the Read More because I've already rambled too long.
“It’s just exhausting, you know? Every few years it seems like I have to pick up the pieces of my life, my memory, my self and figure out who the hell I am! Every time I get a handle on things, someone or something comes along and shakes up the snow globe,y’know? I’ve tried to talk to Diana about it and, like, she’s compassionate and cares and offers sympathy, but most of the time, my whole relationship with her is just one more flake in the globe and I never know who we’re going to be to each other. Somehow, though, you’re always my favorite ex-boyfriend. It’s weird, right?”
Kyle patted Donna’s arm reassuringly. He glanced from Donna’s face to the view over Lake Michigan. There was no more beautiful view of the lakeshore than the roof of the John Hancock Building. He could just about make out the lights of the small shore towns across the lake in Michigan, and he could see the industrial Indiana towns along the round tip of the lake.
“I’m not positive I like that descriptor of our relationship, but I am happy to be some kind of constant for you,” he said with a rueful smile. “Donna, you are one of my dearest friends and I always want to be here for you. I know you didn’t need my help with Dr. Psycho here, but I’m glad I was Earthside to help you out anyway.”
They’d taken the diminutive psychic menace to the Chicago Special Crimes Unit, who had training and facilities for telepaths and telekinetics. They found this perch when Donna said she just needed a little bit to settle down before heading back to the Titans Tower in New York.
“No, I had him just about handled - a Lasso of Persuasion is pretty useful, after all - but I’m glad you swung through, all the same,” Donna said. “I’m glad to have a friend here. Psycho was really messing with my head this time. He kept dredging through my memory, pulling out bits and pieces of lives lived and people lost. He made me relive the loss of Terry and Robert and Jenny, over and over, replayed the tortures of Dark Angel, dragged me through that whole mess with the Titans of Myth, and I’m actually not sure which of any of those actually happened in this reality anymore.”
Donna’s breath was getting ragged and tears were falling down her face, twinkling in the moonlight.
“You told me about Terry and the kids when we were dating, so since I still remember them, they must still have existed and they still loved you and you still got to love them. I’m a little fuzzy on the Titans of Myth, so I can’t be sure about that stuff. But you’re here now and that’s what’s important right now. Just take a sec to enjoy this moment, this view, this night and see how you feel, ok?” he said.
They sat in the quiet, next to each other, watching the waves reflect and distort the moonbeams. Donna’s breathing calmed down and she straightened her back, half a head taller than Kyle even while sitting.
“Thank you, Kyle. I’ll be ok now, I think. I appreciate you listening. You have a good heart. If you’d only learn to actually fight without that ring, you’d make a pretty decent Amazon. Well … if you weren’t a man, of course.”
Kyle coughed and thanked the stars that Donna couldn’t see him blush. Suddenly Kyle felt like there was lava beneath his skin and he couldn’t sit comfortably.
He didn’t want Donna to catch on, so he stifled his squirming and whipped up a quick construct of a miniature green Kyle in an Amazonian uniform, breastplate, Spartan skirt and calf boots. For added effect he made sure to widen his shoulders and used Hal Jordan as a reference for a jaw far more square than Kyle’s real life chin.
“I’m not sure I can pull off the uniform. Guess I’ll stick with green and black for now. Ha!” he said. He hoped it didn't sound as forced as it felt.
“Oh I don’t know. You’ve got great legs, Kyle! Maybe you should start wearing shorts when in uniform. Besides, you had those over-the-knee boots for the longest time. I think you’d be just fine!” Donna said, laughing.
“Give me a hug, Dick just texted me to meet him in Blüdhaven. Take care and fly safe back to Oa!” she said.
After a quick, warm embrace, she turned eastward and flew off over the lake. Kyle watched her fly out of sight. He looked down and saw little Amazon Kyle, slowly spinning in the air. He drew the construct up to eye level and returned the shoulders and jaw back to his more slender and softer reality. It didn’t look that bad actually.
He’d been trying to make Donna smile, and deflect from … something before, so he exaggerated those features to highlight the incongruence, but he didn’t hate this more realistic image.
He continue to finesse the construct’s features. Like most artists, he never really considered a piece finished, he just stopped working on it. He smoothed the musculature, narrowed the shoulders a little further, pulled the hips out just a bit more, and left the waist alone. The ersatz Kyle’s face got softer still, the brow less pronounced, the nose narrower, the chin just a bit more rounded. He watched the chest muscles soften and breasts form to fill out the breastplate better.
Finally, he lengthened the construct’s hair to shoulder length, adding some wave and curls like Donna’s somehow-always-perfect hair.
And there she was. The woman who’d been haunting Kyle’s dreams as long as he could remember. Slowly spinning in the air was a woman who could easily have been Kyle’s sister, wearing Amazonian garb (or at least what he remembered from seeing Donna’s while they were dating so many years ago).
He didn’t know how much time had passed since he started fiddling with the image, and he didn’t know how long he’d spent staring at the final form. Sister. Yeah, right.
With an angry wave he flashed his hand through the construct, dissolving and dispersing the light particles that he’d given form. He hastily looked around the roof to make sure no one had seen him or, specifically, seen the construct. The burning sensation of shame returned instantly and he immediately flew into the sky until the buildings looked like so many light-speckled building blocks.
He took himself through a calming exercise he learned from Kilowog to help him center himself and sling his ring “like he wasn’t a complete Poozer and deserved to wear it.” Kilowog had no appreciation for just how hard it was for other people to feel calm when he was around. Still, Kyle found it helped when the pink giant wasn’t breathing down his neck.
“My will is strong enough to carry the torch for the entire Green Lantern Corps, I can stop these feelings. I can make all of these thoughts go away. I can stop this. I’ve got too much responsibility to keep indulging this … this nonsense” he thought, trying to ignore the sting of the tears fighting their way free to fall down his face, ignore the pain in his heart.
“I don’t want to lose my friends - what would Donna say? Would she think I was a pervert, or making fun of her somehow? I definitely don’t want to lose Hal’s and the guys’ respect. I don’t want to lose my whole life just because I’m some kind of freak. Get it together, Rayner. No one else is feeling sorry for themselves because they don’t fit in.”
He pulled a hand down his face and pointed his right fist with it’s gaudy, shining green ring on the middle finger toward the Milky Way and flew into space. He hoped the cold solitude of the transluminal conduits would help him regain his composure before he faced Guy, Hal, John and Kilowog for the Honor Lantern meeting. For the millionth time, he wished he could just be more like them, have just a sliver of their easy and effortless masculinity. They made it look so simple.
“Bet they don’t spend half their life trying to figure out what is wrong with them,” he thought. He tried so hard not to envy them, but it was really hard sometimes.
Especially nights like tonight where his resolve had failed him yet again and he gave in to his most hidden thoughts. He entered the transluminal conduit between Saturn and Jupiter and closed his eyes.
He traveled faster than light, but it still took time to reach Oa, so he tried to sleep and hoped that his dreams wouldn’t betray him again.
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comradesummers · 4 years
Top 5 books or anything I should read
Hi, thanks for asking!
I’m an English major, so I can’t remember the last time I read a book that wasn’t for class. But I’ll try to recall what it was like to read books solely for pleasure. Also, I’m not going to be ranking the books because I don’t want to and I’m going to have 6 books instead of 5 because I feel like it. (Fair warning: I could write a lengthy content warning for every single one of these books, so if you’re worried about that sort of thing, I do recommend you look them up before you read them. You’re also welcome to ask me about it.)
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
So this book was extremely written by a white guy in the 60′s. It’s the kind of novel that galaxy brain dudebros are constantly recommending to their girlfriends. But given that I put a David Foster Wallace book on this list, I might just have to accept that I’m a galaxy brain dudebro at heart.
Anyway, this novel is a brilliant deconstruction of the absurdity and tragedy of war and capitalism. It’s hilarious, clever and heartbreaking. I think a lot of authors do the non-chronological timelilne thing just to seem more interesting than they actually are, but in Catch-22, the non-linear timeline is used perfectly. The narrative works on an emotional level (even if it’s a bit confusing on the linear level) so that a lot of plot points that are initially presented as funny and absurd become such emotional gut punches later. For a book that’s known for being so clever and above it all, it is also unabashedly emotional and Heller truly cares about his characters in a way that very few satirists do. It’s a book that will make you laugh and cry and care a whole lot more than you were expecting to.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
So this is kind of a weird one for me. It’s really short, more like a novella than a novel, which isn’t usually my thing. Also, the characters aren’t really characters, they’re archetypes (which is done on purpose, because that’s how a lot of short stories work, but I know that’s a turn-off for some people). I’m also not a huge horror fan and this is one of Gaiman’s more horror-y outings. So why do I love it so much? Well, it’s basically Childhood Trauma, the book, and it does that really really well. Like, through it’s archetypes and its horror tropes and its general use of shorthand, it captures this really specific atmosphere of nostalgia and fear. It’s like one short but perfectly constructed dose of pain and catharsis and it achieves that through restraint. It’s a brilliant little piece and I love it a whole lot.
Beloved by Toni Morrison
So, if it’s not clear by now, I love me some good emotional storytelling and there’s no genre more beholden to emotion than the gothic novel. And, with all due respect (and love) to the Bronte sisters, Beloved is the best gothic novel of all time. I’m honestly struggling to explain why it’s so good. Partially because everyone already knows its good. I mean, it’s a classic for a reason. But partially because talking about this book and its contents is really difficult. This is the saddest book I’ve ever read. There’s no other book that destroyed me quite as much as this one. I’ll probably never reread it because it was so hard to get through the first time. Morrison’s prose truly takes you to the depths of the pain of her characters. It presents the horrors of slavery mostly through the trauma of the aftermath and it does so with such care and brilliance. This book is truly a masterpiece and if anything on this list is required reading, especially for my fellow clueless white people, it’s this one.
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace
I was considering leaving this one off the list, just because I was embarassed to admit that I’m the kind of person who likes David Foster Wallace. I mean, I might as well start vaping and mansplaining while I’m at it. But I decided to be honest instead, so here we are.
Anyway, I was never able to get through DFW’s headier stuff. Like I really did try to read Infinite Jest, but I could not get through it. But Brief Interviews is a short story collection, which is great, because if DFW gets too far up his own ass in one of the stories, you can just skip to another one. And to be honest, I do think there are some shitty stories in this one (wtf is that Tri-Stan shit David?). But the ones that work? Holy shit do they work. I’m not even remotely kidding when I say that The Depressed Person is what finally convinced me to go to therapy. Like I read it and I realized that if I related to the character that much, I really did need help. It’s such a good story and if you don’t want to read the whole book, at least read that one. Personally, I think it’s the best thing DFW has ever written. And the interviews themselves are almost as brilliant. Like, I know that DFW is most well known for his post-modern experimental style and his weird obsession with tennis, but honestly, I think he’s at his best when he writes character studies. He’s really good at creating uniquely shitty human beings and then truly getting to the core of why they are that way. And Brief Interviews is the crowning achievement of that.
Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin
So James Baldwin is a genius, obviously, and there are plently of novels of his I could have chosen for this list. I went with this one because I love books that follow multiple generations of one family, and this book is easily the best version of that that I’ve ever read. It’s a novel about the cycle of abuse, religion, racism, segregation, poverty, police brutality, coming-of-age and sexuality. And even though the book is pretty short, it covers all of these themes brilliantly and thoughtfully and with such love and care. It’s also semi-autobiographical, which is probably why it feels so personal and gut-wrenching. Objectively, it’s probably the best book on this list. It truly is a masterpiece from beginning to end. Also, no offense to Umberto Eco, but it has the best religion based hallucination/vision from God (depending on how you choose to read the scene) scene in any book ever.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
So I know I said I wouldn’t rank anything, but this is probably my favorite book ever. The best way I can think to convey my love for it is to tell you that I’ve associated it with an unrelated song (The Only Living Boy in New York) and there are few things I care about more in the world than making sure that that song will be used in one particular scene in the inevitable TV adaptation, even though I know that’s never going to happen because it would be a completely anachronistic song choice.
It’s hard for me to describe why I love this book so much. Part of it comes down to a really specific personal connection. My grandpa, like Joe, escaped the Holocaust and went to New York and had a really close relationship with a distant cousin of his because the Nazis had killed most of his extended family. So yeah, as a Jew, this book hits pretty hard. But also, as is probably pretty apparent by now, I love pretentious prose that uses way too many big words. I also love emotional and thematic stortytelling and oh boy does this book have that in spades. And the character work is so gorgeous and I care about these people’s relationships so much and the comic book sequences recapture the feeling of golden age comic books so perfectly and god I love it so fucking much.
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lisasstars · 3 years
Ok I have finished Oathbringer… one word to sum it up… PHENOMENAL!! ❤️
My thoughts: Spoiler free!
Brandon Sanderson is incredible of making amazing worlds and such intriguing well developed plot and characters. The plot is so intricate and layered, with so many secrets that when you discover one secret another secret is formed waiting to be revealed.
So much happens in the book that you feel like your on a rollercoaster but is well balanced as there are moments of conversation and development of characters that break in between the action to slow down one scene to then focus on another one.
Dalinar Kholin: I love Dalinar! He is such a well developed character and I adored finding out about his life back in his youth and how much he has changed as the tyrant he was into the man he has become. His life was filled with sorrow and pain, but I found it all so intriguing as there was light in his life and I think this book really emphasises on the point that even though there is tragedy in one’s life there is also hope and the ability to carry on. I felt really sorry for the people in his life back in his youth and how his actions made them feel, yet still saw the good in him despite his bloodthirsty behaviour. Dalinar has been on journey of finding himself through his past and how his past has moulded him into the man he is today and how he has accepted the pain and his actions he did to carry on the journey he is still going on.
Kaladin Stormblessed: I love Kaladin! What I love about Kaladin is his ability to carry on and protect his people, especially Bridge Four. His determination is admirable and inspiring. I adore seeing him soar and be one with the sky and winds; it’s delightful seeing him feel content and smiling in the skies. His journey is incredible and seeing him come into this new power and the authority that has been given to him is amazing because he truly deserves it. Anytime he feels that he has failed or feel that a death is his fault breaks my heart because he burdens himself with every life with no consideration to his own as he wants to protect everyone. I loved Syl always being there for him and act as a constant being in his life; someone he can depend on and help him when he needs the help. I absolutely loved all the interactions with Bridge Four and how each one helps one another and Kaladin having people looking out for him and in turn he looks out and after them. Bridge Four is built on togetherness and hope; helping each other regardless of past doings and coming through it as together as a family.
Shallan Davar: I love Shallan! It’s heartbreaking to see her personality cracking and the layers coming undone as she has built up such a defence in her mind to warrant her past from leaking out and affecting her, yet the cracks have formed and it’s effecting her, making her confused and troubled. It’s clever how Sanderson intertwines the personalities making them appear completely different people as there are yet are one at the same time. I hope Shallan can talk about her past and can see her heal because she needs to confront things and not let it consume her, while also believing she deserves to be happy and to not blame herself or make her believe she deserved the wrongs in her life. I loved her quips and her ability to smile regardless of everything going on, even if it’s not so good to pretend all the time that’s everything is okay when sometimes it’s alright for things not to be. Her interactions with Kaladin are funny as they understand one another and know and can help each other, with the helps of puns. Her interactions with Adolin are so cute and I loved that he saw her, Shallan, not her other personalities and that he is someone who she can depend on and to ground her and bring her back to the real her not the ones she has created.
Adolin Kholin: I love Adolin! He is such a compassionate, loyal, loving character who wants to help in anyway he can and be there for the people he cares about. He doesn’t judge anyone regardless of their station or who they are and cares and protects those who need help. I love seeing his friendship grow with Kaladin and seeing them care for one another and Adolin knowing when something is up and tries to help him by getting Kaladin to talk and open up. I really loved seeing Adolin being vulnerable and appear uncertain because it showed that he isn’t always the confident, happy go lucky person he appears to be; that he does have vulnerabilities and does worry about his place in the world, especially with Shallan as she is a Radiant. I adored his interactions with Shallan as they are so cute and funny together. His ability to make her feel safe and grounded is adorable because he acts as a focus to her and someone who doesn’t judge but cares for her and to let her talk to him in her own time without pushing her into talking. I love how he knows the difference between Shallan and the other personalities, Veil and Radiant, and loves Shallan and brings her back to the present.
Honourable mentions:
Renarin Kholin: Love him! I feel so sorry for him yet love how he is embracing himself and finding his place in the world with the support from Bridge Four and his family.
Jasnah Kholin: I love her ability to stand up for herself and take no nonsense from anyone and embracing herself and her beliefs yet cares and fights for her family.
Navani Kholin: I really love the authority and the ability to take charge or situations and to remain care and collected in a logical yet protective way especially towards Dalinar and her family.
Evi Kholin: I felt so sorry for her and the life she has lead as she is a pure loving soul who only wants peace for the world and her family, yet circumstances made it not possible for her.
Bridge Four: I love all the members and it was really great hearing from some of their perspectives. They make me laugh and cry for them; both separately and together.
Elhokar Kholin: I loved how he accepted his mistakes and wanted to change them and make himself a better man for himself, the kingdom and his family.
Lift: I love her. She makes me laugh with her non-filter dialogue and how she says it how it is with no consideration to how the words appear to everyone else.
Szeth: I love seeing him grow and try to make up wrong doings by helping the people who need the help, even if he is plagued by his own thoughts and nightmares of his past.
Wit: I love Wit and how he comes up with silly stories that hold actual truths and tries to help people along the way with his odd way by speaking advice clouded in a mix of riddles and tales. I loved seeing him help Shallan and giving her hug, to just be there to let her cry and let her emotions and feelings come bare and give her advice to help and heal her.
Venli: I really liked seeing her perspective on the “enemy” side and how she feels about the treatment of her people and where she fits in in all the chaos of the war.
In conclusion, I loved Oathbringer because it rang with hope and the ability to change and be there for the people you love. Through the strength of love and togetherness. Brandon Sanderson is exceptional of creating a complex plot that doesn’t overpower or overshadow the characters and vice versa. The story and description is so detailed that it makes you believe you are actually there and living the world and the characters’s lives. Despite being over 1000 pages long I found myself wanting more and more because I never wanted it to end. Truly incredible!! 💕💕
No spoilers for the next book, Rhythm Of War, please. Thank you!
How I feel about the book. 👇👇 AMAZING!!! ♥️
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