#anyway obi wan bi icon
yeshihellodani · 1 year
Sorry I had to
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
I'm scrolling Tumblr without my glasses so I'm kinda blind but I high-key just assumed you looked like obi wan Kenobi bc you pfp reminds me of him and then I looked closer and realized it was not an obi wan Kenobi bi pride icon but like. Yeah anyway I thought you might enjoy that in my head you are now Bi Obi Wan Kenobi
I'm okay with that.
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damianwaynerocks · 4 years
Zuko & The Waynes
atla/batfam crossover
taglist: @bi-fr0000g​
Part 2
Summary:  Prince Zuko has just seen a light; the Avatar has returned. He was just about to go capture him, when he falls through a portal, and lands in Gotham City. He’s angry. He was just about to regain his honor, to regain his father’s love. After he is adopted by Bruce Wayne and becomes Zuko Wayne, the second youngest child, Zuko starts to have second thoughts about regaining his honor. Living as Zuko Wayne makes him think that maybe, just maybe, he’s deserving of love just the way he is.
pt 1
Part 2:
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"Word of advice; never check your hashtag."
Zuko muttered a thank you to Dick as he set his phone down to take a cup of tea being offered to him by his older brother, who say down himself and leaned his elbows on his knees. He smiled softly as he looked at Zuko. "Look, everybody thinks that we care about their opinion. They feel like their opinion on things we do matters, especially the negative ones. Plus, a lot of it's just for attention, just to get us to see it and say something."
"Don't worry about me," Zuko sighed, "I'm used to people saying things like that."
"I'm sorry about that." The two say in silence for a few minutes, before Dick perked up. "I forgot!" he fumbled to grab the remote, "I was going to show you Brooklyn Nine-Nine!"
"What's that?" Zuko asked, taking a sip of his tea. "This is really good, by the way, almost as good as my Uncle's."
"Thanks, Alfred makes the best tea," Dick replied, going to Hulu on the tv, "But Brooklyn NIne Nine is amazing! It's a cop show but so funny at the same time!" He pushed play, and sat back to watch.
It was funny. Zuko laughed a few times. He couldn't stay focused for long, though. He was nervous. His interview with Gotham Gazette was coming up the next week. He'd given interviews as Prince of the Fire Nation, but he'd always been with his father and sister, never really speaking unless agreeing with his father.
As if sensing his nervousness, Dick spoke. "Hey, I know you're nervous about the interview, but I promise it'll be okay. It won't be televised, and Bruce paid the Gazette to allow a family friend, Lois Lane, to interview you. She knows about all of this, including you being from another dimension, so it'll be easier."
Zuko took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Who is Lois, exactly?"
"Superman's wife," Bruce said as he walked into the room, holding a manila folder in his hand. He smiled. "How are you doing, Zuko?"
"I'm fine," Zuko said, crossing his arms  after he set his tea down on to the coffee table.
"It's okay to be nervous, it's your first interview," Bruce said kindly, sitting on the other side of him "I was for mine." Zuko looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"You? Nervous?"
Bruce laughed. "Oh, yeah. I was terrified. I was about your age. The Gazette wanted an exclusive about the new Healthcare program Wayne Enterprises were putting together- which I had little to no part of since Lucius Fox was running it for me."
"What'd you do?" asked Zuko, shifting to face the man.
"Alfred phoned the Gazette and played the sad orphan card for me so I could get the questions in advance," Bruce explained, smoothing the folder on his lap. "Lucius told me the answers to all of them, and so I knew what to say when the interview came."
"Lucky," Zuko snorted. Bruce smiled softly.
"No. Not luck. I just had people that loved me looking out for me." He handed Zuko the folder. "I called Lois and asked her to send over the questions she's going to ask you. Look through them to prepare for your answers, and if you need help, just ask." He ruffled Zuko's hair as he stood up and left.
Zuko blinked, and opened the folder. He read a few of the questions, and groaned. At Dick's questioning look, he said, "Half of these are way too personal, and I don't know what the other half of these mean! Current tv obsession? What lyrics from a song mean the most to you? Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi?"
"What about Anakin Skywalker?" Duke piped up, sticking his head in the room. "I don't know what we're talking about, but if it involves Anakin, I want in it."
"Lois sent over the interview questions for Zuke," Dick explained, ignoring Zuko's protests against the nickname, "And some of them involve pop culture." Duke looked at the paper over Zuko's shoulder.
"I can help with these," he offered, "After that month mission in San Fran, I'm taking a week break. I can educate you on the icon that is Anakin Skywalker and all the other stuff."
"Okay, thanks," Zuko replied. Duke grinned.
"Now come on, we're binge-watching all the seasons of Clone Wars."
Zuko and Duke were inseparable for the next week, constantly talking about the interview. Duke was telling him all about Star Wars, showing him his Spotify playlist, going to the Gotham Fashion Show, and trying new foods, to name a few.
"You're taking my sparring partner, Thomas," Damian had snapped on the third day.
"Sorry, man, Zu and I have stuff to do!" Duke had replied as he dragged Zuko to the garage by his hand, not looking very sorry at all. Duke had taken to calling him 'Zu' and if he was being truthful with himself, Zuko didn't mind it. They'd become very close.
It was the day of the interview. Zuko was nervous as he and Duke ran over his answers again.
"And remember, if you forget one, just say what you think," he was saying as Bruce straightened his tie. Bruce nodded in agreement.
"And I'll be right behind the camera," the man added, "If you get overwhelmed, tap your leg three times, and I'll interrupt you so you can get a break. Zuko nodded.
"Thank you," he breathed. Bruce and Duke smiled at him.
"Zuko," a woman with long black hair in a white blouse got Zuko's attention, "We're ready."
Zuko took a deep breath as he walked over, sitting on the couch they'd brought into the room for him and Lois to sit on. A broad man with black hair and glasses was behind the camera- Superman, Zuko remembered -smiled encouragingly at him. Usually, Bruce had told him, a man named Jimmy was Lois' partner, but Bruce had requested Clark just in case Zuko had accidentally revealed something incriminating.
"Okay, Clark," Lois said, making a motion with her fingers, "Let's do this." A red light blinked on the camera, and Lois turned to Zuko with a smile. "So! Zuko!" she grinned, "It's nice to meet you! How are you feeling?"
Just say what you're thinking, Duke's voice reverberated in his head. Zuko's voice didn't tremble when he finally spoke, "I haven't felt anything in years."
Lois blinked. "Oh? Did you have a rough life before you met Bruce?"
"Something like that." Lois smiled sadly. She knew the truth, as Clark had told her.
"I'm sorry about that," she said, before clearing her throat. "So! The Gazette put together the 'twenty-one questions' questionnaire for you to go over! Does that sound good?"
The interview was a blur. He remembered telling her that he liked Anakin more than Obi-Wan and that his favorite song was Choke by I DON'T HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. He told her that his favorite part of living with Bruce was Alfred's tea because it reminded him of how his uncle would make it.
"Thank you for your time, Zuko," Lois smoothed her skirt in her lap as she smiled warmly, "It's been lovely to meet you."
"And we're good!" Clark said from behind the camera, giving the two a thumbs up. "You did great, Zuko!"
"Thanks," Zuko replied, releasing a breath he hadn't noticed he'd been holding.
"Hey, dad!" a boy around Damian's age in a Superman hoodie with black hair and blue eyes flew down the stairs until he right in front of Clark. "Can I spend the night?"
Clark looked at Bruce. "If it's okay with Bruce, sure. As long as you're back tomorrow by noon."
"It's fine with me," Bruce agreed. Jon grinned.
"Yes! Damian, it's a go!" he threw his arms around Clark. "Thanks, Dad!" he turned to Zuko and held out his hand for him to shake. "Hi!" he chirped, "I'm Jon, Damian's best friend! It's nice to meet you!"
"Uh, nice to meet you, too," said Zuko, taking the Kryptonian's hand. Jon's eyes lit up.
"Do you like smores?" he asked. Zuko's eyebrows furrowed.
"What's that?"
"Jon," Bruce said sternly, "You and Damian are not starting a fire in this house. Not after last time." Jon’s jaw dropped in disbelief.
"But Mr. Wayne-"
"Jon," Clark cut him off with a look, "Bruce said no."
Jon sighed. "Aw, fine. But come on, Zuko, let's go!" he picked Zuko off of the ground with startling strength and carried him to Damian's room.
"Don't carry me!" Zuko snapped, shoving the boy off of him and dusting off his clothes. Jon laughed.
"Wow, Damian! He's just like you!"
Damian scoffed from where he was sketching on his bed. "Don't be absurd, Jonathan." Jon raised an eyebrow.
"Let's see; grumpy, not liking being carried at first," he was counting on his fingers, "Trauma, a little scary, black hair, little to no social skills-"
"Hey!" Zuko and Damian interrupted simultaneously. Jon laughed.
"I'm just saying! Anyways, Bruce said we couldn't start a fire for smores."
Damian groaned. "That is so unfair! The chandelier incident was not our fault!"
Zuko blinked. "That... what incident?" Damian waved him off.
"Never you mind. Father is just being unreasonable." he paused. "Jonathan, what exactly did he say?"
Jon cleared his throat before lowering his voice several octaves in an impression of Bruce. "You and Damian are not starting a fire in this house." Damian smirked.
"So we cannot start a fire, but he said nothing about Zuko, the firebender!" he turned to Zuko, "We will go get the supplies. You stay up here. We'll use these to communicate." he tossed an earpiece into his hand. Zuko frowned.
"We need an earpiece just so we can get food?"
Damian gave him a disbelieving look. "Zuko, at this moment there is a Kryptonian, my father, Drake, Thomas, and Lane in this house. We have to cover all of our bases."
Zuko rolled his eyes but put the device in his ear anyway. Damian did the same. Jon was staring at the door, using his x-ray vision to see if anyone was coming. He didn't need an earpiece due to his superhearing.
"Alright, I will go get the marshmallows and graham crackers, and Jonathan, you go get the chocolate from Drake's room," Damian commanded in his voice typically only used for missions. "Zuko, you stay here, and do not let anybody know our plans."
Jon and Zuko nodded, the Kryptonian's serious and the firebender's condescending. Damian gestures to the door. "Let's be off, Jonathan." the two left the room, leaving Zuko standing.
Zuko looked around Damian's room. The walls were bare aside from two swords mounted above his bed and a framed picture of all of his bets above his television. Zuko was accepting the fact that he would be bored whenever there was a knock on the door.
Clark walked in, looking for Jon, but frowned when he didn't see his son. "Where are Jon and Damian?" he asked.
"Play. Dumb," Damian hissed in the earpiece. Zuko put on a confused expression.
"Who's Damian?"
"Not that dumb!"
Clark rolled his eyes fondly, clearly not believing him, but not wanting to push him. "Whatever. Tell Jon I said I love him."
Zuko nodded. "Will do, sir!" he said. Clark nodded, and left.
Jon was back in the room shortly after with a box of chocolate under his arm. "Golly," he gasped, "Tim's room is booby-trapped to the extreme! I barely made it without tripping any of them!"
"That is because you are an imbecile," Damian said from the doorway with a box of crackers in one hand and a bag of marshmallows in the other. He looked at Zuko with a deadpan expression. "You have much to learn when it comes to lying."
"He believed me, didn't he?" Zuko countered, crossing his arms over his chest. Damian rolled his eyes.
"No, he did not, he just heard a distress call from Metropolis and he did not have time to wait," he replied matter-of-factly. Jon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I didn't hear a distress call."
"That is because you were too busy trying not to get trapped in one of Drake's childish snares."
"Why does his room have those, anyway?" Zuko asked.
"Because he is worried somebody will come in and steal his things," Damian explained, "as he thinks that anybody with time on their hands would care enough to snoop through his stash of Penthouse magazines."
"What's that?" Zuko and Jon said at the same time.
"Pornography," Damian replied, opening the bag of marshmallows and pulling one out. He put it in between two of the graham crackers, and grabbed a square of chocolate to add. He looked at Zuko expectantly as he impaled it with one of the swords on the wall.
"Light a fire, Zuko," Jon explained, doing the same thing as Damian. Zuko obliged, a fire igniting above his palm. Damian and Jon put their smores in the flames, letting them toast. After a minute, Damian pulled his out. He handed the sword to Zuko.
"Here, eat." It was more of a demand than an offer, but Zuko didn't argue. He took the smore from the tip of the blade and took a bite. His eyes widened.
"This is amazing!" he praised, taking another bite. Jon smiled brightly.
"Right? They're the best!"
"They are a delectable treat," Damian agreed, taking the sword back from Zuko to make himself one. "Even if they are for children."
"Don't forget forbidden."
The three jumped at the voice, the flame fizzling out from Zuko's hand as he saw Bruce standing in the doorway with a frown on his face. "I thought I told you all that you could not start a fire!"
"On the contrary, Father," Damian contradicted, "You said that Jon and I could not start a fire. You said nothing about Zuko."
Bruce narrowed his icy blue eyes. "You're a smart boy, Damian, you knew what I meant. No patrol tomorrow!" Damian's eyes flew open.
"But Father-" he protested, but Bruce cut him off.
"No, Damian, you disobeyed me. And you, Zuko," he turned to the firebender, "No going to John Mulaney's show with Duke tomorrow."
Zuko's jaw dropped. "But-"
"And you, Jon," the Bat ignored him, setting his eyes on Jon. "I will be informing your mother of this." Jon paled.
"No," he whispered, "Not that. Anything but that."
"Yes," Bruce said sternly. "Now, I have work to do." Before he could walk out, Zuko's voice stopped him.
"That's it? Aren't you going to hit us or something?" he asked, confused. That's what fathers did whenever their children misbehaved, after all. They disciplined them.
Although it was impossible to tell, Bruce's heart cracked at his son's bewildered face. "No, Zuko," he answered, his voice much gentler now, "No. A father should never hit his children."
After Bruce left, Damian groaned, throwing his arms into the air. "This is ridiculous!" he seethed, "No patrol? For making smores?"
"My mom's gonna be so mad," Jon whimpered, closing his eyes as though that would erase the image of Lois' disappointed smile out of his head.
Zuko, though, was silent. Bruce's words were running through his mind. A father should never hit his children.
Zuko awoke the next morning to texts from the group chat.
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Frowning, Zuko opened his twitter as he stood up, stretching. His eyebrows furrowed as he read.
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"What the heck?" he muttered as he texted the group chat a response.
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"Well," he said aloud as he put on a shirt and prepared to go downstairs for breakfast, "Alrighty then." As he made his way to the kitchen, the voices of the other boys reached his ears.
"If we were in a band, I would be the lead singer!"
"No you wouldn't, you can't sing!"
"What the hell do you know, Drake, you have barbecue sauce on your toast-"
"Damian don't fucking swear-"
"Jason! Stop teaching him those words!"
"How I eat my toast isn't relevant to the fact that Dick can't sing-"
They stopped arguing as Zuko entered the room, sitting into the seat next to Tim and rubbing his eyes. Seeing Tim dipping his toast in barbecue sauce, he wrinkled his nose in disgust and got up from his seat and moved to the one beside Duke.
Tim didn't seem phased. He pointed his toast at Zuko. "You went on a midnight drive with Dick, right? Was he a good singer?"
"No," Zuko replied bluntly, meeting Dick's pleading look. The acrobat scowled.
"That is false! False! I am a great singer!" he huffed, "Just ask Superman!"
Jason laughed. "Dude, Clark was lying! He's too nice to tell you the truth! You royally suck."
Bruce was sitting at the head of the table reading the newspaper, sipping his coffee as he tuned out his children's argument. Finally, he cleared his throat.
"The gala's tonight," he said, "And I want everyone on their best behavior."
The gala was for Zuko. An event to celebrate the Waynes bringing in another child.
Zuko was not excited about it.
The day was spent with preparations. Getting the ballroom ready, running over what to say when Gretchen Milliana made you comfortable, and ballroom dancing.
Zuko was not very good at the last one.
"Okay, so, you might need more professional help," Dick admitted after the second hour had passed. "Never fear! We'll get Cass."
Cassandra Cain, the only female Wayne, was in the dance studio. Zuko had only met her a few times.
"Hey, Cass!" Dick greeted as they entered the room where a girl of Asian descent was practicing ballet. "Any chance you can help Zuko get the waltz down before tonight?"
"Sure," Cass replied, stilling her motions. "Come here, Zuko." She placed his right hand on her waist and put her own on his shoulder, interlocking their other hands. "Like this."
She began leading him in the dance, but within two steps, Zuko stepped on her feet. "I'm sorry," he muttered. Cass shrugged.
"It is alright," she paused, "Think of it as if you were in combat. As though you're learning a new fighting technique."
That worked.
After ten minutes, Zuko was starting to get the hang of it. Cass was a good teacher. And surprisingly, Zuko found himself having fun.
The two danced around the room to a Beethoven song. Zuko had a smile, a real smile on his face. He liked it. It was peaceful. It was graceful. It was fun.
"Very good!" Cass praised, "You're a natural!"
Zuko laughed nervously before asking his question. "Do you think... do you think you could show me ballet sometime?" he asked, his face red. Cass smiled.
"Of course! You're a great dancing partner!"
Eight hours later, Zuko was in a suit. He pulled at the collar nervously. Duke saw this, and stepped in front of him to straighten his tie.
"No worries, dude," he said, "It isn't that bad. Besides, aren't you a prince? You've probably been to a ton of these things."
Zuko shrugged half-heartedly. "Yeah, but it's different."
"Then don't make it different," Duke replied, "Just put on your Prince Zuko face and pretend like you know what you're doing even if you don't. Fake it till you make it."
Zuko did just that. He put on his Prince Zuko face and acted.
He stood by Dick most of the time, his older brother doing most of the talking for him. But, as all good things must come to an end, Gretchen Milliana asked him to dance.
"You're a good dancer!" the forty-year-old woman purred, "Who taught you?"
"Cassandra," Zuko replied simply. "She's a good teacher."
"She must be," Gretchen smirked. The conversation continued, Gretchen flirting with the sixteen-year-old until he was red in the face. Finally, the song ended, and he said a polite good-bye and went back to find Dick.
"How was it?" Dick asked.
"Take a guess," Zuko grunted. Dick sucked in his teeth.
"Yeah, she's something else. Very yucky." Zuko raised an eyebrow at the word choice.
"Yucky? How old are you?" he taunted. Dick rolled his eyes.
"Twenty-three, which makes me your elder and therefore deserving of respect." He showed Zuko his phone. "Look at my post!"
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Zuko looked up at Dick. "Where'd you get that picture?"
"The paparazzi work fast, my guy.”
After the gala, Zuko was making his way to his room, when Tim stopped him.
"Come on, I have a favor to ask!" he said, leading him into the Cave where a girl with blonde hair and star earrings was waiting at the computer.
"Zuko, this is Cassie Sandsmark, also known as Wonder Girl," he introduced. Cassie shook his hand.
"Nice to meet ya, Zuko!" she greeted.
"You too," said Zuko, before turning to his brother. "What do you need?"
"So, my team and I have been tracking a magyntite dealer for months," Tim began, sitting on the chair in front of the computer. "Magyntite is a chemical that, when coated over something, makes its durability increase ten-fold. Like, if you made this stuff into a suit, even a punch from Superman wouldn't hurt you."
"It's from the planet Tatooine," Cassie added, "No relation to the Star Wars planet, though. Total coincidence."
"We tracked the dealer to Gotham, and he's having an auction at one of Falcone's clubs. They're calling it 'Masked Magicians Monday,'" Tim said, cracking his knuckles.
Zuko interrupted him. "What does this have to do with me?"
"We need to infiltrate it," Tim explained,  "and we need your help to do it, Zuko. You and Cassie are going to pretend to be a magician couple."
"No offense, Zuko," said Cassie with a glance at him before looking at Tim with a raised eyebrow, "But why isn't Bart or Kon doing this?"
"Because they don't have experience acting as a fancy socialite. Zuko does, being a prince as well as being apart of a gala."
"I don't have experience either!"
"I know but like, you're the only girl." Tim rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at her glare.
Cassie sighed. "Alright, what's game plan?"
"You and Zuko go to the party in Carnevale masks- I got one big enough to cover your scar-" he added as Zuko opened his mouth, "And when it's time to bid on the magyntite, you get it. I've got $50,000,000 in cash."
"Sounds easy enough," Zuko said. Cassie nodded in agreement.
Tim sucked in his teeth. "Yeah, this is where it gets weird though. Whoever the dealer is is bonkers. Really weird rules. You have to have a date to get in, and you have to be in a relationship with the person. And you have to be convincing. Like if they suspect you're faking, you'll get kicked out."
"That sounds fake," Zuko grunted.
"That's what I thought, too, but it isn't," Tim argued, "This dude only wants couples. Maybe it's a sex thing?"
Cassie scrunched her nose in disgust. "Whoever this guy is, he sounds like a creep. Why does he care?"
"Who knows?" Tim shrugged, "And another rule is that you have to show that you can do magic- real magic, not that children show magic -at the door. I figured Zuko would light a fire in his hand."
"Does he have to say a spell?" asked Cassie.
"Yeah, just come up with something," Tim said to Zuko. "Also, for obvious reasons, you guys need to think of fake names. I have your ids all set up, but I was gonna let you pick your names so it's easier to remember."
Cassie turned to Zuko, putting her hand on her chin and scrunching her face up in an exaggerated thoughtful expression. She furrowed her eyebrows. "You," she pointed her finger at Zuko, "Look like a Dylan."
"Dylan?" Zuko echoed with a frown. "I don't like it. That doesn't sound regal enough."
"Oh, you want a regal name, Your Majesty?" Cassie bowed dramatically before flashing him a grin. "Okay! What about Henry?"
"Henry is... acceptable," Zuko replied, rolling the name around in his head. Tim furrowed his eyebrows, his mouth agape.
"Tell me you didn't pick Henry because Timothée Chalamet played Henry V in that movie."
"That's completely the reason and I'm not even remotely sorry about it," Cassie huffed, placing her hands on her hips dramatically. "I've said it before and I'll say it again; if I don't marry Timothée Chalamet, my life has been a waste." Tim stared at her as if she'd grown another head.
"You've saved eleven people from dying this week alone."
"A waste, Tim. A waste." The corners of her mouth turned up as she looked at Zuko. "Your turn, fake boyfriend, pick a name for me."
Zuko sized her up, thinking, but the only name that came to his mind was 'ty-lee' and he certainly couldn't give her the name of his sister's best friend.
Cassie shifted her weight from one leg to the other impatiently. Zuko's eyes zipped around the room and landed on an empty starbucks cup. "Uh, what about Larissa?" he finally said
"Larissa," Cassie hummed, "I like it!"
Tim gave Zuko a strange look as if to say why did you give her the name of our favorite starbucks barista?
Zuko gave him an anxious look in return as if to say I don't know I panicked.
"So what about last name?" Cassie asked, seemingly oblivious to the silent exchange. "Are we married or what?"
"No," Tim answered, "You're engaged."
"Ooh, that means a fancy ring! Score!" Cassie cheered. She gave Zuko a friendly nudge. "And you'll get one too! Though you're probably used to fancy things, being a prince and then being a Wayne and all."
Zuko shrugged. "I'm not really a jewelry person."
"Well too bad, fiancé of mine," Cassie wrapped her arm around Zuko's waist and gave him a playful side hug, "You are now! Come on, we should get ice cream or some thing else so we can get used to each other so the chemistry seems real and all."
Zuko sent Tim a glance over his shoulder as Cassie grabbed his hand to pull him to the motorcycles. She handed Zuko a helmet and revved up the engine. "My mom doesn't know I have this, so keep it a secret."
"Your secret's safe with me."
Cassie was a bad driver.
Zuko didn't get scared often, but riding with Cassie on a motorcycle? A terrifying experience.
"I can see why your mom doesn't want you to have one of these," Zuko gasped as he hopped off the motorcycle, putting a hand over his chest. "You're a terrible driver."
"No, I'm not!"
"We almost died!"
"But we didn't!" Cassie countered. She walked ahead of him towards the building. "Anyways, let's go eat ice cream! Your treat, since you're rich and all."
"This ice cream better be good, or else," Zuko grumbled. Cassie laughed.
"What are you gonna do, break off our engagement?" Cassie had a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke. "Whatever shall I do?"
Zuko rolled his eyes and led her to a table. Their waiter arrived shortly, holding a notepad and pen. "What can I get you two?"
Before Zuko could say anything, Cassie interrupted him. "Vanilla milkshake please, two straws," she said sweetly. The waiter chuckled, his eyes flicking between the two of them, and walked to the back.
Zuko gave her a look. "Two straws?" Cassie shrugged.
"Hey man, the event's tomorrow night and no offense but being romantic doesn't seem to be your forté. We're gonna have to do a ton of couple stuff so you get used to it."
"I can be romantic!" Zuko protested, "I've had a girlfriend before!"
"Oh yeah? How old were you?"
Cassie laughed. "In my book, any relationship thirteen and younger doesn't count."
"Well, we must be different then," Zuko grumbled, crossing his arms.
Cassie's eyes softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"You didn't."
Cassie clearly didn't believe him, but she didn't press it. "So! What do you like to do for fun?"
"I don't do fun," Zuko replied, looking out the window. Cassie rolled her eyes.
"Oh wow, you are so Bruce's kid. But seriously, Zuko, everybody has something they do for fun! You have to have an idea."
"I mean..." he wracked his brain for an answer, and remembered Cass. "Turns out I like dancing. It was outlawed in the Fire Nation, so I'd never danced before. My sister Cass was teaching me how to ballroom dance and I actually really liked it. We're gonna start doing ballet together." His face turned red as he realized what he'd just admitted. A boy? Doing ballet? His father would have scoffed at him, calling him pathetic.
Cassie shocked him by giving him a warm smile. "I love that! Cass is the best ballet dancer I've ever seen, you're super lucky to have her!"
Zuko looked down. "I'm not lucky," he said darkly, "It's like my father always said; my sister was born lucky, while I was lucky to be born."
Cassie scowled. "Well, that's awful to say! I think you're very lucky! I mean, hey," she leaned back in the booth, putting her hands behind her head and smiling, "You get to fake-date me! The great Cassandra Sandsmark!"
Zuko snorted a laugh, which made Cassie's grin widen.
"Score! I made you smile! We'll be a believable couple in no time."
The ice cream arrived, and Cassie put the two straws in. Telling him to 'drink up,' Zuko took a zip.
"This is really great," he said. Cassie grinned.
"Ice cream's so good, man, I'm glad you like it."
"I'm exhausted," Zuko complained, leaning back. He was still in his suit from the gala.
Cassie waved. "Hi, Exhausted, I'm Cassie!"
Zuko gave her a weird look.
Cassie frowned. "You know? You said you were exhausted so I said 'hi, exhausted?' It was a joke."
"It was a bad one."
She scoffed. "As if you can do better!"
"I have plenty of jokes!" Zuko argued.
"Oh yeah? Tell one!"
All Zuko could remember was half of the joke Iroh had told him the night before he's arrived in Gotham. "My uncle used to tell me this one all the time. I don't remember all of it, but the punchline was 'leaf me alone, I'm bushed!'"
Cassie sucked in her teeth. "Tt. You know, a joke is only funny if you tell the entire thing."
"Okay, Damian," Zuko retorted, referring to her use of the sound Damian constantly vocalized.
"Speaking of Damian, what's it like living with him?" she rested her elbows on the table. "Tim says he's a nightmare, but surely he's got his moments, right?"
Zuko didn't respond for a moment, his mind wandering to a few days prior, whenever Damian had invited him up to his room to paint the sunset with him.
The two were silent, nothing but the sound of paintbrushes gliding along canvases filling the air.
"The League of Assassins told me many things." Damian's voice broke the silence, not looking up from his canvas. "They told me that they were great, that they- that we were only killing because we had to. That we were doing good work. That we were going to make the world a better place, start a new, good world order, and that I would lead it."
"I know what you're trying to do," said Zuko shortly, not looking up from his painting.
"I am simply relaying facts to you," Damian denied, "Anyways, I believed that I was doing good. The murder, the cruelty- it was all for the greater good. But... but it wasn't. It wasn't good. Murder is murder. We were using murder as a way to gain power, to gain control over everything. Not to make a good world. They didn't care if the new world is good, as long as they got to rule it." His eyes flicked to Zuko briefly, before returning to his painting. "It took me a long time to realize that. That I was being used. I was a pawn. They didn't love me, I was a weapon. A tool. Something they could use to get what they wanted."
Zuko didn't reply. Surely his father wanted to love him. After all, he was giving him a chance to regain his love. He only had to capture the Avatar. And the Fire Nation was the greatest of all. They were doing good, helping the world.
And yet, the more he thought about it, the more Zuko realized that he couldn't find any instance of the Fire Nation doing something that would directly benefit the Air Nomads, Earth Kingdom, or the Water Tribes. The more he thought about it, the more he noticed the similarities between the Fire Nation and the League of Assassins.
The more he thought about it, the more he realized how different Bruce Wayne was from Fire Lord Ozai. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how different his relationships with Tim, Duke, Damian, Dick, Jason, and Cass are from his relationship with Azula. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how much safer he felt at the Manor than he ever felt at the Palace.
And the more he thought about it, the more the hand holding his paintbrush shook.
"Living with Damian gives you a headache," Zuko finally answered, taking another sip of their milkshake.
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Why Luke Skywalker is a Bisexual
A shitpost with no actual reasons (and is just my opinion, so plz don't get upset) by me with photos and GIFS
First, let me just say Luke radiates Bisexual energy to me for so many reasons, some I can explain and some I cannot.
Alright, reason number one, the hand things that Bisexuals do. You know when things happen and Bis do that whole "hand over mouth" thing?
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Like, these are the two Bi hand things!
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Ok, reason number two, (that is probably just a me thing), the white bucket hat (and also SO same genderbest friend).
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Now, this may look familiar. For there is another Bi icon with a white bucket hat...
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Now, in my personal experience, I know of a few bis who have this same white bucket hat. They also have a same gender best friend and are one nuance away from being a couple. So, seeing Luke (and biggs) like this just further proves my Luke is Bi theory.
Next reason, finger guns.
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Need I say more?
Alright, on to number four, this man dose not sit, like-
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Someone get this boy the "Bi chair" that one dad made for is Bisexual daughter.
Another reason, (that can probably go for all LGBTQ+ but I have heard it a lot from bis) Luke meets a teacher and within a day, basically adopts them as an "emotional support parent" (Obi Wan)
Moving right along, he dose the "Bi mom friend look of disapproval" that I have only ever seen from the bi "mom" of the group.
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Plus the finger waggle tm
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Like, come on?!
Also, when Luke gets confronted (insulted) by someone who he does not know, the first thing he dose is apologize. And if that dosen't say Bi, I don't know what dose.
And lastly a bonus
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IDK what this is, but it radiates Bisexual energy to me and I do not know why.
Anyway, those are my reasons.
I could go on an actual "rant" with insightful opinions on why I think Luke Skywalker is in fact Luke Biwalker, but I felt like a shitpost instead.
This is just my opinion, (and I am here for gay Luke too, but to me, he is Bi).
Thank you for being nice and coming to my shitpost.
Have a nice day
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flaim-ita · 6 years
Clone Wars Pride
I can’t get this image of a happy AU where Anakin drags Obi-Wan, Padme, and Ahsoka to Pride, and idea that he’d loved since he heard about it because CULTURE and slaves got no choice in these things except in secret, but the LGBT+ community is entirely accepted in Jedi culture, so the others don’t entirely understand why Anakin is so completely ridiculous, but Padme does, to an extent, because of her politics.
There’s still discrimination against the lgbt+ community all over the Galaxy, you see, and Padme, who’s always just thought of her parted-on-good-terms ex-girlfriends-and-handmaidens-because-duh as the norm because it is, on Naboo, is, like, “why? Actually, you know what? Fuck you, assholes!”
(There is a very small Jedi Pride for those who’ve spent long periods of time in less accepting places, but Anakin likes actually having a chance to celebrate without being treated like crap for things every other Jedi can get away with.)
But, anyways, the first time Padme and Ahsoka join the group, they’re both seriously horrified by whatever ridiculous, very purple costume (with the nonbinary and ace flags both THOROUGHLY represented) Anakin is wearing, but Anakin ignores them because he OBVIOUSLY looks WONDERFUL.
(He does, wonderfully awful.)
Next year, Padme commissions something, and, hey, the dress may look a BIT ridiculous but it also makes Anakin look GOOD, okay? (He love his perfect wife SO MUCH!!!) Anakin is so happy and he kisses her and everyone, as usual, is ignoring them making out.
(The dress is still sparkly and very short, of course)
Obi-Wan is trans, but he doesn’t make a big deal of it, and Anakin respects that and understands how much everyone knowing Obi-Wan is trans could hurt him... probably more than Obi-Wan himself does, but he still makes his Master wear the Pan Pride Flag. Obi-Wan is tired, but he loves Anakin a lot, so he goes with it. Anakin hugs him and thanks him, and Obi-Wan is all like “of course, dear one” and both of them ignore the feelings in their chest because PADME.
(And the feeling in Obi-Wan’s pants because, again, Anakin looks GOOD in that dress)
Padme herself is definitely going along with all of this and she herself wears bi colors not-so-subtly all Space Pride Month long to screw with the homophobes in the Senate. The Hero With No Fear, the Negotiator, and Senator Amidala are already a Big Deal, but now they become Iconic for even more reasons. Someone talks them into an interview, even. (Anakin rambles, but Obi-Wan and Padme help him make actual sense.)
It’s generally perfect.
Ahsoka is still... very confused, about all of this, but then she gets some experience with the outside world, and she’s very violently waving a Bi pride flag.
She’s the one who suggests bringing the 501st and the 212th, and nobody treats them as less than human because Coruscant itself only legalized same sex marriage 60 years ago, and only allowed for the changing of gender markers 20 years ago. (It should be noted that I hc the Temple as a separate entity from the rest of Coruscant.) They all know what it’s like to be treated as lesser for something they can’t control, especially the non-humans.
The clones are so happy and, like, none of them are straight, so they end up EVERYWHERE. There are a million and one photos all over space social media sites and actual media channels both going “Look at these clones who are actually people and different.” Most of the men leave with AT LEAST a friend, a comm number, or both.
(Ahsoka also brings Barriss, who ends up finding a group of girls just like her, girls who hate the war and love women. She is so happy and they keep her from doing stupid shit.)
In summary, Anakin is a ridiculously Proud greybiromantic, grey ace, and nonbinary person, Obi-Wan is trans and pan, Padme and Ahsoka are both bi, none of the clones are straight, but all of them are ridiculous (except Rex and Cody, who were doing crowd control), and Barriss is a lesbian who made friends with fellow wlw who don’t support the War.
(And Palps is evil and dead)
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(Inspired in part by a conversation with @durmstrang where Padme as a Talk with Obi-Wan, and, well... that dress sure is conveniently short.)
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