#archival activism
fwdmuseums · 2 months
I am so excited to share that we have two book available for review! As an academic journal that looks at not just museums but cultural institutions as a whole we're always on the look out for new books that aim to grow ones understanding of the injustices around us and how to change museum and archival practices for the better. That's where you, as a potential reviewer, come in! Reviews provide a critical analysis to new books coming out to help solidify their place in certain areas of study, connect them to other relevant literature, and help folks understand methodolgy used. If you're interested in reviewing the two books I have listed below please shoot us an email ([email protected]) with some info about yourself and why you think you'd be good for this review!
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What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? Let This Radicalize You is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe. Longtime organizers and movement educators Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes examine some of the political lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the convergence of mass protest and mass formations of mutual aid, and consider what this confluence of power can teach us about a future that will require mass acts of care, rescue and defense, in the face of both state violence and environmental disaster. The book is intended to aid and empower activists and organizers as they attempt to map their own journeys through the work of justice-making. It includes insights from a spectrum of experienced organizers, including Sharon Lungo, Carlos Saavedra, Ejeris Dixon, Barbara Ransby, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore about some of the difficult and joyous lessons they have learned in their work.
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The past several decades have seen a massive shift in debates over who owns and has the right to tell Native American history and stories. For centuries, non-Native actors have collected, stolen, sequestered, and gained value from Native stories and documents, human remains, and sacred objects. However, thanks to the work of Native activists, Native history is now increasingly repatriated back to the control of tribes and communities. Indigenous Archival Activism takes readers into the heart of these debates by tracing one tribe’s fifty-year fight to recover and rewrite its history. Rose Miron tells the story of the Stockbridge–Munsee Mohican Nation and its Historical Committee, a group composed mostly of Mohican women who have been collecting and reorganizing historical materials since 1968. She shows how their work is exemplary of how tribal archives can strategically shift how Native history is accessed, represented, written, and, most important, controlled. Based on a more than decade-long reciprocal relationship with the Stockbridge–Munsee Mohican Nation, Miron’s research and writing are shaped primarily by materials found in the tribal archive and ongoing conversations and input from the Stockbridge–Munsee Historical Committee. Miron is not Mohican and is careful to consider her own positionality and reflects on what it means for non-Native researchers and institutions to build reciprocal relationships with Indigenous nations in the context of academia and public history, offering a model both for tribes undertaking their own reclamation projects and for scholars looking to work with tribes in ethical ways.
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mossiistars · 2 months
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for jonmartin week 2024 (@jonmartinweek)- prompt: first kiss
I told myself I was just gonna doodle something simple,,,,BOOM four page comic
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zhuzhee · 11 months
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me 😳 when da watcher👁️ is ceaseless 🥵
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elijah-loyal · 5 months
im gon keep yapping about the sound design for the magnus protocol because its driving me insane
the difference between the two podcasts is so drastic its FRIGHTENING
The Magnus Archives intro/outro: high-pitched, screeching, eerie, dies off with what sounds like a stone tumbling into the depths and lights turning on/off, water, sounds like the darkness of a cave that you must descend into even though you're terrified, but you do it anyway
The Magnus Protocol intro/outro: LOUD, deep, bone-chilling/shaking, foreboding, it sounds like darkness in a different way, like the great throat of some unknown beast that is hundreds of times larger and older than us and will swallow us whole; it's fear that hunts us, instead of us hunting it
also, side note/addition because i realized i forgot to add WHY it freaked me out
long story short, i was around 50% deaf in my right ear until I was 12 years old (reconstructive surgery truly is something I am so grateful for) and now I'm back to a fairly normal hearing range.
The problem?
I can't hear low tones as easily.
the magnus protocol is heavily reliant on lower tones, so what I hear is likely not how most people hear it, but for me it sputters, almost, parts of it are kind of missing, and I know I'm not hearing it right, which freaks me the fuck out.
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qiinamii · 1 year
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four down, three to go
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cheshire-j · 11 months
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So as of tomorrow, the Kids Online Safety Act, is set for markup as of July 27 at 10:00 am. And for those who aren't aware, this bill, if passed, does not protect kids. If merely eradicates privacy, freedom of speech, and unlawfully searches and seizes everything you say and do on the web.
It will censor everything the government does not like and if you want "unrestricted access" you will need to prove you are above the age of 18, which will most likely mean you will need to upload some kind of ID. Additionally, if you need to upload your ID, there is no guaranteed protection that your image or the ID itself will not be swiped or sold like how Instagram/Facebook/Twitter did when they sold data to the Russians.
This will also be harmful to kids, especially those to have a bad living situation. KOSA does nothing but police the Internet for everything you say and do on the Internet. It will censor medical information, history, information, and restrict and limit, if not outright ban what can be posted on social media.
Sites like Ao3 (Archive of Our Own), Wattpad, Tiktok, Tumblr, etc.... EVERYTHING will be affected, art especially. And what's more, is KOSA passes, it will be a gateway to pass all the other bad internet bills like the RESTRICT ACT, EARN IT ACT, COOPER DAVIS, etc.
The Internet will turn into a hellscape for everyone; kids, companies, and adults alike!
The picture above, from @dontdelete.art, is a call to action in protesting these bad internet bills. As of today, July 26, we need to protest against this bill for our privacy and our freedom. Call your representatives and senators, AND ALSO call the Commerce Committee as they are the ones overseeing this mark up meeting.
The Commerce Committe's numbers are:
Majority: 202-224-0411
Minority: 202-224-1251
Call them and tell them you oppose KOSA, tell them the dangers, tell them how it breaks our first and fourth ammendment rights and how it violates our privacy.
We only have one more day before it goes to mark up, so let's make it count. Spend today speaking out on KOSA, post on social media talking about the dangers of KOSA, call and email your representatives, senators, and the committee!
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muffinlance · 11 months
Hey while AO3 is down
Here is a GDrive link to all my downloaded fics (it's OVER 9,000 2,000)
Mostly Avatar, also The Magnus Archives, Danny Phantom, Teen Wolf, and a few others
Mostly unsorted, some not even intentionally downloaded because the auto-downloader I use is Like That, so consider this a glorified "give me a random fic" button
>>> Linkie link <<<
Edit: Note that when AO3 comes back up that link will go dead again... until it's needed, once more
...Until next they are needed
If you were going through these for fic recs, check out my AO3 Bookmarks for the more curated list.
To make your own fanfic backups, I recommend AO3 Downloader or FanFicFare. (I'm not tech support for either; please don't message me for help.)
Happy reading!
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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officialmiintee · 4 months
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trafalgar law but 2x
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james-spooky · 20 days
the tma/gp urge to drive to the irl hilltop road 🫥 will probably bump into celia at this rate 😭
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gammija · 5 days
you know that post about how addiction isnt the only way to read Jon's journey in s4, there's also a reading where it's about what you're willing and ethically allowed to do to live (and several readings can coexist)-
it reminded of an older reading i havent seen around in a bit; that cynical lens, about what you do when you realize you're part of a system that benefits you only on the back of other people's suffering. Not the only or the best reading, but i did want to share it for people who might not have seen it before
So there's a way of gaining power that's maybe always been with humanity, but perfected by rich british men in the 1700s and 1800s. they made it into a science. the system has been used for centuries, by old rich families, organized religion, the police. And you, a young british man, have been set up to benefit from it nearly from birth, without knowing, without your consent.
And that doesn't mean it's kind to you; it will gladly feed on you if you don't play by its rules... but. play by its rules, and it will give you power.
This system only functions by the suffering of others. by the time you really truly understand what it's doing, it's unfathomable that you could break free from it. your well-being depends on it, the lives of the people you care about are shaped around it. so you perpetuate it. to live with it, you tell yourself; that it's really not so bad as it seems; that the hurt you cause is not in your control; that it's justified because you will use this power for the better; that you're not a bad person because while you harm these people just as much as the real monsters, you feel bad about it, and that has to mean something... right?
Eventually these powers cause the end of the world. the realization sets in that there is never a way to do good with this system, no matter who uses it or who is in charge: it must be destroyed entirely. but by this point in the story it's so interwoven with the world that destroying it causes terrible collateral damage - or you look away; once again; pass the consequences on, to people you will never meet.
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murderandcoffee · 10 months
I often forget that the magnus institute is more than just the archives. can you imagine working in some relatively normal part of it and every once in a while one of your coworkers shares a bit of gossip and you hear about the most BATSHIT INSANE stuff going on in the archives? also your boss never forgets your birthday ever and it’s nice but it’s also weird because he somehow always knows what flavor cupcakes to surprise you with.
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niksnacsnoxs · 8 months
”I refuse to become another god damn mystery.”
And then the ending of the podcast being as ambiguous as possible, making the fate of nearly every character still alive by S5 a mystery????
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spnscripthunt · 1 month
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mogusalt · 5 months
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posting mk stuff on @mogubeloved now !!! trying to collect you guys back /hj
but fr, the reason is cause i wanted to properly interact with all tge cool people in the fandom and the secondary blog literally does !! not !! allow me to follow people.. and i realize my main blog doesn't have any mk whatsoever so, YEAH !!
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regular-gnome · 10 months
Do the archivist ever cook or make food?
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not usually
Anatomist might have some proficiency since they deal with keeping the living alive but the rest doesn't really need to
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