#awwww i just wanna hug him!!!
tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Shima Sousuke 🏵 | Skip to Loafer 🌻 Ep. 1 🌻
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syoounn · 6 months
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ 𝐈 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮~ ¸¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸¸
part 2
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▪︎Saying "I like you" to bsd characters as they're your husbands.
▪︎Characters: Dazai, Nikolai, Ranpo, Kunikida
Part 1
You came home after buying some groceries that needed for you and your husband. As you place them on the kitchen... you saw Dazai was napping at the living room. You didn't want to disturb him but.. you can help but feel attracted the way he sleep. He's so beautiful.
You leaned closer to his face and staring at him as you say just say those words that just came out on your mouth
"I like you.."
You snapped back to reality and why the hell you just said that?!.. You sigh as you get up to prepare lunch as you felt your husband grabbed your wrist and pull you to his lap.
"My.. my.. Belladonna. I like you too~" He said on his flirting tone as you felt embarrassed and flustered. As he saw you your reaction, a smug expression form to your husband's face.
"I-.. I need to get up im going to make dinner." You said while embarrassed.
"No...~ i don't wannnaaa. How can i let go of my beautiful soft belladonna~..."
You were still embarrassed as you gave up and just buried your face to his shoulder, hiding your current state. As both of you skipped lunch and ended up snuggling the whole day. It was not that bad after all.
You were about to cook dinner as you heard the door open and to see your husband smilling at you.
"My dove.." He rushes to your side and hugs you from behind.
“Guess what I did today~?”
He exclaims excitedly. He’s always very upbeat and eccentric as always.
"Hmm..? what is it?"
He keeps hugging you with one hand on your chest. Nikolai lets go and spins you around to him so you’ll be face-to-face with him as he speaks.
“You wanna know~? You gotta play a game with me, then I’ll tell you~!”
He exclaims, poking you playfully on the nose. He always likes playing games, especially quizzes, even before he married you, He does like to see how well you pay attention to even to the smallest and insignificant details.
"But i wanna say something first then I'll play with you.." You said.
“Hmmmm, well I could make an exception,”
He chuckles a little as he does so. He waits patiently for what you want to say first.
"I like you.." You said with a gentle smile as he were just making sure he is loved no.. you should have said "I love you".
“Awwww my dove~, I like you too~ But, for that answer I’m gonna have to make this game extra hard for you~”
He chuckles even some more as he then smiles as wide as possible. He’s got something in store for you for sure.
Wha-.. What.. that's not fair..!
“Oh~? Why not~?”
He chuckles some more as he plays with your hair.
“I already know you love me, so I get that answer for free right~? That’s not a real answer, my dove... now you shall receive a punishment for getting a wrong answer."
"We haven't even started yet!" You said protesting.
“Hmmm, that’s true~ but come on, you still didn't get it right.. so I'll have to kiss you as your punishment~" He said as slowly leaning closer to you.. It looks like you’ll be showered with kisses tonight.
You were laying on the sofa as you saw your husband walk over saying nothing as he stood at the back of the sofa, just looking down at you. Your breath was taken away, literally... when he jumped over the sofa to land on you and started snuggling up to you.
Ranpo was quieter than usual.. it's actually peaceful and he usually bragged about something he did then wants to be showered with compliments and for now... he's just being clingy.
"Hmm.. something wrong?" You asked.
"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I just kinda wanna cuddle." He said, making himself more comfortable by pressing his chest closer to yours. You could feel his heart beat as it thumped, which was unusual since usually he was so energetic. This moment where he was calm and relaxed was so adorable.
"Then let me tell you something..."
"Tell me what?" He said, tilting his head slightly while keeping his face pressed into your neck, and obviously know what you're about to say.
"I like you..~"
His face flushed a little bit, and he looked away, hiding his blush by burying his head into your neck. Even though he already knew it's much better when you're the one saying it. Hearing it on your soft lips with a gentle voice, he felt butterflies. He grip on you, tightened, making it so that he was snuggled even closer to you. He didn't say anything in response but rather stayed silent. Looks like both of you will spend time cuddling.
Your husband was sitting at his desk, working on a case for the agency. He gripped his pen - his nose scrunched up in agony, writing in his notebook as you approached him.
"Are you really that busy..?"
“Very busy.”
He said in a blunt tone, not even daring to look up from his notebook. He continued to grip the pen as he wrote down notes and drew.
"Then should i prepare you some coffee..?" You said as you were worried and wanted to help him.
“That would be nice..”
He said, finally looking up at you. His eyes were dark and tired. A sharp pain was felt in his stomach…the caffeine was getting to him, but he had to stay awake to finish this. A slight grimace was formed on his face, his jaw tensed, and a slight exhale left his mouth.
After a while.. you came back holding a mug of coffee as you put it on his desk.
“Thank you..”
He took the mug and slowly took a sip of it. The warm liquid made him feel better, but the coffee was going to affect him even more.
“Why are you awake at this time anyway?”
"How can i sleep seeing you stressed out..?!" You said.
“I’m fine..”
He said quickly, taking another few sips of his coffee.
“Please don’t worry about me..”
You sigh.. cause there's no way your husband will let him rest himself.. He's a workaholic, after all.
"Fine.. but i wanna say something first before i go"
“What do you want to say?”
He set his coffee mug to the side as he turned his full attention towards you. A slight grimace was still on his face.
You leaned closer to his ear as you spoke
"I like you a lot so I'll be waiting for you okay?"
You said giggling as you left a kiss to your husband cheek and left the room.
He immediately turned a crimson red as you left, not once did he ever get flustered often. He looked back down at his notebook, blushing even more. He started working faster. Looks like both of you would cuddle to sleep tonight.
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squiddy-god · 3 months
cute aggression (floyd)
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Fast steps ran echoed down the halls. Long legs and teal blue hair rushing in a blur, Barling twords a single smaller figure.
Long arms wraping around the smaller (y/n) as Floyd let out a loud laugh while he squeezed you tightly against his chest. You giggled and you shuffled around in his vice like grip to squeeze him back.
“Aahahahahaha kobie-chans so cute! ” Releasing you from his arms his large hands came up to squish your cheeks.
“Haha Floyd stooopp my cheeks are gonna hurt” You giggled as he released your cheeks pouting slightly.
“Awwwwe but I wanna squeeze ya! ”
“Maby later, I gotta head to class” You said back poking his cheek slightly.
Floyd laced your hand in his and started walking in long strides towards your classroom. He walked happily as he began to swing your hands back and forth with a sharp smile.
This always happened, Floyd would spot you from across the Hall or mostro lounge and be filled with the urge to squeeze you, you were just so cute he wanted to wrap around you nice and tight. A sweet squeeze that somehow never seemed to be to tight. He squeezed your hands in his and pinched your cheeks when he saw you. Anyone with eyes and a brain could tell he thought you were the cutest thing.
Finally reaching your class room he gave you a finale tight hug before skipping off happily to his next class.
Giveing you a tight squeeze never failed to bring him joy. When he was in a mood swing he always seemed to seek you out for a hug and copious amounts of cuddles to lighten his mood. Whenever you swam or could be in water was his favorite tho. Being able to wrap around your body completely in his eel form brought a sharp tooth smile to his face.
He always squeezed cute things, from stuffed animals to people and the adorable fishies he’d find in his ocean home. To Floyd you were by far the cutest thing he’d seen, and so he squeezed you as much as he could. Cuddles and tight hugs were a absolute must for the young merfoke.
‘Finally out of class’ you thought as a long sigh escaped you. Math was always the worst class and you felt absolutely exhausted after the hour long lecture on magic trigonometry, wich was somehow worse then normal trigonometry.
You walked down the long halls of NRC to the mirror room.
'Hehe I’m shure Floyd would like if I paid him a visit today’ and with thought you walked through the mirror leading you to the dorm of your loveable boyfriend.
Walking into the morstro lounge you were greeted by the one and only azul. He walked up to you with his usual “customer service” Smile in order to greet you.
“ Ah hello (y/n), I assume your looking for Floyd?” He asks
“Yah I thought I’d pay him a visit today, if he’s not to busy of course! ” You didn’t want to disrupt him if he was working or anything.
“No, no, he’s in his room right now and I’m shure he’d be over joyed to see you” Azul said, amused with how worried you got over the chaotic leech twin.
“Ah! Well then I’ll go surprise him! ” You smiled and waved goodbye to azul.
Walking to Floyds room you couldn’t help but grin at the thought of a happy Floyd.
Knocking in a Ryrithym on his door you hurd him say come in. You opened the door and walked in, closeing it behind you.
“Hey hey Floyd~ guess who-” You couldn’t finish your sentence as you were swooped up into a vice like squeeze.
Floyd spun around a big laughing before falling back on his bed with you in his arms tightly.
“Awww did my little Kobie-chan come to visit me~” He asked as he snuggled further into your (h/c) hair.
“Of corse I did! I wanted to see my favorite eel! ” You giggled as you hugged him back and gave a little peck on his cheek.
Of corse this wasn’t enough for Floyd and he wanted more kisses from his Kobie-chan. He began peppering you face with little kisses being shure to not get your lips. You giggled at the ticklish pecks before you gave him one on the lips. He let out a giggle of his own and his arms wrapped tighter around you.
“I love you (y/n)~ my little Kobie-chan
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aihaitahm · 1 year
“would you still love me if i was a worm?”
gn! reader asks jing yuan, blade, dan heng, kafka
jing yuan
our general would chuckle at your question. you both were cuddling up during the night trying to sleep. enjoying the sweet silence until you asked the question.
“dear, where do you even get these questions? it is quite ridiculous to think you would turn into a worm.”
“so no?” you scoffed. pretending to be upset.
“if i was a worm i would most definitely choose you. in any universe and timeline, it will always be you my love.”
would literally look at you and stare at you deadpanned. like are you seriously asking him this question? you were both eating until you asked this question.
“no, how am i going to love a worm? ” he sighed honestly.
“you never know i might turn into one.” you frowned at him, of course he’d say that.
“but you are not one. and i dont think you are going to turn into one though if you did i would hunt anybody or find anything that would save you and turn you back into you, the version i cherish and will always do.” he said, being a bit flustered since he is not used to saying sweet things.
“awwww arent you romantic my bladie~” you teased.
dan heng
he was listening to you talk about the randomest things and then you asked him this question.
he would take this question seriously because he doesnt wanna hurt your feelings. you are his loved one and he cares deeply about the little things.
“yes i would still love you as a worm.” he stated
“hmmph you are just saying that arent you?” you giggled.
“no im being serious, i will love you in every shape or form because i love you now, i love your past, present and future.” dan heng exclaimed as he professed his love.
“i love you so much :(((“ you said as you hugged him.
you saw this question on the internet and decided to ask kafka because you wondered what she would say.
you would be a bit surprised of what she has to say.
“of course i would. i would feed you, and make sure you grow into a beautiful butterfly ~ i have to prioritize your extravagant metamorphosis. would that technically make you my pet?”
“….interesting answer but pet?”
“yes pet. silly, of course i’ll always love you no matter who you are or what you become. i know you’ll love me too whatever the case~”
thank you so muchfor the support<333 i want to make actual fics and not just headcanons all the time so hopefully you guys will like them :3
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blitzy-blitzwing · 1 month
I love your work! You uave so much skill in every drawing you do! When I see Lucifer in your style I just wanna melt away into his arms in the sweetest hug ever 😭♥️
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Awwww, I’m glad you like the way I draw him!! 🥺😃
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kyri45 · 2 months
Ahhh your lmk comic is amazing!!! Pls let me ramble a little, sorry advanced for a lot of reading-
Everything in the comic is so wonderfully written and clever, details like Macaque still afraid that MK hadn’t forgiven him even when Wukong said the opposite, I love that it wasn’t just a quick conversation solved everything. Ofc nothing short of a kaiju transformation was going to change Macaque’s mind. And after all that I just know this conversation won’t be over, this was only the start XD
Another detail I really liked was Wukong trying to stop MK from following Macaque thinking it’s too dangerous, Wukong himself still too afraid to push Macaque too far since they’re not there yet in their relationship, afraid of getting rejected again even when they’re talking again and on good terms/ this has happened before and hadn’t ended well for either of them- while MK trusted with his whole heart and went after Macaque.
It even tied in with Macaque’s lesson that he didn’t have to summon the Kaiju form when angry! This is the second time MK has used this form and instead of using to attack it’s used for comfort. And the trust too of Macaque letting MK in when before it might’ve not been that way. Ofc he wouldn’t ever hurt the kid but there’s communication now!
Especially the drawn details!!!
Like when Macaque flinches when MK transforms we’re on the side with his scar(I see you-) and a hug is so unexpected for everyone!! There needs to be more hugs!! The use of physical touch for comfort in this comic is immaculate, MK returning it the hug when his dad’s have hugged him, leaned against him, and held his hands when he’s needed the comfort!! Heartbreaking too Macaque would just brace for a hit, expecting nothing but pain, he didn’t move to defend- he even put his arms down!!
And I adore that MK is still a baby in his kaiju form!! Still smaller than dad. Or he looks smaller to me, I might be wrong! But it’s still a detail I noticed of MK shifting to match Macaque’s level. I love too the shadow bandages wrap around MK, similar to his tails wrapping around Macaque to complete the hug.
(And the live Wukong reaction??? Omg)
It’s also a nice detail as well that Wukong hadn’t felt the need to step in, letting the both of them talk first.
Just everything about the comic is handled with such care, this long ramble might’ve been silly or some of the things I pointed out are obvious but it’s still things I noticed and really liked!!
I honestly come in to check if there’s a new update everyday now, thank you so much for drawing out such a wonderful idea!! :D
AWWWW ok srsly Imma about to cry ;_;
tysm for this whole message, it was super heartwarming and I appreciated it smm that someone read in all the small details I out into the comic, makes me wanna keep doing them with the same care everytime.
I don't know how long this AU will last so I hope the gay monkies will lend me their power of inspirations to keep drawing / writing.
Thank you again!!
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Summary: Dallas gets his wisdom teeth removed.
Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem reader
Warnings: Cursing, Some sexual remarks and I think that's it.
Dallas had just got back from the dentist, bleeding from the mouth and a bad attitude.
"How was the dentist?" You ask him, rubbing his back as he got out of Darry's truck.
"Terrible. They took my tongue." He said, showing you his bloody tongue that was still there.
You laughed softly, helping him to the front door.
He looked back at you.
"Who are you? Who is she? She's cute." He asked everyone, trying to keep himself standing.
Two-Bit smiled at his buddy.
"That's your girlfriend, dally." He said, patting him on the back.
"You're my girlfriend?" He asked surprised, his voice muffled slightly since the gauze was in the way.
You laughed and nodded your head, smiling brightly at him.
"Aw, you're so pretty." He said smiling.
"Dal, it's time to change your gauze." Darry said, opening a new pack and went to take the old ones out of his mouth.
"No! You're not taking my tongue again!" He said, trying to get away as he laid on the couch.
You laughed.
"Come on, baby. He's not gonna take your tongue. He's changing the gauze in your mouth because they're all bloody." You looked at him with a soft smile.
"Yeah do whatever the pretty lady says." Two-Bit said, laughing as he took a bite out of his chocolate cake.
Dally huffed and opened up his mouth, letting Darry take out the old gauze and replacing them with new ones.
Two-Bit and Soda definitely convinced Dallas that his dick fell off.
Poor baby was so upset.
"They took it?!" He screamed, eventually started sobbing.
"Wait that means I don't have to pee anymore." He says laughing, laying his head on your shoulder.
"Wanna makeout?" He asks looking at you with lustful eyes.
"Um, not right now no. Maybe when your mouth isn't all bloody." You said chuckling.
"Awh. But I love you." He says, hugging you suddenly.
"Awwww that's so sweet dally boy" Two-bit teased, flicking dals ear.
You and the gang definitely had to to bite back your giggles at Dal's lisp he had due to the gauze in the way.
"Babe, I want a kiss." He said, his lisp coming out strong.
"Sorry Dallas I don't know what a 'kith' is." You laugh
Totally got mad at you after that.
"Stop making fun of me! It's not very nice!"
Craved ice cream since he got out of the dentist building.
"Steve! Go get me ice cream!"
"No. What do I look like? A butler?"
"Not gonna lie..A little."
Best believe Ponyboy recorded this.
Because I mean, who wouldn't.
You can't tell me that this dude wont start singing randomly.
"I wanna know what love isss!"
"Dal, shut up."
"Kiss my ass, Two."
He's just a mess.
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Deadpool + Wolverine tk headcanons !!!
a/n : i love these 2 so much …. ever since findin out theyre both canonically ticklish in the comics ive been EXPLIDINF . this movie reawakened my obsession so lets goooo ^-^
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Words : (4649 under cut)
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As a ler :
ohmygod . he is RUTHLESS
so mean yet so silly when he tickles
yk in the beginning of xmen origins wolverine ?? how he was usin his katanas to block all those bullets ???? hes so fast w his arms n he would be able to pin anyone in an INSTANT
like he could wrap his arms around you n trap you in a tickly bear hug so easily
SUCH a tease; both verbally n physically
he would slowly lower his hands on his victim while wriggling his fingers n when hes about to touch you he'll quickly shoot his hands back up n keep on doin that
n the baby talk OH LORD THE BABY TALK
this man will leave anyone redder than his suit
"awwww whos a tickwish wittle baby ?? you are !! yes you areeeee !!"
"whats got you laughin so much huh ?? sounds like you got a tickle in your throat"
points out any noises made
if you snort or wheeze or squeal or anything similar he WILL tease you more
aware when you want him to stop but also aware that he doesnt wanna stop
"did you say stop ?? do you mean it ?? do you ?? huh , huh , huh ?? hmmmm alright alright i'll stop"
n if you actually LIKE being tickled ?? oh god hes never letting you live free of tickles ever again
will use every excuse possible to try n tickle you
you had a bad day ? tickles . youre being stubborn ? tickles .
you need to wake up, need to go to sleep, need to be convinced, need to relax, wade just gets bored,
everything . t i c k l e s
overall : be scared but not worried (if that makes sense)
As a lee :
ohh how the turns have tabled
talks so much shit beforehand but the SECOND he gets it hes all like "WAITWAITWAIT LETS TALK PLS"
absolute gigglefest . when you first strike a bad spot he does this squealwheeze combo
more sensitive to light touch there but squeezing still gets him CACKLIN
like if you just . lightly drag your fingertips or nails anywhere on his thighs …
oh hes dead . youve officially killed mr immortal .
ticklish palms too DONT ASK I JUST KNOW IT
again, light touch here n hes a puddle
if you try to tease him while ticklin hes gonna somehow turn it around ?????
if you try to fluster him or just point anything out he will get so SNIDEEEE
"yohohou have NO rihight to tahahalk peanuhuht, we AHALL know how bahahad it ihis for you whehehen i WAITWAITWAHAHAHAIT IM SOHORRY NO -"
lil shit deserves it lol (still love him)
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As a ler :
isn't as evil as wade, but you dont wanna test him
like he wouldnt go as rough or tease as much but HE STILL WILL
wont do any anticipation tricks, hes just gonna do it
he will chase you, however, but only if you run
more on the playful side; accidently teases you by pointing out the obvious
"wow its real bad for ya here, huh bub ??"
"jesus kid stop kicking so much, oh wait … you cant, can ya ??"
hes always got this cheeky grin on his face too
super analyzes how much certain pressure n techniques works best on all your spots bc hes a BIG BULLY
if he wanted to, youd be dead in a minute ♡ (not really)
if you were being a brat then hes gonna use his facial hair
n GOD it tickles so bad
like if hes getting you from behind he might just decide to . nuzzle into your neck n its amazing HORRIBLE
in short : dont be annoying n youre good !
As a lee :
where do i even begin …
hes got such a precious smile its like how could you NOT tickle him to pieces
its pretty well known how he already has his wheezy snort laughs
catching him off guard will get the best wheezes
like if you sneak attack or switch to a bad spot suddenly
tbh hes gonna snort no matter what you do … its what n where you do it that might give you more muehehehe
pinch his sides ?? 1 snort every 20 seconds
scratch his ribs ?? 1 snort every 10 - 15
do anthing on his tummy / underarms ?? youre getting that 1 per 5 wolvie special !!!
1 SQUEEZE ON THE KNEE N ITS GAME OVER FOR HIM . if you rapid squeeze them it becomes a damn piggie pen
wade definitely abuses this
yall know in the first xmen when hes shirtless w his hand on the fence of a fighting ring n you can see his BACKKKK please give me a chance
light tickles there makes him MELT
youll get the sweetest giggles w an occasional wheeze
lightly scratching or tracing his shoulder blades will lead to slightly louder giggles
n rubbing your knuckles into his back dimples gets the absolute bestest snorts
im a sucker for lee wolverine idk if you can tell (its obvious)
oke doke thats it for now !! AAAAAAA im sorry these took so long TwT im just happy i got em done ehehe
sending love to everyone who reads these :D i hope you enjoyed - make sure yall stay healthy n happy ^-^ ♡
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askyuuandco · 3 months
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quotes 21
Ace; Hahaha! Make me fat ass! HAHAHA- >XD Riddle: *breaks open the door* >:( Ace: WHAT THE HELL- Riddle: *processed to beat his ass* Ace: *screaming like a bitch* Yuu: *who came over to visit everyone* O.O'/// *backs away slowly* -------------------------------------------------------- Kalim: I'm hungry Jamil: So lick that coat. Jamil: you smell like a- Kalim: Grilled Cheese. Jamil: What? OnO Kalim: Grill me a cheese .O^O. Jamil: I am not grilling you a cheese D:< Kalim: *cries like a baby* ;A; WAAAAAHHHH!!! Jamil: Oh for god sakes =n= Jamil: *grills him a cheese* =m= Kalim: *over his shoulder hugging him*
----------------------------------------------------------------- F!Ace : If Riddle were to walk into a wall her nose would hit before her chest
F! Riddle: >:0 ... F! Riddle: I'm going to measure this! >:L F! Riddle: I'm going to put my nose against the wall screw you! D:< *leaves to go do just that* F! Deuce: *looks at Ace* your gonna get in trouble F! Ace: It's Fine ^u^ F! Riddle: *realize it's true* AWWWW MAN! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! F! Ace: HAHAHAHAHA!!! >XD F! Deuce: *face palms* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lilia: Uhhh....Hey Cater...I burnt the water... ._.'///
Cater: Lilia how tf do you burn the water!? >A>
Lilia: idk bro it just caught on fire ;m; Cater: Lilia OMG! omo'/// Cater: THE DORM IS ON FIRE!!! oAo'/// *trying to put it out with water magic* Lilia: I'M SORRY I CAN'T COOK ;A; Cater: FUUUU!!!! ---------------------------------------------------- Silver: Behold the school goth has left her dorm! Goth!Y/N: Bring me the country music-loving farm boy. Epel: *being carried by a bunch of people* NO! NO! Y'ALL LEMME GO! I DON'T WANNA-! ;A;'//// Silver: I'm sorry. The goth girl demands it. UnU'/// Goth!Y/N: If you're good we can visit Bass Pro shops after Hot Topic. :l --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid!Silver: I'm never gonna go through puberty. ;-;
Lilia: Of course you will, baby. <:D Lilia: but we're a family of late bloomers. <:D Lilia: I didn't until I was 240, and nor did Malleus <:D Kid!Silver: Why does that matter? I'm adopted. :0
Pre-Teen!Malleus: Malleus: *kicks down door with full force* WHAT!? Pre-Teen!Malleus: OM7 Pre-Teen!Malleus: WHO TOLD YOU!? D:< Lilia: =v=' ...
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
let’s start the new year with some good old cpn!
so glad that yibo’s stages all went well! as expected from a performer like him. i was kinda nervous that a bad hot search will come out but it was all good. from people being touched with his/dls song, wanghan crying, his clothes, the bystander stage, his high ratings and him seeing the green sea. i’m sorry to the other celebrities who got smeared in the hs but that’s just how it is, better luck next year.
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now onto the clownery, if you clown today, it means you will continue to do so for the rest of the new year.. so proceed with caution 😂😂😂😂
starting with the most obvious one are the photos from yibo-official and the effect it gave — it was so little prince. something they both have connection with and a favorite among turtles. international or not, it’s already there and we are not the only ones who noticed the reference.
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also the similarity to xz’s weibo night ( their wedding day outfits lol ) effect and little prince look. 👀
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another “similarity” is this right here. i like how wyb is in black and xz in white because in cql wyb was the one in white for lwj and xz in black. and the drumming!!! 🥁
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during the countdown, WYB was doing the chongya pose. similar to XZ. awwww. i love that this has really become their thing now, tho it really originated more with XZ. even if they didn’t spend it together, they still do it. they have the same hopes and attitude for the new year!
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in the subject of the countdown, some are commenting on this incident where wyb didn’t hug the girl/s who were moving closer to him. lol. he is married! what are you all doing? 😂😂😂 kidding aside, i think that a part of it is he is not familiar with them. the girl’s skin was also exposed so maybe he didn’t wanna touch inappropriately. and well, he is wang yibo. people will slice and dice all his public interactions so he is also being careful so people won’t misunderstand.
another thing that fans were looking into was the type of flower he was wearing as a brooch! lol. turns out it’s a ginger flower and it means to keep memories in summer forever. ginger flowers bloom in May-June in summer. the flowers are pure white, the fragrance is refreshing when blooming, and the flowering period is very long.It's short-lived, but it's also accompanied by beautiful memories.
i’m sure we’re over interpreting here lol. but whatever. it’s the summer we remember! 🤍
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THIS PART IS NOT CPN BUT TO MENTION THE TIMES the cpf related light signs made an appearance on the screen. So there is a small screen in the venue where they can zoom in on the audience and some of the stuff that made it there were cpf light signs. not to say that these people understand the reference, maybe they found it interesting so they focused on it.
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you may have also noticed the lone red and green headbands in this scene! lol. as a casual viewer, you won’t be paying attention to it and if you notice, you won’t even know what they are. but it means something to us and it’s nice to see representation.
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and this one, i’m pretty sure he saw that huge ass turtle light sign! 😂😂😂
Disclaimer: i am not trying to undermine what his so/os did today to make sure the green sea was there for him to see. they have worked hard and i’m sure yibo appreciated them showing up for him. this is a cpn post so i would post cpf related stuff.
Lastly, fans have tried to send them a message on weibo and this time there is an automatic reply of them giving a happy new year message ☺️
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angeart · 1 month
I had to go back and re-read Elegy with this new info in mind and just, awwww Mumbo....the general panic of everything on top of THAT? I say again I wanna give him hugs
you have even MORE to tell about Mumbo tho? 👀 Yes I wanna know more, yes I wanna know more about him and Grian. When you're ready to share ofc :3
ohhh i'm so happy you went back and reread with this new info <3 yeah he struggled so much there. it'll catch up to him i'm sure.
anyway! yes! more about boatem circus mumbo! [prev post here]
so technically speaking, scar bought him. it was a scam and all, but there was a small upfront fee scar paid in order to be able to get mumbo away. and mumbo is aware of this, unsure how to feel about it, even though scar waves it off as if it meant nothing. 
but, you know, if he was bought into any place… this one isn’t so bad. (it’s not bad at all.) 
he’s given all the accommodations he might need, and all the time to recover and come out at his own pace. and… it takes a while. but he does feel like he can’t stay still for too long, and there’s only so long he can pace around his room. 
he gets to meet other people (and their endless kindness). he gets to watch the circus performances and learn what they do, with the stress on the caveat it’s all voluntary and safe. he sees people freak out and others taking care of them. he sees people fall out of scheduled performances because they’re not doing well and nobody making a fuss about it. he sees all the aspects in which scar puts them above all else. 
and he feels like he owes him something, you know? 
but his only marketable skill is teleporting and… he doesn’t want to do that. not yet. he can’t.
he does help out however! in his own way. he knows his way around redstone, after all. and there isn’t a lot of it in the circus, but mumbo feels like he can still be of some use! so he helps set up and improve lights and effects for the stage, a task that helps him come out of his shell as he gets excited about all the innovations and little ways he can add to things without being in the spotlight.
he also helps in the backstage.
but there’s one more skill he picks up: sewing.
as an enderman, he’s tall and it’s hard to get him clothes that’d fit. but he thinks maybe he can learn to solve that himself. and he finds that sewing and tailoring calms him. even if he’s only doing it for himself for a while.
he makes his suit himself. and! the other crew members like it so much they start asking him for specially tailored stage clothes too! 
scar softly tells him with a smile that if mumbo ever felt like he had a debt, it’s now surely paid. just to further reassure him, because he knows mumbo was worried about that for the longest time. (and it does bring mumbo some relief, to know that. he can start feeling equal with everyone. more free.) 
… and then grian comes along :3
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labyrinthofsphinx · 3 months
Awwww the first panel in your latest ask tugged at my heartstrings so hard!! He clearly wants parental figures and I’m willing to bet he has already started to view Alastor and Vox that way even if he’s still trying to “play it cool” for now.
I just wanna give him a big hug! 🫂
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He’s a tough cookie. He’ll be okay.
Thanks for the question and hugs!
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bunnydexterloveselvis · 8 months
Hiiii and welcome ✨🔆 If you are accepting prompts can i request one please, would you write cuddly fluff and / or agere with a baby BDE? especially a sick fic with a cg reader! Thank you ✨✨✨
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the first one to request a prompt!!! Thank you sooo much!!! Of course I'll write it!! How could I pass up such an amazing request? So cute!!! I've never wrote sick fics before so I'll try my best!!
Sick little baby.. (Agere!Big Daddy Elvis x reader)
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summary: //elvis wakes up with a cold, is age regressed, and has you as his caregiver
type of fic: //age regression, tooth-rotting fluff, sickfic
warnings: //being sick?? the symptoms mentioned are sneezing, coughing, headache, mild fever, etc. no vomiting or anything like that. also it's pretty mild. he just sleeps it off, cuddling????? idk some people don't like being cuddled i guess, baby talk?? i don't think there's any serious warnings here besides being sick and age regression
word count: //675 (six-hundred and seventy-five) words
It was a fresh day, and you wake up in the morning, it’s around 8am. You look over at your sweet boy who is still sleeping. “What a cutie,” you thought to yourself. You chuckled and got out of bed to make breakfast. About 15 minutes later you come back, with Elvis still asleep in the bed. You smile warmly.
“Wake up, baby,” you whisper in his ear. He shuffles around a bit and lets out a whine. His eyes flutter open and he pouts. “Mamaaa- ’m sweepy!!!” He rolls onto his back. Oh. He woke up little! You almost giggle from how cute he is. He then sneezes three times and sniffles. “got da sneezies,” He mutters, with a short, reassuring giggle. Then he coughs a bunch. “Um, little one, are you okay??” You ask, caressing his shoulder. He looks up at you with sparkling eyes but very wet eyes. “M-mama I don’ feew so.. Good..” He wipes his forehead trickling with sweat, along with that, his soft chubby cheeks are red and his eyes are half-lidded.
He’s sick. But he has a concert today! “Awww.. What are we going to do?,” you thought. You’ll have to cancel it today. Can’t do a concert if you’re sick! So you make a call to explain that E is sick, and has to cancel the concert today. After that trouble, you run back to him. “Mamaaa…” he cries and makes grabby hands at you, implying he wants something. “What is it, E, baby??” you chuckle a bit from his overexpressed tone of voice. “Mmm.. t-tummy hurts..” he forces out while clenching his hands on his soft belly. “Awwww.. It’ll be okay. Mommy’s gonna help make your tummy feel better in no time!,” you tell him, sitting down next to him, massaging circles on his sore stomach. He looks up at you with the prettiest, sparkliest eyes ever. “Weawwy?” he asks softly. A small smile appears on his face. “Wiww mama make tummy free bettew?” “Of course honey, but you need to rest, I’ll be back with some stuff to keep you busy while I make you stuff to help you feel better! Sounds okay?” You murmur, making sure you don’t scare him. He gets scared when he hears loud noises, and you took note of that as soon as you found out. “Mhm!” he nods. You find his toybox and his paci and take it to him, pop the paci in his mouth while ruffling his hair very gently, remember he has a headache too.
So you give him all his gear, and as you walk away to go make him soup for his tummy, he cries out, “Mamaaa!! Don’ leave!!” You sigh. “E, baby, I have to make you soup so you’ll feel better. Do you wanna take the yucky red-coloured spoon medicine?” you threaten “No!! No yucky stuff!! Just wan’ mama..” he frowns and looks down. You slowly approach him and run your fingers through his hair, which usually calms him down. It did. He buries his face in your chest while hugging you tight. “I-I wuv you mama” he says into you. Making you smile sympathetically, you say, “Okay.. I’ll lie down and nap with you, but the first hurt noise I hear from you, I am getting the medicine,” half jokingly. He pouts as a joke, making you giggle. 
You pet his hair while trying not to get sick yourself. His eyes get half-lidded and sleepy. You pet his forehead in an attempt to calm his headache. It worked, weirdly, more like distracted him from his headache to your soothing touch. Elvis practically did something similar, he held you, his mama, close. Never letting go. Planting a kiss on his cheek, you whisper sweet nothings into his ear to lull him into a nap. Afterwards you make him some chicken noodle soup for when he wakes up in case he gets hungry.
You really hope he naps for a while, because you can’t seem to get this can of chicken soup open.
(i don't feel like this is good enough, i feel like it's too vague. let me know if you like it!! It was a teensy bit rushed and i wrote half of it when sleepy)
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 16
chapter 28:
1. james’ reaction to waking up from nightmares is so sad. especially cause now sirius can see from james’ perspective what seeing his freind leave the arena was like
2. 😧 shit only this far in and i’m SOBBING. wdym that james almost wished he died in the arena because he was looking forward to not having to go through the aftermath and recovery
3. istg every time the cane is brought up, i’m gonna be like ✨✨THE CANE! REPRESENTATION!!!✨✨ but also like, 😟the cane. he’s in pain. NOOOOO
4. sirius: don’t go to regulus
james: no shit, sherlock.
james: *goes straight to regulus*
5. james is being so angsty, and then in the middle of it, casually brings up his personal tutor
6. 🎶do you wanna build a snowman? elsa please i know you’re in there!🎶
7. the first thing they do when seeing each other again is sob and hug, then IMMEDIATELY go into bickering all like “YOU COULDA DIED BITCH”
8. james gets his glasses back after the interview!!!!
9. “"I don't want to be a great, big tragedy anymore," Regulus chokes out, looking at him almost desperately.”
10. 😑 they both freaking love each other so immensely, that they know they’ll never love anyone else. and reg is still like “no! 😊 i don’t want to break your heart again! take it back! stop loving me!”
11. 😀😀😀 what was that?? another fucking
12. “Regulus doesn't want to like Remus Lupin, but he likes Remus Lupin.” LMAOO story of my life
13. “"We broke up," Regulus murmurs.
"Oh," Remus repeats, still startled. "You were…together?"
Regulus frowns, gaze drifting to the side. "No."”
😭😭😭 sir that’s so funny
14. i wish so badly that regulus didn’t have fear of bathing, because i know for most people, bathing would be a comfort after escaping the arena
15. i love how reg originally planned to kill to survive, and james planned to die to help reg survive, both of them being gryffindor and slytherin, then the roles reverse, and james is willing to kill for reg and reg is willing to die for james. 💋mwah! perfection!
16. reg understanding and valuing privacy >>>>
17. (but also! background wolfstar my beloved!!)
18. i’m so mad that they have to go into the interview and pretend everything is fine. like, pissed off beyond belief
19. as sad as it is that they’re not gonna date, i’m glad they’re recognizing that they’re not ready for a relationship right now.
chapter 27:
1. DORCAS!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
2. “"We broke up? This is news to me. I wasn't aware we were together."
"We weren't," Regulus says, heaving a weary sigh.”
😭😭😭 babes, again with the breaking up
3. the discussion that love is more than romance >>>>>>>>>>>> Top Tier
4. 😀😀 rita, it is on site
5. “Rita's days are fucking numbered.” -reg THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING
6. “[Peter] betrayed them all. James would have never done that. He would have died first.” 🙂 yikes. yikes. yikes. canon callback. yikes
8. “”He and I—well, we broke up. That's what he said, in any case."
"You were together?" Sirius asks, startled as well as a little offended that he wasn't at least notified. When the fuck did this happen?
"No, not at all. This was news to me, too, don't feel bad."”
😭😭😭 this is my favorite running joke
10. “"Oh, it's my dream come true," James teases, playful, his eyes sparkling. "I mean, both Black brothers? You know—"” BWAHAHAHAHA
11. sirius thinking james is a total whore <3333
12. james giving sirius sex advice is the sweetest thing ever
13. “even just the knowledge that Sirius is probably having sex for the very first time because he wants to, because he's at a place that he's comfortable, because he trusts Remus enough to do it.”
awwww i’m so happy that sirius feels safe enough to have that intimate moment with someone
14. sirius and regulus getting to feel like brothers again is heartbreaking
15. “He's so small. He's five, he's fifteen, he's twenty-five and Sirius' little brother. Always his little brother.”
16. sirius being nervous and fumbley and so awkward about sex is the funniest thing to me. so reminiscent of my first time tbh
17. “"You shouldn't be embarrassed, you know. There's nothing embarrassing about pleasure."
"Fuck you, it's so embarrassing," Sirius counters.”
he’s so real for that 😭😭😭
18. remus lupin: be gay do crime
19. “It takes them a bit to recover, admittedly. Love tends to have that effect, especially when you're making it.”
that line is so beautiful. like, insanely beautiful
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daydreamingmia · 4 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 22
"CHARLIE?!" Everyone yells in unison
"Okay I'm calling the police" Dior says pulling her phone from her pocket
"Okay DON'T PANIC!" Dior says looking up from her phone
"WHAT?!" You say definitely panicking
"I don't have reception" she says with terror in her eyes
"Please tell me you're kidding" walker says as you just stand there petrified
"I'm not kidding" Dior says obviously scared
"Hey maybe it's just my phone? Maybe you guys have a signal?" Dior says
Aryan reaches in his pocket for his phone and tips his head back
"Ugh!! I left my phone by the fireplace" Aryan sighs
"Omg Walker! Both my phone and your phone are dead because of me!" You say 
"Hey! Don't blame yourself! How were you supposed to know something like this would happen? It's not your fault y/n! Trust me" Walker kisses you
"Oh honey don't blame yourself! Trust me nobody thought this would happen" she hugs you
"Yeah it's not your fault" Aryan agrees sweetly 
"Oh Taylor is probably so worried!! I haven't called her in so long! And my mom too is probably freaking out"
"Should we go get my phone so we can tell them you're okay and the police?" Aryan asks
"I guess so? Hold on when was the last time everyone saw Charlie?" Walker asks
"The last room I think" Dior says
"Okay let's go look in there first" walker says
You all walked into the last room huddled together. Walker leading the way, you behind him and Dior behind you, Aryan was in the back. The quiet was eerie. The floor creaked after every footstep
"Charlie?" You yell
Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and you saw a shadowy figure floating outside that was followed by a horrific scream
"Ahhhhh!!! Walker there's-there's someone outside!" You scream
"I know I saw" He holds you tightly trying hard not to panic
"Guys did you see that?" You ask
"Yeah" Dior stutters
"Aryan? ARYAN?!" You scream
You looked behind Dior and he was gone
"Okay now I'm really scared" Dior says
"If this is a nightmare I WANNA WAKE UP" you say completely terrified 
"Okay here's what we need to do. Y/n remember the golf club Taylor gave you from her music video?" Walker asks
"Yeah" you reply
"We need to go get it. There's not enough of us anymore. We need something to protect us" He says
"Why did you bring it with you?" Dior asks
"Because when Taylor gave it to me she said if someone ever tries to hurt you use this to give them a nasty scar" you explained (lyric reference intended lol)
While the three of you were walking to your room you stop by the fireplace to call someone with Aryan's phone
"Where is Aryan's phone?!" You yell
"Wait how could this have happened? He said he left it here! Did someone take it??" Dior asks
"Omg! Whoever is doing all this doesn't want us to call the police for help!" You start to cry
"Awwww please don't cry angel! It's okay! I won't let anything happen to you" Walker hugs you tight and stroked your hair as you cry in his neck
"Sweetie don't worry Walker and I will protect you" Dior reassures you
"I'm not just worried about me! Everyone is disappearing! What if you guys disappear too! What if you're hurt!" You sob
"Nothing is gonna happen to us honey. Don't worry" Dior hugs you
"We are gonna be okay! Okay?" Walker kisses your head
"Yeah" you say as he wipes your tears
When you got to the room you and Walker share you reached under the bed and grabbed the golf club
When you stood back up your saw only Walker looking at you
Your face looks as you've seen a ghost and you just collapse on the bed and look up at the ceiling
"Y/n! What's wrong?!" Walker asks worries
"Where is Dior?!" You mutter not moving
Walker turns around and looks around the room
"Oh come on! They are just picking us off one by one! Where is everyone going?! What is this a horror movie?!" Walker yells
"You told that scary story earlier and now it's coming true! We are all gonna die here!!" You say sitting up and see Walker pacing the room thinking
"It's okay! We are not gonna die" he says sweetly
Suddenly an evil laugh echos through the house
"Yes don't worry dear everything will be okay" the evil laugh said in a menacing voice
"Dude where are you?! What have you done with our friends?!" Walker yells
"This has to be fake. This has to be fake. This has to be fake." You say having a panic attack
"Don't worry! You'll be okay!" He walks over to you and holds your hand
Suddenly a hooded figure runs by the bedroom door faster than lighting
Walker grabs you and the two of you run to the corner of the room
The dresser door slams open and Walker runs over to looks inside
Suddenly someone grabs you from behind and covers your mouth as they pull you into the closet
You start hitting them with the golf club when you turn and see they look familiar
"Ow! Hey! Stop! Stop! It's me!" You turn around and see Aryan
"Aryan what are you doing?!" You smack him
"I had nothing to do with this I promise! This was all fake! They slammed doors and did all this to make it look like someone was stalking us but it was all fake! It was for some stupid TV show! I had nothing to do with it! But when they grabbed they said they were gonna get you I asked them if I could. I knew you'd probably be less scared if it wasn't a stranger dragging you into a closet" Aryan explains
"What?! What kind of stupid TV show is this?!" You say angry
"It's like some stupid prank show" Aryan shrugs 
"Wait Walker he-" he were cut off by Walker yelling
"Y/n?! Y/n?! Is this a joke?? This isn't funny. Y/N!!" Walker screams
"Look I don't know who you are or what you are doing! But if you're gonna take them take me too! If you're gonna kill y/n at least kill me too because I don't wanna live without her! Where are you?! IF YOU HURT HER I DON'T CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES I WILL FIND YOU! IM WARNING YOU NOW! Y/N IF YOU CAN HEAR ME I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH AND I WILL FIND YOU!!" Walker exclaims as you smile because he loves you so much but it quickly turns to a frown when you think about how scared he must be right now
"Come look me in the eye! What are you afraid?!" Walker taunts as the bedroom door swings open and the camera crew walk in
"Walker Scobell you have been spooked!" The man smiles 
"What?!" He says confused
You run out of the closet and jump in his arms and kiss him
He hugs you so tight you kinda can't breathe lol
"This was all a prank. None of us were in on it. It is a stupid TV show." You explain to him
"You made us believe that we and our friends could've been killed tonight for a stupid show?!" Walker says angrily
"YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" You scream at the man
He just starts crackling "that's the point" he laughs
"Dior!" You exclaim and hug her when she walks into the room 
"I thought you were dead" You say relived
"I'm so sorry to scare you y/n! They grabbed me and I couldn't warn you" she glares at them
"You see every slammed door, every spooky sound, the phones not working was all us!" The guy from the tv show says
"Wait! Was the power outage you too??" You ask sooooo mad
"No! That was just a bonus" the man laughs
Charlie walks into the room and you hug him
"I was so worried you were dead" you say
"I'm so sorry! I had to watch you freak out. They wouldn't let me tell you!" Charlie explains
He was first to disappear so he watched everything happen
"How does Tom Holland react to our prank on him and Zendaya? Find out next week on Celebrity Spooks!" The man says not even phased that was he did was horrible
"Someone give me a phone! I need to call Taylor and my mom and omg so many people!"
"Here" the man hands you a portable phone charger and cord for your phone
The camera crew leaves and the five of you sit down by the fire in the living room
When your phone turns on a million texts come in
You talked to your mom and she was worried sick. Next was Taylor. 
Wait! Before you say anything I'm okay!
                                             Oh good! Travis she's okay!!
We thought we were dead though
Yeah. There's this stupid tv show
called celebrity spooks and they
made us think we were gonna die.
They even started kidnapping us!
                                             Wait! They were kidnapping 
                                              you for a tv show?!
Yup first Charlie disappeared
then Aryan, Dior then finally they took me!
                                                                    Are you okay?!
Yeah I'm fine! I might've had a minor 
heart attack and you may have to be 
my alibi when I kill whoever thought 
of this but yeah I'm fine
                                        Girl I can't be your alibi when I 
                                   am the one who killed this person
Haha we will get him together!
                                                                         Yes! Perfect!
I got to go I have like a billion texts
from people probably having heart 
attacks right now
                                                 Oh yes! Yes of course go! 
                                          Wait did you call your mom? 
                                      You called her before me right?
Yes of course!
                                                                 Okay wonderful!
                                                        Alright be safe angel!!
                                                            I love you so much!!
Love you too!! Bye!
You open your messages and start to reply
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You replied to all your messages and you all were just relaxing looking at the fire. Suddenly the lights turned back on!
"Yayyyyyyyyy!!!" Everyone cheered
Walker stood up really fast and ran out of the room
He came back around 25 minutes later with grilled cheese, tater tots, cookies, hot chocolate and ice cream!
"See this is why I love you" you say as you shove a cookie in your mouth
"You only love me for the food I make you" walker whines
"Yup" you joke
Hiii everyone!! I hope you liked this chapter!! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger last chapter lol. And sorry to everyone I freaked out😭 if you liked the chapter please like and comment!! Love you all sooo much!!💓💓💓💗💞💝💖💓💗💞💝💗💖💞💗💝💖💓💗💞💝💓💗💖💝💞
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@mireyaaaaaa @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @yeeteddemigod @walker-scobell-obsessed @callsignwidow @froggyflower264 @owlscanread25
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kthecutest · 1 year
Hi I have seen that your request are open. Can I please request K as a boyfriend headcanon. I love K so much and I'm happy that you also write for &team. 🥰🥰🤩
Ps: I love your writings😘
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ケイ Kei as your bf (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
A/N ೃ⁀➷ I'm so happy you requested it!! I've wanted to write boyfriend K headcanons for agessss! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) Mwah Mwah - kisses for my gratefulness ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ pls if you ever have any other ideas for K 🦘content, you can count me as your num1 wish granter (◡̀_◡́)ᕤ Anw! Hope you'll enjoy this one! (⁎⁍̴̛ ₃ ⁍̴̛⁎)!!
⇆༶•┈┈┈┈┈┈୨◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷୧┈┈┈┈┈•༶↻
The unexpectedly clingy one. Kei is probably the one person that you’ve expected least to be a clingy little puppy. His constant determination in his work really gave you that impression – but you only noticed it was the total opposite when you’d receive sweet ‘I miss you’s from him every second he’s away at work; and the ‘good morning’s paired with sweet motivational quotes; although you must admit how old-styled the quotes can be sometimes – but they didn’t fail to motivate and humor you.
A puppy who’s a big fan of physical affection. Every corner of your house, he will be stuck to you like gum, sharing body heat every single second of the day. “Keiiii, just give me one second I need to get that pan up there”, you’d whine. Instantly you felt your feet off the ground as he carried your feather-light body – “There baby~ better?” You couldn’t help but pout and proceeds with your work. There’s no way you can push this puppy off of you.
Loves being super intimate with you. Of course he knows you have a boundary and he totally respects that but that doesn’t stop him from being so touchy and clingy with you – basically goes hand in hand with the point above. You’d often find yourself in the bathtub or shower together with him and you’d just stand there, questioning yourself in the head like; ‘howwww did it escalated to here-‘
It’s easy to make him flustered and the entire process is so evident too especially on his expressive little cute face. “Wow! Hehe you look so cute in that scarf love!” – “hmm but I prefer your hands around my neck~” – ba’am he’s spinning and turning and rolling, practically blushing and dying from your smutty comment. His brain going complete short circuit while you stood there with an innocent little smile.
But the flustered state won’t last long because he’ll always have a better comeback to throw you off even more than you could to him. In the blink of an eye, his huge hands are wrapped around your petite neck, his warm breath hitched close to your ear, and he spoke with a low tone – “you’re right love~ they really do look better around your neck than that scarf.” Oh fuck, you know you’re in great trouble now.
He’s the one boy who tries his best to always do the best for you but the occasion always gotta go wrong one way or another; guess luck just wasn’t on his side – probably because Kei himself was the embodiment of luck. Your puppy boyfriend had fully planned out a picnic date on the beach for the evening – a view of the tangerine blob of light fading in a daze in the sky. Suddenly, it started pouring, both of you were drenched as you two booked it back to the car. The bright smile on his face has now faded into a dazed saddened frown – but you reassured him you had the best date ever which brought back his warm glittering smile that you’ve always adored.
Literally hates his baby photos and tries to hide every piece and bit of his childhood photos from you because those are what you’d use most to tease him with – “Awww look at who this cute little boy isssss~ this cute little boy who’s munching on snacks~ loookkkk, awwww I just wanna give him a huggg~!” – earning a pout and a frown from your cute boyfriend. “Hey! But this boy in front of you is cuter!” his whiny tone followed by a clingy hug; had you chuckling and giggling. Only he’s allowed to tease you; not the other way around!
Takes thousands of selfies of you two together but then hesitates which ones to post every single time – because he’s too indecisive – and just like that the photos weren’t post on theme because the special occasion was eventually over. Kei’s had this trouble even before you two got together but it did helped a bit now that you’re here since you’re more of a decisive person; you could guide and help out your troubled little boyfriend.
Pretends like he don’t wanna share you his food. Kei holds up the chopsticks, a piece of porkchop in between, practically taunting your hungry figure; swaying it in front of your eyes. Yet when you try to take a bite, the piece of meat goes flying straight to his mouth. Kei smiled and giggled at your shocked and pouty expression yet when he sees the saddened expression on your face, he can’t help but apologize and pile up snacks and meals right around you like a puppy building a nest.
Flirty and romantic – sometimes you even think he is the epitome of cupid but instead the kind who kept shooting heart arrows at YOU and apparently, it’s working because you just kept falling into a spiral of love around him. Blows hearts and kisses at you even through the air whenever he sees you pass by at work – and he does it really obviously too just to flaunt it. Matching outfits are a must, at home or outside. The type who could come up with a more heart-attack-like comebacks to your flirty and smutty comments. The type who would feed you with a kiss instead of a spoon – he loves to be unique okayyy.
Your personal dance teacher. He isn’t the type to convert you into his hobbies but you yourself originally was into dancing – and just knowing that your own boyfriend is a professional at it, got you requesting him to teach you. Very focused and determined when he does so; might be a bit strict with you though, but that’s just how he is when it’s work hours, so you aren’t complaining. Might get a little bit too touchy in some moves; ahem and then it leads to something else – heated sex in the practice room
Lovessss to flaunt his strength and size to you very often. Would pick you up out of nowhere with his single arm – “showing off your muscles again Kei?” – “hehe don’t pretend you don’t love them baby” (I mean he ain’t wrong-) Would also hug you from whatever position and you would just feel like being sunk into a huge giant teddy bear – perfect for the snowy winters.
Gets strict with you when it comes to your health. You’re the kind of restless person who loves to bury yourself in work and stress, and it might barely affect you but Kei is definitely phased. He’ll drag you out every morning to the park for morning jogs, take away your piles of fast food – and make you some fresh veggie salads and when the clock dings midnight – “alright enough work baby, time to sleep~!” – “naur but I need to finish this” – “absolutely not~” – drags you straight to bed and hugs you like a teddy. You can’t even escape with his size and weight. He makes sure you get enough sleep except those nights when you guys must attend to your sexual desires – he could definitely make an exception for that.
Needy, mushy, wet kisses that often escalate to needier events. Sometimes you would earn little pecks from your huge boyfriend as a sign of affection and you absolutely adored them. But whenever this puppy comes home from work, omg no more pecks, literally draws you into him and makes out with you to the point you felt like he was gonna eat your face. Your puppy’s just missed you too much, could you blame him?
When he sees you drowning in his oversized hoodies or shirts, omg it’s like his soul got thrown to a whole ‘nother dimension. Literally melts at the sight of it all, and doesn’t miss even a second to pull out his phone and spam the camera shots. At the same time, the tent in his sweatpants is seriously visible as well – got your eyes widening and everything. Welp, might as well get on with it now that the tent won’t go down~ and for the photos he took earlier? – well that can wait for when he gets to work – might need a release or two on his breaks.
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