#baby dragon says “mine!”
raayllum · 6 months
i do wonder how much Viren refusing to kill SS — his child, according to Aaravos — to save his own life is yes, an inversion of S1 Viren offering up the guards to save Harrow and asking Soren to kill the sons of his best friend, but also of his decision all the way back pre-series to kill the Magma Titan (another non human person who had to be harvested for "the greater good") and more than that, he and Harrow's "decisions" to murder Zym, an innocent child. While Viren didn't go through with it, he still ultimately saw Zym as a weapon to safeguard if not use. Now in the wake of his own subconscious as well as Claudia's trauma tearing down his justifications — "No choice? Ha! You made the same choice you've always made: the one that gives you power" — he can't justify making a self serving choice again, even if that means lying down to quietly die and accept the fate handed to him. Because he went to kill a child once, and now his daughter is the one paying the price
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bylertruther · 1 year
fantasy au where will finds dragon eggs in his lil castle byers nook in the wilderness equivalent, but hardly anyone thinks they'll ever actually hatch even if they do indulge him and his fantasies about those old fossils.
still, will always makes sure to keep them safe and warm, tending to them with the same sweetness he treats all creatures. he talks to them so they're not lonely by telling them about his day as he's settling into bed and playing them music when he gets ready in the morning. he changes the blankets they nest in, wrapping them up nice and snug. he laces up his boots and ventures out to retrieve them always, no matter the weather, whenever lonnie's had enough of his delusions and thrown them away somewhere, hoping that he'll finally give up on this boyish folly of his.
mike is different, though. he's always had faith in will's dragon eggs, and he's actually the first person that will showed them to (something something it's part of those "special privileges" he's always bragging about to dustin and lucas). he made will a list of all the names he thinks might fit them, for when they hatch of course, and it's one that they're constantly adding to whenever they think of a new one.
will's never said it aloud, but while he fully supports this list, and appreciates it dearly, he's always intended on letting mike name the blue one whatever he so desires. they're his dragons, yes, but will trusts mike and he wants him to be a part of this. he is a part of this already, he always has been, and will would have it no other way.
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worshipingstrangers · 2 years
you know what, i was mostly indifferent to aemond up until that last episode, i was watching the internet falling in love with him left and right and was like ehh he’s okay i guess
but now i’m sold, all it took was to see him in all his pathetic little meow meow glory on top of his weapon of mass destruction that he couldn’t control after biting off more than he could chew, what a man!
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the-cooler-king · 1 year
Saw someone on a swift zulian tiger last night in wow and I got so excited I cheered at them. Later on I saw a real life black qiraji battle tank and LOST MY SHIT... I was cheering and dancing with this night elf in booty Bay, my man was just tryna catch the boat. I couldn't believe I saw one in real life.
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multific · 5 months
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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Wife!Reader
Warnings: childbirth (no detailed description)
Summary: Aemond loves his little wife, so naturally, when you give birth to your first son, Aemond falls in love even deeper. However, when a simple refusal of his breaks your heart, it will be difficult for him to win you back.
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It was hard to keep you close. You were much like Aemond, a true fighter. You had a fire in you which couldn't be questioned. A fire towards him, pure love. And now, fire towards your son.
Aeren was only born a week ago, yet you protected him fiercely like a dragon.
And you refused to let the small child out of your hands.
When Aemond was allowed in the room, he saw the blood, he heard your screams and many times, he wanted to barge in but he knew he couldn't.
So, once he was allowed in, someone informed him that it was a boy and that you were in bad shape. 
Aemond could see it, you looked beyond tired, yet you smiled.
But your smile didn't last long.
Aemond refused to hold his son. 
"Give him to me." he heard your voice as he looked from the woman holding his son to you. You looked angry. Way too angry.
It was too late when Aemond realised what he had just done.
He refused to hold his own child.
And since then, you didn't speak a word to him.
You slept in a different room with your baby, sometimes, late at night, he heard the cries. He wanted to get up and go to you but he couldn't, his guilt was overbearing. 
"You should put a leash on her, brother. If I had a wife like that, she wouldn't be sleeping in another room." Aegon taunted his brother daily. 
One day, you were in the gardens, walking with your son in your arms when Aegon spoke up.
Aemond never heard his brother speak with such longing.
"I truly wish she was mine." 
Aemond looked at his brother who was watching you.
"But she's mine." was his simple and firm reply.
But you truly weren't.
You used to be, now, you just sat next to him during dinners. 
One night, you excused yourself, and he followed you.
In an empty corridor, he spoke up.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he knew why. He very well knew why.
"I'm sorry, My Prince." you turned and looked at him. "I believe you are mistaken. I'm not avoiding you, I just hate to see the disappointment on your face." this surprised Aemond. "I gave birth to a child you refused to even look at. I loved you, Prince Aemond, I truly did. But I love my child more. And if you cannot look at him, you won't get to look at me. Fill your bed with whores for all I care. Goodnight." 
"You are mistaken." he said, not letting you leave, but you did grab the handle. "You-You were in that bed, crying, screaming and bleeding for hours. I couldn't do anything. And when they let me in, the blood... so much... they told me you were weak, you survived but you needed a lot of rest. How-How could I hold my child when the love of my life almost died? How could I look at him when I was worried to even look at you? I feared you would die giving birth. I was shaking. I feared losing you and my child. That is why I didn't hold him. I was scared." you stood there, your hand on the door, you looked away from his eyes.
"Then you could have just fucking say so, Aemond! For fucks sake!"
"That is not very lady-like."
"FUCK lady-like, you made me believe you hate me and our son! I believed I disappointed you since you wanted a daughter."
"I said I would be happy either way. My emphasis was on a girl because I feared if you had a daughter, you would see that as disappointing my bloodline."
"You are fucking terrible at communicating." you opened the door and walked into the huge room in which you stayed the last couple of weeks.
Aemond followed you, and watched as you walked over to the small bed and picked up your son. "Next time, you should just tell me. Letting me assume things clearly don't work out." 
"Of course." a small smile found its way onto his lips, next time, it was the promise of a future, a promise of more, something he could work towards. He walked over to you after closing the door. "I wish to hold him." you handed him the small child who didn't even stir in his sleep. "Aeren you named him I recall." Aemond's attention was now fully on his son as you decided to leave the two alone after watching them for a couple of minutes.
You got changed and when you arrived back, Aemond was sitting on the bed, his son on his chest.
"Some nights I heard his cries. It broke my heart but I broke yours far more. I apologise for not being clear and for causing you pain. I am truly sorry."
"I'm sorry as well. I should have asked." you said as you sat down next to him. "I will have to feed him soon."
"I will stay here with you."
You smiled as the moon shined through the window, illuminating the room a little more, helping the fire so you could see your husband's face.
"I love you so much Aemond."
"I love you too, My Queen." you giggled, moving closer to him as he leaned down to kiss you.
You two kissed in the moonlight until your son made it clear that he was hungry.
It all made you look towards a better future.
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Taglist: @castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse  @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @brascaris @il0vebeingdelulu @deliciousfestsalad
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hanafubukki · 5 months
Happy Birthday Malleus Draconia 💚💕
Summary: You kidnap Malleus Draconia.
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Sebek knew it would be a tiring day when he saw a letter placed on his wardrobe table.
It had decorative little crocodiles and squirrels all over with his name written in your writing.
He could already feel a headache incoming.
He’ll wonder how you snuck into his room to place said letter later, he was more interested in the message you had to say.
“Dear Knight,
Your Lord has been kidnapped. He is mine for the day.
Sebek rushed out of his room, running to the Diasomnia waiting room where his lord would sit and enjoy tea at this time.
…only to be met with a giggling Lilia and a napping Silver.
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“Did you have to tease Sebek?”
“It’s all in good fun Tsunotaro.”
“I see.”
While Malleus ponders your answer, you plopped down right next to him on the couch.
“What does this…kidnapping entail?”
You could tell Malleus was humoring you. He found this whole situation funny and yet intriguing.
“For you? Just sit there look pretty and enjoy all the snacks, games, and movies I have.”
Malleus laughed lowly, “YN, I do have duties to fulfill. I can’t just sit here.”
You shrugged, “One day without work won’t bring down your dorm. Besides, all work and no play make dragons go cranky.”
Malleus laughed freely and you joined him this time, “Is that so? Then I shall join in this activity with you.”
You laid the nearby comforter over you and Malleus before starting your T.V.
It would be a good day; you would make sure of it.
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“This warrior does not speak?”
“Kind of. He talks he’s just not voice acted, but he does make sounds when you attack with him.”
“Interesting. A silent and courageous warrior who will save his kingdom and the princess.”
“Reminds you of someone?”
“This Link reminds me of Silver. They share many similar qualities.”
You joked, “Are you the princess then?”
“I am a prince, am I not?” Malleus replied, before softly continuing, “and Silver has saved me, from myself.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “That’s love for you.”
“Yes, it is.”
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“That crocodile and that pirate…”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“Yes, especially as Kingscholar dressed as one during Halloween.”
“Does the crocodile remind you of Sebek?”
The glint in Malleus' eyes answered your question.
You can only imagine Sebek's reaction if he knew, “Well with the way Sebek is always barking at Leona, I can't blame you for thinking it.”
Ah, you were going to hold this over Sebek's head forever.
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“Those fairies should have never been given the child.”
“They haven’t properly fed her, even Lilia knew to feed a baby!”
“She almost fell off the cliff!”
“I know. They suck.”
You tugged at Malleus’ hair, “At least she had someone to take care of her, two of them in fact.”
Malleus calmed down knowing exactly to whom you referred, “Yes, those days were filled with laughter and warmth even amidst the chaos. How…nostalgic.”
Malleus leaned towards you; a mischievous glint in his eyes, it reminded you of a certain pink-streaked fae, “Want to hear an embarrassing story grandmother told me about Lilia?”
“Yes! I’m all ears!”
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You watched as Tsunotaro enjoyed Toothless and Hiccup's adventures.
You knew he would like this series.
You wondered how Sam had the trilogy.
…you would question him thoroughly later.
You were content to watch Tsunotaro be happy.
His family is never far from his thoughts as he is never far from theirs.
You felt happy to be part of his family.
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“YN, is there a reason to why we are making cupcakes this late at night?”
He didn’t know.
You hid your smile as you put the tray of goodies into the oven.
Malleus must have enjoyed his day if he forgot why tonight would be special.
“Anytime is a good time for cupcakes, just like how you can have ice cream even during winter.”
“I thought it was easier for human’s teeth to decay due to late night sugary treats?”
“We’ll be fine! Just make sure to brush your teeth and don’t tell Trey -senpai.”
You went over to the nearby drawer. The confetti poppers were there as planned, just a few more minutes before the time came, so you snuck them into your pocket discreetly.
“Let’s go play more Zelda.”
You and Malleus moved towards the lounge; you eyed the hallway clock on the way.
Less than a minute.
You took out the poppers from your pocket.
You pulled the poppers out just as he entered the ramshackle lounge.
“Happy Birthday (Lord) Malleus!”
Malleus was shocked as confetti rained on him from all sides.
Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you surrounded him as the day turned over.
His surprised face broke into a wide smile before an unrestrained joyous laughter filled the lounge.
What a beautiful start to today.
The day Malleus Draconia was born.
A day filled with endless love.
Happy Birthday Malleus.
Resounded affectionately in all the hearts of everyone present.
May you always be filled with happiness and love.
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Silver came to you as you watch Lilia bear hug Malleus. It was funny how someone so petite wrapped all four limbs on someone so tall.
Silver hesitated.
You knew.
“He baked a cake, didn’t he?”
Silver sighed, “Yes. We tried to stop him.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s okay. Toxic waste it might be, but it is something Lilia made with him in mind. Malleus will love it nonetheless.”
You bumped shoulders with Silver, whispering, “We made cupcakes.”
Silver’s grateful smile had you hugging him.
No one will get food poisoning today, not on your watch.
You hoped.
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drivergemini · 2 years
hellfire baby :: e.m.
summary: when starting a new campaign, the hellfire club didn’t except to see a toddler sitting in their club leader’s throne
content warning: parenting & pregnancy, talks about teen parenting, swearing, basically really fluffy, child’s features mostly based off of eddie
word count: 1013
when all of the hellfire boy’s entered through the theater room’s doors, they felt a huge rush of excitement. eddie had been hyping up his new campaign for about a month and told everyone that he was going to do something real special for their first meeting. 
what they did not expect was a small little girl, maybe around 1 or 2 years old, sitting in their dungeon master’s place. she had a pink dragon onesie on and her big brown eyes stared back at the group. 
“why good evening lovely gentlemen.” eddie popped out from behind his throne, holding a small sandwich bag filled with ‘star wars’ cookies. he handed it to the child with barely any acknowledgement and she gladly grabbed it with eager hands. “are you lads ready to start this wonderful campaign?”
each boy had their own looks of confusion on their faces. they looked at eddie and then the child, then back again.
“eddie why the hell is there a baby here?” dustin was the one who spoke up. 
eddie’s face sported a wide grin. “well guys i would like to introduce you to the surprise i mentioned.” he scooped up the little girl and presented her to the d&d club memebers. “everyone this is my daughter mei. say hi mei mei.”
“hi mei mei.” the little voice spoke a she waved a tiny hand to the boys. she tugged her onesie hood down, reveling long, brown hair, just like her dad’s.
“daughter? eddie we didn’t even know you could speak to girls?” mike chimed in.
“well wheeler, if it matters to you, i don’t speak to girls because i already have my fiance.” he raised his eyebrows at the last part. 
you see, eddie munson didn’t become a super-super senior because he was dumb. he became a super-super senior because he accidentally got his high school girlfriend pregnant. they had been together since they were 16. eddie and y/n were going great until the summer before their senior year. y/n’s pregnancy took a large toll to both of their academics, so eddie decided he would try and lighten his girlfriend’s stress load. on april 29th, 1984, their daughter was born. 
he thought y/n’s future was too bright for her to be held back, so after she gave birth he let her continue as an almost normal high school student. eddie didn’t get to graduate that year. but he did get to hold his baby as he watched the love of his life walk the stage. 
he didn’t graduate his second senior year either. he was too caught up in healthy parenting and making sure he was there to watch his daughter’s firsts. he watched her first steps, her first time eating solid foods, and even heard her first word. ‘dragon’.
so here he was, his third senior year, finally ready to walk that stage.
as eddie finished up the story he heard a sniff. all heads turned toward the direction of lucas. 
“dude that story was so beautiful. i didn’t even know that.”
“yeah most people don’t except a few people who were in school during that time like harrington. but y/n kind of chose to drop off the map so it isn’t talked about much.” eddie sat down in his chair and placed his daughter on his lap. “now that introductions are out of the way, shall we get started?”
eddie’s new campaign was centered around exploring an abandoned gem mine to figure out what was terrorizing the near by townsfolk. 
“so little dwarf, you enter the cave with your mates behind you. as you guide them with your light, the air becomes increasingly warm. as you approach the growing heat, you see a shimmer of pink scales.”
“munson you did not...” dustin starts as his hands grip the table.
“you raise your torch higher and you see her in all her glory...” eddie lifts mei off of his lap and places her in the middle of the table. “mei the fire breathing dragon.”
all the boys start to exclaim in frustration. what kind of sick father makes his own kid the first boss of his d&d campaign? eddie munson that’s who. after explaining they all need a time out to discuss, they all huddled in the corner. 
“dude what are we going to do? we can’t slay the dragon. i mean look at her, she’s adorable!” dustin whispered.
“i mean honestly if you think about it, it’s just a game.” mike said. typical.
“yes but the moral principal of it is, eddie knows that we would have to be sick son’s of bitches to kill a kid. especially his daughter.” dustin explained frustrated. 
him and mike felt a little wedge between their legs. they all looked down to see mei still holding her bag of cookies. 
“tooktie?” she raised it up to the air, offering the boys a share of her snack. 
each boy took only one, while politely thanking her for sharing. she unwedged herself from the huddle and waddled towards her dad. 
“juice peas?” she said to him, pointing to a sippy cup sitting on the table. he handed her the cup and looked at the clock on the wall.
“unfortunately boys, time is up for today’s meeting.” eddie tsked. 
just as he said that, y/n opened the door to the club room and walked in scanning around. each person all had their eyes on her.
“mommy!” mei squealed, running towards the young woman. she jumped into her arms, y/n picking her up and spinning her around. 
eddie grabbed a small child lunch box and walked towards the two girls. “as you see i can't stay any later than i’m supposed to tonight guys. but this will give you some more time to think about your next move.”
he trailed behind the two girls, waving everyone goodbye. 
as the door closed, each hellfire member could hear a faint, “eddie why is our daughter talking about slaying a dragon?”
followed by “edward munson why did our daughter just say son of a bitch?”
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danytar · 2 months
“My Dragon's Mother” [Daddy!Aegon!Targaryen X Sister!Wife!Reader] 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝟐
Warnings: Incest, slight breeding kink, Breastfeeding, Mention of blood, Labor, chest pain, erotic lactation,domesticity, vulgarity
a/n: I love writing about Daddy Aegon! That's why this fanfic will belong to “My dragon's mother” hope you enjoy it!
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“One other push my princess!” The midwife spoke to encourage you to keep pushing.You took another breath trying to calm yourself down then you heard you husband speaking “You heard my love one more time and it will be over!I promise”.
He was rubbing your hands lovingly and kissing the palm of your hands. “You are strong, my love this is your second time and it will be easier than the first one!! ”. The reassuring words flooded your body with warmth so you took another deep breath and pushed again.
Your silver hair was wet and messy and your face was full of exhaustion and sweat not to mention the blood that drips from you.You told your husband that the delivery room is not a suitable place for him. You didn't want him to see you in such a miserable state.
But he insisted that he would be with you from the moment labor began until you gave birth. When the twins were born, he was not with you during your labor, so he promised you that this time he would be with you.
“It's a boy my prince!Congratulations to you ”. The midwives smiled and congratulated your husband. You smiled tiredly “My brave wife”. He smiled from ear to ear and kissed your forehead.
He placed his forehead on yours and closed his eyes “Our Aegon has arrived”. He whispered lovingly and placed his hands on your cheeks. You can't help but chuckle.
When he turned his head away from you. you saw your son wrapped in blankets he was so small and fragile that you felt like a feather could hurt him.
Aegon was still holding your hands tenderly and gently even after the birth of his son he did not leave your side. The boy was given to his father, but Aegon refused to carry him first because he felt he did not deserve to carry him first, so he gave him to you.
You held your son in your arms and kissed his head gently he was your joy and aegon's joy your legacy. Your husband was so enamored with his new son that he felt like he was going to fly off at any moment.
Aegon's eyes brightened. He sighed as he stared at the newborn. He looked back at you, smiling and relieved.He helped you hold the baby, gently, tenderly taking him in his arms. The child looked so peaceful. You smiled at each other as you held the child together. Aegon kissed the baby as well.
Your peaceful moment was interrupted by a pair of silver heads scurrying from the door towards your bed.“We want to see the baby!”. The twins spoke in sync as they rushed to see their new brother.
Aegon chuckled, looking at the twins.“Be careful, you two. He is quite fragile.” The child was placed between Jaehaerys and Jaehaera's arms, but he was supported by Aegon's arm as well. “He's so beautiful father! He has my eyes ”. Jaehaera replied.
“No! he has mine! ”Jaehaerys protests against his sister.
You and aegon laugh at your kids fight they were so cute when they fight over their new brother. He looked at you. You were standing with him, looking at the children together. He wrapped his arm around you.
“This is nice. Us as a whole family.” He smiled at you and kissed your cheek gently. Meanwhile, your mother alicent and Aemond entered the room. Your mother smiles at you and then comes closer to kiss your forehead.
She takes the child from his siblings she holds him in her arms and smilies “My cute little boy..what did you named him?”. She looks at you and your husband with a curious look.
“Aegon”. Aemond answers with a straight face. You chuckle and look at your brother “Do you have a problem with this?”.
“No”. He frowns.
Aegon laughs at his brother's drama and then says “Oh come on man.. Next time I promise ”. You laugh sheepishly and playfully hit his shoulder. “I also demand a girl who carry my name!”. heleana jokes with you and hugs the baby as well.
“As you wish sis”. Aegon chuckles then looked at you. You raise an eyebrow and playfully hit his shoulder again. He laughs and pretends to be in pain “Ouch!”.
The room is filled with happy laughter and joyful atmosphere. you were so happy to have a beautiful family, wonderful children and a loving husband you can't ask more It was very happy times.
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Later, the prince enters his wife in her chambers to find her breastfeeding their son. He smiled warmly as he saw you breastfeeding your son. You looked so natural doing it. The two of you had always been good parents, and it brought him a sense of joy and pride to see your nurturing side.
His smirk widened, as he looked at you, amused by something. Did he have a witty comment to make? Was he going to tease his wife while she was nursing their child? Yes. Yes he would. When could he not tease her? Never.
“Feeding our child?.” He playfully said to you, as he smirked.
“Yes”. you chuckled and looked at him.He smirked at the response.
“I am hungry too! Shouldn’t you feed me instead?”. He teased you playfully. He knew that he was being a tease, but he also knew that he could not resist it. It was fun teasing you when you were stuck breastfeeding your child.
“We've discussed this aegon”. You raise an eyebrow and look at him. He laughed. He knew very well that the two of you had discussed his attempts at being the one to be fed, however he would not just stop.
He was tempted to tease you about it whenever he saw the chance.“We have discussed it before, many times…” He chuckled. “But, that does not make it less funny for me. You are still sitting there, stuck breastfeeding, unable to move, while I am waiting for you to feed me as well.”
“You're not a baby aegon.. ”
He raised a eyebrow at that reply. He knew that he was not a child, however, it did not change the fact that he thought he deserved some attention while you were breastfeeding the baby.
He smirked as he returned a teasing reply. “Are you sure? Because I think you are treating me as one at the moment. I even feel a bit jealous that you are giving all of your milk to our child”.
He smirked, feigning a sense of anger over your response to his tease.“Do not tell me that you are going to let me starve as our son feasts on your milk?” He asked, sounding as dramatic as he could manage.
“Starving? ”. you chuckled
He chuckled. He wasn’t actually starving, far from it. But this was one way for him to tease you further and get the milk he desired.
“Yes, I am. You are starving me of your milk, so that our son can have it all to himself. He is hogging all of your milk while I slowly starve to death. I’m wasting way, my bones growing weaker each passing day.” He said, feigning a dramatic sense of weakness and loss of strength.
“AWW my poor man”. You also teasing him and continue breastfeeding your son.
He approached the bed and knelt next to you “Come on My love! you promised me! Besides, why don't we give our son to a wet nurse and I keep all your milk for myself?”. He looked at you with big eyes and a pleading tone.
“You are so greedy”. You tuck his short silver locks behind his ear and chuckled he's acting like a child now. you can't help but chuckle again. He chuckled. The teasing conversation had not been going in his favor so far, but he certainly was not going to admit that fact to you. He would continue to play as the greedy person he was being. He had been greedy in the past, he was greedy now, and he would be greedy of your milk until you gave him some.
“Yes, I am greedy, very greedy. I want your milk all for myself. I wish you could produce more milk, just to satisfy my greed”. He smirked playfully at the comment.
When he notices that the child is sleeping, he takes him from your arms and put him in his cradle.He kisses little Aegon's forehead. He loves his newborn son but can't bear the thought of sharing your breasts with his son.
Aegon approaches her again and then wraps his arms around her waist. “My turn.”he whisper to you softly. “How many times do I have to tell you? ”. He untied the straps of your nightgown while looking into your eyes.
He smiled at the sight of his wife's swollen chest he looked at you again and then said, “I’m not kidding, let’s put a wet nurse on our baby.”
“You can't be serious Aeg!”
He frowned, “I didn’t say I was joking, I was completely serious.” He said before placing his mouth on your nipples. You were about to say something but his mouth on you was so good that you became completely numb.
He placed even softer kisses on that spot, finally he opened his mouth and sucked on the skin. He didn’t bite down, he just sucked on the spot, the feeling of your skin against his lips was pleasant, but this time, the taste of milk against his tongue was a sexy experience.
He felt your hands move through his hair. The feeling of your fingers sliding through his hair almost made those soft kisses he had been placing earlier a bit more pleasurable. Your touch, along with the taste of your milk in his mouth, was a good combination.
He moaned as well, your touch felt good. He pulled himself closer to you as your moans got more frequent, and he increased his pace. The fact that you were enjoying what he was doing made him feel wonderful.
He moaned again, more intensely than before, and he tried to pull you even closer to his body. He wanted your bodies to become one, as he continued to suck your fragile nipples.
It wasn't like your son's feeling. There was something else with your husband his teeth and tongue scratched your soft nipples slowly..
Several minutes passed with the two of you in each other's arms. Aegon kept sucking your nipples . His pace didn't change, he was still doing the same thing over and over again. Finally, after those several minutes had passed, he raised his head. His lips were now fully covered in milk and he looked at you with a smirk.
“Happy now? ”. You teased him and wiped the rest of the milk on the corner of his mouth and chin.He raised his eyebrow as he noticed the milk on the corner of his mouth and chin. He smirked at your teasing, and the milk on his face, made him look quite funny. The milk on his lips still tasted good, and so he licked his lips to get his own milk off.
“Happy? That is one way to say it…” He teased you back, and he brushed the milk off his chin. “Happy would be a understatement, I would say that this was like heaven I want more of this…”
“Aegon! ”. you chuckled
He pushed her gently and smiled arrogantly.. “I’m still hungry my goddess You must give your subjects your blessings.”
“What if my subjects are too greedy?”.
“Then you should give them extra blessings”. He teases you and puts his mouth on you again.
This will be his new place between your breasts. No one can take him away from you And your new features that he missed for four years..
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– Taglist ♡ : @hisfavegiri @callsignwidow @xitsemm @saltytidalwavetyphoon @khaleesihel @credulouskhaleesi @lovelykhaleesiii @darylandbethfanforever9
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stone-stars · 4 months
happy 6 years of naddpod everyone <3 (alt title: the dragon pussy podcast making me cry for 6 minutes straight)
Mee Maw: That's true, but… there's also somethin' else. Murph: And you see she pushes her cloak to the side, and you see she has black scabs-- Caldwell and Jake: Oh, no! No no no! Moonshine: Oh, Melora! Murph: --and deep crick rot all over her chest and neck.
Marabelle, weakly: Jolene? I-- I didn't realize I was gonna get to-- say I was sorry. Moonshine (pretending to be Jolene): Thank you, of-- of course you're forgiven! I love you so much! You're my big sister!
Melora: You're not cursed. You were born like this.
Hardwon: (desperately) Gemma? Gemma? Gemma wake up. Gemma baby. Hey. Murph: You see she's-- she's-- she's cold and dead. Hardwon: Fuck!
Balnor: I couldn't help them. I can barely swing a sword. Alanis: There's a war coming, and everyone needs to fight. Even old men who don't know how.
Beverly, crying: No, he's-- he's my light. He's my Pelor! He always was! I strayed!
Bev Sr: You tell her the truth, Bev. You tell your mom that I died in the Feywild. Beverly: (crying) You know I'm bad at lying. Bev Sr: It's not a lie, Bev.
Deadeye: Yeah, I know I'm down a hand. And an eye. And a life. But I got a soul, and a family. And I finally know which is worth more.
Deadeye: I hate to think about what woulda happened to me, but maybe more I hate to think about who I still would've been if I had never met you.
Rosa: JV, I can't-- I can't find my lantern. JV: Aw, well look at that? There's a lantern right here. Rosa: Are you sure that's mine? JV: Yeah. Yeah, I'll-- I-- I'm gonna go look for mine.
Hardwon: --interpretation. I-- I-- Moonshine: Hardwon, I really don't want you to want to die, because I want you to live so much and I don't want to be alone in that feeling.
Lydia: Elias, is that you? Hardwon: It's uh-- It's still little Elias. You saved the child, ma.
Lydia: I don't know what I've been these past few years, I don't know what I've been these past few decades. But I want you to know that when I was your mother that... you were wanted.
Murph: Somebody who felt they could never have a child… um, is holding their child. Moonshine: I-- I didn't want to need you, dad, but… now that you're here… it-- it's kinda nice.
Murph: Your father has given you... a strategy guide on how to beat him. Caldwell: I have to look away so that the tears don't ruin the pages.
Beverly: (tearful) I don't want to go. I don't want to go. But I have to. It's my duty. I have to do this. Moonshine: Okay, youngin, I want you to know. I will love you whatever you choose to do. But, here's my two cents: A child has a duty to his father, but a hero has a duty to the world. Now, I've got my opinion of which you are. But it's time for you to decide.
Bev Sr: Thanks, Bev. I always-- I knew I could make the deal, because I knew you'd stop me.
Moonshine: (tearful) I-- I've been wanting to tell you about this for so long, and I just didn't get a chance to. And I don't know if I will, so I just wanted to make sure I told you.
Moonshine, crying harder as she goes on: Paw Paw. You are… You are my best friend. And you are the best part of me. (sobs) And I am so grateful. For-- (sobs) the fact that so much of our lives have been braided together. But… where I'm going, next-- after we beat Thiala, which we will-- you can't come, mmkay? So I just need to make sure that you are taken care of, and I need to make sure that you take care of some people, okay?
Pendergreens: This time, you picked me up. And you were nice to me for no reason.
Pendergreens: If when you come back... if I'm different? Moonshine: Mhm? Pendergreens: Just, remember me as I am now. 'Cause I like who I am when I'm around you.
Death: I will take everything from you-- Hardwon: Quit pointing at people! Death: --until you come with me. Hardwon: Ok-- I'll go! I'll go. Beverly: Hardwon, no! Hardwon: Bring her back, and I'll come. Bring her back.
Lydia: All my life, people told me what I had to be. You don't have to be anything other than what you are.
Lydia: I think you should talk to your friends. Not because you owe them an explanation, but because you deserve to be heard.
Melora: Beverly. Beverly: Yes? Melora: I wish you could grow up in a normal world, but the Gods have not blessed you with a normal life. You are… afflicted with duty. Things thrust upon you far beyond your years.
Melora: The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor, what an injustice.
Moonshine: How long do Half-Elves live? Mee Maw: You talkin' bout Hardwon? Moonshine: I mean-- It's on my mind.
Moonshine: I guess, if I'm being honest, I don't know what it's gonna be like to know Bahumia without Hardwon Surefoot. (tearful) And there's a part of me that doesn't want to find out what that feels like.
Moonshine: There is something sour I probably need to swallow, though. It is-- There's people you meet that are once in a timeless body lifetime kinda people, right? Mee Maw: Oh, yeah. Moonshine: Okay. Mee Maw: And you keep 'em with ya. Moonshine: Okay.
Moonshine: (crying) It's okay, Balnor. Like all the most powerful things in this world, I knew I was only borrowing you.
Hardwon: Moonshine, when-- When I left Irondeep, I-- I didn't know where I fit in. And then I met you, and you didn't just let me in. You brought me in, and you thought I was good.
Balnor: I hope that you all get to leave this world with the same comfort that I had: knowing that it's in good hands. I love you. Murph: "Your knight, Balnor."
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fvllingflower · 5 months
Yearly Kiss
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pairing: nonidol!wonu, afab!reader
genre: romance, smut
warning: pda, making out, boob play, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe!), aftercare
song recommendation: nobody knows by kiss of life
happy year of the dragon:)
Parties are usually not your thing they've never really been but you decided that since Wonwoo does so much for you, you'll do this for him plus the guys are your friends too.
You decided to wear a tight, black shirt with a shiny, short skirt and some thigh high boots with light makeup.
"Baby you ready to go?" Wonwoo asked from the living room.
"Yeah," You replied and walked into the living room to see your boyfriend, wearing a satin white button up and some black pants.
"Damn baby you look sexy," He came up and cupped your face and kissed me.
"I got my lipstick on you," You laughed.
"That's okay," He smiled. You started messing with a few top buttons.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Unbuttoning the shirt a little, so you don't look like a waiter," You smiled.
"Always taking care of me," He kissed your head. When you finished fixing his shirt, he looked at you sweetly.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah let me just grab my purse and phone real quick," You walked off from him to grab your stuff.
You two arrived at the party and were greeted by Mingyu. You could see the rest of the guys not too far away.
"You guys came," The taller man hugged Wonwoo and you stood there holding his hand. Jun and Minghao coming towards y'all. Mingyu pulled back and patted your head which you're use to at this point. The other two came up and hugged you. Pulling you slightly away from Wonwoo to talk to you.
"You look sexy," Jun smiled which made you smile. He always saying shit like that but Minghao still hit his arm.
"I mean true, some of the others think so as well," Minghao added.
"Ooh who?" You asked.
"We can't say-" "Shua, Jeonghan, Vernon I think," Jun answered. After talking to them you went back over to where Wonwoo was with Mingyu.
"Oh Y/N, I invited some of your friends as well," Mingyu smiled and I nodded. Once he walked of you laughed.
"He's clearly drunk," You looked at Wonwoo who agreed with you.
"I'm gonna go hang out with the guys, and you go find the girls," He smiled.
"Mhm okay," You calmed down. He kissed your forehead before walking off.
You walked in the opposite direction.
"YOOHYEON!" I shouted happily.
"Y/N," She ran over and hugged you.
"Where's Wonwoo?" She asked.
"He's talking with the guys," You replied.
"You're mine now," She picked you up causing you to laugh hard. You two went where the other girls were at.
A couple hours and drinks later it's now 11:50... 10 minutes till New Year. You felt someone hug you from behind and you turned your head to see Wonwoo.
"10 more minutes till I get my kiss," He whispered. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Who are you guys gonna kiss?" You asked the girls and some shrugged.
"Bora and Siyeon are kissing each other, I'm gonna kiss Yoohyeon, and I don't know about the other three," Minji replied and I nodded.
"Gahyeon and Dongie could kiss but then Yubin would be alone," You thought out loud and the girls nodded.
"Ooh you guys could both kiss Gahyeon's cheek," You smiled.
"Yeah that'll work," Yubin nodded.
"How much longer?" You asked Wonwoo.
"5 more minutes," He replied.
We all went over to the TV and waited to countdown. Which felt like forever.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" You all shouted. You stood on the couch and kissed Wonwoo passionately, your arms wrapping around his neck and his arms around your waist.
"Happy New Year baby," He whispered against your lips. Suddenly you saw a flash hit you two and realized Bora took a Polaroid photo of you guys which made y'all laugh. She handed you the photo, you held it tightly before kissing Wonwoo again.
"Do you wanna go back home in a minute?" You whispered.
"Of course," He smiled. You pulled my arms away from him and got off the couch. You looked at the photo that Bora took and you smiled widely. You handed the photo to Wonwoo and walked over to the girls and started leaving kiss marks on their cheeks making them laugh. Some minutes you announced to everyone that Wonwoo and you are gonna go. You two said our goodbyes and left.
You two got to the shared house and locked the door. You two took your shoes off and then you grabbed his hand and lead him to the shared bedroom. He shut the door behind him and you cupped his face to kiss him deeply, he snaked his around your waist.
"Honey let me put the photo on the nightstand first," He pulled away from you. He sat down on the edge of the bed patted his lap to tell you to come to him. You straddled his lap and he pulled your top off of you before you two started to passionately making out. Your fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt as your lips attacked one another. Your lipstick now long gone. You pulled his satin shirt off of his toned body and threw it onto the floor. You pulled your lips away from his and latched your lips onto his neck. Placing wet kisses and soon leaving hickeys on the crook of his neck, and his collarbone. His hands come up from your waist and started to unclasp your bra and threw it onto the floor. He then latched his mouth onto your left boob and started sucking on it. His tongue doing circles on your nipple, his left hand massaging your right boob.
You started moving your hips against his thigh to feel friction.
"My baby needy?" He cooed.
"So needy," panted. His hands did a switch and started to suck and mark your right boob and now his right hand massaging your left boob, all making you whimper. Your hands digging into his hair. He pulled away from your boobs and looked up to kiss you deeply. You got off of him pulled your skirt off along with your underwear. You got to him and started unbuttoning his pants and he stood up to take his pants off but he kept his underwear on. He picked you up and laid you on the bed and climb on top of you and kissed you.
"Do you want me to make you feel good?," He asked while looking at you. You nodded your head eerily.
"Baby you have to speak," He smiled and placed kisses on your tits.
"God yes please Wonwoo," You let out.
"As you wish honey," He smirked. He climbed off of you and down to the accessible area between your legs.
You felt a soft kiss on your clit. He started licking your clit like he's a cat and you're the milk he's been looking for. The kitten licks going faster and then he started sucking and then back to licking your folds so sweetly. All of this causing you to arch your back and grip his hair and let out soft moans. He started sucking on you like a drink dripping on the side of the cup. His grip on your hips you swear it could've left a bruise.
"Won..woo," You moaned high pitch.
"Mhm?" He hummed and the vibration of his voice making you crazy as he then stuck his fingers into your core.
"Oh shit babe" You moaned. You started clenching around his fingers letting him know you're close. You released into his mouth and on his fingers and he ate it up like candy and cleaned you up.
"You're so gorgeous," He got eye level with you and kissed you softly making you taste yourself against his lips. He got up and took his underwear off, and shit how he was turned on, his tip red and leaking precum. He spread him precum around his tip before lining himself up.
"You ready?" He asked.
"More than ready," You smiled. He slowly slid into your hole as you two moaned in sync.
He stayed there for a minute to make sure you were adjusted. You tapped his shoulder as his signal. He slowly started thrusting, you wrapped your legs around him to help get deeper and for him to start picking up the pace and soon he went pretty fast. You felt him pounding inside you, he was giving you no mercy it seemed like. Your head tossed back, his hands were on your breasts, squeezing away as he pounded with no mercy. He soon enough hit your g spot making you moan loudly. You felt your walls tighten around him. He kissed your lips then he went to your neck kissing away as he continued to develop the knot in your stomach.
"God damn baby," He moaned onto your neck. His pounding kept going fast, and the grip on my breasts got tighter causing you to moan in pleasure and pain but it was mainly pleasure. The things he does to you feel so unreal and you didn't want it to end, his kisses always lingers and the feeling of him on your body lingers, you swear he's like magic, he knows exactly what to do and say. Fuck you love him so much. You suddenly felt euphoria release and the knot became undone. He slowed down a bit for you to ride through he orgasm before he went back to fucking you relentlessly. You swear one day he'll break you but god does it feel good. Man has some high stamina to keep going at this pace. His eyes glued to you, watching every moan come out of your mouth.
"Holy.. fuck" You moaned loudly as you arch your back. You felt the knot come back, so you started moving your hips with his to help get to your climax quicker.
His thrusts were getting sloppier so yoy knew he was close. Luckily as soon as he released inside of you, fucking his cum into you, you came for a second time. After a couple of minutes he slowly pulled out of you which caused you to whimper at the lose of warmth. He laid down next to you, pulling you on top of him and he caressed your back.
"I love you," He panted.
"I love you too," You smiled, he kissed your head. You two laid there catching your breath.
"Let me clean you up," He smiled as he sat up laying you on the bed. He went into the bathroom and you heard the water start running. You tried standing up but you quickly fell onto the floor with a loud thump.
"Baby are you okay?" He ran into the bedroom to see you on the floor.
"I'm okay, I guess my legs are jelly," You smiled. He walked towards you and picked you up, bridal style and sat you in the bath tub.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He looked concerned. You shook my head.
"It felt good," Your hand cupped his face. He blushed as he placed you into the tub and joining you. He pressed your back against his chest as he helped to clean you up. It felt so relaxing, you felt like you could fall asleep against his chest, right there and then. You two got out of the bath and he helped you dry off and put on some underwear and an oversized shirt. He carried you to bed. You sat up in bed waiting for Wonwoo to join you.
"You're adorable," He laughed endearingly. He cupped your face and kissed you softly making you smile. He climbed into bed and you quickly went to lay next to him. We cuddled up.
"Happy New Years baby," You looked up at him with a sweet smile.
"I love you honey," He smiled
"I love you too," You kissed his lips.
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raayllum · 2 years
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Prince and High Mage Callum of Katolis over the years (age 6ish to 17)
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violentlydefending · 1 month
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okay that's great and all but hear me out. what if they had pokemon. [id in alt, more under the cut!]
hi. (wearing a shirt that says "ask me about my yakuza pokemon au" but i'm looking in a mirror so i just start going nuts right off the bat)
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woah it's some guy with a dragon tattoo!! lotsa dragons, lotsa fighters, and of course THE parent pokemon!! the zangoose is part of a matching set with majima's seviper, naturally. also it matches his autism stare. blaziken's there out of respect for nugget.
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GO GO HARUKA!!! lotsa baby pokemon when she's younger :] the pichu turns into an idol pikachu mainly because i wanted something for her that'd fall in line with that but i also think igglybuff is ugly. sorry. happiny's there in particular because of the crazy eldest daughter syndrome she catches from y3 onwards LOL. that caretaker role hit her hard. sorry girl.
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seviper's part of the matching set with kiryu's zangoose, naturally :] plus it fits the snake thing he's got going on with his tattoo. also some dogs!! specifically some fucked up ones!! also did you know froslass only goes after men it thinks is handsome. yeah.
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daigo's so funny in y2 imo. aegislash is there in particular because it detects innate qualities of leadership!! anyway that bisharp becomes a kingambit when he's chairman (thumbs up!!)
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tiger man gets the tiger man. cat. lots of big burly guys for the big burly guy. etc etc. i like that his training in y4 is just to go mining so i HAD to have at least one fossil mon. hi bastiodon!!!
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yasuko's getting hit with the one-two of Beauty(TM) and Small(TM) versions of what her older brother's got :']
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tanimura gets a lot of fighty guys, in particular i tried to find ones that sorta fit with the little asia stuff he's got going on. blastoise is there because of the tortoise thing and he's got a gun so ??? actually i might switch blastoise out if i end up exploring this au more LOL and zebstrika's there because he's a horse girl <3
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akiyama!! a bunch of kicky guys to fit his fighting style and talonflame because of his phoenix thing. audino because he's the lifeline of kamurocho :]
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hana!! why does she not have a last name!!! anyway lotsa guys to match her fighting style :]
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magikarp -> gyarados is literally THE most obvious thing to pick out for nishikiyama but if it works it works!!!
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makoto and tachibana get a matching set of eeveelutions :] i think a shaymin shows itself before makoto either when she gets her watch back or when she gets the new watch strap
i'm not 100% sure for most of these teams if anyone wants to share their own ideas i'm all ears!!
anyway yeah. hi. thanks for checking this out ily <3 (is still wearing the "ask me about my yakuza pokemon au" shirt and but i am now looking directly into your eyes)
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fluffytriceratops · 9 months
Hi, I’m not sure if you’re still doing requests or not but if it’s okay, could I request a headcanon of maybe 2k12 and Rise!Leo x reader having a cuddle time? I don’t mind you choosing one of them, I totally understand. I love Leo so much he’s such a dork and needs to be protected at all costs 🥰 Thanks!
𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 & 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞]
notes: yes, of course! i would love to write this for you!! i'll do them both since you asked so nicely hehe, but this is my first time doing a headcannon of rise leo so i apologize if it's a little ooc. ^^ i hope you enjoy! <3 [also photo is not mine fyi-] 
warnings: mature language/swearing, tooth rotting fluff,
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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2012 Leonardo:
- as a cuddle bug, you love a good cuddle session. and honestly, leo wont oppose to this as he too loves to cuddle with you. 
- plus how can he say no when you waddle up to him with a cute pout on your face? wondering why he had left you in the bed all alone?? 
- "you fell asleep and i wanted to make myself a cup of tea." he hummed, extending an arm and watching with a warm smile as you curled into his side and nuzzled against him. 
- "and? i don't see your point in leaving me. is tea more important than your beloved?" 
- leo fights the urge to roll his eyes and bites back a grin. "well..." 
- he lets out a laugh when you scowl and pull away from him, he catches you by the waist before you get too far. 
- "i'm kidding, nothing is more important than you." he hums, planting a sweet kiss to your temple.��
- you huff, puffing out your cheeks in agitation. "doesn't feel like it, leonardo." 
-  leo winces. "pulling out the full name, huh? that's a low blow, baby." 
- "you shouldn't of left me for a sack of crusty leaves, dickhole." 
- leo chuckles at this, shaking his head to himself. "i'll make it up to you, promise. shall we go back to cuddling?" 
- you glance up at him, taking in the way he gazes at you adoringly. his ocean eyes are so full of love it makes your heart ache. 
- with a soft smile and a nod of your head, you wait for him to grab his tea before making your way back to his bedroom. 
- he places his mug on his bedside table before climbing into his bed. you wait for him to get comfy before climbing in as well. planting yourself on top of his chest. 
- leo runs his hand up and down your back in a comforting manner. watching as you trace invisible patterns into his skin with your index finger. 
- he loves laying with you like this. the rest of world falls silent when the two of you get to cuddle. 
- it's like the only person in the world is you. you're all that matters. 
- leo see's you getting sleepy again, eyelids falling heavy. he lets out a breath of content when you nuzzle yourself further into him. pressing your face in the crook of his neck. 
- "i love you." you mumble, breath tickling him. 
- "i love you, too." he whispers, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. 
- cuddle sessions with you were the best. there was no place he'd rather be than here. with you safe in his arms. 
2018/Rise Leonardo:
- leo's a clingy mother fucker. he loves a good cuddle. and honestly, he can be a tad clingy.
- but you can't complain, because you love cuddles too. and leo's good at cuddling. 
- sometimes, however, it can catch you off guard. 
- you're laying on the couch, scrolling through random tiktoks on your phone when out of nowhere a body practically launches itself on top of yours. 
- your breath leaves you and you grunt at the sudden weight. "holy fucking shit-" 
- you can't see leo's face, it's buried in your chest and your face heats at the sight. "what the fuck are you on?" 
- "cocaine." comes his muffled reply and it makes you snort and roll your eyes. 
- he tilts his head up, resting his chin against you as he stares up at you cheekily. 
- "you're such a shit." 
- "but i'm your shit. and you love me." he purrs, smirking at the way your face heats even more. 
- "shut up. you didn't have to launch yourself onto me like that. if you wanted cuddles so damn bad you could have asked, asshole." 
- your hand finds his shell and you begin to trace the grooves, knowing how much he likes it. leonardo practically melts in your arms. 
- "you would've said no-" 
- "that's a fat fucking lie and you know it." 
- leo pouts dramatically. "you've got such a potty mouth today." 
- "that's what happens whenever you're around." 
- it's leo's turn to roll his eyes. "not my fault i take your breath away~" 
- "only when you yeet your entire body mass onto mine without warning-" 
- "don't be so dramatic." he nuzzles further into you, wiggling to try and get more comfortable. 
- you sigh, "you're lucky i love you." 
- he beams at this. "see, what did i say-" 
- "i will throw your ass onto the floor." 
- leo shuts up at that. but you don't miss the massive shit eating smirk on his face. the sight makes you smile. 
- "i love you too." he says after a moment, pressing his face into the crook of your neck to plant a few tender kisses to your skin. 
- it's your turn to melt against him. "you better.." 
- tossing your phone onto the floor, you wrap your arms around him to the best of your ability. your legs are tangled together and your breathing evens out. hearts beating in perfect sync. 
- cuddling with leo felt like heaven. and while you'd never say it out loud, cuz he'd never let you live it down, you honestly adored every second of it. 
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lonely-lost-soul · 8 months
Day One: Mammon
Day 1: Breeding Kink
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The Avatar of Greed was your first demon, just as you were his first human. Much to his other brother's frustration, he was your first pact and the first of his brothers you fell in love with. So he also considered himself your partner, which, in his mind, meant he had certain privileges involving you; mainly, Mammon felt he had a right to all your ‘firsts.’ Have them he did, first kiss, first oral experience, and of course, the first man inside you. Whenever his brothers argue with him, he never ceases to bring up that fact, even if it causes you to hit him on the back of the head. And Mammon was proud of that fact; it was his way to be greedy with you, to indulge in his sin without stowing you away in his dragon hoard. That was why when he found out you and Diavlao had been discussing the first human-demon hybrid in being born Devildom to improve human/devil relations, he almost lost his shit. 
“With the Demon Lord?” Mammon whined out, “How did this even come up!”
“He brought it up, Mammon, not me!” You argued, crossing your arms over your chest, huffing, “What did you even think I said to him? We just started dating!” 
“nuh-uh. This is not happening, treasure.”
“I know you did not just nuh-uh me.” You shot your partner a look, and he puffed out his cheeks. 
“Diavalo hasn’t even told Devildom you guys are official yet!” Mammon argued, sitting next to you on his pool table, plopping his head in your lap like a sad puppy. “And you wanna have a baby with him? HIM?”
“Like, what does he have that I don’t? I’m your first, ya’ know. I mean-”
“Mammon.” You carded your fingers through his white hair, and he ceased all talking to look into your eyes. “I’m not having a baby with Dia,” His eyes lit up like shiny gold coins, “I told him no. Especially because we just made ourselves official. If we said yes, we would’ve skipped like a thousand steps in a new relationship, plus-”
“And cause he’s totally lame, right, and not hot at all. Okay, maybe a little hot his tits are like so much bigger than yours.” Mammon rambled, reaching up and squeezing your breast for emphasis, and you shot him a dirty look. He smirked, “Honk,” he squeezed it teasingly, and you sighed at his antics. 
“No idiot. I told him no because I want to have a baby with you first.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Mammon jolted up, hand still on your boob, “You wanna have a baby with me.” You swore if he had a tail, it’d be wagging, “and not the Demon Lord? All mine?”
“You’re making it weird, Mammon…” you couldn’t hide the smile from spreading across your lips, “but yeah, I promised you, didn’t I? That you’d be the first to everything. What do you say,” mused watching as horns fizzled onto his forehead “Want to be the first to make me a mommy?”
“Fuck yeah, treasure.” Mammon flipped you over so your back was pressed against the cool pool table. His wings spread behind him as he pinned you against the table; you hummed pleasantly, laying your hands against his chest, nails tapping on the buttons. 
“Off puppy.” 
“Yes, ma’am!” Mammon barked, unbuttoning his top and tossing it aside, flexing his muscles, keeping an eye out for your reactions. It seemed optimistic as you eyed him hungrily, tongue sticking out of your bottom lip, “You too, treasure. Wanna see my pact mark.” He purred, leaning down to nip tenderly at your ear. He felt your chest move with a soft giggle, 
“Don’t you want to rip it off me?” You teased, and Mammon’s wings fluttered a few beats, tearing your top down the middle and letting your breasts bounce in your bra. It was a gorgeous black with gold accents on cups, just Mammon’s style. 
“God, look at you,” He practically pants, hand palming your breast through your bra, squeezing tenderly, “perfect for me. Perfect for my babies.” He licked his fangs as you shuddered under his touch, your legs squeezed around his toned waist. “Aw? Does that turn you on? Me talking about making you a mommy?” You flushed, looking away from him, and he tutted, pointing a painted nail under your chin, “Come on baby, tell me you want it.” 
“I want it.” You breathed, looking him dead in the eyes, “wanna be a mommy, have your babies.” And Mammon sucked in a breath through his fangs, 
“Fuck yeah, you do. That’s so hot.” Mammon grinned, pressing a kiss to the middle of your breasts right where your pact mark with him sat, and it caused you both to shudder. “Do my brothers know?” 
“No, only you. Don’t you think Levi would let me anywhere near you if I told him you’d be my first-” You groaned as Mammon’s hips ground against yours, clearly enjoying this secret between you, “Or even Asmo. Still, we would have the opposite problem, and he’d fight you for who could get me pregnant first.” You teased with a hitching breath, feeling Mammon’s hand unclip your bra with ease, moving his mouth to take a nipple in your mouth. You moan, hands grabbing onto his horns, and he visibly shuddered under your hands, groaning around your bud. 
“Just imagining these puppies even bigger, as they fill with milk, is making me so fucking hard.” Mammon grinned, sucking marks onto the swell of your breaths, causing you to moan sweetly and squirm. 
“Stop teasing me.” You argue, tugging on his horns and pulling him away from your breasts; he tossed his head back with a deep groan, arms and body visibility quivering.
“Stop the pulling,” He growled voice low and gravely, 
“Why? You gonna cum?” You purred, rolling your hips against his prevalent hard-on, causing him to moan again. 
“Stop being a brat,” He hissed, but you both knew he didn’t have the same bite that Lucifer or Satan did when commanding you. So you just smirked, sliding your hand down Mammon’s low-rise jeans and cupping his heaviness gently. “S-Shit treasure come o-n-” A simple touch, and you have the Avatar of Greed in the palm of your hand, literally. You could practically see the tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as you worked him out of his jeans, “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” He panted, kicking his pants to the side while sliding yours down and ripping your new panties to shreds. 
“Mammon! Those were new!” 
“You look better this way anyway.” Mammon mused, flicking your clit expertly with his fingers, causing you to twitch and suck in a breath through your teeth. “Shit baby, you’re so wet for me; you really wanna have my baby huh?” He slid his long fingers into you, and you moaned, your back arching off the table hotly. 
“Yes. Yes. Yes Mammon. Please fill me up; I want to feel you stretching me to my limit.” 
“Fuck yeah. Fuck baby,” He panted, sliding down his underwear messily, his cock springing free. You always loved his cock, it wasn’t overly large, but fuck was it thick and filled you up just perfectly.  “Lemme put it inside,”
“Do it.” You demanded, skipping the usual foreplay between the two of you; the atmosphere was too hot and heavy to skip to the main event. “Make me scream.” Mammon didn’t need any more encouragement as he slammed his entire length into you and screamed you did as nails dug into Mammon’s broad shoulders. His eyes were flared in greedy hunger, taking in the sigh of you taking his cock so well, relishing how your walls fluttered around him. 
“So tight, we’ll fix that right up,” Mammon groaned, consumed by lust. “Gonna pump you so full you’ll be dripping with me for days, and if none of my seed takes this time,” he slowly pumped his hips in and out of your body as the sound of skin on skin slapping filled the room. “We’ll fuck as many times a day it takes till you’re swollen with my litter,” He purred. Sticking his tongue out and licking a hot stripe up your neck, the room filled with your sounds of pleasure. “I know how much of a slut you are; how many of my babies do you want in you? Cause now that we’re getting started, I ain’t stopping.” He teased, hearing your whines pick up as you moved your hips in rhythm with his own. He could see the outline of his cock as it bulged inside you; he pressed down on his cock inside you, causing you both to moan loudly. “My little golden whore,” Mammon mused, kissing your lips and swallowing your moans with his mouth and tongue. Mammon felt the way your breathing began to hitch, “You close?” He watched you nod rapidly drool pooling out of your mouth, “Damn, I fucked you stupid, huh?” He snickered, and you moaned louder as he began to piston out of you at a much more aggressive rate. You could feel the tip of his cock brush against your cervix, begging for entrance into your fertile womb.
“That’s it. Say my name as you cum,” He hissed, watching your pact light up in a golden yellow. Your walls clenched around him like a vice grip, legs locking him in place as you tossed your head back in gorgeous ecstasy. Seeing the sight alone had Mammon howling and biting into your neck as he spilled inside you, pump after pump of his seed filling your womb full as you babbled nonsense against his chest as he purred. “Good girl did so well for me,” He whispered, peppering kisses over your forehead. “You’re gonna make such a good Mommy.”
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dellalyra · 8 months
𝐑𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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pixie says: i got him i got hydro daddy so here’s some celebration fluff ft my babies the Melusine’s.
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Imagine Neuvillette coming to you, a small box in his hands and a Melusine skipping alongside.
You had been close to the Iudex for a very long time, two of the eldest beings in Fontaine. The Hydro Dragon and the leader of the remaining Naiads were bound together by fate - spirits and embodiments of the nation’s elements. Although he posed now as the Chief Justice, as you as a florist - you maintained that friendship from all that time ago.
However, his arrival at the beach you would always sit on after work with his small companion, Liath - you recognised - was unexpected. The fact he knew where to find you was enough to set your heart alight.
“Madame Y/N, please do excuse our interruption - I hope we are not intruding?” Neuvilette asks, poised as ever.
“Nonsense, Neuvilette. Come, sit. Hello Liath, how has your day been?” You say, patting the space your large cloak has been spread out on the sand.
Liath immediately pulls Neuvillette by the hand and they sit down beside you, the Melusine immediately climbing to sit on the man’s lap and the soft smile on his face makes your stomach feel warm and fluttery.
“I’m afraid I must ask for your assistance, it appears a skill of yours has eluded my talents. A skill in which Liath is currently searching for.” He says.
“Oh? How can I help?” You smile, turning to sit facing them.
“Liath came to me today, mentioning how much she admired the style you wore your hair in several days ago - however, I am not well versed in the art of braiding.” He says, face extraordinarily serious for a man asking for braiding advice.
“Oh well that is something I can help with! You want your hair to be like mine, Liath?” You ask, patting her small hand.
She nods and turns to Neuvillette who passes her the box on his right. Her small hands present the blue box tied with a blue ribbon to you and you unravel the bow to find a ridiculously excessive amount of hair clips, bows, ribbons and bands laying underneath a silver soft bristled hair brush.
“I was not entirely sure of what accoutrements you would need for this endeavour, Madame, so I collected everything I could think of. I do hope the brush will suffice, it is my own.” The man says, resting his cane against his leg as Liath crawls from his lap into yours.
“This is more than enough, I could braid the hair of every Melusine in Fontaine with all of this!” You smile.
“Can you do my hair like yours, please? The one long plait with a big ribbon at the end?” The darling on your lap asks.
“Of course, sweetling. Monsieur, sit closer - I will teach you how to do this in the event I’m ever occupied.” You say, patting the space beside you, to which obliges and shifts to sit at your side.
You pointedly ignore the hammering in your chest when the breeze wafts his scent toward you: sea salt, fresh air and something cool and calming.
You begin to brush the Melusine’s hair, soft gentle strokes removing any tangles and easing a path for the style.
“So you just gather hair as you go along, make sure you have three strands - and you overlap them like so, see? If it’s tighter, it will last longer - however I find if they’re too tight it tends to give me quite the headache so I’ll do it nice and loose for this little angel.”
Neuvillette watches your fingers weave through the silky strands and deftly manoeuvre it to your will - or rather - Liath’s will.
“And ta-da!” You say, securing the soft pink ribbon at the end.
Liath reaches up and feels her hair, before looking at the small compact mirror you produce from your bag and smiling.
“Oh thank you so much! I look almost as beautiful as you now! Papa - doesn’t it look pretty!” She spins toward the man beside you.
“Beautiful as a pluie lotus, dearest.” He responds.
“I’m going to show Sedene!” She scampers off toward the Palais, leaving you with the Iudex.
Somehow - this became routine. Every day, Neuvillette and Liath would show up to your spot on the beach, or your florist as it rains - and you would fix the hair of the Melusine. However, the second day - Sedene joined too. Then Aeife, then Elphane, then Blathine and soon you had a gaggle of giggling Melusines decorating each others hair in a chain of styling.
“Madame Y/N?” Liath asks about a month into this newfound tradition.
“Yes, sweetling?” You say, finishing up her hair as she turns to curl into you.
“Are you our mama?” She asks, yawning and nuzzling into you.
At this, the Iudex snaps his head from the newspaper he was reading across from you.
“Would you like me to be?” You ask the cuddled up bundle.
“Very much so. You do our hair, and take care of us if we’re not well and give us kisses. And since Monsieur Neuvillette is like our papa - and he thinks you’re beautiful and he feels a lot of love when he looks at you then that would make you our Mama!”
The Melusine has no idea what she’s said.
You snap your head to look at the hydro dragon.
His eyes are wide, newspaper held tighter in his grip as he looks between you and the little gossip.
“Does he now? Well, then - I suppose I am your mama, if you would allow me the pleasure.” You smile, settling a blanket on the sleepy child.
As she drifts off to a well deserved nap - the man turns to you.
“I do apologise, Madame. Liath - I did not expect her to be so free with her words. If my presence makes you uncomfortable I shall take my leave immediately.” His horns seem to droop slightly, and the sky turns a little bit greyer.
“Well - someone had to make a move. After all, I have been waiting for 700 years.” You smirk, shifting to stand and lay Liath on the armchair of your apartment above your shop.
Neuvillette snaps his head to you.
“I - 700 years? That was when -” The man stands up and walks toward you.
“When we met, yes.” You take his hand and pull him to your kitchen - where you can speak without volume concerns.
He looks at you as if you’ve grown another head.
“I have been in love with you since the moment I stormed into your old home with intention of befriending the mighty Sovereign of Hydro.” You laugh, taking your hand and placing it on his cheek to which he subconsciously leans in to - every touch starved ounce of his body singing in delight.
“A Melusine revealing my love for you wasn’t quite my intention, yet I fear my lack of romanticism would have impeded any attempts made by myself.” He says, and you huff a small laugh at him - never giving himself enough credit.
“Yet, as we are here now - I’ll do my utmost. You have enchanted me, body and soul, from the day a young Naiad flung open my doors. I’m sure you’re reasoning for keeping these feelings to yourself are similar to mine - you were far too precious and integral to my life to allow myself the risk of you no longer being a part of it.” He says, stroking a long finger across the rise of your cheek. You agree with him, voicing the same opinion that he was far too meaningful to you to potentially lose, yet you figured he felt for you about 50 years ago - but thought it best for him to figure it all out by himself rather than moulding things for him - given his nature and responsibilities. You can see a trail of shimmer on his lower lashes, this sweet, oh-so sensitive man. You wipe the beginnings of tears from his eyes.
“Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, please don’t cry.” You smile, seeing him grin down at you and the mirth in his eyes lights your heart.
You tilt your head up to him and he cups your face with his large hands.
“May I kiss you, my darling girl?” He asks in the gentlest voice imaginable.
His soft lips press to yours and you feel as if you’re floating in the purest, warmest most divine pool of water as the clarity of kissing your love sets in. The kiss is gentle, romantic and full of pent up longing - the soft swipe of your tongue across his lower lip makes his hand grip tighter on your waist as you wind your hand into the silky white hair cascading down his back.
He pulls away, both needing a reality check - he looks at you as if to ensure you’re real and you smile at him, pecking his lips once more.
“I love you, Neuvillette.”
“I love you, dearest Mate of the Hydro Dragon”
“And we love you both too!”
The cheerful, loud voices of 3 melusine’s make you both jump as they appear at your door - boxes of cakes and sweets in their arms.
“Liath! Wake up! Papa finally kissed Mama!”
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Inspired by that post about Thranduil being all defensive/protective over Gimli in Valinor:
We all know the head canon of Thorin being all "no nephew of mine even associates with an elf" BUT
Just imagine, in a world where all three Durins survived, and Tauriel saved Kili (again), and some other elf healed his and Fìli's wounds last minute.
Thorin saw both his nephews almost die before him, has LIVED through how the gold sickness twists the mind and perception of things, and after coming to terms with Bilbo's theft of the Arkenstone, he for a while questions EVERYTHING.
And yes, he totally has a dramatic phase of self pity, holing up in his rooms, drinking Elvish wine (cus thats all there is atm) and smoking Gandalf's pipeweed, and mourning how "everything i knew is a LIE" and "if elves can make such amazing wine there HAS to be some good in them" and "I almost got my boys killed I am such a failure boooohoooo", and after Bilbo kicks his ass out if depression (and a STRONG worded letter from his sister) he is like "okay FUCK y'all I have TRAUMA TM and will do WHATEVER I WANT!!"
So when Kili all shyly comes forward one day asking if Tauriel can please stay with them in the mountain because she's banished from the Woodland Realm he's all "OF COURSE she can stay, you do you my precious boy, if Thranduil is stupid enough to let such a great warrior go we'll stick it to him"
and BAM, Tauriel joins Dwalin in leading Erebor's guard, and Dwalin is torn between "excuse ME u want me to share my job with a pointy eared maiden?" And "holy hell that lass has fire can't show how impressed I am".
And Tauriel Takes No Shit even from her own boyfriend, so Kìli is forced to take his new responsibilities seriously because "I did NOT lose my home to live with a CHILD, Kili", and Fili gets dragged into the whole thing without really understanding what happened, but hey, his lil brother is happy so who cares really.
And whenever someone at council (like Dain) complains about an Elf in the mountain, Thorin goes absolutely FERAL like "are you saying I don't know what's best for this mountain I just won from A DRAGON?! are you suggesting that my perfect baby nephew has bad taste? Huh? Exactly, didn't think so!!!!" And is a protective Papa bear "listen Tauriel if someone gives you shit you SHOOT them. No, not killing them, but, you know, just maim them a little to make a point. Trust me I'm the king."
And once Kili and Tauriel have their first child Thorin constantly kidnaps the kid and has them in the forge before they can even talk because "need to keep up that good old dwarven influence".
Anyway I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
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