#basically my brother finally found a place to stay until his apartment is ready and you’d think my dad would be happy right???
sadgirlautumn · 4 months
It’s always weird when the Big Problem is over with but you don’t really feel relieved yet so it’s just this awkward grace period where you don’t know how to feel. 🧍‍♀️
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svnoofy · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS - your entire life has been measured by christmases, specifically– those spent with the lee household. every christmas, it was the same, and your feelings for the boy you grew up with during those christmases stayed the same too. however, as time passed, a few things changed and matters of the heart become a little more complex. could it be possible that there was more to look forward to this christmas than just your favorite hot cocoa?
PAIRING - lee heeseung x fem reader
GENRE - romance, slow burn, fluff, an attempt at crack, light angst, brother’s best friend trope-ish, “she fell first, he fell harder” trope
WARNINGS - profanity, minor references to sex and inappropriate topics, heeseung being very much conrad-coded
christmas at the lee household was something you looked forward to each and every year. so much so that your entire life was measured by christmases.
you spent christmases with your mom, older brother, yeonjun and the lees, conveniently because your moms were best friends. mrs lee had a son– heeseung, who you basically spent your entire childhood with besides your brother.
while heeseung and yeonjun had a close relationship from the start, you and heeseung, didn’t always hit it off. at one point, he was hiding your christmas edition barbie dolls because he was embarassed to be seen with them! (you didn’t blame him though– he was two years older than you so he didn’t get the hype)
but eventually, both of you grew out of the silly trivial things that pulled you apart as young kids and you found yourself enjoying his company just as much as he did yours.
he’s seen you through all your phases and vice versa. he was there when you were wearing pink everyday, your emo era and even through your braces and dungarees phase (which was literally last year) and to be completely frank, somewhere along the lines: you fell for him.
oh, and as if news didn’t travel fast enough: the whole house knew! and it has become a tradition for everyone to tease the hell out of you when he’s around. no worries though, he made it painfully clear that he saw you just as his little sister (yikes)
every year it was the same: it always started off with a family dinner, followed by cocoa by the fire place with some fun games to accompany— which repeated until christmas day itself, which, you thought, when the fun really began.
“are you seriously not going to bring any sexy outfits? seriously?”, giselle raised an eyebrow from your bed– supposedly helping you pack.
you shot a confused look at her, “babes i’m going to celebrate christmas with my family not a honeymoon at bora-bora”
giselle rolled her eyes, “if you WANT heeseung to finally look at you, then—”, she dangles a red, slinky, dress towards you, notioning you to add it to your luggage.
“tis’ the season you get laid babes”, giselle winks.
your cheeks flush pink, “giselle!”, you smack her leg.
“HEY, I’M JUST TRYING TO HELP”, giselle yelped in defense.
giselle gets up from bed and drags you to your standing mirror— “you’ve changed a lot since last year, and you HAVE to embrace it babes! i promise, he’s going to regret ever sister-zoning you!”, she hugs your shoulders.
part of you knows she has a point, but realistically, how much could you have changed? giselle was probably just being nice.
“y/n are you ready? we have to go soon!”, your mom called from the bottom of the stairs.
you gave giselle one final hug and you intertwined your hands with her in a secret handshake.
“promise you’ll tell me whatever happens between you and heeseung?”, she prompts.
“duh, you have my word”, you wink before lugging your bags down the stairs.
the drive to the lee family house was long and with your brother driving, of course you two were arguing over the bluetooth connection. yeonjun had presented the lame excuse of “needing it for gps”, when really: you knew he wanted to blast anime music that you had no understanding of.
“come on jun, just let your sister play her music–”, your mother notioned to yeonjun, who pouted at the mirror and sighed.
“fine”, he pouted yet again, earning a scoff from your mother.
you rejoiced, finally!, you thought.
you put your christmas playlist on shuffle and stared out of the window, the familiar neighborhood coming into vision amidst the blanketing snow.
your heart swelled at the sight of the people putting up lights, garlands and decorations alike: christmas is here again, you fondly thought.
as you drove through the icy roads, with last christmas by wham! playing in the background, you felt as though you were in a scene from a christmas movie.
when you arrived at the drive way of the lee family house, you were hit with the nostalgic scent of rosemary. mrs lee must be baking her famous potato casserole again, you thought– eliciting a grumble from your stomach.
“y/n, come help me unload our bags”, she taps your shoulder from the backseat, to which you quickly unfastened your seat belt to assist your mom.
at this point, yeonjun had long disappeared into the warm embrace of the cabin while you helped your mother unload the bags.
“soojin?”, you heard a familiar voice call out.
it was mrs lee– she stood on her door step, arms wide open to give your mother a welcome hug.
your mother smiles back before coming into her embrace– the sight was warming your heart more than any fire could.
mrs lee’s eyes stray to you for a moment and she almost screeches.
“y/n! my dear you have grown so much! she’s gorgeous soojin!”, mrs lee praised.
she went towards you and placed her warm hand on your cheek, “you’re in bloom, my snowflake”
mrs lee had a way of saying things that almost made you believe her.
she then notices the bags on the driveway, left unattended, to which she gasped, “let me get the boys for this”
she goes up to the door to beckon the boys out, and as you stood, frozen on the driveway in anticipation, you saw him, struggling to get his gloves on.
he had his usual polo sweater on, but this time he was taller, his hair was longer and it fell a little over his eyes– which had always been your favorite feature of his.
as you stood frozen on the driveway, your eyes met with his as he walked towards you. you felt your heart beat a million times a minute.
there he was, the boy you’ve longed for your entire life.
you stood there, across from him, as he took the sight of you in.
“what happened to your glasses?”, he asked.
“i don’t wear them anymore”, you explained.
he went around you to get your bags, lifting them easily compared to you and your mom’s efforts combined.
“i liked your glasses”, he leaned over slightly causing you to stiffen up, “but welcome back, y/n”, he pinches your nose– another familiar tradition.
he lugs your bag into the house and right as he reached the doorstep, he looked back at you, hands motioning you to come in.
“come in, you’ll freeze out there”, he says. you run towards the door at his invitation, closing the door right behind you when the both of you enter.
“so, how was everyone’s year?”, mrs lee asks, wine glass in hand.
“it was great mrs lee— i got into our university’s dance team!”, yeonjun bragged earning exaggerated and sarcastic applauses from heeseung, to which yeonjun responded by tossing a potato in his direction.
your mother shot yeonjun an icy glare as a reminder to behave, and he cleared his throat in realization.
“oh yeah and mrs lee, your son is a HIT at campus, he’s being hit on by girls left and right, it’s sickening!”, yeonjun remarked.
you were somewhat in a state of disappointment yet you weren’t surprised.
you had to admit, you always found lee heeseung handsome— but somehow, this christmas, your heart catapulted more than it usually did.
heeseung fiddled with the potatoes on his plate using his fork, clearly uncomfortable of the topic that arose.
“i guess— it’s because he looks so much like me”, mrs lee commented with a wink, earning a chuckle from heeseung– who was clearly unsure how to react.
you pursed your lips, avoiding eye contact with the boy across you.
“how about you, my snowflake?”, mrs lee asks– all eyes darting towards you.
“uhm..”, you thought about what had happened this year that was remotely interesting to share.
off the top of your head, you shared: “i got my braces off”, you smiled flashing your pearly whites, eliciting laughs from mrs lee and heeseung.
“no shit, dumbass”, yeonjun remarked, earning a kick under the table from your mom.
“yeonjun, be nice”, to which he pouted to, “come on moomm, you always defend y/n”, he flashes his morbid puppy eyes at her, only to earn a distasteful roll of the eyes from your mom.
“my snowflake has grown so beautifully”, mrs lee remarked, causing you to blush.
“thanks mrs lee”, you smiled at the nickname she has always given you.
you didn’t even notice the eyes that lingered on you a little longer than they should– from the boy across from you.
as usual, cocoa by the fireplace followed suit after dinner— and you were so excited to finally taste the best hot cocoa you have ever had in your life again.
as you topped your cocoa with a pile of marshmallows in the kitchen, you couldn’t help but overhear the boys chatting with each other.
“is that girl from school still texting you?”, yeonjun asked.
“uh i guess, there are a few of them”, heeseung replies, doubtfully.
“bro– don’t tell me you’re still hung up over wonyoung– come on man, that was monthsss agooo”, yeonjun drawled, earning a half-hearted sigh from heeseung.
oh, he’s had a girl friend before this, you thought– the familiar dreadful feeling arising in your tummy.
“i guess, but i don’t know– i feel like i still like her”, heeseung says, very much in the same doubtful tone he started with.
you don’t know why you were all sad about what you heard, it’s not like he was your boyfriend after all– but you couldn’t deny that it stung a little to witness the boy you like missing someone that wasn’t you.
you stayed up all night thinking about the conversation between heeseung and your brother – the name in the conversation repeating itself in your head like a mantra.
wonyoung, she sounds beautiful – you thought as you brushed your teeth.
after washing up, you sleepily make your way down to the kitchen, where everybody was. heeseung was with your mom, solving a crossword puzzle while yeonjun helped mrs lee with the pancakes for breakfast.
when mrs lee noticed your presence, she set her spatula down and rushed in to give you a hug.
“good morning sweetie, did you sleep good?”, she asks only for you to lie: “slept great, mrs lee”
you took a seat at the bar table, eyes wandering for the oat milk carton. before you could even stand up to look for it, heeseung comes up from right behind you and places a tall glass of oat milk right beside you.
“i know you hate cold milk”, he says with a smile– before walking over to yeonjun, who was trying his best to salvage his pancakes.
your heart fluttered at heeseung’s gesture, this was one of the many reasons you had fallen for him.
“which flavor should we get heeseung?”, a young yeonjun asks with a mischievous grin on his face.
the whole family was spending the day at the market– and although the boys were warned far earlier to stay away from the candy cart, yeonjun and heeseung had been saving up to splurge on candy the whole year! and with a little bit of will power, they managed to slip away from their moms– who at the time, were distracted by the attractive holiday candles for sale.
“i want peppermint and licorice!”, yeonjun exclaims, grabbing a fistful of each candy he wanted.
unlike yeonjun, heeseung was carefully contemplating his choices— but, before all, he reached in for the pink berry blast candy, which shocked yeonjun to say the least.
“ewwwwwww, you’re choosing pink candy?”, yeonjun gags earning an annoyed eye roll from heeseung.
“it’s for y/n, not me”, heeseung explains before continuing to carefully select his own choice of candy.
when they returned to their mothers, who were, to no shock, still at the candle stand– you stood idly by, noticing how the boys managed to slip away and come back unnoticed.
you weren’t one to snitch though, fortunately.
as you sucked on your thumb, waiting for your mom to finish indulging in the various holiday scented candles, heeseung taps your shoulder.
“i know you like this candy”, he hands the bright-pink candy over to you, a smile plastered in his face.
you were too young to understand what was happening right then and there but even little you, didn’t fail to blush at the kind gesture that was presented to you.
the day moved rather slowly— the weather in the neighborhood switched between being gloomy and snowy, which made it hard to plan activities around.
you were laying in your room, folding your laundry, when you heard a knock on your door.
“hey loser”, it was yeonjun.
you rolled your eyes– “no, i am NOT going to fold your stupid underwear again”, you say almost predictably.
“what– no, i just wanted to say– heeseung and i are heading to a party tonight, and you have to keep it shut to mrs lee and mom, got it?”, yeonjun commands.
“what the hell, you guys are sneaking out?”, you ask.
“duhhh, do you think we stay in EVERYTIME for cocoa and game night? obviously heeseung and i are cooler than that”, he explains earning a gasp from your end.
“you’ve BEEN sneaking out this WHOLE time?”, you were exasperated to say the least.
“jealous, loser?”, he teases with a wink, causing your face to contort to a distasteful look.
“whatever it is, we’ll be back midnight, see ya loser!”, he storms out confidently.
what he doesn’t know is, you found out which party he was going to (the only party in town, which giselle took the very kind initiative of finding out) and there is no way in hell, you would miss the opportunity to rebel for once.
when yeonjun and heeseung arrived, the sight they saw was nothing extraordinary.
there were drinks, people making out, and music blaring from every corner.
“heyyy boys!”, the host, jake sim, greeted– giving each of them a dap in the process.
“great to have you back here this year”, jake roughly places his hand on yeonjun’s shoulder– simultaneously handing him a shot of tequila.
“i feeel aliveeee”, yeonjun exclaims after downing the tequila that was handed to him.
jake notions heeseung to take a sip, but he refuses.
“i don’t drink tequila”, he confesses– to which jake nods in understanding with an “ah ok”.
before heeseung could even decide what to do, yeonjun was off on the dance floor, girls surrounding him as if he were a magnet.
heeseung laughs at the sight before moving himself to one of the lounges, grabbibg a can of beer to pop open and enjoy.
unexpectedly, he sees a familiar face wrapped around someone.
“girl, why are you dressing like a saint– how is heeseung gonna notice you when you’re wearing a literal nun-fit”, giselle remarked when she saw your quote-unquote “overly covering” outfit.
you were rummaging your bag at this point, before you found a rather intriguing piece of clothing– which you definitely never owned.
“is this yours?”, you dangle the red, slinky, dress towards the camera.
“YES! THANK GOD YOU FOUND IT”, giselle cheers in victory.
“yes bitch wear that– hello, there’s a reason i packed it in”, giselle commands, to which you hesitantly oblige.
after you slipped into the dress, giselle’s eyes almost pop out of her skull.
“OH MY GOD Y/N? YOU LOOK STUNNING?? I AM DEAD”, she jokingly motions– earning a shy giggle from your end.
the dress was indeed beautiful, you were just unsure if it looked good on you– it seemed way different than what you would usually reach for.
“if you’re even SECOND-THINKING right now i will smack you from my phone”, giselle suddenly says, as if reading your mind.
“please y/n you look stunning, like santa’s mistress but innocent and hot at the same time– damn, i suck at explaining but you look HOT”, she comments, giggling at parts, almost fangirling.
“now put on that red lipstick you bought and bam, femme fatale who?”, she winks at you with her suggestion.
you apply the red lipstick as instructed and when giselle saw your final look, she almost fainted.
she gave you her final best wishes and told you to put on your best heels– which in true y/n fashion – you forgot.
so, you just slip on your converses and carefully sneak out of the house, careful not to wake your moms.
now you just have to hope, yeonjun is too drunk to notice you were ever there.
when you arrived at the driveway, everyone had their eyes on you.
you felt a little insecure, walking in your dress and parka, into this completely new environment. before you could even make a step further, a guy stops you in your tracks.
“hi beautiful, welcome to my party”, he had a smug look on his face and you just smiled back and thanked him in response.
“have i seen you before? you look new”, he asked– technically you’ve gone to this neighborhood your whole life, it was just your first party.
“yeah, it’s my first party—”, before you could even say anything else— the guy yells: “WE HAVE A NEW PARTY COMER EVERYONE!”
heeseung had his eyes on wonyoung, who was enjoying herself with her new boy accessory.
he wanted to approach her, liquid confidence in hand.
but before he could even take a step towards her, he hears jake’s voice echo to the living room he was in.
from there on, a good majority of the crowd’s eyes diverted to the door– where jake was escorting the new guest, arms linked.
heeseung couldn’t believe his eyes. you were absolutely gorgeous.
crowds cheered and whistled at your entrance, and heeseung stepped closer to where you were walking.
it can’t be her, can it? , he doubted himself.
he confirmed it was you when he saw your stained converses, what is she doing here?
you stood at the kitchen, unsure of what to do. there were so many people, yet you couldn’t find the courage to get along with any of them.
“i love your dress”, you heard a voice from beside you.
you turned to the direction of the voice, to see an angel-like girl next to you.
“oh my god, that means a lot coming from you”, you say with a smile.
“what’s your name, pretty?”, she asks with a smile, before taking a sip from her cup.
“y/n— choi y/n, nice to meet you..”, you prompt for her name in return.
“wonyoung, jang wonyoung”, she smiles.
wonyoung?, you thought– could it be that wonyoung?
before you could ponder a moment longer, the guy who greeted you returned.
“i’m so honored to have the most beautiful girls in town at my party—”, he slurs, earning a scoff from wonyoung.
“grow up jake, i have a boyfriend”, wonyoung rolls her eyes– did they get back together?, you thought
“i didn’t want you anyway.. it’s her i want”, he slurs, smirking at you.
you gulp, unsure what to say or do.
“don’t let him get to your head y/n, he’s just pussy deprived”, wonyoung said.
jake slips his arm around your waist, finishing the last drop of his drink. at this point, you were more than uncomfortable.
“what the hell?”, you hear an agitated voice say.
you look back to see heeseung, infuriated.
heeseung marches up to the both of you and right as you expect him to drag wonyoung away, he drags you away instead.
“heeseung, let go!”, you command. heeseung was fuming.
“what the hell are you even doing with jake? are you trying to fuck yourself over?”, he was angry.
this was the angriest you’ve ever seem him, which brewed similar feelings in you.
“why do you care, heeseung? i want to have fun too!”, you retaliate– attempting to walk away from heeseung to enjoy the party.
he pulls you by your wrist, “no you aren’t, i’m calling a cab– we’re going home”
he drags you with him into the sea on the dance floor, fishing yeonjun out of it, his grip still firm on your wrist.
when he successfully got yeonjun off the dance floor, he was wasted.
after successfully calling a cab, he drags yeonjun in and asks you to sit in the back while he sat at the passenger seat. the whole car-ride was silent. heeseung must’ve been really mad.
you admit you felt bad for ruining their night but: why was he so mad?
seeing you and his ex at the party wasn’t exactly what he expected.
however, what blew him up was seeing jake wrap his arms around you, sickeningly intertwined like lovers. when he saw what ensued, he lost all his cool.
he could barely register that his ex, whom he tried to approach the whole night, was right there.
the next morning comes quickly, and as he laid in his bed, he kept asking himself: why he was as mad as he was seeing you with jake?
it was confusing, he still liked wonyoung– he was certain of it– but even after seeing wonyoung and her new boyfriend smooch around for minutes on end, he barely lifted a finger.
however, when he saw you standing there, a little too close to jake, he lost every ounce of cool in his body and gained a new confidence that he never thought he could have.
you’re not crazy heeseung, it’s different because she’s like your little sister— it’s natural you reacted the way you did: his subconscious self tried to justify his thoughts, with the very same excuse its been using for years.
just like that one time you came to support him during his first talent show at university, and how you proudly cheered for him. his heart fluttered at that but his psyche silenced his heart with that very excuse: “it’s normal for her to support you– she’s like your little sister”
or that one time he felt butterflies in his stomach when you helped patch up an injury on his leg with your barbie first aid kit, before proceeding to make him a cup of hot cocoa– when his heart fluttered yet again, but his subconscious self convinced him: “siblings care for each other, this is nothing”
or even that time he saw you for the first time in a year, and when he saw you standing there, so beautifully in your dress at the party. again, “she’s just like your little sister”
he didn’t understand what was happening to him– could it be denial? maybe, but whatever it was, he wasn’t ready to face it.
at that point, it was a few days until christmas. the house was busy, with cleaners and workers running left and right–hanging decorations and dusting off ornaments.
you decided to help as well, helping the workers hang stockings and garlands around the house.
heeseung stood by the door frame, watching you help the workers decorate the house– a smile unintentionally creeping up on his face.
he observed how your hair was neatly tied back with a ribbon, and how your reindeer knit sweater, which he knew you got from his mom, ran a little too big for you.
you were laughing along with the workers, at a slanted ornament you hung.
a tap on his shoulder snaps him out of his haze, “yo, mom and mrs lee needs us to go to the grocery store to pick up a turkey for the christmas eve dinner so let’s go”, yeonjun announces– dragging heeseung away from the scene.
you barely even noticed his presence, too busy trying to fix the decorations you accidentally ruined.
on the car ride to grocery store, heeseung clears his throat to speak.
“wonyoung’s got a new boyfriend”, he speaks up, eyes on the road.
yeonjun’s eyes widen, “what? SERIOUSLY? i thought she only brought that guy at the party to make you jealous–”, yeonjun says.
“what? no–”, heeseung tries to explain only to be cut off by yeonjun again.
“i think so though! heard you had a new girl during the party– red dress and all! i heard everyone thought she was a hot take– too bad i was too drunk to notice her because we all know, she would’ve come home with me”, yeonjun smirks causing heeseung to cringe.
this guy would regret saying that if he knew it was his sister, he thought.
but hey, since yeonjun already ingrained that scenario in his head– heeseung might as well play along with it. plus, he could use some advice.
“yeah, i had a new girl but i don’t think i can like her”, he confesses.
“awww man, why not? you’re hot, kind of–”, yeonjun giggles, heeseung snorting in response.
“well, being with her is complicated– she’s beautiful, but i’m afraid i would hurt her”, heeseung admits, earning a scoff from yeonjun.
“you say that as if you didn’t date the dean of our university’s daughter but okay– come on heeseung, stop over thinking for once, if you like her, then make your move! don’t let your mind cock block”, yeonjun advises, hitting heeseung with a playful punch.
“alright then”, heeseung says, really hoping yeonjun won’t regret what he said.
“now let’s get this dang turkey”
the night of the christmas eve dinner came quicker than you expected.
the house was filling up with friends and family members, and it was finally beginning to look a lot like christmas.
you went down the stairs, dressed and ready to greet all the faces you hadn’t seen in a year.
you were surprised to see some of the faces from the party too– one of them being, wonyoung, which you assumed was invited by heeseung.
you waved at her, and the other people that were around.
“nice to see you again bub”, she greets, with a hug.
you’re not surprised why heeseung would date someone like her– she was so warm and kind.
when the dinner began, the adults were sat at the dining room, while the kids were sprawled out in the living room.
“i’m sooo bored”, jake complains after the dinner, earning an eye roll from yeonjun.
“you’re always bored when you’re not drunk, jake”, he retaliates.
wonyoung sat across from heeseung, which seemed strange for a couple.
“do you guys want to play spin the bottle?”, jake smirks.
everyone cheered in unison, approving his idea.
yeonjun grabs a bottle from the kitchen, and everyone forms a circle on the floor.
the first few spins were uneventful, the kisses being short pecks rather than long, deep, kisses– which earned boos from everyone.
however, when the bottle landed on heeseung and wonyoung, the air tensed up.
heeseung sat still, wonyoung the same.
“are we getting a kiss or no– OUCH”, jake groaned, when yeonjun kicked his foot– intentionally.
the air was so thick with tension– you began shifting in your seat uncomfortably.
“fine, let’s change the course— heeseung do you like anyone?”, wonyoung suddenly asks and his eyes widen.
his eyes land on yours before he could say anything.
however, right as he was about to answer, your mom called out to you.
“y/n can you please get something from aunt mijoo’s car”
when everyone left, it was late in the night.
you had trouble falling asleep, so you headed to the kitchen to make some hot cocoa.
you were shocked to see heeseung, still in his sweater, staring out the window.
“heeseung– oh my god you scared me”, you gasped.
he looked at you, his body slightly slumped.
“are you hungry?”, he asks, observing your actions.
“nope– i just need some cocoa to help me sleep”, you reply, earning a chuckle from the boy.
“you’re the first person i know who uses sugar to fall asleep”, he walks up to you and pats your head.
at that point, it was nearing midnight.
you opened the cupboard, searching for the cocoa powder.
great, you thought, it’s waayy on the top shelf
you sighed in defeat, your head hung low.
heeseung notices this, and he easily reaches for the cocoa.
“need some help?”, he offers the cocoa powder in his hand, a smirk plastered on his face.
you roll your eyes, “thanks, i guess”
he giggles, leaning back on the kitchen island– watching your every move.
you whip up your concoction, preparing an extra mug for heeseung– as he stood by, watching you.
“wonyoung is so pretty”, you suddenly say– causing him to choke on some air.
“suddenly?”, he remarked.
“she is though, i understand why you froze around her”, you giggled, eyes focused on the hot cocoa you were making.
heeseung was speechless, he wasn’t sure where exactly you were going with this.
“i mean i wouldn’t expect less from the lee heeseung’s girlfriend”, you bitterly applauded, which causes the boy to choke on his spit.
“girlfriend? where’d you hear that?”, he asks confusedly.
“she’s your girlfriend.. right?”, you tilt your head, twice as confused as he was.
“uh– first off, sure i guess she’s pretty but when i froze– that wasn’t the reason, second– she’s not my girlfriend, well, not anymore at least”, he explains.
when you heard this, you somehow felt a sense of relief – relief at the fact that wonyoung and heeseung weren’t together.
“what!”, you let out, sounding a little too happy. you cleared your throat and ask him again: “heeseung, why did you get mad at me during.. the party?”, you hesitated a little towards the end, flashbacks of heeseung’s anger replaying in your head like a broken tape.
oh shit, he thought. he hasn’t quite figured out the reason himself– so, he’ll stick to his brain’s text book answer.
“because, you’re like my little sister, y/n”, he lies– he knows that, of all reasons, was not the one.
there it was, the very thing you dreaded to hear.
“oh..”, was the only thing you could respond with.
good thing your hot cocoa was ready! you poured two servings, one for him and one for yourself.
you took out all the toppings, and proceeded to add marshmallows to your hearts content.
“did you want some?”, you asked heeseung– but he shook his head no.
“but i’d like some whipped cream please”, he asks, extending his mug of cocoa to you.
you nod, prepping the can of whipped cream for him, skillfully giving him a swirl before you got a mischievous idea.
you took some whip cream on your finger, stood on your tippy toes, and smeared it on his face, “your wish is my command”, you smirk.
he gasps, taking some cream to do the same with you.
“hey! i just removed my make up!”, you shielded yourself from his attack.
“you started it!”, he exclaimed– chasing you around the kitchen, determined to get some cream in your hair too.
before you knew it, the clock bells rang as it hit 12 am, it was finally christmas.
the both of you stood face-to-face, looking at each other’s cream smeared faces for a moment.
“merry christmas, heeseung”, you greet, earning a giggle from him.
“merry christmas, y/n”
when you left the kitchen, hot cocoa in hand, heeseung’s heart beat raced more than he ever thought it could.
he had been trying so hard to deny it, but now he thinks he can finally accept it: you were more than just a little sister to him.
the wholesome scene in the kitchen replayed itself in your head until the next morning.
you even texted giselle at the crack of dawn to tell her what happened– to which she could only fangirl in response.
everyone was gathered at the living room, sat around in their pajamas.
“merry christmas everyone”, you say– kind of sleepy.
you joined your mom and mrs lee on the couch, giving them a big hug.
“don’t forget, later we have secret santa with everyone coming so, perk up kids!”, mrs lee reminded before she left to go to the kitchen with your mom, to which all of you responded with an enthusiastic smile.
“did you guys manage to get anything for secret santa?”, yeonjun asks you and heeseung.
you and heeseung nod in approval, “yeah, why? did you get anything?”, heeseung asks yeonjun.
“uh yeah– totally, i – yeah fuck it, i forgot”, he finally admits.
“it’s okay i can get a bag of cheetos, i don’t know– what do girls even like”, he sighed in frustration.
you laughed at his defeat, causing him to shoot a glare your direction.
“shut up, loser”
heeseung giggles beside you, causing you to shoot a glare at him. “ok, i’m sorry”
guests poured into the house, one by one, soon enough— all the kids and adults were sprawled out in the living room, getting ready to play secret santa.
unlike the night before, the circle of people who attended that afternoon was a more intimate group of people.
“ok, heeseung, it’s your turn– who are you secret santa for this year?”, mrs lee prompted.
heeseung smiles a little, shyly picking up the small red bag beside him, standing up to head to his designated person.
without you realizing, he made his way towards you.
“merry christmas, y/n”, he greets again, in his gentle voice, to which you shyly accept the red bag whispering a shy “thank you”– all eyes were on you at the time, observing the chemistry.
to be frank, everyone in that room knew how you felt about heeseung, and how much you wanted him to be your secret santa, time and time again.
this time you got what you wanted, and as you caressed the small red bag in your hands, your cheeks warmed up– heeseung’s gentle voice repeating itself in your head.
the day passed quickly and you didn’t get a chance to open the gift yet.
it was only when you had gone back up to your room that you had the chance. you undid the ribbon delicately, as if the bag itself was more precious than what it contained.
you took out the tissue paper that protected the small velvet box which sat in the centre of the bag. you caressed the velvet box with your fingers, your stomach brimming with butterflies and anticipation.
when you open the box, you gasp in surprise and adoration.
it was a necklace, but not just a random charm necklace.
it was a snowflake, each crevice covered in crystals, which sparkled brightly under the moon light which shone through your bedroom window.
you took a moment to read the card it came with, which left you smiling wider than you thought you could:
i saw this necklace at the store a few days ago and it made think of you– because you’re our little snowflake:) i hope you like it.
merry christmas, y/n
you admired the necklace in your hands, a smile creeping up on your face once again. it was beautiful, just like him.
you picked up your phone, typing up a quick text message.
you: thanks for the gift, heeseung. i love it c:
heeseung: no problem, i’m just glad you like it :)
heeseung: hey, it’s snowing out, wanna go build a snowman? ;)
you giggle at his sudden invitation. you put on the necklace, wrap yourself in your warm scarves and puffer jacket before heading downstairs.
you quietly snuck out through the back door of the kitchen, eyes looking left and right for heeseung.
your search didn’t last long when you felt a snowball hit your back.when you turn to the back, you see heeseung hiding behind a bush, gloves messy from the snow ball.
you scoff, rolling up a snow ball and hitting him in return– just like you used to do when you were younger.
“hey! ouch! stop!”, he squirmed, the cold impacting him more than he thought. you laughed at his defenselessness.
again, you stood across him, face to face– admiring his face, just like you did when you first arrived.
the snow was falling from the sky, gently trickling your jackets and hair.
his eyes locked with yours, and you swore time stopped.
“i think there’s something you should know..”, he took a step closer to you, anticipation brewing in your stomach as you looked up at him.
“i’m sorry i got mad at you during jake’s party and brushed it off as me being protective because “you’re like my sister”–”, he apologized.
“truth is.. that wasn’t even close to the real reason–”, he begun, your eyes glued intently on him.
“thing is.. i never understood why or how i felt about you— and, my subconscious mind would consistently tell me it was because you were just my little sister”, he looked down briefly before meeting your eyes again.
“but, when i found myself missing you, thinking about you and your silly laugh when i crack my terrible jokes– and when i found myself infuriated at the idea that another guy could make you laugh like that, i knew that you were more than what i tried so hard to convince myself you were..”, he took your hands in his, eyes still locked on yours.
“how could i have been so blind to the one person who’s always been there for me.. from the time you patched up my little injury with your precious barbie band aids or even the time you stood front row during my first talent show— it has always been you”, he grips your hand tighter.
“so i was hoping i could be the one for you too..”, he nervously says.
“what do you mean heeseung?”, you ask suddenly, pulling your hands away from his.
at this point he was expecting his heart to be shattered– until you cut off his train of thought.
“you have always been the one for me”, you say suddenly– flashing him with the smile he loved so much.
before he could say anything further, you leapt up onto him, the warmth of your lips embracing his.
he smiled into the kiss, “i love you, my little snowflake”
you giggled, “i love you too”, you say briefly before he engulfs your lips in his again, twirling you in his embrace.
you have always loved christmas, but now, he’s given you a million reasons to love it more.
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[ hera’s note ] – hello loves! merry (ADVANCED) christmas! 🎄 here’s an advanced heeseung christmas piece that i wrote while listening to taylor swift and sabrina carpenter’s new christmas EP HAHAHA i hope you all enjoyed this piece 🤍 please let me know what you thought about this one-shot and reblog it if you enjoyed it! i wanted to upload this early because i may be offline for a few days to celebrate this festive season :) anyways, i hope everyone will have a wonderful christmas, hera loves you! <3
[ taglist ] – @ja4hyvn | send an ask/dm to be added!
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skumhuu · 6 months
Found your Vampire! Dreammare on Twitter. Nay I asn for more info? Particularly in regards to Dream and experiences as what is essentially an abandoned fledgling before he got reluctantly and forcibly adopted into he Pack and dragged back into the arms of the vampire who first turned him?
Oooo vampire!Dreammare is so fun 👀 here’s a copy/paste of one of my twt threads:
Basically either Nightmare was unwillingly turned or eating the apple made him into a vampire. He almost starves before Dream realizes and forces him to feed from him. Things go horribly wrong when the villagers find out what is happening, and Dream gets fatally injured by accident.
In response Nightmare goes on a rampage, kills everybody, and turns an unwilling Dream who would have died otherwise. Dream is,,, heartbroken, to say the least by his predicament.
Thus Nightmare dedicates all of his time to finding a ‘cure’ for vampirism. Sadly, it backfires and he becomes goopified and unhinged. Afraid of his power hungry sibling, Dream flees. The twins spend a long time apart, fighting, waging wars, but at the end of the day Nightmare IS his sire and eventually Dream is forced to return.
He’s dragged kicking and screaming but it’s not like he could have stayed away for much longer w/o going feral. He is his brother’s fledgling, as much he tries to fight their bond, instincts outweigh logic. He gets drunk off of the instinct high at times 😂
Thankfully at this point Nm has settled down a bit with Killer, Dust, and Horror who have all been feeding him. He’s effectively Chilled Out and is ready to be a Good Sire 🥺 And along with Dream comes Cross, who is basically his emotional support werewolf/bloodbag in this mess.
Also Dream leaving in the first place was very very difficult since fledglings feed off of their sire’s blood and completely severing the deep mental bond they had was impossible. Instead Dream carefully walled off his mind, pushing his brother out.
Closing Nightmare off was one of the most difficult things Dream ever did. When he’s forced to return, reopen their bond, and feed from his sire, there’s no way of leaving again w/o Nightmare noticing and immediately dragging him deep into his instincts.
Nightmare is very soft towards him tho, and ready to prove to Dream that things are better now and that he’s going to properly cherish him. Very soft vampire and werewolf stuff, lots of instincts and growling and warbling until they finally all settle down 💚
Also Nightmare has chilled out as a sire but he’s still a power hungry murderous vampire dictator who doesn’t hesitate to drain anyone who inconveniences him dry (Except his pack ofc) the pack is also usually Very Vicious to outsiders. Thus Cream’s nervousness 😂
Dream doesn’t realize it but he was only allowed to leave the first time because Nightmare LET him leave out of guilt of hurting his brother over and over again despite how hard he keeps trying not to. The moment Nm realizes that Dream is hurting himself he drags him back.
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Overprotective (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
A/N: This was a request from an anon who wanted overprotective Jay and Will and angst and fluff! So, I hope I did your request justice! 
Thanks for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I love reading your comments because they put a smile on my face!
Thunderstorm (age 7)
It had been six months since your mom died. Jay was back from his second deployment and was now a police officer and Will was in New York for what you called doctor school. And your dad, well he was here in Chicago with you physically, but not mentally.
You whimpered as you hugged your teddy bear--whom you had affectionately named Officer Chuckles after you heard someone call Jay that at a picnic for police and their families--tight to your chest. The thunder was really loud and you swore it was shaking the house. And, to make matters worse, your dad wasn't here; he had left his seven-year-old daughter alone at home, during a thunderstorm, at 11:30 at night.
Your mom had loved thunderstorms and she'd always watch them as they rolled in. If it was morning, she'd sit and drink her coffee on the front porch while she watched them and listened to the rain drum down on the roof. If it was nighttime, she'd have something called wine, which she told you that you couldn't have until you were older, and do the same thing.
Because of this, every time there was a thunderstorm and your dad wasn't working, he'd always go to the cemetery to visit your mom. You didn't know what he did there. You just knew that every time there was a thunderstorm, you'd just be that much more scared.
Your mom used to comfort you when there was a thunderstorm; she'd tell you that the thunder was just a giant up in the sky bowling and that he just got a strike. But, your dad wouldn't really comfort you because he'd just leave. And, there was only so much Officer Chuckles and huddling in your blankets could do for you.
"We gotta call Jay," you whispered to your bear. "He'll know what to do."
So, you gripped Officer Chuckles in your little hand and then made your way into the kitchen. You jumped as more lightning and thunder cracked across the sky.
You flicked on the light and picked up the phone. You looked at the number on the fridge and carefully dialed it and then hit the "talk" button. Then, you listened to it ring while little whimpers of fear escaped your mouth.
"Dad? Why are you--" You jumped and a small scream came out. "Y/N? Kiddo, what are you doing up? It's late."
"I- I'm scared," you said quickly and ran back to your room with Officer Chuckles and the phone still in your hand and pressed up to your ear.
"Because of the thunder?" Jay asked gently.
"Uh-huh," you answered as you buried yourself back under your covers. "Daddy's not here and-and it's really loud."
"Dad's not there?"
"He went to see Mommy." You squeaked as more thunder came.
Jay cursed on the other end of the phone and hoped you didn't pick up on it. "Y/N, I will be there in ten minutes, okay? I just want you to stay in your room until I get there. Can you do that for me?"
"Uh-huh. But please come fast, Jay Jay. Me and Officer Chuckles are really scared."
"I'll come really, really fast. I promise. Now, I have to put down the phone so I can drive. But I promise I'll get there really fast. I love you."
"I love you, too, Jay Jay."
Jay cursed himself as he drove as fast as he could towards his childhood home. He didn't even speed, just tried to go the speed limit. But, it was downpouring so hard that he had to slow down so that he didn't hydroplane and get into a car accident. He didn't need that right now and you definitely didn't need that right now.
Jay walked up the front porch--forgetting his umbrella in his car because he was so focused on getting to you--and then found the spare key under the flower pot. The flower was fake; there's no way your dad could keep a plant alive.
"Y/N?" he called out as he slipped off his shoes once he was inside. "It's me. It's Jay Jay."
Thunder cracked across the sky and Jay swore under his breath and then took off running to your bedroom.
There, he found you huddled underneath your comforter clutching Officer Chuckles to your chest and resting your head against him. Your small night light was the only thing giving off light in your room.
"Y/N," he whispered, causing you to jump. "It's okay, it's just me. It's Jay," he said quickly and then flicked on your bedroom light.
Now that everything was bathed in light, you jumped out of bed without hesitating and held tightly onto Jay. "It's too loud! It's too loud!" you wailed as your fingers clutched the bottom of his shirt.
"I know, I know," he soothed and gently rubbed your back while you continued to cry. "But remember what Mom said? It's just a giant up in the sky bowling."
"Well, he needs to play a quieter game."
Jay laughed at that. "I mean, we could try to tell him that, but I don't think he'd listen since he's way bigger than us." You nodded in agreement. Jay crouched down in front of you, seeing as you had finally let go of him. "Y/N, can you grab me your most favorite backpack?"
"Why?" you asked, tilting your head to the side. "It's nighttime, not school time."
Jay smiled at your innocence. "I know. But, you're gonna come over to my house and we're gonna have a sleepover."
"Like we do on some weekends?"
"Just like that."
More thunder.
You grabbed onto Jay's hand. "You come with me to get my backpack in the living room?"
Jay nodded. "Of course."
Once you were back in your room, Jay started grabbing some clothes for you and you grabbed your favorite blanket and Officer Chuckles. Then, something dawned on you. You were always supposed to tell your daddy if you went somewhere.
"Will Daddy be mad?"
Jay turned away from your dresser and to look at you. "Why would he be mad, kiddo?"
"Because I'm not- I'm not telling him I'm having a sleepover with you."
"Oh, he knows."
"You talked to him?"
"I called him on the way here." Well, he sent him a strongly worded text message, but that was basically the same thing. All he needed to know was that you were coming to his house since you were scared of the storm (not to mention you were seven years old and you shouldn't be home alone in the first place). He hadn't answered the text yet, but at least he'd know where you were.
"Okay. Will you come with me to get my raincoat, too?"
Jay had just finished putting the last of a pair of clothes in your backpack. "I think we can grab that on our way out. Good thinking, kiddo."
He shouldered your little backpack and took your blanket from you so that it wouldn't drag on the wet ground when you walked outside. Then, you put on your rain boots and raincoat at the front door and clutched Officer Chuckles super tight and walked out to Jay's car, and started on your way to his apartment.
"Hold my hand when we walk through the parking lot, okay?" Jay said as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building.
He put the car in park and then turned it off and got out, quickly opening an umbrella he had stashed in his passenger seat. Then, he made his way over to your side of the car and helped you out and grabbed your backpack, and slung your blanket over his shoulders. You held tight to Officer Chuckles with one hand and held Jay's hand with the other while you two walked into his apartment building, the umbrella Jay was holding with his opposite hand shielding you from the rain.
Once you were inside, you handed Jay your raincoat and he hung it up on the rack because you couldn't reach it.
Jay started digging around in your backpack for the spare pair of pajamas that he had packed for you. "Okay, Y/N, why don't you go put on these nice comfy pajamas--"
"Because mine are kinda wet?" you asked and looked up at your big brother.
"Yes, because yours are kind of wet," Jay confirmed. "And then after, we can go to sleep, okay?"
Thunder cracked again and you jumped.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jay said and crouched down in front of you. "I promise you nothing bad will happen."
"You promise?"
"I promise," he confirmed with a nod of his head.
You turned to go change your clothes, and then remembered something. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Of course."
After you changed into dry pajamas, you put your dirty ones in your backpack and left the bathroom to see Jay sitting on the couch waiting for you. "Ready for bed?" he asked.
You yawned. "Uh-huh."
Jay glanced at the clock. It was nearing 12:30 am. There was no way you were going to go to school after six and a half hours of sleep. So, he had a plan. And that plan involved iHOP.
Once you got into bed, you tried to fall asleep, but you couldn't. Jay noticed this when you jumped at the thunder. So, he grabbed your little hand in his and squeezed. You then moved closer to him and buried your head in his chest. You knew you were safe from the thunder because your big brother was around and he was big and strong and would protect you from anything. So, you soon fell asleep after, ending your very long night.
You rubbed your eyes as you walked out of Jay's bedroom the next morning, Officer Chuckles in your hand dangling by your side.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Jay said.
You looked at the clock. 8:30. "Don't I gotta be at school?" you asked, scrunching up your eyebrows which Jay thought was the cutest thing ever.
"Not until after lunchtime," he told you. "You were up really late, so I wanted to let you sleep. And, so we can go out for breakfast."
"Really? Where?" you asked excitedly, almost dropping Officer Chuckles because you were absolutely buzzing with excitement.
"That is a surprise. Now, how about you go get dressed and brush your teeth and brush your hair, and then we can get going, okay?"
Then, you scampered off and did just what Jay told you to do. You wanted to know what the surprise would be!
Once you were all done, you and Jay left, and on the ride to the place where you were going for breakfast, you kept asking where you'd be going. But, Jay just wouldn't let up. But, then you saw the big blue sign and knew exactly where you were headed.
"iHOP!" you exclaimed. "Smiley pancakes! Smiley pancakes!" You looked at Jay as he turned into the parking lot. "Can I get the smiley face pancakes? Please, Jay Jay?"
Jay smiled at your excitement. "Yes, you can get the smiley face pancakes."
"Yay!" you cheered.
After breakfast and going back to his apartment to get your school stuff that he had packed in your backpack last night, Jay brought you to school.
When he got back to his apartment, he started making phone calls and cashing in favors.
A month and a half later, Jay officially had guardianship of you.
Beach fight (age 14)
"It's so hot," you whined as you walked out of your room in the middle of summer and into the kitchen. You looked at Jay who was drinking coffee out of a mug. "I don't get how you can drink hot coffee. It's too hot out for that."
"You--" Jay took a sip of his coffee.--"are such a drama queen."
"But I'm a queen, so I'll take it."
Jay rolled his eyes. "Wonder where you got the quick comebacks from."
"Just a tall, red-headed doctor. Definitely not you."
"You're funny, kid. Real funny." Jay's phone buzzed. He furrowed his eyebrows. Then it buzzed again and he made eye contact with you and tilted his head to the side. "You texted Will about a beach day? And said that I said it was okay?"
"Uh-huh. You aren't the only Halstead sibling who can be sneaky you know."
"Normally, normally I'd be pissed. But, it's scorching out. So I'll give him a call. Go start getting ready and wear your swimsuit under your clothes so we don't have to change there."
"Yes! Thank you, Jay! Love you!" You gave him a quick hug.
"Yeah, yeah. You never love me more than when you get your way."
Then, you went off to your room to get changed.
"Will said he'd be right here," Jay muttered as he looked at his phone for the millionth time in ten minutes. Will and Jay had set up a spot to meet, but Will was running late.
Then, Will's familiar car pulled in and he parked. "Sorry I'm late," he started as he stepped out. "Had to pick up some groceries." He held up the six-pack of beer. "Can't have a beach day without alcohol."
Jay rolled his eyes. "Uh, yes, you can. And both of us are driving home." He turned to you. "Y/N, you're gonna have to make sure each of us only drinks two. I should be fine, but I don't know about him here."
"Hey!" Will exclaimed and then smacked Jay upside the head with his free hand.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your beach chair and your drawstring bag with your towel and your book from Jay's truck. Jay grabbed the cooler, his bag, and his chair. Will grabbed his stuff and then the three of you were off.
You had waded in the water and read your book for a bit while Will and Jay chatted about some mutual cases they had come across while drinking their beer and eating snacks. You were snacking on your cheddar popcorn, (which Will had affectionately picked up a bag for you when he went to get beer because he knew it was your favorite) when you realized something: the boys had a drink other than water but you didn't.
You debated which brother would allow you to buy something from the coffee cart up by the entrance to the beach.
Will won.
"Will," you said sweetly and turned around to look at him.
"Uh oh," Jay said. "That's her I want something voice. Don't give in. Be strong."
Will rolled his eyes. "Yes, Y/N?"
"I was thinking--"
"It's worse than I thought!" Jay exclaimed. "She's thinking!"
You scowled at him and turned back to face Will. "I was thinking that since you two have something other than water to drink and I don't, could I maybe get something from the coffee cart? Please?"
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"
"Dude! She's fourteen! She shouldn't be drinking caffeine...especially not at noon!" Jay protested.
"There's this thing called decaf coffee, Jay."
"There's this thing called decaf coffee, Jay," Jay mocked. "Shut up, Will."
Will rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll walk up with there with you and just give you money and meet you back there." He looked at Jay. "Are you okay with that? I know you hate when she's out of our sight in super crowded place like this," he asked Jay.
"I do not do that!" Jay argued. You and Will gave him a look. "Fine. Maybe I do. I just see a lot of stuff that I never want her to be involved in. Just, make sure you give Will his change back."
"I will," you said. After all, you were in a swimsuit, not that there were pockets there for you to stash your big brother's change like you normally did and then keep it for yourself.
You and Will made your way up the beach to the entrance where he handed you a ten-dollar bill and you two split up. He went straight to go to the bathrooms and you took a slight right to go to the coffee cart.
Will had said on the walk up not to wait for him and to just go back to Jay. So, you ordered your decaf iced mocha caramel latte, took the four dollars and something cents in change, got your latte, and started to walk back to Jay.
That was, you walked until you heard it.
A catcall.
You pretended you didn't hear it, that it was directed at someone else.
But then, "Babe with the coffee." You stopped walking. "I know you heard me. C'mon, show us that pretty face of yours."
Your eyes widened as you swallowed and your lip started to tremble. You knew you should just make a run for it, but you knew that in running in the sand with your hands full, that you'd just end up face planting and getting a mouth full of sand.
"Aw, c'mon baby. I've got friends, too. You don't like me, maybe you'll like them. We'll like you either way."
You wanted to smack yourself at what came out of your mouth next. You turned around. These guys were probably 23-25 year-olds and there were three of them. They were way taller than you and you knew that they'd easily be able to overpower you. But, you said the first thing that you thought would make them back off.
"I have a boy--". You cleared your throat. "I have a boyfriend."
"I don't see no boy." He turned to one of his friends. "Do you?" The other guy shook his head.
Where the fuck is Will?
"Take my money. Just, leave me alone."
You held the money out to the man, but instead of taking it, he grabbed your wrist instead. Hard.
You dropped your coffee, the plastic cup breaking in the sand and making the cold, sweet liquid form a puddle.
"How cute, boys. She's paying us, normally we'd be paying her!"
From down on the beach, Jay was watching from afar. He saw some guys walking towards you and at first, he assumed that they might've been older siblings of some kids you knew at school or something like that.
Then, he noticed your rigid posture and stood up.
He started walking toward you.
You held your hand out and the guy grabbed your wrist.
Jay started running.
"Just, let me go and we can pretend this never happened," you said, borrowing a line you had seen in movies multiple times...not that it ever worked in those, but maybe it'd work in real life.
"No can--"
Oh, thank God for Jay.
"You the boyfriend?" he asked rhetorically. "She's gotta be sixteen then. How is she?"
"For your information, I'm the brother. And, it'd be in your best interest to let go," Jay growled.
"Three on one. This should be fun." The guy shrugged.
"Listen, man. I really don't feel like doing this here. So just, let her go."
He tugged you closer to him and you yelped, your front hitting his chest.
You squeezed your eyes shut.
You felt arms wrap around you and pull you away from the random guy's chest and you screamed.
"You son of a bitch!" Jay yelled.
You opened your eyes to see that Will was the one who had run up and pulled you back, your heart still beating out of your chest.
"Jay, he's not--" Will tried, but it was no use.
Jay threw the first punch.
The guy's head flew back and he fell to the ground. The guy tried to throw a punch from there, but Jay easily dodged it. Then, he threw three more hits to his face.
Will turned his head away from the fight at the sound of shitty sirens. "Fucking hell, Jay! Security!"
He didn't stop.
"Jay!" you yelled.
Now, this caused him to stop for a second...right as security pulled up next to him.
Jay looked up.
"He threw the first punch!" the man yelled to security before Jay could even explain the situation in its entirety.
"And you harassed my sister, so I think me punching you was warranted!" Jay argued. He turned to security. "Jay Halstead, CPD detective with the Intelligence unit."
The two beach security guards shared a glance. One sighed. "Okay, to make this easier, we won't call the cops because apparently, he is one. But, both of you are banned from the beach."
"What?" the guy bellowed. "You're not even going to ask him for some identification? Unbelievable!"
"I can easily go grab my badge from my car, officer," Jay suggested.
"That won't be necessary," the security guard said. He turned to you. "Miss, did he hurt you in any way?" You held out your hand to show him your wrist, which was red and you knew you'd have bruising on it tomorrow. Then, he turned his attention back to the guy who had been harassing you and his two friends. "You, come with me. Unless one of your buddies wants to cop to being the one who did the harassing?"
The two other guys held up their hands in a sign of surrender and backed up.
"What?" the guy yelled. "I need medical attention! I probably need stitches!"
"And we can have someone do that for you, but you need to come with us." He pulled out a pair of zip ties and got them on the guy's wrist...not without him giving the security guards some difficulty, though. He turned his attention back to you and your brothers. "I take it back, Detective, you're not banned."
Jay gave him a curt nod of thanks.
"What?" the guy yelled as the security guard started walking, taking the creeper away from you and your brothers.
"Keep it moving, buddy. Keep it moving."
"Let's get outta here," Will suggested.
You and Jay agreed, and then the three of you went to grab your stuff from where it previously was at the beach.
You had ridden back home with Will instead of Jay since he needed some time to cool off...and call Voight to make sure that the asshole actually got some jail time or something. Basically, Jay needed Voight to make sure that the beach security was actually doing their job.
The two of you made your way into the apartment (Jay had given Will a key and Will had given Jay a key to his apartment also. You didn't bring your key because you thought you'd be riding home with Jay, but then everything popped off.). Then, Will immediately went into doctor mode.
"Go change into some clothes and then I'm gonna take a look at that wrist," he told you.
You nodded and quickly changed into a pair of comfy shorts and a t-shirt. Then, you made your way to the kitchen table where Will was waiting expectantly. You sat down a sighed.
"You okay?" Will asked as he stopped unzipping his medical bag that he always kept in his car in case of emergencies and gave you his full attention.
"That was terrifying. I just, I never would've thought that would happen."
"And it shouldn't have happened. You're fourteen; you're just a kid. It shouldn't happen to an adult, much less a kid." You nodded. "Can I see your wrist?"
You held it out to him and he gently pressed on it and began to inspect it. "You know," you started, "I thought you'd be patching up Jay. Turns out that ass- that guy's friends didn't want to get involved."
"I wouldn't either," Will agreed. "There's no way I'd want to be one the receiving end of a fistfight with Jay. And, for the record, that guy was an asshole." Then, he started talking about the subject at hand. "Well, good news is that it isn't broken...but we already knew that. Bad news is that there will be some slight bruising, so we need to ice it."
Will got up to get some ice from the freezer when Jay walked in...holding a bag of groceries.
"What's that?" you asked.
"Well, I figured we'd get ice cream after the beach, but since that didn't happen, I decided to pick some up." He set the bag of groceries on the table in front of you and started taking out pints of ice cream. "Superman for Will, Neopolitan for me, and cookies n creme for you."
Your eyes went wide as you saw the ice cream and quickly snatched up your pint. Jay laughed at your excitement.
"Still can't believe that Will's favorite is Superman," you mused.
"He's like a kid in an adult's body," Jay agreed.
"I heard that!" Will yelled and then came back with an ice pack and three spoons. "What can I say, I'm a sugar aficionado. Now, what movie are we watching?"
The three of you made your way over to the couch with your spoons and ice cream, you with your ice pack as well, and started to try and agree on a movie.
Sometimes, you hated that Jay was so vigilant and that Will always had to take a look at something as small as a scrape, but today, those two things definitely came in handy. And, you couldn't be more thankful.
Migraine (age 16)
Oh here we go again, you thought as you sat in your American history class and felt the pounding in your head coming on. You had had a slight headache this morning but had a feeling it was going to turn into something more since all of your headaches lately have been turning into migraines almost every other day for the past week. For a few weeks, you'd been having headaches and they started out not too bad, a small dose of Tylenol would fix them. You assumed they were just stress headaches from school. But, then they started making the sides of your head pound and making you sensitive to light or nauseous. And right now, you felt a really bad one coming on.
Forty-five minutes later, you had gotten out of your history class and were on your way to biology. But, you were in the midst of the worst migraine of your life. Your head was pounding, everyone seemed to be talking right in your ear, and the lights were way too bright even when you squinted.
You had to go home. You couldn't stay at school any longer.
So, you went to the office and explained this and then called Jay.
"Hello? Y/N, aren't you supposed to be in class?" he asked when he answered.
"My head hurts really bad, Jay. Please, can you come pick me up?" you asked.
"I can have someone drop off some Tylenol," he suggested.
"No," you whined. "It hurts so bad. The light hurts my head and people talking hurts my head. Please, Jay."
You were practically pleading and even though Jay knew that you had a geometry test today, he agreed.
"Okay, I'll email your math teacher about the test."
"Oh. I forgot about that." You hissed as the late bell rang, causing your head to pound even more for those few seconds.
"That bad, huh?" Jay asked, having heard the bell chime on his end of the phone.
"Uh-huh. But, I can't drive home."
"Okay, and I can't pick you because I'm meeting with a CI. You okay if Adam picks you up and brings you back to the district? Then, me and someone else can go pick up your car from school later?"
"Okay. Why can't I just go home?"
"Because, if you're feeling as crappy as you say you are, then I'd prefer that someone has eyes on you. I'll see you in a bit."
"Okay, bye Jay."
Then, you hung up, told the secretary you'd be leaving so that she could send an email to your teachers, grabbed your stuff from your locker, and came back to the office to wait for Adam.
Twenty minutes later, Adam walked into the office.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm gonna sign you out and then we'll get you out of here, okay?" You had balled up your sweatshirt and were using it as a pillow and had your eyes closed. But, you cracked them open and nodded. Adam knew this definitely wasn't you lying to get out of a test because usually, you'd tell him not to call you kiddo, seeing as you were sixteen.
Adm showed his ID to the secretary and then he signed you out. You stood up and your head started pounding even more due to the sudden change in posture.
"Here, I can take your bag," Adam offered and you handed him your backpack.
"Thanks," you said quietly.
Then, you made your way to Adam's Jeep and got in the backseat. Not even two minutes into the trip to the district, you knew you couldn't take the music that was playing from the radio...even though you knew it was lower than he normally played it.
"Adam?" you asked, your head now resting on your balled-up sweatshirt as you tried your best to lay down while still buckled up in the backseat.
"Can you turn off the music? It really hurts my head."
"Of course." Then, he quickly turned off the radio and the two of you rode in silence the rest of the way to the district.
Adam would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about you.
"Mini Halstead! What's--" Trudy Platt exclaimed when you and Adam walked into the district, but Adam quickly placed a finger to his lips as you whimpered at the loudness of her voice. "Sorry," she whispered. "You hungry?"
You shook your head. "Thanks, though."
The desk sergeant nodded. "Let me know if she needs anything," she directed to Adam.
"Will do, Sarge."
Then, the two of you made your way up the stairs and into Intelligence, not without the buzzer on the gate causing you to hiss at the pain it caused in your temples.
"Mini Halstead!" Kevin exclaimed, but Adam quickly put a finger to his lips as you whimpered at his loud voice.
Jay quickly made his way over to you. "Let's go into the break room, okay?" You nodded. Jay turned to Adam. "I can take her bag."
Jay took your backpack from Adam and then the two of you went into the break room.
"There's some Tylenol and water on the table for you," Jay said, fully expecting you to walk over and get it. But, instead, you just plopped yourself down on the couch. "Or, I can bring it to you."
He gave you the water and the two pills and you took them.
"Have you eaten anything since breakfast?" he asked.
You shook your head. "Hurts to chew."
"Okay." Jay paused for a moment. "I think I have a banana I brought with me in case I got hungry. Is that soft enough for you to chew? I want you to eat something."
"I guess," you mumbled as you laid down on the couch. "Just wanna sleep."
"I know, but I wanna get some calories in you before you do that. Can you just stay awake for like five more minutes?" You nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back."
Jay came back two minutes later with a banana and a blanket.
"Where'd you get the blanket?" you asked.
"I keep it in my truck for late-night stakeouts. Here." He handed you the banana and then set the blanket next to you. "I don't have a pillow, so your sweatshirt will have to do. You all set?"
"Yeah, gonna eat this and take a nap."
"Okay, I'll make sure Voight doesn't yell too much. This door's pretty much soundproof though, so you should be fine. Come get me if you need anything."
Then, you ate the banana, folded up your hoodie and put it under your head, and pulled the blanket over you, quickly falling asleep.
You woke up two hours later feeling too warm. Your migraine had subsided into just a headache...but you knew in a couple of hours, the migraine would probably be back after the Tylenol had worn off. And, it was still a decently bad headache, just without the light hurting your eyes as much.
But then, you had an idea.
Sometimes at home when you had headaches, you'd lay your head on the tiled floor of the bathroom because it was cold. Cold surfaces always seemed to help.
So, you looked out into the bullpen to see if anyone was there.
No one.
You picked up your phone to see a text from Jay saying that they had gone on a raid and would be back soon and that if you needed anything, to let Trudy know. He also said that he had let Will know what was going on and that he'd be at the apartment later tonight to check up on you.
You wrapped the blanket around you and then made your way out of the bullpen and into an empty interrogation room.
You sat down in the cold metal chair and held your blanket tighter around your body. Then, you laid your head on the cold metal table and relished the feeling of coolness on your head.
Yeah, this will help.
"I didn't do it! I swear!" a drug dealer that Trudy was holding by the arm defended himself while Trudy led him to an interrogation room.
"Not that I don't believe you," she started, "but I've heard that one before."
She walked into the interrogation room and her eyes went wide when she saw you lying with your head on the table, asleep.
"What's a kid doing in here? I don't know her!"
"Shut up," Trudy told him. "Come on."
Then, she pulled him towards the next interrogation room.
"Some officers will be in here soon to have a chat with you. Feel free to make yourself comfortable."
Then, Trudy left the room and closed the door, and made her way into the interrogation room where you were currently sleeping.
She knelt down beside you. "Y/N," she whispered. You didn't stir. She placed a hand on your shoulder. "Kid, wake up."
"Hmmm, no," you said, not even lifting your head up. "Wanna go home. Cold feels good on my  head."
Then, Trudy heard the buzzer to Intelligence go off. "I'll be back," she told you.
"Uh-huh," you said, closing your eyes once again.
Trudy walked into Intelligence and immediately set her sights on Jay.
"Halstead," she barked.
Jay quickly turned his head. "What can I do for you, Sarge?"
"You can explain to me why that sister of yours is currently taking a nap in one of my interrogation rooms because she says the cold feels good on her head and then get her out of there," she told him.
"What?" he asked, more confused than ever.
"Y/N's napping at the table in an interrogation room. I need you to get her out of there. I almost put a dealer in there."
"Why's she in there?"
"Like I just told you: she said the cold feels good on her head. But I need you to get her out of there. Now."
"Copy you, Sarge."
"Good choice, Chuckles, good choice."
Then, Jay made his way to the interrogation room that Trudy told him that you were in.
He squatted down next to you. "Y/N," he whispered.
"Feels good. Leave," you mumbled.
"You know I can't let you stay in here. We gotta get you back out into the break room. It's not safe for you in here."
"Don't care."
Jay huffed. "I know you don't, but I do."
You opened your eyes to see that Jay had turned the lights on all the way...compared to how dim you had them before.
Fuck, it had been a few hours since you had taken the Tylenol and it was wearing off.
You closed your eyes again.
"Y/N," Jay warned.
"Light hurts."
Jay sighed. "Okay, I'll dim the lights and I'll be right back."
Jay dimmed the lights and walked out of the interrogation room and into the bullpen once more.
"Why's she not out yet?" Voight asked.
Jay rummaged around in his desk while he answered. "She said the light hurts her eyes, so I'm giving her these to wear." He held up a pair of sunglasses.
"Huh." Voight paused. "Take her home, Jay. You're done for the day. I don't expect to see you back here until Monday."
"Sarge, all due respect, but it's Wednesday and we're in the middle of a case."
"We'll be fine for one half-finished case without you, Jay. Y/N's family. Take care of her. Just think of it as of tomorrow, you get to have a four-day weekend."
"Can I get one of those four-day weekends?" Adam asked.
"No," Voight answered without skipping a beat. "Go take care of your sister, Halstead."
Jay nodded and then grabbed your backpack from the break room and then returned to his desk for his keys and jacket and then went back to the interrogation room.
"Y/N, we're gonna go home now," he whispered when he walked into the room.
"Yay," you said in a monotone voice and slowly lifted your head up and then rubbed your hands down your face.
"Put these on. They should help with the light."
You took the sunglasses from him and put them on. Then, you two slowly walked out of the room and outside of the district to his truck.
"So she's sensitive to light and sound?" Will asked Jay over the phone once Will had gotten off shift and realized his brother had called him concerning your headache.
"Yeah, pretty sure it's a migraine," Jay confirmed.
"She mention anything about nausea?"
"When we were driving home she did."
"Could also be that she started getting motion sick if it only happened in the car. I'll stop over and take a look. She eaten anything?"
"Just breakfast and a banana."
"Jesus, man. It's past five o'clock. She needs more than that!"
"I know, but she said it hurts to chew, so I didn't want to force her."
"Okay, I get it then. I'll pick up some food on my way. I'll get Panera Bread so I can get her some soup. Text me what you want."
"Okay, thanks, man. And Y/N likes--"
"--the cheese broccoli soup. I know, Jay, I know."
"Just checking."
Then, Jay hung up and started to look at the menu and then texted Will what he wanted. Now he just had to wait for Will to come over and hopefully fix you. Because Jay would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about you.
"Thanks for coming, man," Jay said as he opened the door. "God, she's making me really worried."
"Whoa, it must be bad if you're admitting you're worried," Will joked and then set the bag of food on the counter.
"Dude, she was napping in an interrogation room because she said the table was cold and it felt good on her head! Damn right I'm worried!"
"Okay, just...get the food out and I'll go check her out. Hopefully, I can figure out what's making her get all these headaches. She mention headaches before now?"
"Yeah, for about the past week, week and a half. But, they've never been this bad. And, if they were, she hasn't told me."
"Okay, thanks. I'll see if she'll tell me more. She's gonna be okay."
Jay nodded and then Will made his way to your bedroom.
He opened the door to see that you were sound asleep with your blinds closed all the way. You had your fan on and had earplugs in, so he assumed that just wanted the fan on for the cool air and not the noise...and the noise was the reason you usually wanted it on.
Gently, Will touched your shoulder.
"Go away, Jay," you mumbled and rolled over to face the wall.
"It's not Jay, it's--" Will sighed when he realized you wouldn't be able to hear him because of the earplugs you had in. So, he settled on shaking your shoulder until you opened your eyes and realized it was him and not Jay.
You took out the earplugs.
"Can you fix it?" you asked. Then, you whimpered. "It hurts so bad."
Your lip started to tremble. You didn't want to cry because you knew it would make your migraine worse, but you couldn't stop the tears; you were so sick of these damn headaches and this migraine.
"When did they start?" Will asked and turned off the fan.
"Three weeks ago," you answered.
"Jay said only a week and a half."
"I didn't tell him. I thought they were from school stress, but they won't go away. Make it stop! Please! I can't- I can't even think straight anymore, Will."
You put your head in your hands and rubbed your temples.
"Have you been eating a lot of different foods? Getting too little sleep? Drinking too much caffeine? Weird periods?"
"No, none of that." You wanted to tell him that it was weird having him ask you about your period, but your head hurt so bad that you refrained.
"Okay, well, I think Jay's got the food ready, so do you think you can manage some cheese broccoli soup from Panera?"
You shrugged. "Maybe a little."
"That's good enough for me. C'mon."
You grabbed a pair of sunglasses from your bedside table next to you and then followed Will out into the hallway and then put the sunglasses on.
"How you doing?" Jay asked as he finished pouring everyone water.
You shrugged. "Still hurts."
"I'm sorry, but the bottle says you can't have anymore Tylenol yet."
You nodded and sat down and slowly started to eat your soup, sunglasses still on.
You started to eat and then realized your soup was kind of cold. You stood up.
"Soup cold?" Jay asked.
You nodded and put it in the microwave.
Then, something clicked in Will's head.
"Barometric pressure," Will muttered. Then he looked up, a smile starting to spread across his face. "Barometric pressure," he repeated, this time louder.
"Bara-what-now?" Jay asked.
"It's essentially the air pressure when the weather changes," he explained. "Remember when Y/N was in elementary school and would have really bad allergies in the fall?"
"Yeah," Jay said. "What's this got to do with migraines?"
"Migraines start around adolescence and since she had allergies in the fall before, I'm fairly certain that this is why she's getting them."
"You know why?" you asked as you sat back down, your soup now warm. "Can you make them stop?"
"I think I do. But, we'd have to get you checked out tomorrow."
"Okay. Thank you. Get me an appointment."
A few days later, after lots of naps, soup, and tv when your headache/migraine decided to subside, you were put on corticosteroids for what were called "cluster headaches" in the medical field. You're only supposed to be on them for about two weeks and then you'd have to be reassessed. But, for now, your migraines had subsided and you could finally, finally think clearly.
Sorry About your Truck (age 18)
You didn't know what was happening. One second you were driving on the circle of the on-ramp to the highway, and the next, you fishtailed to the right. You spun your wheel to the left, maybe slammed on the brakes (which you knew you weren't supposed to do), and then slid to the right again. It all happened so fast that you didn't even know how it happened.
But, you knew how you got in this position.
"Fuck," you muttered as you put your hand up to the vent in your car the day before you left for school. Even though it was set to defrost, you still should've been able to feel some heat coming out. But you felt nothing. Well, nothing but cold air.
You trudged back inside to see Jay putting on his jacket.
"I think my heat in my car's broken," you said.
Jay looked at you and raised his eyebrows. "You probably just didn't turn it on."
"Yes, I did. And I double-checked. Come see."
So, Jay walked out to your car. And sure enough, your heat was broken.
"I'll drop you off at school and then we'll bring the car to the shop tonight. C'mon," Jay told you.
"I have to work tomorrow until 11," you said. "How am I supposed to go to work?"
Jay sighed. "I'll figure it out."
Because, he knew for a fact he couldn't let you drive without heat...not in these Chicago winters.
"Jay, man, you gotta go to sleep," Will told his younger brother.
"Dude, it's getting icy out!" Jay argued over the phone. "I'm staying awake until she gets home!"
Will sighed. "Fine. I know there's no changing your mind."
"Thank you. Now, I'm gonna see if I can find a hockey game happening on the west coast and watch that. I'll text you when she gets home."
"I don't need you to do that, but if it makes you feel better, feel free. God, you need to make your cop instincts chill for once."
You screamed. You didn't know what to do. One second you swerved to the left and then you swerved to the right. You tried to correct yourself again and get back on the road, but it wasn't working...not like it worked last time when you tried to go back the opposite way anyway. But, now, oh now you were more terrified than before...if that was even possible.
You felt hot tears sting your eyes as you heard the sounds of metal ripping through metal. Then, you felt yourself tumbling. You didn't know if you were screaming at this point, but you felt your knee jam into the dashboard and the next thing you knew, you were upside down with only your seatbelt keeping you in place and the broken glass from the windows had left a smattering of cuts along your body, with the deepest one being on your forehead.
You kept flailing your arms, trying to do something, anything to get you out. And then you heard the sound of sirens and the snow around you started turning blue.
Great...you had found the button to turn on Jay's sirens. Just great.
"Help!" you yelled.
You hoped that someone would call 911....but according to these sirens, you were 911.
"Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Engine 51, Battalion 25. Single vehicle car accident. Person trapped."
"Single vehicle?" Casey asked. "Why do they need all of us?"
"Beats me," Severide said. "But we're about to find out."
"A cop car?" Kelly asked as he furrowed his eyebrows on the way to the scene.
"Guess so, Lieutenant," Cruz said. "Looks like an undercover car to me, too."
As they got closer, Kelly noticed something. He knew that truck.
"Casey," he said into his radio, "that look like Jay Halstead's truck to you?"
Casey tilted his head. "You know, it actually does. Dispatch," he started, "this is Truck 81 to Main, can you get in contact with the 21st District and see if Jay Halstead is on duty tonight and then get back to us?"
"Copy that Truck 81."
They all pulled up to the scene and Boden started directing everyone.
"Squad, we need to get that victim out. Truck, help Squad with figuring out how to get the victim out. Chances are we'll have to cut the car and need all hands on deck. Engine, I need you on standby in case there's a gas leak and a fire starts. Sixty-One, do all you can."
They all said their "copy that's" in some form or another and then Casey, Stella, and all of Squad 3 went over to look at the truck.
"Help!" you yelled. "Somebody help me, please!" At this point, the blood from your forehead was dripping all over the roof of the truck. At least, since you were upside down, the blood wasn't going into your eyes. But, tears were rolling down your cheeks. You were terrified and your knee was in so much pain from being crushed up against the dash and your head was starting to burn where you had been cut by the glass.
"Main to Truck 81, Jay Halstead is not on duty tonight according to the 21st."
"It's not Halstead!" Casey yelled. "He's not on duty!"
They all raced up to the truck.
"I'm gonna climb up to the window and see how the victim's doing. I'll tell you what we need from there," Kelly said.
Then, with the help of Cruz and Capp, he got on top of the rolled-over vehicle.
"Help! Please help me!" you yelled.
"We're gonna get you out, don't worry!" Kelly yelled once he was close enough that he knew you'd be able to hear him.
You knew that voice.
Kelly looked down into the truck to see you straining your neck to look out the broken window and up to him.
"Don't move!" he ordered. He had no idea whether or not you had sustained injuries to your spinal cord.
"O- Okay," you whimpered. "I'm scared, Kelly."
"I know, I know. But we're gonna get you out of here. It'll all be okay." He turned his head so that it was back facing Squad, Casey, and Stella. "Casey!" he yelled. "I need you to tell Boden to get in touch with one of the Halsteads! It's Y/N!"
"Hello?" Jay asked sleepily into his phone. He had finally taken Will's advice and had tried to go to sleep...with a Vegas Golden Knights vs. Colorado Avalanche game playing in the background since that was the NHL game that was happening on the west coast right now.
"Halstead, it's Wallace Boden. Are you aware that your sister was driving your truck?"
At this, Jay sat up straight, sleep be damned. "She was. Why? What happened? Is she okay?"
He stood up and started pacing the room.
"Jay, I'm going to tell you the location and I need you to call Will and you both need to get here ASAP."
"Chief, all due respect, but you need to tell me what's going on."
"Y/N's been in a car accident. It's a roll-over crash. She's currently stuck in the car but conscious."
Everything Jay learned about bad news from your mom and dad passing, to his time in the military, to him being a cop flew out the window in that very moment.
"She's been in a crash? Can they get her out? Tell me they're gonna get her out, Chief! They have to!"
"Jay, my men are doing everything they can. But right now, you need to call your brother and you need to get to this location as fast as possible."
"Okay, yeah, yeah. I can do that."
Then, Jay quickly hung up.
After calling Will four times in a row, he finally picked up.
"Dude, I'm about to be in surgery, what's--"
"Y/N's been in a car accident. We need to go there now."
Will almost dropped his phone.
"What? How? When?"
"I don't know, all I know is that Boden called me and told me to get to the scene ASAP. I'll pick you up on  the way."
Then, without waiting for Will's response, Jay hung up the phone and dialed a number he never thought he'd be calling off duty: his new partner, Hailey Upton.
"Hailey, it's Jay. I need a favor."
"Capp!" Kelly yelled. "We need to cut through the seat to get it off from the floor because that's currently the ceiling! Squad and 81, we need to cut the back of the truck so we can get her out of here! 51, figure out how to kill these sirens! And, Brett, I need you to come up here and take a look so you can tell me the best way to get her out of here!"
Sylvie Brett started sprinting over to the truck with her jump bag and then Casey and Cruz helped her onto the truck and Kelly gave her his hand to make sure she got all the way up there safely.
"Y/N, I'm Sylvie. Do you remember me?" she asked calmly.
"Uh-huh," you answered, trying your best not to move your head like had Kelly told you.
"I bet your leg hurts really bad, huh?"
"Not, not really," you answered.
Sylvie and Kelly shared a look. They knew what this was: you were going into shock.
"Hand me that flashlight," Sylvie said to Kelly. He handed it to her. "Yeah, she's tensing her leg muscles, which is probably why she can't feel it. She's still having an adrenaline rush since she seems to unconsciously tensing them. We'll still give her pain meds as soon as we can because when the pain wears off, it's gonna hurt.
"For now, I need to get a C-collar on her and when she gets out, I need her on a backboard and I need that leg in a splint. Try your best not to do any sudden movements that can hurt her leg even more than it already is. By the looks of it, I'm assuming she shattered her knee cap."
"Got the bolt cutters, Severide!" Capp yelled.
"Got the saw, too!" Casey yelled. "I think we should start by cutting the end of the truck, sound good?"
"Yeah, that works!" He took off his turnout coat and handed it to Brett. "Get in there, get a C-collar on her, and cover her with this while we cut the end of the truck. Close your eyes and cover your head with your jacket. Yell to me when you're ready."
"Why aren't you going in there?" Sylvie asked as she positioned herself to jump through the window and down into the truck.
"I don't think I could fit through that window."
"You never know," Sylvie said and then slipped down and into the truck.
"They're gonna cut it?" you asked frantically. "But what if they hurt me?"
"Y/N, it's okay. They won't hurt you. They're professionals. They've done this hundreds of times. But, I need you to stay calm for me. I'm gonna put this C-collar around your neck and cover you with this coat so that debris doesn't get in your eyes." She didn't mention the cut on your forehead and at the moment, she hoped you weren't feeling it.
Sylvie got the C-collar around your neck to stabilize it and then she put the turnout coat over you and pulled hers over her head. "Ready!" she yelled to Kelly.
You started hearing the sound of metal being cut. You could feel your heart pounding out of your chest, but at the same time, you couldn't feel anything at all.
"There it is!" Jay pointed from the passenger seat of Hailey's car. The hospital had been on their way to the scene, so they grabbed Will on the way. Jay was thankful because he knew that the hospital would be close if you needed to go there.
Will was practically standing up in the backseat so that he could jump out of the car as quickly as possible. He needed to make sure you were okay.
Hailey had barely put the car in park when both Halsteads jumped out.
"Chief!" Jay yelled. "Where is she?"
"She's still in the car. They're trying--"
"They're trying?" Jay yelled angrily, cutting Chief Boden off. "If she's not out yet and it's been this long then they sure as hell aren't trying! I swear to God if--"
"Jay!" Will yelled and stepped in front of him and gave him a shove to push him away from Boden. "You need to calm down!"
"Calm down? Don't tell me to fucking calm down! Our sister's in a roll-over crash and you're telling me to calm down?"
"I understand you're upset," Boden started, "but you two shouldn't even be here right now. And, if you don't want to be pushed back behind the yellow tape, I suggest you calm down."
Jay glared at Boden but kept his mouth shut.
Jay started walking away and then locked eyes with Stella. He picked up his pace. Will tried to pull him back because he had a feeling he knew what he was going to do, but he was too late.
"Stella!" he yelled. "What's happening? You gotta tell me what's going on in there. Please."
Stella sighed. She knew she shouldn't be doing this. But, she knew if it was anyone in her family, hell if it was Kelly or anyone else in Firehouse 51, she'd want to know what was going on, too.
"She's upside down, hanging from her seat. Her knee's jammed up against the dash. She's still conscious, but they have to get her out."
There was a loud creaking sound that caused everyone to turn their attention back to the scene.
They had sawed through the back half of the truck and were now going in.
"Casey, Kelly," Stella said into her radio, "can I get an update on the situation? Jay and Will are here and they just want to know."
"We just gotta get the chair down, Kidd," Casey's voice came from her radio. "She's still conscious. She's scared, but she should get out fine."
Jay looked up at the sky while Will sighed in relief.
You'd be getting out of there just fine.
The next few hours were a blur of you getting out of the truck and being taken by ambulance to Chicago Med (Will rode with you because of Jay's fear of needles), and you being in knee surgery.
Jay and Will had to wait outside while you were in surgery. And they were beside themselves.
"God, I shouldn't have let her take my truck," Jay vented as he was pacing the waiting area with his hands on his head.
"You couldn't have known it was gonna snow like this. It wasn't supposed to snow like this," Will comforted.
"How do you do it?" Jay asked.
Will furrowed his eyebrows. "Do what?"
"Stay so calm? Like, when we were at the scene, you were so calm when I was absolutely losing it."
"I don't know, I really don't. Maybe I realized that being pissed wasn't going to help anyone. But, when I heard Stella and Casey tell us what was going on, I knew she was going to be okay. There were no injuries to the abdomen, chest, or head--well, except for that laceration on her forehead--and she was conscious. I just knew."
"So you're telling me, you thought logically with medical knowledge?" Jay asked. He had absolutely no idea such a sophisticated sentence would ever make its way out of his mouth, but hey, there was a time and place for everything.
"That and I knew you'd be pissed, so I knew I'd have to at least be calm enough to calm you down...or hold you back."
"There it is."
You woke up an hour later. You blinked, trying to remember what happened, and then it all came rushing back. The fishtailing...the screaming...Kelly talking to you...the sound of metal being cut...
You took a deep breath.
This alerted your brothers that you were awake.
"Hey, how was being under?" Will asked jokingly. You had always asked what it felt like to be under anesthesia and Will said he couldn't really explain it; he said you'd just have to find out some time.
"It was a nice nap," you answered.
Will laughed. "I bet it was. Feeling better?"
"Tired," you yawned.
"Well, it is just past four in the morning, so that makes sense."
You looked at Jay. "I'm sorry about your truck. I was just going down the exit ramp and it happened so fast and--"
"Hey, hey," Jay said quickly and stood up. "It's okay. It's just a truck, it's replaceable; you, kiddo, are not."
Will smiled. "Borrowing a line from Mom's book when we both inevitably got in our first car accidents, I see."
Your finger started to move toward the stitches on your forehead.
"No, no, no," Will said quickly. "Don't touch them!"
You kept running your finger over them. "But they feel funny."
"That's because you haven't gotten them before. They'll feel even funnier if you pop one and me or someone else has to redo them."
Your stomach grumbled.
"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Will asked. He handed you a cup of water, too because he figured that if you were hungry, that you'd be thirsty as well.
You took a few sips and then answered. "Olive Garden."
Jay laughed. "Olive Garden isn't open at four am."
You pursed your lips to the side, thinking about what you wanted. "Pizza."
"I'll go have someone grab you some," Will said.
"Maybe send Adam because he can just call the cafeteria lady darlin' and then just like that,--" Jay snapped his fingers---, "she'll get an extra piece for free," Jay suggested.
"Adam's here?" you asked.
"Everyone's here," Jay answered. "They all wanted to make sure that you were okay...and the 21st also got called to see if I was on duty since it was my truck."
"If it makes you guys feel any better, I don't think I'll be driving for a while."
"That's okay. Voight gave me a few weeks off to look after you while you're recovering and I think Goodwin's letting Will cut down his hours."
"What he means Y/N, is that you'll be stuck with us telling you not to try to walk for a few weeks," Will said.
"Uh," you groaned.
Will and Jay both laughed. "I'm gonna go see if Adam can get you that pizza," Will said. He was almost out the door when he added, "you better not touch your stitches while I'm gone."
The next few weeks was a blur of doing all your schoolwork at home--and a lot of times, from the couch--, Jay and Will scolding you if you so much as tried to bend your leg, lots of movies and tv shows (and Jay and Will always let you pick because you couldn't really do much while you were laid up at home), and convincing Jay to buy you lots of Oreos and cheddar popcorn. And if he didn't...well, you'd just text Will (luckily you had insurance on your phone and could get a new one without paying a lot after the crash) and he'd bring you your Oreos and cheddar popcorn. After the first two weeks, Jay just had to live with the fact that he was outnumbered when it came to you and your favorite snacks.
Rough Shift (age 21)
Trigger warning for mentions of suicidal ideation!
You sat at Molly's finishing up your second pomegranate martini...and it was only 6 pm. You waved Stella over to have her make you another one.
"Y/N, I know you drove here. I can't in good conscience give you another drink. Hell, I didn't even want to give you the last one! But, I can get you a pop if you want? Or lemonade?"
"Stella," you whined. "I just want another drink. It's been a really rough day at work. Please, just make me another one."
"You know I can't do that. What happened at work? Maybe it'll help to talk about it. We've all had rough shifts before and talking about it or crying it out usually helps."
"I can't really cry it out right in the middle of a bar." You took a shaky breath. "Even though, I really wish I could." Tears started to sting your eyes. You couldn't cry. Not here. "I think I'm gonna go have that cry." You set some money on the bar. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it. And hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, Y/N, I'm your girl."
"Thanks, Stella."
Then, you left Molly's. But, you didn't go straight home. You decided to go to the store instead. And all you bought there was a bottle of peach Moscato.
Time to get buzzed enough to forget for the time being.
When you got home, you popped some food in the microwave since you hadn't eaten since basically breakfast save for some beef jerky and an apple, and unscrewed the cap to the wine you had just bought. Normally, you wouldn't buy a ton of alcohol for yourself because you'd just take Jay or Hailey's drinks if she brought any over (yes, you still lived with Jay because college is ridiculously expensive and you were trying to get out of school with as little debt as possible...if any), but those two were on a camping trip on Lake Michigan for the weekend. You were supposed to go, but then you had to work. So, Will ended up going instead. He said maybe he'd meet a girl up there and you just laughed.
You took a few sips of your wine and then realized that maybe you should call your brothers. You knew this wasn't healthy and you felt like everything was coming down on you at once: the stories you heard at work, being in the hospital, currently just being physically and emotionally exhausted and hungry.
So, you dialed Jay's number.
"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" he asked. He put the phone on speaker so he could finish adding wood to the campfire he was building for him, Hailey, and Will to roast hot dogs over.
"It's just, it's been a really bad day," you said, your voice cracking.
Will was near him and he looked at Jay worriedly.
"Why's that?" Jay asked.
"I- I had to go the hospital with a girl because she- because she said she was going to kill herself." Tears were currently rolling down your cheeks. You had kept it together all day and now you were crumbling.
Working in a group home you knew things like this were bound to happen, but you didn't know they'd happen in your first two months there. And, to make matters worse, you got the email when you were driving into work, so you really had no idea what was going on. When you got to work, you were told you had to go to Lakeshore Memorial Hospital because a girl was saying she was going to kill herself the night before. And, you didn't have the staff to get her back inside safely, so, as is protocol, the shift lead the shift before yours had to call emergency services to take her to the hospital. You didn't know about any of this until you got to work when you were debriefed and then told you'd have to go to the hospital.
God, you knew this happened but nothing prepared you for sitting in that dark room with her all shift, the monitors beeping, telling you that she was still alive. You had done some homework and you had talked with her, gotten more information about why she did it. You had read her file, but she really seemed to open up to you and told you more. And, what broke your heart the most was that, since she was in a group home, she had no family. So, you did your best to sit with her the entire shift, only leaving to go to the bathroom, get some water, or make a phone call to your shift lead. Because, even if you were doing homework and she was sleeping or just sitting in silence, you knew it helped to have someone there with you. And, you knew if it was you in that position, you'd want someone to be there with you.
"Are you okay?" Jay asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"No," you admitted. "I don't want to be alone."
Jay sighed. There was nothing he could really do for you at this point. "Y/N--"
"I'll grab my stuff and I'll be there in an hour and half, Y/N," Will interjected.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be alone, but I don't want you wasting your weekend off--"
"Y/N," Will began, "it's fine. I'll see you soon."
Will walked inside carrying a bag of McDonald's.
He walked into the living room to see you sipping wine out of the bottle. You weren't even halfway through it yet. You were just a little buzzed because you had drank the martinis a couple of hours ago. So, now you needed to get more buzzed to forget about your horrible shift. Normally you never did this: drink to forget. But today, well today, you deemed it warranted.
"Y/N, at least pour it in a glass," Will sighed and then sat down next to you and set the bag of food on the coffee table in front of you.
"Why's it matter? I'm the only one who drinks Moscato; you and Jay say it's too sweet."
"Yeah, but I don't want you to drink too much."
"But I just wanna forget what happened, Will," you said as you turned to face him. You started to cry. "She's just a kid. She shouldn't be going through this. Hell, she shouldn't have gone through what happened to her in her past! She didn't deserve it!"
Will wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug while you cried. He knew because of confidentiality reasons that you couldn't tell him any more than you had just told him and what you mentioned on the phone.
"I know, I know," he soothed.
"I know she didn't- she didn't die," you cried. "But, God, it feels like I got my first death."
"And, crying about it is nothing to be ashamed of," Will said. "When I had my first patient death, I went home and did exactly what you did: cried and drank until I couldn't think straight, much less think about what happened at work."
You pulled away. You didn't think Will ever cried over something that happened at work. "You did?"
"Hand to God, I did."
"How do you cope with this stuff all the time?"
"You do the best you can with the knowledge you have. You talk to somebody about how you're feeling and you don't drown yourself in drinking, drugs, or sex." He moved your bottle of wine. "You cope in healthy ways. And, sooner or later, you realize that you can't save everybody. And, that you can't change the past.
"You can't change what happened in this girl's past to make her end up in a group home or have these intrusive thoughts, but you can help change her future by being there for her and listening to her, and helping her get to a better place."
"That's what I want to do."
"Good, then you're in the right place to do that. You just have to focus on your wins and not your losses."
You pulled away and wiped your hands across your face to get rid of the tears. "Thank you for coming home. I, uh, I really needed that."
Will nodded. "You're welcome. I wished someone would've told me that earlier in medical school and I didn't want you to feel like I felt."
"Is that why you decided to come home and not Jay?"
"Part of the reason."
You raised an eyebrow. "And the other part?"
"I figured Jay and Hailey could use a night all to themselves."
"Gross!" You faked gagged and Will laughed.
"I don't know if you'll be able to eat now that I mentioned that, but how about we try and we can watch a funny movie?"
"I like that idea."
And, even though you really wanted to get buzzed to forget about the day you had, you knew it was better for you to talk about it with Will and eat takeout and watch a movie with him. And, you were pretty sure you felt better after that than you would if you drank an entire bottle of wine by yourself.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! Sorry this one took so long, but I'm in school and working, so updates won't be as frequent as they were in the summer. And finally, please remember to like/reblog and comment! I love reading your comments! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88
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technowoah · 3 years
Hi! If you do tommyinnit x reader (romantic), I would like one where reader is tubbo's sister perhaps? She would have the feature reader has still not tubbos. Maybe they meet when tubbo and tommy meet up and he just kinda starts to like her? If not that's ok! -paw <3
Prepare For Trouble Make it Double
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I hope this suffices 😋
Tommyinnit x Tubbo's sister!reader (blurb?)
⚠︎ its tommy so it'll be slight swearing-
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It wasn't a secret that Tubbo had siblings, he had Lani of course, but what people didn't know that he had another sister closer to his age.
You tended to stay out of the spotlight, for reasons. Streaming was interesting but not your fortè. You usually tended to stay behind the camera when Tubbo was streaming or off to the side quietly talking to him as he did his own lore or sitting on Lani's bed doing your own thing listening to her talking to her viewers.
Your siblings never tried to convince you to go out of your comfort zone and appear on streams, only once in a blue moon you would talk to Lani out of frame. Lani of course would respond, the chat would freak out asking if you were a friend, finally the moment was gone as fast as it came.
Thats how days go in their household. Tending to hover around eachother and whatever they were doing at the moment. But it was this one particular moment when Tubbo was streaming and he suddenly decided to bring you on to show his 700k viewers that he had another sister.
He had pulled up a brown folding chair next to him and patted it beckoning you to sit down in frame.
Tubbo was currently streaming on the Dream SMP, you didnt think he was doing lore today so you hesitated a little bit. Other days you wouldn't have budged out of your spot out of sight, but he looked so excited in his yellow jumper you had bought for him whe going to out to the shops.
In a unrelated note You remember saying that "yellow is your color" and he ended up buying it, and his stans loved the jumper. So a win win.
"C'mon Y/N!" He yelled as continued to pat the folding chair next to him.
You ended up shuffling over to the seat next to him and smiling at the camera. Over in the corner of your eye you saw the chat which was going 1 million miles an hour. You saw some comments that were basically copypastas of other comments in the chat. It was basically nonsense, now the only thought in your mind is that you're going to make an uproar on twitter.
"This is my sister chat!" Tubbo said while shaking you around by the shoulders making the both of you laugh.
"Yes chat! I have more siblings" he continued while rocking back and forth in his gamer chair.
He continued to answer more questions and ask you some too, wanting to include you in the stream.
"Lani isn't the only one! My big sister is just shy."
"I just chose not to be on their streams! I was in the background of Lani's streams though."
"Out of frame. Dosent count." Tubbo said bluntly while still walking around SnowChester in the Dream Smp not looking your way.
You could still see the chat in the corner and you couldnt tear your eyes off of it. It was slight glare from the lights and the sun shining in his gaming room. He always had the lights bright in his room. The chat was spamming purple hearts and either still freaking out that Tubbo had a sister. It was getting old to you, so you decided to lean into Tubbo's space focusing on his screen as he quickly hopped around the map.
He continued talking to chat about anything else, but your presence. He continued to talk about gathering supplies and what he needed to bring back to SnowChester. You knew a lot about the Dream Smp lore because you weren't in it. Spending time on Twitter interacting with people and their theories and also making theories and showing them to Tubbo and him debunking them, or accepting them in some way.
"So we need some more lapis." Tubbo said suddenly after being quiet for a while.
"I can help you!" You said wanting to be apart of the stream.
You might as well, you're already here.
"I dont think you can help, 'cause you're not on your account. Plus it'll be awkward with your laptop." Tubbo said while speeding through his water transportation system.
"Well I can just point it out to you." You said while leaning back into your seat.
"Talk to the chat while I go mine for lapis."
"Fine then." You smirked as you turned your attention to the speeding words in the chat.
"Is there a slow mode on this?!" You laughed.
Tubbo laughed as well. "This is on slow mode!"
You both screamed in fake agony and then turned your attention back to the chat where the you caught a few questions. You were about to answer until the chat stopped for a quick second and you saw one comment out of all for a quick second.
After that comment the whole chatt was just spamming the word 'TOMMY' or 'TOMMY IS IN CHAT'. That confused you even more than that comment.
When you did know about the Dream Smp you also knew a little bit about who Tubbo hangs out with. You knew about the time Tubbo had met up with Wilbur Soot, Philza, and Tommy. And that prompted you to look up their individual accounts and get into their content.
You knew about Tommy and his character and channel, you enjoyed his content a lot as well, but you wanted to play around a little bit. Hopefully Tubbo will play along.
"Why is the chat spamming Tommy?"
"Tommy? You know Tommy don't you?" Tubbo asked with a small bit of shock in his voice.
"No I dont, who's Tommy?" You asked again, acting oblivious.
"Oh. Oh well then, Tommy is like my best friend, we're actually meeting up soon!" Tubbo said with excitement.
He continued. "You hear that chat! You get Tommy and Tubbo content!
You had lost interest in Tubbo talking with his chat about hanging out in Brighton with Tommy again. Your eyes drifted towards the chat again and saw Tommy comment in the chat again.
"Well Tommy I dont have an account so, sorry I cant get you views whoever you are." You said responding to Tommy with a smirk.
"Woke up and chose violence huh?" Tubbo laughed and you joined in as well.
"Tommy chose violence today too."
"You both are violent you will be nice together." Tubbo said with his focus still in his screen.
"Together?!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah together!" Tubbo said matching your energy.
You rolled you eyes and continued answering other comments instead of thinking about Tubbo's answer.
After that whole, incredibly longer than you thought, stream Tubbo decides to invite you along to their little meeting. Which you didnt know how you found yourself walking along Brighton's rocky shore in old Crocs. You were walking along the shoreline letting the cold water come up and hit your feet every so often.
He was waiting for Tommy at the moment, but you wanted to walk for a bit, he let you ho on by yourself while he waited for Tommy by himself.
You were quite a long way from where Tubbo seated himself on the rocks, you were doing your own thing looking at people who stared back at you for temporarily blocking their line of view of the shore, and little kids who decide to run away from their parents who weren't paying attention. Your peaceful walk got interrupted by your thoughts because you were quite a long way from Tubbo's resting place.
You started to head back, following back the way you came, but this time picking up the pace a bit to reach your destination. As you came upon Tubbo you saw a taller figure approach Tubbo and they seemed to greet eachother, it was hard to see where you were standing. Of course it was Tommy so the two of them started talking about who knows what, until Tubbo pointed your way.
As you kept walking, Tubbo continued to wave you over enthusiastically. You waved back with the same energy, finally making your way over to the both of them.
"What's up?" You asked the two of them with a smirk.
"Nothing much! Apparently you two haven't met before! So Tommy this is Y/N! Y/N thjs is Tommy!" Tubbo user hand gestures to introduce eachother.
You held your hand for Tommy to shake it, "Hey Tommy! Im a big fan."
"Big fan?! I thought you said you didn't know me?" Tommy exclaimed.
He was a lot less shouty in real life, than online. He was still loud, but to a lesser extent.
"Yeah I lied back then." You sent him a huge grin.
Tommy scoffed and groaned a little, "I cant belive you fuckers lied to me."
"Im actually a big fan. Well not big, but a fan at least." You laughed.
Apparently you and Tommy were the only ones standing while Tubbo typed on his phone while sitting back on the rocks not paying attention and letting you both talk amongst yourselves.
"Oh! That's an honor that Tubbo's big sister like my videos." Tommy's eyes widened slightly as he talked to you.
"Big sister only by 1 year! It's close!" Tubbo complanied, looking up from his phone.
"It still count big man." Tommy said to his friend.
"Thanks Tommy!" You thanked the tall man standing next to you.
"It's only a year! It dosent count! We're the same age!" Your brother continued to complain.
After the laughter and joking around calmed down you and Tommy stood there awkwardly until he spoke up again.
"Well good thing I know what I have to deal with. I cant deal with one of you, now I have to deal with two." Tommy joked around taking a seat next to Tubbo.
The exact moment when Tommy took a seat next to Tubbo, Tubbo shot up from his spot on the ground.
"Do you think we can do Uber Eats here?" Tubbo asked as he stood up.
You say down next to Tommy. "Yeah maybe if you go to a certain place and not say "the beach".
"I'll go to the pizza place and order there. What do you both want?" Tubbo asked, ready to put in any order.
"Just get McDonald's really." You sighed leaning back on the rocks.
"Im not hungry." Tommy said bluntly.
Tubbo nodded and walked away from you both leaving you two to sit in silence for a while with the small waves crashing, and kids having their own fun. It was a comfortable silence to you, but Tommy kept figeting over where he sat criss-crossed.
Tommy finally spoke up. "Im actually fucking starving ya know?
"No I don't! You should've asked for food!" You laughed in disbelief.
Tommy sighed. "Do you want to get some food and ditch Tubbo for now?"
Your eyes widened, not opposed to the idea, but was this his plan the whole time?
He continued on, "We could go sit at that pizza place and order some food there. Just the two of us until Tubbo freaks out."
You opened your mouth to protest leaving your brother in the dark, but he beat you to it.
"Dont worry about Tubbo! Stuff rolls off his back easy."
"No it dosent-"
"Yeah it does! You wanna just go out with me now?!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Are you getting annoyed?" You asked amused at his words.
"No I am not I just-"
"Yeah I want to go to the pizza place now. I would love to Tommyinnit." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
Both of you got up and made your way over to that small pizza diner close to the beach. You only could hope this goes as well as you wanted it to
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Chapter 4: Unexpected (Bonding)
Bruce Wayne felt lost. This wasn’t an unusual feeling for him, but he wasn’t particularly fond of the events that led to him feeling lost. First, he found out he had a daughter. Yet another child that he hadn’t known of their existence. Then, he acted as Batman. He researched the girl and found that her school situation was...less than ideal. As was the supervillain situation in Paris. The girl- his daughter- had been targeted several times. Sometimes the Akuma went after her from the start. Other times, she was unfortunate enough to be in its line of sight when it was on a rampage. Any way you looked at it, she was in danger. No, the biggest mistake in researching her came with the phone number for the bakery run by her parents. Two lovely people who had raised her and taught her right from wrong. Something he hadn’t done. Their phone call was what left him feeling lost. They hadn’t demanded that he stay away from his daughter- from Marinette. No, on the contrary, they thought it was a great idea for the two to bond. Especially once Bruce had mentioned his other children. 
“Marinette was distraught when the only information we could give her about her birth father was his name.” Sabine had said, adding to Bruce’s confusion. 
“You had my name but didn’t reach out?” Bruce asked, trying (and failing) to figure out the situation. 
“We didn’t have much to go on. Just your name and that you were American and worked in business. Bridgette didn’t give any specifics, and back then it didn’t really matter. I assumed Bruce Wayne was a common enough name, especially in the US.” Sabine replied simply. The rest of their conversation had gone similarly, with Bruce growing more and more lost until the end. They hadn’t even suggested a DNA test (though he was planning on asking Marinette, just so that they could be completely certain). They just wanted Marinette happy. Even if it meant meeting and bonding with the man who hadn’t known about her existence. 
Marinette Dupain Cheng was not having an easy week. No, her week was sucky. In fact it was beyond sucky, it was shitty. So many things were happening at the same time, and she was just grateful that she wasn’t currently in Paris, since she was certain she’d be akumatized. From being attacked by the Joker for simply looking like a Wayne, to meeting Batman who was just as angry in person, and then figuring out Bruce Wayne really was her dad and accidentally calling him Batman, to fighting an Akuma by herself (one that she could barely handle) and then to top it all off, Adrien is Chat Noir. And Adrien has a crush on her, as Marinette. And apparently has for at least a month. Oh and now he knows that she’s Ladybug and so last night was filled with her Chat Blanc nightmares all over again. The cherry on the top of this mess was the fact that the class was practically ignoring her. She was sure they weren’t doing it intentionally and that they were just kinda distracted by Lila’s tall tales of Gotham. Tales that include her dating one of Bruce Wayne’s sons. She wouldn’t clarify which one, which was probably for the best. They two closest to their age were 12 and 19. Neither a great option for the 15 year old Italian. A shrill ringing tugs Marinette out of her thoughts. Glancing down at the unknown number attempting to call her, Marinette silently prayed that this would turn her shitty week around. 
“Hello?” She answers, wincing slightly at the way her voice sounds after a night filled with screaming and crying from nightmares. 
“Is this Marinette Dupain Cheng?” A deep voice asks. Marinette frowns. 
“Um, yes?”
“Good. This is Bruce Wayne and well, I’m not sure how to-”
“You’re my dad.” She blurts out, face instantly heating up. “Oh crap, I mean, um-”
“Well yes. I do believe I may be your father. I was in contact with your parents earlier, to ask about boundaries and such. Your mother says that you had shown interest in meeting me and seeing how we’re similar?” He says, the question clear in his voice. Marinette opens her mouth to respond, then frowns. 
“Just like that? We’re gonna meet, just like that?” She asks, hoping that her distrustful tone doesn’t push the man away. 
“I’ll admit that I was going to ask if you would mind a paternity test. After speaking with your mother, I have no doubts, but I thought it might make you feel better. And of course, if you would prefer to just act as though I didn’t speak to your parents and go on with your trip, we can do that as well. I just- I was caught off guard, if I’m being honest.” Bruce Wayne- her father- says. 
“I’ll do it. I- I would like to get to know you. I can’t have a relationship with Bridgette, but if my parents are okay with it, I do want a relationship with you.” Marinette admits, holding her breath as she waits for an answer. There’s silence on the other end for a long moment, but just as Marinette’s about to apologize and tell him he can go and pretend she doesn’t exist, he answers. His voice a little softer this time. 
“I would like that.” 
The paternity test came out positive, to no one’s surprise. Bruce had given Marinette the option of meeting somewhere more public (like a restaurant or museum) to bond, or coming over to the manor. Not quite ready to deal with the possibility of paparazzi and the rumors (no matter how true they may be) that would stem from a public visit, Marinette agreed to going to the manor for dinner. Which is how she ended up sitting in silence in a town car with a man who seemed like he knew more than he was letting on. 
“So, you’re the one who raised Mr. Wayne?” Marinette asks, not quite ready to call the man “Dad” or any variation of the word. The man nods and she meets his eyes in the rearview mirror. 
“Indeed, Miss. I am Alfred Pennyworth.” The man, Monsieur Pennyworth, says calmly. She tries not to let the frustration that she feels building show on her face. She feels like she should know this man, like there’s something important that she’s just barely missing. 
“Have we met before?” Marinette finally asks, racking her brain as she tries to figure out why this man is so familiar to her. 
“I don’t believe so, Miss Dupain Cheng.” He says, and for the first time since meeting him, it doesn’t feel like he’s all knowing. Instead, it feels like he’s just as confused as she is. Drat. She opens her mouth to question him more, when the huge manor becomes visible in the distance. Eyes widening, Marinette forgets everything else and turns her attention to the beautiful architecture. The giant fence and metal gates do little to hide the massive house. Sections of the house rise above others, almost as if there are towers. Dozens of windows are visible, as is the giant fountain at the front of the house. Ripping her sketchbook out of her bag, Marinette immediately starts sketching out the ideas that attack her mind. Dresses and suits and skirts, all using the architecture in front of her for the basic shapes of the outfits. As the car goes past the gate and the gardens come into view, Marinette can’t hold back her shocked gasp. Shaped hedges and flowers, hundreds of different colored flowers, and trees and- it was beautiful. Almost too perfect. Like something that belonged in a movie. She jumps slightly as the car door is opened, Alfred standing on the other side with an eyebrow quirked up. Right. She was actually getting out of the car. And going into this massive house. And spending time with her biological- nope. She can’t do this. She can’t- 
“Miss Dupain Cheng, if it makes you feel any better, Master Bruce seems to have run into some traffic on his way back from the office. You’ll have a few minutes to gather your bearings inside before he arrives.” Alfred says softly. Relief washes over her and she nods, finally moving to get out of the car. 
“Thank you, Alfred.” She says, smiling at the man. He nods back at her before leading her up the steps to the door. He opens it and then steps back, allowing her to take a tentative step into the house. Her previous panic is pushed aside as she realizes the inside is just as gorgeous as the outside. Immediately turning back to her sketchbook, she tunes out the world around her and just stands in the foyer, scribbling furiously into her sketchbook. 
“Um, hi?” A voice says, making Marinette yelp and jump, eyes scanning her surroundings until they fall on a guy. A pretty tall guy. 
“Hi.” She says softly, also confused as to who this guy was. Not her- dad-biological father-other part of her DNA-father-Mr. Wayne- not anyone she had ever met, that’s for sure. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Dick Grayson.” The man says, extending his hand, a smile on his face. Anyone else probably would have thought the smile was sincere, but Marinette had always been good at reading emotions. And she could tell that he was wary of her. Why would he- oh. Grayson. As in, Richard Grayson, as in this man was her brother. Or, well, maybe he wouldn’t want to be. Maybe he would think that she’s ridiculous or that she’s just here to get money or here to try and pull apart Mr. Wayne’s family or maybe he would think that she was trying to take his place and she would never but maybe he would hate her and- She takes in a deep breath, trying desperately to ground herself and wishing she’d taken up Adrien’s earlier offer of him coming with. 
“I’m Marinette. Marinette Dupain Cheng.” She finally says, reaching out and shaking his hand. He nods, obviously still confused. So Mr. Wayne hadn’t mentioned her. Did he hate her? Did he ask her here to have her sign a NDA? Did he not want anything to do with her? Of course he wouldn’t, he obviously already had a family. A family that he chose, not one that he had by accident. His name was on her birth certificate, surely he would have found her sooner if he actually wanted anything to do with her? He chose Dick Grayson to be his son. He wanted him. He didn’t want Marinette. He-
“Ah, Marinette. I see you’ve met Dick.” The last voice she needed to hear says calmly as he walks through the door. Marinette swallows back the thickness in her throat, the one that tells her the tears will be starting soon. 
“Uh, yes. Mr. Wayne. Um, hi.” She says, flinching slightly when he winces. What did she do wrong this time? Was he really going to tell her to take a hike? If he didn’t hate her before, he surely did now. 
“Bruce, what’s going-” Dick starts to ask but is cut off by screaming voices getting closer to them.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Demon Spawn?” 
“Not my fault your blocking skills are subpar, Todd.”
“Sub- you almost stabbed me, you little shit!”
“Almost, yes. But I didn’t. I’m sure Father will be pleased with my restraint.” 
“You little fu-” “Boys!” Mr. Wayne finally yells as the two screaming walk into view. Both freeze and the younger one’s eyes instantly fall on Marinette, narrowing as he takes a defensive position. 
“Another one, Bruce, really?” The older one asks, making Marinette flinch back. Of course. Two more of his sons-her brothers- who he chose. Another two that he wanted. Not like her, someone he was going to be forced to know. Unless he told her tonight that he never wanted to speak to her again and made her sign a paper saying that she would never contact him again and then they would never have to worry about seeing her again and- oh this is a lot. 
“What were you two doing?” Mr. Wayne finally asks, and that’s when Marinette sees the weapons in their hands. And the blood on the older man’s shirt. The man turns slightly so that that part of his shirt is hidden when he notices her staring. 
“Uh, bonding?” He says, not at all convincing. 
“Who is that, Father?” The younger boy asks, the utter distaste clear on both his face and in his tone. And this is it. This is where he’s going to say that she’s no one, she’s nothing, and then he’s going to make her sign that stupid piece of paper and the last chance she has at knowing one of her biological parents is going to fly out the window. Poof. And then she’ll be so embarrassed, she won’t be able to go back on the trip and then she’ll have to change her name but she can’t completely run away yet because of stupid Hawkmoth and-
“This is Marinette, my daughter.” Well that was unexpected.
Tag List: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 21
(text after the pictures!)
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“Get ready for bed,” Jin says, pushing Soojin on the forehead with his pointer finger. He was sitting on the couch, leaning back as he finally relaxed. You know, now that you’re home and all. 
“But it’s earlyyyy,” Soojin says, leaning on the couch. “I want to watch with you.” She jumps onto the couch, cuddling into Jin’s side. 
“No, no,” Jin says, pushing her away. “It’s time for you to go to bed. Daddy has some work to do after you sleep.”
“But you’re watching TV,” Soojin says, pointing to the screen in front of them. Avengers: End Game was playing. Jin sighs, getting up and picking her up from the couch. 
“Bedtime~” Jin says, walking to her room. 
“You used to let me stay with you to watch,” she pouts. “Now all you say is no.” Jin sighs yet again. I guess this is what he gets for always giving her what she wants huh?
“I know, but daddy has stuff to do tonight. We can watch tomorrow okay?” he says. “Look, mommy’s reading Haneul and Minseok a story.” He says as he was about to pass Haneul’s room.
“Hi,” you say, smiling up at your husband and daughter. “Wanna join us?”
“Why are we sleeping early tonight,” Soojin says with a big frown. “It’s Saturday!” 
“Because it’s been a long week for all of us,” you say. “Now come sit here and join us for a bedtime story.” Jin drops Soojin on the bed next to Haneul, making them bounce. 
“I want a story with the wolves.” Soojin says, she taps on her chin, “I forgot the name.”
“Mommy is talking about Cinderella,” Minseok tells her. “Haneul picked tonight.”
“Isn’t there a wolf in Cinderella?” Jin says, sitting down behind his kids. 
“No,” you and Minseok say at the same time. 
“I’m sure there is,” he says, winking at you. Just go along with it. 
“No a different one,” Soojin whines, turning to Jin then to you.
“Twilight?” Jin asks. You give Jin a look. “They haven’t heard of that one yet huh?” 
“No and--”
“Well this girl went to a new school and falls in love with a vampire, but she finds out one of her friend is a wolf--” 
“How does she not know he’s a wolf,” Minseok asks, interrupting his dad.
“He looks like a normal person, but he turns into a wolf.”
“Oh,” Minseok says, very intrigued with the story. Soojin seemed to be interested too. Haneul was listening, his eyebrows furrowed and mouth hanging open.
“Okay anyways, the girl’s name is Bella and she falls in love with Edward, who is a vampire. She doesn’t know this until later on and she was even begging him to make her a vampire because she was so in lo--”
“Jin we should change the story,” you interrupt. “The wolf fairytale you were asking about was Little Red Ridinghood right? Or Three Little Pigs?” You ask, looking at Soojin.
“I want to keep listening to daddy’s story,” she says, turning to Jin. You glare at your husband.
“Change it,” you mouth at him. Twilight wasn’t age appropriate for them. 
“Okay well,” Jin says, catching what you were getting at. “Bella and Edward dated all throughout High School like mommy and daddy and then they fought bad guys together with super powers. At the end, they have a baby and live together forever and ever. Because they’re vampires and they don’t die, you know?” Technically he didn’t lie, he just skipped the parts where Jacob (the wolf friend) hates Edward and is in love with Bella and tries to keep them apart, and also like Bella dying because of the baby that was killing her from the inside out. Edward having to bite her everywhere in an attempt to save her. And Jacob falling in love with the baby? “Also vampires glow in the sun like they’re bedazzled with white rhinestones,” Jin adds. 
“I want to be sparkly like that,” Soojin giggles. 
“Maybe next time,” Jin says. He ruffled her hair, making her laugh. 
“Okay, I think it’s time for bed right?” you say, bringing the attention back to bed. 
“I want to finish Cinderella,” Haneul tells you. “You didn’t finish..” It was true, Soojin did kind of interrupt you in the middle of your story.
“Okay where were we?” 
“Cinderella met the prince,” Minseok says. 
“Oh yeah! So Cinderella and the prince, Prince Charming--”
“They danced together all night and then Cinderella was like ‘Oops, bedtime. I have to get ready for bed’,” Jin says. He even did Cinderella’s voice. “And the prince said ‘Okay! Good night, I’ll text you in the morning’ but then when Cinderella ran off, the prince realized he didn’t give her his phone number so he said ‘WAIT!’ but it was too late. Cinderella got home and she decided to eat an apple before bed and she ended up feeling sick. This is why uncle JK always says, ‘night apple is poison apple.’ This made her fall asleep for days. Until one day, the prince found a tower in the middle of the woods and so he rode his magic carpet up that tower. He walked inside and found Cinderella. The prince thought she looked so pretty that he placed a kiss on her lips and she woke up and they lived happily ever after, the end.”
You stared at Jin with furrowed brows, and so did Minseok and Haneul. Soojin scratched her head. You’ve told them the story before and they also have watched the movie. They knew how it went.
“Did you just mix up Cinderella with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, and Rapunzel?” 
“It’s a story to teach kids that you should already be at home way before bed time and also eating apples late at night is bad for your stomach,” Jin argued.
“Sure,” Soojin says, a yawn escaping her mouth a little afterwards. 
“Aha! You are sleepy!” Jin laughs, pointing at his daughter. She glares up at him. “Come on, bed time,” Jin says, picking her up. “Say night night to mommy and your brothers.” He carries her in front of Haneul to give him a kiss, and Minseok too. Then towards you.
“Good night my princess,” you say, giving her a kiss. 
“I’m just going to take a quick shower,” you say. 
Now that all the kids were tucked in bed, Jin was going to do some paperwork in his office.
“I’ll be in my office,” Jin says, grabbing his laptop from his bed as you were going into the bathroom. 
“Okay, don’t stay up too late. I miss sleeping in bed with you,” you say. Jin laughs.
“We did that last night?”
“With Haneul in between us,” you scoff. 
“Well okay, I won’t stay in too long.”
“Okay, good.” You went ahead and went into the bathroom, ready to take a shower. 
Jin went ahead and stepped out of the room, about to head to his office when your phone rang from the living room. 
His eyes widened at the loud ring, afraid it was going to wake up the kids. 
He immediately ran to the couch, searching for your phone and he found it right under Haneul’s blanket. 
Dr. Cha Eun-Seok
It was your doctor, Jin and you have had the same doctor since Minseok was born. Safe to say he’s basically a family friend now.
Jin answers the call.
“Hello Mrs. Kim, I know it’s late, but I’m just calling again for your second appointment next Friday,” he says. Jin furrows his brows, tilting his head to the side. 
“This is Jin actually--”
“Oh! Jin-ssi,” Dr. Cha laughs. “I thought I called your wife--”
“You did, she’s in the shower right now and her phone was ringing so I went to answer it. Uh, what were you calling about? Second appointment for what?”
“Ah I see. I’m just calling about her second appointment. We were talking about it when she came by yesterday morning. We thought it would be a good idea to bring all the kids to the ultrasound. You know how it works,” he laughs. “She’s about one month along right now, we can have her first ultrasound next Friday and try to hear the heartbeat of the baby. I’m sure Haneul will be amazed eh?”
Jin was confused. 
You’re pregnant? 
“Yeah,” Jin says, trying to laugh along. “I’m sure he will. I’ll remind her, thank you Dr. Cha.”
“Yeah yeah, no worries. I’ll see you then.”
“Okay,” Jin says, hanging up the phone. 
Jin looks down at your phone, looking at your wallpaper. A picture of you two and the kids. He doesn’t move from where he’s standing.
“Hey,” you say, walking down the hallway as you were about to look for your phone that you left in the living room. “You’re not in your office?” You say, seeing Jin standing there. His back was facing you. 
“You got a phone call,” he says lowly, turning around and handing you your phone.
“From who?” You say, smiling up at him. You were confused. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had a serious expression on his face.
“Dr. Cha.”
Your eyes widened slightly.
“D-did you answer it?” You say, not seeing any missed calls on your lock screen.
“Yeah and he said something funny,” Jin says, forcing out a laugh.
“Like what…?” You look up at him with worry in your eyes.
“You're pregnant?” He says, leaning down to your face. “And you didn’t tell me?”
“I was going to, I--”
“How long did you know?”
“Not too long, I just found out a few days ago.” Jin scoffs, looking away from you.
“Jin, I was going to tell you.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“You were complaining about the kids all week, and saying let’s just stick to three kids,” you say, mocking his voice. “Jin you said maybe to a GOLDFISH. What would you say if I said we were having another kid?”
“BECAUSE IT’S NOT IN THE PLAN YN. We always said THREE. And you know how hard it is with just them three?” Jin says, moving his arm to the side and motioning towards the kids room. “What the hell happened?” He yells. 
“Aren’t you the one who said “no matter how hard you plan, the future is uncertain”?” You say. Jin has given advice to his friends countless times before, and you remember most of them. This one being his advice to Bora when she was confused with Taehyung and her ex. “Well we always planned for a big family, three was ideal. But what if four is what completes our family?” You yell back at him.
Jin laughs, crossing his arms across his chest, looking away from your face. You were so close to crying. 
“It’s too soon, Haneul’s only three. How did this even happen?”
“And Minseok was two when we had Soojin. And Soojin was around two with Haneul as well. What’s the difference?”
“The difference is, it’s not as easy as it once was Yn. How could you let this happen?”
You scoff. What does he mean by that?
“How could I let this happen? Jin what the heck did we do during our anniversary trip?! WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN?”
“YOU’RE ON THE PILL! THEY’RE LIKE 99% EFFECTIVE!” He laughs. “What did you do? Forget to take it? Were you that stupid?” Your mouth drops open when he says that last bit. You let out an annoyed scoff. You can’t believe him.
“I guess I am,” you say. “The day we left, I ran out.” You shake your head. “I was supposed to buy more but so many things happened that day and I couldn’t remember the one thing I was supposed to do. So I guess, yeah. I am stupid.”
“How could you forget that? You take it everyday, wouldn’t you remember--”
“Oh like how you forgot to pick up the kids from school? Yeah, I know you don’t pick them up everyday but you had ONE job Jin. The first day I leave and the house falls apart--”
“JIN YOU ACT LIKE THIS IS A ONE PERSON JOB?” Your eyes were already watering and a few tears have dropped. “I don’t care if you want this kid or not--”
“Oh my gosh,” He rolls his eyes at you. “I DIDN’T SAY--”
“Ah--” You gasp out, holding onto your stomach. Your face contorted in pain as you stumbled back. You felt a shoot of pain on your lower belly.
Jin’s face suddenly softens when he sees you in pain, all anger suddenly leaves his body. He reaches out to you to help but you move from his hand.
“I’m going to go to bed,” you mumble, walking to your room.
Jin stays there, standing in the living room, watching you go while holding onto your stomach. You slam the door behind you, locking it while you’re at it. You didn’t want Jin following you, you just wanted to be alone.
Jin turns his head to the side to see Minseok standing by the kitchen counter. 
“Minseok what are you doing up?” He asks in a quiet voice, motioning for him to come to him. 
“You and mommy were being loud,” he says. “I woke up when you started screaming and I came out and you and mommy were just yelling at each other.” He walks up to his dad and Jin sits on the couch, pulling him close. 
“I’m sorry, do you want me to tuck you in again?” Jin asks, softly smiling up at Minseok and caressing his head.
“It’s okay, but why were you and mommy fighting? You never did that before,” he says, looking back at your closed door. 
“It’s between mommy and I,” Jin says, looking at your door as well. “It’s not the first time we fought. We just don’t do it often so you don’t see. Not everyone is perfect.”
“Not even you and mommy?” Minseok asks. Jin shakes his head. His eyes were getting watery as well. 
“Go to bed, daddy’s going to do some work in his office.” 
“Okay,” Minseok says, walking back to his room. He stops midway, turning to Jin. “Can you sleep with me tonight?” Minseok probably heard you lock the door, knowing Jin might be sleeping on the couch. Jin nods.
“Okay, I’ll go in after. Go ahead and go to bed.”
Jin grabs his laptop that was on the couch and heads to his office. He turns on the light, sighing. 
He didn’t plan the next few days that you were back to end up like this. Everything was supposed to be smooth sailing now that you’re back. But like what you said, like what he said before. No matter how hard you plan, the future is uncertain. And he ruined it all tonight. 
Jin walks to his desk placing his laptop on top. But something else was there.
A small canvas with a painting of two people. One was way bigger than the other. The bigger one was hugging the smaller one. And on top written in huge characters said,‘I love my daddy’. Signed by Haneul. 
This was when Jin lost it, a stream of tears slid down his cheek as he held tightly onto the canvas done by his youngest son. 
Everyone sees you and Jin as the perfect couple. Everything is easy with you two. You have the perfect kids, the perfect life, and the perfect relationship.
But what if I tell you that you don’t? For moments like this. Fighting over something that was supposed to be great. Something other’s dreamed they had. What if I told you that raising three kids is hard? Even for you and Jin. You two are the oldest out of all of your friends, you two are whom they go to for advice. For relationship advice, and for kid advice. You two were the “pros” according to them. Nothing you can’t handle.
But to you and Jin, you don’t see it that way. You two had your share of problems just like everyone else. There are things your friends don’t know about you two.
For Jin, he’s insecure about being a father. He has three kids right now, out of all his friends, he was the first to have a kid. Out of all his friends, he’s the only one with more than one kid. You’d think he’d know everything by now right?
Well he doesn’t and he’s still learning and from the past few days alone, he realizes he might not have what it takes, but he’s good enough he thinks. 
To everyone’s eyes he’s perfect, even to his kids. 
Long story short, he’s scared. 
But of what? 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
expect the unexpected
♡ part twenty-one: the perfect couple ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: the way it was cute at first 😐 okay i hope this is angsty enough also LOL i mentioned that the doctor (who is the doctor in dodosolsollalasol) is a family friend bc doctors don’t call that late in the evening, or call? at all? idk i don’t go to the doctors unless im dying
EDIT: hi sorry, i don’t usually use the read more feature because idk it always messes up something and it took out a chunk of dialogue after the cut off haha😀 i edited it now tho so it should be good
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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forthehpfanboys · 3 years
could you do some blaise zabini x male! reader and reader is a sibling of one of he golden trio?
Fuck yes, the tensssiiooonnnn!!! I seperate it into each one because I couldn't decide-
§×§×§ §×§×§ §×§×§
-Being A Weasley-
So, evenyone is shocked that your even near a Slytherin, especially your brothers and sister.
They know you can protect yourself. They know your strong and independent.
But they're all ready to rock Zabini on his ass if he even thinks of hurting you.
Fred and George will ask if your under some sort of spell or love potion.
Ginny is interrogating Blaise and Ron is probably shunning you.
Once Ginny finds out how much Blaise really likes you and that this isn't some booty call that'll break you emotionally, she relays the info to your brothers, who back off.
They learn to actually like the idiot, which is shocking to many members of Gryffindor AND Slytherin.
Anyway, so if you ever sneak him into the Gryffindor Common Room, expect teasing.
Like Ginny is singing a love song, Fred and George are making kissing noises and Ron is just gagging.
And constant teasing-
"Oh, Blaise~ I'll love you until the sun goes down~" "Fred, I will castrate you." "We can skip into the sunset together while holding hands~" ".. For fucks sake, George."
But in the end, Blaise kinda asked for this. He should've know, honestly.
Blaise learns to love the big family dynamic though.
Like if he gets harassed by McLaggen for his quidditch skills, the twins are there for back him off.
He is now an honorary Weasley and it comes with perks.
He bonds with Ginny through quidditch, helps Ron with his potions and actually buys stuff from the Twins shop, but then he's like "I wanna meet the rest of your family"
So of course your nervous, but he gets along with the 5 of you just fine, so what's 5 MORE people?
Like when he comes over to meet Molly and Arthur and he's treated with love and respect, even if he's a Slytherin, and even if everyone's worried he's gonna be a little snobby about the Burrow's shape and condition.
But when he says he loves it and he's touching the brick walls and going up the stairs very carefully to enjoy the creaking, everyone kinda just goes soft, especially you.
He has to hide his tears when Molly hugs him goodbye. And after that he's constantly asking to come back.
Basically, you soften him up, everyone loves him and he stays at the Burrow so often he calls it home.
But he meets Charlie, Bill and Percy and they manage to hit it off and their just proud their younger brother found someone who makes him happy and they love Blaise.
-Being A Potter-
Harry is thanking Merlin it isn't Malfoy.
He couldn't even describe how pissed he would've been if it was Malfoy.
Even the idea of seeing the smug ferret every day made him gag.
However, he still wasn't very happy that you were dating a Slytherin. He probably ignored you for like a day or two until finally confronting Blaise.
Yes, he used Ron and Hermione as backup to try to seem strong and powerful.
He wanted to make sure Blaise actually felt something for you and he wasn't just using you to pass time by.
Once Harry realizes Blaise isn't as bad as the Slytherins he hangs out with and kinda realise they have some things in common.
Like how they both had experienced loss of at least one parent.
I don't wanna say they bond over it-
But it kinda gets them on track to like actually talking.
You know what I mean.
Oh, and of course they talk about Quidditch and that's his bonding point with Ron. So now you just have three quidditch fans basically yelling over eachother for who supports the better team.
Hermione's is potions but this isn't about them.
But it's really weird when you walk into the dining hall on that second day and see your brother and boyfriend joking with each other at the Gryffindor Table.
So you scurry over and check Harry's tempurature like "Holy fuck, my brothers sick" and he bats your hand away like "No, I'm fine dumby."
And you see Ron and Hermione actually talking to him and you it feels like your stuck in an ulternate reality or something.
So you just sit down between Harry and Blaise and he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer and everyone can't help but chuckle at your shocked/confused expression.
You were glad Blaise got along with your friends, and even happier he got along with Harry
But I know your brother sets up fucking rules about what you can and can not do.
"No sneaking out, no sneaking unto Slytherin's common room, no sex, no kissing in public, no laying in the same bed as him, no-" "Jeez, Potter, wanna leave something for us to do?" "... No calling me 'Potter'-"
We all know he isn't meeting the Dursleys, but he will come over to scare them, just for the hell of it.
Like if he goes with the Weasley's to go get Harry and Blaise doesn't hesitate to sass Vernon and drag Dudley through the mud.
Vernon blinking when he sees Blaise wrap an arm around your waist and he goes to say something but then he counds wizards vs muggle and shuts his trap for once.
Harry is so happy
He's now just like "YESYESYES MARRY BLAISE DO IT-"
But if Harry isn't the best man, he will hex Blaise.
-Being A Granger-
Hermione is, of course, protective of you. You're her brother, she loves you and wants you to be safe, happy and healthy and she knows who Blaise hangs out with.
Like Harry, she's just greatful it isn't Malfoy.
Or Crabbe.
Or Goyle.
She is constantly, CONSTANTLY asking if your ok and just overall checking if your actually happy.
She reminds you it's ok to put him in his place, if he needs to be.
In the end, she's just worried it's some ploy to drag you down.
Probably corners him with Harry and Ron and threatens the shit out of him if even thinks about laying a hand on you.
Like everyone around her is nervous and she's starting to raise her voice and go into full detail about how she'd like hex him into next Tuesday.
And he's just like "yes ma'am"
Blaise is a respectable man.
He's just sitting straight up and trying not to sweat as she yells and threatens him and Ron's just like "babe, ya good?"
"And I swear to Godric AND Merlin, if he ever comes to me saying you hurt his feelings, I will not hesitate to use the unforgivable curses, do you hear me?" "Yes, ma'am." "I'm serious, Blaise. I will not let you live this down. I will go into the Ministry just to make you cry!" "Yes, ma'am."
I love protective Hermione
But imagine Hermione using a word wrong and Blaise corrects her and they just argue over it for twenty minutes while you and Ron look at each other like "the fu CK"
So, I've said it before, but yes. Blaise and Hermione bond over potions.
Blaise talks about how he hates that Snape basically hands out good grades to Slytherins instead of making them work for it and that's kinda when Hermione realizes he's different.
They start bonding and become awkward friends. Of course, they argue occasionally. They do have some different views since Blaise is a Pure-blood and Hermione is a muggle born.
It's mostly about S.P.E.W.
She basically chaperones for all of your dates.
You guys could be going to Hogsmead and she'd make it a double date with her and Ron and it'll be dorky and weird, but at some point you two duck and run and avoid her and spend the day sneaking around and you guys have so much fun.
She let's up, of course, after Ron convinces her too.
You and Blaise keep sneaking around tho because it's so funny to see her turn red and start shouting about staying a specific distance apart and only holding hands and it's so funny.
But then Ron calls her a hypocrite and she starts going off on him and he just mouths 'run, quickly, go' and ya'll are sneakin' again.
Gosh, but Hermione honestly loves you two being together and just wants to keep you safe and everything.
And he's really, really awkward when he meets your parents, which is kinda funny because he's usually so calm and collected.
Long story short
Good luck with this one.
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asmo-ds · 4 years
I've had this thought in my head for awhile, but does God know mc is the descent of Lilith?? Lilith was supposed to be killed but was secretly reincarnated by Diavolo. What if he finds out and kills mc because as far as he's concerned, they shouldn't exist? Can I request some hcs of how the demon brothers and undateables would react to this happening? If not, I understand! >.< Thank you!! ❤️❤️
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When God kills MC for being Lilith’s descendant
WARNINGS: Blood, death, depression, anger, war, Simeon dies in one of them
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- If anyone mentioned MC he’d be gripping them by the throat begging them with tears in his eyes to never speak their name in front of him again
- He doesn’t want them to say it because of his pride. He knows he’ll cry hearing their name and he’d get flashbacks to Michael standing over MC’s bleeding body as they cried Lucifer’s name, hopeful that he’d be able to save them.
- He wasn’t able to save them despite being right there, he was being held back by some angels and was fighting them at that moment, but even after he killed those angels and Michael, he got to their side too late, their eyes empty and skin still warm, but getting colder as the seconds pass.
- He’d scream and cry so loud the entire Devildom would hear, and he wouldn’t care, no matter how much pride he held, he was torn to pieces and felt lost the second their soul left their frail human body
- He and Diavolo immediately agree that God needs to feel the same pain he’d put all the brothers through twice
- They go to the celestial realm and attack a bunch of Archangels
- His anger from losing both his sister and his lover will be terrifying and is enough to bring God to his knees
- “I won’t let you touch anybody else. I won’t let you tear my family apart more than you have!” 
- If he does not kill God, he definitely leaves him shaking in his boots,
- He will use all his strength to kill as many Archangels as possible, so his father would feel the same loss he’d felt.
- He’d leave God wounded but make him have to helplessly watch his children and friends die horrid deaths before his very eyes, just like Lucifer had to do with Lilith and MC, still alive, but left empty and helpless.
- His mourning process after the rage would basically be over working himself, bringing his mind to anything but the dear human he’d lost
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- Watching his former brothers impale MC’s chest with a sword was not something he was ready to see.
- He hated every second of holding them in their last moments, he thought he wouldn’t have to watch them die in agony like he did when they let Belphie out of the attic
- It happened when he looked away, an angel suddenly appeared in front of MC and immediately had the blade in them
- He blames Lucifer for a while.
- Because of him, everyone found out the truth about Lilith and it got back to God and if Lucifer had just allowed Belphie to stay out of the attic to live with the exchange student like the rest of them they would never have died either of their deaths
- Blames himself a lot as well, he is supposed to be fast. That’s his thing, is being fast. But he wasn’t fast enough to save them from their killer.
- Distracts himself with drinking and gambling his life away
- One night he gets unbearably mad and intoxicated, which leads to him sneaking into the Demon Lord’s castle and using a gate to the celestial realm.
- When he’s there he books it to the throne of his father, begging him to at least tell him if MC was in heaven or hell before he sent him back down there.
- Hearing that they went to neither and God had simply wiped them and their soul from existence was what finally got to him
-He lunged at him but was stopped by Diavolo who had followed him there and apologized to God for letting him through.
- His ranting kind of caught everyone off guard but they wouldn’t be able to stare in shock for long as Diavolo dragged him through the gate, bringing him to the dungeon where he would stay until Lucifer could hopefully talk some sense into him
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- Why? Why did he have to tell MC to go shopping themselves, why didn’t he just go with them.
- When they used his pact mark a second too late, he arrived to their bloody beaten body, nearly lifeless eyes turning hopeful for their last moment of life as they saw Leviathan
- He turns just in time to see an angel booking it towards a portal, but he is too concerned with saving MC to actually chase their killer.
- He turned back to them and lifted their unconscious body off the Devildom soil, sprinting as fast as possible screaming for help
- When he arrived at the Demon Lord’s castle begging Diavolo to save them he was too late, somewhere along the way their heart had stopped and they died looking up at their yucky otaku boyfriend trying so hard to save them from a hopeless battle with a small smile.
- He locks himself in his room, not even coming out to eat meals.
- When Lucifer finally had enough of Levi starving himself, he opened the door with the master key and found his pale younger brother, in his bed sleeping, but under the blankets he guess Levi had lost too much weight.
- He also took notice of his lack of anime figurines and video games, looking to see them in the trash.
- Levi is quick to get mad at Lucifer but when Lucifer just holds him and pats his younger brother’s hair, he breaks down full on sobbing and snot getting all over Lucifer’s coat, which he cringed at a little but dealt with it for the boy’s sake.
- He wouldn’t go to God like the previous two, he’d just murder anyone who mentioned him or his angels 
- He ends up giving away his fish too, convinced that he wasn’t allowed to have loved ones because no matter how hard he tried to save them he never could. First his baby sister and now the love of his life.
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- Oh poor Satan, he had worked so so hard to get his temper under control, but watching an angel slit MC’s throat in front of his very eyes erased all the control he had within him and he immediately gutted the angel, within the blink of an eye they were just as dead as MC
- He called Lucifer begging for help, even though they both knew he was much too late and MC had bled out and died quickly. 
- He held them until Lucifer and some of the other brothers had to pry his arms off of them.
- After seeing them taken away to be put in a casket and buried in the human world with their family, he filled with rage and grief all at once, from the top of his head all the way to his toes he was radiating wrath and he went on a rampage, killing demons left and right
- He wasn’t able to think clearly until a voice in the back of his head reminded him of the human and how they always helped everyone no matter their species.
- He stopped killing then, not wanting MC’s spirit to be upset with him more than they already should be.
- He, like Lucifer, distracts himself so that he can’t think of MC as much and be hurt by the images that lived in his head forever
- Whenever a book described a character similar to MC he’d tear every page, ripping it to shreds
- He’d lost almost half of his book collection in only a month because he managed to see MC in everything.
- Blames himself and tries to get to the Celestial Realm but is stopped by Diavolo and Lucifer
- After he had been in his room for about a week or so with no sign of even moving from his bed, Lucifer let himself in which pissed of the avatar of wrath
- Lucifer said nothing but looked in his eyes before simply saying the blonds name, before hugging him
- For the first time since he was a young boy, Satan let Lucifer hold him as he wailed and sobbed, venting and letting his eldest brother guide him through it all
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- Why did he let MC storm off when he was letting that succubus flirt with him?
- If he had just told to succubus to go away cuz he was with MC they’d still be alive, they wouldn’t have died in such a painful way.
- When he heard a scream he turned around and froze as he saw MC, sword entering their chest and exiting between their shoulder blades
- He panicked and rushed to them, looking the angel responsible in the eyes so he could have him wait for when Asmodeus felt ready to kill him
- When MC gave him a soft smile and touched his cheek with their bloody hand, he held it against his face and cried screaming for help and texting and calling Lucifer like crazy
- When he felt their hand go limp he stopped everything
- He looked down and saw their once lively eyes looking at the sky above them, with no soul behind them, just an empty shell of the only person to ever fall in love with him for reasons other than sex, money, and power.
- He couldn’t look away, he just stared at them in silence, tears rolling down his cheeks as Lucifer and Diavolo arrived, both gasping as they saw Asmodeus covered in MC’s blood.
- Asmodeus dropped his skin care routines, rivaling Belphie’s title as the avatar of sloth as he slept day and night, no longer wanting to be awake with MC
- Why did his father have to take away the one wholesome thing he had? Why was his father so desperate to ruin things for his six surviving sons and Satan
- One day he suddenly jumps back into his old self, smiling and flirting like nothing was wrong, but everyone knew he was still completely broken up inside
- He brings home a new partner every night, each one resembling MC in some way shape or form, because he knows he can’t have them anymore, but he doesn’t want to think about that
- He just wants to embrace his sins and distract himself from any lingering thoughts of MC with strangers
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- How could be be so reckless? He knows he shouldn’t leave MC alone in public places but when he saw a hotdog cart he couldn’t help but dash for it with all his speed
- As he was ordering everything the cart had he heard screams behind him
- He looked back and felt his blood run cold as he saw MC’s body on the ground, blood pouring out of their neck and an angel covered in blood flying away
- That angel would get his punishment later, right now he has to tend to MC
- He desperately tries to get them to respond to him, the only response he ever receives is MC’s final gurgled breaths, as they looked at him with terror in their eyes that slowly disappeared as their body shut down, unable to keep going
- and he roared, demon form coming out at he flew off into the sky, chasing the angel that was considerably slower than him
- When he reached them he bit into their shoulder before devouring them completely, making sure they suffered ten times as much as MC had in their final moments
- Without a second thought he flies towards the Demon Lords castle in a rage
- As he knocks down the doors he manages to knock out several guards who were watching the castle diligently as Diavolo and Barbatos had immediately left to go find MC and Beel
- Beel went to the Portals that allowed them to travel between realms, and charged into the Celestial realm, killing multiple angels on his way to God
- He wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Just because he rules over the entire universe doesn’t mean he can take everything away from Beel. He can’t keep losing the most important people in his life, it wasn’t fair
- When he fought his way into God’s throne room, facing him for the first time in several millennia he raged immediately pouncing at his father only to be struck down.
- The fight kept going until Diavolo and Lucifer had arrived to take the giant redhead back to the Devildom, Lucifer nearly killing God himself when he saw how hurt his younger brother was.
- He refuses to eat for a very long time, feeling he deserved to be in pain because he was the reason behind both Lilith and MC’s gruesome deaths
- He only eats when it starts to hurt Belphie a lot as well, but he hates it, he feels unworthy
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(Simeon Simps beware)
- He wishes he could unhear it. The sound of MC beside him in bed, screaming as a sword entered their chest, gasping for air but failing to find it.
- Why didn’t he wake up to the intruder? How could he just let an angel deliver MC the same fate they had nearly recieved by himself.
- He didn’t chase after the intruder, instead screaming for his brothers’ help, staying with MC comforting them and trying to urge them to keep breathing.
- “Belphie,” “Mc, save your breath you’ll be okay I promise!” “I’m sleepy, Belphie....I’m.. Gonna nap here with you,” 
- He stared at them like they were crazy, but deep down he knew this was their way of having one last happy moment with him. He nodded and held them, avoiding the area where the wound was and crying as he held onto them, feeling the last of their breaths and the life leave their body
- He turned into his demon form. He sees it now
- He shouldn’t have been hating humans, no, they weren’t to blame at all.
- It was the angels, they were the ones who kept taking away his loved ones. They were the ones who needed to pay.
- When everybody had gathered in the room, mourning MC’s departure, Belphie looked up and saw Simeon crying while trying to push Luke away from the bloody scene
- Belphie lunged at Simeon pushing him down before reaching his claws into the Angel’s throat, ripping it out as Luke and the others watched in terror
- Diavolo locked Belphie away for killing the angel and Belphie felt not an ounce of regret.
- Now father will feel the pain of losing someone so special, since he knew Simeon was one of his favorite angels
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- Whichever guard allowed an angel to sneak by with a weapon is to be beheaded
- This was supposed to be a nice elegant ball with MC as the prince’s date
- But he turned to face a noble man to talk for a moment when he felt MC grip suddenly tighten harshly on his hand, and when he turned he was mortified to see a knife in their chest and an angel fleeing as quickly as possible
- Diavolo goes on a rampage, chasing the angel before ripping his head off with his bare hands
- He held MC’s body and cried for hours, begging Barbatos to bring them back in time again to save themselves once more from the cruel death they’d been forced to have
- He decided to hell with the Celestial realm, only the humans and Devildom shall be united, God had taken things too far with MC’s death
- He sent troops to the celestial realm and offered the seven demon brothers a second chance at taking down their dad, but with him and his army on their side this time
- When he does eventually rampage his way to god the battle is intense and nearly destroys all three realms, Diavolo was desperate to avenge MC and came very close to killing god with his bare hands
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- He had done so much to prevent this. He’d known this future was a possibility so he tried to stop it from becoming the reality he’d lived in
- Where did he mess up? Why was MC’s throat slit right before his eyes?
- His usual poker face or sly smirk was nowhere to be seen as he cried on Diavolo’s shoulder, and Diavolo was happy that Barbatos allowed himself to be vulnerable with him, but saddened to see what had caused it
- Barbatos constantly blames himself, and whenever anyone suggest traveling to an alternate universe where they survived, he’d say no because that wasn’t his MC and he didn’t want to take them away from their version of him
- He never was vulnerable around anyone ever again
- He also nearly scrubbed every inch of the castle into oblivion, trying so hard to distract himself with cleaning, but no amount of chores could keep his mind away from MC
- When Diavolo suggests that they go to war with the Celestial realm, Barbatos is quick to agree.
- “I’m right behind you my lord, I trust you to guide us to victory,”
- When fighting he came face to face with the angel responsible for killing MC and he made his death slow and painful and forced him to watch his friends and family get slaughtered by the Devildom troops 
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- No no no
- Surely he had a pact with someone who could fix this
- He is panicking and can’t think of a single demon that could heal a wound as big as MC’s 
- He’s sobbing and holding them, wailing and mourning the loss of the only other human to understand and love him
- He was angry, but he knew he couldn’t take on God
- He was moved into the house of lamentation because his anger towards the Celestial realm put the exchange angels in danger
- Asmo ends up trying to cheer him up, trying desperately to get his best friend and pact holder back
- He ends up researching spells to revive them, to no avail
- But he never gives up and Asmodeus and Satan remind him that MC wouldn’t want him to be acting this irrational and wouldn’t want to be revived for a second time
- He eventual realizes all that and gives up his search and just lets himself be sad
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- Why? Why would he do this.
- He cries, desperate to find reason in God’s action, very focused on keeping his status as an angel and not fall
- But back in the Celestial Realm, Michael brings up MC’s assassination and Simeon loses all composure and tries to kill Michael, angry that he ever trusted him so much
- MC was an innocent human with no control over their lineage, they were happy, they had hope and were going to do great things, so why?
- Why did God kill an innocent human? He does not understand
- As the battle between Simeon and Michael comes to an end, Simeon is pushed out of the Celestial realm
- His wings blackening, horns sprouting from underneath his shattering halo, teeth growing sharp and the aura surrounding him becoming demonic
- He fell from grace
- He lives with the brothers for the rest of eternity, all mourning MC occasionally and making up ideas on how they could finally bring justice to MC and Lilith’s names
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Damian Wayne Dating HCs
Pairing :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x fem!Reader
Headcanon :: How Damian gets into and acts in a relationship
Word Count :: 1,676
Warnings :: N/A
A/N :: The image I’m using I created with Artbreeder. 
I didn’t call Damian “Robin” and referred to him as a vigilante because Dick stopped being Robin at 25, Jason 22, and Tim 18. The Damian I’m writing is 22. We don’t see much of Older!Damian, and when we do he’s either taken up the mantle of Batman or The Demon’s Head for The League Of Assassins
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Getting into a relationship (all of this is in roughly a year) :
Neither you nor Damian know when you started dating, it just sort of happened
He met you at a bookstore you worked at, and you noticed he always came in buying older books about history, warfare, and strategies.
You found the warfare and strategies odd at first but chose not to question it
You asked him out first.
“Why do you always buy these books?” “I like history.” “Oh cool, I do too... Wanna hang out and talk about the First Battle of Tarain?”
You were joking, he said yes to get out of doing a thing with Tim
You each thought it was going to be a small amount of time spent together at some local cafe. You two ended up staying until closing talking about history.
This becomes a bi-weekly thing, you meet up at the cafe, talk until it closes, or go out and talk in a nearby park until sunset.
Damian’s family notices, but choose not to question what he’s doing because it’s seemingly making him less annoyed with people
Dick starts getting curious when he sees Damian smile just a tad bit looking at a text from you
You text him random facts all the time, but they’re weird. “Did you know squirrels are behind most power outages in the US?”
Eventually, you two stop talking about just history and start talking about other things that interest each of you and your personal lives. 
You open up more than Damian
Damian pays close attention when he notices you’re talking about something you’re genuinely passionate about He pays attention to detail in general.
For your birthday he got you a leather swiss army medic bag from WWII. You cried tears of joy and jumped onto him for a big long hug.
That was the first time Damian’s heart skipped a beat. After seeing you overjoyed, he realized he likes seeing you happy. It gave him a warm feeling, but he doesn’t know yet he has feelings for you.
Yours and Damian’s first “official date” was to a fancy Wayne Ent. event. This time Damian asked you. He’s super stiff.
“Would you like to accompany me to the upcoming-” “Are you asking me out on a date??” “No, I’m asking you to accompany me-” “I’ll go.”
No one in his family knows your coming, except for Alfred because he was asked to pick you up and bring you to the manor the day of. Alfred is confused the entire car ride because you act super chill
When you show up, the other boys surround you. Dick realizes who you are instantly, Jason thinks you’re not human, Tim is afraid you’re like Damian.
Bruce is silent, and a bit thankful his son found a normal human
Damian picked out your outfit: A fancy dark Sacramento green dress with black heels, a pearl necklace, and pearl bracelets to match.
You panicked when you saw the jewelry and Damian instantly goes into “comfort mode” to reassure you it’s fine. The family is shook.
At the actual event, you feel SUPER AWKWARD. Your family had enough to get by in life, so you feel very out of place around all the rich people
Damian can tell you’re uncomfortable and so he tries to hold onto you at all times to help you feel comfortable
Ex: He holds your hand, puts a hand on your shoulder, stands directly next to you so your arms are touching.
You eventually feel comfortable, but, you’re both bored there, so you suggest hiding in the outside garden
Finally alone, you two start talking about the other batboys
“Does Dick always try to show off odd party tricks?” “Only when he sees a pretty lady.”
“Why was Jason just standing in the corner looking at everyone?” “He doesn’t like dressing up.”
“Come on, there’s no way Tim’s actually happy here.” “Did you see him on the dance floor?” He has awesome dance moves, he’s just very energetic.
You eventually start talking about something else.
You can hear the music from inside, so you two start slow dancing together.
He’s holding one of your hands and has a hand placed on the small of your back. You rest your head on his shoulder and have your free hand flat on his chest.
It’s in this instant you each realize you have feelings for one another.
You two swayed around slowly until the song eventually ended.
When you two pull away, you stare into his green eyes briefly before you place a hand on his cheek and pull him down for a kiss.
Once In A Relationship :
You and Damian are a good pair because he’s serious and you’re go-with-the-flow. If he starts over-analyzing something, you start relaxing him. 
You two spend at least one day a week together, and you constantly text each other basic messages like “How was your day?”, “Are you okay?”, “Good morning/night”, “Have a nice day”
If you take over an hour to reply to Damian he gets anxious something bad happened to you.
He legitimately gets ready to start searching EVERY PART of Gotham until he gets a text “Sorry, I was taking a nap. Long day at work.”
When you two are together, you’re usually out or at your apartment. He only takes you to the manor if none of the other guys are there.
He took you once with everyone there. Never again.
Dick: “Oh my god! Look! He has a little girlfriend! How cute, Damian’s growing up.” “I’m 22.”
Tim: “You… You look so nice. Why? How is she so nice and you’re so… you.” “I’ll murder you and make it look like an accident.”
Jason: “How? Did you threaten her? Is he threatening you?” “Dames is super sweet.”
When you call Damian “Dames”, your nickname for him, they all lose their shit.
Your nicknames for Damian: Dame, Love, and Mr. Serious
Damian’s nicknames for you: Beloved, Love, and Sunflower
He briskly drags you away before you can say anything else, and you just go with it. 
“??I thought we were going to talk more to your brothers??” “They’re not my brothers.” “Okay. I appreciate you.” “.....I appreciate you too.”
You two don’t say “I love you” very often. Instead, you say “I appreciate you”. You do say “I love you” in private/intimate moments, but in public/at random you say “I appreciate you”
Damian isn’t possessive, just protective. There’s a difference. 
He’s never been in a serious relationship before and he’s never loved someone romantically like with you before, so he wants to make sure you’re safe and comfortable 24/7
The first time a random guy catcalled you while you were with Damian, he instantly defended your honor.
“What did you say?” He grabs the guy and easily raises him a foot off the ground. He forces the guy to apologize and lets him fall on the ground after.
Quickly, you reassured Damian he doesn’t need to go to such lengths to “defend your honor”. You tell him to ignore people like that guy because they’re nobodies.
After a few months, you start to pick up on the fact you two rarely spend time together after sunset.
You questioned him once about it and he quickly told you it’s because he helps his father with Wayne Ent. You never questioned him again.
You didn’t 100% believe his answer, but trust he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you
One time you called him crying at night. He was about to go on patrol, then dropped everything to go to your apartment and make sure you were okay.
Damian got a key to your apart about a year into the relationship.
There are times you go to sleep alone and wake up with him asleep, arms wrapped around you. He doesn’t do this often, only after a rough night on a patrol or a particularly dark mission.
Damian’s usually a realist, but when he sees you smile and laugh, he becomes an optimist for a split second
He isn’t big on PDA, so depending on his mood sometimes you hold hands when walking, other times you just lock your pinkies together.
When one of you notices the other is upset though, then you get touchy to calm the other down
Sometimes, when you two are alone at your apartment or the mansion, you don’t speak. You just rest and enjoy the silence while laying on top of one another.
If you lay on Damian, you’re literally on top of him snuggling into his chest. He holds one of your hands and rubs your back.
If Damian lays on you, you’re usually sitting and he places his head on your lap. You love playing and messing around with his hair.
When you found out Damian’s a vigilante, it was a massive accident
You called him while he was on patrol, whispering in a shaking voice that two men had broken into your apartment.
He booked it to your apartment and busted through the window, in costume.
After taking care of the guys and handing them over to the authority, he starts questioning you to make sure you’re okay. When you don’t answer he realizes he’s still in costume talking to you now.
You’re in shock because now a lot of things make sense.
You’re upset for about an hour(because Damian knows how to make you happy when you’re angry) and then you’re utterly fascinated by Damian’s other life
Damian tells you he doesn’t want you to know a lot because it could put you in danger and you’re the one part of his life that’s normal
You accept his wishes and continue with your relationship as normal.
There are only two things that changed:
One: Damian moves you to a more secure apartment and makes sure you have plenty of bats or batons you could use to protect yourself “just in case”
Two: Damian spends almost every night at your apartment after patrol now
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capricorn-stark · 3 years
Smoke and Mirrors
pairing: jason todd x reader, childhood friends
warning: language, slightly heated towards the end but it’s very mild, smoking - i’m not a smoker nor do i condone it, don’t do it kids
a/n: references some early stuff from RHATO (2011)
“The girls at the diner used to call those cancer sticks.”
You thought it was pretty ironic for him to say that when he plucked the cigarette you were holding right out of your hand, leaning against the railing of the balcony and seeming utterly unabashed. You hadn’t even heard him landing beside you until he started speaking. 
You made a face at him as he unlocked and slid his helmet off while grinning at you in a typical self-satisfied fashion, bringing the cigarette to his own lips. 
“Let me guess,” you started dryly, watching a plume of smoke swirl out of his mouth as he took a drag. “That’s why you took their warning very seriously and told yourself to never, ever smoke one.” 
“I never said that,” he protested with another obnoxious laugh as he turned to glance over at you. “You made that shit up yourself. Not my problem.” 
You rolled your eyes at him before moving to fish out your pack and lighter out again, half-heartedly settling another one between your lips and lighting it up. Jason’s eyes followed the smoke back to you, his own expression unreadable.
“And I thought you said you quit this shit.” 
You shrugged, not quite looking at him when you opened your mouth to answer. 
“People say stuff all the time, Hood. What did you expect?” Your words were directed towards a little more than just smoking. A beat passed before he shrugged it off. 
“Hell if I know.” 
You both sat there for a while in silence as you smoked, watching the grey clouds stray towards the hazy glow of the setting sun on the horizon. The city beneath you was beautiful tonight, a seemingly endless stretch of dark gleaming buildings reflecting the pinks and oranges of the sunset. You wanted to relish that moment more than anything for a while, and you did. 
You closed your eyes and let the cigarette leave your mouth, clouds falling from your lips, nicotine buzzing in your bloodstream.
It would be a beautiful night. You could tell.
When you opened your eyes, you felt Jason’s eyes on you again and your turned your head to meet them. In the sunset, they really did glow a strange hue of green - yet another marker from his swim in the Lazarus. You hadn’t seen those eyes in quite a while.
“What, you want to take a picture?” you started in a somewhat jestful tone at his expression. “It’ll last longer.” 
“Would you let me?” was his rather cocky comeback as he took his own cigarette out of his mouth, another smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “‘cus I don’t have anything against that idea, per se-”
“I was joking-”
“Right, totally.” 
“I was!” The look on his face was infuriating enough to let you know that he didn’t believe shit. You let out a rather long and weary sigh. “I thought you weren’t planning on coming back anytime soon.” And at last, the disdain you had been trying so hard to contain from him was surfacing in your tone.
And clearly, from the way he was staring at you, he seemed to notice.
His latest adventures with his new friends, dubbed The Outlaws, hadn’t exactly been on the down-low. You knew one of them, Roy Harper, from being his best friend from a long time ago, and you had seen the glowing orange alien chick who accompanied them for the past few months on the news after he had taken off from Gotham. 
You couldn’t deny the fact that you had been more than a little dismayed by the fact that he hadn’t even bothered to give you some sort of goodbye before they left, either - no visits, no phone calls, no letters, not even a poorly placed sticky note on the front of your apartment door left to get swept away by some janitor when it fell off. 
You woke up one morning and heard from his brother that he wasn’t around Gotham anymore, no real explanations as to why the hell that was. 
He just disappeared. 
“You’re not thrilled to see me?” he attempted with mock hurt, and you gave him a very unimpressed look. “Sure, doll. I see how it is.” You acted like the nickname didn’t affect you as much as it did, because he didn’t deserve the satisfaction of otherwise.
“You know what I mean, Jason.” 
“I thought it was Hood?” He caught your look again. “Jeez, I’m just fucking around.” The silence stretched on and he at least had the sense to look a little guilty when he spoke again. “Y/N. Listen, I’m - I’m sorry.” 
You didn’t say anything for a while, your eyes still fixed ahead on the horizon. What did he expect you to say?
“I didn’t plan on leaving like that, I just - shit happened. And I didn’t want to stay in this shithole of a city for longer than I had to, anyways.” 
Of course. He was bad at goodbyes, so he never said them. You were above chasing after him, so you never did.
“You could’ve at least made a call after you left.” The cigarette was still burning in your hands, the white filter crumbling away in the wind. “Or, I dunno, sent a text, or even a damn email or something. Anything.” Even you were surprised by the contempt lacing your voice with every word you spoke. You had told yourself he had to have had his reasons for leaving and that you wouldn’t waste your own time being angry at him. But somehow, you couldn’t help it. It had hurt more than you chose to realize. “It’s been months.” For once, his passive expressions and sarcasm had been replaced with something else. 
“I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal to you.” You almost let out an incredulous laugh at that. 
“Not a big deal to me? Are you serious?” You turned back to face him and he pursed his lips, clearly having realized that he had said the wrong thing. “After you came back - from the dead - and after everything that happened, you seriously thought I wouldn’t care what happened to you?” Jason opened his mouth, then wisely closed it while you tossed your cigarette down to crush it beneath your heel. “Wow, Jason, you knew me way better than I thought you did.” 
“I didn’t mean to leave,” he tried again after a beat, taking a half-step towards you. “I wasn’t - I was on a mission, and this submarine thing with the dudes I was dealing with blew up, and then I woke up like a week later on this island thing with a Tamaranean alien princess who thought I was Dick, and then I found out Roy was gonna get executed, so-” He seemed to realize how incredulous that sequence of events sounded from the look on your face. So he let out a sigh, wringing his hands. “Okay. Yeah. I was kind of a douche.”
“Kind of?” 
“I was definitely a douche,” he amended with another sigh, running a hand through his dark hair. He took a breath. “But I did mean it. I’m sorry.” 
And you knew he meant it when he said that. Even back in his unruly days as a Robin, when your friendship had first formed, you had figured out that it was ridiculously hard for Jason Todd to let go of his pride and apologize for basically anything. When he got older, it admittedly hadn’t gotten all that much better.
Until now, apparently. Just a little. And you could never stay angry at him for very long, as much as you might have tried.
You let out a sigh yourself, glancing up at him. 
“When did you even get back?” 
Jason made a show of fishing his phone out of his pocket and taking a look before answering. 
“About - twenty minutes ago.” He cleared his throat a little. “I wanted to see you.” There it was again - that infuriating feeling in your chest. 
“Did you?” You tried to keep your tone as neutral as possible as he rubbed the back of his neck, somewhat awkwardly glancing away from you before he spoke again. 
“Yeah. I missed you.”
Well fuck. That was a big one. 
“I guess I missed having you around. Sometimes.” He chuckled at your attempt to be nonchalant, stepping even closer to you. 
“That’s it? That’s all I get?” You rolled your eyes at him, refusing to say otherwise. You weren’t about to give in to him.
“Yeah, that’s all you-” Before you could finish, he had cut you off with a kiss. And in another moment, after his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer, you realized your entire train of thought had been derailed completely because your best friend was kissing you.
“Get?” he offered when he pulled away again, another rather smug smile playing at his lips when you managed to look at him again, clearly flustered. “You sure about that?” 
You appropriately told Jason to fuck off before you pulled him down towards you again for another kiss. And that kiss turned into another, then another, and another. 
Your seemingly blasé attitude towards him and his constant teasing towards you had always helped you both shy away from whatever it was that you actually felt towards the other. It was easier to laugh at each other, or flirt, or push each other away than to actually move past your pride and admit how you felt. 
But then again, between tender caresses and heated kisses, you didn’t think there was a need to really say anything out loud. Where his hands were on your body alone could tell anyone what was going on in his head.
You had missed him more than you could express in words, and it was increasingly clear that he had felt the exact same way. Your relationship had always toyed at the fine line between friendship and something more, and your actions in that moment had firmly moved you both past the former. 
For so many years, your respective egos had provided a cover from a truth neither of you had been ready to come to terms with. But now, beneath the haze of cigarette smoke, sheets, and Gotham sunsets, you could finally see what exactly that was. There had always been something more underneath all of your smoke and mirrors. 
And although it wouldn’t be right then and there, eventually, you’d clear all of that smoke away. 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Five
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Chapter Five
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Summary: (fluff only) weekly Saturday reading only they are joined by an extra 15 lost boys, not just Spencer
Warnings (adding as they happen): fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers, library smut, oral (female receiving) lots and lots of fluff
word count: 3K
from the beginning <3
He woke up Saturday morning to the sound of a bunch of voices coming from beyond the walls of his room. Only it wasn’t his room, it was the room he slept in when he stayed with Y/N and Amoreena, he hasn’t left since he arrived on Thursday and he had no plan to either.
They still hadn’t told her about their relationship, not wanting her to come crawling into bed with her mom in the morning to find Spencer there too. She wasn’t ready to explain to Amoreena what it meant for Spencer to be in her bed, how they were in love and that she might need to learn how to knock before entering.
So he slept in the spare room, completely contently because he knew she was only on the other side of the wall, instead of 30 minutes away like she would be when he slept at his own apartment.
It had been a week since he saw them reading in the park, and now they were his family. It was incredibly fast, anyone who heard the news would say so. But that’s how his life worked, he blew through everything incredibly fast, it only made sense for him to skip every step in the book and become a stepdad overnight.
He woke up then, missing Y/N and Amoreena as he thought about the last week. Finally getting dressed and peaking outside, through the crack in the blinds, to see what was going on on the farm.
There were a bunch of men in the field with the cows dropping new cattle off in a big truck as a bunch of children ran around the yard. Y/N wasn’t kidding when she said her 7 siblings had produced 15 cousins for Amoreena to play with. Children all between the ages of toddler and 7-years-old, screaming while they ran after Rufus and the cats, it was a pure dopamine rush to witness.
He found Y/N in the living room, a book in one hand and a coffee in the other, “good morning cutie, all the ruckus on the farm wake you up?” She did her best fake southern accent as she smiled at him. Beautiful as ever in the early morning sunshine.
He nodded with a yawn, sitting beside her and snuggling into her shoulder. She placed her mug in his hands so she could wrap an arm around him and pull him in closer, letting him take a sip of coffee and become a real person again.
He noticed she was reading a book he had never seen before, reading the pages and not know the words. It was a first for him.
“What’s that one about?”
Y/N closed it to let him look at the cover. It was a hand-bound book, wrapped in green fabric that was at least 30 years old and in well-loved condition. The gold lettering reading Amoreena, along with a pressed gold rose and the author's name. He had never heard of it before.
“My grandma was an aspiring writer and the reason I love books so much, her name was Peggy and she had a dream once about a wonderful little girl named Amoreena and the magical life she created for herself. She wrote it all down and my grandpa had it typed and bound for her, she was so proud of this book,” Y/N gushed, smiling as she held it to her chest softly, thinking of all the memories Spencer didn’t know yet.
“Really?” Spencer couldn’t help but smile at her.
She nodded softly, “she loved Elton John, so much so that when my sister Ashley came out she threw her a party. Almost all those kids out there are Ashley's, by the way, she went down the adoption and foster root after I did IVF.”
She pointed out the front window at all the people gathered on her land, “Ben and Dylan dropped their kids off too while they help dad and Evan with the farm. Those are my brothers in case you didn’t know their names yet, there’s also Carver and Francis but they don’t live as close.”
Her little life was just so perfect, “did they want to come with us to read this afternoon? We need some lost boys.”
“They’d love that, are you sure you can handle 16 kids between the two of us?” she smiled, pure love spreading through her body as she held him.
“They’re not so different from psychopaths right?” He teased, watching her settle against him even more as they enjoyed their Saturday together.
“What else can you tell me about your grandma?” He snuggled into her more as he asked, wanting to know as much about her happiness as possible.
“She was always listening to music, she loved Elton's song Amoreena the most. It was the song she played for the majority of my childhood. It only made sense for me to name my little miracle Amoreena too, cause I wouldn’t have her unless nanny suggested I have a baby.”
“I would have loved to meet her.”
Y/N’s smile changed then, “she would have loved you and your big mind.”
“My mom wants to meet you and Amoreena,” he announces softly, he hasn’t really told her anything about his family yet.
“What’s she like?”
“She has schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s and she lives in a care home in DC right now, I try and see her when I can but she has her own schedule so I have to fit around when she’s having a good day,” it was hard to explain it to most people, but not to her. He didn’t feel any shame or fear in introducing them. Y/N was the most loving human, and Amoreena was just the same.
“When is she free next?” A simple question that made him feel incredibly giddy.
“Tuesday from 3-5,” he snuggled in closer to her as she wraps her arm around him.
“We’ll pick Amoreena up from school after work and take her over,” Y/N agreed, their lives intertwining like they were always meant to.
Like she was the ivy on his old cottage, she took him in and made him her own, wrapping herself all around him and never letting him go again.
He basically finishes her coffee while she holds him on the couch. The sound of the kids outside making them laugh every once in a while, dogs barking and cows mooing, the farm was alive and roaring while they enjoyed each other's company.
“Did you bring your costume for the reading today?”
He sat right up then, looking at her like she lost her mind, “of course I did, I wouldn’t have Penelope spend a week tracking down a Captain Hook costume just to forget it.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “you didn’t?!”
He simply nodded with a cheeky grin, “come on Tinker Bell, everyone knows she had a thing for Hook.”
“Who didn’t? He was the first and last bad boy I was interested in, I typically go more for Milo’s and Ariel’s; full of adventure and always learning something new,” Y/N teased him.
“Mhm, I always had a thing for Aladdin and Belle in search of far off lands and happy endings,” he mused, making her smile just as much as he was, “but for real it was between Hook and Wendy for my costume,” he made her laugh again, wanting to hear it for the rest of time.
“You still can, I have a blue nightgown you can borrow,” it was so easy for them to flirt, it fit into their conversation so simply it felt like they had been together forever.
He couldn’t help leaning in to kiss her, resting her back against the couch softly as she held onto him. He loved kissing her, she tasted like coffee and happiness every single time. She made the cutest sounds when they would make out like she was surprised by it or she wasn’t used to it at all.
She made him feel like he was young again like he was 21 and in love for the first time. All his trauma disappeared and that Spencer who used to stare back at him in the mirror was gone now. That guy packed his bags and left the farm to never be seen again.
Good fucking riddance is all he had to say.
He was happy, he enjoyed being happy and he was going to stay happy. It was the only goal he had going forward, and as long as he was in her embrace, surround by the laugher of her child and family, he knew it would be possible.
Amoreena came running inside then, finding the two of them making out on the couch before they could part from each other.
“Ewww!” She cried, jumping on top of the two of them and knocking the wind out of Spencer.
“Get off,” Y/N tried to speak as she was crushed by the two of them. “Mom down!”
Spencer picks Amoreena up then, taking her away from the couch and spinning her around like she’s an airplane. She cheers and cheers and doesn’t want him to put her down because it’s so fun. The next thing he knows he’s being dragged outside to twirl all the kids around like they’re Peter Pan, flying through the air on their way to Neverland.
He’s surrounded by giggles and tickles fights, he’s tackled down against the dirt as a herd of tiny children dog pilled him. Laughing until he cried, feeling more joy than humanly possible and then Y/N’s telling them all to get ready to he’d to the park.
Coming down the stairs in a pirate costume to a bunch of screaming kids was an experience and a half. Spencer couldn’t believe how happy it made them all to imagine Captain Hook had broken into the house and Amoreena, or Peter Pan as she corrected him, chased him outside with all the lost boys.
He took a moment to learn all their names, all 15 of them, however, unlike the cats, they had relatively normal people names.
Kate, Cade, Jet, Lauren, Cassie, Sara, Evan, Benny, Olivia, Jessie, Owen, Maddie, Gwen, August, and Parker, were the cutest little family of cousins. some looked like Amoreena, some looked like their own mothers, a handful of them were adopted out of the country, they were the most perfect cast of lost boys.
He's never had any cousins, no pets, no siblings. His life never felt lonely until he realized what he missed out on.
“Dad,” Amoreena whispered as she tugged on his shirt lightly, “look!”
She pointed towards the house where Y/N was standing. When she said she was going as Tinker Bell he really didn’t think she meant looking exactly like Julia Roberts at the end of Hook.
She looked magical in her beautiful white dress, curly hair with the most perfectly placed flowers and flawless wings wrapped around her shoulders. She was a vision standing on the porch, waiting for him to pick his jaw up off the floor and compliment her.
“Tink,” the words are more like air, soft and barely there.
“Is Captain Hook being nice? Or should we take him to the pond and let the Alligators deal with him?” Y/N teased, marching down the stairs and poking Spencer's chest.
“Ouch,” he teased her, holding his hand over his heart to make her feel bad.
But she didn’t, “some Pirate you are,” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him before taking Amoreena’s hand and running off down the trail towards the main house, everyone following her lead.
Nanny packed enough snacks for all 16 kids, and a little extra just in case. Spencer slipped the lunch box over his shoulder and they made their way towards the adventure. Y/N pulling a wagon just in case the littlest ones didn’t want to walk anymore. It was spectacular.
Y/N stopped then, pretending to stand like an army man turning around abruptly to look at the troop. “Lost boys, are we ready?”
“Yes, Tinker Bell!” They cheered back.
“On my lead, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4,” she marched, bringing her knees up high as they all followed her down the path. “We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader,” she began to sing.
Spencer was in awe, his heart felt like it was going to explode as he watched everyone follow her. Singing along as they marched their tiny little butts down to the park.
“We’re following the leader wherever she may go!” Amoreena yelled the lyrics back, leading the pack as Peter Pan should.
“Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day Tee dum, tee dee, it's part of the game we play Tee dum, tee dee, the words are easy to say Just a teedle ee dum, a teedle ee do tee day
Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee dum We're one for all, and all of us out for fun We march in line and follow the other one With a teedle ee do, a teedle ee do tee dum”
It was like magic, they all knew the words and they sang the whole way down the path. Every verse and then repeating it. Not a single kid strayed from the path, no one complained about sore feet or hot backs, they loved their Aunty Y/N and so did Spencer.
“We’re off on an adventure, adventure, adventure,” Y/N changed the words, making him smile as she brought happiness into the world. “We’re off on an adventure to read out in the sun! Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day…”
Every single time he thought she had given him the best day of his life, she manages to outdo herself.
They barely listened to the story, it was a disaster of epic proportions but they tried. 15 kids is a lot to handle as an ex FBI agent and a librarian, they had lunch and instead ran around the field playing lost boys instead. It was still an amazing afternoon.
He was going to be covered in bruises the next morning. He had been kicked, poked, trampled, jumped on, the whole 9 yards. They were the most energetic bunch in the whole world, and then they came home to ice cream.
“Y/N,” Spencer finally pulled her aside when all the kids were preoccupied with their cold snack after a hot day.
“Yes, cutie?” It was a nickname that was sticking, much like pretty boy, and he didn’t mind it at all.
“We’re going to need more than 2 songs tonight to get her to go to bed,” he teased, stepping into that step-dad role with ease.
She couldn’t stop smiling at him, wrapping him up in her arms gently so he didn’t crush her fairy wings. “We’ll take her swimming, that’ll tire her out instead. Are you lookin’ for some alone time?”
“I love her dearly, but I can’t kiss you as much when she’s around,” he whispered before pecking her quickly and hearing the group of lost boys pretend to be sick.
“Just because he’s my dad doesn’t mean you have to be gross like your mom and dad, mom,” Amoreena’s smart mouth making them both shake their heads and laugh.
“What would you do if I did this?” Y/N teased before dipping Spencer back like a princess and kissing him, he stuck his foot out in shock as she held him there.
“Ewww!!” All the kids yelled as she returned him to his feet.
“Or this?” Y/N pulled him into another kiss, her leg popping like Princess Mia’s in the princess diaries.
Amoreena and her cousins were all screaming then, laughing at how gross their aunt and her new boyfriend were being. Used to it clearly, their grandparents were just as in love and watching from the porch as they held each other on the swing.
“I love you,” Spencer announced, loud enough for all to hear without a care in the world.
“You better,” she smiled. “I love you too, cutie,” she added before kissing him one last time.
His life felt perfectly complete.
Y/N’s brothers were incredibly kind just like her. He learned that Ashley was the oldest with 5 kids and her wife Susie, then Ben who was 46 and his wife Shannon, they had 3 kids. Dylan and Laurie had 4 and Even, her twin brother had 3.
Turns out her mom had 2 sets of twins back to back, 7 children and only 5 pregnancies. It felt crazy for him to think about having that many people in his life for his whole life, he wouldn’t have known what to do with anyone more than just his mother growing up.
Spencer helped Bob with the barbecue, they made burgers and hotdogs for all 16 of the children while they continued to run through the fields. They had enough energy to last them 5 straight days of chaos. It was amazing.
Y/N and Spencer managed to wander off while all the kids ate, sitting under a tree with their dinner so they could finally have some time alone together.
She was beautiful, sitting in the afternoon amber glow as she tried to keep her hair from blowing in her face. Tucking the strands behind her ears so she could eat her dinner in peace before spencer handed her the hair tie on his wrist. Then she got ketchup on her cheek, seemingly on purpose as she smiled at him and laughing as Spencer wiped it off with his thumb. He was so in love he felt stupid, smiling at her like he’s never seen another person before, absolutely enamoured.
“Derek and his wife wanted to come over tomorrow and have his son meet Amoreena if that’s okay?”
Her face lit up, “his son is the one named after you right? Not your godson?”
He nodded with yet another smile, his lips were going to fall off at this point. “Yeah, he’s the sweetest little guy, Hank’s never been to a farm before.”
“You tell them our gates are always own to new minds and pure hearts,” she smiled. “That’s what nanny used to say.”
He leans in and kisses her then, resting his forehead against hers as she held his cheek in her free hand, smiling ever so softly as she stared into his eyes, they didn’t need words, he knew she loved him too. A week of pure bliss had passed within the blink of an eye, and they still had forever to go.
Taglist: @shemarmooresfedora @spookyspence @spencers-dria @manuosorioh @reidsfish @mochionly (send me an ask if you want to be added to the tag list, I don't always see every reply! i love you guys thank you so much for reading)
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goddessjynx · 3 years
Any parent please answer?
Idk if anyone will see this, but right now I need just anyone to tell me I'm not crazy.
Am I a bad friend for wanting to hang out with my ex-bestie (eb for short) while she has her kids or she's busy and can't hang, so I offer to come over, to help watch, to help clean? Anything just to be there for her, why? Oh because she was on her third child, at this time I literally went over to her house to play dnd with her husband and brother and her sometimes. So I would try and say "hi" or talk, but instead we stayed doing something else or barely said hi. Ok, fine, hormones, got it. It got to the point of she wouldn't want to hang out with me for reasons she stopped telling me decent sounding excuses. Fine, That's fine, I have other friends who I can hang with or find other things to stay inside and not get out of the house to do. I don't need to leave the house, to get away from the suffocating inside the house with a mentally and verbally abusive, controlling husband. That's. Just. Fine.
So you know, time goes on. we find out that the reason she won't hang out with me, but will hang out with the other girl who she hates (Mind you the other chick literally broke into their house, tried to start drama all the time, and be hazardous to her already two children But who am I to judge about the person you rant to me about how you hate them so much?) But the other chick was also pregnant after divorcing her wife. It's honestly such a mess. So "anyways, I get excluded now because I "Don't understand what she's going through" or "I won't have the same experience" or I'm "not a good source of help" Lol, Okay? I still can't help? Be happy for you? Cool. So things go on, and just things have gotten worse on my end. I'm over here with such a mind debilitating baby fever, that I'm having to pull my car over watching children get off the school bus because I'm in such a crying fit that I can't breathe or see straight. So who the hell would I go to about what do I do? My Bestie right? (There's a reason we are eb rn) I tell her, well try, Idk how much she actually listened. But I tell her how I just can't think about anything else right now. I did everything right, and the world keeps slapping me back.
I own a 4 bedroom house. we have two cars, we even have decently everything working out in our favor, But all of a sudden, I'm not good enough for anyone. My own husband two months after getting married said he hasn't found me attractive for the last two years. THAnks. That's a real boost. This didn't start the fights, but that's a whole other set of rants. about a year before my eb got pregnant, around or right before July 4th, I strictly remember, I was in the walmart fucking bathroom. I had felt so sick the weeks beforehand. Like, My menstrual cycle hates me. She's savage af. Not to mention she likes to disappear randomly and appear with just cramps or a whole flood. I never know. But I remember calling my husband in a panic because I don't know what to do while I had to go to the bathroom so bad it hurt, and all I have is half dollar sized clots. Just something my medical brain, and senior year of AP biology says, "Fuck!" I have him figure something out because I'm really needing someone to just hold me in the bathroom I feel so sick to my stomach. I'm dizzy and all these symptoms I tell him to tell the doctor or whoever he calls.. So he calls, they say whatever to him. I don't either remember or he never told me what they said, (this is a normal of hiding information from me, A LOT) They said (What he told me) to just wipe things up and clean up then if it persists in the next 24 hours to go into the hospital. But I will have to see an ob-gyn.
So, Okay. Nothing bad. but they are in charge of everything along those lines. But those were including two words, that I now know were the two words this man didn't want to hear despite, DESPITE all the teasing and jokes about having kids with me when I was younger with him and literally just dating. That was because I had to see a family planning doctor. I was told by HIM that it was nothing, and we will be fine. I just blamed it on my cramps that are horrible and never put thought to it because I had believed that's what he was told. So that's a trauma my brain locked away until recently as I'm going through my divorce right now. But, I was thinking about how shortly after that, I got a call from my eb about how they were all waiting on me because I'm making us late for bringing stuff to the grill out and bonfire later. Fine, mask all the pain and keep fucking going. right?
She seemed genuinely not worried, saying it was probably just a bad cycle. She gets them all the time too. Its whatever. My now bestie's sister has gone through the same thing I described multiple times, enough that she looked at me and was like, "No, You possibly miscarried." even her mom went on about, "they should've never NEVER brushed that off like they did. If they cared then they would've made sure you were ok. My husband denied me from going to the doctor to see anything about it. Even after when I knew my hormones and emotions were just soooo off. But that's in my mind now, when before maybe around the same time my eb came out saying to all of us even her own husband one time saying she's been feeling crummy because she went in and she found out she had miscarried. It was so short after my stuff that she disregarded then took and made attention for herself that upset her own husband because she never told him until she told a bunch of us at a bar. I mean I felt bad for her, but Now thinking back, my gut says it was a ploy to make her husband to feel bad for her and to try for another one. Where as I'm over here waiting patiently because I jumped through Hoops to get where I'm at now.
My husband promised me children. Lots, its a fucking dream to be a mum. I care for everyone else, and their kids, why not have some kind of mini me to show of what I did. That I did good. That I can be useful to this world too. That I'm not just a lump of no good nothing to this world. But first, he needed a better paying job than a gas station.
Did that, he worked at a metal parts production place. But we then gave the fact that we still live in the apartment I got after moving out from high school. We rented a house. It worked, and it was nice. But now he needs a car, but he cant do that until he learns how to drive. 3 years older than me and I taught him how to drive. AND I helped him buy his first car, a truck. Oh but now, we still can't start a family. We are only renting. I have enough good credit that I could get a house alone, but I needed a higher pay. Bam with his income together we got a house.
Bam, I'm hit with baby fever and what not. NOW I get told, we aren't ready for anything like that yet, so wait two years. Alright, I'll wait. I can do that. We were going to go on trips together and do many things together and all of a sudden, the walmart thing happened, and it just got worse from there. It got to a point I got a job paying BETTER than him and I was the laughing stock to him and his buddies. THANKS. But I'm fine, everything is fine. The walmart thing was about two years after, so I mean, it was actually in the time frame and whatnot. Things just kept going on getting worse at home, I just kept listening. For reasons, I had to quit my high paying job, and then everything got absolutely horrible at home. Had to put everything I had control over money wise into his account for he worried it would take too long to find an new job and make money to suffice for bills. It was argument after argument, but I went to my eb explaining things, asking what the hell do I do? Her advice? To just do what he wants. The thing I had to quit about? She basically never cared about it. Everything just went on being a mess. I went on just letting people walk over me because that was the advice I was given.
I voiced my feelings that I have been following lies and how I feel hurt that I'm told dreams and having them be taken away. We never went on trips much. Instead we would buy a crap ton of ammo or new guns that I'm not allowed to use, yet I'm helping fund so you can get them, but when it was my own that I BOUGHT, all of a sudden, my things went missing and he would be out using and letting his buddies use my new guns and using up the ammo I had purchased on my own. I mean, fine, but let me at LEAST take yours out if you're going to use mine without asking. It got to be so annoying that we would be asked when we would get married or when we would have kids. He would be hugging me and smiling all cocky saying "Oh well we haven't stopped trying." every time. He would start that tell people this and I finally had enough. I stopped him and told him to put his money where his mouth was. He always said shit but never actually did it or acted on what he said. He would just lie to everyone. Tell people lies because it sounded nice. Best part? I had bought a ring for him. I proposed to him because he would joke about things like that. So I basically said, "bet" and did it. I have never received a damn ring! He wouldn't even want to look at them with me. Because they were expensive. Not all of them are. I don't care what price it is, but something to say, "Hey, I love you and Don't want the odd peeps at the bar to keep hitting on you so take this with you, its dangerous out there." (Shut up. I'm a nerd) But like.... I just would make notions about, I wanted a ring. He would beg me to pool together money and buy new guns, I mean I"m not against, but I would bring up that I will want a ring. Or even something else would be you know, amazing right now because I'm in a lost place wanting kids still and my eb just announced they were having their third. (which her own family was so upset about it that they ranted to me and my mom, her own brother said that its just another kid that they will end up taking care of instead of her so she can go to the bars again. Yep) So next we talked about getting a gun safe because, before we can have kids, we need to be SAFE. Ight, we bought it. Nice matte black 33 capacity, fire and water proof, best part the front had a reallly pretty engraved waving American flag imprinted on it. It was just so smooth. (Guess who has that right now btw) So oddly enough in the middle of me not being enough for my eb, My cycle kind of returned to being semi regular, and all of a sudden disappeared. Well that whole month beforehand we went from never wanting to touch me unless it was my birthday to every night he was angry after work and took it out on me instead. I mean, whatever. But when it came to me not feeling well, I told him.
Instantly it wasn't mine. I was fooling with other guys. Like instant psycho. His childhood friend came and moved up with us, she saw this for a good few months and had to move out because he was trying to control her as if she were a child. She told me that it was not right for him to be that way and that she will never talk to him for how he treated her. (which was exactly how he was always with me too) I'm not sure if he was trying to get my jealous because his bff was a girl? Idk we worked out like literally sisters. Sooo much in common and she told me, She believes he's never wanted kids. And she watched how I broke down after he told me he wanted nothing to do with me until I took a test. He DEMANDED that I took a test right away. If it was positive, it wasn't his until proven so. And if it was negative he would be fine. this was ridiculous. He wasn't at all happy or excited. Purely upset. I felt so shitty that after the test was negative I told him and he threatened about it happening again he was leaving back to Kansas. He threatened this every damn fight, it got to the point that I gave up, I said leave then. And instantly he shut up. I got him out of gangs, crime, jail, living on the street or with his mum, and being a maaajor drug addict. Yet I'M THE BAD PERSON.
Back to recently when my eb is getting closer to having her kid, I just go through finding out I'm not and my husband is freaking out at me, nonstop yelling at me that I'm not good enough and all this shit. Yes, lil ol me trying to keep the peace in the house is a cunt and a whore. Wow. Name calling, but hitting where it hurts? I told him before, how my mother in an argument said I would be a horrible mother. And that shit sticks. IT STICKS. So what does the smart ass pull out? He repeats it. He says he's glad I'm not pregnant because I'd be a horrible mother in the end.
That. That just kills a person. That kills dreams and the feeling of wanting to keep living. Who the FUCK says that to their partner? Am I wrong for thinking that's not right? Well my eb thought I was. I told her my feelings. How I don't want to be jealous of her, but I am. That she's more beautiful, she's always had guys hitting on her in school inviting her to do things and hang out, I was the nerd in whatever class that got invited only if it was mandatory. She will be having three kids and a loving husband that can never take his hands or eyes from her, where as I have to act like a clown to get my husband to look up from his damn phone. To say something nice. To
be acknowledged while in the house. I've left and came back the next morning because I hung out at my now besties house. He didn't say a word until I came home the next morning and he looked at me like "when the fuck did you leave" No care, no love. I was stuck being a burden. Anything I ever did around the house was in vain. Everything I helped with I got shoved away because I didn't do it right. EVERYTHING I did was not good enough. I would tell him this that is how I felt and he would deny it. One day, I caught him yelling at me saying that what I did wasn't ever good enough. Calle him out right away. Bitch... He tried to change the wording to go around what he said. I HEARD IT. it was so bad I had to have my bestie on the phone to listen to how he talked to me behind closed doors. Away from public view. HER MOM HEARD IT. Thought she was watching some kind of dramatic show, until she realized it was me on the phone. She's listened to so many calls its unheard of. There was a day, I had enough of it. (Ok A lot actually) but I grabbed my laptop and my charger and left the house. I sat in the park drawing on my laptop. Texted every person I could think of that I cared so deeply for that they would care for me back. I was in a dark ass place asking for Advice. My eb shrugged off what my husband was doing and scolded me for leaving. For sitting in a park drawing out my feelings instead of being with him because he's being dramatic to her husband upset that I started an argument. I didn't understand what I started when it was over me telling him not to throw the controller when he loses a COD game because that's how it breaks. Why he threw it? Because I distracted him by playing with my cat while he was playing the damn game and made him lose! yep. Exactly that. So I was yelled at to quit. So I did. I went back to my drawing and then with my headphones on I was humming to my music. It distracted him and he lost. So I flipped out because I can't do anything in my own house without being scolded for it. So I stormed off to the bedroom to draw some more. I'm upstairs and away from him. Didn't want to eat now I'm stressed and upset. So I didn't cook anything and now he's hungry and upset at me for not making food yet. YES. That's how it started and I again was the bad person in the story for safely removing myself from an environment where all my mind was telling me to do was dark things that hurt to say. To give up on everything I have worked for and all my dreams.
That was the last time I spoke to her for a while because everything started to be only about baby and about doing this for baby. Doing that for baby. But then she would never answer me back. I was done trying to fit time to hang out. To do something, I made new friends who didn't have kids and hung out more with them. It got horrible. the sound of a child crying made my stomach hurt. I had non stop dreams of the same thing happening. It was just awful. I looked it up and it was just meaning I had something and lost it. Whatever is missing in the dream what what I had lost.
In this dream I was dressed in all black, lace and long dress covering every inch of skin on my body. I had a hat with a veil and I was rocking a bundle in my arms in an old decrepit room with peeling paint and broken toys. It was a nursery. An old ruined nursery. I was rocking just a black blanket swaddled with a hole that emptied to the void. It gives me chills, I get this dream so much that me explaining just makes my skin crawl and my body ache. It hurts to think of but I just cannot understand it. Makes sense now that I looked into it.
But me going through all of this, I can't talk to my husband about my feelings because I'm too needy and being selfish for not taking his feelings into an account. That he's not ready that we are not ready and that I'm not ready because I'm going to be a horrible mom. Cool.
I have tried so much. I couldn't be around kids. It made me so sick and I jus would have to find somewhere to hide and cry for hours. I would cry myself to sleep. Never getting comfort by him because I'm throwing a pity party. I was so hurt. Still am. I'm broken hearted. Thinking that if I had a kid, at least I would have something that needed me and would love the care I gave and would love me back. I wanted to feel loved for how much I put out in the world. I wanted to have something to ground me to this world before I did something stupid. I was in such a dark place that I drove an hour to go see my bestie because I was scared that I was going to do it. That I was going to be the big disappointment he told me I would always be. Three months later, baby is here and I go back to playing dnd with my friends and its at their house. My husband is rubbing it in my face. He's holding baby and talking to baby and doing all these things making my mind break. He asks if I want to hold her. If i if iififififi NO.
I can't I cannot. I'm trying to be respectful. I missed out on other games because I had to hype myself up. I procrastinated because I didn't know how I would be or if I could handle it. I got to the point that my eb's husband told me that he doesn't want me playing anymore because I sent a text trying to apologize to my now eb that I feel so bad but I can't see her right now since seeing her kids just sends me into a panic attack and I can't stop thinking horrible things. So she takes that as I have a problem with HER kids and not just the KIDS situation. Doesn't hear me out. blames me for everything and has me banned from coming over. in which her husband says he doesn't want me over anymore. Which my rebuttal is because she's telling him only. But he said it was his choice. I don't know don't care. It just hurt that THATS the reason I got kicked out. Not because I was good, but that I couldn't handle their kids. And I would not pay attention by drawing the whole time. I was distracting myself because I'm trying to drown out the noises of cooing making my gut rot and my mouth dry. So by all means I'm selfish for wanting a dream that I was being promised for the last 6 years of physically being with my soon to be ex. I've know for actually 12 years. And that I drove 15 hours to bring you to me since you couldn't drive.
So I need to know from real parents, was I out of line for telling my eb that I had feelings and that them not being heard or just cast to the side hurt? Am I crazy for feeling that I've been robbed? For being upset when my husband comes home drunk and abuses me? For being hurt when I'm called all sorts of names and told I'm worthless by the man I should trust the most? Please. I need to know.
I know I'm ranting, but I need to get it out. I need to find some sort of something to figure out why I'm feeling this way, or why I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm fighting for the divorce since i haven't been to my owned house in the last 5 months since he changed the locks on me. I moved an hour away from my home and my family and still to this day, I hurt to hear or watch children around me. I'm happy, but inside something aches and just feels empty. Not to mention that I got told by people that know me that he's been caught buying condoms. We are still technically married, and he can't be doing those things right now. Am I jealous? Upset? Hurt? All of the above? It just sucks and I'm drowning in debt a bit trying to work my ass off to get where I want in life again since all of everything has been ripped from me. I'm trying. Please let me know if I'm crazy or out of line? I want to be heard. I'm going to start to save up. I have a plan for my 27th birthday. If it doesn't work in time for my 28th birthday, I'm not sure what else I can do but join the 27 club.
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Hey! Love your writing! Wanted to know if eventually you could write and iida x reader (male ofc) with tourettes where the readers meeting iidas parents and the readers been having more tics then usual [fluff]? You don't have to if it's out of your comfort zone! Have a great day and take care! [I apologize for my horrible grammar, I'm still fully learning English <3]
Tic Tock|{Iida Tenya}
Okay so this is the first time I have written something like this ever so I know there’s something bound to be wrong with my portrayal so if I have something that’s written incorrectly or even offensive please tell me and i will change it or even delete it if it’s completely wrong.
I would also like to say thank you so much for helping me reach 600 followers gosh it’s only been what a month? Since I made it to 500 you guys are amazing and even though majority of y’all don’t interact I still love every single one of you with my whole heart!!
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Now I hope you enjoy
Pairing: Iida Tenya x Male Reader
Words: 1.3k (1,316)
Warning(s): Tourette Syndrome, Mild self-injury
Requests: Closed
Standing outside of the Iida family estate was not something you thought you’d be doing on a Saturday night.
Tenya had pulled you aside right after class and began speaking to you a mile a minute.
One of your tics copied his hand chopping the air as he did it.
“T-Tenya calm down, tell me what happened.”
The intense look on his face made you nervous.
“I let it slip they I was dating someone at home and now they wish to meet you.”
“Do they know?”
You weren’t ashamed of your Tourette’s but accidentally calling someone an “insolent swine” at the dinner table would probably not leave the best first impression.
“Yes, I informed them and they had no issues with it.”
You pursed your lips and thought about it.
You were going to decline but the hopeful look in his eye made you reconsider.
And that’s how you’ve found yourself standing on the Iida estate’s front door. Bruised and exhausted.
You have been a mess in the days leading up to the dinner.
You’ve been vocalizing and twitching a lot more than usual.
Taking a deep breath to calm your pounding heart and shaking your nerves away, you knocked on the door.
Not even a minute later the door swung open and there was a gasp.
Tenya exclaimed.
He pulled you inside and after shutting the door he looked at you.
You had several new dark bruises on your arms and face, a halfway healed black eye, and fresh scratches on your cheek.
He cupped your face in his hands
“Are you okay!?”
You sighed and nodded.
“I’m fine, just tired.”
“You didn’t have to come tonight we could have rescheduled.”
You shook your head.
“No, I promised I’d be here and it’s fine I’m okay now.”
He looked you in your eyes for a moment before sighing.
“My parents are in the living room waiting for dinner to finish cooking and Tensei should be there too.”
Someone clearing their throat behind him made the both of you jump.
Turning around revealed his brother in his wheelchair smiling brightly at you.
“Hey, you must be the boyfriend Tenya was talking about it’s nice to finally meet you!”
He wheeled over and held his hand out and you took it.
You were going to respond when you felt the familiar pressure of a tic about to start so you just hoped it wouldn’t be too embarrassing.
Your shoulders shrugged and you blurted out.
“Hot wheels. Vroom vroom.”
You covered your mouth and Tenya froze.
“I-I’m so sorry that was rude.”
Tensei began laughing.
“I don’t think I’ve heard anyone refer to me as hot wheels before that was a good one.”
He didn’t seem offended but you were still embarrassed.
“Hey, it’s fine, You can’t help it Tenya already explained to us.”
You nodded.
“I’ll be heading to the living room come over when you can.
He waved before wheeling away.
The two of you sighed that went better than expected.
That was one family member down just two more to go.
Your nerves were back. Your arm twitched and you whistled.
Tenya grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as you let yourself calm down.
After spending that moment in the hallway he lead you to the living room area where you heard voices.
When you walked in you looked around and their living room was basically the size of your apartment.
You spot Tensei and their parents on the couch and you hear the end of their conversation.
“-And he calls me hot wheels! Now I’m thinking of painting some flames on the side of the wheelchair.”
The group laughs until Tensei looks up and sees the two of you standing in the entrance.
“Oh, there they are come over here!”
He beckons both of you forward.
Their parents look over and light up. They stand up and meet you halfway.
“You must be (Y/N)!”
His mother smiled warmly at you and took both of your hands into hers.
“Ever since Tenya mentioned that he had a special someone, we have been dying to meet you!”
“Yeah, It’s nice to see our son finally stepping out of his shell and meet someone who makes him happy.”
You blushed.
“It’s nice to m-meet you guys as well.”
His mother let go of your hands.
“Well, dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes so we’ll let you guys have some alone time until then.”
You nodded and thanked them.
Tenya took your hand and began to lead you upstairs to his room.
Stepping into his room you stopped suppressing your tics and they began to act up again.
“S-so that went well.”
He smiled.
“Yes, see (Y/N), you had nothing to worry about they already like you!”
You looked over at him.
“You really think so?”
He placed his hands on your waist and smiled.
“Yes, I have no doubt about it and they will like you even more by the time dinner is over.”
You blushed and leaned in.
Your lips pressed together in a gentle kiss. That is until you suddenly hurled your head forward and thumped your foreheads together.
The two of you separated and started laughing as you held onto your heads.
It wasn’t the first time that’s happened but it never fails to make you guys laugh.
After that little mishap, the two of you sat on his bed and waited until dinner.
The two of you were looking at something on your phone when a knock came at the door.
“Boys, dinner’s ready!”
His mom called through the door before her footsteps went away.
You and Tenya stood up and headed outside and down the stairs.
You took a deep breath and approached the table.
Everyone else was already sitting down and chatting.
Luckily you and Tenya would be sitting next to each other.
Dinner was actually very nice.
Even though the nervousness triggered your tics, they all didn’t mind.
Though they did worry when you hit yourself in the chest. But you assured them it was fine.
When dinner was done everyone stayed chatted with one another while cleaning up. Your tics were still very active so you didn’t want to risk breaking something.
Everyone was still cleaning when Tenya’s mother gasped.
“Oh, would you look at the time it’s extremely late!”
You took out your phone and saw it was already 10:30 pm.
“Oh well, then I guess I should head home.”
You stood up and bowed.
“Thank you for dinner. It was amazing.”
“(Y/N), you’re welcome to stay the night if you like.”
You looked up at her uncertain.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Of course not, you’re a part of the family now.”
You blushed and smiled at her.
“Thank you.”
She simply smiled and resumed cleaning up the table while Tenya grabbed your hand and lead you back upstairs to his room.
When you reached his room and closed the door you let out a deep sigh.
After a week of nonstop tics and having spent the whole night trying to leave a good impression with his parents, you were more than exhausted.
And Tenya understood. So he wordlessly began to dig through some of his drawers and handed you some of his clothes. You smiled at him and left to change.
When you came back, Tenya was already in his bed.
You placed your old clothes on his dresser and walked up to Tenya.
He lifted the covers and you slid in next to him.
He lowered his arm and hugged you close.
You were finally able to relax.
Tenya’s warmth, rhythmic breathing, running his fingers through your hair, and gently scratching your scalp calmed you down and made your tics stop.
They would be back when you woke up but, for now, you can finally rest.
{Tag list}
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Out Of Time ~ 135
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,665ish
Summary: Y/N wants a small wedding. Tony and her find out the gender of their baby. Steve and Y/N go for lunch. (Read note and the end of the chapter.)
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“I want our wedding to be small,” Y/N stated randomly a few days after the proposal. She was currently sitting in Tony’s new workshop, watching him set things up. 
“Okay, honey,” Tony responded, not really hearing everything. 
“Like, really small.”
“Whatever you want, you know that.”
“Like only me, you, and whoever’s marrying us.”
Tony looked at Y/N. “What if I already told both Rhodey and Happy they could be my best men? And invited Pepper?”
“Really, Tony? I just… I think it would be easier, for me, if it was just us.”
Tony dropped what he was doing and turned so that he was giving Y/N his full attention. “May I ask why?”
“I just… this wedding… I… it’s stupid. Never mind.”
“No, no, no, no, no.” Tony rolled his chair so that the was right in front of Y/N, and took hold o her heads. “You tell me and I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
Y/N inhaled and exhaled shakily as Tony rubbed his thumbs over her hands. “I… I have no one to walk me down the aisle.”
“Oh, honey.” He reached up with one hand and cupped her cheek. She leaned into it. “I didn’t think about that.”
“I know that Steve’s still alive, but… I’m not ready for that yet. He didn’t trust me… and he—“ Y/N’s voice broke as she got emotional, “—he hasn’t for a long time. He’s also never liked the idea of me and you. So why would Steve even be willing to walk me down the aisle? And if he won’t, who will?”
Tony pulled Y/N onto her lap with a sigh. “If it makes you feel better, none of my family would be there either.”
Y/N buried her head in her hands. “Oh my gosh, I’m being so selfish. At least I have a family member still alive.”
“You are not being selfish, you’re being realistic.” He pressed a kiss to her head before gently guiding her hands away form her face. “How about… well, you know I really don’t like your brother right now either, but why don’t you try and ask him to walk you down the aisle? I think it would be good for the two of you, healing in a way. Maybe even tell him about the baby.”
“I’m not telling anyone until the second trimester.”
“Then wait until then. Meet him somewhere for lunch—“
“If there’s still a place open.”
“—and tell him.”
“I’m just… scared.”
“I know, honey. But I’m worried this will do you and the baby more harm than good.”
“Okay… in a few weeks, I’ll reach out.”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed her softly.
“I don’t want to be fat in our wedding pictures,” Y/N blurted out, pulling away from the kiss. 
Tony chuckled. “Then we’ll get married after the baby is born. We’ll wait until the baby is old enough and we can get Happy and Pepper to take care of it.”
“Why are you so good to me?”
“Maybe cause you’re so good to me.”
Week 10 started with the “pregnancy glow” and Tony constantly commenting on how big Y/N’s breasts were getting. 
Week 11, her growing baby bump was causing aches and cramping. At one point, Tony found Y/N curled up on the floor, crying. He felt terrible that she was going through this. Tony carefully lifted her up, tucking her into bed, and spent the day cuddling her. 
Week 12, the nausea was basically gone, making the couple happy. 
Week 13 was full of dizziness. Y/N was struggling to stand up or stay standing by herself. This caused Tony to order her to bed rest, over-dramatically.
Week 14 came and it was the start of the second trimester. The doctor came over to check on both mother and baby, as well as reveal the gender. Y/N was hesitant to know the gender, wanting it to be a surprise. But Tony was an impatient child who was going to end up getting his way, legally or otherwise.
“Okay,” the doctor hummed, beginning the ultrasound. “We have ten toes, a strong heart beat, ten fingers.” Tony held onto Y/N’s hand tighter as he watched the screen intently. “Are you sure you’re ready to know the gender.”
“Yes!” / “No.”
“Come on, honey,” Tony begged. “I just want to know so we can start decorating and picking out names. Please?”
Unfortunately, Tony’s big brown eyes were hard to say no to. Y/N was going to be totally screwed if their child ended up with his eyes, but at least Tony would then get a taste of his own medicine.
“Fine,” she conceded.
“Yay!” Tony celebrated, giving her a kiss. “Now, doc, what is it?”
“Congratulations, it’s a girl,” the doctor told them with a smile.
“Yes!” Tony cheered. “I knew it!”
“You knew it?” Y/N questioned.
“I told you, I had a dream about it. So real. And we named her Morgan.”
“So I’m guessing any other names are off the table because you had a dream about it?”
“Like I said, it was so real.”
“I’ll have to think about it. While I do, can you go grab me a water, I’m dying of thirst.”
“Of course.” Tony kissed her templed before rushing off.
“Doc,” Y/N turned her attention to the doctor, “is it… this is so awkward but, is it okay to have sex? Even while being pregnant?”
“It’s completely safe,” the doctor chuckled slightly. “I’m guessing your sex drive as gotten a boost this week?”
“You have no idea. Literally anything Tony does makes me want horny. I was just scared—“
“Every new parent is. But you’re fine. The baby is well protected and higher up than you think.”
“So it won’t, like mess anything up?”
“Nope, you’re completely fine. I say enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t last very long.”
“Thank you so much.”
That night, Tony was getting ready for bed while Y/N laid down, watching him. 
“Tony?” She called.
“Yes, dear?” He responded, looking her way.
“The doctor said it was okay to have sex.”
Tony choked a little. “Wh-what? You asked them that?”
“Well, lately, my sex drive has started to kick up and everything you do makes me horny.”
“Everything I do, huh?” He wiggled his brows. 
“So, please, help me?”
He came over and placed a seductive kiss on her lips. “I will always help you,” he whispered.
Week 15 came with extra clumsiness and a dreaded phone call. Tony was out getting groceries as Y/N at there, staring at her phone. She needed to call Steve and tell him everything. Things either needed to start getting better or they needed to fall apart once and for all. After taking a deep breath, Y/N finally pressed call and held the ringing phone to her ear. She felt like it had rung for hours before she finally heard Steve’s voice.
“Y/N?” He wondered, clearly confused. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
“I’m fine, Steve. I was just calling to see if you would like to meet up for lunch soon?” Y/N said, trying to remain calm. “We need to talk.”
She heard him sigh. “Yeah, I suppose we do. I’m free tomorrow. I know a place in the city that’s open. I’ll text you the address. Say we meet up around 1?”
“That sounds great. I’ll see you then.”
“Right. Okay. See you then.”
Y/N hung up and leaned back agains the couch, closing her eyes. She could do this, she had to do this.
Steve was nervous. So nervous, that he had arrived at the restaurant about an hour and a half before he was to meet Y/N. They had always had their differences, but he knew that the past couple of years had really driven a rift between the two. With him being the main reason for that. He was stuck in his own head when Y/N finally sat across from him.
“Steve,” she greeted, not giving anything away.
“Y/N,” he responded, with a small smile. “How have you been?”
“I’ve be fine. You?”
Before the conversation could actually go anywhere, the server came up and they ordered. Steve was a bit surprised at how much Y/N had ordered. 
“You hungry?” He tried to joke after the server left.
“Well it’s really hard not to be when you’re eating for two,” Y/N responded.
“W-wh-what? Eating for… t-two?”
“I’m pregnant, Steve.”
“Wha—how? I-I-I mean, who’s is it?”
“Really, Steve? Guess.”
“Well from what I was told you were seeing both Bucky and Stark. So I really—“
“It’s Tony’s. I… while I was dating both of them, I had rules. Like no sex.”
“And so Bucky dies and you break that rule?”
“Really, Steve? You know what?” She shook her head, pushing herself to stand up. “I don’t know why I let Tony talk me into doing this. I don’t need you there at the wedding. I can—“
“Hold up, Y/N, sit down. I’m sorry. I was just… I haven’t been good with my emotions for a very long time. Can you just sit back down, so we can talk about this?”
“Fine,” Y/N huffed.
“Before I get into anything more, I just want to make sure that I heard you correct. Did you say something about a wedding?”
“Tony and I are getting married.”
“That’s… that’s… good. You both deserve some happiness.”
“Thanks. We’re going to get married after the baby arrives.”
“And I was… I was hoping that you might walk me down the aisle. And before you say anything, I realize that you, and Tony and I don’t have the best relationship, but I have no family. Only you.”
“I… I’d be honored too. But are you sure Tony wants me there? That you want me there?”
“You’re my twin and my only living relative, of course I want you there. But only if you want to be there. And, Tony just wants me to be happy. That’s all he’s ever wanted.”
“I’d love to walk you down the aisle. On one condition.”
“What is it?”
“You tell me the baby’s gender.”
“It’s a girl.” Y/N smiled, rubbing her belly. “Her name is Morgan.”
“Morgan. I like it. Are you planning to give her a middle name?”
“Currently that’s up for debate. I like Sarah or Maria, but Tony’s insisting on Howard.”
“Yeah, I know. He’ll probably end up getting his way. Just can’t let him know that yet.”
Y/N and Steve sat at the table, talking and laughing, for a few hours. It was nice, good, different. Especially after all that had happened. Steve walked Y/N to her car.
“Can we do this more often?” Steve asked, a little nervous. “I’ve missed this, missed us.”
“I’d like that,” Y/N responded. She hugged Steve. “I love you, Steve.”
“Love you too.”
“Hey,” Tony greeted as Y/N entered his workshop. “How was lunch?”
“It was good,” she responded, leaning in for a kiss. “Of course, not everything is fixed and we still have a long way to go before we ever get back to where we once were.”
“You’re welcome,” Tony smirked, giving her another kiss. “Do you want to see what I’ve done for Morgan’s room today?”
“I think you’re nesting more than I am.”
“Probably right. I just want everything to be perfect and ready for our little girl.”
“And, knowing you, nothing with be. There’s always going to be something that needs fixing or updating.”
“How lucky am I to have a woman that knows me so well?”
Week 16, Y/N began experiencing her skin darkening around her nipples, inner thigh, armpits, and navel. She grew concerned but luckily Tony had already read all about it and told her that there was nothing to worry about. This week she also began to wedding plan. Nothing big, just looking at dresses and flowers and cakes. Steve and her had also began texting back and forth, as had her and Nat.
Week 17 was full of backaches and pregnancy brain. Tony couldn’t help but laugh at the pregnancy brain, though was immediately there to help soothe the backaches.
It was now the beginning was week 18, and Y/N felt like her boobs were huge. Tony enjoyed it, which led to them having sex a few times. They had just finished showering. Tony was getting dressed after helping Y/N do so, as Y/N laid in bed. Her hand was on her stomach when she suddenly she felt this uncomfortable pressure. She groaned.
“You okay, honey?” Tony asked, slightly concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Y/N responded. “I’m sure it’s—ugh.”
Tony was quickly by her side. “What is it?”
“There’s these pressure.” She rubbed her stomach. “It’s coming and going and—ah!”
“Maybe I should call the doctor.”
“No, no, I think I’ll—ah!”
“Yep, calling the doctor. Unless…”
“Unless what, Tony?”
“Hang on.” 
Tony pushed Y/N’s shirt up, revealing her growing bump, and rested his hands on it. The pressure happened again. Y/N winced.
“There is it again,” she said through clenched teeth. Tony couldn’t help but break out into giddy laughter. “What are you laughing at?”
“She’s kicking,” Tony responded with a large grin. “Morgan’s kicking.”
“What?” There is was again.
“Hey there, Morguna, I can feel you,” Tony leaned in and spoke to the baby. “Be kinder on your momma, will ya?”
“She’s kicking,” Y/N repeated softly. “She’s kicking.”
“Yeah she is. And I can already tell she’s a fighter, just like her parents.”
Week 19 was full of heartburn and constipation. Steve and Y/N also met up for lunch, slowly making amends.
Week 20, Morgan was restless. Kicking up a storm. Y/N was getting little sleep. It wasn’t helping that she also had leg cramps and swelling int he hands and feet.  The only time Morgan would calm down was when Tony was talking to her. But Y/N couldn’t wake Tony all the time, that just wasn’t fair. So Tony, ever the clever Tony, recorded himself telling stories and singing songs to play so that they could get sleep. Still wasn’t helping Y/N all that much, but it was at least calming Morgan down.
Week 21 was almost just as restless as the previous and added shortness of breath. Tony was extremely worried about that. Luckily the doctor was already planning on coming by. The doctor said that it was normal and that Y/N just needed to take it real easy. The doctor also told them that Morgan was looking very healthy, which put the parents at ease.
“She’s going to look just like you,” Y/N told Tony one night as he was rubbing her belly and talking to Morgan. “I know it.”
“You don’t want her looking like me,” Tony chuckled with a shake of his head. “Besides, she’s going to be beautiful, just like her mother.” Tony got quiet and solemn looking. “Do you think I’ll be like my father?”
Y/N knew this question was going to come up eventually. She was just hoping it would be later. “I knew knew Howard as a father. I just knew him as a good man. And I’ve always felt bad about how he treated you, that you didn’t know the man I did. But, Tony,” she cupped his face and made eye contact with him, “you are not your father. And you have learned from him. You will be the greatest father for our child.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. I would have never let this continue on if I didn’t.”
“I’m so lucky to have you by my side.”
“I know."
next chapter >
I leave for Disney World in a week. It is the last big family vacation that I will be on for a while.Because of that, I will not be on tumblr March 19th through March 24th. I will actually be deleting the app so that it’s not a distraction.
Most likely, nothing will be posted during that time. If something is, it will have been queued up. Things that are posted while I’m out of town will not have tag lists attached. I will put this note in all the fic posts until then. 
So do not come at me for spending time with my family instead of including the tag list. (I say that knowing that people won’t care and still come at me.... be respectful and get over yourself.)
And in case you didn’t read the note at the end of the last chapter, I will be doing two endings (Tony’s Ending and Bucky’s Ending).
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Yours Forever | F.W.
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Title: Yours Forever
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: It’s been a year since the war. Fred decides that he is ready for a new chapter in his life.
A/N: This is for @theweasleysredhair​‘s 9k writing challenge. Prompt #9 (You should just marry me) and #15 (You remembered) and the song “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars
Lyrics are in italics
Part 2
“You ready?” I asked my boyfriend, Fred, as I walked down the stairs of our flat.
My boyfriend turned to face me, “Gorgeous as always love.” He said with a small smirk.
He then picked up his jacket from the table, then he offered me his arm, “Ready to go on our date love?”
I giggled as I took it, “Always.”
After eating at the restaurant, we were sitting in a nearby park, watching the stars.
“It’s amazing isn’t it.” I suddenly said.
Fred looked at me, “What is?”
“6 years of dating and two near death experiences. And we’re still standing strong.” I contemplated. It’s been a year since the war. Fred would’ve been crushed by a wall if I hadn’t pushed him out of the way in time and I would’ve died if Fred hadn’t blocked the killing curse that a deatheater shot at me.
After receiving no reply, I looked over at Fred, his eyes were glazed, his mind was a million miles away.
“What are you thinking?” I asked softly.
He diverted his gaze back to me, before standing up and helping me do the same.
“Freddie, you’re worrying me.” I said as I placed my right hand on his cheek.
He gave me a small smile, “You think it’s amazing that we’re still standing strong after all these years?”
I gave him a confused look, “Of course I do, Freddie.”
“Then you should just marry me.” He said, as he got down on one knee.
He pulled out a small box with a diamond ring inside, “Y/N, you are the most amazing and gorgeous person I’ve ever met. I honestly wouldn’t be here without you. I want to live my life to the fullest and I want you to be my side while I do it. You had me under your spell the minute I laid eyes on you, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I could never imagine my life without you and I could never see my future without you in it. So, will you marry me?”
My hand flew to my mouth as tears started to cloud my vision, “Yes! Yes Fred! I will marry you!”
“I love you.” He said as he slipped the ring on my finger.
“I love you too.” I said as he leaned forward and kissed me under the stars.
 6 months later
Since Ginny and Hermione helped with the wedding preparations and like Hermione, I was muggle-born, they agreed to keep some muggle traditions like the bride and groom not seeing each other until the wedding day.
As the rehearsal dinner ended, Fred was more clingy than usual.
“Do we have to be apart?” Fred whined as he hugged me from behind.
I chuckled, “It’s tradition Freddie. Besides, it’s just one night. Tomorrow, we’re getting married.”
He placed his head in the crook of my neck, “Can’t wait to finally call you Mrs. Weasley.”
But that little moment was interrupted when George yelled, “We have to go Freddie. Ginny already whacked me on the head, I don’t want to wait for Hermione to do the same.”
Fred and I laughed at his twin’s predicament.
“Just a second.” Fred yelled back before turning to me, “Can I have one last kiss.”
I gave him a confused look, “One last kiss?”
“As an unmarried couple.”
I smiled as I leaned forward and kissed him.
“I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.” He said.
I giggled, “And I can’t wait to see you at the end of the aisle.”
“Fred!” George yelled, “Hermione is going to whack me on the head if you don’t get your arse here in 2 minutes!”
“See you tomorrow princess!” Fred said with a small wink as he ran off to his twin.
 The Big Day
I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring how perfect my dress was. It was literally my dream dress. It was sleeveless and lace is scattered along the outfit. And the veil was topped off with a small tiara.
“You look beautiful.” Hermione said as she entered the room.
“Thank you, Mione.” I said, giving her a small smile.
Ginny then dashed into the room, “Oh my gosh.” She gasped, “Fred is going to cry.”
“Are you sure you want to marry my brother?” She joked. “Because I can make the perfect distraction while you slip out the front door.”
We laughed as Hermione playfully smacked Ginny’s arm.
I shook my head, “I’m fine Ginny. I have never been more sure of anything in my life.”
“Well then,” Hermione said, “We wouldn’t want to keep your soon to be husband waiting then.”
Our wedding was taking place at the Burrow just like Bill and Fleur’s wedding.
Molly was waiting for us by the opening of the tent.
“You look so gorgeous, dear.” Molly said as she gave me a hug.
“Thank you, Molly.” I grinned.
“Molly,” I said, tentatively.
“Yes dear?”
“Thank you so much for helping out but can I ask one more favor?”
“Of course, dear, it is your wedding day.”
“Can Arthur be the one to walk me down the aisle?” I asked. To say that I didn’t get along with my parents was the understatement of the century. Since they wanted a boy, they were “disappointed” to say the least. And it only made matters worse when I attended Hogwarts. They disowned me the moment I came home for the summer after my first year. The minute the twins knew about my situation, the Weasleys took me in faster than you could say, “The Burrow”.
Tears started to well up in Molly’s eyes, “Of course dear.”
She then called Arthur as the ceremony started.
“Thank you.” Arthur said as he took his place beside me, “for making my son so happy.”
I smiled, “If there’s anyone I should be thanking Arthur, it’s you and Molly. Thank you for raising the son who would complete me and make me happy.”
Molly was trying to hold back tears as she hugged me tightly, “My baby boy is all grown up now and I’m glad that he found someone so perfect.”
“Molly.” I said with a small smile, “Stop, you’re going to make me cry.”
The three of us chuckled as Molly handed me the bouquet.
I started to walk down the aisle.
Ginny was right, Fred had to turn around to hide his tears.
When we arrived at the altar Fred smiled as he said, “Hey gorgeous, is that the earrings you wore when we had our first kiss.”
I grinned, “You remembered.”
He chuckled, “Of course I do. I remember every memory we have.”
The ceremony then started.
Then it was time for the vows. I went first.
“Fred Weasley. My best friend, my partner in crime, my everything, my lover, and in just a few minutes time: The man I’ll spend the rest of forever with. I didn’t know what made me fell in love with him in the first place. Was it his dazzling eyes? Or his charming smile? It could even be his overall personality.” I stated, making everyone chuckled.
“I always thought that love means going through immense pain or having your heart broken into millions of pieces or just full of regrets, basically. But Fred proved me wrong. He never made me go through pain, he never broke my heart, and I never have a single regret when it came to loving him.” I continued, making my fiancé smile.
“He always manages to make me smile. As cliché as it sounds, he is the ray of sunshine that shines through my darkest days. He has given me so much love and care over the years and I promise that I’ll always give you the more than what you deserve. I promise that I’ll always prank with you. I promise that I’ll always be by your side no matter what.” I said as I slipped the ring onto his finger.
“Your sister asked me if I was sure about my decision to marry you.” The group laughed as Ginny gave us a guilty smile. I turned back to Fred, not trying to hold back the tears anymore, “I told her that, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. If I lived a thousand lives, then I would choose you a thousand times. Loving you isn’t just a feeling, it’s an adventure. An adventure I’ll take with you even in the afterlife.”
At this point, it was obvious that Fred was trying to hold back tears but he still had his vows to say.
“Y/N L/N, how do I begin to describe her? The most amazing, the most gorgeous, the hottest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. The moment I saw you, I knew that you were the one I was going to marry. I knew that you were the one I was going to start a family with. I knew that you were the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I found, and still find, every part of you attractive. From the sparkle of mischief in your eyes to your wonderful laugh. Even the way how you could wear a bucket of red paint and yell at me for hitting the wrong target.” I blushed as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
“Honestly, I would be lost without you. You are the part of my life that I can never live without. You have always been by my side. Through the ups and downs, the laughs and the frowns, the good ideas and the bad ones, the successful pranks and the less successful ones. You supported the joke shop the minute we pitched the idea to you. You’ve stayed with me through those late nights of brainstorming. And you willingly dropped out of school to open up the joke shop with us.” Molly gave a playful glare to Fred, causing everyone to was present to laugh.
“I would’ve died if you hadn’t saved me. I wouldn’t be standing here today, marrying the woman I love. Merlin, I don’t even know how I got you date me in the first place, let alone marry me. But I thank my lucky stars that I got you to say ‘yes’. I am the luckiest man in the world, because I can call you mine. I promise that I’ll always be with you, even in the afterlife. You complete me.” He said as he placed the ring on my finger, “Nothing else can complete me but you.” He finished, openly crying.
“With the power invested in me. I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The minister smiled.
Fred pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately, finally sealing the deal.
Later at the Reception
The party was in full swing. It actually reminded me of the parties we would have at the Gryffindor common room. So, it meant that we still knew how to throw a party. We already threw the bouquet and the garter, Hermione and Ron catching them respectively.
Then came our first dance as husband and wife. But, like always, Fred had something up his sleeve.
I gave my husband a confused look when George announced that he had a “little surprise”.
Music started to play as Fred winked and said, “You’ll see.”
To everyone’s surprise, he started to sing.
Oh, her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shinin' Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her tryin' She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday
Yeah, I know, I know When I compliment her, she won't believe me And it's so, it's so Sad to think that she don't see what I see But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?" I say
He then took my hand and spun me around as he continued,
When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while 'Cause girl, you're amazing Just the way you are Yeah
He traced my bottom lip with his thumb as I giggled.
Her lips, her lips I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh She hates, but I think it's so sexy She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday Oh, you know, you know You know I'd never ask you to change
He placed a small peck on my lips before continuing.
If perfect's what you're searchin' for, then just stay the same So don't even bother askin' if you look okay You know I'll say
When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while 'Cause girl, you're amazing Just the way you are
I placed my hands on his shoulders as he swayed me on the spot.
The way you are The way you are Girl, you're amazing Just the way you are
When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while 'Cause girl, you're amazing Just the way you are Yeah
 “Since when did you learn to sing?” I asked.
 He smirked, “Only for you. Love.”
 Soon enough, the reception was soon over. We were trying to help Molly clean up.
She waved us off, “We can handle this. Just go.”
Fred smirked, “Time to go to our own reception then.”
After bidding goodbye to his family, we apparated to the hotel we were staying in before going to our honeymoon.
I yelped as Fred scooped me up bridal style and carried me to our room.
“Mrs. Weasley, I guarantee you’re going to have the best night of your life.”
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