#because the instant second hand embarrassment from knowing he was a) going to try b) going to fail
munsonsreputation · 3 months
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↢ chapter five | series masterlist | chapter seven ↣
🎧 soundtrack
steve harrington x fem!baker + artist
word count: [13.2K]
warnings: no use of y/n, cursing, idiots pining, shitty ex being an idiot, talks of anxiety/panic attack, overall fluff
summary: the small town of hawkins finally hosts their first official farmers market, but it certainly wouldn't be a town affair without some drama and saboteurs.
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You wanted to soak it all in, let it bathe you in the rays of the sunlight, blanketing you in a warmth that you never wanted to forget. The plush of his lips against yours, chest to chest with your hearts beating in synchrony, hands gripping you closer and closer until—
“Rise and shine, lovebirds!”
You groaned, sinking your face deeper into Steve’s chest, pulling the covers over your head in an attempt to go back to the dream that was ebbing away by the second. Steve raised his head off the pillow, staring at the group of children who crowded the end of his bed with shit-eating grins like they had won the lottery.
“Get the heck out!” Steve hissed sharply, eyes going wide, silently telling them all to leave that instant.
The kids clearly didn’t know anything about personal space. The act of knocking on a door or ringing the doorbell was a foreign concept to them. Matter a fact, it was an accurate depiction of what went down yesterday afternoon. And while Steve never minded the kids and their shenanigans, it was the very first time he genuinely wished they had considered minding their own business for his sake. 
“Please,” were the last words Steve had whispered to you.
The gap was nearly closed, lips inches away and your eyes fluttering shut letting in the daylight that you were both ready to step into, but that all changed at the clamoring of voices in the distance followed by the creak of the rusty garden gates. 
“Holy shit!” They chorused in unison, halting in their tracks seeing you and Steve entangled in each other’s arms in the middle of the pool, closer than you two have ever gotten before.
“Oh, my god!” You shrieked, nearly drifting away from Steve at the shock, trying to keep yourself upright in the deep end. 
He seized you, hugging you to his chest where you simultaneously hid your face with its flushed embarrassment in the crook of his neck.
“What the hell are you guys doing here?” Steve barked, staring at them with those eyes that told them all that they really messed up big time.
“We—Mrs. Byers said she was over and we wanted to stop by to say hello!” Dustin stuttered, pointing at you yet feeling regretful for letting himself and his friends in with the memorized padlock code.
“Why didn’t you try the front door!” Steve continued to argue, still clearly agitated at their ambush, torn between showing them out of this backyard or sticking there with you.
Mike tilted his head, evidently unbothered by the situation of invading Steve’s personal space, because in his eyes, the babysitter never needed personal space to begin with.
“We did, but you guys didn’t answer and Max didn’t have a bobby pin on her to pick the lock.” He replied dryly, going over to the loungers to make himself comfortable like nothing even happened. 
“B-but we can go! We’ll bike back home and tell mom we’ll see you guys tomorrow,” El’s voice piped up, coated with sincere remorse, quickly snatching Mike’s hand to pull him out of the chair.
Sure, the kids totally interrupted what would have been you and Steve’s first kiss, but they didn’t know that. If they were some sort of fortune tellers that would have known, you were sure they wouldn’t have barged in unexpectedly.
You finally pulled yourself away from the hiding spot in Steve’s collar, looking at the kids with the softest eyes, holding your open hand out towards them causing them to stop in their tracks.
“No — you guys don’t have to go!” You started taking a deep breath to tear your eyes away from them to look at Steve, doing your best to communicate in the silence to which he nodded slowly, mouthing ‘sorry’ to you.
He let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes for a moment to settle his annoyance before opening them and jutting his chin towards the back door.
“Don’t touch anything in the kitchen. That’s all for the bake sale tomorrow. Raid the pantry for all I care, but I’m not cleaning up after you guys!” He shouted and before he could finish the children were racing past the sliding door leaving you both alone only this time graced with their shouts from the inside.
You let out a shaky breath, wincing at how you suddenly became aware of the position you and Steve had been in for quite some time. You met his eyes worriedly, shrinking your shoulders in self consciously.
“I—Did I mess it up?”
His head rocked back and forth without missing a beat, assuring you with a genuine look of sincerity, “Of course not. I meant what I said, you know.”
Steve flashed you a comforting smile, fingers pressing gently into your skin as you relaxed your shoulders.
“We’ll talk about it? Us, I mean… when we’re alone?” He tried hoping you wouldn’t let it end like this.
“Please.” You nodded, running your hands over his shoulder blades, passing each other a hopeful smile for whatever was to come.
Only you and Steve didn’t get any alone time to talk about it.
The teens had spent the afternoon bathing in the sunlight, taking full advantage of Steve’s stocked snack pile and the swimming pool. And by the time you were acting as referee and giggling while they raced across the water, all the initial irritation Steve had felt dissipated — that and the fact that he got to throw Dustin in the water for payback.
But the afternoon had blurred into the night, leaving you and Steve as acting babysitters when they decided they were too tired to bike home and Steve was definitely too tired to drop each of them off. After you all washed yourselves clean of the chlorine and sunscreen, you ordered pizza while Steve set up the new tape in the living room.
It was a rom-com, “Can’t Buy Me Love”, something he thought you both would enjoy with each other, but the kids seemed to like it too — the boys more so tolerating it, preferring to be playing video games in the Wheeler basement, but the girls were thoroughly entertained, you would have been too, if it weren’t for the fatigue dragging your eyelids shut.
You and Steve were practically smushed together on the couch, your legs thrown across his lap and your cheek pressed to his bicep. His hand kneading the skin from your shin to your knee, bringing you closer to sleep despite the loud talking from the kids.
Steve had noticed your quietness, peering down at you and seeing the state you were in — eyes shut as soft snores left your mouth, your hands hugging yourself acting as a blanket.
“Sweetheart,” He tried, wiggling his shoulder a bit to see if you’d wake up, but to no avail you remained glued to his side.
“C’mon,” He carefully positioned one of his arms under your legs while the other cradled your head, “Let’s get you to bed.” He murmured quietly, slowly standing up from the couch with you in his arms.
He turned back, looking at the kids whose attention was on you two now. They weren’t surprised to say the least, considering the position you two were in just a couple of hours ago, but they just wondered what was taking you both so long to finally put a label on it.
“You guys make sure you clean up and turn off the TV when it’s finished. We got an early day tomorrow, alright?”
They nodded, waving and whispering their goodnights as he walked up the stairs and to his bedroom. Using his elbow, he nudged the lights on, padding to his bed and laying you gently on the mattress, before gathering the blankets and pulling them over your shoulders.
You shuffle, instinctively closer to the opposite side of the bed to make space for him as you lifted your arms from beneath the covers, making weak grabby hands at him. He chuckled, taking hold of them and winding his fingers between yours that instantly gave him a feeble squeeze.
“I’ll stay okay?” He promised, letting go and tucking your hands back underneath the covers before he went to switch off the lights and take his spot beside you.
And like second nature you settled into his side and he pulled you in a little closer — sleep came easy and he wanted to savor the feeling and bottle it up for those lonely nights he spent tossing and turning he was sure were long gone by now. All there was left was you and him, and he’d be forever grateful to spend every night in his bed with you, even in the aura of his empty house. 
Dustin sauntered over to the windows, seeing as though you and Steve were making no plans to actually get up and get going. He swiped the curtains back, letting in more of the sunlight, smiling to himself as you began moving around under the covers and Steve rubbed at his eyes — surely you both were awake now.
“It’s almost 8 and we’re supposed to be at Hawkins Square at 9.” Dustin crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot against the floors like some kind of parental figure, if Steve wasn’t so tired, he’d poke a little fun at how he was sorta taking after him. 
But instead he sat up on his elbows, staring at the kid ridiculously, finger pointing towards the door, “Out.”
Max smirked, walking over to her friend and leading him away by tugging on his sleeve and urging the rest of her friends to follow along and leave you two alone.
“Cut him some slack and let him cuddle with his girl for a few more minutes.” She snickered, not missing the sight of Steve’s cheeks flushing. 
Dustin gripped the doorframe, fingers slipping weakly as Max gave him another keen tug, pulling the door handle with her as Dustin shouted out quickly.
“Nance said she’s coming over in fifteen to pick up some stuff, so you better be up!”
The door slammed shut, jolting your half awake self fully up this time. Steve let out a deep breath, falling back against the mattress, apologetically whispering out to you as he closed the space once again.
You twisted in the sheets, throwing one of your arms across his back to tug yourself closer into his chest while the other lifted the blankets off your head from where you were hiding.
Despite the rude awakening, you were sure you could fall right back asleep from the warmth radiating off of Steve alone. He had that effect, the ability to be your personal sanctuary even in the midst of the chaos. While the idea of letting you drift back into dreamland was sweet enough as lying there beside you, he couldn’t possibly let you two run late.
“Cupcake,” He whispered, a warm hand moving down to massage your collarbone gently to spur you awake, “we gotta get up.”
Your fingers threaded into the material of his t-shirt, grabbing him tenderly as a sleepy whine knitted with your mumbling poured out, “Ten more minutes?”
His chest rumbled beneath you with a laugh, “Sorry honey, but we can’t. Nancy is dropping by in a bit to pick up some stuff.”
Taking in a deep breath, you took him in. The smell of his laundry detergent and body wash filling your nostrils. The mix of the two and the knowing that Steve was still there beside you, enough to wake your bones up and want to spend the rest of the day with him and your friends.
“Mmmm,” You pulled away, stretching your arms out, yawning for a few seconds as he watched you, until your eyes opened and met his. 
“Morning.” You greeted with a tired smile, blinking your eyes again trying to rid them of the sleepiness.
“Hey sweet thing,” He scooted back against his headboard, patting his chest, motioning for you to lay your head there because at the very least he could spare just five more minutes savoring the morning with you.
You got comfortable, looking up at him through your lashes, fingers mindlessly tracing fingers over his shirt, just enjoying the sight that seemed to be a special rarity now. Waking up in Steve’s bed was certainly not something you had grown accustomed to, but it was a nice feeling. Knowing that he had fallen asleep beside you, dreamt along with you, and now lay awake with you in his arms – a special kind of intimacy he saved for you. 
“Did I fall asleep?” You didn’t remember coming up to Steve’s bedroom by yourself let alone finishing the movie last night.
He hummed, his fingers a mirror to yours, moving over your shoulders affectionately, “A little less than halfway through the movie, then I carried you up here. The kids crashed in the living room.”
A warm smile spread across your features, always swooned by Steve’s consideration even when at this point you shouldn’t expect anything less of him. Trailing your fingers away from his midsection, you walked them up his collarbones, fingers thumbing the freckles on his chin that you were just admiring yesterday afternoon.
“You’re too sweet to me.” You let your touch stay on him without worry, doing everything besides meeting his eyes, too enamored by the beauty marks you had come to adore.
“I always will be,” His eyes glazed over with affection that not even words could describe.
Yet if there was the time, he would try to do it, to tell you how much he adored you and finally muster up the strength to let all his feelings loose. But despite how tempting that idea was, he knew it wasn’t the right time for it.
The kids would probably burst in at any given moment to get you both up again or worse, Nancy would already be downstairs shouting at the poor use of time given the special day.
“Do you wanna get dibs on the bathroom first?” Steve suggested, hoping it didn’t seem like he was purposefully steering the conversation elsewhere. 
You nodded, sitting up to stretch your arms wide with another yawn. “Just to brush my teeth, then you can get ready first. I’ll get the kids fed and the stuff ready for Nance.” You threw the covers off and let your feet hit the wooden floorboards.
He watched you gather your things while he began making his bed, pulling the sheets up and straightening it out.
“You sure? Usually they’re a lot in the morning.” 
“Take a break for once, yeah?” You reminded him with a tsk, “Isn’t that what you’ve been telling me?” 
He mocked out a laugh, shooing you out the room as you giggled and shut the door behind you. 
You took the bathroom first, brushing your teeth and combing your fingers through your hair just to get it to look somewhat put together before you actually had the chance to get ready for the day. As you exited the bathroom, you knocked on his door, signaling his turn before you jogged down the stairs, pleasantly surprised to see it so tidy without any reminder.
The blankets were folded and stacked on one end of the couch, as the other had a pile of pillows. The candy wrappers that littered the coffee table were no longer there and the tape that Steve picked was already back in its case ready to be returned.
You could hear their voices coming from the kitchen, groans and complaints echoing through the house as you rounded the doorway, quietly watching the scene before you with a self-indulgent smile.
Domestic chaos, as each of them called out different pantry items hoping everyone had an idea of what to make — just tired, hungry teenagers craving a proper meal to get them through the day.
“Good morning squirrels,” you chirped, finally making your presence known as you crossed the boundary into the kitchen.
“Morning,” they chorused, relieved looks washing over their faces knowing you’d be there to save their Saturday morning.
“Hungry?” You lovingly ruffled their heads as they made way for you to get into the fridge.
“We’re starving! But Steve said we aren’t allowed to eat any of the stuff for the bake sale, and Dustin and Mike ate all the pizza while we were sleeping.” Lucas shot the pair a glare. 
“We did ask you if you wanted a slice.” Mike defended, nudging the curly-headed boy who agreed.
“It was one in the morning, Michael.”
You shook your head, amused at their silly banter that continued while you opened the fridge, scoping out what you could whip up in a limited amount of time but still give them enough energy throughout the busy day. 
There were a few eggs left in the carton and more than enough tangerines to go around, plus a half bag of white bread that was going to go stale in a few days. You took the ingredients out, laying them on the counters as you turned to the kids and rubbed your hands together.
“Why don’t I whip something up, huh? You guys can go watch TV in the living room while you wait or you guys can stay and help if you’d like.”
You waited less than a second, fully prepared to see them rush the television, but instead they stood in their places, nodding and waiting for you to give them instructions on what to do. Surely enough, the kids didn’t like the idea of knocking on doors or ringing doorbells, but they did know how to lend a helping hand, making up for it all.
Soon the kitchen was filled with their voices, talking up a storm even in the early morning hours as you stood over the stove, trying to recreate Steve’s famous scrambled eggs all while listening to their teenage updates on life.
Will and Max juiced the remaining tangerines, sticky fingers squeezing it until the pulp gave out and the pitcher was filled nearly to the brim.
Lucas was sharing his own recipe, guiding El step by step as put the slices of bread slathered with butter and a good shaking of cinnamon into the toaster oven, making an easy and delicious cinnamon bread concoction.
Dustin and Mike set the table but of course not without a little more bickering, one wanting to use paper plates to reduce the dishes to be washed and the other wanting to use the ceramics because it wasn’t everyday they got to eat a fancy breakfast, even if it was just scrambled eggs and cinnamon toast.
Rest assured, you ironed away Mike’s worries about the dishwashing task, telling him you’d wash and let them air dry while you and Steve were gone. For the past week you’d been doing dishes nonstop and a few more wouldn’t hurt, plus you were starting to feel some muscle grow after all that scrubbing.
The glasses were filled with ice and juice, plates served with a good helping of eggs and one and a half slices of cinnamon bread. They finally took their seats, a little cramped together, but nonetheless they dug in.
“Eat up.” 
You knew that the boys had been close to one another ever since childhood and it wasn’t until middle school that El and Max had entered the picture, but even through all the phases that came with growing up, it warmed your heart to see them still be fully involved with each other’s lives.
El chewed up her food, looked over her shoulder at you before she spoke happily, “The cupcakes look yummy!” she praised, having seen it in the fridge when she chilled the pitcher.
“Steve frosted them! He's a total natural at it if you ask me.” You winked.
The kids looked at you torn between surprise and speculation that he actually did a decent job on them with zero prior experience.
“Well, I bet they taste delicious.” Will said, knowing that there wasn’t anything their babysitter couldn’t do.
“After everything gets set up, I’ll let you guys pick some freebies alright?” You offered, and they all nodded, mumbling out a “thanks,” in advance.
In the meantime, you shuffled around the kitchen, gathering spare brown bags and loading them up with the scones and cookies so Nancy could take them to the event ahead of time. You made sure to jot down the ingredients for each of the goods on index cards just in case any customers were curious or had allergies.
The kids ate with some comfortable chatter while you were busy before Dustin cleared his throat, catching your eyes as you placed the full bags near the doorway.
“So you and Steve, huh?” He smirked, wiggling his brows teasingly while he rested his elbows on the table as if he was getting down to business.
You groaned, rolling your eyes as you brushed past the table and headed for the sink. “I’m so not talking to teenagers about my love life.”
He tsk’ed loudly, “Why not? I give the best advice! When Suzie and I got together, I did all the right things and made her swoon.” He bragged before the red head cut in abruptly.
Max furrowed her brows, turning to him.
“Didn’t she just break up with you because you didn’t call for a week?”
His friends looked at him, eyes being able to see through the facade that Dustin was the most perfect boyfriend out of all of them.
“That doesn’t count! No one would take me to weather top and it’s way too hot to hike up there with everything all by myself.” He argued as everyone else uttered their disagreements and shook their heads.
You snorted, shaking your head at the boy as you dried your hands.
“Well, I’m happy for you and Suz, but I think Steve and I got our thing handled.” You assured him, giving his shoulder a pat.
“Oh, it’s more than handled. We just were waiting for you two to finally make a move on each other.” Mike piped in, chugging the rest of his juice.
Lucas jumped in not long after, huffing dramatically as he spoke, “I mean first the crushing, then the pining, and then the yearning… god you guys took forever!”
El, with her ever so cheery voice, bursted with a wide smile, looking at you kindly. “Well, I’m glad it finally happened. You and Steve are perfect for each other and make an even more perfect couple!”
Perhaps it didn’t hit you until the word fell out of her mouth… couple, and when it did, it hit you like a ton of bricks. The topic alone wasn’t something that you and Steve even got to properly talk about — it was just hanging in the air waiting for you or Steve to snatch and finally discuss.
In the eyes of the teenagers and even the rest of the gang, you and Steve already did the couple-y things. Spending the night at each other’s places, gushing about each other even when the other wasn’t around, shy touches that you suspected no one else could catch, and being around each other every chance you got.
The thoughts alone nearly sucked you in completely, not even aware of how Mike and Dustin argued over the fact that Steve hadn’t even asked you out yet. It was only when the doorbell began ringing through the house that you were suddenly aware of everything.
You shuffled on your feet, choosing to ignore the children and their nonsense as you went to get the door. Swinging it open, you smiled from ear to ear, already engulfing the person on the other side into the biggest hug.
“Oh, I really needed this!” She exhaled, smiling into your neck where she hugged you just as tight, “Thank you again for helping out.”
“It’s no problem, plus, it wasn’t so much work with Steve helping me. Have you eaten?” You asked, raising your brow.
“No, I’ve been busy around, calling and checking in with the other booths—"
You stopped her, reaching for her wrist.
“How about you come in and get some food before you head off, yeah?”
She smiled thankfully, following your lead as you pulled her inside and closed the door behind her, waiting as she unlaced her shoes and walked with you to the kitchen.
Thankfully, the kids had moved on from their conversation about you and Steve, somehow now talking about the movie they had watched yesterday. You really didn’t want to tell Nancy about it with them all around — eventually you’d tell her, but preferably when they weren’t around to hear all the details.
“Everyone say good morning to Nance! It’s a big day for her and she’s going to do amazing!”
You rubbed her shoulders, kissing her cheek playfully as she laughed and leaned into you.
“C’mon and eat.” Max gestured her over, scooting onto El’s chair as they made more room at the table.
Nance nudged her brother, raising her brow at him. “You didn’t tell me you guys were spending the night here.”
“It wasn’t the plan, but we were too lazy to bike home. I called mom, and she said it was fine.” 
Her eyes darted to yours with a questioning look, “They didn’t give you any trouble, right?”
You shook your head, looking around at all of them who half expected you to bring up the little afternoon incident.
“None at all… just making me feel old.” You joked, watching as they all eased up and laughed.
After a while, the kids had finished their helpings, beginning to stack the plates and cups taking it over to the sink before you assured them they all helped enough and you could handle one more load of dishes before you’d be clocking out for the next week.
Nancy hummed, reaching into her purse and finishing out the keys, tossing it over to Max.
“Why don’t you guys load up the car and while you’re at it, load yourselves up too because I need some extra hands.”
Their groans of protests about wanting to ride with you and Steve to the event were ignored as Nancy shooed them off. You flashed them all an encouraging smile, watching as they picked up the bags you prepped and waved goodbye before they were all out the front door.
When you heard it shut, you immediately darted over to Nancy, taking the empty seat beside her as you screeched as quietly as you could and reached for her hand, grasping it with a tight squeeze.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Her eyes went wide, promptly setting down her fork as she jostled your held hands in the air.
Your eyes were pressed shut, cheeks raised with a smile, “Steve and I… we almost kissed!”
She clasped her free hand over her mouth, squealing behind it.
“Oh, my gosh! Tell me everything!” She spoke, flapping her hands with you as you both began to excitedly slap each other.
“Well, we were in the pool and we just kinda admitted our feelings and,” You paused, looking out the doorway checking to see if Steve was coming down, “I—I was about to kiss him but then the kids kinda barged in.”
“Those little shits,” Nance shook her head knowing they were always up to some kind of trouble.
“But it was fine! Everything was fine between us and nothing felt awkward, you know? I mean we slept in the same bed and woke up next to each other, so I’m sure we’re on the same page.” 
“Wait, you guys haven’t talked about it since then?”
You stared at her blankly, slowly nodding your head as your lip got caught between your teeth, gnawing on the skin nervously.
“We said we would when we got some time alone, but then we got busy with the kids and then I fell asleep before we could talk about it and then when we woke up this morning we really didn’t have enough time.” You blabbered nervously. 
She nodded understandingly – relationship stuff was always tricky especially when it was fresh and you both were figuring it out. The same thing happened with her and Jonathan when they first got together, the anxiousness and worrying about every little thing.
But she knew that you and Steve would figure it out eventually. From the looks of it alone, you both harbored the same feelings even from the very beginning when you thought you’d both just be friends. 
“Don’t get too in your head,” she reassured you simply, prompting you to release the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Trust your feelings and go for it.”
You would have hugged her a little long if it weren’t for the horn sounding off from the driveway. The impatient kids debated on letting Max drive them to Hawkins Square if Nancy didn’t wrap it up and hurry. Waving goodbye and watching the car skirt out of the driveway, you found your way back to the kitchen tidying up as you waited for Steve. 
Resting against the counters, when you picked up on the footsteps jogging down the stairs before he came through the doorway sporting a pair of medium wash jeans and a classic polo — you were sure he had a hundred colorways and still he made all of them look good.
“Where’d they go?” He frowned, peeking past the back sliding doors to see if they were outside causing a ruckus again.
“Nancy recruited their help.” You waved him over to you.
He came swiftly, letting his arms rest on either side of the counter, caging you in close. There was a pleasant domesticity to it, something Steve wished he could feel every day, whether it was on weekends like this or busy mornings where he didn’t care to know better. 
Your eyes moved to the little piece of hair dangling in the middle of his forehead, straying away from the rest. Carefully, you pushed it back, running your finger gently through to make sure it stayed put for the rest of the day.
“That’s better,” you cooed, patting his cheek with a soft tap, feeling his skin rise with laughter. 
“Have you eaten yet?” He suspected, looking over at the table that was severely lacking in food. 
“Without you?” You lifted your brows, before shaking your head, “Of course not.”
Steve chuckled, stepping back while you shuffled away. 
“You made eggs,” He blurted, reaching for the pan that sat on the stove with a few pieces of eggs left.
“They’re not as good as yours.” You complained with a dramatic whine, and Steve grinned, popping a piece of it into his mouth with a hum.
“I’ll have the rest of this and then I’ll make you some, alright?” 
You clapped your hands victoriously, as if scrambled eggs made by Steve Harrington was the best prize of them all.
“You’re the best! Mind if I shower real quick?”
“Yeah, go ahead. I left a clean towel on the rack for you.” 
You raced up the stairs, hurrying because you didn’t want Steve waiting on you but also you knew you had to get to the town square to finish setting up. Your bag sat on his desk chair, and you rummaged through it, pulling out the floral slip you packed and the extra intimates. 
You cranked the water to warm, stepping in and letting the water slide across your body. His products were already akin to your skin, the familiar scent of Steve slipping across the slopes and valleys of your body before you rinsed the suds off.
Getting out of the shower, you quickly patted yourself dry, getting your skin care products on your face before the moisture was lost. You didn’t pay too much attention to your makeup, settling for some concealer to hide a few blemishes and the bags under your eyes. You swept a dusty pink shade over your cheeks and dabbed the excess over your lips for a cohesive look.
You opened the door, letting the fresh air cool your skin, walking across to Steve's room to put everything away and chucking your dirty clothes into the hamper along with his. Checking yourself one more time in the mirror, you pulled your dry hair from the bun, fluffing it at the roots and sleeking them at the ends before you were out and back down the stairs into the kitchen.
A plate of streaming scrambled eggs sat steaming on a fresh plate right beside his. He had already portioned out the remainder of the food for you both, getting rid of the extra dishes that were now cleaned and air drying in the rack.
Steve sensed you, looking over his shoulder as you twiddle your fingers at him from the doorway. He stopped his movements and turned around fully to get a good look at you before stepping forward.
“You look beautiful.” He complimented charmingly, fingers coming down to your shoulder, adjusting the strap of your dress that was slipping.
You looked down at yourself, smoothing out the fabric and then meeting his again.
“So do you… sorry I didn’t say it earlier! I got so caught up.” You laughed faintly, shaking your head.
“Can I be beautiful?” He pondered, head tilting. 
“Like an angel.” You promised, bopping his nose with your finger as he chuckled, grabbing at your wrist and tugging you to the table to sit beside him.
The two of you began digging in, and while most of it was cold by then, neither of you cared too much. Breakfast was slowly becoming both of your favorite meals to share with one another, whether it was from Taylor’s or scraps of leftovers. 
“Are you excited for today?” He broke the comfortable silence, watching you take a bite out of the eggs.
“Very, but I’m just a teeny bit nervous.” You scrunched your nose, fingers pinching just a tad.
“Care to share?” 
“I just hope people like the sweets and I also hope they like the paintings, I mean they’re the ones that never really sold, so I figured I’d give it a shot here and if not they can go to the salvation army—”
“Don’t say that,” Steve interjected with a shake of his head.
“You’re right, maybe I should give them out for free—”
“Not that,” He leaned into you with a grunt, smiling stupidly as he heard you squeal and weakly push against his weight.
“They’re special, each and every single one of them, and if they don’t sell, it’s not your fault. They don’t get how special your art is.” He reasoned, letting up on your shoulder whilst he grabbed ahold of your hand.
Without even thinking, your fingers laced through his, pulses in your fingertips beating off one another while you stared at each other like fools in love. There was that out of the blue kind of fondness again, the one that neither one of you could escape.
“I feel as though you were a poet in your past life.” You ran your thumb against his skin. 
“Really?” He curled his lips up — he’s been called an idiot that could barely hold onto a job that was slinging ice cream, yet there you were making him rethink career paths just so he could tell you everything he loved about you. 
“Everything you say is so sweet and earnest.”
“Heartfelt!” you chirped happily, watching the berry pink hue coat his cheeks bashfully.
You didn’t dare look away, and he didn’t plan on hiding his blush, more than comfortably showing you that it was you who got him like this – only you. 
“Always when I’m with you.” He settled softly, bringing your clasped hands to his lips with a chaste kiss.
For a second, it was the closest thing to your heart exploding… then you remembered the almost kiss that was a definite heart stopper. 
It happened once every few lifetimes, this kind of feeling Steve couldn’t shake for you. Years ago, he thought that moment slipped from his grasp, yet maybe all of this time — all those failed feats of searching for his other half was meant to glitch because there you were in front of him and all he ever wanted to look at forevermore was you.
The paths that had been crossed and all the stars that aligned caused a cosmic shift where you both finally intertwined and ended up here. You weren’t just a phantom of his imagination that he thought up and longed for. It was really the person sitting in front of him that was all he ever wished for and he swore that this was that once in every lifetime feeling he wasn’t going to let slip.
His quietness wasn’t anything new, you had gotten used to the pleasant silence that came between you and Steve, but you couldn’t ignore the way his eyes were boring into your skin as you finished up your breakfast while his sat half finished.
You set down your fork, reaching for a napkin to wipe over your mouth.
“You feeling okay?” You mumbled, raising your brow toward him, watching his glazed over features come to.
He blinked wildly, nodding his head with a hum, “Oh, yeah! Sorry, I just—just love having you here.” He confessed sheepishly.
You pursed your lips into a smile you couldn’t control and then you were throwing your head back laughing too enamored by his charm.
“I love that you let me stick around this long.” You caught your breath, shaking your head at him ridiculously.
“Stick around forever.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Steve furrowed his brows, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back in the chair wearing a playful smirk.
“Best one I think I’ve ever thought up.”
Maybe it was that new found confidence or maybe it was you being done acting too impaired by fear that you opened your mouth, and went for what was lingering – the one thing you needed reassurance from. 
“S-should we talk about…yesterday?” You coughed awkwardly, instantly cringing and regretting, letting it fall out of your mouth the way it did.
“Hey, don’t do that,” He reached for your hand, rubbing his palm over the top of yours, “I’ve been wanting to talk about it, but the kids kinda had to ruin the moment and all.”
“I think their timing is just a little off sometimes.” You said trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. 
He laughed shortly, before drawing your body closer to his. Knees knocking and thighs side by side — a skin to skin contact that felt almost reminiscent of yesterday's events, starting back up where you had left off.
“I meant every word I said, you know, about how you could never mess things up between us.” 
Still you worried, biting down on your lip, gnawing restlessly on the skin, “But what if I do, like, accidentally?”
“Accidents happen all the time. You just gotta learn how to work through them and see it through.” He shrugged slightly, keeping his tone gentle. 
“Are you always going to be this encouraging?” You sighed dramatically, halting your assault on your lip trying to lighten the mood.
“If I say yes, will you finally realize that I’m just as scared as you are about messing things up?”
Your eyes went wide, rocking your head side to side, finger poking into his chest.
“You have nothing to worry about! You’re like… so effortless. You make it look so easy and I’m just, I don’t know,” You shrugged reluctantly, “A mess?”
“You don’t think I’m screaming inside, nervous that I’m looking like a complete idiot in front of you?” He retorted, comically gesturing at himself.
“You could never look like an idiot in front of me!” you gasped, slapping his arm lightly, as you were wide eyed giggling.
“See, just like you could never be a mess to me!” He was half laughing and smiling then, motioning between the two of you.
You closed your eyes, sucking in a deep breath because you knew he was right. Nervousness was never one sided even for someone who was as suave as Steve Harrington.
“I meant that, every part of it. You don’t have to worry about making a fool out of yourself in front of me or being afraid you’re gonna mess anything up.” He spoke.
“If anything… we could give it a try? Mess it up together?” He offered with a dimpled smile, bringing his hand to glide across your cheek holding you to him.
“Together?” Your cheek rose against his palm, a smile too genuine to play off as shy watching him nod. 
“Yeah, if you want to take a chance on me,” He murmured, inching his face closer to yours.
“I’d take all of them.” You whispered, your heart pounding as you leaned in.
The moment was too perfect — a cage left undisrupted, the sanctuary it became as it was all you two had ever wanted. Just as your lips were about to touch, of course, the cage was rattled. A loud ring resounding from the living room, causing the both of you to flinch and snap your necks in its direction.
“Goddamnit!” Steve groaned, throwing his head back baffled, as the ringing continued to pitch through the house.
“I think we’re cursed.” You sighed, burying your face behind your hands, shaking your head in between a laugh and a groan.
The wooden chair screeched against the tiles as Steve stood up, running a hand over your shoulder as passed by.
“I told you, we’re not the ones messing it up, it’s everyone else!” He called out.
You couldn’t make out who was on the other side of the phone, but you could hear the faint voice as Steve let out a string of “uh-huh’s,” and “okay’s.” It was a few seconds more of that until Steve said goodbye and placed the phone back on the receiver.
“Who was it?” 
“Robin,” He replied with a huff, “Apparently she needs us there ASAP or else she’s gonna lose her mind because Nance is hounding everyone.”
You nodded, rubbing your hands over your knees, “We should go then.”
You stood up, going to gather the plates in a stack, but the gentle pull on your elbow stopped you and forced you to twist right into Steve’s chest, face-to-face breath fanning against each other until he spoke under his breath.
“I’ve been dying to kiss you for a while now,” He admitted, letting his eyes fall from your orbs to your lips back up to your eyes.
“R-really?” You swallowed, licking over your nearly raw skin, only then noticing his dilated pupils drinking you in.
He nodded, before that charming smile came to play with his hunger, “Yeah, and I’m gonna make sure when I do, we don’t need to rush.”
“I’m counting on you.” 
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Steve of course offered to let you drive, dangling his keys from his finger after you both finished loading up the car but you had turned down his offer, claiming it was his turn to take you out on a spin and who was he to deny you that reward after all the hard work you put into it?
His hand lingered on your knee and your fingers ran across his forearm as he drove through town. Music low and windows down, coasting down the roads that you never thought would lead you to him. Before you knew it, Steve had turned into the center of town, grabbing a free parking space right between Eddie's van and Mrs. Byer’s Ford Pinto. The sun was beaming past the windshield, nearly blinding you and Steve as you quickly lowered the visors and began unbuckling.
The two of you had failed to notice the running figure approaching the car until a knock sounded on the hood prompting you and him to see Robin standing there with her hands on her hips waiting around for you both to hurry.
“It’s gonna be a long day,” Steve exhaled with a weak laugh.
“We’ll get through it.” You tapped his thigh and unlocked the door to get the show on the road.
“Finally!” Robin shouted, skipping over to your side. “Nancy is driving all of us crazy!” She wrapped her arms around you in a hug as you did the same, rocking your bodies back and forth.
“She’s just stressed, Ro. This is a huge deal for her and she probably wants it to be perfect.” You attempted to console her, rubbing a comforting hand over the middle of her back.
“Where is she, anyway?” Steve looked around surprisingly not seeing her near the large cluster of tents and people setting up.
Robin waved her hands in the air absentmindedly, opening the backdoors to help you grab the rest of the things from Steve’s car. “She’s somewhere around here bugging someone else, trust me.”
You and Steve shook your heads, retrieving the rest of the bags of treats while Robin waited around carrying the crate of painting before the three of you walked through the parking lot into the grass area where a bunch of tents were being set up. Nancy was able to get a handful of local businesses like Miss. Driscoll’s Flower Shop and Benny’s Burger to participate — even residents who just wanted to pitch in to help and support their town’s brick and mortar.
Robin jutted her chin out towards the group of pavilions smack dab in the middle of the square patch.
“Your booth is over there.”
She led you to the area that Nancy deliberately set aside for you in order to give you ample space where you wouldn’t feel cramped between the others when it got busier in the day.
Fold out tables were placed towards the front and on the sides of the tent. El and Max smoothing out the pale yellow covers over them as Mike tied off the ends that flooded too long on the ground.
“What’s with the ladder?” You squinted, catching sight of Lucas climbing up with a roll of tarp in his hands while Will and Dustin held steps still from the bottom.
“It’s a surprise.” Robin’s voice leaking with glee that she was trying to suppress all the while the boy unraveled the tarp and hooked it over the screws.
“A surprise?” You furrowed your brows at her, bemused.
You expected some explanation, but all she did was giggle to herself, biting down on her lip in an attempt to keep it a secret for just five more seconds until you looked up and saw it for yourself.
“No way!” Steve exclaimed, laughing infectiously, catching your attention.
Your name was written in whimsical cursive letters, decorated with doodles that the children associated with you: sunshine, hearts, bumble bees, sparkles, and everything in between adorably cute.
“You did this?!” you blurted, setting down the bags with a thud while you lifted a hand to block the glare of the sun in order to get another glimpse of the banner.
“We did! We spent all of last week working on it.” Lucas bursted, hopping down from the ladder to get a good look at it himself.
The kids flocked around you, proudly peering up at their creation that they worked tirelessly on, just finishing it the day before, which is why they had crashed Harrington’s place with such excitement — barely keeping it a secret in time for today… thankfully their unmatched timing had their lips sealed for the perfect reparation gift.
“You guys!” You pouted sweetly, holding your arms out to all of them, prompting them to walk into your embrace.
“We wanted to surprise you with it and it was so hard to keep under wraps, but we knew it would be worth it.” Will smiled at you as you ruffled his hair.
“Are you kidding me?! This is the most amazing thing ever. Thank you guys for doing it.” You said again, making sure to place a peck on their temples.
You spun around, eyeing Steve and pointing at him with an accusatory finger. “Did you know about this?”
He rocked back on his heels, neither confirming nor denying, “I did begin to get a little suspicious as to why they were covered in paint for two weekends in a row.”
“I guess their timing isn’t bad after all… they’re just too sweet to me.” You moped towards Steve, puppy-dog eyes staring at him like they could do no wrong as he took your shoulders into his hands.
“And now you’re wrapped around their pinkies again,” he murmured with a chuckle, slinging his arm around your frame and walking you both into the booth. “C’mon let’s go set up before Nance goes crazy on us next.”
He helped organize all the baked goods, making sure to keep anything with frosting away from direct sunlight and instead on the bed of ice that Jonathan had dropped off before scurrying away with a mutter that Nancy needed him somewhere else.
Max and Dustin got the cookies laid out in a presentable manner as El and Lucas gave them pointers from the front view of the booth. You and Mike worked together, laying out the fresh canvases on the opposite side of the booth, and Mike pitched in to hang a few canvases on the posts of the tent for display. 
It all was coming together, and you were in awe looking around at what Nancy was able to put together for her beloved town. For a first time local farmers’ market, it looked as if Hawkins had done this a million times before and you were sure this was just the beginning. You’d be lucky if Nancy asked you to come back and help out again, and even then, there was no chance you would be saying no.
“Can we grab our freebies now?” Dustin tapped your shoulder.
“Pick whatever you guys want! You deserve it for all the help you’ve given, and that cute banner.” You said warmly, smiling as they all went for their pick.
Steve stuck by your side, snickering when the kids struggled to pick what they wanted, as if you wouldn’t let them grab more freebies throughout the day because he knew you most certainly would. In the end, every kid picked something different and shared it with each other so they all got a taste of the delicious creations you had spent days whipping up.
“Hey, you,” Eddie whistled, knocking his fist into the post of the stall to get your attention from where you were folding up all the extra bags that were emptied.
“Eddie! Oh my gosh, I felt like I haven’t seen you in forever.” You walked around the booth, going to greet him with a proper hug.
“That’s because Steve’s been hogging you from all of us.” He teased, giving his friend a wink who rolled his eyes behind you.
“I have not been hogging her,” Steve retorted, resting his hands on his hips, pointing at the outline of the cigarette box in Eddie’s pocket, “It’s not my fault she doesn’t like the smell of smoke.”
You scowled playfully towards Steve, turning your attention back to your friend and rubbing his arm kindly.
“He’s kidding, but you know I’m always concerned about your lungs.” You sulked, cringing at the thought of Eddie getting sick because of those cancer sticks.
“I tried telling him that too, hon, but he’s just as stubborn as his mother.”
An older man rumbled beside him, knocking his shoulders with a punch as Eddie chuckled, and gestured to him. He was as tall as Eddie, sporting a salt and pepper beard — if you squinted hard enough, he had some resemblance to Eddie, except the lack of curly hair.
“That’s my uncle Wayne.” He grinned, waving him over to you.
“Nice to meet you!” You held your arms wide, greeting him with a friendly hug.
“Nice to meet you, honey. My nephew said you got a car that needs to be looked at?” He suspected curiously.
You nodded eagerly, watching as Eddie and Wayne darted their eyes to the parking lot, trying to spot your car through the bustle.
“Well, it’s not here right now. It’s actually back in Roane, but it’s been giving me a little bit of trouble. It’s making some sort of rumbling noise, and I don’t know if it’s the engine or something else.” You said with a slight tilt of your head, hoping you were making sense with your limited knowledge of cars.
“Could be something with the exhaust.” Wayne scratched his head, looking towards his nephew.
Eddie tilted his head, tapping his foot against the grass before there was a snap of his fingers. “Or it might be out of alignment.”
The two men made noises of agreement, still trying to think up what could be wrong despite not having the car there to access for themselves.
Wayne threw his hands down to his sides, looking over at you when he extended a kind offer.
“Why don’t you let us take a look at it? I work part time at the shop and Eddie has a shift there sometime next week. We can work you in then.”
You twiddled your fingers together excitedly. “Oh, that’s perfect. Thank you so much! Here, I’ll give you my number so that you can call me when to come down.”
You motioned for Eddie to follow you into the boot, ripping off a scrap piece of a brown bag and searching for a writing utensil to jot down your number for him. Steve and Wayne had striked up talking, catching up and making jokes about how sorry he was that his tapes were probably way past the return dates because he had no time after working two jobs and barely any sleep to stop by the store.
You scribbled down your phone number, folding it up and watching as Eddie slipped it into his pocket before he took his turn and wrote down the direction of the shop ahead of time.
“You baked all this stuff yourself.” Wayne called out fingers skimming over the packaged cookies and other treats.
Steve stood with a proud smile, nodding his head, “From scratch and all by herself.” Wayne flashing you an impressive nod.
“I really couldn’t have done it without Steve’s help, though.” You nudged him from across the table — Eddie and his uncle not missing the sweetness that lingered through your adoring eyes for Steve.
“Mind if I buy a few things already, or do I gotta wait until this whole thing actually gets started?” Wayne said, already moving to get out his wallet.
You shook your head, hands held out declining the bills he held out to you.
“First dibs on whatever you want, and it’s on me!”
“No, I couldn’t let you give it to me for free.”
“It’s no problem, really. You taking the time to come down here to ask about my car was enough!”
Wayne settled on a baggie of chocolate chip cookies and, after hearing that Steve had frosted the cupcakes, he couldn’t turn down a raspberry hibiscus one. It wasn’t long after his praise that he told you he’d try to stop by to pick up more treats later the day, before he excused himself to go check out the other booths for who needed help to set up.
Everything looked to be coming together — more booths pitching up their tents and getting set up with all their goods and tarps of their own. Coincidentally, Vickie’s lemonade stand was directly across from yours, giving you and Steve a front row view of how giggly she and Robin were as they prepped for opening — you definitely had to catch up with her when you got the chance.
Steve rubbed his hands together, scanning your booth in search of a task to steal from you, but all that was left was to wait until people were allowed in to start shopping. You were straightening out all the treats, doing last-minute touches to make sure everything looked perfect, even creating a small space where the cash would be handled.
Steve lingered beside you, tsking at you being on your feet all day, “Do you need anything? I could get you a chair to sit on. I mean I don’t have one on me right now, but I can find Nancy and ask?”
He peered past the booth, looking around, hoping to spot her or Jonathan running around somewhere.
“I’m okay, Stevie, but thank—”
Eddie clicked his tongue noisily, cutting you off guard, when he sauntered over to his friend with a grin.
“Ah, ever the gentleman you are, but I actually need some help,” He threw his arm over Steve’s shoulders, eliciting a groan, hating how the leather jacket clung to his neck in the heat.
“Nancy put me in charge of helping Miss. Driscoll unload all her flower pots, but I don’t want to do it alone. You know she gets all talkative about her plants, and I need a way out.”
“Why don’t you ask one of the twerps for help?” Steve reasoned toward the kids who looked minutes away from a sugar rush.
“I was thinking of it, but considering she’s been hogging you, I think you owe your friend a hand.” Eddie half joked, glaring at you.
“I have not been hogging him, Eddie!” You gasped, wagging a finger in the air.
“Whatever you say, sugar. Don’t worry, we won’t be long.” Eddie whistled, dragging his friend along with him.
“I’ll be back in a bit!” Steve shouted over his shoulder, heading a few booths down to Miss. Driscoll’s booth. 
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By noon, the farmers’ market was swarming with more and more people, hoards of families walking around Hawkins Square and taking the time to enjoy all the booths and each other’s company on a rare occasion that wasn’t an angry town hall meeting.
And, of course, like Steve promised he was back in time to ease your nerves before your booth was enveloped with patrons ready to see what you had to offer. He, of course, didn’t come back empty-handed, presenting you with a succulent from Miss Driscoll’s, claiming you needed a real one to blend in with the fakes on your porch.
Before everyone arrived, he volunteered himself to be in charge of handling all the transactions, thanking his experience at Scoops and Family Video for his brisk change counting and his charming customer service. And as you expected, he was effortless at it.
“The mocha walnut loaf? Oh, that one is going to knock your socks off. But have you seen her paintings too? All her, and you won’t find these anywhere else.”
Steve paired his convictions with a wink, counting up the bills while you bagged the items with an amused smile clinging to your features, cheeks reddening from the compliments that the customers praised you with but more so the ones that Steve kept repeating like a motto. All those nerves faded into nothing when he was by your side, spurring you on.
Besides Max and Will, the other kids came and went, helping the other booths and exploring what was offered. Funnily enough, many of the kids’ parents, whom you hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting yet had stopped by to introduce themselves. Apparently, the kids really did yap about you all the time, so it was only right that they all got to meet who the heck their children were so fond of.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair was as sweet as ever, even Erica who according to Lucas was a “pain in the butt little sister,” was incredibly kind, sparking up a conversation about the Cherry Pie that Lucas told her was the best he ever had, and how one day she hoped you would be able to bake another so she could try it herself.
Mrs. Wheeler took the time to leave her book club booth, stopping by yours to introduce herself and gift you with a few books about art and recipe booklets she’d thought you’d like. She reminded you of Nancy in many ways — caring and headstrong just to name a few traits.
Ms. Henderson was a spitting image of Dustin — personality and all. She met you with such joy and excitement, practically buying one of every treat and even picking up a canvas that she claimed was going to hang perfectly above the mantle where all of Dustin’s science awards stood.
To your surprise, even Dorothea stopped by, bragging about how Steve had invited her and she could not deny the invitation to catch up with you for a little and get to explore the town that she hadn’t been to in ages. The kids even got the chance to meet her, cheeks being pinched as if their grandmothers were visiting, while you and Steve stifled your laughter as they all tried to converse shortly with her.
The hours ticked by fast, people coming and going, leaving with a creation of yours while they left you with an ever-growing sense of gratitude. In some weird way, Hawkins felt a little bit like home, surrounded by your friends and new company that you could get used to soon enough. By the time the day slowed down and the temperature cranked up it was midafternoon and you were all left waiting for the last call to pack up and get going.
You tossed your hair over your shoulder, fanning yourself lightly as you eyed the kids who settled themselves on the grassy ground, trying to shade themselves from the unrelenting sun.
“You guys doing good over there?” You giggled, bending down to press the back of your hand over their necks.
Max groaned, wiping the sweat off her forehead for the millionth time.
“How much longer until this is over? I think I’m gonna have a heat stroke soon.” She exasperated dramatically, prompting Lucas to fan her with his flapping hands.
“Soon.” Steve chuckled, drumming his fingers against the table tops, setting his sights across the town square where the crowds began to dwindle little by little.
“I’ll get you all lemonade from Vickie’s booth just before we start packing up.” He added before the kids mumbled out their fatigued “thank you’s.”
You stood up straight, settling next to Steve, leaning against the tables and facing opposite of where the sun was beaming down on the front of your booth. For a while there had been no customers, because you had already sold out of all the baked goods, and there were only a few of you and Will’s art pieces left — you thought that maybe some late straggler would take a pick at them before you left.
You and Steve glanced at each other, smiling faintly until his arm slung over your shoulder, pulling you toward him, closing the space.
“Are you feeling hot too?” He wondered, not minding the stickiness of your skin together when he brushed your hair behind your ear.
You opened your mouth ready to assure him that you were not on the brink of a heat stroke but Mike gagged dramatically, causing you both to close your eyes anticipating what smartass remark that would fall from his lips.
“Dude! Right in front of us?” Mike choked, looking at you both with a look of revulsion, “Take your flirting elsewhere!”
“I swear to god, Wheeler.” Steve spat, shaking his head at the boy before shooting you an apologetic look that was quite common nowadays.
You ignored the boy's middle school behavior.
“I’m okay, not too hot or anything. Just a bit warm.” You assured Steve, stroking his back lightly, thanking him for still being so concerned about you.
“Are the coolers out of water already?” Steve lifted his brow, briefly dropping his arm from your body to head over to the icebox that Hopper had dropped off in the middle of the event, filled with ice cold water bottles and Capri-Suns.
“There should be one left,” one of the kids mumbled.
He stuck his hand into the pleasantly freezing water to retrieve it for you, walking back and already having the cap twisted off, holding it out with a grin.
“Here you go.”
“You’re the best.” You whispered, taking it from him as you tipped the bottle back taking a few sips.
“Wow, I can’t believe you still have this one! I remember you made this when we were dating and I told you then it wasn’t good, and it being here now just comes to show how right I was.”
The foreign voice tumbled into the quietness, the kids perking up their heads and faces covered with confusion, while Steve looked rather shocked, instantly whipping his neck to the person speaking.
You felt frozen in fear, nearly choking on the water as you felt your heart sink into the pit of your stomach and your palms began to sweat. The plastic bottle crinkled when your shaky fingers capped it closed. Unsure, you didn’t know whether to turn around and face him or run away and hide.
“And you’re still baking for fun? Don’t tell me you haven’t found a real job yet.” The voice snickered cruelly, causing you to tighten your jaw, eyes pinching shut.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Steve cut in, trying to understand why some stranger would come up to you and say some horrible things unwarranted, but you didn’t allow the man to give him an answer.
“You need to leave.” You seethed, whipping towards him and snatching the canvas away from his hands with enough power to cause him to lose footing for a second.
His face twisted into something evil, so condescending like he didn’t change at all, “What? Can’t take a little joke?”
“Not from you. Now go.” You replied dryly, planting the canvas back down and pointing him out the other way.
“That isn’t any way to treat a paying customer.” He teased with a pout, reaching back for his wallet, as if you would ever take a penny from him.
“I don’t want your money, so you can leave.” You shook your head with the roll of your eyes.
“Why so cold all of a sudden? I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I couldn’t resist when I saw flyers hanging around when I was visiting. How’s rent? Are you short this month because I can give you a few extra—”
An irked puff of air left your mouth, arms crossing over your chest, “What the fuck do you gain from this? Humiliating me? Getting a kick off seeing me happy without you? What is it, Brad?”
Brad. Now Steve had a name and face to put to your ex — punchable in so many ways. But unbeknownst to you all, El and Will immediately ran off, going to find their dad who was acting somewhere wandering before things could escalate into something bigger that none of them wanted to see.
“Happy?” Brad scoffed, laughing in your face, “You call working a stall in the middle of nowhere a source of happiness? What could have made you happy was getting a real job and moving out to the city to make real money.”
You looked at him disappointingly, eyes glaring with storms in them — the same ones he used to cause.
“You’re so pathetic, coming all the way out here to do this to me. Was six years not enough for you? All that time and you still haven’t had enough of making me feel bad.” You accused sharply.
“It’s called a reality check. Some people find it helpful.”
“Well, I don’t need it. I didn’t need it six years ago. I didn’t need it when we broke up, and I don’t need it now.” You retorted, slamming your hands onto the table, getting face to face with him.
Steve immediately extended his arm between you both, but you hadn’t even internalized his protective gesture, too busy staring the man in front of you down for all those years he stole from you and that moment right then that he tried to claim as his.
In the distance, coming closer there were the two kids, jogging ahead of their father, leading him to the commotion that was starting to attract the eyes of strangers and the other booths that stuck around.
“Is there a problem here?”
Hopper announced his presence, approaching the front of your booth, giving Steve a look of confusion seeing as though you were the unlikely bet to be in this position when his kids alerted him of what was going on.
You didn’t budge, ignoring Hopper and instead, standing your ground the way you were too scared to do before when it was behind the walls of your apartment. He didn’t deserve an ounce of your sympathy, let alone civility for the way he tried to slither his way back into your life.
“All those indiscretions of yours that I used to take in good fun? That’s not me anymore and I’m happy, and I don’t need to prove it to you or anyone else.” You sneered, watching the way he rolled his eyes to cover the bruise you had just given to his ego.
“Keep telling yourself that because the next person who has to endure dating you for as long as I did is going to feel sorry for themself when they realize they wasted their time on a train wreck.”
“Shut your mouth!”
Before you could even process what was happening, Steve wedged himself between you both, grabbing your ex by the collar, nearly dragging him across the tables as he shook him harshly. You gasped, stumbling back only to be caught by the hands of the children, springing quickly into action. The tussle didn’t last long, Hopper immediately jerked the two apart, all while a crowd formed, loud chatter and pointed fingers reveling in the sight that you wished was all a bad dream.
It felt all too real, reliving everything that you once put up with, and the air was beginning to getting thicker, harder to breathe through with everyone gawking. Your eyes darted left and right, Robin sprinting out of her booth to see what was going on, and Nancy on the opposite side dropping her clipboard to run over. But before they could even come close, you did what you knew how to do best — run.
Steve stepped back, muttering out a “sorry” towards Hopper, seeing as though this was the last thing that was supposed to go down today. He ran his hands roughly over his face, catching his breath and attempting to calm the adrenaline rushing through his veins.
“Are you alright?” He spoke gently, turning around expecting to be met with you, but you were already gone.
The kids were shaken up, pointing in the opposite direction where your figure was weaving through booths trying to get away.
“Go,” Two voices said behind them, Nancy and Robin nodding him along, before they worked on getting everybody to clear out and give Hop some space to escort your ex out.
You felt stupid hot tears rolling down your cheeks, angry at yourself for letting his words get to you after all this time apart, and even more sorry that Steve and the innocent kids had to see you get so worked up over a loser like him that wasn’t even deserving of time….yet you were there, visibly upset.
There was a pit in your stomach, the one that came back for the first time in ages, the one that you thought you had repressed so much so that it would never show up again. You thought the day he broke it off was it — the last time you’d ever see him or hear his voice, and for a moment that brought you all the closure you needed, but now it was as if the stitches to that wound were becoming undone once again. 
Then there was that familiar voice coming to you. Not the one that was poisoned with malice, but his that was always a consolation during times of sadness, only this time, your own anxiety wasn’t the cause of your despair, but in fact another soul who dared to hurt you.
“Sweetheart! Wait up, come on honey, just—just slow down for a second.”
Naturally Steve had come after you and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t expect him to do so, but just didn’t know what you were going to say to him when he’d meet you face to face. How he could look at you and see the person he had been spending most of his time with? If that version of you was even a semblance of someone he could actually be with, or maybe the version he just saw seconds ago was the train wreck he was dodging all this time.
“I—I can’t go back there!” You shouted with tears in your eyes.
You turned into the brick alleyway of the radio shack barricading yourself from being embarrassed even more than you already were. Your hands covered your face, sobbing uncontrollably as you paced back and forth until Steve caught up, gently halting your footsteps and pulling you into his frame.
“Hey, c’mon, I’m right here.” He breathed softly, drawing your hands down just so he could see you.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, pinching them shut as you bit down harshly on your lip trying to silence violent whimpers that risked escaping. His heart ached just looking at you, tear-stained cheeks with rivers continuing their paths all while you did everything but look at him — the way he wanted you to, just so you could see that he was right there with you and there wasn’t a chance he’d leave.
“Please, Steve, you have to find a way for me to get outta here. There must be a back road or something, right? Y-you can bring the car around here and take me home.” You reasoned, eyes darting around nervously, attempting to peer past his figure to think up a great escape.
He hushed you quietly, taking your face into his hands, guiding you slowly, “Sweetheart, breathe…” Your tears didn’t stop, but your staggered breathing shallowed into something gentler, “Yeah, just like that, it’s okay.”
His thumbs ran under your eyes, swiping the traces of tears that kept pouring as you tried to keep your breathing at bay. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, alright?” He assured you sincerely, never letting up on the softness.
“I-I’m stupid,” you whispered, letting him hold your face as you hung your head low letting the teardrops splat onto the concrete beneath you.
“No, you aren’t. Don’t say that.” He scolded lightly, shaking his head in disapproval.
“I am,” you whimpered chin quivering, “I caused a scene and everyone is probably talking about it because I had to make myself the center of attention.“
“You’re so wrong.” He spoke in a tone that felt almost upbeat for the situation at hand, that you really had no choice but to stare up at him in disarray.
He looked over shoulder, then straight back at you with a faint smile on his lips.
“Hop is probably threatening him with jail time. The kids most likely heckled the hell out of him. And if I’m not wrong, Nancy and Robin are searching for you, wanting to make sure you’re okay.”
You sniffled, eyes crinkling as the tears fell, not knowing how he could be so optimistic after what had transpired. You were deeply convinced that there was no plausible way he wasn’t concerned with his own choices, settling to be there with you instead of bolting knowing you were a mess he was in for.
Without missing a beat, he continued thumbing away the tears that came, words spilling out of his mouth.
“You don’t get it do you? How much everyone here adores you, and would do anything for you at a moment’s notice?” He kept that wide-eyed look on his face, trying to get you to see yourself in the light that he did.
“You don’t even live in this town, yet you have everyone dying to be around you because you’re so kind and special.”
You croaked out a cry, swallowing back the lump in your throat, while your head rock back and forth in his cradle, unconvinced that’s how anyone saw you. But he hummed surely, picking your head up as he nodded and stared at you with a sentiment of so forthright written across his face.
He stroked your cheeks, getting impossibly closer to you, his chestnut orbs staring into your sodden ones, “I’m a little bias but you wanna know something else?”
You ran your tongue over your lips, shrugging as your sobs slowly died with each second that passed. “W-What?”
“Every time that you’re away, I feel incomplete. Like I’m missing the one thing I can’t have and I can’t take it.” He told you, feeling your jaw quiver beneath his fingertips.
“Steve…” you whispered, closing your eyes only briefly not wanting to take any of it for granted.
When your eyes met his again, his lips moved with another string of words falling from them.
“It’s you that I want. I want you with every fiber of my being.”
“I want you too,” You sniffled, hands wrapping around his wrist, holding you both there, “God…you—you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to tell you and I’m so sorry it had to happen like this but—”
He smiled, shaking his head interjecting, “Are you gonna stop apologizing and let me kiss you? I’ve been dying to, after all.”
You cracked a laugh, eyes crinkling, and the tears stood still. All that was in front of you was all that you wanted to see forevermore.
“Yeah,” you murmured, draping your arms across his neck, “please.”
There was a promise in his eyes, to give you everything you wanted and more, an unspoken vow to always be yours if you were to be his. Those same eyes flickered over your lips, breath hitching in your chest as your lashes fluttered with your lids shutting. Lips closing the distance until everything felt like it was melting away.
Soft and tender, a gentle invitation granting you both to step into the daylight together. Your lips meshing synchronically, his hands sliding to the back of your head, pulling you closer into him, and without thinking your foot kicked up — the outside world becoming nothing when you both had your own oasis to call home.
Every brush and graze etched upon your skin, your lips making their permanent mark on his, and then it was for certain that your lives couldn’t exist without this feeling again.
Breathlessly, you both pulled away foreheads resting against each other as your starry eyes gleamed into his. Silence filled the air, yet you both knew what it meant—everything you both had been anticipating and hoping for since the beginning.
And who were you both to fight it? 
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💌 reblogs, tags, comments, + likes are greatly appreciated! leave a comment and let me know if want to be added to my taglist!! 💌
a/n: i haven't updated this series in forever, but at the same time it feels like i have been working on it since forever (just writer things yenno?) the kiss finally happened!!! i've been dying to write this scene since the beginning of glitch, and im so sorry i had to drag it out six chapters, but all good things come with patience hahaha. thank you all for sticking around this long, and i think i have a few chapters left before i wrap this series up, but glitch will always have a special place in my heart for the sole reason that it came to me naturally and i was able to forge it up for you all, and most importantly you all showed such immense love for it--truly it means the world to me <3 a big thank you to my baby @translatemunson for always being my biggest motivator and bestest proof reader (i love you sm babes!!!) and i love all of you, thank you for sticking around and being the best!
taglist: @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @astolenkiss @loving-and-dreaming @awkotaco24 @engenelxver @elfiaaaa @pbs-theundeadmaggot @johnricharddeacy @gaysludge @keerysfolklore @micheledawn1975 @ihatepeanutss @bakugouswh0r3
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kandyrezi · 1 year
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PROMPT: Angels of Fumus with a human lover.
. . .
i. Taffy does not want to deal with inevitable heartbreak that comes with having a mortal lover. literally and figuratively, you are worlds apart and so, he keeps his heart closed. he's committed countless atrocities and sins and he wonders how he's still (un)mercifully living and breathing only because his god allows it. you find a confidant in him and he likes listening to you, in return he finds a friend in you and you console his grief to best of your ability, but that's as far as that'll go. it's for the best if he wants to keep you safe and out of reach from lord fumus.
ii. Yuu strays from romantic relationships generally, the chance of happiness is tempting but he resists the temptation for his own sake that would end up being ephemeral in any case. bringing you with him to his world is not an option, so he'll end up asking for advice from taffy – his closest friend and comrade – on the matter, though he has a feeling he already knows what kind of answer he will receive. he doesn't want you to cry over a caged bird like him, he leaves as many kisses on your face as needed until your tears have finally dried. "for... good luck," he'll tell you, not realizing it's the last you'll be seeing of his gentle, red eyes.
iii. Lei Hitotose cannot get enough of the wonder and awe you praise him with, asking how he manages moving around with those three huge wings ("wow, they're even soft like cotton!" you'll tell him) and trying to poke at his halo by standing on your tippy-toes. his sin is that he is self-indulgent to a fault, but he cares very little about it. he'll allow you to touch and pat him wherever you please, so long as he can return the favor with a 'curiosity' of his own by getting to fondle you – you can trust either way that this pervy seraph won't be keeping his hands to himself.
iv. Zero Hitotose reasons to himself he should focus on duty and mission above all else, but he's a fool in love and his mind drifts back to you, inevitably. he can live just fine without you, but he certainly doesn't want to. he's impulsive and not graceful in the slightest and always comes crash-landing out of the blue somewhere near your current location. you'll find him sprawled in a rose bush, and he's embarrassed out of his wits, but when you say you're laughing not at him, but because you're happy to see him, any regrets or second-guessed he had previously fade away in instant.
v. Engetsu may enjoy a little self-indulgent fling of his own, not at all shy to go after something that catches his eye. it's certainly fun for him too, to pretend to just be a normal boyfriend (who just enjoys crossdressing) that you have, to your family or friends, instead of an ethereal being from an entirely another world. he thinks some of them can probably sense something odd about him, those who are more susceptible to the otherworldly. yet at the end of it, he is still a realist through and thorough, knowing you won't be with him forever, as much as he does like you – amongst other complications and it's perhaps best to end it, but trust he'll give you something to remember him by; with long, passionate hours into the night in your room and clothes discarded on the floor.
vi. Fiore enjoys long conversations with you, how you see the world around you is so fundamentally different from his own, and your differing viewpoints keep his interest and attention. it's highly likely he can understand the language you speak, but you can't understand the writings and scripture that's written in the books in his world, so he would enjoy teaching you how to read it. it's undeniable by the feelings of deep affections he holds that it's more than friendship on his side. he doesn't visit often, but he writes letters. some of them are never sent. things he thinks should be said out loud, but won't (or can't) bring himself to do it.
vii. Inga never tells you of the violent conflicts and punishments he endures, but he doesn't always clean the blood and nurse the wounds effectively enough for you not to notice it anyway. he rarely talks about himself, preferring for you to do it instead. being in love with you is just being in another war with himself, and it's an easy victory (or defeat) to accept the hardship of loving someone so pure and worlds away from the source of all his pain. your presence to him is really the epitome of the phrase, "you gave me peace in a lifetime of war".
viii. realistically, Tsurugigozen has no interest in mingling with anyone that much of a lower status than himself. your unrequited yearning fuels his ego, but he keeps you at arms' length, not believing you to be worthy of him. yet he gets pissy when you lose interest due to his 'apathy' and he doesn't get the attention he expects from you, so he'll subtly degrade and make you feel small, but you won't let him get away with it, ("i thought god's angels were creatures of enlightenment, but now i see you're just some phoneys wearing stupid costumes!") and he's deserving of every nasty word – but one has to wonder why has he not just left if he really thinks of you as that insignificant. maybe he isn't as complex as he likes to think of himself as.
ix. Youran is a romantic in every sense of the word, it's possible he'll look at his surroundings with rose-tinted glasses and live in fantasy constructed of false ideals, ignoring all the macabre and the ugly. and you believe him too, with his kisses sweet as honey dew and words of romance like something from your collection of poetry books – but it is him who becomes lost in his own grandeur delusions and wringing you along, one of his comrades will likely have to remind him of the gravity of the situation and who it is he keeps sneaking off for not-so secret trysts under the moonlight and clear skies of stars. it is possible he'll be out of your life as abrupt as he came once the realization finally sinks in for him, making his presence feel like nothing more than a dream due to a fever. but it's certainly enough to leave a lasting ache and a hollow feeling because of it.
x. Aes doesn't remember the last time he really fell in love with someone – it could've been centuries or even eons ago because he's never really been the type to form romantic connections with anyone, but once he actually realizes it, it's an indescribable feeling of being at peace. the sweet blond angel, if only he could, would grant you immortality, but he would never want to subject you to the violence and bloodshed he's surrounded with daily, no matter if it's the devil's or his own god's world he's residing at said moment of time. he wonders of the possibility – if erasing your memories of him would ease his and your pain, knowing there isn't a reality out there where you could be together without a war in between, but he really doesn't want you to forget about him. in and outside the battlefield, his heart remains weak as always, and he himself can't deny it.
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faeryarchives · 2 years
Adore You
riddle roseheart x gn!reader
riddle gave you multiple reasons to leave, because he thought you were making a big mistake of liking him more than a friend and yet you stayed right next to him.
note: i just realized how hard it is to type anything without a laptop 😭😭😭
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Throughout his life, Riddle passed through every trials in his life whether be it alone or with friends. No trials can stop the Heartslabyul dorm leader from living peacefully - except for one.
“Good morning ~ my dear Riddle! How are you today?"
Trey and Cater turn to look sideways, trying to hold back their laughter after you tackled their dorm leader with a back hug. Riddle's ears turning bright red every milliseconds passing with you holding him in your arms. "Wha- (Name) get off of me this instant or else!"
"Aww, you know you can't cuff me with your unique magic it has no effect on me." You eventually let go of the red haired male leaving him fuming with embarrassment and feeling shy from your attention.
Ever since the overblot incident, you've been hanging out with the second year a bit too much. Whenever he ask the reason why, you only gave him an answer that will forever be engraved in his mind.
"It's because I like you! I want to spend time with the one I like."
"B-but why me?!" You looked up at the sunset outside of the library's window and shrugged your shoulders. Your eyes meeting his own, and as if time slowed down - the sounds of other students chattering in the background faded and he could only hear your voice at that moment.
"Do I need a reason to like someone?"
After that interaction, Riddle made sure to be always out of your sight. He never had this kind of problem before - a whole new experience for him, it feels somewhat ... excited and happy? That is why the rational thing he thought about was to run away. But somehow, you just always know where to find him.
"Riddle whatcha doi- oh my are those the hedgehogs Ace had been telling me about?"
"What are you doing here?! Didn't the Headmaster called for you?"
"...? Who told you that? Anyways can I-" You didn't get to finish your sentence when Riddle put a pink colored hedgehog in your hands. His gaze soften when the small creature didn't seem to pose you as danger and proceed to enjoy your touch. Watching you have fun in his presence without being scared or intimidated and smiling so fearlessly made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
As if he is... "...in love?"
"Hm? What was that, I didn't hear you for a second there."
"I need to go!" He abruptly stood up, bringing the hedgehogs back to their cages and left without another word - leaving you alone in the garden.
Seeing how flustered the dorm leader before, you let out a laugh, a small blush appearing on your face in the process. You sat in the garden alone enjoying the scenario until Grim and the Adeuce duo appeared at the garden looking confused why you are sitting all by yourself.
"(Name)? I thought you were hanging out with Riddle?" You hummed before twirling a familiar gold ornament in your fingers. "Yeah, but something came up and he had to leave." You spent the rest of the afternoon chatting away with your friends while walking around the school grounds but your mind is lingering somewhere or someone.
"How can you be this cute, Riddle? It just makes me adore you more."
ok do u guys want a part 2 for this or im going to leave it just there 🤓 AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS AGAINNN OMG IM SO EXCITED FOR FOOOD
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 30
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: Dean tries to teach you to use an angel blade.
Warnings: none particularly
Word count: 1.4k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 29 <- -> Part 31
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“Are you still looking for Azaneth?” you asked the next morning at breakfast, sitting on your cushion on the floor.
“Yes,” Dean answered honestly. “Something on your mind?”
“Umm, I want to learn how to defend myself.”
“Sweetheart, I ain't intending for you to see him unless he's safely restrained. We don't need to put you through that again.”
You nodded. “I, umm, I’d still like to know.”
He studied your face for a second. He wondered if your hesitation was because you were worried about his reaction, worried about Azaneth, or something else. Then he thought that maybe it was just because you were asking for something for yourself, which always seemed hard for you. “Ok, I’ll teach you.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
Dean took you to the gym. “Alright, this is an angel blade. Kills angels and demons. Maybe some other stuff too, but that’s not the point. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
He handed it to you, handle first. “Alright, swish it around a little, get a feel for the weight.” You did so, and immediately dropped it. It clattered to the floor. You squealed and jumped back, trying to avoid cutting off your own toes. “Christ,” he muttered.
“Sorry, the handle was slippery!”
 “It’s called a hilt, not a handle. Maybe we should start with something a little less sharp or you’re going to end up with no feet. I’ll be back, gonna see if we have practice daggers or something.”
He eventually came back with two plastic kids toy swords. “These are from a time we had to dress up and sneak into a Halloween party. We’ll have to find something a bit weightier another time, but for now we can practise some moves.”
He taught you a few basic blocking moves, but you could tell you weren’t very good. You felt dispirited, depressed that you couldn’t even hold a blade much less wield one.
“Hey, hey,” Dean interrupted your thoughts. “None of that. I can see you getting all up in your head. You’re not doing badly, you’re just not used to it. You do not go to one swimming lesson and the next minute bring home a Michael Phelps medal haul from the Olympics. Same thing for ganking monsters.”
You smiled weakly, appreciating his attempts at humour but struggling to get out of your emotions.
“Come on, Bambi, I’ll let you pick what’s for dinner.”
You had to expect it. You’d been the one to bring up Azaneth that day, after all. So when the nightmares came again that night, you only had yourself to blame.
You shivered in your blanket on the floor. You couldn’t shake the image of him towering over you, ready to strike. Even better, now your subconscious had helpfully added the imagery of you dropping the angel blade the instant you held it. Thanks for the vote of confidence, self.
You tried to lie down again, but every time you closed your eyes you saw him. You were so very alone.
Tears sprung to your eyes.
You thought about your options. You didn’t want to go drinking again. That hadn’t really helped last time anyway. Dean had told you to wake him up if you had a nightmare, but you couldn’t stomach the thought of doing it. It was too embarrassing, too personal, too… much.
You gathered your blanket and pillow and headed to the corridor. You needed to be able to hear them, to feel less alone.
You found your spot in front of Dean’s door. You could hear his light snoring, his movement. It was reassuring, there was someone else around. Someone who knew exactly how to fight demons.
You curled up and fell asleep.
Sam turned down the corridor to his room and stopped in his tracks. You were curled up, with a blanket and pillow, against Dean’s door. His heart broke for you.
He crept back around the corner and pulled out his phone, quickly pulling up Dean on the speed dial.
“Wasswrong?” Dean slurred after the second ring. Sam heard the faint click of a gun and knew Dean was getting ready to come charging out.
“Shh,” Sam said. “It’s nothing dangerous.”
“Ok. Why’d you wake me up then?”
“Y/N is asleep outside your door.”
“She’s curled up, on the floor. Against your door. I think she’s done it before, I’ve seen her going into her room with a blanket first thing in the morning before.”
“Oh man, poor kid. Alright, thanks.”
Dean put his gun back under his pillow, his phone on the bedside table, and then crossed quietly to the door. He gently eased it open, not sure if you’d be leaning against it, but it didn’t feel any heavier.
You looked so peaceful in your sleep, but it was heartbreaking that you were doing so on the floor in the corridor. Something must’ve upset you to bring you out here. He wished you felt comfortable enough to just wake him up when you were upset, instead of trying to find your own coping mechanisms. Still, he’d take finding you sleeping in weird places over finding you drunk at 8:30am.
He crouched down and gently touched your shoulder. “Heya, Bambi,” he said quietly.
Your eyes flew open. He dropped his hand, worried at the panicked look on your face.
“Sorry for waking you up, but it’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you. You’re ok.”
You seemed to take a deep breath and then nodded, the wild look in your eyes gone now that you had worked out he was no threat.
“What’s going on, sweetheart?” You bit your lip and looked at the ground. He guessed you were embarrassed. “It’s ok, I just want to make sure you’re ok.” You still didn’t respond. “Was it another nightmare?”
You nodded, once.
“Does it make you feel better to sleep out here rather than in your room?”
You nodded again.
“Do you want to come sleep in my room? Or in Sammy’s?” You brought your knees to your chest and buried your head in them. “Hey, hey, it’s ok. I’m sorry if I scared you, but I thought it might be better than sleeping in the corridor.”
You paused, and then gave a tiny nod.
“Ok, you nod for which one you want. Sammy’s room? My room?” You nodded slightly when he said his room. “Ok sweetheart, let’s get you set up. We can make this more comfy than a blanket on the floor.”
He quickly went to your room and gathered some of the bedding he’d put in there for you, bringing it back to his room. “Now, just because I moved this stuff doesn’t mean you have to stay in here. If at any point you want me to move it back, or take it to Sam’s, or take it anywhere else in the bunker, you just tell me. You can wake me up if you need. I won’t mind at all.”
You trailed after him into his room, clutching your pillow to your chest. The blanket dangled down onto the floor from where it was clutched in one hand. He wanted to gather you in his arms and hug you, but he wasn’t sure you wanted that, and he didn’t want to make you any more uncomfortable than you already were.
“Do you want to be closer to the door or further away?” You nodded to further away, so he took your bedding the other side of his bed. He set it all up for you, trying to make it as comfortable as possible.
“Is that ok?”
You nodded again, before saying very quietly, “Thank you.”
“Any time, sweetheart. Now, if my snoring annoys you, or if anything at all happens, you wake me up, ok?”
You seemed hesitant to move, so he turned around and started to climb back into bed, hoping that you’d be more confident without him watching your every move. It worked. Once you seemed settled in your bedding, he asked, “Do you want me to leave the lamp on or turn it off?”
“Off, please,” you mumbled.
“Ok, good night, Bambi.”
You lay in the dark, listening to Dean’s breathing. You felt so much better to be in here, with him between you and the door and his reassuring sounds that you weren’t alone.
You drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
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indigobloom531 · 6 months
The Hickey - Velneer Oneshot
another story of these two beautiful noodles. it's not completely finished because I have no idea how to end it, but you can leave suggestions in the comments!
Velvet and Veneer are not siblings in this story! They are still the same age, though. Sorry for the possible grammar mistakes! English is my first language, but I have a hard time writing stories with proper grammar, it's something I'm trying to get better at. :D
“Uhh, Velvet?” Crimp asks Velvet while styling the latter’s green hair for a performance.  Velvet, whose eyes were closed, furrows her eyebrows irritatedly.
“If you’re going to say that I have a knot in my hair, I don’t wanna hear it. Just brush it out for Pete’s sake.” she says, slamming her fist on the armrest of her gold chair.
“What? No, it’s not that.” Crimp says hurriedly.  “...You have a hickey on your neck.”
Velvet immediately sits up, looking at her reflection in the mirror to see if what her curly-haired assistant had said is true.  In horror, Velvet realizes Crimp was right.  On the right side of Velvet’s slim neck was a huge pink and yellow hickey.  It didn’t help that the colors were very bright and high in contrast with her pale skin color, so she couldn’t just easily cover it with some foundation or concealer.  It was also high up on her neck, so she couldn’t cover it up with her usual purple choker, either.
Velvet groans loudly in frustration, placing her elbows on the vanity and buries her crimson red face into her hands.  “Freaking Veneer, we were making out and I guess I never realized how hard he was biting me.”
Crimp raises a purple eyebrow.  “I could hear it this morning.”
“Shut up.” Velvet mumbles, embarrassed.  She sighs frustratedly and removes her hands from her face, standing up from her chair and clenching her fists. “Ugh, what are we going to do? We can’t let the public know we’re dating!”
Velvet pulls her phone out of her pocket, searching up ways on how to remove a hickey.  The first result was to press a cold spoon up against the spot.
“Crimp! Go grab me a cold spoon.” Velvet orders, not looking at the other.
“B-but that’s impossible, I can’t just make a spoon cold in two seconds. We’d have to wait at least ten or fifteen minutes.” Crimp stutters nervously.  Velvet rolls her eyes irritatedly, turning on her heel and glaring at her assistant intimidatingly.
“I don’t care how long it takes to make a cold spoon. If you can’t get one to appear this instant, then find some other stupid substitute!” she yells, pointing a finger at her now frightened assistant.
“I’m on it!” Crimp says, rushing out of the dressing room to the kitchen in fear.  Velvet rolls her eyes.
As Crimp rushes out the door, Veneer walks in, confused at his assistant but pays no mind once his eyes land on Velvet.  The latter’s face grows hot as she looks at her boyfriend, glaring at him angrily.
“You idiot!” she yells at Veneer, marching up to the latter and grabs him by his shoulders.  “Thanks to you,” she lifts her right hand to point to her neck, “I have a huge hickey on my neck and we have a performance in a few minutes!”  She shakes him roughly.  “What do you have to say for yourself?!”
Veneer rolls his eyes.  “Babe, there’s a reason why I gave you a hickey there,” he says sassily, then looks thoughtfully at the bruised spot on his girlfriend’s neck.  “It’s to show everyone that you’re mine.”
Velvet blushes at this, but then shakes her head and continues to glare at Veneer.  Her grip tightens on her boyfriend’s shoulders.  “But they’re not supposed to know that!”
“Why not?” Veneer asks, straightening himself and gently rests his hands on Velvet’s forearms.
Velvet opens her mouth to retort, but she pauses for a moment, thinking about the question her boyfriend just asked her.  She never really knew why she wanted to keep her relationship with Veneer a secret, it’s not like they would get in trouble if they came clear to their fans.  But Velvet needed the upper hand in this argument, she had to.  If she didn’t, Veneer would win, and that most definitely can’t happen.  She needs to be the one in control.  Besides, he was the one who gave her the hickey anyway.
“Because…” Velvet was trying hard to find the right words.  Veneer raises an eyebrow, a canny smirk on his face.  “...Because we might get too used to telling fans about our personal life!” she exclaims.
“Which would lead to… what, exactly?” Veneer shoots his girlfriend a sly smirk.  Velvet always had some annoying, unreasonable explanation why Veneer couldn’t do certain things, and it just might look like this time he finally won.
Velvet rolls her eyes.  “Which would lead to us telling the fans about the troll!”
Veneer scoffs in response.  “Vels, that’s ridiculous-” he starts to say, but stops once Velvet shoots him an angry glare.  Instead, Veneer chuckles nervously, patting Velvet’s arms.
“...Ok! That’s that, I guess.” he smiles awkwardly at his girlfriend, letting go of her arms and walking over to his vanity to do the final finishing touches on his makeup.
augh I'm glad I finally posted this story, but like I said at the top, I have no clue how to end it. y'all have any ideas?
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animeomegas · 3 years
Imagine that Sasuke is having problems with his 'future alpha', he doesn't understand some dating methods and ends up 'reluctantly' going to ask Itachi's alpha.He just blushed saying 'I can't believe I'm doing this but I need some advice'.Itachi's alpha comes home late looking happy and Itachi holding his dog asking where he's been.
Anon: I think Sasuke would only start liking Itachi's alpha after they help him stand up to a bigger, stronger, more trained betas and/or Alphas. Because I don't see him as someone who might ask for help from anyone, and his brother's alpha somehow saw them bully him and push him around, so they tell him how to one up those annoying people. (Maybe buy him ice cream or something after). This young Sasuke vs Itachi's alpha thing should be a show, because I'd sell everything I own to watch it.
(Anon 1: This is a big brain idea, anon, thank you for your service 🤭 I changed it a little, how that's okay!)
(Anon 2: I think you're absolutely right that Itachi's alpha does something big for Sasuke when he's at a low point, and it ends up changing their relationship for the better in a lot of ways. I decided not to go with bullying though, because Sasuke seemed to fit this scenario moreso. Also, ahhh, I'm so happy you're liking this mini series!!!!! I'm having so much fun writing it and it fills me with joy that other people are enjoying it just as much!!!)
Okay, so, Sasuke has never been the most intuitive when it comes to emotions. And he’s also never been great at acknowledging or learning about culture surround a/b/o dynamics because he’s always been adamant that he doesn’t care for it or need it.
But now Sasuke is starting to think that may have been a mistake. Because things are going wrong with this whole courting situation (that Sasuke still can’t believe is happening to him.)
Things were fine! But now the alpha courting him is getting colder and not wanting to train as much, and Sasuke doesn’t know what’s changed! He’s angry and upset about it.
He’s been brooding for about a week about the whole situation, but now he’s decided to ask someone for advice.
His friends are useless. His mother just laughed and told him it would work out if it was supposed to. Shisui is on a mission. He’d rather die than ask Kakashi sensei. So, unfortunately, he had to ask his brother, even though he was sure to get some embarrassing and invasive questioning from him. The sadist.
So, he goes to see his brother.
Who isn’t there.
His brother’s alpha tells him that Itachi is out with their pup all day running errands and taking him for his bi yearly check-ups. But Sasuke needs to know what’s going wrong and how to fix this now! He doesn't have time to wait for Itachi to be done with his stupid errands!
His brother’s alpha notices how tense he is and asks if he would like to stay for some tea, and Sasuke accepts before he thinks about what he's doing. Their relationship is much better nowadays but Sasuke can’t help but feel a little awkward around them still.
“Here,” they say, sliding two teacups onto the table. “You like green tea, right? It’s the only type we have in, you know what Itachi’s like with tea.”
“Green tea is fine,” Sasuke says politely if a little stiff.
His brother’s alpha sits down at the other side of the couch with their own tea, and the two sit in silence for a bit, each sipping their own tea
“Sasuke,” they say, shooting him a concerned look. “If you need me to go and get Itachi, I can. You don’t look well, he’ll come back in an instant if you ask him to.”
“No,” Sasuke answers quickly. “It’s fine… I…”
Here goes nothing.
“I’m just having a bit of trouble at the moments, is all, and…”
Itachi’s alpha nods, obviously listening intently with a look of concern on his face that is making this both harder and easier for Sasuke at the same time.
“Go on, Sasuke, I’m listening.”
“I’m sure Itachi told you about my… my er situation,” Sasuke starts, wishing he could punch himself in the face for phrasing it like that.
“That someone’s courting you?” they ask gently.
Sasuke only nods, face burning. He can’t count the number of times he’s told Itachi’s alpha to their face that he’d rather die than enter a courtship. This is so awkward, why is he doing this?
“Did they do something to make you uncomfortable, Sasuke?” they ask immediately after seeing his hesitance. “Because if they did, we can sort it out together okay? It’s not your fault.”
“No!” Sasuke immediately protests far louder than he intended too. “They didn’t… They didn’t do anything, I just… I think I did something wrong…”
Sasuke pretends to drink his tea to avoid having to elaborate any more, despite the fact that it’s still too hot.
“What did you do that was wrong?” they ask, voice still quiet and soothing and Sasuke hates how comforting he finds it. Like it or not, his instincts had branded Itachi’s alpha as ‘safe’ many years ago.
“I don’t know,” Sasuke admits, fiddling with the rim of his cup. “They seemed sad one day and I just thought they had a bad day or something, but now they’re… cold.”
“They aren’t behaving how they were behaving before?”
Sasuke shakes his head.
“Is it possible they have an issue at home or with some of their friends? It might be something in their personal life that's upsetting them.”
Sasuke shakes his head again.
“They seem fine when they’re with everyone else…” he admits. “It’s just me.”
Sasuke forces back the burn of tears he can feel behind his eyes. He will not cry. He won’t do it.
His brother’s alpha hums sadly.
“And you want to figure out what happened?” Sasuke nods. “Okay, why don’t you walk me through what happened on the days leading up to the mood change.”
And so Sasuke does.
He tells them all about how they would meet for training every day and Sasuke would bring two bento boxes for lunch, and then they would sometimes go shopping or go out to eat. Things he hasn’t told anyone about yet. And as he's talking, he really can't see what the problem is, everything seems fine! But maybe Itachi’s alpha might know some alpha thing that he doesn't. Sasuke can easily admit that it’s not his forte.
“I see,” Itachi’s alpha says after Sasuke had finished his story. Sasuke’s tea sits cold on the table next to his brother’s mate’s empty cup. “I think I know what happened.”
Sasuke looks up immediately. No way they’ve already figured it out that easily!
“They thought you were rejecting them,” Itachi’s alpha says simply.
“Wha- But…we spent everyday together! How could that be a rejection?!”
“When an alpha is courting an omega,” they start to explain. “They’re trying as hard as they can to prove to that omega that they can be a good mate.”
“I know that,” Sasuke snaps.
“Listen to me for a second, Sasuke," they softly reprimand. "So, when an alpha, particularly a younger one, is courting an omega, they are very sensitive to rejection, they look for it everywhere.”
“Why?” Sasuke asks, dumbfounded.
“Well, when I was courting your brother, we weren’t that much older than you are now, and I remember thinking that he was the most perfect person in the whole world,” their eyes take on a faraway look as they reminisce. “I was so sure that he must have had hundreds of alphas clawing for his attention every day, and so I was desperate to prove to him that I could be a good mate.
“With every gift, on every date, I would watch his reaction to everything, overanalysing every laugh and smile and frown. I loved him so much, but I couldn’t help but think that he would reject me at any moment. He was too good for me, and I knew that. It always felt like he was humouring me, especially at first.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Yeah,” they laugh, unoffended by Sasuke’s harsh tone. “Looking back, I guess it was, but what I’m trying to tell you, is that I can see how some of your actions could have been taken as rejection by a young alpha who was expecting to be rejected.”
“But…” Sasuke says, looking lost. “I didn’t want to reject them, I don’t understand.”
“Here,” they continue patiently. “Let me explain it to you like this. When you went out to eat, you paid for yourself even though they offered, right? Because you didn't want to burden them?"
“Yeah,” Sasuke trails off, unsure what that has to do with anything.
“But to a young, hormonal alpha, you’re basically telling them that you don’t trust them to provide for you, the one thing they are trying most to convince you."
“But I wasn’t-“ Sasuke protests.
“I know you weren’t,” they reassure him. “But that’s the sort of thing that will run through an alpha’s head at that age when courting. Also, you told them you wanted to train with them because you thought they were strong because you wanted to compliment them, right?”
Sasuke blushes but nods.
“And that’s great to start with, but eventually they would probably start to wonder why you wouldn’t want to train just to spend time with them. And you also told them that you had plenty of leftovers to make their lunch with so that they wouldn’t feel like they were burdening you, right? But that just made them feel like you weren’t going out of your way to do something special for them, even though you were. Do you see what I mean now?”
Sasuke blinks, rapidly trying to wrap his head around all this new information.
“And I also have a guess as to what pushed them over the edge into thinking you were rejecting them.”
“What is it?” Sasuke demands. “Tell me.”
“Did they make that scarf for you by hand, Sasuke?”
“Yes,” says Sasuke hesitantly.
“And they scented it?”
Sasuke nods affirmative.
“Did you give anything back?”
“I… Just said thank you… is that not right?”
Itachi’s alpha shakes their head with a patient smile.
“A handmade and scented gift is the most important and meaningful courting gift that there is, Sasuke,” they explain. “It’s what you give to someone to ask them if they want to move from courting to something more serious, to intended mates.”
Sasuke blushes and feels some panic rising in his chest.
“I didn’t know!” he blurts, feeling the need to explain himself.
“I know,” they rush to reassure him. “But the etiquette dictates that the omega, if they wish to move onto that stage, gives the alpha a handmade and scented gift in return, no later than a week after the original gift was given. They must have been very nervous waiting for you, and very upset when you didn’t even let them down softly.”
“It’s been two weeks,” Sasuke whispers, mortified that he had missed something he should have known. This makes so much sense. The sudden depression, the awkwardness at training, the nerves after they had given him the scarf. He’s such an idiot. Against his will, Sasuke starts to feel tears burning at his eyes again. He messed everything up!
“Oh, Sasuke,” they say, scooting closer to him. They hesitantly lay a hand on his leg, and Sasuke makes no move to push them off. “It’s alright, you can fix it.”
“How?” he sniffs, furiously wiping away any tears that manage to escape. “They probably hate me now.”
“Come here,” they say, pulling him into a hug. And for the first time ever, Sasuke accepts a hug from his brother’s alpha.
“It’s alright,” they soothe. “We can fix this, I’ll help you.”
“What can I do?” he questions, feeling miserable.
“You need to make them something and scent it. Then you can explain what happened afterwards, but the gift should go a long way in smoothing over any ruffled feathers. I can help you make something, what do you want to make?”
Sasuke shrugs, still resting his head on his brother’s alpha’s shoulder.
“How about some cupcakes? Itachi and I were planning on doing some baking with the pup tomorrow, so I have all the supplies. And I’m sure we have some ribbon lying around, you can scent the ribbon and use it to tie up the box, how does that sound?”
“But what will you use tomorrow?” Sasuke asks, feeling a little better, but still red in the face.
“I can buy more, Sasuke, don’t worry, but this is a courting emergency, so we have to do it now, okay?”
Itachi comes back from his errands just in time to watch his mate helping his little brother tie a ribbon around a box of cupcakes. The kitchen is covered in baking supplies and empty bowls of batter.
Did they bake cupcakes together?
Itachi can’t believe it. He had been trying to get them to get along better for years.
When Sasuke sees him standing in the door, he blushes and, holding the box of cupcakes to his chest, pushes past him and out the door with a quick nothing more than a quick and murmured greeting.
His pup wiggles in his arms and demands to be put down. He obliges and they immediately run to his alpha for a hug.
“Hey there, buddy, have a good day?”
“It was boring,” they complain. “And the mednin had cold fingers.”
Itachi’s alpha laughs.
“Well, I know something that might make you feel better,” they tease.
“What?! What?!”
“Uncle Sasuke made you something very special,” they say, bringing down a spare cupcake from on top of the counter, iced in his pup's favourite colour. The way his pup’s eyes widen at the sight of it, makes Itachi smile. “You can have it after dinner, okay, and next time we see uncle Sasuke we have to remember to say thank you.”
Itachi watches in amusement as his pup nods furiously and immediately runs off to go wash up for dinner, despite the fact that Itachi hasn’t even started cooking it yet.
“Did you and Sasuke bake together?” Itachi asks, still unbelieving of what he had seen.
You smile, understanding how crazy that must have been for Itachi to walk in on.
“Yes, we… had a little bonding session,” they say. “I’ll tell you about it later, I promise.”
Itachi accepts the answer despite his curiosity and joins his alpha is cleaning the kitchen so that he can start cooking dinner.
And if both of them were smiling too much, well, neither of them brought it up.
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mlm-writer · 3 years
Rutterly Filled (Omega!Wei Wuxian x Alpha!Male!Reader)
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Pairing: Omega!Wei Wuxian/Wei Ying (The Untamed ver.) x Alpha!Male Reader (NOT trans-friendly) Rating: Explicit Words: 3416 POV: Second Summary: You have not had a rut ever since you have been captures with the other Wens. Now things are going well on Burial Mounds, your body decides it is time. Unfortunately, your prolonged period of being rutless meant your next one was going to be extreme. Fortunately, the Yiling Patriarch is secretly an omega and you two have been flirting ever since you met. Notes: This is 200% self-indulgent. I saw the twink, I fell in love, I wanted to wreck him. Do I need an excuse?  Tags: Omegaverse, a/b/o dynamics, ruts, idiots in love, being in a relationship without realising it, reader is a himbo, loss of control, magical restraints, breeding, knotting, multiple orgasms, does Wei Ying have a dick and a pussy or a dick and an ass? up to you!, self-lubrication, fingering, blowjobs, facials, handjobs, gēge kink and fuck or die
There was no qi flowing anywhere. The only thing that filled your ‘internal stream’ was utter rage. “I told Wen Qing this would not work without a golden core!” You exclaimed as you got up and started stomping around. The alpha pheromones were rolling off you in waves and you were low key glad you were the only alpha present on Burial Mounds or you would have started a fight the second you caught a whiff of any other alpha.
“It was still worth a try. I do not think there is a way to stop your rut now.” You stomped around Wen Qing. You did not want to lash out at her. Were it not for her concoctions, you would have gone into rut a few days ago without a backup plan at all. Your hands clenched and unclenched at your sides. “There is one thing I have not yet told you.” You let out a grunt, indicating you were listening. “Wei Wuxian is an omega and has offered to help you through your rut.” 
You stilled for a second. The Yiling Patriarch was an omega. It only took a second for you to process. Wei Wuxian was not known to adhere to any stereotype or standard. It was not crazy to think that the Yiling Patriarch, a figure that induced fear and hate in many cultivators, was a fragile omega. He may carry himself around like a big figure, but truth to be told, he was skinny like a twig and if he was not such a good fighter, anyone could snap him in half. It all made sense, it was not a crazy thought.
“Master Wei has saved my life. I am already indebted to him. I will wait out my rut in the tent Wen Ning set up in the woods.” You were already walking to the door of Wen Qing’s humble hut, but she stood in your way. Sometimes you suspected her of being an alpha as well. One never knew, when cultivators could just simply suppress their second gender, making them all appear like betas. 
“You have not had a rut in a long while due to the poor conditions we have been under. Your first rut in a while may be much more intense than you are used to.” You clenched your fist, digging your nails into the palm on your hand. Your eye twitched. “Wei Wuxian can defend himself against you, should there be any need. He is also the only omega on the whole mountain. His only condition is that you do not mark him.” You violently shook your head before you could agree to it. The man was the prettiest boy you had ever laid eyes upon and while you two had been flirting, you had not yet confessed that every flirty word you shot his way was truthful. The thing between you two, unnamed and not yet romantic, was too good to risk. 
You walked away from the door, before you were going to physically lash out at Wen Qing. “I will not take advantage of master Wei. I owe him too much already.” 
“Your excuses are so weak, I’m starting to think that you don’t think I’m attractive.” Your whole body whipped to the door, where the omega in question had appeared with a pout on his face that made you want to kiss him. His lips were pink and glistening. They looked so full and soft. Wen Qing told him to get out, but you already caught a whiff of the omega scent you had never noticed on him before. Before you had any control of your tongue, you had agreed to spending your rut with Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch. Want bubbled up from deep within you. There was no way back now. 
You followed him and his scent like a blind puppy, as he let you between trees to a tent Wen Ning had set up earlier in case you could not suppress your rut. You saw the dark red fabric in the distance, when suddenly you were caged against a tree by Wei Wuxian. “Scent me,” he whispered into your face and he did not need to say it twice. You rubbed your nose all over his neck and down to where it met his shoulder. You took deep breaths, letting your lungs fill with the sweet and spicy scent that you from now on would know as Wei Wuxian. You didn’t know how long you were rubbing yourself on him and smelling him, but after a while, the fog of alpha hormones cleared and you had a bit more grip on what was going on and what was about to happen. “Better?” Wei Wuxian giggled as he rested against you. You held him close and slowly breathed in his scent. 
After a few slow breaths, you nodded and took his hand to drag him to the tent. It was big enough that you two could stand inside and there were supplies inside, mostly food and water, but also extra robes. You didn’t hear the sound of a lake behind the tent, as you dragged Wei Wuxian inside and pushed him down onto the straw mat on the ground. You crawled on top of him, but as your eyes met his, you were awfully aware of how you were acting. “Sorry, maybe we should talk about what I can and cannot do, before I lose all my patience.” Wei Wuxian laughed and shifted so you two were sitting on the straw mat, facing one another. His robes had fallen open a little and the sight of his chest threatened another frenzy to make itself known.
“You can do anything, but try not to claim me. It is a little early in our relationship for that.” You almost choked on your own saliva and started coughing. Wei Wuxian handed you a waterskin, but you needed a solid minute, before you had enough breath to actually attempt drinking anything. 
“I’m sorry, but… relationship?” You watched Wei Wuxian through teary eyes from your coughing fit. He seemed to turn red in an instant, his face now matching the ribbon in his beautiful silk black hair. 
“Yes? I mean I thought… we always flirt? And we drink together and you sometimes feed me at dinner? We also cuddled when we were drunk? I know we never talked about it, but we are in a relationship or something… right?” You stared at him, a little dumbfounded. He did not lie; those things happened. You just took all those things for things Wei Wuxian would do with anyone.
“I didn’t think of it that way,” you immediately regretted your words as you could see Wei Wuxian’s heart breaking all over his face, “but! But! But!” He looked at you, hopeful in a way that seemed plainly desperate. “I want it to be that way! I just didn’t realise what we were, but I want to be…” There was a flare of hormones and you shuffled forward to bury your nose against Wei Wuxian’s scent gland. “I want you, even when my rut is over, but also now. Right now.” A slight shift and you noticed you were hard between your legs. 
Wei Wuxian might have noticed it too through your robes, because he was shoving at your clothes. You stood up, ripping everything off in a hurry and grabbing Wei Wuxian by his ponytail. You pulled at it until his lips were around your hard cock. You let out a moan of relief, as he immediately started sucking on the length. He resisted when you tried to get him to swallow more of you. Wei Wuxian only took the tip, but with the way he was sucking and licking, it was enough for now. You threw your head back, grunting into the air, while Wei Wuxian sucked you off. His tongue cupped the head of your cock and played with the ridge between the head and the rest of your length. The wet sounds of his mouth seemed so loud in the small space. Before he even took more of you in his mouth, you grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. Wei Wuxian took the hint and with a wet pop he pulled his mouth off your cock. You would have protested, were it not for the hand on your hard length. 
The cultivator squeezed the knot at the base of your cock, everytime his hand was at the bottom of your length. You looked down at him, seeing him with his tongue out, a smile hinting behind that lewd expression, cheeks a beautiful rosy colour that matched his spit-glistened lips. You let out a groan and kept a firm grip on his shoulder. Ropes of cum spilled from your cock. Wei Wuxian’s face, hair and robes were painted white with your seed. When he finally let go of your cock, your face heated up at the sight of him. A mixture of embarrassment and arousal swimmed inside your belly. “I’m sorry,” you whispered out of breath, but Wei Wuxian just smiled at you and started taking his soiled robes off, wiping himself off with a sleeve. When he was mostly clean off your cum, he laid himself down on the straw mat, completely naked and stretched out like a meal for you to devour. 
“Don’t apologise, I want this too,” he confessed with flushed skin and a hard omega dick twitching between his legs. You kneeled down and hoisted his legs onto your shoulders. Your tongue automatically fell from your lips at the scent of omega slick filling your nostrils. Lapping up the slick that had escaped his wet hole and trickled down his thighs, drew a gasp from Wei Wuxian’s lips. “Don’t tease me.” 
You huffed out a laugh at the annoyance in his voice. “Or else? Will the Yiling Patriarch haunt me like a ghost and eat me?” You didn’t let Wei Wuxian reply. You held him up with one hand and pushed your tongue inside, the other hand touching his cock. The omega mewled and moaned as if he was putting on a show for you. Maybe he was. When was Wei Wuxian not making a scene? “Wei Wuxian sounds so perfect,” you growled as you licked the slick off your lips. 
“If you are going to knot me until I can’t walk, at least call me Wei Ying,” the demonic cultivator huffed, his eyes ravishing your body. You smiled as you put his legs around your waist and lined your cock up with his wet hole. 
“Wei Ying is perfect.” And with those words, you slid into his heat. Wei Ying gasped as he stretched around your thick alpha cock, the slick making the slide easier, but he was not in heat. You got halfway, before the resistance became too much. “Wei Ying needs to relax,” you grunted as you rutted inside him, micromovements trying to make further entrance possible. 
“You’re too big,” he complained, hands on your arms and squeezing your biceps. You leaned down and caught his lips in a biting kiss. Soft, pink lips turned red under your onslaught. A hand made its way to his throat and he gasped deliciously against your wet lips. Wei Ying squirmed and gasped for breath as you frantically fucked his hole open until you were slipping in deeper. “So big, too big, I’m going to tear in two!” 
You would be more concerned for him, were it nog for the thick cloud of alpha hormones clouding your judgement. Instead of sounding fearful, Wei Ying’s voice fuelled the fantasy of a helpless omega at your mercy. “Pretty omegas like you can handle this,” you growled in a voice no one woud have recognised as your own. Both hands landed on Wei Ying’s hips and you sat up, so you could thrust inside him with vigour. 
Wei Ying’s voice would have been audible from miles away as he screamed mostly in pain. Coherent thoughts had long left your mind and all that was left was ‘mark’, ‘claim’, ‘fuck’, ‘knot’ and ‘breed’. Pleasure was all on your mind as you closed your eyes to fully enjoy the stretch of Wei Ying’s walls around your cock. That was until you found yourself unable to move. “No! No! No!” You growled as Wei Ying slid off your cock. He pushed you onto your knees and sat down across from you. 
“I’m sorry, alpha, but don’t worry I will not leave you like this,” he croaked out as he struggled with sitting down comfortably. His chest rose and fell in deep, but ragged breaths. You now noticed the redness around his eyes and the wetness on his cheeks. Worry paved a little clarity in the lustful fog dominating your head. 
“Cruel bastard,” you found yourself snarling back, in spite of the seed of worry Wei Ying’s image planted deep inside you. Before even the last syllable left your lips, Wei Ying had his hand tight around your cock and stroked, drawing a guttural groan from you. “That’s not enough, I need more,” you breathed out at the torture that was the grip of Wei Ying’s hand. It felt good, but his omega hole had felt so much better.
“And I need more preparation, I am not in heat,” Wei Ying huffed back as he reached behind himself. You could hear the wet squelch of him fingering himself and it drove you into a frenzy. You demanded being released, so you could once more claim your omega, but Wei Ying did not release you. He let you cum with his hand. Once he needed a better angle to shove more fingers inside, he switched his hand for his mouth, so he could support himself with one hand while he tried to shove his whole fist inside. His mouth felt better than his hand, but you already had had a taste of paradise and this was not it. 
“You’re open enough, please, I feel like I’ll die,” you whined, shortly after you covered Wei Ying in your fourth load. No matter how often you came, it would not be enough until you knotted the omega in front of you. Wei Ying seemed to take mercy on you and he turned around. Wei Ying lowered himself onto your cock. The mercy got you moaning. You could see where you entered him as he bounced on your cock, his hole gripping your length visibly. “Yes, you feel so good omega,” you moaned as he rode your fat length. “Release me and I’ll pound you so good. I will knot you and fill you with my cum and then pound you again.” Wei Ying gasped, a hand moving to his cock to stroke it. The smell of his slick as it dripped down your cock was intoxicating. 
“Gēge, you talk so indecently when you’re in a rut.” You wanted to pin him down and fuck him so bad when he called you ‘gēge’ and Wei Ying seemed to know. The glint in his eyes as he shot you a look over his shoulder was quite telling. “But I’m afraid gēge will break me if I release him. Gēge is such a strong alpha and I’m just a frail omega,” he spoke dramatically, knowing fully well he was far from a frail omega. His words would have made you cringe were it not for the fact you were in a full-on rut. The idea, the thought, the image of him being so fragile and breakable and at your mercy suddenly got something flowing in you. The feeling was unfamiliar, as was the strength it brought. 
You had no mind to think about it, but enough instinct to use it. With this new-found energy, you broke yourself free from whatever was holding you in place and grabbed Wei Ying by the back of his neck. A hard shove and Wei Ying was face down, ass up on the ground with your cock plunging into his wet hole. “Maybe they are right, the Yiling Patriarch is cruel,” you drew a loud moan from the man below you with a hard thrust, “and evil.” 
Wei Ying did not move from where you had him. Instead, he took your punishing pace with the prettiest moans you ever had the honour of hearing. His voice filled the tent with a symphony of pleasure, which only grew louder when you pressed inside and your knot slipped in. Wei Ying screamed in pleasure and pain as you slotted the two of you together and filled him up with your hot seed. 
Still, it was not enough. He was beautiful, had the most breedable body you ever laid eyes upon. How could it be enough to only fill his slick hole once?You only stilled for a minute inside of him, before you pulled out until the knot pulled painfully at the inside of his rim. Then, you pushed back inside, as deep as you could go. Wei Ying whined as you fucked him like that, the knot dragging against his walls and drawing out the melody of pain mixed with pleasure. He moaned and screamed about how he was stretched to the limit, but there was no urgency in his voice this time. 
Everything was a blur from there. Somewhere between rutting inside him and fucking him with your knot, Wei Ying had gone near-silent. His ass had become so open that your knot no longer served its purpose of keeping you inside as you spilled your seed. You didn’t know how many rounds you went, how often you filled the Yiling Patriarch with your load or how often the omega came himself. In one final mind-blurring explosion of pleasure, you passed out. Whether it was on top of him or if you managed to fall beside him was out of your control. 
When you woke up, however, you found Wei Ying on top of you. The smell of sex still hung heavy in the air, mixed with pheromones, both alpha and omega. A groan left your dry throat as you lifted your head to take a look at the man to whom you were indebted with your life, twice. He looked like he was not going to wake up for another 100 years. You tried to brush the hair out of his face, but your fingers got tangled in the silk black strands. Guilt filled your heart at the sight of bruises on his hips and sides. A respectful look down revealed there was still cum dripping out of his hole. 
You untangled yourself from him. It took you a good hour to get Wei Ying cleaned up and placed on a clean towel; the straw mat was completely ruined. You had him on his side, still sleeping peacefully, while you tried to comb the tangles carefully out of his hair. You were almost done when you noticed him stir. “Wei Ying?” You called out softly, hand shooting for the waterskin. You held it to his lips. “Don’t move; drink first.” To your surprise, he obeyed. He tried to sit up, but winced. You took the hint and helped him sit on your lap, the gap between your legs perfect for his ass to rest between with no pressure on it. “I’m sorry. I lost control.” 
Wei Ying blinked at you and then reached for the jar of wine in the corner. You chuckled and handed it to him, still cradling him close. He took a few gulps, before speaking up. “I thought I would die,” he pouted in a somewhat playful way that gave you conflicted emotions about his words. “Gēge, you were such a monster. Next time, I will use a stronger talisman to keep you down.”
You inhaled sharply. ‘Next time’, he had said. You licked your dry lips and nodded, agreeing with him. A signature smile painted the omegas lips, before he snuggled closer to you. “Gege is adorable when he is worried about me. I’ll be fine, I swear. Just don’t make me do anything for a few days.” You let out an empty laugh, relieved and still worried. Another nod as you put a hand on his head, holding it close to your shoulder. You twisted your head, placing a kiss upon Wei Ying’s temple. He hummed happily and closed his eyes. 
“Wei Ying! You need to eat before you go back to sleep!” 
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Listen hear me out: Seth telling pumpkin to beg or grovel. Not for anything in particular, he just thinks it’s entertaining and he loves the power trip it gives him. ~🐸
trigger warnings: humiliation, pet whump, conditioning, meta setting, dehumanization
"I was looking for something on my blog today, and I found something quite cute." Seth opened the cage and sat down in his chair, pulling out his phone. He didn't need to tell Pumpkin to come out and kneel at his feet. That was common practice by now, whenever the cage was unlocked. "It's an ask you sent me way back. I didn't even remember it. 'You're writing a lot of humiliation drabbles recently... and you even said it was one of your favourite tropes to use... if I were to become your whumpee, would I be subjected to that?'"
Pumpkin's face went red in an instant. They remembered that ask. And they remembered the answer and the follow-up as well.
"Oh, what is it?" Seth grinned, lowering the phone. "Do you remember this exchange?" Pumpkin nodded, too ashamed to open their mouth and try to talk. "Well, let's make sure your memory serves you well. I said you would be, obviously, and that if you weren't ready for that, maybe you shouldn't even come here."
"I remember," they tried desperately, going as far as to interrupt their owner just to have it be over.
"Fine. Let's hear it from you, then. What was the very next ask you sent me after that?"
Well, this was even worse.
Pumpkin bit their lip, really not wanting to repeat that one. "P-Please..."
"Please what? Use your words, Pumpkin."
"Please, Sir, don't... d-don't make me say that..."
"Did you change your mind since then?" They shook their head, more and more embarrassed by the second. "So what's the matter? You were bold enough to send me an ask about it."
"Anonymously..." They were rocking back and forth a little, trying to get some relief from their anxiety. "Please, I... I'm s-sorry if it was weird-"
"It was, like everything you told me through asks. Like turning up at my house and offering to become my little whumpee. But that's not the point. I just want to hear you say it."
Pumpkin squeezed their eyes shut, too afraid to keep disobeying anymore. "I... I asked whether you would-"
"Just ask again. Don't tell me what you said then, I want you to say that exact same thing right now."
Another deep breath. Another five seconds spent wallowing in self-pity and shame that was threatening to rip them apart. And then they finally spoke, quietly, with a voice so shaky and high that Seth was glad he had the original question on hand.
"W-Would you let m-me kiss your shoes, S-Sir? I would b-be glad to... t-to-" They inhaled sharply, almost gasped as they got too choked up to continue for a moment. "To keep d-doing that for as long as y-you want. Until y-you think I'm humbled."
"So do it, then."
Even through the cold sweat and the burning humiliation, Pumpkin found themself just as drawn to the idea as they had been back then. They didn't know what the hell was wrong with them, but the desire to lower themself so much for Seth hadn't subsided. And now that he explicitly told them to do it, now that they didn't feel like they were disgusting and creepy for thinking this, because clearly, Seth enjoyed the idea just as much if not more, now that the burden of responsibility wasn't on their shoulders...
They bent over and pressed a kiss to Seth's worn out sneaker he used to come down to the dirty basement, relishing that feeling of utter shame for just a split second before they kissed his other shoe. Before they could straighten their back, their head was pushed back down against the torn fabric.
"You said you'd keep doing it as long as I wanted, no?" Seth asked with an amused smile, keeping their other foot hooked behind Pumpkin's head to keep them down until he was sure they wouldn't try to back away. "I didn't tell you to stop."
Without an other word of protest, Pumpkin went right back to kissing his shoes, making Seth chuckle. And just when they thought it couldn't get any more mortifying than that, they heard the distinct sound of his phone camera going off.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Give Me Attention! (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
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My very first TodoDeku shipping fic! I think it’s a really cute one, too! Thank you so much for the challenge, second anon! It was a lot of fun to tackle and then reread later! I obviously included the two numbers the first anon requested, as well as the numbers that were never requested for any fic (which was really satisfying). I’m not going to post all the numbered prompts that ended up in this fic, because there are far too many of them. But for the record, there are 24/36 prompts in this story. Enjoy! ^^
10. “I’m not going to do anything.” “Then why are you smirking?”
11. “You’re so adorable!”
“I’m going to die of boredom,” Deku mumbled into Todoroki’s chest, sighing dramatically.
Todoroki glanced down at him. “We’re ten minutes in.”
“I’ve seen this already.”
“Therefore you’re bored of it already?”
Deku looked up at him, pouting. “I want you to give me attention. Not some movie. And this is a long one, too!”
Todoroki couldn’t help but smile. They were curled up together on his bed, using a laptop to watch the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. They’d barely reached the introduction of Captain Jack Sparrow before Deku grew restless.
“All right,” he conceded. “Let’s make things interesting. How about every time we hear the word ‘pirate’ or some variation of it, I tickle you?”
Deku stiffened in his arms, but before he could pull away, Todoroki wrapped an arm around his waist and held him close. “B-But…this is a pirate movie!” He protested, then yelped with giggles when fingers dug into his side. “Hehehehey!”
“You said the word,” Todoroki said calmly, smirking. “I told you what would happen. You were asking for that one.”
“But this isn’t fair! It’s a pira—ugh, this movie is about that!” Deku tried to push himself away, but his boyfriend only held him tighter. “Shoto!”
Todoroki pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Don’t move, Izuku.” Deku promptly ignored him, still trying to wiggle his way free. Todoroki curled his fingers into his ribs, making him giggle again. “I said quit squirming.”
“Make me!” the green-haired boy shot back, using his flimsy purchase on Todoroki’s chest to reach under his arm and dig in.
Todoroki jerked, laughing, then quickly snatched up Deku’s wrists and held onto them firmly, pulling his boyfriend’s back to his front and wrapping his free hand around his middle. “Oh, you really shouldn’t have done that.”
Deku was still giggling, even without the stimulation. It was obvious he was having more fun than he was letting on. “Let me go!”
At that moment, the word “pirate” floated to their ears from one of the characters, making Todoroki chuckle and Deku start squirming again, already helpless with mirth. “I’m not even touching you yet. You’re so adorable.”
“Take that back!”
Todoroki scoffed. “I will not. You’re really not in a position to be snarky with me, now are you, Midoriya?” The icy-hot hero slid his free hand under Deku’s shirt to scribble at his belly and belly button, grinning at the way his boyfriend snickered and quivered beneath his touch. “I guess I’m going to have to teach you a lesson, aren’t I?”
“Noooo,” Deku whined playfully, squirming. “Dohohohohon’t!”
“Don’t what?”
“Tihihihihickle me!”
“Tickle you? Why, of course I will!” Todoroki switched to pinching up and down his sides and ribs.
Deku’s giggling quickly turned into laughter. “Stohohohohohohop! You knohohohohow I cahahahahan’t take being teheheheheheased like thahahahahahahahat!”
“Aww, well that’s too bad, isn’t it?” Another “pirate” came their way. Todoroki lifted Deku’s pinned wrists and slid his free hand up to his now open underarm. “Oh, dear. How unfortunate for you that the trigger word is ‘pirate’ in a pirate movie. And it’s a long one, too!”
Deku was in hysterics already, kicking frantically as he tried to fight Todoroki off of him. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Aww, does this tickle?”
“How cute. Too bad you wanted me to give you attention instead of the movie. Are you sorry yet?”
Deku actually managed to scoff through his laughter. “NOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Oh?” Todoroki leaned down to murmur in his ear. “You want me to tickle you that bad?”
“Oh, but I can’t stop now! You just admitted yourself that you’re having too much fun~”
“STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!!” The green-haired hero turned his face away from his boyfriend, still laughing loudly.
“Aw, look at that blush! Don’t try to hide it,” Todoroki cooed playfully. When Deku attempted to bury his face even more, Todoroki decided to pull out the big guns. “Hey, stop resisting me.” He grabbed onto his boyfriend’s hip and squeezed, relishing in the loud shriek that he pulled from his lungs, followed by even harder thrashing. “You’re feisty tonight, aren’t you, giggle bug?”
Deku tossed his head back and dissolved into silent laughter, fighting growing weaker as his hysterics overtook him. Todoroki laughed with him in the moments before the smaller boy gasped for breath and cried, “DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHALL ME THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!!”
“Aw, but why? It’s such a cute name, and it fits you so well!”
“All right then, how about tickle bug?”
Todoroki laughed again. “Tickle bug is worse than giggle bug? Why?”
Deku’s struggling had reached its most frantic at this point, so much so that he was beginning to slide off the bed. Unfortunately, that left his torso even more exposed than it was before.
“What’s the matter, Izuku? Don’t like hearing the word ‘tickle’?”
“But it’s such a lovely word! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Deku was losing his mind laughing, struggling so much his lower half started falling to the floor, making his shirt ride up to expose his bare torso. Todoroki grinned, fully in the moment now, the movie long forgotten. “Aw, am I teasing you too much? Poor, ticklish little Izuku~ Let’s count your ribs, shall we? Since you’ve gone to the trouble of showing them off for me~”
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Deku pleaded, but it was useless, as in the next moment he felt his boyfriend’s wicked fingers scratching and raking their way up and down his ribcage, sending him into another fit of cackles. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
After another few long, torturous moments, Todoroki decided that the position they were both in now was both too uncomfortable and awkward to continue, so with one final tweak to the ribs, he released his hold on his boyfriend and watch him slump off the bed entirely, gasping for breath on the floor.
Todoroki chuckled at the mess he’d made of his partner, satisfied with himself. “Happy now?”
Deku let out another few breathless giggles. “I’ll get you for that, Shoto.”
“I’m pretty sure you don’t have it in you right now.”
“Are you sure about that?”
In the next instant, Todoroki suddenly found himself being shoved back onto the mattress, the laptop tumbling ungracefully to the floor, but neither of the boys were paying attention to that anymore. The icy-hot hero stared up at Deku in surprise as he towered above him, grinning mischievously.
Todoroki blushed, suddenly feeling shy. He knew exactly what was about to happen, and though he did enjoy being tickled by his boyfriend, the way he lost control of himself and his laughter still made him self-conscious. “Izuku, don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re going to…you know…”
Deku smiled sweetly at him. “I’m not going to do anything.”
“Then why are you smirking?”
“Because you’re just so cute when you’re flustered.” The smaller hero gently took his wrists and pinned them to either side of his head, swinging a leg over to straddle him. “Not so confident when the tables are turned, are you, Shoto?”
Todoroki pressed his lips together, averting his eyes. He knew Deku was right, but being called out for it didn’t make him any less embarrassed.
Suddenly, he let out a small “eep!” when Deku started swirling a finger around his belly button teasingly. He was helpless to the soft snickers that escaped his lips at the feeling.
Deku grinned. “I was going to see how long you could go without laughing, but I guess that’s a moot point, isn’t it?”
“Izuku,” Todoroki begged, grabbing onto his boyfriend’s shoulder with his free hand, the other still pinned by his head. “Please, don’t tease me like that. Just tickle me already!”
“Oh?” Deku chuckled. “All right, all right. Lucky for you I’m not as mean as some boyfriends in the room.” With that, he shoved his hands under both of Todoroki’s arms and drilled, making the normally quiet icy-hot hero throw his head back and laugh very, very loudly.
Deciding to be a little mean, Deku teased, “Hey, Shoto, can you give me attention now? Huh? Can you? Can you give me attention? I want attention! Why aren’t you listening to me?”
Todoroki screamed with laughter, the teasing making him hysterical. “SHUHUHUHUHUHUT UP, IZUKU, OH MY GOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOD!!”
Deku laughed. “No can do, Shoto. You’re far too fun to play with! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
The two of them spent the better part of their movie night like that, taking turns tickling the crap out of each other, neither of them giving an inch until they were both too exhausted from laughing to do anything more than flop onto each other and fall asleep on the bed.
And the next morning, when Todoroki woke up to find that his laptop had been drained of its battery life due to the forgotten pirate movie, he started their tickle war all over again.
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marjorie189 · 3 years
The One and Only: JJ Maybank Series
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Y/N, the kindest and sweetest person you’ll ever meet. The thing is she’s a kook. Unfortunately causing her to fall into the stereotype of being snotty and spoiled, just because she’s from the other side of town. Kie and Y/N would exchange greetings and occasional conversations during Kie’s kook year. As summer emerges, she notices Kie’s group of hot pogues. One pogue in specific catching her eye. The One and Only: JJ Maybank.
Word Count: 12,296
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Y/N was walking along the beach’s sand taking in the nice midday sun. The sun hit her exposed skin. She was dressed in white denim shorts and a small flowery yellow cami. She was beautiful, the whole town of Outer Banks was aware of that. Except for herself. She was too selfless to realize it.
My feet sink into the warm sand of the beach, legs after one another. I look fondly at the mesmerizing view of the waves hitting the shore, taking a nice relaxing walk on the beach.
I was so at peace and in love with the scenery, that I realized I was no longer in Figure 8 but in The Cut. I look to my left and see The Wreck.
I feel a smile appear on my face at the thought of Kie. As I get closer to the restaurant I see Kiara fighting a couple of boys. I laugh at her playful nature.
I stopped on my tracks, debating whether or not I should enter the premises. I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything. As my thoughts linger I subconsciously open the door. My eyes widen right as the bell above the door rings, alerting that a customer is entering.
Kiara and all of the three, tall, intimidating boys look over at the door, their eyes catching mine. I blush immediately, regretting my decision instantly.
“Y/N!!” Kiara shrieks in excitement once she sees me. My heart settles once Kiara’s warm voice assures me that I made the right decision. And oh she does. She has no idea that by just walking through that door, that her whole life would change.
The boys look like cats on a cat clock. Their eyes go from Kiara to y/n, back to Kiara, and back to y/n again, and they continue to do so.
Kiara leaves the boy’s side and speed walks over to me. A huge grin on her face.
“KIE!!” I yell back as loud.
“What are you doing here?” She questions once in my arms. I hug her tightly and she reciprocates the same energy.
I open my mouth to respond but she quickly shuts me down.
“Actually! Just give me a sec! Let me just handle them real quick and I promise I’ll be there in a few seconds!” Kiara quickly says, referring to the three boys, that have not kept their eyes off of us. Kiara notices and rolls her eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah! For sure, I’m in no rush!” I say with a smile.
“Okay perfect! Just wait for me on the counter,” She says and points to the stools along the counter’s bar.
I nod and walk over to the counter passing by the three boys. As I walked by them I could feel their heavy stares on me, following me.
I then hear three loud slaps followed by hisses and groans, I giggle and shake my head.
“What was that for?!” One of the boys shrieked.
“For checking out my friend! What? Do you think she’s some kind of animal?” Kiara says in an annoyed manner.
“What? No!” Another boy immediately says in defense.
My back still facing them. They definitely weren’t good at being discreet.
“It’s just… We’re confused, shocked, and surprised that you’re talking to someone other than us! Especially a girl...” The last of the three boys say.
[Okay if y'all can guess which of the three says these three lines I’ll give you guys a shoutout😂]
“You know what guys! Just get out!” Kiara scolds at them.
I take a seat on a stool, place my elbow on the counter’s bar, and hold my head with the palm of my hand, staring at the four in amusement.
“What? What about our food!” The unknown boy says. Now that I’m sitting I catch a better glimpse at the three boys. Distinguishing who they are. This unknown boy’s voice belonged to The One and Only: JJ Maybank.
I notice that all three of the boys are pogues. At first, I felt a bit stunned at who Kiara was choosing to spend her time with. But that little voice in my head was just nonsense Kook talk, trying to instill itself onto my brain. I came to a quick and rightful realization that there was nothing wrong with that nor them. I’ve just been stuck in a community where Pogues are looked down upon and the Kook beliefs have been trying to screw itself onto my morals ever since I was a little girl, but I won’t let that happen.
It’s not fair how Pogues get mistreated and discriminated for their lifestyle. They have no control over that. I never stood for that and nor has Kiara. So it’s not surprising that she’s friends with these three boys. They must be kind guys if Kiara is spending her time on them.
“No! I’m not giving you free food! Now get out before I call the cops!” She says and shoves them towards the direction of the door.
The boys let out cries of despair and give Kie their best puppy dog eyes.
“Nope! Not falling for that,” She says and sends them one last push before they were out the door.
She shuts the door behind them and lets out a big huff once they’re out.
“Come on Kie!” The boy that has his cap reversed on his head says. I instantly recognize him as Hayward’s son, Pope, I believe. He was knocking and begging on the glass windows of the restaurant.
“Nope.” She whispers and shakes her head at them.
All three boys were standing outside the restaurant like statues. Wearing sad frowns on their faces.
Kiara rolls her eyes and walks away from them. My eyes divert over to Kie’s.
“Okay! Sorry about that,” She smiles.
I let out a laugh and nod.
I look over Kiara’s shoulder to see the boys still standing against the entrance of the restaurant.
I continue to look at them, nonchalantly. For the first time, I’m actually noticing how good looking these boys are. My eyes find John B’s well built body. I can picture how strong and muscular his chest must be through his loose tank top. My mouth waters.
My eyes then lift up meeting JJ’s blue ones, just to see that he already had his eyes on me. But in reality, they never left her.
My attention then shifts over to JJ. His smile turned into a smirk as he noticed my eyes on him. He locks his eyes with mine. I couldn’t help but smile. My insides were bursting, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of blushing.
Those few seconds of our encounter felt like hours, even days.
“EWW! NO. Gross! This is not happening! Stop that! This instant!” Kiara exaggeratedly says.
JJ and I’s trance breaks as I look over at Kie.
“What? What are you talking about?” I say playing it cool.
“Oh don’t even go there! Don’t act like I didn’t see that!” Kiara says grabbing a wet rag from the counter and slapping me with it. I gasp in shock and slap it away.
“What? Why are you hitting me?” I say in between laughs playing dumb. I look over to the guys and see them laughing as well. But only JJ knew the reason why she hit me.
I see the blonde laughing and smirking through the glass window as he catches my last stare before Kiara’s dad shouts at them.
“Stop scaring my customers away! You guys look like stalkers out there just looking through my windows!” He says coming out from the kitchen. Kie’s dad stops his yells and the boys' laugh and nod.
“Yes sir,” Pope and John B say in unison and JJ salutes him.
JJ then looks me straight in the eye and winks at me. A silly, playful smile placed on his face. I try my best to compose myself, but on the inside, I’m all mushy and tickly. I just smile at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of playing along with his game.
The three of them start walking off and within a few seconds, they weren’t visible from the windows.
“Those boys!” He grunts causing me to giggle. “Oh hi y/n! Didn’t see you there. Nice to see you again. How have you been?” He greets happily.
“Oh, god dad! How many questions was that?” Kiara groans.
“No. No. It’s okay, Kie,” I say, sending her a little shove. “I’ve been good, Mr. Carrera. How about you?”
“Oh call me Mike!” He says with a laugh. I smile and nod.
“Alright well, I’ll let you girls talk. If there’s anything I can do for you girls just let me know,” He says before walking away into the kitchen.
“That did not just happen!” Kiara yells over at me.
“What? That wink that he just sent me while you weren’t looking?” I say with an evil smile.
“Oh no, no, no, no!” Kiara says shaking her head.
I let out a laugh.
“Sorry, Kieee!” I say with a pouty face.
“No, no, no!” She says with an eye roll.
“You can’t blame me! It just happened,” I say defensively.
“Uhuh! Sure,” She says, giving me a scolding look.
I smile innocently to tick her off.
“I hate you!” Kiara says with a glare.
“What! I didn’t even do anything!” I say putting my hands up in surrender.
“Okay, I don’t blame you, this is all JJ’s fault!” Kiara says with a huff. “He literally flirts with anyone who literally just breathes,”
I let out a laugh.
“Wait so did he actually wink at you?” She says, looking at me questioningly.  
“Mhm,” I say simply.
She groans.
“And it was quite hot!” I say in a whisper, knowing it would get her mad.
“Ughh. What do you even see in him? He’s disgusting!” Kiara says in pure disgust.
I just shrug.
“You know for being titled the nicest girl in town. This little encounter right here does not prove it. You’re evil,” Kiara exclaims.
“Am not!” I say quickly.
“You are and it just proved!” Kiara teases.
I shake my head in defeat.
“So what brings you here?” Kiara questions.
“Just wanted to say hi. I was taking a nice walk and ended up here without realizing,” I say with a small giggle, laughing at my oblivious nature.
“That’s exactly something you’d do!” Kiara says bursting out in laughter.
I start blushing and covering my face in embarrassment.
“Okay, I take it back! You really are the sweetest person in the OBX. No one is this shy,” Kiara teases.
“I am not shy!” I protest.
“You are!” Kiara protests back.
“Okay maybe I am but it just comes naturally,” I say with a frown.
“I think you’re just shy and embarrassed when someone gives you attention. Especially with someone you’re not that close with. Like me. But I’m changing that! I don’t want you to be shy with me anymore,” Kiara says kindly.
“Aww,” I say with a small blush. “I’d like that,” I say pulling Kiara into a hug.
“We’re going to be the greatest of friends! In school, I was always too shy to come up to you. You just seemed like the nicest person and I was too intimidated by that. You looked like you had your life all put together and I didn’t think you’d need me in your life. It looked like you had everything you needed already. Even though I really wanted someone like you as a friend. You were different, you weren’t like those other bitchy girls in school. I always wished I had you,” Kiara confesses.
“Aww, really Kie? That’s the sweetest thing ever. I really wish you would’ve come up to me. You know I would see you in class or walking by and see you strut that hallway. I was like damn! Kiara has confidence!” I say with a smile.
“Really?!” Kiara says in surprise.
“Yes! Hell yeah,” I say loudly.
“I’m glad that worked,” She says with a giggle. “I would always have my confidence up. It was mostly a front because I kind of sort of hated everyone there,” She says letting out a loud laugh.
I join her laughter and smile.
“Yeah. I can totally see that. Some of them are really bad,” I say thoughtfully.
“Some of them?” Kiara says with a raised brow.
“Okayyy. Mostly all of them,” I say.
“I don’t know how you can deal with them! They’re rude and disrespectful. I don’t know how you can be friends with them. Especially when you’re nothing like them! I don’t get it! It doesn’t align. The dots don’t connect,” Kiara passionately says.
I let out a giggle.
“Yeah, I would question that myself too. But see the thing is I’ve known them all since the day I was born. It’s like all I can do is deal with them. They’re not all that bad you know. Yes, yes I know. They’re arrogant and act superior to others and trust me I don’t condone that behavior but they’ve all kind of become like my family,” I rant in hopes of trying to get her to understand.
Kiara looks at me closely in an inspecting kind of way. She nods staying quiet.
“Okay. I can respect that,” Kiara says after a while.
A smile appears on my face.
“Thank you, Kie! I really appreciate you accepting that part of my life,” I say with a smile.
Kiara returns the smile and opens her arms and closes them around my shoulders. She lays her head on my shoulders.
“Of course. I know you’re a great person. I know you’re not like them,” She says letting go of me.
I nod.
“Okay but tell me this! How are you blushing over JJ Maybank when you have Rafe, Topper, and Kelce are all over you, all the goddamn time. It doesn't make sense!” Kiara says with a head shake, laughing.
I let out a laugh instantly.
“You’re crazy. They're annoying! But I love them. Unfortunately,” I say with a wide smile. “And! I am not blushing over JJ Maybank!”
Kiara lets out a snicker.
“You definitely were!” Kiara sassily says.
“I wasn't,” I say with a straight face looking away from her knowing I’d end up letting out a laugh if I left my gaze on her.
“I can read you like a book!” Kiara says with an eye roll.
“Okay. Whatever,” I say looking out into the windows.
“What would your three boys say if they saw their precious little girl flirting with JJ Maybank. Their arch-nemesis!” Kiara continues to tease.
I groan and roll my eyes at her. “Really?” I ask.
She nods with a smirk.
“Well, I’m sooo happy that didn’t happen! They would literally get sooo mad!” I say in emphasis.
Kiara laughs.
“Hell yeah they would. They would literally want to beat the shit out of JJ if they’d witnessed what just happened!” Kiara exclaims.
“Well let’s be grateful that it’ll never happen! Again!” I say with a relieved sigh. “Cause knowing Rafe, Topper, and Kelce they’d find out somehow,”
Kiara lets out a giggle.
“Well see I don’t think it’ll be the last time. If I’m being honest,” Kiara says.
“And why is that?” I question in interest.
“Well if you’re going to be my friend, you’re going to be seeing JJ often,” Kiara explains.
“Oh. You’re totally right. That totally slipped my mind! Oh, darn it!” I frown.
“Oh don’t act soo sad. You’re probably bursting on the inside!” Kiara says with an eye roll.
A giggle escapes from my lips.
“Not even. I don’t even know JJ. Yeah, he’s good looking but it’s not like I like him,” I say in all honesty.
“Hm,” Kiara says pursing her lips.
“Oh god!” I say with an eye roll. “It’s not even like that! I don’t even like him like that Kie!” I say shoving her shoulder.
“Okayyy. Whatever you say Y/NNNN!” She says teasingly.
“I hate you, you know that?” I say throwing the rag at her face.
She gets caught off guard and laughs.
“I have an idea! I’m going to JB’s house in a bit. You should come!” Kie says happily, her eyes like shooting stars.
“I’m guessing that’s John B?” I question and she nods. “I don’t know Kie…” I trail. “I'm too shy!” I pout.
“Oh stop! It’s not like you have somewhere better to be!” She says in an annoyed manner.
I gasp. “I actually have to be at the club’s resort!”
“My point exactly! You literally go to the club like every other day. I’m sure Rafe, Topper, and Kelce can have a day without you at the golf course!” Kiara sassily says.
“Okay let’s say I do decide to go…” I trail. “I can free up my golf date with them. That’s no problem. Even though they’ll get butthurt and will want to know where I’ll be, who I’m with, and ask every question possible. But I’ll just make up a lie because they’ll have a heart attack if I’m hanging with you and your boys. Remember arch nemesis!” I say dramatically in the end.
Kiara laughs. “Right! I picture them being attached to you! How do you handle their clinginess!” Kiara questions with a playful teasing smile.
“I don't even know..” I trail in thought with a giggle.
Kiara laughs and continues with her previous conversation.
“Come on Y/NNNN! The boys will love you!” Kiara begs.
“ I don’t know about them loving me. They probably hate me because I’m a kook,” I say reluctantly with a sigh.
“What? Okay fine! What I meant to say is that they’ll eventually love you. It’s impossible not to love you. You’re lovely! And they’ll see that. So come on! I’ll be there, right by your side, if you do decide to come. And plus they were literally eyeing you like candy. Which is annoying! But that means they lowkey already like you. But I must admit if you do come over, it will probably be awkward. Hopefully, they quickly realize you aren’t like that. I mean come on if I of all people love you, that means a lot,” Kiara tries to console.
I huff. “Okay fine…”
“Yessss! Thank you Y/N! I love you! We finally need another girl in the group!” Kiara exclaims.
I roll my eyes. “I’m literally barely going to meet them for the first time! Don’t get ahead of yourself. For all we know they can decide to not want me in your friend group,” I say with a laugh.
“Trust me! They’ll love you! I hope…” She trails in the end.
“I hate you! You’re making me nervous,” I say with a frown at that last part.
“Okay okay! I’m sorry!” Kie says defensively. “But I’m kinda nervous too! But mostly excited!”
I groan looking away. “I’m starting to regret this ya know!” I say looking back over at her. “You know the golf club sounds like soooo much fun right now!!” I say jokingly.
I playfully get off the stool to pretend I’m leaving but before I can do anything else Kiara grabs onto my arms.
“Nu-u-uh!” Kiara says humming a no.
I let out a cry sitting back down.
“I hate you! I’m starting to not like this! What if they hate me? This could turn out sooo bad you know! If Rafe and the boys find out they will literally without a doubt want to beat the shit out of John B, Pope, and JJ. I’m not even joking Kie!” I say with a few pouts as I put my head down on the counter, sighing.
“Yeah… I didn’t really think that far. They literally gatekeep you!” Kiara says angrily and then it turns into a blank face trying to think of a plan.
“Alright let’s not get ahead of ourselves! For all we know, we could be thinking wayyy ahead of ourselves. This could literally be a one time thing if they decide to not want me around. So let’s not worry about Rafe. Topper, and Kelce. For now..” I say with a small giggle at the end.
Kiara nods in agreement and lets out a small laugh as well, lightening up the mood.  
“Alright well, I still got like an hour or so here at The Wreck. So I don’t know if you’d want to stick around or if we wanna catch up after I’m done?” Kiara questions at the end.
I think for a bit.
“Alright how about this? I go walk around town for a bit to kill time while you’re finished here. It’ll give me a chance to tell the boys I gotta bail on them,” I say looking at Kiara to see if she agrees.
“Yeah, sounds good! Okay, so thing is I haven't even told the boys that you’re coming over. So once I’m done here I’ll head to JB’s house and tell them that I’m bringing you over..” Kiara says trailing at the end.
“Oh, how will that go!” I say distraughtly.
“I don’t even know! I mean it’s one thing that they find you attractive and hot, but who wouldn’t! You’re a smoke machine,” Kiara says with a smile.
“Oh stop that!” I say with a shy smile. I could feel my cheeks burn.
Kiara giggles in awe.
“But.. it’s another thing for you to be in their presence. You know what I mean? Like sure they may think you’re good looking but you coming over to hang out, it’s a whole nother ball game. I just hope they don’t give you much of a hard time. Just know this y/n! Just give them time to warm up to you,” Kiara beggs.
I nod understandingly taking it all in.
“Alright then. How will I meet you? Since you’re already going to be at John B’s place?” I ask confused with the plan.
“Oh right! Um? I’ll send you their address through a text. Is that cool?” Kiara asks with pleading eyes.
“Yeah that’s cool! Alright well, see you in a bit,” I say with a smile, standing up from the stool.
Kie stands up after me.
“Yeah. Text you in like half an hour!” Kiara says with an excited smile.
I nod and give her a small hug before I leave.
Kiara tightens her grip and I smile into the hug.
I pull away. “Kiara. I’m glad we’re deciding to become close,” I say with a smile.
Kie smiles and nods. “Me too y/n!”
I wave a little goodbye and walk out of the restaurant.
I start walking into town. After about five to seven minutes of walking, I find a cute bench that’s seated under a tree.
I smile as I see the bench surrounded by nature. The huge tree, grassy area, and flowers nearby.
I take a seat and decompress everything that's about to happen. For some reason, I’m really nervous. I’ve never really had much contact with Pogues. But I’ve always admired how strong they are. Not even just physically but mentally. They go through so much in their lives, and apart from that, they’re shit on by the people I’m surrounded within my day to day life.
After looking out at the sun hitting the water, I grab my phone and dial Rafe’s number knowing he’ll be with Kelce and Topper.
The phone rings and instantly the call is answered. I smile knowing Rafe is probably excited to hear my voice. I roll my eyes, my smile widening.
“My favorite girl!” I hear through the phone’s speaker. His voice deep and quite captivating.
“Hi Rafe,” I say with a giggle.
“What can I do for M’lady? Or is she just too excited to see me that she had to call me?” He teases.
I let out a laugh. “Definitely not! It’s actually bad news. Are the boys there too?” I say knowing they were.
“Yeah we’re here!” Kelce and Topper say in unison. Worry stringing along with their words.
“Okay good. Umm, I just gotta rain check on our plans boys,” I say simply.
“What?! What do you mean?” Rafe quickly says.
I smile at his reaction, expecting nothing more.
“I just gotta do something today,” I say, trying to sound convincing.
“Like what things?” Topper trails, questioning me.
“Just some things. Nothing to worry about boys. I’m sorry, I know we’re always together. Take this as a good thing. You’ll have this afternoon to yourselves, without me,” I say with a laugh.
“But why! We know for a fact you have nothing to do!” Kelce exclaims.
Kiara's voice screams in my head. Clingy.
“Just take it as a boys day!” I say knowing they’ll fall for that.
“Okay fine!” Rafe says with a grunt. “But just know you can’t just bail on us like that! Next time we’re not letting this slip by!” Rafe says dominantly.
“Okay... Sureee!” I say with an eye roll.
“I’ll miss you the most!” Topper yells through the phone, beating the other boys to it.
I giggle knowing this’ll start an argument.
“Not true! I’ll miss you the most!” Kelce quickly says.
“Come on boys. We all know who’s going to miss her the most,” Rafe says.
I roll my eyes with a smile.
“I can just imagine the smirk on your face right now Rafe,” I say shaking my head.
“Whatever Rafe!” Kelce says annoyed.
“Bye boys. I’ll miss you!” I say happily. “Mwuah!” I say.
“Ha! I caught that kiss!” Topper yells in victory.
“You guys are ridiculous. Bye!” I say and hang up before they continue to argue.
I roll my eyes and put my phone away, smiling.
I thought to myself, “thank god I ended the call quickly before they asked more questions. Like who I was with or who I’ll be with.”
I stood up from the cute looking bench to walk around town for a bit. I take a look around The Cut. It was quite different from Figure Eight. The buildings here were archaic and run down. The town’s people were torn and exhausted, visible in their faces that all they wanted to do was get a good, long, lasting sleep.
I find a lady selling homemade ice cream by the docs and I smile walking over to her.
As I near her she forms a frightened and terrified look on her face. She grabs onto her cart tightly, as if I were going to take it away or hurt her.
I frown.
“Oh. Um I was just going to get some ice cream,” I trail not wanting to scare her off.
The lady looks at me with a skeptical look in her eyes. I smile, trying to comfort her.
She nods slowly.
“Thanks!” I say vibrantly trying to show her that I’m here with good intentions. “Can I get a chocolate scoop, please?”
“Yeah. Thanks. I thought you were like the others,” She says slowly in a scared tone, still not fully trusting me. She was trying not to offend.
I frown. “I’m so sorry about that. I would never! I just saw that you were selling ice cream and it looked very delicious. Better than those branded manufactured ones from the store,” I say with a giggle.
A smile peaks on her face causing me to smile.
“Thank you, dear. I’m sorry to have acted like that towards you. If I knew you were-” She speaks but I immediately interrupt.
“No! No! Don’t apologize. I’m so sorry for them treating you badly and harmfully. I get mistaken for their kind of behavior all the time. Just know that I’m not like them, at all!” I say referring to the kooks, while she scoops up the ice cream for me.
She looks up from trying to form a perfect scoop.
“There’s still hope then! I thought they were all rude and violent towards my kind of people. Turns out you’re the only one left.” She says handing me my ice cream.
I shoot her a smile.
“You’re so kind! I’ll definitely be coming back,” I say with a smile as I taste her ice cream. “It’s amazing!”
“Thank you, Miss!” She says handing me some napkins. I gladly take them in my hands and hand her the money.
“Thank you very much! It was nice meeting you,” I say, sending her a loving smile.
She smiles brightly and waves me goodbye.
I turn around and start walking back towards the bench I discovered earlier. I take a seat and look out to the shore as I eat my ice cream peacefully. It was the most authentic and tasteful ice cream I have ever tasted.
Twenty minutes later, ice cream was done, and eyes still on the view.
A text from Kiara interrupting the moment.
Okay I’m off work now. I’m currently a few feet away from John B’s house. I’ll send you a text when the light’s green, so you can come over 🤎
I nod as I read it, reacting to her message with a thumbs up.
I stand up from the bench and enter a small liquor store to buy bottled water.
I head over to the fridges grabbing an ice cold water bottle. I go up to the cashier and pay for it.
“Thanks,” I say with a smile and start walking out the door. I walk around for a bit waiting for Kiara’s text.
Kiara’s POV:
I hit send to the message I typed out for y/n. I put my phone away in my back pocket. I sighed nervously as John B’s house came closer and closer into view.
I rubbed my sweaty hands together without noticing. I smile widely as I see the guys on the porch.
“Hi boys!” I say as I feel my curls blowing behind me with the warm wind.
“Hi Kie!” They all say with toothy smiles.
I try my best to hide my nervousness as I look out into the distance. I walk up the porch’s steps and walk over to the boys.
“What’s up Kie!” JJ cheekily says with a goofy smile.
I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Hi JJ,” I say taking a seat.  
“So you ready?” John B asks with an eyebrow raised.
“To do the same thing we do every day? If so, born ready!” I say letting out a laugh.
“That’s my girl!” JJ exclaims.
I chuckle and for a second I forget that I’m going to break the ice to them about y/n.
“What’s wrong Kie? You seem a bit off!” Pope says in a concerned voice.
“Oh um, nothing really. Better than ever really! It’s just um I have to talk to you guys about something,” I say scanning their faces.
JJ lets out a small chuckle. “What are you talking about?” He says.
I look over to John B and see that he’s leaned back on his chair, eyeing me curiously.
“Just spit it out Kie,” Pope says quickly.
“Yeah Kie. What is it,” JJ says once he sees that the other two boys were taking this seriously.
“Okay. Just please don’t overreact and please and I mean please keep an open mind about what I’m about to say!” I proclaim.
“Um, what?” John B says eyeing JJ and Pope in confusion.
Pope and JJ give John B that same look back.
The three boys look over at me like judges waiting for a declaration.
The boys are as impatient as ever with Kiara’s silence.
“Okay so…. To just let it all out. I invited someone over,” Kiara says and immediately waits for some sort of reaction from the three boys.
“Well, technically you didn’t just let it all out. I mean you kind of let out a high key factor-” Pope says annoyingly using his intelligence before JJ interrupts him.
“YEAH LIKE WHO!” JJ loudly blurts out.
“Yeah Kie... I don’t know about that... I mean you know this circle stays like this,” John B says forming a small circle with his two thumbs and indexes.
I sigh.
“I know. I know. And I’m sorry it’s just this person is pretty cool and I know you guys would like that,” I say, trying to convince the boys. Not yet revealing the gender of this mystery person.
“Yeah! I think we already have enough with our own cool,” John B protests. “We don’t need anyone else and plus who would you even invite? There’s like no one else,” John B continues, still unconvinced.
I look around to Pope and JJ to see that they’re both in doubt about the situation.
“Okay look. This person is someone really important to me and we’re both deciding to evolve our friendship! We were never really close but we’re choosing to change that,” I explain more in detail.
“Okay then if this person is so important to you then why have we never heard of them before?” JJ questions.
“Be-because! She was from my Kook year!” I blurt out.
“What?!!” They all question and exclaim. Their eyes wide and in surprise.
A couple of scoffs are heard.
“Okay, we just heard a couple of things here! Tell us if we’re wrong but did you just say it’s a she and that she’s a KOOK?” Pope says in disbelief.
“We are not having a KOOK over Kie! Kie it’s definitely a no! Like are you crazy? This isn’t our Kie. This is someone else!” JJ says within a millisecond.
“Yeah - I - I don’t even know what to say,” John B says in thought.
“Guys please!” I plead. “What did I say? To keep an open mind and to not overreact and you guys do the exact opposite of what I told you guys not to do!”
“Kiara! She’s a kook. Have you forgotten everything they have done to us? They’re rich, spoiled, brats! They don’t care about anyone but themselves and their money!” Pope fumes.
“Yeah Kie! You literally have personal experience with these kinds of people. Obviously, that’s why you hang with us. Like is there something we’re not getting here? Something we don’t know? You went to school with them and you hated it. Every single second of it!” John B profoundly says.
“Guys! I know. I know. It sounds crazy but trust me! Just, please! When have I ever failed you guys?” I beg and give them a pleading look.
“Kie! What is so important about this girl anyways?” JJ questions genuinely.  
I scoff.
“I don’t know JJ. Why don’t I ask you the same thing?” I reply with a burst of anger.
“What? Why would you have to ask me that?” JJ says, his eyebrows furrowing.
John B and Pope just look at each other with what the fuck expressions on their faces.
“Yeah JJ! Why were you flirting with her?” I say pettily looking at him
JJ's face turns into shock. He scoffs. “Me?” He points at himself and laughs. “Flirting with a kook? Never!” He says fighting me back with laughter and shock all mixed in one.
“JJ I saw it with my own eyes!” I say with annoyance.
“Dude I swear this isn’t you Kie! Are you like okay or something?” JJ says, his eyes looking at me as if something was wrong.
I get angry. “Yes JJ I’m perfectly fine!”
“Well… I mean when a girl says she’s fine, she’s not really fine..” Pope trails barely above a whisper.
“Well, in this case, it doesn’t apply alright!” I furiously say, looking over at Pope.
John B knowing very well that he is not going to butt into this conversation.
“Okay! Then who!” JJ yells annoyed in defiance.
“Y/N! You were literally winking at her and fucking checking her out!” I yell out.
“Oh,” John B lets out with wide eyes.
“What? That - that was not even flirting!” JJ says, trying to sound confident in his response.
“Yeah you stuttered. You can't cover that up now.” Pope says shaking his head.
“I did not stutter!” JJ says shooting Pope a fuck you facial expression.
“Okay fine! She can come,” John B says unexpectedly.
My heart jumps and I turn my head over to him.
I immediately smile and my mouth opens up in thanks.
“If she really means that much to you, she can come,” John B says sweetly.
I stand up from my seat and go in to hug him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you John B!” I say as I fall into his arms in the process of hugging him.
John B lets out a laugh as he catches me in his lap.
“Okay but only this once!” John B warns pointing a finger at me.
“Yeah if we don’t like her she’s not coming over. Ever again!” JJ protests angrily rolling his eyes.
“No! No! You’ll all love her I promise!” I say immediately.
“I don’t know about love….” Pope trails off as he raises his eyebrows.
“Okay let me go text her! Thank you John B, I love you!” I say getting off his lap.
“Thank you John B, I love you,” JJ mimics in annoyance.
“Fuck off! You were literally the one flirting with her!” I say walking away from them to text Y/N.
As I’m walking into the house I hear the boys talking.
“Why would you say yes?!!” Pope exclaims.
“What?! She’s hot!” John B says referring to y/n.
“I heard that!” I yell at them.
“ANDD she must be amazing since Kie is friends with her!” John B adds trying to save himself.
“Ha! Thought so,” I say walking into the house as the boys continue to hush their conversation.
I go to my messages and Y/N and I’s previous conversation pops up.
I click on the voice memo to record my voice message.
Hey Y/N! Okay good news! I got them to say yes!! It took quite a bit of convincing and arguing but I got it! I’m sending you the address right now! Okay see you in a bit! Byee.
I send the voice memo and walk out to the porch and sit with the guys.
Y/N’s POV:
I was walking around the shops in The Cut when I got a text from Kiara.
I open the message seeing that it’s a voice memo. I put the phone closer to my ear in hopes of being able to hear the message nice and clear with the commotion around.
Hey Y/N! Okay good news! I got them to say yes!! It took quite a bit of convincing and arguing but I got it! I’m sending you the address right now! Okay see you in a bit! Byee.
Midway through the voice memo, I get another ding as Kiara sends the address.
Butterflies come to life in the pit of my stomach as I copy and paste the address onto Google Maps.
I click on ‘start route’ once the app gives me the fastest route to the destination. It says it’ll take a 10 minute walk.
It directs me to walk straight until I make it off the docks.
I get off the maps app and text Kiara.
Hey Kie! Alright, it says I’ll be there in 10. See you there!
I continue walking for the next couple of minutes on the docs as I hear the ocean beneath me.
I feel a sense of security and safeness from the sounds of the wind blowing against the water, forming the waves.
The docs were coming to an end, so I open up the maps and see that it’s telling me to turn left and walk straight until I see Hawks St.
On Hawks St turn right, siri says.
I continue walking straight, leaving the ocean behind me.
The map is leading me to the part of The Cut where the houses reside.
I’m halfway done with the walk when I reach Hawks St.
I look down and wait for siri’s next direction when I take a right.
Keep walking north until you reach “The Dirt’s Path”
I look at my surroundings and see a community of small homes in the suburbs. These houses were small and fading. They were either falling apart or on the verge of breaking down. Some houses were visibly taken care of but still not in the best conditions.
I keep walking and realize that I haven’t yet seen a street sign nor street post. As I realized I felt scared. I felt lost and afraid. I looked around and it was empty, no one was around. I looked down at my phone’s maps and saw that more minutes have gotten added to the time. I must’ve missed “The Dirt’s Path” or something.
The maps were no longer useful as it was just saying rerouting.
I sigh in frustration and turn off my phone.
I try to find the so-called Dirt’s Path and realize that it was going to be much harder than I realized. I have no idea how John B’s house looks like. I don’t know what to expect or what to look for.
All the houses I walked by were side by side and facing each other. They were a couple of blocks down from the beach and water line. These houses were placed like suburbans. I don’t know if John B’s house is like one of these or if his home is by the water?
I run a hand through my hair in frustration. What am I gonna do? Do I text Kie? But what’s the point in telling her I’m lost? I wouldn’t know how to tell her where I am. There were no street names I can refer to.
I throw that idea out the trash and try to find another way to John B’s house.
I continue walking forwards now more aware of my surroundings, trying not to get lost, more than I already am.
I then meet a dirt path as all the suburban laid out homes end. Could this be The Dirt’s Path?
I mean it is a literal path of dirt.
I take a leap of faith and walk into the dirt. As I walk further into this new part of The Cut, I realize the difference between the structures. These homes were more stretched out and spacious in land but the homes were shabby looking and on dirt. While the other homes were on cement. Another thing was that these houses were feet away from the water.
My phone dings must be a message from Kiara.
I grab it and read.
Where are you? Seven minutes ago
Better not have bailed on me :( Two minutes ago
I must have lost connection since I’m just getting her texts.
Just finding my way arounddd…
I send not wanting to admit that I’m lost.
She immediately responds.
Okay I got worried! Cause you said 10 minutes and it now been like 20
I read her message and go back to maps and see that I'm less than a minute away!
I get excited knowing I’m no longer lost.
I look up ahead and realize that it must be the white rectangular house with a nice porch, grassy area, and amazing view of the water. It was right on the edge.
I walk up to it when I knew for certain that it’s the house. I turn off my phone and get closer by the second. My eyes then meet four people sitting down on the porch. I catch Kiara’s crazy beautiful hair and see the three boys inches away from her. They all seem comfortable and content.
Once I make it to the steps of the porch I call out Kie’s name.
They all turn in their seats, looking over at me.
Kiara smiles widely and stands from her seat.
“Y/N!!” She loudly exclaims as she walks over to me, hugging me.
“I’m sooo nervous!” I whisper once our bodies physically collide into a hug.
“Don’t even sweat it!” She whispers into my hair.
I nod and we both let go of the hug.
I look over to the boys from the bottom of the porch and see them staring at us.
I wave at them and they all give me a small awkward wave, in return. I don’t take offense to it knowing they must feel weird about the situation.
“Come on!” Kie says intertwining our fingers. She leads me up the steps and deeper into the porch. Over to the seated boys.
She sits down on a couch that’s empty and pats the seat left to her, insinuating for me to sit down. I comply and get comfy. The boys' eyes on us, mostly on me, the whole time.
“Hey guys,” I say with a warm smile, waving again.
John B is on the chair to my left next to the couch that Kie and I are sitting on, Pope on the width of the porch, and JJ across from us.
“Guys this is Y/N!” She starts. “And Y/N this is JJ,” She says and points in front of us.
JJ waves but it kind of seems forced.
I smile and mutter a small hi.
“This is Pope,” She says and points to our left.
“Hi. I’m Pope,” He says in welcome.
I smile feeling better about being here. His kind nature warming me up.
“Hi,” I say cheerfully.
“I’m John B,” John B says.
I look over at him.
He reaches his arm out to me and I smile, taking his hand in mine. He shakes my hand confidently with a large smile, causing me to blush.
I smile noticing that he didn’t have to wait for Kiara to introduce us. He took initiative.
“Y/N,” I say smiley.
“Nice to meet you. You have such a pretty name,” He says sweetly letting go of my hand.
“Thanks,” I say with a blush and a smile.
“Yeah. Anytime,” He smiles pridefully once he sees me get all shy.
Kiara nudges me and I try to ignore her but I can only imagine the grin she holds.
I look forward and see JJ noticing Kie and I’s encounter. Catching onto Kiara teasing me about John B and I’s little moment.
I see that his eyes turn dark as his face becomes tight. He seems mad.
I just looked away, acting oblivious.
“Sorry I was late. I got lost” I say letting out a nervous chuckle.
“Don’t stress it. It can happen to any of us,” Pope says with a smile.
“Can it though?” JJ questions trying to throw shade at me.
My eyes swift over to him, my smile falling. His eyes everywhere but on me but I know for a fact he feels my eyes on him.
The boys stay quiet knowing the answer.
Kiara kicks JJ right on his shin.
JJ immediately looks over to Kiara and shoots her a glare.
I don’t make it obvious that I’m aware of the fit JJ and Kiara are having.
Kiara sends a glare right back at JJ, in hopes that he’ll be nicer.
“It’s okay!” Kie says with a warm kind smile, now looking at me.
I nod and get a bit of reassurance before JJ continues with his antics.
“Yeah I mean it must be so hard for you to walk these streets right? You’re used to street signs and easy transportation. Unlike here on The Cut. We’re full of broken streets and full of dirt paths. Kind of a given that you wouldn’t find your way around.” JJ rudely says rolling his eyes.
John B’s eyes widen. John B wouldn’t care if it was said to any other kook but John B just had a gut feeling that Y/N wasn’t like those other kooks. It was like with Kie. Kiara was no one compared to the Kooks.
The only difference between Y/N and Kiara was that Kie wants nothing to do with the kooks. On the contrary, Y/N is surrounded and close friends with them. Living the Kook life, just Y/N’s morals are thoughtful and generous, unlike the Kooks.
“Hey man-” John B starts in a way to stop JJ, feeling bad.
“No. No! It’s okay. I deserve it anyway.” I say with a shrug but inside of me, my heart stung. I mean what he was saying was true but did he have to be so rude about it?
I see in the corner of my eyes Pope making a double take at my response.
“What?” Kiara says angrily at my response. “How in the world do you deserve that?” Kiara says to me.
I look over at JJ and he just has a straight face, no emotion appearing on his light soft skin.
But JJ was just as shocked at her response as everyone else. He would expect any kook to fight back with a response but never in a million years would he expect one to just accept his rude comebacks.
It was silent as those seconds passed by before Kiara spoke up again.
“You did nothing wrong! I mean yeah kooks are living a better life than here at The Cut. But how is that on you?” Kiara continues.
I stay silent. Not wanting to say anything.
“JJ! I’m fucking letting this slide. For now. But just watch when we’re alone! Don’t think you’re getting away with this,” She says, anger evident in her voice.
“Kiara. It’s fine,” I say putting a hand on her shoulder, trying to forget all about it.
Kiara turns to me and sends me a look. She shakes her head telling me she wasn’t going to let this go. I just stayed quiet, again.
I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers.
I kinda miss Rafe right now. He would never treat me like this. Nor would Topper or Kelce.
I start to feel myself closing up to them.
Kiara notices and puts an arm around me.
“You know I kinda miss Rafe now,” I say only for Kiara to hear.
“They’re that bad huh!” Kiara whispers back, referring to her friends.
“Eh,” I say with a shrug.
“Well I mean if you’re missing him of all people. They must be reallyyy bad!” Kiara accidentally says loud enough for the boys to hear.
“Oh shit!” Kiara says once all of the boy’s eyes were on us.
“Kiara!” I say, giving her a look. My eyes wide in embarrassment.
“She has a big mouth! Huh?!” John B says with a laugh.
“Tell me about it,” I say looking over at him as my heart flutters knowing that they’re not all bad.
I hear Pope chuckle, making me smile. So, JJ was the only mean one I say to myself. Taking a mental note.
JJ stays quiet just sitting on his chair. Looking around like nothing happened.
I decide to let it slide and not let it affect my afternoon with Kie. Allowing myself to further get to know Pope and John B.
“So who is this guy you’re missing?” Pope sillily says with a toothy smile.
“Oh, no one!” I say with a nervous smile, that just happens to go from ear to ear.
My eyes notice JJ shifting and moving in his seat as I cheekily smile.
“With that smile! It must be someone,” John B teases causing my smile to widen.
“No! He’s just a friend!” I say as my cheeks turn red. I try to cover my face in my hands.
“Aww. You’re so shy!” John B cooes.
“Yeah. It’s kinda cute!” Pope adds.
“She does this all the time!” Kiara says with a playful eyeroll.
“It just happens okay!” I let out in a laugh.
The three are in amusement with the new girl before their eyes. Meanwhile, JJ just sits awkwardly in his seat, not daring to say a word. But he couldn’t help but think of how adorable the girl before him was. She was precious and her embarrassment and shyness added to her cuteness.
For the most part, JJ regrets letting his Pogue pride get in the way of getting to know Y/N. But all he can do now is hold his exterior high.
He still does hate the fact that she has everything that he doesn’t but he feels kind of bad because she seems genuine.  
After John B, Pope, Kiara, and I settled down from our fits of laughter, Pope speaks up.
“So Kiara tells us you’re a kook?” He asks.
John B’s eyes lighten up.
“Yeah! I mean it honestly doesn’t even seem like it. You seem so chill and quite frankly adorable!” John B adds.
I smile and feel my cheeks warming up.
“Yeah I mean I guess you could say I am,” I say like it’s nothing.
“She’s literally the kookest of the kooks! Except she’s a total sweetheart!” Kiara says, opening her mouth.
“Elaborate on the kookest of the kooks?” Pope curiously asks.
“Yeah like she's the kookest of the kooks! She’s literally at the top, her and her family. Which is quite ironic right? She’s the richest, has the biggest house in the OBX, best cars, and trucks, the list goes on.” Kie lists to the guys. “Oh, and how could I forget? The best looking!”
“Wow, and I mean yeah! Shouldn’t that make you the brattiest and the meanest?” John B says with a chuckle knowing y/n is the exact opposite based on what he’s known of her.
“And the bitchiest?” JJ remarks with an annoyed look on his face.
I look over at him, my eyebrows furrowed.
“I mean do you think I’m a bitch?” I say finally speaking up.
Pope and John B give each other a look.
JJ stays quiet as if I never even spoke.
“And you say kooks are arrogant and self centered!” I mutter letting out a scoff but they all hear clear as day.
“If you have anything to say, then say it!” I say looking straight at JJ even though he wasn’t even looking at me.
Y/N’s a shy sweet girl but that doesn’t interfere with her courage. She’s fiery and stands up for herself.
He finally looks over at me.
“I don’t have anything to say,” He says plainly and looks away right after.
I would’ve called him a coward then and there but I didn’t want to ruin the moment with the rest of us.
Kiara smiles at me telling me good job with her smile, causing me to let out a small laugh.
I look to my left and notice Pope sending me a thumbs up with a huge smile causing me to giggle.
He deserves it, is what they’re trying to say.  
I was a bit worried that John B and Pope might not like me after answering back to JJ, but they seem pleased with the fact that I did.
I sigh to myself in relief.
“Yeah, one day you all can come over!” I smile. “Well I mean if you guys decide to want me around,” I end with a small giggle.
Pope’s eyes get big but JJ interrupts right as Pope is about to speak.
“Yeah... I don’t think so. So don’t get your hopes up,” JJ bluntly says.
My mouth opens to respond but Kiara quickly changes the subject.
“You were saying something, Pope?” She says trying to proceed with the conversation.
“First off JJ, speak for yourself!” Pope declares. “And! Like, go over to your mansion?” Pope baffles at me.
“I mean I wouldn't call it a mansion,” I trail with a laugh, ignoring JJ’s remark completely.
“Oh stop being so modest!” Kiara says with an eye roll.
“Only if we can steal your dad’s car and drink the finest wine and champagne your family possesses!” John B jokes.
“Deal!” I beam.
We all let out a chuckle, except for one.
“Let’s play a game!” John B blurts out of nowhere.
Kiara gasps.
“Great idea!” She says and reaches out under the couch. “I think I saw some Uno cards under here,” She mumbles.
“Okay. But let’s spice it up” I dare with a devilish look.
“I like how this is sounding. Go on,” Pope ponders.
“Okay how about this! While we’re all playing Uno we can all ask each other, Never Have I Ever questions!” I propose.
“Okay. Sounds interesting,” Kiara says now shuffling the Uno cards.
“Serves the purpose of getting to know each other,” Pope says getting closer. He places a small table in the middle of us to put the cards on.
“Uno says a lot about someone’s behavior! So we’ll be on a close lookout for yours!” John B slightly teases.
“Oh yeah. Definitely doesn’t make me nervous at all!” I say with a playful eye roll.  
“Yeah, we already noticed the eye roll. We’ll add that to our observation list,” Pope laughs.
“Stop!” I say feeling my cheeks get warm.
Kiara laughs and starts to hand us all our individual small decks.
“Well, this is going to be a long afternoon!” JJ huffs getting his deck from Kiara.
“Okay, Y/N never have I ever!” John B thrills, as we all ignore JJ’s remark.
“What!” I say with a wide smile. ”We haven’t even started the Uno game and you’re already bombarding me with questions!” I end with a laugh.
“Well too bad!” He says with a sly smile.
“Okay fine,” I say giving in and placing the first card of the game.
Kiara then places her card on top of mine.
“Never have I ever had my first kiss,” John B questions as he eyes me.
“I mean yeah. Duh!” I say as I make an obvious face.
“Okay just asking!” John B says in surrender causing me to chuckle.
“I think we need a storytime!” Kiara pesters.
“Ha! Definitely not,” I retort.
“Oh come on tell us! It can’t be that bad!” Pope prys.
“Oh. It wasn’t bad at all! It was quite magical, actually,” I add in remembrance of the day.
“Okay then, see! Tell us,” Kiara prys.
“Yeahh. No,” I say knowing that if I name the boy it’ll ruin the night.
“Well if it’s not a bad first kiss then why not tell us?” Pope says adding a card.
“Because,” I say with a laugh. “I have my reasons,”
“Oh come on!” Kiara says, forcefully making me look at her pouty face.
“Okay fine,” I say with a huff, knowing they wouldn’t stop until I tell them.
“Yes!” Pope says with a clap.
“Bingo,” John B retorts as Pope and him give each other a handshake.
I roll my eyes at them and smile.
“It was a middle school dance. I was in sixth grade and the boy was in eighth grade. A slow dan-” I say as I was trying to tell them the story before Kiara eagerly interrupts.
“The boy being?” Kiara interrogates with a smirk.
I give her a side eye and continue the story without answering. Completely ignoring her.
“Oh come on!” The three say. The three being Kiara, John B, and Pope.
“No! I’m not saying!” I remark.
“How much do you want to bet it’s the boy you and Kiara were secretly talking about earlier,” John B says with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows.
I get scarlet red and shake my head, a smile waiting to be released.
“No way!” Kiara says putting the dots together in her head. “It is! isn’t it?”
I stay quiet holding in my smile but failing miserably.
“It all makes sense! No wonder the boy is with you 24/7. It makes sense as to why he’s so clingy with you. You locked him in with a kiss!” Kiara gushes.
“You’re ridiculous!” I say with an eye roll.
I look away from Kiara and lookup.
My eyes meet JJ’s and my heart skips a beat. He’s so beautiful. His blonde beachy hair and sky blue eyes. For a second his facial expressions seem kind and warm, but they quickly change to cold and menacing ones, once he sees my gaze on him.
I look away.
“Next question!” I say as I place a card onto the table.
“What? But you never finished the story,” Pope reckons.
“Oh right,” I say with a playful sigh. “I was dancing with my friends when a slow dance came on. He came over and asked me to dance with him. Me and him weren't exactly friends at the time but we knew each other, he was really nice to me despite him being an eighth grader. We spent the rest of the night together. Dancing and having a good time. I look back at that night and know it’s one of the best nights I’ve ever had. It was remarkable and straight out of a cliche movie. The last dance was of course a slow dance and he offered to dance one last time. Of course, I said yes, so he takes me by my hand and takes me onto the dance floor. In the middle of the song we both leaned in and kissed. I was dying on the inside, I remember I was like oh my god I’m kissing the cutest guy in school!” I say ending the brief and quick story with a laugh.
“Okay, and what happened next?!” John B presses.
“What?” I say with a laugh. “I thought we’re only talking about the first kiss,”
Pope and Kiara gasp.
“So you’re saying you shared more than one kiss?” Kiara says with wide eyes.
“What! No!” I say knowing I just exposed myself.
“Now you gotta tell us more!” Pope says intrigued.
“Okay fine!” I say with an eye roll. “After our kiss ended, so did the dance. So, he offered to walk me home. We talked and he made me laugh the whole way there. When we made it to the gate of my house we were saying our goodbyes and right as I was about to enter he pulled me into another kiss. Might I add it was even better than the first! Maybe cause I was a bit more comfortable with kissing. Who knows but it was. I know if I leave the story at that, you guys will continue to ask questions. So let me sum it up, he graduated middle school but we continued to talk during that summer. We became friends and now after all those years, he’s still my best friend. I know he’ll always be there for me and I can trust him with my life,” I say to them.
“Wow,” John B says looking up at me after placing his card.
“We’re definitely talking about this later!” Kiara beams. “Cause I know for a fact it’s him!” Kiara says, referring to Rafe.
I roll my eyes and groan.
“It’s not!” I claim. Even though it is. Rafe was my first kiss.
“What! That’s not fair.” Pope states with a whine.
“Yeah I agree. Y/N if you’re going to continue to hang around we have to know what you guys are going to talk about,” John B says.
“Are you trying to blackmail me?” I say with a raised brow, letting out a laugh. “But don’t even worry about it. We’re not talking about it!”
“Yes, we are!” Kiara says as she places a reverse card.
“Gosh! You guys are so annoying,” JJ says with a huff.
“I think it’s just you,” Pope says.
“Alright, then my turn!” JJ says determinedly.
“Never have I ever been so bored with my kook life that I had to give it some spice by hanging out with pogues as entertainment,” JJ speaks looking at me with fire in his eyes, waiting for my answer.
I look him straight in the eyes. “Never,” I say.
“I have,” Kiara answers.
“The question wasn’t meant for you,” JJ says, moving his eyes off mine as he speaks to Kiara.
“Well, it applied to me so I answered,” Kiara says with sass.
JJ rolls his eyes in defeat and lays back in his seat.
John B nudged me causing me to realize it’s my turn.
I look down at my card and see that I have a blank action card.
I place it down in the pile.
“JJ,” I say with a smirk, catching his attention.
His heart skips a beat, as he hears his name rolling perfectly out of her lips.
I can feel everyone’s eyes on me.
“What?” He says with an eye roll.
“Draw 20 cards,” I say with a fake sweet smile.
Next to me, I feel Kiara stifling in her laughter.
“Ooo. This just got interesting,” Pope says with a laugh.
“I’m not doing that,” He fumes.
“You okay there JJ? I think I can see smoke coming out of your ears,” John B teases.
“Cut it out, man!” JJ says at John B.
We all continue to laugh which proceeds with JJ throwing the cards down on the table.
Kiara, Pope, and John B look up at him in surprise.
“I’m not playing this stupid game, anymore!” He says standing up from his seat and walking away into the house.
We all let out loud laughs and continue to play.
“Go Kie,” John B says, but worriedly looks over at JJ.
“Hmm okay. Never have I ever had a one night stand,” Kie asks.
“Never,” I answer.
“I have,” John B says.
“Regretfully yes,” Pope responds.
“Yeah me neither,” Kiara answers.
“Never have I ever fallen in love,” I ask them.
We all answer a no.
“Never have I ever called a teacher mom,” Pope asks.
I giggle.
“Oh come on! I think we all have,” Kiara laughs.
John B places his second to last card on the pile and is left with one.
“UNO!” I yell at him.
His eyes widen and he looks down at his card.
“Darn it!” He says and lets out a groan.
I smile and let out a laugh.
Kiara hands him four cards.
I look straight ahead of me, where JJ previously was. The night approaching.
Wow, the time has gone by so fast. I smile knowing that I've had a great time. John B and Pope were amazing. They’re funny and welcoming. They made me feel nice and equal to them.
As I was in my head, Kiara placed her last card causing her to win the round.
Pope and John B roll their eyes.
“Why do you always win?” Pope says with an eye roll.
“Because I’m smart. Duh!” She says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes at her.
“Oh relax!” I say giving her a look.
“Is this a challenge I’m sensing?” She scoffs playfully.
“OOO girl fight!” Pope comments.
Kiara rolls her eyes and I just laugh.
We start picking up the cards and placing them back in its box.
“JJ! COME OVER HERE! John B yells. Hoping it would reach JJ inside the house.
I look behind me in the direction of the house and see JJ reluctantly walking out.
“Come on, man!” John B says once JJ is outdoors, trying to convince his best friend to come back.
“Yeah, before we replace you with Y/N,” Pope jokes.
“Haha!” JJ says in monotone, shooting him a glare. “So funny, Pope,”
“Aw. Come on lighten up, J,” John B says with a smile.
“Yeah,” JJ says once he makes it over to us, keeping his response short.
JJ sits back down in his seat.
I sense the awkwardness in the room, even though we’re all outside.
“Hey... I think I’ll start heading out,” I say to them.
“What? Why?” Kiara asks in surprise, frowning.
“I- I just don’t want to make things weird,” I say standing from the couch. “But it was very nice talking to you guys!” I say looking over to my left where Pope and John B reside.
They shoot me sympathetic smiles.
“Likewise,” Pope says smiling sweetly.
“Thanks,” I smile.
“Fine. Let me walk you out,” Kiara says, starting to stand from her seat.
“No!” John B interjects, standing up from his chair instantly. “I got it.”
“Oh. Um okay..” Kiara says sitting back down in her seat, before even getting to fully stand up.
I blush and hesitantly look up at him.
He smiles assuringly, making my heart flutter.
I look away shyly. My eyes falling on JJ’s.
He looks bothered by the fact that John B intervened with Kiara walking me out. His eyes look like they’re filled with rage and annoyance.
If I knew any better I’d say he looked jealous. But why? Literally the whole goddamn time he treated me like his punching bag.
“Actually I’ll join you. Let me just get my things,” Kiara says standing from her seat.
John B and I nod, as she walks into John B’s house.
“Come on,” John B says, placing his hand gently on my back. Insinuating for me to walk off the porch.  
I start walking off, John B behind me.
I turn around as I make it to the steps.
“Bye,” I say brightly, looking over at Pope.
He grins and waves goodbye. “I’ll see you,”
I nod and then look over at JJ.
This time he’s acknowledging me. Maybe because I’m leaving?
“Bye JJ,” I say softly, giving him a small wave.
His icy blue eyes locking with mine.
My stomach erupts in butterflies. Fuck.
“Bye.” He lightly says.
I smile and look down, looking away.
I smile, blushing.
He seemed quite sincere in his response. Gosh, this boy is making me go crazy. First, he looks at me all flirtatiously winking at me and all. Then, when we meet he’s a completely different person. And now he says goodbye to me, like in such a kind manner. He doesn’t make sense. Does he hate me or not?
I make it down the steps of the porch and John B and I continue to walk a good distance away from the boys.
“Thanks,” I say once we make it to a stop.
I look up at him. I feel tingly as my eyes lay on him. His tall figure giving me butterflies and his tan muscular skin making me spin.
He smiles looking down at me, causing me to blush even more.
“Yeah. No problem,” He smiles, continuing to look down at me.
“Gosh, you’re making me act all shy…” I say looking down at the ground.
I hear him chuckle, making me smile.
“Sorry!” He says, thinking of how adorable the girl before him is. “But look before Kiara comes. I just wanted to say I’d love to have you around. Ignore JJ. Don’t let his attitude discourage you. He’s just protective that’s all. I’m really sorry about him. It honestly surprised me, I didn't think he'd be that harsh…” John B says, running his hand in his hair awkwardly, in hopes that it’d make up for it.
“Wait? Really!” I say in awe about him wanting me around.
“Yeah! Definitely,” He says in a reassuring tone.
“Okay,” I say with a pleased smile.
“Okay..” He says, repeating after me. “Look and yet again, I’m really sorry about JJ and his rude comments and remarks. I don’t know what got into him. Really,” He says looking into my eyes, again, trying to explain.
I nod.
“He’s just very…. How do I say this? It’s the dumb kook vs. pogue rivalry. But he should’ve realized that you’re different. I mean even Pope realized it. He’s just probably still not over the fact that you’re a kook. But I mean Kiara is a kook too. So, it shouldn’t be any different. But I’m sure he’ll loosen up soon. So please don’t let him discourage you from coming over. We’d all love for you to be here more often,” He says smiling.
“Okay. I will. It was really fun. I had a great time. So thanks,” I say looking up at him to keep eye contact.
“Yeah.” He says.
He opens his arms and I smile joining his embrace. He wraps his arms around my back loosely as I place my arms under his, wrapping them around his back.
The hug was short but nice.
I look back at the house and see Pope and JJ looking over at us.
I look back at John B, he too notices them looking.
He shakes his head and laughs.
“Ready?” Kiara yells coming out of the house.
I nod and smile.
“Bye boys!” She says to Pope and JJ as she passes by the porch.
They say their goodbyes as John B and I wait for her by the hammocks.  
Once Kiara makes it over to us, John B gives me another quick hug.
“Bye friend,” He says with a playful smile.
I laugh and wave him goodbye.
I can feel Kiara smiling as John B walks back to the porch.
“Sooo! What was that all that about?!” Kiara says happily poking my sides.
“Oh god! Nothing, he was just telling me to ignore JJ and to come around more often,” I explain as we both start walking away.
“Really! That’s great! See! I told you!” She says poking my sides.
I laugh trying to get away from her as we walk off.
Kiara giggles. “Well just wanted to let you know that every time John B and you had a moment JJ looked furious!! I’ve never seen him act like that!” She gushes.
“Oh god,” I say, rolling my eyes at her.
Hello Everyone💛Thank you so much for reading my first ever series and imagine that was written specifically for Tumblr. So welcome☺️
This part is an introductory chapter. I made sure you all got to know more of the characters including Y/N. I have so many interesting and amazing thing planned for The One and Only JJ: Maybank. So, fasten your seatbelts cause you’re in for a hell of a ride!
I would greatly appreciate your likes, reblogs, and comments :) 
Thank you all! 💖
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
As I Say (Part 2) Henry Bowers
Part 2 is finally here of @lazzs request!
Upcoming: Vic part 3, Belch part 4
Word count: 1,539
Warnings- Foul language, Very derogatory name calling, Sexual themes implied, Aggressive behavior.
Warnings: Foul language, Very offensive name calling, Sexual themes implied, Aggressive behavior… You’ve been warned!
Henry’s POV: 
I’ve been eyeing Y/N for a few weeks now. Taking in the way she clutches onto her books tightly to her chest as she rushes to class; head down avoiding eye contact, always hiding behind her hair and loose- fitting clothes. I notice the way she stutters and blushes when she's made to give a presentation in front of the  class. Biting her bottom lip and fidgeting as she’s on the spot. Even when she’s with those loser friends of hers, she’s so fucking quiet... so self conscious.
It makes her the perfect target. After watching her for a bit, it’s given me a few ideas of what I  want to do with this little slut. She seems so innocent it’d be fun to corrupt her.
-End POV- 
Y/N is pretty  self conscious  when it comes to wearing swimsuits in front of people. Even your everyday clothing is on the baggy side. It’s just not something you’re super comfortable with for no reason in particular.   You had just spent a nice afternoon at the beach. You purposely chose a less crowded beach that rarely anyone even goes to just to avoid others. You even went as far as to go alone just for the alone time so you could relax.  You left the house pretty early, around 10am and spent the entire day there but accidentally lost track of time. When you checked the time now, it was reading 4:30pm.  You make your way to the restroom/ changing area, switch out of your swimsuit and put on a loose fitting, casual black dress that ended just above your knee and slipped on your  flip flops. You quickly ball up your towel and swimsuit, throwing  it all in your bag and begin walking home. Since you had headphones in listening to music, you didn't even hear (or notice) Patrick sneaking up behind you. He grabs you from behind, covering your mouth as he pulls you back. Your legs trying to kick out but doing nothing to help you.  You still have no clue who this was and where you were being dragged off to.  It was not until you were turned harshly and tossed into a car. Your practicaly face-plant onto someone's lap.  You quickly realized it was Patrick who grabbed you),  along with Belch (the driver), and Vic in the backseat (who unfortunately you fell on)  but surprisingly no Henry.  Your face still on Vic’s lap makes the guys laugh; especially when Vic grabs you by the hair and purposely  bobs your head up and down, pretending as if you were performing a sexual act on him.  You struggle out of his grip and fall back into Patrick who catches you and stabilizes you to catch your balance. 
Y/N’s POV: 
Too nervous to ask any questions, Patrick smirks knowingly and answers the questions I have in my head. “Don’t worry too much, princess… Henry just wants to see you. It won't be all that bad… unless you don’t listen. Then that’s a different story, princess” He chuckles darkly as the fear spreads across my face even more. I cower between  Vic and Patrick who are smirking at me as they sandwich me in between them. Patrick puts his hand under my dress, rubbing my bare thigh like the perv he is. I try my best to remain calm but the fear takes over and I begin to tremble.  I keep my head down silently crying,  trying to hide my tears and blushing face; feeling embarrassed to have them see or hear me crying like this; but it’s too late.. Being stuck between them, they felt me trembling from crying.  That only made them laugh more at my expense and mock me with “awws”.  Vic chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulder.  He leans forward to look at Patrick and up in the rearview mirror to look at  Belch, too.  “No wonder why Henry likes this one, just look at her.” He pulls me to his side tighter, looking down at me as I continue to cower. Vic  smiles with satisfaction knowing he’s intimidating me.  After what feels like forever, we pull up to the Barrens.  Patrick hops out of the car, yanking me out behind him and grabbing the bag I have with me. He shoves me harshly towards a smirking Henry who is sitting on a rock and smoking a cigarette.  “Got her for ya Henry… Have fun.”  With that, he winks and walks back to the car.  The 3 took off, tired screeching,  leaving only me and Henry together alone.
Henry eyes me up and down as he walks around me. Kind of like how animals circle their prey. His lips curl up into a creepy smile as he says, “hey slut, I’ve been waiting for you.”  I finally worked up the courage to speak. “W-Wh-What do you w-want?” I crooke out, gulping in fear. He ignores my question and continues to gawk at me. Finally he speaks up. “I want to see that body of yours.”  My eyes widened as instant panic filled my body.  What does he mean “see my body”?? I’ve never done anything or dressed in a way  to give off the impression that I want sexual attention from him before so why me?  There were plenty of girls who throw themselves at the Bower’s Gang but not me! I blush and keep my head down.  “W-What do you mean, Henry?” I whisper nervously. He tilts my head up using his pointer finger and thumb to direct my chin up.  His eyes meet mine.  They look cold yet excited at the same time.  He then  grabs my bag, rummaging through it until he pulls out my swimsuit and smirks. 
Henry walks closer to me, shoving the swimsuit into my chest. “Put it on..now” he demanded with an authoritative tone. I looked up at him hesitantly  “B-but- I..I really don’t want to..” I say pleadingly as my voice trails off  but Henry has no remorse for me. He grabs me tightly by my ponytail, yanking me down and begins to drag me on the dirt ground. I’m half in the fetal position now, trying to cover my head; wincing at the pain. “I SAID FUCKING PUT IT ON, CUNT! You have two seconds before I cut that dress off you!” He warns, still holding me down by my hair; my head tilted back so I’m forced to look at him, while his knee holds down my body. He lets up as I begin to cooperate, frantically shaking my head yes as tears well up in my eyes. I pull the bottoms on. Luckily my dress covers me, giving me some form of privacy there, but the top is a different story.  I freeze knowing he’s watching my every move. I go to turn so my back is to him, hoping to  hide my chest at least but as soon as I begin to move, his harsh voice yells out. “Did I fuckin’ say you can turn away? You should be used to this slut. From what I hear, practically the whole town has seen you….now it’s my turn. I’m not asking you Y/N, I’m telling you.” He says, smirking once more. Again, I hesitantly freeze but after his prior outburst I certainly don’t want to upset him further.  My face becomes bright red as I remove my dress, only in my swimsuit bottoms. I try to block my chest by turning my elbows inwards as I tie the back of the bikini top. Once I’m dressed, I stand there with my arms folded and head down. 
Henry takes my arms and puts them to my side. He then trails his calloused hands down my arms and to the sides of my waist.. I shiver and flinch, making him laugh knowing he has full control over the situation.  He takes a step back and proceeds to take out a camera. What the hell? I think to myself. He then grabs me by my hair again and yaks me down to my knees. I close my eyes not knowing what to expect but then I hear the shudder of the camera go off. I slowly open my eyes again, looking up at Henry confused. He slowly turns the camera towards me to show me the photo. 
Due to the angle, the picture looked extremely suggestive.  It looked like something straight out of a porno because of the position Henry placed me in.   My eyes are red and tear-filled.  “You look so good on your knees for me.”  He said, using his thumb to wipe a tear away. “And now I know how these eyes will tear up when you’re gagging on my cock later.” 
After a few more sexual comments were made, Henry then warned me what I have to do for him.  If I don’t submit to his demands, he will use that provocative photo of me as blackmail and God knows what else he will do. It is Henry fucking Bowers we’re talking about here and you have to do as he says, afterall.
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formenis · 3 years
Hi there! I can to request a one shot where the reader is jealous because BB has been looking at someone too much or something like that. Please and thank you!
Yes, of course dear~ I love writing B ♥
pairing: Beyond Birthday x jealous!gn!reader
|| warning: major spoilers of the novel "The Los Angeles BB murder cases" / jealousy / slightly yandere behaviour / a not very healthy relationship ||
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When B left the Wammy's House on May 2002 for the States he felt a bit out of place: he was alone in a foreign and far country. Luckily that feeling lasted less than five minutes once at the Los Angeles airport. He had only one goal in mind: to surpass L, the greatest detective in the world, as the "World's Greatest Criminal," giving him a case that B hoped he would be unable to solve.
June just started few days ago when B's life changed in a way he would never imagined. He was in a beauty store, he needed to buy a new foundation and few eye pencils in order to maintain his heavy mask of L's lookalike. B was waiting for his turn at the cash register and he was the only boy there.
All the girls (and women) were secretly looking at him trying to understand if those products were for him or for a female partner or relative. And maybe the oldest ones were mentally insulting him because "boys should not wear makeup". As if B read those thoughts he turned his head towards those women to glare at them: his dull black eyes always made people look away in fear. A voice, however, distracted him.
«Sir? It's your turn»
B looked in front of him once again and noticed the cashier was right so he walked closer to them, scattering the products on the conveyor belt. The cashier, someone with H/C hair and S/C skin, smiled kindly at him while doing whatever a cashier did, B didn’t care and looked away just to read people's names above their heads.
«Sir? If you're interested, we have a lighter shade of this foundation»
At those words B turned to look at the cashier one more time. Since L was really pale, lighter was better.
«Really? I saw nothing at the display cabinet» B replied with a raised eyebrow but the cashier couldn’t see it since his face was partially hidden by a cap.
«It's because we hadn’t the time to organise it but it is available. Do you want to see it?»
The E/C coloured cashier nodded at him and whispered something to a girl next to them. In few instants that girl opened the register next to them so the other clients could pay for their shopping there.
In the meantime, B thought about his plan: everything was perfectly set (the crime scene, the Wara Ningyo, the victim's name and his cover), nothing will go wrong. He smirked at the perfection of his project, he couldn’t be more satisfied.
«There it is, sir. Do you want to try it?» the cashier came back, in their hands a tiny bottle of foundation way lighter than the one B chose before. The once L's successor nodded and extended his right hand so the cashier could apply a small quantity of foundation on it, with circular motions.
«The ideal is to test the product on the side of your jaw but I believe this shade suits you well, sir. It's almost invisible on your hand»
B, however, wasn’t focused on the foundation in that moment. When the cashier's fingers touched his hand he felt a strange sensation. It was like…flames, as if he touched the fire with bare hands. He wanted…to feel it…once again…
«You're right, I think I'll take this» B masked his emotions with a fake smile and the cashier nodded at his reply. While they were busy with his products, B's eyes couldn’t look away from his right hand. The foundation was still there and he caressed it with the thumb. Something about that simple gesture upset him…in a positive way, maybe?
«It's $22.13, sir»
Without saying another word, B payed for his shopping and left the beauty shop. Before leading back home, he glanced inside the shop. He could read above the cashier's head two words: Y/N L/N. And then a date.
"Your death is so far from now, Y/N…you're lucky".
It was August 2002 and Believe Bridesmaid was already dead. B was rather satisfied about his job, nobody interrupted him during the murderer. Not even when he re-dressed the victim after the post-mortem mutilation.
Something, however, didn’t go as he planned. This "something" was Y/N. A part of B's brain yelled things like "Don’t distract yourself!" or "Focus on L not them"; but the other half pushed him to know Y/N more. He went in that beauty shop as much as he could even though he didn’t buy anything.
Despite his unique personality, B and Y/N started to get along. Poor Y/N ignored the fact that more than once B followed them home and he even spied on them different times.
«Ryuzaki! Did you hear?» an afraid Y/N appeared from the service entrance of their beauty shop. It was a sort of habit for B (or Ryuzaki as he introduced to Y/N) to join them after work.
«Hear what, Y/N?» he asked while putting his hands in the pockets of his faded jeans. Even though he always walked hunched over he was still taller than Y/N.
«A famous writer died!» they put the shop's keys in their bag and started to walk back home with Ryuzaki beside them.
«Yes, I heard that. It happened few weeks ago, right?»
Y/N nodded, they seemed quite shocked. «I read all his books, I can't believe someone killed him»
«Yeah…Los Angeles is becoming a dangerous place»
August 4th was close and B had to kill again. He managed to realise all the riddles and the three Wara Ningyo he had to leave on the scene. However, something was missing: the victim itself. He decided he would take advantage of a walk he wanted to take with Y/N. They needed a break from work and B suggested to spend some time at the park.
Once surrounded by peace and trees, however, Y/N noticed something strange on Ryuzaki. Something that made them…boil with jealousy.
Since the moment they met Ryuzaki at the beauty shop, Y/N felt something for that strange "un-private" detective. They didn’t care about his peculiar behaviour or particular taste about food: his deep black eyes, the way his thin lips curved in a smile each time he saw them and his intellect…he knew so many things, Y/N wondered where he studied all that.
Ah, poor Y/N. They were completely unaware of Ryuzaki's real self. They knew the pale, slouched "un-private" detective and not the bloodthirsty and ferocious serial killer.
They admitted they started to feel…attracted by the man. Y/N didn’t know it was simple friendship or…something else.
Back to the park, Y/N noticed a strange attitude of Ryuzaki. Since the two of them started to walk towards the park, the man was staring intensely at all women (and even men) that passed next to them. It looked like he was searching for someone in particular.
«Are you alright Ryuzaki?»
The un-private detective turned towards Y/N and smiled. «Yes Y/N» and then he came back at staring at people as nothing happened…as if Y/N wasn’t there with him.
He looked at people down on with such intensity that Y/N had the feeling he was imagining something in his head. He even smirked from time to time.
«I wish you would look at me in the same way…» Y/N said in a whisper.
«I don’t know what that was about, but I love seeing you all riled up» at that answer Y/N turned towards him. Did he hear them?
Ryuzaki was looking at them with curiosity, a thumb over his lips. The wind messed up his (already ruffled) hair and his weird sitting position - with his knees pulled up against his chest- made him bigger than usual.
Y/N's cheeks turned pink and looked away embarrassed. Geez, Ryuzaki heard them…
They were so focused on their gaffe that they didn’t notice the man moved an arm around their shoulder in a cute attempt to hug them. That gesture took Y/N aback but hugged him back almost immediately, sensing the intoxicating scent of strawberry jam of his clothes.
«I would never reserve that kind of look on you, Y/N. You're far too…» and B paused, trying to find the right word to not to make them suspicious about his behaviour. «…important for me»
Y/N silently sighed in relief and stood trapped in the hug for a while. They were unaware, however, that B found the person he was searching for: Quarter Queen, August 4th 2002. At that sight he grasped with force at Y/N's shoulder…finally, his second victim.
Y/N interpreted that grasp as a gesture of Ryuzaki to remark what he said before, that they were important to him so they didn’t notice the strange, dangerous look on his face.
«Trust me, Y/N…you don't wish to be looked like that by me»
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cursedquantumenergy · 4 years
Nanami Kento Alphabet
Note: Is is my first ever piece so please be gentle ;__;!! I wanted to start off with a template before I jump into writing fanfics. I hope you like it and I hope it’s not too boring!  
Pairing: Nanami Kento x f!Reader
Warning: NSFW after the cut
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
- He would try to stay inside of you for as long as possible.
- If in missionary, he would lean in and place his forehead on yours.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
- Nanami absolutely loves your waist. It's where he places his hands to pull you in for a hug.
- it's also where he grips when you're on your knees and he wants to go in deeper (usually when he's close to the end). If you're on top, he tends to rest his hands their and enjoy the ride.
- Nanami's also an ass man so reverse cowgirl is a must. This man loooooves to see you in a pencil skirt.
Cum (anything that has to do with it)
- Absolutely has an edging/cum denial (both ways) and breeding kink.
- If he had a long day at work, he'll ask you to dom and edge him. He loves how intense the orgasm is afterwards.
- Will usually only edge you as punishment if you won't stop teasing him during work (if you end up working together that day). He loves to see you cum so edging you is also teasing him in a way.
- Nanami produces a good amount of cum. A little more than average.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
- Really wants to make a homemade porno one day but doesn't know how to ask. You both usually handle missions on your own. Sometimes you're separated for a few days and the nights feel lonely. During times like those, Nanami would rather watch you enjoying yourself then looking at random women on the internet (makes him feel guilty). He’s currently unsure what he would love more, seeing you pleasure yourself while calling out to him, or seeing himself satisfy you. It embarrasses him quite a bit.
- He also would not be opposed to a threesome with you and Gojo but will NEVER admit it.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
- Nanami has had only 1 serious partner in the past but has slept with 2 others since then. Everything has been pretty vanilla prior to you. You're his 2nd serious partner.
- With you though, he loves to try different things in the bedroom, whether watching porn together, using a new toy, or trying out a new kink. He's never done stuff like that before with his previous partners. Nanami trusts you and feels very comfortable going into different territories with you.
F= Favorite position
- Nanami has two! Remember how he's an ass man? He loves it when you're face down flat on your stomach with your ass slightly in the air. He loves the way your ass bounces when he drives into you. Because of his size, you always have a pleasurable tightness for him but the way this position makes you feel even tighter (and makes him feel even bigger for you!) drives him crazy. It's one of the few positions that makes him lose his rhythm quickly.
- Being the hopeless romantic he is, Nanami loves missionary. Being able to see how you react with every trust? Drives him crazy. He's a big fan of kissing as well and you'll usually end up making out during this position. He loves the way your kisses change as he shifts speeds and roughness during missionary and he usually uses your kisses as a guide for what to do next. Your kisses are getting sloppy? He slows down his pace. Are you nipping at his lips impatiently? He roughens up a bit.  
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
- During sex Nanami is very attentive to your wants and needs. He takes your pleasure very seriously. That being said, he is much more relaxed around you than he usually is around others. He’s playful and loves to grab and tease you whenever he has the chance to. He will hug you from behind and whisper sinful things in your ear.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
- Have you seen his hair? This man loves to keep himself well kept. Nanami doesn’t like going hairless down there but he does like it to be clean and short. He doesn’t want hair getting in your way if you go down on him.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
- LOVES KISSING. Absolutely loves kissing during sex. Will try to kiss you in any position possible. When he can’t kiss you, he praises instead. “You feel so good Y/N,” or “you’re doing so well taking me all in like that” are common phrases for him.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
- Before meeting you, he would masturbate about once a day after work.
- After meeting you though? He would masturbate about 2, maybe 3 times a day. Nanami was so smitten with you since the beginning that you can’t help but tease him for it. He would always think about seeing you strip for him and the different positions that he could try.
- Since getting together with him, masturbating now only happens if he or you go off on a mission and your hours do not coincide.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
- Edging (both ways), breeding kink, dom (both ways, he is a switch). Goes crazy when you call him Sir.
- Honestly you brought out the breeding kink from deep inside him. Nanami would subconsciously push himself deeper and linger within you after cumming inside you. You noticed this after a few times and decided, during a particularly steamy session, to ask him to “Fill me up” and that drove him crazy.  You brought it up afterward if he had the kink. Now after he researched what it was, he absolutely loves to put you in a mating press during his needier days. What drives him crazy is seeing his cum leak out of you and then pushing it back inside with his fingers. “Don’t want to waste any” he will usually say.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
- Absolutely anywhere inside your shared apartment. Nanami is not a fan of getting it on in public spaces and loves the comfort of home.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
- Seeing you in tight fitting jeans or skirts really turns him on. The way it hugs your curves. 10/10 for him.
- Instant hard on when you’re needy and you initiate. Loves to verbally tease you if you are particularly horny and don’t want to be teased. If you start to command him to do things in this state, he will always call you princess. “My, aren’t you needy today princess. You’re wish is my command.” 
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
- Not into heavy bondage, absolutely no knife play or anything that he would consider dangerous. You both face death every day, why bring it into the bedroom?
- Also, not into strong verbal humiliation. He loves you too much that it leaves him feeling awful afterwards. 
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
- After practicing with you, he’s a 15/10. It took him a few sessions to get it right but with your guidance, Nanami’s able to have you screaming within minutes now.
- Nanami loves when you go down on him. The sight of you taking him in as far as you can go, seeing you slightly struggle for the remaining length, ugh, he has to stop himself from forcing your head down on him repeatedly.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
- With foreplay and everything, usually takes around 40-60mins. Nanami loves to take his time with you. He makes sure you cum twice during foreplay to prepare you for his length.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
- For sex, there are no quickies. Like stated above, he wants to take his time with you.
- But if he is really in need and there is a time constraint, oral is the best way to go with him. You can have him undone in a few minutes.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
- Absolutely will try new things with you if it’s not one of his turn offs. He will try things at least once. If it’s something you both like, usually it becomes the obsession for the whole week before you both move on to another thing to try.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
- Nanami naturally has a lot of stamina. Just comes with being a grade 1 sorcerer. Before you, he would normally go one round and be satisfied.
- However, you brought out a mega breeding kink within him.
- He can absolutely go for 2, maybe 3 rounds if you’re both horny enough. He’s considerate so he won’t go a second time unless you’re ok with it (but come on, you are always ok with it). Each round becomes rougher than the last. With the amount of cum he produces, you thank the stars that you’re on birth control. This man can populate a whole village.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
- When he is the dom, Nanami’s go to strategy is to tie you to a chair, gag and blindfold you. He will tape vibrators on your clit and leave a dildo vibrating inside you and just go for a walk for an hour or two before he comes back to see what a sopping mess you are, trying to repeat his name over and over from under your gag, drooling all over yourself.
- If you are the dom, he loves when you put a cockring on him. It frustrates him during the session, but the orgasm is amazing for him after he removes it.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
- Loves teasing both ways. Obviously if either one of you doms it will be more intense (see above).
- During regular sessions his favorite thing to tease both of you with is by having you sit on his length, your back to his chest, and him holding a vibrator to your clit. You both don’t move the entire time and the only feeling is of your walls squeezing his cock. This teases you both, however you tend to break first by grinding against him after your second orgasm.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
- He praises you all day every day. He loves to whisper in your ear during foreplay and will absolutely try to coax orgasms out of you this way.
- He does moan but isn’t very loud. His moans are usually small groans and exhales.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
- Nanami is the type of person to buy you random lingerie and toys when he is out on longer missions. You need a whole separate trunk for all the stuff he has bought for you over the years. 
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
- Nanami is pretty girthy. It takes you a few seconds to adjust to him every time you have sex. He always makes sure you are well prepared to take him. Foreplay is a must with him!
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
- Surprisingly high. Nanami is very well disciplined and doesn't tend to let his thoughts wander during work. That usually translates into him being extra grabby with you afterwork. With an evenly matched sexual partner, sex will be plenty. With a partner of lower drive, he will be considerate and not ask for anything. But you’re so attentive that even if you’re not up for pure sex, you will totally get him off orally. Get ready for some nightly escapades!
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
- Because sex with you normally only happens at night (very rarely during the day, unless you are both off from work), both of you formed a habit of showering together after sex, then cuddling in bed together. During weekdays, you both fall asleep within 10mins of jumping into bed because work starts early for the both of you. During weekends, you and Nanami tend to stay up talking about little things. About a show you want to watch, or a new dish he wants to try making.
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crackinwise · 3 years
Mondo having a thing about coating Taka with hickeys and Taka having a thing about very much enjoying the process is a good headcanon I've seen used several times, in both fic and art.
I see it causing an issue for them at least once.
Kiyotaka has the syllabus and upcoming events memorized before he and Mondo have a "session" so he won't be caught broadcasting his love life unwelcomed. Besides, he always fears he'll be accused of being hedonistic and immoral just for using some free time to feel wanted by the man he loves.
Meanwhile, Mondo knows to keep it below the uniform collar, but that's a lot of fair game there. After one night where they get carried away, Taka's torso from the base of the neck down looks like a leopard. Taka looks like he lost a fight with an octopus. But it's fine because a)Taka wanted it, and b)he can still look presentable in public with them covered.
But, the next day at gym, the class is told the schedule had to be rearranged and everyone is to head up to the pool. Taka instantly panics.
As everyone starts walking, he grabs Mondo's arm and pulls him to the back of the group.
"Mondo," he hisses, "I can't go to the pool!"
Taka fully despairs for a brief second. "If I take off my uniform, everyone will see the marks you've made!"
The caveman part of Mondo's brain makes his chest want to swell with a mixture of pride and possession, but it plummets down to become a lead ball in his stomach the instant he notices the unshed tears and fear in Taka's large eyes.
"It's okay. S'okay, I'll figure somethin out. Let's just get goin," Mondo promises him.
He can't let Taka feel humiliated. He mostly trusts his classmates by now--Taka would never have another middle school experience--but this wasn't a couple hickeys to get teased over and laugh off. Their peers' first reaction might be to get Taka a bodyguard and Mondo a muzzle. The teacher might investigate; Taka's dad might be called. Mondo shakes away the mental image of a mortified Taka and tries to actually problem solve.
He couldn't picture Taka sitting the period out on the bleachers and risk being a bad class leader. Taka could lie about feeling sick or needing somewhere else to be to work on his Talent, but he wouldn't. Taka wouldn't forgive him for pulling the fire alarm either. He didn't know of any clubs Taka could help at this hour. Would anything at the pool hide him when they got there?
Mondo's head snaps up with an idea and he walks faster to catch up with the classmate who made swimming pools her domain. "Asahina!"
Hina stops hopping around excitedly next to Sakura and turns to address him. "Mondo? What's up?"
He starts to whisper while also glaring at any classmates daring to curiously rubberneck. "I need a favor. Do ya have one of them, like, swim shirts? Y'know, surfers and shit wear 'em?"
"A rash guard?"
Hina frowns, apologetic. "No, I never thought to bring one here since the pool is indoors." She gives him a once-over. "And I'm not sure we'd be the same size."
"It's not...for me." Mondo rubs the back of his neck anxiously. He makes sure to keep his voice low. "It's for Taka."
"Since when does Ishimaru prefer a rash guard while swimming?" Kyoko asks, suddenly appearing on Mondo's other side, startling him.
"Holy fuck! Who who asked you?!" he yelps.
"You're not as quiet as you think you are," she helpfully warns them. "Here, let's walk to the side a bit."
The three step to the outside of the pack of students to continue talking a bit more covertly.
"Now, Oowada, what's this about?" Kyoko asks, eyes sharp.
Yeah!" Hina loudly whispers back. "Is Taka all right? Him asking for cover is concerning, ya know!"
Mondo's defensive annoyance threatens to flare up. "He's fine, but he can't go in the pool today. I can't tell ya why, so don't ask."
Maybe if another teacher needed help, but Mondo didn't know of any and unless one walked down the hall, he couldn't beg them. Or the headmaster!
"Oi!" Mondo's outburst causes Hina to jump. He lowers his voice once again, "Kirigiri! I need ya to ask yer dad if he has anythin he can call for Taka to work on. Like, now, for the whole period."
Kyoko's cool eyes narrow at him. He knows she's still trying to suss out his motives.
"If it were just for you, I'd demand more of an explanation, but this is for Ishimaru, right?" Even as she asks, she has her phone out, texting the headmaster. Mondo catches a glimpse of her text starting with "URGENT" and feels a wave of appreciation.
Finished, she looks from her phone back to Taka, still uncharacteristically silent and walking yards behind everyone else. She notes how he's hugging himself and darting his unfocused eyes around.
"Hmm." Her hand is up to her chin in thought. "Well, all we can do is wait for my father to answer me or make an announcement on his own. I could always just lie and say my father requested him."
"Y'know damn well he'd hate that and give us both detention when he found out," Mondo gripes. He understands why Taka refuses a little dishonest help, but it's still frustrating as hell sometimes.
"Yes," she agrees, her voice was as level and confident as always, "but that depends on how much he'd rather be tricked than show off your love bites."
"Right? Damn."
Hina, still close by and listening, covered her mouth to muffle a giggle.
Then Mondo's steps faltered. "HEY!"
His shout echoed around the hall, causing a few students to eyeball them. Makoto was clutching his chest, about ready to imitate a fainting goat.
Kyoko didn't so much as blink though. "It's as if you forget who I am. But don't worry, I'll take all the blame for lying to Ishimaru if it comes to that."
"Thanks," Mondo sighs out. "If you two didn't help, I was gonna pay Hiro to predict a pool disaster big enough to stall."
That causes Hina and Kyoko to realize the severity of the situation might be more than simple awkwardness.
"You know Hiro would try to charge you, like, hundreds of dollars for that," Hina says, worried. "Maybe thousands. Is Taka really that embarrassed by a hickey?"
Mondo swallows thickly but doesn't answer. He feels incredibly guilty. He feels like a danger to Taka's reputation for a new reason than the usual ones that sometimes haunt him. He knows hormones and his lack of self-control are a bad mix, but add in Taka enthusiastically praising his mouth, and he has zero hope of restraint.
They arrive at the changing rooms for everyone to switch into their swimsuits before going to the pool. The other students file inside while Mondo, Hina, Kyoko, and the trailing Taka hang back.
When Taka stops in front of them, his wide eyes finally focus on Mondo. He glances at the girls then says, hopefully, "Any, um, ideas?"
Mondo worries Taka is going to have a panic attack with the way he's breathing and clutching his blazer closed. As if the marks were magically visible through his uniform shirt too.
Kyoko brings her phone screen up to her face to check for a reply, then shakes her head at Mondo. Hina wrings her hands.
Deciding he's just going to kidnap Taka for the rest of the day and risk his boyfriend never speaking to him again, Mondo starts to grab Taka's arm.
All four friends sag with relief. Hina does a little cheer, gives them a thumbs up and skips into the girl's changing room. Kyoko nods at Mondo's thankful expression and follows her inside.
Taka runs his fingers thru his hair, laughs bubbling out of him. He has no idea what had happened to save him, but he wasn't going to question it just now. He squeezes Mondo's wrist once with his left hand and smiles to convey he was never upset with his partner about the situation. Then he proceeds to speed-walk to the office.
Mondo's frayed nerves want him to break the rules and embrace Taka, but his impulsive actions have caused enough problems today. He turns to go get changed for the pool, his caveman pride starting to return after helping to protect his Kiyotaka.
Following this, Taka didn't let them have another "session" for a month, and when he did he made contingency plans to be nowhere near the pool for a full week.
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Let's Call It Funny
Prompt: Hi! If you know about those gen z peter parker posts, could your write something based on that? With Steve Getting It (tm) because fatalistic nihilism in humor tended to show up during the world wars and we’re seeing a reflection of that now? Sorry- I just think it’d make great options for steve and peter bonding, and dad!tony but actual emotions (gasp!) You can totally ignore this if you want!
Don't ever apologize for giving me such a great ask
Read on Ao3 Part 2
Warnings: uhhh gen z humor
Pairings: none! all found family in this bitch
Word Count: 2529
Here’s the thing about humor. It’s not necessarily that one generation is any funnier than another, it’s just that high school kids are perpetually the funniest people alive. Something about being in a pressure cooker of an environment with a bunch of other people whose bodies are changing in new unpredictable ways whilst having very little say in how their lives go creates humor. Gasp of shock, right?
So basically what Peter’s trying to say is that he’s fucking hilarious.
Come on, not only does he have the default high schooler stuff, he’s also gay, which gives him an instant bonus. He’s trans, which opens up a whole new subset of humor for him to explore. He’s neurodivergent as fuck, and we all know that makes people funny as hell. And if that weren’t enough, he’s severely traumatized and he’s Spider-Man.
Peter Parker is funny as hell.
What is truly devastating—and really, it’s their loss—is that so few people seem to appreciate it.
Ned gets it. Ned’s not someone Peter would expect to not get it, just because hey, it’s Ned. They’ve met each other in the hallways and been like ‘hey! You’re still alive! Congrats on having a body!’ Only for the other one to go ‘hey! You’re alive too! I wish I had an intangible form!’
Because bodies are stupid and evolution really fucked us over but at least we’re not horses.
A solid 50% of their interactions are just quoting John Mulaney and Bo Burnham bits back and forth at each other. Peter’s never gonna forget the day they both had detention and had to watch that stupid Cap PSA—it’s propaganda, you Nazi fuckwits—and something reminded them of the ‘horse loose in a hospital’ bit and they just did it. Full out. Stood up and did the actions and everything. The rest of the room was either trying to do it with them—and failing, because they didn’t have nearly enough practice—or looking so confused. The security guard—Paul, he’s great—just looked at them blearily after they finished and went:
“I mean, you kids are right, but you’re not supposed to talk in detention.”
Well, excuse them for trying to make it more entertaining for everyone.
MJ gets it. If Peter’s being honest, he learned most of his humor from her. She is the master and it is an honor to study in her wake. He’s definitely hijacked the asking whether or not anything’s actually meaningful existentialism jokes and they’ve wormed their way into his day-to-day repertoire.
“Why are you late, Mr. Parker?”
“Time is a social construct, Mrs. B, none of us are ever late or early except in the subjective spacetime paths. The limits of our sensory perception make it so we can’t tell if anything is real, let alone whether or not they conform to some arbitrary definition of ‘time.’”
“…just sit down, Peter.”
See? It works.
Aunt May gets…worried.
Sure, they’ve actually talked about when Peter needs help and wants to reach out and when he’s just making jokes off the cuff because hey, humor’s a great coping mechanism or it’s just a joke and not that serious. Peter loves his Aunt May, so so so much, and the last thing he wants to do is really worry her. And she’s gotten pretty good at figuring out when he’s just joking and when he’s spiraling.
Sometimes, though…
“Peter,” Aunt May calls from the kitchen, “did you remember to stop by the store on your way home?”
Peter freezes halfway through the door.
He swallows. “…no.”
“Why not?”
“Because I am too stressed and consumed by the swirling pit of blackness deep in my soul to remember my head is connected to my body, let alone remember to go to the store.”
“…Aunt May?”
“Do you want to drop off your stuff and then go to the store?”
“…yeah, please.”
“Love you, Pete.”
“Love you!”
“Try to remember that you’ve got arms so you can pick stuff up.”
“Got it!”
See? It’s fine.
The Avengers don’t get it. Like, at all.
Natasha and Clint like, sorta get it? They make the same jokes all the time when they think Peter can’t hear them, which—come on, you guys are super spies, surely you know people are gonna hear you when they’re gonna hear you. Natasha will make a crack about something, Clint will laugh and shove her shoulder. It’s their dynamic, we get it. But when Peter does it…
“Hey, Baby Spider?”
Peter sticks his head up from the ceiling. “Yeah?”
“Where’re you crawling off to?”
“I’m gonna go hide in the garage.”
Natasha blinks up at him. “Why?”
“Because if I get crushed by the airlock doors then I won’t have to do my paper tomorrow.”
Silence. Natasha’s mask is too good for Peter to actually see what’s going on with her, let alone from this angle, but silence isn’t good.
Something blurs out of the vent nearby and tackles him down onto the couch.
“Nope,” Clint mutters, wrapping Peter up in a hug as Natasha comes to join them. “You’re staying with us now, Pete.”
“Guys, I’m fine.”
“Peter,” Natasha says softly, “don’t joke about that, you’ll make us worry.”
“I don’t wanna do that,” Peter mumbles, “but it’s fine.”
“Coping mechanism, huh?”
“He’s got too many brain cells to do that,” Clint says, ruffling Peter’s hair.
“Stark has a lot of brain cells, you see what good that does him?”
“Hmm. Guess you’re gonna have to stay awhile, Pete.”
There are worse fates. Definitely.
Thor just kind of gets confused by it. He acts like Peter isn’t going to be absolutely fine because there’s no need to do anything like that. No, Peter, you don’t have to put the bleach in first into your cereal, there’s plenty of milk left over. No, Peter, you don’t have to throw yourself off the roof because your laptop is freezing, Stark has so many just lying around. No, Peter, you don’t have to pack a rucksack and run away to the Alps and live like a recluse, come here and get a hug.
Peter suspects Thor’s playing dumb on purpose. The man is smart as hell, there’s no way all of this is flying over his head. And honestly, it warms his heart a little bit when he sees Thor’s sincere, concerned look when he thinks Peter’s not looking.
Banner and Rhodey just kinda shake their heads and move on. They’re used to it. They live and work with some of the most dramatic fucking people in the goddamn universe, they’re used to a little bit of extra humor. Occasionally one of them will give him a look that says he’s pushing his luck, but that’s not often. Less often now ‘cause he knows what he can get away with. He’s also seen them hiding smiles behind their hands or poorly disguised coughs. They’re not as slick as they think they are.
Tony is the fucking worst.
Peter can’t get away with so much as sighing too hard before Iron Dad™ is swooping in all soft words and concerned touches. Jesus. You’d think he’d get it, he uses humor as a coping mechanism too, goddamnit, why is he so worried about Peter?
Okay, fine, he knows why.
MJ’s over at the Tower, having another one of her ‘sketch people in crisis’ appointments with Natasha. Peter is coming off of a 32-hour caffeine rush and is violently wishing for death. Tony is in the kitchen doing…something.
“Hey, do you think bleach would make a good smoothie?”
Tony wheels around to see MJ pulling a glass out of the cupboard.
“Sounds like a filling breakfast,” Peter groans, “can you make me one too?”
“…I’m legitimately concerned,” comes Tony’s mutter.
MJ ignores him. “Who’s the bitch on your forehead?”
Peter rubs absentmindedly at the massive knot on his head, courtesy of a wall that rudely decided to move at the last second while Peter was attempting to walk through a doorway. “He’s called DJ Braindeath and he’s my only friend in the world.”
“Oh did you meet him at the furry convention?"
“Technically it’d be a buggie convention.”
“What the hell are you two talking about?”
“The pantry doesn’t have good coffee, I’m going to Starbucks.” MJ grabs her bag. “You want anything?”
“A will to live?”
“Peter, what the fuck—“
“Oof, I’ve only got like…20 bucks.”
Peter lets his head drop back to the counter. “Then just leave me here to die.”
“Can I have champagne at your funeral?”
“I’ll be dead, I won’t fucking care.”
“God, I wish that were me.”
Then MJ’s gone and Peter gets treated to a 20-minute conversation with a very concerned Tony Stark that he doesn’t remember most of because hey caffeine crashes aren’t fun.
He definitely does it on purpose sometimes just to wind Tony up. Like there’s this one incident with an interview he does as Spider-Man and he gets asked what he thinks about Tony Stark’s newest intern, Peter Parker.
“That boy’s an embarrassment, just…complete failure. Can’t speak without stuttering through every other word and self-esteem issues all over the place. Also looks like he got dressed in the dark.”
The reporter had awkwardly moved on to another question. The interview aired later that day while Peter was at the Tower. Tony sat next to him on the couch about halfway through.
“You look good, Pete.”
Peter had mumbled halfheartedly, only to hear the reporter ask the same question.
“See, that’s the problem with having a secret identity, you don’t…” Tony trailed off as he heard the answer.
Peter snorted as Spider-Man finished talking. “Say that to my face, you bitch, get a real job. At least I don’t look like someone vomited silly string all over my spandex.”
“Are you okay?”
See? Fun.
The only one he’s made a conscious effort to not be this funny around is Steve.
Because, okay, here’s the thing. Steve’s disappointed look has no effect on him anymore. He’s immune, motherfuckers, he’s had detention too many times for it to still work. Here’s the other thing: Steve doesn’t actually use that tone of voice that often. It’s this meticulously crafted image he plays up in interviews because it catches all the bad guys so off guard when Captain America is suddenly swearing a blue streak at them and telling them to go fuck themselves in, honestly, quite creative ways. The sincere Steve Rogers disappointment and concern still very much works. Also doesn’t help that Steve does caring so fucking well, like…who gave him the right to say a few things and hold Peter like he’s something precious and do the quick one-two punch of saying a super sincere compliment and following it up with ‘I love you.’ Who did that? It’s rude. Stop it.
And yeah, Steve’s the resident Mom at the Ready. It’s a risk to even sit on your bed looking sad ‘cause here he comes, wearing something snuggly and saying ‘hey’ in that stupid, stupid compassionate voice. So Peter knows he’s just gonna end up crying from too much soft if Steve actually gets concerned. Which won’t be fair because he’s gonna try and explain that he’s fine and it’s just his sense of humor while crying. Yeah, like that’s gonna be believable.
So he’s trying not to but damnit it’s hard.
Then he walks into the kitchen one day to see Steve struggling with the toaster.
It’s one of Tony’s new prototypes—which means that anyone struggling with it is so fair—and from the looks of it, it’s managed to not only burn the bread to a crisp, but also mangle the slices beyond recognizable shape.
Peter’s not paying that much attention. He’s on his phone, heading towards his spot in the corner with the beanbag chairs and definitely doesn’t recognize Steve as he goes.
He only plops down and hears someone declare, in a completely deadpan voice: “There is no point to existing at all.”
“Oh, mood.”
He doesn’t think much of it. He doesn’t even know who said that, that’s how hyper-focused he is right now. He hears the others come in and feels Clint plonk down next to him.
“Hey, Pete.”
“Sah, dude.”
“Just vibing. Did I do it right?”
“Yeah, man you’re going great.”
“You teach Thor ‘yeet’ yet?”
“We’re getting there.”
“Steve,” he hears Tony call from the kitchen, “what the fuck did you do?”
“Don’t fucking talk to me about language when you’re making toast that looks like a goddamn welder’s table, what is that?”
“Your prototype’s work, I imagine.”
“How did you even—“
Clint chuckles next to him as the two of them start fondly bickering. Peter’s too busy speedrunning the five stages of grief in his head.
Did…did Steve say the thing about there being no point to existence at all?
No…no way.
He must be imagining things.
Then, of course, there’s a chime on his phone.
Ned: Did u do the bio hw?
There was bio homework?
Ned: yeah, due at noon
“I now know why God abandoned this timeline and when will death come to take me?”
The room goes silent.
“Peter,” Clint says, “it’s gonna be fine, you can do bio homework in your sleep—“
“Are you okay?” Ah, that’s Thor.
And Nat, and Tony’s probably rushing over here as he speaks.
Then there’s another voice.
“We can only pray the reaper arrives early for his appointment with us, kid.”
Peter’s head snaps up.
Steve fucking Rogers raises a coffee cup at him in salute and takes a sip. He makes a face.
“…that was definitely salt,” he mutters, before shrugging and downing the whole thing.
Peter’s still staring at him until he catches his gaze and winks.
Oh, fuck yes.
“Steven Grant Rogers,” Tony says, hands on his hips, “explain.”
Steve just gives him a look. “I grew up in the Great Depression, Tony, and I was in the army. You don’t think I have a fatalistic sense of humor?”
“Plus the fact that most of my generation is resorting to types of humor found when death and stress are so ever-present that you have to joke about it says something,” Peter adds, “doesn’t it?”
Steve raises his cup again. “See? He gets it.”
And just like that, the bond between Peter Parker and Steve Rogers was written, formed, and sealed in salt and existentialist depression.
“There’s two of you,” Tony mumbles, “oh my god, there’s two of you.”
“Oh, you just wait ’til Buck and Sam get back.”
Peter can’t fucking wait.
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knowltonsrangers · 3 years
Hi there! Could I please get "A taking B ice skating for their first date" with either SoL Sam Adams or TURN Ben Tallmadge?? Whoever you think would fit better. Thank you!
“A taking B out for ice skating as a first date”
[a/n; omg hi!! I don’t think I’ve ever written for Sam before, so I’m so excited to say that this will be the first fic :) tysm for requesting, pls enjoy! 💕]
SoL!Sam Adams x reader
Everything had went from zero to one-hundred so quickly. You were stuck in your own world for half a minute, eyes fluttering in surprise when Samuel Adams asked you on a date.
He asked you…huh?
So to your blatant surprise, you blink wildly at the outdoor skating rink that was illuminated softly by a few stadium lights.
When had he suggested this? Just agreeing to anything that dropped out of the man’s mouth, if you were listening properly, you certainly would have attempted to turn it down. Possibly proposed another activity that didn’t involve you falling on your bum every fifteen seconds.
But nothing warms your heart more than watching the way Sam’s face lights up, the way his smile burns softly on his now-rosy cheeks. The typically concentrated and fierce man was showing his inner-child.
The words of protest die on your tongue.
“I haven’t done this since I was a little kid,”
Sam says, and you don’t fight the smile that permanently stays there.
“John and I used to go all the time. Huh, imagine him doing it now.”
“I don’t think you’d have much of a chance to get him out here,”
You try, and watch as he tilts his head back with a short laugh.
“None at all, I’m afraid.”
The air was cold enough and the time was later in the night for the rink to be almost empty. Better for you, and you would argue almost perfect for Sam.
“I’ll admit, I thought you would turn me down on this y/n,”
Sam opens the rink door and gestures after you, to which you throw your arms up and insist he goes in first.
“Are my shaking legs giving me away?”
But you interject yourself quickly.
“Anywhere was fine my me, though.”
If he was trying to hide his chortle, he really did not do a good job at it. Once inside the rink, he stands there so comfortably with one hand extended and the other on his hip.
“Won’t bite ya.”
You weren’t sure if he was referring to the ice, or himself.
“If I may, what made you decide on this Sam? Besides for old memories sake,”
Sam’s hands are warm, even though he isn’t wearing any gloves. He holds you close to his side, and you stare up at him, curious to his answer.
“Hm, well? A couple of things.”
Every time you feel the ice catch your skate, Sam’s grip tightens just a bit and holds you steady.
“Maybe it was an excuse to hold your hand for a while. Maybe it was because I get to see you get a little flustered when you’re frustrated.”
He’s clearly not in the least bit embarrassed to share these details with you, because he keeps going.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it was a good excuse to see you alone, to get to see your beautiful face a little closer,”
You choked on your own spit trying to get a bashful
‘Thank you,’ out.
“People think I’m all fun and jokes, but I really do like you y/n. A lot. Reason why I asked you to come do this with me.”
Dropping your head on his shoulder, you squeeze his hand in your hold a little tighter.
“I like you too, Sam. And I’m really glad we’re getting to do this.”
And just when you felt comfortable, confident, and steady, the movement of your arm sent you straight down on the ice.
Slowly, and dumbfounded, you slide on your butt slippery ice.
To your surprise, Sam makes no noise of laughter. He skids to a halt, and swivels around the instant your body fell.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, ‘m alright.”
Both his hands extended, you feel the swarm of butterflies as you look up and lock with his brown eyes.
As you interlock your fingers and Sam hauls you upright.
“Atta y/n. I’ll teach you, you got this.”
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