#black flashfam
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Wally West what're you doing in the Batfam tags.Go back to the Flashfam,you can't thrive here
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 months
After getting into more parts of the DC fanbase the difference between how Batfans and non-Batfans act becomes really apparent. Like in the Batfandom people want their individual fav to have a leading role in an acclaimed ongoing series as a sign they are finally being respected by DC.
Meanwhile everyone else is celebrating when their favourite family/team/side of DC gets one decently written series every other year. Shout out to the Fourth World fans for getting a new New Gods series written by Ram V (for context the first one in 6 years, and the last wasn't even canonical). Aquafans, I'm holding out hope they will announce a new series for you guys at some point. Personally I am manifesting that one day we will get a single decent black canary solo series.
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vampiregokudera · 6 months
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Bart Allen week 2024 day 6 - Lightning rod/Hugs
You cannot convince me that Bart hasn't made core 4 into his lightning rods.
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dailydccomics · 7 days
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this crossover isn't the greatest but its nice seeing all the random heroes thrown together periodically Wonder Woman #13 by Tom King and Tony S. Daniel
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showing some love DC style 💞
happy valentine’s day!!!!
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ftl-faster-than-life · 10 months
Hey. Fanfic writers. (DC writers too, we know y’all get half your information from the internet)
Ace is younger than Bart. He’s a child. He’s a black boy, not a man. Duke is younger than Tim. He’s a child. He’s a black boy, not a man.
This is important because of how many black children are killed with the justification being that their murderers thought they were adults.
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dcsnextgaycharacter · 9 months
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hiso03 · 7 months
I wish I could work for DC because I’d make sure that NO character would be misrepresented even if I don’t like the character or don’t know that character, I absolutely hate how comics do that a lot
Too real.
One of the most problems I always have when I read comics where there is a group or many characters involved at the same time is just their problem. The main characters are fine, they usually have good writing and their storytelling is amazing, but the rest of the characters have really poor writing and that many times is there to favor situations or other characters. In many occasions these characters are portrayed in a burlesque or stupid way to favor the situation and make the rest shine, which in my opinion seems silly and regrettable. You don't need to take away the personality of the extras to make the main characters shine, it's silly to do that and many times it makes several comics boring or tedious to read because of that detail.
Which brings me to my other point.
When they do that they only hurt themselves and the readers, because they make the audience unable to empathize with them, see them as mediocre and boring characters JUST because of a bad representation that neither now nor ever represents the real character of the character. And that, instead of attracting the public, drives them away. People stop buying products because of a single poorly represented character and don't even bother to check out the good work they have.
So many times I've heard people talk about how terrible a character is and most of the time, it's not that it was terrible, it's that you had the misfortune of coming across a bad comic book where you get a terrible representation of the character. That's about it.
Bad representation can lead to division, fights and silly hatreds between fans. All this could be avoided if as you comment anon, they hired people who at least made an effort to know the character and give a good representation to all the characters in general and not favor some and minimize others.
(I will clarify that there are also many solo comics of the characters themselves that do a terrible job exploring the character in question and all their environment and history, but I highlighted the team comics because personally it is where I have seen the most persistent misrepresentation of amazing characters.)
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duke-nitro · 8 months
Please consider: Thad having to do a book report on Watership Down while posing as Bart and getting really into it. It'd probably give away what happened to at least one person who notices that Bart got really into a book for like a month, then seemingly forgot every single thing about it, but his new brother who looks eerily like him has it as a Special Interest.
After a while Thad nicknames Bart El-ahrairah, so Bart is like "dude what kind of new insult is that" and when he learns it means Prince with a Thousand Enemies, he takes it to mean "you're annoying and that's why everyone wants to kick your ass"... but when he finally caves and reads the book (or watches the movie) he's far less offended by it.
Also Thad is the only speedster to be excited at the idea of the Black Flash bc hey, it makes his life more like the book he loves. And through a running joke on Thad repeatedly and condescendingly correcting the rest of the Flashfam on the thing he's referencing ("no, it's Inlé-rah"), that name accidentally sticks bc it's like, actually A Name and not just a descriptor.
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dclegacytournament · 1 year
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Dinah Lance vs Wally West
This is your reminder to vote for the best legacy for the original, not just your favourite characters, and to be nice about this! We're here to have fun
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Gorgeous gorgeous girls love Tim Drake.And one of the gorgeous girls in question is also Tim Drake
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mattiebluebird · 7 months
I think if Bart Allen were black he'd have an afro or just big curls like library Michael from tiktok
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Barry’s team and family are a huge part of his enduring legacy The Life Story of the Flash by Iris Allen
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the1entirecircus · 2 months
The Flash: Chronology
This is based on a concept I've had for the flash for a while now. Please enjoy reading this story. This takes place after all the events that occur in the current Flash run as of 7/18/2024-8/9/2024. So, if I get certain details wrong, you'll know why.
Professor Zoom returns, but he doesn't seem to remember everything. It's up to the Flash and his teammates to figure out whats going on.
Lesson to be Learned, part 1
My name is Barry Allen, and I am one of the Fastest Men Alive, and ever since becoming so, I have been able to notice the way the world changes around me. My connection with the Speed Force allows me to notice the differences in time and space. I first noted this when I started receiving visions of a nightmarish reality that I created all because I wanted to save my mother. But ever since then, I've noticed the smallest changes caused by all sorts of different things. Before Flashpoint, before I came back to my Family, before I died, I remember being the Flash in the late 1950s. But when I came back, I had been the Flash at a much later time period. It seemed that with every crisis event, my history and the history of others around me would change. It is a bizarre sensation being aware of this constant change. But I'm glad that I am, because I never want to forget again. Not after last time.
Slipping under police tape, CSI Barry Allen made his way over to the crime scene. It was an attempted robbery at Central City Bank by one of the Rogues, but only one Rogue. Barry had already heard the details of the villain's appearance: Green and Yellow suit, scruffy face, and a domino mask to go with. Uncovering the sheet to look at the dead body, Barry sighed as he immediately recognizing the victim even if he were laying on his chest. His name was Roscoe Dillon, also known as the Top.
Before Flashpoint, Roscoe was able to utilize telekinesis to create vortexes and move and speeds faster than myself. After, he became connected to the speed force and had joined the Legion of Zoom. Sometime after, his origin went back to how it once was before Flashpoint. Although, I can still sense that he's connected to the speed force, just differently. Although his connection is weaker than I remember.
"Mr. Allen? You're here before I am!" David Singh said as he walked over to Barry.
Barry smiled, "Yeah well, I got lucky I guess."
With Wally back as the Flash, I've been able to spend more time as myself rather than the Flash. Meaning, no need to hide who I really am as much.
Barry went back to looking at Roscoe's body, pulling the tarp away to see the five holes that had impaled Roscoe's backside. Barry frowned and looked back at Singh, "what did witnesses see?"
"A Bankteller told Officer Evans that she the Top was demanding money be given to him. When the security officers tried firing at him, he immediately created a twister to fight against them. Thats when he suddenly dropped dead with those five holes in his chest. The officers only fired two bullets that had been flung back at them."
"Huh..." Barry nodded to Singh, but noticed something directly behind him. It looked like a scorch marking, then Barry noticed another marking on a pillar. Then he saw one on the floor, the wall, and when he saw the broken glass of a window, he assumed that was where another scorch mark would be.
Singh followed Barry's stare at the shattered window, "What is it?"
"There's scorch marks everywhere," Barry noted, "a speedster did this."
"How do you know its a speedster?"
"My fiance did an interview with the second Flash. He explained that when speedsters run while using the Speed Force, they have frictionless aura surrounding their bodies. That frictionless aura is more so a shield that prevents them from burning up. That aura is also what generates the lightning they emit as the aura is still creating friction with the air around it. The random scorch markings are a trail that speedsters leave..."
"I see, so we have another evil speedster in our hands?"
Barry sighed as he stood up, "yup."
A few people come to mind whenever I hear the word "evil speedster". I would once think of August Heart, but that opinion has slightly changed. I haven't seen him since he was turned back to human. But I don't think this murder is on him, he's more brutal with criminals. Lately, my mind has been on Hunter Zolomon, aka Zoom. Wally and I sensed something leaving the speed force a while back, and I've been wondering if its him. But Roscoe was always one of my Rogues considering our history, and so Zoom killing him just to mess with Wally doesn't make sense. Then there's my Reverse-Flash, Eobard Thawne, and I know it isn't him. I took too many measures to make sure he wouldn't become the Reverse-Flash again. But when I see those five holes in Roscoe's back, I can't help but be reminded of when Eobard had force my dad to create a power theft glove to try to rip away my connection to speed force. I hope its not him, I don't what I'm going to do if it is him.
Glancing up at the pink and yellow banner labeled "The Flash of China", Wallace West and Avery Ho entered the exhibit with two separate lines of thought. Avery was looking over every single detail before gazing back at the statue of herself that looked exactly like her. Wallace on the other hand, trotted along, unenthusiastically gazing at each panel with a less than excited face. He had a few mentions of him in the Flash museum. Most notably in the Kid Flash section, but not much was said about him. He wasn't talked about as highly like Wally or as unique as Bart, he just felt like the third Kid Flash.
As he continued walking, Wally's shoulder bumped into someone. He immediately apologized, "sorry man, I didn't mean to run into you!"
"Oh that's quite alright, Wallace," said the english man with a brown coat and colorful scarf, "tell Barry that I said hi when you get the chance."
Wallace almost passed the individual until he realized he had said his name, "wait, how did you..." but when he looked back, the strange man was gone.
"Did you say something?" Avery asked Wallace.
"There was a british guy with a long brown coat and a colorful scarf just here a moment ago and he said my name," Wallace explained, "he told me to say hi to Barry?"
Avery smirked, "maybe he's just a friend of Barry's?"
Wallace shrugged, "maybe? But he was gone the second I looked away."
"Okay that is weird."
Suddenly, the speedsters felt something strange in the air. They could feel the speed force in something else nearby. The two looked to each other, and without a word, both knew what they were feeling. Without tapping into the speed force, but still quickly moving, Wallace and Avery quickly made their way to where they sensed something odd. They found themselves in the Reverse-Flash section, the area dedicated to all the people who held the title of the Reverse-Flash. Avery pointed over to an elder fellow with white hair and an elder look. Wallace recognized him from somewhere, but it was hard to put his thumb on where.
The old man's eyes darted all over the information board regarding Eobard Thawne's Reverse-Flash. His eyes then fixated on the identity of him, which was left as unknown. He seemed to grow angry from this sight, and muttered something quiet beneath his breath.
His head then jolted upright and he glared back at Avery and Wallace. The teen heroes were startled by this sudden act, and were creeped out even more so as the older fellow's smile creased across his face.
"Hello Wallace!" he said to the boy.
"Was that the guy you were talking about?" Avery asked in a whisper to Wallace's ear.
"Nope, he looked younger and sounded british," Wally said back. He then cleared his throat and stepped forward, "do I know you?"
The older man's smile faded to a disgusted frown, "so you really don't remember me?"
"I'm sorry, but no..."
"Well, then let me teach you how to remember..." A tornado swirled around the old man and began ripping apart the exhibit. Avery and Wallace quickly transformed into their uniforms as this storm destroyed everything. With super speed, Kid Flash and Flash V moved past the exhibit to quickly evacuate civillians from the museum. Yet as they did, both heroes would find themselves being attacked by an invisible force. When Kid Flash tried to help a lady out of the building, something pulled back his leg, causing him to trip and fall down the museum's stairs. He quickly reacted to the fall and got back on his feet, catching the woman and setting her back on her feet. As Flash V raced towards a group of school children, something yanked the back of her collar and threw her down hard. She lost almost all her breath from the swift attack, but still managed to get up and save the kids along with their teacher. Both speedsters ran back into the museum until someone caught them by their throats.
Wallace's eyes widened with shock, "oh my god!"
Although wearing his older yellow and black costume, Wallace was still able to recognize that this villain was in fact Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash.
"Recognize me now, Wallace? It has been quite a while since we last met."
-End of Issue 1
Lessons to be Learned, part 2
My name is Wallace West, and I am one of the fastest teens alive. And I am screwed...
Held by the metal gauntlet of Professor Zoom, Kid Flash struggled to get free. For whatever reason, he wasn't able to move fast enough to phase through Zoom's grasp of his uniform. Neither could Avery.
Today I was supposed to hang out with my best friend to look at the new Flash of China exhibit the Flash museum opened up, but now I'm being held up by the hand of Barry's greatest enemy: Reverse Flash! But he looks different. He's not wearing his usual costume. And...I feel his connection to the Speed Force. Didn't Barry say that Eobard was connected to the Negative Speed Force?
"I have a lot of questions, Wallace, and I hope that you can answer them well." remarked Eobard. He ran the two heroes back into the Flash Museum. He threw both of them into the wall of one of the exhibits, "I was fighting with Barry, and right as I was going to pull the speed force out of him so that I could take over Central City, I suddenly find myself here, in the future. Here I learn that after somehow losing, I would be struck with lightning that would gift me with the knowledge I had before. What happened?"
"You just said what happened, what do you expect me to say?" Kid Flash groaned to Professor Zoom.
"Why was I replaced with an idiot!" roared the professor as he gripped onto the fabric of Kid Flash's costume.
"That's a little egotistical to say" spoke a cheery voice, Professor Zoom looked back and saw that the Flash was standing right behind him with a cocky smile, "I mean he was still you after all."
Professor Zoom looked the Flash up and down, something wasn't right. This Flash's cowl covered his nose, the mask gave him white pupils, and he was more buff than Eobard remembered. He scoffed, "you're not Flash! You're some faker!"
Flash III laughed, "Wow! The idiot you're talking about also called me a faker! What are the odds?"
Frustrated with the hero, the color drained from Professor Zoom's surroundings sucker punched Flash's jaw. The scarlet speedster slowly fell to the ground from the quick attack before Zoom struck Flash again, kicking him in the ribs. However, very slowly, the color of Flash's costume returned as yellow and blue sparks covered his body. Just as Professor Zoom was going to strike again, Flash caught the punch.
"Woah, so you can deaccelerate time around you like Zolomon could to make himself seem faster! I haven't seen that in ages! Who did you say you were again?"
"Professor ZOOM!" he blasted Flash away with a quick whirlwind made by his arms. Flash cushioned his fall by doing the same and then bolted back to Eobard. Exchanging punches with each other, Flash did his best to move as fast as he could. But then, in an unexpected attack, Flash felt lightning course through his veins as his chest was suddenly impaled by the thin needles attached to his metal gauntlet. He let out an outcry that could be heard from all the conduits of the speed force.
Barry was enjoying lunch with Iris when he heard that outcry and Iris looked at him with worry, "what's wrong?"
"Wally...I need to go. I'll be back soon, I promise," Barry stood from the table and fired his costume from his ring. Quickly changing into his supersuit, he ran to the Flash museum.
I've never heard Wally cry out like that before. I can't be too late. I can't lose Wally again!
Barry didn't stop running when he entered the Flash museum. He immediately recognized the backside of the man responsible for Wally's outburst. He scowled and ran at Thawne.
I forgave him. I forgave him and he came back. I made sure that he couldn't, but he still did. This time, I won't be so forgiving.
"THAWNE!" Barry tackled Eobard off Wally and slammed him into a wall. In a fit of rage, Barry mercilessly hammered his fists against Eobard.
Never again will I be so forgiving! He took my kindness for granted, and this is what he'll get! A reminder not to mess with my family ever again! I will make sure that he never obsesses over me! or find a way to learn that he is the Reverse-Flash! I...
Barry finally noticed the uniform Eobard wore. It was the same costume he had before Barry defeated him and took him to Iron Heights prison. He looked at the metal glove Eobard had, the Power-Theft Gauntlet. This wasn't an Eobard from the known future, it was an Eobard from the forgotten past. Barry looked back to see Wally being helped up by Avery and Wallace. Wally smiled to Barry, and Barry could see that Wally's wounds had already healed. His connection to the speed force had remained.
Wally grinned at Barry, "Are you okay?"
Barry nodded to his former sidekick, "yeah..."
"...I think?"
Eobard had been quickly transported to Iron Heights prison after his swift defeat at the hands of Barry. As for Barry, he was multitasking between monitoring Wally and checking the DNA scan on Eobard Thawne inside the Speed Lab. Wally, Wallace, and Avery could clearly tell that their mentor's mind was all over the place.
Wally's connection to the speed force is slightly weaker than it was when I last checked. Eobard's DNA is an apparent match. A Speed Force Conduit's connection to the speed force can be measured through a person's natural electric current. How can this version of Eobard be back? Speed Force Conduits are natural energy reactors, our bodies are very easily trackable---
"DAD!" running into the Speed Lab, Irey and Jai lunged onto Wally, almost knocking him off his seat. Following them were Iris and Linda who held baby Wade in her arms.
"We heard you yell out through the speed force during class! It was awful!" exclaimed Irey.
"Are you okay, dad?" Jai questioned his father.
Wally laughed, "I'm fine kids, a little slower than I used to be, but I'm fine for the most part!"
"That's a relief," Linda said as she leaned over to kiss her husband.
Iris leaned against Barry as he stared at the monitor screen, immediately noticing the worry and fear on his face, "Eobard's back?"
"A version of him," he muttered, "the DNA is a match, the atomic structure of it doesn't seem to indicate its Eobard from another Earth. Iris, its him, but...I'm not entirely sure if it IS him. He didn't wear his usualy suit, he was wearing the same costume he had before he was struck by that lightning bolt in Iron Heights. He also had the device my dad made for him: the power-theft gauntlet. Wallace said that Eobard was confused over things being different. It can't be that Eobard was pulled from that point, that would create a time paradox, unless he's predestined to return to that point in time. But then there's this other thing I've noticed."
Barry tapped on the screen showing a display of energy readings. He pointed at the energy reading on top, "this shows that the Eobard I fought today was a Speed Force Conduit."
"Right," Iris nodded.
Barry then pointed to the below, "and, while hardly noticeable, he was also giving off small amounts of crisis energy. Energy that alters the timeline. It can create paradoxes, rewrite an entire multiverse. Stuff like that."
"Then someone or something with the power to alter time and space brought Eobard here."
"Maybe, I need to be sure of something though."
"And what's that?"
Barry looked at Iris nervously, "I have to go to the 25th century to make sure that was Eobard. The crisis energy may have brought him back here as well as changing his powers and memories. If he isn't there, I'll come back and return Eobard to where he belongs. If he is there, I'll make sure nothing happens to him."
Wallace, overhearing this conversation between his Aunt and Uncle-to-be, darted over and interjected, "Barry, I told you that Eobard remembers being taken from the point of your battle with him before he went to Iron Heights. Why do you think this is a future version of him?"
"Three reasons mainly. The crisis energy surrounding Eobard doesn't create a complete time paradox. The amount that is covering him is enough to propel someone back in time and give them what I call Chronological Displacement Induced Amnesia. Its amnesia of thinking that you're a previous incarnation of yourself due to time travel. The second reason is to say that because of that level of crisis energy is so low, that it can't create a complete time paradox. It's easier to travel back to the time before you were born than pulling your youngerself to where you are now. That leads me to my third reason: time traveling to the past can be dangerous for the timeline. There's a reason why I keep a lock on the cosmic treadmill that only allows it to travel between now and the future."
"I feel like you made some of that up?"
Barry sighed, "well, Crisis energy isn't fully understood yet, but its understood enough for that," Barry bolted to the cosmic treadmill and started activating the settings, "I'll be back in a second, don't worry."
"Barry, wait!" Iris called out for him.
Barry stopped walking and looked at his fiance, "what is it?"
"If Eobard is there, bring Wallace and Avery with you," Iris suggested, "I don't want you to be alone if he is there."
"If he is there, he can't hurt me, he's powerless."
"I don't mean just in case if there's a fight, Barry."
I immediately understand what Iris means, and I don't blame her. Despite my forgiving of Eobard's misdeeds, I'm still scared of him. Today proved that I still am. Wallace and Avery have proven time and time again that they are capable heroes. They could even use this opportunity to learn the ethics of time travel. Looking at both of them now, I can see that they want to do this badly. Maybe this isn't a bad idea? Although adjustments need to be made so that everyone can fit on the treadmill.
"Give me a second," Speeding around the lab, Barry quickly modified the cosmic treadmill, making it wider and longer. By the time he was done, it nearly didn't fit the platform it stood on. He looked at the teen heroes and smiled, "Avery and Wallace, wanna join?"
Avery and Wallace looked at each other with wide smiles and ran onto the cosmic treadmill. Everyone waved goodbye as the three speedsters began running together on the treadmill. Within seconds, the treadmill vanished and the heroes went away.
-End of Issue 2
Lessons to be Learned, Part 3
Dust and cobwebs were flung away as yellow, orange, and violete lightning sparked everywhere as the Cosmic Treadmill slowed down. Barry got off the treadmill fine, but Avery and Wallace were both completely out of breath.
"I was not expecting that to be exhausting!" Avery gasped.
"Same here!" added Wallace. He looked around and was perplexed by the dirty environment he was in, "what is this place?"
"The Speed Lab in the 25th century, heroes don't exist in this time period, well not traditional ones. There are the Renegades, but other than them, no one else here carries on the title of the Flash," Barry explained as he then just realized something, "before we explore, I just need to let you two know anything you see about yourselves in the Museum is not set in stone, okay? Yes, things that happened are set in stone for you guys, but not completely. Okay?"
Both of the teens nodded, "okay."
"Great, now lets change into civillian uniforms and search for Eobard."
"Uh, won't our regular civillian clothes not fit into 25th century fashion?" Wallace then asked.
Barry grinned.
Walking out from the Speed Lab, Barry, Wallace, and Avery walked awkwardly in their new 25th century uniforms. They were surprisingly comfy despite their odd design.
"I can see why clothes get designed this way in the future, they feel real nice," Avery said.
Wallace shrugged, "I mean yeah, but don't you think its odd that everyone basically looks the same wearing these things?"
"The same can be said by a man from the early 1900s traveling to the early 2000s," explained Barry, "At this point in humanity's history, we had come far to develop comfortable clothes that could be worn in all types of climates and environments year-round. I think the invention of such clothing is brilliant. And not all the clothes from our era have completely disappeared, it just looks like that."
"Like...Captain Cold's clothes?" Wallace asked.
Barry chuckled, "I mean yeah, but why him specifically?"
As soon as he finished that sentence, Barry saw Commander Cold checking in with a security officer.
When I undid all of Thawne's misdeeds, it revived Commander Cold along with his team called the Renegades. What's he doing here?
"Let's go. If I know Eobard, he'll be near my exhibit," Barry told the others.
The trivia of Barry's life were all presented in the vast hall dedicated to his Flash. A statue of his many costumes over the years stood in the middle. Yellow holographic display panels popped up every time Barry stood near a podium. Barry's search for Eobard distracted him from looking at these, but it didn't stop Wallace or Avery.
Neither could stop looking at what they learned about Barry's past. Avery chuckled seeing that one of the first villains Barry had ever fought was an iron-based humanoid. Wallace almost laughed out loud seeing that his Uncle's discovery of the multiverse happened while entertaining kids while climbing a rope. Both tried to be respectful over the day Flash weighed 1,000 pounds, but it was too ridiculous to take seriously.
"What's so funny?" somebody asked Wallace.
"Oh sorry, its just reading the Flash's adventures are kind of...funny," when Wallace turned around, he immediately became speechless with shock. Avery turned as well, noticing her friend's reaction to this museum's curator. It then dawned on her on who this was.
The curator chuckled, "yes, the second Flash's adventures can be seen as ridiculous at times, but I assure you that they're not all as hilarious. Sometimes they're tragic and devastating. I'm particularly fond of his adventures against the Reverse Flash."
Barry heard that familiar voice only a distance away, and looking back he could see the fear and shock in the eyes of the kids. He then saw who was speaking, and he felt chills surge down his spine. It was Eobard. Eobard was here.
I thought I would be ready for this moment. I always think that when I come to check in on him. But I never am. Even now, I'm not ready. Wallace and Avery don't look comfortable. Guess its time for Flash to save the day.
Barry rushed over and put on a fake smile, "Ace-Wall, Avoir, I was wondering where you two were!"
Eobard looked over and smiled, "Well, well, well! If it isn't Henry Allen! I never know when I'm going to see you next!"
Both the teen heroes looked at Barry bewildered again to seeing that he was aquainted with Eobard already. Barry chuckled, "aha, yeah, I see you've met my nephew and his friend?"
Eobard smiled back at the teenagers, "yes, they're giggling at the second Flash's adventures. I overheard their laughter and couldn't help but wonder why."
Barry smirked at them, "you stumbled upon Flash's sudden weight gain?"
Wallace sighed, "yeah, it's kind of ridiculous in my opinion."
Eobard scowled at Wallace before Barry regained his attention, "so, Eobard, anything been going on recently? How's life?"
As he talks to me, I don't feel his connection to the speed force, and the little amount I do feel is from the small connection I gave him. He hasn't realized he's reverse Flash Yet, and hopefully, now that I'm here never will.
Suddenly, the Flash Museum's alarms started blaring loudly, startling everyone. The overhead speaker turned on, and a robotic voice started to speak through, "ALERT! ALERT! META-HUMAN ATTACK IN PROGRESS! PLEASE, SAFELY AND CALMY EVACUATE!"
The heroes all glanced at each other with confusion. Barry shook his head to Avery and Wallace, but something about this felt off.
No Meta-Human based crimes in Central City happened in the 25th century. The only ones that did happen occured because of Eobard's manipulation. Is this an attack from someone new?
"Alright everyone! Evacuate the building, let's get a move on," insisted Eobard as everyone began leaving the the exhibit in a hectic manner. Suddenly, something crashed through the entrance of the Flash Museum right as everyone was evacuating. It was one of the Renegades: Heatstroke. He groaned as he stood up and looked back at the civillians.
"Get through the fire exits! The front isn't--" Heatstroke was cut off as a bolt lightning suddenly coursed through his body. He collapsed to the floor as the attacker blasted through. The speedsters quickly changed into their costumes to quickly catch the broken shards of glass and other shrapnel that had been flung at the museum's guests. After catching all the glass, the three heroes stood ready to fight whoever this villain might be.
Stepping through the wreckage, a man dressed in slim white armor stepped through. Barry recognized the spiral shape on the man's chest as well as the unique helmet. It was Raijin, the self-proclaimed God of Lightning. However, Barry's attention was pulled away when he heard Eobard's voice.
"...Henry?" Barry looked back in horror as he saw Eobard look at him in shock and awe, "You're the Flash?!"
-End of Issue 3
Lessons to be Learned, part 4
My name is Barry Allen, and I made a rookie mistake only a minute ago.
As fast as he could, Barry swept civillians off their feet to carry them to safety away from the Flash Museum. The last of which was Eobard, and he could feel his ex-nemesis' stare on him.
The supervillain known as Raijin, a pawn of Grodd, has somehow appeared in the 25th century. Avery, Wallace, and I changed into our costumes as the Renegades are seemingly helpless against Raijin's power. But in doing so, I accidentally exposed my change in front of Eobard. I'll have to explain myself later. Right now, I need to stop Raijin.
Running towards Raijin, Barry noticed something peculiar about the electric villain. He did not wield his lightning wand, and the shape of his armor was different, somehow they had been augmented. The tech reminded him of something, he just couldn't place his finger on what. Suddenly, Raijin's head twisted at the Flash and aimed his gauntlet at him. Lightning sprung at the gauntlet and latched onto Barry. He then swung the Flash around like a wrecking ball, striking Avery and Wallace down.
"Ow! What the hell just happened?" groaned Wallace.
"It felt like Raijin grabbed my speed force aura. He was even able to react to me at super speed," Barry noted, "he's upgraded his tech."
"Yeah, but with what?" Avery questioned.
A beam of frost struck against Raijin, freezing him solid. Barry looked over at the shooter and saw Commander Cold with Weather Warlock at his side. Barry smiled and waved him over, "Commander, over here!"
Commander Cold, Leonard Snart's future counterpart, and a friend of mine. He remembers everything up until his unexpected death at the hands of Captain Cold. I catch up with him every time I go to check on Eobard.
"Flash, glad to see you! Raijin has sent the rest of the Renegades to the ICU, so we could really use your help. That ice blast isn't going to hold him off forever," the Commander explained to the scarlet speedster.
"How did Raijin get in the 25th century?" Barry asked.
"Don't know. He showed up a few weeks back and has been making periodic attacks since. He was able to steal alien technology from a race called the Fraction and used it to upgrade his gear."
Barry's eyes widened, "The Fraction! That explains everything! Raijin wasn't fully connected to the speed force when I last fought him. He must have found the tech and used his limited connection to the speed force to power his armor."
Avery leaned over to Wallace and whispered, "the Fraction?"
Wallace leaned over to Avery and whispered back, "Aliens that use the speed force to strip planets of their resources in under one minute. You were busy with something else when we had to fight them."
"I see," nodded Avery, "did we win?"
"Yes and no, it's complicated. We had rewrite time."
Suddenly, the ice concealing Raijin began to crack as lightning began spewing out. The heat from the intense electric currents were causing the ice to evaporate, and within thirty seconds.
"A simple block of ice cannot stifle my godly power, Commander. You should know that by now!" Raijin aimed his gauntlet at Cold, "now you will pay for you insulance!"
Barry tackled down the Commander right as a bolt of lightning fired at him. Raijin growled at Barry's heroism and used his lightning to cling onto Barry. He threw the superhero into the sky. In retaliation, Wallace and Avery ran at Raijin, but again the false God of Lightning grabbed their speed force aura and slammed the two together.
"The future holds many things, knowledge is one," explained Raijin, "The Fraction returned to earth during the 23rd century, and this time Earth was prepared for their arrival, but so were they. These Velocielectrokinesis Gauntlets are capable of tugging at your speed force connection, preventing physical contact at any degree. While these initially proved useful in battle, but Earth found a way around them. And it seems that knowledge has been forgotten.
Hail was fired against Raijin by Weather Warlock. In a simple act, Raijin bolted toward the costumed policeman and clawed into him. The vice grip he had on Warlock's clothes was followed by an immense electrocution of the villain. Commander Cold fired his ice guns repeatedly, but Raijin simply melted the ice that was meant to grow over him. He threw Warlock at Cold, knocking them over and charged up an electric blast. But Barry returned to deliver a solid punch against Raijin's mask. Again, he was caught by Raijin's V.E.K. Gauntlet and thrown aside. Focusing on the Flash again, he launched the electric blast at Barry, shocking him severely.
"Did you really think I was that distracted? I am the God of Lightning, Flash! I can feel the electricity that you emit as you ran towards me. There is no hope for you yet!"
Wallace and Avery ran over to Flash and helped him up. He was in pain but it was nothing he couldn't heal from.
"Flash, he said that the gauntets have a weakness that everyone in the future seemed to have forgotten," Avery quickly explained to Barry.
"That kind of knowledge can't be entirely forgotten, maybe just by the public," Barry looked back as a clever idea formed, "I'll be back, keep Raijin occupied from a distance. Avoid being seen from him and fling projectiles at him, got it?"
Both of them nodded and Barry ran away.
Bolting over towards the crowd of civillians, Barry searched the crowd for one person in particular.
If there is anyone who knows anything about Speed Force related events, it's Eobard. Just have to find him again.
"Is your name really Henry, Flash?" Eobard asked.
Barry turned around and saw his former enemy, seemingly confused by what he had just learned. Barry looked around and at super speed, took Eobard into a secluded area. He pulled off his mask and sighed, "No, my real name is Barry Allen. Henry is just my middle name."
My heart is racing at this moment. Eobard could remember everything just by knowing my name. Or maybe I'm worrying too much?
"Why did you lie to me?" Eobard asked, "we've been friends for a while, I don't understand. Your identity isn't even public, you could have told me that your name was Barry."
Barry thought about telling Eobard the truth, but hearing the commotion going on nearby, he realized that this conversation can wait, "Look Eobard, I have reasons, I will tell you them later, but right now, Raijin has hands on 23rd century Fraction technology. He's using it to grapple onto our speed force auras and supposedly there is a weakness but nobody can remember it. But I know that since you're an expert on all things speed force related that you would know what that weakness is. Please help me."
"...yeah, there is. You're still able to move when the V.E.K. Beam catches you, its just harder to. You have to focus enough that you can create an electric current that overwhelms the V.E.K. Gauntlet's current. That way you can break free."
"Okay, thank you. I will come back to explain everything," Barry told Eobard. Sparking up with yellow lightning, Barry ran back to the fight. Raijin was throwing Avery and Wallace around like rag dolls, cackling wildly at the abuse of his power. The teens smiled seeing their mentor return and Raijin sensed Barry's approach. Just as he was about to turn around to smack Barry with Wallace, Barry phased under the ground to avoid the attack. Wally was flung away, but caught himself with a whirlwind cushion he made. Barry phased back up and ran at Raijin.
"Flash! What are you doing?!" Avery yelled at him.
"Getting caught!" Barry yelled back as Raijin snagged him by his lightning. He dropped Avery to the floor to focus his other gauntlet's beams.
"Don't try and stop me! The more I pull from the Flash's power using my Velocielectrokinesis Gauntlets, the stronger I shall become!" Raijin cackled.
"So that's what V.E.K. stands for," Barry commented as he began vibrating his molecules at faster speeds. The yellow electricity that covers his body as he ran started to overtake the blue lightning that kept him in the air. The yellow lightning traveled over to Raijin's gauntlets. Once they made contact with the technology, the devices exploded, blasting Raijin into the ground, defeating him.
As the police and ambulances got everything in order, Barry explained to Avery and Wallace about what happened.
"You weren't worried that he may have been lying to you?" Wallace asked Barry.
"I was, but I think he's changed for the better," Barry said to Wallace.
"Then that means the Professor Zoom we saw wasn't him?" Avery asked.
"No it was him, just not the version of him that we're familiar with," Barry glanced at the police truck holding Raijin as he was being taken away to Iron Heights. He looked back at the crowd and spotted Eobard was amongst them, "I need to go speak with Eobard. I promised him that I'd tell him...everything."
Wallace and Avery looked to each other in surprise. Wallace looked back at Barry, "do you need us to go with you?"
"Just go wait in the Speed Lab, I'll be back soon."
Moving Eobard into another secure area, Barry unmasked himself. The memory of that obsessive look Eobard would glare at him with flashed in his memory.
He's changed. You know he's changed, Barry. You made sure of it.
"So, why have you been lying to me, Barry?" Eobard asked.
Barry looked at Eobard and thought about what he needed to say to Eobard, "I want to start by saying...you may need to sit down for this."
I tell him everything. How we really first met. How he became the Reverse Flash just from knowing that he would become him. How he ruined my life and ruined the lives of others just to hurt me and my family. All as I tell him, he looks horrified by what I say.
"I hated you so much...I can remember that now," Eobard seemed disgusted with himself. Barry turned pale, wondering if this was Eobard's return to becoming the Reverse Flash. But when Eobard looked at Barry, it was obvious that he didn't seem mad at him, "but...why am I here now? How are you here now?"
"I created a Flashpoint when I went back in time to save my mother. Somehow you became a living paradox when that happened as you were running in the time stream when that happened. I undid the Flashpoint, so you killing my mother will have always happened. Then during our last battle, I became your lightning rod, which sent you back to the future and removed your paradoxical nature. You still killed my mom, but you never became the Reverse Flash. And to make sure you never did, I gave you the best life possible. I did the reverse of what you did to me. I gave you a loving family, great friends, made sure you were on medication and got therapy. And most of importantly, I made sure that you would never learn that you became the Reverse Flash. My visits were to make sure you would never become him again. And this time, I came back to the future thinking you did, but now I don't think thats going to happen."
"What makes you say that?"
"Something weird is going on with time. An old version of you was pulled from the past to my modern day and now Raijin has been pulled here. And yet, nothing seems out of the unordinary with my present."
Eobard stood up with Barry and together they shook hands.
"Are you going to come and see me again?"
"Yeah, just promise to not become a speedster."
"I swear!" laughed Eobard. Barry pulled on his mask and just as he was about to leave, Eobard called out for him, "Hey Barry?"
"Yeah Thawne?"
"Thank you for forgiving me."
Barry smiled, "you're welcome."
And upon saying that Barry left Eobard in a spark of yellow lightning.
-End of Issue 4
Lessons to Be Learned, Part 5, Epilogue
In a bright flash of light, the Cosmic Treadmill returned to the present time. Wally, Linda, their kids, along with Iris were all still there. Nothing had changed, and Barry was glad to see that. Wallace and Avery were immediately swarmed by the West Twins, who immediately began interrogating them with questions about the future. Barry gathered with the other adults to explain what is happening.
"You saw Raijin in the future?" Iris asked Barry.
"Uh who's Raijin?" Wally then asked.
Barry answered both immediately, "yes; think of Raijin as Savitar but as the God of Lightning and as a pawn of Grodd."
"So then Grodd's behind this?" Linda asked.
Barry shook his head, "No. Before I came home, I checked the energy surrounding Raijin. It's Crisis Energy; it was fading but its there. I spoke with Raijin and according to him, that our fight in the future was our first fight. He was still in the shadows with Black Hole when he was pulled out of the future."
"How do you know it isn't that Chronological Displacement Induced Amnesia thing you mentioned before?" questioned Wally.
"I mainly thought that because I didn't trust Thawne to completely stay out of my life. But now with Raijin in the 25th century, I think this is something else..." Barry started to think and glanced at Iris.
Iris raised her eyebrow and gave Barry a knowing smile, "You're thinking about traveling time to find more things lost in time, aren't you?"
Barry nodded, "yeah, once I upgrade the cosmic treadmill so I can trace crisis energy without falling into one of the major crisises."
"Are you going to bring us?" Wallace asked as he bolted over to Barry.
"I mean you brought us to the future, you might as well take us to the past," insisted Avery.
Barry sighed with a smirk as he looked at Iris, "Well Iris, does that sound like a good idea?"
"They could use the experience of time traveling, just make sure not to get them killed."
"Alright then," Barry looked over to the kids, "I'll call you guys when I'm done upgrading the treadmill. It may take a while even with super speed."
The kids excitedly thanked Barry before running off to do other things. As Avery went to go visit her parents and Wallace went over to Titans Academy, Barry began working on the upgrades to the cosmic treadmill. Wally helped with the mechanics and engineering as Barry worked on the technology that would track Crisis Energy.
"Y'know Barry, since you are going to be time-traveling with more people, don't you think you should have something like a trailer?" Wally asked Barry.
Barry looked up from his desk confused, "huh? oh, why do you say that? We're usually not in one place for long."
"Well, let's say the problem you're experiencing takes more that one day. Shouldn't you and the kids have a place you can always rest in, store snacks, and spare costumes? It sounds convenient to me!"
Barry thought for a moment and considered it, "yeah, a Cosmic Treadmill-Trailer does have its perks. But also there's disadvantages to having one. It'll be big, noticeable and most importantly it may not withstand the wear and tear of time travel."
Wally laughed, "you can leave those problems to me!"
Wally then ran away in a flash of lightning, often running back to the Speed Lab to add onto the Cosmic Treadmill. All the while, Barry focused on his Crisis Energy detector.
For some reason, my mind keeps coming back to the first and fourth crisis. I remembered how painful it was for my body to rapidly deteriorate, but how I also didn't die. I woke up and began running from the Black Racer, for what felt like Eons. I didn't need to come back, I didn't plan on it. I questioned why I did come back, there was no more need for me anymore. I stopped questioning that after Flashpoint, mainly because I was forced to forget everything, but it also felt like I had purpose again. Now I'm back to questioning why I am needed as Flash with Wally's return. I thought about retiring, but I can't stop doing this, I love being the Flash! Maybe this is my new path? Barry Allen, not just one of the Fastest Men Alive, but the Fastest Time-Traveler Alive. I know that my history with Time Traveling hasn't been great, but I'll keep Flashpoint as a reminder not to mess with time to that great of an extent.
Two weeks later, Wallace and Avery entered the Speed Lab to immediately find a giant machine sitting where the Cosmic Treadmill once was. It was a beautiful red machine with yellow highlights. It resembled the long front of a bullet train.
Covered in grease and muck, Wally leaned to side of these machine and slapped the metal, "meet the Cosmic Treadmill-Trailer, kids. Aka, the C.T.T."
Avery was enamored by the CTT's, "It's...it's..."
"Isn't it a bit, y'know, eye-catching for a time machine?" Wallace asked.
Wally snickered, "It is has some gifts from Terrifitech in there to allow for perfect camoflauge. So don't worry about that."
Avery ran inside the CTT, and explored the place, "woah, it looks slightly bigger on the inside."
Wally snorted a little, "a time machine thats bigger on the inside, hilarious."
Wallace entered the CTT and looked around before coming to a stop at the front of the ship, "is that the cosmic treadmill?"
It was a running platform that looked similar to the treadmill, but there was display of buttons and monitors for all sorts of things. It looked like a plane's piloting cockpit without the steering wheels.
Wally poked his head into the cockpit and nodded, "yup! Barry will act as the CTT's pilot and monitor all the buttons."
"Speaking of Barry, where is he?" Avery asked.
Wally tapped his foot as he tried to think, "uuuuuh, Gotham. He's in Gotham, Batman wanted to speak to him before Barry left."
In the Batcave, Batman scowled at Barry unhappily as he spoke with him.
"You know the consequences of messing with time, Barry," Batman reminded Barry, "Have you learned nothing from what Dr. Manhattan did?"
"Bruce, I know this seems like a terrible idea, but I can feel something messing with the time stream," Barry insisted, "I know that Professor Zoom and Raijin aren't the only ones displaced in their personal timelines. I haven't found a connection yet, but theres something going on! And its not like you can stop me."
"No, I cannot," Bruce turned, "but what are you going to do when you find these people or things displaced by crisis energy?"
Barry pulled out something from his pocket, a small device resembling the emblem on his chest, "once attached, this Time Chip will absorb the crisis energy then redistribute the energy back into the target sending them back in time. In theory of course."
"You haven't tested it on Zoom or Raijin?"
"Raijin is secure in the 25th Century's Iron Heights and his personal timeline with me has already been altered. Sending him back could be a bad idea. As for Zoom, I don't want to test it on him. He's become too dangerous to be sent back to his time period. He already stole some of Wally's speed. He could kill me and alter the timeline further."
"So what's the point of building a chip then?"
"The plan is to go back in time right as the crisis energy sent someone. Before they can learn anything or do anything, the chip will be attached to them and send them back to wherever and whenever they came from."
Batman walked over and took the chip from Barry, examining it closely, "Barry, there's a million ways that this device can malfunction all because you were too scared to test it on Zoom or Raijin. You need to be certain, very certain, that this plan of yours will work. Understood? I don't want you to have blood on your hands because of this."
Barry solemnly nodded, "Yes, Bruce."
Barry ran out of the batcave and back to central city and stood at the entrance of Iron Heights.
Bruce was harsh about it, but he is right. I need to be very certain about this. If I don't test the Time Chip, I'll be an idiot. So, I explain to the Warden about what I've developed and he allows me into this Eobard's cell. This is a risky move, I could end up killing Eobard or this does nothing at all.
Mechanical wires push Eobard out slowly. Several power dampeners are latched onto his neck, arms, and legs. He looked at Barry and grinned.
"Hello, Flash," he said insidiously.
"I'm going to send you back in time to whenever you came from, Thawne," Barry explained calmly, "I don't know if this will strip you of your gained power or your new memories, but I designed it to send you back."
"So much power in such a tiny little device..."
Barry pressed the chip onto Eobard and activated it, "I'm mostly using the time energy you're covered in. Goodbye, Professor Zoom."
"Oh, we'll meet..." suddenly, Eobard evaporated into nothing. The metal of his power dampeners clanged against the floor.
I don't move, not for a second. I'm worried that I should've said goodbye to Iris before doing this, but its too late for that. Nothing feels wrong, not yet at least. No new memories come to mind, none of my new death at least. I'm alive, I am still alive.
Barry nodded to the warden and ran off to the Flash Museum.
"...again. What?" Eobard was perplexed by the place he found himself in. It was a rocky environment with an atmosphere shimmering with blue cosmic fires. A loud roaring was constantly echoing through this place and when he looked up at the source of the noise, he was both intrigued and horrified by the sight. An abyss in the shape of a strange rectangular box.
Next Chapter
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blackbatcass · 1 month
flashfam is an interesting case study because of just how healthy and interconnected they are as a community. sooooo fascinating to me how wally (or anyone else) can’t ever truly hit rock bottom because no matter what happens he’ll have like nine family members showing up to help him through it. even when the worst case scenario did happen and linda died- when wally was actively suicidal and the literal grim reaper was coming after him- all the speedsters checked on him and helped him through it and in the end literally locked him in a room so that they could fight the black flash for him. there’s a reason the villains always neutralize the other speedsters first before trying to fight wally one on one. and it’s so interesting to think about how that’s different from other corners of dc
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Hi! As the Tumblr expert of the Flashfam, would you say that they're capable of solo-ing other members of the Justice League if they wanted to? I mean, from reading the Flash War, Superman couldn't even keep up with the Flashes because they're too fast. Doesn't that mean they could beat Superman and other heroes easily?
Hey! Thanks for the question!
To start this off I first want to say that there is a meta answer to this and a in-universe answer to this.
The meta answer is: it depends on the series. For example, it is extremely unlikely that a series dedicated to a specific hero or team would have said team losing to a speedster, solely because heroes are supposed to win. It doesn't make sense for, let's say Superman, to lose a fight against Eobard Thawne in a Superman book. Even though Eobard would be capable of taking Superman out, it's Superman's story, and the hero always wins. But if it's a Flash story? Hell yeah, definitely. Also in crises/crossover series you can generally see speedsters being used to their full potential. (For example, Eobard demolishing Batman)
But that's no fun so let's look at the odds in-universe.
Because there are so many different Leaguers I'm going to separate them into categories to make it easier:
The Non-Powered Heroes:
The Non-Powered Hero is always a fan favorite. In a world full of gods it is fun to see the average human being the smartest and most capable person in the room. People like to root for the underdog. Unfortunately for them, they are extremely unlikely to win against a speedster in a fight. They would need Dues Ex Machina levels of gadgets specifically tailored to speedsters to even have a shot. Like I said before, Batman went toe-to-toe with Eobard in the batcave (where all of his gadgets are) and the man was decimated. Being smart and having gear and skills doesn't do much when you look like a frozen statue to the person you are fighting.
The 'I Got One Thing' Heroes:
These heroes are really interesting and cool. Their ranks are filled out by heroes like Black Canary, Black Lightning, Beast Boy, Signal, ect. However, even if their powers would hinder a speedster they are A) extremely unlikely to use their powers fast enough and B) extremely unlikely to actually hit a speedster. Speedsters also have a lot of experience fighting people with just one really strong power and they typically fight 6-20 of those guys at the same time and win. Even super strong heroes like Black Lightning are out of luck because speedsters feed on electricity.
The Strong and Invulnerable Heroes:
Honestly? If I am being completely real here? The Strong and Invulnerable Heroes don't have a chance in hell. I'm sorry but heroes like Wonder Woman and Superman are built to be tanks. They excel at fighting physical threats. They can't do anything against reality bending. That is even how speedsters have historically dealt with Kryptonians in the past. They teleport them into another dimension with no yellow sun and just leave them there. A skilled speedster would have them in a pocket dimension or 20 thousand years in the past before Supes could even blink.
The Lanterns:
Speedster and Lantern relations demand that Lanterns get their own category. First of all, the location of the fight would matter. Speedsters would have an extremely hard time winning against a Lantern in their natural element of space. The Lanterns, however, would have an extremely hard time winning against a Speedster on a planet. Speedsters can phase through and break constructs so there isn't a lot that can be done. So it's entirely dependent on location in my opinion.
Additionally, the Lanterns and Speedsters know A LOT of shit about each other so this would be an interesting fight. The Speedsters know the Lantern's color weaknesses and they know about the battery life of their rings (which they might be able to drain tbh, Barry's worked with the energy in Hal's ring multiple times before and has manipulated it). But, conversely, the Lanterns know that Speedsters don't do well in the cold and that the more energy they expend the more unstable they get. So, it would be a wild fight, especially because the Lanterns can fly so there's a possibility that a Speedster couldn't reach them to take them out immediately.
Speedsters do have a little bit of an advantage against Psychics. In the past Speedsters have sped up their minds so fast that their speeding thoughts actually injured people in their minds. But to be frank they have no skill or expertise in this area and, historically, strong and skilled Psychics can easily grab control of Speedsters. For example, Gorilla Grodd. When fighting Gorilla Grodd the main tactic of the Speedsters is to take him out before he has time to think, ie moving faster than the speed of thought. That doesn't always succeed. So a very strong Psychic would have a pretty good shot against a Speedster.
Magic Users:
It REALLY depends on how strong the Magic User is. Raven, Zatanna and Dr. Fate would all have a 50/50 shot against a Speedster in my opinion. Any magic user that can bend reality and do super strong spells would have a really good fighting chance because they are the exact same brand of fucked up as the Speedsters. Also Speedsters don't really have a counter against curses or spells. They have zero magical expertise. So it's really just a matter of if the Speedster can knock them out (or gag them in Zatanna's case) before they can get a spell out.
So when it comes down to it Speedsters are the experts of fighting large groups of people at the same time. They know how to prioritize and they are fast enough to take out the heavy hitters before they can even react. I think it would largely depend on the Justice League roster at the time (for example, the JL cartoon roster of Bats, Supes, WW, Hawkgirl, GL and MMH wouldn't stand a chance as only MMH would be a threat but a team consisting of MMH, Miss M, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, Raven and Deadman would probably take a Speedster out fairly quickly.)
Their main weaknesses are extreme cold, magic and mental attacks, so a team entirely filled with heavy hitting Magic Users and Psychics would excel at fighting a Speedster. So to answer your question, yes a Flash could probably take out a typical Justice League roster solo (unless the roster was tailor made to exploit their weaknesses).
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