#bro you cannot fix him. hit him with your car
hiskillingjar · 10 months
What if? Fox was infatuated to unhealthy levels with MC, from the beginning (even before the kidnapping).
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me when i flirt with an older man (he runs a human trafficking ring and has an anxious attachment style)
2000+ words, sfw, ren hana is a chubby chaser and no you will not change my mind
"Hey, what can I get for you?"
It was a cold day in December and he had been called to the office on a weekend due to a technical mishap from one of his staff the previous day. It was a day that he would have been annoyed, angry even, a day where he would have taken one step into the building and tore the head off the first person who dared speak to him.
But, for whatever reason, he always found his anger dissipated when he saw them.
The barista smiled, their soft, freckled cheeks dimpling with an expression that insinuated sincerity and sweetness, an innately trusting nature, traits so rare in Fox's profession, in the city that surrounded him, rare enough that he cherished and obsessed over them whenever he found them in someone.
He had been coming to this cafe every morning for weeks, not only because it was on the corner of his office in the financial district, a place close by where he could escape his moronic employees when he needed to, but because he found that he had to see their face to even feel slightly at ease on the more stressful days of work.
Just one look of their smile and hearing their voice was enough to settle him in an instant.
"Just a cup of coffee, please," Fox replied with a slight smile, jolted out of his train of thought, one of his ears twitching when they chuckled kindly.
"Well, yeah, I assumed," They said with another little chuckle, crooked teeth (so familiar, so sweet, wouldn't they look nice on the ground, scattered like pearls?) biting their lip to stop the chuckle from growing into a laugh. It was a quiet Saturday in the financial quarter, so they must have had time to banter with customers. "What kind?"
Fox smirked just a touch, one of his fangs hooking over his bottom lip.
He couldn't deny that he was a little curious about the young barista and what they were doing working in this part of the city (since, for one, they looked like they had a modicum of personality compared to everyone else who worked there).
They were a far cry from the kind of people he usually saw and interacted with on a day-to-day basis, soft when all he saw was hard, kind when all he saw was cruelty, and there was a certain, naive charm to them that Fox found almost magnetic.
He was always the obsessive type, falling in love with every pretty face who was nice to him, and years of therapy and unpacking his trauma never really stopped that obsession from blooming.
But what was the harm, really? What was so bad about a little crush and a few intrusive thoughts?
"Hmm…" He hummed thoughtfully, his tail idly wagging behind him. "Surprise me?"
"Adventurous. I like it." They chuckled again as they set to work on his drink. When they turned, it gave Fox a good opportunity to…assess their assets, his gaze scrutinous as he leaned against the counter, elbows up on the glass pastry display.
All things considered, their figure wasn't exactly remarkable, certainly not compared to the call girls and 'staff members' he was accustomed to working with. Average height (taller than him, but that wasn't hard), a heft to their hips and backside, a small (possibly bound) chest, and a constellation of acne scarring on their freckled cheeks…but he found himself drawn to them, regardless of all of that.
It had indeed been a cold day…but there was a certain warmth that he felt coming from the young barista that he hadn't felt in a long time.
Indeed, despite his violent intrusive thoughts, there was a part of him (buried beneath his hardened surface) that yearned for them.
He almost wanted to reach out and touch them, right then and there, the urge to simply embrace them, touch their skin, run his fingers along their cheek, dig his claws into them, pull their hair, break their jaw, make them bleed, make them cry, growing with every passing second.
But something stopped him, a sensible part of him that kept pulling him back from the brink of his obsession, his face remaining impassive as he continued to stare.
He probably looked like any normal, lecherous, older man, making advances on someone years younger than him. He could deal with that.
"You work around here?" They asked, making idle conversation as they steamed a jug of milk, a gust of steam fogging up their glasses.
"That I do," Fox replied with a nod, his golden eyes glinting with amusement as he took in their form once again (they were cleaning their glasses with their shirt, making it ride up and expose the soft skin of their belly) and stood back from the counter, putting his hands in his pockets (adjusting his growing bulge). "Right around the corner, in fact. And you?" He asked curiously.
"I'm a student," They smiled, turning back towards him and putting their glasses back on. "Obviously. I mean, I'm a barista, that comes with the territory, right?" They laughed and Fox smiled, nodding again curtly. "I work the weekend shift when I can though, when it's nice and quiet."
"A student, huh?" Fox asked curiously, casually, raising a brow and running his tongue over one of his fangs, his ears tilting forward. His attention was torn between the barista's face as they spoke and the still-exposed flash of skin above the waistband of their jeans, a little fold of soft fat spilling over them. His eyes shone brightly as he continued to stare downwards. "What are you studying?" He asked, eyes quickly returning to their face so as not to look too obvious in his ogling.
"Criminal psychology," They replied, finishing up the coffee with a dusting of cinnamon and setting it on the counter in a to-go cup. They had him clocked as a businessman, then. "Postgrad."
"Criminal psychology?" Fox repeated, accepting the offered drink as he took the cup and raised it to his nose, inhaling the aroma as he spoke. "I'm curious, what sort of career are you hoping to move into with that?" He asked, tilting his head, his tail still wagging idly. "Not just after university, but after all of it?"
"I wanna work in rehabilitation," They said, tilting their own head and giving him a considered look, their dark eyes flitting from his well-groomed fox ears (beast-kin in the wild were still relatively rare, after all) and down his handsome face and his suit, admiring him casually, as any person did (and they often did). "And help people get back on their feet after prison."
"Rehabilitation, eh? Helping people get back on their feet…" Fox repeated their words again with a thoughtful look on his face, his wrinkles looking a little more pronounced as he thought over what they said. He took a sip of his coffee, meeting their gaze for a minute (noting when they smiled eagerly at him as if waiting for his approval). "Well, I think that's just wonderful….and a hard job, too. You must be pretty driven to want to do that."
"Yeah," They laughed, scraping back dyed hair behind their ears. "Tell me about it. It's really tough sometimes. But…" They bit their lip again, but despite their bashful expression (those crooked teeth digging into their soft skin, like he wanted to do), their eyes never left his. "I believe people deserve a second chance…everybody, even the worst people. We should do everything we can to make sure of that, and I want to be part of that. I want to help people."
Something about those words, their eyes on his, speaking to him as if those words were for him and him alone, made something tight catch in Fox's chest, and he almost spluttered a mouthful of hot coffee around the rim of the cup.
"Everyone…even the worst people," Fox said softly to himself, wiping his mouth clean as he glanced down at his shoes, hoping his expression made him look thoughtful instead of…well, complacent. "How very noble of you."
He ran his tongue over his teeth, tilting his head back while the barista typed his order into their register.
"Even people like me?" He then asked, his voice low in the back of his throat, golden eyes flitting upwards, half-lidded, as his brows knitted together with an ominous kind of consideration.
"What was that?" They looked up from the register, not catching what he said.
"Ah, it's nothing, nothing at all." He then said quickly with a subdued laugh and a casual smile. "This is lovely, by the way. What am I drinking?"
"Oh, it's just an oat milk latte," They chuckled with a shrug. "But…" They then continued in a quiet whisper, leaning into him over the counter, like they were telling a secret. "I infused the milk with fresh lavender and thyme this morning. This is the first time I'm trying it out in the shop."
When they were this close to him, their scent was overwhelmingly intoxicating and attractive, so much so that it made his guts twist in ravenous hunger and his growing bulge throb even more.
"Ah…how unique." He grinned, taking another sip of the coffee, doing his best to look deliberate. "The lavender adds a really nice touch, as does the thyme. Very subtle, but distinct. It's wonderful, really." He said, forcing a slightly impressed look on his face as he looked up at them, his golden eyes sparkling at their own grinning face, ecstatic at the praise.
"I'm so glad you think so," They grinned, before turning the register around for him to see and pay. "That'll be four-fifty today. No charge for the extras, of course."
"How very kind of you," He said softly (and mostly to himself), taking his phone from his pocket and tapping it against the register's contactless sensor in a quick and fluid gesture.
So fluid that he was almost certain that they didn't notice him taking their picture.
The register let out a high BEEP in recognition of his payment, and a receipt was quickly spat out on the barista's side.
"Great, that's all gone through. Well," The barista's grin faded into a polite smile, as the interaction wound to a close, tearing off the paper receipt and stuffing it in the cash drawer of their register. "It was great speaking with you today, Mr…"
"Fox." He said, taking another sip of coffee with a light smirk. Their picture must have been scanned into the database by now, from the way his phone was buzzing in his pocket. "Just Fox. No titles."
"Fox." The barista said back to him with a nod. "See you around?" They added hopefully.
"Certainly," Fox replied with as close to a genuine smile as he could still manage. "It was lovely speaking with you too, darling. Take care of yourself."
Once Fox left the cafe, a tinkle of a bell above the door marking his exit and leaving the young barista to attend to their other tasks while it was still quiet, he took out an old flip-phone and dialed a familiar number, still thoughtfully sipping his coffee as the cold chill of the morning ran down his spine.
"Hey…yeah, I have a special request for you."
His voice was low and quiet once the person on the other end of the phone silently picked up, waiting for his instructions.
"I want a pick-up from a specific spot, today if you can. I'll send you the location." He took another sip of coffee as he idly paced the front of the cafe, hearing a few words from the other end of the line. "Yeah, I've just uploaded them to the database. Local university, no housemates, family not around, it looks like…mm, and cute as a button, I know, I know."
Fox smiled widely, his tail wagging a little more frantically as his mind raced with gruesome thoughts.
"As soon as you can. No damage in transit or no bonus, got it? Great."
He hung up with a snap of the phone and drained the last of the coffee from its cup, running his tongue over his lips in silent consideration.
He could get used to lavender and thyme.
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spiderling-space · 3 years
As I mentioned before, I'm doing a piece for Balkanoid MC. It's something I can %100 relate. This will be a mix of headcanon, scenario and incorrect quote. Also each different scenario/hc/quote is separated with ----
There are a lot of countries in the Balkans. This work will focus on things that everyone living in the Balkans can relate to. I'm avoiding certain stuff because it would be too heavy for [tumblr]
Setting: MC is from the Balkans
MC is just thrown into a whole new world, no friends, no family, just all alone. There is nothing that resembles their home and it doesn't seem like Dire is going to do find a way for them to go back so they decide to make Ramshackle a homely place. It took them over 2 weeks to clean the entire Ramshackle with the help of Ace, Deuce, Jack, ghosts and Grim.
After the cleanup, MC wiped the floors clean one last time and then they were done. Now they were just chilling on the couch.
"Oi prefect!" Ace opens the main door and just walks in. "Let's go an-"
MC isn't listening to what he is saying. Their focus is on Ace who just walked into their house with shoes on.
"Take your goddamn shoes off and wipe the floor you stepped in."
"Don't be ridiculous, I-"
"So you've chosen death..."
Ace is confused why they are so insistent on not wearing shoes inside. "What are you talking about?"
The closest thing they have is their house slippers. They took it in their hand and hit it on their other hand, making a slapping sound. "I won't hesitate to go over there and teach you manners."
Ace gulps as he sees the look on MC's face. "I'LL DO IT!" He takes off his shoes and leaves them outside, then asks where the mop is.
After MC tells where the cleaning supplies are, there is only one thought in their head "Mama, I'm making you proud!"
Random TWST cast: 90s were the best years!
MC, remembers the 90s of Balkans: Lol what?
MC and the rest of the first years go on lunch in a restaurant. They eat it and it is time to pay
MC: Waiter, please give me the receipt, I'll pay for everyone
Ace: Niceeee
Deuce: I cannot let you pay by yourself 
Jack: Thank you MC but it is not necessary
Epel: I can't either, I can pay for my food
MC: So none of you is going to fight for paying for all? 
Everyone gives them a strange look: What are you talking about?
MC, taking out their wallet: It is the Balkan way
Ramshackle dorm is perfectly clean and everything is well organized but there is something that's missing. MC couldn't point out what it was until they managed to get a second-hand TV in the lounge.
"My grandma's white knit thingy!" Oh boy, Mc is so happy to find the missing piece. For the record, they have never understood why their grandma would knit a square-shaped balloon net but now they just missed that homey feeling. "I'm going to knit myself as I cannot afford to buy."
After a few days and countless tries, MC manages to knit a few balloon nets and they put it everywhere in the living room such as on the coffee table, on top of the couch's backside, over the fireplace and on side tables. As the final touch, they put one on TV.
"Now it feels like grandma came over!"
MC is arranging a bag that has basic needs; bottled waters, crackers, canned food, whistle, blanket, first aid kit, sleeping mat, flashlight with extra batteries, some cash, wet and dry napkins and the medicines they use
Deuce: Are you planning on going camping?
Ace: Deuce, go get us two tents, I'll be in the same one as MC and you can have a tent for yourself
MC: What? No! Where did you get that idea? Also, Ace ewww!
Ace: Hey wait a sec-
Deuce: It's because of your bag...
MC: Oh! This is my bag for an earthquake. Everything in this essential if I get stuck under the rumble
Deuce: Eh?!
Ace: Silly magicless MC, every building is protected with magic here, there has never been any damage on structures or people
MC, cries in Balkan
MC, internally: Hmm, interesting, dorm members resemble their dorm's icons so much. Hmm, Ignihyde is based on Hades who is a Greek God. I heard their dorm leader is from Isle of Lamentation which is from Greek myths so he must be a Greek!
MC: Idia!
Idia, silently: Oh shit
MC: My fellow Balkanoid! *tries to greet him by kissing his cheeks*
Idia, freaks out and retreats: I have no idea what they mean!
MC: Well, you are Greek
Idia: I have no idea what that means either. I'll pay you to stay away
MC: Wait, you have money?
Idia, nods
MC: You know what, I'll just leave... Clearly, you are westernized! Here I thought I met a chad Balkan fellow!
MC, learns that Malleus and Leona are royalty
MC: Wait, there are non-corrupted country leaders?!
Leona: Tch, there is absolutely no chance that Ferena is corrupted. You thought I was?
MC: No?
Leona: Tch herbivore...
Malleus, offended: Did you mean my grandmother?
MC: Nope! That’s why I said non corrupt
Malleus: I'm saddened by your statement. What made you think this, child of man?
MC, laughs: Bro, bro... I lived in Balkans
One of the foods that MC would miss dearly is burek/börek.
They would pause and ask for a moment when someone asks about the relationship between MC's country and its neighbours and the history behind it. They only say the good parts and don't get into details much.
MC would slap the watermelon to understand if it would taste good.
MC would be overjoyed when Divus doesn't call them a useless tool for giving him the wrong tool while fixing his car.
They would secretly miss those "good morning" pictures with flowers or babies on the background sent by elderly people around MC.
If MC has to stay more than the academic term, their choice of residence would be Land of Pyroxene as it is likely to resemble Germany.
They would find it weird that countries getting along with their neighbours.
It is a weird feeling to live on their own as they expected to live with their parents until marriage or until they found a job outside the city.
MC would find it basic that people are driving automatic shifted gear.
MC would get weird looks when they tell that their mom also calls them "mom".
MC is used to greeting people by kissing each cheek so it is weird to not do that in Twisted Wonderland.
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dangermousie · 3 years
CFC Chapter 54
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“A crashing car?” Ahahahaha I see you, Meatbun. But it was indeed an utter pileup!
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I know I commented on this passage in its various iterations eight billion times already but I still have more to say. And it’s that XQC taking so long to realize that even though HY is young, his emotions and feelings are as genuine and strong as those of anyone older is so realistic - people do tend to think that especially with regard to children - think of a reaction of an adult to a three year old crying over ice cream they dropped. It’s all amused even if not meanly so. Because to an adult with vastly more experience, this is not a big deal. But what that forgets is that whether it’s ridiculous to someone else or not, to the person at issue that is a real feeling, AND that of course a person can only feel through the lens of their experience - what else is there? Emotions aren’t any less valid because they are informed by lesser or different experience.
Honestly, to me so far this is one of the driving messages of the novel - everyone is in their own world of issues and pain and none of these characters can truly look through the lens of another person and it would be so much better if they did. To XQC, for so long, He Yu’s strong feelings (and we know so many of these feelings are awful - despair, and self-loathing, and loneliness) never quite felt real and therefore never quite felt fully valid. And by the time it wasn’t the case, it was too late.
But the same is true for He Yu - he is so concentrated on his own grievances and his own pain, he cannot perceive others’ different issues. In He Yu’s mind, he’s the winner and always champion of Misery Olympics and while he’s had a horrible time of it, that doesn’t mean other people didn’t either just in different ways. Whether because of his condition, his issues or just his age, HY is not empathetic in the least.
And think about it - XQC does not have a horrible illness. He does not have unfeeling parents. But he had to watch his beloved parents brutally murdered in front of his eyes at 13 (!!!!) and then had to raise a 5 year old by himself. Is it worse or better than HY’s trauma? That’s a matter of opinion but what there is no question about is that is a different type of trauma and a different type of scar. Or think about the patient in the asylum whose name I am too lazy to look up - her life is such a theater of horrors that to me, it makes the combined issues of HY and XQC seem small, though once again that’s subjective. Nobody wins when people start this sort of competition.
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My heart breaks for XQC but also - I am sorry - if/when HY x XQC hook up again (how? I have no idea! But that is one of the joys of Meatbun - I both have no idea how/where it’s going and utterly trust her), please have He Yu read up and learn things because Good God. You should not be in major pain the morning after unless you are into pain and XQC clearly is not!
The other thing is the bit about XQC forcing himself to walk in his usual ramrod-straight manner is the moment I went utterly gone for him. I mean, I liked him and found him interesting before. But this is the thing that flipped that invisible switch for me and I went rabid and irrational and now I am Team XQC and I don’t care what he wants and does from now on, he should have it. It’s so small but so real. My mother and her mother were both big on straight posture. And one of the reasons they gave was when you walk with good posture - you look confident but also it makes you feel confident and stronger. And I’ve actually found it to be true - when you throw your shoulders back and straighten your neck and hold your head up, it does not just give others a signal, it gives a signal to your own brain. So to see XQC insist on doing it, despite being emotionally and physically shattered - because of his pride refusing to give up, because he’s so unbending, but also this being some sort of instinctive armor, just hits straight through the heart.
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OK, I laughed at HY as a fucking machine. But also, this is another point in the whole “everyone has issues” narrative and HY’s life could be worse. HY, with all his other issues, can pay an insane amount, an amount that XQC could not pay in a million years, so easily. It’s not even a blip to him. Hell, the fact that he forgot to pay speaks to that - I can see forgetting to pay a friend a couple of bucks back right away because it’s not much money. HY forgets because it does not loom in his mind. And this rich lifestyle is instinctive, is ingrained in him. I think he’d find it hard to be poor.
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THAT is what he’s thinking about? Priorities are...
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The sole good thing that came out of this insanity is that XQC is getting in touch with his emotions, even if those emotions are (rightly) rage. He’s too closed off from them normally.
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The fact that you slept with a man should be secondary to the fact that you drugged and raped him, but here we are...
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To me, this sums up He Yu as a moral wasteland. To still, when sober and past his fit and not under influence of wine, to still feel excitement over his revenge and to somehow twist it that it’s XQC’s fault for being raped by He Yu is !!!!!!!!!
(I suppose if I were charitable, I’d assume that the disquiet is small stirrings of almost dead conscience and his “he deserved it” is an attempt to justify the unjustifiable to himself, but I honestly don’t want to think so because I am so angry at him. Not until I see some more evidence. I don’t feel like being indulgent with He Yu since he’s indulgent with himself enough for two.)
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1. The fact that you can tell from the picture XQC got taken by a man (I am gonna defer to Meatbun’s expertise here) definitely points to the fact that the pictures are going to be used for something bad later - because if it’s just oh XQC had sex, so what, he’s single what’s the big deal. But like this it becomes a different matter. No idea if it will be used for HY or XQC or both, and by whom (money is on Duan and co, but after the way HY went off, I would never say HY himself won’t use it badly somehow) but knowing Meatbun, it will go for maximum damage.
2. Ruthless? Perhaps. Unfeeling? Hmmmm. I am not He Yu’s biggest fan atm but that’s a wonderfully misleading adjective here. He does still seem to be in shock. And fixating.
3. The whole “hahahaha XQC is a hypocrite when he was all ‘I am not interested in sex’“ is - I am not sure if HY is just short-circuiting (fine) or using a rapist justification/rolling in a sea of toxic toxicity (not fine) because I am sorry, that’s totally like “he/she had a reaction, can’t be rape” writ large. Yeah, sure he had a reaction - you poured drugs down his throat. That has nothing to do with his default preferences or his actual state. THE FUCK?!
Anyway, we end on the whole “u mad bro?” bit and you know what strikes me? HY was all “I am done, we are done, my revenge is complete I don’t care” but here he is, still desperately seeking and craving reaction and interaction from XQC.
I remain utterly puzzled as to how these two will ever be a couple except for a couple being defined as “two mutually homicidal people.” Leaving aside everything else, I am willing to accept HY is in the closet - clearly whatever his orientation is, it includes men. But I do not get that sense from XQC at all. When he’s not drugged, he’s barely interested in sex with anyone and I do not get the sense he’s in the closet either. Chances of anyone, let alone He Yu, who is both a man and someone who raped him to humiliate him, being able to entice him into sexual encounters voluntarily is about the chance of me going to visit Mars. Meatbun loves doing insane things so I can’t wait.
PS I know people use the term psychopath all the time casually but ummm, I think He Yu may actually be one? When he has his father (!!!) on speakerphone, calmly carrying a conversation with the man as he’s raping his father’s friend in the club as he talks (!!!!!) that is...in RL I’d be “team lock him up for life, there is something so basic broken in him that it can’t be fixed.” Like - the hell? The ability to put things on different shelves so much is not in the same country as sane (it makes me think of 2ha and TXJ banging CWN being the curtain while performing court business but TXJ was bona fide clinically insane and also this is worse because this is his actual freaking father omg.) Of course, only time will tell whether it’s evidence of him being irreparably incapable of normalcy in terms of living in the world/interacting with others or it was an extreme psychotic (in casual parlance not medical one) break because most people are capable of truly horrific stuff if certain levers are pushed and his default is saner. It’s the question, isn’t it? Whether He Yu’s factory default setting is the monster of the previous chapters or the kid who’d cut his wrists so as not to hurt others.
Anyway, this novel is a terrifying roller coaster ride and I love having strong emotions.
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
Summary: JJ joins a cooking class with John B, and so happens to be taught by his long time crush from the island.
A/N: My JJ series is personal to me, I cannot explain. It’s what I started this blog for, and am so happy to be able to still write for it. OBX family forever. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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It took John B a long time, to finally unstick JJ from the old couch, and drag him to the Volkswagen. He’s been planning to cook for their dinner date with Sarah; which was his biggest mistake in the first place, for promising her and at the same time lying that he can cook, that all that came to his head was joining in on a culinary class a group of students held in the Outer Banks. He was lucky, OBX gave even that chance to save him from embarrassing himself in front of his girlfriend.
And of course, John B being John B, brought both JJ and Pope with himself for support, knowing Pope’s the smarter one, and JJ...he was just there to be present.
-I don’t understand why I’m going? -JJ shut the door, -Like, I don’t even own the C from cooking. How am I supposed to go there, not knowing what even the vegetables are called?
-JJ, it’s a class, that’s why they’re held, so people can learn. -John B turned the keys, and started the car, leaving the Chateau.
-What if we get salmonella, huh? Did you think about that? We have to try the food.
-You eat moldy breads, your organism is used to it. -Pope added from the back.
-That’s not the case now Pope, shut up. -JJ tried to give some reasons for them to get back so he could sleep in all day. -Look bro, we can go back while we have time. Think about it.
-I promised Sarah I’ll cook her dinner. And the only thing I know is making a toast, that I end up burning every time.
-That was your first mistake---promising. -said JJ, and rested his elbow on the window.
He looked like a little kid, brought to the doctor’s without his willingness. JJ sluggishly followed John B and Pope to the sign up stand, and when they got their badges, a table of cooking equipment was waiting for them.
-Did you take band aids, in case we murder each other? -JJ said to Pope.
-Why would we use band aids, if we’re murdering each other?
-I don’t know what I’m saying bro, it was the first and stupidest thing that came to mind. -he observed the table detail by detail.
-Ssh, the class is starting. Our teacher’s approaching the tables. -John B whispered to them. And just like struck from reality, and happiness at the same time, JJ’s mouth dropped to his feet. His eyes focused on her, and only blurred out everyone around except her. JJ’s skin littered with goosebumps, and Pope noticed he’s not listening to anything at the moment, even John B repeating the same words to him, so nudging him came the first thing to save his friend from embarrassing himself.
-Your name? -said one of the students.
-Beautiful...-JJ trailed his eyes to where she was going, but when Pope cleared his throat after the nudging didn’t work, JJ was back to reality, -Huh---Oh, JJ...Maybank, JJ Maybank.
-Bro, what beautiful are you talking about? -him and Pope started laughing at their friend.
-Dude, that’s the girl I’ve been talking to you about. The one I saw at the kegger, Y/N. Oh how she’s pretty in daylight.
-See, coming here wasn’t so bad after all.
-Shut up, let’s get you die of salmonella, rather than die from Sarah. -he said, and took a hold of whatever the others did.
-You have a whole hour to complete a meal, and I’ll come and taste each one. Please don’t make a mess, or borrow things from others. Everyone has their ingredients in front of them. We’ll be helping you all with cutting, stirring, or whatever you need a help with. Okay? -she said, and when everyone approved she jogged to the radio and put some music on, and started dancing her way to the table.
The student group also cooked something, and she was mostly present there, and also being present at the other tables.
-Wait, wait. -she appeared next to JJ, -You can’t cut these too big, for else they won’t be easy to fry, -Watch. Slowly, and they’ll be thin. And don’t press on the knife too hard...uh....
-JJ. -he said, leaning on the counter and glancing at her lips.
-JJ, don’t press the knife to hard. Watch. -she gave him the knife, and positioned her hand on top of his, as they both cut some fries.
She danced her way to one of her guy friends, and they both danced to the music. Y/N held the energy of the group, and it made everyone willing to work, because usually classes like this were said to be too boring. But the girl seemed skillful when it came to entertainment and professionalism.
-That blonde guy over there, has been drooling over you this whole class. -her friend secretively tried to seem as if dancing, just to whisper her that sentence.
-Who? JJ? When I heard his name, I instantly knew he’s the well-known heartthrob in the Outer Banks. I’m not his type sweetie.
-Are you joking? It’s been said that he has a crush on you, but you didn’t hear it from me. -she sang-song the last bit, and moved to the tables that needed help.
-What were you talking about? -he said, and Y/N just shrugged her shoulders, dancing to distract him so he couldn’t ask too many questions, or that same one over and over again.
JJ didn’t even take in one thing from the class, his eyes were darting whenever her figure popped up at a table or he saw her moving around, dancing and singing.
-Bro, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this same thing for Sarah tonight. -John B felt hopeless from the class, but he really did succeed in making a meal that day. As well as JJ and Pope.
-Sht, -Y/N’s best friend nudged JJ, -I didn’t give it to you, okay?
-Wha-JJ took the tissue paper.
-Y/N’s Instagram and number. You’re not too secretive, Mr. Maybank, it’s obvious. I didn’t give it to you, hey, remember that.
John B and Pope were dying of laughter next to him, -Dude, the whole class realized you like the girl.
-Don’t joke with me, or you’ll feed Sarah with algae and snails. -he said, and shoved the tissue in his pocket.
-Disgusting. -said Pope and continued with whatever he was inventing at the moment. -Bro, I’m for math and physics, not gastronomy.
-If you weren’t forced to cook, I would’ve positioned you with the job of counting how much more time we have. -said John B.
-We have 15 minutes John B, and you’re still not even on the sauce.
The timer beeped, and everyone left what they were doing, and the students came to each, taste what the others have made. Praising some, and definitely giving a few critics to others, the class was over, and the money collected were donated to the charity that helped with saving the Outer Banks animals.
With John B being happy with his one-day cooking skills, Pope thrilled he’ll rest, and JJ more happy than the both of them for having the girl’s number and Instagram, the three of them headed for the Chateau, where Kie was waiting.
-John B you’re supposed to be making this yourself. -she said, setting the romantic table for the two.
-What are friends for Kie? To help each other. -he said, trying to make the plates look like he’s been working as a chef at The Wreck his whole life.
-Dude, I don’t even know how to fold these napkins. -said JJ, trying to watch a tutorial on YouTube on how to make them a heart.
-Give me that. -Pope got annoyed at how he crumbled a 100 by that time, and grabbed them from his hands.
The table was set, and it looked amazing. Everyone promised they will keep the secret, saying the following : “No Pogue on Pogue-exposing”.
-Get lost now, so Sarah doesn’t get suspicious when she sees you here. -he said, and fixed himself.
Kie, Pope and JJ, all got outside and decided to visit the Wreck for their dinner. It wasn’t fancy like John B’s, but it was enough for them.
-J, did you text Y/N? -said Pope, filling a glass of water.
-Nah dude, I can’t pull myself to do it.
-Who’s Y/N? -said Kie.
-The girl that taught us how to cook, who also happened to be JJ’s crush from the kegger.
-Oh the girl that you couldn’t stop talking about. Oh, now I see.
-Yeah, and one of her friends gave me her number and Instagram.
-Because old chap JJ, wasn’t secretive at all, and the girl saw that.
-At least I got her number, what did you get? No culinary scholarship.
-Don’t hit my soft spot like that. -he said, holding his left side.
-Then DM her, what, are you waiting for an invite? -said Kie.
JJ opened searched her name, and opened clicked on the message:
JJ: Hey, it’s JJ from the class today.
Y/N: Hiiiii JJ, how are you?
JJ: I’m good, how are you?
Y/N: I’m doing good, thank you.
JJ: So um---I found your Instagram account, and didn’t know if it would be creepy to write to you after today’s class immediately, but I thought why not, so here I am.
Y/N: No problem, it’s not creepy at all don’t worry.      
JJ: I actually saw you at a kegger, a few weeks ago.
Y/N: Oh really. Hmm, I wasn’t paying attention to the people, because my friends from abroad were there and I wanted to spend some time with them. But if I was, then there would’ve probably been a chance of seeing you.
JJ: It’s fine, I spotted you anyways.
Y/N: Yeah, you did. 😊 
JJ: Are you down for some drinks tomorrow, my treat?
Y/N: Sure, why not, let’s get to know each other.
JJ: I’ll pick you up, then we can go to one of mine and the Pogues’ favorite cafe here in the OBX.
Y/N: That sounds perfect, see you tomorrow then?
JJ: See you tomorrow. 😁
Y/N: Bye, JJ Maybank. 🥰
JJ: Bye, Y/N Y/L/N. 🥰
-She’s one chill person bro, let me tell you. -said Pope reading the DMs they sent each other.
-You’re going on a date with her, that’s what matters. -added Kie.     
-I’m so excited, my feet are itching. -said JJ, rubbing them together.
-I think you need to wash them, that’s why they itch.
-Pope, I didn’t know you’re a dermatologist bro. -JJ rolled his eyes, and reread the texts with Y/N. Nothing mattered to him at the moment; when they got to the Chateau, he plopped on the hammock, thinking of what he’ll do with Y/N tomorrow. And she seemed to do the same, because after hours of stalking his Instagram profile, some sort of excitement was born in her. OBX’s biggest flirt wanted to go on a date with her, still sounded surreal to her and it had her shook for a long time, until she fell asleep.         
The both of them met at the decided place, and obviously chilled Y/N went in for a hug, which left JJ a bit confused though he played it off nicely. They went inside the cafe and ordered their drinks.
-How’s the milkshake? -he pointed to the glass with his eyebrows.
-It’s the best one I’ve drunk so far. -she giggled. -It really is, I swear.
-Okay, okay I believe you. -he let out a short laugh.
-I like the place as well, retro-vintage style is my absolute favorite for cafes.
-Yeah, I like it too. -he said, looking at her as her eyes wandered around.
-So, are we just going to talk about the place, or are you going to say what you’ve been trying to, and I’ve been waiting for?
-Haha, I’m that obvious huh? 
-I mean---a little bit. -she laughed.
-Okay, okay. See, I’m never a straight-forward person. I throw in words, but never tell what I want to. I like you Y/N, and have liked you since the kegger. And now, that I have you in front of me, I am asking you if you want to be my girlfriend?
-I do, JJ. I do want to be your girlfriend. And maybe, I don’t know, I seem like I’m not interested, I like you too. You are a fun person, and I know I’ll have fun and happy times with you, so yes we can date.
His hand travelled to hers, and he kissed her knuckles. After a long time of peeking for each other at keggers, the two got to be face to face at one table. Sometimes expressing love, doesn’t need many gestures. Just a few confessions of what two really feel for each other, is enough to form a bond they’ll soon need to take care of. And Y/N and JJ did the same; without complicating it and talking to each other, they could now call each other ‘us’.
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gaasaku-fanfests · 4 years
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Title: “Ain't Nothing 'Bout You„
Artist: nsart
Trope: Mechanic AU
Summary: “Sakura is not having a great day. Her most recent case of bad luck involved her car breaking before she left the hospital parking lot. Luckily, a nearby mechanic was willing to tow her in and save the day. Thank goodness for Sabaku Bros.! When she goes in to thank the mechanic personally, however, she's not expecting the etremely handsome redhead with a wicked smile. Or the flirting. Or those eyes. Did she mention that smile?!"
Artist notes: OH MY GOODNESS! I loved loved loved this prompt, I hope I did it justice. I really tried to follow the prompt notes to make Gaara flirty and assertive, haha. Poor Sakura didn't know what hit her~ I also don't know what it is about Gaara's hair that I just cannot draw it consistently! I feel like it's getting better though.
Page 3 is Gaara successfully getting Sakura to go on a date! He immediately takes her down the road to a little place that has good food, but she insists on paying (to thank him for fixing her car). It earns her a second date, where he insists on returning the favor~
I did struggle a bit to finish this. Work has been crazy busy with COVID, and I had a death in the family this past weekend that left me unable to add screentone to the comic like I wanted. I aim to go back and do it eventually. But for now, I hope you enjoy the lineart!"
Once, I thought that love was something I could never do. Never knew that I could feel this much, But this yearning in the deep part of my heart for you- Is more than a reaction to your touch, It's a perfect passion, and I can't get enough. In my life I've been hammered by some heavy blows- That never knocked me off my feet, All you gotta do is smile at me, and down I go. And baby it's no mystery why I surrender... Girl you got everything. Brooks & Dunn's "Ain't Nothing 'Bout You"
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Way Back Home (Bro!Taeyong x you)
BRO-SIS relationship here. not incest but pure sibling story! 
I hope you enjoy them. Stay safe and healthy and happy everyone! 
Cosmic loves you 💖
here we go!
In this pandemic time, starting first year in college is something different. Yes it was challenging and it was not so fun, especially since you have been waiting for this time of life to really feel what it's like to be an international first year student. You have prepared yourself to meet new roommates, living in a dormitory, and meeting people from different part of the world. Sadly, everything must be postponed because of COVID-19, and for your own safety, you're not allowed to go. Other than that, you are lucky you got accepted to the school you want, but surprise surprise you have to take the classes online. Online means using Zoom meetings and attending it like the scheduled time. This will be okay if you live on the same time zone, but here you are living 14 hours ahead, not to mention they have daylight saving thing your country never has! On November the time had changed to 15 hours difference, and you are still going strong. "Morning Taeyong," you peek your head from the door, your bed hair and pillow face greet your brother and he laughs on your puffiness. "It's almost eleven, come on wash your face." He says as he walks around the house, running a vacuum cleaner with the TV on. "Last night I can't directly sleep. Someone wants to check their Math homework with me, and I just slept at three." you yawn as you make your way to the bathroom and freshen up a bit. "Yes I know it is hard to study midnight, but that is why I didn't wake you up." he turns the vacuum off, stores it nicely in the small room and launches himself on the sofa. "I myself is enjoying the lack of sleep I cannot have during the promotional time." Taeyong leans into the soft couch and breathes a sigh of relief. "Yeah yeah yeah, I want to watch Mtopia but works are still chillin in my bedroom." you grin when you brush your teeth. Taeyong chuckles, "Do you have many things to do this week?" You shake your head, "Research for my Geography and maybe the ALS, and the upcoming Math quiz." Taeyong nods his head, "That is quite a lot." You shrug your shoulder, "Where are you going?" you have washed your face and brushed your teeth and hair. Calmly you walk to the sofa and sit beside him. "I'm thinking of visiting mom, wanna join?" he brushes his long hair away from his face. "Sure! Of course I am joining you. I can bring my laptop with me." you punch him playfully and he laughed, "Ah yeah my bad, You cannot attend college face to face, hahaha yes you can take your laptop!" You want to pinch him, but you remember the last time yo did that, you got scolded by his make up artist noona because they have to cover it up with foundations. "I want to pinch you so bad... Why are you more annoying after meeting Baekhyun sunbae!" you clench your fist.
As much as you love EXO and Baekhyun, you still sometimes wonder if your brother knows he is affected a lot by Baekhyun and you're kind of thankful for it. Taeyong looks happier now. "Hey if you can bring the works to home, we can go Friday and go back Sunday, what do you think?" You excitedly nod your head, "Yes! We can do that. I am so excited!" Well he has to ask you because he cannot drive himself home. So the adventure begins. Friday, you wake up around eight pack your things and with Taeyong. the two of you drive safely in the highways to go back home. "Must be hard eh? Studying online and everything." He looks to you for a while and focuses back on the road. You are the one driving the car, your brother can't really drive one, so he just helps you watch the road and navigates you although you know how to go home. "Brother, you need to learn how to drive like as fast as you could! Imagine if later I am away and you still cannot drive." He lets out a crisp laugh "That is why I am happy when you said you are still taking the winter term online, I am super happy. I need to make more memories with you before you're gone!!" he punches the air. "Well you're busy I cannot blame that. Well we can make memories now, in this pandemic time... we can bake cookies and cakes but I am busy with my classes. We can do that on the term break!!" you also suggest things to do with him. "Well yeah, it'll be hard for me to see you later." "I'll try and see you on your concerts and tours." You send him a comforting smile. "Focus on your studies, I don't want you to fail quizzes because you attend concerts and tours." he lovingly flicks your arm, you ouched but just laugh it off. "Yes yes mother," you taunt at him and he pinches your cheeks. "Naughty!" The two of you take a break in one of the rest area and after a heartful meal from Taeyong's credit card, you are ready for the rest of the journey. "We're almost there!" Taeyong roots for you, well he really understands you are tired but what can he do other than cheering you and feeding you snack and drinks while jamming to his playlist. "You remember that time you followed me secretly and Doyoung to get ice cream?" he starts his memory lane talk and you are already laughing when you play the scene back in your head. You laugh and hit the steering wheel, "Of course! I cannot forget you and Doyoung screaming so loud!" Taeyong laughs too, well back then, Doyoung offered Taeyong a ride to get ice cream, and when you heard that you sneakily jumped into the car and no one knew you were there. "What are you going to have?" That question was proposed by Doyoung and you popped in between them, "I'm thinking of getting a milkshake." Taeyong jumped like he had just seen a ghost and Doyoung screamed. You laugh heartily and they scold you on the way back because you scared them, but you're happy since you got your milkshake. "I swear you made the two of us looked like an idiot." Taeyong grins You clicked your tongue, "Best milkshake story ever!" You two exchanged more stories and suddenly the world has changed. The highway has changed to a village sceneries and oh the flowers and trees are nice candy orange! "hey hey stop here for a while!!" Taeyong taps your shoulder. You hit the brake and question him,"Huh? Why? We're not homed yet." He unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, 'I want to take pictures." he grins and hands you his phone. You roll your eyes, "Fine. Quick I am not taking too much. I am tired okay we better arrive and eat lunch." "Yes yes I know." he carelessly answers you, his hand is already busy fixing his clothes and hair. You wait for him to pose and you take a quick snap of him in his all white attires. Well he really looks good in white and the background flowers are in a nice contrast. Orange and yellow flowers. He changes position and poses and you just calmly take his pictures, later he will choose it by himself. "Alright you're getting better in taking pictures!" he messes your hair when he is satisfied with the results. "Want me to take you one too?" he asks in a mannerly way, you shake your head, "I am good thank you, so shall we go?" He nods happily and when you're back in car Taeyong is already busy picking pictures to upload in Instagram for his fans to see. "Thank you for driving me here, the way back home is always the best ride!" He kisses your cheek and hugs you when the two of you already settle your feet in mother and father's backyard. "Welcome home!" you whisper and grab his hand to knock on the door. "Mother! Your two sweet bad dreams are here!" the two of you mischievously knock on the door and wait for your mother to open the door. "Look who's here! Welcome home honey!" she greets the two of you with a big hug and a surprised happy face. "What a great surprise!" father also hugs you two and ushers you in. "Food is ready in the table, wash your hands and eat." You and Taeyong smile, well after all home is always the best place to rest and eat. "You must be tired from driving here?" your mother runs a hand on your hair. You shake your head, "It's okay. I am glad to be back here! Taeyong shall we eat?" And with that you two are back at home.
END. please his insta pic is sooo pretty!
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hhunjins · 4 years
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Pairing: Felix x gender neutral reader
Genre: romance, fluff
Word Count: ~3,600
Warnings: none
Notes: I don’t know what it is about Felix but whenever I look at him, I get summer teen movie vibes and it makes me want to scream. Also I call Chan ‘Chris’ in this for reasons lmao
Summary: Two chaotic best friends, a questionable car, and the entire world to explore.
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Everything about this impromptu trip was going wrong, yet you can’t help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.
Felix has a streak of grease on his cheek from trying to fix whatever went wrong with his old car and you’re seated on the side of the road on a picnic blanket sipping an apple juice box as you wait. This wasn’t the first thing to blow up in your face since you started this trip five hours ago.
Thirty minutes in your trip, Felix realized he left his camera at home and so he U-turned and sped a little to make up for lost time. Three hours later after waking up from a nap, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach that maybe you didn’t lock the door to your apartment. It’s remedied by simply texting your neighbor to check for you, but it did put a damper on your mood for a while.
And now, the car has broken down and the two of you are stranded in the middle of nowhere with very bad cell signal. No one has driven by in the last thirty minutes. Under the summer sun, you and Felix pushed the car to the side of the road and glared at it until you sighed and dug through the trunk for a juice box.
“Do you know how to fix it?” you asked.
He shrugged, running his fingers through his hair and pulling at the roots. “We’ll see.”
It’s been edging towards an hour now so you call Felix over and pat the empty space beside you. He scoots over on his butt and knocks every limb against yours in an attempt to get comfortable. You know he’s being obnoxious so you elbow him back.
“This is a mess,” he says.
You shrug, dropping your head onto his shoulder and sucking air from the juice box. “At least we’re hanging out together.”
Felix lets out a laugh, rubbing his fingers against the smear on his cheek in an attempt to wipe it away. “Yeah. I have you.”
You hide a smile, tingles appearing underneath your skin as Felix leans his head on top of yours. You stare at the broken down car, thinking that even if everything went wrong, at least it was with Felix.
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You’re two hours behind schedule when Felix gets the car going again and you make a stop to grab some food. It slips both your minds to call the hotel and tell them that you’ll be late for the room reservations so by the time you get there the rooms are gone. You’re back in the car now, sitting under a flickering streetlight, feeling a little defeated at it all.
“This was a terrible idea,” Felix mutters. He rolls down his window, huffing at how much energy it takes for him to do so. It has a manual crank. His car is that old. The evening air is a lot better than the stifling summer heat, so you roll down the window on your side too. You leave your arm hanging out of the car, fingers twitching as if trying to grab onto the breezes that slip through.
“The trip was not a terrible idea,” you correct. You tilt your head and give your best friend a soft smile. “It was a terrible start. But it’ll get better. We have two weeks left on this.”
Felix groans. “Two weeks left for things to go wrong, you mean?”
You wet your lips. “Felix.”
“What,” he pouts.
“How far are we from the beach?”
“Like a thirty minute drive?”
You pull in your arm and turn your body in the seat to face him fully. “Do you think we can make it there to see the sunset?”
Felix blinks at you, eye wide, before the sparkle in them returns and an absolutely blinding smile blooms on his lips and lights up his entire face. “We can try.”
You barely make it in time. After Felix snaps a ton of photos with his camera, you sit on the hood of his car, head on his steady shoulder, his arm around yours, as you watch the sun descend in the horizon, another warped sun reflected on the ocean waves that seem to stretch onto forever and beyond. Felix’s fingers are drumming on your arm, slightly sticky from the heat and sweat, but you don’t really mind.
There isn’t much to say, so you sit in silence. A lot has happened in the past day and it would be a lie to say that you weren’t worried for how the rest of this trip was going to go. But you don’t voice those thoughts. Felix already has enough on his mind and you don’t need to make him feel any worse for suggesting this trip.
You’re so caught up in the beauty of it all that it takes Felix’s arm slipping from your shoulder to realize that he’s fallen asleep. You turn your head slightly, just enough to see him out of the corner of your eye and not wake him up. His eyelashes lay prettily against his golden skin, dotted with the stars. That feeling hits you again, the one that makes your heart ache a little. You know what it is, but you can’t act on it.
“Felix,” you whisper.
His nose twitches first and then his eyes flutter open. “Sorry,” he says. His voice is rough with sleep and it makes you shiver.
“I’ll drive,” you say. “We have to find somewhere to stay.”
He doesn’t argue, digging through the pockets of his shorts to pull out the keys and hand them over. “Okay. I’ll navigate.”
Somehow, Navigator Felix does worse than Driver Felix, and you take a break by finding a drive thru to grab dinner.
“Get me a milkshake,” Felix whines. He shakes your shoulder in that petulant childish way.
“Bro, you’re lactose,” you say, batting his hands away.
“Your point is?”
You roll your eyes and inch forward in the line to stop at the speaker. “Hi, can I get two number fours, a large fries, and a medium soda please?”
“My milkshake, y/n!”
“And a chocolate milkshake. Thank you!” You’re not sure what your hand hits when you swing your arm back blindly to push him away, but Felix lets out a garbled sound and finally settles down. The satisfied noise that he makes when you hand him the bag of food and tray with the drinks makes you smile. “Feed me,” you say.
Felix holds a fry to your lips. “If I am not mistaken, there’s a motel five minutes down this road.”
You hum. “Another,” you say, opening your mouth and waiting for Felix to pop another fry in. “I’m going to shower, eat this burger, and knock out.”
“Are we sleeping in tomorrow?” he asks. Felix has already unwrapped his burger and started munching his way through it. “Please charge your phone and leave the ringer on so you can wake up when I call you. I don’t want to pound at your door and have people look at me weird in the hallway.”
“Yeah, whatever. I’ll figure it out then. Ahh.”
Felix gives you two fries this time. “I don’t think waking you up is something to figure out tomorrow,” Felix says.
You shrug. “I’m just trying to get through this day by day. We’ll be fine.”
You are not fine.
“We only have one room left, I’m sorry,” the receptionist says. He grimaces. “It’s summer, so we get a lot of guests during this time,” he explains. “Would you like to book it anyway?”
Part of you wants to facepalm because of course other people would also be on a trip like you. What were you expecting during peak travel weather? You turn to look at Felix and he blinks back at you slowly. He looks tired and is probably drifting into a food coma as he’s standing right next to you. In other words, he’s no help.
“We’ll take it,” you say. “Available for two nights and two days, right?”
“That’s correct.”
“Felix, go sit down.” You nudge him on the side, nearly sending him stumbling into a fake potted plant. He grabs his bags and your suitcase and drags them to a nearby sofa to crash on. You watch him go before turning back and dealing with payment.
Soon, you’re climbing up to the second floor of the motel. Felix has woken up slightly now, probably slowly feeling the effects of that milkshake. You’re going to kill him if you don’t get to shower first.
“Felix Lee, I am showering first and you cannot stop me,” you say as you unlock the door to the room and flick on the light.
Your jaw slowly drops.
“Lemme in,” Felix grumbles. He squeezes between you and the door and plops down at the edge of the bed. “Close the door so we can turn on the AC,” he whines.
You blink. “That dude just– He– Huh?”
Felix lifts his head up slightly. “What’s wrong?”  
“There’s only one bed?”
He blinks before his lips form a small “o” and his eyes widen as recognition sinks in. “That is a problem.” Felix rolls onto his stomach and stretches like a cat. “Another problem is that you need to shower now.”
You huff, dragging all the luggage into the room and then shutting the door behind you. “Give me fifteen minutes,” you say.
“Not a second longer.”
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You can’t sleep. Maybe it’s the AC running a little too loud, or the weird shadows that slip through the blinds in the window, or whatever the people in the room above you are doing. You turn on your side one more time, letting out a long breath through your nose as you blink tiredly. You don’t know what time it is, but it’s pretty late.
Felix fell asleep a while ago, snoring quietly from where he set out a makeshift bed on the floor. He’s silent now but he lets out little steady puffs that let you know he’s still dreaming.
This position on your side is uncomfortable, so you turn onto your back again. The bed is too soft and your sweater pillow a little too lumpy. After winning a round of rock, paper, scissors, you gave Felix the two pillows to make up for the fact he was sleeping on the floor and squished a sweater into a ball for yourself. He had protested at first but you gave him your meanest glare and Felix just ruffled your hair and didn’t put up a fight.
The ceiling becomes boring to look at, so you turn the other way.
Felix rustles, turning in his sleep as well.
You freeze, waiting for the sound of his steady breath to return. But it doesn’t.
“Y/n.” Felix’s voice is rough with sleep. He kind of sounds like a demon but a cute one, if that makes any sense. You’re tired but the thought amuses you.
“You keep moving.”
“Are you okay?”
You chew on your lower lip, holding back your words long enough for Felix to sit up from the floor. His hair is a bird’s nest and he blinks sleepily at you, clutching a pillow to his chest.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Can’t sleep,” you say. You count the beats in your chest. One. Two. Three. “Come up.”
Felix takes roughly five seconds to move from the floor onto the bed, scooting you over by poking your side until you move. He replaces your sweater pillow with a real pillow, and then squishes you against the wall when he lies down beside you. “Okay, sleep now.”
You let out a small laugh. “It’s not that easy.”
“Huh.” Felix lifts your head with a hand and slips his other arm under. When he lets go, your head rests on his shoulder, his other arm draped over your middle. “Okay, how about now?”
It’s summer, and normally you would hate being this close to someone else when the heat in the air is enough to make everything feel icky. But this is Felix. And instead of making your skin feel sticky and gross, he sends your mind into overdrive and your heart racing even faster than that.
Felix taps your back with his fingers. “Sleep,” he says. “We have to explore tomorrow. No naps.”
You tuck your head under his chin. In this position, your forehead is rested against his chest. You wonder if you listened a little harder, if you would be able to hear the sound of his heart beating in his chest. You wonder if it’s pounding as fast as yours.
Listening to the sound of Felix’s soft breaths, and feeling his chest rise and fall against your skin, you drift into sleep, dreaming of nothing but you and Felix and the entire world at your fingertips.
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You spend the entirety of the next day at the beach. Felix spends half of it in the ocean, terrorizing you with the water he manages to cup in his tiny hands, and the other half ordering to either pose or get out of his way as he takes pictures.
This time, when the sun begins to set, you two stretch out in the sand, leaning into each other’s personal space as Felix shows off his favorite captures.
“Why won’t you let me take pictures of you?” you ask.
Felix shrugs, clicking through his camera and then leaning over to show you another picture. His shoulders are pink, showing signs of a mild sunburn he’ll probably whine to you about later. His hair is still damp from where he you pushed him into the water earlier, blond locks sticking to his forehead in little clumps.
“You’re staring.” Felix wiggles his eyebrows. “Can you tell I’ve been working out with Chris?” He leaves his camera on his lap to do some weird flexing thing with his arm.
“No?” you say.
Felix clicks his tongue. “Rude.” He sticks out his tongue as he picks up his camera again. “Look at this one I got. If you post it on Instagram, I better get tagged as the best photographer ever.”
You smile. “Okay.”
Felix grins. “I wanna get some pictures of the sunset, and then we can go get dinner.” He dusts sand off his beach shorts, taking care to not let any fly in your direction, and then bounces off.
There’s a warm feeling that starts from your toes and creeps upwards until it reaches the tips of your ears. As much as you want to blame it on the sand and the heat of the sun, you know there’s no point in trying. Even with something as amazing as a star slipping from the sky, you can’t take your eyes off Felix.
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“Why is it so hard for you to sleep?” Felix asks after you turn for the nth time in bed that night. You freeze when his arms wrap around your middle and pull until your back is pressed flush against his chest. “You’re driving in the morning.”
“Thinking a lot,” you murmur.
“You think too much.” Felix nuzzles his nose against the back of your neck. “What are you thinking about?”
A beat of silence. Felix’s arms tighten ever the slightest around your waist. “What’s going to happen after this trip is over,” you say.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we just graduated. In a few months, I’ll be moving back home and we’ll both be moving on with our lives. We’re out in the real world now.”
“But why are you thinking about that now?”
You’re not sure. Is it because the person you’ve had by your side for the last four years of your life is literally spooning you and making you question how platonic this was all supposed to be? Is it because you’re afraid you’re looking too deep into all of this and Felix will go back to being untouchable when this trip is all over? Is it because you don’t want to leave it all behind when you fly thousands of miles away to go back home? Or all of the above?
“Talk to me, y/n.” His fingers are drumming against your hip. Index, middle, ring, and back again.
“Because I’m scared.”
You suppress a shudder when Felix’s lips brush against the shell of your ear when he speaks. You count the number of taps, waiting until ten before you turn around. Felix’s hand slides off your hip and he meets your eyes when you settle. He gives you an encouraging nod, eyes soft around the corners and nose scrunched up just enough that the little freckle on his nostril is visible in the light seeping through the window. Your gaze lingers on his lips, tracing his Cupid’s bow and how his lips curve into a slight smile. “Losing everything I have here…Losing you.”
The way Felix’s eyes turn into little half-moons when he smiles is enchanting.
“When you sat and watched the sunset today, were you afraid you were never going to see it again?”
You shake your head.
“Right? Because it’ll come back again every day. So even if you’re stuck in the darkness for a short time, the sun will always rise again. And you’ll start a new day, with new opportunities.” Felix’s tongue darts out to wet his lips, eyes flickering to yours before moving back to hold eye contact. “When you move away, it’s going to be hard. I understand why you’re scared. But the sun will rise and you’ll be okay.” He finds your hand and laces his fingers in between yours. “We’ll both be okay.” A squeeze.
Felix only smiles. He releases his grip on your hand and pulls you until your forehead is rested against his chest like last night. “Sleep,” he says.
So you do.
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“How was your trip?”
“You would think after the first day at the beach that Felix would remember to put on sunscreen, but the dude got sunburned like every other day,” you say. You ignore the indignant squawk he makes and continue to sip on your soda. “The car broke down the first day. We missed our first hotel booking and got stuck in a lowkey sketchy motel with only one bed. I won rock, paper, scissors and I got the bed, so it wasn’t too bad,” you say, raising another finger with every recollection. “And then Felix decided it would be a great idea to get ice cream for the road and save it for later.”
Chris frowns. “Aren’t you lactose?” he asks Felix.
You slap a hand onto the table. “Exactly,” you hiss. “And he didn’t think that it would melt so we had sticky fingers until I found a gas station to stop by. And then the car broke down again.”
“Okay, you can stop exposing me now,” Felix whines.
“I wanna see pictures. Felix was hyping them up so much on the group chat,” Hyunjin says. Seungmin perks up from his phone when Felix takes out his camera. He leaves the two of them to click through the photos themselves.
“You didn’t answer my question about how the trip was though. Good? Bad? Rating out of ten please. I need to know in case he decides to spring a random trip on me,” Chris says.
“Yeah, like I would ask you on a trip with me,” Felix says with a roll of his eyes.
You bite down on the straw as you think. Felix is now giving you puppy dog eyes so you purposely don’t look at him. “Uhh, if we were to ignore all the things we couldn’t control, ten out of ten.”
Felix raises both hands into the air in victory. “This is why you’re the best, y/n!” He wiggles around like those inflatable floppy men in front of car dealerships. Seungmin has to whack his arm to get him to stop.
Chris scoffs. “He bribed you, didn’t he?”
You shake your head. “No, it was a good trip. I enjoyed it. Ten out of ten would go again.”
“Are you saying that because he’s Felix or because the trip was really good? Because I think if any one of us took you on a trip where the car broke down multiple times, you’d give us a big zero.” Hyunjin asks. He turns the camera to you and raises an eyebrow. “I hope you have a good explanation for this picture.”
“Wait, I wanna see,” Chris scoots his chair over to peer into the camera. “Oh, man, you two are gross.”
“Give my camera back,” Felix says. He wiggles an arm into the shield his friends made around his camera, but Chris swats him out of the way.
“You didn’t think to delete those pictures before you brought the camera here?” you ask. You feel the heat in your cheeks but there’s also a smile you can’t hide.
“It’s not like we didn’t know something was going to happen on the trip. Felix and y/n alone for two weeks?” Hyunjin fans himself with a hand and pulls a weird face. Seungmin smacks him. “This is not a PG distance!” Hyunjin says.
Felix leans backwards until his head is rested on your shoulder and he’s staring at you upside down. His eyes are glittering as they blink innocently at you. “Since you said, ‘ten out of ten would go again’ this means you have to take me to see the sunset in your favorite places when you go home.” He grins. “Road trip part two?”
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dershloopmain · 4 years
End Of Everything - Chapter 1
‘’Hey, Donnie! What’s the big idea, I was watching that!’’ Raph yelled as his brother clicked the remote, changing the channel from a cartoon he was watching to the news.
‘’Stop whining Raph, apparently, something big is going up there. April thinks we should check it out.’’ Donnie replied, rolling his eyes.
‘’Then go topside and have a look! It was just getting interesting too,’’ Raph took a dive for the remote, attempting to rip it out of his hand, failing miserably.
‘’Hey stop it you big baby,’’ Donnie said pushing Raph back with his foot, ‘’I’m trying to listen. You can watch whatever you want in a minute.’’
‘’Whatever,’’ Raph said defeatedly, slumping back in the chair and folding his arms.
‘’Oh my god…’’ Donnie said, causing his brother to look up confused. Then, he saw it.
‘’Leo, Mikey get in here!’’ Raph yelled, unable to take his eyes off of the news anchor.
‘’What’s the matter Ra-’’ Leo stopped, mouth open as he too became transfixed on the news report.
‘’What are you doing dude? Why are you just standing there like a-’’ Mikey was the last to realise.
Raph felt a pit open in his stomach. He wasn’t sure if he was going to hurl or cry as he listened to what the lady said.
‘’News just in: Over 1000 people have contracted the parasite, with the numbers rapidly rising. The people in the zombie-like state cannot hear you but have incredible eyesight so stay hidden at all costs. Do not try to interact with them, as even just a minor scratch could cause you to contract it and turn into one of those things. If you’re out on the streets, we here at CNN implore you to immediately seek shelter. There are emergency bunkers if you can not return home quick enough and if you can arrive home, lock the doors, border the windows and do not answer the door to anyone outside of your household. We will keep you updated.’’
‘’Oh my God,’’ Donnie repeated, his shoulder sinking and his leg bucked, causing Raph to fall onto the floor. Though he didn’t shout. Didn’t curse. Didn’t get angry. He stayed silent, besides a small ‘oof’ as he hit the floor, jamming his shoulder.
‘’I- What are we going to do?’’ Leo said quietly, walking over and sinking down next to Donnie.
Raph felt a pit open in the base of his stomach. What were they going to do? What about in 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Did it even matter? Would they even survive? So many unanswered questions swirled around in his mind, a feeling of nausea overcoming his senses.
‘’I’m not sure,’’ Donnie replied softly, still unable to pry his eyes from the TV screen, ‘’We could leave the city? The farmhouse should be still available.’’
‘’I don’t know. Too risky.’’ Raph said from the floor.
‘’Riskier than staying here? New York is a huge city, Raph there are millions of people here. If they see us then there’ll just be more hysteria.’’ Leo said solemnly, a strange look on his face. A look Raph had never seen on his brother before. It was fear. Genuine, pure fear. It contorted his facial features in such a strange way it nearly scared him too. But he wasn’t scared. He couldn’t feel anything, it was disturbing. Sure, the situation was strange and he was mildly uncomfortable with Leo’s facial expression but… he wasn’t scared. Just nauseous. His head was pounding, which didn't help either.
‘’I don’t know I’m just thinking of the long term. Millions of people means millions of stores right?’’
‘’Yeah and millions of infected and millions of raiders. They’ll be nothing to raid. From the looks of things, people are already panic buying. Sure, they can get more stock but long term that’ll just mean more people hitting the stores for supplied when this whole thing gets out of hand.’’ Donnie chipped in, looking down at his T-phone, quickly tapping out messages to god knows who.
‘’Don, you’re great and smart and all but why the hell are you playing with your phone at a time like this?’’ Leo said sternly, looking over at his younger brother who was still looking down at his phone.
‘’First of all, thank you and second of all if you hadn’t noticed there’s a zombie virus currently taking over new york and assumably the world. I’m asking April and Casey if they and their families are ok.’’ Donnie said smugly. Raph smirked. At least one of them was coping well with this.
‘’I don’t know… I agree with Raph. It’s not like the farmhouse has a whole lot that we don’t. Besides, we’re pretty safe down here. Even then we could make some kind of topside stakeout. Like, convert a store or something. Then we can have a ton of supplies AND multiple backup plans,’’ Mikey said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Everyone stared at him in disbelief.
‘’Wow Mikey that’s… actually really smart,’’ Donnie said with a grin. Raph and Leo nodded in agreement, smiling at him too. Mikey smiled back, rubbing the back of his head bashfully.
‘’I don’t know guys it’s not that smart,.’’
‘’It is though! Only April, Casey and a few mutants know we exist so it’s not like we have a high chance of infection. We also have plenty of food and resources down here and miles of sewers to hide in if needs be. Then, when we run out of supplies here in New York we can just go to the farmhouse. There’s that little store that had the weird dream book right? I doubt anyone will hit that. Even then we have chickens there and miles of woods. Food won’t be that hard to come by right?’’ Donnie elaborated, smiling proudly at Mikey.
‘’See little brother?’’ Raph chipped in, ‘’You aren’t a total screw up!’’ Mikey rolled his eyes. ‘’Thanks for the backhanded compliment bro.’’
‘’Any time.’’
‘’So… what do we do now?’’ Leo said, his eyes shifting around to every possible exit or entrance.
‘’I don’t know. Casey said his dad and sister were on their way to the hospital while the outbreak was happening. Turns out she was bit and uh… turned on his dad during the car ride. April said her dad was getting groceries and hasn’t heard from him in nearly 24 hours so she’s not exactly in a good state either. Should we pick them up and bring them back here?’’ Donnie said sadly, looking down at his phone. Evidently, no matter what anyone said he would bring them back to the lair so they all agreed.
‘’More heads may equal more mouths to feel but it also means more hands for supplies so yeah, why not,’’ Leo said with a shrug. Raph was unable to shake the eerie feeling Leo was giving him.
‘’Uh and they’re our best friends? Cold much Leo?’’ He said angrily. Even during the apocalypse he was still so… he wasn't sure but it was nothing good.
‘’Sorry for trying to think logically about the situation Raph. God even during the apocalypse you still won’t let anything I say slide will you?’’
‘’Nope,’’ Raph smiled sweetly.
‘’Good to know. On that note, you can go with Donnie to fetch April and Casey. Mikey and I will stay here to start prep the lair and try to figure out what food and supplies we need.’’ Raph rolled his eyes but nodded, standing to get ready to leave, when he heard a noise.
‘’Raph!’’ Donnie was shouting at him. Why did he keep shouting his name?
‘’What?’’ He responded, confused as to why he was even shouting. He was right next to him?
‘’Raph!’’ He shouted again, louder this time.
His eyes opened and Donnie stood over him, glaring. Great. Another stupid dream.
‘’What?’’ He said groggily, sitting up and stretching out his limbs, chasing away any fleeting relaxation sleep brought.
‘’Leo told me to wake you up. It’s your turn to do the supply run.’’
‘’It was my turn to do the supply run last week’’ Donnie shrugged. Raph sighed and got out of bed, grabbing his sai and bandana, wrapping it tightly around his eyes. The more he thought about it all, the worse he’d feel so, as per usual, he pushed it to the back of his mind and got ready to leave. Pulling his knee and arm pads on he took a deep breath, getting ready to face his older brother.
Slipping through the door, making sure his gear was all secure, he glanced at the large, decaying armchair Leo was sitting in, looking down on him. Nothing miraculous had happened overnight, he hadn’t changed. Raph wasn't sure what he’d expected to be honest. Nothing had changed over the last 6 months so why would it now? Leo’s eyes settled on him. Raph let out a small breath, praying Leo hadn’t heard it.
‘’Raphael, I trust Donatello has told you you’re duties for today?’’ Leo said flatly, his face unchanging.
‘’Duties? He told me about the supply run but nothing else.’’ Raph said, trying to keep the air of annoyance out of his voice but, as per usual, failing.
‘’Your duties are not only your supply run, but there’s a break in our defences. I want you to take Casey with you to check it out and make sure there’s no infected inside the barricade. Then fix it.’’
‘’That’s a four-man job, Casey and me can’t do that alone I-’’ Leo cut him off with a stern glance. He knew what would happen if he continued like this, so he shut his mouth, ‘’Fine.’’ Clenching his fists, he walked out, making sure to not slam anything. He knew what would happen if he did, and he didn’t feel like facing that punishment again.
Raph walked to Caseys room and poked his head around the hung blanket that served as a door.
‘’Case? You up?’’ Raph said, stepping into his friend’s room.
‘’I am now. What’s up?’’ Casey said with a yawn stretching his arms out.
‘’I gotta go on a supply run and Leo wants you to help me fix some ‘hole in our defences, ’’’ Raph said mockingly.
‘’So you want me on your run too?’’
‘’Shoulda just said so bestie!’’ Casey said, jumping up from his mattress on the floor. Raph groaned and rolled his eyes.
‘’Stop it. We gotta go soon or Leo will throw a tantrum,’’ Casey winced. He knew what Leo could be like if he got mad and didn’t want to be on the receiving end of another ‘’tantrum’’ as Raph put it. Raph saw Casey’s calm and fun demeanor deflate before his eyes and he felt his own disappear too. That's what happens when your older brother is a tyrant he supposed.
‘’You got it,’’ He replied, beginning to pull on his own protective gear over his muddied and bloodied clothes.
Once they got to the surface, they breathed in the fresh air. Raph had to admit, a zombie apocalypse wasn’t ideal, but the pollution levels were lower than ever. The air smelt so… clean and that’s one thing he never thought he’d say that in New York.
It’d been 6 months since the world had been overrun by the infected, and 3 since the hierarchy had been ‘established’. By established, he meant enforced. Leo was at the top, then Donnie and April, then it was Mikey and Casey. Last but most certainly least it was him. Something had changed in Leo in the last 6 months and Raph didn’t like it, not only because it meant he was the one having to risk his life for the rest of them, but also because he just wanted his big brother back. The big brother that could take a joke and care about him, even if he was a complete ass sometimes. The big brother that had his back, no matter what. The big brother he once had once known though, was gone. He let out a sigh, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Casey.
‘’What’s on your mind man?’’ Casey said, slinging his splintering bat over his shoulder.
‘’I don’t know. Just fuckin’... Leo man. He’s so up himself but I’m genuinely worried. This entire thing is getting to his head seriously. You’ve seen how he’s been? On top of that, he’s been such an ass to me. It’s always me doing supply runs and me risking my shell just to get some more stuff for everyone. It’s not even like we need it! We have plenty in the sewer. Besides, I don’t think he even cares that much. He’s so cold I just… I miss my brother ya know man?’’ Raph lowered his head, refusing to let this moment of emotion overtake him.
‘’I know dude,’’ Casey said, looking away too, ‘’I just… it’s hard. I don’t even know if my sister is still alive. Well to an extent. What if someone… you know. Same with my dad. Gotta admit, this whole zombie apocalypse thing totally blows a lot more than the movies and tv shows made it look.’’ He wiped his gloved hand over his eyes, sniffing slightly. Raph looked over, his face falling.
‘’Hey man, c’mon,’’ He said softly, wrapping his arm around his friend’s shoulder, ‘’I’m sure they’re fine. We’ll find them and save them, no matter what. Donnie’s working night and day on the cure and has been for months, it can’t be long now until he has it working!’’ Raph said encouragingly, shaking Casey a little. He let out a small, less enthusiastic laugh.
‘’Yeah I hope so,’’ He looked up and smiled at Raph, something behind him catching his attention, ‘’Hey we’re here,’’ he said, pointing over his shoulder to the small corner store. They were surprised it hadn’t been hit initially, considering how open and obvious it was, but to be honest, they weren’t complaining.
‘’What do we even need anyway?’’ Casey said, pushing open the door.
‘’Shit if I know. I think we’re running low on some first aid stuff so we could just grab some of that. We could also grab some more luxury stuff like candy or something.’’
‘’Ooo yeah sure. Sounds good. April was saying she was getting bored, I’ll see if they have any stationary stuff. Then D was saying he needed more coffee so I’ll get that too. Anything you want me to grab you Raph?’’ Raph thought for a second before replying.
‘’Nah I’m good. I was gonna get Mikey some gummy bears or something so I’ll see if they have anything good.’’
‘’Suit yourself,’’ Casey said, crossing his arms behind his head and scanning the shelves with his eyes, looking for what he wanted.
Raph walked over to the register and looked behind it, his eyes wandering to a jar full of gummy animals. Mikey would love that. He walked behind the register and snagged it from the shelf, tucking it safely into the bag slung over his shoulder.
Suddenly, a noise came from the backroom. Something… falling? He looked over at Casey to see if he’d heard it too. The panicked look on his face told him everything. Raph motioned for him to be quiet as he pulled his sai from their position at his waist and slowly walked towards the closed wooden door. Twisting the handle ever so slowly, he peeked in, scanning the darkroom for signs of movement. Raph smirked and turned out, looking at Casey.
‘’All clear. I think we’re going stir-’’ Raph was cut off as he was yanked back into the darkness, only able to let out a small yelp before he came crashing to the ground.
‘’Raph!’’ Casey yelled, taking a running jump and throwing himself over the counter towards the door, pulling it open all the way.
‘’Get off me you freak!’’ Raph yelled, pushing the infected away with all his might, but it was persistent, snapping and lurching towards him. Casey swung his bat in a downward arch, pushing it further towards Raph.
‘’Dude! Away from me! Not towards you dumbass!’’ Raph screamed, pushing the creature back off him as it clawed and lurched forward again, taking him by surprise. He let out a yelp as he pushed it back again.
‘’Sorry man!’’ Casey shouted back, this time using his bat to scoop the thing off his friend, throwing it into a corner and beginning to bash its already decaying head in.
‘’You ok Raph?’’ Casey asked, looking over his friend before taking his hand and helping him back to his feet.
‘’Yeah,’’ He said, gulping air down, ‘’I’m alright.’’
‘’You didn’t get bit or scratched or anything?’’ Casey said cautiously, his eyes scanning Raph cautiously, taking a couple steps back.
‘’Not that I know of. He had a good go at it though, I’ll give him that.’’ Casey snorted, slinging his bat back into his backpack.
‘’Let’s just get what we need and get out of here. Probably attracted more with your girly screaming.’’
‘’Who are you calling girly Jones? You screamed way more than I did,’’ Raph said, punching Casey on the shoulder.
‘’We’ll call it even.’’
‘’Shit! The gummies! I hope I didn’t smash the jar when I fell back. Mikey’d love those,’’ Raph said, pulling his backpack around his body and opening it, checking the jar was fine.
‘’I just gotta grab Red something. I’ve got the coffee and stuff so we should be good to go.’’
‘’Yeah. I’ll probably grab some chocolate or something. See if Leo wants any.’’ Raph walked over to the chocolate selection on the counter. Though sparse, there were some decent choices. Grabbing a couple of crunchie bars and snickers, he stashed them away in his bag and checked he had everything. Only his sai where missing. He must’ve dropped them when he was attacked. Jumping the counter, he swung the door open again and saw them in the middle of the floor, the once cleanly wrapped handles decaying, the perfect shiny metal scuffed and marked, on the verge of rusting. He sighed and picked them up, looking back over at the zombie that lay on the floor, its brain splattered on the tiles. The grey-green skin was eerie but… so human. Raph wondered if he had been the owner of the store before all this. Most of his lower body was gone, it seemed to cut off just above his pelvis. It was nearly disturbing… but after 6 months of this, you get desensitised to the excessive violence.
‘’You ok man?’’ Casey said behind him, startling him out of his thoughts.
‘’Yeah. I'm good. Lets… just go home.’’ 
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30. Danger In The Desert
The episode begins with some strange robots approaching a town in the middle of a desert. They are at the outskirts of the town. They then put their pipe-like arms into the ground, and begin sucking up water. All over the town, people are noticing that the water supply is disappearing. They check the pipes to see what is causing the water to suddenly be drained. Dr. Wily's robots approach the townsfolk and tell them that if they want their water back, they need to pay a rather large sum of money. The townsfolk look at each other with concern and worry. They tell them that they don't think that they can pay the ransom. The evil robots tell them that that's too bad, and so they will have to take the town. The townsfolk hold each other and whimper in fear.
On the other side of the country, Mega Man, Roll, and Rush are at a gas station on the side of a highway. Mega Man and Rush are waiting at their car for Roll to be done at the gas station's store. Mega Man is drinking a bottled drink, and Rush is drinking from a portable dog bowl. Roll comes out of the store with a drink of her own and a bag of some stuff. They all get in their car. On their way back to their home, Dr. Light calls them up on the car's videophone. He tells them that Dr. Wily has drained a town in the southwestern part of the country of its water, and that he is holding their water supply for ransom. Roll pulls over the car so that Mega Man and Rush can get out and fly over to the town.
When Mega Man and Rush arrive at the town, they find that it is being guarded by some Wily Bots. Mega Man destroys some of them with his plasma cannon. Some more Wily Bots come towards Mega Man. "Wanna try me?" Mega Man yells out to them. The Wily Bots fire at him. Mega Man cries out "Guess so!", and destroys them also with his plasma cannon. Mega Man then says to Rush, "Come on Rush, let's drive 'em out!" They then run into the town. In the town, Dr. Wily's robots are taking apart the pipes that carry water to the town. Guts Man reaches into the ground and tears out a large section of pipe. "Here's some more!" Guts Man cries out to the other bad robots. Proto Man praises Guts Man and turns to Cut Man digging out the pipes with the cutters on his head and says so that Cut Man can hear, "If only some robots were more efficient at ripping up pipes!" Cut Man yells back at Proto Man, "I'm trying my best, okay!?" He gets back to digging up some pipes. He manages to get one out and is carrying it to the pile of pipes. He sees Mega Man and Rush heading towards them. He cries out "Mega Man!" Mega Man responds with, "That's my name don't wear it out!" Proto Man runs up to Mega Man aims his cannon at him. Proto Man yells out "I'm going to wear you out, little bro!" He then fires some shots at Mega Man. 
Mega Man avoids the shots and fires back at Proto Man. Somewhere in the town, Pump Man hears the conflict and runs over to assist Proto Man and the others. Pump Man yells at the water-draining robots to continue their work. Meanwhile, Guts Man grabs one of the pipes and yells "Pipe down, blue dweeb!" at Mega Man and throws the pipe at him. The pipe hits Mega Man and pins him down onto the ground. Mega Man tries to lift the pipe off of himself. Guts Man stomps onto the pipe and pins Mega Man down with his foot. "Sorry, Mega Dweeb!" Guts Man tells him as he is struggling to get free, "But I've gotta put my foot down! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Guts Man pushes his foot harder on Mega Man. The pressure causes the pipe to crack. Mega Man charges up his plasma cannon and fires a fully charged blast at Guts Man's head. The blast shoots his head off. Gut's Man remaining body steps off of the pipe and goes of to retrieve the head. Guts Man's head lands into a trash can. Guts Man's body is aimlessly running around. His head yells out "Hey! Over here!" His body gets nearer to thetrash can. The body feels around in a recycling bin nearby. "No! Over here you idiot!" Guts Man's head cries out, the trash can making his voice echo. His body finally comes over to the trash can his head is in. The body reaches in and grabs the head. "Careful!" Guts Man's head yells out. The body puts his head back on. Meanwhile, Mega Man manages to lift the pipe off of himself. He gets up and sees that there is a large crack over his pectoral plate. "That's going to need some stitches!" Mega Man says to himself. Proto Man charges up his cannon and aims it at Mega Man. He says to Mega Man "Last warning, bro! Leave or be destroyed!" Cut Man also aims his weapon cannon at Mega Man and says "Yes, Mega Man! Beat it!" Pump Man and the water-draining robots aim their respective cannons at Mega Man as well. Mega Man sees that he is outnumbered, and walks away. An evil smile appears on Proto Man's face. "Ready...aim..." he slowly says. Mega Man turns his head around and sees that they are all preparing to fire at him at once. Guts Man manages to pull a huge chunk of rock out of the ground and prepares to throw it at Mega Man. Mega Man tries to run away from them as fast as his robotic legs can. "Fire!" Proto Man cries out with great power. They all fire their cannons at once. Guts Man throws his reasonably sized boulder. Mega Man manages to avoid some of the shots, but is hit by the rest of them. The boulder hits him on the back of his head. He gets knocked out and falls to the ground. Rush sees that Mega Man has been hurt, and runs up to him to get him out of danger's way. He places him on his back, turns into his Jet Mode, and flies away. Dr. Wily's robots watch them fly off. Proto Man yells out "Yeah, that's right! Fly away! Fly very far away!"  
Back at Dr. Light's lab, Mega Man is getting his pectoral plate fixed. As he is getting repaired, Mega Man is telling Dr. Light about the current situation at the desert town. "That's terrible!" Dr. Light says. Mega Man replies "Yeah, the whole entire town has been deprived of water!" Roll comes into the main lab and suggests secretly giving the townsfolk water while Mega Man sorts Dr. Wily out. Dr. Light tells Roll that Dr. Wily and his robots might do even worse to the town as they know that Mega Man is assisting them. Mega Man tells Dr. Light that that is still a good idea in order to keep the townsfolk alive and well. Dr. Light is now done with repairing Mega Man. Mega Man still has a scuff on the back of his helmet from where he was hit on the back of the head with Gut's Man thrown boulder. "We'll worry about that cosmetic defect later." Dr. Light tells Mega Man. Just then, a call comes up on the big screen. Dr. Light goes up to it. A few people show up on the screen. They quietly tell Dr. Light that their town has been taken over and deprived of water. Dr. Light tells them "You're going to have to speak up, I can barely hear you." Against the others' protests, one of them speaks up louder and tells Dr. Light "Some robots have taken our water supply! They're ripping the water pipes out of the ground and-" A disturbingly familiar voice cuts the person off. "They've gone over here!" the voice yells out. The people look over and see Guts Man and Cut Man walking down towards them. Dr. Light gasps and fears that they will be harmed for giving out information about the current state of their town. "We're cutting your little forbidden call short!" Cut Man yells out. He throws the cutters on his head at the screen. The screen blacks out. Dr. Light immediately goes over to Mega Man. Mega Man is still lying on the table, and has gotten comfortable and is sleeping. "Mega Man!" Dr. Light cries out. Mega Man suddenly wakes and cries out "What is it, Dr. Light?" Dr. Light says to him, "Dr. Wily's claimed another town in the desert, and it looks like his robots are going after the inhabitants there! You must get there immediately!" Mega Man gets up off of the table and says to Dr. Light "I'll be there in two shakes of a robot lamb's tail!" He calls out for Rush. "Rush! Come on! We have some humans to save!" Mega Man cries out. Rush runs over to Mega Man and immediately turns into his Jet Mode. Mega Man jumps on him and they both fly out of the main lab and off to
the desert. Dr. Light has Roll get some water tanks. He has her fill them up with water and pack them onto the Air Raider. "You can count on Roll's water delivery company!" Roll says to Dr. Light as she boards the Air Raider. The Air Raider flies off.
Back at the desert town, Guts Man is carrying the last of the townsfolk towards a makeshift cage. Aqua Man opens up the cage door, and Guts Man throws them in with the rest of the people. "You've been naughty!" Guts Man yells at them as they quiver in fear of the large robot "You brats need a time out! Ha ha ha ha ha!" He slams the door of the cage shut. Pipe Man walks over to Guts Man with some of the water-draining robots. He tells him that they need Cut Man and Proto Man to look out for Mega Man, as it is very likely that he has heard of the townsfolk's plight. "You should be on the lookout too!" Pump Man tells him. Guts Man protests "But da fleshy rats might es-" Pump Man cuts him off and says "Don't worry, Guts Man, they'll be fine!" Guts Man groans "Oh, alright! I'll go look fer da blue dweeb!" Guts Man walks away, as does Pump Man and the water-draining robots. The sun begins to beat down on the cage. Elsewhere, Proto Man is looking up at the sky for Mega Man. Up in the sky, Mega Man is flying towards the town. He spots Proto Man and tries to fly past him as quickly as
Rush can. Proto Man spots them and yells out "Hey! I thought we told you to not come back to these parts!" Mega Man yells down to Proto Man "It's a free country, Proto Man! Me and Rush can go wherever we please!" Rush barks in agreement. He then says "And I can do this as well!" Mega Man fires at Proto Man. Proto Man shoots back and hits one of Rush's jets. Rush cannot stabilize himself and ends up leaning. Mega Man nearly falls off and holds on to Rush. "Down Boy!" Proto Man says as he fires another shot at the other jet. Both of Rush's jets have now been destroyed. He plummets to the desert terrain. Mega Man is thrown off of Rush and lands hard onto the ground. The sun is brightly shining, making the ground rather hot. Rush turns back into his original form, and scoots his butt on the desert in order to stop the flames. Mega Man gets up off of the scorching ground and fires again at Proto Man. Proto Man calls up the robot masters and tells them that he needs reinforcements. Mega Man hears Rush yelp and looks over to see that Guts Man has gotten ahold of him. Mega Man aims his cannon at Guts Man and yells out to him "Let him go, Lug Head!" Guts Man says "Sure thing, Mega Dweeb!" He slams Rush down onto the ground, smashing him into parts. Mega Man angrily fires a fully charged blast at Guts Man. Guts Man is knocked down. Mega Man thinks that he has been knocked out and goes over to pick up Rush's parts. To his surprise, Guts Man gets up and swings at him, launching him across the area. "Surprise, Mega Dummy!" Guts Man yells out as Mega Man skids across the burning desert ground.
Mega Man tries to get up, but he has been a bit damaged. "Hurry! While he's down!" Proto Man cries out to the other evil robots. Cut Man, Aqua Man, Dive Man, and Guts Man each grab one of Mega Man's limbs. They tie him down onto the ground and leave him to be overheated by the sun. "Don't forget your sunscreen! Ha ha ha ha!" Proto Man says as he and the robot masters walk away. Mega Man looks up and sees that the sun is making him hot. Rush comes to and sees Mega Man bound to the ground. He tries to put himself together, but mixes up his body. Rush tries to hop over to Mega Man, but falls apart. Mega Man looks over
to Rush and tells him "It's okay, boy, you tried..." Rush whimpers and can only watch as the sun gets brighter and Mega Man's race getting redder from the intense heat of the desert sun. Mega Man looks up at the sun and closes his eyes. "So this is how I'm going to check out...fried like a motherboard..." Mega Man says to himself. He closes his eyes very tightly. He braces himself for his coming solar demise.
Proto Man and the other robot masters watch the whole situation from a distance. Cut Man says to Proto Man "Maybe we should turn him over so he's evenly cooked on both sides! Ahe he he he!" "No," Proto Man says to Cut Man "Just let him roast, real good! Ha ha ha ha ha!" He looks back at the other bad robots and says "Come on! We have another town to suck dry!" They walk away, leaving Mega man to slowly overheat. Mega Man closes his eyes tightly and begins to pant from the intense heat. He slowly says "Dr. Light...I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I failed...I should have just..." He suddenly feels a cold splash of water on his face. He opens his eyes and looks up. Roll is standing over him with a now empty bucket of water, the remaining drops dripping onto his nose. Roll laughs and says "You looked like you could use some cooling off!" Mega Man looks at his restraints and back up at Roll and says "Uhhh....I could use some more than just a quick, cold shower..." Roll smiles and says "Rush has got it covered!" and points over to Rush, who has been put back together by her. Mega Man's
face lights up as Rush runs over and rips off his restraints with his mouth. Mega Man gets up and hugs both of them. "I can always count on you guys to save my blue skin!" he says to them. Rush barks at them and points with his snout in the direction that Dr. Wily's robot ran off. "Good boy, Rush!" Mega Man says to him "Let's go round them up!" All three of them run off, but as they are about to get there, Mega Man begins to short circuit. He falls down. "Mega!" Roll cries out. Mega Man tells Roll "Guess my circuits were sizzled!" and tries to get up, but falls back down. Rush's rear end begins to smoke again. "Not you too, Rush?" Roll says to him as he rubs his butt on the ground to put out the smoke. Roll calls up Dr. Light on her arm and tells him that Mega Man and Rush need repairs. Dr. Light tells her that he will be right there in his Mobile Lab. Mega Man and Rush sit down on the ground and wait. Rush lays his head on Mega Man's lap. Roll tells Mega Man "Why don't you two wait in the Air Raider, where it's much cooler!" Rush barks and runs up to the Air Raider. Mega Man slowly walks to the air vehicle, twitching a bit along the way.
Inside the Air Raider, Mega Man and Rush are relaxing. Mega Man has his feet up on the dashboard. The videophone suddenly comes on, startling Mega Man. Mega Man nearly falls off of the chair. He then presses a button and answers the call. Dr. Light comes up on the screen. He tells him that he is calling them from his Mobile Lab. He informs Mega Man that Dr. Wily has claimed a few other towns. The other towns have also been drained of their water. Mega Man and Roll are shocked by this. Rush hears something and gets out of the Air Raider. "Rush! Where are you going?" Mega Man yells out. Rush yells out "People! Trouble!" Mega Man and Roll follow Rush in the Air Raider.
Elsewhere in the town, Rush finds the cage with the townsfolk inside and barks out to the Air Raider. The Air Raider lands and Mega Man gets out. He goes over to the cage to see the townsfolk. They are red and covered in sweat. "Mega Man!" one of them says "Thank goodness you're here!" Mega Man yells over to Roll "Roll! Give these humans some water! They really need it!" Mega Man blasts open the cage and frees them. Mega Man asks them about how the water had been taken from their town. As the townsfolk explain to Mega Man how Dr. Wily stole their water, Guts Man sees that Mega Man freed them. He jumps down from one of the rooftops with a thud so powerful that it breaks up the earth. Mega Man and his allies are nearly knocked to the ground by the earth-shattering force of Guts Man's jump onto the desert ground. Guts Man stomps over to them, smashing his footprints into the ground. "What do ya think yer doin'!?" he roars out. Mega Man aims his cannon at Guts Man and yells out "Don't even think about it, Guts Man!" Guts Man sees that Roll is quickly giving the very thirsty townsfolk some water. "Now yer in fer it!" he yells out at Roll. He runs over to her, getting ready to strike her. He tries to smash his way past Mega Man. Mega Man
sees that Guts Man is about to attack his sister. "Oh no you don't, Guts Lug!" Mega Man yells out in anger. He bends backwards, grabs Guts Man by his sides, and suplexes him forward. Guts Man is smashed into the ground with astonishing force. The force breaks up the ground around Guts Man. Guts Man's lower body and legs are sticking out of the ground. Mega Man wipes the sand and dirt off of his hands. Roll finishes up giving the townsfolk water and loads them up into the Air Raider. Proto Man and Cut Man hear and feel the commotion and run over to where the noise was coming from. They are too late, Mega Man and the others have flown away in the Air Raider. Proto Man sees Guts Man's legs flailing around and laughs at the spectacle before him. "What are you doing there?" Proto Man asks Guts Man, still laughing, "Trying to do a handstand?" Guts Man growls in anger, his growls muffled by the earth he is buried in. He yells out "Don't just stand there and gawk, help me out!" Proto Man replies "Why can't you get yourself out? I though you were the strongest robot in the world..." Guts Man becomes very frustrated and roars out "Fine! I'll get myself out!" The ground splits into large cracks as Guts Man frees himself. He pops out of the ground and falls right on his butt. Proto Man is surprised. The force of Mega Man's suplex has split
Guts Man's helmet completely in half, its halves remaining in the ground. Guts Man senses that he doesn't have his helmet on. He feels the top of his head and feels his buzzcut blonde hair. "Aw! Dat blue dweeb owes me a new helmet!" Guts Man yells out. Cut Man yells out "Proto Man! Over here!" Proto Man runs over to where the cage is. Cut Man points to some puddles on the ground. "So..." Proto Man says "They've been watering them under our noses..." He looks up at Cut Man and tells him "They must be hauling some water around and giving it to our towns. We need to put an end to their charity work!"
Back at the Mobile Lab, Dr. Light and the other townsfolk have set up camp. Dr. Light tells Mega Man and Roll to deliver water tanks to the townsfolk to keep them clean and hydrated until Dr. Wily can be sorted out. In the meantime, Dr. Light will create a large robot that will reinstall the water pipes. He tells Mega Man to attack Dr. Wily's robots if he must. Mega Man says "I sure hope they don't have any dirty little tricks up their metal sleeves..."
At Skull Fortress, Dr. Wily's robots are training in the "gym" room. Proto Man is using some rather heavy barbells. He hears Guts Man grunting loudly. Proto Man looks over and sees that Guts Man is lifting up a barbell with two tanks at each end. Proto Man snickers and says "Don't burst a wire, Guts Man!" Guts Man looks over and says "Aww, shut up, Proto Pipsqueak!" Guts Man looses his balance and falls backwards with the barbell landing on his neck. Cut Man is lifting a barbell with the cutters on his head. The p.a. system comes
on and makes a loud screech. Cut Man covers his ears. The barbell falls down and takes his cutter along with it. Dr. Wily comes on and tells his robots to report to the main lab for their next mission. "Finally, some action!" Proto Man yells out with excitement. Guts Man manages to lift the barbell off of himself and runs off along with the other bad robots. All three of them enter the main lab. "What's up, Doc?" Proto Man says to Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily groans at Proto Man's jokey greeting and turns around. He tells his robotic minions that he has a way to put an end to Mega Man and his allies bringing water to the townsfolk in the conquered towns in the desert. "You three are going to play 'spies' for me." Dr. Wily tells them. He tells them that when they find the water tanks, they will destroy them. There is a metal box on the table in the middle of the main lab. Dr. Wily goes over to it and says "I made you gentlebots some friends to assist you on your spy mission..." Dr. Wily opens up the metal box. Inside the box, are some strange-looking Batontons. They are basically large, metallic white eyes with grey irises and black wings with purple webbing. "Interesting Batontons, Doc..." Proto Man says as he gets in closer to see them. He then says "Are these Bantontons any different from the garden variety bat bots?" "Very different!" Dr. Wily says to Proto Man. He takes one out of the box and shows Proto Man how it works. He tells him that it is a spying robot. He explains to him that when he puts his information into it via touching it, its iris will change color to match his eye color. He can now close one eye in order to see through the Batonton's eye and use it to spy on wherever the Batonton flies to. "Cool!" Proto Man exclaims. "Yes, Proto Man," Dr. Wily says, "Very, very cool." "We are going to spy on Mega Man with these!" Dr. Wily tells his evil robots. Dr. Wily then says to them "There will be many eyes watching him, there will be nowhere for him to hide!" Cut Man is excited to use them. He reaches out a hand to touch one of them. Dr. Wily closes the lid of the metal box right on Cut Man's fingers. "Ow!" Cut Man yells out in pain. He looks at his hand and sees that four of his fingers have been crushed. Dr. Wily tells his robots that when they arrive back at the town, that each one of them should touch an Eye Batonton and use it to track down Mega Man and his allies. He hands the chest to Proto Man, who takes it with open arms. "Oh, and one more thing.." Dr. Wily says to Proto Man. "...and what's that?" Proto Man asks him with a bit of sass. Dr. Wily looks him straight in the eyes and says sternly "Do not fail me!" Proto Man frowns and simply turns and walks away. Guts Man and Cut Man just stand there with some fear in their expressions. Dr. Wily points in Proto Man's direction and yells at them, "Follow him!" Guts Man and Cut Man salute him and run off after Proto Man.
At one of the desert towns, Mega Man and Rush are hauling a tankard of water off to the next row of houses. "I wonder how Roll's doing..." Mega Man says to Rush. Proto Man sneaks onto a rooftop and sees them. He then jumps off of the building and runs off. Rush sniffs the air and growls. "Are Wily's bots around here?" Mega Man asks Rush. Rush nods and continues growling. Mega Man chuckles and says "Wily's robots stink, don't they?" They continue on with distributing water to the town's houses. Proto Man goes back over to Guts Man and Cut Man. Guts Man is holding the metal box. He places it on the ground and opens it up. Proto Man claps his hands and says "Alright, each of you get a Spy Batonton!" All three of them grab a Spy Bantonton. "Now place your hand on them," Proto Man continues "like this..."  Proto Man places his hand on the Spy Batonton. The Spy Batonton copies his head plan and its iris turns red to match his eye color. Guts Man and Cut Man place their hands on their respective Spy Batontons. They too copy their head plans. Guts Man's Spy Batonton's iris turns sky blue, and Cut Man's Spy Batonton's iris turns completely black. Proto Man yells out "Now unleash them!" All three of them throw the Spy Baontons up in the air. The Spy Batontons fly off in search of Mega Man.
Elsewhere, Mega Man is delivering water to a two-story house. "Thank you so much, Mega Man!" the woman living there says. She then asks him about the pipes being reinstalled. Mega Man tells her about Dr. Light building a large robot that will replace the pipes. Proto Man's Spy Batonton flies over behind Mega Man and Rush. Through the Spy Batonton's eye, Proto Man sees and hears that Dr. Light is going to build a robot to replace the pipes. "Bingo!" he says to himself. Proto Man calls up Cut Man on his arm cannon and says "Got the scoop on Roll yet, Cut Man?" Cut Man is in the town's plaza, siting on a bench. Cut Man answers Proto Man's call and says "I've still got my eye on her, if you know what I mean." One of his eyes is closed. Proto Man next calls up Guts Man. "Yo, Guts Man!" Proto Man says "Are you seeing anything good?" Guts Man is walking through one of the town's districts. As with Cut Man, one of his eyes is closed. Through the Spy Batonton, he comes across a huge vehicle. Dr. Light walks out of the vehicle. The mayors of the conquered towns ask Dr. Light about the progress of the robot. Dr. Light tells them that he is almost done constructing it. Guts Man chuckles evilly and says to Proto Man "A little Spy Batonton told me dat Dr. Light's gonna have a large robot replace dose pipes we ripped out." Proto Man laughs evilly and says "Dr. Wily's gonna love that!" Proto Man is distracted by Guts Man's revealing information, and doesn't notice that Rush has alerted Mega Man to the Spy Batonton behind them. "Sizzling Circuits! A spying batonton!" Mega Man yells out, grabbing Proto Man's attention. Proto Man tries to get the Spy Batonton to fly away, but it is too late, Mega Man quickly destroys it.
Proto Man shakes his head. Guts Man calls up Proto Man and tells him that Dr. Light has spotted his Spy Batonton. Proto Man calls up Cut Man and tells him to be careful, as their adversaries have found out that they are being spied on.  Cut Man doesn't pay attention to him, he is using his Spy Batonton to watch some robot girls. "Cut Man! Cut Man?" Proto Man calls to him. Cut Man laughs in a perverted way as he is watching them. Proto Man, in anger, yells out "Cut Man!" Cut Man is startled by Proto Man's angry yelling and cries out "What? What? What is it?" Proto Man groans and tells him "Keep an eye out! Literally! The good guys know they're being watched!" Cut Man replies "Don't worry Proto Man, my eye is peeled! Ahe ahe ahe!"
Meanwhile, Mega Man and Rush are running around, looking for the remaining Spy Batontons. "We need to keep our eyes out for those eyes!" Mega Man tells Rush. Mega Man calls up Roll on his arm cannon and tells her that there are some Spy Batontons flying around gathering intelligence for Dr. Wily and his robots. Roll tells him that she is almost done with bringing water to the townsfolk. Just then, something catches her eye. She looks up and is frightened by the sight of a Spy Batonton flying right in front of her. She runs away from it, but her means of escape is blocked by the other Spy Batonton. She switches to her ice pick attatchment and aims it at the flying robotic eye. She yells out "Get any closer and I'll poke your eyes out!" She aims her ice pick at both of the Spy Batontons. She hears Guts Man roar out "There she is!" She looks over to see Guts Man, Cut Man, and Proto Man looking down at her from the roof of a large general store. Proto Man tells Roll "There's a no water rule around here!" Cut Man throws the cutters on his head at the water tanks. To Cut Man's shock, Roll deflects the cutter with her ice pick. The cutter ends up slicing through the posts holding the general store up. The building falls down. Proto Man and Cut Man manage to jump off of the building before it crumbles down, but Guts Man is unable to get off before the building collapse. Cut Man and Proto Man cannot see Roll due to the dust cloud that has formed from the building collapsing. Cut Man tells Proto Man "Let me use my Spy Batonton!"
Through the Spy Batonton, Cut Man cannot find Roll anywhere. "She must have used the dust cloud to make an escape!" Proto Man tells Cut Man. He then says to him "Let's get her!" Cut Man asks Proto Man "What about Guts Man?" Proto Man replies "Don't worry about him, Cut Man, he can get himself out!" They run after Roll with Cut Man's Spy Batonton following them. The dust cloud settles, revealing that Guts Man is buried under the wooden planks of the general store. Mega Man and Rush run over to where the general store now lays in a heap of broken wood and glass. Guts Man's Spy Batonton turns around and spots them. Guts Man bursts out of the wreckage and yells out "Those dorky bots are mine!" He has his Spy Batonton go off after them. He runs off after them.
In the next town over, Pump Man, Aqua Man, and the water-draining robots are walking over to the Skullker. The Skullker is at another town. Dr. Wily gets out of the Skullker, looks at the town, and says "Another town, another trophy..." He then commands Pump Man and Aqua Man "Pump Man! Aqua Man! Suck them dry of their precious water! Mwa ha ha ha ha!" Pump Man responds "With great pleasure, Dr. Wily!" Aqua Man signals the water-draining robots to follow him into the town. "We'll drain them dry! Bone dry!" Aqua Man gloats with malice. They all walk towards the town. Back at the desert town, Roll is running away from Proto Man and Cut Man, with Cut Man's Spy Batonton flying behind them. Cut Man says "Let me get a better view of her! Ahe ahe ahe!" He has the Spy Batonton fly up closer to her.
Meanwhile, Mega Man and Rush manage to locate Roll. They see that she is being pursued. "Let's get down there and rescue Roll!" Mega Man says to Rush. They are about to jump down from the roof that they are on, but they are stopped by Guts Man's Spy Batonton flying
up right in front of them. Mega Man and Rush are startled and jump back. They hear Guts Man behind them yell out "There you are, ya rotten robots!" Guts Man climbs up onto the roof. On his way up, Guts Man yells out "I'm going to squash ya and turn ya into a Mega
Pancake!" Guts Man gets up onto the roof and uses his Super Arm to rip out a huge chunk of the roof. Guts Man throws the chunk at Mega Man and Rush. They both casually step aside to avoid the chunk. The chunk ends up hitting Guts Man's Spy Batonton and destroys it.
Mega Man smirks and says "Looks like your little toy got broken!" Guts Man stomps his foot and growls in anger. Smoke comes out of his 'ears' and his face turns red. He charges at Mega Man and attempts to hit him with his arm. The roof of the building gives way. Guts Man falls through the roof and lands with a loud, shaking thud. Mega Man and Rush look down the large hole in the roof and see that Guts Man has landed into a large crate of watermelons. Mega Man yells down to Guts Man "Drop by again next fall, Gutsy!" Mega Man and Rush then jump off of the roof of the building. Guts Man falls out of the watermelon crate, and tries to get up. But, he slips on the watermelon juice on the floor and lands into a large crate of tomatoes. He kicks his feet and lets out an enraged roar. Meanwhile, Roll is trying to shake of Proto Man and Cut Man. Cut Man's Spy Batonton flies in front of her. This gives her an idea. Cut Man says to Roll "I see you're cornered! Ahe ahe ahe!" Roll suddenly grabs the Spy Batonton and throws it at Cut Man. The Spy Batonton smashes into Cut Man's chest, knocking him down. "Strike One!" Roll yells out. Proto man says to her "Pretty sneaky, sis!" He gets ready to aim at Roll, but Dr. Wily calls him up on his arm cannon. Proto Man groans and says "I never get to have any fun!" Mega Man and Rush find Roll and walk up to her. "Are you alright, Roll?" Mega Man asks her, a little bit out of breath. "Of course I am, Mega!" Roll tells him. She looks down at a knocked out Cut Man and says "Too bad the same can't be said about Cut Man!" Dr. Light comes up on Mega Man's arm cannon and tells him that the pipe-placing robot is ready and that he needs him to serve as its "bodyguard". He tells Roll that she should continue in giving the townsfolk in the occupied towns water. Roll is a little upset that she can't assist Mega Man in guarding the large pipe-laying robot. Mega Man tells her that her assignment is much more valuable then his. Roll thanks him for the complement. Mega Man, Rush, and Roll go their separate ways. Mega Man and Rush fly off to where Dr. Light's Mobile Lab is parked, Roll runs over to the Air Raider.
Unbeknowst to them, Cut Man was feigning being knocked out. He gets up and throws the destroyed Spy Batonton off of himself. He stands up and hears Guts Man throwing a fit. "Guts Man?" Cut Man cries out. He can hear Guts Man from a few hundred feet away. He runs over to the source of Guts Man's yelling. As he gets closer, he can make out Guts Man yelling out "That blue dweeb and his dumb dog are going to pay for my ruined armor! Raaaaah!" Cut Man finds him getting out of the crate of tomatoes. Cut Man yells to Guts Man "Guts Man! This is not the time for a snack!" Guts Man finally gets up on his feet and yells out "It's the blue dork's fault! He's the one who made me-" "Never mind the blue dweeb!" Cut Man interrupts. He then says "We got to stop his ditzy sister from giving our hostages water!" Guts Man yells out "Well what are we waiting for!? Let's get her water delivery business all wet!" Guts Man runs out of the building. Cut Man sighs and follows him. Back at the Mobile Lab, Mega Man and Rush arrive at the wheeled lab. Dr. Light shows them the large pipe-laying robot. "Awesome!" Mega Man says. Dr. Wily's robots see that the robot is a lot bigger than they thought. Proto Man calls up Dr. Wily on his arm cannon and tells him "We're going to need the others, Doc. The pipe layer looks like it's one tough hombre!" Dr. Wily tells him that Pump Man and Aqua Man are busy and that they will have to take care of the robot themselves. Proto Man protests and says "But Mega Man and his dumb robo dog are going to be its bodyguards while it reinstalls the pipes..." Dr. Wily groans and says "If you say so...." Proto Man smiles, pleased that this time Dr. Wily actually listened to him, and says "In the meantime, me and the robo boys will give the good guys a very hard time!" Proto Man snickers evilly and presses a button on his arm cannon to hang up the call. He then says to Guts Man and Cut Man "Let's get them while they're gearing up! They'll be at their weakest!" All three of them run down towards the good guys. Rush hears them and barks out to Mega Man. "What is it, Rush?" Mega Man asks him. Rush turns to where the evil robots are and growls at them. Roll and Mega Man look up and see Dr. Wily's robots charging towards them. Proto Man and Cut Man fire at them. Mega Man has Roll and Rush guide the pipe-laying robot while he defends them from attack. "We're putting an end to your humanitarian endeavor!" Proto Man yells out as he fires at Mega Man. Mega Man replies "I didn't
know you knew big words!" Proto Man responds "That's right, Little Brother! Big words and big blasts!" He then fires a fully charged shot at Mega Man. Mega Man loses most of his power and falls down onto the ground. Proto Man turns to Cut Man and says "Execute him!" Cut Man laughs evilly in his unique way and says "Of course, Proto Man! Ahe ahe ahe!" Cut Man takes off the cutters on his head and prepares to throw them at a downed Mega Man. Dr. Light quickly gets back in the Mobile Lab and Eddie comes out. Roll switches to her vacuum attatchment and gets ready for Cut Man to throw his cutters at them. Cut Man remembers then previous times she's done that and says "Oh no! I'm not falling for that again!" He stops himself from throwing the cutters on his head. Guts Man yells out "Let me at 'em!" Mega Man has Roll go ahead and protect the pipe-laying robot. Eddie gives Mega Man some energy cans quickly. Mega Man drinks them and has his energy restored. He gets back up. He yells out to Guts Man "Ready for round 2, Gutsy?" Mega Man puts his fists up and prepares to fight Guts Man. Guts Man tries to punch him, but Mega Man keeps dodging his punches. Proto Man yells out to Guts Man "Quit playing with him, Guts Man, and just put his lights out!" Proto Man looks at Cut Man and says "Looks like he needs some tag partners!" They run over and fire at Mega Man. Mega Man fires back at them. Dr. Light comes out of the Mobile Lab and has the pipe-laying robot get on top of it. Mega Man charges up his cannon and fires a fully charged shot at Dr. Wily's robots. All three of the evil robots are knocked into a cactus patch. The Mobile Lab drives away with the pipe-laying robot on top of it.
Proto Man crawls out of the cactus patch. He picks off the spines that are stuck in his yellow scarf. He calls up Dr. Wily on his arm cannon and tells him that Dr. Light and the pipe-laying robot are heading towards one of the conquered desert towns. Dr. Wily yells out "What!?"
The calls hangs up much to Proto Man's surprise. As Guts Man and Cut Man are picking spines out of their armor, the Skullker lands in front of them. Cut Man finds that a large cactus spine has found its way in one of his ears. He pulls it out and flicks it to the ground. He sees the Skullker and says "Wily got here quick!" Guts Man spits out needles that were in his mouth. Dr. Wily yells out "Get in here now!" The evil robots quickly board the Skullker. The Skullker flies off in pursuit of the Mobile Lab.
At the town, the Mobile Lab parks in the town's plaza. The pipe-laying robot gets off of the Mobile Lab. Dr. Light and his robots get out of the lab on wheels. Pump Man, Aqua Man, and Dr. Wily's water pipe robots approach the plaza. "It's an ambush!" Mega Man cries out. Aqua Man tells them "We're going to dampen your pathetic attempt at saving our towns!" Pump Man sees the giant pipe-laying robot and says "Nice robot, Doc! It would be such a shame if something were to happen to it...like this!" He uses his weapon on the large pipe-laying robot. "Mega Man!" Dr. Light cries out "Defend the robot!" Mega Man nods at Dr. Light and fires at Pipe Man. Pipe Man and Aqua Man combine their weapons and fire a strong burst of high pressure water at Mega Man and Rush. The blast knocks Mega Man's helmet off. Mega Man is pushed against the Mobile Lab. He appears to have been knocked out, but he gets up, grabs his helmet, pours the water out of it, and places it back on his head. "Alright you washed-up robots!" He yells out, still dripping, "I'm ending this water fight!" He fires at Pump Man. Aqua Man order the water-draining robots to attack Mega Man. The water-draining robots charge at Mega Man. Mega Man fires a plasma shot into one of their tubes, causing it to explode. "This is a blast!" Mega Man comments. The other water-draining robots swing their tube-like arms at him. Mega Man grabs one of the robots by its arm and swings it into the other robot. Another one swings at Mega Man, who jumps above its arms and delivers a martial arts kick to its head. The robot comes crashing down. Pump Man sees that the water-draining robots are being destroyed one by one. He yells out "Let's give them a hand!" and runs out into the plaza. Aqua Man just stands there, a little bit confused. Pump Man runs up to Aqua Man and says "Come on, Aqua Brain!" The two water robot masters run out into the plaza. They fire their weapons at Mega Man. Mega Man grabs one of the water-draining robots, lifts it above his head, and throws it at Aqua Man. The water tank on top of Aqua Man's head breaks open as he falls down to the ground. He lays there, short-circuiting. Mega Man walks up to him and says "Ha ha ha! Looks like you've tanked, Aqua Man!" He bends down and copies his weapon, but before he can finish copying his weapon, he is hit by Pump Man's weapon. He is slightly damaged, but is still okay. He shouts out "I was in the middle of something, Pump Head!" Pump Man replies "Well sorry to interrupt your little copycat trick, Mega Man, but you're through this time!" He is about to fire his weapon at Mega Man again, but Mega Man says "I'm afraid you're the one who's through, Pump Man!" and fires a fully-charged shot right into the pipe in his chest. "Oh no!" Pump Man cries out before he explodes. He then explodes into parts. Mega Man goes over to one of his arms and says "And now to do my copycat trick!" He copies Pump Man's weapon and then goes over to Aqua Man and copies his weapon as well. He then goes over to stop the other evil robots, but sees that Rush is the only one in the plaza. He looks around and asks Rush "Where did everyone go, Rush?" Rush whimpers and points with one of his paws over to one of the streets. Mega Man sees that the Mobile Lab has left a trail. Mega Man tells Rush "We gotta chase Wily down and stop his pursuit of the Mobile Lab! That large robot is vital to saving the towns!" Rush barks and turns into his Jet Mode. Mega Man gets on them and they both fly off in the direction that the Mobile Lab went.
Meanwhile, the Skullker is pursuing the Mobile Lab. Inside the Mobile Lab, Dr. Light tells Roll that he doesn't know if the Mobile Lab has enough fuel to keep going. Roll says to him "Well, me and Eddie will stop the Skullker, right Eddie?" Eddie shakes his head vigorously, clearly not wanting to risk his life. Mega Man and Rush finally catch up to the Skullker. Mega Man says out loud "I'm sabotaging this hunt, Wily!" and fires at the Skullker. Inside the Skullker, an alarm sounds. The Skullker is suffering some significant damage. Dr. Wily turns to Proto Man and says "Proto Man, go out the back door and fire away!" Proto Man smiles widely and opens up the back door. "Hello there, Little Brother!" Proto Man sarcastically says to Mega Man. "Hello yourself!" Mega Man replies. He fires some shots at Proto Man. Proto Man gets hit by one of the shots and falls back into the Skullker. He bumps into Cut Man as he falls backwards, knocking him to the ground. "Proto Man, you klutz bot!" Cut Man yells at Proto Man. Proto Man gets up and says, "Hey, it's not my fault Mega Man has such great accuracy! Maybe next time, don't get in the way!" Cut Man tries to snap back at him "And you, you, you..." Dr. Wily yells at them "Quit fighting, you two, and do your jobs for once in your miserable mechanical lives!"
Just then, Mega Man manages to get into the Skullker. "Your town rustlin' days are over, Dr. Wily!" Mega Man yells at the mad robot scientist. Dr. Wily prepares to press a button on the cockpit's control panel. Mega Man aims his cannon at Dr. Wily and says "Don't you dare!" Dr. Wily laughs evilly and says "I will dare!" He presses the button. The Skullker charges up its laser cannon. Mega Man sees that it is going to fire at the large pipe-laying robot. "Just try to stop it!" Dr. Wily says to Mega Man. Mega Man runs over to the cockpit, but Guts Man grabs him and holds him tightly in his arms and laughs. "I need a hug! Ha ha ha ha!" Guts Man says to Mega Man as he writhes in his arms. He then says "And don't even think about giving me a 'hot foot'!" Mega Man bends his head down and jerks it back up, smashing his helmet into Guts Man's large mandible. Guts Man's mandible flies off of his face. Guts Man drops Mega Man, who then runs over to the cockpit. Dr. Wily shouts out "Stop him! He's going to power it down!" Cut Man throws the cutters on his head at Mega Man. Mega Man grabs the cutters and throws them back at Cut Man. Cut Man is cut in half horizontally. Cut Man tries to fire his weapon at Mega Man, but Mega Man shoots him and knocks him out.
Meanwhile, Dr. Light sees on one of the screens in his Mobile lab that the Skullker is going to fire its laser cannon at them. "Evasive maneuver, Roll!" Dr. Light yells out to Roll, who is at the lab's dashboard. "Right!" Roll says. She steers the Mobile Lab. The Mobile Lab turns right and makes a u-turn. The Skullker's laser cannon fires, but the Mobile Lab has avoided the blast. The blast instead hits the desert ground, kicking up a large cloud of sand and dust. Dr. Wily yells out in anger. He yells out to his remaining robots "Throw that blue piece of junk out of here!" Before Mega Man can react, Guts Man, who now has no lower jaw, grabs him. Before he throws him out, he tries to say something to Mega Man, but because he has no jaw, he basically mumbles. "You too, Mumble Mouth!" Mega Man yells to him. Guts Man hurls him out of the Skullker. Mega Man lands onto a large rock. One of his legs is broken from the fall. "That's gonna leave a mark!" Mega Man says to himself. He lets out a whistle. Rush comes flying over to him and sees that one of his legs has been damaged. Rush whimpers and says "Mega...." Mega Man tells him "Don't worry, Rush, I can still fight!" He crawls up on Rush, and they fly off in pursuit of the Skullker. The Skullker spots them and almost rams right into them. Mega Man sees that the Skullker is preparing to fire at the Mobile Lab again. "Not this time, Wily!" he shouts out. He fires Pump Man's weapon at the Skullker. One of the water-filled bubbles covers up the laser cannon. It backfires and ends up badly damaging the Skullker. Dr. Wily tries to fly it, but it is too damaged to do so. Dr. Wily can only watch as the good guys speed away with the pipe-laying robot. Guts Man mumbles something. "I have no idea!" Dr. Wily screams out. Proto Man says to Dr. Wily "We need to get you out of here before it falls-" The Skullker begins to fall apart all around them. Dr. Wily quickly gets into his Wily Capsule. Guts Man picks up his lower jaw and Cut Man's two halves. Proto Man and Guts Man hang onto the Wily Capsule as it launches out of the Skullker. The Skullker falls to pieces. The pieces scatter all over the ground. As the Wily Capsule flies off, Dr. Wily laments "My towns, I've lost my towns! My towns have been-" Proto Man cuts him off and says "Yeah, we get it, Wily! You've lost your precious desert towns!" The Wily Capsule flies off into the desert sky.
Back at one of the reclaimed desert towns, Mega Man is using Aqua Man's weapon to fill up a water tank. The large pipe-laying robot is reinstalling the water pipes. Roll comes over to Mega Man and tells him that another thing needs to be filled up. Mega Man follows her. She points to a kiddie pool. "Are you serious!?" Mega Man asks her. Roll tells him "But they really need the water!" The children in the kiddie pool plead to Mega Man. Mega Man rolls his eyes and says "Alright!" He walks over to the pool and refills it. The children thank him and begin splashing in the pool. Rush sees the pool, and runs over and jumps in it. Mega Man tells the children "Just make sure you share it with others!" and laughs. The episode ends with Rush splashing in the pool and playing with the children.
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shijiujun · 5 years
2020 Because of You: Episode 3
Overall feel of the episode: Mehhh didn’t really like the pacing although it was quite cute to see CP2 and CP3 interacting with each other, I mean, no depth but what is depth in this drama right, but we’ve got stalker YJC hanging around LX and gotta say the Yuan brothers are all quite quirky
YJC big bro: YJC confuses me a little bit because he’s kind of like I guess he’s interested in LX (altho hopefully not romantically now cuz there’s the POSSIBILITY OF LX BEING HIS BROTHER, we know that’s not the case but he doesn’t) and he’s... seeing him as some sort of like social experiment which is kind of hilarious, and in tmr’s episode we see YJC stepping on LX’s BUN like DONT TREAT FOOD LIKE THAT YOU BIJ and manhandling LX but i guess this is how YJC treats his brothers - He ignores the kidnapped one, then tries to fight the potential 4th one
YJD 2nd bro: OKAY THIS BOY IS AMAZING OK THE SHAPE OF HIS FACE IS AMAZING!!!! WILL IS AMAZING like he is so handsome?!!! Honestly when the cameraman does an updown shot on the stairs I’m like OOOOOF FACE AND JAW but okay not cool that he’s jelly and possessive but I guess he’s always been like this to Xiang Shi, and omg I didn’t think Yu Chen (who plays Xiang Shi) was handsome in the beginning but he’s quite cute in this ep too th way he apologises to YJD ALTHO BRO U GOT NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR YOU AREN’T A PRISONER IN THE HOUSE HAHA but okay i guess compromise
YJP 3rd bro: Wow, dumb and dumber. Dumb to the point of cute, I LOVE IT. Honestly, this boy BREAKS INTO SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE AND RUMMAGES THROUGH THE HOUSE AND STEALS THE PERSON’S FRUITS LIKE?!!! and he mothers Yue Rong too I’M LIKE BRO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST!!!!
The 4th son saga: DO WE MOVE ON?!!! NO WE DO NOT. YJP is still is disbelief that LX could be his brother, YJD straight up kidnaps him, YJD DOESN’T CARE ALL HE WANTS IS XIANG SHI’S ATTENTION and i gotta say that YJD has got his priorities right like who cares about another brother and another woman my dad is the king of been there done that in this aspect, not much YJC and LX interaction in this ep tho
What happens in Ep 3:
LX has begun talking to himself to cope, and he still remembers to be kind to the beggar crouching outside his house (okay in terms of best spots to beg at, this isn’t a good spot, you usually go to spots with greater foot traffic?) and gives him all of his change
And YJC WHO IS LURKING LIKE A CREEPER sees that and goes like ERROR 404 CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY LX WOULD GIVE HIM MONEY and then LX laments his lack of lunch money at his bike, and says to his mom ‘i’ll live well mom, i’ll go earn lots of money etc.’ (and well he does live p well and earn a lot of money i guess at the end of this - just marry a rich chaebol, check both boxes)
then we have CP3 being dumb and cute in the library as Yue Rong gathers like this info pack on LX
and Yue Rong has a habit of biting at his nails, so Jun Ping hits at his hand every time he does that altho in the first instance in the beginning of the episode, JP actually bites at YR’s fingers and says it’s tasty and im like IT ISN’TTTT BROOOOO
they break into LX’s house and Jun Ping makes himself at home and finds a pack of fruits and unceremoniously starts eating amen this boy i mean like SAME HERE but you’re so damn rich go get your own damn fruits!!
Yue Rong goes through LX mom’s diary and they find out she’s their dad’s childhood friend, and they spend like one-third of the episode rationalizing that Dad really didn’t know about LX and that LX really could be the 4th son and YR bites at his fingers again LMAO
And Jun Ping is like damn it so from Yuan No. 3 I’m now Yuan No. 4?!!! Yue Rong is like PRIORITIES?!!! 
On the CP2 side: We’ve got Xiang Shi fixing up the computer or something for Yue Rong’s sister, and they’re all cousins or something, and she wants to thank him by idk, flirting with him, and Xiang Shi is like you crazy woman?!!! Anw Xiang Shi tries to go home, but the sister sprays like perfume on him and says that she’s curious as to how Jun Dao will react when he smells perfume on Xiang Shi omg do you rich people NOT HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO
And anw Jun Dao is panicking and all because it’s so late and Xiang Shi isn’t home, and he called a few times but he didn’t pick up (AND I HAVE ONLY JUST REALIZED THAT THIS BEAUTIFUL HUGE ASS HOUSE HOUSES ONLY XIANG SHI AND JUN DAO but also where are all the servants you’d think there’ll be help to just kind of push the ‘we are rich’ image in our faces) - Jun Dao of course jumps immediately to ‘hey dont tell me he’s been kidnapped?!!’
XIang Shi turns up at home and they kind of get into an argument of where he’s been and JD does smell the perfume and he gets a bit jelly that XS went on a date, and when XS tries to go upstairs, JD grabs at him and pulls, and XS idk sprains his ankle or smth LMAOOOOO
and OMGGGGG JUN DAO IS SO CUTE SITTING OUTSIDE THE BATHROOM waiting for XS to finish showering, like wrapped like a burrito in a blanket, and anw when XS comes out he ices his ankle, and XS apologises cutely, saying that he should have told JD that he was coming home late, and JD is like, ‘it’s fine, we’re childhood friends so there’s no need to say all these’ but dude you kind of hurt him
and then we have YJC BIG BRO waiting for LX to turn up back in the parking lot AND OMG BIG BRO FINGER GUNS ARE SO LAST GENERATION!!! HAHAHAHA lmao this is hilarious like lee si kang is very handsome doing that but...
Next ep: We’ve got CP3 trying to do things but they’re dumb and dumber so i doubt they’ll succeed and anyway BIG BRO YJC is alr like stepping on LX’s bun and draggin him into his car amen
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sinfulbrothers · 4 years
You got the letter I sent you a few weeks back.
I have to admit I didn't expect you wouldn't receive it, I had a demon drop it off to wherever the hell you were staying at.
I imagine it's a crappy motel with shitty TV stations, ones we used to stay at all the time when we were kids.
Remember when dad would get angry every-time he came back to the motel room and see we were up sleeping? Remember that?
He'll he'd probably still yell at us for being such fuck ups.
You can ignore my texts and calls as much as you want Dean.
But we both know you have to come home sometime.
I'm getting tired of this cat and mouse routine.
I hunt you down, you run off to god knows where and then I'm stuck trying to find you again.
But I have a feeling I won't be the cat for long.
-Sammy W.
"Three more calls and four texts, he still hasn't picked up," The youngest winchester glanced over at the male across the table. Castiel sat there hands resting on the table looking over pictures from different traffic lights, cameras and whatever else he could find. "The son of a bitch thinks this is some sort of game. Anything, Cas?" He raised an eyebrow at the used to be Angel.
The male shook his head, "It is just the same old stuff, Sam. No clue of where Dean would be hiding out. The only person that knows where Dean is hiding would be Crowley. And he and I aren't on the best of terms.." He made quotations around the word 'terms' and 'best'. He still really wasn't the best at English. "Maybe we should wait until there is a police report on a Chevy Impala. On baby."
Sam shifted in his seat frowning, "Dean is smart enough to not get caught doing something illegal in baby. If there was a police report it would be at some bar or store. Like the gas station that was robbed." He slid his laptop over to the male, "Check out some things while I go on a run. There isn't much you need to know about computers." He smiled softly sliding his phone into his pocket, heading out to his '65 mustang, light blue. A beautiful car. He jumped in and he was off to the nearest store.
A familiar '65 mustang pulled into the Save-A-Lot parking lot, he couldn't help but smirk. Seeing his big bulky dork of a brother climb out of the drivers seat. It was a wonder how he fit his big moose ass in there. The car was shorter than Sam was tall. He snorted sitting back in the drivers seat of the impala, hands on the steering wheel. "Here Sammy Sammy Sammy." He whispered whistling, pushing the drivers seat door open he climbed out. Cracking his knuckles following up behind his brother. Wrapping an arm around Sam's neck yanking him to the ground with inhuman strength.
"De--" Was all the young winchester got out before the lights went out for him. Dean lugged the tall male over to the impala, throwing him in the back seat among the other beer bottles and trash.
"Wakey, wakey, Sammy."
"You wanted your big bro back, well you got 'em."
Sam's eyes shot open, his ears ringing, what the hell? A frown plastered on his lips as he tried to sit up, a force was holding him down. He heard it again, "Sammy." That was Dean's voice, what the hell was going on? Wasn't he supposed to be at the shopping center? "Aww look Sammy is confused again. How cute. Let's cut to the chase," The eldest winchester spoke up, his voice rough like a rocky road. He came walking out of the corner of the motel room swinging a baseball bat. Twirling it and throwing it in the air, only to catch it again. "You," He pointed the bat at Sam, poking his nose with it lightly. Sam pushed it away giving his demon brother a face.
"Need to stop looking for you. Yeah I caught the jiff." Sam stood up brushing his brown hair back out of his face.
Dean swung the bat, smacking Sam right in the shin. For a second Dean swore the bat had snapped, then he realized it was Sam's shin.  "Sit down." He growled at his younger sibling. Sam obeyed. "Obey like the good dog you are. Isn't that right, Sammy?" He chuckled, gripping the baseball bat tight. "You either stop looking for me or I'll put you down right where you stand, got that? I won't hesitate to tear your pretty little head off with my teeth. Bet it'll taste real good. Have some actual freedom from all this hell around ya, Sammy." He winked at his brother.
"But Dea--"
"Fuck! Stop hitting me with the damn bat!" Sam cursed loudly attempting to take the thing from Dean, it was a lousy attempt but at least he tried to do something. "I'll fucking stop looking for you. Just tell me one thing...why are you doing this? These crimes? The killings."
"The killings? Those are all angels. All 14 of 'em. Of course we aren't counting the humans, right?" Sam didn't even recognize his brother behind that wolffish grin. His gaze dropped to the floor shuddering in major discomfort. "Crowley sent a few demons to try to take me out. Not even the king can contain this beast."  Sam opened his mouth to speak, "Ahh except..you have a body behind your little adventure. The man you made sell his soul so you could find me. Naughty naughty sammy. Put him through that and he still gets killed, just sooner. Oh by the way...tell angel wings I said hi."
Dean swung the bat hard.
"Fucking Hell that's gonna leave a nice bruise."
He awoke to a dog sniffing at his jeans and clawing at his jacket, attempting to locate anything edible on him. Or maybe it was getting ready to eat his face off. It didn't need to happen either way. Sam shoved the creature to the side earning a Yelp/Whimper from the creature as it bolted down the alleyway and out into the streets. An on coming car stated, 'Stupid animals! Should all be killed!' Speeding by the creature. People had no respect for these animals, or much of anything in that matter. He pushed up sitting up against the wall, yanking his phone out of his pocket, "Cas? Yea. I need a ride back to the bunker. Think I'm by the barber shop and the tattoo parlor east of the grocery store. Yep..it was Dean. No he didn't say anything about you. He did break my shin. Just..get here as soon as you can." He sighed shutting the phone tossing it across the alley way.
"They have towed your car away," Was the first thing the used-to-be-Angel said to the male, helping him up to the car. "You will have to get it another time we need to get back to the bunker. There is something you need to see. It's important." Cas walked around the other side of the car jumping in the drivers seat, starting up the piece of crap he began driving off in the direction of home. But it wasn't home for Sam. Not without his brother. His brother was his home and would always be.
"So what's this thing and why is it so important?" He raised an eyebrow staring Castiel down.
The Angel sighed gripping the wheel loosely as he leaned back getting comfortable, "It's Dean. He was by the bunker while you were out. This was after I was told to look up things on the inter webs. The bunker door flew open and before I knew it I was on the floor. He took something from your room but I cannot figure out what." He sighed heavily, frowning immensely, "I was thinking it was some books...or maybe the tracker you had put on him.."
"The only thing in my room was papers and books, he would've had to taken some books. If not then..pictures? That wouldn't make any sense." He shook his head staring out the window, wincing. "We'll figure it out later. Right now I need to get my leg fixed up. Can't do anything on a broken bone."
"Alright. I will get the supplies while you stay put." Cas climbed out helping Sam down into the bunker, making sure he stayed sitting down before wandering off to gather some supplies.
Sam fiddled with the loose pieces of paper on the table, sliding them over the edge watching them float down to the floor. Something he would do as a kid, watch paper float down to the floor. It didn't sound fun and it wasn't. Sam chuckled remembering when Dean got angry when Sam would cover the motel room in paper. The crinkling noise always annoyed the shit out of Dean. He slid another paper across the wooden surface, catching it right before it fell.
'I sure enjoy your love letters, Sam. But has anyone told you you're not my type? Tall and lengthy isn't my thing. By the time you read this I'm sure I already broke one of your legs. Told you to leave me alone and then you're back here planning something again. As usual. For every time I catch glimpse of you I'll kill someone. Child, adult, elderly. I'll kill them. This is a warning. One slip up and someone is going ten feet under. Oh..I left a bit of a surprise under your pillow. Hope you enjoy it. It seems you need a girlfriend if you catch my drift little brother.'
He really didn't even want to know what Dean had left him under his pillow, probably some sex toy. He shuddered quickly shoving the paper into his pocket. "Find everything okay?" When Castiel nodded he smiled softly, sliding his pants leg up, hoisting his injured leg up onto the table. "I was thinking, maybe we can take a break for a bit. Let Dean cool off before we try to find him again. He seemed pretty pissed off. Sure the mark is the cause of that but Dean sort of always has his panties in a bunch."
The Angel simply nodded, "Okay." After that the room remained silent.
He had the right plan, all he needed was for Sam to take the bait. Hell he wished he would've stuck with killing people, been more fun and the police would've been involved. Sure they were a pain in the ass but still. He found it funny as hell to watch Sam struggle to get around the cops when they got suspicious of him asking "too" many questions. Whatever the hell that meant.
Dean brushed a hand through his ever so growing hair, sitting back in the bar stool. Sam had just found the the toy his older brother had left him. "Get a girlfriend," Dean scowled taking a long gulp of beer, spinning in his chair and sliding off. He pushed by a few customers walking out, climbing into his "baby" he drove off.
Fool me once
Shame on you
Fool me twice
You're probably dead
He was correct about Sam, the man really was trying to locate him again like the crazed idiot he was. Damn. Dean threw the impala door open walking over to his brother gripping his shoulder tight, a faint crack starting. "Whatcha doing Sammy? Looking for me again? Did you not get my letter? Man I know I'm not good with the whole pen pals thing.." He sighed heavily cracking Sam upside the head, sending him stumbling into the side of the tow truck building. Sam felt a hand wrap around his throat, then black eyes meeting his. "You won't stop until I'm back, guessing that means I have to kill ya."
Sam's vision darkened as the grip on his throat tightened, then everything went black.
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Hell to the No-- Ben Hardy x Reader (ft. Joe Mazzello.. like, a lot)
Tumblr media
Prompt; none this time!
Warnings; slight language, specified fem! reader
Word Count; 2k
Notes; I wrote this instead of writing the essays that are due tomorrow, so I hope y’all enjoy lol ALSO IF YA WANNA BE ON THE TAG LIST FOR FICS LEMME KNOW!! 
Growing up with Joe Mazzello was... interesting, to say the least. He was the typical older brother. The two of you would constantly bicker over the simplest things, and then you two would be up to mischief together before the day was over. There was incessant teasing between the two of you. Joe was the constant ball of energy around your home, and you always struggled to keep up with him. And yes, he was constantly screaming.
When you were young, you thought he was the coolest person-- albeit you would never admit that. He achieved the childhood dream of being famous. You were always his biggest fan. If he needed help preparing for an audition, you’d give him your full attention. You always had his back, and you knew that he always had yours. 
In a way, you made your own name for yourself. You were a photographer, a quite good one at that. You were hired by many companies for high-end photo shoots. As you started to rise through the rankings, Joe helped you out a little. He would try to convince the management to hire you for whatever film or show he was working on’s promotional photographs. Sometimes it would work, and you were always grateful for his support. 
“Joey, please, you don’t have to keep doing this.” He had somehow managed to get you hired on the set of The Pacific. Joe just scoffed at your remark, looping an arm around your shoulders. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
After that, it became pretty common for you two to work together. If you hired one Mazzello, then you might as well hire the other because you’d never hear the end of it if you didn’t. Luckily for you, the same applied to Bohemian Rhapsody. You were beyond ecstatic when you got the news. The first thing you did was call Joe, practically screaming in his ear.
You were on set, discussing some photo arrangements when you heard a familiar voice call out, “Aw, there’s my little mozzarella stick!” 
“Shut it, Francis,” you quipped before apologizing to the person you were originally talking to. You spun on your heel and immediately burst out laughing. It wasn’t the first time you had seen Joe’s curly wig, but it seemed to get bigger every time you caught a glimpse of him. He was walking with three other men. You had already met Rami, as he had been friends with Joe for quite some time. The other two were unknown to you. Sure, you could remember their names, but you had yet to formally introduce yourself to them.
“Francis?” The Brian May clone looked at you curiously. Your grin widened.
“Joey’s middle name. Isn’t it adorable?” you cooed.
“Oh, mate, that’s fantastic.” The blonde clapped Joe’s shoulder before sticking out his hand in your direction. “I’m Ben.” 
“Nice to meet you, Ben. I’m (Y/N).” Realization flooded his features. He flashed you a bright smile.
“It’s about bloody time we’ve met. Joe’s talked about you nonstop!” You raised a brow at Joe, playfully jabbing his side.
“Has he? All good things, I hope.”
“Of course,” Joe scoffed.
“Perfect, now I can tell you all his embarrassing secrets” Joe gave a dramatic gasp before moving to stand toe to toe with you. You narrowed your eyes at him, and he returned the gesture. 
“You make me vomit,” he growled.
“And you’re the scum between my toes,” you said between gritted teeth. The Little Rascals was a movie that the two of you shared a love for. You were constantly quoting it. 
After a few more moments of an intense staring contest, Rami finally stepped in between the two of you, knowing full well that the two of you would’ve gone on for forever. “They said something about doing a quick photo shoot?” Your attention snapped Rami.
“Oh, yeah! Ready to get your model on, Ahkmenrah?”
“Of course, darling! I was born ready.” You laughed at his Freddie impression before rounding the boys up, giving them directions on where to stand.
You were sitting off to the side, watching them film, when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You glanced up to see Ben. “Mind if I join you?” You shook your head, scooting over so he would have plenty of room on the small bench. The two of you watched one of the directors animatedly talk to Rami. “Hey, could I take a look at some of the pictures you took?” 
“Yeah, sure!” You picked up your work bag, which held so much stuff that it would put Mary Poppins to shame. You shuffled through your belongings before finally pulling out your laptop. You had already transferred over some of the pictures, and they just needed to be edited before they would be released. “They’re not quite done yet. I’ve still got to do some touch-ups on a couple of them.” You handed the laptop to Ben and watched his expressions as he scrolled through the pictures. 
“Holy shit. You’re really good, you know that?” You snorted, rubbing your face in an attempt to hide the blush you were sure was already spreading.
“Thanks, it took a lot of practice.” Ben handed back your laptop when someone called his name, motioning him over. A small grin graced your lips when you realized there was something new on your screen. When you looked away, Ben had opened up a blank document and typed down his number. Chewing on your lip, you made a mental note to shoot him a text some time. 
It took you a little while to finally build up the confidence to text Ben. The two of you continued to talk even after your work with Bohemian Rhapsody finished. You knew that you were rapidly developing a crush on him. Not only was he good looking and an amazing actor, but he was also the sweetest person. Ben made you smile every time the two of you talked. And, God, that accent just made your knees go weak. 
You groaned when your phone started ringing. It was just barely after seven in the morning, on a Saturday no less. You reached across the nightstand to pull your phone from the charger. You sat up and narrowed your eyes at the blinding screen. Ben was calling. “Hello?” Your voice sounded more groggy than you would’ve liked.
“Sorry, love, did I wake you?” He gave a nervous laugh. “Sometimes I forget about the time differences.” You smiled, peeling yourself away from the bed.
“No, no, it’s fine. I probably needed to get up soon anyway,” you hummed. You were about to fix yourself a cup of coffee when you heard Ben mumble something then clear his throat. “You okay?”
“I’m fine!” he assured. “I was just wondering... the Oscars are coming up, and I thought I’d ask if you wanted to be my plus one?” You froze before slowly setting down your mug. 
“Like, as a date or...” you trailed off, chewing your lip nervously.
“That’s what I had in mind, yeah.” A wide smile spread across your face. 
“I’d love to.” You felt like a lovesick yearling. You practically screeched with excitement when you ended the phone call. 
A couple of days had passed when Joe called-- in the middle of the night. You weren’t too surprised to see his name displayed across your phone. He was always calling at odd hours. “Joseph Francis Mazzello the third, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” 
“I’ve got an offer you simply cannot refuse! You. Me. The Oscars. Boom! You’re my plus one.” You laughed.
“Sorry, Joey. I’ve got prior commitments.”
“What? Don’t tell me you’ll be working! It’ll be way more fun hanging out with me than taking candids of countless celebrities.”
“No, I’m not working. I’ve actually got a date.”
“What’s his name, address, and social security number?”
“Joe. You know better than this. I’m not giving you any information because you’ll just scare him away. Remember Andi Gilmore, who you scared so bad that his parents started homeschooling him?”
“Hey! That wasn’t my fault,” Joe grumbled.
“Whatever you say, bro, but if memory serves correctly, you went all Pat Murray on him.”
“Your memory clearly does not serve correctly.”
You spent the next couple of weeks in a mad dash, trying to find the perfect dress to wear. It needed to be something good because there would be no shortage of pictures and videos by the end of the night. Thankfully, you were able to find one that was just right for the occasion.
Ben stood on your doorstep, nervously shifting his weight. He had been smitten since he first introduced himself to you. He hadn’t been able to get you out of his mind since you left the Bohemian Rhapsody set. Sure, the two of you talked nearly every day, but it wasn’t the same as having you beside him. When you opened the door, it felt like all the air had been pulled from his lungs. A loving smile spread across his face. “Wow. You’re beautiful.” Your cheeks pinkened.
“Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” He took your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. Your face turned to a darker shade of red.
“Must be the luckiest man in the world if I got you to agree to go on a date with me. Shall we?” He motioned towards the car that was parked on the curb. 
Joe kept his eyes peeled for his friends. He had found Gwilym already, but he had yet to find Ben. He was watching every car to see if the blond beauty would step out. Joe’s brows furrowed when he saw you getting out of a car. He could’ve sworn you told him you were going on a date, and he was even more confused when Ben got out of the same car. Realization hit him like a pile of bricks when Joe saw Ben put an arm around your waist. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Him? Seriously? I thought you had higher standards, (Y/N),” Joe shouted. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Calm down, Francis. We’re going on a date, not to a drive-thru wedding in Vegas.”
You were finally able to cross ‘attending The Oscars’ off your bucket list. It was an amazing experience, and you were so proud of everyone who worked on Bohemian Rhapsody. The movie racked up the most awards of the night, a grand total of four Oscars. You couldn’t tell who cheered louder for Rami-- you, Joe, or Lucy. When all the festivities ended and everyone started to leave, you turned to Joe and Ben. “You know what I really want right now? A jumbo-sized slushie from 7/11.” Joe’s eyes widened as he loudly exclaimed his agreement. 
The three of you went to the closest 7/11. Joe wandered around the small store while you and Ben went straight to the slushie machine. You danced in place, pouring as much of the different colored liquids you could into the large cup. “How do you think that’s going to taste once they all mix together?” Ben questioned with a raised eyebrow. You shrugged, and he stuck a finger in your cup. He scooped up a glob and ate it, humming. “Not too bad.”
“Rude!” you gasped. “Shouldn’t you know better than to stick your fingers in other people’s food? I thought you were supposed to be a British Gentleman.” You wagged a finger at him, walking towards the check out counter. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“I’m not always a perfect gentleman,” Ben flirted. You opened your mouth to reply but was interrupted by Joe’s fake, exaggerated gagging.
“Oh, hell no. You two are so disgusting. I’ve been third-wheeling all night.” You cast him a glance, only to see that he was recording a video. 
“Aw, don’t worry, Joey! You’ve still got Cardy B!” you cooed, a smirk crossing your lips. Ben snorted, and Joe replied with a smartass comment, but that got cropped out of the video.
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strawberrylove099 · 4 years
Number One (MewGulf one shot)
Gulf is supposed to be preparing now for the event later. It's their reunion for all the casts of TharnType the Series and everyone's excited for the event. Fans are spazzing on twitter for the said event and making trend no.1 worldwide. It's an exciting event, after 7 years it was released, they will now see each other again.
What are you doing, Gulf?
He was laying on his bed. He's been working nonstop since last week. A lot of promotions, pictorials and fan events. He wanted to make sure that he's doing his best to fulfill his reponsibilities so after the hectic week, it's time for his rest time. Today is supposed to be day one of his rest day. His manager talked to him that the reunion for TTTS is not on his schedule and he has the freedom to attend or not to but knowing himself, he will do it anyway. He missed the team. He missed his first family. He missed everything about that very series. His first and the most memorable series he had for his whole career. That series made him what he is now.
Gulf answered his phone without seeing the caller because he knew that it will be Mild.
Mild it is.
"Yes phi?"
"What yes phi? where are you? I'm preparing now. I'll fetch you later. Be sure that you'll be done once I'm there. Bye."
Not given a chance to answer, Gulf knew that he needs to prepare. Get up and do it, Gulf.
He is alone and wants to play his music. He wants music in the background to distract him. He is not really ready for this reunion. He missed his first fam but he knew in his heart that the his first love is also there. The thought made him cry. He knew that deep in his heart that there are regrets. There are longing. After 5 years and the pain is still there. He's tiring himself all the time so that once he will go back to his condo, he will just sleep and forget it the next day and the cycle continues.
I'm jealous of the rain That falls upon your skin It's closer than my hands have been
"Love, come on. It's raining."
"I want to dance under the rain, Mew. I'm serious."
"But Love, we might get sick. I don't want you go to work feeling heavy and sick."
"But Mew.. please..."
Mew looked at Gulf and just smiled. He will always let him win. It's his magic. Gulf's magic to him.
"Okay, let's dance.."
Gulf softly giggle and hug mew and slowly, they sway in the song that only them can hear. Gulf put his face on Mew's and smiles.
"This is my number two, Love. Dancing in the rain."
"So what's your number one?" Mew asked him while giving soft kisses on Gulf's face.
"Wait, stop kissing me first." Gulf giggles softly.
"I won't stop. Tell me your number one.." Mew said while continue kissing Gulf.
Gulf holds Mew and looked at him straight in the eyes. He smiled.
And he kissed him which Mew responded happily.
I'm jealous of the wind That ripples through your clothes It's closer than your shadow
Gulf didn't know that he was stucked on his position. Standing near his music player and holding his phone while the first music is playing. He wants to cry now. He wants to just stay. He doen't want to go anywhere.
He must do it anyway. He will faced him after 3 years. He will do it with his first family. How tragic it is, that the magical love started with the whole cast too and now, the will to let go, will be with his first family also.
He really wants to cry now but he stops himself. Turn off the player and start preparing. Mild will get mad for sure and if he wanted to finish on time, he should start it now.
"Gulf, we're late. What are you doing?" Mild said while looking at Gulf fixing his clothes in front of the mirror.
"Phi, stop nagging me. We're not late and I don't want to be early too. Let's spend few minutes more."
"What's wrong with you? Really? You're not like that. Gulf, it's been three years!"
"Phi..." Gulf stops fixing his dress and bow down. He promised to himself not to think about it. But his anxiousness is winning today. He's been like this since morning and eveything is so chaotic inside of him. What will he do when he sees him in the event? What will he say? How will he react? All these questions. He just want to stay home and rest.
"Gulf, I know what you're thinking. I'm here. I'm just here. I know that it's hard. You have to forgive yourself. It's been 3 years, I know it's not enough but let your self rest. You decided to do it because it will make you happy. I know. You will make him happy too. Don't beat yourself up too much. You will be okay. Soon. For now, think that it will happen. You both are in the same industry. Sooner or later, you will see him. So let's do it today. No media or anything. You will do okay. Trust me?" Mild said as he hug Gulf. This little brother of him who he considered as his real baby bro is not being himself and he will not let it happen. He needs to do it now or else, it will be chaotic the next chance they will get to see each other again.
"Okay Phi. I'll be fine. I will be fine. I promise. First and last tonight. I will be fine." As Mild heard that reply, his heart is breaking but he will not let Gulf know about this. He wanted the man to be strong and he wanted it now. He can do it.
The place of the event is so light. Everyone's hugging, laughing, crying and talking to each other. Gulf entered the place and the whole cast cheer and hug him. Everyone missed this man and Gulf is so happy seeing them again. When he saw P'Mame, he hugs her tightly.
"P, thank you. I love you." P'Mame just hug him and congratulate him.
"You've grown so much, Gulf. Look at you now, so successful. I heard from your directors and teams from the movie you made that you did so well. Everyone's so proud of you. I am so proud of you and I missed you." P'Mame said as he looks at Gulf. They both have a teary eyes and hug one last time before P'Mame said that he needs to see the other cast which he did.
Gulf saw Mild talking to the other cast and he went to talk to them also. He forget all the tension around him and just talk to others without worrying. If he will face him which he knows that it will come, he will worry about it later. For now, let him enjoy.
After several talks, the staffs cheering again. Mild looks at Gulf while they're sitting and eating their food, Gulf just nodded and he knew at that moment that Mew is there already.
"How's everyone? Ohmy, I miss you P'mame! I miss all of you guys. It's good to be back." Gulf can hear Mew's voice nearing their place and he ready himself.
Gulf looks up and saw Mew right there, standing and smiling at him. His heart stops. His breathing stops and as if Mew can sense it, he touches Gulf's forehead playfully and laughs softly.
"Hi, Gulf! How are you?" Mew asks him while smiling.
Gulf cannot answer back not because he lost all the words to say but because the moment Mew looks at him with that eyes and touch his forehead like it's the most natural thing to do, he lost the battle. How can I let go of this person?
"Hi mew! I miss you!" Mild interrupted their interaction because he knew that Gulf cannot answer. He saw it in his eyes, the longing in Gulf's eyes and the sadness that immediately fade away once he interrupted them. Gulf bow down and looks up again to Mew but this time, he just listens to their conversation.
"Miss you too Mild. What's up now? How's your new series going?" Mew said while smiling at Mild.
"It's fine. Everyone's doing their best. Hopefully it will be a hit once it's released. You? How's your movie? I heard that you guys are almost done filming it?"
"Yeah, I'm so excited for it. It's my first time doing an action movie and I hope you guys can support it once it's released. I'm very--"
"Mew! sorry! I need to check my things before leaving the car. Hello everyone!"
"Oh! Guys! I want you to meet my fiance, Tin. I want to introduce to you guys first before we go publicly soon to announce our wedding." Mew excitedly introduce her to the whole fam as he holds her waist.
"Hello everyone! Mew is so excited to see you guys. He even left me while checking my things because he cannot wait anymore. But I'm glad that I finally met you guys, his favorite family." Tin said while smiling to everyone. She's a very simple girl from a simple family. They heard about her before from Mew and she is one of the daughter of their family's friend. They grew up together and once Tin was back in thailand, they went to see each other and finally decided to be together after a year. Now they decided to get married after talking to their family and settling it once and for all.
At first, Mew's family talked to him about it. Mew said that he is not getting any younger. It's time for him to settle down and knowing Tin, he knew that he made the right choice. He assured his family that he is happy and loved and he cannot ask for more when he's with Tin. He's so happy to finally see his own family in the future and that convinced his family that he'll be fine and he's happy. Because that's what matters the most, Mew being happy. His happiness.
Gulf stood up from his seat and offer a handshake to Tin.
"Hello Tin, nice meeting you! and congrats!" Gulf said while smiling at Mew and Tin.
"Yah, Nong Gulf greeted my finace but not me. What's wrong huh?" Mew jokingly said to Gulf and smiling at him.
"Because you did not let me talk and Mild was talking with you so I did not have any chance."
"It's my fault now huh Gulf?" Mild said
and the whole fam laughed, same with Mew and Gulf. The party continues and everyone enjoy it as well.
"I'm sorry I need to go first. Please take care of Mew for me." Tin said and hugs everyone. Now she knows why Mew is so fond of this family. His family. They are very approachable and lovely.
"Hey, I'm not a kid!" Mew said defensively. "Let's go! I'll take her to the car first then I'll go back."
"Bye Tin! Take care! Thank you!" One of the crew said and waves at her. She bows and left with Mew.
"Mild, have you seen Gulf?" P'Mame asked Mild.
"He told me that he needs to go out first. Get some air. I let him. You know, Gulf is like that."
P'Mame looked at Mild worriedly and told him to just look for Gulf andf Mild said that she don't need to be worried. Gulf will be fine.
Gulf is outside and sitting at the little garden that the event place had. He feels like he needs to get some air. He can't figure out what he should feel while they are in the party. He's mind is blank but he knew once he review what happened inside, it will get messy.
Come on, Gulf. Don't be like this. He's okay now. He's fine. Now it's time for you too. Be fine, please. Not now later, just wait a little more. Gulf keeps repeating this to himself. Until he saw a figure coming to his place.
From afar, he can figure out who it is. It's Mew. Calm down, just few more. Wait a little more, self.
As he saw Mew walking near to him another flashback came..
"If you can choose a place to get married, where is it?"
"I want an intimate wedding. I don't want a lot of people in our venue. Only those people who witnessed our love can be invited." Gulf answered while laughing so hard while looking at Mew's reaction. "What? why? you asked me and I answered!" Gulf said and continue laughing at Mew.
"baby, you're weird. We're artists and of course, our fans, I want them to witness it too!" Mew said while hugging Gulf from behind. Today is their rest day and they want to spent it while lazying at home, watch movies.
"I want it intimate for the first time."
"So there is-"
"Yes there is, Mew. There is a second time for the public. I want the first to be intimate."
"Is that your number one?"
"No." Gulf looks at Mew lovingly.
"What is your first?" Mew said as he touches Gulf's nose.  
"Gulf! you're here!"
Gulf looks at Mew and smiles. "Yes I'm here. Get some air."
"Are you drunk?" Mew sits beside him and join him in the garden.
"No I'm not. You?"
"Nope. Your eyes looks sleepy I remember-" Mew stops and smiles. "Sorry."
"It's okay. I'm not drunk. So how are you?"
"I'm fine. I actually wanted to ask you that first." Gulf giggles at him and look at the garden.
"I'm glad you're finally settling down. I can't wait to see you in Tux!"
"Gulf, I always wear Tux, are you kidding me?"
"No. It's different when you know that it's your special day." Gulf looks at him lovingly. But being with Gulf for years, you will know what's real. It's in his eyes.
Mew wanted to ask him something but stops himself and just look around.
"Congratulations Mew. I'm happy that you're happy." Gulf looks at him with those eyes again and Mew cannot hold back anymore.
"Why did I leave you?"
"Yes. Why? I deserve to know it, Gulf, Why?"
"Because it's for the best. We're depending on each other too much. We're too focus about us that we forgot we need to have to our own also."
"Gulf.. you know that what makes me happy is you."
"that's the very reason why, Mew."
Mew looks at him with his teary eyes. He is happy for sure but seeing Gulf now, he just let go of that thought. He knows that this man in front of him will always have that special part in him. Gulf is that someone you cannot forget easily. He is that special. He knew deep inside of him that no one will replace this man. Gulf was once his life.
"I'm sorry." Gulf said while looking at Mew. His teary eyes. He slowly lifts his hand and touch Mew's face. "I'm sorry Mew. I just have to do that to think things thoroughly. Our five years was a lifetime for me.  It's magical. I will never forget that."
"Gulf.." Mew is crying now. Holding Gulf's hands tightly.
"I want you to be happy. It's enough for me. Our love, Mew it is special but what you have with Tin is more special. The way she looks at you Mew, you are her whole world. I can see that because I had the same look with you before."
"You still have that look, Gulf." Mew continues to cry and looks at Gulf. They are both crying. Gulf nodded at him as he agree with what Mew said that made Mew cry even more.
"Why did you let me go?"
"I'm sorry Mew... I'm so sorry." Gulf said and hugs Mew tightly while repeating his apologies.
It was that moment he knew the longing. They both longed for each other for so long. Gulf is crying in his arms. His arms which Gulf considered as his home. He felt home but he knew in his heart that it will never be the same again. They can't do it. They missed their chance and maybe that's enough reason to let go. But Mew is hugging him tightly.
"How can I let go now, Gulf?"
"I don't want you to, but you have to."
They're still hugging each other. They wanted time to stop but it will never happen.
"Mew, make her happy. I told you, you are her world. Her life. Now I want to ask you one more question."
"Are you happy? If you are, promise me to be happy, after this. Be happy."
"Gulf you know-"
"Answer me."
"Yes. I'm happy with Tin. I will not lie to you. She had seen me at my worst and love me for my whole being. I promise to be happy. I promise, Gulf." Mew said while looking at Gulf and smiling sadly at him as they let go of the hug.
Gulf hugs him again. He needs to tell something to Mew and he cannot bare to look at his face while saying it to him.
"Good. Thank you, Mew. I remember you always asked me what's my number one. Sorry I did not take the chance to tell it to you but I will tell you now."
Gulf let go of the hug and hold Mew's face. He looks at him while smiling sadly.
"You being happy. That's my number one."
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artificialqueens · 5 years
if we have eachother (Branjie/Ninex/Kasia/Scyvie/Everyone) 4/5 - PinkGrapefruit
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four. in which family means support
A/N - it’s been a while and i’m sorry but here i present you with a mess that i love rather alot. it contains a few deeply personal moments and has been so lovingly beta’d by frey and i really hope you enjoy it. remember, don’t be quiet with your feedback! it’s a writers coffee. enjoy!
When Monét and Nina go on a date, Brooke and Vanessa decide it’s the perfect time to give the twins some responsibility. In hindsight, it’s not their best idea, then again, hindsight is always 20/20.
They drop the pair in front of the two-story house - tell them they’ll be right down the street in the little French café, and leave rather abruptly. Noah knocks on the door, and the two cringe as they hear the kerfuffle of a house full of three young boys, and a rather disgruntled looking Monét. 
“I’d tell you they’re usually saints, but that would be a bold-faced lie,” she tells them, out of breath, carrying the youngest of the three - Spencer. He’s a two-year-old from East Asia that they adopted six months prior. He smiles like he knows no other facial expression and likes “The Little Mermaid”. This is all the information the flustered adult relays to them before he yells up the stairs for his partner.
Nina comes down in a pressed white shirt, black dress trousers and a rainbow bowtie. He is not smiling - a fact which concerns the twins as they have only seen him frowning four times.
Noah has an allergy attack. No one is happy. Allie vividly remembers crying into Brooke’s shirt. 
Brooke gets paint on the carpet. The paint is red. The carpet should not be.
Nina cannot put together an Ikea chair.
Monét drops Owen. No one knows how it happened, but Nina frowned for solid three days, and everyone thought the apocalypse was brewing.
Nina is trailed by Judah, the little boy carrying his stuffed Mufasa and being followed himself by Owen - the three-year-old sniffling as he shuffles down the carpeted stairs.
“Ah,” she turns, seeming to notice Allie and Noah for the first time. “Hey, kiddos! Can I get you anything?” She says all this while fixing Monét’s tie, which had been laying limp around her neck. Spencer tries to pull it undone several times, but Nina prevails through an impressive mix of brute force and ‘Part of Your World’.
“I think we’re okay?” Noah responds good naturedly, half-laughing at the scene unfolding. 
Monét spends a few more minutes explaining various things to the twins, as Nina goes round kissing all of her babies good night. She tacks on that they’re ready for bed and need to be asleep by 7, but whispers to Allie that it’s harder than it seems, winking a little.
“Thank you so much guys!” Shouts Monét on the threshold.
“Yeah! We’ll be back by ten at the latest!”
The door shuts, and Allie wonders briefly if  she’s agreed to babysit demons. She realises rather quickly, that the answer to that is complex. It is complex, because while they were not demons when she half-heartedly agreed - they certainly are now. Her head snaps up as she hears a yelp coming from her brother, and she stifles a laugh, seeing him lying on the sofa, being sat on by all three babies. Noah isn’t short - he’s long and tall, a mess of dark, curly hair complimenting his soft caramel skin - but he is lanky. So lanky that even the smallest of the kids engulfs his torso.
Allie scoops up Owen with little to no effort - the small blonde relatively light for his age - and sits him on her lap. 
“What’s wrong, buddy?” She asks the sniffly child in a soft voice.
“Juju - he -” he starts crying softly again and she rubs his back calmly. 
“He did what?”
“He took my dammy.”
At this moment Alie is so very grateful that she has been a part of the boys life for so long. Had she been anyone else, she would have had no idea what he was on about, but she just happens to have been the one who picked out the stuffed dalmatian toy, so she hoiks Owen onto her hip and very slowly carries him upstairs to where she assumes the animal will be. She is proven right, when it is found under Judah’s pillow - the four-year-old pretty rudimentary in his hiding skills (for being four). Once the child is calmer and almost fast asleep in her arms, she checks the time. It’s almost ten to seven, so she quietly places him in the toddler bed, tucking the covers under his chin and placing a kiss to his soft, blonde hair.
She turns around to see Noah at the door, Spencer lolled in his arms, and Judah clinging to his leg. She smiles warmly at her twin with a baby, and watches his face soften everytime he looks down. 
“You take Judah?” He asks quietly, the little boy almost asleep on his feet, tired out by whatever game he was playing with Noah, and she obliges, guiding him to the slightly bigger bed, while her twin takes Spencer to his parents’ room. Nina must have been joking, she realises, as she tucks him in too, pushing her fingers through his thick, black curls. She might have agreed to babysit angels instead.
When Allie reaches Nina and Monéts room, she pauses at the door, hearing Noah softly singing. It’s a Spanish lullaby, the one their Papa used to sing when they were little. She hopes it brings Spencer the same peace it’s always brought her. 
“'Arrorro mi niño’? Huh,” she jibes quietly as he closes the door. 
“Shut up.”
“Noah le gustanlos bebés”
“You’re such an ass.”
“Español, por favor?”
“Eres un gilipollas.”
“Thank you, bro!“
“Wakey, wakey mijos!” Calls Vanessa through the sizzling of pancakes. He doesn’t hear anything for a second, as he leans on the staircase railings, but then hears a quiet thud and cursing, so assumes at least one of his children is awake. He figures he can tip some water on them if they aren’t awake in the next fifteen minutes. 
The morning feels reminiscent of a time long gone. Brooke is stood in a plaid dressing gown, making pancakes while sipping from his very faded ‘Worlds Best Dad’ mug. Vanessa sits at the breakfast bar with his own coffee - his smaller frame dwarfed in a t-shirt of Brooke’s and some plain pyjama bottoms (almost certainly Brooke’s too). He smiles at the memories of school mornings with kids half the age, of herding them through doors and into the car, and has to stop as he feels tears rising in him.
“They’re only sixteen,” reminds his husband softly, placing down the pan to set a gentle hand on his arm.
“I know,” Vanessa sobs, “but sixteen means there ain’t long til we look at college and all that shit. I ain’t ready for that!”
“You got long enough, Papa,” comes Noah from the stairs, his voice a little huskier in the morning. He makes grabby hands at the cup of coffee waiting for him, before taking his usual seat at the bar too. Brooke slides a plate of pancakes towards him and smiles with pride as the boy reaches for the maple syrup.
“Happy birthday, son,” he says before making a vague gesture upstairs and raising an eyebrow. Noah shakes his head vigorously, and Vanessa wipes his eyes before grabbing a glass of water.
They hear a loud yelp and footsteps thunder down the stairs, the short Puerto Rican swiftly followed by an angry teenage girl - her dark curls flying after her.
“Happy birthday, Love,” calls Brooke, handing over a plate of food as a safety precaution. Allie has it within her to smile as she takes it, before slouching onto the chair between Vanessa and Noah. She makes a hand movement for coffee, and her Papa slides a mug to her with a chuckle. 
“You’re clearly my kids,” he grins as he sips his drink.
“Annoying, speaks passable Spanish, highly caffeinated,” Brooke ticks off with his fingers. “Sounds about right.”
Vanessa sighs and tilts his head to the side. “I can’t even argue with you.”
“Happy birthday, dimwit,” whispers Allie, head on her brother’s shoulder as they listen to their parent’s bickering.
“Happy birthday, little sis.”
She hits him.
It’s the day after the twins’ birthday. They’ve had a fantastic time running around LA with their parents and messing around - just the way they wanted to spend it - and decide to end it cuddled up on the sofa, drinking cold lemonades and watching cartoons. It feels right.
“I hope you kids have had a good day,” calls out Brooke from across the living room, his own tall frame encompassed in blankets and his husband. Vanessa pokes his head up from the comfort of the cocoon and smiles, kissing Brooke’s cheek before resting his head again.
“We have, but we have one more thing,” Allie announces, wrestling with the blankets and pillows for a second, so she can stand up. She leaves the room only to come back with a box - A4 sized and with a red ribbon tied around it. Noah gets up to join her, and they meet in front of the couple, handing Brooke the box with expectant looks. 
He chuckles nervously - “I thought it was your birthday weekend” - before he slowly unties the ribbon. 
Within the box is a brown court envelope addressed to Brock Hayhoe-Cancel. He fumbles with it for a second, feels the weight of the paper in his hands, before he starts to peel at the opening, tugs and pulls out a sheaf of white paper. There’s a note at the top - on a school grade lined paper, it reads:
You’ve been our dad for years, but we figured it’s time you became that officially. We love you! 
Allie and Noah.’
Before he realises it, Vanessa’s hand is rubbing soft circles onto his back, and he is crying. He drops the papers onto his lap and takes one of each twin’s hands with his own.
“Thank you,” he says through choked sobs, “thank you for letting me be your dad.”
Allie swipes a finger under her eye and smiles wetly. “Thank you for being the best dad we could ask for.”
Noah gulps and smiles too - leans his head on his sister’s shoulder, sighing. He swings Brooke’s hand in his own before leaning forward to kiss his wet cheek.
“Thank you, Dad.”
“It was never something that needed thanking.”
“You want a cat?”
“Dad is always telling us how much you loved Henry and Apollo!”
“Yeah, but they weren’t my cats.”
“They were Dad’s.”
“Funnily enough, still no.”
It happens, as all important things do, on a Tuesday.
Noah arranges a family meeting by placing an event in the Hytes-Mateo google calendar (a necessity in a house where one or both parents can randomly be booked for a gig - both do more shows now than they have since before the twins). He does so without saying a word, half hoping the rest of the family will assume it’s been there for months, and just turn up. The next step in his plan is to order pizza to be delivered at the exact time the meeting is arranged for - he has always been taught that pizza is a universal bandaid. 
And now he waits.
He struggles to sit through AP calculus, legs jittering and palms sweaty, as he tries to keep primary and secondary derivatives straight in his head - completely ignoring the teachers long-winded explanation of limits. When he gets home, he sits in his room for a little while until six, when he takes his seat in the living room and waits for his family. 
Vanessa steams through the door, shoes and bag on the floor and ass in his chair before Noah can say a word. Brooke follows pretty soon after, although his movements are a little less frantic and better placed. Allie is last, then again she’s never had a penchant for being on time.
He stands at the front awkwardly, hands clasped in front of him, then in his pockets. One briefly lingers on his hip and another brushes through his hair, slick with sweat.
“Noah, honey. What’s wrong?” Asks Vanessa. He’s worried and Brooke places a hand on his knee in solidarity - whole body leaned forward, as if trying to hear the words that haven’t yet been spoken.
“Mhmm,” he assuages (rather unconvincingly), “it’s just that. I’m just-”
“I’m gay.”
The room is that sort of still quiet for a second. A pause in the woods, a page being turned, the moment after a hairdryer is shut off. They all just stare, and he looks a little queasy - pale green - never one to enjoy pointed attention.
“AND I LIKE MEN TOO,” Allie shouts, jumping up and going to put an arm around her brother - a small smile creeping onto his face. “You see, we’re just a set of twins who both like men, cool? Cool.”
“I love you,” Noah whispers into her ear, the girl just winking.
“I mean, it would be hypocritical to disapprove, son,” responds Brooke, beaming as he says it. “I- We’re so proud of you.” Vanessa stands up with him and they all move to embrace him. It’s a family hug that seems to go on for hours, the shorter man whispering affirmations into his son’s hair, nose deep into the chocolate curls.
When they pull away, everyone’s a little teary.
“I’m so proud to call you my son.”
“Who you texting?” Yvie asks, smirking as she leans into Scarlets side. The couple are hanging out with Allie for the afternoon - having become the favourite of her parents’ friends when she realised she could (and would) steal their clothes.
She hides her phone with speed, tucking it under the cushion next to her, and ignoring the way it pings every thirty seconds. The adults raise eyebrows but say nothing.
They are at the judging part of ‘Project Runway’ when Scarlet takes it upon herself to crawl across the other two bodies and grab the device unceremoniously. She hits the on button with a ferocity not seen since Penny Tration’s dumpster diving in season five, before it lights up displaying the texts. 
“Ooooo,” she teases. “Who’s Michael?” 
Allie flushes crimson, her face matching the sofa cushion she is hugging for emotional support. She tries to answer, but giggles instead - it’s sickeningly sweet and makes the air smell like spun sugar.
“No one!” She attempts to cover, but it comes out sing-songy and too high pitched, and she buries her face in the cushion instead. 
She sighs, pulls her shoulders back and composes herself, looking straight into Yvie’s eyes. “He is a boy from debate class.”
“Well, is he cute?!” Scarlet asks, squealing a little, and Yvie looks embarrassed, trapped against her will in a conversation she thought she escaped years ago - teen boys.
“Ugh. Show me a picture then.” She concedes, frown turning to smile when she sees Scarlet’s reaction.
“He’s… hot?”
“He’s called Silver.”
“It’s a cat, Brock.”
“But the toe beans.”
“I swear to fucking god and the holy motherfucking ghost.”
“It’s a kitten, José. Language… Squeesh.”
“I guess. I guess it’s pretty cute. But it is your responsibility. You better be chill, Mr Silver. I don’t want no shit from you.”
“Told ya you’d like him.”
“Don’t push it.”
When Nina and Monét text the family Whatsapp group saying they’re taking their kids to the park, they don’t expect Allie to reply. They also don’t expect her to be as enthusiastic as she is, when she turns up at their door in her daisy dukes and a short-sleeved striped button-up. 
She’s practically bouncing on her heels as she picks up Spencer, spinning him around before balancing him on her hip. She smiles softly as he tries to grab her glasses off her head. 
They take a long wander to the park, Allie chasing Owen and Judah part of the way until she sits down on a park bench overlooking the play area with their parents.
“How come you’ve only adopted boys?” She asks out of curiosity, eyes fixed on Judah on the seesaw with a younger girl. 
Monét looks at Nina with a furrowed brows before answering, “I guess we just felt more comfortable. I don’t know. Do you think we shouldn’t have?”
She smiles in a way that can only be described as a little lonely. “I don’t know. I just always wanted to be a big sister? You get me.” There’s a lull in the conversation, as she reaches down to untie and retie her shoes before sitting back up straight and looking them both in the eye. “I know that you guys have been such a great second family to me,” she says, bringing a smile to Nina’s face immediately. “I love being an older sister to your kids, and they will always be my family - you will always be my family.”
“The kids love you like you’re ours,” Monét points out as she sits forward to place a hand on Allie’s knee. “We all love you so much. You and Noah are always welcome round here.”
Nina looks proud as they sit there, rests his head on Monét’s shoulder, and they lean back on the park bench. 
“I think we know what we’re doing next, then.”
“Hey, kids!” Shouts Brooke up the stairs one morning. “Asia feels like she hasn’t seen you in ages, and wants to know if you want to go over this afternoon.” He reads the text once more before adding, “Kam will be there?”
Noah replies first, his head poking up at the top of the stairs, nodding frantically, while Allie texts Brooke an affirmation, making him scoff a little before returning to his crossword.
He drives them to the house in the suburbs with the teal shutters, the red door and the pride flag hanging out of the second-floor window, like no one’s heard of homophobia. He chuckles to himself, as Kameron walks out in a pair of basketball shorts and an apron which proclaims ‘Kiss the cook’, but as each child walks past with a bemused look, the older man’s enthusiasm fails a little, and he looks dejected trailing back to the kitchen.
“Right, kids,” he states, clapping his hands authoritatively. “Me and Noah are gonna make lasagna. Allie, you’re upstairs, tiling the bathroom with Asia.” Kameron giggles at the reactions he gets (although is pleasantly surprised at Allie’s enthusiasm, when presented with a filler gun and a cement powder-covered man in his late forties). 
They realise later that Asia would have been much better equipped to make the lasagna, as Kameron trips on the edge of a loose tile, briefly cursing the drunken wedding that led him to the moment. The lasagna, however, is beautiful (all due to Noah’s apparent culinary genius.)
The twins share the washing up, as Kameron and Asia drink wine at the kitchen island and wonder for a second why they never had kids. They realise that they never needed to. They have two Mateos (or five, with the Wests), and a family that spans across countries. Plus, they’re friends with Vanessa, and that’s enough.
Nina and Monét signed up to foster when they realised there were so many kids that needed non-permanent homes.
They got a call on a Wednesday night, telling them there was a seven-year-old called Amelia, that needed temporary housing, and the acceptance was instant. Now it’s two days later, and they’re not all the way convinced.
“We’ve never looked after a girl,” points out Nina, as she leans on the car window frame. They’re on the highway with the windows open and she can’t hear herself think, which she’s starting to believe may be just what she needs.
“We’ve half-raised Allie,” reminds Monét, placing a gentle hand on her partner’s knee. “Andrew, baby, look at me.” She sees the tears in her eyes, and if she wasn’t driving she would wipe every single one away. “We can do this.”
“You’re right. Let’s meet Amelia.”
It started as a joke:
“Vanessa Vanjie Isabella Mateo-Hytes ain’t your mother bitch!”
But it swiftly grew into so much more.
One day, Allie runs downstairs at a breakneck speed. She charges into the dining room, to find her Papa sat at the table stoning a pair of tights. She looks scared and she’s clutching her phone like a lifeline, and he stands up, ushering her to the nearest seat to regain her breath.
“Papa!” She cries, “it’s Lily, her- her mom’s boyfriend- he, he-” She starts sniffling, and Vanessa notices her phone ringing again. He reaches over slowly, and upon seeing Lily’s name, he picks up swiftly. The girl on the other end of the line is crying and it takes long enough for Vanessa to coax out that she’s hiding behind a sofa, because her mum’s boyfriend came home drunk and he’s not happy. She’s holding her little brother Dylan, who’s whimpering in the background, and she sounds utterly alone. 
“Can you get out?” He asks, calm and collected. When she affirms she can, he asks her address and, dropping a kiss on Allie’s head, grabs his car keys and leaves. 
He collects them from the lobby of the flat complex, bundles Dylan into the backseat with enough blankets to ensure he’s safely protected (they lack the car seat needed), and asks Lily to climb in the front. She’s come over for tea many times, and they’re familiar enough that she feels comfortable around the family, her tears clearing up as they round the corner onto their street. 
“You kids can stay here ‘til you feel safe, okay?” He asks, affirming what he hopes had been an obvious sentiment from the beginning.
“Thanks, Mama Mateo,” Lily jibes (although she is clearly beyond grateful. Her eyes pool a little as she smiles, and Vanessa wipes off a stray tear.)
“I’ll get Nina and Monét to bring over some spare stuff for Dylan.”
Then, Noah’s boyfriend comes out to his grandfather and he kicks him out (albeit temporarily), and he comes to stay. Brooke comes down the next morning with a knowing smirk and a kind heart.
“So, we’re adopting strays, Mama Mateo?” He jokes as he hugs his husband from behind.
“That’s Mama Mateo-Hytes to you, sir.”
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polygamyff · 5 years
17. Part 2
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I am actually annoyed, I didn’t want anything. I didn’t want no party and my dad is out here surprising me like I’m ten, if he don’t fuck off with that shit “you still angry?” Malik asked while I fixed my bow tie “yes I am, nobody asked for this. I just wanted peace, instead I got to put up with people that are fake as fuck and then now I got to explain to Robyn why I can’t see her tonight, ugh” she is going to be upset with me, this is just not it. I’ll just have to tell her the truth, I hope she didn’t plan anything for me but I will give her the money back if she did. Shaking my head as I typed out the message.
To: Robyn
From: Maurice
Sorry, I can’t make today. I truly mean it when I say this. I’m very upset I can’t see you or be with you. My dad is in Cali and he’s throwing me a bday party and personally I didn’t want it but what can I say. Please don’t be mad at me and I will see tomorrow? X
Pressing send on the message “I know Robyn, she will be pissed with me. She will take this as an offence on why I didn’t choose her instead of this, I got no choice. These things costs thousands, only god knows what he’s done” I’m stressed “well he told me, he said he’s been planning this for a while. He wants the best for you, it will be fun. See your old friends and family members, I mean Naomi will be there” Malik is not wrong she will be there and she doesn’t have the contract so the bitch may act out, I will make her cry again if she attempts to be that stupid. I didn’t want all of this, I am already not happy being thirty, I feel like it’s such a jump. I am closer to forty but also I am going to be a dad so that is an accomplishment for me “I won’t be so negative, I have done well for myself in less than a year. Robyn has made it for me, I think I would be depressed. I don’t think I would want to be here, but anyways. She is here, she hasn’t text me back. I guess we better go and I will act fake shocked, don’t worry” Malik and Shawn broke the news, they told me straight away about this because I was in Anaheim so I could just go to Robyn.
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I don’t feel too good about this at all, I am here now so there is nothing I can do and I can’t turn back either. They haven’t opened the doors to the room, it’s literally drinks that are free as we wait to go in “orange juice” Shawn held out the flute shaped glass to me “thank you, I seen a few famous people. I feel all nervous, bad nervous” Leon walked every so quickly back over to me “stop running off to take pictures with the famous” he is crazy “oh yeah, don’t do that. Who did you harass?” Shawn said “it was just Kid Cudi, nothing big. Can you clarify how he knows him?” Leon asked and Shawn shrugged “he knows many people, I think it was when he was renting his place in the Hollywood hills, he became friends with him. I think anyways, I wasn’t always with him you see. Just stay close to me” my eyes widened seeing Maurice’ sister walk up behind Shawn “what you doing here little man?” Shawn looked behind him “little? No thank you, why can’t I be here?” Maurice’ sister looked at me and I swallowed ever so hard, her neck, wrist, ears, fingers all filled with diamonds. I just got some fake shit on but they glisten “this your girl?” she pointed at me “erm, what?” Shawn said like a dumb ass “friends” I answered for him “oh wow, Shawn you being friend zoned. I don’t blame her, you pretty” she waved me off before walking off “acting like I am that ugly” Shawn huffed out.
The huge double doors opened “ballroom is now open!” the guy shouted down the microphone “that means Maurice will be close, just stay with me” looking over at Leon, I am scared as fuck. I can see his family from here, his dad is so old and it’s nasty how he is “let everyone go in before us” I am working myself up way too much “you sweat that make up off I ain’t helping, just relax. You done nothing wrong, you came here for your man. Fix up now” Leon is so pushy “you can just wait here for a while? It’s fine” some white guy touched Shawn’ shoulder “Shawn! Not seen you in so long” they dapped each other “school days, it’s been so long. I am coming in, see you inside” that white is staring at me in a way, I ain’t no meal “talk to you soon” he winked at me “hey!” Shawn spat seeing that “he’s a jerk and always has been but come, let’s just do this” nodding my head “I will walk behind you, a queens train cannot be stepped on” Leon said, I cooed out “I love you” walking behind Shawn, he is such a good friend. I am not a shy person, it’s just I don’t want anything to happen wrong.
My breath got taken a back walking into the ballroom with Shawn ahead of me, I stared around the huge room with my mouth hung open staring at the high walls, the huge chandelier in the middle of the ballroom where it looks to me seems like a dance floor, a stage up at the front and rows upon rows of tables on each side of the runaway down the middle, the tables are elegantly dressed with set table pieces in the middle, something I would have when I get married. The walk seems far, we are getting closer and closer to the front. Seeing the backdrop and two screens at the side of the stage, I pouted my lower lip out. That had to be baby Maurice, it’s him, his ears alone let me know it’s him. He’s got a big head so I assume this child is going to have just that, he is so adorable from being a baby until now, I gasped as the picture changed. How cute, he is wearing a mini suit and his smile, oh my heart “oopps” hitting into the back of Shawn “sorry” he apologised, it was my fault because I was walking too fast and too busy staring at baby Maurice.
Oh my, we cannot be sat here in front, turning my head and seeing the table we walked by. I swallowed hard seeing Tiffany, she sat down and then looked up at me. She gave me a stank look and it’s the first time I can see the hate in her eyes, I knew she disliked me in some way but never showed it but this time she showed it, the hate is real “we sitting here” my eyes bulged out, I am sitting closer to where she is “really!” I said in shock, walking around the table “assigned seats, me, you and then Leon” they have actually got my name on the card a top of my plate, this is crazy “the hell you doing on this table?” Shawn said as I sat down, seeing Nalah pulling a chair back “well seeing as that table is full I have to sit here, you family too” Shawn sat down not looking impressed “who else is sitting here?” I asked, I hope it’s not his parents “my family, they here somewhere. They won’t say much, some of Maurice’ family members are sitting at the side of Leon. It will be fine” nodding my head, I pray that it does go ok “Shawn who is this lady?” that has to be his dad, the eyes “uh dad, it’s just a friend. Sit down” Shawn less than impressed with his dad “how can you make her your friend, hi friend” his dad seems funny “hi” I smiled at him, Shawn is not happy “why can’t you let mom sit next to me” he grumbled “awww you don’t want me sitting next to you now? It’s your boyfriend’ birthday, stop crying” his dad is funny, I like him. Looking back over at the stage, seeing the the picture of Maurice and his dad. He looks old in that picture, he just even old now and I am surprised he could even pick his fat ass up with his frail self. At least I know I will have a cute baby.
Shawn did say Maurice should be coming but it’s been twenty minutes now “I am telling you now, across there is Beyonce, I am sweating. You not listening to me, queen Bey is there. How does he knows her!?” Leon is having a meltdown, looking up at his forehead “you are actually sweating, I can imagine Maurice knows her husband. It is something she would come too” Leon picked the napkin from the plate, patting his forehead “I have to say hi to her, just for her to breathe on me. Robyn, you have to get Maurice to get this done for me” I think I would be the same if I could think about such a thing, I can’t. I have too many other thoughts on my mind, like Naomi walking by this table “wheww chile” Leon said, she didn’t even see this table but that bitch is a little stuck up for what she really is, an ex wife “Robyn!” feeling a pair of hands on my shoulders, looking behind me in shock “Deja” I said in shock “Deja” I said again, moving in the seat “what are you doing here?” she has nothing to do with him “I done told you girl, you got family in this business you get to come” Ally and I met eyes but she looked away “right” I said trying to comprehend what she is saying “can everyone take their seats” thank you god, I don’t wish to speak to this “speak soon” she walked off, I gave Ally the dirtiest look as she looked at me. What a time, bitches are everywhere in this place.
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My dad is doing the most, this whole thing is too much “should I call her? I want to know she is ok with me? I didn’t even want this. I didn’t know my stupid father would do this, how would I know?” I knew it would be at this banquet hall, it’s the only hall my dad finds to his standard, we had another event here “you still tripping over Robyn? She good, just give it time. I know she will be ok, she may be having a nap. Just chill bro. Let’s get out of the car and get this shit over with, you better be surprised as shit” opening the car door, I can be fake. It’s my easiest thing to do, in this world well my world there is many fake people that smile in my face. Closing the car door, I am really about to get the age thirty thrown into my face which I didn’t want “dad was like blind fold him, I said he isn’t a child. Just be happy, there is a lot of people here for you” I will try my best, I just want to know Robyn is ok before I can be happy.
I know that through these doors will be a hall filled with people, they are all here for me so I must be positive and I must not be so negative about the whole thing. It’s a nice gesture of my dad so I will plaster a smile on my face “my boy” my head snapped in my dad’ direction “mom, dad. What you doing here?” I said so fake “you think we would miss your birthday, thirty years ago I was so blessed to have you come here!” here my mom goes, being the emotional she is. Hugging my mom “my handsome boy, I am so happy. I am proud of you, everything you have done. I love you” looking up seeing Noami, why is she here but of course she would be “I love you too mom, and thank you” moving back from the hug “happy birthday boy” my dad said, getting my hand out to shake his “thanks dad” he grabbed my hand and yanked me forward, a hug from my dad is weird. The last time he hugged me like this was when I was in rehab, begging me to get better but then fucked me over “you mean so much to me Maurice” nodding my head moving back from the hug “well, I might as well hug you” my sister said “why you playing, you love a good hug” Nalah wrapped both arms around me “I miss you at home, I do” she squeezed me, a big hug from my sister “I miss you too” placing my arm around my sister as I turned around “I know you never want much for your birthday, I do like to spoil you but today your thirty and it’s about you. I want to throw this ballroom for you, to celebrate you” smiling at my dad “I assumed you did, I guess they waiting for me in there” now I have to walk down there.
I guess we better get this over with “you really got this all set up haven’t you? Is this an award show?” I had to ask because they keep saying not yet, like I can just walk “ok so in five” he for real got a whole ass production team “if you all want to stand up and put your hands together and give a big birthday surprise for the birthday boy himself, the heir to the Davenport empire” my dad had to put that in, he is so stupid. The double doors opened, I don’t tend to be shy at such things because I am used to it at such a young age, I am only shy when it comes to Robyn and at times people I care about. I smiled seeing the ballroom filled with people, it’s weird because the only people I care about will be at front, as always. Felling an arm link under mine and I was about to snatch it away but it’s my mom “let’s go prince” my mom is annoying but she is my mother, I started walking into the hall and just looking from the tables in the back it’s people that I have me tin passing and some management within the company “happy birthday big man” some guy said “thank you” I don’t know who he is.
Who allowed Tina to come to such a thing, she don’t know how to act “you look so handsome Maurice, god. If only I was younger” she hugged me tight “god I would be holding his hand Naomi” I just want to get to the stage, that is all but she busy trying to look into my eyes and kissing my cheeks “happy birthday baby” she finally let me go “Tina, you are something else” my mom said chuckling as we walked off, I just wanted to get to the stage anyways. This walk seemed too damn long for me, too many people too. Walking up on the stage, this is too much like honestly. My dad is doing the the most but he has always done that for me, no lie. He has always had the habit of making sure he does the most for me “thank you, thank you for coming” who the hell gave my dad the microphone, god help us all because this is going to be long.
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Leon held my hand, looking down at his hand. He knows, he knows I am upset. Just to see Noami stood right next to him on stage, they not touching but she stood next to him close enough claiming what she thinks is hers, not something I want to see at all. I didn’t want to see it and I didn’t want to see them together or even interacting “he loves you” Leon said into my ear “I know, just not nice to see” it’s not nice to see at all, looking up at his family all smiles “I heard some of you say, I can imagine what his birthday will be like when he is forty. If my old self is still here, that is all I can say” the room laughed, I couldn’t on the other hand because I feel like I shouldn’t be here “Maurice Davenport, I remember now when he was born it was the best moment of my life. Besides Nalah of course, I love my daughter but a boy to be born after a while. He has my heart that boy and always has, from the times he sat on my lap in my office. From the moment he was helping his brother on how to walk, this was in my office” a video played on the screen, how adorable is Maurice and look at Malik “he has always been doing that, he is the better part of me and I know that to get where I am now I can’t be nice but him, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He has sacrificed things a lot and has disagreed a lot to things but I always have your best interest in heart, you’re getting older and you’re making more of an impact than I did. To see you in Forbes had to be the proudest moment, you did things I didn’t think you could. You don’t want much for your birthday but from us, we wanted to do this. Happy birthday son” I snarled at Naomi touching his arm as Maurice walked to his to hug him.
He look so handsome, he shaved his outgrown beard, it’ much more cleaner “thank you dad, mom, sister and brother. I appreciate it, thank you for coming all of you. I met many of you on different paths, different reasons. I see some of ya’ll and it was because of a party, I know I threw a good party but for every reason I met you all it was always for a good thing, maybe it was to make a good business deal, a friendship or because you work for me. Each one of you have made a different in my life and I thank you. It will be a birthday to remember and I thank you, each one of you. Appreciate it, and I can’t forger to say thank you Shawn, before he cries about it. Where is he?” Shawn shot up “I’m here!” he shouted “he gets sad when I don’t say his name” the room fell into a fit of laughter “love you bro, I can’t see much with the lights but I hear you” Shawn loves Maurice so much and I can see it now “you are embarrassing, if only you married him” his dad said “shut up” Shawn said in a huff “we close like that!” poor Shawn, his dad won’t leave him alone about it.
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Malik placed his hand on my back “come, let’s go and see Shawn” he said to me, seeing Jay “you came here!? You never go to anything” getting my hand out “you know I couldn’t miss it” Jay Z grabbed my hand “you have helped me us out a lot, but speak soon. You busy” waving at Beyonce, I am getting dragged from one end to the other “let’s eat” my dad said, Malik is pushing me to see Shawn “I will, the table is there. I will come” Malik annoying ass “I can see Shawn after, you know this. Tina, don’t get too drunk tonight” she is crazy, I am surprised she hasn’t pushed Naomi out of the way “I won’t baby!” she shouted at me, smiling as I looked ahead of “happy birthday cuz” Kellen is actually speaking to me “thank you, hi uncle” touching his shoulder as I walked by him “Maurice, my dad keep saying we gay” Shawn’ dad is a troll “we are what?” I spat in shock “nigga, watch ya damn foot. Stepping on my friend’ train” my eyes bulged out “Leon?” looking down at the side of me “Robyn” moving back “what? Robyn, what you doing here?” you know when you feel your heart skip a beat, it hurts but it’s because I just saw the love of my life. I don’t know what to do with myself “yeah Maurice, Robyn is here. With everyone around us” she looks so beautiful, oh my god she looks so good “happy birthday Maurice” she smiled at me “thank you” nothing even matter anymore, I can’t take my eyes away from her “you look beautiful” I couldn’t help myself “hey! Maurice, me. Look, I don’t know why you bought him here Malik” Shawn getting in my way “Maurice, we need to eat. Come” I want to sit here, I have never seen such beauty “thank you” Robyn said to me.
I can’t even eat, I am just staring at Robyn. I can’t stop looking, she is eating so that is good so she likes the food but oh my god. She is here, they bought her here. She looks like the queen she is “Maurice, did you not hear me” blinking several times looking at my mom “with what?” Malik is laughing so hard at me right now but I can’t help it, they bought Robyn here so of course I am going to be like this “I said is the food nice? We picked out your favourite” nodding my head “I do” I didn’t taste this shit at all, I can’t sit here and just be so far away from her. Robyn finally caught my eye and my smile grew, she also smiled and looked away from me. Why did she look away, why can’t she look at me with her shy self. My phone pinged, Robyn looked up at me finally and held her phone up but then proceeded to take a picture with Shawn, I felt offended. Grabbing my phone and seeing Bonita has text me, unlocking my phone.
From: Bonita
To: Maurice
Stop staring at me creep!
I chuckled, I am being a creep towards her. I need to see Robyn before this is over, I can’t just sit here “you actually bought her here” Naomi said at the side of me “I didn’t know she would be, I feel so emotional just seeing her here. Someone that means a lot to me” I don’t give a fuck at all, getting up from my seat. I can’t sit here, it’s annoying me. Robyn stared at me all wide eyed “erm, Leon. Can I speak to you” Leon froze with his fork in hand “but I like this?” I just want to touch Robyn so bad, she looks amazing “please” I said, I just need to ask him a favour “you owe me food if it gets cold” he got up, Robyn looked up at me “enjoying the food?” she didn’t say a word but giggled to herself, walking off with Leon “I am very happy to see you both here, it’s been the best gift. Even you Leon, you’re stupid and I find you funny but when we done from here, meaning when everyone has finished eating” walking off into the back of the stage and opened the fire exit “entertainment will start soon, I need you to bring Robyn here. I will be around here. I need to see her, I will let you know when ok?” Leon cooed out “will Mrs Carter be singing” Leon grinned “she could be, just do that for me ok?” he grinned at me “anything for you, I will I promise” I hope I can just hug her, if not then I am just going to do it publicly.
I am trying to find way in getting away from my family, I need too. I mean this could be good, I’ve blew my candles out. Cake is been given out “here” I grabbed the plate from the waitress, Shawn’ family are not there on the table “and this one” holding two plates of cake, I couldn’t go without Leon’ cake. I am rushing my ass across the floor “Maurice, happy birthday” I stopped abruptly “Deja” she is actually here “I told you I am always around” seeing Ally behind “hi” I said to Ally “I saw Robyn, she looks so well with the baby” I cringed and wanted to push the plate of cake in her face, Ally’ eyes bulged out “yeah, I need to go” I need to go, I can’t deal with this mess right now. She has figured it out now, she must have “look at birthday boy” Leon said, placing his plate in front of him. Walking around Robyn’ seat, sitting down on Shawn’ seat “where is he?” holding the plate out to her, looking around me “toilet” she said “you look so beautiful, this dress. Wow. I am in shock, I am so happy you’re here. You are ok yes? Nobody is upsetting you right?” Robyn shook her head “I am just happy that you are” I breathed out laughing “Maurice” looking up, how did he find me “hey Kyle” getting up from the seat “who would have thought, doped up Maurice is this” bursting out laughing “you know it” dapping him “I had to fly out when your dad said” seeing his eyes looking at Robyn “who is this? She fine, wow” staring at my old school friend, I am mentally killing “nobody” I finally dragged out from my mouth “hey pretty, what is your name?” he touched her shoulder “leave her nigga, she good” stepping in front of him “you holding hoes again? You married come on” I will punch him “hey! Old school friends, how are we all” Shawn said, my fist balled up “it’s little Shawn” Kyle said diverting his attention to Shawn, feeling a hand on my balled up fist. Looking to the side of me “it ok” Robyn said, I would have punched him.
I can’t get Leon’ attention, he is too busy screaming about Beyonce. Placing my arm around Malik “Malik! Bring Robyn to me, behind the stage near the fire exit” I said into his ear, Malik nodded his head walking off. I can’t have fun, I just want o have fun with Robyn but I can’t. It’s dope that Bey is actually singing “Tina, no. I don’t want to dance, you go” walking backwards, everyone is very much occupied, as long as people are having fun they good and won’t see me do what I need with Robyn. Seeing Malik speaking to Robyn, that is perfect. As soon as I saw Robyn here at the party me intentions left the room, I just want to be in her arms. I just want to the woman I love, walking by the stage and to the back. I doubt anyone will be here because who would care what I would when there is Beyonce on stage, I mean nothing right now.
Stuffing my hands in my pockets, what is taking her so long. It’s not that damn far, I bet she is just as bad as Leon with the Beyonce thing, rolling my eyes until I see Robyn looking down at her, watching her every step with her clutch in hand. It just hit me so hard, she looked up at me finally and my heart fluttered. She looks so damn good, so good that I can marry her now. I couldn’t lose her, look at her. There is no point talking here, we won’t be able to hear each other. Grabbing Robyn’ hand and walking towards the exit, if anyone sees me here I don’t care because it has nothing to do with them who I am with. Pushing the exit door open, and then turning around, closing it a little “you look so beautiful oh my god, wife” hugging Robyn so close “thank you, I have been dying to touch you so much. I have missed you” I feel so whole again, I feel healed. It hurt being away from her, just to be like strangers “I know Robyn, it hurt to not touch you, the best surprise has been you. You being here, you look so good I want to marry you now” feeling Robyn press a kiss to my neck, moving my head back “and I would accept, I wasn’t so sure about coming but I don’t care. You kept making me shy, I was eating, well I was so into my food and then you are just staring at me” I chuckled, Robyn gasped “I love this song, please” hearing the guitar string play “what song?” I said confused “come” she dragged me back out to the back of stage.
“And it's me and you, that's all we'll have when the world is through. Cause baby, we ain't got nothing without love. Darling, you got enough for the both of us. So come on, baby, make love to me” Robyn started singing, my hands in hers. The words spreading warmth through me, healing from the inside all the cracks and wounds that had grown with loving her. Pulling Robyn into me, she placed her arms around my neck and I placed my arms around her waist “Hey, I don't know much about guns but I, I've been shot by you, hey! And I don't know when I'm gon die but I hope, that I'm gon die by you, hey! I don't know much about fighting but I know I will fight for you” she placed her hands on my chest “hey! Just when I ball up my fist I realise, I'm lying right next to you” she got me choked up here, resting my head against hers as we swayed “Pull me in close and don't let me go, make love to me” bringing my hand up and I pressed my thumb against her lips, our eyes locked as she smoothed her hands up over my chest, I tasted her breath against my mouth before I put my lips against her. Soft touches, tasting, nipping. Before I then dove for her, my hand at the back of her head, I kissed her like I have been dying to do, she kissed me back, long and hard. Digging her fingers into my shoulders, holding on. Moving my kisses away from her lips and down her cheek and to her neck “I love you so much” Robyn said, moving my head back “I love you too” touching the side of her face, Robyn bought her hand up to my lips “you got lipstick on there” she shouted over the music, nodding my head “you did eat though? Mini Bonita eat too?” leaning down “did you eat mini Bonita?” I always do it in public, I don’t care “oh shit!” Robyn spat, I stood straight “what?” looking to where Robyn is looking, my sister and Tiffany just staring.
Leaning to Robyn’ ear “you go, it’s fine. Tiffany can fuck off, she knows anyways. You go and I will find you after, that was beautiful though” kissing her cheek “you sure? I can stay” shaking my head “can you do me one thing though?” Robyn asked “yeah what is it?” Robyn giggled before she spoke “get me a picture with Beyonce, please” I couldn’t help but laugh “I got you, you go have fun” she don’t need to be here with sister, Tiffany ran off when I saw her but she can fuck. Watching Robyn walk off “I am sure she will be fine, we need to talk” my sister said behind me, turning around. My sister went to be same spot where me and Robyn was talking, holding the fire exit door as I walked out “I thought that was Shawn’ girl, but ok” my sister said “why was you there? How long was there?” how did they know “I saw you walking here, then I saw her walk here. I thought see what the deal is, I thought you was having sex but I saw more than that” I didn’t want my sister finding now anything but now look “Tiffany, I don’t know where she came from but wow” I don’t know what to say now “don’t tell anyone” is the only thing I can say “Maurice, it was the most romantic thing I saw. I couldn’t stop watching, wow. I am not telling anyone but I have never seen that side to you. That glisten in your eyes, pure happiness. You got my heart filled, who is it? I mean is this why you’re missing?” she don’t seem angry “I am in love, we met at Kellen’ wedding and that was it. Please don’t tell anyone” my sister shook her head “who likes Noami anyways, remember when I said to you I wish you could be happy. Why would I want to ruin that for you? Is she pregnant? You was touching her stomach” nodding my head “Maurice, you never said! You didn’t tell me? Your older sister, I am not going to hate you for being happy” my sister looks all teary eyed as she hugged me.
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I hope Maurice is not in trouble, that was in my intention. I can’t even think about anything Leon is telling me at all, seeing Maurice and his sister appear from the side of the stage and he doesn’t look upset or anything, they are both just talking. He is not sad so I am happy with that, catching Deja staring at me but she is giving the dirtiest look ever. Who is she giving that look too but seeing Ally with her is kind of fits, she must be talking shit about me and I am ok to fight her if she wants a fight. My heart feels so warm and full of love, singing one plus one to the man I love how fitting and Beyonce is here singing it. How crazy is this, my man knows Beyonce, that is everything and more “I am so emotional Robyn, seeing Maurice and now Jay Z, what is life” Leon is too damn happy about all this and I don’t blame him.
“Robyn” I jumped a little at Maurice saying my name “hiiii” why am I like this now “come and Leon” he said, my face dropped he got Beyonce here, in front of my face “Mrs Carter this is my two friends, you don’t mind taking a picture with them now do you?” I want to die a little inside “of course, come and you too Maurice” shuffling over to Maurice, Leon already ran to her to hug her but I want to hug Maurice. I just stood at the side of Maurice instead, his arm draped over me, the photographer came over and took a picture of us “thank you so much” I said, she didn’t need too “I love you so much!” Leon is such a fan, turning to Maurice “I am going now, I am very tired. I feel really weak, but come to the apartment even if I am asleep ok” I would love to wake up in his arms “I promise, I will be right behind you” smiling lightly “Leon, leave Beyonce alone come” I want to get out of the clothing, I feel slightly not well but I won’t tell Maurice that.
I breathed out leaving the ballroom, Noami didn’t attack me, Tiffany didn’t either, Deja is cancelled. I am happy to get out of there alive, thank you god. Looking behind me and at Leon just being the idiot he is, he won’t leave Maurice alone now “well if it isn’t Robyn side bitch Willis” seeing Tiffany and Deja “shut up Tiffany, get a life” I don’t want to start with her “he is married Robyn, I didn’t think you was like that. You honestly messing with a married now?” Deja is speaking to me “so you pregnant now? You fucking bitch, you set out to be pregnant by him” my face dropped “you told!?” I shouted “I thought she knew” I don’t need this “you didn’t like the fact I am in that family that you had to open your legs for him, you purposely got pregnant! You fucking dirty bitch” Tiffany came at me but I stepped back “I do not think so” I pointed out “I know you’re fucking ass can’t fight” I gasped seeing Tiffany being pushed to the ground and sent flying across the floor “don’t you fucking touch her” Maurice spat, Leon rushed from behind Maurice “you bitch, you want to fight” Leon pointed at Deja “no, I was just here” Tiffany got up from the floor “oh my god, that is assault!” Maurice ignored her “are you ok?” he asked me, nodding my head touching his arm in shock ���you back down now Tiffany, you do not touch my brother. You go back in there before you end up on your ass, you don’t start with family” Nalah said “Maurice, you go back in. You can’t be out here playing around like this, just go. People are noticing, just go” Maurice walked off, he looks so sad “Tiffany, you better move and you whoever you are, she didn’t hurt you” shaking my head “ok, good. Let’s get you out of here” Leon hissed at Tiffany “sort your weave out Kelly Price!” he shouted, I am in shock that Tiffany wanted to harm me and my baby.
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skeletorific · 6 years
Less Muscle Than a Frown- A Bones and Brew Commission Fic
Whew, this has been a long time coming! I wrote this piece for @frankpanioncube who has been so completely generous and patient with me in all of this!
If any of you are interested in commissioneng me, feel free to DM me.
Also, light disclaimer: I do get into this a little bit, but I want to make it clear now, I’m doing my best to avoid the “girl not smiling? must be a bitch we need to fix this” trope. So I will get it out of the way that while my commissioner did request female pronouns, this story would have been the same for he/him and they/them. 
They didn’t know what to make of her.
They’d had customers who weren’t into their schtick before. Coffee shops inevitably got a lot of one-time customers just looking for a caffeine fix on their way through life. Some people weren’t into the energy they had going in the shop. Which was usually fine. Unless they were assholes. Then it was less fine.
But she wasn’t a one-time customer. She was in pretty much every morning, the same thing ordered every time, around the same time every day. She didn’t seem to dislike any of them. But she was just so...
“Stone-cold” Stretch mused, watching her as she walked out the door.
“PAPY, BE NICE.”  Blue chided absently, working on a frappucino.
“Can’t help it, bro.” He made a show of shuddering, lazy grin on his face as he leaned back against the counter. The cafe was closing in a couple minutes for their weekly staff meeting, leaving them to chat freely. “Did you see the look on her face when I tried joking with her again? Like talking to a mannequin. Couldn’t even tell if she got it. No smile, nothin.”
“be fair, maybe that’s cause it was one of your jokes,” Rus said quietly, smirking.
Stretch tossed a dishrag at him.
“PERHAPS SHE’S SIMPLY HAVING A BAD DAY,” Papyrus said. He was mopping across the room but the skeleton had sharp ears (metaphorically) for gossip.
“Talkin about the ice queen?” Sans said from the corner table. “She must be havin a bad day a lot then. I mean, has anyone here seen her smile?”
“I mean, not that I don’t appreciate the merit of keepin your shit to yourself, but honestly, I can’t get a handle on her.” Red was picking his teeth with a toothpick. “Almost like she doesn’t like us or something”
“Maybe she just likes the coffee.”
“MAYBE ALL OF YOU DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TO DO SINCE YOU’RE SPENDING TIME THINKING ABOUT THIS.” Edge grumbled, coming out of the office finally. Stretch and Rus exchanged an eye roll.
“c’mon, boss, you can’t pretend you’re not a little curious.”
“I bet I could crack her.” Stretch said.
“Pfft, how much.” Rus said.
“20 g.”
“man, you must really like giving me your money.”
“alright, why don’t we make this interesting then. if you crack her first I’ll give you 40.”
Rus smirked. “You sure you wanna make this a contest?” He crossed his arms.
“CONTEST?” Black said, eyelights brightening as he straightened up a bit. Blue acted like he wasn’t listening but it was pretty obvious his attention had perked up too.
“Yeah, hot topic, you want in?”
Rus shot Stretch a warning look but Black hardly seemed to notice the editorial. “HMM...WELL, I HAVE LESS TIME WITH HER THAN THE REST OF YOU...BUT I MAKE UP FOR IT BY HAVING ACTUAL CHARM, SO WHY NOT.”
“Hey, no one’s forcin anythin” Red said. “If she don’t want to, she just won’t.”
“That mean you’re in?”
“Yeah, sure. Could use the cash. Plus....she’s kinda hot.” He grinned wolfishly.
“Pfft, figures.” Sans said. Red shoved his shoulder.
“Shuddup, you in or not.”
“Yeeeah why not.” Sans caught the disapproving look from his brother and shrugged, smiling somewhat apologetically. “Sorry, bro. Just lookin to mess with these nutjobs. Besides, it's not like we’re really hurtin anyone. Could do her some good even.”
Papyrus sighed. “IT JUST...FEELS INTRUSIVE.”
“How bout you, bro,” Stretch said, noting his brother was feigning far more interest in piling whipped cream on his drink than was necessary.
“WELL....” He was mulling it over, clearly empathizing with Papyrus’ sentiment but also chronically unable to avoid a contest of any kind. “....I SUPPOSE SMILING IS GOOD FOR YOU. AND REALLY, THE ONLY THING WE’LL BE DOING IS TRYING TO MAKE HER HAPPY OR LAUGH, RIGHT?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“...OK. IF ONLY TO KEEP ALL OF YOU IN CHECK.” blue said sternly.
Stretch grinned. “Of course bro.”
Black muttered something under his breath that sounded vaguely challenging.
“how bout you, boss?” Red said. “You in-”
“I CANNOT IMAGINE A BIGGER WASTE OF TIME’ Edge said, flipping through a binder that held records of the store’s financials. “NOW CAN YOU ALL STOP TALKING NONSENSE SO WE CAN GET THIS MEETING UNDERWAY?”
The contest began in earnest the next day. Rus, moving quickly, managed to maneuver himself into the cashier spot before the others even noticed her come in.
“Hey, sugar, how you doin?” He said, drawling in a slightly lower tone.
The woman didn’t so much as blink. “Medium double shot macchiato-”
“-with soy milk and a caramel drizzle.” He finished smoothly. “I remember.”
She seemed slightly taken aback. “Um....yes. Please.”
Good, he’d thrown her off balance. Now to hit with the big guns. He punched it into the cash register and looked up without moving his heads, hitting her with a 1000 watt grin. This thing was a force to be reckoned with. People behind her in line were already getting visibly flustered.
“That’ll be $4.65, darlin” He was practically purring it out, already mentally counting his gold...
A crumpled five dollar bill was shoved in his hand without so much an eye twitch. “Keep the change. Thank you” And she was gone.
Rus was left frozen in place. What the...
“U-um..I’ll have you-...uh!!” stammered the (very red-faced) gentleman who was next in line. “I mean....”
Stretch chuckled to himself as he started making the drink. Cocky bastard really did think he was hot shit with that. Still, seemed she wasn’t into his brand of flirting. Now, for an old standby...he subtly rolled his shoulder while he worked until he heard a familiar pop that made every one of his coworkers wince and glare at him.
“Double shot macchiato, soy, and caramel?” He said, pretending to scan the store like he didn’t know right where she was.
She stepped forward, holding her hand out. “Thanks.”
“Eh no problem.” He held the coffee out but didn’t hand it off properly.
She raised an eyebrow. “Um...”
“Go on and take it, all ready for ya.” He said with an innocent smile.
She reached over and took it....pulling his arm off his body as she took it.
A couple of people in the shop yelped. She didn’t seem to have a reaction, just staring at the detached limb wrapped firmly around her cup of coffee.
“Ah, sorry about that.” He reached over and pried it off, fighting a grin. “Guess I was disarmed by your sunshiney presence.”
“Might have to hit the pharmacy for this” He said, examining the arm.
“....Nah, guess with a little elbow grease I can get this to work.” He rolled up his sleeve. Come on, come on, that delayed laugh...
“Doesn’t that hurt?”
“Popping your arm out like that.”
“...no....not really...”
“Hm.” She nodded and walked off.
Rus burst out laughing once she left.
Stretch tossed his arm at him.
The next day Blue and Black decided to team up. Blue waited until he saw her car pull in and immediately wheeled out the mop bucket, starting to drench the floor in a way that would have made Edge rave about warping the floor if he had been there. He put up a wet floor sign while Black positioned himself so he could catch her once she inevitably slipped.
Blue did his best to keep his eye on his work, but he couldn’t help but hold his breath in anticipation as she walked past the storefront windows. The bell rang over the door as she entered, and Black tensed himself to pounce...
Squish squish squish. “Double shot macchiato, soy milk with caramel drizzle please.”
....No-slip shoes.
Black was cursing mentally, looking around the room for something to slide. Maybe if he got it under her feet-
He saw the figure sliding towards him out of the corner of his eye and before he could react he found himself knocked down. Another one of their regulars, who was bright red as they struggled to pull themselves off him. Coffee had drenched his shirt, and by the time Blue had helped the two of them to their feet he was soaked through. His tackler was apologizing profusely but Blue ushered them off before Black could realize his favorite leather jacket had probably just been ruined. The purple-toned skeleton was cursing to himself when he came back and stripping his upper clothes.
“I-I’m really sorry, there wasn’t a sign so I didn’t realize-”
“ITS QUITE ALRIGHT” he assured. Wait, no sign? Blue and Black’s heads snapped towards their brothers, who were hiding grins. Stretch was shifting something further behind the counter. Black looked downright murderous.
“WHY DON’T YOU GO ASK THEM TO REPLACE YOUR COFFEE. ON THE HOUSE.” Blue said quickly, nudging them in the direction of the counter while grabbing the mop and moving to distract Black.
Next day the Fell and Tale brothers were on staff.
Papyrus and Edge continued to show no interest in the competition, Edge displaying visible irritation every time the subject came up and Papyrus lecturing the other four for nearly an hour about safety hazards after he found out about the mop stunt.
As for the other two...
“You wanna know what their problem was?” Red said, giving the counter a half-assed wipe. “goin practical. Stunts. Gags. too many movin parts means more chance that somethin’s gonna go wrong”
“True enough.” Sans said distractedly. He was currently more focused on stacking cups into a pyramid. Slow day.
“Now me, just gonna rely on the natural charm”
“Oh, then you’re for sure gonna lose.”
“Shut up man”
“Didn’t Rus already try flirting?”
“Rus tried smilin. Cocky bastard think’s that’s all it takes.”
“Since when are you Suzie social skills.”
“since 40 g was on the line. Now shut up, here she comes.”
Here she came indeed. The ice queen cometh. Red’s eyelights lit on the bass guitar strapped across her back.
“The usual, please,” she said, handing over her card.
“Comin right up, doll.” He punched it in and swiped the card. “So, you play that thing?”
“What?” She seemed to suddenly remember what she was carrying. “Oh, yeah. Guitar too.”
“You in a band, or...”
She shrugged. “Sometimes. I uh...also do a little background work for some local studios. If they need it. Its kind of free-lance I guess?”
This was the most he’d heard her talk in a while. No smile yet, but...He could feel Sans watching him from the machine and smirked slightly.
“So you’re good then. Professional.” He leaned forward on the counter.
“I um...like to think so, yes.”
“Y’know, Paps has been talking about trying to do an open mic night around here. you should come. Show me whatcha got.” He grinned.
“My music isn’t exactly open mic friendly. It's...a lot of death metal.”
....woah. Hot.
“That’s cool. Like, the screaming kind.”
“A little bit...”
“Here’s your order” Sans cut across him, shoving the coffee in between them and startling them both.
Red shot him a glare.
“Oh. Thanks.” She took it and turned to walk away.
Red suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar pink shape on the ground. Oh shit, how the-
She jumped, nearly spilling her coffee and looking down at the ground. A whoopee cushion.
Sans was losing his shit next to him.
She shook her head and continued walking.
Oh gods oh gods oh gODS- Sans’ eye was lit up blue with magic, pushing the cushion under her feet again and again with every step. She picked up the pace, practically running out of the store, which only added to the surreal hilariousness of the situation.
Red tackled Sans to the ground but by then it was too late and she was out the door. Sans was practically crying with laughter, gasping for air.
“I!! Hate!!! You!!!!” he said, shaking him by his shirt.
“Cmon, like you wouldn’t have done it if you’d thought of it.” Sans said, wrestling out of his grip
Red pulled him back into a headlock. “I was really fuckin close, dude!!!”
“Owowowow ok ok I give.”
He was about to refuse but then saw Edge glaring at him from the office. Red sighed and turned him loose, still fuming.
“Hey, cmon.”
“.....wanna do it to the next customer....”
It was a long day for Edge.
The tactics only grew more and more ridiculous with each passing day. Rus seemed absolutely undone by the failure of his charms and suddenly was laser focusing his flirtation, much to the jealousy of his other customers. Stretch managed to negotiate a truce with Blue and Black and the practical jokes rose to a near dangerous degree. Red kept trying to resume the conversation but Sans ran interference every time. He seemed to have given up on attempting to win the bet and was instead focused on ruining for everyone else.
It was bedlam in the coffee shop whenever she came in. Edge tried to act as a restraint on it, but he couldn’t be on staff every minute of the day.
And still, nothing.
No response. Even kinder gestures seemed ill-fated. Blue tried leaving nice notes on her cup and the ink simply smeared on her hand. Black snuck flowers into her car only to see her a moment later trying to shoo several large bees out of her car. Pastries? Allergies. Red tried changing the playlist for a few days to death metal but had to turn it off after the sound was so loud that customers were forced to scream at them to communicate their orders.
If anything she grew more and more closed off with each passing day. She became jumpy whenever they got near and had taken to examining every drink they handed over for little extras (blame Rus for that one, he dumped some chocolates into her drink and they nearly choked her.)
All of them were there that day. Another staff meeting was due, they were just finishing up the last of it. She came in, ordered her drink, and then went to the bathroom. Papyrus, as had been his won't lately whenever he was on staff and she showed up, made a point to get between them and her whenever possible. He took her order with his usual friendliness and then went to make her drink.
“what?” Sans asked.
“Could mean nothing.” Stretch said quickly.
“....OR SHE COULD BE HIDING.” Blue said quietly.
“Uh...what? Bro, come on, why would she be hiding.”
Heads turned in the cafe. None of them but Sans had heard Papyrus sound that fed up with anything but the Annoying Dog.
“Pfft, what, she allergic to politeness now,” Rus said. His ego had never really recovered from his flirtation being so utterly ignored.
“...I mean, when you put it like that, uh...” Stretch tried for an awkward chuckle. “Sounds a bit-”
“WE DIDN’T MEAN ANY HARM!” Blue said, looking slightly upset as the realization hit him.
“IT DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACT THAT IT WASN’T A VERY GOOD THING TO DO. WE’RE HER BARISTAS, NOT HER MOTHER. OUR JOB IS TO MAKE OUR CUSTOMERS COMFORTABLE AND YOU-” He was squeezing the cup to tight and it popped out of his hand, hitting the wall and splashing everywhere. “SARD!!!”
“bro, we-”
He went to the back of the store to get a cleaning rag (and a new cup), looking visibly irritated.
“I mean....just cause he read it like that, doesn’t mean she did...” Red said, scrambling for an excuse.
“Nah....nah he’s right.” Stretch said after a minute. “Went too far for a joke that...honestly wasn’t that funny.”
“So what do we do now?” Rus said.
“I’ll do it.” Stretch said. “I started this bet so...I’ll apologize.”
“Think free coffee for a week or so will make it up?” Rus said.
“I’ll talk to boss about it,” Red said. “But...he’ll probably go for it. If for nothin else than to get us to quit.”
She came out from the bathroom and seemed slightly let down that her coffee wasn’t there waiting. She stood near the exit, looking slightly uncomfortable and checking her phone over and over.
Stretch sighed and went over. “Uh...hey.”
She looked up, dread filling her eyes.
“Its fine, I just...wanted to talk.”
“U-um..actually I have this call I need to make. Can it wait?”
She walked outside, lifting her phone to her ear. She kept walking towards the parking lot.
Stretch sighed. Shit...
“WAIT, DID SHE LEAVE?!” Papyrus had emerged, looking alarmed.
“uh...I think so...”
“SHE ALREADY PAID!” He was moving like a whirlwind, knocking several things out of his way in his efforts to get the drink brewed. The others were forced to back away from the growing typhoon of activity.
“Wait, bro-”
He finished it, faster than should be technically possible, and bolted out the door.
They didn’t see him for nearly an hour, by which time business had picked up and none of them had the free time to ask him what happened. He didn’t mention it again, and all of them forgot it had even happened until the next day.
She came in the next morning around her usual time. Stretch was running counter and managed to detail out an apology that sounded surprisingly sincere. No mean feat for Stretch. Her expression didn’t change much, but she seemed to untense a bit and was mostly gracious about it. She accepted the apology and tried to waive the chance for free coffee until Stretch insisted. She didn’t smile. But she seemed...pleased.
Rus started making her drink. Papyrus emerged from the kitchen with a pan full of fresh lemon bread.
She turned. “Oh, it's you!”
And her face split into the most breathtaking smile.
Rus damn near dropped the cup. Stretch’s eyelights briefly sputtered and it took genuine effort to stop his jaw from literally dropping.
“Yeah, thanks for making sure I  got the caffeine. Can’t believe I almost walked away without it.” Her eyes were bright and expressive and holy shit, it was real, it was real and hAPPENING IN FRONT OF THEM-
Somehow Rus managed to hand her her drink without incident.
“I should go. Bye Papyrus”
She gave him another smile...and was out the door.
“Wha...” Stretch turned on Papyrus “how-?!”
He shrugged and disappeared back into the kitchen.
“.....how even-”
“Do we still have to pay him?!”
“I don’t think-...the bet was canceled right?!”
And Papyrus only smiled to himself.
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