#bryce cass
corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Gala, But It's Not Wayne, It's Masters
This just lives rent-free in my brain, so I'm here to share. And maybe get help.
Batfam probably don't only go to galas and events in Gotham, right. Bryce Wayne is a rich bitch and WE has contracts and ties around the world, so Wayne Wards have to attend events out of state (and out of country) from time to time. This time, they are invited by Vladimir Masters, the owner of DalvCo.
Coincidentally, Vladimir Masters is rumored to have some hidden Kryptonite stash. So Bruce decides to go, taking some of his kids with him, because it is also rumored that Masters has two wards of his own, and, first, Bruce has to bring his kids for disguise, second, he needs them for some team building, bonding and whatnot, and last, he really needs to check if Masters' children are living in a safe environment. Cue all his family making fun of him for wanting to adopt more kids.
What makes the jokes even worse is that both Master's kids have black hair and blue eyes.
When they arrive, they are greeted with a sight of a full-sized gothic castle. It looks really out of place in Illinois, but the vampire vibes are there, definitely. And said vibes only become stronger when they meet Vladimir and his kids - all three of them are giving the Batfam goosebumps, and not in a good way. Now, the things capable of giving Bats goosebumps are very, very limited. And never good.
Vladimir - he insists they call him Vlad - is a fairly tall, gray-haired man with piercing eyes. His smile is nice and polite, but it kind of reminds Tim of Ra's, which is, well, not a good thing. But overall, he is... Okay. They can definitely take him down if they need to (they really can't, but they don't know it).
The kids, though. They are twins, probably fifteen or sixteen, a boy and a girl, and they look like they came straight from a horror movie. Calm and even, mirroring each other's gestures and finishing each other's sentences, no facial expressions, and they don't seem to be blinking. Cass has a hard time getting anything from the way they hold themselves - they seem to only show any kind of emotion when they are addressed. Damian can't shake off a feeling of being watched, even though the twins barely look at him. Tim, raised in a family of socialites, notices how both of them have really nice manners, the kind you learn when someone teaches you etiquette specifically.
Bruce is unnerved by the sight. Are the kids mind controlled? Are they okay? This is definitely not how kids should act at fifteen at a gala, holy shit. Granted, he's seen not that many kids at galas, but the point still stands.
Now, at this point, I have a few ways this can go. First one, the suffering orphans way, Danny and Dani are actually controlled by Vlad, who wanted perfect heirs. Second, the little shits way, Danny made a deal with Vlad to attend a gala and Dani joined him, so now they are having fun with acting as eerie as possible since Vlad strictly forbidden them from shenanigans. This can be either redeemed Vlad or not. Third, the demonic twins' way, where Vlad is definitely redeemed and is taking care of the Fenton kids, raising them however he sees fit. Jazz is also under his care, but she is mostly an adult now, and they have more of a 'caretaker on paper and legally not old enough to live on her own' relationship than a 'parent and daughter' one.
Do the Waynes befriend them? Do Bats get caught while investigating? Do Danny and Dani cause trouble at the gala? Maybe they get to prove to Bruce that they are, indeed, perfectly happy about living with Vlad?
Inspired by this art
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demonic0angel · 21 days
DPxDC Next Generation Kids (click for clarity)
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Continue reading for notes and introductions :)
1) Jove Bryce Wayne (11) - Steph and Cass’ adopted son. He trains under Cass and Bruce, and is widely admired by the other kids for creating his own fighting style with the dancing skills he gets from practicing with his mom (to his delight). Fun fact, he is albino!
2) Marillyn “Mari” Maddy Grayson-Nightingale (10) - Dick and Dan’s daughter. She was an accidental pregnancy, but both of her dads love her very much. Fun fact, she gained her baba’s personality and is rather rebellious and mischievous, which causes Dick to feel sympathetic for Bruce.
3) Elinor “Ellie” Catherine Nightingale (9) - Jason and Jazz’s eldest daughter. She, along with Mari, train under Dick, Jason, and Jazz in order to protect themselves. Fun fact, she looks and acts just like Jason when he was young.
4) Thomas “Tommy” Bruce Drake (5) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s oldest son. He is an evil genius who uses his cuteness to take over the world. Fun fact, the entire PhantomBat family have given up on convincing him not to, so now they’re just trying to instill morals into him and stall for time (they still love him tho).
5) Marianne “Ann” Talia Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest daughter. She is Alfie’s twin and is the fun and sunshine to Ellie’s seriousness and Alfie’s gloominess. Fun fact, she got her blonde hair from Sheila Haywood, but she doesn’t know that.
6) Alfonso “Alfie” B Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest son. He is Ann’s twin and is rather gloomy and antisocial compared to his sisters. Fun fact, he supposedly looks like Bruce when he was young, so he gets away with a lot when dealing with Alfred.
7) Rain Axel Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s son. He is Misty’s twin and can be rather mischievous, often causing trouble and chaos for the fun of it. Fun fact, he often teams up with Mari to prank everyone in the most ridiculous ways possible.
8) Misty Lilith Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s daughter. She is Rain’s twin, and is even more shy than Alfie and can start crying when stressed. Fun fact, although she can be anxious easily, her temper is even worse than her mom’s.
9) Ken-el / Kenneth “Kenny” Clark Drake (1) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s youngest son. Since he is the youngest, he is doted on the most. Fun fact, he has already unlocked most of his halfa abilities due to his Kryptonian heritage.
+ Jove’s name relates back to Cassandra’s because they are both names of mythological characters. Jove is another name for Jupiter (AKA Zeus).
+ Both of Mari’s names are actually a weird, mashed up version of Madeline and Mary (and also inspired by Mar’i cough).
+ Jason and Jazz’s daughters are named after Elinor and Marianne from Sense and Sensibilities and their middle names are from Jason’s mother figures in life. I imagine that Jazz had a falling out with Jack and Maddie, so she didn’t really care.
+ Alfie’s name is inspired from Alfred and his middle name is only “B” because Tommy was born first and Tim took the “Bruce” middle name.
+ Alfie and Ann, and Misty and Rain are inspired by Misty and Jackson, the canon kid characters of Sam and Danny. Both pairs of twins have an 8 month difference of age.
+ Why so many twins?? I used the twin idea first for Jazz and Jason, but when I thought of Danny and Valerie, I kept switching between ideas, so I eventually settled on twins for them too. Trust, it was a weird coincidence for Danny and Jazz too when they had twins at nearly the same time.
+ Misty and Rain’s middle names come from Tucker and Sam (Axel Foley and the episode “Life Lessons”). Their first names are inspired by Misty Fenton and I just found another name for Rain to match the theme.
+ Tommy and Kenny technically have different dads, (Tommy is Tim and Dani’s, and Kenny is Kon and Dani’s), but it doesn’t really mean anything, since they don’t pay attention to it.
+ The idea of Tommy, who is like Tim’s clone and absolutely evil, was so funny to me. He’s prob my fav child OC. His entire family know about his manipulative tendencies but he loves them so they let it go. (Damian and Dan have already pledged their allegiance to their future overlord.)
+ The short period of time where Jazz, Dani, and Valerie were pregnant at the same time was hell on earth for everyone.
+ Technically, Bruce only has 7 grandchildren (he cries when he thinks about it a little too hard), but bc they’re so close to Rain and Misty, Bruce thinks of them as his grandchildren too, so he always says he has 9. Danny and Val are like ??? But Rain and Misty totally believe that he’s their grandpa (which he is delighted about).
+ Damian is married to Jon and they have no kids, unless you count the farm they inherited and all of the animals that Damian adopted as his fur babies. However, Damian was young when the kids kept coming, so he became the designated babysitter and then the favorite uncle, which all of the other Batboys despise and are jealous of.
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lotus222 · 1 year
I have a theory…
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Everyone is up and arms about the elriel v. gwynriel debate so if you get easily triggered about those ships pls avert your eyes cause I’m gonna be unapologetically brutal.
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I just finished reading CC2 (ik I’m behind) and it opened my eyes to something SJM has been saying since the beginning.
Now, while reading this massive book, I had a continuing foreboding feeling that Hunt was going to be replaced by Ithan as Bryce’s love interest. Bc as we know SJM always switches up the MMC after one book or so, so I was scurred. BUT
I was pleasantly surprised to see that SJM did all in her power to reinforce the idea that these two are endgame, by having Bryce CHOOSE Hunt and vice versa — going against her arranged marriage, the royal lineage requirements, and the added complexity of mates for fae, angels, and wolves
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It was refreshing to see Bryce and Hunt come together out of true love as opposed to SJM’s usual trope of “oh they were destined so they have to be together”. Don’t get me wrong, I love her other couples too - but Bryce and Hunt have always been my favs bc of this fact.
Then, imagine my surprise when I see that Bryce and Hunt CHOOSE to be mates. Simply bc the title bf & gf didn’t work for them. THEN, they’re revealed to be true mates, and their love for one another simply forged this unbreakable bond where now they have the same strength (if not stronger) then preordained mates.
Here’s where the ACOTAR ships come in…
Now…i don’t care who mrs Maas decides to put together. I have loved every single couple she has produced so ik I’ll love the next inner circle couple. BUT ik in my heart of hearts and based off of common sense that it’s going to be Elain + Azriel
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(Also pls keep in mind that the ACOTAR fae are the ancestors of the CC fae, which means whatever Bryce and Hunt can feel/do/etc, first originated or was discovered in the ACOTAR world) which means this true mates thing that Bryce and Hunt have can have originated with Az & Elain
CC3 takes place after ACOSF, where we all know there are things needing to be addressed. Bryce wakes up on the lawn of the townhouse where Az is and there’s fresh bread & roses in the air…then everyone else arrives later. Meaning Az was at the townhouse by himself…with the bread & roses (Elain).
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Some of y’all might think that’s a stretch or irrelevant, but I think it’s fully intentional that SJM put CC3 before the next ACOTAR book. It’s bc everyone in the ACOTAR world up until this point has followed the rules of “be with your mate and love them”, but now Bryce is there as a clear example of having a mate not chosen by some stupid bowl, but by herself and her heart. Which is something I think will strike a chord with Elain and Azriel.
Az has NEVER been chosen, and I don’t think (even if gwyn is his mate or his backup singer or whatever y’all are calling her now) he will be satisfied by someone being thrown to him, forced to love him bc of a bond. He wants them to choose to love him like his dad and Mor didn’t (sry Mor stans but she didn’t, she admitted so herself in ACOWAR)
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Rhys (sry cause I also dislike him after ACOSF) is just like Bryce’s bio dad and is trying to place a barrier between the couple in the name of politics and what is usually done, but just like Bryce (I.E. WHY THERE IS A BONUS CHAPTER W HER, AZ, AND NES (THE ONLY 2 (-Rhys) WHO WILL KNOW ABOUT AZ’s FEELINGS)) Az/Elain will choose to divert that standard, motivated by the love Bryce expresses for her chosen mate, Hunt.
Plus, can I mention y’all also acted this way with Cass met Emery at the end of ACOFAS…and thought they were gonna be together before ACOSF came out and now y’all are doing the same to Gwyn. I personally think Gwyn has been traumatized beyond belief by men, and I don’t think what she needs in her life to heal from that is the man that saved her from that trauma. She doesn’t need to be saved or reminded of that time in her life anymore. Like, girl could still not bring herself to leave the house of wind at the end of ACOSF. Idk about y’all but I wouldn’t fall in love with the cop who saved me from that kind of crime, I’d move on and find love for myself.
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No matter if you’re a gwynriel stan or not, we can all agree that the kiss at the end of ACOSF cannot be ignored, and this relationship between Az and Elain has been building up for THREE BOOKS. Gwyn has only been here for one. Take it from me my lovely gwynriels, and be prepared for disappointment.
NOW, where does Lucien fit in all of this? I think Lucien takes the same stance as Ithan from CC. Elain doesn’t know the sassy, caring Lucien we know bc the only interactions she’s had with him were when he sold her out to Hybern (mind you: when she was ENGAGED) and when he’s been around her bc he felt this need due to a mating bond. It’s fair that she doesn’t love him, just like it’s fair that Bryce doesn’t love Ithan. Just because there’s a bond, in whatever form, doesn’t mean that entitles another to that female’s love.
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Lucien deserves someone who wants to be with him and as a fan of his character, too, I don’t want him stuck with Elain. Especially when she’s made it so clear she doesn’t want him. I think Lucien accepting Elain going with Azriel will lead him back to the Spring Court (cause it’ll still hurt, and he’ll need space) and give y’all that Tamlin redemption arc you’ve been dying for for some reason.
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Either way, the answer of who is Az’s mate is a big topic, so I think SJM doing the same thing with him that she did with Bryce and Hunt in CC2 would be so bomb. Plus, she’s always said that the books she writes will be with the female at the forefront, so sry babes, there’s no Azriel book.
So book 5/6 (incl ACOFAS) in the ACOTAR world will be Elriel, then it’ll be Morr/all of the couples, and the novella will probably be Spring Court (i.e., Vaasa/Tamlin/Lucien). Don’t quote me on anything past the next ACOTAR book, I’m just guessing on those
Anyway, that’s how I think it’s going to go but I’m not the author or anything, so take this as you will
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merymoonbeam · 8 months
In the first chapter of hofas sarah shared yesterday, there is an...interesting part.
While bryce is "bullshitting" azriel could read that she was lying.
Grasping at straws, she nodded to the warrior's dagger. "There's a prophecy in my world about my sword and a missing knife. That when they're reunited, so will the Fae of Midgard be." Master of spinning bullshit, indeed. "So maybe I'm here for that. Maybe the sword sensed that dagger and... brought me to it." Silence. Then the silent, hazel-eyed warrior laughed quietly. How had he understood without Rhysand translating? Unless he could simply read her body language, her tone, her scent— The warrior spoke with a low voice that skittered down her spine. Rhysand glanced at him with raised brows, then translated for Bryce with equal menace, "You're lying." Bryce blinked, the portrait of innocence and outrage. “About what?" "You tell us." Darkness gathered in the shadow of Rhysand's wings. Not a good sign.
So azriel could read "her body language, her tone, her scent" to understand that she was lying without even her speaking the same language as him.
And you have this from his bonus chapter.
He left the rest unspoken. Because her mate was here, sleeping a level up. Because her mate had been in the family room and Azriel had needed to stay by the door the whole time because he couldn't stand the sight of it, the scent of their mating bond, and needed to have the option  of leaving if it became too much.  
And I always wondered how elain and lucien's mating could have a scent when they didn't even accept it. In acomaf when feyre first came into the night court only amren could smell it. Az and cass were only suspecting. So how could azriel smell the mating bond between elain and lucien? Unless...he is smelling the "wrongess" of it and it is indeed wrong like with that bryce scene.
So maybe lies and a fake mating bond smell the same?
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The Batkids all dress up as different Brandon Rogers characters for Halloween/a con.
Dick: Cathy
Jason: Grandpa
Steph: Bobby Worst
Tim: Bryce Tankthrust
Duke: Sam
Cass: Donna Phitts
Damian: Elmer
They convince Bruce and Selina to go as Lord and Lady Mingeworthy.
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
Me having a conversation with an e/riel. Feel free to fact check by looking at the books.
Me: Why do you ship Elain and Azriel?
E/riel: Well for starters, he was the only one to go save Elain when she was in hybern.
Me: First of all, Cassian offered first. Second of all Feyre was also there and saved her (what Elain said)
E/riel: Ok but still it was romantic
Me: But it was not. Because her sister ALSO saved her :) Feyre went to UTM and got tortured,SAed,killed people and died all for Tamlin anyhow...
E/riel: Well Madja said a mate knows whats wrong with their own mate and Az figured out that Elain was a seer.
Me: Elain being a Seer was not what was wrong with her. Also Rhysand figured out Nestas power.
E/riel: Az gave Elain truthteller when he had given it to no one ever.
Me: Only because Mor begged him with tears in her eyes to stay back. Cassian offered her first (again) and then Az offered her TT bc he would not have to use it. Not to mention, Elain only took it when Feyre assured her she would not have to use it. She gave it back without a glance
E/riel: Well Feyre imagined Elain and Az as ´´Death and his lovely fawn´´
Me: Okay. Well did you also catch when she said TT is the only connection between them? Not to mention something admirable about Elain is that she is always full of light. What literally takes away Light? Darkness=Azriel. Not to mention, Azriel is death and his home sucks the life from Elain. Not that Feyres aesthetic painting mind matters anything to me :)
E/riel: What about the fact that Lucien thought Elain was crazy?
Me: What about the fact when he travelled all around to find somebody on a quest so dangerous and the only confirmation he got was from Elain?
E/riel: Elain was wearing Cobalt blue the first time she met Az.
Me: Considering Elains devotion to Graysen, there is a high chance of her wearing that color for Graysen because his crest is cobalt blue. Even if its not true, Lucien wears a coat that´s fawn brown (exact same shade of Elains eyes)
E/riel: A smile and blush bloomed on Azriel in regards to Elain.
Me: Dont care. Thats just an action. Although since you say that, did you know that a smile bloomed on Elains face after her father died (who she loved dearly) in regards to Lucien?
E/riel: What about when a charged glance went through Elain and Azriel.
Me: Sexual attraction. Lots of characters have it like Feyre and tamlin,Aelin and Chaol,Azriel to Mor....
E/riel: Well, Azriel jacks off to Elain every night while looking at the gift he got for her.
Me: Dont be shy you dont have to say a gift. You can say he jacks off to headache powder. No problem. Almost like when Nesta slept with multiple men. Trust me, that does not affect me!
E/riel: Elriel is true mates because Az was the only one to smell Eluciens bond.
Me: Bryce smelled Nessians bound, Ruhn and Lidia smelled bryce and hunts bond, Tamlin smelled feysands.
E/riel: Gwyn is a lightsinger because Az chest sparked because of her.
Me: Well than ig Lidia and Bryce are lightsingers too. Get those evil bitches away from Hunt and Ruhn right?
E/riel: There is nothing romantic for Gwynriel
Me: Thats literally just your penny for thought. Why would i care when SJM provided common banter, mate language and history for Gwynriel, and scenes where they challenge each other when she said history,sparks,conflict,and challenge all makes a good couple.
E/riel: Elain gave two gifts to Az. Not lucien
Me: Headphones for Az bc Nesta and Cass fuck so loud? So romantic i cant! Im so glad my girl SJM is saving the good,meaningful gifts for Elucien.
E/riel: Az waited for Elain to come to the table and told everybody to not eat until Elain came back.
Me: he was thinking of his mother being a slave. Thats what the situation of eating when Elain was tending to everyone reminded him of. How his mother was treated. Its not romantic but it is a very sad thing to think about.
E/riel: Azriel loves Elain. He only has not thought about a future with her because he does not allow himself to!
Me: Honestly i don´t mind that you think that! Although that is not canon. Sleeping with Elain is the only thoughts he PLEASURED himself to. Not allowed himself as some say. Again, that´s just your penny for thought. He says ´´He hadn't gone that far with his planning´´ Meaning sexual thoughts is fine but anything further is like nope, nope,nope,nope,nope too far.
E/riel: Elain literally loses her newfound boldness around Lucien.
Me: There is so many more reasons that we could come up with than what meets the eye. Have you considered it was because she didnt know what to do. Or she saw the look on Lucien ´ s face and shrank because she did not intentionally cause it and felt bad? Or maybe she FELT Luciens pain and shared it because of the bond? So much possibilities to think of especially considering we have limited text and not the actual characters POV. Also i wonder how far she will shrink when she finds out about Az and Rhysands conversation in the bonus chapter. Or maybe she heard it already?
E/riel: Azriel actually gets Elain.
Me: The way he literally does not though! When Elain begs the IC not to kill graysen Az says its best for him to be killed in acosf. When Elain says nesta cant make choices for her and then Az says she should not be exposed to the innate darkness even though later we figure out Elain is willing? When Elain says she is not a child to be fought over and than Az says he will defeat Lucien in a blood duel with her?
E/riel: Scrying is dangerous! Of course Azriel did not want her too.
Me: Yet, he said ´´Nesta really should do scrying´´ but not Elain because he underestimates her. Which is the ONLY thing SJM provides to what Az could have been doing.
E/riel: Azriel listened to Elains laugh probably because he loves the sound!
Me: Maybe its because Elain never ever laughs like that around him or the ic He was literally monitoring them which means to keep tabs on someone which directly relates to his fricking job 😂. So many words to choose from and SJM chose monitoring.
E/riel: Az gave Elain a rose necklace.
Me: Ok and? Elain gave it back. She does not want that shit. He gave it to another person. It felt wrong to clasp it around Elains neck but it sparked something in his chest and made him smile for Gwyn.
E/riel: Lucien only sees Elain for his mate but Azriel sees her for her.
Me: Nope. His reason for wanting to kiss Elain was simply ´´What fi the cauldron was wrong´´ and refers to Elain as the 3rd. She is literally a theory or more so a possibility to him. One he has not thought through in the slightest. Also, Lucien was going crazy in hybern in regards to Elain before he knew of their bond AND Elain has not accepted the bond yet he still cares for her.
E/riel: Elain called Azriels scars beautiful.
Me: first of all, its a 50% chance she called his scars beautiful. Feyre said she was not sure which one she was complimenting, the scars, or the big glowing cobalt siphon atop his hand. Second of all, even if it was 100% fact that she said his scars specifically was beautiful, it seems he does not believe it at all. He tries to not to look at his hands. He does not want to taint her with his presence or touch her beautiful skin with his scars.
E/riel: His shadows vanish around Elain and lightens. They also do that around mor who he was in love with for 500 years. Also his shadows are like snakes ready to strike in regards to Elain.
Me: Shadows lighting and vanishing are the same thing. Light takes away darkness as darkness takes away light (another reason why they are horrible together) His shadows are losing its darkness around Elain and Mor. Mor was wrong for him. The amount of pain it caused him to be in Love with her? Want that to continue with Elain and Az? Azriel does not need his darkness to be hidden. He needs it to be embraced *insert Gwyn*
E/riel: SJM would never pass on a good angsty trope like forbidden love!
Me: firstly, the only thing forbidding e/riel is Elain herself. If she rejects the bond, she can be with Az all she wants and NO ONE has a say on that. Not Rhysand. Not feyre. Not cassian. Not Lucien himself. Although she hasnt after 2 years. There is an answer to why. Its not like Elain knows she has to wait until her own book to reject it. Second of all, Forbidden love is the absolute WORST trope to give BOTH of them. For Elain, she has always hid in the shadows of her sisters in the series and the fandom. You really think Elain Archeron always full of light wants to hide in the darkness and play out Azriel´s fantasies? As for Azriel, he has been secretly silently in PAIN loving Mor for 500 years. So you want him to go through it again with Elain? No. He wants the bond nessian and feysand have. The love they share. The joy of being with your equal. The connection of a mating bond. Being proud to showcase it to the world. Forbidden love would just tear them apart.
E/riel: SJM does not write about virgin romances! Plus Gwyn is a virgin!
Me: Yes she can. Gwyn already lost her virginity against her will so biologically she is not going through the bleeding and the actual losing her physical virginity. Although it is a fact she has never slept with someone. The scene where Cassian *ahem* first enters nesta is very descriptive and SJM describes the pain of Cassian entering her......So yes she can for sure write about Gwyn having sex. This is also goes against the statement that Gwyn cant have sex because of her trauma. False. She is interested in romance books and asks Nesta if the sex was good. I think Gwyn would enjoy sex with someone she trusts in and out.
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stardustnfreckles · 8 months
Enough about ship wars or wondering who’s pov we’ll get in ACOTAR6
Bryce is the only one that’s asking the right questions
• How come TT, a literal legendary blade, that belonged to Fionn himself is in Azriel’s possession?
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But most importantly
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Mr. I never lose at cards cause Lady Gaga wished she had my poker face “let out a small noise of shock” and we don’t talk about it?
I think he figured something out. He connected the dots. I also think it goes back to the time he spent working for Rhysand’s father. We know he wanted to keep Rhys, Cass and Azriel apart because he was scared of how powerful they were together, he sent his own son away but kept Azriel cause he knew how rare and precious his set of skills is. I can’t wait to see how working for him affected azriel but also what he learned in the meantime.
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princessofmerchants · 8 months
Nesta, Bryce, the Mask, and the aftermath - HOFAS chs. 76-77 and the Ember bonus chapter
HOFAS spoilers after the break (this is a long one, lol)
I had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to HOFAS chs. 76-77 when Nesta gives Bryce the Mask, and the Ember / BAM bonus chapter when we see the aftermath on the Prythian side of things. It was fascinating to get on Tumblr and see all the negative reactions on all sides to this set of scenes.
Starting with the bonus chapter, I agree with others (@aelin-godkiller, @myfriendscallmeraba, @maddieimhot) that it is written in character for every person in it.
I'll start with Cassian, because the negative reaction to him in this set of scenes was the most confusing for me. Post-ACOSF, Cassian is one half of a healthy functional romantic partnership and mate pairing with Nesta. These two do not always agree. They learned in ACOSF how to disagree in a healthy manner and how to apologize when it is warranted, and for passionate people like these two, that can happen often. On page in the bonus chapter, Cass is exactly in character as both Nesta's mate (his "Rhys…" makes it clear he thinks his High Lord is emotionally overreacting) and as the General of the Night Court Armies (the fact that he doesn't make an argument to Rhys for Nesta in support of her decision is right in line with this for me).
The only part of the bonus that gave me a pang in relation to Nessian was when Nesta says to Ember that her Mate may be the most angry at her of all, but if that's even the case, I don't think that's because of the potential consequences of the decision Nesta made, but because she made it alone and failed to rely on those around her with complementary power and knowledge to hers. I also think Nesta's comment to Ember is residual evidence of her ongoing struggle with her anxiety... In reality, I'm pretty sure Rhys is more angry about what she did than Cass, y'all. But I also think, just like in ACOSF, Nesta is sometimes an unreliable narrator when it comes to thinking those who love her most are specifically and pointedly mad at her. As a fellow anxiety sufferer, this tracks. And the fact that during the later HOFAS scene when Bryce returns the Mask, Cassian is sitting with Nesta clearly holding no grudges or anger toward his mate (but you bet Rhysand is probably still freaking out somewhere over the Mask being in Midgard with the Asteri, and reasonably so!), tells you Nesta may have been projecting her own worry and even regret onto her mate, the one in the Night Court Inner Circle she is closest to and thus most vulnerable with.
The bonus is also 100% in character for Rhysand, as many have pointed out. I was honestly dying to see Rhys's reactions to Bryce's kind of bizarre, almost aggressively Fae exit from Prythian at the end of "The Drop," so having him bear down on the scene between Nesta and Bryce was peak entertainment for me. But then if we cut to the bonus scene, in Ember's POV we get a Rhysand who is reacting to the possible consequences of a Trove item potentially reaching the hands of the Asteri, by the hand of one with another Trove item in her back that can open the portal between their worlds. I don't disagree with him that this is a huge risk, and as a new father he's probably in protective fight or flight mode all the time.
The thing I think is beautifully in character for Rhys here is the familial development we see between him and Nesta. I don't read this exchange as some kind of regression to their pre-ACOSF animosity. I read it as two family members having more of a family fight than a fight over strategy. In my reading, Rhys is in fact having an emotionally vulnerable response to what just happened, and I think he knows it and is allowing it because Nesta is now family and allowed to see those parts of him. The problem I have always had with Rhys is not that he is messy and imperfect, but it's when those traits play out alongside the fact that he is politically and magically one of the most powerful beings in their world. In a strange way, though, his argument with Nesta that Ember observes is shaped incredibly and beautifully by their developed relationship as brother- and sister-in-law. He is angry and upset but he doesn't throw her into a dungeon, he engages her and shows all his cards in doing so - something he never does with a real enemy.
And, I also read Rhys's emotional reaction in another way which may or may not be a popular reading: Rhys is also throwing a tantrum because his sister-in-law is a power player at his level in the magical conflict that spans from Prythian to other worlds. As a leader who has never had anyone challenge him at that level except perhaps pre-ACOWAR Amren, it's a situation that he is probably still adjusting to. Rhys can't just remove Nesta as a threat, both because she is his sister-in-law and more importantly because she wields powerful magic (that he does not have himself - again, this is the grating part for him I think) as both a resident of the Night Court and mate to his General. And because Rhys isn't on top in all the ways any longer in the way magic shapes events in the Night Court and beyond, he loses it. And I found it very realistic and some of my favorite on-page Rhys material I have read since he plummeted in my esteem in ACOFAS.
Nesta is also in character for me in these scenes, both the HOFAS chapters and the bonus. We see in her words and actions both the (previously) human part of her as well as the Fae warrior part of her. She vacillates between being confident and being chastened, and I think both traits are healthy for her, and more or less in balance across the scenes. While I would have loved the exchange with Bryce to be less rushed, because this is a CC book I understand why it was paced the way it was.
(And again, the drama of Rhys bearing down on them with his Lord of Darkness and Night drama flying across Velaris, while Nesta and Bryce discussed and then traded off the Mask, was peak entertainment for me. Nesta also almost made the decision to stall long enough to wait for Rhys and make the whole thing his problem and not hers - I loved that glimpse we saw of her considering that too! That she decided instead to act, I think, was because she probably logicked that Rhys would openly battle Bryce on sight, and Nesta would have calculated that would not be in the best interest of both worlds given what she knew of the Asteri threat from her time under the Prison with Bryce and Azriel.)
And finally, Ember is in fact the queen of the bonus chapter for me. My biggest frustration when I came on Tumblr after reading HOFAS was how every reading of the bonus chapter centered the freaking males in the sequence of scenes, when if as a reader you don't make this about the IC and their dynamics, in my reading in this bonus chapter SJM was telling an important story between two women: Ember and Nesta.
This was a bonus chapter about how amazing of a mother Ember is (because her daughter is the FMC of this book, about to go save Midgard, so learning more about Bryce's mother helps us understand Bryce better), and SJM rightly realized putting her in the same room as post-ACOSF Nesta, whose mother was the opposite of Ember, was the perfect way to showcase this. That Rhys came along and added some drama was la di da for me and utterly secondary to what passes between Ember and Nesta.
The final thing I'll say is, the part of chs. 76-77 that bothers me the most is not anything in the scene itself, but the high expectation it set for the final conflict with the Midgard Asteri and how that expectation was not met satisfactorily for me. I did like the "Death / Not Death" filter Bryce experienced when wearing the Mask, and I also liked that Nesta's mental-emotional struggles while wearing the Mask were not universal to all wearers of it... But, the raising-the-dead magic was not consistent and was mostly vibes in the way Bryce manages to use the Mask to raise the Fallen. The whole thing with their wings attaching to the mech suits, and also how their command to do her bidding stuck even after she removed the Mask.....yea, that was a let down.
The Trove had such rich inner logic in ACOSF. I hope that logic returns when we get to ACOTAR5, and that the Mask as a Deus Ex Machina winds up being specific to Bryce's whole Magical Starborn Princess Powers schtick. The Mask is way more threatening to the wearer in Prythian than it seemed to be in Midgard, and I like that version of the Mask better.
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greenleaf777 · 9 months
You can plug your ears, and close your eyes to it but the ONLY people Azriel has had actual romantic interest in is Mor and Elain. Thats canon. That fact can be ignored, or disliked but it can’t be disputed. Hes shown no interest romantically in gwyn, no interest in Eris, no interest in Bryce, etc. the only thing Az has done with all 3 is platonically talked to and looked at them, there have been no declarations, no seeking them out to spend time with them, none of the inner circle has discussed them in any way, shape or form. You can call it lust all you want but no male is keeping a gift from a female for a year just to gaze at cause hes wants to bang her, no male is wanting to be a female’s mate just to bang her, no male gets upset about a female fighting with their sister just cause he wants to bang her, no male risks death just to bang a female…those are deep feelings and it boggles my mind that anyone can ignore whats right in front of them.
No one has gone “wow gwyn and az spend so much time with each other, they would be so handsome together”, no one has said “why isn’t Azriel, Eris’ mate??”, not one character has seen Az interact with anyone besides Mor and Elain and thought more of it. Even slow as molasses Cass has noticed a few things with Az and Elain like his protectiveness(even if he can’t interpret it to save his life) and their shy glances LOL.
Same goes for Elain. She has only show interest in Azriel and Grayson. Not even her mate.
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azsazz · 3 months
SJM Ask Game
Thank you for the tag @daydreaming-nerd !! 💙💙 (I do want to hear those redacted answers for where you put tharion lol) I feel like it's been so long since I've been on tumblr or even done one of these but I'm excited💙
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
Hmmmm I'm gonna say ACOMAF because that's when I was first introduced to Azzy and the obsession began 💙😈
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
If you don't know me, CC is one of the worst books I've ever read. It's hard to choose between ACOTAR and TOG tho because they were both really good....
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
Hehehehehehehehe. Az obviously 🥰
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
Hmmmm...tbh not really...the ones that stay stuck in my head are the cringey ones...BUT, let's go with "Cassian shot him a glare. 'I don't see you spouting poetry, brother.' Azriel crossed his arms, still smiling faintly, 'I don't need to resort to it.'" THAT'S GODDAMN RIGHT BBY YOU DONT 💙💙 legs spread for mah boi
5) Favourite ship?
Azris frfr
6) Elriel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
Azris frfr
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
Oooof there's so many. Fenrys. I've never gotten enough of him.
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Azris frfr. I want both of their backstories rn
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Bryce Quinlan and Danika Fendyr
10) Favourite bat boy?
My king azriel 💙💙
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
Honestly I'd probably either live in Autumn or Night tbh.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
Does Tamlin count? lol.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
That CC never happened
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Azris frfr
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
Prob Ness
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated:
over-rated: bryce quinlan
under-rated: chaol 💙
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
Fenrys, Azriel, Ruhn
19) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Smoke and Cinders? (azris frfr)
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
nah there's literally too many to choose from
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
The Serpent and the Wings of Night
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Azzy because i built him brick by brick
23) Hardest character to write for?
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
lol who haven't i written for? hmmmm...maybe fenrys, aedion, or hunt?
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
hmmm...idk I'd like to say that I'd try anything once...
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
azzy. nobody compares to him
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
right now i think modern aus...in any sort. or anything that involves angst i love putting everyone thru some shit
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
hmmmm...i feel like this is impossible to choose
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
eris x anyone because this man needs a friend
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
LMAO ummm...I'll list at least one for. every character
Az: Cupid's Chokehold or Midnight Muse
Cass: In Storm or Dial Drunk or Better Men Have Hit Their Knees and Bigger Men Have Died
Eris: You Know I Always Liked Playing with Fire or Hide
Rhys: Clandestine Love or Dioxazine
Lucien: The Other Woman or My Happy Ending
or literally any poly can't go wrong with those tbh
No pressure tags: @writingsbychlo @acourtofwhatthefuck @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @azrielhours @a-frog-with-a-laptop or anyone else who wants to participate!
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butcherlarry · 2 months
Hello! I hope you are having a good day!
"Nature and Nurture" is so good! Deaged Bruce (memories retained or not) is always fun ! After reading that fic plus the two deaged fics by SolaceInSpace ('the Hundred day curse' and 'Young prince', highly reccomend if u perchance havent heard of them) ive been craving more of the trope
Would you happen to have any reccomandations? They would be highly appreciated <3
ps thank you for all the fic lists youve made, ive read some amazing fics thanks to them:)
Thank you for the recs Anon! I will definitely check them out :D
Hmmm, I don't have a lot of de-aged Bruce fics, which is something I need to fix. In the mean time, here are a few that I've read and really enjoyed! Hope you enjoy them too!
"Whatcha Got There?" "A Smoothie." Colourized. by TheWitchBoy @klarion-the-witch-boy - Batfam, complete. Bruce gets de-aged while on patrol. All the batkids deal with it. Many cute (and embarrassing) pictures are taken. Shenanigans ensue :)
A History of Wayne Manor by Sparkypants @sparkypantaloons - Batfam, complete. A spell causes everyone in the Batfam, except Damian and Cass, to de-age into kids. The only way to reverse it is for Damian to learn how to play.
sweet artemis is fickle, just be patient with her by Tatsumaki_sama - Superbat, complete. A female Bruce AU, part of The Odyssey of Bryce Wayne series. Bryce gets de-aged and takes a liking to everyone in the Justice League, but acts shy around Clark. He's a bit sad about this. Adorable shenanigans ensue.
Happy reading!
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maisonaime · 9 months
Color coding: Angst & Hurt/Comfort, Smut/Romance, Fluff, Dark
***specific warnings and ratings will be at the front of each part — but fair to assume most will be intended for mature audiences***
To be added to the tag list for any of my fics fill out this form!
Ilithyia’s Blessings [Feysand Pregnancy Rewrite] - Part 1;  Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
Give and Take [Cass x Reader] - Part 1
The Star Who Listened [Azriel x Reader] Starfall Week 2024
If I am a branch on a tree, will I snap or will I burn? [Azriel/Nesta friendship]
Patience is a Virtue [Azriel x Reader]
Beautiful Agony [Azriel x Reader blurb]
Crescent City ❤️🌙
Alma Mater [Bryce/Danika friendship]
Note a couple of things quickly before you read or comment on my work: 
Antis from any camp will be deleted unless you’re making a valid coherent criticism of a character, I don’t need or want your negativity, long-winded arguments and terrible takes. There’s no reason to be anti-any characters. It’s reductive to the complexity of the story and the characters themselves. Same goes for the ship wars: I want no part of it, I’m a multi-shipper.
If you’re confused or curious about something I wrote, my asks are open for a reason! I’m always happy to share more about where my head is at or clarify why I included something – especially when I take my writing to a darker place. If you repost pieces of my work without credit to misconstrue the meaning without allowing people to form their own opinions, you will be reported. 
Assume unless otherwise stated that I’m operating on MY headcanons for the characters, i.e. OOC. I don’t believe that any fanfiction can be truly canonical because we’re each projecting our own experiences and interpretations onto the characters. The original writer is the only person who can write/determine canon for their stories.
Please remember you’re reading fiction, like literal fantasy. If you don’t like it move on, the internet is so wide. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!! Let me know if I am missing a warning you think should be included. My last intention would be for anyone to feel blindsided with something sensitive in my writing. I will always be open to constructive criticism and new ideas!
Much love and happy reading! 🩷🍾
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bright-side20 · 9 months
True Mates 🌸🗡️
"It means that he’s going ballistic in the way that only mates can when the other is threatened. It’s what happened then, and what’s happening now. You’re true mates—the way Fae are mates, in your bodies and souls. That’s what was different about your scent the other day. Your scents have merged. As they do between Fae mates."
The fact that Ruhn confirmed that Bryce and Hunt are true mates is based on how Hunt acts protective when Bryce is in danger!
_The Acting protective is one of the major hints of the mating bond, and that's how Sarah wrote the rescuing scene for Elain:
Azriel was the one who noticed Elain's absence.
He raged upon discovering she was lured by the Cauldron.
He didn't care that he might die while saving her.
He cradled her, even though he was severely injured.
He didn't care about his own injuries; instead, he wanted the chains off her.
In Silver flame the scene was mentioned many times which means it is important.
And because being protective is a major mate behavior, if Sarah wanted to hint at Az being Gwyn's mate, he would've reacted to Gwyn , just like Cass did when Nesta was taken to the blood rite. No, it doesn't matter that she's trained; being protective is a mate instinct, something he can't control, especially if she's in danger. Instead, Sarah wrote him trying to suppress his anger when he knew Elain and Nesta had a fight. His shadows wanted to attack Nesta when she hurt Elain. He didn't want her to be exposed to the danger of the dread troves, he made sure she's safe and wouldn't be kidnapped again.
As for the scent, the mating bond doesn't have a specific smell. It's just that after accepting the bond or choosing each other, as in the case of Bryce and Hunt, and then having sex, their scents merge, as Ruhn said, and as explained by Feyre when she returned to the Spring Court. They could smell Rhys's scent on her, they thought it would fade over time, it did not because it's the mating bond. So, Az being able to smell the mating bond in Lucien's presence is actually odd.
_Till now all mate like behaviors were shown between Az and Elain:
Being into each other, wanting to spend time with each other.
Discovering that she's a seer, described as a bridge between souls (which was supposed to be done by her mate).
Acting protective.
Having a high sexual attraction.
Az is an old Fae. He won't question the Cauldron, in which 'the world was born,' just because of 'lust.' I think he is aware that he has been experiencing mate-like behaviors towards Elain. After all the bond rejection mess, choosing each other, and the triumph of love, they might discover that they are ✨true mates✨.
People who compare them to Tamlin and Feyre, please, there are no similarities. Az won't keep Elain from helping the Night Court, from using her powers if she wants to. He gave her access to her seer power, he gave her his sacred dagger...
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bruciemilf · 2 years
The best thing about your fem!Bruce is that this changes NOTHING for Damian. He just has two moms because you KNOW Talia was like cooking him up in a League Easy Bake Oven.
But like imagine Damian just going absolutely feral on everyone over BruceMom because while Talia can and will kill anyone who disrespects her, B doesn’t have that luxury.
> someone cat calls or insults his mom outside of WE *cue all brothers literally having to dog pile the poor boy to keep him from dismembering body parts*
No, but honestly; I just love to imagine that Bruce, but especially fem! Bruce, absolutely eradicated the possibility of children. Batman Is a necessary curse, and if it means sparing children of it, she's willing to make the sacrifice.
There's multiple people, too, who claimed to have slept with her, claimed they left a seed so deep no one should be surprised if she'll exchange designer dresses for maternity clothes.
" That's funny, " she says, when she's asked about it, because there's just no way to avoid intrusive questions when you're Bryce Wayne, " Seeing as I got my tubes tied since I was 18 and all. Interesting brag."
It's a gloat, first and foremost. Because she's prepared. She doesn't think there's anything Gotham wouldn't do; weather it's murduring your parents 8 or making you an unwilling mother at 18.
There's no way someone hasn't tried it with Batman once her gender is revealed; It's foolish, but she'd rather be safe than sorry
. And she offers Stephanie and Cass and basically every human superhero, (if they can bear children) access to it, if they choose to, but honestly? they're just horrified she'd get the procedure for That.
" I can't imagine someone being that cruel. Even In Gotham."
" I can."
But then they're there; Angry and troubled and trembling goodness. Looking for a target, for a fight that matters. And everything she feared would happened happened- but perhaps, the comforting thing is it'll never happen twice.
She won't let it.
" I won't let anything bad happen to you, either," Damian promises, " Mothers bleed the most and cry the least. Let me bleed for you, Mother."
Bryce hums and holds Damian a bit closer.
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loneliestluvr · 7 months
does anybody ever think about the fact that acotar 1-3 is written in feyre’s pov in first person because she is what caused everything? because she is the FIRST thing to happen?
without her aelin never would have been able to slow down through worlds with rhys’ help— feyre’s mate— to stop in erilea.
without her nesta never would have wielded the dread trove because they never would have crossed into fae lands.
without her bryce would have never gotten back to midgard. why do you think at the end of HOSAB amren says “SHE wants to know your name” not rhys first, not cass, not az, not even amren herself. FEYRE. they followed FEYRE’S word.
feyre is the butterfly effect that set everything in motion.
if you think her story is over, you’re crazy. she’s gotta have more books coming. sjm can’t give her the power of all seven courts, name her CURSE BREAKER, make her the first High Lady in HISTORY, and leave her to rot. no no no, SJM is waiting for something. im scared and so should everyone else be.
i say this as someone who has the entirety of hofas to read.
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theladyofbloodshed · 8 months
re: the bonus chapter --I THOUGHT THE SAME THING.
also the whole comment about rhys/cass complaining about their mates rubbed me the wrong way. Reminded me of the "ol' ball and chain" jokes we hear irl.
I do hope this extra confirms Nesta being a huge player in the next couple of books. Sets us up with even more conflict. She deserves to knock Rhys down a couple of pegs
I loved the line about…
Him sizing her up like a worthy match and all of Bryce’s comments in the book about her being an apex predator. You’re damn right!!!
I expected better from Randall but all I could imagine when they complained about their mates was Azriel like
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