#but I figured this would be convenient for people who want to look for this in the future
101maverick · 2 days
Prompt request: Secretly Atlantean gothamite saving Dick Grayson Robin from drowning in the bay. She recognizes his voice as her classmate crush.
They would ideally be 13-14 ish
A/n: okok this is soooo original i’m in loooveee. I did some research to find out where exactly the Gotham bay is in terms of city area and I hope i got it right :)) Also let’s ignore the fact this took me a whole month to finish, okay? Very sorry about the wait, life has been kicking my butt recently😅
Fishy Business
The water in Gotham was shit.
The pollution typical of every big American city was one thing, but whatever the heck Gotham had was ten times worse. Like, Chernobyl level bad.
Whatever filth was thrown in the waters of the Gotham Harbour on the daily definitely saw a lot of local chemical creations, the ones the city’s rogues were so fond of coming up with to terrorise the population.
Needless to say you would not be swimming in open waters any time soon.
You missed the ocean. You missed being in your element.
The fact you weren’t stupid enough to dare a swim in chemically spiked water didn’t negate the fact the Gotham Harbour was the only body of water you had available though, if not only to look at wistfully while mourning what you had before having to come to this forsaken city.
And that’s what you were doing when it happened. You had been stood up by your classmate and crush, Dick Grayson, for your chemistry study session. Neptune only knows how much that boy sucks at the subject, and the fact he skipped out on your study session made your insides flare up in indignation. Coming to the nearest body of water and reminiscing was the best way you knew of for letting go of ugly feelings.
Just letting your hair be lightly whipped around by the wind, staring wistfully into the last blazing scorches of the dying sun, standing on one of the docks and pretending the overwhelming smell of fish came from the dredges of the seaside market you used to camp out near as a kid.
Then, of course, it happened.
A loud crash startled you out of your musings, and you turned around just in time to see a figure splashing in the water a ways away.
Who the hell goes for an evening swim here? You thought to yourself as you made your way closer to the perturbed water, keeping to the elongated shadows born of the fish crates scattered around.
Once you were close enough to distinguish more of the figure, your eyes widened considerably.
The body flailing around in the murky water of the docks was none other than Robin, infamous sidekick to Gotham’s resident bat-themed vigilante.
Gotham’s resident vigilante that was very clear about his stance on super-powered beings in his territory.
You considered your options. If Batman knew his sidekick was saved by someone with very obviously atlantean powers he no doubt would clock you as somebody who wanted to mess with him, who was probably even spying on him due to the conveniency of the coincidence.
You did not want to find out what Batman did to people who not only disregarder his rules by merely existing in the wrong place, let alone what he did to people he thought were meddling in his business.
Plus, surely Robin could swim, right? He would have no problem getting out of the water by himself, so there was no need for your water-manipulation abilities anyway.
Despite your self-reassurances and the fact you should have been hightailing it out of there as fast as possible, uncertainty kept your feet rooted to the rotten wooden panels.
And so you kept watching, growing increasingly worried as Robin failed to keep his head outside of the water for more than a few seconds at a time.
You made it approximately thirteen seconds before saying ‘fuck it’ and stepping in, emerging from the shadows you had found refuge in just enough time get a good stance, planting your feet and raising your arms while letting your abilities reacquaint themselves with the water near you.
It was a fast affair, getting your powers to grasp at the water Robin was perturbing and pulling, violently yanking both the liquid and the boy out of the Harbor and onto the dock.
The vigilante gasped, gripping the material under him while hacking coughs wracked through his chest as he expelled the water from his human lungs.
You remained hovering above him, watching him, immensely glad the visible part of his face was regaining its normal colour instead of the red-purple it had previously been.
You had always looked upon Batman and Robin as pretty unapproachable, two beacons of justice and penance for Gotham’s criminals, who struck fear into even the most hardened thugs this rotten city had to offer.
But- but Robin was light to Batman’s darkness, and he always had a smile on his face in the grainy pictures that sometimes appeared in the newspaper, and if you focused your inhuman hearing on your surroundings late enough at night you could hear laughter mixing with the swoosh of the wind and the rustling of heavy fabric and the rhythmical zapping of a rope through the air.
And plus, Robin looked so human in this moment, so defenceless while he coughed his lungs out, that you just couldn’t reconcile the boy in front of you with the pillar of rambunctious justice fixed in your mind. And above all else, you couldn’t leave a human, one with so many enemies at that, alone while there was still the risk of him not being completely out of danger.
So you stayed.
You stayed, sat on an empty crate beside him, and kept vigilant with your enhanced senses to avoid any unwanted attention. As he calmed down he seemed to slowly gain awareness of his surroundings.
After what seemed like an eternity, he got his arms under him and slowly lifted himself up into a sitting position. That’s when he took notice of you, still watching him intently.
His eyes weren’t visible through the white-out lenses of his mask, but the way his forehead creased and his mouth opened a little more around his still heavy breaths made you able to accurately guess his surprise. “You- you just…what was-“
You interrupted him before he could keep voicing his question. “Look, just don’t tell the Bat about me and we’re good, okay? I really don’t need the trouble, plus you owe me one.”
Robin just kept looking at you, chest rising and falling with each deep breath, tiny shivers coursing through his soaking-wet form.
After a few beats that felt like eons, he nodded. “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry.” He half-gasped out, voice breathy with exertion. “Won’t tell a soul.”
His voice… it was achingly familiar.
You studied the unmasked portions of his face more closely, more attentively, your superhuman eyesight undisturbed by the darkness.
You were able to make out sun-kissed skin, soaked inky locks you fantasised about running your fingers through every day during chemistry, a defined jaw, high cheekbones and lips that pulled into semi-rare but blinding smiles. Lips you dreamed about kissing at night, while you lay on your bed thinking of your life.
You were sitting face-to-face with Dick Grayson. Robin.
You nodded, looking right into those white lenses. “Good.” At that, you looked around the empty area of the docks, spying the area sounds of fighting were coming from. “Well, I, uh, better go.”
You turned to him. “Try not to drown again, thanks.” And with that you stood.
Before walking away you turned around one last time, unable to stop yourself. “And, by the way, you stood me up for our chemistry study session. We’ll catch it up tomorrow.”
Before he could reply, you ran away from the docks and into Gotham Proper.
Gosh, you really were an idiot, weren’t you?
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starphobe · 2 months
fh fandom back to wishing death on a fictional teenager for being mentally ill and not learning how to cope with that in a healthy way. what else is new
#do i think klck is correct? no#do i think a fandom full of grown adults should stop holding this (manipulated) (not sound of mind) teenager to wack standards? ya#like.... some of you are... how do i say this.... ~projecting~#and dont get me wrong this isnt me trying to say shes some kind of innocent misunderstood blorbo 🥺🥺🥺#i think shes a freak and a cunt. but im going to be normal about it and NOT say that she deserves to be killed (????)#pre-overtaking she was clearly aware that her behavior wasn't healthy#the fact she even went to jawbone at all (and was honest with him!) proves that imo#personally i feel like she might be neurodivergent -> struggling with knowing which rules to break and which ones to not#we literally JUST had an episode where the principal of AAA told students to their face that studying and working hard is dumb#i think kipperlilly came to aguefort. couldn't get a grip on what they Actually wanted from her#(parents went to mumple. she couldnt have been prepared for aguefort)#and out of frustration she fixated on people who were doing well and compared herself to them#and the only major surface difference she could find? tragic backstories#it only makes sense that she'd assume that THAT is what was missing. her inability to adapt to AAA was out of her control#so instead of blaming smth abstract (neurodivergence/other mental illness)#this single. concrete. and obvious difference is way easier to latch on to#but yeah. imo she just reads as someone super neurodivergent who received No Help because she 'made do'#and when thrown into a situation that required a skillset she wasn't born with. she shut down and got defensive#noone is born wanting to die yadda yadda#i think it's very interesting that when jawbone turned the question around on her (asking what SHE could do to get better)#she got quiet and awkward#its almost like she was trying her best? and just couldn't figure out where to go next?#and OH would you look at that. jace offering her a trip to the mountains of chaos. for a ~super dangerous adventure~#🙄#anyway.#awfully convenient. isn't it.#this has been me. having takes on ms goldendoodle shibainu#goodnight everyone (its noon)#not tagging this out of fear of the *** stans out there who will not stop taking things personally
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ava-monstrum · 1 year
LCB CH01 [8]? Overal thoughts
I forgot to say my overall thoughts on Limbus Company so, here it is (I'm copying this from my twitter post). This doesn't spoil anything story specific btw
I would say that the biggest appeal has to be the story and characters. The main cast of sinners are so chaotic and have distinctive personalities (besides Mersault but that’s aggressively the point). It’s clear we’re supposed to love this dysfunctional group and unwrap the story around them. Dante (who we play as) was a pleasant surprise considering that I wasn’t sure he would have a personality. If you follow me you should know my fav is Gregor.
And add to that a strange and twisted world that I’ve heard is super expansive with lore and world building, yeah, I’m super stoked for what’s in the future.
For the gameplay, Im not super knowledgeable on how to analyze gameplay but I found it fun for the most part. It’s a bizarre mix of fast and easy gameplay that makes you feel like a monster, only to suddenly hit a difficulty wall and get the team obliterated.
There are also A LOT of mechanics that at first don’t seem to affect the gameplay until you hit those difficulty spikes.
It’s a very wordy game, not just in story but also those mechanics. From status effects, random coin tosses, and gathering material for your ultimate attack, the game felt a bit overwhelming, even the tutorial didn’t quite help me understand the hud. I had to actually look into guides on YouTube to help me out, especially in Chapter 3.
I don’t really mind cause following the game, at lot of people talked about how this was standard for project moon games.
But it might be a bit much for some players. It’s definitely not a casual game for quick fun. Battles may take awhile, especially against abnormalities (monsters). You’re going to have to grind once you get to chapter 3 (trust me). And certain fights will wipe the floor with you if you don’t take the time to read the mechanics and make a solid team.
Now as for fairness, i haven’t spent any money on the game. And so far I’ve been fairing well. The base characters are actually pretty useful and I’ve been using them more than the ones I got from the gatcha (except for g-corp Gregor, I love him)
So yeah, the game will take up a lot of time but I haven’t found it unfair or tedious so far. But I’ll have to see how that changes as the game goes forward.
To be honest, I kinda feel like I would have tolerated bad gameplay if it meant unlocking more story. Its that charming.
So, cause twitters character limit sucks, I’m very happy with the game so far. I’ve been following its development for a while, and it’s given me everything I wanted from it.
I wish I could add more detail but I think this is a good explanation for now.
It may be a bit intimidating for some, but it’s free so there’s no harm in trying it out.
You may need some outside help to grasp how the game works, but that means we can all suffer together /s.
So, if you wanna delve into a dark but charming game, give it a try.
Just heed the content warnings though, there’s some dark themes, imagery that may be disturbing, and body horror.
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Danny accidentally becomes the Ghost king, The president and the BIGGEST threat to Bruce's social status.
Pt 1 Danny becomes the Ghost king
"Fenton's were never allowed to have a "normal" life, we are either extremely successful or extremely unsuccessful, there is no in between. Maybe a spirit cursed us back in the days, but who knows, but one things for sure, all Fenton's will definitely make the news."
-Grandma Fenton from whatever generation
Danny's starting to believe that now. He used to think that it wasn't true, but now? He used to wish to have a normal life, be a good normal son with good grades an be an astronaut one day.
Instead of a normal life he turned a half ghost teen superhero. But oh well, the Fenton's were also known for their ability to go with the flow
But how in the world did the flow get him here???
In Danny's defense, he wasn't really expecting this. The only thing in his mind at the moment was keeping his town and his people safe from pariah. He just wanted to get rid of the rotten fruitloop. He was EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL, so successful in fact that he ended up becoming Ghost king.
The fudge????
But okay, sure, he didn't wanna become king but if he also didn't want to give up the crown for others to take, what if an evil person becomes king and attacks amity again?? Fine, he'll be king, he'll figure it out. Just go with the flow.
Surprisingly, not only did he get the crown, he also got THE MONEY. as in literal gold and silver bars, coins and jewelry. Appearantly, one the kings a long long time ago, before at least two generations before pariah had an obsession with MONEY. So the king made a Permanent Royal Degree (a law that cannot be changed by any future kings) that when someone dies and becomes a ghost, 20% of the MONEY that they've acquired in their entire life. (The money turns into an equivalent of ghost currency in the realms but is still physically in the living. Kind of like how the soul is in the realms but the body is the earth. Also, the only reason money exists in the realms is for convenience and a sense of normalcy, it doesn't really have that much value unless the ghosts brings it to the living) would belong to the ghost king.
Basically, it's ghost taxes that only have to be paid once for the entire afterlife. (Or is it more of an entrance fee???)
But anyways, hes got the MONEY.
He's rich now and he thinks, "I have so much money it's disgusting"
So first things first, getting rid of some of it.
By this point, his parents know he's phantom and have changed their opinions on ghosts, instead of attacking they are now looking at ghost like they're equals and try and help them as an apology for hurting them.
They are also looking for a new project to spend time on. A new purpose
So Danny thought, why not give them the money then? Danny proposed to his mom a project to make things that can benefit both ghosts and humans.
Next thing he knows is that he's appearantly funding, building and making:
A ghost job agency
A human job agency
Ghost proof buildings (ghost can't pass through walls, it won't hurt them, just keep em out.)
Ghost proof clothes (overshadowing proof!)
A practical fashion line for ghost and humans (Bullet proof, blast proof etch. Borderline vigilante clothes that look like a civilians day to day outfit)
Homes for ghost and humans
A ghost obsession help center where they can ask humans to help with their obsession.
A school for both ghost and humans.
Liminal 101 because apparently because of the whole, pariah dark and, living in the ghosts kings haunt situation, everyone is liminal now
An entire line of technology that can be used by both ghosts and humans.
A fight arena where ghost and humans can fight for fun.
And so many other things , he can't remember
HIS NAME IS EVERYWHERE . His parents didn't even bother hiding the fact that their son somehow has enough money to fund these projects, everyone knows him now.
He ends up basically owning most of amity park.
And here he thought he wouldn't be the kind of king that expands their territory.
He was extremely UNSUCCESSFUL in that.
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iicarused · 5 months
##let us adore you
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jeff the killer x reader / eyeless jack x reader / ticci toby x reader / UNEDITED
synopsis: general headcanons in which how you met them
beware: DARK THEMES / yandere traits, stalking, implied manipulation, mentions of murder &&* gore //: if there is any that i missed, please let me know !
envelope from the author: masky, hoodie, and kate chaser will be pt 2 of this:)
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he met you at a convenience store, how funny. this man planned on killing the cashier, take the cash and leave a meal for his cannibal friend out back, then hop to the next town over. yet, you walked through the aisles of the store at the dark of the night. do you know what kind of creeps are out here at this hour?
he waited for you to leave before he got the job done. you should feel relieved, you should feel like the most luckiest person in the world and it’s because he spared you.
“no, i’m staying back.” he would tell his eyeless friend. “it’s my business to know and for you to fuck off,” he’d argue. “i have a… dilemma.” jeff confessed. for someone he only caught a glimpse of, for a voice he only heard a faint whisper from, he didn’t know whether to stay just for you or to leave while he can.
you were a plague in his mind, because he searched for you. it took three days at most to finally find the dorms you stayed in, and another three to know your roommates schedule. everyone in the area was shaken from the murder, everything including you. but why?
he could not understand why you would lock your windows and double check if the door was locked. both of you lived in a secured building where security littered the grounds and constantly checked ID. jeff would know, he stole a carbon copy of himself (in terms of dressing style) just to make sure of your safety on campus.
“hey, watch it!” jeff barked at the random who sped by you. he fixed his mask and came to your aid, a gloved hand coming over yours to help you up from the grass.
“oh, they’re probably just late to class,” you breathed. “it’s fine, but thank you.”
through the thin lens of his sunglasses, jeff drank in your appearance. “they could’ve bumped you on to the curb side — it really ain’t, sweetheart.” you smell great by the way.
“but they didn’t.” you finally looked at him and smiled. “are you a med student?”
you’re so sweet. so pure, and he wanted to corrupt that. he wanted to see those pretty doe eyes flutter up at him like that again, for the sweetness behind your gaze was enough for him to melt. he wants you, no, he needs you.
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you were a curious one, a little too curious in this scenario. a detective in a case of which you were to figure out why bodies were missing organs — or why people were waking up with soreness to their abdomen to only find a stitched up wound.
you took this case as an eager detective who wanted to solve the biggest mystery of north america — but you felt as if you just signed your life away. in the next eight victims that fell to their demise, you made notes of when and where it occurred. it would not be until a night after talking with the sheriff and little too much rum, you found something.
to your horror, the first letter of every street spelled something. two words that nearly sent you running if it weren’t for something stopping you from leaving
“found you.” his voice was a gentle whisper, and almost incoherent if it weren’t for the dead silence in the room. you dared not turn but you felt if you didn’t, it would come closer.
the pistol is on your desk and you’re ready to make a ruckus for anyone on the street to hear. “what? was this just some silly little game for you to show me you could spell?” there were only two regrets you had in your entire life.
the first regret was that you wished you never lied to your mother of who broke the plate that was on the floor. the second regret was turning around and facing a being that was too intricate for you to understand.
“i like playing with my food.” he replied before lunging at you.
you made it out alive — but at the cost of remembering how those sockets were nothing but a void. the liquid that cried on to your face when he was on top of you, and that second, you took your pen and stabbed his side. — but that encounter made you more determined than before
this case turned into a game of cat and mouse, and neither of you know who is cat or who is the mouse. chasing each other became a source of entertainment, and conversations ensued between physical fights
he never intended on killing you, oh no. you were too… fun. the chatting, the hunting each other, the thrill of it all made him go crazy. with time, maybe he can finally sink his teeth into your skin without the murder aspect. he just wants to taste you.
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your name appeared on the file of people to “take care of.” why? he doesn’t know and quite frankly, he cannot care. you were just another name on the list that needed to be gone.
he would not lie that it took him ages to find you. the town you were supposedly at was a total flunk, and when he told the boss, he was told to figure it out. at this rate, he wanted you gone for the sake of his own sanity. yet, after a month and hopping two towns, he finally found you.
everything he had on file sprouted nothing but lies because you were a doll, quiet literally if he fixated on your skin. he watched the way you moved and the way you made it seem effortless to walk on two feet. he often tripped over his when gawking over you. your scent is just how he imagined it when he peered over your sleeping form.
you made him forget why he was in search of you in the first place. toby fantasized a lot about you: your curves, your voice, your walk, your life. he often daydreamed of it when watching from afar, especially when you went through mundane tasks such as grocery shopping. the only time he remembered why he was told to end you was when he questioned why you were such a threat.
turns out you were friends of a friend who was a foe to his boss — the eyeless man. he made it no secret when in turn he went to find jack, but he didn’t expect to meet you so soon! oh, this is way too soon, how does he look? is it okay, this setting isn’t the right place, i mean, you were supposed to be
“toby? just toby? that isn’t quiet threatening for a man like that, isn’t it?” you werent speaking towards him, but instead asking jack who snorted in return.
you were a prize on the shelf, and toby wanted to keep you behind glass doors. “listen — pal, friend — how about we make a deal.”
while jack couldn’t see it, your gaze was locked with toby’s the entire time. there was something behind them, something that you couldn’t quite place. you weren’t sure whether if it was a good or bad thing considering the work you found yourself in.
“i give you a useful warning from a boss, and i... tag a long sometimes.”
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moonsaver · 1 month
Fake dating with alhaitham LMAOOO
I imagine he doesn't necessarily agree to it if you ask him directly. Realistically, it would build up more over time.
He spots you at a cafe but cant talk about the book hes reading cause some guy's talking to you but one scan of your uncomfortable face is enough to tell him that he's one of those types, and in a brief moment alhaitham comes up wonderfully, smoothly places a hand on your shoulder and shoos away the guy with a "I'm her boyfriend". Maybe he doesn't even have feelings for you (yet?) He just knows the only way these guys leave you alone is if they have a partner already. Casually goes back to talking about the current book he's reading once you're okay and listening.
Maybe you got invited to a really cool event but need a plus one, and alhaitham's the best pick because both of you are fairly comfortable with each other and he doesn't mind since he's got his noise cancelling earphones. If it weren't for the fact everyone kept assuming you were a couple at the event that eventually both of you looked at each other, sighed, and said yeah, sure. It was easier than having to constantly repeat that you were both just friends.
Maybe you have a friend who's constantly pestering you to go on blind dates with someone they know, and at this point Alhaitham doesn't care. Sure. He's now your fake boyfriend and you can't go on a blind date.
You just use him as an excuse now. Company dinner? Sorry, you have to meet your boyfriend's family that day. A person wants to come over? Sorry, you have a date planned with your boyfriend that day. Don't wanna go out for no reason at all? Whoops, your boyfriend needs help with something and, well, you know how he is.
Maybe even Alhaitham starts using the excuse since it's so widespread, which is kind of perfect. Usually he doesn't elaborate and give out reasons or excuses; theyre pointless and it's easier to simply turn someone/thing down. But for the more annoying, pestering ones (ahem, kaveh), it's a convenient excuse. More "believeable" than dusting your books, apparently.
And.. it's a bit strange. Both of you as a result end up spending more and more time until at some point he's at your house helping out your mom with the dishes or you go out grocery shopping with him or he's asking you first and foremost out of all the people he knows about some obscure museum hes really wanted to visit. you're doing your laundry and he's chilling behind you and the vibe's.. too intimate for "just friends".
"Are.. we dating now?"
"I mean.. actually dating now?"
"Do you want to?"
"..I don't know?"
"How about.. we go on an actual date, and then figure that out?"
And suddenly you don't realise how fast your heart's beating when you dig through your closet for your actual first date, and it doesn't help the fact almost all your friends don't realise that. Ugh, great.
On the other side, Alhaitham's noticed irregularities too. It's unnoticeable until his roommate points out the fact he's actually dressed up more than usual, which strikes a domino effect in his mind. Hm.. troubling.
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bet-on-me-13 · 8 months
Danny is the son of Mr Freeze
So! Danny was adopted as a Kid.
It was never really that big of a thing to him, just a small footnote in his life. He never really cared about finding his Bio Family, or even looking into it at all. His new Family was enough for him, no need to complicate it all that much.
But then, the Accident happened.
After he got shocked by the Portal and passed out, his parents had rushed him to the hospital. Apparently his Heart had been pulsing irregularly, so they had decided to not take any chances.
While at the Hospital, the Doctors noticed a particularly strange result in his blood tests. So, a few months after he had been discharged (it took a while for the blood work to come back), they asked him to come back in for further testing.
At first, Danny was scared that they had found out about his Powers. But when he walked into the Room, they had other news.
He had been diagnosed with Huntingtons Disease, a rare neurological condition that apparently had no known cure. The only possible way to contract the Disease was to have inherited it from one of his parents.
They said it was in its early stages at the moment, but as time passed he would become weaker and weaker, and he would become more sickly. They diagnosed that he had just over 5 years left before he died, and there were no treatments or cures that could save him.
Danny got a second opinion with Frostbite, since he knew more about Ghost Biology and might know if it was truly a fatal Disease for a Halfa.
And yeah, it was. No matter how much of him is Ghostly, he is still half Human, and the Human Disease in his body can and will kill him. And there's no guarantee that he will become a full Ghost upon death. For all he knows it will just End him.
So, Danny had a time limit to find a way to cure himself. He didn't have much time to study, what with the constant Ghost Attacks, his School Work, and keeping his parents from attacking innocent Ghosts, but he managed where he could.
Speaking of his parents, they had been looking into the disease as well. But they seemed convinced that they could find a way to save him by simply dissecting a Ghost to study its biology. (It was as if this was just a convenient excuse to dive deeper into their obsession)
After a while, he mamaged to resolve the Ghost Attack stuff and got his grades under control, but he was still making little progress on finding a Cure.
So, he looked into other people who might be studying the same Disease, to see if he could look I to their research. But that search came up empty.
There was nobody who wanted to fund research into such a rare disease, so nobody was studying it. There was one man who was studying it, but he was a convicted Supervillain. Danny decided that he would be his backup plan, since he wasn't sure how Jazz would react if he teamed up with a known Villain.
He just kept on studying his condition.
It had been about 4 years since his initial diagnosis, and Danny was 18. And he needed help.
He had made no progress in developing a Cure, and his condition had worsened. He could barely walk without a limp anymore, and his limbs felt weaker by the day.
He did manage to get some luck when he found out that lowering his Body Temperature would slow the progress of the Disease. He was never more thankful for his Ice Powers than on the day he figured that out.
But he had hit a roadblock. He needed help, and unfortunately there was only one place he could go to get it. The Supervillain he had read about all that time ago, Mr Freeze.
Now he was headed to Gotham City to seek his help, even if it meant becoming a Villlain himself.
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remlionheart · 29 days
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⟡˙⋆ MDNI ⋆˙⟡
Teacher's Pet
♡༊·˚ the second installment in my euphoria x jjk drabbles. this takes place where megumi's left off, but it's still a standalone fic so it's not necessary to read both parts if u don't want to ♡ tw for drug use and slight coercion. gojo x shy fem!reader. 𐙚 praise kink girlies who have ever dreamt of an authority figure having their way with you - hi, hello, welcome, enjoy your stay 𐙚 your former teacher's house was a place where anything and everything happened. a place people came to let go of their responsibilities and lose themselves for the night. there was only one rule: no one was allowed to step foot in his bedroom... shout out to the loml @bratbby333 for literally being gojo. 3.9k words. porn with a plot. lemme know whatcha think, luv u ♡༊·˚
Satoru Gojo had never been the most morally sound, neither in his personal or professional life. There were many things he was willing to turn a convenient blind eye to, secrets he was willing to keep in order to protect himself and those he deemed valuable enough. In a world predominantly made up of black and white, he was the condemning shade of silver that connected the two. Always towing the line but never really committing to either side.
With the amount of wealth and status he possessed, there was hardly anything he couldn't have - not a person or a drug or material object that was off limits to him. The entire world had always bent to his will, and he intended on keeping it that way.
His footsteps were heavy as he maneuvered through the crowd of sorcerers that were scattered about his living room.
Every weekend was the same, a hazy blend of laughter and smoke and blue lights. Girls snorting coke off of his marble countertops and couples fucking in the pool, not caring at all who saw. It was the place that people wandered to when they needed to let go of their inhibitions for the night and succumb to their own vices. "Gojo's house of debauchery" as Megumi would so endearingly name it.
He tilted back the rest of his drink while he made his way upstairs, pleased with the way bodies parted for him without him having to say a word. He was imperious, subconsciously operating with an effortlessly powerful presence anywhere he went, but especially within the domain of his lofty penthouse.
He came to an abrupt pause, noticing the door of his bedroom was cracked open. There were hardly any rules when it came to his Saturday night depravities, but the one thing that everyone knew was to not step foot into his room.
His jaw clenched, grabbing onto the door handle with every intention of having to drag someone out when the tension in his shoulders suddenly settled. A small smirk crept across his face as he closed the door behind him, his annoyance completely overruled by a new sense of perverse curiosity as he noted the way his sheets hugged the side of your hip.
"You lost sweetheart?"
Your eyes snapped open when you heard the click of the lock, your mind was racing trying to piece together where you were. You'd taken at least 4 shots too many before you'd stumbled upstairs.
The last thing you remembered was searching for a bathroom, barely being able to push your way through the crowd when Nobara noticed you. "You don't look too good," she had shouted over the music, "here, follow me." She'd forced you to drink some water while you peed and then guided you to the connecting bedroom. "You need to lay down for a little bit, 'kay?" It was the last thing you had heard before your head hit the pillow and your surroundings finally stopped spinning. You'd assumed that she'd taken you to one of his many guestrooms, but no, in her own drunken haze, she'd managed to leave you in his bed.
"Gojo-sensei," you immediately grimaced at your own formality, scrambling to correct yourself while you rolled over to face him. "I - mean, Gojo." Satoru? No, definitely not. You shook your head at the thought. "I'm sorry, let me just grab my stuff and -"
His smirk only grew at your hesitation though, a slight laugh leaving his lips as he waved a dismissive hand and took a seat on the edge of the bed next to you. "You're already here. Stay."
Your body froze when you met his stare, the low glow from the red light above his headboard emphasizing the sharpness of his face. You were surprised he even recognized you considering you hadn't seen him since graduation. Out of all of his former first-years who would so frequently pass out after overindulging, you had never been one of them.
Never, until now.
His eyes drifted along your silhouette, noting the curves that had replaced your once slender frame. The maturity that had stolen your timid teenage smile. You��d always piqued his interest, but you were now piquing something much more sinister inside him as he continued to look you up and down.
"This is new for you, hm?" He asked, looping a slender finger under his blindfold before pulling it down. "I mean, you were always a good girl, right?" Your heart stuttered in your chest when your stare caught his fully. An impossible shade of cerulean gazing back at you through thick lashes. "A bit shy from what I remember."
You shrugged, thankful for the way the lighting was covering up the heat that had migrated to your cheeks. You were better off than you were 2 hours ago but you still weren't as coherent as you should be, especially for this situation. "I was a kid back then." You finally managed.
"Seems like you're still one seeing as you couldn't handle a few shots without needing to lay down." His tone was more amused than it was scolding. "Look, it’s all about balance. If you're drinking or taking more downers than you're used to, you need an upper to counter it."
It almost felt like you were back in his classroom listening to one of his lectures, only the lesson he was about to teach you was definitely not Jujutsu High approved. He leaned over, grabbing a black Versace box from his nightstand. "If you're ever bordering on the verge of blacking out, the quickest way to regain your composure is this."
You watched him pull out a bag of white powder along with a dainty, almost doll-sized spoon, scooping out a bump before holding it to the left side of his nose while another finger covered the right. His pupils bloomed as he inhaled, letting the drug enter into his system with ease. "Come here." He instructed. 
You leaned toward him, it was almost muscle memory the way your mind and body both followed his directions with such blind obedience. A slight grin pulled at the corner of his lips as he brought another spoonful up to your face, his free hand closing one side of your nose for you. “Take a deep breath f’me.” He gave you a low nod as you complied without a second thought. “There you go, just like that.” 
Your jaw tightened, an odd sense of clarity washing over you when you looked back at him this time. The coke had managed to reel you back in, neutralizing at least some of the alcohol in your system as your body buzzed from the stimulants. Reality suddenly had a stronghold over you, reminding you that you weren’t just in your former teacher’s bed, but you were in it with him while he spoonfed you drugs.  
“Better?” he asked, cocking his head at you with the same smirk.
All you could do was nod, gradually coming to terms with the fact that you were powerless to the two opposing substances that were now working within you. Your heart rate was slowed by the alcohol but accelerated by the coke, neither one of them necessarily overpowering the other. They were instead coming in waves, almost taking turns as they flooded your thoughts and calmed your nerves. Gojo-sensei was always right, but you never imagined this would be something you’d learn from him. 
“A lot better.” You admitted, watching him set the box on the nightstand, wondering if the way he left the bag inside of it open was intentional or not. 
“Good.” He pulled at his tie, loosening it around his neck as he stripped out of his black blazer leaving him in just a white button up. “What were you doing here tonight anyway?”
Your mouth opened and then closed as you met his stare again. There was no subtle way to admit that you were still recovering from your latest breakup. That you’d come out tonight in a sad attempt to maybe, accidentally run into him.
“Oh, god,” he groaned, reading like you a fucking book. “Please don’t tell me you came here to get Takuma's attention.”
Your pupils dilated for an assortment of reasons, embarrassment churning in your stomach as you shook your head in denial. “What? No, I just wanted to get out for a few and -"
“Bullshit.” Despite the sharp edge in his tone, he was still wearing the same coy smile, his leg lightly grazing yours as he positioned himself closer to you. “You always had a thing for him. I remember the way you used to follow him around the hall like a lost puppy.” 
“That was years ago.” You countered, trying to process the fact that he’d watched you that carefully. 
“But you did, didn’t you?” His hand reached up, his slender fingers gently tangling into your hair, his voice dropping down to a pointed whisper. "I even heard you wanted him to be your first."
Your heart was racing, but it suddenly had nothing to do with the coke. Gojo-sensei had never been the most professional teacher. He was always joking with his students. Always getting into gossip that had absolutely nothing to do with him, but you never thought that his interest in his student's personal affairs extended to you considering you hardly ever had anything noteworthy going on. You sat in the back of the class. You barely spoke to anyone. You were a wallflower from hell. The fact that he remembered your crush on Ino was astonishing. The fact that he knew you wanted Ino to be your first was insanity.
His hand was still attentively drifting across the back of your neck, light fingertips gliding across your skin while his eyes roamed along your lips. You were forgetting how to breathe between the way he was looking at you and the sudden realizations that you were quickly having to come to terms with.
"You didn't actually let him take your virginity, did you?" His tone was dripping with taunting curiosity.
"He -" you faltered as his palm met the small of your back, the oxygen all but gone from the room. "He was my...first and...." You nearly choked on your own honesty, your face matching the deep red lights decorating his wall. "...only."
Satoru's body stilled, an incredulous look taking over his face before a vicious laugh erupted from him. "You're joking. So, have you ever cum then? Like, even just by yourself?”
"Of course I have." Your response was immediate. Almost too defensive to be true. "Plenty of times." You tacked on, which only made it worse.
You froze as his grip found its way around your waist, his fingertips lightly digging into your skin. "Show me then." he challenged.
Your heart felt like it was going to explode. His touch equal parts tantalizing and intimidating the closer he got to you, his hand cradled your jawline, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip. "Show me how you make yourself cum when no one's around."
Your breathing came to a complete stop when he closed the already small gap between you, his hand gliding down your neck as his tongue parted your lips. His body was warm and inviting, pressing against yours with ease. "Let me see it," he continued, slipping the straps of your tank-top down your shoulders.
You were stuck somewhere between the desperate desire to pull him closer and a nagging sense of insecurity that you couldn't shake no matter how hard you tried. You weren't stupid, you knew that he was much more experienced than you. He'd probably been with plenty of beautiful women who had given him more of a show than you felt capable of giving.
He pulled away slightly, picking up on your apprehension as his eyes met yours again. "You wanna be here, right?"
You nodded back at him, an aching feeling building between your legs at how dominant yet unexpectedly gentle he was being with you. "I do, I just -" You felt your jaw clench, the coke mixing with your self-doubt causing your body to tighten up even though it was the last thing you wanted it to do. "My head is just kind of everywhere right now." You admitted sheepishly.
"Here," He shot you a small smile before leaning over to reach back into his nightstand while you stared at the ceiling, trying to relax into the softness of his bed. "Open." he said, hovering over you again.
His stare was locked firmly with yours as you lolled your tongue out for him obediently, swallowing down the yellow circular pill he'd given you. "Good girl." He praised, tracing over the side of your face with his finger. "We'll take things slow, yeah?"
You didn't know what you'd just taken. Truthfully, you didn't even care with the way he was talking to you. His voice was like silk when he leaned back into you, carefully wedging himself between your legs as he kissed you again. His movements were fluid but thoughtful. His fingers grazing along your skin softly, leaving little goosebumps in their wake.
He may have been with more people than you had, but you were gradually starting to realize that it was more of a positive than it was a negative. He was able to read you so easily, he knew exactly where and how to touch you.
You let out a faint whimper as his palm met the inside of your thigh, slipping up your skirt and moving your panties to the side. "Keep your eyes on me, okay?"
The way your bottom lip lodged between your teeth while you looked back at him with a doe-like expression made it all the harder to restrain himself, but he somehow managed to keep his resolve.
His long digits spread you apart before his middle finger slid between your folds and began drawing light but firm circles against you. He could see your timidness slowly dissipating, the Valium he had slipped you clearing doing its job as you arched your back from him and let out another whine.
You were overwhelmingly comfortable, your body completely melting under his touch. He was running uppp and downnn your clit with just the right amount of pressure, creating a heavenly amount of slick for the both of you.
"That’s it. Gettin' so wet for me." He breathed, his lips just barely ghosting yours. "Do you have any idea how perfect you look right now?"
The moan you let out was beyond your control, your vision was blurred by silver hair and blue eyes and how unbelievably good it all felt. "Gojo-sensei," you panted, your body writhing beneath him as he slid in a thick finger inside of you this time. "F - fuck."
Satoru groaned, plunging even deeper into you. He never knew how badly he needed to hear you moan out his formal name until you suddenly couldn't stop doing it. Your hips were bucking up towards him, your lips urgently crashing into his as more dazed out noises poured out of you.
"Keep going." He instructed, reeling in the way your eyes widened as he added another finger. "You're doin' so good."
You were grabbing onto the collar of his shirt, your walls clenching around him. He was hitting spots that you'd never been able to reach before. Spots that Ino had apparently neglected too. You felt yourself slipping. Your mind was racing. Your body grinding against him desperately and your voice breaking with each word you tried to get out.
"Go-jo... I'm - gon-na..." But you didn't have to say it for him to know. He slammed into you, nodding at you in encouragement as fire flickered through his steel eyes.
"Let it out." There was a fierceness to his tone that he couldn't mask anymore, his composure was crumbling right along with yours. "C’mon, let me fucking feel it.”
Watching you come undone like this was such a sharp contrast from the shy schoolgirl he once knew that used to skip class just to avoid group projects. You squirmed under him, mewling out his name like it was the only word you knew as an orgasm finally raked through your body, stealing away every last bit of hesitancy you once had.
You were staring back at him like he'd told you to, never breaking eye contact no matter how hard it was for you to keep still. Your irises bloomed with pleasure, a noise you didn't know you were capable of making escaping you as you drenched his hand.
"Good fucking girl."
He pulled out of you, bringing his fingers up to your mouth. Your lips parted without him having to say anything, sucking them clean as you continued to look back at him with the same innocent expression. He was afraid he was going to no choice but to get you pregnant if you kept this up.
"Takuma ever make you cum like that?" he asked, releasing himself from you so you could speak.
You bit back a smile as you shook your head. "No," you conceded, helping him lift your tank-top above your head. "Not like that."
"I didn't think so." He smirked, unbuttoning his own shirt while you slid out of your skirt, both of your outfits being tossed to the floor.
You felt your center throb watching him strip out of his boxers. An overwhelming sense of neediness flooded over you as you took in the intimidating masterpiece that was Gojo-sensei's body. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't imagined what it looked like a time or two when you were in his class. It was hard not to with the way girls fawned over him, but you'd managed to keep your infatuation to yourself up until now.
Seeing him stroke himself as he lined up with your entrance was prettier than any daydream you could've ever conjured up.
"Need you to focus on your breathing.” he said, rubbing his tip between your folds to wet himself with your slick. The temptation to absolutely destroy you was plaguing his mind, but he knew he needed to ease you into it. The only person you'd been with was Ino for god's sake, you deserved to be fucked properly.
You followed his lead and inhaled slowly, thankful for whatever magical relaxation pill you’d taken you as he prodded into you. It didn't take long to realize why he'd told you to breathe, his tip alone was stretching you out more than you were used to. You found yourself grabbing onto his forearm, your nails digging into his skin as a hazy whimper filled the space between you.
"It's alright, you can handle it." Your walls were smothering him, so impossibly snug and tight that he struggled to keep his eyes from rolling into the back of his head. "Just like that. Juuust like that."
He pressed into you carefully, harnessing all the restraint he could possibly manage while you tried but failed to hold back your whines. "God, you feel fuckin' good." He groaned. "Takin' me so well."
You were still clutching onto him, your mouth dropping open the further he went. You'd never felt this full before - this entirely enamored by someone being inside of you. You thought that you knew what you liked up until this point, but he was drawing noises and feelings out of you that you didn't even know existed.
Gojo's urge to break you was getting harder to ignore. You were so pouty and delicate and naively trusting of him. He'd been trying to keep a steady pace, watching you intently to make sure you were still comfortable, but the moment the words "deeper" and "please" left your mouth, he felt something inside him snap.
His hand laced around your throat, his thumb and index finger pressing firmly into the sides of your neck. The smirk he shot you was lethal. "Deeper? You sure that's what you want?"
It was your one and only chance to back out, but you couldn't. There was a coiling tension in your abdomen. A depraved craving coming from your core. It wasn't just that you wanted more, it was that you needed more. You could barely get out another, "please." before he was suddenly plunging into you.
His rhythm was merciless, his grip tightening around your airways turning your moans into strained gasps.
He leaned in, his hair brushing against your forehead as he watched your eyebrows knit together, your eyes locked with his once more.
"You've always been so fuckin' cute, y'know that?" His hips met yours with another damning thrust. "So good at doing what you're told."
The red lights blurred together, a mixture of stars and sedatives clouding your vision as the aching feeling between your thighs amplified. Your cunt felt like it was pulsating, that burning build suddenly breaking away from just your stomach and spreading throughout your entire body.
"Oh, fuck." He grunted. "There it is. Keep goin’.”
Your walls spasmed, drool spilling down your chin while you wriggled under his grasp. Your pelvis tilted up feverishly to meet his as you took every inch of him. You were teetering on the verge of passing out. Nearly crying from how overwhelmed your senses were when another orgasm ripped through you.
His grip loosened on you, his movements becoming more frenzied. The fucked-out look on your face coupled with the pouty, suppressed cries you let out when he removed his hand from your throat was enough to drive him over the edge too.
His lips caught yours with feral urgency, his hand tangling into your hair as a lewd warmth filled you, spilling out onto his sheets. “I want you over here again next weekend," he said in between breaths. “Got it?"
You nodded back at him, your mind humming from overstimulation as he slowly pulled out.
He took a moment before getting to his feet, admiring the mess that he'd made of you. "C'mere." He smirked, helping reposition you up to the front of the bed.
He placed a pillow under your head and brought the blanket up over your shoulders. There was no way you were making it home tonight.
He lazily slipped his pants back on, only bothering to button up half of his shirt as he ran a hand through his hair and reached for the Versace box on his nightstand. He divvied out another bump and held the spoon to his nose, inhaling sharply before turning off the light for you and venturing out of the room to see how many people were still up and about.
The music had died down for the most part, the once packed hallway now mostly empty. He rounded the corner, just about to head downstairs when he came to an abrupt pause.
"Ino." he called out, noticing the brunette wandering out of one of his guestrooms. "Didn't realize you were here."
"Oh, yeah." He shrugged, tilting back the rest of his beer. "Was just lookin' for someone, Nobara said that -" he stopped himself before he could finish his thought, shaking his head. "Y'know what, it doesn't matter. She's too needy to deal with anyway."
Gojo's eyebrow raised, an arrogant smirk cutting across his face as he played along, offering him faux words of shallow comfort. "Ah, yeah. Bet she's pretty whiney too, huh?"
"Right." Ino snorted, completely oblivious to the condescending trap he'd just walked into.
"Probably says you're not deep enough." Gojo pressed, earning another clueless drunken laugh from him. "Always so pouty."
"Exactly. Like she's never satisfied."
"Girls," he mused, adjusting the collar of his shirt from where you'd grabbed onto earlier while you were soaking him. "Sounds like she needs someone to teach her a lesson..."
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flowershines · 4 months
Closer Wrong Room
Summary: Being the 8th member of Enhypen means that you get to spend time with people that actually make you feel special but little does everyone know that during most of those times your on your knees in front of them as you pleasuring them everyday.
Warnings: Smut, caught, desperate Y/n, sub! Sunoo x f! reader x dom! Jungwon, face sitting, blowjob, handjob, spanking, lmk if i missed any…
<previous masterlist next>
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Darkness surrounded your figure as you walked further into the room trying to find the light switch, your fingers trailed up the side of the wall flicking on the lights during the process. The room around you was filled with old vintage hotel finds that could be found somewhere in an abandoned building, this hotel was super run down and old. Sounds of yelling was heard from outside your door, being nosey you walked over to it while put in your ear up against the cold wood as you heard one of the members speak angrily at one of the managers. “We are supposed to stay here, in this dump? What happened to the very nice hotel WE booked.” Looking down at your nails your mind tried to think of who’s voice that was, even though you lived and were around them for most of your time you would think that there was no excuse not to know their voices, but honestly you just always tuned them out. “Well Heeseung, we are trying our best to contact the hotel and ask why we are not being booked there, but this was the only hotel we could book for such a last minute.” This was very uncharacteristic for him, sure he gets mad and can take it out on another person but this seemed like there was an underlying message on why he was this upset on a hotel booking.
Opening the door both the men standing outside your door looked at you while smiling, acting as if they were not deep into the argument, sliding by the two of them as you walked into Sunoo’s room which he had been sharing with Jungwon. Knocking on the door you could hear a faint voice say from inside the room in a high pitched mimicking voice ‘housekeeping’, not long after the door swung open to reveal Sunoo who had his hair slicked back with a headband as his face was very shiny. He was doing his skin care. SLiding your feet one after the other on the ground you were placed in front of Jungwon’s bed while he laid down on the opposite side of him, falling onto the bed face first you mumbled into the blanket. ‘What’s Heeseung’s deal?’ a ‘huh’ was heard from beside you as you picked your head up while getting the hair out of your face, “What’s Heeseung’s deal?” he tilted his head in confusion “Him and one of the managers were arguing about why we have to stay here for tonight.” his shoulders lifted as Sunoo started talking “He’s just mad because he was going to meet up with someone and was going to get his dick wet, but now that our plans are delayed he can’t.” Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as realization filled within your body, laughing to yourself you thought it was funny about how Heeseung can not go a week without pussy. “What's so funny?” Shaking your head you denied anything being funny which soon turned into you complaining, “I’m so thirsty.” Jungwon’s hand started to message and rub your back which caused your tense shoulders to relax, while letting out a sigh. “Me and Sunoo can go to the convenience store and buy you something because I want some ramen.”
Sunoo jumped up from previously sitting in front of the mirror as he took off his headband and threw it at you like a frisbee, “Want anything else Y/n?” shaking your head as you watched as they left towards the door. Once the coast was clear you pulled out your phone while you started to watch some TikTok to pass the time by, but the more you watched your phone the more an ache would possess your body. No other thought was behind it. Scrolling to the next video your thighs rubbed up against one another uncontrollably while the feeling of your cunt becoming more and more wet by the minute set in, you knew it was just your ovulation cycle but of course she came to say ‘hi’ while you were alone in your friends hotel room. The feeling of desperation started to fill every inch of your body, maybe if i just pleasure myself it will go away faster you thought to yourself. Opening the door; leaving their room and into yours you pushed by the two men arguing, who were left confused as to why you were in such a hurry. Hopping onto your bed you untied your sweatpants the anticipation was making your cunt ache, circling your fingers around your clit you took your pants down to your knees as well as pushing your panties along with it. A soft moan was heard causing you to quickly cover your mouth now turning your clear moans into short muffled ones, brining your fingers down to your entrance you teased yourself knowing which ways and which movements would bring you to the most ultimate pleasure.
You just needed to cum fast, then head back to their room. They would never know. Slowly inserting your fingers into your dripping cunt your head rolled back onto the pillow that laid below you, a soft whimper fell from your lips. Of course you would become the most desperate when it’s the worst time. As your fingers bottomed out inside you the ache of desperation was worsening, your back arches while your toes curled. Even though you were not the happiest person about getting yourself off you have to admit that the pleasure that ran through your body was worth every second, you moans started to become more breathy when your fingers started to move at a faster pace. Closing your eyes you started to imagine how it would feel for someone else to be giving you this pleasure, eating you out, fingering you, fucking you. The members always made it too hard to let you fuck some random person; yet they do it all the time. They say your their ‘princess, nobody can hurt you’ which is completely bull shit, they just don’t want some rando fucking their baby. Dick was the only thing that ran through every thought in your body, you needed it, craved it. What if you just called one of your friends, you have your own room how would the guys know.
Opening your eyes and turning towards the side table away from the door you picked up your phone and started to call your closest guy friend, laying back the phone dialed his number and waited for his response. Pushing yourself up to your elbows your mind went blank as two men stood in front of you. “Y/n?…..Y/n you called?” Was heard from your phone as you laid their staring at the two shocked men with clear bulges popping out of their pants, “W-wh-what are yo-u doin-g here? How long have y-you been there?” hanging up the phone you placed it next to you still not taking your eyes off of the two men. One cleared his throat “We got the snacks, when you weren’t in our room we asked Heeseung and he said you ran past him in here.” his eyes were too focused on fiddling with his fingers which at the moment he could not face you after witnessing you fingering yourself. The other man that stared at your half naked figure couldn’t help but feel his tip start to leak precum. Rubbing your legs together your cunt started to become soaked from the scene happening in front of you, looking down at the man who was fiddling with his fingers you saw his cock twitch while he tried to hide it as best as he could. “Since you both already saw me like this can one of you help me out, please.”
The man finally looked up at you as he turned to the other man for confirmation, he slightly pointed his head towards you as he let his shy hyung get first dibs. Sunoo walked over to your bed softly; not even being able to hear his footsteps, you could tell he was nervous. Stopping once he got to the end of the bed you crawled over to him and laid down on your stomach, picking your arm up you started to rub his bulge over his pants. He hissed from your sudden touch, he looked back at the other man who was already palming himself as he walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down against the pillows. A moan was heard behind you which caused your head to turn towards the noise, Jungwon had freed his cock.
The tip glistens with precum while it was a very prominent red color, the veins were popped due to the lack of pleasure. A pink blush ran cross the bridge of his nose and on his cheeks, you never saw him blush like this. His lips curved into a smirk as you stared at his figure in awe. Turning back towards the man you unbuckled his belt while he quickly unzipped them and pulled his pants down just a little bit above his ankles, a whine was heard from the man. Looking up at him with siren eyes his doe eyes looked back at you as his eyebrows knitted together, his lips parted while his nose was scrunched up. Putting your hand into a small circle you pushed it onto his cock, his eyes rolled back from the sensation of your touch. Turning around to face the desperate man once again you asked him, “You just gonna sit there? or are you gonna fuck me?” hearing your confidence made him only more eager as he jumped onto you. He didn’t need to take anything off as your pants were already on the floor, but he did slowly take off your shirt as he kissed his way down your back till he reached your dripping pussy. A slap was heard as the sudden sting on your ass formed, his lips found their way to your clit as he kissed it.
Parting your legs more, he give himself room to slide underneath your body; till it looked like you would be able to sit on his face. His arms wrapped around your thighs as he tried to pull you closer, your eyes stayed focus on the man in front of you as he guided you through the movements with his hand on top of yours. “Jungwon, i’m gonna suffocate you. Can you just sit up and eat me out like that, I don’t want to hurt you.”
This only gave him more reason to have you sit on his face, “Suffocate me Y/n, want you to sit on my face. Don’t worry about crushing me, sit.” his arms pulled your aching body down onto his face causing his tongue to instead start lapping at your cunt. Putting Sunoo’s tip on your lips you used his precum as lip glass; pulling him down towards you, you placed your lips on his which made his lips shimmer from the leftover precum that was on your lips. As he stood back up you wasted no time while you shoved his cock down your throat, giving him no time to adjust you started to deep throat him. His hands fell to your head as one hand played with your hair while the other was pushing your head down further, you could feel his tip hitting the back of your throat.
Jungwon snaked his tongue into your entrance causing you to moan on Sunoo’s cock, “F-fuck Y/n, W-won ke-ep doing th-hat.” the younger man had listened to him as he pushed his tongue deeper into your cunt. Your constant moans was sending Sunoo into a different realm of life, his head started spinning while his hands that were placed on your head shook. The man below you was eating you out like it was his first ever meal; a starved man, turning your head towards the side out of the corner of your eye you see his hips humping the air.
Desperate for some form of friction. Slowly leaning back you pulled the man in front of you with you, your hand ran over Jungwon’s cock as you pushed his hips down with one hand against the mattress then started to please his aching cock. He hummed against your heat, you wondered where he learned how to please a women this well. Your climax was so close you can taste it as well as Sunoo’s his hands played with your hair while his lips formed incoherent sentences of encouragement.
Your free hand moved down to Jungwon’s head as you pushed him deeper into your pussy, the way his arms wrapped around your thighs you were sure there were going to be bruises left. “Gon-na cum.” Was the last thing the man above you said as his cum hit the back of your throat giving you no time to swallow it; the warm liquid ran down your throat with ease. Seeing him cum made the knot in your stomach loosen by the minute, Jungwon’s hips rutted against your hand causing his balls to slap against your hand. His movements were strong and weren’t stopping anytime soon and till he reaches his climax, he took a breather and exclaimed breathlessly “Cum on my tongue Y/n.” his words sent you over the edge causing your climax to collapse and take over your body.
The feeling and taste of your cum alone made Jungwon reach his long awaited climax, helping him through his orgasm you let go of his limped out cock while he placed it back in his pants. Just before you got off of Jungwon’s face he placed a kiss on your clit sending a shiver to run throughout your whole body.
“Thanks Y/n.” The man turned shy once more while the mother was filled with confidence as the taste of your cum was still in his mouth, “If you ever need to get off, let us know. We could be your little toys.” He said winked at you, kissing your forehead as the other man kissed you on the lips. “Taste yourself.” Pulling away from him he nodded with a smile on his face at your comment, “I mean it Y/n.” was the last words Jungwon had said before he left your room.
@luvyev @honestimage @siria000023 @tooshyshaa @heeseungshim @juliesblogs @wonpoem @weyukinluv @cha0thicpisces @jungwonloveer @zouzie008 @wooziswife @jwonistic @wonniesdoll @wonki-luv @en-gene2 @deobitifull @cupidhee @namdeyuoi @hanienie @gfjydhufvh @nyfwyeonjun @sangzhi4 @peonywon @caravm @heeseungsbabyy @sunoosets @anwonie @jungwonnieee @certified-niki-lover @heeseungsbabyy @aprilsssinterest
if your acc is in white it said ‘no blogs found’
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hajimeseyo · 4 months
(part 1 here! it's not required for reading this piece, but they are connected!)
The second time you meet Izana is completely unexpected.
You hadn’t expected to see the pretty boy from the convenience store anytime soon after your first meeting; sure, he had gotten your name and you had gotten his. But besides that, there wasn’t really any way for you to find each other, and it’s not like you were the type to go around to every high school in the vicinity looking for an ‘Izana’. You just figured that you’d see him when you see him.
You definitely weren’t expecting the next time you see him to be right outside your school gates, however.
“Izana?!” The exclamation draws the boy’s attention to you, along with the attention of nearly all the students nearby. You clamp your mouth shut, face reddening at the feeling of the curious glances sent your way.
“Hey, [name].” He greets you casually, as if he didn't just completely show up out of nowhere, at the place where you least expected him to be.
“What are you doing here?” A sudden thought strikes you. “You don't…go here, do you…?”
“No. I don't go to school at all.”
A snort of laughter escapes you before you can stop it.
He sends you a sharp smirk at that, pushing himself off where he was leaning against the bars of the school gate. “I'm here to pick up a certain someone from school.”
“Oh.” Disappointment flares up inside you, but you push it down. “I see. I didn’t know you knew anyone from my school! What a coincidence.”
You tilt your head in confusion as he stares blankly at you, gaze unreadable and unmoving. Why was he staring at you? Did you say something wrong or��
“Oh!” The realization hits you all of a sudden. Your hand flies up to point at yourself. “Did you mean me???”
He finally moves again at that, nodding his head with a wry smile on his face.
“Oh!” You feel your face heat up again. “Sorry, I don't know why I thought it was someone else.” You rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “I guess I wasn't expecting it to be me.”
He lets out a chuckle, hands smoothly swiping your school bag from your hands and slinging it over his shoulder before you can stop him. “If not you, then who?”
You roll your eyes jokingly. “I don't know, literally anybody else?”
“There's very few people that I would willingly make an effort to pick up.” He bends down slightly to your eye level, and your breath stutters a little at the sudden close up of his beautiful face. “You should consider yourself lucky.”
Recovering, you decide to play along, sending him a teasing smile. “Sure, whatever you say, pretty boy.”
His eyes narrow slightly, the corner of his lips curling upwards. “Oh? I'm ‘pretty boy’ now?”
You giggle, a little bashfully. “Can I call you that?” You ask timidly, unsure of his preference towards the nickname.
His playful expression softens into something gentle. “You can call me anything you want, [name].”
Your heart skips a beat at the soft expression on his face, eyes never leaving yours, almost as if the look was meant for you and you only.
“Now,” He straightens up, snapping you out of whatever daze he put you in. “Let’s go.” He begins walking away, your bag still in his hand, and you hurriedly chase after him.
“Wait wait wait, go where??”
“There's this café I've been wanting to go to for a while now.” He casually replies, not paying your confused look any mind. “So we're going today.”
You could feel butterflies in your stomach.
Was this…?
His way of asking you out on a date…?
You quietly study the side of his face as the two of you walk alongside each other, eyes tracing over every line and bridge of the ethereal features that had captured your attention since the first time you caught a glance. His face is relaxed, almost peaceful.
…Well, whether it was or not, you suppose it doesn't really matter at the moment.
You fake a heavy sigh, although you can't help the smile creeping onto your face. “I suppose I don't have a say in the matter now, do I?”
He grins smugly. It's surprisingly cute.
“No, not really.”
After all, time will tell.
For now, you'll just enjoy this afternoon by his side.
("Wait a minute...how did you know which school I go to?"
"...Don't worry about it 😁."
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tvhsleb3ww · 3 months
summary, akaashi helps you on a rainy day.
— mutual pining, minor swearing, fluff, akaashi being a geek in love
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they say that rainy days are the best way to see someone's love for them. at that moment, their love would be displayed to the public and everyone can see how much they love one another.
even if they shared an umbrella, there would be a certain angle where someone would be more exposed to the droplets instead of the other one.
and it was obvious that akaashi keiji displayed love for you.
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you looked at the grey clouds that are coming your way, your hands on your hips as you examine them. multiple coulds are nearing and indicates that they bring a huge storm.
a sigh escapes your lips as you crossed your arms, thinking wether to wait for the rain to stop or just run to the nearest store that are a couple blocks away. you should've watched the weather forecast this morning before going to work.
and then it hits you. you left your clothes to dry out on the balcony of your apartment. crap— and it seems like you can't be going home right now.
"something on your mind, (y/n)?" a familliar voice asked you to which you turned around.
a small smile forms on your lips to show that you're alright, although it's quite evident that it's faux.
"i forgot my umbrella and it looks like heavy rain is coming" you muttered to which he just nodded and walked towards you.
"you can borrow my umbrella, if you'd like" he says, voice coated with worry. you shook your head and flailed your hand.
"no, it's fine! how are you gonna go home if i take your umbrella, akaashi?" he pushes the bridge of his glasses and crosses his arms.
"we could go together, if that's fine with you?"
he really wanted to blurt that sentence out but the words got stuck in his throat. he wants to have a chance at helping and getting closer to you!
ever since you both started working here together, he's had a teensy little crush on you which eventually grew and drove him crazy. he's never felt like this before and he's so nervous right now.
he opened his mouth to talk but he gets nervous. what if she thinks i'm weird? what if she already has someone else? what if—
"but if you don't mind, maybe we could go together? you can just drop me off at the nearest store! i wouldn't want to bother you" you said sheepishly and he thanks the heavens that you were the one who said that instead.
"of course it isn't bothering me, i'd love to" he says with a small smile.
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how the hell did his umbrella got stolen? he could've sworn he put it in the basket with the other umbrellas but right now— he's looking at an empty basket.
he examined further, maybe it was buried deep inside the basket? nope it wasn't. he sighed and watched you looking at the rainy clouds. suddenly, an idea popped up.
"(y/n), i have another idea but it might be a little crazy"
which led to this.
"just a little more (y/n)! i can see 7E from here!" he whisper yelled as he ran with you to the 7E with him holding his jacket on your figure.
"ugh, you try to run in heels!" you pouted but ran anyways. he almost lets out a laugh when you whined in complaint.
maybe to some people the action of running together in the rain is stupid. maybe it was sweet.
but to akaashi keiji, he thinks it was the best rainy day that ever happened to him. he doesn't mind being drenched in the pouring rain if it means he gets to be your knight in shining armour.
he doesn't mind letting you use his jacket (which he offered in the first place) as an umbrella. he doesn't mind running together with you in the rain.
both of you walked into the convenience store, drenched. you laughed and before he realised it, he's smiling too at your laughter.
"thank you, akaashi" you mumbled and he just gives you a small smile in return. "keiji" he mumbles to which you raised a brow.
"call me keiji" he says, again with a small smile and red cheeks.
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the whole running in the rain act was worth it, even if it meant he had to take a sick leave the next day and rot in bed.
especially when you came for a visit and gave him your handcooked chicken soup that's perfect for headaches.
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gemissleeping · 4 months
Sea Foam | Chapter Three
Theodore Nott x Siren!Reader
Read the other Chapters here.
Summary: It’s been three weeks since Theo found you by the Black Lake, and he’s tried his best to respect your wishes. But it hasn’t done anything to help either of you, and all of your efforts come crashing down in the bathroom at a Slytherin party.
Length: 2.1k
Notes: More of a Theo POV than the usual. Angry Theo. Teenage boys being teenage boys (foul and icky, nsfw language). Overbearing best friend Blaise. Smoking Theo. Slightly intoxicated reader. Soft Theo. Tears. I did not proofread this at all you have been warned, pls do tell me if there are any errors. Listen to Cinnamon Girl by Lana if you’d like to go through it. ily enjoy!
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“You’re staring again,” Blaise grumbled under his breath from beside Theo in Divination. It had been three weeks since Theo had found you on the shoreline. Dressed only in your nightgown in the height of the winter frost. That crestfallen look on your face while the wind had bitten at you both. He’d tried his best to respect your wishes since then; making sure to steer clear of you whenever he could, to stop flitting through your mind like it was his favourite novel. He’d tried his best and still he’d failed, over and over.
He knew it was wrong, but he was beyond help. Slipping into your mind was unbearably easy. So much so, that he’d found himself doing it purely by accident on a few occasions, and he couldn’t quite figure out why. He knew you could practice occlumency, had even witnessed you obliterate Malfoy’s attempt at invading your mind in a Defence Against the Dark Arts class last year. Yet you barely even seemed to notice when he did it. Your apparent lack of awareness only made it harder for Theo to stop himself.
“Sorry,” Theo mumbled, blinking his trance away as he glanced over to Blaise with a dull apology. Blaise and Theo had become fast friends in First Year. After Cormack had made a comment about Theo’s Mother on the train, and Blaise had responded by hitting him right between the eyes. Blaise and Theo were close. Though not as close as you, Milli and Blaise were. Everyone knew that the three of you were utterly inseparable. Having met long before the rest of them at Hogwarts.
Unfortunately, it also meant that Blaise had adopted a tendency towards being irritatingly over-protective of you. Likely for good reason; Theo hadn’t made the best of impressions when it came to his relationships with women. They were often fleeting, borne of convenience and nothing more.
Which was exactly why Blaise was currently pissed with him. Blaise spent an awful lot of his time watching people. Regrettably, for Theo that included him, and these days he spent most of his time firmly stuck on you. To say Blaise wasn’t pleased would have been an understatement.
At this point, he may as well have been your damn guard dog, and Theo was tiring of the act quickly. He’d spent years wanting to know you, outside of the occasional class project. Years of pretending you didn’t exist for Blaise’s sake. When really, you were a large part of the reason that he had never settled on anyone to begin with.
Theo turned back to his parchment, huffing as he saw the ink stain leaking across the page. That, along with several half-finished notes, provided rather damning evidence of his distraction.
He stole a glance over at you again, keeping his head low in the hopes Blaise wouldn’t catch him. You were sitting beneath the window, stuck in a daydream of your own as Trelawney prattled on. Eyes misted over, one hand woven through your hair as you rested on it.
You were lovely.
Theo wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had resumed his staring. But as Trelawney brought the lesson to a close, the dull edge of a textbook collided with the side of his head in a singular, harsh thud. Breaking his focus on you as he looked up in bewilderment to Blaise, who stood with his edition of Astrology for the Ungifted raised.
“Git.” He hissed, lowering the book with scathing eyes.
Theo didn’t see you for the rest of the afternoon, not with Blaise practically escorting him to their dorm as soon as Divination concluded. Enzo was already there, lazily slung across his desk chair. Brow raised as Blaise entered in a huff, Theo trailing behind him in defeat. There was supposed to be a party in the Common Room tonight. But right now it wasn’t looking like Theo would be in for a particularly enjoyable evening.
“I know what you’re trying to do. You want to fuck her.”
“I don’t want to fuck her,” Theo winced at his friend’s choice of words.
“You don’t want to fuck her? You don’t want to fuck her?” Blaise rounded, textbook jabbing at Theo’s chest incredulously. Theo groaned, knowing Blaise wouldn’t rest until he knew Theo was being honest with him.
“No, I- fuck, fine. Yes, I want to. Of course I do, but that’s not-”
“Not what? Forgive me for my utter faith in your fucking abysmal track record. But she is my best fucking friend Theo.” Blaise snapped, turning from the boy’s dead-eyed stare and viciously tugging at his tie as he stalked towards his bed. Whipping it from his neck in a surge of anger.
Enzo rolled his bottom lip between his teeth. Watching the display unfold with anxious eyes as Matt cracked the bathroom door open, lighting up with sadistic intrigue. The pair exchanged a glance, the former silently begging the latter not to stick his foot in.
Theo felt his chest tighten at Blaise’s words. His hand running roughly along his jaw, trying to soothe his irritation. Gazing at the ornate wooden panels on the ceiling with a sigh before he attempted to break through to him again. It was out in the open now at least, it likely couldn’t get worse.
“You don’t understand, she-”
“Please, Nott. Tell me what I don’t understand about the girl I’ve known since she was three years old.” Blaise bellowed, reigniting as he swung back to the taller boy. The click of the door interrupted them.
“What’s with all the shouting? I can hear you fools from the hall,” Malfoy droned, bored as he kicked the door shut behind him. Flicking his wand to cast some sort of muffling charm across it.
“Fuck off, Malfoy.” Blaise sneered, not even glancing over to acknowledge his friend’s arrival. The words feeling far more aimed towards Theo than the blonde. Draco only sighed, moving past the both of them.
“None of you ever thank me for anything that I do for you,” He grumbled in response. Throwing a stack of books onto his bed before going to shove Matt out of the bathroom.
“If you even think about fucking touching her-” Blaise continued, steam practically rising from his skin as he narrowed in on Theo again.
“Oh, he has.” Matt interrupted, leaning back against Enzo’s desk with folded arms. Theo shooting him a heavy glare as Matt only smirked back knowingly. An expression Enzo swiftly answered by scolding him with a kick to the shin.
“Look at me, Nott,” Blaise demanded. His voice low, lip curling back in a sneer, “I’ll skin you, understand?”
“Listen, I-” Theo started, his own voice rising as his attention shifted back to Blaise, irritation swelling. But he was impossible to reason with when he was like this, everyone knew it.
“You don’t fuck with her,” Blaise cut in, his voice soaked with finality. Standing before Theo while his chest heaved with anger, book still clutched in his accusatory palm. Theo could feel his own restraint unwrapping. The other’s eyes on them only pushing him further into that corner of himself. He needed air, now. Or else he was going to do something he couldn’t undo. Then you were certain to never speak to him again.
Hands raised in silent surrender, he backed away from Blaise. Jaw set as he plucked his jacket from the end of his bed, turning for the door. Enzo’s tired sigh leaked through the dorm as he pulled it open harshly, likely readying himself to chastise Blaise. Something he’d also likely do to Theo when he caught him later. Though if he had any luck today, maybe Enzo and the others would already be drunk by the time he got back.
He made for the edge of the forest. Rolling a cigarette as he went, trying not to bite down on the filter between his teeth from residual disdain. The icy air was a small mercy, quenching the heat running through him almost immediately. For hours he stood out there, letting the smoke in to empty out all of the things he didn’t want to feel. Watching as the moon chased the sun down to the horizon.
The party would be well underway. God willing you hopefully had yourself tangled in someone else by now. At least then Theo might have been able to give himself a proper reason to stop, smooth things over with Blaise. Though he had begun to doubt if even that would work.
Theo made his way through the tangle of writhing bodies in the heat of the Common Room. No desire to taint himself further with the desperate need to forget that rolled off of the sweaty air. Matt was by the stairs, where the crowd thinned out at its edges. More enticed by the girl whose cigarette he was lighting than by any questions he might’ve had for Theo, as he continued his path to the dorms.
He had meant to go straight there. To take off his jacket, untie his shoelaces. Instead he found himself headed past his door, down to one of the communal bathrooms that lined the dormitory halls. He wasn’t sure why, until something tugged at him. Drawing him to push open the bathroom door; and there you were.
Gaze flitting to his hazily in the mirror. Eyeliner smudged, haloing your eyes. You stilled where you had been standing, as if he had walked straight out of your thoughts. Softening as you took in his wind kissed hair, and he the tremble of your fingers on the countertop. Theo pushed himself away, against the pull of his chest, away from what he wanted. He made for the door again, unsure of why he had allowed himself to be led to you to begin with.
“You weren’t at Dinner,” you called softly, not daring to turn and look at him without a reflection between you. He stilled, one hand on the door as his heart hammered at his ribs.
“You told me to stay away,” he answered simply. Afraid to turn around in case what he saw laying in your eyes only salted the wound some more.
“Not that far.”
You breathed, turning to face him. Eyes aching to touch his cheek, graze across his thoughts, his desires. Theo’s hand dropped from the door, chest swelling from your proclamation. He could feel his breathing falter, hear the force of it. He turned hesitantly, a rasp collecting in his throat.
“Well how far would you like me?”
He saw your breath hitch, didn’t even have to scratch at your mind. You seemed to be leaking into his on your own accord. He could hear just how far you wanted him, and it wasn’t far at all.
Your lips parted, so he made sure to be the first to speak. To save you both the trouble.
“You’re drunk.”
You shook your head, eyes growing glassy with the salt of tears as you moved towards where he leant against the door.
“I’ve been getting your little messages. The ones you keep leaving for me to find,” he murmured. Suddenly enraptured by his hands as his voice creased over his words.
“It’s unbearable for me. Is it like that for you too?” He cracked, eyes flashing up to yours. Entirely afraid before you, before the possible weight of your answer. Because the truth was he couldn’t tell. He couldn’t tell which words were real and which you fed him to keep him at arm’s length. He searched you, begging for any kind of answer, but hoping only for one.
Your tears spilled in an instant, and maybe you were a little drunk, but you were also sure that it didn’t change any of it. He knew as much, taking a tender step towards you to grasp your cheek. Running his thumb along the soft skin to collect your tears.
“This trance you seem to think I’m under,” Theo clarified, eyes lingering on yours as his thumb continued its path. Despite no longer having any need to do so. “It’s lasted five years already,” he breathed, “it’s not going to pass any time soon.”
You paused, smudged eyes widening as you gazed up at him. His confession sucking the air out of your lungs until you could no longer doubt that you needed him. You simply watched him for a moment, as though debating whether to say something you wouldn’t be able to swallow. The one thing that was still holding you back.
“I don’t know how to stop myself.”
“Then don’t,” he whispered, leaning closer to brush a strand of hair from your eyes. “You don’t need to be scared of wanting this.”
Theo drew back slightly, letting his fingertips linger. Brushing through the strands of your hair, behind your ear. His voice gentle, certain, “I’ll be here, whenever you’re ready.”
Keep an eye out for Chapter Four here, or comment to be added to the tag list for future updates <3
Taglist: @hemlockmuncher @hoeforvinniehackerrr @moonlightttfae @thecraziestcrayon @itssomeonereading @leona-hawthorne @liaaanie @not-so-bad-ass @wildestdreamslover @slytherinboysappreciation @nat1221 @melllinaa @aykxz98 @chgrch if i missed anyone please let me know!
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night-raven-tattler · 2 months
Say hi to daddy!
Summary: How would these characters behave as fathers? What does their ideal family look like?
Characters: Octavinelle dorm (Azul, Jade, Floyd)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignyhide, Diasomnia, Royal Sword Academy
Warnings: mentions of helicopter parent and bullying (Azul)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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For Azul, parenthood is the challenge of hiding the mess of a human that he has become while discovering what it's like to be responsible for a tiny human
The whole child aquiring process is the most stressful period of his life and he doesn't calm down until he's finally holding the child himself (and checkinh, double checking and triple checking everything during the whole process)
It becomes a running joke in the family that he considers the kid very talented for walking as early in their life as they did ("I was 15 when I walked for the first time!")
Jokes aside, Azul takes advantage of the fact that the kid can experience both the sea life and land life and he'll make sure to show them everything
His skills of reading people help him figure out quickly the talents of his little one and he helps emphasize their talents and develop in their weak points
After all, he wants to figure out the capabilities of the heir of his capitalist empire in the making as early as possible
He might come across as a bit of a helicopter parent, but it only comes to their social circles
Azul knows how fast things get out of hand when students at school start picking on someone
He knows the signs, he knows the mood changes, and he wants to prevent it altogether... and if he can't, he kicks himself mentally for years, no matter the effect it has on his child
For Azul, parenting becomes a testament of his determination and diligence, but it also teaches him to think on his feet more often as he is faced with the challenges of parenting
Azul looks like a boy dad (a boy dressed in a suit 90% of the time /j); he'd prefer one child but can be talked into having more
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The opinions on Jade becoming a parent are split: some think he'd be the most attentive father, and some think the Leech family doesn't need any additions
Responsibility has never been an issue for Jade, and the moment he became a dad his priorities shifted towards creating a good and safe environment for the children (an emphasis on "safe")
He's a loving, doting dad who wants to teach his children everyting he knows, but he also wants to teach his children everything he knows...
The kids' skillsets are gonna be... broad, to put it lightly
Jade's not even phased when one day he comes home and finds one of his kids in his vault behind the bookshelf in his office turning his "documents" into paper airplanes
He praised them for that feat despite his spouse being very concerned
Jade can come across as slightly detached as a dad since he is quite hard to read at times, yet he tries
But old habits die hard, and the world taugh him that unpredictability is safer
It is a rule of self conduct that he teaches his children as well, since he can't have the youngest Leeches fall short, can he?
While he struggles with being easier to talk to, Jade makes a genuine effort to bond with the kids the way he knows best: mutual infodumping
While he rambles about mushrooms and their environments, his kids ramble about what they find just as fulfilling
Jade's journey as a father helps him connect with people better, forming genuine connections while still never changing the most important part of himself
Jade would like at least two children, since he found being paired with Floyd to be very convenient, and if they turn out to be twins then he'd be pleasantly surprised
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The opinions on Floyd becoming a parent are split: some think he'd be the most entertaining father, and some think the Leech family doesn't need any additions
Especially when that family is grown by Floyd and his russian roulette of a mood
Yet he surprises everyone when he finds fatherhood to be quite entertaining
Floyd was surprisingly receptive ever since the whole conversation about children started; he always thought children are kinda cool, even with all the responsibilities
And even though he doesn't always help with their physical care, when he does he proves how good he is at the practical tasks
The kids get attached to him kind of quick because he unintentionally gets on their level (re: his tantrums kinda resemble his kids' sometimes)
Not gonna lie, sharing the timeout chair with daddy sounds kind of funny
Despite his struggle with his moods, Floyd usually avoids being too volatile with the kids
He's not a perfect dad, and petty fights and misunderstandings are bound to happen, but Floyd never takes anything said to him to heart
Floyd'd parenting focuses on teaching that you can always have fun, as long as you're smart about it
So pranks, practical jokes and mischievous schemes become part of the family culture
He does sometimes relent and joins in some of the more tame fun, like park walks filled with piggyback rides and tea parties with the sparkliest skirts ever
Floyd would find two kids as ideal, and he definitely looks like a girl dad to me
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birdiewriteslit · 6 months
“on the down low”
harry james potter x f!weasley!reader
no voldemort au
summary: you and harry have been hiding your relationship from your family for four months, but when he stays over for the holidays, they start to uncover the truth, one by one.
warnings: idk how long this is but it feels long, kissing, fluff, CHRISTMAS
me pretending voldemort doesn’t exist again for the sake of plot convenience and my own happiness
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Godric, you hadn’t realized how hard it would be to pretend over the holiday. At first, it seemed like a dream come true. Harry staying at the burrow for Christmas meant you’d be able see him whenever you wanted, but you couldn’t exactly do what you wanted.
During the day, you and Harry had to act indifferent to each other, like you hadn’t been together since the end of the summer.
It was different than it was at Hogwarts, where nobody suspected a seventh year to go for her brother’s best friend, who was a year younger. That excluded Hermione, of course, who was just too damn smart to not figure you out.
You hadn’t realized how easy it was to sneak around in a giant castle with a multitude of empty classrooms and an invisibility cloak at your disposal compared to your house of nine other people where the walls were thin and the furniture was old, regardless of proximity between you.
You kicked Harry’s foot under the dinner table. He looked up from his plate and stared at you, bewildered. You nodded to your mother who had just asked him a question he clearly hadn’t heard.
She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his response. “Sorry?” He took his gaze away from you and onto Molly.
“Harry, I asked you if you’ve gotten yourself a girlfriend this year?” she clarified.
Harry spluttered, glancing at you quickly before looking back at her. He cleared his throat. “No, I haven’t.”
Your mother tutted. “A shame, really. Let’s hope you don’t end up like Charlie. Such a handsome boy, and yet, he can’t find a nice woman to settle down with,” she sighed and turned her attention to your older brother, who was rolling his eyes.
Harry looked relieved that he was no longer the one being questioned. “Mum, stop it. I’m only 22. I’m too young to settle down. Bill’s older and he’s not married.”
Bill stopped mid bite to gesture violently at Charlie to cut it out, but Molly paid him no mind.
“Spend your whole life with dragons, see if I care,” she responded vehemently. “Let’s hope your sister doesn’t go off with you to Romania when she graduates.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes as you became your mother’s new subject of torture. It was true, you were looking into a career with dragons, but it was unlikely you’d end up on the same reserve as your brother.
“You know, darling, you ought to find a nice boy. It would do you well.”
You grimaced. “And here we are, back to your favorite topic.”
“Not mine,” Fred interjected.
“Certainly not,” George added. “She’s not allowed to date.”
“Oh, she’s not, is she?” Ginny said, giving you a seemingly knowing look. Merlin, you could only hope she knew nothing.
“No, and neither are you, Gin,” Fred said swiftly.
“We’ll that’s unfortunate,” Ginny looked at you smugly. “Because I think our sister has had her eye on someone.”
Harry turned paler than normal, looking at you in alarm, his face saying, ‘Did you tell her?’ Hermione, to his side, gave you a similar look.
Your face heated under the eyes of your entire family. You shot Ginny a glare before deciding to get her back. “That’s what you think, but I know you bloody well fancy Dean Thomas.”
The focus shifted from you to Ginny. “Dean Thomas?” said Ron, staring at your sister in astonishment.
“Who’s Dean Thomas?” your mother asked cheekily.
Ginny groaned, hiding her red face in her hands. “I’m excusing myself. Goodnight, family.”
She stood up from the crowded table and basically threw her plate into the sink before running upstairs.
“Seriously, who’s Dean Thomas?” your mum asked for the second time.
“A boy in Ron’s year,” you explained briefly. “He’s perfectly decent,” you elaborated further, once you realized your family’s eyes were unrelenting.
“Well, who does she think you fancy?” Bill said, grinning. Why did the first thing he contributed during this conversation have to target you? Why couldn’t it have been revenge on Charlie?
“How should I know? I haven’t told her anything that would make her think I was interested in anyone.” That was a lie. You did tell her something.
“Are you?” Bill followed up.
“That’s really none of your business,” you said, standing up from the table and clearing your plate.
“As long as it’s not someone in our year, that’s what I say.” Ron nudged Harry, looking at his friend who nodded weakly.
You began to walk up the stairs, but not before shooting Harry a look that pleaded him to come upstairs when he could get away. Because of your circumstances, you’d gotten very good at giving each other wordless glances like these.
A little while later, a pajama clad Harry entered your room, checking the hall for anyone before closing the door behind him.
“Ron thinks I’m in the bathroom. Did you tell Ginny about us?” he said hurriedly.
“Of course not,” you denied. “I may have given her a hint though.”
Harry’s eyes widened. “What?”
“I didn’t mean to! She was talking about Dean, and asked me if I liked anybody, and who am I to lie, so I said yes.”
“Um,” Harry interjected. “One problem with that is that we lie about our relationship every day. You are a liar.”
“Don’t interrupt me, Harry. Anyway, she asked me who and I wouldn’t tell her, so she started listing names. She asked me what I thought of you, and I let it slip that I thought you were cute,” you said sheepishly, toying with a button on his shirt. “I think I scared her off with the Dean thing, we should be in the clear.”
Harry only grinned. “You think I’m cute?”
“Oh shut up, would you?” you said, pushing his chest away from yours.
“Sure.” He pulled you back by the waist, his hands resting on your hips as he ducked down to kiss you. He tasted like toothpaste, but you really didn’t mind it.
He was about to pull away after a moment, but you tangled your fingers in his hair, keeping his mouth attached to yours.
“I’ve missed you all day,” Harry murmured against your lips.
“Godric, me too.” You clung onto him like you knew it wouldn’t last, and it didn’t. Ron called out to Harry from somewhere in the hallway, and Harry pulled away from you. His glasses were fogged up and he was cursing Ron.
When the lenses cleared, he leaned down to press another chaste kiss to your lips. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he whispered, exiting the room quietly.
You slumped onto your bed, staring at the open door with a forlorn look on your face. Ginny suddenly appeared in the doorway, her mouth hanging open and her hand pointing to the end of the hall, then to where you sat.
“What- what have I just witnessed? Why? This changes life as we know it. You! And Harry! You-“
You hurried to cut her off, standing from the bed and practically sprinting to the door to cover her mouth. “You be quiet now,” you warned, looking both ways in the hall and shoving Ginny inside your room.
“Why did I see Harry leaving this room looking like he’s got something to hide?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Listen, lady, you didn’t see anything, because nothing happened,” you said, pointing a finger at her.
“I never said anything happened, I just said he had something to hide. And guess what? I know he has something to hide, because I know you like him,” she retaliated, pointing her finger right back.
“Who? Me? Like Harry? Psssshhh… you’ve got the wrong girl. That doesn’t sound anything like me.”
Ginny folded her arms over her chest. “Oh really? Well, does this sound like you? Oh, Ginny, Harry’s just so cute! I wish he would like me back because, well, I just love him so much!” She batted her eyelashes, imitating a version of you that didn’t exist.
“Actually, Gin, that sounds nothing like me, so you can just forget anything that you think you saw,” you retorted.
“I don’t think I will forget. I think I’ll just tell everyone that you’re sneaking around with Harry. I didn’t miss the look he gave you at dinner either! So I can tell everyone, or you can quit lying and just give me all the details.”
She did have a way of getting you to cave. Really, it was just tactful manipulation.
“Alright fine, but if you tell anyone, you’re dead. Well, you can tell Hermione. She already knows.”
Ginny gasped, very offended. “You told her before your own sister?”
“I did not! She’s too smart for her own good. Anyways, sit down.”
Then, you told Ginny everything. It felt actually good to be able to talk about your relationship to someone other than Hermione, especially to your only sister, who you were honestly very grateful for.
You told her about how he kissed you a week before you left for school, solidifying the relationship you were having throughout the summer holiday. You told her about how he was funny and such a gentlemen. You even told her about how you’d been sneaking off since school started, and what you’d been doing.
Once Ginny was fully satisfied with the information and you were relatively sure she wouldn’t squawk to any of your brothers, she bid you goodnight and went to bed.
The following morning, Christmas Eve morning, you had risen later than usual. “Good morning, family,” you greeted, entering the kitchen and heading straight for the kettle.
“Morning,” Ginny said from the table. “I trust you slept well. I expect you feel loads lighter now.”
“Oh yeah, much lighter,” you grinned back.
“What are you two on about?” Bill said from his seat across from Ginny.
“Oh, nothing. Our sister just shared some interesting things with me last night,” she hummed.
You saw Harry’s head perk up from the couch, where he was laying. Ron was sprawled on the floor below.
“Gin, shut up,” you warned quietly.
“I’m not even sure I want to know,” Bill said.
“Oh, you’d be delighted, I’m sure. But, alas, I’ve been sworn to secrecy,” Ginny sighed.
“Then why even bring it up, you idiot?” you said as you sat down next to her, carefully eyeing a nervous looking Harry.
Bill followed your gaze and whistled lowly. You almost had a heart attack. “I see. That is very interesting.”
You turned to face your sister. “Look what you’ve done now. Why not just shout it from the rooftops?” you scolded.
“I didn’t say anything!” she defended.
“She’s right, you gave yourself away,” Bill confirmed, leaning in to whisper, “You’re lucky Ron’s pretty clueless on the floor over there.”
Your face burned. “Just don’t tell anybody.”
“Now why would I do that? It’s a whole lot more fun if you do it yourself.” Bill grinned, leaving you and Ginny at the table.
You dropped your head into your arms.
Later, you and Harry sat in the yard, leaning against a tree. You were on the side that couldn’t be seen from your siblings’ makeshift quidditch game across the yard.
It was the nicest day of break so far, not too cold, but not necessarily warm either. There was a dusting of snow on the ground, which delighted you.
You were lying in Harry’s lap, gazing up at him as he mindlessly played with your hair. “I can’t believe you told Ginny,” he said for the tenth time since breakfast.
You rolled your eyes and sat up. “I already told you, she was nagging me. Plus, I can’t really talk to Hermione about this sort of thing. She’s hung up on Ron. I keep telling her Lavender was just a phase because of some stupid love potion infused chocolate, but she usually just goes glum and ignores me.”
“You could just stop talking about us,” he suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
“You wouldn’t understand,” you said, reaching forward to fiddle with the zipper on his jacket.
“Why? Am I too charming and handsome for you to shut up about?” He grinned, taking hold of your hand and pressing it to his chest.
“Something like that.” You smiled, but quickly stopped when you saw the smug look on his face. “Don’t let that get to your head, Potter.”
“I won’t,” he said, leaning in to kiss your lips. His free hand came up to frame your face, and you placed yours on his thigh. You had half a mind to pull away, but only enough to see his face.
“Harry, we can’t do this out here. My siblings are right over there. Someone could see us,” you said softly, staring up at his bright green eyes.
“Honey, if you keep looking at me like that, I’m not gonna care,” he said, breath heavy as he looked at you adoringly. Your stomach did flips and you instantly forgot about reasons to hold yourself back.
You surged forward, kissing him hard on the mouth. You knew you wouldn’t get the chance to do so until well after dinner, so you took advantage of your siblings being distracted. He responded enthusiastically, wrapping an arm around your waist, tugging you closer.
“Woah, looks like I’ve caught more than just the snitch!”
You sprang apart, wiping your mouth as you looked up to see one of your grinning brothers, hovering above the tree on a broomstick holding a little golden sphere.
“Charlie! This isn’t what it looks like,” you managed, pushing yourself as far away from Harry as possible.
“Really, because it looks like you’ve been snogging his face off,” Charlie said, looking pleased with himself.
Harry burned bright red, refusing to make eye contact with either of you.
“Charlie, what’s taking you so long?” you heard Ron call from the other side of the yard.
“I’ll keep this a secret, but only because I love you, little sister. And because it’s funnier this way.” Charlie grinned again and turned on his broom to speed back to the group.
You and Harry left for the house before anyone else did, completely ignoring Hermione on the couch, her nose deep in a thick book, as you rushed upstairs.
Once you were sure you were alone, you stopped Harry in the middle of the hallway. “Okay, that was the last time. No more doing that in the open.”
“Sorry, got carried away. At least it wasn’t Ron who saw us.” Harry shuttered, not even wanting to think about what his reaction would be.
“Shake it off, Harry. Just three, only three of them know. There’s like a bajillion others that don’t,” you rationalized. “Look, we just need to get through this holiday without anyone else finding out that we’re together. I think we can do that.”
“You lied to mother?” A stiff voice came from down the hallway. Shit. You forgot Percy was still in the house, holed up in his room doing his Ministry work.
Harry’s eyes widened as he shook his head at you, refusing to turn around.
“You’re seeing someone and you lied about it?” Percy frowned. “Well, I’ll have to tell her.”
“No, you won’t have to tell her. Don’t tell her. Please,” you practically begged.
Percy didn’t look convinced. His steely gaze wouldn’t let up. “I won’t if you promise me to tell her.”
“I promise, Perce, just let me do it when I’m ready,” you said, less of a real promise and more of a strategy to get him to go back into his room. You were thanking God when he nodded curtly and did just that.
“Well, would you look at the impeccable timing on that,” Harry said sarcastically.
You grimaced. “Dinner’ll be a real treat tonight.”
Dinner was not a treat. It was delicious, of course, courtesy of your mother. But it was quite tense, at least for you and Harry.
Bill kept shooting you knowing glances from across the table, looking back and forth between you and Harry, who made the seemingly unconscious choice to sit beside you.
Charlie couldn’t even look at you without snickering to himself, prompting your mum to start questioning him on his odd behavior.
Percy was silently urging you to say something about it, pulling at his collar uncomfortably and staring at you, unrelenting.
Ginny was, thankfully, docile for the time being.
“Charlie, would you stop laughing at your sister? I don’t see what’s so funny about her,” Molly scolded, finally having quite enough of your brother’s behavior.
“Nothing’s funny,” he said with a hint of a smile.
Bill was looking at him with his eyes narrowed slightly. “What do you know?” he asked suspiciously.
“What do you know?” Charlie replied, just as skeptical.
“I think the better question is, what does dad know about muggles?” You laughed nervously, getting weird looks from Ron and the twins. “Come on, dad. Why don’t you tell us about your latest case?”
Your father looked up from his meal, looking surprised, for he had hardly been acknowledged since the start of dinner. “Oh, well, we had an odd couple in the other day. They were the sort who didn’t really look like they belonged together. So, anywho, they-“
“Hold on,” Ginny interjected. “How do you know they didn’t belong together? There are loads of couples who you might not think belong together, but actually do, so it’s best not to judge before you know the whole story.”
Your dad looked confused. “Um, I guess they just didn’t seem compatible, but I’m sure they belong together just fine, Gin, no need to worry about that.”
As he continued with his story about this couple and their illegally enchanted carpet, you turned to glare at Ginny.
She gave you a rather obvious look of annoyance, which gained the attention of Fred and George.
“Something’s going on here, Freddie,” said George, leaning to his right.
“Agreed,” said George, looking around the table.
You actually heard Harry gulp beside you. You put a hand on his knee, attempting to comfort him. This action made him choke on the sip of water he had taken.
“All right there, Harry?” Ron asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Harry coughed. “Just fine.”
Percy cleared his throat. “Maybe he has something to say.”
“Percy, don’t be rude,” your mother scolded. “The boy’s just choked.”
“Yeah, Percy, don’t know why you’d think he wants to say something,” Ginny said. “So, keep your mouth shut.”
None of the siblings who knew had known that others at the table were also aware, but they were each starting to connect the dots.
“Can I just have a nice Christmas Eve dinner with my family?” Molly slammed one hand on the table. “Enough of the fighting and the strange comments. Please, just be normal.”
Fred grinned. “I can’t imagine what’s abnormal about us.”
“Oh, me neither. But you, Freddie, are abnormal looking,” George followed.
The rest of the night after dinner was just as stressful. You and your siblings were sitting around the living room, with the exception of Percy, who, to your immense relief, had gone back to his room for work.
Fred and George decided it would be a good idea to play a game of truth or dare with the assistance of some veritaserum they nicked from Snape’s stores the day before holiday began.
Needless to say, you and Harry were not excited.
“Hermione,” Fred said. “Truth or dare?”
Hermione rolled her eyes as George made a gesture that suggested she should choose truth. “Dare,” she said.
“I dare you to go outside and kiss one of the gnomes.”
“A gnome, Fred? Really?” Ron scoffed.
“You’d rather she kissed you, would you?” George teased.
Ronsaid nothing, but his ears turned red, giving him away.
Hermione’s face turned a similar shade as she stood up from the armchair. “Fine, then.”
You all collectively gathered around the window and watched Hermione stalk outside and grab one of the ugly gnomes by its bald head. She made a disgusted face and gave the gnome a peck so fast that you barely saw it.
She came back inside and washed her mouth out in the sink before returning to the chair. “George,” she said coolly. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth, of course!” George said happily. “We’ve got to put our stolen goods to good use.”
“It was very wrong of you to take Professor Snape’s materials,” Hermione said, frowning. “Is it true that you were the ones who gave Ron amortentia spiked chocolates last month?”
“Yes,” George said easily.
Ron scoffed loudly. “You told me that wasn’t you! You said it was her! I was following Lavender Brown around for weeks because of those!”
“Well, we hadn’t meant for you to go for her. It was supposed to be someone else.” George winked at Hermione.
“We messed up the potion,” explained Fred.
George looked to you. “Truth or dare?” he asked.
“Truth,” you said mindlessly, thinking about Hermione and the gnome. You noticed the alarmed look Harry was giving you and realized your mistake. Damn gnome.
George grinned mischievously. “Do you really have a boyfriend?”
“Yes,” you said unwillingly.
A gasp from Ron could be heard from the other side of the room. Ginny and Hermione were looking rather nervous for you. On the contrary, Bill and Charlie were quite amused.
“Tell us, who is he?” Fred continued off of George.
“Harry Potter,” you admitted before slapping a hand across your mouth.
An even louder gasp could be heard from Ron that caused Charlie to burst out laughing. Fred and George were looking rather pleased with themselves. You supposed that was better than them pranking the life out of Harry for dating their sister, which you had expected to happen.
Harry sat on the couch with his hands clenched at his sides, looking at the floor as his whole face turned red.
“My sister, Harry? Really?” Ron said, his voice carrying a mixture of anger and betrayal.
“Yeah, well, I love her,” Harry said, fully dropping his head into his palms. He definitely hadn’t meant to say that to everyone in the room. “I hate this damn potion.”
“The heart wants what it wants, Freddie,” said George.
“It sure does, Georgie,” Fred said, clasping his hands together over his chest.
“Honestly, this is a Christmas miracle,” Hermione burst out. “I’ve been covering for you for months. Four, horrible, long months.”
“Four months?” Ron said, bewildered. “Hermione, you knew and you never told me?”
“Oh, please, Ronald. If you opened your eyes you would’ve seen what was going on,” Hermione said.
“Easy for you to say, you’re bloody brilliant. You could spot anything off. I love that about you,” Ron confessed.
Bill and Charlie were wheezing on the floor at this point.
“This is the gift that keeps on giving!” Fred exclaimed.
“I’m so happy we played this game,” George said through laughs.
Hermione stood, cheeks burning. “We should all go to bed. It’s Christmas tomorrow.” She went up the stairs quickly. Ron seemed to have forgotten all about you and Harry and followed her.
Your other four brothers slowly made their way upstairs, practically dying from laughter at your expense.
Ginny stood awkwardly, bidding you and Harry goodnight and leaving you alone in the room.
“That could’ve gone worse,” you said, finally making eye contact with Harry, who was still looking a little red.
“I, for one, didn’t fancy confessing my love for you to your whole family,” Harry said, scooting over to your spot on the couch.
“I did.” You grinned, leaning towards him. He rolled his eyes, but indulged you anyways, letting his lips touch yours.
“Merry Christmas, Harry,” you whispered against him. “I love you, too.”
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bonbonshideout · 3 months
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Ticci Toby headcanons
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♤ He's clingy. If he likes someone or is even remotely comfortable, he would follow them around just to feel comfortable.
♡ He's... playful, he isn't the brightest, but he would try and play some pranks if he can, usually learn about you and see what can get you upset & use that on you.
◇ Mf got that crow brain. He would see anything shiny and take it. He's got a growing collection and even looks for things to give to his favorite people. Lyra originally gave him a box to store the items in, but it started growing a bit 'out of control', and so he has shelves and other boxes with random nick-nacks.
♧ His little cow? Lyra, 100%. When he was younger he had a lot to deal with and Lyra wasn't always able to be with him so she saved up some birthday money and bought him a cow plush, due to it being from his sister, he's kept it and carried it literally everywhere with him. Multiple rips and tears, but his mom always fixed it up for him. He loved it and would take to around as he grew older, though he didn't have it out in public like he did when he was younger.
♤ His hoodie is one of a kind and handmade. His mom was the one to have made it. Originally, he wanted a hoodie that was like any other, but he couldn't puck between a couple of them; his mom, in the end, decided to create a simple looking hoodie for him.
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♤ He doesn't remember much. Yeah, he might get occasional flashbacks, but they leave him confused. He wants to figure out what they mean but at the same time he's a bit scared of doing so.
♡ His hoodie? he loves it, covered in patches of different colors, or at least he tries to color match.
◇ He still has his cow, but he doesn't carry it around as much. He keeps it in a safe place; having a connection to it but not knowing its origins anymore. He baby's it occasionally when he does take it out of his little storage area. That thing has gone through way too much, put it out of its misery already.
♧ Lyra's spirit haunts him, but it's not supposed to be much of a tormentor; though he sees it that way, Lyra is trying to guide him in life. I believe the operator's doing some shit to his mind that's causing him to see Lyra's spirit as vengeful, or it's simply creating an image of Lyra and whispering into Toby's mind about he's at fault for everything.
♤ He's still got that crow brain, still finding things to give to people (Natalie) , a pretty rock, maybe a button, anything he finds, he takes it and saves them.
♡ He's strangely affectionate, he isn't the type to be overbearing, but he likes to hug Natalie whenever he can, usually she accepts them, but there are times where she isn't in a good mood and it upsets him a little— he gets over it quickly though.
◇ He's terrified of cars and probably motorcycles, too (blame Nat for that one). Occasionally, though, he is forced into either one due to Natalie for faster transportation. He hates it and curses her out through the whole ride, but he does see how convenient it is.
♧ In Spanish, there's a term for kids who don't know anything, the "no sabo" kid. He is that type of kid, but with German. He knows very little, and even then, he can't form proper sentences. He's trying to learn when he isn't busy murdering people or starting fires. Usually asking Natalie to help him out— even though she doesn't speak German— he just wants someone to practice it with.
♤ He HATES being seen as vulnerable or lesser than. He doesn't really know why to the full extent, but he does know that it just sucks. He wants people to know that he can do as much as anyone else can, heck, maybe more and better.
♡ I wanna say he had an ego, but it's more playful. He jokes about having a huge ego, but he could care less if 'someone offends him' (aside from the previous hc).
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I feel like some of these collide with some headcanons a friend might have? idk, I honestly forgot his entire essay 💀
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tiyoin · 2 months
heartbeats to the drum
floyd x reader
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sigh floyd being a softy for you and only you
sighhhhh floyd treating you like a glass flower one day and a stress toy the next. ofc he’s unconventional with his love, the slightest bit of worry fogging his mind as he wonders if you’ll leave because of his many quirks.
but that wasn’t always the case
he follows the beat of his own drum, not once stopping or changing it for anyone or anything. if they don’t like it- who cares! not their drum, go find another or whatever…. yet you followed him, followed his rhythm, danced to it sometimes. tripped and fell flat on your ass too, a a fleeting sense of satisfaction felt as he figured you’d had enough and would leave him be like all the other unimportant minnows.
but whenever he looked back, you were still there, a little further, but still following him… jade and azul were just as surprised as floyd when you kept following him. through his rough pounding of war drums, to the soft lonely pings of a bongo that suddenly switched to a war snare, then to a smooth jazz rhythm- he was unpredictable.
switching his styles, rhythms and interests on an impulsive whim. that was floyd. jade would follow sometimes too, though he created his own too. straying from floyd’s more often than not.
so one day, when floyd stopped drumming, stopped walking to do something he normally hate doing on a ‘bad day:2 (which was standing still.) he opted to listen for once. just once. expecting to hear the usual pitter patter of your feet, or the soft humming you’d usually let out, but there was nothing. nothing but silence and stillness around him.
a comet of a thought raced through the night sky of his mind. maybe he marched too fast, or went to far- he scoffs
‘finally,’ he thinks with a heavy mind ‘you got the hint that he wasn’t stopping or changing for no one. that you should just give. up. and go home.’
but like orpheus in the one tales of old in your world you would sometimes divulge him in. there’s a dying need to just turn around and look, to see if you were still following.
he shouldn’t though… he shouldn’t let his mind wonder and his heart pick up a pace. you reality that you weren’t there was already a preconceived notion in his mind. the inner workings of his soul not sensing yours. the voice in his head telling him he was free to march on without anyone bothering him.
yet… there was a feeling, and itch somewhere. he couldn’t place where that itch was and it pissed him off. was it inside or outside his human form? maybe it was his mer instincts taking over? the hunter in him subtly telling him to turn around? nah, that couldn’t be it, right? i mean logically, that would make sense, but… it couldn’t be…
floyd does what he wants when he wants. so he’ll look on his own chagrin thank you very much. yet, like slowly ripping off a bandaid, he turned his head.
he could almost howl in laughter.
because there you were, sitting down and playing with your hands. he couldn’t hear you cause you were taking a break, waiting for him to continue drumming so you could follow along, like how a whale calf would cling and follow their mother.
floyd was good with his emotions, he’d like to think- but anyone around him would disagree. but for him it was simple, if he was happy, he was happy, if he was sad, he was sad yadda yadda yah.
he sometimes couldn’t understand how people couldn’t feel like him or understand him, excluding jade and azul on numerous occasions. he was emotionally intelligent enough to realize that his mood swings weren’t convenient or conceived as normal behavior, especially to humans. that there was an irrational logic or a spring loose to the compass that dictated his life.
yet here you were, always right behind him, following him, almost clinging to him. like a barnacle. a pesky, useless barnacle…
his shadow blocked the light that was once illuminating your figure, looking up at him with a smile as he just stared down at you. his neutral, bored expression slowly churned and morphed into a boyish/ teenage expression someone your age would normally sport.
floyd would tell you that he held that neutral expression, that you were hallucinating when his neutral frown grew into a lazy grin or how his brows lifted into an almost, almost softer expression. no there wasn’t any crinkle in his nose either!! or in his eyes!!
but despite his protests and self proclaimed emotional maturity he’d talk to you about. sometimes, when our mind is too busy processing, our body’s will usually give away our intentions, our true thoughts that we aren’t aware of. a lot of the times, without our consent or knowledge.
you call it habitual responses while floyd calls it inconvenient lies.
but that doesn’t matter, because that day he handed you a triangle and a little metal stick along with it. helped you up, and continued marching.
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idk where i was going with this, i wrote as i thought.
i’m gonna try to get better at symbolism because i love that style of writing. hehe
sorry if this is poo poo i wrote it in a combined 30 minutes, before and after therapy 🤷🏻
idk if it’s too short to put a ‘read more’ cut in, or not
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