#but also many of them were really great scholars so a lot of them were like
mashkaroom · 2 years
literally thank you dovid katz for putting everything you’ve ever published online
(https://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/dovid_bibliography.htm -- his bibliography arranged by date here
https://www.dovidkatz.net/ -- and more of his stuff available here)
#i use this stuff sooo often literally god bless you dovid#i really really admire his commitment to collecting things and making them available to all#he's teaching a class in yivo over winter semester about the history of yiddish which has actually already filled up lol#there's also a class on death in the yiddish imagination#salivating at the mouth BUT they're both in english and both $325 and idk if i'm willing to pay $325 for an english class lol#54 and change per session -- i wonder actually if they intentionally made it (almost) a multiple of 18 lol#i think i might just email him and ask him for the bibliography he's going to use#also i DID take a class with him in the summer with the workers circle and he has the affect of...idk a gaon or sth#like he sounds like the type of voice you'd hear on a recording of a historical event#anyway i am finishing my incompletes from last semester so i am once more in the yiddish historical linguistics rabbithole#and i once again want to emphasize that from the very beginning the field of yiddish historical linguistics is a field of interpersonal beef#the moment a thought on the origins of yiddish even crossed one guy's mind the next guy was already furiously typing on his typewriter#but also many of them were really great scholars so a lot of them were like#YOU ARE WRONG AND YOU'RE A BITCH AND I HATE YOU BUT YOUR METHODS ARE GREAT AND THE WORK YOU DID CONTRIBUTED SO MUCH TO THE FIELD#also a lot of great work on yiddish linguistics has been and continues to be done in german#bc that's who's doing work on comparative german(ic) linguistics#which means i might actually have to learn german eventually 😭 instead of what i've been doing which is ctrl+f term [term that i want]#and then running the surrounding paragraphs through google translate
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creampuffqueen · 3 months
I wanna hear more avatar headcanons! From the novels or just the avatars themselves! I loved reading your kavik and yangchen hcs 🥹🫶🏻
ahhh thank you!! i'm glad you like my random thoughts lol 🫶
here are a few more random thoughts i've been having that i just haven't quite made into posts yet (mostly yangvik because i love them but some other avatars as well):
yangchen is actually a terrible cook 💀 she's basically always had people taking care of her so she never really needed to learn! she can make a good cup of tea and that's about it. she regularly burns rice. she's also just generally bad at remembering to feed herself. kavik, who is a decent cook, is largely the only reason she remembers to eat
as for the other known avatars: kyoshi is by FAR the best cook. she's genuinely good at it. aang is a very close second. roku, kuruk, and wan are all average at it. korra has been banned from every kitchen in republic city
yangchen and kavik both strike me as people who really enjoy physical touch. they both really enjoy cuddling with each other, even before their relationship turns more romantic. acts of service is also a major love language for them
i also feel very strongly that they never used typical labels for their relationship. they usually referred to each other as their 'partner', occasionally 'lover', but most often just continued to use 'companion'. these vague labels frustrate scholars to no end, and today in the atla universe nobody can agree on the nature of their relationship. which is exactly how they wanted it lol, they were extremely private about their relationship
yangchen does have the iconic crooked smile that all the avatars share, but it only comes out when she's well and truly happy about something
her laugh is the same way. she has a very convincing fake laugh, as her real laugh is kind of 'ugly'. it's some kind of snorting, wheezing sound that kind of sounds like she's dying but is also absolutely adorable. yangchen hates it. kavik adores it, and will make an absolute fool of himself trying to hear it
yangchen is a massive, merciless flirt and takes great pleasure in seeing just how red she can make kavik's face turn. but on the rare occasion kavik gets enough confidence to flirt back, she turns into a total mess
pik and pak's favorite place to sleep is right on top of kavik's face
because of how hard she works herself, yangchen often falls asleep in the strangest places. if she's actually tired, she can fall asleep literally anywhere. it's simultaneously a superpower and a massive annoyance
a somewhat sad/bittersweet headcanon i have is that yangchen dies first. i've seen a lot of people saying that she lives to 150 but i can't find a source for that anywhere so i'm choosing to ignore it. yangchen has already watched too many loved ones die, she doesn't need to see kavik die before her as well. they both live very long lives, but kavik outlives her by a few years. after yangchen's death, he returns home to the northern water tribe
at one point, only a few months before his death, he is out for a walk when a little toddler wanders up to him all alone. he chats with him for a few minutes until the boy's parents find them and thank him for watching over their son. 'kuruk, what have we told you about wandering off like that?' the mother asks. the toddler waves goodbye, and kavik walks home feeling oddly contented. he never meets the boy again, and he dies well before kuruk is revealed as the avatar, but he feels a sense of peace from the interaction, knowing deep down that yangchen has made it safely back into the material world
when kavik dies, he wills his bone necklace to kuruk's family. they don't understand why until kuruk's sixteenth birthday. (SERIOUSLY THEIR NECKLACES LOOK ALMOST IDENTICAL ITS WILD)
that's all the thoughts i can scrape up off the top of my head, but i'm just generally thinking about avatar characters All The Time lmao. thank you for asking!!!
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britany1997 · 1 year
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Three
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Hey besties! I hope y’all enjoy the next installment of this series!!! This one is gonna have a lot more lore, and plot developing so I hope you like learning a bit more of how things work in this AU:) Thanks for all y’all’s support on this fic!
Poly Lost Boys x Fem Vampire Reader
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Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two
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California, 1986
Paul’s eyes widened as he realized who you were to him. You wished you could have stopped the word that fell from his lips.
‘This can’t be happening,’ you thought to yourself as you fought your instincts to keep the same word Paul has uttered to you from bursting out of your own mouth.
Even if you could ignore the fact that this man had been hitting on Maria not five seconds ago, this wasn’t what you wanted for your life.
All the big choices in your unlife had been largely dictated by some dude with a god complex. How could this guy be any different?
You refused to trade one captor for another.
The handsome blond man stared at you in shock, seemingly surprised as you were at the sudden twist of fate that had brought you two together.
Though as his shock wore off his lips seemed to curve into a smile and his hand moved to touch your cheek.
You panicked.
You recoiled sharply from his outstretched palm “Oh my god I totally forgot I have to go stock things in the back, so nice to meet you, bye!” you rambled quickly as you raced to escape from behind the desk.
“What?” Paul’s brow furrowed in confusion. He moved to stand in front of the swinging door, your only escape from behind the desk.
You glared at him, “you’re in my way…”
“What?!” he repeated with more frustration than confusion, “but we’re…I mean we-”
“I know what we are,” you told him, “and I don’t care. So can you please move aside so I can do my job.”
Paul’s jaw dropped.
You sighed and pushed passed him.
“Hey!” he called after you.
You ignored him and kept walking, desperate to be anywhere but next to him.
“This isn’t over you know,” he promised you.
You scoffed as you pulled at the door to the back room, “seems like it is.”
You slid in, slamming the door behind you and pinching the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger.
Despite what you’d said to Paul, you knew you hadn't seen the last of him.
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You were determined not to breathe a word to Max about anything that had transpired that night.
He’d never really told you anything about mates, you suspected because he’d never found his own. You couldn't predict how he'd react, and you wouldn’t let him force you into anything else.
Which meant you'd have to figure this out on your own.
As the sun rose and Max went to bed for the day, you scoured the shelves of his home library for anything that could give you more information.
You slunk away to your bedroom with a mountain of books. You secured your black out curtains, preparing to stay up all day researching.
What you found terrified you.
Humans swooned over the idea of soulmates, they spent their lives searching for someone who’d complete them, one person who was perfectly suited for them.
But this wasn’t an original human creation. They’d stolen the idea of soulmates from vampires.
Many scholars thought when a human transformed into a vampire, they lost their soul.
From what you could gather, this was a myth. Instead, when a human became a vampire, their soul wasn’t taken from them, but tethered to another of their kind.
You read this was a facet of vampirism that had developed over time out of a necessity for more vampires. Great.
You’d also read that, as bats had multiple partners, vampires could have more than one mate. You didn’t even want to think about that possibility.
When you’d read the first text from cover to cover, you picked up a new one.
You found that the mates aspect of vampirism was inherently instinctual, which is why Paul had called you his, and why you’d almost done the same. He couldn’t help it.
You read, to your dismay, that your soul was intimately tied to his in a way that could never be severed. Your entire beings belonged to each other.
This was bad.
You continued to the next book, cringing as you read that from this point on every denial of your connection would only hurt you. Without Paul, a part of you would always feel empty.
Now that you knew you were “meant for each other,” every moment without him would hurt just a little bit. You could not exist the same way without him. He was yours, you were his.
Fuck that shit.
You didn’t need anyone to give your life meaning. You belonged to yourself and no one else.
You pushed the stack of books aside in a huff. They tumbled to the ground but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
You would fight to be the master of your own fate, whatever it took.
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You were apprehensive to return for your shift the next day for fear that you'd be confronted by the persistent blond vampire.
However after two days with no sign of Paul, you began to relax. And after two weeks had passed without a trace, you had pushed the whole ordeal out of your mind entirely.
Instead, you turned your focus to Maria.
The two of you were constantly scheduled together as Max could never find anyone else to work the night shifts. You spent almost every waking minute with the girl that had quickly become very important to you.
And once Max had seen you'd connected with Maria, he felt the urge to supervise you less and less. It wasn't long before you were permitted to work your shifts without his imposing presence.
But work was a term used pretty loosely as you always seemed to do more talking than working. It wasn't like you had tons of customers, who even needed to rent movies at three AM anyway?
Besides, you were all too eager to spend each night hearing every seemingly insignificant detail of Maria's life.
Every good grade she'd gotten at school, every party she attended on the weekends, every fight she had with one of her siblings that always ultimately ended in apologies and hugs, you wanted to know it all. You were content to listen to the sound of her voice ramble on for hours.
She was just as eager to know you, and though you couldn't tell her everything, you could tell her enough.
Maria listened intently, wide eyed and hanging on every word as you related stories from your time in New York city.
Five siblings meant Maria's family didn’t get to travel much. You gasped when she admitted she'd never even ventured from the state of California.
"We'll go together one day," you promised her, "I'll take you everywhere, I know the city like the back of my hand!"
Her laugh rang through the store, prompting your lips to turn up into a bright smile, her joy was contagious. "What a dream that would be," she sighed wistfully, you could almost see the stars in her eyes.
"I mean it," you said seriously, "you and me, together in New York."
Her smile grew, "you and me."
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As the work week came to a close, you shoved the last VHS back into place, moving to wipe down the counters as Maria flipped the switch to turn off the neon "OPEN" sign that hung on the front of the store.
You checked your watch as it flashed 6:00AM, sunrise was fast approaching and you were cutting it close.
"Damn you're working late," you realized as you wiped down the counters, "I thought I was by myself tonight."
Maria smiled sheepishly and you barely caught sight of the blush that rose to her cheeks, "you were."
Your eyes widened, "you stayed late for me? you didn't have to do that..."
"I wanted to," she replied as she bit her lip.
You dropped the rag and spray bottle, walking to stand in front of her from across the counter, "why?"
She blushed once more before her eyes fell to the ground, "I don't know, I just..." she looked up, "I like being around you."
As you stared into the eyes of the beautiful woman before you, you were presented with an opportunity. An opportunity to choose for yourself, to take control of your own destiny.
You didn't choose to be cursed with an eternity of seperation from the souls of your family, you didn't choose to be a vampire, you didn't choose Paul and you certainly didn't chose Max. But you could choose Maria.
"Maria," you whispered, leaning in till your noses were almost touching, "can I kiss you?"
She beamed before caressing your cheek with the back of her hand, "I thought you'd never ask."
You leaned in and her soft lips met yours.
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Note: I promise the next chapter is going to be focused on all the boys, thanks for being patient I promise it’ll be worth it😌
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maverick-werewolf · 5 months
Folklore Fact - Gryphons/Griffins
Gryphons, griffins, griffons, however you prefer to spell it (I personally use gryphon) - let's talk their folklore and mythology!
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(Attic pottery depicting a satyr and a griffin and an Arimaspus from around 375-350 BC, Eretria.)
You probably already know the common popular culture concept of a gryphon: a big, vicious beast that attacks people and probably eats them and/or carries people away to its nest to feed them to its babies. Not much about it has changed in legend, though in a lot of popular culture today, it has seemed to lose its divinity. Gryphons - griffins, whatever you prefer - have quite the robust history, like so many creatures of myth and folklore. Unlike some, however, they have changed very little over time.
Note that this article a general overview of concepts, not a detailed history.
Let's start with etymology, because I just love that stuff. The word "griffin" comes from the Greek word "gryps," which referred to a dragon or griffin and literally meant "curved [or] hook-nosed." Late Latin spelled it "gryphus," a misspelling of grypus, a Latinized version of the Greek (source: https://www.etymonline.com/, one of my favorite websites).
Griffins are said to have the head and wings of an eagle and body of a lion. They may or may not also have pointed ears, depending on the depiction (they more often did, overall, though the griffin of Crete is a notable exception). They were said to guard the gold in the mountains of the north, specifically the mountains of Scythia. The one-eyed Arimaspian people rode on horseback and attempted to steal the griffins' gold, causing griffins to nurture a deep hatred of and hostility toward horses.
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A Scythian pectoral, thought to have been made in Greece, depicting - among other things - griffins slaughtering horses. Griffins really, really hate horses.
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The famous griffin in the palace of Knossos at Crete, from the Bronze Age (restored).
Griffins appear in truly ancient civilizations, not only Greece but also ancient Egypt and civilizations to the east, including ancient Sumeria. Griffins were later said to also dwell in India and guard gold in that region, and they continued to appear in art throughout ancient Persia, Rome, Byzantium, and into the Middle Ages throughout other regions such as France; they were depicted in ancient Greece with relative frequency and occasionally of considerable importance.
Griffins appeared in many ancient Greek writings, including Aristeas in the 7th century BC. Herodotus and Aeschylus preserved and continued these writings in the 5th century BC, including lines such as,
"But in the north of Europe there is by far the most gold. In this matter again I cannot say with assurance how the gold is produced, but it is said that one-eyed men called Arimaspoi (Arimaspians) steal it from Grypes (Griffins). The most outlying lands, though, as they enclose and wholly surround all the rest of the world, are likely to have those things which we think the finest and the rarest." Herodotus, Histories 3. 116. 1 (trans. Godley) (Greek historian C5th B.C.), source: https://www.theoi.com/Thaumasios/Grypes.html (a wonderful site)
Physical descriptions of the griffin were not commonplace until some later works, and even then, their appearance wasn't always agreed upon. Even the notion of griffins having wings was sometimes disputed. Some scholars even got pretty wild, claiming griffons had no wings at all but instead skin-flaps that they used to glide. They apparently hated awesome things, so it turns out there were always boring people who thought they knew everything, wanted to explain everything "logically," and generally assume they were the smartest ever while also ruining mystique. They would make great scientists today.
Griffins were, however, often said to be holy in nature. They were referred to as the "unbarking hounds of Zeus" by Aeschylus, who warned others never to approach them. Gryphons were also considered sacred to several gods, including prominently Apollo, who was said to depart Delphi each winter, flying on a griffon (griffin, gryphon, etc, I keep swapping this around, I know; my brain spells it differently because I've read way too many sources), and he also is occasionally depicted as hitching griffins to his chariot in addition to riding one. This was particularly prominent in the cults of Hyperborean Apollo, one of the many endless and fascinating cults of ancient Greece.
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Medieval bestiary depiction of a griffin slaughtering a horse.
Even by the Middle Ages, gryphons still hated and slaughtered horses and guarded gold, elements that certainly persisted throughout their legends. They also killed men and carried them away to their nests, similar to the manner in which Aeschylus warned people to stay away from gryphons even back when. We can obviously assume griffons were never cuddly, so that isn't much of a change.
Griffins also did not entirely lose their divine relations even into the Middle Ages. Christianity often used positive portrayals of griffins to represent and uphold certain positive tenets of Christian faith; likewise, they became important symbols of medieval heraldry, used to represent a Christian symbol of divine power, as well as general courage, strength, and leadership, especially in a military sense. The depiction of the griffin as a powerful and majestic creature - killing horses and men or not - throughout its history is no doubt because they are a combination of two beasts often considered noble symbols of bravery, power, and divinity: the lion and the eagle, kings of land animals and birds, respectively.
That's a general overview! As you can see, griffins aren't always so bad, at least not compared to some of the other creatures out there from folklore and myth.
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transmutationisms · 6 months
I don't necessarily disagree with your take on David Lynch but I feel like at least part of Twin Peaks is about deconstructing or questioning the myth of the idyllic small town, like everyone in Twin Peaks has a dark secret, most of the men were abusing or complicit in abusing a teenage girl, etc. and the Return to me is about showing that it's kind of fundamentally impossible to return to that glamorized nostalgic past. I could totally be missing something though.
wow ok this was my most controversial david lynch statement yet... so first of all i disagree that there's any tension between the kind of conservative nostalgia i see in lynch's work, and the idea that the past is impossible to return to. in fact i think that kind of lament is pretty central to quite a lot of reactionary rhetoric: it's that emotional appeal of, look what we've lost / damaged / destroyed forever. it doesn't need to be a coherent political platform because it's an appeal on the grounds of pathos.
anyway if i can just quote from my own post lol:
i simply cannot read the series in any way besides as being deeply conservative lol. this becomes especially clear to me in 'the return’, which is largely motivated by a narrative of the loss of american innocence (the double r subplot, the numerous instances of drugs and violence tearing nuclear families apart, the encroachment of electricity and processed snack foods and gambling, &c). but this viewpoint is seeded too throughout the first season-and-change of the original series, and fwwm; because what was laura palmer if not the series’s first use of rape as metonymous for what lynch sees as a broader process of social breakdown and irreversible change? i understand that some people try to read bob and laura as a critique of the family, in the sense that the violence comes through the father, but i don’t think this reading holds even in the original series and it certainly doesn’t after part 8 of 'the return’, in which bob is explicitly and directly invoked in reference to the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki, here construed as an originary act of american evil.
i think in david lynch’s mind, the spiritual forces and influences in the show are literal and apolitical, and frequently he seems to mean to depict them more as sources of artistic inspiration than anything else ('twin peaks’ is in many ways a tv show about making a tv show, hence the double use of electricity throughout 'the return’ and fwwm, in particular). but i find this really irritating frankly, because it’s at best ignorant of the inherently political nature of the constructions of small-town americana, teenage innocence, violence as an act of moral corruption, and so forth—and also because, after the return, it’s simply impossible to deny that the show’s overarching narrative IS plugged in to political and historical lines of critique. like, i am not trying to 'force’ a reading that deals with us imperialism—lynch put the show on this discursive terrain explicitly and deliberately, through not just the bomb footage and the penderecki threnody but also the inversion of classic symbols of american 'greatness’ (the unlucky penny, the evil lincoln impersonator), culminating again in the violation of a young girl’s body by the forces of evil. what this all adds up to is the invocation of american empire as a kind of universal moral struggle, stripped of its historical specificity or even the barest pretense of material critique or commentary. if it sounds like i’m asking too much of network television… i mean, maybe i am, but again, these were deliberate choices lynch made and specific historical events he invoked on purpose, lol. see also the jacoby trump commentary in 'the return’ (cringe and yawn).
i’m not a lynch scholar but i do think there’s a tension throughout his work (what i’ve seen) between the desire to make art about what he sees as the purely spiritual process of making art (heavily informed by his own TM beliefs), and the conservative elements that creep in anyway, noticeable especially in his commentary on american history, corruption, modernity, &c. the idea of any pure, transcendent, apolitical spiritual dimension of human existence is itself, i would argue, at best a misguided conservative fantasy, and 'twin peaks’ ultimately shows these cracks more blatantly than some of his other work (say, 'inland empire’) because it tries to subordinate the material to the spiritual in a kind of fantastical historical parable. but, you can see this recurring tension throughout his filmography, eg, the loss of small-town innocence ('blue velvet’) and a kind of generalised modernity anxiety ('eraserhead’, though taken on its own this one would permit other readings depending on how you interpreted the role of german expressionism in it).
i don’t think lynch is an ideologue or even considers himself particularly political, but nevertheless his narratives do idealise a certain conservative vision of post-war america, mourn its loss, and wax nostalgic for its perceived ethos (& it’s not a coincidence lynch is/has been a reaganite, lol). anyway, i thought 'twin peaks’ had some really incredible moments of visual artistry (part 8 of 'the return’, for example!) and i found much of it frankly beautiful and compelling to watch. so, i don’t mean any of this to dismiss lynch as a filmmaker—he is, if nothing else, highly technically adept.
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azullumi · 2 years
alhaitham — academic rivals ☆彡
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summary — the relationship between you two are merely rivals in the akademiya or so you probably thought.
pairing — alhaitham/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff (kinda), the trope enemies to lovers but academic rivals instead; headcanons
word count — 902
a/n — i haven't wrote for him after a long time (that long time was 3 days ago)
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being a renowned scholar of the akademiya and being on par to the famous scribe really does bring a lot of things in your life. both negative and positive events to your everyday occurrence.
"are you reading?"
"it's amazing how you have eyes but never see the use of them."
you don't know which one's personality is at fault here but one thing is for sure, if alhaitham wasn't as frank and rational—to the point that some of his actions and words are simply just unacceptable to your moral concepts— as he is, you would be getting along with him just fine.
you also don't know if it's due to your clashing beliefs and ideas that you two just couldn't get along. or is it really just that or he just refuses to do so? eitherways, he still irks you off in multiple ways. even when it's just the sound of his breathing.
the two of you compete against each other in terms of being the best among you, as such your relationship is treated as something simply born and made by a competition, an unnatural way to form a connection with another but that's just how it is.
''are you now starting to realize that you like me after all?"
"i've learnt to endure and bear with your presence."
sarcasms, creative remarks as comebacks to one another's argument, teasing and joking words that leads to banters and bickering, and many more. you'll probably only get along with him only when the world ends. it was obvious even from a stranger's perspective that you were not on good terms with him.
but despite that, there was never a time that you two have touched on a sensitive subject while arguing or have you two said anything personal and mean that it crossed the line. it's just some useless and close-to-nothing banters that always occur—to which it has become part of your daily routine.
however, the fact that you two work really well when it comes to projects and research is something that can't be denied. even when there are countless arguments being shared because of differences in opinion, you two still end up getting the work done flawlessly.
although you could still recall vividly as clear skies the memory of when a student once said how you're only able to attain such a high academic standing and image due to you often being paired by a great scholar like alhaitham—also the man you refuse to be near to, and that all credits for the projects and research papers you have published all goes to him. if you were even given the chance, you would have chosen someone else as your pair but you don't.
this is probably part of the reason why you have a certain yet unexplained dislikeness for him. his existence basically shadows over yours.
it feels horrible having all of your hard work and effort being disregarded but hearing such words are just something common and expected so you ought to ignore it not until you hear a familiar voice speak up.
"are people like you really bound to judge and speak about things you have no knowledge of? shouldn't you focus on finishing your research papers instead of gossiping and talking about other people's lives?"
"you don't know (name) or anything that they do. i have seen how they work so hard to attain their goal and put everything that they can just to do so. witnessing you bad-mouth them while you're at that state doesn't make you look better but rather a fool."
you could immediately tell that it was him, the said man who, from the other students' perspective, deserves all the credit for every project.
he wasn't as bad as you thought and maybe for once, just this moment, you're thankful and grateful to him. but this raises the question, why would he even care to do that? he's most likely the type of person to just walk pass and just let them fools talk bad about others before reporting their conduct to the office.
honestly, this isn't the first time he has done such a thing. in moments more than one, he would often show that he cares for you as a partner (academic) and as something that is more than strangers but less than friends, occasionally speaking up for you when you can't, being cautious and keeping you safe, knowing the foods you can't eat and avoiding from ordering it when he would take you out for a meal just to discuss about your progress in the part of the project/research, and many more.
you suppose it's only an act of courtesy and him being a gentleman though isn't it too much? you just refuse to overthink it and not put any meaning behind his actions. simply just reasoning it that alhaitham is a human that have a heart behind that demeanor of his.
"why do you even care? i don't understand you sometimes. you act like you don't like me then the next you do those things that keeps me up at night."
"when have i ever said that i don't like you? you have a great mind, (name), think."
the only thing you know the two of you share is the relationship of being rivals and probably only just that. 
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solreefs · 1 month
so you want to read Sherlock Holmes?
the canon of Sherlock Holmes as published by Arthur Conan Doyle consists of 56 short stories and 4 novels. that’s a lot. I think most of the issues people run into with reading Sherlock Holmes can be broken down into three questions:
what order do I read them in?
where do I find them?
are there other ways to experience them?
I’m going to tackle these one at a time and I’m adding a cut to save your dash. be forewarned.
1- what order do I read the stories in?
there isn’t really one good answer to this. the stories themselves were not published in chronological order, and Conan Doyle himself was notoriously inconsistent with dates. the adventure of the red-headed league is a particularly good example of this (the month inexplicably changes from June to October in the space of a page).
there exist several timelines made by Holmes scholars over the years, of which William Baring-Gould’s is probably the most well-known. you can find it here. (this website, the Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia, is also a great resource for learning more about Sherlock Holmes stories and their many adaptations.)
(Baring-Gould’s chronology gives Watson multiple marriages; only one wife is ever mentioned by name in the stories, but it is difficult to make a coherent timeline where Watson is only married once.)
another method is to read the stories in publication order. this is the easiest way, since the short stories were published in 5 collections after being printed in the Strand Magazine. these collections are:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, containing stories published from June 1891 to June 1892.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, containing stories published from December 1892 to December 1893.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes, October 1903 to December 1904
His Last Bow, 1908 to 1917
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, 1921 to 1927
including the 4 novels, publication order would be:
A Study In Scarlet
The Sign of Four
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
His Last Bow
The Valley of Fear
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
a third way, and probably the most popular, is just to skip around and read whichever stories catch your interest. given the lack of an official chronology and varying levels of popularity of the stories (the hound of the baskervilles is quite well-known, but have you ever heard of the valley of fear? probably not) which can affect how easy it is to find them, this approach might be the most practical.
I’m also going to be totally honest: you do not need to read all 60 Sherlock Holmes works unless you want to. the stories vary quite a bit in quality, and Conan Doyle is a much better short story writer than novelist. to that end, here’s my recommended twenty stories and the year they were written. the order listed corresponds to the chronology I made myself, but it’s only a suggestion, unless otherwise noted.
A Study in Scarlet (1887) note: if you are going to read this, it makes most sense to read it first, since it deals with how Holmes and Watson first met.
The Adventure of the Gloria Scott (1893)
The Adventure of the Resident Patient (1893)
The Adventure of the Speckled Band (1892)
The Adventure of Silver Blaze (1892)
The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (1893)
The Sign of Four (1890)
A Scandal in Bohemia (1891)
The Boscombe Valley Mystery (1891)
The Adventure of the Red-Headed League (1891)
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (1892)
The Adventure of the Copper Beeches (1892)
The Final Problem (1893)
The Adventure of the Empty House (1903) note: read this right after the final problem, otherwise it won’t make much sense
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1901)
The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton (1904)
The Adventure of the Abbey Grange (1904)
The Adventure of the Dancing Men (1903)
The Adventure of the Illustrious Client (1924)
The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place (1927)
2- where can I find the stories?
as of last year, all of Conan Doyle’s Holmes stories are in the public domain, which makes finding copies of them online much easier. I really love Project Gutenberg, which is an archive of over 70,000 ebooks, including all of the Sherlock Holmes stories! you can download pdfs from that website, or just read them online. the Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia, linked in the previous section, also has the text for all of the stories.
honestly, because it’s all public domain now, just searching “[story] pdf” should get you a lot of good results. if you don’t want to read them online, the Holmes stories are obviously quite well-known, and asking for a novel or short story collection at your library is a good bet. your library might have audiobooks or ebooks of these stories too.
as for translations, Sherlockian.net (another great website) has links to translations in Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. Project Gutenberg has Polish, Dutch, and Finnish versions of some of the stories, though the selection is quite limited. these are all the links I have at the moment, but the stories have been translated into over 70 languages, so I’d be happy to look for more if anyone asks.
3- are there other ways to experience these stories?
yes! this youtube channel, The Sherlock Holmes Radio Show, has audiobooks for most of the books, the BBC’s radio drama adaptations of the stories, and the radio show adaptation done by Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. if you prefer your stories in audio format, I highly recommend looking through their videos.
one of the most beloved screen adaptations of Sherlock Holmes is the Granada Studios tv series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. often referred to as “Granada Holmes”, the series starred Jeremy Brett as Holmes, and David Burke (seasons 1-2) and Edward Hardwicke (seasons 3-4) as Watson. it ran from 1984 to 1994, and was renowned for its commitment to accuracy.
the earlier episodes especially are about as close to one-to-one text to screen adaptations as it’s possible to get. they didn’t adapt every story, and they made some changes (they do not adhere to any established chronology, and Watson never marries), but if you don’t have time to read a whole story, chances are there’s a forty-five minute Granada episode you can watch instead. you can find a youtube playlist of all the episodes here.
finally, I wanted to mention a podcast called However Improbable (link goes to their website). every other week, they air an episode reading one of the stories out loud, and then an episode discussing it. they use Baring-Gould’s chronology, and the podcast is enjoyable both as a new and a long-time Holmes fan. I also like the flexibility that their format offers. if you only want to listen to the stories, you can do that! if you want to read the story on your own and then just listen to the analysis, you can do that!
it is an ongoing podcast, and as of posting this, they’re up to the adventure of the naval treaty.
and that’s all I have for now! thanks for reading this, and good luck in whatever you decide to do with this information. if you have more questions, I would love to answer them. I’m always down to talk about Holmes.
also, please let me know if any of this information is wrong or if any of the links are broken.
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roseapov · 1 year
Lilia x GN!Reader
Tw: crazy thoughts, obsession themes, mentions of curses, reader getting cursed, implied kidnapping
Povtober 2023, Day 3 [Masterlist]
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Curses - the delicate topic for the world of the Twisted Wonderland. But why is that? It's cause of the many curses lost to time, being the headache mainly for the healers but also for the great scholars and powerful mages.
One of the main sources of it being the war between the faes and humans. Where one specific fae general was using curses from the ancient times, records of it long lost even before the war, in modern times their existence long since forgotten.
The mischievous fae looks at you from the corner of his eye, with every intent on making you spend more time with him. Can't you see that he's just right here?
He pouted displeased at the sight of you walking together with some other student. He was at your beck and call and yet, you still chose to spend your time with others.
When you were peacefully sleeping in your room, a skillful mage sneaked through your open window. Whispering some words in unrecognizable language, while towering over your sleeping form, the fae crazily smiled at his own thoughts and doings.
In the morning when you woke up, you felt really lightheaded and couldn't focus on anything at all, with your legs all wobbly, barely able to keep you standing.
But thank The Great Seven that Lilia was there to help you go on with your day, he even carried you through the stairs, what a reliable friend you have.
Yet, when the night came no matter what you've done you couldn't feel asleep, your muscles felt like they were on fire. Exhausted after the tiring day, and yet nothing seemed to help, so you, a lost and confused prey you, with no other options left, finally called your dearest friend who helped you a lot today already.
Red eyes watching your every move from afar, like a predator that wants to catch their prey..
His phone soon vibrated as he happily answered it with a cruel 'Can't sleep?'. How did he know that? But don't worry, yours always helpful vice housewarden was already on his way to help you, of course with ulterior motives good intentions.
But how did he get here so fast? It's not like you can answer that anyway, cause as soon as you found yourself in his presence, your muscles became very heavy, your eyelids too heavy to keep them open, your tongue too heavy to talk.
You instantly felt lightheaded and started seeing black spots that danced across your vision.
The last thing you saw was Lilia with a crazed expression, that made you shiver before you fell unconscious into his arms.
The rumor has it that no one has seen you afterwards. But don't worry, your always reliable companion never left your side.
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I hope all of you enjoyed it, please tell me where I can improve with my work to increase your reading comfort. See you soon!❤️
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smittywing · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Marriage 101
This incredibly flimsy premise was brought to you by a post on this site that I can no longer find. It basically said you get more FAFSA money if you're married, so I picked the two characters least likely to ever use FAFSA and married them. I have no regrets.
The aroma of pizza rolls and popcorn notwithstanding, for a minute Tim had forgotten whose safehouse he was actually in.
Damian’s safehouses tended to have the video games. Tim’s were full of prototype gadgets, and Dick’s usually had fuzzy blankets and squishy pillows. Jason’s had the food.
Jason’s apparently also had a FAFSA application.
“Hey,” he said, picking it up. “Are you going back to school?”
Three things happened at once. (1) Jason vaulted off the sofa, overturning a bowl of popcorn onto Dick’s lap, (2) Damian grabbed Jason’s abandoned controller, and murdered Dick’s player, and (3) Dick grabbed Damian and mashed his face into the cushions.
“What’s this?” Dick asked as Tim turned away from Jason’s flailing hands to read the notes Jason had made in the margins. “Is my Little Wing going to be a college man?”
“No, fuckit, Timmers - no.” Jason was bigger and had a longer reach but Tim was extremely adept at dodging and weaving. He’d had a lot of practice. “Just a class or two. Dammit, Tim!”
It wasn’t a class or two. It was a full semester under the name Jason Peterson.
“Let me see,” Dick said, blocking Jason’s swipe and taking the papers from Tim. “You need money?” he asked, scanning the pages.
Jason made a sound somewhere between a groan and a growl. “Tuition’s fucking expensive, okay?” he said. “Now fuck off and give me that. That’s personal information.”
“Personal information for someone who isn’t you,” Dick commented, stepping just out of reach.
“Father would gladly pay for your tuition,” Damian piped up unwelcomely from the couch. “Why do you waste your time with tedious paperwork?”
“I am *not* taking money from Bruce.” Jason’s voice resonated with certainty.
“Didn’t you have like, some...passive income?” Tim asked, not sure if bringing up Jason’s time as a drug lord was a faux pas these days. Jason had a hair trigger temper and Tim really didn’t feel like being on the pointy side of his knife. Again.
“If you’re talking about the blood money, I donated it to some of the rehab places,” Jason mumbled. “Clearly I hadn’t come up with this brilliant plan at the time.”
“Why not take Father’s money?” Damian asked. “He enjoys spending it on philanthropic pursuits and you are clearly destitute.”
“No more pizza rolls for you,” Jason said, picking Damian up by his collar as he was peeking over Dick’s arm at Jason Peterson’s income. Damian kicked but Jason’s forearm was steady, as he levered Damian away from the paperwork. Tim quietly watched the tensed muscles running from the edge of Jason’s sleeve to his wrist.
“We’re going to have a little talk later about independence,” Dick told Damian.
“Independence is a worthy outcome,” Damian argued. “But many scholars and artists subsist under the patronage of a sponsor without shame.”
“I mean, he’s not wrong,” Dick conceded, glancing at Jason. “But look, we’ll talk about it later, okay Dami?” He turned back to Jason. “I think it’s great,” he continued, squeezing Jason’s bicep. Tim waited for violence, but the fight seemed to leak out of Jason as Dick handed him back the paperwork. “And I understand why you want to do this on your own. But if I can help, in any way, let me know, okay? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to do everything on your own.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” Jason muttered, color high on his cheeks. “Get Cosimo de Medici out of here, will you?”
Dick grinned. “It’s past his bedtime anyway.”
Tim lingered after Dick and Damian left. “Sorry I didn’t think before I said something,” he offered. “I didn’t mean for it to turn into such a big deal.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jason said, running a hand through his hair. “It’s fine, whatever.” He opened the fridge and considered the shelves for a minute before pulling out two beers. Tim would have preferred coffee but he knew Jason was offering an olive branch so he took the bottle.
“Are you thinking about Gotham U?” Tim ventured, twisting off the cap and taking a sip of his beer.
“If I can get in,” Jason said, playing with his bottle cap. “If not, then Gotham State. I took the GED just to see if I could pass.”
“Of course you could,” Tim said automatically. “You were always better at school than Dick.”
Jason looked at him oddly. “Yeah but I quit at 15.”
Tim didn’t correct him. Quitting actually did sound better than getting murdered by the Joker.
“What do you want to study?” he asked instead.
It might have been a cliche, but Jason’s face literally lit from within at the question.
“I want to minor in English lit,” he said, which was a weird place to start, but Tim was too fascinated by the change in his demeanor to comment on it. “For a major, criminal justice would be the obvious choice but the background checks for law enforcement would be too comprehensive to make a career of it. I wouldn’t want to be a cop anyway. I was thinking maybe education but I don’t know for sure. It might make more sense to study something I can use in day-to-day life, you know? This is the most solid cover I have but it could use some backstopping if I’m going to use it in the real world, you know?”
“I could, um,” Tim said, transfixed by the animation in Jason’s voice and face. He had *never* seen Jason this happy or excited, *ever* and the truth was that he would do anything, *anything* to keep seeing it. “I could build out some - you’re really, you’re really excited about this, aren’t you?”
That hadn’t been what he’d meant to say at all, but Jason’s rueful grin tugged at his chest.
“Yeah,” he said. “I mean, if I can swing it. It takes more than a few Pell grants to keep me in helmets. Obviously this wouldn’t be a full time thing.”
“Yeah,” Tim found himself saying. “I know. I mean, I’m enrolled in a few classes next semester and I don’t know how I’m going to juggle those and regular patrol and the Titans.”
“You’ll do it,” Jason said immediately. “Isn’t your IQ like a million? It’ll be cakewalk.”
“Yeah,” Tim echoed, conviction solidifying. He and Jason would be starting at Gotham U in the fall, together. “Cakewalk.”
The concept of Jason happily studying English Lit (English Lit? Really? Jason?) at Gotham University started building itself into a happy fantasy by 4am. Tim Googled “how to pay for college” on his phone when he probably should have been trying to catch a few hours of sleep and 36 hours later, he was crawling in Jason’s window.
“Ugh, you too?” Jason greeted him.
“Hey Tim,” Dick said, looking up from his bowl of cereal.
“Hi, yeah,” Tim said, replying to both of them at once. “I uh, I had some ideas.”
Jason picked up the coffee pot and upended it into a mug. The toasty-burnt aroma hit Tim’s nostrils like a big cuddly freight train and reminded him of just how long he’d been awake. “Thanks,” he said.
Jason raised his eyebrows and lifted the mug to his own mouth. Tim felt its loss acutely. “All right,” Jason said with a sigh. “What’s your idea?”
“Ideas,” Tim clarified. “Plural.” He pulled his convertible laptop out of his backpack and rotated it into tablet mode.
“You didn’t,” Jason groaned.
“Of course he did,” Dick said. “PowerPoint was baby bird’s first computer game.”
“Scholarships,” Tim announced, drowning out the negativity.
“On my stellar GED score?” Jason asked sardonically.
“There are scholarships for non-traditional students,” Tim said, bringing up a selection of postings he had found when anticipating this exact argument.
Jason made a face. “Home-schooled?”
“Which you basically were,” Dick pointed out.
“Don’t help,” Jason told him.
“Granted, you’re probably not looking at full-tuition level scholarships,” Tim said, “but a few thousand dollars to pay for your books will help out a lot.”
Jason nodded grudgingly.
“Work-share!” Tim announced, flipping to the next slide.
“You would make a great lunch lady,” Dick suggested.
Jason glared sideways at him. “No.”
“I was thinking the library myself,” Tim offered, because who liked the library better than an English Lit major? Or minor. Or whatever. “Plus you’d have time to do your homework.”
Jason groaned, but it sounded acquiescing. “Okay,” he said. “What else ya got?”
“Income Share Agreements,” Tim went on. “GC has a program or you can apply through a private matching program for someone to front you the money and commit to paying back a percentage of your income once you graduate.”
“No,” Jason said.
“It’s like a loan,” Tim told him. “Just zero interest. And a zero balance. It doesn’t matter how much you make.”
“I’m doing this because I want to do it,” Jason said. “Not to be a nine-to-five, tax-paying drone, or to be stiffing some jerk on his investment. Next?”
“So, you’re probably not going to be a fan of this one,” Tim cautioned. “But you could get a job. And a company with tuition assistance.”
“Oh, really,” Jason drawled, narrowing his eyes and Tim knew Jason was on to him. “And would this job just happen to be at Wayne Enterprises?”
“I mean, I have an in,” Tim offered weakly.
“Or you could just get married,” Dick said.
“What?” Tim asked.
“What?” Jason asked.
“I mean, if pissing off Bruce is a prerequisite,” Dick said, in the same maddeningly casual tone, “you could just get married.” He held up the FAFSA information booklet. “You’d get double the housing money and some other stuff.”
“I’m in,” Jason said immediately.
“Wait,” Tim said, hating that he was going to be the one to throw a wrench in this extraordinarily *amazing* plan of *marrying Jason*. “Wouldn’t getting married to me fuck up his expected family contribution?”
“Um,” Dick said.
“No.” Jason had clearly been all over this paperwork. “When you file as married, you file as independent so your family isn’t expected to contribute. So our combined income would be the four thou Jason Peterson made at Bat-Burger last year and whatever your summer internship at WE paid.”
“Okay, let me see that worksheet,” Tim said, grabbing it out of Dick’s hand. He did some quick math in his head. “Yeah,” he said, the blood rush of a plan coming together hitting him full force. “I’m using the Nest as a permanent address anyway. You could do the same. I’ll work up a lease between us and Drake Industries. I don’t have legal access to my trust until I turn twenty-one, though Bruce has pretty much signed off on whatever, remind me to check and make sure there’s no marriage clause.”
“Um,” Dick said.
“Gotham has a 48-hour waiting period and blood test required for marriage licenses,” Jason said, scrolling rapidly through his phone. “But after that, we can go down to the courthouse and have the Justice of the Peace do the deed.”
“Figures,” Tim said. “Two days gives the press time to jump on this. Let’s apply on a Friday afternoon. Hopefully, whatever intern they have looking will miss it.”
“I didn’t mean you had to marry *each other*,” Dick said.
The room went silent.
“Who else are we gonna marry?” Jason sneered, clear in his opinion of Dick’s idiocy, and then turned back to the matter at hand. “Your marital status is as of the FAFSA submission date,” he said. “So we need to hook up before I submit.”
Tim shrugged. “Deal.”
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divine-donna · 2 years
something about the way she smiles
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have fun with these general helaena headcanons. plus some cute relationship and romance headcanons!
please keep in mind this is my own interpretation. these headcanons are just that. headcanons. if you don’t like them, just don’t read them and ignore this post.
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if helaena wasn’t duty bound, she would be a scholar. a great one. she would travel to study and probably discover something that would be named after her. she would be a great scholar.
despite her being duty bound and unable to become a scholar, the girl enjoys reading. reading provided a great way for her to escape the cruelty of her brother and the children that whispered about her. she consumed books like water when she was a child.
she’s closest to aemond. this isn’t a surprise, especially since she never bullied her brother. in fact, she took care of him and looked out for him like the older sister she is.
they spend a lot of time talking. it’s almost a daily occurrence where they meet at night to talk about their day. it’s good for the both of them and helps them let off some steam.
helaena has a habit of picking at her nails when she’s nervous, something that probably came from her mother. alicent has told her many times to direct her stress elsewhere dare her fingers begin bleeding.
she’s really good at drawing. and it mostly stems from drawing bugs when she was younger. after all, the physical creatures were fleeting, always having somewhere to go. so she learned how to draw quickly and clean up later on. pencil is her favorite medium and she doesn’t really clean up her drawings after the rough sketch.
she has a great memory and this mostly stems from her hobby of drawing.
adds embroidery to her dresses. they tend to be small and are only noticable to people that look closely, like you or her younger brother. you can see the small spiders embroidered at the cuff of her sleeves.
helaena tends to run her fingers over the embroidered spiders at the cuff of her sleeves when she’s nervous or stressed. it’s the alternative to picking at her fingernails.
she really loves dancing. she loves to dance and loves to move. it’s such a shame that she often dances alone. but you’re here! so of course you’ll dance with your princess!
she loves berries. doesn’t matter what kind. she just loves berries, especially blackberries. her favorite dessert is blackberries and sweet cream. thankfully the recipe is simple so you can whip it up for her on a whim.
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helaena receives love through quality time and words of affirmation. her brother messed with her self esteem as she grew up, so words of affirmation make her feel secure in the fact that you like her. and you will affirm her always. she is also the kind of person who loves doing her own thing while in your presence. just you being there makes her feel at ease and spending time with her is the best way to show how much you love her.
helaena gives love through quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. she will go out of her way to spend time with you and it shows just how much she cares about you. depending on the situation, she may show love with words of affirmation or physical touch. if it is in front of other people, it is through words of affirmation. after all, your relationship is a secret. in private, it is through physical touch. she likes holding your hand, your shoulders touching, wrapping her arms around your waist while hugging you.
helaena has a bit of an anxious attachment style. she worries you may leave her, whether it is through battle, dying while running an errand, you leaving on your own will, or even aegon taking you for himself. you’re always there to reassure her that you are not going anywhere. over the years, she has learned to trust you. but her mind can’t help but worry about you.
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kisses with helaena last for a while. when she kisses you, it’s slow and hesitant. even after being together for two years, she’s still hesitant when kissing you, unsure if she’s doing the right thing. her kisses are also tender and gentle.
she loves your arms. she just loves your arms. you have no idea why. but she loves laying kisses up your arm while letting her fingers graze against your skin, causing you to shiver. she loves touching them. she loves holding onto them. she loves your arms.
she likes adding a little rouge to your cheeks and she has a separate rouge that matches your skin tone. she had it made in secret for you because she believes you look so good with a little bit of rouge. besides, it’s kind of like a hickey, her own version of marking you.
sometimes when she naps and you’re with her, her hand holds onto yours. so when you look back at your hands, hers is fit into yours. it’s quite cute.
the two of you dance in private, often without music. but she hums while dancing. and it’s beautiful. rarely does she sing but when she does, your heart feels like it’s about to burst out of your chest.
helaena names a spider after you. her favorite spider is named after you.
you have an assortment of random items given to you by helaena. she tells you it reminded her of you so you keep them. they’re all very precious and lined up nicely on the table in your room.
helaena loves it when you do her hair. or even when you just touch it, whether it’s running your fingers through it or rubbing scented oils into her scalp, braiding it or putting it into a hairnet or decorating it with jewels. she sits there as she talks to you and loves how you look at her with eyes full of love.
another one of your favorite pasttimes with her is reading. you both just sit, limbs intertwined, and you let her read to you. she enjoys reading to you.
your favorite part of helaena is her smile. she tends to not smile often in public which is why her smile is all the more special. you didn’t even know that her smile is rarely shown to others until aemond told you. her smile is the cutest. it radiates joy and when she smiles, you smile.
“there is only one woman i am dedicated to. and that is the princess helaena. there is no one in the world like the princess. i would happily lay down my life for her.”
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wakandamama · 1 year
I got a bit of a loaded question, sis. And if it's inappropriate you can tell me, but you said you're Black and Cherokee, so I thought you might have a good perspective.
Do you have any suggested authors, books, or articles behind what seems to be this lack of Black and Indigenous solidarity? I was scrolling this morning and I saw this post that literally was two seconds from dropping a slur (the dogwhistles were horns) and I'm like ... well damn. White Supremacy works terrible wonders, bc I would think the circumstances that brought our groups together would cause some sort of solidarity, so I'm always blown away when I see stuff like that. With other groups I'm familiar with the reasons behind it, but I don't want to assume things for this one.
Sure thing! I'm also gonna annotate this with my own story and learned knowledge of the struggles I've encountered while trying to expand the understand of my identity at the end.
This awesome article by Amber Starks
All these articles by Alaina E. Roberts she amazing at inner community discussion on this topic along with just being an amazing scholar and writer
This Guardian article by Caleb Gayle (another amazing scholar and author, just anything he's written on the topic will do but this article really helped me understand why I had issues connecting) that explores a case study of a Black family aving to fight for a claim to their indigenous identity with certain tribes that want to erase their history of participating in the chattel slavery of Black people
Also Gayle's book We Refuse to Forget
The book Untangling a Red, White, and Black Heritage by Darnella Davis
The Book Blood Politics by Circe Sturm
All of Zora Neal Hurston's black anthropology films they are free on YouTube or through her foundation site and the Black Film Archive
This article by Rebecca Nagle that explores the history of Cherokee confederates and the community slow acknowledgement and atonement for them
This blog post leads to many other articles and interviews with other Black Natives and their experiences in different tribes
This Kyle Mays interview about the re-establishment of Cherokee Freedmans status (hey that's me) and it impact
These npr articles 1 2 about The fight for tribal rights of Cherokee Freedmans
kararoselles, choctawchickasawfreedmen, and faithcampos on tik tok are incredible too
Okay so boom, me personally I am both Cherokee Freedman and by Blood quantum (ick) am Cherokee. However I claim my rights though the Dawes Rolls my great- grandfather enrolled too after emancipation because his father (and 2 aunts) were Cherokee slaves. I only really started connect with the native part of my identity recently (like 3 years)
Growing up I was told a lot of the family stories and raised to do a lot of old school practices that are crossed with being Black and being Cherokee. You drop me off in prairie land or a river side I'm surviving, (I hate it but I can process a deer) I grew up weaving baskets/wicker and doing beading, I know a lot of family recipes that now that I've expanded my knowledge are meals that are mixed between traditional Native American foods and AA cooking. My great-grandfather helped build Grand Lake in OK. My family is even prominently buried in and care takers for 2 Freedman Cemeteries.
But I was always taught that was just part of my and my family's Blackness. I have no living family that aren't Black in some way. Being Native American was an afterthought because of the generational racial trauma. Multiple of my full blood grandmas weren't allowed to have their grandchildren at their homes or on their land because they were Black. My mother often told me stories that her grandmother would sneak them to her home and land to learn how to forage, everytime they left she would cut her hair off to give to them because there was always the threat that they were going to get reported and her rights would be stripped. One of my ancestors is lost because he was a runaway slave from the Cherokee slave trade, many were denied status at some point
It's a lot and it didn't help that when I learned about this side of me and tired to reach out to the Native American club in my school. The Cherokee people there started being very racist to me and dismissed me. It jaded me, it pissed me off, I am still bitter and will probably be until I die.
Because a lot of the problems I advocated for (such as local climate change, environmental degradation, contaminated water, land stealing, food deserts, ect.) We're movements spearheaded by Native Americans in my area. I was denied say or acknowledgement because my issues were "Black issues". If someone told you "Hey this white rancher who had only been here 12 years is illegal trying to destroy a Native American cemetery so he had more graze land for his cows" the trial authority would be on that. But no, since the cemetery is Black Cherokees and Freedman they don't want to claim jurisdiction to help my family save it.
But, I do recognize that there has been a long and important history of Native and Black solidarity from social justice to environmental things. To just the clear fact that Native American people had everything stolen from them by white supremacy while Black Americans were stolen people brought here. Just as there was chattel slavery of Black people in certain major tribes, there were many that protected and supported escaping slaves. That history and cross culture is mine, I've made it one of my side missions to learn more about my Native side's culture, reconnects as some of my older family members are (mostly through folklore learning and connecting the things I was raised to do to Cherokee practices, participating in tribal news/votes ect.) But I haven't got the energy to connect with the people yet, I haven't gone to any in person Circles or powwows. I've only met other Black Cherokees with the intention to have community and friendship with.
Unfortunately but not surprising, the cause of a lack of solidarity comes down to white supremacy and global antiblackness. But I think that is the cause for a lack of ALL POC solidarity with Black people, especially in America.
And for the hoteps that are gonna find this post and try to be fucking weird on it.
Do NOT be a fucking weirdo and deny the legacy of survival, tragedy, perseverance, and love that our ancestors went through in the past to lead to your lineage of today. I am a special and blessed case to have the family records, story keeping, and DNA testing available to claim my indigenous identity that is directly linked in through my Black identity.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
would love to hear from a real Greek on the subject of Katharevousa. What do you think of it? Are there some conflicting opinions between the older and younger generations on this matter? What is the general Greek opinion? is it simply viewed as an elitist ideology for purists or an inspiring dream to reinstate Ancient Greek? sincerely, a humbly curious non-Greek individual...
Hello, my friend! You bring up an interesting and very complex topic. I would say my opinion on this is less passionate, more moderate than of the average Greek and ironically this also means my opinion might seem edgy to the average Greek!
That is because a majority of Greeks loathe Katharevousa (or what they think it stands for), with older generations being more neutral whereas younger generations can express a very baffling fierce hate towards it, despite never having to study it.
The reasons for this hate are the following:
1. It is harder than Demotic and most Greeks have an allergy at whatever Greek-related presents even the slightest of additional challenge to them.
2. Its existence has been relentlessly and unfairly politicised since the early 20th century, when the historical national and then transformed into political disunity of the Greeks was channeled into many things, including painting those who were positive towards katharevousa as nationalists, fascists and extreme far rights in general.
*The second reason bleeds into the first, in some ways. Young Greeks will unironically say “why should I learn something Greek that needs a little more effort or even slightly resembles something ancient, am I a nationalist or anything?”. That is because the old Great Division of the 20s and the Civil War of the 40s were never actually fully resolved but only passed on through political tensions, and thus somewhat mollified, yet still causing significant problems in the society which are now much harder to explain and find the root cause for, so they seem to appear out of nowhere. This leads to new generations of Greeks opposed to studying properly the Greek history and Greek culture and feeling very proud of their liberal (???) choice until a conversation with a foreigner who appears to know more about them than they do embarrasses them and sometimes gives them a wake-up call. Of course, not all young Greeks are like that, but a lot are.
In any case, I am not saying I prefer Katharevousa to Demotic. I prefer Demotic for the simple reason that it is the organic evolution of the Greek language, influenced by the actual history of the Greeks rather than the history the Greeks wished they had. For this alone, it wins. What I am saying is that Katharevousa does not deserve all the fierce hate and that I would honestly not mind having it used occasionally for whatever reason, just like I wouldn’t mind using any other form of the Greek language for whatever reason. And I do not confuse various forms of the language with various political ideologies, despite others doing so. Which is very much true by the way. During the national schism, Katharevousa was accused as the symbol of royalists, nationalists and conservatives on one side whereas Demotic was accused as the symbol of communists and Venizelists from the other side. In the 20s, Greek schools would change the lingual form taught every time the power changed hands. A tragedy for the students, really.
Katharevousa was originally NOT founded on an elitist ideology but rather on a sentiment of ethnic uprising. The term for this lingual movement first appears in 1796 and thus precedes the Greek Independence from the Ottoman Empire. It was supported by many Greek scholars and influential people of the time, most of all Adamantios Korais. Katharevousa is not an attempt at reinstating Ancient Greek but an attempt of removing all the influences in the contemporary Greek language by an empire Greeks were unwilling and often rebellious subjects of. Katharevousa means exactly that, “getting purified - cleaned”, not going back. Of course, it did not only remove Turkish elements, but Latin and Slavic ones and anything else for which there was an original Greek root and was thus considered redundant. By removing the foreign loanwords from Modern Greek, you automatically bring it to a state closer to Ancient Greek without meaning that it is an actual more ancient form of the language. The Katharevousan grammar certainly tried to resist simplifications and changes taking place in Demotic Greek but it still remained an essentially Modern rather than Ancient Greek grammar. I believe the syntax was also closer to Modern. In the end, Katharevousa was like a very posh, exclusively Greek-root, old-fashioned way to speak Modern Greek.
Which is why I dislike it when the “competition” of demotic and katharevousa is often referred to as “diglossia” which means “bilingualism” or when they are even called different idioms. We are not talking about two different Greek languages here and I am quite baffled when people claim to struggle to understand katharevousa. Honestly, at this point I don’t even believe they really mean it. You see, the level of education nowadays, with all its faults, is infinitely better than what it was at the time when katharevousa was actually taught at schools. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, most kids wouldn’t even complete elementary school and then go work to some farmland so it makes total sense for them to struggle to adjust to katharevousa when they were only really communicating in basic demotic in real life. But for people nowadays claiming the same, I can’t take them seriously, I am sorry. Such things are connected. If a student of decent education by today’s standards can’t understand katharevousa, it can only mean they face really fundamental challenges in demotic as well.
Katharevousa did not intentionally marginalize lower social classes within the society itself but the unintentional challenges were inescapable due to the poor level of education I described. In the end, Katharevousa was used by the authors and poets, in the newspapers and later the TV and radio news, in written forms, such as official documents, even in personal letters. Regardless of their level of education, people tried in written form to apply as many katharevousan elements as possible, to the extent of their knowledge. In everyday speech, though, things were different. People would simply talk in the way that came most natural and effortless to them. It’s very interesting that in very old movies, if there is a narrator, you can observe that the narrator speaks in a mild more katharevousa-like form while the actors playing the roles use demotic, obviously because otherwise the ending result wouldn’t be very realistic to the people watching. However, rich Greeks and aristocrats would more often speak in katharevousa too, exactly because they could receive much better education and get the hang of it, inevitably making this a social issue without it ever intending to be one. And then of course it had also the politics of the country imposed on it secondarily, which is a very sad and unfair equation that handicaps Greek progress in all matters.
What happened with Katharevousa and Demotic is not an unprecedented occurrence in Greek at all. This is literally Greek's constant lingual history. It can be observed in Ancient Greek, as the Classical Attic you may have read was in no way identical to the everyday language Ancient Greeks spoke. Throughout all the East Roman / Byzantine Era, scholars would try desperately to retain as many archaic elements as possible, to the growing impatience of the populace. While its full achievement was always doomed to be a lost cause, let’s also acknowledge that the reason Greeks boast about how conservative Greek is for a language so old would not exist, if all those scholars throughout the centuries did not struggle to preserve older elements, and katharevousa’s case is not different. A few of its elements have actually passed to demotic, such as phrases and expressions in the dative, even though this case has been dropped in the Demotic Greek grammar otherwise.
In the seventies, after huge political changes taking place in the country which struggled to finally enjoy some peace and quiet, katharevousa was abolished along with the monarchy and the dictatorship as another sign of nationalism, conservatism, anachronism and so on. In my opinion, a lingual form on its own does not deserve to be vilified like this.
Nowadays, you will hear just about anything as an accusation to prove how evil Katharevousa was. Some say it had “mistakes” because it was an academic process of reshaping the language against its natural, organic evolution. I would consider this, had it not been for demotic also having some funny shortcomings of its own. In case you are wondering what such a shortcoming can possibly be in a language - well, as Greek keeps evolving, some things change first while others stay behind. The elements that stay behind have trouble adjusting for practical or aesthetical or other reasons. Here is one example:
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Modern Greek faces a hilarious problem with the verb εκρήγνυμαι (ekríghnime - I explode). It is a verb with a distinct archaic form which is super ugly to a violating degree if you adjust it to the modern Greek conjugation of the simple past. As a result the ancient formation of the simple past is fully retained, which is not irregular but it is hard enough that it appears irregular by modern standards (εξερράγην - exerráyin - no it’s not irregular!). As a result many people might not know it and mess it up entirely by trying to apply modern formations which will earn them mocking later if it's on TV or paper (ie εκρήχτηκα - ekríhtika - can kill you instantly if it comes from the mouth of a journalist) or you are going to see it on their face real-time that they go through the five stages of grief and seven consecutive panic attacks as they try to say “it exploded” without actually saying “it exploded”! Even more hilariously, the screenshot I added shows all the conjugations by labelling them “for scholar use” and it adds another label clarifying that only the third person of singular and plural are actually regularly used (apparently needed when speaking for bombs) and the others are avoided as much as possible. In short, we try not to use the past of a simple verb such as “explode” because we have no idea how to say it because adjusting it to modern is so monstrous that you have no solution other than keeping it entirely ancient, in a phrase otherwise entirely modern! It is actually very funny.
I said all these in order to stress how people trying to find unacceptable “flaws” in katharevousa are hypocritical because if we accept that a concept such as “flaws” is possible in a language, then it does exist in organic demotic as well. On the other hand, it also depends on the speaker. Katharevousa supporters varied in their ferocity and whereas most just kept it at the "purifying modern" object, some others tried to mix it with actual Koine or Attic Greek, undoubtedly causing lingual teratogenesis.
Some last notes: katharevousa is not entirely extinct. It is used by a newspaper, it is the language used by the Churches of Greece and Cyprus and by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, as it resembles more Koine (Biblical) Greek which is their actual sacred language. Some people show it off on internet comments but you can usually (not always) guess their political ideologies which is unfortunate. Ironically though, Modern Standard Greek, which is the common language we speak right now, is according to linguists considerably influenced by the katharevousa in its mixing with demotic. So, standard Greek, even though it derives from Demotic and it is technically Demotic Greek, is closer to Katharevousa than the Demotic of the 20th century is.
Another interesting point is made by Georgios Babiniotis, the currently most prominent Greek linguist. An unlikable guy if you ask me, but I can’t help but agree with this point. Although the polytonic stress system was abolished along with katharevousa with the reasoning that it served no point in Modern Greek, Babiniotis says that this was a mistake, as the monotonic system has surprisingly caused a deterioration of the musicality and correct articulation in Modern Greek. In fact, anyone who knows can go watch kids reciting poems in school and you will realise it is true. I am not putting myself out of this. Sometimes I read something loudly and I think to myself “heck in my mind this sounds so much better, why am I reciting it so poorly?!”. Even though I actually have a perfect articulation up to this stage in my life, my reciting is bland like of most people, while it wasn’t the case at all with the people in the near past. You can hear the difference when you hear actors of the 50s and actors in movies now. Both spoke in demotic, but actors of the 50s spoke much more beautifully on so many levels, including intonation and articulation. This agrees with a post I made recently unknowingly when on my own I realised that the grave accent is actually retained in modern Greek when spoken animatedly or carefully and correctly. I was almost scared to publish that post because I am no linguist but I was excited to see that the -always otherwise unlikable- Babiniotis said this too! Few liked that post - dunno if everyone hated it or it was just a huge post published at 5 am. Or both. Aaaaaanyways, I am linking it here in case anyone has reached so far down and is interested.
To summarise, Katharevousa was the victim of the insane political infighting that is such a trademark of the Greeks. It was founded on ethnical rather than elitist reasonings. It wasn’t trying to exclude anyone even though this might have indeed happened unintentionally. It is still Modern Greek. I don’t believe it should ever eradicate Demotic, however I value its existence and I think it could have a place of application and people should be free to use (within reasonable context) or enjoy it without being vilified or immediately have their political beliefs assumed. I personally find it beautiful but I also find Demotic beautiful, just in different ways. In some occasions I prefer one and in others the other. I enjoy prose and poetry in Katharevousa, it’s bloody beautiful. But use of rich and intricate demotic is also insanely wonderful. Both are great and I genuinely feel this way. I can get behind the reasoning that if a foreign loanword doesn't sound very aesthetically pleasing in the Greek language, it shouldn't be considered weird or eccentric to prefer the Greek-root word and give up on the loanword. I have used this example before, if the loanword is "dudúka", while two Greek-root words of the exact same meaning exist ("tilevóas" and "megháphono"), then why the heck would I want to use "duduka"?! No offense to the language that it comes from, but this word... I mean, come on. It doesn't sound good at all in Greek. Same with the grammar. If someone can use more intricate and complex grammar, why should we immediately blame them for doing what they can do? Come on, guys.
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anemonet · 1 year
Please please pleasp plea s pelas tell me abt ur suns desighm. I'm STARING at them it is so so incredible it's eye candy
Oh!!! Someone asked thank you hello:DD and aw thank you!! oki oki explaining time!!!
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So to begin might be good to check out this post i made about pebbles and moon where i babble about older and newer iterator models and their differences. I'm bringing this up because timeline-wise I would stick suns somewhere before the early "mass manifactured" iterators like moon ( their not really mass manifactured but at some point i asume there was an explosion in production amounts) and the first couple iterators ( which i would guess are no longer around to be honest, the dont-murder-yourself protocol must come from somewhere, anyhow!)
Im placing suns here not only because i like visual variety but also because i get some free moving room design wise, because i like to think (and this is only my personal headcanon) that the earliest itertor models were not made for wider production. These lil fellas were made to Solve the Great Problem, and as we know anchients loved their religious stuff so i cant imagine the first couple iterators werent annocunced and made with alot of buzz around them, probably lovingly made and blessed by monks or something. Think like these are the solution and we will show that in their design, they just should look more cermonial and important, which leads into my actaul design choises!!
Suns design pulls on both the anchients religious ideas and ideals like my choise to use the bound feet look some anchients have and to not give suns a real face - I dont know how people have all the lore pearls read and memorized but from what we know from the industrial blue pearl, moon talks about how ancheints wore masks to:
"showing spiritual persuasion - covering the face as a way to symbolically abate the self"
which i took and ran with and therefore gave suns no face at all, they are creating something meant to ascend them, showing them holding up their values (the lack of "ego" the self)? and that also ties into how suns pearls- well actully first lets real quick explain why suns has pearls and jewerly, because it relates tothe second thing suns design pulls from: the ancheints love of just lots of decoration in fashion to absurd points. its brought up in a couple different places how its ironic that the ancheints preached for the barebone religious ideals of the jellyfish while also being lavish and leasure seeking and overall trying alot - "burdened by ambition" as moon says in the drainage green pearl- which i tied into suns design by adding shit tons of pearls and other pazzazz to suns puppet!!! the love of more is more is really what lies under suns design and what i like to think of as part of ancheint sense of how to look at the time, they are created to ascend them and for that they must look religious and hold up the ideals but also we must add so many clothing layers and jewerly becasue we like that, which is info we needed for me to bring back what i was gonna say which was that the pearls and jewels on suns designs (gold as that seems to be the favored jewerly material going by the murals in pebbles) have the scholar and martyr achivement symbols engraved in the pearls like the ammulets anchients wore (outskirts light blue pearl)! I went with those symbols because just karma ten would be boring and i dont actully have all the rainwolrd words and symbols sadly so we make do. and i think its a pretty good showcase how fashion and religion was combined.
I would also like to say that theres two things to bring up if we wanna take later iterator designs into the equaiton, which is one(1), hey wait why does sun look more like pebbles than moon?! which yes thank you for bringing it up i would like to contribute this to two factors, 1, cyclical design, pebbles is a call-back if you will, - suns more intricate look was probably scrapped by moons time, as theres not much point to dressing some machine up (i would speculate there was a shifts in how iterators were viewed in different times, a noteable case being the ashy green exterior pearl where its talked about the controversy of pebbles creation (also mentioned in some of the white pearl fragments), and i would think at some point itertors went from The Solution to machines who handle our production facilites (this is a crude summary but this is not what you asked for and i could talk about it for doube the wordcount as this post so moving on) this is of course not to say moon wasnt respected by her citizens (refer back to the exterior pearl) but she was not always a city lets just stick with that. anyhow what was i saying?pebbles? yes ok but when materials got cheaper it was possible to replicate it (suns more labour heavy design) again ( even if a bit less intricate as its a bit much work) so pebbles and suns share looks because of that, and then you will of course bring up wait hey a minute wasnt moons model clunkier because the science wasnt developed enough yet? how can an older design be more advenaced in looks? and the answer is its not!!! suns puppet is foremost a showpiece and somethign to sell in the iterators with, so actual function for the puppet wasnt to intresting (the real important bits is the actaul machine), i like to think that the early models had much less function in their limbs and was much more simplified (the puppet, im not sure about the mind thing) and because of that while suns design looks more modern it lacks alot of functions later models had, later when itertors self maintence became importnant it was replaced for the more praictical "older model" (moons) again note this is soley my own mad rambeling and connection made from the lore and not canon at all.
my last note would probably be to mention that suns keeps their wires neat and orderly cause they like it! (wire placement depends on the iteators preffernce, you cant tell me these super computers cant move around their wires into personalised looks) also yes they came with the pearl on the wires, probably hand crafted by some monk somewhere.
anyhow so suns mostly like that for show, and is probably a trademark for how those older iterators looked (i would put no significant harrasment in this era too, just cause of vibes^-^) I think their neat! and holy shit how much did i talk im so sorry, ahem uhm hope this was fun to read? thank you for the ask and have the sillies :DD
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maverick-werewolf · 4 months
Folklore Fact - Wyverns
Another month, another folklore fact! Wyverns handily won the poll over on my Patreon this month (be sure to take a look if you'd like to vote in the next one or even suggest all new subjects!)...
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(nearly all modern dragon designs seen in visual media, especially film and television but now quite often also video games, count as the traditional British heraldic classification of wyverns, really; see my post here for a discussion of that, although I could expand that post today and discuss things like Monster Hunter, etc, which I didn't really know much about at the time, and even further discuss some of the subjects already therein... Anyway, maybe I'll revise that sometime in the future and improve it)
Wyverns are often described as a dragon with two hind legs, two wings, no forelegs, and a barbed tail. There are varieties, of course; some say the wyvern has the head of a dragon, the legs of an eagle, and a barbed "serpent tail" or simply a long tail with no barb. There are many varieties. Traditionally, at least if you ask English heraldry, the requirement to be a wyvern is that it has no forelegs - unlike the dragon, which has four legs in addition to wings. However, this is a technicality that was obviously not always applied elsewhere, including the European mainland. More on that shortly.
The word "wyvern" is not in itself all that old; it originated around 1600, derived from "wyver" from 1300, so the term is not ancient. Like dragon, it essentially means "snake," though in this case it is derived from "viper." As mentioned, "dragon" itself is derived from "drakon" meaning serpent (and/or "giant seafish") [source: again, one of my favorite sites].
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Stamp of Clifford, Anne, Countess of Dorset (1590 - 1676) [source], depicting a wyvern.
There was apparently some discussion around the rise of the heraldic wyvern in England, Scotland, and Ireland regarding what exactly classified a wyvern as opposed to a dragon. In 1610, the writings of John Guillim described a wyvern (then "wiverne") thus: "partake[ing] of a Fowle in the Wings and Legs … and doth resemble a Serpent in the Taile," and in 1682, John Gibbon agrees that a wyvern specifically has "but" two legs. It is noteworthy that both men in question were officers of heraldry, and these remarks are quotations from book on coats of arms, and thus it was specifically heraldry they discussed.
"Wyverns" as per monsters of myth and folklore were, for most intents and purposes of their time period, referred to as "dragons" and not thought of as their own sort of beast rather than just a variation of dragon for heraldry specifically or even exclusively. Were there any legends about something called a "wyvern?" I haven't found any in all my extensive research on dragon legends, and most all academic sources agree that a "wyvern" is a heraldic creature rather than something you'd find in a bestiary and/or folktale.
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As mentioned, depictions of what we today might think of as "wyverns" were not always called "wyverns," of course, especially throughout a lot of Europe (as opposed to Great Britain). Here we see a depiction of what we would now think of as a "wyvern" referred to as a dragon ("drago"), from a work dated 1691, so during the same time period that heraldic wyverns were already being classified as such.
There are also bestiaries and other things that depict two-legged dragons as "dragons" rather than ever referring to them as "wyverns" specifically, and the creatures depicted therein were in fact meant to simply be "dragons." Older eras lacked the picky categorization that exists more recently, particularly myth and folklore. This is why there are no "categories" of werewolf legends, either, for instance, or different "types" of werewolves - except as put on them retroactively by modern scholars.
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A "wyvern" from 1380 in the Chester Cathedral in England; given its hooves and head of a man, it isn't exactly a "standard" wyvern.
So, again, the idea of the wyvern as a unique creature as opposed to another sort of dragon likely stemmed from heraldry - which in itself has a lot of unique creatures and specifics, such as the enfield and bagwyn - and specifically heraldry from Great Britain and Ireland, which meant that such defined notions of a wyvern came about in later centuries. There are certainly depictions of dragons and dragon-like creatures without forelegs from other centuries, such as the 1300s, but these are not explicitly as sourced "wyverns" during their own time period. Rather, they are described as such now by people retroactively applying the wyvern concept onto them. Such a concept became common starting around the 1600s, as mentioned earlier with the heraldic writings of Guillim and Gibbon. There are plenty of examples of "dragons" with two legs and, sometimes, even "wyverns" with four legs floating around out there.
But since modernity also thrives on technicality, categories, and specifics, things like D&D for a while there often referred to a "wyvern" as a two-legged dragon (which I personally find preferable, despite my usual aversion to categorization of mythological things) - at least, until a lot of media is today started changing that ever since Reign of Fire in 2003. These days, outside of a handful of fantasy things, like D&D with their older established rules and a few other fantasy games that originated before this sweeping design change occurred, dragons very often have two legs instead of four. I could say a lot more about that, but I won't get into it...
And that covers a general overview on wyverns! Until next time. For June, expect to see a brand new werewolf fact.
( If you like my blog, be sure to follow me here and sign up for my free newsletter for more folklore and fiction, including books! And plenty of werewolf things.
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mykingdomforapen · 3 months
courage of stars ch10 commentary
Practically all the previous chapter commentaries were made in preparation for the pivotal scene in chapter 10, so it is fitting that we return to having chapter commentaries now.
This chapter is an emotionally intense one for sure, and so it feels a little unfitting to cap it off with some more homework, but it is also really important to me to try and explain or portray these topics as best as possible, to give the readers as good of an understanding as I can.
Ultimately, I don't have any illusions to teach modern Chinese history. Who am I to teach it? What do I know? I only know bits and pieces here and there, told over late night peanut shells. But my goal in these notes, and this story, isn't to make scholars out of you. What I want most out of these commentaries is for you to understand Ye Ci.
Ye Ci, or Sun Yihan, is the antagonist in this story. No doubt about it. You lot picked up on that by now. But I don't want him to be a villain. Do you see what difference I'm drawing? He is not evil. I do not want to portray him as evil. Most of all, I do not want to write him as just 'the baddie.'
The fact of the matter is that, Ye Ci's childhood story is neither fiction nor rare. During that period, many young people were manipulated to turn in their parents to the authorities. Have you read 1984 by George Orwell? He mentions it there as well, about regimes where the children are taught that spying and turning in their parents was the right thing to do, encouraged. That was the case for China during the Revolution period as well. What were the children's motives for spying and turning in their parents? I think it could be a myriad of things, and not the same for each case. But for sure, it was something that the adults, the leaders, encouraged and ennobled.
And yes, in many cases, it led to the death of their parents. Sometimes by being beaten/lynched, but honestly, a lot of times by suicide. And the kids have to carry that for the rest of their lives.
In Ye Ci's flashback, the Four Olds are mentioned as something to be abolished. During the CR, anything that seemed remotely like the 'olden ways' of dynasty were encouraged to be destroyed. They were categorized in the 'four olds'--old customs, old culture, old ideas, and old habits. That's why Ye Ci's mother's classics had to be banned (fun fact, MZD loved some of the old classics, and kept reading them even though it was severely banned and destroyed elsewhere in the country. funny how that happens). That's why, if you have read up on modern history, many old temples and Buddha statues and graves were destroyed or desecrated. Old graves of emperors were dug up and desecrated. Several pieces of old art were destroyed. That's why you'll find that Taiwan has a really substantial collection of old Chinese art compared to China--some of the people who fled carried those pieces with them, else they would be destroyed.
How this campaign came to be, who was responsible, and where the line was drawn is not something I entirely understand so I cannot speak on it. Considering China still has a great expanse of ancient relics and architecture, it was evidently not so sweeping that everything was destroyed.
I want to also talking about the struggle session. The struggle session is the public spectacle that Ye Ci's mother was basically kangaroo court'ed in, before ultimately being beaten to death. Have any of you watched Netflix's Three Body Problem? The opening scene to that show is what a struggle session is. Basically, an open accusation of an undesirable person, often an intellectual but not limited to, where they are bound painfully and forced to wear demeaning accusations on their heads. Their spouses or family will then be called up to the stage and forced to denounce their loved one. Then they will get beaten, or further humiliated. Many people died by suicide afterward, because of the shame and suffering it wrought upon them.
This was a painful time in modern Chinese history. I did get nervous about taking the story into this direction when I was first planning it. I did not write Sun Yihan to be the antagonist that he was to sensationalize or vilify. I especially did not want to exploit history for the sake of entertainment. Without getting into the weeds of my inspiration, from the beginning and to the end of this story I cannot and will not vilify Ye Ci, and while you have the right to your opinions and reactions to the story, I can only ask that you do not either.
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 21 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
DIVINER: I'm sorry citizen, that is a state secret kept closely guarded for tactical and strategic reasons.
DIVINER: Sorry!!
DIVINER: They drum that into us before we even get our Focuses!! I really can't tell you, though!
FlameHairSavior: Where did this come from?
DIVINER: Oh!! I think I understand now!! But Diviners aren't the only priests and scholars. I think I mentioned we're mostly explorers, actually? We can do more administrative work, more easily, thanks to our Focuses, but we have plenty of people trained without them!
DIVINER: Mostly, we teach! Most of the technology of the Ancestors is still beyond us, but there were enough hints that we were able to learn advanced metallurgy, agriculture, and of course military strategy.
DIVINER: I think most important of all, though, we teach our people the importance of the arts and sciences!
DIVINER: Some of the earliest tribes the Empire conquered were little better than hiding in caves because they refused to understand the importance of progress!
BoyNextDoor: There's value in tradition, though.
DIVINER: Well, yes, of course, but...
DIVINER: Oh, right, you're from a tribe like that.
BoyNextDoor: We're not that bad.
FlameHairSavior: All-Mother Mountain is literally a cave, Varl.
BoyNextDoor: And in the cave is the Cradle facility where you found all these Focuses. If the tribe hadn't been protecting it all this time, who knows what would have happened.
FlameHairSavior: [BenAffleckTiredSmoking.png]
DIVINER: No, he's right! Traditions are important, even if we don't always know why! Your people knew that cave was important, because they remembered they were born there and so stayed close!
DIVINER: My people aren't even sure where exactly we came from!
DIVINER: Yes, of course! But only AFTER we found the cache of Focuses in the Great Delta! We can't be entirely certain where we came from before that!
MARSHAL Kotallo: I am curious how broadly anyone spreads from any given Cradle. Are all of our tribes from different Cradles, or the same?
FlameHairSavior: I think the Carja come from the Nora Cradle. Can't be sure, though.
MARSHAL Kotallo: How many Cradles are there?
FlameHairSavior: At least nine, because the Nora one is ELEUTHIA-9. But I don't know how many were planned total.
FlameHairSavior: Or how many survived, for that matter. The Faro Plague caused construction and supply problems for Zero Dawn.
Zo: Yes, I read about some of the animal samples that were lost because of the Plague. I have to assume that at least some of the planned facilities failed.
BoyNextDoor: The Nora Cradle has a Metal Devil frozen in the process of trying to dig it out. I think the shutdown came in minutes before they would have breached.
FlameHairSavior: Ah yes. That.
DIVINER: I sense a story!
FlameHairSavior: The High Matriarchs confuse a sense of drama with wisdom.
BoyNextDoor: If you try to get Aloy to explain it will take weeks.
BoyNextDoor: Trust me.
β: but you know dont you
BoyNextDoor: Yes, yes. Assuming Aloy doesn't mind.
FlameHairSavior: I don't care.
BoyNextDoor: Well, as a baby, Aloy was found right outside the Cradle door, where the robot left her. Also, right under the claw of the Metal Devil. High Matriarch Lansra thought this was a sign that she was the daughter of the Metal Devil.
DIVINER: ...and??
BoyNextDoor: And what? That's obviously a bad thing.
BoyNextDoor: It's not like there's any prophecies about children of the Metal Devil or anything, High Matriarch Lansra just jumped to a terrible confusion.
DIVINER: Oh. That story is a lot shorter than I was expecting.
β: a good typo though
FlameHairSavior: Well, it led to me being outcast from birth and I had to win the Proving just to be allowed into my own tribe.
BoyNextDoor: Technically you only had to COMPLETE the Proving. You're the one who insisted on going to extra mile.
DIVINER: Erend, do your people have any history about where they came from?
FlameHairSavior: Or maybe every one that was found was immediately broken.
DIVINER: How did you find an intact Focus, Aloy? The Quen cache was protected and clearly labeled, and you mentioned the Cradle. Did you find it there?
FlameHairSavior: No, I just found it in a random ruin when I was a child. It was still attached to a skeleton.
β: ew
β: and you just put it right on your head
FlameHairSavior: I was a curious child and it made everything light up when I touched it. So, yes.
FlameHairSavior: These things are pretty much immune to environmental damage. Unless they're hit by something, they last basically forever.
DIVINER: I don't have any answers there, I'm afraid!! Maybe we were just unlucky? It's a very damp region, prone to flooding!
β: or theres a conspiracy keeping all the good things away from the lower ranks because they know it would endanger their dogma
DIVINER: I really, really wish that theory wasn't entirely plausible.
FlameHairSavior: Beta, please stop making people question their entire worldview.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Why not? It appears to be a family tradition.
BoyNextDoor: Ha!
Zo: They are right.
FlameHairSavior: I hate you all.
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