#but digital art is off the table for now
keymintt · 10 months
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a comic/zine about coyotes
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yosefcandraw · 6 months
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He’s thinking chaotic thoughts…
Meant for this doodle to make him look more deranged than the result
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aurosoulart · 10 months
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WIP of Sunlith, my dolphin OC who I'm currently playing in a Beam Saber campaign 🐬
(you can listen to our campaign here!)
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usurp3r · 2 years
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Dreamt about this and had to get it to paper as quick as possible
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pandoraslxna · 9 months
Ao'nung eating his girls pussy like he ain't never ate before. Putting that breath holding to good use yknow what I'm sayin
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⋆。° ✮ minors dni 🔞
⋆。° ✮ Kinktober masterlist
⋆。° ✮ Warnings: oral, slight edging, praise, size difference
⋆。° ✮ adult Ao’nung art made by the amazing @cinetrix 🩵
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You’re dripping. So much so, that Ao’nung has to slurp your juices like he’s feasting on a juicy fruit.
He has you on the floor of his marui, spread out and spread wide, thighs bracketing his head as he leans down to lick a board stripe from your entrance to your clit.
A hand tangles itself in his black curls as he gives you a wet, sloppy kiss right where you need it.
"Oh god, yes", you moan as his hands slide up to hold you more open than you were before, so that he could taste you again and again, his tongue dipping deeper and deeper inside every time. Your hand curls tighter in his hair, tugging, and you worry that you were hurting him. Not that this was even possible. Still, you just couldn’t help it– touching him was the only thing anchoring you, as if you‘ll float away and disappear if you would move your hands just an inch.
But Ao’nung doesn't seem to mind, not if the way he groans, grinds his face against your pussy and thrusts his tongue deeper into you is anything to go by.
You could feel the pleasure growing inside you, in your toes and in your spine and behind your eyelids, and you arched against him, moaning at each touch of his tongue, his lips against your clit– sucking and slurping and kissing. It's building and you’re reaching for it, but then he suddenly pulls away, and your hips jerk violently as though to follow.
Panting for air, you lift your head and stare down on yourself, brows furrowed.
And there he lays on his stomach, one of your thighs in either one of his hands, legs draped over his shoulders as he licks his lips clean. His chin is glistening in your arousal, dripping and running down his throat.
"Who knew sky people were this delicious?", he grins, before leaning over to teasingly bite the soft inside of your thigh.
"I want- come back", you whine in frustration, "Please…"
"Needy little demon", he chuckles and rolls his eyes, "you want to suffocate me with your slick?"
"I- I thought your people were good at holding your breath", you argue, blushing, and later you'll most definitely feel embarrassed for being so bold, but you couldn’t care less in this moment. The sheets underneath you are sticking to your sweaty back, your legs are trembling and you’re just so close— what he’s doing, or more what he isn’t doing, should count as torture!
"Oh, you want me to hold my breath, huh? And I here I thought I should go easy on you, be careful with such a small fragile thing", he gives you a sharp grin and chuckles, "You should’ve told me earlier, then I would have you crying by now."
And then he dives back down, his tongue delving deeper than before, sucking harshly on your clit until your back arches like a bow and your heels dig into his back. He’s feasting like he’s never been taught proper table etiquette, his face practically shoved against your pussy as if he’s actually starving.
"O-Oh my god, yes! Yes, f-fuck– right there! Right there, right there", you moan, throwing your head back at the blissful feeling of the broad metkayina man between your thighs.
You could feel Ao’nungs approval in the way he hummed loudly, his eyes fluttering closed as he continued to devour you.
"C-Coming, I’m– I‘m coming", is all you manage to force out, both of your hands flying back to get a tight grip in his hair, guiding him and holding him right there, right where you needed it most. And cocky as he is, you feel him grinning before he sucks so hard on your clit it feels as if you would explode any second.
And then, taking a hand off your leg and repositioning himself, he slips two of his fingers into your soaking wet cunt and curls them just right. Pairing powerful strokes of his digits with long sucks of his mouth, he coaxes you over the edge with such confidence that it takes your own breath away. Literally.
You mindlessly tug on his hair as your thighs snap close around his head. Your orgasm almost takes you out, it makes you shake, your muscles jumping and spasming and making you twitch uncontrollably before it plateaus into complete, white-out inducing bliss. His fingers keep pumping in and out of you through the clamping of your walls, stretching out your orgasm while he kisses and sucks on your clit, until your body slowly goes limp from the incredible pleasure.
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disillusioneddanny · 7 months
If It Makes You Happy (then why the hell are you so sad?)
Tim took a bite of his ravioli and looked around the table at his family. It was Sunday dinner. A monthly tradition where every member of the family adopted or otherwise came to spend a few hours together. It didn’t matter who was arguing with whom, or how estranged from the family you were at the time. You still had to attend the monthly family dinner. However, there were times when Tim wondered if anyone would notice if he stopped attending. If he no longer came to the dinners where he sat mostly unnoticed by the rest of his family. Where he typically sat in silence, having not uttered a single word throughout the entire event. Would they ever realize he was gone? Did they even realize he was there in the first place? 
A part of Tim truly doubted it, if he was being completely honest with himself. Maybe that was why he hadn’t been able to share with the family his upcoming exhibit. 
Tim was in his fourth year of college. Where he was getting a degree in Art, Technology, and Culture. It was a major that allowed Tim to immerse himself in photography, video art, creative coding, and so much more. He had gotten to work in traditional analog and digital photography. Played around with film and art in ways he had never thought of before while also learning about cultural theory, the expression of ideas, and cultural practices which gave him the chance to truly discover himself. It was the first time he had ever chosen something for himself. 
His entire life he had been groomed to run a business. To at first take over Drake Industries one day and then later Wayne Enterprises where he was unfortunately CEO. But then he had learned about the ATC program at Gotham University and he had fallen in love with it.  He had always been obsessed with photography and even film later on as he grew older and spent his days alone in dusty old Drake Manor. And he had always loved to learn about cultures, he ate up the stories from his parents and their trips abroad. Had spent countless nights watching the people of Gotham and how they did things, and had absorbed it all like a sponge to make up for the fact that he was just a lonely boy living in a manor by himself. 
Even when he had joined the Bats and had made his tiny little place with them, he still fell back on his love for learning about others and his desire to tell their stories. It had just become an intrinsic part of Timothy Drake. 
And now here he was, slowly creeping to the finish line. He had his senior showcase coming up. A requirement for all students who were receiving a bachelor of fine arts. He was to show off all of his best work from the last four years. It was a chance for him to show everything he had learned, and to display his work with pride. 
He had toyed with the idea of inviting everyone to it. To let them see the love that Tim had cultivated over the last four years. He was set to graduate in just a few months and the pride he felt for himself was tremendous. And if Tim invited the Wayne family to his senior showcase, then maybe they could come to his college graduation and share the achievement with them then too. 
It was a big time in Tim’s life and he wanted to share it with them. 
He listened as a lull came in the conversation and carefully cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the others. 
“I have a senior showcase this weekend for my BFA. It’s at six in the evening in the Wayne Arts Center on Gotham Campus. I would be happy to see you all there,” he said hesitantly, eyes firmly trained on his plate of food. 
“That sounds nice, Tim. I’ll try to be there,” Bruce said politely before going back to his conversation with Jason and Dick. Tim felt eyes on him, though, and slowly looked up to find his little brother giving him a curious look. 
“What?” He asked, still trying to calm his heart just a bit. He still wasn’t sure why he came to these things, why he was even here. Just talking to the Waynes gave him anxiety. Just being here reminded him how much he didn’t belong. How other he was compared to the rest of the kids that Bruce had adopted? 
Damian tilted his head to the side. “I was not aware that you were getting your Bachelor's in Fine Arts. Will you tell me about your degree program? I have been thinking about getting an Art History degree but have been torn between that and a business degree.”
Tim gave him a small smile and rested his chin on his hand as he started to tell Damian all about his degree and how he was enjoying the program at Gotham University. The rest of the family went on to their own conversations while Damian listened with rapt attention to Tim describing the ATC program at Gotham U. 
The rest of the week was a whirlwind as he prepared for his senior showcase, he had sent out invitations to everyone he wanted to come see his work. The Team had already made a reservation to take Tim to lunch before the showcase before helping him get everything ready. And as the day came to be, they had made good on their word, taking him to his favorite Vietnamese restaurant in Gotham before taking him to the gallery. He blushed as he listened to his three best friend gush over his artwork, as they listened to him explain each piece. They asked questions and made remarks about what their favorite pieces were and even tried to buy a few pieces only for Tim to promise to give each of them prints of his photos. 
The three had left with quick goodbyes, each one giving Tim a hug and congratulating him before they made their way from the gallery. The rest of the evening dragged on as people came by and asked Tim about his photos and the small films that played on the movie screen on one wall. He smiled and explained each photo to anyone who asked. He had wanted to showcase his vigilante photos of the bats and birds but it had been too much of a risk to do so. 
Instead he had shown off his photos that showcased all of his favorite parts of Gotham. From the beautiful gothic architecture, the gargoyles that looked out over the city. He showed the photos from the last time Ivy had thrown a fit in Robinson Park and covered the entirety of the grounds with flowers. He showed the pictures of community from Crime Alley and the beauty of the strength of Gothamites who had managed to survive the worst of the worst. 
He also featured pictures of his family, of Dick hanging from a chandelier, of Damian training Titus to do a trick. He had a picture of Bruce, Alfred, and Jason sitting side by side as they each read a different book. One showed Cass as she posed for the camera in her favorite ballet form. They were some of his most treasured memories, there for everyone to see and enjoy. Tucker between the one of Damian and the one of Dick was a photo of Tim. He had taken forever to set up the camera and get the timer right. Alfred had simply chuckled the entire time as he continued to offer to take the picture for Tim but no one was meant to be behind the camera for that picture. It was the only family portrait of his entire family. Cass, Damian, Tim, Dick, Jason, Bruce, Alfred, they all sat smushed into a single couch together, wide smiles and laughs on each of their faces as Tim beamed from the far side, leaning into Alfred’s side. 
The gallery was meant to showcase culture that was important to Tim. To showcase the life that he loved and treasured. And even if he never felt like he quite fit in the Wayne Family, even though he knew that he was the expendable one, the replacement, he still treasured his family. It was why he had invited them, he had wanted them to see just how important they were to Tim. And maybe they would realize he was important to them too.
Only, the rest of the evening seemed to drag on, and not a single person from his family ever stepped through the door. He waited, shoulders tensed and smile polite. Every bit the gentleman that Janet Drake had trained him to be as he stood with his hands clasped in front of him. He kept glancing at the clock, waiting for Bruce or Dick or someone to walk through the doors, to say hello and look at all the work that Tim had put in the last four years in college. The hours ticked by until it was nearing ten pm and the gallery started to clear out, custodians came in and started to clean up around him. 
Tim cast one final look at the doors before he turned to his photos and started to take one off of the wall. 
“Master Timothy! I am so sorry that we are late,” a voice said and Tim quickly to find Alfred and Damian walking through the doors of the gallery. A small smile spread on Tim’s face as Damian bound forward. 
“I apologize,” Damian said softly, staring up at Tim with disgruntled eyes. “I got into an argument with Father and then Titus scared Alfred the Cat and we spent the last three hours searching for that blasted cat and when we realized the time we came straight here,” he said. “What did the others think of your exhibit?”
Tim’s smile fell and he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “They uh, they didn’t show up,” he said quietly. “But if you’d like, you guys are the last ones to show up. I’d love to show you everything.”
Alfred’s face fell at that as he stepped forward and clasped a hand on Tim’s shoulder. “That is their loss, my dear boy. I would love to see your work,” he said. Before he could stop himself, Tim pulled Alfred in for a tight hug, burying his face in the old butler’s chest as he held him close. 
“Thank you,” he whispered before pulling away. He glanced down at Damian and smiled. “How about I show you my work and then if my advisor is still here you can meet her and talk to her about the ATC program.”
The fourteen-year-old nodded his head once. “I would appreciate that,” he said before grabbing Tim’s hand hesitantly. He followed quietly as Tim showed them his pictures of Gotham, explaining the stories behind each one before he showed them his favorite pictures. His pictures of home and both men let out soft gasps as they looked at them. 
“Master Timothy, these are beautiful,” Alfred said, stepping forward to take in the picture of him, Bruce, and Jason. 
“The lighting for this is amazing, I did not know that I even smiled like that,” Damian said softly as he took in the picture of him smiling at Titus. 
“Oh Tim,” Alfred said quietly, losing all strict politeness that Alfred held so dear to his heart as he took in the family portrait. “This is amazing, Timothy. So absolutely perfect. I remember when you took this photograph. It was right after Thanksgiving dinner last year.”
“I was so irritated, Todd had gotten mashed potatoes in my hair,” Damian said with a huff, a small smile tugged on his face. 
“I did not even realize that Master Richard and Master Jason were hugging in this picture,” Alfred said, a soft smile sti on his face as he took in the way Dick had his arms wrapped around Jason’s shoulders, a wide smile on his face as he laughed at something Jason had said. A small smile sat on Jason’s face, his eyes brighter than Tim had seen since the older man had come back from the dead. 
Alfred tore his eyes from the picture. “How much?” he asked. 
Tim blinked. “What?”
“How much for the picture?” Alfred asked him, turning back to the family portrait. 
“For you?” Tim asked, blinking again in surprise. “Free of charge, considering it a thank you for coming to my senior showcase.”
“I would like this one of Titus and me,” Damian piped up. “It would be lovely on my desk in my bedroom.”
Tim sniffed, his chest tightening slightly. “I would be more than happy to give you both the original copies.”
“Timothy,” Alfred said, turning back to Tim, that soft, kind, smile on his face once again. “I am so incredibly proud of you.”
The vigilante’s eyes burned furiously. “I-I thank you,” he said, a soft sob slipped out of his mouth before small arms wrapped around him. Damian hugged him tight, his face pressed against Tim’s chest. 
“I am so sorry that our family forgot to come to your showcase, Timothy,” he said stiffly. “You are incredibly talented and it is their loss for missing out on this.”
Tim pressed a hand to Damian’s back, feeling tears building behind his eyes that threatened to spill over. “Thank you,” he whispered. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before he looked around and spotted his advisor. “There’s Professor Maheshawen. She’s my advisor. We can go talk to her and you can ask your questions, okay?”
Damian nodded and pulled away carefully, smoothing down the front of his sweater before he followed after Tim to meet his professor. Leaving Alfred to continue staring at the pictures with a kind smile on his face.
Alfred Pennyworth looked at the smiles on his charges faces and let out a breath. One of these days, Bruce and the others would realize just how important Timothy was to their family, how he was the one who held them all together. He only hoped that they would not realize that lesson too late in life. At the very least, Damian was now starting to understand just how wonderful Timothy Drake was. 
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sassyjoy · 14 days
unplanned sleepover
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genre: smut
word count: 1.4k
⋆。˚ ⋆ ☾
"You can sit on my bed," Sooyoung told you upon entering her dorm room. It was quite spacious, you thought. The two beds certainly caught your attention, their neatness contrasting against the cozy disarray of the rest of the room. Posters of romcom films adorned one wall, while a whiteboard covered in colorful sketches and project ideas took up another. On the study desk, a jumble of art supplies mingled with a laptop displaying a digital design in progress. The room felt like a creative hub where the worlds of multimedia arts collided in a harmonious chaos curated by two distinct personalities.
"Do you want anything? Coffee? Juice? Water?" Sooyoung asked as she placed back her roommate's gaming chair near where it belongs.
"No, I'm good,” you replied, casting your eyes around the room, taking in the unique blend of multimedia arts influences in the shared space. You noticed a film camera on the desk and asked Sooyoung if that was hers.
"It's Wonwoo's," Sooyoung responded with a smile, gesturing towards the camera with a hint of admiration.
"Wonwoo? Oh, the guy you've been crushing about?" 
Sooyoung snorted. "That's Jaehyun, dumbass. You never really listen to my stories, don't you?" You laughed when she threw a hoodie at you in which you caught. You knew it was Jaehyun, you were just messing with her.
"Wonwoo's my roommate."
"Oh, I didn't know men and women can share the same dorm room," you said in disbelief, as you knew it was not allowed in most dormitories.
Sooyoung shrugged, unfazed. "My landlord is cool with it and besides, I don't really mind sharing the same room with the opposite sex. As long as they're clean and mindful in their space, I won't have a problem with them. And Wonwoo's really nice. He's neat. We also share the same course so we really get along with each other!" As she spoke, Sooyoung picked her pajamas from her cabinet, preparing to change into sleepwear for the night.
"Why isn't he here though?" You asked as you lay on her bed, getting comfy. The bed felt nice and soft. You noticed some polaroid pictures of Sooyoung with friends near her bedside table. It was cute to see familiar faces from your shared circle of friends since high school.
"Org duties, I guess. He said he'll be home late," she shrugged.
"I'll go get changed," Sooyoung said before heading to the bathroom. You found yourself scrolling and watching tiktok videos on your phone on her bed. It was kind of funny that despite being friends for years, it was the first time being alone together. You usually never had this chance due to various reasons.
Your stay in her dorm wasn't planned. Your car broke down, and with heavy rain outside, the mechanic couldn't come fix it. Luckily, Sooyoung's dorm was nearby. It became your refuge from the storm. Without her help, you'd be out in the cold.
You were sleeping in one bed with Sooyoung. It wasn't supposed to be like that but you've had sleepovers with your circle of friends before. Sleeping in one bed shouldn't be a bad thing. 
What's bad is that you're lusting over her. It shouldn't be like this. You know that yourself. 
You wished you didn't enter the bathroom earlier. If you hadn't, you wouldn't see her dirty laundry. It wasn't your fault that you saw her undies lying there. It wasn't your fault that you had the urge to pick it up and smell it. But you did pick it up and smell it. The thought of Sooyoung wearing it just turned you even more and caused tenting on your sweatpants. 
Here you are, lying on your side with your back to her. You're trying your best to fall asleep, but it seems impossible. Sooyoung, on the other side of the bed, keeps shifting and turning, making it even harder for you to find rest. You just want to get off this feeling. 
'Should I just jerk off in the bathroom?' You've been asking yourself this question for the past 30 minutes now. But the bathroom's kinda far from the bed. 
The room was dark. The only sound you could hear was the rain outside. The gentle tap-tap-tap against the window filled the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere. You're finally getting off that idea in your mind until you heard small soft whimpers. 
You changed your position, now you're facing Sooyoung. You waited for that sound again, because you thought that your mind is just messing around. Was it Sooyoung? Or maybe that was Wonwoo? Her roommate, who's sleeping soundly on the other side of the room. Nah, it won't be him. It sounded like a girl's, you thought. 
You were about to sleep when you heard something again, and this time, you were sure that it was Sooyoung. 
The room was dimly lit, but when you adjusted to the darkness you saw Sooyoung rubbing herself. The hem of her dark blue night gown lifted up to her thigh. Your heart beat went crazy, not knowing what to do.
"Ohh," she moaned quietly. You can't stop watching pleasuring herself. It's a new sight for you. You've known her for years and you never knew she has this side of hers. You were always bickering with each other but you always thought that she was all this innocent. 
You felt hot, wishing Sooyoung won't notice. 
You slightly moved, turning yourself more towards her, to watch more clearly. Sooyoung stopped for a second, scanning your face before going back to rubbing again. 
You can't help it anymore, and moved again, this time your arm flinging over to her side making sure to lightly brush her thigh before resting your arm on her stomach.
"Shit," she whispered to herself, not being able to continue anymore. You felt her try to pull your arm away but you just changed your position, your leg now brushing up to her thigh. You can feel her body heat and heaving, getting turned on even more. 
You felt her stop for a few minutes. 
She then finally rested her hand on top of yours. 
You found it cute not until she lifted your hand and put it over her wet pussy. Your eyes instantly opened, obviously shocked at what she did. Damn, she's not wearing an underwear. 
"I knew it, you're awake." She whispered, you tried to pull your hand away but she gripped it tighter. 
"Can you help me with this one? Please?" She begged as she bit her lip as she guided your hand to her cunt. You gulped. With shaky hands, you found yourself messing with the hem of her sleepwear.
'Why are you nervous? She literally asked you for this.' You thought. Sooyoung squeezed her clothed breast as she waits for your next move. You were contemplating for a second before whispering "fuck it" under your breath and placed your hand over her shaved pussy. 
You traced her vagina with your middle finger. You pressed it between her folds, finding her clit with ease. 
"Oh- fuck... this is way better than using my own fingers- god!" You watched her covering her mouth with her own hands, feeling the sensation you've been giving her. For some reason, you liked how's this going. 
You circled her clit. You can feel how warm and wet she have had become. Sooyoung was trying so hard not to make a noise when you added another finger inside her. Her breathing became heavy and a little unsteady. You placed your other arm underneath her to pull her body closer to you. 
"Does it feel good, Sooyoung?" You whispered in her ear that earned you a grip on your forearm. 
"Feels so good," she croaked. The rain was too loud. Wonwoo won't probably hear what's happening between you two, right?
You placed soft kisses on the side of her neck as you increased the pace of your fingers. You can feel her body wriggle from the pleasure. You loved how every time you went deeper, her grip on you got tighter. 
"Just like that," she whispered. You kept hitting the spot she could barely reach with her own fingers. Sooyoung arched her back, palming her tits as she grinds against your fingers, trying to reach that delicious high she's been aching to have. Her breath quickens as you hit the spot inside her, your fingers scissoring her tight hole. 
"Ohhh," then she exploded. Sooyoung's cum wets your fingers. It took her a minute to calm down. You caressed her thighs as you wait for her to calm down from how she fell apart from the build-up you managed to give her.
"You owe me one," you told her, whispering in her ear while still stroking her soft skin. 
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pinkanonwrites · 6 months
Hands-On Learning (Rodimus Perspective)
Read 'Hands-On Learning' Here!
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art by @archie-sunshine
Rodimus/Human Reader, NSFW, First Contact AU, AFAB Reader, GN Pronouns, G/T, Experimental Sex, Fingering, Oral (Receiving)
I was asked many a time for Roddy's perspective in 'Hands-On Learning', so here it is!
NSFW Below The Cut!
“You're real eager, aren't you? Taking off all your little coverings so fast.~”
If Perceptor, or Megatron, or, Primus forbid, Ultra Magnus knew he was doing this, it could easily be a one-way ticket to the brig. Or Rung’s office. Whichever was closer. The first time had been an accident, sure. A misunderstanding. Something that, if it were to get out to the other mechs aboard, Rodimus could easily brush off as a miscommunication between different species. A miscommunication that wouldn't end with him being questioned about particular fetishes or slapped with a warning about ‘interface misconduct.’
But this? Cupping your soft, unarmored body between his massive digits? Teasing and squeezing your plush organic mass while you wriggled in his grip? This is something he could actually get in trouble for. This was something dangerous. 
And Rodimus loved ‘dangerous’.
Your soft skin yielded so easily beneath the press of his servos, each delicate touch bringing these tiny bumps rippling to the surface of your skin, microscopic hairs standing on end as he stroked you. Your thighs fell apart as he trailed a digit up the length of one, revealing your slick, uncovered valve. 
“Cute.” Instead of following your invitation, he instead poked you in the side of your squishy thigh, chuckling as your muscle shifted beneath his digit. There was far more yield than metal mesh usually gave, warmth molding into the crevices of his joints when he squeezed you again. You let out a soft whimpering noise, grabbing for the seam of his wrist and directing him up, up, until one of his digits was pressed flush against your valve. Once it was there you crooned, hips jerking at the faint rumble of his engines coursing through his frame.
“Yes? You like that? Must feel good pressing up on all your soft spots, huh?” His optics flickered between your face and valve, torn between watching the subtle twitches of your expressions trying to hold back your pleasure, and the slick you were now drooling all over his knuckle.
“Yes…” You cooed, along with another string of babble he didn't yet understand. But you kept rocking your hips up against him, huffing and whining with each ex-vent. He gave the slightest roll of his digit, and even that sensation was enough to have you gasping in his servos.
“So cute.” He reaffirmed, letting his other servo stroke and fondle you while you got yourself off on his digit. With his thumb resting on your chassis he could feel the thud, thud, thud of your fuel pump hammering away, seeming to rev up faster and faster the closer you came to overload. Your little pedes scrabbled uselessly against the surface of the table, pushing your hips up harder, more desperately against his digit as you moaned. Rodimus could feel your valve clenching around nothing as your overload hit you, helm lolling back against his palm with a soft thunk. 
“Careful.~” He teased, digit finally slowing to a stop as your moans began to pitch up into overstimulated whimpers. You blinked up at him with unfocused, glassy optics, slick and limp and looking utterly content in his servos.
The heat pooling in his tanks and behind his modesty plate bellowed, a gush of steam venting through his parted dermas as his engine snarled.
“Slag… You’re so slaggin’ cute.” His digits slunk lower, prodding and massaging at the slick opening of your valve. Your soft skin gave way so easily, stretching far beyond what he could have possibly imagined until, with a wet pop and a sharp, staggering gasp from you, the tips of two of his digits were snug in your little valve.
“Rodimus!?” You yelped again, surrounded by a garble of unfamiliar language as you twitched and shivered in his servos. Your own little digits dug into the sensitive crevasses of his paneling, helm tossed back in ecstasy as he prodded further into your impossible warmth. Rodimus could swear that with each minute curve of his digits he could see the soft bulge of your tank from him prodding within, transfluid spilling out and dribbling down the curve of your aft and into his palm. Rodimus found himself transfixed by the milky substance, unable to tear his optics away from your valve as lubricant pooled beneath his glossa.
“Messy too… Don’t worry, sweetspark, I’ll clean you right up…”
The first lap of his glossa across your valve was electrifying. There was a heady, almost metallic tang to your transfluid, like the powder at the bottom of a box of rust sticks. And each time he teased your tiny node your hip struts would jump right off of his palm, practically humping his open intake. But the best of all had to be your noises. They were even more obvious now, hitched little in-vents and primal mewls as you writhed and gasped and shivered in his cupped servos. The urge to disengage the locks of his interface panels prickled at the back of his processor, drowned out and brushed aside by the mere euphoria of your organic taste. The cling and scrape of your tiny servos against his helm chevron was little more than a buzz in the back of his pleasure-fogged thoughts.
You sobbed out his name again, another spurt of organic fluid spilling from your valve and across his glossa as you clenched around his digits. He lapped at your sensitive node just a few more times before finally pulling away.
“That might have just made you more messy though. Hanging in there, bud? Good?”
Slippery with arousal and coolant and oral lubricant fluid, you lifted your servo weakly to offer him an exhausted thumbs up. Rodimus beamed, squishing your soft cheek beneath the prod of his digit tip.
“Ha! Good. Better get you cleaned up before you get all grimy though, huh? I wonder if you'd fit in one of Mags’s mugs…”
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eyeheartboobiez · 10 days
bruce wayne x gn!reader
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a/n: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG PLSSS😭 i really only planned for this to be a couple of hundred words but it ended up being a couple of thousand lmao but i hope you like it🫶🏿
summary: you’ve been stressing yourself over a case at work, leaving your loving husband home alone. luckily, he knows just the thing to help you wind down.
wc: 2.4K
warnings: smut, barely proof read..
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Just when you think you've gotten a step closer, you end up taking two steps back.
For hours now, you've been stuck at work, desperately trying to break what may just be the toughest case of your career. The only light illuminating the room was the lamp positioned at your desk, as the office was completely void of life – aside from you of course.
You were supposed to be back home hours ago, yet the pile of reports stacked in front of you was nowhere near finished. The forensic evidence wasn’t matching up with the alleged suspect, and the words on the paper before you got blurrier by the second.
Rubbing at your eyes, you let out a heavy sigh, coming to the devastating conclusion that you wouldn’t be able to solve this on your own. While integrity was one of the most essential parts of the job, a little help from a certain someone couldn’t hurt, right?
However, before you could pick up the phone and call your beloved Bruce, a knock was heard at the door. Who the hell could be here at this time of night? Despite your immense fatigue, you were sure your body couldn’t have gone to the point of hallucinating.
Well you weren’t imaging things, because lo and behold was all six feet and two inches of your husband standing at the entrance.
“You missed dinner, you know.” he said, arms crossed and leaning against the doorway.
He made his way towards your desk, his strides slow but formulated as always. The way he stalked towards you had the likeliness of a predator shadowing its prey. Somehow, the darkness of the room became even dimmer.
You weren’t scared though. Nervous, maybe, but this was your husband after all.
As much as he likes to parade the streets striking fear into the villains of Gotham, you know he was a sweetheart at the end of the day. However, if he couldn’t stand you staying late at work for one night, then he’d just have suck it up and deal with it.
“I know baby, but really, I have to get this done tonight.” you sighed, refusing to go down without a fight.
Stressed enough as is, you really weren’t in the mood to deal with Bruce’s antics right now. Closing your eyes, you put your head down on the pile of papers in front of you, hoping to subdue your worsening headache.
“Alfred even made your favorite.” A pair of large hands found themselves at your shoulders, “He was disappointed when you weren’t at the table, love.”
His digits kneaded at your traps, skillfully working their way into all the knots of the muscle. “C’mon darling, let’s get you back home and fed, ‘kay?”
You let out a deep groan, the tension in your shoulders had dissolved in an instant. Oh you already knew where this was going. 
You see, Bruce was a master at the art of persuasion, as if he had the secret ability to make anyone and everyone bend at his will. It was a power that even your eldest son Dick had picked up (to both your delight and disdain).
While you’d usually fall victim to his schemes, now was not one of those times. You were determined to wrap this case up, even if you passed out in the process.
Noticing your stubborn behavior, the dark knight leaned down and began nipping at your ear, ���Damian was even hoping you’d make it back in time to say goodnight to him, you know.”
It was a compelling argument, you’ll give him that, but still you refused to submit to his tactics. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you started to get irritated. Why was it so hard for him to understand you were busy? 
“Bruce, seriously, cut it out. I gotta stay here and work my way through this evidence.” Lightly shoving him off, you picked up your pen and went back to sorting out the documents before you. Although the break was much appreciated, Bruce was proving to be no help at all.
Hoping he’d actually listened to you this time around, you jokingly made a last remark, “Since Alfred cooked too much tonight, how about you show me how much you love me and go grab me a plate.”
“How about I show you how much I love you right now.”
Before you could even question it, Bruce’s lips found themselves back at your earlobe. Except this time, his small pecks quickly transformed into open mouthed kisses.
His fingers went back to rubbing your shoulders, his workmanship more intense than ever. His fingers stealthily trailed up to your throat, squeezing at the area.
As you felt the pressure increase more and more, you finally became aware of what was happening. This entire time, he had been shadowing you like a wild animal.
And now he was ready to pounce.
“I see how stressed you’ve been recently,” He murmured against your skin, “Do you think I like seeing you exhausted like this, sweetheart?”
Eyes closed, you could do nothing but focus on how he sounds, how he feels. Your chest felt heavy, your mind felt hazy, and you couldn’t seem to get the words out to respond.
“Don’t know how to speak when your husband is talking to you? Guess you must be more tired than I thought.”
“No, Bruce I— ahh!”
Your voice was cut off as his hands began fondling your nipples, the hem of your shirt bunched up at your chest.
“Y’know how much I miss you on nights like this?” he spoke up again, leaving wet, languid kisses along your nape. 
“Waiting on our couch, laying without you in our bed, aching for you. Do you actually like leaving me alone like this?”
Your chest heaved at the thought, has he always been this desperate for you? As he continued to ravish you below the chin, your head moved against his lips, mimicking the harsh circular motions of an ocean wave.
Feeling his hand trail lower and lower, your breaths became more and more shallow. Case work be damned, you’d be an idiot to go back to working at a time like this.
“Bruce, this investigation was really important.” You mewed, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“If that’s the case, I think I deserve a little something in return, hm? Lemme look after you, angel.”
With that, you were pulled out of your chair and immediately brought to your feet. Strong thighs pressed themselves firmly against your bottom, leaving Bruce towering over you. 
His dominating aura was overpowering, and you were left heaving at the thought of all the ways he could take you, all the ways he could claim you.
All at once, he skillfully moved to pull at both your trousers and undergarments, leaving them pooling at your ankles. “Open your legs for me, love. I wanna see you.”
In all your glory there you were, lying chest down against your desk, pants to the floor, with your beloved husband practically rutting into you from behind.
You habitually arched your back, aching to be filled. Bruce sighed in pleasure, stepping back to take a look at his beloved spouse. Just the sight of you like this damn near made him go crazy.
His hands circled our waist, thumbs thoroughly messaging the small of your back, “I jus’ wanna help you out, baby. Would you like that? Hm? For me to fuck the stress out of you?”
“Yes Sir! Anything you want from me.”
As soon as the bedroom name hit his ears, Bruce let out an audible groan. As many cases you’ve solved in your career, you still didn’t have a single clue of the things you do to him.
Emphatically pulling at his belt, Bruce frantically released his throbbing member from his slacks. Violently spitting in his hand, he began stroking his arousal, lining it up with your tight opening.
He teased his cockhead around the swollen area, his pre-cum painting the heat between your legs. It was as though he was playing with you, as if you were some toy solely meant for his leisure.
Finally, after edging you for what felt like forever, he finally plunged inside of you. His sex speared into you with unrelenting vigor. Slowly, his shaft inched its way inside.
“‘M gonna fuck you so good that you wont be able to get up for work tomorrow,” his husky voice was leaving you in a trance, “Would you like that, angel? For this cock to take all your worries away?”
“Mhm, please sir,” your wanton moans were like music to his ears, as if the pearly gates of heaven were calling his name.
At your request, Bruce’s demeanor did a complete 180. His unrushed pace being switched out for something much more barbaric. Wet smacks could be heard throughout the room as his hips jerked into your swollen entrance.
The table shook at the force of his thrusts, leaving your pencil case to fall as a result. Papers were scattered about, some even sticking to the dampness of your skin. Your hands went to grip the edge of your desk, looking for something, anything to keep you stabilized.
“This is what you’ve been missing out on,” Bruce heaved, “This is what you could’ve had all those nights you decided to stay here and work.”
You practically begged him to slow down, the abuse to your hole was getting to be exhausting, “Bruce, mmn— ‘s too much.”
But your pleas fell on deaf ears, as his girth did nothing but continue its relentless assault. Your moans started to match his movements, pitch getting higher with each thrust.
“Shittt,” the hero groaned, “You're doing so good for me, sweetheart. Jus’ be good and lay there for me.”
His words were lulling you to sleep, that deep, velvety voice paired with his raspy grunts were more than soothing. Your lids started to get heavier by the second, you knew you were close. Any more of this and you were sure to tap out.
Your cheek was pressed against the surface below you. Eyes rolled so far back, it seemed like you could take a peek of your brain if you tried hard enough. It felt like your soul momentarily left your body as you started convulsing below him.
“Sir ‘m gonna, fuckkk, I’m coming!”
“There you go, love. Ease into it for me.” Although you were well over your limit, Bruce’s movements were still as vigorous as ever. 
You could tell he was close. As his thrusts got sloppier, your hips dug further into the edge of the desk, leaving marks along the surrounding skin.
“Broosh, please, I can’t ‘nymore. ‘M tired baby.” you babbled. Your barely formed words were only proof of how your consciousness was holding on by a thread.
“Shhhh. Just let me put you to rest, angel. Let your husband take care of you t’night.” Bruce’s cock throbbed, the thick appendage desperately looking for release.
Your entire body was limp by now, overstimulated beyond belief. It didn't even register how lifeless your legs were until you felt two arms scoop you up, hugging your midriff. You could just imagine how insane the scene must have looked, two grown adults humping over a table like a pair of wild dogs.
Eyes shut, you were nearly asleep at this point, the only sign of life from you were the light whimpers slipping past your plump lips. Your only purpose by now was to let your husband use you as he pleased, like some ragdoll.
Bruce couldn’t take it anymore. His movements stuttered as his senses came to a peak, “Mmm s-shit Y/N, just stay right there for me sweetheart, I got you.”
Once again, your insides fluttered as cum coated your insides. You felt his weight collapse on top of you as he tried to collect himself. Feeling him pull out, the thick, white liquid painted your skin as your hole throbbed from the aftershocks. 
Bruce’s member continued to pulsate, airy ‘ahs’ nd ‘mhms’ could be heard throughout the room. Bringing you down from you high, you heard a voice speak up from behind you, “You okay, darling? I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“Mm-mm,” you rumbled, not having the energy to give a real response. 
“Don’t give out on my yet, angel,” affectionately rubbing at your exposed skin, Bruce moved to tidy you up, “Let’s get you dressed so we can go home alright?”
Grabbing some spare napkins from a nearby tissue box, your doting husband wiped you down. He made sure to clean up every ounce of the thick cream dripping down your thighs.
Kneeling down, he moved to pull up your trousers, softly kissing the expanse of your legs along the way. You could barely react to his touch considering how spent you were.
As you wobbly stood to your feet, Bruce quickly went to pick you up bridal style, your head slugging against his firm chest.
Honestly, you should have known you would end up in this position the second he walked through the door.  As resistant as you were in the beginning, you can help but feel appreciative of Bruce’s actions, the love you have for him growing by the minute.
Unbeknownst to you, however, there was a reason your husband decided to surprise you tonight.
The case you had been working on, well there was a reason the forensic reports weren’t matching up. There had been a new villain roaming the streets of Gotham, and while Bruce didn’t know who he was yet, he knew he was more than dangerous.
As he placed you in the passenger’s seat, Bruce’s mind traveled to all the innocent lives that had been taken by the hands of this corrupt individual. He surely wouldn’t be able to live with himself if you ended up one of them.
Although he admired your determination, the dark knight knew better than to allow the love of his life to follow a path of such evil. 
So if this little “distraction” was the only way to throw you off their trail, then so be it.
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a/n: feedback is always welcome and reblogs are always appreciated!! ilyyy
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
I just can't get hot college student barista!Megumi out of my head.
How every girl in college is crushing on him and only visiting the café to flirt him, but he would be so, so clueless. He would simply just do the extra-complicated orders that the girls gave him to watch him a little bit longer. He doesn't really care about them, but oh... Oh, how the tables turn when it comes to you. He would do everything in his power to impress you. Flexing his muscled arms while shaking your drink? Check. Wiping the sweat on his forehead to show off his abs? Check. He even smiles to you sometimes! (It is impossible not to smile you back when you smile so cutely at him, but you didn't need to know that). One day, he'll write his number on your drink, he just needs to build up the courage.
nonnie i've been thirsting over this idea since you've sent it to me i just haven't had the time to share my thoughts. but please know. i have been thinking about this for weeks now.
he's just so flirty when it comes to you, it makes the other customers trying to catch his eye pissed. when you come in, his sleeves are always rolled up just to show off a little extra. he'll hold eye contact with you the entire time, and there's not a doubt in your mind that you're getting his undivided attention.
he's never really tried to make anyone think he's cool before, but he tries for you. he gets better at making drinks look flashy, with little sprinkles of coco powder over whipped cream, he even tries to do the fine toothpick art in the foam of your latte- he should stick to the sprinkles, but it's cute that he'd tried. he tries so hard to look cool in front of you.
and that sorta falls apart when you smile at him. because he can't help but smile back and suddenly he feels less like a cool and mysterious barista and more like a dork with a dopey smile and a massive crush.
but you like his smile. you like how you don't really catch him smiling at anyone in the cafe... except for you. it makes your heart flutter.
you hope for a long time that he'll finally give you his number, and it takes a lot of effort on your part. but after a week and a half straight of visiting him on his shifts, he finally scrawls the digits on the plastic of your cup. he probably hesitates and gets really nervous as he's staring at it, hoping it wasn't a douchey move
but when he hands it to you and you notice right away, you light up, all sparkly eyes and big smile.
"took you long enough, don't you think?"
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cyxnidx · 8 months
prompt: open your fucking eyes. shameless little thing.
pairing: enemy!könig x afab!reader
rating: nsfw/smut
content warning(s): blood kink, belly bulge, knife kink
a/n: art by 661ave, nsfw under the cut!
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moments ago, you were simply existing in a room, negotiating with what you thought would be your biggest enemy - about an alliance.
with, of course, winnings for both parties. you, getting your squad alive and unharmed, and him.. you.
and now, his hands roam your body, mapping out your body with slender fingers and needy intent. reaching past your waist, he lifts your thighs and holds you just above his waist. he lets out a satisfied sigh at the way your plush thighs seem to fit almost perfectly into his wide hands.
placing you on a table, he kissed your lips and trailed down your jawline to your collarbone while he yanked off your equipment and pants alike.
slipping your panties to the side, he began coating the tip of his middle and ring finger with your slick. he teasingly rubs your cunt before dipping them into your hole.
your cunt adorned and clenched around his fingers as they strech you more than you'd thought they would. könig slowly worked his fingers into your tight cunt until they were knuckle deep. they curled slightly in your cunt as he fucked you with his fingers.
slowly, he began fingering you whilst stretching you out. fingers hitting against your sweet spot, giving you a sensation which almost made you roll your eyes to the very back of your skull. it was almost enough to make you cum right that moment - but he stopped.
"why stop?" you frown. your eyes travel to his lips, watching him lick his digits clean of your slick. meanwhile, his other hand fiddling with his belt. a print was able to be seen through his pants.
he notices your line of sight and chuckles. "think you can take me?"
you roll your eyes. "don't get cocky."
"i am cocky, darling." he says, pulling out his cock from its confines. you almost drool at the sight - veiny, not too girthy but certainly longer than average.
you scoot your hips toward him a bit, cunt practically dripping with your essence. he laughs at your eagerness, placing a firm hand on your midriff while his other takes grasp of his cock.
guiding the tip across your already sensitive folds, he teasingly dips it in and out of your much smaller hole. "this might sting a bit, doll." he warns before inserting the tip fully.
you both hiss, him at the warmth and you at the feeling of being full - full for the first time in a while. he slowly inches himself into you, pulling you closer by your waist, basically being balls-deep into you.
taking in your figure, konigs eyes wander your body from top to bottom, noticing a slight belly bulge. he chuckles, poking at it playfully.
you swat his hand from it, wincing when he pulls out and thrusts into you harshly. the bulge pokes up from your belly once again, making him chuckle.
"i've created a bulge in you.. isn't that cute." he teases you, continuing to thrust himself into you, speeding up with time.
your cunt clenches around him, adjusting to the new size as tears prickle at the waterline of your eyes.
könig thrusts into your small cunt, belly bulge poking out cutely. it was a shame how you were laying on the table of seemingly an abandoned interrogation room, getting fucked by who's supposed to be your enemy.
all in return for an alliance, and your men to be alive and unharmed by the end of it.
könig pulls a switch blade from one of his pockets, running it across your thighs softly. he fucks you steadily, hands gripping against one of your thigh.
you could feel the sharp metal - it wouldn't take more than a small amount of pressure to create a wound on your thigh.
at the simple sight of it against your skin, your cunt clenched around him.
könig smirked at the reaction. "you like that. huh?" you didnt respond, basically, getting the air knocked out of your lungs when he thrusted into your cunt, deep and rough once again, his tip attacking your cervix. before you could recollect yourself, he slits your thigh, creating a shallow cut in your inner thigh.
you frown at the mark, but admire the way the blood drizzled down your thigh and eventually stopping.
"so pretty, for me." he mumbles lightly, looking at you once again and noticing you closing your eyes while your hand is over your mouth.
he frowns at it.
beginning to thrust into you more harshly, he places his blade against your throat. "open your fucking eyes." he feels you clench around him again as you open your eyes hesitantly, and chuckles deeply. "shameless little thing."
feeling you clench around him a little too tightly. he pulls out, admiring the way your body began to writhe on the table. "you wanna cum? on your enemies cock?" he inquires. you frown at his words. "what a slut you are." he thrusts into you again, grinning under his mask when he sees your expression change almost on cue.
he continued to fuck you rough, pulling out every time he felt your cunt clench around him instinctively.
and every once in a while, he'd add another slit on your body. on your hips, your inner thigh and outer thigh, occasionally putting the knife to your throat and forcing you to look him in the eyes - forcing you to maintain eye contact while practically pounding you into oblivion.
"you tried to cum 3 times now," he tells you, fingers running along your abdomen. "you wanna cum that badly?"
you nod and he adds another shallow cut along your thigh, longer than most you have. "speak."
you frown at his order but obey. "please, let me cum. lemme cum on your cock." you asked politely, voice almost scratchy from the continuous moaning.
könig tilts his head at your soft plea, but follows suit with it. fucking himself back into you, he smirks when he feels you clench around him once again, poor pussy overstimulated and needy.
without a moment passing, your eyes roll to the back of your head, orgasm bringing you to a place you've never seen.
and still, he didn't stop. if anything, he sped up as he admired the white ring that formed around his shaft. it fulfilled him knowing he could have you in such a way.
happy birthday to me :)
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siconetribal · 12 days
Beyond the Bookshelves (2)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: When you're forced to work in pairs/groups when you don't want to work in pairs/groups, work life, slice of life
Summary: You're a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You've been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: Thank you to all the readers who have loved this story so much already, I did not expect so man tag requests! I'll do my best to live up to your expectations in this story that is pretty much writing itself. If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please let me know!
Please comment/like/reblog. If you'd like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
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The walk back to the library was longer than usual, but that was because you were now burdened with a task that was nearly impossible to complete with what was at your disposal. Not only was there so little provided, the personnel allotted was the complete opposite of what was necessary. It would have been laughable had it not been so pathetic. You, someone who normally worked with a set number of others, (most of which were virtual) was now forced into a group with two other members whom you have never even properly spoken to.
Loki probably hates me, he has to hate me. The man-person-god-prince-whatever-he-is has never even uttered a word to me until today! You thought back to the very first time you ever met the silent and brooding raven haired Asgardian.
It started off just like any other day, quiet and peaceful. It was just you, the books, and the sun. Though it was a state-of-the-art facility, the library was given a more soothing design with wooden shelving and tables, soft carpeting, comfortable seating of chairs and sofas, table lamps, and desks for laptops and computers to promote productivity and security. There were a few high-tech things, such as the book trolley being robotic and the security measures equal to the rest of the complex; but overall it evoked a sense of tradition.
You were leading the robot trolley filled with books through the shelves, returning items to their proper place, when you heard the chime at the door. Peeking your head out of the aisle, you were awestruck by the handsome young man whom you have never seen before, slowly walking in and looking around in what you could only describe as pure wonder. There was a sparkle of life in those blue eyes and the faintest of smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. Setting the book in hand back on the trolley, you stepped out and gave a big smile.
“Hello, my name is Y/N. I’m the librarian. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You cheerily greeted him, but only received silence in return as he walked further into the room without even a passing glance. There’s no way he didn’t hear me, right? I didn’t shout, but I wasn’t quiet either. He seems to be really excited about the library, so maybe he was too busy looking around? She opened her mouth to let him know she was here to assist if he needed anything, but he was nowhere to be seen. “I guess he really was just that eager.” You muttered to yourself as you finished your task and made your way to the main desk.
Who is he, anyway? He looks oddly familiar, but I just can’t put my finger on it. You dug through your memories, trying to find a name to the face. When it was clear that it was not something that would come to you right away, he let it be for now and tried your best to see if the newcomer was still here. Had it not been for the occasional sightings, you would have sworn your mind was playing tricks on you. When he finally settled on a few books, you waited for him to come to the desk to check out.
“Excuse me, sir!” You shouted after him as he went straight towards the door. His nose was already buried in one book, and two more were under his arm. It was too late. The alarm at the door began ringing, and a female computer voice came through the speakers.
“Please return the books to the library or check them out at the main desk. I repeat, please return the books to the library or check them out at the main desk.” You watched his head snap up and look around for the source of the disembodied voice when holographic floating arrows directed his attention towards you. You gave a slight wave and put on your best welcoming smile once more. He looked down at the books he held briefly before making his way over to the desk.
“I guess you didn’t hear me, I was trying to get your attention before you left. It’s fine, people make that mistake most of them the time when they're busy. May I please see the books?” He held out your hands, but he deposited the stack on to the desk and pushed it towards you. Ok, you pulled them closer. “Your ID as well, please.” You held out your hand once more and the man simply stared at you, bewildered, with scrunched eyebrows and a growing frown. Lifting your lanyard up, you pointed to your pass holder, which held your ID. “Your ID card, the one that gives you access to the various parts of this facility.” The continued silence was deafening as one of his hands slipped into one of his pockets and he pulled out his ID and placed it on the table. “Uh, thank you,” you mumble as you pick up the piece of plastic and tapped it against a panel to the right of your monitor. Loki? You stared at the name for a moment, the gears slowly turning in your head as you scanned the books one by one before handing them and his ID back to him. “You have two weeks to return or extend your borrow time. Please do not damage them or return them late, you will incur some fees if so. Thank you, I hope you enjoy them. If you need any,” you began to strike up conversation once more, but he took the books and left without a word, leaving you to awkwardly watch.
“Talk about intimidating! I had no idea they brought him here!” You let out a heavy sigh and plopped back into your chair. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him without those big gold horns! Did he really just ignore me, though? Maybe he’s shy? I don’t recall ever hearing him speak, though,” you muttered to yourself, swinging left to right. “He must’ve proven that he’s not dangerous if he’s allowed to be part of the Avenger’s team.” You shrugged and let the topic slide for now. You would give him time to grow accustomed to you…or so you thought.
The encounters that followed were nearly identical to the first. He would come in and completely ignore you, read for hours, check out books, and leave. Not a word came from his lips, and he only ever looked at you with you were not sure whether it was disdain or disgust. At some point, you completely gave up on speaking to him and simply took note of the books he liked. When he would go searching for something of interest, you would set a book that you believed he would enjoy beside the sofa he usually sat. It was clear she chose well, since he would always read and check it out. With all this in mind, you had come to the conclusion he cannot speak for some reason, and you were a rude stranger constantly chattering on to him. Not wanting to spoil his time in the library, you quickly adapted and remained silent in return. 
You dryly laughed at the memories that dropped on you like bricks. You were clearly thinking too highly of yourself, since today you had heard him speak quite clearly. Why would someone remain quiet for so long? After all attempts made to strike up conversation? There was only one valid solution: he hated you. The reason, you were not sure, but it was the only thing that made sense, and that meant you only had one Asgardian to rely on for assistance in your assignment.
Thor can only do so much since he is a main team member and one that is sent out on multiple missions globally. You pinched the bridge of your nose. Even if they forced Loki to assist, he’ll also be sent on various missions as well. I’ll have to wait for them to return every single time because those take priority over what I need to do. Then there’s training for the missions, training to keep working well as a team, meeting, and the press! The work is never going to get done! You wanted to rip your hair out from frustration as you roughly tousled it about and let out a loud groan of frustration once inside your sanctuary, the library. “And this is all if they say yes to helping me out. I doubt Fury is going to demand it, and Agent Hill isn’t going to go out of her way to persuade them. Just forget it, Y/N, fix the report and file it. Then just go on with your day just like you always do.”
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“Thor, Loki, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” Agent Hill greeted the brothers that came into her office.
“Of course we would come. It is not often that you call for anyone other than Stark or Rogers.” Thor gave an amicable smile, while Loki simply took a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. “What is it that you wish to discuss with us?” Thor took the seat beside his brother.
“I won’t take much of your time, it is a new assignment that only the two of you can assist us with.” She took her seat once more and faced the two of them. “Director Fury has given a task to our Resources Management department, the lead of which works here at HQ with us. She is the Librarian. I’m sure you have seen her most of all.” She looked towards the younger prince.
Loki kept a passive outwardly expression while his mind quickly tried to pull out the information of this librarian. He was no stranger to meeting a multitude of people, but he was not foolish enough to assume he would be able to memorize everyone’s name and face. He was a prince of Asgard, the only people he needed to know of in detail ere dignitaries and other royals. This librarian was hardly someone he would have considered amongst the two categories.
“So what if I have?” He coolly questioned, unsure of what the agent was trying to get at with all of this. Is this the reason she requested an audience with us the week before? What task could they have possibly given such a department that requires our assistance? I am not some scribe! He wanted to snap at Hill, but he held his tongue. Though he was an Avenger now, he was still not fully trusted by anyone. He knew even Thor had his reservations, but they knew how the Mind Stone worked. They knew he was not lying, but they were clear in stating they did not know him and this chance was only given because of his brother, Thor.
“Well, it will make things easier for us. She needs assistance in translating all of our texts into English. The department needs to create digital copies of all our books and paper resources so that we can access them anywhere and any time. We do not have the means to simply assign large groups to this task, because it would lead to suffering in on ground missions and recon. The both of you have the ability of AllSpeak which can translate anything you say to English. When you are available, please assist the Librarian in translating the various texts to help speed up the process.”
“This is a side request?” Thor asked, wanting to clarify the priority of this.
“Yes, we do not wish for this to hinder any missions you are needed for. We are requesting you head to the library when you have the time to speak with her and set up a tentative schedule so that she can report back to Director Fury by the end of this month. By that time, she will have the necessary equipment as well. If he approves, then we can move forward in starting this task.”
“You want us to dictate books to her? So she can type it up? Do you not have programs that can instantly translate for you?” Loki frowned, crossing his arms in disapproval at this waste of time.
“Though there are plenty of translation software programs out there, none of them are a hundred percent accurate. They may translate directly word for word, which could destroy the concept of the passages. It may attempt to try to understand the concept, but get it completely wrong. Both of you will be able to read the text and understand the context of it, which will help her type a more accurate translation.” Thor loudly hummed as he considered the task. It was not something he was rather fond of, however he wanted to be of assistance if this would help the organization.
“I am to deployed on a mission with Rogers and Stark in a couple of days. I am not certain how long we will be away. Is it possible to extend the time of meeting with the Librarian?” 
“I am to head out with the spider and bird tomorrow evening and return in four days.” Loki added.
“Very well, I will have her look into your schedules and reach out to the both of you.  If it cannot be done together, I will have her meet with you separately. Your missions will always be a priority, and she is well aware of that. Thank you for your assistance, I’ll inform her of this development.” Agent Hill stood from her seat and the two brothers followed, stepping out of her office and making their way towards the common room.
“Have you actually met this Librarian, brother?” Thor was the one to break the silence.
“I have not the faintest clue on whom they are referring to. No one speaks to me in this sterile place, how am I supposed to meet anyone?” He scoffed. Who would want to talk to a monster such as me? “It doesn’t matter, we will meet this woman at some point and better understand this waste of time that we are being dragged into. If you’ll excuse me, I have a debriefing to sit through.” He turned down the hall on their left, leaving Thor with the harsh words of his reality.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @kats72
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fandoms-writings · 6 months
Pairing: Nomad!Steve x Agent!Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Summary: Requested by anon - "Don't go where I can't follow, I thought I lost you"/"Honey, you're exhausted, go back to sleep."
Warnings: it's angsty, reader curses, but that's about it.
A/N: I promise I'm working on getting through these requests, life is just insane rn and i've been trying to get into some digital art, so i'm a little busy rn.
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The second Steve stepped through the door of their latest safehouse, he knew something was off. The hair on the back of his neck stood at attention and he honed in all of his senses to focus on his surroundings. The others were still on their way, they'd all taken different routes here to at least try not to bring attention here, though it seemed like that didn't matter in the end. 
If the house was compromised, they'd need to make a swift exit, hopefully without killing anyone. But that also meant they had one last place they could safely hide from SHIELD. 
He steeled himself before taking cautious steps through the front room, back to the kitchen where he would check the dining room before heading up the stairs to clear the bedrooms. But there was something that caught his attention in the dining room. 
It looked like someone was seated there at the table in the dark. He clenched his fist, bracing himself for whatever was coming, and turned the light on. 
He thought he'd been found, that sitting at the table was an agent, waiting to bring him in. Or maybe even a Hydra agent, ready to kill him. For a second, he thought Nat could've been there - she did like to scare the crap out of him every now and then. 
But when that light turned on, it was worse than any of those outcomes. It was a sight that had his heart aching in his chest. 
You were seated at the table, staring at him with a gaze of steel, your hands folded over a gun on the table. 
He took a breath to steady himself from the shock of seeing you before taking a tentative step into the room. He didn't think he'd ever see you again if he was being honest with himself, not after he left SHIELD. 
"You were harder to track down than I thought you'd be," Your voice filled the room and he barely kept himself from flinching. You never spoke to him like this, cold and emotionless, he'd heard it in interrogations that you lead, but it was never aimed at him. "I suppose Nat's to thank for that." 
"What are you doing here?" He asked, trying to take a subtle glance around the room to see if you'd bought anyone with you. 
"It's just us, you can stop being paranoid." 
He glanced back to you, only letting his shoulders drop slightly before he gripped the back of the chair in front of him. "Why are you here?" 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, "Not even a 'hey baby, i missed you' huh?" You leaned back in your chair, folding your arms across your chest, "No, 'sorry I left you behind when we went on the run'?" 
He sighed, hanging his head. "I didn't want to leave you there." He muttered. 
"Bull shit," You snapped, "You know I would've dropped everything for you." 
He nodded at his feet, "I know. I'm sorry." 
"Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time, Steve." 
He lifted his head to look at you when your voice broke over his name, the tension in his shoulders from the day falling, replaced by a new stress. The way you were looking at him was devastating. Your jaw was clenched as you fought the wobble in your lips. The bags under your eyes were more prominent than he'd ever seen before, and your chest was heaving in uneven breaths as you kept yourself together. 
"I know," He started, "I know an apology isn't enough. But I am sorry." Slowly, he rounded the table until he stood three from you, his eyes glancing down to your shaking hands as you gripped your arms. "I wanted to come get you, but I didn't know if your department had been compromised or not. I also didn't want to force you to become federally wanted by the government, and there definitely wasn't enough time to talk about it." 
You were silent, watching him out of the corner of your eye as he pulled out the chair next to you, taking a seat and leaning his elbows on his knees. 
"The plan was to contact you when things calmed down," He explained, "It's just taken a lot longer than I thought it would." 
You let out a wet scoff, your voice tight as you said, "You're Captain America, Steven, on the run. What did you think? That they'd forget about you after a few days?" 
The attitude, the sass you gave him warmed his heart a bit - it meant you weren't so mad at him that it wasn't fixable, so he let out a small breath. 
"I don't know," He muttered, "With everything going on, I guess I didn't really think about it." 
"No shit." Your voice broke and he watched the first tear break through your lashes. He reached up, brushing it away with his knuckles before cupping your face, his heart aching in his chest like it was trying to reach for yours. They'd been off the grid for weeks now - weeks that he hadn't been able to hold you, to kiss you, to just be with you. 
"I'm so sorry, baby," He whispered, leaning so far forward that he slid out of his chair, gently landing on his knees in front of you. 
"Did you really think I wouldn't come for you?" You asked and he shook head. 
"I wasn't sure," he muttered, "I didn't know how tight of a leash they'd have on you because of who you are to me." His brows pulled together in thought and his paranoia began to creep back up the back of his neck. "How did you get out?" 
You smirked down at him, not bothering to wipe at the tears he was catching with his knuckles, "Don't you remember who trained me?" 
He huffed a laugh at that. Nat had trained you when you first joined SHIELD - before he was even brought out of the ice. And you two were like peas in a pod. But when you started dating Steve, the higher ups moved you to a different department, to avoid internal conflict and possible distraction in the field. 
He had no doubt that you didn't leave a trail here - hell, you could've even faked your death to get out from under their thumb. But as he stared up at you, at those tears still falling and the exhaustion swimming in your eyes, he decided that was a talk for tomorrow. Maybe even the day after. 
You reached up to grip his wrists tight, your smirk falling, "Don't you ever go where I can't follow," your voice cracked as you struggled to keep it even. Immediately he understood you were talking about how they vanished into Wakanda to drop off Bucky. Even if you had been tailing them, which you probably were by then, you wouldn't have gotten in without T'Challa's approval. "I thought I lost you." 
All the breath was forced from his lungs as his chest caved. He pulled your head into the crook of his neck, keeping one hand to the back of your head and the other wrapping around to grip at the back of your kevlar suit. Your arms wound around him, holding him so tight, like you were scared he'd vanish again. 
"I won't," He promised the words into the kevlar covering your neck, "I promise." 
He held you like that until his knees went numb, pins and needles starting in his calves and feet, and he pulled away from you, standing again. He pulled you from your chair, taking you upstairs to one of the bedrooms with an adjoining bathroom. 
He showered with you, your eyes barely able to stay open as he peeled off your kevlar for you and washed the dirt and oils and who knew what else from your hair before soaping up the rest of you. Once he had the both of you clean and dry, he tucked you into the bed, curling around behind you, clinging to you. 
He'd been trying so hard not to think about how much he missed you these past few weeks. Focusing so much on keeping those who ran with him hidden and alive that having you here like this, asleep in his hold again, he realized just how much his heart ached for you. How much his soul itself had been crying out for you. 
And now you were here, in his arms as he finally let the fear of never seeing you again go. The fear that you'd been corrupted by the system. That you'd been compromised, or worse. 
He let it all go, savoring the time he had with you before there was a small knock on the door. The pattern of knocks told him it was Nat. 
Trying not to wake you as he got up was a fruitless effort as you turned to face his retreating form and you sat up. 
"Steve?" He turned back to you, "Where are you going?"
Your voice was so small, so tired but so nervous as you asked, the question hitting him in the chest. He walked back to you, cupping your cheeks and placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
"I'm just going to talk to Nat, I'll be right back," He gave you a small smile, "I promise." 
"I want to see her," You tried to get free of his hold to get out of bed but he stopped you. 
"You're exhausted honey," He said, softly pushing you to lie back down, "Go back to sleep. She'll be here in the morning, I'll make sure of it." 
"Okay," You sighed, submitting to the fatigue in your body as you easily slipped back to sleep. He pulled the blankets over you, tucking you back in before heading for the door again. 
His hand gripped the handle, and he turned back to look at you peacefully sleeping, smiling to himself before preparing to hear what the others had been through on their way here. 
Being on the run was going to be rough, and people would be pushed to their limits, but you were with him. And that's all he cared about now.
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As always, thank you for reading! Reblogs, comments, and likes are all appreciated!
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hey it's me again how about some more old Predacon buddy maybe how they interact with the other predacons or possibly have Predacon buddy accidentally get teleported to another universe maybe beast wars? Like how would they interact with the maximals or interact with the predacons I am not surprised if old Predacon buddy adopts waspinator Just have like a good old time =]
One way to summarize this request:
Buddy: *sees Waspinator*
Grandparent mode activated.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meets the Maximals
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Buddy doesn’t like to point digits when it comes to blaming others.
But in this case, they will make an exception.
If the Wreckers hadn’t lobbed so close to the relic, Buddy would still be napping in their sunny space waiting for the kids to arrive from school.
Jack was going to show them his art collage.
Miko was going to show off her ballads that she had recorded earlier that day.
And Raf was going to get the next movie of that dinosaur series they were watching.
But no, now they were getting some stick out of their digits on some planet.
The place looked a lot like Earth in the Dinosaur movies Raf had shown them…
Time travel, dimension hopping and spiked energon were all on the table in trying to explain all of this.
Buddy seen some goofy ways bots and cons have gotten into strange situations, Buddy had to think of every possibility.
Buddy sitting in their bi pede mode in a thinking position.
They feel a poke to their side.
Buddy looks down to see a small green servo.
“Help…please… you…squishing me…”--Waspinator
Buddy yelps out and stands up.
A smaller green mech was etched onto the mud below.
Buddy carefully grabs the mech and places him gentle on the ground.
“I am so sorry for that! I didn’t even know you where there!”--Buddy
Waspinator shaking his helm a bit.
“Big Bot appear out of nowhere, how?!”--Waspinator
“It’s a long story.”--Buddy
“Wazzpinator has time.”--Waspinator
“Waspinator? Is that your designation young one?”--Buddy
Waspinator nods his helm.
“And big bots?”--Waspinator
“I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
Waspinator tilts his helm.
“It’s not normal, but it suites me.”--Buddy
“Yezz I am a Predacon under Megatron’s command.”--Waspinator
Buddy’s optics twitch a bit.
“Megatron? And you being a Predacon? But you don’t have the same logo as mine?”--Buddy
“You Predacon too?”--Waspinator
“Yes, but they are not factions. We are a species.”--Buddy
“… Waspinator have you seen any humans here?”--Buddy
“Like them?”--Waspinator
Buddy looks at some early humans playing with a stick.
“… Oh Primus I jumped dimensions…”--Buddy
Waspinator gives Buddy a rundown of the Predacon and Maximal war.
All Buddy wants to do now is hit their helm on the nearest tree.
Buddy asked more about the Predacon’s faction.
Buddy’s optics twitched hearing their leader was Megatron.
Buddy didn’t like the things the Predacon’s were doing.
They shifted the attention to the Maximals.
They seemed a little rough around the edges, but they seemed like the better option to ask for help.
“Which way is the Maximal base?”--Buddy
“Buddy want to go there? Why?”--Waspinator
“They seem like the better option for asking for any help. No offense, but the last time I put any faith in a Megatron, it didn’t end up well.”--Buddy
“But you’re going to take me there.”—Buddy
Buddy stands up stretching a bit, getting ready to transform.
“WHAT! No! Maximals hurt Wazzpinator!”--Waspinator
“I will make sure they don’t. You have my word. Now are we ready?”--Buddy
“But Wazzpinator need repairs.”--Waspinator
“Then you fly with me.”--Buddy
Waspinator nearly faints at the full dragon size Buddy is.
Waspinator had a fun time flying on Buddy’s back.
Beats flying all the way to the base by himself.
The Maximals nearly fainted when a giant dragon with Waspinator landed near their base.
Buddy politely greets them and asks for someone to look at Waspinator.
There is some opposition to letting the enemy in, but they are quickly shot down by common sense.
Buddy looks at this version of Prime and asks to speak with him about their situation. Many of his teammates are very much against this, but he calms them down and goes with Buddy.
He looks almost as lost as Buddy is when they tell him what happened.
Optimus agrees to give Buddy and Waspinator haven for the time being.
Things are a bit tense for the next couple of days as many try and tip toe around the giant dragon.
Buddy was so big they couldn’t even get onto the ship even if they crouched. They opted to stay outside in their beast form for the nights. Anyways, it wasn’t like someone was going to attack a behemoth like them.
Slowly the Maximal’s start warming up to Buddy and their kind nature.
They were all defiantly surprised hearing about their backstory, some more than others.
Waspinator starts his journey to becoming a fellow Maximal, thanks to Buddy talking to him about the good that could come with this new change.
Waspinator makes up for a great Maximal with the right guidance and support.
He becomes Buddy’s second shadow while Buddy stays at the Maximal base.
Buddy has plenty of time to tell stories about their times as a gladiator, their time with the Cons, and their time now with the Autobots.
Buddy talking to Cheetor, Rattrap, Waspinator, Silverbolt, and Dinobot.
“What do you think they are talking about?”--Tigatron
“Maybe about their favorite tree from yesterday.”--Airazor
“Hmm, maybe.”--Tigatron
Back to Buddy…
“Then I raised my sword above the crowd, drenched in the energon of my enemies and asked if they were finally entertained.”--Buddy
Buddy mimicking a sword slash for their audience.
“Wow! How long was that Buddy!”--Cheetor
Buddy scratches their helm.
“Hmmm… Don’t remember the exact date, but defiantly when I was around your age Cheetor.”--Buddy
“Wait how long was it though? Couldn’t have been that long right?”--Rattrap
“Aww, that sweet of you to think Rattrap. But I am a bit old.”--Buddy
“But how old?”--Silverbolt
“How old Buddy?”--Dinobot
“How about I tell you the story about the time I scared Orion Pax in the halls of Iacon from the top shelf?”--Buddy
“Buddy stop ignoring the question.”--Dinobot
“Listen to your elders.”--Buddy
“How old are you!?”--Waspinator
A familiar looking portal appears one day, and Buddy knows its their time to go. Their team finally found them.
They make sure to give each of the Maximals hearty hugs before they leave.
Buddy hugging all the Maximals.
“I will never forget your kindness my friends. If you end up in my dimension, just call for me!”--Buddy
Buddy gives an extra hug to Waspinator.
“Stay strong my friend. You are so much more than what you give credit.”--Buddy
Waspinator hugs them, trying not to cry, before letting go.
Buddy transforms and flies into the portal.
Buddy exits the portal to see the bewildered faces of their family.
“What took you so long?”--Buddy
“BUDDY!”—The Kids
The kids crowd around Buddy’s pedes while the rest of the Autobots follow suite.
Things are finally back to normal.
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Prologue
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Don’t Hang'em Til Noon: Prologue
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader
Summary: Jake “Hangman” Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Mentions of parent deaths, swearing, no Dagger members yet, but they’re mentioned, use of y/n. I think that might be it?
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! Let me know what you all think! Should I continue? 18+ ONLY!! This work is also being published on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator.
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The carriage did very little to quell the seemingly never ending heat of the western territories. In fact, you were fairly sure it was making it worse. You had long given up on attempting to read the many books you had packed - the heat coupled with the constant jostling from the dirt path causing you to nearly lose the contents of your stomach on multiple occasions. Why your brother thought he would try his hand at settling the expansive west, you’d never understand.
Your brother, Benjamin, wasn’t an impulsive, reckless man. No, quite the opposite actually. He had done well for himself back home in Maryland at your father’s law firm. One of the best law firms in the state, perhaps even the entire eastern seaboard. Your great-grandfather had founded the firm, and it was your brother who inherited the family’s legacy when your father had passed only a year prior.
You let out a long sigh, still trying in vain to cool yourself down with your prized folded fan. It had been a gift from your mother on your sixteenth birthday, and it was one of the few things you had left of her now. Your father had been thrown into the depths of despair when she died - the doctor’s had said it was consumption. It was a miracle, really, that none of you had contracted it. Your father had withdrawn after her death, and your brother had been left to pick up the slack as a result. Thankfully, he had already been regarded as a respectable lawyer at the time. So it had thrown you for a loop when he announced one night at dinner that he was moving his practice out west.
You had had been completely against the idea, of course. Why wouldn’t you be? Your whole life was spent amongst polite society in Baltimore. Your friends were there. You had interests there. Your parents were buried there.
“We’ll make happier memories, y/n,” Benjamin had said with a soft smile. “We’ll have a fresh start there. What do you say, Scout?”
Of course, when he called you by your childhood nickname, it was hard to ignore the pull on your heart. You had earned that nickname before you had even hit double digits. Your father was an avid hunter, and despite the constant protesting from your mother, he insisted on bringing you along.
“It’s not proper for a young lady,” she had scowled at him, earning a mischievous smile from your father.
“And so is scowling, my darling. Yet, here we are.”
You chuckled at the memory. Your mother had grown red in the face and practically stomped her way out of the parlor. She had refused to speak to your father until he came home the next afternoon with a small bouquet of wildflowers. They had sat proudly on the table by the front door until they withered weeks later. And you had, indeed, gone on the hunting trip, picking up the art of tracking fairly quickly much to your father’s approval.
“She’s a natural! A regular scout, she is!” he had exclaimed excitedly to your mother when you had returned from the trip. Despite herself, your mother had smiled warmly at his enthusiasm.
Your heart clenched again at the happy memories from long ago. Your mother had died nearly five years ago now, and with your father’s death still so fresh, it was hard to allow yourself to dwell too long on those memories. Perhaps Benjamin was right. What you both needed was a fresh start.
The carriage lurched to a halt on the side of the road, and you heard the driver climb down from his perch. Gathering your skirts, you opened the door and stepped out into the blazing sun. No, the sun was much worse than the stifling heat of the carriage. Shielding your eyes from the dazzling light, you looked over to where the driver tended to the horses.
“Why have we stopped, sir?” you asked, moving to the front of the carriage. The older man looked up at you with a friendly smile, but you could see the tension that laced his shoulders.
“Just giving the horses a quick break, miss. We’ll be movin’ on shortly. I reckoned you’d want to stretch your legs for a bit, anyway.”
“Yes, thank you,” you smiled, looking around at the seemingly endless wasteland before you. Oh, how you longed for the gardens of Baltimore.
“How much farther until we reach Maverick?” you inquired. The newly founded town of Maverick was named after it’s founder - Peter “Maverick” Mitchell. A prominent businessman who had decided to try his luck at helping settle the west, much like your brother.
“Only a couple more miles now, miss,” the driver answered politely, eyes darting around the terrain.
“Are you quite alright?” you asked, nerves starting to eat their way up your spine.
“Just making sure we aren’t ambushed while we ain’t paying attention, is all.”
“Ambushed?” Your eyebrows shot up in alarm. The driver nodded.
“Yes’m. These parts are the Dagger Gang’s territory.”
“The Dagger Gang?” you murmured, inching closer to the carriage.
The driver scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh. “Some o’ the meanest sons of bitches in the west. Gang is led by Hangman and Rooster, and no one wants to get on their bad side.”
You didn’t respond. Of course you had heard rumors of outlaws here in the west, but you didn’t even think to entertain the possibility of them being anywhere near you. A mistake you now regretted. The driver must have seen your thoughts on your face because he offered you a reassuring smile.
“I reckon we’ll be fine, miss. Don’t you worry now.”
“Yes, thank you,” you answered politely, turning to make your way back towards the carriage. It was only a few moments later when you heard the driver climb back up onto his perch. The carriage lurched again as it began to move once again down the empty road.
Oh, what had you gotten yourself into?
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yorutsuki · 4 months
「 ✦ Isekaied Reversed Pt. 3 ✦ 」
↳ Deciding it's better early than later, you inform Xiao about the reality of Teyvat and sooner or later doubts start clouding your head.
[Tags: @itztaki @hannya-writes @7sins7dreams @iota1111 @sakuramouchi]
The two of you sat in the living room, you sat on the couch as he sat on the preferred ground.
"Alright, promise you won't react too badly when I tell you this?" You questioned for confirmation. The adeptus only shrugged. "I cannot promise of what I don't know."
You stared blankly at the short man at his riddle but nodded nonetheless, "understandable."
Clearing your throat you proceeded the explaining, praying that whatever God (at this point), gave mercy on you with whats to come.
"Alright, well, to put it simply—Teyvat—in this universe, is a game that everybody knows about." You stated as it was now Xiao's turn to stare blankly in confusion. Sighing, you pondered of a way to rephrase it.
"What I mean to say is, everybody from your world is but fiction here. They exist—your whole universe exists widely here but its not physical. It exist as..." As what? Joy for us? a digital concept thats basically a roleplaying game in which we can control you and your friends and your whole universe is a lie and turns out to be just code and is owned by a company? Wait- that could work-
"-a virtual game, all code and scripts that this universe's people can control almost. Nothing about it is real yet everything is known"
Silence fell between the both of you. You waited anxiously for an answer, intently staring down the man as he looked like he was experienced an emotional and mental crises.
"So what your telling me..Teyvat—Celestia, everything i've known is just..A lie?" He uttered in disbelief, his whole existance and knowledge crashing down as he shook his head in denial.
"And how do I know this isn't just some excuse? Some lie that you've created?" He glared at you.
You mentally and physically prepared yourself for this thankfully, "promise that you'll allow me to explain everything first before making a final desicion?" You asked as he hesitated but nonetheless nodded.
Pulling out your phone, you turned it on before entering Genshin Impact. You went over towards the yaksha before sitting down near him. Far enough to respect his space yet close enough for him to see.
"See, that's what some of us think are Celestia's gates." You pointed towards the blinding pearly gates, that welcomed you with bright lights. Entering the vast world, Xiao immediately recognized the layout. "That's Liyue..And thats.-" Cutting him off, you nodded in confirmation, "yea, thats Zhongli in a digital world."
Xiao was beyond stunned, he was overwhelmed with questions and emotions-yet little answers and resolves. How could this be? Zhongli's so...small? And it seems you can control him at will.
"-And before you jump to assumptions, no, i'm not physically harming him, nor am I doing any sort of demon arts to control him or anything else. As you said earlier, theres different universes. Theres a common thing called a video game in my world, which is this thingy right here—and Teyvat is just one many games thats been created."
Xiao looked bewildered, distraught and crushed. You felt quite horrible for the man. Maybe you should've explained everything in a easier manner?
You quickly shutted up as you watched the adeptus stand from the floor. "I just...I need time to process this all."
You nodded in understandment, watching the man making his way outside to the balcony before disappearing—only small specs of teal and shadow-like fog trailed behind.
Ceasing this moment, you banged your hand against the table, letting out a tired groan. Emotions and social conflict—especially from or for others, were quite tiresome, thus why you hated social interaction.
You just hope this conflict can be put to ease in due time.
Almost two hours passed and still no sign of the yaksha. You knew quite well not to worry as almost nothing in your world could harm the thousand year old-skilled fighter—not even the FBI or swat team. But...you couldn't help but have a nagging feeling of dread.
Scenerios started to slowly eat away at you, your anxiety increasing with each passing thought. What if he really did leave? What if he had got caught by someone? What if he....what if he decided to find someone who could actually help him..?
The last thought killed your heart. Honestly, you were never the main character type-far from it actually. You were more of a background character that played no significant role in life. Though, this experience would change that—it would give your life better meaning..yet, if that one main factor is gone...then its just back to square one.
Shaking your head, you shoved the negative and selfish thoughts aside,
This isn't about you, this is about Xiao. He's experiencing a life and probably also identity crises at the moment.
But for now, all you can do is give him his requested time.
An hour passed, there was still an absent sign of the yaksha.
Your worry grew ever so slightly. You knew nothing from your universe could take him down—not even the fbi, but you still couldn't shake the feeling that something could've happened.
As you walked around the apartment, no yaksha was in sight, the only option left was the roof.
Making your way up the concerningly long ass staircase, you opened the rusted metal door, only to be met with the same jade spear from not to long ago.
"Is this going to be a natural-daily occurrence or..?" You chuckled, not daring to move in fear of being punctured.
Xiao huffed in annoyance, retracting his spear before it disappeared into his inventory-gold specs replacing it's spot before disappearing. "For someone who knows a lot about us, your will on living seems slim—shouldn't you know sneaking on an adeptus without warning can lead to injuries?" He lectured, crossing his arms with a grunted look.
You rubbed your neck embarrassed, a small nervous chuckle escaped your vocal cords in replacement of words. "Sorry."
The adeptus shook his head, dismissing the mishap before walking towards the edge of the roof top, settling down at the edge, you followed in suit.
The moment of silence was defeaning between the two of you—only the whirring and explosive engines of cars and chirping birds ever so now and then filling the gap.
"So...do you want to talk about anything?" You asked, breaking the small tension. Xiao looked at you before furrowing his brows in thought. Of coarse he had much to ask, he had a bunch of questions and concerns that were gearing through his head, honestly he was surprised he hadn't received a headache yet. Yet his stoic demeanor and built exterior wouldn't allow him to spill—to show vulnerability. Though his persona did allow one question..
You stared at him dumbfounded, "Context?"
"Why...why did you decide to tell me about...all of this?—Why were we made? I...Was everything just..a lie?..." Xiao furrowed his brows as he looked down, his head swirling with unanswered thoughts that ate away at him. It was grueling.
You looked at him apathetically, how could you answer it? You didn't know. "Well, isn't it best to know sooner than be crushed later? In a different perspective, knowing 'the truth'...don't you think it would be easier to let the emotions settle in early than having to deal with them later?" You questioned. The adeptus only looked down in thought before sighing in agreement. "Adding on, I don't think your whole world is a lie. As we're experiencing now, there's a whole bunch of universes. You just so happen to stumble upon one where..hm, lets say indulged in on your world? You—the others, the whole of Teyvat most likely exists in general, just not here—if that helps." You assured the man. You couldn't exactly put it into words as you weren't much of a comforter but fanfics help with that. you try.
Xiao couldn't muster any words, his brain still processing everything. Looking below him at the streets, the moving cars, the occasional barks of dogs, the scenery. With a sigh, he let his mind at ease into a new perspective.
"It...it will take a while for me to digest all of this. But while i'm here, I should know more about this world than anything else." He spoke, his demeanor still stoic.
You let out a small nod, smiling, "of coarse."
[A/N: That took quite a bit, sorry for the long wait, mixed up the plot for the majority and had to restart. I really hope that this went at a good pace and nothing was too fast or slow. TxT, anyways, thank you for reading!]
{ Part 3 }
{ Part 2 }
{ Part 1 }
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