#but then all the lawyers and my parents convinced me to
tafadhali · 1 year
Got hit by a car today
I'm totally fine (if sore) but having someone accelerate into your fragile human body feels really personal
Also having a ton of lawyers and like everyone you're doing jury duty with see and hear you get hit by a car (crying "Why did you do that to me???") as you head into jury duty is a real way to start a day
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that-house · 26 days
My name is Invino Veritas, the greatest pop sensation to ever grace the radios of New Space City. What’s New Space City? It’s like Space City but in New Space instead of normal outer space. Try to keep up, idiot.
My incredibly normal and lame parents, Hal and Sarah Veritas, thought they were soooo funny giving their daughter a name like Invino, and then a traveling wish-god said “you think that’s funny? i’m about to be hilarious” and cursed me so that I have to always tell the truth as long as my blood alcohol content is above a .000000000000000000001. Yeah, you read the number of zeroes right. I can’t even breathe in the same room as a PBR without confessing that I do in fact think I’m smarter, hotter, and more talented than everyone else, which makes me fun at parties.
I was really pissed at that guy for ruining drinking for me forever, so I was majoring in homicide at NSCU to become a totally badass assassin and kill him, but my real passion was always music. When the EP I recorded in my dorm room, My Roommate Fucking Hates Me, caught the ear of a bigshot producer, I dropped out and sold out immediately. I bring an honest sort of grunginess to the New Space City music scene, by which I mean that I pay my stylist $700,000 an hour to make my hair look just a little bit messy before I step out on stage. Nothing too crazy of course, I have an image to maintain.
Smash cut to five years later and I’m six chart-topping albums into a seven-album deal with Lucifer the Lightbringer. Yes, that Lucifer, from the bible and, more famously, those really schlocky 3190s devilsploitation porn flicks. You know, Horns of Desire (3193) and the rest? Yeah, that Lucifer. He opened a record company with the money he made selling silicone casts of his film-festival-winning penis, and my blend of earnest naivety and raw ego was exactly what he was looking for in a star.
When he sent the paperwork, I said I’d have my lawyer look at it, but I didn’t have a lawyer and was too embarrassed to admit it, so I just waited a week and signed it without reading it. Turns out when my seven albums are done I go to Hell forever and so does everyone who’s ever listened to my music. Even on the radio. Or in an advertisement. Sorry. So yeah, I’ve really been procrastinating on this last one. To all my fans out there: make sure you preorder Always Read the Fine Print, because I don’t think I can cash those checks once I’m in Hell.
On the bright side, I think if I play my cards right I can convince him to greenlight a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the album, and that’s basically a free pass to do whatever I want for a year or two as long as it makes for good footage. Obviously if anyone kills me before the album is done, the apocalypse is averted and only I go to hell, but think about this from a utilitarian standpoint: sure, a few trillion immortal souls are on the line, but I think this is going to be some of my best work yet. Plus, I hate getting killed. So whoever’s sending assassins after me, could you please stop?
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evilminji · 1 year
You know... >.>
My Dad always used to tell me, if I get a Genuine Genie(tm)? Get a lawyer first. Before I make my Wishes(tm), so they can help me word them correctly.
Obviously, a human lawyer would not be foolproof... BUT! What about a Ghost Lawyer?
Like? Obviously Desiree would be PISSED. How DARE you twist HER wish twisting! Her THING is "what you believe is your heart's desire always comes at a terrible cost" which is what she DIED to learn.
So obviously she would NEVER, willingly, bend her Obsession for ANYONE. And you'd have to make a DAMN good case to that Lawyer for why he ISNT breaking the law by helping you. Probably some "you can: save the life of an unconscious person against their will/shove an unobservant person OFF the train tracks, even if they get hurt, to save their life" clause.
Like? Using a ghosts Obsession against them? Bad. Illegal.
Using it against their will, to save OTHER ghosts, who are in immediate danger? Not illegal, but they will be PISSED. Still not great though, you will want to apologize and fast.
So like??? Reality Bending Power. Patrick Star Method of "what if we MOVED the city... somewhere else?" Considered at 1am. Team of Ghost Laywers, acquired.
Amity and all Limnals are REMOVED from the DP-verse.
Wish worded juuuuust so. Any ghost that forms there? Yoink! Instantly removed to the Zone. Natural Portals? Cut off. Let the whole Reality fade out at an accelerated rate, as no NEW energy is fed into the system. Entropy will do, what entropy does. Exactly as they wished it.
They hated Death so much, they speed up the heat death of their ENTIRE universe by Eons. Congratulations, you guys "Won". Enjoy the wildly more fragile flora, fauna, and general ecosystems. Now that none of you have that ambient Ectoplasm strengthening your bodies. Yeah, the things you used to shrug off? Those are gonna maim or kill you now.
Doesn't MATTER if you "learn your lesson" though! Cause this is WAY past that point! This is "cutting off the tumor before it kills us" territory, and buddy? Amity ISNT the tumor. Go forth a grow, just like you wanted.
They won't be here to fix your messes anymore.
Because Danny got himself a dictionary thick "I Wish..." contract. Which was worded, as it needs to be, in one loooooooong run on sentence. Shouted "I Wish what's written on THIS, as it is currently, and without any form of editing or negotiation!" As fast as he could. Yote the document in Desiree's direction. And Flew like an INCANDESCENTLY pissed off Genie was trying to set his everything of fire.
Which she was.
Thankfully, Paulina came in clutch with her History of all things Jewelry, world fashions, and Make-Up knowledge. That, coupled with the Power Of Rich Friends(tm)? (Sam. Her mother was THRILLED to take her Jewelry and clothing shopping for something other then blacks and dark purple. They went on a jet setting whurl-wind tour. Sam actually kinda liked a some of what she found.)
They have Apology Bribes.
They shamelessly HIDE behind the mountain of Apology Bribes, while they explain themselves. Is Desiree HAPPY? No. But those bracelets are magnificent and she DOES deserve nice things. Those silks will really bring out her eyes. And she... DOES... admit...
That things are not... SAFE. Any longer. Danny TRIES. Everyone else can see it. And he's made incredible strides! Even convinced his lunatic parents. Though they're still not quite POPULAR. (WAY too pushy and invasive with their questions, for most people.) But the fanatics in white?
They nearly killed Box Lunch. If her father hadn't BEEN there...
And the poor man will have that scar on his back for the rest of his afterlife. Desiree can see why Danny is pushing. Does she LIKE it? No. But...
She supposes she will content herself with the suffering of the Fanatics in White and all who support them. THEIR wishes, twisted. Their ugly heart's desires.
And? The ghost town of what WOULD of one day grown into Amity, had the witch's there not been found by those they had fled from, which sits in long rotted ruins, amongst the trees in nowhere Illinois? Poof! Two "Towns" are switched.
The roads out of town coming to a clean line stop, meeting not even goat paths. Just trees. Old growth.
But it's not ALL of Town, is it? Faces missing. New, confused, faces from every corner of the map, taking their place. No Limnal left behind. No supporter of the GIWs genocide, brought along. Family's kept together where they could be. But by the few, scared and upset, green flashing eyes of children in the crowd?
It seemed for some, it was easier to fear and hate, then love their children.
Already they were being gathered up by school teachers and PTA parents. As everyone tried to figure out what had happened. Concerned, quite muttering a dull roar as everyone tries to coordinate.
Red Huntress joins Danny and Dani in the Sky. She doesn't get a word in. Wanted to know what the HELL was going on. She was with her dad in Chicago! Dani was in Taiwan! Literally! As in, sitting in a SUBWAY station one second, the next? Outside!
But they don't get to demand those answers. Because there is a sonic boom on the horizon. And then? Floating... weird... not ghosts?
That much blue... sure is a Statement. Like the cape and... bloooomers? Shorts. Bikini bottoms? It.. it's a Cool Look, dude! No, really. They are being VERY supportive here! If YOU like it? That's the only thing that matters!
Red Huntress smacks the Danny/i's Repeated upside their heads and demans to know what the Not-Ghosts are doing in their airspace.
Oh YEAH. Good point! What she said! And can it WAIT? They're kinda going through A Thing right now...
Kon? Wants it on record he loves these guys. They're hilarious. The LOOK on Clark's FACE?? He wishes he could frame it. Preserve it for future generations. Thing is? There was NOT a town here a second ago.
Well, bout 30 minutes or so, but you get the idea. One moment? Tree noises. Bam! Thousands of people! Obviously the checked it out. Only to be met with two... three maybe? Heros who have NO IDEA who they are.
Clear Reality warping shenanigans. Might be time travel or multiverse. Question is... are they STAYING? And if SO? What now...
@hdgnj @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
cw: discussion of past parental death due to overdose, mention of drug use
Steve stumbled upon the article when he was helping Robin collect articles for a project for her Industry Studies course.
He didn’t think much of reading about another small time musician getting caught up with the wrong crowd, and overdosing or getting in a drunk driving accident. It seemed like a pretty common theme. It was terrible, sad, horrible, but he’d seen about 30 stories like that in the last two days and he was kind of getting numb to it all.
Until he saw the name Munson.
Until a picture of a woman with long, curly hair and Eddie’s smile stared back at him next to a headline that read: “Kentucky Country Queen Dead at 27.”
He read the article with tears in his eyes.
Elizabeth “El” Munson, a hopeful country singer and guitarist, was found dead in her home by her six year old son, Edward. The boy reportedly tried calling his father at work with no luck before finally calling his uncle, Wayne Munson.
Toxicology reports show that she overdosed on multiple illegal substances. At this time, it is believed to have been accidental and no foul play is suspected.
It has now been made clear that Elizabeth was seeking a divorce from her husband, Al Munson, but had not been successful as lawyers were unable to locate him until her funeral. Their son has been put in the care of Wayne until further notice.
Robin found him 20 minutes later, staring at the page with swollen, red eyes. She took the paper, read the article, and put it back in the files wordlessly.
“I don’t think he wants us to know,” she finally said.
She was probably right.
But Steve had grown pretty close to Eddie over the last six months, had opened up to him about his parents, his fake friends, his concussions and nightmares. Eddie had started opening up to him, too.
He thought he had, anyway.
He told him about how his mom died when he was young and his dad was awful so he moved in with Wayne. He told him about how his dad appeared every couple years looking for money or a place to stay and Wayne always turned him away.
But he never really talked about his mom, always said he barely remembered her.
Did he know what happened?
Steve asked Wayne the next morning.
He’d come by to pick Eddie up for a day with the kids, but Eddie hadn’t set his alarm and was still asleep.
Perfect opportunity to find out more.
“So. Eddie’s mom.”
Wayne tensed over his plate of toast and scrambled eggs. He didn’t look up, just took another bite of food.
“Does he know how she died?”
“Do you?”
“Newspaper said overdose,” Steve tapped his fingers nervously against his thigh. “Says Eddie found her.”
“Trauma messes with your memory.”
It was final, a statement that left Steve with more questions, but a certainty that he’d get no answers.
“Yeah.” He gulped. “I’ve heard.”
Steve doesn’t bring it up to Eddie for a while.
He figured Wayne’s reaction said a lot about what Eddie knew or would be willing to share.
But they were a little high and alone and Eddie’s hand was warm in his and his filter was broken.
“I’m sorry you had to be the one to find your mom.”
The air around them was thick. The silence was deafening.
“Me too.”
Eddie’s voice was quiet, nothing like his usual playful tone.
Steve immediately wanted to put this conversation in reverse, pretend his curiosity didn’t matter.
“I’m sorry.”
Eddie moved closer to Steve, his arm a constant pressure against Steve’s. His head leaned against Steve’s shoulder.
“Wayne doesn’t know I know how she died. He doesn’t know I know my dad gave her bad drugs, convinced her all the up and coming musicians were doing a new strain of heroin. She’d kicked him out of the house,” Eddie’s breath caught. “She shouldn’t have let him come back that day. I heard them arguing before I left for school. She told him she was finding a manager and recording an album and that she was divorcing him. I didn’t know what that meant, but I knew it was bad.”
“Eds, you don’t have to tell me.”
“I know, Stevie. But you know everything else.” Eddie’s face turned until his nose and mouth were pressed against Steve’s arm. “I went to school. Didn’t think about it. Figured my dad would be gone when I got home and might come back in a few days once they cooled off. But when I got home, he was gone and my mom’s bedroom door was closed. And I opened it and there she was.”
Steve turned so he was face to face with Eddie, cupping his jaw and rubbing his thumb along his cheek in encouragement.
“I don’t even know why I tried calling the store first. I didn’t even know if he still worked there. But then I called Wayne and it’s like he just knew.” Eddie’s eyes closed for a moment. “Don’t think he’d ever gotten to our house so quick.”
“Did he know all this?”
“He knew enough. I stayed with him and then my dad gave up his rights. Lied to the counselor about what I knew so Wayne wouldn’t freak. Kept it up for a while,” Eddie let out a small exhale that slightly resembled a laugh. “I read the article about eight years ago. A kid in my class made a joke about me being an orphan because of the drug problem in America as if he even knew what that meant and I decided to see what the newspaper reported.”
“Do you play because of her?” Steve asked.
Eddie blinked back at him.
“I play for a lot of reasons. But I started because of her, yeah,” he whispers. “You’re the first person to ask me that instead of give me that look of pity.”
“I’m sad about how it happened, but giving you pity doesn’t change it. I’d rather hear how it changed you,” Steve whispered back.
They were close, legs intertwined, hands touching bare skin under shirts and on faces and necks.
“It changed everything for me. Wayne packed us up and moved us here as soon as he legally could. Probably for the best. Well,” Eddie gave a small smile. “Definitely for the best. Wouldn’t be here with you if he hadn’t.”
“Do you ever go back?” Steve did his best to ignore the fluttering in his stomach.
“Her birthday every year. She’s got a nice spot near her mom.” Eddie bit his lip. “It’s actually coming up in a couple weeks. Maybe you could come with me?”
“Me? Are you sure?”
Eddie nodded. “If it doesn’t weird you out that I talk to her. I like to give her updates on my life, Wayne’s life, music. Think she’d find it quite funny that I bring the guy I’ve had a crush on for two years.”
It takes a minute for the words to sink in.
“Two years?” Steve’s lips curled up into a smile. “I hope I live up to expectations.”
“I think she’d like you. She’d definitely make fun of me for having a boyfriend who wears polos though.”
“Is that how you’d introduce me?”
“If you’re okay with it.” Eddie leaned his forehead against Steve’s. “I know we haven’t talked about what we-“
Steve pressed his lips to Eddie’s, nearly knocking their noses together painfully in the process.
After the initial shock, they both relaxed into the kiss.
“I’d love to go. As your boyfriend,” Steve said after pulling away for air. “What was her favorite flower?”
“Gardenias. Always wore perfume that smelled like it. Why?”
“Because I have to impress her, right?”
“You realize she’s not gonna actually see or hear you? She’s definitely dead.”
Steve snorted. “I know. But she can still have nice things. Maybe us bringing her nice things in death is a way to apologize for the not nice things she had in life.”
“You’re a pretty incredible boyfriend, sweetheart.” Eddie kissed the tip of his nose. “And you now know more than Wayne, so it’s time for a pinky promise.”
Steve giggled before holding up his pinky. “I swear I won’t tell Wayne anything.”
“And you’ll kiss me whenever I want…”
“That’s a guarantee.”
“And you’ll let me win at Go Fish…”
“Not a chance, Eds.”
Eddie laughed. “Worth a try.”
Steve curled his pinky against Eddie’s. “So do you think she’d like me?”
“Oh. Oh god. She’d love you. You’re exactly who she’d want for me,” Eddie rolled his eyes when Steve flipped his hair back confidently. “And she’d braid your hair every night while you gossiped and sipped tea.”
“And what would you do?”
“Probably just soak it in. Appreciate having her and you around. You’ll just have to gossip with Wayne.”
“Wayne doesn’t strike me as-“
“Oh, he’s got you fooled! He’s a worse gossip than the ladies at the hair salon. Just ask him about the mailbox at the end of the road sometime. Make sure you’ve got an hour to spare.”
“Really?” Steve’s eyes lit up. “Is he home now?”
Eddie pulled Steve forward until he was flush against his front. “No and I have much better plans than gossiping with my uncle.”
“Oh?” Steve’s brow raised.
“It involves my bed and handcuffs. You in?”
“Hopefully you’re in.”
“God, you’re ridiculous. C’mon, now I’m even harder from your stupid flirting,” Eddie sat up and tugged until Steve followed. “Can’t believe this is how my night’s going.”
“Believe it, baby.”
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Summary: With no friends and the looming threat of losing custody of his son, Eddie's the lowest he's ever been. But you know what they say: “Rock bottom just means there’s nowhere to go except up."
Warnings: angst, visits from CPS, Reader's grandma has Alzheimer's
WC: 6k
Chapter 5/20
Scruffy!Eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple Divider credit to @saradika
The phone rings as Eddie wrestles Harris into his jacket. He still hasn’t figured out how to break the news about his classroom change; at this rate, he’ll be dropping him off at school before he works up the nerve. Is there any good way to tell your kid that he no longer gets to spend his days with his favorite teacher?
“Keep that on,” Eddie instructs Harris, pointing to the navy blue sweatshirt. “I’ll zip it for you in a sec.” He jogs over to the phone, answering with an irritated, “Hello?”
“Ed?” Wayne’s voice drifts from the receiver. “It’s Wayne.”
Eddie nods before remembering that Wayne can’t see him. “Y-Yeah, hey,” he says, tone softening at his uncle’s familiarity. There’s a dull ache in his chest when he thinks of how he willingly shut him out over the last month. “How’ve you been?”
“Good. Can’t complain.” Wayne clears his throat. “I’d love to see you and Harris. Whenever you get the chance.” Eddie can hear his concern, the unasked questions that dissolve on his tongue: Are you okay? Is Harris? Do I need to file that custody agreement?
He glances over at his son, who, despite Eddie’s promise, is unsuccessfully trying to thread the zipper with its teeth. He motions him over, cradling the phone to his ear and stretching the cord while he kneels to fasten the jacket. “We were actually about to head to the park if you wanted to meet us there,” he says. “This kid’s got way too much energy to keep him cooped up in the apartment. We’ll both lose our minds.”
Wayne lets out a kind chuckle. “Sounds like a Munson.” Eddie can hear the tinny jangle of his keys. “The park over on Porter Drive?”
“Dad, let’s go!” Harris whines, twisting the doorknob back and forth to emphasize his impatience.
“We’ll be there in ten,” Eddie tells Wayne, catching a glimpse of the neon orange cast peeking out from under Harris’s jacket. It’s now adorned with his classmates’ names. Your signature seems to beckon Eddie, taunt him, even, and he tries to convince himself that it’s because it’s the only one that doesn’t resemble chicken scratch. “Oh, Harris broke his wrist, but he’s fine. I’ll explain everything when I see you.”
“Hoo boy,” Wayne breathes. “Definitely a Munson.”
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Harris spends the short drive to the park bouncing in his carseat. “Is Grampa Wayne gonna play with me?” he asks, rocking back and forth excitedly.
“Mhm,” Eddie nods, keeping his eyes trained on the road. He nervously thrums his fingers along his jean-clad thighs. What if Wayne still didn’t think he was a responsible parent? What if he took one look at Harris’s injury and raced home to call his lawyer? “But I gotta talk with him first, okay? You can play by yourself for a little while.”
Harris hums his agreement, eagerly unbuckling as soon as Eddie parks the car. He starts to run towards the field, and all Eddie can picture is him tripping and hurting himself again.
“Harris, don’t–” he starts, but he then remembers those magic words: “Walking feet, bud. Don’t want you breaking that other wrist.” He grabs the soccer ball from the trunk and kicks it in Harris’s direction.
Wayne pulls up in his truck a few moments later, almost as exuberant as his grandson. “Har-Bear!” he calls out, opening his arms wide for a hug. Harris picks up his pace, slowing down when he remembers his dad’s instructions.
“I’m using my walking feet!” he chirps proudly, and though they’re fast walking feet, Eddie beams at him.
Wayne squeezes Harris so tightly that Eddie worries he’ll inadvertently cut off his oxygen supply. When the boy starts squirming, Wayne laughs and puts him down.
“Go ahead and play,” Eddie tells his son. “Grampa Wayne and I are gonna catch up real quick.”
There’s an uncomfortable silence as the two men sit on the bench, waiting for the other to say something first. Finally, Wayne breaks through the tension.
“Missed you two,” he murmurs, not looking at Eddie. “‘S too quiet around my place without that little rugrat.”
“We missed you, too,” Eddie admits, chewing on his thumbnail. “Harris won’t stop asking for Grampa Wayne.”
Wayne preens slightly at this, shifting in his seat. “This is the longest we’ve gone without talking since…”
“I know,” Eddie cuts him off, not wanting to revisit the part of his past that Wayne’s referencing. “I, uh, started working at Rock Records,” he tells him, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “It sucks, but it’s a job.”
He feels Wayne clap him on the shoulder, pulling him closer to him for a brief side hug. “I’m proud of you, Ed.” He purses his lips before asking, “and no more of the…”
Eddie shakes his head. “Nope, I’m done with that. Returned the rest of what I had to Rick; told him I was out.” His gaze drops back to the ground, and he stares intently at the blades of grass as though they might disappear if he blinks. “But that might not matter anymore anyway, so…”
“The hell you talking about?” Wayne pinches his eyebrows together, adjusting his position to face his nephew.
Sighing, Eddie tells him about what happened at the hospital last week. Wayne’s eyes widen when he hears that they filed a report with CPS. “That’s some bullshit,” he mumbles, scratching at his gray beard. “Kids get hurt all the time. Can’t keep ‘em in a bubble.” He shakes his head incredulously. “They’re not gonna take him from you, okay? They’re gonna see how you provide for him, how great you are with him, and they’re gonna be sorry they wasted their time.”
“I’m not great with him,” Eddie mutters, standing up in a feeble attempt to exert some of his nervous energy. “I’m ruining his life.” He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “He had this teacher, and he adored her. Calls her ‘Ms. Sweetheart.’ And I was just…just a total asshole to her. I accused her of telling people about the CPS thing and said some really fucked up shit about her sick grandma and…fuck, Wayne. She had Harris transferred to another class just so she doesn’t have to deal with me. And now I have to say, ‘Hey, you know that teacher you fuckin’ loved? Well, she’s not your teacher any more, and it’s all my fault.’”
Wayne absorbs the information, contemplating what he says next. “So fix it,” he shrugs.
“It’s not that simple,” Eddie argues, plopping back down onto the bench in defeat. The wood digs into his lower back uncomfortably, so he stands up again.
“It’s not?” Wayne questions, digging a pack of Newports out of his jacket pocket and offering one to him. “Because it sounds to me like you owe this ‘Ms. Sweetheart’ an apology.”
Eddie takes a cigarette, toying with it before tucking it between his lips. It takes a few flicks of his old Bic lighter to get a spark, and he lets the nicotine calm his nerves before speaking again. “I don’t think she’ll forgive me.”
“Never said she would,” Wayne counters, plucking the Bic from Eddie’s hands and bringing the flame to light his own cigarette. “Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apologize.”
Inhaling sharply, Eddie watches his son kick the ball around before letting out a slow, controlled exhale. “My boss asked if I could teach guitar lessons once or twice a week,” he says, using his empty hand to toy with the frayed holes in his jeans. “If…if you wanna, could you watch Harris? I can pay you.”
“Don’t insult me, boy,” Wayne scoffs, but a playful smile dances on his lips. “You’re not gonna pay me to watch my own grandson. Just let me know the day and time, and I’ll have a pot of mac and cheese ready to go.”
The pent-up tension dissipates from his body at Wayne’s easy agreement. An unspoken I love you floats between them, and he could cry from the sudden surge of relief.
“Daddy! Grampa!” Harris calls out from across the park. “Let’s play!”
Wayne stands up with a grunt, rolling his shoulders back to loosen them up. “You heard the man,” he jokes. “Up and at ‘em.”
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It’s your first day off of work since the start of the school year, yet all you can think about are your students. Well, one particular student and his god-awful father. Eddie’s comment replays in your mind, cutting through you like the chilly mid-October air. The sting still hasn’t faded, despite it being three days since he’d said it. 
You say goodbye to your grandma and Elise, her home health aid, grabbing your car keys and closing the door behind you. This morning was already overwhelming; Grandma had woken up at 5 AM, ready to start her day. The sound of her TV blasting at the highest possible volume jolted you from your sleep, and you’d spent the following twenty minutes trying to persuade her to go back to bed. Unsuccessfully, you might add. 
You wince when you see your reflection in the rearview mirror. Your eyes are puffy and bloodshot, with pouches developing beneath them that only emphasize your exhaustion. You practice smiling a few times before starting the car, peeling out of the parking lot to meet Jess, Viv, and Jeff for lunch.
The pleasant aroma of burgers cooking on a grill wafts past your nose as you push open the doors to the restaurant. It isn’t too crowded when you arrive; you assume that the usual lunchtime rush is quelled by the Columbus Day holiday. Your new friends are already waiting at the table, waving you over excitedly.
“Hey,” you call out, forcing pleasantries into your otherwise flat tone. You slide into the seat next to Jess and across from Jeff. “How’s everyone been?”
“Better, now that I’m out of the first trimester,” Viv says with a small laugh. “Now that I have my appetite back, I’m definitely getting the grilled cheese.” She glances at the menu again, adding, “and a side of fries.”
Jess nods. “I think I’ll do the same.” She turns to you and her cheerful expression shifts to one of concern. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, just tired.” Your lackluster reply is unconvincing, but she doesn’t challenge it in front of Jeff and her sister. “Chasing after kids all day is wearing me out.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Viv exclaims, taking a sip of her water. “You’re a preschool teacher. The one with Eddie’s kid in your class!”
“Mhm,” you manage; the mere mention of Eddie’s name turns your throat into sandpaper. “Well, not any more, I guess.” Your throwaway comment is met with inquisitive stares, so you give the group a rundown of last week’s events, watching their eyes grow wide.
“He’s such a fucking douche,” Jess grumbles, resting her hand over yours. It feels like forever since you’ve experienced the simplicity of a kind gesture, and you have to swallow the emotion that comes with it. 
“Seriously,” Viv agrees, looking over at Jeff. “Why were you even friends with him?”
Jeff lets out a terse chuckle and shakes his head. “Believe it or not, he actually used to be a good guy. The best, in my opinion.” Disappointment flashes across his face as he continues. “Something changed when he went to Chicago. He was always on-guard, had his walls up, but it used to be more of an ‘if you mess with me, I’ll mess with you’ attitude. But when he came back home, he was…different.”
“Different how?” Curiosity gets the best of you, and the question slips off of your tongue before you can stop it.
“It was like he was determined to hurt people before they could hurt him. No matter what I did, he never fully believed that I was on his side. I was constantly trying to prove that I wasn’t out to fuck him over.”
Viv drapes an arm over her fiancé’s shoulder. “How long did he live in Chicago, again?”
“Long enough to knock someone up,” Jeff muses, mind wandering for a moment before he brings himself back to the conversation. “About four years, I think? He left to chase his dreams of being a rockstar. Then one day, he shows back up in Hawkins with an infant, trying to act like nothing had changed.” He snorts at the very idea of it. “But it obviously did–I mean, besides the fact that he had a whole child, the rest of us had grown up, too. College, work, all that stuff.
“When he suggested getting Corroded Coffin back together, we figured, why not? It seemed like a decent way to chill out, blow off some steam at the end of the day.”
“Let me guess,” you chime in, cocking your head knowingly. “Eddie had other ideas.”
Jeff nods. “He still wanted to do the rockstar thing. And he’d always get angry at us because we didn’t. Not professionally, anyway. Kept mocking us for having 9-to-5 jobs, like it was the worst thing in the world.” He pauses, screwing up his face in contemplation. “Which, come to think of it, was weird. Because back in high school, he told me that it really messed with him, not having that stability growing up. Y’know, before Wayne took him in.”
There’s so much more you want to know, but the waiter striding over to the table to take orders brings the conversation to a natural conclusion. What you’ve gathered so far is that Eddie Munson is a many-layered man, each one more puzzling than the last. Despite your festering hurt and anger, you can’t help but hope that he untethers himself from his complicated past. If not for his sake, then for Harris’s.
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“Daddy, what’s a new cents?”
Eddie’s taking the left turn onto the main road when he hears his son speaking from the back seat. “What’s new since when?” he asks, craning his head to check for oncoming traffic. 
“Noooo,” Harris whines, letting out an exasperated sigh. Eddie has no clue where his new attitude came from, and he can’t say that he’s a fan. “A new cents.”
“That’s not a thing, buddy,” Eddie answers, starting to twist the radio knob. 
“Yes, it is!” Harris insists, clearly growing frustrated. “Ms. Marion told Ms. Paula that I’m a ‘new cents.’”
It suddenly clicks for Eddie, and he grips the steering wheel tighter and hopes Harris doesn’t notice the edge in his voice. “You mean a nuisance?”
“That’s what I said!” Harris groans. “What does it mean?”
Eddie pushes past the question to ask one of his own. “What exactly did Ms. Marion say?” Maybe there was a misunderstanding, he reasons with himself. 
But Harris’s answer only confirms his initial suspicion. “She looked at Ms. Paula and said, ‘this one’s a ‘new cents.’ An’ then she pointed to me.”
“Why the hell would she say that?” Eddie’s speaking to himself, but his son replies, still too young to grasp the concept of rhetorical questions. 
“‘Cause of my shoes being untied. An’ she doesn’t like when I ask her to tie them.”
Eddie cringes. He’d meant to teach Harris how to tie his sneakers, but the lessons had to be put on hold when the kid had broken his wrist. Pausing before posing his next question, Eddie carefully selects his words. “Did…Did Ms. Sweetheart ever do that? Get mad about your shoes or call you a nuisance?”
“Nope,” Harris shakes his head. “An’ Mr. Will didn’t either.” And considering that his laces had always been tied in neat bows when Eddie arrived to pick him up, he can only assume that the two of you did this without a second thought. Jesus, why even bother to be a preschool teacher if you’re gonna bitch about tying shoes?
“So, what is it?” Harris snaps him from his thoughts. 
“Huh?” Eddie’s right foot presses on the brake as he approaches a stop sign. “Oh. Um, I don’t know. Sorry, Har.” It’s the second time in as many days that he’s lied to him in order to spare his feelings. Yesterday, he’d waited until they were already in the school to tell Harris that he was picked for a super special project where he’d act as a secret agent in another class. He didn’t know whether to be proud or ashamed that he’d spent all night thinking of that excuse. 
“‘S’okay,” Harris shrugs, raising and dropping his legs so they bounce off the bottom of his carseat. His ankles are exposed, and Eddie realizes that he must’ve grown. Again. Which means that he needs to scrape together some money and buy him new clothes. Again. “How much more days until I get to go back to Ms. Sweetheart’s class?”
“Not sure.” Lie number three. He flicks on the radio, the sounds of Ozzy effectively distracting Harris for the remainder of the car ride. 
If only it was that easy to fool himself. 
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A harsh knock on your classroom door and the formality of your first and last name draws your attention from the mountain of paperwork on your desk. Will left thirty minutes ago with the rest of the TAs, so you’ve been sitting alone, humming a song you’d listened to on the car ride to work.
“Yes, that’s me,” you tell the tall man standing in the doorway. His intimidating stature and sullen disposition juxtapose the orange and yellow hues of autumn-themed artwork lining the walls. “Can I help you?”
He flashes a name tag as he steps into the classroom. “My name is Andrew Smith. I’m here on behalf of Child Protective Services to speak to you regarding one of your students…” he checks his notes, “Harris Munson.”
“Oh, um,” you stumble over your words, “he’s–he’s not my student any more. Not since Tuesday of this week.”
“Right,” the social worker nods slowly, patience already running thin, “but I briefly spoke with his new teacher, and she said that she didn’t have enough information to answer the questions, and directed me to your classroom.” When you don’t respond, he gives the legal rundown about the process and your obligations as a mandated reporter. “Do you understand?”
“Then let’s proceed with this, shall we?” He clicks his pen, eyes boring a hole into you as he speaks. “How well would you say you know Harris’s father, Edward Munson?”
More intimately than you know, you bitterly think. “Fairly well. He dropped Harris off and picked him up every day.”
Mr. Smith scribbles that down. “Was Edward Munson punctual? Did he drop off and pick up Harris on time?”
“Yes,” you confirm, and your mind flickers back to the very first day of school. “There was only one time he was late for pick-up, but it’s common for that to happen once in a while with any parent.”
“Right, okay. And how would you describe Harris’s disposition around his father?”
“He adores him. He’s a generally happy kid, but he lights up around his dad. Or even when he’s just talking about him.” One lunchtime conversation in particular centered around how his dad could play anything on the guitar, even “Old MacDonald.” Harris had been bursting with excitement to report that Eddie made the funniest animal sounds, and you’d be lying if you’d said your interest wasn’t piqued. “I’ve never seen Harris act nervous or scared around him.”
Pen flies across the paper, and you swear he’s writing more than you’d even said. “Besides the broken wrist, did you ever notice any injuries or abnormal bruising anywhere on Harris’s body?” 
You shake your head before realizing he’s waiting for a verbal response. “Nope, never. Just the usual bruises that come with being a kid.”
Mr. Smith cocks his eyebrow, pressing his lips together. “And where were those bruises located?”
Shit. Did you say too much? Why can’t you just shut up when you’re nervous? “Knees and calves?” You point to the spots on your own body, as though the social worker needs visual aides, while silently berating your own stupidity.
“And based on your interactions with him, how would you describe Edward Munson as a father?” It’s a loaded question, and its magnitude is a weight on your chest. 
“Caring, attentive, very loving,” you answer honestly. “Responsible. Harris always showed up with lunch and a snack, bathed, clean clothes, whatever supplies he needed. I never worried that Harris was unsafe or in an unhealthy environment.” You force yourself to meet Mr. Smith’s gaze when you say the next part. “We, um, actually were at the hospital at the same time. My grandma got hurt, and we bumped into them when being discharged.”
This grabs his attention. “And did Mr. Munson appear to be impaired or otherwise behaving out of sorts?” The way he looks at you could easily be mistaken for a glare. “Under the influence of any substances, perhaps?”
“Not at all.” You keep your tone firm and even.
He shoves the paperwork at you, pointing to where your signature is required. “Thank you for your time,” he says flatly, leaving the room before you have time to reply. It seems nearly impossible to go back to the task you were working on before the interruption, but you try to push away the intrusive thoughts about everything that could possibly go wrong.
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An hour later, the heavy-handed knock raps on the door to the Munson’s apartment. Eddie knows the drill; unfortunately, this isn’t his first run-in with Child Protective Services. He’s double, triple, quadruple-checked that every electrical outlet is covered, the matches and lighters are far from Harris’s reach, and there’s no remaining product from his recently-abandoned dealing days. The visit is technically unannounced, but since he’s not getting many visitors these days, there are limited options of who could be at his door.
“Edward Munson?” The social worker asks, giving him the same opening spiel he gave you. “I’ll just need to take a look around your home and make sure it’s a suitable living environment for your son.”
“Of course.” Eddie hopes he sounds more confident than he feels, but he can sense the waver in his voice. “Yeah, come on in.” He opens the door a bit wider and lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, drawing unwanted attention from the social worker.
“Something the matter, Mr. Munson?”
“N-No,” Eddie insists, shaking his head. If he confesses to being nervous, this Smith guy could mistake it as an admission of guilt, and that’s the last thing he wants. “Just, um, long day?”
Smith recognizes the response with nothing more than a disbelieving glance as he makes his way through the apartment. Eddie watches silently, pushing down his anxiety with a thick swallow. His mind races when the social worker rummages through the refrigerator. Are there fruits and vegetables in there? Did I throw out that container of leftover spaghetti that overstayed its welcome? His stomach sinks when Smith marks something down in his notes but doesn’t have time to ruminate over it before Harris pokes his head out from the bedroom.
“Daddy? You gonna come back an’ play Hot Wheels with me?” His big brown eyes instantly melt Eddie’s heart, and all he wants to do is scream at the man, See? See how much my kid loves me? See how happy he is? Now, why don’t you go deal with the parents who actually deserve to lose custody and leave me to play with him.
Before Eddie can stop him, Harris traipses out and sees Smith rifling through the pantry. “Who’re you?” he asks.
“Har-Bear, this is Mr. Smith. He’s, uh, one of my friends.” Eddie scrunches his face and shakes his head defeatedly at the blatant lie, but Harris doesn’t notice.
Mr. Smith gives a short wave, neither kind nor impolite. Just one slight movement to acknowledge the boy’s presence. He’s determined to get back to his job, but Harris has other plans.
“I like your glasses.” He points to the wire-rimmed frames on the man’s face. “My Grampa Wayne is s’posed to wear glasses, but he doesn’t. Daddy says it’s ‘cause he’s a mule.”
“Stubborn as a mule, Har,” Eddie gently corrects him, a blush creeping into his cheeks. “I’ll be in in a minute, okay?”
But Harris ignores his request, forging towards his dad’s friend. He lifts his arm and flashes an innocent smile. “Look at my cast! It’s from when I jumped on my bed and breaked my arm.”
“Harris!” Eddie hisses, trying to keep his cool. “Can you go play? In the room?” Pleading with him is like negotiating with a terrorist, and he knows his efforts are futile.
“Actually, I do need to take a look at Harris’s bedroom,” the social worker muses, tapping his pen against his lower lip. Eddie has to stifle a scoff at the charade that this just occurred to Smith. Like he didn’t have this mapped out, another bullet point on the list of uninformed judgments he needed to make.
“We, um, we share a room,” Eddie mumbles, as though there would be another possible reason as to why there’s a twin bed nestled into the same space as Harris’s race car bed. “I used to sleep on the couch, it’s just easier to be close to him when he has nightmares an’ stuff.” His heart races when Smith jots this down. “N-Not that he has nightmares a lot. I don’t let him watch scary movies or anything. Just normal kid stuff.”
The man nods, visibly irritated by his rambling. He clamps his mouth shut to inhibit the flow of unnecessary explanations that freely pass through his lips without a second thought.
Harris motions Smith over, using his uninjured hand to grab the stranger’s and leading him into the room. “That’s my bed,” he announces. It sounds like he’s giving a tour, and Eddie almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation. “And that’s where I falled,” Harris points to the unassuming patch of carpet alongside it. 
“Ouch,” Smith mutters, and Eddie swears he can see a semblance of a smile. Leave it to Harris to thaw the most hardened of hearts. “I bet that hurt.”
“Yeah, but there was no blood,” Harris says nonchalantly. “An’ I didn’t need a shot. Just this cast. All my friends signed it. Even Ms. Sweetheart!”
“Ms. Sweetheart?” Smith repeats.
“She’s my teacher. Well, she was my teacher. Now I’m a super secret spy in Ms. Marion’s class, but don’t tell anyone!”
Eddie scoops up a couple of toy cars off of the floor and hands them to Harris, determined to end the conversation before anything else can be revealed. Can you get your kid taken away for being an asshole to his teacher? He doesn’t want to find out. “Here ya go, bud. Why don’t you get the racetrack set up, and I’ll play with you as soon as Mr. Smith leaves.”
“Actually,” Smith says, “I’m about finished. Mr. Munson,” he says, his natural stoicness settling back in as he turns back to Eddie, “after completing this investigation and conducting our interviews, I’ve determined that Harris may remain in your custody. I’ll just need you to sign a few forms and I’ll be on my way.”
Eddie’s relief is palpable. He sweeps Harris into a hug, clutching him to his chest and wordlessly swears to never put him back down. “Th-thank you,” he mumbles, acutely aware of the tears leaking from his eyes. “Wait–what interviews? No one interviewed me.”
Smith nods. “Yes, we spoke with Harris’s teacher. She only had great things to say about how well you take care of him.”
She did? He barely knows the woman; Harris has only been in her class for two full days, and she never indicated any partiality towards him. He makes a mental note to thank her tomorrow at drop-off. For now, all he wants to do is treasure every moment with his boy.
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Eddie doesn’t want to let Harris out of his sight, but he begrudgingly takes him to school, not wanting to add a truancy charge to his growing list of misgivings. 
Ms. Marion greets both Munsons with a muted stare, harsh enough to drain Harris of the excited energy that typically buzzes through his little body. “Are we going to listen today?” she quips.
“Yes,” Harris says.
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Harris’s affect is robotic and monotone, and the uncharacteristic spiritlessness nearly distracts Eddie from thanking the older woman for her interview.
“The guy–um, the social worker–he told me that you said some nice things about me. About how I am with Harris,” he stammers. “So, uh, thank you.”
Ms. Marion crosses her arms over her faded pink sweater, pursing her overlined lips. Her forehead is marred with frown lines. “That wasn’t me, Mr. Munson. I directed him to speak to Harris’s previous teacher, since she spent more time with him.”
Ms. Sweetheart.
After everything he’d said and done, you’d still vouched for him. Spoken so highly of his parenting abilities that CPS allowed him to keep custody of his son. You could’ve easily ruined his life, but you didn’t. 
What Eddie doesn’t understand is why.
Perhaps he doesn’t need to; at least, not immediately. Right now, he just needs to fix this. And he knows exactly where to start.
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Friday marks one week since your blowout fight with Eddie. One week since he’d caught you pathetically crying in your car because of the venom he’d spewed. One week since you’d informed him that you’d had Harris transferred to another class.
Which is why you’re confused when the boy bounds up to your classroom door, shouting, “Ms. Sweetheart! Ms. Sweetheart!”
“Hey, Harris,” you greet him, unable to mask your confusion. “What are you doing here? You’re in Ms. Marion’s class now, remember?”
Harris nods, his curls bouncing with each movement. He drops his backpack to the floor with a thud and unfastens the zipper, tongue poking from between his lips as he digs through it to brandish a cassette. “This is for you.”
You take it from him, eyes widening as you take in Toni Braxton’s face staring back at you. “Harris…where did you get this?”
“My daddy put it there and said to give it to you. So I did,” he answers with a shrug. He looks up at you, innocuous and angelic as he adds, “I miss you. I wish you could be my teacher again.”
“Me, too,” you reply before thinking. Clearing your throat, you kneel down to meet him at his height. “Thank you for my gift. It was very sweet. Go ahead and head to class now, okay? I don’t want you to be late.”
“Mmkay!” he chirps, slinging his still-opened bag over his shoulder. “Bye, Ms. Sweetheart.”
Why would Eddie buy you a tape? Why this tape, the one you’d come in for when he’d said such malicious things to you? You can’t make sense of it, regardless of how many times you try to piece together the puzzle.
At dismissal, you find yourself waiting by the door, hoping to catch Eddie before he can dash out of the school. There’s no logic to his actions: he despised you enough to weaponize your grandma’s cognitive decline, and then he gives you a gift with no further explanation. 
You distractedly hand parents the sign-out sheet, barely registering when Joshua Harrington’s dad asks you about any upcoming plans for a class Halloween party. 
“Is there gonna be a list of things you need? Candy or cupcakes or something?”
“Oh, uh, I’m gonna send home information about that next week,” you stumble over your words as you try not to make it obvious that your mind is elsewhere. 
“Great,” he says, stretching out the word as he tracks your gaze to the spot behind him. “Everything okay?”
“Yup.” You slap a smile on your face just as you spot the mane of frizzy curls you’d been searching for. “Um, excuse me for a second.” You call out to Will, letting him know you’ll be right back, before sprinting down the hallway. 
“Ms. Sweetheart!” Harris’s eager face twists into a frown. “You gotta use your walking feet in school. Or you could get hurt.”
Eddie moves to correct him, but you just smile sweetly. “You’re right, Harris. Thanks for reminding me.”
You allow your gaze to travel upwards, eyes locking onto Eddie’s. You can’t quite read his expression; his brows are furrowed in confusion but the flush in his face indicates that he knows why you’re here. 
“Harris gave me the tape. The Toni Braxton one.” Like he’d gifted you myriad cassettes that required this distinction. “You really didn’t have to do that.”
“Don’t mention it.” The right corner of his lips turns up into a half-smile. “Besides, I  should probably be the one thanking you.”
“Me?” What is he talking about? As far as you know, you’re the bane of his existence. 
“Yeah. For, uh, what you said to that social worker guy. Even after I treated you like a piece of…” he presses his palms to Harris’s ears and lowers his voice, “shit.”
That makes sense; he was relieved that you’d sang his praises when it had mattered most. This was an expression of gratitude; nothing more and nothing less.
“You’re a good parent, even if you’re mean to me,” you say nonchalantly. “I wasn’t going to make up lies and ruin your lives out of spite.”
The statement hangs in the air, gathering an awkward silence that has you and Eddie both grappling for ways to end the conversation. 
He’s the one to interject. “Well, anyway, I hope you like the tape.”
“Mhm.” It’s all you allow yourself to utter in front of Harris. A thousand questions swarm your head, threatening to spill off your tongue, the first of which is simply: why? “I’ve gotta get back. But, um, enjoy your weekend.” You pivot on your heel before Eddie can wish you the same. With the necessary chaos of your life, you can’t invest any more time trying to unravel him. 
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“Daddy, when is Ms. Sweetheart gonna be my teacher again?”
Eddie knew it was inevitable that Harris would ask about going back to your class, but he thought he’d bought himself more time with the spy game he’d concocted. He can’t delay the truth any longer. 
“I’m sorry, buddy. I don’t think you can switch back.” There’s a pang in his heart when his son drops his hand, digging his heels into the parking lot asphalt. 
“Is it because you were mean to her?”
His question catches Eddie off-guard. “Wh-What?”
“In there,” Harris points towards the school, “she said you’re mean to her.” He squints when he looks up at his father, the midday sun shining in his eyes. “Why were you mean?”
Eddie exhales, puffing out his cheeks and rubbing the back of his neck. “Sometimes grownups accidentally hurt each others’ feelings.” Or purposely, in his case, but he omits the complexities from his explanation. He reaches out to once again take Harris’s hand, but the boy pulls back. 
“Ms. Sweetheart says that when we hurt someone’s feelings, we gotta say sorry. Even if it’s on accident.”
“I did,” Eddie counters, raising his brows. “I gave her the tape.”
But Harris remains unconvinced. “That’s not saying sorry. You gotta actually say it. Or else it doesn’t count.”
“It doesn’t count, huh?” Eddie clicks his tongue and puts his hands on his hips. “All right, I’ll say it the next time I see her.”
“And then you can be friends?” The question is posed innocently, but it rattles Eddie. Friends? Did he even know how to be a decent friend any more? He’d fucked it all up with Gareth, Jeff, and Danny, and he’s known them for forever. “Daddy?” “Uh, maybe,” Eddie replies meekly; this time, Harris grabs his hand when he offers it. “We’ll just have to see.”
taglist 1/2:
@kelsiegrin @lma1986 @munsonology @stuckontheceiling @avobabe87 @eddapwinchester @peachysink @browneyes8288 @jeremyspoke-inclasstoday
@breezybeesposts @wednesdaymunson @feltonswifesworld87 @take-everything-you-can @bebe07011 @krahk @81rain @dylanmunson @oscarisaacwhore @eddiesguitarskills @everheart12 @etherealglimmer @hollster88 @wh0re4life @siriuslysmoking
@bibieddiesgf @theactualf0ck @winchester-angel @starlitlakes @avalon-wolf @hazydespair @josephquinncore @daydreaminglisa @sidthedollface2 @eddiebaemunson @mandyjo8719 @daydreaming-mood @aol19 @corkadymu @starcourtnights @eggo-segual @rockstarmunsons @metalhead-succubus @boinkybarness @oohworldofpisces @costellation-hunter @toobsessedsstuff @meadow20 @theweasleyskettle @lost-in-the-stars03 @elizabethmidnight2017 @aysheashea
@chamomileh0ney @dream-a-little-nightmare @emma77645 @kurdtbean @sheneedsrocknroll92 @tlclick73 @luceneraium @lolly-in-a-strange-land @dylanmunson @bakugouswh0r3
@strangerthingsstories5255 @imaginexred @haylaansmi @adaydreamaway08 @itsalltaken @harmfulb1tch @mimischaos @averagemisfit03 @steddiegarbage @vigilanteshit @ellendemeyer152 @sierrahhh @stevesmunson
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nova-anya · 3 months
The Romance Tropes Legacy Challenge
 Hello! Welcome to the Romance Tropes Legacy Challenge! (based on the Book Tropes Legacy Challenge by @callmerunaa)
This is a ten generation legacy challenge featuring many elements from popular fiction tropes involved to make your sims’ love stories as unique (or stereotypical) as you wish!
Notes: –This challenge was inspired by @callmerunaa on Instagram and pinterest.  However, many of the generations are altered/changed completely to fit some of my personal preferences for gameplay style and I just thought I’d create a google document of my own way of playing. Link to Original: https://in.pinterest.com/callmerunaa/
–If you do play through these generations, please note that because of the nature of the sims,  some of the generations will require some ~imagination!~  Due to this, the story is definitely more… “storyline” based. 
–Not every generation has required aspiration/traits/skills to learn/ or jobs. For many of them, I have “No Requirement” if it is not important for the character’s story. You are free to choose your own based on the character and how you perceive their life continuing on. Even if I have provided certain aspirations, you are not stuck with this if it is not what you feel is right for the character. You are therefore free to change any aspect of the challenge to suit you and your gameplay style.
–The last two generations DO include occult gameplay. However, I may be including alternate versions if playing with occults is not your thing/ you would like to keep your gameplay more realistic.
–If you use this version, please tag me! IG: @novanyax Twitter: @xnovanya Youtube: novaanya
Episode One: https://youtu.be/14IoZ4XzLQU?si=BEW2B_ZjHKLJ5r8Z
Generation I: (High School Drama || Love Triangle || Opposites Attract)
World: Copperdale
Aspirations: Goal Orientated/Best Selling Author
Traits: Geek
Job: No Requirement
You hear your mother shout up the stairs that the bus is almost here and it’s time for school. You throw your hair in a messy bun and quickly finish getting ready before rushing down the stairs. Despite the full breakfast of eggs, pancakes, fruit, and bacon laid out on the table, you stuff a piece of toast in your mouth and fly out the door wishing your mom goodbye. Now it’s off to high school where you don’t exactly have many friends. You are captain of the chess team though, so at least you have that going for you. Unfortunately it does not do much in the romance department. You also have a huge crush on the football quarterback and honestly who wouldn’t? They’re so dreamy. But they’d never notice you. And then there’s the cheerleading captain who hasn’t always been the nicest to you. However, when you get paired with one of them for a school project, drama ensues…
Objectives: –Start as a teenager
–Have a negative friendship with the cheerleading captain and a crush on the football team captain.
– Become Chess Team Captain
– Get paired with one of them for a group project and from there… let drama ensue. 
– Go to prom with one of them.
Spouse Reqs.: – Must be either Cheerleading Captain or Football Team Captain
–Must have the “Active” trait
Child Reqs.: –No Requirement
Generation II: (Holiday Romance || Workaholic || Second Chance)
World: San Myshuno
Aspiration: Drama Llama/Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Ambitious
Job: Lawyer (Private Attorney Branch)
In the city, your life is busy all the time. You don’t have time for friends or relationships and are instead looking forward to advancing in your career. You are adamant about keeping focused and not letting anything sway you from your goal. With the holiday season quickly approaching, you can’t help but roll your eyes at the festivities. Who cares about this corporate, capitalistic holiday anyway? Bah humbug! However, after your parents convince you to take a break from work and come back to your hometown for a few days, you meet an old flame, and they show you the true meaning of the holidays. Will whatever it is between you two survive past the holidays?
Objectives: –During your teenage years while completing the ‘drama llama’ aspiration, have the sim you break up with be the sim that shows up later in the challenge. 
– Gain the ‘wokaholic’ lifestyle in the city.
–Don’t have a romantic relationship with anyone while in San Myshuno. You can have hookups and friends, but nothing serious. Remember, your job is your life!
–Have a ‘second-chance’ romance with the sim from your teen years that you broke up with.
–After your holiday romance is over, decide if it will continue or it was just not meant to be. From here, you can decide to either become a single parent, either through a mistake or through adoption, or continue to be with the person and have a happy life together.
Spouse Reqs.: –No Requirement
Child Reqs.: –Have at least two children
Generation III: (Single Parent || Friends to Lovers || Learning to Love Again)
World: No Requirement
Aspiration: Live Fast/Super Parent
Traits: Family Orientated
Job: Freelance Career 
Now that you’re raising your child all by yourself, you’re trying to do everything you can to be a good and supportive parent. How quickly they grow up! Some part of you can’t help but miss your little baby. Learning all of these shapes and numbers, letters and animals from the perspective of a child really makes you fall in love with the world again after major heartbreak. Old memories of you and your happy days with your partner and child haunt your dreams. Even though you told yourself you would never love again, you can’t help but long for that sense of companionship and love. However, by some chance, you happen to find someone you just click with instantly. The two of you become fast friends and you find you don’t want to be around anyone but them (except your child). Low and behold, the butterflies you thought you would never meet again have found themselves nestled deep in your stomach.
Objectives: –Lose your partner somehow after having one child together (if it's multiples that's fine).
  –Go all out for all holidays and always make sure your child always feels included.
–Have a great relationship with your child.
– Don’t have a romantic relationship until your child is at least a toddler. You can wait however long afterward to start a relationship with your partner, but your child must have a good relationship with them first.
– You are more than welcome to have more children with your new partner but it is not an obligation.
Spouse Reqs.: –Your first partner must leave your life after your child(ren). Either death or a divorce. Either way, they are not in your life. 
–Your second partner must become a friend before a lover and have a good relationship with your child. 
Child Reqs.: –Have one child with your first partner.
Generation IV: (Workplace Rivals to Lovers || PR Relationship || One Night Stand)
World: Del Sol Valley
Aspiration: Admired Icon/Master Actor-Master Actress
Traits: Self Absorbed
Job: Actor/Actress
On the bustling set of Del Sol Valley’s latest blockbuster film, tensions run high between you and your leading co-star. As actors, your chemistry on screen is undeniable, but behind the scenes, you're locked in a constant battle of egos and competitiveness. When a scandal threatens to derail the movie's publicity, the studio executives devise a plan to salvage their image: a fake romance between you and your co-star. Forced to put aside your differences and play the part of smitten lovers for the public eye, you reluctantly agree, knowing that your careers hang in the balance. But as you navigate red carpet events and staged paparazzi shots, something unexpected happens. A sizzling one-night stand blurs the lines between your fake relationship and real feelings. With the world watching your every move, you and your co-star must decide whether to keep up the charade for the sake of your careers or risk it all for a chance at true love.
Objectives: –As a child, join the drama club and remain until your graduation.
–After graduation, immediately move to Del Sol Valley and begin your life as a poor, struggling actor/actress.
–As you work your way up the acting career and have at least 4 stars of fame, begin a “secret romance” with a co-worker whom you do not have good compatibility with, encouraged by the PR Team. Of course this will take some creativity with the sims but you should play this however you have the means to!
– Have a one night stand with said co-worker and let feelings ensue.
–Whatever happens after this one night stand is really up to you. If you decide to continue with the relationship and make it official, kudos! If you decide it doesn’t mean anything and you’re better off apart and with another celebrity that’s fine too!
–Put a celebrity tile down on the Walk of Fame
Spouse Reqs.: – Must be a co-worker/ have at least four stars of fame.
Child Reqs.: –Have at least two children (at least one boy who is not the heir)
Generation V: (Brother’s Best Friend || Unexpected Feelings || Slow Burn)
World: No Requirement
Aspiration: Goal Oriented/Computer Whiz
Traits: Bookworm
Job: No Requirement
As the child of world famous celebrities, you’ve never had many friends of your own. So instead, you find yourself eager to stick to your books and computers. Your brother, however,  is the talk of the town– always getting into scandals and dating someone new. He is constantly surrounded by friends who may have less than wholesome intentions. After all, you are who you know.  Speaking of, you’d always seen your brother's best friend as just that—your brother’s best friend. Growing up together, he was a constant presence in your life, a comforting one, whom you never thought of in a romantic light. But as the years passed and you both matured, something shifted. It starts with small moments—lingering glances that last a beat too long, casual touches that send shivers down your spine. You brush them off as nothing, attributing them to your overactive imagination. After all, he is off-limits, forbidden territory. He's your brother's best friend, and crossing that line would risk everything. But as you spend more time with him, you can't deny the growing tension between you. The easy banter turns into charged silences, and every smile feels like a secret shared between just the two of you. With each passing day, the walls you've built around your heart begin to crumble, revealing feelings you never expected. As you grapple with the unexpected rush of emotions, you wonder if he feels the same way. Can you risk everything for a chance at love with your brother's best friend, or will you let fear keep you from following your heart?
Objectives: –As a child, constantly spend time with your brother, either pestering him or hanging out with him and his best friend.
– Don’t have a best friend growing up, or many friends at all.
–You may have relationships growing up, but your BBF is never far away. Remember, he is your endgame.
–Do not get into a relationship with your BBF until you are a young adult.
Spouse Reqs.: Must be your brother’s best friend
Child Reqs.: No Requirement
Generation VI: (And They Were Roommates || Sworn off Love || Forced Proximity)
World: No Requirement
Aspiration: Drama Llama/Master Chef
Traits: Foodie
Job: Culinary (Chef Branch)/Restaurant Owner
You’ve spent countless nights in the kitchen, crafting exquisite dishes that you know would impress even the finest critics– each plate is born from your passion and dedication. It is your passion and life’s work to own your own restaurant so you barely have time for anything else– let alone romantic feelings. Let alone romantic feelings for your annoying roommate who always seems to get on your last nerve. They’re a whirlwind of annoyances– leaving messes everywhere, blasting music, and interrupting your perfectly maintained peace. But you do need the rent, and you’re barely home anyway. After a while though, their quirks become endearing and their laugh infectious. You eventually find yourself drawn to the very person who once drove you up the wall. Despite your resolve, love – or something like it –eventually finds its way into your heart until it's undeniable. This unexpected romance has swept you off your feet and navigating this difficult situation along with the unexpected feelings has you all turned around. Can you find room in your heart for more than just the smell of deliciously tasty dishes of your own design?
Objectives: –Join the culinary career in the chef branch.
–Do not get into any sort of relationship with anybody. Hooking up is fine as long as there is no actual romance between you
–Get a roommate to help with the bills.
–The relationship between you two can either be playful annoyance or actual animosity. However, one day something happens to change your feelings for each other.
–Becoming a restaurant owner is up to you, depending upon the quality of your dine-out pack. If you have the skill and willpower, go for it!
–Become a five-star restaurant owner if you do choose this career. If not, reach the top of the culinary career (chef branch).
–Once you and your roommate act upon these romantic feelings, it is up to you to decide how to proceed.
Spouse Reqs.: Must have been your roommate at some point.
Child Reqs.: Have at least one daughter who will become the heir.
Generation VII: (Mafia Boss || Accidental Pregnancy || Arranged Marriage)
World: No Requirement at first/ Eventually Tartosa or San Myshuno
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Traits: Family Orientated
Job: No Requirement
You have always been so careful to plan your life out and make deliberate, thoughtful choices. You’d always been taught to keep your head down and your dreams modest. But a chance encounter with a captivating stranger has turned your world upside down. One night of uncharacteristic passion leaves you with more than just your memories. You’re pregnant. And not just with anyone’s child, but with the heir of a powerful mafia boss. As the reality of your situation sinks in, you are left to grapple with your fear, confusion, and the looming presence of the mafia world that has now laid its claim on you. You know your life will never be the same and looming threats surrounding you have you more anxious than ever. Navigating this new and treacherous terrain has you seeing the world in a new light and your new husband is as ruthless as he is protective. You must now find a way to safeguard you and your unborn child all while your heart begins to betray you. Among this world of shadows and danger at every turn, you discover that sometimes fate can lead you to a destiny you never thought possible– where love and danger walk hand in hand.
Objectives:  –Get all As in school.
– Be well into your career, on your way to the top of whatever career you choose.
– After an unexpected night of passion, engage in unprotected woo-hoo with a sim who happens to be the son of a mafia boss or a mafia boss.
–Get pregnant with his baby.
–From here, your life is uprooted. You are no longer surrounded by your own family and friends but are instead  whisked into the life of a mafia wife where danger awaits at every turn.
– You are now in a forced/arranged marriage to the mafia boss/’ son. This relationship is up to [the player]. Whether he is cold on the outside/warm on the inside, actually kind of a himbo, or actually kind of an a-hole, however you take the story will certainly be interesting.
– If you decide to stay in the mafia after the birth of your child is up to you. They could be protected by their mafia family and raised in the mafia life, or you could whisk them away from the dangers of growing up in this family. Many different factors can affect this.
–However, your child must still have an essence of their father. How deep this goes is up to the player.
– No matter how you play this out, your first child (the heir) must grow up SPOILED.
Spouse Reqs.: –Must be the son of a mafia boss/must become the mafia boss.
Child Reqs.: –Must have at least one child with the above spouse who will become the heir for the next gen. They do NOT have a good relationship with their father. 
–They are spoiled rotten.
–However you decide to have children after that is up to you.
Generation VIII: (Bodyguard x Client || Annoyance to Lovers || Protective Streak)
World: No Requirement 
Aspiration: Admired Icon/Party Animal
Trait: Party Animal
Job: None
You never even wanted a bodyguard. Let alone this stoic imposing figure whose presence felt suffocating at best and a constant reminder of your father’s overbearing control at worst. You resent their watchful eyes which feels like an intrusion into your every move. They, as a figure, represent the golden cage you grew up in and how your life will never truly be your own. You’ve grown accustomed to pushing boundaries and testing limits to see how far you can go before they intervene. And they always do. A stern glare or sharp word only fuels your defiance. Every exchange is snarky and exchanged like daggers. They see you as a reckless child who needs constant supervision while they are an obstacle to your freedom. However, danger from your fathers’ enemies lurks just behind every corner and you find yourself leaning more on your bodyguard than you care to admit. One night where emotions run high and adrenaline is surging, you are faced with the reality of whatever situation you have gotten the two of you in now. Walls come crashing down and in the heat of the moment, the attraction between the two of you is undeniable. What started as animosity has transformed into a passionate and fiery love. In this unpredictable world, you have found a love that has defied logic and reason and ignited itself with the intensity of a wildfire.
Objectives:  –As the spoiled rich child of a mob boss, they are going to make sure you are protected all the time. Have a bodyguard who lives with you and follows you everywhere. 
–Go out to every party you are invited to.
–Have mostly mean interactions with your bodyguard or simply ignore them whenever they are in your presence.
–Have something occur that lands you into trouble, where your bodyguard must come save you from the danger.
–From here, have some sort of relationship blossom between the two of you.
Spouse Reqs.: —Must have been a previous bodyguard.
Child Reqs.:  –Have an ok relationship with the next heir. You are not particularly the most LOVING mother, but you do want the best for them.
Occult Generations:
Generation IXa: (Human x Vampire || Rich Bachelor || Masquerade Ball)
World: Forgotten Hollow
Aspiration: Drama Llama/No Requirement/Any of the Vampire Aspirations
Traits: Music Lover
Job: Any sort of artsy job: writer, painter, photographer, mixologist, comedian
You’d never had many job prospects or really even any life prospects as you settled into becoming a young adult. You have a job but it isn’t anything permanent, or really anything you could make a living off. Thankfully your family is comfortable enough to support you. You find that you just don’t have the passion for anything. Everything is too corporate. Too boring. The one place you could escape to, however, is your music. The sweet melody of playing an instrument gives you the ability to lose yourself and forget all of your problems for a while. You decide, with much encouragement from your parents, to pursue a degree in fine arts. Then, in the darkened corners of the library, you meet them: a captivating stranger whose gaze holds ancient wisdom and a hunger you can’t quite place. As your bond deepens, you are whisked away to a small town– the bloodsucker’s home. Here you navigate the complexities of their world including politics and the unfortunate circumstance of you being human. However, after being invited to a masquerade ball to welcome you to the town, you find yourself surrounded by those who are much more interesting than the humans you grew up with and a world where vampiric intrigue and desire runs rampant. You decide to take the plunge into uncharted waters and grow a deep bond with one of the guests and now your whole world has changed. Your maker, your lover, your one has changed your life entirely. Now it is up to the two of you to navigate this new world together.
Objectives: –After graduating high school, you may get a job but it must be low paying and something your parents would not approve of.
–You soon are heavily encouraged to go to university by your parents and apply to either Foxbury Institute or The University of Britechester.
–It is here where you meet a vampire who you are immediately enamored with. 
–Quit university very quickly after this encounter and go with them to Forgotten Hollow.
–Have a masquerade ball/some sort of party to welcome you to the town where every vampire in town is invited. It is here where you meet the one. 
–Be turned into a vampire by your lover
–Turn others into vampires and live like vampire royalty.
Spouse Reqs.: –Must be a Vampire
Child Reqs: –Do not have children of your own but instead, you will adopt one of your “turned” as your child and raise them as your own. 
Generation Xa: (Vampire x Werewolf ||Forbidden Love || Love Will Find a Way)
World: Forgotten Hollow or Moonwood Mill
Aspiration: Soulmate 
Traits: Romantic
Skills to Master: No Requirement
Job: No Requirement
The ancient feud between vampires and werewolves has existed for millenia. Hatred runs like a river through the land and split the two worlds in a way that no one would ever dare to cross. And at first, you don’t. You are a loyal and determined child of the night who would never even think of going near one of those grungy dogs. But then you meet… them. Under the glow of a silver moon, your eyes meet and their presence ignites a fire in your cold, immortal heart. It is forbidden from the start, a love that defies the rules set by generations of hatred. Yet, you can’t stay away. Every secret meeting in the shadowy forest, every whispered promise under the stars, only binds you closer. Your romance is one for the ages. A true and pure love that you never even thought was possible. However, neither of your families would see it this way. In fact, they would see your love as the ultimate betrayal– a crime punishable by death.  Yet, the thought of a life without them was more terrifying than any punishment. Will you find a way to bridge the gap between the chasm of hatred between your people, or will your love story end in tragedy, as many before have warned? 
Objectives: –Have a good relationship with your parents and siblings.
–Don’t go to high school or drop out of high school before you can go. After all, you must protect your identity and everything to do with vampires must be hidden from the mortal realm.
–Meet a werewolf on the full moon and it is here where you happen to fall in love.
–Keep your relationship a secret from your family.
–Eventually the truth of your relationship will come out and it is up to [the player] on how the families will react.
Spouse Reqs.: –Must be a Werewolf 
Child Reqs: No Requirement
Non-Occult Alternatives: 
Generation IXb: (Betrayal || Hurt/Comfort || Love Triangle)
World: No Requirement
Aspiration: Drama Llama/No Requirement
Traits: Jealous
Job: No Requirement
Your whole world is shattered the moment you come home one night to discover your fiance’s betrayal. The life you have planned meticulously has crumbled before your very eyes and now you are left to question everything. It is here in your darkest hour when an old friend comes back into your life and offers a shoulder to cry on and a warm heart–something you thought you’d lost forever. Slowly you find comfort through the pain and eventually find the hurt beginning to ease thanks to your old friend. Just as you are seeing this glimmer of hope and maybe something more than friendship, a new charismatic and alluring figure enters your life. They awaken something deep inside of you and stir up emotions you thought you were too deep down to be experienced again. Torn between the safety and comfort of your friend and the exciting possibilities of someone new, you find yourself in the middle of a love triangle. As you navigate this intense web of emotions and feelings, you begin to discover love again and heal from the heartbreak and trauma of your past.
Objectives: –Get into a relationship in high school and get engaged immediately after graduation.
– At some point, stumble onto your fiance cheating on you with someone else.
–Find comfort in an old friend and lean on them in your time of need and healing. There are definitely some underlying feelings for them fluttering beneath the surface.
–Have an encounter with a new person that immediately catches your attention. From there, feelings develop between the two of you.
–Choose between the two love interests (or have both!).
Spouse Reqs.: –Be one (or both) of the two love interests you find comfort in after the betrayal of your partner.
Child Reqs.: No Requirement
Generation Xb: (Enemies to Lovers || Sports Romance || Forced Proximity)
World: Britechester
Aspiration: Sports Enthusiast
Traits: Active
Job: Soccer Team Player (University)
From the moment you set foot on the university’s soccer field, you knew it was not going to be easy. Every soccer match between Britechester and Foxbury is hard fought and hard won. But you never expected your biggest challenge would be feelings for your fiercest rival– another member of the soccer team. They’re everything you’re not– confident, brash, charming, and undeniably talented. You can’t stand the way they smirk when they outplay you or how cocky they act when they are praised by the coach. Yet, there's an undeniable spark every time you clash. It’s not just competition; it’s chemistry. Your teammates see it, the coaches see it, and deep down, you feel it too. Everything changes when your coach announces a major change to how the team will work. You and your rival are to be co-captains for the rest of the season. The team’s success depends on you two working together, setting aside your differences to lead and inspire. Resistance is futile—your coach makes it clear that if you don’t cooperate, the team will suffer, and so will your chances of making it to the championship. With team drama, injuries, and sidelined players, you find yourselves having to rely on each other to keep grades up as well as the team spirit. Extra practice sessions and mandatory study hours late at night in the commons lead to the crumbling of walls and you see a side of them you never expected to see. Will you let this connection between the two of you blossom into something more or will your fierce pride keep you from finding true happiness with the one meant for you?
Objectives: –Join a soccer team as a child and continue sports activities into high school.
–Get accepted to either Foxbury or Britechester on a sports scholarship in which you play on the soccer team.
–Have a good relationship with most of your team– except for ONE member who just keeps getting underneath your skin.
–Reach “Playmaker” level of the Soccer career.
–Gain the “Energetic” lifestyle.
–Gain romance with the one member who keeps getting underneath your skin and see where the romance takes you.
Spouse Reqs.: –Must be your old soccer team player teammate
Child Reqs.: No Requirement
Thanks for Playing! <3
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it Till you Make It | Part 9
Eddie felt like he’d been dipped directly into some kind of crazy world where nothing made sense. Or rather where everything he thought was true, was actually the opposite.
He was in an opposite world where despite being the obvious odd one out, he was being made to feel comfortable instead of ostracized.
These rich people? Not assholes.
Steve Harrington? Not a douche.
Okay so… that was only two things, but they were two pretty huge things on the Munson Doctrine that he’d now need to mentally re-write
Especially when the response to “we’ve known each other since high school but—but I guess I never really thought much about him until I saw him with Robin at The Hideout, apparently he was making sure my band was child safe for Dustin and the other kids and I—"
Was, “your band?” Interrupting him may have been rude but Lynda looked damn near sparkly eyed at the idea of him being in a band, as if middle-class people like the parents he’d freaked out thus far only thought they knew how to behave to appear richer, and rich people were actually this whole weird little species of their own. “Steven here has always sort of gravitated toward talented people, first Nancy, I’ve never known a girl quite as driven to be heard by the people around her as that one and I’m a lawyer, I really admired her for that.”
“You did?” Steve asked in surprise, why had they never said anything?
“Of course I did! Karen told me she wanted to be a journalist, gosh let me tell you she’ll make an incredible journalist someday, we’re already proud of her.” They knew she wanted to be a journalist? They were proud of her? “Then there was Robin—"
“Robin is my friend.”
“Oh, I know” he didn’t like how she said that word, that know, she couldn’t know-know, right? How would she—how could she? No… no she couldn’t. Robin had never said anything, never hinted at anything, she was terrified of being known, scared of the consequences. It’d taken being stuck in a broken elevator at work and him freaking out about enclosed spaces to come out to him, and he’d had to, in a moment of panic so sure he was going to die in there, come clean about his crush on her for her to do it! “That doesn’t change the fact that you had a crush on her first, don’t think we don’t know about that, we do. Your children are loud.” Dustin. It had to be Dustin. Not the queer thing, the crush thing. He’d never even told the little snot about that, he’d just noticed it, latched onto it, and like a dog with a high prey drive, just refused to let go, shaking it around until it was nothing but tatters. “She’s so talented in linguistics. and languages aren’t easy let me tell you, I don’t know what she intends to do but she’ll go far in it when she gets there.”
Steve was just kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop, still semi-convinced that the whole thing was performative and that the second Eddie left, the moment Steve was on his own with them, they’d pull the rug out and it’d have all been for ‘show’ and they weren’t supportive at all.
He was ‘dating’ a musician. Not a rich one. An unknown musician from an unknown band, living in a trailer park, with zero prospects, zero connections, and frankly a terrible reputation around the parents of Hawkins for his little fake date scheme.
Surely that had to be breaking some kind of unwritten rule for rich kids. Right? Surely his parents would have expected more from him, right?
Surely this wasn’t actually okay… was it? Was it really okay? Could it be okay? If… if he actually wanted that? Would it continue to be okay, or were they just saving face until it was safe to return to being the disappointed set of parents he’d come to know as an adolescent?
“I didn’t know you paid that much attention…” Eddie squeezed his hand, he didn’t have to look at him to know he’d fixed those bring brown eyes on him all warm and supportive. There for him, if he needed him to step in.
If he needed him to make it all about him again, to shine the spotlight on himself in either a positive or negative light, Eddie would.
He squeezed back, he’d be okay.
“Oh sweetheart… we may not be the best at showing it, but we’re not blind. You were just a little harder to speak to when you were younger, all those parties, and the drinking, the drugs—”
“It was just—”
“Marijuana is a drug, son.” John finally spoke up and that was the end of that argument, although Eddie was visibly trying to hide a grin as the towns resident ex-drug dealer who’d maybe supplied that marijuana once or twice. “Not one a boy that age should have been consuming.” True, he’d kill the kids if he ever caught them smoking weed unsupervised.
Maybe if he was there, he’d let them do it once just to show them what it was like. But once would be the maximum, and they’d be supervised!
He’d been unsupervised surrounded by strangers with alcohol and bad decisions to make. He was lucky he hadn’t wound up knocking some poor girl up or something equally life destroying.
“Yes, like your father says it was difficult, your father and I… we had to be the bad guys more often than we’d have liked and then things at the office got busy and well… maybe all that put a strain on things, but we were never not paying attention, I’m sorry we made you think that.” Another gentle squeeze. Eddie was there.
He'd continue to be there.
“So Stevie here has a type is what I’m hearing” Eddie finally spoke up, breaking the tension, a small but warm smile on his face that Steve appreciated more than he could possibly say.
“So I like people to be passionate about what they like! I like intelligent people—”
“Oof, puts me out of luck then” Eddie cut in with a dramatic little pout on his face, hand over his heart.
“Are you kidding me? You’re smart, you’re really smart!”
“Dude I failed high school like, three times. Pretty sure they finally let me graduate out of pity.”
“Yeah but that was bullshit, not everyone is good at school. I barely passed an I’m still half certain I only did cause of the sports shit.” Maybe the money thing too “but you can come up with all kinds of stuff on the fly, I know you ‘DM’ for that dungeons and demons shit an you deal with Dustin, Mike, AND Erica like a pro and honestly that takes some work the kids are nightmare children normally, so it’d probably be actual hell when you have to believably improv their characters taking a liking to some random NPC you’ve conjured up to be a weird little one time interaction and—and I know you can recite Shakespeare! And come up with your own Shakespeare-like poems, that SOUND like Shakespeare, and you write your songs which is cool, and you play guitar which is tricky I know I tried once it’s not easy, and in debate, people couldn’t keep up with you ever and—” and he was rambling.
“—Dragons…” Eddie gently cut him off, eyes wide but his smile… it looked like a cross between awe and affection. It was beautiful, and the dimple was there which made it extra pretty. Fuck why was Eddie Munson so goddamn pretty all of a sudden?
Was it even sudden? “Huh?”
“Dragons… you know NPC, but you don’t know it’s Dungeons and Dragons…” he sounded so fond, so soft spoken it was strange… but a good kind of strange that made Steve’s cheeks warm “you—you know all that about me?”
“W-well… yeah I mean—we’re dating, of course I know about the Dungeons and Dragons stuff I—” he could explain it away for his parents but Eddie, who was in on their fake dating thing, emphasis on the fake couldn’t be so easily fooled.
“No, not the D&D stuff… the Shakespeare thing, poetry, debate class, you saw that?”
It was his turn to be bashful, to be shy, to squeeze that hand, to be honest about something he’d never thought too hard about but god he had to now, didn’t he? “…You were hard to miss, Eddie.” He’d grown up, he could appreciate what he’d scoffed and rolled his eyes at back when he was a dumb teenager, he could admit that he’d seen Eddie, that deep down, despite the scoffing, the eye rolling, that deep down he liked that.
Deep down he’d always liked Eddie. He just wished he’d have been less of a douchebag, maybe they’d have known each other sooner.
“Ehem” Lynda gently cleared her throat, not cruelly, her smile definitely a little mischievous, a little ‘i'm going to be INSUFFERABLE about this’ but not trying to break up the moment, she just had to ask “Eddie… I’m not sure if you still live at home, but… if you do, are your parents… okay with you being away for a week with total strangers? Do… do they know about—”
“Ah! Uhm, yeah! Well, yes and no. My parents aren’t really… around, I live with my Uncle Wayne, he took me in when I was a kid.” He wasn’t going into that story, and nobody could make him for the sake of a fake date scheme “He knows about me… uh… about us… he’s okay with it, but he did ask that he meet you both before we go, if I’m allowed to come with you?”
“We’d be thrilled to have you, Eddie, he can meet us any time he likes.”
Main Goal. Achieved.
Part 11
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seeingivy · 1 year
satoru gojo x f!reader 
in which you decide to fake date your coworker, to get your parents off your back for a few months. can you continue on when the two of you start blurring lines between fake and real?
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
“You’re going to fake date your boss?” 
You smack Itadori across the back of his head, signaling him to talk quieter. 
“You’re going to fake date your boss?” he asks, whispering this time. 
“He’s not my boss, he’s just a coworker.” 
“You’re going to fake date your coworker?” 
You nod, reaching over to finish the leftover pancakes on Itadori’s plate. The three of them narrow their eyes at you, matching disapproving looks on all of their faces. You swear they practice it together when you’re not there. 
“You’re in over your head. This isn’t going to fix your problem.” says Nobara, picking the strawberries off Megumi’s plate, much to his dismay. 
“But, it is. My parents will lay off my back for a little bit, actually let me finish this clerkship without criticizing me every ten minutes. He gives them something to brag about in their circles, actually taking their focus off of pestering me.” 
“You know they’ll just take to criticizing him instead of actually laying off of you. Be practical, Y/N” says Megumi.
“Plus, how do you know he’ll even do it?” 
“Excellent question, Itadori. He needs a fake girlfriend just as much as I need a fake boyfriend. His parents won’t let him take over the firm if he doesn’t find a good match to perfect their company image. He said an aspiring lawyer matched the image, so it all works out.” you respond, finishing off the last of Itadori’s food. 
“You already asked him? And he agreed?” 
You nod in response, pulling out the contract you and Satoru had drafted earlier. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. No romantic or sexual interactions with other people during the duration of the contract? No showing your face to the public unless both parties are present. Attendance at all firm related balls, galas, conferences. No telling other people. ” 
“Contingency plans, Kugisaki. It helps make sure we both stick to our deal.” 
“You just broke a rule.” deadpans Megumi. 
“You guys don't count.” 
Megumi and Nobara roll their eyes at you, with Itadori wishing you sincere luck in your endeavors. 
You look around the room, craning to find where Satoru had run off to. He had left you at the bar, promising that he would return after he went to the bathroom.  You already know he’s having diarrhea from that cheesecake he ate earlier. 
You and Satoru had been fake dating for a month and a half now. Just as you predicted, your parents had gotten off your back, taking to their social circles to brag about how you were dating the son and future successor of one of the most esteemed law firms in all of Tokyo. As for Satoru’s parents, they had eased up on their criticism of him, Satoru swearing they’ll give him a real promotion any day now. You were a positive influence, they were beginning to trust him more. Your role at the firm was expanding as well, being assigned bigger projects and cases to work with as time went on. 
As for the two of you, you guys were getting closer. After spending virtually every day together - driving to work together, eating lunch at the block nearby, going on dates at night - the two of you had grown close. Too close for your liking. 
He was funny, unlike any other guy you had met in the past. While he seemed pretentious and immature when you first met him, you were pleasantly surprised to find out he was anything but. He was caring, compassionate, loving. You were convinced he was an angel in disguise, because no normal person could live and laugh that much. 
The truth is he was growing on you. More than growing on you, you felt the presence of him being cemented into your routines, unable to go on without him. You couldn’t go to Mochicat without buying some kikufuku for him, you couldn’t go to the store without him there to reach the high shelves for you, you couldn’t go to sleep at night if he didn’t send his “goodnight beautiful fake gf :D. have a sex dream about me” text. 
You feel a cold hand on the shoulder, your heart pounding at Satoru’s return. 
“‘Toru, you’re back. I was wond-” 
You turn to face him and realize you aren’t talking to Satoru but to Surugu, your beloved ex-boyfriend. He’s all dressed up, his hair grown out and secured into a bun at the top of his head. You put a step between the two of you, his hand falling from his place on your shoulder. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Come on, babe. Is that anyway to treat your old friends?” 
“We aren’t friends, Suguru.” 
“Don’t make a scene. Let’s share a drink. Old times sake.” 
You glare at him, not backing down from where you were standing. You can feel an uneasy pit forming in your stomach, the sight of him bringing on a wave of nausea. Where’s Satoru when you need him? 
You and Suguru dated for three years, almost four years ago now. The two of you had started off as friends, both attending university in the states, with Suguru in medical school while you were at law school. 
The two of you had become close very fast, becoming closer than most friends were. You later found out there was a term for what he was doing, very cleverly named “lovebombing.” You spent almost everyday together and when you weren’t together, you were texting, calling, facetiming each other. He swore he couldn’t go a second without you. 
Eventually, the two of you started dating, your friendship leading into a relationship between the two of you. You had opened up to him, telling him things you hadn’t told other people before. You swore you were in love with him, feeling like he was the only person you could be yourself with. You gave yourself to him, letting him into every little part of you. 
Things changed when he moved to California to do his residency. The two of you did long distance for four months, until you realized he was no longer interested in you. After confronting him, he mentioned that his new girlfriend, Sophia, made him happy, in a way that you didn’t. You had no idea he had a new girlfriend. You didn’t even know that you had broken up. 
He said he was unsure of how to break up with you, he thought you understood the situation when he left. Despite this, the two of you continued to talk for a year after that, Suguru saying that you would always be his best friend, someone who could never be replaced in his life. He would come back to New York on holidays, the two of you spending the week together. 
You could have sworn he still loved you, deep down. Every time he came to see you, he’d hold you in his arms, kiss you like nothing had changed, made love to you like you were the only one. However, he’d return to Sophia at the end of the week, eventually saying your relationship with him made her uncomfortable, cutting any ties you had left. The two of you never spoke again. 
Until now. 
“I can’t. I have a boyfriend.” 
“So I’ve heard. Sleeping your way to the top suits you well.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“I heard you got the Initech Case the other week. Quite a big case to give a junior associate. Do you really think they would have given that to you if you weren’t sucking junior Gojo’s dick? Though I suppose it’s no shock. You always did have trouble getting things on your own.” 
You feel your blood rushing through your ears, clenching the wine glass in your hand so hard it shatters. The sound of the glass has everyone turning their heads, to find you fighting back your tears with a bloody hand. 
You spot Satoru at the door with a concerned look plastered on his face. You can see him maneuvering through the people, trying his fastest to reach you. Before he can, you run to the closest door, moving up the stairs to exit to the balcony. 
You pull up the side of your dress, placing your aching feet into the cold water of the pool. Your hand had stopped bleeding a little while ago, the red still smeared down the length of your arm. You use your uninjured hand to make ripples in the pool, the water moving through your fingertips. 
“Oh, thank god. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” 
You turn to find Satoru, unlacing his dress shoes and taking off his socks next to you. He sits at your side, placing his feet in the water. You feel him looking at you in your peripheral vision, but you refuse to meet his eye. 
“Sorry. Needed a second.” you respond. 
You feel his hand on the side of your cheek, lightly lifting your face up to look at him. You look up at his blue eyes, filled with concern, and can feel the tears you willed down rising up again. You see his expression tighten at the sight of your tears, it finally pushing you over the edge and bringing your tears on in full flesh. 
You feel his arms wrap around you, your face tucked into his neck as he rubs small circles into your back. You can feel him whispering into your ear, shushing you as you sob against him. After a few minutes, your tears subside, your breath still shaking against him. 
“What happened, bug? You’re breaking my heart here.” 
“Did you give me the Initech Case just because I’m dating you?” 
You see his eyes widening, a frown setting on his face. 
“What? Of course not. You got the Initech Case because you’re best suited for the case. I didn’t even have a say in that decision” 
You rub the back of your head against your nose, rubbing the excess tears off the side of your face. 
“Do you think Yaga gave it to me because I’m dating you?” 
“Bug, what is the Initech Case about? 
“Abuse of power dynamics. Hana’s suing her boss, Daiki, for taking advantage of his position to make advances on her.” you respond. 
“Right. Hana requested female counsel, specifically. She wanted to make sure she had someone who wouldn’t talk over her. But, Shoko’s still on leave till next month. You’re the only other girl at the firm.” 
You’re quiet, turning back to face the water. You guess you were the only one who could do that case. But you can still hear Suguru in the back of your head, every horrible thing he said and did to you flooding your mind. 
You feel his arm snake around you, his temple resting around yours. He stares down at the water with you, your reflections staring back at the both of you. 
“Work with me here, bug. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
You swallow hard, his blue eyes glimmering in the reflection of the water. His arm is warm, the polar opposite of Suguru’s frozen hands. You decide to jump. 
“I’m tired of things not being mine.” you whisper, heart pounding. 
You feel his hand reach the side of your face, brushing your hair behind your ear.  
“When I got into college, my parents took the credit, saying I wouldn’t have gotten there if they hadn’t tutored me and used their connections to get me there in the first place. When I got into law school, the boss I used to intern for asked me for a ‘well deserved kiss’, saying I wouldn’t have gotten in if he didn’t write me the letter he sent them. When Suguru left me, he said he was better suited to Sophia, because she owned him the second he met her. And now, I land a big case, work at an impressive law firm, but I only got here because I’m dating you. I just want something to be mine.” you say, your head in your hands. 
He’s quiet, his hand still brushing across the side of your hair. The two of you sit there in silence for a while, Satoru pondering over your words. 
“In grade school, my first friend, Saiki, told me that he had only let me play with him because my parents had asked him to before we walked into class. In high school, I created a non-profit with my friend, meant to help incarcerated people find resources that would help them land jobs after being freed. When the non-profit took off, he took all the credit, stating that all I did was finance the project, when it was actually my idea. When I decided to work at the firm and become a lawyer, people turned down any interest I showed at other companies - they knew I was going to end up at my dad’s firm anyways. Nothing I ever do is mine either.” 
You turn to him, looking into his eyes. 
“But it doesn’t matter.” 
“They’re going to say that about me regardless, bug. But does that really change what’s happening? Saiki will still be my friend, and play tag with me on the field. I still came up with that idea and my non-profit still helps people, even if my name isn’t on it. And I’ll still be a kick-ass lawyer, even if it’s at my parent’s firm.” 
You soak in his words, letting the thoughts cross through your mind. 
“I would still like to have some things to myself, Satoru. Things that are just mine.” 
“And you do. Those godforsaken friends of yours, especially that grump little weirdo, that ugly ass cat, that disgusting green hoodie you own-
“And me, of course. Those things are just yours.” 
You smile at him for including himself in the list. You interlock your fingers with his, forgetting about the blood smeared all over your hand. He looks down, opening up your hand to tracing his fingers along the cut. He lifts your hand up, pressing his lips against the cut. You feel your skin burn at the contact, his soft lips brushing against your hand. 
“Did you just try to kiss it better, Satoru?” you ask, feeling breathless all of a sudden. 
“Did it work?” 
You look up at him, a smile plastered on his face. You swear your hand is shaking in his hold. He rolls his eyes, bringing his arms closer to yours, holding your face in his hands. The tips of his fingers brush through the sides of your hair, as he leans forward, his lips pressing a kiss on yours. 
Every other kiss you had shared had been in the presence of other people, attempting to make your faux relationship look more realistic. But this was something else. The kiss was soft, slow, nothing like the rushed pecks the two of you had shared before. His lips are soft, warm. You swear you can taste the dessert he was eating earlier, his lips sweet. You can feel his hands lowering to rest around your neck, a smile forming on his mouth. He breaks apart, your face still in his hands. 
“Did it work now?” 
He laughs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“You were flirting with her! In front of me, Satoru. And then you left me there at the table, sitting alone.” 
“No, I wasn’t. She was just going to introduce me to her dad,” 
“Why do you suppose that means? What else was she supposed to think when you told her you liked that dress and that you would love to be a part of the family?” 
“It was a compliment! And you know what I meant, we’re trying to secure a deal with them.” 
“So you admit it? You were trying to lay the moves on her as a business tactic.” 
“Oh my god, Y/N. So what if I was? It helps the company if they share their cases with us.” 
“And what about me?” 
“What about you? You know your parents would love it if you got some big case with Soyin Paradigm.” 
You pause, realizing you and Satoru aren’t arguing about the same thing. You knew the lines had been blurring recently, ever since the night you had spent at the pool and every date afterwards, but you never realized how far apart the two of you were standing. He was still focused on the promotion, the cases he could get. He didn’t care about you. You turn your back to him, running out the door and down the stairs to the street. 
You hear him behind you, calling out your name to come back. You make it halfway across the street before he catches up, him blocking you from walking any further. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
You pinch yourself for what you’re about to say next, bracing yourself for the goodbye. 
“I think we’ve both fulfilled the terms of our contract. Your parents trust you and gave you a bigger role at the company like you said they would. My parents have enough to brag about for a few years. I think we should call it quits.” 
You stare up at him, his eyes boring into yours. 
“Why are you running away from me? What did I say?” he says, his grip on hands intensing. 
“Nothing. This day was bound to come anyways, Satoru. We couldn’t go on like this forever.” 
“Why not?” 
“It’s fake, Satoru. I mean hell, you’re still flirting with other girls for goodness sake. You don’t even like me.” 
You see anger flash in his eyes, his hands moving up to your shoulders. 
“I don’t like you?” 
“Yes, Satoru. You don’t.” 
“Do you remember that night, when we sat by the water? I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since then. Every time I look at you it’s like the first time. Your stupid jokes, your ugly ass cat, the smile you only save for me, you’re literally everywhere. I tried to get the thought of you out of my mind, but I can’t. I can’t find a thing not to love about you.” 
You feel your mouth dry at his words. He can’t find a thing not to love about you. He loves you. 
“Come on, now. You’re the best thing that’s ever been mine, bug.” 
You feel your heart glowing at his words. You grab him by the collar, pulling him down to press a kiss to his lips. You feel him smile against your lips once again, his arms snaking around your waist. The two of you kiss - soft, sweet, slow - your hearts beating together. He tastes sweet, the taste of the strawberry mochi he had after dinner still lingering on his lips. You break apart, your cheeks tinted pink. 
He smiles at you, running his finger across your lips. You lock your hand with his, the two of you making your way back to the apartment you had just ran out of. 
“You wanna know something embarrassing?”
“You have a crush on me, bug.” he says, smirking down at you.
“That’s embarrassing. You have the hots for me” 
You roll your eyes, shutting the door of your apartment behind the two of you. 
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
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bnnywngs · 1 month
Wei Wuxian is a good child. It's what every adult around him says, at least. If you ask for what he thinks, he'll say he's just doing his best to not be a burden.
At 13 years old, it's the first time he's been truly alone in his family house. His parents are always traveling somewhere, they used to bring him with them when he was little and didn't need to go to school, and Wei Wuxian still remembers those days with bitter fondness, but after he started school his guardian for a while was his grandma.
But now she's gone and his parents did not ask him if it was ok before they took off overseas once again. Although, his father did look a bit guilty.
"You're old enough, now, and you can cook, so it's fine for us." his mother said.
"If the school needs a guardian to sign a paper, our lawyer can do it, you just have to call him." his father forced a smile "Although he's going to visit you once a week. And we asked the neighbors to help, too."
"Oh! And your uncle Fengmian is going to look after you, too, ok?" his mother had no problems with smiling "We're going to do our best to come back more often."
"And you can always call us, ok?" his father looked at his wife's smile and suddenly his expression softened and his smile turned more real.
Wei Wuxian felt sick, but didn't say anything.
If they didn't want to stay, he wouldn't make them.
So, he tried his very best to live his life without complaining and with little to no tears. He smiled, laughed and joked around, trying to convince himself he was ok. That he was happy.
But sometimes, it was always too much for him and he felt negative emotions he tried with all his might to smother inside a deep box and kick to the back of his mind.
"Jealous." he said out loud "I feel jealous."
"What? Of who?" Jiang Cheng looked at him weirdly, as if doubting his words and thought he was crazy.
They were alone in the other boy's room playing video games before dinner, during one weekend Wei Wuxian was forced invited to stay over.
"You." Wei Wuxian shrugged, making his character die in the game.
"...Why?" Jiang Cheng's right eyebrow was almost kissing his hairline.
"Your parents are here." he hugged his knees, trying really hard to not cry "They fight a lot, but they love you and are here." sniffing, his voice trembled as he confessed his deepest feelings "I'm lonely."
Jiang Cheng looked down at his hands still holding the controller, biting his lip. He thought about what he should do, and ended up scooting over and throwing an arm around his friend's trembling shoulders.
"It's ok." he said, feeling awkward.
"I hate them." Wei Wuxian whispered against his knees.
Jiang Cheng felt his heart freeze for a moment "Sometimes..." he started "Sometimes I hate mine, too..."
Wei Wuxian cried silently for a while and Jiang Cheng kept half hugging him until he lifted his head and they both laughed at their red eyes and wet cheeks.
They didn't talk about it again until they were already in highschool and Wei Wuxian decided he wouldn't update his parents about his life anymore, and not be the first to call. Jiang Cheng kept supporting him silently and they started planning their future away from their parents.
When Wei Wuxian came out and started dating Lan Wangji, he didn't tell his parents directly, but his father liked his social media post. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and called them gross, but didn't tell any adults that the boys were sleeping together at that lonely house.
They were accepted in different universities. Wei Wuxian decided to go overseas by himself, while both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng were accepted at the same university in a bigger city.
"I will wait for Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said, a few days before moving.
"You know..." Wei Wuxian snickered "There's this thing called vacation, I don't know if you heard..."
Lan Wangji huffed, amused.
"And my lawyer said I can come back every summer for vacation. But Lan Zhan could go visit me too, right? Lan-er-gege is richer than this lonely man." he chuckled, hugging his boyfriend.
"...Fine." Lan Wangji silently sighed "I can visit Wei Ying during winter break and Wei Ying can visit me during summer."
When they were hugging each other in the airport saying their farewell to Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng clung to him hard and long, eyes closing forcedly.
"Are you still lonely?" he asked in a low voice.
"No." Wei Wuxian smiled, squeezing him back "A little."
"Still hate them?"
"A little. Yes."
They parted with wobbly smiles.
"It's ok." Jiang Cheng said.
"It's ok." Wei Wuxian nodded "I'll be back soon."
"You better!"
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starsfic · 4 months
Qi Xiaotian had never really thought about it, but he didn't know his grandparents.
Not on Pigsy's side, no. His grandmother had passed before he wandered into Pigsy's life, but his great-grandmother had taken up her role. His grandpa adored him, even if things got a little tense when he came out and shed his grandmother's name, and there were almost thousands of aunts, uncles, and cousins.
But he had never met Tang's side of the family. Most of the pictures in their home were of the Monkie Kids. The only hints that suggested a family existed were some letters that occasionally came by.
"Hey, Tang?"
"Why haven't I met your parents?"
The cottage went quiet. Long Xiaojiao paused her and Sun Wukong's game, turning in her seat to stare. Maybe Xiaotian could've waited, but his curiosity had gotten too big. Tang glanced at Pigsy, the two sharing a quiet, communicative look. Finally, the scholar sighed.
"You haven't met them because we're no contact with them, Xiaotian," Tang said, closing his book. "They had some thoughts about my..." He made quotation marks. "Lifestyle and decided to take that out on me."
"Dealt with that for years," Pigsy snorted, stirring the pot. "Finally got the kick in the ass to deal with them when you came into the picture and there was the incident."
Incident? There was some kind of weight to the word. "What happened?"
Tang chuckled, the sound awkward and strained. "My sister happened. My family is made up of a large amount of people who have crazy entitlement issues but refuse to do anything about them. My sister has the worst of it." Xiaotian leaned closer, raising a brow. Okay, he had deal with entitled. "The day I brought Pigsy home, she got a huge crush on him."
"I do have a certain charm," Pigsy snorted, grinning proudly even as his husband rolled his eyes.
"Anyway. She wanted to steal him from me." Tang glanced away, snorting when he noticed Xiaojiao had pulled out her phone, the little recording light on. "Funny how my parents had a problem with me dating a pig demon, but the moment my sister said she wanted him, they were all gung-ho."
"And then she tried to kidnap Xiaotian."
"And then she tried to kidnap you."
The words didn't sink in for a second. When it did, Xiaotian jumped to his feet. He winced when his chair fell over, but he was more focused on the fact that he had nearly gotten kidnapped. "WHAT?!"
Pigsy snorted. "I know! Anyway, she lost her shit when Tang told his parents that we were adopting you."
"I thought they would shape up, knowing there was a grandkid that they could lose," Tang grumbled. He took a deep breath in and let out in an exhausted sigh. "But, yeah. My sister stalked us to the apartment and broke in through an open window. I guess you were taking a nap, because I didn't hear anything until-"
"I pooped on her."
Dead silence formed. All heads turned towards Wukong. He shrugged. "What? I said I was watching him."
Tang spoke first, his grin getting wide. "You were that bird pooping on her?!"
"Yeah! I panicked; it was the first thing that came to mind!"
Tang and Pigsy burst out laughing, followed quickly by Xiaojiao, who high-fived the smug-looking monkey. Xiaotian couldn't help but let snickers of his own out. He could imagine Wukong in bird mode, dive-bombing and pooping on this crazy lady.
Finally, Tang took another deep breath and let it out slowly, calming down. "I heard the screaming and found you still asleep on the fire escape. She was falling off the fire escape."
Wait... "She fell down the fire escape?!" The one and only time Xiaotian got the bright idea to jump off the fire escape, he ended up with a broken leg.
"And just got a few bruises, bumps, handcuffs, and a restraining order," Tang sighed. "My parents tried to call us to convince us to drop the charges. My mother even accused me of training a bird to attack her like that."
"Anyway," Wukong said, drawing his attention back. "I didn't want them to be bankrupted by the bills, so I got my lawyer to offer to cover them for free, with all bills paid by me."
Tang and Pigsy's eyes went wide, but they didn't say anything until Pigsy finished the story. "Anyway, it was Tang's kick in the rear to finally cut them off. He still gets cards and stuff from them sometimes, but it's all a bunch of guilt-tripping shit." He sighed, shaking his head. "I wish you could have a normal family."
Xiaotian opened his mouth, but it was Tang who spoke.
"I have you guys. What more could I want?"
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eruden-writes · 2 months
Strictly Pleasure - Part 18 (Jek x Heidi)
orc x human age gap 18 of ? Chapters
Summary: An awkward fresh-out-of-a-relationship woman and an orc that owns a sex store enter an adult theater together. She, intent on pushing her own boundaries. He, just looking to give her some sense of safety. Well, that and he wouldn’t complain about having a bit of fun himself.
After they inevitably get interrupted, Jek deals with the problem while Heidi flees. Resigned, he believes he’ll never see her again.
Thus begins Jek and Heidi’s sporadic interactions until, eventually, they find themselves fumbling around each other daily at the very place it started: Strictly Pleasure.
First - Master List - Previous
The next hours flew by for Heidi. After eventually extricating herself from Jek, she showered, scheduled the lab appointment, researched, idly cleaned, and waited for Malachai to return home. Jek hadn’t left. He offered to stay and she jumped on the nicety, already feeling anxiety pounding through her heart at the prospect of being completely alone. He, too, showered before her son returned home from school.
Of course, Malachai got home while Heidi was in her room – freshening up after another unexpected cry – and Jek was left to fend for himself.
“Hey mom, I’m ho–“ The boy paused, spotting Jek on the couch as he clambered into the apartment. Malachai narrowed his eyes, dropping his backpack with a loud thump. “Who are you?”
Lounging on the couch, cell phone in hand and legs crossed at the knee, Jek turned a friendly smile to Malachai. He tried to ignore the sharp suspicion in the pre-teen’s words. “Jek Korgak. I work with your mom.”
Malachai narrowed his eyes. “The sex store owner.”
So she had explained her job to him. Lifting one shoulder in an awkward shrug, Jek nodded.
“Huh.” The boy grunted, before turning on his heel and shouting into the rest of the apartment, “Mom, why’s your boss here?”
Emerging from her room, face wiped clean of tears and all traces of inner turmoil, Heidi shot her son a look. “Don’t be rude, Malachai.”
“I’m just asking!” He threw his hands up in an exasperated fashion, unspoken questions obvious as he stared at his mother.
A loud ping cut through the tension in the air, both mother and child turning to Jek.
“My guy emailed back and said he can provide you some names of attorneys that he trusts. Some might be willing to go pro bono for you,” Jek relayed after quickly parsing the email. He shoved himself to his feet, approaching Heidi as he lowered his phone. “But seriously, I don’t mind footing the bill for you. My lawyer is pretty fucking good.”
He’d offered to cover her court costs a hundred times. As tempting as it was, Heidi shook her head as memories of Travis accusing her of being a gold digger echoed in her thoughts. “Jek, I can’t accept that.”
“It’d be like pro bono. Just, y’know, paid by me. Pretendo bono.” It was a struggle to keep his tone light. Something inside him wanted to push the issue, explain why he should be allowed to help her, to foot the bills, to protect her.
This had been an ongoing conversation after fucking. No matter what angle he tried to convince her, she turned down his help. Though Jek knew she wasn’t obligated to take his help and that he should stop offering, he couldn’t help himself.
Heidi crossed her arms, her features hardening after yet another repeated effort on his part. “You are my boss.”
Jek’s mouth opened, already poised to argue, when Malachai interrupted.
“Attorney? Pro bono? What’s going on?” The boy narrowed his eyes yet again, attention jumping between the two adults.
Those words cut through Heidi and Jek’s tiff. They shared a look, the argumentative tension deflating between them. Although, a new sort of tension replaced the light bickering. Silently, both weighed how best to approach Malachai. Though not Malachai’s father, Jek was a parent. He knew how to break serious topics to kids. However, he also was a stranger, which would only compound the potential upcoming life changes involving Artuk.
After a quiet beat, Jek finally relented and excused himself to the restroom. Though Heidi watched him retreat with a pang of anxiety, she knew it was for the best. Especially as she turned her attention to Malachai, whose brow furrowed with uncertainty after seeing the silent exchange between his mother and Jek.
“Let’s go sit,” Heidi sighed, offering her son a smile as she motioned toward the living room. Her heart flinched as Malachai stared, unmoving. Tears burned at the back of her eyes, emotions threatening to swallow her up again.
Swallowing down the woe, she braced herself and nodded to the living room once more. “Come on now, we have a lot to talk about, sweetheart.”
Somehow, the lab didn’t feel as daunting as Heidi thought it’d be. It helped that Jek was there with her. His notoriety helped to mask her own situation. As soon as they entered the waiting area, one of the front desk people perked up. Thanks to office gossip, a number of the relatively small staff had popped their head out to take a look at Jek after Heidi checked them in.
“Can you go anywhere without being recognized?” It wasn’t until after she muttered those words she realized how the three of them looked. A human mother with a half-orc child and a former orc rockstar? ‘Secret love child’ emblazoned over her thoughts and embarrassment flared across her cheeks as she pieced suspicions together.
As Jek shot Heidi a roguish grin, she had no doubt he’d already realized what they looked like. Which only prompted the flush to bite harder at her cheeks.
Heidi was saved by Malachai groaning and rolling his eyes. The reminder of her son’s presence cooled her mortification, but unleashed guilt across her thoughts. How could she be getting flustered when there were more important things happening?
After being told about his biological father’s legal request and explaining what they had to do next, Malachai had reacted in protest. Declarations about fairness and about not wanting to see the man who had abandoned him – them – came easily to his lips. Heidi bit her tongue, uncertain if agreeing would be seen as alienating Malachai from Artuk.
Though, frankly, the man had done it himself. Over a decade of absenteeism and now he wanted contact? Heidi could only imagine why. Maybe Artuk had a family-minded lover or maybe he was down on his luck and thought the tax breaks would be enough to help his floundering finances. Or maybe he had a change of heart and wanted to know Malachai, after all this time.
The last thought made Heidi internally flinch. If he did want to know Malachai, to know his own progeny, could she stand in his way? Her son might complain now, but what about later in life? Scenarios spun around her head, dizzying her already fragile state of mind.
While Heidi fell into deep thought, Jek glanced at the sullen pre-teen. He didn’t think the kid had uncrossed his arms since learning about Artuk’s legal actions, both blocking out the world while protecting himself. Malachai had gnashed his teeth, questioned, stomped, slammed doors, and risen his voice at the news. Once he’d had a chance to be heard, Heidi broke the news that they had an appointment to do the paternity test as well.
‘Might as well rip the band aid off,’ she had said. The withering look Malachai had shot her would have made Jek flinch. But she hadn’t. She just stared down her son calmly, though Jek had noticed a tension to her jaw and a glassiness to her gaze that betrayed her emotional turmoil.
It was clear to Jek that the kid wanted nothing to do with is absent biological father. Whether the courts saw the same, however, was a different matter.
Across the waiting area, a lab technician dressed in scrubs stepped through a doorway, looking at a clipboard. “Malachai Harris.”
“That’s us.” Heidi raised her arm as she stood, shifting gears as she shook off the potential paths the future could take. Jek surprised her by standing as well and a conflicting mash of relief and uncertainty bubbled up in her.
Wrinkling his nose, Malachai got to his feet. He brushed passed Jek, thumping his shoulder into the older orc’s side. “Why are you coming back?”
“Moral support,” Jek answered easily, not even bothered by Malachai’s obvious shoulder check.
The younger orc spun around, nose wrinkling and lip curling. “I don’t need you.”
“Your mom might,” Jek replied, gently but firmly. His tone made Heidi’s heart flutter, even as she mentally berated the organ for it’s inappropriate timing.
Malachai’s eyes bounced to his mom. His shoulders slumped and Jek thought the boy was more aware of Heidi’s emotional state than he’d given him credit for. “Fine.”
Moments later, the technician explained how the saliva swab would work, the turnaround for analysis, and how it would be reported to the court. Heidi sat beside Malachai, hands clasped tight in her lap as she nodded. Jek stood by her side, leaning against the wall.
“Alright, are we ready?” The technician smiled, patting their own knees. Their nametag read ‘Myles’ with ‘he/him’ supplied beneath.
“I don’t want to do this,” Malachai muttered, his shoulders tense and pulled to his pointed ears.
Heidi laid a hand to her son’s shoulder, guilt shooting through her when she felt how tense he was. “I’m sorry, but we have to.”
“Why?” The singular word broke over Malachai’s lips, his voice cracking with puberty and emotion.
“Your biological father has petitioned the courts, we have to do this or face legal discipline.” It had been the millionth time she said those exact words. She had practiced it, on and off, while he was at school. Calling Artuk a ‘father’ was stretching it, but tacking on ‘biological’ lessened the bitter taste.
The words still made Heidi’s throat clog with emotion and heat bit behind her eyes.
“Kid, your mom isn’t the enemy here.” Jek crouched down, catching the still-seated Malachai’s eyes. In the past, he’d have to take similar positions when Jade was upset about something. He found placing himself lower often made kids feel better, for whatever reason.
A snarl curled at the boy’s lips, showing off his adolescent tusks. “I know that!”
“You’re fighting to show the courts this Artuk fuck isn’t your dad, right?”
Heidi flinched at Jek’s words. She wasn’t sure if she should let someone else call Artuk a fuck, but the conversation was charging along without her. Part of her was just so relieved to hand the reins over to someone else, anyhow.
She was so tired and, honestly, she wasn’t sure she could keep herself from crying in the face of her son’s distress.
“Yeah.” Something in Malachai’s demeanor shifted, his eyes slightly narrowing. An adult verbally seeing his point of view and calling the enemy a fuck seemed to help.
As Jek guessed, recalibrating the kid’s thoughts toward action helped. It did in most cases for orcs. Of course, it was preferred in orcish culture to settle disputes with physicality than a bloated legal system. It was simpler. But Jek learned a long time ago that not all peoples wanted to settle problems with an orc through fisticuffs.
“First step is complying,” Jek said, even as his own instincts gnashed at the very thought.
Malachai felt the same way as a look of disgust crossed his features. “What?”
“Show you’re mature enough to take the swab then move on to the next step: answer their questions through the process, but be fierce in standing up for yourself and feelings.” Jek poked his index finger against Malachai’s chest, the physical contact making the boy sit straighter and his eyes take on a ferocity behind his glasses. “Your mom will do her best to advocate for you, I’m sure, but it’ll help hearing something well-reasoned from a mature kid.”
As Jek stood, trying not to feel like a battle chief who had just laid out a plan of attack, Malachai eyed the technician and the offensive swabs suspiciously.
When Malachai’s uncertainty looked about to win out, Jek took it a step further.
“This is the easiest step. Look.” Without warning, Jek plucked one of the DNA swabs from the cart and shoved it into his mouth. He rubbed it along the inside of both cheeks, as the technician indicated. When done, he withdrew it and – apparently eager for Theoretical Menace DNA – the technician happily took it from him.
“See? Easy peasy.” Jek grinned down at Malachai. He leaned forward a little, hands on his hips as he shot the boy a goading grin. “Or are you going to let a little cotton swab scare you?”
Malachai’s nose wrinkled as he frowned at the older orc, but his hand extended to the technician.
Heidi had to swallow a sigh of relief when her son finally jab the swab in his mouth, doing as instructed to collect the specimen.
One hurdle down. A million more to go.
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 7 months
“How did it go with the kid?” Bruce asked, while he was doing some research on the computer.
Clark came up to him, “He got himself taken to the top of Bristol saying his house was there.”
“Mhm…he lied, obviously.”
“Of course,” Clark groaned. “I've been keeping an eye on him because, you know, I wouldn't dream of letting just a kid go home in Gotham of all places. No offense."
“No offense taken,” the man said. “Have you seen where he lives?”
“You won't believe it, but he's your neighbor.”
Bruce muttered something under his breath, and Clark sighed, "You already knew that, didn't you?"
“I wanted to confirm my suspicions.”
“Sure…and what will you do now?”
Bruce turned to him, their faces very close, "What do you mean?"
“I saw the way you looked at him. You had the same look when you greeted Dick and then Jason. You're interested, aren't you?”
The billionaire replied, “He has very lively parents, Clark.”
“Parents who are not here, and who leave him alone. I don't know, this seems like a case of child abandonment to me."
“His family is rich. They will be able to afford the best lawyers. “
"You too. So why don't you try?”
“It hasn't even been a month, and you already want a child with me?” he teased, pulling him closer.
“What can I say, you influenced me."
“What a smart mouth… can you use it for other things too?”
Clark smirked, “Do you want to try?”
They were about to kiss when they heard a disgusted, “Urgh, what the fuck Bruce. Don't fuck in the cave.”
Ruined moment. The two heroes walked away, Clark's cheeks as red as his cape.
Bruce sighed, “Jason, language.”
“Yeah, not this shit. You went out on your date night without me. I bet the rooftops were warm tonight.”
Here's what happens when you deal with a teenager: jokes and double meanings about his love life. Good thing Dick was in New York, otherwise there would have been two of them making fun of him.
“We were investigating together. It was work.”
“As you said, old man.”
Clark coughed then, “Jason…we'd like to talk to you about something.”
“What would you think about a little brother?”
Jason blinked. Bruce ran a hand over his face. Clark really didn't want to let it go, huh? He was about to intervene when his son blurted out, “You got Bruce pregnant?!”
"No!" Bruce immediately exclaimed. “Jason, we're both men.”
“Hey, he's an alien. How do I know how it works! Oh god, Dickhead is going to go crazy…”
"Nobody's pregnant," Bruce sighed, suddenly feeling very old. “We met a kid tonight and Clark thinks I should take him in.”
“Let me guess… he has black hair.”
“Yes,” Clark replied.
"Blue eyes?" Jason asked again.
“Traumatized and weirdo?”
Clark thought about it before saying, “I'm not sure if he's traumatized, but he's definitely a…peculiar kid. He follows Batman to take photos to put on his Tumblr blog… ”
“He's definitely a weirdo,” Jason concluded. - There's nothing to do. You have a type, Bruce.”
Bruce groaned. What had he done to make people believe he had no impulse control… oh, yeah. He had literally kidnapped Jason. He didn't have a good record.
“Look, I'll check on him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. If I see something that doesn't convince me, I will act accordingly.”
From the way Jason and Clark looked at him, it was clear that neither of them believed him.
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sapphossidechick · 1 year
I convinced my friends to break up with their girlfriends and broke up with mine, who is pregnant, in order to please our parents. AITA?
I (30M) and my girlfriend (20F) have been dating for a few years. Three of my good friends (27M, 29M, 30M) were dating three of her friends (21F, 21F, 23F) and we would always hang out together.
A little background: I and my friends all come from fairly wealthy families. Our respective girlfriends are all working class, but mine is an orphan and has no family name or dowry. This didn’t matter up until about a month ago—when she got pregnant and started talking about marriage.
Reddit, our relationship has never been that serious for me, but she seems to be fully in love with me. I stalled and managed to get away without promising anything. At this point, my parents had been pressuring me to finish my studies in Paris, move back home, and marry a suitable girl. I know my friends’ parents have been doing the same.
Fast forward to last week: we all planned an outing and told our girlfriends we had a surprise for them. We took them out on a wonderful day in the park and then out to dinner at a nice restaurant.
Then I fucked up.
I was drunk, my friends were drunk, my friends’ girlfriends were drunk—basically, everyone was drunk except my girlfriend. I stood up and made quite an eloquent speech about the beauty of all the women at the table, finishing it off with a lengthy bit of prose about my girlfriend. Then I kissed her.
Or, at least, I tried. Turns out, I accidentally kissed her friend—they look very similar, see, they’re both blond.
To keep everything from blowing up, I quickly reminded them about the surprise and gathered my things to go and get it. It distracted my girlfriend quite easily—she really isn’t very smart—and my friends and I left the girls waiting at the restaurant. The surprise, they would find out, was a letter we left with the serving-boy that we instructed him to give them after an hour.
Everything went according to plan. Our parents were delighted, my friends’ girlfriends were likely devastated for a turn or two and then moved on like the fickle creatures women are, and I had gotten a cushy job as a lawyer.
I know I shouldn’t have left her with an illegitimate child like that, but I really had no choice! My parents were nagging and if word got out that I fathered a bastard, I’d never get a job. I only did what I had to do to take care of myself. I knew my friends were going to do the same sooner or later, and I figured it would be a cleaner break to do it all at once.
So Reddit, AITA here?
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ghostedgrim · 23 days
Too Blunt?
Masterlist Request Page
Synopsis: After getting Dauntless on her aptitude test, a girl happily takes the opportunity to escape her suffocating life as the "perfect" daughter of a Candor lawyer and leader. (Snarky ex rich Candor girl x Four)
Warnings: Implied abuse, death, father speaks hurtful words to his daughter on visiting day.
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Today is the most important day of my life, and to no one's suprise my parents demand I look my utter best, and of course, wear a dress. Personally, I think a dress is probably the worst thing to wear for what I have planned, but I guess I'll make do.
I grab a long bodycon dress. It's black, the fabric thin and breathable with a square neckline and a hem that reaches my mid shin, along with a slit trailing up to my mid thigh. Black because my parents will likely view me as dead after today, I'll be dead to them for my betrayal. Also I don't want anyone at my new faction to see my sweat. I pair my dress with black square-toe flats, then for the final touch pulled on a short white jacket with black accents.
I can not wait to leave.
Yes, the luxury of rich parents is nice, we have a penthouse, nice view, parties, but trust me, this grass is only spray painted green. My mother is a part of the Candor Council and my father a lawyer. They know how people work and what makes them tick. They know how to tell a truth with multiple meanings.
If asked what faction they hope I join, they reply, "I believe and hope she will choose the proper faction for her." Everyone thinks they're supportive of any future I take, but they're not. To them Candor is the perfect faction for me because Candor is perfection, Erudite is proper and still a good option because they work with math and science which goes perfectly hand in hand with truth, Amity and Abnegation are strange but a peaceful option, Dauntless... well, they hate Dauntless. To them, Dauntless are chaotic ruffians with hardly no law or education. This is somewhat true because many choose to ignore and even skip classes while young.
After breakfast, I meet my parents beside their car, it's sleek and white with a black trim. We exchange brief conversation, mom and dad prattle on about how Candor and Erudite are such perfect factions for me and how they believe I'll make the proper choice for myself and them. And I'm all too happy to leave the car once we arrive at The Hub. The tallest building in the city, and I'm quite thankful we arrived early because that means the elevators aren't as full. Unfortunately, that means I must also converse a bunch before the ceremony.
"Mother, I feel stressed about today, may I sit down instead of talking to everyone," I ask calmy.
"No, now go speak with Ms. Matthew and the other Erudites. If you're planning to transfer out of Candor, It's best you make a good relationship before joining them," my mother orders, her eyes feel like steel coiling around my throat, preventing me from giving any form of retort.
It feels like days have past, but really it was only an hour before Johanna makes her speech and began the ceremony. Johanna is the leader of Amity. With every name she calls, my heart seems to beat faster and faster as she gets closer to my name.
"... Verity." I stand and walk to the center stage. Each movement is controlled, perfect, exactly the way my parents want it to be. Candor is the perfect option, Erudite is the proper choice... I'm tired of it.
Just because you can only speak truth doesn't mean you can't manipulate. That's the issue with my faction, everyone here thinks their perfect and even pure simply because they don't lie. They're convinced that by eliminating lies they have eliminated evil.
But truth does not eliminate evil, a pacifist cannot do anything to stop evil when it steps on their door, being smart simply works as a gun for good and evil to wield. Brains, truth, pacifism, none of that eradicates evil, nor does it stop it from forming...
I cut my palm letting my blood sizzle onto the hot coals below.
But a good punch can certainly make it fuck off for a bit.
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Thank God I wore this dress, otherwise I would've never been able to run and jump onto the train. The sound of the running train deafens the sound of people talking around me. It was so loud that I almost didn't hear the warning about us jumping off. I don't pay much attention to Dauntless. All my life, I've tried to avoid them and their chaos, but even I knew they don't wait for trains to stop before jumping.
"Where are we jumping!" I yell, but no one answered. I lean my head out the door and to my shock, "Are they trying to kill us!?"
I'm supposed to jump off a moving train onto a damn building! What the actual fuck?
"Scared princess?" I turn to see an Erudite boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, height wise, I can only reach his shoulder. He moves to stand behind me, "Need me to give you a push."
I promptly stomp my heel on the toe of his shoe and backed away from the door, "Hard pass prince charming." The boy glares at me before returning his attention to the door. When it comes time to jump, he turns around to flash me a smile. I smiled back, then ran forward as fast as I could and jumped off the train.
Time slowed, initiates seemed to float in the air beside me, all wearing colors of black, blue, and white, I made the mistake of looking down and my body filled with cold terror. What if I don't make it. The ledge is getting closer and closer, fuck. Did I jump too early?
I slip on the gravel as I land, I slide down hard onto the right side of my body, no doubt covering my right forearm and lower legs in scratches, my teeth smack together as my jaw rams into the ground. "Fuck..."
"Agreed," someone groans out beside me, and I turn to see the Erudite boy from earlier sprawled out on his back. Two screams burst out behind us, and I jump up and turn to see several people crowd around the ledge. "Don't look."
"Don't tell me what to do," I snapped at the boy and watched as an Amity boy was hauled onto the roof. I peer over the ledge, someone's hand grabs my wrist and hauls me back. Unfortunately, it was not fast enough to see the dead person who failed to make it onto the roof. I press my hands to my face, trying to calm my breathing. Someone hugs me from the side, their hand rubbing my shoulder.
"Alright listen up!" I pull away from the person, only giving a quick enough glance to see they're a Dauntless born. I then look to the person speaking. "I'm Eric, I am one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. He stands atop the roof ledge. He wears all black, vest, shirt, pants, two peircings above his left brow and one per ear, his hair cropped at the sides and slicked back. "And if you don't have the guts to jump... then you don't belong in Dauntless. Someone's gotta be first. Who's it gonna be." The man jumps down from the ledge, watching us with a critical eye.
"So what, we jump on a moving train, jump off a moving train onto a rooftop, and now you want us to jump off the roof?" I scoff, and cross my arms.
Eric smirks, "thanks for volunteering." He swings his arm out, inviting me forward and as much as I want to back down Eric's body language, especially his eyes, warn me that backing down like a coward is definitely not the safest of my options. So I mutter a curse under my breath and walk forward.
With shaking hands I climb onto the ledge. If there's one thing I know, the longer you wait the more the anxiety builds. So with my back to the small crowd, I cast them a glace over my shoulder before looking down at the gaping hole before me and jumped.
A scream tore through my lips as I plummeted. For a moment I thought I might die, that Eric would use me as an example of what not to do as a Dauntless initiate. I would be remembered as the dumb initiate that jumped because she was told too.
I pass through the lip of the hole and to my supries saw dim lights. I had barely any time to think on it before I slammed into a net and bounced several times. And once the bouncing stopped, I lay there, trying to gather my senses. My ears pick up joyus whoops and hollers, then hands appear. They wrap around my arms and drag me from the net. I find myself standing before a tall man, brown hair, brown eyes, a shadow of hair across his jaw, and defined facial features.
"You alright," his voice is deep, with a hint of a rumble, "Did you get pushed."
I scoffed, "No, I jumped. Somewhat unwillingly. Tell the Eric guy he's a dickbag for me."
"Straight to the point I see, then again you're from Candor. If I were you, I'd be more careful about the way you speak about your superiors," he warns, then lets go of my arm. "You got a name?"
"Obviously, I have a name, it's ... Verity." The man nods, announcing my name and that I'm the first jumper before telling me to stand by the wall. A few moments later the Erudite boy falls.
"Damien! Second jumper!" The man announces. More cheers and Damien jobs over to me with a blinding smile.
"Only fair the prince follows the princess so she isn't alone," Damien teases.
"So what prince are you? Brother, or wannabe lover?" I deadpan.
Damien clicks his tongue, "I'm gay so obviously, brotherly."
"If you ever try or even joke about pushing me off a moving train, I will kill you."
"That's fair," Damien shrugs.
We remain standing side-by-side as the remainder of initiates jump. About 23 total, 11 transfer, and 12 Dauntless born. The twelve Daniel born are taken away by a woman instructor whom I've already forgotten the name of, while the brown hair guy calls the rest of us over to him.
"My name is Four," he announces, and I stifle a chuckle that makes Damien roll his eyes, "Mind telling me what's so funny?"
"Of all the names a man could choose, and you name yourself Four. Are there people named One, Two, and Three running around that you call siblings?" I grin, and Damien mutters something under his breath.
Four stalks forward, the initiates around me back away giving him space, bringing his face close to mine he speaks, "If you plan to survive here, then keep your mouth shut. Don't make me warn you again." Four's voice came out like a deep rumble, and I couldn't tell if I was scared or really attracted to it.
When Four walks away, Damien elbows me in the side, "Ow."
"Do you have a death wish?" He half-whispers.
I shrug and turn my attention to Four as he gives us a tour of Dauntless, pointing out the chasm, hub, cafeteria, and the dorms. I grimace at the sight of the hideous concrete room, metal cots, communal bathroom, at least the showers and bathrooms had a private stall for each one. If I'm lucky, I can snag a stall to change in during morning and night.
Four notices my obvious look of disgus. "Too much for you, princess? I thought you enjoyed luxurious suites like this room?" He mocks, and I resist the urge to punch his gut.
"It's quite lovely actually," I bite back, "in fact, it quite matches your sparkling personality."
Four goes to retort but is interrupted by a boy Candor transfer, "When do you get our uniforms?"
"You don't," Four replies, "depending on your rank, and skill shown throughout training you will earn points that you can exchange for clothes, body modifications, makeup, and whatever the hell else you want to spend it on. Now go pick a bunk and come to the cafeteria for dinner," Four orders.
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Watching Four go over various kicks, punches, blocks, and forms is starting to make me wish I went against my parents demands and wore pants. Earlier this morning Eric had informed us the lowest five preforming inmates get kicked. I had almost spoke up against that rule, but thought better of it knowing Eric was a leader, he could probably kick me out for just looking at him wrong. It's a stupid rule, especially because as far as I'm aware Dauntless doesn't have any overpopulation issues.
Four finally dismisses us to the punching bags, and my legs protest every step. He and Eric took us on a quarter mile run. I barely survived. Next week it'll be half a mile. I definitely won't survive that.
Once at my bag I move into a fighting stance, feet spread, from foot pointed at the bag, back foot planted on the ground perpendicular to the front foot. My hits are weak, my form certainly not the best. Right now I want nothing more than a hot shower and my b-
"With a form like that you won't survive the matches starting tomorrow," a low voice speaks behind me. I turn to see Four, his gaze critiquing my posture, his arms crossed.
"What's it to you?" I snap.
Four rolls his shoulders then reaches out to shrink my too-wide stance, bring my fist closer to my jaw. "There. Unless you want to get hit, keep your fists up so you can block your sides and head with your forearms. Also don't make your stance so wide, not only do you look stupid, it makes moving and kicking alot harder." Four pulls away and moves to stand beside me, "As for why I care. I'm your instructor, it's my job to prevent as much of you from failing as possible. Now hit the bag is if it's someone you hate."
"So pretend I'm hitting you. Got it," I quip. Four only offers a few critiques and tips before walking away. I try to focus, but honestly my mind seems more focused on what Four's hands on my hips and the feeling of him standing so close behind me that I could feel his breath practically caress my neck.
"Careful," and my knees nearly go weak from the way the word rolled off his tongue like a soft rumble.
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Over the course of the month, I grew stronger, my stamina longer, my muscles more prominent too. While I was certainly not the most skilled at fighting, the wit of my tonge remained strong. I used the points I earned to buy myself more comfortable clothes; boots, pants, shirts, I even gave myself the tattoo of the Candor symbol, encased in flames. I was even contemplating getting peircings, but I couldn't tell if I wanted them out of a wish to rebel against the way I was raised or because I actually wanted one.
Tonight was the night before visiting day. Last week had marked the end of our first part of initiation, and I dread thinking of what will happen next week.
Damien was standing in front of his bunk, ranting about how he's excited to see his sister. I watch him from my perch in his bunk. Over the past month, he'd gone from scrawny to quite musclar. It was almost scary to think about the sheer change. Snakebite peircings and blonde hair now green, Damien was certainly embracing the punk side of Dauntless.
We've both grown quite a bit since the Choosing Ceremony, the same way my crush on Four has only worsened.
Training, walking around Dauntless, cafeteria, I often try to find Four somewhere in the crowd. Most times, he's already staring at me. I shiver.
"You alright."
I break from my thoughts to see Damien squatting down in front of me. "I'm fine," I have to force the lie out. I've gotten better at lying, but it's nearly impossible to do it to the people I'm close to.
Damien shakes his head, and moves to sit on his cot beside me. "You're an awful liar."
"Yeah! I'm well aware!" A few other initiates turn to us at my outburst. Perhaps my feelings for Four weren't my only concern. "What if my parents actually come tomorrow? I hate them, but I'm so scared to see that inevitable look of disappointment." I slump against Damien's should, and he wraps an arm around me.
"Faction before blood. Dauntless is your faction, Dauntless is your family, you are my sister, and I am proud of you. Your parents are merely the people that made you and raised you. Unfortunately, they chose to turn you into a miniature of them and force away the true you. Whatever happens, your true family is here, and I will punch your parents for you if you need."
"Thanks..." I reply, and Damien rests his chin on my head.
Silence settles around us, a comfortable one that helps me relax a bit. "I asked Aaron out," Damien suddenly blurts out.
I pull away, turning to face him, "Ex Candor Aaron!" But Damien shakes his head, his grin bright.
"Nope! The Dauntless born Aaron. Black hair, chiseled face."
My mouth drops open in suprise, "I thought he was homophonic?"
Damien's grin turns almost feral, "Was. But then he lost a bet, we kissed, he liked it," Damien's hands move dramatically to emphasize each word, "he wanted to experiment, and let's just say I preformed real good."
"Gross. There's no way you're telling the truth."
"I am," Damien lounges back against his pillow.
"In that case, I guess I'll need to get some tips from you about winning over my crush sometime."
Damien sits up faster than I can blink, "who is it?"
"Not telling," I sing, and Damien pouts. "See ya tomorrow." I wave and walk over to my cot.
A permanent frown is etched into my face as I watch families mingle down in the pit. I already spotted my parents looking for me earlier, but I made no move to join them.
Someone walks up beside me but I say nothing.
"Wow. No snarky comment, sneer, or anything. Are you okay?" I'm surprised to hear Four sounds actually sincere.
"I'm fine-"
"No, you're not. You can talk to me about it," Four offers.
"As if you know anything about shitty parents," I sneer.
Four's gaze darkend, locking his jaw and I realize I hit a nerve, fuck. "Trust me, I do know." Four then quickly walks off.
Eventually, Damien hunts me down and drags me from my beloved hiding spot to meet his sister, but we get intercepted.
"I see you've enjoyed it here," I tense and turn to face my father, who is flanked by my mother. "Your friend is... interesting."
I cross my arms and glare at them. "I'm surprised you came."
"Yes, well," my mother starts, "while you may have joined a faction far beneath us, I must admit I was curious to see just how much you let yourself go. And it seems you've lost all sense of acting a proper lady." All sense of confidence seeps from my body as my mother scolds my appearance with her eyes.
Damien finally speaks up, "How dare you speak to her that way!"
My mother shrugs, "I'm simply speaking the truth. Tell your boyfriend to cool it."
"I have a boyfriend," Damien growls.
A look of utter disgust appears on my father's face, and before I can speak, he drags me away. I tried to grab onto Damien, but we'd already lost him in the crowd.
"Had I known you've fallen so far, I would've ordered someone to make you Factionless," my father snarls.
"What's so wrong about -"
"Do not interrupt me," just by an order from my father, I go stiff and silent. Just how I was before leaving Candor. Docile, pretty, soft.
"First, you betray us by joining Dauntless off all factions. I might've forgiven you if it was Amity of Abnegation, but you join Dauntless. Now you've cut your hair all short," I touch my hair, I had forgotten I cut it after too many initiates kept pulling it during sparring matches. "Look at your clothes, they're hideous, and with that cropped tank top, you look like a sl-"
"That's enough," someone growls beside me. My gaze snaps to Four as he pulls me closer to him. "Get out before I remove you both by force." My father goes to argue, but Four punches him in the face before he can finish.
I remain silent and unwilling to fight back as Four guides me through the halls, and he doesn't stop until he's confident we're alone.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Four asks while leaning against the rock wall. The dim blue light around us highlights his features.
"I don't know," my voice it quiet.
Four stares at me, as if taking in my every detail, every move, and emotion, like I'm a book. "Why did you join Dauntless?"
My heart sinks. He probably thinks I'm unworthy or something. "To escape my parents."
Four merely cocks his head, "If your sole goal was to escape you would've ran to Amity. Why did you come here?"
"Why do you care?" I snap.
Four sits on the ground and pats the space beside him. Despite myself, I sit.
"You don't have to talk about it. But understand I get it. Having a parent raising you to be impossibly perfect, who cares about their public image. That hate for yourself because you don't feel good enough even after you leave, still being afraid of them after you escape. Trust me, I get it. And if you bottle it, it will just consume you."
A gasp almost escapes me, he's Marcus's son. "Why are you telling me this?"
"When we met, I thought you were going to be some bratty rich girl, you wouldn't last. You're still a bit of a brat," he chuckles, "but you're also a fighter. Strong, unwilling to bend or break, and the fucking way you smile. I must admit I'm jealous, but more than that I confess I want nothing more than to kiss you."
"You like me?"
"Alot more than I'm willing to admit."
"I came to Dauntless because I'm tired of feeling weak and unable to fight back." Four looks at me intently. "All my life it was dresses, being told how to act, stand, sit, talk. I felt like a doll, and if I made one error I would get yelled at and locked in my room for a week at the least. It was suffocating and I always felt so utterly powerless. Here at Dauntless I'm strong, I'm free, I can actually fight." I look down at my hands, and Four rests one of his atop mine, and I squeeze it.
"You said you wanted to kiss me."
"Badly," he added.
"Then kiss me."
One minute Four is looking at me like I grew two heads, and the next his lips are upon mine. My hands find purchase on his shoulders, both his hands cup my face. He kisses me like he's starved. His lips are soft, and warm and I practically melt into the kiss.
We pull away for a moment, then slowly we kiss again. "Please be mine," Four mumbles against my lips.
"I am yours," I mutter back as we kiss again. Eventually, we settle, simply sitting in the empty hall, me in Four's arms, his head on my chin.
"I knew it!"
"Fuck!" My head slams against Four's jaw as I jolt making Four groan in pain.
"Man I fucking knew it! Maria owes me $20," Damien cackles, so I chuck my shoe at him and grace him my middle finger.
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Author's note: I'm sorry it took so long, my dad was in the hospital for colon cancer, and his girlfriend got offended that my mom knew of the situation which was a hole issue. Fortunately things have calmed down, my dad's surgery was successful, and he's doing chemo to ensure it doesn't come back.
I hope you enjoyed the fic. Please share feedback, I happily accept constructive criticism.
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nwheregirl · 1 year
A little bit of fun for your soul. (Kevin Lomax x reader)
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Request: “So, can you do an headcanon Yandere Dark Kevin Lomax being obsessed with his innocent secretary female reader, please?” By @gea-chan96
New York is so fun, right? You just moved there, probably enchanted by all the wonderful scenery your parents' friends often told you about. Besides, you needed to feel independent, to leave mum and dad's house in order to finally be a woman free to do what she wanted.
Rent is expensive, the apartment is perhaps too small for such a high price: you immediately had to find a job.
You noticed on the newspaper that a famous New York attorney was urgently looking for a secretary: the salary was quite high for such a...simple job?
"Who cares? You literally just have to sit behind a desk and smile to his clients, and learn how to use the printer!" Your friend with whom you were talking on the phone told you, while you were sitting on the sofa of your small apartment in shorts and a tank top. "Or I'll end up spending my mornings and nights printing papers, having to remember how he takes his coffee, and having his wife storm into the office to punch me in the face out of unreasonable jealousy!" You answered, in a tone that was not too ironic.
Your friend had pointed out how you were perfect for such a job: you had always been a kind and honest, quiet girl…sometimes too naive for your own good. You were a person incapable of hurting anyone, it was hard for you to lie, you were smiley and polite. Basically, an emotional and sweet soul.
You both imagined that this big-shot lawyer was probably old and wrinkly, someone who needed help with the little tasks of his job because of his age.
Wrong, you were fucking wrong.
Kevin Lomax was a promising young lawyer from Florida. He had been making a name for himself for some years now, as a professional who had never lost a case since his career began. Over the years the commitments had increased, along with his money. He had just gotten out of a stormy divorce with his ex-wife (this is something you would find out later).
The reason for the divorce was that Kevin was an absolutely unfaithful, self centered and possessive man. His poor wife had come to have a nervous breakdown due to the immeasurable sadness he had caused her.
But this, you would never know.
You applied for the job, and on the day of your interview you were struck by the beauty of the man: his pitch black hair and his brown eyes that seemed to penetrate into your soul for how deep they were, his broad and muscular body and his expensive suit that hugged his shoulders perfectly... you were convinced at first that he was just a trainee, but no. He was the man you were going to work for.
In the first months of your job Kevin had been professional and quiet, at times even cold and rude. He just nodded to you, ordering you left and right to do something for him without so much as a 'thank you' or 'please'. He was a man of few words and busy. You thought it was definitely not the friendliest environment to work in.
No one from the office ever spoke to you: you were simply the secretary and nothing more. They wished you good morning and smiled at you, that's it.
What you didn't know was that, in the first few months there, Kevin had done meticulous research on you to understand what kind of woman you were: he had contacted some criminals he had managed not to send to jail (they owed him a favor) to stalk you and make a complete profile of the person you were.
He was a lustful man, but at the same time (given what he had gone through with his ex-wife) he wanted to aim for a woman who was simple, submissive and therefore easy to manipulate. Not a gold digger, possibly. He wanted to indulge in his needs without any stress.
Kevin liked your aura of kindness and naivety, so he wanted confirmation that it wasn't just a mask: he discovered that you were actually a good girl, with a simple life and many female friends. You were shy around men, sometimes maybe even scared that someone might be interested in you. In short, you were perfect. Kevin wondered how it was possible that you didn't realize how beautiful you were, your sinuous body could have set a fire in the soul of any man that looked at you. He liked it even better that way though, it would have been easier to corrupt you and make you his good little fuck doll.
It happened out of nowhere: your boss had started being nicer, almost too much. You didn't know what to say or what to do, you were too embarrassed...and he had too much power over you to complain. You couldn't risk getting fired.
“Grab me a coffee. Will you, sweetheart?”.
“What a nice skirt you are wearing this morning, doll”.
“It’s late, I’ll call you a cab”.
“Y/N, print me this.” He would say, moving exaggeratedly close to your ear and tapping his fingers on your hips for a few seconds.
“You can go now. Do you have any plans for the weekend? I hope you don’t have a date, sweetie”. He said to you one day, winking at you with his pearly white smile: you laughed at those words but there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes, it seemed that through that small gesture he was hiding something more sinister.
During the few months in which those subtle behaviors had gone on you hadn't reciprocated his flirting ways: you wanted to keep it professional, you were shy and perhaps it made you a little uncomfortable. You couldn't deny that you weren't flattered to get the attentions of such a handsome and powerful man, though. Kevin knew that behind that fear, that innocence…you craved him just as much as he did. He was starting to lose his patience, no longer wanted to play nice with you.
It happened one evening, in one of the most expensive bars in New York: Kevin had just won yet another lawsuit. You often accompanied him to court to keep his papers organised, always finishing work after dinner time and coming back home exhausted. This time, however, you had decided to pass by that bar just for a few minutes to say hello and congratulate him.
"Congratulations, Mr. Lomax!" you exclaimed happily as you entered the bar. You knew perfectly well that you didn’t belong there: you were surrounded by very rich attorneys, with their beautiful trophy wives and their shiny sports cars.
You were wearing a navy blue knee-length skirt, a white button-up blouse, a tailored blazer and stud earrings. A pair of low heel classic pumps at your feet. You wore your hair down, alway looking professional and polished.
Kevin turned to look at you as he was talking to his colleagues, his face changing completely into a seductive grin. He stared at you, licking his lips. He was wearing a sophisticated three piece grey suit.
His voice almost seemed to take a different tone; much deeper and seductive.
“Thank you, sweetheart”
He said with a charming wink, taking a sip of his drink as he offered to buy you one.
"Oh no thanks, I don't drink. I just came by to say hello, I don't want to disturb you"
"Who ever told you that you disturb me, honey?" Lomax said, his smile widening more as he leaned forward. He brought his drink to his lips slowly, eyes locked on yours as he did so. You didn't know exactly what to answer to those words, it was simply you being shy. Lomax reached out a hand, placing it gently on your arm.
He looks strong and confident, you had always admired him for his confidence…
“Don’t be so self conscious, you are a beautiful girl” He said with a warm smile, bringing his hand up to gently stroke your hair.
Wait…what the fuck had just happened? Was Kevin Lomax really stroking your hair?
You blushed, you lowered your gaze and murmured thanks to that compliment: man, now you understood why all the girls in the office spoke of him as if he were the most fascinating man on the planet. It took very little for him to make someone's legs shake.
"Mmh..thank you, but I really have to go..." You whispered at that moment as you sank into your shyness: but he wouldn't have given you a chance to escape. In fact, being late, he offered to drive you home in a tone that made you understand that "no" was not a plausible answer.
So, you found yourself sitting in the passenger seat of his very expensive car, your hands resting shyly on your knees while you avoided making eye contact with Kevin and admired the sight of the city’s lights from the car’s window. The famous attorney had turned to look at you, a sly smile on his face: you were so cute, he could feel his pants getting tight at the thought of corrupting such a simple girl. It would have been so easy to make you fall at his feet…
"You know I don't bite, right? You can talk to me." There was an awkward silence in the car due to your discomfort. You turned your head toward the man, a shy smile on your face. Fortunately, you were not very far from your apartment: you could hold out a little longer. You smiled shyly, apologizing to him.
“…unless you want me to bite”.
What? What did he just said?
You turned towards him, shocked: you felt your throat grow dry as your cheeks turned bright red. You stood still for a few seconds.
"Mr. Lomax?" You called his name, thinking you were losing your mind. But no, it was real and it was really happening: you became aware of the fact that he had parked in front of your apartment but was showing no signs of wanting to unlock the door.
"You know..." The handsome attorney whispered, bringing his face closer to yours.
"I know you've noticed how I've treated you over the past few months, but you've shown no signs of wanting to give in. I am a not very patient man, if I want something I always get it." You noticed that you felt a huge emptiness in your stomach as you continued to stand still and look into his eyes with your lips half-open in shock.
"I always win." The man had whispered then, brushing his fingers over your cheekbones.
"I don't think any of this is appropriate…you are indeed a handsome man...but what will be said about me if people find out about this?" You whispered, as your insecurity blocked your throat from making a confident, clear sound.
"There are many beautiful women just waiting for attention from the famous Kevin Lomax, I am simply your secretary. I know what lawyers do with their secretaries, they use them like dolls and then throw them away. I don't want to be that, for any man in the world -- not even the richest one..." You kept going, feeling your eyes getting wet: damn insecurity, but at least you were managing to speak. That innocence and tenderness of yours generated in Kevin an even stronger lust for you: it was true, a good part of his colleagues did that. The world of New York lawyering was a world full of sins and scandals. But he was a gentleman, or for that matter he was distinctly better than some people: it almost seemed as if he could smell your fear and embarrassment.
"Sugar..." this time Kevin caught your face in his hands, bringing it brutally close to his: you could feel his breath smelling of alcohol and cigars on your skin. Not commenting on anything you had said, he ended the conversation this way:
"Good night, try to get some rest because tomorrow you will be forced to stay with me until late."
And once again, his tone scared you.
Back home, you looked at yourself in the mirror as you silently rinsed your face: you thought first about calling and quitting the very next morning, and then in the silence of your room -as you tried to fall asleep- you sensed your most unconscious emotions taking over your brain.
Kevin was handsome: you had stated that several times. You admired his confidence; you were frightened by his authoritative energy. You were a woman like any other, you had needs and when a person was attractive to you, you couldn't help but fantasize at least a little bit. Your brain had done that with your boss too, but you had always tried to scuttle your thoughts-you felt guilty, damn guilty. It wasn't right, what would your parents think of you?
You fell asleep overwhelmed by this train of thoughts, ignoring the fact that you had woken up after dreaming of your body bent against a desk, powerful hands pulling at your hair.
The next day you felt like you were in a different place, not the one you had now come to know for more than eight months.
You constantly felt Kevin's intense, dark gaze on your body; he hadn't spoken to you all day: he seemed to be back to his old way of doing things.
How wrong you were.
He simply wanted to make you feel uncomfortable, and he had succeeded. You felt that you had done something wrong, that you had offended him: perhaps you had gone too far? Was he about to fire you?
You were doing an impeccable job: his schedule was always perfect, his papers always in order, and much more. Would he really have been able to send you away or treat you badly because of a simple conversation?
You were forced to stay late into the evening in the office, when everyone had already left. Kevin had been in court for many hours that day because of a very difficult mob case. Now, after having dinner with several colleagues, he was forced to stay until late sitting at his desk to analyze documents that contained important evidence that would enable him to win the case. It was you who had alphabetically sorted through that large amount of documentation; that was why he needed you.
You breathed a sigh of relief when he had coldly called your name to ask you to find him the file of a specific person.
Slowly, you opened the small metal drawer to look for that specific file. There was total silence inside that room, it was now almost 11 o'clock at night, and you couldn't feel the fatigue because of the adrenaline rush that the discomfort was causing you.
You could once again feel the attorney's eyes slowly exploring your body-he was waiting, but panic made it seem like your eyes could not focus on the right letter. You coughed several times, starting to sweat.
"So?" He had said aloud, passing his tongue over his lips: his blazer was resting on the chair, his sleeves were rolled up, and his tie was now forgotten somewhere. The first buttons of his shirt were open. His hair, that were always tied elegantly combed back, now fell over his forehead.
At that moment, to get even more comfortable, he had taken off his suspenders and the very expensive Rolex he was wearing on his wrist until a few minutes before.
"I'm sorry, I'm looking for it: it must be fatigue slowing me down." You had your head lowered in shame: you were generally quick, it never happened to make him wait more than a minute.
“Come here”.
You slowly turned toward him, your eyes still fixed on the floor.
"Look at me."
You didn't want to, you were ashamed, you couldn't really lift your head. At that point, Kevin violently slammed his hand against the desk.
"I said fucking look at me! Don't you ever listen?"
Terrified, you raised your head toward him: your legs were shaking, you felt you were about to cry--you don't like it when people yell at you. Kevin realized that maybe he had gone too far in having that reaction with you (or maybe he had accidentally shown you his true nature?), so he signed and massaged his temples:
"I'm sorry, come here..." He turned in your direction, opened his legs slightly and settled more comfortably in the black leather chair.
Figuring it would be worse if you didn't listen, you slowly approached the desk and looked at him with a confused and disappointed expression. You were facing him now, but were still too far away for his own taste.
"I didn't mean to respond that way, sugar..." He repeated, displaying a mask of guilt as his hand repeatedly tapped his thigh.
"Come closer” He said in a firmer tone, this time understanding what he was getting at.
"Kneel" He ordered you, and so you positioned yourself between his legs like a lapdog: in the silence of that moment you felt humiliated…humiliated and that you were succumbing to his power and feeling even more ashamed of the fact you were liking it. His hand began to caress your cheek as his thumb did the same with your lips.
"Open" The lawyer ordered , and you welcome his finger in your mouth, licking and sucking it slowly. You had heard of things like this: you understood then what he wanted, and you were at least trying. He'd probably been with more experienced women than you, and that shamed you even more. You felt like a stupid teen.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice the fact that Kevin had slowly started to undo his belt, opening your eyes when you heard the noise of the zip being lowered.
"Don't worry, I’ll teach you everything" He explained, having noticed how awkward you were: even better he thought, it would have been even easier for him to make you what he wanted you to be.
"You're mine now, not that you'd ever get a chance to run away from me..." The way you were looking at him, with his finger still between your lips, made his eyes darken: you reminded him of a sweet deer, small and innocent. He smiled, taking your face in his hands and leaning towards you.
"If you're good, in a couple of years I might even put a ring around your pretty little finger…you would like that wouldn’t you, little doll?”.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Back to Home | Chapter Three: Impossible
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*GIF not mine*
Summary: While on Earth 717, they start to plan an operation to get you back; on Earth 616, everyone want to know who you are but, you just want to go home and for this, you'll have to ask the help of one of the last person you want to see right now.
Pairing in this chapter: Natasha Romanoff x Teen!Reader; Avenger x Teen!Reader; Doctor Strange x Teen!Reader; America Chavez x Teen!Reader; Peter Parker x Teen!Reader; (variant)WandaNat & family
chapter two | serie masterlist | chapter four
Okay it was the only thing you did want to deal with. You just looked at them for a moment, you needed to think about a name right now. "Uh...Scarlet." you replied more like a question. They clearly doubted that but it's not like you could tell them who you were. Right now you just needed to not bring more questions and quickly came back in the future.
At your reply, Natasha scoffed and you looked at her with a sad look. The last argument you had with your moms was still recent in your mind but she didn't have to know that, at least not yet.
"Scarlet hum? Like the Scarlet Wi-" Sam tried to ask but you cut him off.
"No, definitely no. It's Scarlet like Scarlet Widow." you said proudly and everyone looked at you confused.
"Widow? Like the Black Widow?" Bucky asked and you sighed.
"No. Like the Scarlet Widow." you reply harshly.
"Okay, okay. Miss, Scarlet what do you want?" Strange asked, visibly annoyed by your interaction with the two men.
"I want to go back home." you replied.
"And where are you from?" he asked.
"Really far from here." Nobody seemed convinced.
"And where did you find this?" Natasha spoke for the first time and showed you your widow's bites.
"Oh thank God, you found them. Morgan would kill me if I lost them." you replied and the two teens chuckled at your attitude.
"You know it's not something a kid should have." Tony said and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm 18, so, technically I'm not a kid anymore and I have used this for nearly three years now so yeah how dangerous they could be." you said looking at the red headed when you finished your sentence.
"But they didn't work." Natasha said
"Yeah I know that's why I'm here. I need to repair them even if I don't really know how. I need to send a signal to the....to my team and to let them know I'm alright." you said and tried to be the most convincing possible.
"But we have some questions before." Steve said and you rolled your eyes.
"Birthday?" the Russian asked but you didn't reply. You can't tell them you were technically born aly six years ago. "Okay you don't want to reply." she sighed. "Parent's name?" she asked. You just stare at her but you didn't said anything. "Okay, another question. Why do you have the same power as Wanda Maximoff?" she asked.
You played with your fingers and when they think you'll finally reply you wiped their hope. "Can I talk to my lawyer?" you asked and they all exchanged a look.
Tony grabbed a phone and looked at you "Who are they?" he asked and you bit your cheek.
"Clint Barton." you replied and they were all confused. "You know Hawkeye, the Avengers" you added and that didn't make disappear their surprise.
Okay even in your univers Clint didn't really learnt anything about laws but if there is one person you wanted to confess anything it was him. Morgan is only 6 years old in 2024; your aunts are very good friends but you knew they couldn't really keep this to themself and for your uncle it's sure he could talk with your mom so he was the safe option.
Natasha just glared at you, it was clear that she couldn't trust you; she didn't say anything and just left quickly followed by the winter soldier. "Did I say something wrong?" you asked Peter.
"Honestly I don't know. She seems a little upset but I think she will call him." he replied. 
"Oh okay, but why did the Snowman soldier follow her?" you asked and Amercia chuckled at the shity nickname.
"I'm not sure but everyone says there is something between them." Peter whispered and you frowned your eyebrows. Yeah of course your mom is good friends with Bucky but she's married to a certain Sokovian witch, right? The boy noticed your face and added in a whisper "You know they are a thing. Like they date each other." 
"What??!" you yelled and the adults stopped their conversation to look at you. "No it's impossible. Are you sure about that?" you asked a little quietly.
"Yeah it's like everywhere on the internet." he replied casually.
"But it's impossible I need to...I mean I ship her with Wanda." you corrected yourself and ignored America who raised her eyebrows to you. 
"Sorry not sorry. I think you missed a lot of things because right now I don't think it could have anything between her and Wanda." he said and when you wanted to ask why Natasha came back. 
Everyone looked at her but she focused her gaze on you and it remembered you all the time she was about to ground you. "He will be here tomorrow." she informed you and you nodded. "We will let see you tomorrow. Steve will bring you your lunch later." she said and left.
“So I think we can go back from where we came too.” Strange added.
“No!” you stopped him. “Actually I’ll need your help to go back to my home.” you informed him.
“And what makes you think I will want to help a perfect stranger who I don’t know her name?” he asked you.
“Because…you’re an avenger and the Avengers help the ones who need it.” you said. “And also because you’re one of the most powerful users of magic here, and I’m pretty sure my problem needs magic.” you added.
“I’m the supreme sorcerer, I’m not ‘one of the most powerful magic users here’. I’m the most powerful.” he explained and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay if you want but I think you forgot Wanda. She can alternate reality and she’s like the most powerful witch in this world, even if I’m the second one.” you said and America flinched a little. The action was unnoticed by everyone in the room except you but you didn’t find the need to ask her about that.
“Yeah, but I don’t think she would be able to help you for a moment.” the sorcerer said before leaving with the two teens before you could reply.
In the afternoon Steve came back to the kitchen with an empty plate. "She didn't say anything, I think she doesn't want to talk to anyone except Clint." he said and Natasha just nodded.
"Do you think it's a good idea to let her speak with Clint? She didn't look like someone we can trust." Sam asked.
"I don't trust her." the Russian said and Bucky looked at her confused. "I don't know why she wants to talk to Clint but she's silly if she thinks he will not tell me what she wants to keep hidden from us." she explained.
Tony came just after and throw your widow's bite on the redhead's laps she looked confused. "Look at them" she looked at them and then at the billionaire again. "More carefully." he said and she inspected them. She was about to give up until she found it, a little 'Stark Industrie' logo.
"But how?" she asked and Tony took back the weapons.
"I don't know but I think it's not the last secret this little thing hides." he said and went back to his lab.
[Earth 717 - the Tower] 
Tony was zoning out in the kitchen with a coffee cup in his hand, neither him or his daughter had a proper night. He was too far in his mind to hear the footsteps, he came back to reality when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Tony, are you alright?" Steve asked.
The billionaire placed the cup on the kitchen counter, "Honestly no" he admitted "I don't know what to do. We try anything Steve, we search in the multiverse. We used the power of America to help us but nothing worked." he said.
"I think you should try to sleep, after a good nap you will try again and we will help you." the super soldier saif and gave him a reassuring smile and led him in a bedroom.
In your tower’s bedroom Morgan was here with Ava, your other best friend, she told her everything.
"Wait hold on, you are telling me that the most reckless person we know is lost somewhere in the multiverse?" Ava asked and Morgan nodded, "wow, it's the most Y/n-ish thing she ever did" she joked and the little Stark laughed. "But how are you? You don't look good so I think you stayed up all night with your dad to find a soluce."
"Yeah but it's more complicated than we thought."
"I don't even want to try to imagine all you did."
"We did a lot of things but it doesn't really matter we didn't find her."
"Hey don't say that you'll find her, like you always did. And she can't miss the gender reveal party, I'm sure she'll come back soon."
"Talking about that, how is my little buddy?"
"They are pretty good but I think I'm not ready for the next few months." 
"Don't worry we will be here, like always."
'Ava was in front of your door, she was nervous but after five more minutes she knocked on the door. She didn't have to wait too long before Wanda opened the door.
"Hey Ava how are you?" she asked and your best friend almost cried at the question.
"Very good and you aunty Wanda?" she replied and even if your mom sensed it was a lie she didn't push her.
"Very well thank you. Y/n and Morgan are in her bedroom." she said and took a step aside to let the teenager in. Ava thanks her and after quickly greeting Natasha she rushed to your bedroom; she didn't knock and just enter and close the door quickly behind her.
You were playing Mario Kart with Morgan, you sprained your ankle at your last mission so you can't really go out. Your other best friend sat on the bed and you paused the game to look at her; she texted you two hours earlier to let you know she had to talk to you and Morgan and that's why everyone was there.
"Girls I fucked up" she started and the two of you exchange a concern look.
"Did you crash your mom's car? Don't worry my dad can get you a new." Morgan said but the other girl shook her head.
"Did you burn your house? It's okay, I'm sure my mama can reverse the thing." you said but she shook her head again.
"Okay now you start to worry us. What's happen?" Morgan asked. Ava took a deep breath and tears almost fell on her cheeks.
"Guys, I'm pregnant." she announced and she would look at your two faces if she was not too anxious about the news.
"You're WHAT?" you both yelled, in the living room Natasha looked at Wanda a little confused, her wife sensed you were shocked, happy and worried at the same time but she didn't know why. "From who? Since when? And most importantly does your mom know?" you asked her together.
"From Marcus of course, you know I'd never cheat on him. I've known about it since yesterday. And yes my mom knows, she's actually the one who encouraged me to tell you." she replied and you smiled.
"It's awesome Ava you always wanted to be a mom." you said and you hugged her tightly but you pulled back she was crying.
"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" Morgan asked her.
"My mom was happy, she said she will help me. But him..." she couldn't finish her answer before she cried again.
"What did he say?" Morgan asked.
"He said he doesn't want to have a kid now and he broke up with me." she said.
"Honestly I understand him." You said "It's not easy to raise a child even more when we are only 18 but don't worry we will be here with you and I'm sure my moms would be more than happy to help you." you explained and she finally smiled.
You came back from Ava's first echography. The three of you were excited when you opened the door of your home. You quickly went to the kitchen with your friend where your moms were.
"Hi moms" you said and they looked at you.
"Hi girls, you seemed excited" Wanda said and Ava nodded.  
"Mama, do you still have the book on pregnancy?" you asked and Natasha choked on her coffee. "That's not for me." you reassured them.
The Russian scanned your friend and lent her gaze on Ava who just waved shyly. "Wait no. Not you." Natasha said and Wanda looked at your friend confused.
"Yes it's me. I'm pregnant" she said and your moms started to cry and gave her a group hug.
"But how? I remember the first time Y/n brought you here after school. You were so tiny, you were a baby and now…" Wanda said and Morgan and you laughed at her attitude. Your moms cried, they saw Ava like her daughter too like Morgan or your cousin Luna.
"Time flies aunty Wanda" she replied and everybody laughed.'
Morgan yawned and Ava brought back to reality, "You need to sleep, I'll be here with you don't worry." she said and the young Stark nodded before she laid on your bed and started to sleep.
[Earth 616 - Tower, the next day]
"Miss Scarlet, Mr, Barton is here." Friday said. You were watching a series after you convinced Tony to let you have a Netflix account. When you turned your head you saw Clint and Natasha, they both had a silent discussion before the man looked at you. He didn't make you wait and open the door to enter, the redhead was just behind him.
He sat in front of you and you just looked at Nat to wait until she left but she didn't. Fortunately for you the archer seemed to understand. "I think I heard Tiny said he would need your help with something" he said to his best friend and she finally seemed to notice and leave. "So, hi, I'm CLint but it seems you already know that." he said and you nodded. "So who are you?" 
You took a deep breath and looked at him. "Okay, I know what I'm about to say would be weird but I need you to trust me." you said and he frowned his eyebrows. "You're the only one who can help me and keep my secret safe until I'm back home."
"And what tell you I would not tell you anything?" he asked. 
"Because you're Clint Barton, I know exactly what you're capable of and I know you'll never tell what I'll tell you." you replied.
"You seem to trust me a lot but I don't know you."
"That's because my moms do."
"Your moms?"
"Yeah, you're the first who trusted them and allowed them to try to have a better life and change who they were." you declared but he didn't reply. "Okay, I'm Y/n Maximoff-Romanoff, and my moms are Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff." you said and his jaw dropped.
"But how can you? Natasha..."
"Can't have babies, I know. It's Wanda who carried me." you explained.
"But why do you tell me this? Why not Natasha or Wanda?" he asked.
"Oh I don't know because it seems a little weird to appear from nowhere and suddenly say 'Hey, I'm your daughter from the future. I don't know why I'm here but I can't go back home. Oh and I love your hair cut by the way.' See, it seems weird." you explained.  
"Wait, you're from the future?" he asked.
"Yes, how do you think I could be so old when my mom only met 12 years ago?" you replied.
"You really talk like a Romanoff." he said and you smiled.
"Thanks, I think it's one of the best things someone said to me." you replied honestly.
"But now I start to think, how could I help you?"
"I just need you to fix my widow's bite and send a signal to Morgan." you replied.
"I stop you kid, I'm not the best with technology. And wait Nat let you use widow's bite?" he asked, visibly shocked.
"Technically, she didn't let me but I'm the scarlet widow and a widow without a widow's bite it's weird." you replied.
"Scarlet Widow?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah because of my magic" you replied.
"Not because of something else?" 
"Why do everyone think I chose this because of my mom?" 
“Because you have the same habit of playing with your hands when you’re nervous,” he pointed at your hands. Honestly you didn’t realize you were nervous until her said it. “But what tell you Natasha didn’t put a mic on me?” he asked.
“Would you let her if she asked you?” he seemed to think about it before he shook his head. “See? Now I need your help, I’ll explain what to do.” you started but he cut you off.
“Sorry but you know that they can record us with Friday?” he asked but you smirked
“I’m the best friend of the little genius Morgan Stark, I know how to hack Friday easily.” you said proudly.
“Okay you’re really Nat’s daughter.” he said and you laughed. After twenty big minutes he finally accepted to keep your secret and help but with the condition to tell him all you know about the future partners of Lila, just to be prepared.
But when he made his way to the lab he was greeted by the last person who could possibly be there. “Oh Wanda, it’s a surprise to see you here.” he said. The Sokovian turned around at his voice, she seemed very tired and sad but she was like that since the incident with America.
“Hi Clint, uh- yeah, Fury sent me someone to tell me that the Avenger wanted to talk with me.” she said but didn’t make eye contact with the archer.
“It’s…nice to see you again…I suppose.” he said, clearly unsure if that was a good or a bad news.
“Oh you don’t have to act like this, I’ll just talk with them and go away as soon as possible.”
“Uh, I think you should be stay a little I mean you should have a lot to say with anyone…I really want to stay but I have something to do so, see you later.” he said and run in the lab before she could reply
In the Lab Clint saw Natasha and Tony, they were talking about something and he wasn’t focus on the conversation when he saw this. Your widow’s bites were on the table in front of the duo and according to the billionaire's face, it was something that even him couldn’t understand.
“Does anyone know why Wanda is here?” Barton said and gained the attention of his two teammates.
“Steve wants to recruit her back and according to Fury, I’m not qualified enough to oppose. And that even if that means to let a woman who attempted to kill a little girl in my tower.” he explained and the Russian sighed.
“Don’t listen to him; she’s here because we need her for any potential new menace.” she replied.
“You act like that because you don’t have children, Romanoff, but I’m pretty excited to know how you’ll act when she would harm your little copycat. Talking about her, what did she tell you?” 
“She just said she needs our help to go back to her home. I think we can try to help her, she didn’t look like a threat or anything.” Clint explained and Natasha looked at him suspiciously. “And what is it?” he asked, pointing the device on the table.
“A little from our little guest.” Tony said, and Nat rolled her eyes. “I don’t know who did this but it’s a genius. There are a lot of gadgets in only one.” he added.
“Can I see it?” the archer said and took them before they could reply. He examined the thing while remembering what you said about how to send a signal discreetly. “And what is this button?” he asked, pushing it.
“I don’t know but it seems that nothing works.” Natasha said and her best friend hummed before he put your weapons down and took a step away.
[Earth 717]
Wanda was sitting on the couch in the living room, she stared at the window. The sun started to set again and you were not here. She came out for her trance when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned round to meet the green eyes she loved so much. Natasha didn’t say anything, she just sat beside her wife and took her in her arms. It was always like this, when the Sokovian felt sad, empty or both; her wife would just hold her tight to remind her that she was not alone. They never end this habit even after your birth and when you were the reason she felt like this.
There was a comfy silence until Morgan entered the room visibly in a rush. “We have a signal.” she said and your moms didn’t wait before following her in her lab. “It’s not a big one so we think she sent it in a while now.” the young Stark explained when they were in the Lab with everyone.
“Like we excepted the signal don’t come from anywhere in our universe, but I traced it and I found the location.” Tony said while the screen showed a lot of earth planets until it stopped on one of them, he zoomed and a signal appeared on the screen. “Universe 616, I’ll do some research to know where exactly it’s from.” 
The room was drowned in the silence and noise of the keyboard until they stopped. “Got this.” he said and everyone looked at the screen. “New York, from what seems to be the rest of an Avengers’ tower.” he explained.
“I can go now.” America said.
“No, we come with you.” Wanda said.
“Wanda, you retired from a while now you should let them go.” Tony said but the Sokovian didn’t change her mind.
“It’s my baby so, of course we come. I don’t want to hear anything, I should be there to protect her the first time.” she said and nobody wanted to argue. After she materialized her and Nat's suit, America opened a portal and they crossed it. 
[Earth 616, 2036]
On the other side of the portal, the three were ready to fight anyone who would face them but fortunately or unfortunately, there was nobody. 
“Are you sure we’re in the right place Amrica, because it doesn’t seem to have a soul?” Natasha said while looking everywhere for a sign of you.
“Yeah, I came here a while ago but it was a decade prior.” she said and the woman nodded.
“I think we should split up to find her.” the red head proposed but she was quickly stopped by her wife.
“No, it’s not right.” Wanda said and the two other women looked at her.
“What’s happening Wanda?” the younger asked.
“She’s not here.” your mama whispered. “I can’t feel her, she’s not here.” she repeated louder.
“Hey honey, it’s okay, maybe it’s just because we’re in another universe so your powers don’t work.” Natasha tried to reassure her wife (or herself). “Let’s try to search a little.” she proposed and even if Wanda didn’t think it was a good idea she couldn't say ‘no’ when her wife looked so desperate.
Unfortunately for them after three hours of research and a world tour for Wanda in this universers they couldn’t find you. “I think we should go back now. We will tell Morgan to affinate her research the next time.” America proposed and even if they didn’t want to, your moms just nodded and after crossing another portal they were back home.
[Earth 717] 
When they came back everyone was expecting to see you but when they saw their faces, they knew.
“It’s impossible.” Morgan said before felling apart. You were not back, not yet.
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