#but try not to focus on that too much bc it is still a game meant to appeal to the masses for fun and casual play
paragonraptors · 2 days
Overall: Feeling so excited for this game. I'm climbing up the walls. I can't believe that was 20 minutes, it felt like 10. Need this in my hands yesterday.
What I liked:
-Holy fuck wow wow wow the hair looks like nothing I've seen in a video game before.
-Combat seems very different but also a natural progression of gameplay past. Real-time turn-based was always a little on the clunkier side, and while it never really bothered me, moving towards something more ME-style was expected. Very excited about being able to aim a bow. Would like to know what difficulty they were showcasing bc I'm considering jumping right into a Nightmare run.
-Now that I've been soulsborne-pilled the prospect of a parry mechanic has me buzzing.
-I feel like people are gonna dunk on the "stiffer" animation, but I prefer it so much more than the BG3/HZD constant wobbling. It'll make the key performances stand out instead of mostly jangling keys in front of a baby and letting the big moments get lost in the sauce. (Not that the aformentioned games didn't have good animation, just. If your characters don't need to move their whole body to convey dialogue I'd prefer if they didn't.)
-The sublety in the facial animations is CRAZY.
-The roleplay dialogue seems really reactive!! And the cuts to inject the unique dialogues feels smooth. I'm sure there will still be moments where it's easy to tell, but still cool. Seems like they're gonna be paying more attention to your personality type like DA2 too.
-So excited about Harding and Neve as companions and can't wait to meet everyone else.
-Neve's staff/wand makes me excited to see what kinds of focus options we'll get as a mage AAAA.
-God the costumes have so much swag. One of my hottest of many BG3 takes was that the costumes were overall flavorless. (Really hoping they didn't change the Grey Warden uniforms though that would really disappoint me.)
-Cinematography looks fantastic. Lots of well set up shots.
-NGL I felt something when Solas showed up. Wasn't expecting that. And while not perfect, I liked his interaction with Varric. Their relationship from Inquisition really slips under the radar if you're not bothering to look.
-Varric has never gotten over the trauma of what happened with Anders and it breaks my heart in a good way. God you could see it in his eyes!! [chef's kiss]
-However, I definitely have to kill Solas now for what transpired in this preview.
What I'm iffy about:
-The voice peformances feel a bit stilted. Not really what I'm used to from Bioware and I feel like it's important when the animations are more subdued. Hopefully this feeling will change when I get more of the game.
-The dialogue also felt a bit dumbed down. "Solas is doing his ritual!" "Yes. Solas' ritual. The ritual that we have to stop." Again, hopefully this is symptomatic of a tutorial level/trying to onboard newbies quickly and not the whole game lol. While I prefer this to dialogue that tries to sound smarter than it is, I'm really hoping we see an overall improvement from Inquisition.
-Sort of wish they went with the Andromeda dialogue system instead of bringing back Inquisition's, but I do like that it seems all dialogue options are getting tonal indicators again and they're not as easily conflated with morality. (Though I imagine people will STILL interpret it that way.)
-A little confused about them introducting Minrathous' panopticon shit and then immediately swerving into Solas' ritual. Would have liked some breathing room on that kind of worldbuilding.
- While I'm generally open minded about the change, I Do Not Love not being able to switch to playing companions. Might turn around on this if your ability to issue them commands opens up the closer you are to them/the more you grow into a leadership role. I do like that it seems you will eventually be able to command when they use abilities a la OG Mass Effect bc that was my biggest beef with the Andromeda gameplay, esp on Nightmare/Insanity difficulty.
-Not crazy about the new Pride demon design where are their leggies.
-Not really a Criticism, but they are definitely setting up for Varric to die and while I get it, narratively, I'm NOT HAPPY. Dragon Age has been almost allergic to scripted deaths so it's also gonna feel like being dunked in an ice bath. EVIL STUFF. IN DENIAL.
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inkerii · 1 year
So I couldn't help but browse the THG tag bc those books own my whole heart. I actually check it now and again, and it's been interesting see how opinions have changed over the years, especially in regards to Gale and Peeta. Going through the evolution of them as just potential love interests to being far more complex than I could have expected has been a wild ride. Crazy how this reads different than from when I was a preteen.
That said, I wanted to give my unsolicited two cents on my boys, because though I have been enjoying the discussion on Peeta and Gale and what they mean to the story, I also feel like reducing them to Peeta = peace and Gale = war is far too simplistic... and oftentimes unfair to one or both of them.
See, I don't think Peeta and Gale are peace and war/destruction. They're compassion and indignation.
Peeta worries about the other tributes, or their families, or how to repay people like Rue and Thresh for what they did.
Gale is indignation at how the Capitol treats its citizens, it's anger at the injustice of inequality and brutality.
Both are needed in a story like THG. You can't have people like even Peeta not say something like "maybe we're wrong about keeping things quiet in the districts", you can't have him not drop the baby bomb, you can't start a revolution without Gale's indignation at the status quo. At deserving a better life but being denied it, at having your kids be mercilessly killed for literal sport.
However, if you start a rebellion and loose sight of your compassion, you end up no better than the people you're fighting against. Gale wasn't a bad person, imo. His heart was in the right place. He was flawed, yes, but so is everyone in this series. Gale, most importantly, lost sight of the line between fighting for the people he cared about and fighting against the people who hurt him.
Reducing Gale's indignation to just revenge and hatred ignores so much of what he stands for. Who hasn't seen laws passed that dehumanize people, who hasn't been angry and furious when someone is elected who fundamentally hates everything you are, who doesn't think some people need to pay for the atrocities they committed? There's a little bit of Gale in every single one of us - and it's important that it's there, because that's what gives us strength to challenge the status quo and make life better for the future generations.
But. You can't let it take over. You can't loose sight of your compassion or your empathy.
That's where Peeta comes in. Peeta is the voice in your head that worries about how many good lives will be lost when they give themselves up for this cause. Peeta is the worry about the people caught in the crossfire. Peeta is rebuilding when it's over and believing that the next generation will have a better life than your own. Peeta is being kind, even to people who may not deserve it.
And Gale... Gale looses sight of his compassion, and he doesn't realize it until it smacks him in the face when the bombs go off and Prim is gone and he's too far gone. Meanwhile, Peeta advocates for the end of the war even though it means the status quo remains - and regardless of what he believes himself, I don't think Suzanne chose him to say those lines by chance. It means both mindsets have their flaws: too kind and things that shouldn't remain will never be challenged and changed, too angry and you may loose sight of what you're fighting for.
And that's just how Suzanne uses her characters, both of them, all of them. Just look at who is with Katniss depending on the situation:
- Katniss chooses to "rebel" after Gale is brutally whipped. She kisses him.
- Katniss realizes that in order for D12 to rebel, everyone would need to be in on it, and she realizes most of them are not like her, that they're scared and she understands, emphasises with them. Peeta walks by her side.
- Katniss finally does it though, shoots the arrow at the force field, and Peeta is taken from her, it's now Gale by her side.
(You can't start a rebellion without indignation, and sometimes you HAVE to do it or things will never change, regardless of the inevitable pain that will come along.)
- Katniss is righteously angry at the Capitol bombing a hospital full of innocents to make a point. Gale remains there.
- Coin twists people's compassion into an army to fight for her own personal gain. Peeta is hijacked and looses his sense of self.
- Katniss and Gale go to District 2 and even though she tries to be like Peeta, she's still shot- reinforcing Gale's views, the person who was with her during that sequence.
- Katniss is angry at Snow, Katniss goes to the Capitol to kill him. Gale is there.
- Katniss gets in way over her head and realizes she is responsible for the death of most of her squad. She shares the lamb stew with Peeta, and later cleans his wounds.
- Finnick dies and she's at her lowest up until that point and all she wants to do is give up and give in to the anger. She kisses Peeta and begs him to stay with her.
... Claiming that Gale is destruction ignores the fact that he's with Katniss through her own moments of strength. Her desire to change things, to fight back, is as important as her compassion. Mockingjay just brutally shows you what war does to your indignation, to your compassion. How easy it is to cross a line between righteous anger and revenge, or how your sense of empathy and compassion can be manipulated into something monstrous by others, or by all the terrible, brutal, painful things you see.
How easy it is to loose yourself- and that goes for both of them.
Peeta and Gale aren't static characters, they go from representations of sentiments regarding an injust government to what happens to those feelings when an extreme situation such as war breaks out. All of that, by the way, while dealing with this duality themselves, because they are still characters who think and feel and struggle and have flaws of their own- and while I love what they stand for, I've seen too many comments that pin everything into what they mean, that they forget that Peeta and Gale are still people, they aren't perfect metaphors. They're human.
Ultimately, Katniss doesn't really choose peace. She wants peace, yes. But what she chooses is compassion. empathy. hope. There's a time and place for anger at injustice. There's a time when fighting back is the right thing to do. There are even times when you wanna give in to your despair and lash out. But if you want peace, then you have to choose Peeta, because Peeta represents what you need to focus on to achieve that peace. You have to let go of the anger or you won't ever rest. So Gale leaves, and does not come back... And yet, Katniss still has her moments of indignation, of making a stand, even as he goes - she still casts her vote at that meeting, she still shoots Coin. Katniss does not abandon that part of who she is. It's just not her main drive anymore.
So then she goes on to make the choice, every single day, to be compassionate to others. To have hope. To rebuild. Of course she chooses Peeta.
... Idk, man. These boys are so much more than what I see them so often reduced to. They're in all of us. There will be times to stand and fight, and times to show mercy and be kind. We just need to find that balance, as Katniss eventually did.
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vv-ispy · 28 days
Ooo, ty for the detailed reply! (Asking instead of reblogging because of that first tag.)
To be fair wrt Zhongli, the AQ plot is him deeming his position of power outdated and letting an all-female trio fully take over the country from him (and in a way that had them as active participants instead of passive recipients even if Zhongli masterminded the whole thing). The cutscene introducing Ningguang also sort of frames her as a godlike figure, and I feel like the Jade Chamber pushes that further, resembling a mini manmade Celestia from a distance.
But even if so, the points about Zhongli being designed to be an ultimate patriarchal figure make complete sense. Especially when he's the mascot for the devs' home country: genshin edition.
Standard disclaimer I am not an expert on chinese culture or china and I'm drawing on my experiences with immigrant conservative chinese parents. Putting it under a read more bc politics and personal experiences in my silly escapism game
Actually in a sense, I really liked the liyue archon quest! I did really enjoy the idea of 'the leader is stepping down, it is time for the people to shine.' 'The world is modernizing, liyue needs to keep up' 'There's a lot of stories about the adepti but I want to tell stories about humans in the age of humans!' And from someone whose parents tried to uphold tradition on me, I loved that story! I still enjoy that view of it — China does need to modernize. There's such strict expectations of people playing their Role in society, the expectation to conform — and hence disabilities, mental illness, being queer, not starting a family, not being unquestioning loyal to your parents/family, not going into a STEM field well paying respectable job, is all looked down upon. If you have mental illness, get over it don't make it anyone else's problem. If you deviate in any way, don't talk about it. Chinese people care so much about saving face and putting on a good image. Chinese culture talks so much of respecting their elders, but elder scam is so common in China. A lot of the good parts of chinese tradition feels like empty words to me, and the bad parts… they're dumb. And being raised by conservative parents who were immigrants and didn't know what they were doing meant I experienced more of the bad parts/expectations/things they try to push on me, as opposed to the good parts and the culture you'd get in china Which is to say, a story about how we need to move on from all that and modernize? I love it! We do need to care for the common folk, acceptance and supports for those who are disabled and cannot work, acceptance for those who deviate from the norm. China needs to modernize in that sense, and need stories about regular people who don't fit the image of an Model Chinese Person. I really like that reading, I really like that narrative, heck initially I was surprised that was allowed in a chinese game if the government is represented by the adepti
But that's one reading. I feel like liyue can have a lot of readings depending on how you want to spin it, who represents what, etc since China does have a really long history. Obviously some readings have a lot more justification to it and I am by no means an expert or even very knowledgable in chinese history so. But at the least, I don't think my initial reading of the quest is how it was intended.
Happening upon this reddit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q2na5e/an_oversimplified_explanation_for_the_liyue/), I think it's a pretty compelling argument for the intentions and historical influences — after all genshin puts a lot of historical influences in its game so why not for its home country of China? Saying that, I don't know enough about chinese history/mythology to give much of an opinion on it other than yeah I can see it, since Zhongli is a literal god who can bestow approval on Ningguang and the humans
But I also concur with the comment that another possible reading of the archon quest is the end of the imperialist Qing empire and creation of the PRC, if you instead want to view Zhongli and the adepti as representative of imperial rule, and the Qixing and representative of the communist party. And I think the reason I get these vibes is more the way the transition is talked about — that it's time for the gods to step down and the people to lead. CPP ideology includes a people centric approach ie. the communist party represents the will of the people, so time for the people to rule -> support for CPP rule? Or the constant 'we need liyue to modernize' to me is quite reminecent of China's current race to modernize technologically. The idea of a new era of liyue, the age of humans, also really reminds me of those children's songs with lyrics that tell of the rise of the communist party with lyrics such as '没有共产党,哪有新中国' (without the community party, how could there be the new china?) <- sung during the 2010 cctv new year gala. Actually every new year gala there's at least one or two 'look how great China is' songs(okay nationalism is very standard across every country) and one 'Yeah! Regular people working together for progress!' song. Liyue being the economic center of Teyvat….well China sure wants economic prosperity in real life too(<-again nationalism and desire for prosperity is not china specific but we're talking about china here), Chinese people sometimes call themselves 唐人 where 唐(tang) refers to the Tang dynastry during which China was very prosperious. And the conflict between liyue as it was ruled by gods vs the age of humans, reminds me a lot of China's current traditional vs western conflicts, eg. if you're queer a common conservative shutdown is 'that's a western idea'. Put together it makes me go 'yes I see liyue is a reflection of current china striving for prosperity and (technological) progress, but shouldn't we strive for social equality and acceptance instead?'
Saying that, of course not all chinese people are a monolithic with the same thought, and there's many chinese who're critical of the goverment/culture of conformity/outdated traditions. Considering hoyo's japanese influences and general in depth research they do for their world and characters + suspiciously lesbian characters in their games + the voice actors themselves look at gender bent zhongli art (I'm not kidding, from chinese lumine VA's stream), I wouldn't be surprised if the inspiration is the chinese mythological references -> imperialist rule + they're writing stories of China needing to modernize from outdated traditions, but for government-support reasons they put an emphasis on The People and We Need to Modernize part of Zhongli's stepping down. I do realize that my negative reading of liyue's story hinges only on two points (even if those two points come up repeatidly) and the rest of it is very vibes/personal experience based
Again, Gaming's lanturn rite story is a very chinese family conflict, but a more traditional chinese story to teach Values definitely would have involved conceeding that his parents know best and put emphasize on how he's now going to be a good child through consistent consideration and respect to his parents. As a child I've learned quite a few chinese aesop children's stories about kids who are fair and take the smallest pear to let parents and elders have the big ones, or warming bamboo mat beds as appreciation for parents who work hard all day. So the fact he reaches a halfway agreement with his dad is…it's a sweet story that's sympathetic to both sides, and I can see hoyo taking a more modern approach to chinese society. On the other hand, Xianyun's 'the elders must look out for the youth' is a pretty traditional chinese sentiment — elders look out for the youth, and when the youth grow up they take care of the elders. Not to say it's necessarily a bad sentiment, ya know support each other and all. But still a more traditional one.
Anyway, in summary Liyue is a story of change. It can be read in many ways. Either a retelling of historical change, or a call for change. I still really like the hopeful 'We need to modernize' reading of it, just certain parts of it gives me a bad impression due to personal disillusionment with chinese culture. Besides, it's not as if american media is free from nationalism. But we're talking about genshin here
Hm. Moving on
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Agreed on good representation doesn't have to be intentional, I may just be overly critical over intentions. And that Furina is written really well! I love her! She also doesn't get sexualized which is v cool too! And absolutely agreed on the sort of constraints that being gatcha puts on the characters — though I would like to toss in, again, how being a chinese game affects the characters. Many people rightfully point out the colourism issues which is a cultural issue as asians really value light skin and. can be quite racist. there is a racism problem in asia despite asians also being poc. With regards to LGBTQ rep, China does censor it (shoutout to tamen de gushi ending due to it) — which again isn't an excuse to call china homophobic there are many queer and trans chinese people (shoutout to trans activist Chao Xiaomi). Arlecchino who is given a whole backstory to explain 'she's called Father because of mother issues not trans reasons' like. Yeah that's what I'd expect from a cis-normative game from a society that adheres to gender roles. Sure. Of course. I wonder a bit if the recent trend towards more buff man have anything to do with china's recent thing against effeminent men, like. Diluc and Kaeya are built very different compared to Alhaitham or Wrio, but that could also be early game limitations (and I know people like to say Venti is dressed like a femboy but he's likely based off the Colongne Carnival prince https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne_Carnival). General boy-could-be-mistake-as-a-girl seems to be a consequence of the anime style, but also part of the appeal of anime style is pretty girls and boys. Anyway genshin girls I'm glad you're saved from having to find a man due to game target audience
And yeah I do enjoy how genshin does have female characters like Xinyan who are dark skined chinese + rebellious and it's not presented as a bad thing apart from offhanded mentions of getting into trouble with the law, and Yunjin's relationship with her plays around with the idea of elders being stuffy about traditions and expectations of her to be a refined young lady. It's interesting the sorts of different things they try with their characters, despite the gacha/don't-be-so-rebellious-it-catches-the government's-eye limitations. Genshin has some well developed female characters for sure. It's just also interesting to me how as a chinese game, their chinese characters really carry chinese values. Sometimes you get those weird people saying that genshin would have been better if it wasn't chinese but I think it's really interesting viewing genshin/liyue as an attempt at a story/character driven game filtered through chinese views filtered through chinese politics filtered though live service and gacha demands.
Uh, this probably sums up all the culture thoughts i currently have on it though. until the next lanturn rite and I start heaving deep sighs over people complaining about hoyo never missing a lanturn rite look lunar new year is as big as christmas and new years combined in china there is no way lanturn rite is ever getting skipped genshin is still a chinese game at its core even if it uses a japanese slant to advertise to a western audience
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
AAAAH forever stress is going to kill me one day
#the bin#i hate knowing why i feel so bad and not being able to do anything about it#im scared that ill never ever feel better. its been so long since i felt ok. im worried that ill make friends and still feel horrible all#the time and it wont matter. i cant keep doing this. im so tired of being all alone. im so tired of the constant inescapable dread#im going to figure something out. in a month ill be moved and i can start figuring everything out then#i hate not being able to focus on anything besides how bad i feel. i cant enjoy anything. theres so many shows i wanna watch but i cant#because im so distracted by this. theres so much manga i wanna read and i cant.#literally the ONLY thing that has been able to make me temporarily forget this for any amount of time is dungeon meshi#its so fucking good and it sparks so much joy that it does help but not enough. i get sad again really fast.#well. im trying really hard to manage my stress. i did the math on how much i should be getting. i know that i will have rent at least.#there are 2 weeks that i dont know what my hours will be but assuming i get 13 hours at least then i should have an ok amount for#moving. its possible theyll be worse and its possible theyll be better. im really hoping theyre better. my hours have been SO BAD recently#i dont know why. i know im not bad at my job or anything. i sont think my manager dislikes me either. he does this whenever someone#hasnt been feeling well and hell do it for a couple weeks and i think its him trying to be considerate but i have bills to pay man#technically there is a shift i could pickup but the store has a drive thru so im nervous to bc idk how that works and if im asked to do that#then ill have no idea so ive been avoiding taking any shifts like that#hopefully enough will pop up in the coming weeks and i can get some more hours. i know i can cover moving vehicle cost but idk how much#gas is gonna be so im suuuuper worried abt that. hhhh. hopefully my sister and her boyfriend can get me back the $300 they owe too#honestly idk how they werent able to afford rent but immediately after they were able to afford a 40 hour roadtrip and yimw off work#whatever. it doenst matter.#i wish i could deal with the other stuff messing me up rn but i cant fix the loneliness thing without not being alone and i cant fix that#it doesnt matter how much i tell myself ill make friends eventually or if i believe it or not. i feel bad because ive gone way too long#not hanging out with anyone and my brain cant handle it.#im gonna see if maybe i can play a game with my sister soon. or maybe i couod play smth with my younger sister even#i pkayed roblox with her for a little while. maybe she would want to again. i miss her :(
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falst · 1 year
blasphemous Sonic opinion I don't really like the classic games all that much
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 17 days
Omg, imagine like, you and wanda together, in college, you have this test you have to study for, but your really struggling, but wanda decides to be a nice mommy and sits you on her lap as you have your stuff infront of you, shes trying to teach your dumb slutty brain but its not working so she pulls her strap out and makes you cockwarm it and says something like ”if you get a question right, youll be allowed to move, but only for a little” and like keeps your hips steady as the both of you study. You do this until you feel like you know everythign and she decides to give you a reward by pounding you into the table and makes you cum as many times as you want 😋
- 🕸️ (im trying to study right now, why is math so hard? 😔 my dumb mutt brain just cant understand it)
Oh i would NOT be able to study after that omg that would backfire bc I would just be all fuzzy brained and begging her to fuck me...
I am thinking THOUGHTS tho about this concept
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"Focus, baby."
The words are mumbled against your neck as Wanda softly kisses it, her arms wrapped around your hips, holding you still. You fight the urge to grind down, her strap buried inside you, your arousal leaking around it.
You whine slightly, her vanilla scent pulling you further into that fuzzy headspace you find yourself in whenever she's around you. You attempt to focus, numbers seemingly floating off the page as you grip your pencil.
"Answer the question, sweetheart. If you get it right, Mommy will let you fuck yourself on her strap for a few seconds." Wanda says, and you feel her smiling against your neck.
Nodding, you try and ignore her as her tongue begins making a trail up your neck. Your pencil shakes in your grasp as you begin to work out the problem, mind bouncing between the math in front of you, and the woman holding you.
You're acutely aware of the thick strap moving slightly inside you as Wanda adjusts her grip, and you breathe in deeply. You're almost done with the problem, just a few... more... numbers.
"Got it!" You exclaim, twisting to look at Wanda as she studies the problem in front of her.
"Good job, darling." She turns towards you, green eyes shining. You glance down, her lips inches from yours. You want to taste her. Leaning in, you press your lips against her soft ones, a moan escaping her as she slides her lips against yours.
"Go on," She mumbles into the kiss, "Fuck yourself for me."
You whimper, relief flooding you as she helps you move your hips. You fuck yourself slowly, pleasure igniting deep inside you as you move yourself up and down on her strap. You can feel your wetness smearing over your inner thighs and on Wanda's lap, but can't bring yourself to care too much.
God, it feels so... fucking... good...
You still at the command, breaths shaky as you fight the urge to move your hips. The strap is once against buried inside you, and your pleasure dims to a low simmer.
Wanda's lips are back on your neck, and you groan at the sensation. She chuckles, "Next problem baby. We're going to keep playing this little game until you've finished all your work."
I need someone to do this to me ugh it would keep me motivated and also fuzzy brained so its a two-for-one deal tbh
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mono-dot-jpeg · 10 months
tiny exception [pt. 2] - stellaron hunter crew
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summary; there's one little exception to the rules of the stellaron hunters...
genre/extra tags; one shot, fluff, a lot of fluff, comedy, children are menaces but it's okay, blade will be punting a kid (/j), rich aunt kafka, silver wolf doesn't know how to handle kids
[platonic] [5-7 year old reader] [gender neutral reader]
[buy me a kofi to support!]
word count; 615
a/n; finally i have finished the part two of this iconic work bc someone requested it. hope you enjoy!
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[rule 1; don't bother blade]
this rule really should be obvious. it really should, but kids don't listen to obvious rules.
"why are you so grumpy?"
"because of you."
"that's mean. you're really mean." you sit right on his lap because you felt stubborn today. "and you're stupid." silver wolf stifles a laugh at the sight before her. you and blade glare at each other as you poke at his face like a cat. "and ugly."
"i think you're talking about yourself." anyone who didn't know blade would think, man, he doesn't like this kid. but from the way he holds you gently and the tiny glint of playfulness in his eyes as he talks to you.
"you're so rude! i'm gonna tell kafka!"
you push yourself against him in a weak attempt to tackle him. he only carries you, hands under your armpits as you struggle in his hold.
"you're a little snitch, you know that?" he holds you like a baby this time as you're still kicking your legs and trying to squirm out of his grip to get a chance to get to kafka.
"because you're a big meanie! a big butthead!"
"yeah, yeah."
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[rule 2; don't go in kafka's room]
there wasn't really anything incriminating in there. she just didn't like people invading her space and it was normal. but there's always those little exceptions.
"auntie!" you knock on her door, almost a little too loudly. she does open the door, not really fazed since she knows your loud knocks from anywhere.
"what is it, dear?" she's tiredly picking you up, it's clear that she's had a long day but by aeons, she wasn't gonna let that stop her from caring for you.
"can i sleep with you tonight.." you're a little bit embarrassed. you usually stay with silver wolf as her late night working sessions usually help you fall asleep but you haven't seen kafka in the past few days.
"of course you can. i would never say no." her hand pats against your back, comforting you and starting to lull you into a sleep. she lets you rest your head on her shoulder, humming, "i'll be doing a little bit before we lay down. just sleep, baby."
"i like your room, auntie.. i like being with you." you mumbled tiredly. you rest against her as she sits down at her desk, still holding you.
"i like being with you too."
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[rule 3; let silverwolf focus when she's playing her games]
something about children and always wondering what games you got on your phone always has silverwolf reeling away from you when she goes to play her games. it took her longest to get used to your bright presence. honestly, children were not really any of their forte. you were an unexpected (yet expected) part of the crew even if you didn't do much (yet).
she usually kept herself away but today was different. she offered to play with you. as it was almost out of character of her, you immediately accepted. and you played a two player co-op game. she was more focused than you were but you didn't mind.
you weren't doing well in the game as your character died multiple times during this boss battle (that was set to medium for you but co-op gave it more health and different battle patterns). you watched as silverwolf tried her best to pull through.
"you can do it!" you had said in the heat of the moment, but her finger slipped and you both lost. "i'm sorry!"
she's a little bit frustrated being so close to the end but she lets out a tired sigh. "it's okay."
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subskz · 6 months
thoughts on bratty channie? it’s waaaayyyy out of character for him, so i wanna hear your take on it. i just want to degrade him and call him my little slut instead of the usual praise…just curious on how he’d take that…hehe
ohh a very good question…i agree it’s always been difficult for me to envision channie as a brat bc he’s just so prime obedient puppy angel who wants nothing more than to please you! your praise is all he needs to do whatever you ask of him without question, so he’d rarely feel the need to act out when being your good boy comes so naturally to him and is so rewarding for him! i also think he’d prefer to be a soft sub a lot of the time, so seeking punishment isn’t always smth he’d try to do bc he’d rather be taken care of
that being said he does definitely have his moments! he’s very playful and likes to joke around which sometimes results in him saying the most insane, out of pocket things just to get a reaction out of you. but what’s so endearing abt it is that he always backs down immediately after, breaking into cute giggles n waving his hand around saying “i’m joking i’m joking~~!” it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s so giddy and delighted w himself for teasing you, and he mostly just messes with you when he’s feeling clingy, like an overexcited puppy who’ll do anything to get you to focus on him. he also admittedly really likes your attention and gets a lil sulky when he feels like you’re ignoring him on purpose, so that might be one of the few times you see his “bratty” side. he’ll get way too close for comfort esp when you’re preoccupied w smth else, push his face super close to yours and tilt his head playfully from side to side when u try to nudge him away, taunt you w the biggest dimply grin on his face, act oblivious to how he’s riling you up, trap you in tight hugs and refuse to let go, and (this is a big one) mimic your words in the cutest whiny voice
sometimes it’s hard to tell whether he’s really just joking around or trying to get a rise out of you, bc most of what he does is kinda harmless, even at his brattiest 😭 he’s pretty persistent though so it’s only a matter of time until you run out of patience, and when you do he crumbles instantly. it takes just one pointed look to have him switching up and apologizing through nervous giggles. the moment you get your hands on him he just melts, and you know right away that this is exactly what he was hoping for. his eyes go wide as moons and glaze over like he’s ready to do anything to make it up to you, bc it’s not really the fight that he enjoys, it’s your attention and the rough treatment he gets out of it
he instantly reverts back to his good boy demeanor and accepts your punishment all too eagerly. it sends shivers down his spine when you touch him without any of your usual care, bc if he wants to act like a brat then he gets treated like one. he lets you bend him to your will and toss him around like he’s weightless, letting out the sweetest little whines when you start talking down to him. call him a dumb little slut for playing all these games w you instead of just asking for what he wants like a good boy, mock him for how hard it makes him to act like a desperate whore, and he’d let out the filthiest most pathetic moan like he’s trying to prove your point <3 he’d be begging, whining, and apologizing the entire time but he loves every bit of how how grab his face and force him to look up at you, scornfully asking why he’s suddenly not laughing anymore. the humiliation makes his whole body burn in the best way, and he does admittedly start to feel guilty for causing you so much trouble, you can see it all over his face and it’s very endearing 💔
still, he takes whatever you give him without complaint and will even start to whimper out in agreement as you degrade him, babbling abt how he’s just a needy puppy too dumb to use his words and a stupid little slut who needs your attention so bad, he’ll do anything to get it. it almost makes you feel sorry for him hearing how his voice breaks and seeing how his eyes well up w tears, but you can see the way he’s practically throbbing w arousal from your words alone, and you know how much he’s getting off on it. he nods mindlessly to everything you say and sniffles out for you to be mean to him and teach him a lesson. i think the worst punishment for him would be getting tied up w a vibrator inside him/pressed to his cock and a gag in his mouth 🥰 not only does it drive him crazy to be completely helpless like that, unable to touch you or hide his face or cover his body when he’s embarrassed, but it’s also the exact opposite of what he wanted ): poor baby would cry and mewl so pitifully around the gag, drooling and leaking all over himself as he tries to slur out for you to please pay attention to him, he promises to be good for you!! but you just deny him over and over and watch his cute face scrunch up in frustration and pleasure when you tell him this is all a bad boy like him gets. it’s definitely not a dynamic he could handle often, and he’d need lots of praise afterwards, but there’s smth so exhilerating to him abt being treated so coldly from time to time
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just-jordie-things · 1 month
indulge me for a second here (at ur own time ofc)
megumi breaks up w reader for reasons (wants to focus on training or sum) but reader starts acting a lill crazy especially when she thinks he might be seeing other women. She's txting him, sending suggestive pics, flirting, cockblocking other women- just the usual, you know?
Then she stops.
Leaving megumi with a whole crisis. Didn't he want this? Why is he missing all her attention? Why is she giving *his* attention to other guys?
I just want that toji and gojo side of him to flare up and chase the reader all over again 😇😇😇😇
AAAHHH YES i need to add more toxicity to my fics bc lets be real we'd all behave like this to get him back :3
kinda feel like this could be a prequel to the blurb i wrote about ex bf!megumi cockblocking you n trying to win you back
suggestive content under the cut but no smut ___
you're a good girl, definitely better than this, but to be honest he left you no choice, didn't he?
how else were you supposed to get his attention? it's not like those other girls had anything to offer him, so you just had to... give him a reminder of what he had, and that he could have it again if he stopped being a man slut and crawled right back to you where he belonged.
(was he really being a man slut? you couldn't actually know... all you knew was what you heard from rumors. but that was enough to warrant all of this... wasn't it?)
you didn't care how much money you spent on pretty lacey sets, or how much time you spent draping yourself in the most inviting poses you could come up until your my eyes only album was overflowing with tasteful nudes. and every single one of them was sent to him.
there wasn't an ounce of humiliation in your body, sending nudes and other suggestive photos/videos to your ex-boyfriend. you were sure that eventually he would be swayed... if it wasn't by baby pink then maybe an angelic white... or classic red.... to you, this was just a means to an end. eventually he'd understand what he was missing and he'd come back begging to get back together.
when he doesn't realize his mistake after a month of spamming his phone... you lose interest. naturally, of course. if he could look at all those photos, watch all those videos to completion, and still not want you back? well, that was his loss.
truthfully, you got bored. and at some point you came to the realization that there were other hot, single, desperate guys out there who would love a glimpse of what was wasted on megumi. so you steered your attention in another direction and almost forgot about your ex completely.
well, you forgot about him until he started showing up around you all the time.
at first it was the bars, anywhere you spent your time with nightlife, he was bound to show up there. whether you were drinking or dancing, or just sitting in a booth wrapped up in the company of someone else, megumi was there to see it.
you might've moved on, but you weren't oblivious. you saw him. you just didn't seem to care. never giving him more than a passing glance before your attention was returned to whoever was lucky enough to get it tonight. megumi's not sure he ever saw you with the same guy twice
even when he moved on to stalking your other hangouts. like the coffee shop you frequented most days of the week. once he started seeing your distraction of the night coming in with you on their arm in the mornings, too, megumi started to lose his mind.
what was the point of all those messages you sent? all the photos with your body on display for him attached with 'thinking of you' or a little kiss emoji- those were all just for him, weren't they? and now you're parading around with every willing guy you find?
megumi's in denial. this wasn't like you, you didn't play games, you weren't a slut, so what was your goal here?
if it was to drive him crazy, you most definitely had the upper hand. but he was determined that it wouldn't last for long.
you wanted to play shitty games? fine, megumi could play shitty games. he'll make sure you come to regret getting over him so easily.
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kel-lance · 4 months
Movie night - Fem!reader x Itadori, Megumi, Toge, Yuta part 1
Warnings: MDNI, Group sex, camera use, teasing, humiliation, mmfmm, everyone’s bi/pan, overstimulation, worship, etc(?)
Premise: You hosted a game and movie night, bc it was Nobi & Maki’s anniversary and they were going out for the weekend. Okay so sodas, pizzas, snacks, really really bad movies…. sad movies, and finally scary movies. Perfect to watch with whoever could make it to your last minute plans. Turned out to be Yuuji, Megumi, Toge, and Yuta… oh great…
The boys planned to see who you’d hold onto during that but it seemed all of them were clinging onto you as you kept making jokes during it. They turn it off and start to play truth or dare. Their mundane yet funny dares and embarrassing truths at first but when it came to Megumi’s turn he asked you
“How did you like Yuuji’s fingers during the movie?”
“Wait, what.” You stop breathing, as the focus is so clearly, strictly on you now.
“It was obvious,” Yuta admitted. “You know you can’t hide your voice when people are around.” You’re starting to get red. Do they all know? Did they hear what we were hoping the movie would cover up?
You try to keep your composure. Damn, is Megumi blackmailing me? This is past the truth coming out… What was he planning?
You knew tonight was a mistake. You just loved the thought of having all four of them enjoying themselves with you, as they already do by themselves, but you were so greedy and wanted to test the waters.
Ever since you first dated Toge in your junior high years, you still couldn’t let him go in the end. So you’d see each other on the side with false promises and quick, selfish, hook ups.
Later on his best friend came along in high school and toge wanted to give the two people he loved a chance. In short, it ended terribly, but you were still friendly since Yuta wouldn’t fight back.
Megumi has had the biggest, longest, and aching crush on you and you knew that, but you grew up together; Even earlier than when you first met toge so of course it felt weird for you to even tease megumi with the crush he had on you. But when he started growing up and it seemed like he grew out of it.
You treated him even closer because you didn’t want to hurt him before, if he had feelings. But really he’s always watching you, he has been waiting to let him love you.
He’s pined for you so hard until Itadori came along. It was so easy for him to land a date and night out with you, and honestly you think itadori’s a great match, but you felt you’ve dealt with the friend group a little too much, finally you decided to go live with the girls to get away from the drama that you started.
Though your one on ones with them sometime end up with you out of breath and your “friend” biting your shoulder, holding their feelings back while giving you everything. You always end it kissing them, saying they did a great job champ, and they always ask you why can’t you be together. You don’t answer him, just hold him tighter and be what he needs for the night.
But now you have all four of them in front of you, with metaphorically ripping off the bandaid, leaving you exposed.
“Uh-Um.” You look down past your knees in your ball form on the middle of the couch.
“This is the first time you don’t have a comeback.” Megumi teased cooly. You’ve never seen him like this, he’s never had control over you like this before. Your face is radiating heat and you sink into the couch.
You look around and see how the other boys were also staring at you. They had a look of yearning, wanted to know about how you felt, if you were willing to admit you were doing dirty things under the blanket with Yuuji at one point.
You were teasing everyone, sitting on Yuuji’s lap, feeding Megumi some pizza, holding onto Toge during the movies and celebrating with Yuta by handshakes, high fives, hugs, spins, etc. It was all just good fun when you knew you had the advantage over them, but that was when everything was a secret. You thought the group might split if you outright said you wanted them all.
“(Y/n)?” Yuta’s soft voice broke you out of your shameful thoughts and you looked into his eyes, pleading for them to change to subject. He smiled at you instead. “Aren’t you going to answer the question?” His smile was innocent as always, but this display of manipulation sent a shiver down your spine. He was always a dangerous one when it came to you, knowing exactly how to reel you in and how to read you, but because of the conflict with Rika, you just decided to leave because he wouldn’t choose.
You glare over at Yuta, who’s sitting across and to the right of you. “They’ve got to know, they’ve gotta been talking, they all know I’ve been seeing them all.” You start to freak out because you don’t want them to corner you, to make you choose, to make the fun stop. But you were also always the type to fight something head-on, so after the initial embarrassment swept away, you look over at Yuuji who’s also blushing hard.
“Fine,” Megumi sighs. “If we go past our 5 second rule then we have to take a shot/hit right? What about I just ask someone else instead?” You feel relief for a second until you realize what Megumi’s planning.
“Itadori,” You hold your breath as Megumi faces forward toward his best friend. “Truth or dare.” Itadori takes a glance at you in which you look away blushing hard, not knowing if Itadori would expose you both.
“Dare.” Nice one Itadori!
You smile at Itadori but Megumi keeps his smile. “I dare you to come over here, and let me taste her.”
You gave a puzzling look over at Toge, Yuta and Yuuji, wondering what he meant by that. No one moves because we’re confused but Megumi told itIdori to come over where he was sitting on the couch. On his knees, Yuuji shuffles over to Megs, “Taste…?” Yuuji looked down at his hand that was playing with you while your friends were watching the movie. He raised his arm and spread his thumb over megumi’s lips, tickling him to stir out his tongue and start to suck on his best friends fingers. Witnessing this a warm adrenaline started stewing inside your stomach while your heart’s jumped to your throat.
“He’s actually tasting me.” Megumi’s sucking on the fingers that explored your other hot wet mouth it was actually starting to drive him weak. Yuuji’s cock twitched to the feeling of everyone watching, Yuta’s intently enjoying the show and looks over to Toge, signaling something to him.
Before you can turn around to see his reaction, Toge’s mouth connected with yours as you’re now laying on your back. You kiss him back before remembering your other lovers are watching you. You’re trying to stifle your moans as his mouth travels to relentlessly lick at your earlobe; You try to push him off but past toge is Yuta, who’s sitting closer now, just watching so intently.
You can hear moaning right on top of your head. You wish you could see what megumi and Yuuji were doing but this situation, having an audience was a lot for you already. Toge’s hands started to travel and squeeze at your body, making the sensations wave over you entirely. He never had to say anything to get you weak, which was your forte, but it was more exciting not knowing what his next moves were. You loved to hear his sweet noises and trained him to keep quiet during but now it’s like he’s showing off. Showing the others where he’s found out you like to be touched. Knowing wherever to pinch, bite, lick, suck, he was just perfect when it came to being secret lovers instead.
“(Y/n), do you know who taught toge all that?” Yuta leans in now as toge’s moved onto your chest, you’re wondering if he’d actually push it further, if this right now was going further. Yuta’s dark blue eyes not breaking contact as he closed the gap, “After you left us, we had a common ache. We knew something others didn’t, saw something others haven’t of you. We texted essays to each other about you, and when it got unbearable…” Toge’s lips finally unlatched from your sweet spot to catch his breath, for Yuta to grab his head and kiss the cursed speech user.
From this blur in time, you can look up and see that Itadori’s straddling Megumi. They’re still making out, but Yuuji’s knee starts to pull on your hair making you yell. Yuuji gets up and apologizes before megumi sits you up and straddles you this time. Yuuji’s stripped off his shirt while Megumi goes in to kiss you. At this point, you can’t help but accept it, as you’ve been wanting this for a while now.
You’re surprised, the calm, cool, collected, and usually pessimistic Megumi you knew is a mess in front of you. His kisses are sweet and small, he’s still being a gentleman in a time like this. You smile during the kiss and slowed yourself down, asking him silently to match your pace. He starts to breathed deeply, his lips hovering above yours, waiting for you to show him just how you like it. A slight lick of his lips drove him crazy, but the devilish glint in your eyes kept him obedient. You give it up at this point, feeling Yuuji’s hands paralleling Megumi’s on your face and waist as he presses himself behind Megumi, pushing him further into you.
“It’s my turn still, right?” Yuuji asked into Megumi’s ear. “Yuta, Toge, truth or dare.”
“Truth.” “Shake”
“That was so quick.” You almost laugh.
“We’re not taking the chance of leaving.” Yuta kept his smile but darkened his look.
“Don’t worry, we agreed didn’t we?” For second you thought you caught a glimpse of sukuna, or at least heard his sterner voice before it went back to Yuuji’s usually expressive self. “Do you two want to go first, or can Megumi?”
You thought it was so hot how they were talking about you like an object they were sharing. You’ve had so much time training these sub boys who knew they also had that scary love personality you also have, they would be the only ones you kept around. You thought for sure Yuta would devour you at any second, but he offered Megumi first. “It’ll be his first time, no pressure.”
Hearing that, Yuuji picked megumi and you up each in one arm saying “This is going to be so fuckin hot.” Then leading the other two toward your bedroom.
“His first time?!” You look over at Megumi who was red, “I’ve only done stuff with Yuuji, but-“ Yuuji lays you both on your full size bed, helping you both to strip since you both still felt a bit awkward. Yuta and toge enter the room, locking the door and sit over at the end of the bed, also slowly stripping themselves but never taking their eyes off of you.
Toge looked longingly, seeing you fully for the first time at 16 was already insane to him, cherishing the memory when you two were first together, before anyone else had you, when you were exactly and truly his and his alone, yet you were just two stupid kids at the time too.
The break up was mutual, though you both slightly regretted it bc you still felt something towards each other, but just kept fucking every chance you were single again.
Toge’s breathes deepened as he saw the change of how sexy you’ve become. Your chest, thighs, ass, belly, everything was developed in a way only he could compare.
Yuta was enjoying the sight himself. He knew what you could take, so seeing you so shy with your inexperienced yet pining friend, it made something in him enflamed.
“Megumi, try to take your time bc I’m gonna show you how it’s done next.” The special grade snaked his way behind you as you sat in front of Meg’s.
“Shut the hell up, you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting this.” He growls and pushed Yuta off, bringing you on top of him in the process. “(Y/n), I’m sorry, I’ve had enough.” He starts squeezing your waist, slightly making you squeal with each pinch. “I’ve heard so much about how you like it.” He nuzzled himself into your neck. “But you’re mine.”
“For as long as you can last.” Yuuji corrected. He didn’t know what he felt with both pieces of his heart, just about to tear into his soul, into each other, he felt so weird knowing you two had history before him. “I mean we’re trying to play Russian roulette who’s the father kind of game too right?” You look over at Yuta who looks away devilishly. He’s literally insane. But you knew Toge also wanted to make you his like this. The situation might be a bit more to deal with relationship wise, but you’ll talk to them later. Fuck it.
“Just take off your shirt.”
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rayroseu · 4 months
twst jp players noticed something strange about Crowley's card stats.... His HP amount is too big for his card type Balanced... It feels like Crowley is more fitting as a Defense Card bcs of his high HP ✨✨👀
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usually Balanced Cards in TWST, their HP amount is around 8-10k... Idk which card has the highest amount of HP in the Balanced type, but they are often max 11k,,, but Crowley who's a Balanced (supposedly) has 13-14k HP!! ✨✨
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The highest HP I know rn in the Balanced type are Star Deuce and Halloween Silver,,, But they're still starting quite low (~9k) in comparison to Crowley starting at 13k lol
Its like his amount of HP is more fitting as a Defense card
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Pls correct me if I'm wrong I'm not into game stats I just think this is so intriguing considering that LILIA VANROUGE has cards that is often Defense in SSR....
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*some cards have incomplete stats bcs they're only available in TWST JP rn-- BUT STILL. You can notice how its much more fitting to place him as a Defense card bcs of his HP...
Still His attack power, 6k is alot 👀✨✨Its like telling us that like Crowley's magic element (Cosmic) his magical power also has no weaknesses such a "he's low on lifespan" or "he's weak at attacking"... Its like how Malleus described his magic as having "no strengths and weaknesses-" which is fitting because he's also a Cosmic user-
TWST often leaves character nuance in their cards, considering that Lilia had "so much life" (Defense card that is heavy on HP) because he was instructed to defend Meleanor and Malleus- What if that's the same as Levan if he's Crowley? He's heavy on HP because he was also a general and is tasked to defend-
I asked about @prince-kallisto long ago that crowley might be passive/defensive magic user since he rarely casts magic in the story... Now that his unusual stats got released, why do i feel like General Lilia who was tasked to defend, is also like Levan (the left general and if he's really Crowley) also heavily focus his magic casting on Defense🤔🤔
Then this might be another clue to their relation? But considering that Lilia and Meleanor considers Levan to be quite pacifist, I wonder if he forced himself to be "balanced" in both attack and defense in order to uphold the peace he was trying to promote yk as Malleus said, you cannot make anyone obey you in Briar Valley if you're not powerful
Levan (Crowley) is still powerful, but I feel like he's naturally a Defense card... with just a powerful attack magic because of his training as the Left General✨✨😳😳☝🏻☝🏻
I'm so excited to see him in Battle I'm actually shaking KSHKSHS I hope he summons his army of corvids once he appears lol
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blackpilljesus · 7 months
I've not dated or had close relations with moids in years. I've been on the path to spending the rest of my days as a single childfree woman & committing to it as an osawoman. During this time here's what I've learnt, shorter version here:
This lifestyle is a privilege - being able to exist without having to directly depend on a moid romantically/sexually is a luxury. Know the privilege you have and how you can take full advantage of it and keep yourself set. We arent living this way solely bc we're smarter, we were just momentarily luckier. Most women are a political/natural disaster away from losing everything. Bear this in mind; along the way think of "what if" to best start preparing yourself.
Dont bother justifying your ways to people - Most wont and dont want to get it. Save your breath. By getting into back and forth arguments over not marrying moids & not having children you are digging a deeper hole for yourself by giving them more fodder to counter. They wont change their minds. End the conversation short & move on.
You cant save everybody - Ditch the saviour complex. We all get dealt bad hands in life; some worse than others. Other peoples lives arent your responsibility, there's only so much you can do because you've got your own issues too. Besides some are too far gone, you'll only end up drowning or being burned trying to save others especially if they dont want saving.
Recruitment is a waste of time - I often see extensive discourse around this topic w/ some women trying so hard to recruit others into this lifestyle or being separatists, wgtow, etc. All this does is waste time that can be spent on building instead. If some women dont get it oh well it's not the end of the world (although every woman does get it, they're just doing what they can t survive) it doesn't matter long term TO YOU because if you're serious you dont need other womens understanding/stamp of approval to build a network/resources for women; you can get started without them; heck some may join once they see the value like how so many women broke up with their partners after watching the barbie movie. Some women are more focused on recruitment than living the single childfree life they claim to be about and it consumes them - dont let recruitment consume you. Besides other women willingly engaging with moids buys you some time; those who know - know.
Most activism is a waste of time. Things only change when it benefits those in power but they will never relinquish their power entirely. It's great to put knowledge out there for others to learn but getting into discourse having to justify yourself & being swallowed by your activism will do more harm than good. Most activism is a stepping stone at most for the next chapter of your life. Learn to game the system instead of changing the system.
Focus on yourself. Everything as we know it is rooted in the system that has been perfected over the millenias. The problems of misogyny, racism, ableism, etc have existed before we were born and will exist after we die (part of why im not birthing into this mess). Trying to change it is a losing battle. This doesnt mean dont advocate or care about anything but look out for yourself first & be comfortable learning to existing between the cracks. It'll be quite the exercise tho as we've been socialised to prioritise others.
This is not a lifestyle one simply chooses it's something that chooses you. This isn't for everyone, those who know; know. If you require a lot of convincing or handholding then it isn't for you.
It gets lonely. Not because of not having a moidfriend; even when partnered with them many women still feel lonely. It's because most women are moid centric / obsessed and would want to be partnered with an xy someday or already are. Very few women truly commit to or understand this lifestyle irl tbh. Even my moots who are separatists or just single & childfree are halfway across the world. However that said, many women in the community can also be toxic; holding each other to high standards and there being constant bickering. You can befriend moid partnered women but be careful with them. We're surrounded by the system, existing out of core elements of it will come with a degree of isolation but on the bright side there's also peace if it all goes well.
Less is more. The less you say to others the less ammunition they have to hit you with. Bragging about this lifestyle to our predators will only make things harder because they've already got a huge upperhand. Too many of us moving in one go will bring unprecedented waves we're not ready to deal with. See 2, 3, and 4.
Ignorance is not bliss. Completely cutting off from xys including knowledge of their evil will make you unprepared should a threat strike. Not understanding moids nature is how some women think things are as easy as getting up and walking away without considering security & other factors then get suprised when moids strike. I'm not saying drown in true crime & xy evil but dont stray too far you lose touch of reality. Side note this is why women are gaslit about moids nature so that they dont have the chance to effectively prepare. Stay informed. I constantly learn from the women around me. Pay attention to xy motives & tactics. The power they hold, possible moves they may play etc. You wont be able to know/guess everything but stay in the loop nonetheless.
You will make mistakes be prepared to learn
It gets easier to control your attraction to moids overtime (if you're osa) as your focus is elsewhere as you realise there is a more fulfilling world out there beyond marriage & kids. Also life is just so much better. I know most women want the fairytale prince charming or an angel nigel but it's just not happening. Especially in a world like this. The freedom to be able to exist as a person & not a slave/punching bag for a rape ape is BLISS. You get so comfortable with it you wont wanna be with moids anyway especially when you see what other women go through. (Side note this is why women are pushed to being with moids as early as possible so this level of enlightenment is never reached & instead all women know + become accustomed to is suffering at the hands of moids).
As time passes and you mature into this lifestyle you can tell who's new and who's got skin in the game. I wont elaborate here as it'll digress and this note is long as is but those who know; know.
There's so much work to be done it'll last a lifetime. This lifestyle ain't easy. It strays from the norm so the typical guardrails that come with traditional options are out of the picture. The good news is that you can spend time crafting your own blueprint to follow or share with others who are willing. There's such little in terms of infrastructure & resources for single childfree women and yeah xys will likely try to destroy these things but at the same time if it can be done go for it and bear xy threat in mind we gotta start somewhere.
A purpose/guide is important. It's something that's going to guide your life through the ups and downs because it wont be a smooth ride but it'll be something that can make you in situations that break you. This isn't a "fuck you" to moids directly, it's about ourselves. Seeing this lifestyle as some type of "gotcha" against moids will only make things harder and lowkey misses the point of decentering them. I have my reasons for never getting married or having children that are solid (if you need inspiration checkout r/breakingmom on reddit). True comes from seeing something as bigger than yourself; find a purpose in this line of life to keep you going.
Invest in yourself. Personally, financially, etc. Pretty obvious but especially now that you're going to be more alone you need to be able to count on yourself more. With enough investment it can help other women too.
Invest in female network. No gyn is an island. Even though I'm not much of a social person the friends I have make my life better; they've been supportive but also honest. Also support female centric spaces online & offline; they're all that we have lest we be banished to the silo prison of the "nuclear family" or exploitative misogynistic communities.
Get comfortable disassociating/cutting people off. If you want to survive some things/people will simply just have to go.
You arent owed anything from other women, but you dont owe them anything either. The operating word here is owed, I aint saying women shouldn't help each other - I'm saying dont feel entitled. The feminist "girls support girls" schtick is bullshit. We're in a cold world full of ruthless oppression where everyone is just trying to survive however they can; in many cases it helps women survive when they turn on other women instead of on moids. Solidarity works because those who have solidarity politically speaking are people with power, it works in their interest to stand & work together as to keep + maintain their privileges in society so there wont be much female solidarity as in many cases it's not worth it to women long run. It aint right but that's how they perceive it so watch your back.
Everything is political. Always remember this. Many (privileged) people try to downplay politics & its effect but it runs our world which is why they want you blind to it. Pay attention.
There's merit to being around like-minded women even if it's just online. Like I said before it gets lonely. Very few women are willing to face & accept the truth about maIes. Being around like-minded women can be depressing sometimes as they drop blackpills bitter than you can initially handle but at least you dont feel so isolated/crazy.
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malleusfucker · 2 years
a night with leona and malleus
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warnings: smut/nsfw, angry sex, unprotected sex, just malleus and leona being greedy bastards, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified - i tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible
synopsis: threesome with leona & malleus, they’re both irritated with how you’ve been leading them on so in turn they both come to an agreement to fuck you at the same time just to basically ruin you. 
words: 2k
this is my first ever smut that i tried to write in detail so pls ignore if its shit 😭 my grades in english were terrible so dont judge 😐 also i might as well change my user to malleus&leonafucker bc at this point theyre all i can write about LMAO
you can say that you have a very fickle mind. suddenly being placed in a college with so many different and eccentric characters out of the blue definitely piqued your interest. some can say it was almost too much - your eyes constantly diverting to different faces making you act in a way that you never did before, though, that being a result of two people in particular. leona kingscholar and malleus draconia.  
since the moment you set foot in the college, you haven't been able to take your eyes off the two dorm leaders, whose very presence causes you to sweat and shuffle your feet under your desk. and albeit challenging, being placed in classes with them gave you the opportunity to eventually get rid of the itch you'd get under your collar.
the auras that both malleus and leona exuded were so attractive and tempting in their own different ways that they just served to further confuse you every day. you became increasingly irresponsible as you got to know them better with each class, to the point where you would ultimately steal kisses from both of them. you never considered your relationships with them to be anything more than casual sexual encounters; nothing more than that. every time you got close with the two stunning princes, with academic prowess you'd never see in a million years, it both humbled you and boosted your ego. 
however,  you were terribly naive in assuming you could mislead the two men for your own selfish ends because one thing you were unfortunately unaware of  was that they were anything but dumb.
malleus and leona both slowly caught onto your little game - taking note of how you would focus all of your attention on one of them while ignoring the other. to put it mildly, it infuriated them. and to add salt to the wound, they were fiercely competitive with one another, and seeing how you treated them like toys led them to reach a bizarre agreement.
you were comfortably asleep in your run-down dorm in the middle of the night when all of a sudden, a hand violently ripped your bedsheets off of you. your eyelids slowly opened as the chill began to spread across your flesh, only to be greeted by two sets of brilliant green eyes. “apologies for intruding on you at such an odd time like this-” the taller male with horns, who was clutching the bed frame at your feet, smirked at you eerily. immediately, you widened your eyes and repositioned yourself so you were sitting up straight 
“wh- leona?! malleus?! what the hell are you doing here? how did you get in-” without even being able to finish your sentence, leona grabbed your face and forcefully pulled you towards both of them grimacing at you with disgust “huh, you got some guts actin’ so innocently like that - ‘just pisses me off even more” you were trying so hard to spit your words out but the more you tried the harder leona gripped your face - it only resulted in your body starting to tremble and fear bubbling up in your stomach. 
you were so confused, what did they want with you? and especially at this hour? all these questions were racking your brain but were immediately cut short when the two princes simultaneously pinned you aggressively onto your bed.
with leona’s firm hand still covering your mouth, you unexpectedly felt a long wet tongue lick a stipe up your exposed neck eventually leading up to the shell of your ear. you yelped at the sudden attention and darted your eyes to your left where you saw malleus leaning against you lowering his hand towards your crotch. the two men were only encouraged by your muffled voice and became more ready to humiliate you.
without warning, malleus pulled down your shorts and slipped his hand inside your pants. his gentle fingers caressed your sensitive spot on your body, turning your dread into shameful pleasure. the two men already had you at their mercy without even touching you that much. and with your arousal increasing by the second, all you wanted was for them to touch and fondle you more. whilst malleus showed some generosity towards you, leona, on the other hand, did not. he hated everything about the situation, just the idea alone that you were secretly getting intimate with malleus whilst also being the same with him made him gag and gave him all the more reason to just completely break you.
whilst malleus was palming your crotch, he leaned in and kissed your lips sweetly. it was his touch that reminded you exactly why you enjoyed his company so much - everything he does is just filled with grace and tenderness which just made this situation feel all the more surreal. you closed your eyes and gave into his kiss, letting his tongue inside your mouth, feeling his slender fingers slowly ease inside of you, making you moan. he steadily pumped his fingers in and out of you, noticing all the slick start to drip from his hand making him smirk against your mouth.
leona interrupted your kiss by once again grabbing your face, but this time he seemed more spiteful than before. “this wasn’t a part of the agreement.” leona scowled and glared across to malleus, still thrusting and curling his fingers inside of you making you rut your hips up against them “hm? what’s the problem?” leona scoffed, furrowing his brow “you don’t get to have all the fun you fucking bastard.” he grabbed malleus’ hand which was in your pants and snatched it away from your body. 
the immediate absence of the pleasure that was slowly building up inside of you made you gasp and you opened your eyes to see leona quickly shove malleus’ fingers straight into your mouth. “ngh!-” you gagged at the sudden force being pressed against the back of your throat and looked over at malleus to see a face of brief shock quickly turn into smugness. “hehe… well go ahead kingscholar. they’re all yours.” the sound of their bickering back and forth over what they were going to do to you made you feel a lot more excited than you’d like to admit and you were beginning to feel restless.
fortunately for you, leona could smell how aroused you were, but due to his arrogant attitude, he was more than furious. you weren't the only one who became restless though, as leona began to fumble with his belt buckle and threw it across the floor. 
while you were kissing malleus, you were unaware of how hard leona was getting just from the sight of you, although feeling guilty about it. he pulled down his pants and let his dick spring free which hit against his stomach before pumping it a few times, pearls of pre-cum started to gently emerge on the head. he then took hold of your hair and forced your face into his crotch, causing you to abruptly gag as the length of his member forced its way inside of your mouth. he didn’t give you any time to adjust or even make you realise what was going on and suddenly snapped his hips up towards you and pushed your head down even further. 
tears already pricked at the corners of your eyes and you felt shame like you had never experienced - the shame being that you have never felt this aroused in your life before. 
leona started to grunt and grind against your face, his grip on your hair only getting harsher and his pace getting more brutal.
“hah~ you’re so… fucking disgusting you know that?” he continued to blurt out insults to you, only deepening your guilt and humiliation but just turning you on even more to his surprise.
you were gagging and unable to breathe but even so, you couldn’t ignore the throbbing ache you were feeling from your crotch - wishing that something, someone could relieve you of your frustration. luckily for you though, that’s exactly what malleus was there for. 
he could see how your body twitched and how your desire trickled down your thighs and onto the bed from behind. malleus eventually made the decision to satisfy your hunger out of kindness for you.
he grabbed your legs and propped them up so that you were on all-fours. leonas hand still holding your head in a vice, malleus gently touched your crotch. he massaged his fingers in between your wet folds, causing you to whimper and stick your butt into the air to give him better access.
“hehe, so eager.. you do know that you’re the one that caused all of this?” following suit, malleus undid his pants and released both of his cocks, which had already begun to ache when he entered your room.
malleus seemed to be a nice man, yet his actions were anything but. he lined up against your entrance, briefly rubbing the tip against your slit, and slammed his hips into you, giving you no opportunity to prepare. your already watering eyes quickly were screwed shut as a result of the unexpected force and pain. you tried to cry out, but your voice was stifled by leona's length as he continued to abuse the back of your throat and forcibly shoved his way in and out of your mouth.
it was a matter of seconds before malleus started to rock his hips, one of his dicks brutally assaulting your insides whilst the other slapped against your crotch with each thrust. you were starting to dreadfully realise that the two dorm leaders weren’t here for you, but instead to use you just like you had used them. 
as malleus's pace intensified and became more severe, his delicate touch started to lose meaning. when leona saw his climax approaching, he abruptly slammed your face right down to the base and sprayed all of his pent-up cum into the back of your throat. he shoved your face up from his dick, releasing your mouth with an embarrassingly loud ‘pop’ all the while your hole was getting constantly assaulted by the darker-haired male behind you.
as leona descended from his high and malleus continued to drive into you, the room was filled with gasps and moans. now that your mouth was free, your whimpers and whines were becoming louder by the second. you could feel malleus’ cock throb more intensely inside of you. after what felt like hours of agonising pleasure, he spewed thick ropes of cum into you, filling you to the point where it seeped out of your hole. when the two men got you in this position, they felt even more determined to treat you more brutally. you were drained, out of breath, and your legs were shaking like never before wishing that they would be easy on you. 
malleus bared his fangs as he slowly pulled out of you, noticing all of his cum spilling from out of you. 
while malleus was thrusting into you leona sat surprisingly patient, pumping his cock in his hand waiting for his turn. and now that malleus had finished with you he wasted no time before he quickly pounced on you. you were still catching your breath before you felt another cock thrust its way inside of you with no warning. your pleas and cries were starting to become insignificant and only made the two men want to fasten their pace.
hours went on, them constantly switching turns and thrusting more and more cum inside of you every time. your mind had gone white, having lost count of how many times you climaxed and your body had gone limp. 
it was clear as day to you that the two dorm leaders were just using you for their own sadistic pleasure and feared how long they would continue as they didn’t show any signs of stopping.
every round was seemingly more intense than the last. to the point where malleus’ frustration started to spill out onto you, though not showing it as much as leona. 
he was still angry with you for secretly getting with leona behind his back and it showed with each thrust getting more merciless and rough. his claws digging deeper into the flesh of your thighs, making your legs buckle from underneath you from all the stimulation. 
your moaning of both their names rang in their ears as they continued their plan to completely break you. you could see how leona's chest was heaving from all the rounds he was having with you, but because of his stuck-up pride, he didn't want to stop until he and malleus were sure that you had learned your lesson to not play around with them. 
you could see in the corner of your eye that the sun was slowly beginning to rise and you could hear the faint sound of birds chirping outside. 
you didn’t realise just how long they were going at it for and were surprised that you weren’t passed out from all the overwhelming pain and pleasure they were constantly forcing onto you. 
your eyes were slowly starting to shut as you felt the lack of touch on your skin, thinking that they finally finished their torturous game with you. hearing malleus faintly giggle behind you, he gently kissed you on your shoulder before him and leona both made their way out of your dorm. 
you felt extremely humiliated, but more than that, you felt exhausted. knowing that it was morning now, you groaned at the thought of having to go to your lessons and worse - having to see the two dorm leaders in your class after having the most intense night of your life.
you were certain of one thing though. that you were never going to toy with leona and malleus ever again.
nah bc this was surprisingly so fun to write considering how shite i am at writing longer stuff but also how tf do yall not end up writing 10k words it was so hard not to write a whole ass novel omg 😭😭 but hey im just horny for these two n just wanna fuck the shit outta them lmao
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crowchemicals · 1 year
Things i think Lucifer would do while you're dating
♥︎fluffy fluff all over, sfw
✧ i don't think there's any warnings i should put here other than me projecting onto my favourite babygirl. and very soft Luci 🙏 (my personal religion)
☆ these are purely some scenarios i like to think about often in my lil fantasy world in my head, (and yes this is still and art account i don't write much<33)
• He keeps a list of things you like so he can get them for you. He's very observant, especially when it comes to his beloved, so if he sees something catch your eye while on an outing or you've liked/shared an item on your story/ saved something pretty to pinterest (which he follows but won't admit it. it's not like he really uses the app for anything other than gift ideas for you anyway) he will keep it in mind and write it down in his notes app when you're not looking/there.
• He brings you flowers every week. He learns flower language so he can give you the most meaningful bouquets he can. When they start wilting he immediately replaces them with fresh ones, but he doesn't throw the bouquets away, he proudly displays them in vases around his study.
• You mentioned your favorite snack/sweets (that you can't find in the devildom) once in a conversation with Asmo that he overheard and since then he periodically goes up to the human world to stock up on them so you can have a treat whenever you like :)
• He asks you to do his nails one time as an excuse to get away from paperwork for a little bit and spend some time with you, and you both started gossiping and just talking about RAD, his brothers, etc, and this has since become a routine between you two, one day a week either in his room or yours you get together to sit on the floor while you do his nails and gossip
• he has awful night terrors and has no idea how to cope with them, of course he can't go telling anyone about them that would be embarrassing but he also doesn't want to worry anybody. he's the big brother he's not supposed to show any weaknesses so that his brothers have someone to rely on (shhh I'm projecting) so he distracts himself with work and music, he's lost too much sleep over these kind of nights. One night after you two had been dating for a while though he woke up in a cold sweat and while his first instinct was to go to your room there was something stopping him. So he turned to distracting himself again this time by putting on your favourite show/movie. And he continues doing this every time he has a nightmare until he feels comfortable sharing such vulnerability with you. He finds it oddly comforting even if it's a genre he wouldn't typically enjoy, remembering you talking so fondly about it gives it a different kind of vibe, sometimes depending on how exhausted he is or how bad the night terror was he'll fall asleep with it in the background.
• Takes interest in your hobbies and makes sure you never run out of supplies and new things to try out. And if he sees you eyeing anything relating to your craft or a game or ANYTHING REALLY you'll have it the next day
• Will ask you to come do your work/chill in his study while he's working as a way to spend time together, in the beginning he says it's bc you'll be able to focus better since no one will disturb you there and there's less noise but later he realises that your presence helps him be more productive so when he feels his motivation and focus slip he'll come into your room to do the rest of his paperwork next to you or if you're sleeping in his bedroom that night he'll come work at his desk there, as long as he can be near you he has a reason to finish his work faster.
• Lucifer being an exhausted older sister™️, never really gets to let his guard down so when he trusts you enough he'll finally let his mask slip and give up control for a moment (something all of us wish we could do tbh). someone go bigspoon this man he needs it.
• ^ so he likes to walk up to your/his bed after a long day and just plop on top of you in his pjs and demon form, he knows he's heavy, he knows you were reading but tbh he doesn't care he needs to be held right this instant. bonus points for you if play with his wings, scratch his head esp near the horns or rub his back. you're never getting rid of him now.
• he's so interested by everything you tell him, you wanna explain the plot of a new book in excruciating detail? tell him all the hot gossip you've been hearing from your friends at RAD/Asmo? Make him watch a 10 season long show while explaining every minor thing? go ahead, he will literally give you his full attention if he's not swarmed with paperwork. he'll remember 99.9% of what you tell him too.
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jiminsfirstlife · 4 days
how svt would react to u getting an abortion
tw// abortion, death, domestic violence
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"you killed my baby...?"
is mad that u didn't tell him beforehand
always wanted to be a dad and u took that opportunity away from him
breaks up with you
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"i mean... it's your choice i guess"
is supportive at first but whenever you get into an argument he will bring it up
apologises afterwards, but he still brings it up the next time u fight
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"dw babe i'm american... your body your choice"
is very supportive <3
is secretly relieved but would never admit it
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"baby you should've told me.. i would've gone to the clinic with u"
is very gentle with u for the next few weeks
will make ur food and help u bathe so u can relax and focus on regaining ur health <3
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"oh... baby i'm so sorry. we can try again"
thinks u had a miscarriage
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pauses his game while you talk about your abortion
"...is that all?"
returns to his game
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"ah... can i use this for our new album?"
makes u write down the abortion process so he can "get in the mind of a woman" to make his song more "authentic"
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"you were pregnant? i did notice that you gained weight..."
is insensitive at first but tries to be understanding
"it's fine. i actually just read a book about feminism. your body your choice"
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"huh? you... killed it?"
claims that abortion is murder
doesn't break up with you, but he gets scared whenever you raise your voice at him
"i'm scared you'll kill me next..."
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"are you okay? do you feel sick? just take it easy, okay?
wants to have children someday but understands that u weren't ready
cries because "you've suffered so much..."
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"i wondered why you've been acting like such a bitch"
doesn't care about the baby, but he uses it as a reason to argue
"you didn't think i deserved to know? that was my baby, too."
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"oh. okay. cool"
wants to be an ally but actually comes across as insensitive
"i mean, it's just a bunch of cells, right?"
forgets to ask if you were okay
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"ah... i'm sorry for impregnating you. i'll be more careful in the future, okay?"
thinks it's his fault
is relieved though bc he's "too young to be a dad"
immediately goes to the store and comes back with condoms
"look at what i bought, y/n! 😄"
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lyney-s-bitch · 9 months
pls do prompt nr. 21 with nagi pls pls thank u u r the best ily hihihihi
everyone say thank you Dae for sending in a request
this is kinda short-ish bc I’m just as lazy as him lol, but enjoy-
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
Nagi Seishiro - spicy drabble
21. "Wait—uh—do… do that again."
As per usual when you got home, your boyfriend Nagi Seishiro was splayed out on your shared bed, long limbs threatening to dangle off the edge with every unconscious twitch and jump whenever his character in the game he was currently playing would come close to dying. He groaned in disdain when he didn’t manage to react in time, the screen reading "game over". With an in your opinion adorable pout, he sat up and leaned against the headboard, dark grey eyes flitting over to you as you made your way towards the bed with an amused smile tugging on your lips.
"Awww, did you die because of me?" You mused, letting yourself plop down on the bed ungracefully and crawling into his lap, your arms and legs wrapping around him and your face nuzzling into his neck affectionately.
Almost automatically, Nagi adjusted his position to accommodate you, making sure both of you were comfortable before he picked his phone back up, restarting the game.
"Yeah. But it’s fine, I won’t die this time."
"If you say so", you mumble against his shoulder, resting and letting him do his thing for a bit while listening to the noises from the game and the occasional grunts of Nagi whenever it came close to being game over for him.
You smiled to yourself, mildly amused by how focused he was, given the fact that this man rarely ever bothered to focus on anything - besides video games and soccer, and sometimes you.
You shift a bit in his lap and adjust your position due to your legs threatening to fall asleep, as you hear a "Hey" and a quiet groan from Nagi. You hold still, turning your head towards him with an amused yet apologetic look.
"Did I make you die again? Sorry pumpkin, I’ll hold still now", you giggled, kissing his cheek before trying to turn around far enough to catch a glimpse of his screen.
"Wait—uh—do… do that again."
"Hm? You want another kiss?" You inquire, slightly confused about his request.
"That too. But I meant this", he replied and placed his large hand on the small of your back and pulled you against him once more, which earned a surprised gasp from you.
"Sei, if you were horny, why didn’t you just say so?" You questioned, raising your brows at him as you fought back a grin.
"I wasn’t until you did that. Now I am", Nagi countered matter-of-factly, biting his bottom lip as he repeated the motion and made you grind against him yet again. You rolled your eyes at his antics, but of course you indulged him, moving your hips and grinding down on him on your own now as you could soon feel his growing erection through his sweatpants.
Your movements were earning you a few deep moans from your boyfriend, who was clearly just leaning back and enjoying himself with his eyes closed for the time being. You stopped moving, narrowing your eyes at the frosty-haired man, who in turn opened one of his eyes to try and see why you stopped.
"What’s wrong?"
"What, do you expect me to do all the work?" You questioned him, despite already knowing the answer fully well.
"This is your fault, so yeah. You’ll have to take care of that." He closed his eyes again, but you could clearly see a little smirk tugging on the corners of his lips. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and glared at him.
"You’re a huge baby, y’know that?"
"Mhm, I’m your huge baby" He concluded, but before you could actually get upset, he sat up straight and captured your lips in a sloppy kiss, one of his hands placed on your hips while the other slowly slipped under the waistband of your pants, lazily rubbing circles against your clit, causing you to buck your hips into his hand and moan into his mouth - he loved seeing you get increasingly desperate for him, it always made him so much more eager to put in some effort and please you as well.
"But you’re right, it’s more fun playing in multiplayer mode", he mumbled against your lips, signifying that both of you would ultimately be having your fun tonight.
@sugarkage get your mans😏😚
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