#but when you ask them how they are romanticizing them or point out the fact that nobody likes the mafia or thinks highly of them
hxney-lemcn · 2 months
Care for Yourself my Love — Overblots x gn! reader
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summery: taking care of yourself wasn't your best skill, thankfully you have someone to help you build it up.
tw: unhealthy eating habits! If you're sensitive to this please don't read this fic! I'm not glorifying or romanticizing this, I just wish I had someone to help keep me on track (you'll notice I make the reader actively try to better themselves). mentions of depression/depressive traits (leona, idia).
a/n: I wanted to write something, ik people have done this already but here's my two cents because I've delt/deal with this too
wc: 1.7k (~250 per character)
Master List
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Riddle Rosehearts
You don’t try to be so forgetful, it’s just you're either always running late or you find yourself procrastinating to the point you don’t have time. Unfortunately, your carelessness has gotten to the best of you and you found yourself nearly passing out while preparing for the upcoming unbirthday party. Even more unlucky, you swayed dizzily in front of Riddle, nearly toppling over and knocking over paint buckets. At first he felt his temper flare, that paint wasn’t cheap and now they’ll have to get more. Not only that, but now your shoes, socks, and pants were covered in red paint. But then he noticed the concerned look on Trey’s face and how you held onto him for support while holding your head, eyes closed tight. That was when the worry set in, were you alright? Why had you been so clumsy in the first place? You apologized to the two, casually bringing up how you can’t remember eating anything yet and that was most likely the cause. After that, Riddle tried keeping track for you, scolding you anytime you mumbled about forgetting to eat. How could you forget something so important! You couldn't learn properly if you didn’t take care of yourself. Not to mention the heart attack he nearly gets every time he recalls that moment of you nearly fainting in the rose garden. He doesn’t want that to happen again, so he’ll continue to help you out until you learn to take care of yourself better.
Leona Kingscholar
Honestly…I think he’s in the same boat. People call him lazy, selfish, and rude, and his only escape from all his problems is his dreams. Where people love him, where he’s important, where he’s cherished. So this can go one of two ways. 1) You both feed into each other's bad habits and become worse. Or 2) you notice his bad habits, and in trying to correct them (Ruggie helps tremendously with this…he also gets free food so he doesn’t mind) you find yourself improving on your own. Leona lets you take however much money you want, little does he know, most of that money is being used on him as well. You end up buying matching water bottles on a whim and you find yourself actually drinking a healthy amount of water now. This also goes for Leona, as every time you get food, you bring some for him, every time you go to get water, you bring some for him. In fact, he actually uses the water bottle you bought him, but it's only cus it reminds him of you…not that you’ll ever know. Slowly over time, you both improve each other, and you find yourselves feeling more healthy than ever before. Especially when Leona decides to have you join him for his spell drive training, making you participate in it as well. Not because he hates you, but he sees what you’ve done for him, and wants to help you in his own way in return…he just makes it seem and feel like a punishment. 
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is a sharp one that never lets a detail go. He noticed your bad habits from the start. It only bit him back when he started to genuinely care for you. He felt his mind want to tear itself apart when you came by the lounge after school, immediately being placed in his VIP room, and him hearing your stomach growl. When he asked if you wanted food you denied, stating you didn’t have the funds. That made him want to rip Crowley apart. Instead of letting that anger show, he only smiled, making up some bullshit about how its on the house today. Azul made sure that the Leech twins kept an eye on you, and if your self-destructive habits got too out of hand they would step in. At first you were apprehensive when Jade would randomly appear, asking if you’ve eaten or drank anything recently. Azul nearly broke down in tears when one time you shrugged nonchalantly, asking if it mattered. It was then that you realized that your habits not only affected you, but the people you cared about as well. So you promised him you’d try to better yourself. If you forgot breakfast you at least had a granola bar on hand. If you forgot water, Floyd would throw a water bottle at you. It was a slow process, but after a while you started taking better care of yourself, and all Azul could do was breathe a sigh of relief. He was not going to let someone he cared about become their own greatest downfall. 
Jamil Viper
At first, he’s annoyed. Out of spite he won’t help you, his gray eyes watching to see you stumble with slight gratification. Those feelings soon crumbled the closer you two got, and that gratification slipped into apprehension. Jamil was going to lose all his hair at this rate. So when you forgot to buy food, or used all your money for other necessities Jamil started packing you a lunch alongside his own and Kalim’s. He quickly grew annoyed at how pleased he felt when he watched you scarff down his food, exclaiming how great it was. You forgot how warm the Scarabia dorm was and were currently sweating to death beneath all your layers? Don’t worry, Kalim had bought you tons of outfits already (no matter how much Jamil tried to stop him), he’ll take you to a spare room for you to change. You start feeling woozy, there’s a seat nearby and he’s already got water and a snack. Even though he’s still a bit annoyed he had to do all this in the first place…you had managed to wiggle your way into a soft spot in his heart. So for you, he doesn’t mind taking care of you. Not as long as you promise to try and learn to take care of yourself as well, because he’s not sure how much more his heart can take seeing you accidentally hurt yourself in one way or another. Plus, he won’t always be there to stabilize you…not unless you choose to stay by his side. 
Vil Schoenheit
This mf knew right away. He could tell with the way you cared so greatly for others, that you had no room to care for yourself. Vil makes a whole schedule for you, when you should eat, drink water, and exercise to be your best self. You are now an honorary pomefiore student with the way he treats you. Even with the added slack of not living on the dorm grounds…you’re still not safe. Vil gets spider senses with you slacking on self care and sends Rook to check in on you. He makes you set alarms, gets you a fashionable yet hefty water bottle for you to carry around. Honestly…he works the best when it comes to self care. He doesn’t even have to text you anymore, you’ll be slouching and he’ll pop in your mind and you fix your posture. Talk about living in your mind rent free. He’s also the harshest, his whole thing is being your best self and he’ll be damned to see you hurt yourself because you weren’t thinking clearly due to not eating enough. It all comes from a place of care though, he’s just not the best at expressing that. Just know that every time he scolds you it’s because he cares about you. If it gets too much though just tell him, he’ll pamper you a bit with a self care spa day sometime soon. At the end of the day, he wants to see you thrive, not survive. 
Idia Shroud
…worst person. Sorry. He’s worse than Leona. At least Leona is a part of a sport and still has to slightly take care of himself because of that. Idia has no motivation whatsoever. He is in his room nearly 24/7 with barely any contact outside. Never drinks water, barely eats (it's mostly snacks at that), and does he even sleep? Ortho is the one who does constant check-ins and brings him food and water. Although Ortho keeps constant health checks, he can’t help but be sad everytime he sees his brother push food to the side and forget about it. So if you’re looking for someone to help you with your habits I’m sorry but Idia will feed into your bad ones. If anything, it's Ortho helping you out. One time, you and Ortho had a little cooking hang out, and you brought a portion to Idia, and he ate it right away. It was then that Ortho found out a way to make you and his brother eat more. So expect more invites to cook with Ortho. In fact, he even got Idia to join! How fun! Even though the outcomes were more or less mid, you all had fun while making it. It got to the point that you and Ortho would keep challenging yourselves and would have Idia be your taste tester. Besides, how could he say no to you when you stared at him so expectantly? Just don’t ask why he never rates your food under a 7 out of 10. 
Malleus Draconia
Fae’s and humans were similar and different. One big difference was how much one needed to consume in order to sustain themself. You’d think a dragon fae would need to eat a lot in order to sustain such a powerful body, but they actually eat less. So if anything, Malleus didn’t see anything abnormal about how little you ate or drank. So when you immediately fell back in your seat after attempting to stand up, Malleus had rushed to your side, unsure what was wrong. You smiled in a carefree manner while trying to wave away his worry, explaining how you probably should’ve eaten more. It was then that he realized he had been negligent about your health and went to Lilia for answers. He visibly paled when Lilia told him humans needed to eat at least three times a day and drink tons of water. Now you have a dragon fretting over you 24/7. He knew humans were fragile, but every day he finds out they’re more fragile than he originally thought which caused him to fuss over you. You needed to eat more, child of man, he doesn’t want you leaving him earlier than expected. Humans die if they don’t drink water for three days? He now carries a water bottle for you everywhere you go. You’ll never have to worry about forgetting to eat again…in fact, you’re probably pleading with Malleus to give you a break, you’ll die if you overeat too…which causes him to spiral again…
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matchingbatbites · 2 months
Wiggly 🧠🪱 Wednesday Thursday!
I was tagged by the ever so kind @runninriot, thank you!! I haven't been tagged in one of these yet
This is something that's been spinning in my brain for a lil bit, and I had to throw it under a readmore because at some point it shifted from thought to ficlet, so.
TW: Stalking, romanticization of stalking
Steve has always been unlucky in love. He's dated around a good bit but hasn't found anyone willing to settle down and start a life with. It's disappointing and disheartening, and he's ready to give up on dating for a while when he meets Eddie.
The guy is a new member at Steve's gym; he asks for some help on his first day there and tells Steve that he's trying to bulk up a little. Steve helps him out, because he's nice like that, and he and Eddie get to talking.
Eddie is super nice, and a huge nerd, but he's always willing to explain the stuff he talks about because Steve is so patient with Eddie during their workouts - because that becomes a thing, having a regular workout buddy.
After a few weeks Eddie asks him out, and though it catches Steve off guard, he agrees. He's pleasantly surprised when it's great, actually, and when Eddie asks him to be his boyfriend after a couple of weeks, he happily accepts.
Eddie is the perfect boyfriend, and he may be the best partner Steve has ever had. He's attentive, he's always bringing lunch and treats to Steve at work, and he never seems to hold back his affection for any reason. It's refreshing, and Steve finds himself falling fast for the man.
So it's surprising when, a few months into their relationship, a woman approaches him at work, claiming to be one of Eddie's friends. He does recognize her name, but when she tells him what she found, he isn't sure what to think.
Chrissy explains that Eddie's been stalking him for months, long before they actually met; tells him about the folders of photos and screenshots and videos she found hidden away on Eddie's phone and computer. Says that Eddie is like a brother to her, but she's worried about his behavior and concerned for Steve's safety.
Steve listens, of course, to everything Chrissy says. He thanks her once she's done, and spends the next day thinking about it all, how he feels about the fact that the man he's been dating is an absolute creep.
Even so, Eddie's only ever been kind to Steve, hasn't given him any reason to not trust him. Fuck, he's been the best partner Steve's ever had, and the thought of losing him is more upsetting than what Chrissy told him.
It should be worrying that the whole situation doesn't scare him the way it probably should.
When he goes over to Eddie's place the next night, he brings it up. Eddie goes pale when Steve tells him about Chrissy's visit, about what she relayed to him. He's trembling by the time Steve recounts it all.
"I'm sorry. It's- You're so beautiful, and I wasn't planning on ever talking to you, I didn't think you'd ever go for someone like me. I was gonna keep my distance, I swear, but even when you were dating someone, you seemed so lonely. I couldn't just stand by, not when I could maybe do something about it. I just wanted to give you a friend- another friend, someone other than Robin you could rely on. I should have known I wouldn't be able to keep my feelings in check."
That falls in line with the man Steve has come to know, Eddie's heart on his sleeve and his care for others at the forefront of his mind. The fact that he was stalking Steve for months seems like an afterthought in the face of knowing that he was more worried about Steve being lonely than he was about staying in the shadows.
"Do you love me?"
"Do you love me?" Steve asks again, insistent as he leans in, shrinking the space between them. "Or is this just a temporary obsession? Now that you have me, are you going to lose interest and leave?"
"No!" Eddie's hands snap out like he wants to grab hold of Steve, but stops himself at the last second. "No, I don't- I'm so obsessed with you, sweetheart. I've never felt like this before, and if you want me to fuck off out of your life then I will, but- if you let me, I'll spend the rest of my life being devoted to you."
There's a pause of silence before Steve gives a sharp nod.
"Eddie, all I've wanted in life is a partner who loves me. I know I should probably be running for the hills, fuck, I should probably be calling the police."
The color that had returned to Eddie's face drains again, and Steve reaches out to take his hand. "I want you to be obsessed with me, Eds. The whole stalking thing doesn't bother me because it's me. I want someone who's crazy about me enough to stay."
"I don't think you were banking on literally crazy, though."
"Mm, not really. But I think it works for us. Now come on," he says and stands, tugging Eddie up with a grin. "I want you to show me just how obsessed you are with me."
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TL asleep? cool.
(long post, strap in)
i wanna talk about colin's wet dream. that was the most demisexual shit i have EVER seen. there's not even any sex. its just a romanticized, elevated version of their first kiss. its colin's subconscious wanting to replay the moment he fell in love with his best friend in the Most way possible.
lets break it down:
we got the same location of their first kiss. Complete with mood lighting and a fog machine. It’s giving pride and prejudice 2005
Penelope comes out (looking gorgeous, of course) to their rendezvous spot, which has been previously agreed on.
colin thanks her for meeting him, she doesn't know why he's asked her to come
he confesses his feelings for her
she reciprocates (this is the important part of this to me. ) her wanting him, makes him want her more (do you see where the demisexual colin energy is coming from? do you understand?)
they make out
he kisses her neck as she pants his name over and over (see my point above re: her wanting him makes him want her more)
he wakes up, absolutely shook
this is an idealized reimagining for colin: during their first kiss he was basically in shock, his new personality chokes on the reality and vulnerability of the moment
in the book he talks about how he tries to think of something witty to say but finds that no words are necessary, and there's no combination of witty banter or suave bravado that could help in that moment. the rake persona that he has put on up to this point absolutely fails him. but here, in this dream, words are crucial, the declarations of love are why its sexy! (demi colin is canon idc idc)
and its so important that this wet dream, the idealized version of this scenario happens like this. because we've also seen colin having sex with sex workers (and luke newton has talked about this) but his energy in those scenes is very detached, very focused on him and his pleasure with zero connection to the women he's with. he has two different threesomes (if you can even call the second one that, he's barely even looking at them) with four different women and we know nothing about these girls. they don't even get names. they don't matter, and its simply not. as. good. as the feeling of kissing pen. there is no connection
which is, i think, why he taps out during the threesome in ep4. he tries to go back to the devil-may-care attitude toward sex and intimacy that he had before kissing pen, he tries to return to that mask he put on of "the rake" and it just doesn't work! he feels nothing! in fact he feels disdain for the position he's in and the choices he's made!
the threesome in ep4 mirrors the outburst he has later at the club really well. like he's so frustrated with this position he's put himself in, the men he's surrounded himself with. he literally says "none of you are gentlemen!" "you're actually gross and disrespectful!"
a line that i love is :
"... it is tiring, is it not? The necessity imposed on us to remain cavalier about the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning. Do you not find it lonely?"
and they laugh! in! his! face! because these are men that feel perfectly fine sleeping with strangers and bragging about their "conquests" to their buddies
but that is not who colin is! he's still very young. and his experience with marina (who tried to seduce him and it didn't work, imo bc he just didn't feel that passion, that love that makes his relationship with penelope so different) has left him jaded, but not nearly as jaded as he wants to believe. even if he wants to be casual about romance and sex, he just isn't. this man proposed to marina after knowing her for what? a couple weeks? He is an All or Nothing type of guy. He has that Bridgerton 'when i fall in love i will only ever talk about my spouse' Gene
Now: some costuming details that i love:
Her hair:
(i know this is a stretch but go with me here) her hair is in slightly tighter curls than we've seen this season, which to me seems like a nod to colin liking (or at least not minding) her hair the way it was in previous seasons and maybe not caring as much as we might think about her transformation. but its still down and flowy and in line with her new style
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let's talk about this! dress! (it has genuinely been keeping me up at night)
the sleeves seem much more similar to the silhouettes of her costumes in previous seasons, not necessarily in shape but in style
the sleeves are bulkier, compared to this season's costumes, which while they might have been the same size and shape, they are made of much lighter material, giving the silhouette a softer, more mature feeling.
compare it to this dress from s3 ep2: it looks very similar with the sleeve shape and the floral appliqués, but in the dress in the image above, the appliqués are much more obvious, closer to penelope's style under her mother's tastes
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the point i'm trying to make here will be made more clear in a sec. what I am NOT trying to say that colin prefers her in her little girl dresses with loud designs, bright colors, and silly hairdos. he just associates those bigger, brighter, louder style choices with penelope.
And he has always liked Penelope. Even when he didn’t take her seriously as a potential partner, he always saw her as an equal. He never made fun of her silly dresses and questionable hair choices.
This has nothing to do with Colin but i feel like i should point it out:
there is something to be said about how her muted pastel color palette along with the more demure style that she has adopted shows that she is trying to Show Up with this social season, but as a wallflower, she is shy. she's always hated those brightly colored dresses her mother put her in, because no matter how close to the wall she clung, she was always visible. she was always vulnerable to ridicule.
but i don't think colin knows or realizes this because why would he think critically about the specific style changes she's made. and he probably doesn't really make the connection of the influence her mother has on her clothing. and around him, pen has never seemed all that shy. she's been confident and witty. if you pair her personality that shines around colin with her louder outfits, it seems more congruous
(take the scene from season 2 where we get the line "My purpose shall set me free") this is a side of penelope that no one, not even eloise!, sees
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what his subconscious knows is that he associates pen with vibrant, textured, and often 3-dimensional outfits, and his subconscious creates a dress that fits her new style, with a little more of that featherington flair thrown in.
the fucking tie in front: i feel like this is a very clear reference/ foreshadowing to the mirror scene
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for those of you who haven't read the book, the mirror scene doesn't actually happen, but colin tells penelope about a fantasy he has about touching her in front of a mirror
this is a pretty small offhand comment made while they're having sex for the first time but amongst book fans the scene has become pretty fleshed out i think, with fanfics especially
because the idea that it touches on is colin fantasizing about penelope seeing herself the way he does, as sexy and desirable (he seriously cares about her pleasure so much its sickening, I'm actually sick)
and although Book Colin doesn't mention it, the idea of him undressing her in front of a mirror has become a popular story set-up
i think the tie in the front sort of plays on the time period sensibilities of propriety: this is a time where in "good" society an unmarried man and woman would never touch skin to skin, its why all the women wear gloves most of the time. its why the scenes in season 1 between daphne and simon play on the excitement of removing the gloves: its a taboo thing
this is unrelated to this post but i need an explanation as to why pen isn't wearing gloves in a lot of her scenes this season, like the scandal that that would cause??? I'm assuming its representative of her growing into her sexuality; and bridgerton is a fantasy, not a historical nonfiction, but like some consistency would be nice guys bc i was so confused abt all the skin-on-skin contact happening. even with Francesca and Lord Samadani WHEN HE KISSES HER BARE HAND I WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE FOR HER. especially because of all the glove-related tension in s1. but i digress.
so the tie in front is sort of a dare. even though its clearly an addition, and untying wouldn't actually remove her dress, its her (colin's subconscious version of her anyway) way of saying: "you could untie this, you could undress me if you wanted to" "i love you" "i want you"
and i think that's beautiful. this season is great and i will die on this hill.
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If you've made it this far, congrats! you're just as feral as me! come and gnaw on the drywall with me while i post fanfics inspired by this season: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55988977/chapters/142190584
chapters 1+2 of my new fic are up
photos are from : https://www.cap-that.com/bridgerton/302/index.php?image=bridgerton3x02_1502.jpg
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whoopsyeahokay · 3 months
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Alphabet Soup
summary: prompt fill. the journey of a clandestine love affair at several stages because Wally Clark craves what he can't have and refuses to keep his hands to himself. and you live for it.
(AN: this'll be a multiple-oneshots deal—out of order—with regular additions until it's complete.)
🛎️prompt - Wally Clark NSFW alphabet.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: smut. AU - modern setting. romanticized toxic behavior. grey!Wally Clark. cheating. egregious use of the word 'baby'.
bon reading, frens
Alphabet Soup - C
C is for Wally's competency and control on and off the field. That single-minded focus that he puts toward the task at hand. He's not a show-off, doesn't flaunt his skills unless the showmanship is called for—"And that's another touchdown assisted by 57!"—you know, those times when the crowd is chanting his name and Coach is punching the air.
It may be hard to believe, but Wally dedicates a lot of time to learning about what interests him. Does the research, collects the tools, and works himself hard until he has it mastered before he shares what he's capable of with others.
This dedication earned him employee of the month at Reggie's Auto Repair several months in a row; big hands making quick, greasy work of mistreated car parts. It's how he helped his grandfather remodel his mama's kitchen; expertly cutting pieces of wood for new cabinets; drilling in the finished product; smearing mud on the wall to set the new backsplash his mother swooned over at Home Depot.
Point is, Wally's gets really fucking good at whatever he puts his mind to. And, these days his mind is almost exclusively occupied by you. A cyclical kaleidoscope of things he's learned about you on auto-play from the moment he wakes up to the moment he passes out.
He wants to learn more—everything—about you. Your favorite food, color, season, show; your stupid star sign, fuck, e v e r y t h i n g. And he will. Because that's what Wally does. He absorbs facts like a sponge and sticks them in his arsenal to use when he needs to.
Wally wields his knowledge like a weapon in the bedroom, noting every sound you make as he tests the waters. He's draped over you, propped up on an elbow, watching your face for clues as his hand tracks down down down your side to your hip to your thigh. Squeezes hard enough to leave prints and lifts your leg to hook is around his waist.
"You want me, baby?" He asks, grinding against you, your skin and his wet with too much black cherry lube. His breathing is ragged, voice strained, hips a maddeningly slow back-and-forth as he teases those sounds out of you. "Want me inside you?"
He dips in, brushes his lips over yours once, tickle-soft, before truly pressing in with teeth and tongue. The kiss is dirty, hard, deep, but the roll of his hips remains at that too-slow pace.
"Want me to make you feel good, baby?" He pinches your nipple between thumb and index. He smirks, proud and so fucking turned on, when you grab him by his necklace and drag him into another kiss.
It's all he needs to convince him to stop teasing, line himself up, and rock into you with one hard thrust. Your mouth falls open, eyes squeezed shut, expression open and pink and so fucking beautiful it takes everything in Wally not to bust a nut right then and there. You've done quickies in the locker room, fast ones in the car, and as hot as all that is, Wally wants to see what you look like when he fucks you slow.
He can last for a while. Has made a fucking point to learn how to prolong his own pleasure so he can give you yours and he isn't going to consider coming until you're a mess beneath him. Sobbing and begging and needy for him to fill you up. And you will be. Because he's learned, hasn't he?
Reaching under the pillow beside you, he pulls out something he's been aching to play with. He shifts, up and back, sitting on his haunches as he turns you onto your side. You make such a pretty picture, hair fanned out, eyes glazed, lips bitten pink and pouty.
"Gonna be a good girl for me?" Wally presses the button. The wand starts to vibrate, low at first and then harder as he adjusts it. "Gonna let me play with you?"
Before you can respond, Wally places the head of the toy against your clit at the same time he rams into you. A choked-off moan, head thrown back, fingers clawing Wally's chest, arms, hips.
"That's it baby," He coos, rolling his hips, in and out, cock grazing every nerve-ending inside you, fat tip hitting your g-spot on every upstroke. "That's it, fuck, you're so hot, baby," Wally groans and he can't look away, has to watch you tremble apart over and over as you convulse around him.
Minutes later, "You're gonna make me come," he warns, listening to your mewls and moans and pleas for mercy, too much, please, Wally, I can't please please please, I can't.
And it's blinding; a long, flushed, thunderous feeling when Wally comes inside you, grinning like an idiot because he's learned more about your threshold for pleasure-pain and plans to use that knowledge over and over again, until you can't think of anything else but how good Wally makes you feel.
also available on AO3!
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
Ok I lied, one more Hazbin character ask.🙏
Thoughts on Lucifer, Carmilla, Rosie, and Adam?
I love love love him. Terrible dad tho! Lmfaoo
Genuinely think Charlie let him off the hook too easy for all the neglect imo. It's kinda weird how most of the fandom suddenly thinks he's a great dad. He's okay at best, tbh. Just because he has a gorgeous singing voice(Jeremy Jordan is the fuckin BEST man) and a silly personality doesn't mean everything's swell. I hope the second season further tackles this. I remember someone saying before that Lucifer resembled a dad who accidentally had a baby as a teen and doesn't actually know how to be a father and I haven't forgotten about how accurate that is. Still tho! Great character! I'm not even exactly mad about him being popular, just a little bothered by how he's viewed by most people. I hope the show has him do more than sing a musical number to EARN Charlie's forgiveness
I love her, even if the way her character is written is a little, um, how do I say it? Weird? Doesn't make sense sometimes.
Like how she's a demon Overlord who sells weapons but has a line that goes "I always thought that I would keep blood off my face". So does that mean she's never killed anyone before? Or maybe she swore off killing at some point? If she's only ever taken a life to protect her daughters, what sin did she commit to get her to end up in Hell, with her daughters no less. I have my speculations, but with how little we know about her, speculations don't change the fact that Carmilla is a strangely written character. She has some moments that are just questionable choices from the writers too. Like, how they had Carmilla point out how obvious Vaggie's nature is, making Charlie's feelings of betrayal look a little stupid on Charlie's part. Or how Carmilla sang to Vaggie that she should focus on love and not revenge, even though all Vaggie has ever thought about is protecting Charlie while never showing any signs of even thinking about getting back at Lute. Such a strange character. I hope she makes more sense next season when we get to see more of her, because I truly do love her. If this is never tackled though and I just happen to be overthinking, it's fine. I still like her anyways.
A really sweet lady for a, um, cannibal. I can never get behind the fact that she and the other characters eat people RAW though! No matter how beautiful she is, the hotness factor is knocked down as long as you don't clean, cook, and season your food, maam. Nasty.
I hope we see more of her relationship with Charlie though. People keep talking about how Carmilla and Vaggie are similar, but I feel we should talk about her similarities with Charlie too. Throughout the show Charlie is ridiculed and given no respect by her people because of her sweet nature and jolly disposition, but here Rosie is being all those things and yet has a whole town to lead! I hope them meeting is set up to have Charlie learn even more from her.
Oh man he vexes me lol I don't completely hate him, because he has some funny moments, and kickass songs, and the OG Broadway Beetlejuice voices him, but he's suuuuuch an asshooooole. He's not even the kind of villain that you still like to see and romanticize even when he's evil. At least to me. I think my brother explained accurately why. He hates Adam in fact, and that's because his attitude and personality is too accurate to incels that you can see in real life. I enjoyed him as the first season's villain, but I do NOT want him coming back somehow as a sinner like others want. I want him to stay dead. It's Lute's turn to be the new big bad. I still have Pentious if I want more Alex Brightman anyway.
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themeatpit37 · 2 months
SWWSDJ Mini Fic; The Ramblings Of A Madman
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Art by Sauce/Jambeebot
Content Included: Slasher AU, Joseph’s point of view, first person, splatterpunk inspired writing, non sexual sadism, irrational thoughts written as rational, narrator is biased, Joseph’s thoughts written out, nonsensical ramblings, high key lore dump for the au
Content Warning: Child death, violence against children, cannibalism, perspective of death, corporal punishment, detailed and graphic descriptions of murder, detailed descriptions of death, minor mention of death induced release of bodily fluids, cannibalism romanticized by the character, Domestic violence, character does bad things which are NOT condoned or seen in a good light by the creator.
I tried my best to research the subjects I wrote about, even if most of them were mixed, but ultimately I think I’m proud how this turned out since is kinda baby’s first “extreme” horror fic!
Also @elfqueen006 at your request!
It’s been… How many years since it happened…? Years behind bars awaiting slaughter, like a fattened up hog prime and ready to be butchered and turned into nothing more than pork chops on a plate.
I don’t remember much, but I do remember the final day like it was yesterday; Being dragged out of the cell all tied and bound only to be brought into a room and strapped to that wretched chair. Hundreds of eyed were on me, that I knew even with my eyes covered. I could hear their muffled shouts and vague insults from behind wherever they were watching, and they were all more than furious and even eager to watch me die as the switch was flipped. When it was though, I experienced a pain I had never felt before. I vividly remember the sensation of fluid run out my mouth with a metallic taste I would remember so fondly if it weren’t my own. My eyes attempted to escape the sockets they rested in even with the blindfold on, and I felt something disgusting and warm pool down below before running down my legs and making an awful mess on the floor. My skin, it burned and burned red hot… I couldn’t tell when I died and when I remained alive if I had to be honest. But once the putrid stench of burning flesh, fresh blood, and urine began to fizzle away I then knew that I wasn’t connected to this earth anymore.
It’s funny you know, how the smell and the taste of blood were so delightful every other time except for when it belonged to me. I used to seek out that metallic flavor often, almost every day at one point. My desire for flesh and blood was one that could never be satiated, so much so that I requested for my last meal to be a taste of human flesh for one last time. They denied me this, my only last wish denied… I asked for a whole hog instead, a raw one, but they cooked it anyways. A disappointment really as I rarely ate them cooked. I always preferred them raw and fresh, right after chasing them until their legs gave out and their bodies grew weary.
The older ones were quicker to fall but knew how to survive longer while the younger ones always had some energy left yet made foolish mistakes that would lead to their doom. The children were easier to lure away anyways. All I had to do was wear that silly mask and give them that recognizable voice they knew so well. That’s why I targeted them so often was the fact they were so easy to fool and don’t know any better, unlike the wary adults who cared for them.
They were all delicious too, soft and tender with a beef like look to it. The taste though? Oh, it was a strong porky taste with a mixture of bitter and sweetness that only made me crave more and more. Reminds me of the very first time I tried human meat and the very thing that led me to where I am now.
My first time trying it was special, but not for the reason most would consider. The first person I ate was my first and only love. I remember it vividly, like it was burned into my memory for all of eternity. The death itself was an accident. One I caused. They threatened to leave me, what else was I supposed to do? The person that I worked so hard to keep by my side, the person I wanted more than anything, the person I sacrificed so much for, was going to leave me behind after everything I did for them?! No, no I wasn’t going to let that happen! I refuse to let someone like them go!
In my rage, my fury, I didn’t think, I only moved. My body acted before I could think and I grabbed the nearest object before they could even reach for the doorknob. I watched as the chair’s leg hit their skull with a loud crack and blood gushed down their face, their body falling to the floor with a thud that silenced the whole room. I don’t know if I took a single breath the moment they were down, or even blinked, because all I could do was stare with wide eyes at the mess I created. I killed them, and it hurt me deeply, but I do not regret what I did. At the time I did, but after a while I realized I don’t regret my choices at all. I think I am actually quite happy with them.
My fear was for them to disappear which I did worry was what happened as I stared at my shaking blood stained hands, the same hands that desperately reached out to their lifeless corpse and dragged it back into my arms like they were still mine. I wanted us to stay together and I ruined it, I ruined them. Their eyes were milky and blank, absent of the beautiful life they once held before I struck them. The blood from the crack in their forehead ran down their face and got in their eyes which became the only vibrant color that was left in them. Their skin grew pale the more their blood ran, and I clung onto their corpse that slowly lost the warmth of life they had with desperation like a poor child would clutch onto a blanket after a horrid nightmare.
Because that’s what it was, right? Just a bad dream I would wake up from and pretend never happened the moment I see them alive and holding two cups of coffee in hand? That I would be able to feel their warm lips against mine once more before I got up to make us breakfast because I knew they loved the way I would make pancakes? That I would feel their hands around my waist and face burrow into my neck while I cooked?… I never did wake up though. It was never a dream. It was a horrible reality that was all caused by me. That’s how I saw it at first, hoping and trying my best to figure out how I could keep us together when one of us was alive and the other was dead. It dawned on me though; There was one solution, one taboo and twisted in the eyes of society. The only way to connect the living with the dead is through the natural circle of life that all beasts follow; Consumption.
I had swallowed the thick lump in my throat before slowly leaning over and sinking my teeth into them, not expecting how soft yet firm their skin and meat were. I tried biting down as hard as I could, slowly grinding my teeth to sink them deeper into the skin until I felt it give and their blood flowed right into my mouth. At first I was disgusted until I began to appreciate their taste, metallic and salty in a way that was, oddly enough, delicious to me. Maybe it was just because it was the person I loved the most, but it was the best meal I have ever had.
I remember that heavy feeling deep within my stomach from how much I had eaten of their succulent body, full of their flesh and that sickly feeling as I sat there processing the meal I had. No, not meal, they weren’t just food to me. They were more than that; They were an experience. I was disturbed at the time by this and felt sick with myself, but I have come to find these memories to be fond ones.
I wasn’t able to finish them all, so I put the rest of them in the freezer. I laid in bed and ended up staring at the ceiling all night. I didn’t sleep, not at all, just laid there as I listened in on my own body. The air coming in and out of my lungs, the subtle swallowing sound I would make everytime I felt that uncomfortable tingle of nausea in the back of my throat, and I could hear the sound of my stomach growling as the meat within was broken down.
You never realize how disturbing it can be to know a once living creature was inside you, slowly melting and crumbling from the inside. The more I sat there with only my thoughts though, I began to realize how romantic it was. They weren’t gone. Instead of being food for the worms never to be seen again, they were inside me and slowly fusing with me in a way no one else would dare replicate. Their body was mine now, all mine for no one else to take.
They were the only food I ate for the next few days. I didn’t want anything else, I just wanted them and only them exclusively.
It took weeks to finish the whole body. The freezer, it preserved the meat well but it could never replicate how it tasted or felt before. The crystals of ice would puncture the flesh and in turn it became softer and the tenderness made it easier to tear into, but no matter how I tried to cook or prepare them, It would never be the same warmth they had that night. Despite that, I would still devour the meat with a lustful gluttony. Each bite I took from them only made the hunger I felt for them worse and the many times I would eat from them would end with me overindulging.
But all good things come to an end and I ended up finishing their whole body. I think it took… A month or two to finish? I ate everything that was edible and then some, getting so desperate for their taste that I’d suck and lick at their bones even after I gnawed all the little pieces of flesh and cartilage off. After I realized I had eaten all of them, I felt so… whole but so very empty. The feeling of being whole, it was like I had complete control over them now that the two of us were one. Their blood and mine, pumping through the same veins and their warmth matching with mine. It was beautiful and special yet so perverse and filthy. I owned them now whether they were sentient enough to know about it or not. Our souls were fused in my eyes and I planned to keep them until I took my last breath which is exactly what I did.
The emptiness, however, only got worse as the days went by. I had to return to normal foods which tasted almost bland in comparison to the meat I was eating before. Sometimes I wonder if I had loss my sense of taste for anything other than human, and that thought lingered in my mind for a long time… So much so that I decided I needed another taste.
The whole idea, the persona of “The Sunny Day Killer”only really became a reality during some stupid Halloween party sometime in 81’… The company behind the show decided to produce Halloween costumes to cash in on the popularity of the characters. I was actually given one of the cheap plastic masks and the fluffy paws for free for who knows what reason.
Actually now that I think about it, they probably expected us to give them to a young family member or our kids or something… I bet now they wish they’d never even considered making the costumes in the first place after what I did. The outfit itself was just thrown together with whatever stuff I had lying around in the closet that looked similar to the character. All he really wore was the vest jacket, wrists bands in primary colors, and those little red boots with the same colorful bands. Normally I wouldn’t go, let alone make a costume for a stupid party like this but I didn’t want to seem suspicious by acting all closed off. Everything I did felt suspicious if I had to be honest, but I wasn’t caught for years.
But once I got there, I realized I was not in the mood to deal with party people. While I sat on the couch, everyone else was drinking, smoking, and trying to hook up. The music was obnoxious and I couldn’t stand staying there for a moment longer so I just left. Excused it as a headache and no one really cared so I was off the hook.
The night was freezing cold, bitter and sharp even. Kids were starting to head back home at that time and the crowds of people trick or treating were dwindling. There was this one kid, a girl in this little witch costume, who was all by herself. She actually came to me to compliment my outfit and turns out, she was a huge fan of the show. Of course, who am I to deny a fan a little bit of one on one interaction? I gave her the signature voice I get paid for and those bright green eyes of hers lit up like no other. She was so trusting, assuming I was just as kind as the character I played, only to be fooled and tricked. Don’t even know why I decided she would be my first purposeful kill, I just did.
She was quick too, I have to give her that, and almost slipped out of my grasp a few times. I didn’t have my claw gloves just yet, so I wasn’t as brutal with her as I was with the rest of my victims. I chased after her, herding her like a dog herds sheep so she would never go out where I couldn’t get to her. I would slow down sometimes, save my energy while she wasted her own, before charging back at her like a feral animal and sending the poor girl into a panic. The whole time, she was crying for her mother and father to save her but at this point there was no one to help. This game of cat and mouse went on for a while until a snap was heard and she fell to the ground with a whimper. As I slowly approached, I could see her ankle was twisted and I took this as a sign the game was over. I had to silence her for all that screaming…
I choked her to death, my large hands covered by fluffy paw-like gloves wrapping around her little neck with ease. It was almost funny how it took me so little effort to squeeze the life out of her all while she fought tooth and nail to live. Coughing, wheezing, and choking as drool dribbled from bruised up lips. Her small hands reached for mine and clawed desperately while her face turned red. Those green eyes started to gain that milky quality I had seen before, but this time her eyes looked bloody and specks of red dotted the outside while her eyelids drooped. It took a while of her kicking and squirming but eventually she stopped moving completely. The moment she died was the moment the hunger, the emptiness I felt, really hit me hard.
It took me nine days to finish her entire body. Much shorter than my love did, more than likely due to how little meat was on this wee one. She was just as sweet and tender too, the parts I couldn’t finish in one night were cut into small pieces. Indistinguishable from any other meat you may have stored.
I still recall the many missing persons posters I’d see around with her face on them, even remember the exact phone number and address the parents put on each one. I never called, no no no, that would be too risky. Instead, I sent them her remains. Her bones loving packed into a box with a letter detailing everything I did to her. I had no reason to do this other than my own enjoyment.
That day forward, I ended up creating a name for myself. I was only labeled the “Sunny Day Killer” after a few of the people I let live were able to spread the word. That was the only reason they lived. Otherwise, they’d be dead as I am strict when it comes to witnesses. Children, adults, teens, no one was safe from me. I was more than well known, I was down right infamous.
Now look what they’ve done to me and my legacy! Reduced me down to some outdated urban legend! Back in my time, I was the real life boogeyman! I was the omen of death! I was real and they feared me more than they feared death itself! I was the thing parents feared would take their children away from them! In their eyes, I was the devil reincarnated and I took that title with the same pride a soldier had for serving their country. But I am not staying gone, no not for long, I plan to return soon…
Before I do though, I have some unfinished business I have to attend to. My only love, the light of my life, my beloved… It seems they’ve returned to this earth after my death and I sure as hell plan to reunite us as one… Just like we were meant to be. Right now, I can’t because of this… version of me that refuses to let me close to them. Jack… He’s trying to protect them from me. It’s funny how he tries so hard to act like he’s better than me when the only thing that makes us different is that I am not ashamed of my depravity. In fact, I’m damn near proud of it. But Jack pretends he’s this good boy who’s just killing to keep his “sunshine” safe, when we both know he craves the blood of his victims as much as I do.
We both hunger for human flesh and we both love the sight of our victims screaming and begging for mercy, it’s just that I don’t deny what I am.
Thank you to everyone who read! I know this must’ve been a lot for most people, especially near the end… Again, this was my first extreme horror fic so I know it probably wasn’t perfect. And thank you to all the support for this au despite the subjects present in the au! Especially a huge shout out to elf, who I @ed for giving me the inspiration to finish this fic so soon!
To those still waiting for the Party Time Jack fic, don’t worry I’m still working on it! Just been a little slow because you always struggle getting the show running for the main event.
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screeblees · 1 year
Hello!! Can I ask what the Angry Yandere would be like with a darling who is /completely/ in on the idea of being his darling? They love his devotion to them, how far he'll go for them, and become totally love-struck and slightly obsessive with him as well, even wants to makeover his house into "our home", etc. I think it's funny when Yanderes get thrown for a loop haha.
Hii!! Yesss I absolutely love Willing ! Reader!! I really hope I did this justice <3
Angry ! Yandere Headcanons here !
I'm getting around to all my asks as soon as I can! Also this is my 10th post :3
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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Well, I imagine you would be rather passive until the point of being kidnapped, maybe finding Angry! Yandere’s recordings flattering but not thinking much of it.
That is, until you wake up with an absence of senses; blindfolded and bound, which would make it safe to say that that changes things.
Just as an Unwilling ! Darling, you would be terrified at first, frightened and shaky, but unlike Unwilling ! Darling, once you realise A) just who has kidnapped you and B) the intense devotion and obsession Angry ! Yandere has for you; the fearfulness dissolves and instead awe, appreciation and utter romanticism comes (which quickly grows into fierce love and what could be considered mutual obsession).
Your calmness (and even more so your smiling, delighted expression) confuses him. Angry ! Yandere knew to expect you to feel a little distressed in your new environment, so the complete acceptance and relaxation you presented was perplexing to him, although he completely welcomed and rewarded this behavior.
Due to the obedience shown he is extremely suspicious of you, on especially furious nights he may yell his frustrations of how he knows you’re planning something but he won’t punish you, you have done nothing wrong, the most he’ll do is throw something at a wall on the opposite side of the room from you. And despite the fact that Angry ! Yandere is lenient with you, his security is almost as heavy as if you had escaped.
But through late night conversations where you cuddle in bed or on the couch, he’ll come to realise your reciprocation and feel far more comfortable - but don’t expect him to become any less demanding of your comfort, affection or attention. Your escape will be one less worry for him and your love is one more comfort for him to carry with him throughout the day.
If there’s something you want, he’ll get it, someone you want dead, he’ll kill them, someone you want tortured, they’ll be tormented for the rest of their life. Albeit, when you ask to come out of the basement it takes weeks to convince Angry ! Yandere, even now that he sees your affection, he still holds concerns deep in his mind (and also the idea of anyone else experiencing your comforting atmosphere makes his fury bubble to the forefront) and even then, he wants the majority of your time to be in the basement, that is your and his home.
You want to redecorate and make it like a real home? Sure, of course, anything you want includes changing the basement (and upstairs if you’d like) to be however you want. He feels like you really, truly love him and that - although it confuses him immensely - alleviates most anger from him, the only thing to change that being when he has to go out. 
When Angry ! Yandere comes home from work and you meet him at the basement door like an excited puppy, he feels relief and comfort flood through him as he welcomes you into his arms, already taking off any uncomfortable outerwear or accessories such as a tie and dumping them in a nearby chair for later. He revels in your voice, completely focused on him, his day and what he’d been doing (and vis-versa, of course), your words filling his head and your body in his embrace, snuggling in closer.
Angry ! Yandere doesn’t need you to do anything at all for him except what you already readily do; hug him, kiss him, cuddle with him, talk to him, greet him when he comes home, love him, accept him, be with him forever and ever, etc. And when you do do a little more such as cooking for him, he’ll smother you in kisses cause he cannot contain himself and the little things you do to show your love make him feel like he’ll explode - but not in anger, not at all, but pure unbridled love. He’s never been happier in his life and he’ll make sure you feel the very same way…
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mixelation · 3 days
*devil on your shoulder voice* what if you went into a really detailed rant about why you hate the earth is space australia posts
common themes i don't like:
"oooh humans scawwy because PREDATORS" - shut the fuck up. you're being childish. are you aware that YOU are also prey in the right circumstances? predator-prey dynamics are diverse and often shifting (look up "intraguild predation"). you are literally making interspecific interactions less interesting by doing this
"pack bonding" - this isn't a thing. this isn't a term i can find used outside of this specific genre of post and a couple of dog training books. it has no biological or sociological basis. i asked a psychologist about it and they said y'all are wrong
why are we making posts hyping up humans, only to write those posts as terrified of interacting with the incredible diversity of human behaviors and attitudes and cultures. like in these posts humans are all universally "bonding" with strange creatures and acting like physical tanks in pressing situations. if the point was a love letter to humanity you'd think you'd get actual characters representing different facets of humanity instead of a single caricature
speaking of which, why are we romanticizing human traits which are not universal. yes, some humans can [physical feat] but many cannot. why do so many posts seem to be gloating over a "feat" i'm like 93% sure the OP cannot do
i hatehatehate the format of them as an alien having a conversation with a human, where the human calmly explains something about earth (almost always poorly/inaccurately) while the alien freaks out. i hate how 50% of the sentences either begin or end with the phrase "but yeah" because the writer doesn't know how to conclude a thought when they're waxing poetic about a topic they have a very shallow knowledge on
posts often don't seem to realize they're implying absurd things about how aliens work. like i just read one about how earth is ultra diverse, implying aliens have very low biodiversity, and earth is shocking for the aliens. however, if true, without the ongoing coevolutionary arms race provided by a diverse environment, how did the aliens evolve to the point where they have space travel? i want to know about how THAT planet works, not read someone on tumblr recite a bunch of lukewarm biology facts they only kind of half know
also why are there so many scenarios where the aliens meet their downfall because they just.... didn't do any observations/research before doing something? and it's never a clever thing like "they observed for years but missed X for Y reason." it's always just like "....and then they were dumb and we were so clever and smartbrained!!!"
idk why tumblr is obsessed with taxonomy but they get especially bad at it when aliens come up. guys. the aliens would use different systems because they have a separate evolutionary history. or if they used the same system--- why?! how did THAT happen???? see my point about implying absurd things about aliens
"isn't science terrifying" - NO IT'S NOT, THAT'S JUST HOW THINGS ARE???? i hate this attitude and i find it boring. also no offense but i don't get the appeal of writing aliens shaking in their boots at the idea of [earth thing] instead of being excited to find a cool knew thing. like why go into space if you're not enthused by finding out new things and getting to learn about how the universe works. why is the interest in otherworldly biology never mutual. why is it so important to you that aliens be afraid of us and humans be the most specialest darlings in the universe
back to the "conversation" format. i know most people are not scientists so there's no reason to know this, but. most biologists know a lot about one thing and not a lot about everything else. your intro bio professor seems like they know a lot because they know intro bio and you do not. if you started asking in depth questions about, idk, the wrong type of fungus or something, they'd tap out. so it drives me batty when "scientist" characters are written like they're genuinely trying to explain something where most biologists would be like "uh, well, that's not my area of expertise--" like yes I understand part of the appeal of those posts is that some people just like listing things that they know. however one thing that i know is how biologists tend to talk and you're hurting me
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goodluckclove · 6 months
Hey. Stop scrolling for a second.
You scroll through writeblr a lot, don't you? I get why. Lots of fun people, interesting concepts and prompts. But maybe you haven't taken that jump from collecting resources on writing to actually writing.
Once again, I get it. It's daunting if you've never done it before. I've been doing it for a while and I genuinely can't think too hard about the act itself as it happens or else I get all sweaty and confused. I flopped spectacularly at a game of Scrabble tonight because I just ran out of words to think of and I'm in the middle of my 13th novel. Writing to me is like side-eyeing the sun - but that's besides the point.
What I mean is that you should do it. That idea that you think could be, might be, maybe has potential. More than that, I think you should do it right now. Right now.
Ooh but Clove, it's one AM and I have to do open heart surgery tomorrow. Cool. Write three sentences and go to sleep, then see if you want to do more after you get your license revoked.
But what if it's not good? Okay. What if it isn't? But what if it isn't, and it GETS good later? Or what if it isn't, but then later in the story you find a way to make those three initial sentences make sense? Three sentences isn't a story, unless you're Ernest Hemingway or a Haiku Man. Moving on.
Clove, where do I start? Honestly if you've never finished a project, or really never wrote anything at all, maybe just start at the point that sounds the most interesting in your head. To find the process that works for you takes work and experience so maybe for now you get dessert for dinner.
But I don't have an outline/character sheet/world map/mood board/playlist/ECT! Cool. Maybe that's an issue. Maybe it isn't. There's only one way to find out.
But it's hard! It's hard at first and then it gets easier. It's a muscle. You work at it consistently and you'll get to a point where you struggle to remember what it was like to not know how to write.
But it's painful! Hah yeah. That's kind of the more honest issue, isn't it. It's easier to think that your idea WOULD BE GREAT rather than face the fact that you might not be able to MAKE IT GREAT. That fear isn't based in reality, though. People like different things. You might write a work that you're displeased with in one aspect and find that it's changed someone else's life for a completely different reason.
What if I'm not a good writer? I struggle with this a lot and I've been published. It doesn't really go away even when people cry at your work and heap praise on it. But if you like to do it, if you would still be doing it even if there was no end promise of fame and success, you should do it.
What if I'm not a writer at all? I used to ask myself that. There are lots of answers to this question so I can only give my own: you are a writer if you write - past, present or future. If you haven't written in a long time but you're trying to get back to the craft, you are still a writer. You just have to keep trying.
What we do is half-trade, half-religious act, and because of that it is easily one of the weirder passions. I don't really get why people romanticize the field but at the same time I guess it seems pretty magical at times. As a writer, though, our job is to be the proverbial Man Behind the Curtain. You have to know how the magic trick works enough to do it successfully, but you also still have to be amazed. It's weird. I don't know why I do it.
I still do it though.
Write three sentences. Right now. Why not, right? If you send them to me in an ask I'll read them, or you can send them to me at my email address that I posted a few posts back because I'm old enough to know online safety and choose to ignore it. Or just do it for yourself.
Make something. You deserve to be a source of creation.
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machatheo · 1 year
enhypen on them asking you out
genre: fluff ofc !!
a/n: + bit of backstory on how you both met too! p.s. bullet points get progressively longer by member lmao
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unlike heeseung’s presence whereas he looks pretty confident of himself, he’s actually extremely scared when he asks you out after one of his basketball games
awkwardly shifts on both of his feet while he waits for you to answer him, and when you say yes, he’s like ‘yeah good’ in the most normal voice he could muster (it ends up coming out as a stutter anyways)
on the first date, he brings you a flower bouquet with your favorite flowers (what a gentleman)
the place heeseung reserved to have dinner suddenly canceled so you both go on a late night walk instead
and then it starts to rain
heeseung is so so frustrated with himself because everything is going wrong and not how he expected
so he already feels like he messed up everything with you and you’ll never want to go on another date or even see him again
like he really really wants to impress you
but it just doesn’t according to plan
on the other hand, you can see right through him and secretly find him very cute with how hard he tries
and that’s honestly enough to make you fall harder
you do, in fact, assure that everything was amazing by giving heeseung a kiss on the cheek when you part
heeseung leaves all giddy and happy and red to his cheeks
you meet him in one of your cooking classes after realizing that burning an omelette definitely meant there was something wrong with you
the twist, jay is the chef
and you keep messing up in his class so bad that jay can’t help but take pity on you
so he promises himself to take more of his time to help you but also because he finds you very pretty
so one day he’s like ‘oh there’s one free spot on this day so you should come’
and you are more than glad to agree because your cooking skills are pretty much non existent and you need them if you will need to survive alone
so you go and to your surprise, it’s literally just you and him
jay is not even in his work clothes so you get suspicious
“let’s call this a date”
if you could, you’d probably evaporate because hello!! you got yourself a free cooking class and a hot chef??
jay waits patiently for your answer because he’s not really sure if you’re actually into him like the way he’s into you
but you break his overthinking by yelling a “hell yeah!” and then internally facepalming because you probably just embarrassed yourself even more
jay only chuckles and then ‘in the most romantic way ever’ teaches you how to cook a proper omelette
jake being your neighbor meant that you’d see him practically every day
he lives across your street but you never really talked with him that much other than small chitchat there and there
lately you’ve been extremely down and your only way to calm yourself is tending to your small garden (in your defense, it’s therapeutic)
sometimes you sit there for hours just to do anything than to think about all the problems
lately you’ve been finding flowers that you’re sure you do not grow in your garden
but you being you and romanticizing every single thing in your life, do not throw them out and rather collect them by putting them in a vase with water to keep them alive
soon those flowers come with little notes attached to them (‘you’re pretty :)’ ‘don’t be sad, you’re doing great’ and such)
you think it’s cute whoever’s doing that but then also now you really want to find out who is doing this
later when you do your usual ‘going around the neighborhood and asking if anyone has any dead plants they want to bring back to life’ (your neighbors are actually very glad you do this lol)
you come to jake’s and then notice he has those exact flowers growing on his porch
and you’re like well how did i not notice this
so when he opens the door, you don’t ask the usual but inquire him about the flowers instead
“took you long enough to figure this out”
for some reason you blush because jake is not reacting the way you thought he would be: embarrassed that he got caught
then he’s like “oh! i would’ve brought you this flower next” and then promptly disappears to come back with a new flower and a note
and it says ‘i really like you’
you’re actually very glad to see that because long story short, you’ve had your eyes on jake for quite some time now
it’s your birthday so your friends bring you to an ice rink to fulfill your ‘never will try this because you’re scared’ activities
you’re not that excited because, obviously, you hate not being able to properly balance yourself and now doing that on ice? no, thank you
but you’re still there and moments later you’re holding yourself up for dear life on one of the fences
you moved like two inches while all your friends seemingly forgot about your existence and are fleeting around the rink without care
and then, your knight in shining armor, or more like this very tall guy, comes to your side and holds out his hands
“need a hand?”
you’re like yes pls because your legs shake and slide across the ice with every single move
later you find out his name is sunghoon and he works at the ice rink by helping people while also being some serious ice skater himself
he gives you one of those penguin things children use to learn how to skate and then you tell him he kinda looks like one
he laughs and says because it’s your birthday, he’ll take that as a compliment
basically because of sunghoon, you keep coming back to the ice rink
and then one day there’s no penguin, no people, just you and sunghoon
you’re confused until he says it’s because he wants there to be no distractions
so you skate with him and you do get better time by time
“sorry i lied, i just wanted to spend more time with you alone”
and you’re like holy moly, this guy likes you back
so it truly was an unofficial date but you consider it as one because you think that’s where it all started
you and sunoo have been besties for as long as you can remember
you share the same humor, the same judging people look and just in general, have a lot of similarities
you really think the universe couldn’t have assigned a better friend than sunoo
but you also hate the universe for giving you sunoo as a friend because you also kinda like him
but alas, he’ll never know because you’ll never tell him
then comes days when sunoo starts acting weird, cue ignoring your text messages, hanging out with you less
in sunoo’s perspective, he doesn’t do it on purpose, he’s just freaking out because of his new found feelings towards you so he goes to other people to get some insight on how to deal with this
you’re actually quite hurt because you don’t know what’s happening and keep thinking it’s because sunoo just lost interest in you
but then you also don’t want to back down, so you corner sunoo and don’t let him leave until he tells you what’s wrong
it takes him a bit to open up
and when he starts with “i don’t want this to ruin our friendship…” you get the worst feeling in your chest ever
because it really can go two ways: one, he’s so done with you, or two, he’s so in love with you
nevertheless, both of those options seem unlikely to you
but then he’s like, “so the thing is i realized that i like you”
and you’re absolutely taken back
and you hug him in an instant and sunoo’s very confused but he hugs you back
when you tell him your own feelings, both of you don’t really know how to start being in a relationship
because you’ve been friends for so long
but it does come naturally and doesn’t feel weird when you lean in to kiss your best friend
jungwon is your self-proclaimed college enemy!!
or more like your competitor in every single academic activity
there’s a quiz going on? best believe you’ll ace it and leave jungwon in the crumbs
but it’s hard because jungwon is also very competitive and as soon as he realizes you’re trying to pass him, he bites back
so you always bicker whenever there’s a debate going on, or just in general
your teachers don’t see the ongoing dilemma but rather are so proud of both of your achievements
and that annoys you because in your book, you’re better than jungwon
so when the annual debate of two different colleges happens, you’re put together with jungwon as your partner to defend your case
and it’s crazy because you simply can’t stand being alone with jungwon, especially having to come up with the same objectives for the debate
lo and behold, you decide to put your differences aside and actually get some work done
which comes as a surprise because bickering aside, you can actually talk with jungwon as a normal human being
and it’s not that… bad anymore
you even catch yourself laughing and giggling at his stupid jokes
after the debate is over and you both absolutely destroy the other team with your planned out tactics, you and jungwon exit the building with a new kind of view of each other
one which has jungwon turning to you and asking you out on a date
and you don’t even have any thoughts of laughing in his face or making fun of him because you immediately say yes
niki always comes around to your house to hang out with your older brother, jake
and your brother, being absolutely protective of you, doesn’t let anyone near you
including niki, even though he’s his friend
but you are infatuated by niki so you always try and get a peak whenever they’re playing games in the living room
because you think he’s very cute and you know he’s nice and would treat you good and you might like him now
so your only job now is to persuade jake to let you talk with niki
and it’s hard bc jake is glued to his hip like they’re related, and not you and him
on the other hand, niki also has got his eyes on you and one day when jake goes to the bathroom, niki puts up his best flirting game to get a reaction out of you
you, of course, immediately get swooned
and flirt back
both of you are in your own little world when jake comes back, sees you two together, then pulls you away and locks himself and niki in his room
you’re a bit disappointed because now you know you both like each other but jake is being an ass about it
and you’re pretty sure he knows it too
so while you throw a tantrum in your head, niki appears next to you
“jake gave me the green light”
you stare at him and he stares at you, and you both just stare at each other
but then there’s a big smile on your face as you realize the wall of jake has been lifted
it feels nice when your fingers finally intertwine with niki’s
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parasolyaa · 4 months
give me rtc character hcs for being in the subway for the first time
i love how this implies that they’ve never been in the subway before. well, since most of them almost never left uranium, this checks.
ocean — she always advocated for public transportation (and for some reason believed it wasn’t widely used, probably because she assumed everyone could use a car and subway was for noble people who cared for the environment), but if she ever went to a big city, she never stayed there for long, and usually walked by foot. when she actually used the subway for the first time, she decided to hand out flyers that said something like “thank you for choosing public transit! here are some other ways you can help the planet (…)”. ended up absolutely overwhelmed and in a taxi, wiping tears with the flyers no-one seemed to like. wonder why.
noel — romanticized the shit out of paris metropolitan, said he researched all about it and prided himself on being more knowledgeable of it than a local. when he got to go to france (probs a family/school trip when he was a teen) he bought an overpriced graphic t-shirt with the metropolitan map and confidently entered the underground. immediately got disappointed it wasn’t all gothic catacombs, and accidentally sat on a wrong train. had to take off his t-shirt and figure out where he was, and after two hours of being chest naked in the french underground and hopping from one wrong train to another even wronger train a kind passer-by pointed out that the print on his tee was of marseille, not paris. he spent an extra hour figuring out the correct map and asking for directions in broken french (the locals despised him). he entirely missed the drag show he waited for, and ever since then grew to hate the french underground.
mischa — is in on a ukrainian inside joke about metro in odesa. successfuly convinced all choir that there’s metro in odesa. there is no metro in odesa.
there’s also a ukrainian book called toreadors from vasyukivka, where two boys want to build a metro in their village, so they dig a big hole in their yard and a cow accidentally falls into it. safe to say their idea doesn’t stick. at some point these boys get to kyiv and immediately get lost in metro there. that’s 100% mischa. he did this i was the cow.
also he always finds ways not to pay for his ride: jumps over the tourniquet’s, crawls under them, squeezes in with a person in front of him etc. sometimes gets extremely bored and hides in a train wagon when it reaches the final stop, and stays in it when it goes to depo.
ricky — his parents drove him everywhere by car, and told the tales about toronto subway being inaccessible, dangerous and full of freaks. he never believed them. at some point (maybe in a trip with the choir) he got to travel by subway himslef. it was, in fact, a bit of an unpleasant experience, but he found out that it sucks on his own terms and was lowkey proud.
also he was listening to some cringefail furry music (i do not know if furry music is a thing but it will be now) and realised his earphones disconnected and he was blasting it to everyone only after he got home.
penny — had a secret hiding spot in toronto subway where she could keep her things and return to see them intact. she and ezra hid there often and spied on people, sometimes picking up what fell out of their purses — like pieces of candy or pennies (get it? penny? pennies? penis?). they never stayed there for long tho cause it was too overwhelmingly loud.
one time she went to that place and realised some construction workers occupied it. she was emotionally devastated.
constance — always saves the seat for the elderly, disabled and other people who might need it, and people always thank her plenty when she does so. actually never ever sat on a train seat unless the wagon was mostly empty. however, one time she had a horribly tiring + devastating + bad day and decided to sit down for once. got called 10 slurs by an old guy who didn’t see there was another free seat and ocean then told her she should have thought about others first. when she got home she wrote an angry vent in her musical diary (yk, the ones that open with a password and then play a one direction song or smth) with a fluffy pen.
+ talia — she is a subway rat. has a love/hate relationship with obolon station. has beef with pochayna station. she herself is from solomyanka region of kyiv where there is no subway. considers it her curse.
thank you folks for reading this, feel free to send me asks for headcanons!
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 3 months
Could I request a hc for an Mc with wings?
The Arcana M6 When MC Has Wings
Sorry this took me SO DAMN LONG to write <33 Also for the hc I kind of just assumed they were the generic bird wings
thinks you're like an angel. to her, you have the same allure as a romanticism art piece
tends to find herself reaching out to stroke one of your wings when nervous or put in a troubling position
runs her hands through the feathers and gently removes any debris or loose plumage
will get a pretty garment commissioned to adorn them
speaking of garments, you are going to receive so many backless clothes (blouses, suits, dresses, vests, coats, etc.)
the wings make it a little difficult to spoon though (she is subjected to eternally being the snuggled instead of the snuggler. as long as it's you, she supposes)
it was a nightmare trying to help you renavigate living with huge bird wings
it was hard enough teaching you to be a human being again. teaching you to not whack things off shelves with your wings when you live in a tiny space and literal flying? forget it
they still managed to persevere because they love and care about you
he is the expert in human feather care because of how long he looked after you, your plumage is almost always soft and shiny
he loves the sound of your feathers rustling, it's a sign that you're present and with him
if you'll let them, they'll paint and thread tinsel through your wings. one of their favourite ways to spend the evening is turning you into a walking piece of art
snuggles you to no end, he lives for soft bird wing hugs
buys you baubles and such to hang on your wings while he's travelling
you're so whimsical creechur it literally explodes him
he is excruciatingly torn
on one hand, your anatomy is fascinating and he wants to sketch and feel and explore every inch of your wings (from a scientific point of view, of course....)
on the other hand he is a hopeless romantic wimp and he will inevitably get lost in the romance of having a winged partner
"oh, MC, sweep me off my feet and fly me away–"
he's only half joking but if you actually did do that he would probably cling to you like a fridge magnet in fear
randomly asks you the most unhinged bird related questions imaginable (eg. "if you had a child would it hatch out of an egg?")
when he first met you he still didn't trust you
...but you reminded him of the chickens and he was defrosting quicker than he would have liked to
you noticed he always avoided touching your wings though
birds' wings are small and delicate, and you also seemed small and delicate to him so does that mean you're (small+delicate)²? he was freaking out a little
you'll need to reassure him
when he reaches a certain point of comfortability with you, he sometimes runs his hands through the feathers (he is so gentle)
if you want, you can wrap your wings around him randomly just to watch him malfunction
not sure if he should be giving eggs to you
she used to feel really unspecial next to you. you're magic, you're beautiful/handsome, and you have wings? this is ridiculous
nowadays she feels special because she has you and she knows she's one of a kind (self-love woo)
however she still wants you to fly her around vesuvia
unlike Julian she actually doesn't shit herself when you actually do fly around carrying her
she's small enough so that you can completely envelop her in your wings and she adores it
helps you with wing care and wash days if you ever need it, buys literal gallons of bird safe soaps for you
alright what the shit
he wants wings?? is the wing distribution system broken or something????? where did they come from?????????
for him, the appeal of wings mainly comes from the fact they look cool. he's not overly keen on the whole flying or general upkeep aspect of being a winghaver
having a partner with wings works too, he supposes
morga said something about them "being too heavy if you needed to be agile while fighting", but you think she approves?? (she likes birds)
"mc... I hope this isn't too personal, but was one of your parents a bird?" (he doesn't actually care if it's too personal he still expects an answer)
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lemotmo · 2 months
Deleted scene ask
Q. Have you seen the deleted scene? I'm gnawing my own arm off. I think it's actually going to happen and I'm going to lose my mind.
A. I'm gnawing my own arm off, anon. You're not alone. How does that episode make it out of post production with that scene on the cutting room floor? Everything, absolutely everything, that was nonsensical about the Eddie/Kim plot was explained in that one scene. Everything. How do you delete that?!? The conversation in the canoe on the lake was a recreation of the day they met (and that scene was weird as hell prior to today). Christopher wanting to go to Texas, where the lake is, after seeing 'Shannon' makes perfect sense, and had nothing whatsoever to do with running to his grandparents. Eddie making a point of telling Buck that the only thing he wanted from Kim was to talk to her. Eddie doing what Ryan said he was doing, which was romanticizing his relationship with Shannon prior to everything going wrong. Eddie's entire plot this season. IT'S ALL IN THAT ONE SCENE.
The other thing that scene did was continue to reinforce the emphasis the show had of paralleling Buck to Shannon this past season. Ryan started paralleling the two characters immediately following the finale, which is also the same time he switched to solely using gender neutral pronouns. In the clip when Eddie stops saying 'she' and starts saying 'they/them', which was definitely a deliberate writing choice, he could have very easily been talking about Buck. Eddie focusing his first meeting with Shannon on the fact that she did all the talking while he was just happy to listen, is a direct parallel to his relationship with Buck. It is canon that Eddie likes to listen to Buck's ramblings. It is canon that Eddie is amused by Buck's ability to talk about and be fascinated with absolutely nothing. Having that be the specific thing he told Christopher was a deliberate choice. Having him switch to the gender neutral pronouns immediately following telling Christopher that was a deliberate choice. This is an intentional pattern. There is no other explanation. I haven't decided yet where I land on the whole ' your mother wasn't my first girlfriend' thing because 'I married the first girl I ever dated' is a canon line. It was also immediately followed by Buck saying ' you mean the first girl you ever slept with'. So it's possible they could just say he had a girlfriend prior to Shannon but they didn't sleep together. But him talking about a crush on or brief encounter with another boy is definitely realistic as well. I do think we are absolutely going to get young Eddie at some point this season. We are getting flashbacks of Eddie in some capacity.
I will also bet money, right now, that the next deleted scene will be a Buck scene. And they will once again have positioned Eddie as being in the middle of Tommy and Buck. The first deleted scene was of Tommy. The second deleted scene is of Eddie. If they do that I am taking it as confirmation. We are way past the point where what the show is doing and what Ryan has been saying can be dismissed as coincidental.
I was about to go to bed when this was dropped into my inbox. I had to jump back on my laptop to post it. How could I not? LOL!
Thank you Nonny for thinking of us! :)
I agree so much with the uproar on why the hell they left this scene on the cutting room floor. It's all over the dash at the moment. This scene explains so much of what happened after and yet they chose to cut it. I don't know why, but whatever the reason, it better be a very good one. I'm looking at you Tim. 0_O
I agree so much with Ali's interpretation. So many of us do. I've seen a lot of people posting about the Shannon & Buck parallels.
The only thing I would like to add is to that one line of Eddie's: 'Your mom wasn't my first girlfriend.' Not going to lie, I kinda hope it's because he actually had a boyfriend. But realistically he could have said it for a couple of reasons. The possible reason I propose you can read here in a seperate post I made earlier.
But yes, I also think we'll get Eddie flashbacks to when he was a kid. I think we might even get an Eddie centric episode where his past will be shown and explored. Ryan said that Eddie will struggle in season 8, having lost his son and being 'isolated', he is also alone with his thoughts. That might cause him to think back on his childhood and his early years as a teenager. I'm crossing my fingers this isn't just wishful thinking.
What are your opinions?
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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What Must Be Done.
Major Trigger warnings guys!! Please read the before the story!!
Plantonic!Pierre Gasly x Reader, Platonic!Charles Lecerlc x Reader (although there are feelings between you and Charles)
Summary: Your friends discover you have relapsed and have begun to self-mutilate again.
Warnings: Major trigger warnings, mentions of self-harm, depression, suicidal ideation, cutting, scarring, blood.
 Word Count: 2660
Authors note: My loves, once again, I am at no point romanticizing self harm. Please take note of your mental health at any point you consider reading media like this and please know you are so deeply loved and so enough and there are always options for help, please seek treatment and help if you or someone you know is suffering <3 
I opted to not address reasons for self harm, because every single person who suffers has different reasons, so instead I focused on how deeply this actually affects everyone, and to bring attention to the fact that you are loved and you deserve to feel good because so many people actually do love and care for you and want to see you healthy and better. I hope it is okay and you all like it <3 
Dropping your guard was not the right thing to do. It wasn’t them that had let up, they had just stopped verbally asking you how you were. They were still watching you like a hawk. Eye’s still flitting down to any available skin their gaze could reach. Months later and still constantly monitoring you, without you even noticing.
So when you all had gone down to the gym one evening, always dedicated to your sport, you hadn’t thought twice about shoving the sleeves of your top up in an attempt to beat the heat.
As if on instinct, both Charles and Pierres eyes ran down your arm, fully expecting to see the same scars that had finally healed over, both pain and pride filling their hearts whenever they caught a glimpse of them. Pain that they existed, pride that you had beat it. What they had grown used to seeing and feeling.
What they hadn’t expected to see were the fresh cuts that suddenly adorned your inner arms. A new wave of emotion they had been thanking God they had yet to feel, knowing they might, but never fully expecting the way it would slam into them, driving the breath from their lungs the second they did.
One would expect it to be fear, but ever since they had found out that this was what you had struggled with, the fear had nestled its way into their very being, and latched itself on, never to leave them again. They would no longer know an existence without fear when it came to you. A fear that this would happen again, a fear that you couldn’t beat it again, a fear that they would have to watch you lose all that you were again and most importantly, a fear that they would lose you for good.
But dread? Dread was new.
The dread existed because of a promise they had made to you the night you had promised you’d fight to beat this and they in turn had promised they would do everything they could to help you in any way you had needed.
The promise to make sure you were benched from your team to receive treatment is a part of it. The dread of what they would now have to do claiming its spot right next to the fear.
Your name left Charles lips as a defeated sigh, turning to look at him as he ran his hands through his hair, face cast down, Pierre’s eyes never leaving your wrists.
There was no malice or disappointment in the look, nor in Charles' voice. Only dread and fear.
And suddenly it seeped off of you too. 
“This isn’t what you’re thinking” frantically pulling your sleeves down, you desperately began an attempt at an explanation of what they had seen. 
“Then what is it exactly?” Pierre decided to take control of the conversation. Although both invested in your health, Charles had always been a little more emotional when it came to you, too protective, unable to think clearly and always letting his emotions get the best of him.. Whereas Pierre, he could think logically, he could take charge and do what needed to be done, knowing that both him and Charles were about to be the bad guys, and if that’s what they needed to be, then he’d happily be the worst of the lot. Anything to keep you safe. 
You stood, Pierre’s eyes now boring into yours and Charles unable to leave the floor. 
Charles is unable to face you at all. 
And as you stood there trying to come up with a reason for what this was, you came to nothing, only focused on how they were disgusted in you, how they hated you for breaking your promise, how disappointed they were in you. 
How Charles could never like you now. 
How, if they had decided to keep to their promise, you were about to lose your job. 
They wouldn’t really do that to you, would they? They would never. 
And still you could come up with nothing other than, 
“It was one bad day” 
You flinched as the water bottle hit the wall. Both Pierre and yourself staring at Charles retreating back as he grabbed his towel, storming out of the gym. You didn’t know what to do. Do you run after him? Do you stay? do you crawl back to your own room, tail between your legs, aware that you’d finally fucked up enough to make him hate you? 
Of course you had fucked up this badly. There was no other outcome for you. You were always going to fuck it up. You ruined everything, so you weren’t surprised you’d ruined this too. 
“You promised” it was all Pierre had said as he began gathering up both of your belongings, cutting your gym session short, both of you well aware that the plans for your day had changed in a matter of minutes. You know, because they found out that you’d fucked up, again. 
“I know” you sighed as you followed Pierre, well aware of what was going to happen now. It was the same routine for a long time, until they thought you had gotten better, but now, “You don’t have to check my room”. 
“You promised” Pierre hadn't turned to look back at you once as you made your way through the hotel and up to your room, “You promised and you lied and now we can’t trust you” he had finally come to a stop outside of your room, hand outstretched, waiting for you to place the room card in it so he could get inside and begin ripping your room apart, searching for anything that you could possibly use to cause further harm. 
“Did you ever trust me after the first time?” you let out a dry chuckle, a poor attempt at diffusing the situation, earning the exact response you had expected from him as he moved to drop your suitcase on your bed in order to start the meticulous search. 
“No, but we gave you the benefit of the doubt, and we’re the ones who are going to have to live with that” you recoiled at the words. How had he been so nonchalant whilst being so cruel, barely even glancing back at you as he said it, only rifling through your clothes. 
“That was unfair” you whispered out, so soft you were sure he hadn’t even heard, his posture stiffening indicating otherwise, and the onslaught of words streaming out of him a second later a confirmation he had heard exactly what you’d said. 
“I was unfair? Me? You’ve actually got to be kidding. What’s unfair is the fact that for the next few hours I have to go through every item of clothing and luggage and toiletry bag and every nook and fucking cranny of this godforsaken hotel room looking for anything that you could fucking use to hurt yourself, again, because you can’t keep a promise. What’s unfair is the fact that one of my best friends is literally harming herself and I have to witness it. What’s fucking unfair is the fact that now, I have to live with that fear again and anxiety and I’m not going to be able to sleep because I have to live with the fact that I didn’t push for you to see someone the first time we caught you pulling this shit and I simply took your word that you’d stop and that it wasn’t all that serious and now that’s on me. Do you get that? I am terrified that you’re going to kill yourself and I have to live with the fact that it’s all on me. So yeah, maybe I was unfair, but I think I may be allowed to be. And you’re the last person who is allowed to call me out on it.” His chest was heaving by the end of it, his knuckles white as he gripped the shirt he was holding, a poor attempt to keep himself calm, and when he noticed you weren’t going to fight him on it, he simply turned back around to continue the well practiced routine of searching your stuff. 
The second Charles had opened the door, you’d stormed into his room, eyes red from tears that had now refused to surface as you stood in front of your two friends. 
“You got me suspended” was all you’d said to them and they both felt their stomach drop the second they’d heard you say it. Neither knew what to say in response, because yeah, they had, quite frankly, they’d pushed for it, not that it took much to convince Toto that this was the best course of action, and their lack of response only made you more angry, “YOU GOT ME FUCKING SUSPENDED!”
Charles thought he was going to be sick, he knew you were going to be angry, but he hadn’t expected to feel so distraught at your anger, he’d thought you’d understand it all. 
“Of course we did, we keep our promises” was the only explanation that Pierre offered, once again having to take the reins, knowing that when it came to you, Charles wasn’t capable of much if he wanted to keep himself under control. 
Truthfully, Pierre didn’t blame him. He understood that here he was going to have to be the bad guy, because if Charles had to, then his friend was never going to recover from it and Pierre could only focus on one of you at the time and Charles being in love was nothing compared to what you were currently going through. 
“There were better ways to go about this and you know it” you were directing all your anger at Pierre now, both of you acting as if Charles wasn’t even in the room. 
“Like what? Hear you promise that you’d stop and it wasn’t that serious?” Pierre repeated the words you’d told him the last time you three had this conversation, throwing every single one of them back in your face. 
“It isn’t that serious!” you were absolutely seething, completely unaware of what the boys had gone through to make sure this entire process was going to be as easy on you as possibly whilst keeping you as safe as possible. 
“What the fuck do you mean it isn’t that serious?” Charles had finally spoken up, a look of pure rage etched on his face, one to even rival your own. 
“I mean, it’s not that ser-” 
“IT’S FUCKING EERYTHING!” even Pierre had startled at Charles outburst, knowing that this was destroying Charles, but never expecting him to show you just how much. “It’s fucking everything”. 
A thick silence seeped into the entire room, neither you nor Pierre wanting to break the silence out of fear and Charles just trying to quiet his mind down enough to formulate a decent thought. 
“It’s everything because you are everything and to you it’s nothing because it was simply one bad day and now you’ve got a few fresh cuts on your arm, but what happens when that one bad day is behind the wheel? Because you see, the thing is, my bad day isn’t that serious, because on my bad day, I might just be angry or have a cry and watch some shitty serious to make myself feel better, but your bad day, I might lose you forever. So yeah, to you it’s not that serious because fuck, your days bad enough and then suddenly it’s not really a you problem anymore, but to me, its everything because I lose everything” Charles was so clinical he was even scaring Pierre. 
The comment stopped you in your tracks, because yeah, even you were slightly nervous about that day, but you sure as hell weren’t going to admit that, not to them, because if you didn’t say it, it wasn’t real. In truth there was a lot you didn’t want to admit, most of all your feelings towards the man standing in front of you, or the feelings that drove you to all of this or even how you’re surprised anyone even cares at all, so you settle for something that feels slightly safe, a segway, maybe a way that you’d eventually be able to talk about it all with the two closest people to you, despite your fears. 
“You embarrassed me.” Pierre let out a laugh, not that he found anything funny, not by a long shot, but more so that out of everything, this is what worried you. 
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you know that right?” the look in your eyes confirmed that no, you did in fact not know that, “Jesus, there is nothing to be embarrassed by, you’re sick, that’s it, you’re sick and you just need some help getting better. It’s like, when you break your leg, you see a doctor and you allow yourself time to heal and you work at the physio and you let your friends help you and visit you in hospital, but you put in the work to heal and get better and walk again, it’s exactly the same, you’re sick, and we just want to help you get better.” Pierre prayed that he was getting through to you, after the first time, he had thrown himself into educating himself as much as he could in order to help you in any way he could, and this had stuck with him, that you were just sick and being sick is okay, but you had to work to get better. 
“What if I do all this work and then ruin it all again?” your voice was so small and Charles was sure his heart was about to break at the sight. 
“Then you ruin it all again, and we help you pick up the pieces all over again and we get you better, but we need you to try, please, fuck, we need you to try.” Charles was now standing directly in front of you, fighting every urge to just grab you and hold you close, wanting to take every single ounce of whatever burden you were holding off of your shoulders. 
“Toto said Mick was going to take my spot, and if a reserve is needed, Danny is going to fill in” you needed to somehow move away from this topic, heart aching to the point of break, changing to the only other thing you could think of. 
“And you?” Pierre knew you and Toto probably had discussed a plan of action revolving around your recovery too. 
“Benched, media duties, but he’s going to be sorting out an intensive therapy regime for me, or something like that, get the best of the best to help” you’d dumbed the process down significantly, but that was the jist of it all, “I have to go, Toto had to run to a meeting, but I’ve got to meet with PR now, sort everything out from that side, I’ll see you both at dinner.” You’d made your way out the room, both boys' eyes never leaving you, and subsequently the door once you had shut it behind you after a chorus of goodbyes followed you out. 
“You can’t make a move while she’s healing, you know that right?” Pierre knew Charles knew, but he needed him to make sure that Pierre was going to do everything to make sure your recovery was the only thing you would be focusing on for now, no boys, no racing, nothing other than your mental health. 
“I’ll wait, I’ve waited for years and I’ll wait for more, her health is the number one priority” Charles felt his friend give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, letting him know that he was aware of how difficult this all was, “I’ll wait.” and he would, for the rest of his life if he had to, but he’d wait, because you were everything. 
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asterdisaster06 · 10 months
It Will Come Back
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
summary > hand to hand combat with an overly touchy simon
word count > 1.3k
cw > suggestive, but not explicit. romanticizing of yandere tendencies
a/n > Open ended one-shot, may come back to it if inspiration strikes
There’s something off about him. Simon Riley. Or Ghost as he’s known to his teammates - including you. Not off on the field or in training. Not off in the way that he shoots or reloads or checks over his weapons before the mission. Not off in his work ethic or the way he kills. Off in the way that he’s oh-so-domestic towards you. Indirectly, of course. In a way that you can’t prove when you tell someone that his behaviour irks you. What could you tell them? That you swear you can see him lurking in the shadows, stalking you, or that your personal things always seem to disappear? You’d seem aloof and distracted if not downright insane. 
And forget mentioning how kind he seems to you. Offering to lace up your boots or god-forbid, help you train. The small touches across your back or hands still make you shiver. There’s also the small gifts that appear on your bed, the very same one in the locked room, mind you. You’ve changed the locks at least a dozen times before Price told you to stop wasting time and resources. It made you want to scream before you began to question if the captain was in on it. You had brought up concerns before and they were conveniently brushed off. 
Of course, that was a completely absurd thought given the fact that you never named the perpetrator that was making you uncomfortable on your very own base. Even still, you would’ve thought that Price would have done more than simply question you. Every time you’ve brought it up he says that he’s ‘handling it’ so you stopped asking after a while. It elicits a sense of unease at the fact that you seemed to be on your own regarding this issue. 
The way he looked at you scared you almost as much as facing down the barrel of a loaded gun - something that you’ve done more times than you’d like to admit. It’s not as if you had a grudge against the man - far from it. You used to admire him as a Lieutenant and wanted to be close to him, worked to become close to him. That’s how you ended up on the 141 task force. A part of you still does, admire him that is. You’re unsure of exactly when this Stockholm-esque syndrome began, but there’s something in you that wants Simon in the same carnal way he wants you. The same way a rabbit begins to accept its fate belongs in the claws of the wolf. Thinking back on it all, you were beginning to regret your moxy. 
“Did you forget we had training today, love?”
This is exactly the shit you were talking about. Not that anyone believes you, nor did you have the confidence to tell them. Not after the last incident. You had met your wits end and basically begged Laswell to transfer you. Obviously, some grounds for your repositioning was required - which was where it went wrong. You had no solid evidence, a very good track record on the team, and Simon had knocked on the door as soon as you were about to explain yourself. If you had thought he wouldn’t have been able to weasel his way out of you screaming fraternisation at Laswell you would have shouted it all around base. That’s the lowest point your pride had ever been at. Turning tail and running wasn’t your proudest moment, but there was a certain threshold before fight turns into flight. 
God, you hated that name. You couldn’t even hold it against him as it was your unfortunate callsign. You had never despised it this much before coming to this godforsaken place. You huff and shove yourself up from the couch - grumbling about missing the Uno game going on between Soap and Gaz.
“One more word out of your mouth besides ‘yes sir’ and it’s ten laps,” Simon glares at you.
You’re convinced he only makes you do laps because it allows him to stand and watch. Not like you can prove it, and sometimes he does run with you, but it feels almost impossible for that not to be the case. A little rabbit and the big wolf. 
“Yes sir,” You sigh.
“Atta girl.” His words send a shiver down your spine.
It’s always hand to hand combat with him. Always. You suppose it’s better than him micromanaging your shooting stance. A shiver passes through your body at the thought of him gripping your body and manipulating you however he pleases. Becoming pliable for him to mould into the perfect soldier. No, the perfect pet. At least this way you have a chance to fight back. A small voice in the back of your mind reminds you that Ghost probably likes the struggle. The power imbalance. Another one insists that you like it just as much if not more. You choose to ignore that last one. 
“Considering your performance on the last mission, I find it imperative that we work on your skills regarding escape,” Simon says sourly.
This was complete bullshit and you knew it. Biting your tongue like you’ve always done is becoming harder by the day. He’s referring to how you - under his orders - infiltrated a side hallway and got apprehended by two guards. Two guards that you had not been made aware of - you should have been considering Ghost himself had travelled that hallway not long ago. Of course, Simon rushed in to save you, ever the shining knight in armour. 
“Your only goal is to overpower me, by any means necessary,” Simon speaks, and you can almost hear the mirth through the baclava. It makes your hackles raise in fear of what this entails. 
Despite your on guard position, you somehow end up with your back on the floor. Your hands are roughly pinned above your head - an almost delightful strain running down your spine causing you to shiver under his grasp. His thighs entrap yours with his hips harshly pressed into yours. A shaky breath of air escapes your lungs at the suddenness of it all - nevermind how close your Lieutenants face is to yours. This wasn’t exactly how you expected to end up on your back for him, but you’d take what you can get. 
A moment of hesitation costs you your comfort as one of Simon’s gloved hands moves down from your wrists to your neck - gripping it tight enough to restrict some blood flow, but not air. It makes a soft whimper escape from you, your body keen to betray you. 
“Seems like someone’s enjoying this a little too much,” Simon chuckles, his eyes dark. 
“Fuck you,” You seeth, an escaped hand digging it’s claws into his collarbone. 
“Sorry, Princess. That’s off the table,” Simon grunts, almost amused.
You quickly turn on him, shoving him off of you and pressing a knee into his abdomen with the other one entrapping him in a similar fashion that he had done to you. Your hands keep his shoulders pinned to the ground, not taking any chances. 
“You know damn well that’s not what I was-” You’re cut off by Simon lifting one of his thighs to meet you, making your brain short circuit. 
“What was that?” You could hear the smugness in his words. 
“I’d say I won that, so there’s no need for this to continue,” You spit out, quickly retracting yourself from him. 
“If you say so,” Simon says, giving up weirdly easily. 
“That’s it?”
“That’s it,” Simon starts, standing up to tower over you. “Unless you had something else on your mind?”
“One thing.”
“Anything,” Simon whispers, and you’re unsure whether his tone elicits more excitement than fear.
“Admit to Price and yourself that you’re being a creep,” You hiss.
“Whatever do you mean, love,” Simon mocks.
“It was worth a try,” You huff, turning your back on him and walking off.
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Hey what's up? Been a time since i sended an ask how you doin'?
Anyway, i think that Catradora really destroyed the way that people often view enemies to lovers cause before that the villain always had to redeem himself to earn the hero's affection, another thing that probably ruined was those horrible Tik Tok POVs where the villain is just a nice guy and the hero was actually the evil One3 (idk if that originated on Tik Tok or somewhere else but i see that often on Tik Tok)
But some shows that actually do a good Enemies to lovers story is Maya and the 3 and Dragon Prince, cause at least the two characters don't torture or humiliate each other, they fight on equal footing and is clear they are only enemies because one doesn't understand the other, plus they have some pretty cute scenes that are actually cute and not abusive framed as cute
hey, i’ve been doing alright! how about you?
c//a actually ruined enemies to lovers for ME because it was one of the first media with the enemies to lovers trope that i had seen. and after that, i was skeptical of any other enemies to lovers that people talked about because i didn’t want to see another toxic romanticized mess. but it seems that it has the opposite effect to some people, to the point where they call some enemies to lovers ships VANILLA, because it’s not as abusive as c//a ☠️ and i don’t even use tiktok but i know exactly what POVs you’re talking about lmao idk when it became a trend to idolize the villains. yes, there are some villains who are complex and have interesting motivations, but people seem to have shifted completely to praising the villains and blaming the heroes.
that reminds me of the quote that i absolutely DESPISE “the hero will sacrifice you for the world and the villain will burn the world down for you” or something along those lines. first off, idk what media these people are consuming because there are very few heroes who would readily sacrifice their loved ones, even if they wanted to save the world, they would seek out other options. and i’ve seen very few villains who actually care about people, in fact, the most popular villains are famously either loners or abusive to everyone around them. secondly, i don’t get the hype around wanting someone who is rude to everyone except you. sure, it makes you feel special but why would you WANT to date an asshole? give them enough time and they would start treating you like trash too. i would much rather date a kind person who isn’t rude to anyone, unless they have a good reason.
idk the first one you mentioned, but the dragon prince definitely does enemies to lovers well! there is enough animosity in the beginning so that we can see some banter and tension, but they develop the ships in a healthy way. amaya and janai are my favorite, i love how they developed the relationship between them and gave us an ACTUALLY GOOD sapphic ship. highly recommend this show to anyone who hasn’t watched it!
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