#can you tell hes my favorite???
cursedwithwords · 5 months
HP Next Gen Headcanons: James
Full Name: James Sirius "Jamie" Potter
House: Gryffindor
Wand: rowan and ashwinder egg
Patronus: stag wolf
Boggart: Caleb
Profession: potioneer
Sexuality: gay
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Bonus: has more freckles than Lily and Albus combined. A softhearted agent of chaos. Out of his entire family he has the most upbeat personality (his grandmother always used to say he was what would happen if sunshine was a person). Always the one to crack a joke during uncomfortable situations to lighten the atmosphere. He remembers the birthdays of everyone he's ever met. Played as a Chaser on the house team. Rox calls him "Jamjar". The Golden Child of the family and has all the negative effects you would expect because of it. Number one forehead kisser award. Harbors a silent dislike towards Sirius Black but would never admit that to his father. Older people absolutely love him because he's so chatty. Considers Teddy to be his best friend, but Louis is a very close second. The one in the family all the cousins (plus al and lily) are secretly protective of. His first tattoo was a stick and poke crescent moon on his left wrist given to him by Teddy.
Wand Wood — Rowan
"Rowan wood has always been much-favoured for wands because it is reputed to be more protective than any other... it is commonly stated that no dark witch or wizard ever owned a rowan wand... rowan is most happily placed with the clear-headed and the pure-hearted..."
I think James is a very protective person in general and outrageously pure-hearted, almost to a fault. His wand is extremely powerful in his hands, and while it will work if used by someone else, it's much less powerful, and spells will often sputter or die out. The only spells the wand will properly cast in someone elses hands are shields and defensive charms. In James' hands, however, it can cast incredibly strong magic.
Wand Core — Ashwinder Egg
"The eggs of an Ashwinder are usually found in the wands of those skilled in Potioneering..."
I just love the idea that James would have an innate talent for potions that his wand could sense the moment he stepped into the shop. I also like to headcanon that his great grandfather Fleamont Potter, an accomplished potioneer, shared the same core in his wand. When Olivander tells him that detail the day they bought his wand, he feels immediate pride and a sense of honor and connection to Fleamont.
Patronus — Stag Wolf
"Stags symbolize heroism, bravery, and new life. Owners of a stag Patronus make extraordinary, influential leaders and honestly care about the well-being of others. You are likely confident in yourself and stand up for your beliefs."
"Wolves are powerful protectors who find strength in numbers as they always travel in a pack. If you have this Patronus, then you should trust your instincts as they are usually spot on."
James' patronus changes after he loses the ability to cast a stag following a traumatic incident (see TBOTS fic for details of this headcanon). It takes years for him to be able to cast a corporeal form again, but when he does it takes the form of a wolf to match Teddy's, because in the end it's memories of Teddy that allow him to cast the charm successfully again. He's the only one of the new gen whose patronus changes, and the only one who loses the ability to cast the charm for any amount of time.
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theaceofarrows · 6 months
Damian: [walks into Bruce's office with his hands behind his back]
Damian: Father, I would like to congratulate you. You are now a grandfather
Bruce: [seconds away from a heart attack] W- what?
Damian: [reveals the hamster he was holding behind his back] Meet Ferdinand
Bruce: [slumps against desk] Next time... please- please lead with that... I'm begging you
Jason: [hiding in the vents with a camera] He actually did it, the crazy little son of a bitch
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egophiliac · 3 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
The narrator and the ugly ahh protagonist [Blank Scripts AU/non-canonical]
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dr-rato · 30 days
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"Somewhere in Elysium shades interact as long-lost friends"
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areyouscaredyet · 7 months
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gerard slay...
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razberrypuck · 1 month
something about kinger being in the circus "the longest" and him still openly caring about the other members and striving to be kind to them makes me emotional actually.
like yes the scene where he comforts ragatha but also the "pomni, take this" scenes. putting a bucket on ragatha's head after jax's licorice-hair comment -- said in front of a monster that eats candy people. winning rock-paper-scissors and being so excited to get to help zooble. remarking "oh, thank GOD you're okay," when zooble gets ejected from the gloink queen. he can be a great source of comfort in his moments of lucidity, but even when he's not quite there, he really does try his best to protect his friends -- even if his efforts come across as goofy or nonsensical.
I find it especially interesting that these moments are really the only times he actively involves himself in the adventures. yes he makes a few comments here and there, but when he isn't trying to help someone, he tends to just let things happen around him. he's largely absent in most of episode one (mostly because he seems to be freaking out about his own safety -- and granted, we don't know whether or not he was just having an especially bad day, but I think it's worth noting) and he doesn't get involved with the adventure at all until he's told to find zooble. he's also shown to be very observant of the people around him, like how he accurately predicted that kaufmo had completely lost it, when no one else picked up on the signs.
more than anything, though, I think kinger's conversation with ragatha shows some of his philosophy when it comes to the other players. "it's a lot for anybody to go through; don't take it too personally," is likely a learned sentiment -- and consciously or not, I think he doesn't have any bad blood with the other members (see: kinger being the only one (from what we've seen so far) that jax doesn't actively torment) because he understands why they act the way they do and doesn't hold it against them. everyone copes differently, and like I said before, he's very observant, especially when it comes to the emotions of others.
and idk. I just think it's nice the longest standing member of the circus didn't survive this long by learning not to care.
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Thinking about sleepy Swiss.
Barely awake Swiss who purrs up a storm as Aurora cups his face in her hands and coos at him.
Sexy morning voice Swiss who sends Dew's brain into overdrive just my mumbling "good morning".
Exhausted Swiss who crawls into Aether's lap and faceplants into his chest.
Swiss who rests his head sleepily on Cirrus' shoulder in the tour bus, tail wagging lazily when she scratches him behind the horns.
Swiss who manhandles Phantom until he can use his chest as a pillow, listening to his heartbeat.
Sleep-deprived Swiss who lays down on the sun-warmed dock at the lake, one hand brushing the surface of the water for Rain to hold onto whenever he might want to while Swiss dozes off.
Swiss letting out a jaw-dislocating yawn, distracting Sunshine as she stares at the thick fangs it displays.
Swiss who tugs Mountain on top of him on the couch so that he can have his own personal weighted blanket.
Swiss who absent-mindedly nips and kisses at Cumulus' forearms whenever she holds his drowsy form, his eyes half-shut.
Bonus : Swiss and Ifrit napping together as close as physically possible, legs, arms and tails tangled, Ifrit's head on Swiss chest and the multi ghoul's face burried in Ifrit's hair, just cozy big boy cuddle with motor-like purring as a soundtrack.
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kabukiaku · 4 months
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pookie is pensive. 🥺🖤 Ω
i love him so much.
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potatobugz · 5 months
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eek! scary!
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
Y'all I am so bored
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amphibianaday · 8 months
Hello I would like to request your favourite little freak(amphibian) for day 1432
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day 1432
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diorsbrando · 19 days
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y’all . . . . . .
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I'm currently in the process of rewatching The Hunger Games movies, and honestly, I have to be so real "If it weren't for the baby" is my Roman empire. I think about it constantly.
Especially the way they did it in the movie (I'm obsessed with Josh Hutcherson)
Haymitch's little toast.
The audience SHRIEKING.
Everything about it, I think about it all the time.
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hqbits · 3 days
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arkham riddler pre-yassification
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kenxboi · 8 months
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coloured it!
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