#checking for signs of that light when hero’s not looking
driftingballoons · 4 months
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Day 6: Farewell
Imagining it takes Partner a while to feel comfortable letting Hero out of their sight
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kaciebello · 7 months
Offspring garden
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Demetre! reader (fem) Summary: Luke and the reader are the unofficial parents of the camp, whether they like it or not. Warning: Non, no use of y/n author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T ) Requested! word count: 1.2k
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“LUKE CASTELLAN” A yell could be heard throughout the whole camp. The boy in question lifts his head from his sword to look for the source of the noise. Only to see a familiar girl with an angry scold on her face. He stands up when he sees her, dragging two familiar boys behind her. He just signs and makes his way to them.
“Hello, honey.” He says, hoping to de-escalate the situation. She just huffs and points a finger at him before turning to the two boys who were now looking at the floor in shame.
“Don't you even dare to sweet talk me, Luke?” To him this was comical. The Stroll brothers often did something they shouldn't, they however did not get caught that much. No, seeing them being scolded by a girl who’s just a few years older was funny. She resembled a mom giving a lecture to her children She turned to him again.
“Keep your siblings in check, because if I catch them again in my garden-”
“You're gonna what?” Luke says, coking his head to the side with a smile.  Her eyes narrow at him as she steps closer. The boys yelp out a little ‘ sorry, mom’ teasing tone in their voice, as everybody noticed some of the younger kids calling her that by accident during the campfire last night. She ignores them and takes our step to Luke. He secretly waves his arm at the boys and they scatter away as quietly as they can, although few giggles leave them anyway.
“Don't try me today Luke, we have so much to do and I don't have the time or the patience for this. And you, you are- Luke where have they gone?” She says her eyes flipping between him and the place where the boys were standing a minute ago. Luke just shrugs and smiles. The girl sighs placing her shaking her head.
“You can’t just let them go, I brought them here for a reason.” She says kicking a stone with her foot. Luke took her hands in his, wrapping them around his neck. Now that he had her undivided attention he rocked them back and forth.
“They're just kids.”
“Cheeky, that's what they are.” Luke just laughs. Leaning in, their noses brush on each other. Before Luke could continue, a pair of giggles were heard before the water fell on them from the top of the Hermes cabin. In shock, the pair steps away from each other and look up. There they were, the Stroll brothers, with two buckets of water having the time of their life.
“LUKE!” He's not sure he can get them out of this one.
Being the counselor of their cabin did give them an advantage. Granted, it was more work than the normal ‘training to be a hero ‘ thing. The older campers however did not mind, because it meant they got to call light out. Now the Demeter cabin went to sleep almost as soon as the sun set, not fans of the dark. The Hermise cabin, however, is quite the opposite. If they had to pick they would switch the whole camp to night one. 
However, it was not unusual to see the Demetre cabin counselor at the Hermes cabin after she called light out on her own. Not that Luke was having a problem with his cabin, no. Well kinda, it's always hard for the new kids, and he and his siblings are more mischief than anything else. The friendly face of the Demetre kids makes them calm down and fall asleep despite the noise.
He was leaning on the doorframe, his eyes glued to the girl reading kids' stories. He was supposed to keep an eye on his siblings. That was their deal. But he only started to pay attention to them when a shirt was thrown in his face. Taking it down and looking up to try and find a culprit, he finds Chris with a smirk on his face. Luke just rolls his eyes and throws it back. Making his was the girl who was tucking in the last camper. His hand lands on the small of her back as she straightens.
“ All done?” He whispers although it is useless when he hears his sibling laugh at full volume. The girl looks up at him and nods. Turning and making her way to the cabin door. Luke follows her very close by.
“Will you walk me back?” She asks, playing with his bracelets. 
“Why? Scared of the dark?” He cocks his head to the side. Only receiving a glare from the girl. Before she can answer one of the Hermes girls pipes in.
“You have the same conversation every night, You are boring as an old married couple with kids.” She says before letting her head hit the pillow. Both Luke and the girl look at her. The Demeter girl shakes it off before he does. Letting off his hand and clearing her throat.
“Alright, that is enghou, lights out!” She said, making sure everyone could hear her. Some kids listened right away and some hesitated before laying down too.
“But you not our-”
“I SAID LIGHTS OUT.” The light switch was flipped to the end she said. All that could be heard was the cabin door opening and closing, indicating that the two counsellors had left on their adventure.
They were both sitting on the floor. Her back was pressed to his chest as she sat between his legs. Watching Annabeth, Percy and Grover fool around the arena. Luke insisted they needed training, although he was not teaching them anything. The girl opted to read her book, as this is as quiet as it gets around the busy camp.
“What do you say we go on an adventure next summer,” Luke says catching her attention enough to listen but not enough to put away her book.
“Chiron is not letting us go on a quest Luke.” She says nonchalantly. Luke just shakes his head and his hand goes to play with the corner of the book.
“No, I meant like, go and have a trip, Europe maybe.” He finishes and the girl chuckles. Turning over a page before finishing her chapter. Make sure she places a bookmark before closing the book and putting it aside. She leans even further onto him before answering.
“ As if Mr. D is gonna let us leave. We basically run the camp for him.” She says and Luke laughs. His arm now resting across her chest, both watching the trio who were playing some kind of game. It looks like a twisted version of Marko Pollo as Annabeth kept going invisible to confuse Percy even more. Luke leans down and kisses the girl on the forehead. She looks up at him with a smile before reaching to pat his head and tug at the base of his curls.
In bliss they sat, soaking in the sun. A quiet day where they get to be teenagers. All, however, comes to an end when someone yells out ‘Mom’ and all heads turn to her. The girl can just groan before getting up and following the sound. Flowers blooming in her hair out of frustration. Luke does not stay that far behind
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felinecyan · 2 months
Wonders of the Skies
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[Keigo Takami x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When he finds himself bored, stressed, or tired… he seeks comfort in not only the stars, but his favorite spot to relax, right on your balcony.
WC: 3634
Category: Fluff, Pre-Rise of Villains arc
Since my other fics are filled with angsty drama (and my birthday is officially four days away 🗣️), I decided to be nice and drop one that’s full-on fluff. Enjoy ☺️
The stars being out should've been his first sign. The clouds were thin, the night sky clear of any smog, and the wind was still. A beautiful night. The perfect night for such a tiring day.
He was all over the place with his schedule. Between patrolling his section of Musutafu, taking reports from his informants, and training his little fledgling, he could barely catch a breath. Not to mention, he had to deal with the paperwork that came from the Hero Commission.
So he was exhausted. He needed a breather—something to make his body relax after being worked so hard. So, wishful thinking and a bit of insomnia were the perfect excuse for him not to enter the warmth of his apartment.
And there you were. Standing on your balcony, leaning against the railing as the soft breeze of the night blew. The moon's soft glow reflected against your skin and hair. The way the light framed your face and illuminated your skin was nothing short of beautiful.
You had no idea he was there, standing on the rooftop just above your apartment building. He always did this. On nights when he felt the weight of his responsibilities too much, he would come to you.
Your apartment was one of the tallest buildings in his area. It gave him a bird's eye view of everything below, the perfect vantage point for him to keep a watchful eye out for anything suspicious.
It was just an added bonus that you were here.
The first time he came here, he only stayed for a couple of minutes before returning home. He was just checking the place out and getting familiar with the area. Then, he found you.
He saw how you leaned on the railing of the balcony, gazing at the night sky and humming along to a tune only you knew. It was something he was familiar with, something that soothed his mind, but he couldn't figure out where he had heard it before.
So, he asked you in the most subtle way possible.
"What are you humming?"
And the reaction you had was enough to make his forced smile genuine.
Thinking back on it, he probably shouldn't have popped up like a damn jack-in-the-box. You were peacefully enjoying the night sky until you looked up into his upside-down face and nearly had a heart attack.
His first meeting with you was definitely memorable.
He remembered the look of absolute shock and fear as you stared into his face. And then he remembered the moment your expression shifted into one of irritation as you scolded him for scaring the hell out of you.
You, scolding the number three hero for scaring you. You had some serious guts to do something like that.
That's what intrigued him about you in the first place. It was a nice refresher when comparing you to his... "fanbase."
But he was getting off-topic.
As he gazed at you from the rooftop, he felt his eyes soften. It was odd how you had this effect on him.
Just looking at you made him feel relaxed. Not to mention your voice, how sweet and comforting it sounded. Even if you were just humming, you still held his attention.
He could listen to your voice all day.
He let out a quiet sigh as he leaned on the railing of the roof. From up here, you seemed so small, almost insignificant compared to the size of his city. But, in his mind, you were much bigger than the city itself.
He couldn't quite explain why, but there was something about you that made him feel comfortable. Your presence alone was enough to make him feel at peace.
With one final sigh, he hopped down from the rooftop. He wasn't properly wearing his headpiece, but it was fine. He didn't mind the whistle of the wind in his ears. It was only for a few seconds, anyway.
In no time at all, right before he hit the ground, he snapped open his wings and caught the wind. He watched as you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of his boots thudding against your metal railing. You spun around, looking like a deer caught in headlights, only to glare at him when you realized who was the cause of your heart stopping.
"Jeez, Hawks," You placed a hand over your chest. "A warning would be nice."
He chuckled as he landed in front of you. His wings were open wide, the tips of his feathers brushing against the edges of the railing. "But then I wouldn't get to see that adorable look on your face."
You huffed and crossed your arms, your glare still in place. It didn't seem like you were really mad, though. There was a twitch in your lips that made him smirk.
There were some things he could really struggle with, but deciphering all the emotions and expressions on people's faces? That was easy. It was something he needed to learn when he was younger, and while he might not use the skill often, he was still happy to have it.
It helped him get a read on people, and more importantly, it helped him know villains and criminals.
And, occasionally, it helped him figure out what the hell you were thinking.
"How was work today?" You asked, already forgiving him for scaring the shit out of you. "Busy?"
"Eh, the usual," he waved off. "Patrol was a breeze. A couple of muggers were caught stealing purses, but that's about it."
He watched as you tilted your head, your brow raised. "You're not telling me the whole story."
"Well, what can I say?" He shrugged, finally hopping down from the railing. He stretched out his wings and folded them against his back. "I'm a man of many talents. Gotta keep some of the fun parts to myself, right?"
You scoffed, opting to stare at the city below rather than give him a response. He didn't mind, though. He liked looking at you, whether it was your face or the scenery.
"What about you?" He asked, stepping beside you. "How was your day?"
"Good." You sighed. "I'm happy it's Friday. I needed this break."
He chuckled. "Don't we all?"
Though, he never really took breaks. Well, not proper ones, at least. The closest he got to a vacation was going undercover for an extended period of time. But that was far from relaxing.
"I had to set up a surprise party for one of my friends," you said, a tired smile on your face. "Well, technically, I didn't have to, but I wanted to. He's been through a lot recently, so I thought it would help lift his spirits a bit."
"Sounds like a fun time," Keigo mused, a smile on his face. "What's the occasion?"
"Oh, his birthday," you answered, your gaze shifting back to the city. "I've never celebrated his birthday, so this is the first time I've ever thrown a party for him. I'm honestly a bit worried that it won't be good."
Keigo hummed and turned to face the city. "I'm sure he'll love it. It's the thought that counts, right?"
"Yeah." You laughed quietly, looking at the sky. "I just hope he'll enjoy it."
For a few moments, silence enveloped the two of you. A comfortable one, but still silence. It gave him the time to appreciate the view in front of him.
Sure, the city lights were bright, and the air was a little stuffy, but the moon's light and the stars' glittering made it worth it, especially when they were reflected in your eyes.
You looked ethereal.
"I've always wondered what it would be like to fly," you said softly as if the sound of your voice would disturb the stars. "What it would feel like to soar through the sky. Just imagine the view."
He looked at you, watching your expression carefully. You didn't notice his eyes on you. Instead, your attention was on the sky, your gaze full of wonder.
He hummed, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Want a demonstration?"
You snapped your head towards him, your eyes wide. "What?"
Without saying a word, he removed the headset against his neck and slid it back where it belonged. He turned his body towards yours and spread his wings, stretching them out. He then reached his hands out to you, his smile growing wider.
"What are you doing?" You asked, eyeing his hands cautiously.
"What do you think?" He retorted. "Come on, take my hands. I won't drop you."
Your expression didn't change. If anything, your wariness grew.
"What?" He teased. "Scared? You don't trust me?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "You know, it's times like these that make me question our friendship."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, his smile remaining. "Just take my hands. It'll be fun."
For a second, you continued to stare at him. And then you let out a sigh.
"Okay, fine," you muttered, grabbing onto his hands. He figured you probably thought you'd have time to relax and prep yourself, but no. He couldn't be here for too long, and this bird never liked being cooped up.
He only waited long enough to ensure you wouldn't fly out of his arms. Then, with a mighty flap of his wings, he pushed the two of you into the air.
The look on your face was priceless.
He'd seen fear before. Hell, he'd experienced it plenty of times. But seeing it on you? It was hilarious.
Your grip on his arms tightened, and your legs flailed around in a desperate attempt to find something to hold onto. And even though he couldn't hear you, the way your mouth opened was enough to tell him that you were screaming.
His stomach hurt from how hard he was laughing. He wanted to look at your face again, but he didn't want to kill the two of you. So, he opted to keep his focus on the sky above and the city below.
He made sure to avoid the clouds and kept his wings steady. You wanted a demonstration, right? Well, a demonstration you'd get.
He glided through the sky, letting his feathers do the hard work. And while he had been in the air countless times, this felt different.
Usually, when he was flying, it was because he had to save someone. He didn't have time to appreciate the view or take in the fresh air. And even when he had some spare time, he would spend it napping or taking reports from his informants.
But now, he could relax. No emergencies, no patrols, no paperwork, and no informants. It was just him, the stars, and you.
And for once, he felt like a regular guy.
He wasn't Hawks, the number two hero, or the kid with too many feathers and not enough time. He was just a regular guy—someone who could fly and who could show the wonders of the skies.
"You can open your eyes now," he called out, making sure his voice was loud enough to be heard. Of course, he wasn't completely sure they were even closed in the first place, but you were clutching his arms pretty tightly, so he figured it was safe to assume they were.
Slowly, he felt your grip loosen. Your legs stopped moving, and your head turned away from him. Your eyes were closed, and he watched as you hesitantly cracked them open.
He didn't say anything as you stared at the sky, your eyes wide. The look on your face was one he would treasure forever.
Your mouth was parted slightly, your gaze was full of wonder and amazement, and your expression was a mixture of surprise and joy.
It was like a child seeing a new toy.
"Woah," you breathed out, your grip loosening more. "This is... wow."
"Right?" He laughed. "Oh, here, let me lend you some help."
Before you could ask what he meant, the pair of visors against his head detached themselves and flew in front of you. As quickly as they were removed, they were replaced, and he smiled at the gasp that left your lips.
"The wind gets annoying," he explained, a smirk on his face. "This makes it easier to enjoy the view."
"Don't you need them? To see, I mean."
Aw, concerned for his safety. How cute.
"Nah," he waved off, "I've done this plenty of times. My eyes are used to the wind."
You hummed, and then your arms moved up and rested on his shoulders. Your legs stopped flailing around, and your body leaned closer to his. He was glad you did. You were starting to slip.
"Is this better?" He teased, a grin on his face. "No more screaming, I hope?"
You glared at him, though there was no heat behind it. "You know what? Yes, it is. Now, can we please focus on the view?"
He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. We can."
After a few minutes, your gaze finally left him and settled on the view. He took the chance to look at you, to memorize your features, and to burn the image of you in his mind.
He didn't need the view you needed; he's seen it plenty of times. Instead, he wanted the view he'd never get a chance to see—the one where you were enjoying yourself.
He wished the moment would last longer so that he would have more time to put a smile on your face, but the time flew by. Plus, he needed at least two hours of rest, and it was already close to midnight.
So, he slowly descended back onto the balcony, landing softly and gently. Disappointment was clear on your face as you gave him back his visors and looked at the sky longingly.
He understood. It was the same feeling he had whenever he landed. It was nice being in the sky. It was nice not having a care in the world.
It was nice being free.
"Thanks for that," you said, turning to him with a small smile. "That was amazing."
"You're welcome," he smiled, taking off his headset and resting it against his neck once again. "Hate to ruin the mood, but unfortunately, duty calls."
"Already?" You frowned, "At least stay for some tea."
He would love to, but he really shouldn't. He was already pushing his limit as it was.
"Sorry, doll," he sighed. "Another time, okay?"
You let out a quiet hum and looked at the city. He followed your gaze, and for a second, the two of you stood in silence.
He couldn't believe it's been three months.
It felt like yesterday that he found you on the balcony. Now, you were standing in front of him, offering him a drink, and he was about to reject it.
But he couldn't, not today. Today, he needed to leave.
With a sigh, he turned towards the railing and stretched his wings. His boots scraped against the metal bars as he climbed up, his feet finding purchase on the railing. He looked back at you, his wings twitching as he prepared to take flight.
He froze, his body turning towards you. He cocked his head to the side and watched as you walked towards him.
"Before you go," you said, a hand reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a key, its surface shining brightly from the moon's light. "I wanted to give you this."
He felt his heart drop as he took the key. He looked down at it, his fingers grazing over the metal.
"That... surprise party I mentioned earlier? I'm going to change it to a dinner," you said, giving him a gentle smile. "I feel it aligns with your schedule better; more of a chance for you to drop by, you know?"
He felt his eyes soften, and a small smile formed on his face.
"Why change the entire birthday party because of me?" He asked, raising a brow. "Shouldn't it be what your friend wants? Since it's his special day and all that?"
"Well, yeah, but—" You hesitated. "I mean... don't you look at dates? You know what date it's going to be in... I don't know, five minutes?"
He raised a brow, the smile on his face widening.
"It's going to be the 28th of December."
"Yes, and...?"
You blinked.
"What do you mean, and?"
"Do you want the exact time and minute, too?"
Your lips were parted, and your eyes were wide. He couldn't help but laugh at the look on your face. You looked so shocked, so surprised.
"I can't believe it," you mumbled, your mouth finally closing. "So, you're telling me that it is so insignificant that you can't even remember the date of your own birthday?"
That smile of his... faltered.
His heart dropped.
His stomach twisted.
His blood turned cold.
What did you just say?
"My birthday?" He croaked, his voice barely above a whisper. Oh, how his voice shook.
"Yes, your birthday," you replied. "When's the last time you celebrated it?"
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His mind was blank. He couldn't remember. Of course, he knew what tomorrow was; he always made himself aware of the date, but what about the day itself? He didn't have a clue.
He'd never celebrated his birthday, not since the Commission took him. There wasn't a reason to, and there wasn't a need for it. You had asked him when it was three weeks ago, and he remembered every conversation and figured it was plain curiosity.
He thought you'd forgotten.
"Are you okay?"
His eyes snapped towards yours, and the concern in them almost made him fall. Almost.
"I... got it right, didn't I?" You whispered, taking a step towards him. "I didn't just mess up your date, did I?"
"No, no, you didn't." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "It's just that... well, I haven't celebrated my birthday in a long time. I... honestly didn't think I was missing out on much."
You hummed and nodded to the key in his hand. "Well, how about we start now?"
He looked down at the object in his hands. His fingers brushed over the smooth surface. It felt warm against his skin, almost as if it were inviting him.
"Tomorrow, we'll celebrate your birthday," you continued, your voice soft and comforting. "Whenever you can. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to make it, and I'm okay with that, but if you can, then that's great."
"I—" He looked at you, his eyes shining. "How'd you know I'd visit tonight?"
You snorted, a small smile on your face. "You always visit on Tuesdays. I didn't have high hopes, but I'm glad I did it anyway."
He was stunned. Speechless, even. He didn't even realize every time he visited was on a Tuesday. Hell, he didn't even know he had a schedule.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" You nudged him gently. "Go home. Get some rest. Stop by tomorrow if you can, or just enjoy the day. Either way, happy birthday, Hawks."
His wings twitched, and a warmth filled his chest. His eyes softened, and his lips curved upwards.
You faltered, your brows furrowed in confusion.
"Huh? You want me to leave?"
"You said 'okay go' so—"
"No, no, that's not what I—" He let out a groan and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm saying, Keigo. Call me Keigo."
He was starting to regret this.
"My name," he clarified, looking at you. "Keigo Takami. That's my name. You don't have to call me Hawks, not if I can call you by your name. Just... uh, don't go around calling me that, you know? Keep it a secret. Between us. Yeah?"
He cringed. God, he sounded so awkward.
But it didn't matter because you evidently didn't hear the stutters and the hesitation in his voice. Or maybe you did and were nice enough not to point it out.
Either way, a wide smile was on your face, and your eyes were bright.
"Happy birthday then, Keigo."
Oh, he wasn't used to this. Hearing his name was a new experience. It's been so long, so, so long since he heard it. Honestly, it's been so long, and his brain was trying so hard to connect his name to him.
He missed hearing his name.
He loved his name.
"Thank you," he smiled, and it was the most genuine smile he's ever made.
And then he jumped. His wings spread, and he took off into the night. But unlike the other times, he didn't go straight home.
Instead, he went higher, higher, higher. Until he couldn't, and then he stopped, his gaze fixed on the sky.
There were so many stars, and the moon was big and bright. The wind was harsh, but he didn't mind. He was used to it, after all.
But what he wasn't used to was the warmth in his chest. It was foreign and strange, but he liked it. He liked the way it made him feel, and he wanted to keep it forever.
And so, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. And, without a doubt in his mind, he said the words that were stuck in his throat for so long.
"Happy birthday to me."
Because not even two minutes after he left, on the 28th of December, 00:01 AM, he received a text from you:
The key wasn't your actual gift, by the way, so make sure you eventually swing by, whether it be tomorrow or next week.
Again, happy birthday!
And then warm feeling in his chest only grew
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villainousauthor · 8 months
The hero wrinkles their nose at smell of antiseptic wipes, at the cold feel against their skin, as the villain prepares to draw more blood. They've lost count how many vials Villain has taken at this point.
Hero winces, trying to flinch away at the inevitable sharp pinch, and Villain digs their fingers into their arm some more. They press hard, cold hands keeping them still. "If I mess up, I'll have to stick you again." They warn, voice level. Paper crinkles under where Hero sits, the soft sound filling the silence.
Hero keeps their gaze downward, the bright florescent lights over head giving them a headache. You think with how long they've been here, they would have gotten used to the ugly, artificial glare, but they miss the sun.
They look up at Villain through their lashes, who's currently too focused on their current task to notice, eyebrows pinched together as they seem deep in thought.
"I doubt you're even certified to be drawing blood in the first place." Hero ribs, voice quiet, the words light but the humor just quite not there.
Villain snorts, as they finish and pull the IV out gently. "I've seemed to be able to do it fine all these weeks." They apply the cotton bandage to the area, securing it in place, though it's honestly not necessary, the small wound already likely healed.
Hero knows they shouldn't be trying to make Villain laugh, or trying to lighten the tense air that surrounds their every interaction. They should be attempting to escape, should be fighting tooth and nail against the strange experiments their arch nemesis insists on trying, but so many failed escapes and so many weeks without the presence of any other person has them weak for any human contact they can get.
They've almost begun to mistake the way Villain grabs their arm when taking blood, the way Villain's cold hand holds their face still when swabbing their mouth, the way they stand close when checking their vitals, as misplaced forms of affection.
It's pure delusion, Hero knows this, but they crave another persons touch so much they can almost believe it. Thinking about it too much makes their head hurt more than even the obnoxious overhead lights do.
Villain takes their silence as a sign to continue speaking. "Soon enough, I'll find the secret behind how your regenerative abilities work and then I'll be unstoppable." They say cleaning up, and placing the three tubes of blood they took on the tray to their left. Hero's head swirls as they watch the swishing of the dark red liquid.
Facing them again, still standing close, Villain's eyes finally meet Hero's and their voice softens slightly when they say this next part. "I won't have to poke and prod you so much when I do." Their voice is gentle enough that Hero wants to believe them, to trust them.
Hero licks their dry lips, voice cracking slightly. "Will...will you finally let me go once you do?" The question Hero has been avoiding asking this whole time.
The question gives Villain pause, as they seem to consider it for a moment. They step closer, placing their hands on either side of where Hero sits, bracketing them in. "I could...I probably should.." Villain's voice is whisper quiet as they stand inches away, breath fanning over Hero's ear.
"But I think prefer keeping you for myself."
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
little kid Charlie seeing a drawing of a unicorn and excitedly comparing her own cloven hoofs and long wiggle tail to it. Unicorns as her heroes, able to heal people and help them, symbols of all things good and bright and happy
little kid Charlie spending a few years convinced she must be part unicorn, finally asking her dad about it- Lucifer not getting context at first and being all "you can be whatever you want Char-char~" only to realize too late she's being serious and she's gonna be crushed so he just changes the subject whenever it comes up trying to let her have fun as long as she can
(he also doesn't tell Lilith, bc Lilith will tell the truth and Lucifer can already picture the sad little look on Charlie's face when she hears..)
Charlie growing up and slowly noticing that a unicorn's tail is soft and fluffy and tasseled while hers is leathery and jagged and sharp. Looking down at her cloven hooves and realizing they're blood red. Staring at both her horns in the mirror, neither of them fluted, nothing magical about them- just a sign she's throwing a tantrum today
Lilith finds her hugging her fav fairytale book and crying and Lilith listens when she stumbles through the whole unicorn thing, how Charlie thought she was one but she's just a monster instead
so Lilith tells Charlie older stories about other unicorns. Dangerous wild and powerful creatures who came in strange colors and weren't always soft or gentle but were still beautiful. she turns little Charlie sideways between the wall and the light and shows her how two horns can look like one from the right angle
little Charlie cuddling into her mom's arms feeling better because her mom thinks she's perfect
but it's still a heavy thing, bc Charlie doesn't want to be wild or dangerous. She likes the kinds of unicorns who frolic through flowery meadows and summon rainbows with every step. Nice ones no one ever thinks of as scary
years later Lucifer has shut himself away and Lilith has vanished and Charlie's slipping into bed with a sigh, picking up a book of fairytales to read until her buzzing thoughts are quiet enough to let her sleep
next to her in bed Vaggie is giving her spear a last look over before it's time to lean it against the wall within easy reach
the shadow of the spear falls across the bed and onto the wall and Charlie lifts her hands to make a shadow puppet horse's head without thinking, combining the two until the spear becomes a horn and the shadow horse turns into a unicorn
Charlie giggles and Vaggie turns, smiles, spends the next few minutes trying to figure out how to give the unicorn a body without dropping the spear
eventually they're both laughing to hard and the shadow unicorn collapses. Snuggling up for sleep, Vaggie murmurs off handedly "I've got the best horned and hooved lady right here anyway. Unicorns could learn a thing or two from you, sweetie" before drifting off
Charlie all grown up and thinking about how she bandaged her girlfriend's eye the day they met. How always on edge Vaggie can spend an hour before bed checking exits and her weapon, but then relax and fall asleep the moment Charlie cuddles her
It's a pretty good magic to have, all grown up Charlie decides, much better than just summoning sparkles or rainbows
(a few years on from this and she looks down at the woman who cut out her girlfriend's eye and feels her horns and hooves and the urge to break bones with them, and she is more close to being like the wild, dangerous unicorns of her mom's stories than she'll ever know)
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silhouetteonpaper · 2 months
Who’s To Blame?
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Summary: When you show up at the compound with severe injuries, there’s no guarantee if you’re going to pull through. Even worse than that, there’s no one to explain how you ended up in this situation in the first place. Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Yelena Belova x Reader WC: 2,301 Warnings: Blood loss, wounds, mentions of killing, possible character death but I don’t want to spoil things A/N: I am so happy with how this turned out, I apologize in advance for the angst <3
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The deep night sky outside Natasha’s window makes her groan as she rolls over to check the time. 1:35 am, great. Exhaling, she swings herself out of bed, too restless to attempt even another hour of rest. Something feels off tonight, and it’s impeding her ability to get a good night’s sleep.
Instead of trying to close her eyes for the fifth time, she chooses to venture out into the compound’s kitchen to make some tea. It’s silent, almost eerie out in the hallway as the dark cast of nighttime has settled. She doesn’t bother to flick on the lights, the soft glow of the moon providing enough light as Natasha lets her hot mug of tea steep.
The quiet sound of shallow breathing makes her nearly drop the mug, her entire body turning around with haste to see who dares to intrude. To Natasha’s surprise, it’s not an intruder, but rather a familiar figure lying on the couch just across the room.
She approaches, quickly seeing that it’s you sprawled out on the cushions. But you're not all safe and snuggled up against the pillows, instead she spots the blood pooling around your abdomen.
“Hey,” Her hands make quick work of finding the source, the mug now left for the cold on the coffee table. Your eyes flutter open, but it’s obvious they won’t stay that way for long. “Stay with me, I need you to tell me what happened.”
Natasha applies pressure to your wound, a soft whimper escaping your lips. It’s the last bit of energy you can muster, your entire body feeling numb and lifeless. She uses her free hand to cup your cheek, her thumb running up and down in hopes the comfort will keep you conscious.
“I need help out here!” Natasha shouts, looking behind her for any sign of her team. Silence. “Shit, please!” Her volume increases as she eyes your pale skin under the moonlight.
Suddenly, a half-awake group of heroes runs out of their rooms, your eyes barely able to make out their blurry silhouettes. “Nat? What’s going on?” Bruce questions, quickly noticing your limp body on the couch.
“We need to get her to the med bay, while she still has a heartbeat preferably.” Natasha moves to carefully scoop you up, but not before Bruce calls for her to wait.
“There’s no way we can get her there without losing too much blood, I’ll be back in just a minute!” And just like that, the doctor is off running. Natasha furrows her brows and leans back in by your side.
“Please, stay with me. I’m right here.” She grabs your hand, and you’re able to offer the lightest squeeze. Still, it’s enough for the Widow, a small ounce of relief filling her as she realizes you’re not fully out of the game yet.
“Do you know how this happened?” Steve’s voice breaks her focus from you.
Nat shakes her head, attempting to wrack her brain for any possible inkling on how you’d land with a wound this deep. “She said something about a last minute mission earlier, but she didn’t make it sound like a big deal.”
Steve tilted his head in confusion. “Nat, there were no missions today… I would’ve signed off on it.” Natasha was left frozen, but there was no time to think on it any longer as Bruce sprinted over with a case full of supplies.
The Widow reluctantly moved to the side as he began working. The entire group is on edge as he begins to tediously stitch up the wound, excess blood continuing to pour out while Natasha attempts to keep pressure.
30 minutes and nearly 100 stitches later, you’re finally stable enough to be moved to the med bay. The slow mimicked beep of your heart rate fills the room as Natasha sits silently beside the bed. Bruce informed everyone on your current state, assuring them they shouldn’t keep their hopes up for a speedy recovery.
Regardless of your injuries, Natasha’s beside herself with worry without any idea of how this happened. The sun is beginning to peek over the city when Steve knocks on the door. “How’re you holding up?” He stands at the edge of your bed, opposite of Natasha.
“I’m fine,” She breathes. “I just… I can’t even imagine how she could’ve gotten a wound this bad.”
Steve crosses his arms as he scans your lifeless state. “Last minute mission, huh? Do you have any idea what she actually could’ve been doing?” There’s no response at first.
“I wish I did.” Natasha takes a deep breath, the weight of the situation starting to fill her with guilt. Is this her fault for not knowing your whereabouts?
“Don’t do that,” Steve breaks Nat out of her thoughts, getting a confused look as she brings her gaze to him. “Don’t blame yourself.”
She shakes her head once more. “Don’t tell me what to do.” He’s about to argue back, but is interrupted by the sudden blaring noise coming from your heart monitor. “Bruce!” She yells, watching as the flat blue line creates a steady horizon over the screen.
It all happens so fast. Bruce rushing in, beginning chest compressions. Natasha yelling over his shoulder while Steve tries to pull her away. All while the relentless sound of truth hits everyone at once. The beeping goes quiet.
So does Natasha, but only for a moment. “No, no, make it start beeping again. She’s not dead, make it start working!” She’s beginning to shout as she tries to reach for the lifeless vitals monitor.
“She’s gone Nat! She’s gone, and there’s nothing we can do to change that!” Steve tries to calm her down, ending up in a near fist fight with the Widow as her grief floods all at once. He pulls her to the wall, both sliding down it as she begins to sob.
Her thoughts are overwhelmed with flooding accusations; it’s all my fault, it should’ve been me. But one thing swirls her mind like a tornado, blowing away the blame as it can’t change the absolute truth. You’re dead. And no one knows why.
The beaming sun lands onto the table covered in papers, each white sheet filled to the brim with various logs and charts. Natasha’s at the head of it all, flipping through each record and scanning it thoroughly before doing the same to the next… and the next… and-
“Nat?” Steve stands in the doorway of the office, trying to hide his widened eyes at the sight before him. It’s only been a few days since your passing—and besides filling her time with your funeral planning, Natasha’s also been caught up in figuring out the cause. What got you the deathly wound in the first place?
She doesn’t even look up from her tedious task, the super soldier finally walking forward and seeing for himself what’s got her so focused. “Damn, you’ve got every single comms record, mission log, criminal activity report… Nat, I don’t think-“
“Don’t tell me what to do.” She interrupts, refusing to lift her eyes from the stack of papers she’s holding.
“Yeah, you’ve been saying that a lot these days,” Steve comments before sitting down across the table. “Look, if you want to find out what happened to her, I don’t think you’re going to find it here.”
Finally, Natasha’s gaze unsticks from the pages. “Are you saying you know something I don’t?” Her eyes nearly widened with desperation, the need to find out what happened to you tearing her apart.
Steve takes a deep breath, wondering if it’s a good idea to loop Natasha into another research frenzy. “Not necessarily. Her phone was found downtown this morning. I figured if anyone is going to look through it, it should be you.” He takes out the mobile phone from his pocket, placing it softly in the middle of her chaotic mess of papers.
Her breath catches, the sight of any remnant of you making her nearly start to cry again. She only manages to nod, slowly reaching out for the phone. Natasha takes a second to feel it in her hands, the same sleek shape reminding her of the numerous times you made her take your photo, or when you’d hand it over to show a cute video. The reminder of your consistent smiling expression, it made a tear finally break free from Natasha’s stoic hold.
Steve leaves her to it as she reluctantly powers it on. The sudden reveal of your lock screen image makes her question if she really wants to do this, a recent photo of you and her making silly faces burning into Natasha’s tender heart.
Typing in the passcode is like muscle memory. 3123. 3/1/23. The day you became an Avenger. As all of your apps and notifications load into place, there’s no turning back.
3 Unread Messages
Yelena Belova
Hey, did you do it?
Starting to get worried… did you make it back okay?
Okay, seriously, I’m freaking out.
“She’s in contact with your sister? Do you have any idea why?” Steve and Natasha sit around the living room, a narrowed down stack of mission logs now spread across the coffee table.
“No, my sister’s really good about being vague over text.” Natasha responds, scrolling through your text history with Yelena for the third time, her heart racing no matter how many times she’s seen it. Multiple messages about ‘completing’ something, ‘following through’, ‘making it back’, it was all so cryptic. And there’s only one way to try and find out what it means.
“I think I need to call Yelena.” Natasha deduces, sitting in silence for a moment as she thinks what this could lead to. She hasn’t spoken to her sister in a few years, but has heard inklings about her whereabouts. Working under a new branch, doing missions for anyone just to get by.
“Do you really think Yelena could’ve been involved in the cause of her death?” Steve questioned. Natasha shrugged unknowingly.
“At this rate, I’m not ruling it out.” Natasha discloses while pulling out her own phone. It takes a few seconds for her to find Yelena’s number, the phone ringing for quite a while before finally a familiar accent sounds.
“Natasha,” Yelena answers, a weary tone seeping through even with just her voice. “I think I know what this is about.”
“Well, I’m certainly not calling to ask for my sweater back.” Natasha comments, sitting in the uncomfortable silence that forms after.
“Please tell me she’s alive.” Yelena’s fully worried now as she realizes the only reason her sister could call had to pertain to the lack of your responses from the other week.
“She’s dead.” Natasha states bluntly. It’s easy to feel the guilt flooding over Yelena on the other end of the line. “What did you do to her?”
Yelena takes an offended breath. “Me! She was doing this for you!” More silence sits between both ends of the call, but this time it isn’t awkward—it’s accusatory.
“What do you mean, Yelena?” Natasha speaks slowly. “I need you to tell me everything you know.”
Natasha and Yelena unknowingly take a simultaneous deep breath. “She… she wanted to eliminate Veronika Lebedev.” The name makes Natasha shudder, just as you did the first time she told you about this target.
Veronika, one of the handful of people at the head of the Red Room that made Natasha’s past a living nightmare. She’d confided in you not long ago about her experience, and more specifically each encounter with the walking grim reaper known as Madam Lebedev.
It was at that moment, Natasha felt the worst dread of all. Not because she was reminded of all the horrid things that happened in the Red Room, but because she knew exactly what happened to you. You tried to eliminate one of the strongest forces Natasha’s faced.
“Nat?” Yelena pulls Natasha back into the present, her attention suddenly fixated on ending a certain perpetrator’s life. But suddenly, her mind is no longer preoccupied as her sister utters two powerful words. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? You're not the one that killed my closest friend.” Natasha breathes.
“Because she came to me asking where to look, and I told her. I shouldn’t have, I wasn’t thinking. I should’ve known Vernonika wouldn’t hesitate to swing first.” Yelena voices, the sound of sniffling lacing her words. “What’re you going to do?”
Natasha thinks for a moment, all the possibilities swirling in her mind. She wants more than anything to kill Veronika, to avenge your reason for knocking on death’s door too early. But a part of her feels urged to just… leave it.
What would you say if Natasha offered to go kill her worst enemy in your stead? You probably wouldn’t be too happy about it, and that very same thought process is working it’s way through the Widow’s mind.
“I think I need to bury my friend.” Natasha decides, the lingering guilt leaving her to get you safe and at peace as soon as possible. That’s her real priority, not killing someone, not avenging, not saving the world, but making sure her best friend can rest easy.
“I think that’s best.” Yelena agrees, the two of them sitting in a more comfortable silence now. “Hey, Nat?”
“Can I come to the funeral?” Yelena asks softly. Natasha chuckles slightly, the memory of you and the blonde meeting for the first time replaying in her mind. Endless laughter, constant jokes, and a bond that could never be broken. The same bond Natasha has with you that no one can deny, not even a sister. So who is she to deny Yelena that?
Natasha finally comes to an answer. “I think she’d love that.”
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your harry, your winner!!
or peaky blinders!! <33
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Euro 2024. Two Wins In One Night.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - this is a check in for this fic. ive wanted to write a part two of sorts to this for a while so enjoy hunnies.
word count - 1.2k
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July 2024.
England were champions of Europe.
Holy shit.
Holy Shit.
The final whistle echoes through the stadium, and suddenly, the roar of the crowd is all you can hear. England has done it—they've won the Euro 2024 final.
The dream of bringing football home is finally a reality. And at the heart of it all is your husband, Harry, the team’s captain, who played a pivotal role with a perfect assist to Cole Palmer in the 25th minute and then scored the winning goal in the 75th.
The energy in the stadium is electric, with every fan on their feet, celebrating this moment that will go down in history.
You sit in the stands, next to Phil Fodens girlfriend Rebecaa, whose little boy Ronnie has been playing with your little one Hunter.
Throughout the match, he held up a sign that read "Bring it home, Daddy," and now, as the victory sinks in, you feel an overwhelming surge of pride and emotion.
After the trophy ceremony, where Harry had lifted the Euro 2024 trophy high amidst a sea of teammates, you and Rebecca made your way down to the pitch, the atmosphere still buzzing with celebration.
As you approached the field, Hunter, bursting with excitement, broke free from your hand and sprinted ahead, his little voice ringing out,
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Harry, turning at the sound of his son’s voice, immediately dropped to one knee, his face lighting up with pure joy.
“Buddy!” he called back, his arms wide open as he prepared to catch his little boy.
Hunter didn’t slow down, running straight into Harry’s embrace.
“Daddy, you did it! You really did it!” he shouted, his voice filled with awe and pride.
Harry scooped him up, holding him close as if he never wanted to let go.
“We did it, buddy,” Harry said, his voice thick with emotion as he kissed the top of Hunter’s head. “I told you we’d bring it home, didn’t I?”
Hunter nodded eagerly, his small hands gripping Harry’s jersey. “You’re the best, Daddy! You’re a hero!”
Harry laughed, a sound full of warmth and love.
“No, buddy, you’re my hero,” he said softly, looking into his son’s wide, admiring eyes. “You gave me all the strength I needed out there. That sign you made… it made all the difference.”
Hunter beamed, his pride shining brighter than the stadium lights. “I knew you could do it, Daddy! I knew it!”
As you watched Harry spin Hunter around, the joy on their faces was everything you had ever hoped for.
You took a few steps forward, your heart full to bursting with pride and love. Harry caught your eye and gently set Hunter down, still smiling as he straightened up and reached out for you.
The distance between you vanished in an instant, and before you knew it, you were wrapped in his arms.
He pulled you close, his embrace warm and strong, the scent of sweat and victory clinging to him. You looked up into his eyes, the same eyes that had captured your heart years ago, now shining with triumph and love.
Without a word, you leaned in, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that was filled with everything you felt—pride, joy, and an overwhelming love that only deepened with every passing day.
When you pulled back, you rested your forehead against his, your hands still on his chest.
“I’m so proud of you, H,” you whispered, your voice full of emotion. “You were incredible out there. You made history.”
Harry smiled, his eyes softening as he looked at you.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he replied, his voice equally tender. “You and Hunter… you both gave me the strength to push through.”
You shook your head slightly, your eyes welling up with tears of happiness. “No, this was all you. You led them to victory. You brought football home. And you did it with so much heart.”
Harry’s hand cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear.
“I wanted to make you proud,” he said softly, his gaze never leaving yours. “More than anything, I wanted to do this for you and Hunter.”
You smiled, feeling your heart swell even more. “You’ve always made me proud, H. Today, you just reminded the whole world why.”
You pulled back slightly, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“Harry,” you began softly, your voice full of warmth and excitement. “There’s one more thing we need to do before we can really celebrate.”
Harry raised an eyebrow, his expression curious but still glowing with happiness.
“What is it?” he asked, his hand still resting on your waist.
You bit your lip, your heart racing as you looked down at Hunter, who was still beaming with pride.
“Look at the back of Hunter’s jersey,” you said, your voice trembling just a little with the anticipation of the moment.
Harry’s brow furrowed in confusion, but he turned to crouch down beside Hunter, gently guiding him to turn around. At first, he just stared at the back of the tiny jersey, reading the words out loud without fully processing them.
“Big Brother…?”
He paused, the words hanging in the air as his mind started to catch up. For a moment, there was just silence, his eyes still on the jersey as the realization slowly dawned.
Then, like a light switch flicking on, his head snapped up to look at you, his eyes wide with disbelief and hope.
“Wait… does this mean…?” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your eyes brimming with tears of joy, a wide smile spreading across your face.
“Yes, H,” you whispered, your voice full of emotion. “I’m pregnant. We’re having another baby.”
For a second, Harry was completely still, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. Then, in an instant, his face lit up with the purest joy you had ever seen.
He scooped you into his arms, lifting you off the ground as he spun you around, laughing with sheer happiness.
“Oh my God, are you serious?” he exclaimed, his voice cracking with emotion.
You laughed, nodding as he set you down, his hands still holding your waist as if he couldn’t bear to let go.
“I’m serious, H. We’re going to be a family of four.”
He let out a joyous shout, his eyes glistening with happy tears as he pulled you close again, pressing his forehead to yours.
“I can’t believe it… This is the best day of my life,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “First we bring football home, and now this? I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
Hunter, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, finally caught on and tugged on Harry’s sleeve.
“Daddy, I’m gonna be a big brother!” he declared, his excitement bubbling over.
Harry crouched down again, pulling Hunter into a hug, his voice filled with pride and love. “Yes, you are, buddy. You’re going to be the best big brother ever.”
He looked back up at you, his eyes still shining.
“I don’t even know what to say,” he admitted, shaking his head in amazement. “You’ve made me so happy, more than I ever thought possible.”
You leaned in, kissing him softly, your heart full to bursting with love. “You deserve it, Harry. You’ve given me everything, and now our family is growing.”
Harry’s smile was so wide it looked like it might never fade.
“This is our moment,” he said, his voice full of certainty and joy. “Our family, our future… I can’t wait to do this with you.”
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toji-sweetheart · 3 months
hi minx! 🖤 if you’re still accepting entries for your kick off event, i’d love to see something with draken or katsuki (you pick) saying no. 46.
“i’ll be good, i promise.”
18+ only content - mdni
hello, sweetpea! I wasn't sure how to put Draken in that but with Katsuki I had the perfect idea lmaooo I love them both so much! - kick-off event
tags: fem reader + a bit of smut but not graphic
Katsuki's brash nature was something you were used to, however, your parents were not. They didn't understand why you would be with someone so outspoken, but he was the voice you wished you had.
Your boyfriend didn't mind stepping on toes without thinking first and he was fire burning bright in your life, you love Katsuki Bakugo and all his sharp edges that have softened over time being with you.
The man who once was dubbed as the biggest asshole anyone had ever met was now a soft teddy bear, nearing his thirties Katsuki adored your softness and his own as well. It was something he embraced and turns out he enjoyed you being bossy in bed.
When you pushed him down on top of the soft mattress to ride his face into oblivion, falling head first into the pit of pleasure that his tongue brought you to, or when your fingers threaded through his blonde hair to tug his head back to nibble on his neck.
"Do we have to go?" Katsuki asked as he stood behind you, eyeing the way your dress clung to you like a second skin, the curve of your ass made his palms itch to grab and grope the soft flesh.
Your eyes met in the mirror as you turned to look at him and fix his tie before wrapping it around your fist to tug him closer for a kiss, his lips melded perfectly with yours. Katsuki wrapped you up in thick strong arms as he held you close while pecking your lips with a groan.
Hero Gala's are no fun to him.
They're stuffy, filled with people in tight clothes and talking about things he could answer in an interview or some other time. "Yes, you're in the top five, all of Japan looks up to you." You hummed.
Katsuki grumbled and slid one large palm to squeeze your ass before letting you go to grab your wallet while his ruby eyes followed you around the room then down the stairs and all the way to the limo where he opened the door for you wishing you both stayed home.
The idea of people around him pressing and probing made his skin tight with anger and an uncomfortableness that seemed to eat away at his nerves exposing them. "I love you, Kats, you look handsome."
"I love you too, my biggest fan." His voice was a throaty purr and his eyes crinkled with his teasing smile that had you rolling your eyes as you patted his knee letting him trail kisses up your neck.
When the limo pulled up to the curb you were met with bright flashing lights and screaming from the people on the sidelines watching as heroes made their way inside and when they saw Katsuki the whole place erupted followed by them chanting his name.
"See?" With your arm linked with his the both of you made it inside after Katsuki stopped to sign some merch and even a woman's shirt with a very faded picture of him on the front.
Time seemed to trickle by slowly which in turn irritated your boyfriend and when anyone spent more time looking at you than necessary he wanted to gouge their eyeballs out. "Last I checked your eyes weren't on your chest." He mumbled to himself.
You looked at him and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.
His patience was running thin and he began snapping at the waiters who came by. "You're acting out a bit." You reminded him in a soft tone as you guided him down a dim hallway to a deserted closet.
It was too dark to tell what was in it but you didn't care, and neither did Katsuki, his mouth found yours with no light needed, and his tongue tasted of sweet champagne tangled with yours.
His hands groped your back unable to help himself as the kissing grew more frantic, he needed somewhere to bury his irritation and your cunt seemed to be the best place to do so. "Ah, ah, ah." You tsked and unbuckled his belt slowly.
The sound filled the room as you nipped his bottom lip earning a growl. "I’ll be good, I promise." His words came out thick with desire and when you freed his aching cock, Katsuki hissed softly.
"I know you will be, if you can hold on for at least twenty more minutes when we get home I'll let you put me in whatever position you want." You whispered promising him the one thing wants.
Another growl gurgled low in his throat as you slowly pumped your fist up and down the length of his cock using the pre as a lube before pulling away to let him suck your fingers clean. "I'll see you out there."
The door clicked when you shut it and the only thing Katsuki could hear was your high heels clicking against the tile growing softer and softer until he heard the blood rushing in his ears.
feedback such as comments and reblogs are highly appreciated, those kind words mean a lot and encourage me to do more writing ♡
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the-hype-on-tv · 7 months
Superman shows up at the Hall of Justice as everyone is minding their own business. Flash, Cyborg and Green Lantern are chatting by the cafeteria while Martian Manhunter and Aquaman are watching Hawkgirl spar with Wonder Woman.
The Man of Steel stops by each member and hands them a card and a box, each one decorated accordingly to their themes and likings.
"Happy Valentine's!" his smile flashes as he speaks. Tilting his head and turning to the sides, he then lifts an eyebrow. "Where's B?"
"Didn't show up today," Flash replies, unraveling the pretty lightning themed bow that held his gifted box shut. "Try checking the monitor room."
"He is not here. Perhaps he is patrolling Gotham at this hour." J'onn adds after a quick psychic scan, smiling to see the Oreo dessert that Superman got for him in his gift box.
Kal wishes them all a happy Valentine's day once again, before exiting and soaring to the sky in Gotham's direction. The early night settled in with the melting snow as he held close the last boxes on his strong hands.
"Superman!" a familiar voice reaches him, from the top of a sky scraper. He lowers himself to float near a small figure on top of a gargoyle.
"Hello, Robin! Have you seen Batman around?"
The small boy ties his thick eyebrows in a scowl. They are so much like his father's, Superman chuckles internally at the resemblance.
"Don't worry," he opens a friendly grin to the boy "I brought something for you as well. Jon sends his regards." Handing the smaller box to the boy, a flashy card with an attempted portrait drawn attached to it. Although he pretends he can't, Kal notices the hitch on the kid's heartbeat when he grabs and takes a look at the gift.
A nod as thanking, the boy wonder jumps off and grapples, disappearing into the Gotham night. Kal follows him with his head.
As he faces the dark, a known heartbeat comes behind him, in the shadows. He plays as though he can't hear it, waiting for the sign to acknowledge the Dark Knight's presence.
"Superman." it's broody as always, but not as cold as when they first met. A subtle fondness hides under the growling bat, as the hero swirls around to face it.
"Hey, B." he steps on the gargoyle as the other comes close to it as well. "Happy Valentine's."
"I told you not to wander into my city like that." lifting an eyebrow, the bat claims with his arms crossed over his chest. His gauntlets are dirty, as if he's just out of some punching and kicking criminals. Superman's sapphire eyes meet the cowl lenses with awkwardness as he fidgets with the last box.
It is black and wrapped with a bow with yellow hearts. It's no bigger than his two hands, but it feels like holding his own heart as he sticks it out for his best friend to grasp.
As Batman does so, his face twitches almost unnoticeably for anyone who isn't as close to the man as Superman is. He opens it slowly and gives into the urge to smile, a light smirk pulled on the edge of his lips.
"You shouldn't have." the Knight jokes, lifting up the silly plushies gifted by his friend. It's a Batman and a Superman plushie, but the man soon notices that they are united by some sewn strings on their stubby hands. Something is embroidered on them: Super Friends. The Bat can't help but chuckle.
"I know it's corny, but I thought it was fitting." the kryptonian approaches even more, his grin brighter than the sun itself. Batman traces over the message with his dark gloves, feeling how fresh and homemade these are compared to the rest of the plushies' sews.
He closes the gap between their faces, two figures on the inky skyline professing their closeness to each other. He hadn't even glanced at the clearly bought cards that said "you are my hero" and "be my Valentine".
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bara-izu · 1 year
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☼Personality | Family | Diety | Relationships ☼
v Full profile under cut v
☼ Personality ☼
A gentle giant, Halion prides himself on his ability to defuse situations through constructive conversation, only using violence as a last resort. (*Cough* With the exception of some big bad nasties who dont deserve a chance...*Cough*)
In an ideal world, he believes power should be used to protect those in need, and while not everyone shares this idology, he will ensure his own strengths will do just that.
Although Halion may seem naive on the surface, he just likes to see the best in everything, desperately trying to keep a positive spin on things - for his own sanity... He hopes this positivity can be a beacon of light for others, though it can be a detriment to himself, hiding his own anxieties to keep up a smile...
Behind his cheerful disposition, he also had a devious sense of humor, he also understands that sometimes, feigning ignorance, makes it easier to get what you want....sometimes....
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Gorgeous template by: Arcandoria
☼ Family ☼
Born in Elturel, Halion was raised by his adoptive parents; his half-elf father, a quiet, mild mannered scholar, and his Dwarf mother, a loud, cheerful jeweler in the city of Candlekeep. Growing up in the fortress of knowledge, the young teifling was surrounded by stories documenting the achievements of heroes past, filling him with an desire to join them one day.
At the age of 7, the family moved to Baldur's Gate, his parents retiring to focus on themselves and raising their child. Halion still has a very close relationship with his parents, with of course them being the first people he went to check on after arriving back in the city.
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☼ Diety & Paladin Oath ☼
While his parents aren't particularly devout, during his younger years, still attached to stories of powerful and heroic characters, Halion looked to the Gods that inspired them, in hopes that he could channel their goodwill.
Growing particularly fond of the MorningLord, Lathander, Halion aspired to become a Paladin under the 'Order of the Aster', some of the highest ranking knights in the clergy. However, as he grew older, he began to understand that The Order, much like many others, were far too militarian and heavy handed for his liking. While he was still determined to train and protect those around him, Halion had detached himself from the church as an institution, to follow his own head and heart.
'Sunblaze' is not his surname, but a title given to him when he first took up his Oath. While he no longer follows the group he got the title from, he still holds it dear.
☼ Relationships ☼
☼ Shadowheart:
Like a sister to him. While he found it difficult to navigate around her spikey exterior at first, he soon found a little banter and trust goes a long way. He felt an great smpathy for the way her desires to be a dark justiciar fizzled out after the events with the Nightsong, and while not as dramatic, could related to his aspirations with the Aster Order.
After the events with the Netherbrain, she has been invited to stay with his parents, himself and Astarion for as long as she wishes, while they find a new place to settle.
☼ Gale:
From their first meeting, the two got along incredibly well. Sharing their hunger for knowledge, the two would share whatever books they had collected along the way. Unfortunately, this also lead to a little bit of misunderstanding...And while Halion was very excited to learn about the weave, he couldn't quite read the signs... And was severely embarrassed when he had to turn gale down... It took some time but after they were able to go back to being friends.
After the events of the Netherbrain, Gale left following an argument about the crown... Halion is still sad about this and hopes to eventually make contact with him again, wherever he may be...
☼ Astarion:
Starting on a bad note, Halion found it hard to understand him at first. But despite his grumbles Astarion stayed with the group, which lead him to understand his prickerly behaviour was similar to Shadowhearts- in a form of self preservation. Similarly to the events with Gale, Halion didn't quite read the mood (or pass the insight check...) and was swept up in Astarion's manipulations, thinking they had formed a close bond...
However, after the encounter at Moonrise, Halion suggested they start again, as friends first. in a 'I know we both have feelings, but i think you have more important things on your mind' kind of way, reassuring him he'd still be there.
It was only after the conclusion of events with Cazador did the pair start again.
After the final events with the netherbrain, Halion swore to continue to search for a way for Astarion to walk in the sun again. Along with shadowheart, the trio are currently relocating his parents first before they continue their adventure.
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talewrites · 6 months
It’s the Little Things
Hope you enjoy my gushy short little fic :]
(I posted this once before but I was too embarrassed so I took it down. Putting it back now 😂)
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
TMNT Raphael x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warnings: RIDICULOUSLY mushy, self-serving fluff, kissed while asleep
The rain quietly pattered against the dark window panes as the light from the TV flashed in the glass’s reflection. It was the end of a very long patrol, and Raph had made it back to your apartment quite late. As usual.
But as usual, you were up waiting for him with a hot dinner lovingly prepared.
Your daily lives were vastly different from each other. You ran a quiet bookstore in a reclusive area downtown, while Raph was one of the city’s fierce vigilante heroes alongside his brothers. You were definitely an odd couple. But you had your moments.
Moments like these- Raph thought gratefully as he swallowed another bite of your steaming homemade stew, piled onto a thick slice of buttered sourdough bread. He closed his eyes as he savored the rich flavor, saturated in red wine and melty slow-cooked beef, and had to stifle himself from moaning around the food in his mouth. Somehow you always managed to make the most delicious food, the kind that could warm and comfort tired and aching bones after a long day.
Speaking of you.
Raphael glanced across the small wooden dinner table in their comfy little apartment, and found you sitting with your chin propped up on your crossed hands, with a glowing joyful expression on your face as you happily watched him enjoying the meal you’d made.
- and Raph immediately turned his head away, already beginning to feel his cheeks burning under his mask.
“…..It’s good.” He said gruffly, not daring to chance another glance across the table as he practically felt your joy intensify from his praise.
“ I’m glad~” It was a humble, yet cheerful response. Yet, somehow it left something fluttering in the large turtle’s chest. His face scrunched up tensely as he tried to will away the building heat in his cheeks, and resorted to hiding his face in the bowl of the heavenly stew.
…..Raphael was quite certain you would someday be the death of him.
Later that night, after you two had had your fill of dinner and the pot and bowls were soaking in the sink, you curled up together on your old couch in front of the TV. Raph was watching the evening news, followed by a mobster period drama he found he secretly enjoyed. While you had made home with a blanket and a book curled up in the grumpy turtle’s lap.
Raphael was lazily watching the TV and gratefully melting into the couch, letting his head tip back and stretch out the sore muscles in his neck. He barely noticed the pressure of you snuggled up warmly on his lap, already so accustomed to the feeling that at this point it would be more strange without it. When suddenly, he heard a clatter and flop from what sounded like your book sliding to the floor. He looked back up, expecting you to clamor up to retrieve it, but found you made no movement.
“……..?...” Raph looked down to check on you, and was met with the adorable sight of your peaceful sleeping face. Your head resting comfortably against his chest as you breathed slowly and deeply. A hand curled up under your chin while he other was pressed flat against his chest.
Raphael immediately felt his whole face heat up deeply at the sight, having to turn his head away and place a hand over his mouth for a moment to insure he wouldn’t explode from the sudden swell of feelings building up in his chest. He tried taking a deep breath to calm himself down. ‘What am I, a teenage girl….?’ He chastised himself as he calmed down enough to look back to you.
‘……Are they really asleep?’ He wondered. Raph studied your face, checking for signs of movement behind your eyes, but became caught up admiring the long strokes of your eyelashes against your cheek. It was just a small detail, but somehow, it sparked a warm feeling in him.
Raph found himself staring quietly at you as you dozed, and he became captured by your features as he gazed at you so closely. Your little nose, your soft complexion, playfully messy licks of your hair, the soft line of your jaw…. The corners of Raph’s mouth began to pull up in a kind smile as he gazed at you. Quietly, he drew up his hand to comb some stray hairs into place, and trailed down to gently stroke across your cheek, until the pad of his thumb came to brush softly across your lips.
Raphael was completely enthralled, and lost himself in his delicate ministrations. Before he even realized it, he found himself leaning in closely, until his lips connected lightly with yours. It was a delicate, revering, chaste kiss, one he would never have the courage to initiate around your waking self. But right now, not even the adoring (and embarrassing) gaze of his lover was present to shy him away from his enamor.
You stirred at the ticklish sensation, brows drawing together and making a soft cute sound as you sighed into the kiss, drawn awake by your boyfriend’s soft touches.
Raphael froze still upon hearing the small sleepy noise come from you. His heart fluttered nervously in his chest, afraid he had been caught in his intimate moment. Slowly, he pulled away from your lips and looked down at your face. Raph was met with the sight of lidded eyes staring up at him, with a faint blush and sleepy smile gracing your face.
Raph was indeed caught. But before he could fully process his quickly rising embarrassment, you quickly shut your eyes and feigned sleep once again.
“........???????” He was very confused now. That was definitely not the reaction he was expecting.
“......(y/n).....?” Raph called out to check on you, not exactly sure what to do in this turn of events after being caught sweetly kissing his sleeping lover. But you just kept your eyes closed, a very loving smile still painting your face.
“Mmh...... no..... I’m still asleep....... keep kissing me......~” You whispered sleepily from your spot nestled in the crook of his arms.
Raph was stunned. It felt as if an arrow had pierced his heart and warmed his whole body from head to toe. Your smile only grew wider from feeling him go tense, and your hand slowly reached up to stroke against Raph’s rough cheek, tempting him to draw back in until your lips met once again.“Mmh~” You made a happy sound that hummed ticklishly against Raph’s lips, breaking him out of his surprise and enticing him to return the kiss.
It was soft, slow, and wet, how your lips moved against each other in your own quiet revere under the comfortable cover of night. You both drew away for breath, only to gravitate in to meet again and again to taste each other. Raph became emboldened as your hand lazily trailed up to push up his mask, and he leaned down to start peppering kisses across your face. Smooching your nose, your eyelids, the dips of your cheeks, your brows, forehead, and the corners of your mouth. He smooched his lover softly until you were left giggling softly in his arms. He paused to listen to the adorable sound, more bright and peaceful than any church bells, before he went back to praise and worship those velvety lips once again.
You kissed back more slowly than before, your passion still there but your energy seemed to be waning. Your hand slid from Raph’s cheek and came to rest on his chest, and you felt your mind grow fuzzy from the gentle brushes of his lips. Soon, you felt yourself melt completely back into Raph’s warm embrace, as your sleepiness overcame you once again at the parting of one more kiss.
Raphael paused for only a moment to catch his breath between loving smooches, before he moved to return once again. He softly brushed his lips against yours in quiet invitation, but surprisingly, he found that you did not return his kiss. Instead, he felt the slow gentle draws of breath against his lips. You had fallen fast asleep with your head nestled against his shoulder, lulled to rest by his sweet kisses.
Raphael paused as your breaths tangled in the small space between your lips. All he could do was stare into the peaceful resting expression of his lover wrapped warmly in his embrace. His gaze didn’t leave your lips, swollen red from his attention. The soft breath of sleep tickling against his own sensitive lips. The large turtle felt a smile tugging at his mouth at the sight of his normally energetic partner so easily put to sleep in his arms. He wondered briefly if he could ever endure this level of affection from you at your usual energy, and came to the conclusion that he would most likely combust after only a few seconds.
Raph eventually came back to his senses. His cheeks heating into a bright red glow of self-consciousness as recognition dawned of his own actions.
Raphael closed his eyes tightly shut as he tried to shut out the feeling of steam rising from his head. He ducked his head, burying his heated face into your hair as he tried to suppress the building need to implode from embarrassment. He silently muttered excuses but quickly gave in to the strong feelings clenching in his chest.
He was helplessly in love with you.
(He was still denying it.)
“...........What are you doing to me shorty...” He quietly mumbled, resentfully, yet, adoringly into your hair.
(But of course, that won’t stop him from trying to suffocate these embarrassing feelings. He had a reputation to uphold after all.)
But it was times like these, under the privacy of a silent night, with sweet words and gentle touches, that Raphael gave in.
It’s the little things.
And he carried you off to bed.
The End
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enbyenvy666 · 6 months
May I request an a/b/o hitoshi shinso x cismale reader? They're all aged up, and a hero Shinso meets civilian reader. Just some fluffy interactions of shinso courting the reader, with a fluffy'n'smut ending? Thank you for your time!
wow this took so long to write lol
honestly i just took this idea and ran with it so i hope the wait was worth it ! also i haven't written for Shinso before so hopefully he isn't too ooc
(also he doesn't have a cannon hero name so i tried to get around that by the reader giving him a nickname instead)
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CONTENT WARNINGS - 18+ MDNI, a/b/o, alpha!Shinso, omega!reader, slight scent and breeding kink, knotting, mating press, reader is a paramedic, reader treats shinso's minor wounds, fluff n smut, no beta we die like men w/c - 3.7k
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Red and blue flashing lights made Shinso’s head hurt, straining his already tired eyes. Police cars and ambulances surrounded him and his fellow heroes, showing up after a particularly rough takedown. He had a couple of scrapes and bruises, but the paramedics wouldn’t let him leave before they assessed him. The only problem was, that there were others with more severe injuries than his own so it was taking a while.
As he sat on the curb, fiddling with his capture weapon, two work boot-clad feet entered his view. His purple eyes trailed up their legs, noticing the deep green uniform they wore with the paramedic shield embroidered over their chest pocket which held a couple of pens.
“Alright Mr. Hero, it’s your turn,” you grinned down at him, waving him towards one of the empty ambulances. He stood with a groan, feeling one of the cuts on his arm burn and sting. You climbed into the back of the ambulance, guiding Shinso to sit on the stretcher. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from you as you fluffed around his, slipping a sphygmomanometer around his arm and a pulse oximeter on his finger.
“Any pain anywhere?” You asked, and if he wasn’t looking at your lips he wouldn’t have noticed.
“No,” he muttered, watching how you gently inspected the cut on his arm. Even through the latex of the sanitised gloves, he could feel the warmth of your fingertips. Just when the band around his upper arm felt like it couldn’t get any tighter, it slowly deflated. You looked at the reading and smiled.
“Blood pressure is good.” But when you read the result of the oximeter, you frowned a little. Shinso didn’t like seeing you frown, and he wanted to do anything to see you smile again.
“Pulse is a little high,” you mumbled. If it was possible, he would’ve slowed his pulse at that moment, just to make this stranger happy. Readjusting the device on his finger, you also squeezed his hand in yours absentmindedly as you typed in his results onto your little laptop.
“I’ll keep this on a little longer, but otherwise you’re in good shape! I’ll just clean up your wounds a little and you should be good to go.” Finally, that smile was back on your face, showing off your pretty teeth while you changed your gloves.
The alcohol used to disinfect his cuts and scrapes stung, every time he would wince you would softly apologise. One by one, you tended to his wounds and with each bandage he felt himself growing more and more infatuated. As you softly dabbed an alcohol-soaked cotton pad over the smell scrapes near his hairline, he spotted something shiny under your uniform collar.
It was a scent-coating collar, torn and ragged around the edges, clearly old and worn out, but as he inhaled, he could smell the faint scent of you.
“You’re an omega,” he mumbled. You chuckled nervously, movements stuttering for a moment before you leaned away from him.
“Oh, yeah, guess I need a new one huh?” You joked, referring to the band that circled your neck. With a bandage in hand, you leaned back over Shinso and softly pressed it over the scrape, smoothing the edges down with your fingers.
“I’m just gonna check your eyes for any signs of a concussion,” you explained as you pulled out a pen from your pocket, clicking the small button on the side of it. The end lit up, and you pointed it towards his eyes.
“You should be fine… just making sure because you did hit your… head.” You trailed off, too concentrated on the way his pupils contracted and expanded. The way you bit your lip made his heart flutter, and he almost got worried the oximeter would read too high again. But that would mean he would get to stay with you longer so maybe it wasn’t a bad thing.
“Just keep staring at my nose.” Gladly. The light flickering in and out of his vision irritated his eyes even more, so he was thankful when you pocketed the pen and smiled.
“Alright, you’re good to go!” He almost wished there was something wrong just so you would stay with him, but alas, he left the ambulance. All of the other ambulances and police cars were gone, leaving just you, him and your partner.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
“No problem, Mr. Hero,” you grinned back.
“It’s-“ The walkie on your belt started barking out codes and addresses, to which you grimaced. Must not be good.
“Shit, gotta go,” you muttered, quickly turning and rushing back into the passenger seat of the ambulance. Your partner got in the driver's seat, and just before they turned on the lights and sirens, you leaned out the window and shouted goodbye to Shinso. He couldn’t stop his lazy grin as he waved back at you, watching you zoom away, off to save someone’s life, he presumed.
He didn’t realise how much of an impact you made on him until he had another rough take down and you weren’t one of the paramedics that showed up. He felt disappointed, and the way the paramedics tended to his injuries wasn’t as gentle as you were. He wasn’t sure why, but he missed you.
It took some searching, but eventually, he found you at an ambulance station during one of your few breaks from being on the road helping patients. As you were taking stock of the inventory in your ambulance, Shinso’s messy indigo hair.
“Hi Mr.Hero,” you greeted happily, climbing down from the back of the ambulance, clipboard in hand.
“What can I do for you? If you’re looking for medical assistance I’m required to tell you to go to the hospital, I can take you there if you need?”
“No, I’m okay,” Shinso denied. While your eyes flashed with confusion, the same gentle yet gleeful smile stayed on your lips.
“I just wanted to thank you.”
“Oh! There’s no need, I’m just doing my job,” you dismissed with a wave of your hand. It looked soft, and he wanted to hold it, brush his thumb over your knuckles, or maybe his lips. To stop him from grabbing your hand and doing just that, he fiddled with his capture weapon, just like he was doing when he first laid eyes on you.
While he didn’t like you denying your hard work as ‘just part of the job’, he understood where you were coming from. He often has the same mentality when it comes to being a hero, and that makes him feel closer to you.
“I also wanted to,” he hesitated, feeling an unusual anxiety bubbling up into his throat. Why did this feel so difficult?
“Ask you to dinner.”
Your smile dropped, and so did Shinso’s stomach. Your cheeks grew warm as you looked away from the hero, covering your mouth with your hand to hide your giddy grin. If you had a tail, it would’ve been wagging at the speed of sound. Composing yourself, you looked back at Shinso, but nervously couldn’t meet his hooded eyes.
“I’d love to.”
The weight on his shoulders lifted, and he quietly sighed in relief with the faintest smile. But as soon as you started to organise when to go out, you both realised that your schedules didn’t align very well. Shinso kept on his stoic appearance even as he felt his hopes crumble. Was this really how it ended, before it even started, all because of conflicting schedules?
But finally, there was a night when you and him were free. It was a month away, but at least it was something. That date is what carried him through work. On tough days, he would remind himself of his dinner with you, counting down the days until it finally arrived.
He couldn’t believe how nervous he felt, but at least his stoic demeanour didn’t betray that fact. The flame of the candle on the table flickered and swayed, Shinso’s purple eyes watching its every move. Time felt like it was moving too slowly. What felt like ten minutes of watching the flame dance was truly only a minute, but every second of it made him more and more anxious.
The longer he waited, the more he fretted that you weren’t going to show up. Perhaps the month's wait had given you enough time to change your mind. Tugging on his sleeves and collar didn’t help to cool him down, but it was the only sign that he was upset. Just as he was about to get up and leave, the chair across from him was pulled back.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” How could he be mad at you? Your skin glowed in the candlelight, your lips parted in an apologetic smile that showed your beautiful teeth (even with any imperfections). You sat down before holding up a single rose in your hand and handing it to him.
“As an apology.”
“I wasn’t sure what kind you liked,” you explained sheepishly, hands nervously fiddling in your lap under the table.
“Don’t worry, it’s perfect,” he smiled softly. Thankfully dinner continued without a hitch, except for when a fan wanted a picture with Shinso. He was annoyed until he caught you stifling a giggle across the table. He loved to see you laugh.
When dinner was over, he didn’t want to say goodbye, even as you stood outside the restaurant, a cab waiting, he didn’t want to let go of your hand. It just fit so well in his. As you turned to him, looking up into his tired eyes, you smiled.
“I had a really good time,” you admitted, squeezing his hand. Lifting up onto your toes, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. While it was only quick, to Shinso it felt like an eternity. Your soft lips on his skin, your scent clouding his senses, your palm on his chest to steady yourself. It took everything in him to not sweep you off your feet at that moment and claim you as his omega. But alas, you stepped away, with a final call for him to text you before you climbed into the taxi.
He was more infatuated than ever, finding more and more opportunities to visit you at the ambulance station. After learning your favourite snacks, he would drop them off for your lunch or dinner if you were working later. Sometimes he’d even leave flowers and on a Valentine’s Day when you were working, he left chocolates and a stuffed bear.
On nights when it was too late for a date but you were both free, you would talk on the phone for hours.
“And then she tried to hit me when I tried to check her blood pressure! I get that no one likes it, but come on! There’s no need to get violent,” you ranted.
“I know what you mean, I feel like old ladies just want to let their anger out at anyone who cares. One time I got a lady's purse back from a robber and she yelled at me for swinging her purse around too much,” Shinso replied with a soft chuckle. You bit your lip when you heard the sound. It was melodic.
“I mean, we’re just trying to help, aren’t we?” You agreed, rolling onto your stomach, legs idly swinging behind you.
“How did you go after the handoff today?” Shinso asked, running his fingers through his soft hair as he also lounged on his bed. Earlier that day, he caught a man in a hit-and-run who didn’t quite like being held accountable. He was claiming he had chest pains which meant an ambulance had to be called, and Shinso was super happy when he saw you climb out of the vehicle.
“He got worse once you and the cops were gone, the asshole even ripped off my collar,” you grumbled. Shinso felt possessiveness and anger at the thought of that guy putting his hands on you and harming you.
“You weren’t hurt, were you?” He asked.
“I’m fine, my partner managed to subdue him until we got him to the hospital.” It eased his worries to hear you were unharmed, but he was still worried about you.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow night?” He asked, chewing on the inside of his cheek. Your hum through the speaker sounded like a soothing drone, he could use it as white noise if he wanted to.
“Don’t think so, why?”
“Do you want to come over? Dinner and a movie at my place?” Your legs kicked behind you like an excited teen, butterflies swarming your stomach.
“I’d love to.”
Both you and Shinso slept with grins, excited for the next evening. Work felt like a breeze, nothing could get you down when you knew you would be seeing Shinso when your shift ended. He felt the same, if not more excited and anxious.
Before you knew it, you were standing on his doorstep, fist raised shakily to knock on the door. As soon as your knuckles hit the wood, it swung open, revealing Shinso. He must’ve been waiting on the other side of the door.
He invited you in, to which you graciously accepted. You didn’t miss how he held one arm behind his back, but you were too distracted by looking around his home to say anything. It was cute, and you noticed the cat toys strewn about. Shinso cleared his throat, your attention now trained on him.
“I got something for you,” he mumbled, revealing the box he was keeping hidden. He seemed nervous, which made you feel anxious in return. With ginger touches, you took the box and opened it enough to peek inside. It was a collar, amethyst in colour with shining silver metal on the buckle. A definite upgrade from your last one.
“Shinso!” You gasped, picking it up from the box. The inside of it was soft so it wouldn’t irritate your skin, and you could smell that slightly chemical scent that would cover yours.
“It’s beautiful!”
“Do you like it?” He still asked, wanting to quell his anxiety.
“I love it,” you grinned, wrapping your arms around his waist, and pulling him into a tight hug. He quickly reciprocated, head tucked into your shoulder. Without the old collar, he could smell your scent entirely. It was sweet, intoxicating. You pulled away and turned your back to him while holding up the collar.
While he wished you didn’t have to cover your scent, he still complied, clipping on the collar, wanting to do anything to make you happy. Using your phone as a mirror, you admired how the piece looked around your neck, unable to hold in your excited squeal.
Pulling the hero in for another hug, you muttered repeated thank yous. He held you in his arms as you pulled back to look up at him. Shinso’s smile was soft, but it was enough to make you feel jittery. With your gaze locked on his, the world around you fell silent.
Slowly, he leaned down, lips meeting yours in a kiss so passionate it made your knees weak. But you weren’t worried, you knew he would catch you. His hands groped and tugged on your body, palms rough from years of hero work. Your hands found his hair, threading through the soft strands. Everything grew heated, clothes striped and initial date plans pushed to the side until you were finished.
The rest of the night felt feather light, and like there was a warm glow around Shinso, the edges of your vision tinted in rose. Dinner tasted like magic because he cooked it. And the movie was perfect because he picked it. Everything about him was amazing. You were on cloud nine, even as you went to bed alone in your home.
But that all changed by the next morning. Your body felt hot, coated in a sheen of sweat, and struggling to breathe. Stumbling out of bed and making your way to the bathroom, you could feel the slick between your thighs and realise how hard you were. Your reflection showed your sweat-dotted face and messy hair. Your cheeks didn’t cool even after you splashed cold water on your face, so all you could do was slink back into bed.
Your encounter with Shinso last night must’ve had more of an effect on you than you thought, leaving you in heat and needing more. Even as your hands shook, you managed to dial the man in question.
“Hello?” He spoke into the phone. His voice made you whimper, which he heard.
“‘toshi,” you whimpered.
“Is everything okay, baby?” He asked.
“Need you. So bad,” you panted, unable to resist the temptation of palming yourself through your underwear.
“What’s wrong?” The concerned tone in his voice was noticeable.
“In, ah, heat.” You swore you could hear him fumble the phone.
“I’ll be right there okay? Just hold on for me.” He hung up, much to your chagrin as you wanted to keep listening to his voice. It felt like an eternity before he finally showed up. You met him at the door, almost tackling him the second the door opened. He managed to get you back inside, even as you tried to climb him like a tree.
With your arms and legs wrapped around him, he carried you back inside, trying to ignore the way your scent made his body react. He felt himself growing hard, and a hot flush washed over his body. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you right then and there, but he needed to wait a little while longer, then he could have you. Carrying you to your bedroom was the easy part, but getting you to let go of him was another level of difficulty.
You ended up just dragging him onto the bed with you, desperately clawing at his back to keep him close, to drown in him. His hands shook, his grip on you wavering as he fought his urges. As much as he wanted to breed you, he wanted to make his omega as comfortable as possible. 
Finally unlatching you from his body, leaving you to whine and squirm on the bed. Hitoshi shrugged the duffle bag off his shoulder, one you hadn’t even noticed. Blanket after blanket, he pulled them from the bag and placed them around you on the bed, creating a nest for you. 
“I wanted to bring pillows but I didn’t have enough room-” your lips collided with his, arms pulling him close till your body was flush against his. 
“It’s perfect,” you whispered between kisses, slowly pulling him down to the bed. Desperately needing air, he parted from your kiss as your back hit the mattress. You looked like a god below him, the sweat dotting your skin made your body glow. Your hands cupped his face, warm palms on warmer cheeks. 
“Please Hitoshi, make me your omega, be my alpha.” All self-control left him when he heard those words fall from your sweet lips. Capturing your lips once more, his needy hands started pulling on your clothes, desperately wanting to feel your bare skin against his. He couldn’t get them off fast enough, almost resorting to tearing them off when your lips trailed down his neck. Your scent had flooded his senses, his vision clouded fuchsia and all he could think about was you, you, you. 
The moment your underwear was pushed down enough, your hand travelled down between your thighs, fingers collecting the slick around your hole before gently but eagerly pressing them inside. You couldn’t wait for Hitoshi to undress himself, and the sight of you preparing yourself for his cock was something he never wanted to forget. As soon as his clothes were off, his fingers prodded your entrance. Reluctantly you removed your fingers, but you were given little time to dwell before his thicker digits fingered you. 
You occupied your hand by jerking your cock, the wetness on your fingers helping your hand glided smoothly. There were practically hearts in Hitoshi’s eyes as he watched your face contort with pleasure, your eyebrows knitting together when he added a third finger to your wet hole. 
He couldn’t wait any longer, retracting his fingers and hooking your knees over his shoulders. Using your slick as lube on his cock, he pressed his tip to your tight ring of muscle, biting his lip to hold in a hiss of pleasure when he slowly thrusted himself inside you. You, however, moaned unabashedly as his cock carved itself inside you, making it fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces. 
Hitoshi was quick to start an even pace, pressing your knees to your shoulders so his cock could thrust even deeper inside you. You couldn’t grab him in this position as much as you wished you could, instead twisting his blankets in a white-knuckled grip. Your eyes rolled back, swearing he was rearranging your guts at that very moment. Hitoshi couldn’t stop his groans as he felt your walls cling to his cock, pulling him back in every time his hips pulled away. 
Precum dribbled from your tip, leaving glistening droplets on your stomach. The purple-haired man above you leaned down, pressing his forehead against yours to inhale your scent, angling his cock to hit your prostate in the process. Each thrust against the spot sent shockwave after shockwave of pleasure through your body, making your fingers and toes tingle. 
Groans turned to growls as Hitoshi felt his peak building, his knot beginning to swell. He rut could only rut himself inside you, letting go of your knees to wrap his arms around your arched back instead, bodies pressed together. Your ankles quickly locked behind his back, preventing him from pulling out, as if he even wanted to, nails leaving red marks across his shoulder blades. Hitoshi tucked his head between your neck and shoulder, teeth brushing against your skin, but not yet biting down. 
“Mine, mine, mine,” he growled over and over, his voice straining and growing in pitch until he reached his peak, ropes of cum coating your insides as his teeth finally sunk into flesh. The feeling of him filling you with his seed, his knot locking you together, and him officially making you his omega brought you to orgasm. Hitoshi’s hips finally stilled, panting against your neck as you both came down from your highs. Your fingers played with his soft hair, unable to stop a smile from gracing your lips. 
Hitoshi pressed a soft kiss to the bite mark on your shoulder before lifting his head. He smiled softly, threading his fingers with yours as he kissed you deeply. 
“My omega.”
i hope you enjoyed :) also writing the next chapter of personal pornstar so stay tuned ;)
353 notes · View notes
pbelfz · 1 year
Two to One | 14 |
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Pairing: Bakugou x Reader x Midoriya Chapter Title: Angling Chapter 13 | Chapter 15 Story Masterlist Summary: You are a simple college girl working at a cheap, back alley café! The top heroes, Deku and Ground Zero, visit your work in hopes of ordering coffee, but they pick something else up instead. You begin an interesting relationship with the pair, while slowly becoming aware of certain underhanded tactics they are using. Idolization isn't always that bad... Right?
WARNINGS: coercion, corruption kink, virginity loss,
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“So, Deku, have you seen what news articles are saying about you recently?”
The TV talk show host, Ema, on her show, Ema, changed the topic to an attention-grabber, and the audience noticeably silenced. Izuku sat across from her, relaxed in a white button-down with the sleeves rolled up half-way and the top two buttons undone. He must have shaved this morning – or his makeup crew did it for him – because the light stubble that was growing in was nowhere to be seen.
The interview played on the small cable television kept in the staff backroom of Satou’s. (Y/n) was on lunch break and glanced periodically at the TV, trying to convince herself she didn’t actually want to watch.
Deku smiled back at the host. (Y/n) knew that he was probably aching to slouch in that chair or at least rest his cheek in his palm. It wouldn’t be a good look for the Symbol of Peace, though. The public didn’t know how tired he always was.
“There’s quite a lot of news articles that say a lot of things about me,” Deku replied, and he wasn’t wrong. (Y/n) had been wise to keep her Deku and Dynamight news consumption limited to Twitter – for what it was worth, anyway.
Ema grinned, glancing at the crowd and back to Izuku.
“Well,” she started, “Some people have noticed how often you cross your legs, Deku.” Her gaze flickered to Izuku’s current posture. His legs were crossed, all right. The camera zoomed in on them. Izuku waited patiently.
(Y/n) never took her eyes off of Izuku. His brow twitched the slightest hint at the urge to furrow, but he didn’t. He continued to offer a kind yet curious closed-mouth smile.
“And we all know what it means when a man is able to cross his legs!” Ema looked to the crowd, checking her own presentation in the monitor.
The crowd was heard giggling, especially when Izuku finally made a face that must have been itching to press through. However, he’s been in the public eye for eleven years now; he’s learned many tricks of de-escalation, redirection, and humor.
Izuku kept his legs crossed and a soft smile. He fought the desire to shift in his seat, knowing how talk show hosts picked apart any sign of weakness for the audience’s pleasure, even if it wasn’t on a predetermined script. “I don’t really think that tracks…,” Izuku’s reply wasn’t as well-thought out as it could have been. He was juggling to maintain composure and his reputation for a comment that was off-script. As the Symbol of Peace and the Number One Hero, Deku became rather strict about how his image was viewed.
“Oh, really?” Ema gave the audience and then Izuku an impressed look. (Y/n) noticed Izuku’s smile was less prominent now.
Izuku then took his Ema-branded and provided mug of coffee that was sitting on the table between them and gave a purposefully overexaggerated sip. The audience laughed. Ema laughed as well, and while everyone was distracted with Izuku’s slight diversion, he sent a glance at his personal assistant, who was standing just out of sight behind the stage. She understood what his look meant. Izuku continued to smile as he set the cup back down on the table.
Sakurai, Izuku’s assistant, quickly made her way over to Izuku’s head of PR team, Fukuda, who had already communicated to Ema’s team that Izuku would no longer be a guest on Ema in the future. Sakurai briefly mentioned that Ema should quickly change the topic or otherwise face a lawsuit for a breach of contract. The head of Ema’s team hurried to signal her from her earpiece.
“So, Uravity was–,” Ema hesitated, and Izuku knew she must have gotten the signal. “You and Uravity teamed up this past week against a class SS villain. What was that like?”
Izuku uncrossed his legs, smoothing his pants, much more comfortable to discuss hero work. (Y/n) lifted an eyebrow at the TV. She wondered what all that was about.
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Katsuki’s kisses had a tendency to come with unchecked desperation, almost like he was searching for something within (Y/n). She wondered if he kissed Izuku with the same heat, but as her eyes watched him pulling away from Izuku, still sucking on his tongue, she couldn’t help but want a taste, too.
Izuku’s cock prodded against the inside of (Y/n)’s cheek, heavy and thick. Watching them kiss above her proved to be distracting, as her previously long licks and sucks mellowed into kitten licks. Izuku broke away from Katsuki once more, looking down at (Y/n) in his lap. His hand rested on her cheek with his thumb making its way between her lips, pulling her mouth open even further. She looked gorgeous – the most beautiful he’d seen her – with his hardened penis slipping slightly out from her slacked jaw.
“You okay?” He voiced his concern. He checked in with her more regularly than Katsuki did. (Y/n) was brought back to the task at hand, and she wrapped her lips around Izuku’s tip once again, swirling her tongue around his slit. Izuku watched, captivated, his chest heaving as he groaned with each suck. Katsuki’s cock bobbed next to her face as he kneeled next to her. It was almost teasing, the way it brushed against her jaw. She glanced up at Katsuki, now taking Izuku further into her mouth, allowing him to sink deeper as he tested her limits, but Katsuki was fixated on sucking on Izuku’s nipples. With a cock stuffing her throat, she sputtered, but Izuku stayed where he was.
“It’s okay, you’re doing fine,” came Izuku’s words from above her. She felt his hands on her jaw, massaging her neck to allow him in further. She whimpered around him, opening her mouth even wider as Izuku slipped almost to the hilt. “Oh, fuck… Watch the teeth, baby,” he directed her, feeling her throat swallow around his shaft. “Ohhhh, my god…”
Katsuki marveled at (Y/n). Tears were streaming down her face, the most he’d ever seen. He bent down, kissing Izuku’s navel and then his tuft of pubes before he felt (Y/n) attempt to push him off of her. Izuku pulled out immediately. Spit and precum engulfed Izuku’s cock and spilled out of (Y/n)’s mouth as she gasped for air. Izuku knelt down, capturing her lips in an open-mouth kiss, swallowing everything.
Katsuki yanked Izuku off of her, smashing his lips against Izuku’s. He’d been left out long enough. As soon as she recovered, (Y/n) hungrily took Katsuki’s cock into her mouth, making him moan against Izuku.
However, he hesitantly pulled away from her. He shared a glance with Izuku, and (Y/n) watched as they silently shared a conversation with just one look. Izuku met (Y/n)’s eye with a small, kind smile. He knelt down, embracing her and exchanging a sweet kiss on the lips before pulling away.
“Do you think… tonight is the night?”
(Y/n)’s stomach stirred at Izuku’s suggestion. She saw movement in the corner of her eye, finding Katsuki flicking his wrist around his shaft. He waited a moment before speaking up.
“She’s more than ready,” fervor dripped off his tongue. (Y/n) didn’t have a moment to reply, yelping as Katsuki repositioned her onto Izuku’s lap, lying her back against him and facing Katsuki. She finally got a good look at the Number Two Hero’s face, and he was damn near ravenous. She felt Izuku’s hands on her – or were they Katsuki’s? – stroking her arms, her legs, her hair. The men moved with such fluidity and harmony; someone was spreading her legs, and someone else was stroking her breast. Izuku’s hard cock pressed between her cheeks, mere centimeters away from her cunt.
A honeyed haze clouded Izuku’s foresight. “Lube, Kacchan,” Izuku held his hand out, and Katsuki passed him a tube of their preferred lubrication from the nightstand drawer. (Y/n)’s breathing picked up, but neither of them seemed to notice. Why weren’t they noticing? She heard Izuku pop open the tube, and Katsuki’s fingers were stroking her slit, paying particular attention to her clit. (Y/n) squirmed against Izuku, who shushed her. She was feeling hot, too hot, too warm. Everything was burning. They were too close, there were too many bodies. She was going to suffocate.
Izuku reached forward, and his lube-covered fingers gently prodded (Y/n)’s pussy, easily dipping inside. Izuku pulled out, reaching further to stroke her pucker with his fingers, making (Y/n) gasp and recoil slightly at the intrusion. Or were they Katsuki’s fingers? God, help her. Regardless, Katsuki laughed, low and sensual.
“Who’s takin’ which hole?” Katsuki addressed Izuku, his eyes fixated on (Y/n)’s sopping cunt. Izuku’s fingers swept through (Y/n)’s hair; he appeared to be thinking.
Both men paused immediately.
“Stop, please.” Her voice was no more than a whisper; it surprised her they heard her at all.
Katsuki shot backwards, unraveling himself from (Y/n), while Izuku’s brow wrinkled into a furrow, looking down at her in his arms. They hadn’t noticed she’d been crying. Izuku swiftly shifted and turned her around in his lap, cradling her. It was almost instinctual how he attended to her.
“Hey…,” he was kind. He put on his hero tone, the one he used with children who cried after being saved. “What do you need from me, hm?” (Y/n) felt stupid and small when he spoke like that, but right now, it made her feel safe. (Y/n)’s silent tears quickly became sobs. Katsuki watched with wide eyes as Izuku rocked her softly. The men exchanged looks, but they said no words. Guilt washed over the two of them, but Katsuki felt it smack him harder than Izuku. “We stopped. We’re done, we stopped,” Izuku’s hushed whispers consoled her.
“I’m sorry,” Katsuki’s tone was muffled and quiet – or as quiet as it could be. The apology slipped out easily, naturally almost. How many times would he have to apologize to her? Katsuki didn’t move from his spot, kneeling at the corner of the bed, putting himself as far away from (Y/n) and Izuku as he could. Izuku pressed his lips to (Y/n)’s temple. He inhaled, smelling the sweet scent of her leave-in conditioner.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” he uttered to her. Katsuki only watched, unsure what to do. Out of all of his years of quirk-training, his hands have never felt so heavy and out of his control. He wanted to help, to reach out and hold her, too, but he was afraid of making things worse.
“We don’t have to do anything else tonight,” Izuku stated, both to (Y/n) and Katsuki. (Y/n) then seemed to spring upright, and Izuku let her, watching as she wiped her tears away, but her sniffling remained.
“No, no. I can do this. I can,” she was convincing herself than the heroes. Izuku looked her in the eye, frowning. He kept himself from shaking his head. He felt like (Y/n) might be too sensitive for anything disapproving right now.
“Do you want to get some ice cream? Watch a movie, maybe?” Izuku offered alternative things to help calm (Y/n) down. Katsuki’s gaze turned downward. Something filled Katsuki, almost akin to envy but darker. They both had approached (Y/n), so why did he feel like the only bad guy in the room?
Katsuki huffed, unable to gather his words, watching (Y/n) slowly nod. She wasn’t ready for this. Not both of them, anyway. 
Izuku leapt up from the bed. “Well, good!” Katsuki and (Y/n) watched him. Izuku shimmied back into his pajama bottoms. “Let’s go watch a movie, then.” He turned to face his partners, taking in (Y/n)’s red-rimmed eyes.
“I’ve been dying to watch the new Spider-Verse movie!” (Y/n) knew Izuku was trying to lighten the mood, and she appreciated it. He held her pajama shirt, which was previously forgotten about, along with her matching shorts on the bed. “Arms up!”
(Y/n) unenthusiastically put her arms up for Izuku to place her shirt over her head. The cotton slipped on easily, Izuku making sure her hair didn’t get caught anywhere. (Y/n) reached behind her and retrieved her shorts, slipping them on herself. Katsuki watched them both as he pulled his own pajama bottoms back on; Izuku hadn’t looked at him since they called it quits tonight. Neither had (Y/n).
Izuku held his hand out for (Y/n) to hold, and he pulled her to her feet. Her tears had dried, and her sniffling faded. She was shaken up, feeling guilty for leading them on. Katsuki watched Izuku lead (Y/n) out of the bedroom, heading for the living room to start the movie.
Katsuki sat on the bed, removing himself.
He slept in the bed alone that night, while Izuku and (Y/n) slept on the couch.
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“We need to talk about last night,” Katsuki stood at the door of Izuku’s home office. It was six in the morning, and everyone was preparing for the day – Izuku and Katsuki more than (Y/n), who waded around in the kitchen with instant coffee in her hand, threatening to spill on the floor with each sleepy sip she took.
Izuku glanced up at Katsuki from his computer before returning his attention back to the monitor. Izuku liked to squeeze in a jog in the early mornings, so he wore blue gym shorts and a compression shirt that clung and stretched around his pectorals. He was trying to send some files to his work email and sidekicks before he started his day.
Izuku’s fingers moved with lightning dexterity on the keyboard. “We will,” he replied without looking at Katsuki. The latter scoffed.
“Will we?” Katsuki sounded more direct than he intended to, making Izuku finally offer a punitive stare in his direction. Katsuki glared back at him. All the All Mights on Izuku’s office merchandise seemed to become even more lifeless than they already were.
“Kacchan, I’ve got it handled,” Izuku attempted to pacify his partner. He was too tired for this. (Y/n) appeared beside Katsuki in the doorframe.
“Is something wrong?” She asked in the middle of a yawn. It was a question she found herself asking too often with these two. Katsuki all but pushed her into Izuku’s office.
“We need to talk about last night,” he blared, pulling out chairs for himself and her to sit in. Izuku rubbed his face, stretching the skin of the corners of his eyes, and ran a hand through his hair. When something nibbled at Katsuki’s nerves, he just couldn’t let it go. It was like an ice pick, picking away at his scalp. He wanted this settled, and he wanted this settled now.
“Katsuki, I’m supposed to be out the door by now,” Izuku tried.
“Too fuckin’ bad, Deku. Family meeting,” Katsuki slouched across from Izuku at his desk, his knees spread wide and his arms crossed, with (Y/n) sitting beside him. She just wanted this over with.
Izuku checked his watch. A gold Rolex that (Y/n) could’ve sworn she’d seen Katsuki wear before. They must’ve had matching ones.
“Alright,” Izuku relented with a sigh of a word, leaning down and rummaging through a drawer on his desk. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner everyone could start their day. Izuku sat back up, placing a few documents on the empty space of his desk. (Y/n) couldn’t see the details of the text from her angle.
“(Y/n), are you okay?” Izuku finally addressed her. They locked eyes, and the first thing (Y/n) noticed was that Izuku wasn’t smiling.
(Y/n) played with the ends of her hair – an anxious trait that both Katsuki and Izuku’s eyes flickered towards. “Yeah, I’m fine… Last night just shook me up a bit.”
“Is there anything we can do differently next time to make you more comfortable?” Izuku asked. (Y/n) glanced between the two of them. She couldn’t help but feel like this was a business transaction, especially being seated at Izuku’s desk like his consumers.
She stumbled over her words. “I don’t know. I mean, maybe? I was just overwhelmed. I didn’t know what to do.”
Katsuki butt in, louder than he should’ve been and shaking his head. “You didn’t have to do anything.” Izuku’s posture didn’t falter as he continued to face (Y/n), but he gave Katsuki a pointed look.
“We can try again whenever you feel ready. There’s no rush,” Izuku commented, picking up the forms and placing them back in a drawer of his desk. (Y/n) watched his scarred hands move about the polished cedar top, wondering if a similar one sat in his agency office.
Katsuki stared at Izuku. He already apologized, but Izuku had not. Katsuki’s finger tapped on his bicep.
“In the meantime,” Izuku’s gaze flickered away. He appeared hesitant. “We can establish a safe word. To use whenever you want us to stop what we’re doing.”
Katsuki looked to (Y/n), who glanced between the two heroes. “Safe word?”
“A word you say to let your partner know to stop everything. We can also use the traffic light system: green, yellow, red. Green means we can keep going, yellow typically means to slow down or check in, and red means to stop,” Izuku was on the cusp of rambling.
“Why can’t I just say ‘stop’?”
Izuku and Katsuki met eyes, and Katsuki scratched the back of his neck. Izuku answered.
“Sometimes, it can be unclear if you actually want to stop. A safe word allows for no discrepancies.”
(Y/n) nodded, but she wasn’t sure she understood quite yet. “Do you and Katsuki already have one?”
“It’s ‘Bronze Age’,” Katsuki grumbled. “Finger snapping if we can’t use our mouth.”
(Y/n)’s chest thumped at the implication. “Can I use the same, then?”
Both men nodded quietly, and Izuku finally smiled, checking his watch. 6:15am. He stood, ready to head to the door and go on a quick morning jog.
“You on birth control?” Katsuki blurted. Izuku jolted at what appeared to be his volume, pausing with his hands on the top of the desk just as he pushed his chair out to stand. It was admittedly a question he was also curious about. (Y/n) jumped, too, eyes bolting.
“I am.”
There was a pause no longer than a beat. “But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with unprotected sex! Um–!”
Izuku silently released a breath, and Katsuki relaxed, too.
The “family meeting” concluded itself, as Izuku would be running late if they continued. (Y/n) didn’t feel like this conversation was over, though. Izuku was the first to leave, skipping his morning jog entirely and throwing his daily routine off. It didn’t bother him as much as it would have Katsuki.
Katsuki waited at the door for (Y/n) to put her shoes on. He was dropping her off on campus today. He hadn’t said a word since Izuku left, but that was normal.
“Thank you for wanting to talk about that, Katsuki,” (Y/n) said as she tied her laces. Katsuki grunted in response.
“Izuku’s such a gentleman,” she was thinking aloud, remembering how Izuku prioritized her comfort over his own sexual pleasure. Safe words were a new concept to her, and she felt warm at being introduced to them. Katsuki snickered from above her, and she tilted her head to look at him.
“You kiddin’? Idiot fucks like a rabbit.”
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Date nights felt magical and yet few and far between with Katsuki and Izuku. It was difficult for everyone’s schedules to correspond, and even more difficult for the heroes to put aside their hero mindsets to relax accordingly. Alcohol helped.
The trio sat in the VIP section of a high-end restaurant, much like the one on their first date. The only difference was this restaurant served freshly caught and prepared seafood, hibachi-style. (Y/n)’s anxiety was no secret, glancing around at the other patrons sitting lengths away with their backs turned to them, paying them no mind. No one even questioned who she was and why she was with the top two heroes when they all arrived. There were no paparazzi in sight, almost like they were barred off from this district, and Izuku and Katsuki were at ease.
It didn’t take a genius to realize that neither of them liked having the cameras on them at all times. Apart from their own suburban home, the small, dark corners of expensive restaurants seemed to be their only retreat into some semblance of normalcy. Katsuki had the decency to smile more often, and something that previously stiffened Izuku rolled off of him in waves, leaving behind a much looser, playful man.
“I can drink, too, right?” (Y/n) was being sarcastic, but she still hesitated when she reached for her sake. Izuku laughed and nodded. Katsuki smiled as he bit into his sushi.
“Yes, dear,” Izuku kid. He and Katsuki already had their share of sake, feeling warm. (Y/n) sipped on the hot liquor, feeling it mix nicely with her food in her belly.
“So, (Y/n),” Izuku started. “How’s work going?”
(Y/n) froze, almost dropping her chopsticks as she reached for the fatty tuna sushi.
“We haven’t heard you talk about it much lately,” Izuku added, focusing on his food. Katsuki eyed her. (Y/n) wanted to know where this serious-Izuku came from. Just a moment ago, they were laughing about how the lewdest photoshoot Izuku’s ever agreed to was a closeup of his middle and ring fingers, fingering a grapefruit. Izuku retorted by saying that the scandal of Katsuki’s suit being ripped around his crotch haunted the Explosion hero for years. Their agency still gets rather… colorfully worded letters regarding the incident.
But now, (Y/n) felt all eyes at the table on her again.
“We know you’ve been missing work,” Katsuki was always grumbling. When he wasn’t grumbling or mumbling, he was shouting much too loud for any conversation he was a part of. (Y/n) had half the nerve to ask him to repeat himself.
“We’d stop by to grab a coffee, and you wouldn’t be there during the times you said you were,” Katsuki explained. (Y/n) quieted down.
Izuku spoke almost fluidly, like they’d already planned out this conversation ahead of time. “We were thinking you should quit your job.”
The table went silent. Katsuki stopped chewing, maybe even stopped moving, all to gauge (Y/n)’s response. Izuku watched her. The other guests of the restaurant carried on with their families, dates, and friends, ignorant of the debacle occurring just a few feet away from them.
Izuku felt the need to explain, his palms dry of any sweat that could have produced. “I mean, you’re living with us now. We’ve got you covered on the bills, tuition, anything else you need.” (Y/n) met his eye. He wasn’t smiling. She really, really wished he was smiling. Izuku trailed off, hinting that he wanted to know how (Y/n) felt about the idea. “I know, it’s sudden…”
“Izuku,” she started, “You always say ‘we,’ but how does Katsuki actually feel about me living here with you both, jobless?” (Y/n) felt resentment rise up into her words.
“It was my idea, actually.”
(Y/n)’s head snapped in his direction. He wasn’t looking at her, but he met her eye with a sincere glint right when she turned to him. He was telling the truth.
(Y/n) slumped back in her seat, wanting to sink into the plush leather cushions of the booth seat. Her eyes skimmed the generous rations of food on the table, only half dug into, for an answer to their question.
“You don’t have to decide now–,” Izuku attempted to be gracious.
“But we already–,” Katsuki interrupted him.
“Kacchan,” Izuku firmed his tone.
“Don’t you fucking ‘Kacchan’ me,” Katsuki snapped, miraculously managing to keep his voice down, even lowering it an octave. He turned to (Y/n), getting heated. She could tell when he was getting upset by the way his upper lip curled into a small snarl. “We’ve already set up a bank account for your own personal use, and we’ve been wiring money to it every paycheck.” He whipped around back to his partner with a viciousness. “If she doesn’t decide now, I want that fucking money back in my wallet tomorrow. It’s been weeks of this shit.”
This was the first (Y/n) heard about this, and it made her dizzy. They have money where? For whom?
“Why haven’t–?” Before (Y/n) could finish her thought, Katsuki gave her an ultimatum.
“There’s 3 million yen – and counting – in a bank account that we’ll give you access to only if you agree to quit your job. Today.”
(Y/n) gaped at him, bewildered and brazened. What the fuck?
“What the fuck?” Her thoughts couldn’t even form into the words she needed. Izuku was quiet, letting Katsuki say his piece.
“Don’t you ‘What the fuck’ me, either. Do we have an agreement?”
(Y/n)’s mind moved at ninety miles per hour comprehending the past two minutes. She quickly weighed the consequences, still feeling much too blurry. What were they asking of her exactly? Quit her job? How would she support herself? Oh, well, she’d have the 3 million yen in the bank… And she’s living with them now… Usually Katsuki is the one preparing her meals… They’re paying her tuition… Still, though, something felt innately anomalous for her. She’d been providing for herself since she was a teenager, and now suddenly, there’s two men in the picture who want to do all the hard work for her? She didn’t really know how to feel about that. However, at the same time, why was she fighting it? This could lead to an easier life for her. She’d been fighting for so long, and now an opportunity to just focus on her studies – something she’d been desiring forever – has just fallen in her lap.
“Can I think about it?” She had to try.
“You can think about it until it’s time for us to leave the restaurant. Then, I want a decision. Just fuckin’ knowin’ how some of my money’s just sitting in there for you makes me goddamn sick to my stomach.”
(Y/n) swallowed, feeling like she’d just been picked up and thrown every which way by the tornado that was Katsuki. He said it was his idea for her to quit, but now he’s upset about the entire thing? Her back felt tight. It’s been hurting lately whenever her anxiety acted up.
Work at Satou’s for 900 yen an hour or rely on Katsuki and Izuku fully? At least now she can say she’s not cheap; her pride cost 3 million yen. Still, she was hesitant. And stubborn.
“Would there be restrictions on how I use that money?”
Izuku shook his head, looking at Katsuki, who turned away, resting his cheek in his palm. “You’re going to get your own card, and we’re going to be putting money regularly in the account. Like, an allowance,” he explained. Katsuki seemed to withdraw from the conversation entirely.
“’Allowance’ as in I need to earn this money?” (Y/n) hammered him.
Once again, he shook his head. “No. ‘Allowance’ as in Kacchan and I will continue putting aside money from our paychecks and wiring it to your account for you to use.”
(Y/n)’s stare seemed to harden just a pinch. “If I quit, can I still work my last two weeks?”
“Yes,” Izuku affirmed matter-of-factly. Katsuki tapped his finger.
(Y/n) had to think about what she was going to tell Hana.
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The room felt heated – maybe it even was, (Y/n) couldn’t tell anymore – and the bodies were so, so warm. Especially Katsuki. (Y/n) told him that he ran hot, and he told her to shut the fuck up before spreading her legs to dip his tongue into her cunt. Izuku slipped underneath Katsuki, wrapping his lips around his hardened cock and sticking his tongue out to lick around the base of his shaft while the head prodded the back of throat. Katsuki gasped into (Y/n)’s pussy, her slick covering his chin. He reveled in the sensation of Izuku sucking him off from underneath, feeling him wrap his hands around his hips, pulling his ass down further, encouraging him to fuck his mouth. Instead, Katsuki pulled his hips back, bringing his tip to Izuku’s lips. He knew that if he fucked his throat, he was going to cum early, and he was trying to hold out. Katsuki’s lips encircled around (Y/n)’s clit, sucking and nibbling, and her hands pulled on his hair. He pulled away to watch as he inserted a finger into her, and then a second one, before flicking his tongue against her clit once more.
She came quickly and in waves, splashing on his chin and down his neck to his chest, squealing like a freshly made porn star.
“Oh my fucking god,” Katsuki was mesmerized at the mess she made as he finger-fucked her through it, encouraging her to squirt more. “More, keep coming, c’mon.”
Izuku’s hands had wandered, and while he continued to suck Katsuki off from underneath him, his fingers were tracing a line up his ass. He spread Katsuki’s cheeks, eliciting a groan from his partner from above.
Katsuki pulled off (Y/n)’s breast with a wet pop. “Deepthroat,” Katsuki instructed before returning to his suckling. Or demanded, depending on the outlook. Regardless, Izuku did as he was told, relaxing his throat and feeling Katsuki begin to lightly thrust his hips. (Y/n) watched Katsuki’s hips move, running her hand through his hair as he popped from one tit to the other. He thrusted lightly into Izuku’s mouth, careful of his partner’s gag reflex, even though (Y/n) was sure Izuku didn’t have one. She watched as Izuku used his free hand to stroke himself, taking note of his technique to pleasure himself – when he twists his wrist near the tip of his cock, how tight of a grip he uses, how he plays with his balls. One of Izuku’s fingers on his other hand circled around Katsuki’s asshole, and she bit her lip. Suddenly, Katsuki pulled away from both of them, flushed and panting.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum if we keep this up,” he was out of breath. “I need a minute.”
Izuku laughed and nodded, still on his back on the bed. (Y/n) was also breathless, but she felt intentional.
“I want to try tonight.”
Both of the men looked at her. “You sure?” Izuku asked. He was looking at her upside down. (Y/n) nodded. Izuku sat up, reaching for her hand and pulling her forward. (Y/n) collided into his chest, but he was smiling. She loved when Izuku smiled.
“We have to figure out how to do this, then.”
Katsuki was back in once he heard this, and he already had an idea in mind.
“Deku on bottom. I’ll be in the back,” he was stroking dick as he spoke. Izuku started to move into position when he felt (Y/n)’s hesitance.
“I-um…,” (Y/n)’s guilt made her tentative, “I don’t think I’m actually ready for… Both of you…”
They all stilled. Katsuki’s hand ceased its motions mid-stroke. “Maybe just one at a time? Or just one today?” She offered, but she had to keep herself from wincing because the suggestion felt like nails on a chalkboard.
(Y/n) couldn’t see, but Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other. They were trying to determine who it was going to be that took her virginity. Katsuki turned to (Y/n).
“Who do you want it to be?”
Izuku watched carefully. (Y/n) held back a groan, feeling the tension. Why couldn’t they just rock-paper-scissors this shit out?
Izuku opts himself out. “I’ll wait my turn,” he smiles, but (Y/n) can tell it doesn’t meet his eyes. “Can I hold you while he fucks you?” (Y/n) nodded quietly.
Izuku shifted on the bed, moving behind (Y/n), cradling her between his legs. He’s still hard; (Y/n) can feel him between her shoulder blades, leaking precum against her neck. His touch was soft, pulling her hair out of her face and placing kisses on her temple and ear. She melded into him. It was his job to make her feel comfortable right now. He liked to watch, anyway.
Katsuki got a good look at her as he spread her legs. He tapped her inner thigh as he stroked himself, the condom wrapper in his mouth.
“S’read your t’ighs mure,” Katsuki said, lowering his tone. (Y/n) did as she was told; she would’ve normally been really embarrassed about doing this if she hadn’t just squirted all over his face a few moments ago. Katsuki ripped the condom open, carefully rolling it onto his hard girth. (Y/n) thought it looked really weird – seeing a penis covered in latex.
Katsuki flicked her clit a couple of times, making her flinch and hiss, but she bit her lip once she saw him grip the base of his cock, lining himself up with her cunt. Izuku praised her as he pushed in. Katsuki let out the most guttural groan she thought she’d ever heard from him.
“Oh my fucking god, how are you this tight?”
“Shhh, you’re doing so good, baby. You remember your safe word, right?”
Katsuki was going as slow as he could, but holy fuck, was he barely making it by. He ground his teeth in order to still his hips from pounding into her. Izuku’s hands busied themselves by either playing with her nipples or stroking her hair, but he couldn’t pull his eyes from Katsuki’s thick, long cock sinking deeper and deeper into (Y/n)’s tight, virgin pussy. He felt the jealousy pull at him, but he pushed it back; he was going to get his turn. Katsuki had to be first at everything, after all. Maybe this was Izuku’s punishment for being the Number One Hero.
He had been so entranced by how well (Y/n) was swallowing up Katsuki, he’d forgotten to check in with her. He glanced down at her face; she was grimacing and breathing like she was giving birth. He kissed her. “You’re okay, you’re doing so, so well. You’re so beautiful, so gorgeous. Look at how well you’re taking him.”
“Ohhhh my god,” (Y/n) moaned.
“Shit, you’re bleeding,” Katsuki’s hips stopped moving. He was halfway in. He’d never been someone’s first before, so he was taken off guard. “Do you want to keep going? We can stop if–?”
(Y/n) thought it was sweet when Katsuki let his worrywart out. She shook her head vehemently, smacking Izuku with her hair.
“No, no, no, it’s just starting to feel goo-mmmm!”
“Fuck her through it, Kacchan,” came Izuku’s order. Katsuki nodded, too captivated by how tightly her cunt was squeezing him to bite back. He repositioned slightly, giving himself a better angle, and rolled his hips slowly. (Y/n) yelped, her eyes rolling back. Katsuki thrusted with precision and practice, and he was going slow for her. Izuku’s eyes flickered from where their sexes met to (Y/n)’s face, both giving him fuel for his own pleasure as he stroked himself.
Katsuki’s breath quickened, and Izuku recognized that it was getting harder and harder for him to control his pace. His hands balled up the sheets beside them; Izuku was surprised his quirk hadn’t activated. Perhaps, he thought too little of Kacchan’s control over himself. That had really only happened about a handful of times. Still, he seemed afraid to touch (Y/n). Izuku has been the one caressing (Y/n)’s body, while Katsuki has been the one doing the fucking.
“If you want him to speed up, you have to tell him, love,” Izuku uttered to (Y/n).
“Faster, Katsuki. Faster, please!”
That was the only permission Katsuki needed.
Katsuki leaned forward, gripping the headboard beside Izuku’s head, rolling his hips with a sudden urgency about them. The sound of skin slapping filled the room, and Izuku was getting close to his own orgasm, too. Katsuki must’ve been close the entire time, but he was drawing it out for (Y/n).
Izuku just brought (Y/n) to her third orgasm by stroking her clit, making her cunt clench even tighter around Katsuki. (Y/n)’s head had been bobbing onto Izuku’s shoulder for some time now, already fucked out even from Katsuki’s previously slow pace.
Izuku reached down, wrapping a hand around (Y/n)’s neck, pulling her head up and holding her by her jaw. He pressed lightly on the sides of her neck, testing the waters.
“Watch him fuck you. Look him in the eye while he fucks you.”
Katsuki looked up from where he was splitting her open and met her eye. His hips slammed into her once, twice, three times.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh my fucking god,” Katuski groaned, filling the condom with his seed. He leaned over his partners, his softening cock pulling out of (Y/n). Izuku leaned up for a kiss, which Katsuki happily indulged. Katsuki moved from between (Y/n)’s legs.
“Your turn,” Katsuki had quickly recuperated, but (Y/n) was a different story. She whined, and both men turned to her.
“I’m… I think I’m done,” she was tired and sore. She wanted to go to bed. If Izuku was hurt, he didn’t show it. Or he thought he didn’t. Katsuki glanced at his boyfriend. Izuku didn’t look at him. He just knelt down and kissed (Y/n) on the forehead.
“Another time, then.”
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
18+ fem!reader / suggestive themes, oral fixation, established relationship
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the thought of bakugou with an oral fixation just crossed my mind.
but the interesting thing about it is that he's not infatuated with his own mouth, but rather with yours instead.
so it's no wonder that katsuki catches himself zoning out whilst staring at the way it moves. you walk with your hand subtly resting in his amongst the crowd that's gathered at the local fair, fingers intertwined tight. he can barely acknowledge the people to surround him, despite the fact that he's skilfully avoiding collision every step of the way.
the people you pass by consists mostly of chatty, slightly awkward teens that stick to their own groups in hopes of not embarrassing themselves, overly-hyperactive children who seem to be unable to stop themselves from running around with their equally as rowdy friends, and all of the kids' parents, who insist on shouting their heedless warnings of 'slow down!' and 'be careful!' - all of which katsuki is pretty certain will be landing on deaf ears throughout the rest of the night ahead.
but luckily for him, none of those people stop to talk to him or, even worse, ask him for pictures. the reason for it may be because he turns completely unapproachable whenever he's with you; looking like some big, scary guard dog that seems like it'll sneer and cause hurt if one comes too close. or perhaps, quite possibly, it is because he's put on a disguise for tonight - a rather bad one, but still a disguise that works.
it's simple, yet effective. a black baseball cap, which he's pulled down low on his head, keeps his unruly hair somewhat in check even if strands of ash blonde stick out underneath the brim where his ears and nape are, tickling his tan skin that's been kissed by the sun throughout the warmer months. a pair of sleek sunglasses sits on the bridge of his nose, hiding his crimson eyes from view. his hero gear is sitting at home in his closet because he's replaced it with shorts and a simple t-shirt that makes him sweat less instead of more.
glancing down at his attire, katsuki knows he may look like a douche; wearing sunglasses when it's already dark out. however, he's certainly not willing to risk being recognized. after all, it's rather nice when random people don't care all that much about him for a change. it's quite pleasant, actually.
and as is expected, he couldn't care less about them either. it's hot out tonight, the peak of summer is right around the corner. and that means that the entirety of his attention is on you. you're all pretty-looking in your light sundress and sandals; the latter being something he particularly likes because of the way they keep your footsteps light and show off your nail polish in the shade that he knows damn well is your favourite colour.
thoughts preoccupied with your bare legs, katsuki's hand leaves yours so that he can rest it on the small of your back instead. but as his fingers graze the thin fabric of your dress, he catches himself not caring all that much about your attire either. because when you turn your head to look at him, your smile wide and your teeth repeatedly sinking in and out of the pink chewing gum you've been terrorizing for literal ages now, his interest remains solely glued to your mouth.
and surprise, surprise: you don't seem to be showing any signs of stopping the chewing any time soon. he really is a lucky man today!
katsuki huffs at the thought. watching you from the corner of his eye, he's almost positive that the sugary flavour must have vanished from the gum by now, and yet he can still smell it every so often - the fruity scent wafts to his nose whenever your lips press together and a bubble pops right beside him, filling his lungs with phantom strawberries just like your chapstick has a tendency to do.
pop, pop, fucking pop!
you're relentless.
"wanna go grab a bite to eat or somethin'?" he asks at some point, his voice gruff. strained. chewing noises normally bother the living fuck out of him, but when it comes to you, he's instead attracted to hearing more. how odd. "'cause a cheeseburger sounds real good to me right about now."
amongst other things.
"mhmm, mhmm!" you hum in answer while nodding, your lips still pursed because of what must be the hundredth bubble that night.
however, as your boyfriend sinks his teeth into his burger a couple of minutes later, all your own teeth sink into is cotton candy. and katsuki, trying to appease his lewd interests right there - at the table, watches as you nibble on it, of course he does. he borderline leers at the sweet threads of sugar that stick to your fingers. how they melt in your mouth because of your saliva that he's yearning to have mixing with his own right about now. at the leftover splotches of artificial colouring that now stain your fingerpads and tongue whenever you stick it out to lick the former clean.
and goddammit, it all makes his adam's apple bob as he swallows - prominently, audibly. his toes wiggle with an evident wish to curl in his sneakers before he forces them to stay put as he angles his foot further forward on the footrest. there's a heat present in the pit of his stomach now, and it's not because of the chili flakes that he'd asked to be put into the meat of his burger earlier.
"you okay there, kat?" you ask at some point, licking the last remnants of the cotton candy off the stick in one slow, long swipe which he definitely doesn't miss. he swears that he catches you smirk slightly against the wood when you reach its end and suck on it a little.
his eyes narrow behind the sunglasses as he readjusts in his seat. his shoulders feel stiff, his skin hot, his underwear uncomfortably tight. it's a good thing you can't see him openly gawk at you like this because of the shades, but he has a feeling that you know what sort of thoughts are lazily rolling around in his head anyway.
"m'fine. just eat your goddamn food," he grunts finally, tearing his gaze away from you. "if you can even call that heart attack on a stick food, that is."
the last bit, he speaks just a little bit quieter. softer. your giggle is as sweet as your mouth probably is as you say, "you're the one that ate a greasy cheeseburger, you know... besides, i've already finished it."
he studies your fingertips again. your mouth. remembers how it had moved before he sighs into the warm summer air. "guess we'll have to get you some more, then."
"well," you mumble, a smile ghosting over your lips, "if you say so. but i don't want more cotton candy anymore."
of course you don't.
and so, the candy apple he buys you afterwards smells like caramel. you absent-mindedly tell him how it reminds you of him as you press your mouth against the hard, sugary shell and your teeth get to work on breaking little bits of the caramel off the fruit. it's spoken without a second thought, completely out of the blue. and katsuki, poor, poor katsuki, doesn't know why, but the words send heat searing over his face; send his heartbeat into fucking overdrive.
thump, thump, thump. his heart is going wild in the same way his thoughts are.
"you like caramel?"
"yeah... you could call me a fan of it, i suppose."
it's like you've placed your mouth on him as you say that - on his burning, licked by constant flames body - instead of the stupid apple. it's like you've kissed him before tasting him properly; all tender and soft and loving before adding just a little bite to it like you're doing now. just like you do whenever you sleep over and he comes home from work all beaten up and covered in grime. just like you do whenever you're happy and whenever he's sad and needs some comfort.
by the time the comically oversized lollipop comes into play, he's done for; you've practically sent him into heat even if he's nothing but a mere human. the twirling of your tongue against the hard sugar reminds him of something else, the fullness of your mouth whenever you push the sweet towards the inside of your cheek makes him think he can do the same thing to you with another kind of sucker instead. the way you suck and lick the damned thing nearly sends a shiver down his spine despite the heat that lingers all around him, because he can feel it, too.
it makes him throb. makes his pulse thunder inside his ears like a drum, and it causes his underwear to not get just too tight, but somewhat sticky, too. your mouth is constantly busy and he wants to be a part of the rush, so it's no wonder that the blood that suddenly travels south turns him impatient and makes him hold onto your hand just a little bit tighter as you continue to walk around the fair. the sudden urge to go home and take care of himself roars within him like a beast on a rampage.
"are you gonna spend the night at mine tonight?" he grits out as he hands you a plushy he's just won for you. it's still a pretty new relationship you're both in, but he's finding it quite pleasant; sharing a bed with someone other than his dog from time to time. perhaps the stuffed bear you're now holding in your hands could join you as well.
"sure," you reply whilst grinning again; showing him your teeth. making him sweat despite the casual t-shirt and its light cotton. "what are we gonna do at yours?"
"i dunno. we'll see," he says, shrugging nonchalantly even if he's feeling far from it. he represses the urge to wipe away the thin film of sweat that's gathered on his brow even if it makes his hair stick to his skin underneath the cap. no risks when it comes to uncovering his true identity.
"oh, are we gonna kiss? we can kiss!" puckering your lips until a repetitive smooching - and awfully childish - sound comes out, you wink at him playfully and grab hold of his bicep. "because i know you've been wanting to do it sooo bad... better yet, c'mere! we can start right now, lover boy."
"aha, sure we can," he indulges quietly, thoughts already running wild on ideas of different kinds of kisses he'll surely be leaving all over you later. and even if he tries, katsuki can't possibly hide the pink blush that tints his cheeks and that forces a cord in his neck to turn prominent the moment you step onto your tippy-toes and plant a quick peck onto the corner of his mouth. it's so sweet that he might just melt. his heart is a puddle already.
maybe he'll give that wretched mouth of yours something else to do besides eating candy and teasing him all night.
you do love to keep it busy, after all.
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kasagia · 10 months
❄️️Warm my heart pt. 4❄️️
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/ The Darkling x fem! heartrender! reader Summary: The aftermath of the events leads to a (semi-)honest conversation with the general. Various other things are happening too… Warning(s): memories of drowning and trauma (children are sometimes monsters), argument, tension Word Count: 3k Taglist:@aoi-targaryen @budugu @flostvs1508 ~•♤♤♤•~ Aleksander Morozova’s Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 3 ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 5 ~•♤♤♤•~
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You wake up wrapped in warm, soft blankets. Before you even open your eyes, you hear the fire crackling in the fireplace, and judging by the softness of your bed, you can't be in the hospital wing of the Little Palace. You open an eye and hiss as the light from the fire in the fireplace and the lamps on the walls reaches your eyes.
You rub your eyes and notice that everything around you is getting darker. You open them slowly, relieved to see a few shadows floating around the room, effectively blocking too much light from reaching your eyes.
"Better?" Aleksander's whisper comes from across the room. He emerges from the shadows, just as you had imagined when your mind was still able to process anything in the icy water.
You nod, staring at him. You don't know what to say to him. Thanking him for saving your life seems... woefully insufficient. You swallow, feeling the slight tension in the room, and it's only now that you realise where you are.
"Why am I in your bedroom?" you ask, your voice cracking and rasping.
"My chambers were closer than yours." he replies, handing you a glass of water. Grateful, you take the glass from him and quench your thirst.
You can see through his poor lies. You know he's lying, and he's lying terribly. But you don't say anything. You drink the water he gave you and pretend his burning gaze doesn't do anything to you.
You see that he wants to say something. You don't push him, though, as well as you don't say anything. Because what are you supposed to tell him? What could you say to him without revealing your feelings for him? That you were afraid of death or glad that he was the one who came for you, that he didn't let you flow downstream under the ice, when all you could think about in your probably last seconds of life was… him.
"You stayed on the shore. You didn't follow me; you just let me do what I wanted. Why?" you ask, remembering his strange behavior. He shudders. You see how quickly he puts on an impassive mask on his face, hiding his true emotions from you.
"I let you save her and become a hero. I didn't want to take away your applause and credit." he lies, running his hand through your hair. He places it on your forehead, checking that the healers have cured you and that you don't have any signs of fever. You grab his hand and pull it away from your forehead, giving him an incredulous look.
"I know you. If you had known in advance what I wanted to do, you would have grabbed me by the collar of my kefta and wouldn't have let me take even one step on that damn ice."
He swallows, his eyes shifting to the fireplace behind you. But you don't let go of your hands. You both unconsciously hold them in a tight embrace. You only notice it when he nervously starts drawing patterns on your hand with his thumb.
"When I was young I… I didn't have many friends. I wasn't able to live in Little Palace with my father, so me and my mother were hiding and travelling from village to village. It was winter. I played with some other Grishas' children, who became friends with me. They found out that, beside being a shadow summoner, I was also… something else."
"Something else?" you ask, confused, wondering what he means by that. His dark eyes meet yours with such an intense, piercing gaze that you shiver.
And then you feel it—a tingling sensation that spreads to you from where your hands touch. You slowly feel the blood in your veins rushing more. You are suddenly aware of every quiet heartbeat in the area, especially one that is so close to you. The flood of new sounds in your head tells you that it's starting to hurt, but you don't let go of his hand... you know that nothing can tear you away from him right now, as he watches your reaction so intently. One wrong gesture, one wrong breath, or one tremble, and you will break the moment between you. And you can't let that happen.
"An amplifier. A living amplifier. Source of power." Aleksander explains and waits until he sees even a sliver of lust in your eyes—lust for his amplifying powers or greed for extensions of your own power.
He had been betrayed many times in the past, by many people. His mother, his sister, and his friends turned out not to be them at all. He was sure you would be next. But with each test he put you through and each piece of himself he revealed to you, somehow you... stayed. You didn't change your behaviour towards him. Except for this situation from a few days ago. In fact, he still wasn't aware of the reasons behind your distancing...
"Like a Morozova's stag?" you ask and he can't help but laugh softly. He squeezes your hand and freezes for a moment, looking down at your joined hands as he realises he still holds on to you. It was so easy for him to just be himself around you... you were a dangerous weakness. A weakness that he protected instead of nipping in the bud.
"Yes… I guess that's a good example. After all, they also wanted my bones… when your friends push you into the ice hole and they cover it with a log of wood, you realise how fake other people can be."
You can't help but reach up and cup his cheek tenderly. He flinches at your touch at first, but as you slowly start stroking his cheekbone and head, he nuzzles his face into your hand.
"You didn't deserve it." you whisper, looking at him. Your eyes meet again, and you hear your heartbeats speeding up.
You think you see tears in his eyes as he looks at you. He tangles his hand in your hair, his fingertips brushing against your cheek, stroking it as softly as a feather, making you quickly forget about his glassy eyes.
At some point, he pulls away from you. He gets out of bed and walks over to his desk as he starts looking through the reports as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't just shown you a vulnerable part of himself.
"I don't blame them. Everyone wants to have the strength to defend themselves." he says this nonchalantly, standing with his back turned towards you.
"It is better to fight in a group than alone." you see the muscles in his back tense at your words, and he becomes more and more defensive, trying his best to hide behind his wall of indifference.
"Loneliness toughens you." he states matter-of-factly.
The cool tone of his voice might have made you drop the topic before, but now, lying in his bed, wrapped in his blankets and clothes—with the irrefutable proof that he cares about you much more than he does for the average Grisha or his second-in-command—you decide to pursue the topic further.
"And hurts more than the sharpest blade or worst wound you can get." he freezes at your words.
He puts the papers on the desk and takes a glass of kvass. He drinks it in one gulp, still with his back turned to you, and (changing the subject, as he usually does when he sees that you are losing the discussion or that you are intruding on topics that are too sensitive for him), he says in a tone of voice that is too calm for him:
"You ignored my order there."
"Technically, you didn't give me any orders." at your words, he slowly turns towards you. He looks you up and down and licks his lips.
"Are you trying to tell me now that you didn't hear me calling for you to come back?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in challenge—the only warning he's giving you—your last chance to back out.
"It's not like I did something wrong." you insist on your opinion.
His face darkens, and so do his chambers, as the shadows grow stronger, shrouding the room in greater darkness. You involuntarily shiver, sensing the growing threat. Subconsciously, you know he wouldn't hurt you... not after he put so much effort into keeping you alive. Although... you saw him torture people in various ways. Even Ivan flinched once at that.
"Your little rescue operation delayed our arrival at the Little Palace." he starts calmly, but you can see in his eyes how furious he is. His heartbeat also speeds up.
"We gained a new Grisha thanks to this…"
"What would I care about some kid if I lost you?!" he bursts up suddenly, and you can't help but shiver. It seemed to be the first time he raised his voice at you; you couldn't remember if you had ever been on the receiving end of his anger. "What would I do without you?! MY SECOND-IN-COMMAND! MY HEARTRENDER! WHAT USE WOULD I HAVE FROM YOU IF YOU DIED THERE LIKE AN IDIOT?!" with every word he shouts, he takes a step towards you. You decide to get out of bed and face him in anger as well.
"Given the choice, I'd fucking do it again!" you shout at him, looking at him defiantly. You know you did the right thing, even if your life was on the line. Besides, he had no right to talk to you like that.
"Be careful how you talk to me; I'm your general! I will not have a second-in-command who does not respect my decisions and makes risky, reckless, idiotic decisions, putting herself and others at risk of death!" he growls at you in anger, shadows gathering around you.
Any normal person, with the Black General's furious gaze on them and shadows circling around both of you in a dangerous, threatening way, would have immediately backed down, let him win the argument, admitted he was right, and even begged for forgiveness. But you were never normal.
"It was my choice. I didn't drag anyone along with me!"
"YOU DRAG ME AFTER YOU! And I would send every Grisha into that damned river after you!" his challenge would probably have caught your attention if you weren't boiling with rage.
You clench your fists in anger, unconsciously manipulating his heart. His eyes widen in surprise as he watches you with bated breath, too surprised or paralysed to move.
"WHAT FOR?! If I'm such a burden, such an irresponsible commander, why did you go for me?! Why didn't you let me die?!" you shout as you walk up to him, so determined to win this verbal battle with him that you don't notice the shadows wrapping around your wrists.
You gasp as they suddenly push you against the wall. You unclench your fists, releasing his heart from your control. You look at each other, breathing deeply. Drerad slowly begins to develop within you as you realise what you have done. Shadows still hold onto your wrists.
He takes a step towards you. Shadows move out of his way as he slowly approaches you. You don't flinch, you don't beg for mercy, and you don't make a sound. Your eyes are focused on his as he gets close enough for the tips of his shoes to touch the tips of your toes. Suddenly, you're very aware that you're only in a black nightgown (that's probably his). You swallow thickly as he lifts his hand and gently pushes your hair behind your ear.
"We thought we lost you… I thought I lost you." he whispers, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "When I picked you out of the water… when Ivan said he couldn't feel your heartbeat… I had to shout at the others and summon my shadows to shut them up so he could finally tell that you were still alive."
"And when he felt your heartbeat, we noticed you weren't breathing. You had water in your lungs. Tidemaker's hands were shaking as he pulled it out of you. One wrong move, and it could have ended your life. I think I told him to get away from you before I cut off his hands by using my shadows. I had to push the water out of you somehow myself. Ivan and Fedyor helped me. If it weren't for them, I doubt whether any of us would have returned to the Little Palace in such good condition."
"Did you get hurt?" you ask. Aleksander laughs half-mockingly and half-bitterly and shakes his head in response.
"I wish I did." he says, and you shiver as his fingers slowly move from your cheeks to your neck and shoulders. He gently caresses your shoulder, where a bruise had formed from how hard his grip was on you as he pulled you out of the water a few days ago. "I… I've already lost so many good soldiers. Friends… The list is very long, and it seems like it is only getting longer with each passing day. I can't write your name on it either. I can't lose you too… I…" you hold your breath, waiting for his next words. His eyes are fixed on your bruises and small scratches that the healers have not yet healed. He licks his lips and takes a breath to say something. But he closes his eyes and moves away from you. You shiver as your skin is suddenly deprived of his electric touch. "I've invested too much in your training. It would be a waste of time if I had to train another heartrender again to be my second-in-command."
"So? This is who I am? Your investment?"
"Each of you is." he replies with a shrug. He turns his back to you. His shadows follow him as he walks back to the desk and takes a glass of his kvass.
"You don't jump into an ice hole for everyone. Or take off your coat." you joke, and he chuckles, both of you forgetting about the argument between you that happened just a few minutes ago. He turns towards you and gives you an 'almost' affectionate look.
"Not everyone is my right hand." you smile at his response. You walk up to him and grab his hand, squeezing it as you look into his eyes.
"Thank you, Aleksander." you whisper, making him shiver. He's not used to having anyone's gratitude.
Not the honest one. It's starting to dawn on him that he's not used to anything involving you. And maybe that was what kept him drawn to you like a moth to a flame, seeking and wanting something he had never experienced in all the centuries he had lived.
"Anytime." he whispers back, entranced by your gaze. He knows that this… tenderness, understanding, and compassion would've passed the second you knew the truth about him. The truth of his origin, age, plans with the fold, and for Ravka… His mother could be a mean old witch, but she was right about one thing. At the end of the day, no one will be there to stay by his side… at least not in the way he desperately wanted. "Don't ever dare to do that again." he says, clearing his throat. "I won't always be around to pull you out of the river… I also don't like seeing you as white as a corpse with blue lips. You also disobeyed my command… but considering the circumstances, let's just say I'll turn a blind eye to it this once."
"You are a very merciful general." you say teasingly, and you walk over to his desk, looking at the map where he marked some positions with his wooden soldiers. You snort quietly, amused. Boys will be boys… even the fearsome general of the Second Army.
"You have no idea..." he replies. You turn towards him, almost bumping into his chest.
You stand close enough that you can feel his breath on your skin. Your gaze involuntarily moves from his eyes to his lips. You lick your own, imagining for a moment what it would be like to kiss him. Your gaze quickly returns to his eyes, the pupils of which are suddenly dilated.
He tangles his hand in your hair and leans down so that your noses are touching. You hold your breath and close your eyes, taking in his scent and warmth. You hear your hearts beating at an equally fast pace in anticipation.
"I would never let you die. You're my burden to endure." he leans in and whispers, referring to your previous words that you shouted at him. His lips brush against your earlobe, and you can't help but shiver. "And I can't... I can't allow myself to lose you..."
"Aleksander." you whisper, opening your eyes and staring at him as he pulls back slightly. His face is still close to yours, his gaze moving between your eyes and your lips.
His thumb strokes your neck as he slowly leans towards you…
A knock on his door makes you both pull away from each other. Ivan enters with Fedyor. Aleksander clears his throat and listens to what they have to say. As Ivan talks to him, Fedyor looks you up and down and gives you an amused smirk. You roll your eyes at him and place a hand on your flushed cheek, trying to calm yourself down... And don't curse these two for their wonderful timing.
However, all your efforts are in vain when you catch the general's gaze for a moment. The moment between the two of you from a few seconds ago plays in your head, and the possibilities of how it could have ended are haunting your mind.
You groan internally, already hearing Fedyor's teasing about that.
The only comforting thing about all this situation was hearing that Aleksander's heart sped up every time he looked your way. And you can't help but wonder… maybe you could be more to him after all?
You shake your head and quietly leave his chambers. You couldn't stay there forever, even if you wanted to. Besides, you had Christmas to plan. And Winter Fete to get ready to…
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readingbookelf · 2 years
You First - Tim Bradford
Summary:  When you and Tim go to the bank to open a joint checking account, the bank gets robbed. When the first shots are fired Tim covers you with his own body.
Pairing: reader x Tim Bradford
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Your hand is locked tightly with Tim’s when you walk through the doors of the bank. After moving in together, it seemed like a smart move to open a shared account. It’s clear to the both of you that you’re each other’s future.
“You’re practically bouncing,” Tim says while you wait in line.
“I know, this is a big step for our future together, Tim. The right question would be, why aren’t you extra cheerful this morning,” you beam up at him.
You and Tim are complete opposites. You have a very sunshine personality while he seems permanently grumpy. It stumps a lot of people how the two of you work out. But as they say opposites attract. And honestly Tim is so sweet when it’s just the two of you.
He presses a light kiss to your temple.
“You know I’m just as elated as you are,” he admits.
You grin up at him, but before you can grace him with an answer gunshots ring through the air. Before you know it, you’re on the ground with Tim’s body covering yours. You’re laying front to front making it easier for Tim to see your expression. One of his hands pushes your face into the crook of his shoulder, making sure his body is completely shielding yours. You’re shaking terribly and you fist Tim’s shirt in your hands. Tears silently fall from your eyes as you push your face deeper into the crook of his shoulder.
It's clear the perps are here only for the money. They’re in and out in under five minutes. Not once did they look like they would flip to make this a hostage situation.
As soon as Tim is sure the coast is clear, he slowly stands up pulling you with him.
“Are you okay, sunshine,” he softly whispers.
You slowly nod, fisting his shirt in your hands once more. One of his arms winds around your shoulder while he uses the other to call in the robbery.
“I would’ve expected you to play hero,” you whisper once he’s done on the phone.
“My first priority is to keep you safe. If I would’ve engaged with the robbers things might’ve escalated,” he steadily answers.
“You’re important too, you know. You threw yourself on top of me to protect me, but you are so important to me, Tim. I need you to stay alive too,” you sternly say.
He smiles before kissing your forehead.
“My first instinct will always be to protect you because you are my heart.”
“Oh Tim,” you sign while wrapping your arms around his middle so he can completely engulf you in his arms.
If only this man would get it through his thick skull that he was your heart.
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