#council of seventeen
seventeenwizards · 6 months
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bugflies00 · 9 months
17 years of age duo 🤝
with the pfp this makes it look like ctommy is sending this ask to another ctommy pfp which just makes it even better
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lizziexmeow · 5 months
Got bored and edited seungkwan’s latest photo in an election for student council post. Cause like look at him I would trust him so much🤣🤣
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deanspillowprincess · 6 months
Current listening obsession
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padawansuggest · 10 months
Mace: *dragging Kenobi and Vos out of the slam poetry night by their tunic collars and stops Tholme and Jinn from leaving them behind* No, you heard our rules after last week’s incident, they’ve been banned!
Qui-Gon: *ready to argue* What in the galaxy could my sweet baby padawan have done to get kicked out?
Tholme: I must admit, despite Jinn’s willful ignorance, I understand that mine could get banned, but he never mentioned it so I would like to know what he did.
Mace: Obi-Wan wrote a poem about a galaxy wide war that gave seventeen people True Visions and I had a shatterpoint migraine till last night. So for him it’s either me or him in that room and I’m the host so it’s me.
Qui-Gon: *taking a sheepish Obi-Wan into his arms for a pity cuddle cause that poem had led to like four straight days of council sessions and an enslaved Dathomiri child being found in a senator’s house on Naboo* To be fair. Obi-Wan had some good points.
Tholme: I’m scared to ask. What did mine do?
Mace: He didn’t write a poem so he went up to the mic and started licking it. It was the most disgusting noise I ever heard. If he gets near a mic I might have to drop kick him. Safer for him out here.
Tholme: *deep sigh of sadness* Yeah that sounds like something he’d do.
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19burstraat · 9 months
ketterdam dashboard simulator 2 (electric boogaloo)
(first one here)
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❌ urkerchfaveisproblematic follow
Who submitted Kaz Brekker. don't take the piss he's literally wanted every other Wednesday
🍃 squallertales follow
Wait what did Brekker do
🌊 boekcanaling
Girl what DIDN'T he do
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🦁 dimelionsofficial follow
Ghezen's Day Piss Up starts TONIGHT at the Kaelish Prince! Come down before four bells and get ten kruge off your first drinks purchase and an extra spin on Makker's Wheel!
👤 dregsofficial
🦁 dimelionsofficial follow
👤 dregsofficial
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#234: build mickey's dick smasher between east and west stave
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So I've been a dregs member for a long time (I'm in my 30s now) and back when I was a new grunt I was especially trolleyed at the Crow Club, and I ended up spilling like half my pint on the head of one of Haskell's feral little runners, yk one of the little kids?? I just kind of mopped him with my sleeve and said sorry and figured that it was the end of it... however it has occurred to me lately that it actually might have been Kaz. Honestly I never could tell the difference between all the kids, and I didn't look properly at him, but now I've been waking up in a cold sweat several times a week thinking about it. Is it time for me to retire from the gang life
#submisson #admin comment: lately all of these have just been ppl embarrassing themselves in front of kaz
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🧇 stroopwafels
There's definitely blogs on here that are undercover advertising for the Dregs btw. I accuse that one that thirstposts abt Dirtyhands
🧤 dirtyhandsy follow
:( no I'm a Razorgull actually
🧇 stroopwafels
🧤 dirtyhandsy follow
I have eyes :/
🧇 stroopwafels
You won't for much longer if your boss finds out omfg
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🃏 makkerswheelies follow
you guys are cowards for not wanting to fuck Brekker. Out of my way ghezenboy I'm bout to get it
🃏 makkerswheelies follow
My wallet is Gone
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💀 dregsundrained follow
Kaz Brekker isn't violent. Dirtyhands is. Get it right
🏵️ cillasfryup
Gonna rob a bank tomorrow and when the stadwatch come I'm gonna tell them it was my alter ego Countess Boochie Flagrante
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🙏🏻 thumbofghezen follow
sooooo sick of seeing people say that the council of tides shouldn't have complete control over kerch shipping. they stop the island from sinking??? every day?? have some respect
⛲ sanktvladimirs
idk about you guys but I'd be popping the BIGGEST bottles if kerch started sinking
🏵️ cillasfryup
me and the girls when kerch starts sinking
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🌊 boekcanaling
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staff please let me reblog ads please please please please
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💪🏻 lionsroar12 follow
guys you have 24 hours to unfollow sanktvladimirs not only are they impersonating and mocking real etherealki and real saints (they are NOT a member of the second army) they're a dregs member, and I bet they're a fucking ka/nej too
⛲ sanktvladimirs
@ dregsofficial
💪🏻 lionsroar12 follow
💪🏻 lionsroar12 follow
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guys I was looking at the wiki contributions who the fuck added a jesper fahey page to the dregs wiki... from inside the stadhall???
🥳 pearlhandledrevolvers
you know what. don't even worry about it
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liked by dregsofficial
🍃 squallertales follow
the wraith was only seventeen when she started hunting slavers???? she should have been at the club
#DON'T crawl out of the woodwork and say 'oh the crow club-' #the REAL CLUB. for FUN
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🎨 dekappelfan follow
🎨 dekappelfan follow
it's so nice to know no one agrees on this
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wobster109 · 6 months
Dissecting the post-Sunday conversation between Ratio and Aventurine
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This conversation is not, as many are interpreting, proof of Dr. Ratio's loyalty.
It couldn't be: they are still in the dreamscape, where the Family's eyes and ears are everywhere. No, this is a post-mission debrief, heavily encoded and disguised as a quarrel.
Dr. Ratio: You look pale. Or, is that also part of your act? Aventurine: Didn't think you'd have the nerve to show yourself. Dr. Ratio: I thought this was exactly what you wanted. After all, I faithfully fulfilled my duties as you instructed. Dr. Ratio: Just tell me if you can't hold on any longer. Aventurine: So, the "genius" of the Council of Mundanites wants to be my undertaker now? My… what an honor.
First part of the convo. Aventurine is playing his part perfectly. He’s acting angry and hurt: Ratio you rotten betrayer.
Interestingly, Ratio is slipping. Are you ok? Tell me if you can’t hold on. It almost sounds like he's a bit unsure about what happened. "I thought this was what you wanted", like he's asking for reassurance in some form.
Aventurine has to work hard to drag Ratio back on-script. "Have you forgotten, Doctor? You betrayed me." It's a hint and a reminder: stick with the plan, Doctor!
Dr. Ratio: Yes, and I'm pretty sure the people at the Strategic Investment Department would love to be notified of your death in due time, but let's not forget you won't be seeing them, because I'm the manager of this task. Aventurine: Great, then tell your people that Aventurine is ready to go in seventeen system hours.
Ratio asks for instructions (disguised as a taunt), and Aventurine provides them. I'm not entirely sure what instructions were given. It seems to be What should I tell the IPC? / Here's what you tell them.
Aventurine: My conversation with Sunday convinced me that there's a traitor in The Family, and that they hold the secrets of Penacony… So, I took the opportunity to set everything in motion. Aventurine: I even managed to recover the gift money. Things haven't gone this smoothly since I walked through the doors of The Reverie… Now, I'm only one step away from victory. Let's just wait and see.
Confirms that everything is on track. I believe the line about the gift money is actually him confirming that he has the aventurine cornerstone.
Dr. Ratio: Sounds like a very elaborate way of saying that you failed. Aventurine: That's all I can say. Have you forgotten, Doctor? You betrayed me.
This sounds like a bit of a warning from Aventurine. Remember we can't say too much here.
Dr. Ratio: You've got a lot of nerve — how exactly do you plan on completing your task while you're hands are tied by The Harmony? [...] Dr. Ratio: That's true, but what's your plan? Did you conceal an Orbital Support beacon in that gift money bag?
This is interesting. Ratio doesn't know the full plan! I imagine he's tremendously on edge. He's fishing for info, again disguised as taunts, specifically info about how Aventurine is going to get himself out—but of course, Aventurine can't say it out loud, not in the dreamscape.
Ratio is at the breaking point.
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Dr. Ratio: Fine. Here, take this. Open it when you're on your last legs. You'll thank me.
YES this is what I was waiting for, the moment when his whole voice changes! His usual tone is very much like giving-a-speech. He pronounces each word and syllable with precision, and clearly enunciating all the ending consonants.
Not here though. It's all grumbles. I think this might be the first time we're seeing cracks, and the personal Dr. Ratio is showing through instead of the public-speaking one.
Aventurine: You catch on pretty fast, Doctor.
He caught on that he was supposed to play along and not say anything that outright gives the plan away. (In my opinion he was pushing it a bit.)
I wonder if that's why he pulls the sudden disappearing act. He's slipping up, and/or bad at saying good-bye. Can't trust himself to get another word out. 🥺
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in the shadow of your heart (part one of two)
Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
requested by anon: inspired by the plot of the movie Flipped, where the reader openly pines for Daemon, but he always brushes her off until one day, she stops bothering him.
word count: 2.5k ▪︎ part two (preview) ▪︎ masterlist
themes: one-sided pining (by f!Reader in the beginning, then Daemon eventually), angst, language, Daemon being Daemon
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It’s no secret that you pined for the Rogue Prince. Ever since you moved with your father to King’s Landing after he was appointed Master of Laws in King Viserys’ Small Council, your admiration has steadily grown for Daemon. He was in and out of the city, due to his tumultuous relationship with his brother.
One week, Daemon returns. He trains with his gold cloaks in the front courtyard, surrounded by intrigued spectators. Workers of the Red Keep, knights, lords, and ladies. The last group bothers you slightly, the ogling ladies are all clearly there for Prince Daemon. You are, too. But you believe yourself to be different.
You consider Daemon to be a friend, at least. The two of you spoke from time to time. For seventeen different instances now, but it’s not like you were keeping count.
Your mouth falls open in awe as he spins, dodging an attack from his opponent. He might just be the most impressive fighter you’ve ever seen, all bias aside. He dodges quickly to one side, and digs his elbow in the other knight’s ribs, making him stumble to the ground. One down. His other opponent, though, manages to take advantage of this pause and slams the hilt of his sword heavily on Daemon’s back, bringing him to his knees facing you.
“Fucking cheat!” you sneer openly, “Get up, Daemon!” Several ladies moan in worry. Simpering sycophants.
He raises his head at your voice, and your eyes meet, “You,” he only says. His opponent moves closer to him, making you more alarmed, but Daemon does not seem to care.
“Get up,” you hiss, “turn around!
Daemon digs his sword into the ground, and leans into it, merely smirking at you. Just when it seems like his opponent has him beat, about to ceremoniously demonstrate the final blow, Daemon rolls completely, slantwise, ending up behind the knight. He pulls the knight's legs back with such force that the man screams in shock, before his body slams forcefully on the ground.
The crowd begins to cheer, nodding to each other, admiring the Prince’s prowess. Daemon walks over to a bench, wiping the sweat off his brow.
“Quite a good fight, as always, my prince.” He hears your voice pipe up. His little shadow, he calls you. He’s gotten used to your affections at this point, and it isn’t like you were shy about them, either. His gold cloaks have even created a sort of running joke about you. Then again, you care not about what anyone else thinks. Only Daemon.
“Enjoyed the show, my little shadow?” he takes a large swig of ale, “It seems as if you have nowhere else to run to this morning. Not that it’s any surprise to me.”
His crassness affects you no longer. You even like how blatantly honest he is, even when it’s at your expense. “Watching you train is just as good of an activity as any other, my prince. I might say that I prefer it, even.”
“Oh, of course it is.” He seems to drift off, his attention not focused solely at you anymore.
You sit next to him, sighing loudly, trying to get him to look at you again. “So,” you think of something interesting to say, “my father says that the war in the-”
He quickly interrupts you, “I hardly care what your father has to say.”
The smile falls from your face, “I must admit he has no fondness for you, too.”
The silence falls over the both of you. You stare down at your hands, furling and unfurling on your lap. You hear Daemon tiredly sigh beside you, “Is that a new dress?”
Your head snaps back up. You didn’t think he would notice. He never notices details like this. “Oh, yes, it is actually. I rather like it.” You turn to him hopefully, “Do you?”
His hand drifts atop your skirts, feeling the material. You struggle to ignore your pounding heartbeat, driven wild by his proximity, by his touch. “It’s nice enough, I suppose.”
“My prince,” one of his knights beckon to him.
“The colour isn’t the most flattering on you, though.” He says, before standing up to leave you. “My lady,” he nods once, and walks away, not seeing how your face falls in dismay.
Great. As you make your way back to your chambers, determined to change into your old dress, you think of how you never wish to put on anything with this colour ever again.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The next time you see him, he actually is the one to find you. He storms into the godswood, evidently distressed, kicking up stones in his path. You sit underneath the old tree, reading a heavy volume on Aegon’s conquest, when you notice him. You’re not certain whether to approach, but he seems so worried and angry, that you don’t think twice about comforting him. You slam your book shut, and approach him.
“You, again,” he sneers, “I thought I came here to find some peace.”
“You can find it here,” you say gently, “I do not wish to bother you.”
“And yet you always do.” He paces away from you.
The arouses your annoyance. Why can’t he, at the very least, be civil towards you? Granted, he may just be taking his anger out on you, so you voice out, “Something’s bothering you? You can tell me what it is, but you don’t have to be so heedlessly rude.”
He seems surprised at your tone, “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Of course I won’t,” you can’t help but scoff. How lowly must he think of you? Your affections are clearly wasted on the prince, but something still draws you to him. There is something there. There has to be.
“I shall take my leave if you can’t stand my presence, Prince Daemon.” You start to walk away from him, but he grabs your elbow, pulling you back.
You look at him questioningly, “Well?”
His eyes hold so much depth, a silent plea directed to you. Your anger dissipates, and you ask softly, “Are you certain that you wish me to?”
He softens at your welcoming expression, and hums in affirmative. So you take his hand, and guide him to your previous spot under the tree. You sit side by side in relative tranquility, in the crisp autumn air and faint sunlight.
Daemon leans back against the wood, and for the first time, he gets to observe you. He sees that you are once again wearing your old dress, so you must have taken his thoughtless opinion to heart. Your beauty is heightened under the sunshine, making you almost glow, like an ethereal being. Daemon's expression brightens unconsciously. My little shadow. More so my light, in this moment.
You peer at him, “What are you smirking about?”
“Nothing of any concern, my lady.”
“I am glad that your spirits have lifted, somehow.” Bravery takes a hold of you, and you reach out for his hand, squeezing gently.
He looks down at your hand, slight and soft compared to his. He won’t admit it to himself, perhaps not just yet, but he feels an immediate comfort from your presence. He had stormed out here after another heated confrontation with his brother, not expecting to find you. But find you he did, and he’s only glad for it.
“You don’t have to tell me about it, if you don’t wish to. Your secrets are your own. I do hope that I can bring you some calm, with my company.” Your voice is ever so gentle with him. He’s aware that in comparison, he has been mercurial in his disposition. Sometimes tolerating your flirting, your playful remarks. Most of the time, turning his cheek in apparent displeasure.
He can’t quite point it out, but he appreciates how unabashed you can be around him. Whether he's cordial or downright impertinent, whether he’s being showered with praise after a victory in battle or treated as the kingdom’s outcast after being dismissed yet again by his brother. You only see him for who he is, one and the same.
“I appreciate that, my shadow.” He smiles faintly back at you, genuinely, a rare sight to behold. “But I suppose I shall let you know part of what’s bothering me. My dear brother wishes to wed me off to some dolt of a lady, from some southern house. I’ve refused, of course, as she looks just as goatlike as my late wife, the Lady Royce.”
“I heard that the late Lady Royce was a beautiful and strong-”
He cuts you off sharply, “She was just about as riveting as watching paint dry, and our lifeless marriage was no more than a mummer’s farce.”
Oh, gods. Daemon wouldn’t be Daemon if there is no fire in his words. In an attempt to lighten the mood, you nudge his shoulder, “You could just marry me, you know. I’m sure I would be a whole lot more interesting than some southern lady.”
He looks at you strangely, as if he can’t believe that you had the gall to even offer such a thing. “Hmm,” he raises an eyebrow, “but you can’t be my wife. You’re already my shadow.”
“Funny,” you smirk back at him.
You think again about how you care not what people say about Daemon, what they might think about your desires of him. They matter very little, if not at all.
Only Daemon.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
This year, your father arranged for a grand celebration for your nameday. No expense was spared, despite your reluctance. You cared little for these festivities, but the whole arrangement made your father happy, so to hell with it. This was another opportunity to see Daemon, after all.
You had seen him yesterday, in the Red Keep. There was a woman walking with him. She was beautiful indeed, with dark and silky hair, sensual lips, and a knowing gaze. You later learned her name to be Mysaria. One of Daemon’s… night time companions. The thought of it made your stomach churn, but you did your best to ignore it.
“Prince Daemon, I’ve been looking for you,” you greeted him, and only him.
“Aren’t you always?” Daemon replied playfully.
“Yes, well,” you stammered, and looked away briefly, before relaying your message, “It is my pleasure to invite you to the festivities occurring tomorrow, for my nameday.”
“Ah, my warmest wishes, shadow.” He tilts his head in response.
“Why do you call the lady shadow?” Mysaria questions, reminding you of her presence.
“Just a little something between myself and the lady, my dear.” Daemon says to her. My dear. You hated the jealousy springing from you. My dear. Not as endearing and meaningful as 'my shadow', I would say. Any lady can be called my dear, as a polite gesture.
“Can I count on your presence, my prince?” You ask excitedly, eyes twinkling up at him.
“I’d be loathe to miss a good revelry, my dear shadow. I’ll be there.”
“Very well then!” you steal a glance at Mysaria, who was eyeing you surreptitiously, “My father had his messenger send proper invitations to you and your family, but I thought I would ask you myself.”
As you sit at the main table, guests constantly come up to you to give their greetings, most of them you’re not familiar with at all. Anyway, the one you were most interested in seeing was Daemon, but he hasn’t arrived yet.
All at once, the crowd stands at the arrival of the Kingsguard. The Targaryens are sure to follow, so you stand eagerly to greet them, keeping an eye out for the Rogue Prince. But you fail to spot him, and only the King Viserys and Princess Rhaenyra come into view.
They reach you, with genuine smiles on their faces. “Our warmest greetings, dear lady Y/n.” King Viserys happily exclaims.
“My King,” you bow to each one in turn, “My Princess. You both honour me with your presence, truly.”
King Viserys moves on to speak with your father, while Rhaenyra takes your hands in hers, “You are having a great nameday, I hope?” She’s always been amicable with you, and you’ve grown fond of her friendship in turn.
“I am,” you weakly smile back, but he crosses your mind again, “I do wish Daemon was here, though. Is he not coming?”
Rhaenyra’s heart breaks for you, as she knows of your feelings for Daemon, “Well, I believe him to be occupied at the moment. Him and his gold cloaks left for the brothels earlier tonight, as is their usual routine.”
Your entire demeanour falls. You were aware of Daemon’s preferred activities, but you choose to ignore them. It isn’t as if you have any say in his doings, as much as you wish it.
“He’s an absolute idiot.” Rhaenyra is determined to cheer you up, “Why don’t we have some wine and plenty of cake, and go dancing with some of these dashing lords? Oh, and don’t look, but Cregan Stark looks as if he’s been eyeing you for a while now.”
You can’t help but glance at the Lord of Winterfell, meeting his heated gaze. Okay, then.
“Come, let’s get some cake.” Rhaenyra beams at you, and all thought of her absent uncle is pushed from your mind.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Daemon has been roaming the castle. He’s just been to the courtyard, and to the godswood, and to the gardens. He’s been practically everywhere, but he’s yet to see you. Strangely enough, he hasn’t seen you for a long time, it’s been nearly a fortnight since he last encountered you, when he was walking with Mysaria.
Where in the seven hells is my shadow? She can’t very well be my shadow, now can she, if she’s not even around.
Everyone has noticed that Daemon has grown even more unpleasant and impatient, as of late. More so than he already is. Snapping at servants, his gold cloaks, and basically anyone else who might unfortunately come across his path.
He’s had half a mind to ask your father himself for your whereabouts, but he has not come around to that just yet. He knows that you would turn up, somehow. You have to.
He turns a corner, when he hears it, faintly. Coming from the end of the corridor which leads to the open rooftop. His ears perk up at the sound of it again. Your laugh.
His legs propel him forward, quickly, yearning for the sight of you.
Then he sees you. But you are not alone. You lean against the balcony, a man standing close next to you. Judging by the man’s garb, he recognizes him to be Cregan Stark of Winterfell.
An unfamiliar sensation arises within him, accompanied by a sense of dread. He immediately wants to pull you to his side, and chuck the young Stark over the balcony for even being so near you. For making you laugh like that.
What the fuck? Daemon ponders to himself. What in the seven hells is this?
He steps forward to finally make his presence known, “Hello, my shadow.”
Daemon / General HotD taglist: @random-human02 @thelastcitysposts @avalyaaa @angel6776 @huntycola @sanguinalia @just-a-harmless-patato @outundertheocean @schniiipsel @my-dark-prince @darylandbethfanforever9 @daeneeryss
It's been quite a task to manage the taglists, but those here have asked to be tagged for Daemon fics or HotD in general (I think!) Apologies if I've missed anyone, just comment if you want to be added.
The next thing I'll post will be for Aemond ;) I've missed my little one-eyed mommy's boy/war criminal 🖤
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Foreboding Words of Warnings
..... I had another idea that I wanna share. Going to be quick cause I got stuff to do today.
"This, Batman. Is a list of names and ages of people who once were upon the living, who died by the hands of Joker.... they are also the ones that are demanding his death and soul ripped into nothingness so they won't suffer his ghost should he become one...." the young looking King said, his voice hard like unmoving stone, his finger tapping against the open long glowing scroll sitting on top of the table "The very dead are demanding their justice Batman. My people, my subjects, my kind want to finally end that psychopath since they now have a King that is willing to listen to them."
Batman opened his mouth, trying to come up with words to counter argue that killing was wrong, he did his best to ignore the names, the ages (a cluster of children ages ranging from babies to seventeen year olds were together on the list) but was cut off by King Phantom.
"I'm not asking permission Batman, this is merely a formality and a warning for what's to come. Everyone and everything ends and enters my domain eventually, and from there their souls are judged. So before you say I have no right to be doing this, understand that EVERYONE will be mine eventually whether they like it or not.... Although never once has so many ghosts demanded judging on a living soul all at once. I can not ignore this, even my own council agreed to the demands once I brought this matter to them." Phantom said, his glowing green eyes staring him down and everyone in the room shivered (both internally and a tiny bit outwardly) as if they had been dunked in cold ice water. The light from his flaming crown seemed to be messing with the shadows around it in the cave sending a sense of foreboding at them. "You have twenty-four hours to bring Joker to me before I send my knights to find him and drag him into my Realm. I would rather not cause mass panic among the living should they see them however hence why I came here to speak in private with you about this matter before we do."
The room was silent after that, everyone trying to wrap their heads around what was going to happen, permission or not. And trying not to freak out over the existence of ghosts being a thing... and that they had a King in the afterlife.
"Question King Kid. Do you need to be fully dead to sign that thing or can someone whose been dead and got better add their name to it?" Jason finally asked from his spot, fully ready to sign his own name on the damn thing if it meant finally getting rid of the Joker for good in this life. And for the afterlife as well. He refused to let Joker's victims and himself should he join them in the ghostly afterlife suffer seeing that crazed clown again.
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lani-heart · 1 year
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genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, fantasy au, poly au, dark moon reference paring(s) -> enhypen o t7 x reader warning(s) -> angst, light cursing, violence, etc
abstract -> with the merging of several schools, the councils will learn to work with each other. what happens when the reader has seven soulmates in the Decelis Academy council, and she gets rejected by them?
-> uploading will start december 15, 2023 -> completed on may 13, 2024
-> taglist closed !!
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PROLOGUE chapter one || rejection
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ACT I chapter two || yang jungwon chapter three || kim sunoo
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ACT II chapter four || announcements chapter five || burnt chapter six || square one chapter seven || nishimura riki
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ACT III chapter eight || soulmate rejection chapter nine || park sunghoon
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ACT IV chapter ten || bento boxes chapter eleven || questions chapter twelve || jay park
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ACT V chapter thirteen || human chapter fourteen || monster chapter fifteen || sim jake
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FINAL ACT chapter sixteen || lonely chapter seventeen || riverfield chapter eighteen || lee heeseung
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EPILOGUE extra || maknae line headcannons extra || hyung line headcannons
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EXTRAS requested | sleeping next to Jungwon / Sunoo requested | hanging out with Jungwon / Sunoo / Niki
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if you would like to be on the taglist please send an ask or comment under this post. If you message me there might be a chance I don't see if and if you ask on another post such as in one of the chapters it'll be hard to keep up with.
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taglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie @loafsunshinesworld @vixensss @zhenya109 @luumiinaa @rosas-in-the-garden @b3tt7boop @moony-mari @vixialuvs @ilovecheese09 @capri-cuntz @emma2black @skzhoes @emma2black
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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660 notes · View notes
ladythornofrivia · 11 months
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SUMMARY: modern!reader fell into the universe that she’d never expect, especially encountering a one-eye dragon prince under a mighty house reign with fire and blood.
~ Aemond x Reader ~
Chapter One: The Dark Uproar
Chapter Two: The Green Star
Chapter Three: The House of Black & Green
Chapter Four: The Wandering Light
Chapter Five: The Council
Chapter Six: The Rebirth of Lady Greenstar
Chapter Seven: The Price of Heart
Chapter Eight: The Escape
Chapter Nine: The Bite of a Lady
Chapter Ten: The Children of Dragon
Chapter Eleven: The Shadow of a One-Eyed Dragon
Chapter Twelve: The Sons of Winter
Chapter Thirteen: The Dragon & The Wolf
Chapter Fourteen: The Feud of Birthright & Bastards
Chapter Fiftteen: The Maiden in Sea
Chapter Sixteen: The Wrath of a Dragon
Chapter Seventeen: The Tourney
Chapter Eighteen : The Taste of Depravity
(Disclaimer: some chapter titles will either be changed or added with a new chapter for the sake of an extension for plot and long details.)
@ ladythornofrivia - all rights reserved.
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seventeenwizards · 5 months
Sorry if I don’t post any of my own art for the next week or so. My computer decided to die on me so I gotta go get it fixed/replaced and that might take a while.
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acidsoju · 6 months
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genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, college au, non idol. pairing: guitarist! beomgyu x college student! reader warnings: lots of fluff, kinda corny, , alcohol use, a little suggestive at the end. word count: 7.7k summary: you thought this year's festival was going to be a bummer like last year's, until you found yourself stuck spending the three whole days of it with that pretty guitarist boy that caught your eye.
JESUS, THE PLACE WAS CROWDED. You had never seen so many people agglomerating on campus like today― suddenly feeling very lucky for being stuck at the mini bar your class had set for this year’s festival, wiping glasses and pouring down alcohol to your teachers in hopes they would remember this small act of kindness from you when they graded your exams.
Today was just the first out of three whole, long days where your university held this fun festival celebrating its students and allowing them to have some fun for their hard efforts throughout the year. The student council members had taken care of everything; from decorating the whole place with banners and garlands to the big scenario that stood in between the main building’s entrance and the people around campus.
On stage already were some majors from dramatic arts displaying and ending a modern version of Romeo and Juliet; Romeo being, in fact, your dearest friend Yeonjun, who blew kisses to the public after bowing and receiving a bucket of flowers that was thrown at him; his keen eyes spotted you leaning against the counter, softly smiling at him and he lifted a flower in your direction, charmingly winking his eye at you. You raised a cup filled with some sweet alcohol and threw your head back, feeling the burning liquid sliding down your throat.
As night fell upon you, more people arrived and your mini bar became the top spot to hang out so you found yourself pretty busy making some drinks to your classmates and some more teachers, who would tell you to drink with caution but still accept the free drink you offered them.
“Hey y/n, you should take a break" was what told you one of your classmates, tightening the apron around his waist. “You’ve been on since we opened up, why don’t you go take a look at the festival? This year’s supposed to be bigger than the last one.”
Well, that you could tell. Still, thanking your classmate and taking off your apron, you did just as advised and walked around campus, looking curiously at other classes’ stands, greeting some people you knew, laughing at others failing their attempts to win some prizes at the games. It was a really nice atmospher... until it wasn’t and you were falling to the cold floor on your butt.
You blinked in astonishment a few times, people rushing around you but not with any intentions of helping you; instead, they all gathered -even more if it was possible- near the stage where colorful light reflectors starting pointing around― to the night sky, moving to the people who cheered on loudly. What was it? Had the student council brought some group like Seventeen? Because if it was that, then you would have to break into the sea of people to be on the first row.
“Comfortable down there?” your eyes flicked up to boy standing tall in front of you, lights blinding you for a second before they moved away from your eyes and let you take a proper look at him. A stretched palm appeared in your camp of vision. “Need a hand?”
“… Yeah, thanks” you said grabbing the warm hand that pulled you up easily, your chest bumping against his; your eyes met a pair of brown, shiny eyes with amusement reflecting on them. Forcing yourself to let go of the hand that wasn’t letting yours go, you cleared your throat, putting some distance between your bodies. “Well… goodbye.”
You turned on your heels and went back to your class’ mini bar; your classmate rising an eyebrow at you for your short break but still accepting gladly your help as people didn’t stop gathering around it. With your apron back around your waist, you started to make the ordered drinks and delivered them to the small tables organized in front of your stand.
“Ah, ah- Hello, one, two, three” a gentle, deep voice echoed through campus, caughting everyone’s attention; the people in front of the scenario cheered loudly and all eyes were suddenly on the single figure of a boy sitting down on a chair in the middle of the stage, a guitar resting on his lap and a soft, unbothered smirk plastered on his face. “Good afternoon, N University! How are y’all feeling on this fine summer night?”
It was that boy who had helped you up just a few minutes ago. You leaned yourself against the counter bar, enjoying the little time you had to take a break thanks to him caughting all the attention. You actually felt intrigued, your eyes fixated on him as he chatted and interacted with the growing crowd. He looked so at ease even with so many people staring directly at him― that did impress you.
“For those who know me, it’s good seeing you again! And for those who don’t…” you weren’t sure because you weren’t that close to the stage but for a second it seemed like his eyes stared directly at yours, his eyebrows moving up slightly before his eyes were somewhere else. You gulped. “… My name’s Beomgyu, nice to meet you.”
Then his slender fingers started strumming down a soft melody that was followed by his actually really pretty voice. You closed your mouth the moment you realized it had been open this whole time in amazement and enjoyed the melodies he created, the music piercing through your ears and your mind. It wasn’t a song you knew; could it be a song he had written?
Your thoughts completely disappeared from your mind when you ­-surely this time- locked eyes with him, his voice never faltering while singing the nice verses and his smile widening playfully, his eyebrows jumping smuggly, like they were waving at you.
“Your friend’s really good” said your classmate leaning against the counter next to you. You frowned, not really looking away from the boy on stage whose eyes didn’t move from you either.
“He’s not my friend” you mumbled.
Beomgyu sang a few more songs; some of them you knew and some others, you didn’t but still sang along to the ones you recognized while you continue to serve the people waiting for their drinks once they woke up from that small indulged dream Beomgyu’s voice put them in. After his show ended, other people went up on stage and carried on with the festival activities.
“Y/n, I’m sorry to ask you this but could you take care of things here on your own for a moment? My girlfriend really wants to take a look around” said your classmate pleading with his hands, almost falling t to is knees in front of you; it was probably the busiest time you were having but still, he had made you take a break and you felt like you owned him so you nodded and laughed at his excited self running to a girl waiting for him on the back of the mini bar barely taking off his apron and throwing it behind the counter.
It wasn’t long till you regretted letting your classmate go― the tables were full and some people very impatient. You hurried the most you could but still got some complaints that made you feel awful and your mind started buzzling in annoyance as you started making more mistakes in the making of the drinks; that was why you didn’t hear when someone stood on the other side of the counter and leaned in, observing you as you cursed under your breath for another mistake in the pouring percentage.
“Hello again” you almost jumped away when you looked up only to find Beomgyu resting his chin over the palm of his hand, smiling softly at you. He chuckled at the confusion tinting your face. “I was coming here to have a drink at first, but it looks you’re kinda busy so I thought-“ he walked around the counter to where you were, his smile widening as you took a step back; he crouched down to grab the abandoned apron on the floor and quickly tied it up around his waist. “-you would like some help.”
You were in no place to decline his offer; honestly, you were crazy if you rejected it.
“Yeah, thanks” you said peeking at the full tables waiting for you, a sigh leaving your lips. “Could you go over there and take their orders? I’ll make the drinks.”
“On it, boss.”
Soon, you both found a nice pace at things; Beomgyu would go to the tables, write down the drinks they’d order and come back to stick the small notes on a line while you’d make them in the order he took them, placing the ready-to-go ones on your free side of the counter, where Beomgyu would grab them and quickly delivered to the tables.
“What’s this?” he asked eyeing a pair of small glasses next to you that he didn’t remember writing down; you softly pushed one to him and grabbed the other one, lifting it up in the air.
“A shot for us, the hard-workers” you stated almost taking the shot when you were stopped by the grip on your lifted hand, your eyebrows narrowing.
“Love shot!” he exclaimed with a big smile on his face, intertwining your arms and pulling you closer; his eyes never left yours while he threw back his head and downed the liquid. You imitated him and felt your face flush red but you weren’t sure if it was because of the alcohol or because when you looked again to the front, you found his face closer than before nodding in satisfaction. "Atta girl."
“Excuse me? I’d like to order!” called someone from a table behind, popping up your little bubble.
“Coming!” replied Beomgyu letting go of your arm and walking away.
It was really late when people decided to leave and it was even more late when you and Beomgyu finished up cleaning and piling up the tables behind the counter, ready to be used for tomorrow. You arched an eyebrow when your classmate returned just after cleaning everything up but understood as soon as you saw the lipstick marks around his neck and his disheveled state.
“So, so sorry” he said apologetically, eyes filled with guilt. “I really did lost track of time, I’m so sorry, y/n.”
“It’s okay, really. I mean, at first I really wanted to murder you with my own hands but I forgot about it because someone else helped me" you looked over your shoulder at Beomgyu, who stood and looked away pretending he wasn’t caught hearing your conversation, whistling innocently.
“It’s really late, though. Would you like a ride home?” you classmate offered. It wasn’t a bad idea but before you could agree, because you were really tired and didn’t feel like taking a taxi, a voice came from behind you, suddenly so close that you flinched surprised.
“It’s fine, I’ll take her home” said Beomgyu, his warm breath fanning over the top of your head. Your classmate scanned the boy suspiciously before looking at your concerned.
“I thought you said he wasn’t your friend.”
Your cheeks burned.
Your classmate apologized once more before walking away, hand in hand with his girlfriend. Around campus, the reflectors stared turning off one by one. Grabbing your bag and hanging it on your shoulder, you stood awkwardly before the boy, dark brown eyes never left you as you moved around.
“Thanks a lot for today, Beomgyu…” you mumbled, finding the tip of your shoes much more interesting -nor really- than the pretty boy in front of you. Still, trying not to be impolite to your literal savior, you lifted your gaze and locked eyes with him. “I own you a big time for this.”
“Two, actually” he replied, his hands slipping in his pockets, a lazy smile drawing in his face as he shrugged. You scoffed; you didn’t think he would count helping you up as a favor. “It’ll be one if you let me take you home” he took a step closer, arching an eyebrow when you flinched. “Do I make you nervous, boss?” He practically purred, enjoying the obvious fact.
He took another step closer already making you tilt your head up to look into his eyes, glinting in the night as he towered over you; liking the way you visibly fought not to break the eye contact that unspeakably turned into a staring contest between you two.
“So, gorgeous? What do you say?” his hand left his pocket as he twirled a lost strand of hair in his finger before putting it behind your red ear. “I’m taking you to my place if you don’t answer me.”
You never were one to break people into your house. Mostly because it was a house full of people; from your old granma to your youngest siblings who were like little devils; whatever time it was, someone would be at home. Your parents were the less frequent there, only coming back home after dinner due to their jobs; your older brother had moved into his own place but still spent most of his free time in the family house, even thought his room had been transformed into a storage room; and your grandma practically never left, always baking and taking care of your siblings.
 So, when that night Beomgyu said: “Y’know… I actually live really far from here.”
You couldn’t help but to burst out laughing on his face, his coquettish smile dropping the second you did and looking at you like you were some sort of mad person.
“Well, that’s really sad, buddy” you said after you calmed yourself down, a few amused tears in the corners of your eyes.. “We don’t have any guest room, I can give you some money to grab a cab if you want and then we’ll be even.”
“Don’t wanna” he replied immediatly, a small pout in his lips appeared barely a second before it stretched again into his cheshire smile. “How about your room?”
This time it was your smile falling from your face.
Beomgyu grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, chest pressing against chest. His warm breath hit against your face and you looked up, surely looking terrified because Beomgyu couldn’t hold the laugh that came from him when he took a good look at your face.
“It’s really late, what if something happens to me on my way home?” he said almost in an inaudible plead, his thumb drawing circles in the back of your hand. You opened your mouth to protest some more but got cut off by him, already sensing you weren’t giving in. “I promise we won’t get caught, I’m sneaky like a cat.”
It wasn’t like your brother never broke someone in while he lived here, you thought while you dragged Beomgyu up the stairs of the silent house. You motioned for him to stay silent pressing your finger against your lips before you tiptoed down the hall till your room, closing the door silently behind you and sighting in relief after succeeding at sneaking the guy in.
Beomgyu peeked around your room, watching carefully every little thing you owned; from the books piling up in your desk to your cute pink panties thrown in a corner of the room. He couldn’t help but laugh at the cute cherries that adorned your underwear, his laugh soon being muffled by the palm of your hand covering his mouth, his smile softening underneath it, his eyebrows raising at your boldness.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up" you whispered, pleading with your eyes. A light came from the hall behind your door and you looked over your shoulder in terror, quickly recognizing the steps of your father approaching. You, faster than ever, pushed the boy onto your bed before you threw yourself in and covered both bodies with your bedcovers, trying to hide the visible bulk on your bed that wasn’t you.
“Sweetie? Is that you?” asked your father from the other side of your door after softly knocking on the wood. You bit down your lips, praying in your mind that he wouldn’t open the door and that the boy underneath the cover could stop fucking squirming and brushing his hands against the exposed skin on your waist.
“Y-yeah, dad. I’m home” you answer trying to sound like you always did. You held your breath the few seconds of silence before your father spoke again.
“It’s really late, get some sleep, honey” he said sweetly before walking away from your door and back to his room. After you heard his door shutting down, you breathed again.
“Coast is clear” wou whispered lifting up the cover to look at Beomgyu. You felt your cheeks burn; his big, warm hands were grabbing your waist while his face was almost pressed down against your stomach, the rest of his body siquirming in between your legs as he stretched them.
“Aw, I was really comfy down there” he whined, drawing circles on the skin of your waist while pushing himself up, his head falling next to yours over you pillow and the hold in your body making you turn around to face him. “Hello” he purred.
You lifted up your hand to softly brush away the little hairs falling against his eyes; he leaning into your touch and brushing his nose against the palm of your hand, before placing down a kiss on the same spot, humming at the warmth your body radiated.
“W-we should get some sleep” you said stumbling on your own words while looking down at his darted open lips against your hand. He licked his lips.
“We should” he mumbled, leaning in closer to your face, his breath hitting against your lips while his eyes looked down on them eagerly. “Shouldn’t we?”
You opened your mouth to answer but nothing really came of as you felt so confused. Beomgyu saw the perfect opportunity and took it, closing the distance between your lips. You inhaled sharply, your senses getting intoxicated by his scent and feeling yourself melt under his touch. Your already opened mouth giving him all the access he wanted to explore around with his hot tongue.
His soft lips taking control over yours and his raw tongue owning your mouth completely made you pressed the bottom of your body against his; his lips curled up into a smirk against yours at your action before he pulled away, the hold in your waist tightening. His eyes scanned your panting-self, satisfaction washing over his face as he hummed delightful.
“We really should get some sleep” he said, hand going up to cup your face and caress your cheek. You nodded lost in the reminiscence of his taste and feeling your eyelids heavy, probably due to being actually exhausted, and turned around, your back pressed against his chest when he pulled you closer and your legs intertwined. Beomgyu’s face buried in the spot between your neck and shoulder, and inhaled deeply before falling asleep.
Festival’s second day was on. And surely, it was even busier that the first one. Feeling yourself already exhausted after the frenetic morning you’d had sneaking out certain boy from your room without your whole family noticing plus the popular your mini bar stand became, your first shot was around seven p.m.
If you were completely honest, you had slept really well. More than ever, in fact. Walking up in the middle of the night embraced in the warmth of a pretty boy’s body was heaven compared to waking up alone and cold. But you weren’t going to be honest.
“You sure I won’t die if I fall from here?” Beomgyu had asked you, eyes looking down from your window to your yard while you quickly packed some things in your bag; you had tried to pull the most convinced smile for the boy’s reassurance but you clearly failed at it when his lips darted open and he gulped loudly. “What about a goodbye kiss first?”
You rolled your eyes at his smooth comment, trying to ignore the warm feeling up in your chest, and placed an open palm against his chest; Beomgyu was sure you were going to kiss him but he surely was surprised when you pushed him out of your window to your balcony, driving him to the edge.
“A kiss if you survive.”
After looking at Beomgyu clumsily slidding down the big tree outside of your window, praying that nobody from your family would be near the scene the moment his feet would touch the floor, and sighing in relieve while he waved at you with a proud smile on his face, you went down your stairs hearing the familiar sound of people having breakfast together.
Your grandmother at the end of the table smiled sweetly at the sight of you and motioned for you to take a sit and have some breakfast with the rest of the family, which you, of course, couldn’t refuse. You took a seat down in between your younger siblings and in front of your parents, who greeted with you with the same love as always.
You almost felt relived that you weren’t caught when your phone vibrated on your pocket and you choked out on a piece of toast after reading the message from your brother.
bro: yo bro: *attached image* bro: caught this dude coming down from your fucking window ???? bro: r u okay bro: should i take him to the cops or you: OMG DONT bro: … bro: i see … bro: my sisters all grown up now bro: im definitely taking him to the cops
When you had gotten out of your house and saw no one around, you panicked and called your brother only to find out he was just joking about the whole ‘taking your boyfriend to the cops, I’m not that old fashioned y’know’, had he said.
“So... he just walked away?” wou asked your brother throught your phone, after repeating at least three time he wasn’t your boyfriend.
“Yeah, he said he lives nearby or whatever.”
Moral of the story was, definitely ask the boy you’re breaking into your house for his number first.
“Baby, where are you?” you snapped back into reality when Yeonjun placed his hand on top of your head, forcing you to look up at his curious eyes. “Been talking to you for like five minutes and nothing.”
“… Sorry, didn’t sleep that well last night.”
Yeonjun hummed nodding to your excuse, looking at you with worry in his eyes. You felt a little bad lying to him but, as said before, you weren’t going to be honest with yourself.
“Lucky for you, you have me all for yourself today" he said smiling sweetly, taking off the hand from your head. You smiled gratefully; Yeonjun had been helping at the mini bar since it opened early as his play was only yesterday: ‘schedules for each day are different’ he had said when you asked him why wasn’t he on stage already.
Did that mean Beomgyu wasn’t performing tonight?
“Maybe you should take a break? I’m sure me and Soobin can handle this by ourselves for a while” Yeonjun pointed with his thumb at the poor overwhelmed boy who had been dragged into the situation by him, cheeks red as he went on and on delivering drinks to the tables.
“Maybe later” you said, don't liking the thought of leaving these two boys in charge. Soon, after washing your face trying to wake up properly, you got into work again. Soobin was grateful to you for switching up with him the task, now he behind the counter making the drinks and you taking order and delivering.
“Hey, what’d you like?” you automatically asked walking to a just taken table, eyes fixated on the notepad on your hand waiting to write down the order.
“You, gorgeousy” you looked up at the voice that had been haunting you all day; a pair of brown eyes looking back at you delighted, a playful smirk drawn on his pretty face. Beomgyu leaned in the table, chin resting in the palm of his hand. “Long time no see, missed you so much.”
You licked your lips, stopping the smile on your face from widening too much. “We saw each other this morning.”
“Oh, I know, just wanted you to remember it” you internally sighed; if only he knew you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. His eyes trailed behind you, an eyebrow raising. “Guess you don’t need my help today.”
You looked over your shoulder; Yeonjun was taking the order of some table filled with pretty college girls who sent flirtatious smiles at your friend and he received them and delivered back as usual, his eyes going up at you from time to time. As he caught you staring at him, he motioned at the boy sat behind you curiously, who answered only moving your lips: ‘tell you later’.
When you looked back at Beomgyu, you didn’t meet his eyes but his chest. Looking up, his smile was still there but didn’t reach his eyes this time. You tilted your head; he was so easy to read.
“You wanna help?”
Beomgyu licked his lips at the sight of you, so sweet with your shiny eyes looking at him only.
“I wanna help you” he tilted his head closer to yours, your foreheads almost pressing together.
That day all of you worked even harder; Beomgyu was sent to help Soobin make the drinks behind the counter which, it seemed, wasn’t a decision he liked so much. As you went on and on serving tables, your muscles became sore and your eyes heavy. The only moment you did stop was when people’s attention got caught by the ones performing on stage; you’d lean yourself over the counter and chitchat with Beomgyu, taking a love shot ‘as a tradition’ he said, and forcing Soobin to take one too, even thought he had said he was a terrible drinker.
“Baby, I’m so tired!” Yeonjun reached your side, sliding his arm over your shoulder and pressing down his cheek on top of your head. “Oh, what a blessed upon soul you are, being gifted a friend as loyal as I” He recited dramatically; a hand extended on the air. “For this big ass favor, you shall buy my meal till death falls upon me” you couldn’t help but giggle at your friend.
Of course, your laugh stopped when a glass was put down hardly against the counter; the attention shifting to Beomgyu who poured down some dark liquor with a snarl in his face. Yeonjun snickered and shifted his position, standing behind you and looming over your shoulder while his hands clasped around your waist. Soobin could only look alarmed at the boys.
“O’ beauty of this world, if a penny you shan't have, a kiss I shall accept in your debt's place-“
“Yo, Shakespeare boy! Go wipe clean that table” Beomgyu snarled at your friend, cutting him off and throwing a piece of clothe at his face. You heard Yeonjun snickering on your back. “… Oops.”
“Where did you get this one?” your friend whispered in your ear, only for you to hear before going to do as such. You stared open-mouthed at Beomgyu, whose eyes didn’t meet yours as he made some more drinks.
“Hey, why are you so jealous?” you asked him, earning a glare from his pretty, snappy eyes. He opened his big mouth, gasping dramatically.
“Who’s jealous? I’m not.”
You snickered. “Oh, please. You are good at singing, not acting.”
Beomgyu pouted, looking away, his ears burning red. “Whatever.”
Day two ended around the same hour as day one. This time things got clean up faster as you were two more people than last night. You were glad that, at the end of the night, Beomgyu seemed to get along pretty well at least with Soobin. While his relationship with Yeonjun… Well, that made your head hurt. You internally wrote down not to get them together on the same place ever again if you didn’t want becoming a babysitter.
“So you got a boyfriend and never told me?” Yeonjun mumbled next to you as you piled up the last chair behind the counter, taking advantage of the fact your guardian dog was busy chattering with Soobin. Your friend sighed dramatically and looked at the horizon. “I don’t know how I’ll get over this.”
“He’s not my-
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, here he comes, ha, seriously…” Yeonjun laughed softly watching live how Beomgyu noticed him talking, oh so close, to you and opened his mouth offended, before jogging to your side, his pretty hair flying back.
“Hey y/n, let’s go, I’m so tired already, you only use me to help you out” he whined grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to him, glaring over your head at Yeonjun whose lips stretched into a cocky smile.
“Oh? But I was planning on taking her home tonight?” god, it seemed like your friend loved the drama.
“No way!” Beomgyu hugged you closer. “She’s staying over at my place tonight.”
“I- what?”
“Welcome!” Beomgyu exclaimed, pushing you inside his house, practically beaming.
You looked around the place; it had some really nice and comfy vibes, just like him, also it was surprisingly tidier that you imagined when Beomgyu told you he lived alone. The warm lightning made the place looked cozy already, but the house decorations reminded you of your grandma’s room.
Beomgyu’s big hands placed themselves on your back as he pushed softly into the kitchen and took out a chair for you to seat. You watched how he moved around the kitchen fetching a plate filled with chocolate chip cookies for you and a cup that was filled with warm milk. Beomgyu, with a cup of his own, took the chair next to you but moving it around for him to be facing you instead.
“I don’t like Yeonjun” he blurted out, sipping down on the warm milk. You laughed; he was such a easy puppy to read.
“I realized.” “He’s so annoying.” “He’s my friend.” “Well, he shouldn’t.”
You rolled your eyes and munched on the cookie, humming delighted at his taste, trying to change the topic. “Hey, these are really good. Where did you buy them?”
“Really? Gimme some” he leaned closer and opened his mouth, waiting for you to fed him the cookie. You scoffed but still put the cookie at his mouth reach, mumbling a soft ‘hey’ when his teeth purposely yet softly nibbled down at your fingers, a playful tingling in his eyes. He hummed munching down at the cookie while your eyes were focused on the crumbs in the corner of his lips.
“Come here” you said grabbing his chin with a hand and wiping away the crumbs with your thumb. Your eyes went up from his lips to his eyes staring intensely at you, freezing you on your spot. Beomgyu leaned into your touch and bumped his nose against yours, brushing it softly.
“You still own me a kiss” he licked his lips, a smile widening in his face.
“I know.”
Your hand went up from his chin to his cheek before closing the distance between you two; Beomgyu tasting like chocolate cookies and warm milk. His hands grabbed each side of your face and leaned closer to you, as closer as one could sitting down on some chairs in the kitchen. His lips moved so experimentally over yours, tracing the fine line of your lips with his tongue before meeting your own.
Beomgyu got up from the chair, never breaking the kiss apart, and towered over you. His hands found a place in your waist before he helped you up, this time your body leaning against his as he pressed his back against the kitchen counter for stability.
“This is bad, so bad” he mumbled under the kiss, drunk on the taste of your lips. “I could get used to this, to you, gorgeous.”
“Doesn’t sound that bad to me" you replied, pecking at his bottom lip one, two, even three times, completely focused on your very important task. Beomgyu smirked, his thumbs caressing the exposed skin on your waist.
“Of course it doesn’t.”
That night you ended up under Beomgyu’s covers, bodies intertwined while being drunk on each other kisses. You were the first one to give in to sleep, laying over Beomgyu’s chest, cheek pressed against it making a pout form on your pretty, swollen and darted open lips. His fingers caressing sweetly your hair, inhaling your scent and falling to sleep hypnotized by the sound of your heartbeat against his.
If Beomgyu had to count on the best things that happened in his life, number one would be the first time he played on a stage with a full crowd and the second one would have been the moment he opened his eyes that morning and found you sleeping soundly in between his arms. The way your chest softly raised up and down at your steady breaths, your barely opened lips that he so badly wanted to kiss the moment his eyes fell upon, your hands barely holding around his frame.
God, you drove him insane.
Giving in to his intrusive thoughts, his arms rounded your waist and pulled you closer to him, hugging you against his body as he inhaled your sweet scent; you groaned in your sleep, annoyed. Beomgyu brushed the tip of his nose against the skin in your neck making you squirmed under his touch. Following an invisible trail up to your ear, your senses awakened when a sweet, very deep spoke into it, hot breath making you flinch.
“Morning, gorgeous.”
Well, wasn’t this a sight from heavens? Beomgyu lazily smiled at you, while you blinked a few times adjusting to the light in the room and looked groggily at the boy in front of you. Maybe you were still dreaming? You reached out your hand and brushed his disheveled hair back; how was his hair softer than yours?
“You’re real” you mumbled, a yawn in between, earning a soft laugh from him.
“Aw, were you dreaming about me?”
“Yeah, a nightmare” you replied with a softl laugh, his smile disappearing from his face, and you quickly pecked his plump lips transforming the fine line of his lips into a small pout. “Morning to you too,” then you lifted up your body from the bed, making Beomgyu felt so cold at the body heat you took away from him, while you looked around the place. “you’re rooms so pretty.”
“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” “That’s not how it works.”
Beomgyu was about to pull in a hug again and covered the both of you with his bedcover but you got out the bed faster than he thought. He whined silently as his hands went to the back of his head, keeping up his head to look at you. “Where are you going? Come back, I’m cold.”
“Gotta go home and change clothes…” you said, lazily picking up your phone from inside your bag and replying to a few texts from Yeonjun and your parents. “Maybe take a shower, if there’s time…”
“You can do that here” your eyes flicked quickly from your phone screen to his grinning face before snorting, typing down a short ‘crashed at some friend’s last night, we drank a little and it was kinda late, ily see u later xoxo’ at your father. “I need to shower too, anyway.”
“Anyway, I don’t have any clean clothes in here.”
“Use mine.”
“Wow, you’re really making it difficult for me to go, uh?” you smirked, putting your phone back down and walking to the edge of the bed where the boy laid. His hands quickly found the back of your thighs and pushed you over him, humming at the weight of you down on him and the pleasant heat of your body warming up his own, his hands brushing up from the back of your thighs to your waist.
“I lend you some clothes, you wash up here, I’ll even make you some really good breakfast,” his thumps sweetly drew circles in your skin, glinting eyes staring into yours expectantly. “what’ya say?”
“… Fine, you win. But I really should go home tonight.”
If Beomgyu had to count on the best things that happened in his life, number three would be the sight of you just out of the shower wearing his pretty big clothes, waterdrops falling to the floor from the ends of your hair, while you chew on the breakfast he had made for you.
“I really like your house" you said, again mesmerized by the grandma-like furniture that made the place look so cozy. Beomgyu beamed at your words.
“You can move in here with me then” you almost choke on the coffee after hearing him speak. A shade a pink tinted his ears at your reaction and he licked his lips, smiling kinda embarrassed. “Too soon?”
Nodding, your eyes too focused on the really good scrambled eggs in your plate, you replied. “Too soon, Gyu.”
Festival's last day was thrilling; people seemed to tripled by second and, of course, that meant more work to do. As always, you were thankful for all the help you could get; Yeonjun had brought, besides Soobin who had been the first to arrive after you, a few more friends of his from his drama club who had no problem helping a friend of a friend out. While Beomgyu had apologized at least five times on your way to the festival for not being able to help today, after hall he had a performance to do.
“Bottoms up!” cheered Yeonjun, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a small circle of people, all your friendly co-workers, where in the middle were placed the tiny glasses for the shots. Yeonjun hissed after taking his shot. “Today we got wasted, I say!”
“Probably y/n should, she’s the one who had work here all three days” pointed out Taehyun.
“Right, let’s get our girl wasted!” agreed your dear friend, filling up the glass for another shot for you specifically.
A few hours passed and you found yourself pretty tipsy, your handwriting messing up more each time you got someone’s order down. The boys decided to put you behind the counter, switching with Soobin who took your place taking orders. You made the drinks the best you could, trying not to spill more alcohol that you had already but still, it was hard as your gaze was too unfocused. Pouting as Yeonjun giggled at your drunken-self, you placed down the bottle and rested your head on your hands, trying to maintain your balance.
“Ah, fuck…” You hissed at the sudden squeak from the speakers that made your head hurt like hell, shifting your gaze to the stage. Scrunching your eyes, you were able to tell it was Beomgyu already on stage, the guitar on his hands, the pretty smile on his lips, the mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked around and finally found you staring at him. Your ears heated up and you didn’t fight the smile on your own face, sighting as a teenager on her first love you mumbled for yourself: “He’s so cool…”
“Ew.” Said Yeonjun beside you.
“Imma take a break now, ‘kay?” You told your friend, your eyes never looking away from the boy on stage as you walked away from the mini bar, not really hearing Yeonjun’s response.
You stood somewhere that wasn’t that much filled with people, grabbing a light pole and leaning against it for support as you watched mesmerized at the boy, strumming his guitar, his pretty, really pretty, voice reaching your ears from the speakers. The way he’d tilt his head to move the hair out of his face, the way his soft lips brushed against the mic; he was shining, you thought. He’s a real star.
You don’t know how much time passed as you watch Beomgyu’s performance, but when you realized it had ended and he was no longer on stage, you blinked alarmed and look around. What way was the minibar again? Taking a few steps wherever you thought it was the right path, you staggered and almost fell to the ground if it weren’t for the hand grabbing your arm and pulling you back.
“Hey, watch out! You okay? Oh my god, are you drunk?”
The sweet voice of the boy reached your ears and you smiled, turning around and throwing your arms over his shoulder, your feet barely touching the floor with your tiptoes.
“Hi baby,” You whispered, your face so close to his that your hot breath hit against his lips, your eyes too focused on those pretty, soft lips you liked to notice the surprised look on his face. Still, his arms wrapped around you, mostly to support you from falling on your own feet again. “god, missed you so bad, you looked so hot up there, I really wanted to go up and kissed you in front of everyone here…”
Beomgyu cooed, his eyes sparkling in delight. Just how much had you drink while he was gone?
“Someone’s pretty wasted here,” he said softly, watching how you mindlessly brushed your upper lip against his bottom one. “What should I do with you, gorgeous? I don’t think you can go home like this.” Beomgyu wasn’t fond of people ignoring him when he talked, but he found himself enjoying this little moment where you, cheeks tinted pink, eyes glossy fixated on his mouth, completely ignored every sound that reached your ears; it was pretty fucking cute. “Let’s go back to my place, okay?”
Beomgyu, who didn’t think things through, barely managed to dragged you back to his home, after having take you back at the minibar to pick your things up where he found that annoying one of your friend panicked trying to call you. Yeonjun was cautious of letting his drunk friend go anywhere with a man he barely knew, but couldn’t quite fight your big, pleading eyes in his direction while you hugged Beomgyu’s arm.
“It’s not like it’s my first time staying at his place.” You mumbled at your friend, not really noticing the cocky smile on Beomgyu’s face.
The boy pushed open his door and hold it while softly pulling you inside. After placing down your and his own things on his couch, he led the way to his bedroom, his big hand grabbing yours and drawing circles with his thumps in the back of your palm.
“Let me get you some clothes to sleep, gorgeous.” He said, sitting you down on his bed and turning around, his back facing you, while opening up his closet. The pair of pajama shorts and the t-shirt in his hands fell to the ground when he turned around to you, again, and saw how you slid off the -actually, his- shirt you were wearing, a cute, black bra holding your breasts.
You smiled lazily at the boy and unbuttoned your jeans, ready to pull them off too, when his hand grabbed yours stopping you from removing another piece of cloth. You looked up, confused, eyebrows furrowing, into Beomgyu’s panicked eyes.
“What?” You mumbled. “I’m hot.”
You are, thought Beomgyu fighting the insanely strong urge to look down.
“Here,” he lifted up your hands and placed down his new clothes on your before taking a step back, ears visibly so red. “change into this- W-wait! I’m still here!”
Beomgyu walked out of his bathroom in his pajamas, praying he wouldn’t found naked laying on his bed. Not today at least, you were drunk.
“Hey gorgeous, feeling okay?”
You sat on his bed, legs crossed and a pretty pout on your lips. Beomgyu offered you a glass of fresh water that you almost emptied while he opened up the bedcovers and placed down the glass on his bedside table.
“Come here.” He hugged you from behind, falling on his back and taking you down with him. You turned around, adjusting your body over his before your lips were tracing an invisible path up from his jawline to his lips. Beomgyu closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your lips against his skin and returning the deep kiss when your lips connected.
His hands lazily rested on your sides, brushing up and down your skin while your moved to straddle him, one knee against each side of his hips. Tilting your head slightly, you deepened the kiss and opened your mouth to trace the line of his lips with your tongue, hearing a soft sigh spacing from the boy.
“Open your mouth, please…” You said, barely putting some distance between your mouths. Beomgyu licked his lips, eyes fluttering open to watch the needy look on your face. He complied, lips barely parting open before you closed the distance again, your tongue softly moving into his mouth and caressing his.
Kisses were everywhere. From his mouth, you travelled to his cheek and then down to the line of his jaw, biting softly at the sharpness of it earning an almost inaudible hiss from the boy underneath you.
“He-hey, we should… god, we should stop here.” He sighed, eyes betraying him and closing at the feeling of you kissing and biting the skin of his neck. You ignored him and continued your job arduously, wanting to his more of the sounds Beomgyu could make. But you were impeded from it when the boy swiftly switched places with you, now your back pressing against the mattress and him straddling your hips. “Relax, gorgeous, I don’t want you doing anything you won’t remember tomorrow.”
You squirmed underneath him and pleaded with your eyes, earning a mocking smile from his lips before he leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on your forehead, his hands holding firmly your waist.
“Let’s get some sleep, okay?” He whispered in your ear, before kissing against it feeling as you shivered at the touch. Then he went down and hovered over your neck, humming at your smell. “If you’re good tomorrow maybe I’ll let you continue where you left off…” His hot breath against your skin made your own got goosebumps. Beomgyu trailed down his face, reaching the level of your stomach and brushed his nose against your exposed skin, eyes looking up at yours. “Sounds good, gorgeous?” He whispered against the skin in your abdomen, before placing a last, soft kiss on the spot.
You sighed, wanting to feel more of his lips on your body but still nodded. Beomgyu smiled and laid down beside you, arms always tugging you closer.
“Sleep tight, gorgeous.”
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pandenewie · 1 year
Dress Coded Masterlist
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Dress codes are dumb. And everyone in school agrees. So why is the dear student council president Yang Jungwon so insistent on upholding such a stupid rule? And why is Y/n so insistent on changing his mind?
Y/n finds a new way to break the dress code each day, purely to spite the student council president and make him change the stupid rule. But what started as a simple act of rebellion soon takes a turn as more is found out about the goody-two-shoes president. 
PAIRING: jungwon x gn!reader
GENRE: nonidol!au, highschool!au, socialmedia!au, sorta fake dating (you'll see), mild enemies to lovers, fluff, suggestive, angst (light), cursing, attempted humour. Ft. Enhypen Ni-ki + Jay + Jake, P1Harmony Soul + Jongseob, Kep1er Bahiyyih + Hikaru (+ Youngeun mention), Le Sserafim Eunchae, IVE Wonyoung, ZB1 Ricky, Seventeen Wonwoo
**any pictures used of "yn" are for outfit descriptions only and do not represent yn's gender/race/physical appearance in any way :))**
STARTED: 08/04/23
FINISHED: 02/10/23
STATUS: completed
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Sk8ter Bois | H2hoes
00 - The Dress Code | 0.3k words
01 - White Privilege
02 - Pu$$y Gang
03 - A Little Manipulation
04 - Manifesting
05 - when bae gets you in trouble | 1.9k words
06 - Shota's Minecraft Girlfriend
07 - It's my turn to use the braincell
08 - It's Giving Control Freak | 1.7k words
09 - Enemies 👹 to Enemies 😊
10 - Damage Control
11 - I have the mind of a mastermind
12 - Potato Chips | 1.8k words
13 - DRUGS?? 😱😱
14 - Real Men Clean Bathrooms | 2.4k words
15 - Dr Dilf
16 - L + Ratio + Y/n will never love you
17 - Stuco Rizz | 2.1k words
18 - From homies to nomies
19 - De-yassified
20 - Mama I'm in love with a criminal | 1.6k words
21 - Prison Wife Era
22 - Family Vacation | 2.9k words
23 - Please No Feelings | 2.5k words
24 - Trauma Bonded ❤ | 1.9k words
26 - This wasn't part of the plan | 1.9k words
27 - Gold Star
28 - Good Boy Gone Bad ❌ Good Boy Gone Sad ✔
29 - If it isn't the consequences of my own actions
30 - No More Hobocore
31 - Somebody that you used to know | 1.2k words
32 - Jongseob Marriage Counsellor
33 - Cute, platonically
34 - Where we went wrong | 3.2k words
35 - Ronald McDonald if he slayed
36 - No More Mr Nice Guy
37 - It's Giving Grease | 3.0k words
38 - The Updated Dress Code | 0.5k words
39 - Do-over Date | 2.6k words
FINALE - #savejungwonfromyn
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @latriii @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong @lani-heart @jayujus @str4wb3rizz @yunwonie @danielleismyname @spilled-coffee-cup @jaylans-stuff @oceanmsxoxo @j-wyoung @mrowwww @lazy-miya @shinsou-rii @minkyungseokie @s7noo @beatr2x @thatoneembarrasingmoment @soobawrz
@miumiuoi @lucyinthesky-00 @wrapmeinatortilla
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blossom-hwa · 1 month
after the ashes | c.sc
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pairing: Seungcheol x gender neutral!reader genre: angst, hurt and comfort, king!seungcheol, nobility!reader warnings: war mentions, violence word count: 2.4k notes: — couldn't really stop thinking about coups as a royal so this happened! blame ursa :) — just a warning that pov shifts quite rapidly sometimes, I hope it isn't too confusing Seungcheol comes back from the war changed, and a little broken.
Seventeen Masterlist
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The night after Seungcheol's formal coronation, he slips past his guards and leaves his room. No one speaks to him. No one stops him. Two guards simply fall into line as he steps into the hall, silent shadows trailing his footsteps. He is the king now, after all—it isn't anyone's place to question what he does. 
(He has worn the crown in all but actuality for five years, but for some reason, when they placed the circlet of gold upon his brow today, he had never felt more like an impostor.)
The dark walls of the palace are almost exactly how he remembers them. Seungcheol traces his fingers lightly against the stone, feeling the weathering and cracks beneath his skin. Everything is the same. He knows where to find it all. He hasn't been in the palace for five years and he could give anyone explicit directions to the kitchens, to the guest quarters, to the gardens where he used to hide as a child whenever he was upset. Here he is three, playing in the nursery. He is ten, learning to hold his first sword. He is fourteen, pulling his hair out in the library, eighteen, sitting in his first council meeting, and twenty-one, receiving the news that his brother is dead.
He passes the king's office (his office, his and not his) and suddenly he is twenty-three, watching his father die in front of him again and again.
Bile rises in his throat. The assassin is dead. The war has been won. It doesn't change the fact that Seungcheol watched someone slit his father's throat in front of him. It doesn't change the fact that he hasn't seen home in over five years. 
(For five years this palace has stayed the same, and everything about it feels so wrong.)
No one says anything when he pauses. No one says anything when he reaches out to the door. No one says anything when his fingers graze the door handle, then draw back as though they touched fire. 
No one says anything when he drops his hand and moves on.
Dully, vaguely, Seungcheol walks the palace halls in the night. Torches burn in sconces on the walls and moonlight glows pale through the curtained windows but he doesn't really see anything, rather moves across the stone floors in a blurry haze. He could find his way through the palace blindfolded. He doesn't need to see. Doesn't need to breathe. 
(I don't want this I don't want this I don't want this I don't want this)
He took the crown off his head before leaving the room, carefully locked it in its gilded case as he stumbled out of the king's quarters, barely breathing. He still wears the long cloak, pinned to his shoulders, cascading down his back—still wears all the regalia from earlier today, silk and jewels and gold bullion weighing down his body. He had dismissed all of his aides and servants the moment he entered his quarters (His quarters? His father's quarters?) and couldn't find the energy to take it all off himself. 
Seungcheol pauses in front of a portrait he knows well. His father, sitting on his throne, his mother and brother posed around him. He hadn't been born yet. He wasn't even expected. He was the miracle second child, never meant to be born yet cherished, who was never intended for the throne. 
But then, fate does love to toy with the lives of those one holds most dear. 
The portrait hangs almost above Seungcheol's head. He touches the gilded frame. Dust comes away on his fingers and he stares at it numbly, gray in the moonlight, like his father's ashes as his body burned on the pyre. 
His brother is dead. An accident while riding. His father is dead. A very quick assassin. His mother lives, but she has changed. Her family has been decimated, and the second son who wasn't meant for this life will never be enough to bring back her spirit. 
He looks at the portrait again and starts running down the hall. 
The guards cry out and make chase. Seungcheol can hear their footsteps pounding on the stone floor. He himself is weighed down by the silks and satins and jewels of today but he is strong and he is fast and he knows the palace better than almost anyone so he sprints through corridors and winds through doors, hurtling through time and space until—
You look like a ghost, standing in the middle of the hall with moonlight pouring over you. This vision almost gives him vertigo—dressed in a plain shirt and pants, just a thin leather belt tied around your waist for decoration, you look so simple. So normal. Like the sun was out, and you could head out riding together in just a few minutes. Like old times. Like more than five years ago. 
In turn, you stare at Seungcheol. In the faint moonlight spilling from the window, he looks haggard, pale. The huge ceremonial cloak that had made him so majestic earlier today swallows him now, swaths of deep red completely shadowing his figure. He looks so—so small. So tired. So lost in this place he once called home. 
"Seungcheol." You take a step forward, slowly, quietly. The strong man you saw earlier at the coronation, who, draped in the medals and regalia of a true hero, promised the kingdom that they would move forward from this war and prosper in the name of his deceased father and brother, has disappeared under the mass of rich fabric and jewels. Still, you know that the broad shouldered man who loved you is still there, hidden under the riches. "What happened?"
Seungcheol shifts. It isn't just your voice that compels him to move. It's what you called him—Seungcheol. Not Your Majesty. Not even Your Highness. Just him. His name. Nothing more, nothing less. 
His voice cracks on your name. "Y/N?"
You're close enough now to gather him in a hug. Instead, though, you place a tentative hand on his shoulder, where his long cloak meets the ceremonial shirt. You try not to think about how much the fabric looks like blood. "What happened?" you ask again, even softer this time. 
Seungcheol stares at you. Why are you doing this? Why are you here? Why are you talking to him like you still care for him, like you still love him, even though he was the one who ended things a month after his father's death because he was about to march off to war and wanted you to move on, because he was broken, because he was nothing, because he didn't want to leave you widowed so soon after marriage? 
He saw you in the crowd at the coronation. You were beautiful, resplendent in the colors of the kingdom, but he could only see your muted eyes, your hollow cheeks, a visible reminder of everything he lost in this war. He lost his father. He lost himself. He lost you. 
Looking at Seungcheol, you feel the tears you held back for years now rising to the surface. You were heartbroken when he ended your relationship. You didn't care that both of you were setting off to war. You didn't care that he might die and leave you alone—hell, you might have done the same to him. You didn't care that there would be no ceremony, that it would be a simple exchange of rings and signatures in the throne room of the palace—you didn't care. You just wanted him. Seungcheol. The man you loved, currently love, and will forever love. 
The man you would have loved to the death. 
You wanted to cry, but you didn't. Because to cry would be to mourn what you two had, as though you would never have it back. Throughout the war, five years of bloodshed and death, you refused to cry, clinging to the bare hope that you would both live, that you would both survive, that you would one day find Seungcheol again and build back what you once had. 
Once, you were steady. Sure-footed. Certain of every step you took, everywhere that you went. Now, though, Seungcheol sees a wariness to your step, favoring one leg over another even as you stand before him, one gentle hand on his shoulder. You fought in the war, he remembers. Wielded your own sword in the name of your family's honor until someone shattered your leg and you were sent back home to recover what mobility you could.
(He never stopped checking on you, not once through the five years. There was not enough manpower to devote any single person to report solely on your movements, but he did demand that if there was news of you, he was to be informed as soon as possible. The day he learned of your injury, the world seemed to turn dark. Blurry. Gray. He couldn't shake it off, even when he learned that you had survived.) 
But there is still a surety in your gaze that reminds him of before, echoes of the person you once were. In this moment where Seungcheol has no idea who he is anymore, he latches onto that memory. The piece of you that he still knows. 
"Why?" he whispers. 
You cock your head, a habit you had even as child. "Why what?"
"Why are you here?"
Why are you here? Because your family is close enough to Seungcheol's that you were invited to stay at the palace during the coronation festivities. Because you can't sleep anymore, plagued by memories of what you saw on the battlefield and residual pains in your leg, and so you've taken to wandering the halls of wherever you happen to be at night. But you get the feeling that this isn't what he is asking, and these aren’t the answers he seeks.
"Because I love you," you say quietly. "I loved you then. I loved you during the war. I love you now." You swallow the tears back. "I have always loved you, and I always will."
Seungcheol's head hurts. You're not making sense. "But I—but I left," he whispers. "I left you, and—I'm not—you don't love me anymore." He's going to cry. He's going to cry like a damn idiot. A weak idiot. But you don't shirk away even for a moment. He has half a mind to turn away in shame but your hand won't let him. 
"You can't love me," he chokes out finally. "I'm not who I was before. I'm—I'm broken." He takes a deep breath. "You shouldn't love me. Not like this."
You lift the hand from his shoulder. Seungcheol braces himself for you to walk away. But instead, you pull him to you with so much force that your leg gives out beneath you and the two of you tumble to the floor. 
"Choi Seungcheol," you murmur into his ear, arms embracing him tightly, "since when have I ever allowed you to make decisions for me?"
He almost laughs. Never, he wants to say. Never, not once.
"I am not who I once was," you tell him. "I am not the same person I was five years ago. But even without the war, I would have been different anyway." You pull back enough to look into his eyes again. "You are still you, Seungcheol. Broken or whole, it doesn't matter. And for as long as you need, I will help you pick up the pieces. Help you stitch yourself back together." You kiss his forehead. "Because you would do the same for me."
Seungcheol gulps. "But I left you," he whispers. 
"And I'm not letting you off the hook for that so easily," you reply, a pinch of humor hidden in your voice. "But it doesn't matter, because you found me again."
He shakes his head. "No, you found me first."
"And do you plan on letting me go again?"
The answer is as plain as day. No. Never.
"So it doesn't matter," you murmur. "Because I'm not letting you go, either."
His tears finally begin to fall. 
You hold him as he cries, tears of your own soaking the rich fabric of his cloak. He's shaking and you're trembling just as hard, but nothing in the world could make you give up this moment, when you have Seungcheol and he has you, when you can finally hold him and know that he is yours. 
Seungcheol clenches his eyes shut against the memories that flood through his brain. His father falling dead to the ground. His knife plunging into the assassin's chest. Bloody swords clanging on the battlefield, entire villages burning as he and his men tried to get everyone out that they could. These visions haunt his nightmares and privately, in the deepest recesses of his soul, Seungcheol fears that they will never go away. 
But he feels your arms wrapped tight around him, around the shoulders that tremble, around the chest that heaves, and he reminds himself that you are still here. That you stayed even though he left, and waited patiently for him to return. That while everything about his home now feels so terribly wrong, you are one thing that has always felt right.
"I'm sorry," he whispers when most of the tears are gone and your shirt has been soaked through. 
"What ever for?" you ask. 
"It shouldn't just be me," he mumbles. "I should be taking care of you, too."
Your answer is soft, quiet, yet every word burns itself into his mind with the sharpest clarity. 
"But you need me now."
He swallows. "I'm afraid," he admits quietly. "I'm afraid that this isn't real, and I'm going to open my eyes and you won't be there anymore."
Your heart shatters on the floor when you hear those words, but you keep your voice steady. "Do you trust me?" you ask. 
The answer is immediate. "Always."
"Then look up."
Slowly, slowly, Seungcheol's eyes open. You stare back at him, retracing every line of his features that you memorized before the war, every piece of him that haunted your dreams and kept you sane in the five years since.
"I'm here, Seungcheol," you whisper. "I'm always here." You kiss him softly. "And I am never going to let you go."
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Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed this, and have a lovely day :)
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spideypoolbigbang · 25 days
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Title: The Cursed Prince
Author: Trolley (Tumblr: @thewritingtroll)
Artists: Yad (Twitter: naiad_r, Tumblr: @lus-sav) and Zarth (Tumblr: zarthhearth, AO3: Zarth)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: temporary MCD
Word Count: 35k
Posting Date: Tuesday, October 1st
Summary: The reigning council of Regines hires a disreputable mercenary fighter to protect their prince from a demon’s curse. It goes well for all of two days.
Stupid spindles. Stupid princes who argue curse semantics. Now Wade’s got to go rescue his brat charge from the tower guarded by a seemingly invincible spider demon. It’d help if he could figure out why the demon’s acting so strange, but the council is too busy breathing down his neck to listen and Spidey is so gods-be-damned cryptic. 
Teaser Excerpt:
“Good morning,” Peter said, already reaching for the closest plate of wheatcakes. “Who’s the new guy?” 
He leaned around Rogers as he asked so he could make eye contact with the unfamiliar man sitting on the other side of the captain of the guard. The fellow had the weathered body of a soldier, all heavy scars, hard muscles, and a shaved head, but the foolish grin of a man who thought he was hilarious. 
“Wade,” the man winked, and his insufferable smile turned even brighter. “At your service.”
Peter’s lip curled in instinctual disdain. He’d experienced his fair share of try-hards in court, people who thought they could feign familiarity enough to be granted privileges and favors. He didn’t care for it at all. “Wade? As though into a pool?”
“‘Exactly like that,” Wade said. He didn’t look at all bothered by Peter’s attempt to disarm him; if anything, he looked amused, as though Peter had referenced some nonexistent inside joke.
“Wade,” Captain Rogers interrupted firmly, “is your personal bodyguard this year.”
Peter whipped his head back to glower at the captain. “I already have my personal guard.”
“Surprise,” Strange smirked as he tucked himself into the chair next to Banner. 
“I already have my personal guard,” Peter repeated, turning to look at Stark and the spymasters for support. “I don’t need a personal bodyguard.”
“Oh, was it a different prince that’s expecting a cursed spindle after he turns seventeen?” Wade asked. His voice was strident and low at the same time, and Peter really didn’t take kindly to smartass strangers being sarcastic to him. “I specifically auditioned for the one due for a demonic sleep curse.”
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