#crewel is the best staff member
fingerless-glovez · 3 months
*After a break*
Crewel: Who's happy to be back?
Ace: Absolutely no one.
Crewel: *slams his hands on the desk* Me neither, let's get the heck out of here.
*smash cut to Crewel and all the students crammed into Crewel's car screaming as they floor it down the road*
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ryker-writes · 1 year
TWST characters as parents (Staff)
proud bird dad
literally he is so proud of anything you do and will share your achievements with the rest of the staff
he also has a box of things that you've completed/given to him
childhood artwork, cards you've made, old gifts you've given to him, your first assignment and test, and even some of your old stuffed animals from when you were a kid
he also has a thick photo album full of pictures of you growing up
the kind of parent who takes so many photos
he looks through that photo album a lot to look back on the precious memories
the box and the photo albums are protected using magic
he will cry is something happens to them
pretty sure he lives at the school so you grew up at NRC
you know the entire layout of the school, visited every dorm, and even met all the ghosts
the ghosts all love you
they watch over you when Crowley and the other staff are busy
naturally you become a student of NRC when you're old enough
and once again, Crowley is so proud of you at orientation
he's taking photos as you walk up to the magic mirror and get assigned a dorm
he's so happy no matter what dorm you end up in
and if you want to change dorms, say no more it's already done
he's a little bit protective
loves when you make friends
he already knows if they're generally good people because he has their student files
it's a bit different if you have a romantic relationship tho
he's scared and will look into your partner more
will express his worries, but not to you
the other staff members hear it
"my child is growing up too fast!"
if you get involved with any of the overblots he is terrified and hovers around you afterwards
other students have mixed feelings about you
some will want to be on your good side because you're close with the headmage
others will be cautious of you because they worry if they offend you then they'll get expelled
and some (Azul) may try to take advantage of you
he's also painfully supportive
if you play any sports at NRC he has set up a cheering squad for you and you alone
also probably going to ask you to help him with his work
"won't you help your dear loving and hardworking father?"
when breaks come up he will give you the choice to stay at NRC or go on vacation with him
even if you say no to going with him he will try to convince you
he calls it parent child bonding
while other students may say he's not a very good headmage, he thinks he's great
he doesn't mind what the other students say, but if you were to say it...
he may start to consider that he's not as good as he thinks
what would really make him realize they were right was if you somehow overblotted
if you did overblot, he's full on crying and heartbroken
of course he's going to save you from the overblot
but afterwards he's going to just hug you and cry
he can be a bit of an overbearing father at times, but it's because he loves you
a more strict but loving father
he absolutely loves raising you
he calls you his pup
unlike Crowley, he won't keep a million photos of you or collect your first assignments or anything
but he is proud of the things you do
if you present him with some art you made or something cool you did he will be proud
the type of dad to keep your art on the wall
he also will spoil you
like you won't even know how much he spoils you
you'll be happy just to get a new coat and it's actually one of the best brands that costs so much money
his motto is "Only the best for my little pup"
this motto perseveres throughout your life
when you attend NRC, he's super proud no matter what dorm you end up in
when you attend school is when the slightly more strict side of him shows itself
he wants you to pass all your classes and will help you study
you might not get many breaks until he's sure you understand the concept and know how to do it
of course he's not as strict with you as he is with other students
they might not even get breaks
he will push you to get good grades but he always knows when he starts to push too far and will stop himself
if he accidentally does push you to hard he will apologize and try to make it up to you
Crewel is a bit of a protective dad
he pays attention to what his students are like so when you mention your friends he already knows them
he doesn't mind as long as they're good people
if you're in a romantic relationship he's a bit more protective
remember that motto I mentioned earlier? yeah that comes into play here
he thinks you deserve the best and will not tolerate your partner giving you anything less
he can be very critical of your partner and you may have to tell him to back off
he may also give your partner more work in class than other students
Crewel likes to make sure that you're dressed well and will tidy up your appearance when he sees something out of place
very loving father
he already has daughters so you aren't an only child
you know how he treats Lucius? you get similar treatment
he is a doting cat dad and a doting dad
he spends a lot of time with you and your siblings as you grow up
he never wants to miss any part of your life
also will hang your artwork on the wall
he'll even bring some to his classroom and hang them up there
he will go on and on about you to his students if they ask
some may do this to get out of doing classwork
they find out later that they still get the assignment but now they have no explanation of how to do it
he's very proud whenever you complete assignments or get good grades
and he's very proud when you finally get to go to NRC
he won't really mind whatever dorm you get into
but he will worry if it's Savanaclaw
students in that dorm are more prone to fights so he's worried
like Crewel, he's a bit of a protective dad
he will slightly judge your friend choice depending on who they are but won't interfere with anything
unless they get you in trouble, then he'll say something
if you're in a romantic relationship, he will silently judge them too
will also be more strict towards your partner in his class
he will not tolerate them slacking off in any way
well...he doesn't tolerate anyone slacking off in his class but even more so your partner
when you're in his class, he is much more relaxed with you
while he won't let you sleep you can still get away with spacing out or not paying attention
you also get Lucius' attention while you're in the class
most students find the cat annoying and Lucius will glare at them, but Lucius loves you!
he'll lay on your lap during class and purr very loudly
whoever sits next to you may be nervous not to disturb the cat
whenever Trein and Lucius get separated he gets really panicked
unless he knows Lucius is with you
you're the only one he trusts with Lucius
Lucius himself is protective of you
if anyone gets too close for the cat's liking, he may scratch them
while Trein is more passive aggressive with his protectiveness, Lucius is more outwardly disapproving
proud dad #4
he's unashamed to be your biggest fan
no matter what you're doing or where you go he's cheering you on
he probably has you playing at least one sport growing up
wants you to be super fit and active
and he'll also feed you all sorts of healthy foods
he wants to be your role model so bad
he just wants to hear you say even once "I want to be just like you Dad"
if he does hear it, he's fallen to his knees and overwhelmed with emotion
he won't cry, but he comes close
super proud when you become a student of NRC
he doesn't really mind what dorm you get in, but he secretly hopes it's Savanaclaw
Savanaclaw is the most athletic dorm
no matter what dorm you end up in, he is cheering as soon as the magic mirror says it
Crowley has to tell him to calm down
he's not a protective dad
he encourages you to make friends and doesn't mind them at all
he doesn't mind when you have a romantic partner either
in fact if you introduced them he would simply hug them and get straight to bonding
your father has now stolen your partner for bonding time
where did they go and how long will they be gone? nobody knows
when they do come back Vargas will say he's part of the family now
when you're in his class, he already expects you to participate and stay fit
so he's not as worried about you as he is for other students
if you play any sports in school, he is coming to all your games and cheering for you
he will be the cheerleader
he's over there with pom-poms and everything
you are such a spoiled child
like really anything you want, you got it
and I do mean anything
he has connections so he can get ahold of anything
you are his special little imp
he treasures the little artwork you make as a kid
it's the one thing he won't sell
he often trains you on how to run the store
so even though you may be small, he may still have you work in the shop
he won't have you do anything too big of course
but little by little you learn more about how to work and run the shop and you get to bond with him too!
but people are more likely to come again and buy things when there's a cute child
so having you there is also a business strategy
he's such a fun dad tho
he loves to play with you a lot and will generally do anything you think is fun together
he's happy when you finally become a student at NRC and it doesn't bother him which dorm you end up in
though if he had to choose he would say Octavinelle because they got the business strategies
he's not a protective dad either
he encourages you to make all sorts of friends
he even encourages you to make friends on the other side but never specifies beyond that
he doesn't mind if you have a partner either
they shouldn't expect a discount unless they are really good to you
speaking of discounts
you don't have to pay for things while you're at the school
he gives them to you for free
but he will ask if you want to help him out at the shop sometime
some students may try to get close to you so they can get more discounts (Ruggie)
and some may try to get close to you so they can get some of those business connections (Azul)
Sam hopes that in the future, you may be able to take on ownership of the shop
it's been in the family for a long time so he hopes he can pass it on to you
you have a while before that tho
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twstgarden · 3 months
❁ ❝ 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝟰𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝗿𝘆 ❞
━ twisted wonderland cast (night raven college only) and gn! student! reader (f/n means first name, n/n means nickname, reader is not yuu) ━ you are celebrating the anniversary of the prestigious academy with your fellow schoolmates.
slight (?) spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia's arc!
do not steal or translate without my permission.
buy me a coffee here and ko-fi here if you want to support me, commissions are open
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march 18th.
the anniversary date of night raven college. as a student of this prestigious academy, you naturally had to celebrate with your fellow students. receiving an invitation from ramshackle, you decided to join them in the festivities.
the staff arrived there first, and even asked grim to cook up some meals for the party. of course, yuu thought they were exempted from this task until grim dragged them to the kitchen. you walked around the previously abandoned dormitory, eyeing the purple, black, white, and muted gold balloons, and the other decorations.
some time has passed and grim came out of the dormitory, wearing a chef outfit with a grin on his face, “done!” yuu, on the other hand, sighed before smiling a little, seemingly a little exhausted from all the cooking. to be fair, only the two of them were cooking up the feast and it isn’t exactly easy with a companion who has paws for hands.
a soft chuckle left your lips as you crossed your arms, “well, well, you seem proud, grim.”
“of course! no task is too hard for the great grim-sama!” exclaimed grim before rushing to the tables with yuu in tow as they placed the cooked meals in a presentable manner. with a smile, the headmaster clapped his hands together as he spoke, “wonderful! this is a great way to develop your culinary skills! aren’t i so kind?”
trein sighed at crowley’s remark while crewel stepped forward as he eyed the dishes, “it’s best not to overwork these two pups from ramshackle, headmaster crowley.”
“this calls for a picture!” spoke sam as he glanced at you with a smile, “little imp, will you kindly take a picture of us?” yuu handed the ghost camera to you as soon as you nodded, bringing the camera up to your face as you aimed it towards the staff members.
“okay! ready…”
they immediately lined up and posed together with grim settled on crowley’s shoulder with a big smile on his face, holding his paws out to put up the number 4, and the rest of the staff did the same.
“happy 4th anniversary!”
after the satisfaction of taking a photo, you handed the camera back to yuu and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the day. it did not take long until the rest of the students came by and you found yourself enjoying a drink by the snacks table. a pair of footsteps suddenly caught your attention as you sipped on your drink before taking a glance at your side, seeing ace and deuce approaching you.
“heya, n/n! why are you standing there all alone? come!” spoke ace as he linked his arm around yours and dragged you to where the rest of the first years stood, “have you tried the food? the fudge brownies taste soooo good!”
the moment you stood before the banquet table, epel nudged your arm and pointed at the dessert section, “i saw some tasty treats over there and yuu told me the one i tasted was called kolaches. you should try it!”
the first years proceed to try and feed you every single food on the banquet table as they munched on their chosen treats. even sebek was asking you to try the green apple cucumber smoothie, while jack asked you to try the creamy macaroni salad.
after miraculously getting away from the first years attempting to overfeed you, you bumped into riddle and immediately apologised, “oh! i’m so sorry, riddle.” he shrugged you off and smiled, “no matter. you seem a little dazed, however.” his revelation made you awkwardly laugh a little, “i kinda snacked a little too much….”
“oh dear, it seems our little angelfish is full from all that snacks.”
riddle sighed as soon as he heard that voice, and you turned around to see azul standing there with a smile, the twins on either side of him as they both also held grins on their faces. it was a slightly chilling sight, but you have grown accustomed to it by this time.
“hello, octavinelle,” you greeted as you smiled at them. “we should go for a walk,” spoke riddle as he held your wrist in an attempt to drag you away from the trio. however, they decided to trail behind the both of you. riddle glanced from behind, realising they were following along.
you, on the other hand, did not really mind.
a familiar call of your name caused you to pause in your tracks as you saw ruggie approaching you, “where are you going? shishishi, i thought we were going to start packing food for leftovers.”
“ah, right. we can do that later. the rest of the students are still eating,” you replied, causing ruggie to sulk a little. “what if they end up clearing the banquet?! i’m really looking forward to having the spicy meatballs as tomorrow’s lunch, y’know?” spoke ruggie as he clasped his hands together.
before you could reply back, another voice chirped into your conversation.
“do you want more food? we can always share!”
really, what’s with everyone and interrupting conversations today?
you turned to see kalim and jamil as the former waved at you enthusiastically. riddle’s grip on your wrist loosened a little as he remained standing beside you, while the octavinelle trio remained smiling.
“wait, for real?” questioned ruggie, causing jamil to shake his head only to be interrupted by kalim.
“yeah! the more food the better, right?”
you looked at ruggie with a snicker as you patted his back, “well, you won’t have to worry about tomorrow’s lunch. if there’s any leftovers, we can start packing.” with a smile, ruggie nodded and proceeded to walk around the ramshackle dormitory with you and the rest of the second years in tow.
after your walk with the second years, you got back to sipping on your beverage by the entrance, standing beside the balloons as you eyed the rest of the students enjoying their time. with another sip, you saw grim trying to sneak his paw into deuce’s plate and no one seemed to notice his little food thievery. another sip and you saw jamil staring at the dates with a perplexed expression before it morphed back into a blank one. one more sip and you saw malleus standing beside you.
wait, what?
your heart almost jumped out of your chest at the presence of the diasomnia dormitory leader. it was a good thing your glass did not drop to the grass. malleus seemed to notice your surprise as he smiled and apologised, “oh. my apologies. i did not mean to frighten you.”
once you calmed down a little, you smiled at him, “no worries, i was a little too focused on observing everyone else that i did not notice your approach.” malleus merely hummed in response as he, too, looked at the same group of people you were currently eyeing – the third years.
lilia was having a drink with idia as vil approached the two and proceeded to have a conversation. leona was nearby, holding a plate of honey-glazed meatballs and party franks with rook eyeing him at a distance – well, that was odd. on the other hand, trey was holding a glass of cocktail with cater holding up a selfie stick and taking a picture with him.
“lilia seems to be enjoying his beverage a lot,” remarked malleus as he noticed lilia pouring another glass for himself in the middle of his conversation with idia and vil – or vil, with idia panicking to himself due to the social interaction.
“and rook seems to be sneaking on leona,” you added, causing malleus to take a quick glance at the aforementioned individuals with a snicker. you glanced at him and chuckled, “hey now, it’s not funny.”
“yes, but do you see the way kingscholar avoids hunt’s advances? i find it amusing,” replied malleus. you decided to focus on the two of them and realised leona was purposely trying to lose rook in the crowd, only for the latter to find him again.
you blinked and mumbled, “do you think rook just wants to have a conversation with him?”
malleus stayed silent for a moment, “…a conversation would be the possible choice, but the topic of said conversation may appear to be quite threatening.” you hummed in reply, aware of rook’s antics with non-human students, so it isn’t a surprise if malleus had his own experiences as well.
“my my, it seems the two of you are quite busy with student observations.”
you and malleus were fixated on leona and rook that you did not notice lilia standing beside you with a smile on his face. malleus seemed as if he had expected that, however. you smiled and waved at lilia, “oh, hello.”
“are you enjoying the party, little bat?” asked lilia as he sipped on his tomato juice, which made sense why he refilled his glass over and over again. you nodded, sipping on your own beverage, “quite so. i have tasted every dish that is being served, thanks to the first years.”
a soft laugh left lilia’s lips as he replied, “right! i did see sebek trying to coerce you into drinking the smoothie.”
“i have not seen silver around, though,” you added as you looked around, causing malleus and lilia to glance around the entrance as well. “could he have fallen asleep somewhere?” asked malleus.
“i suppose i know where he is. come,” spoke lilia as he started walking towards ramshackle’s backyard with you and malleus in tow. as soon as you arrived to the backyard, you noticed a figure leaning by the tree, wearing diasomnia’s uniform as a few birds surrounded the said figure.
“there he is!” exclaimed lilia like a parent overjoyed at the sight of his child. you approached the dozing figure as malleus spoke, “i suppose the tree is quite comfortable to rest on.” hearing malleus’ voice made silver flutter his eyes open before he stood up straight, “ah! s-sorry, i did not realise i had fallen asleep…”
“why are you standing here? join the party! there’s lots of snacks you can eat,” spoke lilia as he grabbed silver’s hand. the latter hummed a little before glancing at you, “ah… n/n…” malleus glanced back at the banquet table before looking back at silver, “come, silver. let’s indulge ourselves.”
“yes, malleus-sama,” replied silver as he quickly walked beside malleus, both heading to the table and plating their chosen meals. you and lilia were left by the tree in the backyard, smiling at the sight of everyone enjoying the party with no worries in the world, stuffing themselves and laughing with their friends.
lilia eyed malleus and silver with a relieved smile, “…well, i’m very happy.”
“hm?” you turned your head to look at lilia with a puzzled expression, “oh… well, the atmosphere of this anniversary party is quite light-hearted, it makes me happy too.” lilia merely smiled, his eyes still on malleus and silver picking some food with sebek joining them and pointing at the meals they need to try.
“yes, and… i’m happy they’ve reassured me they can take care of themselves now…” mumbled lilia, causing you to blink as you did not know what he meant or what he was hinting at. nonetheless, you smiled and patted his back as he laughed a little, “happy 4th anniversary to our prestigious academy~!”
“mhm, happy 4th anniversary.”
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Heroes vs. Villains : The Staff [Part 4]
Platonic GN!Reader x NRC Staff vs. RSA Staff Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. NRC Staff Version (Part 4)
ie. So the saying goes, 'nothing gold can stay.' Or, the Prefect is facing yet another Overblot and it drags some unpleasant dilemmas to the surface.
A/N: I have been fighting this for a solid hour now, and Tumblr is just being an absolute nightmare and not letting me add any more tags without crashing/refusing to save the post, so if you got kicked off the list, my sincerest apologies
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
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There was a curt knock on Mozus Trein’s door.
The aging professor fought the inelegant urge to drop his head into his hands. After taking a moment to silently curse every other damned member of faculty at this college, he schooled his expression into a vague attempt at neutrality and cleared his throat.
Divus Crewel and his ridiculous ensemble strutted into Trein’s office, and the historian barely bit back a sneer. He and the other professor had never gotten on at the best of times. Perhaps they would tolerate one another for the occasional game of chess, but the other man’s opinions on more or less everything (especially dogs. Ugh.) rankled something unpleasant in Trein’s chest. Call him old fashioned, but intentionally sharpening oneself into something miserable, and cold, and alone all in the name of maintaining an appearance of sophistication was something he would never respect.
Lucius growled from his place by the windowsill, and Crewel very noticeably fought to keep himself from raising his hackles in return. The black-and-white monstrosity leant forward and placed a bottle of red whine on Trein’s desk with a clack.
“What is it now?” Mozus frowned.
Divus didn’t bother to sit in the chair opposite him. He never did. He paced along one of the bookcases for a moment, trailing his crimson gloves along the leather spines.
“More of the same, I suspect,” he finally huffed.
Trein sighed and rifled around in his desk drawers to unearth his chest set. Not the good one—the one with hand-carved, stone, pieces that his daughters had given him for his birthday two years ago. This set wasn’t terribly ugly, and it did the job well enough. Plus, the worn colors lining the board always made something in Crewel’s jaw tick.
“Well,” he grumbled, setting the pieces into place and reaching for the wine. Divus Crewel was entirely unpleasant, but at the end of the day, Mozus had never been one to deny a willing student. And oh if there wasn’t so much that this egomaniacal alchemist still needed to learn. “Get on with it then.”
A part of you was sort of expecting to see one of those ‘WELCOME HOME, CHEATER’ banners nailed to the Rogersons’ front porch.
Which, firstly, come on. It’s not like you maybe vaguely starting to not loathe your time spent with Crewel with every fiber of your being was a crime. And you were still miserable and mad. Stupid, no good, stuck up, no-dad-being, emotionally unavailable—ahem. Excuse you. But you had eaten a few of those fancy cookies. And you were certain that Poe and Perdy would smell Jasper and Badun’s cuddles a mile away. And as much as you rationalized it forwards and backwards that you weren’t wrong, a part of you still felt… traitorous.
Secondly, the Rogersons were genuinely nice people. And you should have known at this point that they of all the adults in your life would hardly judge your for accepting any scraps of kindness being offered to you. (Unlike a certain Old Crow with whom you were well acquainted.)
All that being said, you were still a bit hesitant when you knocked on their front door that evening. Nevertheless, you were met you with a wave of enthusiastic greetings (plus a knitted set of gloves and a hat), as they ushered you back out the door with the promise of new and interesting things.
“We thought it’d be a nice change of pace,” Mister Rogerson explained. He and Annie were holding hands as you all walked down their quaint street, tucked up neatly in one of the roomy pockets of his overcoat. “And you didn’t get to come with us over the Holidays either.”
“There isn’t much else to do on Sage Island for most of year,” Annie said. “But the Winter Festival is always really lovely.”
The Winter Festival was like something out of a story book—all toned in watercolors and lit with a golden warmth that didn’t really seem feasible when the weather was otherwise so frigid. Magic, probably. Everything wonderous here was always magic. The air smelled honey-sweet, and you could feel the rising heat from dozens of outdoor ovens warming your cheeks.
“It’s busiest over the holiday period,” Annie explained merrily, reaching out to adjust the new hat on your head. “But most of the stalls stay open a few weeks later.”
“You missed all the rides unfortunately,” Mister Rogerson continued, giving your shoulder a light squeeze. “But if you’re still around next year, we’ll make sure to bring you when everything’s in full swing.”
There was a decent sized crowd filtering sluggishly through the faire, happy to meander about with their Styrofoam mugs of cocoa and browse the displays. There were more people your age milling about than you would have expected (as nice as this all was, it definitely seemed more like an ideal outing for a retirement home than anyone young enough to still have their original hip bones). Mostly you recognized the clean, crisp, white jackets of the RSA uniform, but occasionally there was a splotch of a more familiar black ensemble darting about amongst them.
“Have you ever had a fritter before?” Mister Rogerson called from his place by a stall that smelled like Heaven compressed into a cubic-meter.
“Not since I’ve been here,” you practically drooled, feeling very much like one of those cartoon characters who could merrily float through the air after the tantalizing scent of baked sweets.
“Do you want the sugar sprinkled? The caramel drizzle?” A laugh then, quick and bright, as he caught sight of the lovestruck (and ravenous) look on your face. “Both?” he offered indulgently.  
There was another laugh then—raucous and loud. And a familiar face darted by with a mouth stuffed full of way too many festively frosted donuts.
“Hey! You get back here!” someone shouted, enraged and shaking their fist. “Free samples’ doesn’t mean a free for all! Did you hear me?! I said get back here!”
But Ruggie Bucchi just kept on running, his fluffy ears perked atop his head and his steel-grey eyes thinned with obvious amusement. He rushed past, and you met gazes just quickly enough to catch a smirk and a wink before he was off and around a corner—surely vanished into areas unknown to enjoy his haul.
You laughed into your gloves and turned back to your escorts for the evening with a beam, ready to suggest maybe just buying out the rest of the stall. Ruggie would love it. He’d probably even help you manage Leona’s tantrums without grumbling for at least, like, a week.
But they weren’t smiling.
The grin on your own lips slowly slipped back down into a flat line, and you fought the urge to fidget. Like somehow you’d done something wrong. Annie just sighed and shook her head. Mister Rogerson pinched at the bridge of his nose with a huff—the picture of a properly disappointed teacher.
“Well, can’t say anyone would expect Night Raven students to not be a handful.”
Something curdled a little in your tummy, and you tamped down the urge to immediately and aggressively rise to Ruggie’s defense. They were only free samples! And he loved donuts! And he never really had much money for anything of his own anyways! And they were free! And!—And…
“Ruggie doesn’t have anybody to buy him donuts,” you said at last, when the vendor handed you your own little paper bag overflowing with fritters.
Annie and Mister Rogerson looked at you curiously, clearly a bit lost, and you huffed.
“Ruggie,” you repeated. “The guy from earlier. With—with the samples.”
You could feel your shoulders hunch, defensive. And you didn’t even know why. It wasn’t like—they weren’t going to be mad at you or anything. And Ruggie was your friend. It didn’t seem right to let them just assume the worst of him.
“Oh,” Annie hummed, face softening. “Of course, sweetheart. But maybe he could ask first next time, okay? We’d be happy to treat any of your friends.”
You nodded and nibbled at your fritter. It was warm and crispy, perfectly fried and with a sugar crust that melted on your tongue like the sweetest kiss. It was delicious, really it was. But still somehow not quite as good as you’d thought it’d be.
When you arrived back to Ramshackle that evening, there was wallpaper on the walls.
You squinted at it suspiciously and tapped one of the glued-down edges with your finger. It didn’t vanish or eat you, so maybe it wasn’t an illusion. But why on Earth would anyone bother to try and give this place a facelift—
The front door burst open and Crowley blew in like a hurricane.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” he boomed. “There’s no one else I trust at this school quite like I trust you, oh wonderful and best of all Prefects! So I’m making you the lead producer for our VDC performance!”
You gaped, too familiarized with this nonsense to be as horrified as you probably ought to be.
“What’s a VDC?” you asked.
“That’s a great question!” Crowley beamed. “But first, let me introduce you to your new roommates!”
When the House Warden of Pomefiore and his entourage walked through your rickety front door, you felt something familiar, and awful, and inky swoop in your stomach.
“This building should be condemned,” Vil Schoenheit sniffed with all the grace of someone who definitely probably had a lot of underlying issues that were about to become your very real problem.
Crowley scuttled forward cheerfully to pin a tag labeled ‘MANAGER’ to your uniform jacket.
“Look how far you’ve come!” he sniffled, wiping dramatically at his gaping, soulless, eyes. “I’M SO PROUD!”
“…You can just put your bags over there,” you mumbled, so far past functioning on autopilot you may as well just ask Idia to turn your brain into an AI and get it over with it.
Epel dropped his suitcase near the living room’s rug and immediately the ancient floorboards opened up like the maw of some ravenous beast to swallow them whole. The group of you watched with varying degrees of distaste as his luggage plummeted to the basement, or… whatever existed below the crumbling wood. You’d never checked.
“I have the upmost faith in you!” Crowley chirped before jetting back out the door as quickly as he’d come.
“You did what?!” Crewel snapped.
“What!” Crowley whined. “Isn’t giving your child more responsibilities a sign of trust?! An act of faith between parent and spawn?! DOES THIS NOT SHOW HOW MUCH I VALUE THEIR COMPETENCE?!”
“No,” Trein groaned, burying his head in his hands.
“I’m perfectly fine,” Vil said, with all the cheer of someone undergoing a root canal. “I have nothing but well-wishes for Neige Leblanche and his many, worthy, successes.”
Buzz buzz went Ace’s phone as another of Neige’s advertisements lit the screen.
Drip drip went the heavy, black, magic curling around Vil Schoenheit’s soul.  
You fought the urge to put your head through the wall.
The next evening came, as did another bottle of too-expensive wine.
Trein swirled the crimson liquid miserably in his glass.
“Do you know that I chastised the Prefect once? For calling Crowley incompetent?”
Divus sounded worn in a way that he most likely had no right to be, but progress was progress Trein supposed. The alchemist snorted sardonically into his own glass. Normally the wine was a bribe for the elder professor alone, but tonight it was a truce to be shared in bleak solidarity.
“Time makes fools of us all,” Trein hummed.
“What is he even thinking?” Crewel seethed. “As if the Prefect isn’t under enough stress as it is. What exactly does he think these stunts will accomplish?”
“I don’t think he’s thinking very much at all, to be perfectly honest with you,” Trein grumbled. “But then again, making impulsive decisions in the name of parental affection is far from a novel concept.”
Divus scoffed. “Ah, yes. Because that’s what the runt needs. A mockup of fatherhood bearing down their neck at every turn. It’s like he’s not even bothering to actually try.”
“Someone ought to be,” Mozus said, pointed. (And it certainly wasn’t going to be him. He had two, lovely, wonderful daughters to fill his heart. There wasn’t much room left for anything else.)
Crewel glowered at him miserably and sighed in a drawn-out sort of way that was not dissimilar to someone taking a too-long drag from a cigarette.
“It’s not something that fits with…” he hesitated, as if trying to chew over the words into something palatable. “I have no desire to give up everything that I’ve ever wanted to see in myself, to give up everything I’ve worked for, just to mold myself into some—some glorified babysitter.”  Something stuck unpleasantly in his throat and he had to clear it twice before continuing. “Especially for someone who may very well be leaving this world forever in a few months as it is.”
The clock on the wall ticked obnoxiously through the silence. Each little second fell in a heavy clunk. clunk. clunk. that echoed around the room with all the gentility of a gong. After a long moment, Trein sighed into his glass.
“Being a parent is not about sacrificing your own sense of self in order to cater to your child,” he huffed. “It is about being there to nurture the development of their own.”
Crewel pointedly averted his gaze to one of the ugly, cat-centric, paintings on the wall.
“And perhaps for you a handful of months may not be sufficient,” the older man continued, swirling his wine. “But I’m sure for the Prefect, it would make all the difference in the world.”
Detention continued, despite your stacking ‘managerial responsibilities.’
Thankfully, it had mostly turned into you sitting in Crewel’s office while you sorted through whatever paperwork you were expected to file and complete. Sometimes a good chunk of the pages would disappear from your ‘in progress’ pile and reappear—perfectly completely and in order—at the end of the evening. You were dead set on never addressing it ever, because if you did he might stop. And he was probably the only reason you were managing to get any of it done on time at all.
Even with Professor Crewel’s help, you were still slow today. And as the night crawled to a close, you found yourself staring at a stack of blank pages without a thought to go with them. The only thing swimming in your head was murky tar and the cloying taste of black magic that came with it.  
“Is there something you want to discuss?” Crewel called from his desk across the room. “You seem distracted.”
“I can’t,” you grumbled, something wobbling in your jaw. “Not to the people I want to talk about it with at least.”
Something shuttered slipped across his expression, and he nodded and went back to his own work. You stared at him for another moment, debating.
“What do you if—” you froze and hurriedly looked back down to the pen in your hands.
“If…?” Crewel pressed.
You sighed. “You know, sometimes you care about people, yeah? And maybe they’re not always perfect, but you still care. But then…” You chewed at your lip. “I don’t know. Can people still be good if they do bad things sometimes? Like, if you’d disagree with them completely, but they see it as right anyways?”
‘They’d be taken away?’
‘I know it sounds scary, kiddo. But that’s what we have to do to keep everyone as safe as we can. Does that make sense?’
You thought of Riddle, and Leona, and Azul, and Jamil. And now Vil. You grit your teeth so hard they started to ache.
Professor Crewel looked a bit startled, and you couldn’t really blame him. It was the most you’d spoken to him in weeks.
“I suppose that would depend on you,” he said after a moment. “And if that ‘disagreement’ was big enough to change how you viewed them entirely.”
“I don’t know…” you frowned. It certainly felt like something big. But...
“Well, what have you done about it?”
You blinked. “What?”
He waved his hand at you, and that pointer of his snapped across his palm. “Have you told this person that what they’ve said bothered you?”
“…well, no,” you mumbled.
“Then that’s what you need to do first,” he said, firm. “You won’t have an answer to anything you’re fretting about until you can face that at least.”
“And then what?”
Professor Crewel hesitated then, his mouth working as if he couldn’t really decide what he wanted to say. Or maybe like he was thinking over his words very, very, carefully.
“Do they know that they’ve done wrong by you?” he asked at last, not quite as sharp as before. “And—more importantly—if they know they’ve upset you, are they trying to make it right?”
You had a sudden feeling that he wasn’t really talking about your question anymore. The words settled heavily in your gut, but not in a way that was entirely unpleasant. More like the comfort after eating a full meal rather than the all-encompassing dread that so often took residence there instead. You thought of fancy cookies, and dogs, and cozy coats that were warmer and softer than the best blankets you’d ever used.
“Right,” you said after a moment, and glanced away with a secretive sort of smile. “I guess that would be the most important bit.”
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night-raven-tattler · 5 months
SORRY, I'M FANGIRLING (Is that even a word?)
Tattly, I swear, I was thinking about sending this request DURING New Year's Eve, BUT MY ENTIRE CITY SPENT THE FIRST DAY COMPLETELY WITHOUT POWER 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
But if I can ask you now, tell me: in what pose do you think the twst boys sleep?
Who has the Dracula pose, who looks like they were run over and, most importantly, WHO HAS THE "POWER BOTTOM, ASS UP" POSE??
I've been completely high on coffee for 4 days, sorry about that~
(You'll see a lot of me here, I loved the place)
Hello and happy new year, 🌙! Mx Tattly is pleased with your return. They have conducted a very elaborate investigation, with the help of some of the fellow NRT members. Hope you enjoy the findings!
Turbulent sleep or unperturbed slumber?
Characters: main NRC students cast, NRC staff, Che'nya, Neige (separate)
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
The yearners/cuddlers: Deuce, Ruggie, Azul, Kalim, Trein, Neige
These are a bunch of people who yearn for warmth and affection. Either they're used to being cuddled to sleep, or they have a natural urge to grab onto something or someone and hold onto it/them until the sun comes up. Their grip is sturdy, their sleep is sound and their pillow is very likely drooled on. They're the most likely to snore, from small kitten snores to bass bosted remixes.
The pristine logs: Riddle, Jack, Silver, Crewel
This is the sleep position of a person who totally has their life together (/s) and absolutely nothing is wrong with them (/s). They are totally okay with their life (/s). Even from the moment the go to bed they know how they want to wake up in the morning. The pose is unshakeable and they are statues, impossible to wake up from the outside, even with the aid of the loudest Sebek available.
The space hoggers: Grim, Ace, Jade, Floyd, Crowley
Their mission is to occupy as much of the bed as possible. Either from spreading their limbs for comfort or from moving in their sleep as if they're dreaming of participating in a yoga class, they will never wake up the same way they went to bed. Their dedication to claim as much of the bed as possible no matter who else shares it could be rivaled only by the Roman Empire.
The squishy limb havers: Jamil, Cater, Idia, Che'nya
These people don't fall asleep, they collapse of exhaustion on their bed after being awake for too long, only to wake up a few hours later and wonder why their new bed was the floor. Unfortunately for them, it would be hard for them to fall back asleep, as they somehow managed to get some rest in the position they powered down in. If by some miracle half of their body is still on the bed in the morning, they consider it as a win.
The coffin dwellers: Trey, Vil, Rook, Ortho, Malleus, Sebek, Sam
This is another position of a perfectly normal person with absolutely no issues whatsoever (/s). This pose is not only absolutely mundane and normal (/s), but it's also efficient: it's the position that allows them to sleep the best and to wake up the fastest in the morning. They sleep (or charge) in a position worth grading, and the school should implement a scoring system that would benefit their overall grade only based on the perfect stillness and grace and total normalcy (/s) of their sleep.
The freefallers: Epel, Leona, Lilia, Vargas
These people have nothing to fear, as sleeping with you butt upwards and on your stomach is a pose used to assert dominance and superiority. It shows fearlessness, because an unprotected back is a show of vulnerability. Despite the risk they subject themselves to in order to make a statement, they refuse to change their sleeping position. They prefer their freedom and the superiority complex... and the neck / back pain in the morning.
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dotster001 · 1 year
After reading the accidentally called NRC staff member “dad”, imagine the unholy shock when Neige is asking to date mc/yuu
A/N:Gotcha! As with many requests, I went from 0 ideas to three million over night 😂 can never win. It's also very important to me that you know that I had to pause editing this to pet my cat 😍
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This is literally the best possible outcome, in his mind. The only person who'd be worthy of you at NRC is Vil, but you can't date him, that's incest! (A poor lovesick Vil has tried to remind him time and again that you are not related, and Divus is neither of your dad. He got sent to his room for that) So Neige LeBlanch, a model, an actor, an RSA student, a man of culture….you could not have chosen better, puppy!
That said…he'll be keeping a close eye on Neige. If there's anything that needs retrained, Crewel will not hesitate to put that pup in his place! But he doubts that will be an issue…😒
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Are you serious? This scrawny little prince boy is supposed to protect your fragile magic-less form? No fucking way!!!
Vargas training camp is back in session! He has to make sure that Neige is worthy! It'll only be you, him, and Neige, out in the middle of the forest. Either Niege will prove himself to be strong enough to protect you from overblots and evil mages, or you will see what a wimpy loser he is! Ah, he's really too clever, isn't he? 😁
No matter how many times you tell him you can take care of yourself, and that Neige is actually top of his class at RSA, and is well versed in combat skills from his time as an actor, Vargas is never gonna hear it. All he hears is "blah blah bleh blah". Truly, you picked the highest maintenance man to be your dad.
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Neige is loaded! YOU'RE RICH!!!!
He's eagerly ceasing negotiations with the mysterious guardian of Malleus Draconia, and going on and on about how wonderful this is, and how he raised a perfect little chick! Meanwhile you and Neige are awkwardly sitting in the chairs on the other side of his desk wondering if you should still be listening to this…
He's another one you'll have to remind that he didn't raise you. You just kind of got swept up under his wing! Almost literally! Neige doesn't have to buy him gifts. Niege doesn't have to ask his permission to remove you from the nest, which, by the way, you were forced to live in! You don't have to tell him what you and Neige are going to do today!
Then again…every time you remind him of those things he starts sobbing. And Neige is too sweet, and completely falls for the crocodile tears…so really it's up to you how you handle this.
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He is totally fine with you dating. 😊
As far as you will ever know, that is.
He is a man with means, who can afford a quick background check on Neige LeBlanch. It's not a personal thing, it's just he has spent so much time teaching the men at NRC, that he forgets there are non problematic men in existence. 
But once the background check comes back squeaky clean, he's 100% supportive! 
You: Do you want to stay for dinner?
Trein: Do you want to stay forever?
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As I said in the post this was requested from, Sam is probably the chillest of the "dads". He is so chill about you dating Neige! So so chill!
He's chill about it…but his friends have seen a lot of bad people in their time.
Neige doesn't want to freak you out, but he definitely feels like something has been following him recently…his bodyguards don't see anything though, so it must be in his head. Ah well, no use worrying you over nothing.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
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bones4thecats · 10 months
NRC teachers as parents to teen!mc
A/N: I made this more the NRC teachers as parents, but I did mention a few teen-related things inside of them, hope that's okay! Apologies for not getting this out any sooner, Anon! I do hope this is up to your standards though. Since I haven't really written these guys before, I hope this isn't too OOC! Enjoy!
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🪶 He never really did care for younger teens, despite how 'generous' and 'kind' he swayed himself to act and seem like, they just differed with him too much.
🪶 It takes a fairly long while before this crow is able to trust another being with any information, unless that being was something of usage to him, like you were.
🪶 At first, Crowley just wanted you to help him out with 'a few' things, but after each and every trial he handed you, you just got back up and took on even more responsibilities.
🪶 When he eventually trusts you, he adores it when you call him 'father' or anything relating to that.
🪶 If you could somehow use any kind of magic, he would teach you specific spells, if not, then he would just help you in certain subjects that he is quite knowledge in, like history of magic, practical magic, etc.
🪶 Crowley is a decent father figure, and a, equally decent real father, he can just get caught up in so much, so it's best to reel him in at certain points
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🐾 Crewel is... how do I say this without sounding fairly rude?
🐾 He's the kind of dad that would be super protective and would definitely attempt in separating you from those he deems as 'bad influences to his puppy'
🐾 He's a difficult person to work with at times, and he'd be the second to admit it (being Trein of course)
🐾 Divus would obviously get you the most elegant coats and clothes he can find, from boots to the most gorgeous looking fur coats you'll ever see in Twisted Wonderland!
🐾 Normally, Crewel wouldn't bring his dogs (I hc him with having two) to the college, as they don't get along with Trein's cat, Lucius, very well, but when they did come by one day and he saw you interact with the two pups, he just smiled and chuckled at the antics you three were getting into
🐾 He may not be the best dad when it comes to emotions, but he definitely is good when it comes to listening, and asking him to get you things that may seem embarrassing to other fathers (like pads if you're a female)
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🏆 This guy is the typical 'sports dad' that is seen in a lot, and I mean a lot of media
🏆 If you were to ever do any kind of sports, he would fully support you and would definitely be the kind of dad to have you skip your own practices, and have you do them with him
🏆 Vargas is a hot-blooded person by heart, so if you are his biological child, you would obviously inherit that from him, which would be a nightmare for the rest of his fellow staff members whenever you visited him
🏆 For some reason, I can see him doing the same as his Disney counterpart by eating a ton of eggs and such, and because he cares about physical fitness, he'd have you do it (as long as you weren't like allergic or something, he isn't that bad of a person)
🏆 If you were to be adopted by this coach, you'd be in-I'd say the 4th best hands on this list, which I'll get into more at the bottom!
🏆 He obviously cares about you, but his emotional range is fairly small, so bear with him whenever he seems upset when you make a mistake. It's his 'resting face'
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🐈‍⬛ Trein is the best hands you can be in when it comes to being the 'child of' in any of these scenarios
🐈‍⬛ Because he already has experiences with anything child-related from raising his two daughters, this cat-lover would be able to handle any challenge you handed him
🐈‍⬛ (for the fems!) If you were to have anything related to periods and such, he'd be right by your side helping you all the way through your pain, and don't forget his two daughters!
🐈‍⬛ They'd by right by your side as well, helping you very amazingly, as they learned what to do from their father's example
🐈‍⬛ If he cannot be there to comfort you or anything like that, he'd normally allow Lucius to be there to watch over you, like a sports game? Lucius! Play? Lucius! Really anything
🐈‍⬛ Because of how close you are to this imposing teacher, Lucius would be right by your side a lot, which if you're the MC/Yuu, would get a few cat fights to be initiated from their shared possessiveness of you
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(I do know that Same technically isn't an NRC teacher, but I like adding him in, so :p)
🃏 Sam is the literal definition of the 'best dad on earth'
🃏 He is quite a fun guy at times, and if you are related through blood, you share the go-lucky and charismatic personality
🃏 This man would get you into his 'spiritual connections' faster than any kid falling back asleep after turning off their alarm clock
🃏 Yes, he's that good of a salesperson
🃏 You're the only one, and I mean the only one, who is safe from being called a 'little imp', instead though, he'd call you his 'little clover', even if you hated it, he wouldn't stop calling you it
🃏 Handling teenager things is quite hard for him, as he was kind off socially distanced because of his interests, but seeing you either in emotional pain or physical pain hurts him and makes him want to just wrap around you in a bear hug and never let go
🃏 He had be quite protective of you, especially when around the other spirits he knows. Like Eliza for example, during the wedding event, he made sure she didn't choose you, as you were A; to young for it (in his eyes lol) and B; he wanted you to marry on your own will
🃏 You're definitely close to the spirits he contacts, which scares the other students when a shadow randomly chases another down the hallway
My rankings for best to worst father ; NRC teachers
Mozus Trein
Divus Crewel
Ashton Vargas
Dire Crowley
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justcallmecj · 23 days
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Staff
There's nothing romantic about these interactions. I left the ones with the boys kinda either romantic or platonic, but for the staff, it's strictly parent/child dynamics. Here, you are just close with these staff members for whatever reasons (they know other students are scared of you because of what you are is how I'm gonna write it for my own sake) Anyway, they all have parent/child dynamic with you. Also, these may suck because I don't have a very good grasp on the staff's personalities.
Headmaster Crowley
Honestly, Crowley still doesn't know how you and him have gotten so close. And, neither do you really.
But, he's not complaining. He actually sees you as nice company compared to the interesting students of Night Raven Collage and his fellow staff members.
Now, Crowley is (probably) an old soul and has seen his fair share of things from all over Twisted Wonderland. But, much to his own shame but also not his fault, he hasn't seen a draconic fae be a dragon. Fae keep to themselves and draconic ones are few and far between.
Because of this, while he will never admit, he was thoroughly frozen (pun unintended) in shock and amazement when he just so happened to across you mid transformation when he was taking a midday stroll in the woods.
He understands that you are a taller student and he understands that a part of that is because of your dragon lineage, but the thought that that might translate into the size of your dragon form didn't cross his mind.
He also didn't know what to do. This whole thing was a chance meeting and as far as he knows, you're unaware of his presence. Should he step into your line of sight and attempt to speak with you? Or should he continue to stay behind this tree and either leave or watch from a distance.
He opted to stay and watch, not knowing how you'd take to this ordeal and his own curiosity getting the best of him.
To bad for him, both your dragon and fae senses picked up on his presence even before transformation, you simply didn't care.
You turned around, icy wings spread out onto the forest floor, and faced him, making direct eye contact.
The Headmaster yelped in surprise, but not fear. Deciding there was no reason to stay hidden now that he knew you were aware of him, he stepped out and came forward.
Crowley was loud while he held a one-sided conversation, which was expected, but he was also calm and slow, which was surprising. Because of his prideful attitude and overall personality, it's sometimes easy to forget that this man is still an educator and a man who has kept this school running for who knows how long.
Looking back on it, long after he went back to work and you took a nap in the forest, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing in his own actions. Maybe it's the constant handling of rowdy beastmen or his extensive knowledge of Twisted Wonderland's people and abundant species, but he was quick to adjust to the situation while giving on air of someone not even trying.
"Now, aren't I oh so gracious? Taking time out of my busy day to see you and even learn some new things?" You knew he was lying, that he had been out here on a pleasure walk. But, the way his smile under the crow mask curled up in genuine happiness, you could let it pass.
Crewel is really fond of you.
This started when he managed to get you to agree to modal and help design clothing for people that have animalistic features. He'd been struggling to design clothes that worked with people that have wings or large tails and you were happy to help.
Because of this bond, he became a type of protector when he realized your fellow classmates were either messing with you or scared of you due to being a draconic fae. He'd scare off any students who tried to mess with you and let you stay in his classroom after class or after school if you needed a break.
Crewel voiced his curiosity of your dragon form one day when you and him were in his room discussing some mechanics to help wings fit through clothing without it tearing. And, since you had come to trust this man and he treats you like a father, you decided to indulge him.
He had to use his coat to cover his face when the cold mist swept over him.
The first thing that caught his attention was your wings, the very things he had been studying earlier today. They were much larger than when in human form and even had sharp, icy spikes on the tips that were only slightly visible in human form.
Would he have to take into account any transformations when making his new clothing line or does magic protect all clothing when it happens? Oh well, that's something he'll have to find out later.
He truly couldn't understand how other students could be scared of you. You were very beautiful in human form, your features not being the only thing that convinced him to ask for your help. But, even in dragon form, that beauty remained, albeit in a very different light.
The smoothness and pale color of your scales, the glistening ends of your horns, the spikes running down your back and even the glint in your e/c eyes. It was a type of beauty he was unused to, animal in nature but also strikingly human.
Really, how could someone ever be scared of you or ridicule you? Maybe you could be dangerous, if prompted or your life was in danger, but he knew you were a gentle soul.
After transforming back into human form, he carefully studied your clothes (some he had designed with your helpful insight) and beamed with pride when he found no tears or stretches. "Well, I must say, I think we did our job wonderfully, Little Pup."
Trein only got to know you the way he has because you started talking to Lucius(if you remember one of my earlier chapters, I had Y/N take Animal Linguistics) and the cat familiar seemed to take a liking to you.
I vaguely remembers Professor Oski mentioning you one day in the teacher's lounge, something about teaching you his snow cloud spell.
You two got to talking after that, usually with Lucius starting the conversation and it evolving from there, until you and him eventually started conversations on your own.
Sometimes, you remind him of one of his daughters. Lucius was the one who told him your relationship with other students and he couldn't help but think of when one of his daughter was in a similar situation.
When Lucius told him that he wanted to go see you in dragon form, because you had told him that's what you were doing after school, Trein really couldn't say no to the fond look in his familiar's eyes.
Trein has seen many animals and creatures, from house hold pets to magical familiars, but a full grown dragon is not one of those creatures. However, when someone else may be panicking at seeing a creature the size of you, Lucius was not fazed in the slightest, and, him being Trein's familiar and the two having a spiritual bond, it calmed Trein's own human instincts of fight or flight.
Plus, he could still see, in those large, sharp eyes, the young fae he has been teaching all your long. The child who never hesitated to talk to Lucius despite how other students see it as weird that the cat seems to mimic it's master's words during lessons. The child who spoke cheerily of the friend's they've made. The child who reminded him so much of his own daughters.
"See what I was talking about, Trein?" Lucius meowed. Trein truly did see why his familiar was so fond of this child. Staring up at the long snout pointed at him, he saw no difference between this dragon and the child he's taught in his classroom. "Right as always, Lucius."
Vargas took an interest in you on the first day of school.
He immediately understood you were a fae, and he knows that fae are known for their incredible strength even when they look unassuming. Take Lilia Vanrouge for example.
He had high hopes for you in this class, and he was right to do so. He encouraged all his students to never hold back in their talents, so it came as no surprise to him when you quickly outran most of your classmates and were capable of lifting more than them for longer periods of time.
One class, he even pulled you aside and requested that you start training more with your wings during class so he can make sure you are truly making full use of all your strengths and capabilities.
At first, you didn't think he'd be able to properly train you due to him being human but he quickly proved you wrong. Apparently he hasn't been teaching at NRC and not picked up a thing or two from the non-human students.
He even, actually quite happily, agreed to your request to stay after school some days to further your own training. It was on of these days that you, while deciding to mess with your coach for pushing you just a little too far recently, suddenly changed forms mid-flight.
You actually knocked him onto his butt when your giant form hit the ground and he was still stuck in shock at the transformation.
But, even that didn't faze him for long. He quickly jumped to his feet, dashed over and began inspecting the new form, trying to pick out just how strong you'd be in this form compared to before. (Quite a bit stronger if you're wondering.)
This new revelation, which you thought may spook him enough to go a little easier on you, did quite the opposite. Instead, he encouraged you to take the form more often during your after-school training sessions. To practice flight and see if spellcasting was manageable. Heck, he even set up some different training supplies for you to practice your ice breath and powerful tail on.
Unbeknownst to you, he wasn't only doing this just so your could get stronger. Trust him, he's heard the whispers of your fellow classmates whenever you showed them up in class and got praise for it. The harsh words so carelessly thrown at you.
And he knows that, if he can hear them, he has no doubt you can too.
So, he does this so you become more comfortable with yourself. Improvement starts with your own image of yourself! And, when all is said and done, when he's pushed you to a limit or you've beat a new goal, he gives you a hardy pat on the back while handing you a water bottle, praising you for your improvements.
Sam met you when you first came to his shop sometime during the first week of school.
Him, being the only shop owner on campus and having a reputation for having anything and everything, means he meets everyone eventually, and that's a lot of different people.
Usually, he relies on his Friends On The Other Side to quickly figure out what a student needs so he's not overworking his own mind trying to remember things. But, when he met you, he (and his friends) just knew you were going to be an interesting visitor.
And he was right. You come to Mr. S's Mystery Shop for an array of items, from normal groceries to scale care items.
It was during these frequent visits that the two of you began talking more, even to the point where he'd ask about whatever drama was flowing between the students and you happily spending however long it needed to explain it to him.
His Friends On The Other Side also became quickly fond of you, especially after finding out your senses could faintly pick up on them, capable of telling where in the shop they were hiding in. Sam himself took quite an interest in this.
It didn't take long before you became his "Favorite Imp", the one who provided him knowledge of what goes on inside the schools halls and classrooms. Sorta like gossip buddies at this point.
One day, after you'd fallen asleep in the woods one night in dragon form (your dormleader was not pleased), you had to make a stop at Sam's shop because the morning dew, while not bothering you due to being an ice dragon, had made the ground muddy where you were sleeping and now you needed to clean your scales. Again. Man, sometimes being a dragon is hard.
It was this day that Sam's friends, who you had learned to listen carefully enough to hear their words, tried to drag you out the back door so they could see what a dragon looked like.
You ended up indulging the friends, Sam having to come along to keep an eye on the rascals. He was a bit shocked, but with all the weird things he sells and even the ones he keeps put of stock for safety purposes, it wasn't the strangest nor the most astonishing thing he's seen. But it was new.
He's never been a big dragon fanatic, but he has sold some dragon related items, even to Professor Crewel who needs things for potionology, so it was actually really cool to see a dragon in the flesh.
But he also couldn't help to be a little sad. His Friends On The Other Side, and even himself, have hear the rumors about you on campus. About how there's a terrifying dragon student walking the halls, who glares at everyone in sight and refuses to be near other people.
He also knows that that's not you. You're his gossip buddy. And sure, he probably shouldn't be gossiping with a student, seeing as he's an adult, but he's still a young man at heart who years to have fun, which is why he took up a job at NRC.
So, just why would someone take a look at you, the student who keeps their wings and tail tucked in tight and politely apologizes when they knock something over, who plays games with his mysterious friends and looks freaking awesome as a dragon, and still think you're scary and mean?
"Now now my friends, let's not keep my Favorite Imp waiting." His friends, heading his call, quickly rush back inside and settle into their own shadows. When you walk past him, preparing to leave, he whispers to you. "Thanks for putting up with them, Little Imp. They appreciate it!"
Idk why Vargas doesn't have a speech after his section, but there wasn't one on Quotev and I don't feel like making one for him now. I did write in a note originally that I didn't proofread this bc is was so late at night, so that's probs why. Oof.
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idialover · 10 months
My friends and I have a tradition of playing "does this character have sex" whenever we get into a new piece of media, because we always enjoy everything together, and today we spent a few hours discussing TWST charactrs. They found out that I now have a Tumblr blog and told me I should "post our very scientific findings for the interwebs" (Note that we are all between the ages of 16-17, so in the same age group as the characters)
Heartslabyul (general judgement): The virgin one
Riddle: no, and he somehow doesn't even know what sex is. You'd think he'd know with how much he studies about everything you learn in school, so even sex-ed but no, he doesn't know
Ace: gray area, no bitches respectfully, except maybe Deuce, but we couldn't agree on that, he would treat it as "it's just a prank bro, no homo"
Deuce: yeah, sure, I mean he's pretty okay looking, not often tho
Cater: he seems like he'd be a dicord kitten or an insta-thot, he tries but doesn't really succeed, maybe once or twice.
Trey: no, because he actually wears a fedora, unironically. "he's as bland as the flour he uses in his cakes"-my friend#2
Savanaclaw (general judgement): Gahdayumm!!
Leona: YES! absoulutley 100% just look at him, but he'd be one of those lazy tops, is very casual about it, there isn't a lot to say because it's just so obvious that he is 100% a sex haver
Ruggie: Hard to say, he has an Italian souding name so maybe no, he hasn't yet discovered that he can earn quite a lot of money that way, or maybe he has (we couldn't agree on this)
Jack: gay wolf boyfirend fantasy so yes, big buff man go brrrr
Octavinelle (general judgement): ehhhh, fish go brrr
Azul: this was a very hard one to decide but in the end no, no real reason just doesn't seem like he would have it, he's on that alpha buisness grindset
Jade: Yes becazse friend#1 said so (she's a strong Jade stan) and everyone decided to let her have this one, but everybody else generally thinks he is Asexual (friend#1 is also ace)
Floyd: yes, he is bisexual in wicked and scheming ways and everybody is aware of that. Chaos bi, him and Jade are two side of a coin, all or nothing. He flirts by messing with people, mostly Riddle but as I've already said Riddle has no idea what's going on and just thinks Floyd has it out for him
Scarabia (general judgement): This was the hardest one to discuss
Kalim: He is very lovable, but no, for unknown reasons, boy has 0 rizz
Jamil: yeah, ig, normal 17 year old guy, he isn't basic like Trey, but he just doesn't have time because of Kalim
Pomefiore (general judgement): slayyy!
Vil: Yes, and his standards are surprisingly not as high as you'd think, we got very heated about how people often mischaracterize him as a very vain but he just wants people to be themselves and best version of themselves. Good for cardio
Rook: yes, in freaky kinky ways (see Rook alchemy card) he sometimes has touble finding people who are into the same stuff as him
Epel: no, beacause he is an "alpha male" in the worst ways possible
Ignihyde (General judgement): you'd think they be reddit mods, but they actually tumblr sexymen
Idia: yes, he has that disheveled rizz, the more they look like they haven't left the house since 2015 the better. We stan broken men in this household(blog), only on halloween tho that's when his confidence get's a bit better and he becomes and active member of society
Ortho: he is a robot based on a young child! NO!
Diasomnia (General judgement): oooh spooky~~
Malleus: yeah sure
Silver: gray are (they demanded I make that pun, pls forgive me)
Lillia: He is the most slay character, an old vampire/fae obviously yes. He has a lot of experience, best sex haver he's so amazing, Lillia for the win
Sebek: no
Staff (general judgement): a very mixed bag
Crowley: someone somwhere slept with him, he is kinda usless but he gets laid, look at his vacation outfit
Crewel: Definetly, high standards but he is correct, he gets to have high standards, he is the perfect man, not a DILF but also not not one
Trein: yes, loyal to his wife (rip tho), good husband 10/10 would trust him, good man
Vargas: Yeah, he's a typical good looking guy, he has never had a long term relationship but he doesn't want one
Sam: We debated for a long time and decided that yes he does have sex
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shiny-jr · 2 years
I saw you were allowing us to toss in ideas for the platonic!yandere staff for TWST and I'm overjoyed, haha. A thought I had: How willing would they let you be around the actual main cast, seeing as how you have to get into shenanigans with them as demanded by the plot but it puts you in possible (and actual) harm's way? Would they allow it, confident they can step in and handle things? Would they refuse to let you go near them at all to keep you safe? Who just. Automatically bans Deuce and Ace from going near you.
Gonna be rating them on a scale of one to five. One being would straight out ban students from seeing you (if they could), five being you have the most freedom to see other students.
Crowley is a 4/5. Although he would like to think that he's a little stricter, he's not. He claims that it's due to his benevolence that you are allowed to see your friends, but really you know it's because he's far too careless and actually busy (sometimes). But when he spots any students getting particularly close to you, he doesn't even have to do much. All he has to do is mention it to the rather stricter... staff members. But after a dangerous event like an overblot, he tries to limit your interactions with them, he really does try, but he’s far too soft on you and can’t say no to your wishes for long. 
Divus is a 1/5. Forget your friends and the school, he has tried to take you out of the school, multiple times actually. If it were up to him, he’d have you homeschooled or at least placed in an educational institution where there aren’t so many reckless and hazardous individuals. The only reason he hasn’t taken you out of Night Raven College is because the other staff members refuse to let him just take you. If Crewel just took you, you’d always be with him and none of the other staff members would get to see you everyday like they do now. And the only reason he hasn’t straight out told students to get away from you, is because he would then be in hot water with the school board. But he’s literally this close to imposing a ban on certain individuals. 
Vargas is a 3/5. He’s a bit more relaxed, but he’ll take any threat to you seriously. And if that threat is from another student, he’ll run them ragged during his class so much so that they won’t even have time to even think about interacting with you. After his class, they’ll be so tired that they won’t even have the energy to talk to you. This is one of those times where he’ll work cooperatively with the other staff members, with them providing a list of individuals that need to be worn out in order to stay away from you. Vargas trusts you to be able to defend yourself, after all, he’s taught you the best! But he doesn’t trust these brutes. 
Trein is a 2/5. Thankfully, he isn’t as strict as Crewel, but he still is pretty strict in his own right. During his class, he keeps a close eye on students, watching to see if they try to whisper to you or even so much as glance in your direction. Once he spots them doing something like that, he’ll call them out, and in their surprise he’ll throw the hardest questions at them until they get one wrong and lower their head. When you’re away, he’ll allow his familiar Lucius to trail after you and report anyone else to Trein so he could add them to the very lengthy list of names he’ll be submitting to Vargas in the afternoon. Perhaps he’ll assign them even more work, just to be doubly sure they do not have the time nor the energy to pester you.
Sam is a 5/5. You have the most freedom with him by far. He doesn’t tell you who you should or shouldn’t talk to, of course he has his own list of names but he doesn’t divulge that information. Yes, he trusts you, but like Vargas, he doesn’t trust all the students. But he does trust himself and his helpful shadows. Sam is pretty cunning too, so he’ll utilize this freedom he gives you to earn your affection and favoritism. It’s something he regularly flaunts during staff meetings, about how you go to him more often instead of the other teachers when you’re looking to hangout with friends. But all other students know by the look in Sam’s eyes when you’re back is turned, to be very cautious of what they do.
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I see father Crowley and Crewel but non about Grandfather Trein, since he have two adult kids of his own what would it be like to be their granddaughter be like?
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Mozus Trein Granddaughter Reader
What a wonderful thought!!!
Trein isn’t afraid to mention his daughters and in tandem he might mention you in passing
He absolutely adores his darling granddaughter 
Now when it comes to obsession with you Trein isn’t as obvious as Crewel or even Crowley on his best days
The people he’s close to are very established and he knows how much he loves them 
He knows without a doubt that their happy and safe
But you being the youngest member of the family now is new
Young and vulnerable your his poor little grandbaby he has to protect 
Especially if your mother has abandoned her overprotective roots
If he could help it you’d never step foot on Night Raven 
He’s proud of his students but he’s always known his students can be…quite problematic
But whether its babysitting or another mysterious reason You are sent with him to the NRC
Crowley would probably agree simply because he’s intrigued
As likely as it is that Trein talks positively of you he might not even mention you at all 
Enough so that the whole staff is just interested in seeing what you’re like 
Either as strict as he is or calm and quiet you’re still a surprise 
But the moment he steps away another side comes out
“He did tell me to make sure you serve your proper time in detention…but he never said how.”
Many who have met you without your grandfather present are under the impression you’re two-faced
Not really, Trein is well aware his granddaughter has a sadistic sense of socialization 
So you’ll happily pretend like you’ve changed the moment he’s stepped away but in you two’s lonesome that's just how you are
“Dear, just make sure you’re not going too far. We wouldn’t want anyone having long lasting trauma. Not like last time.”
“Sure sure! But these boys are sturdy, they can handle it!” 
“Make sure you take Lucius with you.”
“Of course Gramps…Hey Gramps?”
“Love ya!” 
“That child is going to be the death of me…love you too.”
As sad as it is to him to see you be interested in the boys your age
He knows any normal person should be more concerned for the boys that you keep hanging around
But if you’d ever decide to devastate the school in an apocalypse for ‘LOLZ’ he’s not necessarily stopping you
Its in your nature after all
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yuratheicequeenn · 9 days
Twisted wonderland
They went to you're world... oh gosh... here we go 🇵🇭
"You guys sure you wanna go to my world?" You asked nervously
"Yeahh! It'll be so cool!" Ace smiled
Ever since Crowley found a way back to you're world and you managed to go back and forth between those two worlds of yours and Twisted Wonderland, they won't stop bugging you to come along. So, Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Floyd, Jade, Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Epel, Rook, Idia, Ortho, Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek and finally Grim and the staff members decided to all come together, yayy... family vacation trip!
"Alright... come on" You sighed
"Yayyy! We get to go to Shrimpy's world!" Floyd smiled hugging you
You returned the hug as all of you went into the mirror
Once you finally got there, they all stood there dumbfounded, they looked at the buildings, the people and the cars
"Woahh! This is not really much different but WOAHH! So many new things!" Grim smiled
"Magnifique!" Rook smiled brightly
"Hmph, not bad, the buildings look quite neat" Vil put a finger on his chin observing everyone, and the whole place
"I SOOO need to take alot of pictures to post on Magicam!" Cater took out his phone taking pictures of the places and himself
"So... where to first?" You asked brushing you're hair away
"Ooh ooh! That big place that says 'SM'!" Floyd pointed
"Oh, SM, sure! Why not?" You smiled as you all walked in as they passed from the security guards checking their bags
"You have stores in malls?!" Ace gasped
Everyone had their mouths opened, Cater took some pictures, Floyd ran around laughing wanting to squeeze everyone-
"Ooh! What's that?" Grim pointed at the Disney Store
"Ohh uhh... Disney"
"Let's go check it out!" Kalim ran inside as Jamil sighed
You chuckled and went inside
They all saw disney princesses and... THE GREAT SEVENS?!
"Wahhh!! The great sevens are here?!" Kalim gasped happily running everywhere
"Plushies...?" Riddle tilted his head looking at the plushies
"Ooh! Jade! Look! moray eel twins!" Floyd grabbed the two eels that we're Flotsam and Jetsam
"My my, a very interesting sight indeed" Jade smirked
"Uhh... well this is awkward" You face palmed
"Child of man, look, a dragon" Malleus smiled holding the dragon
"Aww, it's cute" You smiled back
You saw Ortho and Kalim squealing over the cute plushies and figurines
"Oh! Prefect look! Dvd's!"
Ortho pointed out the disney movie dvd's
"Ahh... it's best not to get them-"
"Why not?" Epel asked in a confused tone
Everyone nodded their heads
"You hiding something from us herbivore?" Leona said in a irritated tone
"W-well it's-"
"Come onn~! Spill out the beans Shrimpyy! Or i'll squeeze ya~!" Floyd grinned menacingly
"Oohh~ do tell us!" Lilia smiled while floating upside down beside you
"Oh fine... their basically animated movies about... fantasies, some of them have the great seven in it" You explained, if you explained any further, their gonna find out about the Great Sevens presentation in those movies and their deaths
They all went quiet and glanced at each other
"Can we watch some?" Silver asked in a slightly quiet tone
"Why are you so nervous Child of man?" Malleus was concerened as he held you and rubbed the back of you're palm for comfort (Aww look at that, comforting his queennn 😚)
You didn't want to tell them, you wanted to keep you're mouth shut... (patay tayo diba?)
"Fine... we'll buy some" You sighed
"Yayy! Can't wait to watch them with Shrimpy!" Floyd grinned even more, his sharp teeth showing
"Indeed Floyd, this will be very interesting to watch with Prefect and all of us together" Jade chuckled amused
All of you went back to you're house, they we're all greeted by the sounds of dogs barking inside
"Pup, you have dogs?" Crewel asked
"Yes sir" You shrugged smiling
"Ah! Anak! Kamusta ka?" You're mother opened the door and smiled
"I'm doing fine nanay" You smiled back hugging her
The boys all looked at each other
"Anak..?" Deuce whispered
"Ka...musta... ka...?" Ace replied
"Nanay...?" Azul also whispered confused
You're mom looked back at the boys "Ah! These must be you're friends!"
You're mom walked towards them raising her hand waiting for them to bless
"Uhh... hi?" Ace being Ace not knowing what this means obv-
"Like this guys"
You held you're mom's hand and gently put the back of her palm to you're forehead to bless her
"What... did you just do Prefect?" Riddle asked politely confused by the gesture
"Well, in the Philippines, you bless the elders like this as a sign of respect" You explained shortly
They all seemed to take the hint and they looked embarrassed as they quickly did the gesture like you showed them, execpt for Crowley and Trein
"Come on in, everyone, i'll make you food" You're mother smiled kindly
"You're mother is so nice..." Riddle muttered
"There there Strawberry" You smiled gently patting his head
"Shishishi, finally! Some grub!" Ruggie smiled
You're mother was busy cooking in the kitchen, Vil observed you're house, and you're dogs we're playing around with Jack, Crewel was training them
"Sit" Crewel smirked and patted their heads
"You trained them well pup"
"Thanks sir" You smiled and leaned on the couch watching some TV as you're head was on Tsunotarou's lap, he stroked you're hair and smiled
"Wahhh! Shrimpy's house is so niceee!"
"Thanks Floyd"
"So... which one of you is my daughter's boyfriend?" You froze upon hearing you're mother asking that
"That would be me, Mother of Prefect" Malleus replied
"Nuh-uh, stop spreading lies damn lizard" Leona groaned sleeping on the other couch
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO WAKASAMA THAT WAY" Sebek shouted making the dogs jump
"Ladies ladies! No arguing in Prefect's house!" Vil snapped his fingers
"Exactly, Prefect's mother is here! We don't want her to think we're disrespectful" Riddle agreed pinching the bridge of his nose sighing
Oh thank you...
"Neee, when are we gonna watch those movies?" Floyd said in a bored tone
"Be patient Floyd" Azul sighed
"So... what do you guys wanna watch fir-"
"Ate ate!" You're little sister ran up to you and hugged you smiling
"Awww! And who's this little angel?" Lilia picked her up hugging her and sat her back down
"I'm Y/n's little sister!" You're sister smiled laughing
"Ehhh? You didn't tell me you had a sister Shrimpy!" Floyd laughed also went to pick her up and spun her around
"You're so small like you're sister! Aha! I'll call you Starfish!" Floyd laughed giving her a squeeze
"Hehehe! I like it! Big sister! I already like him! He's so tall!" You're sister smiled
You sighed and smiled shooking you're head at the cute bonding between you're sister and Floyd
To be continued...
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By popular vote:
Prettiest First Year: Deuce Spade
Prettiest Second Year: Silver
Prettiest Third Year: Malleus Draconia
Best Staff Member: Divus Crewel
Worst Staff Member: Dire Crowley
Cutest Heartslabyul boy: Riddle Rosehearts
Cutest Savanaclaw boy: Ruggie Bucchi
Cutest Octavinelle boy: Azul Ashengrotto
Cutest Scarabia boy: Kalim Al Asim
Cutest Pomefiore boy: Epel Felmier
Cutest Ignihyde boy: Ortho Shroud
Cutest Diasomnia boy: Lilia Vanrouge
Cutest Night Raven College boy: Ortho Shroud
Heartslabyul's Babygirl: Riddle Rosehearts
Savanaclaw's Babygirl: Ruggie Bucchi
Octavinelle's Babygirl: Azul Ashengrotto
Scarabia's Babygirl: Kalim Al Asim
Pomefiore's Babygirl: Rook Hunt
Ignihyde's Babygirl: Idia Shroud (as Ortho willed)
Diasomnia's Babygirl: Malleus Draconia
Staff's Babygirl: Divus Crewel
Extra Babygirl: Chen'ya
Twisted Wonderland Babyest Girl: Azul Ashengrotto
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erenspussy420 · 2 years
Sfw and nsfw headcannons for crewel and Crowley (seperately )? With female reader plz
SFW/NSFW for Crowley and Crewel! Hope you enjoy!
Fem Reader Insert
MDNI 18+ ONLY. Nsfw will be under the read more line.
Dire Crowley:
This man is cheap, Like expect that during this relationship, however fear not! For he is so humbly gracious to have lavish vacations with you at the expense of the student body.
 Though for my fellow Crowley hoes out there, Crowley can be romantic. Crowley is doing his “best” and honestly it’s kind of endearing how this man flounders at trying his hand at “wooing” you. Expect plucked flowers and shiny things on your pillows, and over the top letters he has stuffed under the door of your room.
True to bird fashion, has attempted to make a nest for you and ngl it is pretty comfy.
He has horrid fashion taste, never let him pick out your clothes.
Crowley absolutely loves it when you stroke his hair, but really melts when you stroke his back, he covers you in his cloak like a bird covers themselves in their wings.
The more time you are with him, the more he trusts you enough to take his mask off. This is a serious matter, he even drops all pretenses of his goofy persona. You’re one of the few people in all of Twisted Wonderland who has seen his full face, that is something he can ever truly be grateful for.
He totally gives you sweet pecks throughout the day, though probably not in front of the students lol. He totally would in front of his staff members, likes to rub it in that he in fact does have an S/O
He totally humble-brags about you.
His hair is actually pretty nice to run your fingers through, and its unfair how nice it is.
Smells like parchment and ink, with a bit like a sharp wind from above. Bury your nose into him, and smell the soft scent of the forest.
Divus Crewel:
Fuck, okay, he is actually the most reliable man here and competent as hell.
A real gentleman, and pretty respectful of your boundaries. 
A day starts with a morning kiss and ends the night with a goodnight kiss. His mouth was made for kissing and he's the type to kiss you slow but deeply.
This man will spoil you, clothes, dates, a stimulating conversation and he’s genuinely invested in you.
You get to wear his coat and it's so smooth under your hands. You feel fancy as fuck wearing it. Smells like him.
Unfortunately due to his job, and Crowley's malarkey, dates tend to be in between what little time you two can make for yourselves. However, even simple little dates between you feel sweet, and the vacations leave them quite…enthralling.
Honestly, Crewel helps pick out your clothes and upgrades your closet. Will respect your decisions in the end, but low key judges crimes against fashion. *aka Crowley*
Will make anything you want. Man has a binder dedicated to ideas he has for you. Seriously, color coded and seasonal outfits.Strolls through the town with you, fingers laced together. He presses a kiss on your knuckles that make you swoon.
Adores the hell out of dogs, so hopefully you like them too, or else this ain't gonna last long. If there is a dog near by you bet your sweet ass he's gonna pet it. Wait one day, he's gonna show up with a box of puppies and you can't even stop him.
He smells like expensive cologne, a hint of musk, leather and a subtle spice you can't name, but God does it make you wanna bury your nose into his skin. To his displeasure, he can't always get rid of the scent of potions on him. 
Dire Crowley:
Okay, I'm gonna be super honest with you. I cannot see this is starting, than a hot hate-fucking in his office.
Birdman is submissive.
You're gonna have to pull the reigns here, he does top occasionally and ugh he's pretty good at dirty talk. He's into edging can you even belive the audacity of this man?
If you love marking, recieving or giving, he has lipstick for it you know. Just saying is all.
He has a cute dick, better than he deserves. Its smooth and girthy, and Crowley is pretty pale so is his dick. But his head is cute flushed pink. His balls are sensitive and he loses it if you suck on them.
This relationship started as a hatefuck to a romance
Despite Dire's shady self, he truly does care about you. Wants to make sure your needs are also being meet, having you cum around him, screaming his name makes his wing flutter in pleasure.
Why he is so generous, he's more than willing to surrender himself to you as your toy to use. Tie his hands back and bounce on his cock till his balls are empty and leave him there dirty with his cold cum dripping down his balls.
You have his heart all in a twist when you grab his face to kiss him deeply when he cums in you.
This man has a fucking humiliation kink I just fucking know it. He praises himself too much, but the insults have him leaking crying "yes yes tell me how bad I've been! Spit on me!" Degrade him, step on him, call him useless, just as so long as you remember to reassure him he's still wonderful and that you love him.
Divus Crewel:
This man doms and there is no questioning it.
Dom/sub play have you seen that whip and collar. No way that man doesn't have that kink.
Mod is frothing at the mouth
He isn't into gagging as much as one would expect him too. Oh he totally is into it, but he perfers hearing your moans and pleas unfiltered as you try not to cum agaisnt his orders.
He has a big cock and we all know it. Thick at the base, the head a beautiful red hue, with this thick vein under it that feels good to run your tounge on. Curves slightly to the left. His balls are well rounded, and a bit heavy. Cums comes out pretty thick.
Loves watching you hump his leg to get off, though he might have to punish you to "behave" better.
He has so many toys for you, though getting a dildo of his own cock is a gift in itself and have to work for it. Plays with those vibrator with a remote, watching you squirm trying to find relief by squeezing your thighs as he presses the button for more power.
He's really fantastic with aftercare.
He gives you that hot kiss, tounge sucking when he presses his hips into you, cock hitting the spot that has you rocking into him for more.
He has custom lingerie made for you, the types that make you feel like the sexiest being in the world. This man will fuck the living daylights out of you.
Scratch his scalp,  tug his hair makes him buck relentlessly in you.
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an idea, how about yuu getting a cold in the monster au? how would the staff react to it?
*going back through the backlog of asks to answer stuff I couldn’t think of a response for at the time* I really need to clean up my inbox and answer some of these things. Sorry for the delay! 😅
Much like animals in our world, the monsters in the monster!AU have a tendency to hide when they’re hurt or sick due to an old instinct to hide away and “lick their wounds” so to speak. Nowadays though, monster magicians and witches cannot afford to stay sick or let injuries last longer than necessary due to their own stubborn nature and will seek aid. Of course, there are some who refuse to do so due to pride, so the staff (both living and ghostly) have learned to pinpoint the signs right off the bat so they can react accordingly.
So when the school’s resident endangered human stumbles onto campus looking like someone dragged them through the Underworld and back…welllllll…
It was another beautiful day, and just as he does every morning, the headmaster greets every student with a cheerful smile. And just like every day, the students ignore him–not that this bothered him. After all, he is a mature adult! Such trivial things didn’t bother him in the slightest. And at least there was one student who was surely happy to see him: “Ah, good morning, Yu–GREAT MERCIFUL SEVEN!!! Are you alright?!”
As shifty and mysterious as he could be at times, no one can say he doesn’t care about his students. So the moment he spots a sick Yuu looking like a member of the undead, he immediately escorted them to the nurse’s office for a check-up. He may have fretted over what the researchers might assume if they thought the school had been neglecting the human. That would be a blemish on the hospitality and care of NRC! (Calm down, Crowley, or you’ll start molting early. >.> )
Even if it turns out to be a simple cold, Crowley makes sure to visit them frequently to monitor their recovery. Whatever Yuu needs, he’ll make the arrangements: fresh flowers to brighten the room? Only the prettiest and most fragrant, chosen by the Pomefiore students for quality aesthetics! Soup for the cold? Of course the cafeteria ghosts know and can make the best soup for the soul to ease any cold! Clean linen? Changed out every day with pillows fluffed for maximum comfort!
When Yuu’s fever finally broke and they were able to recover, Crowley heaved a sigh of relief. Sure, part of it was from worrying about the backlash from the research institutions if Yuu took a turn for the worst, but he was genuinely relieved to know that Yuu was recovering well. Now, he just needs to make arrangements for a visit with a doctor to get immunizations. No need to risk the only human in existence to get sick from some illness not native to where they came from…
The moment Yuu stumbled into homeroom, he immediately turned them around and said, “Nurse’s office. Now.” His tone suggested there was no room for argument, and at this point, Yuu knew better than to disobey him. It wasn’t until a break between classes that he came to check on them, listening to what the nurse had to say and coming up with a plan to help them recover.
All throughout the day, the werewolf professor would check in on Yuu, bringing the nurse herbs and potions to help with the symptoms. He would bring their homework to them and spend time catching Yuu up on the lessons they missed, stopping when he noticed them struggling to focus so they could rest. If they wish to do after-school or weekend lessons, he will have a talk with the other teachers to make it happen.
Once Yuu starts gaining their energy back, he’s pleased to know that one of his pups is going to be okay. He is, however, going to make sure that they’re taking care of themselves.
The moment he learned that Yuu was sick, he was brought back to those days when his daughters caught a cold. As a father, he knew how difficult it was to keep little ones (and sometimes teenagers) on bedrest. If Yuu happens to be one of those who can’t stand to be sick in bed doing nothing, he’ll bring them books from the library and even his own private collection for them to read. He may or may not have allowed their friends to slip in a comic book or two.
During the times after school or during breaks, he would bring Lucius along with him for some animal companionship. With paws kneading biscuits on the blankets and the sweetest purrs, the matagot will be happy to lend his assistance if it means Yuu will recover faster. Combined with Trein sitting beside them reading aloud from one of the books, it’s enough to keep Yuu engaged and resting without feeling the need to move around.
Even when Yuu is back to normal, he doesn’t mind still reading to them and Ortho whenever he and Lucius are in the courtyard. It’s been ages since he’d helped care for someone in need since his daughters moved out of the house, and he was proud to see them full of life again.
Yuu’s sick?! Oh, he knows just what they need to get back on their feet: lots of rest, soup, and water mixed with sports drinks for electrolytes!...what? Did you honestly expect him to force Yuu to try and do workouts or drink and eat the things he does when they’re sick? Absolutely not! He knows that a magician’s physical abilities can improve their ability to cast magic, but he understands that resting is important too.
“If I wouldn’t expect you to walk on a broken leg, why should I expect you to be at your best when sick or mentally exhausted?” he’d explained to the very confused human as he mixed water into a cup with their favorite flavored sports drink. “Maintaining your physical health is important, but knowing when to rest and recover is something you need to pay attention to what your body is telling you. You aren’t being lazy if you’re resting your mind and body. So focus on taking care of yourself first and foremost…got it?”
While he does make sure they get plenty of rest and nutrients in their system, he can help make sure they will have an easier time recovering by helping them stretch out those sore muscles using techniques he’d learned from a physical therapist. Even when they’re given a clean bill of health, he’s not going to just toss them back into exercising at full-tilt. Building back up to where they were before is going to be exactly what he has in mind, and he’ll make sure to get them there!
Oh dear, the little imp has a nasty cold? Well that’s not good! Don’t worry, Yuu: Sam has anything and everything you need. IN STOCK! Thermometers and cooling patches for your forehead? In stock! Cough and cold medicine in liquid or capsule form? In stock! Air purifiers and hot steam vaporizers for those stuffy noses? On sale! Anything that Yuu could possibly need to be more comfortable during their recovery or things they used before, he’ll have exactly what they ask for or will find something close enough/better. That’s the Mystery Shop guarantee!
Even though he runs the shop, he finds ways to make time to visit and brings just the thing Yuu was going to ask for. How? Well, he can’t reveal all his secrets, now can he? After all, Yuu is one of his best customers, and he wants to see them back up to their mischievous selves!
He’s happy to have Yuu back in the shop once they get over their cold, bringing out their favorite snacks he’d saved just for them at a slight discount. Don’t forget about the bonus jam-filled shadow skull cookies he made–Yuu will be the first to taste-test a new product he plans to sell! On the side, he takes note of the items that helped Yuu’s recovery, making sure he has a way to get what’s needed in case of an emergency.
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josnhoes · 2 years
Just thinking about an Fem!MC/Yuu who is not only thrown into twisted wonderland but in the body of a kid. They're just this little girl with thoughts and emotions of an adult, but their tiny body is fighting them on it. And she is just so angry. Like unholy, life ending rage. For a bunch of reasons too, not only where you ripped from home, but now you were a child again, which both alone would be enough to justify your rage but; no one believes you when you say you were older then they looked (even Lilia because he could smell the youth on you and you were human so you were just a kid playing pretend to him), and the headmater was willing to force a young child who could barely reac table tops to be a janitor. And morally you couldn't stand for that.
You are conviced this is hell. Your tiny body is overwhelmed with your emotions so you cry a lot, which gets you teased. People quickly learned...well Savanah claw learned...that teasing Yuu is a bad idea. Not only did it make them look weak, but when you got too upset you bite and you will aim for damage. (Leona hadn't been too happy to hear that a couple of his dorm members had bullied a child; a girl no less. Extra not amused when that child lands them all in nurses office getting fingers and an ear reattached.) Oh and did you forget Crowley who despite originally trying to use yuu as extreme child labor had taken to calling you his 'baby bird' and he was 'papa bird'. You loath it, you hate it, the sheer audacity, the...oh crap you were angry crying again.
It's not all bad you supposed. The teaches gave a bit of leeway on you for grades and where far more patient with you. Crewel had excused you from potions labs, and taken to dressing you in more comfortable size appropriate clothing. Really the staff had been helping looking after you as best they could, so you no longer had to worry about missing meals because you couldn't afford it. Which was a relief because your tiny body wanted food way more often.
Another good thing was you got away with more behaviorally wise too. Break something? Oh it's okay you didn't mean to, help clean it up and your not in trouble. Sleep in class or important events? Awee she must have tuckered herself out. You say a cuss word? Well then you get to say who you 'heard' it from and *they* get punished.
The biggest non-emotional down side is the dorm. Despite claiming to be oh so generous and your 'papa bird' you still live in ramshackle. Well just until the custody battle between dorms ends. (Even more true after every overbolt you help with. Everyone wants you.) After a few weeks though when Lilia finds out you live in Ramshackle and custody battle or not he just steals you away to diasomnia because that run down, moldy, old building was a death trap for someone so tiny!
You also struggle with everyone who likes kids trying to lift you up and carry you places. Though being used by Jack as a dumbell or weight for when he was running *was* fun...
Just all in all thinking of how mc/Yuu would be treated and the struggle to convince people you weren't like 5.
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