#cuz they’re dorky like that <3
math-is-math · 7 months
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Aleheather Week day 7 — wedding/free prompt 💍
Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me !!!!!
Y’all I can’t believe aleheather week is over this was honestly such a blast I loved every moment of it 🫶🫶 can’t wait to share more content of them with y’all in the future lol
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aceofhearts25 · 11 days
Flirty/Cute/Fluffy Scenarios with the 🕷️ ♥️ Spider-Man(s) 🕷️ ♥️
Rewatching every Spider-Man movie in the theater made me realize again how attracted I am… to basically all of them, (Mostly Tobey) so here you go simps, pick your Peter. 😏 Summary: Scenarios on how they’d act around if you if they liked you, if yall were official, if they were complimented, yada yada, and more stuff like that- Super cute, immersive, and fluffy, (so much fluff ong). Gender neutral you. No smut cuz it makes me kinda uncomfy, and the best fucking vibes. Enjoy. 😘 (Also, they’re all aged up over 18 cuz I ain’t simpin’ for a high schooler.)
Tobey/Peter 2 (I’m in love with him, your honor-)
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How he’d act around you/what you guys do (he likes you btw, like a lot… like MJ a lot)
He’s always stuttering a lil whenever he talks to you
He’s really good at reading emotions 💙
He’s always giving you compliments (“You look nice today-!” :])
He’s always staring at you with a dorky smile (cute awkward boi)
He does whatever he can to spend time around you (he plots 👏)
He’s always looking at you whenever you guys hang out
You guys love to go eat cheeseburgers together (“Sky’s the limit!” -Peter)
You guys love pizza while chatting or watching a movie (“Pizza time.” -Peter)
He constantly has a lil blush around you
He likes buying you small but meaningful things (Snacks, accessories, etc.)
He finds it really hard to talk to you sometimes
He most definitely knows how to make you smile
He blushes and looks down if you compliment him
Spider-Man is always seen swinging around near where you are (shhh)
Spider-Man saved you literally so many times (*wink wink*)
Spider-Man likes to talk to you for some reason….
How he’d act as a partner/what you like to do together (he’s so obsessed)
He’s always holding you, touch is definitely his love language <3 (hugs, hand holding, etc.)
He’s always kissing you, lil pecks on top of the head, mouth, cheeks, face, yada yada
He’s clingy but not in like an annoying way (loving bf fr)
He likes to cuddle with you (he’s a strong, adorable big spoon but he switches a lot ♥️)
He cannot stop smiling around you (help him, his face hurts)
You like to track down the big boi villains together (you’re kinda his guy/girl in the chair fr fr)
You like to go to sleep in his buff, dorky arms (so comfy, man)
He’s just so soft and sweet, he can cheer you up all the time.
He’s more a submissive-ish guy, not fully, but yeah- no more of that talk-
Spider-Man (you know it’s him now) is always taking you out for fun swings through the cold breezy nights (MJ style in that one scene)
You’re literally infatuated with him as Peter and him as Spider-Man
Spider-Man is always finding you among crowds, whisking you away and flirting (he’s more ✨ flirty ✨ as Spider-Man)
Spider-Man and you love to hang out in random high and tall places together
You just love Spider-Man, and you just love Peter, both are great 👌
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(This mask is so fucking hot, help my mask kink is showing)
Andrew/Peter 3 (You simps can’t get enough of him 😒)
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How he’d act around you/what you do together (he likes you like he liked Gwen, but he won’t say it… yet)
He’s always chuckle-y/giggly around you
He’s always hanging out with you and you like to be with him as well (seriously, like, he’s addictive)
He always listens to you (such a good listener fr)
He’s mumble-y and kinda shy around you, but not at the same time, ykwim???!!!
He chuckles and looks away if you compliment him
He’s always cracking jokes to make you laugh (it works fr)
He loves to hang out with you and do the most random yet fun stuff, out of nowhere (and of course you go along with it cuz it’s so fun)
He finds it hard to say how he feels around you (about anything really, you make him nervous in a good way)
You like to eat ice cream together and talk for hours (never gets boring 🍨)
You like to listen to music together <3
You like to go on walks and chat when you have time off
Spider-Man is always giving you a thumbs up or waving at you while swinging by (hehe)
How he’d act as a partner/what you like to do when you’re together
He’s always looking at you longingly (with his big brown doe eyes)
He always wants to spend time with you. He doesn’t care if you both have important things to do (ice cream, hanging out, movies, yada yada)
He’s always joking around with you, making you laugh
He never wants to leave you alone (protective bf fr fr)
He thinks you’re adorable no matter what you do
He likes staring at you… ✨ with rizz ✨
His kisses are really passionate, like a lot, and he really likes kissing you
He’s more of a dominant guy, but he’s a lil submissive- (AIGHT ENOUGH OF THAT TALK FR-)
Spider-Man literally loves swinging with you all the damn time (Gwen style in that one scene)
Spider-Man doesn’t want you near the bad guys
Spider-Man is funny, fun, flirty, and Peter is cute, romantic, and energetic, it’s the perfect mix
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(this mask is so much hotter than the second one ong)
Tom/Peter 1 (Why everyone love him sm? Y’all feral fr)
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How he’d act around you/what you guys would do (he sucks at hiding it like with Liz/MJ)
He mumbles way too much around you
He’s always around you but gives goofy excuses as to why
He always seems happier around you (like a lot)
He���s always asking you if you wanna do something fun with him (like legos and stuff)
He giggles, avoids eye contact, and thanks you if you compliment him
He’s always giggling for seemingly no reason (hehe)
He likes teaching you stuff that you need help with understanding but with ✨ shy boi rizz ✨ (nerdy boi)
His goofy attempts at humor actually make you laugh somehow (He’s accidentally funny 💀)
He can always cheer you up because he just gives off a good vibe
How he’d act as a partner/what you’d do
He’s most definitely always hanging out around you
He likes giving/getting cute peck-kisses a lot
Spider-Man likes taking you swinging (MJ style)
He likes buying you things even though he can’t afford them (what a dork ♥️)
He’s always hugging you from any angle
He’s definitely submissive, no doubt- (okay, NOW no more of that talk fr fr, like fr-)
You like to take walks together and chat
He likes holding hands a lot
Spider-Man is always watching you… protectively ofc ☺️💀
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(I used to be attracted to this mask when I was wayyy younger but now it’s just cute.)
And that’s it! Enjoy some gifs of our 3 beautiful bois. ⬇️ ♥️
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
I have made quite clear how much I adore Jason Peter Todd, despite how frequently he is written terribly. RHATO is Not Good, but pre-Flashpoint was...chaotic for his characterization to say the least.
I wish to give my fellow Jaybird lovers some stable ground if they’re looking for decent and consistent Red Hood characterization post-resurrection.
[Fuck you Battle For the Cowl that was a shitshow]
Most people cite the Under the Hood storyline as the best work about Jason. That story was written by Judd Winick. So, here’s a list of stories involving The Boy written by Judd Winick, with short summaries so you know what you’re getting into! And some images because I can’t not.
Batman Vol 1 629: This is not actually Jason, but a Scarecrow hallucination Bruce has, but it still characterizes both Bruce and Tim’s thoughts about Jason and his potential return. It takes place pretty smack-dab between Hush and Under the Hood.
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I appreciate the Hush outfit with the white streak. Excellent.
(also Tim looks like a baby and I just want to give him hugs)
Batman Vol 1 635-641 aka Under the Hood Vol 1 Batman Vol 1 645-650 and Annual 25 aka Under the Hood Vol 2 No description necessary; if you know Jason, you know how this goes.
Green Arrow Vol 3 69-72: Red Hood comes to Star City and decides to have a talk with current Speedy, Green Arrow’s sidekick, Mia Dearden.
Contains this gem:
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I love him so much he’s such a dramatic bitch.
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He changed the scoreboards what the fuck--
And this oof
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Outsiders Vol 3 44-46 and Annual 1: Jason provides the Outsiders, specifically Dick and Roy, with intel exonerating Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce from murder he thought he committed. Jason’s not the center of this story, but I like it a lot.
For my fellow Harper family lovers, 45 has a lot of cute Roy and Lian too, including this part that rips my heart out.
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Lian is my angel and I would die for her.
For my fellow Gays, these also have the start of the relationship between Anissa Pierce and Grace Choi
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also includes this dumbfuckery:
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He’s a dork and I love him.
Batman and Robin (2009) Vol 1 23-25: Red Hood reluctantly teams up with Dickie-Batman and Brat Wonder Robin to save his kidnapped former sidekick, Scarlet.
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Please excuse some of the art bullshit; yes, it has ginger Jason, and yes the covers use the dumb pill helmet design. But for the record, he doesn’t actually wear the pill helmet thank fuck, and the hair thing was more for continuity. They were established during Grant Morrison’s run as writer because they don’t do their goddamn homework enough to know ginger Jay is not canon Post-Crisis! Or that even then he chose to dye his hair black! (Yes I’m bitter that’s how they fucked over Talia too UGH)
At least his costume is fixed; it combines the dumb supervillain-y costume with his old biker-y look, and tbh I think it’s really cool. Aside from the bright red guns that look like toys.
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Not that that lasts because this is one of if not the last appearance of Jay before the reboot! Thanks, Barry.
[small edit cuz I just can’t with this man]
He’s also a little shit throughout the whole thing. It is his mission to annoy Dick and Damian and it’s great.
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[end small edit!]
He also gets stripped for...reasons. If you’re interested. I wasn’t, but I know some of yall are nasties (/affectionate) so here’s that.
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Red Hood: The Lost Days: Goes more into detail about Jason’s experience between his death and his big return to Gotham. So! Much! Trauma!
Also where this image comes from:
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He really said that. So uh...yeah.
He has always been a snarky dorky bastard and I love him very much.
[EDIT ADDITION Thank you @someoneimsure​]
Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular: Jason’s story is called “More Time”, which is a story with Robin Jason and Red Hood Jason have a parallel story giving Bruce a gift on his birthday. Specifically, fixing his father’s old watch.
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(He’s talking about the watch but that literally could be said about Jason and ow my fucking HEART--)
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Look at this. God I just...sometimes Jason just fills my heart with love and it’s too much. He’s a good boy!
Unfortunately, he and Steph share the space of only having one story which is bullshit. Timmy and Dami both get two, which is totally fair. But Dickie gets four. Rude. Sharing is caring, Dickiebird.
[END EDIT Thank you :33]
Things with Jason NOT written by Judd Winick Pre-Flashpoint that are major (but personally I think kinda suck) are Battle for the Cowl, Countdown, and his weird murdery Nightwing phase.
Jason Todd, everybody.
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canyon-tale · 11 months
Long time no see :3
I come with new questions!
* what claims does Error have?
* what do the bad sanses think of Cross and Epic being together? Especially since they don't have kids together
* i'd love to hear more about Blue, i haven't asked much about him
* is Ink romantically involved with anyone? is he aroace like canon?
* does Geno exist? what is he like? does he have a brotherly bond with Fresh and Error?
* do dragons follow the rule of males being more colorful to attract females?
Happy to see you back, I always love answering your questions :D
Gonna stick them under a Read More again, but enjoy and let me know if you have any follow up questions! <3
What claims does Error have?
Error is a bit of a mix bag of magic elements tbh, mostly cuz I want to include all his eye colours XD His main claim is Carnage, and he is a demi god of that element to aid the Maid of Bones. He has a light and water sub claims as well, most likely due to either carrying or having absorbed magic items. He also has a slight connection to the Void, but he’s also terrified of the Void realm and magic.
What do the bad Sanses think of Cross and Epic being together? Especially since they don't have kids together
They were VERY suspicious about Epic when they realised who he was and that Cross had picked him as a talonmate. Epic is technically Cross’ first mate, he just didn’t talk about Epic to the others because while he loves them it was also kind of nice to disconnect from the Nights and Stars from time to time. Cross is probably the most relaxed and dorky when with Epic because Epic gives the same energy back.
When the other’s did find out about their relationship they were all basically like over protective parents, following Epic around, doing background checks, questioning him once Cross actually invited him to the dens, etc. Epic was none too phased about it, but Cross was a bit embarrassed XD
Even while they were all cold towards him at first they all eventually warmed up to him. Nightmare was the last, but when Cross came to him to ask if he could help with Epic’s eye and nightmares he kind of developed a soft spot for him.
Epic actually ends up joining the Night flight eventually! The other’s are very relaxed and open minded so they never take issue with them becoming heartmates despite not wanting eggs together.
I’d love to hear more about Blue, i haven't asked much about him
Blue is a lightning guardian! He was very determined to join the royal flight and capture a human someday, but those ideas changed when he came across a few books about dragons and human riders. He’s been enamoured by the idea of having a human partner ever since, but he still keeps up the act of wanting to fight one instead.
His brother is a fire scout who was sure Blue would end up as a nurse due to his sweet and caring character, and was a little alarmed when Blue started growing scales and became a guardian. Little Blue is very determined to be a royal guard after all uvu
Is Ink romantically involved with anyone? Is he aroace like canon?
He is aroace! He’s technically talonmates with Dream and Blue, but it’s more a queer platonic relationship and doesn't follow the traditional definition of talons. He’s of course also thornmates with Error, and I’m playing with the idea of him being at least wingmates with Cross since I like the two of them having some kind of bond.
Does Geno exist? What is he like? Does he have a brotherly bond with Fresh and Error?
He does! He’s stuck in the Void but I haven’t thought too much of his side of the story yet. I think I’d like him to have some kind of connection to Fresh and Error, probably mostly Fresh at the start since I can see Error being terrified of the Void.
Do dragons follow the rule of males being more colorful to attract females?
No, mostly cuz there are no biological males and females since the dragons are hermaphrodites. There’s definitely dragons with similar traits though, they’re just more randomly genetic than anything else.
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sakura-gyarugal · 2 years
Akatsuki headcanons nobody asked for ^^ mostly modern ones
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Kakazu has lucky socks for when he goes gambling
Sasori tans really bad. He turns bright red. To which Deidara laughs at since he tans perfectly.
Hidan’s hair is crusty from all that gel he uses. Like man doesn’t wash it was it till the weekend.
Kakuzu secretly likes drag shows.
Deidara has an hearing aid but keeps taking it out so mostly uses sign language
Konan and Itachi have cooking competitions and the rest of the Akatsuki are the judges. They both become scary so the Akatsuki are wary who to pick as the winner.
Orochimaru is non-binary they’re also into drag.
Deidara is a vegan since he likes animals so much. He definitely judges when he sees one of them eating meat especially in front of his birds.
Sasori is allergic to peanuts
Kakazu has many sugar babies but is super cheap with them. He only gives extra to Hidan <3
Hidan has a cult on Twitter but 85% of it is him on separate accounts 💀. He gets banned every month.
Obito has a prosthetic arm and eye. But sometimes he forgets to put on a patch or his eye. When starts getting weird looks then he realizes XD
Pain and konan have lots of pets mostly dogs
Deidara and konan steal each other’s clothes with zero remorse. In fact they meet up with each other with each other’s clothes on.
Konan: is that my shirt?
Deidara: those are the boots I’ve been looking for
Konan: dude
Deidara: bro
Sasori likes murder mysteries and is into taxidermy(very interesting hobbies put together)
Kisame’s food is always getting taken. Like he hides his food in the ceiling and floor boards and it still gets taken.
Kisame: alright who ate my leftovers?
Deidara with a mouthful of rice: I don’t know man
Zetsu: with a chicken wing in between his mouth: not sure
Hidan with sauce all over his mouth: uh did you check the outside fridge?
Zetsu is anti vegan because they think plants feel pain. Deidara and Zetsu constantly fight about animal rights and plants.
Konan is very much into spirituality and stuff to which Hidan thinks is creepy. When he gets on her nerves she threatens to curse him.
Kisame is an activist to animal rights mostly marine though
When Obito first met Deidara he tried sign language and accidentally said something rude with his hands and Sasori was just like: 😦 while Deidara was like: gasp
Pain and madara fight over who’s the better “father” of the Akatsuki. Madara tries to win them over by presents. Like this mf really bought Deidara,hidan, and sasori a car. It currently just sits there at madara’s place
Kisame may seem intimidating and like nothing gets to him but he hates spiders. Like jump onto the table cuz of them. Itachi is always the one to kill it.
Itachi secretly follows his brother or gets bodyguards when his brother is out the home. Sasuke has been known but hasn’t said anything yet.
Konan is a pole dancer. Deidara and Hidan go into her closet and wear her 10 inch heals. Hidan eventually broke an arm trying to walk in them.
Sasori forgets to blink so the Akatsuki have to remind him to
Sasuke hates being around the Akatsuki he tries to avoid them as much as possible.
Did I mention sasori has a very detailed obsession of murder?
Itachi got the worst asthma. Whenever he gets stressed he’s reaching for his inhaler which is all the time.
Kakazu Works 3 jobs he doesn’t even need three jobs but he’s obsessed with money so…
Kisame has a bunch of cultural tattoos from his village
Zetsu likes to hiss at people💀
Madara is that rich aunty that never gets invited yet still comes and ruins the entire function.
Itachi has too much time on his hands so sometimes he sews sweaters for Sasuke to which Sasuke always wears 💗
Sakura: Sasuke it’s 90 degrees please take that sweater off before you have a heat stroke
Sasuke: I can’t…
Naruto: why? It looks dorky anyways
-naruto later went to the hospital for a broken nose. Don’t disrespect Itachi’s sewing🙄
Obito is honestly a jello mess around rin no matter how long they’ve been dating.
Obito, deidara, Kisame, and Konan all like kpop. Like they really be out here jamming to fancy by twice!
Hidan is illiterate…I’m sorry but that man can’t read to save his life
Kakuzu eats meat raw….yeah raw. He’s too lazy to cook it all the way. Cuz money is time or however that quote goes
Konan grows a single grey hair every time she’s with Hidan. He makes her head hurt but they’re buddies when they go to bars
Itachi is brutally honest he just says it in a kind way so it doesn’t come off too hard. 😌
Deidara and Sasuke have mad beef with each other. They wore the same slipknot shirt one day at the mall…(they were both shopping for eyeliner)
Pain has tattoos of all of the Akatsuki members names since he feels he’s the dad of the group. Of course kakazu was like…I’m older than you
Kakazu doesn’t understand memes like at all.
Kakazu: I had the worst yeet today or whatever y’all young people be saying
Hidan: ?????
Sasori is a picky eater. He only eats chicken tenders and strawberries. He only eats kisame, Itachi, and konan food because the rest suck at cooking
Hidan learned sign language to curse Deidara out when he realized he was deaf.
Nobody: Hidan curses you out in sign language
Itachi wears the thickest brim glasses ever
Kisame sleeps with lots of plushies. He likes the comfort :)
Obito and pain like to gamble but they both cheat and both haven’t figured it out yet…idiots
Konan and rin go shopping when they’re boyfriends are gambling. They love talking about their idiot boyfriends over a cup of coffee or tea while spending all their money
Sasori’s room is filled with vintage dolls. Deidara has a hard time sleeping at his apartment especially since sasori likes making dolls that look like him😭 like sasori this why you get zero ho
Sasori also makes voodoo dolls with strands of his hair. He’s so weird lmao
Orochimaru has a boa constrictor… no they should not have one but they do cuz they can
Zetsu favorite movie is the human centipede
Madara hates orphans 🤣 but fr
Hidan and Deidara fight with kids. They really be getting offended on what an eight year old said
Obito likes romantic movies. Kakashi clowns him for it and that the fact he likes kpop.
Konan has secretive piercings
Hidan: so where else do you have piercings
Konan: places you will never see
Hidan: inside your ear?
Konan: ….no
Kisame weight lifts. 🎶He’s buff he’s really really buff🎵
Itachi has five minute teeth routine for all the sugar he eats
Hidan washes his face with dish soap 😟 while Deidara, Itachi, konan are having a thirty minute skin care routine
Zetsu has eaten their pet fish before…um yeah
Rin is girlboss Obito is male wife
Orochimaru goes to jail every month and gets bailed out every time
Sasori uses cursed images to express how he feels since he’s bad at wording them. So if he’s in a bad mood he’ll show a really weird photo that expresses anger. It doesn’t work 90% of the time.
Zetsu: so it’s a cat with milk on its face
Sasori: yeah
Zetsu: and that represents what exactly?
Sasori: …I feel depressed
Zetsu: oh now I kinda see it
Kakazu likes watching the Akatsuki fight so he brings up controversial topics just to see everyone fight as he drinks his wine. Free entertainment
No one likes orochimaru yet he still comes to every event. Which is just awkward for everyone
Obito Tries to seem more young with slang and memes yet it’s just awful
Obito: we’re going to get lit at this party? Right homies?
Deidara ripping out his hearing aid
Hidan: Dude what?
Rin getting second hand embarrassment
Konan crying with laughter
Lol these generally don’t make sense but it was fun coming up with them! I literally love the headcanon of Deidara being Deaf and Obito and sasori being super awkward cute guys..they try their best. And konan and rin being best friends is literally my favorite thing ever
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★☆The Fieldtrip Part 1
>During the day; There’s a field trip for just the 11th graders, and they’re currently on the bus to a local college. Ludwig and Peasley are sitting together, while Rango is seated across from them<
Peasley & Ludwig: *Sitting together, being all lovey-dovey, kissing, giggling, having a good time*
Rango: *Watching them* ……
Peasley: “Heh… Oh, hi, Rango!! I didn’t even realize you were on this bus!!”
Ludwig: “Wha-” *Looks over* “Oh!! I thought you were a freshman…”
Rango: “… Why would you think that?”
Ludwig: “Just, ‘cuz you’re dating Iggy—I thought you were the same age…”
Rango: “Oh. I can see why you’d think that…”
Ludwig: “Yeah… Sorry… We never really talk or have any classes together so-”
Rango: “Oh, all good!! I understand!! I’d think the same thing too if I were you…”
Ludwig: “Heh heh… So, how are things going with Iggy?”
Rango: “Just… Fine…...”
Ludwig: “… That doesn’t usually mean anything good…”
Rango: “I… Mmm… Never mind all that… Can I ask you two something? How is it that you seem so… Happy?”
Peasley: “… Well… We love each other…!”
Ludwig: “Yeah… I love each and every single thing about Peasley… I think about him all the time… And when we finally get to be together, it makes me feel good inside!”
Peasley: “Even if we’re not doing anything… Just sitting here, talking… Next to each other… It puts a dorky little smile onto my face. Each other’s mere presence brings joy.”
Rango: “Aw, how sweet…”
Peasley: “Do you and your boyfriend ever feel like that? Just, happy to be near each other?”
Rango: “… No…”
Ludwig: “What do you and Iggy usually do together? I know that Iggy likes walking his dog and being outside! And Spewart has told me you’re into archery and flowers and outdoor stuff… Have you ever done some kind of outdoor date?”
Rango: “No… We usually… Rent a hotel room for a night and just… Uh… Hang out.”
Peasley: “That sounds… Unnecessary… Why don’t you hang out at your house? Or Iggy’s? Why do you need a hotel room?”
Rango: “……........…” *Vague hand gestures*
Peasley: “… OH.”
Rango: “Yeah, Iggy really… Likes doing that… Uh… May I ask… Whose house do you two “do it” in?”
Peasley: “Neither! Luddy is asexual.”
Ludwig: :3
Rango: “So you… Don’t… Have sex…?”
Ludwig: “Yep! I’ve just never really wanted to… It sounds gross and makes me feel uncomfortable…”
Rango: “Ah, I understand that… Not to get too graphic, but some of the things your brother has us do makes ME uncomfortable!” *Chuckles*
Peasley: “Like… Really uncomfortable? Or just, they're new things you’re not used to?”
Rango: “… Really uncomfortable… Iggy likes doing stuff with whips and gags and pee and collars and handcuffs and… Lots of stuff… I mean, sometimes I like it, but most of the time… I don’t…”
Ludwig: “… Well, have you told him that??”
Rango: “I have with some of them… But he always says that if we do it “One more time without complaining,” then we can do something else next time…”
Peasley: “Do YOU ever get to choose the kinks?”
Rango: “No… Iggy’s the one with all the “supplies,” so he gets to choose which ones we do.”
Ludwig & Peasley: “……………”
Rango: “… Why are you both looking at me like that?” :<
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clambuoyance · 2 years
do you have any favorite hyper-specific tropes you enjoy? like a certain line of dialogue or character type or something
1) Since it’s on the mind bc of toh—i’m an absolute sucker for found siblings. Of course, i enjoy the found family trope in general and most variations (middleaged character adopting a random ass kid, etc etc) , but when its focus is on siblings? I eat that shit upppp. I mean relationships like luz and hunter, any of the dc families tbh, the rgb siblings (nya lloyd kai), or my ocs keiko and rolin—they scratch a special part of my brain.
Maybe its because i’m eldest sibling myself, and my brother is only two years younger making us pretty close in age, but i just really like sibling relationships and they hit more than parent/child ones for me😭🙏 We don’t always get along, but i’d say we have a pretty strong relationship now
Something about going through the same motions, esp if ur both still trying to find ur place in the world, and knowing you have someone to rely on is just so special to me. Even with blood siblings, it doesn’t really feel like unconditional love at first. Like, you have to choose to be someone who will care and be there for them. Urgh idk it just feels different even though with parents it’s also a choice to care about someone. Like with a parent or guardian, it’s like you want to expect them to have all the answers, but with someone closer to ur age who chooses to treat you like family, it’s like—well we both don’t know what we’re doing but we have each other to lean on.
And the “found” part isn’t necessary but just a nice treat bc i feel like it highlights that Active choosing to care for someone like family. waaah. Like Kai in s1 of ninjago having a whole arc that leads to him leaving behind his own desires to save tiny lloyd, and then literally promising to always look after lloyd after , or luz promising to keep hunter safe bc he’s family now, and then my story with my ocs rolin n keiko is all about them becoming siblings to each other😭 it just makes me feel sooo emotional
also sibling banter 💥💥💥 i feel like u can say more uncalled for shit w siblings
So yeah if you look at my list of faves don’t be surprised if u see a lot of characters who have a significant sibling relationship in their story 🙏
2) Now i dont know if this counts as a trope, but as for fave character type theres usually this One scene that makes me go Oh i love them. and that scene or line tends to go like this: Character up to this point has shown a fun, perhaps confident or carefree personality, but as soon as they’re alone, it’s revealed to the audience they’re capable of feeling so much more. Idk i guess im thinking kon at the campfire, or wukong in lmk specifically always being chill then being serious when he’s alone
3) Also in category of things that make me love a character: slapstick comedy to highlight dorkiness. or honestly just any type of comedy that undercuts a character’s supposed Cool/Importance Factor. 💀 like the amount of slapstick a character goes through has to be proportional to how unaware the character is of their own dorkiness. Im thinking Kai bumping his head while threatening garmadon or bragging about his skills only to get slammed by a tree (or a rock. or a wall. the list goes on.). Or Kon saying he’s fine cuz he can fly only to wham his head when the ship turns and then subsequently get flung around while the ship flies, or slamming his face straight into the ground cuz he’s an idiot.
Or like, Karkat’s whole thing. he’s a walking clown circus. sollux going “do NOT run that computer virus” and karkat ignoring him only for the computer to explode in his face. idk that shit makes me laugh
4) When characters start talking about how they don’t wanna be left behind—it depends on the writing but that usually Hits for me 😭
um i could probably think of more but thats all i got for now
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Ship dynamics!
Sirius/Remus, Ron/Hermione, Ron/Lavender, Luna/Ginny, Luna/Neville, Harry/Ron
Thank you for sending an ask! Sorry this took me so long to get to :(
If a stranger looked at these 2, they would literally think they’ve been married for 15 years. Constantly switch off on one of them almost getting into a fistfight and the other having to hold them back. Remus always feels unclean after the full moon so sirius will sit in the bath with him just to keep him company and to make sure Remus doesn’t scrub at his skin too hard. Love Halloween. Horror movies are constantly on at their house and there r so many decorations outside and inside of their house that it genuinely looks like one of those haunted house attractions.
Shockingly don’t argue as much as one would expect them to. They’ve really mellowed out with age. Ron is still able to make Hermione blush with the simplest of compliments; he always starts off his day by telling Hermione how beautiful she looks that day <3 Always share food. They’ll be in the middle of a conversation and Hermione will be giving Ron the pickles off her plate without even looking. Call each other “dear”. Kiss each other’s cheeks at every chance. Take every opportunity to gush about the other. Hermione is always freezing so she uses Ron as her personal heater.
Lavender makes Ron feel special because no one has ever wanted to be around him so much. She’s genuinely interested in everything he has to say and laughs at all his jokes. Ron calls her “lavs” which is usually accompanied by him kissing her on the head or the hand. Ron encourages her to wear his clothes because he loves seeing his sweaters hang off of her <3 Ron constantly has lip stick stains on his neck/cheeks. He stares at them in the mirror with a dorky smile on his face <3
Ginny can and will fight anyone who talks badly about Luna. Luna loves to put glitter on her hands and then grab Ginny’s face. Ginny acts annoyed but the act drops as soon as Luna starts laughing at the pout on her face (which doesn’t work as well with all the rainbow specks on her cheeks). Put flowers in each other’s hair. Luna draws on Ginny’s hands. When ginny has a night mare, she’ll just turn over in their bed and run her hands through Luna’s hair to remind her that they’re safe. Speaking of hair, Ginny does luna’s everyday. It started off as ginny just getting bored and braiding luna’s hair but now it’s become a part of their routine.
Neville is the complete gentleman towards Luna; he holds open doors for her, pulls out her chair, lays his jacket on a puddle so Luna can cross over it. Luna give him kisses on the cheek all the time just to feel the way his face burns up. They’re always holding hands, always. Neville finds all of Luna’s fun facts fascinating and he could spend hours just listening to her talk. They love celebrating Christmas together. They will spend literal HOURS decorating their tree just to make sure it’s perfect. It doesn’t matter how old they are, they will always go out and play in the snow together. They’re so <3
Definition of boys will be boys. Making fun of each other is their love language, but don’t be mistaken, they will fight anyone who even looks at the other the wrong way. Harry compliments ron all the time “ur hair is really soft today” “U look good in that sweater”. Ron starts to carry tape around with him cuz Harry is constantly breaking his glasses and doesn’t want to buy new ones. They try cooking together but it goes wrong the first couple times, they eventually get the hang of it. “What do u do when I’m gone all day? Wait for you to get back”. Take lots of naps together
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thepixarau · 1 year
who are your favorite characters to pair together?:3 not romantically per say haha, just characters that have the most fun dynamic together !^_^
Ohhh I was hoping someone would ask this!
There’s so many unique and fun dynamics within the group. It’s really fun to explore different relationships in the AU, seeing how each character responds to one another and how they make each other better/happier, or how crazy they make one another hehe😌
My favorite friend group is Flik, Atta, Marlin and Dory. Two couples who’d you probably never guess would be the best of friends yet they just work, cuz no matter who you put one of them with it makes for an interesting pair. Flik and Dory are very energetic individuals and together that energy knows no bounds, meanwhile Atta and Marlin struggle to keep them under control😅 but somehow they manage! I feel like they help all balance each other out, cuz while Atta and Marlin may be more stressed about everything and their spouses don’t always think before they act, at the end of the day they have each other’s backs and they make one hell of a team💪
Probably the most chaotic pair in the house is Barley and Imelda. Idk something about the idea of these two characters becoming unlikely friends and annoying the shit out of everyone else amuses me😆 Barley purposefully gets on her nerves and pushes limits that no one else would dare to go because they’re too scared of her (rightfully so). Imelda pretends she can’t stand him and will outright tell him how much she dislikes him, but they both know she’s too attached to his dorky-ass to actually hate him.
Some honorable mentions;
Jessie and Atta, they hate each other and that’s why they’re so fun to pair together in certain scenarios
22 and Joy, the overly perky ray of sunshine and the pessimist with no filter? A very fun combo🤌🏻
All of the kids. They’re all basically siblings so pairing any of them together makes for an entertaining dynamic
Mike and Woody, both have that take-charge attitude that can sometimes lead to disagreements, but they do work well together when it’s needed
If you’d like to know more about the relationships among the Pixars I’d be happy to go on!☺️
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New roommate (NOT an Rp post)
(After arriving at Zoey's house, Dorky walks in.)
Dorky: Hmm. You in here, Zoey?
Zoey: *Walks in* Oh hi, Dorky. *Hugs her* Good to see you.
Dorky: Yep. I was wondering if-- wait, you STILL have those fox ears??
Zoey: Yeaaah, I'm starting to think they're never going away. My tail is smaller, but the ears are taking longer apparently. *Sits down on the couch* So, what's up?
Dorky: *Sits down next to her* Well, first off, sorry for being so quiet on the phone. Secondly, I'm kinda cutting tides with the others for a bit since they're so broken & it seems like they don't even care about each other anymore.
Zoey: .......Hmm. I had a feeling. I'm sorry, Dorky.
Dorky: Yeah. So, until they either get fixed or try to get better, I don't really wanna be around them. So, is it cool if I stay here with you & the others? Since you guys have it in the head & are the only ones I really trust to stay with.
Zoey: Oh, sure Dorky! There's an extra guest room that I cleared out when Josie moved out, you can sleep in there if you want.
Dorky: Hm. Thanks. & thanks for you & the others for not being a mess.
Zoey: Yeah. Do you want me to let them know you'll be my roommate for a while? *Grabs phone* Cuz I'm sure they'll be happy knowing you're with--
Dorky: *Lightly grabs her wrist*
Zoey: ?
Dorky: No offense, but I'd rather you not. They might make a big deal of it & get even worse. So, might wanna just keep it as a between us thing, 'kay?
Zoey: ........Oh. Okay. You gonna be alright?
Dorky: Yeah, I'll be fine. Just hopping friend groups to save what little sanity I have at this point. Besides, it's only Tammy, David, & Bloo. Plushie & Thirty are fine. Well, as fine as Thirty & Plushie can be, hehehe.
Zoey: Hm. Well, thank you for trusting me & the others enough for this. & y'know what? This actually works out!
Dorky: How come?
Zoey: Cuz I was actually talking to 39 earlier & he mentioned something about teaching you how to drive.
Dorky: !! Ehhhhh.....I forgot about that.
Zoey: There's an old car next to the one I use in the garage that I don't use anymore, you can use that as your test vehicle if you want. Mostly because It's not been used in a while & I don't give a rats ass if it gets dented or whatever.
Dorky: Ehehehe. Suuuure. That's fine. =w="
Zoey: Cool. While you talk about it with 39, I'll go get your room fixed up. *Gets up & goes upstairs* In the meantime, there's a bunch of snacks & sodas. So, help yourself!
Dorky: Thanks, Zo! ...........Man. Driving, huh? That's gonna be a disaster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @dorkygurl-89 Remember that thing you mentioned about 39 teaching Dorky to drive, O? Well, I'm making it an official event Prepare for the chaos >:3
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pink-bear · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet: Hifumi Yamada
What, you thought I wouldn’t do him? YOU THINK I’M A GODDAMN COWARD? NUH UH BITCH, I’M DOIN IT 😤
The fandom does him so dirty, he deserves better
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Stuff under the cut. Character depicted is 18+
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Hifumi is an attentive guy. He’ll quickly pick up on what things his partner likes to eat/drink, and makes sure it’s on hand.
Wanna watch some anime? This guy’s got you covered. Any genre you’re in the mood for, he’s got a catalogue that’s nothing to sneeze at (eat your heart out, Netflix). Even the more obscure and rare stuff, he probably has it!
All he really asks for in return is some cuddles and praise…and maybe a snack 🍿
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands. They are quite talented in drawing…and eventually other things as well. Those fingers are thick, and he learns pretty quick ;3
As for his partner, he likes cheeks (of the face variety lmao). Seeing them blushing, dimples when they smile, it makes his heart flutter. They’re also perfect for kissing! In fact, cheek kisses are the most common type he gives.
Though it isn’t a requirement, chubby cheeks are his favourite ❤️
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His diet isn’t the best, so his cum kinda reflects that. Having a partner help him take better care of himself should help that, though!
He doesn’t expect his partner to swallow, and gets very flustered if they do.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a small collection of panties. Not used, thankfully-
He’ll argue they’re for references (and to an extent yes, they are), but they’re also for his own enjoyment as well. He doesn’t try to wear them (they’re way too small) but he’ll use them as an “aid” when he has some alone time.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very inexperienced. He’s seen plenty of hentai, but the real thing is a whole different story. He’s still getting used to 3D lol
Hifumi is an extremely fast learner, and very intuitive, so it won’t take him long to be a competent lover.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. With his size, other positions are sometimes a bit awkward and uncomfortable. His partner on top lets both of them enjoy the ride, and let his length get nice and deep.
Being able to see their expressions is a big plus! Even if he’s a bit embarrassed of the faces he makes-
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Being a little silly will definitely help ease the tension the first couple times. The guy actually has a (very dorky) sense of humour, and the nerd will sometimes let it slip out even during sex. But that just means he feels comfortable!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Has a bit of hair that’s the same colour as on his head, but not as much compared to other DR men.
Every so often he’ll shave it JUST CUZ
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s read his fair share of romance novels to say some (sometimes cheesy) romantic stuff. He likes things slow, so it gives him time to let his partner know how much he cherishes them.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t do it as often as you’d think. A lot of it has to do with his work schedule and how dedicated he is, but his libido isn’t super high either.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
One word: Cosplay. If his partner dresses up as his favourite characters he is in heaven. They don’t even have to be “accurate”, the gesture alone is enough.
Besides, he has a very good imagination, so roleplaying will definitely be apart of it as well~
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
His room. It’s familiar and comfortable. He loves talking about the different posters/figures he has with his partner afterwards :’D
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes watching/reading something spicy will put him in the mood, but a lot of the time his partner would be the one starting things off.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
As always, nothing unhygienic.
Along with that, he doesn’t like pain being inflicted on either himself or his partner. He’s a softie, both figuratively and literally! Inflicting pain just isn’t in his nature, and he doesn’t have a high pain tolerance himself.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He almost never asks for it, but very much appreciates it when his partner initiates it. It can be a nice distraction while he’s at work.
He’s not the most graceful at giving it back, but he tries!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s usually on the slower side, and going fast often tires him out easily. His stamina isn’t the best, so he prefers slow and steady. He can better enjoy it that way!
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He has a lot of deadlines he has to meet, so quickies can be an efficient way to let off steam if he or his partner needs to.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not at all a fan of risks. Sure they’re appealing in the smut he partakes in reading, but real life stuff gives him extreme anxiety.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He prefers only going a round or two, but there are times he has more energy than usual. Still, don’t expect to be pounded in oblivion by him.
…foreplay is a different story, however…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He enjoys using toys more so on his partner rather than himself.
That being said, he does have an impressive collection of exotic dildos. They’re mostly just for show and “research”, but he’s down to use them in the bedroom of his partner asks.
And those toys are kept in remarkable condition, and he cleans them thoroughly before and after use.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t really like teasing on either end. He’s a bit impatient, and sees no need for it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can get pretty loud, which he often doesn’t realize until afterwards. To his utter embarrassment he’s gotten noise complaints before, but he can’t help it!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s taken his fair share of private commissions of the smutty variety, and he’s gotten some weird requests. He’ll generally do it if he’s paid well, but he has his boundaries as well.
He’s not one to judge if he gets something elaborate or weird, he’ll just shrug his shoulders and get to work.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Uncut ween that's average in both length and girth. He’s rather self conscious about his size, since the anime/manga he consumes have guys with huge dongs.
Even with reassurance from his partner, he’ll still feel like he isn’t adequate. Give him some time and encouragement and he’ll come around!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Despite being on the pervy side, his actual libido is actually rather low.
Thinking about sex and actually having sex are two different things. While it’s on his mind a lot, he doesn’t actually desire going out and getting it as much as you’d think.
That being said; if his partner wants it, he’ll be happy to help out one way or another! Just as long as he isn’t busy-
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Falls asleep pretty fast, especially if it’s more than one round. On the rare occasion he isn’t tired (probably from binging on energy drinks and coffee), he’ll put on some anime to relax!
Hope the Hifumi fans enjoyed! I don’t expect to get very much traction, but I did it for the ones they enjoy him!
Hope you enjoyed! And if you don’t agree with any of these, that’s fine! These are just my personal headcanons!
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possessedartist · 5 months
aaa thank you so much !! i've been playing p1 for about four hours now, going through the SEBEC route first (i had to do a lil backtracking with saves cause i messed up some of Reiji's recruitment thing) and i really enjoy it, the p1 cast is so fun theyre lovable dorks and i actually really enjoy the combat system!! thank you so much again, your instructions were really straight forward n really helpful !! its been ages since ive emulated anything (literally like its been four years since i last emulated anything and it was like. with bluestacks) so your guide was really helpful im really really excited to keep playing and i cant wait until i finish p1 so i can move onto p2!! ive been wanting to play p1-p2 for so long after playing p3p and p4g-p5r so thankyou for getting back to my ask so quickly too!! also wanted to say i hope you have a good day n that your awesome!!
OMGGG YAY IM GLAD YOU GOT IT TO WORK!!! :DDD AND YEAHHH i messed up during reiji’s recruitment as well you definitely aren’t alone, it’s pretty easy to mess up 😭😭 for me, i accidentally recruited elly and didn’t realize she was a permanent party member until i got to the sebec building, and i had to backtrack a bit :’) IM SO GLAD U LIKE IT THOUGH AND I AGREE!! honestly, imo i enjoy the combat systems in p1 and p2 more than p3-5, i’m glad i’m not alone lmao .
ALSO YESS I LOVE THE MAIN CAST they’re so fun and kinda dorky <3 BOTH THE P1 AND P2 CAST MEMBERS ARE SO FUN ESP WHEN THEY INTERACT IN P2 they all just mesh so well!! I’m super glad my guide helped!! I wanted to make sure it was straightforward but a bit in depth cuz there’s a lot of stuff guides (esp the p1 ones) don’t really mention and it’s just better to know what you’re getting into out the gate in my opinion lol
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dav3katz · 2 years
Hello ! Nice to see a new homestuck blog. This fandom dead as shit lol. Do you have any just general hcs for what it’s like to date dave or dirk?
Dave relationship hcs
- Dave is pretty new to relationships, but he tries to be as cliche and romantic as he is able without letting his cool guy act be sabotaged.
- but at the same time .. he is like.. a huge fuckin dork lmao like overly sappy and just .. my god this boy is actually a mess
- he makes raps for you, yeah how original OP. Listen..!!! I know.
- but seriously yeah makes you raps and then wants your opinion.. he’s dying inside waiting for your reaction to it, but he’s happy when you say you like them :))
- he craves validation, especially for his raps tho.
- but sometimes he gets up in his feelings and wants you to validate him as a whole
- which he will deny getting up in said feelings
- teases you a lot
- he’s also always blushy around you .. blushy boy ..
- so like any affection he gives .. big blush on his face
- likes holding your hand a lot (and kissing them)
- likes sitting in your lap as well, doesn’t matter if he’s bigger than you or not
- goes “mwah mwah mwah” everytime he kisses you
- draws dicks on you while you’re minding your own business . He does it to karkat too tho
- doesn’t matter if he’s taller, when you kiss he wraps his arms around your neck, with your hands on his waist
- he likes his hair being played with but he won’t tell you that ;p
- likes you wearing his shades btw . He thinks it’s cute he dies inside whenever you do
- rambles to you a lot.. big surprise .. but he will ramble to you about anything and everything and appreciates you listening to him
- he rambles about you to rose a lot, well just anyone really? But mostly does it to rose, John, karkat, and kanaya.
- are you actually strong enough to carry him? Or is he just floating? The world may never know..
- he’s clingy and is always with you. On the off chance he isn’t you’re send a million “mwah” “love u or whatever” “<3”
- he can only keep the cool guy act for so long okay .. but he can be lame and sappy… just for you..
- but at first he’s awkward about his feelings he has so much he wants to let out but he’s trying so hard not to be a complete dorky loser in front of you so he’s so weird at first about affection and just.. a lot of things.. when he finally lets loose he’s fine
- he’s annoying and likes annoying you >=)
- “babebabebabebabebabebabebabebabe” “WHAT” “hi”
- the only reason he confessed is rose ? Like tbh . I think he would repress his feelings for the rest of his goddamn life . Especially if you’re a dude cuz holy shit
- but yea he spends so much time trying to not let his whole heart out, he can’t help but wanna express himself with you (when he’s more comfortable).
- kanaya and rose find it funny to just make you nice outfits so that Dave has like a heart attack <33
- “Dave look at this new outfit kanaya made me!” “Dave your face is redder than usual are you ok” “yes just having a heart attack is all.”
- the first time you you kissed him, he’s red in the face and just starts randomly beatboxing bc he cannot handle how cute you are and how great that was
- likes just chillin and listening to music with you
- loves cuddling you to sleep!! Usually likes being the big spoon . He likes the idea that you’re safe in his arms
- but like? Also likes being the smaller one when he’s just tired and sad and just .. needs to feel safe for once
- but if you try to enforce being the big spoon it takes some getting used to but he likes it so =)
- you guys got your own language at this point, communicating random shit with your hands.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY SAYING NOW. IS THAT HUMAN SIGN LANGAUGE?” “Definitely not.” “Yes I’m Not Sure What They’re Saying Either” “oh! They’re saying how karkat is really fuckin stupid! Haha!” “John why do you even know that” “WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT. WHAT.”
- carries you bridal style while he’s like flying.. just like.. looking down at nice views with him and shit.. so long as you trust him enough for that lmao
- he’s a dork and gets you flowers when you go on dates =) he refused to when you started dating so now he uses every opportunity he can
- also he’s very chill, like goes wherever you want to and it’s very hard for you to upset him
- likes neck kisses of any kind . Receiving or giving
- just stares at you .. a lot .. usually you can’t tell because of the shades but if you pay attention to the way he smiles you would be able to.. he gets this warm smile when he looks at you
- he just loves looking at you.. all the time… in a non creepy way ..
- he does worry a lot, so he does get a bit protective at times. Given everything he’s gone through, naturally he fears something could happen to you.
- he wants to be able to keep you safe and he fears he can’t do that. + he just fears the day you’ll die . He’s just . Rlly scared for all of that and thinks about it a lot and sometimes just needs some reassurance
Dirk relationship hcs
- oh boy
- well, he’s extremely grateful you’re dating him, he’s pretty self aware that he’s not dating material. Or at least, thinks he isn’t.
- of course, there will be some problems to work through in your relationship, he needs somebody who can get him to open up and talk about his emotions. It’s hard but he can succeed if he tries at it.
- he would hesitate for a long time to tell you how he felt about you, but I think his friends would be really encouraging about it.
- plus yknow… Hal … would probably do something
- speaking of, Hal does a lot of things to embarrass dirk and expose him for his affections to you, even while you’re dating.
- “he totally lovesssss you” “no I don’t” “he wants to kisssss youuu” “shut up”
- it takes awhile for him to be affectionate, and to truly express emotions very freely. However, when he does, he does.
- he won’t get too sappy on you, but he’s a lot better at expressing himself than at the beginning of your relationship. If you say “I love you” he says it back, and may even say it first on days he’s feeling particularly softer than usual
- he typically likes buying you things, it’s mainly how he shows affection
- he gets awkward at first with physical affections, but he grows to love it. Never initiates it though, even though he wants to.
- just kinda acts all tsundere abt it tbh
- but he loves it :)
- usually the most cuddly when you’re both sleepy and tired
- he likes being picked up, wrapping his legs around your waist and his arms around your neck :D
- that goes for while kissing too
- likes touching your face
- speaking of touching loves being touched now and is low key clingy af he just doesn’t wanna show it. Cant blame him tho he hasn’t been touched like almost his entire life
- he also teases you a lot, more than dave would though
- it’s how he shows affection <3
- you play with this hair and he goes >:( he takes too long to do it everyday ok . Don’t play with his hair unless he’s gonna sleep
- usually likes control in what you guys do for dates, but doesn’t care if you come up with plans sometimes
- he likes watching anime with you
- he gets kinda blushy and flustered.. quite a bit.. especially when you’re being touchy
- likes wearing your clothes, or you wearing his but it usually leads to more NSFW thoughts so I will not go too into that LOL
- big on cuddles, number one way to get him to be very touchy with you and affectionate
- likes putting his face in your neck when you cuddle, or when he’s feeling cuddly and affectionate in general
- when you cuddle he clings onto you like some koala
- when cuddling he tends to be more open and vulnerable so sometimes just vents about shit
- or like mumbles in your neck about how much he loves you and he’s sorry he doesn’t tell you it enough
- when you text him he gets all giddy and shit . All excited like “Omg haha what do they want”
- likes just listening to music with you and vibing
- cursed hc but he listens to blink-182 with you
- also . Yes bad at expressing himself at times but do not doubt his affections for you . You are quite literally his world and he will defend you through thick and thin
- touch is his love language now BTW . Kinda your fault tho :)
- tends to pay close attention to you, just little things he notices about you that even you don’t notice about yourself
- he’s not trying to be creepy promise he just likes looking at you
- which means though that he noticed your behaviors and habits
- and tends to copy them without meaning to
- like if you tend to say “like” a lot, guess what he says it a lot now.
- do you make specific hand movements when you talk? Well .. so does he now
- roxy is your guys number 1 shipper btw . They think you guys are just the cutest
- but absolutely teases tf out of dirk
- also Jane is the fucking “lesbian bullies gay man” meme but with you she’s like “hello sweetie honey baby Angel”
- Jake loves you guys too =)) he always asks dirk how you’re doin
- imagine a double date with John and Roxy. “I’m cold” “here you go Roxy! :)” “I’m cold too.” “Well damn y/n I can’t control the weather.”
- he is a good bf tho . Promise .
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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curlynerd · 3 years
What He Wants
Happy gift posting day for @starrynightdeancas gift exchange! My gift recipient is @bipridedean! She requested a Destiel, canon-adjacent fic, so here it is! I hope you like it! <3
Word Count: 2.6K Rating: G Summary: 5 times Dean said "I do" and 1 time he didn’t. Notes: Post canon, fix-it fic, oneshot, love confessions, Destiel wedding
Also read it on AO3!
The first time it happens Sam is the only one to hear it. They’re alone in the bunker, surrounded by months and months of tireless research. But finally, finally, Dean thinks they’ve discovered how to get into the Empty.
Dean wants to push through the night and get a portal up and running as soon as possible. Sam insists they both go to bed, pleading with Dean that he won’t be able to concentrate on the spellwork to maintain it without at least a few hours of sleep.
Dean spends most of the night staring at the ceiling, thoughts racing through his head at a hundred miles an hour. This time tomorrow, he could have Cas back. This time tomorrow he can--Dean is almost afraid to think it, afraid that giving form to what he wants will somehow curse it and stop it from ever coming true. After all, the thing he wanted most before this was for Cas to love him back, and that didn’t exactly end rosy.
Still, as Dean finally closes his eyes, he allows himself a small, private wish. He hopes this will be the last time he falls asleep alone.
The next morning, they’re both expecting some sort of bump in the road, some rare ingredient or some missing incantation that will set them back even longer, keep Dean from seeing Cas again for God knows how long. But fortune is on their side, and Sam executes the spell flawlessly.
Dean is armed to the teeth with every weapon and protection spell they could collect on short notice. His plan for finding Cas and dragging him back home sits clearly at the front of his mind. His heart pounds in his ears, fast but steady and strong.
“You know, if this doesn’t work, you could get stuck there. I might not be able to open a new portal.” Sam looks at the pulsating mass of black that serves as the portal to the Empty. Worry is etched deeply into his forehead. “Do you really want to do this?”
Dean thinks of Cas’ face, the way he had smiled as he said he loved him. He thinks of how he was so close to having the one thing he really wanted. How Cas had wanted the same.
There’s no peace in loneliness.
Dean tightens his grip on his angel blade, his jaw set, his eyes determined. He’s ready to get his angel back. “Yeah. I do.”
The second time it happens, it takes Cas by surprise. It’s been a week since Dean heroically pulled the love of his life from the Empty...and also since Dean lost all remaining courage. He choked. His unspoken response to Cas’ confession is a taut tension wire between them, keeping them inches apart, words suffocating in their tightly sealed mouths, both terrified to say anything and risk breaking something that can’t be mended.
Dean hates himself for it. It’s cowardice is what it is. It’s a lifetime of desperately fighting against the things that make him vulnerable. Against wanting things. Against believing anyone could love him. Even with Cas’ confession still crystal clear in his memories, Dean doubts.
He is deep into those self-deprecating thoughts when he finds Cas in the garage, struggling to figure out how to change a flat tire on his truck from a Youtube video.
“Cas? What’re you doing?”
Cas startles and immediately hunches his shoulders in guilt. He wasn’t expecting to be caught. “Dean.” He looks down at the lug wrench in his hand, and Dean can see the wheels spinning in his head, trying to concoct a cover story before he shrugs and gives up the truth. “I was trying to fix the truck.”
“You need to go somewhere? Cuz I can just drive you.” Dean’s heart pounds, his mouth going dry. Cas wouldn’t need to sneak around for a little errand.
Cas shakes his head and confirms Dean’s fears. “I wanted to have it ready. In case I needed to leave.”
“Leave?” Dean repeats, and his blood goes cold.
Cas deflates a little, resigned and sad. “I assume I’ll need to soon.”
“You can’t leave!” ‘Tell him!’ screams in Dean’s mind, but he can’t. He can’t. What if he’s wrong? What if Cas doesn’t love him like that? What if Cas doesn’t love him at all anymore? What if Dean screwed it up by staying silent and Cas realized he deserves to be with someone who can provide a simple answer to “I love you?” What if--
“I don’t want to,” Cas says softly. The pain is evident in his eyes as they flicker to his truck, like he expects to need to book it out of here at any moment. “But I wasn’t sure if you wanted me here after--” He cuts himself off and shakes his head. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” he amends.
“Cas, this is your home, same as me and Sam.” Cas doesn’t look so convinced. “C’mon man, you really think we don’t want you around?” Dean leans against the side of Cas’ truck to ground himself. “Cas, I want you here.” ‘I want more than that,’ he thinks, and it would be so easy to say what he really needs to say, but he can’t. He fights viciously with his own self-esteem, ripping at it, begging it to let him say more. “Please don’t leave,” he says, small and helpless, and it’s like moving a mountain to say that much.
Cas’ expression softens into longing. His hand clenches at his side, like he’s fighting the urge to reach out to Dean, but he smiles a soft, incredulous smile. “I can stay? You really mean it?”
Dean swallows thickly. A hundred words crowd his throat, fighting to get out, but his own fears win this round and keep them down. Instead all he can manage is a choked, “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
The third time it happens, it takes them both by surprise. They’d gone on a hunt, just the two of them while Sam was visiting Eileen, and everything had gone sideways. What they thought was just a troublemaking demon turned out to be an extremely powerful witch, one with more than enough experience in Enochian magic to put Cas in serious danger. And of course Cas was reckless in his desire to protect Dean, and only managed to avoid getting killed by quick thinking and, to be honest, a helluva lot of luck.
The fight left Cas injured, and Dean pissed. “What the hell were you thinking!” he scolds at the end of a cold, silent drive back to the bunker.
“I did what I needed,” Cas shoots back with a steely glare.
“No, you didn’t need to go rushing in like that!” Dean’s worry leeches out as anger, the fear of losing Cas yet again clouding his reasoning that Dean himself would have died without Cas’ quick action. “You could have gotten a lot more hurt!”
“Why does it even matter to you?” Cas yells back, and it’s the note of hysterical bitterness darkening his words that makes Dean snap and say what he’s been hiding for far too long.
“Because I love you, you stubborn ass!”
The words freeze in the air between them, sharp and strong, wedging themself right where Dean’s anger was just a moment ago.
“You...love me?” Cas asks, his voice small, his eyes big.
And like that, Dean’s fears seem so foolish. Cas loves him. Cas died because just admitting he loves him was the happiest moment of his life. Cas has already done the hardest, scariest part for him. Dean doesn’t even have to fear Cas not feeling the same.
Silently, Dean takes a single step forward. Cas is frozen on the spot, staring at him like he doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He takes another step, and another, until he’s close enough to reach out and tug Cas into an embrace.
“Of course,” Dean breathes. He holds Cas close, tucking his chin over his shoulder and squeezing tight, like he never wants to let go. He doesn’t ever want to let go. Cas is slower to react, but when his arms finally wind around Dean, he breathes out a soft, sobbing gasp and clings to Dean. Dean turns his head to bury his nose in Cas’ hair. “Of course I do.”
The fourth time it happens, Cas doesn’t even hear it. Cas found out about a nearby crafts fair, and all it took was one particularly soulful look from those big blue eyes of his, and Dean was driving them a full hour and a half away to look at homemade pottery and local honey and overpriced tacky mesh wreaths and pretending that the entire atmosphere of the place wasn’t giving him hives.
Cas is having a blast. Dean is carrying bags and lurking in the shadiest spots he can find away from the summer heat while Cas browses. Cas is having an animated conversation about beekeeping with a honey merchant when Dean ducks into a large tent filled with the kind of flowy, bedazzled, polyester shirts he thinks of as “PTA Chic” because they also happen to have a large fan blowing.
“Lookin’ for something in particular, sugar?” The tent owner saunters over to Dean, her Southern accent thick and her top scandalously low. She’s stunningly pretty, and Dean’s eyes and smile light up out of a lifetime of habit. She responds in kind, dragging her eyes down, then back up Dean’s body. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were lookin’ for more than clothes.”
Dean chuckles and flashes her his best charming, but chagrined smile. He feels a little guilty for leading her on, and he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. “Oh sweetheart, if I were single, I’d gladly take you up on that offer, but I’ve already got my special someone.” Dean nods to the honey booth next door.
Her eyes trail over to where Dean gestured, and for a split second her brow furrows in confusion before she laughs just a little, more incredulous than cruel. “You really want someone like that over me?”
Dean looks over at Cas. And, yeah, Dean gets the question. He’s a grown-ass man wearing cargo shorts, carrying a canvas bag with the most obnoxious sunglasses-wearing beach ball Dean has ever seen, and his hair looks like it's been electrocuted. Dean grins, feeling a rush of fondness for his dorky, criminally unfashionable angel.
“Yeah,” he says softly, without an ounce of hesitation. There’s no one else in the world for him but Cas. “Yeah, I do.”
The fifth time Dean says it, Cas is the only other person around for miles. He drags Cas out of bed bright and early one Saturday, forcing him into the car before he’s even fully finished his coffee. Cas allows it, only because he can tell Dean is positively vibrating with nervous energy. Dean brushes off all of his prying questions during the long drive until they finally arrive at a small, peaceful meadow in the middle of nowhere.
He’s packed a lunch, because ostensibly this outing is meant to be a picnic, even though Cas is suspicious on that fact alone. Dean never picnics. It doesn’t really matter though, because Dean is too nervous to even consider eating.
“So why are we really here?” Cas asks after a few minutes of nibbling at his chips. Dean’s sandwich lays untouched on the blanket.
Dean steels his nerve and takes a deep breath. “Do you know where this is?” he asks, fighting the jittery bouncing of his heartbeat to keep his voice steady.
Cas nods. “This is where I returned when Jack resurrected me.” He looks around, smiling down at the flowers surrounding the two of them. The windmill behind him creaks softly in the wind.
“And where I spread your ashes.” Dean’s fidgeting fingers find a frayed edge on the blanket, and he starts picking at it.
Cas nods again and remains silent, patiently waiting for Dean to find the rest of his words.
“And it’s…” Dean pulls a thread out of the blanket and lets it fly away in the wind. “This is where I realized I love you. I’m an idiot who didn’t even realize how much I loved you until after you were gone.”
Cas leans forward and rests his hand on Dean’s knee, warm and reassuring. Dean continues, “At the time I’d thought, ‘I can’t do this. I don’t want to live without him.’ Which was stupid because you were already dead. It didn’t matter what I wanted.”
Cas squeezes his knee. His eyes are gentle. “We’re both okay now.”
Dean’s heart warms. “Yeah. We are. But you know I...That feeling’s never gone away. You and me? I want us to be forever.” Dean reaches into his pocket. There’s no small velvet box, no shimmering diamonds, just a thick band of practical silver he found at a pawn shop. He looks down at the ring with a tender smile. “Man, never in a million years did I think I’d ever be doing this,” he marvels, and when he looks up, Cas’ eyes are wide with surprise.
“Dean?” His normally steady voice wavers.
Dean reaches for Cas’ face, his thumb gently stroking across his cheek. He holds up the ring. “What do you say, Cas? Wanna go legit about this?”
Cas’ expression is impossibly soft, eyes overflowing with love and devotion. He swallows thickly around a lump in his throat and takes the ring from Dean. He slides it onto his finger and stares at it like it’s his own personal miracle.
“You’re serious, Dean? You really want to get married?”
Dean smiles as he leans in close. Just before he kisses his new fiance, he whispers, “Of course I do.”
The sun is setting, casting long shadows down the sand. The shifting winds coming from the sea carry a chill, making the little crowd gathered around them draw their jackets close and huddle together, but the smiles on their faces are nothing but warm. There’s no altar. No stage. No decorations. Just Cas and Dean, standing in front of the ocean, wearing their favorite flannels and jeans, two bright yellow black-eyed susans pinned to their shirts--stolen right out of someone’s garden on their way to the beach.
They didn’t even bother trying to put out chairs for the ceremony, not knowing how many of their friends and family would be able to make the long drive to see Dean get hitched to his angel, but in the end it’s a good thing, because damn near everyone came, and they need to crowd in close to hear them over the wind.
It’s completely and utterly perfect.
Dean grins, unable to take his eyes off Cas while Donna, the only member of his overly-emotional family he trusts not to bawl her eyes out through the ceremony, finishes the last of their vows.
“Do you, Castiel, take Dean Winchester to be your, well, not so lawfully wedded husband?”
There’s a twitter of laughter from the crowd. Cas smiles a sweet, crooked smile and squeezes Dean’s hand. “I do.” His voice is soft, meant for Dean’s ears only, because Dean is the only one his promise matters to.
“And do you, Dean Winchester, FBI’s Most Wanted, thrice dead criminal, and the terribly generous gentleman who will surely be covering our drinks on this celebratory evening, take Castiel to be your husband?”
Dean looks at Cas. Even in the dim light of the setting sun, his eyes are impossibly blue. His smile is so warm Dean knows he’ll never feel cold again, so long as he can see it every day. Dean beams back and proclaims loud enough for everyone on the beach to hear, “Oh hell yes!”
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
the party's in a life and death situation but they're trying to get some sleep, and lucas and max are on the couch in the basement (technically the couples aren't allowed to do this but since max is Traumatized they're given leniency by joyce <3), el n dustin are in the fort from s1, and will and mike are on the floor, and max can't sleep but she tries to pretend she's asleep, but lucas knows and whispers 'madmax, i know you're not asleep' and max sighs and nods and lucas slowly grabs her hand and they creep up the stairs and sit on the counter in the kitchen.
they sit in silence for a minute while lucas reaches out and tucks a stray hair behind max's ear, and max flushes but says nothing and lucas, knowing she's still scared and angry and needs reassurance, starts humming a random cheesy song from the fifties and tugs her closer to him and twirls her around and they dance kinda goofily yet so sweetly and in barely a minute she's smiling so wide like this <3
(but only in this version lucas is smiling goofily too instead of frowning like dylan's character is)
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this possibility is so fuckign cute like max in one of lucas' shirts thats way too big for her and slides around in her socks with the biggest dumb grin you ever did see and lucas is in shorts and a nerdy star wars t shirt beaming and singing and twirling max around with the Softest look in his eyes like.....they love each other.......so much....lucas grabbing max's hand and twirling her around as many times as he can and just waltzing around with her in the way he was taught by his mother when he was like 10 and she said 'it's an important skill, lucas, you'll understand soon!' and he does understand because he's dancing with the girl he's fallen so hard for and she smiles her smile that she only graces him with and he wants to dance with her forever and by god he feels like this is love. and max who was taught by her dad in california when she was 7 and she remembers laughing and giggling in a way she's kinda forgotten how to, but with lucas she just feels so unabashedly happy and light like she's a kid again and she moves in sync with him and obviously it's not perfect cuz they're goofballs but that makes it so much more fun !!!! and that feeling deep in her heart that she's been so afraid to call love rises and fills her and she realizes then that she loves this big dorky ass goofball with all her heart, and so she keeps dancing with him and lets him twirl her around again and again and leans her head on his shoulder and goofily sings along to whatever song he's singing then and for the first time in she doesn't even know how long, max mayfield feels truly and wholly happy.
they make me so insane like </3 i WILL cry about how cute this possibility is! peace out homie and i hope you like this <3
oh my god tell me why this made me so emotional?? they’re everything to me and I can see this happening!! a little late night dance and we see them both just look so fondly at one another. this is the ending to their relationship that we deserve. even if they’re rocky this season (which is understandable considering everything) I hope they get a happy ending together <3 it’s what they deserve
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