write-on-world · 3 months
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empahla · 20 days
Clavin strikes again – mosquitoes, radios, and psoriasis.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but at least it gets you started. #education #learning #mosquitoes #radio #psoriasis
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. My dad used to say that to me all the time, long before Dunning-Kruger and the internet became things. You haven’t learned enough about a thing to realize that you know little when you’re just starting. [1] We tend to think we know more than we do about things, and the more complicated the concept, the more people tend to assume that they have a…
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daily-prompts · 1 year
I need everyone’s best character advice. STAT.
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you-life-0330 · 4 months
私は食べ物を味ではなくて栄養素を意識します。 果物も同じです。   例えば、バナナはカリウムを多く含み、むくみの解消になる。 トリプトファンやビタミンB6など含むので、幸せホルモンであるセロトニンを生成できる。 自律神経を整え睡眠の質を上げる。   キウイは、ビタミンが豊富であり、美肌効果につながる。 食物繊維が豊富なので、腸内環境の改善にもなる。   ちなみに、腸は、第二の脳とも呼ばれ、脳とは別のセロトニンを生成することができる。   果物を食べるタイミングも、最大限に効果が発揮できる時間帯を選び、美味しいから食べているのか分かりません。     好きというのは、私の中では感覚的なもので理屈では語れないものだと思っています。 なので、バナナやキウイを食べる時に栄養素を考えているということは、好きではないのかもしれません。 相手が金持ちだから結婚するようなものでしょうか?   果物は、糖…
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internalshopper · 7 months
Does fate exist? Is it destiny that calls the shots?
I want to believe that there is some predestined path that we are on that sets us up for what is the inevitable. Of course, if you believe that to be the case, you would have to except that you had no control over anything that has happened to you and that you could not have change anything about your path even if you wanted to. My need to be in control almost all of the time makes that a hard…
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hspugh727 · 9 months
Grandfather 12/18/23
Describe a man who has positively impacted your life. My grandfather, he’s not my blood, but he raised me like he was ever since I can’t remember. I honestly see him as a father. He helped grandma raise us, he could have left but he didn’t. He stayed down and was there for us every bit of the way. Even my daughter enjoys talking to him at her young age. Taught me every single thing I know…
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yay water
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time to drink water woo hoo yay
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bloggingcanvas · 1 year
Title: The Unconventional Tale of a Pricey Twitter Handle: Elon Musk's $44B + $69B Investment
Subtitle: The Journey of a Twitter Handle, Elon Musk’s Extravagant Spending, and the Evolution of a Social Media Giant “Embrace the Unexpected ✨” http://@mj06092000 Date: July 26, 2023 Introduction Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most influential platforms. Among its vast user base, there are some who stand out more than…
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finemealprompt · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt #18
One night while lamenting about Joker to Phantom, Phantom asks him a few odd questions. Joker's not a real clown, of course he wouldn't have an egg? Maybe he should've been concerned when Phantom said he'd take care of it.
He wasn't prepared for Batman to call him because of the Joker. No, not because of Joker, but for Joker. Apparently a bunch of clowns were beating up Joker for giving clowns a bad name.
It was the funniest night of Dick's life.
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bweirdart · 4 days
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nearly oc-tober time again - time for some prompts for 2024
do i have to draw?
not at all! you are free to participate with any medium that suits you... writing, artwork, free bases and templates, simple text posts, in-character-as-your-oc roleplay, whatever! (just no stealing or AI)
do i have to make new content?
nope! re-uploading old stuff that fits the prompts is allowed (and encouraged) ... old art that didn't get the appreciation it needed always deserves a chance to be shared again, it's a fun throwback!
do i have to post every day?
nope! only 10 days are mandatory (the ones in red with a star symbol) and everything else (yellow) is 100% optional! if you're busy or tired, please skip as many as you want
can i start early?
you can prep your posts in advance if you need to ... but please wait until the right day in october to share them!
can i re-upload your prompt list to another site?
i would prefer if you dont - i have accounts on most sites, so just reblog/retweet/share from me!
event tag?
have fun!
image desc/text version ↓under the cut↓ or on bweird.art/october
⭐ 1: FAV OC
what makes them your fav?
how recently did you make them?
how long ago did you make them?
an oc you feel like you don't talk about enough, or you haven't fleshed out as much as you would like
an oc who has changed a lot (what changed about them?) or, if you haven't redesigned an oc: is there anything you might want to change about an existing oc?
⭐ 6: PAST
where is your oc from? what did they look like as a child?
what do they like (and why?)
what don't they like (and why?)
doesn't have to be romantic! can any kind of relationship (frienship, family, rivalry etc)
what are your oc's main personality traits
what represents your oc? is there a specific colour you associate them with, or a specific animal?
what will your oc look like in the future? do they have any plans or goals?
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⭐13: MEMES
do any memes remind you of your oc? are there memes your oc would find funny? maybe you want to redraw your oc as one?
are there existing characters that your oc looks like? was your oc based on yourself? is your oc originally from a specific fandom?
share a character playlist, write a songfic, post lyrics that remind you of them, etc
draw a picture of your oc with your eyes closed or with your non domminant hand, write or type a paragraph about them without your eyes closed, etc ... have fun, and don't worry about it looking "bad" -it's meant to!!
put all your ocs into a DnD alignment chart, or any other similar chart if you prefer
i've compiled a few templates on my site, but you can find more easily if you google "oc alignment chart"
⭐18: SWAP
swap something between your ocs - their role in the story, hairstyles, personalities, fashion taste, species ... whatever you want! how would this difference change them?
draw your ocs with as many of these colour palettes as you want (or just skip if you don't draw/don't like doing these!)
hex codes for the colours:
palette 1 - #3C1E81 #6D1EA2 #B059E8 #FE0876 #FE5284 #FE7C96 #E0CFE3 #FFD5C3
palette 2 - #352823 #673F28 #AB541C #BA8233 #897128 #A68B2F #F7BF6A #DAC3A4
palette 3 - #A42E25 #D7412B #E47C29 #F7A233 #FCC02D #FCE4A6 #486548 #FEFDE8
palette 4 - #2F4769 #39597E #53779C #94D1E7 #AADDE7 #D48DB7 #D498B5 #D2BABA
some ideas for what you could do: talk about a friend's oc you like, make gift art/writing of them, collabs, trades, reblog/appreciate ocs in the event tag, make interactions between your ocs and other people's
if you don't have the time/energy to do every day this week, ⭐ day 23 is the only one marked as mandatory! you can skip the rest!
⭐27: FEARS
is your oc scared of anything? do they have any phobias? are they startled easily? would any of your ocs try to scare ppl on purpose?
what would your oc be if they were a monster (eg: werewolf, vampire, eldritch beast.. whatever) or, do you have an oc who is already a monster?
your ocs carving pumpkins, a drawing of a pumpkin carved to look like your oc ... or even carve it in real life!
this can be literally a ghost, or a concept that haunts your oc! up to you!
what are your ocs wearing for halloween?
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Danny accidentally starts a cult without even realizing it. Danny is going to college and he noticed a few of his classmates were struggling so he ops to help them study, when they're still having trouble Danny gives them his summoning sigil, without saying it's his, and says he knows someone who can help, just leave a can of soda or some snacks as an offering. So his classmates do that and Danny shows up as Phantom in the form of the ancient of space and helps his classmates via showing them what is basically a small sphere of space. He leaves them with a small crystal when they understand and disappears. A few weeks go by and he discovers he's feeling a lot more powerful recently, it's around then that he discovers that his classmates built a shrine to Phantom with candles and an alter. Danny has accidentally become the God of a small cult
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write-on-world · 11 months
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me-writes-prompts · 7 months
-:“Can we please just talk?” Post argument make-up talk prompts:-
(You know who needs this? YOU KNOW WHO NEEDS THIS?! AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY! *sobs*)
By @me-writes-prompts
"Look, I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I just...I just lost control. But it wasn't your fault, it was me. Please forgive me?"
"We really shouldn't have fought over a piece of dumpling, don't you think so?" "Yeah, that was rather a vague topic to argue over." (Vmin, anyone?)
"I'm really sorry, I wasn't in the right mind and vent it out on you."
"Are you still mad at me? I mean, it's okay if you are. I'm mad at myself, too."
"Can we talk?" "Yeah, yeah. Let's do that."
"I didn't mean to say you're not enough, okay? Because you are, but I am not. I am not enough to appreciate a person like you."
"I really wasn't thinking straight, now was I? I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to put up with my shit. I'll be better for you."
"Are you calm now?" "Yeah, sorry. Needed to take a time out."
Kissing as apologizing but then also expressing it in words.
Angry cuddles, because they are cold. Definitely not because they want the warmth their partner provides.
"That was a really silly argument we had last night, right?" “Hmm, yet we couldn’t stop the topic.” They try to joke.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 292
“Oh I am blaming all of this on you T,” one of the beings in the summoning circle groans, burying their corpse-pale head in clawed hands as their white hair flickered. 
“Me? Excuse me, I wasn’t the one to accept the summoning!” another being protested, hood hiding most of their face save for molten-gold eyes and glittering runes or code on dark blue skin. “I was trying to figure out how to convince PK to change our schedule to include more sleeping, so don’t look at me, look at S!” 
“Well I didn’t accept it,” the only girl-sounding one scoffed, her crown of thorns seeming to writhe and bloom in her black hair for a moment. She crossed her arms, narrowing green eyes just a few shades darker than the white-haired one. “Maybe talk to whoever decided to summon us?” 
All of the sudden the cultists and heroes were being peered down at by a trio of… honestly whatever they were, because they didn’t seem to be the “Infinite King” the cult had been attempting to summon. Actually, they kind-of-maybe looked like kids… Which probably meant their parents or caretakers wouldn’t be too pleased. 
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you-life-0330 · 4 months
生活において実行できる小さな改善点は何ですか ?
小さな改善で大きな成果を得られるのは、考え方を変えることだと思います。   一つ紹介します。 私は、テレビのコンテンツを下らないものだと思っているので、その雑音が頭に入ると 『ああ、私の脳細胞が、また少しずつ死んでいく』 などと考えてしまいます。 こめかみに熱を感じ、今すぐにでもその雑音を自分の世界から消してしまいたいと思います。   それは、私にとってテレビを見ているということは、脳死状態だと見下してい���からだと思います。 与えられたものを何も考えずに見ている姿が、私には恐怖でしかなりません。   ですが、テレビを好んで見る人もいますよね。   なんでもそうですが、他人の考えを理解できないと突き放すのは愚かなことだと思います。   極論を言えば、極悪人とでも心を通わすことができる。 それが、私の考え方の基盤になります。   みんなと同じように笑えばいい 頭ではそう考えていても相手とそれ…
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Writing Prompt #2584
"I'm tired of adventures. How about we just get married and stay home?"
"I'm sorry...did you just fucking propose?"
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