#damain wayne x reader
kimberly-spirits13 · 2 years
the batarang should have been called a ding bat
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zetmns · 1 year
Can you do some damian wayne fluff hcs ? 🤍
Damian Wayne x s/o fluff hcs
lowk proud of myself for getting this done cuz I literally never actaully get to doing requests cuz I have like 50 rn but I hope u enjoy mwah
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-Damian Wayne is someone his family really couldn’t see getting a lover, for that matter even if he got one they wouldn’t expect him to be lovey. they were used to Damian being serious as if his life depended only on keeping himself alive when on missions and stuff like that.
so when he did end up bringing you to the manor you could guess everyone was a bit suprised
-The second he stepped in the house with you he tried to act like the serious boy his family knew only with a blush on his cheeks
-Jason was the first to see and god did Damian wish he wasnt. He would never shut up about it. Of course deep down Jason was happy for him and thanked you for making Damian’s life not so depressing
-The second was Bruce himself, he was shocked his mouth was agape for a second before he cleared his throat introduced himself to you as you did the same, he was happy as well as much as Bruce took Damian’s training serious and didn’t want the relationship to be known amongst the public to keep you both safe, he knew this would help Damian and make him happy
-And lastly Tim and dick, met you dick was shocked. Shocked as in his jaw was on the floor and he looked like he just heard the most unusual thing, Tim on the other hand smiled and introduced himself because he already had a hunch with his detectiveniss and all but after the initial shock they were both happy and liked you for Damian
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-damain sneaks into your room after missions and talks to you he likes to hear your voice and likes to tell you about Titus and other topics if he’s feeling it to he’ll let you hold him
-he would let you hold him after a few months of dating because he trusts you fully now and is okay with being vulnerable around you, after a few times he’s actually feel safe in your arms it would help him relax after a long day
-100% acts like he doesn’t care about stuff like you kissing his cheek or stuff like but secretly loves it
-likes to hear about your day and what you like will Definitely come visit you just to hear your voice and what you did
-jealous 10000% he doesn’t think he deserves you because he’s to quite and weird to other people and your amazing and nice so you definitely need to tell him sometimes Hoe much you love him
-will bring you little trinkets cuz he can and says it’s nothing and it reminded him of you, once he got you a necklace and said he just thought you would like it
-plays with Titus with you Titus like you as well because your so nice to him and you get him treats and Damian really appreciates it
-anyway 10/10 bf and is really sweet to you also he likes your smile and kisses you a lot in private
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coffee-latte-sprite · 2 years
hi!! just wanna pop in and say that the newest chapter of the damian series is SO GOOD. i love the pacing, i think it’s fun and apt to see damian slowly realizing that he’s actually in love (and vice versa with the reader). i can’t wait to see what else is in store!!
also, if you wouldn’t mind, could you add me to the tag list for the series? hope you have a great day too btw <33
Omg hii! You are literally the sweetest!!! Thank you so much for you support, it means so much 🥺😭
Also, of course! I'll add you to my list :)
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epione-xx · 1 month
can y'all tell this semester has been killing me and that i'm feeling mentally fucked?
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His favourite place to hold was her waist, the bare skin, the soft grooves and lines of her stretch marks, the way she would lightly giggle anytime his cold fingertips came into contact with her skin, kept warm from being under her thick shirt. Damian Wayne, was a sucker for his girl's waist, a sucker for his girl stomach, for her stretch marks and cellulite. anytime he saw it he just wanted to grab her, to kiss her, to hold her, to remind her how beautiful she was and above all, he wanted her to know how much of a goddess she was.
He worshipped the ground she walked on, he would drap her in gold if she allowed him. any touch that he was gifted by her felt like soft silk and he couldnt get the scent of her perfume off his mind. it drove him crazy.
before he was allowed to hold her, he would stare at her. Every class, Every study session, every hallway pass. He would stare, obsessed with her.
he had thoughts he shouldnt have, he wanted to keep her for himself, and he wanted to lock her away and protect his precious flower from the world he knew the dangers, and he knew how society corrupted everyone.
if damian wayne could, he would have filled her over and over again with his cum, he would have pumped her so full and given her, the only woman who was worth, his heirs to hold and nuture. he dreamed of it, of her and of the life they would have together.
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melloollem · 2 months
Evolution of touch||Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: What physical contact with them would be like in a relationship.
Warnings: This is not suggestive, this is a comfort, English is not my native language.
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd.
(DC masterlist)
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Damian Wayne
I'd start with your shoulders touching, for a while that was as close as you got. When you got into a relationship, he automatically had the thought "we need to be more intimate", so he would just hold your hand as methodically as he felt was necessary and give you a few quick kisses on the cheek at length.
It took him a while to understand that he didn't owe you touch, but that it was something he genuinely wanted. But even after that, you were always responsible for guiding the touch, the difference being that now you were both comfortable with it.
His body didn't stiffen when you got close, on the contrary, he relaxed. When Damian realized how calm he was with your touch, he began to use it as a source of recharge. Was he too tired after a mission? His head will rest on your shoulder, of course, the touches he initiated only happened in private, but it was because Damian relaxed so much when he had you that he couldn't allow this vulnerability to escape in public.
Tim Drake
He's happy to accept, but he never starts any. Since you were just friends, you could give him quick touches and he wouldn't mind.
When you started dating, you could initiate longer touches and he wouldn't mind either, but he still wouldn't initiate anything. Your touch wasn't disposable for him, because he could see the intention, but if you showed your affection in another way, it would be the same for him.
He knows what you want to convey through touch and prefers to reciprocate in another way. But if touch was very important to you, he would create a pattern, certain places on your body that he would always keep his hand on as a way of saying "I appreciate your touch and I see how important it is".
Dick Grayson
When you were just friends, he was as close to you as he was to anyone else, hugs, friendly touches, lengths.
Now, when you started dating, he always had a romantic touch with you, it felt like he was counting down the seconds until the next time to kiss you, he was always hugging you, but it felt like the touches came from a position of pleasing, not like he really wanted your touch.
After a long period of relationship, his touch changes completely. Whereas before he always touched you romantically with the desire to please, now he touches you casually with the desire for comfort. He always kept one part of her body resting on his or the opposite. The kisses were still frequent, but now they came from him wanting to. He was incredibly relaxed in your presence.
Jason Todd
Slow burn, very slow burn. When you were just friends, touches were limited to handshakes. When you started dating, you could always lean on him, kiss him or even hold his arms, but there were clear limits.
You could lean against him, but don't hug him, you could kiss him, but don't take him by surprise, he'd just shy away from your touch, you could hold his arms, but don't hold his hands, he'd feel his reaction time slow down.
For your touch to really begin to deepen, there was nothing you could do, it had to come from Jason. You could only hug him once he got into the habit of doing it with you in search of comfort. You could only kiss him sneakily after he'd done it to you so many times that it would be unfair not to. You could only hold his hands, because he was always the first to pull yours away. This method might be unpleasant for some people, but for Jason it was perfect, knowing that you trusted him would make him trust you.
I've never seen anyone working on it and it's a great subject to tackle. Duke Thomas is not included because I didn't find enough content to project on top of it, sorry.
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damianwayne-bloodson · 5 months
Y/N: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Damian: Damian: Y/N, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Y/N: *Sips coffee from bowl*
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bomber-grl · 8 months
A winter night with Damian Wayne
CW: reader is really lovey dovey and embarrassingly bold
Authors note: I’m aware it’s barely October , I want winter neow
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It had never occurred to you how sensitive Damian was to the cold until he knocked on your door a few days ago, requesting to cuddle on your bed. Now,a week later you hear a knock at your door.
You get up from your bed, going from laying to sitting upright.”who is it?” You call out.
Without a second thought the door swings wide open.“Who else?” Damian says this with a very annoyed tone, almost enough to make you laugh considering his wild bed hair and the Jammie’s that he’s in.
Still you choose silence over him getting upset over being teased.
“Bad dream?” You asked. “No” he replied and then crawled onto the bed and besides you as if it were his own.
You choose to ask another question, “cold?” He glared at you and answers “here.” He grabs your hands and places them on his face, they’re freezing. “Does that answer your question, I always come here because you’re so warm.
“Really?” That’s the reason you come and visit me at night? Not any other reason? You ask this knowing the only reason he ever comes late at night is to cuddle and bask in your affection, still it doesn’t hurt to tease, right?
“Shut up before I leave” he says this but you know damn well he wouldn’t (🤭)
“Sureee… well here” you grab the other blanket and cover Damian with it.
He snuggled in next to you and intertwined your legs with one another, he faces you and begins telling you random things that happened throughout his day despite his very indifferent reactions to your affection.
“ Yknow, I saw this super obese squirrel, it was honestly concerning. why would people continue feeding it when it’s already obese?
Gosh you love him.
Well soon he quiets down and it kinda concerns you. However, before you get the chance to ask he says something.
“Yknow, I did have a nightmare. I know I denied it when you had asked but I actually did. I was also cold, so that wasn’t a complete lie.”
You face him, “do you want to tell me about it?”
He visibly hesitates but then continues, “something…not so good happened to you and me.”
He doesn’t elaborate, and you pull him into a hug. You don’t say anything and just hold him, and although you don’t know it, he really appreciates it.
You pull away “hey Damian, you smell really good yknow? Especially your hair.” He laughs.
Oh his laugh
“Shut up you weirdo” he says this while stifling his laugh. Thank goodness you brought the mood up again.
“Hey Damian”
“What is it?”
“I really really like you” you say this, emphasizing the “really”. Damian’s face was hilarious, although it was dark you could still see it through the moonlight creeping through the window.
To say he was hardly blushing would be a lie.
“Oh, shut up” he pushes you away and turns the other way, but then you grab him.
“Hey look at me”
“N-no get away!”
“Why not? Scared I’ll see your cute face!” This calls his attention and he turns to face you.
“I’m not cute whatsoever!” Now his eyebrows are furrowed accompanied by his very much blushing face.
You grab his hands and trap them “yes you are”
“No I’m not!”
“Yes you are”
“How?!” Damian’s totally falling for your teasing
“Well for starters you’re so cute that whenever I see you I just want to kiss you” you pull him closer.
You swear you hear him whisper something under his breath
“Huh? What’s you say?” You tease
He doesn’t even bother looking up at your eyes, instead he stays staring at your lips.
“I said, then why don’t you? Why don’t you just kiss me already?”
Now it was your turn to get flustered, and you’re not the only one. You guess that really took a Damian out since he now refuses to look at you.
“Really?” You ask just to make sure
“Yes!” He responds embarrassingly fast
You lean forward and you and Damian’s lips collide. He’s so stiff but as you continue kissing he loosens up with your lips against his you begin to hear him let out little pants in between, then you separate.
Damian’s cheeks are flushed and you can only imagine what you look like right now. You suddenly become aware of the time and look at it on your phone.
It’s already 3:00 a.m
“Hey Damian, I really liked our little make out sesh, if we can even call it that, but I think we really need to go mimis now” you show him the time.
“Yea alright…just one more?” He asks.
“Yea” you lean in and kiss him once more, neither of you miss how your lips lingered on his but neither of you mentions it.
He lays down on his back once again as do you, you get the blankets over the two of you and get comfortable.
You snuggle into Damian as he does to you, and you both go to bed with the comfort of each others warmth.
You both wake up the next morning and when you go down into the dining room where all the batfam are Alfred asks you guys “sleep well?” Queue Tim bursting out laughing and everyone giving you knowing looks.
Authors note hi guys! Hope you enjoyed and if there is any spelling mistakes feel free to point it out! :)
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randomer4567 · 5 months
Run (Alpha Damian x Omega Reader)
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Summary: You ran away from your alpha, years later he and his family tracked you down.
You despised the galas that Bruce would incessantly throw, primarily because of the other Omegas in attendance. They were nothing more than spoiled brats from wealthy backgrounds. In contrast, you hailed from a low-class family and had to fight tooth and nail to rise to the top. Eventually, you managed to secure a job at Wayne Industries, where you crossed paths with Damian Wayne. What intrigued you about him was his scent, a rarity since you rarely found yourself drawn to the scents of other Alphas, save for your dam and your older sister, who was also an Alpha.
Damian stood apart from the rest, as he seemed disinterested in the typical Alpha behavior of seeking out a harem of omegas.
You didn't actively pursue him, but to your surprise, he took the initiative and asked you out on a date. Initially, you almost canceled because you lacked a suitable fancy dress. However, Damian came through and sent you a dress and heels to wear. The two of you hit it off, leading to him asking you out again. This time, you had a wonderful time together. Love blossomed between you, and soon enough, Damian's rut coincided with your heat.
You decided to spend this intimate time at your place since Damian preferred not to be around his brothers and father during his rut, fearing he might go feral. That's how the two of you officially became a couple. In the beginning, Damian was sweet, treating you with gentleness, care, and respect. He showered you with attention, making you feel special and safe. He seemed to have a deep understanding of you. However, over time, he grew distant, concealing your mating mark in public and distancing himself from you. Your inner omega blamed itself, leading you to make the difficult decision to leave.
You concocted a plan to convince Damian that you were unwell. Convincing Alfred proved to be challenging, so you simply informed him that you were going through a rough week and desired some solitude. With Alfred being an omega himself, he understood your need for privacy and even aided in making it appear as though you were coming down with a cold. And now, you found yourself packing your belongings into a bag, including essential clothing, toiletries, scent blockers, enough food for several days, your cellphone, and laptop for communication with work (having transitioned to freelancing), a small first-aid kit for minor injuries, and a few books for entertainment during your journey. You had meticulously planned everything and were ready to go.
"Omega," Damian's voice called out, causing you to freeze. You mentally cursed yourself, and he approached, peering into your bag. "Are we going somewhere?" he asked, though the look on your face made him rephrase his question. "You're going somewhere," he stated, this time without a hint of uncertainty. You desperately searched for a way to lie or at least avoid getting into trouble.
"Something came up with my sister," you replied, avoiding his gaze, although his mesmerizing green eyes captivated you. Damian raised an eyebrow and remarked, "And you faked being sick just to visit your sister?" Your heart raced as you tried to think of a response. You knew you had to come up with something soon. Taking a deep breath, you attempted to explain.
"Yes, I needed to see her. She hasn't been doing well lately," you quickly added, "I just wanted to make sure she was alright." Damian regarded you with a suspicious expression, and you could tell he wasn't entirely convinced.
He nodded slowly and said, "Alright." Damian walked away, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Sighing, you glanced out the window, feeling a sense of relief. You knew Damian would keep an eye on you. You slung your bag over your shoulder, opened the window, and cursed silently. Why did Damian have to choose a bedroom on the third floor? Fortunately, the presence of vines provided a stroke of luck. You grabbed onto them and climbed down.You fled the Wayne property, having purchased a one-way ticket to Gotham months before, before you had met Damian.
You applied scent blockers before boarding the plane. Your laptop was turned off, and your phone was set to airplane mode.Years passed, and you built a new life for yourself. Adopting an alias in your freelancing work, you altered your appearance slightly. While you didn't have a new mate, you lived with your beta cousin, who willingly helped conceal your omega scent. Despite occasional bouts of loneliness, you found contentment in your new existence. That is, until the day you unexpectedly encountered someone you never thought you would see again—Tim Drake.
You pretended not to notice him, grateful for the scarf you had borrowed from your cousin. By a strange twist of fate, you ended up in the same grocery line. Tim attempted to engage in small talk, questioning how you had been, why you left without a word, and urging you to call Damian as he had been searching for you. Feeling a surge of anxiety, you swiftly made your escape, driving a few blocks away before abandoning the car to avoid any potential tracking. With groceries in hand, you approached your cousin's home, only to be confronted by a startling sight—Red Hood and Damian holding your cousin at gunpoint.
To be continued...
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chiroptophobiawrites · 7 months
Batboys Type Headcanons
(this is literally just a ramble)
Dick Grayson:
Tall women
People who prove they can handle themselves
Pretty people
Cheekbones probably
Kind of muscular body
Doesn’t care much about specific features but rather what it all looks like added up
Independent people
Is a clinger at first glance but actually values distance
Has probably the biggest variety type wise in that he dates very different people
Kind of nurturing people but often in a tough love kind of way
Thigh guy? unsure about him
likes a district sense of style in his partners, usually something that either keeps up with trends or is distinctly them
Jason Todd:
Butt guy, not unsure about that one (and also tummy)
Likes chubby women but also really muscular women
His preference is one of the two but he will go outside of his type
Like he has a type but he doesn’t stick to it
Cause he doesn’t actually seek out partners they just come to him
Also taller women
But then at the same time he is probably the one most likely to like a big height difference as well
so take that as you will
Likes either fighters or nerds
or both
pretty similar to Dick actually
Doesn’t care much about style in his partner, wears athletic clothes 24/7 and would take someone who does the same
Tim Drake
A mess
The one brother who (openly lol) is into guys as well
Likes people who can have a little banter with
Someone who can read him for filth i’m ngl
People around his height or a few inches in either direction
High energy people who can even be all over the place
likes people who are lowkey a stylistic mess, like they will have some cute outfits but it’s very hit or miss (usually miss)
Body type wise is not very picky but tends to attract scrawny little nerds like himself (/j)
boobs guy 10000% does not matter how much
Duke Thomas:
my lil pookie
Hips guy
Likes prominent noses
or actually prominent features in general
Is drawn to someone a bit more no none sense and serious so that he can see how long it takes for them to admit they like him
likes dark hair and especially when it’s long
Likes a sort of ‘tomboy’ clothing style
He is a true romantic and craves love at first sight
but also probably has the least hangups if his partner does not want to be married in the next 2-5 business days
Someone around his height but slightly shorter, but body type wise nothing specific
Damian Wayne (older)
unconventional but also still conventionally attractive???
Like he likes pretty people cause he likes pretty things in general
But they don’t have to fit into the conventional beauty standards, just someone who most people would be like oh wow they are pretty
people who dress alternately in some way shape or form
Legs guy def
needs frenemies to lovers, will die without it
Like he wants a best friend who he can play fight with and also tell everything and also kiss sometimes
likes body mods (piercings, tattoos, contacts, dyed hair, etc.)
either short hair or really long hair no in between
someone his height or a few inches in either direction
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rainnyydaysworld · 7 months
Reader: Am I going to far?
Jason: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
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Damian: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Tim: *crouches down*
Reader: *kneels down*
Cassandra: *sits on the floor*
Damian: I hate all of you.
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Reader, dramatically: They called me a fool.
Tim, sick of reader’s shit: They weren’t wrong.
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Reader: Why is Damian crying on the floor?
Cassandra: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Reader: And?
Cassandra: They got Tim.
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deaddovedecadence · 8 months
What about darlings that are so panicked that they literally shut down, what about darlings that try their best to manipulate the situation around them so that they can improve it, darlings that are just as vicious as thier yandere’s and that’s what brought the yandere to them in the first place.
Ex: in my platonic batfam au, the darling is absolutely not passive, they are scheming nad working and trying to improve their situations. They know that. they can’t lie so they aren’t going to attempt to, but they can skirt the truth. They act almost like a good neighbor and do thier best to get what they want.
“Damian was that a good idea? I thought Bruce said no more cats?”
“What do you want in exchange for the secret?
“An outing with you tomorrow”
Both Damian and darling are happy, damian because he gets to spend time with you and you because you get to go outside and maybe to the animal shelter.
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kazuko-stuff · 3 months
Unexpected Conversations
Reader is Bruce Wayne’s daughter
Relationship: mentioned! Established Wayne! Reader x Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne x daughter reader, Damian Wayne x sister reader, Wayne reader talking with Ra Al Ghul
Summary: based on my written prompt on which Wayne reader gets kidnap by League of Assassins but gets a conversation of life with Ra Al Ghul
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You didn’t know how you got into this situation. You and Dick were just having a nice night together in your shared apartment only to get attacked by minions of the League of Assassins. Dick managed to get rid of them but only to kidnap you while he fought back. Now you are being taken by Talia, your younger half brother’s biological mother. You stay quiet for the whole time, knowing Talia isn’t someone you should mess with. At least they weren't tied up but you were still intimidated by her presence. Despite being Batman’s daughter, your father was quite an overprotective father and you could only help out at the cave, since he wanted you to have a normal childhood and you knew you weren’t the vigilante type.
“You're quite the quiet type” Talia’s strong voice suddenly spoke up as you were in your thoughts.
“Umm, I… well you did kidnap me all of the sudden and I know you kidnapped me to lure my father and Damian, isn’t that right” you answered the woman in front of you, not knowing what to say.
“ I guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree” she muttered to herself quietly but you pick it up anyway.
“Are you saying that you initially thought I don’t have anything related to my father except my hair color” you said out loud to her.
“Well your stubborn and smart, I have to admit that”
You then wondered if Talia just complimented you in her own way, seeing the similarities with Damian and his mother, as you remember all the times you bonded with him when he was adjusting his time at the manor as well as getting use to doing normal activities kids in his age usually do, including interrupting date nights with Dick. Speaking of Dick, you hope he would survive your father’s wrath and Damian as well.
(Dick’s POV)
“Tell me that again” ordered the Bat as he glared at his former protege while Damian was sharpening his katana while Alfred almost fainted at the shock of the lady being kidnapped. Nightwing, in all things that terrifies himself when it comes to Bruce Wayne or the Batman, it always has to do with him being in a relationship with his daughter. When the first time he told him how he found out, he purposely sent him to secret missions as a test before that meeting to see if he is worthy of protecting his daughter. He remembers how he purposely intimidated her ex-boyfriend in high school and the time when he had to have the “talk”.
However, this is worse. He not only failed to protect his girlfriend but ended up getting kidnapped by one of Batman’s greatest foes, Ra Al Ghul. He knows it’s Bruce getting understandably scared for his daughter’s safety but he also knows that he will receive his wrath for letting her get in danger.
“Grayson” as Damian stands up after finding sharpening his katana. “I expect you are going to face punishment for failing to protect my sister” he glares at him. “ When we have our daily training next time, I won’t hold back”.
Dick knew this was going to happen. Ever since the little bat came to live at the manor, he grew attached to you since she was the only one who welcomed him with open arms despite the circumstances. However overtime, he decided to purposely get in between in his intimate moments with her, much to his chagrin. You often scold him like a child who stole cookies from the jar, whenever he tries to reprimand Damian for spoiling his dates with you.
“Get ready” as Batman suddenly spoke up as Nightwing and Robin looked at him. “ I guess mother is nice enough to let us know where sister is located at” as he looks at the message being sent to them. “Well it’s the knight’s job to save the princess from the villain” as nightwing looked at the coordinates.
“Tt, you as the knight in shining armor,like in those video games and stories in children’s books. Please, you must be joking, maybe the wandering traveler if anything” he bluntly puts in after seeing Dick’s expression of being a knight of saving his princess.
“Hey, it’s not stupid and besides, when we were kids we often played princess, where I was the knight in shining armor, y/n as the princess that needs to be saved from the monster, with Bruce being the dragon.” He snaps at the little bird as Damian was shocked that his own father was interested in this type of activity.
“Well let’s just get going. Who knows what your grandfather and mother are doing to her. She must be scared of being alone” as Dick frets over the failure of not protecting the woman he loves. “Don’t worry, I am sure that Miss y/n would make it out alright, she is stubborn as her father, so I know her strength will help her persevere” as Alfred gets the bat plane ready.
“ I am willing to fight against my mother if she does anything to my sister” as Damian enters the bat plane.
(Reader POV)
As you got to where Talia wants you, you were surprised that instead of a prison, it was a nice room. Knowing you were taken by the League of Assassins, your best bet was that you were taken to a prison, knowing what they were capable of. But why did you get a guest room if anything?
“ I wasn’t expecting this type of hospitality” as you break the silence after seeing the place.
“ Well knowing the possibility of Gotham's princess being kidnapped may be public, the least I could do is not make it not too extreme. Also you aren’t much of a threat, so there’s that” as Talia responds to you.
“Yeah that type of news is not appealing, but you are aware that my father, Damian and Nightwing are coming, right?
“Yes I’m aware, I even sent them the message of your location here” as Talia looks at you.
“You could have even tie me up or sent me to the dungeons just like the other people you have targeted as well as giving them a threat but you didn’t” as you wondered out loud at Talia
“ Well it’s true we wanted to draw Batman and Damian out but Ra Al Ghul did want to talk to you specifically since he wanted to know the other child of your father” as Talia sits in the chair.
“ I am afraid I don’t have much to offer. Other than being the child of the man you called as your “beloved”. I don’t have any martial art skills nor am not trained as a vigilante. If anything I am just the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Former Lady of the house, nothing more, nothing less.” You admit to Talia at wondering what Ra Al Ghul wanted with you.
“I think that is where you are wrong. You managed to question me and my objectives. You are a strong willed person. You accepted my son, despite the circumstances.” As she looks at you “For that, I must thank you” as she gives a small smile.
You look at her gently, knowing that deep down, she truly loves and cares for her son. “ He still cares for you, Miss Talia, even if he has to fight against you” as you offer a smile.
The woman didn’t say anything else as she turned to walk out but unbeknownst to you, a smile graced her face, when she heard those words.
You then waited, getting ready for whatever Ra Al Ghul wanted to talk to you about, as well as waiting for your father, brother and Nightwing to get here.
Then Ra Al Ghul appears in the room you are in. You then stand up straight sitting getting ready for what questions he will ask. He then sits on the chair across from you. You gulped to yourself internally, fearing what could happen but you know it’s better to stay silent since you don't know what plans he has in store.
“ So you're the young Miss y/n Wayne ?” as Ra Al Ghul spoke up. “Yes I am, y/n Wayne ''you answered his question. “ You must Ra’s Al Ghul, also known as the head of the League of Assassins and the Head of the Demon, am I right.”
“Quite a brazen young lady yourself” Ra Al Ghul chuckles as he is amused that you managed to answer his question without hesitation and are aware who you are speaking too without fear showing.
“You must know why you are here” getting back on topic as Ra Al Ghul prepares some tea.
“From what I heard from your daughter, is that you just want to talk to me since you are aware that I am my father’s blood daughter. Which I question, why do you seek me, other than being Batman’s daughter, since I don’t have any skill or power that you probably want” you asked as you see him prepare a cup of tea for you.
“I just simply want to get to know you, the world of Bruce Wayne lives, when Batman isn’t present” as he prepares himself a cup of tea.
“ Well as you know, he is the CEO of Wayne Enterprise in the daytime…” you start off tentatively, not knowing where to start off.
“ I am aware of that, my dear. I mean he does other than mundane business” Ra Al Ghul cuts off.
“ If anything, he's my dad. He does normal things that fathers do with their children. Make sure they live a happy life full of love. Sure there are some times I don’t agree with him as Batman, but as always, I told him, even before going to work, to be safe and take good care of himself.” You answered instantly because you know your dad is a good man and his desire to protect Gotham comes from wanting a bright future for the people who lived in Gotham. Even when you had a bit of a sheltered life, you knew the world has its dangers simply due to the people in it. You understand you can only help your father, brother and Dick at the cave for patrol but at least you are helping them in your own way. While it was because your father is just being overprotective, you knew that that type of lifestyle isn’t meant for you. The only thing that matters to you is your family’s coming home alive and the people they protect.
“What is it like for him as your father?” Ra Al Ghul inquired
“ He does normal things like any father does with their children. Spend time with their children, doing tea parties, reading bedtime stories and tuck you in bed, play princess with him as the dragon while the knight fights him” you mentioned a few things you and your dad did, as you remembered a time when you did his makeup for your princess tea party at age five.
“But my grandson didn’t do this father's children activities, why is that” he questions again after hearing the things you did with your father when you’re young.
“ Well for starters, he was raised in an environment where he couldn’t do those activities. You and Ms.Talia raised him to be the heir of the league of assassins. Instead of him playing, he spent most of the time with his intense training. With that type of environment, he didn’t know how to communicate without force nor interact with other kids in his age group when he was new to the manor. When he was forced to live at the manor, he was upset because he was away from a place he only knew as home. My father had to have a chance to know him and granted, it’s only Batman who is with him most of the time not Bruce Wayne, or that’s what Damian might have thought for the first few months. While I can say, Talia does love and care for Damian, she didn’t give him a room to be vulnerable with his feelings. With the initial hostility between him and my father along with Nightwing, I only saw him as a boy who needed acceptance and to show him what it is like to have what you called a mundane life. That’s why I always plan family time with my father and Damian, so they could have a sense of normalcy of a family.” You explained as you wondered what is wrong with having a regular life.
“ Aren’t Bruce Wayne and Batman the same person, what do you mean him being Batman to my grandson but not Bruce Wayne ” he wonders out loud to you
“ Even if he isn’t we’re his suit, his Batman attitude still comes up when Damian is going against his orders. As Batman, well you already know his temperament so I won’t explain that part. He scolds Damian, because he isn’t doing the rules of the Bat and Damian feels attacked because his feelings are hurt. I know Damian is doing the right thing but in ways my father won’t agree with. After all, my father isn’t good when it comes to communication, so that’s what causes the initial issues” You offer an explanation to the man in front of you, tactfully while looking at the tea cup on the table. You remember when Dick first came to the mansion something similar happened. He ran away from the manor to find Tony Zucco or when he and your father had a huge argument due to a patrol incident that led him to be more independent as a vigilante.
“ But I have one question” as you look at him directly. “Go on”
“ If you are interested in my father and daughter bond, since you seem to wonder why Bruce Wayne or Batman would do this, shouldn’t you be aware of this already? You have a daughter, didn’t you at least spend time with her ?” You questioned as you noticed that Talia’s parenting must be due to how her father raised her as part of the League of Assassins.
You notice he didn’t answer your question. “ I’ll take your silence as a no. Yes, you did cherish her but you didn’t bond with her as much. For all the long life you always had pride in, you didn’t use it to spend time with your loved ones. I know your goal is to build your version of a perfect world, but it only would create more damage. The perfect world doesn’t exist, since we’re only human. Good intentions could also cause huge problems as well. This may be an imperfect world but I know there is still beauty in this world.” As you answered your own question, knowing his goals of his utopia was with good intentions but seeing the consequences was the result of his worldview getting jaded overtime as well as the Lazarus pit side effects.
“But what about the corruption in the world? Due to that, the world has been tainted. Gotham is known for the crime and the corruption in it. How do you still see the world as beautiful” He challenged you.
“I have already acknowledged the world may have its ugly sides but I have people who taught me to never give up and they have always guided me and in turn show me all the beauty of the world. We all have ugly sides we want to hide but it’s better to accept it in order to be a better person. To improve the world, start with yourself, only then changes will happen. It may be small but it’s something” You answered his question.
You suddenly heard swords clattering. You knew your father, Damian and Dick came to get you out of here. “ You always criticized humanity for being a plague for their corruption but you also did the same things for the sake of power and control. What makes you any different from them ?”
Batman, Robin and Nightwing to the room you were in.
“Let her go” demanded Batman as he got ready to throw one of his batarangs. Robin with his katana and Nightiwng with his escrima sticks as they get into a fighting stance.
“ Fine I’ll let her go, after all she gave me a good conversation I hadn’t had for years” he admits as he stands up while you look at the whole situation, thinking a fight would happen.
“ You're letting us go that easy, what did you do to my daughter?” Batman growls at the DemonHead.
“To be honest I just simply chat with her. Quite a smart woman I say so myself” he admits as you go stand up to reunite with your family.
“I let you go off easily since this young lady here isn’t much of a threat” As Ra Al Ghul simply walks into the corridor.
“Sister, what did he do to you?” Damian asks in concern for you.
“To be honest, I don't know. All we did was just talk. He gave me tea although I didn’t drink it.” You admit since you just had a long talk with one of your dad’s greatest foes and managed to be alive as well.
“This isn’t the rescue I was imagining in my head” Nightwing admits while shaking his head.
“It’s alright, I am okay, mentally well and you guys are here. That's all that matters” you said as you pecked Nightwing's lips.
As you return home with your family in the Batplane, you relay the events that happen with your talk with Ra Al Ghul. He is just a human just like you who happens to have powers from the Lazarus Pit. He has his ideology and philosophy based on his experience but it is also flawed simply because just like everyone, he is human. However, some part of you hopes he could realize there is more to life than achieving one’s goal, something you have to remind your father now and then, because life is fleeting. Not only for the future but to be in the moment with your loved ones.
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1970sgothfreak · 4 months
“Not only was I specific about my only rule while I trained and raised you all….but you deliberately broke it knowing how I would react!” Bruce scolded, his voice harsh as he spun around to face his four sons, Jason had a look of emptiness in his eyes along with Damian, Tim looked tired and hungry and Dick….well Dick looked at peace but also…sad still.
He knew killing the joker wouldn’t bring you back yet…he felt relief knowing the man who killed you was dead but…at the same time, something in his heart felt wrong…why wasn’t Bruce happy they avenged his daughter’s murder, sure it broke the one rule he had but he had let Jason get away with the rule before, along with giving Damian a free pass on his birthday.
“Bruce, we avenged Y/n, so what if we broke the only rule you had, it wasn’t even a rule technically since you have let Damian and Jason get away with it so many times” He snapped back at his father wondering why this was suddenly a big issue.
“I am aware of that, but they had logical reasons….i need you to understand that with the kinds of threats we face there is going to be collateral damage-“
“OUR SISTER IS GONE BECAUSE OF HIM” Dick shouted interrupting his father , his voice cracking and his eyes welding up with tears, Bruce was shocked Dick had yelled, of course this wasn’t unusual because the two argued the most but still…hearing him yell out of no where while there was no argument shocked him a little.
“….was she collateral damage too..?” The eldest Wayne’s voice broke as a tear slipped out of his eye, he excused himself and left the cave leaving a tension so thick it was almost like jello….Jason followed after him along with Tim which left Bruce, Damian and Alfred alone.
Damian looked at his father but spoke not one word to him before following his brothers to comfort the eldest, Alfred simply looked at Bruce with what could be a mix of a disappointed look and a look of shame…it was hard to tell with Alfred, he walked up and looked down at Bruce.
“Master Bruce, I have known you for many years…never would I have thought I would have heard you insinuating that your daughter was collateral damage….” Was all he said before bowing and heading upstairs leaving Bruce alone, all the words said were hanging around his head and he sighed before looking over at the wall where his eyes met a photo….a photo of you and him….
You couldn’t have been older than 13 in the picture…and you had just become Robin….you looked so happy and in that moment he couldn’t believe he had called you collateral damage.
“I’m sorry…..”
He whispered, but he couldn’t tell what he was apologising for….
(Part 2 of the little one shot I did a while ago)
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Little super bat hc
Continuous of this post
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I'm still not a 100% sure on how the justice league found her. Maybe they did a dna scan or baby super bat escaped and created chaos because she's still a Lil baby and she can't control her powers? ( if you have any ideas please share them)
For the first few weeks she would probably stay in the hall of justice till the figure out what they would do with her.
I think Jon would actually kinda adore having a little sibling. Meanwhile with Damian I think it would take a while for him to warm up to a younger sibling. Being the only child of Bruce .
Imagine her and Connor bonding, they have a cute little bond about both being clones. He maybe a little protective of her too.
Even the batgirls adore the little superbat.
Barbara thinks she is just adorable and can't help but coddle the toddler a little bit,sure the kid has super dna in her but it's just the big eyes.
Stephanie also fell for the big eyes, she and Cass are both so curious about the traits the baby superbat had got from Batman and Superman.
She had in fact flight, she has to kept in the base because she randomly starts flying and giggling.
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Cue one of the sups flying and grabbing the kid.
Bruce who already has a lot of kids and offers to take her in, it wouldn't be strange for Bruce to adopt another kid.
Clark and the rest of the Kent family are more than welcome to visit.
Alfred welcomes the little superbat with open arms, another young Wayne to keep him young
Bruce waits till little superbat is used to a few weeks, before he introduces her to the public.
Of course the Lil superbat isn't used to all the attention and she clings onto Bruce.
Of course all the batfam was there to support her. And she loves all her siblings, because all of them have a cute little bonding activity.
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bittersweetcreep · 2 months
My Vision Of A Female!Darling Damian Would Become Obsessed With {Origin and Meeting}
Origin Start
I see this darling as a lab experiment design to be the perfect weapon, although the way she was made was lack for a better word "unique." The scientist made her embryo with specific DNA traits then put her into a fertilization tank, and once out of said tank, a "caretaker" was assigned to her.
This "caretaker" was only allowed to provide the basic necessities an infant needs and was prohibited from interacting or showing affection to her. They don't want their weapon to become soft and emotionally attached to anyone, but the "caretaker's" main assignment was to get her to walk as soon as possible to begin training.
Her training was brutal and strict. She would receive severe punishments for failure or not meeting the scientists' expectations. One of said punishments was the removal of her vocal chords and purposely leaving behind a nasty scar has a reminder to do better. The training was beyond cruel but did have results.
She's mastered all 180 fighting styles and the art of stealth while also having enough strength to break bones, all while having the best reflexes to catch flying knives with her mouth and the agility to dodge flying bullets.
For the longest time, the scientists thought she had the power of teleportation, but that's not the case. In reality, she was just fast. Fast enough to stand in your eyesight one minute, then make a run for it when you blink the next, making it seem like teleportation for the one who blinked. Thank god for having the stamina to pull that off, and the scientist seemed to approve of that little party trick she could do.
She seems like the best weapon, but that wasn't enough for the scientist. They wanted the perfect weapon, so that's why they put metahuman traits in her DNA.
She's able to manipulate her own blood when it's in her body and when it's out of her body. She's also able to manipulate other's blood as well, but only if her blood is mixed in with the target's own blood. Be it the target's blood is in a puddle on the floor or physically infecting the blood that's still in their body herself via cuts, puncture wounds, shaping her blood to take the form of tiny needles at her fingertips to pierce whoever she touches.
Another way she can manipulate her blood is the changing of her own blood type, like changing it to AB+ to O-. So far, she's able to master the manipulation of all eight major blood types. She's also learned to copy someone's DNA via blood, be it the individual is dead or alive.
It was obvious she would lose a lot of blood when in a conflict. So, to prevent her from dying by blood loss, they made sure she produced more blood than the average human.
They truly did make the perfect weapon, but one thing they didn't expect was to be betrayed by that very weapon. Why the betrayal? She refuses to submit to those who don't have her respect and grown adult men who hide behind a small child while said child fights their battles? They're weak cowards, but sadly, she needs their training. So she'll play nice for now until they are of no use to her. their use ran out by the time she was 13. Her breach was a mess, and she was a mees. Her poor hair. 😢
Opening the doors of her "home," she's come to know her location. Gotham City, home to many criminals and the notorious Batman.
She had finally done it, she rid herself of those men and earned her freedom. Although she did it, she didn't think about what comes after that. She's come to realize that she could never function as anything other than a fighting machine because being a weapon has always been her purpose and if it wasn't for The Batman she would of been labeled a villain instead of vigilante.
The Batman is a strong individual with a high intellect and a skilled fighter with a moral code he never strays from. There was no way he wouldn't have earned her respect, and because he has her respect, she'll follow his example to strike fear into the hearts of criminals and bring them to justice by becoming a vigilante as well.
Origin End
Obsession Start
The first time Damian met his darling, he was still an Al Ghul, not a Wayne, and Bruce was unaware of his existence. He ran into her during one of his many missions in Gotham, so when spotting her Damian being Damian, tried to kill her on sight only to have his ass handed to him. So there he was, exhausted and restrained by what he could only assume is blood with multiple cuts, bruises, and broken bones all in and over his body, with a nasty black eye to match.
The girl raised her hand to what he assumed was to kill him, only for her to start tapping on the wall closest to them. But that was not any tapping it was morse code.
°This is not your city. it's Batman's. Know your place, and leave Al Ghul.°
With a roundhouse kicked to the head, Damian was out like a light. Upon awakening, Damain found himself up in the mountains far outside of Gotham City. How can he tell? Because even if he's lying down, he just needs to turn his head, and there is Gotham City. Sitting up, he winced, becoming aware of his many injuries.
He replayed the battle in his head, that girl was around if not the same age as him, yet she had shown skill that went beyond her years and that blood manipulation of hers was quite impressive. Remembering the way he was restrained on his knees forced to look up towards her, he felt unusual doing so, and that stare made an irresistible chill go down his spine.
With her eyes on him like that something within Damain shift and he became intrigued and dare he say infatuated. It also helps that she was quite the looker too.
It's been a week since Damian started to follow his newest and favorite target. Where she goes, he goes, be it on patrols or fighting criminals. Damian loves seeing her fight it has to be the most attractive thing he's ever seen. He tried pinpointing what part he found attractive. Was it her engaging in combat? When she uses her metahuman powers? Her breaking bones effortlessly? Whatever it is, she's one helluva girl. Yes, she's a strong girl who can protect herself and is not some damsel in distress, so why is Nightwing acting like her white knight?
Apparently, teamups with Nightwing and Batman are a normal occurrence for her, especially teaming up with Nightwing. Whenever Damian sees her teamuping with the Batman, it's strictly professional, but he can see the respect she holds for the man, and Damian wants her to respect him too. He'll need to investigate the Dark Knight and see what she respects about him. Who knows, maybe he'll be useful.
But Nightwing? He needs to stay away from what's his or else. When they team up, it's clear their relationship is more personal than professional, unlike her relationship with Batman. It's infuriating seeing them so close, doesn't that bird knows not to mess with another man's woman!? Who does he think he's messing with?! He is Damian Al Ghul, the heir to the League of Assassins and the son of a demon!
"Hey Luna, we're still on for tomorrow?"
°and miss out going to the spa? Wouldn't dream of it, Nightwing.°
.....They know each others civilian identities? Are they that close? No, this is the last straw he needs to do something about this, but what? Well, luck must be on his side because here he is standing in the Wayne manor with his father Bruce Wayne, or should he say Batman. Looks like the Dark Knight will be useful after all.
But it looks like Nightwing comes by to the manor every so often, or should he say Dick Grayson, his new brother. Dick has his own place, but he also sleeps at the manor sometimes. Damian would use those opportunities to get him out of the picture and away from his girl, but Bruce catches him every time.
So, as a way to keep an eye on him and teach him the value of human life, Bruce made Damian Robin. Damian wasn't happy, to say the least, but...
"Robin meet Red Luna she teams up with us every so often, and now she'll be teaming up with you."
°it's a pleasure to meet you, Robin. I hope you can keep up.°
Maybe being Robin can be useful.
"I'm more than capable of keeping up with a beauty like you."
Obsession End
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Unwanted embrace
Neglected Bat-family member x yandere Bruce wayne
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Tw: mentions of past neglect
Closing your closet you sighed, ripping the justice leage mark away from your costume, you no longer needed that, it once was your dream to work there as hero, save lives and protect humanity, but now you just saw it as a useless badge that just made you remember things you wanted to bury deep down in your mind and never think about them again. You had told Superman that you were going to quit just an hour ago, and you didn’t wait for other members to even protest when he agreed about it and went to gather your things up.
Once becoming a hero was your dream, you worked so hard on your powers to reach the level that you could be considering worthy enough to join the league, you were one of the youngest members of it, you were only 18, no, today you would turn 19, as Alfred had reminded you by a call this morning you two had. He was shocked you had forgotten your own birthday, maybe you were to used to it getting forgotten that you had thought of it as an unimportant date and had forgotten it, well it was the day you were pulled out from the safe and sound womb of your mother, born to the world you no longer wanted to be a part of.
You picked your baggage up and flipped the mark in your hand as you walked out of the locker room, putting the badge in Barry’s hands you gave him a half smile which was filled witj bitterness “It was good to work with you!” Barry opened his mouth “But (Y/N) you had just joined six months ago! weren’t you the one that wanted to beat anyone in the younger league to find a place here?” You just shrugged “I have lost interest…” you simply said ignoring Diana nag about you being selfish and leaving when you were needed the most, you waved them good bye and walked out of the justice hall, the dark rainy evening doing nothing good to your mood.
You took your mask off and took in a deep breath as your head lowered, now that you were old enough to leave home, you had so many plans to catch and it was rather overwhelming. You uncle had opened his home’s door for you, suggesting that you could stay with him for a while, till you could find the job you wanted the most, you had the money after all, years of trying to be independent were paying themselves off. You searched your bag for your car’s key, cursing under your breath as lightning hit the sky, which meant more rain.
The lightning brightened your surroundings for a second, giving you the ability to see a tall shadow that was looming over you. You made yourself busy, ignoring the black knight standing behind you “(Y/N)” hearing your name from him made goosebumps appear on your skin, when was the last time he had called you by your name? You turned around, to see him standing there, staring at you, finally, giving you his full attention “What do you want batman?” you said, now taking a step back, clenching the bag in your hand.
“I’ve heard you quit your place…why?” you couldn’t help but scoff at that, he was “the world’s best detective” he didn’t know the reason? “What do you think?” you said, arching your brow, but when you were met with silence you sighed, palming your face “Why I am wasting my time talking to you?” you asked yourself, hair now damp with rain “Because I am your father and I know how much hard you worked to get here” he said, face still emotionless but his voice held some hints of…desperation? You scoffed louder at that “My father…” you mumbled to yourself “How dare you call yourself my father?” you asked, fingers curling up into a fist “If it wasn’t for me leaving the manor you wouldn’t be reminded that I even existed there as a "family member” you mocked “Cut this crap…I have to be somewhere soon…” you said turning away.
“Look (Y/N) I understand-” you turned to face him again shouting “It’s (Y/H/N) to you batman! i am no longer your child! When was the last time you wanted to talk to me like this? wasn’t it my first day of school? how can you understand this? yes you lost your parents when you were a child but I did mine too! my mother that you never even care to hide your hatred for her died at giving birth to me and you were to disgusted by your own child that you hardly coped with me being there, isn’t it the truth hmm?” you said now walking toward him “You were never there batman… I didn’t have a father, I just had sire that paid for my life, when was the last time you asked me what I needed then your money? Oh right you were busy with tending to your growing family!” you pushed him on the chest not so gently, staring at him, eyes full of hatred as tears made them glossy “Do you even know how old I am?” you said now voice sad, yet firm.
Bruce looked at you without saying anything, he didn’t have anything to say, you were the result of his darkest days, when your mother had manipulated him and had given birth to you, but she was not lucky to live longer and enjoy his wealth, he wanted to forget her, forget everything that belonged to that time, including you…his own child. He turned his head away from you not coping to look at you in the eyes anymore. You scoffed bitterly “That’s what I expected from you, now go! your family must be missing you, isn’t your "baby” alone?“ you spat into his face, remembering how he had not let his other child, that was at Damian’s age, to become a hero like you did. To tell the truth you had joined to prove yourself to him, the man that had ignored your gifts that you would make by your own hands for father’s day, Alfred was the one that took them happily, complimenting about it even if it was nothing special, your little heart was broken but you had seen him take care of other members of the family and you wanted that love too, but he didn’t even care to spare you a glance.
You were a mistake, as he had told Alfred years ago, he wanted you gone. That was why you were both angry and confused right now, why he was there? "listen (Y/N)…let’s go home and talk about this properly alright?” He said trying to reach for your hand which you moved away quickly “For what? you want to lock me up there too?” you had seen what he did to his “baby” the poor child was spoiled rotten with his attention but he didn’t let her go for a mere second “though I’m sure you just want to make an excuse to say "I did what I could they left on their own!” I’m not a child anymore batman…and for the second time if you call me by my name again I’ll punch you in the face! that name is what my mother chose for me, you can not use that…you are not worthy of it!“
Bruce looked at you as your words sunk inside his mind, adding fuel to the storm that was making the guilt in his chest even more heavy. How you had become such a wonderful creature? powerful, independent…all on your own? and he didn’t have any part at any of it. The moment Alfred had informed him that you had left the manor the covers that he had put on the dark parts of his mind were pulled away, revealing you, his first child, whom had even changed their last name from "Wayne” to your mother’s not wanting to have anything to do with him. He wanted to fix that part of his life, he wanted to start it with you, but it seemed it was to late…no, it was not, you were his child, and he would be damned if he ever disappoint you again, you were family, and he was going to shove it in your mind if he could to make you understand.
He took your arm and held it gently but his grip was firm “We can talk about this later…you’ll catch a cold like this!” You were dumbfounded by what he had said for a second, good so he still had the surprise tactic against you, but it didn’t last long as the confusion gave place to anger and you pulled your arm out of his grip “It’s none of your business!” you hissed and walked away, looking for your car. You thought it was the last time you were meeting him, but you would be proven wrong…oh so wrong “My child…” he told himself as he watched you walk away “My baby…”
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