#dark whump
I have a requesttt
How about a vicious villain who captures hero, tortures or restrains them. Hero, tho bloody is hopeful someone of their group will find them, that they'll get rescued, saved. Until one day villain visits their cell and tells them they'll give hero a lobotomy. Hero fights, struggles, desperately begs villain for anything but that. Villain prepares everything, the doctors who'll perform it on them, the tools. Everything ready for the day they'll have hero robbed off their human existence. And just when it's about to happen, when the hero is tied to a hospital bed deep in panic, terrified, villain instead of comforting them to their last sane minutes, they whisper hero everything they have planned to do with their body next. How they'll sell them to other dangerous people as a brainless toy, a living zombie only to get used by others. And if ever their group finds them, even then, they won't be able to tell the deference due to how utterly destroyed in every way they'll be. Hero horrified, screams and begs villain to have mercy on them.
Feel free to add anything if you'd like~
Ooh Anon, that is definitely a very whumpy concept. It’s darker than usual for me but I think I’ll be able to do it. One thing to know about me though is I need my happy ending, so this snippet might take an unexpected turn, I hope that’s okay! Thank you for requesting this, I’ll do my best!
Hero had been here for days. Strapped down in a hospital bed, experimented on and tested, and no opportunities for escape. Hero could only hope that their team would arrive soon to rescue them. Hero flinched when the door to their cell opened and Villain stepped through.
“Good morning, little Hero,” Villain greeted, “are you ready for your next operation?”
“You’ve already taken my appendix, my tonsils, and cut me open to examine my organs,” Hero rattled off dryly, “what more could you possibly want from me?”
“This time I’m in the mood for something different,” Villain said, “something a bit more permanent than our last experiments.”
Villain stepped closer and leaned over until they were inches away from Hero’s face. They tapped Hero’s forehead with a finger.
“I’m going to perform a lobotomy on you, Hero,” Villain said with a wicked grin.
Hero’s eyes widened. They thrashed in their restraints, trying in vain to get free, which only fueled Villain’s amusement,
“No,” Hero begged, “please, not that, anything but that. You can take my kidney, heck, take one of my lungs, but don’t take my brain!”
“Technically, it’s only the frontal lobe,” Villain said, “but my decision has already been made, little Hero. I’ve called in some of my best colleagues to help perform the operation, and they can’t wait to get started on you. Here,” Villain pulled over a tray of tools, “here’s everything I’m going to use on you, isn’t it exciting?”
Villain began to explain in gory detail just how they were going to use each tool on the tray. Hero continued to thrash against the straps holding them down, but it was useless. Hero felt tears prick their eyes, and a lump formed in the back of their throat.
“When,” Hero swallowed, “when are you doing this?”
“Oh, about,” Villain checked their watch, “fifteen minutes, give or take. I wanted time to give you the news myself. Soon you won’t be anything but a husk, Hero. A toy for others’ enjoyment. I might sell you off to Supervillain, or I might just keep you all to myself. Either way, I’m going to enjoy this, watching you go to sleep with that fire in your eyes and then see you wake up without so much as a spark. It’ll be riveting to say the least, don’t you think?”
“Villain, please,” Hero was fully crying now, “I’ll do whatever you want, but don’t do this, please don’t do this,”
“Shhh.” Villain put a finger to Hero’s lips, “I’m doing this, and nothing you say is going to stop me.”
Villain pulled out a syringe and grabbed Hero’s exposed elbow. They plunged the needle into Hero’s skin and pressed down on the depressor, letting the contents flood Hero’s system.
“Villain!” Hero screamed, “please!”
“Just go to sleep,” Villain said, “I want to get started on you right away.”
Hero’s thrashing died down as the drug began to take effect. They fought to keep their eyes open. Between long, heavy blinks, Hero could just make out their cell door opening, with several figures standing in the doorway. Just before Hero went under, they saw a look of panic cross Villain’s face.
Hero stirred but didn’t open their eyes.
“Hero, come on, wake up.”
Hero shook their head and groaned.
Hero’s eyes fluttered open. They saw the faces of their team towering over them, all with worried expressions. Hero’s brows furrowed in confusion. How did their team get here? The last thing they remembered was Villain telling them about a lobotomy. The lobotomy! Hero bolted upright in bed. Strong arms wrapped around their shoulders to steady them.
“Easy, Hero,” Superhero’s voice echoed, “you’re alright, we’ve got you.”
“Wha-,” Hero started, “what happened?”
“We rescued you,” Other Hero explained, “you were in Villain’s lair for days, it took us a while to find you.”
“It looks like we got there just in the nick of time, too,” Vigilante said, “they had tools out for a lob- for an operation.”
Hero looked around at their team. Tears welled up in their eyes.
“Hero?” Superhero asked.
Hero turned into Superhero’s chest and sobbed. Superhero put their arms around them. Hero cried until there were no tears left to cry.
“They were gonna take my brain, Superhero!” Hero sobbed, “my brain!”
“Shhh,” Superhero soothed, “it’s okay, we caught Villain. They can’t hurt you anymore, you’re safe here.”
“Is this real?” Hero asked tearfully, “they didn’t do the lobotomy?”
Other Hero reached over and grabbed Hero’s hand.
“It’s real, Hero,” Other Hero said, “I promise.”
Hero breathed out a shaky sigh. This was real, they were safe.
Vigilante cleaned the blood off of their knife. Meanwhile, Villain bled out in the very cell they had kept Hero in for so long.
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bebs-art-gallery · 17 days
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Speak No Evil † See No Evil
© Molly Has a Chainsaw
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becomingvecna · 9 months
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greykolla-art · 9 months
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Every day I wake up and think:
“At some point Izzy realised how out of control things had gotten, and started putting himself in between Ed and the crew, as much as he could. Especially when Ed was too drunk/high to even know what he was doing. Cause Izzy doesn’t want the others to suffer more for his mistakes.”
“They are all bonded through shared trauma now.”
And every day I cry like a baby.
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trigger warnings for graphic description of the above topics, human trafficking, cannibalism, violence against pregnant women.
everything about this is entirely fictional, meant for writers. since I understand there aren’t many whump blogs that feel comfortable writing prompts about the subject (very understandable), I figured I could offer writers out there some prompts about this, in case they were looking for ideas for their works.
that being said, while the prompts are not real, the subject is very much real and can be triggering, so if it’s not something you’re comfortable with, don’t read below the line.
__________________୨ ୧ __________________
*feel free to change/adjust the pronouns however you want
a pregnant whumpee got kicked in the stomach by whumper, which led to miscarriage.
a pregnant whumpee, who was a housewife, fell down the stairs at her house when her partner was away for work. she didn’t tell her partner about the incident either because she was afraid he was going to get mad at her or because she thought it was fine and didn’t want to worry him. until she suffered severe bleeding that turned the mattress red at night.
whumpee who went through miscarriage kept hallucinating a life where her child was alive and she got to raise them. caretaker tried to help her, and even though her condition only seemed to get worse, they refused to send her to an asylum. 
whumpee who lost her child during childbirth refused to surrender her child’s corpse. It was understandable at first, until the child started to decompose and rot in her arms and she, with a knife in her hand, would attack anyone who tried to take her baby away from her.
whumpee was a sex slave who got pregnant, the thing was that it was a mistake. so in order for her to be able to continue doing ‘her job’, whumper made her undergo unsafe abortion by having a straightened-out wire with sharp edge (from a coat hanger) inserted into her vagina and into her uterus. they got the fetus out, but whumpee later got a nasty infection that resulted in her suffering from hallucinations, and her not being able to stand or stop her pale, naked body from shivering. whether or not she was rescued in time is up to you, the writer. 
whumper is an OB doctor who often lied to the patients that they miscarried their perfectly healthy stillborns and that the babies needed to be surgically removed in order to save the moms’ lives. this made it very easy for the doc to get away with eating fetuses, since the moms would rather not keep the corpses of their stillborns anyway, and police were never involved. (I mean who would question a licensed physician?!)
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bebx · 10 months
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Amore Kidnapped
— by Daniele Accossato
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the-bar-sinister · 8 days
Whumpee, limp, beaten, and half conscious bound up on the hard floor. Whumper kneeling down in front of them and grabbing whumpee's chin, pulling their face up to look at them without resistance as whumpee's head lolls and their eyes fail to fully focus.
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pinbones · 8 months
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Comments on my darkfics lol
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the-bloody-sadist · 9 months
Guys I would like to propose a conversation on why whumpblr has the most wholesome fandom coding and yet every whumpblr introduction post I ever see sounds like this:
“Hiiiii everybody! I’m new here, nice to meet you! I’m a bit shy, but I’ve been around for a while reading whump posts and thought it was finally time to join in! Here are some of my favorite tropes!!!!! ❤️😘🥰💕
If you guys are into that, let me know!! 💕💕💕💕 I follow back!”
You guys sound like the sweetest serial killers in the world
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la-sera · 9 months
Can I request some Time ehump, please? I totally understand if you choose to ignore this
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Another Anon Master?
Here you go, Master!
Sorry to keep you waiting, apparently it took me 2 days to study Time and make the sketches and it took me another 4 days to draw. I apologize if I misrepresented Time's character.
Actually, I'm surprised you want me to draw whump XD Do I look like someone who enjoys torturing? I feel like a criminal now XD
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to recover my sanity.
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bebs-art-gallery · 7 months
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Datail — Ecce Homo, c. 1674 by Pedro de Mena † Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), circa 1635 - 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran
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becomingvecna · 4 months
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words by me
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whump-or-whatever · 2 years
Defiant whumpee who copes with (dark) humour dialogue
• • •
Whumpee: *standing in line for the teller at the bank*
Whumper: *walks in wearing a ski mask and waving a gun* “This is a robbery!”
Whumpee: *very matter-o-factly* “Actually, sir, this is a bank.”
• • •
Whumpee: *being held at gun point as hostage*
Whumper: “I’ll do it! I’ll shoot them!”
Whumpee: “do it, no balls”
• • •
Whumpee: *in captivity, being interrogated*
Whumper: “If you don’t tell me what I want to know, you’ll get the whip again”
Whumpee: *eyes wide* “You can’t! My cellmate and I were using the grid to play connect 4 and I was winning!”
• • •
Whumper: *throws a wet rag at whumpee after torturing them* “Clean yourself up.”
Whumpee: *gasps, whispers* “Master has given Dobby a cloth.”
• • •
Whumper: “I’m going to enjoy torturing you until you scream. I can’t wait to see you broken and hear you begging me for mercy.”
Whumpee: “Seems to me like you’ve got some deep-seated emotional issues. Have you considered seeking professional help?”
• • •
Whumper: *walks in later than usual*
Whumpee: “You know, if the teacher is 15 minutes late to class you’re free to go. I think the same rule should apply here.”
• • •
Whumper: *laughs evilly at whumpee’s pain*
Whumpee: *mocks their laughter*
• • •
Whumper: “Nobody is ever going to come for you.”
Whumpee: “I bet that’s what your ex said when they dumped you.”
• • •
Whumpee: *is given plain bread to eat*
Whumpee: “Would it kill y’all to invest in some peanut butter? Mayonnaise? Anything?”
• • •
Whumper: “You’re worthless. Nobody loves you and nobody ever will.”
Whumpee: “In other news, water is wet.”
• • •
Whumper: “You look so nice covered in your own blood.”
Whumpee: “I bet I’d look even better covered in yours. Let’s try and see.”
• • •
Whumpee: *being moved with other prisoners, singing quietly* “They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard.”
Other prisoners: *chanting softly* “To Isengard, to Isengard.”
Whumper: *shakes their head incredulously*
• • •
Whumper: “I will find you.”
Whumpee: “Oh, wait! I know this one! And when you do, you’ll kill me, right?”
• • •
Whumper: “Tell me what I want to know!”
Whumpee: *sing-songy* “Gimme gimme never gets, don’t you know your manners yet?”
• • •
Whumper: *goes to stab whumpee*
Whumpee: *dodges and grabs the knife from whumper*
Whumpee: “That’s what I like to call a pro gamer move.”
• • •
Feel free to add your own!
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feel free to reblog with your thoughts/opinions
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bebx · 9 months
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something about loving someone is giving them the power to break your heart and hoping they will not use it
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the-bar-sinister · 1 month
Whumper who is physically larger than whumpee restraining whumpee with their body.
Whumper pushing whumpee against the wall and pinning them there with whumper's hand on their wrists.
Whumper grabbing whumpee from behind and holding them tightly so whumpee can't move their arms.
Whumper pushing whumpee belly down on the ground and holding them there with one foot on whumpee's back.
Whumper holding whumpee's wrists together from behind.
Whumper holding whumpee up off the ground by whumpee's wrists, or by their ankles.
Whumper pinning whumpee to the wall and pinning them their by whumpee's throat.
Whumper knocking the legs out from under whumpee and grabbing whumpee by the hair when they fall to their knees.
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