#debut or die crossover
wwcross · 2 years
behold, another one of my danny phantom x debut or die crossover idea where danny creats strong ectoplasmic field unknowingly
In memes
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dyinggirldied · 4 months
The parents:
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The son:
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captsirknight · 1 year
Just binged debut or die, what do you mean there are no translated chapters past 200
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rust-is-a-car-disease · 4 months
Debut or die undertale au
TeStar being a band that performs at different places around the underground but also at mtt.
They have the same relationship w vtic and other groups and all too but on a smalled scale.
Instead of a survival program, they ended up getting closer after meeting each other seperately mostly and the other groups like mirinae and spacer are just close groups to them with more or less the same relationship.
Does the system still exist? Have they regressed? Doesnt really matter at this point bc its all passed at the point undertale happens like a long long time. Itd be interesting to explore but not have much impact anymore. I imagine itd happen before flowey tho.
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mrsparrasblog · 4 months
Bridgerton x COD crossover
I had so much fun writing this, and TW there will be historical inacurence.
"So what makes you stand out, Miss Lacington?" he asked while he spun the red-haired woman around. She was indeed beautiful, but her dress made her look like a runaway circus animal. However, proper dress code was something he could teach a lady. He knew he couldn’t be too picky; he was a stained viscount, tarnished by the war he had seen and attended. Yet, he didn't regret a second of his life. Being a captain was more important to him than being Viscount Price, but now that his mama was sick, he knew he needed to find a proper lady to grant her the last wish of seeing him married. Perhaps she hoped for a marriage of love, but he already knew that wasn’t for him. Love is for fools. He would marry a woman who could provide him with an heir and fulfill the duty of being Viscountess Price without getting involved in any of Lady Whistledown's scandals.
"I'm skilled at stitching and the pianoforte," she replied. Another one of them, he sighed before walking away, seeking someone more exciting. He saw Miss Winston; at least she had better looks, looks worthy of a viscountess.
"So, Miss Winston, what do you think of children?"
"They’re cute to look at," the young woman smiled, and her eager mama smiled even more.
"Children are not cute to watch; they are to care for, Miss."
"But that’s what maids are for?"
That was enough for him. If it weren’t for his mother, he would have stormed out immediately, but he allowed himself the luxury of hiding on the sidelines. "How is it possible that one cannot find a fitting lady in a room full of them?" he cursed under his breath, not realizing he was being watched until he heard a soft chuckle. When he turned around, he was in denial that you were even real. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Not the ladies in Paris, Milan, or Edinburgh could compare to such a beautiful woman like you, dressed in the finest blue fabric, with curves that were to die for, so unlikely for a woman in England. You held your mouth shut, trying to hide your laughter at his outburst. Another man might have been offended, but he was intrigued. You were bold and beautiful—a dangerous combination. "What is so amusing, Miss?"
Instead of blushing or getting anxious, you just replied with a proper apology.
“No need to apologize, miss…?”
"Miss L/N, daughter of the Earl of Sussex," you replied confidently.
John’s eyebrow perked up at the mention of your father's title, but otherwise, he said nothing in reply, keeping his expression neutral. He was certainly not used to ladies with such confidence who held titles. “Miss L/N,” he repeated as if committing it to memory. “And what do you think of the suitors of the ton so far? Did you come to try your luck on the London marriage mart?”
"I made my debut last year, and indeed I seek a husband."
"Surely, you will be successful at such a task with your beauty; you are certainly not lacking in that area,” he complimented you genuinely. He knew he should leave already; you were unfitting for him. He tried hard not to seek someone like you, who had the chance of finding a devoted husband, someone who wasn’t scarred by war, too close to his cigars, and went to every brothel in London. Only Prince MacTavish was a bigger rake than him. You’d be better off with one of the Bridgerton brothers.
"Excuse me, my lord, may I speak freely?"
John’s eyebrow raised again, this time with mild concern. It was quite rare to be asked for permission to speak by someone in the ton. But he granted your request, intrigued by what you had to say. “Of course, you may speak freely, Miss L/N.”
“If a suitor only seeks me out for my looks, he isn’t a proper candidate for a husband,” this was singlehandedly the smartest thing he had ever heard from a lady of the ton.
John's expression shifted from one of concern to mild, amused confusion at your response, surprised that you said something he actually had to agree with. You were not wrong, after all. Any man would be a fool not to be drawn to your looks, but only a proper match would see past your beauty. He gave a short nod of agreement. “An astute observation, Miss L/N. Yes, only a proper suitor would see past the first impression and see you for everything you have to offer.” It was time to go, he thought, but he wasn’t able to move. He enjoyed an intelligent conversation. Of course, he had them at the club with Garrick, Riley, and MacTavish, but this was different.
"And you, Mister Price, why do the London debutantes not appeal to you?" He was good-looking, a bit too old perhaps, but not older than 32, which was still younger than some of the men who tried to court you. He could clearly have anyone here, maybe even the diamond of the season. Why was he complaining and even listening to your nonsense?
“I suppose...I am looking for a rather specific type in the woman I plan to have as my viscountess. She must be intelligent, capable of holding a proper conversation, and also willing to provide me with heirs. I have little interest in the simpering debutantes who cannot do much more than curtsy, smile prettily, and fawn over me.”
A small chuckle escaped your lips as you heard the crotchety man. "Don’t forget, my lord, they can also wave fans."
"Ah, how could I forget? How important would the ton be without fans," he commented with a sarcastic tone, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "However will I remember all of the intricate signals they flutter in my direction? Will this catch my attention?"
"That's a question you need to ask yourself, Mister Price."
"Perhaps it is a question I have been pondering for some time," he remarked with a shrug before tilting his head and observing you for a second. "And what of you, Miss L/N? What type of suitor are you looking for in a husband? Surely you have a list prepared as well.” He could curse himself for asking, but maybe you would say an unfitting description, and he could move away in the direction of the eager mothers and their dense debutantes.
"I seek a suitor who isn’t shallow, who is kind and isn’t a rake, who can provide for me and our future kids, and if I may dream, someone I would fall in love with,” you answered truthfully, as you always did, a bit too openly for your mother's liking. But she couldn’t really complain about that when you had suitors waiting in line to court you. You promised your mother that you would marry after this season. If you didn’t find love, it would be a political marriage.
Your list mirrored his own almost perfectly, and yet the mention of falling in love with your match was something out of reach for him. "An admirable list, indeed. If only more young ladies in the ton were this grounded," he said with a hint of melancholy before giving you another compliment. "Miss L/N, you surprise me each time you open your mouth."
"Most suitors are negatively surprised when I open my mouth."
"Oh really now? I find that rather unfortunate. A woman of your intellect should be celebrated, not shunned. How many ladies can hold their own during a conversation or even converse on a topic that isn’t a dress? I have had more than my fair share of mindless conversations with the debutantes and their mothers. It is quite…dull."
"Well, maybe you need to improve your search, Mr. Price, when all the ladies on your dance card are this simple-minded." You couldn’t be more direct. Didn't he notice how you hoped he would ask you for a dance? You would gladly throw your dance card away for the prospect of courtship with him.
"But pray tell me, what would your recommendations be for me to improve my search, since you seem to be more clever than the entire room," he said mockingly towards you. He didn’t get the hint. Maybe he was the simple-minded man you thought.
"I wouldn’t call myself clever, Mr. Price. Please, just call me observant. You need to look for a woman who isn’t eager to talk to you with her mama, who isn't aware of your title." You didn’t care that he was a viscount; your father was an earl. That title alone made you able to marry most men in the ton, maybe not Prince MacTavish, despite his efforts for several seasons to find a woman to love.
"I commend your observational and quite sound advice, miss. I suppose I will have to go with a different approach than the one I have used previously," he commented, somewhat amused. "I'm sure my mother would be quite happy to have me take it in a different direction. How you have managed to surprise me twice in the same conversation baffles me."
"Maybe your conversations are mostly blunt."
Oh, you had a way too big mouth for a lady of the ton, but it was refreshing. He already looked for different debutantes who seemed less sophisticated than the previous ones. When he noticed Lord Riley approaching you to ask you for a dance, of course, you agreed like a proper lady would. He couldn't help but feel just a teensy bit jealous of the man he shared many war stories with. He wasn't often jealous, but there was something about how quickly you accepted the offer and seemed willing to flutter your eyelashes and smile at him. "Lord Riley is quite the lucky man," he muttered to himself.
"Found any interesting lassie?" That accent he recognized out of a million people. He bowed in front of the younger prince whom he had taught how to use the archer and ride a horse.
"No, indeed...there are no ladies this season that have caught my eye," he added before he glanced back across the room to where you were dancing with Lord Riley, a hint of a frown on his face.
"I saw your conversation with Miss L/N."
"I did have a rather stimulating conversation with her, indeed." He then tilted his head slightly. "You were watching us, your highness? How unlike you to be paying attention to something like that," he added with a hint of humor in his voice, having to admit the prince caught him somewhat off guard.
"She would make a stunning viscountess."
John knew better than to argue with the prince on the matter, especially at such a public event, so he instead chose to reply with a short nod of agreement to indicate he would entertain the suggestion, even if it was something he had no genuine interest in doing. As he did so, he could not bring himself to look back across the room where you were, having caught sight of the way you batted your lashes at Lord Riley and laughed at something he said.
As the ball finally came to an end, John's relief was immediate. He could finally depart from the room full of debutantes and eager mamas. He couldn't have been more keen to leave, but he did find himself pausing for a moment upon exiting the room—glancing back in hopes of catching another glimpse of the elusive Miss L/N. He couldn't help but find his gaze lingering on you for a moment as you stood chatting with the other girls, your gaze shifting between the ones speaking as you tried to look as though you were interested in their conversation. He found himself watching you for a moment before his head shook slightly, breaking the momentary trance. "Get a hold of yourself, Price," he muttered under his breath, his fingers fiddling with the cufflinks of his suit before he finally departed the room.
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defrosted69 · 11 months
My Laker star (Lesserafim)
I had this custom story made when I was watching the game and realized that Lesserafim was at the building. so it may not be perfect and I have decided to change it up a bit. (7k words)
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"Y/N McDaniels with the ball. He faces up against his opponent and goes into a smooth crossover, faking right and then slicing diagonally to his left. His defender is slow to react, and he blows past him with a step to his right, going up with the layup. He puts it up with authority, sinking the shot, and the crowd goes wild as the Lakers take the lead!"
"McDaniels on defense now, his opponent trying to drive to the hoop, but Y/N stands his ground and uses his superior length to contest the shot, and it's a miss!"
"McDaniels has been on fire tonight; nobody has been able to stop him. He gets the ball on the break, and he's one-on-one against his defender. He puts the ball down and drives, beating his man and going up for the layup, but his opponent puts a hand on the ball and tries to block the shot. It could have been a foul, but the refs let the play go on! McDaniels brings it down and puts it up again, sinking the shot! Another bucket for McDaniels!"
"McDaniels has it at the top of the key. He sees LeBron James open down low, and he makes the perfect pass, whipping it down the court with lightning speed. LeBron jumps up to meet it, and he throws the ball down with authority, and the crowd goes wild as the Lakers stretch out their lead. McDaniels and James are working great together tonight, and the crowd loves it!"
The huge ovation from the audience caused Kazuha's phone to ring, surprising her members who were gathering their breath after packing their belongings. With their hard work and sacrifice, the world has gradually acknowledged the ability of six girls who only wanted to play on stage.
"Zuha, What are you watching? Sounds like a parade there?"
Chaewon, their leader, inquired as she sipped her drink. When the firm gave them a ton of work, they didn't grumble and instead went out to perform with their hearts out, giving as much as their fans gave to them. To them, being an artist is not as simple as it appears. Some must make significant sacrifices in order to make their debut and demonstrate their skills. Because the sacrifices often may not equal the return, being a successful artist sometimes need luck.
"Ah, Sorry Unnie…my bad hehe.."
As a brilliant smile came on Kazuha's face, she murmured humbly. She was so engrossed in what she was viewing that she forgot about her surroundings, but can she really blame herself? When someone is completely absorbed in what they are doing. They tend to lose sight of the people around them and concentrate only on what they are doing. In this example, Kazuha was watching a thrilling Los Angeles Lakers game.
"Hearing the sounds…is that a basketball game Zuha?"
"Oh yeah Unnie."
"Eeeppp!! Is that the Lakers?! Girl let me watch!"
Yunjin dropped her luggage and sat next to Kazuha, her gaze fixed on her phone. The viewing tool for the game was minimal, but for die-hard fans like Kazuha and Yunjin, it was far superior to watching streams with so many strange adverts plastered left and right on a website.
"Eh? Yunjin, you watch basketball?"
Sakura inquired, closing her suitcase carefully. Sakura has already checked her suitcase three times to ensure that everything she needs for their short holiday is in there. Her suitcase was more ordered than their Maknae's luggage, who wasn't even packing and was sleeping. Sakura sighed as she began organizing their Maknae's stuff and placing everything in her suitcase.
"Of course Kkura Unnie. I have a few friends in New York who are basketball Junkies. Heck, I used to play basketball with them a few times before."
Sakura nodded in agreement as Yunjin's response demonstrated his familiarity with basketball. Given that she grew up in New York and discovered that their culture was much different from the society to which they were used. Sakura, on the other hand, knows basketball for two reasons. One is that in the early phases of her career, she was urged to do insane things in order to be elected, and basketball was one of them. She still suffers nightmares when she tries to remember those events. The second is that her childhood pal is now a basketball player. She last heard from him when he moved to the United States to play collegiate basketball, and after that, all forms of communication were cut off.
"Eh? You used to play Basketball Unnie?"
"The opposing team is looking to get an easy layup off of a fast break. McDaniels races back down the court to do his best to stop the play, but the defender is already airborne, ready to dunk the ball into the basket. McDaniels jumps, putting his body on the line to try to reach the ball. He tips it with his fingertips, and LeBron James comes soaring in from behind, blocking the ball and preventing the opposing team from scoring. McDaniels and LeBron high five as they force a turnover."
Yunjin nodded her head as her mouth formed an oh shape as she just saw an amazing play from the king, Lebron James.
"Yeah. Basket is literally a part of American culture there so yeah. Anyway, What's the age of Lebron again? He isn't suppose to be doing this things at year 21! My god…"
Yunjin was left speechless and at awe by the amazing feat Lebron James was showing. But Kazuha was more focused on the efforts of the other player. Y/N McDaniels. Kazuha knew that Lebron was the one who erased that easy layup but she knows that Your the one who prevented it to even making it graze the rim at all.
"Well He's Lebron Unnie. What can you say?"
As the opposition team requested a timeout, Kazuha laughed gently. Growing up, Kazuha was a tremendous basketball lover since her father was a huge basketball fan. Either the A or the B. The NBA or the Premier League. She recalls becoming exposed to the game of basketball during the 2009 NBA Finals. It was Game 6 of the NBA Finals, and Kobe and the Los Angeles Lakers were giving the Boston Celtics a fight for their money. Kazuha saw his father so engrossed in the game that she imagined herself in the stadium with her father, watching the game. Some would claim it's dull to watch, and who could blame them?
10 guys try to get a ball and score on each other and it just repeats over and over again. What's so fun about that? Add in the stereo type that Girls don't like basketball because it's too simple just makes Kazuha love the game even more.
Basketball became her method to hang out and interact with her father over time, since they were both die-hard Lakers fans. The Lakers have long been popular across the world, thanks to Kobe Bryant. His fame, combined with his influence, made the Lakers renowned all over the world, as it is constantly rated first in the world. So it's no surprise that the majority of the individuals Kazuha knows are huge Lakers fans. It is, after all, the city of angels..
"Hmm.. That guy McDaniels seems familiar and good too don't you think Zuha?"
Yunjin inquired as Kazuha nodded. Throughout the game, Kazuha was analyzing every player's mistakes and excellent plays, and in her opinion, you were the one with the fewest bad plays and the most team plays. Of course, she recognized your name; after all, you were the first rookie to lead your team to the Western Conference without any assistance.
"Of course Unnie. He's actually the only rookie to bring the lakers to the west conference finals when Lebron, AD, Dlo and Reaves were all injured. He went head to head with the Golden State warriors and got the respect from Curry, Klay, Draymond and even Kerr. Obviously the lakers lost because He was just a rookie but he made Golden state question their defensive scheme to stop him. "
Kazuha's words were full of pride in them as she spoke with confidence. She will never forget the headlines you made during that series and it was the buzz until the season ended. Expectations were set high for you following your next season and you didn't dissapoint at all.
"Oooh he sounds like a problem. So did he perform well his next season? Last year? Did he?"
Yunjin eagerly asked as Kazuha smiled and nodded her head.
"Yeah Unnie. He actually destroyed all expectations and showed the world and the team that he's legit. There were concerns about his fit with Lebron and AD but he showed them that he's a team player."
Everyone was taken aback by her remark. Few individuals can swallow their pride, especially in basketball, where many players are overly full of themselves and want to prove that they belong in the NBA. With the added pressure of playing with LeBron, your faith in yourself was unshaken, and it just fueled your desire to win.
"Seems like an amazing player. Also… He's kinda cute in a way.."
Yunjin said as she eyes you from Kazuha's phone. Chaewon sighed and gently smacked her arm reminding her that they are idols and not any ordinary people.
"Yah Huh Yunjin. Don't do anything stupid when we go to the states got it? We're still idols remember that."
Chaewon's leader side was showing as Yunjin could only laugh at her remark. Of course Yunjin was only half joking about her comment on you. Again, the word there is Half joking meaning, in a sense, she was admitting a small truth in her words.
"I know I know. I'm just half Joking Unnie hehehe~"
"Yah Yunjin."
The two began to do a playful banter as Kazuha was once again focused on the game. Sakura finally finished fixing the luggage of Eunchae who happens to wake up from all the noise her Unnies were doing.
"Did..did I miss something?"
Eunchae yawned as she slowly stretched her arms up trying to wake her body up.
"Not much. Just the typical chaos your used to Eunchae. Also, try to lessen your clothes in your bag. You have more clothes than me."
Sakura scolded their youngest who just cutely smiled at her as she knows that Sakura would listen to her no matter how much she scolds her. After all, Sakura loves her too much.
"It's fine Kkura Unnie. It's cold there in America and it's better to have thick clothing right? Hehehe~"
Eunchae did have a point as autumn has finally started in that country. But then again, Sakura knows that Eunchae would be spending a lot of her allowance in buying clothes there so what's the point of her grabbing many clothes when she will just buy new ones there? This somehow confused Sakura but she still had to scold her for it.
Meanwhile, the game concluded for the victory of the Lakers despite them struggling earlier on with their shooting which was always been the problem. There was this crazy conspiracy that all shooters that come to play for the Lakers suddenly forgot how to shoot the ball into the net. Of course seeing the terrible 3 point shooting of the Lakers pissed Kazuha off. But then again, the lights are the brightess in Los Angeles so that could be a huge contributor to why some of their players shoot bricks.
"Everyone! Have you all packed your stuff? Remember, we're going to watch the Lakers game in a few days from now after our short vacation in New York."
Their manager arrived in their dorm suprising everyone with what she just said. Kazuha's eyes widen hoping that she wasn't hearing things just now. Everyone was frozen shut as Chaewon tried to confirm what they all heard.
"Wait Unnie. We're.. We're going to watch an NBA Game? The lakers?"
Their manager nodded her head confirming that they infact heard the right thing.
"They Invited you girls to watch their game against the Clippers. And they also have you girls buy whatever you want in Los Angeles NBA store."
"Shit Man I'm tired.."
You sat in your place behind your locker as the squad pulled off a hard-fought triumph against the opposition. Playing on the road has always been difficult since the supporters would be cheering on their squad, which may be detrimental to any team. So you have to be prepared to perform well and bring your best against road opponents, otherwise the media will either condemn or acclaim you. There was no middle ground.
"Well we got the dub, that's all that matters. Now we have a 3 day rest before we return home and play against the Clippers"
Austin Reaves, your teammates spoke making you sigh deeply. Even though that team was in the same city as yours, they have been quite the nuisance with all the noise they have been making in social media. Sure some of those don't really affect you too much but the fact that ESPN always hype them up like that have achieve something annoyed you. For you personally, your a person who doesn't really have a talent to basketball at all.
You just worked your ass off to where you have been.
"Nah like they probably gonna play like it's Game 7 or something against us again."
Anthony Davis added to the group. Even though AD was a very dominant starting this season, there was. A few instances where he would dissappear in the 2nd half of the game and it's either Lebron, Dlo, Austin or you has to carry that slack up. But considering the start of this season, he's playing like a Defensive player of the year so far and the most important thing is that he's healthy to start the season.
"Don't let all that get in your heads. They wanna start putting all this in your head so that when the game arrives, you will be shaken"
As LeBron talked, the atmosphere in the room calmed down. He has always been admired and idolized by many people, and his skill set at his age just serves to reinforce why he is regarded as an all-time great in the sport of basketball. Not only that, but he has been an excellent mentor to you from your first year with the team. His training routines were difficult, but you kept going because you didn't want to be pleased with an alright outcome; you wanted a greater result.
"Alright Guys. Great win today but for now, let's all rest and pick up our practice once we returned to LA okay?"
Coach Darvin said as everyone nodded at him. He may have been doing some questionable lineup for the past 3 seasons but right now, with you at the starting lineup, he finally found the recipe to win games and close them out. Coach Darvin also has been a big part of your rise to all star level as he has been training you on and off the court about Basketball and about life as a whole. You got nothing but respect for him. As everyone was preparing to leave the arena and head to their hotel, Austin pulled you to the side confusing you.
"Hey man, let's walk around New York shall we?"
"For what?"
"Oh come on don't be a party pooper. This is the only time we get to New York you know. Come in dawg, I just wanna walk man."
You sighed at his recommendation. As weird as it sounds, This was the only time you'll visit the Knicks this season as the second time you'll meet would be in your home court. Most of the time, you'll face a team at least 3 times but for this season, You'll only face the Knicks twice. And New York has always been an iconic place in the whole world so why not visit it around right?
"Alright, alright."
"That's my brotha right there. Alright let's go."
Austin Changed his outfit to his regular clothes and by that, it mean his hoodie and pants. No fancy clothing or anything like that. Austin in your eyes has always been a simple man but you could guess that a huge part of that is his place of birth and growing up in.
As you two exited the arena, you were welcomed with a massive edifice and a plethora of lights that represented New York City's nightlife. You were surprised at how many people flocked to this location despite the large crowds. The numerous digital billboards drew your attention as award shows and musicians were advertised on the colorful billboard.
"This is so different than LA…"
Austin could only laugh at you remark as he couldn't help but add in his own joke.
"You should visit Arkansas, you'll be greeted by cows and beautiful grass than this."
"Sounds relaxing in my opinon."
He laughed as both of you continued to walk. Many kinds of act was caught by your eyes ranging from magic tricks, mimes and the one that caught your eye is a bunch of people dancing to some Korean music.
"Hey, why are there so many people dancing to a song they can't understand."
Austin looked at you rather annoyed and in disbelief. He was kinda caught off guard with your question as he took a few seconds to answer you.
"Dude, Music transcends language. It's a universal language that no words needed."
You realized how stupid you looked asking that question so you just decided to ask a different question this time. Something more reasonable.
"Then what music is that?"
"That's Kpop bro haven't heard of it?"
He looked at you with an eye raised eyebrow. He looked rather quite suprised by you not knowing Kpop since it's kinda blowing up in the west. Even kids nowadays nows Kpop and have many Kpop artist on their Spotify Playlist.
"Sorry I haven't. Educate me AR"
"Fuck you man. I'm older than you, But basically Kpop is Korean Pop. That's it. It has many groups doing many category of that genre."
"Such as?"
"Cute, girl crush, retro and many more. Some are experimental"
You were quiet suprised by the many genres of one music has but you have to consider that Kpop is a pop music and pop Music can vary from time to time depending on what the listener wants.
"I see…I wonder if Jen achieved being an Idol…"
You shook your head not wanting to confuse AR further. You just smiled and nodded your head.
"Sounds intriguing"
"Oh it is. Anyway, buy me a New York Hotdog rookie"
"But I'm already in my Sophomore year."
"Did I stutter?"
You groan at him and walked away from where he was standing. You can see him enjoying the people dancing to Kpop songs and for you, it was interesting to say the least. It's music was something you haven't heard yet and it's not bad to try something new once in a while. Perhaps you should take this Kpop music a thing a chance and who knows, you could end up enjoying it.
As you approached the food truck with Hotdog on the menu, your eyes searched for the neighboring hotdog stand. But something else drew your attention away from the menu. You noticed the merchant attempting to communicate in English with a female wearing a hat and mask. You could see the bewilderment and fear in her eyes. You sighed as you noticed a long queue forming behind her, so you sped your feet and stood behind her, hoping to assist her.
"Is everything okay Miss?"
You asked as she look behind you and you saw her look up from her height as her changes to look of confusion and worry to amazement.
"Uhh… Food.. Eerr….want..This.."
She was trying her best to communicate with her broken English as she pointed at the Hotdog with bacon in them. You immedietly knew what she was trying to say as you nodded and spoke her order.
"Sir, she's ordering 5 Hotdogs with bacon toppings in them."
And just like that, the vendor sold her 5 hotdogs which she payed well for. It wasn't much of a big deal for you helping her but in her eyes, she was so glad someone from a foreign land helped her.
"Ah thank you very much~"
Her voice was high pitched and you would though that she was a singer with how her voice sounded.
"It's no problem miss. Hope you enjoy your food"
"Ah, You too."
It was preety obvious that English wasn't her primary language as you can hear the forces accent in her words but you didn't pay mind to it as you just nodded your head as she left with her food and you ordered your own. You pulled out your wallet hoping that it wad empty but you forgot your a millionaire athlete as you cursed AR.
"Damn you Austin!"
Kazuha was lounging on her bed, watching highlights of the Lakers vs. Knicks game that had just ended. Despite their hunger, they waited for Chaewon to return with their New York Hot dogs with patience. Kazuha was so engrossed in the game highlights that she couldn't help but replay the highlight of the Lakers' action every time. But her heart would race as the scoreboard went from 2 to 7 down in an instant.
She is aware that the Lakers have a tendency to forget how to shoot, especially in crucial times, but based on the clips she was viewing, the Lakers were able to hold themselves to catch or tie the score. But, among the Lakers players she was watching on the phone, her gaze was drawn to you since your team's performance usually amazes her. She knows you had the ability to take over and fire as many rounds as you want, but you weren't pressing the trigger. Kazuha understands that basketball is a team sport, not an individual sport, and that getting the team involved in a play is what important in basketball.
"I'm back!"
Chaewon's voice made everyone look at her with a grin as their leader was back safely with food at hand. Eunchae ran out of her bed quickly as she rushed towards Chaewon sniffing the food in her hand.
"Gimme gimme gimme please~~"
Eunchae's cuteness was over the roof for Chaewon but Sakura once again scolded her.
"Yah, Eunchae Wait for everyone okay?"
Eunchae could only pout her lips as Kazuha pauses the video on her phone and went towards Chaewon with a small grin seeing her safe.
"Welcome home Unnie. How was your English skills?"
Yunjin smirked hoping to hear great news from her but Chaewon just simply chuckled and scratched the back of her head signaling that something didn't go well for her.
"Hehe… I kinda fumbled my English when I was speaking with a local. Hehehe…"
Chaewon shyly smiled as she felt embarrassed by what happened earlier. Everyone knew that Chaewon was confident in her English as she was practicing really hard for it and Kazuha knows it too. So for her to say that she failed means that Chaewon needed more practice. Sakura distrubuted the food to each one of them as Yunjin asked Chaewon.
"So how were you able to order this then Unnie?"
Their attention went to Chaewon who suddenly got embarrassed with their stares. For her, it felt she was the center of attention and she wasn't familiar with such feelings.
"Oh umm.. A tall person helped me out. I was kinda scared at first since he looked so tall but he ended up helping me out."
"A tall person? What does he look like Unnie?"
Eunchae asked seemingly intrigued as everyone else. Chaewon tried to recall your feature but the only thing she could remember was how nice you were to her.
"He's tall. I feel like he's an athlete and he's nice too."
Sakura widen her eyes as she immediately asked
"Does he look Japanese?!"
Chaewon shook her head making Sakura sigh and look away dissapointed. Kazuha noticed this and perhaps there was something more than what meets the eye for her.
"Well anyway, we should start getting ready after we eat as our flight will be tonight alright?"
Chaewon reminded them all that they still need to fly to LA since the Lakers invited them to their game. Kazuha suddenly got excited once again as the though of seeing you and the team as whole got her feeling excited and nervous at the same time.
After a few days of seeing Los Angeles and shopping at the NBA store, it was finally time to meet the Lakers and witness their game versus their hometown rivals, the Los Angeles Clippers. When they arrived to the Staples Center, Kazuha was overjoyed. She never imagined witnessing a statue of Magic Johnson in front of her eyes, yet here she is. She took out her phone and began photographing the iconic Magic Johnson, but she was surprised when Mr. Magic appeared in front of them.
They were all looking uo to him who showed a sweet smile at them as they all shook their hands with him. Lesserafim was one of the tallest kpop idol group in south Korea especially Yunjin and Kazuha but standing next to Magic Johnson made them look like average people.
"It's nice to see and meet you girls. Congratulations to your shows Ladies. Can we take a picture?"
Despite him being tall, in their eyes, Magic Johnson was a big ball of sunshine who's smile radiates infront of them. But Kazuha was the most thrilled one when Magic himself asked for a picture with them. Her smile was reaching her ears as Magic Johnson told them to enjoy the lakers game which they will.
Their Manager told them to follow them as they will be guided to the Lakers court which at this point, everyone was excited to see but Kazuha was the most thrilled one. Wearing a custom jersey given to them by the Lakers, getting welcomed by a laker legend, taking a picture with him and now seeing the court first? This was a dream come true for Kazuha.
"Zuha your excitement is showing through your smile."
Sakura said as a chuckle escape from her mouth. Kazuha shyly blushed but smiled happily as her excitement was just off the roof right now. From watching the Laker on her TV and Phone to actually sitting Courtside and walking in the laker court was her dream come true.
"How can I Unnie? This feels so surreal and its my dream come true!"
Sakura could only laugh at her as they were walking the halls of the Lakers. Painting of the great players who wore the purple and gold was hanged on the walls as Yunjin and Kazuha were happily explaining who these players are. The rest were happily listening as they finally arrived at the court of the lakers. The arena was empty as the game wasn't until 10pm tonight. It was here that the girls realized how small they really are compared to NBA players.
"Wow… The rim is so tall.."
Eunchae said as she looked up the rim like it was a big giant tree infront of her. Yunjin chuckled and patted her shoulder.
"Thats why the NBA athlete are crazy good. Imagine shooting so far or even getting into the rim."
Eunchae nodded as the group spotted a few of their fans as well as they greeted them and had a chance to interact with them. Sakura smile quickly dissappeared when she noticed their fans jersey number familiar with her and a name that she was familiar with. Chaewon noticed this as she talked to her.
"Is everything Okay Unnie?"
"H-Huh? O-Oh yeah.."
Sakura returned her smile like usual but something didn't sit well with Chaewon. Meanwhile, Yunjin decided to take picture of them as a whole with the Lakers logo behind them. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to step foot on an NBA court and even walk on it. Their manager told them that the lakers have a suprise for them which got the girls intrigued. Eunchae wanted to know what the suprise is but instead, their manager told them that she can't reveal it yet as it will happen during the game.
The girls then went to their seats waiting for the game to start as the crowd was finally filling up the arena. One by one the players were coming out of the locker room and into the court as Chaewon and Yunjin gasped seeing a familiar face. Kazuha smiled happily to see her favorite player out and Sakura gasped seeing a ghost of her past.
Yujin's voice was so loud that despite the many people, you heard her as your eyes landed on her. You widen your eyes in suprise seeing Jennifer on the Courtside with a different hair color but you were damn sure she was that Girl you know back in New York. You smiled and went near her seat as Yunjin did the same. Kazuha was shocked that her favorite player was acquainted with Yunjin as Yunjin Rushes towards you hugging you tightly making the girls shocked.
"Y/N! It really is you!!"
Her tight embrace made you feel your chest getting crushed and the air shortening as you breath.
"J-Jen.. I.. Can't breath.."
"Opps. My bad hehe."
Yunjin chuckled as she let go of you. She looked you up and down looking so proud of you as her smile was the proof of that.
"Wow look at you, already an NBA player huh? Damn Daniels, I didn't know you were like that."
"What can I say? I'm guessing you made it too right?"
"You bet! Look look! My jersey is custom gifted by your team!"
Yunjin happily showed you her jersey which you were at awe from. You begin to question why the office didn't told you that a Kpop artist was in the building and more importantly, it was your friend Jennifer. Yunjin called upon her members as they made their way towards you. Chaewon was shocked because the person that helped her out back in New York was you.
"Hey guys meet my friend Y/N McDaniels."
They waved at you as Chaewon smiled at you cutely. Your eyes landed on Chaewon and her eyes immediately made you feel like you have seen her before.
"Have I… Seen you before Miss?"
Chaewon nodded as Yunjin gasped in suprised.
"Oh my! So your that tall person that helped her in that Hotdog stand?"
You nodded your head as Chaewon smiled and bowed at you thanking you for that time of helping her.
"I'm Kim Chaewon. Nice to meet you and thank you"
Her voice made you blush right away since you thought it was charming. Your face flushed with embarrassment as you realized what had happened. You were staring at five attractive females in front of you, and the notion made you feel self-conscious.
"Oh umm.. N-Nice to meet you too.. I-I mean nice to meet you all…"
Yunjin noticed your shy demeanor as a smirk appeared on her face. She playfully nudged you as she found a way to tease you.
"Hohoho~ Look at this, this guy is getting flustered~"
"W-Well why wouldn't I? I'm infront of 5 beautiful ladies."
Yunjin was taken aback by your response, as her cheeks grew rose-colored and her eyes widened. Her heart began to beat faster, and her pupils became wider. This sensation was familiar to her, but she didn't expect it to happen to you.
Kazuha decided to take over as she smiled and offered you a handshake which you accepted.
"Hi, I'm Nakamura Kazuha. I'm a fan of yours."
Kazuha brightly smiled and that alone made you blush even more. There was this pulling string towards Kazuha that got you staring at her beauty. Her smile was so bright that it lighten up your mood even though your not sad yourself.
Chaewon saw that you and Kazuha were staring at each other as she decided to grab your attention with a cough. That snapped both of you as you and Kazuha pulled each other's hand away from each other. Both your cheeks were blushing as Chaewon smiled and offered a handshake.
"Hi again. My name is Chaewon~"
Her cute voice reall got your heart racing and it got you feeling different. You shook her hand and just like Kazuha and Yunjin, her hand was soft and fluffy to touch as your blush only gotten redder.
"Thank you again for helping me."
"A-ah no it's nothing.. Anything to help."
"That's so cute to hear. Hehehe~"
If your think your cheeks couldn't get any redder, it just got redder. Chaewon has this cuteness factor which got you captivated and cling to her. In all honesty, she's quite dangerous for your heart as she could effortlessly grab your heart without you resisting.
"Me! Me! My turn! Me next!"
Eunchae was enthusiastic to meet you as Chaewon pulled away shyly. She herself felt lost in those eyes of yours as she blushes a little and looks away. Eunchae happily and energetically shook your hand which made you smile happily.
"Hong Eunchae!! Hehehe~"
She was really cute with her smile but what got you was her energetic aura that she was showing. She was like a pure ball of energy that just make you smile. In a sense, it made you feel like you need to protect her from the harshness of the world.
Last but not the least was Sakura who smiled happily at you as you shook her hand.
"I'm Miyawaki Sakura. Nice to meet you."
"Hi Ms. Sakura. Are you Japanese?"
"Yes I am."
"Ohhh just like Rui."
Sakura stood frozen upon hearing your word. Everything was starting to line up for her as to why she was given the jersey number by the lakers. Her suspicions could have been answered as You notice her staring blankly at you.
"Sakura? You alright?"
"H-Huh? O-Oh yeah. I'm fine. Is this Rui… Named Rui Hachimura?"
That was it. Sakura was right all along. Rui Hachimura is here in the NBA. Her eyes began to dart everyone trying to look for him as Yunjin decided to slip in to talk to you again.
"Well you know our seat Y/N, that means you know where to look at hehe~"
Yunjin's words was kinda filled with teasing and a little bit flirty as Kazuha and Chaewon got what Yunjin was planning too. Chaewon was filled with worry about her Idol career if she was to get into a scandal with you. Kazuha on the other hand felt jealous that Yunjin was a step ahead of her when it comes to getting to know you. She pouted her cheeks as she looked down a little annoyed by herself.
"Alright, alright. Well I hope you enjoy the game guys."
You smiled once again before returning to the court warming up with your teammates. They returned to their seat as all of them began asking Yunjin how she was familiar with you. Sakura on the other hand was solely focusing her stare at one player, and his jersey number 28. She was feeling a mixed emotions seeing him as she has many questions more than answers.
(Why did you leave me?)
The buzzer sounded and the atmosphere was filled with energy coming from the lakers fan as a whole. Lesserafim was shocked to see how passionate the fans of the lakers were but they immediately got themselves immerse into the game.
When your name was introduced, Lesserafim was hyped up cheering you on as Yunjin and Kazuha took Out their phones taking a picture of you on the big screen.
After trailing and suffering from the 1st half, Lesserafim realized how stressful it is to watch a game for the Lakers and how great it feels to comeback from a huge lead. They could feel the intensity of the game and the support of the fan cheering on.
"Wow this is… So this is the feeling of Live NBA basketball.."
Kazuha said as her dream of being in the NBA has finally happened. It was dream come true for her seeing NBA players up live and seeing you up close.
"I think my throat is getting dry from screaming earlier…"
Eunchae remarked, making the others laugh. What she claimed was correct since they had entirely forgotten that they were Kpop Idols while immersed in the game. Sakura was screaming her lungs out trying to defend the Lakers from questionable fouls, Chaewon was trying to understand the game but she was also cheering and defending the Lakers, Kazuha was explaining the game to her but she was also cheering you on, and finally Yunjin was cheering and reacting to every play with her heart. Her expressions were spot on.
But despite the hardship, the Lakers managed to take a win against their hometown rival and was able to snap their 11 losing game streak with them. Their manager then decided that it was time for them to get the suprise they were anticipating. She smirked as she called Lesserafim over. Excitement was evident on their faces as they suddenly walked down to the tunnel as they were standing waiting for something.
And that something was unexpected to say the least. You came out holding their Album and a pen as your sweet smile made them know what your goal was. Yunjin was more than ecstatic to sign the album as she slowly began planning on how she'll write her number on the album. Kazuha was blushing as this was her one chance to get you more than just a player and as a friend. Perhaps down the line that friendship could evolve to something beautiful. Chaewon was feeling a little nervous as she was contemplating on whether or not she should be bold or keep her thoughts to herself. She wanted to know you more and be friends with you because she has this weird attraction towards you. Eunchae wants to have an NBA all star friend so she can boast it to her friends back at home.
But Sakura found this as an opportunity to find more about Rui. So when you went towards them holding their latest album, you kinda felt self conscious about yourself.
"Heh, Lesserafim Huh? Guess you girls have an NBA fan now."
Your words was all the thing they need to feel like they are on top of the world. Kazuha couldn't be more happier when you spoke those words. To her, this was the biggest dream come true for her. She couldn't be more proud of herself.
Chaewon was smiling ear to ear because she felt proud of their team as a whole. All their hardship and sacrifices has been paid off because now, they are being recognized by people who are adored and idolized in the world. That's not a feat that should be overlooked.
Yunjin on the other hand couldn't help but be proud of herself and to you. She knows the hardship you went through to get through here and she also have to give herself a pat on the back for this one. Her journey wasn't easy as well and there were many times where she though of quiting but she didn't. She pushed through and her determination proved to be rewarded.
"Can I have your autographs?"
You asked them and they happily complied. You were feeling nervous about getting your album signed by the artist themselves but you noticed how Yunjin turned the album around and wrote something else as a Smriks appeared on her face.
"Don't show this to the camera okay? It's my number~"
That made you blush as your eyes widen looking at her. Kazuha knew Yunjin already did something to make you blush so she did the same thing. After signing from the front, she turned it around and wrote her own number as she looked up to you blushing shyly. She quickly turned away with a blushing face but no words were needed to know her intentions.
Chaewon sighed as she already knew what those 2 did but she ended up doing it as well. After all she also has her own goals with you so this time, she choose to be a little selfish.
"That's my gift for winning tonight. Hehe~"
Again, Chaewon's cute voice really got you like a blushing mess as she was very dangerous for your heart. Eunchae followed what her Unnies did but instead of her number, she placed her IG account there.
"You have my permission to talk to me hehe~"
Eunchae's silliness made you chuckle as you almost forgot that 3 beautiful idols handed you their number like it was nothing. Sakura wrote her signature and didn't turn the album instead she asked you.
"Is Number 28 gonna walk here?"
"Oh Rui? Yeah he will. He's just busy doing some interview right now but he'll be here"
"Thank you and congrats on the win."
Sakura smiled as you thanked her and smiled as well. You took picture with the group and signed their custom jersey as well before they could depart in the arena. Yunjin and Kazuha wanted to stay with you more but their manager told them that they have to return back to their hotel now. As sad as it seems, everything wasn't in vain as they gave you a way to connect with them. It made you feel a little sad that you could have spent more time with them but that little time was enough for you.
You looked back at the album and you smiled a little knowing that something could start with this chance. But as you look further on the album, you saw an unfamiliar hand writing that says…
Rui just finished his interview and was feeling great after that win. He was smiling ear to ear until a familiar person made him stop walking. Sakura closed her eyed before opening them and showing a bittersweet smile. A smile that hold so much emotion but has no happiness.
"It's been a while… Rui.."
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occasionalsnippets · 4 months
Do you have any new fic recs?
Uhh no notes for this time because i'm busy but fic rec part 2 :)
again mix of stuff, gen, romance, x reader, etc etc. some of the crossovers are in random sections b/c i can't be bothered to have a whole separate thing for each crossover
check back in like 2 years maybe for another list
Mashig! [Quotev]
Easton’s Prefect Trio and a Round of Old Maid [AO3]
Determination [Quotev]
Candid [Quotev]
beware the dust devil. [AO3]
The life and times of Kibutsuji Muzan, Bored Immortal Guy [AO3]
the awakening of the demon king [AO3]
An Unexpected Training Trip [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
The Future's Keeper [Quotev]
Record of Ragnorak
Ganymede [Quotev]
Obey Me
The Idiot [Quotev]
One Piece
World-Seeing Eyes [Quotev]
Black Butler
my soul, you know it aches for you [Quotev]
Hush, little baby, don't say a word [AO3]
The Art of Mortal Quests [AO3] [Percy Jackson Crossover]
what goes around [AO3]
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map [AO3]
Unable to Forward [AO3]
The Peacock Chronicles [AO3]
Putting the Joy in Joyride [AO3]
Dead Man Walking [AO3]
If You Give a Bat a Burger [AO3]
Danny the Intern [AO3]
Wait, I'm a what? [AO3
Ghost in the Morgue [AO3]
Bus to Nowhere [AO3]
DC x Marvel
Untangling the Web [AO3]
Help Me, I Don't Feel Like Myself Anymore [AO3]
Spider and Bat Friends [AO3]
Dark Matter [AO3]
Ghost Hunting With Skeletons [AO3]
Help, I've Fallen Into a Surveillance State and I Can't Get Up! [AO3]
Turn The Page [AO3]
with you here between [AO3]
bon courage [AO3]
passione speedrun any percent (world record) [AO3]
Healthy Coping Mechanisms [AO3]
Last Resort [AO3] [DC crossover]
complete disarray [AO3]
Morpheme [AO3]
limited vision [AO3]
obito and jjk is occupying my brain and in this essay i will [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
Team Building Exercises [AO3]
You Will Understand Now That Yours Is Unique in All the World [AO3]
Isekai as the Side Character Destined for Intoxication [AO3]
the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea [AO3]
Debut or Die
I must debut (or die) [AO3]
Vacation [AO3]
Date or Die! [AO3]
Shokugeki no Soma
and only the bitterness remains. [AO3]
The Cultivating Force [AO3] [Star Wars crossover]
Misinformation [AO3]
Master of Dual Cultivation [AO3]
Scum Villain's White Lotus Halo [AO3]
how to avoid love for dummies [AO3]
bet i made you look [AO3]
The Reborn Villainess Can't Possibly Be This Cute! [AO3]
One Kim Dokja to Rule them All [AO3]
you got me starstruck [AO3]
“You are loved,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. “This is a threat,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. [AO3]
black dragons and white crowns [AO3]
What Lies ahead [AO3]
Amaranthine [AO3]
Treasure of the (Vampire) Duke's Family?! [AO3]
The Distress of the Middleman [AO3]
everybody talks [AO3]
0% Love [AO3]
Genshin Impact
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑑 [AO3]
living, not breathing [AO3]
The Fourth Seat [AO3]
Indelible Stains [AO3]
半个花瓣 || Petal Fragment [AO3]
Nothing but the Truth [AO3]
Chilled Peaches [AO3]
Not exactly pushing daisies [AO3]
Bait and Switch [AO3]
The Unfought [AO3]
Sight [AO3]
Swinging Pendulum [AO3]
Ball Is Life, But You Still Need To Pay Rent [AO3]
Tokyo Revengers
all for one [AO3]
if trouble must come (let it come) [AO3]
Marbled Elbows [AO3]
Chain Me Up, Darling [Quotev]
Anomalous [Quotev]
72 notes · View notes
notyour-valentine · 1 year
what is the public’s general opinion of Charlotte (especially in relation to her sister) in and outside of Yorkshire. It’s interesting to think about when we know her reputation plays a big part in the story
Thank you so much for asking, and for creating the gorgeous artwork that inspired all this! This was written as part of my crossover series Welcome to Downton, Mr. Shelby
Charlotte's reputation
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I suppose there are layers to this question. The Crawleys are a reasonably old but well situated aristocratic family. It is known that their mother is American and brought wealth to the marriage. So that gives her a general degree of “suitability” in aristocratic and royal circles (although some super conservatives might not like her American mother, but the Marlboroughs and others had the same so…). 
It’s a good idea to seperate Yorkshire society from the rest. 
The problem with Charlotte is that unlike her other sisters, she did not come out before the war and back then that meant properly introducing them to society. Before the war no one would have paid much attention to the fourth sister unless they were either close friends, related or had children in a similar age group. 
Of course, Mary is a dazzling socialite, but Edith shared those Pamuk rumours, which while never having been confirmed would add to the intrigue of Mary since they were neither confirmed, nor denied and simply left to the pages of history. Edith is always in Mary’s shadow and while Sybil was “a success” in London, she had little time to shine before the war. Her marriage and disappearance would have probably caused rumours to swirl but since the Crawley’s modus operandi is “never explain” (a lot of complaining though), it would have left more questions than answers.  I messed with the years of the first introduction to court ceremony, but in this story, Charlotte is in the first wave of new debutants, which would have carried a wave of excitement with it. She is well mannered, comes from a good family and of course, Mary is engaged to one of the most influential people in London (Sir Richard) at the time of her coming out. He would definitely have pushed Charlotte in the society pages. 
I don’t think she really has had time to develop her own reputation beyond her family and Mary, since she is at least on a surface level less remarkable than her sisters in the eye of a wider public. She has yet to run away with a revolutionary chauffeur or have a Turkish diplomat die in her bed. But unlike Edith, she is part of that younger, more interesting generation. 
I hope that answers your question- it was certainly an interesting one to think about
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
Number 7 for the chose violence ask game?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is an immediate and unhesitating Star Wars answer: Ahsoka.
so these days a lot of my annoyance is about the canon, but go back in time to 2015 when the Rebels S1 finale came out. at this point Ahsoka had not appeared in (real time) Star Wars canon since the first TCW series finale (this show has had three for various reasons), which aired in March 2013, which is actually not that long. (She showed up briefly in Yoda's vision when Lost Missions aired in 2014, the second TCW series finale.) From a 2023 perspective, two years is not that long, but it was 2015, okay. TFA had not yet come out. Rebels S1 had just aired. The decanonization of Legends wasn't even a year old yet; the amount of new (Disney) canon Star Wars was in the single digits. This was years before Disney+ or TCW S7 (the third TCW series finale) and live action Star Wars television was an oft-shotdown rumor (Star Wars Underworld, we remember you kindly).
Back in 2014 when they first announced Rebels, there was a lot of bitterness about it -- did they cancel TCW for this, why aren't any of these characters Ahsoka, could Sabine maybe be Ahsoka? (They first introduced her helmeted.) You can probably find some of this on my Tumblr if you go back far enough because I was also very wary at the time. All through when Rebels S1 was airing there was a lot of conversation about when or if Ahsoka was going to show up in a way you really wouldn't get today, because these days we're used to cameos and crossovers. When Fulcrum made their debut with the masked voice in Out of Darkness, people reverse-engineered that voice and did digital...stuff...to try and figure out if it was Ashley Eckstein voicing the character, because back then people immediately did assume that Fulcrum was Ahsoka. And then Fire Across the Galaxy came out, and Ahsoka actually did appear, and then the animated side of Star Wars fandom lost its fucking mind.
so you have to understand that a lot of TCW fans did not go over to Rebels when it first aired. many did, I was one of them, but a lot didn't because they were very angry about TCW being cancelled, about Ahsoka not being a main character, about Rebels' art style -- gods, that one had (and still has!) people furious. and then Ahsoka appeared in Rebels with her new design and people just LOST IT.
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(not my edit)
people were FURIOUS she didn't like her TCW vision version -- like, you think the reaction to her live action appearance was bad? please, we were all dead inside by that point and inured to Star Wars' nonsense. I have seen some shit in the Star Wars fandom and the reaction to Ahsoka's Rebels redesign is way up at the top of the list. The shape of her lekku and montrals. The tiger striping on her lekku. The shape of her face. The way her facial markings changed. Her skin color. The one that always sticks in my head are the people who argued that because she was wearing a different headband Filoni and Co. had stripped her of her cultural identity as a Togruta. The list goes on. I swear to gods however bad you think it was from what I'm saying it was worse. No, worse than that.
That's just the aesthetic elements. What also happened as soon as she had appeared was people going "well, Ahsoka's here, so Kanan is obviously going to die," and this went on for ALL of the hiatus summer between S1 and S2, and ALL of S2. As many SW fen who follow me know, Kanan is my favorite, so I was logging on every day to find people discussing how Kanan was extraneous and marked for death because why would you have Kanan when you could have AHSOKA. I got very bitter about it. (Not helped by canon completely fumbling Kanan every time Ahsoka was onscreen, I am still EXTREMELY angry about the hot mess that was The Future of the Force.)
Two years later canon quite literally did swap Kanan out for Ahsoka, and I've never really gotten over it, but when World Between Worlds aired that was the first thing that I thought of. It was just...extremely bad.
And then in general people get extremely weird about Ahsoka in the way that people always get about their faves (depth? flaws? we've never heard of them), in a way that's just been getting much worse over the years since Rebels S4 (which I hate) and TCW S7 (which I hate) and the live action appearance (which I hate) and the upcoming show (which I refuse to acknowledge). Even as a fic writer, it got to the point where I'd really hesitate to put Ahsoka into a story or a chapter because I knew that if I did, I'd get a large number of comments (large being relative here) that ONLY talked about Ahsoka and not about anything else going on in that chapter. And then when I didn't put her into a chapter (you can see this in the last few chapters of Crown that I posted earlier this year), I'd get people going BUT WHERE'S AHSOKA? As a cast of thousands writer it was a combination guaranteed to drive me crazy, even if I hadn't been, at that point, pretty neutral about the character. And I started as a fan, you know? I didn't come into TCW until S4 was airing, so the show had to sell me on her, but it worked, and I was a fan. It just...went wrong in every possible way.
(The Marvel equivalent for me is Peggy Carter, and I am doing a lot of work on my end to not end up as bitter about Peggy as I am about Ahsoka, because I know it's a danger for related but not identical reasons, and I'd really rather not have that response to two characters. And mostly I have been successful, because I'm pretty careful about where I go in the fandom and I'm not picking up rabid Peggy fans the way my Rebels fic picked up rabid Ahsoka fans, since it's a much larger fandom and people who are very aggressive about Peggy are not reading a clearly labeled SteveNat fic. It's helped by the fact that these are very different canons and very different fandoms, and that I came in well after Endgame, because I know if I'd come in before I'd be way less clear-headed about it; there's a reason I avoid all the Captain Carter stuff, which makes me rabid for various reasons.) (That said I know I'm blocked by at least one Peggy fan.)
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wwcross · 2 years
So, When Clockwork asked him to find the watch he lost, Danny though it will be easy, just go inside the portal, find the watch. And bring it back.
And why does that guy have another soul inside him? And.. OH DEAR ANCIENTS IS THAT STATUS WINDOW?!
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indigoinka · 1 year
Hi! I’m finally getting around to that intro post I promised months ago, and honestly, you could be here for some time.
I’m squatting on a whole bunch of social media accounts, but this is the only place I feel safe anymore, though I do have a little reader group on the Meta-hole (🤢). I wish I could get my AuDHD head around Discord, but it feels like the old Yahoo boards mated with a speeding train, and I'm just too tired for that. 
Wherever you look, I’ll be indigoinka or Inka York there.
This is me:
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About me, then:
I love tea. Would I even be British if I didn’t?
I love cake. British.
And cider. British.
Yeah, and pie.
Food. I like food.
Please rec queer TV shows to me because I don’t watch as much as I should, and sometimes I just need to refill my crusty old well.
I love supporting indie authors, and rarely read trad stuff these days unless the blurb and sample are god tier.
Feel free to ask questions and tag me in writing games, or whatever shenanigans you get up to around here.
What do I write?
I write queer books, mostly urban fantasy, and usually set in the same storyworld. I also write contemporary gay romance, sometimes with an alien twist. And I’m wide with my books, so you can find them at all the major online retailers and in library catalogues.
I write what I like to read, which sometimes includes problematic tropes, but mostly includes wholesome shit like twin stories, sibling banter, ride or die friendships, a hearty mix of fluff and angst, found families, annoying ghosts, salty supernaturals, cinnamon rolls with knives, and sentient vehicles. Oh, and goats. I love me a judgemental goat.
My favourite tropes
Well, it started as a love triangle/square/dodecahedron, but now everybody's fucking (I don't know what this trope is actually called)
Forced proximity/only one bed (or coffin, in my case)
Friends to lovers (AKA idiots who took too long to notice how perfect they are)
Secret twins
Rivals to lovers
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My storyworlds
Cascade Apocrypha (queer paranormal/urban fantasy in many subgenres from pirate adventures to cosy mysteries to paranormal romance)
Feverish (contemporary gay romance)
Dracate System (AKA Gay Space Bridgerton)
My books
My first series, Not the Same River, is urban fantasy, upper YA/crossover, set in the Cascade Apocrypha storyworld. It features angels, demons, vamps, vaewolves, goats, succubus nuns, and villains to cry over. Book five is out this month, and the final book is out in February. This is the story of my heart, and the one that spurred a thousand spin-offs that I'll never have time to write.
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The first book in that series, A Storm of Paper Starlings, is complete on Wattpad and Inkitt. I was gonna put it on AO3, but it feels weird because I tore all my Potter fics down when JKR started flashing her arse at the entire world, and everything I had on there felt dirty. Anyway, I digress. I might go back. Talk me into it.
I also have two other books updating on Wattpad:
🩷 Victorian Vampire Daddy (MM historical romantic suspense/Cascade Apocrypha)
🩷 My Ex & His Boyfriend (MMM/Feverish storyworld)
My other current series, Tales from the Noctuary (Cascade Apocrypha), has two books out at the retailers:
🩷 Secrets at the Door (historical mystery/suspense with lesbian romance): fat, beekeeping lesbian vampire, queer well-demon with a bad haircut, nonbinary treasure who sometimes makes bad decisions, everybody be gay.
🩷 Puddles in the Pavement (historical mystery and outright shenanigans): queer archangel brother detectives, a perky butler, an escort of indeterminate gender with the worst singing voice in the known world, a vampire duke with terrible table manners, and a Home Secretary with an unasked for appendage (let's hope that doesn't get around).
I have two more books written for this series so far, which will likely debut in my subscription.
Getting to that...
My subscription
13 Club: After Dark is hosted at Ream Stories, the only subscription platform designed specifically for authors and readers, and it is amazing.
You just click on the book cover you want, and the app will drop you into the social e-reader right where you left off, so you can comment right there inside the story. It’s like Patreon + Wattpad + a community board + extra sauce.
Honestly, I could gush about it all week.
This is also me:
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So, what’s there?
Well, first, you can follow me there (which is free, obvs) and get access to:
The Weakest Link (Not the Same River #0): features the series MC’s twin sister and the coven she grew up in.
The Cursed Bones of Sergeant Boom!: a contemporary paranormal mystery involving a ghost who gatecrashed a funeral and got followed home by a necromantified corgi (as one does).
Pride’s Treasure: a series of mini adventures with characters from all the stories above, where all the chaos is your fault, because the MC of this story is YOU!
In the paid tiers, there’s 8 weeks early access to the two stories updating on Wattpad, the whole Not the Same River series so far (book 5 is updating now, before it hits the retailers at the end of October 2023). There’s also a 13 Club exclusive story called Earth Render, which is MMMMF (but not reverse harem), again set in the Cascade Apocrypha storyworld. That one features a witch with no beginning, a raven shifter with the best taste in pets, a vampire with memory issues, a vaewolf who can’t control his wolfism, and a nephilim with a huge secret. I promise not to give the Archangel Gabriel a horse penis in this story 👀
There are also physical welcome packs for some of the tiers, and all members are rewarded with After Darkling points, which they can save up each month for sweet treats, like a personalised drabble, or a one-shot featuring their favourite character, or some mystery merch. I love my After Darklings and my little club so much.
My main WIPs at the moment are:
Earth Render serial (mentioned above)
The Dryad's Curse: Pirates of Siorai trilogy (paranormal pirate adventure with romance/Cascade Apocrypha)
Gay Space Bridgerton (space fantasy romance with interplanetary political intrigue and hapless humans/Dracate System)
Almost done... maybe
That was a whole lot of intro (mate, do I love the word shenanigans), but I’m a busy goblin, and though my days are only marginally more comfortable than my painful nights, I still feel grateful that I get to do this every day.
I’d love to chat with you here, on Wattpad,  in my FB group (same name as my sub) or over at 13 Club: After Dark. My subscription is what keeps me and my writing going, so if you’re here because you already love my stories, and you have the means, I’d love to see you over there. Your support would mean the world to me, whether it’s a follow or more. I love in-story comments more than life.
I’d love more friends on here, though. So if you’re into queer media and love reading, feel free to follow and I'll follow back.
That’s it from me. I’m finally shutting the fuck up.
Come chat with me whenever you want.
Stay safe!
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captsirknight · 1 year
Me, after seeing 3 debut or die crossovers in the lcf tag on ao3: guess I have to read it now
My brain: you don’t have to
Me: no I’m gonna
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quietborderline · 11 months
Fandom Questions
I was tagged by @illusivesoul. Thank you, my friend! <3
I'll tag: @satashiiwrites @tkwritesdumbassassins @missanniewhimsy @outtoshatter @whimsyswastry
... and I'm drawing a blank on people/who writes these days/etc. but please feel free to include yourself and say I tagged you if you want! No pressure at all, as always.
How many works do you have on AO3? 10
What's your total AO3 words count? 113,195
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Mass Effect these days. In theory, Generation Kill and Final Fantasy VII as well. And a few other random ones I have WIPs for that I've never shared at all.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Black Holes and Revelations 2. No Matter How Many Deaths That I Die 3. Undisclosed Desires 4. Rise & Shine 5. A Song To Come Home To.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Usually, yes. To show my love and appreciation. Sometimes it takes me a while.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Sleeping With Ghosts definitely is/will be my most angsty ending by far.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know, I think they're all about equal except for Sleeping With Ghosts. I'm typically an "Angst with a Happy Ending" type of person.
Do you get hate on fics? Not usually. And any hate I've ever gotten has been here on Tumblr, never on AO3 itself thankfully.
Do you write smut. If so what kind? Sure sometimes. And WTF do you mean what kind? Whatever kind I feel like? So confused.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I LIVE for crossovers lol. But craziest? I don't know... recently, the most random is probably my High Seas MEA fusion fic. The most complex, though, is definitely Depuis Le Debut.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes and it sucks. And honestly, that and other experiences I've had are a big part of why I don't really post much at all anymore. It takes quite a lot to make me feel a certain specific way and fandom lately has succeeded in that regard where pretty much all else has failed. Sad but true.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Yes, tons. I used to exclusively co-write and RP. Many moons ago, in another life.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I don't think I could choose just one single all-time favorite.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I'm not sure I'll ever finish sharing Fools Can Be Kings, my MDV Reyes fic.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue. Music. Planning.
What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It depends on the context. The way most people tend to use it kinda squicks me out, but I have seen it done well IMO on occasion too.
First fandom you wrote for? FF7, I think.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Black Holes and Revelations.
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gbhbl · 2 years
Album Review: Graphic Nature - A Mind Waiting To Die (Rude Records)
Highly anticipated, the debut album from nu-metal/hardcore-crossover heavy band, Graphic Nature finds the band spitting and snarling with a level of truth and honesty that is daring and exciting.
Kent, UK metal band Graphic Nature explore the subject of mental health in unflinching detail on their debut album, A Mind Waiting To Die. Out on February 17th, 2023, via Rude Records. Highly anticipated, the debut album from nu-metal/hardcore-crossover heavy band, Graphic Nature, finds the band spitting and snarling with a level of truth and honesty that is daring and exciting. The blend of…
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starculler · 2 years
Fic List & Progress Tracker
An updated version of my previous WIP List Post. I'm always ready and willing to talk about anything on here :D
Last Updated: 4/10/2023
A 7-part YJ/Avengers Crossover series currently undergoing a complete rewrite, featuring Dick Grayson and Clint Barton:
Losing It All Was Never So Easy
Robin is the latest pawn in the Light's newest game, and all it'll cost him is everything and everyone he's ever known and loved. >> 3028 words, first draft
It's A Leap of Faith (And A Little More)
Clint is ... So Tired, but there's a scared, traumatized, undead kid and no time to rest so he'll do what he does best and push on.
Grief Hangs Heavy In The Air
The anniversary of Dick's disappearance is coming up again, a suffocating and heavy affair for everyone left behind.
Dawn Breaks, Slowly But Surely, Over the Horizon
Life is odd when you're on the run, but Clint and Dick are making the most of it.
Building A Home Among the Ashes
They took Robin from him, but he's willing to put in the work to make it his own again.
The Bitter Taste In My Mouth
Bruce has lost and gained yet another son. This one... Somehow he'll keep this one safe. He can't lose anyone else.
One Foot In Front of the Other
What price is he willing to pay to get back everything he lost?
A New Cat In Town
A 2-part (and counting) AU where Selina takes in recently-orphaned Dick Grayson who goes on to become the thief known as Stray.
Selina finds a 9-year-old orphan on the streets and while she'd never call herself a bleeding heart, she can't find it in herself to leave he little stray out here to die.
Word on the street is Catwoman's found herself a kitten
Crèchemaster Anakin
A 9-part series of multichap and oneshot fics about the version of events if Anakin had become a Crèche-minder instead
Lead Me Down Another Road
Anakin is 12 when his path to knighthood veers in a new, unexpected direction >> 3060 words, first draft
There's a little Togruta that will not stop following Anakin around. The The crèche-minders and Obi-Wan find it funny and endearing. Anakin, however, has had it up to here with the snippy little youngling.
Hear the Drums of War
War is coming to the galaxy. It started with Geonosis, but no one know when (or how) it will end. >> 770 words, first draft
Anakin watches initiates he's helped raise be sent off to war as fresh-faced Padawans and come back as corpses. Nobody's happy about it.
It's been a year since Anakin officially stepped down from being Obi-Wan's Padawan, but Ahsoka still feels like she's stolen his place. Before she ships out to meet her new Master, she decides to approach the senior Padawan to clear the air.
The Taste of Victory is Bittersweet
Anakin is 22 when he finally becomes a Knight. He wishes his trials had been normal, rather than faced in battle.
Anakin appreciates the congratulations and celebrations of his Knighting, but all he wants is to bury himself against a few of his favorite people and not think about the life his achievement cost.
End of An Era
The Jedi's fall is not a silent one. The Empire's rise is deafening.
Lying to your friends is a reprehensible, if necessary, evil amidst the Empire's rise. Still, with Sabé, her former handmaidens, and a few loyal Senators at her side, Padmé will do what she must to help keep the few remaining Jedi safe.
A 3-part series where Anakin falls, but his loved ones are enough to drag him back to the Light.
Part 1
Obi-Wan defies his orders to go to Utapau on a hunch and is there when Anakin and the 501st storm the Temple. This changes ... everything.
Part 2
Sidious gets his hands on Anakin. Tere was never going to be another ending to this story. Vader is inevitable whether his apprentice walks into the role willingly or not.
Part 3
Vader is the Emperor's right hand: a terrifying specter of a man clad head-to-toe in black. A nightmare whose very presence dims the light of whatever room he's in. Before him, all cower. Before him, the Emperor will fall.
Multichap & Oneshots
On Your Knees
The shot rings in Dick’s ears, a piercing screech that muffles any sound Bruce might have made as he crumples to the ground. >> 2544 words, First Draft
Haunting (Of Wayne Manor)
Jason couldn’t care less that he’s been shut out of the family. He couldn’t care less about the chilling solitude or the gnawing pit in his stomach when he lingers too long on the why. And he certainly couldn’t care less about the Dick Grayson shaped specter chasing after him every hour of the day, bright and buoyant as he hadn’t been the night Jason’s gun put a bullet in his head.
Robin Reversal (Title TBD)
Dick is 9 and newly orphaned, but it’s not just Bruce and Alfred he has to get used to living with in the manor. It’s a lot less lonely of a start, but not everyone’s enthused about the manor’s newest guest.
Star Wars
Crèchemaster Vader
Crèchemaster Anakin alternate ending AU When the Jedi fall, The Sith Lord gets his hands on the potential apprentice long-denied him. Without the necessary sway over the young man, he settles for the gaggle of young hostages the Knight protected so fiercely that night. >> 1301 words, third draft
Events (Ongoing)
Flash Fiction Friday
12 Prompts Completed
DinCobb Zine Contribution (TBD)
Anidala Zine Contribution (TBD)
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musicreveiwsbyezti · 20 days
August topster, I'm forced to go back to school with those the feral animals
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14th: Siege-Dropdead (Powerviolence/Thrashcore): Powerviolence pioneers, and they debuted at their schools battle of the bands. It's alright, the saxophone can parts are quite interesting in the context of hardcore punk. Personally I don't feel the sticking power some people talk about, but I can still appreciate it.
13th: JPEGMAFIA-I LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR YOU (Experimental hiphop/Hardcore hiphop): I adore Peggy, but this album just isn't it. It's good and all, but just lacks something I can't put my hands on since it dropped. Idk maybe I just got tired of Peggy making yet another batch of songs that about bitching people he doesn't like.
12th: Dying Fetus-Destroy the Opposition (Brutal Death Metal): Good shit. I'd keep it short as DF has another entry higher up.
11th: Melvins-Stoner Witch (Stoner Metal/Stoner Rock): Melvins branching a bit further from sludge and grunge to stoner metal and rock. I heavily prefer their previous works like Bullhead and Houdini, but this album too is good. However the somewhat forced feeling of overlenghtening some songs do take away from the album itself.
10th: D.R.I.-Thrashzone (Crossover Thrash): Has one of the best 3 song starts of any albums I have heard so far. Takes its thrash and hardcore influences and wears it with pride. Sadly I don't have much to say. Worth a check if you like standard thrash metal.
9th: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard-Flight b741 (Boogie Rock/Blues Rock): King Gizz is sure is back. I didn't have high hopes up as I didn't vibe with the singles but the rest of the album is one of the best works of the band. They nailed the bluesy sound throughout the album. The lyrics are great and meaningful (yes I AM a silly Billy). I hope they will explore the bluesy genres in the future, maybe some r&b one day.
8th: Earth-Earth2 (Drone metal): This album is a true experience. I highly recommend if you have a spare 73 minutes.
7th: S.O.D.-Speak English or Die (Crossover Thrash): This album not just goes hard, but it is also funny. Best piece of musical satire I have heard.
6th: Wormrot-Hiss (Grindcore): Good. Wormrot is truly one of the goats of modern day grind.
5th: Dying Fetus-Reign Supreme (Brutal Death Metal): Oh my god this shit is brutal and heavy as fuck, and somehow is not corny like what most bd bands end up being. Also there are people who still waste their braincells over deciphering if From Womb To Waste is pro or anti abortion or not. Which I find funny.
4th: Nails-Every Bridge Burning (Grindcore/Powerviolence): NAILS IS BACK BABYYYYY. They riffed hard in this one. From the first single I knew this one would be one of my aoty for sure. I severely disagree with everyone who says that the guitar tone is shit on this album, this what grind sounds like, deal with it.
3rd: Yacøpsæ-Tanz, Grosny, Tanz... (Powerviolence): The best powerviolence record*. (I still prefer Nails and Combat Wounded Veteran albums, but Nails is more grind and CWV is more emoviolence , so it's best pv in the context of "pure" pv)
2nd: Bolt Thrower-Mercenary (Death Metal): "War destroys everything that makes us human, even if you survive the fronts you don't come back home as the same person the best fucking riff you will ever hear".
1st: Suicidal Tendencies-self title (Hardcore Punk): Punk as fuck, I'm tired, I can't write any good reviews today, fuck you. 8/10
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