#dialogue prompt masterlist
you’re not sleeping on the floor - steve harrington imagine
summary: reader spends the night at Nancy’s after a party and gets an uexpected guest at bedtime... no warnings as such in this one :)
word count: 2.3k
notes: yikes it’s been a while, this has been in my drafts for TIIIIIME. Anyway, enjoy :) here’s the link to my masterlist if you’re interested !
“You take the spare room, (y/n).” Nancy chirps in her deliriously drunken state as she flings open the Wheeler’s spare room. You’re met with a double bed, neatly made with plush pillows and a crochet throw to decorate. It looks sweet, and happily undisturbed, unlike the rest of the house following the party, which you’ve already promised to help clear away in the morning. 
Nancy swiftly places a small kiss on your cheek before turning on her heels, “Sleep well, no snoring, I’m only down the hall!” With a roll of your eyes, you saunter down the hall to the bathroom where you flick the light on and close the door softly. 
In the bathroom, you place your overnight bag on the counter and fish around for your toothbrush. Upon finding it, with a yawn, you twist the lid from your toothpaste and place a sloppy dot of mint infused gel to the head and start to brush. As you’re brushing, you tune into the sounds of people calming down for the night in the rest of the house. Doors closing, slow footsteps tracing back and forth in the hall and up and down the stairs, hushed voices and drunken giggles permeate the house and you smile. Still, you’re left wondering about someone in particular. Someone who seemed to disappear part way through the night, much to your sheer disappointment. You’re pondering where Steve went. He was supposed to be staying too, but you did see him chatting to Paige, so you figure he’s left with her. Before the thought could get too overwhelming and add a downer to your otherwise fun evening, you spit into the sink and get yourself ready for bed. 
After you change into your pyjamas, you unlock the bathroom door and head back across to the spare room, closing the door softly behind you. The sheets are cool against your warmed skin as you pull them back and get comfortable before knocking the light off and shuffling further down into the bed. Within minutes, you feel yourself on the edge of a sound slumber, slowly drifting into a dreamlike state as your head swims as the effects of the alcohol wear off. You’re unaware of how much time has passed before you’re abruptly snapped back into consciousness. The bed dips and you hear a heavy sigh from next to you, someone’s made their way in here... As soon as your brain registers this, you quickly gasp loudly and shoot up, sitting bolt upright searching around for the lamp on the bedside table. As your fingers fumble around under the lampshade for the small switch, you feel the weight shuffle around again, paired with the ruffle of the duvet as it’s thrown back, as the person stands up from the bed. 
The room is bathed in light as your eyes squint at the sudden brightness, a harsh contrast from the darkness that previously cloaked the room. You turn to the side of the bed and then your eyes meet the figure stood next to it, a palm covering their eyes from the sudden brightness.
“Steve?! What the hell are you doing?! You almost gave me a heart attack.” You harshly whisper at him as he stands squinting back at you.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” He whispers back, “I didn’t realise anyone was in here. All the couches are taken, and I didn’t know where else to go.” His hand rakes through his hair as he shifts from foot to foot. 
An irritable huff escapes your lips, “I thought you left with Paige?” Your intonation pitches to make it sound like a question, and Steve’s features soften. 
With a shake of his head, he runs his fingers over his mouth, “God no.” He’s still whispering, “I thought you left too, I was trying to find you.” 
He was? He was... hm. Interesting. “Well you’ve found me, and woken me up.” You laugh slightly at the harsh whispers the pair of you are passing back and forth. Slyly, you catch Steve’s eyes wander down your front at your pyjama top before back up to meet your eyes and you could swear there’s a tinge of pink decorating his cheeks. 
“I’m just gonna...” He starts, taking the two unused pillows from the bed and placing them on the floor, starting to lie down. 
“Wait Steve,” you start, realising he’s willing to sleep on the floor. Although the pair of you have been friends for a while and have on nights like this shared some drunken feelings with one another, it’s a thing that just keeps getting passed over as time goes on. But now, knowing he’s going to sleep on the floor, you feel a rush of warmth and confidence fill you. “You can’t sleep on the floor.” You state simply. 
His head pops up over the side of the bed as you pull the comforter closer to you. “Why not? You’ll want that nice big bed to yourself. I’ll be fine here.” He shrugs.
You answer by simply pulling the comforter back on the other side of the bed. “Come on, get in so I can turn the damn light off and go back to sleep.” 
“You sure you’re okay with sharing a bed?” 
“Yes!” Your harsh whispers return as your tired impatience builds and he quickly stands up, places the pillows back and stands still, as if someone has an invisible iron grip on him. “Steve, c’mon.” You tut as he maintains eye contact and you watch as his chest rises and falls quickly. “I get you’re being respectful, but you don’t need to do that,” you say as you turn back to the light and knock the switch off before sliding back down in the bed and getting comfortable. You hear him drop his jacket onto the floor and slide out of his jeans before pulling back the comforter and letting himself sink down into the mattress. 
The pair of you lie in silence for a few minutes, and judging by Steve’s now steady breathing, you’re assuming he’s fallen asleep. But for you, the opposite. The feeling of impending sleep that was flooding your body moments ago has gone and you feel hypersensitive to every noise that your ears register. With a small huff, you turn over onto your back and cross your arms over your chest atop the covers. 
“You good?” His voice startles you through the dark and you turn your head slightly, trying to make out his position in the bed next to you. 
“Can’t sleep.” Your voice comes out tired and impatient, you’re already recognising how tired and cranky you’ll be tomorrow because of your lack of sleep. 
Before too long, you feel the bed shift again and Steve’s weight comes slightly closer as you still lie on your back. “Did you have a good night?” His voice remains calm and quiet.
You nod at him through the dark, but then realise he won’t really be able to see your reply. “Yeah, I did. It was fun.” Your head is still turned to face Steve and your eyes are gradually getting used to the dark and his shape is becoming clearer, and it is much closer than before. “Did you?” 
He takes in a deep breath before exhaling, “Sort of.” His apparent drunkenness he entered the room with seems to have settled.
“Sort of?” You question before turning onto your side to face him, the arm you’re lying on bends upwards to come under your pillow, a position you’ve always found comfortable since being younger. 
“Yeah, I guess. Don’t get me wrong I did have a good time. I just wish I’d spent a bit more time with someone.” 
In the darkness, your eyebrows furrow, “Really? Who was it?” You are completely ignorant to his hints, and he loves that about you.
“She just looked amazing.” He starts and your stomach drops a little, disappointed that he’s going to spend the time now describing someone else to you. “I kept looking over at her laughing and joking around with her friends.” He stops and takes a deep inhale; your body feels heavy at the thought of him admiring someone from afar. He continues, “She had a beautiful, like orange satin-y dress on,” suddenly your breath hitches and your mouth feels dry. You think of your overnight bag, at the bottom of the bed, with that very dress folded up in. “There’d be times where we’d make eye contact, you know, and I’d just totally freeze and feel like an asshole.” You swallow quietly, trying so hard to make your mouth feel like anything but sandpaper. “Seeing her tonight made me realise that I’ve been wasting my time getting to know the wrong people. When really, she’s been right in front of me all along.” You daren’t breathe in case you miss what he’s saying, you almost can’t believe it. In your mind, doubts unfurl like mist curling along the edge of a lake, but all you can do is listen for more. “I think I’ve always just been scared that she doesn’t feel the same, you know?”  
Silence. Nobody says anything else, and he’s so worried that he’s just fucked it up. Surely you’ve realised he’s speaking about you, or so he hopes you’ve realised. “...Steve,” you start, surely this is all too good to be true? “She does.” 
“Hm?” He replies quicker than you expected.
You clear your throat as a signal of finality almost, “She does feel the same, idiot.” A giggle punctuates the end of your sentence like a period and your cheeks flush. 
In the darkness, his figure is still indistinguishable, but the bed shifts to let you know he’s moving closer. Only a slight outline is visible and your heart picks up speed dramatically, throbbing in your chest. Gently, you lift your hand up and bump into Steve’s arm, making you realise he’s much closer than you thought. With a deep breath, you slowly move your hand up his arm, tracing your fingernails lightly over his bare arm before you reach the end of his t-shirt sleeve. At his shoulder, you move your hand along, gliding across his collarbone that peeks out from the neck of his shirt before you finally place your fingers at the base of his neck. Ever so slightly, you can feel the slight of his pulse beating underneath the tips of your fingers as they gently rest on his neck. With one final, wilful urge, your hand moves up to rest on his cheek, your thumb swiping across it, hoping that you’re not about to poke him in the eye. Your own skin is now covered with goosebumps that have risen in anticipation of the proximity you both now share. Whilst your hand made your way to its current position, you felt yourself shift even closer to him. Underneath the cover, his hand confidently finds your waist and he tightens his grip, pulling you close to finally close the gap between you both. His hand glides down to the side of your thigh where he pulls your leg up to rest over his hip, once it’s resting comfortably, he traces his hand over places he could only have ever dreamed of touching. Your heart now hammers wildly in your chest and your skin feels like it’s on fire from his touch. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, his breath lightly fanning over your lips, again reminding you just how close you both are.
Your fingers trail down to the collar of his shirt where you give it a soft pull, inching him agonisingly closer. “You can’t even see me.” Teasingly, you brush your lips against his and you feel his grip tighten on your hips, he hadn’t expected you to feel the same, but he is absolutely not complaining. 
“I don’t need to see you to know.” And before you know it, his hand leaves your hips and comes up to hold your jaw, his thumb placing itself right underneath your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before you feel his lips on yours. You both lose yourselves within each other as he kisses you slowly, meaningfully, like months of pent-up emotions are seeping through his kiss and you feel as if you’re melting into him, his grip staying strong on your jaw. 
In synchronisation, your lips move together effortlessly, and you feel at ease together, like it’s the most natural thing to have happened between the pair of you. After what felt like an eternity, but was no longer than half a minute, you slowly pull away from one another. His thumb grazes over your chin and you tip your chin into his hand, enjoying the feeling of support that he’s offering you. 
“Wear that dress again for me sometime, hm?” His voice is low, raspy with the fog of worn off alcohol and lust. 
That one sentence, those eight simple words, send your heart into eruptions of excitement and thank God it’s dark because your cheeks tinge the colour of fresh beets. The whirlwind of feelings leaves you unable to communicate with efficiency, so you place another small kiss upon his lips with a brief nod, one you’re sure he will feel due to the proximity of you both. A roar fills your ears as your cheeks tighten with a smile and you shift down, moulding to the shape of his body as you tuck your head into the crevice between his neck and shoulder. If anyone were to walk in, it would look as if you were both used to doing this, they would think it was the most natural thing in the world. Happily, the thought brings you a sense of pride and calm that you hadn’t experienced for so long.  
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urfriendlywriter · 11 months
Master List!
(reqs are OPEN, but please don't request for extremely specific things <3)
Friends to Lovers + Exes to lovers !!
kisses prompts !!
Love/Romantic/Soft prompts + Angry/Sad prompts !!
hot(spicy) prompt!! (og people know the kisses prompt list above has more spicier things ;) )
Enemies to Lovers :)
Random Prompts !! (i.e forbidden, secret, conflict, forced prox., fantasy, etc + a lot of random otp prompts)
"How to write ___(angst, fear,etc) "
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me-writes-prompts · 10 months
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For those of you that just found this, here’s the link to the pinned post that has the updated master list: https://www.tumblr.com/me-writes-prompts/723296133223497728/prompt-requests-are-open?source=share (If you use my prompts, I would like you to link to the prompt list you got the prompt from, as well as mentioning my username which is @me-writes-prompts)
Last updated: 9/16/23
Unrequited love prompts
Enemies to lovers prompts
Close proximity prompts
Sickfic prompts
Fluff prompts
Cuddling prompts
Smut prompts
Cute prompts
Kissing prompts
Sweet caring prompts
Office “enemies to lovers” prompts
“Idiots in love” prompts
Crush prompts
“Please don’t leave me” prompts
First kiss prompts
Lovers “in denial” prompts
Reunited lovers prompts
Grumpy x sunshine prompts
“Things that make me go red in the face” prompts
Friends to lovers prompts
“You’re too good for me” prompts
Sick/comfort prompts
Enemies to strangers to lovers prompts
“You’re so cute when you…” prompts
“I think…I’m in love with you” prompts
Rainy day prompts
Betrayal prompts
Fake dating prompts
“What would I do without you?” Prompts
Royal enemies to lovers prompts
Roommates prompts
Ice cream prompts
Friends to enemies to lovers prompts
Underrated tropes list
Embarrassing first meet prompts
(Dark) academia rivals to lovers prompts
Lazy morning prompts
First date prompts
Strangers to enemies to lovers prompts
Soft prompts
Fluff prompts
More fluff prompts
Oblivious x pining prompts
Late night prompts
Break up prompts
Requested prompt lists:
Marriage of convenience prompts
“Fake hating” enemies to lovers prompts
Jealousy prompts
OTP boding with their children prompts
Secret relationship(between two boys) prompts
Sunshine vampire x grumpy human prompts
Internalized homophobia prompts
Character figuring out their crush/friend kissed them only for a dare
Denial of feelings prompts
Party game prompts
Terms of endearment list
Family fluff prompts
“Navigating through new relationship” prompts
Forced proximity prompts
Enemies to coworkers/allies prompts
Hero/warrior prompts
Lovers to friends prompts
Childhood friends prompts
Self-esteem issue prompts for your ocs
Nervous/awkward couple prompts
Forced proximity but one of them is claustrophobic prompts
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deity-prompts · 4 months
[Blank] to Lovers Prompts Masterlist
Enemies to lovers prompts masterlist
Neighbours to lovers prompts and oneliners
How to write friends to lovers
Also see:
Prompts masterlist
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
Continuously updated!
*you can use my prompts as long as you link to the prompt list you grabbed the prompt from, as well as mentioning my username (@dumplingsjinson) ☺️
Tumblr doesn't allow more than 100 links on each post, and for convenience's sake, I've decided to compile the list of prompts on Listography, instead of making a new post each time my link limit runs out.
Click the link below for the lists:
Dumplingsjinson's prompts masterlist
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unforgivenn · 4 months
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Hi there fellow whumpers! I'm Remy or you can simply just call me Unforgiven. I'm Bisexual, use she/her, and live in Dubai! (Pronunciation of my name cuz a lot of you people are confused)
This is my first blog and I'm really new to this so I have no idea how to make a masterlist and write. Please go easy on the critism and bear with me😭Making fanart and fanfiction is absolutely fine and I appreciate them a lot too!! But please tag me if you do because of some previous problems! <3 Also feel free to through my very very new blog @unforgivenntired2 (slight nsfw there) as well where I post fanfictions of anime characters!!
Please give @nuriiz134's blog some love and support too (18+) ^^
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Things you should know about my blog
What you can expect to find here
𓆩♡𓆪 Contains a lotttt of Pet whump so if you're not comfortable with it or don't like it then please don't interact with this blog. 𓆩♡𓆪 I absolutely adore scenarios where Whumpers force whumpees to address them as 'sir' (≧∇≦)ノ. 𓆩♡𓆪 There's something irresistible about defiant whumpees slowly breaking down over time, it's my ultimate weakness 🤌. 𓆩♡𓆪 I'm completely obsessed with stories having human blood bags and vampire whumpers. I mean, humans being treated as both a food source and a pet? That's double the torture!! 𓆩♡𓆪 Carewhumpers hehe 𓆩♡𓆪 Mental Manipulation 𓆩♡𓆪 Small bois crying :)
Prompts are free to use but please tag me if you do. Asks, dm's and requests are always open so please don't feel scared or shy to send one in! <3 Please ignore if I post some bullshit in the middle of the night.
What i most probably won't write
𓆩♡𓆪 BBU 𓆩♡𓆪 NSFW 𓆩♡𓆪 Non-human whumpee 𓆩♡𓆪 Tiny whumpee/Giant whumper 𓆩♡𓆪 Fandom whump 𓆩♡𓆪 Furries. Please don't even ask me about it.
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Some things about me~
What I like- Cat, Art, my guitar, music and thinking about hurting smol lil men that are on their knees and beggin- *cought* Anywayyysss, Art mixed in with music is basically the *best* for me. The drawings that I post here are just random doodles I do in either bus or in class. Please my art that I actually put time into is actually good I swear and not random splotches of colors.
What I'm bad at/ don't like- Cooking. I’m so bad at it, I once managed to burn juice. Seriously, don't ask me to cook unless you want a disaster zone. And furries? Just no. ask, don’t tell. Moving on. Science is a nightmare—I mean WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT SPOROGENEOUS TISSUES?! breath in breath out Plus, my relationship with gravity. Walking without tripping over my own fucking feet for two minutes straight? Impossible.
My love for whump- Absolutely love it. Obsessed with it to say the least. I mean who doesn't like seeing idiotic bois in pain who did absolute nothing to deserve it. And then there's the crying. OH THE CRYING. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. please I'm a really nice person and totally not a creep tho.
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Some stories I'm absolutely obsessed with and you should check out as well!!
Jack and Asher by @whumpasaurus101
Play Pretend by @oddsconvert
@astrowhump's every single story.
Whiskey and Baxter by @cyberwhumper
Smile for the camera by @morning-star-whump
@demondamage's aziphem and haziel
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Sypnosis: (I suck at these /./) In a world where power reigns supreme, Noah, a 17-year-old, finds himself thrust into a nightmare beyond comprehension. He's kidnapped by Andrey if it even is called kidnapping. All the torture he endures, everything he goes through whether it be mental or physical torture. Everything is legal and no one can stop it unless they want to be beheaded. Forced to become a slave, Noah's life got a 180 degree turn where betrayal and pain lurks at every corner and shadow.
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16th HOUR (Newly started)
based on this
Sypnosis: In a messed-up world where your whole life changes on your 16th birthday, society decides if you're human or livestock based on your social status. If you get the livestock label, you lose all your human rights and become a piece of property, destined for work, experimentation, or even get slaughtered for meat. What happens when Samuel gets classified into the livestock category despite being the son of a big-time businessman?
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Masterlist is constantly updated Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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soireegurl · 4 months
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✨Request open!✨
Requests are open but I'll take some time to write them since I'm working on the series at the same time, hope y'all understand.
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No smut
No homophobic topics
Only Enhypen members
Only yandere themes
You can request your own idea or choose from the prompts I have (1-2 prompts with a member of your choice)
You can request for reactions too!
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Love is Pain (PSH feat. YJW)
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prompts-by-anjali · 1 year
prompts masterlist
*smoothly turns around in swivel chair, petting a kitty in my lap* oh, hello. i didn't see you there. all the same, thanks for dropping by. i hope this little side blog helps you with some character inspiration and dialogue. else, try petting the kitty. it always helps me. *kitty jumps over to you for pets*
if the feline isn't the fix, requests are open. feel free to request dialogue prompts, an overly specific character archetype, or submit your own :)
✨ overly specific character archetypes ✨
the unhinged character
the wholesome fangirl character
the “i am shit” or “i am THE shit” character
the pure adrenaline character
the coward character
the villain-turned-mother-hen character
the reluctant villain
the well-meaning jinxed character
the polite rogue character
the tone deaf character
the infinitely armed character
the unassuming genius character
the “never hurt kids” character
the parent figure character
the himbo character
the comic-relief-turned-tragic character
the “ray of sunshine with a dark backstory” character
the “light among shadows” character
the broken ace character
the secret heir character
the gentle giant character
the “it’s all about the presentation” character
the “hopelessly pining” characters
the character who clearly needs therapy and a hug too probably
the "horror movie first kill" character
the extremely prepared character
the character who finally snaps
the character who breaks away
the "exponential gratitude" character
the "harem magnet" character
the character who will fight for your honor at all costs, even if you don't need them to
the character who appreciates culinary artistry
the "boy cried wolf" character
the "save the world" character
the "screw the world" character
the withering ace character
the parentified child character
the masked ace character
the "well-read by no bedside manner" character
the "sixth sense" character
the olive branch character
the wilted ace character
the "bridges have been burned" character
the "peacemaker in the battlefield" character
the "can only trust one person" character
the "soulless avenger" character
the "needs to take their own advice" character
✨ dialogue prompts ✨
that was a bust
i assumed you'd be disappointed
this isn't where we're supposed to be
i trusted you
do i know you?
i love you
why are you staring at me
and that's another case, all wrapped up
you had everything
you don't understand what i've been through
i never thought i'd see you again
i need your help
you love me?
i can, y'know. patch you up good
how long have you been spying on me, you pervert
go get out
i've wanted to ask you this question
you're three minutes late (princess x commoner)
what are you hiding
i can't believe you did that
and don't say fake-out make-out
can you not get killed so much
i'm not going to let you do this alone
these are how fights go
this isn't what i signed up for
i thought you said you had a plan
you're not too bad at this
dude! you just saved my life
that was a mouse
why don't you ever stay dead?
don't leave me here. please
i told them the ransom and they asked me for a discount
you're not real
i would do anything for you, your highness
oi. can you stop crying so loud
don't give me the silent treatment
you did this
we survived!
i could kiss you right now
will you not scream in terror now
get it over with
i'm home
that's it. im leaving
how have you not left yet
you're hurt, human
it's always been you
hey (meet disaster)
here to make fun of me?
you're so cute when you struggle
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violetduchess · 1 year
Prompt List
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...None of these wonderful list belong to me and I will credit their rightful owners.
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Request/Ask: Open
☆[Fluff Alphabet] Creator: @snk-warriors
☆[Drabble List] Creator: @prider-parker-imaginations
☆[Angst Dialogue] Creator: @a-cure-for-writers-block
☆[50 Types of Kisses] Creator: @kashimalin-fanfiction
☆[30 Days of Domestic Fluff] Creator: @melonmachinery
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voidfxndoms · 2 months
can i request a stiles stilinski oneshot with angst prompt 15: "I don't want your help." (around when he k.lled donovan in self-defense) thank you in advance! ‹𝟹
Omg, I love this idea so much! Thanks so much, anon <3 I'm so terribly sorry for only posting this now, but I've had the filthiest migraine for the past two days, ugh
Can you keep a secret? // Stiles Stilinski
After an unfortunate event at the high school library, Stiles turns to a friend as a burden weighs heavier and heavier on his shoulders.
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Warnings: none? except spoilers, if you haven't seen S5 of TW
W/C: 2,426
A/N: Since your request is quite specific about the timeframe, I've decided to follow the actual events of the show, only mentioning the characters that are part of that season :) I hope you like it!
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The library was empty. Spotless. If Stiles hadn't known better, he'd think the entire thing had happened in his head. But a simple glimpse at his hands was enough to see the blood — Donovan's blood. His hands were covered in it. But how was the library cleared up so quickly? And not just Donovan's body being removed, but all of the blood, the bars… Everything. It was all gone. In disbelief, he made his way to where, just minutes ago, the lifeless body of the Wendigo was standing, impaled. As thorough as the clean-up had been, Stiles spotted a smear of something atop the scaffolding he had climbed upon in his frantic escape from Donovan's hold. The room was too dark for Stiles to make out exactly what smeared the steel beam, so he wiped some with his finger. The crimson blood on his fingertip glistened in the dim light of the moon. The same blood the rest of Stiles's hand was covered in.
The buzz of his phone brought him back to reality, startling him, though only slightly. It was a text from his father, asking him when he'd be home. To say that it was late was an understatement, and Stiles should have probably replied to the text. But the emotions were still too fresh, too strong, too raw for him to think straight. So, instead of answering his father, Stiles slowly backed out of the library, got in his car, and started driving. Not knowing where to go, he drove aimlessly. Or so he thought.
"Stiles? What the hell are you doing here, it's two in the morning!" Lydia shouted through the rolled-up window.
Stiles's head slowly turned towards her. His face was trembling, and the deep lines on it indicated he had been crying for a while. Lydia's face shifted from annoyed to confused and then, finally, to highly worried. He looked at her for a few seconds, his hands still gripping the steering wheel, the car still running.
Then his head turned to face the front again, his face scrunching up in confusion. Why was he at Lydia's house? Why was he in her driveway? How long had he been there?
A sudden, yet tender touch stopped his train of thought.
"Your knuckles are ghostly white, under all that blood." Lydia remarked, softly. Her hand was on top of his on the steering wheel.
A trembling "Hm?" was all Stiles's brain managed to produce at that moment.
"Loosen your grip, Stiles. It's okay, I've got you."
Soon after the amber-eyed hands were loosely hanging on the steering wheel, color quickly making its way back to them.
And then there was silence. Why was there silence?
"Did you turn off my car?" Stiles asked turning to Lydia, his voice still weak.
She nodded in response, dangling the keys of the Jeep in front of his eyes.
"I told you, I've got you. Now, why don't you get out of this old thing and come inside? Let's get you cleaned up." she smiled.
Taking him by his hand, Lydia walked him inside her house, where they made their way to the bathroom.
She opened a drawer under the wash basin and took out a small towel. She waited until the water was warm, then called Stiles over. First, she cleaned his face from all the dirt and the tears. Then she let him wash his hands as thoroughly and for as long as he wanted to. Finally, she sat him across from her, cleaned the wound on his shoulder and made sure to clean up all the remains of dirt and blood that had collected around and under his nails.
"Why are you doing this?" Stiles asked when she was done.
"Because I know that, whatever happened, there's a reason why it did." she answered.
"I killed Donovan." he blurted out.
Lydia didn't seem fazed, or shocked. But she didn't say anything. She finished tidying up the wash basin, washing away the mixture of blood and water that had collected on its walls. Then, after putting the towel in the laundry chest, she returned to where she was sitting, took Stiles's hands in hers, sighed, and said "Go on".
And he did. He told her everything, in the comfort of the small guest bathroom. When he was done his face was stained with tears all over again, he was sitting on the floor, shaking and gasping for air. But Lydia was right there with him, on the ground, cradling him and rocking them both back and forth.
They stayed like this until he calmed down. Despite her efforts to get him to stay the night, just so she could keep an eye on him, Stiles told Lydia he was okay to go home. She walked him out of the house and back to his Jeep.
"Text me when you get home." She said as he put his seatbelt on. He nodded in response.
There was a moment of silence.
"You're gonna have to tell Scott, you know?" she asked. Her voice was soft, even softer than when she had found him in the car.
This time she didn't get a nod, but a deep sigh as a response.
She reached out and placed her hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. Stiles turned around, giving Lydia a weak smile, which she returned. Then he started the car, backed out of her driveway, and made his way home, where his murder board was waiting for him.
"Have you told him?" Lydia whispered, as Dr. Fenris buzzed the gate to the supernatural section of Eichen House open.
"Not yet." Stiles answered through gritted teeth.
"He's gonna get suspicious. Sooner or later he's also going to notice that you keep wincing whenever you move your shoulderblade." She shook her head.
"Yeah, well, he doesn't seem too forgiving of self-defense. Did you not hear what he said about five seconds ago, when I asked him if there's ever a time where killing in self-defense is alright?"
Lydia sighed, "What I'm trying to say is- don't wait too long."
"Yeah... I know." Stiles answered weakily.
He tried to calm down, but it was too late. Lydia set off the trigger to his paranoia, and Scott's words echoed in his head in an aggressive way. Shoving his hands in his pockets to avoid picking at the skin of his nails, Stiles came in contact, once again, with the pin of the scaffolding. A painful reminder of what had happened and, more importantly, what was at stake.
Glancing at the prisoners in the cell, he noticed one of them looked surprisingly familiar. As he and the prisoner locked eyes, a wave of pure panic hit Stiles. It was Donovan. In the flesh. Standing there, staring at him with those void, wendigo eyes. At first, Stiles averted his gaze but then took a step back to double-check that it was really him.
And it wasn't. Of course it wasn't, it couldn't have been. After all, Donovan was dead. And he had killed him.
The Beacon Hills Preserve, a place Stiles knew very well, had never seemed as unfamiliar as it did in that moment. Him and Lydia had been looking for the Nemeton for the majority of the morning, but it seemed they were going around in circles. They were trying to prove a point about Parrish, but without the Nemeton, the point seemed very unlikely to be proven.
Puzzled, Stiles sighed. "It's almost like this thing doesn't want to be found."
"Maybe it knows we're late for class. Because we've been here twice." Lydia observed, annoyance oozing off of her.
"Crap." Stiles stated, looking at the two big Xs on a tree Lydia marked with white chalk as they were passing by.
Emphasizing her annoyance with a loud sigh, Lydia asked if they could talk to Parrish. Stiles tried to convince her to keep looking by explaining that since the Nemeton was full of bodies Lydia, as a banshee, should be able to find it. Her reply was a dry and sarcastic remark about having an off day, and she proposed, once again, that they speak to Parrish instead.
"We can't." Stiles answered, slumping as his gaze fell.
"Why not?" Lydia asked, too irritated to think about the reason behind Stiles's hostility about talking to Parrish.
"You know why."
"Okay yeah but, come on Stiles, it was self-defense. Plus, I'll be there to back you up. And I'm sure so will Scott and your dad, who is the sheriff, by the way."
When Stiles didn't answer, Lydia's mouth fell open and she scoffed in disbelief.
"Jesus Stiles, you still haven't told him?"
"Them. Told them." Stiles whispered in response.
"Them? You're telling me neither Scott nor your father, the two people who would never leave your side, know about you defending yourself from a blood-thirsty chimera?!"
"Okay, can you keep it down a notch? It's-"
"We're in the middle of a forest, Stiles!" Lydia shouted, irritated.
"It's not that simple!" Stiles shouted back, before clearing his throat and composing himself. "It's not that simple. My dad is the sheriff, which is a double-edged sword. And Scott... I'm scared he won't look at me the same. I mean you heard what he said."
Seeing him fidgeting, Lydia made her way to him and took his hands in hers, a habit she only had around him.
"Look at me," she told him. His gaze met hers, his eyes glassy due to the tears that had welled up. "Noah is your dad first, and only after that is he the sheriff. I don't know him too well, but he doesn't seem the heartless kind. And Scott, well, you said it yourself. Scott is your brother. Brothers fight, that's what they do, but in the end, they always find their way back to each other."
Stiles shook his head, "I can't tell him."
"Why not? He's gonna find out, sooner or later."
Stiles's face went white with fear.
"Oh God Stiles, no. I didn't mean it like that. I'm not gonna tell on you."
"You won't..." he mumbled.
"What do you mean 'you won't'. Who else would? We are the only ones who know, right?"
Stiles's face was pale, but it lacked any trace of an expression.
"Stiles... you can't say anything."
"Right?" Lydia repeated her question, worry slowly creeping up on her.
"Please, don't say anything."
"Stiles?" Lydia grabbed him by the shoulders. His eyes were empty, his body stiff. He was looking at a random spot on the ground, but it didn't seem like he was actually looking at it. He seemed to be in a completely different world.
"Why not?"
"Because I never said anything about Donovan."
"He never said anything about Donovan." Stiles mumbled, a stray tear tumbling down his cheek.
Lydia froze, and Stiles finally looked up at her.
"He?" Lydia stuttered.
Stiles shoved her arms off him and made his way to the path that led out of the preserve.
"What do you mean he?" Lydia shouted after him. When she got no answer, she started running after him.
"Stiles," she breathed out when she caught up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He quickly removed it, turning around to face her.
"Leave it, Lydia, it's nothing." he said through gritted teeth.
Ignoring his remark, she asked, "Who is he?"
"I said, leave it." Stiles repeated, stressing every word.
But Lydia was determined to get a reply out of him; "Who else knows?"
And that's when anger got the best of him.
"Jesus, Lydia, will you just let it go? For once in your life, will you just stay out of it?" He shouted. Then, calmly, he added "I told you it's nothing. Now let me be."
He started to walk again, taking big steps to get as far as possible before Lydia could speak again. Because where he preferred avoiding confrontation, he knew that it was number one on Lydia's priority list.
And sure enough, she called after him, reprimand in her voice — "I'm just trying to help you."
Stiles stopped dead in his tracks.
"I don't want your help." he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"What'd you say? I couldn't hear you from back here."
He'd had enough of her sarcasm for the day.
"I said," he started, turning back and making a beeline for her petite figure at the other end of the path. "I don't want your help. Did you hear me now, hm? Or should I say it louder? I. Don't. Want. Your. Help. As a matter of fact, I don't even need your help."
He was now standing in front of Lydia, his tall figure somehow still towering over hers, despite her heels. His gaze was firm, his eyebrows furrowed. The hand that was already holding the keys to his car was so tight around them, that his knuckles had turned the exact shade of white as the night he had pulled into her driveway. Only this time, it wasn't fear that he was feeling. It was pure, uncut anger.
"I don't need your reassurance. I don't need you to babysit me. I don't need you to guide me. This is not about you, it's about me, it's about Scott. You're irrelevant in this whole situation. So when I say let it go, you let it go. Because I don't want anything from you now, but to leave me alone."
His words cut like a dagger, but it was reassuring to know that he didn't mean any of it, that it was all coming from a place of immense fear. Or at least that's what Lydia wanted to believe.
By the time everything had sunk in, Stiles was already well ahead of her. Her understanding of the situation, however, wasn't a justification for the way he had spoken to her. So, in an attempt to trigger his rational side, she shouted one last question.
"If I'm so irrelevant, why did you come to me the night you killed Donovan?"
For just a moment, Stiles stopped walking, and Lydia thought he'd turn around, maybe to argue some more, maybe to apologize.
But he didn't. She saw his shoulders rise and fall, probably due to a deep sigh, and then he walked off, grip still tight around his car keys.
And in the silence of the preserve, they both knew that Lydia was right. And that Stiles hated himself for how he had treated her.
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promptsbytaurie · 7 months
promptsbytaurie MASTERPOST!!
Status: ON HIATUS!
Ask box: OPEN!
Submissions: OPEN!
Queue: INACTIVE! One prompt is posted every day at 9 AM Pacific Time (11 AM EST).
Credits: I ask that anyone who uses a prompt of mine credits me with the link to the prompt used or my username! This is NOT optional. If you'd like, you can @ me or reblog directly from the prompt so I can read it!! I love seeing what you guys write :D
My prompt lists + other info are linked under the cut, as well as a more detailed tag system.
This masterpost is IN PROGRESS!
word prompts
three words [1, 2]
four words [1]
five words [1]
six words [1]
other prompt lists
chaotic dialogue prompts
injury dialogue prompts [1, 2]
holiday prompts
title ideas
based on songs (MASTERPOST)
how-tos and tips
how to show guilt
how to write wingfics
tagging system
#ask - any ask response! this can include prompt lists, as sometimes someone asks for a list or a question that i feel would be best answered in a prompt list!! ask box: OPEN!!
#prompt list - basically what is says on the tin. this tag contains all of my prompt lists, which are basically just (you guessed it) longer collections of prompts. prompt lists that have 31 prompts are tagged with #31 prompts.
#prompt [number] - Each individual prompt is tagged as #prompt [that number prompt]. You can play a fun little writing game by searching this blog for any prompt number between 1-200 (roughly-this IS updated as more prompts are posted)!
Some of these prompts may contain dark themes, such as death and violence, and innuendos/inappropriate jokes. However, there will NEVER be any r@pe prompts, nor any prompts that contain explicit sexual content.
Unless I cite a source, the prompt is 100% my own. Any resemblance to personal or published works is entirely coincidental.
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sinsandsweetness · 11 months
lol ok it’s not that serious at all actually but… should I be making a masterlist for my daydreams/dialogues too? Since they’re so small idk if I should. Or are they easy enough to find for you guys?
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Dialogue Prompt Requests
I got this idea from a post that I saw. I'm not sure who made it, but credit to the original poster. Below I have posted a few dialogue prompts that I like, most of which I have not written (again, credits to the original writer of the prompts).
Send me a request with the dialogue prompt(s) you like, a character from one of the fandoms I write for, and if you want it to be angst, fluff, etc...
I've listed the fandoms I write for and a few details on my masterlist.
Here are the dialogue prompts:
"Where's your boyfriend?" "Probably doing crazy things."
"What happens if I do this?"
"I might never get to say this."
"You're not alone. You've got me."
"You always smile when you're about to cry."
"Shut up." "Why don't you come over and make me?"
"Don't you see that I'm trying?"
"I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you."
"Why are you helping me?"
"I think I'm gonna be sick."
"Of course. I forgot you're a spineless douchebag."
"Why're you still here?" "Because I care about you, asshole."
“So, what is so important that you had to call me at one in the morning?” “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
"Where were you when I needed you the most?"
"I don't like them like that, absolutely fucking not."
"I just adore you."
"Stop looking at me like that." "Like what?" "Like that!"
"Let me take care of things for once, alright?"
"You're actually jealous?"
"Tell me about yourself."
"Stop biting your damn lip."
"I want to spend the day with you doing nothing."
"You can stay as long as you want."
"Come in, you're going to get sick."
"Don't talk to me. Someone might think we're friends."
"Do it. Take a chance, I'm begging you. You don't want to spend the rest of your life wondering what it could've been."
"Why're you always so secretive?" "Why're you always intrusive?"
"You're in love." "I think you're delusional." "And I think you're in denial."
"I regret a lot of things. Having this conversation tops the list."
"Can you please come and get me?"
"The worst part about all of this is that I still love you."
"Some stranger just gave me a whole cake, should I be worried?"
"Kiss me." "I'm afraid I won't be able to stop." "Then kiss me."
"Define normal, please."
"Watch me."
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jadewolf22 · 5 months
Your Mistress's Masterlist
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Hello beauties, and welcome to my main navigation post! Requests are currently OPEN so feel free to drop a request in my inbox or messages! You are free to ask for prompts from my prompt list below or make up your own; EVERYTHING is free game!
For people looking for a safe space to talk and get things off their chests, my account is open to you! Feel free to message me through the asks or in messages. I will do my best to help you with whatever you need, or just listen. 😘
This is not specifically an 18+ account. I will make specific warnings if any of my posts are 18+
Also, this account is for WOMEN ONLY!! Men DNI!
Character/Ship List Prompt List
Harry Potter Masterlist(WIP)
Marvel Masterlist(WIP)
Star Wars Masterlist(WIP)
Game of Thrones Masterlist(WIP)
Wednesday Masterlist
Hunger Games Masterlist(WIP)
Lord of the Rings Masterlist(WIP)
RE8 Masterlist(WIP)
Miscellaneous Masterlist
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writing-desk-rae · 1 year
(updating as I go)
Rae's Writing Prompt Extravaganza Masterlist
ColdFlash: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Dialogue: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
Spooky Season: 1
Meet Cute: 1, 2, 3, 4
Title Prompt: 1
Story Prompt: 1
Lyric Prompt: 1, 2, 3
Ask Games: send me a _ and get _
🌹 - most recently written line from a wip
📓 - the plot of a wip I haven't (and probably won't) write
🤐 - unpublished dialogue
🤹 - plot points I'm juggling
🍋 - smutty ideas for my fics (even/especially if I don't write them in)
✂️ - cut plot lines
🗑️ - deleted scenes
Any emoji - lucky dip
Or just ask a question
AO3 Fics
Did Icurus Fall or Fly (does it matter) - 911/TopGunMaverick - series - wip
Stick By Me - The Flash cw - wip
Be our guests, make a mess - TopGun Maverick - wip
Never have I ever...written a side fic series for Fuddlewuddle - gifts for @fuddlewuddle 's Never Have I Ever series - TopGun Maverick - complete
We are all made of Dreams - The Sandman netflix - series - complete
My Wife, Her Alien, and Me - Doctor Who - wip
Tumblr Fics
Last Night on the Demeter
The Lord of Gifts
Another Admiral
Max (updated)
Deleted Scene: The Wife, The Alien, and Me
Extended Scene: Flight Path, Burning In
Sneak Peaks: Flight Path, Burning In
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just2bubbly · 1 year
Fluff Prompts
"I left you the cake in refridgerator, go have it before (name) finds it."
"Can you bring me a vanilla icecream with chocochips in it please" "It's 3 in the morning"
"You look so cute when you ramble"
"'You are too good to be true so I like to touch you and confirm that you are actually here"
"I can make jokes at your expense"
"Who's daddy's girl?" "MOM!"
"I wrote a letter- a lovely letter for you"
"Stop bluring your words and just sleep already"
"You remember that? I thought you were not listening"  "I remember everything you say."
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