#do i sound like a bitch i somehow feel like a bitch just based on tone but
snekdood · 1 year
bitches be like. i hate vegans so much that i’ve decided i like killing animals and its fine and i dont feel bad and animals dont have feelings and its fine and im cool subversive and different and edgy and like to post fucked up stuff to make vegans uncomfortable bc im just so cool
#you sound like every cishet republican man to me#you're not a Cool Subversive Leftist you're literally regressing by seeing animals as just objects of your pleasure and thats it lmao#im sorry but you dont just get to throw out all of veganism. it does infact have some roots in leftism.#you can sit there and cope with the fact you agree w some vegan talking point by calling it 'animal welfare' all you want#doesnt change the fact that a lot of those ideas in those circles were formed by vegans.#damn woooah vegans arent a monolith and dont all agree on the same shit woooahhh who knew#literally i have no idea how we even got to this point or how this would be surprising.#when i was on vegan twitter bitches were arguing all the fucking time within it. ur really gonna sit ther en tell me they're all secret#eco fash that hates native ppl and people who have to eat meat? ya sure???#you would think the individuals on tumblr- of all places- would understand how frustrating it would be to be grouped in with the worst#members of their community as if you represent them and are the sole spokesperson#you'd think they'd hate when someone jumps to conclusions about them based on their lifestyle#but naur. i think yall take it too personally. as if a vegan just being in a room is somehow trying to force you to be vegan.#literally grow tf up.#if a vegan being in the same room with you triggers feelings in you that you Have to stop eating meat- i really think thats a you problem#bud. homeboy hasnt even spoke to you leta lone look at you and apparently you feel this weird pressure now#idk man dont you think that pressure might be coming within?? maybe.... you do infact feel things and feel a lil guilty abt eating meat?#not telling you to stop... i still eat meat here n there. but at least im honest with myself about how it makes me feel to do it.#its infact normal to take a second to think about the loss someone made in exploitation to provide you with whatever.#if you can let yourself feel a lil guilt about buying a fast fashion thing you can sure as fuck finally extend your fuckin empathy to#animals and stop treating them like objects or toys.
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daydadahlias · 1 year
what are some lines you won’t cross as a fic writer?
please see jessay below the cut <3 TW for discussion of SA & murder
I think this is an interesting question because I don't know if you mean, like, with stuff I'd write or attitudes in general. because the first thing that comes to mind with this is, as a fic writer, I will never engage w/ the subjects of my fics about my fics. As in, I would never want 5sos to know about my stuff and I would never want to discuss my fics on any platform in which they might be exposed to it (which is why I'm not really on twitter) because they are not consenting to reading/hearing porn about themselves. do I think the lines of rpf are blurry?? yes. but 5sos have said they don't care abt fic so I'm fine and happy to write it so long as they are not unwillingly exposed to it and I know they don't seek it out themselves.
but, if you mean like, lines I won't cross in terms in what I would write in fanfic, then I think most are ones I wouldn't cross if I were writing original fiction either.
I think the only thing that's rpf specific is that while I might write an original novel about, say, the internal monologue of a murderer bc I think the psychology of what drives a person to murder is interesting, I wouldn't write a fic about that because that would be - inherently - glorifying murder because people would automatically have a good association with the person I'm writing about (like, if I wrote Ashton as a serial killer, people wouldn't be able to get past it being Ashton) and no one should be having good associations with murderers <33
(to get ahead of the accusations bc I always expect them, "accused of murder" is not the same as writing someone who is a murderer and murders for pleasure; I would not write a fic about someone who is actually a murderer bc <33 killing should not be glorified or promoted <33 and people should not find murderers sexy thank u).
so, it's basically stuff like that. i don't want to write fics that promote truly unsavory material to an impressionable audience.
(I'm under no delusions here that a portion my readers aren't most likely teens and I don't want to be writing shit about their favorite guys that makes their brain associate bad things w/ good people and therefore makes them like or become attracted to bad things; I refuse to be part of the cycle that puts young people in dangerous sexualized situations bc they read shitty fanfic in their youth thank u).
this would also extend to writing domestic abuse between any of the guys, incest, raceplay or anything promoting racism, ableism, sexism (as in, treating one of the guys like a woman - or pointblank calling him a woman - and saying he's subordinate because of this - which people do a lot in this fandom, not to talk shit), underage smut or ageplay (or anything that alludes to pedophilia), or rape/SA in general (which would apply to sexual harassment, non-consensual touching, necrophilia, sex-pollen, dub-con, uninformed consent, statutory rape, coercion, drunk sex between strangers, etc.).
now, obviously rape is a subject I have written about so I would like to point out that there is a difference between researched, honestly addressed dark fiction that deals with heavy subjects, and writing something that purposefully fetishizes/glorifies a subject like rape.
writing about rape being bad is not the same as writing about rape being hot, even though they're both touching on the subject of rape, so let's jot that down, those of you that have no reading comprehension or critical thinking skills (and if I get an ask in my inbox tomorrow that's like "wEll yOu'vE wRitTEn aBoUt rApe BeFore" I will scream into a pillow)
however, while I'm talking, this is an opportunity to express that I think topics like cnc (consensual non-consent) are a little more nuanced than people allow them to be within this context. Like, yeah, sure, you could lay a blanket statement over everything that's "never write about rape being hot" but... I do think there's a difference between cnc and rape. so,,, while I would never write about rape being hot ever, I don't necessarily apply that to cnc (like previously discussed somnophilia or roleplay) because I think it's a different topic in general.
that isn't to say, though, that I would write cnc (bc I don't think I would ever feel comfortable doing that); it's more just to say that I don't think it's as hard a line as others and that I do think a cnc kink is valid and I'm really understanding of people that have that kink. A rape kink is genuinely a different thing and I think that should always be a hard no (as in, no one should be writing fics where a 5sos member rapes another 5sos member and then frame it as sexy; that is really fucked up y'all and me thinking that should not be a hot take).
and those are the major lines I will never budge on. no murder, no rape, no pedophilia, no abuse.
and I also think it's worth mentioning that everyone's limits as a fic writer and a writer in general are different so, no, i'm not policing or telling someone else how they should write their shit but that this is how i personally think when writing mine and I'm allowed to say whatever the fuck I want on my blog, blah blah blah, disclaimer disclaimer, if one single person tells me my kink critical attitude is ruining fandom i will roll my eyes so far back in my head i will see my own brain.
hope this all makes sense and is what u wanted <3
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cheshirebitch · 8 months
Alastor x Reader
𝔸𝕞 𝕀 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥? pt 2
( part 1 here ) ( part 3 here )
 Husk was the first to notice me, since we both thought I was going to die. 
“Oh (Y/n) you son of a bitch!” Angel grabbed me tightly into a hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs. Charlie ran up with Vaggie tailing her.
“How did you do it?” Vaggie and Charlie asked at the same time. Husk looked over and barked out, “How did she do what? Because she saved him and she also somehow saved herself from Boss Man’s wrath.” He took a swig of his drink, eyeing me suspiciously. I knew he was going to pamper me with a million questions later. 
“Well, I just offered Vox information that sounded valuable in a state of dire quick thinking. Sure, he can be smart, but not on the spot. It was simply a trick play of environment and temptation.” After all, isn’t that what I’m good at? 
“What was the info you gave?” Curiosity got the best of Angel. I smiled before pressing a finger to my lips.
“Can’t spill. Even if I wanted to.” A red magic spread across my face where it looked like my mouth was sewed shut. Angel recognized it from when he saw my chains appear before. 
“Oh doll…” Pity. A look of pity is all I received and it made my chest tighten. My eyes scanned quickly over everyone. Everyone had the look of pity. I wiped the magic off before laughing dryly. “I have my ways around it obviously.” I waved them off. I don’t need their pity. I chose this. I just regret it lately. Alastor wasn’t always this closed off, at least not to me. We used to share almost everything. It was us against the world until he left me alone in it, twice.
“So, I take it we pissed off the Vee’s?” Vaggie stated as she looked at me and Charlie. She was holding up her phone that had Velvette’s recent social media post explicitly saying that Hell was about to freeze over.
“Well, it did give us the chance to actually redeem Angel Dust.” 
“Everything comes with a price though, Charlie.” I alluded to what was to come. The battles I can see happening here in the future are enough to worry me on what’s to come. The future is so unsettled on what can happen right now that I can only see small things and not the big picture. I felt a tightness in my chest again. 
“Stand straight darling.” Alastor smoothly spoke behind me as he pushed his hand against the small of my back and drifted up to make my spine straighten. I hate how he only gets on my case about that when Husk literally has a hunch back at this point. Deep breaths (Y/n). Deep breaths.
“Thanks sir.” I said through gritted teeth. Alastor flinched slightly at how I called him sir and how tightly I said it. He looked at me as if asking with his eyes, What is your problem? I couldn’t help but shift my jaw tighter. I squinted my eyes, You’re the problem dick. He clenched his jaw as well and pressed his hand harder into the small of my back, any harder and he would be pushing me. Somehow though, I noticed how his presence made the tightness in my chest go away. Despite the fact we were arguing through our eyes. Charlie turned towards Alastor, dragging our conversation to a quick halt. 
“What should we do in preparation?” She was mostly looking at me and not Alastor which made my once annoyed face into a smug one. They are looking towards me for leadership now. I warned you Al, don’t play with fire. After all, you are the reason I’m down in this mess anyway.
“We need to cover all our bases and make it seem like we aren’t even worried about whatever they are doing, and continue business as normal. Alastor and I will cover the rest. Just watch each other and don’t leave without a partner for a little while.” He seemed to relish in the fact I still sounded like I needed him. I can’t help but feel like he loves that feeling, even if he left me and still won’t tell me anything anymore. 
After spilling plans with Charlie and the team on what our next moves should be, I dismissed myself towards a separate room. I know he can feel the slight anger during our whole interaction because he swiftly follows me. 
“Yes, Alastor?” He smiled wider with his stupid half lidded eyes. But my god do I always melt- stop it. You’re mad, remember? How could he keep playing with your feelings? It's like these seven years took everything we built between each other and ripped it to shreds as if we were never anything. Were we though? 
“Inner battles dear?” I wish he would let that cheesy smile slip once or at least make it look sincere again. 
“You tell me. You’re the one who kicked me out of my own room.” He hummed playfully as I scrunched my face in anger.
“Well, since you’re my pet, it’s also my room.” That cocky motherf-
“We need to talk, Alastor. I want to begin the negotiation of my contract coming up soon.” A slip, his eyes screamed worry but then it was gone. Bingo.
“Renewing it again? We both know you will.” My smile matched his which unnerved him slightly.
“Remind me why again. If I remember correctly, you abandoned me for seven years, won’t talk to me anymore, and have been acting weird lately. You aren’t the Alastor I signed my soul away to.” I seethed. He was holding his jaw so tight I thought he was about to crack his teeth. I leaned closer, almost on my tippy toes to get in his face, his head looked down at me. I saw a glimpse of those eyes he used to give me. The eyes he would stare at me with while I listened to him talk for hours. Then they were replaced with a slight hurt. He opened his mouth, his smile quivering as he thought of the right words.
“There you are! Nifty got stuck in the toilet again, can you help us get her out?” Charlie spoke loudly. Everything I was about to get, all the answers, just…
The feeling of overwhelming… EVERYTHING. I wanted to yell at Charlie. 
Why can’t you just wait? Fuck Charlie, you just ruined everything.
Alastor quickly fixed all the vulnerabilities he had and proclaimed, “Well of course! What type of help would I be around here if I didn’t?” I watched him walk away with Charlie, a hurt look that he caught when he glanced back. 
His smile faltered quick enough for me to see it. His eyes glanced at Charlie as if trying to tell me something before he fixed his behavior and carried on as normal with her when she looked back at him. They swiftly walked out as I was left in the entertainment room. 
Alastor, what did you do?
Husk was at the bar cleaning glasses from Angel and Cherri Bomb’s celebration. Swirling around my drink, wishing I didn’t drink as much as I did. I will hand it to Angel and Cherri for having such a persuasive way with drinking. My hair was slightly messy, my normal pantsuit switched out to my comfy clothes, and my eyes looked tired. 
“You finally going to admit you had too much yet?” Husk chuckled out. I chuckled back before I sipped the rest of my drink down quickly. The glass hitting the counter answered Husk instead, and the sound of it sliding down to him as I smiled at him.
“Nope.” I taunted back. He shook his head, pouring more into my cup, and gently sat in front of me. I stared at it for a little while before Husk sighed and piped up, “Penny for your thoughts?” He knew I loved it when he said the sayings I normally do. Made me feel like we really are real friends, despite the situation we are both in. 
“Well, I think I have a theory on what has Alastor… different.” I was careful with my choice of words as Husk eyed me. He knew I was never going to let this new Alastor last long. I mean Husk even was starting to get treated more like a dog rather than someone who helps Alastor with a slight rough friendship. Hard to believe we were all friends once. 
“Continue?” Husk poured himself a matching drink as he watched me intensely. This isn’t something I would bring out loud unless I had some sort of evidence pointing towards it. I shuffled my hands around before stealing a quick sip of my drink.
“I think Alastor made a deal he regrets but can’t talk about.” 
(Part 3...?)
(Lore buildingggg I promise next update will have one question answered. Can you guess which one? As always all characters and world belongs to the respected owners <3 story belongs to me. Tagged who I could! Thank you for loving the first one!)
(Should I add the songs that inspire the writing?)
TAG LIST: @immortal-ries @kat-nee @shybananabagellover @tiedyedghoulette @alyslovesflowers @seven709 @vixie--21 @montis-posts @trashbin-nie @sh3sa1dwhat @for-hearthand-home @funtimefreddynaofficial @jyoongim @eviebuggg
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princessbrunette · 25 days
⊹ ᜊ(ᜊ ´ ˘)੭ ♡ … BED CHEM ♡
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track seven of the short n’sweet series. pairing: kook!pope x reader. based loosely of the song bed chem by sabrina carpenter. enjoy! ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა
you’d heard of love at first sight, but lust at first sight was an experience that hit you like a tonne of bricks in the university library.
the first time you’d had the chance to experience pope heyward in full was when he sat at a booth behind you whilst you were studying. you kind of already knew who he was, and kind of already had always thought he was cute despite knowing very little about him despite the fact he was wealthy and a chemistry major. you’d had the chance to talk to him at a party before, sure — but you didn’t think it was appropriate to bond with a boy with the likes of him whilst you were wearing such a sheer dress. you’d said no more than hi and bye.
“look, dude i’m not sayin’ i’m bad at sex. my girls always cum. all i’m sayin’ is, i feel like i can be better. i don’t know how you do the whole teasing thing. i’m a dude. with dude parts. i get impatient and just wanna go straight to pound town — boom!” his blonde friend rambles, and your ears prick up immediately, tearing your eyes away from your textbook to listen distractedly. it wasn’t your fault— you were ovulating, and plus, popes friend was talking at an alarmingly casual volume. “c’mon bro you take chemistry. don’t you know about the human body n’shit?”
“okay, first of all — what you’re talking about is biology. second of all, i’m trying to study. third of all would you keep your voice down?” you hear him ball something up and toss it in the direction of the blonde and nearly let your giggle slip. you were bored out of your mind and horny, there was no harm in eavesdropping.
“alright alright — but answer me this one thing.” popes pal lowers his voice so naturally you lean back in your booth to listen in. “say i want a girl goin’ crazy. beggin’ for it. what do i gotta do? c’mon pope i know you know.”
“if i give you some pointers will you shut the hell up and let me study?” pope sounds bored, and his nonchalance to the situation makes you flush.
the darker skinned boy sighs, and you picture him leaning on his elbows, making you work even harder to listen. “okay. put a pillow under her hips. it’s gonna help you hit her gspot a lot easier and she’s gonna be more comfortable which you want. massage her hips when you go down on her and don’t skip out on taking your time down there jj.”
“massage her hips?”
“it opens her up. makes her relax her pelvic floor.”
“alrighty, noted. what else, chief?”
“talk her through it. you know how to do that?”
“damn right i do.” the blonde answers confidently.
“i dread to think what that poor girl has to hear.”
by the end of the conversation, you’re dripping. it’s not your fault — like you said, ovulation can be a real bitch. it gets to the point where you need to get up and walk around before you start humping the study bench, so you decide on strolling over to the water dispenser to refill your bottle that you’d been ravenously sipping down to attempt to quell your growing arousal. you also were feeling curious and wanted to get another look at your crush.
when you walked back with your freshly filled bottle, there he was in all his glory— berating his blonde friend in the hat to simply let him study. god he looked good, expensive. sitting comfortably in the booth in a white jacket, voice smooth and buttery and you couldn’t help but stare, your top set of teeth tugging at your glossy bottom lip. the pair of you lock eyes, but you can’t look away— neither can he. did you look flustered? could he tell you’d been listening? were you clammed up? could he sense the arousal seeping through your panties? you wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow could. he seemed like some sort of sex god.
he was none the wiser, and the rest was history — the boy having secured your phone number before you’d left the library.
after that, the two of you became inseparable. if you weren’t studying together or grabbing food (that he’d refuse to let you pay for) you were on the phone, ranting and raving about the people in your classes or the weird thing your professor said that day. there was chemistry, sure — a bond that you could only see heading towards a relationship. but with all the soft touches, the lingering looks from beneath your lashes, the tension — you were itching to take the next step. you’d desired him carnally from the day you met.
it’s a thursday evening, and pope has an exam the next day. a big one. you’d settled on hanging out via phone call whilst he studied, quickly getting on with your own business instead of getting to be at his side distracting him. it was for the best, and whilst you’d pouted at the promised temporary distance, you knew it was a good idea.
until night falls, and you’re laying on your bed — listening to the scribbling away of his pencil through the line. you sigh, a small smile dusting your face.
“you know, the day we met properly i’d kind of overheard one of your conversations.” he can tell you’re biting back a giggle, and with your joy infectious — he smiles too.
“yeah? did no one ever teach you that it’s rude to eavesdrop?” he teases and you let the giggle free, rolling back over to stare at the ceiling.
“s’not my fault! jj has a loud mouth.” you accuse lightheartedly and he hums in agreement, still scribbling away.
“that he does…” he finishes up what he’s writing before directing his attention back to the conversation. “so what exactly did you overhear?”
you bite your lip, recalling it. “well, it’s not exactly PG…”
his brows perk up in curiosity as his eyes flicker towards your contact image on his screen. “oh? i hope i didnt embarrass myself.”
“no, no not at all… i was intrigued.”
“well don’t leave me hanging.” he truly had no idea.
“you were giving jj…pointers. for the… bedroom.” you relay shyly, suddenly losing all your confidence. simply the memory of that day left your cunt fluttering, already lubricating itself.
“ah. i remember now.” he sounds tense, like he can’t tell how you feel about it. “not exactly an ideal topic for… the library, you know?”
“mhm… anyway, i was pretty impressed.”
you hear him smile, placing his pencil down all together. bingo.
“okay… and what exactly was it that impressed you might i ask?”
you suck in a shaky breath, hoping you don’t come across like some insane gooner all of a sudden. you’d say you’d done a good job at hiding your arousal for him in all the occasions you’d hung out.
“well… all of it. you seem to really know how to make a… make a girl feel good. probably better than i know how to— whatever.” you say the last part quietly, in disbelief that you were being so open. you were thinking with your pussy, you couldn’t help it.
he pauses, and for a split second you feel a wave of embarrassment. but then he speaks.
“at the risk of not sounding very humble, i’d say i have a good success rate.” he sounds so warm, so fond of you — it makes you feel comfortable enough to continue. “in the past—” he adds quickly. “i don’t… talk to any other girls but you now. don’t… don’t wanna…. touch any girl but you now. just to make that clear. you know.”
the tension is so thick and hot that it’s stifling all of a sudden and you’re not even infront of eachother. your mouth moves without your permission.
“how?” you breathe.
“…how?” he repeats, leaning back in his desk chair in his student apartment. it was times like these he was thankful he didn’t have a roommate. it was times like these you were grateful that yours had gone on vacation.
“how would you… touch me?” you’re so quiet that you’re surprised it picks up on the mic.
“uh, well… any way you’d like it. i think it’s important that sexual partners… communicate, and stuff you know? the guy should never be too proud to ask the girl what she likes. so… what do you like?” he licks his lips, staring straight at the wall.
“i… dont really know. i don’t have much experience. not good experience anyway.”
“thats okay—” he coo’s kindly as your voice overlaps once more with—
“i think i like—”
“— oh, no go ahead. what do you like sweetheart?” sweetheart. you squeeze your legs shut at the casual way it rolls off his tongue.
“…i think i’d like you to take the control… be the dominant one i guess. i like feeling…”
“taken care of?” he answers for you and you nod, before realising he can’t see you.
“mhm. yes.”
“well i am pretty confident that i can be that for you. like, one hundred percent confident. can do it just like you want it, pick you up, pull you down, turn you around… all that good stuff. it makes sense.”
you exhale, practically trembling as your legs fall open slightly, unable to stop yourself from trailing a hand down your stomach into your pyjama shorts.
“yeah. but that stuff comes later, i literally just wanna focus on learning your body first, you know? how to touch you. every pussy is different, not to be crass or anything. i think to answer your question i’d just lay you down and finger you nice n’ slow, figure out the basics. make you feel nice.” he lists it off so… normally. like it’s obvious to him.
you sigh, spreading your juices through your folds and forget to respond for a moment. that is until he says your name and you open your eyes.
“are you touching yourself? to my voice?”
you feel your face get hot, shame creeping up your neck. all you can squeak out is an “i’m sorry.” and he chuckles.
“you have nothing to apologise for. i’m riling you up and it’s not fair but by all means, continue. god i—” he sighs, and you hear him shuffling. what he’s really doing, is reaching down to palm at his erection through his sweatpants— exam long forgotten about. this has all his attention. “—i wanted to be all… respectful i guess. wait until the time was right, but… but i just wanna make you cum. so hard. so many times.” he lets loose a little, reaching down to pull his cock out. it’s then he hears it, that pretty pained whimper whilst you rub yourself— no holding back now.
“i’ve wanted you so bad from the day we first met. but — but wanted to be a good girl. show you i’m more than—”
“i know, and you are. you are. oh my god, screw this exam. i should be there. i’ll tell you what, okay — i’m gonna talk you through this orgasm, but i want you to remember how it feels to cum on your own fingers — ‘cause, well — that’s not gonna be happening anymore. it’s all me now, honey. all me.”
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blessthegulag · 4 months
I Hate You
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Pairing: Alejandro Vargas x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your car suffers an accident, and you end up with no signal in the Mexican wilderness.
Warnings: Reader speaks Spanish (but is not necessarily a native speaker), Alejandro and reader hate each other, spanglish, unprotected sex, p in v, car sex, hinting at possible feelings (blink and you miss it), Alejandro and reader are very mean to each other, reader is purposefully annoying, not proofread!!
Words: 3.0k
Notes: I’ve been feral lately, so here is an Alejandro fic (I need to be locked and muzzled up). Lots of Spanglish (because I’m a Spanish queen) and possible grammatical errors bc English is not my first language. Maybe I’ll do a part 2 down the line bc this can’t end like this?
Also, the fic is heavily influenced by @XCaliper’s c.ai Alejandro Vargas chat.
Part 1 Part 2
The humming of the car filled the silence between Alejandro and you. The road was empty, dark due to the moonless night. The gentle hum of the AC refreshed your beat up face after a long mission, one that was assigned to both Coronel Vargas and you.
As always, every dreaded time that you had to work with him, it ended bad for you two.  You didn’t understand each other, your ways differed to be considered healthy. 
Still, somehow, you complimented each other perfectly when it came to work. Amidst the clash of personalities, you two found that there was no better pairing, as much as you hated it.
Today was one of those days where, apart from a successful mission, you ended up yelling at each other. That moment of peace in the car was nothing but a truce until you two reached the base. 
A slight disturbance, and hell would set loose. 
And that’s what happened. 
A pronghorn came out of nowhere, jumping into the road. 
One second, and the car spun out of control. The tires screeched, Alejandro tried maneuvering, but to no avail. 
You hit some cactuses, impromptu halting in a ditch. 
You tried breathing in, but the airbag had punched you straight in your chest. You swallowed, confused, your ears ringing from the impact. Smoke was coming out of the hood, the engine hummed one last time before finally turning off, letting in the distant sounds of the Mexican countryside. 
You stepped out of the car, coughing. The gasses on the airbag were strong, and they had already attacked your lungs before you could realize. 
Alejandro appeared from the other side of the car, more composed than you. He still was shaken, confused, but in a better position than you. 
“Pinche venado cabrón,” he spat, the rage in his voice contained by the last thread on sanity in him. “Mira lo que le hizo al carro, pinche suerte de la verga!”
Stupid fucking pronghorn! Look at what it did to the car, damn luck we have!
You looked at him, your demeanor as calm as possible, so as to not anger him further. You took in some air, your hands on your waist, thinking of what the hell would you do now.
“I’m going to call base,” you said, taking out your phone, giving him your back.
“There’s no signal here,” he said in a scolding tone. “I already tried.”
You sighed in frustration. “I’ll try either way.”
Alejandro groaned behind you, his voice merely a frustrated whisper. “Nunca hace caso… pinche terca.”
She never listens… stubborn bitch.
You took your phone, trying to contact the base. Of course, just like Alejandro said, there was no signal. You sighed, tilting your head back. 
“Maybe we could try to get to the nearest town, try to contact the base that way. Not reaching out will alarm them, it's in our best interest to try and do something…”
“It’s not worth it,” he said. “There’s wild dogs, and with Las Almas out there…”
“It’s worth a try. How else are they going to find us?”
The muscles in his jaw tensed at the question, his body fixed in place
“They are waiting for us,” he replied calmly, his voice strained, like he was restraining himself from yelling at you. “In the morning they'll go looking for us.”
“I’m not comfortable accepting defeat like this,” you said, trying to make your tone as confident as possible. “Why don’t…”
“No puedes quedarte callada un segundo, eh?” he spat, his tone harsh, frustrated. “Todo el condenado día hablando…”
You can’t shut up for a second, can you? All the damned day talking…
“I’m just trying to help here, Alejandro,” you replied, already ignited. “Always acting like everything I say is stupid.”
He groaned at the mention of his name passing through your lips, placing his hands on his hips. “Because you are all talk, but you never fucking listen.”
The way he yelled at you almost made you retreat in defeat. He looked angry, annoyed at your every move. It made you boil in anger. 
“Que nunca escucho?” you said in Spanish, scoffing at him. “I do everything you say, Alejandro. Always. You act like you have more power over me than my own superiors. In here, you are nothing but my partner, okay?”
That I never listen?
“In here,” he said, getting close up to your face. “You do as I say, ¿me escuchas? This is Mexico, hermana. No estamos en Colorado, aquí un pie en el fango, and you’re dead.”
You do as I say, you hear me? This is Mexico, sister. We’re not in Colorado, here, you step foot in the mud, and you’re dead.
You pressed your jaw shut, holding eye contact with Alejandro. He looked as bothered as you, stopping the urge of punching you in the face full force. “Don’t act like I’m clueless, Alejandro. You take every chance you get to disrespect me, and I won’t accept any of that shit.”
He was silent for a second, eyes burning in anger and a surprised smirk in his face. “You think it’s bullshit that I’m on your ass about everything? Princesa, you don’t listen, everything is always a damn argument, and act like your fuck ups are everyone else’s fault. I’m not on your ass, I’m here to fix your stupid mistakes!”
You nodded at the floor, disregarding everything he said. Then, out of nowhere, you went up to the car, and took your assault rifle. You checked for bullets, made sure that the flashlight worked. 
When you were ready, you started walking away from the car. 
You felt Alejandro’s stare on you, the second it took for him to understand what was going on giving you more time to walk away. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” He said, starting to follow you.
“Somewhere where you’re not getting on my nerves.”
His footsteps were heavy and loud, his anger seeping into the ground like poison. 
“You think it’s easy for me to put up with you?” He snapped in response, more in defeat than in anger. 
“You think it’s easy to put up with you, too?” you barked, too composed for what you were feeling at that moment. “Deja de mandarme por un rato, por Dios.”
Leave me alone for a second, for God’s sake.
Those words of yours came out like a whisper, like a rhetorical plea to yourself. It was nothing but a complaint, one that you felt deep in your bones. 
Alejandro brought out the worst from you, turned you into a monster. 
“Stop!” He shouted. “This is ridiculous. Get back in the car!”
You stopped dead in your tracks, almost clashing against Alejandro. “I’m not getting in the fucking car, not with you.”
He reached out and grabbed your arm, his face seeping annoyance through every pore. “Get in the car. Now.”
You shook his hand away, narrowing your eyes. “Don’t fucking grab me like that.”
He sighed in defeat, looking at you in disappointment. “Stop being so difficult.”
You swallowed thick, looking him in the eyes. "I'm not being difficult. You are."
He stepped closer, getting in your space. “You’re infuriating.”
“I hate you,” you spat, empathizing every word, your eyes focused on him. 
Alejandro pressed his jaw shut, his eyes scanning you whole. He had never been disrespected like that, much less by a teammate; by a subordinate. 
It left him speechless. 
There was a pause, where neither of you faltered. Gaze on each other, a showcase of pride. The air between you was heavy, asphyxiating. 
You could feel the frustration radiating off him, your anger trampled by the sour sensation of heat. Your chest heaved slightly, your breath on his. 
Then, his eyes flickered to your lips for a split second, then back to your eyes. 
Before you could react, his hand shot out, cupping the back of your neck, pulling you closer. His lips clashed on yours, demanding, dominant. His body pressed against yours, making a rush of heat curse through your insides. He was kissing you like you were the air he needed to breathe, grabbing you in a way that made you feel weak at the knees. 
You were animals, tasting each other's mouths in desperation, feeling the softness of each other, that same sensation fueling the need to get closer. A low groan escaped his throat, vibrating through your body. 
Alejandro's kiss was bruising, relentless, as if he was pouring all his frustration and desire into it. The tension that had been simmering between you for so long erupted in this kiss, and there was no holding back. You nipped at his lower lip, eliciting a growl from deep within his chest, and his grip on you tightened.
The taste of him was intoxicating, a mix of anger and need that made your head spin. You felt his breath hitch as your hands went to rest on the sides of his neck, your thumbs reaching over to his jaw. 
For a moment, you felt as if you were caught in a storm. Alejandro’s kiss was raw, intense, full of hatred. 
It made you want to kiss him again. 
“Sube al carro,” he whispered against your lips. 
Step in the car.
You pulled back slightly, your eyes locked onto his. The command in his voice sent a shiver down your spine, and despite the chaos of the moment, you couldn't help but feel a thrill at his dominance. You nodded, unable to form words, your mind still reeling from the kiss.
Alejandro's eyes bore into yours, the anger and desire still blazing. He let go of you just enough to allow you to move, and you stumbled slightly as you turned towards the car. Your heart was pounding, your lips still tingling from the intensity of his kiss.
The moment you were both inside the back of the car, he was on you again, his hands pulling you towards him. He pulled you on his lap, his hands starting to undo your tactical vest, leaving you only with your shirt. 
His mouth moved to your neck, giving soft, hot kisses that had you moaning his name, running your fingers through his hair. He smelled of cologne, his natural scent battling for dominance, sending your whole body into overload. It had you grinding on him, whimpering, desperate to have him in the most intimate way possible. 
The car soon heated up, the leather of the seats becoming a sticky trap. Gasping for air, you took Alejandro’s tactical vest off, your hands feeling up his torso, the nylon of his long sleeved jacket rough against your calloused hands, making you want to take it off of him then and there. 
Alejandro placed his hands on your waist, tugging on your shirt, dragging it up your torso. It felt like an eternity, giving you goosebumps all over your body. You breathed in, trying to find his gaze. Instead, he was looking at your semi-nude torso in awe, the muscles in his jaw tensing, hands caressing the sides of your body. His touch was like fire, leaving a trace of tingly skin there where he touched, leaving you begging for more. 
You placed your hands on his chest, grinding on him, practically riding him with clothes on. He moaned, guiding your hips through his lap, the friction maddening, sweet torture that was leaving you more frustrated than before. 
His eyes finally met yours, dark, intense. He looked hungry, lost in the moment. You leaned in, capturing his lips like a feral animal, the heat burning you from the inside. In the midst of it, you felt his hands on your back, trailing to your bra. Before you could even react, he already had it in his hand, throwing it somewhere in the car. 
With a growl, Alejandro broke the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck, biting and sucking on the sensitive skin. Your head fell back, a moan escaping your lips as his mouth found one of your breasts. Feeling him like that made you melt, the car supporting your body the only thing keeping you from losing your mind. 
His tongue flicked over your nipple, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you. He nipped at your skin, just enough to send shivers down your spine, the sensation maddening, a mix of pleasure and pain that left you craving for more. 
Then, in a swift motion, he moved you to the side, leaving you longing for his attention, mewling at the lack of contact. Alejandro found his way to your cargo pants, undoing the belt, ripping it from your body. You helped him get rid of your boots, and soon your pants flew to the front of the car. You took off his jacket, the bare skin of his torso illuminated by the little light that the stars managed to give.
Before he could get on top of you, you pressed a hand on his chest, hopping on top of him. There, you found his mouth desperately, hungry for more of him. You unzipped his pants, sliding one of your hands inside of them. Alejandro gasped, his lips on yours, giving small pecks as you explored, wrapping your hand around his cock.  
He groaned, the sound vibrating against your lips as you stroked him, your movements slow and deliberate. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the tension coiled tight within him. His hands gripped your hips, urging you to move closer, to give him more.
You obliged, positioning yourself over him. He grabbed your thong out of the way, letting you guide his cock to your entrance. You could see the desire in his eyes, the impatience. Slowly, you lowered yourself on him, getting filled inch by inch. You saw Alejandro moan, grab your hips, helping you into his cock. Once your soaking pussy had taken him whole, you looked at him, your mouth agape, lost, deaf, the pleasure overtaking your soul.  
His hands roamed over your body, squeezing your breasts, running down your back, gripping your ass as he thrusted into you. You trembled on top of him, his thickness making you feel whole, like your life’s purpose was to get fucked like that. 
You began to move, rocking your hips against him, finding a rhythm that had you both gasping for air. Alejandro’s eyes never left yours, in awe of your moves, of the indecent sounds of your body slapping against his. His skin burned, the windows were foggy, the air hot, smelling of raw, animalistic sex. 
Every movement sent waves of pleasure through you, amplified by the hand that had slipped down to your clit, pleasuring yourself with urgency. Your breaths came in short, sharp bursts, all landing on Alejandro’s ear. His hands tightened on your ass, guiding you into his cock, each time rougher, harder. The friction, the heat, the sensation of him deep inside you, tearing you apart in the most addicting way possible was overwhelming, maddening. 
"Más fuerte," he groaned, his voice rough, primal. "No pares."
Harder. Don’t stop.
You increased your pace, your hips moving in desperate urgency, looking to break him, to leave him begging for you. From below, he started thrusting into you, meeting your movements with his own. The car seemed to close around you, making you focus on each thrust, each moan, the way in which the car shaked. 
You rode him with abandon, your body moving instinctively, lost in the rhythm, the heat, the pleasure. Your fingers were working on your clit, sending shockwaves through your body, making you moan, begging him not to stop. 
He was filling you perfectly, using you like his own personal slut, thrusting in like an animal, your free hand the only thing keeping you where you were. 
Soon, Alejandro's moans became background noise, a distant reminder of what was happening. Your body reacted before you did, squeezing his cock, spiking your heart rate through the roof. You mewled his name, lost. His thrusts became softer, longer, making you cry out. You pressed your face on the crook of his neck, moaning desperately, riding out your orgasm as best as you could. 
The waves of pleasure crashed over you, your body trembling uncontrollably. Alejandro's hands tightened on your hips, his own climax imminent. He groaned deeply, your pussy still milking him, driving him insane.
You became undone on top of him, your only purpose to pleasure him, to get used to the best of your abilities. 
Alejandro took it very seriously, his hands bruising your hips, thrusting into you relentlessly, whimpering as his orgasm approached. He found your gaze, grabbing the back of your neck, groaning, drilling into you like an animal. 
His moans came out sharp, irregular. His cock twitched inside of you, the heat of his orgasm making you grab onto him, focus on his eyes as he cummed deep inside you. 
Time stopped for a while. He was gasping for air, his eyes lost in yours, making out what had just happened. One of your hands found his chest, still beating hard, where you stabilized yourself, looking at him in the same way, clueless, in between surprised and ashamed. 
Alejandro pulled you closer, bringing  you back to reality, distracting you from your own thoughts. His hands rested on your waist, locking you in place. Your face pointed to the door, where you could almost make out the shape of what was behind the fog on the window. 
Sweat dripped from both of you, your bodies tangled, still connected. His body radiated heat off to you, his chest moving up and down against yours, his heart beating at a normal pace. 
You two were sticky, exhausted.
Silence filled the car, the cold of the night seeping in, sending shivers down your spine. 
Then, clarity set in. You realized what you had just done. 
With whom. 
It made you want to run away. But for the first time since you two met, he looked calm, non-threatening. A tamed beast. 
That, though, still didn’t take away from the disgust you felt for yourself. It didn’t excuse how much you had fucked up.
“This doesn’t change anything,” you whispered. 
He squeezed your hip, kissing your shoulder, knowing it was the last time you would accept that sort of affection from him. 
“Lo sé.”
I know.
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snowprincesa1 · 1 year
{A Fool of A Brother (2/2)}
//Grown!Daemon x Grown!F!Arryn!Reader//
Summary: Daemon just cannot bring himself to let you go
[Trigger warnings‼️ contains NSFW and Daemon]
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Daemon insisted that your presence was necessary in kingslanding, stating that it would be good for the Queen’s health.
“It would be excellent for her marriage prospects as well” Daemon said to king Viserys in the comfort of his bedchamber where he sculpted listening to his brother trying to convince him to keep you in the red keep them send you back.
“Daemon, Do you like the girl?” He asked aiming straight for the head. Daemon stayed quiet not knowing what to say or admit
“No. She’s far too different from me, we clash at every corner” he sighed. He later said it would be best to keep you by the queen’s side instead of rotting in the Vale with the painfully dry Vale men. Daemon had somehow managed to stall his marriage to Rhea Royce for even longer keeping the ‘bronze bitch’ in the vale single and unwed.
Daemon had grown much more taller whereas you remained the same height, he grew from a lean teenager to a muscled prince, now when Daemon takes you on walks with your hand resting on his arm you swear you feel muscle and it sends a shameful shiver of lust down your spine. Were you so easily swayed by a man who was both lean and had some muscle? You shook away thoughts of him. You remained relatively the same, gaining more of a womanly figure if anything. You still wore a light veil over the back of your hair with a jewelled headband at the front. You grew quite popular amongst the lords and ladies being unwed you had many eyes on you. You spent your days reading, praying, embroidering and talking with the ladies and being in the company of your sister. The red keep felt like home.
You were praying in a Sept finding a minute of peace when you heard familiar foot steps, you didn’t have to look back to tell who it is “Daemon, go away” You said your hands still clasped together as you tried to concentrate on your prayer. “Are you praying again?” He asked, Was it not obvious? You opened your eyes to send him a glare to which he responded with a cheeky smile. Her sat beside you watching you pray “are you done now?” He asked impatiently. You couldn’t pray with daemon breathing down your neck.
“What is it?” You snapped in irritation, Daemon remained unphased. “I have something for you” you groaned in response “If it is a toad again I will kill you”
“Threatening to murder the commander of the city watch and the prince of the seven kingdoms. You could never change” He smirked “You’re like a tree forever stuck in one spot until someone uproots you”
“If i am not mistaken a tree symbolises qualities like wisdom and stability” You retorted
“None of which you have” he quickly added before smiling smugly “turn around for me” He instructed. You hesitantly turned your back to him when you heard the sound of metal and suddenly felt cold steel at the base of your neck. “Valyrian steel” you gasped looking at the necklace “where did you get this—“
“I had it made for you. I cannot bear to see your neck so bare” he sighed dramatically. Oh yes, another aspect of daemon which came unexpectedly was his protectiveness over you. If your wore anything revealing he would keep an eye out for the lords, the guards, everyone! “You are the pervert, Daemon” You would laugh. He would accompany you everywhere if possible much to your annoyance. If you headed out? He would send his finest guard’s or accompany you himself to the seamstress,,, he said it was his duty as he was the one who took you from the sulking weather of the Vale, which you so happened to miss fondly.
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You stayed in kingslanding for about six whole years, now a woman of twenty two and you somehow missed the Vale like a child, you missed your half brother Elys and the rest of your friends there. Your sister Aemma was going through hell losing babies over and over and giving birth to stillborns. You begged Viserys to let Aemma be but he said having a male heir is the duty of the king. Rhaenyra was growing up nicely, she being absolutely fond of you. The hand’s daughter Alicent visited the red keep as well, the two girls often following your trail and copying your mannerisms. Especially Alicent, who was also a devout follower of the faith.
Daemon was..Daemon, he carried out his commander duties brutally maiming almost half the city in a span of single night. Of course it was only the ones deserving of punishment who were tortured, Daemon had single-handedly lessened the crimes in Kings landing. He preferred to spend his night sleeping around with whores in the streets of silk. Daemon’s taste was peculiar, before he had met you he always preferred women with silver Valyrian hair. One night he saw a consort who had the same colour of your hair, not quite the same texture but the thought of you as bare as her sent blood rushing to his lower half. He shamelessly ended up fucking the woman from the back imagining your moans and cries instead of hers. He came with your name on his lips. It wasn’t the same, he wanted to know what you felt like, whether you would be a brat or submissive. Mysaria ended up dying her hair the same colour as yours for Daemon but nothing worked she could never get the prince to look away from you.
Daemon tried so hard to seduce you. His failed attempts were pitiful, you were dead set on following the proper traditions that is sharing a bed with a husband. Daemon could not understand how you managed to push him away? When thoughts of you had stayed in his mind throughout all his days and it was driving him mad. For some reason one day he ended up ‘hugging’ you from behind, in all honesty it was a tackle to annoy you. His head buried in your neck as he tried to keep you still and stop you from whatever the hell you were doing. The scent of you was too much for him, too sweet, now he knew what you smelt like upclose and he wanted more. The prince practically rushed out of the room to deal with his growing ‘problem’ that would keep him occupied for the rest of the day. Your relationship with Daemon was weird, you fought like cats and dogs but yet there’s no one else you would rather spend your time with. Hell you even missed him when he went away. Whenever Viserys was mad at Daemon you would put in a word and calm him down, it was very odd how soft you had grown for Daemon. And Aemma and viserys were not blind to it. Daemon would attend dinners you did and sit by your side, ‘accidentally’ grazing your hands reaching for a dish or passing you the wine. It was driving you insane, these little touches his rough hand gently touching yours, you were not blind to how handsome he had grown. The Gods would have to forgive you for lusting over a betrothed man.
The temptation Daemon posed over you, like a hanging fruit in sight but out of reach for you. He was doing it on purpose you knew, you weren’t daft but God did it work. You started growing jealous about the fact that Daemon spent his nights in brothels, complaining about how it wasn’t right and princely but deep down you were just bitter with jealousy.
Daemon always believed that he was immune to jealousy delusional but that was proved wrong for Rhaenyra’s seventh name day. It was decided that a tourney be held for the Realm’s Delight. Rhaenyra was a mischievous one, often teasing her uncle with you regardless of the lords and ladies in her presence and that set off even more rumours about the two of you, but no one dare say anything to you fearing the rage of Daemon and Caraxes.
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You knew daemon was to participate for the tourney so you didn’t bother searching for him in the morning. He was undoubtedly practicing and you didn’t want to disturb him. You were to sit next to your sister Aemma but you suddenly saw a familiar face from the Vale, lords of the Vale had come to participate and bet on the winners. You looked at your sister in delight, it was she who planned this for you because she knew how much you had missed the Vale. You took your seat next to a minor Vale lord talking to him and catching up on all that had happened.
Daemon was watching from the stands as the squire put on his night black Targaryen armour. He looked to see you looking so beautiful in a light purple gown, looking so radiant in the sunlight and then he saw the disgusting man next to you and he saw red. Rhaenyra didn’t help either, she was visibly mocking Daemon motioning kissing signs between you and the lord enraging him even more. He knew you were unwed, he hoped you would not fall for some unknown lord of the Vale.
“You should come back to the Vale, you have spent far too much time here in kingslanding” your friend Gerald said
“I suppose that is true..almost seven years” you muttered “but I’ve been happy” you said looking at Daemon who was getting on his horse.
“You are a maiden of twenty two and still unwed, you should start living for yourself instead of just tending to the Royal family, I’m not saying it’s necessary to marry to be happy..but think of the long run” he said, Gerald cared for you and did not wish for you to be a spinster.
“I know Gerald” you sighed
“You have been waiting for him..but he is betrothed, to another” he said “come back to the Vale perhaps then you could come back to your senses” he said.
“What— prince Daemon? For the last time there is absolutely nothing going on—”
“That I know, and that is the problem. He’s not yours and you’re here all doe eyed waiting for him” you felt all the fire in your soul dampen at his words, the hopes and delusions you had been clinging onto desperately being pulled from beneath you “I did not mean to upset you”
“I’m not upset” you said blinking away tears. Perhaps Gerald was right..you certainly didn’t want him to be. You missed the Vale, a quick trip wouldn’t hurt. It would be rid of Daemon and you can think for yourself and come to your senses just like Gerald said.
“Gerald can I ask you for a favour?” You asked leaning in to tell him something to which he willingly agreed to.
Rhaenyra yelled something in high Valyrian mocking Daemon that made ser Harold have to gently escort her away from the stands. Away from the already fuming prince. What were you saying to that lord? He was upset with the lord and he was upset with you. He decided to get revenge he knew you would expect him to ask you for your favour like he did in the other tourneys but he decided to play with you a little. When riding his horse his lance stopped before you almost as though asking you for your favour, you were about to stand to give him it— when he suddenly tilted the lance towards another woman. The woman blushing gave him her favour willingly. Daemon’s looked at you smirking all the while as he felt as though he had the upper hand. Your face was a mixture of shock and jealousy.
Gerald leaned in “I told you” he said before your face completely fell in sadness. You looked away from daemon. Daemon should have relished seeing you upset like he did at that moment, but instead it tore him up in the inside. It was too late now, he would have to apologise for this he knew. Lord Gerald spent the rest of the tourney cheering you up and you even ended up giving your favour to a lord from the Vale itself, but of course he was upstaged by daemon’s battle skill. Daemon felt like he had lost seeing as to how you ignored him. When the tourney ended Daemon had won. He raised his lance in the air listening to the claps of the audience. He turned to look at you but saw that your seat was empty. You were now sitting back next to your sister telling her something, Aemma looked upset but seemed to agree nonetheless. The feast would be a perfect opportunity to try and make up for what he’d done, perhaps he could kiss your hurt better, he fantasised for himself as the squire took off his armour. How would your lips feel on his?. God forbid he sees you with that lord, he’d probably pull you away there and then and take you somewhere more private where just the two of you could spend time..but then again you’d never allow it. Daemon was surprisingly introverted, only ever trusting a few of his guards and his family and never bothered to converse with anyone else. You on the other hand though reserved, loved making conversation and talking to all the people. He thought more about you, a part of him felt smug over the fact that you were upset that he didn’t ask for your favour. Perhaps instead of apologising…he should tease you. Yes that would be much more preferable.
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Daemon arrived late to the banquet, nothing unusual making his way into the hall stealing the attention from Viserys as usual. Rhaenyra was busy eating the lemon cakes, Daemon looked around he didn’t see you— anywhere for that matter? Were you so upset you were crying in your bedchambers? He should go see you and kiss your tears away if you let him of course.
He didn’t want to ask Viserys where you were, as the king already had doubts that he bore affections for you and he wanted to avoid providing his older brother more information on how he feels for you. Daemon slid his way to the dessert section where little Rhaenyra was, Rhaenyra looked up at her uncle with a smirk.
“Where is she?” He asked folding his arms
“With lord Gerar- Gerarld” she completely destroyed his name as she put a spoonful of cake in her mouth. Daemon couldn’t believe what this had come to, getting teased and mocked by his niece. He sends her a glare before taking the plate from little Rhaenyra as his pitiful sort of revenge. “That’s mine!” Rhaenyra yelled as he walked away.
He looked around to see Aemma and Viserys give him a look for taking a plate of cake from their seven year old daughter. She deserved it, he thought. He took a piece of cake eating it as he walked to his brother.
“Where’s the lady Arryn, she’s late” he said “I think you should let me discipline her for her tardiness..it’s unfitting for a lady like her” he said pulling a chair next to the married couple who he third wheeled. The Gods, Viserys and Aemma just wanted him to marry and go away at this point.
“Lady Arryn? I have no idea” Viserys said “and no you will assort no punishment of any sort” he said
Daemon looked to Queen Aemma who averted her gaze somewhere else “you know something regarding this, my queen?” He asked leaning on the table to intimidate her and get a response
“Don’t bother my wife..” Viserys sighed smoothening his scrunched up forehead.
“Does nobody in this fucking hall know where she is?!” He yelled causing the lords and ladies to look at his outburst. “Excuse me brother” he said leaving the banquet hall. He stormed out essentially. He was going to march up in your room but for some reason he had a bad feeling in his gut..why were you late? You were never late? The headache you caused him. He pushed open your bedchamber doors wide.
“You! Where have you been!” He asked “you didn’t congratulate me on my win or tend to me when I fell off my horse” he scolded you “what are you doing?” He asked with wide eyes, bags, packed bags. Your room was being emptied. “What is all this?” A handmaiden entered the room to take another bag wherever.
“I’m leaving Daemon” you said “is it not obvious?”
“No. No I will not allow it”
“I do not need YOUR PERMISSION and it’s already decided”
“What of your sister? What if she becomes with child again? She would need you by her side?”
“Daemon— she has maesters and—”
“What of Rhaenyra? The girl looks up to you! And you are just leaving like that!” Daemon sighed exasperated waking closer to you but still a distance apart
“I’m going to the Vale. I’m going home. You would not understand because you’ve lived here all your life! I miss home. I cannot be here any longer” Lie. You were running away because you could no longer wait around hoping that one day Daemon might cancel his betrothal and somehow marry you instead. Stupid dreams and fantasies.
‘Your home is here with us, with me’ is what Daemon wanted to say “you want to go to the Vale? Let us go on Caraxes!” He yelled
“I don’t want to!”
Daemon’s anger morphed into realisation.
“You don’t want to be around me” he said chuckling why else would you reject his excellent idea, who would give up a ride on a dragon? “Have I bothered you to the point you have to run away from me? When have you been such a craven!”
“Why shouldn’t I go!”
“I just told you the reasons!” Daemon yelled back “your sister! The queen! Your niece! Viserys!” His name being stuck at the back of his throat “maybe even me” he finally choked out as his hand went to reach for the valyrian necklace encircled around your neck. “You cannot even get rid of me entirely, you still wear my necklace like a collar”
“Maybe is not enough for me to stay!”
“Very well then, you want a reason to stay?” He asked now towering over your figure his nose almost touching yours “let me give you one”
He tilted your head upwards giving you a breath stealing kiss, his arms wrapping around your body holding you close to him. You kissed back with all the anger all the love you feel. “I cannot let you leave” he said in between kisses, the two of you barely parting for air. Daemon pushed you towards the bed “you and your stupid morals” he insulted kissing you deeply “you and your stubbornness” he said pressing his face in the crook of your neck. “You never know what’s best for you” his hands grabbing a hold of your thighs slapping the fat of it.
“And what is best for me?” You asked looking at him
“Staying here with me” he said his hand thumb sliding into your mouth your soft lips wrapping around his thick finger “suck” he ordered before switching his thumb for his index and ring finger. His fingers gagged you shutting you up, your mouth drooling from the intrusion. “I suppose a holy maiden such as yourself has never experienced pleasure? Tell me have you ever touched yourself?” You refused to answer the question “I suppose that is a no” Daemon smirked “Do you know what that means?” he asked pushing his hand under your skirts. You shook your head anticipating his next action
“It means that will be the first and last person to touch you here” he said his thumb pressing at your weeping entrance, your cunt clenching around nothing begging for more of his touch. His fingers spread the wetness around teasingly almost entering you making you gasp “Take off your gown for me and make it slow” he ordered taking his hand away from your needy parts. With shaky legs you stood unclasping your light purple gown letting it drop to the floor. Your mind filled with lust, what was one time? One time with the man you loved? Surely the Gods can find it in themselves to forgive you for your wanton nature.
“I said take it all off” he said motioning for you to take off your last small clothes leaving you bare and exposed in your bedchambers. The only thing that rested on your neck was the necklace he gifted you. Daemon rested on the bed with his legs spread his eyes looked at every part of you. Your neck, your chest, your tits, your ass, your legs, your cunny. It send jolts of pleasure down his body his dick hardened and a bulge forming in his breeches “Gevie” he muttered, this was better than what he had imagined. His hand reached out for you pulling you by the hips as he placed kisses on every part of your body in sight. He made sit on the bed, making you spread your legs for him showing him your leaking cunny. Before you knew it his hands were wrapped around your thighs and his head in your centre licking a strike of your entire cunt with his tongue. You tried to push yourself away at the foreign sensation but Daemon wasn’t having it. His hands preventing you from going any further away from him. He sucked on your clit watching you squirm and arch your back “Daemon” you moaned. You were in literal heaven. Why had you denied yourself of such pleasure. Daemon licked, sucked and kissed your cunt making you come twice on his tongue, your legs were shaking around his head as you begged saying you couldn’t any more. Daemon licked up all of your release before he pushed a finger inside your cunny, you gasped at the stretch, seeing you were adjusting to the feeling he added another finger, telling you to relax and enjoy the feel his tongue went back to work licking your poor little overstimulated pearl over and over your hole clenched tightly around his fingers he knew you were going to come again, his movements were fast and hard making you roll your eyes at the back of your head as you came hard all over his fingers. The bed soaked with your juices. Daemon’s face wet, he wore a devilish grin on his face. He climbed onto the bed pulling off his benches to show his recent thick length. Hell would that even fit inside you?
“Lie on your back” He ordered and you followed obediently Daemon hovered over you, you finally got what you wanted the sinful proximity between the two of you. His hands intertwined with yours as he distracted you by kissing your lips passionately. You felt him enter, he was so much bigger and he pushed himself in slowly “breathe, my love” he said before pinching your tits hard causing you to gasp. He slid in fully. You couldn’t keep your eyes open, your arms still being held by daemon who now pinned them over your head. The stretch of his full cock in your walls, breaking your maidenhead he let you experience the burn, the pain, the pleasure all together. Daemon let out a moan as he felt you clench around him tightly. This was what he always dreamt about. What he always wanted. You.
Daemon had been patient enough, his slow and firm thrusts quickening. Every thrust hammering your insides as your tits bounced, Daemon was enchanted. He help your hips tightly pounding into you even reaching further, making your back arch and you begged Daemon to let you touch him. Daemon, Daemon, Daemon. The only thoughts that ran in your head as he kissed you his tongue finding it’s way into your mouth as he pounded into you. He let out little moans as he pressed his forehead against yours. As he made love to you. The moment he saw your jaw go slack, he knew you were close. He kept his rhythm steady feeling your orgasm release all over him and the sheets. He left you whimpering underwing him from the overstimulation “good girl” he said plopping on the bed his cock still erect and heavy “can you ride a dragon?” He said leaning on the headboard. You wanted to please him nodding as you straddled his hips pressing the head of his cock into your entrance as you lowered yourself onto him. The position made your toes curl, the way you sunk onto him and lifted yourself over and over. Daemon couldn’t help but watch how your slick pussy gushed all over his cock. His moans increased as he felt his eyebrows press together, he held your hips tightly thrusting harshly into you, it was too much for Daemon, he could no longer hold back he released his hot seed in the walls of your tight cunny, your cum from your fifth orgasm oozed out. White sticky fluids from your puffy folds. Daemon had seen no better art piece, you would be a muse for any artist.
You lay on top of daemon who stroked the back of your hair “you were perfect. You are perfect.” he smiled his dimples showing. You were breathless, tired, exhausted passing into unconsciousness. Daemon chuckled wrapping his arms around you. You were his. And he was going to go to hell and back if he was denied you.
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Daemon had ordered for all your clothes to be moved into his bedchamber, he told lord Gerald that you had no intention to leave kingslanding as you were to marry him. The whispers between the servants reached the ears of Viserys thanks to his hand Otto Hightower.
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DAEMON!” He yelled at his younger brother who was making arrangements for you in his room “you have dishonoured her! And you take no effort to even hide the fact!”
“I have every intention to wed her, brother” Daemon said rolling his eyes at the king.
“you are betrothed to ANOTHER” Viserys’ blood boiled. How could he have done such a thing to his own family to you! When he knew damn well he was meant to wed another.
“Another who is not of my choosing!” Daemon said to his brother losing his patience.
“The marriage pact with Rhea was settled years ago! We cannot go against our word” he argued
“You are the king, the blood of the dragon runs in you. You do not need anyone’s permission! Your word is the law, the truth”
“Daemon, I have spent a life time defending you! But your heart is even blacker than I thought”
“Wed her to me..I want to marry Lady Arryn”
“You think I don’t know that, you fool?! But you have wronged lady Rhea! Kept her waiting for years!”
“I have bedded her already brother. It is done. It is decided” Daemon said
Viserys slapped him across the face for his insolent behaviour.
“Tell me brother..” Daemon said holding his cheek pressing on the hurt part of his face. It didn’t hurt at all he just wanted to get some sympathy from Viserys “what of how you wronged y/n” he chuckled “when you passed her over for her younger sister”
“That was different!” He thundered at the accusation thrown by Daemon
“Make it right, wed her to me. I’ll take her as she is and wed her in the tradition of our house. Give me Y/n to take to wife and we will return the house of the dragon to its proper glory” he said almost begging his brother.
It was no secret that Daemon and you had strong chemistry, Viserys and his wife Aemma often joking about making a mistake betrothing Rhea to him instead of you. He supposed he always expected his younger brother to pull this sort of move. And he unfortunately had a very good point, you were passed off for your younger sister which was an insult by itself, being rejected by the king.
“Fine, I will allow this marriage to take place, but just know that it is not for you but instead Lady Arryn” he sighed. “And I don’t want to hear any complaint from now onwards? You will obey my every command henceforth if you are to marry lady Arryn” daemon would definitely do as he pleases, but he nods hugging his brother “you were always weak when it comes to me, brother” he smirked looking at his brother. “Showing empathy is weak now?” Viserys smiled patting Daemon’s shoulders. “Are you sure marriage is what you desire?”
“Marriage matters to me when it is with her..” he smiled “I am serious about her brother.”
“I will talk to the Royce’s and make it up to them somehow” he said “how excited was she when you proposed?”
“Oh I didn’t propose” Viserys wanted to chuck Daemon out of the window. This whole argument when you hadn’t even consented to the marriage “DAEMON!”
“She’s asleep brother. You cannot expect me to disturb her!” Viserys at that moment wanted to put down his crown and run away to Essos. How much more of his brother’s idiocy could he handle? Well anyways he’s your problem now.
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Needless to say the marriage took place swiftly thanks to Daemon’s groomzilla tendencies. The man wanted the wedding to be private between only the families. You were more than happy to comply. Daemon and you still didn’t cease your nonsensical arguments, now finding new ways of letting out that anger and love in bed together.
Daemon wasn’t a perfect husband, he was irrational, emotional, pessimistic, but he stayed the loyalest of all the husbands in Westeros stopping all his trips to the streets of silk rather spending them with you, the woman he loved so dearly. With each passing year Daemon grew even more mature with the birth of your first child a baby girl who you both named Baela who inherited that fire and passion of your husband who was also spoiled rotten by him with gifts.
Daemon proved to be the best husband you could have ever asked. You would always remember to tell him that when he took you for rides on his dragon Caraxes and whispered sweet promises to you. You had no doubt about it, marrying him was the best decision he had ever made for you. You knew he would put his life on the line for you or Baela if need be, he was your fiercest protector.
“Did I ever mention I love you?” You asked looking to your husband as you both flew on Caraxes. Daemon knew you often felt like you under appreciated him when you really did love him.
“More times than I can count” he chuckled kissing your cheek
“Perhaps I should stop then, I can’t have you growing indifferent to my love”
“If you do anything of the sort, just know that I cannot promise you that I will not exact revenge” he smiled kissing the top of your head.
“And what revenge would you take against me, your wife?” You asked smiling back
“I will teach Baela cuss words” he said smirking triumphantly.
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die-pink-maus · 9 months
A Weekend in Vienna 🇦🇹
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While vacationing in Germany, Chantelle’s (OC) best friend, Adrian (also an OC), books an impromptu trip to Vienna to visit extended family. Chantelle decides to join her for the last few days of her trip, where she meets an interesting friend of Adrian’s family who offers to show the two around the city for the weekend🤭
TW: Pretty much none, not for this chapter anyway, but things will get 🌶️spicy🌶️ in the next parts. Also there is an age gap between OC and König, she is 25 and he is about 36-37.
CW: FemOCs, female pronouns used, while both characters are technically OCs please feel free to imagine them however you’d like, ultimately the main character is the reader, I just didn’t want to use “Y/N” so I gave them names 🙈
Word Count: 1,516
This is my first time EVER writing any kind of fan fiction so please go easy on me 😭 if you like where things are going, likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated! If you’d like to see anything in particular in the next part or part(s), I’d love to hear it!
This version of König is based on the above interpretation drawn by @lettaniko (I hope you don’t mind me using it! I absolutely love this drawing it’s perfect! 🫶🏼)
I like a nice build up to the smut so if you like to get right into it this is probably not going to be for you…but if you can wait I it out I promise it’ll be worth it 😂
Enjoy! 💋
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7:30am. There’s approximately 30 minutes before my train departs for Vienna, and I still haven’t reached the train station yet. I scrambled as I dashed out of my hotel room, hoping I’d left the place in a somewhat decent state and I hadn’t forgotten anything valuable as got into the elevator. I’ve been exploring Munich for the past two weeks and I’ve been having the absolute time of my life. Although traveling alone can be quite scary, oddly enough, I’ve never felt more at home. Munich is such a vibrant city, filled with all kinds of exciting things to do and I’ve met so many incredible people, it’s definitely been the experience of a lifetime. To say that I am not looking forward to going back home to Vancouver would be an understatement, but all good things must come to an end. I’d spent about a year and a half learning to speak German, and promised myself that I would plan a trip in celebration of achieving fluency, so here I am! Now, Vienna wasn’t initially on my list of places to visit when I decided to come to Germany, but my best friend, Adrian, ended up booking a spur of the moment flight last week to visit extended family in Austria and suggested I come hangout with her during the last few days of my trip. Seeing as its only a 3-4hr train ride from Munich, I figured why the hell not! I’ve heard Vienna is beautiful, and Im at all not opposed to exploring another city.
Upon arrival at the train station in Vienna I was greeted by Arian, excitedly jumping up and down while holding up a large white sign that read “Willkommen in Wien, Schlampe!” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, laughing as I got off the train and ran over to her, tackling her in a tight embrace as she laughed hysterically. “Did you have to let the whole station know that I’m a bitch or…?”
“Honestly, they should’ve known the moment they saw you.” She said jokingly. “How was the ride over?” She asked.
“Amazing, I haven’t slept that well in years. It also didn’t feel like a 4 hour train ride.”
“Trains in out here are quite quick so I wouldn’t be surprised if it somehow took less time. They definitely shit on the ones we have back home.”
“Oh for sure.” I agreed as we began walking over to the car.
“So a family friend of ours just came back from a mission in the states, he’s in the military bee tee dubs —“
“Yeah kinda pieced that together when you said ‘mission’.” I chuckled.
“I don’t drive out here so he’s gonna give us a ride back to my aunts, cool?”
“Sounds good.”
“He’s also a lot more familiar with Vienna than I am, so he offered to show us around a bit later on this evening.” Aw how nice of him. Knowing Adrian, the first place she’ll want to be taken to is the nearest bar, that girl can drink! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time in Germany, and my 10 years of friendship with Adrian, it’s that Europeans love their liquor. There are people from all parts of Europe in Germany and that’s one thing that remains quite consistent across the board. I also love my liquor, which is probably why I ended up fitting in so well.
We finally arrived at the car and opened the trunk to begin loading all of my luggage inside. I’d brought a small carryon suitcase, a duffle bag, as well as a large suitcase that was full of clothes I’d over packed from home, and a bunch of other clothes and souvenirs I’d bought in Munich. “Okay this one’s gonna be a tad heavy.” I warned as Adrian grabbed hold of the handle on the top. I reached forward to try to help her lift, but neither of us could manage the weight. “I got it.” His voice was low, but gentle. He had an accent, but it wasn’t overwhelming or harsh, nor did it make anything he said hard to understand. I wasn’t expecting to see the person I saw when I’d finally caught a glimpse of him…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man like this in my entire life. Adrian and I stepped back as he grabbed hold of the suitcase, lifting it with absolute ease, as if it were light as a feather. His arm muscles bulged within the confines of his olive green long sleeved shirt as he tossed the suitcase inside the trunk. My heart began to race, It felt as if I was watching him move in slow motion. “Easy peasy.” He smirked as he turned around and looked down at me, his dazzling dark blue eyes awash with amusement at Adrian and I’s prior struggle. Jesus Christ…This man is an absolute unit. He’s gotta be at least 6 foot 7, if not taller. He’s incredibly easy on the eyes in a rough and rugged kinda way — a nice low trimmed beard, medium length dark brown hair, and a smile that is captivatingly dangerous to say the least. His presence alone exudes a confidence that causes me to grow weak in the knees. “I’m König,” he smiled knowingly as he stretched his hand out towards me. I know I’m definitely not the first woman to look at him the way I am. Even though I’m trying to keep my composure, it’s very clear that he can see right through it. “And you must be Chantelle?” He asked, eyes slowly roaming about my frame from head to toe. He bites his lip slightly as they return to my gaze, suggesting so much without saying any words at all. “I — yes.” I blushed, sheepishly brushing my hair behind my ear as I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He said. “Oh yeah, König Chantelle, Chantelle König.” Adrian yelled from the backseat. He laughed and shook his head as he closed the trunk.
We arrived at Adrian’s aunts house about 45 minutes later. König helped us load all of my things into the foyer before letting us know he’d be coming back in a few hours to take us out to this bar that he and a few of his buddies on his task force frequent whenever they’re home. I’ve been thinking about him ever since he left — those mysterious blue eyes, the way he slightly bites his lower lip just before laughing at something ridiculous Adrian has said, the way his arm muscles swell beneath his shirt with the slightest movement…God, he’s sexy. I could think of a million different ways I’d want him to ruin me. The thought alone of being trapped beneath his large brawny frame writhing in pleasure as he thrusts into me over and over has me clenching around nothing. Though I’m not usually one for a one time fling, I have a feeling he’d be able to convince me. “So, you wanna tell me what all of that was about?” Adrian asked as she helped me settle into the guest room. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Since when are you a shy girl?” She giggled. Sigh. I figured she was referencing my unusual silence during the car ride over here. “He’s hot as fuck but I’ve never seen you like that before.”
“Ugh!” I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow. She’s right. I’m not very easily intimidated. I’m quite the confident woman and I ensure everyone in the room knows it, but this was different. Almost as if our energies were fighting for dominance, and mine didn’t stand a chance. “Hey if it’s any consolation, my jaw dropped the first time I saw him without his mask too.” Mask?
“Mask?” I asked.
“Yes…the last time I was here he was on base training recruits, so I’d see him often in full tactical gear. He’s a snipper, so he wears a mask to hide his face in the field. I mean, that was hot too, but in a Ghostface kinda way”
I couldn’t help but laugh at the comparison, but I was curious to see what his entire ensemble looked like. “How old is he?” I asked.
“I think he’s in his mid to late 30s? I’m honestly not too sure, and it doesn’t matter to me either way.” She winked. “I was sensing some unspoken vibes between the two of you in the car though. Don’t think I didn’t see both of you stealing glances at each other every now and then.” She smirked.
“Stop,” I scoffed. “A man like that is definitely not single, and even if he is…I don’t know” I blushed. “I didn’t see him looking at me..”
“K well I see everything, he definitely likes what he sees, and clearly the feeling is mutual on your end as well. Looks like tonight will be interesting.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen, Adrian.” I laughed as I rolled my eyes. Nothing’s gonna happen…right?
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PART II 👉🏽 A Weekend In Vienna 🇦🇹: PART II
PART III 👉🏽 A Weekend In Vienna 🇦🇹: PART III
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sherwees · 9 months
cw : noncon, rough sex, breeding, mentioning of death, lowkey implying that yangyang has done some.. things...
side note : I wanted to try first person huhu
deadass based off “it's gonna be me” by nsync
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The weak wooden bed frame rhythmically bounces against the beige wallpaper. I tussle and thrash within Yangyang's in my hair as his painful thrusts reaches to my cervix, punching the wind from my tired lungs.
“Just f’ me, huh? Not for anybody else, right? ” Yangyang croaked through moans, his thrusts fastening and I could only recoil from the spongey slick bites that he leaves upon my neck.
My throat felt like a bunch of weak coils, I could barely speak or even mumble. Suddenly, he gave a over reacted sigh, his thrusts slowed to a stop. The lights becoming a blur through the screen of my tears, I could hear his spit stretch around his mouth into a smile as he mumbled “prettiest thing”.
Ignoring his attempt to move a loose strand of my hair aside, my head turned every so slightly towards the framed picture peeking through the slightly ajar door into the hallway.
It was from my wedding day.
Hendery looked more vibrant, enthusiastic, alive.. I remembered his strong but yet so so soft scent from his clothes that now were folded in the corners of my closet, rotting like the day I found him unconscious and pale on the kitchen floor.
“You can't bother to take your eyes off of him?” He looks over himself with a maybe sympathetic smile, his coarse hand slithering up and around my trembling shoulder with a squeeze, interrupting me from my daze. I bunched my lips in discomfort, holding back a whimper but he only tensed his grip on my shuddering blade.
“N-no?” I stuttered, shaking my head frantically to get my weak defense out.
But he slapped me once more.
“Don't fucking lie to me, you know the rules!”
The fucking rules.. the memory replays.
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“Look at that dead bitch again and see what happens.” The orangish street lights illuminated Yangyang's dazed eyes. The crisp cigar laid inbetween his index and middle as he sighed, side eyeing me for a mere second to expect a response. The wind tingled my neck and swept through my hair, I could only hum until I choked on my spit, realizing what he said.
“I can't forget him..” I attempted to muster a stronger tone, the pressure on my chest worsening like my lungs were going to slide and pop out of my wind pipe.
“You forget him every time I get you all riled up and fucked out so what's the problem now sweetheart?” Yangyang is now fully turned to my discombobulated expression, his elbow now helping him lean on the balcony. He was.. right.
His arm wraps around my waist, pulling my body flush to his chest. His skin was bleak against my hot own, his aura and reak of marijuana was unsuspectingly comforting. The energy was slowly leaking out of me like a broken pipe as his embrace only snuggled me somehow closer.
“I'll love you better than him.” was the only thing I heard until everything fell into darkness.
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The feeling of a numbed pain spreads through a region of my face, bringing me back to the present.
It didn't sting like it used to.
“Do you want to see him again.”
“Don't make this harder on yourself, honey..” His jaw was set and clenched but his coo sounded somewhat sweet like he was talking to a kid after they pushed their classmate on the concrete. His eyebrows furrowed with the same ferocity as his narrowed eyes.
“No..?” I retorted in a croak, my lips shriveled in shame. Yangyang's chest inclined as he took a breath, his large hands cupped my jaw to direct my vision to the mural as his hips stuttered alive; continuing his punishing pace from before.
My reflexes attempted to relieve myself from his tenacious grip, I felt the imprints of nails dig and form crescents into my cheek. I could only attempt to scream but it only came out as garbles as spit set in the base of my windpipe.
“Yangyang, please..” I arched underneath him, my hands finding the bed frame in the heat of the moment.
“Fuck– just show Kunhang how you like to get fucked.”
I should've put an end to it but my common sense soon dissipated once he set his digit against my slick, throbbing bud. The pressure was enough to make me forget everything, as always.
“Mmm– look at what you're fucking missing.. He couldn't– and wouldn't fuck you like me, huh?” His head lowers down, his face only a few centimeters from my own. His eyes divert to my swollen,irritated lips, his head came forward; ravaging my mouth like a mad man. From the corner of my eye, his shoulder bone juts out along with his muscles as he attempted to keep his posture.
“Show how much of a slut you are just for his friend.” His voice has a sultry edge to it, his pounding punctured that certain spot in my core constantly.
“Didn't even fuckin' know you— the desperate widow that'll open her legs to anybody.. M’ gonna knock you up so good and I'll take you back home with me like a prized possession.” I cried his cock swelling and throbbing inside my tense hole, my nails scrambed to beat, claw and scratch at his back.
“Yangyang–” I choked with a sob, my palm becoming bruised from the impact of the frame against it.
“Just-t pull out for me.” His thrusts became drawn out, representing his impending release, his agonizing release. And he just let go, not giving a care in the world to my plea; like I was nothing, as always.
Unbearable pain surged through my lower half and ached. My walls pulsed an erratic rhythm around his length. I was even too tired to even buck my hips through my high, my vision bleary.
My eyes became heavy, tired.. My hand caressed the back of his head before dropping lax from the rushes of exhaustion that surged my senses and I was overcome by it.
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I hoped she didn't know too much or suspected too much.
I'll never tell her what happened that very day..
I'll never tell her that I wanted her for myself..
My envy only got me here.
And I'll stay here for eternity.
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fantasyandshit · 5 months
Little bird
Type: one shot
Pairing: Rhysand x fem!reader
Based off of this request
Masterlist here
Angstttt- torture, kidnapping, death, no comfort.
“I’ll go.”
“No you won’t.” The high lord- and my mate quickly protests. We need someone to go to the Autumn court, with Cassian, Mor obviously wasn’t going to be forced to do this, Azriel was out on another mission, Amren wasn’t going for- again, obvious reasons; and Rhysand was drowning in work. It only made sense for me to go with Cassian, which is what I tried to argue to my husband.
“Rhys. Baby it’s three days, I can handle myself- plus, Cassian will be there too.” I’m stern as I stare at the male.
“Fine.” He sighs, “but- I want updtates every night and if I suspect anything weird from the bond- I’m coming down right away. Understood?”
“Yes love. I’ll go get packed and me and Cass will leave in the hour.” I give Rhysand a soft kiss, my hand going to rest on his cheek as I whisper, “I will be perfectly fine, nothing will go wrong. Promise.”
Rhysand nods softly as I pull away, “goodbye Darling. I love you, be safe ok.”
“Always love. I love you.”
“Yn! Yn! Wake up! Please wake up Yn!” I groan in protest to the hands shaking my tired body.
“Wha- Cass? What’s going on?” My head is pulsing and I can feel my skin scraping on concrete.
“We were ambushed as we arrived across the borders. I woke up about two hours ago- I think? We’re in a dungeon somewhere- in Autumn presumably.”
I nod slowly, trying to sit up from where my head rests on my friends thighs. I groan, my head is killing me. I lean against the wall with Cassian, trying to gather my thoughts as best as possible. Looking around- I find Cassian is right, concrete walls surround us, other than the bars leading out into a hallway. A fae light on the outside seems to be our only source of light, and I can hear water trickling further down.
As I try to reach out to my mate, I find our bond blocked- shit. Fae bane.
Me and Cassian sit in the cell side by side for what feels like an eternity, just silently wondering how this could happen. Wondering if Eris somehow planned this or if he was none the wiser.
“Ooh, looks like our little bird is finally awake.” I look up at the voice, jolting as a snap sounds and then my body is hanging, feet chained to the ground and arms to the sealing, hanging in a sort of star shape. Cassian faces me, his arms shackled to a wall above him.
I glad at the man as he steps forward, his hand grabs my chin and I take the opportunity, turning my head and biting down. Hard. He grunts, pulling away, blood leaking from his wound and my mouth as I smirk, showing off bloody teeth. Cassian sits with a mixture of shock and proud as I spit out the crimson liquid. That look switches to horror as I’m back handed, my head swiveling as I spit a tooth out. My chin is yet again grabbed in a rough hold. “Now you listen here bitch. You’re gonna learn to listen and behave. Do you understand?” I don’t respond, simply glaring silently as he throws my head back, walking to a cart I didn’t realize was there. He walks back with a leather strap of sorts- at first I assume it’s a whip, only to realize how wrong I am when it’s strapped across my head and a ball is shoved in my mouth. He gagged me.
He fucking gagged me.
That little bitch.
Rhysand started freaking out as the hours ticked on with no update from you. You promised. You promised to update him every night and so far the bond was cold. Too cold for his liking. “Calm down cousin. Shes probably just warn out from the travel. She’ll get to you tomorrow.”
Rhysand shakes his head, unable to understand how his cousin is so calm. She just doesn’t understand.
Finally after much back and forth, Morrigan gets Rhysand to calm down. He could wait till tomorrow to start worrying.
Another guttural scream leaves me as a fae bane tipped blade is plunged into my thigh. I had tried staying silent, but after so long of trying, I couldn’t anymore. I was so tired. In the distance, beyond the ringing, I can hear Cassian begging for the man to stop, to hurt him instead, but he is simply ignored.
As said man leaves yet again, I’m dropped from my chains and cassians disappear as well. My friend crawls to me, cooing softly as he cradles my head in his hands softly. “Oh dear. I’m so so sorry Yn. Rhys will come soon. Cauldron I’m sorry. You’re so strong, so brave.”
A small smile graces my lips. “It’s ok. You stay strong. I can handle this. But what I can’t handle? Is seeing you hurt. So just stay strong ok. We’ll get through this.” I’m exhausted, my eyes fluttering shut.
My eyes shoot open as the chains reappear around me. But I notice. This is different, there’s a cool metal under me, my body is strapped in a star but I’m strapped down to a table. This is also when I notice- no gag. For some reason this scared me more than the gag and hanging chains, because I don’t know what to expect here. The man walks in, this time, as I look over. I notice he’s carrying a bucket and a rag. Shit. I know what this is. I squirm as he moves forward, my fit bringing him joy as he chuckles, setting the bucket down beside the table as he moves towards me.
“This is gonna be fun.” He smiles darkly as he puts the rag over my face, bending down to get the water. No. No please no. Gods please no.
I hold my breath as he poors the water over me, I hold it as long as possible, but eventually- I have to suck in a deep breath. Gasping and spluttering as the rag gets sucked in, feeling like I’m drowning. I can hear Cassians chains rattling as this continues.
Another snap.
I’m back in the hanging chains.
I wince as I hear the flicker of fire. Fuck. Water now fire. I can’t do this anymore. Ive been holding on for Rhys but at this point im convinced no one is coming, and im exhausted. The man’s words wring through my head as the flame is brought to the bottoms of my feet.
‘They aren’t coming.’
‘No body cares about you.’
‘If they were truly worried, if they truly loved you. They be here.’
And I started to believe him. At first I didn’t, but slowly, I started to believe him, his words clawing into my brain and nestling there. No one was coming for me. No one cared.
The next time I’m let from my chains, I land in a puddle of my own bodily fluids, blood, tears, piss, and puke. Fuck. Everything hurt. My mind flashes to the electric rods, the burning that filled me with the electricity. The convulsions caused a minor seizure from what I understood. This- was the cause for the piss I now laid in. My mind moves to the flashes of the whip, beating down on my back, tearing through skin and tissue and muscle. The pain was so severe after fifty three that I pulled my brains out- for the sixth time since we were captured. Next, my mind flashes to the crow bar. I can practically feel my ribs cracking again, I splutter as I cough up more blood. A result of my punctured lung from said crowbar. The same reason for my leg bone sticking out of my skin disgustingly.
But by far. The worst thing. It wasn’t the physical torture no. It was hearing Cassian beg. Beg for them to beat him, to just leave me alone as I’m beaten and bruised. It was the thoughts that now swam around my mind like a whirlpool, telling me that no one loved me. That no one missed me. That Rhysand. My mate. Would be here if he truly cared.
My mate.
He didn’t care.
He probably wanted me gone.
That’s why he agreed to let me go.
“Hey. Hey. Come back to me. Look at me sweetheart.” My eyes flutter open, meeting Cassians as he pets my hair. “Shh. It’s ok. Your ok.” I cough up more blood as I struggle to breathe.
“Cass…I’m-fuck- why has no one come for us? Do they not care.” I gulp a ragged breath of air
“Hey. No hey. Don’t let his words get in your head. They care. They are trying to find us. In fact, they are probably charging here now. Ok.”
I nod, still not fully believing him as my eyes flutter shut again and I float into darkness.
“Fuck!” Rhysand throws the table across the room. Three days. Three fucking days! He was close to finding you but not quite able to yet and it was not only pissing him off, but blinding him with rage and agony.
“Fuck! Eris I will fucking kill you! What the fuck do you want! How did you get here!” The son of Autumn is pinned by the neck against the wall.
“Well. Your wards are quite weak. Also- I know where your precious mate is.”
“Where?” He growls, calling for Azriel in his mind. Once the shadowsinger arrives, they are winnowed to Autumn, the dungeons under the castle to be exact.
“All I can tell you is a few of my father’s men took them. They will be down here. We better hurry.”
The three tear through the halls. Till finally, they reach the cell they are looking for.
“-Fear bo evil. Feel no pain.” Cassian finished the prayer to the mother, sending you off to a peaceful land of eternal sleep. Pushing your hair back and kissing your head softly. Silent tears cascading down his face as he cradles your broken body.
“Cass?” Rhysand drops to his feet beside his friend.
“I’m so sorry brother. She was so strong, so brave. But- I. I couldn’t save her.” The brothers eyes meet, nothing but pain rushing through them as Cassian hands his brother his mates body.
“Fuck baby. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner. Forgive me love. Please forgive me.” Rhysand cries and begs, begging for you to come back, to not leave him. Begging for your forgiveness and chanting about how sorry he is.
“Rhysand. I truly am sorry but we have to go. Now.” Even Eris’ eyes prickle with tears and his voice betrays him as he speaks, cracking a bit in the middle of his sentence.
The high lord of night nods, picking you up and moving to the door. The four make it to the house of wind. Rhysand setting your body in the dining room table. Bending over your body, weeping into your cold shoulder. As Mor makes it into the room, she gasps, her hand flying to her mouth as lets out a cry. Falling to her ‘sisters’ side.
That night. The sky was a little bit dimmer- all except the bright shooting star that flew past the house of wind, lighting up the dull night. Rhysand knew. He knew that was you, showing him you’d always be there, always be with him.
Okkkk I hope this was ok? I was really struggling but I hope it’s up to standard? Thank you sm for the request and I promise I am slowly but surely making my way through the lists.
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acapelladitty · 11 months
Captain Boomerang/Reader - Restraints (Kinktober #10)
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Summary - You find Digger all tied up with nowhere to go and decide to tease him a little before setting him free. (This was a wee commission from the absolutely delightful @worri-wort who has fantastic prompts!)
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The sigh of exasperation which flees your lips at the sight of him is one that you assume he must be used to by now. Planting your hands atop your hips, you meet his eyes and a silly thought flits through your mind that, at least this time, you’d been lucky enough to find him conscious and clothed.
Digger’s fingers flex in the closest thing he can manage to a shrug as his body writhes against the myriad of twisting, textured vines which pin him to the wall. A thick patch of ivy sits behind his frame, the flora providing a strong anchor for the vines to hold its unwilling prey steady as the base of it seems somehow embedded in the plaster of the wall. The scent of earth is heavy in the air, something primal and heady, and the strength of it makes you clear your throat delicately as you tap your feet against the flooring.
“I know I said I would behave.” Digger begins with the inflection of a petulant child. “But things happened, and I got into a little tussle with the plant bitch,” he smirks at the dismissive nickname as a flash of gold peeks free of his dingy teeth, “so she left me here like this. Told me to fucking rot.”
“And what did you do to deserve that?”
If anything, his grin grows wider and there’s something guilty hiding in the way his lips tilt to the side even as he keeps stubbornly silent.
“Well, that wasn’t smar-”
“Hey! I’m the victim here.”
“Maybe she’s right. Maybe you should be stuck there. God knows it might actually stop you from making a mess.”
“Aww, don’t be like that, darlin’. Come and untie me.” He winks and, as if to make his point, his wide body struggles against the vines for a solid moment to showcase just how trapped he was. “I’ll make it worth your while, sweetheart.”
Sleazy charm in full force, the pet names are desperate but effective as heat touches at your cheeks. A fact he is quick to notice as his expression lights up and his efforts to escape stop in an instant.
“Fine.” You agree, attempting to sound nonchalant about the whole thing and failing miserably.
The vines are rough against your hands, feeling oddly alive as you delicately and methodically unravel the most prominent ones which cross his chest and arms. So focused on the task, you push away the embarrassment which sits warmly in the pit of your stomach as your fingers brush across his thick body; first trailing across his tensed bicep before wrapping around his thigh to coax off a particularly tight vine from just below his crotch.
Heat radiates from him like a furnace. His naturally warm frame is soothing, and you enjoy the sensations of his skin peeking through the vines as you return to his wrists, unknotting and loosening with dexterous fingers as you work as quickly as you can.
“Get the lower ones first,” Digger cuts in, the words startling you from your focus, “they’re trying to strangle me goolies and it’s not something I want to live through.” His voice has deepened, the accent coming through more pronounced as he slurs over the syllable with a sudden roughness. It’s hot and you bite your lips as you follow his request.
Dipping your hands back to the vines on his thighs, a gasp snaps free of your throat as your wrist brushes the crotch of his jeans to alert you to the stiff bulge which juts out from the denim.
“You’re the one touching me, love. Can’t blame a red-blooded man for getting’ a little hot under the collar and cracking a fat when-”
He breaks off into a throaty laugh as you bury your head against his chest, blocking out the worst of his vulgarity and hiding your embarrassment by focusing on the racing pulse of his heart.
His shirt is ripped, the pale blue fabric torn enough across his chest that the exposed reddish chest hair below tickles your cheek as you press against him.
“Babe, heads up! Look!”
Following his instructions, you tilt your head up and immediately feel his chapped lips pressing against your own as he uses the little bit of purchase you’ve given him to catch you by surprise.
His mutton chops are rough against your skin, scratching your cheeks as he devours your lips in a filthy kiss. He tastes of cheap beer and even cheaper cigarettes, the palette of a man long haven given up any pretence of giving a single fuck about his health, and it’s nasty in a way which makes your head spin. In an instant, your fingers are pressing into his reddened hair, the strands there sitting flat against his scalp due to his recently abandoned beanie as you hold him in place.
“Chances of a gobbie?” He growls as he pulls away. “Can’t get a guy all hard like this and not do anythin’ about it. What’ya say, baby?”
Fresh heat creeps along your cheeks as you shake your head. No way he was getting a blowjob. Not like this. Those were a reward for a good well done and he had really messed this little meeting he attended up. But the idea does have a little bit of appeal, particularly when he’s so restrained and unable to do anything and the mental image of you on your knees before him sparks a wicked heat in your chest.
Chuckling at your headshake, he offers you a childish pout.
“And here’s me thinking you liked me, darlin’. Not even chucking me a pity handy.”
Mischief rises in your thoughts, pushing past the embarrassment as a cheeky determination settles in your mind and your hand drops deftly to his crotch.
Unzipping his fly, you don’t miss the way his chest heaves in surprise as you pull his straining cock free. He’s already painfully hard and the obvious droplets of pre-cum which are smeared across his cockhead are hint enough to how turned on he is.
“Is this what the big baby wants?” You coo, rolling your fingers across his fat length as it juts free of his groin. The base of his cock boasts a health patch of russet pubic hair, and it tickles your fingers as your stroke away at him with a slow pace.
Panting already, his expression is slack and content to allow you to do what you want with him as he remains unable to move more than a few inches. A lurid, deep moan slips free of his lips as you rub your thumb across his cockhead, spreading the mess there further as arousal tugs at your own stomach, heat spreading across your skin.
“Just like that, babe.” Digger groans, his hips jerking slightly as he chases your hand. “So fucking good to me, so fucking good.”
Mouth going dry at the praise, you settle into a steady rhythm as you use his reactions to guide your actions. He makes a little whimper as you run your finger along the line where the shaft meets the head and the sound goes straight to your groin, inspiring you to do it two more times until the pre-cum is steadily leaking from his slit.
“Are you close, baby?”
“Yeah- oh yeah.” He mewls out, the noise utterly pathetic. “Gonna shoot off all over your hands, love.”
Before you could respond to that, he follows through with his claim and you feel his cock twitching in your palm as he comes. His release is stuttered; the mess coating your fingers as a few erratic droplets spray across his own stomach, staining both the shirt and vines which cover the wide area.
Continuing to stroke him through his orgasm, you keep your hand moving along his shaft until his groans have shifted from pleasure to discomfort as overstimulation touches at his heaving body. You release him quickly, your fingers shifting over to the final vine which holds his right hand in place as you pull it free with renewed strength - confidence thrumming through your veins.
Now freed, even if it were only one hand, his determination is immediate as his hand strikes forward to wrap around the back of your neck and a surprised squeak flees your lips as he pulls you flush against his frame. The heat radiating off him is even more pronounced and the blush in his cheeks is reflecting in the warmth of your own as he grinds his cock against your clothed thigh.
“Fancy a quick root, babe?” He asks, his one freed hand dropping to roll across your clothed chest as he squeezes the skin there roughly. “Give me five mins to recover and the little guy’ll be raring to go for another round.”
“Root.” You mutter, mildly pissed off at how good the pun is there.
Moving your feet quickly, you kick away the vines which are littered around the floor beneath you to make way for a decent space for a quick fuck once you’ve finished releasing him.
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bubblegumfrosting · 2 years
Pairing: Nolan Booth x Fem!reader
Summary: What happens when The Bishop decides to torture you instead of Hartley?
Warnings: swearing, kidnapping, torture
A/n: I love me some Ryan Reynolds and I was shocked to see that there weren’t a lot of fanfics based off Red Notice so I had to write something
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You met John Hartley and the infamous Nolan Booth after getting arrested in Rome. Your life as a criminal was just starting and this was your second heist. Call it beginners bad luck. Somehow all three of you found yourselves intermingled with unearthing the three cleopatra eggs. It has been quite an adventure, an FBI agent, the world’s second best art thief, and the worlds best failed art thief.
Unbeknownst to you, Nolan and Hartley were handcuffed together in a room further down. You couldn’t hear a thing over the sound of a crowd cheering.
For some unknown reason the only thing you could think of was whether Nolan was okay. Your heart raced at the idea of the Bishop torturing him for information on the third egg. You hated to admit that the criminal had grown on you, his constant humor and dashing looks made him completely irresistible but there was also something much deeper and gentler that drew you towards him.
“Where is she?!”, Nolan spit at the Bishop.
She walked in front of him, “That’s not important Booth, this is the time where you tell us where the third egg is.’”.
Nolan let out a breathy laugh, “Piss off for a thousand years.”.
“Oh bummer, I really wanted to do it the easy way.”, she sighed, “That’s okay, I’ll get the information from you, by hurting him.”., she gestured towards Hartley.
“I’m sorry what?”, Hartley questioned.
“I love this plan.”, of course Nolan would.
Bishop turned up an electricity machine and made her way towards Hartley, “You two share a special bond, I mean why else risk your lives together attempting to steal the eggs.”, she grabs two metal pliers, “Isn’t that right, Agent Hartley?”.
“There isn’t any bond between us, I barley know the guy…Booth tell her we’re not friends.”.
Of course being the cheeky one, Booth had to play this one out, “She knows about us pal.”.
“That’s bullshit..”, Hartley immediately knew what he was doing.
“She knows about our special bond..she knows you were the best man at my wedding…”.
“You son of bitch.”, Harley spat at Booth, “He’s lying!”. The Bishop teasingly sparks the pliers in front of Hartley’s face.
“If she hurts you bad enough, I mean if she gets really creative with it, than I’m gonna have no choice but to tell her everything.”, Nolan continues his speech.
“Now Mr. Booth, where is the third egg?”, Nolan stayed silent, “Okay..here I go..”.
“No don’t wait..”, Nolan sarcastically pleas.
He seemed completely unfazed with the torture his new found friend was being subjected to.
“Hm, let’s switch it up.”, the Bishop nods to Sotto and he exits the room with one of the pliers, “If this isn’t working maybe giving a few shocks to that pretty little thing down the hall will.”.
Nolan freezes, suddenly the air feels stiff and the once humorous situation turned sour, “Don’t you fucking touch her.”. He says in a serious tone.
“Seems like we’ve struck a nerve, tell me where the egg is.”.
“Eat shit!”, she lets out a low chuckle and presses a button.
Your screams could be heard clearly, crying for help, crying for Nolan’s help, “NOLAN!!”.
“NO NO STOP IT!”, Nolan thrashes around, “ITS IN EGYPT!”, Nolan finally caved in.
She stoped the machine, “Where in Egypt?”.
“It’s buried with Cleopatra in the Grand pyramid, there’s a secret entry way, alright!Just please stop hurting her.”, Nolan breathes heavily.
“See! That wasn’t that hard, I would say nice working with you but we both know that would be a lie.”, and with that The Bishop left.
“I swear to God I’m gonna to kill that bitch”.
While the two of them got into a shooting fight with Sotto, you were still trapped in the chair. Your body felt numb and your cheeks felt wet, you presumed it was your tears. There was a metallic taste in your mouth and all you could do was whimper as you heard gun shots.
Than there was silence, you heard a door open and your blindfold was ripped off. It took a minute for your eyes to adjust to your environment but the only thing you could see was Nolan’s worried expression as he looked down at you.
“Nolan, it hurts”, you sobbed.
“Hey hey hey, I know sweetheart.”, he didn’t mean for the name to slip out but he was too distracted to care.
Nolan unhooked the restraints and guided you to your feet, you immediately crashed into his chest due to how weak you felt.
“The electricity affected her worse than me because she’s much smaller than I am.”, Hartley spoke and met Nolan’s eyes. Hartley knew the look Nolan had and felt guilty for how badly injured you were.
“I was so scared they were going to hurt you.”, you spoke.
“I wish it was me rather than you.,” he said in a whisper.
You pulled back from the embrace and met his eyes which looked down upon you lovingly yet concerned. He lowered his head and placed a hesitant kiss on your forehead. As he pulled back he analyzed your face for any sort of reaction, once he saw the faint blush on your cheeks and your smile he returned it. He cupped your face and leaned in, your breath hitched as your two lips connected.
You deepened the kiss by pulling him closer by the neck earning a short groan from him.
“Okay okay, break it up!”, the two of you pulled away both out of breath and looked towards Hartley.
“Dude! A little privacy here!”, Nolan said and promptly returned to kissing you.
“Why did I agree to any of this.”, Hartley left with a huff.
You didn’t know what the futures has in stored but for now you felt safe in Nolan’s arms and you knew that this is where you belong.
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mommyashtoreth · 5 months
what are your most hated popular aziraphale and crowley mischaracterizations
GREAT question I fucking love complaining
Not to sound contradictory right off the bat but for Az it's both like. "Aziraphale is mean" and "Aziraphale is SO cartoonishly nice that he can't even fathom of anything that could be construed by anyone as being somehow 'bad'", because I think both are really fundamental misunderstandings of Aziraphale as a dramatic character for the former and as a comedic character for the latter. "Aziraphale is mean" seems to be based entirely on the ending of s2 and I've certainly said my piece about that already, but to summarize I think it's a bad reading of that scene and I find "actually Aziraphale is manipulative and mean and Crowley is 100000% always in the right and never did anything wrong ever" to make for a much more boring story than what we've actually got. On the other hand, boomeranging right into the other direction and making Aziraphale way too nice is ALSO something I find boring, but in a more standard "fandom flanderization" type of way. Like, I'm sure you've seen something where Aziraphale is so nice and good and pure and soft and sweet and smol cinnamon roll needs protection that he passes out whenever someone says the word "penis." And I find that boring! It's a bad way to engage with his joke. Aziraphale IS nice, genuinely, and he's good to people and helps people and loves humanity, but also like, he's smug and he lies and he says guns lend weight to a moral argument and is kind of a cunt in ways people don't give him credit for. And that's good! That's awesome. He's really really really funny and I obviously really really like him. Basically I wish people knew how to balance "Aziraphale is nice" and "Aziraphale is a bitch" bc both are true and it's a fine-tuned craft managing to depict both at once
Crowley is harder to pin down... idk I just Also find a lot of fandom Crowley very boring in very similar ways, either stripping him down (God I wish) to form one half of a very basic very boring Good Guy Vs. Bad Guy dynamic, or making him this like Sexy Domineering Alpha Male Daddy Dom type that I find very boring. Not that I think Crowley can never be sexy or domineering, my url is literally, yknow, that, but I think all his "evilness" has an almost playful nature to it where like you know he's having fun with it, OR I like when it feels like he's doing it as a job. like Oh, fuck, have to make the quota today. Gotta go cause a pileup. I think people generally tend to make Crowley either too serious or too nice, and he IS nice, there's a guarded softness in like both renditions of the character that IS very important, but he's still Also kind of a bitch! And that's fun! Idk people always make "sin" out to be some huge thing like "Crowley has to literally murder a child" which makes for good conflict, but there's also little stuff that he's a) good at and b) likes doing, like causing traffic jams and moving construction poles around and just like, generally annoying people and I think that's really really funny. I read a fic once where she would order pizza for delivery to other people's houses, and I'm still workshopping mine where she, like, convinces this rich guy to invest in a bad industry so when his stocks plummet he'll be insufferable to be around (also bc greed is a sin. There are sins besides lust! Animals), and that's fun! And honestly Crowley's fun even when he's down in the dumps, he's funny when he gets annoyed with Aziraphale or when he gets angry at Gabriel or whatever. I wish people tapped into that more! Idk I also clearly like Crowley a lot I think we could hang out I could grab a beer with him and play Bowie and Brian Eno on the jukebox, and a lot of fandom Crowley does not feel like somebody I could grab a beer with. Let him loosen up! Misery is fun to write but all work and no play makes Tony a dull boy
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thatgirlstrawberry · 2 years
be okay. please.
Feb. Request-7
In which Y/N is at base while Spencer is in the field. She loses communication and tension rises.
Warnings: guns, bombs, blood, normal CM stuff, sadness, angst, fluff, kissing, reader being worried and pregnant
Spencer x fem!reader
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Y/N clenched her jaw as she sat beside Garcia in the bar cave. Her knee was bouncing up and down rapidly as she rubbed her stomach.
The reason she wasn’t with the rest of the team was because she was pregnant. Too far along to be working a case physically.
“Okay, wonder team.” Garcia sighed. “The bombs location is about two miles from where you are… now.”
“Thanks, baby girl.” Derek said over the phone. “How are you doing, Mrs. Reid?” He asked.
Y/N sighed. “Y’know, i just kinda wish you guys weren’t heading towards an active bomb but other than that… never better.”
Spencer cleared his throat. “Uh, wife can you make sure to keep baby in there until we get back?”
Y/N chuckled. “Yeah, sure. I’ll just hold my legs closed if I feel like Niagara Falls let loose from my vagina.”
“Dude!” Emily snorted.
Spencer chuckled. “The third trimester has made her pretty… graphic.”
Derek laughed. “Yeah, for real. The other night she told me that she wasn’t looking forward to feeling like she was pushing a watermelon out of her ass.”
“Sounds like my wife.” Spencer sighed.
Y/N sighed. “Y’know, getting to the ninth month is super exciting until you realize that the baby doesn’t come in the exact day you hit the ninth month.” She rolled her eyes. “Unless you’re freaking Monica from across the street.” She scowled. “That bitch pushed her devil baby twins out at fuckin’ midnight.”
Everyone laughed as Y/N grumbled.
Garcia shook her head. “I love all the… baby pushing out stuff— but you guys are coming up on the sight. Body cams on, please.”
On a separate screen, six frames showed up with their names in the corner. “All right, everyone’s clear to go. Be safe and kick ass.”
Y/N bit her lip as she saw Spencer’s body cam stop shaking and move from inside the car, out.
“Reid, you’re with me and Rossi, JJ and Emily with Morgan.” Hotch spoke. “Reid, Rossi and I will go try to diffuse the bomb, you guys go take down Mr. Hall.”
The reason the BAU was diffusing the bomb and not the bomb squad was because the unsub had somehow shut off all the power at the bomb station, making that they wouldn’t receive any notice of bomb threats. The doors were also ran by electricity so when the power went out, the doors shut down.
Everyone nodded and moved in different directions. Y/N saw them come to a door that the bomb should have been behind.
Hotch kicked it open and stepped aside for Reid and Rossi to go through first. “I’ve located the explosive.” Reid spoke.
Chills ran down Y/N’s spine as she saw it up close from his body cam.
She looked down at JJ and Emily’s body cam and realized that they went black. She pressed the call button on the computer. “Emily? JJ, can you hear me?” Derek’s looked like it was shaking all around. “Derek, what’s happening?”
His body cam went black.
“Derek?” Garcia called.
Y/N saw Spencer’s hands hesitantly touching the wires and cables attached to the bomb.
“Y/N, García, what are you seeing?” Rossi asked.
Her chest stared to heave. “Their body cams went black. I can’t see or hear them.” She shook her head.
“All of them?” Hotch asked.
“Yes! All of them.” Garcia snapped.
Y/N eyed Spencer’s body cam. There was a minute left on the timer. “No. No, Spencer you guys have to get out of there.” She spoke, desperation in her voice.
“Baby, I can’t talk to you right now. I need to focus, I’m so sorry.”
Y/N heart plummeted when she saw a figure in the background on the screen of Spencer’s cam.
“Spence, I-I think there’s someone in there with you.” She said quietly.
Y/N shook, sitting on the edge of her seat. “Spencer, there’s someone in there with you. You need to g-go. You have to go.”
Rossi and Hotch pulled their guns and stalked forward towards the man covered in blood. “Hands up, Hall.”
Y/N grabbed Garcia’s hand as tears stung in her eyes. The clock continued to count down as Spencer moved his hands around. She could hear him whispering, reciting things he had learned earlier in the case.
Two gunshots were heard and Y/N flinched when Hotch and Rossi’s body came went black.
“No… no, no!” She yelled.
Spencer pulled his gun from his holster. “Mr. Hall?” He spoke, walking forward. “My name is Spencer Reid, and I want you to think very carefully about your next actions.” He said,
Y/N bit her lip so hard that she tasted blood.
“I don’t wanna follow your rules.” Hall spoke. He shrugged.
Spencer stepped forward again. “Okay. Okay, I understand. But, you’re the only one that can turn off the bomb?”
He nodded.
“If you help me diffuse it, you can make your own rules.” Spencer spoke. “You don’t have to follow anyone else’s, okay?”
Y/N shook, trying not to scream in Spencer’s ear piece. He only had thirty seconds left. “Okay. I-I can help you.”
“I need you to drop your weapon, though Mr. Hall.” Spencer spoke as he tried to walk forward.
Y/N clenched her jaw. Hurry, Spencer. Hurry.
She watched Mr. Hall drop the gun he was holding and walk forward. Spencer began to lift his gun back into his holster.
And the last thing Y/N saw was the man running at her husband before his body cam went black.
Y/N was silent for a moment. “Sp- Spencer?” She whispered, pressing the call button. “Spencer, are you there?”
She glanced at Penelope who looked lost, shocked, scared all in one. “Penelope, why- his body cam went off. Why did their cams go off?”
She shook her head as tears fell down her cheeks. “I-I…”
Y/N pulled her hand from hers. “Why the fuck did they go off, Garcia!?” She shouted. When the woman just started to weep, Y/N groaned and pulled out her phone, getting out of the chair she was in.
She called Spencer.
Riiing. Riiing. Riiing. Ri- Hi, this is Spencer Reid. I can’t come to the phone right now, leave a— babe, stop! Leave a message!
Y/N pressed her lips in a thin line to stop them from quivering. “No, no, no.” She shook her head. “Be okay. Please.” She whispered, pressing Rossi’s contact.
It rang, he didn’t answer.
“No, you have to be okay.”
She called JJ. No answer.
Morgan. No answer.
She called everyone on the team but no one picked up.
She paced, her breaths becoming short and labored. “No, no.” She shook her head.
“Y/N, sweetie, you need to calm down. Too much stress will put you into labor.” Garcia sniffled from behind her.
The woman either didn’t hear her or didn’t listen because she started hyperventilating. “Spencer and I are supposed to have this baby together— the team is supposed to be here for our kid— I- I- need them to be okay. I need him to be okay.”
García sobbed listening to her. “Y/N—“
“We’re supposed to move out of our apartment and get a big— b-big house so we can have more kids— I can’t do life without him— much less have a baby—“
García got up from her chair and slowly walked towards the panicking woman. “Y/N, i need you to stop or you will have this baby on the floor of my bat cave!” She said, placing her hands on her arms.
Y/N looked up at her with tears running. Garcia tilted her head to the side, pulling her in for a tight hug.
As she was rocking Y/N back and forth, she noticed something on the frames of the body cams.
“Y/N/N…” Garcia whispered. “Look.”
The woman pulled away from her and spun around. “What— am I looking at?” She asked, sniffling.
“If the cams are damaged they say ‘error’, those say offline.” She nodded.
Y/N furrowed her brows. “Okay? W-why is that important.”
García bit her lip. “Because that means that they might be okay.” She smiled, wiping a tear off of Y/N’s cheek. She walked towards the computer. “If the bomb ever went off, these would say error. So, the team might have turned they off for some reason. They might be okay.”
Y/N bit her lip. “If they’re okay, then why aren’t they answering my phone calls?” She asked.
“I— i don’t know, Y/N.”
The woman sighed with frustration, walking to the door.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where the hell are you going, pregnant lady!?” Garcia asked loudly.
Y/N looked back at her. “I’m going to the site to get my husband and the rest of our team.”
García groaned. “Okay, well your husband would kill me if I let you drive so hang on!”
Y/N had tears in her eyes as García turned on the road and the next thing in sight was a burning building.
“No. No, there’s no way they made it out.” She mumbled.
As soon as the car stopped Y/N got out of the car, running for the line of police cars and fire trucks and ambulances.
“Oh my god.” She shook her head.
“Ma’am? You can’t be here now.” A policeman said, reaching for her arm.
Y/N didn’t glance at him as she pulled her arm from us grasp and showed him her badge. “Fuck off.”
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” She heard García calling for her.
She didn’t turn back. She needed to know if he was alive or dead.
The sirens hurt her ears as she passed dozens of fire trucks. “Rossi!” She screamed when she saw him covered in ash, coughing. “Oh my God, Rossi!”
“Oh, Y/N. What are you doing here?”
“You’re alive! Who else is alive!?”
“Y/N, Y/N, slow down sweetheart.” Rossi nodded, glancing around. He pulled her into a hug.
“Is he alive?” She whispered, her eyes squeezing shut.
“Sir, slow down! I need to take you to a paramedic!”
Y/N opened her eyes and practically pushed Rossi away from her. “Spencer!?” She screamed, rushing towards him.
His head snapped to her. “Y/N? What— what are you—“ he started to cough. When she got to him, she wrapped her arms around him tightly, tears escaping her eyes.
“I— thought you died!” She cried into his chest. “Why— where the fuck is your phone!?” She pushed off of him.
“Y/N, baby, I’m so sorry! I had to turn off the cams to gain trust. That was the only way he would agree to help diffuse the bomb.” He spoke quickly.
Y/N looked around. “Yeah, well it didn’t fucking work, now did it?!” The entire place was on fire.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
She reached up and wiped the blood from his forehead.
Spencer looked down at his wife worriedly. She hadn’t said anything since they’d been home. They laid in bed, him rubbing her belly softly as she laid her head on his chest.
Suddenly, he heard sniffles coming from her. He tilted his head as he looked at her. “Y/N? Baby, what’s wrong?”
He moved so she could sit up. She criss crossed her legs and looked at her belly. “You are not allowed to die.” She told him.
He would almost think that was a joke if he hadn’t heard the shake in her voice. If he hadn’t seen the sad look on her face.
“I need you here.” She nodded, tears falling from her eyes and landing on her hands that laid on her stomach. “For me. I-I can’t do this without you.”
“You won’t have our child alone, baby—“
“I can’t do living without you, Spencer.” She looked up at him. “Baby or not, if you didn’t come home to me today, I—“ She paused. “I need you and our child needs you.” She told him, letting his thumbs wipe away her tears. “And we’re gonna have more kids. They need you. Our kid’s kids, they need you.”
Spencer leaned forward. “They will have me.” He nodded. He pulled her into his chest. “I will be here for you…” He rocked her back and forth. “For our kids… for our kid’s kids, love, I will always be here.”
Y/N nodded into his chest before she pulled away. She pushed his body back so he was laying down.
“What are you doing?” He asked with furrowed eyebrows.
She laid her hand on his chest before replacing it with her ear. “I just need to hear your heart for a while.”
“I need to know you’re okay.”
I love this one (requester chose not to be tagged) feel free to request more fics!!!
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scribble-brain-aced · 4 months
for pride month, i have:
a list of how the hazbin hotel had their gay awakening. (or lesbian, or bi, or trans, or aroace, pan, etc)
Charlie: she watched Sleeping Beauty, the year after it came out. she looked at Snow White and thought “wow, she’s so pretty.. but also Price Florian.. wait.” because this was in 1938, she didn’t know what bisexuality was, but she knew and accepted her feelings, because it wasn’t a big deal to her. in the 1970s, she found the label for it— bisexuality— and thought “OH THERE’S A NAME FOR THIS, YAY!” and that was that.
Vaggie: when she was still alive, in 2010, a friend sent her a photo of a genderbent character from some TV show, and her first thought was “oh, okay, i see why everyone’s in love with them now. …wait.” she spent the next 20 minutes looking up female versions of characters and realizing “oh. OH THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH” (based on my own story)
Angel: honestly, he can’t really say. he just kinda knew from the beginning that men were just hot, and he’d marry a guy if he could. molly just assumed he meant “yeah, men are just better than women” and went along with it, even though she personally thought both were radiantly beautiful. (she found out what pansexual meant in 1972.)
Husk: he has no idea. if asked, he just shrugs and goes “any hole is a goal, i couldn’t care less.” at one point, Angel just shoved a poster at him, Husk read it and was like “oh. i guess that’s me.” pretty chill reaction, just continued his normal day, but kept thinking “okay, wow, that’s ME.”
Sir Pentious: he just thought all people liked both men and women, but because of societal rules and whatever, they had to wait until they had a crush on the opposite gender. ..what do you mean thats not what being straight is. (he only found out what bisexuality was after he came to the Hotel and Charlie had a bi flag pin. he asked her what country that was, and she had to sit him down to explain the concept of LGBTQ+, and no, it is ABSOLUTELY NOT a mental illness, wtf, you’re fine, buddy, go be happy.)
Alastor: post-season 1, like three people separately wished him a happy asexual awareness week and he was so confused, he asked Angel to look up ‘a sexual’ on his phone because he couldn’t find anything at the library. (he was looking at the outdated library in cannibal town.) he read the definition, and locked himself in his room for the rest of the day. if anybody heard muffled screaming and somehow-happy-sounding swearing, nobody mentioned it.
Vox: pfft, what? no, he’s not gay! he’s perfectly straight! is it gay to say that men are just as good at women? …Val, what do you MEAN ‘no but yes’? (Valentino explained the entire history of LGBTQ+, stressing bisexuality. Vox just said “okay, okay, hear me out.. there’s a whole month for them, right? their whole thing is rainbows? what if we paint all of our logos rainbow-colored? they’d buy it!” Valentino gave up, because Vox just COULD NOT comprehend what he was trying to say. but he keeps sending bisexual memes to Vox.)
Valentino: he just always knew. come on, everyone’s hot, unless they aren’t. even better if they can be exploited. that’s all there is to it.
Velvette: pfft, she grew up with social media, she’s known about this shit since she was a kid. fuck love, fuck fucking, she’d rather pester Vox into making cheesy garlic bread. the guy’s a bitch, but he makes good cheesy garlic bread.
Baxter: back before he and sir pentious became bitter enemies, they were both talking about.. whatever. at one point, they got on the topic of clothing, and Baxter— then Bella— griped that he hated how dresses felt. too heavy, too annoying, and it made him feel sick, anyway. suits were just better, not just because they’re lighter. man, he wished he were a boy. pentious asked if he wanted to be a boy in general, not just for the suits, and after a moment, Baxter excused himself quickly to go find something in his library, shooing Pentious out of the house. a couple days later, he came out, transitioned, all that. the only reason he doesn’t cut off his light-lure thingy is because it’s useful. other than that, he avoids looking at it as much as possible.
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drabbles-mc · 2 months
Stickin' Around
Benny Cross & Cal & Johnny Davis
Warnings: 18+, language, minor injuries
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: shout-out to mj, my beloved, for bantering back and through this fic with me and thinking about how they all met just as much as i do. i owe you my life 😌
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He came to with a wince. A wince that turned into a low groan as he lifted his head up off the asphalt. He didn’t even remember going down, really. There was a clank and a tiny sputter and now he was waking up on one side of the road while his bike was on the other side. He still seemed to be in one piece even if his bike wasn’t—small wins.
He tried not to think about the throbbing in his head as he propped himself up on his elbows, then got himself sitting fully upright. His legs were stretched out in front of him, denim a little ripped up but it did the job of saving his legs from road rash, from the long arduous process of needing asphalt and gravel picked out of the skin. His arms weren’t so lucky, smeared with blood and tiny little stones that were going to hurt like a bitch to take out when it was finally time to.
The least he could do was give himself a minute to get his head right. The throbbing would take a bit to subside, but what he was really waiting for was for the dizziness and the spins to stop. Once that happened he could get up and stagger his way over to his bike, check the state of it.
Another minute under the beaming sun, sweat starting to bead at the edges of his forehead, he decided it wasn’t going to be getting much better now. With a grunt he managed to get his feet under him so he could stand upright. Out of instinct he went to brush his hands off on his jeans, but all it did was smear the blood from his palms onto the denim, agitate the tiny stones buried into the meat of his palms because when he lost his last pair of gloves he hadn’t bothered to go grab another pair. That’d be first on the list now, after getting his bike fixed.
The road was long and flat enough for him to see miles in either direction. Even so, he’d probably hear cars or another bike way before he saw them. He still looked around though. Checking both ways before crossing seemed like a measure taken too little too late but he still spared a quick glance in either direction before limping over to his bike.
It was a moment before he even tried to lift it back up. He spent a minute just staring at it, looking at the parts of it that were scattered across the road and the grass lining the fields on either side. Little scraps of metal here and there, although from a quick glance it was hard to tell if any of them were necessary pieces. He’d ridden with missing parts plenty of times before—most of the time it hadn’t made things too much worse.
Sucking in a deep breath, Benny leaned down and gripped onto the handlebar of his motorcycle. The grunt he let out was mostly from the effort of pulling it back upright, but it was also from the jolt of pain that started in his hands and then shot up his arms and then straight back down his legs. It wasn’t enough to make him stop or drop the bike, just enough to make him cuss through the process of getting it back on its two wheels.
His bike didn’t start on the first try, but he was too disoriented to feel too much about it one way or the other. He gave it another try. Then another. When it finally rumbled to life, he could immediately hear that it didn’t sound right anymore. He couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong with it based off the sound alone, but he knew there was something. That was an issue to worry about solving once he reached the next town.
The last road-sign he’d passed said that Chicago was only twenty miles out. That must’ve been close to twenty miles ago now. So regardless of what was wrong with his bike, he should be able to limp it into town. Even if he couldn’t, he was going to have to. It was all he had.
He was able to get it inside county lines without it crumbling apart or somehow catching on fire. The sounds it’d been making when he started it up were getting worse, but he knew that there was no point in thinking too much about it yet. Once he came across someone who looked like they had a shot at fixing it, he would worry about it then.
After everything that had happened over the last hour or so, Benny found himself on the receiving end of a small stroke of luck. He rolled just over a block into town when he came across a gas station. While the amount of gas in his tank was the least of his issues, he also noticed that there were two men there with their own bikes. Matching patches on their backs that Benny would have to take the time to be curious about later when his vision wasn’t still fuzzy around the edges.
He'd barely gotten his back tire onto the lot at the gas station when both men that he’d been looking at before turned around to face him. When he got a little closer he could see that their expressions were laden mostly with confusion, almost concern but not quite.
“Hey,” one of the men called out as Benny rolled to a stop a couple yards away from them. He had dark hair, slicked back real smooth. There was a grin on his face as he walked up to Benny’s bike while he was putting the kickstand down. “Hardly got a bike left to stand,” he joked.
Benny didn’t say anything at first, just watching as the two men looked not just at him but at his bike. The other man who’d been standing with him started to walk around Benny’s bike to get a better look at it. He cocked his head one way then the other, earring swinging as he did. The man had stains on the white t-shirt he wore underneath his colors, grime in the beds of his fingernails that told Benny that the man was looking at his bike with the eyes of someone who might be able to fix it.
“Jesus, man,” the guy finally spoke up, shaking his head as he ran his fingers back through his hair, managing not to mess up the strip of fabric that was currently passing for a headband. “What’d you do to her?”
Benny was still sitting on his bike as he looked at the two of them. He shrugged, leaving his hands on the handlebars because it hurt to put them anywhere else. “Cracked up on her just outside of town.”
The first man laughed. “Well what’d you do that for?” He shook his head, not really expecting or waiting for an answer. “What’s your name, anyway?”
Benny sniffed, looking the guys up and down. “Benny.”
“Benny,” they both parroted back in unison, differing levels of amusement in their voices.
“I’m Wahoo,” he reached out, clasping Benny’s hand in his own despite the lack of an invitation to do so. Benny winced but didn’t pull away until Wahoo dropped his hand. If he noticed the traces of blood that had smeared onto his palm from Benny’s, he didn’t say so. “This is Cal.”
Benny nodded in recognition of what Wahoo had said to him, but he didn’t repeat their names back the way that they had done with his. They were at a bit of a stalemate. Even though Benny had come here with the hopes of getting help, he certainly wasn’t going to just sit there and ask for it. The guys seemed to be sizing him up, although the lingering grins on their faces certainly didn’t seem to make Benny think that he was in for any sort of trouble with them. Cal was chuckling, shaking his head, his attention more on Benny’s bike than Benny himself.
“You won’t even make it to the other side of town with this, man,” Cal said as he finally  made eye contact with Benny.
“Probably not,” Benny agreed, his tone flat.
“Where you headed, anyway?” Wahoo asked as he pulled out and sparked up a cigarette.
Benny shrugged. “Nowhere. Ridin’. Passing through.”
Wahoo laughed, watching as Cal squatted down to get a better look at the extent of the damage. “I think you’re done passin’ through anything. Least ‘til you get this bike fixed.”
Benny raised his eyebrows a bit. “You know somebody?”
Wahoo groaned. “Don’t—”
“Do we know somebody?” Cal repeated as he popped back upright. He placed his hand to his own chest, grin stretching across his face. “Man, you could not have rolled into a better gas station.” He patted the handlebar. “I could fix her up.”
Wahoo was still shaking his head. “Don’t let him—”
“What?” Cal said, holding his hands out disarmingly. “Don’t let me what?”
He didn’t look at Cal, instead keeping his eyes on Benny. “Let him work on that bike and you’ll never get it back. He’s gonna keep messin’ with it.”
Cal gave him a playful shove. “I swear, I will return your bike to you in a timely fashion.” He grabbed his own pack of smokes and lighter. “No one knows ‘em better than me.” He put the cigarette in his mouth, mumbling the words out around it. “Even Wahoo’ll tell you that.”
Benny didn’t have much of a choice, really. He needed his bike fixed. It wasn’t like he had any other friends in Chicago that he could call up to help instead. So he nodded, carefully flexing and unflexing his hands as the burn and the ache started to come back into them.
Cal’s grin split a little wider as he nodded in approval, ignoring the joking, nettling comments that Wahoo was making. “I’ll call my buddy, have him pick this up and bring it to my garage. I can get ‘er running for you no problem.” He watched as Benny simply just gave another nod. “Did your fall knock all the words out of your head? Or you always this quiet?”
Benny shrugged, earning a laugh from both men as it reinforced their sentiment. Cal scampered off then, heading to the payphone that was bolted to the side of the gas station. Neither Benny nor Wahoo could hear what exactly he was saying, but he was gesturing around with his hands as though the man on the other end of the line could see him.
It didn’t take long for Cal’s friend to show up with the truck. Didn’t take long to drop the bike off, either. It wasn’t until the pickup was fading off into the distance once more that Cal really recognized the fact that Benny was sort of, for lack of a better phrase, at his mercy.
He pulled the half-smoked cigarette from behind his ear. “You seem alright.”
Benny gave a small shrug and nodded, finally picking the tiny stones from the palm of his hand.
“Wanna meet the guys?”
Benny’s eyes lifted even though his head didn’t. “The guys?”
Wahoo slapped Cal’s chest with the back of his hand. “Cal.”
“What?” He lit his cigarette. “What do you want me to do with him? Leave him sittin’ outside my goddamn garage?”
That was how Benny ended up sitting on the back of Cal’s bike, heading back into town with him and Wahoo. They took a longer route back than they’d taken going out—any excuse to have a few extra miles on the bikes. Even though it wasn’t his hands on the handlebars, Benny still enjoyed it. It wasn’t dark yet, but the sun was starting to go down, the sky starting to change color. Only a few of the lamps had come on along the sidewalk.
When they parked the bikes outside the bar, Cal hopped off and motioned for Benny to wait. “Just hang here a sec. I’m gonna talk to the guys, let ‘em know what’s going on.”
“Okay,” Benny said, figuring that now was as good of a time as any to finally have a cigarette.
He was watching the two of them as they made their way towards the door. He caught snippets of what Wahoo was saying, still chastising Cal for the entire situation that they were now in.
Johnny was looking up at Cal from where he was camped out at his usual table. He was shaking his head. “We don’t need no fuckin’ strays.”
Cal laughed. “Nah, man. You gotta meet this kid.”
“No I don’t.”
“C’mon. I wouldn’t have said anything to ‘em if he seemed like some sorta guy.”
“I’m not—” Johnny stopped himself short when the door to the bar opened. He turned and looked at the person who was standing in the doorway. When he didn’t recognize him, he had to assume that this was the guy that Cal had been talking to him about.
Cal gestured to the door before waving Benny over. “That’s him! Look at him, man. He’s cool.” He waited for Benny to make his way over. Then it was the two of them standing in front of Johnny, somehow the noise of the bar didn’t seem to burst the bubble that the three of them were in for the moment. Cal clamped his hand down on Benny’s shoulder like he was someone that he’d known for years, not hours. “This is Benny.”
Johnny nodded, looking Benny up and down as he did so. “Benny.”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“I’m Johnny.” He gestured to Cal with the hand that was holding his cigarette. “Cal says you’re alright.”
Benny cast a glance at the man standing next to him, and all Cal did in response was crack a toothy grin.
“You stickin’ around?” Johnny asked.
Benny shrugged. “Might be.”
The frown on Johnny’s face was a thoughtful one as he nodded slowly. “You should. You should stick around.”
Another shrug, another nod. “Okay.”
Something about the flippancy of Benny’s response got Johnny to let slip a smile too. Kid came crashing into town, in the most literal sense, and he was standing there like he’d simply stepped off the bus at just the right stop. Blood still smeared on his jeans, tears in his clothing, but the expression on his face completely unfazed.
“Alright,” Johnny said, still grinning. “Grab yourself a beer, then.”
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(divider by @saradika-graphics 💞)
The Bikeriders Taglist: @narcolini @garbinge @sirbogarde (if you'd like to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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archiisfandomstuff · 3 months
Watchting marble hornets rn (like the entries on youtube) hopefully this won't alter my brain chemistry or some shit cause I know that mh and creepypasta are somehow link (idk they seem to share a few characters like hoodie, masky, and slenderman from who I know) and we already know I haven't been able to escape that shit for the past almost four years now.
will update later
read at your own risk. this just turned into me recording all of my thoughts n shit
currently at entry #5 and does not seem to have much if anything to do with mh but rather it's creator. Entries #1 , #4 & seem to have the most horror esce (?) shit to them
Entry #6: What the ever loving fuck is going on here??? What is Mr. Clean doing, the big ol' stalker? very confused but intrigued.
Entry #11 is bothering me cause I can't find the "close encounter Alex missed" with who I am assuming is slenderman like no fucking wonder Alex missed it, I can't find this mf either
I'm guessing that this is some arg type shit. My guess as someone who takes a while to formulate proper explanations that I do not care to formulate rn and am going off of a vague idea based off of the little information I've been given is that this whole thing is an arg thingy named after the fake movie the characters are creating in where it is the origin story for the characters (Tim/Hoodie and Brain/Masky) I (we ig but I really never had much interest in them so idk much) know. Tell me if I am like astronomically off or smth.
So Tim is literally just A Guy? Dude has like no plot relevance. Why are y'all hyping him up so much????
I hope Jay realizes he is literally entering. No breaking though, some idiot left the door unlocked.
homeboy fell to the ground coughing and got up like "Nah, no time for dying, gotta unlock the door with a deadbolt." fucking idiot, dude is gonna die so bad
"I may go back eventually" DO NOT GO BACK YOU DUMBASS
Jay's lungs are still dying good to know
Wait did I fuck up who is who? Is Tim Masky and Brian Hoodie. That sounds correct now that I think of it. Eh, fuck it, I ain't editing shit.
How the fuck is Jay not dead as hell yet? Mf has plot armor never seen before. "Ima just break into this house here, steal shit, GO BACK, get attacked, and continue pursuing this shit." BITCH YOU GON DIE
Have you even seen a character so fucking dumb they just disappoint you? That is how I currently feel about Jay. "Oh shit, I just saw the masked guy who attacked me and broke into my home. Let's fucking chase him."
"I am never going back to that house again." FUCKING FINALLY BITCH
oh shit someone is fucking with the cameras
wtf does totheark mean or stand for???
Rip Jay's apartment
Entry #26 was definitely something. So, Alex is alive, has a roommate or two, has managed to evade Slenderman for a while judging by the fact that his appearance was surprising to both Amy (idk who she is but I can tell she has no knowledge of what is going on) and Alex himself. Jay, this is clearly a trap, idiot. But, I understand falling for it ig.
Jay is the main character. He is still alive and I have no clue how but i do wanna know what happened in those seven months.
omg poor jessica (assuming she is telling the truth)
updates will stop for now because it's getting late and I'm pretty sure I have shit to do tomorrow (can't actually remember) gonna continue watching. I left off on Entry #34
We back
Tim "I may have had my leg broken by a paranoid film student, but I shall continue to torment his best friend" Wright.
Alex is suspicious as fuck. Calling it rn, he did or is doing something.
Still do not trust Alex like holy shit dude. Jessica, run, you want no part of this bullshit. Run, girl, run!
I am very confused as to what is going on w8th Tim, but I know that mf can run, lucky bitch.
With the rate that these mfs are falling to the ground in coughing fits, you'd think that Slenderman causes asthma not insanity. Also, wtf was Tim doing there. I originally thought this guy had no plot relevance.
Gotta stop for a bit again cause I'm doing stuff with my family for a bit. Be back later
Why has Brian only crimes (from what I can remember) been like, so tame compared to what you would expect? This motherfucker seems to be routing for Tim and Jay, I think. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face." Alex says, referencing how, apparently, Brian was smiling at the knowledge that Alex cannot find Tim and Jay. Idk, I like hi so far even if the whole stalking thing ain't really my jam.
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