#ed rel
celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
Reasons why "Calypso's Birthday" is actually really good, actually.
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Stede "Lover of Beauty and Total Bitch" Bonnet dedicating an entire room to Ed's plunder because some of the stuff is "really ugly" and he's tired of tripping on it.
The crew spending a day Feng-shui-ing the ship.
Archie's birthday snake story. I swear to God, I know women like Archie and they always come out with the most unhinged shit and I love them.
Jim and Frenchie asking their dads if they can throw a party, then the dads taking the kids shopping.
Stede inventing yet another incredibly effective pop therapy term: "poison into positivity."
The implication that Ed bought Stede both leather trousers and a shirt with an exceptionally low neckline.
Ed gifting two children lots of money and knives.
Izzy "Toxic Masculinity is My Jam" Hands putting on drag and being cheered for it.
Stolen tub filled with rum punch at Pyrate Pryde.
Ed protecting Stede with his entire body.
Fang hiding during the raid to protect his goat.
Black Pete and Lucius's twenty-four-hour sex marathon engagement celebration.
Ned Low being the best villain since fucking Chauncey.
All the bitchiness. Like, just all of it. So much bitchiness.
Stede charming the fuck out of Hellkat Maggie.
Stede taking care of things with his people positive management style, thus spreading worker unionization across the Caribbean.
Ed barely hesitating to go comfort Stede, who badly needs him, because Ed knows Stede better than anyone.
Hottest 2.5 second kiss in TV history.
And Then They Had Really Good Sex.
It's a great episode, c'mon.
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ginanddietsoda · 2 months
💗 Todays Meal Plan 💗
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total: 258kcals 🤭🤭🤭
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knitbelove-draws · 1 month
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Gentlebeard Wedding Week
Day 5 prompt: music/"slow down"
Read on AO3: "cut to the feeling"
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You have no fucking idea what you’ve done
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broken-clover · 4 months
By all means correct me if canon contradicts it, I have only seen the end of Balrog's story in SF4 and Ed's story mode in SFV but given the fact that he was abducted at a young age and it seems weird that a group like Shadaloo would intentionally name what was meant to be nothing more than a replacement vessel for their boss' soul, I choose to go with the headcanon that Ed got his name from Balrog. Even if he claims that he took the kid in solely for his own means, he can't pretend he doesn't care about the little ankle-biter enough to at least give him his own name
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fbwzoo · 8 months
Dear fucking LORD I am beyond grateful for the reptile Facebook groups. I was already in most of the needed ones - Advancing Herpetological Husbandry, Reptile Lighting, and How Not to Slay the Dragon. Last one was the immediate care info brush up and getting specifics down for set up. My post is up in there now & already gotten some really nice helpful comments, which made me nearly cry once.
Have joined another group from there, for bearded dragons with muscular dystrophy, as it's possible that's what Ed may have along with MBD. Still relatively new and not much research, but seems to be getting more common in pet store dragons due to poor breeding. So I have that group for info if needed.
And now I have money to finish immediate supply shopping, so I went to get the heat bulbs and UVB light, then wanted to double check that the light would be correct for the usage. Reptile Lighting has all of the mesh screens researched for amount of UVB blocked, which coordinates for a chart to tell you the right bulb strength for distances to ensure the right amount of UVB exposure.
Cue almost crying again bc THANK YOU THAT WAS SO EASY.
Bulbs ordered.
Oh, and Ed has a vet appointment on Monday afternoon, so we just gotta get through the weekend. Focusing on rehydration first, fixing basking spot second, and then we'll try food.
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essenceofarda · 2 months
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tinygurl1234 · 3 days
my cross country coach noticed i dropped a few pounds…uh oh now she’s going to call my parents that i rel@psed
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betsybugaboo · 8 months
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Group pic!
Made a giant group picture of the characters of the 40 from @the-ravenclaw-werewolf's fantastic fic (complete with a bonus Indigo!). Absolutely insane to get everyone into the same picture, but I managed it! I like how the contrast of art styles works out.
Here's hoping that tumblr won't absolutely demolish the image quality TTnTT
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sleepy-sham · 11 days
my roommate got me sick with the flu on the day I got my period that means I'm legally allowed to kill him with a gun right
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applestede · 1 year
Accidentally deleted the poll trying to get rid of the one I messed up 😭😭 maybe the Tumblr Gods hate me but I want ANSWERS, so
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ginanddietsoda · 2 months
game plan:
-> at as LITTLE as possible during the day
-> LOWEST cal options only
-> eat dinner (so my bf thinks i’m eating)
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basilpaste · 1 month
you. person with ehlers danlos. did you know that getting pills or small pieces of food stuck in your throat is NOT normal and is not a thing that happens to most people regularly? that is dysphagia.
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All that hard work
it’s all gone
six fucking months
for nothing
It was all your fucking fault
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officialdaydreamer00 · 2 months
i love my octavinelle boyos to bits, but times like this i'd prefer to stay in pomefiore
at least they'd help me break unhealthy habits without condescending remarks
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aropride · 9 months
my shirt that says "i don't have an eating disorder" has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt
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