#esmeralda x y/n
madwomansapologist · 1 year
Can i ask for a esmeralda being obsessed with female reader who is a princess and goes to one of her dances ??
esmeralda being obsessed with you would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Esmeralda | AO3
synopsis: It was just another presentation. Just another normal day. But when Esmeralda saw you, when she saw your eyes shining, she knew nothing would never ever be the same anymore.
warnings: yandere themes.
note: Esmeralda was my bisexual awakening. I respect you, anon. A person of very good taste.
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• You don't even know how many rooms there is to explore on your palace. So many floors, towers, hidden entrances. You can sleep every night on a different chamber and it would take you years to repeat one of them. And yet you feel imprisioned.
• Such a large place, but confiner still. Such a great amount of people there, but lifeless still. At every step, breath, dream: its walls echoed a question. A question that you knew everyone was somehow asking you, a question you didn't know how to respond, a question that haunted you since your childhood: "How smaller can you be?"
• It was only a matter of time until you finally run away. They should've know better.
• Disguised, covered with a faded cloak, running away from the guards who were looking for you: you were free. Wandering the streets, seeing your people living their lifes, you saw for the first time what life was like in France.
• Everything was fine until you made eye contact with the Guard Capitain. He saw you, he recognized you, and you saw his hand moving to warn his men where you were. Without further choice, you did the best you could: you blended in with the ground.
• Moving through the crowd afraid to be found, you didn't notice the dance until you were right in front of the stage. And when you saw, everything stopped. You were mesmerized.
• And so was Esmeralda. She noticed the movement. The disturb in the crowd. Esmeralda had to learn to watch her surroundings. The hooded person moving made her thought the dance would stop sooner, but then it feel from your face.
• Suddenly the music seemed louder. The same rhythm as her heartbeat. Esmeralda understood that no other sound could compared. It was a perfect symphony. Intricate melodies. Whole orchestras played just for her. Just for the two of you.
• Esmeralda danced looking into your eyes. It was a public presentation, but she was dancing for you. Only for you. She danced for your scared eyes, until they turned into hypnotized. She danced for you golden aura, for your perfect smile, for your body. Esmeralda danced just for you.
• Then she heard the guards. Esmeralda heard their orders, how they were searching for someone in the crowd. She heard everything, but she didn't take her eyes off of you. And she saw your fear.
"Come with me," Esmeralda reached out for you. You took a step back. "What's a poor girl gonna do alone in this world?"
You didn't want to come back to your home. You didn't want to be forced to pretend you're perfect. You didn't want to spend the rest of your life without knowing what it means to truly live. It may seem crazy, it may seem stupid, but you reached out for her. You trusted her.
As you both ran, the guards being left behind by Esmeralda's wit, you realized that you don't really have anywhere to go. You didn't plan this far. Most of your soul believed you wouldn't be able to even get out of the palace without being caught. "Where are we going?"
Your voice made her insides burn. With your delicate hand holding hers, your delicate, unscarred palm, Esmeralda felt like she was reborn. Everything about you felt new to her. "Somewhere safer."
• You felt so grateful that a total stranger chose to help you. At first you thought she may have recognized you, but when she asked for your name you knew she didn't. Esmeralda. A beautiful name, for a charming women.
• At her home, safer from the guards, your tiredness screamed through your body. Your eyelids were heavier, your muscles throbbed, your words tripped over your tongue. Esmeralda was so kind to offer you her bed.
• When she saw you were deep asleep, Esmeralda got closer. She hold your hand into hers, and read your palm's lines. So soft, so tender. She could stay this way forever. Just you and her, safe from the rest of the world.
• And Esmeralda will do anything to make it happen.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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Yall O.G Followers know I'm a twst simps. So I'm am coming back baby!!!
Get ready for a whole lotta fics.
Also, a new Twst Royal Sword Academy x reader is in the works!
Anyone wanna take a guess.
Watch "New Twisted Wonderland event character - Rollo Introduction!" on YouTube
If I don't see Twst Esemerelda or anyone except this guy, imma riot. Respectfully.
This is guy is so gonna be made into a yandere.
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Ooh, Yandere genderbent Esmeralda! Yandere genderbent Esmeralda!! Please
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Yandere Genderbent Esmeralda x Reader
You knew you shouldn’t have been out there. Shouldn’t have been the center of his emerald gaze. But you were…and it was no one’s fault but your own. You had spoken with your faceless friend in the bell tower.
“Quasi, why don’t we go out during the Topsy Turvy festival? We wouldn’t be judged…if we say that we’re wearing masks.”
“...No (Y/n) we can’t…its more than just a festival..”
“Then what is it? I’m tired of no one telling me why we can’t go?! We’re the same aren’t we? All humans aren’t we?!” 
You heard no response, further angering you as you stomped to your feet. Everyone was like this: avoiding questions, speaking cryptically. Could you really blame yourself for wanting to sate your curiousity. It didn’t matter now, not when the dancer’s eyes lit up at the sight of you. Somehow it stirred something in your eternal soul that something truly horrible was going to happen. You chalked it up to supersitition…the nuns of the church did plenty to exaggerate…that’s all it was….hopefully. The feeling never left even when he found you again, on your way out of the cheering crowd. He was gorgeous up close more so than  when he was dancing limber on the stage before. 
“Well hi there! I see your a new face!”
Hiding his face under a scarf did nothing to hinder his shining smile and the waft of jasmine that filled your nostrils at his proximity. You dumbly nodded, stuttering out something as you tried to remind yourself of your objective–getting back to the church. You swerved past him with a polite excuse me before continuing to push past the crowd. 
“Where ya going precious? The festival’s just started!”
You fought the willingness to go with his invitation, continuing to escape the crowd ducking into an alleyway. As if to taste your last bit of spntanaiety you stopped yourself. Turning back to the festival colorful and bright in the daylight, uncovered from the shadows of the alley it lit up the pained visage of the gypsy dancer. Despite the tug of his emerald gaze your desire to return home was greater. 
Esmerald watched as you disappeared within the darkness between the buildings. Letting his sadness fade into an angered scowl. He breathed inhaling to himself he plastered his smile discarding his hood to join the festivities once more. 
You took the scenic route already being avoided by any who weren’t apart of the festival. Spying at the guards at the door you also looked to the entry the bell tower provided. Hyping yourself for a climb you began to feel the side of the church, lifting your leg to climb.
“I hope you do not plan to enter your home that way!” 
You turned in shock as you were dwarfed by the shadow of the judge on his horse. Beside him the head nun who mirrored your expression. Shrinking into the cold stone of the churches walls you allowed your arm to be snatched by the judge, who had dismounted his stead, flinging you into her waiting arms.
“That solves your missing person case! At the very least you can be proud they returned to their senses before nightfall. We can only hope…that the other will do the same.”
“Other?” You whispered, unable to question as the nun checked you over quickly ushering you inside, sending you to your room. Easily you made your way to the bell tower eyeing the sheet that you’d usually use to talk through on the ground; revealing a table full of wooden carvings. Not just any wood carvings but carvings of everyone in the city, including a hunched figure representing Quasimoda. 
“Oh Quasi.” Holding the figurine in your hands you looked at the display–decorated in colored rags and the crowd gathered to represent the festival. Among your watchful gaze you spied the dark and faraway members of the church. Looking among them you found none that had any resemblance to your image. Finding it strange you looked all throughout the wooden town beginning to search in case it had fallen; bending down to find a peculiar scene. 
Copies of the citizens were gathered together huddled around a pile of red and yellow rags seemingly having another festival. But a little farther from the wooden crowd was a figurine that resembled yourself laying on the floor, you wished you could dismiss it as a mistake if it weren’t for the figure with green dots for eyes standing above you. It guarded your downed piece from a copy of the same wooden friend you were still tightly clutching in your hands. 
“Do you know what it means?”
The question had you reeling back and out from the table, looking to see Judge Frollo with an uncharacteristically sullen look on his face. Standing in the darkness of the bell tower he waited until you rose to face him.
“Maybe…she thinks something might happen in the waterways…maybe another festival?”
You feared to voice anything more letting the judge walk further into the orange light of the setting sun. His silhouette towered shadowed you as he looked to the town below with a grimace.
“I fear Quasimoda has done something…regrettable and is calling on you to correct it.”
His words hung heavy as your mind raced to reach a veritable conclusion. Stomach churning at the sight of the flare that the rags raised to represent and your downed wooden copy. You opened your mouth for guidance…only for Judge Frollo would know only for a raised hand to quiet you. 
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, this is a decision for the curious to answer. And it was not I who left the comfort of the church to pursue something more.”
You didn’t know if he was speaking about you or Quasimoda but it didn’t matter. Whether it was your hubris or hers it wasn’t a debate. You were going to her be there for her.
You made your way to the waterways, refusing to look back at the church where you knew Frollo was watching. You would be strong…if only for your friend. Ventured further letting the cold nip at your skin as you moved through the empty streets of the town. 
It wasn’t until you made your way to the underside of the grand bridge already displaying the shadows of bodies dancing. Flickering light that must have been made by a large source of fire all that was left to see was if it fit the image Quasi had made. Silencing your steps you crept slowly hugging the corner as you peeked over the corner. In a horrifying display a group of masked people danced around a pile of fire holding unrecognized flags and goat skeleton’s head on pikes. The whooping of the group let your fearful breathing go unnoticed. With no sight of your hunched friend you backed away, turning to run back to the church only to be fallen by the chest of someone familiar. 
“Well hello again beautiful! Happy you could make it.” 
The joyful greeting was given by none other than Esmerald sporting a warmer version of his dancing outfit, still looking as radiant as ever. His smile and lidded eyes had a devious glow as his shadow danced with the flickering fire. You moved to side step him preparing to sprint out of the waterways only to be stopped by Esmerald’s hand. Holding a cloth in front of you he smirked before beginning a dance. Shaking his hips and keeping eye contact with you he stretched his single cloth to many waving it in tandem with his body. You had to shake yourself out of the trance attempting to sidestep once again only to find yourself restricted. In the wake of Esmerald’s dance you were slowly being tied up by the unexpectedly sturdy string of clothes leaving you to buckle falling to your knees and thusly on the ground. Feeling the cold concrete against your cheek you could only look up at the smiling gypsy. 
He bent downm, bringing his face close to yours as he searched for something. You flinched at the warmth of his thumb tenderly rubbing the curve of your lip. Trying to back away you didn’t get very far as you pulled you close, whispering in your ear.
“I’ve been waiting for the longest time.”
He pulled away intensely looking over your face before moving to kiss you. 
“Stop! I won’t let you harm them!”
You looked past Esmerald’s head smiling at your dear friend’s appearance only to reduce to a grim look of fear as you watched Esmerald’s visage change. Eager bliss scrunched into an ugly snarl as he reluctantly released your head to turn to Quasimoda.
“You? It was you who thought it best to interrupt me?!” 
He growled startling Quasimoda but she held her ground standing as tall as she could. 
“Aye! I was wrong to make such a deal with you…especially before I knew what your kind does…” 
Deal? What deal? You wanted to ask but it didn’t as though you were apart of this conversation. 
“Ha,”Esmerald laughed dryly still sporting an angry scowl. “You want to go back on our deal do you? Than what will you give me in exchange?”
Quasimoda turned in on herself.
“What? Did you think I would let you jip me out of my proper prize? We outcasts need a Fool who do you bring in the absence of one.”
With a sorrowful look in her eye she mouthed an apology to you as she stepped forward.
“I will do it. I will be your fool…” 
Quasimoda’s pained confession against Esmerald’s joyful one was sickening to watch. Not being soothed by the way the previously dancing party now surged forward menacingly as they filter around Esmerald and you. With jeers and laughs the crowd parted to reveal a wooden headlock around her neck, looking defeated as Esmerald waltzed up to her. 
Angled to the side so you could see you watched the pure joy that radiated off of emerald eye’d dancer as he mockingly bent to Quasimoda’s level. Grasping her face he let his nails dig into her cheeks as spoke, squeezing for emphasis.
“That’s real noble of you Quasi. Sacrificing your life for their’s! All for our dear (Y/n)!” 
He jerked her head to look at you, eyes full of shame and humiliation. You could only look on in bewilderment as Esmerald turned her away to look into his gleeful face.
“Just so you know…it was always going to be you.” 
The revelation triggered the crowd to pull her away resisting all her struggles to attack despite her bindings. Roughly pulling her past the corner towards the bonfire creating a horrible shadow along the walls. The big black mass that must have been the crowd seamed to heave before chucking, what must have been Quasimoda into the fire. You could hear her screaming confused and in pain you were unable not to imagine the true sight as you turned away from the shadow’s view, now looking to the beaming Esmerald. 
With her screams still persisting a chant began to which Esmerald hummed along as he worked to scoop you up, forcing you to rest upon his chest. Hearing the quick beating of his heart reserved joyous occasions you let the man carry you out of the water ways to an old building. Tossing you on a surprisingly soft matress, he quickly followed suit. Caging your tied self he made sure to get close; close enough for your noses to be touching before speaking oncemore.
“So darling? What shall we do with you? The festivities have all ended and you didn’t even get to witness the Fool’s burning?” He mockingly pouted pulling at the fabrics the church provided, his face looked at them with spite before lighting up in a wicked smile. 
“Oh I know darling! How about I show you a favorite dance of mine, huh baby? A dance I’ve been waiting to show you since I had your little figurine!
Don’t look at me like that baby, now pay attention! This is going to be our first dance together, it’ll be best if we both enjoy it!”
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lenoraah · 9 months
𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣
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pairing - dad!carlos sainz x mom!reader
summary - when Carlos gets woken up by his favorite people only in a painful way
a/n - girl dad moment 🤍 okay, so girls’ names are abella (7), catalina (5), gabriela (3) and baby esmeralda (1)
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Y/n leans against the doorframe, arms across her chest as she watches her four kids pile on top of her husband.
“Papa,” Catalina leans over from where she’s standing on multiple pillows, whispering in her father’s ear before falling onto his mid section.
Carlos lets out a groan, turning over making Catalina nearing fall off the bed before he catches her pulling her close to his side.
With his eyes still close Carlos reaches for his other kids, only to hear them squeal. Abella is the first to be caught into her father’s arms and is squished beside her sister.
The two protest as Gabriela and Esme cuddle against their mother’s pillow, watching as their older sisters struggle and laugh in their father’s arms.
Of course, Carlos eventually snags the two toddlers into his arms. Holding Esmeralda in his lap and Gabriela squished between Abella and Catalina.
“Are you just going to stand there and watch?” Carlos smiles towards his wife’s direction.
Y/m shrugs before running towards the bed, landing right beside her husband and their girls.
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gingernut1314 · 7 months
Songbird Pt. 9
Buggy x F!Reader
Summary: Buggy pulls you from your girl's night only for you to find your captain's emotions running wild.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut (drunk sex, misuse of Devil Fruit powers, oral f.receiving, slight restriction, p in v, biting), use of Y/N
Word Count: 6.0K
A/N: Heyyyyy guys!! Back with some of the main story!! Sorry it took....a while 😬. I hope you all enjoy!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Requested by: @srgtjamesbarnes
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Girls night. 
You hadn’t had a proper girl’s night since you were very little with your mom. Those nights where it was just the two of you played a card game together whenever she had a day off from work, which had been far and few in between. 
You had no siblings to account for and, though Nami had been a good friend, she had been too worried about Arlong and her family to truly be able to relax and have fun. Understandably so. 
So when Esmeralda and the other girls aboard the Big Top told you of their tradition, which took place whenever they made dock and the boys went to some crummy bar to drink, you were ecstatic. 
You helped them gather supplies of cheeses, meats, grapes, and copious amounts of alcohol and you all huddled together in your shared quarters, gramophone playing the latest songs Esmeralda had collected that day. 
So far, Emi had shown off her sword-swallowing skills, Seqii and her Aerial Ensemble had done shots standing upside down in a pyramid, you had sung three silly drinking shanties, and Esmeralda had cried about her horse-turned-cat food. 
You now sat in a circle on the ground, shoving the remaining meats and cheeses into your faces, talking about anything and everything that happened within the varying relationships amongst the crew. 
“Cabaji made me scrub the deck two times. Two!” Seqii complained, her drink sloshing around dangerously in her cup as she turned towards Emi, who was equally as off-balanced as her friend. “Can’t you swallow his sword, Emi? Make him loosen up a bit.” 
“I swallow his sword every godsdamn night and --hic-- he still makes me re-tie lines even though they were perfect--hic--before.” Emi hiccupped, downing the rest of her drink. “Just how the guy is. Commanding. Just how --hic-- I like ‘em.” Seqii gave a dramatic roll of her eyes, loudly disagreeing with that statement. 
“What about nice? Gentle?” Esmeralda slurred horrendously from where she sat next to you, one arm looped through yours while her other hugged the skittish contortionist, whose head lay in her lap. Emi and Seqii both booed her, making the ex-equestrian huff. 
“The difference between you and --hic-- the rest of us is you like like Mohji.” Emi hiccuped, spurring Esmeralda to pull from your hold, flabbergasted. 
“He’s nice to me and he loves me. Sorrrryyyy.” She all but shouted, making Emi and Seqii laugh like a pack of hyenas. Esmeralda snatched the bottle of wine Seqii had just picked up in something like payment and the aerial performer let her with a wide grin. “I’m not the only one who like likes who we are with. Y/N like, likes the Captain.” 
Your own laughter was cut short as your heart nearly stopped in your chest. All eyes around the room snapped to you to see if what Esmeralda said was true. 
That warm, fluttery feeling rushed around in your chest at the mention of your captain. A feeling you had been struggling to get back under wraps, but nothing you did ever could lessen the happy feeling. 
The thought of his smile had that feeling soaring. The thought of his sea-glass eyes and his bad jokes and the gifts he would shower upon you--
You gave an elongated, scoffing pfftt with a dismissive arching motion of your hand…and then another and another. 
“Shit. She more than like likes him.” Seqii said, her grin turning shit-eating. 
“I like no man. Men are gross. Ew.” You hissed, wobbling a bit as Esmeralda all but crashed into you on her way to flop on her back. 
“Ughhhh--you’re in denial.” Seqii continued, grabbing the wine bottle back from Esmeralda before she could spill it all over the floor. 
“It’s no --hic--fun.” Emi popcorned in, snagging the bottle from her friend and taking a long swing. 
“You know what is fun?” Seqii asked, fixing you with a mischievous smirk. “Telling us about how good in bed he is.” You felt your face flush at the statement, a few girls giggling and gasping around the room. Others egged you on, all but begging you to tell them. 
“That’s priv--” You started, only to be cut off by Esmeralda popping back up with a near-matching mischievous grin. 
“How big is he?” Your mouth fell open at her bluntness, but the woman only laughed away like it was no big deal. “Tell me when to stop, okay!” She said excitedly, placing her hands together before gradually pulling them apart. “Tell me when to stop--tell--there's no way--Y/N! Tell me when to stop!”
“I’m not--” Again, you were cut off by a loud burp from Seqii who had regained the wine bottle back from Emi. 
“Who cares --hic-- how big he is. I need to know if his dick can --hic-- chop off like the rest of his body.” Emi hiccuped, her question earning a collective eagerness to know from the gathered group. 
“Pleaseeee!” Esmeralda begged, latching onto your arm and shaking you. “I’ve told everyone about me and Mohji--”
“You and Mohji’s sex life is vanilla.” Emi started, making Esmeralda gasp.
“It is not vanil--” 
“I want the juicy --hic-- details. Tell us, come on!” Emi finished, everyone quieting down again to watch you, waiting for any snippet you might give up. 
You thought about it for a second. Thoughts that were fogged and blurred from all the drinks you’d had. Loose thoughts that had you thinking of all the dirty things Buggy did to you and you did to him. 
Had his dick ever detached during your escapades?
“I don’t know.” You slurred on a shrug, earning a collective groan from the group. “I’ll ask geezzzz. But Buggy does this thing where he detaches his--” A loud thump sounded at the door, cutting off your story and earning yet another groan from a few of the girls. 
Another thump sounded and you thought it reminded you of a body getting slammed into a wall. A body that kept fumbling back a bit before attempting to knock once more. 
“Shit--the fucking boys are back,” Seqii grumbled as another thump sounded through the room. She grumbled some more as she stood, wobbly navigating her way through the collection of bodies sprawled over the floor. The door was flung open, letting in a chilled breeze that rose goosebumps to your skin.
Standing there, looking just as drunk and disheveled as the rest of the group, was Buggy in all his Buggy glory. His make-up smeared over his skin, his smile wide and bright, and his hat sitting a-skewed on his head, hanging on by some miracle. 
“Captian Buggy!” The girls all cheered at his appearance. Buggy grinned widely as he dug his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“Girls! My loyal crew!” He cheered right back, pulling his hands from his pockets and into the air, wiggling his fingers in his excitement as confetti in a rainbow of color rained down onto the floor. You giggled with Esmeralda as more cheering filled the room.
“How’s your night going? Hope I’m not interpreting.” He said, a few of his words coming out elongated and awkward, but no one truly seemed to notice or care because you were all giggling, wobbling, drunk messes. 
“You could never --hic-- interpret captain! Come in!” Emi said, her tone shifting the slightest bit to be more kind towards her captain. “Y/N was just telling us--” You shot her a warning glare that only seemed to amuse her. “How much she likes it here!” 
“Oh was she? Heh. Good.” He said, stumbling into the room, Seqii shutting the door behind him. Those green-blue eyes found you and filled with that softness you had spotted here and there in them. A look that spoke to the same feeling thrashing about in your chest, wishing to meet it. 
“Baby--ugh I mean Songbird--Y/N,” He finally got out. You’re name felt strange spilling from his lips, but you loved it just as you did hearing the nicknames he conquered up for you. 
A few girls around the room gave giddy little laughs at the nicknames, which you shot them their own warning glares for. 
“I always love to hear feedback from the crew. ‘Specially from you newbies. Helps me know what’s workin’ and what’s-” he gave a little burp in the back of his throat as he came to a wobbly stop next to you. “-what’s not.” He stammered on, waving his hands around as if to emphasize what he was saying, confetti that had stuck to his gloved hands falling into your crossed lap.
You huffed with a roll of your eyes as you pulled yourself up, bumping into his leg as your wonky vision threw you off balance. Strong, gloved hands grabbed you under your arms and helped hoist you up, making your face burn. 
“Are the others back?” Esmeralda asked hopefully, sitting herself right-side up. 
“Only lil ol’ me. Sorry, Es.” Buggy said, a hand falling away from your body only for the last to stay glued to your back. You leaned into his touch, loving the feel of his warmth, a warmth strong enough to seep through the white fabric of his glove and your shirt.
“Captian, before you drag our glorious singing songbird off, could we hear one more song?” Emi asked, raising the last wine bottle. “We still have this whole bottle left,” 
“Sure. No skin off my nose.” Buggy said, turning to look your way with a shrug. 
The room went deadly quiet at his words. 
Breaths were held and prayers were muttered. 
They were words that, under any circumstance would have gotten someone mamined--killed. 
But as he looked at you, all that flashed in his eyes was that softness which had never once left them since his arrival. He looked--at ease, almost. 
It was probably just all the alcohol he had drank that night. 
Probably all the alcohol you had been drinking, making you see things.
“Heh. Nose.” He said, bopping your nose. You watched his grin grow wider--a grin that sparked your own to cross your lips. “Sing the one ‘bout that bottle of rum that’s hard to open.” 
“Aye, aye Captain.” You said, giving him a little salute, which he wobbly gave back. 
You instructed everyone who wished to participate to form a circle, snatching the bottle of wine from Seqii before you hopped into the middle, starting the fun and upbeat shanty about a crew of pirates who find a mysterious bottle of rum floating in the sea. A bottle whose cork was too tough for the captain to open, so it was passed around and around the crew, trying desperately to find someone who could open it. 
Once the first verse was sung, setting the disastrous scene for your own crew, you passed the wine bottle to Buggy as you began singing the chorus. A chorus that spurred your captain to pass it to Emi who passed it to Esmeralda and around and around the circle of the bottle went. You followed it, skipping and hopping and dancing away as your crew joined you in singing the chorus. 
You froze as the chorus ended, the bottle landing in Buggy’s hands on a last pass from Seqii. He winked your way, making your mouth run dry as he raised the bottle to his painted lips. 
You almost forgot all about the silly little song you were singing as you watched him, but found the will in your foggy brain to sing the second verse. Buggy chugged and chugged, his throat working with each swallow of the liquid. It had your alcohol-flushed body burning up that much more. 
The girls gave another round of cheers as Buggy detached his head and hands so that the rest of his body could do a twirling dance to the music you provided. 
When the verse came to an end, his head and hands popped back into place and he quickly passed it to Emi who passed it to Esmeralda and so on and so on as you sang the chorus once more. 
Several verses later, the bottle ran dry with a hiccupping hoot of triumph from Emi, who held the bottle high as you finished the song. 
You gave a flashy bow as the girls and your captain cheered for you, blowing kisses here and there around the circle. Buggy detached a hand to pretend to catch one high up, holding it carefully in his palm as he put it in his coat pocket. 
“Thank you, thank you! I’ll see you all bright and early tomorrow morning!” A groan spilled from a few of the girl's lips at the thought of what tomorrow held in store for them. Mainly; all the chores to be done that Cabaji, no matter how hungover, was sure to have to get done.
You looped your arm through Buggy’s and let him lead you out of the room, which you took one more look over your shoulder to look at your friends in their varying states of drunkenness.
“Ask him!” Emi mouthed your way as Seqii did the simple magic trick where one pretended like they were pulling their thumb from its joint…but she had positioned her hands at her crotch with a grin so wide it almost spilled off her cheeks. 
You shook your head at their silliness and persistence to know of your private endeavors…but it had piqued your interest if not in the slightest.
The hall was chilled compared to the body-filled room you had both just been in, which erupted in more laughter as you shut the door behind you. A chill that Buggy’s body, instantly wrapped around yours, shielded you from. 
He placed a big old, smacking, wet kiss on your cheek, making your heart flutter like some caged butterfly. 
“That was so fucking sexy, songbird.” He said, words still coming out warped from all the alcohol he had drank against your temple. 
“Oh yeah? You liked my little jig?” You murmured back, turning your face to steal a glance at those eyes you couldn’t look in long enough.
“Hell yeah. Got me all hot and bothered.” His lips kissed your temple, then your cheek, before latching them onto your neck. You hooked your fingers over the back of his neck and pulled him in closer, savoring the tingling sensations that shot over your skin at his sloppy affections
“Should I do another one?” In hardly the blink of an eye, Buggy grabbed hold of your hand and in a quick, sharp movement that had you wobbly all over again, spun you around and away from him. 
“Please do another one.” He begged, eyes eating up your body as you fought to regain your steady footing. 
“Aye, aye captain.” You laughed before starting to sing an upbeat shanty as you spun and moved your body to the phantom beat down the hall and around the corner towards the stairs. Buggy followed after you, joining you in song and grabbing hold of your hands here and there to give you a little spin. 
When the song came to a close, Buggy gave a loud hoot that echoed back at him and mixed with your laughter. He was quick to scoop you up into his arms, lips finding yours in a sloppy kiss that had your alcohol-fuzzed brain going near blank. 
“Sing again for me, songbird.” He asked against your lips. You kissed him again before pulling away, Buggy giving a little whine to let you know you had pulled away all too quickly. “Did you eat dinner?” Buggy rolled his eyes, his arms snaking around your waist once more.
“Baby.” You insisted, wrapping an arm around his neck. “I’ll sing for you while you eat? How does that sound?” Light lit up Buggy’s eyes as he nodded several times at this, making his face, in your drunken state, go all fuzzy. 
“I should really promote you to be my negotiator. You’re--” He gave another burp in the back of his throat that you crinkled your nose at in disgust. “Soooo good at it.” 
“Only for you, Captain.” Buggy’s grin widened and he leaned down to claim your lips in another sloppy kiss, but you were quick to place a finger over his puckered lips. “Food first.” Buggy groaned dramatically, grabbing hold of your wrist to pull your finger from his lips.
“Fine.” He gruffed, all but dragging you to the kitchen so that he could eat and get on with kissing you. 
The kitchen had been left in a state of disarray thanks to you and the girls ransacking its stores as soon as the kitchen staff left for the night. Kitchen staff you knew would set Cabaji on you all to clean it all up in the morning.
Buggy gave a groaning oof as he flopped himself onto one of the stools sitting before the island, plunking his forehead against the wood. You chuckled at him and opened the fridge.
“Why’d you come back so early, baby?” You asked, rummaging around for the leftovers you had saved from the diner you and the girls had gone to dinner at.
“I’m too old to keep up with the others anymore. Got tired.” He grumbled making you roll your eyes.
“Oh is that right? Then we should head to bed after this? Get my old man his full eight hours of beauty sleep?” You teased, grabbing your leftovers up. 
Even in your alcohol-fuzzed state, Buggy having yet to snap something back at you was strange.
Turning around, fridge door shutting softly behind you, you found Buggy’s face buried in his hands, shoulders quivering. 
Buggy was crying. 
It had panic and concern shoot through your chest rapidly, your leftovers abandoned as you rushed to his side. 
“Buggy? What’s wrong, baby?” You asked, smoothing your hands over his back and arm to try and get him to look at you. To comfort and console him. “D-did I say something to upset you? I’m sorry, baby, you know I don’t think you’re old--”
“I missed you.” He moaned out. His words--they more than shocked you. 
He had missed you. He had missed you so much he had left the bar early and was now crying about it. 
It was…sweet. And doing nothing for that warm, fluttering feeling invading your every sense. 
“You--you missed me?” You asked, gently grabbing hold of his hands to pull them away from his face. His make-up was done for, smudged so bad it had all but blended into his skin. His watery blue-green eyes looked up at you, only overflowing with more tears as he nodded.
“Baby I missed so much.” He whined, grabbing for your shirt weakly as if it was his anchor in the raging storm that was his emotions. “They can’t sing like you--they don’t know half the lyrics.” Tears continued to spill down his cheeks as he pulled you closer. “And--and I just--missed you.” 
You smiled kindly at him, cupping his face with your hands and wiping away each tear that escaped his eyes. 
“I’m here now. And I still owe you a song.” More tears fell from his eyes despite your attempt at comfort, his face falling against your chest as a sob shook his shoulders. 
You were trying not to laugh--not to let that giddy feeling escape your chest through a silly giggle at your captain's confession. At the discovery that Buggy was a drunk crier. 
You pulled his hat off his head, placing it on the island counter before going about taking his bandana off so that you could brush your fingers over his blue hair, which he had put in a singular braid. 
“Fucking gods I missed you.” He sobbed again, burying his face deeper. “You’re--you’re just so beautiful and too kind to me.” 
Beautiful. He was calling you beautiful.
Your heart was beginning to race with that feeling. With that overwhelming swell of that naggingly warm emotion. 
A swell that the alcohol in your system was threatening to spill. 
To spill the three words you had been struggling to hold at bay. Words that were just on the tip of your tongue--words that began to form and fal--
“And--And your tits are so soft and round and I missed them so much.” And that feeling was swapped with utter annoyance. 
“Really?” You asked, placing your hands on his shoulders to try and shove him away, but his grip on you was iron-like. 
“What? It’s true!” He moaned out mournfully as he nuzzled his face between them. You huffed, feeling just the tiniest bit hurt in that moment when you had thought you were getting a sweet, tender confession from your captain. 
“You just missed my tits? Is that all you missed?” You snapped, Buggy’s face pulled from your breast so he could show you all that sadness welling in his soul. 
“No.” He whined, resting his cheek again on your breasts. “I missed your ass too.” 
“Jackass.” You grumped, yanking yourself away from the clown who gave another pitiful moan. 
“Baby--” Buggy started, grabbing at your arms and hips to try and keep you close. You fought not to give in and fall back into his arms, especially when a wave of fresh tears were rolling down his red and blue smudged cheeks.
“I don’t think you deserve a song now, since you only missed my body” You huffed, crossing your arms and turning your head away from him. 
Buggy moaned yet again, his head flopping onto the kitchen island once more and falling off. His shoulder drooped and his arms fell off, chop-chopped into pieces on the floor. It was a pile of chop-chopped limbs that continued to grow the longer you stayed away. 
“Noooooo. I missed your voice.” He cried, his gloved hands inching their way up onto the island surface. “I missed you being mean to me and I mi-missed you takin’ care of me even when I don’t deserve it.” Those chopped hands continued to cross the wooden surface towards you like some strange spider. Fingers that brushed against your arm in a weak attempt to pull you back.
“I don’t deserve you--you’re too good for me. I’m a shitty shitty fool and you’re a perfect dove who's too bright for me.” 
And now you felt like the asshole. Because none of that was true. Because Buggy was perfect for you in every way. He was more than you deserved. He was better to you than any person you had had a semblance of a relationship with had ever been before. 
You didn’t deserve him. 
“Buggy. No. That’s not true.” You started, going right back over to the chopped-up pile he had become. Buggy was quick to pull himself back together and was pulling you eagerly into his orbit once more. 
“It is.” He cried, knuckles no doubt going white under his gloves at the tight he was holding onto your shirt. “I’m the East Blue’s biggest loser. The biggest in all the Blue Seas. You deserve someone who is better. Someone like that fucking shit-for-brains swordsman or shitty blond pretty boy.” You shook your head, gently pulling his fingers from your shirt to hold his hands tight. 
“I don’t want them. I’ve never wanted them. I’ve only ever wanted you.” Buggy shook his head and you took his chin in a gentle scoop, keeping those sad eyes on you. “And I don’t think you're a fool. Not one bit.” Doubt and self-hatred continued to bubble in Buggy's watery eyes. Emotions you never ever wanted to see shining in them. Emotions you had put there. 
It had your heart beating painfully in your chest. Had your hands sweating and blood running cold. 
You were making him cry. You are a burden to him. 
“I--I don’t deserve you.” Buggy scoffed at this, disbelief thankfully lessening those hurting feelings in his eyes. “I don’t. Before I met you--I was nothing. No one. Just an empty vessel floating around on some godsforsaken ship. A husk trapped in a cave. And now--now you make me feel--full. Like a real person. You make me feel so--so happy.”
“But you would be happier with--” 
“I wouldn’t. I know I wouldn’t because I wasn’t.” Buggy’s bottom lip quivered in warning of another body-shaking sob. You couldn’t--wouldn’t see him upset. Upset over something you had foolishly started. 
“I lo--” Your words lodged themselves in your throat. Words that had been threatening to spill from your mouth from the moment you had caught him singing your song to the night air all those weeks ago. Words your heart and soul begged to speak but your mind caged--bulling them away in fear. Fear of him rejecting such words. Words that were more than just words. 
Words that sobered you right up, letting every last bit of panic flood your chest now that the dulling fog had vanished.
Buggy’s own breath hitched in his throat. That warm look you had spied in his eyes more and more often flashing through their watery depths. A warm look that was overpowered by those hurting feelings you had been trying to save him from. 
“You are special to me.” You managed to croak out. Your heart was beating faster. So fast you were sure it was bruising itself against your ribs, making it hard to breathe. “And--and I want to be here. With you. And I don’t want you to feel that way. Not with me. Because--because you’re too special to me.” More tears fell from Buggy’s eyes and your panic gripped at your heart tighter. 
Had you only made it worse? Had you said too--
A hand grabbed hold of your jaw, pulling you against Buggy’s smudged lips. Lips that kissed you soft and sweet. 
He kissed you slowly. A slowness that spoke louder than any words he could have possibly said in that moment. A kiss that had your eyes sparking with tears right alongside his own.
You grabbed him closer, pressing your body against his as much as the stool would allow. But it was nowhere near close enough. It would never be close enough. 
Your hands moved over his braided hair, down his stubble-lined jaw, and neck. Hands you moved under his coat to try and shrug it off his shoulder so you could feel his warm skin against yours. He chop-chopped his arms from his shoulders to let the coat slip off more easily. Arms that were instantly around you once reattached, hands finding their way under your shirt.
The kiss grew more hungry--needy, but that passion never once fled. A passion that burned through your heart, which struggled to keep the balance between your fluttering feelings towards this clown, and your darkened ones. 
You felt the muscles in his arms work against your hands as he grabbed you up in them, laying you out on top of the kitchen island. 
Random bottles and bits of trash you and the girls had littered it with clattered to the ground, but it hardly mattered. Not when Buggy was trailing a wet line of kisses over your jaw and neck and the swell of your breasts. Not when he pulled your shirt up to continue to leave opened-mouthed kisses along your stomach. 
You breathed his name as he began to tug your brightly patterned pajama pants over and off your legs. 
Those sloppy kisses attacked your calves and thighs--lips that turned biting every so often and had your body sparking, mind fogging in utter lustful need. 
“F-fuck, Songbird,” Buggy spoke around a mouthful of flesh. “Always so ready for me.” You gave a shuddery gasp as a detached hand came to rest over your pelvic bone, thumb running over the thin fabric that still covered your dripping core. 
“Always, captain.” You moaned out, reaching to feel over his cheek and jaw. Those damned fingers passing over your clit, sending a jolting shock through your near-burning body. “P-please--baby, I need you, please.” You begged.
“Let me taste first, baby. Please let me taste you.” He begged right back, his kisses growing ever closer to your weeping pussy. You whimpered but nodded at his request. A whimper that turned sharp and whiny when those wet kisses were placed over your covered core. Buggy moaned against you, tongue creating a dampened patch on your underwear right above your entrance. 
“B-Buggy--please.” You moaned out, hips starting to ground against his mouth, fingers, and nose to create more and more beautiful mind-numbing frustration. Buggy cursed, that detached hand pulling away from your covered clit to start pulling your underwear down. 
They didn’t get very far over your thighs when Buggy’s tongue ran through your folds. You cried out his name, underwear restricting your legs from opening further for him and all but clamping down around his head. 
You couldn’t find the strength within yourself to stop rotating your hips against his mouth--to try to stop chasing your high long enough to loosen your grip on his head or make sure your underwear wasn’t choking him out. 
But those chop-chop abilities handled all your worries.
His head detached from his neck, freeing your legs from their awkwardly folded position and allowing his hand to finally yank your underwear from your legs, giving you the freedom to hook them over his shoulders, granting him full access to your needy pussy. 
His head popped back into place just as his tongue dipped into your fluttering core, lapping up every last bit of your ever-growing arousal in sinful slurps. 
Your fingers wove their way into his hair, messing up that braid, as your hips ground against his mouth near frantically as that build deep within you began to wind. That detached hand crawled over your stomach and found home once more over your pelvic bone so that it could rub circle after circle into your clit, winding that coil ever tighter. 
You moaned Buggy’s name like a prayer as he continued to fuck you on his tongue. As his own moans vibrated through you and set into motion that snapping release within you. 
A release that tingled through your arching spine and sent that white buzz flooding through your thighs and core, which constricted around Buggy’s tongue. 
You fell back against the counter, sweat making your skin stick to it and chest heaving up in down to catch your breath. Your fingers mused through Buggy’s hair, your thighs twitching and whimpering gasps falling from your mouth as Buggy’s tongue remained buried deep within you, licking up every last bit of your finish. 
“B-Buggy,” You moaned, yanking weakly at his hair. “Ne-need you in me. Please.” Buggy mummed in acknowledgment, sending pleasure-filled vibrations through your sensitive core. You bit your lip as he continued to eat you out--as his fingers continued to rub mind-numbing circles into your clit that had your hips and legs twitching as if to try and get away from the persistent assault of your sensitive body.
“Buggy.” You whimpered, yanking at his hair just the sharpest bit tighter. He pulled from your core then, but not without trailing his drooling tongue back through your folds one last time. You wiggled your hips against the burning feeling that shot through you. 
“M’kay, baby.” He murmured, kissing back up your exposed stomach to find your lips once more. The feel and taste of spit and your release had your mind spinning all over again. Had you hooking your legs together around his waist, pressing his hardened cock against your reignited arousal. 
You moved to fidget with his belt buckle, spurring that detached hand to help you loosen it as well as yank his pants and stripped boxers down far enough to let his cock spring free, it tapping against your sensitive clit. Buggy hissed at the feel of your slick against the reddened tip of him. 
You scooted closer, your ass all but hanging off the edge of the kitchen island so that Buggy’s cock lay flush against your throbbing folds. His lips left yours, resting his forehead on your collarbone so that he could watch as he split you open on his cock, that little whimper of his you loved spilling from his lips with every inch inwards.
You cradled the back of his neck as your walls flexed and adjusted for him, that shimmering pleasure starting that coil deep within yourself up once more. 
“Fuck, songbird.” He groaned lowly as he bottomed out, his lips kissing the valley between your breasts. “So good--always feel so good.” Your lips kissed the bit of his forehead you could reach with a stratified hum. “A-always so good for me. A-always take care of me.” He mumbled, pulling himself out to his red-flushed tip before quickly thrusting back into you, pulling a gasp from your lips.
That shimmer turned into a pleasant buzz with each snap of his hips against your own. A buzz that built with each pass of sticky, warm skin, burning lips, and biting teeth. 
Buggy’s sea-glass eyes found your own once more and you’re breath hitched at the warm emotions swirling within them. Emotions that stayed, not chased away by doubt or fear. 
“I-I--you’re special to me, songbird. You--you make me happy. Happier than I’ve been in years.” Tears pricked at your eyes. Tears you fought against but ultimately lost to. Buggy kissed them away, his thrusts slow and circling to keep you closer. 
“I--I think--” He hesitated, his breath huffing against your cheeks as he continued those shallow thrusts. Thrusts that allowed his cock to hit every last nerve ending within you, starting that white buzz you knew meant the coming of your second release of the night. “I--I missed bein’ ‘round you and it had only been a couple of hours. Fuck--you’re so godsdamn special to me it hurts, songbird.” 
You huffed against the rise of emotions flashing through you. Emotions that only swelled that much more when he nuzzled his nose against yours. When he purposely brought attention yet again to his nose. His nose he protected against insult with rage and violence--but he was letting you near it--feel it. 
He pulled away to look into your eyes again and you found tears were pricking at his own eyes once more. 
Slowly, as to give him more than enough time to pull away, you leaned in to place a small kiss to that nose of his--a nose that complemented him and one you loved. Buggy blinked, those tears rolling down his cheeks. You smiled at him through your pants, wiping his tears away. 
Your lips found his once more in a slow, open-mouthed kiss that brought you two that much closer.
That white buzz zapped through your thighs and spine and toes as it shot through down your core once more, Buggy’s name moaned into his mouth. 
He moaned your own name into your mouth, cock twitching and balls pulling tight before spilling ribbons of hot come deep within you. 
You both fell slumped against each other, taking in each other's air as heavy panting filled the air. 
“I’m…I’m sorry for cryin’,” Buggy mumbled as he pet over the bits of your exposed skin he could get at. You placed a kiss to his neck, fingers messing with his braid. 
“It’s okay, baby. Crying just means you had a good night.” Buggy gave that funky laugh of his, kissing your cheek as he made to look into your eyes once more. His smile, so bright and wide, nearly took your breath away. 
“You’re right. I did.” His lips claimed yours in a kiss just as sweet as the words he had uttered to you moments ago. 
“Hey…Buggy?” You asked once you had fully caught your breath. 
“Yeah, songbird?”
“I was just wondering…what all can you chop off?” Buggy blinked at you in thought, not truly understanding your motives. 
“Well--everything, I guess. Why--” Buggy cut himself off when he spied the mischievous smirk pulling at your lips. You clenched your tired walls around his softened cock in way of question. “Fuck, songbird.” He cursed, his pupils slowly growing larger in lust.
“Can it?” Buggy leaned so close that the tip of your nose touched his. It had your heart fluttering all over again.
“Want to find out?” He asked with a smirk to match your own. 
“Yes, Captain."
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Tag List: @lostfirefly , @fanaticsnail , @empressofmankind , @fanshavegottensotoxic , @wasabiprophet , @ane5e , @synoname-wordsmith , @cefni , @solarrexplosion , @luvrsbian , @misadventures0fdes , @friedtacokitty
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Strong Dragons Masterlist
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Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Daemon x Fem!Reader x Rhaenyra
Tag: strong dragons hotd fic
Summary: Rhaenyra arranges Daemon to marry Lady Y/n Strong, but in the public eye, the reasons are unknown. Shortly after their marriage, Daemon and Y/n move to Dragonstone with Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon. Whatever happens on their island is a mystery to anyone in King's Landing.
Warnings: NSFW! 18+ only! Smut, mature themes and language, P in V, dirty talking, breeding kink, fingering, arranged marriages, choking, unprotected rough/raw sex (wrap it before you tap it), virginity loss, cockwarming, incest, oral (female receiving), dom!rhaenyra, daemon growls (enough said), angst, mentions of period blood, pregnancy and all the crap that goes with it, motion sickness, infertility struggles, threesomes, death, murder, depictions of both the books and shows, etc. (I’m so sorry if I miss anything I’m just writing the warnings down as I remember them)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five (To be continued...)
@ivy-targaryen @lol-im-done @stitchattacks @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @faerosewood1723 @esquivelbianca @demiismylord @evattude @goldensunflowe-r @fexibau @chiyausu  @aphroditesmoon @winter-soldier-101 @ashlatano7567  @mochimommy2002 @champomiel @ilovemydinoboi @jackthemarvelfinatic @kindaslightlyacidic @bubbles2416 @hotd-fic @thatkinkylesgirl1 @nnyets @honeypillowsblog @pindoris @sugarmilkteaxkookiesxcream @rxscpctals @lethal-minds @witch-of-letters @green-lxght @wondergal2001 @boofy1998 @elliemilani @minbeatriz16 @siriusdumblittlepuppy  @rockerchick05 @midnightrqin @starloriha @kaitieskidmore1 @kat4na @ally22042000 @deathlyweird @eonnyx @weepingwitchofthewest @borikenlove @lovleaura @thewitch-lives @kneelarmhstrung @xrosegoldwolfx @mikariell95 @mxxny-lupin @gruffle1 @siimiasoi @the-spectacular-spider-bitch @automaticwizardnerd @here4thefanfic @i-love-morally-gray-characters​ @esmeralda-tupi​ @deadgirldreaming​ @poppyreader​ @mukduk-not-murder @bri3009 @issybee0611​ ​@nzygftoji @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​ @watercolorskyy​ @ripnevillestrevor​ @oatmealisweird​ @apollonshootafar​ @tatertati-fangirl​  looveniclovee @hotdreads​​​​​​​
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Also, if your user is in the taglist but you weren’t notified, I’m sorry but sometimes Tumblr is unable to find certain usernames and tag them. I’ve contacted Tumblr support about this but they never got back to me and I’ve googled a bit and still haven’t come up with a solution.
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beah388love · 4 months
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Over Protective Brothers…
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader
Summary: Times where my brothers were protective of me especially with Reggie or Ronnie.
Warnings: Swearing,allergies,gang,mention of gun!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
Times where my brothers were protective of me especially with Reggie or Ronnie.
Reggie knocked at the door.
My brother, Billy answered the door.
He stiffened when he saw Reggie. They hadn't been introduced yet, they had only met once at a club and didn't speak one on one with one another.
"Yeah?" Billy spoke and Reggie smiled.
"I'm uh- here for y/n? Is she in?" Reggie asked and Billy didn't answer.
"Right..well-" reggie got cut off by Billy.
"Where are you going with her?" Billy asked
"Just down to my club the uh- Esmeralda" reggie said and Billy didn't move an inch or show any emotion.
"What're y'a gonna do?" Billy spoke lowly.
"Just have a drink and talk y'know a date" reggie smiled but didn't get one back.
"What's that?" Billy said as he pointed to Reggie's blazer pocket that had a light outline of a gun.
"Oh-uh this?" Reggie awkwardly chuckled knowing billy saw the gun. He pulled out a fag from his pocket.
"No.the gun." Billy spoke threateningly.
"I-uh" reggie stuttered and didn't have any excuses.
"Give it" billy demanded and Reggie shook his head.
"It's for protection, y'know your a gangster too aren't y'a" reggie said and billy sighed.
"Yeah I am, but I'm not letting my sister go out with a fucking gun, a gangster but not a gun" billy stated.
Reggie handed Billy the gun and Billy gave him a fake smile.
Reggie gave one back.
"Billy? Is it Reggie?" You asked him and he nodded.
"If your not back by nine thirty, I'll kill him" Billy stated to you and you nodded with a smile.
"I know. I'll be back by nine" you smiled and left the door holding Reggie's hand.
"I don't think he likes me" reggie chuckled and you laughed.
"I don't know, he didn't even talk to my other boyfriends" you giggled and Reggie smirked.
"Other boyfriends aye?" Reggie teased and you blushed.
"They were all dicks though" you sighed.
Ronnie knocked at the door.
I opened it and was about to leave but my younger brother George stopped me.
I had only recently introduced my brothers to Reggie and Ronnie, although they knew them lightly from the ‘underworld’ .
"Y/n/n?" George said as he stopped me from leaving.
"Yes Georgie what's wrong?" I asked and he gave ron a confused look.
"Where're y'a goin?" Georgie asked me.
"I'm goin down to Carpenters Arms with the twins" I said and he nodded stiffly but lightly.
"When are y'a coming back?" George asked me and I smiled.
"About nine-ish" I said and he nodded.
"Be safe, love ya" Georgie smiled but didn't smile at Ron.
"I will Georgie, I love ya too" I smiled and left with Ron to the bar.
Reggie knocked on the door.
"Who's that?" Johnny asked dolly and she shrugged her shoulders.
"Reg?" Johnny said as he opened the door and he smiled.
He was holding a bouquet of flowers.
"What're you doing here?"
"I uh- I'm takin bee out on a date" Reggie smiled and Johnny nodded
"Oi! Bee!" Johnny yelled up the stairs.
"I'm comin" you replied as you walked down the stairs.
Reggie smiled when he saw you.
"Hey reg..." you smiled up at him blushing.
"These are for you" Reggie stammered as he held the flowers out to you and Johnny pushed you back.
"Woah! Are those gladiolus?" Johnny asked as he held the flowers away from you.
"Uh- yeah I think so why?" Reggie asked worried and confused.
"She's allergic!" Johnny said quickly and chucked them away.
"Shit...I didn't mean to- I didn't know I'm sorry" Reggie said running his hand through his hair and you giggled.
"It's alright reg...i do puff up like a pufferfish though" you giggled making him laugh.
"God..is there anything else I should know?" He asked and you shook your head.
"Johnny I'm leaving now!" You shouted and he walked back to you.
"Be back before eleven yeah? Have a good time love ya" he said giving you a kiss on the head before you left and shut the door.
"I'm scared to give you anything now.." Reggie chuckled and you giggled.
"I'm fine reg! I'm only allergic to them nothing else, don't worry" you reassured him.
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faceless-creature · 10 months
Hey... Sorry for not posting proper stories in a while... But I'm here now! Enjoy!
Tw: blood, kidnapping, character death, gore, yandere reader, canabalism, possessive behaviour
The reader gets very dark..
Judge Claude Frollo X Fem!Demon reader. (Based on an OC)
A woman walked within the shadows of Paris, silent as a mouse. Her skin as white as the snow on the cobbled floor. Her messy long (h/c), streaked with bright green, hair pulled into large pigtails. Pointed ears poke from the mess of hair.
Her dress a smokey black with mint green trim, decorated with a skull clip in the centre. Black and gray striped stockings covering her legs. Black platformed boots giving her a few more inches. Not that she needs it as she already stands at six feet tall.
Her eyes and mouth completely blacked out and in a permanent closed mouth smile. A wide chilling smile with upturned eyes.
The demon stalked through the shadows as she watched the annual Feast of Fools. Keeping an extra close eye on the corrupt Judge.
The demon woman had been keeping a very close eye on the judge. Feeling as her obsession with the human man grows with every passing day.
She had created a small shrine to the mortal in her pocket realm.
She stole pieces of jewelry, clothes, his favourite books, pillows and blankets.
She cut a small lock of his hair off of him while he slept once. Even keeps a small vial of his blood after she cut him on the arm, once again in his sleep.
The demon known as Y/N was engrossed with the corrupt Judge. Obsession is a strange but fascinating concept to her.
She admired the man in black and purple from the shadows of the houses. No one else mattered to her.
That was until... Esmeralda...
Y/N saw the lust within Frollos eyes as she danced. She despised it.
A thick, bubbling rage ignited within her stomach as she glared at the poor unsuspecting woman.
Y/N retreated into the darkness in order to create a plan. And within a few days....
She had one..
Her plan was very quickly set into motion. She tracked down the court of miracles before the judge had gotten there.
The demonic woman went on a rampage within those catacombs...
By the time Claude had made it to the court of miracles...
There was nothing but gore...
Bodies had been strewn up by fabrics, or their own entrails. Corpses ripped open, blood and organs and unprocessed food splattered up the walls and across the entire floor.
Burnt and charred bodies, ripped open, bloodied, gored beyond belief.... Half eaten bodies...
Upon the hanging stage was Quasimodo and captain Phoebus swayed from the ropes. Clopin lay impaled on the rafters... And a hunched over figure..
Y/N was crouched over Esmeralda's bleeding body... Chewing... The sounds of ripping flesh, crunching bones and squelching chewing noises bounced off the cobbled walls.
The judge and guards stood in terrified silence as they watched as this unknown woman, unhinged her jaw and chomps down onto the corpse in her arms.
A guard fainted at the disgusting sights and sounds bouncing from the walls. The woman's head snapped around to look at the noise, a piece of flesh hanging from her mouth.
The demon stood up at an alarmingly fast pace, causing panic to wash over the men. The guards make a dash for the exit.. but Y/N appears from the shadows in front of them.
The gory sounds of ripping flesh and screams of agony rattled within the minds of the living before they died.
Soon enough... Only she and Frollo remained.
Y/N was now coated in blood; head to toe. She slowly advanced towards the Judge.
Frollo, wearing a now blood stained robe, trembled in terror. Was this how he's destined to die?
"I've waited for this moment... For so long.." Y/N cooed.
"Please... I'll do anything.. just don't.. don't hurt me.. please.." Frollo whimpered pathetically.
"Hurt you? My love.. why would I ever hurt you?!" Y/N snapped confused.
"I'd never hurt you darling..."
Y/N reached her hands out to cup his face in her hands causing him to flinch.
"I'd never hurt my mate.." Y/N cooed darkly.
Y/N quickly pulled his head forward and forced him into a kiss. She licked across his bottom lip, demanding entrance.
When he denied she slipped her hand into his trousers causing him to gasp in shock and fear.
Y/N forced her long, thick, grey tongue into his mouth, making sure to explore the entirety of it.
Slurping and struggling noises echoed in the catacombs as Y/N took great pleasure in getting the chance to kiss her beloved, and how he tried to escape her grasp.
She broke the kiss, tongue continuing to play with his as saliva dripped from their mouths.
"I've waited so long for this moment... To take you home.."
And just like that- she pulled Claude into the shadows and disappeared with him.
Judge Claude Frollo was never seen again.. however..
A strange looking woman was often seen buying food from the people in Paris. And soon enough she fell pregnant multiple times and was seen with many demonic children.. that looked suspiciously like Claude Frollo: the missing Judge.
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pixie-skull · 11 months
Challenge, Alphabet of Crushes:
Pretty self explanatory, just list your biggest crushes of past and present to each letter. I tag @impossiblepeggy @little-bloodied-angel @geebs96 @airasora @thenamelessdoll @confettipetticoats @2009jorose @animagix101 @night130
A= Amalthea (The Last Unicorn)
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B= Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
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C= Christine (The Phantom of the Opera)
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D= Dorian Grey (the picture of Dorian Grey)
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E= Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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F= Frodo (The Lord of the Rings)
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G= Granger, Hermione (Harry Potter) *Emma Waston I actually like for her, the character meh, but more roles lately make me really like Emma Waston more, just Hermione was my first role I really liked her*
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H= Hemidall (Thor)
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I= Inara (Firefly+Serenity)
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J= Jasmine (Aladdin)
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K= Kala (Sense8)
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L= Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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M= Merlin (BBC Merlin)
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N= Nomi+ Amanita (Sense8) *I could not choose one as both are amazing*
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O= Original Hex Girls (Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost) *mainly Thorn (center) and Luna(right side)*
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P= Padme (Star Wars)
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Q= Queen of Wonderland, White Queen, or Mirana of Marmorea (Alice in Wonderland) *mostly like her for she is played by Anna Hathaway and BONUS looks like a live action Amalthea*
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R= Rose (Titanic)
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S= She-Hulk (1996’s Incredible Hulk: Animated Series) *Cree Summer too a crush*
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T= Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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U= Underworld Persephone (Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief)
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V= Vampire Mina (Bram Stoker Dracula) *mention honestly wanted to find a way to mention Winona Ryder as such a huge crush, plus Winona in red dress so beautiful*
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W= Wonder Woman (DC Comics, yet mostly Gal Gadot version)
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X= Xavier, Charles (Marvel Comics, yet James McAvoy version, and yes I do not mind if someone needs a wheelchair)
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Y= Yum-Yum (The Thief and the Cobbler)
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Z= Zoe (Firefly+Serenity) * and Wash, as both have such an adorable relationship*
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It is very apparent to me I have a type in both women and men. As well, yes, I still have major crushes on the live action character's thespian. I mean dang I was not expecting such types, but one of my friends did observe I tend to like Jewish, Middle Eastern, French, and Indian women, and men twinks XD (often Untied Kingdom). Dyed hair not picky on gender though, as a good look all around.
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tigersullivan01 · 1 year
Mother figure Alma Peregrine x Teen Reader - little trouble pt1
Having the capability to transform into a Fox as a peculiarly isn’t ideal, people don’t take the time before judging you. Being labeled a thief the moment they know is quite harsh to go through every time you enter a new loop with a new ymbryne, it makes you throw hope out the window and become what they label you as. 
So being sent off to another loop isn’t surprising, although having Miss Avocet transport you is. I never liked the old woman, she is full of herself. Everything she says has to be right because she said so. 
Sitting on the train in complete boredom with my small torn up bag with an extra shirt and my green frog stuffy, maybe i could nick some wallets? 
“I’m going to the loo” I mutter before standing up and weaving through the crowd of passengers, slipping my hands into pockets and slipping out wallets, watches, jewelry and notebooks. 
What? Notebooks contain interesting stuff, like gossip or interesting facts, or a look into the life of person I stole from. Setting back down in my seat beside Miss Avocet, sliding my goods into my torn bag. The old hag grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the train towards the docks, the sky’s sending down drizzling rain making the streets muddy and filled with water. Looking at the people we pass and snagging a few more valuables before we get to the ticket booth. 
“Two tickets please…….there you go……thank you”
 Grabbing my wrist again after buying the tickets and pulling me on the ferry. 
“OKAY! No need to drag me around like a stray dog!” I say irritated and getting slapped across the face from Miss Avocet as a response. 
“Do not speak like that young child! Show respect for your elders and you may have a home one day, ungrateful child. I’m sending you to Miss Peregrine, she’ll put you straight. She’s my best student and a strong woman, she’ll crack you in a few days. If not then you’ll be on your own”
Good can a woman spit less when talking through her anger? I’m practically soaked in her saliva! Grumbling as I sit down on the wet beach as un-proper as possible, spreading my legs widely and sitting on the edge, leaning back with my arms crossed over my chest. 
“Sit properly child! Straighten that back and knees together!” 
As the ferry docks the dock on the small island Miss Avocet grabs my wrist AGAIN and dragging me through the small town and muddy streets, through the brush and towards the loop entrance, out of the cave on the other side and up the front steps of the gigantic brick house. Almost slamming my head against the door from the abrupt stop, the doors open sharply. Revealing a tall raven/ blue haired woman in her mid twenties? A feminine suit and a pipe, sharp eyes and a commanding look. 
“Esmeralda! Glad to see that you’ve made it safely. Is this my new ward?”
“Alma dearest! It’s a pleasure to se you again, although I wish it was under better circumstances, yes this rascal is your new ward. I warn you they live up to their namesake, they have light fingers. Now I must be of, goodbye dear and you child” she puts a finger against my chest. 
“I suggest you behave, or you’ll become an orphan without an orphanage to take you in” with that she leaves. 
“Please come in dear, I’m Miss Peregrine delighted to meet you” she introduced herself and walks inside, I follow after her fast pace. 
“Y/n…..Y/n Fox” she smiles and puts a cup of tea in my hands and pulls me to the back garden. 
“The twins and Clare, Hugh with the bees and Millard the invisible one, the girl with big shoes is Emma and the redhead is Olive. Enoch is in the window on the second floor to the right, Fiona is the girl in the garden and Bronwyn is the girl that’s helping her, the boy reading in the grass is Horace” she points everyone out and turning to me. 
“I understand that you’re not the easy child to look after. Your previous ymbryne sent me a long letter about your….capabilities. I’d like to make my own observations before I jump to conclusions, how about take you to your room?” 
“Yea”  She walks inside putting the cups on the kitchen counter before walking upstairs and opens the door furthest down the corridor to the left. The room is small, a bed in the corner, dresser against the wall and a window beside it and a small rug on the floor. 
“Make yourself comfortable, supper is at five” she smiles before leaving, I push the door shut and pull out the notebooks, wallets and my frog stuffy and sit down on the bed, making myself comfortable and starts going through the wallets, counting the money and looking at the different bruises cards and notes, throwing the wallets in a pile in the corner of the room for later and moving onto the notebooks. Reading through them, and severely judging people on a few points in their notes, I hear a clock wringing. I guess it’s already super then. Walking downstairs and towards the chatter from other children I find the dining room and an empty seat beside Emma? I think that was the blonde’s name and Miss Peregrine. Sitting down and looking over my pre filled plate in front of me. 
“Go ahead and eat before it gets cold” 
Miss Peregrine announces and the children starts eating, I only push the food around and nibble on some meat. 
“What’s your peculiarity?” The boy with bees asks. 
“I can transform into a fox” I mumble uninterested. 
“So you’re a thief?” The boy that smells like death asks. A hole minute and around forty seconds before I’m one’s again labeled a thief because of my peculiarity. Called it!  
“Enoch! We do not greet our guests like that, apologize!” Miss Peregrines practically growled at the death boy. Receiving a glare from the boy as the dinner continued uneventful. 
“Go and get ready for bed so we can watch the movie” the children goes upstairs quickly but i don’t bother, i don’t even own pjs. I simply walk away and transforms into a Fox and follow the first child to the movie room when they come downstairs. I lay down underneath one of the sofa’s as the rest of the children filter into the room, Miss Peregrine standing in the doorway. 
“Where is our newcomer?” She asks confused and i wag my tail from side to side so she’ll se me. 
“Oh there you are, come here” To my surprise she pulls me out from underneath the sofa and picks me up in her arms before returning to her spot in the doorway and turning the lights off. Staying in stunned silence in the woman’s arms, this has definitely never happened, not even my own mother touched me, specially not in this form.
Horace’s dream is about clothes, suits and ties and that fancy stuff I’ll never afford. After that I’m carried outside and put down in the slightly damp grass as the others prepare for reset. A few smaller fighter planes flights over us followed by a larger aircraft that drops the bomb, after the day is rewinded again we all head inside. I quickly run upstairs to my room and curl up in a ball wrapped inside my frog stuffy and the covers, I hear the clicking of heals and feel the smell of Miss Peregrine as she enters the room. 
“Good night Y/n” she says before leaving again. I lay there for a few minutes, another first, my first time someone wished me a good night. Odd 
Hello I give you this as an apology for the latest one i posted, it wasn’t good. I’ll do the second part as soon as possible, I’m myself not patient when it comes to waiting for upcoming parts. - Tiger
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°•○The Chimes Of Demise○•°
"Yuu, you got everything you need?" You asked your vice-leader, stepping over a grumbling Grim.
Laughing at the small animal, you pick him up and head to the bathroom. Placing the tooth-brushes in different baggies and writing down each name on the separate bags.
Packing the items up, you see the ghosts laugh and poke fun at a bashful Yuu.
"Yuu, I got Grim. You ready to head off-" You stop yourself, smilling at the group and place Grim on your shoulder.
"What's going here~" You ask slyly, watching the ghost trio laugh. "Yuu is so excited about the field-trip!" 
"I can't blame them though, it has been some time since we left this old dorm!" 
"We should have a vacation!"
You laugh at their comments as Yuu shook their head with a smile. "(Y/N).." 
"What's up Yuu?" "Did you pack the Ghost Camera yet?"
"Noo! I knew I forgot something!"
You slap your fore-head dramatically. Leaning against the smaller human, they giggle at your theatrical display and gently nudge you away. Awaking a poor sleeping Grim, "mew.. Spicy hellfire tuna.." He mumbles in his drowsy state, falling back asleep.
"Don't worry, I'm glad you didn't. I wanted to take a photo before we go!" Yuu explains, heading up the the broken down stairs. 
When Yuu returns, you all huddled up together, "three, two, one! Say tuna!" You whisper, smiling brightly as Yuu and the ghosts whisper-shout along with you. 
Curiously glancing around the ballroom, your mask hiding your features. 
Eyes hidden in plain sight watch you with anxiety.
Gathering the courage they had, they ask you for a dance..
But others surrounding the two of you watch in a jealous rage.
Oh, what a pity.
Can poor Cinderillon escape this Masquerade of Hellfire?
Or maybe become a righteous Juliet?
​​​​​​​What fools...
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[Mhm, yes I'm writing in advance for this event. I'm probably gonna make this a whole ass series like my last Halloween special! Anyone remember Ghost Marriage x reader?? JK, anyway wish me luck!]
[I'm expecting to see Yuu and (Y/N)'s awesome Masquerade outfits send in ask box please 🙏]
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joanquill · 2 years
Fortune telling + Graveyard date
character: William James Moriarty prompt: Fortune telling and Graveyard date relationship: romantic story type: Fluff story idea: can you do this with my William James Moriarty x Romani! Reader based off the song "Rhythm Of The Tambourine" from Hunchback Of Notre Dame Broadway Musical request I asked for a month ago? William meets (Y/N) after William watching (Y/N) perform on the streets. (She dances with a tambourine while singing the Esmeralda parts of the song "Rhythm Of The Tambourine")
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William James Moriarty
A/N: I apologize for using the g-word and thank you to the anon who informed me.
Tag/s: Romani!Fem!Reader
Song: "Rhythm Of The Tambourine" from Hunchback Of Notre Dame Broadway Musical
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"Come one come all!" a man shouted as banners and tents were placed all over the streets.
"Hm?" William muttered, seeing the confetti in the air fall onto his new books.
"Hurry, hurry - here's your chance! See the mystery and romance," the man quipped, playing along with the kids as he ran through the streets.
Raising a brow, William followed, trying to see what was going on.
"Come one, come all!" he repeated, spinning around on a banner as crowds gathered around.
"See the finest girl in England, make an entrance to entrance...!" he quickly jumped beside William, squeezing him by the shoulders.
"Dance La (Y/N)... Dance!!" the man jumped back on the stand, throwing pink dust and glitter on the ground in an explosion.
The crowd gasped as the man disappeared, and you stepped out of the mist.
William's eyes widened at the trick, smiling at the sight of you.
You two locked eyes for a split second, making you smile and wrap your scarf around him with a wink, making the crowd hurrah.
William chuckled at the sensation as you blew a kiss, giving attention to the rest of the audience.
"A Romani performer, I see..."
Finishing your whole troupe's performance, the crowd gave you one last roar as they threw flowers and money your way.
"Good work, everyone!" Clopin shouted, making you all cheer.
"I'll be going then," you smiled, grabbing your bag and waving to the others.
"What? Not even for a drink?" your friends pouted, making you chuckle and shake your head.
"Fortune-telling, remember?" you answered, putting on your coat as you walked out of the tent.
You playfully rolled your eyes at your friend's shouts and calls, closing your tent as you greeted your lined-up customers.
"Welcome to (Y/N)'s Parlor of Wonders!" you greeted the customer absentmindedly as you rummaged under the table as they sat in front of you.
"You were quite the dancer," he complimented, catching you by surprise.
You looked up and saw a man with blond hair and red eyes.
"Thank you," you smiled, shuffling your cards.
"And I see you're a man of logic," you stated, catching him by surprise.
"And what makes you say that?" you looked over to the math and science books on his lap, making him chuckle.
"Quite the sharp eye," he complimented, making you shrug.
"You develop one in my line of work," you smiled, laying the cards in front of him.
"(Y/N)," Clopin called out as he knocked on a wooden post.
"Ah, sorry..." he bowed his head at the customer, "We need your help,"
You internally sighed as you cleaned up the cards.
"Sorry, dear customer," you apologetically bowed as you gave him back his ticket pay.
"Keep it," he smiled, refusing your offer.
"Perhaps you can pay me back later?" he offered with a wink, surprising you.
"I believe I would still be performing," you politely denied, "And at a graveyard, to add,"
"Then it's a date," he smiled, kissing your knuckles as he waved goodbye, leaving you and Clopin in shock.
"...Should we celebrate?" he asked with a grin, making you frown and push him away as you walked out of the tent.
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lenoraah · 11 months
𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘥
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pairing - dad!carlos sainz x mom!reader
summary - when Carlos finally convinces reader to bring all four of their daughters to race, they because the stars of the show
a/n - this is from the poll i had yesterday 🤍 i’m going to keep Abella from daddy’s girl and she will be (7) here, Catalina (5), Gabriela (3) and baby Esmeralda (1)
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Carlos and Y/n walk behind Abella, Catalina and Gabriela as they make their way to the Ferrari garage. Esmeralda is perched on her mother’s hip, a cheeky smile on her smile on her face as people wave at her.
The three girls are hand in hand, happily chatting as they walk to the garage. The girls are always attached by the hip and together.
While Abella looks like her mother, with her y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Catalina and Gabriela are the perfect mix of both Carlos and Y/n with his same black hair and her y/e/c eyes. However, Esme is her daddy’s twin with his black and mesmerizing brown eyes.
“This was a great idea, Carlos.” Y/n smiles as she leans against her husband’s shoulder, watching their three kids hang into Charles.
“I hope we can do this again,” Carlos smiles, taking Y/n’s hand and kissing her on the cheek.
“Well, let’s see how today goes.” Esme babbles, interrupting their conversation. The baby claps her hands, laughing and shifting around on her mother’s hip.
They couple laughs and sigh happily. They can hear the faint sound of cameras as they watch their kids run around and shriek happily. The can’t help but feel a little accomplished, knowing that they could finally be able to take their kids with their to cheer one their daddy.
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snowboyclarkov · 2 years
My Ideal Verse
This is a picture including every single series - whether that be movie, anime, game, YouTube series, DeviantArt artist or other - into my ideal crossover universe. At this point I would make these additions:
Inazuma Eleven GO
Made In Abyss
Katawa Shoujo
Azur Lane
My Hero Academia
Kiss Him, Not Me!
Chainsaw Man
Komi Can't Communicate
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Heaven's Lost Property
Saitama Chainsaw Girl
That one series with Blindy and Blondy by Popopoka (logo not available)
As of 18th June 2023, these additions were made:
The Lego Movie
Fireman Sam
Bottom Gear
As of 12th July 2023, these additions were made:
Library of Ruina
Street Fighter
S.C.P. Foundation
Pumpkin Night
As of 29th August 2023, these additions were made:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Henkei Shoujo
As of 31st October 2023, these additions were made:
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
Avataro Sentai DonBrothers
Ressha Sentai ToQger
Uchu Sentai Kyumager
Mashin Sentai Kiramager
As of 26th November 2023, these additions were made:
Doctor Who
All of my OCs would also feature in this verse. So would Shem-Ha from Symphogear, Dooku from Star Wars, Castoria from Darling Duality, Chantel DuBois from Madagascar and that series where someone teaches English to rural primary-school-level Japanese kids. Limbus Company would not be in the verse. DonBrothers and King-Ohger are the only two Super Sentai sub-verses in my ideal verse.
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There would also be the series where these pieces come from.
I call this one above and posts directly related to it the St. Marley's Asylum series.
My Own Universe by Clarkov on DeviantArt - The original post that the template at the top of the pictures was made for.
My main OC-verse is one where all of these series exist in the same universe. Even Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Slavaria Cossack is a friend/weird harem group and is utterly shameless about it, with the same sort of chemistry that Clarkson/Hammond/May have. The 9-13 became members at various points after Sahaidachny's 'you're allowed to be you' arc. All of them are 15 in present day. 9-13 are based on existing characters in the same sense in which JJBA Stands are based on existing songs.
Slavaria Cossack (birth place) - current MGE mamono species (original)*:
Clarkov Sahaidachny (Vynohradiv) - Soldier Beetle (human)
Natalya Horbach (Kharkiv) - Shirohebi (human)
Yevhen Slobodyan (Berezne) - Wonderworm (human)
Stanislava Artemenko (Lebedyn) - Myconid (human)
Valentyna Morozova (Mykolaiv) - Tritonia (human)
Myroslav Kozak (Yevpatoriya) - Black Harpy (human)
Reichiru Inazuma (Fukuoka) - Oomukade (human)
Lyubomyr Dobrovolskyj (Pereiaslav) - Akaname (human)
Esmeralda Petersburg (Moscow) - Dhampir
Tess Dileva (Hoddesdon) - Sahuagin (human)
Kirumi Silkenstar (Ashikaga) - Mantis (human)
Karaina Caulton (Harlow) - Lich (human)
Suki Ryushima (Fukuoka) - Yuki-Onna
*Can alternate between mamono and human forms just like in Rosario + Vampire.
Note: 5 of my OCs in chronological order of meeting C.J.S. after his 'being able to be himself' revelation over the course of a few months - the stoic bodyguard-in-training Esmeralda Petersburg, the disciplinarian Tess Dileva, the poetic Kirumi Silkenstar, the spunky wannabe witch Karaina Caulton & the highly introverted loner Suki Ryushima - are derived from and inspired by existing OCs found on (y/n) x yandere quizzes on Quotev that I took a liking to thanks to the story/characters/detail/etc., like how much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is inspired by Western songs. This includes their personalities. I took 5 such quizzes honestly answering the questions posed based on my personality and that of Clarkov J. Sahaidachny, my first and main OC, which are very similar in most ways but very different in some areas. These 5 were the results. As for the dere sides, they start out full on and become more mentally sound as time goes on. That part is inspired by the development of Mizore Shirayuki in Rosario + Vampire. It's how I have to do almost everything in life. Start out with a base, then slowly build it into my own thing. It's a bit annoying, but I make do with what I have. I'll leave a link to the quizzes below.
The quizzes:
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9340557/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-X-Male-Reader-Part-0 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9459484/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9916834/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9941208/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-3 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9982278/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-4 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10307250/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-5 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11771247/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-6
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11634020/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11809703/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11897977/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-3-FINAL
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12939352/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12940932/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-2
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Strong Dragons (Part Four)
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(Gif not mine)
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Masterlist Here
Pairing: Daemon x Fem!Reader x Rhaenyra
Warnings: NSFW! 18+ only! Smut, mature themes and language, P in V, dirty talking, breeding kink, fingering, arranged marriages, unprotected rough/raw sex (wrap it before you tap it), incest, oral (female receiving), dom!rhaenyra, graphic depictions of pregnancy and labor, threesomes, death, depictions of both the books and shows, etc.
Word Count: 7,563
Tag: strong dragons hotd fic
Summary: Y/n’s pregnancy progresses as well as her reputation on Dragonstone. Daemon and Rhaenyra are enthralled by their Mother of Dragons.
Requested by: @ivy-targaryen​
@lol-im-done @stitchattacks @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @faerosewood1723 @esquivelbianca @demiismylord @evattude @goldensunflowe-r @fexibau @chiyausu   @aphroditesmoon @winter-soldier-101 @ashlatano7567   @mochimommy2002 @champomiel @ilovemydinoboi @jackthemarvelfinatic @kindaslightlyacidic @bubbles2416 @hotd-fic @thatkinkylesgirl1 @nnyets @honeypillowsblog @pindoris @sugarmilkteaxkookiesxcream @rxscpctals @lethal-minds @witch-of-letters @green-lxght @wondergal2001 @boofy1998 @elliemilani @minbeatriz16 @siriusdumblittlepuppy   @rockerchick05 @midnightrqin @starloriha @kaitieskidmore1 @kat4na @ally22042000 @deathlyweird @eonnyx @weepingwitchofthewest @borikenlove @lovleaura @thewitch-lives @kneelarmhstrung @xrosegoldwolfx @mikariell95 @mxxny-lupin @gruffle1 @siimiasoi @the-spectacular-spider-bitch @automaticwizardnerd @here4thefanfic @i-love-morally-gray-characters​ @esmeralda-tupi​ @deadgirldreaming​ @poppyreader​ @mukduk-not-murder @bri3009 @issybee0611​ ​@nzygftoji @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​ @watercolorskyy​ @ripnevillestrevor
(I do not consent my works to be reposted/copied)
A/N: Tumblr kept deleting this as I worked on it so now I’m frustrated to the point I’m in tears. I’m definitely taking a break from this series as I’m too exhausted to bother right now after all that stress.
The following week upon Y/n's arrival was a busy one, to be sure. Dragonstone was filled with activity as Rhaenyra announced to her staff that both Prince Daemon and Lady Y/n would act as every bit the lord and lady of the keep as the princess and her own husband. The servants, loyal to Rhaenyra and loyal to her secret arrangement, welcomed Y/n with open arms, each individual introducing themselves while Y/n tried her best to remember all their names for their devoted kindness. It appeared as though the idea of a child excited the entire island -not just her lovers- as they helped their new lady feel at home.
Gerardys, Rhaenyra's head maester assigned to Dragonstone, confirmed what Y/n already knew, that she was, indeed, with child. He suspected that she was, at the very least, three moons along, since she hasn't even begun to show through her dresses. Now that her pregnancy was confirmed, Rhaenyra made sure to provide the best servants for her female lover, even introducing her to her own handmaidens, including the most loyal, Elinda Massey. Elinda was the youngest of Rhaenyra's ladies-in-waiting and the most devoted to House Targaryen overall. She was sweet and caring, a pretty young woman who pulled at Y/n's heartstrings. After meeting Elinda, Y/n pats Rhaenyra's arm and assures her that she would get along beautifully with her handmaidens.
Y/n had been aware of the fool, Mushroom. She knew of him only by reputation in court, a three-foot dwarf with a large head and a lackwit of intelligence, but nevertheless, a devoted, loyal servant to Rhaenyra, who has known him for the entirety of her father's reign. Mushroom tended to favor the princess over King Viserys and therefore followed her back to Dragonstone. Once introduced to all the handmaids at her disposal, Y/n was then greeted by a particular servant Rhaenyra had promised would make her laugh. Mushroom was delightful to Lady Y/n. A little crude, perhaps, but he did indeed earn a hearty laugh out of her and a silent trust to always rely on him with her secrets, as many have gained with Mushroom over the years, whether it was earned or foolishly given.
While Rhaenyra was in charge of Y/n becoming acquainted with her staff, Daemon charged himself with helping his new wife feel more comfortable with the island itself. He took her on many walks along the beaches and gave her plenty of cautionary tales about the volcano looming over their new castle. He made sure Y/n was aware of the many caves surrounding the island of his ancestral home, and informed her of what to do should she ever accidentally stumble upon a dragon. Daemon wasn't entirely worried about the tamed ones, as long as Y/n didn't try to ride them without their respective companion... he was more or less bothered by the idea of his pregnant wife accidentally coming across a dragon with no rider.
"How many are there?" She had asked one night over dinner, "Which dragons are without a rider?"
"Vermithor and Silverwing are castle dragons, beasts who had been tamed before but over the years have lost their riders," Daemon explained from his seat beside her, one of his arms draped over the back of her chair, "They once belonged to King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, my grandparents. Then there are the wild dragons, beasts untamed and have never known the bond of a rider. Grey Ghost, the Cannibal, and Sheepstealer are the ones you should be most careful of."
"That doesn't mean to be less cautious of the other dragons, like Vermithor and Silverwing," Rhaenyra had cut in with alert eyes captivating Y/n's, "They may have known human companionship in the past, but that doesn't mean they will be familiar with you. It's been a long time since they have been ridden, therefore it's best to just give them their space and they will give you yours."
"Our dragons might be the most decent towards you," Laenor assures Y/n, "Caraxes, Syrax, and Seasmoke have more experience with human interaction and are smart enough to realize that you are a friend to them. But I wouldn't suggest seeking them out unless you were with one of us."
"Which reminds me," Rhaenyra beams, avoiding the less dreary topic while setting down her fork excitedly, "With our new prince or princess on the way, we will need to pick out a dragon egg for them."
One of the many topics that made Y/n feel like a stranger in her new home. She had nearly forgotten the prospect of a dragon baby in her belly, "To place it in their crib, right?"
"That is the custom, yes. Usually, the parent chooses the egg, and you are welcome to come with us."
"Into Dragonmont?" The woman's dark eyes widen, looking around at the three dragon riders before her, sheepish and possibly worried, "I have no experience with dragons let alone their eggs."
Daemon nods in agreement, addressing his wife but exchanging a glance of approval with Rhaenyra, "It's best if we get you and the dragons properly acquainted then."
Rhaenyra nods in response, "Perhaps you should ride with one of us on our dragon."
Laenor bursts out laughing, startling everyone including the servants as they bring silverware and food to and from the table. Y/n recognizes the jest and found herself in the mind of a child as she grabs the nearest thing, an apple, before aiming and throwing the fruit across the table at Laenor's head. She had missed pitifully, but the attempt made the Velaryon lord laugh, even more, clutching his midsection when his ribs began to hurt. Y/n could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment, but even the corner of her mouth turned up into an amused smile.
Rhaenyra, however, looked baffled while turning her gaze between her husband and her aunt, "Have I missed something?"
Y/n had barely heard her over Laenor's laughter. One look from Daemon slowly shuts him up, but a grin is still plastered on his face, eyes twinkling at Y/n as she bashfully ducks her head, "I didn't fare very well at sea. I doubt I'd fare well on the back of a dragon."
The princess grasps her meaning and relaxed her furrowed eyebrows, flashing a heatless glare at Laenor and causing him to cough to cover the last bit of laughter within him. Y/n playfully glared at her niece's husband as well but didn't even try to fight the smile this time.
"Well, the choice is yours, my love. You may not want to be familiar with dragons now, but perhaps you can learn and grow alongside our child's dragon when their egg hatches."
Her smile sparkles, "That would be lovely. I will start out small, just as our child will with their lifelong companion."
Getting used to kisses on her belly would be a bit of a challenge for Y/n, but not something she would likely grow tired of. Despite not showing through her dresses, it's clear to her lovers that her body has already begun to change in order to accommodate the child. Rhaenyra blatantly kisses Y/n's abdomen one night, after already shedding the Lady Strong of all her layers, and feels the slowly forming bump beneath her pale lips. Rhaenyra smiled into her female lover's flesh, biting back a moan when Daemon involuntarily thrusts into her at the sight before him, Y/n sprawled over the edge of the bed while Rhaenyra bent over her. Daemon stood behind Rhaenyra, lined up against her backside as he continued to pull out and slowly ease back into her heat. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra continued to kiss Y/n's belly before leaving a wet trail down to her already glistening cunt, the princess softly blowing cool air over the heat and sending shivers up the lady's spine. Y/n arched her back, whimpering without any friction to satisfy her needs, trying her best to remain still with her hands fisting the bedsheets near her head.
"My apologies, love," the princess kissed the soft inside of the lady's thigh. Y/n could feel her smirk against her trembling skin, "I was merely doting on our child."
Y/n scoffs up at the ceiling, "Perhaps you should dote on me first, or else I'll pray to the gods for our child to bear my reputation of holding a grudge."
"We best be careful with this one," Daemon cuts in, still thrusting his hips against Rhaenyra's arse while whispering into her ear, amusement stitched into his low voice, "I'm beginning to think her bite is worse than her bark."
Rhaenyra hums in agreement, closing her eyes and pulling her head back in bliss when his cock hits that certain, perfect spot inside her, "I think she's becoming more of a dragon the longer she's here. Perhaps it is both a blessing and a curse."
"It'd be less of a curse if you would stop talking and touch me, Princess."
The female Targaryen is startled out of laughter, gasping up to the ceiling of her chambers when Daemon's hip jerks forward unexpectedly, out of rhythm. Both uncle and niece are clearly affected by their Strong woman's demand, both equally shocked and aroused by her sudden boldness.
"If pregnancy brings out this side of you, I think we'll have to keep you full with our children all the time."
High Valyrian proved to be a difficult language to learn. Y/n had asked one evening if one or both of her lovers could teach her so that she might be able to communicate with them and any children they'll have in the future. Daemon and Rhaenyra were delighted to teach Y/n their mother tongue and tried their best to teach her when any free time was given. Much like the times Y/n and Daemon would spend time together by the hearth in King's Landing, the three lovers now spent the same time by the hearth together on Dragonstone.
"Ñuhon lenton Targārien jorrāelza issa?" She tried reciting one evening, her nose scrunching up as even she doubted the way she phrased the sentence, "'My love is for House Targaryen?'"
Lounging on the other end of the couch, fondly watching her female lover, Rhaenyra faintly smiled, a breath of laughter escaping her lips, "You were close, my love, though I believe there's an easier way to phrase that."
Y/n's eyebrows scrunch together in frustration, scowling, "It doesn't help that there are half a dozen ways to say your family name and half a dozen ways to say 'my'."
"We can continue learning words before having you recite full sentences." When Y/n nods in agreement, Rhaenyra straightens her posture to be fully facing her, "Mountain."
"Iron Throne." Their male lover cuts in from the chair across from them, wine goblet in one hand and an open book in the other.
He shrugs in response to Rhaenyra's reprimand, "She'll likely be saying that more often than 'mountain.'"
Y/n's expression turns devious, her eyes shining with mischief while purposely staring Daemon directly in the eyes as she spoke in confidence, "Āegenkon Dēmalion."
The fire blazing in the hearth casts a dark shadow over Daemon's silhouette, but Y/n's figure is ignited by the flames, glowing softly, driving the Rogue Prince into silence. He stares right back, the essence of a gentle smirk beginning to form as he stands from his seat, "Very good, lady wife."
She beams with pride, tilting her head up to him, carefully watching his every move as she responds in kind to his praise, "Targārien kostōba Āegenkon Dēmalion issi."
{Targaryens are powerful on the Iron Throne}
Even Rhaenyra's stomach jumped with delight at Y/n's powerful phrase, complementary to the way Daemon sinks to his knees in front of the woman as if her words weighed him down. He was short of breath, strong hands reaching out to caress her legs beneath her skirt, reaching up underneath until they graze the inside of her thighs, "Excellent. And how would you say 'my son will sit upon the Iron Throne?'"
Y/n shivered under his touch, her eyes fluttering shut as she willed herself not to move under his ministrations. She had nearly forgotten her husband's question until she felt Rhaenyra's hand in her hair, bringing her back down to the mortal realm. By now, Daemon's fingers were already reaching into forbidden places in the eyes of the gods, while his forehead leans into her growing stomach. Rhaenyra was placing soft kisses into Y/n's shoulder, over her dress until the princess decided to move the sleeve aside and continue the kisses along her bare skin. Y/n licked her lips, forcing herself to remember her lessons, hesitant compared to the other two phrases as she stutters out a response,
"... Ñuhon trēsy Āegenkon Dēmalion dēmagon."
"My love. We have a gift for you."
Looking up from her book, Y/n spotted Rhaenyra standing in the open doorway of her chambers, Daemon following close behind the princess as they entered their expecting lover's apartments. Smiling, Y/n closed her book and carefully stood from her chair, one arm sticking out for balance while the other held onto the more prominent bump around her middle that has grown significantly in the last few moons. Peering back at her lovers and noticing their appalled reactions, Y/n flashed them a devious look. They had recently become more possessive than usual and dote on Y/n almost religiously, worried by every step she takes. Normally, they are right by her side when she has to stand up, and even Lady Strong could admit that they're helpful in that aspect. Sometimes it's hard to get back up on her feet. If it weren't for her silver-haired dragons, Y/n would have likely found herself stuck in place until someone would eventually came around and find her there.
Daemon rolled his eyes at his wife's antics, stepping forward to take her hand in his while looping his free arm around her lower back, and walking alongside her toward her tea table. Y/n directed her gaze to the door again when two figures emerged, carrying a rather large item.
A large urn, heavy enough that two dragonkeepers must lift it together. It was round and likely made of iron, with padded handles the dragonkeepers used to carry and refrain from burning themselves. They place the urn on the tea table, hot steam billowing out from beneath the lid. When Rhaenyra nods her head, one of the dragonkeepers removes the big lid, slowly to further express its weight. Inside, without being told, it wasn't hard for Y/n to guess that the gift was none other than a dragon egg. She had never seen one before, but the rounded shape and the light green, scale-like shell surrounding it was a dead giveaway. Heated coals and embers surround the object, acting as a portable incubator.
Daemon announced the egg with pride, "A gift fit for the Mother of Dragons."
Y/n reached her hand out but refrained from touching the egg, feeling the heat coming off around the scales. Her smile was faint, eyes sparkling in awe as she breathlessly stated, "It's beautiful."
Rhaenyra beamed proudly at the praise, "I picked it out myself."
Daemon moved to stand behind Y/n, hands gently holding her shoulders as he kissed the back of her head, "A dragon egg sired from Syrax and Caraxes. There could not be a more perfect choice for our future prince or princess."
Rhaenyra reaches out and Y/n gladly takes her accepted hand. The princess brings her female lover's hand over to the egg, unafraid and showing the lady that the egg was not too hot to the touch. It was considerably warm, forming sweat in Y/n's palm almost instantly, but Rhaenyra appeared unbothered by the heat, "Hold this against your womb tonight, my dear. And when the baby gets here, we will leave it in its crib."
The expecting mother nods in understanding, taking the instructions to heart. She straightens her posture, addressing the dragonkeepers standing across the table. Y/n nods to them, trying to best to perfect her accent as she spoke, "Kirimvose." {Thank you}
The dragonkeepers nod back, eyes widening in acknowledgment of her proper pronunciation. Rhaenyra radiates pride for Y/n's High Valyrian before she also addressed the dragonkeepers using the same tongue. They leave at her behest and Daemon moves away from Y/n and circles the table, placing the urn's cover over the egg again.
Y/n takes her hands back and places them on her new perch over her belly. A thought enters her head and she hesitates for only a moment before addressing her lovers, "Speaking of the baby's arrival. I have made arrangements with the midwives for when I begin my labors." Both Targaryens tilt their heads in attention to her and she continues, "I will have four attend to me along with Maester Gerardys and Elinda Massey."
"Do you not want us there?" Daemon questions with a small raised eyebrow.
"I wouldn't ask that of you," she explained gently, "Traditionally, husbands don't accompany their wives to the birthing bed. I would be content if the two of you accompany each other on dragonback while I go into labor."
"That's not what he asked, my love," Rhaenyra countered quietly, "He asked if you did not want us there for the birth. If that's what you truly want, then say the word and we'll respect it. But I doubt it." Her suspicions were correct, as Y/n appeared troubled, a crinkle forming between her eyes when her eyebrows scrunched together, "What is it?"
"It's just..." Y/n sighed heavily, her weight shifting with the pregnant stomach clearly weighing her down, "Both you and Daemon have suffered the horrors of childbirth. You might not have experienced it personally, but you have suffered through both of your mothers. Aemma and Alyssa suffered and perished due to complications of childbirth, did they not?"
Neither of them answered, but their eyes appeared haunted at the reminder, nevertheless. Y/n shook her head as her voice slowly began to crumble, "... I couldn't possibly ask you both to sit and watch something like that happen to me."
The Rogue Prince appeared skeptical, "And you believe something like that will happen to you?"
Rhaenyra changes direction, addressing Daemon in defense of Y/n, "Childbirth is a woman's battlefield, Uncle. Many women, even the strongest, sometimes never survive it. It is the way of things... at least that is what my mother told me."
The princess turns back to Y/n, rounding the table to draw closer to her. A mist forms in Rhaenyra's eyes, clouded by distant, unpleasant memories, "I wasn't there when my mother died. I wish I was. Perhaps I could have been a form of comfort for her. I could have held my brother for however long he lived. I won't make that mistake again." She slowly moved her hands up, placing them on either side of Y/n's face to gently force their eyes to meet, stepping closer until their unborn child was snug between their bodies, "It would hurt me more if I was not there for you. Riding on dragonback while you faced this alone would not give me peace of mind. Please, allow me to stay with you."
Y/n hesitates, opening and closing her mouth but couldn't find the words she was searching for. Instead of refusing, she nods, letting out a shaking breath as Rhaenyra pulls her face in and kisses her cheek lovingly. They share that moment of silence, past ghosts still fresh in their minds before they both take a deep breath and turn to their prince, awaiting him.
Daemon moves around the table to join them, his pale eyes fixed on Y/n, "My mother was strong. Stronger than most of the women in my family... and my brother, they named him Aegon... he didn't survive long after she... I was too young to remember much, but I know that if I had the power, I would have taken my mother's pain from her. In a heartbeat. If I could somehow pull it from you, I would. Let me try."
Even if she was unsure of accepting the offer, Y/n didn't want to necessarily worry her lovers more by arguing further. She knew that if she wanted to refuse, she could, and they would respect her decision, no matter how much it would concern them. However, she couldn't bring herself to do so, nodding to Daemon in acceptance.
For the majority of her pregnancy, Y/n appeared blessed with easy, healthy milestones. Not to say Y/n didn't have any unpleasant days. She was nauseous toward the beginning and her feet ached when she began to grow round, but the biggest most unpleasant change was her attitude. Daemon and Rhaenyra were not the only ones who noticed Y/n's bite. Servants, maesters, and dragonkeepers alike noticed the change in aggression. It wasn't as though Lady Y/n was violent or unbearable, but if it wasn't for the known fact that she was a Strong, most people of Dragonstone would've initially believed she was born a Targaryen and not just married to one.
Laenor didn't appear to mind this new side of Y/n. In fact, he very much enjoyed it. It was like being back home in Driftmark with his sister, full of spirit and brutally honest.
"Must you always wear that pin?" Y/n sneered as she crossed the gardens to join the Velaryon, holding her stomach as she waddled.
Laenor grinned, standing up to help her into the chair next to him, "My sister gave it to me as a wedding gift. Don't tell me a seahorse makes you nauseous, too."
She groaned as she sat down, "The idea of the sea makes me nauseous."
He hummed in agreement as he settled beside her. They met almost daily in Aegon's Garden so the lady could get fresh air, and more times than not, they would summon Mushroom to entertain them. Today was no different, the fool making his appearance not long after Y/n and going about his newest routine of tricks and mischief.
As the fool performs, Laenor leans into the lady's space, "You're cross. And I doubt it's over my pin. What ails you, good aunt?"
She side-eyes him for the address of her title over him, eyebrows angled in annoyance as she spoke, "Both my husband and your wife have insisted on being with me for the birth."
His eyebrows raise, unsurprised, "And? Are you asking me to join as well?"
"Heavens, no, I wouldn't even play at the idea of you seeing my cunt."
"I appreciate it."
Y/n snorts and smacks his shoulder light-heartedly, "Shut up. I'm just... terrified that something bad will happen and they'll have to... watch the child or me or even both of us die."
"Why must you think about what might happen?"
"Because I'm a realist, Laenor."
The Verlaryon frowns, unconvinced, "You married a prince and secretly planned on carrying his children then passing them off as someone else's. Is that what you would consider being a realist?"
"Don't patronize me. I'm just simply stating that childbirth isn't easy. It's torture. Septas can romanticize it all they want but I wouldn't exactly listen to celibate women who have never borne a child. A wet nurse is likely to tell you the truth and the horrors behind the labors. Many women bleed out, or many of them birth stillborns. I... I've heard rumors of a more recent practice."
"Such as?"
She bites her lip and grows quiet, unsure if she should gossip about what she may or may not have learned. It wasn't a known rumor, and she had mostly heard it between women in the court of King's Landing. But if there was any lord she could trust, aside from her twin brother and her husband, it was Ser Laenor, "Maesters have learned that in order to save the child, they can cut the mother open and pull the infant from her womb. It's not ethical, but the studies show that if they must decide who to save if the threat of losing both is imminent, the maester will turn to the husband to decide."
"That's not even unethical. It's also barbaric!" Laenor exclaims, appalled as rage crosses his features, reminding Y/n that he was half Targaryen as well as Velaryon, "Surely, no one would approve of this method."
"I don't know. All I know is... it's not going to be easy."
"I would suggest raspberry leaf tea."
Both Laenor and Y/n look to the third voice, only to find Mushroom to be the only other person in the gardens. The dwarf fool had since stopped his tomfoolery and just stood there, looking at the pair of them expectedly, head tilted. Both of them looked at him, shocked as if they had forgotten he was there.
Y/n tilted her head back at him, curiosity getting the better of her, "Pardon?"
"Raspberry leaf tea." The dwarf stated confidently, puffing out his chest with pride.
"Perhaps you should properly address the lady before barging into her conversation, jester." Laenor's lips thin out, eyes narrowed suspiciously at the fool.
"It's alright, Ser Laenor." She mocks amusingly at the lord beside her before turning back to Mushroom, addressing the small man sweetly, "Why raspberries?"
"All whores know the ingredients and methods of concocting moon tea. In their line of work, it is essential and necessary." Mushroom flashes a vulpine grin, the corner of his lips stretching from ear to ear, "Not many men would bed a whore with child."
"Get to the point faster, fool." Laenor grumbled, nose scrunched in response to the dwarf's boldness, "I doubt you would talk to his lady wife in this manner if Prince Daemon were here."
"However, there are times moon tea does not work or a whore forgets to even drink it. There are times when children are born and to make the labors bearable, the whores have created a simple concoction, one that makes the birthing easier and sometimes faster. Raspberry leaf tea."
Y/n clung to every single word, awestruck and suspicious all at once, "And this tea does not harm the child?"
"Not to my knowledge."
Laenor stood once he realized that Y/n was actually entertaining the ideas of the fool, "I will speak with the maester to confirm or deny this."
"Thank you, Laenor." She smiled and watched him leave before turning her head back down to the dwarf in front of her, "And thank you, Mushroom."
Bells jingle obnoxiously as Mushroom dips into a bow, overplaying his courtesy with flair, "I am but a humble servant, my lady."
Doubtful but amused, Y/n laughed quietly under her breath, the small noise joining the soft, scented breeze of the garden, "I would hardly describe you as humble if you are to be believed knowledgeable in the methods of whores."
"Perhaps it's humble if I use my knowledge to soften my lady's worries," Mushroom beamed confidently, "After all, it would be a shame if maesters learned how to save the child, but not the mother."
"Well said, my fool."
Maester Gerardys listened to Laenor's suggestion and then proceeded to intently research before approving the consumption of such tea. He recommended Lady Y/n drink the tea before bed every night, and thus a new nightly routine was born. After such a heavy discussion about the dangers of childbirth, Rhaenyra was visibly relieved when Y/n took to finding solutions and even learned how to make the tea herself to aid her pregnant aunt.
In Mushroom's Testimony, published years down the road, the dwarf stated it was all because of the tea he had recommended to the Mother of Dragons prior to the birth that made the babe slip out so easily. He even spun a small tale about how the tea softened Lady Y/n's womb so much that she had barely noticed she had given birth. Much like a giraffe, Mushroom's tale would have us believe that Y/n had simply gotten up after her child was born and went about her day as if nothing ever happened.
Other scholars who wrote about such historical events did not agree with this, however, despite the fact that Mushroom was the only source to be on Dragonstone when Y/n Strong went into labor. It had been early morning when Y/n awoke in Rhaenyra's chambers, the sun not yet fully rising over the island but the sky was becoming a lovely purple and the stars were disappearing. Daemon had rolled over just as Y/n was trying to rise out of bed, Rhaenyra still unconscious to the world around her on the opposite side of her uncle.
"Careful, wife," Daemon muttered into the pillow, only half awake, "I wouldn't try getting out of bed so fast if I were you."
The responding thud that echoed throughout the room drove Prince Daemon into survival mode, waking every instinct he had as he lunged out of bed to search for Y/n. She had not gone far, having landed on her knees just at the foot of the bed, one hand holding her stomach while the other was placed on the floor below, holding her up.
Chaos erupted that early, quiet morning. Rhaenyra was roused as was the rest of the keep in response to Daemon's demand for the maester and the nurses. When asked, Y/n will look back and have little to no memory of what happened that fateful day. She remembered the labor being quicker than anticipated, given this was her first child, but over time she had forgotten what the pain felt like. Her mind was either not as sharp as it once was or it had purposefully locked away those certain traumatic events.
Needless to say, there were a few small things she remembered that she was able to reiterate in the future when asked. Maester Gerardys had refused to move Y/n from her knees on the floor, stating it was too late to place her in the child bed. The baby was coming quickly and it had barely given anyone enough time to prepare for its arrival. So Lady Y/n was forced to stay where she had landed, but she was not alone. She remembered holding onto Daemon for dear life and he dutifully stood still for her, anchoring her, gripping her arms though not as tight or as fiercely as she held onto him whilst she cried out in pain, resting her sweating forehead on the center of his chest. Rhaenyra had finally joined her as well, pulling her hair out of her face and occasionally rubbing her back and hips. The princess had gratefully taken a pillow from Elinda when she arrived to help and placed the pillow underneath poor Y/n's knees which were already bruised and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
Daemon's heartbeat and Rhaenyra's gentle voice were all Y/n could remember apart from her screams. That, and the weird shifting of her internal organs as everything moved down with her baby and with gravity. After that, the pain subsided and Y/n remembered taking big, sobbing gulps of air, clinging onto Daemon weakly as every part of her body began to violently shake in exhaustion. Her gasps and cries were the only things echoing in her ears as the whole room bustled about, people scrambling and shouting that Y/n was unaware of. Daemon held her close and eventually demanded the maester that they move her to the bed. Gerardys agreed and by the time Daemon had lifted her into his arms, Y/n's hearing returned, and she realized that she was not the only one crying. Weakly, she turned her head in the direction of the baby's cries as Daemon laid her down over the pillows and blankets.
Nurses and maids were working frantically about the room, but one woman remained perfectly still among the chaos and Y/n instantly recognized her by her silver hair. Rhaenyra was sitting in a nearby chair, smiling widely to the point her cheeks had to hurt, her misty eyes staring down at the bloody, crying babe in her lap as Elinda knelt before the princess to wipe down the infant, not having the heart to take the child from her in order to clean it. Y/n's breath had been stolen again, and her gaze never broke from the infant even as a couple of the maids came around to help clean the blood and grime from her skin. She could briefly recollect Daemon's hand in hers and another gently brushing her hair, remaining dutifully at her side while Rhaenyra attended to the child.
With the babe finally cleaned and swaddled, Rhaenyra carefully lifted it into her arms as she stood up, moving toward the bed where her eyes finally met Y/n's, tear tracks of joy cutting through her flawless face, "A son, my love. Our Little Jace is here."
Jacaerys Velaryon.
Y/n has held babies before, though she might have been too young to remember it, and even then she was smaller. A baby would feel heavy and a lot bigger than they actually were in Young Y/n's arms. But now, fully grown and with her firstborn son in her arms, Y/n was awestruck by how little and fragile he was. He wasn't born early enough to be considered sickly and after fully inspecting him, Maester Gerardys confirmed that the boy was a picture of health and only a little smaller than average. Relieved she had managed to birth a healthy son without much of a risk, Y/n hardly had a care in the world even when she noticed the small tufts of dark, incredibly soft hair her son bore on the top of his little head.
However, the day after his birth, after she had been rested and Laenor was able to meet his son for the first time, Y/n spoke of the future with a shadow over her eyes, "On my wedding day, you said we would cross that bridge should our baby have dark hair."
Rhaenyra looked up from watching Laenor gently rocked Jace in his arms as he slowly traveled around the room, whispering softly to the sleeping baby. Y/n was sitting comfortably in a chair by the window and meets her princess' eyes, expression blank as she continued, "Well, he does. So how do you propose we convince the world that he's yours and Ser Laenor's child?"
"Laenor's grandmother was a Baratheon. She had dark hair." Rhaenyra comments hopefully.
The dark-haired woman shook her head in response, "It won't matter. You know as well as I that the lords of the realm won't see reason in that. They only need one reason, however small, to proclaim you as an unfit heir to the throne."
"We have a fail-safe."
"Which is...?"
Daemon, still watching Laenor and Jacaerys like a hawk, spoke in regards to Y/n's question, "We let the kingdoms whisper."
"Daemon," Rhaenyra chided him, the prince shrugging without a care. His niece sighs, turning back to Y/n with a sheepish expression, "It's only half true. We let them whisper, but we misdirect them. In the public eye, I am Jace's legitimate mother. That will be indisputable. No one could deny that. But his father... it would have to be someone close to you in appearance. Someone who would do anything for you and for the crown. Someone we trust."
Y/n was no fool, but disbelief can be a bitch and it was disbelief that drove Y/n to slowly come to the realization behind Rhaenyra's words. There is a clear, hidden meaning behind how she had phrased this mystery man and Y/n wanted to outright deny it at first before she caught sight of Daemon staring at her expectedly. He trusted her to come to the same conclusion on her own and she did, albeit with a dry throat, "... My brother?"
"Yes. Ser Harwin." Rhaenyra nodded.
A flash of hurt appeared and then quickly vanished over her eyes as she looked between her two lovers, "Why was I not informed about this?"
"Because we knew you wouldn't want your brother to risk himself."
"And yet you still went through with your original plans?"
"Yes, because we also knew that your brother would do anything to protect you," Rhaenyra crossed the room, kneeling down to Y/n and clasping her hands, "He's loyal to Daemon as a soldier of the City Watch, he's loyal to me as the future Queen of Westeros and most importantly he's loyal to you as his sister. He's the perfect ally to have in King's Landing while we establish our family here on Dragonstone."
"And... and he knows about our arrangement? He's aware of all of this?"
A decision is made in Y/n's mind and it physically shows over her facial features, the uncertainty melting into one of petulant acceptance as she gently but firmly pulls her hands out of Rhaenyra's to take a cup of tea from the table beside her, "Next time you do something behind my back that would make me look like a fool, just don't tell me."
Unbeknownst to her, Y/n's lovers will take that promise to heart in the far future.
Rhaenyra writes to her father first, officially announcing the birth of her and Laenor's firstborn son. Daemon waits a few days after Rhaenyra's raven has gone before he writes a letter to Ser Harwin, inviting him to Dragonstone to visit with his sister. The prince also implied that he would like to have a soldier he could trust to be here while his niece and Ser Laenor adjust to parenthood. He had added this in case the letter was ever intercepted and considered suspicious, in case someone clever knew how to fit the missing pieces of the puzzle. King Viserys' response was joyful, congratulating his daughter and practically begging her to bring his first grandchild to King's Landing when she and the baby are well enough. Following Viserys' letter was another from the capital, announcing Ser Harwin's departure and expected arrival at House Targaryen's ancestral home.
After the letter had been received, Y/n would often find herself in the Sea Dragon Tower, usually in Laenor's chambers, overlooking the sea and waiting for a ship that would likely have her brother on board. Laenor didn't mind the intrusion as long as Y/n brought Jace with her-- or so he claimed. Despite the feigned annoyance, he always made sure Y/n had the chair with the most cushion to be seated at the window and would summon a wet nurse if his good aunt appeared not to have the strength to feed the babe herself. He secretly didn't despise her little visits if it meant getting to know the baby meant to portray as his son. The knighted Velaryon was already full of love for this child, despite the fact he didn't sire him. Nevertheless, he couldn't wait to introduce the boy to his parents and sister.
During one of these visits, Y/n finally spotted distant sails floating toward the island, her heart leaping for joy as she got to her feet, proclaiming her brother's arrival. Laenor had laughed and urged her to take it easy and not exert herself. With the babe in one arm, he offered the other to Y/n, which she took and together they brought Jace down to the gardens where Y/n was to anxiously wait for her twin. Laenor handed Jace over to his birth mother once she had been seated and for extra measure, kissed the babe's forehead and wished Y/n luck before retreating. Y/n spent the time cooing softly to her infant as she waited, trying not to feed the urge to get up and meet her brother halfway up the stairs leading to the keep. She doesn't have to wait long before she heard someone enter the garden. When she quickly looked up, she found Ser Harwin Breakbones, the same man she remembered leaving behind in King's Landing. Only at the sight of him did she finally stand, babe in arms, and scrutiny on her tongue.
"You fool. You stupid, loyal fool."
Harwin laughs joyfully, "Hello to you, too, sweet sister."
"Shut up."
He rushes forward and brings Y/n into a hug, being as gentle as possible with the baby between them. Y/n melted into the embrace, taking the time to breathe in that familiar scent of home and family before the twins slowly pull away. Harwin beams down at the infant in his sister's arms, "I take it that this is what you were referring to when you mentioned an impossible task. I don't know about you, Y/n, but this looks as though you know how to make the impossible possible. He's a handsome one. What do you call him?"
Her smile is infectious as she lifts her son up higher for his uncle to see him, "We named him Jacaerys. Jace for short."
"Jace," Harwin removed his leather glove and gently placed his bare hand over the top of the boy's head, marveling at how it easily fit into his palm, "Strapping young lad."
"Yes... he already has a dragon."
"Are you fibbing?"
"No, I swear!" Her eyes sparkled in awe as she relayed the story to him, "The egg hatched in his crib a few nights ago. Until Jace is old enough to tame it, it will be under close watch."
The amazement and possibly terror lingers for a moment before Harwin's gaze softens to one of worry, "Y/n... tell me how you are."
She tilts her head, "How do you mean?"
"Are they treating you well? Are you cared for? You can tell me the truth. If they treat you poorly, just say the word and I'll bring you and the boy to Harrenhal. You'll never have to--"
"Harwin." Y/n laughs quietly under her breath, holding Jace in one arm while she takes a hand to gently pat Ser Breakbones' cheek, smiling fondly, "I love you, brother, but you truly are a fool. Even if I was treated unfairly, you cannot protect me from dragons, especially not at Harrenhal of all places. But I'm happy to inform you that that would never be the case. Daemon loves me, as does Rhaenyra. They could never harm me."
She sits down on a garden bench and invites her brother to follow, "How did they come about asking for your aid?"
"Originally, they didn't think I would need to take part in this web they intend to spin," Harwin explained, "Prince Daemon assured me that he would only send a letter if your child was born looking more like a Strong than a Targaryen."
Y/n nods automatically, "Daemon is playing his part well, pretending to be Jace's uncle... though he tries keeping his distance."
She had been staring sadly down at the bundle in her arms, drawing Harwin to a worrying conclusion, "Do you think your husband despises the fact Jace does not look Targaryen?"
"No. At least-- I don't think so." She shook her head, unsure, "I want to believe that he's slowly realizing just how hard this whole situation is going to be for us carrying Laenor and Rhaenyra's children. Once Jace and any siblings he might have start growing, Daemon and I will have to stop parenting them and start pretending to be their aunt and uncle. Knowing my husband, he's probably thinking that when that day comes, it will hurt less if he started keeping his distance now rather than later."
Harwin nods in acknowledgment, believing he understood what his sister meant, "Prince Daemon has always struggled with arranged marriages--"
"I may have been an arranged wife to him at the beginning, Harwin, but that is no longer the case." She reminds him, "As I said, Daemon and Rhaenyra grew to love me and I grew to love them in return. That's likely when Daemon realized that this arrangement was going to be hard, knowing he couldn't openly love our children when they get older."
"I understand." He decides to change the subject, leaning over to gently stroke Jace's little face with a single finger, "What is to be done with the King?"
A different kind of shadow falls over Y/n's face, "Rhaenyra and Laenor will fly to King's Landing with Jace and his hatchling."
Harwin peered up, eyebrows raised, "And you agreed to this?"
"My son is a Targaryen, no matter who he was born to. The King's own mother would fly on her dragon's back when both of her sons were infants. While they're gone, Daemon suggests I try flying with him."
"I am Daemon's wife. I've never heard of a dragon harming his rider's wife."
"Still, I have seen you grow ill from tall heights and unsteady ground."
Y/n scoffs when she catches the mockery in his voice, nudging him with her elbow, "You embarrass me, brother... Daemon and Rhaenyra call me the Mother of Dragons. I should probably learn to fly with my children someday, don't you think?"
Harwin stayed in Dragonstone for a full moon cycle before planning his return to King's Landing per his father's summons. With the Hand's request also came the King's, begging his daughter to bring her son to him as soon as possible. Rhaenyra had prolonged this enough and announced it was time for her and Laenor to present the babe to the King's court. They would wait until Ser Harwin had returned to King's Landing, then they would follow on dragonback. The morning came for the heir of Harrenhal to disembark once again, and so Y/n stood on the docks of Dragonstone with her son in her arms in order to watch him leave.
Harwin smiled while placing his hand on Jace's head once more, "It won't be such a tiresome journey knowing that I'll be seeing you again in the capital soon. You behave for your mother in the meantime."
The strong knight then leaned over and kissed the top of Y/n's head, "As for you. Promise you'll write to me. As much as you can."
"Until my wrist falls off," she promised, "Give Father and Larys my love. Tell them I miss them."
"I will. Until next time, Mother of Dragons."
A/N: Kofi account here. Please support if you can!
Next chapter will have time skips. As I said, I will be taking a break from this series after all the frustration I went through just to post it. Please support my kofi and other fics. If you want to check out other fics that are not Game of Thrones related, my ao3 is Po_ta_toes, thank you!
Enjoy an edit I made of our favorite OT3!
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beah388love · 5 months
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Don’t Mess with the Mood Swings
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Pregnant Reader
Summary: Ian and Teddy Poked the bear…
Warnings: pregnancy,fighting,arguing,insults,crying,scratch,smoking,alcohol!!!(please tell me if i missed any!!!)
Ian and ted loved to 'poke the mama bear' but took it a step too far.
"Hello y/n/n" Ron smiled as he walked into the Esmeraldas barn.
You smiled and walked over to them and sat down at the booth they was in.
They put their cigars out and waved the smoke away.
"Hey ronnie, what you been up to?" You smiled Ann he shrugged his shoulders.
"Mh..not much we've been trying to read what paynes saying" Ron said as he looked over to Payne.
"Ah, well as I walked past it sounds like he's talking about tax payments" you shrugged as you grabbed a breadstick.
"Your getting bigger eh?" Teddy half joked and you shrugged a laugh as you held your bump that was indeed getting bigger.
"I can barely get up now..." you giggled as you chewed on another breadstick.
"Are you sure it's now triplets?" Ian laughed and it kinda hurt, you didn't know Ian that well so it was kind of an insult then a joke.
Teddy stifled a laugh but Ron didn't.
You didn't say anything until he piped up again.
"Maybe quadruplets eh?" He laughed even harder as he pointed to the breadstick you was about to eat.
You got kinda sad, you had already been insecure about how big you was getting and this just kinda made it feel real?.
You put the breadstick back down and Teddy didn't laugh this time.
"God it was just a joke! Ugh women eh? So over reactive" Ian moaned to Teddy and Ron but they ignored him.
And that was when Reggie came out of his office and was talking to Payne.
You tried to stand up to go over to him but you had to push yourself up with the arms of the chair.
You was out of breath just by that and then Ian piped up again.
"God you can't even stand up" he chuckled and you lost it.
"Shut up!" You half shouted at him and it took Teddy by surprise.
"God i was jokin! Mood swings..." he said looking at Ron and ted expecting them to laugh but they didn't.
"I may have mood swings! And I may be big! But I am not taking your bullshit!" You yelled at him.
"Don't talk to me that way! Your a pathetic women! You should be at home!" He yelled and you gasped at how obnoxious he was being.
"That's right! You shouldn't even be here! All your for is to make babies! To carry on us men's legacy." He spat at you and you was furious.
So you slapped him. And you didn't regret it one bit.
You slapped him across the face so hard he fell into teddy.
"Woah!" Teddy said as he held his hands up to push Ian away from him.
And that's when Ian stood up again and lunged at you and he managed to only scratch your arm but Ron stopped him.
"Don't.fuckin.touch.her.you cunt." Ron said as he punched him between every word.
"Oi! What's going on!" Reggie said as he rushed over trying to stop Ron.
And that's when he saw Teddy holding you away from Ian,
"What the fucks goin on?!" Reggie yelled and Ron finally stopped punching Ian.
"Eh?" Reggie said looking at Ron,Ian and Teddy.
And nobody spoke up except Teddy.
"Ian tried to uh- hurt y/n reg.."  teddy said as he held your arm holding it away from reg, because you both knew if he saw it he'd go mad.
"What? Are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded.
"Pat. Take him out." Reggie ordered angrily as he headed over to you and held you close to him.
Taking you into his office.
""Doll what happened?" Reg asked you as he held you close to him.
"I- well he was saying loads of shit to me. He said I was an over reactive,pathetic women who shouldn't even be here, and then he said I was only here to have your babies and continue a man's 'legacy' " you said trying to hold back your tears.
"Oh and he said. 'Are you sure you're not having quadruplets' " you said now crying.
Reggie was beyond furious. He was seeing red. He felt every nerve end in him was on fire.
But he still held back to look after you first.
"And then he lunged at me and he only scratched me but-" you rambled on wiping away your tears.
Reggie said as he then began looking over your body until his eyes landed on the scratch in your arm.
Reggie's head was racing with thoughts.
I'm gonna kill him.
Are you alright?
He tried to hurt a pregnant woman. Especially you.
I'm gonna fucking kill him.
"Are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded, it didn't hurt it was only a little scratch but reg was still furious.
"Stay here Kay?" Reggie said as he gave you a kiss on the head and stroking your bump.
"What are you gonna go?" You asked and he stopped.
"Don't worry, just stay here"
"Don't go bat shit crazy…I just wanna go hom-”
you said tiredly before cutting yourself off.
You could feel the twins kicking you in the ribs making you groan.
“Woah are you okay?” Reggie said rushing over to you, and helping you sit down on one of his chairs.
“Mhm I’m fine just a double kick to the ribs thas all’ you winced as you held into Reggie’s hand.
“Can we please just go home” you said and he nodded helping you up, holding your bump and the small of your back protectively.
Reggie lead you out of his office and held the door open for you, “Oi! Payne! This is tomorrow’s business do ya understand!” Reggie said as we left his club.
“Can you tell Ronnie and Teddy I said thank you” you said to reg and he nodded hiding a little smile.
“I will doll, you feeling alright?” He asked you and you nodded.
“Mhm, the twins have calmed down now” you giggled as you felt a light kick where Reggie’s hand was making him smile ear to ear.
The next day Reggie didn’t kill Ian but he did give him a ‘physical threat’
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