#especially when the camera is on Tim just before he is about to turn around and give her the speech.
jesuis-assez · 4 months
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↠ Tim & Lucy ↳ 6x10 - Escape Plan
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kimberly-spirits13 · 8 months
Tired Timmy
Pairing: Tim Drake x reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Fluff- When you return from a mission, you realize how tired Tim is and get him to sleep.
Word Count: 1598
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Tonight, was an especially cold night. Snow fell over the city and blanketed everything in sight. You had just gotten back from a mission in the Amazon and was on break from patrol duty. Aside from getting used to the change in climate from where you were versus where you are now, you were worried about Tim. Of course, he was relieved that you were back safe and sound, he told you as much, but he seemed especially stressed as of lately. It wasn’t uncommon for him to stress about you leaving for a mission without him, but even coming back didn’t seem to stall his emotions. 
            “How’s it going Timmy?” You asked in the comms, watching the surveillance cameras from around the city. 
            “mmm” he grumbled in response 
            “That good huh?” You started snickering at his response, “Only thirty more minutes and then you can come crash.”
            “Good to know.” He said as you watched him haphazardly swing from one building to another, “any leads on the Riddler case?”
            “A few, I’m pretty sure he and Penguin are in cahoots again. I’d say that they’re getting ready for a heist. Give them three weeks tops.” Tim heard paper being tossed around as you combed through the case files regarding your suspicions, “We can go over them when you’re rested.” 
            “I’ll be fine.” Tim said, “We’ll talk about it when I get back.” 
            You weren’t going to argue with him. Tim could be stubborn about working and you didn’t want him angry on patrol, especially when he was this tired. It was a good way of making sure that he came home injured. 
            “Dick, make sure that Tim doesn’t throw himself off a building or something.” You said on a private link.
            “I’m always on it, Y/N/N.” He replied in a chipper tone, “You see it too?” 
            “Yeah,” you leaned back in your chair, watching as the boys ran through the city, “I’ll pick his brain on it when you guys get back. Just make sure he comes back in one piece.”       
            “Will do.”
            You logged into the computer database on Penguin and Riddler’s recent moves, trying to pinpoint connections to them. It was late and you told Alfred to go to sleep so there was only Damian’s pets keeping you company. The first sign of extra life was the sounds of the Batmobile roaring through the underground tunnels. Sometimes, depending on how fast Bruce was going, the walls would vibrate and shake. Dust from the cave’s ceiling would fall onto the floor and in the air as he came flying into the garage. Today it was mundane, and no dust came off the walls. You heard the mechanical sliding of the doors opening and two pairs of heavy footsteps before the sound of two other engines roared through the cave. 
            “How’s the investigation going?” Bruce asked, raking through the papers as Damian picked up Alfred the cat from the chair arm rest.
            “It’s moving along nicely. I think they’re going for the new diamond exhibit downtown. I don’t know why anyone exhibits anything valuable in this city anymore.” 
            Bruce gave a stiff chuckle before patting you on the back, “Good work, turn in for the night, you need rest.” 
            Bruce started walking off as Tim came up and leaned over the side rest.
            “Hey babe.” He tipped your chin to give you a kiss.
            “How was patrol?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
            “It was fine.” He said, pulling up a chair next to you.
            “You seem exhausted.” “Timmy let’s go to bed. We need rest.”
            “Looks aren’t always as they appear Y/N/N.” He mindlessly ran his fingers through your hair and stared at you, “What do you have on the case?”
            You knew there was nothing you could do to get Tim to go to bed at this point. It was time for plan “Timber”. Talking fast, you told him everything you had. There was no repeating what you had said, and you started flipping through the papers as fast as possible without raising suspicion. You had the clocks set to look like a later time, making sure that Tim would think it was later than it was. It was obvious when the plan was working since you saw Tim’s unfocused eyes start wandering around the cave. When it got to this point, Tim would finally decide it was time to rest.
            “Does that make sense?” You asked, thumbing over his fingers, “I’ve got the schematics of the-“
            “Y/N/N, it makes sense but, uh, I’m not focusing anymore.” 
            “Do you wanna go to bed?” You asked, searching for any sign of resistance in his eyes, “Come on.”
            You stood up and pulled him out of the chair, he leaned into you and let his weight rest against you.
            “Sorry, you just got back from a mission, you must be sore.” He said, leaning off you.
            “It’s okay Timmy, I’m alright.” You hugged him and led him upstairs, “Come on, I’ll get you to bed.” 
            “M’ not a baby, I can’t get there myself.” He mumbled into your shoulder before pausing, “That came out snappy.”
            “You’re fine Tim. I know you’re tired.” 
            “I’m fine.”
            Again, you didn’t say anything back, but instead led him up the next flight of stairs and into his room. Leaving him to grab his clothes, you walked into the bathroom and started the shower. When the water was warm enough, you opened the door to tell Tim it was ready. He walked in before calling you back in, the softness of his voice showing how tired he was. 
            “Hey um, you haven’t showered yet either have you?” He asked, crossing his arms with a towel wrapped around his waist. 
            “I showered after dinner Tim.” You said, raising a brow.      
            “Oh yea.” There was a silence in the room for a few seconds.
            “But, if you insist, I can’t say no.” This made Tim chuckle a bit before you shut the door and he dropped the towel before he got into the shower himself.
            You quickly undressed and opened the glass door, joining Tim in the hot stream of water. Tim leaned his head against your shoulder and sighed deeply.
            “I’m tired.” He admitted, wrapping his arms around you, relishing in the heat of the water and the closeness of you.
            “I gathered as much.” “You’ve been over working yourself recently. I told Dick to make sure you didn’t run yourself to death before I got back.” 
            “It’s not Dick’s fault.” He said, “I have my ways.”
            “Oh, I know.” You laughed, making Tim laugh with you.
            “I’m glad you’re back. I thought I’d kill someone for the past three weeks.” 
“I’m glad to be back too. Also, glad you didn’t kill anyone, that would be unfortunate.”  You started running shampooed hands through his hair, washing the dirt and grime down the drain.
Tim closed his eyes and let the water run over his head, washing away the soap and eventually the conditioner that you ran through his hair. He began to wash himself, making sure not to run over the bruises on his torso. Tim gave you a quick glance before double taking.                      “What’s this from?” He asked, running a soapy finger over a stitched wound on your stomach, “I haven’t seen it.”
“Got grazed by a blade during the mission.” “One of the assassins got the best of Cassie and I jumped in front of her.” 
“It looks painful.” “I’ve been leaning on you this entire time, are you hurt anywhere else?” He spun you around and started looking for signs of other injuries.
“Besides a few bruises, I’m fine. You’re fine Timmy I’m not hurt.”
“This doesn’t look fine. Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked 
“I didn’t want to worry you, you’re exhausted.” The rest of the soap ran off the two of you and into the drain, “I didn’t want you stressing yourself out.”
“I’m sorry.” Tim said honestly, “You said to get rest but I totally didn’t.” 
“Tim I’m not upset with you. I know it’s your job and you feel passionately about it, I’m just worried you don’t sleep, it’ll get you hurt on the field.”
“I know you’re right.” 
“Come on, let’s get dress and go to bed. I don��t think I have a change of clothes in here.” You said grabbing two towels from the heated rack.
“I brought you some sweats.” Tim replied with a smirk.
“Oh, so you’re admitting that you planned this all along?” You laughed nudging him jokingly.
“Just the shower.” 
            When you had dried off totally, you walked back into the bedroom and turned the fan on. Walking back to the bed, you saw that Tim was already getting into bed. His eyes were fluttering shut and opening again, over, and over. He turned his head to you and spread out, getting comfortable.
            “I’m tired.” He said softly.      
            “I know love.” You climbed next to him and reached over him to turn the lamp off.
            “That’s a good view babe.” Tim said with a smirk in his voice before you leaned back onto your side.
            “Glad you approve.” 
            You laid down, pulling Tim closer to you. He put his head into the crook of your neck and took a deep breath before wrapping his legs around you. Pushing the covers over his shoulders, you ran your fingers through his hair, watching as his breath evened out and his body relaxed. 
            “I’m exhausted. Can’t sleep without you” he said in a whisper.
            “I know Timmy, but you can sleep now.” 
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Universe Hopping and Reunion Trip Planning
Past, Present, and that of Space
Danny turned his camera off before turning back to the portal he just stepped through. Fry, Leela, Bender, and the Professor stood on the other side of the portal looking around his dimension.
“This definitely isn’t the weirdest thing we’ve done and seen but it's on the list.” Fry said as he leaned forward looking around Danny’s room. “Dude sick ceiling!” Danny laughed, smiling at the red head before nodding.
“I know right! Thanks for helping with my video you guys! It’s gonna be crazy popular. Once I am twenty-one I will definitely drop in to have a night in the space clubs with you all!” Fry laughed, nodding and he pulled his head back through the portal.
“Hell ya! We’ll plan the best night out for you right Bender!” Bender waved his hand after opening a beer and starting to chug it.
“Ya, ya whatever as long as we’re drinking I don’t care.” Danny snorted, rolling his eyes before looking at Leela who just smirked at him.
“Remember what I said, and please don’t share it with them.”Danny said, reaching out and shaking her hand. “They’ll use it willy-nilly, you’ll use it when needed.” Leela nodded as she returned the hand shake.
“Trust me, they won’t know anything. It was nice meeting you Danny, feel free to stop by anytime.” Danny nodded with a grin before they all stepped back waving to each other as Dani closed the portal.
“I’m going to have so much editing to do.” Danny groaned, causing his friends to laugh at him.
“You act like you didn’t fall in love with videography and editing. Sure it will be tedious but at least it isn’t a meeting with the Observants."
Val said, patting his back and Danny couldn’t help but nod. “Now I’m going to go take a shower. I still feel like I’m covered in that Slurm drink Bender poured on me.” Wes laughed before he punched Danny shoulder as Val walked past.
“Come on Danny, I’ll edit the first video you edit the second. Don’t worry I’ve studied how you edit, no one will know the difference. Besides with my curse I’d just have to tell people I had edited it and no one would believe I did.” Danny snorted, shaking his head as he followed Wes up to his room.
“Take the bed Wes.” Danny said place the USB with the first video on it before moving to grab his laptop.
“Danny I can't just take the bed from you I’ll sit in your chair you take…the bed.” Wes slowed his sentence as he turned around to see Danny floating in the air, legs crossed and leaning back slightly. “Oh, I’ll take the bed.” Danny snorted rolling his eyes as Wes set himself up on his bed.
“Alright so Jack and Maddie are Danny's parents, that means Bruce has a connection to them.” Tim said confidently before taking a few bites of his dinner in front of him. “It’s been a long time now but I think we can swing something especially with these coordinates to Amity Park. I was able to hack into the computer of Alicia Burgess and confirm through a few emails that they live in Amity Park.” Bruce nodded as he glanced around the table at his family as he thought on how to go about this.
“The question is how to go about it, I can’t just walk about and say I wanted a reunion. I didn’t even graduate with them.” Tim snorted softly, rolling his eyes as if Bruce was asking a stupid question.
Which in Tim’s eyes he was.
“Of course not, it’ll be you and Harley reaching out. Harely insisted on reaching out and finding two of her old college buddies wanting to have a reunion given their twentieth college reunion passed and neither they nor Harley went. As a celebration of having her sanity nearly fully back she decided she wanted to find them and decided you were going along with her.” Tim smirked, setting his fork down as he leaned back in his seat. “Of course, we couldn’t just let our adoptive dad go off on his own. Brucie would get into a lot of trouble left alone with just Harley. So of course I’ve decided to take my vacation time now and go with, and Jason is currently on his ‘summer break’ since he attends college during the summer. Cass is visiting so she’ll come to enjoy a part of her vacation with us and of course Harley’s fiance Ivy will be coming to meet these old friends!” Everyone looked at Tim as they thought over his plan and Dick was the first to speak up.
“I’m gonna have to be Batman again aren’t I?” Tim nodded, causing him to groan and earn an amused look from Bruce.
“Don’t worry Chum, I won’t leave you with the cowl for long I promise. Or you could go and I could pretend to be Nightwing.”
“NO!” Dick stood up pointing a finger at Bruce with fake over dramatic tears in his eyes. “I had to deal with continuous social media on Nightwing letting himself go the last time you went out as me! Never again!” The table burst into laughter as Bruce covered his face groaning.
“Really Richard?”
“Yes really! You had my criminals crying and thanking the lord when they realized I was actually Nightwing! People were going around saying how happy they were that Twink-wing was back! They were calling me TWINK-WING!!! You’re going on the trip or so help me Bruce, so help me I’ll go over the edge.” Bruce coughed not making eye contact with Dick as he looked at Tim.
“I look forward to our small trip Timmy, thanks for coming along with us.” Tim snorted, nodding as he started eating again. Jason looked around the table at everyone as Dick sat down taking some calling breaths.
“Sooo anyone but me gonna acknowledge it?” He smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back staring at Tim, who tensed eyes narrowing as he looked at Jason. “Okay, okay, I’ll say it. Tammy here is only coming along to see his internet crush.” In seconds Tim was over the table attempting to strangle Jason who grinned, grabbing and tossing him across the room towards the door. He was out of his seat in seconds and a slightly playful fight broke out between the two that had everyone but Bruce and Alfred cheering on either Jason or Tim.
“This will be an eventful trip.” Bruce said as he continued eating, ignoring the fight happening. Alfred said nothing as he watched the two, he could recognize it as a bonding fight over an actual one. So instead of getting on their case he simply watched.
“Toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush?”
“Check, check, and check, honestly Master Bruce are you doubting my ability to sufficiently pack for a two week trip for you all.”
“What no Alfred I'm not I just-”
“He's just paranoid because he is leaving Gotham for longer than a weekend trip and is too hands on to calm down. Resulting in him micromanaging everyone.”
“Ah Richard, do me a favor, take your father off my hands so I may finish my job.” Dick laughed walking into the room grabbing Bruce’s arm.
“Now that I can do without a problem!! Come on B!” Bruce sighed letting Dick lead him out of his room and down to the library. “Stop worrying Alfred will have everything you need. You just need to make sure you have your belt on you.”
“I always have my belt on me.” He grumbled earning an amused look from Dick. “Do you have yours?”
“Of course I do! Do I look like Steph?” Seconds later a book hit him as Steph’s head popped over the edge of the bird nest Bruce had built for him. 
A small smile crossed his face as he looked up at the nest while Steph and Dick bantered back and forth playfully. Looking down from the nest and to Dick, Bruce felt as if he closed his eyes he could remember his little Robin. The boy who insisted to have the nest built so he had somewhere high up to rest and wait for Bruce to get home. He used it anytime he got hurt and put on bed rest, and the rest of his birds followed. It was the first change he had made to Wayne manor, apart from having Alfred remove all of his parents' pictures after their passing. Though those went up soon after Dick joined him, when Dick said the walls were bare Bruce jumped to show off the pictures. He hadn’t realized how much he missed them until then, and the family of three made it a day putting them all up together. Now his family had grown to twelve and their pictures had been added around. Surrounding his parents' photos as if to show off his kids to them.
He blinked when Dick punched his arm slightly gaining his attention. “Caught in memories old man.” He playfully pointed a finger in Bruce’s face, a twinkle in his eye that made Bruce smile softer. “You know you make me feel old when you do that! I’m still young, still beautiful.” He dramatically held his hand to his chest as he said the last sentence. Bruce couldn’t even hold in his laughter after hearing that come from his eldest. 
“Honestly Chum, let an old man remember his little angry filled nine year old who demanded a nest in the library so that he could wait for me to get home when on bed rest.” Dick snorted, looking away with a bashful smile.
“Ya that nest worked out pretty well, it's the perfect meet up spot.” He chuckled, punching Bruce’s shoulder before making his way up to the nest. “Come on B, relax with everyone before you leave.”
“I’m coming Chum.”
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kitkats-and-kittens · 8 months
One of my favourite things to think about is the rest of the batfam all having their own ‘Brucie Wayne’ personas. So here’s me listing how I imagine the main family members would front to the public.
I think would be very similar to Bruce with the same air-headed personality. As far as the internets concerned he can’t spell orange and pretends not to know any of the 50 states let alone which one he lives in. He also uses the fact that he never officially finished college to his advantage. As a kid he was more eccentric and people just knew him as that little kid whose constantly high of sugar and lollipops. Not much changes when becomes an adult.
Of course like father like son and he is also extremely charismatic. His persona is a little more goofy than Bruce’s and he’s known as the Wayne’s resident gymnast, at least in the air. He’s made a habit of acting as though any and all fine motor skills come to an absolute stop the moment he isn’t doing some complex flip, or cartwheel. There are serval videos on YouTube of him tripping over air, spilling drinks over his shirt, and stumbling into several guests, only half of these were faked. He also has a reputation of being an absolutely insane drunk. He went viral on twitter for doing a triple backflip in the middle of a gala which resulted in a shattered punch bowl, several traumatised guests and a fake news report claiming he’d died which sent the city into a riot for the next 24 hours all because he was a little bit tipsy.
Jason was pretty young when he ‘died’. Before hand he was the happy go lucky kid. With stars in his eyes and more energy than a Chihuahua hiked up on red bull and pure, liquified blue raspberry. Of course you had the occasional leech who saw in some news report that he used to be a street kid which resulted in several rumours about his ‘horrid violent nature’ but all it took was actually meeting him for most to completely disregard this.
After his death he doesn’t hang around the rest of the family much. Especially not in public and out of masks. However there is the occasional day (once every millennia or so) where he’ll stroll up to whatever part or gala or social event the Wayne’s are hosting that day, with his foolproof, impenetrable disguise Tayson Jodd absolutely no relation to Brucies dead kid, nor the elusive red hood who has a hate account dedicated to his very existence.
His whole thing tends to be a regular upstanding member of society. He acts completely normal. This wasn’t always the case. He used to change it every time he went to the parties, either acting as some depressed, lonely rich guy or an alcoholic and on one particularly memorable occasion a closeted drag Queen. However one time he showed up without a persona pre made and ready to go and just decided to wing it.
However Tim Drakes insane paranoia meant he stayed up a good 3 weeks after that night just to make sure Jason wasn’t trying anything and when Red hood found out he found it absolutely hilarious and resolved to be as respectable as possible while also generating maximum suspicion for all other members of his family.
Stephanie Brown
Although not officially adopted by the Wayne’s most people have gotten used to seeing her just roll up with the Wayne’s and it didn’t take long for social media to realise that Brucie had emotionally adopted her, if not legally. At first Steph didn’t really understand the need for a persona. She was already fine with keeping her actual personality and not turning it off for the cameras.
It took seeing Jason, who was having an absolute blast with his public persona to open her mind to the range of possibilities and she spent a full 3 months crafting a personality from scratch (putting that psychology degree to good use).
She cycled through a couple. Rich party girl, serious career woman, ditzy idiot. But eventually she landed on scheming socialite. She saw some tabloids slandering her for being Tim’s ex and although the rest of the family was not happy she took it and ran with it. Landing herself in the circles of the most gossip loving, shit talking, hot woman she could find.
She makes sure she exudes villainy at all times and has been seen eyeing Timothy Drake from across the room, stroking a cat (though no one knew where she got it from) and sipping a martini. Although she doesn’t particularly like how cruel some of her companions are she finds no greater joy than passively aggressively remarking about how Donna is wearing the same heels she was 3 years ago and oh my is she running low on funds? She was born to instigate and takes every opportunity to do so.
Tim Drake
If Tim is known for anything then it’s his ability to appear as though everything has gone to his exact calculations on the outside while internally screaming and just completely winging whatever half brained plan comes to mind. But one forgets, he isn’t just a Wayne but a Drake. Son of Janet Drake at that.
As a kid he was very much a mamas boy and would replicate her cold calculating air to the best abilities of a 10 year old boy. As he grew up however he realised that he much preferred letting people underestimate him. So in the end he settled on the stoner.
It was pretty unexpected for most of his family. Bar Dick who embraced it with all the reverence of a chaotic older sibling. Of course Tim Drake being as meticulous as he is meant when he made this persona built it from the ground up. He gave himself a favourite drug, a fake dealer, and he methodically updates his account balance every week, taking out just enough that it looks like he’s been buying.
Not only does this have the added benefit of explaining the random times he’s passed out in the middle of a party or those random compilations of him on YouTube simply staring into the abyss for hours on end, but it also means he had to try way less than his siblings when it comes to presentation. If Dick or Bruce show up with even so much as a slightly ruffled collar the tabloids will go on for weeks about the mystery guy or girl they definitely slept with. But when Tim does it, they just laugh. He gets a pat on the head and a glass of water shoved into his hands and no one thinks anything more.
And if he can also use it as an excuse for a few extra minuets of sleep then whose going to stop him?
Cassandra Cain
Cass didn’t need to do much of anything. When she first arrived in Gotham she was small, quite and not very well versed in social customs so it was practically written in the stars that she’d become an instant fan favourite. However unlike most of her siblings most of her fans aren’t focused on her what she’s been doing, or with who, but rather on trying to spot her.
She’s some aloof, mysterious figure to them and she’s also become a bit of a where’s Waldo meme. News reporters will post overview shots of the huge hall the guest are occupying, the grounds of the manor, the well kept lawns, the roofs, and the internet will go crazy trying to find her. At first it was difficult but only because she kept to herself, you’d find her in a corner of the room, or hiding behind one of the taller guests but ever since she realised what was going on she’s been making a conscious effort to make it as difficult as possible.
Some of her hiding spots include: under the table, the roof, inside the fountain, disguised as Dick Grayson, a statue, on the chandelier, and somehow as one of the reporters, camera and all. It’s become a bit of a game to see who can find her first and she remains Gothams favourite Wayne.
Duke Thomas
Duke isn’t really sure what to make of this whole public persona thing. He finds hiding such a big part of himself a little strange, and doesn’t much enjoy the idea of putting on a mask for others. So he does what he does best and puts the rest of the Wayne’s to shame with his sound logic.
He’s just himself. And somehow manages to cause the biggest impact. The people aren’t used to rich people not being overly eccentric. This is Gotham after all! And Duke Thomas’ actual personality is not exactly something they were expecting.
This is the same man who raised an army of teenage armies in the absence of his hero. To call him impulsive would be an understatement. Also he very much enjoys ‘eating the rich’ so to speak. He used his powers to convince one particularly nasty man that he needed full psychiatric care by randomly disappearing whenever he was in their line of sight.
He hangs out with Dick a lot, but only so when the worst of the Gotham socialites approach he can make them feel as uncomfortable as possible by questioning their thoughts and feelings on the working class, living conditions and all the other stuff they usually couldn’t care less about which leaves them scrambling for an answer that won’t completely ruin their reputations. Although he’s been branded ‘the responsible one’ that’s only because he presents himself as such to reporters. Most of the people attending the galas live in fear of him ever approaching them.
Damian Wyane
Being the youngest meant that people already had expectations by the time Damian showed up. Although most had no idea where the kid came from that didn’t stop them from making assumptions, and the rumours circulating from before he was officially introduced range from a mini Bruce Wayne to raging alcoholic. And yes, these were published when reporters knew damn well he was 10 years old maximum.
When the public do finally see him for the first time it doesn’t take them long to craft a persona for him. Damian of course sees this whole thing as beneath him, he doesn’t understand why he would need to hide himself, he didn’t train with the league for years to just not show of his skills. Dick tries to get him to think of it like training, as though he were on an undercover mission. This works a little too well and now he takes it so incredibly seriously it’s hard for the others not to laugh.
He arrived, squeezed in between Brucie Wayne who was blowing kisses to the camera, Dick Grayson doing a handstand, Tim Drake who looked absolutely blitzed and Stephanie Brown who was manically rubbing her hands together. Cass nowhere to be found and Duke giving his classic sunny smile to the camera.
So of course people realise this kid must be the adult. There’s jokes about how Damian must be the one doing the Wayne’s taxes, about how he probably drives Bruce to work, and other such things. Which is only further cemented by the kid himself. But he also doesn’t talk much (Dick said if he had nothing nice to say he shouldn’t say anything), and a few (illegally taken) photos show him drawing, as well as his small army of pets and so people are torn between this kid who is clearly far too mature for his age and this cute baby of a child who likes fluffy animals and crayons.
Damian is disgusted by both sides, but there isn’t much he can do about it and resolves instead to fuck with everyone by leaning into it and alternating on a seemingly random basis between clueless child and grown adult in a 10 year olds body. It mostly ends up terrifying the rest of his family because occasionally Damian (who several of them watched kill a man) will come up smiling and demand to be placed on their shoulders, and other times the same kid (who found a cow a decided immediately he was a vegetarian) will be found sipping straight vodka and going on about the good old days with people 8x his age as though he were some drunken world war 2 veteran.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 24
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: descriptions of mutilation, slight torture, body horror
Summary: the Batfamily interrogates their prisoner and he leads them to a horrifying sight and you are done with everything, including Jason
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Dick and Bruce strung the Professor Pyg knock off in a corner room off the garage on a chain, facing the wall so he couldn’t identify where he was at. They were going to take him to the GCPD but wanted to ask their own questions first, so they used the chain from the ceiling and secured his hands, searching him using a kind of x-ray gun based on Superman’s powers. He had a tracking device installed in his bicep, so Tim shorted it out using a less than kind electric shock. The man didn’t react. They tried to pull off the mask, but it didn’t move, it was sewn into his skin. Jason couldn’t lie, that was smart but gross. The bag Pyg had been carrying sat on a lab table near by being investigated by Dick and YN. The hearts of those at the bar were inside.
“Are you part of the group that has been committing the murders around the city aimed at Red Hood?” Batman asked. The man nodded. “Tell us everything you know, or this experience will be less pleasant than it already is.” There came a laugh from under the mask.
“I do not care about unpleasantness Bruce Wayne,” he said. The air seemed to go out of the room. Even though everyone was aware that this group knew who they were to hear one speak the name of Batman out loud was still a shock. It still made them freeze and look around, wondering who had let the secret out, whose fault it was that they were now targets, not their alter egos. “You may all remove your masks; we know all of you.”
“And who is we?” Batman asked, keeping his cowl in place. Pyg let out another laugh. This whole situation was apparently hilarious to the creature. Batman balled his fist and threw it, hitting him in the face. The mask sustained more damage, a tear showing just a hint of pallid skin beneath it. Other that a sharp exhale at the impact of the punch there was no other indication something happened. No grunt of pain, no increase of heartrate on Tim’s monitors, nothing. It was like he didn’t feel it.
“We are those who want to see how far we can push the Hood, we knew he was from the Wayne family, but we were very surprised to see that he was the long thought dead Jason Todd. What kind of man comes back from the dead? What does that do to the mind? The Doctor is very interested in what will make him break, especially now that his quest for the blood of his killer is complete. What else matters now? The children he wants to spare? The old friends he used to have before death? The new brother from after his return? Perhaps his new fiancé? Will see be the final piece to destroy him? The doctor is not so sure. He wants to talk to the Red Hood, really understand how he ticks,” the voice behind the mask said. Batman frowned.
“Where is this doctor? I’ll pay him a visit,” Jason said, getting tired of this guy’s attitude. He hated this dramatic monologue bullshit. The Pyg looked at him. “He wants to chat tell me where he is.”
“O you will not find him, he will find you when he wants. You cannot even enter his office only we few have the privilege. And he is always watching,” he said. Jason nodded and aimed a gun at the Pyg’s head.
“Always watching? Think whatever camera he’s watching from will work with a bullet in there?” he asked, snarling. Batman shot him a look.
“Red Hood, we’re not done with him,” he said. Jason snarled but put the gun away, turning to pace. He was starting to feel caged, the pit rage burning through his veins, dying to be released. He could feel himself starting to lose control. His eyes found YN like they always did in these situations, and she looked back at him. He watched her, seeing her slow her breathing, his matching it. He was burning still but it had dulled just a little at the sight of her face. It was enough for him to keep control of himself for now.
“He does have a transmitter in the mask, but if I short it out the shock will kill him,” Tim said, still looking at his tablet. Jason shrugged.
“Seems like a win-win to me,” he grumbled. Batman once again gave him a disapproving look, but Jason didn’t care. He was too angry to worry about Bruce’s moral code at the moment. When he got his hands on these guys they were dead, all of them.
“All this time this is taking, such a waste,” Pyg said. “I already decided to dieeeeeee,” he sang out, now swinging on the chain that held him up. “It’s slow and it’s burning me from the inside out, but it’s giving us time.”
“Time for what?” Dick asked, looking up from cataloging the heart evidence.
“The Wayne family isn’t the only family involved. There is also YN and her little family, the one she left alone and so very vulnerable. Do you think they need you now? Those you called your sisters?” Pyg asked. YN’s face paled. There was a laugh from behind the mask that started to sound like gurgling, then the Pyg fell silent.
“He’s dead,” Tim said. He started trying to track a feed location from the camera and dug the tracker out his bicep. “I’m going to fix this, see if I can get the last location from this too.”
“I need to go see if Jocelyn and Aura are alright,” YN said, face pale. She ran out of the room, getting into the McLaren and leaving before even Jason could catch up. He hopped on his bike and followed.
You ran up the stairs, the elevator seeming too slow. You approached the door and your breath hitched, seeing the door cracked just a little. It opened to a horror scene and everything in your world seemed to stop. There was a buzzing in your ear, your eyes couldn’t focus. Blood was everywhere. Jocelyn lay on the couch, reclined like she was watching TV, hand even holding the remote. Only the skin of her face was missing, her chest ripped open, a gaping hole where her heart should have been. Aura was at the table, bowl in front of her, both hearts in it. Her face was also missing. You smelled something burning but couldn’t get your mind to think process anything beyond the sight of your best friends, dead and posed like dolls in some sick playhouse. You weren’t sure when you fell to your knees, you didn’t feel the pain of them hitting linoleum. You didn’t even know when Jason got there, his arms suddenly around you as he tried to pull you back out the door. You let out a cry as he yanked you out, gripping you close as everything finally slammed into you. The buzzing had been the beeping of the smoke alarm from the burning faces on the stove. The smell the melting flesh of your friends’ identities stolen from them. The floor had a message in their blood.
We will take everything from you Red Hood
You looked at yourself, seeing blood on your clothes from you kneeling in it. You let out a cry of horror. You didn’t care when the blood on you was from yourself, but this was your best friends, your sisters. Jason hugged you again, whispering anything in your ear to try and calm you. After several minutes you finally were able to gain some control of yourself, just in time for the GCPD to arrive.
“YN,” Jim said softly, looking at you as his investigators entered the apartment. You stared at him, still not sure if everything that was happening was real or not. “YN, let’s go downstairs.” You nodded slowly and followed him, your brain moving quickly as you started to think of a plan that Jason would hate but considering they wanted to break him it might be the only way to find these monsters.
Jason had been quiet driving you back to the cave. He had said he would get his bike later, now he just wanted you safe. You stared straight ahead, mind empty of everything but the sight of Jocelyn and Aura, mutilated and humiliated in their deaths in a way that would never leave you. You could never imagine closing your eyes again without seeing that destruction. You wondered when you would stop smelling their blood mixed with the burning flesh on the stove. You needed a shower, but there would be time for that later. You needed to end this.
Dick was there to help you out of the car when you were back in the garage. You heard Jason get out and he took of his helmet. You rounded on him, fury in your eyes.
“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” you screamed, eyes blazing. Jason stood, shocked, staring at you, first confused, then hurt. “They were innocent, and you let them…they tortured them Jason all because you had to go after Joker!” You walked over, fist balling, until you were close enough to throw it at his face. He reeled from the unexpected impact.
“YN…I didn’t mean for this to happen…” he said, trying to scramble, think of anything to make you stop. You knew this would kill him, but you needed to do this.
“You didn’t mean for it to happen? Or course not Jason, you never do anything, everything just happens to you. You don’t mean for me to get kidnapped by Black Mask and drown, you just stupidly showed up at my door, leading them to me! And Poison Ivy? If you had just, I don’t know, pulled a fire alarm when you got to the lounge instead of having to find me like an idiot, more people would have lived! You are the reason these things happen, and I was so stupid to think that I could help you, that maybe if I sat by long enough and let you see the messes you made you would finally realize that everything was better without you. I’d rather never see a single color again than have you in my life,” you said, taking off the ring and throwing it at him. He caught it and stared after you as you ran over to Tim, hugging him, hammering the last painful nail into the coffin. Let Jason see that he was being replaced again. Tim kept his arm around you and walked away, dropping the Pyg mask he had been carrying that had just watched everything unfold. Watched as you imploded Jason’s world and your own.
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villruu · 5 months
Fake amnesia Tim/Masky x Jay? Mayhap?
the og prompt got out of hand (i'll probs post it as a separate fic later bc it truly got out of hand lmao) and I decided that Jay being hit by the fake amnesia was way funnier lol. Not exactly Jam, but this is pre-Jam, in this universe at least. This is set just before S3 starts, aka, Jay hasn't found Tim yet.
On AO3
Content warning: Jay has a lot of internalized ableism about his own situation and that reflects on how he thinks of Masky/Masked Tim, and it also reflects on how of an unreliable narrator he is. So yeah lmao
Jay blinked, dazed.
Something cool is fixed to his face, plastic warmed by skin contact, humid with his breath. It’s, suffice to say, an awful texture, and the only reason Jay doesn’t take it out instantly, is because he is more worried in trying to find where the hell he is.
He had gone to bed, like mostly normal, after updating twitter, telling people his next move would be to look for Tim and then… And that’s as much as he remembers.
He had gone to sleep like normal, and now, here he was, in the middle of the forest, alone in the dead of the night. Thankfully, he is dressed, he would probably be dying from exposure if he were still in his pajamas. With shaky limbs, Jay forces himself up, looking around.
A frantic search revealed that he didn’t have his phone, nor his camera or the keys of his motel room.
All he had was the mask, a half-wasted lighter, some bits of shoelace and a marker. Which was really not comforting, at all. Jay took the mask off, scowling at the black eyes and teeth, the plastic scribbled on carelessly, lines thick and messy.
This wasn’t… Tim’s mask, or at least the one Jay remembered. Nor was it the mask of that hooded figure. But, it seemed familiar, in some way. Maybe it had appeared in a Totheark video before? Jay passes a gloved finger by the teeth, watching the ink be smudged from the high humidity.
With a sigh, Jay looked around some more.
He had absolutely no idea where he was. Maybe Rosswood? He couldn’t be sure, all the trees looked the same to him, especially now in the darkness of the night. Jay thanked all his lucky stars that today was at least a half-moon and the skies were clear, providing him a small amount of light. If it were a new moon, he would be absolutely lost.
…Why was he in the woods, anyways?
Jay didn’t have a… a masked persona, like Tim did. Jay didn’t go out into the night to beat people up, he wasn’t that type of person.
Still… Why the hell was he here?
With a sigh, Jay picked a random direction and started walking, carefully stepping around the loose branches, because if he twisted an ankle now, nobody would be around to help him. After a while, Jay ended up putting the mask on again, the cold too harsh against his face. At least, with the mask, some amount of heat stayed trapped.
Without a phone or wristwatch, Jay had no idea how long he stumbled through the woods. Everything looked the exact same, tall trees that blurred together, with low hanging branches and so many dead leaves on the floor it made it tricky to take a step, the path slippery with water from the rain of previous days.
At some point Jay decided to stop, at least for a few minutes.
It was too cold, and Jay was exhausted to say the least, feet hurting from walking so much. Leaning against a tree, he took the time to look around. The sky was somewhat clearer, but it was still dark enough to know it was early morning. Maybe around four am, if Jay hadn’t lost his ability to guess the time yet.
A few steps to his right made him freeze, and he instantly turned, heart stopping for a second when he saw a white face in the darkness of the forest emerging to his right. 
He calmed, somewhat, when he noticed the black eyes of the face. It wasn’t that thing, thankfully. A faded jacket followed the mask, and Jay realized that perhaps he wasn’t that thankful, as he recognized who was in front of him. Tim, but in that masked state… deal… possession? He didn’t know.
He had been looking for Tim, yes, but he had wanted to find the… normal Tim, so to say. 
Not when he was running around, in a mask, in the middle of the night, doing who knows what in the forest.
Jay looked at Tim (was it truly Tim? Was Tim conscious? or was he being possessed or something?) carefully, very aware of their loud breathing, which seemed to almost echo across the forest, impossibly noisy in the silence surrounding them. Should he run? But to where, Jay had no idea where he was, and from past experience, Tim clearly knew his way around the forest, whether it was day or night.
Tim tilted his head at him, as if trying to decipher what he was seeing.
Jay, in a fit of panic, copied the movement. He was in no state to run, and Tim would easily catch him if he tried to escape. A brief scan of his surroundings told him he wouldn’t find any loose branch or rock to use as an improvised weapon. Tim tilted his head to the other side, Jay quickly copying.
Tim snorted, shoulders suddenly relaxing from his previous stance position, the masked man now looking more non-threateningly as he relaxed.
Jay took a step back when Tim advanced, wary, grateful that the other stopped instantly upon noticing his wariness.
Why was Tim not attacking him? He always attacked him, or tackled him, or, or, or something!
Jay watched, nervous, as Tim took a few step backs and waved him to follow him. He didn’t want to follow Tim anywhere, not like this, without a camera, without a phone, without anything to protect himself. That’s how people died in horror movies, and as much as his life may now look like a goddamn movie, Jay was not ready to go out like that. 
As he wondered if he should just make a break for it, a rustle of leaves to his left made him freeze.
Jay turned to look, heart sinking as he noticed who now emerged from the darkness. The Hooded Figure paused, looking between Jay, who stood with a wary stance ready to bolt, and Tim, who was leaning relaxed against a tree, seemingly trying to understand the situation before joining Tim’s side, looking at Jay with a tilted head.
Jay took half a step back, shoulders hunched as he lowered his head slightly, like a cat being intimidated and bristling in an attempt to appear bigger. God, this has gone from bad to worse.
The Hooded Figure tapped Tim’s wrist, and Tim merely shrugged.
The Hooded figure tapped Tim’s wrist again, Tim shaking his head before tapping his own mask and giving an overexaggerated shudder, while Jay watched with narrowed eyes behind his mask. 
Morse code, perhaps? 
No, it seemed too brief. Maybe a modified code? A lot of his followers theorized that the hooded person was the one behind Totheark, so it would make sense if they knew ciphers. All knowledge Jay had of them was all that he had been forced to learn to decipher the videos.
A step made Jay startle back, so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t noticed the others finish “talking”.
The hooded figure was already disappearing into the darkness of the forest, while Tim waited and waved him forward, a bit impatiently.
…God, Jay was going to get killed, wasn’t he?
With careful steps, Jay approached Tim, freezing when Tim gently nudged him in greeting, as if they knew each other, before grabbing his wrist as tugging him forward gently, in a way Jay had never thought the masked Tim could be possible of.
The masked person tilted his head upon noticing Jay freeze. 
Carefully, telegraphing his move, he tapped his own mask before tapping the edge of Jay’s mask, as if trying to make a connection. 
… Did… Did Tim know who the person who used the mask Jay was using?
Oh no.
Jay followed Tim robotically, as his thoughts spiraled.
Oh no, oh no.
Did Jay steal this mask? Where was the owner? It was clear that both Tim and the hooded figure recognized the mask, in some way. God, where the fuck had Jay gotten the mask? Had he gotten into a fight? It felt somewhat like it, now that he thought about it, his mind a bit too fuzzy, hands hurting in the way that told him he had punched something… or someone.
God, what the fuck was he supposed to do.
Jay could feel himself grimace as Tim continued to guide him forward, probably deeper into the forest.
Okay, just… Go with the flow, Jay, don’t act suspicious, he thought, pretend everything is alright. God, thankfully these people didn’t speak, otherwise they would clearly recognize that Jay was not whoever this mask belonged to.
With a sigh, Jay picked up the pace slightly, watching Tim look back at him seemingly perk up, like a dog seeing his owner in the distance. Jay tried not to react as Tim nudged him again, heads briefly touching, the plastic masks making a quiet clink before Tim tugged him forward again, seemingly more enthusiastic.
Well, Jay thought, he had wanted to find Tim anyways, right?
Another successful investigation, Jay thought ironically to himself, letting himself be guided deeper into the forest.
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milkycarnations · 2 years
Not really a request, more just asking a question/your opinion but What do you think all the pastas kinks are? Brian’s gotta be a voyeur, imo- he’s constantly got that video camera with him 👀
Sure thing, anon. You ask, I offer. As always under the cut.
I actually wrote something similar a while back which I'll link here. This was still before I really started writing smut, so now I'm a little more prepared >:).
Creeps Kink Headcanons
Listen I've got the huge brain rot for my boys.
Brian does have... something going on. He's definitely a voyeur and voyeurism is a gateway kink for risky sex. Sex in the woods? Yes, please. Being just a little bit too loud? He does that to you. This man commits horrible crimes daily, so it isn't surprising that he enjoys feeling vulnerable sometimes during sex. Getting caught just gives him that spicy feeling inside.
Jeff also likes that spice, but he's unhinged as fuck. I expect him to be more heavily into the BDSM scene, with an emphasis on S&M. He likes playing around with pain and pleasure. He likes that he can hurt you and you like it. But don't get it twisted, he's an aftercare king.
Toby likes dirty talk. In English, in German, in whatever languages you headcanon he speaks. He wants to hear you, and himself, and how flustered you get at the things he says.
I've always been convinced that Ben likes anal. He is very porn addicted though and enjoys phone sex (among other things) more than real sex sometimes. If you dislike the touchy-feely intimacy parts of sex, then the two of you will get along well. He is also an expert in taking good, tasteful nudes of himself.
Jack loves turning you into putty in his hands. He enjoys restraining you with bondage or his own body. Mans is almost 7 feet tall, so you're bound to be shorter than him and smaller in stature. He likes manhandling you, but he's always holding back. He also can't resist the primal urge to breed you, but that's a whole other story.
Liu is a true "quality time" lover at heart. He enjoys mutual masturbation: being able to watch you make yourself come undone. He especially likes when part of your arm or leg rubs against his. It's the little things for him.
Tim is into the dynamics of subbing/domming. He easily enjoys daddy-dom stuff as well as impact play - mostly spanking. Overall, he enjoys topping most of the time and being in control of you. It's similar to Jeff in theory, but his attitude and tone about it are different and it isn't all about pain for him.
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soulmate-game · 1 year
Chapter 6
(Yes, Marinette and Damian disconnected Audio only before they went to her hotel, so no Tikki reveal sorry!)
Prev First Next
Back at the Batcave, Robin was the first to change, sit through debrief, and go to sleep. Nobody questioned him, knowing full well his motives. The other vigilantes however, despite being back in their civvies, were not so quick to end the night.
“You all heard that, right?” Jason asked. Oracle, also known as Barbara Gordon, rolled her eyes. She backed up in her wheelchair and turned to face everyone else.
“What, the part where Marinette made you coo when she essentially defended you and said she still thought of you as a good person?”
Jason rolled his eyes. “I mean yeah, that part was pretty nice. But I’m talking about everything she said about Paris,” the man clarified, leaning back in a chair so that the front two legs lifted off the ground. “She was geared and ready to continue listing examples of Akumas. I doubt she even listed half of the ones that were centered around or targeting her. And having to go through all of her classmates becoming villains, even temporarily?” He shook his head. “That kinda shit doesn’t leave anybody unaffected.”
“Especially what she said about the mermaid monster Akuma,” Tim agreed, pulling up a story on the computer. “I’ve pulled up the reports from both the Ladyblog and the AkumaWatch app. They seem to agree on everything, so I think this was back when the Ladyblog was still reliable,” he pulled up a video taken by the girl who ran the Ladyblog, Alya Cesaire. Marinette’s former best friend and current classmate. The commentary was all in French, but Tim had went ahead and added quick English subtitles for everyone. The wonders of having a supercomputer. The video was taken from a high roof, and showed the water flowing so high that it completely covered most buildings. It would have definitely caused enough pressure to break open windows and fill those buildings on the inside too.
“Woah! It looks like they can transform!” The voice of the reporter said in French, pointing to the distance where two blues of red and black hopped onto a building. The girl zoomed in, her phone’s camera just barely able to show an out-of-focus Ladybug and Chat Noir with different patterns to their uniforms and fins. The cat-themed hero managed to pull an entire car, and as they soon sound out, temporary supervillain Syren, out of the water all on his own. “Aqua suits! That’s so cool!”
It was obvious, however, that the girl’s voice shook a bit. She kept the camera purposely pointed as high up as she could while still catching the heroes and the destruction of the possessed item on screen. There were blurred images all across the surface of the water, which the heroes knew to be censored bodies.
“Only a couple thousand out of two million Parisians survived, that’s what Marinette said,” Barbara breathed, eyes wide. “Seeing it like this really makes it all real,” she clenched her jaw. They all continued watching as what was simply dubbed as Ladybug’s Miracle swept through the city in a shockwave o ladybugs, and the water disappeared. They watched as Alya aimed the camera down and caught very alive people popping up in the streets or on top of cars, wherever they had been right before getting carried away by the vicious waves.
Every hero in the Cave saw people of all ages down there, shimmering back to life. From month-old babies to old men and women.
It was both wonderful and horrifying.
After the video ended, the entire cave was silent for a long moment. Jason was the one that spoke up, to no one's surprise.
“What the fuck?” He growled, no longer leaning back in his chair. Both of his fists were clenched. “This has been on the internet for almost three years! How did we not see this before? How did we never know?” He asked, to which nobody had an answer. But the Bat himself had a hand on his chin as he studied the freeze-frame that the video ended on. Chat Noir and Ladybug fist-bumping.
“Maybe,” Bruce said slowly, as if tasting the words. “It’s time one of us visits the Paris branch of Wayne Enterprises. Ladybug and Chat Noir have been protecting the city for almost four years, it’s likely they know something about why the news hasn’t spread,” he mused. “Meanwhile, I will look into the League records. I never heard about a supposed prank call from France, meaning another piece of the puzzle is there.”
“There’s a problem with that though,” Tim pointed out. “Paris is essentially being held emotionally hostage. Anyone we send will have to be extremely capable of pushing down their negative emotions or transforming them into something positive. The last thing Paris’s heroes need is a supervillain with years of combat experience. Besides that, HawkMoth can telepathically communicate with his Akumatized villains. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that he can read their minds.”
“So not only would Paris’s heroes have to fight someone much more experienced than them, but our identities would be exposed,” Dick completed the thought, arms crossed. “That rules out Jason or Damian for sure. Which of us would be the most capable of avoiding strong negative emotions?”
When the First Robin looked up, it was to a raised eyebrow from his adoptive father and three fingers pointing straight at him from his brothers and Barbara.
“We can set up a flight for you for the day after tomorrow,” Bruce said with a grin that seemed way too smug for Dick, who was still gaping at everyone in betrayal. “Ask for the time off, okay? I can smooth things over if you need me to.”
“Oh, come on!” Dick threw his hands up. “I can be broody and mean!”
He was thoroughly ignored as everyone left to sleep for the night.
“Guys! You know what, fine, Paris is a gorgeous city. It’ll be like a vacation! Oh my god I just proved them right.”
That night in the Mindspace was… well, Marinette’s insomnia reared its head and she entered it around three AM to find a very unamused Robin waiting for her.
“Honestly?” He asked, gesturing to the Tv screen. “You couldn’t have put some of the work off for tomorrow?”
Suddenly Marinette was very glad she didn’t talk to Tikki while working on her dress. The little Kwami had passed right out after the stressful day they both had.
“I have trouble sleeping sometimes,” she admitted shyly, shifting from foot to foot. “Sewing helps me relax. I want to be a fashion designer,” she explained, letting a soft smile overtake her lips. “I’m actually making my own dress for the Wayne charity gala at the end of the month.”
Robin’s eyebrows shot up over his domino mask. Once again, he was in his normal pajamas besides the mask that he donned after entering the mindspace. “Really? That’s pretty ambitious,” he told her, eyes going back to the screen. Then again, the snippets that he saw on the screen looked incredibly well done. Marinette’s face twisted up a bit in apprehension.
“Maybe a little,” she conceded. “But I’ve designed for Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. Even Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois have asked for me to collaborate with them for a few pieces. Jagged and Clara commission me pretty often nowadays, and Jagged is a lot like an uncle to me now. I also design for local newscasters and other minor celebrities around town, and my best friend’s band Kitty Section,” She rambled, getting more passionate as she went. Robin actually found himself pretty impressed. The elder Agreste and Bourgeois both were notoriously hard to please names in the fashion industry, so to gain not just one but both of their attention and respect was a huge accomplishment.
“Perhaps I was incorrect then,” Robin amended. “With a portfolio like that, designing for the Gala is just the next small step up. I will look forward to seeing what you create,” he said honestly. His soulmate blinked, obviously caught off guard, before blushing furiously.
“Oh, uh, um, th-thank you!” She blinked again, the blush fading as she focused on the second meaning behind his words rather than just the flattery. “Wait, you’ll be at the gala?”
Robin had to hold back a smile. “It is a month away. I suspect by then you will have earned my identity. Soulmates tend to move faster than unbonded couples.”
Marinette gaped again. “Well. Uh. Thank you? I think. Wanna spar?”
It was Robin’s turn to be caught off guard. “Excuse me?”
“Do you want to spar?” She repeated, speaking at a normal pace instead of a tongue-twisting one. “Part of the reason it took so long to fall asleep is the adrenaline. It didn’t, uh, completely fade yet. And I’m still a little angry, but not enough to be dangerous in a spar.”
“I know,” Robin soothed, his calm tone a direct contrast to Marinette’s flustered rambling. “I felt the vibration when you were angry, both at GothCorp and on the roof when you punched the wall. You calmed down considerably fast, but the initial anger you felt at the woman lasted quite a while. It was very odd,” he tilted his head. “It left me very on edge. I cannot say I enjoyed it very much, but it was quite effective in getting the message across.”
Marinette laughed, nodding. Her own buzz of warning from Robin earlier had been very brief and low, barely a blip on her radar but enough to be felt. He had most likely just been upset for a moment. Marinette, on the other hand, had been burning up with her own fury.
“So, spar?” She asked again, smiling widely. “Maman says a good spar is one of the best ways to get to know a person,” she coaxed, leaning forward a bit. “Please?”
Robin snorted, standing up and stretching his arms. “You did not need to plead, I was about to accept either way. I could perhaps benefit from a new sparring partner.”
Marinette whooped, going to her half of the room. To her slight surprise, a new pink punching bag hung off to the side along with a few high bars for gymnastics. Taking a second, she turned to see that Robin’s own half of the mental world also had a few new additions. Weights, probably just for the familiarity of it, a few training dummies, and a punching bag of his own.
Neat! The girl thought excitedly, the last vestiges of anger draining away to be replaced by wonder. Soulbonds are so cool!
Shaking her head, she walked around to her sewing station and thought for a second. Her pajamas weren’t exactly a good outfit for a spar.
“Uh, how do we change clothes in here?” She asked, turning her head to look back at her soulmate. He, unsurprisingly, had already figured it out. The teen was now in exercise shorts and a perfectly fitting black tank top.
Marinette’s brain momentarily fizzled out.
Those arms! No, the legs! No, oh Kwami, I can see his abs. Shirts that tight should be illegal! Ohhh He has broad shoulders. Am I dead? I think I’m dead.
“Marinette? Are you listening?” The girl jumped, her object of torment suddenly standing with his arms crossed a few feet away.
“Huh? Oh yeah, totally. Just, uh, zoned out for a second.”
“Yeah,” he said with a raised eyebrow that just screamed disbelief. “I was saying that you simply imagine yourself in the outfit you wish to wear. This world is molded by our minds, after all.”
“Right. Easy. Got it,” Marinette nodded a little too fast, closing her eyes and imagining her usual exercise clothes. Black basketball shorts trimmed in red and a red tank top shone into existence, replacing her pink-and-white polka-dotted pajamas. Her hair, which was down from her taking out her pigtails before bed, was up in a messy bun on the back of her neck er head. Once down, she opened her eyes and gasped in joy. She turned to look at herself in the full length mirror next to her sewing station.
Behind her, she had unknowingly left her soulmate in a situation he was wholly unaccustomed to.
Perhaps I should have expected this, he thought sluggishly, feeling really caught off guard. His mind flashed to the memory of her punch splintering odd a few shards of solid brick. But her arms didn’t look that toned in her blouse earlier. Then again, she was wearing long sleeves, he had to stubbornly keep his eyes respectfully above the hips. He knew if he didn’t, his gaze would linger far too long on her muscular thighs. Turn away. You are being indecent he scolded himself, deciding to retreat to the sparring mat first.
After a second to recover from having caught Robin staring at her in the mirror— well, we ARE soulmates. It would be awkward if the attraction wasn’t mutual— Marinette joined him. Seeing as their bodies were not actually physical at the moment, they could skip stretching. Any hits they took would hurt momentarily to simulate the real world, but no actual damage would be taken.
“Ready?” She asked first, receiving a predatory grin in response.
“Are you?”
They both stood at the ready, their legs braced shoulder width apart and their arms tended but at the ready. To his shock, Marinette moved first.
The petite girl lunged, a very familiar high kick brushing uncomfortably close to Robin’s nose as he side-stepped the strike and attempted to grab her ankle. Marinette pulled her leg back too quickly, though, easily going right back into a defensive stance. Robin took the moment to get in close, aiming rapid punches at Marinette’s chest and torso. The girl proved to be just as flexible as she was strong, however, twisting around the wider strikes and batting away the ones she couldn’t avoid with her open palm. Each blocked punch sent a sharp sting through her hand, letting her know in no uncertain terms that she could not let even a single of his hits land.
The second Marinette saw an opening, she grabbed Robin’s bicep and heaved him over her hip. Instead of hitting the mat hard though, the seasoned vigilante tucked into a roll and popped right back up, leaping straight back at his soulmate. One of her punches glanced off his shoulder, forcing him to quickly recover his footing before he stumbled.
There’s that strength she showed earlier he noted. If that had been a direct hit, she might have dislocated my shoulder.
Robin leapt over Marinette’s head, slamming one knee up towards her back. The smaller teen was able to avoid a direct kit, but Robin’s knee still managed to clip right under her left rib cage. Instantly, she felt herself gasp for air. Mon dieu, that’s ridiculous! She thought, quickly hand-springing back to gain some distance as she caught her breath. My body gets a little sturdier outside the suit the longer I use the Ladybug Miraculous, but if he had hit me straight on I would have been down!
Both teen heroes were already slightly out of breath, staring at each other from opposite sides of the mat. They didn’t notice right away, but they each had the same breathless smile overtaking their face. They jumped back in towards each other at the same time.
Their spar was a flurry of punches and high-kicks, flips and ankle-swipes. They landed hits and got hit. Marinette got hit less often than Robin, purely due to her acrobatics and flexibility, but Robin’s tolerance for punishment was leagues (ha, bad joke) higher than Marinette’s. Even though he took more hits, he was in better shape than she was. Therefore, even though each of their strikes carried roughly the same force, it was clear Marinette was the one slowly losing ground. Marinette didn’t have her indestructible suit or enhanced abilities to help her out, at least not beyond what prolonged use of the Ladybug enhanced, but she was holding her own very well despite it.
It was almost twenty minutes —the mindspace making normal stamina levels irrelevant— before Marinette finally managed to grapple Robin and send them both tumbling onto the mat. They wrestled for a long moment, finding their physical strengths almost matched, before Robin finally managed to wrap his arm around Marinette’s throat and pin her legs with his own.
They were both gasping for breath by that point and, even though she lost, Marinette found herself laughing in glee. Robin’s grip loosened briefly before he completely let go, unwinding himself from her and standing up. He didn’t laugh like she did, but he was grinning widely and let out a few soft chuckles. He extended his hand down to his still-giggling soulmate, who grabbed on and allowed him to help her up.
“That was great!” She gushed. “I mean, sure, it stinks that I lost. But I’ll get you next time!”
“I fear you might not be wrong,” Robin admitted with another soft chuckle. “Not all of that was martial arts,” he said, clearly questioning her fighting style casually. Marinette rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.
“Ah, yeah. I took gymnastics as a kid. And my friend Kagami has been trying to teach me how to fence, but I just end up using those movements in melee instead. I’m okay with a foil, but I’m nowhere near the best. Kagami says I’m a natural, but I think she’s just sparing my feelings. And, uh, the whole parkour thing I mentioned.”
“Right. Parkour,” Robin agreed with a nod that Marinette knew meant he didn’t believe her but wouldn’t push. For now.
Marinette’s lips slowly widened into a devilish grin. “Hey, do you play Ultimate Mecha Strike Five?” She asked slyly, and Robin narrowed his eyes through his mask.
“Why do I feel like agreeing would be a mistake?”
“That’s a yes!” Marinette cackled and dragged Robin over to his couch. “Come on, let’s play!”
Seeing as both of the were asleep and their other senses inaccessible through the Tv, it allowed them to load the game. Surprisingly enough, Robin actually put up a decent fight.
Unsurprisingly, Marinette still won. Five times in a row.
“Alright,” Robin put his controller down, glancing over at an all too smug Marinette, crossing his arms. “Let's recap; I’ve discovered the situation in Paris is bleaker than I thought, you are surprisingly strong for your frame, you are much better of a fighter than you let on, and you have a vengeful streak.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Marinette cooed, her hand over her chest as she fluttered her eyelashes with false innocence. Robin just deadpanned at her. “I am completely innocent! An angel! I would never stoop to petty revenge over losing a spar!”
“Uh huh,” Robin said blandly. “Let’s revisit this argument when you decide to be more truthful, ‘Angel’.”
“Anytime, birdboy.”
Thankfully, the next few days weren’t as hectic as the first twenty-four hours. Robin did have school and vigilante business to see to, so he and Marinette only met in their Mindspace for the rest of the week. Which wasn’t bad, even on nights when one or the other stayed up so late that they only had three or four hours in the mental world. Somehow, despite their brains remaining constantly active, the magic is the soulbond always left them more refreshed when they awoke than they would normally feel after that amount of sleep. And Marinette had her own things to do with her class, which included a brief (and very therapeutic) two-day visit to Metropolis since it wasn’t far away, to broaden the sights they could see. When they got back, they had one full rest day where they and a buddy could visit anywhere they wanted, provided they stayed within three blocks of the hotel and called to check in with Bustier every two hours.
The class, used to recovering from terrifying circumstances, had almost completely recovered (as much as could be expected, anyway) from their GothCorp nightmare by the time they returned from Metropolis. Lila had quietly thanked Marinette the day after the attempted robbery, but followed the thanks with a threat to never make her look weak again.
So, suffice to say, the liar was back to her usual tricks after the brief reprieve of the Metropolis visit as well. Milder than usual, sure, but still back to normal.
Meanwhile, Richard Grayson had seemingly spontaneously asked for vacation time in order to help his adoptive father out with company business in Paris. He landed in the City of Lights the same day that the Parisians got back into Gotham. He quickly realized that this trip would take more than just a few days. In fact it wasn’t until Friday, exactly one week after Damian had met his Soulmate, that Dick found the ability to track down the Parisian heroes.
Akuma alert sirens rang all around the city, confirming for the experienced hero that the natives had gotten accustomed to the constant havoc. Those who had been around since the beginning of the Akuma terror ran towards shelters with practiced speed.
It was the perfect distraction for Dick to change into Nightwing and take to the rooftops. Upon reaching the Eiffel Tower, the blue clad hero saw a bizarre scene. A male dressed in an aqua colored, snake-themed uniform and a petite female in a red, black, and gold uniform with a spiral down one leg were facing off against…
A… Giant… Cat lady...
Not even a giant half-cat person. She was a legitimate fifteen-foot tall old lady in classic Cat Lady attire. Knitted cat-embroidered shawl, cat-eared knitted beanie, a crochet needle that she was using to hypnotize cats and change their size and species. Her skin was bright orange with shiny silver tiger stripes, and her face had giant black glasses in the shape of a domino mask.
It was really, really weird. She had two twenty-foot panthers and a lion that was half the size of the Eiffel Tower growling at the two heroes who, surprisingly, didn’t look very affected at all by the fever dream they were facing. Smaller house cats were all slinking out of the nearby streets to ominously surround the two heroes, their eyes all glowing bright gold.
“You know, Chat would be making so many puns right now,” The red hero, Ryujo if Dick remembered correctly, mused as the two analyzed their options.
“He would also be making a lot of ‘family shouldn’t fight’ jokes,” the surprisingly zen male replied, flipping up and out of the way onto a nearby roof. “This should be easy, but I will provide backup if you need it.”
“Don’t worry Viperion, I got this,” Ryuko brushed off. “Water dragon!”
The hero turned into water before Nightwing’s eyes, swirling around the square. The water scared off the smaller cats, and the lion recoiled slightly, but it and the panthers lunged anyway, trying to catch the stream of water. The floating river easily avoided every strike, winding around the old lady’s crochet needle when they weren’t looking and snapping it in half.
A purple butterfly, exactly like those Dick had seen in the videos he and the others watched as research and exactly how Marinette had described them, fluttered out of the broken object. A quick flash of yellow darted onto the scene, a bee-themed woman carrying an ornate pot with Chinese engravings on it flew over and trapped the butterfly in the pot.
“There!” She said triumphantly, smiling wide. The crazy cat woman faded away, shrinking down into a cute little, completely normal, old lady with her gray hair in a high bun.
“Oh dear,” she brought a hand to her cheek. “Where am I? What happened?”
Nightwing watched as the heroes comforted the victim, watching as Queen Bee and Viperion left in one direction and Ryuko, whose choker had started beeping, left in another.
He followed the two paired up heroes.
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n-evermores · 1 year
This Love is Ours (2/2)
A/N: This was a request from an anon. I was so excited to get it. I never thought of writing a part two for my first Alden Parker request, and honestly, I didn't even name that story! So I decided to give it a name now that it has a part two. Thank you anon for the request! Hope you enjoy. (This can be read without reading part 1) I was a little inspired by the chorus of “Ours” by TS for this one.
Pairing: Alden Parker x fem!reader
Summary: You and Parker swear you're keeping your budding romance a secret, but it's starting to become a little obvious to those around you. Especially Parker's dad, Roman.
Genre/Warnings: Romance, fluff, May-December romance
Word Count: 1500+
Part One
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With your budding romance growing ever so swiftly, it was hard holding back, but you couldn’t say you didn’t put any effort into keeping your hands off your boyfriend. When he was in touching distance it was all too tempting to hold his hand, twist your arms around his waist, or simply kiss his cheek in passing.
Alden must have felt the same way because your elbow or the small of your back was his go-to spot to touch you when in close vicinity. He tried to make it look inconspicuous, but people were starting to notice, and by people, you meant your team.
The first person to notice was Kasie. You were standing in her lab with Alden. You both were listening to her long-winded spill when you felt Alden’s hand touch the small of your back. It was a subtle gesture, and you half wondered if he even noticed he did it. His hand slid up and down your spine as he leaned closer to Kasie’s screen. That's when she saw. Her curious brown eyes flickered down to his hand. Her eyes met yours and you offered her an uneasy smile.
“What was that?” She asked as soon as your boyfriend left the lab.
You just shrugged it off, shaking your head, “I have no idea what you're talking about.” You said.
Kasie wasn't the only person you had to gaslight. Jess was the next person to see something between you and Alden. You were in the evidence garage gearing up. He was struggling with a particularly stubborn strap and you reached out to help him with his bulletproof vest. He watched you eagerly as you tugged it down, fitting it to his body. He smiled, his eyes lighting up as your hands grazed his waist. You smirked, knowing what was going through his head.
“Down boy, we have a case to solve.” You murmured. He thumbed your cheek quickly before moving aside to finish putting on his gear. You could feel the weight of someone’s gaze and turned to see Jess gaping at you.
“What?” You asked, feigning ignorance at her gawking stare.
“Did I just hear and see what I think I did?”
“Depends what do you think you heard and saw?”
“Were you two flirting?”
You gave her an incredulous look and scoffed, “What? No. Never.” You shook your head before walking past her, “that’s crazy.” You added before heading toward the elevator.
Tim and Nick noticed you two flirting one day while out on a crime scene. Alden playfully took a picture of you with his personal camera. He brought it for the birds, but you were his real muse. You placed your chin on his shoulder, watching him scroll through the pictures of you, telling you his favorites. You glanced up and immediately removed yourself from Alden. Tim and Nick were staring, and instead of saying anything to you, they just exchanged a knowing glance with one another.
You may have been careless with your team, but you both tried very hard to keep it from his dad. At least for now. Your romance was new, and you enjoyed keeping it to yourselves for the time being. But considering Roman was kicked out of his retirement home, he was staying with Alden which meant keeping your little love affair a secret was starting to become a lot more difficult.
You sat next to Alden on the green couch in his greenhouse, while Roman sat in the chair across from you. You were eating pastries from one of Alden’s favorite places. Roman didn’t outwardly question your presence there, but you knew he silently wondered why you were always with his son. Alden couldn’t always use the same excuse as before, but his dad treated you kindly regardless.
“How do you like bird watching?” Roman asked you, although you couldn’t help but think there was an agenda behind his question.
“I enjoy it!” You grinned, your eyes meeting with Alden’s briefly. “I learned a lot. Your son is quite the encyclopedia sometimes.” You giggled.
“Yeah if he would have put all that energy into a navy career, he could have become a fine officer.”
“I lov—like him the way he is.” You said suddenly. You didn’t want to step on Roman’s toes, but you would defend Alden at any given chance. Your near slip-up didn’t go unnoticed by either of the Parker men. You ignored Alden’s glance, knowing he would bring it up later. Neither of you said “I love you” yet, but in truth, you did love him.
Roman gave you a closed-mouthed smile, his eyes flashing over you curiously. You knew he was very aware of your crush on his son. The day he realized was the very day Alden found out too. You could never quite tell from their conversation if Roman approved of it or not. You had your suspicions that he felt Alden was too old for you.
“I do too. Believe it or not.” Roman said just as Alden escaped to the kitchen. You smiled at his dad, knowing he really did love Alden for who he was despite his disappointment in his career choices. He probably wouldn't admit it, but it was obvious he was proud of him regardless.
“Still no boyfriend?” The old man teased you again. “As I said before–you won't find one hanging out with Alden all the time.”
You adored Roman, but it was so typical of men his age to ask about a young woman's love life. As is having a boyfriend was the be-all and end-all. You did have one, but that wasn't the point. You let a small sigh escape your lips as if to respond accordingly.
“Dad, stop with the nosey questions.” Alden chimed in as he moved in to sit next to you again. You threw him a thankful glance before Roman gladly changed the subject. The three of you talked about a lot of random things and you found yourself feeling more comfortable as the conversation went on. You glanced up at Alden as he laughed between stuffing his mouth with more sweets. You smiled fondly at him, watching the corner of his eyes crinkle with every smile and laugh.
Suddenly as if you forgot Roman was in the room, you reached out to brush your thumb across the corner of Alden’s mouth. He was talking to you and that's when you noticed a little pastry crumb there. His eyes locked with yours as the warmth of your hand grazed his now-flushed skin.
You both simultaneously tore your eyes from each other and you immediately dropped your hand from his face. When you looked Roman’s way he was giving the most bombastic side-eye you've ever seen. In fact, it was so obvious, one would swear he invented the entire concept.
Not wanting to embarrass either of you, he continued with the conversation as if nothing happened. You knew the embarrassment was written all over your face, but you carried on anyway as if Roman didn't just witness what he did.
Alden gathered everyone's plates before making his way into the kitchen. You excused yourself and followed not far behind him. You entered the kitchen to see Alden washing the dishes. You bit your lip, smiling through your teeth. He shook his head before drying his hands and reaching for you. You moved closer, allowing him to wrap his hands around your wrists.
“Two slip-ups.” He chuckled.
“I know, I didn't mean to—” You paused, your eyes dancing with curiosity. “Wait two?”
“Mhm. You almost said you loved me. Or did I hear that wrong?”
You released an uneasy laugh, “Um well, I—” You exhaled a shaky breath. Alden’s eyes gentled with love and darkened with lust all at once.
He leaned into your neck, his nose brushing against your throat, “Well, is that true?” He murmured against your flushed skin.
“I–” You began, but you couldn't bring yourself to say anything. Instead, you exhaled a shaky breath in response. He chuckled, before placing an open-mouthed kiss against the side of your neck. You melted against him and his hands slid to your waist.
He leaned back enough to catch your gaze. “I love you too.” He said before placing his lips to yours. One of his hands moved to cup your face while the other slid around your back and you found your body flush against his.
“I knew it.”
You pulled apart, both of you turning to see Roman standing there. He didn't seem surprised and there was no judgment in his voice. He just wanted you to know he knew. He shook his head in amusement before walking out, muttering something about “bird-watching and getting the ladies,” but you weren't entirely sure.
You glanced up at Alden and he scoffed, “Well, looks like we've been found out.”
“Good because I don't want to stop doing this.” You said before reeling him back in and kissing him again. Your kiss deepened and you suddenly felt the counter behind you and Alden’s hands on your waist. He lifted you onto the counter, never breaking apart from your mouth.
“I'm still just right here, y'know!” You heard Roman shout from the greenhouse. You both pulled back into laughter, knowing you had to stop anyway. Alden gave you one more little kiss on the lips before the two of you joined Roman in the greenhouse once again.
At the end of the day, you didn't care what anyone thought. This love was yours and no one else's.
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blookitty · 2 months
Flashback Weekend Chicago 2024
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I didn't think I was going to go to this convention for many months. After plans fell through to go to the North Carolina one, I didn't want to plan going to another any time soon. Especially not on the weekend of my first wedding anniversary. But an idea came to me late one night after rewatching SeaQuest for the umpteenth time that I just couldn't stop thinking about. Cue me scrambling for the last month or so to cobble together my cosplay, get tickets, and convince hubby to go with me.
More convention details below...
Not pictured is two other bloody dolphins. I had a mini dolphin mounted on my shoulder with magnets, hence the bloody shoulder and neck wound. Ted got a picture of it on his phone, so maybe he'll post it in a story later? Who knows with him? The other was a medium sized one I carried around and offered to people who wanted a picture with me to hold and pose with. The medium one was originally for the photo op, but figured Ted's hands would cover it up if he held it. Hence I got huge Darwin last minute.
In regards to actually talking to him at his table, I introduced him to my husband, who is a sheriff's deputy in our home state of Indiana. Ted predictably adored him immediately. Even more so when my husband gave him a patch from his office. Ted's eyes lit up just like they had whenever I had given him bourbon in the past. He stared at it for a good 10 seconds or more. That first time at his table, between that interaction and getting my Tim action figure signed (where he signed my name wrong, but I get that it was loud in there), we had to come back around because he was getting a long line. Being near the entrance to the vendor floor, he really had to keep the line moving or else he'd get in trouble for causing a blockage.
Second time around, we asked him for specific places to go and see on our anniversary trip up into Michigan at the end of August. He suggested blueberry picking in Saugatuck as we had told him we were planning on stopping in Holland.
Unfortunately, I flubbed the second aim of my con visit, which was to show him my tattoo (shown below) in person.
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He was getting a long line again after talking to him about Michigan, so I should've just left and circled back around. But no, I'm a dummy and took my swing. I crouched and asked if I could briefly show him my tattoo away from his table because I knew I'd probably cry when I showed him. He unfortunately said he couldn't because of legal reasons, then was about to suggest I take a picture of it, but I cut him off because I had already done that before and gotten nothing from him. So instead of getting up and coming back later, I insisted I just show him now when he was clearly feeling rushed.
I panicked and just lifted my sleeve and quickly explained how the first three letters spelled his name. He simply said "Wow, that is so special! Thank you for showing me." then shook both my and my husband's hand and turned to the next person in line.
I don't blame Ted at all. He was probably panicking and I was panicking and we both reacted badly in the moment. For the rest of the day, I stressed about redoing it and apologizing for being brash, but I just couldn't find the right time to do so. I got the photo op at the end of the day (where he remembered my name upon seeing me, so that was nice) and had planned to ask for a hug right after it, but unfortunately I panicked again and let my dumb ass get rushed by staff again. We were leaving the photo op area before I remembered and I cursed inwardly at myself.
Funny enough, husband and I had a reservation for our anniversary dinner at a local steakhouse near the hotel. Near the end of our meal, husband said "No fucking way" out of nowhere, told me not to look, but Ted was at a table three tables down from us. I pulled out my phone and pointed the camera behind me, and sure enough, he was standing up near a table nearby. (I got a picture, but I'm keeping it private for my and his sake)
Not wanting to be creepy fans, we decided to just leave him alone. But the universe wasn't done with us yet...
As we paid and headed out the front doors, who do we find but not just Ted, but all 3 Raimi brothers! Well, technically 2 because as soon as we walked through the doors and processed what was in front of us, we saw that Ted was staring out into the street in front of him, completely oblivious. Husband tapped him on the shoulder, but he didn't notice at all and just said aloud "We're lookin for a Kia, right?" and just walks out into the street. We just blink and say "Uh, bye Ted" and the others laughed.
Husband says "Ah, there's Ivan and Sam." I guess we were dressed classy enough because Ivan asked "How do we know you two?" We ended up talking to Sam, Ivan, and (I assume) his wife Terry(?) for about a minute. Didn't last too long and we didn't want to bother them as they were clearly waiting on a ride from a Kia and had had a long day. I saw who I assume was their sister come and hug them good-bye, so we bowed out and just processed what the Hell had just happened.
I promise you that will never ever happen again so long as we live.
I won't get into what all happened after that as it involves me having too much alcohol, but nothing else of note really happened.
We'll see if Ted posts the patch or the mini Darwin in his story, but if he doesn't, oh well. That man has a lot going on in his brain.
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gatorboys22 · 2 months
|•☆.{Haunting in the old mansion}.☆•|
{☆} Timmy, after getting obsessed with the different videos of paranormal video's. Decided he wanted to get one too, and there was a old mansion downtown the street that no one really goes in to.
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"Come on! It'll be so cool if we got a video!" Whining Timmy leaned on the couch while Bodie was watching TV. The older man sighed and looked at him, with a sigh he paused his show.
"Timmy, I don't think us going into that mansion would even be allowed. And I really don't want to talk to the sheriff because you decided to go into an 'abandon' place. Again." Giving a look at the younger man Bodie scolded him slightly. Before this Timmy tried to go to a warehouse that was supposedly 'haunted'. Turns out it just had a rat infestation and there was pest control there.
Seeing that Timmy wasn't suppose to be there called the sheriff him. That was not a fun knock on the door Bodie wanted, especially on his night off. Timmy was scolded and grounded basically for two weeks.
"Okay I truly thought the warehouse was abandoned the website I was on said it was!" Timmy really hated that day. It was the towns gossip for the next couple of weeks. He got call Rat Gator, the name still haunts him today when he trys to talk about haunted places.
"Timmy I'm not going. No convincing will make me go." Stern words said by the older gator. But he got a cocky smirk from Timmy, so after a while he was somehow convinced to go.
"Bodie come on! Or I'll tell Marco who broke his favorite mug!" The curly haired gator cackled as he hopped into the pickup truck. Shaking his head Bodie whipped out his phone and texted Marco about what the two of them were about to do.
'I'll meet you there! I wanna see Timmy make a fool of himself!' Rolling his eyes the older gator got into the truck and drove to the old mansion down the street. As he parked Timmy rushed out with his camera with a big smile.
"Timmy, are you one hundred percent POSITIVE. No one lives here?" Turning to the younger gator. Who sighed and nodded, he made sure no one lived here by asking around town. Sure he was laughed at but a few older folks said no one has lived here since that crazy old lady.
"Yeah the old lady that owned the place kicked the bucket. Like years ago, no one's claimed it. Some say she was killed by a vengeful ghost of her late husband! Because she wanted his inheritance that he was saving for their grandkids of whatever." Whispering lore to him, Timmy then walked to the front door and tried to open it. Sighing he then went to a window, it opened and he slipped through.
"Timmy be careful! Also you should respect the dead! May that nice lady rest in peace- AH!" Screaming in fright Bodie after giving condolences felt a hand touched his back. Whipping around he saw Marco, giggling as he saw Bodie jump.
"Calm down only me. Now what's Tim tim putting us through this time?" Standing tall next to the older gator. Marco looked at the mansion then at Bodie who explained everything.
Then the door was opened with a loud creaky noise. Turning they saw Timmy with a wide smile, then saw the inside of the old mansion. In awe they saw how it was decorated very old fashion.
"Doesn't this seem a bit too well kept?" Mumbling Marco walked pass Timmy, who rolled his eyes. It was still kinda dusty in here but wasn't fully kept well either.
"No! Now let's go look for ghosts! Here I got yall something to use." Taking off his bag Timmy handed gadgets to Marco and Bodie. Marco got a detector for ghost and Bodie was holding a ward of some kind.
"Timmy, I'm not gonn-" Marco was interrupted by a loud thud upstairs. Everyone froze then Bodie got in front of them, Timmy on the other hand. Went to the grand stairs by the front door, slowly walking up.
"Timothy Wheat! Get your rail off them stairs or so help me boy-" Whisper yelling at Timmy, Bodie started scolding but then hear another voice.
"What are you three doing here?" They all turned their head up and saw a human standing there. Crossing their arms with a bit of anger on their face.
"So Timmy was wrong, again. As usual." Marco quipped quickly then turned to the person. "We apologize we though this mansion was-"
"-Haunted? Yeah you and a few other people. Swear I need to put a sign up that says I live here." Hissing out the human then walked down the stairs looking at Timmy. Who blushed at the strong stare and looked down, embarrassed he was wrong yet again.
Sighing the human looked at the other two half bloods. Fixing their face they smiled gently, and began to speak like a host.
"Hi, My name is (Y/N). I moved in a week ago, I inheretened the house from my late grandparents. " explaining they moved pass Timmy down to the main floor. Bodie gently placed the ward down and gifted his hand.
"Hi, I'm Bodie. I live down the street, sorry about breaking into your home Mx..." Whispering the apology he then gestured to the boys, "The croc next to me is Marco. You met Timmy on the stairs." (Y/N) nodded and shook his hand. He seems really nice, also handsome...
"It's fine. Haven't been able to announce to everyone where I live. Been trying to figure out what's wrong in the house before fully moving in." Shrugging they then clapped their hands. Turning to the three of them with a gentle smile.
"I'll give you a tour then! Since we're neighbors I should be a good host." Guesturing the three to follow (Y/N) began showing off the mansion. Timmy was quiet because he did break into their house. With Marco, he was wondering why (Y/N) was in such a big house alone.
After giving the tour Bodie was able to fix the misunderstanding. Then apologized again, dragging the other boys out the mansion with the dignity they had left. While outside Bodie began scolding Timmy again as they buckled up in the pickup truck.
Marco, feeling eyes on him turned and saw (Y/N) or as Bodie nicknamed them, Bug. Just staring, then turned....seemingly looking like the disappeared? Turning back to the other two quickly he decided not to say anything.
It's not like Bug was a ghost or anything....we're they?☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆•☆
Is Bug a ghost? Who knows...maybe I'll write more of this later :D
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eveenstar · 2 years
hi! for a while now I've had the idea of the proxies (specially tim and brian) taking care of the reader, who used to be their friend before the whole operator thing happened, but from far away so to not put them in danger. maybe the reader has been helping jay out with the tapes he found in hopes of finding their old friends (and maybe more???). Feel free to ignore this if it's not interesting<3
Hello! I love this idea! I did these two together but if you want one separately, hit my inbox up and I'll gladly do it for you! I see a lot of potential in this for a part 2 or even part 3. I feel like I got a bit carried away but hey, hope you still enjoy it! :)
Masky and Hoodie watching over you | Headcanons
How did you end up in this situation? It was bad enough with Jay, now you're in it too. Will you end up 'missing' like the others? There are multiple times were both ponder on it, though Masky is more inclined to not let it escalate that far while Hoodie thinks he could save you afterwards.
Bit of backstory, you met Tim first. He was the quiet kid and you were new to the school, that's how the little 'alliance' formed, then Brian came along and two became three. Of course, you already knew some of the others, that's how they all got up together.
So in the beginning, Masky and Hoodie watch you from afar, trying to shield any dangers away, but of course they can't do that forever so eventually things might get physical.
They don't 'take care of you' together'. Absolutely not. Hoodie hates Masky and he's not being forced to work together with him on this, so he won't share you. For them to be aware that both are watching over you like some messed up guardian angels, they probably bumped into one another on one unfortunate night. No fighting, just an intense stare-down.
Unconsciously take turns on days/nights. They always know when the other isn't available.
I assume you know, conscious or not, that you're being stalked by them, or at least by Masky. Hoodie is way more skilled in not being found while his 'partner' will slip here and there. They won't harm you unless you're being careless, then get ready to be pushed around or even knocked out cold and taken to safety.
As you have noticed by now, I'm referring to them in their 'dark' counterparts. You've probably read my general headcanons about them so you'll know that Hoodie is Brian and Brian is Hoodie no matter how much he'd like to pretend otherwise, while Masky is...Masky and Tim is Tim. He won't even be aware that he's stalking you until you three meet (as in you and Jay).
Back to business, Masky is not at all gentle with his methods and he's also very much in your bubble. Hope you're a heavy sleeper or you'll wake up in the middle of the night with this guy watching you. He messes everything up to try to push you away from Jay and go back to minding your own business, far away from this. By this I mean, fucking up all your plans of finding Alex or even them. Things will go missing, especially keys or cameras.
He has, and will again be given the chance, grabbed you out of a situation after the Operator made its presence announced. He left Jay behind but hey he can take of himself.
The way he grabs you is rough, partially uncaring even. If you struggle he might hop you over his shoulder or knock you out so you don't get in his way more. He sorta...means well, or at least some deep part of his mind tells him that.
Now, you won't even notice Hoodie. He's far more gentle and planning with his moves and places to hide. I don't mean gentle as in very caring and dotting, no, I mean he can be borderline creepy with the way he'll hold your chin to look at him while you lay on the ground, as if saying I told you so. Still, Hoodie in his MH era is still very insecure and new to all this, so you'll catch his hands shaking from time to time, or the way his chest goes up and down quickly as if he's about to break down. But he won't, never, not even for a second.
He'll leave threatening messages on walls or mirrors warning you not to go with Jay, or to meet up with Alex. Whatever you two have planned, you shouldn't do it. Or a simple "Stop".
Before this, he saw you as one of his best friends and potentially more had Alex and Tim not ruined everything. Maybe it's why he's risking his plans to protect you. You're not to blame for any of this or for what happened to him, you're still pure (yet intoxicated by the Operator as you continue this ridiculous ghost hunt). He can save you, if you only listen to his threats advices.
Different from Masky, he watches you from outside if you're sleeping. You'll never have to worry about seeing some masked guy looming over you if you never see him. He uses the shadows to his advances. He may be new but not totally unskilled.
Brian's mind is shattered, broken, just a shell of who he used to be. But he knows you deserve a chance. He's not gone in his Hoodie state, at least not in the way Tim is when he becomes Masky.
When you and Jay eventually find Tim and the gang's back together, it becomes a mess. Of course, it gets brought up that Tim (unaware) had been stalking you for months. Deep down, it's like he already knew. He hates seeing you in this, putting yourself in danger for something that's not even your fault! But he also hates that he scared the shit out of you multiple times as Masky.
Gods he's,,, very annoyed at himself but more at Jay. Look, the entire confrontation is a mess.
Hoodie on the other hand is...enraged. Tim will fuck you up just like he did him and- he can't have that. He'll change his plan accordingly, and you'll be safe, at least that's what his twisted mind tells him.
Anyway, with these two watching over you, it's tricky to say if you'll be safer or more in danger than before. They're like your messed up guardian angels but they're not stronger than the Operator, but let's remember that Tim has faced up that creature before and he'll do it again if it means he gets to protect you.
Hoodie...well...he just might take you away.
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Have you never heard of such a thing, darling?
(The Timari Buzzfeed Unsolved AU)
Chapter 3: The Mysterious Case of Collège Françoise Dupont
The video opens, and everyone is almost blinded by the color pink.
The white room of all the previous videos is almost missed. There is something far more unsettling about this background. At least, with the all-white room, it is easy enough to get used to. White is a common furniture color and minimalism and/or modernism has become a thing in recent years, so it’s not entirely surprising to see. However, an all-pink room would take dedication. Especially since almost everything is the exact same shade.
A teenage girl is the one who sits in front of the camera, smiling. Cross-legged on a bed on the floor. While her smile is not creepily stiff like the one her friend usually gives, it is still offputting. Fond, but in a wistful way, as if she is in mourning.
And then she breaks, giggling and pulling a whiteboard out of seemingly nowhere.
On the whiteboard is the words ‘The Gotham Files with Tim Drake’ in black ink. A hand comes into frame this time to give her a pink whiteboard marker, and she scratches out Gotham in favor of the word Paris.
And then she smirks, hastily scratching out the name Tim Drake and replacing it with her own name, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
A person off-camera makes a vague sound of protest, and she sticks her tongue out at them for a moment.
Finally, though, she caves. In the bottom right corner, she writes something in tiny print. The camera zooms in to find the words ‘Also Tim, I guess’.
(The dreaded dubstep is still there, bouncing around in the background, but it is a faint echo of what it once was. Haunting the viewers, even from across the pond. Slowly increasing in volume. It is coming.)
Tim gives a huff of laughter and steps into frame, removing the whiteboard from view before carefully taking a seat beside her. “Hey, everyone, bet you didn’t think you’d see us together again so soon.”
“He has followed me to France. Send help,” Marinette deadpans.
Tim raises an eyebrow. “You do realize that you were the one that suggested I come visit to be ‘fair’ or whatever.”
He gives her a mildly exasperated look before turning to the camera. “Whatever. Let’s just skip to the school.”
“Oooooh, can we do a transition?” Marinette says, her eyes gleaming.
Tim raises an eyebrow. “Like?”
Marinette reaches towards the camera. “Like when a person goes to put their hand over the camera and –.”
Her voice cuts out the moment her hand covers the entirety of the frame.
She draws her hand back to reveal that they aren’t at her house anymore. Instead, they are standing in front of what appears to have once been a school building, though it hopefully isn’t being used as such anymore. Some of the windows are broken. What had clearly once been a beautiful courtyard has been overrun with plants.
The scenery is not the only thing that has changed, though. They, too, have changed.
As in... changed their clothes. From pajamas into what is almost formalwear. Tim is wearing what seems to be a suit, though his suit jacket is currently being used by Marinette to stave off the chill her sundress does not entirely shield her from.
Tim smiles at her. “So, Mari, since we’re in your country, do you want to explain the lore?”
Marinette sends him a playfully annoyed look before smiling. “Well, everyone, this is an abandoned school. It used to be a school for the rich and famous – and their kids – buuuut there was a scandal a few years back. His father, one of the teachers, is said to have…” she hesitates, briefly. “... well, it’s said that the body of Adrien Agreste is hidden somewhere on campus.”
“That’s probably not true,” Tim pitches in. “This place was torn apart by the French police and they found nothing. But the rumors made everyone withdraw their kids – and, more importantly – their funds. So, the building was forced to close. And yet the rumors remain.”
Marinette and Tim turned to look at the school building. It was only abandoned recently, so it looks much better than the other places they’ve visited so far. There is no reason why they should be scared of this place in comparison to the other ones. This one doesn’t look like it's nearly as much as a safety hazard as the ones before it.
And yet.
They hesitate at the threshold. Marinette tugs the suit jacket tighter around herself. The camera pans just slightly as Tim adjusts it in his hands, tightening his grip.
Maybe they weren’t quite as sure that they wouldn’t find a body as they had originally tried to make people believe.
Or not.
“Okay, obligatory moment of silence over,” Tim says. “Now, let’s go disrespect the dead!”
“It’s not disrespectful! At least… it’s not meant to be. Ghost marriage is meant to everyone a sense of…” She waves her hands around. Perhaps she is fighting off a ghost. Or, more likely, she’s just trying to recall a word. “Completion, I guess?”
He considers this. “Sure, but…”
“And it’s not like I’m actually going to be doing all of the proper rites or tying Adrien Agreste’s ghost to me,” she adds, smiling faintly. “I just thought it might be fun to give the guy a proper sendoff? I mean, we’re not going to find the body – I hope – or get his killer behind bars, but…” She shrugs. “It’s something.”
He lifts an arm and slings it over her shoulders, as always. “I think it sounds fun.”
Her hand shifts from her backpack strap, sliding up to lace her fingers with his. “It should be. But, uh, don’t tell my parents?”
“Mmmmmm… can I have some cookies later?”
“Then sure,” he says, completely nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
They step into the building. As always, graffiti litters everything.
But that is hardly what they focus on. Desks and chairs are overturned at best, broken to pieces at worst. The floor, once elegant tile, had been smashed to pieces. The stairs in a stairwell they pass looks completely unusable. The police really had torn the place apart looking for a body.
But there isn’t one here. Neither Tim nor Marinette cringe and cover their noses, suggesting there is no corpse rotting beneath the floorboards, with only the beat of its telltale heart to give away its location. The only thing that happens is that Tim sneezes and mumbles bitterly about dust.
When he does, his breath fogs in front of him.
“Wicked,” Tim says, before immediately pretending to be a fire-breathing dragon. As you must do at least once upon realizing that it is cold enough to do so.
Marinette giggles at his antics, looking around, drawing Tim’s jacket tighter around herself. “I think the AC units here are broken.”
Not much of a surprise, considering everything else is.
“Yep. Guess the fans aren’t going to be getting a sleepover this time, either. Shame, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to convince you again.”
Marinette winks. “I’m sure you can think of a way.”
“I dunno. Youtube does not pay that well.”
She rolls her eyes. “We can do it next time, promise. But we have to get through this time, first, so we should hurry up before we get frostbite.”
They set up shop in the cafeteria, preparing incense to burn and setting a tiny doll down on one of the tables. The doll is hardly traditional. It's one of those little green army guys that come in packages of around a hundred. They had probably found it on the way there and picked it up. But it is still, technically, a doll. So it should be enough.
Briefly, as Tim pulls out a lighter, he pauses.
He looks around.
Marinette raises an eyebrow. “What’s up?”
“I…” His lips pull into a frown. “Dunno. Maybe the reason people think a body is here is that this place makes you go insane.”
“You're not going insane," she promises.
"... aw, thanks, Mari," he says, but his eyes are narrowed. Clearly he does not trust that she is being entirely genuine.
This is probably for the best, because she is smirking in that specific way she always does when she is about to gaslight him. "Tim, darling, the fact that you can see me is proof you’re already insane. I don’t exist.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, gently knocking his shoulder against hers. “Yeah, okay, whatever. Potential gas leak aside, let’s marry you to a dead guy!”
Marinette pumps her fist in the air. Who cares about a potential gas leak? It’s wedding time!
They burn incense, first. Marinette explains that it's supposed to strengthen the spirit. She does not seem all that worried about this fact, so she either does not believe that this particular ghost exists or she genuinely had character development in the previous video and no longer believes in ghosts. It’s a tossup, really.
Either way, Marinette walks down the ‘aisle’ (a gap between tables), holding the leftover incense rods like a really ugly bouquet.
She gets to the end and smiles at Tim, trading the ‘bouquet’ for a pair of dice that have been shoddily taped over so that the sides alternate between saying ‘no’ and ‘yes’.
“Now,” says Tim, looking at his phone. It is playing music, but it is clear that that is not what he is currently paying attention to. “Throw your ‘blocks’ and let’s see if the lucky groom wants to continue with the ceremony.”
She rolls the dice, and seems mildly surprised when both dice land on ‘yes’. There was a one-in-four chance of that happening, so it wasn’t statistically irregular or anything, but humans like to ascribe meaning where there is none.
Perhaps that is why they believe in ghosts.
Marinette grins. “Cool. The ghost is into me. Think I can get a dowry out of it?”
“Isn’t your family the one that’s supposed to provide the dowry?”
She snickers. “I mean, maybe traditionally, but I’m wearing the pants in this relationship.”
Marinette is wearing a dress.
Tim looks like he wants to point this out, but decides not to. He clears his throat.
“Bow to… Heaven and Earth?” Tim says, unsurely.
Marinette turns so she is no longer facing them and does a brief bow.
“Bow to your elders – actually, they're not here, so skip that one…”
She snickers as she turns slightly to the left and bows, presumably towards where her home is.
Tim grins. “Alright, now bow to each other.”
Marinette bowed to the doll.
It fell over, almost as if in response.
She blinks, and then smiles bemusedly. “Well, it fell forward. Maybe it was trying to bow. I’m gonna consider that close enough.”
“As your priest, I agree, that was clear intent,” Tim says, nodding ‘seriously’. And then he smiles widely. “And so, by the power vested in me by… literally no one, I’m not even part of this religion… I now pronounce you ghost-groom and wife.”
Marinette kneels to pick up the tiny soldier, gently placing it back on its feet.
Good. Wedding over. Now for the part of wedding days that people actually like:
The after party!
They begin to lay out some Tupperware containers, filled with different kinds of sandwiches.
Tim practically dives to get his hands on the box of macarons. Technically they, too, are sandwiches. Sandwiches of the unhealthy variety, but sandwiches nonetheless.
Marinette is a little healthier. Perhaps because her parents are, supposedly, somewhere in the city with her, and therefore she can get in trouble for eating dessert without an entree first. She washes down her grilled cheese sandwiches with tea. If she is at all bitter about not getting any macarons, she is hiding it like a champ.
The toy soldier gets tuna sandwiches, assumedly because neither of them wants to eat them.
Marinette cradles her thermos of tea in her hands, smiling faintly. She opens her mouth to say something to Tim.
The video cuts to later.
It’s clear they spent quite a lot of time there. Their noses are pink from the cold, and several sandwiches and macarons have been eaten.
Including a tuna sandwich or two, judging by the slight shift in the way they’re arranged in the box.
One of them must have given in and eaten them after all.
That was the past, though. Now, they are cleaning up after themselves. It is not entirely necessary, the building is abandoned, after all, it isn’t like anyone would be inconvenienced if they didn’t... but they are good kids, so they ignore this fact.
“Can’t believe you eat with your mouth open, Mari,” Tim says.
Marinette sends him a confused little frown. “What? No, I don’t?”
“Yes, you do. I’ve cut all proof of you not doing that out of the video. You will forever be known among my fans as someone who eats with their mouth open.”
Realization dawns on her face.
She groans.
“Remind me why I hang out with you?” she says, shoving Tupperware back into her backpack with maybe a little more force than was strictly necessary.
“My dashing good looks.”
“I would never agree to such things in front of my husband,” she sniffs, setting the toy soldier delicately in her jacket pocket. Not Tim’s jacket pocket, because it is clear by now that he is never getting it back. Her jacket pocket. Just like the toy soldier is her husband, now, meaning she is unable to adulterize. "I am loyal, you know."
Tim considers this for a moment, stashing away the leftover incense and lighter, and then shouldering the bag. He seems to be thinking hard about his good qualities.
He finally decides on one:
“Theeeeeeen… because I stalked you to France?”
A strange choice, but it works.
“True. Thanks for reminding me,” she says, giggling, her eyes lighting up at the acceptance of her dumb bit from earlier.
They head out, back in the halls, only to pause.
Because a shadow shifts.
Their smiles drop immediately in favor of wary expressions. Even if they don’t believe there are ghosts here, there was still a very real chance of finding raccoons and opossums and other things that carry rabies.
Hesitantly, Tim points a flashlight at the shadow.
It is a cat.
They were right about the thing that could carry rabies thing.
Though it doesn’t seem this cat has it. It does not seem like it is intent on attacking them. Nor is it running away. It blinks lazily at them.
They both relax, almost imperceptibly.
The cat is tiny, but seems well cared for. It is probably a housecat that got away recently, or perhaps an outdoor cat. This is dangerous, considering it’s a black cat, and black cats are not entirely safe to let out into the world, since people are superstitious and sucky...
However, it does not have a collar.
Who has been feeding it?
At least that means the cat is Free Real Estate.
Marinette coos and kneels in front of it. The cat doesn’t seem to mind, its tail flicking lazily, seemingly watching her with the same kind of curiosity.
It isn’t scared, isn’t hissing. Hasn’t even bothered to stand. It is just… meeting her gaze.
“Well, aren’t you the cutest little thing,” Marinette says, lifting her hand to pet it.
Tim puts a hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks, if only momentarily. “It could have a disease.”
“That is a risk I am willing to take,” she says, without hesitation.
He sighs, but there is something fond lining his eyes as he shrugs and squats down next to her. “So, are you taking him home?”
“If it doesn’t hate me, yes, absolutely,” she says, lifting her hand again and letting the cat sniff it.
The cat gives a quiet meow and, finally, stands up, if only so it can step forward and rub against her hand.
“The cat has chosen,” Tim intones in the most grave voice he can muster. Which is to say, not very grave at all. It is hard to sound serious while looking longingly at a cat.
He was so visibly desperate that the cat almost seems to laugh, looping around Marinette one more time before coming to rub up against his leg.
Marinette looks like she might cry over the sheer adorableness. She starts cooing in French. There is a caption box at the bottom of the screen, but it is hard to tell if it is genuinely what she is saying. The words, while all technically words, surely should not be strung together in that particular order.
(Maybe they shouldn't have ignored the gas leak thing from earlier.)
The cat, being a cat, does not seem the slightest bit put off by the possibly insane babbling, only taking in Marinette’s soft tone and Tim’s hand scratching beneath his chin, and deciding that, yes, these are his humans.
“I shall name you…” Marinette squints. “You are a boy. So. Plagg.”
Tim looks as if he is not sure which part of that particular statement was worse. That she has simply decided that the cat is a boy without checking, or that she has decided that Plagg is a good name for a boy (or a girl, or… anything at all, really).
“We are not naming him Plagg,” he complains, tipping his head back in a groan. And then he looks at the cat again when it bunts against his hand. He coos. “How about Adrien? You know, the Jewish faith says that the dead live on when you name people after them. Might as well honor him, since we are trespassing in his… domain, or whatever it is people think this is.”
Marinette looks affronted. “You suck, you know. I can’t believe you’re using the religion card to overrule my decisions. You’re such a fake feminist…”
He sticks his tongue out at her playfully.
But, according to a short clip of the pair of them both calling the cat to them with their chosen names, the cat preferred the name ‘Adrien’.
Tim smirks, hugging the cat – Adrien – to his chest. The cat rubs himself against him.
Marinette sighs and crawls over defeatedly. To her delight, the cat squirms out of Tim’s grip and into her lap. She brightens up immediately. “Well,” she says, more for the sake of the audience than anything. “Still no sign of the supernatural, but at least we got this cute little cat.”
Said cat meows as if in agreement.
When she scratches it behind the ear, its head briefly turns towards the camera to lean into her touch, and its eyes seem to glow.
Camera flares really are a pain.
Either way, the two humans are entirely unaware of the mistake, for they are unable to see the footage as it is being made, and therefore continue on as normal.
Marinette leans against his shoulder, sighing. “When you go back to America, I’m keeping him.”
Despite the clear attempt to keep her tone light, there is still a wistful edge. It is not hard to imagine that losing a friend and a cat at the same time would be hard.
Especially since Tim seems to be thinking along the same lines: “Hey! I named him!”
“Exactly! You named him! Therefore I get to have him!”
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
She sticks her tongue out at him.
He huffs. “Great argument.”
“Well, if I actually tried that would just be unfair, you know,” she says.
“Oh yeah?” he raises an eyebrow in challenge, sure she is bluffing.
But then she leans closer to his face, smiling. “Paris to New Jersey is an eight-hour flight, minimum. You wouldn’t put him through that. Therefore, I win.”
Tim, for the briefest of moments, doesn’t react. His eyes have widened just slightly at the sudden closeness, and his face turns a delicate shade of pink. He inches his face away from hers the slightest bit. He swallows thickly and quickly averts his gaze.
Even the damn cat seems to have a knowing look on its face.
Not that he was being particularly subtle, to be fair. You don’t travel across the world on a whim for just anyone.
Still, even the cat?
He groans, turning his head away to bury his face in his hands.
She giggles and presses further against his side, her chin coming to rest on his shoulder, her eyelashes batting playfully.
“I win,” she says.
He grumbles incoherently.
“Besides, we found him in Paris. This is my city, therefore he is mine.”
“That’s not fair,” he says. And then something seems to occur to him. He turns to look at her, their noses just barely brushing. Red begins to dust itself across her cheeks as well. “I found you in Gotham, though. That’s my city. Does that make you mine?”
For a moment, Marinette hesitates.
And then she turns her head away, back toward the camera, smiling.
“The shippers are going to have a damn field day.”
He laughs and goes back to playing with their new cat. “Well, since you’re a married woman now, maybe they’ll chill out.”
Marinette snickers. “They will not.”
“Not at all. Now it’s a forbidden romance.” He rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Lean towards me like you’re gonna kiss me for the outro?”
Marinette, briefly, tips her head back in a laugh. And then she looks at him, something sly in her expression. She takes his face in both hands and leans in –.
The scene pauses in the moment when their lips seem to meet. A future version of Tim, probably greenscreened in, appears, his head perfectly covering where their lips might actually be touching, if the way his past self’s eyes are wide in surprise means anything.
People replay the video several times, and eventually come to the realization that Marinette’s hands are placed carefully in a way that almost hides the way her thumbs keep their lips from actually touching.
Disappointing, but not particularly surprising, considering they had all but said they were going to fake it for the camera.
Viewers finally allow the rest of the video to play.
It is a Honey sponsorship.
As one, they groan and close out of the video.
Next Chapter
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kleenex-tissues · 1 year
Yours Truly (11)
AO3 here
Ch. 11:  Not Every Wound Is Visible, and Some May Never Go Away
Damian was going to kill Tim. He would hunt him down, strangle him, and hang him outside his room as a warning. No, better yet, Damian would leave him on the brink of death, dump him in the Lazarus Pit, and let his mother find and kill him herself. She would surely deliver his remnants on their doorstep. Yes, this was perfect. Then, his father couldn’t blame him for the loss of Tim.
Tim, however, saw this coming the moment he sent the email to Marinette. Packing up a few weeks worth of clothes, he decided to take an extended vacation to somewhere even Damian couldn’t break into – Ma and Pa Kent’s farm in Smallville. Of course, he had taken along Cassie, Bart, and Kon as extra precautions, and as an excuse to see his friends. Damian should have known Tim was planning something when he agreed to spend two weeks in the middle of nowhere, away from both his job as Red Robin and as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Damian was stupid to allow this to happen in the first place.
He was going to have to bide his time. Damian would place hidden cameras on every entrance into the Wayne mansion and Wayne Enterprises headquarters, including windows and vents. These would have a built in radar to alert Damian of anyone entering. He would catch his brother, one way or another through the power of vigilance.
Bruce could not know this was happening, so he would have to be careful. He’d make sure to steer clear of Alfred, too. Even though their butler did not have the necessary detective skills to find the devices on his own, if even a whiff of them came back to Alfred’s ear, Damian would likely never be allowed to leave his room without permission again. Batman may be scary on the streets of Gotham, but within the mansion, everyone knew it was Alfred you should truly fear.
Acquiring the cameras would be the easy part. Damian always kept devices like these on hand, knowing that they would come in handy on missions, and even more so against his brothers. He would just have to find the best time to place them. Perhaps, he could receive help from Duke, goading him into it with the looming fear of Damian doing the same to him.
To his benefit, Bruce was out on a mission with the Justice League, and Alfred had gone grocery shopping. This was the time. This was the perfect plan.
“The hell are you doing?”
Strike that. It was the perfect plan until Jason decided to visit at the most inopportune time. If there was one thing that had always bothered Damian about his brother, it was the fact that he had no presence. Their father said it was a side effect of the Lazarus Pit, or maybe the fact that he used to be dead, but Jason was able to silently sneak up on Damian without ever alerting him of it. It was annoying most days, but today especially, it caused a nerve to snap within him.
“Nothing of your concern, Todd,” Damian quipped, turning around casually to face his brother. He tried his best to pretend there was nothing happening. At least, nothing that would draw Jason’s unwanted attention. “Decided to visit since Baba is gone? You should really get past that little grudge of yours. It makes family dinners decidedly uncomfortable.”
Damian smirked at the slight twitch of Jason’s left eye. That was what he always did when he became frustrated. Clenched fists, a left eye twitch, and the air seemed to weigh a little heavier around him, but Damian grew up in the League. This reaction would never have any measure against what he had been born into. It was laughable how anyone could fear Jason in times such as these.
“Listen, whatever you’re doing better not interrupt my time here. I just came to bake with Alfred, so this sneaky shit you’re doing? Leave me out of it,” Jason grumbled. Damian knew he was meant to be menacing, but he looked more like a grumpy cat than anything.
They stared each other down for a moment before simultaneously deciding to walk in opposing directions. For this battle, Damian had won, but many still lay ahead in this war.
Just as he reached the other side of the room, Jason called back to him. “Hey, squirt! Give that stupid pen pal thing a try, will ya? Dick won’t quit pestering me about it, and I’m tired of having to ignore his calls.”
When Damian looked back to meet his eyes, he was taken aback. Of all people, Jason Todd was smiling at him. He scowled in return.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
Damian swiftly exited the room and made a beeline for the next window requiring a camera installation. Brushing aside Jason’s odd behavior, Damian was determined to have every place in the mansion tapped before Tim could even dream of stepping inside. He would deal with Jason another day. For now, justice awaited him.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Tim Drake
Hello Marinette,
This sounds wonderful. While I hope you gain the recognition your designs deserve, I am afraid I have heard unfortunate things about Timothy Drake and his history with designers. Just recently, it was rumored of his split from Audrey Bourgeois. Many believe it was stylistic differences, but the truth is, Drake is a horribly picky client. It was only a matter of time before Bourgeois became tired of the never-ending disputes on his daily attire.
Perhaps, it would be better to pursue opportunities with other clients. I’m sure Jagged Stone is capable of giving your designs the foothold in the states they deserve.
On an entirely different note, it seems two of my dear brothers have become aware of our relations. I had initially led them to believe that their attempt on improving my social standing was a fruitless endeavor, but I could not lead them astray for long.
Thomas became aware of our conversations on accident, but I threatened him into submission. Hopefully he does not become a bother to either party. The other brother, however, has become quite the nuisance.
As of now, he has fled the city on an extended “vacation,” but I am calmly awaiting his return. Revenge will find his company in due time. I will keep you updated on this situation as we both see fit.
Attached are pictures of Batcow, as you requested. I appreciate your patience. As you can see, her name is derived from her markings, which are reminiscent of the costuming of Batman and Robin, famed heroes of Gotham and longtime partners of the Justice League. I will let her know your thoughts on her posing ability. She is much more difficult to photograph than either Titus or Alfred.
For Now, Damian
Damian stared at his monitor for an hour, deleting and retyping one sentence before ultimately deciding he couldn’t send it.
‘How have you progressed on your path to finding a new love?’
He couldn’t ask her that. He couldn’t even ask Jon something like that, and they had been friends for years. The two boys know almost everything about each other, but one topic they never broached was love.
They had loved each other once, in a way much different from now. Damian would dream of a life where he and Jon could live freely – no legacies, no superheroes, and no assassins. Just them, living a life they could only ever imagine. Jon finally kissed him one evening and his stomach soared, but that was exactly the problem. Damian knew they could only ever love each other in this fictional life he had once conjured. Who they were, the sons of Superman and Batman, could not fit the love they shared into the life they lived now. The life they had to live.
If he could never find a place to fit Jon’s love, how could he fit Marinette’s? Or, the hope of Marinette finding it. Damian Wayne did not need Marinette’s love to be placed upon him. He would support, but in this life, he could never even wish to receive. That would be unfair to her.
Damian did not love romantically. He loved Jon as you would an old friend. He loved his father as you would your own blood. He loved his brothers in the begrudging way you would when you’ve shared the same life. He loved his sister and Barbara and Stephanie as you would when you’ve suffered the same fate. He knew what it was to love, but he could never be in love the way others were.
He saw the eyes that Tim made at Bernard and in secret towards Kon. The same ones Dick shared when he spoke of Koriand’r, and the soft gaze he drew facing the sky. Once, even his father had taken that look, too, speaking of the ‘old days’ and a name he wouldn’t say.
Romance was saved for people with hope still bright in their heart. Marinette was one of those people, but Damian knew he never would be. He could not ask Marinette about her love life. All he could do was encourage her and push her to a new partner whenever she prompted the discussion. She needed a partner full of light to match her own, and Damian was too far in the darkness to salvage any light now.
Damian ultimately deleted the line, attached the pictures he had taken earlier of Batcow, and sent the email away. When he would go to sleep in his empty and cold room that night, he would become acutely aware of how isolated it felt. He had never been so lonely in his entire life.
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fre4kshqw · 5 months
Not All Stories Have A Happy Ending -CH3
Tim stretched and groaned "yeah yeah, I know" he said, his eyes squinting from the harsh sunlight. He sat up slowly and stumbled into the bathroom, holding the wall. He had to lean on things at times due to the time when Alex crushed his leg, it never recovered fully after that. Tim did the same as the other male, splashing his face with water and making sure he looks presentable. He walked out the room, his eyes finally adjusting to the harsh sunlight.
"It's finally sunny for once" Jay said with a small smile, "it's been a while since it's been so nice" he said again, looking out the window seeing the wooded area ahead. Tim let out another tired yawn and tossed Jay his backpack filled with tapes, a med kit and Tim's backup medication, his current pills in his back pocket.
The two men exit the motel and head to Tim's car in the parking lot, both getting in and driving towards their destination. Jay was looking out the window, keeping his camera on the dashboard in front of him recording the road ahead. The two men let the silence loom over them, for a while now they've both had feelings for each other but both thought it was an awkward time to bring it up during the situation they're in. Jay tapped his fingers against the dashboard whilst Tim was smoking a cigarette while driving
"y'know you should probably start thinking about quitting, you have fucked up lungs already" Jay said, breaking the silence. Tim took a drag of the cigarette and blew the smoke out the window "hm, no. I'm still alive so I have no reason to quit, my lung problems aren't because of them" he replied as he took another drag, Jay was about to say something until Tim spoke again "You can blame Alex for this, I had to smoke for that stupid part" Just hearing that name sent shivers down Jay's spine, he feared Alex. Mainly because he didn't want to end up like him and kill people, especially Tim. He'd never forgive himself if he did. A small smile appeared on his face just thinking about him and Tim together after all this ended, that's all he wanted though recently that dream seemed further and further away, Jay was snapped out of that fantasy when the car came to a sudden stop.
"Are we here already?" He asked Tim, looking over at him once more. Tim nodded and put out his cigarette in one of the cup holders. "Yeah, though there's a bit of a walk" he told Jay before getting out of the car, Jay quickly grabbed his camera and walked down the hiking trail with Tim, eventually they diverted from the path to make their way to the abandoned building. Tim started talking to distract himself from the horrible memories of the place. "so, have you ever had a boyfriend before?" he asked Jay, awaiting his answer easily. Jay was a little confused by the question, Tim's often serious when it comes to times like these and now he's asking if Jay had a boyfriend before? It took him a couple seconds to answer but he eventually answered "A few, they never really lasted though since it was often 'experimental'" Tim nodded and continued to make conversation "I had a girlfriend before, but I didn't really like her" Jay nodded "ah I see" Jay mumbled, looking the opposite way, that statement made Jay assume Tim was straight.
Tim noticed his sudden mood change and tried to turn it around, "well uh, I wouldn't mind dating a man, I just never had the opportunity too" Jay turned his head to him, a little wider than normal "really?" Jay asked, surprised by his statement. Tim nodded and Jay looked away, the conversation ending. Tim wasn't an idiot he knew Jay liked him, he dropped hints all the time though he still thought now wouldn't be the right time. They both were faced with the old abandoned building, the building was tall. at least 3 stories high. Wildlife and vines covered the building, taking it over, graffiti also covered some places, though Tim knew most graffiti would be on the inside. The two men walked in, their shoes crushing the debris underneath them, the place was a wreck. Jay pointed his camera everywhere he could, gathering as much information as possible. "I'm going to look upstairs," said Jay, leaving Tim on his own on the ground floor. The only sounds around him were the birds flying through the holes in the walls and the breeze passing throughout. Tim wandered around the empty halls of the building looking for clues, looking for someone or something that'll give him the answer to all this. He eventually found nothing down there and decided to head upstairs to where Jay said he'd be.
He walked up the old wrecked staircase to see Jay standing there, lifelessly. "Jay?" Tim said, his voice echoing through the building. Jay slowly turned to face him, a mauled bluejay in his hands. "It wouldn't shut up" he told Tim, his hands trembling. Tim slowly walked over to him, gently taking the dead bird from his hands and tossing it into the debris underneath them. "Hey hey it's okay, tell me what happened" he asked Jay, trying to figure out what happened.
"It had no face" Jay mumbled, looking blankly at the floor "I had to kill it. It had no face Tim" he said again, his voice almost in a whisper as he looked at Tim. Tim felt a pit in his stomach, he's known that Jay sees the same creature as him, but now he's starting to hallucinate and get violent? All Tim could feel was a cloud of guilt over him, Jays like this because of him.
Tim slowly held both his hands, he could feel Jay shake "it'll be okay I promise you'll be fine" he reassured Jay. He slowly guided Jay downstairs and outside, leaving the dead bird to rot and decompose alone. Tim had an uneasy pit in his stomach, first it was Alex with the more violent tendencies and now it was Jay, he decided to let it slide and pass it as a once off thing. He held Jay's hand all the way through the hiking trail and back to the carpark, "hey Jay?" Tim spoke softly, Jay's eyes looked into the other mans, previously looking at the floor before "I know this doesn't seem like the right time…or place but I uh" Tim paused "like you" Tim felt awkward saying this, it was so sudden and out of the blue. His awkwardness melted away when he saw a bit of life in Jay's eyes again, "well that cheered him up" Tim thought to himself. "you like me?" Jay mumbled, a small smile creeping on his face "like more than a friend?" Tim smiled and nodded "of course more than a friend what else would I mean" Jay pulled in for a tight hug, the two men didn't need any more than that, knowing they had each other was all that mattered to them now.
The moment was bittersweet, the men went back to the shady motel together. The rain started to come down as they drove there, they had a long day ahead of them tomorrow.
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27emailsicantsend · 1 year
So do you think we’ll end up getting secret dating Rina or is that off the table? Regardless they look so happy in the teaser I can’t wait to have them back!!
So I think I’m one of the only people who still could see secret dating Rina happening! I think people saw them dancing publicly so it was a jump that everyone knows they are dating.
Here’s why:
I think Gina is going to have her rep on the line because the documentary kind of airs her as a cheater. They make ricky look completely oblivious to her “prying her way to him”. There is probably going to be some nasty things being rumored about her and obviously ricky won’t stand for this so they are secret dating.
In episode one, Gina is nowhere in the outside scene and when she and Ricky are in the theater, they’re not sitting by each other. I know they don’t HAVE to be, but in previous seasons whether happy or upset with each other they were almost always by each other. Red’s basement, Ashlyn’s Thanksgiving party, the snowed in episode, Ashlyn’s NYE party (not on the same couch, but by each other)… I could go on. I’ve said this a lot before, shows are VERY intentional about every movement a character makes. Where they sit, what they do, etc. especially because scenes are usually filmed multiple times so they need continuity. Ricky and Gina sitting apart does not feel coincidental.
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My theory is that the director does not know Ricky and Gina are dating (no one does). Ricky is upset the show is happening, so he tries to mess up his audition so he doesn’t have to be in the show.
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But Gina and Mack audition and because they’re both dancers…
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They get cast as leads.
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But because of Ricky’s luck/charm/ongoing joke he gets every lead role without trying (BATB still baffles me… mans was struggling and got the lead), he gets casted as the alternate to Sharpay. (They needed an alternate for Troy, Gabriella, and Sharpay since Zac Vanessa and Ashley aren’t there). But the director has a quirky idea to make Ricky a nerd instead of a diva.
In HSM, Sharpay has Zeke, but don’t forget she fawns over Troy. A lot. So maybe the director makes some love triangle where Ricky is just supposed to “fawn” over Gabriella but she is supposed to be with Troy in the end. But she notices the chemistry between Ricky and Gina and they end up falling in love in the movie (a direct call out to Tim changing his mind in 1x5 from R*ni to Rina).
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Meanwhile, Rina are trying really hard not to show they are dating. I imagine the scene of them dancing (4x2 probably) as Miss Jenn having them casted as Troyella at the table read. She is like “so I was thinking for one of the songs…” and Gina interrupts excitedly and is like “oh Ricky and I have been practicing a routine! We already have one” and they get up and dance at the literal table read (nothing is prepped yet). You can tell they are not slick at hiding their flirting and that’s why everyone in the room is smiling… because they’re like 🤨🤨 that was a little flirty?? They sus out rina big time because Ricky and Gina are supposed to be “just friends” to protect Gina’s image.
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But, if you remember at the end of S3 Corbin “said” he turned off the camera and they were still mic’d. It’s not great, but it would be a BIG plot twist if Corbin pretended to be a good guy end of s3 to get the kids on his good side and trusting him, so he could turn around and reveal more secrets once he got their trust. OR even though Channing isn’t in the season, they could say that Channing released the hidden footage/conversation to get more people watching the doc.
Either way, Rina is going to get caught… but literally no one will be that surprised 😂
**this is all completely speculation but oh it would be so cute**
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