#even if the twins themselves get very carried away with whatever is on their mind they somehow know what the other is doing
desultory-novice · 1 year
I'm sure that you may have heard about Kracko really hating Kirby? It's implied by some pause descriptions to my knowledge, like one from Kirby Fighters Deluxe.
What are your thoughts on this subject? I think it's a funny concept. That some recurring non-final boss character - on the same boat as Whispy Woods, more or less - may hold a serious grudge against Kirby and that could potentially be one of the many reasons it keeps showing up.
I have indeed heard the thing about Kracko and Kirby and I agree with you 100% it's funny in the best way?!
I mean, we have King Dedede, Meta Knight, and far worse last bosses than them who have come around as friends but this cloud... oooh, this cloud! It just HATES Kirby!
You'd think Whispy Woods would be in the same boat, or would hold claim to that title first, being the perennial first stage boss. But no, Whispy just seems kind of...cranky to be woken up or disturbed. And Whispy is fairly easily pacified - except when it decides to go all second form on you.
But Kracko is just...
You know, Kracko themselves is unusual in a variety of ways that makes the whole long-standing, one-sided grudge between Kirby and Kracko all that more interesting?
Like, Kracko Jrs can become full-fledged Krackos! Whatever a "full-fledged Kracko" even IS! And different Krackos can reform into new Krackos?! Or rather, OUR Kracko, while other Krackos, like Twin Kracko, are implied to share the memories of previous Krackos - enough to know that they feel anguish at their multiple losses?!
Are they a hive-mind? (*) Are they a species at all?!? And bopping back to the Whispy Woods thing, at least we can understand why Whispy attacks. They get woken up or otherwise disturbed.
But Kracko?! Kracko hates Kirby from the moment it laid eyes on our lovable pink puff! Who DOES that? (*) So the weird grudge Kracko has doesn't even seem to have an origin! It is LITERALLY that "woke up and chose violence" meme.
You know, I haven't really gone back and done much pondering on (Super) Kirby Clash since the big reveal from the Magolor Epilogue, but before then, I (like many others?) saw it as both an alternate universe and a sort of fairytale-esque retelling of Kirby's past! After all, there's Galacta Knight, only they are still considered a "hero" at this time and four Kirbys representing the four heroes of yore!
The reveal that it is one of many (!) possible dimensions just seems to expand Kracko's power. Because now Kracko(s) can be angry at Kirby from across different dimensions?!
...Gosh, could that have been where the grudge started? There was some original Kracko out there, a happy, peaceful cloud, and some Kirby from some other dimension, long in the past or otherwise did something horrible to Kracko and those memories are carried on each time Kracko reforms itself. The hatred and pain never going away. Tears recycled into water vapor, forming anew. Dreaming of the day it could have vengeance! The moment they meet again (?) on Bubbly Clouds in Dream Land 1 should have been the most important day of Kracko's life. But for Kirby... it was Tuesday.
(Sorry! I just love that meme!)
(*) But okay, the other thing I think we have to talk about with regards to Kracko is of course, the "Is Kracko related to Dark Matter?" question. It's crazy, right? 
Or is it? Again, there's the hive-mind thing. The weird "what kind of matter is Kracko even made of" question. The fact that it only has ONE eye and it spits out Waddle Doos as helpers. And Crystal Shards showed (a) Waddle Dee transform into a Waddle Doo when it got possessed by Dark Matter. That's not to say that Waddle Doos can't spawn naturally without the presence of Dark Matter. After all, Kracko makes them.
...But it would make a kind of sense of Kracko was able to do that because it had some connection to Dark Matter. Or another power. For as much of a mean jerk Kracko is, it actually has a very soft, sensitive looking eye.
It's a bit like Galactic Nova's eye. Sympathetic-ish looking. It's not the eye of a villain. Except that Kracko does occasionally spawn a more villainous looking, slit-pupil eye. Which reminds me...
I had my wild theory that Dark Nebula, the Master Crown, and Morpho Knight's sword were all elemental versions of the same power. But since Kracko has "the" eye, maybe they are the "wind" in this hypothetical 4/5 elemental grouping!
We know that Gooey is Dark Matter but isn't 100% similar to the others we've seen. Although to be fair, the 64 Dark Matters don't look 100% similar to Swordsman either, who is what we as the fandom consider the "typical" Dark Matter. But is he really? He disguised himself in a semi-humanoid form and had individual desires, so IS he normal? I was vaguely under the impression that the Dark Matters Zero sends at you are basically a "reset" Swordsman, but I might be wrong on that...
...Sorry, got off on a tangent.
Speaking of things half-remembered, isn't Kirby supposed to dislike rain? (Or was that from one of the Drama Tracks?) I have to assume at this point that is a subtle nod to Kracko, if it is indeed true at all.
I could believe it though, as despite the number of water-based stages in Kirby, there isn't really a "rainy" stage, is there? (Please feel free to jog my memory if I'm forgetting a really obvious one! Or a more obscure one! ^_- )
Another last minute thing I just thought of that's very funny about Kracko is we all know how Kirby feels about naps. Always taking them in the middle of the day. Dream Land is very snoozy, and sleeping under the clouds sounds ideal... except that there's a cloud out there specifically out to get Kirby! Doesn't that feel almost evil?! Is that why Kirby is so often napping under a tree? Is Kirby actually aware that Kracko seems out kill them ruin their day?!?
Anyway, good question! I welcome more thoughts about Kracko! Maybe they are just a cloud, but maybe... they're more??
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vanillavagrant · 11 months
Out of Leon's clutch, which siblings, including the twins and Jack, are/were the most well-behaved and who are the naughtiest, from one end of the spectrum to the other? Nathan seems like he gets into the most trouble lately - after Jack, whose crimes are multiplying lmao - but that's understandable bc he's jealous of Bram, and even negative attention from Daddy is better than none. Do the older siblings ever discipline the younger ones? Are they even allowed to? Which begs the question, do the twins ever have to face Leon's wrath if they step out of line?
I got a little carried away and made an entire chart for this. And I decided that one dimension of naughtiness was not enough.
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Sarah is the most well-behaved. She's actually a warden in training.
Rebecca is also very well-behaved, but she's more adventurous than her twin-sister. She definitely did some things she wasn't supposed to do on Earth.
Theresa is well-behaved. She knows good behavior pays off in the long run. However, she doesn't listen blindly to Daddy, which is going to pay a more important role later in the story.
Hannah is also considered a good girl, but she has a very strong sense of things being "right" and "wrong". She doesn't automatically agree to whatever Leon does on the regular, but she also values the routine they have at home.
Nathan is a Daddy's boy, but as you said he does it to the point where it results in negative attention.
Adrian does what he's supposed to do for the most part. He gets in trouble at school because he's understimulated, actually, and he thinks the teachers are annoying because they won't go more in-depth on the topics they cover.
Mariel is practically in the same boat. She likes her siblings, and also sleeping, food, and play fighting with them (if anyone else messes with her siblings though, she's a bit of a mama bear. "Don't you call my sibling stupid! Only I am allowed to call them stupid!"). She mostly gets into trouble for not minding her manners / forgetting Leon's rules.
Bram, Mr King of denial and Jumping onto unfinished plans. His reasons for running away are purely selfish, unlike Jack who does have his reasons. Jack is kind of fed up with Leon infantilization though, and doesn't mind speaking up. Now that Bram has "accepted" his fate his track record is going to become way more clean. So Jack does end up at the bottom, I'd say.
Whew, that was a long answer, and the question was really fun!
Do the older siblings ever discipline the younger ones? Are they even allowed to?
All siblings are expected to report back to Leon if anyone misbehaves. While Rebecca was babysitting she was allowed to put them in time-out, but spankings are reserved to Leon. I think, if the twins happened to swat their younger siblings Leon would allow it if the reason is good enough. Ex. They did something dangerous, or fought with one of their siblings. But if one of the tinies tried smacking someone they would get smacked themselves.
Which begs the question, do the twins ever have to face Leon's wrath if they step out of line?
If they did something very bad, like how Jack went AWOL, they would definitely get spanked. I think Rebecca and Sarah are too old for ever being shrunk again though. (I haven't really nailed down how the angels develop their powers 😅) He'd spank them for wearing mini skirts or watching porn, if he ever caught them doing it.
Thank you for the ask, Cal!
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safyresky · 2 years
I am thinking about fusion AU very much. It has OCCURRED to me that I have NEVER talked about the OTHER two frost fusions: Blinter (the ultimate Renny) and Fire, so uh. Have some quick facts?
Fire is Fiera/Fino, if that wasn't obvious by the name lmao
They are ALWAYS on FIRE. But sometimes they have a magical stick (Fino's staff, as he gets more experience being a Warlock)
They are UNHINGED, more so than the Frosts usually are
I'm half tempted to say they are just a giant vaguely human shaped fire, but I think they just CHOOSE to be a flaming ball of fire 90% of the time
When NOT on fire (very rare) they look perfectly normal (I mean. They're a fused pair of identical TWINS who get on quite well)
Would add extra limbs for funnsies sometimes, but have to think really hard about it bc whenever they're around, they have 2 of each (tragic)
Fire and Jackie are like, the WORST. Like, to other people. These two get to you? They will ROAST you (with words and maybe actual fire) in 5 seconds flat. Menaces. NOBODY pisses these two off
Like, everyone KNOWS that if you fuck with Fire (Fusion), you will get burnt, but not by them, by Jackie, who will kill to protect their little sibling
AND if people who AREN'T Fire fuck with Jackie, Fire gets very offended and it's on SIGHT
Jackie: SICK 'EM, FIRE
Fire: HELL YEAH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
If someone were to fuck with BOTH fusions, they will be roasted and have a lot of regret when Jackie inevitably takes a very deep breath in and yells RENNNYYYYYYYYY
Because that's Blinter. And Blinter is the biggest renny bear. They will go to TOWN on ANYONE who hurts their kiddos, and Fire and Jackie know this, and abuse it very much when fighting really annoying enemies or whatever
Blinter I think is even taller than Diteline, and more often than not carries their terrible kids away like potato sacks
Just the IMAGE of this giant PERSON holding Jackie in one arm and flaming ball of Fire in the other arm is goddamn hilarious
It's like momma cats with kittens when they grab the scruff? Blinter scoops up the kids and Fire immediately extinguishes and Jackie just goes limp.
It's very confusing
They understand the fire going out thing, but getting Jackie to sit still?
Unbelievable. Inconceivable.
Blinter's deffo a little bit on the quiet side, they're always having a conversation with themselves and Jackie and Fire can tell exactly what Blinter says with a look
And Blinter can indeed just. Mind message them, lol, so there's no need to speak especially since 80% of the time, if Blinter's around, it's because Jackie and Fire have Done Some Chaos >:)
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hersweetrevenge · 3 years
I've been awake since 5am and it's now 1037pm and I JUST crawled into bed. After a 7h shift, a 2h uni lecture, chores etc., I think even Lester would be chomping on his inner cheek wanting to tell me off about how this is e v e r y day. 😑 like:
"Y'better start takin' care o' yer'self, or I'm gonna be havin' words" is the threat, his dark eyes flashing. The twins watch on, arms folded and stood side by side in front of the door.
It's an intervention.
"Aren't you already doing that, honey?"
Lester is so worried that he's ANGRY and he doesn't soften at the pet name like he usually does. No, he HARDENS and he literally puts his foot down as he shifts his weight, defensive over you AGAINST yourself.
"Okay," Lester tries again, making visible efforts to calm down, "say th'shoe was on the other foot. What would ya' say, sweetpea?"
"I'd tell you to be more careful, that I'm proud but you should make more time for y - oh."
Lester looks towards Bo, eyebrows raised in disbelief, his tongue flicking across his inner cheek as he tries to hold his tongue. "The fuckin' NERVE - "
Bo nods in agreement, sighs, and you see Vincent's eye rolling from behind his mask.
They'll try again tomorrow but the result is always the same. You work too hard, they worry, they intervene, you promise to do better, you somehow fail in that, they worry, they intervene...
(Just wanted to share a half baked fic idea! I genuinely think if you manage to piss Lester off to the point where he stands up against you FOR you, that they collectively decide to stage an intervention. I'd get at least one every two days but it's all to make them proud😩😭🥺)
erika you are probably the busiest and most dedicated person i know !!
an intervention would be staged immediately. (i'm about to stage an intervention you too, at this rate! 💖)
the sinclairs love to be busy, they have their jobs and hobbies to be getting on with which are both very important to not Spiral when living in ambrose, but they also value down time a lot. like sure, they live in a ghost town surrounded by bodies, but a guys gotta relax once in a while.
Normal Family Time (the only good nft) is very important to the, especially bo and lester, so the minute you try to skip out on it to keep working? oh no you're not you will sit on the couch and watch them play pool if its the last thing you do.
because the twins are Like That™, it would definitely be lester who first notices you're excessive working first. he's worried about you and, in turn, mad at bo and vincent for not manhandling you away from your desk yet.
they have a pre-intervention meeting in the kitchen to plan the rest of the evening:
1. stern talking to (lester)
2. nice talking to (vincent)
3. indifferent-but-secretly-the-most-worried talking to (bo)
4. dinner (your favourite, courtesy of chef lester)
5. tv (this is for you, but good luck getting any say whatsoever about what to watch, bo and vincent have a system that is not to be disrupted, lest the whole house fall into chaos)
6. cuddles until you fall asleep (which you will be doing, they'll make sure of it)
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
First years with a Lamia!Reader
The greek legends say that Lamia was once a beautiful Queen that the king of the gods himself fancied, much to his wife’s ire. When the Queen sired her many children, Hera struck them down by either sending fits of madness into Lamia’s mind, or by her own hand. In her tears, Lamia devoured the children of other mothers, slowly transforming into a terrifying, snakelike demon, who was blind by day, but free to hunt at night.
It is similar to the concept of the Naga, which is a semi-divine being that is half human and half cobra. The Naga is a powerful race, as each can transform between fully human, fully snake, and true naga form at will.
For this particular request, I have combined the two into a very…interesting creature.
Fangs Up!
Tw// monsters, snakes, physical violence, attempted cannibalism (as a joke), fish cannibalism, eating a “dog” whole, biting, mentions of poison/venom
Characters: Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek
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There is simply something about you that makes it hard to look away. It’s similar to the Leech twins, in a way, or to the Diasomnia housewarden. There’s something in your eyes, in your movements, in the words that slip from your tongue. The prestige that Leona neglects to carry, but the sociability that Malleus himself lacks.
It seems as though you float, slink, and slide everywhere you go. It seems like one minute someone could be positive they’re completely alone in the hall, and the next they can feel your breath on their neck.
It isn’t uncommon for a non-humanoid to attend Night Raven College, it’s fairly common. It doesn’t make it any less nerve wracking.
All the upperclassmen have to remind themselves that at least they aren’t a first year, like you. They can leave sooner.
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There’s very few that would be bold enough to actively start a fight with you. Just like the Leech twins, you’re tall, insanely strong, and a bit intimidating. But very obvious warnings can’t stop this idiot!
No, he’s the first freshman to try and make friends with you, and he wastes no time immediately trying to fight you.
But oh, how the tables turn. You catch him alone in the hall between classes, seemingly lost, and walk to stand behind him, reading his schedule over his shoulder. Letting out a ‘tsk’ that sounded more like a hiss seemed to startled Ace, however. He let out a terrified squeak and jumped away panicked.
“Hahahah, you sound like a little mouse!” Your sharp teeth were on full display as you laughed, only remembering after a moment to cover your mouth as you did so, “You look a bit like one too, all wide eyes and big ears.”
“Hey! My ears aren’t big! They’re completely normal sized!” Ace pouted as he nervously covered his ears, “whatever, did you just come to make fun of me, or are you gonna help me get to class? Not that you’d be much help, you probably don’t know where anything is either.”
With a closed mouth grin, you took his schedule from him, “Class 1-7 alchemy? It’s right around the corner, three doors down on the left.” You handed it back, a smug look on your face.
“How’d you even know that? We’ve been here like, four days!”
“Maybe I’m just smarter than you.” You grinned, showing sharp fangs, “If you want, we can walk around campus after classes until you’re familiar with where everything is. It’s what I did.”
Ace raised his eyebrows for a moment, then shrugged, “Sounds better than flamingo duty. Our housewarden is such a stick in the mud.”
You laughed and leaned over him a moment to watch him squirm before simply patting his head, “See you later, Rat tail. I’ll pick you up in the dorm hall, yeah?”
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Deuce isn’t a coward in any regard…except for when he’s scared. Listen, he can’t just unleash his delinquent side every time there’s an issue, and he has enough sense to not start shit with you.
However…he can’t naturally escape you. You’re friends with Ace, his best-friend-sometimes-enemy-sometimes-no-homo-boyfriend, so you’re friends with him whether you like it or not!
What he doesn’t seem to realize for a while, though, is that you actually don’t mind his company. He’s a good boy, he does his homework, he doesn’t cause trouble intentionally, and he seems to have enough street smarts to assess situations pretty well, even if he’s gullible and clumsy.
Honestly, nothing could have prepared him for this.
“Deuce,” you start, “Your sleeve has a tear.”
He blinked a moment before looking down at his arm, and, sure enough, there’s a long tear going all the way up his forearm. Not just that, but it’s deep, and he’s bleeding.
“Where did you get that?” You question, voice low, “Was it a fight?”
“N-no! At least, I don’t think so! I don’t remember it.”
You frown and take his arm, holding him tight when he instinctively tries to jerk back. When you run a finger on the cut and frown deeper, he begins to panic.
“Nobody touches what’s mine.” He hears you murmur before letting his arm drop, “I’ll walk you to the infirmary so they can check it out. If you didn’t feel it before, you might have a numbing agent or poison in your system. I’ll mend your shirt and sleeve after it gets washed.”
He doesn’t quite know what to do, but nod dumbly and let you guide him away.
Ace and Deuce see your snake form for the first time together. It seems as though it isn’t something you prefer around here, or around them, but instead something you save for emergencies.
The emergency in question is that their dorm leader is having a mental breakdown and getting pretty close to killing the dorms population.
It’s a few beats into him trying to beat Ace with a rose bush that looks more like a tree before Riddle’s movement stops and he screams in anger.
When Ace manages to peek beyond the shrubbery, he sees you. He watches as you coil yourself around Riddle, restraining his movement with your long snakelike body, face showing a small amount of remorse as you squeeze him until he looks like he’s about to pass out.
Deuce is running to Ace, now, pulling him to his feet.
“Deuce- Deuce, look at the dorm head.”
“I know, I know, I saw.”
“No, I mean the snake- it’s- y/n….”
“I noticed, yeah. Kinda cool to have a snake friend, right?”
Deuce and Ace looked to you at the same time, watching as you opened your mouth to bite a now unconscious Riddle. You paused, locking eyes with them, then closed your mouth and instead let go of Riddle, carefully laying him on the ground.
“Thank you for not eating him, Y/N.”
“I dunno, Deuce, I kinda think they should have.”
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The best kept secret of NRC is the vow of silence everyone is Heartslabyul was sworn to about how Riddle was defeated. The worst kept secret, though, is how Leona was defeated.
No, you hadn’t really talked to Jack before your investigation into the mysterious accidents right before the spelldrive tournament, but he became a close ally near overnight. Unfortunately, that overnight happened to be the one before the morning Leona overblotted.
Jack looked worriedly between you, the braincell duo, Ruggie, Leona, and Riddle. He needed to find out where to prioritize his needs - you’re built strong, but do you need protecting? Where is he needed most right now?
It’s when you lunge toward Ruggie to get him away from Leona’s grasp that he jumps to action, scooping up Riddle just as his signature spell on Leona fails. He manages to pull him out of danger, and before Riddle can reprimand him, he pulls him back to the ground to avoid a fireball.
He turns to see you trying to throw a spelldrive disc at Leona’s head. Seriously, this is the one who defeated an overblot?
He’s dumbfounded when it works though, and Leona passes out from the hit. Jesus, do you eat steroids for breakfast? Is Leona just that weak?
And he really doesn’t know what to do when you pick up a black gem and lick it. What the fuck is wrong with you. He does a double take when you eye Leona with what he can only describe as hunger.
Jack isn’t sure what he’s doing when he walks over to you, quietly whispering in your ear, “Please don’t eat him, he’s a prince.”
He’s more than happy to find out that you’re actually really cool, though. The more he sees of you afterward, the more he finds himself warming up to you. It seems like you sneak into Savanaclaw just to take naps in the sand, or to cheer him on when he does his morning laps. He appreciates all the little doodles you bring him of animals. Birds, cats, mice, and dogs, mostly, with the occasional giraffe or fish. He keeps them in his binder to look at when he’s feeling sad.
He first sees your snake form when Azul overblots. At first glance he misses you - there’s a lot of skinny long things waving about. But when he counts how many eel merfolk there are in the fight, he notices there’s too many. Or at least, he thinks so.
That’s when it clicked with him. He watched as your scaled body wrapped around Azul’s middle and you tried trapping his arms down, hissing and glaring at him as he writhed in your grasp. It seemed an octopus wasn’t ideal prey.
“Yamakagashi-chan! Bite him!”
Jack’s eyes went wide, “DO NOT BITE HIM.”
“Don’t worry, Jack-kun, Azul himself is venomous. It’s unlikely this will kill him.”
Suddenly, it seemed Azul’s mood shifted from angry to scared, and in an instant he shrunk down to his normal humanoid size, the blot leaving him.
Man, you really had a way or ending fights quick, huh?
“Do you think he tastes like Takoyaki?”
“I KNOW he tastes like Takoyaki~ I used to chomp on his tentacles all the time when we were younger.”
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You aren’t ever on Epel’s radar until you’re on Rook’s, because he won’t shut the fuck up about you and it’s really starting to freak him out.
“Ah, the Règle de forme seems to be enjoying some minced meat pie today, how fascinating, how exquisite!”
Epel let’s out a huff before excusing himself from the table to walk up to where you sit, surrounded by your idiots.
“Excuse me? You’re the- uh, Rook called you the Règle de forme? You fought the overblots, right?”
Your eyes flick over him before leaning back in your seat, “I suppose I am. Did you need something?”
“O-oh! Well, uh, I just wanted to tell you that Vice housewarden Rook has been…uh, hunting you? He does that a lot, but it’s definitely getting uncomfortable so I wanted to tell you in advance of him doing something stupid.”
The easy smile on your face as you lean back forward, head resting on your hand tells him that maybe he shouldn’t have been concerned.
“Will you protect me from him, then?” Epel’s eyes widened as you laughed, “you’re quite adept at spelldrive, surely you can handle this as well, can’t you?”
Epel let the soft boy look on his face drop and he gave a little evil grin, “Yer darn tootin’ I can!”
He watched as you raised an eyebrow before patting the empty seat next to yourself, “Take a seat, cowboy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a royal retainer.”
Epel first sees your snake form on accident. After a long week at college you had disappeared into the woods to ‘blow off steam’, but you hadn’t come back for a few hours, and coincidentally, Rook also disappeared.
So in his nervousness, he ventured into the woods himself to find you.
It wasn’t long until he was lost - he would never admit he was, but he didn’t know the area as well as he knew home, okay? - and heard someone calling his name.
He assumed it was you, and called back, “hello?” He took a tentative step off the trail, “Y/N? Is that you?”
What he didn’t expect was to be met with glowing yellow eyes, large teeth, and a snarl from a creature pouncing on top of him. It’s matted black and brown and grey fur stunk of moss and rot, it’s slobber dripped on his shirt and caused it to sizzle and burn like acid.
He tried to scream, but the wind was knocked out of him from the beast before him. He felt his head growing dizzy and silently wrote his will.
Then the weight was gone, and a hiss cut through the pounding in his ears.
Now atop of him laid a cold, scaly body, and even farther away was you, biting down on the creature and -
And you ate it.
How you managed to move afterward was unclear to him, but it was clear you were very tired and pretty angry as you slithered back to him.
Your eyes seemed clouded as you hissed out “mine. Nobody else gets my prey, just me.” But the daze seemed to pass when you made eye contact.
Your body slithered off him and he heard bones cracking as you transformed back to your human form. There was a pause of him staring at the sky and you panting before you walked over and offered to help him up.
“On your feet, retainer. It’s time we get back, isn’t it?”
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Sebek only ever saw you as a threat to his Lord and Savior Malleus Draconia, Crown Prince of Briar Valley, and as a result made sure to steer clear of you.
He did, however, have one interaction with you.
It was late at night just after Equestrian Club called it a day when you strolled up, on two feet, but scaly and looking distinctly non-human.
“You.” You said, staring at him, “Sebek Zigvolt, aren’t you?”
“That is correct.” He said firmly, almost aggressively, “And you’re the snake of the school, yes?”
“That is correct,” you mirrored, lisp sliding into your voice, “I require help. You attend to a dragon, don’t you?”
“I do more than simply attend to Lord Malleus! I protect him with my life!” He cried indignantly.
You simply hummed, looking tired, “Do you know a remedy for insatiable hunger, half-fae?”
He stared, trying to decide between terror and feeling affronted. He settled on being helpful. “I do. I will get the recipe from Master Lilia, and bring you a copy.”
Your lidded stare made him feel uneasy before you just smiled, nodded, and began to move away, “That would be appreciated. Meet me at the ramshackle dorm. I don’t believe I should be around many people for a while.”
He watched as you walked away with all the grace of a sea-legged pirate, then began to internally freak out.
In the end, he did get the potion recipe from Lilia, and simply knocked on the door of the ramshackle dorm to make sure you were there, then slid it under the door when you hissed a reply to do so.
He still feels queasy thinking of it.
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Y/n's a witch and Harry's her soulmate
lanfvksbkvjbs I hope you guys like it because I poured my whole soul into this!!!! I wanted it to be over 10k but I felt like I was just dragging it on and the ending isn't great but it's ok.
I switch between present and past tense without meaning too- oops :)
wordcount: 9911
warnings: uhhh, swearing, google translated latin :) catcalling and unwanted male attention (with a bad witch moment... see what i did there😏), a little bit of violence, very lightly edited lmao
She didn’t quite understand what was going on. Was this another witch? No, she would have felt that energy differently. So he had to be a mortal. But why did it feel like she had just been set on fire in the best way possible.
“Thank you…” He muttered, eyes glazed over. “M’Harry, by the way.”
What a magical name, she thought.
Harry walks into Y/n’s shop one day, sees the brooms sweeping by themselves and gets a little curious.
“Althea, get your claws out of there. You’re gonna get hair in the muffins!” Y/n shrieked, quickly shooing the troublesome feline away from the open bowl of batter sat atop the counter. The cat just meowed at her, unbothered by her person's shrieking. Thea was quite the diva. She couldn’t give a flying fuck even if she tried.
“Oh Stars, look what you’ve done!” Y/n continued, cleaning up the trail of paw prints left in the flour on the table. “How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of the kitchen when I’m baking Thea! Why don’t you ever listen!”
Y/n has been a little strung up lately. That’s probably the understatement of the century. Maybe if she hadn’t been put in charge of the shop for the first time by herself while her mother went to gather supplies and place orders for said shop, she wouldn’t be so stressed. She’s only 22 years into her eternal lifetime. She’s yet to learn the virtue of patience, her mind never ceasing to run with ideas and thoughts and feelings.
Her mother always griped about how she needed to take a deep breath and let go of the tension in her shoulders because now that she had stopped ageing- she had all the time in the world (literally) to do everything she was worried about. Y/n would argue that she’s not worried so much as eager. She’s just very excitable.
“Why do I even bother yelling at you anymore.” Y/n grumbled, flicking her wrist in the direction of the broom closet. The broom and dustpan came floating out and got to work sweeping up the bits of flower seeds and petals that had dropped off the table instead of into the mortar like she had planned.
Y/n’s never been known for her cleanliness.
Out of the blue, the hair on the back of her neck and arms stood at full attention, a warm shiver shooting down her spine. What the hell? She thought to herself. Thea didn’t seem bothered by whatever energy was coming closer so she knew it wasn’t any danger, but it was something. Y/n flicked her wrist once more, quickly sending the broom away and going to hide behind a wall where whoever this was couldn’t see her.
The little bells above the door chimed, alerting anyone inside that someone had just arrived. In walked, who Y/n thought to be, the most beautiful boy she thinks she’s ever seen. Chestnut curls shielded by a knit beanie, sea glass eyes, broad shoulders, a kind smile on his face. He looked as ethereal as she was.
She felt the earth shift under her feet, her heart speeding up slightly in his presence. He was magnificent, she thought. The shiver she felt was steadfast and unchanging, finding a home in the goosebumps covering her whole body. She had never felt like this before.
The witch watched from behind the wall as the man gazed about the shop, his hands rested behind his back. In a pair of black jeans with a rip in the knee and a white tee shirt with a cardigan thrown over it, he shuffled about.
Y/n took a deep breath, collecting herself before making her presence known. She walked out from behind the wall, stepping behind the main checkout counter and clearing her throat lightly.
“Welcome in! I’m Y/n, let me know if you need any help!” She said, trying not to cringe at how scripted that sounded.
His head popped up, eyes connecting with hers and that’s when they both felt the energy in the room grow. Thea came sauntering out of the kitchen area in the back, Y/n made a mental note to check the muffin batter for cat hair later, no doubt at the electrical charge of the room.
She didn’t quite understand what was going on. Was this another witch? No, she would have felt that energy differently. So he had to be a mortal. But why did it feel like she had just been set on fire in the best way possible.
“Thank you…” He muttered, eyes glazed over. “M’Harry, by the way.”
What a magical name, she thought.
There was a pause, where neither of them wanted to move, in fear of this moment passing and never getting to feel like this ever again.
It felt like having a picnic on a warm summer day, where it’s not too hot but just right. It felt like the first breath of fresh Spring air, like hearing a baby giggle. She felt fuzzy and warm. Like she was wrapped in a hug. Y/n felt… peaceful. She felt all of her anxiety about the shop melt away, as if it had never been there.
Harry smiled at her, a pink tinge coating his skin, and pulled his eyes away (he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by staring), continuing on with his peruse of the shop. He had no idea why he was here, truly. Didn’t realize where he was until he pushed through the door. He doesn’t even know what any of this stuff is, he’s just looking so it seems like he knows what he’s doing.
He felt something brush his ankle, looking down and seeing a fluffy snow white cat with striking green eyes (just like his!), and cooed at her.
“Is it alright if I pet her?” He asked, looking back up at Y/n. He would take any chance he got to look at her. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. With her shiny hair and kind eyes, a smile that made you want to hug her. She looked so welcoming. He felt… oddly peaceful.
“Yeah of course! She’s my little attention whore, aren’t you Thea?” Y/n giggled and Harry thought his heart would stop right there. Her little giggle was the most glorious sound he’d ever heard, he decided.
She got up from her little stool behind the counter and floated over to him, using her cat as an excuse to get closer. She just couldn’t figure out why she had such a pull to him. It didn’t make sense to her. Maybe he was a witch and was just masking his energy really well, maybe he was some sort of other creature, or maybe… no, that can’t be it.
Maybe… he’s her Flame. Her Twin Flame… Her Soulmate.
No. There’s no way. It’s so rare for witches to find their flames. And especially at such a young age. Y/n’s parents didn’t find each other for almost 75 years, and here she is at just 22, stumbling upon some magical happenstance where her Flame just saunters into her family’s shop.
Harry scratched behind Thea’s ear, a motor-like pur erupting from her little belly. She nuzzled into his touch, and then sprung up onto his shoulder from the table, startling the man. Y/n giggled at the look on his face, reaching up to scratch just above Thea’s tail, her favorite spot.
“She does that when she likes someone.” Y/n explained. A blush appeared on his face at this.
She likes him.
“So was there anything in particular you were looking for?” Y/n continued, hoping to make more conversation with him. Her fingers are buzzing, wanting to reach out and hold his hand or touch his arm, anyway she can get her hands on him really, but she knows that would be inappropriate so she refrains (however difficult it may be).
Harry was in the same boat. He felt the need to wrap her up in his embrace and never let her go. It was the strangest thing he thinks he’s ever felt.
“Honestly, no. I don’t really know what any of this stuff is… I didn’t even realize when I walked in but I didn’t want to look like a psycho just walking in and out of shops randomly.” A shy smile displays on his features.
Y/n chuckled. This furthers her hunch that he is, in fact, her Flame. Getting a random urge to come in here could only mean that the invisible string tying them together was leading him to her. Pulling them closer and closer everyday until this very moment, when they were fated to meet. Written in the stars to know each other, whether that be for love or friendship only time would tell.
She really hopes it’s love.
“Ok… We’re kind of just a general shop. We carry crystals, herbs, spices, oils, candles, and my mother does a lot of crafts, so we sell those here too.” Y/n went on to explain, Harry’s eyes flitted around to all the things she mentioned. He saw glittering crystals, by themselves but also made into jewelry like rings and necklaces, he saw bundles of different flowers and vials of liquids he assumed were the oils she mentioned.
“What is all this stuff for?” He questioned. He had never heard of anyone suddenly needing Oxeye Daisies or black onyx crystals, but he’d never been one to judge.
Y/n paused, thinking of the best way to explain everything. Practising “witchcraft” wasn’t an unusual topic to humans, but they didn’t know that witches with magic that was (semi-inaccurately) portrayed in movies and tv shows actually existed.
“Uhm, anything in the shop can be used for a number of things. Apothecary, gardening, herbal remedies, manifestation.” She explained. He nodded along with her words, doing his best to focus on what she was saying rather than just her. His body was tingling the closer she stood. He never wanted this feeling to go away.
Whatever this feeling was.
Harry looked around, his sights landing on a shelf full of colorful candles. His eyes lit up, trotting over to them, picking up one that was a light lavender color. He didn’t know he was drawn to this one in particular, but something had pulled him to grab it. Something was telling him to buy it, bring it home, and burn it on his bedside table, right next to his head every night.
It was Y/n’s favorite color.
The girl's cheeks burnt when she realized this was the one he had picked out. The occurrence might seem random to anyone passing by, anyone who didn’t know two halves of a soul had just been reunited with one another after being apart for however many years. But Y/n knew, and hopefully Harry would know soon.
She didn’t want to scare him though. He would think she was crazy. Imagine a random stranger that you’ve never seen before in your entire life tells you that you’re meant to spend the rest of your life together. He would run away screaming.
So she has to start slow.
“Think I might get a few candles…” Harry trails off, looking around at all the different shapes and sizes of colored wax sitting before him. Y/n smiles at this and nods, letting him know she’ll be at the counter if he needs anything.
Please need something, she hopes to herself.
He didn’t end up needing anything, but he ended up purchasing 3 candles, all of them being that same lavender color.
* .
. * .
It was a few weeks later when Y/n felt a familiar tingle run down her spine. Harry must be near, she thought.
She had spent the last fortnight and then some moping about the shop and her flat, hoping her Flame would turn up again. Her mother, Asteria, had been ecstatic when she heard that her daughter had found her Flame, and empathised with her pain, understanding that he was a mortal and it was difficult to form bonds with them quickly. The woman always found it interesting how the most indefinite creatures took the longest to form their bonds. But then she remembered they had no knowledge of Twin Souls and often settled for one not fated to them.
“Mama, he’s close. I can feel him!” Y/n cried, tidying her appearance in the reflection of the window. She hopes to the Stars that he’s coming to see her and not just passing through.
Waving away the brooms fluttering around the shop, she busies herself restocking shelves. Asteria had just finished a new batch of candles that needed shelving. The mother had been trying new recipes lately and was excited to see how they would fare.
Y/n almost misses the little chime of the bells signaling that someone has just entered. If it weren’t for the energy in the room skyrocketing and all the hair in her body standing at attention, she wouldn’t have noticed it at all. Turning, her gaze falls upon a familiar set of sea glass eyes and chestnut curls that have enchanted her mind every passing second since the first time they met. She tried her damndest to hide her grin, but had to turn away so he wouldn’t be able to see it.
Harry looked around the shop before his gaze fell upon the girl he hadn’t stopped dreaming about since he last was here. There she stood, back turned to him, with her shiny hair and adorable outfit. In a lavender colored sundress, hair pulled back by a white scarf, she fussed about the candle shelf that Harry had searched the last time he came.
Everytime he burned that candle, he thought of the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about the different items in the shop and how she smiled at him when he asked her a question.
Harry had never been one to jump into things quickly. He was the kind of guy that liked to get a feel for a situation before he really dived into it. But there was something about this girl that made him want to jump in head first, fearless. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her, daydreaming about little scenarios that he wished would happen between them.
He knows he sounds crazy, but he has a crush on her. And he’d only met her once! That is so not like him at all.
Y/n turned once again, sure that she had calmed the burning in her cheeks, greeting Harry as if she hadn’t thought of him in weeks.
“Welcome in,” she says, wondering if it would be weird to him if she remembered who he was, she decided she doesn’t care, “Oh, hi Harry!”
“Hello Y/n!” He smiles. Y/n felt her heart stutter in her chest when her name fell from his lips. As if she was floating (she had to check to make sure she actually wasn’t), she followed the sound of his voice, going to stand before him. Her first instinct was to hug him, and she was very sad that she had to stop herself.
“What brings you back?” She asked, itching to reach out and hold his hand. His gaze flits around for a few seconds before landing back on her face, a rose tint now on his cheeks.
“I- uh, I don’t really know. I just felt like I needed to come back…” He stuttered. A smile graced her lips, causing an identical one to grow on his own. Asteria watched from behind the counter, beaming at the couple.
“Y/n dear, who’s this?” The witch called. Y/n snapped out of her love-drunk haze, looking to her mother.
“Mama, this is Harry. He came in a few weeks ago while you were away.” She answered, giving her a look that said “please don’t say anything.” Asteria had a tendency to butt into her daughter's life, and Y/n needed to figure this out on her own.
Thea came flouncing out from whichever corner she had burrowed herself into and nosed at Harry’s feet before launching herself onto Y/n’s shoulder and staring at Harry from her new height advantage.
“Well look at you Thea, sittin’ all pretty up there!” Harry reached out to scratch behind her ears. Thea began purring loudly, louder than she did when Y/n petted her (Y/n did her best not to roll her eyes at her attention whore cat). The one thing the girl loved about this was now she had a reason to step closer to the boy before her. He smelled like citrus and woods, with a hint of weed (she’s not judging, she just wouldn’t peg him for a stoner so it’s a little surprising). She let it take over her senses until all she could think about was HaryHaryHary, having to stop herself from purring just like the cat.
“Well, whatever led you back here, it’s nice to see you again!” She blushed, deciding to let her affection for him shine through lightly. Y/n realized she didn’t really want to waste time dancing around mortal niceties. She didn’t want to scare him off but she wouldn’t feign disinterest. The witch wanted to make it clear she was smitten with him. So this was her way of starting slow, letting her blushes be seen, maybe resting a gentle hand on his bicep if he says something that makes her laugh, letting her longing gazes be caught before she looks away.
Like she said before, she’s going to start slow.
“I am too…” Harry wondered if maybe she felt the things he was feeling too. If she couldn’t stop thinking about him the way he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wondered if it would be weird to ask her out. See if she wanted to get dinner with him, or have a picnic in a park on a sunny afternoon while he stared, as uncreepily as he could, at her bright smile and star-stricken eyes.
Very quickly, like it almost didn’t happen, Y/n saw a blush pink haze surrounding the boy. He was feeling love. The heat in her cheeks rose, fluttering of her heart increasing.
Now she knew for sure, he was her soulmate for love- not friendship. Thank the Stars!
* .
. * .
The next few weeks, Harry would come in every few days just to see Y/n. After realizing that she might be feeling the way he was, he wanted to make it clear to her that he was smitten. So he’d come in after he got done with whatever he’d been doing that day, bring her flowers or a blue-raspberry red bull italian soda (he saw her drinking one one day when he came by) and they would talk and sometimes he’d bring food if it was late and they would eat at the counter in the back kitchen. It became a routine, and he started showing up almost everyday. On slower days, she would close up early, so as not to have a single distraction from her Flame.
The two would talk about the most obscure things, not giving a rat if others heard them cackling at each other's jokes and misspeakings (Y/n stumbled over her words quite a bit when she was tired, he came to realize. He thought it was adorable).
In return for the beautiful flowers and the delicious drinks he’d bring her, Y/n would give him little spell jars or charmed items to make his life easier. He didn’t know they were spelled or charmed, but he thought it was cute how she gave him a lavender colored pen and told him he would think of her every time he wrote anything down (she had charmed it to always spell things correctly) or a little jar filled with lavender and chamomile buds, a few drops of lavender oil and a small amethyst crystal sealed in white wax to help quell the anxiety he’d been feeling with his job lately.
He appreciated them more than any material thing she could have purchased for him. He liked that she wanted him to think about her or that she wanted to do away with his ailments. He came in with a cold once and she spent the better part of an hour fussing over him, telling him all these little tricks to clear his sinuses and giving him different blends of herbs and spices that should clear this up in no time! He thought she was very adorable, worrying over a little cold and wanting to make him better.
Harry found that each time he left her, the force that pulled him to her grew stronger. He wanted to be in her presence more and more every time he walked out the door of the shop. The boy still didn’t really understand what it was about her, but he’s long since stopped asking questions and was just rolling with the punches.
Speaking of things Y/n did that Harry thought was cute- the things she said enamoured him, rendered him so speechless sometimes all he could do was sit there and look at her, (ironically) wondering what magical force brought her to him. He had no idea that the Universe herself was the one who chose his favorite girl.
“Oh Stars Thea! Get out of the nettle! It makes you sneeze, silly cat!”
“Stars forbid you ever listen to me, mother.”
“Althea Rose get your furry ass away from that hot wax before I feed you to the hellhounds!”
He loved how she was always saying Stars where he would normally say Jesus Christ. He never was one to be into religion but it was just something people around him said.
As the weeks went by, they began to sit closer and closer to each other. What started as across the table from one another, began to turn into her at the head and him on the corner next to her, then both of them sitting on one side but a bit of space between them, and then side by side, thighs touching, on the bench seat. Eventually, Y/n would lay one of her legs over his and he would rest his hand innocently on her skin, his thumb absentmindedly brushing back and forth, tapping his fingers to an imaginary beat as she told him a story about a kooky customer that came in.
That was another thing he loved that she said a lot: kooky.
Their goodbyes had grown more and more affectionate over time as well. From a little wave and a shy smile to a little hug, to a bear hug with a kiss on the temple from Harry.
Things were moving very swimmingly. Y/n was happy with the progress the two had made in getting to know each other. She had learned that he worked at a marketing firm but his passion was music, that he was in a band when he was in high school, and he’s from a village in Manchester.
Harry learned that Y/n has a degree in herbology and really likes the woods, and the show The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (despite the inaccurate depiction of witches, she thinks the characters are pretty).
Y/n has been trying to figure out the best way to tell Harry about her… lifestyle. It’s going to be a big shift in his reality and she worries that she’s going to overwhelm him. Her parents didn’t have this problem because they were both witches, but she had been fated to a mortal, which she’s not complaining about because loves Harry and all his human afflictions (loves!), but it’s quite a task keeping him in the dark until she’s ready to shed light on everything.
Especially on a day like today.
Her mother is out again, leaving her in charge of the store, again! And as previously mentioned, Y/n gets a little strung up when she’s left in charge. She’s forgetful, her mind flying all over the place. Her messiness gets worse, leaving different things all over the place (she somehow left a grimoire in the refrigerator at home), losing things… Basically, Y/n’s not doing so hot at the moment.
A busy spell had just finished, she had like 7 different customers in at once, all of them needing her for different things and all the chamomile and lavender oil rubbed behind her ear in the world couldn’t calm the anxiety flowing through her at the moment. She’d been so strung up that she hadn’t noticed the warm golden shiver running down her spine or all the hair on her body raising to attention or the jingle of the bells on the door when Harry walked in.
Walked in to see… the brooms sweeping up by themselves? And different pots and pans flying back into place… with no one carrying them. And Y/n muttering words he didn’t understand while her fingers wiggled, making the pestle inside what he learned to be called a mortar, moving by itself.
To say the least, Harry was very confused. And a little scared. Was he dreaming? Did today even happen? Was he still at home lying in bed?
The only thing that makes him realize he’s not is the shriek Y/n let’s out when she sees him standing frozen in the doorway, eyebrows pulled together in confusion (and a little bit of terror), mouth agape like he wanted to say something but didn’t know where to start. All at once, every moving item ceased and dropped, including the pots and pans which made a very loud noise, scaring Thea so much that she did the loud “meow!” that you only hear cats do in movies, and Y/n let out a quiet“Shit!”
“Harry…” She muttered, standing up slowly and treading towards him.
“Um… Y/n. What- what the fuck… was all of that?” He stuttered, and she continued to walk to him.
“Love, why don’t we go sit down and I’ll explain everything to you!” Y/n said slowly. She had taken to calling him Love lately, not being able to stop herself. They had yet to really “confess their feelings” to the other, but it was like a silent thing that no one said but they both just knew. So the name didn’t surprise him. Actually in the midst of all this craziness (and how his whole world had just seemed to be flipped in a matter of 5 seconds) he was clinging to the familiarity of the pet name.
He nodded, his eyes glazing over as he tried to wrap his head around what he was seeing. Y/n waved her wrist, everything that had dropped seeming to come to life again and be put back into their rightful places. Harry stared in amazement. Seeing it for the second time really drove the nail into the coffin that holy shit this is really happening…
They sat down side by side on the bench where they normally did but Y/n didn’t put her leg over his like they had grown used to. She missed the contact but figured a little space while she explained everything would be best for her Flame. Harry didn’t agree and tugged her closer to him. She didn’t fight it.
“Ok,” She sighed, cracking her knuckles as she took a deep breath, “Harry… my darling Harry. I need you to keep an open mind while I tell you all of this ok? It’s gonna be a lot for you to take in and I don’t want you to get a headache.” He nodded, and she took his hands in her own, running her thumb over his palm and channeling positive energy between the two of them. She saw Harry relax a little, letting her know it worked. He was ready (as ready as he could be) to hear what she had to say.
“Love, I’m a witch.” She says, letting it sink in for a moment. Harry doesn’t say anything for a moment. Y/n wonders if he’s even breathing. The strong pulse thumping in his wrist is a steady reminder that he’s ok, just shocked. (Very, very shocked).
“I come from a very long line of very powerful witches. I have magic, kind of like you see in movies and tv shows except I don’t worship the devil or eat children. None of us do. We’re usually very gentle creatures, unless we’re put in danger. Witches don’t use magic to hurt others, quite the opposite actually.”
“So… you cast spells and stuff?” He asks quietly. She breathes a laugh through her nose, nodding her head, continuing to channel him by rubbing her thumbs over his palms.
“I do, that’s what you saw me doing at the counter. I was actually strengthening the anti-anxiety jar I gave you a few weeks ago, because you told me you had a big project coming up and I didn’t want you to get too stressed out.” The girl said.
Harry couldn’t really focus on one thing for too long, letting his gaze flit around the kitchen area. He felt oddly… calm.
“Why do I feel so calm right now? I feel like I should be freaking out a little bit more than I am…” He voiced, finally looking into her eyes.
“I’m channeling you… look.” She said, pointing her gaze to their hands. He sees her thumbs rubbing gentle circles into his palms and looks back into her eyes.
“You’re casting a spell on me right now?” Harry wonders out loud.
“Channeling isn’t necessarily a spell, I’m just focusing and directing positive energy onto you right now, to help keep you calm. Like I said, I don’t want you to get a headache or pass out on me. I can stop if you want me to though!” She added quickly at the end but he shook his head.
“No, don’t stop…” He almost cried, pulling her closer to him.
“Ok, I won’t. It’s ok!” She shushed him, letting one of her hands float to his cheek, brushing over his cheek bone and pushing a fallen curl out of his eyes, before her hand found his again.
“Was it a spell that made me want to come in here that first day?”
“No baby, that’s actually a little different. This might be a little much so you gotta bear with me ok?” She explained and he nodded, heaving out a heavy breath.
A beat of silence passes and Y/n lets her eyes lock with his.
“We’re Twin Flames… or what you would know as Soulmates. We were fated to be together. That’s why you felt a pull to come in here. We were… destined… to meet each other.”
Harry doesn’t say anything and Y/n feels like her heart is about to beat out of her chest. She knew he was going to find out someday, but really didn’t expect that day to be this one. This crazy long day where everything had seemed to just bubble over and explode. She should have known something was going to happen when this morning, the flame on the candle she had lit for Harry on her altar was taller than it ever had been. She had written it off to him just thinking about her or something (if this was the case, it would be to the ceiling all day everyday because he never stops thinking about her), but she should have known. And now, here she was, terrified that Harry was going to walk away from her. She would understand if he did, it’s a lot to take in, and having your whole world flipped on its head is a bit much.
It would still break her heart though.
“So… this is normal?” Harry broke his silence.
“Is what normal?”
“That I want to be around you all the time? That I think about you all the time? What I’m feeling is normal?”
Y/n’s face softens. He’s so cute, she thinks. She could just wrap him up in a little bow and keep him all to herself for the rest of time.
“Yes, baby. It’s normal! I’ve been feeling the same things as you ever since we first met!” Harry’s mind is a little clearer now, so he picks up on the new pet name. Baby. He likes it, he decides.
“You feel this way too?” He looks like a little puppy right now, Y/n could just cry. She nodded her head, scooting impossibly closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. It seemed now that he was even calmer than he had been before, even without her channeling. She stopped for a second to test his reaction and he was ok. He didn’t tense up, eyes didn’t well in tears, didn’t lose consciousness. So she moved her hands to cup his cheeks now, feeling him lean into her touch.
“You’ve been the only thing on my mind since before you even walked through the door that first day. You’re in my dreams every night, I see you every time I close my eyes, I’m completely taken with everything you do.” Y/n confesses, feeling a weight lift off her chest.
“I know it seems fast to you, as a mortal. Your kind usually takes this kind of thing slowly, really learns a person before you become vulnerable. Out of fear for being judged or whatever it might be, but I would never judge you. I want you to know it’s ok to let your guard down with me. Whatever you're comfortable with! I don’t want to overwhelm you in any way, and I know all of this is so so much to take in. I just want what’s best for you, my Love.”
It’s not lost on Harry that she adds my before Love. He feels his heart flutter.
“I’m taken with everything you do too. Absolutely everything.” He whispers, if he speaks too loudly the moment might be lost.
They stare into each other's eyes, feeling the energy in the room grow. Flames from the lit candles around the room grow tenfold, reflecting the rising energy. Harry has half a mind to break his gaze from the girl before him, seeing the tall flames before bringing his eyes back to hers. He sees her gaze drop to his lips repeatedly. He doesn’t think she even realizes that she’s leaning in to him, but he’s not going to stop her.
When she’s so close he can feel her breath fanning over his face, she pauses, looking back up to his eyes, silently asking for permission. With her hands still cupping his cheeks gently, she closes the distance between them, pressing her lips delicately to his. Harry places his hands in two places: her waist and her neck. He pulls her in closer, pressing their lips together more firmly. A wildfire spreads from head to toe on both of them. It seems as though time has paused for this very moment, and again the earth shifts. A piece of the universe has just been restored, two halves of a soul reunited.
Harry’s fingertips send sparks flowing down her spine, she hums against his lips. The kiss is simple, just two people getting to know each other, learning the other's body, but it’s long. It’s not just one peck. Harry presses his lips against hers multiple times, slotting her bottom between both of his.
When Y/n pulls back to catch her breath, Harry chases after her, not ready to end this moment yet. She chuckles and grants him a few more kisses until she really is about to pass out because she needs to breathe. Pushing him gently, she breaks the kiss and rests her forehead against his, keeping her eyes closed.
She so badly wants to let the three words sitting on the tip of her tongue go, but doesn’t want to overwhelm him with too much all at once.
“Do you feel that?” He whispers, pulling her to sit astride his lap. She moves pliantly, letting him take control of the situation.
The air feels charged, thick, like it should be hard to breath but it flows, smooth as water, into their lungs.
Y/n’s head feels heavy, like she’s high on every drug there ever was, her mind fuzzy, unable to think outside of this moment. Outside of this little wrinkle in time where Harry is the only other thing that exists.
“Yeah,” She whispers back, reconnecting their lips, slotting them together over and over until their lips are puffy and red. Harry slides his hands around her waist, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her flush against him, not even a slip of paper would fit.
Pulling away, Harry heaves in a deep breath, squeezing Y/n’s hips.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long…” He says, nudging his nose against hers. She smiles, letting his affections wash over her, warming her eternal soul.
“This doesn’t freak you out?”
“Oh, I’m so freaked out but I'm kind of just going with it, living in the ambiguity and all that shit.” He heaves a laugh through his nose, pressing kisses to her cheek and down her neck, smoothing his hands up and down her back.
This was the best possible outcome of the situation, if Y/n had to be honest. It could have gone so many ways. Harry being freaked out but rolling with it… she’ll take it.
“How about we make dinner and you can ask me any questions you have?” She suggested and he nodded.
So they did just that. But Y/n closed the shop early and they went back to her place. Hand in hand they walked the few blocks, side glaces of reassurance and little squeezes of the hand, letting the other know they were there, and they weren’t going anywhere, with Thea in her little travel backpack (that she was absolutely in love with surprisingly).
They came upon an unsuspecting alleyway. Harry thought they were just passing through as a shortcut but Y/n stopped walking in the middle of a blank brick wall and muttered a few words she didn’t understand while waving her hands. He started to realize maybe this wasn’t just a shortcut.
Before his eyes, a door appeared. His brows shot up in surprise (he’s gonna get worry lines on his forehead if he doesn’t stop doing that, he realizes). Y/n looked over her shoulder at him, trying to hide a smirk but the look on his face was too good.
“Pretty wicked huh?” Harry didn't say anything, just chuckled and nodded, following her when she opened the door and a set of stairs appeared. Walking up the dimly lit hallway, they come to another door with the cheeky The Witch Is In sign.
“Cute.” Harry smirks at her and she laughs, opening it and letting him walk through first.
“Make yourself at home! I’ve got records on the shelf over there, you can pick one if you want. I’m just gonna feed Thea and get her all settled and we can get to making dinner.” Y/n explained. Harry ventured off into her living room, seeing the shelf she was talking about and browsing through. There were many different artists from Fleetwood Mac to Taylor Swift to Weezer. He picks out Hozier's self-titled album and puts it on, the beginning of Take Me To Church crackling through the speakers.
“Good choice,” He hears from behind him and smiles, turning around to see the girl he was apparently destined to spend the rest of his life with standing before him.
“Jackie and Wilson has been stuck in my head the last few days so,” He said, sauntering over to her and snaking his arms around her waist.
Taking a look around, he sees many different trinkets and items similar to what was in the shop. A lot of jars filled with different things, candles of all different colors, crystals, a broom (he didn’t realize witches actually had brooms but ok), among other things that he didn’t know the purpose of.
“Wait… how are there windows in here? I didn’t see any outside.” He asked, pulling back from the hug and looking at her.
“Well, there aren’t any windows in the alley. But there’s also a glamour spell on this building so nobody can see my apartment. That’s why you can’t see the door until I do the little thing you saw me do.” She answered. A sheepish smile broke onto his face.
“Oh,” he said and she laughed from her chest, petting a few fallen curls back from his forehead. She could get used to this, she thinks as she stares into his eyes, green as the forest and wide with wonder at everything he’s discovered today.
Who knew the girl he was falling in love with would be a witch… with actual powers.
* .
. * .
“Wait so, if no one can see your front door… how do you get mail?” Harry asked, reaching around Y/n for the salt.
“At the shop,”
“Oh,” He says. She laughs, kissing his cheek and continuing on cutting up veggies for the salad they're making.
“Have you always been able to do magic or was it something you grew into?” Y/n thought back to when she was little, remembering how she struggled to harness her powers for a few years before she started getting the hang of things.
“I always had powers, but imagic isn’t something you just wake up and know how to do so it took a while for me to really settle into and control. Magic is a skill, same as reading and writing, so I had to be taught and I had to work on it. Does that make sense?” She pauses while she explains, looking into his eyes. Harry nods, but his light hearted curious expression turns into one of embarrassment and she doesn’t understand why.
A rosy red color surrounds him, telling her he was feeling… embarrassed? Why did he feel embarrassed?
“Baby? What’s going through your head?” She asks, wanting to help him feel better.
She doesn’t like when he’s feeling anything other than happy!
“I just… I feel like I’m asking you so many questions about all of this stuff and it’s just tough to wrap my head around I guess.” She puts the knife down and sets her hand on his wrist, stopping from what he’s doing. She places her other hand on his shoulder, coaxing him to face her.
“Harry, this is a lot to take in, yeah? It’s not something you can just find out and move on from. It’s gonna take time to process. You’re gonna feel a lot of emotions, and that’s ok! I would be worried if you weren’t feeling a little off, as much as I hate that you’re not feeling 100%.”
She places a series of gentle pecks on his lips, doing her best to soothe him in any way.
“Ask all the questions you want! You don’t have to worry about being judged or saying something wrong, you have a right to be curious.” She feels him relax in her hold which in turn makes her relax.
“Thank you for being patient with me,”
He’ll get used to this, he thinks. He’ll get used to the fact that real witches actually exist, he’ll start to understand the words she mutters when she waves her hands, he’ll get it eventually. But right now, he doesn’t really get it, he’s not really used to it. But she’s worth it. She’s worth more than everything.
“I think you’re the one thing I know how to be patient with,” Again, she wants to mutter those three words on the tip of her tongue, but he’s already been through so much today, she doesn’t want to overwhelm him any more than he already is. So she’ll wait, because one day (hopefully soon) he’ll be ready to hear them.
“Can you do a spell? I kind of want to see how they work…” Harry asks after a moment of them just enjoying the silence that only really comes when two people understand each other.
She chuckles and nods, telling him she will show him a few spells after dinner. He agrees and they go back to making their meal, dancing around each other and laughing just like they always did and it felt good. Felt like this would be ok. Y/n was still scared because he could still decide to leave, that this was too much for him. That she was too much for him.
But for right now, things were ok.
* .
. * .
“Amoris et lux sum ego ipse, et carorum beatum facere potest, per potentiam solem et lunam, ut superius, et inferius.”
(I am love and light, I bring happiness to myself and my loved ones, By the power of the sun and moon, as above, so below)
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever heard anything weirder in his life...and his college roommate freshman year was a conspiracy theorist.
As Y/n spoke the words, she stirred a brew of tea infused with different herbs clockwise. He watched from beside her as she did this, his hand placed on her thigh so that his energy could be used in the spell along with hers.
Before she said the spell, she told him to set an intention and he had no idea what that was so she did a little lesson after reassuring him that his question was valid. (He’s still feeling insecure about not understanding anything she was talking about.) She told him to “close your eyes, take a deep breath, and clear your mind. Think of something you want in life that isn’t material.”
His immediate thought was that he wanted to spread kindness and love in the world (Y/n did her best not to tear up at her Flame’s pure intentions) so she nodded, telling him to think about that and only that, and set her intentions to the same thing so the spell would work. Mixing lavender, rose petals, and chamomile in a large mug, she pours in hot water to steep the herbs and, as previously mentioned, stirs it clockwise (something about clockwise being for manifestation), , rubs her palms together and snaps her fingers, and snuffs out the candles she had lit.
When all is said and finished, Y/n pulls Harry into a sweet kiss, and then has him take a sip of the tea telling him be careful my Love, it’s still hot. He kisses her back, taking a sip of the tea (he’d never been one for lavender things but this was actually really good. He wonders if it has anything to do with the fact that Y/n made it).
“So we just drink this and then what?” He asks, handing her the mug.
“We sacrifice an animal,” She says, not skipping a beat and taking her sip. Harry chokes on his spit, gasping for a breath of air before the girl bursts into a fit of giggles.
“I’m just kidding, baby. That’s it. That’s the whole spell. You just have to honestly believe it for it to work.” She says and he heaves a sigh of relief.
“Don’t joke like that!” He whines, more giggles escaping from Y/n’s throat.
“I’m sorry bub, I won’t do that anymore.” She says, still fighting off laughs. They continue to sip the tea, Y/n telling Harry about different things she did during the day.
Harry looked upon her as if she hung the moon just for him, and was telling him all about how she did it. Without even realizing it, he started to feel warmer and like a buzz was coursing through his veins.
“I feel weird…”
“What do you mean you mean you feel weird?” She voiced, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead and then feeling his pulse. Both were normal.
“I feel warm and like I’m buzzing… Kind of like I’m high…” He explained and she nodded her head, a small sigh of relief escaping her.
“That’s the spell working baby. You’re ok!”
“Oh, ok. It just worried me a little,”
“You’re ok! I want you to tell me when something worries you or feels different or off.” She says, and places a hand on his thigh. Harry agrees and they continue with their conversation.
When they both took their last sips on the tea, they cuddled up on the couch, an incense stick and candle lit on the coffee table.
Y/n sat, manipulating the smoke and flame simultaneously while Harry watched with a wide eyed gaze. She had explained how this was something he would be able to learn if he wanted to, and that she had been practicing for years to be able to do both things at the same time.
“I started when I was… I want to say 5. It’s a simple skill that promotes concentration. You have to stay extremely focused to even manipulate one element at a time. It’s only been these last few years that I’ve been able to concentrate enough to do both.” She explained, taking a break. As much as she loved showing Harry all these different things, it took a lot of energy out of her and it had already been a dreadfully long day.
“How about we go to sleep and I’ll show you more tomorrow? I’m pooped!” Harry hums an agreement, lifting his head from her lap and letting her lead the way to her bedroom.
Light lavender walls adorned with shelves full of plants and different nicknacks, and a desk with more candles, herbs, and other eclectic items sat atop it.
“What is all of this?” He sifts through all the things on the desk, not touching as Y/n had explained to him at some point today, I know you don’t have any ill intent, but a lot of this stuff absorbs other people's energy which can mess up what I use it for, so look and don’t touch. If you want a closer look, I’ll pick it up. There are different colored stones of varied shapes and sizes and many candles. One in particular catches his eyes. A green one with a very tall flame with something carved into the side of it. “What’s up with this green candle?”
“This is my altar, and the green candle is the one I have lit for you. I’m assuming that because you’re here, it’s going a little crazy. Nothing to be afraid of! I’m actually going to put it out since you’re here with me.” She explained quickly, reaching towards the flame with her finger and snuffing it out.
“Wait, you had a candle lit for me?” His eyes rounded, a shy smile coming onto his lips. An identical smile graced her features as she turned to look at him.
“Yeah, I’ve had one lit for you since the day we met. I made a sigil and carved it into the side and keep it lit day and night as an extra layer of protection for you.” She explained. Harry felt his heart melt at this.
She couldn’t get any cuter, he thinks.
A candle lit for him… to keep him safe. That’s adorable.
He leans in and places a gentle kiss on her lips, brushing the little hairs away from her face.
Y/n led him further into her room where her ensuite bathroom was, giving him a tooth brush and letting him know he could shower if he wanted to. When he came back into the room after getting ready, Y/n laid out on the bed in a sports bra and shorts. He just wore his boxers.
Climbing into bed next to her, she cuddled up to him right away, his arm finding a home around her body and her head laid on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“Been dreaming about this moment my whole life,” Y/n mumbled, cheek smushed against his skin, making her look all cute and cuddly. Harry had to hold back a coo at the sentiment.
“Me too Moppet, me too,” He sighed, and they both drifted off into warm, fluffy, dream-like states, wrapped in the safety of each other's arms.
* .
. * .
Walking down the street at night isn’t the best idea for normal women, Y/n had learned over her 22 years of life. But Y/n is not a normal woman. She’s a witch.
And while most women carry their keys between their knuckles and have tasers or pepper spray or mace at the ready, Y/n didn’t really need that. This was one of the only instances where she would use her magic to harm anyone. Like she’d said before- only when she’s put in danger (or someone else around her is put in danger).
So when a prick who reeks of whiskey starts tailing her, she waits for him to take the first blow. Waits for him to get a little too close, so she can turn around and unleash her wrath on him. All the while making it seem like it’s not her doing. Like causing a brink to fall off the roof above her and hit him in the head. She wouldn’t actually do that but a witch could dream.
No, she’ll trip him up without turning around and if he still insists on gaining her attention, she’ll spin around quick, flick her wrist and send him into an unconscious daze and let him sleep off his inebriation on the lovely warmth of the concrete sidewalk.
That’s exactly what she does.
“Hey sweetheart, where you goin’?” He slurs, beginning his trek behind her. She’s unresponsive which leads him to believe she’s playing hard to get because his fragile little man ego can’t fathom that a woman would ignore his attention.
“Oh c’mon baby don’t be like that!” He speeds up, already wobbling but this only serves to make him clumsier.
She does her thing, flicking her wrist in his direction (discreetly) so he trips, but this doesn’t stall him. He reaches out, effectively grabbing her arm. She whips around to face him, cheeks growing red hot with anger. Ripping her arm out of his grasp and twisting his arm around, she gets close to his face.
“Touch me again, I fucking dare you!” She snarls, doesn’t even realize her grip is burning into his flesh- her magic gets a little crazy when she’s mad. Releasing him (tossing his arm away from her in a rough manner), she flicks her wrist once again and mutters a quick “et obliviscere somnum*”, watching him fall to the ground, unconscious. She looked around to see if anyone was watching the scene go down but no one was sober enough to pay attention to some drunk bloke harassing a young woman.
*(forget and sleep)
She shakes off her frustration as she comes to a stop in front of an unfamiliar building. Where her Flame lives.
She had agreed to let him make her dinner at his house, so she packed an overnight back and made her way further into town. He had given her an address and while, yes she did use it, she also let their bond lead her to him. She just kind of knew where to go, it seemed. Harry had expressed that he felt something similar the first time he went into the shop, though he didn’t understand why he wanted to walk in- just felt like he had to.
Making her way up the stairs, she let’s Harry know she’s there, beginning to feel the familiar tingle rush down her spine. She hadn’t seen him for a week and a half since he's been busy with a project at work- a client wasn’t happy with all the work he and a coworker had done so they had to quickly re-do an entire proposal to meet the client's deadline. Needless to say- the little anti-anxiety jar she made him was coming in real handy lately. Y/n had also had him put citrine and amethyst points on his desk while he worked to help him focus and stay calm so he didn’t stress too badly.
She always had a little something to make his life easier, whether it be a stone, or a jar of different things (a spell jar, he’d learned), or whatever it may be- she always had something to help.
When she made it to his floor, he was standing there waiting for her with open arms. She ran to him, jumping into his arms and holding onto him tight.
“I missed you, my wild girl,” He muttered into her neck, spinning her around. Her face flushed without fail, her arms wrapping tighter around him.
“Missed you most,” She sighed, nuzzling into him.
“Don’t think that’s possible.”
She hummed in disagreement while he walked them inside, Y/n still wrapped around him like a koala bear. His house smelled of peach and mango. It’s sweet- just like him. The thought made her smile.
Giving him a big smacking kiss on the cheek, she pulls back to have a look at his face, seeing he’s smiling like an idiot. It warms her heart to see him smile, butterflies breaking out of their cocoons and fluttering about her tummy.
“What’re you smiling for?” She voices, giggling at him.
“M’ happy you’re here,” He sighed, “Don’t like not seeing you.”
“I don’t like not seeing you either,” She frowned, petting his wild curls back and placing little pecks all around his face.
His cheeks flushed at her affection.
Harry set Y/n down on the kitchen counter, standing in between her legs, hands resting on her hips. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers lightly, before slotting them together, fully indulging himself in his girl. She responds immediately, letting her hands rest around his neck.
She will never not be amazed by how soft his lips are. Kissing him feels like floating through clouds, like laying down in bed after a long day on your feet. Kissing him is like the first breath of warm summer air after the longest winter. Kissing him feels like coming home.
Y/n’s heartbeat picks up as the kiss becomes more needy, leaning into him further. Harry pulls her closer, his hands ghosting up the bare skin under her shirt and fiddling with the band of the bralette she’s wearing. A gasp escapes her lips when he pulled the fabric up, letting it snap back to her skin causing a smirk to grow on his face- struggling to keep up with her lips.
He kisses her breathless before pulling away, watching as her eyes flutter open and she heaves air into her lungs, her cheeks flushed and supple.
“Don’t want the food to burn,” He smirks again, hands falling away from her body, moving the pots and pans on the stove around to the counter so he could plate their dinner.
“Asshole,” He hears her mutter.
Harry could get used to this, having Y/n around. Being able to come home to her, make them dinner, make out in the kitchen, fall asleep together. He can’t believe he ever thought he loved anyone before she came along. There was just no way. Y/n came into his life and took over every aspect and now he couldn’t imagine a world without her in it. He hopes to the Stars he doesn’t have to.
Yeah, she’s got him praying to the stars now.
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hopelesshunny · 3 years
the love languages part ii: physical touch (f.w.)
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: fred has always felt the need to touch y/n and after a drunken night he realizes he can't sleep without her.
warnings: very, very light profanity, drinking/underage drinking, kissing, bed sharing.
word count: 2.4k
a/n: my second instalment is here - i did in fact say i would wait until monday but i was really excited to write this one!! i am so grateful for all the love i have received on this series so far, i cannot thank you guys enough. i still feel like i have a ways to go in improving my writing - but as always my ask is open if you have comments, questions, concerns, luv or just wanna chat:)
*all photos are from pinterest*
series masterlist // part i // part iii // part iv
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For as long as Y/N had known Fred he had always been touchy. Fred’s need to constantly touch her was never unwelcomed, she relished in the way he’d wrap an arm around her shoulders when he’d walk her to class or how he’d lean into her when he laughed uncontrollably. However, she had always assumed that he was like this with everyone he was friends with, that he just needed to touch people in some way in order to feel close to them. This was very true but Y/N never knew that it was her touch that he craved the most, that as soon as he saw her, he longed to feel the soft skin of her cheek, the way her shoulders shook when she laughed or the rise and fall of her chest while he laid on her stomach in the common room, gentle sighs leaving her mouth every so often.
Fred couldn’t count on two hands the amount of times he almost told Y/N his feelings for her, the words sat on his tongue so often that he was starting to believe that they felt more comfortable in his mouth which is why they never launched themselves into the air. He didn’t know why he couldn’t force the confession out, there was always just a cloud of doubt and fear that swarmed his mind whenever the thought presented itself. But alas, here he was sitting across from her watching her flip her hair over her shoulder and let out a light laugh as she found whatever George was saying quite amusing.
“Y/N! You have to come, you literally can’t miss a party like this!” George practically shouted, a shocked look on his face.
“I’m so behind on my studies.” Y/N started, resting her chin on her hands. “I’ll be practically chained to the library all weekend as is, I can’t go to a party.”
“Y-You’re not coming tonight?” Fred questioned, his eyes hopeful as if he had heard the conversation wrong.
“Sorry Freddie.” She pouted. “You can tell me all about it at breakfast tomorrow.” At that Fred reached across the table to run his finger across her knuckles, relishing in the way her skin felt under his calloused fingertip, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to how they would feel against his lips. However, he was pulled out of his daydream by the sound of George making gagging noises to the side of him as Y/N giggled.
“In that case I’ll have to drink a little extra.” He threw a wink her way. “To make sure I don’t bore you back to sleep tomorrow morning.”
“You never bore me, Trouble.” She smiled before saying her goodbyes to the rest of the table and making her way to the library. The nickname brought a gentle smile to his face, it was the first thing she’d ever called him. During her first year Y/N had been studying in the common room when the twins busteled in, laughing and hollering about another successful prank. When she asked what they were so excited about, the two boys were more than happy to explain, Fred wildly acting out the look on Snape’s face before George asked her name and introduced himself in response. Before Fred even had the chance to open his mouth to follow suit she stopped him.
“You sound like trouble, that’s what I’ll call you.”
George laughed at his twins new-found nickname but it made Fred’s heart swell - the fact that she had specifically given him a special name, the smile on her face when she said it and the way she never left their side since that day, produced a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. Now, here he was, years later, with the same girl, same nickname, same smile and the same butterflies.
Fred kept his promise to Y/N, he was drunk, very, very drunk. He stumbled through the Gryffindor common room, his feet feeling like they were trying to carry him off in different directions until he finally found an armchair to ground himself with. Plopping himself down into the chair he looked out into the crowd of people, some laughing others whispering, couples hanging off each other, it made him miss Y/N. If she was here she’d be sitting next to him, his arm slung around her shoulder as she giggled over the way he slurred his words and she’d always made sure he got to bed safely before finding her way to her own room. Fred groaned as George sat in the chair across from him, pushing a glass of water towards him, causing his twin to chuckle at his annoyed state.
“At least you’ll have something funny to tell Y/N in the morning.” He laughed. “Tell her all about how your drunk ass could barely walk straight.” Fred leaned his head back on his neck.
“I should go see her.” He spoke quietly, just loud enough to convince himself of the idea but hopefully not loud enough for George to hear. He knew that his drunken state failed him however, when his brother quirked an eyebrow at him.
“And do what? Spill your guts?” George chuckled. “Either by finally telling her you’re bloody in love with her or literally?” This earned another groan from Fred as he shot daggers at him.
“That’s it.” Fred started, chugging the glass of water that was placed in front of him. “I’m going.”
“Best of luck mate.” George spoke as he watched Fred stumble his way through the crowd.
“Where’s he going?” Ron asked, suddenly appearing by his brother's side.
“On a death mission.” George responded.
Fred let out a sigh of relief when he finally made his way out of the common room and began the trek towards her dorm room. But his mind was running rampant, what if George was right? What if he was just better off going to bed? Maybe she wouldn’t want to see him, she was probably tired from studying all night and the last thing she wanted was him keeping her up. But despite his doubts his feet still carried him towards her, the walk was sobering, which he would need if he planned on getting a coherent sentence out when he finally made his way to her.
“Y/N?” He called softly when he opened her room door, trying his very best to keep quiet to not wake her roommates. He recognized her frame immediately, bundled under bed sheets, her hair messy and lips slightly parted. He stood over her, watching the way her chest rose and fell as soft breathes left her mouth. “Y/N.” He spoke again, shoving his hands in his pockets, fearing her reaction to his sudden visit. Her eyes shot open but when they found his, her face softened, a small smile forming.
“You scared me, Trouble.” She laughed lightly. “Are you okay?” She asked, the concern that laced her voice made him have to restrain from kissing every square inch of her face.
“I’m okay, just a little drunk.” He hiccuped, his response earning a bright smile from her as she scooted to the side and patted the bed, signially for him to sit next to her. He graciously accepted her offer, his hand immediately finding her knee, needing to touch her. She leaned into his touch as he slurred on about how Ron tried to flirt with Hermione but failed miserably and how red Harry turned when George dared him to kiss Ginny. Neither of them could remember falling asleep, they were too caught up in each other's whispered stories and soft giggles.
When Fred woke the next morning, his head pounding, his legs feeling as if they had carried him across the entire country, he looked down to find his best friend fast asleep on his chest. Y/N’s arms were wrapped tightly around his middle with his hand tangled in her hair as she shifted slightly on top of him. He felt like he should panic and apologize for last night’s antics but she looked so peaceful and he was so close to her that he couldn’t bring himself to worry about barging into her room at who knows what time.
“Mornin’ Trouble.” She spoke, her voice groggy and flooded with sleep. “How are you feeling?” She asked genuinely, pulling herself from his embrace to stretch her arms above her head, making him curse himself for ever moving and waking her.
“I’ve been much better.” He groaned, sliding his hands down his face. “Guess I don’t have to fill you in on last night's events at breakfast anymore.”
“No, you did a sufficient job of that last night.” She giggled. “But we can still go to breakfast, you need to eat something.” Y/N pulled him out of her bed, still fully clothed in what he was wearing the night before.
He grumbled his way through breakfast as George and Ron cracked jokes about how drunk and lovesick he was, Fred throwing warning looks their way as Y/N laughed seeming unbothered by the way they were pulling her into they’re jokes, taking it all as a way to poke fun at Fred. But his head was still swimming, the feeling of her weight on top of him and her hands pressed against his chest, all he wanted was to be back in that position again. He couldn’t get it out of his head for the rest of the day and no matter how many times he attempted to distract himself from her that night as he lied in bed his mind kept travelling back to Y/N. He lay awake staring at the ceiling thinking about how empty his arms felt without her in them - she was addicting, he had always known that, since the moment he met her he had not been able to pull himself away from her. But now he was in too deep, he needed to be there with her.
So, here he was, in his pyjamas, on his way to her dorm room once again, all shame and guilt left long behind, just needing to be near her. Fred padded into her room, his hands rooted in his pockets once again, fully expecting to have to wake her just as he did the night before. But she was wide awake, sitting on her bed, a novel clasped in her fingers, a smile forming on her face when he came into her line of vision.
“Did you miss me?” She teased, as he ran a hand through his hair, rocking on his heels.
“Can’t sleep.” He mumbled. “Was wondering if you were still up.” He said, offering her a grin.
“Well then Trouble, you’re in luck.” She smirked, moving to allow space for him to lie next to her. Fred laid his head in her lap as she turned her attention back to the book in her hand while the other snaked its way into his hair. All the trouble sleeping that had been previously plaguing him melted away with her nails lightly scratching his scalp.
Over the course of the next week Fred and Y/N fell into this routine, he would lay away in his bed before eventually giving into the knowledge that he could not sleep without her any longer before he would make his way to her room, crawl into bed beside her and fall into the soundest sleep that has ever graced him. In the beginning, he was apprehensive, worried that she would reject him at some point and tell him that she wanted to sleep alone. But she never did, every night she shot him a warm smile and opened her arms to him. As the week went on his worries morphed themselves into something new however, he was no longer concerned about her rejecting his company but that she would instead reject his feelings for her. That she would eventually realize that he was in love with her and tell him that she never felt that way about him and was just trying to be a good friend.
“I don’t think I can sleep without you anymore.” Fred spoke into the darkness of the room, his voice audibly shaking, the silence that filled the space causing his stomach to turn.
“Mhmm.” Y/N started, tightening her grasp on him. “I can’t complain, you’re a great pillow.” He let out a light laugh, rubbing small circles in her back.
“It’s true.” He spoke, more seriously. “I haven’t been able to sleep at all lately, but as soon as I get into your bed, I’m out.” She sighed. “They must have better beds in the girls dorms.” He added, which earned a giggle from her.
“I don’t know about the quality of the beds, maybe it’s who's in it.” She spoke, her voice quiet as she bit her lip now regretting her sudden burst of confidence. Fred was silent for a moment before he spoke, a deep breath filling his lungs before he had the nerve to confess to her.
“I always thought that the reason I always had to touch you was because I liked to feel close to people. But it’s different with you.” He shifted to look at her. “I need to touch you, need to feel your skin. Fuck Y/N, I just want to hold your hand in front of everybody and kiss you in between classes and fall asleep next to you every night.” He searched her face looking for any sense of emotion but all he could find was her typical soft smile. “It’s just that I-I-” He started.
“I love you too Fred.” She cut him off, placing her palm against his cheek, he turned into her touch despite the shock that was lacing his features.
“You what?” He said, a giggle falling from her mouth as she clasped her hand over her mouth in an attempt to save him some pride.
“The first night you came to my room, after you left the party, you kept saying you loved me in your sleep.” He groaned at her confession. “I was worried it was just drunk babbles but-”
“But I do love you.” He finished. “I’ve loved you for years.”
“I love you too, Trouble.” She giggled, placing a long awaited kiss to his lips.
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shiny-jr · 4 years
❝ ᴛ ʜ ɪ ɴ ᴋ   ᴀ ʙ ᴏ ᴜ ᴛ   ɪ ᴛ ❞
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➼ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤
The ocean was unpredictable, but they still loved it.  
Everyday in their youth, (Y/n) would travel to the beach, a private little area hidden by rocks and the tide. Playing there by themself for hours upon hours. Making sandcastles for the crabs, collecting seashells to share with their friends and family, practicing and teaching themself how to play a kalimba, until when it was dark a relative would come to drag them back home. For years, the beach became their safe spot where they retreated to get away from it all, but as life moved on so did (Y/n).
Soon, (Y/n)’s time was swallowed up by the problems and turmoil of everyday life, as they spent less and less time in their safe haven, now stuck in land. Eventually, they stopped going to the beach altogether, only occasionally taking a stroll there every month or so. It was still as peaceful and calming as they remembered. However, not everything could remain the same-- peace was never meant to last. 
Those deep waters that held the unknown-- were wild and terrifying, so when fishermen and whole ships began to go missing, everyone assumed it was a tragic accident: a shipwreck, a terrible storm, or somehow becoming lost at sea. That is, until these so called accidents were becoming all the more frequent. It seemed like every week a poor fisherman went missing, every month a ship never to be seen again. Bodies of the dead lost at sea often found their way to shore, limbs missing or twisted and bent in impossible angles, visible signs they had been in a struggle.
Rumors began to float about, all ranging from a curse being placed on the town to the possibility of sea monsters lurking in the waters that caused these accidents to occur. Of course, in their paranoia and terror, the townspeople would believe anything, all except one person. They refused to believe in the rumors without proof, not allowing fear to get the best of them.
Everyday, (Y/n) continued to roam the now empty beaches in search of trinkets and treasures buried in the sand. And everyday, their family’s worries grew. Was it really wise to continue going to the beaches when there was an unknown threat in the waters? Still, no matter how hard they attempted to persuade them to stop and find a job further inland, (Y/n) always refused. As long as they stay away from the deep water, they will be fine, right?
Well, they were correct in a sense that they themself would not be harmed, but that didn’t mean that danger would stop from befalling on others.
It was a normal day, the salty breeze was warm and delightful, the clouds provided just enough cover from the hot sun. The waters were calm, steadily washing up to the shore. (Y/n) walked along the land, stepping along the warm sand and cool tides. In their hand they held an instrument, a wooden board with metal tines, a kalimba handmade and gifted by their parents. Aimlessly they tapped the metal, creating soft chimes that matched the clanging of freshly discovered treasures collected in their satchel that sounded with every stride they took.
They barely paid any attention to the lone fisherman out at sea, not too far from where they stood on the shore. The middle-aged man appeared to be too occupied with his work to even notice their presence as well. Using his nimble fingers to prepare the end of his rod with a hook and bait.
(Y/n) looked up with interest as they heard a splash in the waters. Had the man caught something so quickly? Their eyes widened as they saw the tip of a teal-colored tail emerge from the waters, the fisherman noticing it as well.
Think about it, think about it.
The fisherman placed down his rod, looking over the side of his boat that the person on the shore was unable to see. In an instant, two webbed hands grabbed the man by his shirt, dragging him underneath the waves and successfully stopping his scream from alerting any others in the vicinity, but (Y/n) had watched the whole thing unfold with growing horror.
What felt like hours were mere seconds they spent waiting, hoping to see the man reemerge safely. What should they do? Should they try to help somehow? But they couldn’t risk going further into the water! Should they run and get help? It might be too late if they came with help. Before they could make a decision, the man’s hat appeared and floated on the waves, but there was no sign of the fisherman-- until the blue waters began to turn a crimson red, blood making its way to the surface.
Think about when you were there.
(Y/n) stifled a shriek, quickly shoving the kalimba back into their satchel and switching out their sandals. Struggling to put them on as quickly as possible, they would run back to town and inform authorities about what they had witnessed. As they nearly fell and tried to slide on their sandals, another splash emitted from behind the boat, a voice making their blood run cold.
We know it.
“Eeeeh, what a weakling. There wasn’t much to squeeze! Didn’t you hear something earlier, Jade?”
“Indeed, Floyd, I did. Perhaps there’s another human in the area?”
Finally clipping their sandals on their feet securely, they bolted. Running as fast as their feet could carry them on the sand, too afraid to look back. Failing to notice their musical instrument fall out of their satchel and into the waters. (Y/n) was far too focused on getting away as quickly as possible, only one destination was in mind: the town. They had to get to town and report what they witnessed. Behind them, they were just able to make out the words being said by whatever creatures remained in the waters.
We already know it.
“Aah, there they go! They’re running away like a scared little shrimp!”
“That’s a shame. It seems humans are quick to flee.”
❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂
The twins had occasionally swam to the surface when in their youth, and while mischievous and troublesome, they had never attacked a human. They had been children at the time, just two little eels. However, their visits soon became frequent upon discovering a hidden rocky beach behind a cliff, and while they played with the crabs and watched the seagulls, they spotted the first human they ever saw.
Jade and Floyd nearly submerged themselves fully in the waters, poking the top of their heads out. From the darkness behind some rocks jutting out of the waters, they watched with fascination as the land creature played all alone by themselves.
Floyd stared with wide eyes before looking at his twin, “Hey, hey, isn’t that sad? That little human is lonely. I have you, but they’re all alone!”
Jade nodded, watching the human with a tilt of his head, “Yes, that is sad. But they don’t look lonely.”
On the contrary, (Y/n) appeared delighted despite the lack of company. They laughed and chased away those pesky seagulls, making shapes and small structures from the sand that amazed the twins, and even played a strange musical instrument. They had to wonder, were all young humans like this?
Think about it, think about it.
“Jade, that small shrimpy is pretty funny.”
“Yes, Floyd, they are very interesting.”
It soon became habit for the young Leech twins to venture to that secret beach in search of that amusing little human. As the years went by, the human’s trips to the beach became infrequent until it stopped completely. However, the two never forgot about the human named (Y/n), the memory of watching them play constantly lingering in the back of their mind.
It disappears in three days, and fills up again.
After years of not visiting the surface, their return meant chaos and misfortune for the land dwellers. What better fun was there than humans? Oh to see them struggle in their tail’s grip, gulp and gasped for air only to get a mouthful of water, and how they struggled was all so much fun! It was a shame they never lasted long, a single squeeze was all it took to break any unfortunate human they came across.
“Save me! I’m scared!” All day long.
❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂
I knew it.
(Y/n) retreated away from the ocean, as far as they could go, not wanting to be reminded of what they witnessed. Those recent memories engraved in the front of their mind, the terrified faces of the authorities they reported the accident to, the grief-stricken family of the fisherman, and the incident itself with the blood and those creatures that continued to lurk in the salty waters.
I saw it.
They had run to the forest, hoping they could calm themself and find peace of mind here. The forest, lakes, and rivers should be safe, right? The beach was miles away, they were safest here, right?
Think about it, think about it.
The sound of running waterfalls and the chirp of birds filled the silence, slowly providing them a sense of calm. It’s as if the gentle flowing water extinguished the flames of their fear and guilt, leaving them at peace. Softly the wooden path they walked on creaked, the healthy green leaves from branches overhead provided shade, the water of the river was a clear emerald green. Their eyes admired the many waterfalls, taking a shaky breath, Reaching for their satchel, they cursed underneath their breath upon realizing their musical instrument was gone. Instead, they opted for humming, singing softly in this space where they believed they were alone.
We worry all day long.
Two particular sea creatures stopped from exploring this new strip of water, perking up at the distant humming and soft singing. They stopped swimming, looking towards the direction it came from.
We worry about what we’re going to eat when the night comes.
Jade listened to the distant voice, smiling at the lovely melody and soft voice. Slowly a grin appeared on his lips, revealing his sharp teeth. “Hm… Are my ears deceiving me, or do you hear that as well?”
“Yeahhh! It sounds like a merfolk’s song!” Lowering the little wooden musical instrument he had discovered on the shore earlier, Floyd shook his head. “Eh, but merfolk are too wimpy to come inland!”
“That is true… Considering that, it must be another human.”
“This is getting boring here… I know! Let’s find that little human!”
To win is to survive.
(Y/n) hopped along the smooth stones, kicking the water running along by their feet. Parting their lips, their dulcet voice flowed out and rang through the air, partially disrupted by the waterfalls. “Now’s your moment. Floating in a blue lagoon~” Aimlessly spinning along the stone, careful not to misstep and accidentally fall in the water. “Boy, you better do it soon! No time will be better~”
The Leech twins neared at a slow pace, taking cover under the darkest shadows that covered the river. However, before they could zoom forward and drag them underneath to have their fun, the duo stopped upon catching a proper glimpse at the human’s face. Their olive colored eyes soaking up the familiar features while their golden eyes glowed dimly. In that instant, like a lightbulb switching on, they both recognized the human as the same one from the morning, the same human they used to watch years ago.
Think about it, think about it.
“Aaah~~~! It’s Shrimpy~~!!!”
(Y/n) jumped at the shrill shriek, eyes going wide as they recognized the voice as one from this morning. Freezing in place, they looked up and nearly fainted on the spot as they spotted a figure in the waters coming straight towards them at unbelievable speed. A mix between a terrified whimper and a yelp escaped their lips.
The small wooden dock behind them leading into the forest was too far, they’d never make it before that thing would snatch them up. Sprinting along the stone, they approached the waterfalls where the wall curved in to reveal a sizable cave safe from the water.
“Hey, hey, wait up~!”
Seeing no other option, they dove inside, scratching their skin against the rocks and slamming against the wall in the process, just as they heard a loud splash behind them.
(Y/n) stumbled up, ignoring the aching pain on their back and the scratches littering their arms. Eyeing the sea monster before taking slow steps back, nearly screaming as a second one popped out of the water beside the other, nearly identical to the first one.
Your riddle will make us happy, free, and alive.
Both of the sea creatures had human-like faces but with gills; their upper bodies were shaped like a human’s but their lower-halves were long tails resembling that of an eel. Their skin tone was almost entirely teal, with portions of their chest and face white. The only difference between the two was their eye color: The first had a right eye that was olive color while his left was a golden hue, in comparison, the second had a right eye that was a golden hue while his left was an olive color.
“Shrimpyyy, come here! Let me squeeze you~!” The first creature whined as he stretched out his arms, but (Y/n) was too far to grab. When they showed no sign of approaching him, he pouted while his sharp nails scratched the rocky floor. “I have to greet you with a hug, come on!”
“Hehehe, it appears we’ve frightened them.” The second creature chimed in, chuckling at their fear. “I like observing people, but I am not the best at it. We couldn’t even refrain ourselves from seeing you again.”
Images of the gruesome sight from earlier that day flashed in mind. Reeling away as they felt their stomach churn. (Y/n) managed to find their voice, barely squeaking out, “A-Again…? You m-mean f-from earlier…?”
“You’re not completely correct. My, my… I seem to have gotten ahead of myself and acted rather unsightly this morning. Heheh… Forgive us for what you had to witness. But unfortunately, you wouldn’t recognize us. We haven’t properly met yet.” Holding up his hand, he held the musical instrument they left behind at the beach. Extending it out to them, he offered a charming smile, “I believe this is yours, is it not?”
Silently (Y/n) nodded, gulping as they hesitantly stepped forward, cautiously watching the duo that seemed amused with them. Shakily the human snatched up their kalimba--
They flinched and jumped back, clutching the kalimba close to their chest. Stumbling back away from them until their back pressed against a stone. Frantically their eyes searched for a way out, there was only the stone rocks to hop on but those twin sea creatures could easily grab them if they chose that path. This small cave was a deadend, however, if they could somehow climb upwards until they reached the top of the waterfall, they could escape that way…
“Just kidding!” The first creature let out an unevenly-pitched laugh at their reaction, grinning as the tip of his tail poked out of the waters, “Little Shrimp is funny, look at them tremble!”
“Certainly very amusing.” The second creature hummed, eyes glimmering with mischief as he admitted. “It’s strange, isn’t it? For the longest time I believed humans were dull, but you’re not very dull, (Y/n).”
(Y/n) felt their heartbeat stop. Softly they asked, unable to stop from stuttering and tripping over their words, “H-How do you k-know m-my name…?”
“Allow us to properly introduce ourselves firstly.” The second creature placed a webbed hand to his chest and began, “I am Jade Leech. This is my twin, Floyd.”
The first creature, Floyd, grinned and folded an arm behind his head as he sang, “Hello, I’m Floyd! I’m sooo happy to see you again, Shrimpy!”
Your riddle will erase the shadow of death and we’ll live in a dream world!
“We’ve seen you many times before, years ago. Our favorite pastime was watching our beloved little human play on the beach.” Jade feigned a sad frown, as if the mere thought of it wounded him. “So I’m certain you can imagine how heartbroken we were when you stopped coming by!”
“Ooh, we were sooo sad when Shrimpy left! We wanted to play with you and swim with you!” Floyd explained eagerly, a toothy grin growing steadily with every word he said, “Now, we can talk to Shrimpy and we’ll have all the time in the world to have fun together! Hey, hey, you should play us a song like you used to!”
(Y/n) backed away slowly, shivering under the watchful gazes as they stuffed the kalimba in their satchel. Approaching the wall of the cave, their fingers gripped the moist stone surface. Slowly attempting to climb the slippery surface, careful to avoid getting too close to the twin sea creatures and cautious to avoid the water from the waterfall to avoid being drenched or pushed down.
Jade’s charming smile faltered, watching their feeble pathetic attempts to climb higher and higher to land away from their grip. “Now where do you think you’re going?”
The human paused before slowly continuing, responding carefully, “Look, I-I have to get home… T-Thank you kindly for not killing me, but I r-really have to get goin--”
Floyd jumped out of the water, his wet and firm webbed hand gripping their ankle, weighing them down and dragging them back down to the water. “Heheh, why did you think you could win and leave~?”
Unable to flail about or fight back, two long slippery tails curled around their entire body. Every movement in resistance threatened to squeeze tighter until they wouldn’t be able to breath. They felt so small in their grip, left to stare in terror at the creature's wide toothy grins. Specks of blood staining and bits of flesh stuck between their shark-like teeth, making the human even more afraid. The duo kept (Y/n) afloat as they pleaded fearfully, “P-Please… let m-me go--”
“It’s been some time since we’ve seen you. Why not stay and keep us company? After all, we have a lot of catching up to do, my little anemone~”
“When Shrimpy is here it’s so much fun, I just can’t get enough! You won’t even think about leaving again, right, Shrimpy~?”
Think about it, think about it.
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scotch or irish? tommy shelby x reader
warning/s: underage drinking, swearing, violence, and slight smut
 inspired by disco pigs (2001) 
A/N: I was really high when I came up this idea. Even wrote it while I was high, but I couldn’t find it the next mirning. Wasn’t sure if I really wrote it or if it was a dream. Either way, it’s here lol After like two weeks. Sowwyy 
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Tommy and y/n. y/n and Tommy. For as long as the pair can remember, that’s the way it has always been. Born only a few months apart, the two created an instant bond so strong that Aunt Polly said it would transcend through many lifetimes. And of course, Aunt Polly was never wrong in the matters of the heart. This was a friendship full of heart, romantic and platonic love for there was not one without the rest. Tommy’s mother would say to Polly, “That boy... it’s his cleverness that’ll kill him.” Martha found herself confiding in her more, so she continued, “As long as Tommy and y/n have each other... I am not worried.” And everyone knew. Everyone except Tommy and y/n.
The two had very similar minds. What one was thinking, the other was already mentally processing and vice versa. It would be almost adorable if it wasn’t so weird, as Arthur Sr. would call it. It was only weird because they were so smart. Against everybody else (even Polly at times, although she would never admit it), they were always two steps ahead.
From a young age the two understood their natural connection. For example, at the age of seven, Tommy and y/n planned to swear a vow of silence together that was planned to last a total of ten days. At first, y/n was met with slight worry from Tommy.
“We need code names! What should I call you if I need you?”
“You won’t have to need me, silly. That’s the whole point! I will already know, and so will you.” The logic was missing. They were both aware of this but none cared.
The goal was set for ten days. Not a single word was uttered between the kids or anyone else for that matter, aggravating the living hell out of those around them, especially Arthur who would’ve done anything to be a part of the joke. However, by day five, y/n broke the vow, rushing her feet as fast as they allowed a few houses down on Watery Lane.
That day she had heard a few of the older Lee boys, around Arthur’s age, speaking down on the Gypsy Shelby’s. y/n just had to tell Tommy or she was sure she would burst. It was also on day five Tommy came to two realizations: (1) He too would break their vow of silence. There was nothing worth doing if it meant he couldn’t do it with the person who understood him the most. (2) Tommy decided that same day that y/n, in her own right, was a Shelby too.
“Shelby,” he whispers to himself, only for him to hear.
At age 15, y/n was able to convince Tommy to steal a bottle of whiskey from the local pub. Her little hands shoved a piece of a paper with instructions in his direction. “Meet me here,” was all she told him with big eyes before he could even get a word in, running back to whatever held her short attention span. Unfolding the paper, Tommy could see a drawn out map of where to find the only girl who could keep young Tommy on his toes.
If anyone asked him, he would tell them all this was something he had to do. Many nights Arthur and Tommy had to go in all hours of the night looking for their father in pubs. One night in a drunken haze, Arthur Sr. takes his second born by the shoulders, causing him to be dragged onto the floor next to his father. He takes his boy by the face, shaking it a few times to show how serious he was trying to be.
“A man is meant to provide, always. Be a man, Thomas.”
y/n asked and Tommy planned to provide.
Seeing the large “X” marking the destination, it matched the location right before Tommy’s eyes. It was a beautiful far away, empty place from Watery Lane with lots of surrounding nature. It had just finished raining. y/n always did like the way the rain made the earth smell.
She notices her friend right away and runs up to him. y/n takes him by the hand. “I found my favorite tree here. Come on,” she says very nonchalantly.
Tommy shakes his head behind her. “Of course you did, Shelby. Of course you did.”
y/n often thought the world moved too slow for her liking. She always liked to be out and about. Always wild, never to be tamed. She figures that’s why she likes the Shelby’s so much. She was blessed to find a family early in her life that matched her soul. Except, she knows why she likes Tommy so much. He liked to be wild too. He moved just as fast as y/n, and he thought just as fast as her. So there was no doubt in her mind once she tasked her best friend with the alcohol that he'd deliver.
“I just took the first one I saw and ran like hell.” He presents y/n the bottle.
“Scotch whiskey,” y/n reads the label out loud before opening it. Tommy at this point began to see the trouble that she carried within her starting to stir. Confirming this intuitive feeling, y/n goes to make a quick toast like the kind she has seen her father make with Tommy’s. “To your Aunt Pol who would kill you if she ever knew, Thomas Shelby,” she groans out as she takes the first large swing with the most confidence. Even from when they were children, Tommy always wondered how so much confidence could fit in such a small body.
He takes the bottle from her to mimic her actions. “To my Aunt Polly who will find out by the week’s end.” They both laugh before Tommy takes his sip, but when he does, he takes it differently than y/n. “What the fuck, y/n. How can you even drink that shit?” He spits and coughs as he attempts to recover.
“What? I like it.” She shrugs while going for another.
At age 18, Tommy realized he loved y/n. By the time Tommy turned eighteen, it came to no surprise to anyone that he was already turning out to be a ladies man. Girls turning into young women were quick to notice his dark hair and hypnotic blue eyes. He was different than any of the factory worker boys that took after their fathers. He was ambitious. He wanted more to life than what dirty old Birmingham could offer, and the young women knew this so in some way, it even made it seem okay that his last name was Shelby. Almost as if Tommy was being pardoned for being a Shelby. And he hated that feeling.
y/n never made Tommy feel that way. She was always the first and the last one to defend her friend since birth. Crowned by Tommy all those years ago, she was Shelby. What else could have made her break her vow with Tommy all those years ago? Tommy didn’t realize exactly what he was realizing at the time. How could he? They were kids being kids. He couldn’t have known it was loyalty. If it wasn’t clear to Tommy then, it was now.
“You need to get out of here. Go get Arthur and John. This is no place for a woman,” Tommy warns y/n one night out, sensing trouble.
The two found themselves cornered by a group of boys around their age. The Peaky Blinders were gaining respect, notoriety, and fear from those around them. Things were changing for the Shelby’s, but not everyone agreed. Most certainly not the three boys looking for a fight. “Run!”
“No!” She hisses back. She tightens her fist and holds them up.
“There is no fucking way I’m letting you do this.”
“Either I leave to get the boys and we come back to your half-dead body, if we’re lucky or I stay and fight and we may actually win this.” Truth be told, y/n wished she could listen to Tommy and go get his brothers. But more than the fear she felt for herself, it was tenfold for Tommy.
“Damn you, Shelby.” he tells her as the fight breaks out.
No words were exchanged on the walk to The Garrison. It seemed like all of the day’s events were forcing Tommy to think about the vow they made when they were seven. Only this time, Tommy could see the logic she proposed. He did know what she was thinking because he was so sure she was thinking the same as him.
“Whiskey, Harry,” was all Tommy said, not bothering to spare the man a glance. y/n goes to sit at a table like they always do but was stopped by Tommy. He latches onto her hand, careful with the cuts and bruises that were beginning to form. “No,” he tells her, “We’ll be in the snug.” And no one protested. They may have wanted to but at the sight of blood on their clothes and on his razor blade, no one dared to speak out against the Blinder.
Not long after Harry delivers two glasses of whiskey through the snug’s window. “Give the toast, Shelby,” he gives the cup to y/n.
Her eyes never leave his. Even with exhaustion hijacking them, y/n could not name a more beautiful sight. “To you, Tommy. To the best and worst pal in the world.”
In his state of shock, Tommy failed to clink their glasses together, so y/n did it. The sound pulls him out of his own swirling thoughts, and they down their drink in an instant. Like the siamese twins they are, a look of disgust and twinge of horror overtake their faces.
They both spit out like venom but were quick to laugh it off. “You gave me the wrong cup, Thomas!”
“Hey, come on now. I’m still Tommy. I’m just a bloody idiot for not knowing the difference.”
Only a few moments later, the laughing winds down a bit. The atmosphere still remains light only to be shattered. “Why don’t you love me?” He blurts out to y/n. “Like the way I love you?”
y/n’s content smile never falters. “I believe you have been too busy to notice me, Tommy. I’ve been right here. Because if you would have just asked, I would’ve said I loved you too. And I do... love you too.”
He smiles at her. “The best and worst pal in the world.”
y/n could feel her heart begin to hammer against her chest. She no longer felt like she was sitting down but floating. With the adrenaline from the fight gone, she should have been able to feel her wounds mark their place on her skin. But that’s not true. All she could feel was a warm, tight feeling in her chest. The boy she loved, loved her back. And no amount of irish whiskey could ever compare.
“Do you trust me?”
“With my whole heart.”
Tommy’s eyes searched y/n’s for any trace of hesitance or fraud but found none. All he could see were the eyes of the girl he loved the most. And most importantly, the girl loved him back.
He stands up to speak to Harry through the snug’s window and comes back shortly after. “Come here, Shelby.”
“Because I want to kiss the only girl in all of Small Heath that I love.” At that, y/n had no protests.
Their kiss was nothing less of what the two expected. It wasn't awkward. Nerve wracking, sure, but not awkward. Many nights y/n dreamt about this very moment. She dreamt how Tommy’s lips would feel against hers. She often wondered what kind of lover he was. And now she knows, leaving her with no more thoughts to wonder about.
She is the first one to pull away. “I have loved you since we were seven and you called me “Shelby” for the first time.” She places desperate kisses onto his lips, cheeks, and neck. Anywhere they would fall, really, leaving traces of pure love behind.
Tommy feels like he is starting to lose control once her pillow soft lips attack his neck. “Tell me again, y/n. Let me hear you.”
“I love you,” She reminds him in between her kisses.
“Shelby... if you keep doing that, I’m not sure how much gentleman will be left in me.”
She looks up from the spot on his neck she was loving on, having found his sweet spot. “This one? Right here?” She asks, feigning innocence as she lightly bites down. When she hears his soft moan, her tongue laps at the spot relieving it only to finish off with a few kisses.
Before the last one can even land, Tommy’s hand finds her neck to take control once more. He doesn’t squeeze nor does he have a rough hold. He merely wraps his fingers around the neck he will one day dress in the biggest jewels. Tommy guides y/n to the edge of the table and pushes her to lay on it.
“Here, Tommy?” She giggles watching her best friends crawl on top of her
He shushes her with more wet kisses. “No one will come in. It’s just me and you.” His hands caress, squeeze, and tease whatever he can.
“It’s yours, Tommy, my heart. It’s all yours.”
He wraps his hand under her hair that was sprawled over the table into a makeshift ponytail. “Mine,” he proves when he finally feels all of her. His eyes never hers, wanting to sear the memory of the exact moment she became his. Pain overtakes her face but her hands on his lower back right above his ass lets him know she was okay. After a while, y/n signals Tommy to start moving once more and pain starts to transform into a pleasure y/n never thought was possible.
All the sounds the two were making were sure to be drowned out by the ruckus made by the drunk men just outside the snug. Tommy was sure to tell Harry that no one else was allowed in under any circumstances. In his moment of euphoria, Tommy was ready to wet his razor blade for the second time that night should anyone dare barge in and take a look at what belonged to him.
This wasn’t Tommy’s first time but it was the first time he realized all what sex could be. All the men in his life were wrong. He was wrong. It didn’t have to be all what they said it should. All he ever needed was y/n. Now that he had her, he had no intention of ever letting go.
Basking in the momentary afterglow of his best orgasm, he says, “You know what, Shelby? I don’t think I mind scotch whiskey all that much anymore,” his thumb traces y/n lower lip, even getting it slightly moist, “Not when the taste comes from your lips. My lips.”
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Beelzebub
My first two did way better than expected, so I’m gonna continue this series with the rest of the brothers (and maybe the others as well).
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He is probably one of the more affectionate brothers (besides Asmo and Mammon). He’s quick to praise just about anything you do, even if it’s something small. As for physical affection, he is a sucker for hugs. He’ll randomly come up behind you and lift you up in a bear hug. Also, if you happen to cook, he’ll do that thing where he comes up behind you, wraps his arms around your middle, and lays his head on top of yours. Trust me, this boy does not shy away from affection, physical or verbal. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, he is the ideal best friend. You two would spend late nights sneaking into the kitchen for snacks and hoping to not run into Luci. You cheer him on at all of his games, and he’ll cheer you on if you do anything that involves competition. Being besties with him also means being besties with Belphie, so expect him to be a huge part of your life as well. You’ll often carry around snacks for him when he gets hungry. He likes to carry you around, both as a mini workout and because you’re tiny (compared to him) and he likes that he can pick you up so easily. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He totally picked up his love of cuddles from his twin. His favorite position is him laying on his back with you laying right on top of him. It doesn’t matter how big you may seem, cause your weight is virtually nothing to him. He also enjoys laying on his back or side with you laying your head on his chest while you two hold each other because that’s how him and Belphie usually end up when they share a bed. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Out of all the brothers, he is the most likely to want to settle down. He loves you so much and he wants to spend as much time with you as possible. As for household chores, he’s surprisingly good at them. He can cook decently because of his sin, and he actually doesn’t mind cleaning. He’ll do a lot of the harder chores so that you don’t have to work as much, but he still appreciates if you help him out. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He is one of the kindest demons to ever exist, so the other person would have had to been really bad for him to break up with them. He’d probably just tell them straight up that their relationship isn’t working out. It would be simple and to the point, but he’d still try and be nice so that not as any feelings are hurt.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I said, he would love to settle down with you. However, he would never push the idea much unless he’s sure you feel the same. If you don’t want to settle down, then he is more than happy to just be with you however you want. And if you do decide you want to officially settle down with him, he’d be so happy. He’d want to get married asap to ensure that you two can spend more time together. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s a big boy, and he knows it, so he always tries to be as gentle as possible. Of course, he can get a bit intense, especially when he gets excited. When he gets this excited, he’ll wrap you up in a tight hug that sometimes makes it hard to breathe. As for emotional gentleness, he’s the sweetest of the brothers, so he’s usually gentle regardless. However, he’ll sometimes get angry or aggressive when he’s hungry or someone upsets him. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He is an absolute sucker for hugs. Physical touch is his main love language, so he loves giving hugs to everyone he cares about. You and Belphie are the main victims of his hugs, but his other brothers aren’t safe either. He also has a tendency to hug his teammates after a win.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Out of all the brothers, he probably the quickest to say it. He’s very affectionate by nature, so it’s no surprise that he would say it fairly early. That isn’t to say that he’s quick to fall in love, and he was honestly shocked when he realized he had fallen in love os fast. He’d be the type to say it super casually, maybe while y’all are just hanging out in the kitchen one night. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He isn’t super jealous simply because he trusts you. He knows that you’re loyal to him and that you love him like he loves you. Of course he has his moments; other demons hitting on you is the prime example. If this ever happens, his instincts tend to kick in since demons are possessive by nature. He’d probably feel bad after, but you assure him that it’s fine. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are super soft and filled with love. To him, your lips taste better than any sweet he’s ever had, so he loves kissing them whenever he can. Bonus points if you ate something super delicious before hand. On himself, he loves being kissed on his chest and stomach. He works super hard on his body, and he loves when you notice and take the time to truly show how much you love his body. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Out of all the brothers, he’s probably the best with kinds. Not that he necessarily likes them, he’s just kinda neutral towards them for the most part. However, for some odd reason, kids seem to love him. It’s kinda like how kids just know someone’s personality without actually knowing them, kinds just know that he’s a sweetheart underneath all that muscle. So, he eventually came around to them after he realized how much kids seemed naturally drawn to him. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are usually spent with you getting woken up by him attempting to quietly get out of bed to go find food, despite the fact that he is never quiet during this time. After that, you two get ready and go down to breakfast, Most of the time, he tries to give you extra food to eat (cause that how he shows love) but you can never finish it all, so you give it to him. Then you walk to school together. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are usually spent hanging out in his room, sometimes with Belphie, but mostly without. You two spend some time together studying or just talking while accompanied by large amounts of snacks for him. You two then get into bed together and cuddle until he has to get up in the middle of the night due to hunger.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He seems pretty open on the surface, and he does trust you enough to tell you about his past fairly quickly, but there are some things he keeps hidden even after you two have been together for a while. he will eventually open up to you about everything, but it might take him a while. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is pretty patient for the most part. Really, he only gets impatient if he’s hungry, or if someone is threatening/bothering someone he cares about. Besides that, he’s the most patient and respectful demon around. He’ll help you out with whatever you need, and he’ll never yell at you or rush you if you need some time. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
This boy remembers everything you tell him. It could be the smallest of details or something you just said in passing, but he’ll still remember it. It’s honestly quite surprising how good of a memory he has. If fact, he’s probably the brother who has the best memory just in general. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is the first time you cooked for him. Not when you have cooking duty, since that’s cooking for the whole house, but when you made something specifically for him. You made him a human world cheese burger since that’s his favorite. He actually teared up a little at the sight of it. Not only was it his favorite meal, but it was made by his favorite human. Obviously, it wasn’t enough to fill his stomach, but it was more than enough to fill his heart. Ugh that was so cheesy.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is super, SUPER protective. Not just of you, but his whole family. After all, he is physically the strongest, and he knows how intimidating he is. If he finds someone bullying you or one of his brothers, he will not hesitate to eat them, demon or otherwise. Secretly though, it can get tiring being the protector of his family, which is why he appreciates when you stand up for him.  
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Honestly, he tries so hard to make everything perfect. Usually, he tries to theme dates around food, and he always tries to make you something (or get Belphie to make something) but he almost always ends up eating it, which makes him really sad because he tried so hard. However, you tell him that whatever he does is absolutely perfect, and you love him regardless of how date plans end up. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Obviously, his eating habit tend to get pretty bad, but it’s not like he can really help that. His hunger does calm down when you two get together, but it’s still very much there. He often steals your food, or forces you away from whatever you were doing in order to take you to get food. He’s currently trying to ease up, but it’s difficult for him and he needs time to learn how to control his urges better. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not very concerned with his looks in the same way Asmo and Mammon are, but he does like to take care of his body. He works very hard to maintain all that muscle, and he loves the attention it gets him. He’s not all that vain, but having people admire his body does give him a little confidence boost. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely he would. You help quell a large part of his hunger, and he could not imagine his life without you anymore. Honestly, you could leave him for two minutes to use the bathroom, and he’ll still sulk like a lost puppy the entire time. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I headcanon that he is actually the most self-conscious of all the brothers. Where Levi is more open about how much he hates himself, he usually tends to keep it all in, making it even worse. The only time he ever lets it out is in moments where he feels safe and at ease. These times are usually with you and/or Belphie. It’s kinda shocking at first when you find out just how much he hates himself, but it does make sense. He blames himself for Lilith’s death, he is constantly just watered down to food and muscles, and almost everyone is super scared of him. It’s no wonder he would start to act like Levi, even if just behind closed doors. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He despises anyone who cooks like Solomon. In general, he hates anyone who goes after the people he cares about. He also doesn’t like people who are super obnoxious or self-centered (Asmo is an exception cause he can’t really control that). 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Obviously, he has that habit of waking up at random hours of the night for food. But, when he’s actually asleep, he has a tendency to fall out of bed. He is larger than average, even for a demon, so it would make sense that his bed might not always be able to hold him. When he sleeps with someone, they can also expect to be pushed out at least once. 
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butterbeerblurbs · 3 years
flowing into your heart (f.w.)
 💌 : being friends with the golden trio meant you had front-row tickets to hagrid’s shenanigans. one of it being putting you and fred weasley on a boat because he’d like to add “matchmaker” onto his resume.
📝 word count: 3,800 words / fred weasley x reader / 🌸 fluff fluff fluff
💬: this is a part of @ch0colatefr0gs​​​ 500 writing challenge! congrats again on 500, love! 🥳✨
⛵️prompt: “you and ___ are cute, i’ll put you in a boat.” / “you’ll put us in a what?” - captain holt to jake and amy, brooklyn 99 
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sneaking out of the castle during the times you weren’t supposed to be... out of said castle, was no out of the ordinary thing when it came to being with the golden trio. sometimes, you became a part of the equation whenever you chimed in your thoughts. (albeit when they don’t ask for it)
today was no different when they said they’d be going down to hagrid’s. something along the lines of testing out a... small thing he has been working on. it piqued your interest and when the trio said they’d be heading out to hagrid’s cottage at half past eight and offered you to tag along, you did.
so that’s how all of you ended up following hagrid’s lead, deeper into the woods. the giant says nothing the whole way, only making you feel anxious at where he was leading all of you.
barely knowing where you were as it’s getting pretty dark, you can only make up the sight of a small boat coming into view as all of you stood by a lake. you squint your eyes at the sight, and no one’s asking questions yet? you had no idea what the little... experiment was all about anyway. you ought to be the first one to say something, but hagrid beats you to it.
“welp! here we are!” hagrid chuckles, and it seems like there was more than just the five of you when it seems like a certain pair of twins were here as well.
“hello there, children,” george snickers, “out of bed?” fred snorts.
“h-hey, how’d you guys get here?” ron hisses, and you could tell that he’s probably glaring at his brothers.
“think we’d join in on the fun, right georgie?” one of the two elbows the other.
“right you are, freddie,” the second from the first elbows back.
as the voices die out to the silence, past the dark, you gaze to fred’s direction to see he’s already looking at you. swallowing the lump in your throat, you quickly look away, up to the sky. you hate how your brain can’t process what hagrid is saying because of how nervous you feel. your heart is hammering in your chest at the sight of fred, and you hate how the boy doesn’t even know. it’s not until hagrid mentions your name that you find yourself coming back to reality instead of having your head in the clouds.
“well... i reckon y/n and mr. weasley look cute together, so i’ll put two of you in a boat!”
“m-me?!” ron squeaks, only for hagrid to snort, “not you, laddie!” he turns to the pair of ginger heads who glance at one another. hagrid effortlessly grabs ahold of fred and places him in the boat. then, he reaches for you to do the same and upon being placed in the boat, there’s a split moment you thought you’d fall into the abyss but fred’s hands are already by your sides, gently holding you down to take a seat.
your heart is about to fly out of your ribcage and you’re certain if this place was well-lit, might as well call yourself a cherry tomato at how hot your face feels at fred’s kind gesture.
“you alright?” he asks softly, trying to get comfortable on the wooden seat and you nod, trying to relax opposite him, “y-yeah, ‘m okay,”
you can’t even digest what hagrid is saying at the proximity between you and fred. usually there’s a large table between the pair of you or at least an arm’s length away when walking with friends but now? in a small boat that barely fits three people, here is two, mushed together, legs tangled. before you can try to comprehend the spell hagrid was casting, all you can feel is a small tingle of sparks tingling your body before your eyes force themselves shut at the sudden gush of wind greeting you.
it sends shivers down your spine before the boat accelerates with a ferocious speed that nearly sends you off the damned thing. luckily (or maybe the opposite...) there’s a pair of arms steadying you down, as if its’ keeping you grounded.
you realise you’re making incomprehensible sounds, as if you’re speaking in tongues that you ignore the soft chuckle coming from the boy next to you.
when you manage to catch your breath, the boat slows down and it’s like you can hear a pin drop. your eyes peel open and it’s almost pitch black, except the small glow of the night sky painted above you. your brows furrow when you feel your hands not in the position they were in before the boat took off... nor is your body. your eyes trail off to your hands to see they’re... wrapped around fred weasley’s torso and his, tucked around your waist. your cheek, pressed to his chest and gosh, he smells like cinnamon and-gasping, you pull away from him, yet he does it nonchalantly as if he’s unbothered, a smirk on his face.
“you know, i don’t mind it at all,” he winks, and you scoff a laugh at him, nudging him playfully (as if he could go very far), “oh sod off, weasley,”
there’s a moment of uncertainty and silence that falls over the pair of you. unsure if it was confusion or... nervousness or... both, you look around only to realize you have no idea where you were. it’s almost like... the only thing that’s lighted is the lamp attached to the boat and what seems to look like some stars scattered above. and... fred, right in front of you, who is currently looking right at you and nowhere else.
come to think of it, he doesn’t really look as surprised as you are.
“so... um... nice view, huh?” he tries to break the silence that bestows unknowingly, and he can’t help but grin at your response.
“freddie,” (because you’re calling him like that)
“it’s pitch black and we can’t see anything,” your arm extends to point at the vast space of nothing. absolutely nothing.
“i mean i can see you,” he’s blunt, but then again, fred weasley has always been honest and direct with his words. however, when you catch the meaning of his words that... you’re the view he’s talking about, you can’t help but feel the butterflies roaming freely from within. yet, you shut them down whenever they tried to escape, muttering a quick, “ha ha, hilarious,”
you exhale deeply and roll your eyes, flicking the material of your robe lining your wrists. you’re still looking around to see if anything else was going to happen, because if this was part of hagrid’s little experiment, it’s not very impressive if it means he’s just going to cast a spell on a boat to speed across the wide sea of nothing.
fred doesn’t let you ponder too far, bringing you back to the topic you tried to brush off.
“i don’t think i was being funny, y/n,” he hasn’t looked away from you since, resting against his side of the boat and cocking a brow up to you when you finally do the same against your side of the boat, trying to make do with whatever space there is here.
“oh, really? then what?” you fold your arms, raising your brow,
“i mean, i think you look like an angel,” he shrugs, “just without the wings,”
“so like a normal, average person?” you sneer, using one of your foot to nudge against his. he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, gazing down to your legs closely pressed together because... this is a pretty small boat. “you’re impossible, you know that?”
“what?” you feign innocence, blinking at him, “it’s not like you’re flirting with me,”
at your remark, that’s the first time it’s rendered fred speechless. his mouth hangs open, eyes widening before they scrunch in confusion as he stares at you incredulously.
“good golly, y/n. for someone as smart as hermoine, you are a bit daft sometimes, aren’t you?”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you huff, puffing your chest out as you lean closer to him without realising. he takes this opportunity to mirror your actions, leaning a bit too much for your comfort that he takes up the rest of your vision. it makes you gasp at how close he is again all of a sudden, making your head spin as he smiles at you this near, it’s as if you can count how many lashes he has despite it being this dark.
“well, now i’m going to ask, are you interested in me?” he tilts his head a little, teasing.
“y-you?” breathless is what you are, a little scared.
“yes, me,” he confirms, with a nod, “fred weasley,”
said boy doesn’t know which confuses him more: your statement, or the way you lean away from him once more, trying to create a bigger distance between the pair of you.
“i... well...” you debated being honest, but figured... if there’s a moment you had to be, now would be the perfect time to be nothing but honest when there’s literally only you and fred here. maybe, just maybe, whatever happens here, will stay here.
“i had to question myself multiple times if i was - if i’m being honest,” you were sure you were being soft, not trusting your voice to be an octave louder because you could feel your insides shaking. the thought of it alone scared you, but saying it out loud in front of the boy who has been keeping you up for countless of nights made it feel like there was a tsunami wrecking up inside.
it wasn’t that you didn’t like fred. godric, you do. if anything, you liked him so much you wondered it almost every other day if your feelings were... still there. and they were. every time he came up to you just to say good morning, or how you can hear him asking where you were when you were just a step behind from the rest, or the way he insisted to walk you to class because you had too many books for a pretty girl to carry (you had two). it made your heart feel full whenever he seemed to care about your presence but... you’d be lying if you said he only cared about you.
fred and george were no strangers to anyone (at least, the vast majority). being in the quidditch team, the ultimate duo of pranksters, of course their names were well-known at hogwarts. with that, it came to being friends with a lot of people as well. with that, it was also noticing how there were a swarm of girls interested in them. with that... (the last ‘with that’, promise), you couldn’t help but feel dejected whenever it’s also possible fred’s just a kind soul who is nice to everyone. you’ve seen it and heard it many, many times.
“y-you... had to question multiple times if you fancied me?”
him repeating your own confession back to yourself, made your anger boil from within. not at him but at yourself. no matter how hard you’re trying, you can’t seem to hold it back and-“of course i had to!” your voice echoes and it repeats a couple of times into fred’s ears. he's taken back by your sudden outburst, looking like a puppy that took a step too far and you almost hate yourself for raising your voice. your eyes avoid his as you look down to your fiddling thumbs, still flicking one and the other to relieve your nerves.
“o-of course i had to...” you mumbled softly, refusing to look at him and fred... fred doesn’t like that one bit.
“why?” he asks, the same volume you spoke and it seems like the boat has slowed down. you didn’t know if it was actually slowing down or if... your head is making you see things.
“because what if i get hurt from liking you too much? what if... you were as nice to me as everyone else and i’d spiral down this - this sick joke of being infatuated with you and all this while you had eyes for someone else?” you look up to him and this time, fred feels a knot tighten in his gut. the way you genuinely look... upset, and that these are your sincere thoughts, made him want to extinguish every single one of them but-”what if i’m in over my head that someone like you would like someone like me? o-or what if i misread the signs and-” your eyes flutter shut, feeling prickles against the back of your eyes as hot tears start to form.
you inhaled sharply and refuse to speak, knowing your voice will give out at the first sign of it cracking. a tear manages to escape, before you use your sleeves to wipe them away.
“y/n,” fred’s voice is as clear as day, the only thing vibrating against your eardrums in the tranquil.
“y-you don’t have to say anything, really,” you refuse to listen, shaking your head, ”it’s fine, this is pathetic and we can pretend this never-”
“y/n!” similar to your outburst, the sound of fred’s voice raising up in volume makes you flinch. your eyes shoot up to him but they don’t stay on him very long before you quickly look away, unable to look him in the eyes if he rejects you and-“i’m mad for you,”-there’s only so much your heart can... can...
your face morphs into one of confusion, changing from afraid to... puzzled.
fred licks his lips and tries to shift closer, testing the waters to see if you would move and you don’t. so when you don’t, he carefully makes you face him properly so he can look at you, a toothy grin appearing on his face as he brings the color return to your face.
“i’m way in over my head for you, love. so much i think it’s driving everyone bloody bonkers that i haven’t confessed up until now,” he gives you shoulders a squeeze before letting you go, seeing that you still need time to digest before he can try to show his affections for you. when he sees that you’re still very much in denial, he clears his throat to continue.
“do i think i go around asking people where you are all the time just because i didn’t fancy you? or how i constantly try to sit across from you because i really do think your smile is gorgeous?” he watches as you take the information in and it seems like the nuts and bolts were being placed in the right places when there’s a blush on your cheeks. he feels like he should stop, but when you’ve had your moment to say what you had to say, well, fred thinks he should have his moment to say what he wants to, too.
“do you think i’d go to honeydukes to get you pumpkin pasties, in the middle of a snowstorm just to cheer you up if i didn’t fancy you?”
“that really cheered me up, freddie,” you admit quietly, and fred refuses to give in, not now - no matter how hard you were making it for him by looking that adorable.
“merlin, y/n, i even got hagrid to put us here together so i’d have a chance to...” fred’s voice trails off quietly, “to...”
“t-to what?”
as if it’s on cue, there’s a small spark between the pair of you that rises from beneath the boat, flying up into the air at least two heads above and it combusts quietly. the words string out together as y/n, i think you’re an angel sent from above. could i, fred weasley, have the honors of going out with you?
it wasn’t particularly big or grand, but it was as if it was meant to be small enough for this intimate moment between the pair of you. after the words disappear, small tiny hearts start to fall down, as if in slow motion and you follow the hearts back into fred’s eyes. it finally sinks in that… the boy you had so desperately hoped to see you in the same light, is lighting up fireworks to show you just that.
“i-if this is some sort of sick joke, i’m going to kick you somewhere where it really hurts, fred weasley,”
he can only smirk, inching closer to you and locking you in place with his knees casing you in, “figured i’d be safe then,”
“you...” you had no idea how you were still sane, blinking a couple of times profusely to make sure this wasn’t a dream, “...really like me?” 
he knows you’re somewhat convinced. you just need... a little push to believe him completely.
“could i have the permission to show you, y/n?” he carefully uses a hand to tuck your hair behind your ear and gazes into your eyes.
“please do,” your voice comes out in a soft breath and it’s not long before your vision starts to blur, shifting the focus to just fred being in your line of sight.
fred shifts closer than he already is and reaches out with one arm to steady himself by your waist, the other gently cupping your cheek. he adores the way you gaze into his eyes as he brings his lips down onto yours, eyes flutters shut upon contact. he feels your body tensing at the initial touch of his lips, but soon you melt against him as he kisses you with such delicacy it’s making your heart swell. you can smell the hint of firecracker embers and a whiff of cinnamon on him. you didn’t know where this newfound source of confidence came from but your hands, gingerly crawl up his sides and wrap themselves around his neck that it earns you a soft sound of approval from him.
he can feel your smile against his lips, mimicking a smile you can feel on yours before teeth starts to break the kiss at how wide the both of you are grinning. you rest your forehead against his, breathless, and when fred opens his eyes before you to see yours still closed, at peace, his heart is for certain (as if he needed it to be).
he was so in love with you, he couldn’t see a day without you in it. and right now, where fred was the only thing you could see… you could finally see it.
“you’re so pretty,” he murmurs, his thumb gently caressing across your blushing cheek. it makes the side of your eyes crinkle as you open your eyes a little, a wide smile still apparent. “i feel pretty, freddie,”
“guess you’ll be feeling pretty all the time then,” he smirks, raising a brow, “i won’t let you have a chance to forget, i’m quite the charmer, you know?” he’s doing that thing with his eyebrows again, eliciting a laugh from you as you gently let your fingers run through his hair (and fred resists the urge to ask you to do it again, feeling his heart somersault at the innocent gesture).
“i mean, as long as you’re not shouting it down the halls or getting expelled for it, you’re more than welcomed,”
“...eh, no promises on the latter,” he shrugs, tsk-ing right after.
“freddie!” your hand hits his back gently.
“‘m only joking!” he laughs with you, shaking his head. he then lifts his chin up with a brow cocked, “or am i?”
fred has always found a way to make you smile, even in moments you never thought he’d be able to. today, at the sound of his confession and your feelings out in the open for each other, sealed with your lips together, it was another day of fred weasley making you smile so hard, your cheeks are hurting. it fills your heart with a feeling no one else could. 
surely, yes, surely, whatever happened here is going to stay here, for your memory only. however... the scenarios you imagined yourself doing with fred inside or out of the castle, were going to be a reality. not just a vision you see in your dreams. most certainly not when… he’s holding onto your hand tight, pressing kisses onto the back of it and smiling at you like you’re the only thing that matters to him.
whatever hagrid’s experiment was, albeit it’s a facade, you give him an outstanding.
((”hagrid, please! ’m begging you! just this once!” fred huffs, tailing the giant around.
“just this once, this boy says. reckon a week or two later he’d come back asking for the same thing!” the gatekeeper refuses to acknowledge fred following him back to his cottage. (yep, fred had been walking and begging all the way from the castle)
“c’mon, hagrid!”
fred only bumps against his back when hagrid stops walking. the ginger haired boy huffs and dusts his robe, shaking his head dejectedly. he turns around and begins his way back, mumbling to himself, “f-fine... i’ll figure something out then... i guess confessing to y/n on a hot air balloon would be the next shot,”
“hold your horses!” fred’s shoulders stiffen at the bellowing of hagrid’s voice. he turns around carefully to have hagrid storming up to him with curious eyes.
“did you say y/n, freddie boy?”
“...yeah...?” he’s beyond confused, but he can’t deny the excitement from within when hagrid looks sold upon the mention of your name.
with a devilish smirk, hagrid instantly agrees, “alrightie lad! i’ll do it!”
fred doesn’t try his luck to question why, only grateful that hagrid is on his side to help.
hagrid doesn’t disclose to fred why he’s interested all of a sudden, but let’s just say, this friendly giant has been a bearer to your secrets for a while now, and when hagrid sees this opportunity in front of his eyes... c’mon, you can’t expect him to pass on it.))
(((”d’you see anything?” hagrid asks, giving harry - who was resting on hagrid’s shoulders - a nudge,
“darn it, no. it’s too dark to see anything,” the boy in round-glasses huffs, shaking his head.
“maybe you guys should actually give them some space. you know, the whole point of them being so far only where it’s just the two of them?” hermoine chastises, refusing to join the boys with their nosy antics of figuring out what was going on between you and fred.
“ah, but then where would all the fun be?” george chimes, finding a way to climb onto a tree just to see if he could get a peep.)))
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freddie-weaselbee · 4 years
Everything You Do
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, love potion, small argument but honestly really fluffy
Summary: Y/N tries to get back at Fred for years of pranks, only to have her plan blow up in her face and she has to suffer the consequences for 48 hours. 
Request: @darthwheezely i literally loved writing this so much and now magic’s gonna be stuck in my head for the next week so thanks for that
Word Count: 7.9k yeah I may have gotten a little carried away
Song: Magic by One Direction
A/N: For the sake of the story One Direction exists in the 90′s and Hogwarts has Muggle radios. Also I spent my Valentine’s Day writing this instead of actually doing something romantic because Fred owns my heart and real men don’t compare. That’s my excuse. 
“This is a really dumb idea.”
“I know, that’s what makes it so fun!”
Angelina Johnson was standing guard outside of a small broom closet while you were mixing together dozens of ingredients you had swiped from Snape’s storage room. He had been distracted punishing the troublemaking twins, giving you the perfect opportunity to grab everything you needed. Ironic how they were the ones who made it possible for you to enact your plan against them. 
“I still can’t believe you roped me into this.” Angelina was one of your best friends since your first year at Hogwarts. The two of you had been inseparable for years, which meant she always had your back, even if that consisted of concocting a love potion for a certain redhead Gryffindor. 
You added the last of your ingredients and continued to stir, being careful not to mess up the very specific directions for this spell. “C’mon Angie,” you said, “you know you want to get him back as much as I do.”
Angelina sighed heavily but didn’t argue. The two of you were usually on the receiving end of pranks from Fred and George and anything you ever planned to do to get them back failed miserably. But the second you overheard them talking about making love potions to sell an idea formed in your mind. 
“It’s finished.” You poured the cauldron’s contents into a small vial before cleaning up any traces of your unlicensed actions. This small potion was about to make your life a lot more interesting. “You can get us into the kitchens, right Angie?”
The girl nodded and led you out of the closet and down abandoned corridors. Angelina’s prefect status had been extremely helpful in many cases, as no one would question why the two of you were out late. You could barely contain yourself as you thought about the chaos that would be happening in less than 24 hours. And by God did Fred Weasley deserve all that was coming to him. 
You had everything planned out. Angelina and you spent the night baking the potion into some brownies with the help of the house elves, a treat you knew Fred wouldn’t be able to resist. The plan was simple. 
Angelina had asked George the other night if he would want to go on an early morning walk and get in some extra Quidditch practice, so it would only be Fred and Lee in their dorm room when they woke up. The way the potion worked was that, once consumed, the first person the victim makes eye contact with is the person they fall madly in love with for 48 hours. And you and Angelina had decided on the perfect person to be on the receiving end of Fred’s love. Lee Jordan. 
While both Fred and George were responsible for the annoying pranks, Fred was always the instigator, which meant it was he who deserved revenge. Angelina had a soft spot for George and didn’t want to involve him in this prank. However, she had no reservations about seeing Lee, the boy who constantly flirted with her during Quidditch games, suffer from Fred’s pining for a few days. 
You made your way to the boys dormitory, bouncing with excitement of the prospect of messing with the boy who would tease you to no end. You knocked loudly on the door, which you knew would only put Fred in a bad mood. But you didn’t care. He’d be feeling nothing but love and bliss shortly.
The door was jerked open and a tall mess of ginger hair was standing in front of you, clothed in only a pair of boxers that had cute little Gryffindor lions on them. You had to stifle a laugh and remind yourself that it’s probably not polite to knock on someone’s door early in the morning and proceed to stare at their crotch. 
“What the bloody hell do you want?” he groaned, eyes still half closed. 
“That’s not a nice way to greet someone who just brought you food, now is it Freddie?” His face changed as he registered your voice and finally opened his eyes wide enough to see you. A slight blush formed on his face as he realized the little clothing he was wearing, but it was quickly replaced by his signature cocky smile. 
“And what can I do for you this morning, love?”
You rolled your eyes and pulled the brownies from behind you, one of them normal and the other containing the love potion. “Angelina and I snuck out to the kitchens last night and snagged a bunch of brownies. I’ll give you one if you promise to leave me out of your pranks, at least for a little bit. I’m tired of waking up to centipedes in my bed and green dye dripping from my hair.”
Fred laughed and snatched the brownie you handed to him. “I appreciate the negotiation, darling, but it’s gonna take a lot more than some baked goods to get me out of your hair. Just ask my mum.” 
He was about to take a bite from the brownie, you knew this was it. “You’re insufferable Weasley, I’ll see you in class.” You turned and walked away, counting the minutes until the fun would begin. A door slammed behind you and you assumed Fred had gone back to his bed. With a skip in your step you made your way back to your dorm. 
You were about to open the door when you felt a rough hand on your shoulder. You gasped and spun around to see Fred towering over you. 
“Sorry to scare you love, but I needed to ask you something.” Before you could stop yourself you looked up at him. In his right hand was the half eaten brownie. His eyes caught yours and you watched, horrified, as they glazed over. The spell had worked. But now you were the target of Fred’s love. 
“Oh Godric, oh no.” 
Fred’s expressions suddenly changed. His previous cheeky and somewhat nervous grin was gone, replaced with a lovesick smile. “Have you always looked this beautiful?”
You screamed and pushed him into your dorm room, casting a locking charm from the outside. You hoped Fred didn’t have his wand and that would buy you some time. 
Sprinting back to Fred and Lee’s dorm you threw open the door and practically jumped on the dark haired boy sleeping tangled in his sheets. 
“Lee, wake up wake up!”
He groaned and slapped your arm away but you wouldn't give up. It took all of your might but you rolled him off of his bed, and he gasped loudly as his limp body hit the floor.  
“You’re an arse, you know that right?”
Lee finally sat up after he realized that pretending to be asleep would not stop you from frantically shaking him. As he rubbed his eyes and moved to get off the floor he saw the scared look that adorned your face. 
“Lee…” you said in a panic, “I messed up.”
George, true to his nature, was absolutely no help. Angelina had brought them back up early so she could check up on the plan, only to walk in on you groaning into Fred’s bed and Lee yelling about how you deserved it for trying to prank him. It only took a few minutes to fill George in, and he and Lee were both beside themselves imagining the possibilities of this turn of events. 
“Guys shut up,” you said, slamming your head into one of Fred’s pillows. “This is serious. How am I supposed to deal with Fred being in love with me for two days?”
“I don’t know Y/N,” Lee began mockingly, “it must be really difficult. Not something you would want anyone to have to experience, huh?”
You threw the pillow at his face. “You deserved it Jordan, Angelina agrees.”
The other girl nodded hesitantly. “I did think it would be great to see Fred madly in love with Lee, but now that this has happened…” her face shone with a sly grin that was so rare to find on the prefect, “I think I want to see it play out.”
“You are all horrible people.”
George moved to sit next to you and rub your back. “Hey, don’t worry, love. Maybe the potion isn’t as bad as you thought? Maybe Fred’s not going as crazy as you expected.”
He was. 
As you opened the door to your dorm you were engulfed in a bone crushing hug, one very similar to Molly Weasley’s embraces. “I missed you so much, don’t ever leave me for that long again!”
George and Lee had to walk away because they were laughing so much, leaving Angelina to stare at the scene in front of her. 
“Umm, Fred,” she asked, peering into the bedroom, “what the hell did you do in here?”
Fred released you from his hold and you could finally see the mess that he created. Everything you owned was pulled from your trunks and scattered across the floor. Your uniform, your books, even your underwear was haphazardly thrown onto your sheets. 
You and your roommate were glaring daggers at the boy in front of you, but if he noticed he didn’t care. 
“You like it?” he asked. “I wanted to be as close to Y/N as I could while she was gone, so I spread all of her belongings out to make it feel like she was right next to me.” He said the last few words with a dramatic sigh and you smacked your head, hoping it would knock you out of whatever nightmare you were in. 
You grabbed his hands in yours and led him back to his room, hoping too many people wouldn’t see him clad in only his underwear. “C’mon Freddie, let's get you dressed. We have a long two days ahead of us. 
You didn’t know if having most of your classes with Fred was a blessing or a curse. On one hand, at least he wasn’t skipping class to be with you all day and you could keep a close eye on him. On the other hand, you already had lost 50 house points and it wasn’t even lunch yet. 
“You look stunning with your hair pulled back like that.” Instead of doing his potions assignment, Fred was bent over resting his head on his hand and staring at you mixing together your ingredients. 
“And you look like an idiot standing like that, get back to work before we get in trouble again.” You thought that if you were rude to Fred then maybe he would get the hint and back off. But your potion turned out to be stronger than expected, and nothing you did could get him away from you. 
He pushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail behind your ear, letting his fingers linger for a few seconds. It made you blush furiously but you didn’t want to give the boy any satisfaction. “Back to work Fred, now.”
The ginger sighed and grabbed a few ingredients, not checking to see what they were. He hummed and danced around the table, throwing them in while he quietly sang a familiar tune. 
You rolled your eyes and looked down at your own cauldron, before his hands were on your chin and your faces were inches away from each other. “Everything you do is magic, love. I could watch you all day.”
“I’m a witch, dummy. Of course everything I do is magic.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He went back to throwing random ingredients into his pot and you couldn’t help but laugh at the lovesick mess standing in front of you. That is, until the cauldron exploded. 
“Mr. Weasley, Miss Y/L/N, you insufferable idiots.” Of course Snape would blame you too. “Detention tonight.”
You groaned and slammed your head onto the table, but Fred just wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “Isn’t that great? Now we can spend even more time together.”
“Don’t remind me Weasley.”
The rest of the day had gone by surprisingly smoothly. George and Lee tried to distract Fred for a few hours to give you a little peace and quiet, but he always found his way back to your side. You started to attract odd glances as you moved through the castle with Fred’s hands intertwined with yours and his constant complimenting that made you turn even deeper shades of red. 
You tried to avoid public spaces as much as possible. If people saw the way Fred was acting around you it wouldn’t take long for them to piece everything together and recognize the effects of a semi-illegal love potion. And you really didn’t want to be known as the girl who forced someone to fall in love with you, even if it was a complete accident. 
However, dinner was difficult. Fred walked into the Great Hall with his arm draped over your shoulder, booping your nose and handing you a flower he had picked from the courtyard. You blushed and quickly put it in the pocket of your robe, hoping no one would notice. But they did. 
“Finally!” someone shouted, and you turned to the Hufflepuff table to see Cedric Diggory yelling. “MacMillan, you owe me 5 galleons!”
You furrowed your brow in confusion and turned to look at Angelina and George, who avoided eye contact with you. “Guys, what is he talking about?”
The four of you sat down, followed by Lee. Fred’s arm stayed stuck to you, even when you tried to shove him off. Angelina looked a little sheepish as she took a seat in front of you. 
“Well, we tried to keep it from you and Fred because we didn’t want it to get awkward, but…”
“Everyone has bets on when they thought you two were gonna shag, or at least snog or get together or something,” Lee piped up. 
You looked between the faces of your friends, searching for a joke. “You’re kidding. I know you’re kidding.”
George just shook his head and gave a small laugh. “Nope. Everyone’s in on it too. Even heard McGonagall and Dumbledore discussing their bets.”
Your jaw dropped and you looked up at Fred. “Did you know about this?” 
“The only thing I know, bunny, is how incredibly adorable you are.” He leaned his head on your shoulder and nuzzled himself into you, breathing in your scent. 
Your mind started to race with what this meant. “Oh no, now everyone’s going to be paying attention to us! How am I supposed to explain it in two days when suddenly we’re back to normal and everyone’s asking what happened? I’m gonna be in so much trouble…”
“Better you than me,” said Lee, who was growing increasingly more glad that your plan backfired and he wasn’t the one having to deal with Fred. 
“I hate this so much.” You tried your best to eat your dinner in peace, but with people congratulating you and passing around money the entire meal you started to lose your appetite. You completely lost it when you saw George grab a few sickles from a Ravenclaw student. 
“You bet on this too?” He shrugged sheepishly and looked down to count the coins in his hands. “I told you, everyone knew you were gonna get together, might as well place my own bets on it.”
“Are you forgetting Georgie,” you said, starting to get angry with him, “that we’re not together?”
A few confused heads turned your way and you immediately quieted down. If you had to play along, then that was what you would do. 
You stood up and grabbed Fred’s hand in yours. “C’mon, Fred, it’s time for detention. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” They said their goodbyes as you rushed out of the Great Hall, ignoring the comments thrown in your direction. 
The two of you arrived in Snape’s classroom and you practically broke down the door, just ready to get all of this over with. 
“Miss Y/L/N, please refrain from damaging my classroom any more than you and your idiot boyfriend already have.” The greasy professor stood in the corner, flipping through the pages of one of his potions books. 
“He’s not an idiot, professor. And he’s not my--” you stopped yourself from correcting your teacher and instead opted for quietly dragging your ‘boyfriend’ over to where your detention assignment was. 
“I want this room spotless, do you understand me? Not a speck of dust. And if I find out that you two have gotten up to anything...funny--”
“Trust me professor, you don’t have to worry about that.” You looked at Fred whose eyes were glassy and looking at you. You had to admit, the thought of something happening with Fred had crossed your mind in the past, but you knew it was only a fleeting thought. Besides, you would never take advantage of your best friend or anyone for that matter, especially when he was literally under a spell that made him fall in love with you. You’d have to be really careful with anything Fred did while the two of you were alone. 
Snape set out a checklist for your tasks for the night before sweeping his cape dramatically and gliding out of his classroom. 
“So,” Fred began with a sly grin, “now that we’re alone…”
“Not a chance Weasley. You’re under a love potion and I want to get this done quick so I can head to bed and pretend this day never happened. So let’s get to work.”
He pouted and tried to put his arm around your waist but you slapped it away. “I’m serious Fred. If you love me then you’ll help, ok?”
Fred’s expression changed quickly and he nodded with enthusiasm, grabbing all the supplies needed to begin cleaning. You couldn’t help but stare at your best friend gleefully prance around the room, sweeping all of the dust while humming that familiar tune under his breath. 
Your mind went back to what your friends were saying earlier at dinner. Did everyone really think that you two would get together? I mean, you did always flirt with each other, but that was just how you were. Your personalities bounced off of each other so well, which led to you being practically inseparable for the past few years. Even after his pranks and jokes you could never be mad at him for more than a day, and you always found your way back to his side. 
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice that the boy was suddenly right behind you. “Dance with me, my love?” 
As you turned you saw him bowing with an arm extended to you, and you couldn’t help but giggle at him as his long red hair covered his face. “Fred, I told you, nothing’s gonna happen tonight.” 
But he grabbed your hand anyways and pulled you tighter to him. “Who says anything has to happen? This is just a friendly dance with the love of my life.”
“There’s not even any music, how are we supposed to dance?” He dipped you down and pulled you back up to his chest. You hated to admit it, but his lovesick state was growing on you. 
“We can dance to the beats of our hearts, my dear.” And the feelings were gone. You rolled your eyes at his tacky remark and had to remind yourself that this was just a fabrication of love and obsession that was created in a cauldron and consumed by your friend against his will. But some innocent dancing wouldn’t hurt. 
“Fine,” you said, “we can dance for a little bit, but then we work, got it?” 
He cupped your face and his thumb rested on your slightly parted lips. “Anything for you, my love.”
While you hated the cheesiness of Fred’s words, you had to admit that dancing haphazardly around the potions room, knocking over empty cauldrons and vials, was pretty fun. Fred hummed the song he had been humming nonstop for the past few days as he spun you around and pulled you back close. 
There were many instances where he tried to press his lips to yours, but every time you would spin away and distract him with some more dancing. His smile grew wider and wider after every second, and you thought it was a sight you could get used to. You probably would have continued to dance all night, except for the fact that you tripped over the broom Fred used earlier and it reminded you that you had a punishment to fulfill. 
But while you cleaned up the mess you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at the ginger boy across the room, and wondering what it would be like to dance with the real him some day. 
You awoke with an awful crick in your neck and aches all over your body. As your eyes adjusted to the dim light you realized that you weren’t in your dorm room lying on your comfy four poster bed. No, you had fallen asleep sitting against a wall of the potions room floor, with Fred laying his head on your lap, still fast asleep. 
You blushed at the position, but selfishly stayed still for a few minutes, staring at the slow rising and falling of Fred’s chest. He’d always been the cuter twin in your opinion. Slightly shorter, but with a rounder face and less bumped nose than his brother. His soft features were a huge contrast to his sharp and blunt personality, and they balanced each other so perfectly. 
He slowly shifted so his head was facing you, still laying on your lap. He looked up through his lashes, smiling softly. 
“Hey beautiful, hope you slept well.” Your heart melted at his words, along with his deep morning voice. But you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t real. It would never be real. 
“I reckon you slept fine, you had me as a pillow.” You lifted his head and shoved him off of you, standing up to brush yourself off. “I was stuck leaning against these cold walls with a 6’ 3” ginger laying on top of me. Best sleep of my life.” 
That was when the reality of what happened actually kicked in. It was the next morning, and the two of you were still in your clothes from yesterday and still in Snape’s classroom, who was bound to return any minute. 
“Shit.” You grabbed your friends hands and dragged him to the door. “C’mon Freddie, we have to get back to the Common Room before Snape sees us. Or someone else.”
“Who cares who sees love?” He stopped in his tracks which made you fly back into him. “I want the whole world to know how much I love my little angel.”
“I care who sees. And you don’t love me Fred, it’s the spell. C’mon let’s hurry up, please.” No matter how many times you tried to explain the love potion Fred just wouldn’t listen. But he finally decided to follow you through the labyrinth of the dungeon and back to Gryffindor tower. 
You thought you were home free before you heard a voice from behind you. “Looks like someone had a fun night, didn’t she?” 
You increased your pace and shouted back at the laughing figure, clad in green and silver. “Sod off Malfoy, it’s none of your business or anyone else’s for that matter.”
But he just continued to laugh and ran away, probably to tell his goons all about what he saw protruding from Snape’s classroom early in the morning. 
“He’s a real arse, isn’t he, doll?” Fred’s words made a small smile spread on your face, glad that the potion didn’t take all of his personality away. 
“Yeah he is, Freddie. Now let’s get you dressed and ready for class, ok?”
Fred grinned as you spoke the Gryffindor password to the fat lady. “Only if you promise to meet me in the courtyard for lunch. I have a surprise for you bunny.”
You pushed him through the door and back to his room. “Fine, but don’t call me bunny, ok?” He nodded reluctantly. “Oh and Fred?”
The boy turned around and stared at you dopily, hanging on to every word you said. 
“Please give me my tie back. I see it in your pocket.”
Fred sighed and gave you his best puppy dog eyes, which almost worked. But he eventually grabbed the tie and handed it to you. “Just wanted something to remember you by, that’s all rabbit.”
“I think that’s worse than bunny. Now get dressed and meet me back here for class. And if anyone asks you where we were last night, you lie, ok? We were in our dorms.”
He nodded so hard you thought his head would fall off. “Yes ma’am! How about a goodbye kiss?”
You sighed and kissed him on the cheek. “That’s all you get. Now off you go Weasley.”
Fred skipped back into his dorm room and started singing some song, which quickly turned into a scream, making you assume that one of his roommates had attacked him for waking them up so early. One day down, one to go. Easy, right? But what scared you was you didn’t know if you wanted this to end or if you wanted it to continue forever. 
“He’s insufferable, Angie. How am I supposed to deal with this again? Especially alone.” It was only minutes away from when Fred was supposed to take you out to lunch, and you really didn’t want to see him, especially since you had no idea how to feel about him now. 
Angelina smiled at you and sat down in the courtyard. “He can’t be that bad. It’s Fred!”
You gave her an ‘are you serious’ look. She nodded in understanding. “Yeah, ok it’s probably bad.”
“I just want things to go back to normal,” you groaned. “But that won’t even happen, because everyone thinks we’re dating now! Oh he’s gonna hate me when the potion wears off.”
“As if Fred could ever hate you, Y/N. You’re his favorite person, he’s said so himself.” Her words were not helping the internal crisis you were having.
“But what is everyone going to think? There’s no way they’ll believe we broke up after two days, and it’s not like Fred would play along and fake date me. I’m doomed.”
“You’re overdramatic, that’s what you are. We’ll figure it out, ok? And Fred will help once he’s back to normal. He could never get mad at you.”
“I hope you’re right. I just wish that he’d keep everything quiet and not make any big scenes.” The second you said that you saw Fred approaching you, but not from the ground. No, the drama queen decided to fly down on a broom, attracting everyone’s attention. “Oh great.”
“Have fun on your date you lovebirds!” Angelina called after you. You flipped her off as you walked to where Fred had landed. 
“Hello lovely, care for a ride?” Everyone was staring at you and you wanted nothing more than to get out of there. A display like this probably wouldn’t have bothered you if it was with someone you were actually dating, but the more people saw you and Fred together the more complicated an explanation would be. 
So you hopped on the back of his broom and whispered for him to fly away, fast. You zoomed through the air, away from the castle and down toward the Black Lake. 
The strong lake air filled your nose as your hair whipped around your face at top speed. You wrapped your arms around Fred tighter as he made twists and turns in every direction, causing you to scream and laugh at his antics. 
The afternoon sky was beautiful, and you took a mental note to do this again sometime, preferably with the man sitting in front of you. 
Fred finally landed the broom on an open piece of land, wildflowers blooming all around and the wind whistling in your ears. 
He grabbed your hand as you stepped off the broom and led you to a spot set up with a blanket and a basket of food. 
“Freddie…” It was too much for you to take in. This love potion must have been powerful stuff to make him go out of his way to do this for you. 
“Come here, dove, let’s eat.” 
You were speechless as you sat down on the blanket and were handed an assortment of foods, from mini sandwiches to grapes and strawberries to cupcakes for dessert. Fred grinned at the shocked expression on your face. 
“Fred, I...I don’t know what to say.” 
“Then don’t say anything, love.” He leaned in toward you, eyes flicking down to your lips. His beautiful, soft lips. At the last second before your lips met you grabbed a grape and plopped it into his mouth. Fred looked surprised at first, but he quickly recovered and did the same thing to you, feeding you a grape that he grabbed from the basket. This quickly turned into a food fight, with the two of you grabbing handfuls of fruit and chucking them at each other, diving out of the way and making barricades to protect yourselves.
You were laughing harder than you ever had before, so much so that the two of you lost track of time. 
“Oh, shoot, Fred. It’s probably time for our next class.” You tried to grab all of the supplies and pull him over to his broom, but his big hands wrapped around you from behind and held you in place. 
“Don’t leave, darling. I want to spend every minute of every day with you.” He rocked you from side to side, his words sending shivers down your back. You knew his words weren’t his. Deep down, you knew that this wasn’t the real Fred Weasley talking. But that didn’t stop you for pretending that it was real, at least for a few seconds. 
“Don’t say things like that, Freddie,” you said, unwrapping yourself from his hold. “You’re only making this harder than it already is.”
He followed you to the broom, you carrying the basket and blanket while tangling your arms around him again. You took off into the sky and you closed your eyes, soaking up every ounce of this fleeting beautiful moment. 
“So how are things with my brother going? Do I hear wedding bells in the future?”
You slapped George upside the head and huffed as you sat down for dinner, ignoring the laughs from your friends. 
“Shut up, George, I’m just glad this day is almost over. All I have to do is make it through dinner and then we can go back to our dorms and go to bed.”
Lee gave you a suggestive smile. “Yeah, our dorms. Just like what you two did last night.”
George started cackling like a hyena and you smashed your hand over Lee’s mouth. “Don’t say one word about that,” you hissed. “Malfoy’s already talking to enough people, I don’t want Fred thinking I took advantage of him and slept with him while he was practically drugged!”
This seemed to get through to the boys and they quieted down. 
“Nothing did happen though, right?” George was starting to get nervous, finally realizing what could’ve happened to his brother in this state. 
You shook your head. “Of course not. Only some dancing and falling asleep in awkward positions.”
“I am so glad that wasn’t me then,” Lee joked, trying to lighten the mood. You smiled slightly and turned to look for the man of the hour. 
“Hey, where is Fred anyways? We haven’t been apart for this long since he ate the brownie.” 
As soon as you spoke your words, Angelina sprinted into the room and sat next to you. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen.”
Your eyes went wide at Angelina’s words. “Angie, what are you talking about?”
Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall were flung open, and in rode Fred on his broom, throwing rose petals from a basket he was carrying. 
“Oh no,” you muttered. 
“Oh yes,” said George, who tapped Colin Creevey and asked him to get as many pictures of this as possible. 
Fred made a couple of laps around the hall and landed right in front of you. “Hello, lovely, are you ready for the show?”
You wanted nothing more than to crawl under the table and hide for the rest of eternity, but Lee was holding you in place and you were forced to witness the monstrosity of what was about to happen. 
Fred waved his wand at a nearby Muggle radio that he had planted, and the song he had been humming for the past few days came on, blaring louder than a normal radio should be able to. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Fred began to sing. 
“Baby c’mon over I don’t care if people find out!”
George whistled at the scene and Creevey snapped a photo, the first of many to come. 
“They say that we’re no good together and it’s never gonna work out.”
You scanned the room frantically, looking for someone to help you out of this situation. But even Dumbledore looked intrigued as he sat back in his seat. 
“But, baby, you got me moving too fast,”
He kicked some food off of the table and it landed next to Malfoy, splattering his face with warm mashed potatoes. 
“Cause I know you wanna be bad,”
Fred started to do a very provocative dance move involving his broom and you could hear dozens of girls cheering for him. 
“And girl, when you’re looking like that, I can’t hold back!”
He held your face in his hands and pressed a kiss to your forehead before jumping on his broom and flying around the room, singing the chorus of the song at the top of his lungs. 
“Cause you, you’ve got this spell on me!”
Oh if only he knew. 
“I don’t know what to believe”
He did a loop on his broom and winked at you, making you smile against your will. No matter how annoying Fred was, especially under a love spell, he was still cute. 
“Kiss you once, now I can’t leave! Cause everything you do is magic, but everything you do is magic.”
He continued the song getting louder with each verse and making occasional stops to give you a small peck on the cheeks or forehead. 
After what felt like an eternity, the song died down and cheers from every table grew, even the Slytherins getting excited about the display. 
Fred landed next to you and sat down, hugging you tightly into his chest. “I love you, Y/N, with all of my heart.”
You felt yourself give in to your desires and you hugged him back tightly. “I love you too Weasley. More than you’ll ever know.”
He finally released you and you went back to your meals, your red blush not once leaving your face throughout dinner. After you and your friends finished you made your way back to your rooms. 
“I think I’m gonna turn in early Freddie, ok?” You didn’t really give him a chance to respond before you stepped into your room and started getting ready for bed. As you brushed your teeth and put on your pjs, the events from the past few days raced through your head. You pushed the thoughts out of your mind. After tomorrow morning, they wouldn’t matter. You and Fred would be back to your normal friendly selves and you would be struggling to come up with a way to justify the scene he had made in front of the entire school. 
As you pulled the covers up over your body you heard a shy knock on the door. Assuming it was Angelina you yelled for her to come in, only to see Fred standing in the doorway looking at you. 
You sat up slowly and gazed at the tall man, the one you felt yourself falling for even more in the past two days. “What’s up Freddie, are you alright?”
He nodded and made his way to sit on your bed. “I can’t sleep. Wanna sleep here with you. Can I sleep with you my love?”
You blushed at his words but nodded, scooting over to let him crawl into bed with you. You made sure to stay as far away from Fred as possible, but it didn’t help that he was constantly trying to pull you closer. 
“Fred,” you said, shifting out of his hold once again. “We shouldn’t be doing this. You’re not in your right mind and I don’t want normal Fred to wake up and wonder why we’re laying together.”
“But I wanna be here with you, pumpkin.”
You sat up again and adjusted the pillows underneath him so he would be comfortable. “How about you sleep here and I can lay on the floor, ok? That way I’m still close to you.”
Fred whimpered at the lack of heat from your body, but he nodded as you made a makeshift bed on the ground. Two days in a row sleeping on the floor. You guessed this was payback for ever thinking you could get back at Fred Weasley. 
You slowly fell asleep on the ground, listening to Fred’s soft breathing and your own pounding heart. Everything would be different in the morning. Everything would be normal again. 
You woke up early again, more aches and pains haunting your body. Groaning, you sat up to look for Fred, but he had disappeared. Had the potion worn off and he decided to head to his own bed? No, it wasn’t a full 48 hours yet, there was still a little time left. 
Your bathroom door shot open and out bounced Fred, looking more energetic than you had ever seen him this early in the morning. 
“Glad you’re up, love. I’ve got something to show you.”
Before you could protest, Fred was dragging you out of the Gryffindor tower and straight to the Astronomy Tower, which was usually empty this time of day. You were still clad in your pajamas but you figured no one would see you this early.
You made your way to the top and saw what Fred had meant. There was another blanket set up, but with a radio sitting on it instead of a basket of food. 
“I figured we could watch the sunrise together, sunshine,” he whispered into your ear, before pulling you onto the blanket with him. 
Fred turned on the radio and some soft music began to play. He threw his arm around your shoulders but you shrugged it off, knowing that the potion was going to wear off any minute now. 
“Y/N?” Fred asked. 
You looked at him tilted your head, gesturing for him to continue. 
“You know I love you, right?”
The look in his eyes made you want to break down. He was so beautiful, sitting in the glow of the sunrise. His eyes gleamed brown and gold, and you wanted nothing more than to get lost in them. 
“Yeah, Freddie. I know. Right now you do.”
Fred looked like he was about to say something else, when he started to get dizzy and he had to steady himself by holding onto your shoulders.
“Fred, are you alright?”
He didn’t answer, but instead took a deep breath and looked up at you. 
Fred shot away faster than a snitch at a Quidditch game, and you knew this was it. Your prank was over. 
“Y/N? What, how…? What’s going on? Did I just say I loved you? Bloody hell…” Fred’s head was spinning and you tried to calm him down. 
“Hey, it’s alright, don’t worry Fred.” You took his hand in yours and pulled him closer to you. “What do you remember?”
You didn’t know how this specific love potion worked in regards to memories. Whether Fred would completely forget the last two days or if he would remember them completely, you had no idea. Either way you planned on filling him in on everything. He deserved to know. 
“I, umm, I remember eating a brownie, and, and I needed to tell you something, but you looked too beautiful and I couldn’t. And all I wanted to do was tell you how amazing and incredible you are...and there was detention, and a picnic, and--did I really sing that song to you in front of everyone?”
You laughed at the boy who finally felt the embarrassment of his actions. “Yes you did Freddie, but it’s not your fault.”
He furrowed his brow at you. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” you began, “you know how you’re an insufferable twat who likes to prank me all the time?”
Fred smiled and gently nudged your shoulder. “That I do know, continue.”
“So, Angelina and I decided to get back at you, using my expertise in potions.”
His face dropped. “Potions? What potions? Did you use a potion on me?”
You felt horrible having to explain this to your friend. While nothing bad happened during the last two days, you couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for Fred. “You see, we sort of concocted a love potion to give you, as a joke--”
“What?” he screamed incredulously. 
You jumped as he spoke and he pulled his hands back from you. 
“A love potion? Are you serious?”
“I-I’m sorry Freddie, we didn’t think you’d get this upset, it was honestly--”
“So this… all of this?” Fred looked as if he was going to explode. He was tugging at his hair so hard you expected him to pull it out. “You toyed with me? You played with my feelings? So everything I’ve felt for you the last year has been nothing more than a stupid love potion?”
You were taken aback by his harsh words, dumbstruck by the side of Fred you’d never seen before. He was furious, and not at Snape or Malfoy like usual. He was furious with you. 
“Fred, what--”
“I can’t believe you, Y/N. I’ve been in love with you since the summer and now I find out that my feelings aren’t even real, just one big joke. Is that all I am? Just a joke to you?”
What was he talking about? The potion didn’t make up false memories of love. He shouldn’t have been in love with you for longer than the 48 hours. You reached forward to put your hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off. 
“Freddie,” you began, “we gave you the potion two days ago. Everything else was...not our doing. I promise you that. We just thought it would be a fun joke and we knew it would rub off quickly. But I swear, we haven’t been toying with you. I care about you too much to do that.”
You’d never seen Fred look more confused in his entire life, and that was counting the time that you took polyjuice to make yourself look like him and convince him that you were his long lost triplet. 
“You...I...only two days?” He turned to face the edge of the tower, staring into the sunrise. You moved with him and ended up sitting in front of him, so close that you were practically on his lap. 
“I gave you the potion thinking that you were going to fall in love with Lee. But you of course had to ruin the plan and fall in love with me instead. Everything you’ve been feeling for the past two days in fake. But other than that, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Your brain was racing with possibilities of what he could mean about the last year. It settled on one, but there was no way that could be it. 
You rubbed your thumb over Fred’s knuckles soothingly as you watched him try to comprehend what was going on. “So, the butterflies I got when I saw you in a swimsuit over the summer? The way my heart beats faster every time you look at me? The way I can feel myself falling in love with everything you do? That’s not...that’s not fake?”
You felt your breath hitch in your throat. Butterflies? Heart beating? Falling in love? “Fred, if this is some sort of reverse joke to get back at me it’s not funny at all.”
He shifted and pulled you into a tight hug as he noticed your vulnerability, so uncommon with you. “Of course this isn’t a joke, love. But you have to tell me, was it all real? Please tell me it was all real and that the potion’s over with now.”
You smiled and felt small tears prick your eyes. “The potions over, Freddie. Whatever you felt before and whatever you feel now...it’s real. There’s no spell on you anymore.”
Fred pulled back from the hug and cupped your cheek in his hands. His eyes seared into yours and you never wanted to look away. “Y’know,” you whispered, “sometimes I wonder if you’ve got me under a spell.”
Fred laughed and twisted your hair in his fingers. You thought he had never looked more handsome laughing at you in the morning light. “That’s the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard you say, love.”
You scoffed at his remark. “You got up and sang that to me in front of the entire school!” you nearly shouted, slapping his chest. 
“Yeah, while I was literally under a love potion that you gave me! Just that desperate for me, are you?”
You knew he was joking, but he was poking at the truth. “Maybe I am Freddie, maybe I--”
But you didn’t have time to finish, because you were cut off by his lips on yours. It caught you by surprise, but it wasn’t long until you melted into the kiss. His one hand rested on the small of your back and the other moved to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. 
You sighed into the long overdue kiss and crawled on top of the love of your life, straddling his hips.
Your hands played with his hair like they had countless times before, but this time it was different. This time it really meant something, to the both of you. Fred pulled you closer and you shifted so you were pushing him onto his back. Unfortunately, neither of you were very aware of your surroundings and his head hit the radio, forcing it to change stations. 
The two of you giggled and continued to make out in the morning sun, but you stopped once you heard the song that came on. 
“Is that…” you asked. 
“It can’t be. There’s no way.”
But the radio was without a doubt playing the song that the whole school was now familiar with. You sat up and stared at Fred, eyes asking him if he somehow planned this. 
Fred just shrugged and pulled you back onto him. “Must be magic love.” You smiled and went in to kiss him again. As the song ended Fred spoke the last lyrics into you, sending shivers down your spine. 
“But everything you do is magic.”
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
battle scars || a deku & class 1-A drabble
(A quick drabble talking about members of class 1-A, the scars they share, and the love that heals them. TW for descriptions of violence and both external and internal injuries.)
There isn't a single hero that Deku knows of who doesn't have scars.
They aren't stigmatized, no not at all. No one who's ever seen a hero in action before thinks that scars are ugly. In hero society, scars are celebrated. Admired, adored, worshipped--whatever connotates the wearer to something positive. In a world where suffering and self-sacrifice are glorified, scars are a mark of beauty.
Even then though, Izuku Midoriya can't help but think that his scars are better off hidden.
He knows, god does he know, that everyone has their own wounds and injuries. Little divots here, the occasional prosthetic there--everyone he knows is marked in some way that reminds the world that they are still human where it matters. They aren't gods or faces off a product--just average traumatized people who unfortunately love humanity more than they love themselves.
Class 1-A being no exception.
Mina, for example, has burns. Big burns, small burns, burns of all shapes and sizes that litter her body like the pattern of the hero costume she wears. A few too many evil scientists with interests in chemistry like to think that their knowledge gives them the upper hand, but the Alien Queen always proves them wrong.
One of her horns is chipped, and when she gets drunk she admits that her sense of sight might be going. Sometimes, the scars sting, but the sweet ache of her body as she nails another dance routine reminds her that there's more to the world than how people look. When she begins to forget that, Kirishima claps loudly as she lands another pirouette.
Kaminari is dotted from head to toe in Lichtenberg scars. It's something that surprises no one, and something the blond feels no shame in showing off at any given moment. The lightning patterned marks are most prevalent along his forearms and palms, every hug from him feeling rough but safe nonetheless.
Occasionally, due to one too many brain fries, he'll have days where his mind doesn't seem like it's all there and memories fade like footprints in the sand. On those days, Denki lays down and Jirou runs her hands through electric blond hair while humming a soft and sweet tune.
Kirishima's scars run like cracks. They splinter and have ridges that look very much like his own quirk. Most of them are very faint and shallow, getting more focused and deep around his chest and forearms as he held firm against countless unrelenting attacks.
After one too many nosebleeds, the red-head finds out that he's way more prone to internal wounds from the way his organs deal with shock absorption less adaptively than his skin and bones do. Eijirou's tense muscles eventually learn to relax under the gentle caring massages from an exasperated Mina.
Iida, on the other hand, has a prosthetic. An unfortunate and horrible incident left him missing half a leg after pissing off a Stain-inspired villain who was a little too much like her idol. He's much less scarred (a benefit of his full-bodied armor), but Deku still sometimes sees the way he struggles to breathe.
Internal scars from internal wounds similar to Kirishima's make his body sometimes forget that he's stopped running. Tenya wears these scars with responsibility and blushes whenever he greets an enthusiastic Hatsume Mei for his monthly prosthetic maintenance check.
Uraraka has scars all over her fingers. Nicks and slices from where people tried to render her quirk useless by taking off a finger. She has a star-shaped mark on the right side of her forehead from where a building caved in and shattered her helmet.
Neat little slashes run up and down her ankles and soles of her feet from lucky shots people had before she floated away. Ochako wears these scars with ferocity and pride, adorning them in pink band-aids that Toga sometimes scratches at when the brunette comes to visit her in jail.
Todoroki is... a little different. The scar over his right eye is a lot more faded, yet still there. It grew up with him, healed and faded at the edges like the wounds in his heart, but not forgotten because of how it made him who he is. He has burns of all types adorned around his body--caused either by his own quirk or others.
He also often gets sick when he overexerts himself like the hopeless workaholic Big Three member he is. Yaoyorozu and Inasa visit him on those sick days, bringing light and chicken soup into his big empty home.
Bakugou's a lot similar to Deku. Their families and friends have noticed that if you put a diagram of their bodies side by side with markings of their injuries, it wouldn't exactly be a mirror image, but seemingly two parts of a puzzle clicking together. The blond had all sorts of scars around his body, a hazard that came with the title of Japan's Symbol of Victory.
There were deep lashes on his back, marks of muzzles and handcuffs from attempt after attempt of kidnappings and ransom hostages. On his forearms were twin bracelet scars, from an especially ruthless villain that attempted to cut his hands off in an effort to eliminate his quirk. Over his torso were two faint pink marks shaped like explosions, both from the first time he sacrificed himself for Deku.
Bakugou had similar aches on his shoulders and neck from overuse and recoil whenever he'd pushed himself too quick and too soon. Kacchan would scoff at the notion of hiding his scars and treat the pain with a quick home-cooked meal, fingers twitching when Deku would plop himself on the counter and ask about his latest shift.
But Deku?
Deku hid well. He hid because it was his habit to deceive and alter his appearance--covering things up with a simple black arm band because in the grand scheme of things there were some secrets best left unseen. Deku wore long sleeves and concealer over his skin like it was a suit of armor, hiding the rawest parts of him because even as he grew and climbed his way to the top, a part of him always remembered that the burden he carries is too heavy to let be seen.
So he hides.
He hides the way burns litter his skin from trying to contain the inferno that is OfA and walking through fire to bring civillians home. He hides the Lichtenberg scars and the way green lightning sometimes crackles hard enough to make him flinch as he fights his way through unbeatable hoards of enemis. He hides the prosthetics, the way his arms gave out on him quite a while ago, forcing them to be replaced and improved. He hides the way people have tried to tear him apart and steal his burden for themselves.
One for All was his greatest gift and most painful curse.
Some nights he trembles and shakes, muscles spasming in effort to just simply keep going. Shivers run up and down his spine because with every injury his blood circulation worsens and worsens until cold and pain is all that he feels. Izuku will sometimes walk around, scars hurting and throbbing hot white under his skin, and look for medication that dulls the ache and makes him go a little less crazy.
Hands mindlessly running over bumps and edges, scars from villains and friends and debris and growth spurts. He would stand in front of a mirror like a house of cards and pull himself apart, reflection making him detest himself from how gnarled and ugly and imperfect he was.
"--No, my boy. Not imperfect." The tall and gaunt figure of his old mentor would tut. Thin and skeletal fingers would grasp the bottom of a white shirt and lift it up, gently revealing a scar so deep it almost looks like a crater. "Not imperfect at all. For people like us, your scars make you far more than just a hero."
Deku, of course, would hum in resignation. He looks at All Might--no, Toshinori Yagi with a skeptical look and the retired hero would smile.
"You are... a miracle."
And just like that, Deku would be brought back to being 14 years old, quirkless and desperate. He's on his knees, looking at the Symbol of Peace in his true form--thin and pale but still oh so powerful. A voice tells him that there is a destiny he has far greater than he'll ever realize, an adventure that awaits him through the old skinny man with unruly blond hair.
Izuku didn't see weakness that day, no.
He saw hope.
So now, even as Pro-Hero Deku hides away the parts of himself that are broken and raw from the world he protects, he finds his cure all the same. In the arms of those who are warm and familiar, Deku sheds his armor, his foundation, his long sleeves--
and he is simply Izuku.
He is Izuku who gets spa days and yoga sessions with Ashido, Denki, and Eijirou that stops his muscles from spasming on days where it gets unbearable. He is Izuku who gets tender massages and hearty midnight snack runs with Ochako and Tenya when nightmares and visions just won't let him sleep. He is Izuku who gets soup and warm borrowed hoodies from Shouto and Kacchan when stress makes him keel over and shudder at the thought of working. He is Izuku who gets big warm hugs and a fierce movie marathon with his loving mother and mentor who is his father in all but name.
He is Izuku, riddled with scars that still heal.
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goldenpixel · 3 years
The scene with Wilbur in Quackity’s latest lore stream made me Think some Thoughts, and I wanted to get all of my SBI family headcanons together in one place, so here’s this post
First thing, this is their age order:
Philza -> Techno/Wilbur -> Tubbo -> Ranboo -> Tommy
- Techno and Wilbur were born on the same day, so most of the family refers to them as “the twins” but they are not blood related
- Philza did not know how old Techno was when they were ruling the Antarctic Empire, he thought that Techno was around 21 when he was actually around 14-16
- this is a fact that haunts Phil to this day, because he committed a massive amount of war crimes with an actual child, and also for reasons that will soon become very clear
Philza and Techno
- they’re married
- they got married with them each thinking that the other was close to their own age (Phil thought Techno was in his early 20’s, Techno thought Phil was in his late teens)
- for more on their marriage, check out this post
- despite Techno and Wilbur being the same age, Techno is mentally much older due to his past and his general status as the Blood God
- Phil did most of the work raising the older kids, but Techno did his fair share, and you can definitely see his influence when you look at the kid’s behaviors
- both of them are immortal
- Techno is a new immortal, the Blood God has only just come into existence, but he isn't leaving anytime soon
- Philza is an old immortal, he was there when the world was born, and he'll be there when it dies
- Wilbur and Philza are the only blood relatives in the whole family
- as much as he loves him, Wilbur has always been a bit bitter towards Techno, because when they were teenagers, Techno was off ruling and adventuring and having fun with Phil during the AE, and Wil was left home with a young Tommy to look after
- Wilbur’s hair is naturally blond, just like Phil and Tommy’s
- no one knows who Wilbur’s mom is (unfortunately mpreg is the norm on this server, so Phil carried him, and he’s got some ideas on who Wil’s mom is, but he honestly doesn’t care enough to look into it)
- Wilbur has wings
- they’re much smaller than Phil’s, he can barely fly with them, but they’re the same color and shape as Phil’s
- because of how fragile his wings are, Wilbur should not technically be able to fly, but he literally sheer force of will-ed it and threw himself off the roof of their house so many times that he can glide when he jumps from high places, and if it’s a really high place, he can get in a few good flaps of his wings to get him some extra distance
- Phil doesn’t learn that Wilbur can semi-fly/glide until one day they’re off adventuring together and Wil is being dramatic and theatrical and walking backwards while he talks, and he falls off a cliff
- Tommy has been with them since he was a few days old
- because of his light features, most people assume that he is Phil’s son by blood, and he just didn’t inherit the wings
- (at ages 10 and 16, Tommy and Wilbur did the blood-brothers handshake where they cut their palms and then shook hands, so if you ask them, they’re blood brothers through and through)
- Techno taught Tommy how to sew
- Tommy is a young god, but he hasn’t grown into most of his powers yet
- Tommy is a god of death, the future Death himself, Kristen is his mother
- (this is how Phil comes into possession of him. Phil, being the Angel of Death, was really the only reasonable choice when it came to Death herself finding someone to raise her son)
- Tommy has light features, even though Mumza has dark features, because she purposefully made him out of the light, she wanted him to be good and kind, so she created him from the literal light that you see when you're dying
- because he was born from the actual moment of death, despite Tommy's eyes being blue, they hold the void itself in them
- if you look too closely into Tommy's eyes, it can be easy to lose yourself and fall right in
- sometimes Mumza comes to visit, these are very bittersweet moments for Tommy
- he loves his mom, and he loves seeing her and seeing Phil happy to see her, and she usually takes him along on her next trip, ever so slowly teaching him how to be Death, but he also hates that that is his future
- he doesn't want to be the next Death, he doesn't want to outlive all of his friends and his brother, he just wants to be normal
- because of this, Tommy represses pretty much all of his godly powers, trying to seem as normal as possible, the one he represses the most is his automatic healing, when he gets hurt, he wants to stay hurt
- he represses everything so well that its years before Tubbo finds out that his best friend is a god
- Techno raised Ranboo more than Phil did
- (because of this, he’s the only kid who actually views Techno as his father. Despite him literally being their stepdad, the others see Techno as more of a brother or an uncle)
- Techno found Ranboo when he was around 12 years old on the edge of a warped forest in the nether (if you want some more nether-boys hc’s, check out this post)
- at that age, Ranboo hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet due to malnutrition, so he was much smaller than the average human 12 year old, and everyone thought he was around 8-10 (because of his memory issues, Ranboo thought the same thing until Tommy kept pestering him about when his birthday was and he remembered the year)
- Ranboo is brought into the family when he’s 12, Tommy is 11, and Wilbur and Techno are 17
- as I said before, Techno may have been 17 when he took in Ranboo, but he was definitely a father to this anxious amnesiac preteen
- because of his height, Ranboo is constantly slouching to fit through doorways, inside houses, and to make himself appear smaller, so he grows to need a cane
Tubbo (and Dream)
- street cat
- they fed him once and he just kept coming back
- sometimes he’ll disappear for a few weeks, but he always turns up eventually
- boy’s got some family issues, some real bad family issues
- his dad is Schlatt, who left him and big brother Dream to fend for themselves when he and Dream were 6 and 11
- luckily Dream has an excellent sense of direction and memory, and got them to Aunt Puffy’s current port before she pushed off on her next adventure (but not before getting briefly separated and making some friends)
- (the few weeks they spend separated are when Tubbo first gets found by Wilbur and Tommy and forcibly adopted by Phil, and Bad lures Dream home with food and he meets Sapnap)
- both boys have ram features - floppy ears, horns, etc., Dream also inherited their Aunt Puffy's rainbow hair (he dyes it blonde semi-regularly. It's dyed when he meets sbi, and Wilbur and Techno have the exact same reaction to it when they finally see his natural hair: relentless teasing. Like father like son amiright?)
- Tubbo and Dream are half brothers (same dad, different moms), Tubbo is 1/2 ram and 1/2 human, Dream is 1/2 human, 1/4 ram, and 1/4 what he and Sapnap think is demon (basically Dream had a human-ram hybrid dad, and a human-demon(?) hybrid mom)
- when Tubbo introduces Dream to his new brother-in-law, Dream feels a bit of a kindred spirit, but he quickly brushes it off
- Dream spends most of his time either with Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap, or on the sea with Puffy, so Tubbo mostly fends for himself
- Tubbo is more than happy to fend for himself, he actually prefers it most of the time. He doesn't like people fussing over him and sheltering him, so whenever his mood switches and he decides that he does, actually, want some family time, he just appears on sbi’s front porch
- Tubbo first meets Ranboo when he comes to visit after a few months away. No one told him that Tommy was with Mumza for the weekend, so when he arrived at 3am, 2 days before he told Phil he’d be there, he just let himself in and threw himself on top of the sleeping figure in Tommy’s bed, only to be met with a startled enderman screech that woke the whole house
- (Ranboo was in Tommy’s bed because he might not be a part of the official Clingy Duo, but the boy is as clingy as they come. He regularly sleeps in his family’s beds, both when they’re home and when they’re away, because his sense of smell is heightened as an enderman and he needs to be surrounded in their scent when he misses them or when he’s feeling sad (especially because these are the only scents he knows, he doesn’t remember any of the scents from before Techno found him))
Big brothers being friends
- one day, after Tubbo’s near-constant raving about how great the Minecraft family is, Dream agrees to visit with him
- this visit happens to fall during the AE, so the only ones home are Wilbur and Tommy
- Dream and Wilbur take one look at each other and their similar situations in raising their chaotic, problem-child little brothers, and never let go
- the four of them live together for a good 5-6 months before Dream gets a letter and he and Tubbo need to leave
- after this visit, Dream and Wilbur stay in contact, and they visit each other even without their brothers around to drag them along
- I know I said that Wilbur makes fun of Dream for dying his hair, but that’s only in public
- in private, Wilbur confesses to Dream that he also dyes his hair, that his hair is naturally blond and he dyes it darker. After this, Dream and Wilbur start dying their hair together, it becomes something scheduled that they both look forward to immensely each month
- the next time Dream and Tubbo visit together, Wilbur is off with a water spirit who stole his heart (I refuse to write about fish Sally, fight me), and Phil is showing Ranboo some cool builds in his current hardcore world, so it's Techno and Tommy who welcome them in
- Techno starts out pretty hesitant of Dream, but Dream almost instantly is like
- "I'm gonna annoy the blood god into being my best friend"
- and whatever Dream sets his mind to, he achieves
- so the visit sort of ends with Dream and Techno making Tommy and Tubbo promise not to burn the house down, and leaving them home alone to go off to cause some chaos together
Father/son relationships
- As I said earlier, Phil primarily raised Wilbur and Tommy, and Techno primarily raised Ranboo, with Tubbo coming in and out like a feral cat
- to Wilbur and Tommy, Techno is more of a cool uncle who brings them valuable trinkets from his adventures, and they want to be like him one day
- Ranboo and Phil’s relationship is almost exactly the same as Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship with Techno
- when Techno brought Ranboo home, Phil pretty much decided that he had his hands full enough with raising his two chaotic boys, and he declared that it was finders-keepers, Techno found Ranboo, so he gets to raise him
- after L’Manburg, Ghostbur and Phil learn sign language, because the explosion blew out Phil’s hearing in his left ear, and Ghostbur’s so soft-spoken that it’s sometimes really difficult for him to hear his son speaking
For more random hc’s I have about these characters and the characters of the smp in general, check out this post
Some quick tags for people who commented on my post asking who wants this post, thanks for the support guys :’) @anotherweirdohere @haveadayasgreatasyou @jupiterjordan
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supimjustwriting · 3 years
The Blossom of a New Devotion
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Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
Summary: In their short 8 years of life. The fraternal twins Felicity and Nero were already stocked up on all the stories about King Malleus in his youth. They admired the lord almost as much as they admired their father. They couldn’t help but feel envious that their father got to go to school with Sebek! In what feels like a stroke of fate! The twins wake up in what they believe is the infamous Ramshackle dorm. It was no place their lord slept but playing, wandering where mother stayed would be fun too!
Felicity (Latin) = Happiness Nero (Latin) = Powerful
Author’s Note: I’m sorry if Sebek is really OOC in this. He was quite the hard character to get a grasp on. I know he has siblings but I don’t remember if he’s the youngest or not. Other than that. I hope you enjoy this story ~! 
Creaks and groans greeted the newcomers with each step they took. Bravely, the daring twins marched on, wearing their masks of determination as the undead residents of the dormitory watched them curiously.
“Nero? Should we really be wandering around like this?” questioned Felicity trying to hide the tremble in her voice. “Eh? Don’t tell me you’re scared. Grandpa Lilia has done much worse to us during Halloween!” The lime haired girl shivered at the thought, “whatever that was. It wasn’t pumpkin pie,” mumbled the older of the two.
Onward the pair continued, huddled close together with their arms linked. E/C eyes widened at the sudden flash of gray fur bolt before them.
“Nya, ha, ha! Who dare enter the amazing Grim’s domain without my permission?” proclaimed the hellfire cat. A triumphant grin plastered upon his face.
“It’s a talking -” “Rat!” “Raccoon!” “Nuh huh! I’m the one who’s right! Stop copying me!”
“Guys?” whimpered Grim, feeling the spotlight leave him.
Grim stared at the quarreling siblings. His mind flashing to a certain pair who sported silver and cabbage green hair. The mighty Grim gifted the two with his non existent little patience that his furry body contained.
“Silence! Can’t you see that - Whoa!” A familiar figure scooped up the ball of rage with ease, an apologetic smile adorning their lips. “Oi! Henchman! Can't you see I’m about to teach these kids a lesson?” proclaimed Grim, his tail burning a brighter blue.
Ignoring his ramblings. You continued on with the same smile, “sorry about him. He’s mostly all talk and no bite,” the H/C easily dodged Grim’s sharp claws and bites. Practically juggling him in their arms.
“Let me go! The mighty Grim - MRPH!”
A chuckle escaped the beast tamer with an exasperated sigh escaping quickly after. “I hope you aren’t hurt. Grim can be -” E/C eyes widened upon examining the pair closer.
“Are you two possibly Sebek;s siblings? I’m sorry but your brother stays in the other dark and gloomy dorm. Plus his dorm is in much better shape,” they mentally sighed at the thought. Truly they were blessed to have met such a gracious headmaster.
Felicity puffed out her cheeks, gently tugging upon her sister’s sleeve. “Psst, Nero.” TUG! “Nero? Psst. I want to ask you something.” TUG! TUG! Growl.
“Just trust me.” “I haven’t even said anything yet!” whisper, yelled the younger cabbage, kicking her dangling legs from the plush chair. “You just have to trust meeee!”
“Ah ~ To be young again,” reminisced Crowly watching the twins bicker amongst themselves, an amused chuckle escaping his lips.
A resounding knock silenced the room causing the tiny pair of heads to snap towards the door. Their faces glowing with anticipation.
“He’s here.” “I have ears, you know.”
Before a war could break out between the two once more their ‘brother’ brusted in, eyes frantic with worry.
“Where are they? Are they okay!” Golden eyes landed upon the starstruck kids.
“Papa!” The pair cried, tackling the poor student. Latching themselves to his legs. All while Crowly averted his gaze.
Sebek quickly glanced at his newly attached parasites before turning his attention to the Ramshackle prefect and headmaster. Only to be answered by a confused shrug and Crowly’s infamous disappearing act.
“You can’t just leave me with no explanation! Headmaster!” The lime haired male took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. “My deepest apologies but I believe you two young ladies have the wrong person. If you tell me your names and parents contact information. I’ll be sure to call your parents right away. So, you two can head home. Sound like a plan?: Asked Sebek his tone softer than usual as he peeled gently led the girls off of him.
“We’re sorry sir. You just looked so much like our dad, we got carried away,” reasoned Nero, sending a quick wink to her sister.
“We truly are very sorry sir,” following her sister’s lead. Felicity glued her eyes to the ground. Her stature resembled that of a kicked puppy as she shifted from foot to foot. “Will you please forgive us?”
An exasperated sigh escaped the male’s lips. Before quickly being replaced with a small smile his hands ruffled the twin’s hair.
“I’m glad to see that your parents taught you some manners. I bet it’s been quite the day for you two. What do you say we go to the cafeteria for a snack? We can’t have you going home hungry now, can we.” Nero smiled brightly at the idea while Felicity gently tugged upon Sebek’s coat sleeve before pointing at your awkward form in the corner. “I suppose the human could come with us but they have to pay for themselves. They must also keep a closer eye on that cat of theirs.”
Celebrating their tiny victory. The pair laced their fingers with yours, taking you to their little circle. Upon heading to the cafeteria. Passing students could’ve sworn Sebek and you looked older. Almost like a family with the little ones trailing by your sides.
Surely going back to their time can wait. After all, love is an exciting adventure as well.
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
be with me, always.
a george weasley x reader blurb wherein after an exhausting day at work, george offers the reader to rest and when they wake up, the ginger asks a very simple question.
 WARNING: none !!! 
A/N: akdjfkjf these blurbs are making me so soft !! thank you so much for requesting @accioxreparo​ !! i hope you like this, i absolutely loved writing this !! again, this is for my 100-follower celebration !! honestly is this still a blurb bcs i was carried away once again
request: “Would I be able to do 🥳 with George with the phrase “Why don’t you stay the night?””
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Being best friends with an aspiring owner of a joke shop had its pros and cons, but who would even have a con if your bestfriend was George Weasley? 1/2 of the Weasley Twins. 
Over the course of their last year at Hogwarts, you’ve always helped the twins with ideas, being their first customer to almost all the products they have before actually selling it out to the public. With that being said of course, you helped along with the building of their shop after leaving Hogwarts.
With you being a graduate, it meant that you can focus on doing whatever you please; which of course meant you could help the twins full-time now. 
You entered the shop that was half-way done, your eyes scanning through the boxes that was scattered on the floor as the sun shone through the windows of the shop. The aroma of fresh paint intruding your nose almost immediately as you walked further into the shop.
“You’re quite early, (Y/N). Missed me already?” Fred’s voice resonating through the shop as he went down the stairs. You looked up to see the ginger lean by the railing, a knowing smirk plastered on his lips. 
Scoffing lightly, you playfully flipped him off as you settled your bag down by one of the shelves, “Sorry Freddie but you know I want the other Weasley.” you joked half-heartedly, laughing softly. He gave you a somewhat sad gaze as he picked up one of the boxes laid out on the floor. 
“You should really consider telling him how you feel, (Y/N).”
“And ruin our friendship? No thanks, Fred.”
And that’s what you’ve been struggling with since the day you’ve realized that you’ve harboured feelings for the ginger, the fear of you losing him because of how you feel holding you down from telling him how you really feel.
Months have passed since the grand opening of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and you couldn’t have been more proud of what the twins have achieved in such a short span. 
The products they’ve made hitting it off almost immediately with kids who were just about to go back to Hogwarts and to wizards and witches who just want a good laugh despite of the dark times rising. 
Exhausted from handling rowdy children all day, you gently flicked your wand and the misplaced toys, candies and other products started to rearrange themselves as you lazily grabbed the broom from the back and started to sweep the floor. As much as you love interacting with the customers, it drains you immensely at the end of the day.
“Hey (Y/N)” George’s voice greeted you, emerging from his and Fred’s shared office. Your eyes meet him and widen at the sight; him clad in just his button up and waist coat with his sleeves rolled up. “H-hey, George, how you doing?”
“Doing alright, yeah. You on the other hand, seem really miserable. What’s up with you?” He asks, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow at you. 
You leaned against one of the shelves and sighed softly, “I’m just exhausted, talking to children all day is an absolute way to get you to sleep earlier because it drains the light out of you.” He laughed gently and walked towards you, grabbing the broom from your arms.
“I reckon you need a second to rest. How about you go up to our apartment and rest in my room for a bit, yeah? I’ll wake you up as soon as I’m done here.” He said, patting your hair gently, the gentle action causing heat to flare up your cheeks. “You know better than to argue with me and say no on this one, love. Go on, go get your beauty rest.” He nudged you gently.
Having no energy to argue with him, you decided to just opted to nod and trudge up the stairs and into their apartment. Upon entering his room, you just flopped down on the bed and passed out, cuddling the pillows that bear his cinnamon-like scent.
You stir lightly and noticed that you weren’t in your room- nor that you weren’t even in your work clothes anymore. Sitting up straight, you looked at the clock next to George’s bedside and see that it was almost midnight. “Shit, I overslept.” 
Standing up, you noticed that you were clad in George’s old quidditch sweater, making you blush. 
You made your way out of the room and see George sleeping on their couch, huddled up with a rather tattered blanket. The sight hitting you with guilt, did he really sleep out here so he won’t disturb me? 
You approached his sleeping figure quietly and sat down in front of him, hair patting his hair gently as you whispered, “George, Georgie wake up. You can go back into your room now, I’ll apparate back into my apartment.” As you stood up to leave, someone held unto your wrist, causing you to look down and see him look up at you with a rather somber gaze.
“Why don’t you stay the night?” George asked, his voice quite raspy from waking up. You stood there in surprise, did he really just ask you to stay the night instead? “It’s almost midnight, love. You could get hurt out there.”
“How about you though? Isn’t the couch uncomfy? Let me sleep here instead then.” You answered, realizing that going home this late is indeed a bit dangerous considering the fact that you lived with a muggle flatmate. 
“We can always share the bed, you know. Why? Afraid of not keeping your hands off of me?” He teased, a lazy grin on his lips as he pulled you in, instantly cradling you in his arms. “Besides, mum would kill me if she found out that I let you sleep on the couch.” He continued, laughing softly at the thought.
The close proximity that the two of you are in made your breath hitch, stunned beyond words that he’s openly affectionate with you like this. You turned to face him, eyes looking over his features, intaking how beautiful his freckles were under the moonlight that seeped through the curtains, how warm his breath his against your face.
The next thing you knew, your lips was on his. You immediately backed away and covered your lips, eyes as wide as his at the sudden action, “George! I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-” and you were cut off once again, with his lips now on yours. 
Your eyes were still wide, George, your long time crush was actually kissing you and you didn’t even know how to react. He pulled away and hugged you even tighter. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, (Y/N).” He whispered, face hidden on the crook of your neck.
“The feeling’s mutual, Georgie.” You mumbled back, still in disbelief that the two of you just kissed. 
“Move in with me, love.” He suddenly said, looking up at you with a serious look. Your head whipped to his direction, face confused as ever. “Excuse me, what now?”
“Move in with me, love! So that you don’t have to travel too far after you work here! This is brilliant!” His voice was now dripping with excitement at his proposal. “Alright, I’ll move in then.” You answered quietly, your lips mirroring the smile on his face.
“You’ll move here right away, I’ll help you! Fred wouldn’t mind at the very least-” “Is there a real reason why you want me to move here though, Weasley?” you asked him teasingly, raising an eyebrow as you cut him off. 
Now this caught the ginger off guard, his cheeks now flushed pink. “Well, I just want you to be with me, (Y/N). Be with me, always.”
You laughed softly at his answer, your hands cupping his cheeks as you rested your forehead against his. “You know that I love you, right?”
“Of course I do, I love you too.”
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