#evil lily evans
rosyreggie · 2 years
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btw Dream Girl Evil by Florence + the Machine was written about lily evans
the way snape treated her like a perfect fantasy “dream girl” that he could project onto but the second she did something he didn’t like and shattered the illusion by being an actual multilayered human being he became enraged and turned on her
and the way the fandom does the same exact bullshit, treating her like a perfect saint mother and wife instead of an actual realistic human being with flaws and complexities, and then the second she doesn’t serve a man’s story (cough cough jegulus shippers cough cough) they turn her into a villain or toss her aside completely
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Au where everything is the same except instead of Snape hearing the prophecy it's regulus but because he isn't a shitstain(tm), he immediately tells Dumbledore what voldemort plans to do not because he has a massive crush on james BUT BECAUSE KILLING PEOPLE IS WRONG SNIVELLUS!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE ONLY SAVING THEM TO WIN POINTS WITH THE GIRL WHO YOU USED A RACIAL SLUR AGAINST!
Cue various shenanigans where everyone still thinks regulus is evil but he's actually just anxiety ridden gay twink who can't say no and was forced into joining a cult by his parents who is trying his best to keep the love of his life(james), the love of his love's life(lily) and their child alive because he just wants james to be happy whether it is with him or not and if that means betraying a dark lord who literally holds your life in their hands and spying for dollar store Gandalf then so be it!
Bonus points if it ends up being jegulily
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bookwormangie · 4 days
Understanding Snape and his character
I've been knee-deep in the Snape debate lately, and I’ve got some thoughts I need to lay out. Snape undeniably did some awful things as an adult, and he’s aware of that—he holds himself accountable and we should too. But his story isn’t just a straightforward tale of good versus evil.
Thinking about Snape, especially after diving into his memories in Deathly Hallows, it’s evident he was trying to make up for his past. When Snape begged Dumbledore to protect Lily and the Potters, it wasn't just a plea for safety—it was a glimpse into his desire for redemption and his need to atone because he knew he fucked up by relaying the prophecy. Dumbledore saw potential in him, not just as a spy, but as someone capable of change and redemption. Lily, the person he loves, being in danger and later dying, saved Snape and forced him to change. She was the catalyst for Snape's redemption arc and that's literally the whole point.
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Then there’s Snape’s upbringing—a life marred by abuse at home and relentless bullying at school. That kind of trauma leaves deep scars; it molded Snape into a bitter and vindictive person. I can’t help but sympathize with him. He wasn’t born an asshole; circumstances shaped him that way. His journey from an abused home life to a bullied youth, to a Death Eater, and eventually to an antihero is a stark reminder of the complexities of human nature. It frustrates me to no end that people shower sympathy on abused characters like Harry, who turned out kind, yet refuse to extend the same empathy to Snape, who emerged bitter and vindictive—something so painfully realistic. Their situations were fundamentally different; Harry had a whole support system and was rich as fuck, but Snape had none and was living in poverty. Comparing them is unfair and misses the point entirely.
So when I see debates reducing Snape to a mere villain or hero, good or evil, I can’t help but feel we’re oversimplifying a deeply layered character. You can dislike Snape all you want, but painting him out to be something he's not, simplifying his character, and completely shitting on him is such an insult and a wrong interpretation of who he truly is. Snape’s morally grey journey through darkness and redemption is a testament to human struggle and growth. To truly understand Snape is to grasp his tumultuous path and his relentless quest to reconcile his actions with his conscience—a journey that resonates with the complexities of real life.
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annabethswift · 5 months
annabeth chase girls = lily evans girls = hermione granger girls = donatella dragna girls = agatha of woods beyond girls
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This is an evil follow up to this poll: pick one set, mildly evil edition.
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starwrittenfates · 2 months
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐭 (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫)
Besides it just being Voldemort (because that's a pretty obvious one), I think Lily's worst fear and her boggart would honestly be...herself. Or at least a version of herself that is dark, corrupt, evil and has a Dark Mark on her arm. She is afraid of compromising her strong morals and losing herself to the darkness that she hides away deep inside and ignores. She is terrified of her sisters words being true and becoming a freak. She is horrified at finding out she is nothing and useless and that she doesn't belong in a world of magic after all. If she isn't being kind, empathetic or a martyr, then she doesn't know what her purpose is. And she fears losing control of herself because of this. So it's simple really: Lily's worst fear is being tempted by the dark side.
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"oh my god jegulus is taking over" "what about jily they're literally harry's parents" "why aren't the girls getting more representation"
it's fanfiction. if you don't like something don't fucking read it. if you don't think there's enough of something. do it yourself.
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folkwhore12 · 18 days
please I beg where are the people that understand when I say Dorcas Meddowes is Maven Calore and Lily Evans is Mare Barrow
hashtag give the lesbians what they want 2024
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paintmegrey · 1 year
“James I-” Regulus pauses, his eyes slowly moving back to her. James sees something then—something that scares him. Something that brings him right back to that night.
That night in Paris…
‘Cause I’m a Brooklyn baby chapter 5 out Saturday 🫢
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residentrookie · 1 year
dream girl evil (lily's version)
a lily evans microfic set after the snape incident // inspired by the song dream girl evil (florence + the machine) // word count: 745
Lily Evans, perfect prefect. 
Lily Evans, Head Girl. 
Lily Evans, top of her class. 
She’s heard all these things said in various tones and with various intentions. Whispered in awe by some first years she passes in the hall. Muttered with distaste and thinly failed jealousy by her peers. She can’t help that she draws people’s attention, for better or for worse. Maybe it’s the flaming hair, maybe it’s the fiery tongue, maybe it's the fact that she’s the brightest witch of her age. 
She feels the eyes wherever she goes. She hears their whispers. Most days she can ignore them.
Some days she can’t. 
Did you hear what Snape called her yesterday? 
Snape and his cronies totally tore into that Evans girl. 
I thought they were supposed to be friends. 
That’s what she gets for hanging out with such a fucking prick. 
She walks down the hall with a blank face. No expression. Chin up. She won’t cower today, there was far too much of that yesterday. It’s not often your so-called best friend humiliates you in front of the entire school. And she thought James Potter would always take the cake on that front. No, turns out Severus has done a thorough job of it all by himself. 
A filthy fucking word. She’s heard it countless times, been called it countless times, but never by him. Her friend. Her Sev. 
“Lily!” she hears and almost trips over smooth ground. 
No. Absolutely fucking not. She does not turn, does not pause.
“Lily, fucking wait!” 
Her mind is a ticking bomb, her body is a bundle of dynamite. Severus is an open flame and the closer he comes, the closer she get to combustion. 
“Don’t,” she murmurs, almost to herself. Teeth gritted, shoulders rigid. 
“Lily, please—” 
He’s too close. The fuse is lit. She whirls, waiting to ignite. 
“What,” she spits. 
Severus shrinks back at her tone and something in her smiles with sharp teeth. 
Good, she thinks, it’s my turn to make you bleed. 
He licks his lips. “I want to talk.” 
“Please, Lily, I—” 
“Oh, it’s Lily now, is it? Sorry, I can’t seem to keep up with all the names you have for me lately, Sev.” 
He winces, reaching out. “I want to apologize. I didn’t mean—” 
“I think I know exactly what you meant. There aren’t many other ways to interpret it.”
Her friend stares at her with sorry eyes, but for once she feels nothing. There is no urge to smooth things over, to let old wrongs die. She is not willing to let this go. There is no forgiveness in her for this. 
“I’m done,” she says, and hears her voice crack, not from weakness, but from anger. “This is over. We are not friends. You've lost that priviledge. You threw it away."
Severus looks broken. The worst parts of her rejoice.
"But," she adds, "there is something I want to know. Something I want you to tell me,” she admits, and watches Severus perk up, eager. 
“Why were you ever my friend, if I was only ever some dirty nothing unfit to be near you? Why did you always seek me out for comfort, why did you always come running back to me, if I was so unworthy? What the fuck was I to you?” 
Snape pales. “You're not unworthy. You are my friend. My best friend. You— you are all the best parts of me, Lily. You always were. You push me to be better. I can always count on you to see the light in the world, the beautiful things. I always— I could always count on you to remind me of… goodness. Always.” 
At that she goes still. So that’s the truth, then. That’s the whole of it. She can see it all so clearly now. She was never a person to him. Just a something to prescribe traits to whenever he found it convenient, to make him feel good when he needed it.
His perfect girl some days. His punching bag other days.
She was never a person to Severus Snape. 
And that makes her want to burn down the whole fucking world. 
“Severus,” she says, low. Threatening. “I am nobody’s moral center.” 
His eyes widen and she pushes the knife in further, deeper, twisting. 
“I can promise you, whatever version of me you’ve created in your head, you love her much more than you ever loved me.”
Lily turns to go, but pauses, looking back one last time.
“I hope she’ll keep you company, Sev. Whatever dream girl you thought I was. She’s all you’ll have left of me, after this.”
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sleepeatread · 1 year
Lily was Mean Girled
If you have watched the move Mean Girls, I feel like you'll understand exactly what I mean.
In Snape's Worst Memory, we see Lily half-heartedly attempt to defend him, hold back a smile and then after the 'Mudblood' incident proceed to sneer and tease along with the Mauraders. However, from Sev's previous memories of when they were younger Lily seemed the way McGonagall and others saw her as; kind, caring, gentle, ect.
From before she leaves to Hogwarts with Sev she remains this way all up until she is sorted into Gryffindor. Because that is where the change begins.
A common negative Gryffindor trait, I've seen is that they often judge a book by its cover. This is displayed by many of the Gryffindor students, past and present: Harry (against Snape, Slytherin), Ron (Slytherin, against the Snape and arguably werewolves and house-elves at one point) Mr and Mrs Weasley (Slytherin, arguably the Malfoy's), Hermione (Divination, Slytherin) even McGonagall at times.
Lily instantly displayed this trait, when Sev used accidentally magic (key word accidental) and hurt Petunia. She jumpes to conclusions based on judgements, and believes herself to be right in the moment. (A further display of Gryffindor arrogance, another 'negative' Gryffindor trait)
Because we don't know exactly how they made up and became friends, I feel like Lily had realized her mistake or curiosity overwhelmed her to seek Sev out.
Another point to note, is Lily takes Petunia's insults rather close to heart. She is genuinely hurt her sister sees her this way, calls her a freak, rips up her letters. I bet Lily did everything she could to bridge this gap. Talked about things Petunia liked, dressed a certain way acted a certain way, ect.
Anyways, let's jump to Hogwarts: this is were the mean girls thing really plays in. Lily in this case, represents Cady, the main character from Mean Girls. Regina George and her clique, the Gryffindors, represent her roommates and Gryffindor friends and the eventually the Mauraders.
Now they like Lily, but they don't like that she hangs around with Sev and doesn't have the same values as them. So even though they are not explicitly mean or cruel, they make her feel like a outsider, something which Lily is not used to and doesn't like (Petunia had made her feel the same way, and to Lily. Outsider meant freak, not worthly, not good enough) So, over time (as everyone has tried to do at some point) she tries to fit in. It's starts of small, the way she talks, the ways she dresses, the way she does her hair, the way she acts with her Gryffindor friends, compared to Sev. (who represents Janis, to an extent)
Now, its worth to note, the same thing is happening to Sev. However with one key difference: he's used to being the outsider. He's has the mentality of 'me vs the world', which doesn't really change. He adapts, he learns, however he still remains Sev. He becomes used to it, the slurs, the blood purists, but it hasn't become part of him. He doesn't have to unlearn it, like Draco and arguably Ron does. He makes friends, other than Lily for once and (this is a time of ongoing war with a notorious Slytherin/dark wizard) this protects him and others from attacks. War undoubtedly entered school, soiling Slytherin's name and turning the rest of the houses against them. Slytherin's protect their own, in whatever way they can. (And you just know Slughorn was not helpful)
Being friends with a Muggleborn was dangerous for Sev. But he didn't stop, he didn't treat her any diffrent. Slytherin's protect their own. He was a true friend.
However, they both sense a change. They become more distant, they disagree more and Lily starts to see what her friends tell her to see. Slytherin's are dark wizards and death eaters and blood purists, ect. Slytherin's are bad. Lily begins to enter the clique, like Cady entered Regina George's.
Snapes Worst Memory was the straw that broke the camels back. It was the final tether. The smile Lily had tried to hide, when she watched then Mauraders was a betrayal in its own. Mudblood may have cut the final string, but Lily wasn't the one hanging onto it.
Lily has officially entered the clique. This is even seen when she teases him about washing his pants. Afterwards, Sev realizes that thier friendship, one that he'd held onto for so long has died. It's a stab in the back, when she defends the Mauraders actions.
It's over.
I feel like when Lily truly realizes this, it's a massive wake up call. Like Cady she realizes she doesn't like the person she's becoming. However, she doesn't reach out to Snape. She's too ashamed, to prideful and in her mind, too late. But she does her best to become who she really is. She matures and grows up, but she never forgets what made her do so.
This is the Lily, the Mauraders and McGonagall talk about, this is the Lily Severus Snape became friends with. This is the Lily that James Potter falls in love with. This is the Lily that sacrifices herself for her son.
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kiss, marry, kill
james potter, sirius black, lily evans
Marry Lily, since she's the only one I can see myself falling in love with and having a healthy relationship with (sorry james and sirius) Not to mention, I'd like to get to know the goofy, witty side of her.
Kiss James, since he's cute and I can see myself sharing a quick peck with him (maybe on the cheek).
Kill Sirius, since....idk he's the only one left.
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fuck, marry, kill; lily, mary, marlene?
(evil laughter)
You're gonna get karma for this. Istg.
Fuck: Marlene. Because. I feel like she'll be really good at giving head yk like idk why I just feel like she knows her way around the labia-
Marry: Mary because because I just feel like she would be a very very comfortable person to be with. She's just so comforting and the type of person who's arms I would willingly fall apart in after a hard day. She's so sweet and adorable. Also we would look so good because she has The best fashion sense. She would do my makeup and I'm a sucker for women who would. She's everything I want in a partner.
😭😭😭😭😭😭Lily my love I'm sorry I have to kill you we're too similar to get married it won't work i can't see it. and we're both bottoms how will we fuck
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This absolute gem from p.552 chapter 23 of choices by Messermoon
'Without a word Sirius reaches over and cuffs Peter on the back of the head.
“Ow, what the hell!”
“Where’s your loyalty Wormtail?” Sirius demands. “Bitches before witches.”
“Wait, hold on,” Lily says, still laughing. “Does that make you three the bitches?”
“Absolutely,” Sirius answers without hesitation"
(This was all because Peter wanted to sit with his new girlfriend instead of the marauder for a singular meal mind you)
I can't I love these interactions so much 😂😂🤣🤣
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throped · 1 year
Never Glory - Chapter 7
Tom Riddle x reader
TW: blood, gore, death and all that stuff
Class soon ended and quickly scurried out because it wasn't my intention to be late to my next class. Plus, I had a lot of studying to do. You see, when it comes to studying, I am definitely not the smartest person in the muggle world. I absolutely despise tests, I can handle assignments though. The only fact that I know a lot is because I'm like centuries old. I had to spend my time somewhere, didn't I? Other than Hogwarts which I loved, I did unfortunately go to a muggle school in my lifetime. Let's just say that I hated muggle schools with a burning passion. We got taught math, science, English, arts, extra languages, PE and health, and History (which I quite enjoyed). I liked math and it wasn't bad. Also English, that was quite nice along with the extra language that I learnt which was Spanish, lovely language really. 
Arts had different parts. There was visual, drama, music and dance. My heart was with visual arts but I hated music, I DESPISED it. They have A, B, C, D, E, F. Of course, I always aimed for the A's but I ended up with a few B's and some C's too. Music was impossible. I hated the theory work and I had absolutely no finger coordination. Let's just say that I desperately needed help with playing the piano. It was no doubt that I got a C for that class. (you can change your subject preferences if you like :))
I huffed and pushed the door open once I reached my dorm. I did run into Molly and Lily on the way though and they did say that we could hang out in our free period after the following class. I quickly grabbed my books needed for the next subject: transfiguration. I have a feeling that Riddle doesn't like me. The way he said 'quite the impressive answer', was nice to his extent but he did seem to despise me a little. Almost as if he was jealous or annoyed by my presence. I couldn't work out which one though. I decided to stop thinking about Riddle right after I entered the class because somebody could be using legilimency at any time of the day, although, I do suspect that that's not the case since there are quite a few dimwitted morons here.
Transfiguration was a good subject since I had this one with Lily and Molly so I didn't need to worry about which idiot would sit next to me, or if I had an idiot sitting next to me at all. As I walked in 5 minutes early. I saw Riddle already there, sitting in the middle seats, not too far back, neither too close to the front. I took a glance towards Lily and waved at her before going to sit next to her. "Hey Lily, how's your day been," I asked as I sat down next to her. I could tell that she was quite disappointed on me being a Slytherin but I suppose she's gotten over it. She doesn't believe the, 'everyone in Slytherin is going to go bad somebody'. I mean, that's sort of true. I wouldn't consider myself evil.... yet at least. But nonetheless, we've decided to be on first name basis since she thinks that it's 'friendly' to do so. 
"Oh good morning Daena! My day has been quite nice besides the constant bickering between James and Severus," she replied with, while writing some notes down. I wondered who Severus was since I hadn't met him yet. 
"Oh, that is definitely not the most pleasant experience," I joked. "But if you don't mind me asking, who's Severus?" I added.
"Right sorry, I forgot to introduce him to you," Lily laughed. "Severus Snape is a Slytherin and a target for James to bully. I despise James for doing it but whenever I bring it up, he just seems to torment me about why I'm friends with Severus," she sadly stated. To be honest, I wasn't that fond of James Potter, and he did seem like quite the bully to me.
"Well, if you hate what James does that much, then I can always crucio him for you," I stated, while grabbing everything out of my satchel. 
"Daena, you're funny. But no, please don't do that," she said. She thought I was joking. Now that's funny. I hummed in response and continued to get my quill set. Well, James and her were friends but it's not right to bully somebody for the fun of it. I have my morals too.
"Oh look, here Severus comes. He typically sits near Riddle's group though, that's the only time that James doesn't bother him, I suspect that James is scared of Riddle. I mean, who isn't? And that's also why I don't particularly approach him," Lily said as I peered at the person who just entered. He was quite pale and had jet black hair that was neatly brushed behind his ears. He seemed to be the quiet type so why would James bully him? There were still a few minutes before the professor would arrive so I had enough time to get adjusted and take note of who came in and out.
Just as my trance finished, another voice rang out. "Oh look who it is! Snivellus Snape!" 
I could tell it was Potter. When I turned my back around, I was indeed right. He was standing there with Lupin, Pettigrew and Black. I knew the Black family had traditions for being in Slytherin so a thought did cross my mind as to why he was in Gryffindor. 
As Severus stood there with a slight frown on his face, I realized that no one would help him. Lily couldn't help since she was friends with both of them, but I think her love for Potter blinded herself from seeing the bad things he does. Since we had a few minutes left and I had already set up, I calmly stood up as to not cause a scene.
"You can't speak to him like that Potter," I mentioned as I stood up. "L/N, seriously. Can't you see we're just having a little fun?" Potter replied as he looked Severus up and down. 
"Well, you guys can go have your 'fun' elsewhere," I said while making imaginary quotation marks. "Stop bothering him or I'll have all four of your heads hanging in my dorm," I stated as I looked at the so called 'mauderers'. 
"Oh no, Daena is going to kill us! What are we going to do now?" Potter said, sarcasm laced on his voice as he pretended to faint into the three other boys. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.  "They're not worth your time Daena," Lily said as she pulled me away. 
I then walked towards Severus. "Hello Severus. Lily told me all about you," I smiled. "I'm Daena L/N, pleasure to meet you. It's not right how they treat you and I just wanted to tell you that," I added, a grin forming on my face right after.
"Nice to meet you too Daena. I suppose you already know my name and I can see you're good friends with Lily," he stated. Just by his glance towards Lily, I could see that he dearly loved her. They'd probably been friends since the start of first year which I sadly did not get to experience.
"Yeah, we're great friends although we've barely known each other for two days," I said, while chuckling a little at the sound of what I had just said.
I had a friend. And it was quite nice. I actually had multiple friends. Lily, Molly, Emma, Septima, and now maybe even Severus. But definitely not Riddle. I sensed that he was either jealous or annoyed with my presence. But I couldn't figure out which one.
Little did I know that it was neither what I had just predicted. His eyes showed not jealousy,  Not annoyance, But love.
It is just that neither of them knew it yet.
Anddd that's a wrap! I will start to post a little more consistently now! Also, sorry about the limited interactions with Riddle. But I promise, that there will be more. This was just a chapter to get everyone well introduced and your opinions on everyone. Also, in the next chapter, you'll be joining the Sl- wait I can't say anything else or I'll ruin it lmao. Anyways, bye, see you next chapter!
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