#first photo…… ya lost me
danswank · 2 years
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oepionie · 2 years
Synopsis: Yuuken interrogates some of the boys on the campus about their special someone. Hearing their loving ramblings on you was certainly not what he expected.
Tags: Self-Indulgent, Fluff, Angst if you squint really hard, Reader is not Yuu, Tweels are a bit...too mad in love, I brainrotted so hard, You're Malleus' fiancee, Malleus doesn't know how to tell a joke someone help him
Cw. Riddle's Mother, Overworking, Hospitalizations, Poor living conditions, Illness, Bullying, Allusions to violence, Marriage, Tad bit of possesive behavior, Description of stabbing
WordCount: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist
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About: Riddle's Rose
"Rose? I see you've met that troublesome intern at the library. That's a nickname. Their name is (Y/N) and yes, they are my partner." "A-Ah? I'm so direct? Well, you asked me a question! Though...I would prefer that this discussion end here. I prefer to keep my relationship with them private.”
Chat: Childhood Memories
“Ever since we were young, (Y/N) was quite rebellious. The complete opposite of me as a child, really. They were always sneaking off during the night and coming over to visit me. Mother...didn't approve of them and often screamed in their face. I was quite terrified she would scare them away, though that didn't stop them at all. Haha, I think they got even more persistent afterwards. I am truly glad I met them.”
Personal Story: To the Hospital
“Again...? I see. Thank you, Trey. Hmph, I'll have to schedule another visit once more."
> "Riddle? What's wrong?"
"Ah, Yuuken—It's Rose. They've gotten admitted to the hospital...again. (Y/N) is quite impulsive and tends to bite off more than they can chew. On more than occasion, like now, I would find out about their hospital admissions via Trey days or even weeks after."
>"Aren't you dating? Why aren't they telling you?"
"They claim that they withhold the information from me out of concern for my workload or out of fear of being a burden. Though that is—a sentiment I don't understand. Nothing is more important to me than their health."
About: The Photo In His Wallet
"Where is it?! Man, I'm so fucked if I lost it—Oh?! Oi, Yuuken! That wallet's mine! Man, thanks a lot. I really would've been screwed over if it weren't for you." "Eh? The photo? Shishishishi curious, aren't cha? Hmmm...how 'bout this? You get me a steaming hot meat bun and I'll give you a story time about them."
Chat: A Hopeful Future
"My studies? Course I take them seriously! That's what's gonna' put food on the table one day. Plus, I wanna' give (Y/N) the life they deserve—What'd I mean? Well, if I'm going to be their husband, I want 'em to live comfortably. It's not like we need anythin' luxurious, anyways. As long as we're together and there's enough food to go by, it's going to be all right."
Personal Story: In Sickness and In Health
"....that's good to hear. Please look after 'em, granny. Love ya." The call ends and Ruggie sighs. "That's the best news I've received since."
"Guh-?! Man! What's with you and sneaking up on me!? Yeah yeah—you heard right...news. Granny just called me to talk about (Y/N), their health is looking up. Tell ya' what, I knew that deal with Azul was worth it. I managed to snag some medicine and send it home."
>"Oh? Medicine?"
"Yeah. Ever since my first year of high school, they were sick and bedridden. (Y/N)'s parents don't have enough money for a doctor, so there's not much they can do. Of course, I'm out here doin' my best to help too."
"I really...I really wanna see them up and runnin' again. Hey, who knows—maybe we'll get to make flower crowns for the village kids again...together."
About: An Interrogation
"Yuuken, you’ve met (Y/N), I hear. Well, as their partner, it's only right that I ask you about it. I assume you don't mind. So, what is your opinion of them? Nothing short of perfection, I hope."
"Hm? You think they're nice? Good then."
Chat: Busy Octoboss
"With all the deals, my maintenance of my academic ranking, and my position as Monstro Lounge's manager, my workload is quite substantial compared to most. And, I regret to say that it does get in the way of my personal life, including quality time with my lover. It tears at my heart, yet I cherish how they're so understanding and patient. Still, sometimes I can't help but think I am undeserving of them..."
Personal Story: Deep Sea Bonds
"My childhood is not something that I appreciate or want to remember. Yet, despite everything I've been through, I do think it is pleasant to look back on the days when I met them. You see, (Y/N) was bullied too. They were just like me, relentlessly bad mouthed and hurt by the kids around us. However, they never failed to greet me every day with a bright smile on their face."
>"What a sunny person."
"They'd also always have the courage and bravery to stand up for me, often taking the brunt of the bullying. I wish I could say I did the same for them...but I was far too cowardly back then..."
>"Wow. You two must be really close, then."
"Of course. They've been through a lot.Which is exactly why I won't allow anyone to speak ill of them anymore." Azul pauses, smiling slyly. "Say, Yuuken. You'll tell me if anyone casts aspersions on my Angelfish, won't you?"
About: A Helping Hand
"Hm? What's that? Ah, you’ve met my darling pearl. I see. I do notice how you’ve been frequenting Monstro Lounge lately…Have you perhaps acquired a romantic interest towards them? No? Hehe, Alright." "Now, to answer your question, yes, that is right; (Y/N) routinely comes over to visit and aid me in my Mountain Treks. I couldn't be more grateful for their assistance."
Chat: The Pearl Ring
"Oya? I see you're curious about the ring I've been crafting. Well, it's for (Y/N). You see, in merfolk culture, we create handcrafted jewelry to serve as a courting gift. This is one of many ornaments I plan on giving them. Though, this one is...particularly unique. Ah, well...(Y/N) Leech does have a nice ring to it, does it not?"
Personal Story: A Jaded Reaction
"Oya? (Y/N) is spending the night at Ramshackle? Whatever reason for?"
>"Grim wanted to have a game night."
"Ah. I see. How...lovely. What's that? My smile is frightening you? Oho, now is it? Hehe, my deepest apologies. We eels tend to be quite...protective. I so anticipate you to take good care of them. And fret not, as long as you keep them away from any harm, no disputes shall arise."
>"Uh...and if something happened?"
"What if something happened...? Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being hunted down the face of the earth, tied up, and pulled down to the deepest pits of the blue ocean, where no one can hear your anguished cries for help...Would you?" 
"Just joking. I would never do that."
About: A Sea Walnut
"(Y/N)? Aha~~~ You've heard of my little sea walnut? They're so adorable and squishy, yanno!—Is there a problem? If you got a problem with 'em, I'll squeeze you." "Oh? Not scared at all, huh? Ehe~ You sure are ballsy. Tread carefully now, shrimpy~!"
About: Ocean Currents
"Whenever a strong ocean current comes, sea walnut always huddles close to me and grabs my arm. They've always been afraid of being blasted away."
"They used to do that a lot when we were kids, but it never gets old. Hehe~ Sometimes, I lead them to places where the waves are strong, jus' so they can cling onto me! It's so funny to see 'em get afraid and scramble after me when I move too far away. "
Personal Story: Shark Attack
"Hmm~? Oh, what're these bite marks? Rad, aren't they? I got them after fighting a buncha' sharks."
>"Sharks?! Why would you do that?"
"To get these. It's shark teeth. Our anniversary is comin' up, and Jade suggested that I should make some jewelry for them. It's a merfolk courting thing. Azul 'n Jade told me to get them pearls, but I thought that was boring. So, I'm making one with shark teeth instead! Isn't that cool~?"
>"I-I guess, but what happened to the sharks?"
"Ugh. None of them were a fun hunt. The entire hoard swam away so fast. Can you believe it???… I’m not the typa eel who would let my prey get away that easily, though. And it’s not like I had anything better to do. Ehehe! There were so many of those sharks swarming around, but I managed to squeeze them all! Well, it was worth it in the end cuz I got what I wanted. I'll do anythin' for my little sea walnut~"
About: A Hearty Meal
“What am i doing? Well, I'm making some Roast Chicken with Sumac Flatbread. Oh? Who's (Y/N)? Ah, Kalim must have told you, huh. (Y/N) is my partner. They are truly wonderful."
"For example—Though I like to think I'm skilled at disguising my true feelings, the moment I go to see them, they already know what I'm thinking. They have a keen sense of intuition and always seem to know what I need and when I need it. Truly, I'm grateful for such a caring—Ah, I'm sorry. I was rambling again."
Chat: Snake-Eyed Envy
"I can't dispute that a lot of people back home are vying for their affection.That bothers me at times. As Kalim's babysitter-ehem, retainer, I don't have enough time to check in on them every day...However, as cheesy as it sounds, I have yet to meet someone who is as smitten with (Y/N) as I am."
Personal Story: World Left Unsaid
"I soon understood that I was more than the circumstances of my birth, all thanks to (Y/N). In fact, My bond with Kalim has become stronger and more genuine thanks to them. I...realized my hatred for Kalim was just my desire for my circumstances to be different...I didn't hate him at all. Without (Y/N), I would never have understood it."
>"They must be very important to you, Jamil."
"Absolutely. I was terrified that I might lose them after my overblot. But to my surprise, they stayed with me. Naturally, it hurt them, but they were really compassionate towards me and about how much I had to go through."
>"Do they know of what you feel?"
"I...I don't think (Y/N) realizes just how much I cherish them. I don't think now's the right time for that though. I've hurt them too much and I still have a long way to go before I fix things."
About: He's Engaged?!
"I am, indeed, betrothed. Heh. Why are you looking so bewildered, Child of Man? If I'm going to be a king someday, it only makes sense that I would need someone to reign alongside me, no? At first glance, (Y/N) may seem aloof, but as you get to know them more, you'll see that they are actually incredibly lovely and warm."
"You never thought I was one for romance? My, my... What a bold statement, you best learn how to hold your tongue. Have you considered that I could use lightning to smite you where you stand?...Now, now—That was a joke. You don't have to cower in fear."
Chat: Safe And Sound
"My precious treasure tells me that I tend to get protective at times. Though can you really fault a lover for wanting to protect the one who is most important to them in this cruel, ruthless world. One where others will not hesitate to turn on you?"
Personal Story: The Art Of War
"I am actually the first of my lineage to wed someone who is not a noble. You see, (Y/N) is a knight-in-training. And, as you can probably guess, they served as my retainer. To see them at work was truly a magnificent sight to witness. They command attention and radiate strength. While I had always admired them, I could not bring myself to express my true feelings to them. Until...that night."
>"That night?"
"Yes. On the evening of Silver's 16th birthday, someone had rushed at me with a dagger in hand. (Y/N) was the first to respond and took the hit for me...The sound of their screams as the knife tore through their flesh was truly...horrifying."
>"That's horrible! What happened to the guy?"
"Worry not, he was taken care of accordingly....If there is anything I’ve learned from Lilia's many teachings, it’s that the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation. To avoid further offensives, one must deal with and eliminate adversaries as soon as possible. Don't you think so?"
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thegnomelord · 9 months
Alright since 28 is taken Ill do the next best thing 29! Graves and his shadows with M reader, who is a colonel.
I need the wholesome and maybe a bit of the spice ya know. Thank you for soing Shadow company content, i am so starved.
Once again good soup!
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Here you go dude, I'm not the best when it comes to writing for a group of people so idk how this turned out :/. Play the game HERE
Prompt: Hug from behind
CW: NSFW, subbot Graves, domtop Mreader, Shadow company fluff, hug from behind, fluff, groping, handjob, cumming in pants.
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Being a colonel in the Shadow company and Grave's right hand man, you had a lot of responsibilities. From running drills to stitching up wounds to writing reports and drafting contracts when your magpie of a commander sees a new person he wants to recruit; you expected to deal with a lot of shit, but never in your wildest dreams did you expect to become the Shadow Company's emotional support Colonel.
Colonel Care Bear — it was their nickname for you. You'd made the mistake of being annoyed at the name which, of course, made the little fuckers double down on it. Nothing you did made them stop, even Graves joining in their fun and calling you that instead of your name with a smug grin.
You're not even sure when or why it had started.
It wasn't like you were overly paternal, you just took care of your soldiers. In whatever ways they needed you; The first time you'd needed to give emotional support had been after Jenkins had lost his battle buddy. Jenkins was still relatively young compared to the other Shadows, a rising star that Graves had snatched up, but on the flight back to base he'd been no better than a scared kitten, desperately trying to hold in his sobs. You hadn't said a word when you had pulled him close to you, letting him cry his heart out into your shoulder.
None of the others said a word either, and you didn't bring it up after your plane had landed. You'd expected it to be a one off experience but oh — you were so wrong.
Like feral cats learning to trust a human, the Shadows started approaching you, carefully at first, standing just at the edge of your personal space nervous fingers toying with the hem of their shirts and eyes flickering between you and anything else, until you grew annoyed and pulled them close to you, letting them cry or talk or just sit with their head on your shoulder for as long as they needed; a lighthouse in a dark sea.
Then Williams, who'd had one too many bad missions, had come into your office without a word and plopped himself into your lap while you were busy doing paperwork.
You were surprised, but not too much, with how often you'd found yourself with a Shadow near you you figured something like this was bound to happen. Though you hadn't expected it to be this forward. "Bad day?" You asked.
Williams just grunted into your neck, slightly nodding his head.
You shifted to still be able to write with him in your lap. "Want me to talk?"
You felt his hair scratch your neck when he shook his head, a negative grunt leaving his throat.
"Got it." You said and went back to your work, a hand on William's hip to keep him stable.
Safe to say you weren't amused when Graves had walked in and cracked the biggest bloody smirk when he saw you like that. You were even less amused when he'd whipped out his phone and took a photo of it. And you were ready to piss in Grave's beer after that photo had circulated through the entire Shadow Company, leading to many more similar incidents of a Shadow crawling into your lap when you weren't busy.
It really wasn't their fault your embrace just felt so good and comfortable, your arms perfectly sized and muscled to put weight in your hugs, shoulders just broad enough to make them feel small and safe.
Graves knew this because when he'd needed to confiscate Smith's phone after he'd caught him taking pictures of your ass (not that he blamed him, you had a nice ass but they needed to have some professionalism) Graves had found their simp chat.
It took him days to finish reading all the messages. I mean there were hundreds of texts gushing just over you, calendrer times for when which Shadow could go bother you for attention, not to mention the countless pictures they'd taken of you, from mundane to more suggestive when you were in the communal showers (Graves would die before he admitted he'd needed to rub one out at some of the pictures).
Safe to say that when he gave Smith his phone back Graves was. . .curious. He'd never approached you for comfort like the Shadows did, mostly because he knew he couldn't keep his thoughts pure after just a few minutes in your presence, his throat going dry whenever he feels you pat his shoulder when you pass in the hall.
"Care Bear!" Graves calls when he finds you on your way to your room, using that name just so he can see the irritated twitch of your brow.
"Yes commander?" You ask in that same tone of voice you use when you know he's up to something.
"Oh come on, no need for that." Graves grins, "Ah just need you to do something for me," He says, because he wouldn't be your commander if he was straightforward. "Follow along." He motions with his hand like a dog as he passes you.
Like a dog you follow, so close you cast a partial shadow over him. He leads you to a more secluded hallway, stopping abruptly and hearing you stop too. But you're not close enough, so with an annoyed sigh he says "Come closer."
You raise an eyebrow but do as he says, taking a few short steps closer until your chest is almost touching his back. Without a word Graves suddenly grabs your arms and wraps them around his waist, leaning back on his heels until his back is flush with your chest and you're supporting his weight.
You stall for a few moments just trying to convince your head that yes, your commander is doing that. "Really?" You ask.
He tilts his head to meet your eyes, casually resting his head on your shoulder. "Something the matter Colonel Care bear?" He smirks, reminding you of a very content cat.
You give him a blank look before rolling your eyes, "Could have just said you wanted a hug." You huff and move your arms to really hug him, your hands resting comfortably on his hips, your arms caging him in, the heat of your body seeping into his, your chest rumbling as you mutter your annoyance at the damn nickname.
"What fun would that be?" He says, eyes closing.
And, Hell, Graves gets it now.
He could get addicted this. Your scent and cologne clogs his nose, the heat of your body chasing away the lingering chill of the base. You support his weight so easily it's like he's floating on a firm cloud, forgetting about ranks and war and everything for a few blissful seconds. His mind wanders; wonders what it would feel to have your strong arms pin him every day, what it'd be like to be pinned down, the current gentle pressure turned bruising and demanding, bending him in half and shit— he's hard.
And of course you notice, wouldn't be his right hand if you couldn't read him like a book. "I'm getting the impression," You note, your grip increasing just a bit to keep him still, your other hand skirting down. "That you wanted something more than just a hug." You growl and squeeze your hand, groping the bulge in his jeans.
"Shit—" Graves sucks in a breath, legs scrambling for purchase but you hold him still, his weight still on you. "—I wasn't thinking of nothing." He says quickly, the pressure of your hand on his clothed cock too good.
"Uh huh," You hum, keeping a careful eye on his facial expressions as you experimentally move your hand; Short slow brushes of your thumb against his cockhead earn you little whimpers, unable to hide them with his head still resting on your shoulder. Firm squeezes of his entire bulge has his skin turning a nice shade of pink, his ear hot beneath your tongue as you nibble on it. His thighs part as you bully your hand lower, the strong pressure of your fingers against his balls as your palm grinds into his cockhead making him moan, the stuttered attempts at explaining himself dying out as a visible damp spot grows in his jeans.
"Faster-" Graves growls, his hands grabbing purchase in your hair, yanking your head down into a rough kiss, "-mhh, faster, fuck, man-"
You smirk against his lips. "Ask me nicely." You say, purposely pulling your hand away from where he needs it the most, ignoring his disgruntled sounds. "You son of a bitch-" Graves snarls, breathing rapidly in an attempt to get his frazzled brain to work before swallowing his pride. "Please," He says it like the word hurts him.
"Please what commander?" You wonder, undoing his belt and slipping your hand into his jeans, "Please touch my cock? Please get me off? Please fuck me till I can't walk?" You throw suggestions, applying just enough pressure on his twitching cock to leave him dumbly nodding his head.
"Yes, yes, yes- oh fuck- shit yes-" Phill pants, eyes closing and weakly thrusting his hips into your hand with what leverage he has, seeking out the pleasure that comes with your calloused hand stroking his sensitive flesh. "Fuck- just, ahh-" He breathes in through clenched teeth, "-just please."
"Alright, alright," You hum, increasing your pace, the glide of skin on skin eased by the precum he's leaking, swallowing his little moans and rough grunts as you kiss him. You can tell he's nearing his end with how he begins twitching even more in your hold, hips pushing into your hand sporadically, fat tears prickling his eyes. "Come on then Commander, cum already."
He does almost as soon as you tell him to, his moan swallowed down by your lips as he cums in his pants, your thumb rubbing insistently on his tip to milk him of all he's got, strong arm keeping him close to you.
"You did good commander." You coo gently as you pull your hand out of his pants, and without waiting for a response you push your cum covered fingers into his open mouth. "Real good," You smirk when Phill immediately sucks on your fingers, his brain melted into mush and incapable of rousing his pride to feel ashamed of how he moans at the taste of his own spend. "Such a good boy," Your praise does something to him, has his cock making a valiant attempt to get hard all over again.
The air leaves his lungs when you suddenly push your hips against his ass, making him feel your own hard cock trapped in your pants. "I took care of you," You begin, pulling your fingers from his mouth. "Are you prepared to take care of me?"
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cvlutos · 2 years
“No Nut November” Pt.3
| Repost: 01.09.23 | 1.4K | Mature |
NRC 3rd Years X GN!Reader
| Sexual Themes | Masturbation | Flirting | Sorta Creepy | Voice Kink | Phone Masturbation(One-sided) | Etc. | Proceed with Caution, Dearest. |
Earl’s Notes: A special thanks, to those who have reposted and shared as such with me<3
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Let me preface all this with those who lost, lost most definitely on purpose, except for Cater and Idia. Trey’s losing. That’s his first thought when Ace and Deuce ramble about it to him and knows he’ll lose if you’re anywhere near him. If you just don’t ever acknowledge his existence, he’s automatically winning. But you don’t, 'cause he’s got baked goods that you like and they're free. Ain’t no way you're avoiding him. Trey also doesn’t take NNN super seriously, so it’s okay if he loses. I also have this slight thing that Trey already loves when people eat his deserts, but with you, it turns him alil on, not in a creepy way, but ya know. He’s turning the other way if you get any sorta food stuck on your lips, or face.
Ngl, he probably daydreamed about this exact scenario, as much as he hates to admit. He just learned a new recipe for your favorite dessert, deciding to add a Lil whipped cream. He was so proud of himself, as he texted you about it, and you, being a loyal friend without hesitation, pull up. You and whip cream, we know what this leads to. You, silly Lil, you end up with whipped cream on your face. Trey, without skipping a beat, imagines it as his cu—he has to excuse himself. Moving to his room to jack one-off. He’s extremely guilty after.
“I’m glad you like the dessert. I made it with you in mind.”
Stood not a chance. Wasn’t even gonna try. He’s such a horn dog. It’s almost embarrassing at this point. 90% of the time, you're responsible for his third boner of the day. Because Cater is such a social phone person, he has multiple pictures and most definitely trades with Ruggie. He just has the most innocent to the most scandalous (as in you sleeping at Heartslabyul, don’t be weird) Like he has access to you, or your pictures 24/7, a recipe for disaster.
So, as always, it’s a nightly ritual at this point. Laying on his back, his roommates are far into dreamland. It’s late as his eyes gradually run along the phone screen, slowly pumping his dick. Your name is a silent cry on his lips. He’s shamelessly losing and doesn’t give a damn.
“[Nickname]! You are simply the cutest, letting me take a pic!”
Not only is it a chore to participate, but also a chore to actually do the deed. As well as Ruggie sending photo after photo of you, being you. Which has the lion beastman slightly interested, but far too damn lazy. Leona is lasting till the end of the month, simply because he doesn’t get horny, like could go weeks without masturbation. So it really is a ‘if he feels like it’ situation. Like if he needs to cum, he’s going to. Not some imaginary competition is stopping him. Though Leona attempts the competition for about 5 minutes before he’s bored with it.
He definitely forgets for the later weeks of November, till one compromising moment. Not even something inherently sexual, you had massages his ears, something that only lovers would do. Most definitely tried to ignore the boner that tightened his boxers as he tried to sleep, tossing in turning. He finally settles with a growl, nearly shoving his hands into his underwear. (Though I’m personally a firm believer Leona would never wear clothes to bed, you and Ruggie probably begged him to at least wear underwear so that when you had to wake the lion prince, he didn’t whack you in the face with that horse of his. Ruggie’s actually been slapped, which is hilarious)
“Leave me be, Herbivore. I’m not doing something so dumb.”
Short and sweet, if he’s going to cum to you, it’s going to be within your presence. He’s not going to fantasize about you, he’s going to have you. So he’ll wait till he has you. Period.
“I have no desire, Spudling. Why is it you care? Do you desire to bed me?”
We saw how he is with Neige and this man damn near nearly cums with anything he sees as beautiful. Like he’s weird. Rook Hunt is mad weird. Though I love him for it. #RookHuntforPresident. Similarly to Cater, he has photos of you, physical and digital, and honest access to you at any point, though he’d never masturbate to you in a tree outside of ramshackle, he has thought about it. He honestly is similar to Vil. He wants to be able to fully experience you and revel in the moment with you, but he ends up thinking about it far too much which leads him being hot and bothered.
So that’s why he loses and isn’t that so beautiful, that he can put competition aside for love and beauty. His breath comes out as short huffs, legs unusually shaking, his hat discarded to the side. His face flush and eyes that seemed to glow, a low moan of your name, cum sputtering from his dick head.
“Mon très cher Trickster, permettez-moi de prendre soin de vous de toutes les manières!”
Idia is a hentai-watching, cum-drinking slut for you. Like I don’t make the rules. He hypes himself up for NNN, bragging, chatting, confident with all his lil e-friends, til the actual day NNN begins. His goal was to simply ignore you, like as if you didn’t exist, like you wouldn’t just show up uninvited. How hadn't he included that in his calculations? Most definitely has a school uniform kink, like have you met this man? You could be dressed for a day at the church and he’s cumming at the thought of you sucking him off while the choir sings of the lord. He’s shameless.
His hair wildly burning pink, voice stuttering as his tongue runs across his lips, trying to stop himself from drooling and cumming as he fucked his hand, leaning back in his gaming chair. Your voice is just so nice. His eyes roll into the back of his skull, a shuddered breath as he realizes he’s close. He damn near breaking his phone to hang up as he cums, painting his computer screen. Leaving you on the other line, completely confused.
“I-I-I wasn’t avoiding you! Just—Just working…. Yes! This game counts as work! Get Out!”
Now, why would you tell this man about NNN? Cause he’s genuinely distraught. Like should he win in your honor, or should he simply indulge in his desires to bed you? Literally asking Lilia, the worst person to ask, cause Lilia is having a field day. Best day of Lilia’s life. He’s telling Malleus to simply have fun and try. It’s better that way if you wait. The problem is Malleus doesn’t want to wait. Spoiled royal rich boy. I swear. Why must he suffer in simply doing what he pleases with his soon-to-be darling? Half of Diasomnia recognizes you as Malleus’ spouse, which is a little problematic once you actually go to the dorm and half the people are referring to you as if you're royalty. Malleus is absolutely pleased that Diasomnia accepts you, even though you aren’t together yet.
Malleus is the only one on this list who will directly go to you. Without a doubt, just appearing with little fairy lights in your bedroom, a large unhidden bulge. Like who let a horse in the house. Literally scares you out of your skin. Grim, luckily, isn’t home. He’s sorry but swears it’s urgent. Thinks you jacking him off is a loophole to NNN, he’s a darling. So when you send him away, embarrassed as hell, he’s sulking in his bedroom. Refusing to masturbate unless you're there. (Deadass sitting with arms crossed, glaring at the wall with a pout, boner still very prominent. He’s a spoiled, royal rich kid.)
“Then I will simply make them mine. That way I can indulge happily.”
Menace. Loses, cause it’s funny. You being scared by him turns him on. Like it’s hot to see your body flinch, and your eyes widen. Loves it. He’s lived so, so long, so the oddest of things turn him on. This is probably a cycle through all of November, him scaring you, but purposely not cumming till the very last day.
Teeth digging into his lower lip, hand slowly teasing, dragging along his cock, imagining it's you. Rolling his head to the side with a hot chuckle. Your name is hot and playful on his tongue. You’re so worth the wait, so worth the pain. Though this isn’t a victimless crime, you feel what he felt one day. (Bout to become a Lilia Supremacist)
“Fufufu~ [Name], you teasing little thing~”
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Just Say it Out Loud!
Hobie brown x reader
Headcanons. Angst. 1st part. 2nd part.
a/n: i loved all your comments <3. You can find more here “ Hobie's masterlist” ꨄ
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Hobie hasn't stopped thinking about you and his daughter, ever since you met again he can't stop feeling guilty for everything he lost and everything you've been through. He never thought that he would be the type of man who abandons his children or his pregnant girlfriend and that thought is burning deep indise himself. Hobie can't help but look at the families and imagine that this could be him with his girls, it's obvious his heart hasn't stopped beating for you;Hobie brown still loving you and he's ready to say it out loud.
And that's why Hobie is right outside your door, knocking while holding a teddy bear in his hand. Hobie has been prepared for this moment, to see you again and is ready to apologize and tell you how much he loves you ; he wants a chance to love you and raise his daughter with you. But as soon as you open the door and see him, you burst his bubble of fantasies.
"You have to go Hobart" Gwen told him that he should be prepared for this, but hearing you speak so coldly breaks his heart. "Y/n...Luv...Listen to me...I.." you let down his defenses, Hobie is never intimidated but he has found that you make him nervous. "No, I don't want to listen to you and I definitely don't want you near my daughter" you mutter before slamming the door in his face, but you forget his stupid super strength.
"She's my daughter too" he murmurs preventing you from closing the door.
“ know I screwed up, I shouldn't have left ya that night, but I wanted to protect ya and I'm sorry if I left but I thought it was for the best even though it never felt right…I was wrong Y/N” “I don't care about Hobart, you made your choice deal with the consequences, she doesn't need you! ”
“She needs a father!” their screams manage to wake Rhea up, making her cry as she sobs for you, you sigh in frustration and Hobie calms down, watching you leave him in the hall to go calm down your daughter.
Hobie can hear you cooing to her and he can't help but smile at your loving voice. Feeling brave, he come in your flat.
On the wall there are a lot of photos, there are a lot of Rhea and in each one of them she is happy; Rhea is a happy kid. Hobie has no doubt that you have been a good mother and he also wants to be a good father to his daughter.
He's holding a picture of you holding newborn Rhea and he can't help but sob. He doesn't blame you because you didn't look for him, 'cause he knows that he was the one that got away, but he would have liked to know that you were carrying his kid.
“You have to go, Hobart” you watch him hold your first photo with Rhea and you almost feel pity because he will never know what it's like to hold his daughter. Hobie looks at you and then looks at the photo "you know she needs a father Y/n" "Hobart, she would only be in danger with you, I know it and so you do" "I know I can protect her, both of you" he murmurs but your betrayed heart doesn't believe him. "She just needs her mom"
+ Bonus
“Rhea, sweetie. C'mere with mom ”you call your little daughter. "Mommy!" Your daughter finally comes to you, but she is not alone, in her little hands there's a teddy bear, who is wearing a jacket like Hobie's. You can't help your heart melts. Maybe... Rhea has the right to know him.
But not today.
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sthrnstar · 8 months
more of simon who cant text bc yall ate that up .
to be clear he can work technology fine , hes in the SAS he probably works with insane technology daily . its just texting he sucks at and doesnt care to learn . hes content to send his blunt , overly literal texts as he always has , its just a plus that you enjoy it . definitely has you in his contacts as your first and last name , only puts a heart next to it after you pout about it looking like hes flirting with a coworker when your contact is so bland .
he prefers to send pictures when he can , its easier , makes you happy , he'll do whatever to make you happy . so if that means sending you pictures while he cleans his weapons or a bland selfie in his mask then he'll do it . ( definitely also sends his own fair share of suggestive photos and videos when you do , almost always with the caption 'look what ya do to me love' )
if hes silent for awhile due to missions or lack of service he tries to warn you , give a heads up ahead of time . if he can't he'll make up for lost time by spamming any photos , videos , voice notes he took . hates the idea of leaving you worrying about him .
soap sees your conversation one day , seven long texts from you and two three word replies from him , and scoffs . gives him shit for his horrible texting behavior but little does he know ghost was in the middle of recording a voice note of his full reply . the video of your laughter after he sends it anyways is well worth the scolding .
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dreamauri · 9 months
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♪ — 𝗝𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗦 lando norris  x  co-worker! fem! reader (fluff) “. . . your co-worker and former classmate has a public crush on you, and you try to play it off. but who are you kidding? it's lando.”
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( my master list | more of lando norris ) ( requests | taglist )
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yn.ln posted on their story
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liked by pieregasly charles_leclerc and 32.8k others ★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly charles_leclerc and 29.7k others yn.ln it's been a minute, lets recap.
landonorris Y/N WHAT ARE THESE??!! ↳ yn.ln my favourite parts of the year, duh
username this is GOLD! Lando's face in the third pic is a whole mood😆 ↳ yn.ln RIGHT?! that's his 'I just lost a bet' expression
landonorris when did you take that one in the hospital?? ↳ yn.ln you said and i quote "im looking very pretty right now. take a picture and hang it on my face." ↳ oscarpiastri i can see it ↳ yn.ln i can hear him saying "oscahh" in the corner ↳ landonorris . . . the block botton looks so good rn ↳ yn.ln do it i dare you. ↳ landonorris .... YOU DONT HAVE TO EMBARESS ME INFRONT OF THE INTERNET ↳ username 💀mom?
username lando pointing at the help me thingy pleas-
maxfewtrel send me the whole camera roll? ↳ yn.ln ya got it boss, that's 50 dollars ↳ landonorris ARE YOU MAKING MONEY OFF ME??
username THE LAST PICTURE!! WHY DIDN'T WE SEE THIS BEFORE??!! ↳ yn.ln sorry, i randomly found it in my camera roll, here it is now tho ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ landonorris she cant be blessed cause she's a demon ↳ yn.ln 😇yet you're standing at my door holding a board game. ↳ landonorris STOP OUTING ME ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ maxfewtrel LMAO
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
landonorris and yn.ln posted on their stories
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seen by pierregasly, oscarpiastri, and 76.9K others
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
yn.ln and landonorris posted on their stories
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seen by pierregasly, landonorris, and 67.9K others
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly maxverstapen1 and 29.7k others landonorris got our first date!
yn.ln not a date <3 ↳ landonorris i do not see👍 ↳ username please date him y/n ↳ username pleaseeeeeeeeeee ↳ username please y/nn ↳ yn.ln nahhh
maxfewtrell it's not a date if i was there ↳ landonorris YOU WEREN'T EVEN INVITED MATE ↳ yn.ln i invited him😛 ↳ landonorris traitorrrr ↳ yn.ln you love me ↳ landonorris i do. very much. ↳ yn.ln ew. my eyes are burning ↳ maxfewtrell 🙄some simp ↳ yn.ln lando no-rizz haha ↳ username y/n called lando ew?🥲 ↳ landonorris STOP BULLYING ME, I HAVE FEELINGS ↳ maxfewtrell says you, you destroyed mine flirting with y/n right in front of me ↳ yn.ln should we get him tickets to flirting lesson for Christmas ↳ landonorris 😔💔
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly maxverstapen1 and 26.9k others yn.ln rain!!
landonorris no photo credits 🤨?? excuse me?? ↳ yn.ln laando
oscarpiastri keep your head inside the car ↳ yn.ln buzz kill 😒 ↳ maxverstappen1 he's right though ↳ yn.ln wont happen again, sir🫡 ↳ landonorris go away max🫠
username waiting for lando's weird ass girl energy comments
landonorris slay queen👑👑💗💗🥰
landonorris the one and only 💋 ↳ username oh my god lando ↳ username SOMOMW SCRENSHOT BEFORE Y/N KILLS HIM ↳ yn.ln make me cringe one more time. i dare you.
landonorris showed them how its done😍😍😍 ↳ username MY EYES? ARE THEY FR?? ↳ username YESS ITS REAL!! ↳ username my heart, hes so cutee
landonorris ate and left no crumbs💅 ↳ yn.ln make me cringe one more time. i dare you. ↳ landonorris ouch, my good vibes sending 🥲 ↳ username woman gave him an ultimatum ↳ username Y/N NO PLEASEEE I BEGG
landonorris ... you're very pretty ...??? ↳ landonorris DONT BLOCK ME IM SORRY ↳ yn.ln that was good for once. i'll take it ↳ landonorris 😁
landonorris very pretty <3↳ username i will seriously stop believing in love if they dont grow old together
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly oscarpistri and 26.9k others landonorris turns out, she really likes compliments!
yn.ln no, i actually like your eyes more ↳ landonorris im dreaming ↳ yn.ln i'll take it back then ↳ landonorris NO!
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★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly oscarpistri and 26.9k others yn.ln just the eyes
landonorris i feel appreciated ↳ yn.ln its a mr and ms norris genetics appreciation post ↳ landonorris i'll take it
username its official?
carlossianz55 i taught him the pick up lines ↳ yn.ln he needs more lessons please, im begging ↳ landonorris aw come on! i really tried this time!
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Flipping the Script: Leviathan Meet-Cute (Human World AU)
So what if you met the demon boys in the human world instead? You’re not magic. You’re not special. You’re an average little human that came crashing into some demons one day. Good luck!
Contents: Pretty new format for me, second person (you), forgive any wonkiness
Part One (You are here), Part Two, Part Three (Coming Soon...)
You’re a hardcore otaku influencer with a niche in creating and sharing cosplay. You’ve befriended a lot of other enthusiasts pursuing your passions, but there was one guy that you met at a recent convention that stood out from all of the rest.
The Seven Lords was just having yet another milestone anniversary, so several friends in your circle all decided to get together and do a group cosplay for the fans, you all were even offered space for a panel and locations for meet-and-greets! Your whole fanbase was ecstatic, and so were you, but there was just one problem…
The friend that agreed to be your Third Lord backed out at the last minute! His baggage was totally lost on the flight there and suddenly your whole group was without a member to complete the set. Though you knew it wasn’t a huge deal, you hated to disappoint your fans who were looking for a full group photo-op…
But then you saw this guy waiting around your hotel lobby-
“I can't believe Wess had to cancel on us…!” You thought to yourself while tapping your foot furiously against the hotel's linoleum floor. You were waiting for check-in last night when your collaborator sent his text to everyone, and your team still hadn’t found a suitable replacement… How could you guys have a TSL photo event without a Lord of Shadows?? Especially when you're the one dressed as Henry! What self-respecting group TSL cosplay doesn’t have those two together?? They're the closest pair in the show! The Sun and Shadow shippers were going to start a riot…
You were all still double-checking your gear and supplies down in the lobby. Months of work had gone into planning and prepping for this event… Your friends were trying to calm you down as best as they could, but your nerves weren’t on your side… You hated letting down your fans, even if it was entirely out of your control. But without a replacement, what exactly could you do? Just as you were about to throw in the towel and get dressed, a bunch of shouting from the hallway entrance caught your attention.
“Why the hell am I stuck carryin’ all your crap, huh Levi?! Ya got two working hands!”
“Because this outfit is heavy, Mam-er-Malcom! I need help, or else I'll get sweaty and gross!”
“You're already gross, so what's it matter?”
“Shut up, scumbag!!”
'Yeesh, what a loud pair...' You turned to look their way with a visible frown to show your annoyance only for your jaw hit the floor. Two men walked out of the hall and into the lobby, one being a dark-skinned male with the whitest hair you'd ever seen, and the other… Sweet kami-sama above, the other guy…!!
He. Was. Perfect!! The dark, shadowy armor, constructed fron what you could only guess was EVA foam and faux furs, combined with his violet hair made him look like the spitting image of the Third Lord! It was almost like the character himself had climbed off the page!! You had to cover your mouth to contain an audible gasp of shock while glancing at the others in your team. Only a few of your friends had noticed the man's arrival, but those who had all shot you back the same kind of look, “Go get that guy. NOW!” Who were you to refuse?
The god-tier Third Lord cosplayer was still arguing with his companion when you first made your approach, allowing you to sneak up pretty close without getting noticed. By the time you were in speaking distance, you were already marveling at the craftsmanship of his cosplay up close. The foam pieces looked flawlessly metallic and there were no patches of hot glue mishaps, frayed stitching, or painting mistakes. It was truly something else!
“Hey, what'cha gawkin’ at??”
The white-haired male caught you red-handed, leading the cosplayer in his company to turn in your direction. Though, amusingly, the moment your eyes met he seemed just as star struck as you were. You wasted no time thrusting your hand out towards him with your most “camera-winning” smile.
“Hi! Uhm, I’m Y/n L/n and I'm-"
“-the most popular cosplay model on Instagram, three-time champion of the WCS competitions, and the host of the ‘TSL Today’ fan podcast-!”
You froze from surprise as the cosplayer slapped his mouth shut with his own hand in a bid to stop rambling. His cheeks instantly tinged pink as he must have realized that he was spitting your own resume at you in excitement. It was hard not to feel a bit flattered at the sudden eruption of joy, so you smiled back more genuinely.
“That’s right! You've heard of me?”
You waited for his response with a patient, maybe even endeared, gaze. Seeing that you weren’t immediately weirded out by his hyped babbling, he uncovered his mouth to respond shyly.
“Y-yeah, of course I do…! I uh… came here to see your meet-and-greet today…”
He winced, face getting hotter, and looked like he wanted to double over from embarrassment, but honestly, you couldn’t have been happier. A creator of THIS caliber was one of YOUR fans?? Talk about a “diamond in the rough” moment!
“Really? That’s awesome!! Because I couldn’t help but notice that cosplay you're wearing… Did you make it yourself?”
How his face recalibrated from flustered to ecstatic in just a few seconds could have made your heart melt. After he confirmed that his cosplay was his own handiwork you began to gush about the design, asking rapid-fire questions about the materials he bought, what patterns he found, and his different sewing techniques. You both were so caught up in each other's passion that you hardly even registered the other guy standing next to him until he finally cleared his throat insistently.
“Yo Levi… This crap’s gettin’ heavy. Are we going or what?”
The cosplayer, who you guessed was Levi, turned to the man reluctantly, which sent a surge of panic through you as you still hadn’t asked him to stay.
Both men flinched a bit at your sudden exclamation, making your cheeks flush with color, but you pressed on regardless,
“Um, Levi right? My team and I could use your help… Our Third Lord just dropped out on us today because of baggage troubles and we really need a replacement for the shoot. Your outfit is fantastic! Do you think that you could step into the role for us? I have early access badges to the vendors room, so we can take a look together if that uh… if that…? Um. Levi...?”
The man in front of you looked like he was moments away from breaking down in tears, but somehow holding them back through sheer force of will… and his closed eyelids making a decent dam.
“H-hold on… I think I need to pinch myself because this can’t be happening. Is this actually happening?”
His voice wobbled while the man next to him, Malcolm(?), rolled his eyes behind his gold-tinted glasses.
“Hey, that doesn’t answer their questions, ya know?” He elbowed Levi while looking at you with a serious expression, “Are ya willin’ to take him AND his stuff with ya?”
“Of course! It’s important to have everything while yo-”
“Great. You can have’em.”
You were taken aback just a bit by the speed of his response, but not as much as Levi because he quickly leapt back into the conscious world in a panic!
“Wha-wh-Whaah?? You can’t just answer for me!!”
Malcolm shrugged his shoulders, letting several bags he had on slide to the ground but cushioning the fall a bit with his foot.
“Why not? It’s clear ya wanna go with them. Unless you wanna leave them hangin'…”
“N-No!! I mean, yes! No-er UGH!”
You watched Levi cover his face in frustration feeling a twinge of sympathy. Does he get tongue-tied like this often? After a few seconds to compose himself, he finally straightened up to give his true response.
“Y-yes, I want to go with you…! Being able to help one of your online idols is like a dream come true for any fan! What can I do to help?”
You could feel your smile grow twice as wide from the combination of relief and gratitude. Maybe the shoot would go alright after all…
“Give me your hand.”
Levi stuttered watching you reach your hand out towards his, using your other one to pull out a black marker that you always kept on your person for fans. His skin was soft, but strangely cold, when he rested his knuckles into your upturned palm. The icy jolt even made you jump a bit. Holy crap, was he cold-blooded or something?? When he flashed you a concerned glance, you quickly recovered uncapped the marker between your fingers. With years of built up practice, you ran the black ink over his pale skin, but instead of a signature, you left one of your burner numbers that you used for interacting with collaborators.
“Here. We still need a bit of time to get ready, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the con. Text me your name and I'll send you back where to meet up once we're ready to go.”
Levi was staring at the black marks on his hand like you'd just handed him a key item in a video game when one of your team shouted back from behind you.
“Y/n! Why aren’t you dressed yet?? We gotta go!”
“Shit, I’m coming!” You turned to head back, but you spared just a second to smile at Levi over your shoulder. “Thank you so much, Levi, you're going to be a huge help! Don't forget to text.”
“I won’t!”
Levi's promise made you grin lift even higher. With a wink and a wave, you made your way back to the others with a brand new pep in your step. Mission, saved!!
“… Did ya seriously just score a number in that getup?”
“I swear, I’ll never wash this hand again...!!”
“Fuck's sake, Levi, stop being so gross! At least put it in your phone before your sweaty palms wipe it off!”
“Gah, you're right!!”
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Plus-size Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles decides to take his girlfriend shopping and things don’t turn out the way he wants them to
Warning: Spelling and grammatical errors, I guess self hate, weight comments
A/N: this will be a very self-indulgent fanfic because i am on the “bigger” side, I’m a size US 12 through US 18 depending on the store, I’ll always look for the XL tops, but yeah, this is something I struggle with. I hope some of y’all can relate to this!
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Y/N L/N was in the plane with Charles, they were flying from New York to Monaco. Y/N was listening to music, looking out the window, Charles noticed that Y/N has been a little quiet, this happens every time they visit Y/N’s parents in New York. Y/N doesn’t even know why she bothers visiting them, all they do is talk about her weight.
Y/N has always been a bigger size, even when she was younger. Growing up, her mom would side eye her whenever she would get a second plate, she always heard “si ya comiste un plato, por qué te vas a servir más?” “If You’re hungry, drink water.” It is even worse when she went shopping with her mother and if Y/N says that she can’t find anything in her size, her mom will say “si ya sabes que no hay nada en tu talla, por qué no bajas de peso?” And of course, the ever so great, “no vas a encontrar novio si sigues así de gorda.” When Y/N was a teenager, her mom had her take diet pills from Mexico to help her lose weight. And sure, Y/N lost weight, but she gained it back and her mom never let her hear the end of it, “if you already lost the weight, why didn’t you try to keep it off? I kept the weight off, I’m eating less, why can’t you?” Her mom would send her photos of when she lost weight and text her “look how beautiful you were, try to lose weight.” As if it was so easy. It was even worse when her dad joined in “don’t worry mija, we’ll find a way for you to lose weight.” If you already had one plate, why do you serve yourself more, if you already know there’s nothing in your size, why don’t you lose weight, you’re not gonna find a boyfriend of you’re fat,
So when she visited her mom the first thing she heard was
“Mija, has subido de peso, verdad?” Y/N’s mom Celia, asked, Y/N rolled her eyes. You gained weight, right?
“Hola mami, yo ha estado muy bien, y tú?” Y/N asked sarcastically. Hi mom, I’ve been good, and you?
“Don’t listen to your mother, como has estado, mija? Cómo está tu novio?” Y/N’s dad, Julio, asked, leading Y/N on the couch, how have you been? How’s your boyfriend?
“Ah si, el novio, sigues con él o ya encontró un modelo?” Celia asked, ah yes, the boyfriend, are you still together or did he find himself a model?
“Sí, Mami, sigo con él, ahorita está en el yankee stadium ese para hacer el celebrity pitch.” Y/N said. Yes mom, I’m still with with, right now he’s at the Yankee stadium to do the celebrity pitch
“Ooh si, como no.” Celia commented. “Pero ya que estás aquí, fui a México con tu papá y mi amiga consiguió las pastillas.” Celia got up to go to the kitchen and brought back 3 bottles of pills. “Hay 60 cada uno, tómatelas, quizás por fin serás digno de ser la novia de un piloto de Fórmula uno.” Y/N just stood there and shoved the pills in her bag. Yeah sure, but now that you’re here I went to Mexico with your dad and my friend got me the pills. There 60 in each bottle, take them, maybe then you’ll finally look like an F1 driver’s girlfriend
“Not that this wasn’t fun, pero ya me voy, papi, te quiero mucho, te veo en navidad, mami…adiós.” Y/N said, leaving her parent’s apartment. But I’m gonna go, dad, I love you, I’ll see you at Christmas, mom…bye
Which brings us back to the plane ride. Charles didn’t like seeing Y/N so upset so he tapped her arm and asked Y/N to take off her headphones and she did.
“Mon coeur, do you want to talk about what happened?” Charles asked
“Not really.” Y/N said.
“When we land in Monaco, do you want to go shopping?” Charles asked and Y/N looked confused. “I have this event with APM Monaco, I was thinking we could get some new clothes, doesn’t that sound like fun?”
“I Don’t know, muñeco…” Y/N said but was interrupted by Charles.
“I Don’t like seeing you upset, Mon ange. I want to do this for you, you could pick whatever dress you want, matching shoes, some jewelry…” Charles said and Y/N interrupted him.
“Muñeco, you Don’t really have to.” Y/N said.
“I want to, I want to spoil you, you deserve it.” Charles said, kissing Y/N. “Now get some sleep. We’ll freshen up when we land and then we’ll go shopping.”
So that’s what Y/N did, she slept until the plane stopped. Once the plane landed, they got out and Charles drove them back to his apartment so they could shower. Once showered, Y/N styled her hair and picked out a casual outfit so they could go shopping.
“You look beautiful, Mon coeur.” Charles said, kissing her.
“Thank you, muñeco.” Y/N said, she got her bag and saw the pills in there. She just shoved them in her suitcase before charles could see the,.
“Come on, let’s go to the metropole shopping center, I’m sure they’ll have something beautiful for you.” Charles said. Y/N nods her head. Charles drove to the mall and they entered a fancy dress store.
“Wow, these dresses are beautiful.” Y/N said.
“Yep, I’m going to pick out some dresses for you to try, okay.” Charles said before kissing her cheek and Y/N started to roam around the store.
She a sales lady side eyeing her. It made Y/N feel self conscious, like many times before, Y/N just looked at the dresses, took a picture, and texted her thinner friends saying ‘you’ll love these dresses’ because she sure as hell knows she won’t fit in them. She turned around and saw Charles holding 3 dresses in her preferred colors and preferred style.
“I think you would look amazing in these. I’ll be right outside the dressing room if you need help, okay.” Charles said. Y/N walked into the dressing room and saw herself in the mirror.
“Here goes nothing.” Y/N said. She’s checked the tag and it said it was a size EU 48, which is her size, so as she tried in the dress, she noticed it was a little tight in the waist area. “Muñeco, Can you help me?” Charles pulled back the curtain and got in, closing the curtain behind him. He tried to zip up,the dress but he couldn’t. Everything Celia told her came flooding in her head, she has gained weight, she shouldn’t have eaten so much growing up, it was her own fault that she was fat, she should have kept the weight off. She was so in her head that she didn’t realize she was crying or that Charles was speaking until charles was right in front of her, wiping her tears with tissues that Y/N carrieesaround in her purse.
“Mon ange, are you okay?” Charles asked softly.
“No, I am not okay. This stupid dress doesn’t fit, probably nothing in this store will fit me because I am so fat, maybe I should take those diet pills my mom gave me, I am so ugly.” Y/N sobbed, taking off the dress haphazardly, not caring if she ripped something or not. She put her jeans and oversized t shirt back on but sat down on the floor to sob into her hands. Charles has tears in his eyes, it hurt to hear her talk about herself this way.
“Mon coeur, what happened with your mother?” Charles asked. Y/N got another reissue for her bag and blew her bise before answering him.
“She said that I have gained weight, asked if we were still together or if you found yourself a model girlfriend, and she gave me diet pills so i can lose weight like I did when I was 16/17.” Y/N said. Charles felt angry, how could a mother say that to her own daughter?
“Mon coeur, I love you, you know that, right? I love you so much and don’t worry about the dress, there are other stores that carry bigger sizes and so,étimos the sizing runs short here.” Charles attempts to make Y/N feel better.
“You don’t get it, Charles. You could find a dress that could perfectly fit me and I’m going to hate myself in it, my mom would point out my flaws when we’re shopping ‘you’re back is too wide for that dress, this dress shows off your belly, if you lost 20 pounds, you could pull off that dress’, even if I really liked something I wore, my mom would ruin it for me. And now I say that about myself, it’s so bad” Y/N cried and Charles hugged her, smoothie her back, letting her cry it all out.
“Mon coeur, you need to stop visiting your mother. I know you love your parents but visiting your mom is not healthy for you. You’re not going to take those diet pills, okay? Those things are dangerous and who knows the side effects it might cause. Now listen to me very carefully, you are beautiful, your size doesn’t matter, not to me, I fell in love with you because you’re funny, you are so sweet to everyone, you love animals, you could be a size 50 or a size 32 and I would still love you because of your personality.” Charles said, cupping Y/N’s face, kissing her nose. “Safe to say we won’t be buying this.”
“Yeah, no.” Y/N said, they got out of the dressing room and put the dress back.
“I suggest getting bigger sizes, try being more inclusive.” Charles said befriended leaving the store with Y/N. “I think you deserve some ice cream, don’t you?”
“I would love some.” Y/N said and Charles had his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple before heading to an ice cream shop in the mall.
The End
Hope y’all liked it, this was a very personal one shot for me, this was based off true experiences, I really do struggle with this, I cried while writing.
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This is me, sorry for the jump scare
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Family fun
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"Hi, I'm Simon and I'm an alcoholic." Haha. I'm just kidding. I'm just a normal nineteen year old kid still living with his widowed father and his three brothers. Today I was suppose to go on a trip with my 4 friends - Michael, Nathan, Daniel and Connor. I was ready to leave, but suddenly my - always happy and kind dad - started screaming about me not doing enough for our family, not doing chores and he banned me to go on the trip. I texted my friends, but only Connor replied:"Better luck next time. C ya". Then my dad even took my phone from me. I have no idea what I have done, but I didn't question him right now. Maybe later when he cools off.
My brother Alex came downstairs and offered me to go with him to the store. He acted different. I can't tell why, but he kept teasing me, which he usually doesn't. He is the quiet one.
We got into the store. I went to get some vegetable and when I got back to him. He was standing there completely naked
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"What the hell are you doing?"
"Hurry. Give my some clothes!!! I lost them!"
"How can you just loose your clothes you're wearing?!?"
"Doesn't matter. Give me something."
I gave him my jeans, my shirt, leaving me only with my socks, sweatshirt in my hand and my boxers. He put on the rest and then laughed as he took the sweatshirt from my hands and ran away.
I was standing in a storeonly in my underwear. How embarassing. Alex was standing outside of the store with a phone in his hand already recording and laughing
"What the hell is wrong with you today?"
"Haha. Nothing. Just... enjoying life."
We returned back home. Alex went to show my other two brothers how he humiliated me. I went upstairs to find my father in my bathroom completely naked. He held my phone in his hands and tried to take a nude.
"DAD! What are you doing?!"
He wasn't even shocked and kept trying to get a good photo.
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"Oh hey, I was going through your phone and I found this Grindr app where most of the profiles had pictures like this. I thought that maybe it is a dating website and I might have a chance. Maybe I'll find someone there."
"Dad, please. Go away. And don't install that app. I'll explain that to you later."
He checked himself out again and then winked at me
"Don't act like this isn't the dick that made you. You owe me for that, you know"
Has everyone gone crazy this morning or what the fuck is happening?
I went downstairs, ready for some more weird stuff. But fortunately my two brothers - Joe and Kyle fought. Thank god. The most normal thing in our family that could be happening right now. I sat outside on the porch just briefly watching them fight.
But suddenly the fight turned into this
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They made out passionately as many couples in love do. But THEY ARE MY BROTHERS!!!
All four of the stared at each other back and forth. My dad was the first one who started laughing, then the rest did too.
"What's so funny? Have you all lost your mind?"
"Oh come ooooon. It's just a prank, BRO" said my father
"Besides, would your brother that you secretly have a crush on let you do this?" Alex came to me and placed my hand on his abs, just going up and down and finally going down.
"How... Connor?"
"BINGO! You figured it out. We swapped bodies with everyone in your family just to mess with you. We discovered we could do that last night when we arrived at the campsite, but we decided to surprise you. So, what do you think?"
"Wait. What about my dad and my brothers? Where are they?"
"In the campsite hopefully. But they keep calling your phone, so that's why we took it from you. Seems like we might have some explaining to do. So, until we give these bodies back and might never use them again?" All four of them smiled.
I couldn't believe how perverted my freinds are. And I couldn't believe I didn't really protest.
A story from the inbox: Hello! I love your stories😍😍😍 can u write a story about some friends are doing prank by body swapping with his male family members?
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causewayguy · 8 months
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Fuck, Chor 3 already sinned. On Day 3 of the lunar new year, Jon's family hosted a family gathering at their new house. Tables were set up in the yard where it was sheltered but still breezy. The best part is that Jon gets to see all his pretty xmm cousins/SO who came late to the party. That's where he laid his eyes on Xiao Wen.
Xiao Wen was Jon's nerdy cousin's (Z's) new girlfriend. Looked slightly out of place since it was her first time visiting the extended fam, Xiao Wen is not those drop dead gorgeous but looked a bit nerdy and reserved. But to Jon, she had just the right amount of baby fats here and there, and her white tube top and black shorts accentuated her curves.
Lunch went on as normal, chit chats and laughters. And finally, they started gambling. Coming from SG, Jon had to be the 'house' and started dealing cards, with both Z and Xiao Wen joining the fray. Jon would purposely deal Xiao Wen cards slightly further front from her so she needed to bend down, showing some of her creamy cleavage. Sometimes when she wins, Xiao Wen gets all hyper, showing all kinds of skin, much to Jon's delight. Lucky didn't kena caught as Z is known to be a blur sotong (nerd mah).
After an hour or so, Xiao Wen had lost almost RM100. Can feel she was seriously down in the dumps and trying to get Z's attention to maybe stop and do other things. Z, being sotong no.1 and an avid gambler, not only brushed her off but decided to be the next 'house' as his luck was pretty good.
Stars aligned and 5 minutes later, both Jon and Xiao Wen were on the couch talking while Z just started his Stephen Chow's God of Gambler concentration. Turns out this was their second date and Z just dragged Xiao Wen here without telling her the occasion. This is what you call blur sotong...
Jon half bragged, half shared how it is in SG and Xiao Wen was totally hooked as she herself wanted to further studies in SG. She was sitting so close to Jon with her legs touching as they looked at photos on Jon's phone. Pushing his luck further, he mentioned he got more pics during his NUS days in his laptop, and invited her up to his room. Xiao Wen quickly nodded her head without a second thought (another blur sotong...) about Z or the situation she's in. As they went up, no one saw except for Jon's helper, Maria, who just winked at Jon.
Up in his room, Jon quietly locked his door after Xiao Wen entered. She was sitting on his bed ohh and ahhing at Jon's photos on his laptop, firing all kinds of questions about the places in the photos. The photos were becoming more naughty as Jon pulled up his clubbing and drinking photos intentionally. Xiao Wen was still asking questions.
Next photo. 'Eh how come so dark this picture?'
'Oh this is Zouk night club. I usually go drinking here.'
Next photo. 'It looks so fun dancing wei!'
'Ya lo, this one you need to try. After high, just dancing and grind with anyone we see.'
Next photo. 'Wasehh your gf so pretty! But PDA le, kiss in front of camera.'
'No la, this is my best friend's gf. He was vomiting in the toilet, so weak haha.'
At this time, Xiao Wen finally noticed the weird tension in the air but said nothing.
Next photo. 'Ha ha...not bad la, you still send them both back to their room first.'
'We stay in the same house. That was my friend's room, and this is mine.'
Next few photos showed my friend's gf being all slutty and provocative poses in all areas of my room. Finally, the last photo was of her on my bed, biting her lips and pulling my hand, looking straight into the camera.
'Oh...hmm...I see...'
'Last time was my friend's gf, today is my cousin's gf...'
Jon stood up beside her, looking down at Xiao Wen and slowly traced his finger along her face. As he reached her lips, Xiao Wen automatically sucked on Jon's index finger, essentially giving him the green light. Jon immediately slid his other hand down Xiao Wen's blouse, giving her boobs a quick squeeze and started to tune her nipples.
'Hmmmpp...please...show me what happened next...'
Xiao Wen bit her lips and made the same pose as the photo. This made Jon's blood boil and he quickly pushed Xiao Wen onto his bed, pulling off her top down. Her boobs were heavenly, with some bounce as Jon quickly removed her nipple stickers and sucked on her nips. This was Xiao Wen's second sexual experience but it was so much better. Looking at the pictures made her a little horny while Jon licked at her sensitive nipples and slid his hand into her shorts and fingered her pussy. Xiao Wen moaned and squirmed with pleasure as Jon continued his duel attack.
Up until her breaking point, Jon stopped abruptly and quickly dropped his pants. Xiao Wen stared at the piece of meat she knows she shouldn't accept but her body betrayed her. Xiao Wen pulled both her shorts and panties aside while holding her legs up, giving Jon the full access and he gladly complied.
Jon rammed his cock into Xiao Wen, getting a shriek from her. Knowing time is limited, Jon did not hold back and drilled Xiao Wen hard and deep. Xiao Wen was still inexperienced so this blew her mind. As Jon continued plowing into her, he whispered all sweet nonsense to her 'your pussy so tight baby, my cock is made for you, you are so much better than my gf, you milking me so good, I am fucking you like I fuck her (friend gf), please can I cum in you'. This made her felt both physically and emotionally attached to Jon, and could only nod her head furiously at Jon's last question.
Finally, looking at his cousin's gf asking for a creampie, Jon couldn't hold back any longer. He blew his load into Xiao Wen, filling her almost virgin pussy almost completely. Xiao Wen could only groan in satisfaction as the warmth feeling spread all over her insides.
Suddenly without warning, someone knocked on the door and whispered 'coming'. Jon quickly pulled his pants up and correctly Xiao Wen top before rushing to unlock the door. Just as he stepped out, Z was climbing the stairs and asked if Jon saw Xiao Wen. Right in cue, Xiao Wen walked out.
'Thanks for the info, Jon. At least now I know SG better.'
She took Z hands and started to walk back down the stairs together. But not before biting her lips and winking at Jon behind Z's back. Need to teach that fucking slut another lesson...
To the bro who asked for submission, sorry I took too long. If you still want a cny theme one, dm me again.
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ceilidho · 1 year
Oh that poor reader…probably been scared out of her mind ever since this hulking masked man snatched her, maybe from her bed in the middle of the night, and now her ex appears and instead of finally getting help she just has that “oh shit” moment when Soap just smiles because he just loves her so much still and is like “oh good she can’t run away from me again :)”
It would be so cruel omg.
You've been trapped in this hulking masked man's apartment for days now, trembling whenever he comes into the room to pet your hair and jerking off to photos of Johnny pinned to the wall (which is even more distressing for you, since you only just broke up with Johnny as you were about to move across the pond and you didn't think a long distance relationship would work).
Then suddenly Johnny's there and you're so elated at first that your heart skips several beats. He opens the door and blinks when he sees you, head tilting like a lost puppy.
"Johnny - oh my god - John, I can't believe - please, please, we have to get out of here," you whisper, running up to him and fisting your hands in his shirt. Thankfully, the man in the balaclava hadn't chained you up or anything; you just haven't been able to unlock the door from the inside (he probably has a bolt on the door locking you in from the outside).
You pause a bit when his hands settle on your hips.
"S'this where you've been, baby?" Soap says in an awed, hushed voice. "God, I've missed ya. Haven't been able ta breathe without ya."
"John, you don't get it, he's going to come back any second, we need to go -"
"Baby, I've missed you so much. Can we just catch up?" He's walking you back while he talks, his strides naturally longer than yours, until your the backs of your knees hit the bed. Your face goes a bit numb with confusion and worry. "'Sides, Ghost's not all bad. Must've known I missed you, the bastard."
There's a sound over his shoulder that draws your eyes up and freezes your blood. Ghost - if that's what the hulking man is called - fills out the doorway, eyes locked on the two of you. For a second, helplessness nearly makes your knees buckle from under you, and then Johnny's gently pressing you down onto the bed.
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goosedoes-fics · 1 year
Spiderman Noir x Reader
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Content warnings: alcohol mention, no use of y/n, first person (reader pov)
Notes: if you look closely you can see the exact moment that I lost all inspiration to actually finish this oneshot!! anyways yea I was gonna have it from Noir's POV but it would be harder for the reader to be gender neutral if that was the case
The young shamus' office was colder than a summer night in Antarctica. A single light dangled overhead, dimly illuminating the room just enough that the corners were pitch black, but everything else was a bit visible. I had heard tales of the hard-boiled gumshoe, the only private eye in New York to wear a mask. It was pretty dang smart, really. Protecting his identity and all that jazz.
His feet were propped up on his desk, clad in worn leather boots that seemed to have dirt caked in from his many adventures. His fedora covered where his eyes would have been, had he not been wearing a mask that already concealed them.
I took notice of the bottle of moonshine on his desk, picking it up and inspecting the label. "Bit ironic for a detective to be drinkin' hooch, ain't it?"
For a moment, I thought he wouldn't respond, as he didn't look up nor tilt up his hat, but he leaned forward slightly as he addressed me. "Don't blow your wig, pal. You can't convince me ya haven't stepped into a speakeasy a few times."
His retort earned a quiet laugh out of me as I placed the bottle back in its original spot.
The private investigator finally took his feet off the desk and looked up at me. I could only imagine his piercing gray eyes inspecting me. The thought somehow got me flustered, subtle heat rising to my cheeks.
"You got somethin' to say, or are you just gonna stand there gawkin'?" He eventually asked, snapping me out of my stupor.
He reached into a drawer on his desk and took out a cigar, lighting it and putting it up to the fabric of his mask where his mouth would be. "Usually people come in here for me to solve a mystery."
"Oh!" I laughed nervously. Had I been staring at him? Idiot. "Right. Yeah."
Reaching into my back pocket, I retrieved a small photograph, sliding it across the table like an 8 ball in a game of pool.
"My grandma." I tapped the photo. "Y'see the necklace? It's been in my family for decades. And today, it wasn't in the safe."
The detective's interest seemed piqued, at least from what little I could deduce from his body language. "Touched it lately?"
"Not since two months ago. It's only for VERY special occasions." I shrugged, taking a glance at the nameplate on his desk. "Mr. Noir... can you find it?"
The silence was thicker than 5 year old expired eggnog. Golly, how I wished I knew what he was thinking. The only thing I could decipher was a bit of curiosity from the slight tilt of his head.
I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until I started getting dizzy.
Eventually, he spoke up. "The question ain't can I, toots. It's will I. And the answer is yes."
A small smile spread across my lips as he stood up, handing me back the photograph with a slight tilt of his head.
"Thank you, sir."
The apartment I lived in was quite small, and hardly luxurious. Despite our family heirloom being one of such high worth, we weren't a wealthy family. But I managed to get by. Even if it wasn't large, it was cozy.
"This is your place?" His body language betrayed no thoughts. It was really quite frustrating how little I could infer from him, with only his voice and movements to determine what he was feeling.
"...it's not much," I admitted carefully, "But I do like it."
"And you never thought to sell the necklace?"
"No, sir. It's too important to our family."
Noir hummed softly, inspecting the safe when I pointed it out. He dragged a gloved finger over the surface, a thin layer of dust now coating his fingertip like ash from a fireplace. The motion somehow made me nervous, as if he was convincing me I had something to hide.
Noir looked up at me after a moment's pause. "...Listen, if you can't pay, I can-"
"No." I cut him off. "I can pay. I wouldn't have hired you if I didn't set aside some money."
The vigilante didn't respond. He merely turned back to the safe, closing the door of it before standing up straight again. He looked down at me, and I could practically feel his eyes burning into me.
"...I can't take your money, darlin'."
Frustration boiled inside of me as I took a step forward. "Yes you can. I don't need pity, detective."
A small sigh could be heard through the fabric of Noir's mask. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from having an outburst.
In a swift, almost imperceptible movement, Noir took one of my hands in both of his. The investigator's huge gloved hands dwarfed my own. "You don't understand. I know what happened with yer necklace, I can't ask you to pay me for such a quick job."
It was hard for me to choke out any words. "But-"
"No buts."
"I have to pay you. This is your job," I protested.
Noir was quiet for a moment before cupping my face in his hands. I was aware of heat rising to my cheeks. If he noticed how flustered he was making me, he didn't say anything. "You really wanna pay? I'm not gonna bump gums with you about this."
I nodded stubbornly. Perhaps I didn't quite understand the implications of his words, because after lifting up his mask just above his nose, he kissed me square on the lips.
The light pink on my cheeks doubled, turning my face red as I slowly began kissing back. My mind clouded, halting any racing thoughts and focusing only on the gentleness of his lips.
When he finally pulled away, it felt too soon. I couldn't squeak out any words as he took a step back from me, tilting his hat by the brim with a small nod.
My mind was still in a bit of a daze when he started to leave. "By the way, darlin'." I looked up at him as he spoke to me. "Check the coffee table."
And sure enough, there was the necklace, hidden from view next to a stack of magazines.
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loveandleases · 2 months
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Our softie has been a bit neglected lately, so what better time than to post the M X MC karaoke snippet.
“Are you sure you want to do this? It’s okay to back out ya know.” You give M one last glance, your hand resting on the handle of the door into the karaoke booth.
It was a dumb dare, one you didn’t think they would have agreed to. The shots you two did earlier no doubt contributed to their newfound bravery. They groan into their palms, likely regretting all the choices that got the two of you here. You’re about to grab them, walk them back to the apartment but they allow their palms to fall, a newfound determination on their face. “I-I said I would do it. And damn it, I’m going to do it. How can I expect my characters to sing their hearts out to one another if I can’t even go in with my…friend.”
“Promise I won’t take any embarrassing photos of you for blackmail.” You mean it as a joke, but the way M’s shoulders tighten means you missed the spot. It takes five minutes to finally get into the room, M only trying to bolt out the door three times. Which is an improvement to when you went to watch a horror movie together at the theater.
It takes four tequila shots for them to loosen up enough to pick a song, two more shots to muster the courage to begin singing. If you can call it that.
You had to admit you were surprised by how much they were able to drink and still function.  M is lost in conversation with themselves as the song begins to play. Kiss me, out of the bearded barley Nightly, beside the green, green grass. They fumble the first line, their nerves all but apparent on their frame. “Shit-shiiiit.” You muffle a laugh, at least they sing their swears. It’s somewhat endearing as they slowly loosen up, not hiding behind their usual shyness. Their eyes locking onto yours as if the words coming out of their mouth are more than just lyrics. Halfway through the song all the tension that had them wound up is gone, they’re half dancing half jumping from spot to spot. Their cheeks flush from one too many drinks. “Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight.” M turns to you, their hand reaching out for your own. “Are you serenading me right now?” They falter, missing the beat of the next verse, shaking their head as they pull you to join them. It’s a mess of bodies, M spins you, nearly causing you to run into the table. The song long forgotten as your laughter fills the booth. So kiss me. M smiles at you, a goofy grin. The dark circles under their eyes don’t dampen the brightness of their smile. “That was-“ “Fun?” “Fucking awful, I can’t believe you let me sing in public.” They laugh, tossing the microphone onto one of the seats. “Aww, c’mon you did great.”
You both sit, closer than you ever have. Their arm brushes against your own, their leg pressed against yours. Their usual sweet and soft demeanor now mixed with a newfound, alcohol-induced bravery.
Their eyes, normally hesitant and averted, are now fixed on yours with an intensity that is both endearing and startling. “MC,” their voice is uncharacteristically bold, but you don’t miss the slight tremor betraying their nervousness. “I.. I need to tell you something.” They take a deep breath, their heart racing. “I..fuck..okay..damn. alright, I’m going to say it alright.” You know when they get like this it’s not necessarily you they’re talking to, more themselves. “I wanted to…Iwanttokissyou.” The words are said so quickly it takes you a second to register what they said. The words hang in the air, heavy with emotion. Their face a picture of flustered courage, their lips slightly parted and eyes wide with fear and hope. They still give off this softness, but now, now it’s laced with something else. You’re not sure who moves first, normally you would say it was you, but the way that they grab your arms and tug at you might say otherwise. M’s breath hitches, their eyes fluttering shut mumbling one last swear. The world outside the booth fades away, only sound you hear is their breath, and your heartbeat. It’s a gentle kiss at first, a bit hesitant. An exploration of unspoken feelings. M’s lips are soft and warm, a faint taste of alcohol. They groan, and the kiss deepens. Your hands finding theirs, fingers intertwining. You’re not sure how long you kiss, how long M’s tongue tangles with your own. When they pull away, they look at you briefly before squeezing their eyes shut. Their foreheads resting against your own, their cheeks so warm you can feel the heat emanating from them. A genuine smile on their lips, causing your heart to skip a beat. “Will you remember this tomorrow?” You can’t help but ask, knowing they must be drunk. “Ah, I didn’t think about that!” M jerks back, their expression changes so quick, now a look of fear on their face. “We-we should do- I can do you- Fuck no, I mean yes, oh ooh. Oh nooo. I said that out loud. Out fucking loud. Kill meeeee." There they are, the flustered mess you've grown used to. Your hands cup their cheeks, pulling them to look at you, before you lean in. "Kiss me."
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117luv · 10 months
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synopsis: jungwon and ni-ki met each other at a summer camp and found out they were fraternal twins. this leads to events where the two ex-lovers, heeseung and yn, are reunited after 14 years by their children.
genre: exes to lovers, smau, fluff
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, poor attempts in humor, grammatical errors, marriage, pregnancy, parenthood, miscommunication
taglist: CLOSED!
a/n: hey angels!! early update from me cause i have some spare time BUT we are reaching the end of the smau and im so excited cause i finally fixed the outline of the remaining chapters so i hope you enjoy this and love ya! <3
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The boys woke up and were ready to interrogate their parents about the photos that they dropped last night. All they needed was a verbal confirmation from them regarding whether they were together or not. As the boys walked down the dining area, they saw a scene that felt unusual but real at the same time, and it was their mom making pancakes while their dad was clinging to her waist as she cooked. Ni-ki wasn't used to his dad being so clingy, much less to his mom, but this proved that his feelings towards his mom had never changed throughout the years.
Yn turned around at the sight of the boys and greeted them. "Oh boys, you already woke up. Here, I cooked some pancakes, and the syrups are already on the table, so eat up," she said cheerily as she placed the last pancake on the plate. Heeseung went and filled up their glasses, and the family started eating their breakfast. The entire breakfast was silent but calming; it felt like they were a complete family. Jungwon broke the ice and asked his parents about their status. "Well, me and your mom are back together. I think the whole blind date pushed me to confront her about my feelings," he confessed, and the boys started jumping around after what he said. The twins were ecstatic about the news and have never been happy. Finally, after so many years, the Lee family is finally complete.
The Lee family was preparing for Christmas, and the boys were full of energy the entire day. The boys teased their parents when they asked if they could get a baby sister as a gift, to which Yn jokily replied, "Well, I'll have to ask your dad first about that gift," while chuckling at his surprised reaction. After eating dinner, they decided to walk outside and have some family time in the snow.
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taglist [CLOSED] : @yangwaa @emikisses @yohanabanana @arizejkt19 @skuwu-blog @beatr2x @svarcq @softiehee @enhastolemyheart @deobitifull @emxshu @bucketofhiros @lost-leopard-beanie @soobin-my-beloved @azurez @flwrshee @beomgyusonlywife @lalalalawon @yanagisprettygf @astrae4 @myjaeyunn @sesame-street-lol @yumilovesloona @omgjwon @yoonjunshi @wannatinyus @yeahhemmings- @coupscheri @neozon3nha @mevalemadrws @wonyoungsvirus @ilvsoup @dneltrise @chirokookie @noascats @sxftiell @onionzzzs @nokacchan @i-yeseo @02zluvbot @iamliacamila @en-happiness @nicholasluvbot @ilovewonyo @ddazed-lhs @enhaz1 @tobiosbbyghorl @youmenotyummy @minhoie @beoms-sugar
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queenendless · 1 year
💗Simping (Student!Geto x Fem!Student!Reader)💗
A/N: More pieces from my Curses Love book on Wattpad are gonna keep coming here like this one.
Teenage, student Suguru Geto is the finest JJK character; aside from Gojo, there is. And I will simp him forever~! Ergo this!
Yeah this is gonna be needed when S2 does its full run and we have to wait 2 or so more years for S3 and beyond. And I get the jist of what's gonna go down. And when it does ... Hurt/comfort/wholesome/lovey dovey/smexy stuff, in you go!
All credit for the characters/series/photos goes to Gege sensei. Please don't steal or copy my work but rather like and rebIog. I hope whosoever reads this enjoys.
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"Why does he gotta be so fine~?" You gushed softly to Shoko as your enamored gaze looked over to the form fitting handsome Suguru Geto.
"The whole package." Shoko mused with a cigarette between her lips.
"I mean he's broad, wise, tall, kind, handsome, broad –" You listed all the pros.
"Satoru is his bestie, tied at the hip." Shoko stated the biggest con.
"I can hear you, you know." Geto side glanced at you; flattery overtaking his expression like a light blush.
"We can all hear you~!" Gojo yelled, annoyed. "And I'm the biggest dub there is!"
"Busted." Shoko dully sang in your ear.
Suguru hummed in intrigue as he strided over to you, leaning over your desk. "How about now?"
"Still fine." Your shy, affectionate smile made his heart skip in joy; your two other friends watching in much intrigue.
"You're just as fine." Geto's small grin made you blush hard; his tall stature made goosebumps rake your skin at his imposing presence.
"Suguru, I ..." You started standing up to meet him head on.
"Yes?" His eyes crinkled with mirth as his bangs tickled your face, making you giggle.
"I ... I like you." You sighed sweetly as his face leaned down closer to reach yours; his hands brushing yours gently.
"I like you too ... Y/n." His fingers intertwined with yours, smiling warmly.
"L/n~! Suguru~! Can't I get in on the action ~!?" Gojo butted in, whining.
"No." You both stubbornly refute.
"Then get a room!" Satoru pouted, crossed at being left out of your PDA, while Shoko took some snapshots of the entire scene for proof to tease you later.
"I like it when you smile." He chuckled at your face that brightened in that moment. "Prime example~!"
"Will do." Suguru pulled you out of the classroom right away by hand, keeping an arm around your form flushed against his as he opened and closed the sliding door, spinning you both around, making you laugh at his action. "I like it when you laugh."
"Y/n ... would you like to go out with me?"
" ... on one condition."
Geto looked taken back, surprised, a tad bit worried. "What?"
You coyly smiled as your hands; still interwoven with his, reached up behind his head, bringing it down as you got on your tiptoes to at last kiss him fully. 
While hesitant and tepid at first, you were taken back at how soft and warm he felt. You nearly yelped in the kiss as his hands left yours against his neck while they situated around your waist, pulling you flush against his big broad build, kissing back with a hum of content as his lips submerged yours.
Lost in the comforting, fuzzy sensation.
It all felt right. He ... feels right. 
After a few more drawn out moments, you two parted, breathing deeply against each other, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes blazing deeply into yours.
You softly confess. "Okay."
Geto chuckled. "That's all it took to convince you?"
You blinked, thought it over, then nodded. "Yeah."
You then glomped him around his torso, humming in content burying your face in between his pecs. "Big boy Geto, yas~" 
Geto blushed, embarrassed yet touched by the praise, embracing you in return, as the muffled whooping cheers of Gojo from the other side of the door had him bury his beet red face in your hair from extreme bashfulness. "Oh boy."
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