#for jim i feel like i got his hair right but not much else
brinkle-brackle · 5 months
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did a few lil trek doodles at work the other day and thought some of yall might like :D
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puppetwoman17 · 3 months
I wonder what the batfam's reactions would be if the joker escapes wherever they sent him to, finds Tim on patrol and was like "Long time no see JJ," and then going on about how he should come home with him back to arkham and he'll help him "recover" and are trying to get to Tim's location as fast as they can while listening in on comms?
This was actually a scenario I thought of the day I found out about JJ. I feel like after what happened, Tim would do the opposite of what Jason would and has done. Instead of going to find the Joker, he would stay as far away from him or even his goons as possible. It would be like the third Robin and the Joker had no history, nothing to tie them together(which probably made Jason angry at some point).
So when he breaks out of Arkham(AGAIN, jesus), Tim, Babs, and Bruce don’t waste a minute before bringing up that Tim has another case he has to work on that is of the “upmost importance”. It’s actually just a 12 year old homicide cold case that he solved a month ago but no one has to know that. Jim knows to sweep that under the rug when RR comes by with the same exact evidence he came with a month ago.
But Lady Luck has never been on Tim’s side. The rest of the bats quickly lose track of the Joker. Babs manages to find him, but by that point, it’s too late.
Joker finds him. And he recognizes him. Underneath the new name, costume, and styled hair, Joker finds his “son”.
As you can imagine, he’s over the moon. But he’s also just as angry.
“Junior! You don’t call, you don’t text, you don’t send out an email. What’s a pop got to do to get their son to notice them?”
“I’m not your son.”
“Not with that hair you’re not. Your skin’s not how I left it at all! And what happened to that beautiful smile of yours? Did the bat ruin that too?”
Tim doesn’t take jabs about his smile well. This is why. And it gets under his skin that even after using so much foundation and concealer, the Joker can still see the remnants of smile lines along his cheeks.
“You’ve been avoiding me, Junior. You know papa doesn’t like being ignored.“
“You’re not my dad.”
“Ha! Who is then? Certainly not the old bat. Anyhow, this isn’t about him. It’s been so long, kiddo. Why don’t we stop by the old warehouse and have a chat. Maybe even pick up Mama while we’re at it.”
“Harley would rather die than go with you, and I’m not following you anywhere. Batman already has your location.”
That brushes the smile off the freak’s face. The expression he has on now is sickly reminiscent of how he was when he, Tim, and Harley played family years ago. It’s not a look he gives to other people. No one else has seen it, so they might think Tim a liar. But he can’t deny the parental disappointment in the man’s eyes.
“I know they don’t know.”
Now that. That really gets to him.
“None of your business.”
“It it, but you’re welcome to deny it. I believe it’s just the old bat, the beat up cop, and Ms. Gordon, correct? Not even the first Robin! Ha! I wonder what the second bird would think. Not to mention the girls! Oh! And we can’t forget about little old Signal.”
Tim doesn’t need him to tell him. He’s gone over the scenario so many times it drives him mad. What each of them would say. What he could do to make them think differently. What he would have to do if they found out. Where he could run to. It never gets easier.
Joker is trying to scare him. That’s the only conclusion he definitively has. And aside from his general psychotic tendencies, he genuinely believes he and Tim are family.
By the time Batman arrives with the GCPD, the Joker is tied and ready for extraction. But the villain’s smile is no less fear-inducing.
“You know I’m right, my boy,” he says as he’s take into the back of a truck.
“They’ll never look at you the same way again.”
It’s only when everything is over that Tim takes the time to look over his gear that he finds his mistake. One that the Joker knew about. One that he exploited.
When he shut off the comms, he didn’t shut them off. In his delirium over his past, instead of closing them off, he muted them. While he couldn’t hear any of their chatter, they definitely heard his. And he didn’t send Babs his acceptance to shut his comms off, something she couldn’t do without express permission.
So when he unmuted the comms, you can only imagine what he heard.
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theamityelf · 7 days
Okay, I'm trying to familiarize myself with Batfam stuff, because I lowkey think they'd be fun to write for. (Never seen any of the animated series or read any Batman comic with Robin in it.)
What I have so far:
Bruce Wayne. Obviously. That's a Batman. Parents killed in an alley outside a theater, he maybe trained with some assassins (and Talia al Ghul is a character who's related to that somehow I think; she might be an assassin), and he's Batman. I know who Batman is. He doesn't kill; that's his rule.
Alfred. Butler. Secretly really good at weapons? Just generally hypercompetent and would probably be killing people if not for Bruce.
There's a bunch of Robins, which I will list. It seems like a lot of them have straight black hair and blue eyes; if true, it's wild that they didn't vary that more. I hope the fandom does something else, lol.
Dick Grayson first. He's the circus one who got adopted when his parents died. He's good at flips and stuff because circus. Not sure the specifics of his parents' death, but I suppose it triggered Bruce? And so Bruce was like, "I gotta adopt this kid." And he later became Robin. And then he did Teen Titans (which I haven't seen, but one of my college roommates watched Teen Titans Go a lot) and dated Starfire. I think he's the one whose costume is sometimes blue? But I'm not sure. Personality-wise, I think maybe he's generally positive and responsible. This is the first Robin, so he's probably got standard Robin characteristics and grew up with the standard amount of superhero angst. Not too much, not too little. I feel like I'd like Dick Grayson if I knew the character well. Oh! He's also called Nightwing, right?
Jason Todd next. He's, like...a street orphan? And I think he's the one with the white in his hair. He got killed by Joker with a crowbar and then came back angry because Batman didn't kill Joker. And I feel like things remained tense with him after that in canon but fan works have them resolve things, but like I said, I have not consumed any of his canon. I'm just going on vibes. Personality-wise, I'm thinking rougher-edged than Dick. Um, Red Hood, right?
Tim Drake is next. I genuinely don't know if and when he was adopted, because I'm pretty sure everything I've consumed about him was just like, "No, he has parents. But he figured out that Bruce Wayne is Batman, so he gets to be Robin." But I also think he lives with them? I think he's more upbeat than Jason; he fully opted into all of this.
Wait, Barbara Gordon is somewhere in there, right? Probably before Tim. I don't know what she's really doing, but she's Jim Gordon's daughter and I think she becomes Batgirl. Does she get killed by Joker? Jim Gordon is like, Batman's favorite police guy. He's the one who's always lighting the bat signal.
Full disclosure, I know Stephanie Brown is someone, but I have no idea who she is or what she's doing or when she comes into play, and iirc I think I saw a Tiktok that implied she straight up lives somewhere else. I guess Barbara probably does, too. And I guess Dick probably moved out to do Teen Titans, although it would be very funny if he didn't. I'm sure a lot of fan works just have them all live together; if the Marvel fandom could put everyone in Stark Tower, the DC fandom can move everyone into Wayne Manor.
I know that Cassandra Cain is deaf, and I think she's a street orphan, too? And I feel like there was some connection between her and the kid from the Birds of Prey movie. Maybe same character; I feel like I remember reading criticism about her not being deaf in the movie. I also don't know when she comes into play, but I'm pretty sure she's one of the straightforwardly adopted ones. But I'm just guessing that because I'm not aware of any reason for her not to be.
Duke Thomas is the black one, and I think he was kind of on the Tim Drake track of figuring out the Batman stuff. I don't know how he came into play either. I think he's called Signal? Does he have an electricity thing, or am I mistaking him for a different character? There are a lot of black superheroes with electricity powers. Personality-wise, I think he's just generally cool and good-natured, but I'm not sure whether that's an actual canon thing, or if I've just consumed content that misrepresents his whole deal. Whatever the case, I'd probably love him if I knew more about him. I feel like I'll like all of these characters.
Damian Wayne, biological son of Bruce and Talia. (Though, if I'm mistaken about that, then that's really funny.) He's, like, an analyst type, which means we've got a lot of characters who are specifically characterized as analytical. (I hope knowing more about them will make it easier to vary the kind of intelligence. I want them to have different specific strengths and weaknesses. They probably do.) And I think he might have also been trained by the assassins, but I'm not sure. Personality-wise, I'm pretty sure he's distinctly creepy. Like, I think he's the creepy genius child trope, and all serious and formal. I like that trope.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
what were everyone’s reactions to el telling the fam that lovie was pregnant ?
i decided to use this ask as a gateway for a joint blurb post on how everyone found out so…
Luke was the first one to find out, which they tried to hide for as long as possible, because they really wanted to tell him with everyone else, but he found out on accident.
because it’s Lovie’s second pregnancy, her bump appears faster than it did in her pregnancy with El, so beginning to mid october, when she’s 3 months, her belly has already popped, but it’s small enough that she can hide it by wearing Jack’s shirts around the house and not wearing tight fitting clothing. which keeps Luke oblivious. until….
i sit at the end of the bed, sweatpants and a sports bra adorning my figure, showing off my 3 month baby bump.
my eyes track my husband as he gets ready for morning practice. it’s still too early for El to be up, but i can hear Luke clashing around the house, getting his gear together.
Jack crouches down in front of me, his warm hand pressing against the side of my belly. he leans forward, leaving a soft kiss on my bump, and my heart flutters at his gentle touches.
“love, you gotta finish getting ready for practice. Luke has knocked on the door twice now.” i remind him, running a hand through his wavy hair.
“i don’t wanna leave.” he groans, standing from his spot at the end of the bed. he holds a hand out for me to latch onto, pulling me up from my sitting position and into his arms.
“you’ll be back in a few hours.” i laugh. “and by the time you get back, El will be awake and bugging me about you.”
Jack chuckles and steps away from me, double checking his gear bag that sits on a chair in the corner of our bedroom.
i rest a hand on my small bump, looking at the full length mirror in front of our bed.
“Jack, let’s g-” the bedroom door swings open, and through the mirror, my eyes lock with Luke’s which widen at the sight of me and begin to flicker between me, my stomach, and his brother.
“what the fuck, Luke?” Jack huffs, moving to step in front of me, as if it’ll erase the sight of my protruding baby bump from his younger sibling’s mind.
“what the fuck, me? what the fuck, you!” Luke exclaims, pointing at his brother with a face of shock. “Lovie, you’re pregnant? does mom know?”
“Luke, we’re married adults that already have one kid, mom doesn’t need to know everything.” Jack reminds him, rolling his eyes.
“so, no?” Luke raises an eyebrow, and i take this as my time to step in.
“Momma doesn’t know yet, Lukey. we plan on telling her, Dad, and Quinn on the trip to Vancouver at the end of this month.” i explain, stepping out from behind Jack, to show myself to brother-in-law.
“we were gonna tell you there too, but you don’t know how to knock.” Jack scoffs and i reach back to smack his chest, making him pout.
“was this one planned?” Luke eyes my bump warily, as if at any moment the baby could just pop out.
“yeah.” i nod. “we’ve always talked about having our kids 2 years apart, like you guys, and with El’s second birthday in March, we knew we should start trying. we didn’t expect it to happen on the first try though.”
Luke’s face contorts, his lip spreading in a wide smile, and he steps forward, pulling me into a tight hug.
“congratulations, you guys.”
“thank you, bubba.” i pull back, watching as Luke claps my husband on the back.
“how far along are you?” he asks, poking my bump with an index finger. Jack swats his hand away from my belly, rolling his eyes again.
“14 weeks. so, 3 months.”
Luke’s eyes get wide again.
“oh gross, you guys! my bedroom at the lake house was right next to yours.”
Jack and Lovie’s plan to tell Ellen, Jim, and Quinn pretty much blew up in their faces once they got to Quinn’s apartment though.
i wrap my coat further around myself in attempt to hide my growing baby bump. 4 months along and i’m already feeling like i’ll be back the waddling instead of walking any day now.
Jack holds El on his hip, letting her watch the glowing little elevator light that tells you which floors you’re on; finding amusement in her entertainment.
the elevator stops at the 10th floor and we all pile out. i trail behind my husband and his younger brother as we walk down the hallway, stopping in front of Quinn’s apartment.
it’s not but a moment after Luke knocks that Quinn answers the door, letting us in as he’s mid-talk with his mother.
he hugs Luke first, before moving onto Jack and pressing a kiss to El’s cheek, making her giggle from the scratch of his beard. finally, he gets to me moving in to give me a hug but i bypass him, pressing a swift kiss to his cheek before stepping away.
Quinn’s brows furrow, his nose scrunching in confusion as he eyes me while his parents join us from the kitchen.
“oh look at my baby!” Ellen calls as she steps in the room.
“mom, i’m not a baby anymore.” Luke huffs, but his mother rolls her eyes.
“i was talking about El.” she shakes her head, opening her arms for a hug from my daughter. Jack sets El down, but all the talk about babies must turn a light on in her head, because as soon as her feet land on the floor, she’s turning to me.
her little hands quickly rise and press against my bump and she calls out “baby!”
the room goes silent, Jack and i exchanging a flustered glance as Luke stares gobsmacked at his niece. Ellen’s eyes go wide as she rises to her full height, clutching Jim’s arm, and Quinn’s jaw goes slack as he look between my husband and my daughters hands.
“what?” Ellen is the first one to speak, a grin on her face.
“mommy, baby!” El shouts, hitting the bottom of my stomach now. i wince, causing Jack to go in full dad mode and scoop our daughter back up.
“what did we say, El? we gotta be gentle with mommy’s tummy.” he scolds, looking straight in her eyes. El pouts, her lips falling in an exaggerated frown, and she hides her face in Jack’s neck.
i can see the guilt in Jack’s eyes at the fact that he’s upset his baby girl, but i don’t a chance to comfort him before Quinn is speaking up.
“you’re pregnant?” he asks, excitedly, making his mother smack at his arm.
“let them say it themselves!” Ellen scolds her eldest son and i giggle.
“i’m pregnant.” i confirm. Ellen squeals, bounding over to wrap me up in a hug.
“oh honey, congratulations!” she pulls away her hands hovering over my bump as she looks up at me for approval. at my nod, her hands drop down to touch my belly, a large smile gracing her lips.
Jim and Quinn say their congrats to Jack before Ellen moves over to her middle son, allowing her husband and eldest to get their turn with me.
“congratulations, hun. can’t wait to spoil the little one.” Jim tells me, wrapping me in a bear hug.
“you already spoil the first one, i think Jack might not be too happy if you spoil this one too.” i laugh, pulling back to let Quinn hug me.
“he’ll get over it.” Jim shrugs, stepping back.
Quinn looks at me with a fond smile first, before his arms wrap around my shoulders, his hand running over the back of my head.
“congratulations, sis.” he whispers in my ear, swaying our bodies back and forth just slightly.
“thank you, Quinny.” i grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“this one planned?” he asks as we pull apart.
“why do you guys keep asking that?!” i chuckle, hitting his arm. “yes! this one was planned, you asshole!”
he laughs, shrugging his shoulders. “just had to check.”
Jack, Luke, and i shed our coats and the family moves to the living room, sitting all around on Quinn’s furniture.
“so, how far along are you?” Ellen asks excitedly, her fingers drumming together as i dig through my purse for a sonogram picture.
“four months.” Jack tells his mother, watching as her face lights up when i hand her the photo.
“not too long until you know the gender.” Jim chimes in, looking over his wife’s shoulder at the photo.
“that appointment is in a few weeks.” i tell them, smiling as Ellen hands the photo to Quinn, who grins down at the black and white picture.
Ellen looks between me and Jack, who plays peekaboo with the almost two year old that sits on his lap. “oh, i’m just so happy for you two.”
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Evermore - Part 6
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Summary: It’s been 7 years since the love of your life left you behind for his career. When he decides to come back, is it too late to start anew? Will you decide to start over or realize what's been right in front of you this whole time?
18+ Only! MDNI!
Warnings: AFAB reader! Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is given the nickname Peach. Angst/Pining. Drunken behavior.
Word Count: 3K
You had been trying to read a new book all evening, but your mind kept drifting. Worried about Eddie, even when you knew better.
It was around 10 when your phone started to ring, knocking you from your thoughts. You got up from the couch and shuffled to the kitchen where it hung.
Your fingers hesitantly drew it from its cradle on the wall, “Hello?”
“Hey. It’s Jim. Hope I didn’t wake you.” The gruff voice of the older man, sounding a little tired, maybe annoyed.
“Oh, hey Hop. What are you doing up this late? Everything okay?”
He sighed before beginning, as you instinctively held your breath.
“Listen, it’s… uh… Well, it’s Eddie.”
“What’s wrong? Is he ok?” feeling a sense of dread wash over you.
“He’s fine, he’s just drunk.”
You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose between your finger and thumb, closing your eyes. You should have known. Seeing him earlier in the parking lot was sounding the alarm bells that you had ignored.
“Hop, you couldn’t have called literally anyone else?”
“Kid, he’s a mess. And he keeps asking for you. Won’t take no for an answer. Won’t shut up about it.” Now regretful that he bothered you, but he continued, “I didn’t want to call Wayne; I think he’d be too much for him to handle tonight. I’d hate for him to see him like this.”  
“Randy kicked him out of the Hideout? Never mind, don’t answer that. You guys still there?” already spying the keys on the counter, ready for a hasty exit.
“Yeah, I’ve got him in the back of the cruiser.”
“I’ll be there in 20,” you hung up. Throwing on some sweats and a hoodie, slipping on some old sneakers as you headed out the door.
Wondering the entire ride over what the hell you were even doing. You should let him spend the night at the station, sleeping his hangover off there and call Wayne in the morning.
But you thought of Wayne. Agreeing with Hop on one thing, you would hate for him to see Eddie in such a state. He’d never been immune to his antics but that was years ago. Being thirty now, you’d think he would know how to conduct himself better, given his profession and scrutiny in the public eye.
You pulled up to the Hideout in record time. Your headlights hit the old Blazer, illuminating Hopper who was standing outside leaning against the old, battered ride, raising a brow as you pulled in beside him.
“Speeding, were we?” Hopper admonished with a sarcastic lilt to his voice, as you got out of the car.
“Not sure what you mean Hop.” Meeting the older man halfway, embracing him in a warm hug.
“Good to see you Kid. Wish it were better circumstances.” You parted as he started toward the back door of the cruiser.
“Think you can handle him like this?” opening the door and pulling Eddie up by the arm.
He grunted and opened his half-lidded eyes as far as they would go. Hair disheveled, bangs sticking up from where he had laid down in the seat while waiting for you to arrive.
“Alright Ed, your ride is here.” He helped him from the car, threatening to teeter forward, you wasted no time reaching out to help steady him, placing a hand to his chest.  
He wavered toward your space, and you put yourself under his other arm not being held by Hopper, encircling his waist ensuring you had him held tight. He looked over toward you then, and smiled that big, dimpled grin you used to love.
“Hey Pe…*hiccup* Peach,” he uttered, whiskey and cigarette laced breath wafting toward you.
“Well, at least you’re coherent enough to know who I am.” You huffed and led him toward the waiting vehicle. Hop let go so he could open your door for him to get into the back.
Once he was settled, laid out in the seat, you said your goodbyes to the older man.
“And you sure you’re ok to handle him?” asking one last time, giving you a chance for an out as if you would change your mind at this point.
I’ve dealt with worse.” Nodding toward the Hideout. He knew exactly what you meant.
“Alright kid, if you need anything just let me know.” He patted the roof of the car and took his leave.
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Eddie started groaning as soon as you pulled out onto the road, you assumed from the immediate jostling. You knew all too well what that sickly sound usually meant.
“Edward James Munson, I swear to God, I will kill you if you throw up in this car!” you yelled, checking him in the rearview, half obscured from his leaned over position.
His eyes snapped open at that and sat up wavering with the car movement. “Hey Peaaachhh,” he slurred. “I won’t throw up, ok? Scouts honor.” Raising his fingers.
You can’t help but roll your eyes at that. “Yeah, ok Eddie. You we’re never in the Scouts.”
He became quiet again as you made your way back home, not a long drive but seemed longer than usual with his presence. Once you pull into your drive; you turn around expecting him to be passed out but he’s already staring straight at you with an incredulous look.
“What?” you whispered, low enough you thought he didn’t hear in his inebriated state.
“Nothin’ Peach, I just missed ya’,” he smiled again, goofy and warm. Eyes trying to stay focused on yours.
“And you’re drunk” you quipped. “Let’s get you in the house to get a little rest. You’re going to feel like shit in the morning.” Turning then to remove yourself from his space, suddenly feeling too warm, to close to him.  
You took a deep breath. Telling yourself you could do this. Just let him sleep it off. It’s no big deal.
You opened the back door thankful he wasn’t close enough to tumble out. He let you help him up and out. He leaned into you and rested his arm atop your shoulders, you wrap your arm around his waist once more as you made your way slowly up to the house, weaving side to side, holding him up the best you could. That scent of cigarettes and leather invading your senses. Trying to push the feelings deep down that the familiar once comforting scent brought you.
He leaned over closer to you, while you tried desperately to get the door unlocked.
“Where’s Stevie boy?” he spoke so close lips ghosting over the shell of your ear, breath fanning your cheek sending a shiver through you.
“He doesn’t live here Eddie.” Answering as you finally pushed opened the door contemplating whether he could make it up the stairs.
Eddie thought about your answer for a moment, quizzical look on his face, tilting his head, smile faltering for a moment. You didn’t have time to decipher it, the matter at hand was trying to get him to the couch in one piece.
He was only getting heavier by the second, feet almost dragging instead of taking full steps. You were weaving your way slowly down the hall, when he suddenly lost his balance, your hold on him wavered but he gripped your arm pulling you along with him toward the wall. His back hit with a thud, earning yet another groan.
Your free hand landed on his chest, effectively catching yourself before your body could completely land on his but leaving little space between the two of you, now facing chest to chest.
“Eddie, come on, it’s only a few more feet.” Patting his chest as he looked toward you, your voice drawing him in.
His doe eyes big and shining. You could almost see the Eddie from years ago looking back at you.
He was warm under your palm. Heart steadily beating there. His eyes flitted to your lips before looking back up, his eyes searching yours for an answer or confirmation. You gave no inclination of resistance.  
He tentatively rested his other hand on your hip, fingers gripping slightly as he drew your body closer to his. You didn’t stop him, letting him pull you further into his warmth. Your hand that still rested on his chest began to smooth down the length of his torso letting it come to rest on his side.
He started to bring his face closer to yours, noses almost brushing, eyes falling shut as he was aiming to close the distance.  
Your own heart beating rapidly, breath caught in your throat. Standing there for a few more seconds, cheeks heating from the sudden closeness. Closing your own eyes as they began to brim with unshed tears, as if finally came to your senses.
You turned your face from him. His lips brushed your cheek, and he pulled back quickly knowing he missed his mark. Quickly withdrawing his hand and letting his head fall back, as it too made a small thud against the wall.
You tried to ignore the buzz that his lips left in their wake and the lingering warmth where his hand had rested on your hip.
“Come on Eddie,” you broke the uncomfortable silence and helped him straighten back up as he righted himself using the wall as leverage.
Making it over to the couch he practically fell onto the cushions. You could tell his body had started to give up the fight of trying to stay awake with all the alcohol lingering in his system. His body started to tilt sideways, his eyelids starting to droop once more.
“Eddie,” you tried gaining his attention, lightly smacking his cheek, “at least take your shoes off. I don’t want your dirty ass boots making a mess of my couch.” He grunted, but relented and did as he was told, untying them one at a time, letting them hit the floor.
You helped him remove his jacket, struggling to fling it from his shoulders on his own, thrashing. Your face closer to his, but his head was still facing down. The leather finally slid from his arms as he let you take it without protest.
“M’sorry Peach.” He whispered so low you barely heard it. Deciding to ignore him, taking the jacket, and turning instead to go find him a blanket, he halts your movements by lightly grabbing your wrist. Searing warmth in contrast to the cool rings on his fingers.
“M’sorry for everything. I… I didn’t mean for it to happen like that. I never meant to hurt you. I… I know I fucked it all up.” He released you from his gentle grip. His gaze lingered on yours for a moment longer before he finally laid down.
He probably wouldn’t remember a thing in the morning. It would be better that way. You made your way upstairs to the linen closet, grabbing a spare pillow and blanket.
As expected, he had completely passed out by the time you made it back. You laid the pillow beside his head and covered him.
He was lying on his side, face pressed into the couch. His curls were a mess, fanned out against the cushion.
“Oh Eddie,” you whispered, turning to take leave, glancing one last time before heading to your own bed.
So many emotions swam within you. He had tried to kiss you, and you barely turned away. All coherent thoughts in that moment had eluded you. All you were thinking was how much you had missed his touch, his kiss. His everything.
You tossed and turned most of the night.
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Waking the next morning, already dreading the journey down the stairs, half expecting him to be gone. He was exactly where you had left him.
Blanket a mess, his waist still covered, but his arms were raised above his head. Feet were kicked out, one sock now missing. Which came as no surprise, he had always been a fussy sleeper.
At some point in the night, he had made use of the pillow. You stared for a few more minutes listening to his deep breaths. Eyes lingering over his sleep mused hair, tangled no doubt. But he looked peaceful, face half hidden behind the locks. You started to brush the hair from his face, but quickly put your hand back down. Another slip up, muscle memory without a thought.
You started the coffee pot, knowing Steve and Maddie would be there soon. You weren’t sure how you were going to explain why Eddie was on your couch, knowing how it looked. You sure as hell weren’t going to mention the almost kiss.
You wouldn’t have long to think about it as you heard the car door. Looking up through the window as he was retrieving Maddie from the back.
“Crap,” you hissed, abruptly putting your mug down, barely missing the warm liquid that sloshed from the side.  
You made your way to the front door, meeting them before he pushed it open. He never had to knock, always an open invitation. 
“Hey!” you spoke, cutting him off. Blocking the entrance slightly.
“Hi. What’re you…” furrowing his brows as his eyes drifted behind you, spotting the metalhead still passed out on the couch. Something flashed in his eyes you couldn’t quite discern.
“Steve, before you say anything, it’s definitely not what you’re thinking, ok.” You opened the door, bidding them both in. Closing it and following behind as they made their way into the kitchen.
Maddie was still half asleep in his arms. Head on his shoulder. She yawned and opened her eyes slowly taking in her surroundings. Mumbling something then, rubbing her eyes with the back of her small hands. When she spotted you, she reached for you without a second thought, taking her from Steve, as you searched his eyes. He remained uncharacteristically quiet.  
She laid her head on your shoulder, pressing further into your neck until she seemingly found a comfortable spot.
“Steve, it’s…” you started.
“It looks like Eddie slept over last night. Yeah?” He said brusquely, a tone he never used with you.
“Yeah,” your voice sounded meek, looking to the floor. “He got drunk at the Hideout. Hop called me. He didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Right,” he scoffed, turning to put Maddie’s things on the table. Choosing to ignore the sour mood he was in; you aimed your attention toward her instead.
“Hey Baby,” you cooed, rubbing soothing circles to her back. “You want me to make you breakfast?”
“Nuh. Uh,” shaking her head, nuzzling ever closer to you, curls tickling your cheek with each sway of her head.
“Someone sounds grumpy this morning,” Looking back up at Steve, whispering mostly to yourself, “you don’t seem to be the only one.”
His eyes were already on you, seemingly scrutinizing you. Swinging Maddie, a little back and forth, before she lifted her head squirming a bit to be let down. As soon as her feet hit the floor, she scurried off toward the cabinet where you kept the cereal and breakfast bars just for her.
Once she was no longer in direct ear shot, you turned back toward Steve as he spoke up first, pushing himself off the counter he was leaning against to get closer to you.  
“Listen, Peach, I’m not sure what this was but, really? You let him stay here after everything you went through?” raising his voice an octave, sounding exasperated. Shaking his head in disbelief, hands on his hips, turning his face toward the ceiling and exhaling a deep breath.
“Steve, I..”
“No, it’s fine.” Cutting you off. “It’s your life and none of my business, right? You can do whatever you want to. Just, uh, don’t let him corrupt my daughter while I’m gone. Okay? You could’ve called me, I would’ve taken her to Rob’s.”
“Don’t do that to me. Don’t act like that.” You stated more forcefully.  
Steve rarely showed any anger toward you. He was trying to hold himself back, whether for your sake or Maddie’s, you couldn’t tell.
He looked down at his watch instead of directly addressing you.
“I’ve got to go. I’m running late.” Sighing, letting his arm rest by his side once more as he turned to leave. You knew it was a lie. It was an excuse to get out of your house, away from you.
“Steve, wait.” You caught his arm, tugging him slightly backward. Getting the point, he stopped and turned back around.
“Cut the bullshit and talk to me, I know you aren’t running late. You are the most insufferably punctual human being I have ever known.” Crossing your own arms over your chest now.
He huffed, rolling his eyes at you.
“I’m just disappointed you’d so willingly let him sleep a hangover off here. You owe him nothing. Nothing Y/N!” Shaking his hands toward the living room for emphasis.
“You don’t think I know that, Steven?” Only calling him by his full name when you were annoyed or trying to get under his skin, as he had just spoken yours.
He took a step back, hands back on his hips once more. Nodding his head, as his tongue darted out to lick his lips, biting his lower lip a moment getting ready to lay into you.  
You looked around the kitchen then, realizing Maddie wasn’t where you had left her. Cabinet open but abandoned. At some point during the bickering, she snuck away.
You heard muffled voices coming from the living room then. Without another word, you brushed past Steve, bumping his shoulder slightly.
“Real mature” you heard him mutter. You wanted to turn around and argue some more but instead shook your head, ignoring his quip.
Passing the threshold that separated the kitchen from the living room, you spotted Maddie next to Eddie, furrowing her small brows seemingly examining him. Her eyes alight once she spotted you.
“Maddie, baby, there you are.” Eddie’s eyes darted to you, then to Steve hot on your heels.
“Peach! Daddy!” she excitedly squealed, hopping from her perch to join you, taking her hand in yours.
You ignored the confused look Eddie gave the both of you, eyes darting between you and Maddie before you exited the room leaving him to wonder why the hell your daughter had just called you Peach.
Taglist: @josephquinncore @theawkwardbutterfly @munsonmecrazy @jadedhillon @pettydonuts @angelina16torres-blog @justheretoreadleavemealone @heyyimmisunderstood @micheledawn1975 @devilslittlebabyxx @luciferiorbxtch @bebe07011 @yunnie-f1 @akiratoro420 @evansslutt @sheerfreesia007 @tlclick73 @bakugouswh0r3 @vintagehellfire @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @ali-r3n @foreveranexpatsposts @sashaphantomhive
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sangheilihoes · 7 months
Confessions Pt. 1
Warnings: Angst
🫵 @ladysaturnsdust @bloodhaven99 @wyyvernn @konnisart @psybrepunk @heiress-prime @haytham-loves-chocolate @demigoddessqueens @memoriesofafallen @amefuyuu @grandmaster-haytham-kenway @dairsmuids @anli-rambles 🫵
A/n: feels rushed but whatever. Hope you enjoy 🩷
Haytham had been pining over you for weeks, maybe months. You've been friends with him for awhile now, having already known nearly the full extent of what hes gone through, over drinks and vulnerable moments, so he naturally already trusts you. He wanted to make his ever growing feelings known but each time he walked toward you, he panicked, suddenly realizing that you never looked him that way and to ruin such a close, trusting friendship is too hard to bear, so his thoughts were never said aloud.
He hadn’t expected to fall so hard but you filled a part of him he thought he’d lost long ago. You were smart, almost too smart, you could read him when no one else could, you were also inquisitive, eager to learn any and everything. There was also an eye for detail he didn’t have, you could notice a heart shape where he saw nothing. You had a mouth too, you weren’t afraid to speak up if a plan didn’t sound good or if you felt disrespected, the both of you got into arguments because of it but he never got mad, only mildly annoyed. And by gods, you were beautiful. Eyes that seemed to make his heart beat faster when his own met them, hair that made him want to run his hands through, to feel the soft locks run in between his fingers, to smell what shampoo you used and the prettiest lips he wanted to kiss, to feel.
Haytham never loved life, finding it too cold to love but with you, the sky seemed more blue, the trees more green, the flowers and his heart bloomed. No, he would never love life but he would love a life with you, as much as he tried to deny himself such a luxury.
When he had yet another restless night, his sleep filled with nightmares of losing you, dressed simple trousers and a billowy shirt, with his gun on the side. he left his home. He didn’t know where he was going nor did he care but fate somehow lead him to your door. His shaky hand knocked softly, unsure if you were even awake at this point.
‘Well, no going back’ he thought to himself
He waited for you to answer for what seemed like an eternity but was no more than a minute.
“Who is it?” You asked from inside
“It’s just me.” He responded
You opened the door, surprised to see Haytham standing there, looking almost… lost
“Is something wrong, Haytham?” Concern lacing your voice
“No. I… I need to speak with you. Please?” His voice wavered
You let him in without another word, the warmth of you your home inviting compared to the cool night. You were nervous; he looked like he hadn’t slept, his body was slack, hair was down and messy, something clearly wasn’t right.
“Ok, Haytham, cut to the chase, what’s going on?”
“I apologize for disturbing you, I just needed someone to talk to.” He sounded emotional.
Stepping closer, your hand coming to rest on his arm. This wasn’t Templar related was it? You briefly considered grabbing a bottle of ale.
“Y/N… I’m scared.” He finally confessed
“You? Scared? Of what?” You could laugh but he was serious
“You. You scare me, Y/N.”
...Wait, what?! Haytham Edward Kenway? Scared of you?! ‘Am I dreaming?’ You thought
“Why? What did I d-”
“I’m scared of losing you.” He cut you off, his confession knocking the wind out of you. You went to ask why but once again he cut you off
“I have nightmares of losing you; whether it’d be you leaving or dying, I don’t know which is worse. I’ve been so scared to tell you how I feel. You’re my closest friend and I don’t know what’d I do without you.” He paused, taking a deep breath then making eye contact with you.
“Y/N, over these past couple months… I’ve noticed my feelings go from friendship to something deeper. You’ve awaken something long lost in my heart. You’ve been there through finding my sister, losing Jim, Birch, everything. And there isn’t anything I wouldn’t tell you. You have more a soul than I ever could. Not even the gods could compare to you.”
“Y/N, I’m in love with you and I’m scared. Scared I’m going to lose this friendship, going to lose you. And I can’t.”
All you could do is stare at him in shock, your face burning. You swore he could hear your heart beating. Suddenly his face fell.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you that. I’ll leav-”
“NO! Don’t leave! I-I-” You started but the words couldn’t leave. You had started growing feelings too but never said anything, thinking it would pass but it never did, if anything, they grew. You took a deep breath
“Haytham, I feel the same. You mean the world to me and I’d give anything to not lose you, even if it means not telling you how I feel. You’re such a hardass but I’ve seen the other sides, the softer and vulnerable, it only makes me love you more. And to know that you trust and care about me means the world. Thank you for telling me.”
The way he looked at you made your heart flutter, there was a spark in his eyes you’ve never seen before.
“Can I kiss you, Y/N?” He asked, heart beating out his chest.
“Please…” You responded. Leaning in closer, feeling his body press against yours, his arm coming to wrap around your waist and his other hand coming to cup your face, pulling you toward him. Your hand that held his arm was now wrapped around his neck with your free hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
Haythams lips met your own in a sweet, gentle, tentative kiss. Finally affirming your shared feelings. He felt fireworks go off in his chest, what he imagined your lips to be couldn’t hold a candle to how soft they really were and how perfectly his locked with yours.
Reluctantly, you pulled way, coming to see how dazed and in love he looked. He looked at you like you were the only thing that existed. Suddenly, you found his lips on your again, this time more feverish, desperate to have you and to make up for lost time.
“Stay here, I want you with me.”
“Anything for you.”
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not-a-space-alien · 6 months
K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 12
Part twelve of the fourth crossover with @whumpsday!
Call me a silverware drawer the way I have all these spoons for writing rn
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
Warnings: Aftermath of torture
In this chapter:
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Valen checks what time it is when they wake up.  Close to morning, and sunrise.   He slips back into bed and plants light kisses up Jim's neck.  "Good morning, sleepy peepy."
Jim jolts almost violently at the feeling of a mouth on his neck, then relaxes when he realizes it's just Valen.
"Shit. Sorry." He's been able to enjoy neck kisses from Valen for the last couple years without issue, but he's been extra jumpy lately with Kane's return. He kisses Valen on the cheek. "Just got a little startled." He's definitely not a sleepy peepy anymore.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."  He runs his fingers through Jim's hair.  "How's your hangover?"
"Bleh. I've had worse, though." He snuggles against Valen. "You're going tonight?"
"Yes, I missed my window to go last night, but we should be fine to wait.  What about you, are you still going to the shops?"
"Yeah, I am." Jim's stomach turns at the thought of being left alone with Kane again, even with their positions reversed. His fingers brush over the side of Valen's neck. "Just, just make sure you come back okay. Like always."
"I will.  I'll go straight there and come right back."  He stretches and yawns.  "Kane is locked in the basement if you'd like to check in on him.  Want me to start breakfast for you?"  Valen occasionally tries to cook human food, and he enjoys doing it, and it inevitably comes out tasting very weird each time.  He's not as bad at cooking as he is at driving, but it's close.
Jim likes Valen's weird cooking even when it sucks. It's the thought that counts. He's sometimes better than Liz, though that's not saying much. And besides, interacting with Kane without Valen always there is something he'll have to get used to if they're living together again.
"Yeah, thanks, that'd be great. Surprise me." Jim gives Valen a kiss before getting out of bed to let Kane up.
Valen goes to the kitchen and starts making an omelet.  He cracks a few eggs into the pan, but then can't quite remember what all goes in an omelet.  Try as he might, no matter how many times he watches Jim cook, he just can't remember which ingredients go together.  Cooking seems to require an innate sense of human taste that he just does not have.  He would have thought that just through sheer rote memorization he would have been able to do it, and yet...
He puts in a bell pepper (stem and seeds and all), some cheese, and some bacon in with the eggs.  He's fairly certain about those ones, as well as garlic and black pepper, which seem to go on everything.  He then gets some bread, before remembering the bread just gets heated up and served on the side of eggs, not in them.  He pops two slices in the microwave.  What else?  Pickles and condiments go on sandwiches sometimes, so he throws the pickles in the pan, folds the omelet closed, and then squirts ketchup and mustard on top before putting it on a plate.  He then takes the bread out of the microwave, which is at this point slightly soggy and limp and steaming, and puts it next to the eggs.  There, it has protein, carbohydrates, fiber.  That seems like a good mix.  He puts an orange on the plate as well, then sets it on the kitchen table.  "All right, Jim, you can come eat when you're ready!"
Jim comes up with Kane shuffling behind. Kane's starting to get a little less scared: while he's still having trouble wrapping his mind around the idea that Jim wouldn't want revenge, he hasn't been hurt so far, and Valen seems willing to protect him. Kane also looks a lot better, hardly a sign of injury left on him. He smiles at Valen when he sees him, sitting at the kitchen table. "Good morning."
Jim sits too, examining the omelet. He takes a bite. It's interesting, weird but not that bad. "Thanks, I love it."
Valen beams, clapping his hands.  "Wonderful, I'm so glad.  Kane, you look well this morning.  Have you ever cooked human food before?  It's one of the trickier things I've done.  I would have thought my background in the sciences would aid me, but it appears relatively useless."
"Oh god." Jim comments. He does not think Kane would do very well at it.
"I haven't. You made that? And it's good?" Kane asks. He would like to feed Jim. It feels... appropriate. "Can I learn?"
"Well, I can't speak for Jim, but I can show you how I do it.  Which is probably not exactly correct, but appears close enough."  His eyes flick over to Jim as the human bites into a piece of omelet that has bell pepper stem in it.  "It's probably about as passable as human food as the blood I make is as passable as blood."  He smirks.  "Given the right equipment, I can manufacture substandard yet sufficient meals for either a human or vampire.  I should be featured on some sort of cooking program!"
Jim laughs through his mouthful. "That would be amazing. You're so right." He spits the stem out like an olive pit. "Kane, you could use a cookbook before you start experimenting, if you really wanna learn. Prolly best to get the basics down first."  Jim finishes his omelet and orange happily, and his bread with a little less enthusiasm.
"Alright. Kane, I'm gonna grab you some clothes, a toothbrush, basic stuff. Anything specific you need?" Jim asks.
"No, that's, that's great. Thank you."
"Okay, later." Jim gives Valen a kiss on the cheek before heading out.  Before Jim leaves, Valen pulls him aside and politely tells him that although Kane loathes to ask for anything out of fear, Valen has noticed that he seems to prefer long-sleeves and long pants, to cover his skin up.
Once they’re finally alone, Kane tentatively asks, "You're really... together? With a human?"
Valen smiles at the question, blushing.  "Yes, I am.  Most vampires already consider me a sexual deviant, so I figure, might as well go all in."
"Huh." The concept is still a little odd to Kane, though not as odd as he supposes it should seem. "I suppose there's a little hope for us all, then. If a vampire and a human can fall in love."
Valen smiles so, so wide.  That's such a romantic notion, and Valen didn't even have to say it himself and then be embarrassed about it.  "I suppose so.  Have you ever fallen in love?"
"No, I'm not the romantic type." It's better this way. No one would ever possibly like him back, he'd only experience heartbreak if he were to fall in love with someone. "What's it like?"
Valen's eyes go distant, his expression warm, his mind fuzzy and elsewhere.  "It feels warm.  It's difficult to describe without resorting to meaningless fluffy metaphors, but it feels like someone is finally on your side.  Like you've discovered something rare and precious and all you can think about is how to keep it safe for as long as you can, and how lucky you are that the stars aligned in such a way that you get to enjoy a little corner of life that you've made for a while, in the huge vastness of the cosmos.  It's on your mind all the time, like a worry, but it makes you feel better instead of worse."
"It sounds beautiful. I'm glad you've found that with him. As long as you can." Kane says softly. Valen has to be aware of humans' short lifespans. He's probably thought about it a lot. There is no spending your life together with a human. He's a ticking time bomb to heartbreak. Jim has to be, what, a third of the way through his life? More? He can't help but pity Valen.
Valen nods.  "Yes, for however long it lasts.  I'm quite reminded of how heartbroken I was when my first cat died.  It will surely be painful in the end, but that doesn't make the happiness and love we share while we have it worth less.  I'm sure love is not so rare that Jim is the only person I can experience it with, nor me with him.'
"Yes, I'm sure." Kane decides to change the bleak subject, picking absentmindedly at the padding on his cuffs. "You're going to vampire territory tonight?"  He's glad there will be more blood available, but nervous to be away from Valen's protection.
"Yes, I'm planning on going straight there and back. I'm going to advise Jim to simply keep you in the basement unbothered until I return, as I think that will be safest for all of us."
"Yes, that, that sounds good." Kane can't fuck up if he's just left alone. In his wonderful blanket nest in the nice, sunless basement. His new favorite place on earth.
Valen can just go home, back to vampire territory, anytime he wants. It's strange to be captive in the presence of a free vampire.
Jim comes home with a week's worth of clothes, all long sleeves and pants that Kane can use to cover himself, and a few other basic items. Kane is overwhelmed by the gift, clutching the bag to his chest.
It's so nice here. If Kane could live like this forever, he could be happy, captive or not. He's fed and unhurt. That's all he needs.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. I know it's still... undecided, what the two of you would like to do with me. Um, I would do anything to stay here. Anything. Please."
Valen looks unsurely to Jim. "Well," he says hesitantly. "I don't think Jim has plans to send you away or anything.  We're not going to let you go, on account of the risk, no matter how small....and we're certainly not going to give you back to those dreadful hunters. I'd count myself lucky if none of us ever saw them again."
Kane is immensely relieved by Valen's words. He looks to Jim for confirmation.
"Yeah. You're staying. And no matter what, never going back there."
Kane puts his face in his hands. "Thank you. I don't know how I could ever repay you."
"Just keep bein' nice is all." Jim says.
"What they did to you was wrong," Valen says firmly. "To be clear. It would have been wrong no matter who you were. Under no circumstances would it be right to leave you there, knowing what they were doing to you. Even if you weren't 'nice.' It's nice of you to want to 'repay' us, but it's just basic decency. Same as how I had to save Jim, when he was out alone and vulnerable."
"Exactly. Even if you started being a shithead again, we wouldn't send you back there." Jim agrees.
Kane doesn't really get it. He did deserve it, didn't he? They're just kind enough to save him anyway.
"Yes. Decency." he agrees.  Maybe he'll understand one day.
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29625 · 5 months
A short Slimav story. Kissing and touching and ravishing Sli’s big tiddies on the couch on a cold day because they are gay and happy. Set somewhere in the early 90s—the same universe as my longfic. Enjoy!
Winter has come in Miramar. The day is shortening and the temperature is dropping. Don’t forget to bundle up, check your tires just in case—the vigorous DJ says on the radio as Maverick tosses beneath the blanket for the thirtieth time.
Maverick never handles the cold too well. This winter is no exception, even though Slide insists it’s really not that bad. It’s cold, sure, this year’s relatively chilly by the San Diego standard they’re both used to, but not I-get-my-shit-done-in-a-blanket-don’t-judge-me level cold.
Well, whatever he says, Maverick thinks in a somewhat groggy state after sleeping in. That bastard spent a considerable amount of time at his nana’s place in New York, for God’s sake.
Crawling back under the cozy fort, he curls himself and indulges in the snugness of the velvety fabric. The comfort of the couch, combined with the radiating heat of Slider’s body, is nothing but pleasantly addicting, more so on a chilly Sunday like this.
“Hey, Froggy.” A soft, amused tenor calls him. “Freezing much?”
Maverick never handles the cold too well. If one thing that entertains Slider in this frigid weather, that would be teasing his boyfriend for his very amphibian antics.
He peeks his head from the blanket and loops his arms around Slider’s torso. The sleeves of his lightweight sweater are rolled up below his elbows. The material is pretty tight-fitting as far as he can feel on his hands, hugging his toned physique in all the right places.
“Should I say yes?” Maverick mutters. “Or should I just accept my fate and say…hi-ho!”
“What? Kermit?”
“Who else am I supposed to be, jackass?” Maverick pouts, throwing his arms in the air. “Hi-ho! It’s Kermit the Frog here, little Ronnie.”
“Sounds like a strangled car horn right there, huh?” Slider smirks. “But sure, Froggy.”
Froggy. Jim Henson-esque.
Maverick shifts under the cover, snuggling Slider’s stomach.
“Haven’t got to practice much lately.”
“I used to.” His voice trails off before it turns into a small sigh. “But Bradley’s all grown up for Sesame Street lately, y’know.”
He relaxes in Slider’s lap as he strokes his head, playing with the short strands of his brunette hair. He likes it when his big hand caresses him like this, always so gentle and soothing.
Maverick slips in his fingers under Slider’s sweater, playfully pulling it up to reveal a part of his tanned skin underneath.
“Pete?” Slider whispers. “What are you—oh.”
Maverick hikes up Slider’s sweater just high enough to bare his muscled chest. His fingers trail on the toned abs, tracing and rubbing every curve as his hands move up to his sternum. His touch is no more than a light brush over his skin, but it is enough for the taller man to jolt. He drapes himself over Slider’s body and wallows in the warmth that feels so encompassing against his skin.
A small moan escapes his lips as Maverick’s cold hands brush against his chest, adding a good amount of friction to his sensitive nipples. He gently sucks the tips, drawing a small, sensual gasp from his robust lover beneath. The contrast between his tanned complexion and the dark gray sweater is what hooks him. The nasal moan Slider sometimes lets out under him adds to the eroticism—and a sense of satisfaction, that he is the one who’s making Slider melt under his touch, that he is the only one at this moment who’s allowed to devour every part of his man.
“All warmed up, weakass?”
If there’s anything to please Maverick more, it’s the daring flame in Slider’s outwardly nonchalant gaze. An invitation he knows he could never resist.
“Bullshit.” He laughs, placing another gentle kiss on Slider’s forehead. “Not enough yet, sweetheart.”
A soft grin paints Slider’s sharp features.
“Do you wanna hear something funny, Froggy?”
Slider throws his arms over Maverick’s neck, tugging him by the shiny strands of his short brunette hair.
“I don’t hate this.”
A kiss on his temple. A kiss on his earlobe. And—God, those swollen lips on him—pink, puffy, and wet, parted slightly, tempting him with their unmistakable softness against his flushed skin.
“Yeah,” Maverick whispers into the hollow of Slider’s neck. “How strange, is it?”
Slider loops one of his legs around the brunette’s hip, drawing him closer. His sweater is left hiked up, revealing just enough skin for Maverick to taste and wallow in the healthy yet sinful beauty of his toned chest.
“Mind warming up a poor froggy, darling?” Maverick grins.
“Shut up and show me what you’ve got, Kermie.”
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ewritesfanfics · 1 year
Jimtober 2023: Dawn
Here's what I got done for Jimtober! It's not very long, but eh.
Orange light filters in through thin satin curtains, giving the room a warm glow. Outside, Jim can hear the calls of early morning birds, the first signs of life greeting the new day.
He should still be asleep – they had a late night celebrating his birthday, having stopped over Arcadia so he could see his mom and they could all go out for drinks and a good time. They hadn’t returned home until the wee hours of the morning, those ungodly hours in the darkest part of the night when sane individuals are long asleep in their beds, when the nocturnal animals are all out to play and the world seems suspended and unreal. They had stumbled into Castle Camelot drunk on alcohol and partying alike and subsequently collapsed, though some made it further than others. He’s pretty sure Douxie’s still in the entrance hall, everyone else having been too drunk to move the sloshed wizard after he passed out, and he doubts anyone has woken and done so yet. He and Claire were part of the few who had managed to make it to their own rooms, and they were up a while later before finally falling asleep long past their bedtime. But despite that, here he is, awake. He can’t say for sure why – one moment, he was asleep, and the next, he was awake, like someone had flipped his on-switch, far different from his usual groggy stirring into consciousness.
His gaze sweeps across the still room. Clothes are strewn across the floor, mostly from last night, and half the stuff that sits atop their dresser has been knocked over – he has a vague memory of nearly wiping out by falling into it while trying to rid himself of his pants. This includes some of Claire’s nail polish – all bottles thankfully still intact and sealed as far as he can tell from his vantage point – as well as a book he’s been reading as suggested to him by Toby, one of Krel’s trinkets he made as a gift for Jim last Christmas that Jim still can’t figure out, and the big group picture they’d taken during their ‘The World Didn’t End!’ party four years ago after they defeated the Order.
It's hard to believe that happened that long ago if he’s being honest. The memories are all still so fresh and vivid. He can still feel the heat of the Fire Titan and hear Bellroc’s dual-tone voice. He can still feel the fear and that heady, intoxicating relief when they realized that it was truly and finally over and they had all miraculously made it out on the other side. He can still see the Ice Titan reforming despite their efforts and Claire’s hair turning white as she cast the spell to move the Life Titan.
There’s a soft snuffle beside him, drawing him from his thoughts.
Speak of the devil, and he shall appear – though Claire is much better, in his opinion. She’s sound asleep next to him, pressed to his side with her head tucked against his shoulder and chest, cutting off the blood flow and making his right arm feel more like static than an arm. Her white hair – with small sections of brown still remaining – spills over his arm and across the pillow, now much, much longer than it had been back in high school. Dark eyelashes flutter as she readjusts herself just ever so slightly before settling back into perfect quietness. He can’t help but marvel at how beautiful she is – the curve of her cheekbones, the gentle slant of her jaw, the shape of her nose and lips. He could happily spend forever just staring, meticulously memorizing each and every inch of her tan skin and her bright hair and her dark eyes over and over again.
He slowly works to wiggle his fingers and restore some feeling so that he can curl his arm around her bare shoulders and hold her closer.
Between the curtains, a single ray of brilliant sunlight shines through, the star finally emerging from beyond the eastern horizon.
With the way it lights up her face and lays in a warm strip across his skin, he can’t help but think back to the day he was turned human again.
There were so many emotions and so much confusion, but Claire stood before him to light up the darkness and bring him back into reality, and he knew the moment their eyes connected that he would be ok. He couldn’t say how long it might take, how long he would be disoriented, how long the fog in his mind would sit heavy, how long the exhaustion in his bones would weigh him down, but he knew he would be ok. Every day, he counts his lucky stars that he has her.
That he has everyone, really. He cannot imagine where he might be if even a single one of his friends was removed from the equation, he doesn’t want to imagine it.
He feels Claire shift a little more, and looking, he sees her brow scrunch in an obvious tell that she’s waking up.
She opens her eyes, doing her best to blink the sleep away, and a warmth bubbles up inside him at the sight of her sleepy gaze, intensified by the deep brown of her irises.
“Morning,” she greets with a hum, nuzzling further into his chest.
“What time is it?” she asks.
“Far too early for either of us to be awake,” he says. Especially after last night.
“Mmm. So why are you already awake, then?” she asks.
“Beats me,” he says.
More sunlight spills into their room, and Claire’s eyes turn from dark chocolate to warm liquid caramel. She smiles sweetly at him, and his heart swells in his chest. She brings a hand up to lovingly brush a piece of hair from his face and then trails down to caress his chess and settles to cup his jaw.
He all but blurts out, “I love you,” the feeling too big to possibly contain.
“I know,” she says, her smile turning cheeky.
“Ok, Han Solo,” Jim teases.
“You and I both know I’m Princess Leia,” she says. “Now, how about we go back to sleep, hm?”
He nods, and her hand slips from his face to settle atop his chest as she nuzzles back down, closing her eyes once more with a content sigh.
His mind goes to the velvet box sitting at the bottom of one of his coat pockets, inside of which can be found a ring wrought from sterling silver and studded with a violet diamond he cut himself with the guidance of Blinky.
He thinks about late nights like last night, falling into each other’s arms. He thinks about early mornings like this one, sleepy in the newborn sunlight. He thinks about that being every night and every morning, getting to have this every day of his life.
He can’t wait.
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bi-bats · 5 months
Identity porn college au you say 👀👀 also ;) ;) 👉👉 Bad Days 😳
💖💖💖 glad to see you active again my friend
glad to be active again!! I have a bunch of health stuff going on that's really pulled my focus from writing much of anything, but it's nice to just let myself think about fun stuff again 💖
I'm putting this under a read more cause this got LONG
YEAHHHHH IDENTITY PORN COLLEGE AU!!! I have a snippet for that one!! A nice, long snippet:
It all went wrong right before Tim had his coffee, because that was always when everything went wrong. He had just picked it up off the counter, rolling his eyes at the name on the cup. Jim. Whatever, it was his. It wasn’t like anyone else was ordering a large red-eye with two extra shots. He lifted it to take his first sip and turned— Broad shoulders, scar on the neck, white streak in the hair, angry green eyes—check, check, check. And check.  “Jason.” Tim’s voice cracked mortifyingly on the word. “Hi,” he added, before he finally managed to force his mouth shut. One thick eyebrow raised at him. “What's up?” he asked delicately. He didn’t want to have a very public interaction with Jason here, because they would draw attention and someone would realize he wasn’t Jim, but Tim, Tim Wayne, and then this would be in a tabloid. But apparently, Jason wasn’t interested in having a very public interaction. Apparently he wasn’t interested in having any sort of interaction with him at all. He didn’t know why he expected Jason to resume talking to him now. Being ignored by Jason was easy. Seeing his anger, the way it twisted in his eyes when they used to be pliant and soft, felt worse. Tim just sighed, deflating as the air left him. “Right.” It had been for the best, he reminded himself. “I’ve gotta go.” “As always,” Jason drawled. Tim’s eyes snapped back to Jason’s, and he looked vicious, but a little hurt under it.
basically, the premise is that they meet in college and then start dating, and then they break up because Jason knows that Tim is lying to him about why he's constantly disappearing in the middle of dates, etc. etc. He basically tells Tim the last time that he can either tell him why he's leaving in the middle of the date, or he can not come back. So he doesn't come back. Then Red Hood and Red Robin start hooking up because both of them are looking for outlets, and it's a casual/antagonistic thing until Red Hood ends up taking Red Robin to one of his safehouses after an injury... that Tim had been to for a date with Jason. And of course from there it all spirals! 💚
and now for your snippet of Bad Days. A nice long one for being so patient with me:
“I don’t even know why you and Tim like this crap,” Jason grumbles as he tosses the controller on the coffee table.  “It’s more fun when you’re evenly matched. You should see Tim play against Bart, he loses his shit.”  “Tim says he cheats,” Jason mutters as he turns a suspicious eye on Kon.  “Only if having superpowers you can’t shut off is considered cheating.”  Jason narrows his eyes at Kon. “You’d know if I was using my TTK on you, Jason.” “Would I?” “Oh... yeah, I guess not. I don’t think I’ve ever used it on you.”  Jason’s face goes a little surprised, and Kon’s stomach sinks. “You don’t think?” “I… can’t always control it. Not like, I can’t get it to work or anything, but sometimes it has a mind of its own when I’m relaxed. Especially when I’m sleeping.” “What does it feel like?”  “I don’t actually know. Tim says it feels like a hand sometimes, though.”  “Show me?” Kon’s eyebrows shoot up for a moment, before he forces them back down.  “Oh, uh—” Kon takes a second to put down the controller, then he places his hand on Jason's forearm. For a split second, he isn’t sure what he plans to do, but he relaxes the part of him that has his power held back. It’s a little like noticing his jaw is clenched and forcing the muscle to loosen. In the second he relaxes his hold, he feels his TTK reach out, and he watches as Jason’s face turns towards Kon, slowly, like he’s being tilted by a hand on his chin. “Oh,” Jason says softly, and Kon feels a flare of heat across his cheeks.
Thank you for the ask!!! 💚💚💚
send me an ask about one of my WIPs!
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bidoofenergy · 2 years
This is me humbly requesting some Jimmy and Joel/Grian interactions from your dance floor au🙏
Additionally I would kill for a d&d au that genuinely sounds so fun as someone who played dnd years ago (unf the group was not fun to play with, I feel bad for our dm)
hungry busy people
also on AO3 sequel to let's ditch the dance floor (4048 words)
“Friday night,” Joel sarcastically cheers, under his breath. “Living the dream," Jimmy refuses to pay attention to him. He’s got his planner, his Google Calendar, and all his course websites open in front of him, but he still feels like he’s forgetting something. He goes down this weekend's to do list for the third time, comparing it to upcoming deadlines.
“Class signup starts next week right?” he asks, whipping up to look at Joel, across the table. Joel pauses his lamenting on missing on date night with Lizzie.
“Registration isn’t for another two weeks.” Joel says slowly. Jimmy flips to two weeks out and, sure enough, there it is on Thursday in capital letters: “CLASS SIGNUP 8 AM!!” Jimmy groans.
“Are you forgetting something?” Joel asks, barely hiding his amusement.
“Tell me you know what I’m forgetting.” Jimmy leans over his open notebooks and half the table to beg properly.
Joel leans away from Jimmy’s hands and smirks. “How should I know what you’ve forgotten?” He reaches for his phone as he speaks and starts typing without breaking eye contact.
“If you’re texting Grian to make fun of me—” Jimmy starts, in his best attempt at threatening. It isn’t very good, given how Joel’s smirk just grows.
“Do your homework Jim.” Joel pats the top of his hand. “It’ll come to you; probably when you least expect it.” Joel sounds too happy about this for Jimmy’s taste. He sighs and sits back. Joel has decided to be unhelpful and there’s no changing his mind. Jimmy hates him a little.
“I hate you a lot.” He tells Joel. Joel is not bothered by this.
Truthfully, Jimmy can only hate Joel a little today. Joel agreed to go to the vet school library with him on a Friday night, even though it’s a good 15 minute bus ride from their dorm, because Jimmy focuses better here than at the library on main campus. Jimmy needs to be at the library on a Friday night because, at some point this semester, his workload went from substantial to overwhelming. And on top of that, there’s… something else. Something is happening this weekend and that means Jimmy has to get as much work done today as possible.
To start: this godforsaken discussion post that’s due at midnight. He switches windows back to the week’s reading and continues skimming it, hoping for something to jump out at him. He just needs to find something vaguely interesting to write 150 words about and then he can tell two random classmates they “brought up some very intriguing points, I hadn't considered that” and be done with the class—at least until next Friday’s discussion post.
It’s on his fourth reread of the same sentence (so much for skimming) that Jimmy feels a presence behind him. He freezes and considers. Joel is still in front of him, intently focused on his laptop screen. There’s only one other person Jimmy knows who would stand behind him and silently wait like this, but he’s an hour drive—this is the thing Jimmy forgot!
Jimmy whirls around, his suspicions immediately confirmed when he nearly smacks Grian in the stomach in his excitement. “Grian!” he exclaims and immediately winces at his volume.
“Hey Tim,” Grian grins. “Took you long enough to notice.” He ruffles Jimmy’s hair before sitting down.
“He’s been here for seven minutes.” Joel says as he reaches across the table to bump fists in greeting. “I timed it.”
“You’re getting sloppy Tim.” Grian shakes his head.
“Shut up.” Jimmy whines. “Where’s your stuff man?” He cannot believe he forgot Grian was staying the weekend; it’s not like their plans were what got him through the last few weeks.
“In my car, which is by your dorm, because that’s where you told me you’d be.” Grian pokes Jimmy in the chest. “Joel had to coach me through your bus system by text!”
Joel smirks at Grian’s annoyance. “Sorry, not all of us have the cutting-edge infrastructure of HCU.”
“A functional, easy-to-understand bus system is not cutting-edge—”Grian starts, voice rising, before Joel and Jimmy shush him.
“Yes, yes, HCU rules, ESU drools.” Joel says mockingly, rolling his eyes.
“Don’t give us Scar’s public transportation rant, I have homework I need to finish.” Jimmy pleads. Grian splutters like he can’t decide what to be offended by first.
“It’s not a rant—It’s not Scar’s—” he squawks. Jimmy and Joel glance at each other and laugh.
“Hush, both of you,” Grian folds his arms. “You’re doing homework? I drove all the way here, rode your horrible bus, to watch you do homework?”
Jimmy can't help but laugh. He’s missed Grian so much.
“Don’t laugh!” Grian exclaims and Joel shushes him again, still laughing as he does.
“The grind doesn’t stop.” Jimmy shrugs. “Gotta finish this today so I’m free tomorrow.” At the mention of tomorrow, Grian brightens.
“Yes! I’m looking forward to your gym.” he enthuses and Joel groans. “You guys actually have more climbing space than HCU does.” Grian continues and Joel groans louder.
“You’re obsessed.” Joel complains.
“Alright, Mr. Thought of Baby Names Three Months in.” Grian scoffs.
“I did not—not three months—” Joel fumbles to defend himself, flushing. “I would never—I was totally cool and normal about Lizzie.” His flush deepens at the mention of his girlfriend, which doesn’t really help his case.
“So, we’re just lying now?” Jimmy asks Grian in a stage whisper and they grin at each other.
“Shut up,” Joel groans, head in his hands. “Do your homework Tim.”
Jimmy frowns, but before he can say anything, Grian pokes his arm. “Yeah Timmy,” he says teasingly, switching sides easily. “Finish your homework so we can get out of here.”
“Boo,” Jimmy mumbles and he and Joel start working again.
Grian leaves them alone for about ten minutes, entertaining himself with his phone, before getting bored and scooting his chair closer to Jimmy. He rests his chin on Jimmy’s shoulder and starts reading along. Jimmy, used to this, lets his shoulder drop a little so Grian is more comfortable.
“Jim,” Grian says after a moment.
“If you don’t pick a random quote and start writing—” Grian starts and Jimmy just laughs. Joel looks up at the two of them, an eyebrow raised. “He’s overthinking this.” Grian huffs, sounding personally offended.
“I’d never accuse Jimmy of thinking too much.” Joel smirks.
“Hey!” Jimmy exclaims. “I wasn’t sure where to start and—” Grian cuts him off.
“That doesn’t sound like ‘Thank you for the advice, Grian, I’ll get right to it!’”
Jimmy rolls his eyes. “Thank you for the advice, Grian, I’ll get right to it.” he parrots. Grian pats him on the head and sits back, looking smug.
The worst part is: Grian is right. Jimmy finds the sentence he had to read four times and starts writing, “A quote that I found particularly interesting…”
Grian watches him type for a few minutes before getting bored again and rolling over to watch Joel. “That doesn’t look like homework.” He remarks dryly. Jimmy looks up to see the familiar expression of Joel caught texting Lizzie something gross and cheesy and quickly looks back to his own laptop screen, happy to let Grian take care of that.
- - -
They’re at the library for a few more hours, until it’s almost 12:30. Jimmy finished his discussion post and the two replies and starts on his math homework (Grian immediately teases him for “taking a finance class, that’s not even real math!”). Joel, eventually, probably because she fell asleep, stops texting Lizzie and starts reading. It’s a lot of highlighting, mumbling to himself, and looking like the book in front of him insulted his mother. Grian steals Jimmy’s phone, gets the passcode right on the first try because Jimmy hasn’t bothered to change it since Grian first learned it in high school, and starts playing Angry Birds. Jimmy doesn’t even remember having Angry Birds on his phone.
Eventually, Jimmy’s mind feels like a thick soup and Grian has given up on Angry Birds in favor of spinning his chair worryingly fast. Joel, seeing the state of the two of them, snaps his book closed and says, “Let’s get out of here.”
“Finally!” Grian exclaims, jumping up to his feet. He sways and stumbles and Jimmy laughs as he packs up his stuff.
Grian is buzzing with energy as they leave the library and head to the bus stop. The night air is warm and heavy with humidity. The sidewalk is lit a hazy orange-yellow from the streetlights. There’s no one else at the bus stop. Jimmy stands by the sign and bounces on his toes. Grian squints at the bus stop bench, like he's grading it. For a moment, it’s quiet—only the sounds of distant traffic and bugs.
“I’m hungry.” Joel announces to the night air, startling Jimmy a little.
“Nothing’s open right now.” Jimmy frowns.
“Do you not have food in your room?” Grian asks. Neither Jimmy nor Joel dignify his question with a response.
“There’s gotta be something open.” Joel pulls out his phone and opens his map app, pinching and panning and zooming in on nearby streets. Both Jimmy and Grian crowd around, bumping their heads together.
“I really cannot believe ESU doesn’t have stuff nearby open past midnight.” Grian mumbles. Jimmy can’t believe HCU would.
“There’s a Waffle House not far from our dorm, which is good because this is the last bus.” Joel announces, zooming in on the Waffle House in question. He looks a little too excited about this. Jimmy glances at Grian, who looks more caught up on the idea that the buses are stopping now.
“I could eat,” Jimmy offers and, just like that, their plans have been made.
“Waffle House!” Joel cheers and switches over to stare at the bus tracker app.
- - -
The Waffle House isn’t very busy, unsurprising for it being nearly 1 am, only another group of five college students crammed in a booth and only two people working. The blond, middle-aged cook yells at them to “sit wherever!” when they enter and Grian picks a booth for them. Joel slides in next to Grian and drops his backpack on the opposite bench right as Jimmy’s about to sit. Jimmy rolls his eyes, pushes the bag further in, and accidentally kicks Joel as he’s getting settled. Joel, of course, immediately kicks him back, and things devolve from there.
“Boys!” Grian admonishes as the waiter comes up to the table, menus in hand. “Can’t take them anywhere.” he jokes, like he didn’t just kick Jimmy in the shins. The waiter, a tall, lanky guy about their age with a yellow sweater on underneath his Waffle House shirt, looks unimpressed and drops the menus on the table. Joel, noticing the waiter, straightens up.
The waiter says, “Yell for me when you're ready.” and leaves.
“Christ that dude is tall.” Joel remarks as soon as he’s gone.
“You’re just short.” Grian rolls his eyes and pulls the menu Jimmy was reaching for towards himself.
“Taller than you!” Joel says indignantly.
“Don't start,” Jimmy begs, head in his hands. Joel takes this as an opportunity to the remaining menu. Jimmy doesn’t react. They all know what they want anyway.
He twists around to wave the server over. He’s talking to the cook, who looks a little more stressed than Jimmy would like the person making his food to look, especially if they work at Waffle House. When the tall man notices, he pushes off the counter and heds over.
“What can I get you guys?” he asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. Jimmy catches his nametag: Wilbur.
“Double hashbrown, scattered and covered please.” Jimmy says, ignoring Grain’s responding gag. The server nods and turns to Joel, who’s puffing out his chest. Jimmy has to stare really hard at poor Wilbur’s beanie (red, a little dirty, definitely not in-uniform) to avoid Grian’s eye.
“All star breakfast, with bacon.” Joel replies and at least he’s not dropping his voice like he used to do in front of Lizzie all the time.
“Double waffles,” Grian says. “And we’ll all have orange juice.” Jimmy hates orange juice.
“It’s gonna be a while on those waffles.” Wilbur informs them. “We’ve only got one iron working at the moment and they”—he gestures behind him lazily to the other table— “all ordered waffles. That explains the cook’s expression. All three of them wince sympathetically.
“That’s fine.” Grian reassures him. Wilbur nods and leaves before Jimmy can remember he doesn’t like orange juice.
- - -
Their food comes fairly quickly, except for Grian and Joel’s waffles of course. “Yeah it’s gonna be about an hour.” the server tells them, faintly apologetic.
“Holy moly,” Jimmy breathes and Joel and Grian grimace in unison.
“We’ll wait,” Grian tells him.
“Waffle House welcomes you 24 hours a day.” Wilbur replies flatly before leaving, clearly quoting something from his training. Joel snorts into his food.
Jimmy slides his orange juice across the table to Grian. “Timmy, you've got to get your Vitamin C.” Grian says, taking a massive gulp of Jimmy’s orange juice. “What if you get scurvy or something?”
“I’m not getting scurvy.” Jimmy says and starts eating.
“You’re eating potatoes and cheese; that’s not exactly a balanced diet.”
“He does have a point.” Joel agrees, mouth full.
“You’re not any better!” Jimmy doesn’t exactly yell, and Joel and Grian both shush him.
- - -
Thirty minutes later, hashbrowns long gone, Jimmy has his head on the table, pillowed under his arms, half-asleep. Grian and Joel have been talking about this ghost-hunting video game for at least twenty minutes. While Jimmy plays it all the time with them, he barely knows the rules, nevermind the intricate strategies they’re discussing. Instead he lets their voices wash over him and, between them and the rain. He’s almost—
Jimmy sits bolt upright and blurts, “It’s raining?”
Grian and Joel pause to exaggeratedly glance between him, the window, and each other.
“Indeed it is, Timmy,” Grian claps mockingly. “Well done.” Jimmy groans.
“No, walking back is gonna be a pain.”
“Neither of you have an umbrella?” Grian asks, somehow surprised.
“I’m sure it’ll clear up soon.” Joel tells Jimmy. They both leave Grian's question unanswered.
- - -
Twenty minutes later, the rain hasn’t cleared up and, in fact, has gotten much worse. The water’s coming down in sheets angled by the wind. Jimmy was woken up by a loud crack of thunder and nearly jumped out of his seat, much to Joel and Grian’s amusement.
A little while later, Wilbur comes by with their waffles. “Sorry for the wait,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. “I’ll bring your bill in a moment, you guys paying separately or together?”
“Seperate,” Jimmy mumbles distractedly staring out the window at the storm. He can’t even see the streetlight by the bus stop.
The server pauses and adds, a little more sincerely this time, “You really are welcome to stay as long as you gotta.”
“Thanks,” Joel grins around a mouthful of waffle.
“Gross,” Grian groans around his own mouthful of waffle. Wilbur leaves, somehow looking both disgusted and disinterested.
Jimmy’s startled out of his storm-induced daze when every phone in the building goes off in quick succession. He scrambles to silence his, not even reading the warning displayed on the screen.
“Flood warning,” Joel reads. “No shit.” Flooding does indeed seem like a given as water streams down the sidewalk and starts to puddle over the one visible storm drain.
Jimmy drums his fingers on the table. His backpack is water resistant, but that doesnt mean much in a storm like this. None of them even have an umbrella or even jackets; it had been so warm that evening.
“I think we should wait.” He says.
“I’m not getting my laptop wet.” Joel agrees.
“Fine,” Grian sighs. It’s almost 2 am.
- - -
By 2:15, they’ve paid and their dishes sit in a neat stack next to a not insignificant cash tip that the three of them pooled together.
“For you and the poor man with only one waffle iron.” Grian tells Wilbur when he comes to collect their plates and raises an eyebrow at the bills. He actually laughs as he tucks it apron pocket.
When he leaves their table, they hear him yell, “Hey old man, tip for you!” and fall over each other trying not to laugh too loudly.
- - -
By 2:30, the rain has slowed enough that Jimmy can actually see through it. A couple, two college-aged women, had emerged suddenly into the yellow-white light of the Waffle House sign. Now, they stand by the counter, dripping.
“You can, like, walk but it sucked.” Jimmy hears one of them tell the cook, a little too casually for someone who was just out in the middle of a flood warning. The other apologizes profusely to Wilbur who’s brought over a mop.
Grian’s entertaining himself on Jimmy’s phone, so Jimmy looks over to Joel, who said he restarted his reading but is actually on his phone. Joel, as if sensing Jimmy’s gaze, looks up. “I don't wanna be stuck here all night with no sleep—we’re supposed to meet Lizzie for breakfast before work” he says a little sadly. Grian looks up from Angry Birds to glance between them.
Jimmy weighs his options. On the one hand, his laptop is out of warranty and he can’t afford to get it or his notes wet. On the other hand, Lizzie’s busy all weekend and the only chance she has to see Grian is at some cafe 20 minutes away tomorrow morning. At 8 am.
“It’s still pouring.” Grian complains. “Give it a bit.” They give it a bit.
- - -
By 2:45, the rain has barely slowed while Jimmy definitely has. He and Grian started stacking creamer pods and every so often Jimmy knocks them over and just stares, blinking, while Grian cackles.
He sets down the creamer he was about to stack and whines, “We can’t stay here any longer.”
Joel snaps his book closed and jumps up. “Right, let’s get going then so we can sleep and then wake up on time because I refuse to be late to meeting Lizzie.” He leans across the table, reaching for his bag, as he says this.
“Wait, wait, hang on a minute,” Grian says, still wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. “Can we be smart about this please?”
Joel, practically laying on the table to reach his bag tucked against the window with one hand while balancing off Jimmy’s shoulder with the other, says, “I’m always smart.”
“Uh-huh,” Grian says, unconvinced, and slides out past Joel's legs to talk to the cook, who’s leaning against the counter looking half-asleep. Jimmy manages to escape from Joel to stand and laughs as Joel flounders, trying not to fall off the table.
Joel’s upright by the time Grian returns with a small trashbag. Jimmy squints at the trashbag, trying to understand. “Wha’s that for?” he asks after Grian fails to explain, clearly more amused by Jimmy’s sleepy confusion.
“Well if you put something in here, you can keep it dry.” Grian starts, condescending. Jimmy blinks, still catching up. “Gosh, Tim, you really need to sleep.” Grian laughs, breaking character. “Put your laptops in here and then in Tim’s bag.” He instructs Joel. Jimmy just moves away and lets Joel handle things, swaying where he stands.
“Jesus Tim, you big baby,” Grian complains, propping him up a little with his shoulder.
Joel straightens up from where he was rearranging their stuff and hands Jimmy his bag. “Let’s get this show on the road!” He says, clapping his hands together once they’re free.
“Thank you, have a good night!” Grian calls to the Waffle House employees as he none-too-gently herds Jimmy out the door.
“Stay dry!” Wilbur calls after them from where he’s leaned next to the grill, blowing vape smoke up the exhaust.
“Complete dumbasses,” Jimmy hears the cook laugh as the door closes behind them.
He’s immediately soaked, barely three steps out the door and much more awake. The wind has died down considerably, which Jimmy is grateful for. “Lucky it’s not as windy,” he remarks, though he’s practically yelling to be heard over the rainfall and water rushing down the street gutters.
“Lucky?” Joel repeats, indignant.
“Oh yeah, let’s talk about how lucky this weather is!” Grian yells. He’s leading them across the parking lot like he knows where he’s going. Water sluices across their shoes as they push uphill, flooding Jimmy’s sneakers.
“It absolutely could be worse!” Jimmy argues. As if on cue: a distant rumble of thunder.
“Shut it.” Joel says, pointing at Jimmy threateningly. “If we get struck by lighting and miss breakfast, Lizzie’ll kill me.” This is, of course, not the threat he wants it to be and Grian and Jimmy fall over each other with laughter. When they finally straighten up, Joel is ahead of them and they rush—Jimmy slipping and nearly falling—to catch up.
“Do you guys remember that episode of Mythbusters?” Jimmy asks, once he’s caught his footing—and his breath—a bit.
“Which episode?” Joel asks, not kindly. “They made a lot.”
“About running versus walking in the rain?” Grian asks.
“Yeah!” Jimmy exclaims. “You remember the conclusion? I don’t.”
“No,” Grian admits and Joel groans.
“Why’d you bring it up if you don't remember the conclusion?” he asks the sky, throwing his head back.
“I thought Grian might!” Jimmy protests but he’s drowned out by Joel making choking noises. They all stop immediately.
“I just swallowed so much rainwater.” Joel croaks, looking a little red but fine, and Jimmy has to laugh.
“Why would you look up when it’s raining?” Grian admonishes, but he’s rubbing the part of Joel’s back that isn’t covered by his bag.
“I wasn’t thinking.” Joel straightens up and Jimmy doubles over, laughing harder. “C’mon let’s keep moving.” He tugs Jimmy’s arm.
“He’s delirious.” Grian says, pushing Jimmy from behind.
Together, they push-pull Jimmy to the intersection before the campus entrance and, with barely a glance, decide to cross without waiting for the crosswalk light. There’s no traffic anyway and, unsurprisingly, no one else out as they make their way to Jimmy and Joel’s dorm.
They make one last turn and, as if on cue, the rain slows to a steady drizzle. Jimmy, too tired to be mad, tilts his head back to feel the rain across his face.
“This is fucking bullshit.” Joel gripes.
“You’re the one who wanted to leave right then.” Grian points out, his own tiredness removing the usual sharpness of his teasing edge.
“Oh I’m Grian and I can perfectly predict the weather.” Joel says mockingly, never too tired to be insulted.
Grian, of course, has to respond. “Oh, I’m Joel and I’m so worried my girlfriend’s gonna be mad at me I make my friends walk half a mile in the middle of a flood warning.”
Before Joel can reply, Jimmy steps between them and slings an arm over each of their shoulders. “I’m glad you’re here this weekend.” He says. He’s sleepy and a little too earnest and probably putting a little too much weight on his friends but he’s ridiculously happy to have his two best friends with him.
“Gross Tim,” Grian and Joel complain in unison, but neither of them move away.
By the time they’re squelching up the stairs and entering the dorm the rain has stopped completely. Joel and Jimmy’s room is illuminated by moonlight streaming in through the permanently broken blinds. Joel immediately starts spreading his notes out on the air conditioning unit to dry. Jimmy finds a pair of shorts and a t-shirt (that was probably Grian's to begin with) to give Grian to sleep in. He grabs his towel and slimy shower caddy and heads to the hall’s bathrooms.
When he gets back, there’s wet stuff everywhere and the room is starting to smell like wet dog and sweaty boys and old pennies. Whatever, that’s a problem for Monday Jimmy.
Jimmy pulls on the shorts and t-shirt he uses as pajamas and clambers onto his slightly too-tall bed. Grian’s already made himself comfortable and he squints, half-asleep, at Jimmy. “That’s my t-shirt,” he grumbles.
“Shush,” Jimmy replies, nudging Grian to the side so he can fully fit on his own bed. Grian, begrudgingly, accommodates him. Jimmy falls asleep tucked against Grian’s familiar frame, tired and happy and finally dry.
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tolietpaperdreams · 2 months
Chapter 2 of Hysteria is here!
Last time I just posted a little snippet on here but nah, I'm giving y'all the goods. Here’s the whole chapter:
Shawn was avoiding him; had been for weeks. Bret hadn’t told a soul what happened outside of the bar that night. He made the active choice to shove it down every time the memory popped up, but it never worked for long. Bret would dwell on it night after night.
This had to be some sort of long-term mind game that Shawn was playing to fuck with him even more. If it was, then it was working. Bret was so far off his game that the rest of the Foundation was suffering the consequences.
Just that past Friday night in Nashville, Bret missed a huge cue from Davey. Instead of ducking to avoid Davey getting slung from the other side of the ring, Bret missed the spot entirely and got knocked off the outer edge.
Luckily, it was something the crowd wouldn’t know was a mistake, but to Bret and the other members of the Foundation, it was like hell had frozen over.
“What the fuck was that?” Davey was livid when they returned to the locker room.
“I’ve never seen you this off your game, man,” Jim looked concerned but upset as well.
Owen, the caretaker that he was, was the most worried, “Did you hit your head, are you dizzy?”
Bret tossed the belt onto a nearby bench and sat down with a huff, his wet hair hanging in his face, “I just missed the cue, I don’t know what happened.”
“Mistakes happen, I get that,” Davey exhaled, “But you’re better than that. You’re the champ.”
Sure didn’t fucking feel like it. He couldn’t even catch a break from his own family.
“But it’s been like this for weeks, you’re missing bigger spots,” Jim added.
“How about you guys don’t fucking worry about what I miss?” Bret was getting defensive but the worst part was that he knew they were right.
Owen finally jutted in, “Let me just talk to Bret alone, okay?” He raised his brow at Davey and Jim.
Jim nodded, he knew that it would probably be more effective if the two brothers had a heart-to-heart. He looked to Davey and they both stepped out, leaving Owen and Bret in the silence of the empty locker room.
Owen took a seat next to his brother, “You wanna talk about it?”
Sighing, Owen leaned back against the wall, “I’m your favorite brother you can’t hide things from me.”
Bret gave a small smile at that, “Dad is the only one that’s allowed to have favorites.”
Owen rolled his eyes and nudged his brother with his shoulder, “Seriously though, what’s up with you?”
“Just been in my head, I guess.”
“You know that's not the answer I'm looking for.”
How was Bret supposed to explain to his little brother that all this was over Shawn? Again. But this time, it was so much worse. It was worse because he didn't know what he was feeling. The animosity was still there, the thought of Shawn, in general, filled him with annoyance, but there was something else there now. A feeling he couldn't explain, even to himself.
For a moment he recalled the kiss, it was messy and rough, definitely not the most romantic kiss in the world, but at the same time his stomach flipped every time he remembered the feeling of Shawn’s hands on his cheeks and the little noise he made as their lips met.
Afterward, it made so much sense. Bret assumed they’d talk about it and Shawn would admit to being too drunk at the time to make a rash decision. Maybe he saw it as his only way out so Bret didn't kick his ass, but avoiding him made things entirely more complicated.
He couldn’t rely on his own account of it because of the haze of alcohol, but he could’ve sworn the look in Shawn’s eyes was that of sentiment and truth.
“It’s dumb.” Bret finally settled with. Because it was, in the grand scheme of things, it was dumb. It’s why he never should have had his hopes up about finding a connection with someone in the first place.
Owen stayed quiet, waiting to see if his older brother would continue or if he’d have to drag it out of him.
Rubbing his jaw, Bret tried to find a way to dig himself out of his own grave, “Hypothetically speaking,” He paused trying to form his words correctly, “How would I go about confronting someone about their feelings.”
Owen furrowed his brow, “What do you mean? Like good feelings or bad feelings?”
“Both?” Bret felt like he wasn't making sense.
“This is really bothering you, isn't it?” Owen replied.
Bret got the sense that his brother might be figuring out what he was saying despite his odd demeanor, he nodded in response.
“Do you also have good and bad feelings towards this person?”
Bret considered that, “It feels more complicated than just a yes or no.”
“Sounds like it goes deeper than just good and bad feelings.”
That's exactly what Bret was afraid of hearing.
The sweat on his skin was starting to dry, leaving him chilled and wanting a hot shower. Owen hadn’t said anything that Bret didn’t already know, but just being able to let some of the frustration out helped to ease his mind a little.
“I’m sorry I don't have any good advice, but you know you can always tell me anything,” Owen patted Bret’s shoulder before standing, “No matter what or who it’s about.”
Bret rested his elbows on his knees, “Thanks.”
He was grateful to have a little brother like Owen, but at the same time, he knew he had to get his head back on straight so he didn't keep disappointing his entire family.
The following week Bret was warming up backstage before RAW. This was the first time since before the bar incident that Bret was scheduled to wrestle Shawn. It was technically for the belt but Hunter was supposed to butt in at the wrong time and cause Shawn the match. Typical build-up before a pay-per-view; keeps the audience wanting more.
He felt a little better after his conversation with Owen, he hadn’t missed nearly as many spots as before and Davey and Jim had hung up their grievances. The problem still lingered, though. He thought about Shawn and the kiss constantly, but in the silence of being avoided, he realized there wasn’t an obnoxious blonde trying to ruin every second of his life anymore.
He was almost finished with his warm-up when Hunter appeared from around the corner.
“Have you seen Shawn?” The younger man asked.
Stopping what he was doing, Bret stood to face him, “No? Isn't that like your job or something? You're his babysitter.”
Hunter inhaled, clearly not in the mood for jabs, “He was supposed to meet with the boss ten minutes ago.”
Bret huffed a laugh, “Yeah, and he was supposed to meet with me an hour ago to discuss our match, but I haven't seen the little shit in weeks.”
“So will you help me look?” Hunter pleaded.
“Get one of your Kliq buddies to help find him.”
There was a brief silence before Hunter spoke up again, “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”
Audacity was the only word Bret could think of at that moment, “What?”
Hunter seemed to rethink what he said for a moment, but decided to double down anyway, “You’re the whole reason we can't find him.”
“What are you talking about?”
Bret had never seen Hunter so stand-offish before, it was concerning, to say the least.
“He’s been a wreck for weeks. He barely shows up to train, he’s always in a bad mood, it’s like he doesn’t want to do this anymore,” The younger man kept on, “Ever since you ran him off from the bar, he’s been harder and harder to talk to.”
“How do you know about that?” Bret’s heart started to beat faster at the prospect of Hunter knowing what went down.
“Shawn’s my best friend, you think I didn’t notice the moment he spotted you with that girl in the bar?”
Bret wanted to play his cards close to his chest, but he was starting to realize that Hunter might know more than even he did. He stayed quiet.
“God you’re so dense,” It was clear that Hunter was at his tipping point, “He likes you. Always has. Everything he’s done has been for your approval.”
It was such a ridiculous statement, Hunter had to be bullshitting him.
“What, by tormenting me? He’s done nothing but be a fucking thorn in my side since the day Vince hired his ass.”
“That’s the thing, though,” Hunter continued, “He’s tried to show you he’s capable. Calling spots to improve the matches, going out and building tension in the ring, he’s doing it all for you.”
“If he wanted my approval in the ring so bad, why the hell does he torture me outside of it? Me talking to that woman at the bar had nothing to do with him in the ring.” Bret said this even as he was starting to come to his own conclusion.
“Do I actually have to spell it out for you?”
Bret didn’t say anything in response.
“He was jealous,” Hunter’s tone softened slightly, “I never said Shawn was the smartest guy in the world but you’re all he ever talks about. Even before I got here, Scott and Kevin told me that he’s been head over heels for you since day one.”
Bret shook his head, “No, you’re wrong.”
Denial was a good place to start. Bret wouldn’t have to acknowledge anything Hunter just said if he pretended it didn’t exist.
Sighing, Hunter tried one more time, “Shawn’s not a bad guy, you just have to give him a chance. But we have to find him now, or there won’t be a main event tonight.”
It’s not like he was given a choice, Bret finally conceded, “Fine.”
It was for the show, that’s what Bret kept telling himself. He was helping Hunter look for Shawn for the sake of the show, not because he was concerned about him or the truth bomb that was just dumped on him.
If the whole Kliq knew that Shawn had been fawning over Bret this whole time, who else knew? And how blind was Bret to not see it? In reality, the signs had probably been there the entire time and Bret was just so distrusting that he took Shawn literally kissing him as a mind game versus a declaration of affection. Was he really that cut off from human connection?
Bret was surprised at how quickly Hunter went up to bat for Shawn. He’d assumed that Hunter was just an errand boy, someone that Shawn could kick around and tell what to do, but it was obvious the young man cared about him. Bret wondered if anyone had ever stuck up for him that way; maybe Owen, but that was different, they were brothers. Davey and Jim were his friends, but sometimes it felt like they were forced to stick around because of the whole ‘brother-in-law’ thing. Shawn had friends who were trying to pick him up when he was down; maybe Bret was dense.
They had less than forty-five minutes to find Shawn and get him ready for the show. Hunter had told him that Kid, Scott, and Kevin had split up to look in various places in the arena, but no one had looked in the parking garage yet. So that’s where Bret went searching.
When he exited the arena into the parking garage, he didn’t have much hope. The various branded semis and vans were parked throughout, leaving a lot of spots for a smaller guy like Shawn to hide. But Bret wasn’t stupid, and Shawn wasn’t so childish that he’d find him under a truck, at least he hoped not.
”Shawn!” He called, his voice echoing throughout the parking garage.
A moment passed and Bret went to call Shawn’s name again but was interrupted by an annoyed, “What?!”
Bret turned in the direction of the voice and spotted Shawn standing next to a nearby emergency exit, cigarette in hand. He was suddenly at a loss for words, his throat going dry and his nerves rising. Shawn really was some kind of work of art, even when he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
Opening his mouth to respond, Shawn beat him to it.
”I know the show’s about to start. I have a watch.” His tone was deadpan.
Bret cleared his throat, “Hunter was uhh, looking for you.”
”And Scott and Kevin and Kid, yeah I know,” Shawn flicked the ash from his cigarette, “Jesus they act like I’m not a grown fucking man.”
So this was not the first case in which Shawn had snuck away.
”And let me guess, Hunter came to you asking for your help because the only way you’d give a shit about where I am is if it affects you.”
Bret didn’t know how to respond, he’d never seen this side of Shawn before.
”It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything,” Shawn continued, “I know when and where I’m supposed to be, I’ve never missed a show yet.”
”Say that one part again,” Bret walked over to the emergency exit.
”Which part?” Shawn crossed his arms, not making eye contact.
In a way, Bret felt bad for Shawn. Constantly being treated like he didn’t know what he was doing probably diminished all the hard work that Shawn had put in to get where he was.
”The part about it affecting me,” Bret held his hand out for the cigarette and Shawn obliged.
“You wouldn’t give a shit where I was unless it affects you?”
Taking a drag from the cigarette, Bret nodded, “That’s where you’re wrong.”
Shawn rolled his eyes, “Oh don’t act like you didn’t tell Hunter ‘no’ at least twice.”
Bret let out a small laugh and handed the cigarette back, “I absolutely did. And hasn’t anyone told you that cigarettes are bad for you?”
Shawn huffed, knowing Bret had called him out on his hypocrisy, ”So then why are you here?”
”You’ve been avoiding me.” Bret leaned against the wall next to the younger man.
“See, I was right. You only care when it has to do with you.” Shawn snapped back.
”No, I realized something,” Bret felt his nerves rising again, but not in the way they normally did around Shawn. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing, “Well, Hunter kind of yelled it at me.”
”Oh god,” Shawn knocked the back of his head against the wall, “What did he tell you?”
”That you’re really bad at flirting,” Bret said with a half smile.
Shawn sighed before finally looking up at Bret, “Yeah, I was kind of a dick wasn’t I?”
”Is that how you normally flirt with guys?” Bret teased.
He could feel the nervous tension fading, there were still so many unanswered questions, but right now, he just felt the need to make Shawn feel better.
”No,” Shawn tossed the burnt cigarette butt to the ground and stepped on it, “Normally, I just bat my eyes and I get what I want. You decided to be difficult, though.”
”Oh so this is my fault?” Bret could feel the space between them getting smaller but did nothing to stop it.
Bret always thought Shawn was gorgeous but whatever brain fog he’d had for the last few months made him blind. Blind to Shawn’s bright blue eyes and the way his chest filled all the tight t-shirts he wore. He was sculpted in a way that made him irresistible.
Shawn finally turned to face Bret, that flush on his cheeks ever present, “And what if it was?”
The thunderous sound of his own heartbeat was all Bret could hear, but in that moment he knew there was no going back.
He brought a hand up to lightly caress the bottom of Shawn’s jaw, tilting his chin upward, and whispered, “I guess I’ll have to make up for it.”
This kiss was soft. It was a thousand apologies and a million more questions, but it was a much better start than their previous one. Bret’s hands cupped Shawn’s face as he urged the blonde closer; a sudden confidence helping him lead the way.
Shawn’s arms wrapped around Bret’s back, fingers digging into his ring gear. The kiss deepened, Bret swiping his tongue across Shawn’s lower lip. Shawn let him, moaning as their tongues met.
It was a beautiful sound, one that Bret knew he’d never tire of. He moved one of his hands to thread his fingers through Shawn’s hair, stopping and holding at the base of his neck. He wanted to be closer.
Shawn let out another gorgeous sound as Bret broke their kiss and moved to bite and suck on the blonde’s neck. He grabbed Shawn’s waist and threaded his fingers through Shawn’s belt loops and yanked him closer, able to feel his hardness through his jeans.
“Bret- '' Shawn breathed and wrapped his arms around the older man’s neck.
The way his name sounded on Shawn’s lips made his stomach flip; Bret wanted every noise Shawn made to be because of him. He needed Shawn to say his name again because he was here, finally. It took entirely too long, but he was here and he wanted Shawn to know it.
“What is it?” Bret whispered in the blonde’s ear, moving to plant kisses on his jaw and back to his mouth.
The initial kiss was so gentle, but Bret could feel the heat between them building. Shawn’s needy noises were driving him crazy. He would take him right then and there if allowed.
The feeling of Shawn dragging his fingers down Bret’s back urged him on. Their kisses became frantic and sloppy as Bret pushed the blonde back into the wall.
“I need-” Shawn gasped, bucking his hips to meet any sort of friction Bret would give.
“Anything, anything at all,” Bret groaned between kisses; he was more than willing to give Shawn whatever he wanted at that moment.
All the rage and hatred that he’d felt before melted into arousal and need, he’d been stupid not to see it before. Bret ground his hips into Shawn, giving into his body. He palmed the blonde’s ass through his jeans, earning another beautiful moan from him.
“I need-”
Before Shawn could finish, there was a loud thud from the door to the arena crashing open.
Hunter, Scott, Kevin, and Kid all appeared from around the corner, stopping in their tracks at the sight before them.
Neither Bret nor Shawn had pulled away from the other. One of Shawn’s legs was hiked halfway up around Bret’s waist and Bret’s hands stayed cupped on Shawn’s ass. Neither moved, but they paused, stuck in their precarious position.
A long stretch of silence passed before Kid finally broke it.
“Oh this is too good,” He burst into laughter, the others following suit.
Shawn finally pulled away, unphased by being caught in such a position. The blood rose to Bret’s cheeks and he couldn't bring himself to face them.
Hunter’s chuckling broke up his words before he finally got out, “You found him.”
Bret coughed and nodded, trying to seem nonchalant and horribly failing.
Shawn looked at Bret briefly before saying, “I should go get ready for the show.”
“Yeah… yeah sounds good,” Bret managed to get out, still facing the wall.
“See you out there,” Shawn said, only audible enough for Bret to hear before stepping away.
He could hear the others still hysterically laughing as they walked back into the arena with Hunter chastising Shawn for disappearing on such short notice.
Bret couldn't help but draw similarities between the night at the bar and now; except this time he couldn't hide his boner with his ring gear.
Their match that night was electric. It was mostly because Bret wanted nothing more than to get his hands back on Shawn, but that was obvious. Every touch sent shockwaves down his spine.
Shawn was the ultimate performer; every flip and every pinfall was so on point. Their dynamic in the ring was fueled with fire. The way the sweat dripped down Shawn’s face and his chest heaved caused Bret’s mind to wander slightly till he reminded himself that he could have as much as he wanted once the match was over.
The match went on as planned and Bret kept the belt after Hunter’s unsuccessful interruption. He was met backstage with handshakes and pats on the back, but at that point, he only had one thing in mind.
After quickly showering and giving Owen and the boys a half-assed explanation of why he couldn’t go to the bar that night, he grabbed a taxi to the hotel.
He thought back to the match for a moment while in the car: he’d just whipped Shawn into the corner, the blonde’s face right next to his. He’d expected Shawn to tell him the next move but was pleasantly surprised when he was told Shawn’s room number instead. That was as good an invite as any.
The more time he had to sit and think about what happened in the parking garage, the more his nerves got to him. He felt like a kid again, excited and anxious; he just hoped Shawn felt the same way too.
When Bret arrived at the hotel he had the urge to stall. He stayed in the elevator a little longer than he should have and paced in the hallway once he reached the right door. He probably walked back and forth six times before finally getting the courage up to knock.
The door opened after a moment; Shawn was only wearing a pair of sweatpants, his hair still damp probably from an earlier shower.
Bret’s stomach flipped, god this man was something else. He opened his mouth to say something but never got to start.
“I thought you’d never show up,” Shawn said with a grin as he reached out and pulled Bret into the room by the front of his jacket.
He went willingly, allowing Shawn to push him back against the door to close it. Immediately, the blonde was on him, kissing Bret like he was his only source of oxygen.
It felt even better a third time, the urgency was still there but there was no worry of anyone else walking in.
Shawn’s hands were everywhere, he was frantic. He pushed Bret’s jacket off his shoulders and started for the bottom of his shirt before Bret grabbed his wrist.
“We have time, Shawn,” Bret rubbed his thumb along Shawn’s wrist, urging the blonde to slow down.
Exhaling, Shawn nodded and relaxed. It was probably just too much excitement from the show.
Bret wrapped his arms around the blonde’s waist, pulling him in close; he wanted them both to enjoy this as much as possible. They kissed slowly for a while, standing at the room's entrance. Each took in the other’s presence like they’d been missing it their entire lives.
Shawn moved them to the bed, Bret stopping to take his shoes off before climbing right over the blonde. He took in the sight of Shawn sprawled out on the bed, his glistening hair laid out in every direction and that smile that broke hearts.
“You’re so gorgeous,” Bret said in a low tone, brushing their noses together briefly before leaning in to kiss him again.
Shawn made an approving noise and wrapped his arms around Bret’s neck. He smiled into the kiss like he probably hadn't been told that by every person he came across. It didn't matter who had said it before though, because Bret was saying it now.
Hands wandered up and down each other’s bodies, exploring new avenues and getting used to the feel of each other. Bret wanted to memorize every curve and dip Shawn had, he wanted to take it so tortuously slow that the blonde would beg and plead for more. He'd apologize for the time that was wasted by making sure Shawn felt better than he ever had before.
“That girl…” Shawn breathed while Bret was busy kissing his navel, “At the bar-”
Bret had his hand hooked in the waistband of Shawn’s sweats, ready to pull down and get to the nitty-gritty when he paused and looked up.
“What about her?” Bret didn't want to think about Shianne, she was as good as gone in his mind. She made her decision.
Threading a hand through Bret’s hair, Shawn sighed, “I was jealous.”
A smile formed on Bret’s face, “I know.”
He pressed another kiss to Shawn’s lower stomach.
“You seemed so enamored with her,” Shawn’s voice was breathy, “It was stupid what I said to ruin it.”
Why this was being brought up right now? Bret had no idea, but if it helped Shawn feel better then he didn't mind.
“Shawn, honey-” Bret moved back up the bed so he could be face to face with the blonde. His face had gone red at the sound of the pet name and Bret ate it up, “It’s okay. I was too dumb to see what was right in front of me.”
“I was so mean-” Shawn turned his head, looking ashamed of himself, “I treated you like shit.”
“I wasn't much better,” Bret tried to soothe the younger man, he hadn’t realized how much this was weighing on him.
“There’s still so much I feel bad about…”
Leaning on an elbow and taking one of Shawn’s hands into his, Bret gave him a knowing look, “We have time,” He kissed Shawn’s knuckles, “And this is all happening very fast, but I have a feeling about this. And it's a good one.”
Shawn’s eyes softened before he grinned and pulled Bret back on top of him. The feeling between them only grew as they kissed once again.
Clothes were removed after that, Bret wanted nothing else between him and Shawn’s gorgeous body. His shirt was thrown in one direction, his jeans in the other and when he looked back Shawn had produced a condom and lube from seemingly out of nowhere.
“Where did you…?” Bret gave a quizzical look.
“Stuffed it under the pillow before you got here,” Shawn shrugged, that beautiful smile on his face.
Bret took in the full view of Shawn’s body, finally able to see every inch of his skin. His hard cock ached at the sight of the blonde’s muscular thighs spread enough for him to be between.
He took the lube bottle and spread some on his fingers before tossing it aside. Leaning down, he gave Shawn another kiss before asking, “Ready?”
He nodded quickly in response, eager and ready to take Bret’s fingers.
A gentle nudge at Shawn’s entrance caused him to gasp. Bret kissed and nipped along his jawline as he pushed his finger in, hoping to give Shawn the easiest prep he could.
“You’re doing so well,” Bret said into his ear, slowly pushing and pulling his finger out.
The noises that Shawn made only encouraged him more, he added a second finger after a while.
“That’s it, baby,” Bret soothed as Shawn whined at the slight discomfort.
He held himself back, prepping Shawn slowly and methodically. Eventually, a third finger was added and Shawn began to get impatient.
“Bret-” He groaned and bucked his hips into Bret’s hand, wanting.
That was enough of a signal for Bret to slowly withdraw and tear the condom open to slide it onto his cock. He layered more lube on top and tossed the bottle aside once more before lining himself up with Shawn’s entrance.
The blonde’s cock twitched and leaked precum, needing attention of its own, but that would happen soon enough.
“Ready?” Bret placed one hand by Shawn’s head and pressed their foreheads together.
A whispered ‘please’ was Shawn’s response.
With that, Bret pushed in. Both parties moaned at the feeling and Bret moved ever so slowly till he was buried at the hilt. He gave Shawn time to adjust, knowing that the difference between the feeling of fingers and a cock were two very different things.
“You feel so good,” Bret panted, sweat-streaked hair hanging in front of his face.
“I want it,” Shawn let out before pulling him down into a heated kiss.
Bret pulled back slowly then thrust forward, using small movements at first to get Shawn used to the feeling, but before long the blonde was pleading.
“I said I want it.”
Bret took note of Shawn’s bratty side and filed it away for later, but right now he’d give the younger man anything he wanted. His thrusts gradually grew in speed and strength, causing the man beneath him to make the most gorgeous sounds.
Shawn had one hand reaching for the headboard and the other scratching down Bret’s chest as he got fucked. His chest and face were flushed red and his cock ached for attention.
“That feel good, baby?” Bret loved to talk his partners through sex; he aimed to please and in that moment he knew he would never get tired of pleasing Shawn.
He leaned back on his knees a little to get a better angle -and a better view- and wrapped an arm around one of Shawn’s legs, moving it up to his shoulder.
“Yes, ah fuck, you’re so good,” Shawn let out as Bret fucked into him harder.
“That’s it,” Bret knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, but Shawn was first on his priority list.
Reaching down, he wrapped a hand around Shawn’s cock and started pumping him in time with his thrusts.
Shawn moaned with every movement, giving Bret more encouragement, “Don’t stop- I’m so close-“
Bret leaned down and kissed Shawn, practically folding the younger man in half with his leg on his shoulder. The angle change must have done it because Shawn broke away from their kiss and cried out, his cum spilling between both their chests.
Watching Shawn ride out his orgasm did Bret in, his thrusts became erratic before he stalled and shot into the condom.
Bringing his leg down, Shawn wrapped his arms around Bret and kissed him again as they both came down from the illustrious high.
“You’re incredible,” Shawn said into Bret’s lips.
He chuckled in response and attempted to catch his breath for a moment before slowly pulling out and discarding the condom. He then grabbed a towel from the bathroom and helped Shawn clean himself up.
“So…” Shawn said as soon as they were curled up back on the bed, “Shower head?”
Bret gave it a thought for a moment, almost feigning that he was too tired to go another round, but he was feeling too good.
Giving Shawn one more kiss, Bret looked into his eyes before saying, “Me first.”
He got up and sprinted towards the bathroom.
“Not fair!” Shawn gasped in mock horror and scrambled after him.
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hummingbird-of-light · 8 months
In Our Favor
Part 33
Something was definitely wrong with Spock, McCoy decided by Friday afternoon. Jim too, but McCoy hadn’t sat next to him in class for two days. He had with Spock and the curtness that had been present on Thursday was markedly stronger on Friday. Annoyance seemed to vibrate off him and McCoy left their shared class on edge.
Walking across campus McCoy saw a familiar flash of blond hair and hurried to catch Jim.
“Hey! Jim!”
McCoy saw Jim’s shoulders tense before he turned around.
“Bones!” he greeted McCoy too loudly.
“What’s wrong with Spock?” McCoy asked bluntly.
“What? Nothing,” Jim said far too quickly for McCoy’s liking.
“I grew up with the guy Jim,” McCoy raised a brow. “Something’s off. Something happen between you two?”
“We’re fine,” Jim waved him off with a smile. McCoy saw it didn’t reach Jim’s eyes.
“We’re all here for you, you know. You just have to tell us—”
“Great,” Jim interrupted. “But nothing’s wrong. I’ve got class, I’ve gotta run.”
McCoy frowned as Jim hurried away from him.
McCoy turned to walk to his own class, his last of the day. He would have all afternoon after lunch for homework and relaxing. And some investigating. Something was wrong with his friends and he was determined to help.
He pulled out his PADD as soon as he sat in class and quickly typed out a message.
*Keep this to yourself. I’ll call you after I’m out of class. Has there been any talk there about Spock?*
He hit send. If there was anything to know in the palace, Leah would find out.
In their dorm room, McCoy shucked off his jacket and sat at his desk. He set the PADD in front of himself. He sent another message to Leah to see if she could talk or if she was busy.
A moment later the device began to ring.
“What’s going on?” Leah asked as her face appeared.
“Hi to you too,” McCoy replied.
“Hi,” Leah rolled her eyes. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” McCoy said, running a hand through his hair. “Spock is acting weird. He’s snapped at me and seems angry. Really angry. So much he's nearly shaking.”
Leah frowned. “I take it you’ve asked him.”
McCoy nodded. “You know how tight lipped he is.”
“What’d Jim say?”
McCoy made an exasperated noise. “He says everything is fine. I don’t believe him for a second.”
“Did they break up?” Leah asked. Her expression changed to worry.
McCoy shook his head. “I don’t think that’s it. I don’t know why, but I don’t feel it’s that. So any word there?”
It was Leah’s turn to shake her head.
“I haven’t heard anything, but I haven’t been hiding behind doors either. Maybe he’s catching a cold or something? Earth germs affecting him differently?”
“Maybe,” McCoy said, sitting back in his chair. “He’s never spoken to me like that before.” He paused and frowned. “I don’t like it.”
“You can’t make him tell you,” Leah offered gently.
“I know. But with everything he’s done for me, it’s the least I can do to look out for him too.”
“I’ll keep my ears open,” Leah promised.
“Thanks,” McCoy said.
“Everything else is good?”
“Good,” Leah said. “Call Mother tomorrow and tell her all about it. You’ve been there a week and haven’t called yet.”
McCoy rolled his eyes at his sister bossing him around.
“I will.”
“There ye are Len!”
Scotty came through their door with a look of relief.
“Ye skipped lunch.”
McCoy was sitting back on their bed reading. He lowered his book to look at his husband.
“I had to call Leah.”
“How is she?” Scotty asked, depositing his things on his desk and undoing his jacket.
“Good. I- I wanted to know if she’d heard anything at home about Spock.” McCoy continued as Scotty looked over at him. “Something’s wrong. He’s angrier today than yesterday and that’s not like him. Jim insists everything is fine. What were they like at lunch?”
“Spock wasn’t there, and Jim sat down just before I left. He looks like himself, but he’s not right either,” Scotty said as he joined McCoy on the bed.
“I don’t like it,” McCoy said again. “I just want to help.”
Part 34
The next morning, Scotty could still see how much the matter with Spock was bothering Leonard.
Once again, the Vulcan did not appear in the dining hall and this time Jim was also missing. It really was worrisome.
The rest of their friends had also noticed that something was wrong. Everyone could feel the tension at the table quite clearly, but no one dared to broach the subject.
Instead, they all tried to talk casually and cheerfully about their weekend plans.
Uhura wanted to explore the city with Cora and Jaylah and maybe do a bit of shopping.
Christine was meeting up with Roger.
Chekov and Keenser had arranged to play an online RPG game with Robbie and Sulu wanted to try out the fencing course offered by the Academy.
"Maybe we should take a look at the city too," Scotty suggested as he gently touched the arm of his husband, who was lost in thought.
The dark-haired boy flinched slightly and his eyes widened as he turned his head towards Scotty.
A soft smile formed on Scotty's lips and he moved closer to Leonard.
"I said we could go and see the city today," he repeated his idea and Leonard just nodded, putting on a smile.
"Oh, um, sure. I was actually going to suggest that to you too."
"Well, it's a deal then," Scotty said, before pressing a kiss to Leonard's cheek.
Maybe the time in the city would take their minds off things and distract them.
They set off straight after breakfast. The sun was shining quite strongly, but the cool breeze blowing in from the sea made it quite bearable outside.
At least for Scotty.
He already suspected that it might be a little too cool for Leonard, who was used to different temperatures from Georgiares. The lad had even put on a thin jacket.
"What do ye think? Should we go and see the sea?"
Scotty was very happy that they were studying in a city that was near the water. It reminded him of his home.
When he once again received no answer, the young Scotsman frowned and squeezed Leonard's hand, which was resting in his, a little tighter.
His husband looked at him and his cheeks turned a soft pink.
"I'm sorry, leannan. I was just thinking-"
"About Spock and Jim. Aye, I know," Scotty finished Leonard's sentence as he nodded his understanding.
Leonard ran his free hand through his hair and sighed.
"I just want to do something for them!"
Scotty slowly came to a halt and he grabbed both of his lover's hands.
"Hey, ye did something for them. Ye offered them the chance to talk and ye informed Leah. And I'm sure she'll let us know as soon as she knows more."
Leonard had told Scotty about the call with the princess and although Scotty hadn't been particularly enthusiastic about him using her as a spy at first, he knew that Leonard only meant well.
"All we can do now is wait."
Leonard put on a pout and Scotty couldn't help but chuckle softly.
"And I know how much ye hate waiting, mo ghràdh, but we have no choice."
Leonard just sighed loudly, then nodded.
"I know."
They were silent for a moment before Scotty started moving again, pulling Leonard with him.
"And now, let's go to the beach!"
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solvskrift · 1 year
open a bottle up (pour a little out in your memory) | 2.7k | trans jim kirk, modern au
whumptober prompt no. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.” | delirium | “They don’t care about you.” also on ao3!
>Morning kiddo<  Sent 06:48
The text isn’t that unusual, even for the early hour. But Chris’s typing bubble has disappeared and reappeared about fifty times now while Jim’s stared down at his phone in consternation.
He really doesn’t need the extra nerves. Not today.
Jim’s phone finally vibrates again and he hurriedly swipes at it to wake the screen.
Then he stares some more.
>You need a ride to the hospital?<  Sent 06:59
Jim’s thumbs hover over the keyboard, his brain zipping through all the possible replies he could send.
Absolutely not.
(yes please god)
Or, possibly, how the everlivingfucK do you know I have to be at the hospital today???
After a vicious debate with himself in which he tosses his phone away and picks it back up more than once, he taps out a >yeah sure< before he can think any better of it.
Fifteen minutes later, Chris pulls into the driveway.
Jim hauls himself up off the front stoop and stalks toward the car, shoulders hunched and feet full of lead.
“How’d you know I was here?” Jim mumbles as he’s fastening his seatbelt.
“Called around when your mom mentioned you’d disappeared again. Hikaru caved, but don’t be too hard on him - I may have threatened him a little.”
“You what?”
“I’m kidding,” says Chris drily, throwing a hand over the back of Jim’s seat to reverse onto the street. “He knew I was just worried.”
Jim shifts uncomfortably. “Yeah, well, you worry too much.”
Chris just hums, eyes on the road.
Jim watches the houses and trees fly by outside the window. Eventually the silence grows so thick he can’t stand it anymore. He flicks his eyes to Chris.
“You know where you’re taking me?” he asks, but it’s more like an accusation. A challenge.
You know what you’re taking me to do?
“Yes,” Chris says simply. “Phil told me.”
Jim gapes at him, almost forgetting to be self-conscious in the face of his indignation. “He can’t do that! What about all that doctor-patient confidentiality crap? And he’s not even my doctor!”
Chris glances at him, unimpressed. “He’s not your surgeon,” he clarifies. “But he got tagged to assist, and your paperwork isn’t legit.”
Jim’s stomach flops. Well, shit.
“How the fuck did you get Frank to sign off on it?” Chris asks, glancing at him again with scrunched eyebrows.
Jim shrugs and forces his hands to unclench from his thighs. “Just mixed it in with a bunch of papers and told him it was a disciplinary notice from school. Wasn’t that hard.”
Chris huffs a laugh that’s half-disapproving, half-impressed. “Well that was a risk - what did you plan on doing if he actually read all of it?”
“Frank, reading,” Jim scoffs. “Yeah, right.” After a pause, he ventures, “Are you guys gonna report me?”
The corner of Chris’s mouth quirks up, but it’s a little sad. “No, we’re not. You’re sixteen. You did everything else right, all the therapy - ”
How does he know about that? Goddammit, Phil.
“ - and you’ve always had a pretty good idea of what you want,” he finishes. He chews his lip and taps his thumb on the steering wheel a few times. “But I want you to come stay with us after, while you recover.”
Jim grimaces. And wouldn’t that just be awkward as hell.
“Is that supposed to be blackmail?”
Chris gives him a look. “No, it’s an invitation. And a request. Or do you really want to recover from surgery on the Sulus’ couch?”
“They said I could,” Jim mumbles. Chris doesn’t dignify this with a response. After another minute in which Jim glares out of the window and works through vague feelings of mutiny, he gives in. “Fine, just…don’t tell my mom. Please?”
Chris blows out a breath that ruffles the hair at his forehead. “I’ll have to at least let her know you’re staying with us - you know I don’t have a choice about that,” he adds pointedly at the look on Jim’s face, “ - but I’ll leave the rest for you to tell her, if and when you feel like it, alright?”
“Oh okay, like when hell freezes over?”
Chris just raises his eyebrows at him to punctuate his point.
Sighing, Jim gives a slow nod, crosses his arms tightly over his chest, and counts himself lucky.
It’s a short drive between Riverside and the University hospital (plus, of course, Chris has visited here too many times to count and knows exactly where to park) so before Jim knows it he’s standing in the antiseptic-smelling lobby and the excitement hits him for the first time.
He’s spent months - years - waiting for this, and as really fucking nervewracking as it is, it’s probably the best thing that’s ever happened to him and suddenly it’s not moving fast enough.
Jim sits filling out the last-minute anesthesia paperwork, leg jiggling up and down and brain circling around and around everything that’s about to happen.
His knee stops bouncing abruptly. He looks up at Chris sitting next to him and says almost accusingly, “Wait…you said they asked Phil to help with the surgery.”
Jim’s guts bottom out at the thought, but Chris is already shaking his head.
“They asked, but he recused himself.”
“He did?”
Chris gives him a lopsided smile. “Can’t operate on family.”
That shouldn’t make Jim’s throat feel tight, so he pretends it doesn’t.
“Oh,” is all he says. But maybe something shows on his face because Chris reaches over and squeezes Jim’s shoulder in that way he always does, thumb swiping over the bone and taking some of Jim’s anxiety with it.
The doctor asks Jim if he’d like her to put on some music while he’s getting his IV set up. The first few notes start to filter through the speakers, and his last thought before going under is that Frank would absolutely hate this song.
Jim sleeps just fine.
He comes around nauseous and disoriented.
There’s a tightness around his chest, and he looks down at himself, eyeing the compression band.
Oh. Right.
A slow, sleepy smile spreads over his face.
He realizes after a minute that he’s not alone. Chris is lounging in a chair next to his bed, but he straightens a bit and grins when he sees Jim’s eyes are open.
“Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
Jim rasps something incoherent and Phil enters his vision armed with a paper cup of water. He pops a straw into it and hits the button to raise the head of Jim’s bed so he’s sitting up just a bit. “Drink,” he orders gently, holding out the cup. Jim makes a clumsy grab for it, but Phil just hangs onto it and supports the back of Jim’s head to help him sip. “You’ll be thirsty for a few hours while the anesthetic works its way out of your system.” When Jim releases the straw, he sets the cup down on a side table. “How do you feel?”
“Good,” Jim mumbles. “Sleepy.”
Phil smirks. “I bet.” He smoothes the edge of Jim’s blanket unnecessarily and exchanges a brief kiss with Chris. “I have to get back to my rounds, I’ll check in on you two later, hm?”
“M'kay,” says Jim, eyes already falling closed again.
The surgeon doesn’t see any reason to keep Jim overnight, so when Phil’s shift ends at four they all head out together. (He’s offered a couple days’ worth of painkillers, but he thinks of his mom and decides he’ll do just fine with ibuprofen, thanks.)
Chris brings the car around and Phil helps Jim into the backseat before sliding in next to him. It’s only when they’re a few miles down the highway that Jim thinks to ask groggily, “What about your car?”
“I’ll pick it up later,” Phil explains, an inexplicable fondness in it.
Jim relaxes into the seat and spends the rest of the drive listening to Chris and Phil talk quietly over the low buzz of the radio.
Jim half expects the guest room to be straightened up and scraped clean of any sign he had ever been there.
It’s not.
The bed’s been made, but other than that it’s the same as Jim had left it the last time he stayed two months ago. Old homework scratch paper strewn about on the desk, the pair of shoes he’d kicked off by the closet, his copy of The Great Gatsby lying on the nightstand.
He sits on the edge of the mattress and breathes in the smell of the house.
He tries not to leave his room much.
(Honestly, Jim spends a lot of the time looking at himself sideways in the mirror and trying not to overexert himself from how fucking giddy it makes him.)
It’s summer, though, so Chris doesn’t have to go into the school and this leaves him with plenty of time to bully Jim into eating something or watching a movie or flattening Chris at MarioKart.
Phil tries to act like he’s not hovering, but he is. Every time he comes home he wants to check Jim’s dressings and his temperature and make sure he’s not lifting anything or moving his arms too much.
Jim should be grateful.
Instead he just feels like he’s suffocating.
They haven’t really talked about it - Jim’s surgery, and all that it means. He gets the feeling they’re waiting for him to bring it up, but each time he tries it’s like he can’t unstick his throat. He doesn’t want any of it to change (even though everything is going to, everything has) - Phil and Chris have been there for him, even though there wasn’t ever any good reason for a high school history teacher and his husband to look out for a kid who did nothing but fuck up approximately three times a week.
Jim knows, deep down, that they won’t kick him out, or say anything nasty to him about all of this, but this doesn’t stop him from expecting it anyway.
Three days after his surgery, he wakes up with a fever.
He pops a few more NSAIDs and doesn’t mention it.
“Feeling alright?”
Chris settles on the arm of the couch and Jim blinks up at him. He shivers again and pulls the blanket more tightly around his shoulders.
“Yeah…just cold.”
Chris frowns and puts a light hand to Jim’s forehead, pushing his hair out of the way. His frown deepens, alarm flashing in his eyes. “You’re burning up.”
“I’ll be okay,” Jim protests, eyes glued to the television. “I took some ibuprofen.”
Chris hums. “I think I should take you back to the hospital.”
Jim grimaces; that’s exactly what he doesn’t want to do. Chris has already helped him enough.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jim insists, and he meets Chris’s eyes. “Seriously.”
“Trust me, kid, this isn’t something you fuck around with - I’m at least calling Phil, we’ll see what he thinks,” says Chris, digging around in his pocket for his cell.
Jim sighs and goes back to watching detectives dig up a skeleton that an unfortunate hiker had just so happened to find.
Phil drags him back to the hospital after all but Jim’s so out of it by then that he doesn’t have the brain power to mind that much.
They put him back in a bed and pump him full of drugs and he’s pretty sure the nurse says something about an infection. Jim’s too busy trying not to throw up to pay a whole lot of attention.
He loses stretches of time and it’s dark outside the next time he manages to be semi-aware. By the light of the dim bedside lamp he can just make out the two shapes of Chris and Phil, both asleep sitting up and curled against each other on the tiny padded bench built into the wall under the window.
Jim stares at them. His eyes burn and he thinks maybe the nurses filled him up with more drugs than he remembers. The thoughts in his head are racing each other around, and he abruptly wishes the television in the corner wasn’t turned off. A glance around the room doesn’t reveal the remote.
There’s a beeping to his left, coming faster and faster, and it takes him a minute to realize it must be his heart monitor.
Chris stirs on the bench and blinks his eyes open, rubbing his neck.
Jim’s chest feels tight - of course it does - but he doesn’t think it’s just the compression vest.
“Hey…” Chris whispers. He carefully disentangles himself from his husband and steps toward the bed. “Hey now,” he says again as he takes a seat on the edge, and it sounds so damn soft.
That’s when Jim becomes aware he’s crying. The knowledge sends him spinning even faster and he can’t hold it in no matter how hard he tries.
“I’m sorry,” he says, but it comes out on a broken sob.
Chris’s mouth opens in a horrified sort of disbelief. He settles a hand in Jim’s hair, soothing his fingers through it. “For what, kid?”
Jim can’t think straight. “I’m sorry,” he cries again. Helpless. Desperate. “I’m sorry, I’m - that I - I tried not to be, I swear, I really, really tried - ”
“Tried to what?” Chris asks, with nothing but patience. Something shifts behind him and Jim sees that Phil’s woken up too.
Jim screws his eyes shut.
He can barely get it out.
“To not be a boy,” he chokes, and starts sobbing in earnest, chest aching.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Chris says, and he sounds utterly broken.
He leans down and gathers Jim in his arms, mindful to avoid squeezing him too tightly. The hand on his head shifts, moving in circles near his temple. “Shhh,” Chris calms. Whispers into his hair. “It’s alright. You’re alright…”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I’m sorry I - that I couldn’t - ”
Chris just keeps holding him. Telling him things that can’t possibly be true but that Jim wants to believe so, so badly.
That he’s okay.
He doesn’t need to be sorry.
He’s exactly who he’s meant to be.
That he’s not a problem and a useless fuck-up.
Jim chokes on all the words he tries to find and just cries and cries and cries.
A weight settles at the end of the bed, and Phil’s palm rests over his shin. He doesn’t say anything - lets Chris do the talking for the both of them - but the weight is grounding, and it eases something in Jim’s heart.
He’s cleared to leave eighteen hours later, hopped up on antibiotics and exhausted but more than ready to get the hell out of that room.
It’s ten in the morning, and when they get to the house Chris insists on making his specialty waffles for breakfast.
“That always takes you hours,” Jim gripes, “for some godforsaken reason. They’re waffles. Aren’t they supposed to take, like, five minutes?”
“You would think,” Phil deadpans.
“Hey,” says Chris indignantly, fastening the waist tie of his apron while Jim and Phil collapse into stools at the counter. “D’you want a gourmet breakfast or not?”
Jim and Phil look at each other, silently debating.
“That’s it!” Chris pokes a threatening spoon at the air in Phil’s direction. “No blueberries for you.”
“Me? What about him?” Phil gestures at Jim, affronted.
“He gets whatever the hell he wants,” Chris says easily and starts pulling pans out of cupboards. “Sorry, I don’t make the rules.” He goes to grab the fruit out of the freezer but stops in front of Jim, hesitating. He sets the baking powder down quietly on the counter, and his expression shifts to an odd mix of curiosity and caution.
“What’s your name?”
With a small jolt (and a wave of gratitude) it comes to Jim that for the past few days Chris and Phil have totally avoided calling him anything besides the occasional ‘kid.’
He hasn’t told anybody this. Not even his friends.
As sure as he’s been lately about his identity, and what he wants the rest of his life to be, picking a name had felt…weird.
Silly, even.
Like he was playing pretend, or maybe dreaming, and one of these days he was going to have to wake up.
But he looks at Phil and Chris, and thinks of the room upstairs that’s always kept waiting for him, and he feels safe.
Suddenly it doesn’t feel silly anymore.
It feels like who he was meant to be.
“Jim,” he says, and it fits around him so easily, warm and right and his. “My name is Jim.”
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snugglebug-92 · 1 year
Jimmy Snuggerud x Faber sister
As soon as the buzzer sounded you were rushing to the locker room. You knew both your brother and boyfriend were going to be a mess of tears and frustration. Matthew was the first one out he wrapped his arms around you before heading to his brother who was standing next to you. You give hugs to each of the boys spending extra time with Justen before waiting for your boys.
“Brock’s a mess,” Logan says as he and Jimmy walk out of the room. Logan goes to his parents while Jimmy accepts a quick hug before you place a kiss on his lips.
“I’ll be back baby,” you state, giving him a half smile before the boys take him away from you. You sit down next to your twin and pull him into your arms. He wraps his arms around you and sobs in your embrace.
“I feel like I let the team down,” Brock sighs.
“You didn’t. I know it feels like everything is falling apart but you did everything you could. I promise you none of those boys think you let them down,” you look Brock in the eyes trying to drill the information into his head.
“I know but,”
“No but’s Brock. You tried your hardest and played your heart out.” you cut Brock off before he can trash talk himself. 
“I know,” he leans back into the stall.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. You’re staying in Minnesota so you’ll still have me and the boys. Everyone will be here for you whether or not you sign. I love you B-rock,” you smile.
“I love you too little sis,” he smiles back.
“Hey it’s only 5 minutes,” you laugh as you get up, “I’ll let you finish getting ready then you're going to dinner with Jimmy and me. And before you go ‘oh I don’t wanna third wheel’ Cools and Knies are coming for sure, plus whoever else got roped along.”
“Thank you,” Brock gets up and you walk to the door.
“I’d do anything for you so remember that,” you shut the door before a few of the boys look at you.
“How is he?’ Luke asks.
“He’ll be okay,” you respond, and Jimmy wraps his arms around you. Most of the boys go back to the bus leaving only a few of you left. You can feel Jimmy’s tears on your shoulder, and you turn around. You cup his cheeks, wiping his tears before he places his forehead against yours.
“I love you,” he says, pulling you further into his arms.
“I love you too. Even if you refuse to shave,” you shake your head as the boy.
“Hey, I recall you saying something about liking that way it feels,” Jimmy starts.
“Snuggerud don’t you dare finish that sentence,” Brock yells finally coming out of the locker room.
“Eye eye captain,” Jimmy salutes, causing you and Logan to start laughing. The 5 of you head to the Uber you called while Jimmy laces his finger in yours. The 5 of you pile in before Matthew finally asks the seemingly most important question.
“So where are we going for dinner?”
“Well since you were a good boy I figured I would get you some Chick-fil-a,” you tell Matt.
“Shit I could marry you right now,” Matthew bounced his leg excitedly for Chick-fil-a.
“Hey that’s my job,” Jimmy defends his position, and the 4 of you laugh,
“Jim honey Matthew has a girlfriend he loves very much. He just loves his chick-fil-a. Do you not remember the video you made talking about Matthew’s love for Chick-fil-a,” you laugh. Jimmy's face goes red and he buries his head in your shoulder. You run your hands through his hair and he sighs. The driver pulls in and you guys get out. Yeah, the group would be different in a week but for right now everything was okay.
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lgbtqasacrew · 4 months
I’d love to see more nsfw fics of the archie/Jim/olu/zheng polycule! I don’t think I’ve seen anything yet, maybe an alternate ending where they’re all on zhengs ship in her captains quarters?
Summary: Olu gets a special treat on his birthday
Relationships: Jim/Olu/Archie/Zheng
Word count: 800+
Warnings: 🔞 NSFW 18+, minors dni 🔞
A/N: apologies for how long this took me but I hope you enjoy and it was what you were looking for
Olu lays on the massive bed in Zheng’s room, fully naked and hands bound to the headboard with a length of rope. When he’d been told he was getting a birthday surprise, this was not what he had imagined, but he’s definitely not complaining. He could hear his three partners giggling just the other side of the door, his prick already reacting in anticipation for tonight’s endless potentials.
Zheng is first to enter, wearing a deep red lingerie set, her hair in its usual style. He can’t help but let out a moan just at the sight of her, before he notices it, a butt plug in her hand. He watches as she takes the small vial of oil from the bedside table, pouring some over her fingers and the toy before slicking his hole. He lets out another moan as Zheng’s finger circles his hole before she inserts it, making sure he’s nice and relaxed before inserting another. By the time she’s on the third, his prick is throbbing in anticipation.
Once she’s decided he’s prepped enough, he feels the toy at his entrance as she inserts it slowly. He knows what’s coming next, but he notices that Zheng didn’t bring the strap with her, Zheng picks up on this. “Oh Jim is going to taken care of you tonight” she purrs “I have other plans for you and I”
Before Olu can ask what these other plans are, Jim and Archie enter the room, Jim wearing the strap and nothing else. Archie wearing a lingerie set similar to Zheng’s but in an emerald green, she looks stunning. They all do, he feels so lucky. Olu’s prick now fully erect in anticipation for tonight’s activities, Zheng pours more lube onto her fingers before wrapping her hand around his length, kissing him deeply as she pumps up and down in a steady rhythm.
He can’t help but whine when Zheng’s hand leaves his prick, enjoying the touch of her soft hand. “Don’t worry babe, it’s Jim’s turn now”
“I’ve got him all ready for you” she whispers to Jim before kissing them.
Jim takes the spot where Zheng just was, he expects Zheng to sit with Archie but instead she sits on the edge of the bed by his head. “Here’s how this is going to work mi amor” Jim explains “I’m going to fuck you whilst Zheng here is going to sit on your face, comprende?”
Olu finds himself nodding excitedly, it’s not the first time they’ve done something like this, and he’s found he enjoys it immensely every single time. He watches eagerly as he partners move around them, Jim toying with the plug still inside of him, Zheng removing her underwear before positioning herself just above his face, he licks his lips in anticipation.
Zheng carefully lowers herself until he can taste her, running his tongue over her folds, he can’t get enough of her sweet taste. As he continues to lick and suck he feels the plug being replaced by Jim’s strap, filling him nicely, their hips rock in a steady rhythm “you like that?” they tease.
He’s not really in a place to respond right now, but soon he hears Archie’s voice. “oh I think he really likes it babe, isn’t that right Olu?” she asks as he feels soft kisses along his broad chest before a gentle nip at his nipple “he loves all this attention” she’s not wrong, there’s a lot of times where he’d be happy to be off to the sidelines, but being doted on like this by his wonderful partners is something he can easily get used to.
An intense heat runs through Olu as the three of them continue to pleasure him, he knows he’s close but he’s enjoying it so much he tries to hold on. Focusing on bringing Zheng to completion he licks and sucks greedly at her clit, pleased at how wet she’s getting and the way he can feel her shiver slightly above him. Soon the moaning increases and she’s completely soaked as he works her through her orgasm.
Between the steady rhythm of Jim’s strap, Archie’s hand which is now on his prick, and watching Zheng come undone from his tongue, he’s close to reaching his own. Zheng lifts herself from his face, sitting beside him, giving him the view of Archie and Jim making out as they continue to pleasure him. It’s nearly enough to send him over the edge, as he announces he’s close, Jim quickens their pace, Archie stroking him through it as white streaks spill over her first.
“You did so good babe” Zheng praises, kissing his neck “you were so good for us”
Soon Jim is cleaning him up whilst Archie and Zheng undo the restraints on his wrists, carefully massaging where the rope had started to rub against the sensitive skin. “Have you had a good birthday?” Zheng whispered.
He nods, “yeah” tonight had been a beautiful reminder of how much they care about him, he felt loved, cherished “I really have”
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