#fun fact! mischief actually stepped on my laptop while i was making this
psssst got any headcanons about the batkids being turned into animals for a day thanks to some fucked up magic rogues?? (i saw you reblogged some of that shifter au so i had to get your thoughts on this because uhhhhh i need it)
(i’m expanding it to a week because this au deserves as much content as i can give it holy shit i love it already)
dick gets turned into a golden retriever and he is having the time of his life. his only responsibility now is wagging his tail when he’s happy and barking at the mailman. no stress. no worries. he can do whatever he wants now. dick will run up and down the stairs fifty times for no fucking reason and has an absolute blast. he will plop on bruce’s lap while he’s trying to work and take a nap there and bruce can’t do a single thing about it. just sits there under the weight of his giant fluffy son.
dick tries to call wally and invite him over to the manor so they can play frisbee but all he can communicate is with woof woof bark. so he texts him with his giant paws, “pls coem ovetr im bored :’((” 
“sorry but i don’t want this to awaken any furry genes in me,,, you’re on your own pal”
timmy is a CAT. because i LIKE IT. he’s this fluffy lil black kitty who disappears less than five minutes after bruce wrangles them all back in the manor. he’s phantom of the opera now. the only reason anyone even knows he’s still in the house and alive is because alfred keeps finding him napping in the laundry room because it’s warm and he likes to squeeze himself into teeny tiny spaces. bruce nearly kills him when he turns the oven on one day and it’s sheer luck that he opens it to make sure it’s empty and oop! there’s tim! curled up on the bottom rack sleeping his life away in a hot box of death! bruce has a goddamn stroke.
barbara visits and tim spends the whole day sleeping in her lap. at one point he climbs up on her shoulder and snuggles into her neck like a fluffy lil angel, purring his heart out. babs has never felt so blessed in her life.
bruce: “son please. i have work to do”
tim, stomping all over bruce’s keyboard and headbutting him in the chin: “oh??? you have work to do huh??? more important than paying attention to me??? your son??? you hate me??? you want me to die??”
bruce’s very important email to lucius fox: “mkkkkkkkkkkkkghjkkkkkkknj.////////////,” 
steph!! is a mouse!! what a fuckin ride!! she is a small squeaky creacher, here one minute and gone the next. you grab a box of cheez-its from the pantry and find it empty but for a little blonde mouse snoozing in there like “fuck ok i guess this is how it is now.” one morning bruce discovers her using his coffee mug as a jacuzzi. he is dead inside.
damian is a wee tiger cub. he is cute but miserable and will run at bruce from across the room and smash into his shins because “father!! this is terrible!! fix it father!! you bitch!!” he snuggles with dick whenever he can though, purring like a car engine. 10/10 adorable, would definitely adopt.
bruce: “damian”
damian: :3 
bruce: “damian”
damian: :3
bruce: “you will spit stephanie out right now or you’re grounded”
damian: >:3
jason becomes a hawk. the first thing he does after getting turned is land on bruce’s head and screech in his ear because fuck you that’s why. this is karma supreme. once they’re all safely at the manor he carries off a screeching steph in his talons and drops her in the toilet. familia.
bruce: “jason. sweetheart. please tell me you didn’t just shit on my car.”
jason: “ok :) then i won’t tell you”
ironically, cass is a sloth. slow sleepy girl. only three toes nothing more. she is shockingly okay with it and just,, hitches rides on people,, all day. she hangs around bruce’s neck like a gucci scarf and sleeps there for hours. snzzzz.
duke is a freckled bunny, floppy ears and twitchy nose hell yeah. bunny duke is too good for this world. too pure. sleeby twitchy boy. he dropkicks damian in the face during dinner and lands in a bowl of mashed potatoes. babey. 
a few days in, alfred calls up the teen titans that way beast boy can come over and interpret what the batkids are saying since they can’t exactly speak anymore.
bruce: “so?? why does duke keep biting me??”
gar: “well uh. he said something about how um. you confiscated his xbox last week...”
at one point bruce isn’t looking where he’s going and steps on a cherry tomato and just. bursts into tears. because he thinks he stepped on steph’s tiny mouse body and killed her. a minute later steph swan dives off the chandelier with a parachute she made out of one of alfred’s handkerchiefs and lands on bruce’s head, giving him a fucking heart attack.
bruce goes to the pet store to buy food because apparently cats aren’t supposed to eat caviar?? wack. he stocks up on all kinds of pet food and the cashier asks how many animals he has. 
“oh no these are actually for my kids.” 
cashier: ಠ_ಠ
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
of these rushing waves
(you’ll be the oxygen i breathe)
A week after the Titan War, Annabeth is drafting a temple to Hestia when the weight of being the only person in the world that knows Percy's weak spot hits her.
Like. Really hits her.
(or 2k words of annabeth discovering what she means to percy)
(the biggest of shout outs to @timelesslords for helping me make this coherent, and to @colorguardfreak97 for encouraging me every step of the way. enjoy <3)
read on ao3
A week after the Titan War, Annabeth is drafting a temple to Hestia when the weight of being the only person in the world that knows Percy's weak spot hits her.
Like. Really hits her.
And after about a day and a half freaking out about what it means and what she should do about it, she decides to go talk to him.
(Because not talking to him about what was bothering her led to the worst year of her life. Progress.)
They’re sitting on the beach, sharing Percy’s too small blanket- they both know he has bigger ones, but it’s an excuse to be almost on top of each other. She’s curled up resting on his chest, and he has one hand secured on her waist tracing patterns on her thigh, the other tangled in her curls. They watch the sunset and Annabeth is almost perfectly content.
“How did you know?” The words tumble out of her without context.
He shifts to face her and raises an eyebrow. Annabeth finds it unfairly attractive.
“Know what?”
“When you told me your weak spot. How���d you know I could handle it?” The unspoken ‘because I don’t think I can handle it ’ must be apparent enough because Percy’s expression softens.
“Have you been worrying about this?”
Annabeth’s first impulse is to brush it off and change the subject. But then she hears Silena’s voice in her head: tell him how you feel. So she ducks her chin and forces the words out.
“Well yeah, I mean it kinda freaks me out that I just have this power over you. I don’t trust myself.”
Percy tilts her chin with featherlight fingers and an unadulterated fondness her seven year old self would kill to be on the receiving end of.
“I trust you enough for the both of us,” he said.
“How are you so sure about this?” ‘How are you so sure about me?’
He gives her a ‘duh’ look that she’s so used to giving him, it's a bit shocking to be on the opposite end of it. She decides immediately she doesn’t like it.
“You know why.”
“No, I don’t, hence me asking you why.”
She's watched Percy's face morph to pure amusement. He chuckles, and hesitates. “Well, because...”
He trails off clearly thinking about how to word his answer. As he thinks it over she allows herself to look at him properly.
He’s beautiful. Sharp jawline, defined cheekbones, devastatingly symmetrical features. His eyes are deep and content, looking out at the sea as if it has the answer he’s looking for. He can’t seem to find what he wants amongst the waves, but his eyes meet hers and the words seem to come to him.
“It’s you, Annabeth.”
He says it like it answers not only her question but thousands of others. It does neither.
“What’s me, Annabeth?” She attempts at light-hearted sarcasm despite her impatience.
He looks at her with a glint of mischief in his eyes and she knows that look. She hates that look. That look means she’s not getting an answer anytime soon.  
“Oh my gods, you really don't know?”
She glares daggers.
He smiles winningly. “Oh, this is going to be fun.” She bites at his shoulder in retaliation.
“You’re the smartest person I know-” Percy starts.
“True, but flattery will get you nowhere-” Annabeth cut him off.
“So figure-’ He presses a kiss to her temple.
“It-’ A kiss to her left cheek.
She opens her mouth to argue, but he kisses her before she can get out the words. And His knuckles are gentle under her chin, and he smells like ocean breeze, and his lips are chapped yet achingly soft, and he tastes like home. Annabeth resigns herself to find out what he means later, and allows herself to get lost in him and saltwater and home.
She digs up every legend about the curse of Achilles she can find. She scours Daedales’s laptop until it runs out of battery. She didn’t even know that was possible.
She researches.
And researches.
And nothing.
She has no idea what he means. Annabeth famously hates not knowing.
And. Percy. Won’t. Budge.
She has tried every trick in the book. She tried baking blue cookies (she burned them), refusing to kiss him till he tells (she caves), and asking Grover to get it out of him (something about the bro-code).
Everytime she asks him he just looks at her with his dopey, baby-seal love eyes and says those same two words.
“It’s you.”
She hates him.
It’s three more days before she figures it out.
Nico is looking at her skeptically. His all black get-up makes it so he almost blends in with shadows of the Big House’s basement.
“You need my help?” He deadpans, leaning against the wall looking almost bored.
“Sort-of,” Annabeth shifts on her feet,  “So, I know you were the one who took Percy to the River Styx, right?”
“Well he’s explained to me bits and pieces about how the curse works, and told me where his… you know… spot is.”
“So my question is-” Annabeth stopped short. “Wait doesn’t that surprise you at all?”
He shrugs noncommittally, “Not really, no. You were saying?”
Annabeth clears her throat and soldiers on.
“Uh yeah. Right, well it sorta freaked me out how readily he told me about it and I asked how he knew I could handle it and he just said ‘it’s me’. And he refuses to elaborate, and it’s kind of killing me so, do you know what that means? And if you do, could you please explain?”
She’s been staring at her shoes while she rambles on and when she looks up she sees…
Is that humor in his eyes?  
“So, I'm guessing you've done your research on the curse?” She nods. “So you know that when Achilles mother dipped him in the Styx, she held him up by his ankle, which then became his mortal point.”
“Like a sort of anchor.”
“Exactly. Now what the legends don’t mention is that the mortal point wasn’t just the ankle. When his mother pulled him out she became part of his mortal point. Still with me?”
“Not really.”
“Perfect. Going in on your own is no different. You still need someone to help you out of the river, just not physically. You need to picture someone pulling you out, someone to motivate you, someone to bring you back to earth.”
He looks up at her, silently asking permission to continue. Annabeth nods with urgence.  
“It's not just someone who can keep you mortal, but the one person that makes you want to stay mortal. That person and your weak spot become intertwined.” He looks up at her and must still see traces of confusion.
“Your mortal point isn’t just the point of your body that’s unaffected by the River Styx, It’s the person in your life that you saw that gave you the strength to survive the Styx at all.”
“So when he says ‘it’s...He literally means…” She trails off and looks up at Nico. His smirk is patronizing, but she can’t bring herself to care.
“It’s you.”
She vaguely recalls thanking Nico for his help, but how she ended up in her bunk staring at the wall is a mystery. Annabeth has never truly understood the word dumbfounded until now.
It’s her.
By the time she comes to, it's dark out. Annabeth is already grabbing her invisibility cap and pulling on her shoes. She should probably change out of her pajamas, but her urgency to get to Percy outweighs the little vanity she has left in her. Percy has seen her in far worse conditions than messy hair and sleep wear.
Normally she would climb in through his window, but tonight is strictly business. Percy is still up waiting for her like he has been every night since the war ended. His face brightens when his eyes land on her face then immediately scrunch in concern when he sees what must be a manic look in her eye.
“You ok?”
“It’s me.” A whisper- she says it like she can't fully comprehend the words.
“It’s me?” A question- not necessarily for him just unsure.
“It’s me!” An accusation- this time it’s directed at Percy, who smiles with unnecessary pride.
He tugs at her hand and pulls her to sit on the bunk.“You figured it out.”
She’s briefly tempted to explain the whole visit with Nico, but she has other things on her mind.
“That’s how I knew on the bridge. That feeling that you were in danger, even though you hadn’t told me where the spot was, I knew.”
He shrugs, “It would make sense, but to be honest, I actually have no idea.”
She entwines their fingers and he lifts her hand up to press kisses to her knuckles.
“You saved me.” Percy says it soft and reverent, like a prayer.
“On the bridge?”
“No. Well yeah you saved me on the bridge, but I’m talking about the Styx. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I was burning alive. It was like I was back at Mt. St. Helen’s all over again.”
She feels a swift wave of guilt that she quickly pushes down so she can pay attention to the rest of his words.
“Except instead of the lava being thrown at me, I was dunked in it. And it was ten times hotter. I was drowning.” He laughs mirthlessly, and she squeezes his hand. “I was in so much pain I couldn't remember who I was.”
She knocks her forehead against his, partly to bring him back to reality, partly to remind herself that he did in fact survive to tell her this story.
He looks up at her, green eyes wide with a wonder and reverence she doesn’t believe she deserves.
“Then I heard you. Your voice. I heard your voice and I saw your face and you held out your hand. You didn’t just pull me back. You put me back together. The thought of you put me back together. I took your hand and I survived because of you. You saved me Annabeth.”
Annabeth is stunned into silence.
She has no doubt in her mind that if it were her in the Styx, she would've seen Percy and he would’ve saved her in the same way she saved him. But, it's different hearing it from him. It’s a rare feeling to know that this full-bodied, utter devotion (the kind she feels for him), is mutual. To hear it spoken out loud is almost unheard of.
She doesn’t have the words to articulate the supernova of emotions exploding her chest, so she kisses him. She kisses him with everything she has. Percy kisses her back with the same intensity. Percy’s kisses are safety and contentment and light. He’s so good with words (better with them than she is), and she thinks it translated into the way he kissed. He kisses her like he’s trying to say something--typically some shy declaration of the love that they both know is between them but tiptoe around speaking into existence.
He kisses with his whole body. He clutches at her waist like he couldn’t bear to let go, and she arches her back because she doesn't think she could bear it either. He occupies all five of her senses, the only thing she knows is him. Her hands are buried in his hair. He’s the sun, and kissing him is sunshine personified.
When she finally pulls back, he removes one of the hands gripping at her waist to slip into the junction between her collarbone and her jaw to keep their foreheads together. He keeps pulling her in his orbit, freckles like constellations, breaths mingled like they could survive on kisses and shared oxygen alone.
She thinks she’d like that.
Percy ends up curled on top of her, his head resting in the crook of her neck. One of her hands in his hair, the other on the small of his back like she can protect him with force of will alone.  They fall asleep the way they survive- anchored to each other.
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r1ntaros · 3 years
First Admission of KQ Academy Class '20-'21
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Dear diary,
Which is more powerful, the ability to have authority or feelings that are long overdue?
-love, y/n. x
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x fem!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of fights, mentions of sexual stuffs and malicious remarks, vulgar languages
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“Good morning, Y/n!”
“Hi Y/n, have a nice day!”
The whispers, boys trying to woo her and girls looking at her in admiration and jealousy makes her scowl in annoyance as she walks through the academy’s hall. She is not one to get her ego fed up with the attention people are giving her. In fact, she hates the attention she always gets.
Kim y/n is known to be one of the smartest kids in the academy. Lots of people in her class tried befriending her for that very reason, even trying to give her the most expensive designer bags on special occasions only to reject it as it’s already in her collection. She, just like her twin brother Kim Hongjoong, is an enigma to everyone. Only knowing some important needed details about their life background and establishing an authority and dominance that can make everyone shake and follow the two siblings immediately. But unlike her brother who likes the attention and always agreeing into everything just to have fun, she’s one to say a hard no especially if she doesn’t like anything or just doesn’t like you in general.
Thinking of that name makes her sneer in annoyance as she makes her way to the student council’s lounge room to focus on her morning obligations before the classes start in an hour.
Thinking of that name makes her sneer in annoyance as she makes her way to the student council’s lounge room to focus on her morning obligations before the classes start in an hour.
Thinking of that name makes her sneer in annoyance as she makes her way to the student council’s lounge room to focus on her morning obligations before the classes start in an hour.
Ignoring the whole world with her earphones plugged in her ear, she made a sharp turn to where her destination is located only to stop midway as she sees the commotion happening right at the very door of the student council lounge room.
Ignoring the whole world with her earphones plugged in her ear, she made a sharp turn to where her destination is located only to stop midway as she sees the commotion happening right at the very door of the student council lounge room.
Ignoring the whole world with her earphones plugged in her ear, she made a sharp turn to where her destination is located only to stop midway as she sees the commotion happening right at the very door of the student council lounge room.
Most students stand in front of it with another group of boys who look larger and buffer in size compared to them but the aura of their dominance is nothing compared to the other seven boys who look at them with cold glinting eyes mixed with mischief and amusement.
Standing in the middle of it was her own brother, a smirk plastered on his face showing no signs of fear even if he’s stature is smaller to the person he’s head on.
Ah, so this is why her annoying brother decided to go to school earlier than he usually does.
A lot of students stood around them in a semi-circle, making sure to not block the door as they’re all dying to know what’s happening in the middle of it. Some of them noticed her presence, letting y/n set herself in a suitable spot to watch.
These kinds of things usually amazes her as some of them are used as a blackmail material to her brother but encountering this in the morning especially in the middle of the school year is not.. pleasing at all.
The door opening is another attention grabber and there, from the now open door, in his glory, is where Park Seonghwa stands.
His silver hair is messy as his eyeglasses are perked up in his nose like he’s been here all morning and doing some work and just decided to take a peek of what’s actually happening.
A smirk adorned his face when he seemed to realize what’s happening and stood up straighter, “Good morning, what seems to be the problem here and you all decided to camp in front of the student council’s office?”
“Ah, Seonghwa. We were just waiting for you.” Hongjoong said and gave his said friend a fist bump when he stood beside him, “These men are trying to cause havoc, asking for a fistfight. What do you say?”
“Why not grant their wishes?” Seonghwa said, earning gasps from people and some silent squeals, claiming that the way he said it turns them on. “We can head to the gym for a bigger show since that’s what they want.” He stopped on his tracks only to look at the group in front of them up and down, “Attention seekers.”
The guy from the other side sneered in annoyance and spoke up, “You’re talking too much, Park. Stop being a pussy and just fight us here. Your men had caused enough trouble.”
Seonghwa laughs and made an eye contact with y/n, “Well, since you couldn’t hold in your excitement, I think—”
“I think the fuck not.” Everyone gasped and looked at where y/n is as she shoots daggers with her eyes, alternating between Seonghwa and her brother who seemed shocked as she steps forward.
“Hey baby si—”
“Don’t you ‘baby sis’ me you fucker. You’ve caused enough trouble for the half of the school year and I’m so fucking tired of trying to think of an excuse so you wouldn’t get in trouble at home.” She told Hongjoong and her brother gaped at her like a fish trying to breathe on land. She then looked at Seonghwa and pointed a finger at him, “And you, Mr. Park, you have a lot of school festival proposals to read and attend to. A meeting in 10 minutes with the admins. Don’t waste my effort of making you an excuse note just because you want to get involved in a stupid fucking fist fight.”
“Wow she’s hotter when she’s mad.”
“Damn, look at the veins on her neck.”
“I didn’t know she could get any hotter.”
She was about to snap at the other students when one glare from Hongjoong was enough to shut them up.
She suddenly felt a hand slithering its way to her forearm as she was forced to face the other group’s “leader” who looked at her full of malice and he leaned down.
“Hey there Kim, looking hotter everyday, I see. How about you compromise for your own brother’s doing? Let me have a taste of you in one of the unused rooms.”
Y/n was frozen.
These kinds of things and languages makes her scared shitless, not knowing to defend herself, especially when the guy has a death grip on her arm. She tried to squirm away but he just pulled her closer and Seonghwa had enough.
He gripped her other arm and he spoke with dominance, “Let her go.”
“Why would I? Come on, Park. Isn’t it unfair that you only have her by yourself?” The man taunts, as he looked at him as if trying to get something out from him.
Seonghwa looked down on her, only for their eyes to meet as she looked at her in a pleading but shocked manner. Moving a bit closer, he removed the other man’s grip from her and pulled her in to the lounge room, uttering his last words that left everyone in shock:
“I don’t like sharing what’s mine.”
Once the door behind them has finally shut itself, Seonghwa sat in his rightful seat in the middle of the lounge room and continued doing what he left on earlier, ignoring the seething y/n who’s looking at him like she wants to eat him alive.
It’s not the first time she’s ever looked at him like that, and to be honest? Seonghwa likes this better than not having her attention.
He would rather have her looking at him with eyes full of hatred because it helps him know that she knows he’s existing in the same orbit as her.
Call him whipped, call him a hopeless romantic, but Seonghwa knows himself that he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I fucking want to obliterate you, Park.” She spoke every syllable with venom, making Seonghwa smirk as he switched his focus from his laptop to her.
“The pleasure will be mine, darling.”
Y/n scowled in disapproval, “You perverted motherfucker.” She said in disgust making Seonghwa laugh.
He stood up from his seat and started walking towards her direction, making her slowly back away, “Me? Perverted? Sweetheart, I don’t know what you’re thinking but I would rather get obliterated for you anytime because it’ll be amusing to see you try and fail every single damn time.”
He continues on walking towards her, making her back away more. Seonghwa stopped a meter away and laughed, “Look at you, threatening me not so early yet cowering under my power.”
Y/n fixed her posture, still keeping the same glare she had earlier and Seonghwa can see that she’s trying to match his own flame, “I am not your underling.” She said, emphasizing each word, “I will never be one of those who will be under you. Not going to praise you or kiss your feet as you sit on your throne.”
“No? That’s a first.” Seonghwa let out an amused laugh and walked closer until he successfully trapped her on the wall and placed an arm on the side of her head while the other wraps around her waist, “Do you know what happens to people who tells me no, sweetpea?”
“No and I don’t fucking care about it.”
They both held eye contact with each other, Seonghwa being drowned deep in her deep brown eyes, a similar feature she shares with her twin. She looks absolutely ravishing and wonderful at the same time and Seonghwa knows that he can spend his lifetime staring at those eyes. However, the thought of having someone stare at it that is not him makes him so annoyed. He wants to have her all to himself only and as he said earlier, he doesn’t like sharing what’s rightfully his.
Not knowing that his thoughts has an effect on his body language, his hand that’s on her waist turned into a fist, effectively crumbling her uniform which became noticeable to her.
“Go on a date with me, y/n.”
“A date. With me.”
She looked at him like he had gone crazy as she pushed her away from him but she also couldn’t help but notice the heat that was spreading like wildfire in her face, “Have you gone crazy? Fuck no, I won’t go on a date with you.”
Y/n opened the door to the lounge room, losing the motivation to finish her own paperworks. But before she could leave, she uttered her last words, “I’ll never date you, Park. Fucking hell, you annoy me so much to the point that I don’t want to associate myself with you. I hate you.”
And with that, she left him all alone there, broken and sad. The feeling of rejection settling heavily on his heart.
It’s been a week and Hongjoong is beyond confused.
He just wants to know the answer as to why Seonghwa, his best friend who’s been so utterly whipped with his sister ever since he first laid his eyes on her, has been flirting and messing around with random girls at their academy.
It’s not like Hongjoong is supportive of him and his twin sister possibly dating, not to mention that it makes him gag knowing that Seonghwa is terribly crushing over his girl version, but he can’t do anything about it.
What Seonghwa wants, he gets.
So back to his current dilemma where he’s just shopping with his sister for gifts to be distributed on their family reunion, he saw Seonghwa enter a random lingerie store with a girl.
Well yes, they’re of age to be kinky since eighteen is the age of exploration but he knows his best friend is not the type to fuck around (haha) with anyone, claiming that he only wants his sister which always make Hongjoong gag at the thought of it.
He didn’t know that he'd been staring at the shop Seonghwa and the girl had entered upon until his sister spoke up, “Hey Joong, do you think I should wear this to the reunion?”
Getting no answer from his fashionista brother, Y/n curiously looked at him as she tore her gaze away from the dress she’s holding, only to see him looking far away.
Frowning she called, “Joong.”
Still no response.
“Hongjoong..” Still nothing.
“Kim Hongjoong!”
It made the man owning that name jump up in shock and looked at his sister, “Y-yes?”
“What are you looking at?” She asked, also staring at where Hongjoong was looking on earlier only to spot a.. lingerie store? She deadpanned at her brother and was about to speak but a person walking out on the other shop caught her attention.
It’s Seonghwa.. with her best friend Aera.
She felt something hurt in her chest, already knowing what it is as she’s been keeping it within her for a long time. She looked away from the scene, “I see you’ve spotted your best friend and are much more interested in joining him?”
Hongjoong looked at his sister in shock, “Goodness bubs, no. I was just curious as to why Seonghwa has been messing around with girls in the academy. Just trying to get a good look with the girl and..” He lost trail of his thoughts when he glanced at his sister and saw a pained expression on her face, “Y/n, you okay?”
With the question, she looked back at her brother with curious eyes, “I am, why did you ask?”
“You look.. pained.” His brother answered and grabbed her by her forearm gently, “Did something happen?”
Her sassy twin brother rolled his eyes, “Don’t you ‘nothing’ me, Ms. Kim. I know you’ve been out of yourself lately not to mention that you’ve been neglecting your student council duties lately.” She looked shocked at what her brother had said and was about to speak but Hongjoong cut her to it, “Don’t ask me how I knew but Seonghwa is nonfunctional as well without his secretary. He’s been passing every single one of his work to Yunho.”
Hongjoong lets out a sigh, “And not to mention he missed an important meeting the day the chaos nearly broke out in front of the student council’s lounge room.”
Silence engulfed the twins, making Hongjoong’s gears on his brain work more as he tried to remember what happened that day that could possibly be the root of Seonghwa’s… unusual behavior.
He tried to think more and it’s like a thunderbolt has striked unto his brain, “Ah! Didn’t Seonghwa declare that you’re his that day too? We were just talking about how he wants to ask you out for a date that same morning. He even asked me for permission.”
“H-He what?”
“He wants to ask you on a date?” Hongjoong’s eyes widen, “Wait didn’t he..?”
“N-No, the other one.”
“He asked me for permission to date you? That one?”
Feeling her knees giving up, Y/n sat down on the chair nearby, “Fuck, I thought he was just messing with me.”
“Messing with wha–” Hongjoong spluttered and gave his sister an expression looking as if she had done something scandalous, “Hwa is not someone who likes messing around. Though he likes to assert dominance, he means every single thing that comes out from his mouth. I thought you, of all people besides me, should know this.”
Y/n just sighed, “That was before, Joong.”
“Okay I don’t fucking care anymore but what made you think that he’s messing around with you?”
“You know what he did before, right? I still like him so fucking much and he just played around with my feelings. Saying that maybe I got it wrong or that I’m just desperate to date someone because most of my girl friends are dating too.”
Hongjoong face palmed as he recalled what happened that day. He was aware of what happened that night, especially since it was his parents who warned him that his favorite sibling (don’t tell his older brother) came inside her room crying. He also remembered how he carefully knocked at her door only for her to open it and throw herself in her twin brother’s arms. Y/n cried herself to exhaustion but of course, she was able to tell Hongjoong the reason why she was a wreck that very day.
He was ready to punch Seonghwa the next day only to be confused as to why the other man doesn’t know the reason why his best friend, Y/n, was ignoring him.
And that’s when Hongjoong realized that they’re both dumb.
“Scary how feelings and misunderstanding combined together can cause two people to drift apart.” Hongjoong mindlessly said making his sister look at him, “What did you say?”
He frowned more and looked at y/n dead in the eye, “Talk to him on the day of the festival.”
“Fuck no–”
“Talk to him, I swear to God. Clear the bad air between the two of you.” Hongjoong lets out a deep sigh. He’s getting even more stressed and this isn’t even his own lovelife yet, “Y/n, bub, you always rant to me how Seonghwa had changed, how he became arrogant blah blah blah but I’ve been meaning to say that between the two of you, it’s you who changed the most.”
“The Seonghwa you’ve known.. is still your Seonghwa. He never changed, y/n. He’s still the same kind hearted guy who you cuddle with on our couch at home while binge watching random cat videos on youtube.”
“You.. y/n, where’s my sweet considerate little twin who always looks at the two sides of the coin? Gone. Too carried away with her false bitterness and got too hot headed.”
Y/n looked away from her brother. This is Kim Hongjoong speaking. If there’s anyone else who knows Seonghwa well, it’s him.
She’s been in pain and swallowed herself in a sea of bitterness for four fucking years that she refused to listen to Seonghwa’s side even if he tried for to do so.
But there’s two questions that linger in her mind, “Joong, why did he stop trying to reach out for me?”
“It’s because you never let him to. He knows that you’ve become closed off and shut him out for good. He did everything, even going to the extent of self appointing you as his secretary just so he can look after you.”
Now she feels bad and feels like crying but no, she won’t let herself break until her final question gets answered. Looking at his brother one more time who’s now typing away in his phone, she lets out her final question, “Does he really like me like I like him, Joong?”
Her brother glanced at her and shook his head no and she deflated..
She lost her chance.
“He loves you already, y/n.”
The day of the festival came and Seonghwa is sweating a lot.
He came about an hour ago to check on things last minute and after that, he spent the remaining time he had to look around the grounds only to be disappointed as he didn’t see the person he was looking for.
Deciding that he cannot take it anymore, he fished out his phone from his pocket and texted the person he wants to talk to.
To: Aera ☆
Where are you? The festival starts in 30 mins.
Sent 6:30pm
He lets out another anxious sigh as he fixes his clothes, deciding that it’s the most interesting thing to do in order to distract himself.
Yunho had planned the festival very well according to Seonghwa’s wishes. At first, the vice president was reluctant to accept the duties but when he found out his reasons (and not to mention the fact that his friend looks so heartbroken and lost) he decided to take everything in his own accord, but of course, he still has the guidance of Seonghwa even if the said president is busy with.. other things.
His phone buzzed in his pocket once again and he read the message as he fished it out.
From: Aera ☆
Calm down, I’m on my way.
Sent 6:35pm
To: Aera ☆
Did you bring it?
Sent 6:35pm
From: Aera ☆
Sent 6:37pm
To: Aera ☆
Okay good, see you!
Sent: 6:38pm
He waited for the female and it didn’t take him that long when he started to see a female figure towards him with a cage on her hand. Seonghwa met her half way to get the cage from her and shot her a thankful smile, “Thank you. I hope this one will work.”
Aera shot him a smile, “No problem, dude. I swear it should work. Y/n’s been giving me daggers lately and my boyfriend is just trying to steer her away from me so this one will successfully work.”
Seonghwa let out a chuckle, “Do you think she thought we’re dating or something? You know, since she doesn’t know about the whole Seojun thing.”
The female pretended to gag, “God fucking hell, we may have spent our years in Australia together but god fucking damn it that’s the most disgusting thought ever.”
This time, Seonghwa really did laugh loud at his friend’s antics, “Yep, disgusting.”
The both of them laughed and decided to part ways right after. He was trying to look for one person, only to see his friends near the fountain. Seonghwa approached them and San was the first person to notice him.
“Hey, Hwa. What’s that?” He asked pertaining to the cage he was holding.
“Oh this?” Seonghwa replied and dropped it on the glass then opened its gates and pulled out a white british shorthair, “This.”
San couldn’t help but squeal, “It’s so cute! Is this yours?”
“Uhm, no. It’s for someone.”
The whole time the exchange between San and Seonghwa’s been happening, Hongjoong has been staring at his other friend for a while now. Seonghwa seemed currently relaxed but anxious, always failing to hide what he feels.
But the question is, what made him so anxious?
“Wait. So hyung, you’re courting someone?”
Seonghwa scratched the back of his head, using the hand that’s not holding the cat, “Only if she lets me court her though.”
San made a noise of confusion and before Seonghwa could answer, Hongjoong called him.
“Yes, Joong?”
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah, sure.”
The two oldest strutted far away from their friends and Hongjoong caressed the cat’s head as it nuzzles in his hand. When they found a good location on the grounds, he spoke once again, “Hwa, did you find someone already?”
The man in question just smiled sadly, “You, out of all people should know the answer to that.”
Letting out a sigh, Hongjoong pats his friend at the back, “She’s at the garden.”
Seonghwa couldn’t help but smile, he loves how he doesn’t have to elaborate things yet Hongjoong will still get what he meant, “Thanks, Joong.”
“You’re welcome, dude.”
They were about to part ways when Hongjoong called him once again. He looked back at his friend with a questioning gaze as the other had a genuine smile plastered on his face, “Make sure to tell her everything and end this night with a kiss okay?”
Seonghwa felt himself blush as he let out a light hearted chuckle, “Aye aye, captain.”
“Hwa, I like you. I’m sorry.”
“God fucking damn it, that’s not it.”
“I miss the old us, I like you.”
“What the fuck, that sounds like we broke up and I want to make up with him.”
Letting out a frustrated groan, y/n couldn’t help but shout at the silence of the garden, “Fucking hell, Park Seonghwa, I want to fucking kiss you because I like you– no, I love you! Why is it so hard to say?”
She was startled a bit by the cat noise, making her look at the direction from where it came from only to flush a deep shade of red as she saw the figure of man who now has a freshly dyed black hair and an eyeglasses sitting atop of his nose bridge, holding a white cat on his right arm with an astonished look on his face.
“H-Hey.” Y/n awkwardly said as she started playing with the hem of her skirt.
“H-Hi, did I hear that right?”
Y/n blushed even more (if that’s even possible) and she couldn’t look at the man before her but she nodded her head in confirmation.
Seonghwa no longer spoke and the only thing she could hear were the footsteps nearing and the strong scent of manly perfume that she loved so much.
“Kim y/n, look at me.”
She didn’t. She was too afraid to see the new reaction from the man’s handsome face. Her head remained hung low for a while until Seonghwa lifted her face up with a finger on her chin.
Her breath hitched when he saw nothing but full love and admiration in his eyes, much like the look her Seonghwa used to look at her before whenever she does something adorably stupid.
“Hi there, love. Were you scared to look at me that I have to raise your head up?”
Y/n felt her eyes tearing up, her lips wobbling but she nodded nonetheless, “I missed you, Hwa.”
Seonghwa just softly smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead, “I missed you too, angel. I’m glad that you didn’t let your ice queen attributes take over you.”
She let out a wet chuckle and looked at the cat he was holding, “It’s so cute, when did you get a cat then decided to flex it around the school?”
“Ma’am, this cat is yours,” Seonghwa said as he gently placed the cat in her arms, “I named her Aeongi. I adopted this one a week ago since this is my last resort on how to woo you.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow in suspicion, “A week ago? Weren’t you too busy snooping girls left and right during those times? I even saw you enter a fucking lingerie store with Aera at some point!”
Seonghwa let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Aera is my childhood friend and she asked me for company because she wants to buy lingerie for herself to surprise her boyfriend on their anniversary.”
“What?” It took y/n a while to process everything before she spoke again, “Aera has a boyfriend?”
Seonghwa nodded in confirmation and she asked once again, “But why did she ask for your company? She could've asked me?”
“Well it’s because we were planning to pick up Aeongi at the shelter that time. And you know her family owns every single existing animal shelter around our area, right?”
Y/n face palmed herself before letting herself fall in Seonghwa’s chest, careful not to squish the cat, “Damn it, I got mad and jealous at her for nothing”
Seonghwa pats her head, “It’s okay, lovebug, let it out.”
She snorted and pulled herself away from her (future) lover and smacked him in the chest, “What’s your answer to my accidental confession, though?
The male pointed at Aeongi and she scoffed, “What–”
“She’s our precious child. Since I still can’t physically put a baby in you since we still both want to be a licensed doctor, I’m giving you that cat as a sign that you’re stuck with me forever as long as Aeongi exists in our heart.” He fidgets with his back pockets and successfully retrieves a neat envelope, “And if you're looking for a full blast emotion, here you go. It’s a letter of confession with every single feeling poured out on it.”
Y/n was about to open the envelope but Seonghwa held her hand to stop, “Read it at home but for now let me kiss you.”
She couldn’t help but giggled and immediately pulled him by the collar of his sweater, successfully colliding their lips in a kiss until it turned a little heated, moving in an equal rhythm and Seonghwa decided to stop making her whine.
“Baby, I really want us to reach college before doing the even more heated stuff. But for now, let me ask you. Will you be my girlfr–”
Seonghwa was dumbfounded but y/n was already leaning in for another kiss but he spoke, “Too excited?”
“Waited for too long.” She murmured and connected their lips once again, sharing the sweetness underneath the moonlight illuminating over them.
Hey, it’s me, Seonghwa. I wrote this one without any knowledge of what will happen tonight but whatever it is, I’m happy that it happened. But yeah, I just want to say that I really love you so much. Yes, love. I started to fall for you by the time I went back from Australia, having to enroll late to the academy because I just got home that time. You, aside from Hongjoong, are the one who approached me first, having to greet me like the sun is shining up on me.
Starting that time, we became closer especially when we found out that we live in neighboring homes. I always come over to your place, watching cartoons, playing switch, reading, doing homeworks together and even napping. Everything continued on and by that time, I was already fully aware of what I feel for you.
When we were in 9th grade, I wasn’t expecting for you to confess to me but I thought you were just joking because the girls around you started to date and maybe you want what they have so you decided to fool around me since I’m your friend so I told you that I don’t like you the same and maybe I could’ve just shut up during that time.
The next day, I was so excited to tell you about our upcoming trip to Switzerland for the winter only for you to avoid me and not talk to me. I was so confused and got even more confused when Hongjoong punched me in the face and told me that you’ve been crying. I only had one question on my mind, why were you crying? Who made you cry?
Turns out, it was me. Lol.
But yeah, right after that you changed. The very patient and sweet person I know became hot headed. You stopped looking at my direction so I decided to change too. You, the ever so gorgeous person I’ve known, are the talk of the town. A lot of people, specifically boys, have been wanting to date you.
At one point, I heard some of them talk maliciously about you and I couldn’t help but punch them in the face and that’s where I experienced my first detention. I sacrificed a lot for you. I nearly got kicked out of school for initiating fights and it’s all because I want to protect you without letting you know. I was given the chance to run for presidency and luckily, I won. With a few strings I pulled, I was able to appoint you as my secretary but I told the coordinator to say that they appointed you instead because of your good class performance.
So yeah, I started loving you from afar until that thing in front of the student council lounge broke out. I didn’t like how he held you, how he gripped your arm and I just wanted to punch him dead in the face right there but I didn’t want to freak you out so I decided to claim you as mine.
If that made you uncomfortable, I’m so sorry.
But yeah, I’m actually really not sorry too because it feels good to claim you as mine.
Hopefully, by the time you were reading this letter, you, Ms. Kim Y/n, are officially mine and will be working side by side with me on the student council lounge again. Strictly right beside me or on my lap.
No joke.
But if you’re not mine right after this, then please take care of Aeongi well (at least I’m certain you’ve kept her. You can’t say no to cats) and I hope you find your true happiness soon.
I love you so much, Kim Y/n.
With love,
Your Hwa
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taglist: @masterninjacow @little-precious-baby @treasure-hwa @yunhobabygurl
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First Dance Since 1943
Character: James Bucky Barnes
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Inspired by (song): I still don’t remember it, actually 😬
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/ Fem!StarkScientist Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Dancing at Work. Insecurities. Jokes. Memories.
Author's Note: Hello!!! I hope you're ok today ❤️.
First of all, thanks you for all the replies on my last Fics! Really that is very appreciated 😍
This fic was the first that I ve write with Bucky when the series came out, so... This was the first steps of my new (lost) love about Bucky (And Sebastian too)
I hope you like this one!!!
- Leslie - He raised his head as soon as he heard Joaquín's voice and gave him a smile when he saw him poke his head through the door of my office, even though it is transparent - I bring Sam with me so you can take a look at Redwing.
- It will be my pleasure - I mutter as I type a quick reply to Agent Johnson about the malfunction of Agent Sousa's new pistol. Men who come from bygone ages have serious problems with modern technology - How can I help you?
He looked up from the laptop and my eyes meet that sad look that my dreams seemed to reflect conscientiously. The owner of those blue eyes and painful memories sees me with a hint of a smile while his partner holds Redwing as if I were going to touch him just to detonate him.
- I want it to be clear that I let you intervene with him only because Torres made it clear to me that you worked for Stark.
I give a laugh that reflects my nervousness as I turn to Bucky.
- Sergeant Barnes.
- Hey. How have you been, Leslie? - The way my name sounds in his voice, which is seductive without even looking for it makes him feel that my legs melt like jelly at those words.
- Busy with so much work - I reach out to Sam making a mental note of how good that blue shirt looks on Bucky and coming to the conclusion that men who come from 1940 like the color blue - What is it? What it's the problem?
- The laser was decalibrated. I wanted to repair it but it was impossible.
- If you let me examine it, at most I will have it ready in a couple of hours - The soldier nods somewhat suspiciously but takes a step back as soon as I take that small device. - The dream of any woman, to fix one of the many work items of the Avengers.
Sam laughs as he begins to explain that he is no longer part of the Avengers as many believe. To all this, Bucky, as I allow myself to call him in my thoughts, is in silence, leaning against one of the many glass walls of the room, looking out of the building and I do not doubt for a second when I believe that he was not paying attention in the least to our conversation.
Joaquín's voice interrupts my thoughts and from the smile he brings, I know that every time he meets these two men, he considers himself one of the luckiest beings in the universe.
- Excuse me, Sam - The two men turn around as I turn the little drone and see the typical signs that this prototype of Stark technology is very poorly maintained. I make a mental note not to say that to Sam and concentrate on fixing the laser as I hear them being called from "Higher Spheres" as I call high-ranking Air Force people - They need you, there's a new report on the mission in Libya.
- Take good care of him, Leslie - I nodded smiling without looking up and muttered a "Better than you, sure" that was only audible to me.
If there was one thing he hated about Stark technologies, it was that, in addition to having the F.R.I.D.A.Y tech matrix, and without it, he couldn't do much more than touch some cables and hope the little drone would work. And i prayed that would work, otherwise i would have to ask Pepper for permission to use her facilities, but Sam would flatly refuse to take Redwing to Stark Industries.
- He screwed it up, didn't he?
I jerked my head up when I heard Bucky's voice and when I looked at him, he was still in the same position as before, looking outside the building.
- I thought you had left with Sam ...
- Excuse me, I did not want to scare you - He approached the table where i was working and indicated the drone with his metal arm, which he no longer hid under layers of clothing, much less, leather gloves - He treats that drone very badly .
- Sorry?
- Do you think that murmur was imperceptible only for you? I assure you that Sam heard it too- I cursed as he dropped the tools i had in my hands and covered my face with both, wishing that the earth would open and swallow me, as a minimum option.
- Why didn't you go with Sam? and please do not get me wrong, I like the company and I like that you are here, but it is simple curiosity - I cursed myself internally as I listened over and over again to the words that I had said aloud and I wanted the earth to pity me again and swallow me. Definitely Joaquín's idea of ​​just nodding and not talking was an excellent idea to implement.
Had I told him out loud that I liked him being there? Oh my God…
- This is Sam's land, I don't fit in here.
- And yet, here you are - I take Redwing and walk to the testing room of the laboratory that is adjacent to my office, where the music begins to play as soon as I enter the small room and as much as I want to deactivate it, I can not do it. I resign myself as soon as I hear Bucky's footsteps behind me and as soon as he enters the room, it seems too small with him there. I put the drone on the long metal table that occupies a large part of it and I type the password in the auxiliary panel of one of the screens around me and the little drone turns on, taking flight a few meters above our heads - At least It leaves me happy that I still fly with all those blows.
- I'm surprised that it's still whole - Bucky's murmur makes me laugh as I calibrate the laser to shoot the target in front of him. I try to shoot but nothing happens. I curse silently as I see from the corner of my eye that the man cautiously observes the room, as he stops when the first melodies of “She's got a Way” by Billy Joel begin to play- Do you like the music of the 20th century?
- I'll tell you the truth: I don't like current music, I prefer the lyrics of 1980s artists where they say heartfelt things rather than the lyrics that speak about certain topics in a very direct way. 1980 was a very good time, maybe you would like it.
- I have a list of songs on Spotify that I listened to in the 40's. I thought I couldn't find them again - The hint of melancholy that invades his voice makes for a moment that I wanted to meet that 23-year-old young man who should be very different from the one in front of me, with a totally different way of being and without all the suffering that would happen later - What if, that was when I learned to use a computer.
- You know, you would get along with Agent Sousa from SWORD - He turned at the mention of the new agency with a frown, clearly annoyed at the idea of ​​interacting with another agency. - He's just like you, technically speaking.
- He went through psychological torture and became a Hydra assassin? -The sincerity and ease with which those words came out of his mouth made my eyes fill with tears. The pain in his voice made my words sound clearly wrong in that conversation.
- No ... He also comes from an ancient time, like you and Steve. Only Daniel was taken out of 1955 because of Agent Coulson and his feeling of not being able to let him die in front of his eyes - Bucky nodded as he stood next to me again and watched my movements on the screen trying to get Redwing to respond, something that did not happen - Perhaps it would do them good to chat between the two ... You are not from the same era, but I imagine that their feelings towards this century are similar, and both are adapting. You can get to understand each other more than they think.
- I will keep it in mind…. Thank you, Doll - I felt the heat begin to rise up my neck at that nickname and I assumed that my cheeks must be a scarlet red color, because, despite the fact that it was cold in that room, I felt that I was on fire - I all this is strange, even though I know this technology, it is difficult for me not to relate it to all this - Unconsciously, he touches his metal arm and I let out a sigh. I'd like to know how to help him get through that, but I don't know how to do it without bringing up bad memories.
- Is there something you like?
- What are you talking about? - I put aside the PADD I had in my hands and touched the "Stand By" button for Redwing to return to his original position in the center of the table.
- Sometimes, learning becomes easier when there is something you like - I lean on the table while he remains silent and I watch him waiting for his answer, but all I get is a smile about something he is thinking - What makes you smile?
- Dance. I haven't danced in a long time. Since 1943, to be exact - He leans on the other end of the table, facing me exactly and gives me a look with a flash of mischief - And I'm not going to those places that they call discos to dance with someone.
I laughed at his tone of indignation, when I could contain my laughter, I saw him watching me with what seemed like affection, but I tried not to give it too much importance, but when I felt that my heart was going to leave my chest so hard it hit my rib cage.
- Why that tone against the discos?
- The music is too loud and there are colored lights that I don't even know what they are called, plus you can't talk to anyone - I laughed again at his complaints that were very sincere and were very similar to mine - Don't make fun of me.
- I do not, I am funny the tone you use. You seem really annoyed with it - Bucky rolls his eyes and taps on the table - What do you miss most about 1940?
- Everything, my family, my friends, my life ... The way I could go to an amusement park and not have to worry about whoever saw me wanted to run out of fear, when I could take a girl on a date without I would worry about my past, dancing with someone, that closeness that made me so comfortable and so relaxing at the same time.
- Well, at least the dance thing can be fixed - I take my iPhone out of my pocket and search the playlist for Eric Clapton's song, Wonderful Tonight and once the notes start to play, I walk over to Bucky, holding out my hand towards him, in an attack of courage, the kind that I don't usually have, but all that was to get a smile from the owner of those beautiful sad eyes - Would you dance this song with me?
Although I notice that my actions catch him off guard, he smiles at me and takes my hand, nodding his head.
When the two of us are standing in front of each other, I realize that I don't know where to put my hands, much less stop to think if that could be uncomfortable for him. I wanted to back away, looking for a good enough excuse before falling into the misfortune of having to apologize to him, but Bucky, who will have simply seen my worried expression, took my free hand and brought it to his forearm, and laid it there gently, While with his right hand he held mine, and with his metal arm, he encircled my waist, drawing me close to him. We began to move slowly to the beat of the music, but he was definitely the one leading the way.
- How does it feel to dance decently again? - I was silent at the inappropriate comment and let out a sigh while I concentrated on trying not to step on it.
- It feels strange to do it after a long time - Bucky ignores my comment or downplays it, but when I look at him, I realize that he is concentrating on remembering the steps and trying to guide the inexperienced woman in front of him.
- To do it a long time ago, you do it very well - He shakes his head, trying not to smile, and before I even knew it, he released one of my hands and made me turn, taking my hand perfectly synchronized at the end of it.
- If Steve were here, I'd say it's innate ability.
- Well, if he makes you feel more comfortable, this is my first time dancing with someone, that is, I dance with a man. And I must admit that I never believed it would be in my workplace.
- Why's that? - I let out a sigh as I watch him at the same time that he looks towards the laboratory door. When he looks back at me, in his blue eyes I can see a flicker of doubt and curiosity.
Anyone could feel safe with my poor social and love life.
- It's weird to dance in your workplace. Everyone here is watching you from the other side of the glass and ...
- I meant because you never danced with anyone - Oh ... I drop my head until it almost touches his chest, but I feel that the pressure of his arm grows stronger around my waist, as if he knows that I am about to fall and I won't notice - I'm sorry if the question bothers you.
- No, no, he doesn't. What happens is that I'm not usually the type of girl who gets asked to dance. Besides, I don't like going to the disco or going out at night. In that respect I am similar to you - I admit while he gives me a smirk - I prefer to stay home and read. Or spend time with my cat.
- Intellectuals are the best - Bucky's voice sounds annoying and safe at the same time, as if something in his own words bothered him.
- But the less interesting for the men of this time apparently, more when they talk a lot about science and current affairs - Between the chords of the music, I get him to laugh. And I must admit, he has a beautiful smile, one of the prettiest I have ever seen, in fact. I start to laugh and in the midst of my laughter, he spins me around again at the same time the song ends.
- Not for me. Are you sure you didn't come out of the 40's like me? - We don't even part, and our hands are still joined as I shake my head.
I smile as I take a step away from him as I pick up my cell phone to stop the music and see him approach the window again.
- No, but I think I was born at the wrong time.
- Thanks for this - his murmur reaches me far away, but with a clear hint of satisfaction in his voice. I smile happy to have served my purpose.
- Thanks to you, at least I have experienced what it feels like to dance with someone.
- You will do it more often, trust me.
- I take the word.
Sam who had arrived at the scene a few minutes before with Torres, smiled as he watched the whole scene and remembered those days when he took advantage of Steve's innocence with women and smiled wistfully when he realized that Bucky was the clear image of his best friend. Seeing him for a moment concentrating on something other than work filled him with satisfaction, perhaps Joaquín's idea of ​​bringing him here hadn't been so bad after all.
Then he would take advantage of letting him know of his observations when the two of them were alone.
I turn towards the door as soon as I hear a series of light knocks and I meet Sam's mischievous smile, who sees me as if he had discovered gold or something much more valuable.
- I'm so sorry to interrupt, but we have work, Buck.
- Sure - Bucky turns to where I am and before he could even move me away, he takes one of my hands and leaves a kiss on it. I can barely contain the sigh that tries to escape from my lips and I simply remain silent, feeling how the color begins to invade my cheeks, in the company of the heat - Thanks for the dance.
- My pleasure, Sergeant Barnes.
Sam, who is behind us, rolls his eyes and leans against the door while Bucky approaches him with a heavy sigh - Don't even think about making jokes about this.
- Did I say something? - I let out a laugh at his comical and ironic tone as Bucky walks past him shaking his head. "See you later, Leslie." I need to make some arrangements on the suit.
- Yes Sir.
Sam glares at me as Torres chuckles at my horrified expression. I forgot he don't like me calling him sir.
- Sorry, Sam.
After a few minutes, I find myself alone again, so I return to the laboratory to work on Redwing and allow myself to release that sigh that I have been holding since Bucky appeared in that room.
That moment had been incredible ... Even if it was only that, a moment that will remain in my head.
I startle as soon as I hear a knock on the door, I take off the receiver and as soon as I turn around, I see that the one at the door is Bucky, who has his left hand hidden behind his back.
- You know, "Sergeant" is very formal - he leaves his left hand exposed and has a white flower on it. I doubt if I approach but I do it feeling that the colors begin to invade my face. No one had never given me flowers. That gesture was beautiful, I take it and I respond with a smile - Call me James.
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inked-out-trees · 3 years
⭐ for The Keep Going Song? Thanks! :)
(anh i would die for you)
Thank you for asking! I am going to be talking about the whole thing because it's fun, and because there's not really many ~secrets~ within the text to ramble about, just little fun snippets!
I'll do it under a cut because I will definitely ramble. Woohoo!
I came across The Keep Going Song (the song) after my Lookout 3 Companion Playlist (& my spotify discovery) introduced me to the Bengsons. The effect was almost instantaneous - it's the kind of warmth I try to encompass in everything I do, and for the next few days I had it on repeat as I worked. This was around the time I was finishing my Lookout script, and I had been toying with the idea of writing a Cornleyverse fic after absolutely devouring all 10 fics in the tag. What I knew was that I wanted it to be sweet, I wanted it to pull them all together, and I wanted it to be a progression. Despite only having seen the Goes Wrong Show, jumping into the fandom made me want to dimensionalize these characters and give them a story beyond everything that had already occured.
I also watched Christmas Carol before / during the writing process, but to date I have not watched Peter Pan or the full-length TPTGW. My prior knowledge comes from Wikipedia, the delightul amateur TPTGW production on YouTube, a friend's excellent transcription of the Haversham Manor script, and tumblr meta analysis. I think I did a reasonable enough job pretending I knew what I was doing.
Let's get going!
I knew off the top that it was going to be vignettes - they would give me room to spread the story over the long period of time it takes for a group of people to grow into something resembling a family. Like I said in the original author's note, there was supposed to be more of the early, snippy days - but I got so focused on making them kinder that I found I couldn't properly write a fight. In hindsight, it probably would have been easier if I tried writing that first, but, well. Once I realized that it was too late. The alphabet idea came later, once I had them all finished: I wanted to organize them somehow, but numbers felt too open, too infinite - closing the story on an organizational endpoint was just really satisfying.
a - Every good story needs a good beginning.
c - Starting with the end of Peter Pan is my sneaky way of slipping past the fact that I haven't seen the earlier shows! The Max and Sandra storyline is just so sweet, and I wanted to let it exist a little bit in between our jump from Peter Pan to Christmas Carol. This vignette came so easily when I wrote it and I love love love the feelings and the tentativity about the whole thing.
f - This was actually the last vignette I wrote. I realized I needed some front-end padding because otherwise my angst plot came rather abruptly, and what better way? At this point, too, I was trying to bring in POVs from each one of our characters, and when deciding on Trevor's POV I thought the exasperation-excitement combination would be an excellent choice. It turns out Trevor is my favourite to write, mostly because I can find his voice a lot easier than some of the others - and probably also because I hold a lot of fondness and nostalgia for stage crew work. Also, I wrote most of this one on a long evening walk in the notes app on my phone. Fun fact.
h - I did my original idea slam in a draft tumblr post, and this one just says "birthday party but one without all the drama of christmas carol". And what do you know, that's exactly what it is! I definitely took the birthday party (in CCGW as well as in this fic) as a kind of proof that they really do like each other, if they're doing things like this and if they want to do things like this - and that theme of okay, they want to be here formed the basis for this part. I think it's exceptionally sweet that Dennis came looking for friends and ended up finding, well, something. And I popped in a little MMNI reference with "one of the Janines" - Backwards Janine? Frontwards Janine? Original Janine? Who knows! It's one of them!
l - The thing about this plot is that it's actually one of the first ideas I had when dreaming up this fic, and I couldn't quite let it go. The point was, what if I somehow split them up? How can they get on when half the society is out of commission? And the most reasonable way I could find to actually get half of them out of commission was the car accident. To be honest, this one is mostly filler - it's also the second vignette I wrote, and it found its birth in the email drafts of my work laptop.
m - Trying to map out this little plotline without overdoing it might have been the most difficult part of this fic, and I'm still not 100% sure I succeeded. This is our explanation for the unease from the vignette above, and it took me 3 rewrites before I finally found something that settled in my brain. "Dennis gets chased by a goose" might be one of my favourite lines in the fic though.
Also, putting these letters right next to each other made me feel really clever for no reason.
n - My Jonathan perspective also took a few stutter-steps in its beginning, but this one ultimately came from the promo video's reveal that Robert and Dennis live together, and me playing with the continual idea of the remaining cast members being rather unmoored in their injured castmates' absence. Robert in particular because I love his character and I love making him Feel Things(TM) (fun hint: this will also be a small theme in the new cpds fic I have in the works!) and I want to see so much from this odd relationship between him and Dennis. Obviously they have to tolerate each other if they are willingly roommates - how far can I go with that? I love how this one turned out.
o - All I have to say about this one is that I still really love the sweetness between these two, and they deserve the world. Also, at some point during writing this I was really caught up with how striking Dave's face silhouette is (don't ask) so that ended up making it in somehow.
q - Girls' Night is SO important to me. After all the work they've done to make these gals friends I needed to capture it, and a pleasant night in just made a lot of sense. This one is the home of a few of my headcanons - Annie has a chef roommate and Max does a lot of the cooking, thus the "neither of us are the usual household cooks" comments, and I also think they're at the point where they can joke about their previous failures (especially with these three together) so the nod to A Trial To Watch (my favourite gws episode) was so fun. Also, Waking Ned really is a silly pick-me-up of a movie - would recommend. Special thanks to CBC for giving us Canadians quality British TV alongside our occasionally questionable homegrown programming.
r - It wouldn't be a fic about progress and growth with this crew without a disheartening moment turned into gold. I wrote this one while barbecuing, another fun fact, and no joke the hardest part was figuring out what to name the play they were doing. I kept pace with the whole "Jonathan can't get onscreen" gag, which was personally hilarious and made me cackle as I wrote it, and the rest of it just felt good. I will always have a soft spot for comfort and reassurance in a story and getting to write it has just been an absolute delight.
t - This was one of my other unplanned vignettes. It was originally to fill out Robert's POV, but also to express a bit of how things have changed in Chris's attitude towards his cast - if there's one thing I would change from Mischief's characerisation thus far, it's this brand of almost-kindness that I consistently need to write him with. It takes the aftermath of the car accident and uses it to kind of make him understand - this is a valuable group of people and I don't want to lose it. But of course he's not the type of person to actually express that in any way, so I thought the frenetic hovering was a good way to get the point across. As well, the kind-of-bonding between Chris and Robert - the two of them are such powerhouses of insistent personality that conflict so easily but they've also got a more secret kind of friendship that deserves to be explored a little more. I really like this vignette and how it ended up portraying how they are around each other, how they really do know each other, especially when they're not fighting. Makes me soft.
w - This is the first vignette I wrote! I honestly didn't realize until writing this just how much I identify with Annie - best of both worlds re. crew and cast, a bit of tenacity regarding getting through things, overall personality - I just love her so so much. She also seems like the most sensible of the cast, so the collective "why are we really here?" moment with Trevor really spoke to me. I love their friendship, I love the kind of quiet vibe this vignette gives off - this is one of the ones I can feel most strongly, the one I can step into and exist inside. I also spent most of my old drama rehearsals and classes without shoes, so that had to make it in just by virtue of the sock brigade (me).
z - One thing I knew for sure since the inception of the fic was that it needed to end on a victory. I took the images I had of this victorious adrenaline, everyone together having a good time, kind of getting smashed, and karaoke (I really wanted the karaoke, for some reason) and went the obvious route: the wedding. Ending on Chris POV also felt so right - possibly because he's the one with the most growth in this fic - and getting to finally feel this triumph with him after all these other trials and tribulations was an absolute joy. The wedding hall, in my head, looks like the one my cousin used (it was at a zoo... my sister and I went on a night walk and heard a lot of screaming peacocks) and I definitely threw all my wistfulness, all my love for the characters I'd developed, and all my love for this fantastic fandom into this part. The incorrect lyrics that Annie sings are exactly what I think every time I hear that song, because I've never looked up the lyrics before and my brain likes to play Mad Libs with my super-questionable auditory processing. And the image of the ballroom staff getting really exasperated with them and shutting all the lights off came to me at night and is hastily scribbled on a sticky note (it's a wonder it's legible) but I still strongly believe that it's the perfect, perfect way to end. I still get the warm feelings when I reread this part, even now, after so many reads.
And, finally - our end quote is exactly what started this whole thing. What is this drama society if not a rough beginning? But the concept that we'll make it through, that we can just take a step and then another and it'll be okay because we're together... it's hard to describe just how much it means to me, to my place in the world, to the world itself. I think one of my rather consistent aims in writing, no matter what it is, is to be able to have this collective - characters that become family, people that are important to each other, this constellation to lean on - because it's all I can say for the human experience. It's probably quite a bit of wishful thinking (as I said to another friend, "I am apparently letting loose on all my repressed social feelings of the past year and shoving them into fics") and a sort of subconscious confirmation that if I write it, I can be it. So this force of understanding and kindness and ultimately good people helping each other through the world is something I can't help but include, something that means the absolute world to me.
I'm so glad to have been able to share this fic with everyone, and extra glad that it's been able to touch some people along the way. I've found such an incredible community in Mischief and coincidentally I think The Keep Going Song represents that warmth, too - the community I've been so lucky to exist inside, how we're helping each other along, step by step. What a beautiful thing to be a part of! Thank you for reading and allowing me to give you a bit of my heart. 💖💖
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nattspencer · 4 years
In case of boredom - Part 2
Missy x Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 (you’re here) / Part 3 - Complete
Summary: The reader was always intrigued by the Time Lady. When she jumps into the TARDIS, the readers decided to write a little novel to take her out of boredom, putting little annoying riddles as a password to each file.
A/N: English is not my first language, therefore I’m really sorry for any mistakes, let me know about them. I’m also very sorry for taking so long, I planned to post part 2 as the final part, but the whole file was already 7k+ words, so today I decided to split it in two. Part 3 won’t take that long to be released. Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this, it really motivates me.
Warnings: Super fluffy with tiny bits of angst
Word count: 3k
Not my GIF
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     When you first started the book project, you never imagined that it would result in an almost constant flirting with an alien maniac, exceptionally on the most awkward moments. You still could remember when this happened for the first time, it was exactly the next day that she pinned you on the corridor, you were just sipping some tea entering quietly in the console room, in the corner, you saw Nardole babbling with Bill about some weird tech thing. Mr. Eyebrows, in another hand, was tingling his fingers on the ship’s control panel hoping to find somewhere interesting to go and Missy was at his side, intensely looking at a monitor with some wires scattered on the table, her sight soon fell over your figure and mischief popped up on her face. This couldn’t be good. 
      “Y/N, you really should drink this tea in another room, the way you’re clenching so deliciously this pretty lips of yours around this mug is really distracting me” She said with a smirk scanning you from tip to toe with her eagle eyes.       “Missy!” The Doctor warned with his raising eyebrows.       “Only me drinking a little tea it’s already distracting you, sweetie? You really must be in need, maybe, if you behave nicely, I can do you a little favor later” You winked slightly and left the room towards the kitchen, but you could see from your peripheral vision all the jaws dropping, no one expected your reaction to being like that. Soon you heard some steps coming behind you.       “Girl, where did all that boss energy came from?” Bill asked you giggling while she took a glass of water.       “First, shy people also can be sassy, second I always told you I am not as innocent as I look and more importantly third, she challenged me! I couldn’t let her embarrass me that easily, if she wants to play, then let’s play”       “Mate, she is a mass murderer, do you really wanna pick HER to flirt with?” She asked with an arched eyebrow.       “Considering we are constantly away traveling with aliens and both of us are lesbians which are not even a little attracted to each other, what other people would you suggest?” You both laugh.       “I admit we are not the ones with billions of options but still, really?”       “Well, I don’t think she is that bad, not anymore, I really do believe that there’s good in her, deep down there, she just needs to learn how to externalize it. Also, that’s not a flirt flirt, it’s a joke type flirt!”        “Y/N, she seriously suggested putting me on a brain dead state, and do you really think that she is GOOD?”       “I know the brain dead thing wasn’t very nice, but at least she tried to help, and as I said, she doesn’t know how to externalize it. Also, she never tried to get you killed again, did she? Just give her another chance, please? I think she is really trying, otherwise she would already flee a really long time ago”        “Fine, but I’m only doing it because I really trust in your abilities to read people, however, don’t expect me to suddenly treat her as my best friend, I will just be open in case she just want to talk to me as a decent being”        “That’s all I’m asking for” You smiled “See, you don’t judge me to try helping an intergalactic murder to be good and I don’t judge you for still thinking about a certain cute puddle”       “Hey! A puddle and a murder are really different things okay, and also, now that you put it out loud, what’s wrong with us?” You busted in guffaws. Soon, The Doctor called you two out to a new adventure, which you rushed into.       Your whole body was complaining to you when you came back to the blue box, all your muscles were sorely overused and you decided that you deserved a really long hot bath before feeding your Time Lady with a brand new book chapter and riddle. After your relaxing moment, you got your file and rushed to the library, but unlike the other days, it was not empty. Three heads could be seen around the laptop, still, none of them seemed to notice your presence.        “Was this always there in the computer?” The Doctor asked with frowned eyebrows.       “I don’t think so, it’s incomplete, and it really looks like something Y/N would write” Bill answered simply.       “She writes? And that well? I didn’t know that” Nardole confessed.       “Yeah, she is an amazing writer! Once I saw her writing and begged her to let me read since then she always showed me some of her work, I think she is just a bit shy about it”       “So you knew about this?” The Time Lord asked again       “No… She didn’t tell me about this one, I just found it by accident”        “So you’re telling us that probably we shouldn’t be reading this?” Nardole’s voice shook a bit.       “Yeah… maybe we shouldn’t…” Bill admitted with a guilty look.       “Actually” You said, making everyone’s head turn to you “There’s no problem for you to read it at all” You smiled and relief was painted on the three faces “Bill was also right, I am in fact a bit shy about my work, always tend to show to people in anonymous mode, however, she really made me gain confidence with her reactions” You said walking towards them.       “You’re a genius! You just didn’t realize that”        “Indeed a very talented young writer’ The ancient replied with a kind smile.       “Agreed” Nardole raised his two thumbs up.       “Thank you, I try my best” You giggled.       “Why didn’t you told me about this before?”        “Because I didn’t write that for you, actually, it was for someone else” You revealed shyly.       “Someone else?”       “She means me, pet” The Time Lady’s cold voice was suddenly heard and everyone turned glancing at her.        “You were secretly writing for Missy?” Bill was really confused.       “She was bored! And also very lonely! I couldn’t just sit down not doing nothing about it” You vehemently justified.       “Watch it kitty, you don’t want to make The Doctor jealous” She smiled wickedly “Also, I might say I’m really disappointed, I really do enjoy being exclusive, you’ll have to work harder”        “Good girls know how to share, Mistress, besides, now you have partners to discuss your theories with”        “I doubt that discussing with them would be any constructive” She answered with an arched eyebrow.       “Who knows” You shrugged “Maybe you’re wrong, maybe I am, or maybe that would make you see the plot from a different perspective, that maybe could make you get to the right answer”        “Don’t get jealous Missy, this might be fun” The Doctor teased.       “Fine, but you three better no be boring, or I will hide this computer and kidnap Y/N” She finally said, annoyed.       “Did you guys read it all?”        “Yeep, where is the next chapter?” Bill said excitedly.       “Alright, about the next chapter, there is a thin” Reluctance filled your voice.       “What thing?” Nardole asked.       “It needs to be unlocked, there’s a little riddle as the password and before you ask, I want to establish a rule, only Missy can solve them, alone, without any help. This whole thing was mainly created just to keep her busy, so I think it’s fair to keep that exclusively to her”        “It’s fine for me” Bill said and the others nodded agreeing with her. You could see a victorious smile rising on the Time Lady’s lips, she really enjoys being treated uniquely.        “Great! Now let me put the next file on the computer. We can read the next chapter tomorrow night after our usual universe walks when we are all tired and Missy would probably already have solved it” You glanced at the Time Lady with a suggestive look, and only you two knew that you were mocking her about the four days delay.       “One day it’s more than enough for me, poppet” She reassured with a threatening smile.       “I’m sure it is” You said finally putting the files on the right place “There it is, all yours, have fun, Mary Poppins”        “Mary Poppins? You’re getting bold, puppy” She said with a playful glance.       “What? Do you really think you’re the only one able to set nicknames?”        “Mr. Eyebrows is there to reassure what she said” Bill confirmed.       “Hey! I think we were over from the Mr. Eyebrows thing!” The Doctor exclaimed annoyed.       “We are never over from Mr. Eyebrows thing” Nardole said giggling.       “That’s new, I’ll include that to my personal vocabulary, feel honored Y/N”        “My pleasure”        “There’s a plot against me now?” The Time Lord said.       “Only to annoy you” Nardole uttered.       Since then, it became a routine and soon, you were already midway towards the end of the story. In the beginning, the post-reading reunions were kinda weird, it took a while to work your chemistry and put the pieces together, but eventually, it worked, and you didn’t know if you were relieved or worried, because they were getting closer to the right answer every time. Missy was often the one picked to read it out loud, and you were really surprised, but also very honored to know that she appreciated your tale so much that she would gladly read it twice. While they got to know the new events, you were away finishing the next chapter, only joining in when everything was set and done. Now you were all seated on the floor in a big odd circle, babbling around. Bill’s half-asleep head was resting on your lap, while you massaged her scalp.       “Well, the talking is really great, but I need to check on a little experiment that I’m doing in the lab, might blow up if I don't” Nadole said, lifting up.       “And I think I really should go to bed, but Y/N melted all my limbs” Laziness filled Bill’s voice.       “What can I do, I’m ace in doing massages”       “Oh, don’t be full of yourself, puppet, it doesn’t suit you” Missy teased.       “No need to get jealous, I can massage your scalp too if you want” You smiled “I just thought that if I get my hand anywhere near your hair it would result in a painful death”       “Quite true, don’t you dare dishevel my hair without my permission, however, I’ll wash it in a few moments, so I think I can have a trial of what you call massage when you’re free”       “Her hands does wonders, you’ll see” Bill pleased “I’m seriously thinking in just getting a pillow from the sofa and just sleep right here”        “Oh, not in a million years, you’ll gonna complain non stop later about how your back hurts, I’m taking you to your bed right now, young lady, let’s go” The Doctor said already getting up and extending his hands to Bill, who got on her feet lazily. Soon, they disappeared through the ship.        “Lap’s free, next customer, please” You joked tapping your thighs.       “You better be good, pet, I’m very caring towards my hair” She said laying down her head comfortably on your legs.       “Don’t worry, you deserve my very best” Your hands carefully untied her brown curls and started a pleasant massage on her scalp.       “I noticed what you did, you know” After some minutes she broke the silence. Her eyes were closed, and her face was more relaxed than you even saw.       “What do you mean?” You asked lightly.       “Your characters, they are related to us, aren’t they?”        “Yes, they are. Although, it was meant for you to find out”        “And you didn’t bother in telling me that bit?”        “Nah, I knew you would find it anyway” Her eyelids opened. Beautiful stunning blue eyes were staring at you with slightly dilated pupils “It was my way to try helping you”        “Um… cheeky. So that’s the way you see me? See the motivation behind my change?”       “Yeah, I think so. I suppose you and The Doctor are kinda the same in the end, both of you so very alone. He found comfort in us, companions, friends, but you, you’re too afraid of being hurt, too afraid to let someone in, and then suddenly they’re gone, so you found comfort in destroying things and people in a desperate attempt to fill up your superiority complex, doing whatever you want in order to actually feel something, actually like yourself, to feel greater, but I don’t think that it could fill you anymore… It got boring… So you thought about your oldest friend in the universe, the only one that would never truly leave you, and you knew that turning “good” and going by his terms was only one way to become friends with him again. What you didn’t expect, however, was that you grew kinda fond of the non-Gallifreyan part of the ship”
      “You really think that you’re clever, don’t you?” 
      “Well, I might not have the knowledge of a centuries-old Time Lord, but in terms of people, I know quite a bit. Other than a marvelous observer, back on the earth, I’m in the last year of Psychology college”
      “That explains quite a bit… So the post-reading reunions thing, was it all part of your plan? To make me belong?” She said sitting up lazily.
      “To be honest, I just figured that out along the way and hoped for the best. I’m not that good with plans, not in the way you are, I’m more the improviser type. Actually, I think we all are, you have to be if you’re traveling with a stupid old man” You shrugged and a soft smile painted your lips.
      “Thank you” Her voice was tiny, but you could see the fondness and gratitude behind those pale blue eyes, but also, there was a hint of fear, and then, you understood. 
      “You’re more than welcome, twisted Mary Poppins” You answered planting a light-loving kiss on her forehead “Now, you really should go to bed, I can see how much you enjoyed my massage” 
      “Yeah, you’re not that bad”
      “A compliment! That’s new. You really must be sleepy”
      “Oh, shut up!” You two giggled.
      A few moments later, you were in your room, alone, staring at the ceiling, lost in thoughts. You were really falling for Missy, and terribly fast. If you think mathematically, you could spend the rest of your life with her, but she would always have to face your loss at some point, and something tells you that not a lot of planets would like to suffer her rage. Probably, the best choice would be to just stand by her side her as a friend, never truly telling her your feelings, and never really connecting the way you wished. Loving a Time Lord was loving the stars themselves, too big and too flaming hot to get close. Furthermore, you couldn’t imagine her falling back for you since you’re just a silly brief human.
      One day, The Doctor decided that it was time to test how Missy would behave outside the ship and between other people, no distress calls, no danger, just a normal calm place to start with baby steps. Of course, a companion was needed to fulfill her simple task, visit a local fair, and walk someone through the alien stuff, very Doctor-ish indeed. She could take all three of you but he didn’t want to push her this hard, so Mr. Eyebrows asked if you could go with the Time Lady since you are quite close to her, and you agreed right away. Quickly, you two were stepping out of the TARDIS and started to wander off around the tents, while the Time Lord seated comfortably in front of the monitor eating crisps.
      “Those ones are sonic mines, well, they were, all junk now. But you wouldn’t like to meet one of them when they blow, they disrupt your internal organic stability while stir up the exterior environment” Missy explains 
      “Sounds painful”
      “Nah, it’s so fast that you barely have time to feel” She replies simply when something catches her attention “Oh!! Orphan 89 jewels! What a nice planet that was!” Missy’s excited voice was heard while she ran towards an old tent.
      “Really?” The two of you now were staring the shining ornaments
      “Yes, polite people, awesome beaches, three suns that turned the sky purple when they set, also four moons and a very starry sky in the night”
      “What happened?”
      “Didn’t you get it?” An evil smile danced on her lips “I said polite people, and polite people are always boring” 
      “You destroyed the planet, didn’t you?”
      “Old days, old faces… I wasn’t this nice all the times you know” She shrugged and resumed walking aimlessly.
      “Did you regret it?” You asked with a tiny voice, almost scared of the answer
      “Hearing their screams were once very satisfactory, but now… now I’m not so sure” Missy admitted avoiding your gaze. You walked side by side while an awkward silence took place, and then, when your eyes glanced at an area filled with something that really looked like snow, you had an idea.
      “Run with me” You broke the silence
      “What?” She frowned
      “I said: Run. With. Me” Your orbs were full of mischief 
      “But you don’t even know the surroundings, we might get lost”
      “That’s quite the objective, honey, come on!” 
      “Are you completely bonkers?”
      “Whoops, I think you’re getting contagious” Missy cracked a little genuine smile, and you couldn’t be more proud. She opened her mouth to protest again when you immediately  said with pedant’s eyes “Trust me”
       “’m so gonna regret this… If The Doctor ever get cross about it I’m blaming you, little girl”
      “Blame is on me” You raised your hands in surrender “Now, let’s go?” You extend your hand and she catches it right away with a tiny authentic smile painting her lips, your feet begin to run.
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Halfrid // Part 3
Platonic!Loki x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your life has always been dictated by the fact that you are smarter than most adults. This has made you antagonize many of them, it isn’t your fault that you are just citing facts! However, when the god of mischief becomes your friend, are there enough facts you can cite to prove his innocence?
Warnings: None, just no Loki this chapter, sorry!
Word Count: +3000k
A/N: Wow! A lot of people responding positively to the last part! I’m really glad you guys are enjoying it. I am opening the tags list in case anyone wants to be notified when the next chapter comes out!
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The streets were filled with the usual buzz that surrounded New York. In the distance, the sounds of construction jolted you awake.
You had fallen asleep in your desk again. You sighed and rubbed your hands all over your face, wiping some of the dried salivae away from your mouth.
Your computer was still on and running, its fans warming up the area where it was sitting. With two fingers you slid through the pad and wrote the password on the lock screen.
It opened to the essay you had been working on last night. You smiled while reading it, your teachers had praised you before on your essays, and you were really proud of this one. Quickly you clicked the share button and sent it to your personal account and to your teacher.
You pushed your chair with wheels away from the desk and hopped off it when you reached your closet. You pulled out a simple sweater and jeans, your black flats and pulled your backpack over your shoulder. You rushed to the bathroom and quickly brushed your teeth.
Your parents were getting ready to get to work. They still hadn't forgiven you for 2012, but you knew they would get over it soon. At least they didn't hang it over your head every time you walked into the room anymore.
"Good morning munchkin!" Your dad called from the kitchen, the blender sounding off.
"Good morning dad!"
"You almost ready for school?" Your mom asked kissing your forehead.
"Yep. I already finished my essay and I left my project on my locker, so I'm good for today." You chirped taking your place in the table and placing your backpack by your chair.
Your mom was typing furiously on the keyboard of her own laptop, even though her expression remained calm. Trying to catch a glimpse you leaned in to see what she was doing.
As soon as she felt your curious gaze on the document, she snapped it closed. 
"Come on mom! Let me see!" You whined.
"No. Finish your breakfast, this is not something for you to meddle with." She seriously stated, her brow furrowed.
You deflated in your seat, a long breath of air coming out of your lips. "I was just curious..." You mumbled.
"And where did your curiosity lead you to, last time?" She rhetorically asked.
You hid your face in your arms trying to avoid her fiery gaze.
"Why do you have to make my appetite go away?" You asked muffling your voice in your arm.
"Stop mumbling and eat your breakfast. I'll pack it if I have to, but you aren't leaving the house without at least a bite out of your sandwich." Your mom seemed to be very final about this, completely ignoring the fact that it had been two whole years since New York, and yet she didn't trust you had become more careful.
A mom's mind must be one of the most complicated ones. You only saw the annoyance that her attitude brought you, but under it, there was an honest and sincere worry for your safety. 
Since 2012, your mom had become more overprotective of you. She had given you a phone and a computer, but they were constantly monitored. If you were on a website you shouldn't be in or downloaded any information that didn't come from an official website, she would get a notification. And let's just say since the attack on New York you haven't been particularly keeping out of trouble.
As you took a bite out of your sandwich and scooped some yogurt out of a cup into your mouth you heard your mom sigh behind you.
She placed her head on her hands, rubbing her sides as if she had a headache. "Darling... My little girl. Why can't you be like others?" She asked, not in an accusatory tone, but one of a very tired mother. She hated having you on such a tight leash, but trust was earned and you hadn't earned it.
"What? You want me to be boring and dumb like my classmates?" You asked in disbelief.
"No! That's not what I meant. I just..." You mom was obviously at a loss for words. So your dad swooped in to save her.
"I think your momma is just tired of you getting in trouble kiddo." He smiled putting a platter of sliced oranges on the table and a homemade strawberry smoothie. "She wants you to go out and play on the hydrants during the summer, and be curious about the world. Instead of only researching it on Wikipedia." He smiled slyly.
"But that's boring!" You retorted. "You know what's fun? Figuring out how to get hidden files from the FBI." You giggled. 
Your mom groaned but your dad just laughed. "Oh, love. She's going to be a great agent someday."
"She's not going to end up entering your business, Frank." Your mom deadpanned him.
"But what if I wanted to?" You butted in.
"I still wouldn't let you. You already cause a lot of trouble by yourself. I can't imagine what you would do with actual authorized access to verifiable sources." She frowned as she opened her laptop and resumed her furious typing, this time letting the frustration bleed onto her face.
You angrily took another bite of your sandwich and downed your smoothie. "I'm done." You jumped out of your seat and slumped your backpack on your shoulder. "See you later." You frowned at your mom and she raised her head to look at you.
She looked worried. You walked up to her, biting your lip. 
She brushed a strand of hair away from your face. "I love you, sweetie. I just want you safe, okay? Please forgive me if my way of showing it is sometimes a little..." She struggled to find the words.
"A little mean?"
A light chuckle left her lips. "Yeah, something like that." She kissed your forehead and looked in your eyes. "Have fun today. I love you."
"I love you too." You smiled.
As you turned around to say goodbye to your dad you found him leaning on the threshold of the kitchen entrance. He smirked at you and you rushed and hugged him by the waist.
"I love you, kiddo." He ruffled your hair.
"I love you too, dad!" You smiled up to him.
As soon as you let go, you waved them a final goodbye, grabbed your anchor shaped keychain, and ran out the door rushing to school.
You said hi to Mrs Alianza, your tenant, and ran out the front door. You walked with a pep in your step, humming a tune to yourself.
The sounds of constructions and particular smells of New York greeted you. The usual people did their usual commute. Store after store was speckled with familiar faces, all of them buying, selling, and working as every other day.
The way to your school wasn't that long, which is why it was one of the only things your parents trusted you enough to do by yourself. You would walk up the street, make a right and at the end of that street was your school. The scent of the Starbucks hit your nose when you passed by the open door. You really wished you had money so you could buy yourself some hot cocoa. The weather of the last few days of September was nicely fresh, but since it was usually colder in the mornings the sweetness and wariness of the chocolatey goodness was just what you needed.
But since you were broke as the hobo down the street, you walked past it and headed to your destination. Prison.
Your school was an old building, it looked really fancy on the outside, but had the same crappy classrooms as any other public school had. The halls were filled to the brim with students who were chatting the start of their day away. You, however, just walked straight into your class. Mrs Peyton wasn't there yet, so you decided to simply sit down and open your assigned book. And yes, you had already read up to were your teacher told you, but what else were you going to do right now? Talk to people?
The seat next to you was usually empty, which is why it surprised you when you saw another girl sitting there.
Ok, you are a social incompetent. But please try this time to be relatable. Or at least not scare her off. You bullied yourself.
"Hey," You snapped your book closed and gave her an awkward smile. "A-Are you new here? I've never seen you before."
She looked taken aback by the fact that you were talking to her, but she also awkwardly smiled and nodded.
"Oh, well... Welcome!"
There was a heavy silence between the two of you. Mainly because you didn't know if to ask a question, or let her talk or ask you a question. Your mind kept rolling around to try and make this disgusting silence disappear.
"U-Um..." You struggled. "So, have long have you lived here?"
She looked at you weirdly. This is why I'm a social outcast. You thought.
"All my life? I just transferred schools." 
"Oh! That's cool. What school were you attending before?" You asked as you repeated inwardly: Please don't say Visions. Don't say Visions.
"Visions Academy." SWEET MOTHER OF ICICLES-! "It was the best school I have ever attended."
"Ah. Why did you come here then?"
She looked at you as if it was an obvious answer. "My parents think I need to experience The Real World." The did an exasperated gesture. "What does that even mean!?" 
"Well, maybe they want you to see the other side?"
"And mingle with peasants? I would rather die." She huffed.
"Well, you are technically mingling with one." You pointed to yourself.
"Oh, no. I know you are, I just see you and don't think you'll remember what I tell you in a couple of days." 
Did she just call me stupid? You tried to maintain a calm and collected face.
"You don't look like the social type, so I guess you don't care that much for people's problems and grievances." She swatted the air with her hand. "To be honest. I wasn't even that popular in my other school. But if others know I was studying there, maybe I'll finally be popular!" She beamed as if it was her goal in life to be the centre of everyone's attention.
You had two options. Forget this annoying and self-absorbed girl, or make something out of this.
"Have you ever heard the phrase, A fake friend and a shadow only come by when the sun shines?" You looked at her and she shook her head. "It's Benjamin Franklin. Great guy. You might have heard of him."
That got a snort out of her. "Yeah, I have."
"What do you think that means?" You thoughtfully gazed at her.
She looked at you blankly for a second. "I... Don't know...?"
You adjusted yourself in your seat. "A shadow is by your side when the sun is out, just like a fake friend will. But disappear when the clouds roll by. A friend can do the same if they don't care for you and only care for your popularity. You think they'll stick around when the hard times come?"
It left her thinking. She was silent for a minute, looking everywhere except where you were sitting. Something told you that there was more to this girl than you initially thought. Just as she was going to answer you, Mrs Peyton arrived in the classroom and the bell ringed.
You didn't see the girl for the rest of the day.
The girl. Wow. You really had to start asking for people's names first, didn't you?
When your last period was over the bell rang and kids started filing out of the classrooms. Then you saw her.
She was wearing a pink skirt, as short as the dress code allowed her and a pink sweater with a white dress shirt neck coming out of the neck of the sweater. Yeah, she definitely came from a prep school. She contrasted highly with you. Yet, she pushed off the wall and approached you meekly.
"I was thinking about what you said." She claimed. "The truth is... I don't know what I am truly doing here. I don't know how long will I stay, but I just wanted... The validation I guess."
You smiled at her, sympathetically. "So, what do you really want?"
"A friend."
"I... I think I do too." You smiled at her.
"My name is Ashley."
"Mine is (Y/N)"
You had no idea where this had come from. And honestly, neither did Ashley.
You were just one day chatting about the fact that the Avengers were the only guys without cooties in the whole world. They were actually super cool. You laid in your bed listening to Ashley talk about why Thor would beat Iron Man in the blink of an eye.
"I mean. It makes sense, as smart as Stark is, he doesn't level out with Thor's powers." She finalized the rant that you were barely paying attention to while you re-searched about them online. No. You weren't stalking. That's creepy.
"But that's where you are wrong. His source of power comes from his hammer. Right?"
"I guess?"
"Then look." You turned the laptop to her and showed her the security feed you were watching. "If we are talking combat, yes he is great. But so is Stark." 
In the feed Thor tried to lift his hammer just to not being able to and giving up, melting in a puddle of despair. "See? Without his hammer, he is basically defenceless."
"He still can fight. Without the suit Stark isn't much more, isn't he?"
"No no no. That's where you are wrong. Stark has the brains. Thor has the brawns." You smirked. "If Tony had to manage to beat Thor without his suit, I think he would find a way. He is way too intelligent for his own good."
"Maybe. But if there is something we can agree with, is that Cap is the whole package." 
You both flopped onto your mattress laughing at that. "That is America's good soldier!" You laughed.
"His butt, tho." 
"EW. NO. DISGUSTING. SHUT UP." You slammed her with a pillow.
You both kept laughing for a bit longer and slowly your laughs became more breathy and ceased being so loud and frequent. You slowly sat up.
It had been a while since you had thought about the 2012 incident. But seeing that footage from Thor and all that talk about mind versus brawn got you thinking... What was Loki doing here anyway? He definitely wasn't the brawns. And the way he got defeated was... Almost comical. But when you talked to him, he came across as a very thought inducing and mysterious guy. And being honest, no bad guy tries to dominate if he doesn't have a clever plan.
"You ever think about the villains the Avengers have to defeat?" You asked, your mind wandering.
"I barely do, honestly." She got up too and placed you pillows back into place. "I just like to think about how many lives they save. I know that they can't save everyone, but I am pretty grateful for the fact that this world is still here. I don't think we would be if it wasn't for them."
"Yeah... Yeah. You're right."
But after Ashley left you were still thinking. Your mind was going in circles. You had always been bad at social interaction, but the only two people you had ever felt truly comfortable talking to were Ashley and, strangely, Loki. How? You had just talked for a few minutes with him, but you could recall what he told you that day almost completely.
So that is how it started. You brought out your personal notebook and wrote down:
The 2012 Incident
And wrote all you could remember about your exchange with him. All you could remember about the ship, how you entered his cell. Your conversation. You repeated the events in your head over and over again until you wrote everything down. Over the next few days, you analyzed all you wrote, over and over again.
Your teachers noticed.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Mrs Peyton asked as you wrote down ideas for the latest essay in her class. You had been spacing out for too long.
"Um! Yes, I'm good. Just... Writer's block, you know how it is..." You stumbled over your words. She didn't look convinced, but still, she gave you a tight lip smile and continued on to help students who were stuck.
A couple of days later you heard your name being called through the teacher's radio.
"(Y/N). Miss Jennifer wants to see you."
Ashley shot you a worried look, it wasn't often that you were called to your adviser's office. But you gave her a slight nod and got up your seat to go to the adviser's office.
You were surprised to see your father sitting there. "(Y/N), dear. We are happy you could join us."
"Is everything okay?" You questioned.
"Yes. Of course." Miss Jennifer reassured you and pointed towards the chair so you could sit down.
"We have had many comments lately on your daughter not being able to fully concentrate in classes. We just wanted to know if there is anything you would like to tell us, darling?" She said as nicely as she could.
Your dad raised an eyebrow in your direction.
Oh, crap. How were you going to explain this? You couldn't just say that a psychopath that you once crossed roads with had been occupying your thoughts.
"You see. Sometimes I want to write about many things, and if I get an idea for something I... Kinda space out. Sorry if I have worried anyone." You tried to answer, your voice sounding more confident than you actually felt.
"I see." She wrote something down.
"Has it been affecting her grades? I know she is smart, but she does have a tendency to lock herself in her head." You dad ask concerned.
"Well, although she has certainly been distracted, there is nothing wrong with her grades. She astoundingly completes her work. Besides her spacing out, her teachers don't fault her much on anything." She tried to calm your dad down. "I called this meeting, firstly to address this subject and make you aware of it Mr. (Y/L/N). However, there is one more matter I wanted to discuss."
She proceeded to show us in her laptop a scholarship program. "I know that (Y/N) is still quite young, but I think this would be an excellent outlet for her imagination." She slid a pamphlet towards us and continued to explain. "See, the WRITE Scholarship is based on talent, and not grades. Some start writing their entrances since they can hold a pencil, but I think that you have enough experience to start trying. You must turn it in, as of late, the last month of your senior year. Some write short stories, but some of the most successful are those who turn in essays about things that interest them. For example, a girl last year won by turning in an essay with proof and facts of how HYDRA had infiltrated so quietly into SHIELD. It won her the scholarship and she went to the college of her choice to keep learning what she loves."
It left you speechless. A scholarship that would fully pay for all your college expenses if you turned in an essay that blew their minds? It was like a dream come true. And you could write about anything. Anything at all.
Miss Jennifer kept talking and gushing about it, but you had already heard enough. There were so many possibilities as to what you could do.
But your mind kept going back to that girl who had investigated HYDRA. What if you could do the same... But examining why did the Incident of 2012 happen?
To Be Continued...
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Beneath the Amber Moon, Part 4 (Galactica AU Group Fic) – TheDane & Veronica
Heyyy!! Welcome to Part 4 of “Beneath the Amber Moon,” a group fic set in the Galactica Universe. Click here for previous chapters.
We hope you’re enjoying it! Let us know what you think!
Summary: Summary: Day 3. Rain, voyeurism, refugee sea creatures, cuddling, and a ziplining adventure: just another day in paradise...
"I can’t believe this.” Fame huffed, dumping down on the bed after coming back from the bathroom.  “Look at this!” Fame said, gesturing to the rain pouring down outside.
Patrick smiled, opening his arm so Fame could crawl into it, the woman sprawling out on his chest.
Fame sighed. “At least my app says it’ll clear up after lunch.”
"I wouldn’t put bets on it, my love."
Patrick had jokingly suggested they could have sex to pass the time while they waited for the rain to clear up, Fame not willing to risk her hair getting ruined by going to breakfast with everyone else, and they had, Fame taking all her frustration out on her husband.
Fame sighed, tracing patterns on Patricks skin.
"Patrick, you're not helping." Fame ran her palm down Patrick’s body, swirling her fingertips on his stomach.
"Relax darling.” Patrick kissed her hair. “Even you cannot control the weather, no matter how much you whine.”
“I don’t whine.”  
“Bianca is here, don't you gals have some TV show you'd like to see?” Patrick knew bringing up the B-word was a risky move, but it was one he was willing to take. Fame and Bianca were dancing around each other, the women hot and then cold. Patrick could already feel Fame growing bored again, his wife not one for being told she can’t do something.
“Are you really suggesting that?”
“We have an umbrella if you want to go see her.”
“To watch TV? Because that’s just my favorite activity.”
Patrick smiled, gently tipping Fame’s face up so he can kiss her. “It’s a vacation, live a little.”
“I don’t think watching TV can be described as living.”
“Maybe it’d make you less grumpy-”
“I’m not grumpy.”
“Sure darling.” Patrick laughed, sitting up, pulling his laptop case out from under the bed. “Besides, I'm sure my partners back in New York would be more than happy if I got around to answering some emai-"
"You brought a laptop?!"
"Sweetheart, I own a law firm. Yes, I brought my laptop with me."
The rain was a true blessing in disguise. Violet was enjoying a slow morning in with Sutan, the two of them eating breakfast in bed with their patio door open, rain falling outside as they listened to the new albums Karl had introduced to Sutan, Courtney knocking on their door, the blonde standing out there with a huge smile. Sutan had ordered a pot of tea, Violet quickly getting dressed in a pair of white shorts and a long top, her lace bra visible through it.  
“Here you go.”
Violet smiled, accepting the tray that had just been delivered from Sutan, Violet handing one of the cups to Courtney, the two of them sat on the edge of the deck, their feet dangling in the water.
“Thank you.” Violet tilted her head up to receive a kiss from Sutan.
“You do know there are plenty of not only very comfortable but also quite expensive couches in the bungalow, right?” Sutan smirked, clearly finding it amusing that the woman had decided on sitting on the floor.  “I’m sure the resort staff would be very sad to hear that two ladies as beautiful as you prefer the floor.”
Violet smiled and shook her head. “I like it here...” She looked out at the rain.
“It is a lot more your speed.” Sutan ran a hand through Violet’s hair, only daring to because it hadn’t been styled yet, her black locks falling around her face. “She’s a real New York girl.” Sutan looked at Courtney, mischief playing in his eyes. “I’ve never seen anyone as happy about rain as Violet was this morning when she realised the temperature had dropped.”
“Well, I know how she feels. I miss the rain, living in a desert now.” Courtney sipped her tea, the hot liquid sweet and delicious.
“I’ll bet.” Sutan laughed. “I’m going to sit on the couch, so have fun ladies.”
“Thank you for the tea,” Violet repeated.
“Thank the staff, they’re the ones who got it.” Sutan gave Violet one last kiss, retiring to the couch where he grabbed the book Raja had thrown at him the day they arrived, his sister insisting he had to read “Crazy Rich Asians,” Raja laughing loudly as she explained it to her brother.
“So, can you help me?”
Courtney had texted her the night before, asking her if Violet could help her with a project. Courtney looked like a schoolgirl, delightful glee clear on her face and honestly Violet felt the same.
“I’ve been thinking about it all night.”
Courtney laughed, reaching into her bag, when she glanced over to Sutan. “Are you sure it’s okay if we do it here? Not that I don’t want Sutan’s opinion, but it’s kinda confidential.”
"Oh. He won’t dare.”
“He won’t?” Courtney gave Violet the ipad, not really believing her words. There was no way Courtney could have had a private conversation with Bianca in the room without the other barging in, and even less one about work. Actually, she couldn’t remember a single time where Bianca hadn’t injected her opinion into what Courtney was doing, from her clothes to her food to how she wanted her hair.
"Sutan and I made a deal years ago.”
"And what is that?”
"If we want an opinion. We ask.”
Courtney couldn’t believe it was that simple, but Sutan hadn’t moved an inch while they talked, the man already diving deep into his book.
“Knock knock.” Fame smiled as she stepped into Bianca’s bungalow.
Bianca looked up from her computer. She was sitting on her couch, glasses on, a pair of linen pants making her legs look infinitely long. “You’re already inside, why are you saying knock knock?”
“It’s good to see you too.” Fame closed her umbrella, Patrick sending her off with a kiss goodbye. “Do you want to watch TV?”
Bianca stared at her, cocking her head slightly.
“What?” Fame touched her face, wondering if her mascara had run from the short trip.
“You just asked me if I wanted to watch TV. Who are you and what have you done with my pretentious friend?”
“Oh, shut up!” Fame giggled, stripping off her damp jacket, a sheer white lace dress underneath before she sat down on the couch. “It’s raining, and Patrick sent me away so that he could work.”
“Work! Can you believe it? He brought his laptop!”
“I would never do that.” Fame crossed her arms.
“Blondie...You literally have your second in command, your attorney and your head of makeup here."
"Patrick isn't my attorney. Galactica hired their own business affairs department two years ago, you know this Bianca"
"Point still stands.”
“It doesn’t! We haven’t talked shop once.”
“Shop?” Bianca chucked.
“You know what I mean.” Fame pouted at her. “So are you gonna come cuddle me or what?”
“Yes, miss,” Bianca intoned, not dodging in time as Fame hit her with a pillow. “Ouch!” she laughed, dimples appearing in her cheeks as she curled up beside Fame, laying her head on her shoulder.
“I guess the whole TV thing was just a ruse, huh?”
“Mmmh,” Fame said, placing a hand on Bianca’s back, rubbing in gentle circles. “Though there is one thing.”
“There is something on Netflix called ‘Zumbo’s just desserts?’”
“And you want to watch this?”
“Raven has apparently raved about it.” Fame shrugged. “And I can’t have her have better catering ideas than me.”
“Well,” Bianca smiled. “Anything for you blondie.”
“As it should be.”
Courtney screeched loudly as she felt a tug at her foot, Violet jumping at her outburst, almost dropping the iPad.
“Courtney what’s-”
“Shhhh!” They both looked down, seeing none other than Adore Delano who was bobbing away in the water directly underneath them.
“Adore, what the fuck are you doing swimming in the rain?”
“I’m a mermaid. Can I come up or what?”
“Sure, sure, just-” Courtney took a deep breath, her hand still covering her pounding heart as Adore climbed onto the deck, dripping wet. Violet had run off, only now coming back with a towel and a robe, Adore gratefully accepting both.
“Adore, not that I’m not happy to see you.” Violet wasn’t, in fact, happy to see her. “But what are you doing here?”
“Courtney texted me that she was with you, and I’m like, a refugee, so I figured I could hide my ass here since this is the last place anyone would look for me.
“You almost gave me a heart attack," Courtney sighed. “Do you want some tea?”
“Got any whiskey?”
Both Courtney and Adore looked at Violet.
“Umh..” Violet looked around the room. “Maybe.”
“Sweet!” Adore began to strip off her wet swimsuit.
“Aaand that seems like my cue to leave.” Sutan sat up, Adore waving her top in the air, laughing as he avoided eye contact.
“Hey Tan!! What up bro?!”
Sutan stood up, his thumb keeping his place in his book as he opened the minibar, taking out the miniature bottles.
“Here you go ladies.”
“Thanks!” Adore laughed. “Pour me one of those sexy bitches.”
Sutan poured, leaving the bottles on the floor where the girls were camped out, Sutan leaning down and giving Violet a quick kiss.
“I’ll be at Raja’s.”
“Okay.” Violet kissed back, not daring to point out to Sutan that there would probably be even more commotion with his nieces around. “See you later.”
Sutan nodded, Adore already trying to pour alcohol into Courtney’s drink.
“Fuck!” Raven moaned, her hands were fisting the sheets, her hips thrusting again and again to meet Raja who was buried between her legs, her wife expertly fucking her with a clever tongue that knew every part of her. “More- Please, more, I can’t- Raj!”
Raven groaned, Raja hooking her fingers just right, Raven’s legs cramping close around Raja’s head as she came, effectively trapping the other woman but Raja only moaned, the vibrations shaking Raven's body with an aftershock, her breath only slowly returning to normal.
“Kiss- Ah, kiss please.”
Raja laughed, her hands forcing Raven’s thighs apart, crawling up her wife’s body. “My little brat.” Raja kissed Raven, their bodies slotting together, Raja adoring the feeling of Raven’s soft skin and her curves under her. “So demanding.”
Raven smiled, a soft and almost dreamy expression on her face. They had sent the kids to Jujus and Detox for a play date, Raja and Raven falling into bed the moment they had the chance. Raja looked like a goddess under the sun, her long hair and her dark skin even more attractive in these surroundings. “I’m thirsty.”
“Are you now baby?”
“Mmh.” Raven kissed Raja again. “Get me some water?”
“Of course princess.” Raja stood up, slapping Raven’s thigh for good measure before she grabbed a robe. Raven laid back in bed, a hand finding her pussy and gently gliding over her abused folds, Raja taking and taking and taking and Raven couldn’t wait for one more round.
“Oh. Hi Sutan.”
Raven turned her head, looking at the open door to the living room, horror drawn on her face. She hoped it was a phone call, oh god she really hoped it was a phone call.
“How long have you been here?”
“About 10 minutes?”
It wasn’t, and Raven pulled the pillow over her face, screaming into it.
Parking Adore on the couch had proved surprisingly easy, the TV running on low in the background, snuggled up in Violet’s warm bathrobe while her swimsuit dried on the towel rack. Violet picked up the iPad once again, Adore looking over her shoulder.
“Are you guys working on the Moschino line?”
Violet nodded.
“I’m still surprised someone asked you to do a clothing line, Courtney...” she mused.
“Ouch,” said Courtney, miming an arrow hitting her heart, making Adore laugh. “Is it really that strange?”
“Yeah, it’s a little strange.”
“So, here’s the thing,” Courtney said. “Jeremy has been dressing me for a couple of years now, and I thought that his team kind of understood my taste. But then, we had this meeting and they asked about what I liked-” Violet nodded. “What I wanted, and you know, I said, like, rainbows and sequins and glitter and fringe and neon-”
“There is all of that in here?” Violet looked at the iPad, a grimace of worry on her face.
“Awh, listen to my tacky little baby,” Adore cooed, and Courtney stuck out her tongue.
“Well I like it, usually, but the thing is.. They sent me these sketches and it’s like...they used ALL the ideas in the same jacket. And...I don’t often say this, but I think it’s like...too me?”
“If you’re working with Moschino, it can’t be that bad,” Violet said.
“It’s bad, it’s really bad, just...I think what it really needs is someone classy who hates my taste and will add balance.”
“I’m honored you thought of me,” Violet said with a smile.
“Omigod, you’re so gonna hate it,” Adore laughed. “Open it Violet! Open it, open it!”
Violet swiped the iPad, a look with a neon rainbow color-blocked bomber jacket with fringe up and down the arms and a sequined unicorn.
“It’s… Umh..” Violet suddenly felt dizzy, a light breeze blowing in from the sea. “It’s…” Violet handed Courtney the iPad. “It’s very…” And that’s when she felt it. “Excuse me!” Violet bent over, vomiting off the edge of the deck, her breakfast disappearing into the water.
“Shiiit!” Adore jumped up, Courtney already grabbing Violet’s hair, as she threw up once more, Violet dry heaving before Courtney gently pulled her back in, Adore’s hand on her back.
“Okay.. So, I know it’s probably a fugly jacket.” Adore teased, a small smile playing on her lips. “But that was a pretty dramatic reaction.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just, the smell of seaweed, it’s so-”
“Seaweed?” Courtney looked at Adore over Violet’s back, silently asking if the other woman had smelled anything, but Adore shook her head, neither of them having any idea what Violet was talking about.
“Can’t you smell it?” The breeze hit once again, and Violet covered her mouth, taking a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” Courtney asked. “I know the others said you don’t do well in this weather, but I don’t think this is normal…”
“They talked about me?”
“They’re just worried,” Adore said. “Raja keeps lecturing Tan about how he’s a dick for making you come.”
“It’s fine, I’m… It’s fine.” Violet took a deep breath. “We don’t have to make a thing of this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Give me the iPad again, please?”
The continued to go through the sketches, Violet jotting down notes and ideas in her own sketchbook as they went, Adore returning to the couch to watch TV as the hours passed by.
“Oh shit,” Adore said, looking down at her phone.
“What’s wrong?”
“Jinkx wants me to go to the spa for couples massages with Alaska. Omigod, I can’t do that. Face down on a table for an hour? There’s no way I’d avoid the Talk there.”
Violet furrowed her brow, not sure what Adore was talking about. Courtney shook her head.
“Don’t ask.”
“Yeah, it’s a long sto- Wait. I have an idea.”
Adore picked up the phone next to the bed and pressed the button for the concierge, tapping nervously on the table.
“...Hi! Um...do you know of any activities that I could do this afternoon that’ll take at least three hours?...Preferably involving heights?”
Courtney let out a small chuckle, knowing how much Alaska feared heights, the woman getting dizzy sometimes standing on the balcony of her penthouse apartment. What was Adore up to?
“Uh uh...ooooh, yes...yes, thank you!” Adore hung up, a big grin on her face. He’d suggested ziplining, something she’d always wanted to try, ever since Bianca had done it years ago, raving about how much fun it was. Which gave Adore another idea…“Hey, Court. How do you feel about zip lining through the rainforest? This afternoon? Huh?”
“Sounds awesome!”
Adore smiled. Maybe she could kill two birds with one stone here...avoid the dreaded Talk, and bring her best friend and favorite sister back together again.
“Owen, sit down, I- fuck!”
“Matthew, don’t swear around the kids.” Juju sighed. It had seemed like such a good idea to stay in with the kids when the rain had started falling, the morning going by as uneventfully as one could expect with three kids. Detox had taken Owen with him in the shower, Owen basking in his father’s attention whenever he could have it, while Kelly had called on FaceTime to chat with her little sister, Julia lighting up like the sun - almost as excited as she’d been to see Courtney - and Juju had played with Grace, the two of them practicing Grace’s colors while Juju had gotten dressed.
“He stepped on my balls!”
“And I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose.” Juju grabbed Owen’s elbow, making her son sit down. “Right Owen?”
“Mmh!” Owen smiled, the piece of fruit he had gone to collect already in his mouth, her sons smile full of watermelon meat and missing teeth.
They had all settled down for a movie - Glimmer, again, of course. Grace fell asleep sitting with Julia, their youngest looking up to her sister almost as much as Julia loved Kelly.
“Apologize to your father.”
“Sorry dad.”
“Apology accepted, champ.”
Juju rolled her eyes, settling back in. Her husband could just as well have disciplined their child himself, but sometimes it felt like she had 5 kids instead of four. Detox more often than not getting dragged along into their children's arguments instead of being the adult who stopped them, but as Detox’s arm slung around her shoulders, his warm hand caressing her upper arm, Juju chose to sink into his embrace instead, watching Courtney as Princess Lucie, galloping away on her winged horse.
Bianca grabbed Adore by the back of the shirt and yanked her close, muttering, “Sister bonding time, eh?”
“What?” Adore bat her lashes innocently.
“Don’t play me, bitch. You didn’t say she would be here,” Bianca nodded her head towards Courtney, who was with one of their guides, slipping on her harness.
“She’s like a sister, too,” Adore said, face breaking into a sly grin as she added, “Or a sister-in-law.”
“Very funny, you meddling cunt.”
“I saw the way you were looking at her at breakfast,” Adore told her.
“I was looking at her fucking nails.”
“You mean her anti-fucking nails?” Adore laughed.
“Exactly! Those things are a giant red light, stop sign, do not cross-”
“Were you getting a green light before?” sang Adore teasingly.
Bianca let out an irritated scoff, releasing her shirt. She had never explained to Adore exactly how ugly things got with Courtney at the end. For some reason, she assumed that Courtney would’ve. But maybe that never happened. So she couldn’t really be mad about Adore’s harebrained attempt at matchmaking.
“Does it matter? She’s sending a pretty clear sign now.”
“Well, speaking from experience...there are work-arounds for the nails. Keep hope alive!”
Courtney skipped over to them, finally fitted into her harness. Bianca tried not to think about the last time she saw her in a harness, albeit a very different kind. It didn’t help that all she had under the harness were the tiniest little short shorts, forcing Bianca to see her rippling thigh muscles, looking strong enough to crack a walnut.
“I’m actually really excited about this,” Courtney said, slinging an arm around Adore’s shoulder. “I’ve always wanted to try ziplining.”
“See, I told you this vacation would be fun!” Adore exclaimed.
“Yeah, yeah...you told me a lot of things…” Courtney caught Bianca’s eye, giving her a little smile, admiring how cute she looked in her athletic wear. Even in a ponytail, her hair looked smooth and glossy, and Courtney had to resist reaching forward to run her fingers through it.
“Uh...have you ever done this before?”
“Never,” Courtney said.
“You’re gonna love it. Such a rush,” Bianca told her.
“Can’t wait.” Courtney bit her lip, twirling her hair slightly, and Bianca felt that uncomfortable stirring in her abdomen, sighing with relief when the guides called for their attention.
“Honey. Stop checking your phone.” Jinkx closed her eyes, enjoying her massage, wishing that Alaska, on the table besides her, would stop fretting and relax for a little while. “Adore will respond when she responds.”
“You’re way too indulgent with her. You let her get away with murder,” Alaska said.
“Well, that’s just literally wrong,” Jinkx laughed. “I mean, if she murdered someone, I’d probably speak very sternly to her… Unless she had a really good reason for it.”
“Jinkx. I’m serious.”
“I know, baby.” Jinkx turned her head, sighing, as the masseuse worked her muscles deeper. “I was trying to lighten the mood.”
“But that’s the problem! Neither of you are taking this seriously!” Alaska cried, wincing in pain as her masseuse found an especially tense knot in her shoulder. “Ow!”
“Lasky, I am taking it seriously. But we can’t push her. It’s not fair.”
“Why? Why isn’t it fair?”
“Because she’s a baby. She’s only 26!”
“Yeah, and I’m 38. I’m not getting any fucking younger. And neither are you,” Alaska reminded her.
“Thanks, my love.”
“I’m just saying. If we really want this, she’s our best shot. But that will require an actual conversation about it.”
“I know. But it can’t be an ambush. And it can’t be two against one,” Jinkx said. “I’ll try to find a time to talk to her tomorrow, on the boat. After we’ve had some fun and she’s in a good mood.”
“So, you’re saying that you don’t want me to be a part of this conversation?” Alaska’s voice was strained. “Ow…”
“No, honey, I’m saying that I think there needs to be a little pre-conversation. Some foreplay to lube her up. And I’m offering to do that, for all of us.”
Alaska sighed. “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”
After a pause, Jinkx added a soft, “I love you...”
“Yeah, I love you too, Jinkxy,” Alaska said, finally cracking a smile.
Violet obeyed, lifting her arm just as Sutan had instructed, and Sutan couldn’t help but smile as he ran his hands over it, the liquid soap in his hands getting spread all over his girlfriends skin, Violet humming in pleasure.
Sutan hadn’t realised the stroke of genius he had committed when he had asked Violet if he could come along for her shower. It was something the two of them often did in Paris, the showerhead one of the first things Sutan had replaced when he moved in. The ritual of showering together was an easy and honest way for them to reconnect after long days apart, both of them working so much that it sometimes felt like they barely saw each other, at least during Violet’s busy season. Here in Brazil, however, Sutan had watched Violet transform the moment the water hit her, Violet releasing a breath Sutan wasn’t even sure Violet had known she was holding.
“And the other.”
They switched, and Sutan couldn’t help but kiss Violet’s neck, the woman leaning against him. He ran his hand down her side, Violet whimpering as Sutan ran a hand over her stomach. In Paris Violet would melt like butter when he kneaded her tender back or touched her aching arms, the physical labor of working for Dior Couture sometimes pulling a true number on Violet’s body, the hours and hours and hours going into the dresses they produced paid right away, but Violet loved it, and Sutan loved that she loved it.
“How are you feeling?”
“Yeah?” Sutan smiled, pressing another kiss into Violet’s skin, his teeth nipping at her, and that’s when he felt it, Violet’s stomach practically rumbling under his hand. Sutan broke from her, a laugh leaving him. “Damn lovely eyes. Seems like someone shouldn’t have skipped dinner, huh?”
Violet laughed, and Sutan felt his heart melt, the comfort and trust Violet showed him in that moment something he cherished more than he knew how to put into words.
When he had first met Violet, she would have shied away, embarrassed and betrayed by her bodies humanity, but instead, after years together, she was laughing. Sutan ran his other hand through Violet’s wet hair, pushing it back and turning his head so he could kiss her.
“Some soup does sound nice…” Violet smiled, kissing Sutan’s lips. “Do you think they have tomatoes?”
“I’m sure they have everything you could ever dream of.”
Bianca couldn’t sleep. She laid in bed, covers tossed aside, eyes wide open and staring at the slow moving ceiling fan.
She couldn’t close them because every time she did, she saw Courtney. Muscular thighs on full display as she climbed a ladder, abs peeking out from her shirt when she sailed across a zip line. Even the agile way she jumped to the ground. Who knew that an afternoon of zip lining would be so fucking alluring?
Bianca could have cursed herself for not bringing a single vibrator in her massive suitcase. An oversight that was truly proving to be tragic, fingers simply not enough to relieve the pulsing ache in her cunt.
She flipped over onto her stomach, pillow between her legs, squirming desperately against her hand, some of her hair ending up in her mouth. God, what she wouldn’t give for that mouthful to be blonde and silky. Bianca squeezed her eyes shut, straining, trying to imagine her tongue against Courtney’s skin, hands full of her perfect ass. She whimpered, frustration mounting, finally collapsing in exhaustion and failure.
Why the fuck hadn’t she packed a vibrator?
Did Amazon Prime deliver to remote Brazilian resort towns?
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icequeenjules26 · 5 years
All I Want (For Christmas) Is You
Summary:  Dan Howell's life as a student of modern piano music is completely turned upside down when he is grouped in an assignment with Phil Lester...
Word Count: 7,2k
Tags: University AU, Fluff, Pianist!Dan, Guitarist!Phil, 
A/n: This is written for @babethepig for the Phandom fic Fests Holiday Exchange. As always the biggest ever thank you goes out to my love @succubusphan, who spent a lot of time beta’ing this. You’re the best. <3 
Read on A03
Dans schedule was a proper mess this semester. His decision to specialize in modern piano music got frowned upon not only by his parents but also by his Uni, so his curses were not nicely fit together anymore. He had a lot of free time in between, but his time gaps were too short to get back to his dorm, so he mostly stayed on campus, spending his free time in one of the multiple coffee shops around or with his friend Louise, who was assigned a dorm room much closer to campus than he was.
 That’s how he caught wind of it first.
 He had always been good at playing the piano, the time at uni had only helped with that, obviously; but that he was supposedly the best in his studies had always sounded like an exaggeration. There were a lot of piano students, so he had tried toning down the people talking about him, directing them to someone else. Aside from his musical ability there wasn’t much interesting about him, though, so he had drifted out of the other students’ eyes - at least aside from the talk about whoever was supposed to be dating this week. His open bisexuality made for a large pool of possible suitors, but there were students much more interesting to talk about.
 Now, though, he was back inside of the rumor mill, and right in the center.
 It started off innocently enough.
 “The instruments students are doing trios this year, did you hear?” The two girls in the booth right next to his were chatting animatedly with each other, obviously unaware of him just sitting half a meter away. “Yeah, I’m so excited! We haven’t seen Dan Howell performing for a while, which is a shame. Him at a Piano is enough to get me going to be honest.”
 Dan was already puffing out his chest like a peacock, debating on whether to go over there or at least make his presence known otherwise, when the other girl’s reply made him halt in his tracks. “I mean same , but have you seen Phil Lester lately? He got rid of his emo fringe and stuff. He’s scolding hot .” She layed extra emphasis on the word hot and in Dan’s head, two mindsets started battling over what to do. The first one expressed some kind of jealousy in a “I wanted to tap that girl”-kind of way, the other one wanted to spring onto facebook to check out the guy they were talking about, whose name sounded kind of familiar.
 Former emo fringe musician that got hot? Sign him the fuck up.
 Chuckling lowly about his screaming bisexuality he continued listening, his interest now peaked.
 “Well, they’re doing trios right? Just imagine both of them on stage together…”
 The other girl actually moaned at the thought and Dan couldn’t contain the smirk creeping on his face. He took a sip from his coffee, his still open laptop on the table in front of him long forgotten. He probably should be working on one of his assignments due this week, but the girls’ conversation was too interesting to ignore.
 Dan had to suppress some swearing when his laptop dinged with an incoming email. He could hear the girls whispering behind him when they looked over because of the sound, realizing who he was - “Oh my god is that Dan Howell?” and “Oh my god, do you think he heard us?” -  and he quickly leaned forward to appear busy.
 The email causing the ‘ding’ was actually about the assignment the girls had just been talking about. He packed up his stuff immediately when he had read through it. The list of assigned groups had just been hung out in front of his professor’s office and she invited all participants to a meeting in about half an hour on the other side of the campus, so he had to rush.
 Even the rushing didn’t help in the end, the unfortunate incident of a broken down bus costed him the time to check the list before the meeting started. When he got there he still had no idea who his partners were, so he didn’t understand the reason behind the quiet whispers that started when he set foot into the lecture hall. He managed to find his friend Louise quite fast and slid into the free spot next to her. “What’s the fuss about?” he asked her quietly but before she could answer, the door opened again and a group of professors walked in.
 Their looks varied about as much as those of the students sitting in the audience, making for a quite colourful group. For this assignment, nearly all rock-centered curses were thrown together, not only piano but also guitar, drums, bass, violin and multiple other instruments. The hall was packed full, but the arrival of the professors assured silence among the students.
 “Good morning everyone! Hopefully you all checked the list and are in the process of contacting your partners. Teamwork is the key for this assignment! Because of the number of students most groups consist of one piano student, one guitar student and one of another instrument, specifically arranged to play into your strengths and make you work on your weaknesses.” The young male professor’s voice rung soundly through the hall and Dan couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. Prof. Smith, responsible for the guitar department and  specialized on rock music, was so completely different from his own professor and so cliché rock musician that it offended Dan’s believes; he fit the stereotype perfectly, including tattoo covered arms, piercings and wild, green hair, often sporting band shirts.
 Prof. Johnson, on the other hand, was nothing like her profession. She was a middle-aged woman with slim, neon green glasses and grey eyes that always seemed to shine with mischief. Her jet black hair fell in untamable curls onto her shoulders and she seemed to never leave the house without a nerdy T-Shirt, merch for some comic, TV-Show or movie. When she stepped forward, the whispers around the hall got louder and the grin on her face was so wide Dan couldn’t help but grin back. He liked his Professor, even if she tended to overstep her boundaries and was eager to make friends among the students.
 “If you have questions you can always turn to me or Mr. Smith, Mr. Miller or Mrs. Adams, or any of the other Professors involved,” she said, then paused for a second to let the murmures and voices ring out.
 “Now, we know this is a big thing among the student body, but we hope you can keep it as low as possible. Drama and relations, as fun as they are to watch for us, will only make your work harder. If you want to outplay this though, be assured I will be watching with a glass of wine and popcorn.” There were chuckles among the group and Louise next to him went red trying to keep in her laughter. Dan grinned at her and made a mental note to tell her about the girls he had encountered before coming here.
It took some time for the students to calm down, but when she continued speaking, Dan was shocked into silence. “That also goes for other students aside from yourself. The list is out for half an hour and the only duo involving Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester has already caused an uproar throughout the whole university, so please think about what you are causing when you speak about information like this next time.”
 The rest of the meeting went by in a blur. The professors informed them of the nature of the assignment - the whole thing had pretty much the built-up of a generic talent show. They had to cover one song each week in an open, on-campus concert starting in two weeks. Each week two groups would be voted out by the professors until three groups remained for the finale.
 At the end Dan didn’t remember anything the professors had explained to them. He would beg Louise for her notes tomorrow, but that wasn’t the important thing right now.
 The important thing was that he was supposed to perform with the one and only Phil Lester - and after a quick facebook check he realized why the name had sounded so familiar. Dan had had a crush on the cute and amazingly talented guitar player performing every saturday in a close-by coffee shop for weeks until he had disappeared. What made it even harder for Dan was the fact that the girls had been right.
 The guy had gotten hot as fuck.
 Louise’ mumbled keep it in your pants seemed almost impossible to stick to.
 It took Dan around half a week to stop running from Phil. He kept himself busy with papers not due for at least a few more weeks and working harder for other assignments than he ever had before - he did anything that would make him forget about the short message from Phil awaiting him on whatsapp, where he introduced himself and informed him they were partners. The little dog emoji at the end of the message made him squeal like a schoolgirl, but that was exactly the problem. He had to keep it professional. Which would be difficult considering the increasingly hot pictures Phil posted on his facebook and instagram…
 On thursday Dan finally realized he wouldn’t be able to hide from this forever, as he couldn’t afford to fail this class. So he decided to suck it up and went with a generic confirmation and the question to set a time for their first rehearsal as a reply.
 On friday Dan was about as nervous as he could be. Fidgeting the entire morning, he changed his outfit for at least five times until Louise threatened to rip his whole wardrobe to shreds if he didn't decide soon. Her teasing didn’t make his job any easier though. He was supposed to meet Phil in less than half an hour in one of the practice rooms in the music building half a campus away and he was dying a little.
 “Do you really think I look okay?” he asked Louise, who was seated directly next to him on the bus, anxiously running his fingers through his brown locks. Louise caught his wrist mid-movement and forced his hand back into his lap before she patted it sympathetically. “You look great, Dan. Just don’t behave like the little schoolgirl you’re portraying right now, okay?”
 Dan couldn’t get rid of the blush creeping onto his cheeks for the rest of the bus ride.
 When he arrived at their booked practice room, Phil wasn’t there yet. Sighing in relief, he let his backpack sink to the floor before moving over to the piano, situated on a little pedestal in front of the window. He took a seat on the stool right in front of it and let his fingers run over the keys testingly. A series of notes rang through the air and he realized delightedly that the piano was pitched precisely.
 He let his fingers push the keys purposefully and before he knew it they strung together to one of his favorite songs. He started singing along, just for the fun of it; but he got completely lost in the music. At one point a second voice joined in, harmonizing with him to an unbelievable extend, but he didn’t even realize; it just sounded like it had been there from the start.
 Like it belonged there, ringing alongside his own.
 Only at the end of the song he realized what had happened. When the last note rang loud through the now deafening silence he whipped around, eyes wide - and met the bluest eyes he had ever seen.
 He wanted to avert his eyes, wanted to check who it was, but he couldn’t; for a few moments, he was frozen, lost in time, no connection to reality except for the blue he was drowning in.
 The moment shattered like glass around him when some kind of crashing noise pierced in from outside of the room and Dan was finally able to move his eyes.
 “That was beautiful,” a deep, melodic voice said and he couldn’t help but stare at the black haired figure standing proudly and tall at the other end of the piano, smiling at him reassuringly.
 Dan had to blink a few times and pinch himself covertly, but the picture in front of him stayed the same: Phil Lester, in all his delicious glory, eyes shining so bright Dan was sure he’d need sunglasses.
 “It was,” he agreed with a raspy voice, watching wordlessly as Phil made his way over to him. “I’m Phil,” he said, sticking out his hand in front of him and Dan had to gulp down his fast rising excitement. I’ll get to touch Phil Lester!!
 When it happened, when their hands touched, he almost flinched back. A warm feeling shot up his arm at top speed and for a second, he forgot how to breathe. Holy shit.
 “Dan,” he rasped back, staring up at Phil with wide eyes, not really sure what to do with himself, only one thought ringing through his mind - if touching Phil felt like that , how amazing would kissing him be?
 Obviously, the black haired guitar player was not as shocked as Dan. “So, do you think we found our song for the first show?”
 Just like that they slipped over into work - and working with Phil, Dan learned, was just as easy as breathing.
 The first week with Phil was like walking on clouds. The numerous holes in Dan’s schedule made for good practice times, and the fact that Phil didn’t have many classes this semester meant that he was there for almost every one of them. Work flowed easily and smoothly and on monday they were already done segmenting the song and deciding who would get to sing which parts.
 But not only the work went great, even their voices harmonized like they were meant to be heard together. They didn’t even need transitions between Dan’s singing parts to Phil’s, the changes from line to line went just as smoothly as the ones with longer instrumental intervals between.
 Tuesday evening they were basically ready to perform. Dan had his piano playing recorded as a playback to make him more flexible on stage instead of immobile behind a giant instrument. Phil’s guitar skills maybe didn’t quite match Jimmy Hendrik’s yet, but they were definitely up there, and he had the song down to a T. Neither of them had classes the next morning, so as they were leaving the practice room, Dan felt quite courageous from all the adrenaline still rushing through him after a perfect run - and he boldly asked Phil if he wanted to get a coffee somewhere before retiring to their respective dorms.
 Ten minutes later they were sat in a coffee shop right off campus. Dan chose a cozy little booth in the corner directly next to the window front while Phil went to get their coffees. When Dan took the first sip of his drink he almost spat it right back out, but instead moved to first eye the drink and then Phil suspiciously.
 “How do you know?” he asked, his voice almost high pitched as he narrowed his eyes.
Phil just raised an eyebrow into an almost perfectly shaped curve, looking at Dan questionably as he calmly took a sip of his coffee, not saying a word.
 “How do you know my order?” Dan specified and watched incredulously as Phil’s full, kissable lips spread into a wide grin. He could almost picture it, attaching his own lips onto his as they spread into the exact grin before the kisses started to get more serious, more heated, Phil’s fringe messed up, his cheeks red as clothes were coming off…
 Oh my god, stop betraying me, goddamn heart.
 “I didn’t. I just ordered two of my usual order.”
 Phil’s voice ripped him out of his daydream and for a second he couldn’t do much else than stare in stunned silence. “You drink caramel Macchiato, too?” he asked, blinking. Huh. He really hadn’t expected that from a guy as hot as him…
 Jesus fucking christ, actually shut the fuck up!
 Dan’s attraction to Phil had risen to an unhealthy level by now. Not only was he hot as fuck, no; during their practice time Dan also had had to learn that the guy was smart, funny, lively, and talented as fuck , even more than Dan remembered him to be. Dan was lucky the assignment, and working on the music kept him busy and focused, or else he would have probably jumped the guy by now.
 “It’s my all time favorite,” Phil confirmed, his grin transforming into a cheeky smile, and Dan couldn’t keep a blush from dusting his cheeks pink.
 “Mine too,” he admitted and took another tentative sip from his drink, purposefully avoiding Phil’s eyes. He knew that if he looked into them now, he would drown in them.
 For a few moments it was silent between them, both nursing their coffee, Dan deeply lost in thought about the blueness of Phil’s eyes.
 “So, Muse, huh?”
 It was Phil breaking the silence and Dan looked up, surprised. It took him a second to realize how Phil had even known he liked Muse , until he realized they had met while singing their song Thought Contagion before choosing it for their first performance. This time he was pretty sure he kept the blush at bay.
 “Yeah. I love them.”
 Phil’s mouth stretched into a happy smile, his eyes shining brightly, full of honest excitement as he started chattering about them. Dan had to gulp and pinch his hand unsuspiciously to keep himself from losing his mind .
 They moved from Muse to Panic! to Fallout Boy to Paramore and even further. Albums became scores, which lead the way to games, movies and TV shows. It was almost scary how much they had in common, how much their interests overlapped, and it actually took Dan a while to remember a question he’d had since he’d heard of the assigned groups.
 He used a temporary lull in conversation - one that he could have easily filled with something relatable to the topic they were on, mind you - to finally ask.
 “By the way, do you know why we are the only duo?”
 Phil raised his eyebrow, a cheeky smile back on his face and Dan knew there was a blush creeping up his cheeks yet again. He couldn’t help but feel like he missed something vital here, but he had no idea what exactly.
 “Did you not pay attention at the meeting?”
 Dan felt his eyes widen in surprise and blinked, cheeks even hotter than before. “I might have been… preoccupied ,” he admitted and Phil’s smile grew into a full-blown grin.
 “Prof. Johnson and Prof. Smith spent like ten minutes explaining,” he informed Dan, “Apparently the numbers didn’t match up and they had to have one duo, so they both chose their best student and realized we would be a good match.” He put special emphasis on the word match and for a second, Dan wasn’t sure if he would be able to stay conscious. Was he just making a joke… Or was Phil Lester really flirting with him?
 “We - we are,” he stammered in response and Phil’s chuckling send his heart into overdrive. Oh god. How was he supposed to survive at least 2 more months working with the guy?
 “I think so too,” Phil whispered back with a husky voice, making Dan choke on his long cold coffee.
 Fuck, these next weeks are going to be torture.
 The next monday morning Dan found himself in yet another on-campus coffee shop, putting the finishing touches on an assignment that was due today. Normally it was a break he would spend with Phil, but he had stuff to arrange with one of his professors, so they decided he would join up with Dan as soon as he was able to. They had managed to get a headstart on this week’s performance by starting working on it on saturday, so they weren’t in much of a rush. They had decided on a song and discussed divisioning on sunday already; it was only practicing left.
 Of course the performance on Friday had gone great. They had gotten a lot of applause by the watching students, the little hall on campus used for performances had been packed to the rim, so there had been at least a few hundred watchers. The professors had obviously also been satisfied with their presentation, considering they had informed them they would progress into the next round even before the whole show had been over.
 So Dan and Phil had spent their Friday night celebrating. Even though neither of them were really the party going type, they had agreed to go out for a few drinks with their best friends Louise and PJ - who, coincidentally, were in the same group - and Tyler, a music production student Dan had been friends with for years. He had flirted with Phil quite obviously and had teased Dan for his sour mood afterwards, but had assured him that Phil only has eyes for you, you dumbass, pay attention!, coupled with a playful whack on his head.
 The memory let Dan grumble absently, but the arriving of a group of students in the booth right behind him ripped him away from his trip down memory lane. “I mean, they’re both bisexual, right?” one of the girls stated while taking a seat, making him peek up immediately. He liked to hear stories about his fellow unicorns and regretted only becoming aware of this conversation after it had already started.
 “They are,” a guy’s voice confirmed. Dan was pretty sure he had heard the voice before, but he didn’t have the courage to turn around and check. He was lucky enough to not have been spotted by the group, he really didn’t have to push his luck.
 “Have you seen their sexual tension? I know you want to fuck them both, Caleb, but come on.” The female voice was followed by a male groan and the sound of a head meeting the tabletop. “I knowww,” was the answer, “I’m sexually deprived, not blind .”
 Dan raked his brain, trying to figure out who they were talking about. Being friends with Louise and Tyler meant that he was mostly up to date with recent campus gossip, and he really wanted to tell them about this later.
 “Did you know there’s already a bet going on? About if they’ll be dating by the end of this semester.”
 “Which idiot would even bet against that?”
 The booth erupted into laughter and Dan furrowed his eyebrows, thinking. He leaned forward, trying to appear busy, but in reality the assignment currently open on his laptop was the furthest thing from his mind.
 “Okay, but aside from all that they were the best group, even if it was just the two of them. They’re gonna win this thing, hands down.” 
Dan’s eyes went as wide as saucers as realization seeped into him. They weren’t really talking about -
 “Absolutely. Thought Contagion was brilliant, I’m so excited to see what they’ll come up with for the next round.”
 That was the moment Phil decided to make his appearance, ripping him out of his thoughts almost violently. “Morning!” he said, cheerfully, two cups of steaming coffee in his hands. He pushed one of them over to Dan after he had taken a seat.
 A look of confusion, even concern appeared on his face when Dan didn’t react, just continued staring at his laptop screen with his eyes wide open. “Dan? Are you okay? Have you seen a ghost?”
 The chatter behind him ended immediately. When he slowly turned around a group of seven people was staring at him, wide eyed. All of them scrambled to their feets as fast as they could. “You’re a cute couple!” one of the girls squeaked out, then they were gone, leaving Dan to explain the situation to Phil.
 Needless to say Phil wasn’t fazed at all, instead he used the story to make more flirty remarks, making Dan blush yet again.
 Damn, I’m fucked.
Almost three months passed by in a rush and by december Dan couldn’t even recognize his life anymore. All the time he had previously spent alone in front of his laptop, browsing tumblr or watching Netflix, converted into Phil-time, slowly but surely. They played games or watched TV-Shows nearly every day after practice. Dan’s roommate had even asked him if he was moving out with all the time he spent away, but Dan couldn’t help himself. Phil lived in a flat near campus all alone. A tiny flat, sure, but it made for the best meetup place, especially for gaming or movie nights or for research about their next song - and it gave them some privacy. Not that much had happened yet aside from the increasingly flirty comments and occasional cuddle sessions, but it still made their friendship easier.
 Especially because they were now something like campus-famous and got recognized wherever they went.
 So far, they had aced most performances and were through to the last show before christmas break. After New Year’s there was only one show left before the big finale. They were pretty sure they had a good grade secured, but they still gave it their all - they had come so far, there was no way they were giving up now.
 In the upcoming show only seven groups were left and it was the first one with two mandatory songs, one optional and one christmas themed, dropping the rock theme just for this once. Since the last week was cut short - Christmas break started on thursday - they had an additional half week to prepare. Dan and Phil had decided on Panic! ’s High Hopes for the first song and Last Christmas for the second and as always, they had been quite fast with their work. They were practiced and basically done on Monday, so they allowed themselves the night off. Phil’s brother was in town and Dan had heartlessly neglected Tyler since the assignment started (his words), basically forcing Dan to spent the night with him.
 Fortunately Tyler had a lecture early the next morning, so he wasn’t trying to get himself or Dan trashed. He did, however, made use of the time by grilling Dan about his relationship to Phil.
 Dan was a bit annoyed, but at the end of the day he was glad to be able to talk about it, even if he would never admit to that. Louise and her group were still in the run for the finals too, which made her so busy they barely were able to talk for longer than a few minutes at a time - and he desperately needed an outsider’s opinion.
 It took him almost an hour to get Tyler up to date on what had happened, all the while getting interrupted by texts from Phil. Right when he was done explaining his phone dinged again, indicating another text.
 ‘the girl two tables over has a cute lil pup on her lap i keep staring she probs thinks i'm a perv help’ it read and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Tyler inspected him warily from across the table, absently playing with the straw in his half-empty cocktail. “Okay, who are you texting?” he asked then, fixing Dan with a steely gaze.
 “Oh, it’s just Phil,” he answered distractedly, typing a quick response before turning his attention back to Tyler. “Why?”
 “Are you shitting me?” he asked back, a fitting expression on his face like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Dan just answered with a surprised “huh?”, shooting him a confused look.
 “Mate, how dense can you be? You are basically dating the guy, only without the good parts!”
 Dan blinked, completely lost now, unable to follow Tyler’s train of thought. “What?”
 “You and Phil are dating, Dan, wake up! The only thing missing is the sex!”  Dan was stunned into silence, staring at Tyler like he had grown a second head. It took the thought a while to register in his brain, but then he blushed, taking a huge gulp of his drink before calling the waiter over to order another one.
 He needed more alcohol for this.
 The show on wednesday evening went exceptionally well. They had the most fun rocking to High Hopes and got really festive during Last Christmas , with Dan at the Piano and Phil sat on top of it. Their professors called them over and into the next show immediately, making them giddy and high on adrenaline in the process.
 The christmas party thrown by the rock music department started directly afterwards and PJ and Louise, immensely proud of their best friends even though their own group had been voted out, insisted on going. Still in an after show rush they agreed, but soon realized why they normally didn’t like parties. It was loud, the room stuffed with people and the food was average at best, and it took them around twenty minutes to revert back to the snacks table, where they hid from the actual party.
 When Louise, PJ and Tyler of all people found them, sporting a cheeky expression, Dan knew they were fucked. They were leaning against a wall, talking and laughing with each other as much as the music allowed them to, and only a few people were inspecting them from afar.
 “Do you know where you’re standing?” PJ asked when the group was within earshot and Dan raised an eyebrow. “Next to the snacks table where we always are?” he remarked drily, making Phil chuckle next to him.
 “Look up!” Tyler singsonged with a high pitched voice and flattered his eyelashes with faked innocence.
 Dan perked up immediately. He knew that voice.
 He didn’t even need to look up to know what was fixated on the wall over their heads.
 “A Mistletoe!” Louise grinned so widely Dan was sure it had to hurt. He turned his attention to Phil, his heart throbbing in his chest on full speed.
 There was a cheeky smile on the guitarist’s face as he took a step closer, taking a hold of Dan’s head with both hands. “They want a kiss,” he murmured, lowly, “let’s give them a kiss.”
 The second his lips met Phil’s was like a firework going off everywhere inside of his body. For a moment he forgot where he was, hell, even who he was, just continued kissing Phil with passion and lust and love. He didn’t even hesitate opening up his mouth at Phil’s silent request to let him in, too far gone to care - hell, to even realize they had an audience.
 The kiss lasted for minutes and it probably could have gone on much longer if there wouldn’t have been a sudden outburst of applause. The blood took a second to reach Dan’s brain after having rushed somewhere south only seconds ago, but when it did, it immediately spread into his cheeks. They broke apart, Dan’s face still in Phil’s hands, silently contemplating the recent event.
 He had just kissed Phil Lester. In front of basically the whole rock music department.
 Great. Just great.
 The applause and whooping didn’t stop soon and he couldn’t do much more then to exchange a long look with Phil. They had a silent discussion Dan himself didn’t know the content of, until suddenly and with no indication there was panic on Phil’s face as he hastily let go of Dan and scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket. It was vibrating violently in his hands and Dan couldn’t even blink by the time Phil rasped out a “Shit! My brother is waiting for me!” and left in a rush.
 Dan stood there, staring after Phil until most of the students had averted their gazes from him and went back to whatever they had been doing before. When the ice in his veins freezing him into place finally dissipated, he groaned. He knew Phil’s brother Martyn was picking him up for Christmas with their family, and he wouldn’t be back until january.
 Of course. That’s just my fucking luck.
 He spent christmas break in some sort of limbo, like his relationship to Phil was Schrödinger’s cat, platonic and romantic at the same time. He knew the kiss had meant something not only to him but also to Phil, that much had been obvious with the way he had taken the offensive in deepening the kiss and how he had held him afterwards. But that was about the amount of information Dan had, and neither of them mentioned the kiss on any level, so he decided to just ignore the issue for now.
 It did made him jumpy and fidgety and mostly unable to focus, though, and only his frequent skype calls with Phil got him focused and concentrated enough to get some much needed work done.
 There were only two shows left, but they were only one week apart and both required three songs, so they decided to learn all songs over the break. They spent hours on skype, deciding on the songs and how to play and sing them, so they would be done learning their personal parts until they could meet back up in person.
 For a short moment, their reunion was like the sun had risen again. They hugged, soft words of attachment and longing on their lips, but then it was like someone had flipped a switch and they were back in working mode. Phil didn’t mention the kiss and Dan didn’t dare to, so they went back to Status Quo, just like that.
 The first show in the new year went okay-ish. Neither of them poured everything into it, already looking forward to the songs they had chosen for the finale, but they still managed to pull through. Their only truly memorable performance was The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance , which they definitely aced, but the other ones admittedly fell a bit flat. Both their professors urged them to not take it too lightly just because they had done so amazingly until now, so they swore to give everything they had in their last performances together.
 They were the first group performing in the finale. It wasn’t hard for Dan to get in the mood of their songs, considering they were all pining lovesongs and he would have the one he was pining after up on stage with him, so he was glad they got to go first. It made the waiting and anticipation in between easier, and waiting for the results when they were done didn’t mean much to him anyway - he didn’t care too much about winning.
 He just wanted to give his best, pour all his feelings into the songs when he was up there with Phil. He wanted to make it obvious that he meant every word he was singing.
 He wanted to get Phil to understand…
 In short, he just wanted Phil.
 Their first song was a soft piano interpretation of It’s not living (If it’s not with you) by The 1975 , and Dan was so entranced by Phil he forgot to look at his hands while playing. He didn’t make a single mistake, thankfully,  but if he would have made one he probably wouldn’t even have noticed. He benefited from the fact that he had practiced the piano part so often on the tiny piano in his childhood bedroom that his parents had asked him to please, please stop.
 They spent their break with a bottle of coke huddled together on a tiny sofa backstage, making loose conversation and trying to get their mind off of things. Dan basked in the close physical proximity and simply smiled when Phil just casually took his hand while he talked, playing with his fingers. He had a feeling that things would be going well.
 Dan had particularly fun during their next song. The Last Of The Real Ones by Fallout Boy was one of his favorite songs and he connected a lot of the lyrics to Phil. The piano playing was not an issue this time since they had both laid down their playing previously and conjoined it in a track, so he had all the time in the world to focus on Phil, which he took full advantage of. They riled up the crowd so much that Tyler, who had agreed to be the presenter of the night, had trouble getting them back in check for the next group.
 During christmas break, far away from Phil and his feelings, their next song had seemed like a good idea. It was romantic, emotional and full of love and Dan couldn’t think of any other song that would make his feelings for Phil more clear than this.
 Now, though, it seemed entirely too personal to perform in front of what felt like the whole Uni. During practice he had refrained from building too much of a connection, afraid of taking it too far, but now he didn’t have much of a choice and it made him more nervous than any other performance before. His hands were sweaty, his stomach was rumbling and he was ready to cancel the whole thing when Phil noticed the state he was in.
 “Dan,” he whispered, pointedly ignoring the other people lounging around backstage, completely focusing on Dan, “It’ll be okay. You will be okay. And I will be with you, right there by your side the whole time, okay?”
 It was in this moment that something settled in Dan’s chest. He returned Phil’s fond look with courage and determination, grasping his hand in his and squeezing it tightly. “Me too. We’re on the same page.”
 He was sure Phil caught the double meaning when his look got soft. “I think I always knew,” he answered quietly, almost inaudible. “Let’s do this.”
 Their last performance of this assignment was a complete success. They performed The Only Exception by Paramore sitting huddled together on the little Piano stool in front of the huge piano and didn’t take their eyes off of each other the entire time. It was so emotional Tyler had tears in his eyes when he came on stage, hugging first Phil, then Dan tightly, muttering a soft “go get ‘em, tiger” into Dan’s ear and Dan could feel his heart swelling.
 This was it.
 Backstage, thankfully, they were alone. Both of the other groups were nowhere to be seen, and Phil obviously noticed faster than him.
 Before he even had the chance to turn around from closing the door he was already spun around and pressed against the next hard surface, Phil’s lips attacking his own.
 For what felt like ages they were kissing furiously, like they had deprived themselves of this for far too long and now a dam had been broken down, nothing holding them back anymore.
 Once they were out of breath Phil separated their lips, lovingly gazing into his eyes instead. “I have waited for this for far too long,” he whispered quietly, softly, his hands on the sides of Dan’s head, his thumbs gently caressing his cheeks.
 “Me too,” he mumbled back, drowning in Phil’s eyes and feeling himself falling, falling; falling even deeper in love with him. “I meant every word I sang.”
 There was a beat of quiet, then:
 “I love you.”
 The words were muttered completely simultaneously, and for the single bat of an eye both stared at the other, stunned into silence.
 Then they were both dissolving into giggles, holding onto the other to keep from toppling over.
 “That,” Phil gasped out, “was so us.”
 Dan couldn’t help but agree.
 “Do you really think so, Badiha?”
 “I don’t know, Henry, but they did seem smitten during that song, don’t you think?”
 There was a group of at least five people seated in the booth directly behind Dan’s and even though he wasn’t that much of a gossip he couldn’t help but eavesdrop. He was busily procrastinating the work he needed to do until the next day, refreshing tumblr around ten times a minute, so it wasn’t too surprising the conversation distracted him as soon as it got loud enough for him to hear.
 “But they haven’t been seen in public with each other in ages aside from their performances. I just really want them to be happy with each other, is that too much to ask?”
 That was the first voice again. Dan allowed himself a short look at the group out of the corner of his eyes and recognized all faces he was able to pick up on. They had all been to the performance Phil and him did twice a week in a near bar ever since their joint assignment last year, he was sure of it. He mostly recognized them because of the person that had spoken first, a girl with the pride flag drawn on her eyelids. He remembered how she had attracted his attention during their first show because of her truly iconic makeup.
 “I know, right?!” a male voice joined in and this time Dan didn’t need the information practically jumping into his face to realize they were talking about him and Phil.
 After their win in the finale they had decided to keep their relationship at a down low, trying to make themselves comfortable with being boyfriends before they truly made it public. They were still pretty famous throughout the students and the center of the rumor mill, but they had been in a relationship for almost a year now and had only recently realized there was nothing to be afraid of if everybody knew. Most of them would be happy for them, and the rest of them, well -
 They’d just have to suck it up.
 That was the moment his boyfriend decided to show up. He slid into the booth, taking a seat directly next to Dan, pressing their thighs together. “Morning, love,” he greeted Dan gently, planting a kiss on his cheek before grinning happily. “Busy procrastinating?”
 “Yeah,” Dan replied extra loud, grinning right back, “but I’d rather kiss my boyfriend.”
 So they shared a short, cute kiss, making the group behind them gasp loudly. “It’s them,” the girl with the pride flag on her eyelids whispered into the silence stretching between them. Dan grinned.
 “It is,” he confirmed cheekily, turning around to look at her. “Very iconic Make-up by the way, I like it.”
 “Oh my god, thank you,” she answered, a blush becoming apparent on her cheeks and Dan’s grin only got wider before he turned his attention back around to Phil.
 “What was that about?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and his head cutely tilted to the side.
 Dan pecked him on the lips. “Had to make a point.”
 Phil looked back cheekily, a grin on his face so wide Dan was able to see his tongue poking out between his teeth. “A point about what?”
 Dan puffed out his cheeks, feigning huffiness. Phil knew exactly what this was about, and they were both aware of that. “You’re an idiot,” he said, pouting.
 “Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”
 Dan looked at him, eyes full of fondness and adoration and love. “Exactly.”
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crystaiskiess · 7 years
Pure As Mud: Chapter 2
Previous Chapter
Summary : Dan Howell is muggleborn, Phil Lester is a pure blood. Phil dreams of Slytherin, Dan’s just happy to be a wizard. When conflict arises the boys are broken apart, only to come back together as prefects years later. Can they repair the bond their younger selves broke?
Author’s Notes: Thank you all for reading my fic! I hope you're enjoying it! I update every Saturday!!!
AO3 Link
Phil was knocked backwards by the force of Lana’s hug. “Woah!” He exclaimed as his feet nearly gave way beneath him “You’re a prefect!” She exclaimed with a squeal of glee. Her bright green eyes glittering with mischief. “No. I know what you’re thinking,” he shook his head at his best friend, “and there is no way you are getting out of trouble because I’m a prefect.” She groaned, “You’re no fun!” Phil just rolled his eyes in response. “Hey Howell!” Someone called out and Phil felt his stomach drop.
Howell and he hadn’t talked since First Year and yet the mention of his name never failed to make Phil’s intestines knot together. Lana looked at him knowingly but he shrugged her off. “I have to go to the Prefect carriage but save me a spot and I’ll catch up with you?” He grinned and she nodded before bolting off to their usual carriage. Fifth year and they’d sat in the same carriage every year, except for the First Year but Phil didn’t like to think about that.
As he entered the carriage he felt the blood drain from his face.
Of course Howell was a prefect.
Bloody hell, he’d matured well. His hair was just as curly as the first time they met, but now they were formed into soft ringlets rather than a messy birds nest. The curls were swept into a sort of side fringe and the sides of his head were shaved. Although Phil would deny it if asked he couldn’t help but notice that Dan’s jaw had become more defined. The only thing that remained was the adorable dimple that Phil had loved on that first trip to Hogwarts. He swallowed dryly before entering the carriage, only to see the dimple fade away as they locked eye contact. Brown on Blue.
“Lester,” Howell nodded curtly and Phil felt a pain stab through his chest, just like it had in the library in first year.
“Howell,” he replied swiftly before taking a seat beside his fellow Hufflepuff prefect.
While the teacher spoke to them Phil couldn’t help but be distracted by Dan Howell. He seemed to be interested in what the teacher had to say, but Phil wondered if maybe he was zoned out as well. Maybe he should apologise for what he said in first year? He was pretty sure he had said never to speak to him again. Although the memory was slightly faded. But Phil had sworn to himself that he would never apologise until Dan did. It had never happened and so the two boys had drifted apart.
But still, being so close to him for the first time in years, Phil was wondering if it had been worth it.
Of course they had been in the same class occasionally throughout their schooling but Phil had never paid much attention to the boy as he always had Lana to accompany him. He wondered what would have happened if he had apologised earlier? Would they be friends now? At the glare of the teacher in front of him he snapped back to reality. “P-pardon ma’am?” He stammered and the other prefects snickered, that was except for Howell who stared at him curiously. “I was asking if you would be willing to work with our Slytherin prefect Mr Howell for carriage checks now as I need to talk to Miss Blanford,” the teacher nodded at the Hufflepuff beside him. Oh god, this was not a good start to the year. “Yeah sure.” He replied while standing up. Howell did the same and Phil was shocked to discover that he was now a few inches shorter than the other boy.
“So…” Phil murmured as they started their way down the long steam train. Stepping out of the way of the kind trolley lady. “So…” Dan copied with a smirk. He took a deep breath and before he could talk himself out of it blurted, “I’m sorry for what I said in first year. I shouldn’t have let Martyn get away with it and then I can’t even remember exactly what you said but it made me angry but I should have apologised sooner.” He gasped for breath and Dan raised an eyebrow, “What I meant to say is do you forgive me? I was a stupid eleven year old after all.” Dan shrugged, “Yeah sure. I said some pretty rude stuff as well and as you said, we were stupid eleven year olds.” Phil felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off his chest, that he hadn’t even realised had been there until now. “Wow. Ok. Th-thank you,” he blubbered as they continued walked along the train. “No problem. So start over?” He asked holding out his hand. “Yeah.”
“Would you calm down?” Sam groaned as he lay sprawled on the green duvet of Dan’s bead. “How can I calm down? Why did I say yes!” He groaned before slumping down beside his best friend, “I’m literally going to be spending an hour every day with Lester!” Sam sighed, “Look we both know that you remember every single icy detail of that exchange back when we all were wee eleven year olds but you’ve gotta consider that he’s probably changed.” Dan nodded into the pillow but he felt a slump. The thing he had wanted more than anything since first year was happening and yet he felt terrified. Why did he feel terrified? “Why do I feel so scared?” He mumbled into the cushion, hoping Sam wouldn’t hear. But of course he did. “Because you’ve had a major crush on Phil Lester since first year?” He suggested and Dan shoved him off the bed. “How many times do I have to say I do not like boys?” He groaned. Sam shrugged, “You can keep saying it and I’ll keep not believing you.” Dan threw a silk cushion at his friend’s smug face and grinned when he heard the oomph of impact. “Shut the fuck up!”
Herbology. Easily Dan’s worst subject. He blamed it on lack of talent. Sam blamed it on the fact that Phil Lester was always in his Herbology class. This of course, earned him a slap over the head. “How the fuck do you do this?” He groaned staring at the plant wrestling with the earth. Sam sighed heavily, “She literally just explained that Dan.” “I wasn’t listening.” Dan replied. “Wonder why,” Sam smirked with a pointed glance at the tall boy across from them. Blue eyes crinkled with concentration, black fringe falling in his eyes. Dan shoved the smirking boy beside him and shook his head. “I’m just tired. Was zoned out.” “Sure, sure.” He laughed again dodging a punch Dan aimed at his arm. “Let’s just pot the bloody thing.” Dan growled. Forcing himself not to look at Phil across from him. He tended to find himself mesmerised in the love Lester showed for plants. Sam chuckled softly but otherwise said nothing. Dan grabbed the soil and gently patted it around the plant, as Sam attempted to help he groaned. “You and your left handedness is very irritating!” Dan let out a soft laugh but made no effort to help his friend. It wasn’t his fault after all. “Are you left handed Howell?” A soft Northern voice asked and Dan tensed slightly. “Yeah,” he nodded looking up to lock eyes with Phil.
Phil dusted his hands off on his jeans before replying, “Huh. I never noticed that before.” He grinned blue eyes sparkling. Dan struggled to control the smile etching on his face.
It’s difficult to patrol the corridors every night when everyone else is asleep, and not become friends and Phil couldn’t deny that Dan was a great talker. “And that’s the story of how my brother microwaved his laptop,” he finished with a flourish and Phil laughed gently. He debated whether it was best to ask or not and decided Dan wouldn’t mind, “Erm. What’s a microwave?” Dan looked at him for a few seconds before bursting into manic laughter, causing a portrait to shush him. Phil turned a bright red, “S-sorry. I just,” Dan gasped between laughs, “I forget that you don’t know muggle appliances!” He grinned so widely that his dimple appeared and Phil felt a small stab to the gut. That clearly meant he liked seeing Dan happy. Clearly. “It’s like a mini oven that reheats food.” He smiled. Phil decided not to ask what an oven is.
“So what movies do you like?” Dan changed the topic. Phil felt his face heat up, “What’s a movie?” He asked. Dan’s jaw dropped open, “You don’t know what a movie is?” He gasped. “No. Is that a Muggle thing?” Dan nodded, but his eyes were glazed over as he thought heavily. Phil waited patiently, he had learnt that when Dan went into his own head, you just had to wait until he emerged again. “You need to watch my favourite Disney movie.” Dan said eventually. Phil furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Your favourite Disney movie?” “Disney,” Dan groaned, “Only the best movie company! I need to show you Lady and the Tramp.” Phil nodded, “How though?” There was another long pause while Dan thought, “Does the Room of Requirement actually exist?” “Yes.” Phil remembered Martyn telling about it . “We’re going to watch it in the Room of Requirement.”
Lana groaned, “You’re not focusing. Again!” “Ouch!” Phil winced as Lana poked her quill into his arm for the third time in five minutes. “What are you even thinking about?” She poked him again and he rolled his eyes at her, trying to cover up the blush creeping onto his cheeks. The truth was he was thinking about watching Lady and the Tramp with Dan tonight and kept forgetting that they were meant to be working on potions homework. “Nothing much.” he shrugged and she narrowed her eyes in disbelief.
With a huff she let it go. The library was quiet that day as it was Saturday but a few students had started to drift in. All carrying bags with the pretence of doing homework. Phil perked up at the sight of Dan wander in, bag thrust over his shoulder. A dark haired boy from Phil’s Arithmacy class was closely on his tail. What was his name again? Sebastian? S-s-samuel? Yes Sam! The boy, Sam, spotted Phil and shot him a huge smile, poking Dan in the side with a smirk.   There was a hushed conversation in which Dan’s eyes flitted over to Phil nervously. After a bit of debating and one shove, which nearly caused Sam a minor concussion, the two made their way over to Phil’s table.
“Hi.” Dan smiled. “Hi.” Phil replied
Lana eyed him curiously. She had no memory of Dan other than Phil coming back to the common room crying twice and hence was wary. Phil locked eyes with her, trying to convey that it was ok to trust him. She obviously knew they had been working as prefects together for the past month but Phil hadn’t gotten around to telling her that they were friends.
“Lana,” she said after thirty seconds of awkward silence. She stuck out her hand with the contagious enthusiasm that Phil was used to. Dan, however looked taken aback, but he took the hand with no questions. “Dan.” He grinned and Phil felt a pang as the dimple momentarily arrived on Dan’s cheek. Sam was watching Dan with a mixture of amusement and happiness. Phil hoped they weren’t dating. Wait why did Phil hope that? No he didn’t he just… Dan’s voice struck him out of his thoughts, “What are you doing?” “Oh. Erm. We’re-" “We’re doing our Potions,” Lana rolled her eyes. Dan nodded before sliding into the chair beside Phil, “Transfiguration.” He answered the question Phil had never asked. “Cool.” Phil grinned. Sam leaned in to whisper something that sounded suspiciously like,
“You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.” Causing Dan to turn around and shove him directly off his chair. Phil pretended not to hear.
Phil knocked on the Slytherin common room exactly four minutes late and Dan still wasn’t ready. “Hold on!” A Slytherin girl snickered. “I don’t think he’s dressed,” she added. Phil groaned leaning against the door just as Filch came hobbling round the corner. “Student out of bed! Student out of-" “I’m a prefect.” Phil sighed, showing the old man the badge on his cloak. “Like I’ve told you every night.” Dan exited the common room just at that time and Filch rounded on him with an evil grin. “How about you? You’re out a bed ‘aint you?” Dan rolled his eyes with irritation, “Prefect.” He made the same move as Phil to show the groundskeeper his badge and the old man left grumbling. “Sorry I’m late.” Dan flushed. He shook his head with mock irritation, “Like every day. Maybe I should tell you it’s earlier then you’ll be ready on time?” Dan laughed, “I probably would still be late!” Both boys struggled to contain the nervous excitement filling them as they strayed from their usual path.
As they reached the seventh floor Phil felt his mind spinning with excitement. What was a movie? What would it be like? Dan stopped and begun pacing three times in front of a tapestry of Barnabus the Barmy, he seemed to be whispering something under his breath. Phil gasped as a door materialised in front of his eyes. “Wow,” he breathed.
Phil was mesmerised by the two dogs on screen. The room had opened up to reveal a large couch covered in cushions and blankets. A huge projector was set up next to a large white screen. There were huge buckets of popcorn and chocolate that Phil had never tried before. However Phil couldn’t help but also focus on the hand that was very close to his. It was almost teasing him.
The movie was amazing, Phil was gripping his blanket as though it could make every second longer. A rat was sneaking into the baby’s bedroom and Phil was terrified. Tramp snuck into the house leaving Lady in the garden and Phil jumped in terror as they got into a chase. He ducked his head under Dan’s arm, while Dan laughed at Phil’s fear. There was a pause until Dan reassured him that it was over.
“It’s done.” Phil lifted his head, only to find himself much closer to Dan than anticipated. Wow his eyes were a really warm brown up close. They froze before jumping backward in realisation.
Phil’s cheeks didn’t stop burning for the rest of the movie.  
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