#gearsinice fics
crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Batboys x Batsis!Reader - “Out Of The Dark” [Part 1]
Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.
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Requested by @flashdash626​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional” 
A/N: I know how this looks, I was really inspired since I was stuck on another fic and ended up writing three parts to this I’m sorry T-T
Warning: angst, violence, swearing
Eyes fluttered closed as the sound of rails lulled her to sleep. University had been so tiring this week, having to finish a whole project by the end of the week, in which the guidelines had been given on Monday. A lot of preparation and running around in order to polish a well researched and thorough end result. 
The lack of sleep, tiring long hours and accumulated stress had finally left her body as soon as she handed in the work two hours before the deadline was scheduled. To say that fatigue had taken it’s toll on her was an understatement. 
For a Friday late afternoon, the train was quite empty heading towards Gotham, but then again, no one wants to go there willingly. Her eyes fluttered closed, mind numbing, it was still two stops into the city, each of which are more or less an hour long, she had time, even if it’s only a thirty minute- one hour nap at most. Too much sleep and it was disrupt -- or complicate her-return-to-normal-sleep schedule. 
 ~ I should be due at the mansion in just over two hours ~ 
A quick message wouldn’t hurt if there still need to be preparations. 
~ Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? ~ DG
That was quick. Smiling, (Y/N) texted her older brother back. 
~ It’s okay, you're still busy, and I’ll be back before you’ve finished your work! ~
~ But we missed you! ~ DG
~ It’s been two weeks! Besides it’s the vacation, I’ll be home for a month or so. ~
~ Fine :( ~ DG
With a chuckle, she slipped her phone back in her inside pocket. A grown ass baby. 
Finally, she settled back into her seat, paying no mind to the occasional vibration of the carriage window to her head, inescapably submitting to sleep. 
When she finally woke up, it was at the end of the line, the carriages were empty, doors wide open, only the occasional person walking or sitting along the platform. 
Shit, the woman mentally cursed, grasping her things, and which, luckly, everything was still with her. Rushing out of the train, she scanned the screens: last train, departing in 2 hours and 30 minutes, Platform 8. The words glided along the end of the screen, in bright red dots. A disappointed sigh escaped her. At least it wasn’t late -- and dark. Well, the sun was setting. 
The last stop was at the outskirts of Gotham, so she was thankful that she didn’t have to cause too much trouble getting back. Despite her nap, she was still tired -- just less so, and she would really enjoy getting into a comfy bed in the company of her brothers, father and butler. 
A slightly irresponsible idea occurred to her. She could get home reaaaaally quickly if she wore her vigilante suit. The woman would be able to call her self-driving motorcycle and hurry to the Mansion in a record time. It was in her bag, and it’s not like it would hurt anyone. 
As long as she was careful when changing, this wasn’t going to threaten the reveal of her identity. 
With a smile, and making sure she held tightly onto the small bag she carried back with her, she briskly walked out of the train station, to an empty, dirty public bathroom.
Gross but will have to do. 
After having scanned the toilet for any lewd hidden cameras, she hastily slipped into her costume, placing her civilian clothes back in her bag and creeping out onto the nearest rooftop. Activating her tracking device and then the automated call, she sat down on the ledge, sighing in relief as she got the notification that her motorcycle just headed out. 
Now it was only a question of patience. Since nothing was happening, she lay down fully on the ledge, bag on the rooftop and arms under her head for more comfort. 
Her eyes closed, this time, not falling asleep, but listening to the nearly inheart environment surrounding her. 
That was until her phone vibrated. Sitting up, she reached for it, opening the message.
~ Where are you? I’m about to head home, but word is you’re not there yet. ~ DG
~ Yes, I missed the stop, called the Batcave, my ride should be here soon, sorry! ~
They must have been worried. 
Before she could answer, she heard quick footsteps trailing behind her. Her head snapped back but before she could distinguish anyone, the silhouette landed a hard blow to her head, which probably was a metal pole.
“Fuck.” she cursed in pain, her unlocked phone dropping off the ledge, sliding down the roof and landing in the gutter, “who are you!?” (Y/N) yelled standing up clumsily as the side of her head ached. 
“Lights out.” the unknown person grunted, lifting the pole high after dodging an attempted punch, slamming it to the back of her head. Her whole body smashed to the ground with violent force -- but it’s not something she felt, as she fell into unconsciousness.
“Where is she?” Bruce grumbled as Dick entered the Manor, an hour and a half later than planned, and after some exhausting, useless paperwork. 
“What’s happening?” he frowned, seeing Robin hurry down the stairs of the Batcave.
“(Y/N) was supposed to be due, the tracker on her motorcycle hasn’t moved and she isn’t answering her phone.” Jason geared up.
“I’m coming with you,” Dick scurried to the room with his suit, slipping into it.
“We’ll be on comms if anything comes up.” Tim nodded. 
It felt like a very long ride towards the location that was given to them, even though they got there very quickly. 
As Nightwing’s motorcycle stopped close to their destination, he hopped off, watching the tracker from the screen on his arm, zooming in to be able to pinpoint exactly where her last place was. 
Jason jumped onto the nearest rooftop, scouting the area in case it was a trap of sorts. He frowned, seeing that the coast was clear and signalling his brother his ‘go’ card. 
It must have been a good half an hour before they even found a clue -- excluding her untouched motorcycle. 
And it happen to make Red Hood jump out of his skin. Good thing Nightwing was still scouting the ground otherwise he would have been seriously embarrassed. 
The gutter buzzed, it was utterly unnerving. Cautiously,  he approached the roaring object, staring down at it as he spotted a phone. It was unlocked and vibrating widely. 
Crouching down, he grasped and inspected it.
(Y/N)’s definitely. And he didn’t like where this was going. It was Damian this time, calling her -- in addition to like 78 missed calls and numerous texts. 
“Found her phone, she’s definitely gotten kidnapped.” The man announced nonchalantly, but his heart was beating fast. Their sister? Kidnapped at an unusually early time of the night? Hours after she got back into Gotham? Someone must have been keeping an eye out and planning. 
And given the fact that nothing has come up, it might not be a usual Gotham criminal.
“We might have a problem.” Dick spoke through his comms.
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @brooklynalpha​ @jason-todd-squad​
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gearsfics · 6 years
Songsword - Prototype
Summary: Mira's creator finds where she was hidden. And her half brother is a dick.
Notes: Okay putting the warning here. Jarreth is a perv, but the one scene in this is as far as he'll go with his half sister because ugh, incest isn't a kink of mine thanks. I have a few, but if there's blood relation ugh no.
Now to finish up the behind the scenes of this chapter because yeah want to show what's going on in two other locations at the exact same time which is why this probably reads a little weird (Might help half of it was written while only partially awake.)
also posted: here
“Tonight though, you’ll be known to the world as my grandson.”  Edgar smoothed out the front of his vest. “Come, you and the soldiers need to prepare.”
“So you are insisting on keepers?”
“Only to keep the damage within the building.  Unless our prey disappears. Then you’re to go hunting.”
“Hope she’s better than the last hunt.  I know, no killing her. But does she have to know that?”
Edgar shook his head.  “No, she doesn’t.”
Jarreth looked at his grandfather.  The man had insisted that he dress nicely, the suit was a soft blue, that almost paled him out more.  His long hair was pulled back, and for humor sake more than fashion, Jarreth had tied a black ribbon in his hair.  Back home in the castle the staff had called him a vampire, here in the Americas, he’d play the role.
“Are you sure about this Grandfather?  This woman has insisted she has followed her end of the deal.”  He ran his tongue over his teeth as he waited for the older man to respond.  “We aren’t even sure if the prototype is here in Gotham. And Luthor doesn’t have it.  Our traitorous mother only gave Cadmus the equipment for a clone, none of the specimens.”
“That’s because she didn’t want him getting his hands on you or her.”  Edgar smiled at the fifteen year old. “Which was smart on her part. He would have tried to mix the blood with Kryptonian, you, my dear grandson, are much stronger than that ilk.”  
“Yet you are still in the shadows.”  Jarreth frowned a moment. “When will we take over.”
“When we get your sister.  There were two races in the ship after all, you, my beautiful warrior, and a prisoner that warranted brute force to keep locked up.  She was taken before we could find out why. And it’s been far too long, I’m aging, and I don’t have the patience to keep searching.”  He straightened Jarreth’s tie. “Though, when I give the signal, have as much fun as you want.”
Jarreth gave a wicked grin.  This little outing was going to be a lot more fun than just running tests on a girl here or there.  “A full bloodbath?”
“If it draws out the prototype than yes.  Enjoy yourself my perfect little prince.”
“Then, tonight might actually be a little fun.  Do you really want to let everyone know your goal though?  Or am I doing this from the shadows.”
“That hand is not quite ready, besides, when are fully ready to play it, you will have to be a little more gentle.”
Jarreth frowned at that.  “But they are weak. Even you are, why should I cater to them.  Even you agree that this world needs a strong fist to control it.”  He sighed. “I’ll behave for now.” The only reason he wouldn’t attack Grandfather was because he couldn’t.  The man was blood and he couldn’t hurt blood. Besides, he let Jarreth get away with murder. There were bodies all over Europe that were his doing, of course Jarreth was always careful not to get caught.  
And he was good at it, sometimes, Grandfather would set him on certain targets, people that even most assassins for hire wouldn’t touch.  People who wouldn’t suspect a child to be dangerous. Those were always the most fun for him to play with.
“Tonight though, you’ll be known to the world as my grandson.”  Edgar smoothed out the front of his vest. “Come, you and the soldiers need to prepare.”
“So you are insisting on keepers?”
“Only to keep the damage within the building.  Unless our prey disappears. Then you’re to go hunting.”
“Hope she’s better than the last hunt.  I know, no killing her. But does she have to know that?”
Edgar shook his head.  “No, she doesn’t.”
I must've dreamed a thousand dreams Been haunted by a million screams But I can hear the marching feet They're moving into the street.
Edgar gave the signal, he nodded to the soldiers, letting them deal with anyone inside. Jarreth had seen his target leave before.  Shouldn’t be hard to find her.
“Hey what the…” A dark haired woman caused him to stop as he bolted through the building.  Something about her made him feel threatened. Like she was dangerous.
“Out of my way woman.  You are not my target.”  He growled as he swiped at her face.
She twisted out of the way without thinking, reaching for her whip… remembering she had left it at the cave, though her free hand did go up, his hand meeting her bracer.  He bounced back shaking his hand a moment.
“I don’t know who you are, but you’re not going to hurt anyone here.”  She said, only to have her attention drawn hearing gunshots from the ballroom.  She kept her eyes on him.
“Doubt that you will stop me.”  His eyes flashed darkly as he took a step back, trying to figure out exactly what she was.  He was trying to remember all the information on the city. There weren’t strong metas in the city, at least from the files that the network had given Grandfather.  At least not on the side of the local vigilante… “Does the local costume know you’re here? Heard he doesn’t like non-humans.”
Diana didn’t respond to his comment as he charged forward again, this time tackling her into a bookcase causing many of the books to rain down on them.
Now did you read the news today They say the danger's gone away But I can see the fire's still alight There burning into the night.
Bruce found Diana nursing her side.  The hole in the wall led outside. His hand went to his ear.  “Nightwing, you and Batgirl okay?” He was making his way to where Diana was leaning against the wall.  “Diana?”
“Can’t talk right now B.”  Came Dick’s voice, basically telling him that the situation was probably serious in the ballroom.  Bruce knew that Nightwing Batgirl and Green Arrow could keep things calm for a few more minutes, though they’d need to help soon.
“I’m okay, though the kid that attacked me got away.  Said that he had a target.”
Bruce frowned a moment, before tapping the communicator again.  “Red Arrow, Robin where are you two?”
Hearing they were close he thought quickly.  He didn’t want Robin near anything that could actually hurt Diana.  Though hearing that the Drake’s boy and Mira were out there worried him.  “Meet us on the other side.”
There's too many men Too many people Making too many problems And not much love to go round Can't you see This is a land of confusion.
Jason took a look at Diana, He knew she could get hurt, but seeing it was something else.  “What happened?” He was glad that he and Roy had stopped in the room Mira had been in before the guest house had been renovated for her and Roy.  They were both in costume, their clothes were stuffed into the hidden compartment Jason had found near the dresser, which had worked for hiding his spare costume.
“I swear the guy looked a lot like your girlfriend, though the accent, I’m pretty sure English wasn’t his first language.”  She stood a little straighter. “I’ll be alright. We need to deal with the situation in the ballroom.”
Robin tensed.  “And you threw them through the brick wall?  We didn’t see anyone outside.”
Red Arrow put his hand on the kid’s shoulder.  “You and Bats deal with the situation here. “I’ll go check on her alright?”
“He was fast, you’re not going alone,”  Diana stood a little straighter, she was hurt, but Roy was just a kid.  Albeit older than some of the others, but that didn’t matter, she had faced the threat already, and wounded it.  She wasn’t going to let someone who wasn’t Meta deal with it alone. “You okay with that?”
Bruce gave a look, he really wasn’t okay with it, but there wasn’t really another option with Nightwing, Batgirl and Green Arrow in the ballroom needing a distraction to get out.  “We’ll help as soon as we can, don’t endanger yourselves.”
Diana smirked at that.  She’d have to have a little fun with that later, once the danger was over.
This is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying To make it a place worth living in.
Jarreth watched her from the shadows, he was still outside, and watched the prototype as she grabbed the small boy pulling him behind her as two of his men barged into the house.  The building they were in was small, one story and he was sure he could fit it in his rooms back in Germany. Grinning slightly he stepped in behind his men.
“You know it was awfully rude of you to leave without a dance.”  He said calmly. She looked up at him, violet eyes scanning him, and the two men with him.  She was smaller than he was, a good build, but she wasn’t a warrior, too little muscle on her, though the spirit was there with how she stood before the boy.  He almost laughed at the blade she had in her hand.
“Who the hell are you?”  Mira growled glad that Tim stepped back a little to give her room.  Unfortunately, there were three of them, she wasn’t sure if the kid would make it to her room before she lost.
“Is that the way to talk to your blood?  Well, half.” Jarreth saw her grip the hilt a little tighter.  “You two, fetch the child. I’m sure that Grandfather will have use for him.  Our pretty bird is mine.”
“Tim, go.”  Mira ordered her foot sliding into position.  She’d hold them off as long as she could. She had already explained how to seal the room to him.
“Mira,” Tim took a look at the two large men moving up to them, one yelped as she flicked the blade out, catching him in the cheek.  Tim didn’t need anymore prodding. He knew once he sealed the room there would be a message sent to the police station. At least that’s what he was told, how wasn’t important.  And by now the cops were probably on their way anyway, Barbara Gordon was one of the hostages in the main house, as well as most of Gotham’s top ten percenters.
He heard another shout as the second man got struck by her blade, just as he hit the door.  There was a thump and he paused a moment, seeing Mira getting pinned to the floor by the blonde that had been giving orders.  He closed the door before the two goons could get to it, feeling like a coward as he hit the button under the light switch that would seal the door completely.  He was hoping that the steel beams inside the door would hold as he stepped back from it, tripping on the rug and falling to the floor.
Ooh Superman where are you now When everything's gone wrong somehow The men of steel, the men of power Are losing control by the hour.
The man was fast, she hadn’t expected to deal with a Meta, on the upside, he seemed fixated on her, she heard the metal plates that were hidden in the door, close a moment after she had been shoved to the floor.  Her dress skirt having had tripped her up when she tried to backpedal away from him.
Her sword had fallen from her hand, and he pushed it away out of reach before grabbing both her wrists.  Mira kicked up, managing to knee him in the stomach. Scrambling she tried for the sword again, only to stop when she heard a gun click, his two friends had come to help him again.
“Okay, I will admit, you have more of a warrior’s spirit than I thought you would.”  Jarreth moved closer to her.
“What the fuck do you want?”  She growled trying to keep all three of them in sight.  With Tim in the panic room she knew he couldn’t hear her, so she cursed.  It would probably be on the tapes, but at this point she didn’t care. She just had to make sure she didn’t get herself killed.  Her aunt’s security should have been here by now, though Mira remembered not seeing any when they had walked towards the ballroom.  “You guys already took out security didn’t you?”
“You’re not as stupid as I thought either.”  Jarreth knelt before her, straddling her legs.  “And clearly got most of your looks from our mother.”  He reached up caressing her face.
Mira fought turning her head, though she closed her eyes.  She didn’t want this creep to see her scared. His hand trailed down her neck and she felt something sharp dig in, not enough to cut deeply, more like a thin papercut, something that would well up blood, but that was it.  The shock had her open her eyes.
He leaned in, and she felt his breath on her neck.  Mira heard movement behind her, and one of the men grabbed her arms, twisting them behind her, keeping her pinned between him and the creep.  “Please, don’t…” Her voice cracked and she wanted Jason, Roy or her father to bust through the door. At this point she’d take any of Gotham’s vigilantes too as long as they got there before the three men hurt her.
The man chuckled a little against her throat.  “Don’t worry you won’t remember any of this if you’re not our true target.”  
Mira cringed as he licked her neck, about the same spot as the knick had been.  Images hit her, a darkened glass room, her throat hurt, like she had been talking for hours not stop.  
Jarreth stayed kneeling over her, savoring the small taste of blood.  His eyes rolled back.
“Protect the boss’s grandson.”  One of the soldiers with him barked and he felt himself getting pushed away from his prey.  The man that had been holding her cried out clutching his shoulder. A red arrow sticking out from it.
“Really, she attacked with a sword, and now we have an archer?”  Jarreth scrambled to the safety behind the couch, leaving the man there, as well as Mira, who slumped to the ground.  Though he caught the faint marks on her skin, a pale purple, lasting only a few moments. The girl’s blood reacted to his saliva.  Grandfather was right, their associate in Gotham had been hiding the prototype. If she had known, Jarreth would have fun tearing this, June, apart.  Maybe even in front of the prototype. They’d have the weapon she was the key to, and they’d break her down, everyone she cared about would die.
“Mira!”  Roy’s voice came as the woman that had interfered earlier grabbed the second soldier, throwing him against the wall.
“Red Arrow, get the girl out of here, the other one I’ll deal with.”
Jarreth knew it was time to leave.  He had what he wanted anyway. It wasn’t on tape, but he really didn’t want to risk getting caught.  Jumping over the couch, he managed to avoid the dark haired woman, sliding past her. He shoved the boy to the side running for the woods.  The transport would be waiting.
“Damn,” Diana started after him, stopping when she saw Roy had gotten knocked out.  She fought the urge to follow a moment, before going to check on him, to make sure he would be okay.  
She glanced at Mira, noting purple lines over her skin, that quickly faded.  Tapping the earpiece she wore she knew using it might blow Bruce’s cover, but he needed to know.  “The Meta, poisoned the girl, I don’t see the kid in here, but Red Arrow’s out.”
“Police are already here.”  The voice was Dick’s. “And we lost Robin he may be headed your way.  Her father as well, apparently there’s some panic room in the cottage, bet you’ll find the boy there.”
0 notes
crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Masterlist
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A/N: Long overdue, I’m sorry!
Vincent Van Gogh x Reader - “Lover And Secret Admirer”
Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader x Comte De St Germain - “Between Old Friends” [Part 1] [Part 2]
Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader - “Dating Leonardo Da Vinci Would Include…”
Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader - “Dating Napoleon Bonaparte Would Include…”
Jean D’Arc x Reader - “Dating Jean D’Arc Would Include…”
Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader  -“Dating Arthur Conan Doyle Would Include…”
Residents x Reader - “Residents In Modern Times”
Mozart x Reader - “Dating Amadeus Mozart Would Include…”
Annoucing dating Arthur
Theodorus + Overworked!Reader
Mozart + Reader playing the piano
Arthur + Tomboy!Reader
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @towa-no-yume @shrimpalompa​ @ikemencrossedmyth​ @ozziegrl71@thesirenwashere @nad-zeta​ @izra-8​ @kisara-16​
Updated on the 13/09/20
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crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Okay, got an idea.. Everyone is in battle and tokoyami is pretty busy but he notices his crush is injured and pinned down. Reaction?
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A/N: Sorry this took so long T-T hope you like it! Everyone is 18+ in all my fics (when it’s a romantic interest) but I felt the need to specify it again because of the age in the anime.  Also lowkey Dabi x Reader, but very very lowkey, it’s only for the jealousy aspect. also cuz i love him
Tokoyami never doubted your power and skill in battle, your quirk was very admirable and being able to control all four elements was quite interesting. It put you to an advantage to quite a number of others. 
However, you were about going up unwillingly against the League of Villains. One of which had their eyes on you for a while, Dabi. He wouldn’t be as worried if it had been Shigaraki since you know about his quirk and how to be careful around it.
Dabi had a calm and collected demanour but he was nothing as such,. He held an intimidating and calculated gaze which matched his unhinged and dangerous quirk. To say he was a lose canon was an understatement. 
You were one of the few students that he hadn’t taunted more than half to death like the others during one of their attacks. 
He was going to change that. 
Tokoyami stole nervous glances in your direction. Sure it was only Dabi and underlings with unknown quirks, a lot of them, and given the leader’s stance, he was going to fight you.
“W-watch out!” Midoryia’s voice warned, making the student turn around and narrowly miss a blow from one of the masked men. Too close, even Shadow should have seen it coming, this isn’t good at all. 
You saw flashes of white and fierce yellow, Todoroki chipped in quickly this time, finding the situation to escalate quickly. The three boys fought back to back as they ganged up on them. Gritting your teeth, you glared back at the guy you had heard your friends talk about after the recent event. 
He was much scarier looking than you gave him credit for. Moving your hands in front of you, you prepared for him to attack first. He ran towards you.
Unexpectedly, you threw a ball made of ice his way, one that grazed his shoulder but still landed a promising blow. 
“Impressive,” he grunted, placing his palm against it.
“To you.” you retorted then immediately gulped, realising that antagonising him was not the best idea right now, especially since you had no idea how dangerous he could be. 
Dabi smirked, however, amused and satisfied by your response. He stretched his arm out, getting accustomed by the pain before extending it towards you. 
Your eyes widened as a blue flame appeared at his fingertips, spreading towards his wrists before it engulfed his entire hand. 
“Seems you can put a good fight with your words, lets see how you do with your quirk, shall we?” he chuckled, the tiniest hint of sarcasm in his tone. He was playing with you, taunting you like a predator with it’s prey. 
You’d pray All Might would arrive soon because you were certain you couldn’t win a fight against him, you’re not as trained with your quirk as he surely is. 
Your breathing hitched as you launched yourself in the air to avoid his flames. Eyes locked with his and he chuckled loudly. Your eyebrows furrowed as he threw another one to you, one that you evaded. He was not putting much effort into this fight.
Keeping your attention steadily on him was your downfall and you didn’t realising the flame that was coming straight back to you, only feeling it when it collided with your back and sent you flying towards him.
“(Y/N)!” Tokoyami yelled. 
A loud, painful groan escaped you, feeling your cheek and hips against the concrete and the painful burn in your upper back. Your heart could stop as you heard Dabi’s footsteps approach you. His shadow fell upon your body. 
“Not so witty after all,” he sighed in disappointment, using his boot to push you on your back.
You winced in pain, feeling the pressure against your damaged skin. His legs were either side of your hips and he crouched over you, getting better look at your face. 
“The big talk was cute, I will admit,” his eyes seemed distant, and cold, all previous amusement turned sour. He truly saw this as a game. 
His eyes narrowed in suspicion as he reached his hand towards your face.
“And yet, you-” the most brutal punch you’d seen yet interrupted his sentence as he stumbled backwards, to the ground. 
“Leave, you’re outmatched.” Tokoyami sneered, Dark Shadow hovering passive aggressively over his shoulder. The man looked around, seeing everyone on the ground, Midoryia and Todoroki panting but staring in his direction in case you needed help. 
It didn’t look like it, Tokoyami had an aura around him, he was  P I S S E D. 
He didn’t wait for Dabi to back off and he gently scooped you into his arms, Shadow meticulously studying the man you were just fighting and scurrying back to Todoroko and Midoryia in case he needed backup. 
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex–awesome–22 @disa @caswinchester2000
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crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Ikemen Sengoku x Reader - “Wrong Move” [Part 1]
Under unfortunately ironic circumstances, you get taken hostage by the the very person that made the truce between the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi alliance happen. However, angering these warlords and using the person that brought all of them together in a heartbeat was probably the worst strategy anyone could come up with. 
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Requested by @djanowski15 : “I have no idea how bisy you are, I’m guessing it’s pretty busy since I’m a college student in quarantine too, but I was wondering, if you have time, if you could do a fic for the sengoku warlords having a meeting about a new oc enemy after their truce signing only to learn that this new enemy somehow ended up kidnapping mc and threatening to kill her and all of the warlords decide to finally stomp this guy down into his rightful place with a fluffy reunion with everyone afterwards?”
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I kind of went overboard with this because I loved the idea so much, it comes in two parts, I’ll post them in succession and I’m sorry if the ending isn’t as developed as you wanted, it would have gone on for too long otherwise T-T.
Dusting her hands off on her cloth, she walked back from Masamune’s manor towards the castle. It stood tall for tonight’s ‘celebratory truce dinner’ -- although it was clear it wasn’t a celebration for any of them, but it was compulsory. Despite the thorough organisation that went through with this, it was an in-between warlords event so only two or three vassals per side were going to be present, for protection purposes. 
Switching hands, her fingers curled around the bag of vegetables that the One-Eyed Dragon needed. Finally arriving at the entrance, she wobbled down the corridor, having to stop every now and again as her palms burned. This wasn’t the best fabric to carry heavy things with, but then again, what is?
“Whoever ordered my beautiful angel to carry such a heavy load and injure her precious hands is on his way to hell.” (Y/N) recognised the honey-dipped voice with a stern tone. Turning around, she faced the tall man. Elegantly, he took it out of her grasp and carried it, making it look effortless.
“Thank you Shingen,” she smiled, massaging herself as she walked alongside him.
“Although you shouldn’t curse Masamune to hell, I volunteered to go to his manor to get these supplies.” She defended.
“Would you mind showing me his manor?” he grinned widely as they both turned into another hallway. Giving him a you-are-all-my-friends-and-I-wouldn’t-help-either-side-try-to-go-against-each-other look. It would also be a little indecent to collect information on a newly formed ally. 
“Oh, it’s you.” the familiar grumpy voice made the man’s smile fall immediately. 
The spikey blond hair came into view as he exited the kitchen. 
“Look my darling, we’re all getting along.” Shingen chuckled sarcastically, sliding an arm around her shoulders as he dropped the bag on the floor.
“We might be on a truce but not all of us take kindly to other men being so touchy with Nobunaga’s lucky charm.” a stray kitsune passed by the hallway.
“And by ‘not all of us’ you mean you.” Yukimura, who was following being, chimed in.
“Too many people in the kitchen, everyone except the lass leaves!” The Tiger ordered. 
“He did that to have her all by himself.” Ieyasu grumbled at Mitsunari's innocence.
Because (Y/N) is the most reasonable when it comes to cooking out of the rest. Pff, my ass.
He rolled his eyes. Maybe it could be true but everyone knew that wasn’t the reason behind it. Well, everyone except Mitsunari of course.
Nobunaga glanced at the door when Hideyoshi wasn’t looking.
“I’ll just go see if (Y/N) and Masamune are nearly finished.” started to stand up, Hideyoshi interrupted.
“I took the candy away, it's not in the kitchen.” Pouting, he sat back down. 
“Candy?” Shingen straightened his posture from his bored one.
“Dinner.” (Y/N) announced as the door was slid open for her, followed by Masamune and two maids, who were also carrying plates of food. 
Plopping down beside Nobunaga -- as required, he leaned over to her giving her a knowing look. Rolling her eyes and sighing, she slipped the tiny satchel from inside her sleeve and sneakily handed it to him.
“I’ll take you wherever you wish as payment for this, I’m eternally grateful to you for saving my life.” He thanked me. Shingen kept his attention on the bag.
“Don’t be so dramatic, now hide it before I get scolded by Hideyoshi!” 
Looking around in the kitchen, she waved the lantern around, searching for the spice that the maids forgot to take for dessert. (Y/N) was the only one in the room, it was dark and not necessary to add more light since she was passing by. On her way here, she crossed paths with the occasional guard on for obvious reasons, they were the only ones in the castle tonight. 
“Oh!” she jumped.
Speak of the devil.
“What are you doing here?” the woman breathed out as the man bowed.
“I apologise, my lady, I heard some suspicious noises and thought it was best to investigate.” 
“Oh, I was just getting some seasoning.” the (H/C) haired chuckled in embarrassment, he was too sweet and she didn’t want to waste his time further “and I think I found it.” turning away to reach the small jar that was on one of the shelves. 
Right after, footsteps grew louder and she felt him right behind her.
“Hey, what are you-MMH!!” she wriggled as something was placed against her mouth and nose and then pulled against his chest. Her muffled sounds grew more and more silent, muscles limping as she drifted off into unconsciousness.
“The desserts are getting colder by the minute. What is taking her so long?” Masamune frowned.
“This talk is becoming dull.” Yukimura huffed.
“The whole point of this truce is to discuss how we’re going to deal with him.” Ieyasu mumbled.
“You weren’t the one travelling all those days on horseback porcupine head.” the vassal retorted. 
“P-porcupine?!” the blond’s eyes widened in disbelief.
Hideyoshi made eye contact with Nobunaga, for once, ignoring the pointless banter. Something was definitely up. The leader of the Oda forces understood immediately, nodding to his vassal. The latter stood up, walking towards the door.
“I need to make sure she’s alright.” 
“I’ll come with.” Sasuke volunteered.
“She’s gone??” Ieyasu’s eyes widened.
“The search party hasn’t come back with anything yet.” Mitsuhide expressed with a scowl.
“My lords!” One of the guards rushed in, bowing deeply.
“What is it?” Mitsuhide turned around. 
“It’s a letter.” he handed it to him before scurrying outside like he was supposed to. 
Nobody moved but the kitsune could tell all their eyes were on him as he unfolded the letter to read. However, his heart dropped as his eyes fixated something else that was included: hair of a familiar colour, tied in a ribbon. His fingertips pulled it out and he inspected it.
Kenshin felt his hand grip his sword tightly, it was unbearably frustrating finding out that (Y/N) was kidnapped and on top of that not knowing who did it, he needed to know and he knew he wasn’t the only one thinking the same. 
No one spoke but the tension grew thick in an instant.
Unfolding the piece of paper, he began to read it for himself before doing it out loud for all to hear when Nobunaga accepted it.
When he finished reading the letter, his eyes darted across the rooms, seeing the anger among everything despite maintaining their composure. 
“Emergency meeting.” The look he gave implied that their new allies were not going to attend.
“We want in!” Yukimura frowned.
“No.” Ieyasu’s tone was stern.
“We’ve signed a truce, and there is no point in keeping us out of this because of our own motives when we cherish (Y/N) as much as you do. We need to put our differences aside, as she would say.” Shingen chipped in.
“Fine.” Nobunaga’s eyes narrowed. 
They sat formally as they would at any meeting before.
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Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @alex--awesome--22 @disa @caswinchester2000  @vespeshadowmoon @datemasamunemaiwaifu @mitsuhidethesnek @swordsmanofsweets @jadaninerowena @izra-k @cailannuesugi @towa-no-yume  @tinylittlehell @ikemencrossedmyth @ozziegrl71 @fo-love​ @thesirenwashere @nad-zeta
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Seth Gecko x Reader - “I’m Only Trying To Help”
Having met Seth through his brother when the latter accidentally dragged you into this whole Culebra business and yet you just couldn’t seem to get along. After he scares you out of your skin, when you help the brothers out of a bad situation, you decide that this is the last straw and decide to confront him. What does he have to say for himself?
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Requested by @chimera4plums :”You’re awesome Can you maybe write one where the reader and Seth like kinda hate each other but eventually end up together? Please" 
A/N: I hope you like it, although I didn’t include the fact that they get together otherwise it would turn into a really long fic, I stopped when he asks her out on a date (in his own way of course), I hope it’s alright for your liking.
Warning: language
“(Y/N), you think you could like, come over here to help?” Richie’s voice was barely distinguishable over the panic that surrounded her.
“Yes, let me just finish over here and I’ll try to get to you,” (Y/N) responded, pressing the phone as close to her ear as possible.
“Thanks, I’ll send you the address.” she heard him sigh in relief.
“Is your brother going to be there?” 
Richie didn’t answer for a few moments and that’s all she needed to know the answer.
“Just, please come,” 
One hand was securely around her gun that was resting in the passenger seat as her free palm gripped the steering wheel. The car was rolling cautiously down the street, eyes scanning her surroundings as the row of houses extended onto the horizon and into the darkness. 
Her heart was beating, from what she understood, they were trapped in a house and people were going crazy, her job was to get them out.
Well, if Seth was going to be his usual self, she was going to dump him on the side of the road and tell him sarcastically that she hoped he wouldn't get eaten by cannibals. 
“Is the outside of the house a light grey colour?” (Y/N) inquired. 
“I didn’t pay attention but let me try and get to a window.” 
“Where are you guys even?” her eyebrows furrowed, finding the situation become increasingly ridiculous the more she heard about it. 
“Garage, we barricaded ourselves inside.” 
“...okay,” confusion and uneasiness laced at her face and tugged at her heart, “please stay safe,” her request came out as a whisper.
Her concern immediately washed away once she distinguished the familiar annoying voice.
“What is she even doing? Eating? Painting her nails again? Why the hell is she taking so long?” 
“Seth, please just shut up!” Richie sneered. 
“Richie, I’m coming to pick you up, leave little miss asshole in there okay?” 
“Seriously, this is not the time, between the both of you-”
“Oh, I see you!” (Y/N) interrupted, her gaze finally catching a familiar silhouette in a window as soon as, what seemed like a plank of wood, was taken off.
“We’re on our way,” the younger Gecko ended the call. 
Anxiously, her fingers tapped against the dashboard. If what was happening where she was was happening here as well, it made her even more stressed that her car was out in the open, given it’s not very well secured structure. The fact that she had to keep the doors unlocked was also making her heart race at an uncomfortable rate. 
Her breathing completely stopped when she perceived something move in her rearview mirror -- but it moved so quickly she didn’t have the time to process who it was… or what it was.
Not wanting to test the reliability of further mirrors in her car, she briskly turned around in her seat, not caring about the uncomfortable position she was in and more focused on the unknown danger that was approaching her vulnerable state. 
Hearing shuffling dangerously close to the car, she stopped breathing completely to try and hear what was happening. By the lack of visibility, she guessed whatever was close was crouching under the doors of the vehicle to purposely put her off. 
Suddenly, a hand slammed against her window and she released a blood curdling scream before backing up straight into handbrake, and stumbling back and hitting the back of her head against the door handle. 
A loud groan escaped her lips as she held the back of her head, feeling herself become lightheaded for a second before regaining her awareness. 
Her heart nearly dropped in her stomach as the owner of the hand slowly became visible through the window.
(Y/N) recognised the beard, the tattoo, the haircut and she practically fumed.
“YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” she yelled as he smirked before laughing loudly.
“Jesus Seth,” Richie was right behind her, but it didn’t remotely make her jump, “you say I need to grow up huh?” 
The girl begrudgingly got back in his seat as Seth quickly became serious and expected her to unlock the car door.
“Open up,” he requested. 
“Fuck you,” she retorted, unlocking the passenger door and letting the younger Gecko slid inside, nearly forgotting that her gun had been right beside her the entire time, as he placed it in his lap. 
“Seriously, why are you such an asshole to me? What have I ever done to you?” she snapped as they got back to the garage, Richie was already long gone, not wanting to even be in proximity of this fight.
“Because you think you’re little miss perfect that can just waltz in our lives and play little hero!” Seth sassed.
“What the hell?? I don’t consider any of those things, when I met Richie, I was dragged into this who spanish vampire shit okay? I only wanted to help the people that also fell victim to this fucked up secret world because no one did that for me!” she snapped. 
Seth stood silent for a second, an unreadable expression on his face. The girl was catching her breath at her outburst but the weight she let go moments ago nearly outweighed the disbelief she felt towards everything he had just said, what kind of impression could he have had of her after all this time if this is what came as his conclusion?
“Well, good for you for having good intentions,” he encouraged.
“Oh my god Seth, are you so full of yourself that you can’t even apologise for having a bad impression of me?” 
“Well the impression is how you act isn’t it?” he defended.
“Yeah, based on a misconception you created!” the girl pointed an accusing finger at him.
“Fair enough,” Seth huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away. The woman sighed, staring at the ground and not knowing what to do, his eyes trailed her form.
“Want me to have a better impression of you?” 
“Yes, today would be nice,” she frowned.
“Well, how about I take you out for a drink hmm?” he smirked. Her expression remained stoic for a few moments before she expressed her disbelief once again.
“Are you serious right now?” 
“You want me to have a bad impression of you?” The older Gecko bargained.
“You are, insufferable.” 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” 
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Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22 @disa 
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader - “Birthday Boy”
Todoroki’s birthday is coming soon and after consulting with a few of your classmates, you find the perfect thing that would make him happy on his birthday.
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Requested by @schweeeppess​: “Bnha request! Maybe some cute Todoroki x Reader fluff? Like it’s his birthday or something? Whatever this inspires you to write sis! :D I LOVE YOUUUUU” 
A/N: I hope you like it! Gosh I feel like this sucks, big time because it’s not focused enough on Todoroki? idk, I suck without laid out plots, I know I can do better. Also this is my first BHA fic, please don’t be mean :(
It had been two weeks, keeping an eye on the calendar, watching as time goes by, it was only getting closer and it only made her skin crawl as she thought about it.
Todoroki’s birthday was in just over a week and (Y/N) still had no idea what she could do for him. They hadn’t been dating for too long and, making no effort to stop seeming desperate, on an early Monday morning, she raced to her friend, making sure her boyfriend didn’t arrive to class earlier than normal.
“Todoroki’s birthday is coming up, do you have any ideas?” she bent down to her desk.
“Um, go ice skating, it’s so romantic and then just opened the ice rink downtown!” Uraraka beamed.
“That would be bad, Shoto basically does that when he uses his quirk, it wouldn’t be anything special if you decided to keep at  it -- or maybe the fact that you decided to do ice skating could give him a new perspective about it and he could enjoy it more, who knows, it might as well just-”
“Midoryia, you’re muttering again,” Ochaco nudged.
“S-sorry,” the boy blushed in embarrassment.
“Maybe do something just the two of you, he’d like that more than a big birthday.” Mina placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “I know for a fact he won’t enjoy us being there if he can spend time with you,” 
“H-he said that,” (Y/N) blushed.
“No, but it’s easy to tell,” she chuckled at the girl’s face. 
Something just for the two of us, the girl reflected.
Just then the door slammed open and in came the angry cinnamon roll. He didn’t say anything, only glared at anyone that was staring at him on the way to his desk. 
Thank god Bakugo came in first, no one might have noticed Todoroki trail in after him with his quiet footing. 
The blank face he usually had morphed into the tiniest of smiles as he made his way to the back, beside (Y/N).
“Hey,” she smiled, grasping his hand softly under the desk and squeezing it lightly. His heterochromia eyes glanced at her and she pecked his cheek, feeling shy by the amount of people in the room.
“Good morning, (Y/N),” he murmured.
“Good morning, how are you?” she whispered.
“Will you two SHUT UP!” Bakugo barked, making the girl nearly jump out of her skin.
“Calm down”, Shoto grumbled at the angry boy, squeezing the girl’s hand reassuringly.
“Quiet, all of you,” Aizawa’s disinterested voice interjected as he entered the classroom, having the most bored look (Y/N) had seen on him yet. Everyone shut their mouths and took their seats. 
Maybe I could show the appreciation I have for him, the entire day was spent thinking of what she could do for him.
He’s still unsure about using his fireside. (Y/N) remembered the sports festival, Izuku got through to him, maybe if she did the same, she could boost his confidence and love himself more. 
A content sigh escaped her lips, she knew what she was going to do.
“(Y/N)?” the voice tore her away from her plan, “Are you okay?” her boyfriend asked.
“Yes, why?” 
“It’s the end of the day, everyone is leaving?” He was confused now, he was sure something was going on but he didn’t want to ask if you weren’t ready to share.
“Oh, let’s go then!” she grinned, holding his hand and pulling him outside the classroom, “Bye Mr Aizawa,” 
They earned a small grumble from the man that was now in a burrito of blankets on the floor.
Hum after hum, the girl hung up the white, handmade letters above the living room of her parents house. Despite the owners being away, she still got their permission to spend Todoroki’s special day at their house -- as well as requesting (Y/N) to wish him a happy birthday. 
She still had a few hours before her boyfriend would arrive and she couldn’t be any more relieved at how on-time she was.
Since she wasn’t the best cook and her parents warned not to use the kitchen when there was no one in the house, she decided to buy his favourite food in the restaurant they went to every once in a while. The girl even prepared a nice dessert, having made a raspberry coulis, mixing it with yogurt and blended with crunched pieces of chocolate chip cookies.
The two small cups were safely kept in the fridge.
After a while, she managed to beautifully lay out everything that will be needed for the night. The freshly popped popcorn, the red blanket and the TV set up on one side, all red themed.
On the other side, the dining area, the food was carefully set out, cute and cosy, which various shades of blue and light grey. 
Quickly, the girl changed into some casual clothes and watched her hands, making sure she looked presentable.
As if on queue, the doorbell rang.
“Wait a second, I’m coming!!” the girl halted the person behind the door. Scurrying to the door, she opened it slowly.
“Hello,” the girl offered a welcoming smile.
“Hi,” Shoto gave her a small smile, “can I come in?”
“N-no, wait,” (Y/N) slipped out of the house and closed the door, “I need you to close your eyes,” his distinctively different irises held a hint of confusion before he obliged.
“Alright,” his eyes shut closed, placing his hand on his nose to make sure he wouldn’t peak.
“Great,” her arm slipped in his other one as she opened the door and closed it behind him, “okay, you can open up now,” 
Todoroki’s eyes slowly opened, not sure what to expect until they went wide eyed.
“You did this?” he muttered, scanning around. If she didn’t spend so much time with him, she would never have guessed that he was pretty impressed behind his nearly unmoved demeanor. The girl hummed in response.
“You like it?” she murmured, hugging his arm.
“I- yes, I really do,” he sighed, kissing her temple, “it’s only us right?” 
“Yes, only the two of us, for the rest of the night,” she grinned. A small chuckle rumbled in his chest as he took his shoes off.
“What’s the plan?” he pulled her against his chest.
“Dinner and then a lot of Netflix and cuddling.” A shy smile etched on his face.
“Sounds good,” 
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature​ @batette​ @pythiaaa​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009​ @alex--awesome--22​ @disa​ 
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Shingen Takeda x Reader - “Bitter Taste Of Your Own Medicine” [Part 2]
After Shingen won’t stop his flirting habits, you decided to play his game and flirt with other people as well. When he has had more than enough, he pulls you to a secluded room to make you scream his name louder than you ever had before.
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Requested by anon: “How about a smut fic for shingen where someone tries to flirt with mc and she accepts the flirting because she wants to have revenge of shingen flirting with others. When they got back he then proceed to remind mc who she belongs to with possessive intense sex over and over again to the point of the pleasure becomes painful. If you’re not comfortable please ignore this"
A/N:I hope this isn’t too OOC or too kinky lmao
Warning: spanking, fingering, some hella kinly shit omg 
“Shingen,” she gasped, holding onto his shoulders and shooting her head back, biting her lip in arousal.
“Mmh,” he grumbled, tugging at her nipple. The girl’s body bucked against him, fingers pulling his hair. Shingen’s hand came around to smack her right against the ass cheek, eliciting a small squeak from her throat. He moved away, smirking, taking her other nipple between his fingers and pinching it. The (H/C) haired skin became hot again as she jerked away from his hand in surprise. His  palms held both her hips, to spin her around on his lap.
“W-what are you-” she nearly lost her balance as he set her stomach in his lap.
“On all fours,” he commanded. (Y/N) complied, lifting herself on her knees and palms and looking back at him shyly as his eyes grew darker. Her (E/C) eyes widened as she felt him lift her ass a little more in the air. The girl sucked in a breath as she felt Shingen kiss her bare ass softly, caressing her inner thighs with his fingertips.
Instinctively, she closed her legs shyly, feeling herself becoming wet again.
“No no,” he voiced in a teasing voice, slowly opening her legs as far as they could go to give him clear access. She whined softly, feeling his warm palm cup and massage her slit softly.
“A-aah,” she moaned as he sucked on her ass cheek. She finally laid her head on the floor, her cheek softly rubbing on the wood as his hand trailed up and down her slit. Her eyes struggled to stay open as he rubbed circles around her clit, smirking against her skin before licking up her lower back.
Suddenly, he pulled away, lips and hand moving out of her reach. She whined, eyes shooting open and trying to gaze back to see what he was doing. His hand came into contact with her ass again, earning a small cry for her.
“Why didn’t you push that vassal away?” He asked, kneading her pink cheek before landing another blow.
“Ah,” she jerked up before he squeezed it roughly.
“Answer me,” he murmured, slapping her ass again. She whined, blushing and biting her lip.
“B-because I wanted you to make you jealous,”
“It worked, somehow,” he grumbled, landing another blow before kissing her cheek. She whimpered, shivering from the mixed stinging feeling and the warmth of his mouth on her ass.
His spanking was merciless, his blows didn’t stop until the outline of his handprint was on her cheek and the girl was a shaking, moaning mess.
A small chuckle escaped his lips before he rubbed her clit which elicited another loud moan from her. He assaulted her clit roughly, squeezing her ass cheek to stop her from squirming.
“S-Shingen,” she whimpered, shutting her eyes closed as he teased her entrance with his finger tips.
“Mmh?” he hummed, licking her skin.
“P-please,” the girl answered with a small whine, trying to find more contact with his fingers. Biting his smirk, he didn’t hesitate to slide two fingers inside of her cunt.
“Ah,” she groaned, digging her nails in the wood. Her right cheek burned as it scrapped against the rough surface. He pushed her off his lap, placing her back on the ground. His tongue licked his lips as he saw the stayed he scanned her features. Her cheeks were red from the heat she was feeling. Eyes were puffy and glazed over from the crying because of the intense pleasure. The girl’s beautiful lips were dry from the lack of hydration. He kissed her eagerly, placing her ass against the floor and slipping his middle and ring finger back inside of her cunt.
She jerked up, moaning in his mouth and holding onto his arm.
“Mmh, you look so delicious like this,” he nibbled on her earlobe as she sat up, trying to keep her legs open as his fingertips rubbed her sweet spot.
“Ah,” she squirmed, whimpering as he slammed his fingers inside of her heat. Her mouth parted as small, nearly silent moans escaped her lips. (Y/N) struggled to keep her balance, finding the force she used to keep her upper body up off the ground and the grip around her boyfriend’s muscular hard to overcome that of the one he used to destroy her pussy.
Her eyebrows knitted together as her head shot back, moaning Shingen’s name repeatedly as his fingering became so vicious, her thighs and ass moved every time her juicy lips took them fully.
The tiger whispered in her ear, smirking at the small whimpering that were leaving her lips as a result.
“I want you to scream my name louder than you ever had, understand?” he licked the shell of her ear as her head shot back, her pussy juices coating his whole hand.
“Tell me, who do you get wet for?” he nibbled at her earlobe.
“Y-you,” she mewled, digging her nails in his skin.
“Who else?” he growled.
“Y-you, only you,” the girl answered in a shaky breath before grunting, feeling herself clench around his fingers -- which didn’t falter in roughness or rapidity.
“S-Shingen p-please,” (Y/N) begged, staring helplessly into his lusty eyes.
“Please what?” he leaned closer to her lips, hovering them over hers but making sure to stay just out of reach.
“M-make me cum,” she whined as he rubbed her sweet spots. Her legs slowly closed again as she clench even harder around him. His lips latched onto her neck, sucking and biting her skin roughly.
“Mmh, so close for me,” he purred, feeling her pussy lips suck harder and harder around him.
She screamed his name loudly, frantically, desperately.
“Mmh, my good princess,” Shingen muttered as she shook uncontrollably, cumming hard around his digits. He hummed in content, pulling her close as she collapsed on him, breathing heavily.
“What a breathtaking sight,” he smirked, gazing upon her thoroughly fucked body. Her eyes slowly fluttered close, exhausting by her two orgasms, the last mindblowing one taking a lot out of her.
“No no,” he grasped her jaw, “this is only the start.”
“W-what?” Her breath caught in her throat, feeling how oversensitive her clit it and how worn out her pussy was for his vicious treatment.
“You heard me, now get on your knees,” he instructed, pushing himself off the floor and towering over her, “and open wide.”
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @nxxttime @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22 @disa @datemasamunemaiwaifu @mitsuhidethesnek @swordsmanofsweets
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Shingen Takeda x Reader - “Bitter Taste Of Your Own Medicine” [Part 1]
After Shingen won’t stop his flirting habits, you decided to play his game and flirt with other people as well. When he has had more than enough, he pulls you to a secluded room to make you scream his name louder than you ever had before.
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Requested by anon: “How about a smut fic for shingen where someone tries to flirt with mc and she accepts the flirting because she wants to have revenge of shingen flirting with others. When they got back he then proceed to remind mc who she belongs to with possessive intense sex over and over again to the point of the pleasure becomes painful. If you’re not comfortable please ignore this"
A/N: I was really worried I wouldn’t stick to Shingen’s character because of the possessiveness but apparently it’s okay, I’m going to do this in two parts and next part is going to be hella kink lol.
Warning: smut
“What are you doing here?” Kenshin frowned as the girl slid the screen back close behind her, “and why do you have that awful face?” his nose scrunched slightly in disgust before returning his gaze back to his bunnies.
“Shingen,” she grumbled, sitting in the side of his room, “he still has his flirting habits, he flirts with women again, still, whichever,” a sigh escaped her beautiful lips before she scooped one of the bunnies that wondered up to her.
“He’s a fool,” he murmured, feeding the bunnies carefully, “give him a taste of his own medicine” Kenshin voiced his mind unconsciously, as he offered a gentle smile to the bunnies.
“What? Like flirting? I’m not nearly as good as he is, besides, that’s mean,” she shook her head.
“He’s know how you feel about it,” he murmured, his unimpressed.
“My lovely goddess,” Shingen praised as the girl walked up to him. He cupped her cheek and pecked her lips.
“Hi,” she greeted back, returning the short kiss.
“What’s wrong?” His face fell as he hugged her.
“Nothing, let’s get going, the celebration starts soon,” she held his hand, pulling him to not have to confront him.
The numerous vassals had already gathered for one of Kenshin’s unnecessary celebrations. No wonder he was so happy with (Y/N) this morning… in his own way.
Speaking of which, the Dragon of Echigo was already drinking with a few of his vassals as they came up to him, ruining his perfectly good sake.
The pair joined in beside the lord. Immediately, Kenshin’s eyes brightened.
“Shingen, fight me!”
“No,” he replied with a raised eyebrow, pulling the girl closer to his side.
How am I going to do this? I can’t flirt?
The girl gulped.
“The princess has joined us!” A couple of drunken vassals that were previously sitting with an unimpressed Kenshin greeted.
“You look lovely, Lady (Y/N),” one slurred.
“As always,” another grinned.
This is my chance, Shingen expects me to ignore them!
“Oh, thank you guys,” she blushed, looking away shyly. (Y/N) didn’t have to gaze her boyfriend’s way to know that he knew something was off, but he didn’t speak of it.
This playful banter between the princess and the vassals took a few more moments, making Kenshin and the arrival of Sasuke and Yukimura very awkward. Shingen was only too painfully aware of what he was feeling at the moment and he couldn’t believe it, it wasn’t like him, but what really put him off was her mood before the celebration. Why did she look so sulky?
Because of this interaction, he felt like she was growing tired of him, like she was slowly moving on from him. He was angry, upset, confused. He needed her, one last time.
“Come with me,” Shingen finally snapped back to reality, grasping the girl’s hand and pulling her off the floor. He was quick at scooping her in his arms and rushing back to a secluded room.
“What’s wrong with you Shingen? That was rude, especially for you!” She wriggled out of his grip as she glared up at him.
“What was that about?” He murmured.
“What was what?” she played dumb.
“You know,” his eyes narrowed at her. She picked up reading skills on her boyfriend as well. It was hard but she got the hang of it. Biting her lip softly, she contemplated her thoughts, grasping his kimono and pulling him to her. He released a surprised huff, dipping down to return the kiss with so much hunger and passion he was sure he could feel his heart squeeze out of his chest. His body moved closer to her, enclosing her against the wall as he cupped the back of her thighs and sucked roughly on her bottom lip.
“Mmh,” she hummed, grasping his shoulders for balance as he pulled her off the ground, locking her legs around his waist. His lips trailed to her neck, biting her sensitive skin between his teeth teasingly.
The girl gasped, grinding against him, his hands travelled to her kimono, removing her collar and untying her obi, letting it fall to the ground. Paying no attention other than her, he kissed along her skin, untying the bottom of his kimono.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she felt his thigh against her heat.
“I love your blushed cheeks,” he smirked, rubbing his leg teasingly between her thighs.
“A-ah, p-please,” she whispered, grinding against him desperately. She squirmed under him before being cut short by his warm lips against hers. Their tongues fought for dominance before Shingen smirked in the kiss, suddenly lifting her up and sinking her down on his cock.
They both groaned loudly against each other, the girl’s surprise making it easy for Shingen to insert his tongue in her mouth. Her cheeks flushed even more as he thursted up into her.
The girl released a strangled moan, burying her face in his neck as he picked up his pace. The Tiger’s thrusts were rough and desperate, the slight pain the girl felt as their skinned slapped together from each action was slowly bringing her even more on edge.
His grip was tight on the girl’s thighs, this side of Shingen was foreign but it was somehow even more thrilling and sexy. He cursed softly, sucking roughly on her neck as her back rubbed viciously against the wooden wall.
(Y/N)’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as he reached down to rub her clit hard but slowly.
“Ooh, I missed that look,” he groaned, placing his forehead against hers as her head rested against the wall. She shivered softly, closing her eyes and burning from the feeling of overstimulation. He dipped down, grunting as he hit a particularly sweet spot inside of her which made her clench around him.
“Aah,” she whined, eyebrows knitting together as she grinded down on his length.
Shingen was breathing heavily now, feeling himself getting closer to his climax as well. He pounded mercilessly into her cunt, becoming a little sloppy each time her pussy sucked on his ramming cock.
His dick rubbed faster and harder against her sweet spots, methodically despite how close he was getting to let her release her favourite moans.
“Mmh,” he hummed, nibbling at her earlobe as she squeezed his girth. A string of desperate mewls and moans escaped her lips as her toes curled, squeezing the fabric of his kimono as she squirmed against the wall.
“S-Shingen-” she whimpered, shutting her eyes closed and crying out as she cummed around him. He chased his own end, holding her firmly against him as she collapsed against him, keeping her balance at the lack of contact with the ground.
Cursing again, he buried his entire width, feeling her warm juices coat him as he twitched inside of her pussy. After a few more thrusts, he grunted a few praises and released his seed inside of her. Holding onto the wall, he kissed the girl’s lips sweetly. Her legs locked back to their original hold around his waist as she recovered from her high.
“Let’s not talk about it yet,” he sighed deeply, cupping her untouched breast and letting her go, sitting down and pulling her in his lap to latch his lips around one of her nipples. “I’m not done with you,”
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader - “No Teasing Tonight”
Mitsuhide finds himself jealous when Nobunaga and Masamune seem to be getting a little too friendly with you, in his spurt of emotion, he pulls you away to his office and has a little alone time with you which leaves you breathless and wanting more.
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Requested on Wattpad:” Okay! So can i get a scenario/ headcanons(whatever you’re comfortable with) with Mitsuhide being jealous? Of any warlord of your choice. And if you do nsfw, can you please do that too! Thank you☆☆☆”
A/N: I was originally going to make this into a headcanon but I had this plot and everything, then I planned it as a short fic since I wanted to try out smut but it’s a normal length 1k fic in the end lol. If you guys like this, I’ll gladly write more smut! ;)
Warning: this is my first smut, so warning for actual smut and warning for bad smut
He glared from the sidelines, taking small, gentle sips. His movements were graceful, a calm demeanour, contrasting from the fires raging within him. The snake managed to block out the conversation he was exposed to with Ieyasu, Mitsunari and Hideyoshi. Yellow eyes scrutinised the scene unfolding a few meters away from him.
The girl was laughing between two smirking figures, Nobunaga and Masamune, hiding her face behind her hands at a remark the Devil King had made that also made The One-Eyed Dragon chuckle.
He would laugh the idea off it if he ever understood he was becoming jealous. Slender fingers were clutching the small cup with a firm grip as his teeth chewed the inside of his cheek.
“Mitsuhide?” Hideyoshi frowned. The call of his name pulled him out of his thoughts.
“Excuse me,” He stood up bitterly, walking to the three people sitting away from them. The warlords he was conversing with gave him strange looks before continuing their discussion.
“Nice party,” Mitsuhide grumbled as he guided himself swiftly above (Y/N).
“It is,” Masamune grinned.
“I need to borrow (Y/N) for a moment,” He informed.
“Of course, bye guys!” She waved, grasping the hand Akechi was extending towards her, helping herself off the floor.
“What’s the-” The girl wasn’t able to finish her sentence as her body was practically dragged out of the room. He slid the door shut and pulled her close, marching towards his office in the castle.
“Mitsuhide,” She cooed, eyebrows knitting together in worry as he nudged her inside and made sure the room was closed off.
“You’re worrying me-” He cut her sentence off short as his lips captured hers in a heated kiss.
“Mmh,” The small sound between a gasp and a moan made the snake smirk as he cupped her cheeks to devouring her lips.
“O-oh,” she whispered as his lips trailed along her jawline and down her neck. One of her hands rested on his shoulder as he streamed a few rough bites down to her collarbone.
“What’s wrong M-”
“Shhh,” He shushed, placing a thumb against her lips, the rest of his hand still cupping her cheek, as he dipped down and grasped the back of her thighs, earning a small squeak from her. In her surprise, he inserted his thumb in her mouth and the girl instantly licked it. Carrying her to his desk, he gently let her sit down and sucked her pulse point. His fingers caressed her skin, slowly sliding her kimono off her shoulders.
His hand trailed down to her breasts, bringing a nipple between his fingers and rubbing it softly.
“A-ah” The small sound escaped her lips as she bucked against his warm palm. Mitsuhide practically tore the rest of her kimono off, pulling her bare legs either side of his waist, arms on her upper and lower back as he trailed wet kisses to her breasts, taking one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking it harshly.
“Mmh,” She released a strangled moan, digging her nails in his shoulder. Suddenly, he pulled away, smirking as she whined. He removed his kimono, kissing her deeply and grinding her against him.
Mitsuhide cursed under his breath, placing his forehead against hers and pumping his shaft slowly, rubbing the tip against her slit.
A loud groan reverberated in his chest as he slowly entered her, stretching her walls.
“Ah!” She gasped, bucking against him and holding onto his shoulders.
“Mmh, you’re so tight,” He praised, cupping her ass cheeks and squeezing them softly. Mitsuhide gave her a few moments to adjust before moving inside of her gradually.
They both released a moan, bodies moving against each other in rhythm.
“Mmh, louder for me,” He commanded, feeling her grind against him. His hands were firm on her hips, probably already bruising her skin.
“But someone might hear-”
“I don’t care.” Mitsuhide grunted, his thrust becoming faster and harder. (Y/N) whimpered, her fingers finding their way in his beautiful white hair as he leaned down to nip at her skin .
“F-fuck,” He cursed, placing his thumb against her clit and rubbing hard circles around the small bundle of nerves.
The girl jerked up instantly, yelping and moaning. “Play with your breasts,” He moaned in her ear. She felt her already flushed cheeks blush a few shades darker as her hand trailed down her chest, cupping one of her breasts and playing with it.
(Y/N) bit her lip shyly, feeling Mitsuhide’s intense gaze on her as he kept snapping his hips into hers.
A sudden gasp escaped her lips as she clenched around him, not realising his order was a distraction to assault her clit with his fingers.
Mitsuhide briskly pushed her upper body against the desk, pinning both of her hands above her head.
Whining, she lifted her legs higher up around his waist, locking them around his body and pulling him closer to making him go deeper inside of her cunt.
He smirked, admiring the sight he’s left her in, her body was jerking because of him, her breasts were covered in marks, bobbing because of his thrusts. Mitsuhide felt even more aroused as the small cries of his name broke free from her throat.
The sound of slapping skin and the rocking of the desk as he mercilessly slammed his entire length inside of the girl engulfed the entire room.
“I-I’m so close,” (Y/N) cried out, clenching even harder around his shaft.
“Mmh,” A growl resonated from his windpipe as he smirked, watching her recoil her legs from around him and jerking up as she immersed herself in the pleasure he was giving her.
“Who do you belong to?” He asked, slowing the pace of his thrusts but never faltering in their fervour.
“Y-you,” she whimpered, trying in her best efforts to create more friction.
“G-good girl,” He felt his girth twitch inside of her, resuming the pace of his thrusts as he chased the end he wanted both of them to have for far too long. She cried out, jerking up against his chest, squirming under the hard grip on her wrists as the knot in her lower body tightened. She suddenly screamed his name, cumming undone around his shaft right before his eyes.
(Y/N) whined as Mitsuhide’s thrusts became more ragged before he pushed inside of her, her pussy swallowing his entire length and cumming deep inside of her, growling and cursing.
He collapsed against her, slowly coming down from his high as she recovered from hers. The chatelaine’s arms reached around his neck, hugging him tightly as he nuzzled and kissing her collarbone.
Their two sweaty bodies remained stuck together for a few more minutes before Mitsuhide stood up, pulling his kimono off the floor and placing it on his shoulders.
“What was that for?” the (H/C) haired girl sat up, using her hands to keep her upper body off the desk.
“For you,” He reached for her, grasping her neck lightly with both hands and kissing her lips possessively.
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Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things@xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa  @nxxttime @gearsinice@mizmahlia @tina8009  @alex--awesome--22 @datemasamunemaiwaifu​ @mitsuhidethesnek
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Sakamaki Brothers x Reader - “Thirty Second Nightmare” [Part 1]
Being a bride had turned out better than imagined. The brothers adored you as you slowly grew on them despite your ‘overly friendly nature’. They became very close to you, showing you love in their own way, even if they would never admit it.  On a particular boring day, you persuade them to play games with you. Even though they agreed, you find out the game you had planned turned out to be more disturbing than fun.
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A/N: I just got into this fandom and I love everyone so much so I decided to write a fic about it! Hope you like it, it’s my very first DL fic. Requests for anyone in this fandom is open! 
Warnings: language maybe, I also didn’t prove read because I didn’t have the time! Sorry lol.
Breathing in his nice scent, the girl nuzzled his head as she played with a strand of his hair.
Shu was sleeping peacefully, back against her chest and head resting against her collarbone, and body between her legs. A tiny smile was etched on his face as he snored softly. The girl huffed softly as her arms slid around his head, resting on his chest.
“What’s the matter,” He grumbled, opening an eye curiously as he stared up at her from below.
“Bored,” she mumbled, stuffing her face in his voluminous hair.
“Then sleep,” Was the only conclusion he could draw.
“Sleeping isn’t the solution to everything unfortunately,” She scanned around for something she could do.
“Yes it is,”
“Only for you,” She murmured. Her attention snapped back to him as his icy hand grasped her wrist lightly.
“Sleep with me,”
“I would Shu but I’m not tired, I need to do something right now,” She groaned. The eldest Sakamaki smirked mischievously.
“Get that out of your head right now,” She chuckled, nudging him slightly, “Oh, Kanato would know what to do,” the girl gracefully slid off the couch from under him. Shu grunted in discontent at the loss of contact -- not that he’ll ever admit that.
The girl walked rapidly to the second eldest triplet, knocking on the door.
“It’s (Y/N), can I come in?” She asked, leaning against the door.
“Yes!!!” The voice on the other side answered enthusiastically. The girl opened the door. As soon as she did, her eyes widened as the purple-haired vampire dragged her inside.
“Dolly, I’m hungry,” He whined, hugging Teddy tighter in his embrace. She nodded slowly, sitting down on his bed.
“Okay, but on one condition,” The girl raised her finger at him in warning. He stared at it before glancing at her and nodding.
“You get to play my game and help me convince all your brothers to play as well!” She directed.
“Okay,” He grinned, pushing her shoulder down into the mattress before delicately placing Teddy on the bed as well and standing between the girl’s legs and bending down to her neck. A shiver ran down her spine as his tongue licked her collarbone. His breath caressed her bare skin before his mouth ghosted over it. She winced softly as his fangs pierced through her skin. Her hand found his forearm as she squeezed it lightly, shutting her eyes closed as he drank her blood eagerly.
It felt like an eternity for the girl before he finally pulled away, his bottom lip covered in the crimson liquid. He licked it clean before running his tongue over the fang marks on her skin.
“Come,” He held her hand, grasping Teddy against his chest and dragging him out of her room.
“I’ll talk to Laito and Reiji, you go find Subaru and Ayato okay?” He grinned.
“Yep, thanks Kanato-san!” She pecked his cheek before strolling to Ayato’s room first.
“Who gives the right for you to distribute Yours Truly?” The voice scolded from the other side of the door.
“It’s (Y/N), will you come and have fun with us?” There was a moment of silence before he spoke up.
“No!” He grumbled.
“Please,” She whined. The girl thought she heard a little mumble before footsteps followed and the door opened.
“Will you let me go in your bedroom without your scolding?” He frowned lightly. (Y/N) released a low sigh.
“Fine,” She grumbled.
“Okay then” He grasped her hand, closing his door and walking with her.
“Actually, can you go to the living room without me? I have to go see Subaru.” She trailed on. Ayato glared at her but nodded slowly soon after.
“Hurry then,” He grumbled, teleporting to the living room.
Only one to go!
(Y/N) knocked on Subaru’s door and opened it as soon as she heard a grumble. The white-haired vampire was outside on the balcony, watching upon the garden outside. He was so far from the door she was surprised she was able to hear his strangled sound in the first place.
“What do you want?” He murmured. She walked slowly up to him, slowly sliding her arms around his waist. Subaru didn’t move -- but he didn’t push her away either.
“Will you come down to the living room to play with us?” The girl whispered. He took a moment before answering.
“Tch, no,” He grunted.
“Please, spend time with us,” She moved to his side, holding his hand. The youngest tensed under her touch but didn't dare move. His eyes moved to gaze upon her beautiful features and instantly relax.
“Just for a little bit, you can leave when you want,” her eyes were hopeful but her posture was that of one that was inciting him to move as if he had already been persuaded.
“Tch, fine,” A small grumble escaped his lips and a small grateful smile etched itself on her face as he teleported the both of them to the living room.
All the brothers were on the couch, Shu was still sleeping, indifferent from the presence of his brothers. Laito and Kanato held a curious gaze as Ayato, Reiji and Subaru frowned in the presence of his brothers.
“It’s a slow day so I thought maybe playing a game could help,”
“Is that all you could think of?” Subaru grumbled.
“At least I tried,” She defended, scoffing. He mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms tighter on his chest.
“Anyway, it’s the thirty second challenge,” she glanced between all of them. They seemed confused.
“What’s that?” Kanato asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Basically, you have a list of words and have to make the others guess what each word is to the others. The catch is that you can’t use the word or any from the same family -- and you have to make them guess as many words as possible in thirty seconds.”
“I’m not sure I follow,” Reiji’s voice was softer than usual and he was now curious about the game.
“I’ll give an example,” She hummed for a few seconds, finding for a suitable word, “oh, I know.” clearing her throat before continuing, “if the word is mouse, you can say something like ‘it’s a small animal that is thought to be eaten by cats, but you can also use it with a keyboard on a computer.”
“Oooh,” Kanato and Laito nodded in understanding.
“Get it?”
“Yes,” A few of the them answered as the rest nodded.
“Okay, choose your groups,” The girl gestured to them.
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Donald Pierce x Reader - “Tainted Heart” [Part 2]
When you confront your boyfriend about how secretive he is being, he finally tells you what his actual job is. Understanding that the side of him you fell in love with was only a lie, you ban him from your house but find it more complicated to let him go when you discover something that would change your future completely. Donald reappears a few days later, trying to make amends, will you be able to forgive him?
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Requested by 3 anons: “Can I request a Donnie fic where the reader has been dating him for a while and they live together and everything but he doesn’t tell her exactly what he does and she starts to think that he’s cheating on her when he has to go out for meeting and shit, you can the ending angsts or fluffy”
“Hey can I request a really angsts Donald pierce bit, where basically the reader and Donnie get in an argument and it’s a proper screaming match and they don’t talk to each other for s bit, you can end it how you want but I thought it would be a fun idea because I’m really in the mood for some angst”
“Can u write sth with donald pierce and reader where donald comes into their house out of nowhere with logan laura and professor x to help them hide just like the scene from avengers age of ultron? (Reader is pregnant)”
Warning: violence, language, fighting, angst.
Hugging the pillow on her lap, the girl’s eyes stayed on the TV screen. She didn’t know what to do with herself and thankfully, her boss was kind enough to give her a few days off. 
Her mind had wandered, far from the movie, and towards her boyfriend -- well, ex-boyfriend.
A frustrated sigh escaped her lips, this sucks, big time!
Her crying only picked up at how everything was a lie, she couldn’t believe everything their relationship was built on was only fake, the work he did made him a lot of money, she just thought he strived at his job, not that it was so illegal it paid so well.
(Y/N) was dating a monster, a heartless beast that entertained himself with guarding abused children that were to be turned into weapons. 
She didn’t know if it was the crying or watching TV so early in the morning and eating something she wasn’t supposed to but she felt her stomach churn and before she could realise what she was doing, her feet were instinctively racing her towards the bathroom. 
Her hands gripped the toilet seat and she threw up bitterly. After emptying her stomach, she slumped against the wall and sat there for a few moments. 
It started a few days before she confronted her boyfriend, so two days after he left for that horrible job of his. 
Her time of the month was in a while, so she had no way of knowing if it was delayed or not.
The only thought that itched her, the constant vomiting that felt too foreign to be any type of food poisoning, the very active sexual life she had with Pierce. 
It wouldn’t hurt her if she got herself tested right? Only two tests to reduce any errors and boom, all her worries are at bay.
But what if she was pregnant?
Her feet trudged to the closest pharmacy, opening the door and scanning the isles. (Y/N) didn’t want to meet anyone she knew at the moment, no body she knew, and especially, not her ex. 
Her hand grasped one that she had seen advertised countless times on media, however, also decided to reach for another brand, just to be sure. 
The woman couldn’t bear to make eye contact with the cashier, fearing that all the raw emotions she was feeling could were worn in her colourful irises. Placing both boxes on the counter and, she waited as he gave her the price. 
It was a quick exchange before her nose buried itself in her coat and her shoes scurried back home. 
She paced nervously along the table and stared at the time. 
Only a minute or so now. 
It felt like an entire century before the result started appearing and the only thing she could hear and feel was her too rapid heartbeat.
 She was tested positive, on both.
“Shit!” she slammed it against the counter in anger, why did she have to be pregnant, a week or so earlier she would be more than happy, but knowing the monster he actually was tore her to shreds. 
A knock on her door stopped her from even considering what she would do with the baby. 
Hiding the tests and washing her hands, she announced her arrival before opening the door and freezing in her steps.
Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes landed on the person in front of her. They just stared at each other for a moment before she gulped and murmured.
“What have I told you?” it was a rhetorical question and she wasn’t expecting what he was going to say after -- only expecting him to try and defend himself.
“I know you hate me, but I need you to shelter three people for me,” he whispered, nodding to his car.
The backseat window was very barely open and her eyes could distinguish dark brown eyes awkwardly looking at the both of them. 
Searching, she also vaguely distinguished another silhouette in the front seat behind the tinted windows.
“Everyone is out to kill them, us,” Donald trailed off. 
Her fingertips tapped against the doorframe in thought before she sighed in defeat.
“Not everyone,” her hand push the door to open it wider and her ex nodded to the people in the car and they quickly scurried out.
The woman’s heart leapt out of her chest at the sight of a gruff, tired-looking bearded man, an old man in a wheelchair that looked easily in his late seventies, and finally, a thick-skinned girl. 
Despite how ill the man appeared, his grave voice offered her a disgruntled thank you. The intimidating aura he radiated was soon washed over with the grateful thanks the older man gave her.
When they made dinner and prepared rooms for the guests, only (Y/N) and Donald stood facing each other against the kitchen counter and the kitchen island.
“Talk,” was the only word she said. The girl conveyed it with such cold and venom, but Pierce knew how much he wounded her, and he entirely admitted to his mistake.
“Before we broke up, I was rarely at home because the firm ordered me to search for them. The time we broke up was when we tracked them and we were keeping an eye on them to know when to strike, but after our fight, I found it more difficult to keep at it, the chase, the battles, everything.” He took a deep breath after he realised how low his voice had gotten. 
“The only reason I didn’t quit earlier was because I knew they would hunt for every single person I knew and cherished, to kill everyone.” 
“You were indispensable?” 
“Not necessarily, they would do it to clean up every trace of illegal activity that might have been rumored because of us. I didn’t want to put you in danger,” 
“And now?” 
“Now,” he took in a much needed breath, “I realised that it would have been better to be in love and on the run than breaking your heart and keeping you safe,” the man turned around, slowly, preparing to walk to the couch and expecting her to stay quiet.
(Y/N) gripped his bomber jacket. Pierce stopped in his tracks but didn’t dare turn back.
“I never said I didn’t love you, I’m mad and heartbroken because of you, yes, but I never stopped loving you,” she admitted. 
He turned around, a gleam of hope in his eyes. 
“Don’t give me that look Donnie, I feel like shit, b-but I can’t let you go easily,” she nearly let a sob escape, it was so unfair, everything was happening so quickly and she could barely keep up as things were being thrown at her and new obstacles were being added to her load. 
“Why not?” he whispered. Behind her teary eyes, she managed to meet his gaze without breaking down.
“I’m-” a difficult gulp went down her throat as she placed her palm on her stomach, “I’m pregnant,” silent tears streamed down her cheeks and she let herself engulf in a protective hug from Pierce. His lips kissed her forehead, breathing in her scent that he had missed so much.
“We’ll get through this, together,” he held her hand tightly, but she pulled back, still a little fragile about what his job is.
“N-no, give me time, p-please,” she cried. Donnie frowned, feeling somehow worse about himself as he saw first hand how wounded he left her in.
“As much time as you need,” 
Through rough times, I won’t stop following you for doing the right thing. 
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Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @schweeeppess@gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22 @disa @eris-maximoff
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
The Girl's Pack ~ Chapter 33: Dumbasses With Ice Creams [Final]
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[Princess][Archer][Wolf][Wally][Jason and Roy][Dick]
A/N: Omg you guys, this is the last chapter T-T Thank you for reading ans I hope you liked this series! Links to fanart and formatting of the fic will be rearranged once I get to a computer.
"I can't believe Wonder Woman asked you if you wanted to be mentored by her," Zatanna expressed wide-eyed.
"That's awesome!" Karen agreed, sipping her drink.
"I'm pretty excited as well! It's hard to believe." (Y/N)
"(Y/N), there are people for you, "Beast Bay informed rapidly before he scurried away to catch up with Jaime. Already a week had passed since the incident and everyone was already on their feet, some more than others.
"Thanks," she called out, excusing herself and pacing towards the main hall.
Who could that be?
"It's good to see you again, little one," the voice chuckled as she turned around the corner.
"(Y/N)!" the child's voice squealed excitedly.
"Oh my gosh, guys!!" She rushed to her pack, catching Grey as he jumped into her arms and hugged Kai tightly.
"It's good to see you, "Ayaka smiled when the girl embraced her afterwards.
"How have you been?" Keanu nuzzled her neck.
"Smart stunt you pulled off with to those humans" Kaleb snorted.
"Do you want to hang out?" Wally asked, leaning against the wall and watching her as she slid into her jacket and grasped her
"Can't, I'm going to get ice cream with Dami."
"Dami wants ice cream?? He agreed ??" Tim's eyes widened as he entered her room to drop something off.
"Yes of course he's such a cutie!".
"I'm not cute! "The voice grumbled as the person in question entered the room.
"He's not, he's a demon spawn, "Jason came in as well.
"First off, to many people in my room, second, Damian is the most precious bean in the world." she engulfed him in a side hug and despite his scowl, he didn't push her away.
"Can come with you for ice cream?" He ginger speedster asked. Jason immediately seemed interested.
The girl opened her mouth.
"No." Dami answered for her.
"Dami baby, be nice," she patted his head affectionately, "yes, you can come
you want, she accepted, "it could be fun!"
"Sweet, "Jason went to his room to get a few things..
"Why did you invite them again?" Damian sighed as they both watched the chaos happening behind them.
Wally had accidentally tripped nanoseconds after obtaining his
ice cream right in Jason's cheek and Dick tried to catch the scoop of ice cean in his hand.
The speedster's hand was soaked in the sticky substance when the cone broke upon impact and Roy had given the last of
the tissues from the stands to him, only to have both his hands getting creamed and sticky. Hid hands were basically stuck with tissues as they are attempted to eat the remainder of their desserts.
"They are dumbasses, Damian stuck his spoon in his mouth to savour the snack.
"I know, but we love them, right?" she cringed softly knowing exactly what he was going to say.
"No we don't."
them, right? she sprished hat the decks..
"Say, (Y/N)" Jason spoke.
"Hmm?" she turned around,
"Can we ever visit your kingdom thing?"
"Mmh, maybe someday," she replied briefly. That might not happen for a while, she needs to be sure the creatures of Arvaysia were comfortable enough with humans to accept them there.
(Y/N) kept walking alongside Dick, who struggled to eat properly when still limping in his leg cast.
"Self someone doesn't want you near her," Wally teased.
"Well at least we shared a bed, did you share one when you went on your little escapade?" he questioned smugly. There was a moment of silence before the blood son sighed in disappointment.
"Every moment I spend with you fools, the more I realise how much intelligence you lack."
"...What they hell demon spawn?"
"While cuddle when they need affection, it has nothing to do with romance. It's a sign of reassurance, familial love, appreciation and protection." He clarified.
Roy and Jason's face fell, a wide grin on Wally's face as they processed hid words.
"Tt, I can't believe you guys really think she likes you-"
"How do you know about this?" the archer asked.
"Kaleb explained it to me, it's what it means there."
Jason threw the remainder of his ice cream exasperatedly to the concrete sidewalk.
"DAMMIT!" He yelled, "what does a kiss mean?"
"Leave me alone now idiot," Damian turned in his heel to join the others.
"-and making out?"
Jason kept asking questions all the way to the car, not getting the answers he demanded. Even though the girl had no idea what wass going on, she couldn't be more happier. She was as free as she wanted to be, she would have a superb mentor, being admired bask to her home town, all whilst surrounded by the friend and family she had only dreamed of. This adventure was dangerous, but she came out of it stronger, with a new perspective.
Because the greatest part of the journey isn't just arriving at the destination, is it?
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy  @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx  @lostnliterature  @batette  @pythiaaa  @schweeeppess  @gearsinice  @mizmahlia  @tina8009  @alex--awesome--22  @disa @seventhbunny @kelcpaul96​ @raven-daughter-of-hell @welcome-to-my-reblog-cave @vineisdeadiwishiwas @trashy-san
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Donald Pierce x Reader - “Tainted Heart” [Part 1]
When you confront your boyfriend about how secretive he is being, he finally tells you what his actual job is. Understanding that the side of him you fell in love with was only a lie, you ban him from your house but find it more complicated to let him go when you discover something that would change your future completely. Donald reappears a few days later, trying to make amends, will you be able to forgive him?
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Requested by 3 anons: “Can I request a Donnie fic where the reader has been dating him for a while and they live together and everything but he doesn’t tell her exactly what he does and she starts to think that he’s cheating on her when he has to go out for meeting and shit, you can the ending angsts or fluffy”
“Hey can I request a really angsts Donald pierce bit, where basically the reader and Donnie get in an argument and it’s a proper screaming match and they don’t talk to each other for s bit, you can end it how you want but I thought it would be a fun idea because I’m really in the mood for some angst” 
“Can u write sth with donald pierce and reader where donald comes into their house out of nowhere with logan laura and professor x to help them hide just like the scene from avengers age of ultron? (Reader is pregnant)”
Warning: violence, language, fighting, angst.
(Y/N) was smiling and laughing along with her friend at a small café, it felt too long since the pair was in contact with each other and it couldn’t feel any better.
Until her phone buzzed. Her friend took a sip of her drink as the girl glanced at the message she received.
“Is it your boyfriend?” she inquired, perceiving a frown appear on her face as her eyes scanned over the words.
“Yes,” (Y/N) sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “he’s cancelling the date, again, he’s going out of town,” 
Her friend gave her a disapproving look.
“I know, I know, you told me to talk to him about it -- but I’m terrified of what might come out from it,” the girl gulped anxiously.
“I understand, but you need to do it, it might hurt you more if you keep at it,” 
(Y/N) chewed on her lip nervously.
The girl spent the next few days stressful thinking of every possible scenario that could unfold when she confronts him. Was he sick of her? Was he moving on and didn’t want to hurt her? Was he cheating on her?
He didn’t even give her an approximate day when he would get back, so the dread continued as she returned home every night, after work, contemplating whether he would be home or not.
After a few painful days, he finally got back.
“Hey baby, I miss you,” he smiled softly, sliding his arms around her waist and kissing her jaw as she fixed herself a little something to eat. 
The woman was thankful her back was facing him or he would have immediately sensed how uneasy she was through her nervously fake smile. 
“Donnie,” her eyes dipped to the ground to hide any emotion that could be filled within them. Her hands were firmly pressed against the counter as she faced him, “we need to talk,” 
He raised an eyebrow, having a slight hunch on what she was going to ask. Sitting down on the couch, he made himself comfortable but still attentive as she sat on the table in front of him.
“Why are you being so secretive?” (Y/N) went straight to the point but scolded herself for seeming so harsh. He paused, his expression unreadable for a moment before his eyes softened.
“What are you thinking right now?” he murmured.
“Answer the question!” she snapped, not being able to cope with how distant he had become and how much it was killing her. 
 “It’s my work,” 
“I know you keep using that excuse, tell me seriously, I can’t bare this anymore!” a ragged breath escaped her lips, and Donald finally understood how much this pained her -- and now, he was feeling extremely guilty for it.
“Are you, cheating, on me?” she gulped nervously, awaiting the worst.  
“Fuck you for every thinking I would do that to you,” he shook his head bitterly. (Y/N) was really shocked at how offended he seemed at her even having that vile thought pass through her mind. 
“Sweetheart, I-” Pierce sighed, not knowing where to start, “you know I would never hurt you intentionally, right?” 
She didn’t answer, feeling her heart race at the unpredictability of what he might say next.
“I have, a dangerous and, debatably immoral job -- and trust me when I tell you, I tried to resign because I knew you wouldn’t approve but it’s more... complicated than that.” he tried explaining. 
To say there were multiple alarms setting off in her brain at once was an understatement, “w-who- what is your job, exactly?” 
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE DONALD PIERCE!!” she threw anything she could find right at him as tears ran down her face.
“Baby, please!” he begged as she forcefully pushed him out of the house -- but to no avail. The man was way too strong.
“Get out, get out, get out!” She cried, punching his back, it physically hurt her to hit his hard back with her knuckles, but it couldn’t compare to the pain she was feeling, it’s like she didn’t even know the man in front of her.
“Do you come home to me and hold my hand with your bloody stained ones?? The ones you use to torture and murder children?” The girl sobbed as he stood still in the doorway. His mind was conflicted, and his heart was heartbroken, it was so painful to hear everything she had to say about him -- but they were all true, he was so selfish for thinking anyone would stick with someone with that ‘profession’. 
Donald watched with the most injured expression as she threw everything that belonged to him out of the door and onto the small garden in front. 
“I don’t want to see you, every again!” her words spat like venom but the desperate look in her teary eyes only screamed how betrayed she felt. 
“I can piece together why you went there in the first place, b-but, staying there persisting in working there after we started dating, staining those hands of yours and treating children so poorly and coming home like nothing happened? H-how can you be so heartless, you’re like a monster, it’s like I don’t even know you!” she cried, unable to control her breathing as a result of her weeping.
He knew he fucked up, bad, he pushed away the only thing that made him happy, getting sold out by the very thing he used to be persuaded was the reason he didn’t deserve you.
And she stopped his thoughts, she didn’t even know his job but she saw the wonderful person in him. 
Pierce flinched as he heard the door slam behind him. Casting a small glance towards the house, he slowly picked up his things and put it in his car. Once he drove off, he watched as the house shrunk behind him until he turned around the corner and saw it disappear. 
When he stopped in the parking lot of a hotel, he slammed his hands on the steering wheel.
“FUCK!” his forehead dipped against his hands as he thought of what he should do, he was still in the aftershock of everything, it was only a matter of time before the reality of the situation hit him.
He lost her.
His heart ached already as he took his essentials and stepped towards the hotel.
Tell me, would you still love me and follow me if our lives are at stake for the right thing?
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Jason Todd x Reader - “Happy New Year Motherf******”
Despite Jason’s unwillingness to celebrate New Year with his family, you somehow manage to pull him there and end up having a cute night.
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A/N: Not requested and yes, I know I’m late but I didn’t plan on writing anything for the New Year’s but my very special person @pythiaaa changed my mind, so it’s thanks to her you have a new year’s fic lol. This is dedicated to you baby, I love you! 💝  I also feel like this sucks because it’s so last minute. Hope you like it though!
“Babe, are you free this evening?” Jason asked as he walked through the door, raising an eyebrow at the beautiful girl. She turned her attention to him, frowning as he held a sandwich in his hand.
“Well, I’ll be with you, why? And are you seriously eating a sandwich at 11 am? You just had breakfast an hour ago,” She enquired.
“Stress eating,” He sighed, plopping down beside her on the couch and laying his head on her shoulder.
“Why, baby?” She cooed, placing the plate on the small table in front of them and pulling him down on her lap.
“Bruce invited us to spend the New Year’s with them.” He grumbled, sighing at her touch as he fingers ran through his hair.
“Why does that make you stressed?” She mumbled, cupping his cheek. He sat up, nuzzling her neck and closing his eyes.
“I don’t want them to potential come between us,” He stared up at her eyes. Her heart clenched at the sight of his desperate gaze. The girl’s expression softened, a small smile appearing on her face as she kissed his forehead.
“I doubt your family is evil baby, you’re The Red Hood, you’re in Batman’s family, they can’t be cruel!” She shook her head, pulling him close.
“Besides, I can’t not cancel every family invitation because you don’t want to, I still have to make them like me so they approve of us no?”
“They already like you, we don’t need to go,” He pouted.
“But they’ll like me more if I force you to go won’t they?” she grinned lightly. He frowned, his pout depening, early a laugh from the girl.
“Just a few hours okay? I promise, then the not-going-to-visit-family-events-until-it-looks-bad gauge will be refilled and you can decline the same amount of invitations before the next outing, okay?” The girl chuckled. He grumbled under his breath before nodding slowly.
“Thank you baby!” She smiled, kissing his lips. Jason’s frown disappeared immediately as he cupped her cheek, smiling in the kiss, moving his lips against hers deeply.
“When is the dinner starting?” She mumbled against his lips, putting her forehead against his.
“At 8pm, we have a few hours to relax,” The man sighed, grazing his lips against her cheekbone. She giggled shyly.
“We can’t really baby, I need to buy something nice to wear,” She smiled, sliding her arms around his neck and nuzzling his nose with hers.
“Nooooo,” He whined, burying his face in her shoulder, “I want to cuddle.” She snorted, who would have know the Red Hood himself would be so soft with his girlfriend.
“I know baby, but come to shop with me pleaaaaase” She begged. His expression icened and he looked away, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
“Pwease,” She gave him the puppy eyes. He stared at her unimpressed, feeling himself gulping. Jason wouldn’t give in at her cuteness.
He says that every time.
“Fine,” He grumbled.
“Yay, okay, come on let’s gooo”
“I can’t believe you’re dragging me here,” Jason grumbled as (Y/N) pulled his sleeve up the small hill.
“Baby, please cheer up, I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” She sighed, turning around in her beautiful attire they were lucky enough to find quickly.
He groaned.
“You’re right, sorry,” He shook his head, “I’m just a little nervous,”
“I know baby, but I’m here if you need to okay? We’ll go home when you want,”
“Can we go now?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No,” She chuckled, sliding her arm around his waist and walking with him up the staircase, and ringing the doorbell.
“Miss (Y/N), and Master Jason, it’s a pleasure to have you tonight!” Alfred smiled as he peered through the door, opening it widely to greet them in.
“It’s nice to see you again Alfred!” She grinned, nodding slightly at him.
The butler escorted them to the living room, where Dick, Tim and Damian were, sitting on the couch as Dick and Tim were playing a video game together as the youngest watched with a scowl.
(Y/N) chuckled, leaning her head onto her boyfriend’s shoulder.
“You all somehow make playing video games look very very luxurious,” Jason snorted at her comment as well, kissing her forehead as he pulled her closer.
The three boys turned to her, head rotated so fast that it seemed like their necks would snap. Blushes appeared on each of their faces as they greeted the couple awkwardly.
“Dinner!” Alfred called out.
Seemingly, they all had fun at the dinner table -- not that Jason would ever admit it it (Y/N) asked her later.
There had been so many fantastic dishes sprawled around on the table as well as candles and new year lighting.
If Bruce’s objective was to make this an unforgettable dinner, it was really working.
And somehow, the boys were enjoying it too, it had been a while since everyone had been this happy. She was surprised but wasn’t going to question anything.
Alfred looked at his watched and entered the room.
“It’s nearly time!” He announced, nodding to the family.
“Thank you Alfred, we’ll come soon, and take a break, you deserve it, join us!” Bruce smiled.
The girl’s heart swelled at the kind gesture.
“Will we see the fireworks from here?” The girl raised an eyebrow.
“Of course!” Bruce grinned sweetly again.
“Shall we go?” Dick asked, scanning between all of them, earning a small nod from the group.
“Come baby,” Jason mumbled, grasping her hand and intertwining their fingers together, before kissing it. The girl blushed, nodding and squeezing his hand, pecking his cheek and standing up.
He followed suit, sliding his arm around her waist as well as they walked to the balcony. The girl leaned against the balcony as Dick placed his elbows on the stone fence around the balcony, leaning all his weight on it, staring at the city in the distance. Tim sat down on the stone beside him as Damian leaned against the end of the balcony, arms behind him as he also leaned against the balcony. Bruce and Alfred stood among them.
Jason sighed, arms sliding around (Y/N)’s waist as his chest compressed against her back. A small smile etched on his lips as he pressed them against her forehead. A chuckle escaped her mouth as her hands found his locked ones around her stomach. She pulled them apart, holding each of them and pulling them around her tightly.
The man laughed, kissing her earlobe and nuzzling her neck as he looked at the city.
“Five,” Alfred started,
“Four” Dick spoke with him.
“Three” Bruce and Tim joined in.
“Two” The rest joined in,
“One!” Everyone cheered. The next second, the fireworks lit up the sky with it’s beautiful array of colours.
“Wow, it’s beautiful,” The girl whispered in amazement. Jason dipped down to whisper in her ear.
“You see? This is what I have the honour to see every single day when I look at you,”
The girl blushed, biting her lip to contain a shy smile.
“You dork,” She snorted, nudging him playfully.
As the fireworks slowly died down, the girl turned in her boyfriend’s embrace to cup his cheeks and pull his face down slowly with a grin.
“Happy New Year baby,” She nuzzled their noses together.
“Happy New Year sweetheart, I’m so grateful to spend yet another year with you,” He murmured against her lips, kissing her deeply and passionately.
“Aww baby bird is becoming so soft,” Dick’s voice cooed from behind them.
“Shut up,” Jason grumbled, pulling away.
“Oh, babe,” (Y/N) voice peeled his attention away from his annoying older brother.
“You didn’t wish them-”
“Oh yeah,” He turned back to his family.
“Happy New Year motherfuc-” The end of his sentence was muffled by his girlfriend’s hand over his mouth.
“Jason!” Bruce scolded, “thank you (Y/N)!”
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Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @nxttime @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Tony Stark x Dog!Reader x Pepper Potts ‘ “A Scared Little Puppy”
After Tony’s unbearable nightmares due to his PTSD, Pepper convinces him to adopt a little puppy. They fall for the little puppy, (Y/N), when the learn about her rough past.
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Requested on Wattpad: “In multifandom in avengers about tony stark having ptsd since the new york invasion so he and pepper decides to get a service dog and they found a dog reader that used to be abused by its deceased owner’s mother. They adopt it and its afraid of meeting the  avengers and paparazzi”
A/N: This is the first fic I do as the reader-ish being a dog but I hope you’ll like it! ^^ 
His breathing was ragged as a thin layer of warm sweat covered every inch of his body. He jerked in all directions, grasping the pillow and finding his breathing becoming increasingly uncontrollable.
“Tony,” The soft voice whispered behind him whispered. He groaned, frowning deeply.
“Tony,” Pepper called out louder, shaking him less gently. He shuffled as she pushed his shoulders into the mattress. Thankfully, the action made his eyes shoot open. Her eyes softened as she cupped his cheek. A shaky hand was place over hers, releasing a long sigh.
“I hate this,” He grumbled.
“I know you do!” She sighed, pulling his face into his neck, “do you know service dogs can help with this kind of thing?” Tony sighed,
“Baby, I’ve already told you, we wouldn’t have time for a dog!”
“Let’s make some time, please? Let’s try and see, how does that sound?”
Pepper clinged to Tony’s arm as they walked down the street, both of them cringing slightly from the cold.
"Why didn't we take the car again?" Tony released a warm breath as he held her closer, licking his cracked lips.
"For two reasons, one, it's less polluting and second of all, if we decided to adopt a dog right now, then we could walk it to the park!" The redhead grinned softly up at him. He frowned lightly, holding her hand tightly.
"What about our meeting? I don't want you to be overwhelmed with work!" Tony looked over at her in concern as they turn around a corner.
"Don't worry, I rescheduled them, Happy gave me a hand," She smiled at his worried expression, which soon washed over with one of relief.
"Oh, good," He nodded in satisfaction.
"It's right here," Pepper stopped the both of them as she glanced down at her phone.
"This is the place that shelters animals?" The billionaire eyed the place, "needs some maintaining," he nodded.
Her expression fell over, knowing exactly her man's expression.
"I know that look, are you planning on giving them money to maintain the place?" She chuckled. Tony grinned widely nodding.
"Of course I am, any objections?" His attention turned back to her. Her smile matched his before she pulled him inside.
Instantly, the smell of animals, fur and animal food poked at their noses. It was loud, dogs were barking, birds were chirping continually, squeaks, mewls and other normally-soothing-sounding animal sound had become very loud and obnoxious.
"God, where do we even start?" Tony groaned as he smelt the sickening smell of unwashed animals.
"Puppies!" Pepper squealed, tugging on his arm swiftly. Tony snorted at her enthusiasm, following behind eagerly.
"Aw," Stark cooed as he kneeled down to the small glass panel and staring at the excited puppies running around, tails wagging and tongues hanging out of their mouths.
"From the research I did, it was written that service dogs are helpful for recovering from PTSD but I knew you'd prefer to have a dog that would have been at a disadvantage." Pepper nodded.
"You know me so well, my love," Tony grinned softly, kissing her cheek sweetly.
"Hi, do you need any assistance?" A woman came up the the couple. Tony turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "oh my gosh, you are- you're - you're Ironman!" Her eyes widened as she gasped.
"Yes, I believe I am," He chuckled proudly, gazing towards his girl when she nudged his chest with her elbow.
"Die down the cockiness mister," She warned.
"C-can I help you with anything?" The girl stuttered.
"Um, yes, can you tell us about the dogs a little bit please?"
"Of course Miss Potts" She nodded, turning to the dogs.
"Wanna know about one in particular?"
"Yes! That cute little one in the back that hasn't moved and only stared at people who were passing back." Tony gestured.
"Oh, that's (Y/N), she's, well," The woman's voice became quieter than before, "she was abused by her previous owner, we got her back when she was left in no one's care after the owner passed away."
Tony frowned before glancing at Pepper, who had the same look on her face.
"We'll take her!" The billionaire nodded, "how much for her?" He pulled his wallet out.
"Oh, no these ones we don't sell, we give them for free to encourage people to take the ones who deserve a second chance." She shook her head.
"Great, then it's sorted, I'll write you a check of twenty thousand for your services for the first 3 months and I'll keep giving 7k every month so you can support theses animals." He grinned. Pepper smiled widely at the girl's expression of disbelief.
"Oh my- no, I couldn't accept all of this money Mister Stark," She shook her head, face red from the shock.
"Then don't accept it, just take it and keep it!" He chuckled, folding the newly signed check and sliding it in her suit's pocket. She gulped, nodding furiously before scurrying to the cage, opening the top and delicately pulling the anxious puppy out the little house, clinging onto her as she walked to the couple.
"Here, be careful, she is very nervous around people and it takes her time to get used to things, she needs to be in a comfortable environment or she won't heal!" The girl informed, "I'll give you a list of things so you can familiarise with her and what she likes and such!"
"Okay, thank you!" Pepper carefully took the puppy carefully into her arms, seeing it visibly tense under her embrace. The pup didn't move as she petted her head.
"She's been doing well in three days!" Pepper smiled as her fingers scratched (Y/N)'s neck. The dog hadn't exactly been warm towards the couple, yet, but she has shown that she is interested in caresses and scratches.
"We should present her to the rest of the team!" Tony sighed dreamingly at the sight.
"Won't she be nervous? " Pepper frowned.
"Hi Tony," Steve Rogers opened the door. Speaking of the devil, "do you have a moment-" His eyes gazed down to the puppy beside Potts.
"Oh, is that (Y/N)?" Cap smiled before he leaned against the door, "guys!! the dog is here as well!!"
Tony's eyes widened as he stood up from his desk, walking up to his teammate.
"No, don't come in here!" He ordered.
"Why?" Sam suddenly appeared as well as some other Avengers. The towering bodies at the exit made the puppy whine and cower in pain behind Pepper. Natasha raised an eyebrow.
"Out, all of you!" Tony ordered, pushing them out, nodding at Pepper as he stepped out as well and closed the door, in the aim of explaining the situation and condition of (Y/N).
"Hey baby, it's okay, you're safe! I promise!" Pepper cooed, slowly sitting down on the floor and pulling the puppy in her lap. The red head placed the pup's head against her neck and caressed her back slowly.
Soon, the puppy stopped whining slowly, placing her head against Pepper willingly and slowly relaxing in her grip. The woman smiled to herself as for the first time since (Y/N) had been taken from her previous owner....
She wagged her tail.
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Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @pythiaaa @nxttime @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @alex--awesome--22
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