#gideon & peter.
quest-draws · 2 years
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[image ID. two simple figures sitting on chairs. The person on the left is labelled "Repressed nerds struggling under the weight of their profound loneliness". They are shaking and digging their nails into their legs while staring intensely at the other person.
The person on the right is labelled "hot idiot who can't shut up". They are swinging their legs and gesturing with their arms, looking off to the side while sweat drips down their face. End ID]
I think I finally boiled down what my favourite ship dynamic is.
Bonus with some specific ships
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[Image ID. the first image used as a template for four different ships; Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian, Harrowhark and Gideon, Nureyev and Juno, and Martin and Jon. End ID.]
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youbutstupid · 3 months
I make these to cope
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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otrtbs · 3 months
there's a thing in the summer evening, when the sun goes down and the moon is high and full in the sky, cooling everything off just slightly, where the surrounding neighborhood kids come out and play baseball in a makeshift baseball field and everyone gets really into it. like, really into it. they have to bring their own battery operated lights for the field, they have bets running on the different teams playing (a few dollars, baseball cards, packs of gum, coins, stickers, yo-yo's, single cigarettes (how'd those get in there?) sunglasses, watches, candy, you name it).
and no adults allowed. not that they encroach on the fun, but the first game starts at one in the morning so who's got the time?
and since sirius left to live with james, regulus is shut up in the house and has to hear about the great baseball extravaganza from barty in a "your brother is on the james potter all-star team i've got $50 in the pool, we have to go to the tournament" kinda way. and regulus is like "my mother would actually kill me and explicitly forbids it but i'll think about it."
but barty shows up just after midnight on game day and starts throwing rocks at regulus' window to get him to come out except he runs out of small rocks and moves to bigger ones and gets impatient and throws the big rocks harder and then oops, one went right through a window, except this house isn't regulus' house. regulus' house is two doors down, it's just hard to see in the dark. so barty moves two doors down and finds some smaller rocks and starts over again until regulus comes out. scowling, but he's out.
and they start the long walk to the makeshift baseball field and it's hot and the air is sticky and sweet with honeysuckles. and barty and regulus talk. and barty buys regulus boiled peanuts and crackerjack from a kid's makeshift concession stand and they sit in the makeshift bleachers side by side with their knees knocking together. and barty manages to make sly remarks that make regulus laugh. and regulus makes last minute bets and watches the game, and starts getting into it, and barty smiles at the way he's on the edge of his seat, brows furrowed in concentration. barty thinks he even sees regulus clap once, and it's fun watching regulus, more fun than watching the game, even.
so fun that barty says he'll get regulus the next night to watch the next two teams play. regulus agrees, and they make this a routine and barty thinks, finally.
but then it's james' team that's up next and james walks up to the plate and does a trick with his baseball bat with a grin so-wide and a wink, and regulus' eyes are as wide a saucers for a brief second before he catches himself but it doesn't matter. barty's seen it, and knows instantly he's made a mistake. he's signed himself up for a summer of looking at regulus look at james. and he's doomed.
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petercapaldifan1 · 15 days
Peter Capaldi Evolution Films movies and series 1982-2024 🔥Enjoy and I hope Everyone like it🎉
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We'll heal together: Chapter Five
I Will Wait Mumford & Sons
Sirius Black x Reader (Past) / Remus Lupin x Reader (Ambiguous-Past)
Summary: Reader is still having dreams of her past, while McGonagall convinces Dumbledore to remove the curse on her.
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, Mean Remus, Jealous/Jerk Sirius, Fights, mentions of death and murder, minor character death (please reach out if I missed something}
Wc- 4364
A/n: Starting a taglist! Comment to Dm to be added!
You stayed in Moody’s comfort for what felt like hours. You could have stayed for days more, but eventually the strain to your still throbbing limbs and aching body was doing you in.
Moody practically herded you to the couch, allowing you to sit down, and after some push back with him trying to get you to lay down, he eventually gave in and allowed you to sit across from him. Pillows propping up your sides, a horrible tasting healing potion, a cup of tea for a chaser, and a blanket rested on your lap later, you two figured starting from day one was the best course of action.
“October 29th, 1981. What happened?” Moody asked in a careful but stern tone. You weren't used to him being so gentle with you, you guessed twelve years apart could do that to a person. You gave a sigh and set the teacup aside, relaxing back into the makeshift throne and looked at the ceiling, eyes closing as the pain began to disappear. 
“It was a botched mission. Someone sold us out.” You explained slowly.
“With Mad-Eye out of commission sick, we need someone to go in his place.” Gideon told you, having knocked on your door late at night with Fabian at your gate keeping watch. Gideon took the paper that etched out your address, Lupin’s handwriting scribbled on the crumbled paper, as the elder twin set it in your outstretched hand. With the Fidelius charm that protected your home ever since Voldemort marked you for death, you made an impulsive decision to make Lupin your secret keeper.
You hadn't spoken to Sirius in months after your argument and subsequently, your break up. Peter and you were already the Potter’s secret keepers, the last logical step would be Remus. Especially after what happened to Marlene and Dorcus just a few months prior. He was hesitant at first, but when you pushed he caved. He always made it easy for you.
(“You weren't suspicious?” Mad-Eye demanded and you quickly shook your head. “No, if Lupin had to write my address down it meant something. He refused to do it every time he'd been asked, said it was too easily given to others.”)
You snapped your fingers, and the paper burned to ash at your feet. “I didn't know Moody could get sick.” You tried to joke, and Gideon gave you a grimace and Fabian looked back at you two. Your lips twitched. The twins aren't joking? That's slightly nerve wracking. 
“So? What do you say?” Gideon implored, and you nodded, biting your lip. 
“Let me get dressed.”
“They came to your house at midnight to recruit you for a mission?” Moody asked in a shocked and angry tone. “One you weren't briefed on? My mission?” He implored and you gave a small nervous smile, to keep the peace.
“It wasn't the first time if it makes you feel better.”
“Far worse.” Moody practically shouted and you winced. He huffed and lowered his voice, arms crossing and leaning back in his seat. “So what next?”
“Well, I got ready and we left to get to the rendezvous point. It should have been simple, just ambushing a few dark wizards couldn't have been much harder then what we had been doing. The tip said there should be three, two already there and one coming later with what we assumed to be supplies we could garnish.”
“I don't see anyone.” Fabian announced as you three sat among the trees. His wand was to his throat, so even with him across the clearing his voice was transported to your ear, where the weird snake ear clip they gave you relayed his voice. The twins had always been making trinkets and inventions, ever since you first met them, that was one of their defining traits. That and they were absolute children, who tested them on you any chance they got.
“Shouldn't there be people here by now?” You asked, pressing your wand to your jugular, and you heard shuffling before Gideon spoke up. “Maybe we're early?”
(“If you felt it was off you should have left.”
“Would you have?”)
Suddenly there was a loud sound of apparition behind you. You snapped your head around and went silent. Fuck.
There before you were five death eaters and they didn't seem ready for a simple trade off. Fully decked out in battle gear, they began to walk around the clearing and muttered things between themselves.
Then, a voice boomed through the forest. “Alastor Moody!” He called into the clearing. You knew that voice immediately, your stomach dropped. Antonin Dolohovs. “Moody, come out my old friend!” 
You looked to your sides and peaked at Fabian who tightened his grip on his wand, then to your right and saw Gideon already looking at you. He gestured down hill, as if telling you to run, and you refused. Shaking your head you looked back at your left and the other Prewett twin seemed to have the same idea. You pressed your wand to your neck and lowered your voice, as Antonin went on a manic rant. 
“We need more men. One of us has to get someone.” You implored before you quickly hitched your breath as one of the five Death Eaters got too close to your hiding spot.
“Gideon, you do it.” You heard Fabian command and Gideon gave a huff.
“We should send the kid.” He hissed back. “We can stand our own.”
“Send {L/N}? The girl who is supposed to be in hiding straight to the rat infested Ministry? No chance.”
You held your breath as your back nuzzled closer to the tree root you hid in. The closer he got the louder your heart blared in your ears. You took a deep breath as he began to slip past the root and almost spotted you. That was, until Fabian recklessly shot a spell at him. Everything happened in slow motion. 
Gideon raised his wand, mid apparition, watched as Dolohov raised his wand and shouted. “Crucio!” But he couldn't stop, apparating away from the field as his brother wailed.
Fabian fell to the floor, and you covered your mouth. Quickly shooting your hands to your ears and your body shook out in terror at his blood curdling screams.
“I found another one!” One of them shouted and grabbed you by your arm, dragging you out. Tossing you on the ground by your limp friend. You shuttered and quickly stammered to your feet, hurrying to back pedal away from them, before your back fell against Antonin’s chest. Quickly, you tried to rectify your actions, but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tucked you closer. You squirmed and hissed, stomping back to try and hit your heel to his shoe.
It worked and he flinched hard enough for you to get out of his grasp. You went for your sleeve but froze when you looked at the manic wizard and saw him holding up your wand. He had snagged it in your tussle. “Fuck...” You whispered and he bellowed a laugh.
“Moody sent you instead, huh? Pretty thing you are, can't possibly have been on your own for longer than a year.” He taunted but you kept your expression mute. The less he knew about you, the better. 
“Wait, sir.” One of his lackeys spoke up and you stifled a wince. “That's {Y/N} {L/N}.” He declared with a shocked laugh. “Voldemort would be ecstatic if we brought her to him.”
Antonin looked you over before he wet his lip and fiddled with your wand. “{L/N}, hm? Your father has done a lot for our cause.” He gave a sickening curl to his lips as he pressed the wand to your neck. “Thank you for your service, darling. Let's get you home.” 
Before you could even formulate a plan, one of his other lackeys pointed their wand to Fabian.
“No!” You screamed, shoving past Antonin and running towards the two, but halfway there and the words already left his lips. Avada Kedavra. Your entire body froze up as your eyes locked with Fabian's, and you watched the light leave them. You stood there, horrified. The men around you didn't even see you as a threat. They allowed you to stand there, talking among themselves. 
You felt pathetic. Without a wand you couldn't do a thing. You found yourself wishing you studied wandless magic, because you were truly as weak as you felt. Just a girl. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. 'What's your last resort?’ You heard Alastor’s words echo in your ears. Run.
So, you ran. Bolted for the tree line. Alastor always told you, if you had no other choice, you were young. ‘Strip your battle gear,’ You heard him as you tore off the blackened leather wrap around your chest, vaulting over an overgrown tree root. Tossing your bulky boots and sharply turning your direction as you heard their shouts after you. ‘Get out of eyesight, go one direction, leave evidence of the contrary.’ 
You stumbled to a small river and looked around. Their voices that were once fading outgrew closer. You were breathing heavily, your socks were stained and one bloodied from a sharp rock cutting your toe, too filled with adrenaline to notice. You looked around before you took the bloodied sock and wet it, chucking it across the body of water before turning sharply on your heel and ran across the tree line to hide behind a moss-covered rock.
You held your breath, closing your eyes tight and remembered his number one rule. ‘Never panic.’ So, you sat there. Their voices and footsteps passed, and eventually you heard splashing as they ran across the river and soon you couldn't hear them at all. You waited a little bit longer before you looked around. You had no wand, no plan, nothing. All you could hope was that Fabian still had his. 
You shakily rose to your feet and began to stalk back. 
You hadn't realized just how far you had gone. When you made it back, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and Gideon was still not back. You kneeled down by Fabian's body and turned him over. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw his wand. You kept your hand on his chest, it was still warm, like it was taunting you. You thinned your lips and raised his wand to the sky. “Expecto Patronum!” You declared. 
You were weak, so was the disobedient wand, struggling to focus on the good in your mind. You waved your hand, and the fox finally appeared. “Take this message to Lupin.” You whispered softly. “Ambushed. Fabian, dead. Gideon, status unknown. May be splinched.” You panted out. “Running. Five looking for me. Antonin Dolohov.” It's all you could muster, quickly dismissing your patronus and looking back to Fabian. “I just... need to rest.” You whispered as you felt yourself slowly fall against his stomach.
You didn't know how long you were out for, but the first thing you heard was Albus’s soothing voice. You stirred. 
“There you are.” 
You turned to look at him and grimaced, slowly lifting yourself off of your friend and shaking to stand. Dumbledore walked over to help support you. You could have sobbed out, letting your body fall against his chest. You didn't even have time to wonder why he was here, not Remus or Gideon. “H-he-”
“I know. I know dear child.” He hushed and ran his hand up and down your back. You shook and sobbed in his arms, and he looked across the field. 
Albus pulled back and you looked up at him threw glossy eyes, arms still outreached and resting on his forearms, looking for any semblance of warmth and comfort. “We found your letters.” He told you carefully. “We know you have been in contact with Regulus Black via concealed letter since you graduated. Before his passing.” 
The heat left your face. What? How did they find those? How did he know? And why was he bringing this up, now?
“Sir, I-”
“Voldemort knows as well.”
You almost fainted. “Is that why?”
“He is after you? Yes. Now, I have a plan to keep you safer than I have. Keep this conversation renewed in your mind, so one day, we will be able to use this connection.” 
“What are you talking about?” You croaked, looking over at Fabian’s body in a daze. This felt like the cruelest form of whiplash. “Professor-”
“This is for the better, {Y/N}.” He muttered against your temples you sniffled. “What is?” You croaked, and he raised his wand to your head. 
“And that was the last thing I remembered.” You sighed and grabbed your teacup, holding it to your palm for warmth. Moody seemed to be a little slower as he realized what was happening.
“Albus Obliviated you?” He asked in a breathy way, you slowly nodded. “... and you've been alive, all these years?”
“Would seem so.” You mumbled and picked at the helm of your shirt. There was a silence, it wasn't awkward, but it certainly wasn't comforting. 
“Lily, James, and Harry?” You croaked out and when Moody grimaced, your heart broke. 
“The boy is alive.” Moody offered and you nodded slowly, trying to gather yourself. Your voice cracked as you began to speak. “Sirius took care of him, yeah?”
Moody frowned harder and you narrowed your eyes. “No... he didn't abandon him, did he?” You prayed to whichever of the cruel gods was above you that it was a joke.
“He was, until recently, imprisoned in Azkaban.” He mused and your shoulders fell in shock, eyes wide. 
“I- you- I-” You sputtered out. “Whatever for?” You implored and leaned forward. 
“He sold out the Potters and... killed Peter Pettigrew.” He spoke carefully, knowing how close you two were, slow and delicate. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips parted slightly. 
“... what? Peter is... is dead?” You whispered in shock before your eyes widened. “Wait- Sirius killed Peter?!” You bellowed and snapped up to your feet. 
Alastor stood up and walked towards you, but you began to pace. 
“Why would he possibly need to kill him? And he would never sell out the Potters! He'd sooner die! How did he even manage to tell Voldemort!?” You practically shouted and Alastor scoffed. “A secret keeper can tell anyone.”
Then, your eyes widened, snapping over to look at Alastor. “Moody- no, Peter and I-” Then it hit you. It hit you like a bludger to the chest. Your air left your lungs. 
“Moody, Peter and I were the Potter’s secret keepers.” You whispered in a shaky voice. Moody's expression stayed blank, but his false eye began to flicker side to side showing he was deep in thought. 
“Peter would never, he wouldn't-” You stopped and had to think about everything you knew about Peter. He was a coward, but he was bold. He was meek and quiet, but he was confident with you. He was always charming and sweet, but you had heard from Mary and Dorcus how they saw him as slimy when he didn't get what he wanted. 
The more you thought about him, the more traits you came up with for him, the more evidence there was for the contrary. Did you ever truly know Peter Pettigrew? Years ago, you would've laid down your life on the fact that Peter was trustworthy, honest, brave and kind. But the more you pondered it, he was always those things to you. Just to you. You covered your face in shame. “No...”
Moody walked up and patted your back as you tried to come to terms with it all. “But he- I- Rem! What of Remus?” 
“The Lycanthrope?” Moody tutted and you glared up at him. “Don't call him that.”
Moody nodded with an eye roll and gestured to the seat for you. 
You walked back over and sat down. Moody beside you. “After your disappearance, Albus called an emergency meeting. We gathered, and Albus told us of you and Fabian's death. That Gideon was leaving the order and going to America. Molly was inconsolable.”
“No! No no no!” Molly sobbed into Authur’s arms, Albus looked down solemnly at his hands.
A scoff came across the table. “That's it? That's all we get?” Sirius snarled and shot to his feet. “Who did it?” He boomed across the table. He was tired of losing people. But losing you, now, that was a new kind of pain. One he didn't want to discover quite yet, so he lashed out in anger. He hadn't felt like this since he heard of Regulus’s death.
 “Who!?” He demanded as Albus kept a solemn and pitiful look. It burned Sirius up inside. 
“Antonin Dolohov.” Remus spoke up from across the table. He was looking down, eyes bloodshot and clearly distressed. He was in his sleep wear, having been woken up late at night by a glowing blue fox. He could hear what she said over and over in his head. When he got there and found Dumbledore, looking down at Fabian. There was blood, and Remus could smell it. Dark magic and you.
“Ambushed. Fabian, dead. Gideon, status unknown. May be splinched. Running. Five looking for me. Antonin Dolohov.”
“How the fuck do you know that?” Sirius sneered and Remus closed his eyes. “She sent me a Patronus.” 
“Of course she did.” He snapped at Remus, slamming his hands on the table. “Of course she'd send it to you, wouldn't she? I bet that makes you feel real special, getting her last words.”
Remus gawked at Sirius in pure shock. It felt like he stupefied him to his chest. “And what's that supposed to mean?” He suddenly snapped back and stood as well. Alice was quick to nudge Frank, both parties standing up to make sure the two didn't jump across the table and shred each other. 
“Do you think I'm daft? Do you think I didn't notice the way you looked at my Fiancé, Remus?” He bellowed across the room and Remus gave a laughing scoff. “This is how you want to have this conversation, Sirius? Now?” He snapped back and Sirius gave an incredulous laugh.
“When else? She's fucking dead, she can't come save you now.” 
“You've gone mental!”
“No one worth being sane for left!”
“Maybe if you hadn't left her, this wouldn't be happening!” Remus shouted and that seemed to physically stun Sirius. “If you hadn't pushed her away until she hit her breaking point, until she had to come to me of all people, you could be at home right now waking up to her! But you didn't, you failed her Sirius.” Remus cut and cut as deep as he could. Sirius was silent for a moment and his mouth grew dry. Suddenly, he picked up a plate and threw it at Remus, the latter just managing to sidestep it before the Black stormed out.
Alice tutted and Remus looked down at her, breathing heavily. Slowly, he noticed the looks of pure horror on everyone's face. He knew he had gone too far. He cleared his throat and muttered an apology, turning to quickly leave.
Through all the chaos, no one noticed Peter leave moments later. He was walking down the street. His hands in his pockets and head down. Lost in deep thought, about you. No one truly knew the snake that was Peter Pettigrew. He was a people pleaser, he wanted validation and clung to the biggest bully in the yard like a vise. Originally, that was why he wanted to get to know you. You were James Potter's childhood friend, but you also managed to befriend several of the most influential Slytherins and purebloods of their school years. You were confident, unashamed to be you, the opposite of him. 
The more he got to know you, however, the more he truly cared. He loved his friends, he loved them all, but there was only one he'd fight for. You. Foolish you. You swore to him you would give your life for the Potters, for Sirius and Remus, himself included, but he never wanted it to get this far. When he first found the letters between you and Regulus, he felt hope. That maybe, just maybe, you were like him. Buying yourself time with information.
He hoped that when he brought these letters to Voldemort, he would finally be convinced of your worth to the cause. That he would lend him more time to let him convert you. Then the dark lord sent out a notice for your capture; he knew he had made a mistake. He should have de-charmed and read the letters himself, but it was all he could think of. Your safety, with him, like he always promised.
Last night was a fluke. A fluke that cost him more than he was willing to put on the line. It should have been Moody. That's what he knew, Moody, and the Prewetts. They should have been the ones to die that night. Instead, it was you. You lost your life, as you always promised, for the cause.
The cause? The cause. The cause that sent in children to die like cattle. His dearest friend falling to the hands of a god he placated. You died for the Potters. For Black. For Lupin. You died for him… Anger bubbled under the surface. The charm was broken, he would go to the Potters to repair it tonight. Then, he would be there the next night, with the dark lord by his side. He wanted them to hurt. To hurt like he was, to ensure they had no one else. No one, like him. 
“But that leaves one thing that I do not understand.” Moody challenged and you rolled your tongue. He opened his coat and pulled out a long box, holding it out to you. You narrowed your eyes before he opened it, revealing a wand. Not any wand, your wand. You gasped and reached for it, before he quickly shut it closed. You glared at him, and he flicked the box onto his lap. The box looked worn, like it had been in his pocket for years. It made you feel warm. He has been keeping you close this whole time. You were not forgotten. But clearly, he planned to make you work for it.
“What is it?”
“What was in those letters? And why were you talking to the youngest Black?” He leaned closer, trying to use the same techniques he taught you about interrogation. You rolled your eyes, you can count on one hand the number of times you lied to Moody since you were 16, you didn't plan to keep counting. Four times.
“He was telling me things. Things about Voldemort’s plans, what he had done and who he had done it to. In exchange, I kept him updated on Sirius, I promised to keep him safe. He also kept me up to date on a few Death Eaters I had known in school. I want to tell you, but I feel I should talk to Dumbledore first. I feel I deserve a proper explanation as to why this happened to me.” You muttered bitterly and then your face scrunched up in a pout. “I also have a certain cat to see.”
“Glasses.” You mumbled and Moody shook his head in confusion. Tossing the box on the table and you quickly snatch it, opening it up and pulling out your wand with a sigh of relief.
“Until further notice, you are to be on house arrest.”
“What? That can't be true! Isn't Voldemort gone?” You scoffed, crossing your arms. 
“There are some who believe otherwise. Regardless, you are dead, the minister is still working through a story to tell the world about your reappearance.”
You scoffed and rubbed your temple. “And what of Harry? Who has he been with?” You challenged and Moody frowned.
“His mother’s sister.”
“That monster!? No, Moody, I must see him!” You begged. “I have no idea what they could have done to that boy! He deserves to be with family!” You stood up sharply and Moody scoffed.
“The boy is with family!”
“No, for Merlin’s sake he is not! I am his family! Sirius and Remus! I don't care what anyone has said, Petunia Evans is a wicked monster of a woman! I have heard Lily’s horror stories! I am his Godmother! I demand to see him!” Your voice filled the entire house. Lily had spent most of her school years protecting you from your family, you have left her son for twelve years, unable to protect him from her family. He deserved a home, you don't care what people seem to think, people like her could not change.
“And what a Godmother you will be, your home has no wards protecting it, you have nowhere to take him, and your vaults are locked until your Godson turns 18! You must wait until the minister announces you are safe to resume your life!”
“This is absolute shite!” You snapped and stormed towards the stairs like an emotional teenager. “I am going to my room!”
“And stay in there!” He snapped back as your footsteps stomped up the steps and the sound of a slamming door rang through the house.
Even after that argument, Moody couldn't help but sit down and smile at the fireplace. You were annoying and unruly, and he has missed that spunk.
~~  “Make that five.” You muttered to yourself. You walked over to the radio and turned it on. You muttered a small enchantment on a pillow, and it began to levitate. You pushed it out the window and jumped onto it. It began to fall quickly, before you transformed. The sudden shift in weight slowed the descent significantly. You landed in the grass and hurried out into the field. Making sure no one could see you, being a fox was fox was fine, but being a silver, fox is what raised eyebrows. Sorry Moody, I have to see my Harry.
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allaboutlov3 · 2 months
The Marauders as conversations I’ve had:
James: Gideon looks FINE today.
Peter: Who is Gideon?
Sirius: Umm..that guy over there?
James: Peter, weve literally known him for years!
Peter: Yeah no, I know. But thats Fabian.
James: *smirks* No. Thats Gideon. Trust me, I KNOW.
Remus *starts to realize something* You do know that Gideon and Fabian are twins, right? Like, theres kinda two of them?
*James and Sirius are dying on the floor*
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millerdoc · 2 months
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Stiles, about Deucalion: Friend of yours? Peter: Well, if by that you mean murderous, treacherous, backstabbing waste-of-space, then yes. Stiles: Thought so. Seems like your type.
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reveluving · 1 year
a little more love ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: when two of the most fearsome werewolves do whatever they can to convince their beloved to cancel dinner night with the pups.
warnings: loads of kisses, hugs and but no s~mut. not yet, at least (still, minors DNI!), very cheesy ngl; peter & deuc just really love their vampire wifey <3
a/n: omg a debut?? s/o to @fanficimagery​; their Peter fics + others are the reasons why I wrote this—awakening another wild side of of mine to the point of no return (affectionately) 😭 I got another one in the making tho, trust! love y’all and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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'Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight.' ;
The sound of blackbirds chirping outside your window was enough to wake you up from your slumber. You stirred but could barely move with the arm around you and pulling you close. Their chest rose and fell at a pace so relaxing, so comforting, it could've lulled you back to sleep right away.
"Did you sleep well?" You shivered at the voice, deep and barely awake, forcing you to crack one eye open. You craned your neck, welcoming the very sight of the man holding you dearly. You hummed, eliciting a chuckle out of him as you nuzzled into him.
"You're so comfy." You murmured, the silky sheets against your skin would've been more than enough to chain you to bed for another hour or two.
Too bad you had other plans.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You blinked, noticing the hues ranging from orange to pink coming from the window, an indication that sunset was nearing faster than you had anticipated.
"You looked so peaceful." Deuc responded casually as if you hadn't promised the pack dinner night, which was happening in two hours.
"I didn't even hear the alarm." You blindly took your phone on the nightstand, finding it impossible for you to sleep through one in the first place.
But, Deuc's sudden lack of response told you everything you needed to know.
So, you placed your phone away before turning to him.
"Deuc," He hummed, "Did you have anything to do with this?"
He barely opened his eyes to look at you before huffing out a 'yes'.
"Can't we just order takeout?"
"Even they can do that from their own home," You grinned, poking his cheek, "And you know no one delivers to this side of the road past seven."
"Then we could always just order now and ask one of them to pick it up later," He was hell-bent on making you stay, the offer especially enticing when he pulled the covers over you with him, "Or better yet, ask him to pick it up and make himself useful for once."
You snorted, only to jump when fingers lightly traced your spine.
"Hey," You admonished lightly, "Behave."
"You can't expect a man to behave when he has such beauty in his arms." He slipped his hand under the blanket, "Come on, all you have to do is cancel it, and we'll make sure to take such good care of you."
You whined, squirming in his arms as though you were fighting your inner demons before sitting up, but not before covering your bare chest with the blanket.
"Nice try, handsome, but I’m not falling for your tricks." You pointed directly at his nose, only to sputter when he countered your sudden determination by nipping the tip of your index finger.
"Angel, you always do," Touché, "The pups can fend for themselves for another day, can't they?"
"Deuc," You sighed shaking your head in amusement; you could never get mad at him. You turned your head a little, kissing his palm before caressing his cheek with your free hand, "I haven't seen them for over a week, God knows whether or not they've taken care of themselves since. It's only for a couple of hours, I promise."
Deuc narrowed his eyes at you, trying not to give in to your puppy eyes.
But he knew better.
He let his head fall to the pillow, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Alright, alright," You perked up, only to be caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you down to him for a heated kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue lightly ran across the tip of your fangs. Your whimpers only motivated him to take back his own words and never let you leave the bed, but he loved you too much to say no.
He pulled away, satisfied with the way you looked back at him with wide eyes.
"You didn't think I'd expect some sort of return if I'm going to have to keep my hands to myself for a few hours?"
Puffing up your cheeks in embarrassment, you were barely able to maintain eye contact as intense as his before giving him a quick peck at the lips.
"Angel," He chuckled, "If that's the kind of payment you're planning to give, I'd expect at least a couple more."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Very much," He responded nonchalantly as though he wasn't practically basking in your reactions, "In fact, I could wake up to this every day."
There was no point arguing with this man, not especially when you had dinner to whip up in under two hours. So, you took a deep breath, lowering yourself for a proper kiss. Deuc was eager, that much was clear as he chased after your lips, keeping you still with one hand on the back of your head.
He shivered as you lightly ran your nails down his chest, slowly pulling away before letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Much better."
It had taken Deuc exactly a good half an hour to get his fill of you before begrudgingly letting you go to take a shower, promising to help you out right after.
You, on the other hand, have been at it in the kitchen for an hour, seasoning your stroganoff before moving on with the dessert.
Just then, you froze, feeling a pair of eyes from the living room watching your every move. You slowly placed the bowl of unwhipped cream onto the counter, hoping to look as neutral as possible. The presence, however, had seen right through you, because as soon as you faced the entrance to the foyer, you felt their warm breath against your neck before they spun you around. You yelped, feeling yourself fall backwards despite their hands securely holding onto your hips.
Your hands shot up to their back, one around his neck and the other gripping the back of their shirt. Had it been anyone else, other than Deuc, you would've instinctively torn their throat out even before they could even put their hands on you.
But, this was Peter you were talking about.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?"
‘You've got to be kidding me.’
"Jesus, Hale," He was clearly proud of himself, the debonair smile on his face especially growing when you released the grip on his shirt in favour of covering a part of your face, thoroughly embarrassed, "That is by far the worst line I've ever heard, coming from you."
"Oh, I know," He shrugged, leaning in closer, "But it's worth seeing that pretty face of yours scrunch up like that."
He pressed his lips against yours before you could even respond with a snarky remark, pulling away just as fast in favour of the adorable stupefied look you always had each time he or Deuc had taken you by surprise.
"But it does smell good in here." He brought up back up from the dip before taking a good whiff of your homemade gravy in the pot.
"Only the best for the best," You mused, hearing him purr in agreement for a moment before adding, "Oh, and for you too, I guess."
He was speechless, to say the least. At least for a while.
"Why, you," He didn't even give you the time to turn away before he attacked your neck and collarbone with wet kisses, the exaggerated sounds of his smooches growing louder the more you cried out to him to stop.
He did, eventually, but he made sure he gave you enough to sag in his arms, resting against him for a moment as he mumbled against your cold skin.
"Would be nice if we had the night to ourselves." Oh. You covered your face yet again, now with both of your hands.
"Not you too," You felt the chuckle vibrating through him, "You and Deuc planned this, didn't you?"
"Depends," He drawled, clearly feigning ignorance, "Is it working?"
Fuck yeah, it is.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that."
Big mistake.
Your mouth gaped open wide as though you had surprised yourself, knowing he had taken your statement as a challenge when he pursed his lips.
"Challenge accepted."
You squeaked as he pulled you to his chest, one of his hands remained on your hips while raising the other that he intertwined with yours. You were sure his eyes had dilated, enjoying the way you bashfully look up at him through your lashes, gasping as soon as his hand crept up past the hem of your shirt.
"Peter," You giggled nervously, "Where is that hand going?"
He hummed.
Just then, he switched directions, sliding further down before moving under the waistband of your shorts.
"Places where I'd want to touch," Down, "To kiss," Up, "To lick," Down, "To nibble on."
Each time his hands move, no matter where they ended up, all you could do was shiver. He dipped his head, nibbling on your earlobe.
"If and only if my angel says so."
He was seeking your permission—just like Deuc did.
"I want to," Oh? "But later, okay?" Oh. You tried not to giggle as he deflated from your answer, "Especially since the two of you haven't made it any easier for me to say no today."
Not that you'd ever deny these two whatsoever.
"Please?" You cupped his face, thinking through your next words before mumbling, "Just hold on for a few hours and I'm all yours and Deuc's."
His eyes dilated from the mere promise, holding onto both of your hands and pulling you in to capture your lips with his. It was as deep and passionate as the one you had with Deuc, your legs nearly buckled if it wasn't for his quick reflex.
"Pretty girl, you'll be the death of me."
The audacity.
"Oh, like you're any better," You rolled your eyes playfully, "Now, you either help me with the potatoes or take these plates and march out to the dining room."
He opted for the potatoes, occasionally leaving kisses on your shoulders and nearly causing you to burn the caramel sauce that you were making to pair with your homemade ice cream.
Deuc came down to the kitchen a little while later, only to shoot a glare at Peter for putting him on dishes duty. You saw the way Peter smirked as Deuc stalked out, dropping his expression to a barely innocent kind when he noticed you watching him.
"A grump, let me tell you," Peter commented, not bothering to lower his voice and earning himself a growl from the other room. You silently giggled before pushing him lightly.
Quarter past seven, and you walked out to serve the big pot of stroganoff and a whole bunch of sides in the dining room, where Deuc had just finished wiping the last cutlery. As soon as he did, he wrapped one arm around you, resting his head against your tummy. You could tell he was a little miffed over the petty arrangement, so you leaned in and kissed the crown of his head a couple of times, drawing a soft laugh from him.
No doubt Peter had seen you trying to cheer Deuc up and would probably cage you in his arms until you do the same for him.
A couple of hugs and hundreds more kisses later, the pack finally arrived, their exhaustion from surviving the week palpable as they greeted you with hugs or the Hale's exchanging meaningful pleasantries with you.
Deuc and Peter watched as your face continued to light up, from scooping a generous portion of noodles and stroganoff to listening to each and every one of them about the rough week they all had. Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight. This dinner was your idea, after all, treating the pack with the endless amount of love you had to offer. They only helped you out, though they'd gladly accept your gratitude at any given moment.
You were not blind to the looks they gave you either, so soft, even you didn't think they were capable of such emotion. You've either looked away or rushed out to the kitchen to 'top up the necessary' as a poor excuse to shy away from their gazes.
Soon, things began to calm down, and you shooed the pack to the living room, but not before being bombarded by offers to do the dishes. You gave in, eventually, and as soon as the final plate was washed, you pointed to the living room, much to everyone’s amusement.
Besides Deuc and Peter, who were helping you with the leftovers, everyone else started doing their own thing in the meantime; Scott, Stiles and Lydia were already lying on your rug, Malia and Kira were looking at your bookshelf, ranging from interesting novels with odd titles to the fishbowl of Marimo moss balls, because you wanted a ‘pet’ that ‘understood you best’.
None of the pack understood you till this day, not until Kira pointed out that Marimo moss balls survived best in low light, and you heard the rest of the pack answer with a collective ‘ooh’.
Derek, just like his cousin, had been doing the same, but from the comforts of the couch he was lounging on instead. Though he was the only one on his own, he seemed to be at peace, the deep wrinkles usually etched in between his eyebrows nowhere to be seen as dinner finally caught up to him. All in all, everyone was looking and feeling much better when they first arrived, but you couldn’t blame them. They were carrying responsibilities that were thrice as heavy as an average teenager.
Basically, you were glad to see them finally taking a load off.
The relief you were practically giving off to both Peter and Deuc was endearing, seeing your unfaltering smile despite the way your sensitive nose scrunched up a couple of times as you scooped the gravy into a container.
“You were right, angel,” Deuc was the first to speak up since the comfortable silence, “This dinner night was worth it.”
“Really?” The shine in your eyes was enough of a solid answer, “What changed?”
“That,” You tilted your head, “That pretty smile of yours.”
You mustered up a nervous smile, peeping out a small ‘oh’ before continuing with the leftovers.
At least, you tried to.
“No, no,” Peter came up behind you, intertwining his fingers with yours, “What did we say about hiding your smile?”
You peered up at Deuc, who nodded you encouragingly.
“That it only encourages you two to make me smile even more.” You whispered just enough for them to hear, trying your hardest to look elsewhere as they praised you with a simultaneous ‘atta girl’. Peter raised your laced hands, kissing the back of yours while Deuc took the other and did the same.
And just to spite you in the best way possible, they kissed either of your cheek, Deuc taking your left whereas Peter on your right.
But before they could melt you further, you heard an ‘oop’, followed by Lydia’s ‘Stiles!’ before she dragged him off. The poor boy had accidentally seen the tooth-rotting display at its peak, especially between his former nemeses and his godmother. It didn’t bother them in the slightest though. They turned to you, only to see your wide-eyed mortification. You could’ve really traumatized him or anyone else for that matter, had Stiles’ interruption not happened, and you had no doubt these two could care less in favour of devouring you in the kitchen.
But you loved them anyway.
That still didn’t stop you from glaring at the two, at least you tried to, losing your composure when they both ganged up on you with their knowing smirk—a telltale that they haven’t forgotten about your promise.
They eventually put you out of your misery, but their lingering touches had only been amped up to the max, letting you know that they were growing impatient to have you.
And the second the pack leaves, boy, were you in for the night.
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° just an introductory tag! @christinasyellowflowers @clockworkballerina @marianne-zemo @spicymau-5
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Neal explaining his family tree (probably):
Yeah well there’s my evil grandfather, Peter Pan… also my evil grandmother, the black fairy… then there’s my dad, the Dark One… oh yeah, my brother, the savior slayer…
…Belle’s okay, though. (Shrug)
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 20 - Manegro Potion
@wolfstarmicrofic March 20, word count 465
The Marauders had always been pranksters. Even before they’d started calling themselves Marauders. But since Sirius and Remus had gotten together, the pranking had escalated. It was as if their being together had opened up a new pranking platform. 
Today’s prank involved a vast amount of Manegro Potion that Sirius had charmed the House Elves out of the way so Remus could pour the potion into the barrels of Pumpkin Juice and all the tea and coffee pots. They’d even put it in the water pitchers and placed a glamour over them so they appeared empty. It was going to be massive. 
Remus, Sirius, James and Peter watched with glee on their faces as the entire school, including the professors, all enjoyed their breakfasts and drank their beverages.
It started slowly. Emmeline Vance’s ponytail grew from halfway down her back to the edge of the bench. Gideon and Fabian Prewett grew matching mullets, and Marlene's fringe snuck down into her eyes.
Soon, the entire school was sprouting hair at an alarming rate. Snape’s greasy locks looked even more like curtains as his hair grew down to his waist. Dumbledore looked like a yeti as his already long hair and beard flowed across the floor. 
Remus jabbed Sirius’s side and pointed at the Slytherin table, where Regulus sat in horror as his hair grew to the same length as Sirius’s. 
“Ha, mini Sirius!” James barked out loud enough for Regulus to hear him, and pure rage covered his face. Sirius didn’t find it funny either and sulked until he saw Peter lift a glass of water to his lips. 
“PETER!” But too late. Peter drank the potion. 
“What? What?” He squeaked as his sandy hair grew from his head. 
“Peter, we did say not to drink anything at breakfast.” Remus shook his head at his friend. 
“Oops,” Peter blushed as his face disappeared under his mop of hair. 
Sirius snuggled into Remus’s side. 
“Remus, my love. I think we have outdone ourselves.” He sighed happily as they observed the chaos they had caused. 
“SIRIUS BLACK, REMUS LUPIN!!! DETENTION!!! ONE WEEK!!!!” They flinched as Professor McGonagall screamed at them as she hurriedly undid the rapidly expanding neat bun at the back of her head before the weight of it caused neck damage. 
They turned to James, wondering why he hadn’t been given detention as well and nearly fell off the bench as they laughed uncontrollably. James, feeling left out, had drunk the potion-laced pumpkin juice and currently, his thick, messy, black hair was growing straight up and showing no signs of falling. Sirius and Remus looked at each other, tears of joy spilling from their eyes as they silently decided that the week of detention had been worth it just to see James’s two-foot-tall tower of hair.     
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slobstation · 7 months
marauder (greek) demi-Gods
marauders godly parents assigning, (in my fic)
these are the cabins in my Marauders x Percy Jackson AU i am in the process of writing!! some of them do not have assigned godly parents because i am keeping it private until the fic is started.
James Potter [ Apollo , Cabin Seven ]
Regulus Black [ Hades , Cabin Thirteen ]
Sirius Black [ a surprise. ]
Remus Lupin [ Athena , Cabin Six ]
Lily Evan’s [ Artemis ; Hunter / Maiden , Cabin Eight ]
Mary McDonald [ Aphrodite , Cabin Ten ]
Peter Pettigrew [ Unclaimed , Cabin Eleven ] [ Parent , Undecided ]
Marlene McKinnon [ Ares , Cabin Five ]
Dorcas Meadows [ a surprise. ]
Pandora (unknown) [ Iris , Cabin Fourteen ]
Evan Rosier [ Nike , Cabin Seventeen ]
Barty Crouch Jr [ Dionysus , Cabin Twelve ]
Gideon Prewett [ Hermes , Cabin Eleven ]
Fabian Prewett [ Hermes , Cabin Eleven ]
Molly Prewett [ Seer ]
Author Weasley [ Satyr ]
Frank Longbottom [ Demeter , Cabin Four ]
Alice Fortescue [ Hephaestus , Cabin Nine ]
Emmeline Vance [ A Surprise ]
etc etc…
opinions? recommendations? other more fade into the background characters?
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youbutstupid · 5 months
Category is: BAU team members and that one mf who just won’t die and stop haunting them
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glitterypin · 16 days
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Peter Capaldi in The Devil's Hour Season 2 (2024)
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thequietesthing · 9 days
well well well, if it ain’t that time of the year again when i obsess over very dead and tragic characters whose stories are entirely made up by the fandom. hello marauders season, i’ve missed you
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fluffylord · 6 months
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